HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQMP Madison Ave Parcel 13 PA05-0100 PARCEL 13 MADISON AVE OFFICE/COMMERCIAL BUILDING Water Quality Management Plan For: PETE MINEGAR. GENERAL PARTNER PA05-0100 27309 MADISON AVE. TEMECULA, CA 92591 Prepared for: MSS PROPERTIES 27705 Commerce Center Drive TEMECULA, CA 92592 (951) 676-5834 Prepared by: HECTOR CORREA, RCE HLC CIVIL ENGINEERING 28465 Old Town Front Street SUITE 315 TEMECULA, CA 92590 (951)506-4869 VOICE (951)506-4979 FAX WQMP Preparation Date: November 7, 2006 � b)S NVATE R QUALITY 1t \N:\[a �lliN'h PLAN CHECKLIST Public NVurks Department NPDhS Pro-rain ioxu 43200 Rusiuc.s Park Drive,Teinectda,("A. The purpose of this checklist is to provide a format for uniform, comprehensive. and well-documented reviews of project-specific Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) submitted by project owners. The completed checklist should accompany the WQMP and submitted to the City of Temecula. SUMMARY OF WOMP REQUIREMENTS (PLEASE LIST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION) Section I. Watershed and Sub-Watershed: Santa Margarita River and Santa Gertudis Creek/Murrieta Creek Section II. Land-Use Category (from Initial Checklist): OFFICE/COMMERCIAL Section III. Pollutants (expected and potential): SEDIMENT/TURBIDITY NUTRIENTS TRASH& DEBRIS ,OXYGEN DEMANDING SUBSTANCES, BACTERIA & VIRUSES, OIL& GREASE AND PESTICIDES Section IV. Exemption Category (A, B, C,or Not Exempt): METHODLOGY"B" Section V. Treatment BMP Category(ies): GRASS SWALES/INFILTRATION TRENCH AND INFILTRATION BASIN Section VI. Party(ies) responsible for BMP maintenance: PROPERTY OWNER Section VII. Funding source(s)for BMP maintenance: PROPERTY OWNER NOTES: (a) The WQMP will NOT be accepted unless all of the items requested above and throughout this checklist are completed. (b) Section VI must be accompanied by notarized proof of the entity(ies) assuming direct responsibility or oversight for the long-term maintenance of the BMPs. (c) Section VII must be accompanied by notarized proof demonstrating the funding mechanism(s) proposed(i.e. Assessments, Homeowner Association, Property Management, etc.) for the BMP maintenance. Page 1 of 5 N1'A•I ER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN CHECKL.IS'l 11uhlic 1 idis Department NPDES Pro-ram 4331NI 13asincss Park Drive, Femccula,CA. 1969 Re uirement Satisfied? Y1014P REOUIREMENT Yes No Not Applicable Title Page- - Name of promect with Tract Parcel or other I.D.number It n L O-AmeriDeveloper name.address&tek.Mine number ® 0 C) ConsultinelEri mzering firm.address& plione number O Prz arer s Registered Professional Engineers'Stamp and Signature 0i 0 Date WQNIP was prepared 0 Owners Certification Signed certific'-lion statenwnt t✓ © G -Table of Contents: Complew and includes all tigums,Appendices(A-H).and design workshcets 0 C. Section 1. Project Description(in narrative form) Pro act Im tion 0 Protect size 'to the nearest I;10 act,) 0 e' Standard Industrial Classification SIC)Code 0 0 Description and location of facilities It 0 C. Activities,locations of activities.materials and products to be used and stored for each Q 0 a-tivity and at each facility,delivery areas.and what Yards of wastes will h generated Pro ect watershed and suh-watershed Q Formation of a Honle Owner's Association or Property Chm is Assoeiation 0 0 0 (fit 1�t0.1rs5 Additional permitsiapprotals required for the project including: • State Department of Fish and Came. 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement: • State Water Resources Control Board,Clean water Act(O :Ai section 401 O Water(htality Certification; • US Amty Corps of Engineers,CW'A section 404 pentait: • US Fish and Wildlife,Endangered Specks Act section 7 biological opinion: • klunicipal Conditions of Approval iA ndixA'). Section 11. Site Characterization m narrative form) Lard use designation or zoning Q Current and proposed properry use S) 0 Gt Soils report(Appendix E).Mete: A soils reports required if infiltration BMPs are @,1 © (� utilimcli Phase I Site Assessitaent or summaries of assessment or remediation(Appendix Hi O 0 Identification of Receiving waters(including.'0 fldi listed waters.Designated 0 C C, beneficial uses,and any RARE beneficial use waters)and their existing irnparments Passe 2 of 5 ' 1t',t't'1•:R QUALITY 1IANA(;MEN'l PLAN C1]ECKL.1ST Pulllic tV`urk, l)cpttl Illicit( NPDFS Pro !raur wsg 33111113osincasParki) itc,'fcnlccula. Ca. Requirement Satisfied? WOMP REQUIREMENT Yea No Not Applicable Section IlL Pollutants of Concern(in narrative form) Potential and expected pollutants from the proposed project ® 0 0 Presence of legacy pesticides,nutrients,or hazardous substances in the site's soils as a C 0 re result of past uses Section N:Hydrologic Conditions of Concern(in narrative form) Conditions A,B.or C exempt the WQNIP from this section @, 0 0 If the project is not exempt, evaluation of impacts to downstream erosion or stream habitat discharge flow rates,velocities, durations, and volumes from a 2-year and to- year,24-hour rainfall event is included Section V-Best Management Practices VI-SYe Ih rign BAIPs Table 1.Site Design BMPs is complete 0 0 Narrative describing the site design BhfPs proposed for the project 0 0 Narrative describing the site design BMN that were not applicable and wiry they O, 0 0 cannot be implemented 7 Narrative describing how each individual BMP proposed for the project will be implementc�i and maintained. irnludirw inspection and maintemace frequency. C4 0 0 inspection criteria,and the responsible entity or party Site Design BMPs shown on the WQMP Site Plan(.Appendix B) e 0 0 P1.SaromiC'or;:rolBMPs , •,,:._._ � .,,.._ -�'*_:.-� "Fable 2.Source Control Bf 4P%is complete Narrative describing the source control BMPs proposed for the project 0 Narrative describing the source control BMPs that were not applicable and why 6� 0 0 they cannot be implemented Narrative describine how each individual BMP proposed for the project will be implemented and maintained. including inspection and maintenance frequency. (Opi 0 01 inspectm criteria.and the responsible entity or party Structural source control BMPs shown on the WQNiP Site Plan(Appendix B) 0 Copies of Educational Materials(Appendix Di 011 0 0 a 1%7. Trcvnrem Control B.M1lf'.c x-�--«�,� �=:n :��,�• Table 3.Treatment Control BMPs is complete a 01 0 Piee 3 of 5 WATER QUMAT1' N(:1N:\( l \11:N'f PLAN (:IIECKLIST Public NVorks Department NPDES 1'r'o;;ranl i.' a3NN1 Business Park 1)1'ivc, 'l Vilfeetll:t, C - Requirement Satisfied? WOMP REQUIREMENT Yes No Not Applicable Narrative describing the treatntem control BMPs of medium or high effectiveness CJ proposed for the project Narrative describing how-each individual treatment control BNlP proposed for the project will tx,implemented and maintained.including locations,siting criteria, �, 0 inspection and maintenance frequency,inspection criteria,long-term GEM.and the responsible entity or pang Treatment Control BMPs shown on the WQAIP Site Plan(Appendix B) 0 0 Copy of the property/project soils report(Appendix E). (Note:This requirement 0 applies only if infiltration-based Treatment Control BMN are utilized) cl Calculation for-Treatment Control BMPs(Apperdix F) 0 0 V4. Fqulvak n! Treauneru Co!!!.©i Akerxaritt s r Narrative describing equivalent treatment control alternatives 1 01 0 Calculations for Equivalent Treatment Control Alternatives(Appendix F) Q) 0 0 17. Hegnnnully-$uvrd Tnrcrlmec:Corfrrr!$9fF+ .r;lr��. Vic' ., ?__<_: Narrative describing regionally-based treatment control BMPs C�J 0 Calculations for Recionally-Dared Treatment Control BMPs iAppendix r) Section A Operation and Maintenance(08M)Responsibility for Treatment Control BIAPs BMPs requiring O&M are identified 0) 0 0 Description of OE.AI netivities, the ORA4 process, anti the kindling and placement of OD C. 0 any wastes BAIP start-up dates 0 0 Schedule of the frequency of O&M for each BMP 0 0 0 Partial responsible for OEM � 0 0 Notarized proof of the entities responsible for OEM(Appendix G) 0 0 IF) Inspection and record-keeping rquirements for BMPs including responsible parties. 0 0 Description of water quality monitoring,if required 0 0 Section VII.Funding Notarized proof of the fi ndirtg sourcets)for the OEM of each Treatment Control BMP 0 0 Appendix A (Section I) Complete copy of the final Municipal Conditions of Approval 0 0 Appendix (Sections I and V) - - Vicinity Map identifying the project site and surrxuroding plarinine areas 0 Pa4e 4 of \VATER QUALITY NIANAC'EMENT PLAN CHECKLIST 11uhlic Woil•ks Department NPDES Pritrranu wxv 4321111 BUTARcs 1'arl: 11ri�c, Temecula, CA. Requirement Satisfied? 'viQMP REQUIRENIENT Yes No Not Applicable Site PIan.lepicting the falbiwin g project features: Location and identiticatk-�n of all structural BNIPs, utcluding Treatment Control 0 0 BUIPs. Landscaped areas. 0 0 Weed areas.and intended Number and tvpe of structures and intended uses. i ie: buildings,tenant specs. v 0 duelling units,communkv fxilites smh as Pools,teem ti m faeilitie tot lots,etc.F Infrastructure(ie:streets,stone drains,etc-)that will revert to public aesrncy ® �i ownership and operatkvr. Location of existing zind proposed public and private storm draintgY facilities including Batch basins and other inkVoudet stmetu rvs-(Existing and proposed 0 drainage facilities should to clearly differentiated.) Receiving Waters lecatiorts that the project direct)}•or indirectly discharges into. 0 0 Discharge pouts where onsite or tributwy oftsite[lows exit the site. 01 0 Proposed dminage areas boundaries,including tributary cffsite areas,foreach 6) 0 0 location where flows exit tix site. (_Each tributary area should be clearly denoted.) Pre-and post-project topography. 0 0 Appendix C:.(Section IV) , r ..Supporting engineering studies,calculations,reports.etc. 4i o Appendix D, (Section V) Educational materials proposed in implementing the project-specific WQNIP (¢} { 0 Appendix E {Sections 11 and Vj Sumnnary of Soils Report information if infiltration BNIPs are proposal Appendix F (Section V) Treatment Control BMP sizing calculations and design details ® 0 0 Appendix G.(Sections I and'.VI) CCRRs. Covenant and Agreements.or other mechanisnns used to ensure the ongoing 0 0operati n.maintenance,funding,and transfer of the WQN1P requirements Appendix H (Section 11) Surtrnaryof Environmental Site Assessment,Renxdntiom and Use Restrictions. 0 0 1 0� i End of Checklist t Page 5 of 5 PA05-0100 PARCEL 13 MADISON AVE OFFICE/COMMERCIAL BUILDING Water Quality Management Plan For: PETE MINEGAR. GENERAL PARTNER PA05-0100 27309 MADISON AVE. TEMECULA,CA 92591 Prepared for: • MSS PROPERTIES 27705 Commerce Center Drive TEMECULA, CA 92592 (951) 676-5834 Prepared by: HECTOR CORREA, RCE HLC CIVIL ENGINEERING 28465 Old Town Front Street SUITE 315 TEMECULA, CA 92590 (951)506-4869 VOICE (951)506-4979 FAX WQMP Preparation Date: November 7, 2006 • Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION • "I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. r✓,� FIE R L. CORREA Oate RCE 36306 EXP 613010CV F ESSIpHq�fyc HECTOR y1 �^ UICIO CORREA m c No. 353C5 CIVIL • ENGINEERING • Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) PA05-0100-PARCEL 13 OWNER'S CERTIFICATION This project-specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for Parcel 13 PM23561-1 by HLC CIVIL ENGINEERING for the project known as PA05-0100 located at 27235 Madison Avenue. The WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of City of Temecula for development requirement for the preparation and implementation of a project-specific WQMP. The undersigned, while owning the property/project described in the preceding paragraph, shall be responsible for the implementation of this WQMP and will ensure that this WQMP is amended as appropriate to reflect up-to-date conditions on the site. This WQMP will be reviewed with the facility operator, facility supervisors, employees, tenants, maintenance and service contractors, or any other party (or parties) having responsibility for implementing portions of this WQMP. At least one copy of this WQMP will be maintained at the project site or project office in perpetuity. The undersigned is authorized to certify and to approve implementation of this WQMP. The undersigned is aware that implementation of this WQMP is enforceable under City of Temecula Water Quality Ordinance(Municipal Code Section 8.28.500) If the undersigned transfers its interest in the subject property/project, its successor in interest the undersigned shall notify the successor in interest of its responsibility to implement this WQMP. "I certify under penalty of law that the provision of this WQMP have been reviewed and accepted anOd the WQMP will be transferred to future successors in inter." Q � Ls' d6— Owner's Signanae Date PETER NEGAR GENERAL PARTNER Owner's Printed Name Owner's Titleftsition CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ��:-� �C1�u , <.-�," ,..,.,.^ �v_�^t « : -. _�.n� - .:Y`r�rv;�.�C`M�l`.C:^•t�n.cn-.S`rri J'-.: Fj State of Caldo is �/r ss. County of - V Cle IDE— 05 on before me, U t LL D. U IMENEZ, Norm fibew <� personally appeared �TE� /Vlll1(`FJrrK_, > �; pemmnalty known to me <�_ ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence !i to be the persona( whose name(a)- is/are- subscribed to the within instrument and lS acknowledged to me that he/shekHeyexecuted )' (> AL D,JNEW the same in his/heFAheir authorized << C i mmbil6on11444279 capacity(jes), and that by his/heFAhe' Notay RdaNc-Coftinjo signature(siron the instrument the person(e):or h f>hwe CaW* the entity upon behaH of which the person- MyComn E�YesNov 1,4D acted,executed the instrument. WIT my han nd offij,> fi sue a How, OPTIONAL n' a Though the inramatlon below is rot required by rota it MY Prove vabrzble m Persons relyag on the doanmmt and Could Pm t haudulont removal and marfedmtenr or ads ram to a olher doamrent. Fc ! Description of Attached Document >' F 0w1qf-,e j Document or Type of Docume No OWL Document Date: Number of Pages: .� i> <(? Signer(s)Other Than Named Above: `e} ri. Y Capacity(ies) C� K-• Ad Claimed by nSig�ner %y Signer's Name- ! G-C_ i ll I E m-e .� ❑ Individual Top of aeaw here . ❑ Corporate Officer—Tifle(s): (i ❑ Partner—❑Limited ❑General fi ❑ Aftomey-in-Fact ❑ Trustee U' ❑ uardiary-pr Cor�senator .� Other.�lJl/1/N� Signer Is Representing: 9 P 9: c •--• .,�. :��. .. ., .,.�.:� �.,. _.;,. � : .:.:; ��_� ..�.�,..,- ,.._.,,. , �u nut,:::- ,.-;. �.� � < - e1a88NeeonelNdOryAssoo8lM-e De Sob Ave PO.BmP -GeUwvEh G9181}2IO2•mmnNmeepWyag ROE.Na S07 fledMr'QW TO Fme 1.800.8)6EB2) Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 Contents Section Page T PROJECT DESCRIPTION I II SITE CHARACTERIZATION 3 III POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN 4 IV HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS OF CONCERN 5 V BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 6 V.I Site Design BMPs 6 V.2 Source Control BMPs 10 V.3 Treatment Control BMPs 13 VA Equivalent Treatment Control Alternatives 15 V.5 Regionally-Based Treatment Control BMPs 15 VI CIPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs 16 VIl FUNDING 17 • APPENDICES A. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL B. VICINITY MAP AND SITE PLAN C. SUPPORTING DETAIL RELATED TO HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS OF CONCERN D. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS E. SOILS REPORT F. TREATMENT CONTROL BMP SIZING CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN DETAILS G. AGREEMENTS • Page Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 I. Project Description Project Description The proposed development is located at 27235 Madison Avenue, at the southeast comer of Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive in the City of Temecula. The project will consist of a one story service commercial building totaling 12,411 square feet. The total parcel area is 1.13 acres. At this time uses not known but anticipated uses are general office and retail commercial. Proiect Owner PETE MINEGAR, GENERAL PARTNER MSS PROPERTIES 27705 Commerce Center Drive TEMECULA, CA 92592 951.676.7966 WOMP Preparer HECTOR CORREA, RCE HLC CIVIL ENGINEERING 28465 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET SUITE 315 TEMECULA, CA 92590 (951) 506-4869 VOICE (951) 506-4979 FAX Pro 0ectsize 1.13 acres Location of facilities The proposed development is located at 27235 Madison Avenue, at the southeast comer of Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive in the City of Temecula. Materials Storage and Delivery Areas Materials Storage and Delivery Areas Commercial deliveries are proposed. A loading area has been designated for this purposes and shown on the site plan. No outdoor storage will be allowed. Wastes generated by project activities Normal household and Commercial Retail waste will be generated on-site. The project will have one covered trash enclosure to service the site. Proiect Site Address: 27235 Madison Avenue,Temecula, CA 92591 Planning Area/Community Name: • Service Commercial Page 1 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 . APN Number(s): APN 910-282-012 Thomas Bros. Map: Page 958 Grid F-3 (2005) Project Watershed: Santa Margarita River, Hydrologic Unit 902 Sub-watershed: HAS 902.32 Proiect Site Size: 1.13 AC Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code: At this time uses not known but anticipated uses are general office and retail commercial. 5399 Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores Formation of Home Owners' Association (HOA) or Property Owners Association (POA): A Property Owners'Association will be formed to maintain all BMP described in this WQMP • Additional Permits/Approvals required for the Proiect AGENCY Permit required (yes or no) State Department of Fish and Game, 1601 Streambed No Alteration Agreement State Water Resources Control Board, Clean Water Act No (CWA) section 401 Water Quality Certification US Army Corps of Engineers, CWA section 404 permit No US Fish and Wildlife, Endangered Species Act section 7 No biological opinion Other (p/ease list m are.space glow as required) No SWRCB General Construction Permit Yes City of Temecula (Grading & Building) Yes Riverside County Flood Control No • Page 2 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 II. Site Characterization Land Use Designation or Zoning: Service Commercial Current Property Use: Vacant Proposed Property Use: Service Commercial Availability of Soils Report: See Appendix E Phase 1 Site Assessment: No Receiving Waters for Urban Runoff from Site Receiving Waters 303(d) List Designated Beneficial Proximity to RARE Impairments Uses Beneficial Use SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK NONE MUR, AGR, IND, PROC, NOT 902.242 GWR, RECI, REC2, DESIGNATED AS RARE WARM, WILD MURRIETA CREEK PHOSPHORUS MUR, AGR, IND, PROC, NOT • 902.231 RECI, REC2, WARM, DESIGNATED AS RARE WILD UPPER SANTA MARGARITA PHOSPHORUS MUR, AGR, IND, RECI, RIVER REC2, WARM, WILD DESIGNATED AS RARE 902.222 COLD 7 MILES LOWER SANTA MARGARITA NONE MUR, AGR, IND, PROC, RIVER RECI, REC2, WARM, DESIGNATED AS RARE 902.212 COLD„ WILD 24 MILES SANTA MARGARITA RIVER EUTROPHIC MUR, AGR, IND, PROC, LAGOON RECI, REC2, WARM, DESIGNATED AS RARE 902.211 COLD„ WILD 28 MILES • Page 3 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA0S-0100 -PARCEL 13 • III. Pollutants of Concern Urban Runoff Pollutants: This commercial with parking lot project can expect or potentially expect for the following pollutants: POLLUTANT TYPE EXPECTED POTENTIAL LISTED FOR RECEIVING WATER SEDIMENT/TURBIDITY X NUTRIENTS X X ORGANIC COMPOUNDS X TRASH & DEBRIS X OXYGEN DEMANDING SUBSTANCES X PATHOGENS ( BACTERIA&VIRUSES) X OILS&GREASE X • PESTICIDES X METALS X OTHER POLLUTANTS: EUTROPHIC X Past Uses: The project site has been vacant for over ten years and prior to that was pasture land. No known hazardous substances have been used on the property. • Page 4 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 IV. Hydrologic Conditions of Concern Impacts to the hydrologic regime resulting from the Project may include increased runoff volume and velocity; reduced infiltration; increased flow frequency, duration, and peaks; faster time to reach peak flow; and water quality degradation. Under certain circumstances, changes could also result in the reduction in the amount of available sediment for transport; storm flows could fill this sediment-carrying capacity by eroding the downstream channel. These changes have the potential to permanently impact downstream channels and habitat integrity. A change to the hydrologic regime of a Project's site would be considered a hydrologic condition of concern if the change would have a significant impact on downstream erosion compared to the pre-development condition or have significant impacts on stream habitat, alone or as part of a cumulative impact from development in the watershed. This project-specific WQMP must address the issue of Hydrologic Conditions of Concern unless one of the following conditions is met: Condition A: Runoff from the Project is discharged directly to a publicly-owned, operated and maintained MS4; the discharge is in full compliance with Co-Pemtittee requirements for connections and discharges to the MS4 (including both quality and quantity requirements); the discharge would not significantly impact stream habitat in proximate Receiving Waters; and the discharge is authorized by the Co-Permittee. Condition B: The project disturbs less than 1 acre. The disturbed area calculation should include all disturbances associated with larger plans of development. Condition C: The project's runoff flow rate, volume, velocity and duration for the post-development condition do not exceed the pre-development condition for the 2-year, 24-hour and 10-year 24-hour rainfall events. This condition can be achieved by minimizing impervious area on a site and incorporating • other site-design concepts that mimic pre-development conditions. This condition must be substantiated by hydrologic modeling methods acceptable to the Co-Permittee. This Project does not meet any of the above conditions and will therefore use Methodology B that will implement site design, source control and Treatment Control BMPs capable of mitigating the assessed hydrologic impacts Supporting engineering studies, calculations, and reports are included in Appendix C. DESCRIPTION 2YEAR-24HR 10 YEAR-24HR 100 YEAR-241-IR PRE POST PRE POST PRE EO.7 T RUNOFF-CFS 0.13 0.23 0.34 0.44 0.65 VELOCITY - FPS 0.10 0.25 0.27 0.35 0.51 0.60 VOLUME-CUBIC FT 1334 4928 4305 9494 9924 15829 VOLUME-AC FT 0.03 0.11 0.10 0.21 0.22 0.36 DURATION-MIN 810 810 810 810 810 810 • Page 5 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • V. Best Management Practices V.1 SITE DESIGN BMPS PROPOSED PROJECT BMPS The following BMP concepts will be used. 1. Walkways will be at the minimum width allowed by the City. 2. Driveways and parking lot aisles will be held at the minimum widths allowed by the City. 3. Vegetated Swale/Infiltration Trench 4. Infiltration Basin 5. Rooftops will drain into adjacent landscaping prior to draining to vegetated swale/infiltration trench. PROPOSED PROJECT BMPS MAINTENANCE The BMP's will be implemented by the project developer prior to sale or rental of any unit. Maintenance and Inspection will be the responsibility of the Property Owner Association that will be formed prior to the sale or rental of any units. Inspection for all BMPS proposed will be conducted monthly and after each rain storm. CC&Rs will be implemented to precisely describe maintenance and inspection schedule. • • Page 6 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • TABLE 1. SITE DESIGN BMPS Included Design Technique Specific BMP yes no Concept Site Design Minimize Concept f Urban Runoff Maximize the permeable area (See Section Yes, minimizing 4.5.1 of the WQMP). building foot print by using multiple floors Incorporate landscaped buffer areas between Yes, 20 feet of sidewalks and streets. landscaping from parking to sidewalk Maximize canopy interception and water Yes, new Trees conservation by preserving existing native and shrubs will trees and shrubs, and planting additional be planted. native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs. Use natural drainage systems. No existing natural drainage system • Where soils conditions are suitable, use Using infiltration perforated pipe or gravel filtration pits for low basin flow infiltration. Construct onsite ponding areas or retention Using infiltration facilities to increase opportunities for basin infiltration consistent with vector control objectives. Other comparable and equally effective site None design concepts as approved by the Co- proposed Permittee(Note: Additional narrative required to describe BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). • Page 7 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 Included • Design Technique Speck BMP yes no Concept Site Design Minimize Concept 1 Impervious Footprint Maximize the permeable area (See Yes, Section 4.5.1 of the WQMP). Construct walkways, trails, patios, Infiltration overflow parking lots, alleys, driveways, swales will be low-traffic streets and other low -traffic constructed areas with open-jointed paving materials adjacent to or permeable surfaces, such as pervious parking lot. concrete, porous asphalt, unit pavers, and granular materials. Construct streets, sidewalks and parking Walk way and lot aisles to the minimum widths Parking stalls necessary, provided that public safety and are minimum a walk able environment for pedestrians width or are not compromised. lengths allowed by Planning nPnnrtmPnt Reduce widths of street where off-street Street is parking is available. existing. Minimize the use of impervious surfaces, No decorative such as decorative concrete, in the cone. landscape design. Proposed in L.S. areas Other comparable and equally effective None site design concepts as approved by the proposed Co-Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required describing BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). Conserve Natural Areas Conserve natural areas (See WQMP None Section 4.5.1). existing Maximize canopy interception and water Planting native conservation by preserving existing native trees and shrubs trees and shrubs, and planting additional native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs. Use natural drainage systems. None existing Other comparable and equally effective Not used site design concepts as approved by the • Co-Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required describing BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). Page 8 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • Included Design Technique Specific BMP yes no Concept Site Design Minimize Residential and commercial sites must be Roof drains to Concept 2 Directly designed to contain and infiltrate roof Landscape Connected runoff, or direct roof runoff to vegetative areas, Impervious swales or buffer areas, where feasible. Areas(DCIAs) Where landscaping is proposed, drain Impervious impervious sidewalks, walkways, trails, areas drain to and patios into adjacent landscaping. adjacent landscape area Increase the use of vegetated drainage Using grassy swales in lieu of underground piping or swale with 18" imperviously lined swales. gravel underlining. Rural swale system: street sheet flows to Not Applicable vegetated swale or gravel shoulder, curbs at street corners, culverts under driveways and street crossings. Urban curb/swale system: street slopes to Not Applicable curb; periodic swale inlets drain to vegetated swale/biofilter. Dual drainage system: First flush captured Not Applicable in street catch basins and discharged to • adjacent vegetated swale or gravel Design driveways with shared access, Yes, Draining flared (single lane at street) or wheel strips onto landscape (paving only under tires); or, drain into swale landscaping prior to discharging to the MS4. Uncovered temporary or guest parking on Not Applicable private residential lots may be paved with a permeable surface, or designed to drain into landscaping prior to discharging to the MS4. Where landscaping is proposed in parking Using grassy areas, incorporate landscape areas into swale with 18" the drainage design. gravel underlining. Overflow parking (parking stalls provided Not Applicable in excess of the Co-Permittee's minimum parking requirements) may be constructed Other comparable and equally effective Not used design concepts as approved by the Co- Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required describing BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). • Page 9 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • V.2 SOURCE CONTROL BMPS Table 2.Source Control BMPs Check One Not If not applicable, state BMP Name Included Applicabie brief reason Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Education for Property Owners, Operators, Tenants, Occupants, or Employees X Activity Restrictions X Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance X Common Area Litter Control X Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parkin Lots X Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance X Structural Source Control BMPs WOMEN ENRON MS4 Stenciling and Si na e X Will be submitted prior to Landscape and Irrigation System Design X construction. Protect Slopes and Channels(Swales) X • Provide Community Car Wash Racks X Not Part of Project Properly Design: Fueling Areas X Not Part of Project Air/Water Supply Area Drainage X Not Part of Project Trash Storage Areas X Loading Docks Loachn Areas X Maintenance Bays X Not Part of Project Vehicle and Equipment Wash Areas x Not Part of Project Outdoor Material Storage Areas X Not Part of Project Outdoor Work Areas or Processing Areas X Not Part of Project Provide Wash Water Controls for Food Preparation Areas X Not Part of Project • Page 10 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • SOURCE CONTROL O&M OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BMP ACTIVITY PARTY FREQUENCY Education for Tenant: Property Owner Tenant and Employee training will be provided within 30 days of hiring date with on going training at no less than 90-day intervals. Irrigation System and Property Owner Conducted weekly Landscape Maintenance Common Area Litter Property Owner Inspect and collect all litter on a weekly Control schedule. Street Sweeping Private Property Owner Bi-monthly at a minimum or more frequently as Streets and Parking Lots needed. Drainage Facility Inspection Property Owner Prior to and monthly during each wet weather and Maintenance season. Stenciling and Signage Property Owner Bi-yearly and prior to each wet weather season • Trash Storage Areas Property Owner Conducted weekly PROPOSED NON-STRUCTURAL SOURCE CONTROL BMPS Education for Tenant, Property Management Company: The Owner will review and distribute to the tenant, at final walk-through, a public education program on the use of t pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, proper disposal of wastes, and other storm water pollution prevention programs. The tenant will sign a form acknowledging receipt of discussion and the storm water pollution prevention materials, (See Appendix D), and will keep a log of tenants that have certified that they have received the information and the log will be kept herein. The tenant will also be provided annually with pamphlets available from the City of Temecula Public Works office. Activity Restrictions: CC&Rs will restrict the following activities that may contribute pollutants: 1. Prohibiting the blowing, sweeping, or hosing of debris (leaf litter,grass clippings, litter, etc.) into streets, storm drain inlets, or other conveyances. 2. Require dumpster lids to be closed at all times. • 3. Prohibit vehicle washing, maintenance, or repair on the premises. Page l I Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance I Pesticides, fertilizers and other chemical products shall be used in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 2 Pesticides, fertilizers and other chemical products shall be stored in closed, labeled containers,under cover and off the ground. 3 Landscaping waste shall be properly disposed by at an approved composting location or permitted landfill. 4 Stockpiles shall be placed away from watercourses, and covered to prevent the release of materials to the Stormwater Conveyance System or Receiving Waters. 5 Where practicable,native vegetation shall be retained or planted to reduce water, fertilizer and pesticide needs. 6 Areas where work is being actively conducted shall be routinely cleaned up using dry methods(e.g., sweeping, raking, etc.). Wet methods(e.g., hosing, etc.) may only be used if adequate precautions have been taken to prevent the discharge of wash water or other materials to the Stormwater Conveyance System or Receiving Waters. 7 The use of blowers is permitted so long as materials are collected and properly disposed. • 8 Measures will be taken to reduce or eliminate landscaping and irrigation runoff. Examples of practices include proper irrigation programming, programming shorter irrigation cycle times, and decreasing frequency after the application of fertilizers and pesticides. 9 Fertilizers and pesticides will not be applied prior to storm events. These products will not be applied during stone events. 10 Maintenance of irrigation systems and landscaping will be consistent with the City of Temecula landscape ordinance, which can be obtained at the City of Temecula planning counter. 11 Irrigation system maintenance will be conducted weekly to detect overspray, broken sprinkler heads, and other system failures. 12 The frequency of irrigation is anticipated to be daily during summer months and bi-daily during the rest of the year. Inspection& Maintenance Frequency will be conducted weekly Property Owner Association will be responsible for implementation, maintenance, inspection and funding. Common Area Litter Control Property Owner Association will hire grounds keeper to inspect and collect all litter on a weekly schedule. • Page 12 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots • Property Owner Association will hire street sweeping service to sweep driveways and parking lots bi- monthly or more frequently as needed. Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance All drainage facilities will be inspected quarterly or after each major rain storm and will be maintained by the Property Owner Association. STRUCTURAL SOURCE CONTROL BM PS Stenciling and Signage All catch basin will be stenciled with the following prohibitive language; "NO DUMPING DRAINS TO CREEK% Trash Storage Areas Trash enclosure will be covered to protect containers from rainfall. Inspection& Maintenance Frequency will be conducted weekly PROPOSED SOURCE CONTROL BMPS MAINTENANCE The Source Control BMP's will be implemented by the project developer prior to sale or rental of any unit. Maintenance and Inspection will be the responsibility of the Property Owner Association that will be formed prior to the sale or rental of any units. Inspection for all BMPs proposed will be conducted quarterly and after each major rain storm. • V.3 TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS GRASSY SWALE/INFILTRATION Grass Swale with infiltration trench will be installed to removal sediment and associated pollutants; location is shown on Exhibit A. Grassy swales will treat the following: TARGETED CONSTITUENTS REMOVAL EFFECTIVENESS SEDIMENT HIGH OR MEDIUM NUTRIENTS LOW TRASH LOW METALS HIGH/MEDIUM BACTERIA UNKNOWN OIL AND GREASE HIGH ORGANICS UNKNOWN OXYGEND DEMANDING LOW PESTICIDES(non-soil bound) UNKNOWN INFILTRATION BASIN Page 13 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 .Along with Grass Swale infiltration basin will also be constructed and located at end of swale as shown on • Exhibit A. Infiltration Basin will treat the following: TARGETED CONSTITUENTS REMOVAL EFFECTIVENESS SEDIMENT HIGH OR MEDIUM NUTRIENTS HIGH OR MEDIUM TRASH UNKNOWN METALS HIGH BACTERIA HIGH OR MEDIUM OIL AND GREASE UNKNOWN ORGANICS UNKNOWN OXYGEND DEMANDING HIGH OR MEDIUM PESTICIDES(non-soil bound) UNKNOWN Catch Basin Filter KriStar F1oGard catch basin filter inserts will be installed to catch debris and litter. • • Page 14 • • Water Quality Management Plan (*P) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 Table 3: Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix Treatment Control BMP Categories(9) Vag. Swale Detention Infiltration Basins Wet Sand Water Hydrodynamic Manufactured/ Neg. Filter Basins(2) & Ponds or Filter or Quality Separator Proprietary Pollutant of Concern Strips Trenches/Porous Wetlands Filtration Inlets Systems j4I Devices Pavement(3)(10) Sediment/Turbidity HIM M HIM HIM HIM L HIM U L for turbidity) Yes/No? YES �/ 1/ ✓ Nutrients L M HIM HIM LIM L L U Yes/No? YES V/ ✓ Organic Compounds U U U U HIM L L U Yes/No? YES V V/ ✓ Trash & Debris L M U U HIM M HIM U Yes/No? YES V/ V/ ✓ Oxygen Demanding Substances L M HIM HIM HIM L L U Yes/No? YES V/ 1/ ✓ Bacteria&Viruses U U HIM U HIM L L U Yes/No? YES V/ 1/ ✓ Oils &Grease HIM M U U HIM M UM U Yes/No? YES �/ 1/ ✓ Pesticides(non-soil bound) U U U U U L L U Yes/No? YES 1/ �/ V/ Metals HIM M H H H L L U Yes/No? YES V/ V/ ✓ Page-15 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • Abbreviations: L:Low removal efficiency HIM: High or medium removal efficiency U: Unknown removal efficiency Notes: (1) Periodic performance assessment and updating of the guidance provided by this table may be necessary. (2) Includes grass swales,grass strips,wetland vegetation swales,and bioretention. (3) Includes extended/dry detention basins with grass lining and extendecildry detention basins with impervious lining. Effectiveness based upon minimum 36-48-hour drawdown time. (4) Includes infiltration basins,infiltration trenches,and porous pavements. (5) Includes permanent pool wet ponds and constructed wetlands. (6) Includes sand filters and media fillers. (7) Also known as hydrodynamic devices,baffle boxes,swirl concentrators,or cyclone separators. (8) Includes proprietary stormwater treatment devices as listed in the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks, other stormwater treatment BMPs not specifically listed in this WQMP, or newly developedlemerging stormwater treatment technologies. (9) Project proponents should base BMP designs on the Riverside County Stormwater Quality Best Management Practice Design Handbook. However, project proponents may also wish to reference the California Stormwater BMP Handbook - New Development and Redevelopment Handbook contains additional information on BMP operation and maintenance. (10) Note: Projects that will utilize infiltration-based Treatment Control BMPs(e.g., Infiltration Basins, Infiltration Trenches, Porous Pavement)must include a copy of the property/project soils report as Appendix E to the project-specific WQMP.The selection of a Treatment Control BMP (or BMPs) for the project must specifically consider the effectiveness of the Treatment Control BMP for pollutants identified as causing an impairment of Receiving Waters to which the project will discharge Urban Runoff. TREATEMENT CONTROL BMPS MAINTENANCE • The Treatment Control 13MPs will be implemented by the project developer at initial construction of the development. Inspection will be the responsibility of the Property Owner Association prior to the sale or rental of any units. Inspection for all BMPs proposed will be conducted quarterly and after each major rain storm. VA EQUIVALENT TREATMENT CONTROL ALTERNATIVES NOT APPLICABLE V.5 REGIONALLY-BASED TREATMENT' CONTROL BMPS NOT APPLICABLE • Page-16 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • VI Operation and Maintenance Responsibility for Treatment Control BMPs Operation and maintenance (O&M) for all Treatment Control BMPs will be will the responsibility of the Property Owner Association that will be in place prior to the rental of any units. Treatment Control BMPs: VEGETATED INFILTRATION SWALE & IFILTRATION BASIN BMP START-UP DATES The start-up date for vegetated infiltration Swale will after the installation of landscaping. SCHEDULE OF THE FREQUENCY: Maintenance The maintenance objectives for vegetated swale systems include keeping up the hydraulic and removal efficiency of the channel and maintaining a dense, healthy grass cover. • Maintenance activities should include weekly mowing, weed control, watering during drought conditions, reseeding of bare areas, and clearing of debris and blockages. Cuttings should be removed from the channel and disposed in a local composting facility. Accumulated sediment should also be removed manually to avoid concentrated flows in the Swale. The application of fertilizers and pesticides should be minimal. If vegetated Swale develops ruts or holes, it should be repaired utilizing a suitable soil that is properly tamped and seeded. Inspection 1. Inspect swales at least twice annually for erosion, damage to vegetation, and sediment and debris accumulation and at the end of the wet season and before major fall runoff to be sure the Swale is ready heavy runoff. The swale should be checked for debris and litter, and areas of sediment accumulation. 2. Weekly inspect swales for pools of standing water. Swales can become a nuisance due to mosquito breeding in standing water if obstructions develop (e.g. debris accumulation, invasive vegetation) and/or if proper drainage slopes are not implemented and maintained. Parties responsible for O&M • The Property Owner Association will be responsible for the O&M of this BMP. Page-17 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100 -PARCEL 13 • Proof of entities responsible for O&M CC&Rs and Rental Agreement will be in place that will have sufficient language to guarantee perpetual O&M. Inspection and record keeping requirements and responsible Party The Property Owner Association will be responsible for the inspection and record keeping of O&M of this BMP. VII. Funding Maintenance funding will be provided by the Property Owner Association and be will be enforced by implementation of the CC&Rs and Rental Agreement CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER PETE MINEGAR, GENERAL PARTNER MSS PROPERTIES 27705 Commerce Center Drive TEMECULA, CA 92592 951.676.7966 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST ESTIMATE • STRUCTURAL CAPITAL ROUTIN O & M O & M BMP COST O & M FREQUENCY BY VEGETATED $10,000 $100 Weekly Property Owner INFILTRATION Association SWALE INFILTRATION $10,000 $100 Weekly Property Owner BASIN Association CATCH BASIN $20 00 $50 Monthly Property Owner FILTER Association STENCILING $100 $10 Bi-yearly Property Owner Association • Page-18 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PA05-0100-PARCEL 13 • FUNDING CERTIFICATION A source of funding is required for all site design, source control, and treatment control BMPs for this Project, the owner of the Project will fund the implementation, operation, and maintenance of all BMPs set forth in the WQMP. Where the owner requires a lessee to implement, operate, and maintain BMPs, the owner will maintain ultimate funding responsibilities, and will, upon default of a lessee to fulfill lease responsibilities for implementation, operation, and maintenance of BMPs, shall cause the same to be performed at owner's expense. Nothing in the WQMP shall prevent the owner from pursuing cost recovery from the tenant or the remedies for the default as provided by the lease and law PETER MINEGAR will be responsible for all BMP implementation, operation, and maintenance until such time that the operty is sold. 4tL Owner's Si lure Date PETER MINEGAR GENERAL-PARTNER Owner's Printed Name Owner's Title/Position PETE MINEGAR,GENERAL PARTNER MSS PROPERTIES • 27705 Commerce Center Drive TEMECULA, CA 92592 951.676.7966 Page-19 Appendix A Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Resolution Dated • • Appendix A Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Resolution Dated • PC RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA05-0100, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A ONE STORY OFFICE/SHOWROOM BUILDING TOTALING 12,411 SQUARE FEET, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF MADISON AVENUE AND BUECKING AVENUE (APN: 910-272-013). WHEREAS, Peter Minegar filed Planning Application No. PA05-0100 (Development Plan Application), in a manner in accordance with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, the Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application on July 20, 2005, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Commission approved the Application subject to and based upon the findings . set forth hereunder; WHEREAS, all legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and are hereby incorporated by reference. Section 2. Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application, hereby makes the following findings as required by Section 17.05.010F of the Temecula Municipal Code: A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of state law and other ordinances of the city. The proposal is consistent with the land use designation and policies reflected for Service Commercial (SC) development in the City of Temecula General Plan. The General Plan has listed the proposed uses, including discount retail stores, offices, light manufacturing uses, and auto service and repair as typical uses in the Service Commercial designation. The proposed project is consistent with the use regulations outlined and conditioned by the Building Department and Fire Prevention Bureau to comply with all applicable Building and Fire Codes. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public • health, safety, and general welfare. H_\HLC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc The proposed project is consistent with the development standards outlined in the City of Temecula Development Code. The proposed architecture and site layout for the project has been reviewed utilizing the Service Commercial Development Performance Standards of the Development Code. The proposed project has met the performance standards in regards to circulation, architectural design and site plan design. Section 3. Environmental Compliance. The project will have no significant environmental impacts and has been found to be categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Project) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. Section 4. Conditions. The City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves the Application, a request to construct a one-story office/show room building totaling 12,411 square feet located on the south west corner of Madison and Buecking with conditions of approval as set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference together with any and all necessary conditions that may be deemed necessary. Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 20t"day of July 2005. David Mathewson, Chairman ATTEST: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary [SEAL] H:\HLC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISON\PAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that PC Resolution No. 2005- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 20`" day of July 2005, by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary H:\HLC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPARI3-FILE-DOC\PARl3-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL doc 3 EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA05-0100 Project Description: A Development Plan to construct a one story service commercial building totaling 12,411 square feet located on the south west corner of Madison Avenue and Buecking Avenue (APN: 910-272-013). DIF Category: TBD at Building Permit Issuance (Speculative Building) MSHCP Category: TBD at Building Permit Issuance (Speculative Building) TUMF: TBD at Building Permit Issuance (Speculative Building) Assessor's Parcel No.: 910-272-013 Approval Date: July 20, 2005 Expiration Date: July 20, 2007 WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS OF THE APPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT Planning Department 1. The applicant shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty-Four Dollars ($64.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption required under Public Resources Code Section 21108(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition [Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)]. H.\HI.C-PRO]ECTS\MSS-MADISON\PAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 5 • GENERAL REQUIREMENTS • I1:\HLC-PROJECTS\MSS�tMADISOMPARI3-FILE-DOC\PAR13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.dce 6 • Planning Department 2. The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify, protect, hold harmless, and defend the City with Legal Counsel of the City's own selection from any and all claims, actions, awards, judgments, or proceedings against the City to attack, set aside, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from any action in furtherance of and the approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application. The City shall be deemed for purposes of this condition, to include any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, and agents. City shall promptly notify both the applicant and landowner of any claim, action, or proceeding to which this condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. The City reserves the right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense. 3. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this development plan. 4. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. 5. The Director of Planning may, upon an application being filed within thirty days prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to three one-year extensions of time, one year at a time. 6. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Department. 7. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Director. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Planning Director shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 8. All mechanical and roof equipment shall be fully screened from public view by being placed below the surrounding parapet wall. 9. Trash enclosures shall be provided to house all trash receptacles utilized on the site. 10. The construction landscape drawings shall indicate coordination and grouping of all utilities, which are to be screened from view per applicable City Codes and guidelines. HAHLC-PROJECTSWSS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOOPAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 7 • 11. If at any time during excavation/construction of the site, archaeological/cultural resources, or any artifacts or other objects which reasonably appears to be evidence of cultural or archaeological resource are discovered, the property owner shall immediately advise the City of such and the City shall cause all further excavation or other disturbance of the affected area to immediately cease. The Director of Planning at his/her sole discretion may require the property to deposit a sum of money it deems reasonably necessary to allow the City to consult and/or authorize an independent, fully qualified specialist to inspect the site at no cost to the City, in order to assess the significance of the find. Upon determining that the discovery is not an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Planning shall notify the property owner of such determination and shall authorize the resumption of work. Upon determining that the discovery is an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Planning shall notify the property owner that no further excavation or development may take place until a mitigation plan or other corrective measures have been approved by the Director of Planning. 12. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Planning Department staff, and return one signed set to the Planning Department for their files. 13. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 14. Lighting shall be consistent with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. • 15. The condition of approval specified in this resolution, to the extent specific items, materials, equipment, techniques, finishes or similar matters are specified, shall be deemed satisfied by staffs prior approval of the use or utilization of an item, material, equipment, finish or technique that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the condition of approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. Material Finish and Color Main Body texture and color Frazee Paint#8711 W"Misty Mica" Accent Color Frazee Paint#8713W"Kindling Wood" Accent Color Frazee Paint#8724W"Wildcat' Accents Slate Tile Awnings Metal 16. All conditions shall be complied with prior to any occupancy or use allowed by this Development Plan. Public Works 17. A Grading Permit for precise grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. . 18. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to H\FILC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPARI3-FILE-DOC\PAR13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 8 . commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. 19. All grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. Community Services 20. The trash enclosures shall be large enough to accommodate a recycling bin, as well as, regular solid waste containers. 21. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul construction debris. 22. The Applicant shall comply with the Public Art Ordinance. 23. All parkways, landscaping, fencing and on site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. Fire Department 24. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 25. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per CFC Appendix III.A, Table A-III-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 1500 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 850 GPM for a total fire flow of 2350 GPM with a 3 hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (CFC 903.2, Appendix III-A) 26. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix III-B, Table A-III-B-1. A minimum of 1 hydrants, in a combination of on-site and off-site (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 500 feet apart, at each intersection and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (CFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix III-B) 27. As required by the California Fire Code, when any portion of the facility is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. For this project on site fire hydrants are • required. (CFC 903.2) FI:\H LC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR I3-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.do 9 28. If construction is phased, each phase shall provide approved access and fire protection prior to any building construction. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2) . PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS H:\H LC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-1'ILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 10 Planning Department 29. Provide the Planning Department with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 30. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan, including the parking lot to the Planning Department, which meets the requirements of the Development Code and the Palomar Lighting Ordinance. The parking lot light standards shall be placed in such a way as to not adversely impact the growth potential of the parking lot trees. 31. A copy of the Grading Plan shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department. 32. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.24 of the Temecula Municipal Code (Habitat Conservation) by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that Ordinance or by providing documented evidence that the fees have already been paid. Public Works 33. A copy of the grading, improvement plans, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for approval prior to the issuance of any permit. 34. A permit from Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is required for work within their right-of-way. 35. A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. 36. The Developer shall post security and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. 37. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. 38. The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or private drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. The study shall also analyze and identify impacts to downstream properties and provide specific recommendations to protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of H:\HLC-PROJECFSW SS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.dm . downstream facilities, including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer. 39. NPDES - The project proponent shall implement construction-phase and post- construction pollution prevention measures consistent with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and City of Temecula (City) NPDES programs. Construction- phase measures shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) consistent with the City's Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance, the City's standard notes for Erosion and Sediment Control, and the SWRCB General Permit for Construction Activities. Post-construction measures shall be required of all Priority Development Projects as listed in the City's NPDES permit. Priority Development Projects will include a combination of structural and non-structural onsite source and treatment control BMPs to prevent contaminants from commingling with stormwater and treat all unfiltered runoff year-round prior to entering a storm drain. Construction-phase and post-construction BMPs shall be designed and included into plans for submittal to, and subject to the approval of, the City Engineer prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. The project proponent shall also provide proof of a mechanism to ensure ongoing long-term maintenance of all structural post-construction BMPs. 40. As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board b. Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District C. Planning Department d. Department of Public Works 41. The Developer shall comply with all constraints which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 42. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier's check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. • FC\HLC-PROJEC"FS\MSS-MADISON\PAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROV AL.doc 12 • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT • It\FILC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR13-PILE-DOC\PAR13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 13 • Planning Department 43. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate fling fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). b. Provide a minimum five foot wide planter to be installed at the perimeter of all parking areas. Curbs, walkways, etc. are not to infringe on this area. G. Provide an agronomic soils report with the construction landscape plans. d. One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. e. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). f. Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). g. A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted for approval, which details the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. 44. All utilities and light poles shall be shown and labeled on the landscape plans and appropriate screening shall be provided. A three-foot (3.0') clear zone shall be provided around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. 45. An appropriate method for screening the gas meters and other externally mounted utility equipment shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. 46. The Planning Director shall approve the Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans. 47. The construction plans shall indicate that all roof hatches shall be painted "International Orange'. 48. Provide a detail of the metal trellis on the construction plans to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 49. Provide a detail of the outside furniture proposed for the site on the construction plans to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. • 11\FILC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISON\PAR13-FILE-DOC\PAR13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doe 14 . Building Department 50. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2004 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy Code, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and the Temecula Municipal Code. 51. The City of Temecula has adopted an ordinance to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). Upon the adoption of this ordinance on March 31, 2003, this project will be subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance. The fees shall be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 03-01 and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 52. Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. 53. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 54. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. • 55. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. 56. All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998) 57. Second set of disabled parking Places shall be relocated to the southwest side of the building. 58. Provide house electrical meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire alarm systems. 59. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building Code Appendix 29. 60. Provide an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. 61. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on plans prior to permit issuance. 62. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. 63. Provide precise grading plan at plan check submittal to check accessibility for persons . with disabilities. H.\HLC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDI'rIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 15 64. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. 65. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls if not on the approved building plans, will require separate approvals and permits. 66. Show all building setbacks on plot plan. 67. Signage shall be posted conspicuously at the entrance to the project that indicates the hours of construction, shown below, as allowed by the City of Temecula Ordinance No. 94-25, specifically Section G (1) of Riverside County Ordinance No. 457.73, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. —6:30 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. —6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sunday or Government Holidays Public Works 68. Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: a. Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. b. Driveway shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No. 207A. C. All street and driveway centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees. 69. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. a. Street improvements, which may include, but not limited to: drive approach, b. Storm drain facilities C. Sewer and domestic water systems 70. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 71. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. 72. The Developer shall pay to the City the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.08. Fire Department H:\HLC-PROJEC'FS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDFI'IONSOFAPPRO V AL.doc 73. Prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved temporary Fire Department vehicle access roads for use until permanent roads are installed. Temporary Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface for 80,000 lbs. GVW. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2.2) 74. Prior to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface designed for 80,000 lbs. GVW with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. ( CFC sec 902) 75. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (CFC 902.2.2.1) 76. The gradient for a fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent. (CFC 902.2.2.6 Ord. 99-14) 77. Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (CFC 902.2.2.4) 78. Prior to building construction, this development shall have two (2) points of access, via all-weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. (CFC 902.2.1) 79, Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (CFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1) HAHLC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-F ILE-DOOPAR I 3-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 17 • • PRIOR TO BUILDING OCCUPANCY • HiHLC-PROJECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR I3-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOPAPPROVALAm 18 Planning Department 80. The property owner shall fully install all required landscaping and irrigation, and submit a landscape maintenance bond in a form and amount approved by the Planning Department for a period of one-year from the date of the first occupancy permit. 81. Prior to building occupancy, all site improvements including but not limited to parking areas and striping shall be installed. 82. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. Public Works 83. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. Rancho California Water District b. Eastern Municipal Water District C. Department of Public Works 84. All public improvements shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. 85. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. Community Services 86. The developer shall provide TCSD verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. Fire Department 87. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (CFC 901.4.3) 88. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, approved numbers or addresses shall be provided on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall be of a contrasting color to their background. Commercial, multi-family residential and industrial buildings shall have a minimum twelve (12) inches numbers with suite numbers a minimum of six (6) inches in size. All suites shall gave a minimum of six (6) inch high letters and/or numbers on both the front and rear doors. Single family residences and multi-family residential units shall have four (4) inch letters and /or numbers, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. (CFC 901.4.4) 89. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage • and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler H:\HLC-PROJEC'FS\MSS-MADISON\PARR-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 19 . system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10, CBC Chapter 9) 90. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10) 91. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the right side of the fire sprinkler riser door. (CFC 902.4) 92. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by fire fighting personnel. (CFC 902.4) 93. Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating Fire Lanes with appropriate lane painting and or signs. 94. Prior to the building final, speculative buildings capable of housing high-piled combustible stock, shall be designed with the following fire protection and life safety features: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class • and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department access roads. Buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions California Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. (CFC Article 81) 95. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, the developer/applicant shall be responsible for obtaining underground and/or aboveground tank permits for the storage of combustible liquids, flammable liquids or any other hazardous materials from both the County Health department and Fire Prevention Bureau.(CFC 7901.3 and 8001.3) 96. If there are changes to underlying maps then prior to map recordation the applicant shall submit to the Fire Prevention Bureau a georectified (pursuant to Riverside County standards) digital version of the map including parcel and street centerline information. The electronic file will be provided in a ESRI Arclnfo/ArcView compatible format and projected in a State Plane NAD 83 (California Zone VI ) coordinate system. The Bureau must accept the data as to completeness, accuracy and format prior to satisfaction of this condition. 97. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Code permit process and update any changes in the items and quantities approved as part of their Fire Code permit. These changes shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval per the Fire Code and is subject to inspection. (CFC 105) 98. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health and City Fire Department an update to the Hazardous Material • Inventory Statement and Fire Department Technical Report on file at the city, should any H\HLC-PROJECTS\.bISS-MADISON\PAR13-FILE-DOC\PAR13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 20 quantities used or stored onsite increase or should changes to operation introduce any additional hazardous material not listed in existing reports. (CFC Appendix II-E) By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant's Signature Date Applicant's Printed Name • H:\HLC-PROIECTS\MSS-MADISOMPAR 13-FILE-DOC\PAR 13-CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL.doc 21 Appendix B Vicinity Map and Site Plan v � u m E ' i '; s.Gv i 'i •� �s �r �t .�., '� 4 "Comf�'+�x iF®y9.� 'dy `t� fla � a P� �2 �' t "„ m+ '`'P a y l*t ciy j�e, ✓73} Ott ec,� i fir,� E v1,� �c`',�R I°✓ 6�Q��°r" €�200�N,3vleq�a.g �,`'�� ,�d-o� _ �,� � f�' ma 5neamloelllN(Il� t�la�°��. • PATH OF DISCHARGES 'o 1 .d91 WI amn _ - 5e _ �aS 6hC11EL19R 1AOUNpt 35-7 n nam R Jift3' .•�Yt i SRTON�AK � F �:�• \ "c/ � , Ranch[, , --ter . e _--. �5�f�ri Yy'a o .w.we' r "r Ranh NjYSPrs/ f F P yR Ft � Mu I i..t f h od Ifp •, \W a I- IN � � ri Wndml I, ;._ -] 1/ 1n ! �:.1.J "•= f�! 11�Y`', Y' C W naaW lee a0d1 co tJ -!h". r " -' Wt ` -�✓ SDo e6 0 30! - 1 fMOUNTAIN I 1 �I Ranalt \ I5 1G 4-- I J-i-ys ter L YER§tf!)IE COUNTY \ .r Jn DC F.lr Mors $AI•{ OTCOUNTYs, •WLL NO1.C,J:"S �:rCOtG4A0O/ }_ l' M 3� '4 1� R ntn. x, e2s 1 / t t ( l / J '.� a�iF R onrtal roG31„ I ) Vo Ic xfadF 'Ranch ' njr C9 tam .h'tmLWl I R.. t-{ na^n I `1::Nrnamn 1 / xPECHANGA 1 F �L IN'/-a.M1�t --L. 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M TH EE-QUARTERS TO ONE AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN SIZE, SHALL BE ,AREA 10,890 SF=0.25AC AREA 24,394SF=0.56AC � � �9,P- � -� '� T� - �� � � � PLACED IN THE TRENCH TO THE DEPTH AND GRADE REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION. ��- 1,7 INFILTRATION FRACTION 1=0.21125=0r84 INFILTRATION FRACTION 1=0.49/.56--0,88kD J 1 DIS RGE , CD ( f v AY LS 211'. ROOF S. "�,�RGE �� - , D _._.._ O'N T LA RSA ' � ��, �. VA- - _ INFILTRATION BASIN r-�" DRA/N - I ,E TC__ AN ; s 0 9 2' WIDE OPENING 3 _ 2 �r 0OF-D-RAIN DI c f �- 9 O.C. SCHARG f_1 DISCHARGE PANT' 1 BMP SUMMARY V =871 FT -242 FT r � �1� � Q�ITQ - � (�= a -.^_� BMP MP ,.� 1'c� LANDSCAPE \� --- -�,�h ,. AC PAVEMENT LS2 YEAR ---24 HR. STORM 10 YEAR --24 HR. STORM 100 YEAR -24 HR. STORK! VARIES d A BUT FL s PRE' POST PRE POST PRE POST ` �•� � � r\��� ;_ _ __� `� GRAVEL BED TO BE TOTALLY RUNOFF-CFS .03 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.13 . OVERED BY FILTER FABRIC ' } � 2►! SAND BED !, VELOCITY - :ter ' ro` `J 1$ NON-COMPACTED GRAVEL .fELOCI T Y FPS 0.31 1.83 0.39 2r 28 0.40 2.65 O D f VOLUME---CUBIC FT 286 880 845 1695 1889 2827 - j I r R OF l � L �� D A,� - ,: _ _�- PA GRABS INFILTRATION BASIN VOLUME-AC FT `� �, �I ��,� �� ) . 01 .02 .02 0.04 .04 0.06 r �__ /wc� _ srR00F '' ��=' "�" NOT TO SCALE _ f I c 4 � Roof ,, DRAIN DISCHARGE �,� �_ _ c� i', DtJRA TION MIN 810 7�i5 735 780 780 810 _ DR ONTO LANDSCAPE ` � Z f _ s r F ,�J �/`- -1. CRUSHED STONE, GRAVEL, OR SIMILAR FILTER MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE To THE A Y V =1742 FT =484 FT f ` / � -``-- CITY INSPECTOR AND HAVING ADEQUATE VOIDS, VARYING IN SIZE DISCHARGE POINT ` . <� _ / : 3 _ ��' FROM THREE--QUARTERS TO ONE AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN SIZE SHALL BE BMP BUP E_ ,b! , �,���j 1) , �, PLACED IN THE TRENCH TO THE DEPTH AND GRADE REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION. 2 YEAR --24 HR. STORM 10 YEAR -24 HR. STORM 100 YEAR -24 HR. STORM 1 LS PRE POST PRE POST PRE POST RUNOFF--CFS 0.06 0.09 0.14 0.18 0.27 0.30 C) 00 D INr i � Ro �� f o7- n VELOCITY - FPS 0.34 2.28 0.47 2.65 0.60 3.68 N SCI-` R E \r F ; ---_ __ .�Q - ' T �- y AP VOLUME-CUBIC FT 640 1971 1894 3797 4231 63311-t" D LS r Lf) - AC VOLUME-AC FT .01 .04 .04 f .,9 L- v , - HAM RAMP 4 DURA TION- MIN 810 810 810 780 780 780 j �.. : 9. r - \ C ' £� 1 L wl: r�} 11.. 1N DISCHARGE r c �_ I U < � r `1 In o O T-_d SCAPE -�-c' �� t \ s I �y ° � ,� � �, �Ti AB1 FILT' 1 NB E R T' � PA - Uotvil Eng%neer%ng ___ �: ,�- 28465 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET (951) 506-4869 (951) 506-4979 FAX �� �;1 - 4 60TC1 ABA INFI ,,�7 , 10LE �' ��, X. �, \ ,7.5 C, L Xr.�,• 4 ✓1J'FL_.J � �F f� ,,,, ._Tl�� �, � .� f, /i � ._..... SUITE315 �'] + v 2� ��` - ,i .i - ,- CF TO ALLOW TEMECULA, CA 92590 PREPAREO 11 f�1106 GRAPHIC SCALE ��' � � �`' 4 � 4 C) �1- 48.c rr�_ t ry ��� r, � ° �oF� � r ` %�` � WS TO DRAIN To BASIN. ZQ 1� 2Q �� ^��(' _.. / i-i-# , 5 ;�:L ( i r q L A Fi.y ! f' - t ,tit.•.-.• • • �. J�N if � n . . [x / •. , . . r.�.=-t.-ts-�.:-e• + . i-- .., / ..ram� �`�� v � +t+��t t t�} • •.���'_+�,�^,rs�r �\• r •r• ritr^.- + � \, l.'F L. ""' `r•• r.r r r-=.-,ter-, ,t• r.•r+r•• +'�r •C:+,'.v� ,r r ( t 'r 1 / r).. , •r r •r• •r•• r.rs \••'a r•r N • rR.1/ + Y _ Sri.--=-.-K•.tee, T 'rr•r. . r `+ram • t# # i 11 I P�, l,- � .. J fn• ti 3 f` `��.J� •r•t �1�t f f`�fy/ . • .. • r•r• * EXHIBIT A �-, .t4 t` t r�• `` / V L.� It`J Y Y r ��- i SCALE: 1 - 2 a r LL �'l1 -��_�__ ---____ _____ ... OUALITY �.. IFILTRATIO B I W�,E ��, --_____ - _�1 MA DIS ON A VENUE ASIN AREA=16'S ,, -_��__ -- INFILTRATION BASINPARCEL �. J-1 . .. - 1� � BASIN CAPACITY=t C `-`_ --_ -BA�rnr "_AREA=22oSF SHEET 1 OF 1 BASIN CAPACITY 100 CF PA05-0100 Appendix C Supporting Detail Related to Hydraulic Conditions of Concern PARCEL 13 PM 23561-1 DRAINAGE STUDY May 25,2006 Prepared For: MSS PROPERTIES. Prepared By: • HLC CIVIL ENGINEERING 28465 Old TOWN FRONT STREET Suite 315 Temecula,CA 92590 (951)506-4869 RCE STAMP EXP.6/30/06 o QpOFESSIONq� HECTOR y LUCIO CORREA � No.363C6 } CIVIL ENGINEERING 3 By. Hector .Corr a, R E 36306grE pF �UFOdt` DRAINAGE STUDY STUDY AREA The subject property consists of approximately 1 acre, located on the southwest corner of Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive The site is protected from off-site storm runoff by the master drainage system constructed for Parcel Map 23561-1 development. EXISTING DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The developments will not change existing drainage patterns and will discharge onsite flows to existing Madison Avenue that drains street flows into an existing 36-inch storm drain that discharges into Santa Gertudis Creek Concrete Channel. PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The on-site first flush storms flows will be collected via 24" catch basins with filter inserts and discharged into Madison and Buecking Drive using 3-3 inch drainage pipes having a flow capacity of 0.3cfs. Storms exceeding the pipes will flow via the driveways. See Calculations on next page • 10 YEAR DEVELOPED HYDROLOGY 3-INCH PVC DRAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- «««««««««««««««««««»»Y»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»> (C) Copyright 1982,1986 Advanced Engineering Software [AES] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Engineering Software [AES] SERIAL No. 106121 VER. 2.3C RELEASE DATE: 2/20/86 **—*++++DESCRIPTION OF RES[1LTS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * 3" PVC AT S=0.0100 »»PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) _ .250 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) _ .250 PIPE SLOPE(FEET/FEET) _ .0100 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .012000 »»> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) _ .10 USE 3-31NCH PVC PIPE FOR TOTAL FLOW OF 0.3CFS FOR FIRST FLUSH STORMS OF GRATER CAPACITY WILL FLOW VIA DRIVEWAY - 2 - 10 YEAR DEVELOPED HYDROLOGY =====-------------------------------------------------- RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1976 HYDROLOGY MANUAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C) Copyright 1982,1986 Advanced Engineering Software [AES] **********DESCRIPTION OF * PARCEL 13 10 YEAR STORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) 12.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ .90 10-YEAR STORM 10-MINUTE TNTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.360 10-YEAR STORM 60-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ .880 100-YEAR STORM 10-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.480 100-YEAR STORM 60-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.300 SLOPE OF 10-YEAR INTENSITY-DURATION CURVE _ .5505732 SLOPE OF 100-YEAR INTENSITY-DURATION CURVE _ .5495536 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1-HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = .8888 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE _ .5506 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED Advanced Engineering Software [AES] SERIAL No. 100971 VER. 3.3C RELEASE DATE: 2/20/86 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 2.00 IS CODE = 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< _ _____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TO = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 170.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1050.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 1048.85 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.15 TO = .303*[( 170.00**3)/( 1.15) ]**.2 = 6.423 10.00 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.042 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8769 - SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ .67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ .25 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ .67 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 3.00 IS CODE = 2 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< _______________ _ _ _ _______________________________________________ ___ - 3 - 10 YEAR DEVELOPED HYDROLOGY • ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K-[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE) ]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 350.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1050.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 1046.30 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.70 TC - .303*[( 350.00-*3)/( 3.70)]**.2 - 7.841 10.00 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.725 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8750 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.34 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ .56 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.34 ______________________________ _ _ END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS • • - 4 - 100 YEAR DEVELOPED HYDROLOGY • RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL - ««««««««««««««««««<O»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»> (C) Copyright 1982,1986 Advanced Engineering Software [AES] *'**'*****DESCRIPTION OF * PARCEL 13 100 YR STORM + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 12.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ .90 10-YEAR STORM 10-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.360 10-YEAR STORM 60-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ .880 100-YEAR STORM 10-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.460 100-YEAR STORM 60-MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) - 1.300 SLOPE OF 10-YEAR INTENSITY-DURATION CURVE _ .5505732 SLOPE OF 100-YEAR INTENSITY-DURATION CURVE _ .5495536 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1-HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.3000 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE _ .5496 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED Advanced Engineering Software [AES] SERIAL No. 100971 VER. 3.3C RELEASE DATE: 2/20/86 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 2.00 IS CODE = 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC - K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 170.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1050.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 1048.85 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.15 TC - .303*[ ( 170.00'*3)/( 1.15)]**.2 = 6.423 100.00 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 4.439 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8828 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ .98 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ .25 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ .98 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 3.00 IS CODE = 2 • --- -»RATIONAL-METHOD-INITIAL-SUBAREA ««-ANALYSIS < - ----------- ---------- - ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL - 5 - 100 YEAR DEVELOPED HYDROLOGY TO = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 350.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1050.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 1046.30 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.70 TO - .303*[( 350.00**3)/( 3.70))**.2 = 7.841 100.00 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.978 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8812 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.96 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ .56 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.96 __________ _ _ END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS • - 6 - DISCHARGE POINT I PRE-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR STORMS DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13X1242.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC S WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE CONSTRUCTION CONDITON 24 HOUR 2 YEAR STORM DISCHARGE POINT 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.25(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 155.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 70.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.029 Mi. • Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.013 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.00(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 102.1935 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.020 Lag time = 0.010 Hr. Lag time = 0.61 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.15 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.24 Min, Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1`2] 0.25 1.80 0.45 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.25 4.50 1.13 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 2.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 1.800(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 1.800(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0250 86.00 0.100 Total Area Entered = 0.25(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT I-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page l of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • 86.0 86.0 0.176 0.100 0.160 1.000 0.160 Sum (F) = 0.160 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.160 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.080 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve _ ----------------------------- _----- Unit Hydrograph Data ------------------------ ___ Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph % (CPS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 4957.443 100.000 0.252 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(Iu./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.018 0.281 0.016 0.00 2 1.00 0.70 0.025 0.274 0.023 0.00 3 1.50 0.60 0.022 0.268 0.019 0.00 4 2.00 0.70 0.025 0.261 0.023 0.00 5 2.50 0.80 0.029 0.255 0.026 0.00 6 3.00 1.00 0.036 0.249 0.032 0.00 7 3.50 1.00 0.036 0.243 0.032 0.00 8 4.00 1.10 0.040 0.237 0.036 0.00 9 4.50 1.30 0.047 0.231 0.042 0.00 10 5.00 1.50 0.054 0.225 0.049 0.01 • 11 5.50 1. 0 0.047 0.21 0.02 0.0 12 6.00 1.60 0.056 0.213 0.052 0.011 13 6.50 1.80 0.065 0208. 0.058 0.01 14 7.00 2.00 0.072 0.202 0.065 0.01 15 7.50 2.10 0.076 0.197 0.068 0.01 16 8.00 2.50 0.090 0.191 0.081 0.01 17 8.50 3.00 0.108 0.186 0.097 0.01 18 9.00 3.30 0.119 0.181 0.107 0.01 19 9.50 3.90 0.140 0.176 0.126 0.01 20 10.00 4.30 0.155 0.171 0.139 0.02 21 10.50 3.00 0.108 0.166 0.097 0.01 22 11.00 4.00 0.144 0.161 0.130 0.01 23 11.50 3.80 0.137 0.156 0.123 0.01 24 12.00 3.50 0.126 0.152 0.113 0.01 25 12.50 5.10 0.184 0.147 --- 0.04 26 13.00 5.70 0.205 0.143 --- 0.06 27 13.50 6.80 0.245 0.139 --- 0.11 28 14.00 4.60 0.166 0.134 --- 0.03 29 14.50 5.30 0.191 0.130 --- 0.06 30 15.00 5.10 0.184 0.126 --- 0.06 31 15.50 4.70 0.169 0.123 --- 0.05 32 16.00 3.80 0.137 0.119 --- 0.02 33 16.50 0.80 0.029 0.115 0.026 0.00 34 17.00 0.60 0.022 0.112 0.019 0.00 35 17.50 1.00 0.036 0.108 0.032 0.00 36 18.00 0.90 0.032 0.105 0.029 0.00 37 18.50 0.80 0.029 0.102 0.026 0.00 38 19.00 0.50 0.018 0.099 0.016 0.00 39 19.50 0.70 0.025 0.096 0.023 0.00 40 20.00 0.50 0.018 0.094 0.016 0.00 41 20.50 0.60 0.022 0.091 0.019 0.00 42 21.00 0.50 0.018 0.089 0.016 0.00 43 21.50 0.50 0.018 0.087 0.016 0.00 44 22.00 0.50 0.018 0.085 0.016 0.00 45 22.50 0.50 0.018 0.083 0.016 0.00 46 23.00 0.40 0.014 0.082 0.013 0.00 47 23.50 0.40 0.014 0.081 0.013 0.00 48 24.00 0.40 0.014 0.080 0.013 0.00 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 0.6 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.32(In) DISCHARGE POINT 1-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 times area 0.3(Ac.)/[(In)/(Ft.)7 = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.48(In) Total soil loss = 0.031(Ao.Ft) Total rainfall = 1.80(In) Flood volume = 285.9 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 1347.6 Cubic Feet ____________________________________________________________________ Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.027(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T 0 R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h ____________________________________________________________________ Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ( (CFS) ) _ ________________________________________________________ Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0000 0.00 Q I I I I 1+ 0 0.0000 0.00 Q I I 1 1 1+30 0.0001 0.00 Q 1 1 2+ 0 0.0001 0.00 Q I 2+30 0.0001 0.00 Q I 3+ 0 0.0002 0.00 Q I I 3+30 0.0002 0.00 QV 4+ 0 0.0002 0.00 QV 1 1 4+30 0.0003 0.00 QV 1 1 5+ 0 0.0003 0.00 Q V 1 1 5+30 0.0004 0.00 Q V 6+ 0 0.0005 0.00 Q V 6+30 0.0005 0.00 Q V I I 7+ 0 0.0006 0.00 Q V 1 1 7+30 0.0007 0.00 Q V I I 8+ 0 0.0008 0.00 Q V I I • 8+30 0.00 0.00 Q V I I I I 9+ 0 0.0010 10 0.00 Q v I I I I 9+30 0.0012 0.00 Q V I I 10+ 0 0.0013 0.00 Q v I I 10+30 0.0014 0.00 Q V I I I I 11+ 0 0.0016 0.00 Q VI I 1 1 11+30 0.0017 0.00 Q V 1 I 12+ 0 0.0018 0.00 Q V 12+30 0.0022 0.01 Q V 13+ 0 0.0029 0.02 Q V I 13+30 0.0040 0.03 Q V 1 14+ 0 0.0043 0.01 Q V 1 1 14+30 0.0049 0.02 Q V 1 15+ 0 0.0055 0.01 Q I V 1 15+30 0.0060 0.01 Q I I V 1 16+ 0 0.0062 0.00 Q 1 1 V 16+30 0.0062 0.00 Q V 17+ 0 0.0063 0.00 Q V 1 17+30 0.0063 0.00 Q I V 1 18+ 0 0.0063 0.00 Q V 1 18+30 0.0064 0.00 Q I I V 1 19+ 0 0.0064 0.00 Q V 1 19+30 0.0064 0.00 Q VI 20+ 0 0.0064 0.00 Q I VI 20+30 0.0064 0.00 Q I VI 21+ 0 0.0065 0.00 Q VI 21+30 0.0065 0.00 Q V1 22+ 0 0.0065 0.00 Q VI 22+30 0.0065 0.00 Q 1 VI 23+ 0 0.0065 0.00 Q 1 VI 23+30 0.0065 0.00 Q I I VI 24+ 0 0.0066 0.00 Q I I VI _______________________________________________________________________ DISCHARGE POINT I-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: 213X12410.out ++++++.................................................................I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - S/N 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format ------------------------------------- PRE CONSTRUCTION CONDITON 24 HOUR 10 YEAR DISCHARGE POINT 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.25(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 155.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centsoid = 70.00(2t.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.029 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.013 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.00(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 102.1935 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.020 Lag time = 0.010 Hr. Lag time = 0.61 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.15 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.24 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(.) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Raiu£all(In) [2] Weighting[1`2] 0.25 1.80 0.45 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Ared(AC.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.25 4.50 1.13 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 10.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.911(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 2.911(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.250 86.00 0.100 Total Area Entered = 0.25(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F ARCS AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT l-PRE-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Pagel of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 86.0 86.0 0.176 0.100 0.160 1.000 0.160 Sum (F) = 0.160 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.160 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.080 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph % (CFS) ---------------------------------------------------- -___ 1 0.500 4957.443 100.000 0.252 Sum = 100.000 Sum-- 0.252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.029 0.281 0.026 0.00 2 1.00 0.70 0.041 0.274 0.037 0.00 3 1.50 0.60 0.035 0.268 0.031 0.00 4 2.00 0.70 0.041 0.261 0.037 0.00 5 2.50 0.80 0.047 0.255 0.042 0.00 6 3.00 1.00 0.058 0.249 0.052 0.01 7 3.50 1.00 0.058 0.243 0.052 0.01 B 4.00 1.10 0.064 0.237 0.058 0.01 9 4.50 1.30 0.076 0.231 0.068 0.01 10 5.00 1.50 0.087 0.225 0.079 0.01 11 5.30 1.30 0.076 0.219 0.068 0.01 12 6.00 1.60 0.093 0.213 0.064 0.01 13 6.50 1.80 0.105 0.208 0.094 0.01 14 7.00 2.00 0.116 0.202 0.105 0.01 15 7.50 2.10 0.122 0.197 0.110 0.01 16 8.00 2.50 0.146 0.191 0.131 0.01 17 8.50 3.00 0.275 0.186 0.157 0.02 18 9.00 3.30 0.192 0.181 --- 0.01 19 9.50 3.90 0.227 0.176 --- 0.05 20 10.00 4.30 0.250 0.171 --- 0.08 21 10.50 3.00 0.175 0.166 --- 0.01 22 11.00 4.00 0.233 0.161 --- 0.07 23 11.50 3.80 0.221 0.156 --- 0.06 24 12.00 3.50 0.204 0.152 --- 0.05 25 12.50 5.10 0.297 0.147 --- 0.15 26 13.00 5.70 0.332 0.143 --- 0.19 27 13.50 6.80 0.396 0.139 --- 0.26 28 14.00 4.60 0.268 0.134 --- 0.13 29 14.50 5.30 0.309 0.130 --- 0.18 30 15.00 5.10 0.297 0.126 --- 0.17 31 15.50 4.70 0.274 0.123 --- 0.15 32 16.00 3.80 0.221 0.119 --- 0.10 33 16.50 0.80 0.047 0.115 0.042 0.00 34 17.00 0.60 0.035 0.112 0.031 0.00 35 17.50 1.00 0.058 0.108 0.052 0.01 36 18.00 0.90 0.052 0.105 0.047 0.01 37 18.50 0.80 0.047 0.102 0.042 0.00 38 19.00 0.50 0.029 0.099 0.026 0.00 39 19.50 0.70 0.041 0.096 0.037 0.00 40 20.00 0.50 0.029 0.094 0.026 0.00 41 20.50 0.60 0.035 0.091 0.031 0.00 42 21.00 0.50 0.029 0.089 0.026 0.00 43 21.50 0.50 0.029 0.087 0.026 0.00 44 22.00 0.50 0.029 0.085 0.026 0.00 45 22.50 0.50 0.029 0.083 0.026 0.00 96 23. 0 0.40 0.023 0.082 0.021 0.00 97 23.50 0.90 0.023 0.061 0.021 0.00 48 24.00 0.40 0.023 0.080 0.021 0.00 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 1.9 DISCHARGE POINT I-PRE-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.93(In) times area 0.3(Ac.)/[(In)/(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.98(In) Total soil loss = 0.041(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 2.91(In) Flood volume = 845.4 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 1796.1 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.065(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H 0 ❑ R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ( (CFS) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0000 0.00 Q 1 1+ 0 0.0001 0.00 Q 1+30 0.0001 0.00 Q 2+ 0 0.0002 0.00 Q 2+30 0.0002 0.00 Q 3+ 0 0.0003 0.00 Q I 3+30 0.0003 0.00 Q 4+ 0 0.0004 0.00 Q 4+30 0.0005 0.00 Q I 5+ 0 0.0006 0.00 QV 5+30 0.0006 0.00 QV 6+ 0 0.0007 0.00 QV 6+30 0.0008 0.00 QV 7+ 0 0.0010 0.00 QV • 7+30 0.001 0.00 Q V 6+ 0 0.0012 0.00 Q V I I I I 8+30 0.0014 0.00 Q V 9+ 0 0.0015 0.00 Q V 9+30 0.0021 0.01 Q V I 10+ 0 0.0029 0.02 Q v I 10+30 0.0030 0.00 Q V I ll+ 0 0.0037 0.02 Q V I 11+30 0.0044 0.02 Q VI 12+ 0 0.0050 0.01 Q v 12+30 0.0065 0.04 Q V 13+ 0 0.0085 0.05 Q V 13+30 0.0112 0.06 Q V 14+ 0 0.0126 0.03 Q I V 14+30 0.0144 0.04 Q I VI 1 15+ 0 0.0162 0.04 Q V 15+30 0.017E 0.04 Q V 16+ 0 0.0188 0.03 Q V 16+30 0.0189 0.00 Q V 17+ 0 0.0169 0.00 Q I I V 1 17+30 0.0190 0.00 Q I VI 18+ 0 0.0190 0.00 Q VI 18+30 0.0191 0.00 Q VI 19+ 0 0.0191 0.00 Q I I VI 19+30 0.0191 0.00 Q I VI 20+ 0 0.0192 0.00 Q I VI 20+30 0.0192 0.00 Q I VI 21+ 0 0.0192 0.00 Q I VI 21+30 0.0193 0.00 Q I VI 22+ 0 0.0193 0.00 Q I VI 22+30 0.0193 0.00 Q I VI 23+ 0 0.0194 0.00 Q VI 23+30 0.0194 0.00 Q VI 24+ 0 0.0194 0.00 Q I VI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 1-PRE-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Pale 3 of 3 .DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13X124100.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC 6 WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - S/N 367 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE CONSTRUCTION CONDITON 24 HOUR 100 YEAR DISCHARGE POINT 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.25(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 155.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 70.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.029 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.013 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.00(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 102.1935 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.020 Lag time = 0.010 Hr. Lag time = 0.61 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.15 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.24 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.25 1.80 0.45 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.25 4.50 1.13 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 4.500(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 4.500(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.250 86.00 0.100 Total Area Entered = 0.25(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F DISCHARGE POINT I-PRE-CONSTRUCTION IOOYR-24HR Page I of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) 86.0 86.0 0.176 0.100 0.160 1.000 0.160 Sum (F) - 0.160 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.160 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr) ) = 0.080 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --____ -------------------------'__--------------- Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph 4 (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 4957.443 100.000 0.252 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(I../Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.045 0.281 0.040 0.00 2 1.00 0.70 0.063 0.274 0.057 0.01 3 1.50 0.60 0.054 0.268 0.049 0.01 4 2.00 0.70 0.063 0.261 0.057 0.01 5 2.50 0.80 0.072 0.255 0.065 0.01 6 3.00 1.00 0.090 0.249 0.081 0.01 7 3.50 1.00 0.090 0.243 0.081 0.01 8 4.00 1.10 0.099 0.237 0.089 0.01 9 4.50 1.30 0.117 0.231 0.105 0.01 10 5.00 1.50 0.135 0.225 0.121 0.01 11 5.50 1.30 0.117 0.219 0.105 0.01 12 6.00 1.60 0.144 0.213 0.130 0.01 13 6.50 1.80 0.162 0.208 0.146 0.02 14 7.00 2.00 0.180 0.202 0.162 0.02 15 7.50 2.10 0.189 0.197 0.170 0.02 16 8.00 2.50 0.225 0.191 --- 0.03 17 8.50 3.00 0.270 0.186 --- 0.08 18 9.00 3.30 0.297 0.181 --- 0.12 19 9.50 3.90 0.351 0.176 --- 0.18 20 10.00 4.30 0.387 0.171 --- 0.22 21 10.50 3.00 0.270 0.166 --- 0.10 22 11.00 4.00 0.360 0.161 --- 0.20 23 11.50 3.80 0.342 0.156 --- 0.19 24 12.00 3.50 0.315 0.152 --- 0.16 25 12.50 5.10 0.459 0.147 --- 0.31 26 13.00 5.70 0.513 0.143 --- 0.37 27 13.50 6.80 0.612 0.139 --- 0.47 28 14.00 4.60 0.414 0.134 --- 0.28 29 14.50 5.30 0.477 0.130 --- 0.35 30 15.00 5.10 0.459 0.126 --- 0.33 31 15.50 4.70 0.423 0.123 --- 0.30 32 16.00 3.80 0.342 0.119 --- 0.22 33 16.50 0.80 0.072 0.115 0.065 0.01 34 17.00 0.60 0.054 0.112 0.049 0.01 35 17.50 1.00 0.090 0.108 0.081 0.01 36 18.00 0.90 0.081 0.105 0.073 0.01 37 18.50 0.80 0.072 0.102 0.065 0.01 38 19.00 0.50 0.045 0.099 0.040 0.00 39 19.50 0.70 0.063 0.096 0.057 0.01 40 20.00 0.50 0.045 0.094 0.040 0.00 41 20.50 0.60 0.054 0.091 0.049 0.01 42 21.00 0.50 0.045 0.089 0.040 0.00 43 21.50 0.50 0.045 0.067 0.040 0.00 44 22.00 0.50 0.045 0.085 0.040 0.00 45 22.50 0.50 0.045 0.083 0.040 0.00 46 23.00 0.40 0.036 0.082 0.032 0.00 47 23.50 0.40 0.036 0.081 0.032 0.00 48 24.00 0.40 0.036 0.080 0.032 0.00 DISCHARGE POINT I-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13-PA-05-100 sum = 100.0 sum - 4.2 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 2.08(In) times area 0.3(AC.)/((In)/(Ft.) ] - 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 2.42(In) Total soil loss = 0.050(AC.Ft) Total rainfall = 4.50(In) Flood volume = 1888.9 Cubic Feet Total sail loss = 2194.9 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.119(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r e g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0000 0.00 Q 1+ 0 0.0001 0.00 Q 1+30 0.0002 0.00 Q 2+ 0 0.0002 0.00 Q 2+30 0.0003 0.00 Q 3+ 0 0.0004 0.00 Q 3+30 0.0005 0.00 Q 4+ 0 0.0006 0.00 Q 4+30 0.0007 0.00 Q 5+ 0 0.0009 0.00 Q 5+30 0.0010 0.00 Q 6+ 0 0.0011 0.00 QV 6+30 0.0013 0.00 QV 7+ 0 1,1015 0.00 QV 7+30 0.0017 0.00 QV 8+ 0 0.0020 0.01 QV 8+30 0.0029 0.02 Q V I 9+ 0 0.0041 0.03 Q V I 9+30 0.0059 0.04 Q V I 10+ 0 0.0082 0.05 Q V I 10+30 0.0093 0.03 Q V I ill 0 0.0114 0.05 Q V I 11+30 0.0133 0.05 Q V I 12+ 0 0.0150 0.04 Q I V 12+30 0.0182 0.08 Q V 13+ 0 0.0221 0.09 Q V 13+30 0.0270 0.12 Q I V 14+ 0 0.0299 0.07 Q V 14+30 0.0333 0.09 Q V is+ 0 0.0370 0.08 Q V 1 15+30 0.0401 0.08 Q V 1 16+ 0 0.0425 0.06 Q 1 VI 16+30 0.0425 0.00 Q I VI 17+ 0 0.0426 0.00 Q 1 VI 17+30 0.0427 0.00 Q VI 18+ 0 0.0428 0.00 Q I VI 18+30 0.0428 0.00 Q I VI 19+ 0 0.0429 0.00 Q I VI 19+30 0.0430 0.00 Q I I VI 20+ 0 0.0430 0.00 Q I VI 20+30 0.0431 0.00 Q I VI 21+ 0 0.0431 0.00 Q VI 21+30 0.0432 0.00 Q VI 22+ 0 0.0432 0.00 Q VI 22+30 0.0433 0.00 Q I VI 23+ 0 0.0433 0.00 Q VI 23+30 0.0433 0.00 Q VI 24+ 0 0.0434 0.00 Q 1 1 1 V _________________ • DISCHARGE POINT I-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT I POST-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR STORMS _ 8 _ DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13D1242.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - S/N 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (iu-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 HOUR STORM DISCHARGE DISCHARGE POINT 1 2 YEAR STORM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.25(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 184.00(Bt.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 70.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.035 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.013 Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.15(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 33.0000 Ft./Mi. Average Marring's 'N' = 0.015 Lag time = 0.010 Hr. Lag time = 0.60 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.15 Min. 40% 0£ lag time = 0.24 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1`2] 0.25 1.80 0.45 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.25 4.50 1.13 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 2.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 1.800(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 1.800(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.250 56.00 0.900 Total Area Entered - 0.25(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT I-POST-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 1 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • 56.0 56.0 0.511 0.900 0.097 1.000 0.097 Sum (F) = 0.097 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.097 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.049 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.260 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph 8 (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 4995.959 100.000 0.252 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.018 0.170 0.005 0.01 2 1.00 0.70 0.025 0.166 0.007 0.02 3 1.50 0.60 0.022 0.163 0.006 0.02 4 2.00 0.70 0.025 0.159 0.007 0.02 5 2.50 0.80 0.029 0.155 0.007 0.02 6 3.00 1.00 0.036 0.151 0.009 0.03 7 3.50 1.00 0.036 0.147 0.009 0.03 8 4.00 1.10 0.040 0.144 0.010 0.03 9 4.50 1.30 0.047 0.140 0.012 0.03 10 5.00 1.50 0.054 0.137 0.014 0.04 11 5.50 1. 0 0.0 0.13 0.012 0.03 12 6.00 1.60 0.058 56 0.130 0.015 0.09 13 6.50 1.80 0.065 0.126 0.017 0.05 14 7.00 2.00 0.072 0.123 0.019 0.05 15 7.50 2.10 0.076 0.119 0.020 0.06 16 8.00 2.50 0.090 0.116 0.023 0.07 17 8.50 3.00 0.108 0.113 0.028 0.08 18 9.00 3.30 0.119 0.110 --- 0.01 19 9.50 3.90 0.140 0.107 --- 0.03 20 10.00 4.30 0.155 0.104 --- 0.05 21 10.50 3.00 0.108 0.101 --- 0.01 22 11.00 4.00 0.144 0.098 --- 0.05 23 11.50 3.80 0.137 0.095 --- 0.04 24 12.00 3.50 0.126 0.092 --- 0.03 25 12.50 5.10 0.184 0.089 --- 0.09 26 13.00 5.70 0.205 0.087 --- 0.12 27 13.50 6.80 0.245 0.084 --- 0.16 28 14.00 4.60 0.166 0.082 --- 0.08 29 14.50 5.30 0.191 0.079 --- 0.11 30 15.00 5.10 0.184 0.077 --- 0.11 31 15.50 4.70 0.169 0.074 --- 0.09 32 16.00 3.80 0.137 0.072 --- 0.06 33 16.50 0.80 0.029 0.070 0.007 0.02 34 17.00 0.60 0.022 0.068 0.006 0.02 35 17.50 1.00 0.036 0.066 0.009 0.03 36 18.00 0.90 0.032 0.064 0.008 0.02 37 18.50 0.80 0.029 0.062 0.007 0.02 38 19.00 0.50 0.018 0.060 0.005 0.01 39 19.50 0.70 0.025 0.059 0.007 0.02 40 20.00 0.50 0.016 0.057 0.005 0.01 41 20.50 0.60 0.022 0.055 0.006 0.02 42 21.00 0.50 0.018 0.054 0.005 0.01 43 21.50 0.50 0.018 0.053 0.005 0.01 44 22.00 0.50 0.018 0.052 0.005 0.01 45 22.50 0.50 0.018 0.051 0.005 0.01 • 46 23. 0 0. 0 0.014 1,051 0.004 0.01 97 23.50 0.40 0.019 0.04999 0.009 0.01 48 24.00 0.40 0.014 0.049 0.004 0.01 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 1.9 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.97(In) DISCHARGE POINT I-POST-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • times area 0.3(Ac.)/I(In)/(Ft.) ] - 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss 0.83(In) Total soil loss = 0.017(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 1.80(In) Flood volume = 880.0 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 753.5 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.040(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------Y--g-P ___------____--- H dro ra h in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) ---------------- __------____---------- Time(h+m) volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0001 0.00 Q 1+ 0 0.0003 0.00 Q 1+30 0.0005 0.00 Q 2+ 0 0.0007 0.00 QV 2+30 0.0009 0.01 QV 3+ 0 0.0012 0.01 Q v 3+30 0.0015 0.01 Q v 4+ 0 0.0018 0.01 Q V I 4+30 0.0021 0.01 Q v I 5+ 0 0.0026 0.01 Q V I 5+30 0.0029 0.01 Q v I 6+ 0 0.0034 0.01 4 v I 6+30 0.0039 0.01 Q V I 7+ 0 0.0044 0.01 Q V I 7+30 0.0050 0.01 Q VI 8+ 0 0.0057 0.02 Q V . 8+30 0.0065 0.02 4 I V I 9+ 0 0.0066 0.00 4 I v I I I 9+30 0.0070 0.01 Q I `/ I 10+ 0 0.0075 0.01 Q I `/ I 10+30 0.0076 0.00 Q I V I ll+ 0 0.0081 0.01 Q v I 11+30 0.0085 0.01 Q v I 12+ 0 0.0088 0.01 Q V I 12+30 0.0098 0.02 Q VI 1 13+ 0 0.0111 0.03 Q V 13+30 0.0127 0.04 Q V 14+ 0 0.0136 0.02 Q V 14+30 0.0148 0.03 Q VI 15+ 0 0.0159 0.03 4 V 15+30 0.0169 0.02 Q I V 16+ 0 0.0175 0.02 Q I v 16+30 0.0178 0.01 Q V 17+ 0 0.0179 0.00 Q V 17+30 0.0182 0.01 Q v 18+ 0 0.0185 0.01 Q V 18+30 0.0187 0.01 Q `/ 19+ 0 0.0188 0.00 Q v l 19+30 0.0190 0.00 Q v l 20+ 0 0.0191 0.00 Q V 20+30 0.0193 0.00 Q V I 21+ 0 0.0195 0.00 Q v 1 21+30 0.0196 0.00 Q V I 22+ 0 0.0197 0.00 Q VI 22+30 0.0199 0.00 Q VI 23+ 0 0.0200 0.00 Q VI 23+30 0.0201 0.00 Q I VI 24+ 0 0.0202 0.00 Q I v ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 1-POST-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r e g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: 213012410.out +++++++++++++++++++++++f++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------"_----------------------- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method ICES & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 --- ------------------------ _----------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format -----------------------------------------'_--------_---_------------- 24 HOUR STORM DISCHARGE DISCHARGE POINT 1 10 YEAR STORM --------------------------------- ---------------- - -- Drainage Area = 0.25(Ac.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 184.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 70.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.035 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.013 Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.15(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 33.0000 Ft./Mi. Average Morning's 'N' = 0.015 Lag time = 0.010 Hr. Lag time = 0.60 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.15 Min. 40% 0£ lag time = 0.24 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.25 1.80 0.45 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfa11(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.25 4,50 1.13 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 10.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.911(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted average point rain = 2.911(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious & 0.250 56.00 0.900 Total Area Entered = 0.25(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) 56.0 56.0 0.511 0.900 0.097 1.000 0.097 Sum (F) = 0.097 DISCHARGE POINT 1-POST-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page l of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.097 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr) ) = 0.049 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.260 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph % (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 4995.959 100.000 0.252 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.029 0.170 0.008 0.02 2 1.00 0.70 0.041 0.166 0.011 0.03 3 1.50 0.60 0.035 0.163 0.009 0.03 4 2.00 0.70 0.041 0.159 0.011 0.03 5 2.50 0.80 0.047 0.155 0.012 0.03 6 3.00 1.00 0.058 0.151 0.015 0.04 7 3.50 1.00 0.058 0.147 0.015 0.04 8 4.00 1.10 0.064 0.144 0.017 0.05 9 4.50 1.30 0.076 0.140 0.020 0.06 10 5.00 1.50 0.087 0.137 0.023 0.06 11 5.50 1.30 0.076 0.133 0.020 0.06 12 6.00 1.60 0.093 0.130 0.024 0.07 13 6.50 1.80 0.111 0.116 0.027 0.08 14 7.00 2.00 0.116 0.123 0.030 0.09 15 7.50 2.10 0.122 0.119 0.00 16 8.00 2.50 0.146 0.116 0.03 17 8.50 3.00 0.175 0.113 --- 0.06 18 9.00 3.30 0.192 0.110 --- 0.08 19 9.50 3.90 0.227 0.107 --- 0.12 20 10.00 4.30 0.250 0.104 --- 0.15 21 10.50 3.00 0.175 0.101 --- 0.07 22 11.00 4.00 0.233 0.098 --- 0.14 23 11.50 3.80 0.221 0.095 --- 0.13 24 12.00 3.50 0.204 0.092 --- 0.11 25 12.50 5.10 0.297 0.089 --- 0.21 26 13.00 5.70 0.332 0.087 --- 0.25 27 13.50 6.80 0.396 0.084 --- 0.31 28 14.00 4.60 0.268 0.082 --- 0.19 29 14.50 5.30 0.309 0.079 --- 0.23 30 15.00 5.10 0.297 0.077 --- 0.22 31 15.50 4.70 0.274 0.074 --- 0.20 32 16.00 3.80 0.221 0.072 --- 0.15 33 16.50 0.80 0.047 0.070 0.012 0.03 34 17.00 0.60 0.035 0.068 0.009 0.03 35 17.50 1.00 0.058 0.066 0.015 0.04 36 18.00 0.90 0.052 0.064 0.014 0.04 37 18.50 0.80 0.047 0.062 0.012 0.03 38 1900. 0.50 0.029 0.060 0.008 0.02 39 19.50 0.70 0.041 0.059 0.011 0.03 40 20.00 0.50 0.029 0.057 0.008 0.02 41 20.50 0.60 0.035 0.055 0.009 0.03 42 21.00 0.50 0.029 0.054 0.008 0.02 43 21.50 0.50 0.029 0.053 0.008 0.02 44 22.00 0.50 0.029 0.052 0.008 0.02 45 22.50 0.50 0.029 0.051 0.008 0.02 46 23.00 0.40 0.023 0.050 0.006 0.02 47 23.50 0.40 0.023 0.049 0.006 0.02 48 24.00 0.40 0.023 0.049 0.006 0.02 • Sum = 100.0 Sum = 3.7 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.67(In) times area 0.3(Ac.)/[(In)/(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.04(In) DISCHARGE POINT I-POST-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 Total soil loss = 0.022(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 2.91(In) Flood Volume = 1695.3 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 946.3 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.079(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0002 0.01 Q 1+ 0 0.0005 0.01 Q 1+30 0.0008 0.01 Q 2+ 0 0.0011 0.01 QV 2+30 0.0015 0.01 QV 3+ 0 0.0019 0.01 QV I 3+30 0.0024 0.01 Q V I 4+ 0 0.0029 0.01 Q V I I 4+30 0.0035 0.01 Q V 5+ 0 0.0041 0.02 Q V I 5+30 0.0047 0.01 Q V I I I 6+ 0 0.0054 0.02 Q V I I I 6+30 0.0062 0.02 Q V I I 7+ 0 0.0071 0.02 Q V I I 7+30 0.0072 0.00 Q V I I 8+ 0 0.0075 0.01 Q V I I I 8+30 0.0081 0.02 Q V I 9+ 0 0.0090 0.02 Q VI 9+30 0.0102 0.03 Q V I 10+ 0 0.011717 0.04 Q V I I I 10+30 0.0125 0.02 Q I V I ill 0 0.0139 0.03 Q I V I I 11+30 0.0152 0.03 Q V I 12+ 0 0.0164 0.03 Q V I 12+30 0.0186 0.05 Q I VI 13+ 0 0.0211 0.06 Q V 13+30 0.0244 0.06 Q I V I 14+ 0 0.0263 0.05 Q I V 1 1 14+30 0.0287 0.06 Q I VI 1 15+ 0 0.0310 0.06 Q I V 1 15+30 0.0331 0.05 Q V 1 16+ 0 0.0346 0.04 Q V 1 16+30 0.0350 0.01 Q V 1 17+ 0 0.0352 0.01 Q V 1 17+30 0.0357 0.01 Q I V I 18+ 0 0.0361 0.01 Q V 1 18+30 0.0364 0.01 Q V 1 19+ 0 0.0367 0.01 Q V 1 19+30 0.0370 0.01 Q I V 1 20+ 0 0.0372 0.01 Q I V 1 20+30 0.0375 0.01 Q I V 1 21+ 0 0.0377 0.01 Q V 1 21+30 0.0379 0.01 Q V 1 22+ 0 0.0382 0.01 Q I VI 22+30 0.0384 0.01 Q I VI 23+ 0 0.0386 0.00 Q I VI 23+30 0.0387 0.00 Q I I VI 24+ 0 0.0389 0.00 Q I I V ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT I-POST-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT I POST-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13-PA-05-100 • U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: F13D124100.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC 6 WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 ------------------ ---- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format ------------------------------------------------------ --_- 24 HOUR STORM DISCHARGE DISCHARGE POINT 2 100 YEAR STORM ------------------------------------------------ --- Drainage Area = 0.25(Ac.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 184.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 70.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.035 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.013 Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.15(Ft.) r Slope along watercourse = 33.0000 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Lag time = 0.010 Hr. Lag time = 0.60 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.15 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.24 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.25 1.80 0.45 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [l] Rainfall(In) [2] Wsighting[1*2] 0.25 4.50 1.13 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall - 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 4.500(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 4.500(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.250 56.00 0.900 Total Area Entered = 0.25(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/IIr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT I-POST-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page 1 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 56.0 56.0 0.511 0.900 0.097 1.000 0.097 Sum (F) = 0.097 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.097 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.049 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.260 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------'_'_--------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph % (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 4995.959 100.000 0.252 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.252 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.045 0.170 0.012 0.03 2 1.00 0.70 0.063 0.166 0.016 0.05 3 1.50 0.60 0.054 0.163 0.014 0.04 4 2.00 0.70 0.063 0.159 0.016 0.05 5 2.50 0.80 0.072 0.155 0.019 0.05 6 3.00 1.00 0.090 0.151 0.023 0.07 7 3.50 1.00 0.090 0.147 0.023 0.07 8 4.00 1.10 0.099 0.144 0.026 0.07 9 4.50 1.30 0.117 0.140 0.030 0.09 10 5.00 1.50 0.135 0.137 0.035 0.10 11 5.50 1.30 0.117 0.133 0.030 0.09 12 6. 0 1. 0 0.1 0.1 0.0 --- 13 6.50 1.80 0.162 62 0.126 26 0.094 14 7.00 2.00 0.180 0.123 0.06 15 7.50 2.10 0.189 0.119 --- 0.07 16 8.00 2.50 0.225 0.116 --- 0.11 17 8.50 3.00 0.270 0.113 --- 0.16 18 9.00 3.30 0.297 0.110 --- 0.19 19 9.50 3.90 0.351 0.107 --- 0.24 20 10.00 4.30 0.387 0.104 --- 0.28 21 10.50 3.00 0.270 0.101 --- 0.17 22 11.00 4.00 0.360 0.098 --- 0.26 23 11.50 3.80 0.342 0.095 --- 0.25 24 12.00 3.50 0.315 0.092 --- 0.22 25 12.50 5.10 0.459 0.089 --- 0.37 26 13.00 5.70 0.513 0.087 --- 0.43 27 13.50 6.30 0.612 0.084 --- 0.53 28 14.00 4.60 0.414 0.082 --- 0.33 29 14.50 5.30 0.477 0.079 --- 0.40 30 15.00 5.10 0.459 0.077 --- 0.38 31 15.50 4.70 0.423 0.074 --- 0.35 32 16.00 3.80 0.342 0.072 --- 0.27 33 16.50 0.80 0.072 0.070 --- 0.00 34 17.00 0.60 0.054 0.068 0.014 0.04 35 17.50 1.00 0.090 0.066 --- 0.02 36 18.00 0.90 0.081 0.064 --- 0.02 37 18.50 0.80 0.072 0.062 --- 0.01 38 19.00 0.50 0.045 0.060 0.012 0.03 39 19.50 0.70 0.063 0.059 --- 0.00 40 20.00 0.50 0.043 0.057 0.012 0.03 41 20.50 0.60 0.054 0.055 0.014 0.04 42 21.00 0.50 0.045 0.054 0.012 0.03 43 21.50 0.50 0.045 0.053 0.012 0.03 44 22.00 0.50 0.045 0.052 0.012 0.03 45 22.50 0.50 0.045 0.051 0.012 0.03 46 23.00 0.40 0.036 0.050 0.009 0.03 47 23.50 0.40 0.036 0.049 0.009 0.03 48 24.00 0.40 0.036 0.049 0.009 0.03 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 6.2 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 3.11(In) DISCHARGE POINT I-POST-CONSTRUCTION IOOYR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 1 POST-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 times area 0.3(Ac.)/C(In)/(Ft.)] = 0.1(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.39(In) Total soil loss = 0.029(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 4.50(I.) Flood volume = 2826.7 Cubic Feet Total soil loss 1257.1 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.133(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0003 0.01 Q 1+ 0 0.0008 0.01 Q 1+30 0.0012 0.01 Q 2+ 0 0.0017 0.01 QV 2+30 0.0023 0.01 Tv I 3+ 0 0.0030 0.02 QV I I I 3+30 0.0037 0.02 Q v I I 4+ 0 0.0044 0.02 Q V I I 4+30 0.0053 0.02 Q V I I 5+ 0 0.0064 0.03 Q V I I 5+30 0.0073 0.02 Q V I I I 6+ 0 0.0074 0.00 Q V I I I 6+30 0.0078 0.01 Q V I I 7+ 0 0.0084 0.01 Q V I I 7+30 0.0091 0.02 Q V I 6+ 0 0.0103 0.03 Q V I 8+30 0.01 0.0 Q V I I I 9+ 0 0.0138 38 0.05 Q V I I I I 9+30 0.0164 0.06 Q v 10+ 0 0.0193 0.07 Q V 10+30 0.0211 0.04 Q I V I 11+ 0 0.0238 0.07 Q I V I I 11+30 0.0264 0.06 Q v I 12+ 0 0.0287 0.06 Q V I 12+30 0.0326 0.09 Q V 13+ 0 0.0370 0.11 Q V I 13+30 0.0425 0.13 Q 1 1 v 1 1 14+ 0 0.0460 0.08 Q V I 14+30 0.0501 0.10 Q V 15+ 0 0.0541 0.10 Q 1 1 1 V 15+30 0.0577 0.09 Q I v 16+ 0 0.0605 0.07 Q V 16+30 0.0606 0.00 Q V 17+ 0 0.0610 0.01 Q I V 1 17+30 0.0612 0.01 Q 1 1 1 v 1 18+ 0 0.0614 0.00 Q V 1 18+30 0.0615 0.00 Q V 19+ 0 0.0619 0.01 Q v 1 19+30 0.0619 0.00 Q v 1 20+ 0 0.0623 0.01 Q v 1 20+30 0.0627 0.01 Q V 1 21+ 0 0.0630 0.01 Q V I 21+30 0.0634 0.01 Q I VI 22+ 0 0.0637 0.01 Q I I VI 22+30 0.0641 0.01 Q VI 23+ 0 0.0643 0.01 Q VI 23+30 0.0646 0.01 Q VI 24+ 0 0.0649 0.01 Q I VI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 1-POST-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR STORMS - 9 - DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13X2242.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.....I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC S WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR 2 YEAR STORM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.56(Ac.) = 0.001 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 200.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 100.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.038 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid 0.019 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.00(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 79.2000 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.020 Lag time = 0.013 Hr. Lag time = 0.80 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.20 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.32 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow - 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.56 1.80 1.01 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [l] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.56 4.50 2.52 STORM EVENT (YEAR) - 2.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) - 1.800(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted average point rain = 1.800(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious 8 0.560 86.00 0.100 Total Area Entered = 0.56(Ac.) • RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj- Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 1 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • 86.0 86.0 0.176 0.100 0.160 1.000 0.160 Sum (F) = 0.160 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.160 Minimum soil loss rate ( (In/Hr)) = 0.080 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph 8 (CPS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 3743.665 100.000 0.564 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.018 0.281 0.016 0.00 2 1.00 0.70 0.025 0.274 0.023 0.00 3 1.50 0.60 0.022 0.268 0.019 0.00 4 2.00 0.70 0.025 0.261 0.023 0.00 5 2.50 0.80 0.029 0.255 0.026 0.00 6 3.00 1.00 0.036 0.249 0.032 0.00 7 3.50 1.00 0.036 0.243 0.032 0.00 8 4.00 1.10 0.040 0.237 0.036 0.00 9 4.50 1.30 0.047 0.231 0.042 0.00 10 5.00 1.50 0.054 0.225 0.049 0.01 11 5.50 1.30 0.047 0.219 0.042 0.00 12 6.00 1.60 0.058 0.213 0.052 0.01 13 6.50 1.80 0.065 0.208 0.058 0.01 14 7.00 2.00 0.072 0.202 0.065 0.01 15 7.50 2.10 0.076 0.197 0.068 0.01 16 8.00 2.50 0.090 0.191 0.081 0.01 17 8.50 3.00 0.108 0.186 0.097 0.01 18 9.00 3.30 0.119 0.181 0.107 0.01 19 9.50 3.90 0.140 0.176 0.126 0.01 20 10.00 4.30 0.155 0.171 0.139 0.02 21 10.50 3.00 0.108 0.166 0.097 0.01 22 i1.00 4.00 0.144 0.161 0.130 0.01 23 11.50 3.80 0.137 0.136 0.123 0.01 24 12.00 3.30 0.126 0.152 0.113 0.01 25 12.50 5.10 0.184 0.147 --- 0.04 26 13.00 5.70 0.205 0.143 --- 0.06 27 13.50 6.80 0.245 0.139 --- 0.11 28 14.00 4.60 0.166 0.134 --- 0.03 29 14.50 3.30 0.191 0.130 --- 0.06 30 15.00 5.10 0.184 0.126 --- 0.06 31 15.50 4.70 0.169 0.123 --- 0.05 32 16.00 3.80 0.137 0.119 --- 0.02 33 16.50 0.80 0.029 0.115 0.026 0.00 34 17.00 0.60 0.022 0.112 0.019 0.00 35 17.50 1.00 0.036 0.108 0.032 0.00 36 18.00 0.90 0.032 0.105 0.029 0.00 37 18.50 0.80 0.029 0.102 0.026 0.00 38 19.00 0.50 0.018 0.099 0.016 0.00 39 19.50 0.70 0.025 0.096 0.023 0.00 40 20.00 0.30 0.018 0.094 0.016 0.00 41 20.50 0.60 0.022 0.091 0.019 0.00 42 21.00 0.50 0.018 0.089 0.016 0.00 43 21.50 0.50 0.018 0.087 0.016 0.00 44 22.00 0.50 0.018 0.085 0.016 0.00 45 22.50 0.50 0.018 0.083 0.016 0.00 46 23.00 0.40 0.014 0.082 0.013 0.00 47 23.50 0.40 0.014 0.081 0.013 0.00 is 48 24.00 0.40 0.014 0.080 0.013 0.00 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 0.6 DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.32(In) times area 0.6(Ac.)/((In)/(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.48(In) Total sail loss = 0.069(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 1.80(In) Flood volume = 640.3 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 3018.6 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak £low rate of this hydrograph = 0.060(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T 0 R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0000 0.00 Q I I 1+ 0 0.0001 0.00 Q 1 1 1+30 0.0002 0.00 Q 1 1 2+ 0 0.0002 0.00 Q 2+30 0.0003 0.00 Q 3+ 0 0.0004 0.00 Q I 3+30 0.0004 0.00 QV I 4+ 0 0.0005 0.00 QV 4+30 0.0006 0.00 QV 5+ 0 0.0008 0.00 Q V 5+30 0.0009 0.00 Q V 6+ 0 0.0010 0.00 Q V 6+30 0.0012 0.00 Q V I I 7+ 0 0.0013 0.00 Q v I I 7+30 0.0115 0.00 Q V I I 8+ 0 0.0017 0.01 4 V I I 8+30 0.002020 0.01 4 v I I I I 9+ 0 0.0023 0.01 Q V I 9+30 0.0026 0.01 Q V I 10+ 0 0.0029 0.01 Q V I 10+30 0.0032 0.01 Q V I 11+ 0 0.0035 0.01 Q VI 11+30 0.0038 0.01 Q V 12+ 0 0.0041 0.01 Q V 12+30 0.0050 0.02 Q V 13+ 0 0.0064 0.04 Q I V I 13+30 0.0089 0.06 Q I V 14+ 0 0.0096 0.02 Q V 14+30 0.0111 0.03 Q V 15+ 0 0.0124 0.03 Q V 15+30 0.0135 0.03 Q V 16+ 0 0.0139 0.01 Q V 16+30 0.0140 0.00 Q V 1 17+ 0 0.0140 0.00 Q V 1 17+30 0.0141 0.00 Q V 18+ 0 0.0142 0.00 Q V 18+30 0.0142 0.00 Q V 19+ 0 0.0143 0.00 Q V 1 19+30 0.0143 0.00 Q I VI 20+ 0 0.0144 0.00 Q VI 20+30 0.0144 0.00 Q v1 21+ 0 0.0145 0.00 Q I VI 21+30 0.0145 0.00 Q I VI 22+ 0 0.0146 0.00 Q I VI 22+30 0.0146 0.00 Q I VI 23+ 0 0.0146 0.00 Q I v1 23+30 0.0147 0.00 Q I VI 24+ 0 0.0147 0.00 Q I VI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • U n i t H y d r e g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13X22410.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR 10 YEAR STORM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.56(Ac.) = 0.001 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 200.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid 100.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.038 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.019 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.00(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 79.2000 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.020 Lag time 0.013 Hr. Lag time = 0.80 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.20 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.32 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flaw = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(Io) [2] Weighting[1'2] 0.56 1.80 1.01 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [l] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.56 4.50 2.52 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 10.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.911(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 2.911(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.560 86.00 0.100 Total Area Entered = 0.56(Ac.) • RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) 86.0 86.0 0.176 0.100 0.160 1.000 0.160 DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION I OYR-24HR Page 1 of') DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 Sum (F) = 0.160 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.160 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.080 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve ------------------- _--------___------------------------ ❑nit Hydrograph Data ------------------------------------- Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph 8 (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 3743.665 100.000 0.564 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.029 0.281 0.026 0.00 2 1.00 0.70 0.041 0.274 0.037 0.00 3 1.50 0.60 0.035 0.268 0.031 0.00 4 2.00 0.70 0.041 0.261 0.037 0.00 5 2.50 0.80 0.047 0.255 0.042 0.00 6 3.00 1.00 0.053 0.249 0.052 0.01 7 3.50 1.00 0.058 0.243 0.052 0.01 8 4.00 1.10 0.064 0.237 0.058 0.01 9 4.50 1.30 0.076 0.231 0.068 0.01 10 5.00 1.50 0.087 0.225 0.079 0.01 11 5.50 1.30 0.076 0.219 0.068 0.01 12 6.00 1.60 0.093 0.213 0.084 0.01 13 6.50 1.80 0.105 0.208 0.094 0.01 14 7.00 2.00 0.116 0.202 0.105 0.01 15 7.50 2.10 0.122 0.197 0.110 0.01 16 8.00 2.50 0.146 0.191 0.131 0.01 17 8.50 3.00 0.175 0.186 0.157 0.02 18 9.00 3.30 0.192 0.181 --- 0.01 19 9.50 3.90 0.227 0.176 --- 0.05 20 10.00 4.30 0.250 0.171 --- 0.08 21 10.50 3.00 0.175 0.166 --- 0.01 22 11.00 4.00 0.233 0.161 --- 0.07 23 11.50 3.80 0.221 0.156 --- 0.06 24 12.00 3.50 0.204 0.152 --- 0.05 25 12.50 5.10 0.297 0.147 --- 0.15 26 13.00 5.70 0.332 0.143 --- 0.19 27 13.50 6.80 0.396 0.139 --- 0.26 28 14.00 4.60 0.268 0.134 --- 0.13 29 14.50 5.30 0.309 0.130 --- 0.18 30 15.00 5.10 0.297 0.126 --- 0.17 31 15.50 4.70 0.274 0.123 --- 0.15 32 16.00 3.80 0.221 0.119 --- 0.10 33 16.50 0.80 0.047 0.115 0.042 0.00 34 17.00 0.60 0.035 0.112 0.031 0.00 35 17.50 1.00 0.058 0.108 0.052 0.01 36 13.00 0.90 0.052 0.105 0.047 0.01 37 18.50 0.80 0.047 0.102 0.042 0.00 38 19.00 0.50 0.029 0.099 0.026 0.00 39 1950. 0.70 0.041 0.096 0.037 0.00 40 20.00 0.50 0.029 0.094 0.026 0.00 41 20.50 0.60 0.035 0.091 0.031 0.00 42 21.00 0.50 0.029 0.089 0.026 0.00 43 21.50 0.50 0.029 0.037 0.026 0.00 44 22.00 0.50 0.029 0.085 0.026 0.00 45 22.50 0.50 0.029 0.083 0.026 0.00 46 23.00 0.40 0.023 0.082 0.021 0.00 47 23.50 0.40 0.023 0.081 0.021 0.00 • 48 24.00 0.40 0.023 0.080 0.021 0.00 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 1.9 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.93(In) DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • times area 0.6(Ac.)/[(In)/(Ft.) I = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.98(In) Total soil loss = 0.092(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 2.91(In) Flood volume = 1893.7 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 4023.4 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.145(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f £ H y d r o g r a p h ____________________________________________________________________ Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0001 0.00 Q I 1+ 0 0.0002 0.00 Q 1+30 0.0002 0.00 Q 2+ 0 0.0003 0.00 Q 2+30 0.0004 0.00 Q 3+ 0 0.0006 0.00 Q 3+30 0.0007 0.00 Q I I 4+ 0 0.0009 0.00 Q 4+30 0.0010 0.00 Q 5+ 0 0.0012 0.00 QV 5+30 0.0014 0.00 QV 6+ 0 0.0016 0.01 QV 6+30 0.0019 0.01 QV I I 7+ 0 0.0022 0.01 QV I I 1 1 7+30 0.0024 0.01 Q V I I I I 8+ 0 0.0028 0.01 Q V I I 8+30 0.0032 0.01 Q V 9+ 0 0.0035 0.01 Q V I I I I 9+30 0.0047 0.03 Q V 10+ 0 0.0065 0.04 Q V 10+30 0.0067 0.00 Q V I I I I 11+ 0 0.0084 0.04 Q V I I 1 1 11+30 0.0099 0.04 Q VI 12+ 0 0.0111 0.03 Q V 12+30 0.0146 0.08 Q V I 13+ 0 0.0190 0.11 Q V I 13+30 0.0250 0.15 Q 1 V 1 1 14+ 0 0.0281 0.08 Q 1 1 V 1 1 14+30 0.0323 0.10 Q VI 1 15+ 0 0.0363 0.10 Q V 1 15+30 0.0398 0.09 Q V 1 16+ 0 0.0422 0.06 Q V 1 16+30 0.0423 0.00 Q V 1 17+ 0 0.0424 0.00 Q V 1 17+30 0.0425 0.00 Q I VI 18+ 0 0.0426 0.00 Q I I VI 18+30 0.0427 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+ 0 0.0428 0.00 Q I VI 19+30 0.0429 0.00 Q I VI 20+ 0 0.0430 0.00 Q I VI 20+30 0.0430 0.00 Q I I I VI 21+ 0 0.0431 0.00 Q I I VI 21+30 0.0432 0.00 Q I VI 22+ 0 0.0432 0.00 Q I VI 22+30 0.0433 0.00 Q I VI 23+ 0 0.0434 0.00 Q I VI 23+30 0.0434 0.00 Q I VI 24+ 0 0.0435 0.00 Q I VI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13X224100.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 _____________________________________________________________________ English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format _ ________________________________________________________ DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR 100 YEAR STORM ____________________________________________________________________ Drainage Area = 0.56(Ac.) = 0.001 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 200.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 100.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.038 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.019 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.00(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 79.2000 Ft./Mi. Average Mann in 0.020 0.0 Lag time = 13 Hr. Lag time = 0.80 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.20 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.32 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.56 1.80 1.01 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1`2] 0.56 4.50 2.52 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 4.500(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted average paint rain = 4.500(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious 8 0.560 36.00 0.100 Total Area Entered = 0.56(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area& F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) 86.0 86.0 0.176 0.100 0.160 1.000 0.160 Sum (F) = 0.160 DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page l of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.160 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.080 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data ----------------------------------' -_---------------------_- Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph % (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 3743.665 100.000 0.564 Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.045 0.281 0.040 0.00 2 1.00 0.70 0.063 0.274 0.057 0.01 3 1.50 0.60 0.054 0.268 0.049 0.01 4 2.00 0.70 0.063 0.261 0.057 0.01 5 2.50 0.80 0.072 0.255 0.065 0.01 6 3.00 1.00 0.090 0.249 0.081 0.01 7 3.50 1.00 0.090 0.243 0.081 0.01 B 4.00 1.10 0.099 0.237 0.089 0.01 9 4.30 1.30 0.117 0.231 0.105 0.01 10 5.00 1.50 0.135 0.225 0.121 0.01 11 5.50 1.30 0.117 0.219 0.105 0.01 12 6.00 1.60 0.144 0.213 0,130 0.01 13 6,51 1,10 0.162 0,211 0,146 0.01 14 7.50 2.10 0.189 0.197 0`170 0.02 15 7.50 2.10 0.189 0.197 O.L70 0.02 16 8.00 2.50 0.225 0.191 0.03 17 8.50 3.00 0.270 0.186 --- 0.08 18 9.00 3.30 0.297 0.181 --- 0.12 19 9.50 3.90 0.351 0.176 --- 0.18 20 10.00 4.30 0.387 0.171 --- 0.22 21 10.50 3.00 0.270 0.166 --- 0.10 22 11.00 4.00 0.360 0.161 --- 0.20 23 11.50 3.80 0.342 0.156 --- 0.19 24 12.00 3.50 0.315 0.152 --- 0.16 25 12.50 5.10 0.459 C.147 --- 0.31 26 13.00 5.70 0.513 0.143 --- 0.37 27 13.50 6.80 0.612 0.139 --- 0.47 28 14.00 4.60 0.414 0.134 --- 0.28 29 14.50 5.30 0.477 0.130 --- 0.35 30 15.00 5.10 0.459 0.126 --- 0.33 31 15.50 4.70 0.423 0.123 --- 0.30 32 16.00 3.80 0.342 0.119 --- 0.22 33 16.50 0.80 0.072 0.115 0.065 0.01 34 17.00 0.60 0.054 0.112 0.049 0.01 35 17.50 1.00 0.090 0.108 0.081 0.01 36 18.00 0.90 0.081 0.105 0.073 0.01 37 18.50 0.80 0.072 0.102 0.065 0.01 38 19.00 0.50 0.045 0.099 0.040 0.00 39 19.50 0.70 0.063 0.096 0.057 0.01 40 20.00 0.50 0.045 0.094 0.040 0.00 41 20.50 0.60 0.054 0.091 0.049 0.01 42 21.00 0.50 0.045 0.089 0.040 0.00 43 21.50 0.50 0.045 0.087 0.040 0.00 44 22.00 0.50 0.045 0.085 0.040 0.00 45 22.50 0.50 0.045 0.083 0.040 0.00 46 23.00 0.40 0.036 0.082 0.032 0.00 47 23.50 0.40 0.036 0.081 0.032 0.00 48 24.00 0.40 0.036 0.080 0.032 0.00 • Sum = 100.0 Sum = 9.2 Flood volume Effective rainfall 2.08(In) times area 0.6(Ac.)/[(In)/(Ft.)] = 0.1(Ac.Ft) DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION I OOYR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 Total soil loss = 2.42(In) Total soil loss = 0.113(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 4.50(In) Flood volume = 4231.1 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 4916.5 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.267(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H 0 0 R S T 0 R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0001 0.00 Q I 1+ 0 0.0003 0.00 Q 1 1+30 0.0004 0.00 Q 1 2+ 0 0.0005 0.00 Q 1 2+30 0.0007 0.00 Q 1 3+ 0 0.0009 0.01 Q 1 3+30 0.0011 0.01 Q 1 4+ 0 0.0013 0.01 Q 1 4+30 0.0016 0.01 Q I 5+ 0 0.0019 0.01 Q 1 5+30 0.0022 0.01 Q 1 6+ 0 0.0025 0.01 QV 1 6+30 0.0029 0.01 QV 1 7+ 0 0.0033 0.01 QV 1 7+30 0.0038 0.01 QV 1 8+ 0 0.0046 0.02 QV 1 8+30 0.0065 0.05 Q V 1 1 9+ 0 0.0 0.10 Q V I I 9+30 0.0133 133 0.10 Q v I I I I 10+ 0 0.0184 0.12 Q v 1 1 10+30 0.0208 0.06 Q V I I I ill 0 0.0254 0.11 0 V 1 1 11+30 0.0298 0.10 Q v 1 1 12+ 0 0.0336 0.09 Q I V I 1 1 12+30 0.0408 0.18 Q v I 1 1 13+ 0 0.0495 0.21 Q V 1 1 13+30 0.0605 0.27 IQ I I V 1 1 14+ 0 0.0671 0.16 Q I I v 1 1 14+30 0.0751 0.20 Q I I v 1 15+ 0 0.0829 0.19 Q I I I V 1 15+30 0.0899 0.17 Q I I I v 1 16+ 0 0.0951 0.13 Q I I I VI 16+30 0.0953 0.00 Q I I I VI 17+ 0 0.0954 0.00 Q I I I VI 17+30 0.0956 0.01 Q I I I VI 18+ 0 0.0958 0.00 Q I I I VI 18+30 0.0960 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+ 0 0.0961 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+30 0.0962 0.00 Q I I I VI 20+ 0 0.0963 0.00 Q I I I VI 20+30 0.0965 0.00 Q I I I VI 21+ 0 0.0966 0.00 Q I I I VI 21+30 0.0967 0.00 Q I I I VI 22+ 0 0.0968 0.00 Q I I I VI 22+30 0.0969 0.00 Q I I I VI 23+ 0 0.0970 0.00 Q I I I VI 23+30 0.0970 0.00 Q I I I VI 24+ 0 0.0971 0.00 Q I I I VI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2-PRE-CONSTRUCTION I OOYR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 24 HOUR STORMS DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 ❑ n i t H y d r e g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13D2242.cut ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method ICED & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - SIN 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2 24 HOUR STORM 2-YEAR -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0 56(Ac.) = 0.001 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 320.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 170.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.061 Mi. • Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.032 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.70(Ft.) Slope along watercourse 61.0500 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Lag time = 0.015 Hi. Lag time = 0.92 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.23 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.37 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.56 1.80 1.01 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.56 4.50 2.52 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 2.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.560(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 1.800(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 & Adjusted average point rain = 1.800(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious & 0.560 56.00 0.900 Total Area Entered = 0.56(Ac.) • RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 1 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • 56.0 56.0 0.511 0.900 0.097 1.000 0.097 Sum (F) = 0.097 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.097 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.049 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.260 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (bra) Graph A (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 3248.045 100.000 0.564 Sum = 100.000 Sum- 0.564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.018 0.170 0.005 0.01 2 1.00 0.70 0.025 0.166 0.007 0.02 3 1.50 0.60 0.022 0.163 0.006 0.02 4 2.00 0.70 0.025 0.159 0.007 0.02 5 2.50 0.80 0.029 0.155 0.007 0.02 6 3.00 1.00 0.036 0.151 0.009 0.03 7 3.50 1.00 0.036 0.147 0.009 0.03 8 4.00 1.10 0.040 0.144 0.010 0.03 9 4.50 1.30 0.047 0.140 0.012 0.03 10 5.00 1.50 0.054 0.137 0.014 0.04 11 5.50 1.31 0.047 0.133 0.012 0.03 12 6.00 1.60 0.058 0.130 0.015 0.04 13 6.50 1.80 0.065 0.126 0.017 0.05 14 7.00 2.00 0.072 0.123 0.019 0.05 15 7.50 2.10 0.076 0.119 0.020 0.06 16 8.00 2.50 0.090 0.116 0.023 0.07 17 8.50 3.00 0.108 0.113 0.028 0.08 18 9.00 3.30 0.119 0.110 --- 0.01 19 9.50 3.90 0.140 0.107 --- 0.03 20 10.00 4.30 0.155 0.104 --- 0.05 21 10.50 3.00 0.108 0.101 --- 0.01 22 11.00 4.00 0.144 0.098 --- 0.05 23 11.50 3.80 0.137 0.095 --- 0.04 24 12.00 3.50 0.126 0.092 --- 0.03 25 12.50 5.10 0.184 0.089 --- 0.09 26 13.00 5.70 0.205 0.087 --- 0.12 27 13.50 6.80 0.245 0.084 --- 0.16 28 14.00 4.60 0.166 0.082 --- 0.08 29 14.50 5.30 0.191 0.079 --- 0.11 30 15.00 5.10 0.184 0.077 --- 0.11 31 15.50 4.70 0.169 0.074 --- 0.09 32 16.00 3.80 0.137 0.072 --- 0.06 33 16.30 0.80 0.029 0.070 0.007 0.02 34 17.00 0.60 0.022 0.068 0.006 0.02 35 17.50 1.00 0.036 0.066 0.009 0.03 36 18.00 0.90 0.032 0.064 0.008 0.02 37 18.50 0.80 0.029 0.062 0.007 0.02 38 19.00 0.50 0.018 0.060 0.005 0.01 39 19.50 0.70 0.025 0.059 0.007 0.02 40 20.00 0.50 0.018 0.057 0.005 0.01 41 20.50 0.60 0.022 0.055 0.006 0.02 42 21.00 0.50 0.018 0.034 0.005 0.01 43 21.50 0.50 0.018 0.053 0.005 0.01 44 22.00 0.50 0.018 0.052 0.005 0.01 45 22.50 0.50 0.018 0.051 0.005 0.01 46 23.00 0.40 0.014 0.050 0.004 0.01 • 47 23.50 0.40 0.014 0.049 0.004 0.01 48 24.00 0.40 0.014 0.049 0.004 0.01 Sum = 100.0 Sum 1.9 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.97(In) DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 2 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 times area 0.6(Ac.)/C(In)/(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 0.83(In) Total soil loss = 0.039(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 1.80(In) Flood volume = 1971.1 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 1687.9 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.091(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0003 0.01 Q 1+ 0 0.0007 0.01 Q 1+30 0.0011 0.01 Q 2+ 0 0.0016 0.01 QV 2+30 0.0021 0.01 QV 3+ 0 0.0027 0.02 Q V 3+30 0.0033 0.02 Q V I 4+ 0 0.0040 0.02 Q V I 4+30 0.0048 0.02 Q V 5+ 0 0.0057 0.02 Q V 5+30 0.0065 0.02 Q V 6+ 0 0.0075 0.02 Q V I 6+30 0.0086 0.03 Q V I 7+ 0 0.0099 0.03 Q V I 7+30 0.0112 0.03 Q VI 8+ 0 0.0127 0.04 Q V • 8+30 0.014 0.0 Q V I 9+ 0 0.0198 0.011 Q I V I I I 9+30 0.0156 0.02 Q V I 10+ 0 0.0168 0.03 Q V I 10+30 0.0170 0.00 Q V ll+ 0 0.0180 0.03 Q V 11+30 0.0190 0.02 Q V 12+ 0 0.0198 0.02 Q V 12+30 0.0220 0.05 Q VI 13+ 0 0.0248 0.07 Q V 13+30 0.0285 0.09 Q V I 14+ 0 0.0305 0.05 Q I V I 14+30 0.0331 0.06 Q I VI 1 15+ 0 0.0356 0.06 Q V 1 15+30 0.0378 0.05 Q V 1 16+ 0 0.0393 0.04 Q V 1 16+30 0.0398 0.01 Q V 1 17+ 0 0.0402 0.01 Q V 1 17+30 0.0408 0.02 Q V 18+ 0 0.0413 0.01 Q V 18+30 0.0418 0.01 Q V 19+ 0 0.0421 0.01 Q V 19+30 0.0426 0.01 Q V 1 20+ 0 0.0429 0.01 Q V 1 20+30 0.0433 0.01 Q V 21+ 0 0.0436 0.01 Q V 21+30 0.0439 0.01 Q I I V 22+ 0 0.0442 0.01 Q I VI 22+30 0.0445 0.01 Q VI 23+ 0 0.0448 0.01 Q VI 23+30 0.0450 0.01 Q I VI 24+ 0 0.0453 0.01 Q I VI ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 2YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 ❑ n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: 213022410.0ut ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - S/N 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2 24 HOUR STORM 10-YEAR -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.56(Ac.) = 0.001 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 320.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 170.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.061 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.032 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.70(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 61.0500 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Lag time = 0.013 Hr. Lag time = 0.92 Min. 23% of lag time = 0.23 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.37 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Ease Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.56 1.80 1.01 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfell(In) [2] Weighting[1*2] 0.56 4.50 2.52 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 10.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.911(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted average point rain = 2.911(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.560 56.00 0.900 Total Area Entered = 0.56(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) 56.0 56.0 0.511 0.900 0.097 1.000 0.097 Sum (F) = 0.097 DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 1 OYR-24HR Page 1 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.097 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr)) = 0.049 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.260 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U u i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve -------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph % (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 3248.045 100.000 0.564 Sum = 100.000 Sum- 0.564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.029 0.170 0.008 0.02 2 1.00 0.70 0.041 0.166 0.011 0.03 3 1.50 0.60 0.035 0.163 0.009 0.03 4 2.00 0.70 0.041 0.159 0.011 0.03 5 2.50 0.80 0.047 0.155 0.012 0.03 6 3.00 1.00 0.058 0.151 0.015 0.04 7 3.50 1.00 0.058 0.147 0.015 0.04 8 4.00 1.10 0.064 0.144 0.017 0.05 9 4.50 1.30 0.076 0.140 0.020 0.06 10 5.00 1.50 0.087 0.137 0.023 0.06 11 5.50 1.30 0.076 0.133 0.020 0.06 12 6.00 1.60 0.093 0.130 0.024 0.07 13 6.50 1.80 0.105 0.126 0.027 0.08 14 7. 0 2. 0 0.1 0.1 0.030 0.0 15 7.50 2.10 0.122 22 0.119 19 0.00 16 8.00 2.50 0.146 0.116 0.03 17 8.50 3.00 0.175 0.113 --- 0.06 18 9.00 3.30 0.192 0.110 --- 0.08 19 9.50 3.90 0.227 0.107 --- 0.12 20 10.00 4.30 0.250 0.104 --- 0.15 21 10.50 3.00 0.175 0.101 --- 0.07 22 11.00 4.00 0.233 0.098 --- 0.14 23 11.50 3.80 0.221 0.095 --- 0.13 24 12.00 3.50 0.204 0.092 --- 0.11 25 12.50 5.10 0.297 0.089 --- 0.21 26 13.00 5.70 0.332 0.087 --- 0.25 27 13.50 6.80 0.396 0.084 --- 0.31 28 14.00 4.60 0.268 0.082 --- 0.19 29 14.50 5.30 0.309 0.079 --- 0.23 30 15.00 5.10 0.297 0.077 --- 0.22 31 15.50 4.70 0.274 0.074 --- 0.20 32 16.00 3.80 0.221 0.072 --- 0.15 33 16.50 0.80 0.047 0.070 0.012 0.03 34 17.00 0.60 0.035 0.068 0.009 0.03 35 17.50 1.00 0.058 0.066 0.015 0.04 36 18.00 0.90 0.052 0.064 0.014 0.04 37 18.50 0.80 0.047 0.062 0.012 0.03 38 19.00 0.50 0.029 0.060 0.008 0.02 39 19.50 0.70 0.041 0.059 0.011 0.03 40 20.00 0.50 0.029 0.057 0.008 0.02 41 20.50 0.60 0.035 0.055 0.009 0.03 42 21.00 0.50 0.029 0.054 0.008 0.02 43 21.50 0.50 0.029 0.053 0.008 0.02 44 22.00 0.50 0.029 0.052 0.008 0.02 45 22.50 0.50 0.029 0.051 0.008 0.02 46 23.00 0.40 0.023 0.050 0.006 0.02 47 23.50 0.40 0.023 0.049 0.006 0.02 48 24.00 0.40 0.023 0.049 0.006 0.02 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 3.7 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.87(In) times area 0.6(AC.)/[(Ea)/(Ft.)] = 0.1(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.04(In) DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION IOYR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 Total soil loss = 0.049(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 2.91(In) Flood volume = 3797.4 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 2119.7 Cubic Feet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.176(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h ----------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0005 0.01 Q 1+ 0 0.0012 0.02 Q 1+30 0.0018 0.01 Q 2+ 0 0.0025 0.02 QV 2+30 0.0033 0.02 QV 3+ 0 0.0043 0.02 QV 3+30 0.0053 0.02 Q V 4+ 0 0.0064 0.03 Q V I 4+30 0.007'1 0.03 Q V I 5+ 0 0.0092 0.04 Q v I 5+30 0.0106 0.03 Q V I 6+ 0 0.0122 0.04 Q v I 6+30 0.0140 0.04 4 v I I 7+ 0 0.0160 0.05 Q v I I 7+30 0.0160 0.00 Q v I 8+ 0 0.0167 0.02 Q V I 8+30 0.0182 0.03 Q V I • 9+ 0 0.02 0.0 4 VI I I 9+30 0.0229 29 0.07 4 v I I I 10+ 0 0.0263 0.08 4 v I I 10+30 0.0280 0.04 Q v I I ll+ 0 0.0312 0.08 Q I V I I 11+30 0.0341 0.07 Q I V I I 12+ 0 0.0367 0.06 Q I V I I 12+30 0.0416 0.12 Q I VI 1 1 13+ 0 0.0473 0.14 4 I V I 13+30 0.0546 0.18 Q I I v I 14+ 0 0.0589 0.11 Q I I V I 14+30 0.0643 0.13 Q 1 1 VI 15+ 0 0.0694 0.12 Q I I v 15+30 0.0740 0.11 4 I I I v 1 16+ 0 0.0775 0.08 Q I I I v 1 16+30 0.0783 0.02 Q I I I v 1 17+ 0 0.0769 0.01 Q I I I V 1 17+30 0.0799 0.02 Q I I I v 1 18+ 0 0.0808 0.02 Q I I I v 1 18+30 0.0816 0.02 Q I I I v 1 19+ 0 0.0822 0.01 Q I I I v 1 19+30 0.0829 0.02 Q I I I v 1 20+ 0 0.0834 0.01 Q I I I v 1 20+30 0.0840 0.01 4 I I I v 1 21+ 0 0.0845 0.01 Q I I I v 1 21+30 0.0850 0.01 Q I I I v 1 22+ 0 0.0855 0.01 Q I I I VI 22+30 0.0860 0.01 Q I I I VI 23+ 0 0.0864 0.01 Q I I I VI 23+30 0.0368 0.01 Q I I I VI 24+ 0 0.0872 0.01 Q I I I v ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 1 OYR-24HR Page 3 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 U n i t H y d r e g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 1999, Version 6.0 Study date 05/25/06 File: P13D224100.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC 6 WCD Manual date - April 1978 Frank D. Gorman, P.E. - S/N 867 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in-lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2 24 HOUR STORM 100-YEAR -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.56(Ac.) = 0.001 Sq. Mi. Length along longest watercourse = 320.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 170.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.061 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.032 Mi. Difference in elevation = 3.70(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 61.0500 Ft./Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Lag time = 0.015 Hr. Lag time = 0.92 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.23 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.37 Min. Unit time = 30.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.) [1] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[1-2] 0.56 1.80 1.01 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Ared(AC.) [I] Rainfall(In) [2] Weighting[I.2) 0.56 4.50 2.52 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2-Year Rainfall = 1.800(In) Area Averaged 100-Year Rainfall = 4.500(In) Paint rain (area averaged) = 4.500(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 4.500(In) Sub-Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.560 56.00 0.900 Total Area Entered = 0.56(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F AMC2 AMC-2 (In/Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In/Hr) DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION I OOYR-24HR Page I of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 56.0 56.0 0.511 0.900 0.097 1.000 0.097 Sum (F) = 0.097 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In/Hr) = 0.097 Minimum soil loss rate ((In/Hr) ) = 0.049 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.260 --------------------------------------------------------------------- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h VALLEY S-Curve ------------------------"__--------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time 8 of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph 8 (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.500 3248.045 100.000 0.564 Sum = 100.000 Sum- 0.564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In./Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In/Hr) Max I Low (In/Hr) 1 0.50 0.50 0.045 0.170 0.012 0.03 2 1.00 0.70 0.063 0.166 0.016 0.05 3 1.50 0.60 0.054 0.163 0.014 0.04 4 2.00 0.70 0.063 0.159 0.016 0.05 5 2.50 0.80 0.072 0.155 0.019 0.05 6 3.00 1.00 0.090 0.151 0.023 0.07 7 3.50 1.00 0.090 0.147 0.023 0.07 8 4.00 1.10 0.099 0.144 0.026 0.07 9 4.50 1.30 0.117 0.140 0.030 0.09 10 5.00 1.50 0.135 0.137 0.035 0.10 11 5.50 1.30 0.117 0.133 0.030 0.09 12 6. 0 1. 0 0.1 0.1 --- 0.0 13 6.50 1.80 0.162 62 0.126 26 0.094 14 7.00 2.00 0.180 0.123 0.06 15 7.50 2.10 0.189 0.119 --- 0.07 16 8.00 2.50 0.225 0.116 --- 0.11 17 8.50 3.00 0.270 0.113 --- 0.16 18 9.00 3.30 0.297 0.110 --- 0.19 19 9.50 3.90 0.351 0.107 --- 0.24 20 10.00 4.30 0.387 0.104 --- 0.28 21 10.50 3.00 0.270 0.101 --- 0.17 22 11.00 4.00 0.360 0.098 --- 0.26 23 11.50 3.80 0.342 0.095 --- 0.25 24 12.00 3.50 0.315 0.092 --- 0.22 25 12.50 5.10 0.459 0.089 --- 0.37 26 13.00 5.70 0.513 0.087 --- 0.43 27 13.50 6.30 0.612 0.084 --- 0.53 28 14.00 4.60 0.414 0.032 --- 0.33 29 14.50 5.30 0.477 0.079 --- 0.40 30 15.00 5.10 0.459 0.077 --- 0.38 31 15.50 4.70 0.423 0.074 --- 0.35 32 16.00 3.80 0.342 0.072 --- 0.27 33 16.50 0.80 0.072 0.070 --- 0.00 34 17.00 0.60 0.054 0.068 0.014 0.04 35 17.50 1.00 0.090 0.066 --- 0.02 36 16.00 0.90 0.081 0.064 --- 0.02 37 18.50 0.80 0.072 0.062 --- 0.01 38 19.00 0.50 0.045 0.060 0.012 0.03 39 19.50 0.70 0.063 0.059 --- 0.00 40 20.00 0.50 0.045 0.057 0.012 0.03 41 20.50 0.60 0.054 0.055 0.014 0.04 42 21.00 0.50 0.045 0.054 0.012 0.03 43 21.50 0.50 0.045 0.053 0.012 0.03 44 22.00 0.50 0.045 0.052 0.012 0.03 45 22.50 0.50 0.045 0.051 0.012 0.03 46 23.00 0.40 0.036 0.050 0.009 0.03 47 2 . 0 0.40 0.036 0.049 0.009 0.03 98 24.00 0.90 0.036 0.099 0.009 0.03 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 6.2 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 3.11(In) DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page 2 of 3 DISCHARGE POINT 2 POST-CONSTRUCTION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM PARCEL 13- PA-05-100 • times area 0.6(Ac.)/[(In)/(Ft.) 1 = 0.1(Ac.Ft) Total sail loss = 1.39(In) Total soil lass = 0.065(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 4.50(In) Flood volume - 6331.8 Cubic Feet Total soil loss 2315.8 Cubic Feet -------------------------------- Peak flow rate of this hydrograph = 0.298(CFS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 30 Minute intervals ((CFS) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+30 0.0008 0.02 Q I 1+ 0 0.0019 0.03 Q I 1+30 0.0028 0.02 Q I 2+ 0 0.0039 0.03 QV I 2+30 0.0051 0.03 QV 3+ 0 0.0067 0.04 QV 3+30 0.0082 0.04 Q V I 4+ 0 0.0099 0.04 Q V 4+30 0.0120 0.05 Q V I 5+ 0 0.0143 0.06 Q V I 5+30 0.0163 0.05 Q V I 6+ 0 0.0167 0.01 Q V 6+30 0.0175 0.02 Q V I 7+ 0 0.0188 0.03 Q V I 7+30 0.0205 0.04 Q V I 8+ 0 0.02 0.0 Q V I 6+30 0.0267 67 0.09 Q V I I I I 9+ 0 0.0310 0.11 Q V I 9+30 0.0367 0.14 Q V 10+ 0 0.0433 0.16 Q V 10+30 0.0473 0.10 Q I v ll+ 0 0.0534 0.15 Q I V 11+30 0.0592 0.14 Q V I 12+ 0 0.0644 0.13 Q V I 12+30 0.0730 0.21 Q V 13+ 0 0.0829 0.24 Q V 13+30 0.0952 0.30 IQ I I v 1 1 14+ 0 0.1030 0.19 Q I I V I 14+30 0.1123 0.22 Q I I v 15+ 0 0.1212 0.22 Q I I I v 15+30 0.1293 0.20 Q I I I V 1 16+ 0 0.1356 0.15 Q 1 1 I v 1 16+30 0.1357 0.00 Q I I I v 1 17+ 0 0.1366 0.02 Q I I I v 1 17+30 0.1372 0.01 Q I I I V 18+ 0 0.1376 0.01 Q I I I V 18+30 0.1378 0.01 Q I I I v 1 19+ 0 0.1386 0.02 Q I I I V I 19+30 0.1387 0.00 Q I I I v 1 20+ 0 0.1395 0.02 Q I I I v 1 20+30 0.1404 0.02 Q I I I V 21+ 0 0.1412 0.02 Q I I I V 21+30 0.1419 0.02 Q I I I VI 22+ 0 0.1427 0.02 Q I I I VI 22+30 0.1435 0.02 Q I I I VI 23+ 0 0.1441 0.02 Q I I I VI 23+30 0.1447 0.02 Q I I I VI 24+ 0 0.1454 0.02 Q I I I V ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE POINT 2-POST-CONSTRUCTION 100YR-24HR Page 3 of 3 LEGEND sewER ---- cc 00 NODE ELEVATION (5).`�• NODE NUMBER co CIO r J I J --- � �' J e=� �� `- ���1--- STORM DRAIN INVERT ELEVATION _ 1100. i� c hoc c1; 1 GE POINT DISC �� �� a,1, ,. �� -:5:87 � - �� ,. -- D R A I N A G E BOUNDARY 'fir•--� -� �r .G`""', t`. q�a `� _. 1 r � ' -* y- �'� -- � L � �� 5slDRAINAGE AREA �� _- _,_ `--- 75 L/ C Q10=1.46cfs 100 YEAR STORM RUNOFF ad EX 9,35F 9:SJF5 `�� ti p- c �" G` �` --`�-- . 49,6CFS .. ��. �,' '�-s' - ff `� / `1`�-= --�_ ' u/, Q10 10 YEAR STORM RUNOFF °_ 9.f��G -- �' �� __ (�/f � o) 7 4 ? . - r� 33 (D Lin DA - - - 3 , / V r LLJ ' 25 ACI �_ y � -� _�� `�� cam` r�- � ` ROOF • • w _ ,1UF RAIN � •, � o � c _'<-49- '• DISCHARGE POINT' 1 i`��' 2 YEAR -24 HR. STORM 10 YEAR -24 HR. STORM 100 YEAR -24 HR. STORM PRE POST PRE POST PRE POST 7-7 fto 20 49 ° o- b o - RUN OFF-CFS .01 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.13 ,C�:F r �i Jew f.�,� Or 'J� ,`�' r�,�] - VELOCITY - FPS 0.31 1.83 0.39 xJ� a _ � �-��;1 � ��� _F I '�`� �_a � -�. . `� � 2.28 0.40 2.65 r` _ `ref =�' / 1 �` -"-.�_ VOLUME-CUBIC FT 286 880 845 1695 1889 2827 LLi N - � e°> ��,/ , < VOLUME-AC FT c it ! ?Mn ryQ� rn ��� `��� .01 .02 .02 0.04 .04 0.06 t�R 0 0 5�_ jl� 10 5 GL, ORAI i �-_ 4,0 , ,)1 � f ,o C DURA TION MIN 810 735 735 780 780 810 • DISCHARGE POINT 2 2�'` 2 YEAR -24 HR. STORM 10 YEAR -24 HR. STORM 100 YEAR --24 HR. STORM JJ (c G1 PRE POST PRE POST PRE POST f I --- _� ( _� �. RUNOFF--CFS 0.06 0.09 0.14 0.18 0.27 0.30 _((�r \� \� ROOF gfl S) - DRA/N j - , --- FS �' VELOCITY FPS 0.34 2.28 0.47 2.65 0.60 3.68 Fx. 'r. VOLUME--CUBIC FT 640 1971 1894 3797 4231 6331 �s r- - -_ f VOLUME--AC FT .O1 .04 004 .08 .09 0.14 RA,h�F RA MP �,NSF 4 f r}/ q vy r . 9.6 O r] k- t I r ro =i z 1 �( ' ��: - - �� ��� ---� _ DURATION- MIN 810 810 810 780 780 780 4 9,35 a f f r `- tr� f roct `sf -- [� K � `t i ��, �I t7 t C ✓ 5. r r,aJ`hIS „ \ j LFDISCHA E Po" I N T #2 1 � + ��7.7.5 � C� ?g' 00 W�U C '� T8 80 1�C Xj 1 J C : FL T to- 63 Civil _En one ern ___ - ----__ 28465 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET (951) 506-4869 (951) 5W-4919 FAX 1046.3 --� - --_ _ SUITE 315 TEMEL'U�A, CA 92590 PREPARED 5126106 GRAPHIC SCALE ,.�� . �' �---__ ��`��� 20 0 10 20 40 4 `� H 'Zoof'Of,AL 0 0 Y m"'0*44 P EXHIBI T SCALE: I" = 20' fA H R InFVXI OPED CONDITION H Y_ _D I PARCEL 13 PM,23661-1 PA05-0100 SHEET of � Appendix D Educational Materials • TENANT CERTIFICATION I certify that at the time of Final Walk-through of, I have received, reviewed and discussed all WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (WQMP) materials provided to me by (Print Name) , an Authorized Representative of the development and fully understand the importance of following the WQMP requirements and Activity Restrictions. Date Tenant Name(s) (Print) Date Date Tenant Signature(s) Date Unit No. Address Temecula, CA Zip: Developer's Representative Signature Date 0 En#oration Interested in other FREE pollution prevention Information? Cab 1.800-506.2555 to order any of the following materials or presentations: I �I I 1 �! �r,. Materials- 111 A Home Garden Care Guide — Outdoor Activities Brochure — Environmei ihal Calendar(when available) -F I r — Household Hazardous Waste.Collection Schedule Presentations:' , - Garden Workshops at local nurseries d Classroom Presentations K-12 �` ''� Irr — ClviciRotaryTIower Club Presentations - -Group Activities LOCAL SEWERING AGENCIES IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY: City of Beaumont (909)769-8520 City of Banning (909)922-3130 City of Blythe i909)922-6161City of (760)391-5008 '- ,'`µ7 Coachella Valley Water (760)398-2651 i - City of Corono (909)736-2269 Desert Center, CSA e51 (760)227-3203 f p , Eastern Municipal Water (909)928-3777 • Elsinore Valley MWD i9N)674-3146 Finn Mutual Water Co. (909)244-4198 Idyllwild Water District (909)659-2143 -- Jitrupa Community Service (909)659.7434 Lake Hetuet MWD (909)658-32441 Lee Lake Water District (909) 277.1414 March Air Reserve Base (909)656 7000 Mlsston Springs Water (760)329.6448 City of Palm Springs (760)323-8242 Rancho Caballero (909)780-9272 Rancho California Water (909)676-4101 Ripley,CSAk62 (760)922.4909 Rribirinux Community (90,Q)684-7580 =� ` //�•• i r ; , City of Riverside (909)8625341 Silent Valley Club, Inc. (909)849-4501 Valley Sanitary District (760)347.23-16 Western Municipal Water (909)780-4170 - StormWater � � � • � PROTECTION PROGRAM `� I -A i �'i The t E,n V:-:Ur Pr hm^�.gr;r¢tull a rnro -t �s he G�76r&n 7� �' rIaIICy t`CritlOiO! $OJ x f a6,3 rt {rCil �, jH n RG :IIC M. Al.rm�d�Gr�anttirRde-.icac'y;2� Nrcgram tur t�., inf_�rv.�llen < [�rUe,��"in tn�5 nrtifJiUrY" r a �1 • Page 1 • a e r @v au�kn wf where;the water should go? 9 YOP �� - a . . ._ Riverside County has two drainage systems-sanitary ? sewers and storm drains. The storm drain system is designed to prevent flooding by carrying excess ! rainwater away from streets. ..it's not designed to be a waste disposal system. Since the storm drain system = 4 does not provide for water treatment, it often serves the unintended function of transporting pollutants directly to our waterways. Unlike sanitary sewers, storm drains are not connected to a treatment plant-they flocs,directly to our local streams,i rversand lakes. Non-stormwater discharges such as washwater generated from outdoor Soaps,degreasers,automotive fluids,litter,and a host cleaning projects often transport harmful of other materials washed off buildings, sidewalks, pollutants into storm drains and our local waterways. Polluted runoff contaminates ?l plazas,parking areas,vehicles,and equipment can all local waterways and poses a threat to \ pollute our waterways. groundwater resources.ME , 10n IT We We VAT Since preventing pollution is much easier, and less clostiv than cleaning up "after the fact." the Cities and County of Riversido StormWateriCleanWater Proledion Program informs residents and businesses of poll ution prevention act ivities such asthose descrihed in this pamphlet. The Cities and county of Riverside have adopted ordinances for stormwwater managernenl and discharge control. In accordance with state and federal law, these local stormwater ordinances prohibit the discharge of wastes into the storm drain system or localsurfacewaters. Thisincludes non-stormwater discharges containing oil, grease, detergents. degreasers,trash, or other waste I materials. PLEASE NOTE: The discharge of pollutants into the street, gutters, stone drain system, or waterways - without a Regional Water Quality Control Board permit orwaiver-is strictly prohibited by local ordinances and state and federal law. • Page 2 Everyday activities in our communities can affect'the quality of water in our wai waterrunoff the combined effect of an entire community within the watershed C 'Wag hing;and Repair LCM; etf�Upholstery;Cleaning ® Wash cars on a lawn or unpaved surface that 0 Dispose of dirty cleaning solution down a sink will absorb and help filter the water. Don't or toilet.Do not dispose of it in the street gutter allow polluted waste water to flow into the or storm drain system, street,gutter or storm drain inlet. ® Repair leaking vehicles promptly. Use (TIPS) Make sure the professionals don't use absorbents like cardboard, cat litter, cloths, the storm drain to empty their tanks. etc. to safely catch spills. Sweep up used Professionals should dispose of the cleaning absorbent materials and place in the trash. solutions down a sink or toilet,or return to their Never dump oil or any auto fluids onto the company for disposal to the sanitary sewer. ground or into a storm drain inlet. Make sure they don't use the storm drain! If you change your own oil or antifreeze, be sureto recycle it!Call 1-800-CLEANUPforthe ®pA � �� ®OU�9®� nearestdisposal location. t7t atee �t • (TIPS) use a commercial car'wash. Car wash t® Sterm r FollutIOR! facilities are designed to capture all waste waterr.Ilan auto service centerchanges the oil, make sure they divert water runoff away from �wn nd Yard Care stieet gutters and storm drain inlets. 0 Don't use chemical pesticides ut herbicides unless you have a major problem and never x apply if rain is forecasted. Read labels =000 ete,kMasonryand carefully,and apply sparingly_ ait�Repair' o Limit lawn treatment applications of chemical weed killers and fertilizers. Be sure that your ® Set up and operate small mixers on heavy lawn is appropriately watered mowed. thatched, and aerated. Try less-toxic tarps ordropcbthstocontain material spills. alternatives for the yard and garden.. Call G Hose down mixers, tools, and trailers in a dirt 1-800-506-2555 for FREE copy of a Home area where rinse water won't flow into the Garden Care Guide to Help Protect Our street gutter or storm drain system. Environment. ® Clean up with a broom. NOT A HOSEI Fine ! Don't blow or rake yard waste into the street or particles may be washed into a dirt area—but gutter.Sweep up the leaves and clippings in a not into the street gutter or storm drain system. trash can or start a compost pile. TIPS If the work !s contracted, have your ® If you are renovating your landscaping, think (TIPS) erosion control. Prevent dirt and debris from contractor establish a cleanup area before washing into storm drains. starting the work. Try to minimize the use of water in the clean up. Tell your contractor that ® Pick up pet waste and dispose of it in trash rinsing trucks orequipmentin the streetornear cans. Always remember to pick up after your a storm drain is illegal and it endangers wildlife! dog when you take it for a walk. I' Page 3 is K rica"M ershed. While individual homes might contribute only minor amounts of polluted an seriously affect our rivers, lakes and streams. eCleanmg & Painting Deplete the chemicals in the pool water, use your home pool chemistry test kit to • Send dirty cleaning water down a sink or toilet, verify the pool water is free of all not into the street gutter. or storm drain chemicals. system. > Drain pool water to landscaped areas. • Try non-toxic alternatives.Call 1-800-506-2555 lawns, yards, or any area that will absorb to order a FREE brochure on environmentally most of the water. You may have to drain friendly cleaning alternatives forthe home. the pool water over a period of a few days to allow the landscape areas to absorb • Never clean brushes or rinse paint containers most of the water. into the street, gutter or storm drain inlet Clean latex paint from brushes in a sink. Filter Avoid discharging pool water into the and reuse thinners and solvents for oil based gutter or storm drain. paints. Divert filter rinsewater and backwash into • Dispuse of unusable paints, thinners, thinner landscaped orabsorbent areas. residue, and cleaning products at a collection event.Call 909-358-5256 or www.rivecoeh.orci• ONLY MAIN for the date and location of the next Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. 10161 THE ®MAIN (7tPS) Empty or dry paint cans may go in with regular household garbage-remove lids first, before dtsposal,Let yourfriehds,relatives and Weee �ystem Maintenance neighbors know that storm drains flow directly to local rivers, lakes and streams without • If you use a septic system, make sure it is treatment.NEVER dispose in a storm drain. functioning properly Overflowing septic systems release raw sewage that can flow to rivers, lakes and ground water. causing serious contamination. is • How often yuur tack will need pumping Irs;9""allSpa Naintenance depends largely on the size of the tank, the number of people in the household. and the • Control algae by regulating chlorine levels.Do kinds of wastewater discharging appliances not use copper-based algae control products. you use. • If you need to drain your pool water, call your • When septic tank service companies are hired local sewering agency to find out if a to pump out the contents of the septic tank. connection to the sanitary sewer line is they must dispose of contents at approved allowed. (More information on the reverse disposal sites. Call 909-955-8980 for a Home side) Maintenance Guide. • If your sewering agency will not accept pool (TIP) Giver£ downspouts and air conditioning waterinto their system.or if you are on a septic condensation water from hard surfaces onto tank system,follow these guidelines: grass and permeable soil to help filter harmful substances. Page 4 p��p gggggg ti K _ For information on "closed-loop" suppliers � � } and recycling/disposal vendors, contact: sY County of Riverside tµ� Health Services Agency YYii Department of Environmental Health ? 3+ at (909) 358-5055. 'THE F e SPILL RESPONSE AGENCY: Hnz-MAT: (909) 358 5055gipmmg4 �' AFTER 5:00 P.Ms (909) 358-5245 OR 911 � a f_ HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL: (909)358-5055 RECYCLING.INFORMATION: 1-800-366-SAVE TO REPORT ILLEGAL DUMPING OR A CLOGGED STORM DRAIN: 1-800-506-2555 ' 3 To order additional brochures onto obtain information • on.other pollution prevention activities, call:(909)955-1111, 9 =_ W¢iRlnl 911BMA8 r.. The Cities and County of Riverside StormWater/CleanWater Protection Program 1 -800-506-2555 ` y St®rmWater p � 4 PROTECT Resta�aran ION PROGRAM �' � �.� Grocery S#o'res Riverside County gratefully acRnrnrtedges the Santa Clara ��®el�eatesser�s Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Prchram, Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program and the San Bernardino County tormwater Program for information;rovided irr,this brochure. Page 5 terolltti n� lNhat�You Should Know Riverside County has two drainage systems- sanitary sewers and storm drains. The storm drain system is designed to help prevent flooding by carrying excess rainwater away from streets. Since the storm drain system does not provide for water treatment, it also serves the unintended function of transporting pollutants directly to our waterways. 3 , Unlike sanitary sewers, storm drains _ .. .,,f� are not connected to a treatment 1 plant- they flow directly to our s, Coca{streams, rivers and lakes. DRIER Waste orwashwater generated by the food service m industry often contains materials such as food wastes,oil,grease,detergents,and degreasers. ` These materials can degrade localwaterswhen allowed to-flow into a storm drain system. i Stormwater pollution causes as much as 60% of our 7m�, water pollutlpnproblem, Itjeopardizes the quality of our waterways and poses a threat to groundwater 4 -_ • resources if pollutants percolate through soil. o �� C �nit�rrocno� r® noun Since preventing pollution is much easier,and less costly,than cleaning up"after the fact,"the Cities and County of Riverside Stormwater/Cleany'+,'ater Protection Program informs residents and businesses on pollution prevention activities such as the Best Management Practices (BMPs) described in this pamphlet_ The Cities and County of Riverside have adopted ordinances for stormwater management and discharge control_ In accordance with state and federal law, these local stormwater ordinances prohibit the discharge of wastes into the storm drain system or local surface waters. This includes discharges from the food service industry containing food wastes, oil, grease. detergents, and degreasers. PLEASE NOTE: A common stormwater pollution problem associated with the food service industry is the discharge of washwater into alleys and gutters, and the hosing down Of outdoor areas. Often, these activities flush pollutants into the storm drain system. The discharges of pollutants is strictly prohibited by local ordinances and state and federal regulations, Page 6 Cleanin' It Right . . . Proper Storage and Disposal . . . Pour mop and wash water into the mop sink General cleaners,floor cleaners,solvents, or down floor drains : . . not into gutters, and detergents often alleys, contain toxic substances. parking lots or Read labels carefully and - a storm drain. _ store and dispose of these Wash greasy products property. equipment only __ n designated REMEMBER'. Don't throw m wash areas toxic waste into the trash which are = or into a storm drain. To properly report toxic spill call 911. connected to For information on _ the sewer system with an appropriate hazardous waste pick-up oil/water separator. Also, avoid washing kitchen mats, garbage containers, and other call(909)358 5055. • items in areas where wastewater is likely to flow into a storm drain. Grease and Oil . . . Watch Out For Spills . . . Handle and dispose of grease property. Save Use dry methods for spill cleanup.Don't hose used cooking grease and oil for recycling in down outside spills. tallow bins or sealed containers. Never pour U s e r a g s o r grease into a sink, floor drain, dumpster or C absorbents such as storm drain. cat litter and then Watch out for, �� !)j diarbage, or handle spose of in the and report to g management, / overflowing as hazardous waste 1 as appropriate. If grease t r f— ^—�� interceptors. jpf necessary, mop the �� -_, area with a minimum Call (949) 358-5172 arnountofwater. information.posal t� information. Alt. Everyone contributes a little to the problem of stormwater pollution, Now ifs time for Page 7 W. 'v Ty d � How `Bout That Outdoor/Sidewalk Dumpster . . Areas . . . Keep dumpster and loading dock areas clean. Sweep up food particles, cigarette butts, and Control litter by sweeping - don't hose down trash from outdoor dining areas before the area. Replace rinsing or steam cleaning. -� leaky dumpsters J Don't use toxic bleaches or detergents when ) and keep lids 9 _ closed to keep out / — you pressure waste` r rainwater. — outdoor dining ( _ areas, entrances__ - or surrounding sidewalk areas. � c� • You maybe already implementing many of the BMPs prescribed in this brochure. Use Water-Friendly However if you discover any potential Products problem areas, please consider using one or Whenever possible, purchase water-based more ofthe reconimendedBMPS. cleaning products. Look for products labeled "non-toxic," Also, please note that the Riverside County °non-petroleum based." Environmental Health Department will °ammonia-free," monitor potential sources of stormwater hos hate-free {j__���p! pollution activities during regularly scheduled and "perfume-free"j' ` jEw inspections of food service facilities. If Health or"readil} 1W..�� ^�� �� ^. Department staff observe activities which biodegradable.'' J �-� 'r-- may be contributing to stormwater pollution. 0 .___ o T1 suggestions will be provided and/or use of prescribed BMPS listed in this brochure will be offered. Please remember: NO MQ ONLY RAIN IN THE_DRAI_N_ all of us to become pall of the solution! 'r • Page 8 Eu�tp6®�e nnmbc�s and links: WATER AGENCY LIST in Riverside County City of Banning (,951)922-313D Cityof Beaumont (951)769-8520 �/aU City of Blythe (760)922-6161 What City of Coachella (760)398-3502 - Coachella Valley Water District (760)398-2651 City of Corona (951)227-22 OUTDOOR CLEANING Desert Center,-CSA N51 (760)227-3203 03 Eastern Municipal Water District (951)928-3777 pp� - Fami M Valley MWD (9511674-3146 98 ACTIVITIES AND Farm Mutual Water Company (951)244-4198 ACTIVITIES Hemet (951)765 3712 ON-POINT SOURCE Idyllwlld Water District (951)659-2143 2143 ' Jurupa Community Services District (951)360-8795 ,Lake 1 lemet MWD (951)658-3241 - ISCMEIM RGES Lee Lake Water District (951)277-1414 DISCHARGES March Air Force Base (951)656-7000 Mission Springs Water District (760)329-6448 - -City of Palm Springs (760)323-8253 • Rancho Caballero (951)780-9272 - Rancho California Water District (951)296-6900 -Ripley, CSA#G2 (760)922-4951 City of Riverside (951)351-6170 `r Rubidoux Community Services District (951)684-7580f o- -Silent Valley Club, Inc (951)849-4501 t ; Valley Sanitary District (760)347-2356 Western Municipal Water District (951)789-5000 4 1 Yucaipa Valley Water District (909)797-5117 : To report illegal dumping into storm drains or clogged storm drains, please call: 1-800-506-2555 Online resources include: 6t For disposal we Riverside County Rood Control District outreach pa 4W.xYY ` Y}y{ �`vl®khYtt{piit.R� R1tIi rnatenals page: - j Sidewalk„ plaza or�par in www.floodcopitrol.co.riverside-ca.us = 0 Vehicle ivashiitg pr tietaIt California Storm Water Ouallty Association J Building exteF30ir-ici t i ww c saa ora or www cabmohandi,ooks com J Waterproofing State Water Resources Control Board. Water Ouality j Equipment cieanfngordeg www swrcbra oovlstormwtrlindex html n U.S Environmental Protection.Agency www.epa.goylowtio2homelprografnWl)psorac.htm } Page 13 giowa. �} {., r Mh e These Guidelines For Outdoor Veam DO NOT . . . dispose of water DO NOT . . . Dispose of leftover containing soap or any other type of cleaning agents into the gutter. storm drain cleaning agent into a storm drain or water or sanitary sewer. body.This is a direct violation of state and/or local regulations. Because wash water from DO . . . understand that wash water cleaning parking areas may contain metallic (without soap) used to remove dust from a brake pad dust, oil and other automotive clean vehicle may be discharged to a street fluids, litter, food wastes and other or drain. Wash water from sidewalk, plaza, materials, if should never be discharged to and building surface deaning may go into a a street,gutter or storm drain. street or storm drain IF ALL of the following conditions are met: DO . . . dispose of small amounts of 1. The surface being washed is free of wash water from cleaning building residual oil, debris and other materials • exteriors, sidewalks or plazas onto by using dry cleanup methods (i.e., landscaped or unpaved surfaces, provided sweeping, and cleaning any oil or you have the owner's permission and the chemical spills with rags or other discharge will not cause nuisance problems absorbent materials before using or flow into a street or storm drain. water). DO . . . check with your sanitary sewer Z. Washing is done with water only, not agency's policies and requirements with soap or other cleaning materials. concerning wash water disposal. Wash 3. You have not used the water to remove water from outdoor cleaning activities may paint from surfaces during cleaning. be acceptable for disposal to the sanitary sewer with specific permission. See the list GALL 1-800-506-2555 on the back of this flyer for phone numbers TO REPORT ILLEGAL POLLUTING of the sanitary sewer agencies in your area. OF STORM DRAINS ❑O . . . Understand that mobile auto detailers should divert wash water to + a fey landscaped or dirt areas. Be aware that soapy wash water may damage ; landscaping. Residual wash water may remain on paved surfaces to evaporate. Residues should be swept up and disposed or visit of. www.floodcontrol_co.riverside.ca.Lis • Page 14 �tl® '6Y •' Q�� O,tl Eid�� 6/idf �� tI�BLI��� ®���®��� USING CLEANING AGENTS: OTHER TIPS TO HELP PROTECT OUR WATER. . . if you must use soap, use biodegradable/ phosphate-free cleaners.Although the use of SCREENING WASH WATER nontoxic cleaning products is strongly A thorough dry cleanup before washing encouraged, do understand that these exterior surfaces such as building and decks products can degrade water quality. The without loose paint, sidewalks, or plaza discharge of these products into the street, areas, should be sufficient to protect gutters, storm drain system or waterways is receiving waters. HOWEVER, if any debris prohibited by local ordinances and the State (solids)could enter storm drains or remain in Water Code. Avoid use of petroleum-based the gutter or street after cleaning,wash water cleaning products. should first pass through a "20 mesh"or finer screen to catch the solid materials, the mesh should then be disposed of in the trash. • ® DRAIN INLET PROTECTION/CONTAINMENT & COLLECTION OF WASH WATER Q Sand bags can be used to create a barrier around storm drain inlets_ r a Plugs or rubber mats can be used to temporarily seal storm drain openings. Containment pads, temporary berms or vacuum brooms can be used to contain ® and collect wash water. $ EQUIPMENTS AND SUPPLIES Special materials such as absorbents, storm drain plugs and seals, small sump pumps, When cleaning surfaces with a high-pressure and vacuum booms are available from many washer or steam cleaning methods, vendors. For more information, check additional precautions should be taken to catalogs such as New Pig (800468-4647, prevent the discharge of pollutants into the www.newpig.com), Lab Safety Supply (800- storm drain system. These two methods of 356-0783), C&H (800-558-9966), and W.W. surface cleaning,as compared to the use of a Grainger (800-994-9174)-, or call the low-pressure hose, can remove additional Cleaning Equipment Trade Association (800- materials that can contaminate local 441-0111) or the Power Washers of North waterways. America(800-393-PWNA). Page 15 • you{gnaw where the water actually goes? q IN Storm Drains are not (N connected to sanitary sewer systems and treatment plantsl The primary purpose of storm drains is to carry rain water away from developed areas to prevent flooding. Pollutants discharged to storm drains are conveyed directly into rivers, lakes and streams. Soaps. degreasers, automotive fluids, litter and a host of other materials washed off buildings. sidewalks, plazas, parking areas, vehicles and equipment must be property managed to prevent the pollution of rivers,lakes and streams. Preventing pollution is the best way to protect the environment. In addition, it is much easier and less costly than cleaning up"afterthe fact." k. ` a T e Ctttesand County of berside • �egl0lt�l Maier Quality Control Board A WATERSHED is an area of land that catches rain and snow, then drains or seeps into a marsh, stream, river, lake or groundwater.Watersheds come in all shapes and sizes, crossing county, state. and national boundaries, therefore many of our activities at home,work or play affect the quality of our watersheds. In accordance with state and federal law to protect our watersheds, the CITIES AND COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE have adopted ordinances for stormwater management and discharge control to prohibit the discharge of wastes into the storm drain system or local surface waters. This INCLUDES discharge of wash water from outdoor cleaning activities which may contain pollutants such as oil, grease.detergent.degreasers.trash,pet waste or other materials. r PLEASE NOTE: Check with your Regional Water Quality Control Board, local municipal government and water agencies on what the restrictions are in your area. a • Page 16 Vegetated Swale TC-30 �. Design Considerations Aw V i �jis ■ Tributary Area (' ■ Area Required is i[,Y . Trt ■ Slope ■ Water Avai ablfty Description Vegetated swales are open, shallow channels with vegetation covering the side slopes and bottom that collect and slowly Targeted Constituents convey runoff flow to downstream discharge points. They are Q Sediment designed to treat runoff through filtering by the vegetation in the Q Nutrients • channel, filtering through a subsoil matrix, and/or infiltration Q Trash • into the underlying soils. Swales can be natural or manmade. Q Metals They trap particulate pollutants(suspended solids and trace Q Bacteria • metals), promote infiltration, and reduce the flow velocity of Q Oil and Grease stormwater runoff. Vegetated swales can serve as part of a stormwater drainage system and can replace curbs,gutters and Q Organics storm sewer systems. Legend(Removal Effectiveness) • Low ■ High California Experience ♦ Medium Caltrans constructed and monitored six vegetated swales in southern California. These swales were generally effective in reducing the volume and mass of pollutants in runoff. Even in the areas where the annual rainfall was only about io inches/yr, the vegetation did not require additional irrigation. One factor that strongly affected performance was the presence of large numbers of gophers at most of the sites. The gophers created earthen mounds, destroyed vegetation, and generally reduced the effectiveness of the controls for TSS reduction. Advantages ■ If properly designed, vegetated, and operated, swales can serve as an aesthetic, potentially inexpensive urban development or roadway drainage conveyance measure with significant collateral water quality benefits. i 1 � tx January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 1 of 13 New Development and Redevelopment www.ca bmp ha ndbooks.com TC-30 Vegetated Swale ■ Roadside ditches should be regarded as significant potential Swale/buffer strip sites and should be utilized for this purpose whenever possible. Limitations ■ Can be difficult to avoid channelization. ■ May not be appropriate for industrial sites or locations where spills may occur ■ Grassed swales cannot treat a very large drainage area. Large areas may be divided and treated using multiple Swales. ■ A thick vegetative cover is needed for these practices to function properly. ■ They are impractical in areas with steep topography. ■ They are not effective and may even erode when flow velocities are high, if the grass cover is not properly maintained. ■ In some places,their use is restricted by law: many local municipalities require curb and gutter systems in residential areas. ■ Swales are mores susceptible to failure if not properly maintained than other treatment BM Ps. Design and Sizing Guidelines ■ Flow rate based design determined by local requirements or sized so that 85% of the annual iunoffvolume is discharged at less than the design rainfall intensity. ■ Swale should be designed so that the water level does not exceed 2/3rds the height of the grass or 4 inches,which ever is less, at the design treatment rate. ■ Longitudinal slopes should not exceed 2.6% ■ Trapezoidal channels are normally recommended but other configurations, such as parabolic, can also provide substantial water quality improvement and may be easier to mow than designs with sharp breaks in slope. ■ Swales constructed in cut are preferred, or in fill areas that are far enough from an adjacent slope to minimize the potential for gopher damage. Do not use side slopes constructed of fill,which are prone to structural damage by gophers and other burrowing animals. ■ A diverse selection of low growing, plants that thrive under the specific site, climatic, and watering conditions should be specified. Vegetation whose growing season corresponds to the wet season are preferred. Drought tolerant vegetation should be considered especially for swales that are not part of a regularly irrigated landscaped area. ■ The width of the swale should be determined using Manning's Equation using a value of 0.25 for Mannings n. 2 of 13 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Vegetated Swale TC-30 • Construction/Inspection Considerations ■ Include directions in the specifications for use of appropriate fertilizer and soil amendments based on soil properties determined through testing and compared to the needs of the vegetation requirements. ■ Install swales at the time of the year when there is a reasonable chance of successful establishment without irrigation; however, it is recognized that rainfall in a given year may not be sufficient and temporary irrigation may be used. ■ If sod tiles must be used,they should be placed so that there are no gaps between the tiles; stagger the ends of the tiles to prevent the formation of channels along the swale or strip. ■ Use a roller on the sod to ensure that no air pockets form between the sod and the soil. ■ Where seeds are used, erosion controls will be necessary to protect seeds for at least 75 days after the first rainfall of the season. Performance The literature suggests that vegetated swales represent a practical and potentially effective technique for controlling urban runoff quality. While limited quantitative performance data exists for vegetated swales, it is known that check dams, slight slopes, permeable soils, dense grass cover, increased contact time, and small storm events all contribute to successful pollutant removal by the swale system. Factors decreasing the effectiveness of swales include compacted . soils, short runoff contact time, large storm events, frozen ground, short grass heights, steep slopes, and high runoff velocities and discharge rates. Conventional vegetated swale designs have achieved mixed results in removing particulate pollutants. A study performed by the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program(NURP)monitored three grass swales in the Washington, D.C., area and found no significant improvement in urban runoff quality for the pollutants analyzed. However, the weak performance of these swales was attributed to the high flow velocities in the swales, soil compaction, steep slopes, and short grass height. Another project in Durham, NC, monitored the performance of a carefully designed artificial swale that received runoff from a commercial parking lot.The project tracked ii storms and concluded that particulate concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Pb,Zn, and Cd)were reduced by approximately 50 percent. However, the Swale proved largely ineffective for removing soluble nutrients. The effectiveness of vegetated swales can be enhanced by adding check dams at approximately 17 meter (5o foot)increments along their length(See Figure r). These dams maximize the retention time within the swale, decrease flow velocities, and promote particulate settling. Finally, the incorporation of vegetated filter strips parallel to the top of the channel banks can help to treat sheet flows entering the swale. Only 9 studies have been conducted on all grassed channels designed for water quality(Table r). The data suggest relatively high removal rates for some pollutants, but negative removals for some bacteria, and fair performance for phosphorus. • January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 3 of 13 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabrnphandbooks.com TC-30 Vegetated Swale Table 1 Grassed swale pollutant removal efficiency data Removal Efficiencies(%Removal) Study TSS TP TN ND, Metals Bacteria Type Caltrans 2002 77 8 67 66 83-90 -33 dry swales Goldberg 1993 67.8 45 - 31.4 42-62 -100 grassed channel Seattle Metro and Washington 6o 45 - -25 2-16 -25 grassed channel Department of Ecology 1992 Seattle Metro and Washington 83 29 - -25 46-73 -25 grassed channel Department of Ecology,1992 Wang et al.,1981 8o - - - 70-80 - dry shale Dorman et al.,1989 98 18 - 45 37-81 - dry swale Harper,1999 87 83 84 8o 88-90 - dry swale Kercheret al.,1983 99 99 99 99 99 - dry swale Harper,1988. 81 17 40 52 37-69 - wetswale Koon,1995 67 39 - 9 35 to 6 - wet swale • While it is difficult to distinguish between different designs based on the small amount of available data, grassed channels generally have poorer removal rates than wet and dry swales, although some swales appear to export soluble phosphorus (Harper, 1988; Koon, 1995) It is not clear why swales export bacteria. One explanation is that bacteria thrive in the warm Swale soils. Siting Criteria The suitability of a swale at a site will depend on land use, size of the area serviced, soil type, slope, imperviousness of the contributing watershed, and dimensions and slope of the swale system(Schueler et al., 1992). In general, swales can be used to serve areas of less than 10 acres, with slopes no greater than 5 %. Use of natural topographic lows is encouraged and natural drainage courses should be regarded as significant local resources to be kept in use(Young et al., 1996). Selection Criteria(NCTCOG, 1993) ■ Comparable performance to wet basins ■ Limited to treating a few acres ■ Availability of water during dry periods to maintain vegetation ■ Sufficient available land area Research in the Austin area indicates that vegetated controls are effective at removing pollutants even when dormant. Therefore, irrigation is not required to maintain growth during dry • periods, but may be necessary only to prevent the vegetation from dying. 4of 13 California Stormwaber BMP Handbook January 2003 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Vegetated Swale TC-30 The topography of the site should permit the design of a channel with appropriate slope and cross-sectional area. Site topography may also dictate a need for additional structural controls. Recommendations for longitudinal slopes range between 2 and 6 percent. Flatter slopes can be used, if sufficient to provide adequate conveyance. Steep slopes increase flow velocity, decrease detention time, and may require energy dissipating and grade check. Steep slopes also can be managed using a series of check dams to terrace the swale and reduce the slope to within acceptable limits. The use of check dams with swales also promotes infiltration. Additional Design Guidelines Most of the design guidelines adopted for swale design specify a minimum hydraulic residence time of q minutes. This criterion is based on the results of a single study conducted in Seattle, Washington(Seattle Metro and Washington Department of Ecology, 1992), and is not well supported.Analysis of the data collected in that study indicates that pollutant removal at a residence time of 5 minutes was not significantly different, although there is more variability in that data. Therefore, additional research in the design criteria for swales is needed. Substantial pollutant removal has also been observed for vegetated controls designed solely for conveyance (Barrett et al, 1998); consequently, some flexibility in the design is warranted. Many design guidelines recommend that grass be frequently mowed to maintain dense coverage near the ground surface. Recent research(Colwell et al., 20oo)has shown mowing frequency or grass height has little or no effect on pollutant removal. Su3nmary of Design Reeammendations 1) The swale should have a length that provides a minimtun hydraulic residence time of at least 10 minutes. The maximum bottom width should not exceed io feet unless a dividing berm is provided. The depth of flow should not exceed 2/3rds the height of the grass at the peak of the water quality design storm intensity. The channel slope should not exceed 2.5% 2) A design grass height of 6 inches is recommended. 3) Regardless of the recommended detention time,the Swale should be not less than too feet in length. 4) The width of the swale should be determined using Manning's Equation, at the peak ofthe design storm, using a Manninds n of 0.25. 5) The swale can be sized as both a treatment facility for the design storm and as a conveyance system to pass the peak hydraulic flows of the too-year storm if it is located"on-line." The side slopes should be no steeper than 3:1(FIX). 6) Roadside ditches should be regarded as significant potential swale/buffer strip sites and should be utilized for this purpose whenever possible. If flow is to be introduced through curb cuts, place pavement slightly above the elevation of the vegetated areas. Curb cuts should be at least 12 inches wide to prevent clogging. 7) Swales must be vegetated in order to provide adequate treatment of runoff. It is important to maximize water contact with vegetation and the soil surface. For • general purposes, select fine, close-growing,water-resistant grasses. If possible, divert runoff(other than necessary irrigation)during the period of vegetation January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 5 of 13 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com TC-30 Vegetated Swale • establishment. Where runoff diversion is not possible, cover graded and seeded areas with suitable erosion control materials. Maintenance The useful life of a vegetated swale system is directly proportional to its maintenance frequency. If properly designed and regularly maintained, vegetated swales can last indefinitely. The maintenance objectives for vegetated swale systems include keeping up the hydraulic and removal efficiency of the channel and maintaining a dense, healthy grass cover. Maintenance activities should include periodic mowing(with grass never cut shorter than the design flow depth), weed control, watering during drought conditions, reseeding of bare areas, and clearing of debris and blockages. Cuttings should be removed from the channel and disposed in a local composting facility. Accumulated sediment should also be removed manually to avoid concentrated flows in the swale. The application of fertilizers and pesticides should be minimaL Another aspect of a good maintenance plan is repairing damaged areas within a channel. For example, if the channel develops ruts or holes, it should be repaired utilizing a suitable soil that is properly tamped and seeded. The grass cover should be thick; if it is not, reseed as necessary. Any standing water removed during the maintenance operation must be disposed to a sanitary sewer at an approved discharge location. Residuals (e.g., silt, grass cuttings)must be disposed in accordance with local or State requirements. Maintenance of grassed swales mostly involves maintenance of the grass or wetland plant cover. Typical maintenance activities are • summarized below: ■ Inspect swales at least twice annually for erosion, damage to vegetation, and sediment and debris accumulation preferably at the end of the wet season to schedule summer maintenance and before major fall runoff to be sure the swale is ready for winter. However, additional inspection after periods of heavy runoff is desirable. The swale should be checked for debris and litter, and areas of sediment accumulation. ■ Grass height and mowing frequency may not have a large impact on pollutant removal. Consequently, mowing may only be necessary once or twice a year for safety or aesthetics or to suppress weeds and woody vegetation. ■ Trash tends to accumulate in Swale areas, particularly along highways. The need for litter removal is determined through periodic inspection, but litter should always be removed prior to mowing. ■ Sediment accumulating near culverts and in channels should be removed when it builds up to 75 mm(3 in.)at any spot, or covers vegetation. ■ Regularly inspect swales for pools of standing water. Swales can become a nuisance due to mosquito breeding in standing water if obstructions develop (e.g. debris accumulation, invasive vegetation)and/or if proper drainage slopes are not implemented and maintained. 6 of 13 California Stormwatpr BMP Handbook ]an wry 2003 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Vegetated Swale TC-30 Cost Construction Cost Little data is available to estimate the difference in cost between various swale designs. One study(SWRPC, 1991) estimated the construction cost of grassed channels at approximately $0.25 per ft2. This price does not include design costs or contingencies. Brown and Schueler (1997)estimate these costs at approximately 32 percent of construction costs for most stormwater management practices. For swales, however, these costs would probably be significantly higher since the construction costs are so low compared with other practices. A more realistic estimate would be a total cost of approximately $0.5o per ft2, which compares favorably with other stormwater management practices. ]anuary 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 7 of 13 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbDoks.com 0 0 0 TC-30 Vegetated Swale Table 2 Swale Cost Estimate (SEWRPC, 1991) Unit Cost Tola I Cost Component Unit Extent Low Moderate High Low Moderate High Mobilization i Swale 1 $107 $274 $441 $107 $274 5441 Damobilizalion-Ughl Site Preparation Clearing°.............. . Aaa 0.5 $2200 $3,600 $5,40C $1,100 $1,9o0 $2,700 Grubbinsf.............. Acre 0.25 $3,800 $5,200 $6,600 $950 $1,300 $1,650 Gananel FacavatiorP..._.__.. Yd' 372 $2.10 $3.70 $5.30 $761 $1,376 51,972 Laval and Till°..._._ Yd' 1,210 $C 20 $0.35 $050 $242 $424 $605 Sites Hove lopment Good, an Mulch' Yd3 1,210 $0.40 $1.00 $1 60 $464 $1,210 $1,936 Seed, and Mulch.. Saco.......... _._.__ Yd' 1,290 $1.20 $2.40 $3.60 $1452 $2,904 $4,356 Subtotal -_ _ -- _ -- $5,116 $9,366 $13,660 Cortingencles Swale 1 26% 25% 26% $1,279 $2,347 $3,415 Total $6.395 $11735 $17,075 Source: RPC, 1991) _ Nola, Mobilizatonldambil¢ation mforstothaorganizatim and planning involvad in ostablishing a vagata5vo swala. °Swale has a bottom width of 1.0 foot, atop width of 10 feet with 1'.3 side slopes, and a 1,000-foot length. °Area cleared =(top width + 10 feet)x swnle length. `Area grubbed=(top width x swale length). 'Volume excavated=(0.67 x top width x swale depth)x swale length (parabolic cross-section). 'Area tilled=(top width +Tswale depth')x smle length(parabolic crass-section). 3(iop width) 'Area seeded =area cleared x 0.5. a Area sodded =area cleared x 0.5. 8 of 13 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Vegetated Swale TC-30 Table 3 Estimated Maintenance Costs (SEWRPC, 1991) Swale Slze (Depth and Top Width) Component Unit Cost CS Foot Depth,One- 3-Foot Depth, 3-Fool Comment Foot Bottom Width, Bottom Width,21-Foot 10-Foot Top Width Top Width fawn Mowing $0.8511,000 fl/rnowng $0.141Ill $0.211 linoarfcot Lawn maintenance area=(top width+10 feat)a length. Maw eight times per year General Lawn Caro $9.0011,000fY1year $0.1011inearfoct $0.20111 near fool Lawn maintenance was =top width+ 10 feat)x length Swale Debris and Litter $0.10/linear foot l year $0.101Ill $0.10/linear foot — Ramwal G rass Reseeding with $0.301 yd; $0.0111inearfoot $0,011 linear foot Ama ravegotatod oquals i% Mulch and Farlilinaar of lawn mainlan once area per year Program Administration and $0.151 linear foot/year, $0.15 l linearfoot $0,151 linear foot Inspect four times par year Swale Inspection plus$251 inspection Total •- $0.581 Ill foot $0.7511inew foot January 2003 California Stnrmwater BMP Handbook 9 of L3 New Development and Redevelopment www.mbrinithandbooks.com TC-30 Vegetated Swale Maintenance Cost Caltrans(2002)estimated the expected annual maintenance cost for a swale with a tributary area of approximately 2 ha at approximately $2,700. Since almost all maintenance consists of mowing, the cost is fundamentally a function of the mowing frequency. Unit costs developed by SEWRPC are shown in Table 3. In many cases vegetated channels would be used to convey runoff and would require periodic mowing as well, so there may be little additional cost for the water quality component. Since essentially all the activities are related to vegetation management, no special training is required for maintenance personnel. References and Sources of Additional Information Barrett, Michael E., Walsh, Patrick M., Malina, Joseph F.,Jr., Charbeneau, Randall J, 1998, "Performance of vegetative controls for treating highway runoff,"ASCEJournal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 124, No. ii, pp. 1121-1128. Brown, W., and T. Schueler. 1997. The Economics of Storm water BMPsin the Mid-Atlantic Region. Prepared for the Chesapeake Research Consortium, Edgewater, MD, by the Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Center for Watershed Protection(CWP). 1996. Design ofStormwater Filtering Systems. Prepared for the Chesapeake Research Consortium, Solomons, MD, and USEPA Region V, Chicago, IL, by the Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Colwell, Shanti R., Horner, Richard R., and Booth, Derek B., 2000. Characterization of Performance Predictors and Evaluation of Mowing Practices in Biofiltra tio n Swales. Report to King County Land And Water Resources Division and others by Center for Urban Water Resources Management, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Dorman, M.E., J. Hartigan, R.F. Steg, and T. Quasebarth. 1989.Retention,Detention and Overland Flo wfor Pollutant Removal Fro m Highway Storm water Runoff. Vol. 1. FHWA/RD 89/202. Federal Highway Administration,Washington, DC. Goldberg. 1993. DaytonAuenue Swale BiofiltrationStudy. Seattle Engineering Department, Seattle,WA. Harper, H. 1988.Effects of Storm water Management Systems on Groundwater Quality. Prepared for Florida Department of Environmental Regulation,Tallahassee, FL, by Environmental Research and Design, Inc., Orlando, FL. Kercher, W.C.,J.C. Landon, and R. Massarelh. 1983. Grassy swales prove cost-effective for water pollution control. Public Works, 16: 53-55 Keen, J. 1995 Evaluation of Water Quality Ponds andSwales in thelssaquah/East Lake Sammamish Basins. King County Surface Water Management, Seattle, WA, and Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. Metzger, M. E., D. F. Messer, C. L. Beitia, C. M. Myers, and V. L. Kramer. 2002.The Dark Side Of Stormwater Runoff Management: Disease Vectors Associated With Structural BMPs. . Stormwater 3(2) 24-39 Oakland, P.H. 1983. An evaluation of stormwater pollutant removal 10 of 13 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabrnphandbooks.com Vegetated Swale TC-30 through grassed swale treatment. In Proceedings of the International Symposium of Urban Hydrology,Hydraulics and Sediment Control,Lexington, KY. pp. 173-182. Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory. 1983. Final Report: Metropolitan Washington Urban Runoff Project. Prepared for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DC, by the Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory, Manassas, VA. Pitt, R., and J. McLean. 1986, Toronto Area Watershed Management Strategy Study: Humber RiaerPilot Watershed Project. Ontario Ministry of Environment,Toronto, ON. Schueler,T. 1997. Comparative Pollutant Removal Capability of Urban BMPs: A reanalysis. Watershed Protection Techniques 2(2):379-383 Seattle Metro and Washington Department of Ecology. 1992. Biofiltration Swale Performance: Recommendations and Design Considerations. Publication No. 657. Water Pollution Control Department, Seattle, WA. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission(SWRPC). r99r. Costs of Urban NonpointSourceWaterPollutionControlMeasures.Technicalreportno. 31. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, Waukesha, WI. U.S. EPA, 1999, Stormwater Fact Sheet: Vegetated Swales, Report # 832-F-99-o06 http7//www epa gov/owm/mtb/vepwale pdf, Office of Water,Washington DC. • Wang, T., D. Spyridakis, B. Mar, and R. Horner. 1981. Transport,Deposition and Control of Heavy Metals in Highway Runoff. FHWA-WA-RD-39-10. University of Washingtor, Department of Civil Engineering Seattle, WA. Washington State Department of Transportation, 1995,Highway Runoff Manual, Washington State Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington. Welborn, C., and J.Veenhuis. 1987. Effects of Runoff Controls on the Quantity and Quality of Urban Runoff in Two Locations in Austin, TX. USGS Water Resources Investigations Report No. 87-4004. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Yousef,Y., M.Wanielista, H. Harper, D. Pearce, and R.Tolbert. 1985. Best Management Practices: Removal of Highway Contaminants By Roadside Swales. University of Central Florida and Florida Department of Transportation, Orlando, FL. Yu, S., S. Barnes, and V. Gerde. 1993 Testing of Best Management Practicesfor Controlling Highway Runoff. FHWA/VA-93-R16. Virginia Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, VA. Information Resources Maryland Department of the Environment(MDE). 2000. Maryland Stormwater Design Manual. www mde state and us/environment/wma/stormwatertnanual. Accessed May 22, 2001. Reeves, E. 1994 Performance and Condition ofBiofilters in the Pacific Northwest. Watershed . Protection Techniques 1(3):117-119. January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 11 of 13 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com TC-30 Vegetated Swale • Seattle Metro and Washington Department of Ecology. 1992.Biofiltration Swale Performance. Recommendations and Design Considerations. Publication No. 657. Seattle Metro and Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. USEPA1993 Guidance SpecifyingManagem Ent Measuresfor Sources oflVonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters. EPA-84o-B-92-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Washington, DC. Watershed Management Institute(WMI). 1997. Operation,Maintenance, and Management of Storm water Management Systems. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Washington, DC, by the Watershed Management Institute, Ingleside, MD. 12 of 13 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Vegetated Swale TC-30 L 1 pms,idc rot srnur (a) Crass soaksn of Swale With check dam prpectiryn. y / 0 r Lr n, T 11 Notation: L =Li"th otowala immdmdmenf area per;hack damifq (b) Dimensional view orswak impoamracm arras De =DeWh of dmci dam(h) Ss =Botmmslmof awaW(fnh) IN =Tao widm of chock dam Of) WI =Bdlmm e6din of Ch.a a.,R(d) Z,af=Ratio @ hodzdraal W vortical dsahgo in swab side slops ift+fft{ January 2003 California Stormwater 0MP Handbook 13 of 13 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Infiltration Trench TC- 10 Design Considerations I. ■ Accumulation of Metals ■ Clogged Soil Outlet Structures ■ Vegetabordt.andscape �r Maintenance f u LL r Description An infiltration trench is a long, narrow, rock-filled trench with no Targeted Constituents outlet that receives stormwater runoff Runoff is stored in the 2 Sediment ■ void space between the stones and infiltrates through the bottom d Nutrients ■ and into the soil matrix. Infiltration trenches perform well for p Trash ■ removal of fine sediment and associated pollutants. p Metals ■ Pretreatment using buffer strips, swales, or detention basins is • important far limiting amounts of coarse sediment entering the ® Bacteria ■ trench which can clog and render the trench ineffective. 0 Oil and Grease ■ 0 Organics ■ California Experience Legend(Removal Effectiveness) Caltrans constructed two infiltration trenches at highway • Low ■ High maintenance stations in Southern California. Of these, one failed to operate to the design standard because of average soil A Medium infiltration rates lower than that measured in the single infiltration test. This highlights the critical need for appropriate evaluation of the site. Once in operation, little maintenance was required at either site. Advantages ■ Provides t00%reduction in the load discharged to surface waters. ■ An important benefit of infiltration trenches is the approximation of pre-development hydrology during which a significant portion of the average annual rainfall runoff is infiltrated rather than flushed directly to creeks. ■ If the water quality volume is adequately sized,infiltration trenches can be useful for providing control of channel forming(erosion)and high frequency(generally less than the • 2-year)flood events. January 2003 California Stormwatier BMP Handbook lot 7 New Deveioprnentand Redevelopment www.ca bmpha ndbooks.com TC- 10 Infiltration Trench • ■ As an underground BMP,trenches are unobtrusive and have little impact of site aesthetics. Limitations ■ Have a high failure rate if soil and subsurface conditions are not suitable. ■ May not be appropriate for industrial sites or locations where spills may occur. ■ The maximum contributing area to an individual infiltration practice should generally be less than 5 acres. ■ Infiltration basins require a minimum soil infiltration rate of o.5 inches/hour, not appropriate at sites with Hydrologic Soil Types C and D. ■ If infiltration rates exceed 2.4 inches/hour, then the runoff should be fully treated prior to infiltration to protect groundwater quality. ■ Not suitable on fill sites or steep slopes. ■ Risk of groundwater contamination in very coarse soils. ■ Upstream drainage area must be completely stabilized before construction. ■ Difficult to restore functioning of infiltration trenches once clogged. • Design and Sizing Guidelines ■ Provide pretreatment for infiltration trenches in order to reduce the sediment load. Pretreatment refers to design features that provide settling of large particles before runoff reaches a management practice, easing the long-term maintenance burden. Pretreatment is important for all structural stormwater management practices, but it is particularly important for infiltration practices. To ensure that pretreatment mechanisms are effective, designers should incorporate practices such as grassed swales, vegetated filter strips, detention, or a plunge pool in series. ■ Specify locally available trench rock that is J.5 to 2.5 inches in diameter. ■ Determine the trench volume by assuming the WQV will fill the void space based on the computed porosity of the rock matrix(normally about 35%) ■ Determine the bottom surface area needed to drain the trench within 72 hr by dividing the WQV by the infiltration rate. d WQV+RFV SA ■ Calculate trench depth using the following equation: where: D Trench depth 2 of 7 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Infiltration Trench TC- 10 • WQV = Water quality volume RFV = Rock fill volume SA = Surface area of the trench bottom ■ The use of vertical piping, either for distribution or infiltration enhancement shall not be allowed to avoid device classification as a Class V injection well per 40 CFR146.5(e)(4). ■ Provide observation well to allow observation of drain time. ■ May include a horizontal layer of filter fabric just below the surface of the trench to retain sediment and reduce the potential for clogging. Conslruclion/Inspection Consideru litms Stabilize the entire area draining to the facility before construction begins. If impossible, place a diversion berm around the perimeter of the infiltration site to prevent sediment entrance during construction. Stabilize the entire contributing drainage area before allowing any runoff to enter once construction is complete. Performance Infiltration trenches eliminate the discharge of the water quality volume to surface receiving waters and consequently can be considered to have l00%removal of all pollutants within this • volume. Transport of some of these constituents to groundwater is likely, although the attenuation in the soil and subsurface layers will be substantial for many constituents. Infiltration trenches can be expected to remove up to 90 percent of sediments, metals, coliform bacteria and organic matter, and up to 6o percent of phosphorus and nitrogen in the infiltrated runoff(Schueler, 1992). Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD)removal is estimated to be between 7o to 8o percent. Lower removal rates for nitrate, chlorides and soluble metals should be expected, especially in sandy soils (Schueler, 1992). Pollutant removal efficiencies may be improved by using washed aggregate and adding organic matter and loam to the subsoil. The stone aggregate should be washed to remove dirt and fines before placement in the trench. The addition of organic material and loam to the trench subsoil may enhance metals removal through adsorption. Siting Criteria The use of infiltration trenches maybe limited by a number of factors, including type of native soils, climate, and location of groundwater table. Site characteristics, such as excessive slope of the drainage area, fine-grained soil types, and proximate location of the water table and bedrock, may preclude the use of infiltration trenches. Generally, infiltration trenches are not suitable for areas with relatively impermeable soils containing clay and silt or in areas with fill. As with any infiltration BMP,the potential for groundwater contamination must be carefully considered, especially if the groundwater is used for human consumption or agricultural purposes. The infiltration trench is not suitable for sites that use or store chemicals or hazardous materials unless hazardous and toxic materials are prevented from entering the trench. In these areas, other BMPs that do not allow interaction with the groundwater should be considered. January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 3 of 7 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com TC- 10 Infiltration Trench The potential for spills can be minimized by aggressive pollution prevention measures. Many municipalities and industries have developed comprehensive spill prevention control and countermeasure(SPCC)plans. These plans should be modified to include the infiltration trench and the contributing drainage area. For example, diversion structures can be used to prevent spills from entering the infiltration trench. Because of the potential to contaminate groundwater, extensive site investigation must be undertaken early in the site planning process to establish site suitability for the installation of an infiltration trench. Longevity can be increased by careful geotechnical evaluation prior to construction and by designing and implementing an inspection and maintenance plan. Soil infiltration rates and the water table depth should be evaluated to ensure that conditions are satisfactory for proper operation of an infiltration trench. Pretreatment structures, such as a vegetated buffer strip or water quality inlet, can increase longevity by removing sediments, hydrocarbons, and other materials that may clog the trench. Regular maintenance,including the replacement of clogged aggregate, will also increase the effectiveness and life of the trench. Evaluation of the viability of a particular site is the same as for infiltration basins and includes: ■ Determine soil type (consider RCS soiltype'.4 B or C' only)from mapping and consult USDA soil survey tables to review other parameters such as the amount of silt and clay, presence of a restrictive layer or seasonal high water table, and estimated permeability. The soil should not have more than 30 percent clay or more than 40 percent of clay and silt combined. Eliminate sites that are clearly unsuitable for infiltration. ■ Groundwater separation should be at least 3 m from the basin invert to the measured ground water elevation. There is concern at the state and regional levels of the impact on groundwater quality from infiltrated runoff, especially when the separation between groundwater and the surface is small. ■ Location away from buildings, slopes and highway pavement(greater than 6 m)and wells and bridge structures(greater than 30 m). Sites constructed of fill, having a base flow or with a slope greater than 15 percent should not be considered. ■ Ensure that adequate head is available to operate flow splitter structures(to allow the basin to be offlhre)without ponding in the splitter structure or creating backwater upstream of the splitter. ■ Base flow should not be present in the tributary watershed. Secondary Screening Based on Site Geotechnical Investigation ■ At least three in-hole conductivity tests shall be performed using USBR 73oo-89 or Bouwer- Rice procedures(the latter if groundwater is encountered within the boring), two tests at different locations within the proposed basin and the third down gradient by no more than approximately ro in. The tests shall measure permeability in the side slopes and the bed within a depth of 3 In of the invert. ■ The minimum acceptable hydraulic conductivity as measured in any of the three required test holes is 13 mm/hr. If any test hole shows less than the minimum value,the site should be disqualified from further consideration. 4of 7 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandblooks.com Infiltration Trench TC- 10 ■ Exclude from consideration sites constructed in fill or partially in fill unless no silts or clays are present in the soil boring. Fill tends to be compacted,with clays in a dispersed rather than flocculated state, greatly reducing permeability. ■ The geotechnical investigation should be such that a good understanding is gained as to how the stormwater runoff will move in the soil(horizontally or vertically)and if there are any geological conditions that could inhibit the movement of water. Maintenance Infiltration trenches required the least maintenance of any of the BMPs evaluated in the Caltrans study,with approximately 17 field hours spent on the operation and maintenance of each site. Inspection of the infiltration trench was the largest field activity, requiring approximately 8 hr/yr. In addition to reduced water quality performance, clogged infiltration trenches with surface standing water can become a nuisance due to mosquito breeding. If the trench takes more than 72 hours to drain, then the rock fill should be removed and all dimensions of the trench should be increased by 2 inches to provide a fresh surface for infiltration. Cost Construction Cost Infiltration trenches are somewhat expensive, when compared to other stormwater practices, in terms of cost per area treated. Typical construction costs, including contingency and design costs, are about $5 per ft3 of stormwater treated(SWRPC, 1991; Brown and Schueler, 1997) Actual construction costs may be much higher. The average construction cost of two infiltration trenches installed by Caltrans in southern California was about$5o/ft3; however, these were constructed as retrofit installations. Infiltration trenches typically consume about 2 to 3 percent of the site draining to them, which is relatively small. In addition, infiltration trenches can fit into thin, linear areas. Thus, they can generally fit into relatively unusable portions of a site. Maintenance Cost One cost concern associated with infiltration practices is the maintenance burden and longevity. If improperly sited or maintained, infiltration trenches have a high failure rate. In general, maintenance costs for infiltration trenches are estimated at between 5 percent and 20 percent of the construction cost. More realistic values are probably closer to the 2o-percent range, to ensure long-term functionality of the practice. References and Sources of Additional Information Caltrans, 2002, BMP Retrofit Pilot Program Proposed Final Report, Rpt. CTSW-RT-or-050, California Dept. of Transportation, Sacramento, CA- Brown,W., and T. Schueler. 1997. The Economics ofStormwaterBMPsin the Mid-Atlantic Region. Prepared for the Chesapeake Research Consortium, Edgewater, MD, by the Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Galli,J. 1992. Analysis of Urban BMPPerformance and Longevity in Prince George's County, Maryland. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DC. January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 5 of 7 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbool s.com TC- 10 Infiltration Trench Maryland Department of the Environment(MDE). 2000. Maryland Stormwater Design Manual. http_//www mde state and us environment/wma/stormwatermanual. Accessed May 22, 2001. Metzger, M. E., D. F. Messer, C. L Beitia, C. M. Myers, and V. L. Kramer. 2002.The Dark Side Of Stormwater Runoff Management: Disease Vectors Associated With Structural BMPs. Stormwater 3(2): 24-39 Schueler,T. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff. A Practical Manualfor Planning andDesigning Urban BMPs. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments,Washington, DC. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission(SWRPC). 1991. Costs of Urban Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Control Measures. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission,Waukesha, WI. Watershed Management Institute (WMI). 1997. Operation, Maintenance, and Management of StormwaterManagementSystems. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. Information Resources Center for Watershed Protection(CWP). 1997. Storm water BMP Design Supplementfor Cold Climates. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, Washington, DC, by the Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. . Ferguson, B.K 1994.Stormwater Infiltration. CRC Press, Ann Arbor, MI. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 1989. Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas: Best Man agement Practices. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minneapolis, MN. USEPA. 1993. Guidance to Specify Management Measuresfor Sources ofNonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters. EPA-84o-13-92-o02. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. • 6 of 7 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Infiltration Trench TC- 10 CONCRETE PARKING LOT LEVEL SPREADER Rn CHANNEL (LESS THAN 1% PLUNGE Y4Y°uuaY SLOPE) L- VYV'w aVV POOL uYau.aavuYv. V aVVY iYV'YVVv w4 VU•i�14 C3 r¢ YV'�Vur (TO DETENTION FACILITY) 711tTR4T19 TRENCH WITH PEA '— _ FILTER IAYERYER Erxs:n-✓ • OVER WASHED � :",e�-•.ayf> BANK RUN GRAVEL AGGREGATE fp _ • RUNOFF FILTERSTHROUGH GRASS OVERFLOW DERM� BUFFER STRIP(20'MINIMUM):GRASS WITH 5CREW WELL WITH SCREW TOP LID CHANNEL;OR SEDIMENTATION VAULT — I III III _ '; III W'J—IIII Inl III1 yII—J_ H7R=1 IIJI@_ I �Ilf tinlL=lli.. 2"PFA GRAVEL FILTER LAYER y "as.:'Ap.da':�ab•1._b•}1111= PROTECTIVE LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC —WI•J :M(,S 'N'ai..��'F��Y.p:bI IIII T RENCH 3-S FEET DEEP .H'�:^�.:a .. NEH-BfAMETER a _Iilll CLEAN SLONE —7. (BANK RUN GRAVEL PREFERRED) ��_ Mq'. A:»•:i`,'�.✓'A�. ..F .iQ —'IIII gIY_yCR; `Y. Y_ghY A_rr IIII i.rfp •s'•;p� ,..'.' ,p,' „ tills S'DEEP (OR FABRIC EQUIVALENT) W �iil =1TYI TJRll rl_1Y i-un—na RUNOFF E%FILTRATES THROUGH MINIMUM RATE OF D5 INCHES PER HOUR • January 2003 California Stormwater 8MP Handbook 7 of 7 New Developmentand Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Appendix E Soils Report ® INLAND, INC ---- -- Geotechnical Consulting orn1 17, 2006 Project No. I05752-10 Mr. Peter Minegar, Sr. MSS PROPERTIES P.O. Box 879 Temecula, California 92593-0879 Subject: Percolation Rate Report for a Proposed On-site Retention Basins,Assessors Parcel Number 910- 272-013 in the City of Temecula, Riverside County, California References: County ofRiverside,Department of Health,Division of Environmental Health, 1981, "Waste Disposal for Individual Homes, Commercial and Industrial,"dated August. UGC Inland, Inc. (LGC)is pleased to present the test data and calculations for seepage rates pertaining to the two proposed detention basins within the approximately 1.13-acre parcel, located southwest of the intersection of Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive,in the City of Temecula,County of Riverside,California.The purpose of our feasibility study was to determine the percolation rates and physical characteristics of the subsurface soils existing thin the subject property. PROPER TY LOCA TIONS AND DESCRIPTION The subject site is located at located at the approximately 1.13-acre parcel,located southwest of the intersection of Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive in the City of Temecula,County of Riverside,California. The topography of the site is level. No underground structures are known to exist at the site. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND PERCOLATION TESTING Subsurface Exploration From information contained in LGC's Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation dated March 21,2005,subsurface exploration within the subject site was performed initially on February 14, 2005 consisting of drilling four (4) borings throughout the proposed building area to depths ranging from 26 to 51 feet. • Percolation Testin¢ April 10 and 11,2006 percolation tests were initiated to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing retention basins for site disposal of storm water runoff. Prior to the subsurface work,an underground utilities clearance was obtained from Underground Service Alert of Southern California. The test method employed was the deep boring seepage-pit type testing procedure. On April 10 and 11, 2006, two (2) falling-head percolation tests were conducted on Borings B-1 and B-2,in accordance with the procedures described in the RCDEH booklet- "Waste Disposal for Individual Homes, Commercial and Industrial." Immediately after drilling, approximately 50 feet of 3 inch diameter slotted pipe was inserted into the percolation test borings B-1 and approximately 20 feet of pipe in boring B-2. The percolation test borings were then filled with water to approximately 10 and 5 feet,respectively, below the soil surface. Following a 24hr pre-soak, the test boring was refilled with water to the soil surface. From a fixed reference point,the drop in water level was then measured and recorded at 10 minute intervals over a period of 1 hour. After each measurement, the water level was readjusted. The percolation test data sheets are presented in Appendix A. FINDINGS Local Geology and Soil Conditions The earth materials on the site are primarily comprised of artificial fill and Quaternary Pauba Formation sedimentary rock. A general description of the soil materials observed on the site is provided in the • following paragraphs: Artificial Fill(mapsvmbol Af): Artificial fill materials were encountered throughout the site in the upper 21/z to 30 feet within the borings. These materials are typically locally derived from the native materials and consist generally of dark yellowish brown to olive brown sandy silt,silty sand,clayey sand, and sandy clay. These materials were found to be compacted, consistent, well consolidated fills that were likely placed in the early 1990's. Quaternary Pauba Formation (map symbol Ons): Pauba Formation bedrock was encountered generally at depth below the artificial fill materials. These materials consisted primarily of olive brown to olive gray, fine to coarse grained sandstone and clayey sandstone,with interbedded sandy claystone and sandy siltstones. These materials were typically moderately hard to hard and dry to very moist. Groundwater Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 40 feet in Boring B-1. Additionally, groundwater was observed in Boring 3 during the preliminary Geotechnical investigation conducted on March 4, 2005. • n..,.:--- AT- MCOCO In Percolation Test Results Ore measured percolation test rates are as follows: PEHCOLATIO PERCOLATION RETENTIQN PERCOLATION RATE SOIL DESCRIPTION TESTNo lYSOLE .: RATE(FfBr) BASI1lrNo DEPTS 1 B-1 s0 41.2 5.08 Af/Qps 2 B-2 20 32.4 11.88 Af/Qps INVESTIGATION LIMITATIONS This report is based upon information provided by the client and on the proposed project and geotecbnical data as described herein. The materials encountered on the project site and described in other literature are believed representative of the project area and the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are presented on that basis. However, soil materials can vary in characteristics between points of exploration,both laterally and vertically, and those variations could affect the conclusions and recommendations contained herein. As such, observation and testing by a geotechnical consultant during the construction phases of the project are essential to confirming the basis of this report. To provide the greatest degree of continuity between the design and construction phases, consideration should be given to retaining LGC for construction services. This report has been prepared consistent with that level of care being provided by other professionals providing smilar services at the same locale and time period. The contents of this report are professional opinions and as uch,are not to be considered a guarantee or warranty. This report should be reviewed and updated after a period of 1-year or if the project concept changes from that described herein. This report has not been prepared for use by parties or projects other than those named or described herein. This report may not contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. • The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding the content of this report, should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your earliest nvenience. Respectfully submitted, LGCINL,4ND, INC. QPpF4SS�pQ,4 �,�o aylCkgft (F� No.692 o z St hen M. Poole, GE 692 \�F OF Ct1��4Q� Principal Engineer Vice President JD/GU/SMP/ko Distribution: (4) Addressee Attachments: Appendix A—Percolation Test Results (Rear of Text) • • Project No. I05752-10 Page 4 April 17, 2006 APPENDIX A PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS SEEPAGE PIT PERC DATA SHEET JOB NO.: I05752-10 �T HOLE NO.: B 1 TEST HOLE SIZE: 6" SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Silty Sand with Clay DEPTH OF TEST HOLE: 50' DATE EXCAVATED: 4/7/06 PRE-SOAK TIME: Start: 13:00 4/10/06 End: 11:30 4/11/06 Initial Water Level Final Water Ain Water Level Ti Interval(hr) Rate FiM (]r .Gall s.fJ day Reading No. Time (ft) Lewl(ft) me 1 11:45 40 35.0 5.0 0.17 29.4 3.53 11:55 2 12:00 40 34.0 4.0 0.17 35.3 4.29 1:10 1:15 3 40 34.0 4.0 0.17 35.3 4.29 1:25 4 1:30 40 33.0 3.0 0.17 41.2 5.08 1:40 1'5 45 40 33.0 3.0 0.17 41.2 5.08 1:55 6 2:00 40 33.0 3.0 0.17 41.2 5.08 2:10 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEEPAGE PIT PERC DATA SHEET JOB NO.: I05752-10 DST HOLE NO.: B-2 TEST HOLE SIZE: 6" SOIL CLASSIFICATION:_ UM Sand with Clav DEPTH OF TEST HOLE: 20' DATE EXCAVATED: 4/7/06 PRE-SOAK TME: Start: 13:15 4/10/06 End: 14:25 4/11/06 Reading No. Time Initial Water Level Final Water Ain Water Level Time Interval(hr) Rate FtMr a GeV s.fJ day (it) Level(ft) 1 2:25 15 8.5 6.5 0.17 38.2 14.64 2:35 2 2:40 15 8.5 6.5 0.17 38.2 14.64 2:50 3 2-55 15 9.0 6.0 0.17 35.3 13.24 3:05 4 3:10 15 9.0 6.0 0.17 35.3 13.24 3:20 5 3:25 15 9.5 5.5 0.17 32.4 11.88 3:35 6 3'40 15 9.5 5.5 0.17 32.4 11.88 3:50 7 8 9 10 11 12 Egg Appendix F Treatment Control BMP Sizing Calculations and Design Details worksheet 3 - • Design Procedure for BMP Design Volume 85B' percentile runoff event Designer: COVUEA Company: — Date: G Project: = 0100 Location: e a rT- 1.Create Unit Storage Volume Graph a. Site location (Township, Range, and T &R Section). Section (1) b. Slope value from the Design Volume (2) Curve in Appendix A. Slope = 2� c. Plot this value on the Unit Storage Volume Graph shown on Figure 2. d. Draw a straight line form this point to Is this graph Yes No❑ the origin,to create the graph attached? 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient tt • a. Determine total impervious area A;mpe,,,;o s= d• 2 I acres (5) b. Determine total tributary area Abtai =_ acres (B) c. Determine Impervious fraction i = (5)/(6) i = G (7) d.Use (7)in Fi ure 1 to find Runoff OR C= .858i - .78e + .774i+ .04 C = S (8) 3. Determine 85% Unit Storage Volume a. Use (8)in Figure 2 Draw a Vertical tine from (8) to the graph, then a Horizontal line to the in-acre desired V value. V = l0 . I acre (9) 4. Determine Design Storage Volume a. VBMp=(9)x(6) [in- acres] VBMp= 0, in-acre (10) b. VBMp= (10)/12 [ft-acres] VBMp = 0 ft-acre (11) c. VBMp=(11)x 43560 [ft'] VBMp = !2`7_ 7 1 _ ft' (12) Notes: • 7 Worksheet 1 -- Design Procedure for BMP Design Volume 85th percentile runoff event Designer: ✓Z0 Company: — Date: Project: PA A�-- 0 00 Location: 6r-J '*fr 1.Create Unit Storage Volume Graph a.Site location(Township,Range,and T &R Section). Section (�) b. Slope value from the Design Volume (2) Curve in Appendix A. Slope= . c. Plot this value on the Unit Storage Volume Graph shown on Figure 2. d. Draw a straight line forth this point to Is this graph Yeses No[Ithe origin,to create the graph attached? /\` 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient ,�rr q • a. Determine total impervious area Awl s= Q T I acres (5) b. Determine total tributary area Atow= a, 57 C _ acres (6) c. Determine Impervious fraction Q (n i =(5)/(6) i_— — d.Use(7)in Figure 1 to find Runoff OR C= .858i'-.78?+_774i+.04 C (8) 3. Determine 85% Unit Storage Volume a•Use (8)in Figure 2 Draw a Vertical line from (8) to the graph, then a Horizontal line to the in-acre desired V value_ V = (/ i v U acre (9) 4. Determine Design Storage Volume �i a.VBMP=(9)x(6) (in-acres] VBMP= a i 4 f in-acre (10) b. VBMP=(10)112 [ft-acres] VBMP= /). O!f ft-acre (11) C. VBMP=(11)x 43560 [ft) VBMP= 4r 7 _ 1t3 (12) Notes: 7 JVor6ksheet 4 _ • Design Procedure Form for Infiltration Basin Designer: 14 CoVPPA Company: Date: Project: — O Location: ,V 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use"lorksheet1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 50) Ae.= Q Z� acres b. Design Storage Volume, Vomp VBma = ! W 2. Maximum Allowable Depth (Dm) a. Site infiltration rate (I) i = inlhr b. Minimum drawdown time (48 hrs) t= — hrs c_ Safety factor(s) S= d. Dm=((t) x(I)]g12s] Dm= L ft 3. Basin Surface Area { Am =Vamp/Dm Am fe • 4, Vegetation (check type used or Native Grasses describe "other ) 4 Irrigated Turf Grass Other Notes: • 26 Work sheet 4 _- • Design Procedure Form for Infiltration Basin Designer: F t Co VRFA Company: Date: Project: — Location: -" 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 50) At.tat = J acres b. Design Storage Volume, VBMP VBMP =_+'?4=2' W 2. Maximum Allowable Depth (Dm) a. Site infiltration rate (1) I = 2.7 in/hr b. Minimum drawdown time (48 hrs) t= 41 hrs C. Safety factor (s) s= d. Dm = ((t) x (1)]412s] Dm = ft 3. Basin Surface Area Am =VBMP / Dm Am • 4. Vegetation (check type used orative Grasses describe "other") Irrigated Turf Grass _Other Notes: • 26 3. Using the runoff coefficient found instep 2, determine 851h percentile unit storage volume (Vu) using Figure 2 (created in step 1). • 4. Determine the design storage volume (VBmp). This is the volume to be used in the design of selected BMPs presented in this handbook. 1.00 — — 0.90 = 0.80 i 2 C = CO ,7y 0.70 - 0.60 - 0 •I,S o 0.50 -- - 0.40 c 0.30 �- z' 0.20 • 0.10 Q 0.00 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % impervious Figure 1. Impervious — Coefficient Curve (WEPASCE Method') hupen-iousuess is the decimal fraction of the total caiclunent covered be the sum of roads.parking lots. side%A alks.rooftops.and oilier irupemreabie surfaces of an urban landscape - • 5 Plot Slope Value from Appendix A here 1.9 — -- 1.8 1.7 — 1.6 — 1.5 1.4 eo _ a° 1.3 ' 1.2 - 00 1.1 0 0 0.9 3 0.8 d . m 2 0.7 s 0.6 �f — 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 - 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Runoff Coefficient(C) Fiq e 2 Unit Storage Volume Graph (J iI r _ q r, a r Y e- I Y I 1 14 rt j ktgi p• ,�4e' 10 • �O. ,r, f 1Y7 � � � 4.Y � j ' �� f s 4 �r 1 + � f • � i' rc- r 1 i . g r -;v ram^- _..�. f f. �-,_ , ♦ ( /�� r Worksheet 2 Design Procedure Form for Design Flow Uniform Intensity Design Flow Designer: Company: �fLc c , rrC 1=N� Date: 5ha4l 0 Project: PA n p Location: 1.Determine Impervious Percentage a_ Determine total tributary area Amt,, acres (1) b. Determine Impervious% i= C1_��, % (2) 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient Values Use 'table 4 and impervious%found in step 1 a_ A Soil Runoff Coefficient Ca = (3) b. B Soil Runoff Coefficient Cb = �Z�v� Z (4) c. C 5011 Runoff Coefficient Cz = (5) • d. D Soil Runoff Coefficient Ca = (6) 3. Determine the Area decimal fraction of each soil type in tributary area a.Area of A Soil 1 (1) = A. = (7) b.Area of B Soil 1 (1) = Ab = •s� (6) c.Area of C Soil 1 (1) = Ac = (9) d. Area of D Soil 1 (1) = Ad = (10) 4. Determine Runoff Coefficient �f // a. C= (3)x(7)+(4)x(S)+(5)x(9)+(6)x(10) = C = O 76 (11) 5. Determine BMP Design flow a. QBMP=CxIxA= (11)x0.2x(1) QaMP — s 1 O O5J it ( 21 • 10 . Table 4. Runoff Coefficients for an Intensit 0 2 /hr for Urban Soil T es* lmpg�veous°� A Solt i3 Soft C,Sc>sl 'L3 Soil I =32' R1 =56 Rl =69 R1,=75� R 0 (Natural) 0.06 0.14 0.23 0.28 5 0.10 0.18 0.26 0.31 10 0.14 0.22 0.29 0.34 15 i0.19 0.26 0.33 0.37 20 1-Acre 0.23 0.30 0.36 0.40 25 0.27 0.33 0.39 0.43 30 0.31 0.37 0.43 0.47 35 0.35 0.41 0.46 0.50 40 1/2-Acre} 0.40 0.45 0,50 0.53 45 0.44 0.48 0.53 0.56 50 1/4-Acre 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.59 55 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.62 60 0.56 0.60 0.63 0.65 65 Condominiums 0.61 0.64 0.66 0.68 70 0.65 0.67 0.70 0.71 75 Mobilehomes 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.74 80 (Apartments) 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.78 85 0.77 0.79 0.80 0.81 90 Commercial 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.84 • 95 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 100 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 'Complete District's standards can be found in the Riverside County Flood Control Hydrology Manual • 9 • GRASS SWALE HYDRAULIC HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982,1986 Advanced Engineering Software (AES] «««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»>»»»»»> ____________________________________________________________________________ Advanced Engineering Software [AES] SERIAL No. I0612I "7ER. 2.3C RELEASE DATE: 2/20/86 ««««««««««««««««««<o»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»> ... x**"DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS***x.x**xxixx+xxxtxxxxxxxx xx xxxx*R*#}+xx+xRx * GRASS SWALE S=0.0100 + B=2 FT #«xxx«xxxxxxFxxxxxxxxxx Ri xRixx<*xxxxxx...xxxRxRxRxxxRxF<.x<xR.FxxiRRF++RRRFF }}+fiRii iRiR*tR+FFx+i#++RRR*RkxkF*+++h#4#i+i}RRRRRR**#F**Ft#F#*F#Fx*Rx#*R#Fi* »»CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION«« ____________________________________________________________________________ • CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL) = 3.00 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 2.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET/FEET) = .010000 �35IFORM FL09i(CFS) = .23 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0200 NORMAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ____________________________________________________________ --__ »»> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) _ .08 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 2.47 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) _ .17 RYDRADLIC DEFTR(FEET) _ .07 4, FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.30 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMEER = .864 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) _ _99 AVERAGE➢ VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) s .026 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = .105 __=-____=________________________________________________ CRITICAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ____________________________________________________________________________ CRITICAL FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET) = 2.42 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) _ .16 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) _ .06 -- D=L CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.47 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = .07 - CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = .98 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) _ .033 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC £N£R6Y(FEET) _ .ID4 • PL 7• 2' WIDE OPENING ® 9' D.C. AC PAVEMENT VARIES VARIES _ GRAVEL BED TO BE TOTALLY OVERED BY FILTER FABRIC 2' SAND BED 18" NON-COMPACTED GRAVEL GRASS INFILTRATION SWALE NOT TO SCALE 1. CRUSHED STONE GRAVEL. OR SIMILAR FILTER MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR AND HAVING ADEQUATE V0R7$ VARYING IN SIZE FROM THREE-QUARTERS TO ONE AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN SIZE SHALL BE PLACED IN THE TRENCH 70 THE DEPTH AND GRADE REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION. • RW INFILTRATION BASIN 2' WIDE OPENING a 9, D.C. AC PAVEMENT VARIES V S BO FL - GRAVEL BED TO BE TOTALLY OVERED BY FILTER FABRIC 2" SAND BED 18" NON-COMPACTED GRAVEL GRASS INFILTRATION BASIN NOT TO SCALE -1. CRUSHED S7VNE GRAVEL. OR SIMMR FILTER MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY INSPECTOR AND HAVING ADEQUATE VOIDS VARYING IN S12E FROM THREE-QUARTERS TO ONE AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN SIZE, SHALL BE PLACED IN THE IRENCH TO THE DEPTH AND (FADE REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION. • Debris Trap • . .. . . ... . . . .. /r —- Fossil RockTM Pouches -Utlurv 'Bypass Liner Support Basket Catch Basin (Flat 133ralaStyle) Outlet Pipe TOP VIEW Initial Bypass Grew NOTES: Gasket 1. Ro4mdTm4PULlS(fraw MMMIQ high capacity catch bash • kLwbmmikftinsimsto fit most kdusby4bndard LfifinnateBypass cat:libminsiznmdstAm(seespwftrdkid). Referto the FloGardw+PUlS(wall mount)rimertforriMces to fit Debris Trap non-slandaird or combination style catch basins. 24-typ Z Fiftff heart shall have both an'inittal"I'll bypass and Support Basket "tillimatehigh-flowbypassfeature. I lFillarassarriblyshall beconstructedfrom stainless steel . (PM304)- 4.ADmamWremnof?.rofdemmmbetm thebubm Fossil Rock Pouches of grate and top of inlet a outlet pip*). Rater to the . Flo4ard1whisertforshaliveinstallations ----- --- ---- --- 5. Met,asedurtshall be Rubberimm installed and maintained inacwnt c whhmmdamare=mwWnm. Liner Outlet Pipe 0 FLOX.%4RDTM+PLUS SIDE VIEW CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT (Frame Mount) FLAT GRATED INLET US PATENT KriS;Lar Enterprises,Inc.,Santa Rosa,CA (800)57988 1 19 06f04 Flo-Gard+Plus Fiher _ installed ------------ 1 'i • NOTES: 1. FiOGadTM+PWS(frattemount)highcapacity catch basin btserts ae available in sim togl most m&Wg4WWwd catch basin sires and styles(see spedflerchat).Refer o 0te RaCmd"4P1ll3(wall rrormt)bsrtfa devices toRt non-standard a combirtalion style catch basins. 2 Filter insert shall have both an'InWf0feriog bypass ad wl� hoohm FLO-GARDTM+PLUS 3. Filtrassandy shall be cara6uG¢d bom standess steel (Type 304). 4.AllowarrcrdmtonofT-Pofdeaancebetwcenthebotlan CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT ofgraleaaltopofbdetaoWetplpe(s). Refrtodte RocadTMinsatfa"stB W'iretaMicrs. (Frame Mount Installation) 5. Filter medium shall he Wdthedaae btsta0ed and mairda ned FLAT GRATED INLET illaccrdaica with masdac0ar�, US PATQJT KriStar Enterprises,Im,Santa Rosa,CA (800)579-8819 0¢!04 Appendix G AGREEMENTS- CC&RS, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS PE1610 MR Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) PARCEL MADISON AVE OFFICE/COMMERCIAL BUILDING Appendix G AGREEMENTS — CC&RS, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS o � •