HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel 1-2 Geotechnical Evaluation.- . ~ • ~ ~~ ACAD~MY - ~ : consu~-nnc cc~ro~,~T~on PR[tIMN(W-RY GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION PROJECT NO.: 99247-01 WO1tK ORDER NO.: 9906-1306-F DATE: duly 15, 1999 ' `''~~ri ~.~t~i Parcel4, Parcet Map 16705 805, 90l 8c 902 Escero Streec Temecula California L,EGAL DESCRIPTION: Assessor's Parcet Nurrrber 945-070-01 ] Rn~erside County PREPARED FOR: Ctuna Sea Development Corporation Carlos Ilizaliturri 6563 Ea~t Via Arboles Anaheim, California 92807 ~W~ Z96~ 1~iaa. Z. Z~'s 3~ ~a+z.1 PR18 C-733, 16776 LpkcsHore Dr. Lalu Elainore Ca 92530, Td (9B9) 245-2200 Faz (91M) 245-42I F Z a6ed ~IYd74=Z1 66-9-6~tl ~E4LL 08Z VLL •~ddJ =~8 luag Z afied " ~£lLl O8Z hlL~ ~~~ " We6£°L 6661 ~L lsn6ntl ~(apung ~~+~'~-D~~covsuLTi~vc coroKa~r~o~ • prolKt d oo~A7.01 W ork (hder =? ~~'HI6- i ;O6-F luly 15. 19~ Chinu Sea Development Corporation Carlos llizaliturri 6563 East Via Arboles Anaheim, California 42807 SU[3JECT: PRELIMINARY GEOTFCHNICAL EVALlJAT10N F(~R THF. S[TE LOCATED ON PARCEL 4, PARCEL ~fAP 16705, A05, 9~ 1~ 903 EST£RO STACCT, 7'EMECiILA, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 945-070-0I i, RIVSRSIDE CO[JNTY, CALIFQ1tNIA. Dear Mr. ilizalihuri: In accardance with your reqaest and authorization, we have prepared this report of the P~liminary Geotechnical Evaluation cvndacted for dteabove subj~,'t site. This report present~e our ftnding, conclusiou~ azd retpmmendations based on the limited scope of fieid evulwstion at the time and locaUOn of our site ce~riew and may not represent conditians at oit-er times or locations. By incorporating the `9imitario~" herein, there are no preseniadons and/or warranties, expressed, ar implied tq unifomtiEy, chemical characteristics nr merchantability of the property. Additional costs must be anticipated dcpending on future findings, regu{atory reyuirements, or any other cottditions. No specific design pEans were availabEe at the time of our soil evafuation. If you have any questivns te},~arding this repart or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our office at your convenience_ We apprecittte this oppor[unity to 6e service to yoa Respectfullv submitted, PNB C-233, 167'76 t,akeahore Dr, lake Elsinore, Ca 9Zs3~, TcL(9Q9) 245-2200 Faz (9n9) Z4S-iZl l Z E a6ed `-YIdY~=ZL 66~9-6~V •EtLL OBZ 9GL ~~ddJ ~~8 ~uag £ a6ed -- ~£LLl 08Z hlL~ wo~! -- we6£~L 6661 'L lsn6ny epung • ~ ~ July 16, 1999 PTOJect No. 99247-01 At youx request, we have perfvrmed a Preliminary Geotechnical Investigdtion fo~ the above referenced site. The purpose of qur investigation was to evaluate the underlyinq soil conditions with rsspecG to the proposed development and tq asse'ss the soils and engineering constraints that might exist considering this development_ The lOQ-scale Assessor's Parcel Map was used to direct our field investigation. Plate 1 presents the Geotechnical data ohtaiped during our field investigation. ACCOMpANYING MAPS, ILLBSTRATIONS AND APPENDICES Irid~X Map ~ (2000-scale) - Page 2 Geotechnical Map - (40-scale) - Plate 1 Fault Index Map - Plate 2 Appendix A- Geotechnical Boring Logs Appendix B- Summary of Laboratory Test Results Appendix C- General Earthwork and crading Specifications Appendix ^ - References 3 B/4 a6ed `•NId5l-Z4 66-9-s~tl •`ElL4 OBZ 4LL •°Odd~J ~~8 }uag ry a6ed -- ,£LLL 08Z hlL~ ~~i -- we6£~G 666L 'L asn6ny ,(epung INDEX MAP ~ ~ tNDEX MAP OF AARCEL 4, P.M. 76705 805, 9018 902 ESTERO STREET TEMECUI_4, CALtFORNIA $OURC~: tJ,S.G.S. 7~ MIN. QtiAD. TEMECULA 1968 (PR 1975) gJg a6ed -`YYdSL-ZI 6ny •`ELLL OBZ 44L • ~DddJ =~8 }uas ~ S aegd -- i£LLL hlL~ ~~d -- Wa6£~L 6661 L isn6ntl Repuns guvo SCA1..E ' toet . . ~ • YY!4'1-li l Page 3 ' T[ -N '. l~~ ~ i'he l U7+~- acre rectanguiar-shaped Yarcei 4, N.M. 16"IUS was ~aded mto three iozs at me Southeast comer of Fstero Street and Ormsby Kaad, hoth improved paved mads, in ihc city of Temecula. F.stero ~treei torms tlte northem property boundary tor both lors, YU I antl yU1, and southem uoundary tor lor 805. The lots were previously mass graded in late 1959, utilizing cut and fill gcading. ~e maxitnum cut and fill slopes are 9 and 14 feet respcctfully at finished gcades of 2: [(horizontal to vertical) or flatter_ The ~d area of the lou are currently iiee of vegetanon, but the ex~sting slopes are co~~ered with weecis and grasses. A large wash-out ~ists on the soutlrfacing fill slope on the 902 Estero 5[re~t lot. Both lots 901 and 9U2 have a conc~ete drainage swale at the p~rimeter uf the pad, which drains to O[msbV Road The swale is ciacked and broken in many places. 7'he geog~aphic reiationship of rhe property to [he surro~mding areas is silown on rhe index Map {Yage 2). ~ ACCOCding to the info[mation provided, the lofs are to be utilized for a single-family cesidence aad short paved ~riveways with associated appurDenances, Un-si[e sewage disposal uvLang the sepnc tanivleacn fine method or Wsposal is planned m the pad aiea, base~3 on previoaa percolation testing report by RGS, San Bernardino, dated September 13, 1994. The scop~ uf our investigapon mcluded die tollowing_ A rewew of avadable Qg~ pertment [o the s~te. l_ Jubsurtace explotanon oY the siu unlizmg ~3 expio~arory bonngs to depths as great as l S teet. thc boriags were logge~ and thase logs appear in Ap}~r~dix A of the rcpoct, The borings were tCSleci fim implsu:c Aensity utili~in~; dri~e-ring sampling. Representritive bulk samples were obtai~ed for testinl;. Laporatory testmg ot re{xesentative c:arth materiais tp ~velop soil eng~nzenng parameters tor the proposed development. 5 8/9 a6gd •PId9t-ZL 66-9-s~tl •`E~LL OBZ 44L •~ddJ ~~9 }uag q a6ed -- ~£tLl 082 91L~ ~~i -- web£=L 666t 'l lsnfiny epung ~ y9L47ti)I Page 4 r~ ~ ~+. rreparanon or this report presennng our nndms~, cor~clus,ons and recommendaunns conceming site develupment based upcm an enginee~ng analysis ofgeotechnicat properties nf ~e ~ubsuils as dete[m~nc~.f by tield and laburat~ry r~,alu;,h~a L,~1B ATi ' T tiTiN(' l he Yoliounng tesis were pertormed ~or thts pro~ect in uur laboratory m aCCCar~ce w~tn the Amencan Society For Testing ~nd Materials, the State of Califomia Standard Specificatioas or contemporary practices uf the suil ~~neering prntession. This test determines the deos~ry that a so~ i can be compacted to az v~o~ ~tentc. i~or each soil moisture, ihere is a maximum dry deu~~ty ~~~ ~d the a4sociated results are used to evaluate ihe natu~al com °pamum moisMre cwrtent The developing the sml bear; ~O4 conirol at ihe gaclmS proce,-ss ~d ~~~d m ~~aP~ity. 77~is is baseci on ASTM Standard D 1557-78 (five layer method). n `t ~ Oicn~m ~nrl M.~ -n ~ ~j hese tests consisted ot"mcasunng and welglung drive tuig satnples to deterntutt tn-place motsture and densi[y 7'hc results are used to analyze the consistency ofthe subsoils a[id 8id m detertnining the necessary grnding io prePere tt~e pad area ~JS fhis test tietermines thc material ~rading of the individusl particle sizas and is uSeQ ~u generating an enginenring classification. ~hau~vaier~j' ~..rR This is a test Ior th~ rapjd ~iet~rminatiun uf ttie relativc portions oCt7ne sitt an~ ciay materials within ~e ~'~ samC~es. anci is used for a relative comparispn oPso~~s in the determiaarion of the adequate paving s~c:dons for par(:ing, eYc. ~ 8!L afied `-YidL4=Zl 66-9-6~tl `-EtLt OBZ 44L `•~ddJ ~~9 luag ~ a6ed "~£LLL 08Z 9LL, wo~i -- We6£~L 666t l lsnfiny epung • ~ YH?4'IdJ l Page R W hrn toundaianc are piacecf in nan~r.~i soils, no eobbles c~ver 6 ~nches shoulcl be lef~ w~tn~n the base of the found$tion. A typu;;d f~~p~nan design is included in Appendix C. bCttl~~snlen~ When the upper Z.0.).5 teet of tlll ~s pr~parcd m accordance with the "F"oundanon lles~~^ aod cumpaCted filf requirements, footings should experience less Yhan 1-inch settlement with less than t/2 inch differential settlemenis be~u~;n ~J~~ f~~~n~ ~f similar sizes and ioads over a horizonta! dtstance ot 4U teet. Fh~s setuemerrt rs based u~pn ~~ns ot u~ ~p 3~+ t~t ot ti(L li thicker tills are P"~pused, seitlement could be greater and should be evaluated ~Cior tp placement. ~ _.. .~~~~ Sutfiicient fine-grained mgteri~g e~su within near surface earth mater~als to pos~ibie c~ate moisture problems. 7'hcrefor~, we recommend t6at $ mnishac bartier be placed ander any concrete slabs that mi~.Yht rec:eive a moist~e-sensiqve floor covering. Th;s moisture barrier should cpnsist of a 10-mj~ Po~Ye~Ylene vapor 6arrier sand~~~ ~~ $ l-~nch layer of sand, tpp ~d bp~p~ ~o ~event puncture of the barrier ~~ e~~~ ~~~ o f~ ~o~~ NQ~~' ~~~~eot of ffie sla6s with 6x6 by bx6 wetded wire piaced in the center of the slab is advisabje The sueg~e below the slab shoutd be maisture eonditioned and aroperty compactsd tmor to plaeemencofconcret~. ~ Expans~on testing of near_surfa~ ~~~s {~2 ;(~3 teet) mdicate the near surkace soils are low erPans~on per U.B.C_ Table 1&1-g with a value uf 14. Slab and foundation shp~d ~ designed for low expans~pn per U_ti.l:. ~lon 1~ I S as shown m Appendix (;. ~~ Soii sultate testing yielded a nominal3p p~p opspluble Sulfate. Normal ?500 pp~~ Ty~ ~~ cement may he used in construction. When the 2~ teet uf ove~xcavated soils are ~~~ ~o ~~Pacted iill standard~~ ea~ti,ork shr;relcaKe wp~]~ ~ jn the ran$e of 5 to 5 pe~ent witfi 3 r~mmended avera~e of approxirnate~y q percent. Earthwork operatiQns shouId cause only a nominal subsidence of approximately 0.1 foot or less in the driveway access and pad ar~~ 1 8/8 a6ed `-WdLG=ZL 66-9-fi~tl `-E4LL OBZ 44L `-~dd~J =~8 1~a5 g a6ed -- ~flLl OSZ 9LL~ ~~i -- we6£~L 6661 'l lsn6ny Aepung