HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel Map 22286 Parcel 2 WQMP Star World Center 1 TEMECULA TEC ENGINEERING 1 CONSULTANTS, INC. 1 1 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 1 For 1 STAR WORLD CENTER 1 Parcel 2, PM 22286 '.PA 04-0584 i TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 1 Prepared By: 1 TEMECULA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC. 1 1 1 1 Stanley D. Heaton, RCE 43982 January 17, 2007 1 TEC •LAND PLANNING• CIVIL ENGINEERING • CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS 29377 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD,SUITE 202, TEMECULA,CALIFORNIA 92591 TEL: 951-676-10 18 . FAX: 951-676-2294 a49� WATER QUALITY AIANAGEAIENT PLAN C:HEC:KLIST Public NN orks Department KKK J NODES Proagraln �gNy 43300 Business Park Drive, Temecula; CA, The purpose of this checklist is to provide a format for uniform, comprehensive, and well-documented reviews of project-specific Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) submitted by project owners. The completed checklist should accompany the WQMP and submitted to the City of Temecula. ' Applicant Name: JANET OCK GYU LEE Parcel/Tract Map Number: Parcel 2, PM 22286 Planning Application Number: PA 04-0584—LID 06-096GR Project Name: STAR WORLD CENTER SUMMARY OF WQMP REQUIREMENTS 1 (PLEASE LIST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION) Section I. Watershed and Sub-Watershed: Santa Margarita River and Murrieta Creek Section II. Land-Use Category(from Initial Checklist): 5b & 8 ' Section III. Pollutants(expected and potential): Sediment/turbidity; nutrients; organic compound; trash&debris; oxygen demanding substances;bacteria&viruses; oil&grease; pesticides; metals Section IV. Exemption Category(A,B, C, or Not Exempt): B—less than 1 acre Section V. Treatment BMP Category(ies): Vegetated swale due to lack of storm drain system for connection Section VI. Party(ies) responsible for BMP maintenance: Janet Ock Gyu Lee Section VII. Funding source(s) for BNIP maintenance: Janet Ock Gyu Lee NOTES: (a) The WQMP will NOT be accepted unless all of the items requested above and throughout this checklist are completed. (b) Section VI must be accompanied by notarized proof of the entity(ies)assuming direct responsibility or oversight for the long-term maintenance of the BMPs. (c) Section VII must be accompanied by notarized proof demonstrating the funding mechanism(s)proposed(i.e. Assessments, Homeowner Association, Property Management, etc.)for the BMP maintenance. Requirement Satisfied? WQMP REQUIREMENT Yes No Not Applicable Title Page Name of project with Tract, Parcel, or other I.D.number Owner/Developer name, address &telephone number Consulting/Engineering firm, address&phone number Pre arer's Registered Professional Engineers' Stamp and Signature Date WQMP was prepared Owner's Certification Signed certification statement Table of Contents Complete and includes all figures,Appendices(A-H), and design worksheets Section I. Project Description in narrative form Project location Project size(to the nearest 1/10 acre) Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) Code Description and location of facilities Activities, locations of activities, materials and products to be used and stored for each activity and at each facility, delivery areas, and what kinds of wastes will be generated Project watershed and sub-watershed Formation of a Home Owner's Association or Property Owner's Association ' Additional permits/approvals required for the project including: • State Department of Fish and Game, 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement; • State Water Resources Control Board, Clean Water Act(CWA) section 401 Water Quality Certification; • US Army Corps of Engineers, CWA section 404 permit; • US Fish and Wildlife,Endangered Species Act section 7 biological opinion; • Municipal Conditions of Approval(Appendix A). 1 Section II. Site Characterization in narrative form) Land use designation or zoning Current and proposed property use Soils report(Appendix E). (Note: A soils report is required if infiltration BMPs are utilized) Phase 1 Site Assessment or summaries of assessment or remediation(Appendix H) Identification of Receiving waters (including 303(d)listed waters, Designated beneficial uses, and any RARE beneficial use waters) and their existing impairments Requirement Satisfied? WQMP REQUIREMENT Yes No Not Applicable Section III. Pollutants of Concern (in narrative form) Potential and expected pollutants from the proposed project Presence of legacy pesticides,nutrients, or hazardous substances in the site's soils as a result of past uses Section IV.Hydrologic Conditions of Concern (in narrative form) Conditions A,B, or C exempt the WQMP from this section If the project is not exempt, evaluation of impacts to downstream erosion or stream habitat discharge flow rates, velocities, durations, and volumes from a 2-year and 10- year,24-hour rainfall event is included Section V.Best Management Practices V1. Site Design BMPs ' 1 Table 1. Site Design BMPs is complete Narrative describing the site design 13MPs proposed for the project Narrative describing the site design 13MPs that were not applicable and why they cannot be implemented Narrative describing how each individual BMP proposed for the project will be implemented and maintained, including inspection and maintenance frequency, inspection criteria, and the responsible entity or party Site Design 13MPs shown on the WQMP Site Plan(Appendix B) 1 V2. Source Control BMPsa �Fa� i n Table 2. Source Control BMPs is complete Narrative describing the source control BMPs proposed for the project Narrative describing the source control BMPs that were not applicable and why they cannot be implemented ' Narrative describing how each individual BMP proposed for the project will be implemented and maintained, including inspection and maintenance frequency, inspection criteria, and the responsible entity or party OStructural source control BMPs shown on the WQMP Site Plan(Appendix B) Copies of Educational Materials(Appendix D) V3. Treatment Control BMPs7. NO ISO Z III ` Table 3.Treatment Control BMPs is complete Narrative describing the treatment control BMPs of medium or high effectiveness proposed for the project 1 Requirement Satisfied? WQMP REQUIREMENT Yes No Not Applicable Narrative describing how each individual treatment control BMP proposed for the project will be implemented and maintained, including locations, sizing criteria, - ' inspection and maintenance frequency,inspection criteria, long-term O&M, and the responsible entity or party Treatment Control BMPs shown on the WQMP Site Plan(Appendix B) Copy of the property/project soils report(Appendix E). (Note: This requirement applies only if infiltration-based Treatment Control BMPs are utilized) ' Calculations for Treatment Control BMPs (Appendix F) V4. Equivalent Treatment Control Alternativest +"45f � , F di ntanrca ,h a .n Narrative describing equivalent treatment control alternatives Calculations for Equivalent Treatment Control Alternatives(Appendix F) V5.Regionally-Based Treatment Control BMPs ., °.a � tr' . ' Narrative describing regionally-based treatment control BMPs Calculations for Regionally-Based Treatment Control BMPs(Appendix F) ' Section A.Operation and Maintenance(08M)Responsibility for Treatment Control BMPs BMPs requiring O&M are identified ' Description of 0&M activities, the O&M process, and the handling and placement of any wastes BMP start-up dates 1 Schedule of the frequency of O&M for each BMP Parties responsible for O&M Notarized proof of the entities responsible for O&M(Appendix G) Inspection and record-keeping requirements for BMPs including responsible parties. Description of water quality monitoring, if required Section VII. Funding ' Notarized proof of the funding source(s) for the 0&M of each Treatment Control BMP Appendix A (Section 1) Complete copy of the final Municipal Conditions of Approval Appendix B (Sections 1 and V) Vicinity Map identifying the project site and surrounding planning areas Site Plan depicting the following project features: ;r,�-f�. Location and identification of all structural BMPs, including Treatment Control BMP,. Landscaped areas. Paved areas and intended uses. Requirement Satisfied? WQMP REQUIREMENT Yes No Not Applicable Number and type of structures and intended uses. (ie: buildings,tenant spaces, dwelling units, community facilites such as pools,recreations facilities, tot lots,etc.) ' Infrastructure (ie: streets,storm drains, etc.)that will revert to public agency ownership and operation. Location of existing and proposed public and private storm drainage facilities including catch basins and other inlet/outlet structures. (Existing and proposed drainage facilities should be clearly differentiated.) Receiving Waters locations that the project directly or indirectly discharges into. Discharge points where onsite or tributary offsite flows exit the site. ' Proposed drainage areas boundaries, including tributary offsite areas,for each location where flows exit the site. (Each tributary area should be clearly denoted.) Pre-and post-project topography. ' Appendix C (Section IV) Supporting engineering studies, calculations,reports, etc. 1 Appendix D (Section V) Educational materials proposed in implementing the project-specific WQMP ' Appendix E (Sections II and V) Summary of Soils Report information if infiltration BMPs are proposed Appendix F (Section V) Treatment Control BMP sizing calculations and design details Appendix G (Sections I and VI) CC&Rs, Covenant and Agreements, or other mechanisms used to ensure the ongoing operation, maintenance, funding, and transfer of the WQMP requirements Appendix H (Section II) Summary of Environmental Site Assessment, Remediation, and Use Restrictions. (End of Checklist) 1 Project Specific r Water Quality Management Plan 1 For: STAR WORLD CENTER 1 ' DEVELOPMENT NO. PARCEL 2, PM 22286; APN 922-100-023 DESIGN REVIEW NO. PA 04-0584; LD 06-096GR r ' Prepared For: JANET OCK GYU LEE, Owner 4027 Star Track Way rFallbrook, CA 92028 Tel: (760) 731-2135 1 rPrepared by: f Temecula Engineering Consultants, Inc. Stanley D. Heaton, PE President 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 202 Temecula, CA 92591 (951) 676-1018 r rWQMP Preparation/Revision Date: 1/17/2007 r r ENGINEER'S CERTIFIATION 1 "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments and appendices ' were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted." IZ igna re Da e ' Q�,,pf ESS/Oyu D. T ' no.aasaz ESP.s/so/fl� Stamp r t OWNER'S CERTIFICATION This project-specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for: Janet Ock Gyu Lee, Star World Centerby Temecula Engineering Consultants, Inc., for the project known as Star World Center, PA 04-0584 at 28865 Old Town Front Street, Temecula, CA 92590. ' This WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of Temecula for Parcel 2, PM 22286, APN 922-100-023, which includes the requirement for the preparation and implementation of a project-specific WQMP. ' The undersigned, while owning the property/project described in the preceding paragraph, shall be .responsible for the implementation of this WQMP and will ensure that this WQMP is amended as appropriate to reflect up-to-date conditions on the site. This WQMP will be reviewed with the facility operator, facility supervisors, employees, tenants, maintenance and service contractors, or any other party (or parties) having responsibility for implementing portions of this WQMP. At least one copy of this WQMP will be maintained at the project site ' or project office in perpetuity. The undersigned is authorized to certify and to approve implementation of this WQMP. The undersigned is aware that implementation of this WQMP is enforceable under Temecula Water Quality Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 8.28.500). If the undersigned transfers its interest in the subject property/project, its successor in interest the undersigned shall notify the successor in interest of its responsibility to implement this WQMP. "I certify under penalty of law that the provision of this WQMP have been reviewed and accepted and that the WQMP will be transferred to future successors in interest." oo Owner's Signature 1 ' Date JANET OCK GYU LEE OWNER Owner's Printed Name Owner's Title/Position (Attach Notary Acknowledgement) A-i WQMP— Star World Center ' 1/17/2007 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT yyC.crc-rcr-c�'�.�.crcrc:4-,er.�r�erc-Y'.crcF.crc!'.c-rct`.€�.`.crc�'.cr'.c�ererc!'-cr'.crercrc�>-e�'.€<`.cr,�C`.c�C•e�'•o.'r; ' r State of California 1 ss. ?i County of R�U picgl IJC-_ J �' On 22, a00; before me, 30fkNfJE CfiQISOU� r1Wfl9Q�f P013U,C, ' II,h 1a Namaantl Ttleof OXlcer to g.,'Jane ooe,Nolary Publ ') (' personally appeared JfflQG-r OC-4. GOIL) LEE Names)of 6lgner(s) tr' ❑personally known to me %P proved to me on the basis of satisfactory 5)Ih evidence r �I to be the person(sr whose name(.r� is/awe I subscribed to the within instrument andI acknowledged to me that Jae/she/#key executed the same in hieiher/Weir authorizedi - capacity(ies), and that by 14s/herg4eir signature;I*on the instrument the persorl or 'WANNECARLSON the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) _01MV Co Luton#1570052 Notary Publlc-California acted, executed the instrument. RNersldeCounty Comm Expkes Apr 17 94 WITNESS my hand and official seal. i �cbl�n� CcAsa-II Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL I(S Though the information below is not required by law,it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent r fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. i Description of Attached Document ' Title or Type of Document:W Qrn P c�wN_lCK& c-G—& FtCfiTr a,l.l hl Document Date: — I_:�-a007-- Number of Pages: /S i� Signer(s)Other Than Named Above: (.,,iotje I Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: �fiNET oc_y, CelU LEEYeO K nd i v i d u a ITop of thumb here �I ' I Corporate Off icer—Title(s): �I ❑ Partner—❑ Limited ❑General ❑ Attorney-in-Fact 1 ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator I,S ❑ Other: 6.1 Signer Is Representing SEL� �C(i'Gc.`C�SC4`CG`Ct'L4`CC`^-('C4'C4ri>riSCt'`�h>C�;'�4`�CJC�;�i:`Ct>CUCCJCiSCC>f.4'C.4�=i7C.C;'C4`C(>r-Ci'C(iC(,'Ct,`GC)Ci;C b'ah ®1999 National Notary Association-9350 Do Sato Ave.,PO Box 2402•Chanviato CA 91313-2602-www.NaltanalNotary.or, Prod.No,5907 Reedia Call Toll Free 1-000-876 6827 Contents ' Section Page ' I PROJECT DESCRIPTION A-1 II SITE CHARACTERIZATION A-3 ' III POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN A-4 IV HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS OF CONCERN A-5 V BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES A-6 ' V.1 Site Design BMPs A-6 V.2 Source Control BMPs A-9 ' V.3 Treatment Control BMPs A-13 VA Equivalent Treatment Control Alternatives A-14 V.5 Regionally-Based Treatment Control BMPs A-14 VI OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs A-15 VII FUNDING A-16 ' APPENDICES A. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL B. VICINITY MAP(8 '/a X 11),WQMP SITE PLAN(24 X 36),RECEIVING WATERS MAP(8 X 11) C. SUPPORTING DETAIL RELATED TO HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS OF CONCERN(IF APPLICABLE) ' D. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS(BROCHURES FOR TENANTS,OWNER,MAINTENANCE STAFF) E. SOILS REPORT F. TREATMENT CONTROL BMP SIZING CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN DETAILS(WQMP DESIGN WORKSHEETS G. AGREEMENTS — CC&Rs, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS AND/OR OTHER MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING ONGOING OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, FUNDING AND TRANSFER OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT- SPECIFIC WQMP ' H. PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT— SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS ' A-iii WQMP- Star World Center ' 1/17/2007 ' I. Project Description The subject property is currently a vacant site. Star World Center will be a three-story building ' consisting of mixed-use retail and office space. The rooftop impervious surface will comprise of 8,857 S.F.; the paving area will comprise of 8,962 s.F, the hardscape will comprise of 520 s.f; ' and the landscape will comprise of 3,005 s.f. It is the intent of the project to maintain the existing flow onto Old Town Front Street since there are no onsite storm drains proposed for this project. Project Owner: JANET OCK GYU LEE 4027 Star Track Way ' Fallbrook, CA 92027 Telephone: (760) 731-2135 ' WQMP Preparer: Temecula Engineering Consultants, Inc. ' Stanley D. Heaton, P.E. President ' 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 202 Temecula, CA 92591 Telephone: (951) 676-1018 ' Project Site Address: 28865 Old Town Front Street Temecula, CA 92590 ' Planning Area/ Community Name: Old Town APN Number(s): 922-100-023 Thomas Bros. Map: 2006 Edition: p.978, J-1 Project Watershed: Santa Margarita River — Hydrologic Unit # 902 ' Sub-watershed: Murrieta Creek - Hydrologic Sub-unit # 902.32 Project Site Size: 0.49 acres ' Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code: 5399, 7300 Formation of Home Owners' Association (HOA) or Property Owners Association (POA): r No ' WQMP— Star World Center A-1 1/17/2007 Additional Permits/Approvals required for the Project ' AGENCY Permit required (yes or no) State Department of Fish and Game, 1601 No Streambed Alteration Agreement ' State Water Resources Control Board, Clean Water No Act (CWA) section 401 Water Quality Certification ' US Army Corps of Engineers, CWA section 404 No permit US Fish and Wildlife, Endangered Species Act No ' section 7 biological opinion Other (please list in the space below as required) SWRCB General Permit No City Grading Permit Yes City Building Permit Yes ' LOCATION OF FACILITIES: o Located indoors of commercial office building ' ACTIVITIES: ' o Office/commercial retail ' LOCATION OF ACTIVITIES: o Within office building ' MATERIAL STORAGE: o No material storage planned DELIVERY AREAS: ' o Loading area provided on plan ' WASTE GENERATED: o Waste generated by commercial office activities is collected in the dumpster ' WQMP—Star World Center A-2 ' 1/17/2007 II. Site Characterization tLand Use Designation or Zoning: Service Commercial ' Current Property Use: Undeveloped Proposed Property Use: Office space,retail ' Availability of Soils Report: Yes, included Phase 1 Site Assessment: No Receiving Waters for Urban Runoff from Site ' Receiving Waters 303(d) List Designated Beneficial Proximity to RARE Impairments Uses Beneficial Use ' Murrieta Creek MUN, AGR, IND, Not a RARE HU 2.52 Phosphorus PROC, REC 1, REC 2, water body WARM, WILD ' Santa Margarita MUN, AGR, IND, REC Approximately River Phosphorus 1, REC 2, WARM, 0.5 miles HU 2.22 COLD, WILD, RARE ' Santa Margarita MUN, AGR, IND, REC Approximately River None 1, REC 2, WARM, 1.5 miles HU 2.21 COLD, WILD, RARE ' Santa Margarita MUN, AGR, IND, Approximately River None PROC, REC 1, REC 2, 10 miles HU 2.13 WARM, COLD, WILD, RARE MUN, AGR, IND, Approximately Santa Margarita None PROC, REC 1, REC 2, 17.5 miles River WARM, COLD, WILD, HU 2.12 RARE Santa Margarita MUN, AGR, IND, Approximately ' River None PROC, REC 1, REC 2, 20 miles HU 2.11 WARM, COLD, WILD, RARE ' RED 1, REC 2, EST, Approximately Santa Margarita PP Y Lagoon Eutrophic WILD, RARE, MAR, 25.5 miles HU 2.11 MIGR, SPWN IND, NAV, REC 1, Approximately REC 2, COMM, BIOL, 29.5 miles ' Pacific Ocean None WILD, RARE, MAR, AQUA, MIGR, SPWN, SHELL ' WQMP—Star World Center A-3 ' 1/17/2007 1 ' III. Pollutants of Concern - PHOSPORUS ' Urban Runoff Pollutants: Sediment/turbidity; Nutrients; Organic Compounds; Trash & debris; Oxygen demanding substances; ' Bacteria &viruses; Oil & grease; Pesticides; Metals ' Murrieta Creek is impaired with phosphorus therefore the pollutant of concern for this site is phosphorus. ' Since this site has been vacant with no previous development, there are no legacy pollutants ' associated with this site. ' POLLUTANTS POTENTIAL 303 (d) LISTED EXPECTED POTENTIAL SOURCES ' Sediment/turbidity XXX Landscaping No ' Nutrient XXX Landscaping Yes ' Organic compound No XXX Vehicles - parking lot Trash & debris XXX Landscaping; No Vehicles -parking lot Oxygen demanding XXX Vehicles - parking lot No substances ' Bacteria & viruses XXX Vehicles -parking lot No Oil & grease XXX Vehicles —parking lot No ' Pesticides XXX g LandscaP in No Metals XXX Vehicles - parking lot No ' WQMP—Star World Center A-4 ' 1/17/2007 1 IV. Hydrologic Conditions of Concern ' This project-specific WQMP does not need to address the issue of Hydrologic Conditions of Concern since the following condition has been met: ' ■ Condition B: The project disturbs less than 1 acre. The disturbed area calculation should include all disturbances associated with larger plans of development. This Project meets the following condition: Condition B —project disturbs site area of 0.49 acres ' 2 — Year 10 — Year 100 - Year Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Q CFS 0.61 0.95 1.31 1.49 2.11 2.25 V FT/s ' 1.61 1.80 1.92 2.08 2.20 2.26 ' V AC-FT ' 0.0095 0.0084 0.019 0.013 0.031 0.020 ' Duration Min 11.3 6.4 10.5 6.4 10.5 6.4 1 ' WQMP— Star World Center A-5 ' 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan QMP) 712002 V. Best Management Practices V.1 SITE DESIGN BMPS ' The site has been designed to minimize the urban runoff, utilizing the landscape buffer areas for vegetated swales. The site has been designed to minimize the impervious t surfaces in the landscape design, conserve the natural areas by utilizing native plant species and to minimize directly connected impervious areas by utilizing vegetated swales. ' Table 1. Site Design BMPS ' Included Design Technique Specific BMP yes no Concept tSite Design Minimize Urban Runoff _ ., Concept l vIVA �,0 . � M Maximize the permeable area (See Section 4.5.1 of the xxx ' WQMP . Incorporate landscaped buffer areas between xxx sidewalks and streets. t Maximize canopy interception and water conservation xxx by preserving existing native trees and shrubs, and planting additional native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs. ' Use natural drainage systems. xxx Where soils conditions are suitable, use perforated xxx ' pipe or gravel filtration pits for low Flow infiltration. Construct onsite ponding areas or retention facilities to xxx increase opportunities for infiltration consistent with ' vector control objectives. Other comparable and equally effective site design xxx concepts as approved by the Co-Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required to describe BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept) — Vegetated Infiltration Trenches. 1 ' WQMP—Star World Center A-6 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1 t4607 ' Table 1. Site Design BMPs (Cont.) ' Included Design Technique Specific BMP yes no ' Concept Site Design Minimize Impervious' d Concept 1 Footprint ' Maximize the permeable area (See Section 4.5.1 of the xxx WQMP . Construct walkways, trails, patios, overflow parking xxx lots, alleys, driveways, low-traffic streets and other low -traffic areas with open-jointed paving materials or permeable surfaces, such as pervious concrete, porous asphalt, unit pavers, and granular materials. ' Water quality management is achieved by other BMP methods. Construct streets, sidewalks and parking lot aisles to xxx the minimum widths necessary, provided that public ' safety and a walk able environment for pedestrians are not compromised. ' Reduce widths of street where off-street parking is N/A available. Minimize the use of impervious surfaces, such as xxx ' decorative concrete, in the landscape design. Other comparable and equally effective site design xxx concepts as approved by the Co-Permittee (Note: ' Additional narrative required describing BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). Water quality management is achieved by other BMP methods. Site Design Conserve Natural Areas Concept 1 Conserve natural areas (See WQMP Section 4 5 1) N/A Maximize canopy interception and water conservation N/A by preserving existing native trees and shrubs, and planting additional native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs. Use natural drainage systems. N/A Other comparable and equally effective site design N/A concepts as approved by the Co-Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required describing BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). 1 ' WQMP—Star World Center A-7 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1°/l inaoa, ' Table 1. Site Design BMPs (Cont.) Included Design Technique Specific BMP yes no Concept Site Design Minimize Directly Residential and commercial sites must be designed to xxx Concept 2 Connected Impervious contain and infiltrate roof runoff, or direct roof runoff to Areas (DCIAs) vegetative swales or buffer areas, where feasible. Where landscaping is proposed, drain impervious xxx sidewalks, walkways, trails, and patios into adjacent landscaping. Increase the use of vegetated drainage swales in lieu xxx of underground piping or imperviously lined swales. Rural Swale system: street sheet flows to vegetated N/A swale or gravel shoulder, curbs at street corners, culverts under driveways and street crossings. Urban curb/swale system: street slopes to curb; N/A periodic swale inlets drain to vegetated swale/biofilter. Dual drainage system: First flush captured in street N/A catch basins and discharged to adjacent vegetated swale or gravel shoulder, high flows connect directly to MS4s. Design driveways with shared access, flared (single N/A lane at street) or wheel strips (paving only under tires); Each side or, drain into landscaping prior to discharging to the was previously MS4. constructed with private 1 driveways Uncovered temporary or guest parking on private N/A residential lots may be paved with a permeable surface, or designed to drain into landscaping prior to discharging to the MS4. Where landscaping is proposed in parking areas, xxx incorporate landscape areas into the drainage design. Overflow parking (parking stalls provided in excess of N/A the Co-Permittee's minimum parking requirements) maybe constructed with permeable paving. Other comparable and equally effective design xxx concepts as approved by the Co-Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required describing BMP and how it addresses Site Design concept). A-8 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) t/lI 107 V.2 SOURCE CONTROL BMPS Table 2.Source Control BMPS Specific Responsible Check One Not If not applicable,state BMP Name Frequency Party Included A plicable brief reason Non-Structural Source Control BMPS V x Education for Property Owners, Operators, Tenants, Occupants, Annual Owner or Employees xxx Activity Restrictions Daily Owner xxx Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance Monthly Owner xxx Common Area Litter Control Daily Owner xxx Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots Monthly Owner xxx Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance Annual Owner xxx Structural Source Control BMPS ' 3 MS4 Stenciling and Si na a NIA NIA xxx No on-site drains Landscape and Irrigation System Design One time Owner xxx One time only Protect Slopes and Channels Monthly Owner xxx Provide Community Car Wash Racks xxx No car-washing Properly Design: Fueling Areas xxx No fueling area AirMater Supply Area Drainage xxx No airlwater supply Trash Storage Areas One time Owner xxx Loading Docks One time Owner xxx Maintenance Bays xxx No maintenance bay Vehicle and Equipment Wash Areas xxx No vehicle/equipment wash Outdoor Material Storage Areas xxx I No material storage area Outdoor Work Areas or Processing Areas xxx No outdoor work area Provide Wash Water Controls for Food Preparation Areas xxx A-9 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) iit,�nou? Education/training for property owners, operators, tenants, occupants or employees: Practical information materials to promote the prevention of Urban Runoff pollution will be provided by the project proponent to the first tenants and yearly thereafter. ' Activity Restrictions: ' Use restrictions will be developed by a building operator through lease terms, etc. Daily activity restrictions are: i. Prohibiting the blowing, sweeping or hosing of debris (leaf litter, grass clippings, litter, etc.) into streets, storm drain inlets, or other conveyances. ii. Require dumpster lids to be closed at all times. iii. Prohibit vehicle washing, maintenance, or repair on the premises or restrict those activities to designated areas (such as repair within maintenance bays and vehicle washing on property designed wash racks). Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance Maintenance of irrigation systems and landscaping shall be consistent with the Co- Permittee's water conservation ordinance, which can be accessed through the Co- Permittee's website or obtained through the Co-Permittee's planning/permitting counter. ' Fertilizer and pesticide usage shall be consistent with the instructions contained on product labels and with regulations administered by California's Department of Pesticide Regulation. Additionally, landscape maintenance must address replacement of dead vegetation, repair of erosion rills, proper disposal of green waste, etc. Irrigation system maintenance must address periodic testing and observation of the irrigation system to detect overspray, broken sprinkler heads, and other system failures. The anticipated frequency of irrigation system and landscape maintenance activities shall be performed bi- monthly by the property owner. t Common Area Litter Control Trash receptacles shall be provided in common areas. Emptying of trash receptacles, patrolling common areas and perimeter fences or walls to collect litter, noting trash disposal violations by tenants or businesses and reporting such observations to the owner, operator, manager for investigation shall occur daily. The owner shall identify the party responsible for litter control. Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots The frequency of sweeping privately owned streets shall be described in the project-specific WQMP. The frequency shall be no less than the frequency of street sweeping by the Co- Permittee on public streets. The parking lots shall be swept at least monthly, including just prior to the start of the rainy season (October 1st). The owner shall be responsible for the quarterly sweeping. A-10 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1"/;17/3007 Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance The frequency for cleaning privately owned drainage facilities (catch basins, open channels and storm drain inlets) shall be no less than the frequency of drainage facility cleaning ' conducted by the Co-Permittee. At a minimum, routine maintenance of privately owned drainage facilities should take place in the late summer or early fall prior to the start of the rainy season (October 1st). The drainage facilities must be cleaned if accumulated sediment/debris fills 25% or more of the sediment/debris storage capacity. Privately owned drainage facilities shall be inspected annually and the cleaning frequency shall be assessed. The property owner shall be responsible for conducting the drainage facility inspection and maintenance. MS4 Stenciling and Signage i. Provide stenciling or labeling of all storm drain inlets and catch basins, constructed or modified, within the project area with prohibitive language (such as: 'NO DUMPING ONLY RAIN IN THE DRAIN') and/or graphical icons to discourage illegal dumping. ii. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the legibility of stencils and signs. iii. This is a project-specific WQMP that describes how the following concepts have been incorporated into project design features for the Star World Office Center , Parcel 2, PM 22286, Old Town Front Street, Temecula, California, for Janet Ock Gyu Lee. ❑ The irrigation controller has a Hunter Mini-Clik rain sensor shutoff device to prevent irrigation during and after precipitation events. ❑ The irrigation system has been designed to water by zones for each landscape area's specific water requirements. ❑ The main line has a flow sensor with a master shutoff valve which is triggered by a pressure drop to control water loss due to broken sprinkler heads or lines that shuts off the main line. ❑ The timing and application methods are of applying irrigation water have been designed to minimize the runoff of excess irrigation water into the MS4. ❑ Soil tests will be incorporated to determine soil permeability for the selection of water application times and lengths to reduce irrigation water runoff. ❑ Preparation and implementation of the landscape plan is consistent with the City of Temecula's water conservation ordinance,which includes the use of water sensors and programmable irrigation times for short multiple cycles as required. The irrigation design 1 A-11 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 ' Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1117/2007 has been calculated for the estimated and maximum water allowance using the local reference evaportranspiration rates incorporated into the AB 325 water efficient landscape ordinance program and the Eastern Municipal Water District Landscape Irrigation Application . e ❑ The preparation and implementation of the landscape irrigation and planting plan: —Utilizes native and drought tolerant plant species with low irrigation requirements — Groups plants with similar water requirements in order to reduce excess irrigation runoff and promote surface infiltration. — Uses shredded bark mulch in all planter areas to minimize sediment and runoff ' and to conserve water from evaporation. —Installs appropriate plant materials for the location, in accordance with amount of sunlight and climate, and uses native plant material where possible. — Maintains a vegetative barrier along the property boundary to act as a pollutant filter, where appropriate and feasible. — Selects plant material that minimizes or eliminates the use of fertilizers or pesticides but still maintains healthy sustained growth. Properly Design Trash Storage Areas All trash container areas shall meet the following requirements: 1. Paved with an impervious surface, designed not to allow run-on from adjoining areas, designed to divert drainage from adjoining roofs and pavements diverted around the area, screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. 2. Trash dumpsters (containers) shall be leak proof and have attached covers or lids. 3. Connection of trash area drains to the MS4 is prohibited. Appendix D includes copies of the educational materials that will be used in implementing this project-specific WQMP and distributed to tenants, maintenance staff, etc. r ' WQMP—Star World Center A-12 1/17/2007 �[ s No mum ! li S p M M AE M am M IM M Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1Z17i2007 V.3 TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS Table 3: Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix Treatment Control BMP Categories(9) Veg�Swale Detention Infiltration Trenc't Wet Sand Trash Hydrodynamic Manufactured/ Neg F�Iter" Basins(Z) & Ponds or Filter or Grote Separator Proprietary Strips Trenches/Porous Wetlands Filtration Systems 14I Devices Pollutant of Concern r.v?r',r`Q3)(•10) Pavement r -ll, Sediment/Turbidity HIM M Fi[M HIM HIM L HIM U L for turbidity) Yes/No? Yes Nutrients L M HIM HIM UM L L U Yes/No? Yes Organic Compounds U U U U HIM L L U Yes/No? Yes -' Trash & Debris L, M U� U HIM M HIM U Yes/No? Yes ") Oxygen Demanding Substances L M Fi/,M HIM HIM L L U Yes/No? Yes Bacteria &Viruses U' U HIM U HIM L'` L U Yes/No? Yes Oils& Grease HIM M U U HIM M UM U Yes/No? Yes Pesticides (non-soil bound) U U U U U L U Yes/No? Yes Metals FlM M H H H L' L U Yes/No? YesI A-13 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1(1�YL007 Abbreviations: L: Low removal efficiency HIM: Higher medium removal efficiency U: Unknown removal efficiency Notes: (1) Periodic performance assessment and updating of the guidance provided by this table may be necessary. ' (2) Includes grass swales,grass strips,wetland vegetation swales,and bioretention. (3) Includes extended/dry detention basins with grass lining and extended/dry detention basins with impervious lining. Effectiveness based upon minimum 36-48-hour drawdown time. (4) Includes infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, and porous pavements. (5) Includes permanent pool wet ponds and constructed wetlands. (6) Includes sand filters and media filters. ' (7) Also known as hydrodynamic devices, baffle boxes,swirl concentrators,or cyclone separators. (8) Includes proprietary stormwater treatment devices as listed in the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks, other stormwater treatment BMPs not specifically listed in this WQMP, or newly developed/emerging ' stormwater treatment technologies. (9) Project proponents should base BMP designs on the Riverside County Stormwater Quality Best Management Practice Design Handbook. However, project proponents may also wish to reference the California Stormwater BMP Handbook — New Development and Redevelopment (www.cabmphandbooks.com). The Handbook contains additional information on BMP operation and maintenance. (10) Note: Projects that will utilize infiltration-based Treatment Control BMPs (e.g., Infiltration Basins, Infiltration Trenches, Porous Pavement) must include a copy of the propertylproject soils report as Appendix E to the project-specific WQMP. The selection of a Treatment Control BMP (or BMPs) for the project must specifically consider the effectiveness of the Treatment Control BMP for pollutants identified as causing an impairment of Receiving Waters to which the project will discharge Urban Runoff. r A-14 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1/17/,2007 VA EQUIVALENT TREATMENT CONTROL ALTERNATIVES Not Applicable V.5 REGIONALLY-BASED TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS Not Applicable r t A-15 WQMP— Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1 r VI . Operation and Maintenance Responsibility for Treatment Control BMPs ' Operation and maintenance (O&M) requirements for all structural Source Control and Treatment Control BMPs shall be identified in the project-specific WQMP. The project-specific WQMP shall address the following: ' ■ Identification of each BMP that requires O&M. ■ Thorough description of O&M activities, the O&M process, and the handling and placement of any wastes. ■ BMP start-up dates. ' ■ Schedule of the frequency of O&M for each BMP. ■ Identification of the parties (name, address, and telephone number)responsible for O&M, including a written agreement with the entities responsible for O&M. This agreement can take the form of a Covenant and Agreement recorded by the Project Proponent with the County Recorder, HOA or POA CC&Rs, formation of a maintenance district or assessment district or other instrument sufficient to guarantee perpetual O&M. The preparer of this project-specific WQMP should carefully review r Section 4.6 of the WQMP prior to completing this section of the project-specific WQMP. ■ Self-inspections and record-keeping requirements for BMPs (review local specific requirements regarding self-inspections and/or annual reporting), including identification of responsible parties for inspection and record-keeping. ■ Thorough descriptions of water quality monitoring, if required by the Co-Permittee. Star World Center is an office building with no on-site operations. The main activity is the ingress and egress of vehicles. All run-off from all paved areas are directed into vegetated infiltration swales and trash grates. r 1 r r A-16 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1/ �/soon VII. Funding A funding source or sources for the O&M of each Treatment Control BMP identified in the project- specific WQMP must be identified. By certifying the project-specific WQMP, the Project applicant is certifying that the funding responsibilities have been addressed and will be transferred to future owners. One example of how to adhere to the requirement to transfer O&M responsibilities is to record the project-specific WQMP against the title to the property. ' STRUCTURAL CAPITAL ANNUAL SPECIFIC RESPONSIBLE BMPS COST O & M O & M FUNDING- $ $ FREQUENCY PARTY ' Vegetated Swale $3,600.00 $1,200.00 Weekly Property Owner ' Infiltration $6,800.00 $300.00 Monthly Property Trench Owner Trash Grates $250.00 $300.00 Monthly Property Owner NOTE: Figures are estimates. Actual costs may vary. A-17 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 'rizizooa FUNDING CERTIFICATION A source of funding is required for all site design, source control, and treatment control BMPS. For this project, the owner of the Project will fund the implementation, operation and maintenance of all BMPS set forth in the WQMP. Where the owner requires a lessee to ' implement, operate and maintain BMPs, the owner will maintain ultimate funding responsibilities, and will, upon default of a lessee to fulfill lease responsibilities for implementation, operation and maintenance of BMPS, shall cause the same to be performed at 1 owner's expense. Nothing in the WQMP shall prevent the owner from pursuing cost recovery from the tenant or the remedies for the default as provided by the lease and law. (Inset Name of Company or Owner's Name) will be responsible for all BMP implementation, operation and maintenance until such time that the business is sold. e �cvu' 2 Z ' Owner's Signature Date JANET OCK GYU LEE OWNER ' Owner's Printed Name Owner's Title/Position JANET OCK GYU LEE 4027 Star Track Way Fallbrook, CA 92028 Tel: (760) 731-2135 A-18 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 ' Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) 111?72007 Appendix A Conditions of Approval ' Planning Commission Resolution: PA 04-0584 Dated: January 19, 2006 A-19 ' WQMP— Star World Center 1/17/2007 City of Temecula Planning Department ' 43200 Business Park Drive- PO Box 9033 -Temecula—California- 92589-9033 1989 (951) 694-6400 - FAX (951) 694-6477 ' January 19, 2006 Mrs. Janet Lee 4027 Star Track Way Fallbrook, CA 92028 Subject: Planning Commission Approval and Final Conditions of Approval for Planning Application No. PA04-0584 (Star World). Dear Mrs. Lee: On January 18, 2006, the City of Temecula Planning Commission approved the above referenced ' project subject to the enclosed Conditions of Approval. Please review the final Conditions of Approval for the project and return a wet signed copy within three (3)working days of the receipt of this letter. ' Anyone dissatisfied with this decision or the Conditions of Approval may appeal it within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of approval. Caution should be exercised in making any expenditures or commitments based upon this approval until the expiration of the appeal period and disposition of any appeals, which may be filed. This approval is effective until January 18, 2008, unless extended in accordance with the Development Code. Written request for a time extension must be submitted to the City of Temecula a minimum of 30 days prior to the expiration date. If you have any further questions regarding this subject or this approval, please contact me at(951) 694-6400. Sincerely, Stuart Fisk, AICP Associate Planner ' Enclosures: Stamped Approved Plans Conditions of Approval (2) cc: Mr. Rick Conroy Newport Architects One Ridgegate Dr, #120 Temecula, CA 92590 Annie Bostre Le, Department of Public Works Mark Harold, Building & Safety Department (no enclosure) Cathy McCarthy, Temecula Community Services District Steve Faris, Riverside County Fire Department Mike Elliot, City Landscape Architect R:\D P\2004\04-0584 star World Center\APPROVAL LTR.doc 1 ' RECEIVED EXHIBIT A J/��l 0 7.006 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TEE INC. ' Planning Application No.: PA04-0584 Project Description: A Development Plan to construct and operate a three- story, 17,695 square foot mixed-use retail/office building on and a Minor Exception to permit a 15 percent reduction in the parking requirements for a project on a 1.4 acre site located on the west side of Old Town Front Street, approximately 1,400 feet south of Santiago Road. Assessor's Parcel No.: 922-100-023 MSHCP Category: Commercial DIF Category: Retail Commercial and Office TUMF Category: Retail Commercial and Service Commercial/Office ' Approval Date: January 18, 2006 ' Expiration Date: January 18, 2008 WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS OF THE APPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT ' Planning Department 1. The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or ' money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty-Four Dollars($64.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption as provided under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition (Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)). 2. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Planning Department staff, and return one signed set to the Planning Department for their files. RID PQ00,4N04-0584 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 1 4 i 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 i i t i 1 1 " 1 i RAD PQ004104-05B4 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 2 ' . Planning Department 3. The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify, protect, hold harmless, and defend the City with Legal Counsel of the City's own selection from any and all claims, actions, awards, judgments, or proceedings against the City to attack, set aside, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting, directly or indirectly, ' from any action in furtherance of and the approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application. The City shall be ' deemed for purposes of this condition, to include any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, and agents. City shall promptly notify both the applicant and landowner of any claim, action, or proceeding to which this condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. The City reserves the right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense. ' 4. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this development plan. 5. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period, which is thereafter diligently ' pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. 6. The Director of Planning may, upon an application being filed within thirty days prior to ' expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to three one-year extensions of time, one year at a time. 1 7. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 8. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Department. ' 9. The conditions of approval specified in this resolution, to the extent specific items, materials, equipment, techniques, finishes or similar matters are specified, shall be deemed satisfied by staffs prior approval of the use or utilization of an item, material, equipment, finish or technique that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the condition of approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal,the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. Material Color ' Stucco Finish (walls) — Main Body La Habra "Adobe" Stone Veneer (walls) — Base Band Eldorado Stone "Veneto Fieldledge" ' Stucco Foam Fascia & Trims Frazee "Showcase 752" Wood Fascia & Decorative Wood Brackets Frazee "8245A Ochre Rust" Window Frames Anodized Aluminum (Brown/Gold) ' Window Glazing PPG "Atlantica" (green tint) Roofing Eagle Roofing Products — Mission Santa ' Barbara "S" Tile p R:O P\2004\04-0584 Star World Center\Pinal COAs.doc - 3 ' 10. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Director. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Planning Director shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. ' Public Works Department 11. A Grading Permit for.either rough and/or precise grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. 12. *An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. ' 13. All grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. Building and Safety Department ' 14. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2004 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy Code, California Title 24 Disabled Access ' Regulations, and the Temecula Municipal Code. 15. The City of Temecula has adopted an ordinance to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee(TUMF). Upon the adoption of this ordinance on March 31, 2003, this project will be subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance. The fees shall be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 03-01 and the fee schedule in effect at'the time of building permit issuance. 16. Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street-lights and other outdoor ' lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. 17. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 18. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. ' 19. Show all building setbacks. RAD P\2004\04-0584 Star World CenterTiinal COAs.doc 4 ' 20. Developments with Multi-tenant Buildings or Shell Buildings shall provide a house electrical meter to provide power for the operation of exterior lighting, irrigation pedestals and fire alarm systems for each building on the site. Developments with Single User Buildings shall clearly show on the plans the location of a dedicated panel in place for the purpose of the operation of exterior lighting and fire alarm systems when a house meter is not specifically proposed. ' 21. All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998) 22. Provide disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. 23. Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. 24. - Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls if not on the approved building plans, will require separate approvals and permits 25. Signage shall be posted conspicuously at the entrance to the project that indicates the hours of construction, shown below, as allowed by the City of Temecula Ordinance No. 94-25, ' specifically Section G (1) of Riverside County Ordinance No.457.73,for any site within one- quarter mile of an occupied residence. Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. — 6:30 p.m. ' Saturday 7:00 a.m. —6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays or Government Holidays ' Fire Prevention ' 26. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code(CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 27. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per CFC Appendix III.A, Table A-111-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 2500 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 700 GPM for a total fire flow of 3200 GPM with a 3-hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted ' during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (CFC 903.2, Appendix III-A) ' 28. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix III-B, Table A-III-B-1. A minimum of 2 hydrants, in a combination of on-site and off-site (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and ' adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 350 feet apart, at each intersection and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any ' adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (CFC 903.2, 903.4.21 and Appendix III-B) 1 R:O 13\2004\04-0584 Star World CenlerTinal COMA= 5 ' 29. As required by the California Fire Code, when any portion of the facility is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. (CFC 903.2) 30. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than ' twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (CFC 902.2.2.1) ' 31. Prior to building construction, this development shall have two (2) points of access; via all- weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau: (CFC 902.2.1) ' 32. Any/All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by fire fighting personnel. (CFC 902.4) ' 33. Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating Fire Lanes with appropriate lane painting and or signs. ' Community Services Department ' 34. The trash enclosures shall be large enough to accommodate a recycling bin, as well as, regular solid waste containers. ' 35, The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul construction debris. 36. The Applicant shall comply with the Public Art Ordinance. i37. All parkways, landscaping, fencing and on site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. R:O Pt2004104-0564 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 6 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 RAD P\2004\04-0584 Star World CenleA\ nai COAs.doc 7 1 ' Planning Department 38. Provide the Planning Department with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 39. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan, including the parking lot to the Planning Department, which meets the requirements of the Development Code and the Palomar Lighting Ordinance. The parking lot light standards shall be placed in such a way as to not ' adversely impact the growth potential of the parking lot trees. 40. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.24 of the Temecula Municipal ' Code (Habitat Conservation) by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that Ordinance or by providing documented evidence that the fees have already been paid. / 41. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: If at any time ' during excavation/construction of the site, archaeological/cultural resources, or any artifacts N or other objects which reasonably appears to be evidence of cultural or archaeological resource are discovered, the property owner shall immediately advise the City of such and ' the City shall cause all further excavation or other disturbance of the affected area to immediately cease. The Director of Planning at his/her sole discretion may require the property to deposit a sum of money it deems reasonably necessary to allow the City to consult and/or authorize an independent, fully qualified specialist to inspect the site at no cost to the City, in order to assess the significance of the find. Upon determining that the discovery is not an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Planning shall notify the property owner of such determination and shall authorize the resumption of work. Upon ' determining that the discovery is an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Planning shall notify the property owner that no further excavation or development may take place until a mitigation plan or other corrective measures have been approved by the ' Director of Planning." Public Works Department ' 42. A permit from Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is required for work within their right-of-way. ' 43. A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. ' 44. The Developer shall post security and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to ' approval by the Department of Public Works. 45. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report ' shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. ' 46. A Geological Report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address special study zones and the geological conditions of the site, and shall provide ' recommendations to mitigate the impact of liquefaction. R:\D P\2004\04-0584 Star World Cenier\Final COMA= B f 47. The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or private drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. ,The study shall also analyze and identify impacts to downstream properties and provide specific recommendations to protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of downstream facilities, f including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer. f 48. NPDES-The project proponent shall implement construction-phase and post-construction pollution prevention measures consistent with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and City of Temecula (City) NPDES programs. Construction-phase measures ' shall include Best Management Practices(BMPs) consistent with the City's Grading, Erosion &Sediment Control Ordinance, the City's standard notes for Erosion and Sediment Control, and the SWRCB General Permit for Construction Activities. Post-construction measures f shall be required of all Priority Development Projects as listed in the City's NPDES permit. Priority Development Projects will include a combination of structural and non-structural onsite source and treatment control BMPs to prevent contaminants from commingling with stormwater and treat all unfiltered runoff year-round prior to entering a storm drain. f Construction-phase and post-construction BMPs shall be designed and included into plans for submittal to, and subject to the approval of, the City Engineer prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. The project proponent shall also provide proof of a mechanism to ensure fongoing long-term maintenance of all structural post-construction BMPs. 49, As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer f shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board ' b. Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District C. Planning Department d. Department of Public Works f50. The Developer shall comply with all constraints which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet(ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. f51. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off-site work performed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. ' 52. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier's check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If f the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this_ property, no new charge needs to be paid. f 53. The site is in an area identified on the Flood Insurance Rate Map. This project shall comply with Chapter 15, Section 15.12 of the City Municipal Code which may include obtaining a Letter of Map Revision from FEMA. A Flood Plain Development Permit shall be submitted to fthe Department of Public Works for review and approval. RAD P\2004\04-0564 Star World Center,Final COAs.doc 9 f 1 ' PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT t R:O P\2004\04-0584 Star World CenlerVinal COAs.doc ' Planning Department 54. The applicant shall submit to the Planning Department for permanent filing two (2) 8" X 10" ' glossy photographic color prints of the approved Color and Materials Board and the colored architectural elevations. All labels on the Color and Materials Board and Elevations shall be readable on the photographic prints. ' 55. Trash enclosures shall be provided to house all trash receptacles utilized on the site. These shall be clearly labeled on site plan. 56. All downspouts shall be internalized. ' 57. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be ' consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). b. Provide a minimum five foot wide planter to be installed at the perimeter of all parking areas. Curbs, walkways, etc. are not to infringe on this area. C. Provide an agronomic soils report with the construction landscape plans. d. One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. ' e. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). f. Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted for approval,which details the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program.. ' 58. All utilities shall be screened from public view. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a 3'clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group ' utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is not to look like an after- thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all light poles on plans and insure that there are no conflicts with trees. 59. Building.plans shall indicate that all roof hatches shall be painted "International Orange". 60. The construction plans shall indicate the application of painted rooftop addressing plotted on a 9-inch grid pattern with 45-inch tall numerals spaced 9-inches apart. The numerals shall be painted with a standard 9-inch paint roller using fluorescent yellow paint applied over a ' contrasting background. The address shall be oriented to the street and placed as closely as possible to the edge of the building closest to the street. ' RA1D P12004\04-0584 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc ' 11 Public Works Department 61. Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: ' a. Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. b. Driveway shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No. 207A. C. Street light shall be installed along the public streets adjoining the site in accordance with City Standard No. 800, 801, 802 and 803. ' d. Concrete sidewalks and ramps shall be constructed along public street frontages in accordance with City of Temecula Standard Nos. 400. 401 and 402. e. All street and driveway centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees. f. Landscaping shall be limited in the corner cut-off area of all intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. ' 62. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements to City of Temecula General Plan standards unless otherwise noted. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works: t a. Improve Old Town Front Street - 60' R/W to include installation of improvements including paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, street lights, drainage facilities, signing and striping, utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer). ' b. All street improvement design shall provide adequate right-of-way and pavement transitions per Caltrans' standards for transition to existing street sections. ' 63. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. a. Sewer and domestic water systems b. Under grounding of proposed utility distribution lines ' 64. The Developer shall vacate and dedicate the abutters rights of access along Old Town Front Street pursuant to the new location of the driveway. 65. A construction area Traffic Control Plan shall be designed by a registered Civil or Traffic Engineer and reviewed by the Director of the Department of Public Works for any street closure and detour oi�other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the Department of ' Public Works. 66. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with ' the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. ' 67. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. tR?D Pt2004104-0584 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 12 1 ' 68. The Developer shall pay to the City the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.08 of ' the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.08. Building and Safety Department ' 69. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. 70. A sound transmission control study shall be prepared and submitted at time of plan review in accordance with the provisions of Appendix Chapter 12, Section 1208A, of the 2001 edition of the California Building Code. ' 71. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building Code Appendix 29. 72. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic ' and mechanical plan applicable to scope of work for plan review. 73. Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. 74. Provide precise grading plan at plan check submittal to check accessibility for persons with ' disabilities. 75. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on plans prior ' to permit issuance. 76. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction Fire Prevention 77. Prior to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all ' weather surface designed for 80,000 lbs. GVW with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. (CFC sec 902) 78. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water ' system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. Plans shall be . signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, Spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed'by the local water company,the originals shall be presented to the Fire- Prevention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (CFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1) ' Community Services Department 79. The developer shall provide TCSD verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. RM Pt20M04-0584 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 13 1 80. Prior to the first building permit or installation of additional street lighting on Old Town Front Street which ever occurs first, the developer shall complete the TCSD application process, ' submit an approved Edison Streetlight Plan and pay the appropriate energy fees related to the transfer of street lighting into the TCSD maintenance program. 1 1 1 RAD P\2004\04-0584 Star World Center\Final COMA= 14 1 1 1 1 ' PRIOR TO RELEASE OF POWER, BUILDING OCCUPANCY OR ANY USE ALLOWED BY THIS PERMIT 1 t RAD P12004\04-0584 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 15 ' Planning Department ' 81. Prior to the release of power, occupancy, or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall be required to screen all loading areas and roof mounted mechanical equipment from view of the adjacent residences and public right-of-ways. If upon final inspection it is determined that any mechanical equipment, roof equipment or backs of building parapet ' walls are visible from any portion of the public right-of-way adjacent to the project site, the developer shall provide screening by constructing a sloping tile covered mansard roof element or other screening if reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning. ' 82. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of ' Planning. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. ' 83. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Planning, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan shall be filed with the Planning Department for a period of one ' year from final certificate of occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Director of Planning, the bond shall be released upon request by the applicant. ' 84. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum ' height of 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, ' or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off- street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by22 inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: ' "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed by telephoning 951 696-3000." 85. In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the Symbol of Accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 ' square feet in size. 86. All site improvements including but not limited to parking areas and striping shall be installed prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. 87. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed ' by this permit. - Public Works Department ' 88. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: ' a. Rancho California Water District R:1D P12004T4-0564 Star World CenterTinal COAs.doc 16 1 ' b. Eastern Municipal Water District C. Department of Public Works ' 89. All public improvements shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. ' 90. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. Fire Prevention ' 91. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, 'Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (CFC 901.4.3) ' 92. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, approved numbers or addresses shall be provided on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall be of a ' contrasting color to their background. Commercial, multi-family residential and industrial buildings shall have a minimum twelve (12) inches numbers with suite numbers a minimum of six (6) inches in size. All suites shall gave a minimum of six (6) inch high letters and/or numbers on both the front and rear doors. (CFC 901.4.4) 93, Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10, CBC Chapter 9) ' 94. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10) ' 95. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six(6)feet in height and be located ' to the right side of the main entrance door. (CFC 902.4) ' RAD P@004\04-0584 Star World CenlerTinal COAs.doc 17 1 1 1 OUTSIDE AGENCIES ' RAD P12004104-0584 Star World CenterTinal COMA= - - 18 1 ' 96. The applicant shall comply with the attached letter dated December 13, 2004, from the Rancho California Water District. ' 97. The applicant shall comply with the attached letters dated April 13, 2005, and June 28, 2005, from the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. ' 98, The applicant shall comply with the attached letters dated January 71 2005, from the Southern California Gas Company. ' 99. The applicant shall comply with the attached letters dated December 1, 2004, from the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health. ' By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. JaANJ Izz, ' Applicant's Signature Date -e t 0 V � � L XL- Applicant's Printed Name 1 1 R:1D P\2004104-0584 Star World CenlerlFinal COAs.doc - 19 ' Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1117/2007 t Appendix B Vicinity Map WQMP Site Plan ' Receiving Waters Map 1 1 1 ' A-20 ' WQMP— Star World Center 1/17/2007 1 ' STAR WORLD CENTER VICINITY MAP �~ ryrD C12 h SANTIAGO RD. 0 6 ' z 15 SITE 1 ' N HIGHWAY 79 SOUTH If G ND or Is 0 2 loe 10 ELEVATION (in feet),_ NODE NUMBER ♦y*40i iiiiiii � i � iiijlili ' � � '�► � , � 1315*5 EL 41 LE � I � 1 1 � 1 � � 1 � 1 ► o�/ � ' � q�, z� i i Q100-8.2 cfs l � � 1 � l � � ► � 1 � � � � � � � �1 i� � ' ♦ ,� � i ��r � Tc=8.2 min. l I I � 1 � 1 1 I � ► � i � � i � PEAK DISCHARGE 100-YR (in cfs) 0 � � � � j � � � � � � � ► � � � � I j � ,,� � TIME OF CONCENTRATION (in minute) It 2IQ100-1.1617.2 cfs PEAK DISCHARGE 100-YR CONF. (,in cfs) ;,5' A-=17.2 Ac TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA (in acres) SUBAREA NUMBER. &244C Koe�E -� L �—�—�- � —'— — — �— — � — -- — — _ _ N 742128" E 145.00� � _ _ � _ _ I _ _� , � �07.' I I 0, 4 — SUBAREA ( in acres ���1 _ - � ♦ � I L--105 SUBAREA LENGTH 1 j j j I j � I j � I � � � � � y� / � � � � � � � ■� � � � � � � � � � DRAINAGE BOUNDARY ,ry � SUBAREA BOUNDARY � ii � ii � iiii � i i �� i i � ✓ i � %�' 0181 7 �.�9� r � It 40V Oka LLJ 00 44 o / 1 00 C\I X CC) U) Ln loop CY 10 0 5 1 , 20 40 //SCALE: 1°= lot a � � i i �ir� i i � i is i i � ii �r i i � i i�■�ri i � ii � i i m� i i rs ii 1 1 � �• X X X'_""' � N 7 4°21'17" E _17 2.17' 1 �. �� E�'�'STI�VG CONDITION rJAN 2 2 2007 e01 DATE' BY REVISIONS ACC'D SEA QRD SS/ Designed By Drown By Checked By TOLL FREE SCALE ���� E`� �� HF����2 SH DMDesignCorp. SH RECOMMENDED BY DATE; �,,. ������ Cl TY OF �`EMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBUG WORKS Drawing No. If 31 T DIAL T L � ,�X- o �, Horizontal � Z Plans Prepared Under Supervision Of �.� 1 -800-227-2600 w � No. 43982 m P ACCEPTED BY: DATE: .�. � As SHOWN r Exp. 6/30/07 � � .�I�'�ROLOGY .MAP AT LEAST TWO DAYS * � Date: RONALD DIRECTOR �RP RKS OF PUBLIC WORKS t,. �A k a BEFORE YOU DIG vertrca� LAND PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS �;a '��.� " � � STAR WORLD CENTER � �� �`� 29377 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD., ATE, 202, T�MECULA, CA 92591 � ;....:.. N/A � R.C.E. No. 439$2 Expires 6-30-07 R,C.E. No. 19744 Expires 9-30-05 * rE�.EPHONE 951-676-�018 * FACSIMILE 951-676-2294 * '''��!��'o� PARCEL 2, BLK 32, Pobfo 22286 ._.. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA O� CALF WEEP / / / e - ►► , )�� <<� i , -� � LEG.EN-D- 1002. 2 .� � � ELEVATIQN (in , feet) l lI / lIJI / el 1O Abe- NODE NUMBER EL 41 N < Q1 00-8,2 cfS 0. > big min, / PEAK DISCHARGE 100-YR (in cfs I / 1 e l ! � ��rw• TIME OE CONCENTRATION (in minute �. Q100 1 �. 2 cf PEAK Dl SCHARGE 100 --YRCONE. cfs e e e l e I I l e 2 -&*�17 4.2 A c� A TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA (in acres N 1 / e I - • / / I I e 1 ! I / e 1 '� r � �°� • 1 / I I e l ! I SUBAREA NUMBER IRMO / e I l l e l l l l e l l l ► .� I - � e I 1 i , 1:b� B- 1 I I l e e 1 � � � •, �� i / I I e / e _ ►, . r ® 092 � SUBAREA In acres .I.... ...�._,�.,.. / .- I��•- r N 7 4 21 2 8 E 0, � 11 11 it • • Tel -- v •- -- - . ft to ao.57Tc p t ic - � . � EL r 3.69J / / •. 0.07F5 99-24TC ,,,,...105 - L- • .6 • . rr � / ® e SUBAREA LENGTH .t• / r °- ' • • ` . ' r 'v 98.49 . ` •` 0 9f- R � . • . • 98 . •• 01.50FS a. boo.01.3 FS ® ! • '99:93FS r • e • • 4. ova a1.43Fs . . • • - r . , 9 62FL DRAINAGE BOUNDARY / I / o1.5oFsas . , • N •r '• ;. 0 n1'.3 'C ,� o CF D CF • / 01.04FL �,,� 47TC ® .- . 1 W,II III . 00. •. r 98. 6F / v I =� 4FS . •, / 9 .g7FS �1 •. . ; 98.4,2FS, 6. 10 / • 4.56 1 , • 01.50F5 • • • r / • • . • • • ` ` ` •i �/ • •• ' ` ... Ilqw , . . �� r. . 0 . • / • . 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I ,� •• 9 .a2TC • �, L.P. s7.25FL / / / _ • , • • . .a FF�1aoo.5v . ; . • s .32FG �, ,• sB.00FL 1 4 r / V ,r- � _ �,�� 6/� J why. v 0 V• /y� . o T 1W to p Cs' /-00.70FS. 01el4TC 01.13TG •V -"l� �1.13TC �- . �• 9 .90TC �i � . 00.91 TIC� / ,�► OQ.7 s a1.1�5T � 64F 0 .fi3F5 Vo.fi3F5 _ 00.85TC ' ' .40FS ► � 1 � / - 0 �- .41 F5 e .27 • 00.6�5F ' . • 10 1Z i � 0 .35Fg, ®, 3 No N •� • N 1 X 14- -�� �� . R - i r �JAN t N 7 2 1 7 F o 2 P 1007 a PROPOSED CONDITION SE p�2QF ESSj , .c0 DATE BY REVISIONS ACC D � �� Des►gned By Drawn By Checked By u SCALE rC, �`� D, y �� f Drawing No. � DIAL A�. TOLL L L FREE�� � �, �` SH RECOMMENDED BY. DATE. � °�' G/ TYTEMECULAD4. <`` SH DMDesr nGor . �� EPARTM r EN OF' U C PUBLIC WORKS ro ��. Horizontal �j Plans Prepared Under Supervision Of ENG����� .� 1 800 227 2600 k 43982 DATE. � AS SHOWN � °' � ACCEPTED BY: © AT LEAST TWO DAYS Exp. 6/3 J/0 7 D � DEPUTY DIRECT R F P WHYDROLOGY MAP .+ �. ale: 0 � UBLlC ORKS �, ..,. BEFORE YOU DIG RONALD J. PARKS v Vertical CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS , - LAND PLANNING, .:, S7AR WORLD CENTER �9 43982 -30-�0� 19�'44 9- '0 -05 29377 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD., STE. 202, TEMECULA, CA 9259� � •.,.�...:::.:::... � I V �- R.C.E. No. Ex ►res R.G.E. No. �,..�... - Ex TELEPHONE 951�-�76 C FACSIMILE 95 fi - 7� 2294 r'' "' UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIASA p P p►res .� * �� ,o. PARCEL 2, DLK 32., P#Mo E N ALIFORNIA a CAS--�� FIX i N A 0 N A op, N La gy 06 n r A lJ"f. k S E�HAN jA I tNDW; Alot, -11IX I F.00:.,k -T iw�l xq , rib -n PE'l 11�,hYNI -1 i:cgfc U:1 1 counduw� O'M,. f /—fTw� 1 INPIAN RIAO W 4 fP mdl�4on agic A; a _-�Ltimdjry (H.Aj �qmp Pe .vet, ............ Pi "% R I D-CE N51 E Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) ]'/17/2007 Appendix C Supporting Detail Related to Hydraulic Conditions of Concern A-21 WQMP—Star World Center �` 1/17/2007 Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) 1'/17l20117 [3aft%n y4n��-�LG��4 �._��,z--72_�fiz-pn�t✓D�w,�/ '— -- �r44flee 447 �1 A-22 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Summary Hydrology— 100-year 1 hour storm, Existing Condition - Rational Method (see Appendix A-1a for calculation): Drainage Area Area in Acres Q 100 sub-area Tc 10o sub-area in cfs in Min. A-1 0.81 2.11 10.5 Summary Hydrology — 10-year 1 hour storm, Proposed Condition — Rational Method (see Appendix A-2 for calculation): Drainage Area Area in Acres Q 10 sub-area Tc 10 sub-area in cfs in Min. A-1 0.24 0.70 5.2 A-2 0.57 1.49 6.4 To evaluate the Old Town Front Street gutter capacity for ultimate condition, the ultimate peak discharge Q 10 will be estimated by drainage tributary area time 1.49 cfs/ 0.57 Ac (1.86 cfs/Ac). Summary Hydrology — 100-year 1 hour storm, Proposed Condition — Rational Method (see Appendix A-2a for calculation): Drainage Area Area in Acres Q 100 sub-area Tc 10o sub-area in cfs in Min. A-1 0.24 1.06 5.2 A-1 0.57 2.25 6.4 To evaluate the Old Town Front Street gutter capacity for ultimate condition, the ultimate peak discharge Q 100 will be estimated by drainage tributary area time 2.25 cfs/ 0.57 Ac (3.95 cfs/Ac). 7 HYDRAULICS Storm Drain System Calculations Open Channel, Pipe and Inlet program Flow Master, by Haestad Methods, Reference 4, was used to determine the street capacity, ditch capacity and parkway drain sizing. Ditch Capacity: See Appendix B-1 for Vegetated Infiltration Trench Ditch Capacity calculation. The peak discharges for the proposed ditch are based on a drainage area in proportion to the total drainage sub-area. Parkway Drain Capacity: i See Appendix B-2 for 4" PVC parkway outlet and Parkway Drain Outlet sizing S �I Street Capacity: See Appendix B-3 for Old Town Front Street capacity calculations. The total drainage area at the SWC project street outlet is approximately 1.5 Acres. The total drainage area at the existing concrete V-ditch is approximately 3.5 Acres. See maps below: t � 3 ;>5 i 1 y 9 "A GO j 9 f OEM A=1.5 At - `t - - ra 1 i { 1 t .t .•V � 'A-3 5 At �� 6100 13 8cfs} ti 10L1 m � �: �' '1y �� ©zaoe N�VTEQ 0200E Yahoo!Inc -. .% -''-� The total drainage area at the SWC project street outlet is approximately 1.5 Acres. The ultimate peak discharge Q io = 1.5 x 1.86 cfs = 2.79 cfs The ultimate peak discharge Q ioo = 1.5 x 3.95 cfs = 5.93 cfs The total drainage area at the existing concrete V-ditch is approximately 5.5 Acres. The ultimate peak discharge Q 10 = 3.5 x 1.86 cfs = 6.51 cfs The ultimate peak discharge Q 100 = 3.5 x 3.95 cfs = 13.82 cfs 9 .0 TT" •.; Nxn�- 7 1 1 } e y � �� '6� �• i �ry�y .,r _ � _•'ice t �W The Maximum Peak Discharge up to Top of Curb for s=0.005 is 7.47 cfs (see Appendix B-3 for calculation). Flow depth at the downstream of the project for Qio = 6.51 cfs is 0.48 foot, just below top of curb.....0.K. ' The Maximum Peak Discharge up to Right-of-Way line for s=0.005 is 15.87 cfs (see Appendix B-3 for calculation). Flow depth at the downstream of the project for Qioo = 13.82 cfs, smaller than 15.87 cfs.....0.K. The existing Old Town Front Street gutter can carry the ultimate Qio and comply with ' Flood Protection Criteria. The peak discharge for 100-year also does not create flooding across the Right-of-Way line, which complies with Flood Protection Criteria. 10 SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION The proposed project grading areas and proposed drainage systems are in conformance with City of Temecula Drainage Master Plan and proposed Land Use. The proposed grading and the proposed storm drain system will connect to existing facilities where it is reasonably feasible, and/or outlet to existing drainage facilities. To comply with Flood Protection Criteria, in the future, an inlet will be proposed to intercept Old Town Front Street gutter where the peak discharge at the gutter exceed 7.47 cis. rProject impacts related to drainage runoff and water quality would be less than significant r r r 1 '. REFERENCES 1. Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Hydrology Manual. 2. Grading and Street Improvement Plan for Star World Center— PM 22286, parcel 2 by TEC, Inc. 3. Advanced Engineering Software, A.E.S. Rational Method Hydrology Software package, 2000. 4. Hydraulic Calculations with Haestad Method, Inc., Flow Master V6.0 j5. California Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook. l t 1 1 1 1 1 12 r r r . APPENDIX A: RATIONAL METHOD i �1 1 1 13 r r t r 1 APPENDIX A-1 : rRATIONAL METHOD - EXISTING CONDITION - 10 YEAR STORM 1 t t t 14 *+****++************:4**+**********+**++***********+:F******************+** *** RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2000 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 1.5A Release Date: 0110112.000 *+************************ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * STAR WORLD CENTER = TEMECULA - PM 22286, PARCEL 2 ** EXISTING CONDITION: + * 10-YEAR STORM. + ' ** FILE NAME: SWCIOE.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 10:42 09/03/2006 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 10. 00 1 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 1.2.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS (DECIMA.L) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ 0.90 I 2-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.550 100-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 1.300 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1-HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 0.867 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5500 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER-DEFINED STREET-SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER-GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT-/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0. 167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW-DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: **********************.********************.***************************** **** RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON 1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2000 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 1.5A Release Date: 01/01/2000 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ' * STAR WORLD CENTER - TEMECULA - PM 22286, PARCEL 2 ** EXISTING CONDITION. * 100-YEAR STORM,' * ************************************************************************ ** FILE NAME: SWC100E.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 10:44 09/03/2006 USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: i USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100. 00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 12.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS (DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ 0.90 2-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.550 100-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 1.300 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1-HOUR INTENST_TY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.300 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5500 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY ' MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER-DEFINED STREET-SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER-GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT-/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE ' FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) � 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0. 67 2.00 0.0313 0. 167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW-DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow-Depth = 0.50 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top-of-Curb) 2. (Depth)* (Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* AREA A FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 11.00 IS CODE = 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM t DEVELOPMENT IS: UNDEVELOPED WITH POOR COVER TC = K* [ (LENGTH**3) / (ELEVATION CHANGE) ] **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 249.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1002.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 9.96. 90 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 5.30 TC = 0.533* [ ( 249.00**3) / ( 5.30) ]**.2 = 10.454 ' 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.399 UNDEVELOPED WATERSHED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .7651 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "C" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0. 81 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2. 11 , END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.81 TC(MIN. ) = 10. 45 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.11 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS 1 i 1- i i A 1 i 1 r APPENDIX A-1a: RATIONAL METHOD - EXISTING CONDITION - 100 YEAR STORM i i 1 i� y 15 1 t 1 r . A1°PE'NDIX A-lb: .� RATIONAL METHOD — EXISTING CONDITION -- 2 year storm 16 1 Rivprside County Rstiorra:t Hvdr �logY Program C-.ZVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Enoinaering So*�tware , ( c) '"' Version 3 .' Rational Hydrology Study Date : 10/ 1/ a ST ARpM---- ---CENTER --------- s ,--------2----------------- ..-_- EXISTING CONDITION - 2 YEAR STORM ' 3.1QE>c^.0 _________ ___-_-__-_____--------------------------------- I ce ** HYdrologYStudy®Cc�ntrO Information ___ - _____.______ Rational Method HydrolOGY Program or iverside County flood Control & !dater Censervat"On District t, i9T5 hydrology° manual Storm event ( Year ) = 2 .O C�ntecarJert Moister Condition = d 2 year , 1 hour precipitation = o .550 ( Inchee ) Loo year , 1 hour precipitation 1 7300 ( Inches ) Storm event Year = 2 .0 culated rainfall intensity data= 1 hour intensity = 0 .550 ( in .;hr . ) slope of intensity duration e-urve = 0 , 5500 ........... 4+'..... .{^}.:-. .....}.F PrOC*.:SS front Point✓$"atiOn i0 .000 to pointfsta. ion � ;g** INTTIAL AREA EVr4L UATTON r x �Initial area flow distance w 249 -000( Ft . ; op ( of initial area ) elevaxiOl' = 1002 .200( Ft . ) Bottom ( of initial area ) elevation = 996 .900( Ft . ) Ciffsrence in elevation = 5 , 500( Ft, . ) Slope 0 .02129 s( percent )= 2 .13 `f 4C^v 3 0 } C( langth3 }y( levaticn change )] 0 •2 initial area t1Rle C' OC3n 8YFLr aiit�ln - 6a mi11 . Rainfall, :antenslty = 1 ,97�-2f in/Hr ) for a- 2 _0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type €?4ago-Ff Coeffjcjent = 0 .879 Decimal fraction soil group A = C .000 Decimal fraction soi l group, 6 = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 1 ,000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0 ,000 R? inde,t for soil( AMC 2 ) i ar ,Oo Pervious area fraction = o ,100; Impervious fraction = 0 .900 Initial subarea runoff = 1 .404( CFS ) Total initial stream area = 0.810( Ac . } pervious area fraction = 0 . 100 End of conoutation , total study area = C, •e, ' AC . ? The followisnq figures May be usad fior a unit hydrograph st ioY of the same area . ;area averaged Pervious area fraction(AP) = 0 , 100 C=+ra= aueraed R,I index nun,de; 09 .0 1 Riv -rside County Rational Hydrology Praaram CIVILCADDICIVILDESIGN En*-?ineering Software ( n ) 1992 Version 5 .2 ' --------- RationalHyd -----_____________dv _-`�/ ---- --'______.______ S"TAR WORLD CENTER 5 Existing c;oneiitian - 2-Year too .e Storm AREA A-a 1 Ks sxt * d HydroIOSY Study ControlInformation ormatir.- ^' -_________ Rational Method FiYdrology Program based on Riuer u's_ e County Flood Control & stater Q 1^aer ati n p,ld.rir�t 1978 hydrology Manual - 2 Storm 'v"U(W 7`at ( year ) = 2 .00 t�i3'C.eC�*t.�ieY;t �"SCJ.15�.Urg Condition .� 2 year , i .hot.n RreciPi tati.On = O7 550 ( Inchez) 100 year , 1 hour orecPit.ation m ? .20r ( E nchav ) Storm event Year = 2 .0 Calculated rainfall intensity data : 1 hour intensitY = 0.550 ; in ,lhr . ) Slope of iptensity duration curve 0-5500 ++ .t-[-#.....;..p.. ..t+++-I-++ If-++'f' y^h-?.+.T3.i^i--!..{..F...r'?..Frj-?--# +til.f ,i.++ i-++-±-+t+i,+,. +$.[-++-". p7't}U`,9sc from point statio)'I 20.000 to Point /station 21 .000 x INITIAL AREA EVALUATION IriLial area f].oa,t eistance, = 267 ,000! =r . j _ _— TOP ( of initial area ) elevation : 10t)l .400(Ft . -� Bottom ( of initial area ) elevation = 997 .000( Ft . ' Difference ; n elevation = 4 .400(Ft. ) Slope = 0 ,01648 s( psrcent )- 1 .65 Tr k(< � 53t 7-xC( iength 3)tCe?eva Son change )? "0 ,= anitiai area time Of conacent.rat?ara - 1i .259 man . Rainfall intensitY _ I .3 OCIii/Hr ) for a 2 .0 year stoma UNDEVELOPED ( poor cover ) sut+erea Runoff Coefficient = 0.778 Dec+mal fraction sail group A, = Declma_1 Trail ion Soil group P� = '0 -000 Caecim=1 fraction soil. group C = 1 .000 Decimal Traction soil. group C3 = 0 ,000 RI i ndax for sci i( AMC ?) = �186 .00 pal-vious area fraction = 'I"000; Imperviol-15 fraction 0 "000 Initial subarea runoff = Ca 612( CFS ) Total —in itiai stream area - 0.570( Ac . ) perviot,5 area fracr_ on = 1 .000 End of C'Lm-"I't=ti ro- total atudy area = '1 .�1 � 4=: . ) The fpi L0it1.ng Pic;6ir8s may be used for a unit hydregraph study of the same area . 1 . Area dVr",.'r<�..g�d Dt�Y.,tACCc. e1?""�+ r"race JllC tnf� J - CJ 14+ ,®'rea averaged PI index number 4 1 Riverside County Rational Fiyd3-ology Program Ctt/?LCADD/,-IVILDESIGF EnDineering Software , ( o ) 1 "2 Version 71 .2 ' Rational i --------------------------------------------------- STAR Study -ae _-- ------- WORLD CENTER Existing Condition - 2-Year Model Storm AREA A-1 F xar Hydrology Con * ol Infor;rata nY r*r�-�� �,r_�__ _____.____ I Rational Mot,nod Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrologY Manual . Storm event ( year ) _ 2'.00 ntec;edant N9cisttlre Cond.(t3ors = 2 2 Year , 1 hour precipitation = o .550 ; Inchas ) 100 year , 1 hour precipitation 1 .200 ( Inches ) Storm "went year = 2 .0 Calculated rainfall intensity :data: 1 310usr intensity = 0 .5 0 ( in ,/hr . ) 'Slope of intensity durat"on Curve = 0 ,550C, ' .i-.t{..rt 3t•i-i^t-fik$ Ft'1' 3 $-3-h$°r.h-6,^i.{,t'�.`h^a �' b+}i- ri-,--h'i.s}.;..f^r'rt'- . f-?=r Process fri.,Pm point/Station; 10 .000 to point/Station l:f 000 INITIAL. AREA EVALUATION Initial area Flog distance195 .'3JvCFt . ) Top ( of initial area ) elevat On 1 Bottom ( of initial area ) e.leVatiOn = 997 .400( Ft . ) ( if'`arence 'In elevation ( ) slope 0 .02462 s(Percent )= 2.46 Tr_ = k(u 5 c� ) [t ?on th s }.( eia ar on o(hange )1 _0 -2 Initial area tine of concentration = 9 .163 min . Rainfall intensity = 'For a 2 .0 year storm UNDEVELOPED ( Poor cover ) -_ubarea ,_�unoff Coefficient = O .71B19 Decimal fraction Soil Group A. = O.000 Decimal fraction Soil group B = 0 .000 Dpeimal *reaction soil. group C = 1 .000 Cer ' mal fraction soil group D = 0 ,000 Index for oil( €;MC 2 ) B6 .00 pervious ar ea 1'r ezCtiO?7 1 .C+�,0; Impervious 'i raiction t 000 ' Ini'tirl subarea. runoff 0 .293( cFS ) "total initial stream area = O .:44(X Ac . Oervious area fraction = 1 .000 Enc; Of computta" ions : total +..t by area G r_ _2 ( f3C . .1 The following fiourEF nay b.4 Used for = L.,nir hydrograph _uriY of t; e Same ara< , Area averaged Pervious area fi-ar�t •ion( AP ) 5 .,._.. Pirea auerage.;4 rva index number i r ' APPENDIX A-2: ' RATIONAL METHOD - PROPOSED CONDITION - 10 YEAR STORM { 17 +**+ RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2000 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 1.5A Release Date: 01/01/2000 **************************DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * STAR WORLD CENTER - TEMECULA - PM 22286, PARCEL 2 '' +* PROPOSED CONDITION * * 10-YEAR STORM; ** FILE NAME: SWC10P.DAT ,i TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 10:51 09/03/2006 --- ---------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 12.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS (DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ 0. 90 2-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.550 100-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 1. 300 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1-HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 0.867 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5500 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAJ ANALYSES AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM *USER-DEFINED STREET-SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER-GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT-/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) --- ---- ------ ------------- ', 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0. 67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0. 0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW-DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow-Depth = 0.50 FEET _ as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top-of-Curb) 2. (Depth) * (Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE. * AREA A-1 *+*+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 11.00 IS CODE = 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K* [ (LENGTH**3) / (ELEVATION CHANGE) ] **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 195.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1002.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 997.40 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4.80 TC = 0.303* [ ( 195.00**3) / ( 4 .80) ] **.2 = 5.240 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.315 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8862 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "C" ' SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.70 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.70 AREA A-2 -- FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 20.00 TO NODE 21.00 IS CODE = 21 ' ---»»>RATIONAL-METHOD-INITIAL-SUBAREA-ANALYSIS««<---------- ---_- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM - DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K* [ (LENGTH**3) / (ELEVATION CHANGE) ] **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 267.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1001. 40 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 997.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4 .40 TC = 0. 303* [ ( 267 .00**3) / ( 4 .40) ] **.2 = 6.439 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2. 960 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8849 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "C" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.49 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0. 57 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.49 APPENDIX A-2a: RATIONAL METHOD - PROPOSED CONDITION - 100 YEAR STORM 1 ' 18 ***+ RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2000 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 1.5A Release Date: 01/01/2000 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * STAR WORLD CENTER - TEMECULA - PM 22286, PARCEL 2 ** PROPOSED. CONDITION * 100-YEAR STORM, * I: ** FILE NAME: SWC100P.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 10:53 09/03/2006 't ______________________________________ USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: '. ------------- ----------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 ,�.. SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 12.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS (DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ 0.90 2-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.550 100-YEAR, 1-HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 1.300 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1-HOUR-INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.300 ' SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5500 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER-DEFINED STREET-SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER-GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- /"OUT-/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) __ 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0 018/0. 020 0. 67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 ,II ' GLOBAL STREET FLOW-DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow-Depth = 0.50 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top-of-Curb) ' 2_ (Depth) * (Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* AREA A-1 ++*+ ' FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 11.00 IS CODE = 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TO = K* [ (LENGTH**3) / (ELEVATION CHANGE) ] **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 195.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1002.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 997.40 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4.80 ' TC = 0.303*( ( 195.00**3) / ( 4 .80) ] **.2 = 5.240 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 4 .969 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8903 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "C" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.06 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.06 AREA A-2 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 20.00 TO NODE 21.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---»»>RATIONAL-METHOD-INITIAL-SUBAREA-ANALYSIS<<<<< --- ------- -- ' ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TO = K* [ (LENGTH**3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE) ] **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 267 .00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 1001.40 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 997.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4.40 TO = 0.303* [ ( 267.00**3) / ( 4.40) ] **.2 = 6.439 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY (INCH/HO(JR) = 4 . 437 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8893 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "C" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.25 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.57 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.25 ' . END OF STUDY SUMMARY: - �TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 0.57 TC(MIN. ) = 6. 44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.25 _____________- - _______--------________ END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS 1 ,v APPENDIX A-2b; RATIONAL METHOD - PROPOSED CONDITION - 2 YEAR STORM 19 Riverside County Patl.Onel Hydrology prograi'n CI L AD0/CiVILDESIGN Ena= nfe ring Software . ( C ) 1 ,392 Versi-n 3 ,2, Rational HY&0109Y Study Date : 101 1f 0 ----------------- - -___-_---- STAR L40RI-D CENTER PROPOSED CONDITION 2-YEAR MODEL STORM ' AREA A-2 dr •lo3Y Stud Co, t_roll Information �: x** ------------------------------------------_.-_____ Rational MethoQ- jydrologY I Mc,�ram besed an Riverside County Flood Cure of « Water conservation Diet.rict 1978 hydrology manual ' storm event. ( Year ) = 2 .00 Antecedent tljoieturs Cc;ndit3.ari _ 2 2 year , 1 hour PreciPitiation = 0 .550 ( Inches) 100 year , I hour ,reciPitatian = 1 .200 { Is7ches ) Storm evert Year = 2 _0 Calculated rainfall intxensit; data ; I hour- intensity = 0 ,550 ( in ./hr . ) Slopo of intensity duration curve = 0 .5500 -� ...+ ;...u.,p.-Fr.c +_—.f..g.}x..j..FqtJt�} Y}i-ts}R- : }}�. .F;.+.r»..}-ztk+-, t++++ p1r4ee.a from Point/Station 20 .000 to Pal r' :l5tationi 1.000 **A-K INITIAL AREA EVALUATION Initial area flog; distance ';,cp ( taf i rltial area ) elevation = �1001 .A00(Ft . i Bottom ( ot' initial area ) elevationM 9�37 .000( Ft , Difference in elevation - 4 .400> Ft } s ope 0 ,01648 7C l (0 .300j�[{ len;tF� 3 ),"( sSevatza chane )J �O . ' ' Irutteal area time of concentration = 6 ,173 '.minr Rainfall intensity = 1 .838( 1n/Hr ! for a 2 ,0 Yea". storm COM!,IERCIAL subarea type Runoff i_oefT'iCieTit = 0 672 Decimal fraotion soi,t group A = 0 .000 Decimal fraction soil group H 0 .000 Decimal fraction soil grcuP C = 1 .000 Decimal fraction sail group D = 0 .000 RI index For eo°il( AMC 2 ) 00 Perui+aus area fTa-t7on = 0 joon impervious fraction ' Initial subarea runoff = +"»� 945( CF S ) .. Total Lnit;.al st-ream .area - o .:,i�J( +��- . Per;;ious area fraction s 0 . 100 End of comPutar =^ns total tudy area - o .57 CAC _ } Tae foil<)wi tsa Figures may be Used For a unit hYdrograPh stud'/ o-r the same area . Area a�p _�7_d p Y'vio ua .area fr,y, iQri( AP ) = 0 . 10r" Area averageu ni index number 69 , Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineerin^ 50r"tWara , ( c ) 1992 Version 3 .2 Katz nal. HydrejoCly StUdY L�3te: 10/ 1/ 0 1 ------- ---------------------------------------- --_------_-__._ _- _.-_-_-- STAR )WORLD CENTER'. PROPOSED CONDIT OM C-'rEAR MODEL STORM Hydrology Study Controlly)-lormat.ion - - y » y m_____ __ Rational Method H,/drologY ProGra"R based on Riverside County Flood Control ';, Wat6r Con--ervatirarr Dlstrict 1975 hydrology manual Storm event ( year ) = 2 .00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 2 Year , I hour Precipitation = 0 .550 ( Inches ) 100 year , 1 Four precipitation = 1 .200 ( Inches ) Storm event year = 2 ,0 Calculated rainfall intensity data : 1 hour intensity = 0 .550 t; in .yhr , ) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5500 -i ..........'++++++ri�r_}.g.z..? .a-.�..{..!-=t {�}b•f-.-F-h process from point;Ste io;r*l 10 .000 to Form/5tat1on 11 .00 :x* INITIAL AREA EVALUATION Initial are, flow distance = 195 .000CEt . ) ( of initial area, elevation = 1002 .200�( Rt . ) ' Bottom ( of initial area ) elevation = 9i7 .400( Ft . ) Difference in elevation = 4 ,eOO(Ft . ) Slope = 0 .02462 s( Percent )= 2 .46 TC = change )) 0 .2 Initial area time of concentration 5.157 iuin . Rainfall intensity = 2 . 114( In.rur ) , or a 2 .0 y�waa" storm COMMERCIAL, subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0 .8eO Decimal fraction soil Group A = 0 .000 .�ecimal fraoticn soil group B = 0.000 Dec:ima? fraction soil 9TGUP C = 1 .000 Dee imaI fraction Soil group D = 0.000 RI index 'FOT- soil( AMC 2 ) 619 .00 Pervious area fraction = 0 . 100, Impurv;.ci„e fraction - 0,900 Initial subarea runoff = G .A47( CfrS) Total initial stream area = 0 240( Ac a ) Pervious area fraction = 0 ,1.00 End of Computations , 'total study area - 0.24 The follrwing •Figure may bey used . 3r a unit hydregraph study oY the same area . Area averaged pervious area TraCtiOn('-P ',' area averaged P11 index number 69,0 r . APPENDIX B. HYDRAULICS 20 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-1 : ' DITCH CAPACITY 1 1 ' 21 Appendix B-1 Vegetated Infiltration Ditch ' The peak discharges for proposed ditch are based on drainage area proportion to the total ' drainage sub-area. (Ignore Infiltration Rate). Flow depth = 0.16 foot for ''/z Area A-1, Q10 = 0.35 cfs Velocity = 1.37 fps....o.k. Project Description Worksheet Trapezoidal Channel-Vegetated Infiltration Ditch Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.025 Slope 0.010000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 0.25 V: H Right Side Slope 0.25 V: H Bottom Width 1.00 ft Discharge 0.35 cfs Results Depth 0.16 ft Flow Area 0.3 ft' Wetted Perimeter 2.29 ft 1 Top Width 225 f: Critical Depth 0.13 ft Critical Slope 0.020237 ft/ft ' Velocity 1.37 ft/s Velocity Head 0.03 ft Specific Energy 0.19 it Froude Number 0.72 ' Flow Type Subcritical 1 ' Project Engineer JY c:\haestad\fmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0(614b] 9/5/2006 4:32:03 PM ©Haestad Methods,Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 1 Appendix B-1 Vegetated Infiltration Ditch r r r - Eft _r �- -1 .00 ft � V:1 H:1 NTS r r r ' Project Engineer:JY c:\haestad\fmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0[614b] 9/5/2006 4:32:03 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 2 r APPENDIX B-2: PARKWAY DRAIN SIZING 22 Appendix B-2 Parkway Drain Sizing ' The peak discharges for proposed ditch are based on drainage area proportion to the total ' drainage sub-area. 4" PVC Parkway Drain Full Flow Capacity = 0.35 cfs equal to ''Y2 Area A-1, Q10 = 0.35 cfs For peak discharge 100-year storm, will be overtopping the sidewalk....o.k. (no sump condition) ' Project Description Worksheet Circular Channel-4"PVC Sidewalk Outlet Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Full Flow Capacity ' Input Data Manning§Coefficient 0.010 Slope 0.020000 ft/ft ' Diameter 4 in Results ' Depth 0.33 ft Discharge 0.35 cfs Flow Area 0.1 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.05 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.31 ft Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 0.017284 ft/ft Velocity 4.01 ff/s Velocity Head 0.25 ft ' Specific Energy 0.58 ft Froude Number 0.00 Mammum Discharge 0.38 cfs Discharge Full 0.35 cfs Slope Full 0.020000 ft/ft Flow Type N/A ' - Project Engineer.JY c:\haestad\fmwltec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0[614b] 9/5/2006 4:43:42 PM 0 Haestad Methods,Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 067011 USA '203)755-1666 Page 1 Appendix B-2 Parkway Drain Sizing Flow depth = 0.17 feet, for Area A-2, Q1oo = 2.25 cfs.....o.k. Project Description Worksheet Rectangular Channel-Parkway Curb Outlet Flow Element Rectangular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Slope 0.020000 Wit Bottom Width 3.00 it Discharge 2.25 cfs Results Depth 0.17 ft Flow Area 0.5 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 3.33 ft !' Top Width 3.00 ft Critical Depth 0.26 ft - critical Slope 0.004776 ft/ft Velocity 4.54 fUs Velocity Head 0.32 ft Specific Energy 0.49 ft Froude Number 1.97 . Flow Type Supercritical ' Project Engineer.JY c.\haestad\fmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0[614b] 'I 9/5/2006 4:43:42 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 3 APPENDIX B-3: STREET CAPACITY ' 23 Appendix B-3 TEC — Star World Center - Temecula Maximum Peak Discharge up to Top of Curb for s=0.005 is 7.47 cfs Project Description Worksheet Irregular Channel-Old Town Front Street ' Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge ' Input Data Slope 0.005000 ft/ft ' Water Surface Elevation 99.88 ft Options Current Roughness Method Improved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotter's Method ' Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method Results t Mannings Coefficient 0,013 _ Elevation Range 99.38 to 100.02 Discharge 7.47 cis i Flow Area 3.1 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 17.51 ft Top Width 17.00 ft Actual Depth 0.50 ft Critical Elevation 99.88 ft Critical Slope 0.004815 ft/ft Velocity 2.45 fUs ' Velocity Head 0.09 ft Specific Energy 99.97 ft Froude Number 1,02 Flow Type Supercritical Roughness Segments ' Start Station End Station Mannings Coefficient 1+00 1+06 0.020 1+06 1+08 0.013 ' 1+08 1+30 0.015 Natural Channel Points ' Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 1+00 100.00 ' 1+06 99.88 1+06 99.38 1+08 99.58 ' 1+30 100.02 Project Engineer.JY c:\haestadVmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0[614b] ' 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM Q Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)7551666 Page 1 Appendix B-3 ' TEC — Star World Center - Temecula 100.10— - 99.30 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 ' V:1 H:1 NTS _1 ' Project Engineer:JY FlowMasterv6.0[614b] c:\haestad\hnwttec.frn2 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM O Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 2 ' Appendix B-3 ' TEC — Star World Center - Temecula Maximum Peak Discharge up to RM/ line for s=0.005 is 15.87 cfs Project Description Worksheet Irregular Channel-Old Town Front Street ' Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Slope 0.005000 ft/ft ' Water Surface Elevation 100.00 ft Options ' Current Roughness Method Improved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotters Method ' Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method Results ' Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Elevation Range 99.38 to 100.02 Discharge 15.87 cfs Flow Area 5.8 ft' Wetted Perimeter 29.52 ft Top Width 29.00 ft Actual Depth 0.62 ft Critical Elevation 100.01 ft Critical Slope 0.004266 ft/ft Velocity 2.73 f/s ' Velocity Head 0,12 ft Specific Energy 100.12 ft Froude Number 1.08 Flow Type Supercritical Roughness Segments ' Start Station End Station. Mannings Coefficient 1+00 1+06 0,020 1+06 1+08 0.013 1+08 1+30 0.015 Natural Channel Points ' Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 1+00 100.00 ' 1+06 99.88 1+06 99.38 1+08 99.58 ' 1+30 100.02 Project Engineer:JY c:\haestad\fmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0[514b] ' 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM Q Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 3 Appendix B-3 ' TEC — Star World Center - Temecula 1 100.10- 99.30 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 1+30 ' V:1 H:1 NTS ' Project Engineer.JY c:\haestadVmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0(614b] 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM O Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 4 Appendix B-3 TEC - Star World Center - Temecula Table of Peak Discharges up to Top of Curb for s=0.005 to s=0.01: Project Description Worksheet Irregular Channel -Old Town Front Street ' Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge ' Input Data Water Surface Elevation 99.88 It Options Current Roughness Method Improved ' Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Slope (ft/ft) 0.004000 0.010000 0.001000 Slope(ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity(ft1s) Flow Area (W) Wetted Top Width (ft) Perimeter(ft) 0.004000 6.68 2.19 3.1 17.51 17.00 0.005000 7.47 2.45 3.1 17.51 17.00 0.006000 8.18 2.68 3.1 17.51 17.00 0.007000 8.83 2.90 3.1 17.51 17.00 0.008000 9.44 3.10 3.1 17.51 17.00 0.009000 10.02 3.28 3.1 17.51 17.00 ' 0.010000 10.56 3.46 3.1 17.51 17.00 Project Engineer:JY FlowMaster v6.0(6141b] ' c:11aestad\fmw\tecJm2 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 5 ' Appendix B-3 ' TEC — Star World Center - Temecula Flow depth for Q10 = 6.51 cfs is 0.48 foot......below top of curb.....OX Project Description Worksheet Irregular Channel- Old Town Front Street ' Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth ' Input Data Slope 0.005000 ft/ft ' Discharge 6.51 cfs Options ' Current Roughness Method Improved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method Results ' Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Water Surface Elevation 99.86 ft Elevation Range 99.38 to 100.02 Flow Area 2.7 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 16.52 ft Top Width 16.03 ft Actual Depth 0.48 It Critical Elevation 99.86 It Critical Slope 0.004798 ft/ft Velocity 2.39 ft/s ' Velocity Head 0.09 ft Specific Energy 99.95 It Froude Number 1.02 - Flow Type Supercritical Roughness Segments ' Start Station End Station Mannings Coefficient 1+00 1+06 0.020 1+06 1+08 0.013 1+08 1+30 0.015 Natural Channel Points ' Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 1+00 100.00 1+06 99.88 1+06 99.38 1+08 99.58 ' - 1+30 100.02 Project Engineer:JY c:\haestad\fmw\tec.fm2 FlowMaster v6.0[614b] ' 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM ©Haestad Methods,Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury,CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 6 Appendix B-3 TEC — Star World Center - Temecula Flow depth for Qtoo = 13.82 cfs is 0.61 foot......below RM! fine........0.K. Project Description Worksheet Irregular Channel- Old Town Front Street ' Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth _ ' Input Data Slope 0.005000 fUft ' Discharge 13.82 cfs Options Current Roughness Method Improved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method Results Mannings Coefficient 0.014 Water Surface Elevation 99,99 ft Elevation Range 99.38 to 100.02 Flow Area 5.5 ft' Wetted Perimeter 28.26 ft Top Width 27.74 ft Actual Depth 0.61 ft Critical Elevation 99.99 ft Critical Slope 0.004921 Wit Velocity 2.53 ft/s ' Velocity Head 0.10 ft Specific Energy 100.09 ft Froude Number 1.01 Flow Type Supercritical Roughness Segments Start Station End Station Mannings Coefficient 1+00 1+06 0.020 1+06 1+08 0.013 1+08 1+30 0.015 Natural Channel Points ' Station (ft) Elevation (ft) 1+00 100.00 ' 1+06 99.88 1+06 99.38 1+08 99.58 1+30 100.02 Project Engineer:JY FlowMaster v6.0(614b] c:\haestadlfmw\tec.im2 ' 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 7 9/11/2006 8:43:28 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 1 APPENDIX C: iHYDROLOGY MANUAL REFERENCES 1 ' 24 1 1 t 1 ' _ Hydrologic Soils Group Map Plate C 1-60 (Temecula) Slope of Intensity Duration Curve Plate D 4.6 - 2-yr 1 hr Precipitation Plate D-4.3 - 100-yr 1 hr Precipitation Plate D-4.4 Label Project Site 1 1 ' 25 1 24" ofl/ q � 6 k S P \� (0 No. 3 REBAR 0 3" O.C. 4)\ / i ) WITH PVC TRASH- GRATE 1.0' OPENING / / I / / ! / / / / / / ! l I / lrN / / PROP. A.C. DIKE I a • 3" 6 CURB FACE l l l 1 1 l l l l / l / l ! / r_) a l I ! l l �� � c:�•� I q , I l / j / I / l ! I ! I I I ! / �� V Qj m0. . 6 // \/ ) / / l l / / I l / l ! / l ! ! I l I l l ��\ / -� ,}, , 1 \ A �. Z ___._._ A .�.�..�_ ___ h .....,_...�__.._._.-._- / tLI �- / l l j I / / I I I I j l / / � �' I 12 / 98.34fC 47 ! �� / / � BEGIN VEGETATED INFILTRATION TRENCH » . / 12 0 CF � / / { / / / I / / / / 11� q�� 24 N 7 2 2 E 145.0 0 9 I 14 �,;� 16 97.84FL, 36" V �.Y �... ..r� ,..... ...,.. ... . ,_,, .80FS rr R _ _ ..... 1 ,. t •�.� 1 i... , w .-, , 5.. P I j l - y. .r�:>, ..: s .. 1 .... A I .t r. _ _ ..._ , �_ _ :�.. r k. _ r ,_ r_. _ ,2 _} t. .. t.. I .�/ -! ti .r ... .. . .. , _ ,r S r 1 s c� N0 SCALE r A v . OjB _ 1...r t /V. .S _, .. .. _ a 2:3 o. ., 79 5. w. .. ., F z s .t .r Yr .. w z, �... v -•r-r�4� _ r- _�. .� ',s .. r �. / : 3 : / Y s .I I l r Y C r 1 a 4,,., •% 98.3 , _..t.,._ .. ,� .5 ..,.. r.. .:F .J i r _ r . J Y. ,. .. ... : �: r....,. .}.. .. i •i i, e L i. 7 1 'r:�� ,.t 99 :K i Nr a t. r, i 5 98.35 "t F T RTC I DT�IL _ 7 R 9 a F` •� I i _ _ _ I ,_ {.. ,. :,.,. 1 . :.- a 1. - ., ,. :. , ...:. -y sY , , 1 :.� a 1..,_ 14 P 1 l L .r. NO SCALE 1 �. / 1 ° I l 1 I I / rr BF_ 1 F 2D p 1 1 .r� L',,,. I 1 . 7T 3.56 3 G I 11 - CF�• r 2 w I � I /� }/k 3 r'fi. � I I :, ) I I ! l w n, N.I / rr 1 I l l l l I -.� =�- 9 .B�FS r / IY IFS / I I I I l l I I l l I I , 1I s , / zo I / I j 1 I l / l I I �46TC 0 CF 3 8 99,;09 PLACE COBBLE STONES I 1 l / / { ! I j / / I / / / ! 0.96 00.90FL �, I. f 1 s; 8 s _ 1 S✓3 9FS �, I I BY LANDSCAPE AfZCHI"TECT'S PLANS Jo / 01 0 ° i FL PER PLAN I / / / ! { ! j / / / / / / ! ll I ...�� o1. zFs r h _= 1 0 , I / / . o i I t :~0 � I �j ° 1 9905TC ;11 4:1 h,A ,\ W \ ! I / !I � , i d `' r I 7 0o.4TC Z ' 98.fi5FS ` �� V• \ �, �)� `,�ri�/,/ !r; -,�- �r�/i /,�,�,� I l / ! l C �,�''; l »' / �� 'l l l // `-`-' / 1 �, .. 01.50FS 1• % 01.3 F • �r 4. / V 9 93F `� 12 , �� OBSERVATION WELL/�%/�\//% ;u �i\%/�//,!/j I I l o1. T / \. \ \ -, � \ l I l 111 � 4 � �, ,. �, .a 9 •, � �� �, � " ,;�\ \\��y� o a �,���.� ���_y�,.,� / / / / I / /! 01.04I W , ' el 4 --6 PERFORATED PVC--- /� 0 . / , /.. / I j I / l / / I / 97?3FL i ?\ �� � a o ��� ►�% I / / / / / I / / l / / /j! 11 `� - 4.90% 01. 3FS I 3.56� (TYP. 3.56� / �. w X PIPE W/REM0VA8LE CAP ✓�/jar/�, I 0 /j\�! fj I / l l I l l l Q � �.-----r U1.50FS pf T..��; a .° . . o CF . 0 CF , I I \y.����\� 0 0 �"�\:�� q �r 00.50TC �- \ �/f,/ 0 /�� 18 l / / ! / / l l l l / l l I I // 1.56TC / rri .. ..�. 1.3 C . . 8.51 98. 5F� 6. 70 ;\f/ j / / / / / // ,V 4 S 84FS / 00.00FS < ' . , 9 FS. v , <4� 1 GRAVEL LAYER l / / / l l l � 11 1.0 L / V : 01. - 4 ra T� / 1"--3'� SIZE 0 0 r 6q / / ___ 1 01.50FS . , / ,, 4 ` 1 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ! // 3?�d �.� f'- I a , 5 r� / �\ `.) .m l / / / l l Il /"_ I o1.4 F ��Q U 8 / f %V - ' ' / ,'I . r�", 6q SAND LAYER TRENCH LINED W/NONWOVEN 4 1 / / / / ! / / / / / / / / / 1/ / ` �. 1;,L -7 ' 4 • . . �, ' ^, 1 GEOTEXILE MEMBRANE l / l l l ! l I - �'� , 6 2 �' ' 4 � / ��. 4 m 12 i .�. 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GRADE l I </ l j l l l l lI a 1 ti � .I �, ° 01.5 �' ° °°o°` x ° S 97.51FL SLOPE PER PLAN l I l I I I l l 1! ��-- 0Fs I =7 d �Zj�� u y I Il I / / / I mrrua • � • � tl..,r�, �I n_r J1.t ,�}'''° AFtr ftE."w¢^'�1lrk°°° aasw�ur,.,..r..im w...., _ V ' ..f l , I / l I �� ° RISER R4QIvI �, I --8.Q 1.� G.B. 00V( ,�•�� V I,.�,_ 20�. .s --, ,y J rO7°y c� r� I ` .,&" - '` ?/\r'`, r / / l l / l !I I l I f 11 01.41 FS- - 4. /o' ©0.35 o°r%O0J. 00. TC `� ° ::.;�•-r-' /�qt ¢ %� /`�% /�` l `�� l { l l l! / / I I 1. UD.O8F5• % o �, PROP. FINISHED GRADE11 .�i, j /\� / `. ! / c�> I __.� I a 01.50FS 01.50FS 36 7 ° v 8 ° �; a. .� / / // / v 01.49FS 00.99E 00.99E 01»49FS D .35TC -- =�- :., I / I l j \ l / l ll .z .� , I. 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I� $ � a 4 ~� - 4, �. � �� �- I T3W BACK SIDEWALK I / l! ll �e 4 .., , �,.�,A..r���. :�, .� �. o � FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION / �r a ° I. . / / ! / I I l I/ I l / ' �; a b `o �'� � ,°° u . 1: . 1 � � � 15 � �1� 9' � + �.� �, �_ \ PAD PAD ELEVATION / / j / / / / j Il n, : ° q, 2 Z I 1 I 3 00.44TC ° . 8 I / l I I I / 6 . / m �, HP HIGH POINT / / rr' O 1 l / { I / ll 10' 9.25' 1 99.94FS I�'f OF'., r 4, l I l I I 1 / I / 0i.08TC ' ° `i' _ / 3 ° �• ° / ra LP LOW POINT 1 / / I l l l 1/ 1� -� I I 0• S 00.52 00.5a8TC 00.19TC �Mll �'UBL1c ; / / 00:56FL 00.60FS O4.68FS I' -I ITS 00:08FS a o / 7'"` % ✓.� o. GI3 GRADE BREAK / ! 1:03f f ° 4' 00.6$F5 `� CJ o 0 99.6gIaS d .. K. 20 MINA F.H. ;� ' \�yL �u_,.�e. .0 � � FL FLOW LINE l / I l ! I l / l l / l! �l I UU.75F �'. H.P. N } AIIIm�._ �� �� ADA PATH OF �VEL "' - -- - �-(1 y _ ._ I I l ! /Il 4 . �� - - - _4 - - x �� . c•,G� ., � ° I , 1-1•_L,, �� � 1. c� FS FINISHED SURFACE / I j / l ! l / _ I I (DD.64FL D-68% 00�5FS. w,. 0.48TC . \ �� k. V G ,. 9 f 15 �-- / ll I 99.98FS 4 ' `' r . _, / �- - ��.�- 0 C �- EP/ l l I l l I l l / l/ 1 I I -el I 17n ) 4 ' G e t �.� 4 �` 98.80FS �a° ROP. A.C., EXIST. A. PAVEMENT / /l �`l• _ / _ be ��r ,., r / 3 4.• CtJ GUTT T R/W RIGHT OF WAY / / / I / �.� / oQ' I / 4 99:31TG 4 t ° 30 / / l / l 1 1/ I! `�, _ �' -�= a 05FS . ° 12 � �, CENTERLINE l I I - a . ° /.'<j , v '° _ ° �4 . % • �,v 5 98.81E c 0.. I;G�= / I / �-. I 6 G.B. a �8 .. �me -- � -.��' f" I 4 / ! II 0• / v �' -, PROP. S PROPERTY LINE / / l / I l / l I ll / I 4 q . 4 4 0.32FL `wj 1 . a ',] . �1. o / MiN EET LIGHT �''`� v c o o . 'wrwr� C7 ` O 9 / / / I / / / // I/ f.�`' ..�--� - �r . . . �� / �, n v 8.8GFS f s 24 PROP. PROPOSED �. r/ / / / / / / /! +�. r� 4 ., �.� �t . 4 / . � . ,J . `v' •I ° � ,,- o00 f / r: r.. -- M �.. �- EXISTING CONTOURS / ! _ \ / _ l�� Jj !l �' I ° d q °. v ° �a 4 9� 3F �'� p� ?: / 14 a °"1 �..----�-_ _ - - �- ._ SWALE / I I / / 1 / <1 4 C -- CUT/FILL LINE / ll •1 ., . � . . . , . I - , .. �/ 9 t • ,�� / .r...... .,�,.r Q u� ` (] / / / /I / {V IN $ W `. r 1 ✓7�P7FL tX1-1r�.s.1a M.141111yea =1xr_M hlz= ill / / / I{ 00.89 TG !I 1.'H TC 4 / 4 .__ n , -1 }----�- � , °' off' ,� I ADA PATH OF TRAVEL / / / / / // / 00:39FL . . I , .0 � �`' `- ,\ 98.�1BW . / / / �a �� a 0.61 FS / 01.43FS'� 01.43F5 <� / �, ,, / _ _ -�,»-- VEGETATED INFILTRATION TRENCH / l / l / / l l II / II 2.,,, 4 �, • . I . 4 - .` o�, �'� z.s` V II / / / i �. ,� I I r ;� s /,I.P. I ,-.1 � E ���, •r � I // / I! � �~ q .� < I Ir a 00.0 11 BLDG COLUMN/FOUNDATION / / / 0 98.51 FS 1.53 1. / / / / j // ,4 w I 4' �``\1 01.5OFS 01. S x. 01.50FS I' ° 0 98.268W I I w F / / 1 / ,�, =Am�. �' F�1D 1 Oa.60F :J 99. AFL C, f: r_1\ --- LANDSCAPING / / / �� \t. r*t --.ti ;GE 0U.72FS s_, , .9t� r 1 cry / / / // °- �` � 0 1' a ' 5' 4 --�-: � • <1 . 4 4 9 . �' x I CO / l l / �:, �a� ,� v -f LINE �, .... 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ZU I 4 CONSTRUCT COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH REF. STREET IMP. PLANS Y INC / !I T 4 4 IFS I 1� T B T.E.C.,/ I }--. w - �] 4•f a. o 0� z 1 ... 0.50 1 - •3.73� 1. / ! f 3»73 / / // •0 1 --�•---•-- �.- 5 CONS U! �� �' � -• -� 1:1.. 1 . ;:� - : [ TR CT CURB OUTLET S/ / I t, �: Z a I I TD 301, REF. STREET IMPROVEMENT P Y,�: _ -�` VEM T PLANS B T.E.C., INC. s 1Q i ..a ,.,r 1. r... _ r..., .., r .. r.. 1 ,;,., - '. ,.D d M. ,r . r. x ..c.. �...a .a ...�.': ,... .F.r ._ , .. � _ �. 1n .. �. ... 1... •.. � R. 1 �. .. � r .. .. r.. . - r ` r 1 r �. .y. ..... .. .. , .. _, ,. .. :.: .�.. , / ,. -._ 1 }_. .,.....,. .. t.1 e ,. _ ..,. , .,. .1. : �... , i • ., r . ._ : .. ..... 1 L L �^'' , r.1 � t.. .- .L:, .n_ ...5 � , 5 ,.Y'�I A. '�.�..�.. }. l,r _... ,.r.. .�. r... .{' t.'.� ',': .: '�r � '�.' I W / S .., r - c , l ... ... # �,., 1.. f r\. �, - 1. ,.1. W.' 4' I r , CONSTRUCT •_ T A�-6 CURB &/ GU T TER PER CITYS S H , { , . ,... E TD NO. 2aO. P. _ y f �. ,._ . .� .. .. .. , r .. ...�.,.. _. .. .✓. (..,.._ :: ... {.r .:.: .e. :. Alt it - f, ,r .J C..,... rrv. .. 1. ,.... �.,,.,'r :C,. r.:. F �. I;. .f,. ,� _3. rt , ... t r .,:. 1 r. .... ,.. .. .. ,..t, w. s t • / ., ,.. _ , ...",,rr. r y_. r- _., ,J c 1. a •- �. n. ,.. L ,• 7_x 9 .64TC y / / 1 1, 4 M 99.59FL �,..... Ery N x, r Y... G yy f r R r - .::.,.. a ...., ....., t ,.," �•;� a. r. ..."� t a ...,...,..r r. -. r .k, �} r--.r .,�-.,..a ` .art.,.r._......--.,..r,.. - ��r.-.`....�....._ � ,. i w a % .{L , .. ter.:. -- ..,t: ... �. .,. r.. ,•1 ., r .f .. :. h r : r . . 4 . CONSTRUCT f <., P.C.C.. . .. .. 4 D_ � ., .. , _ . ,. .. � _ ... _ ��, REFERENCE A H T T' P SIDEWALK, ,�-�-�-- w. .% ,, ... , . .. ., � , .. .� � � R EN RC I EC S PLANS. } .3 [ r ,r �t:R� x, >, c S,, ... r t.... ..,..S.. _ M t ,�,.. .,;Fb ... r. 7.1 r y, •r Q 4 b {,, r:/ ti i .�Y. 1 !. .. v. ... .. _ ..t. K r _..ram .... .. J'}S.....rr.,... .. .. w. .. .. r,. r 'i..,,- ! .l ,'(r.. IC7 , ,. �._ 'r ... ..! ..,.,. � .....: 1. .. ... _:,- .... :i rwl... »rwlw• - a ...rr- -■wri Z ..y,irr* '�iriwi►• :..` ;i�r ram.. rrrs .Nwi.l.r�wrw:rir.•.r. ..� 1 / ._.w. __.._�_ I to �r .. INSTALL STD. 4 CURB STOP / � `�� 2 18X 19 ~-41,39TC X /� yQ, g 18 C.'B'• IV I a- 21 1 7 � �72»�7 ,,�.�--F-� ,� � w � •`1� � 9. . INSTALL PARKING LIGHT, REFERENCE ` / �- 24 19 24 • 18 19 � 14 19 1 98.35FL / r-- - I ARCHITECT'S PLANS.. / / / \, r Ii=1.39' 0t•$9 ,, s 19 E IIST. TREE I I � / / / " � H=1.92 ,. I �_ 10 CONSTRUCT TRASH ENCLOSURE, REFERENCE ARCHITECT 5 PLANS. / / / -� H=1.26 H=0.5 / I / --. ! ��, -�-- � 11 EONS-TRUCT f1 R M/ / �. \, � I C A P � BEGIN VEGETATED INFILTRATION TRENCI•I4�_��, �.- �,, , / / / / 1'' � 1 -f� / 12 CONSTRUCT 2 CURB TRANSITION PER DETAIL, SHT. 1. Ciel q / , / 11 PROP. A.C. DIKE q / �10 ��,� �j �• �,� 13 INSTALL 3 PVC DRAIN PIPE / / / / - �D� � �,S sal (D-) / r , mot- c,, 14 CONSTRUCT 1% MIN. VEGETATED INFILTRATION TRENCH PER DETAIL, SHT. 1 15 ,APPLY 36 WIDE STRIP TRUNCATED DOMES COMPLYING WITH A D A A G SECTION 4.29 <� ' __ / PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2, BLK 32 ,m-- AS MFG. BY D.W. DOTS (619--582-•9600), INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN ENGINEER'S NOTE; R/W P.M. 22286 P.M. 22286 INSTRUCTIONS, PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: CO.IUTRACTO A RE S THAT I�LE..Sf`/ILL. ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RE5PON518IL1TY OLD TOWN! PARCEL 2, BLK 32 I 52-0" o D.W. DOTS (COLOR: YELLOW) FOR JOB SITE•�CONDITIONS DURING"THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. FRONT STREET P.M. 22286 , , 18 o EPDXY PAINT (COLOR: YELLOW) INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL 30 14 H VARIES=- 1 0.5 MIN. -1.92 MAX. 16 INSTALL a PVC DRAIN PIPE, REF. STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS BY T.E.C., INC. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS AND THAT THE i 15.E �,� 6, 1 15, Z0 0.5% MIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND ENGINEER HARMLESS .�. . PROP. ORIGINAL GRADE i 14 IL 17 CONSTRUCT 1 MIN. SWALE FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED' IN CONNECTION WTT`H THE PERFORMANCE j\/\\j\ CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK 4 , �/��/�>/ 18 CONSTRUCT 1.0 CURB OPENING PER DETAIL, SHT. 1 OF WORK ON,THIS PROJECT., EXCEPT FOR UA81UTY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE PROP. I 1 • _4 ��// //��/ i , �.�.._,. , , ( ���,. 19 CONSTRUCT GRAVITY RETAINING WALL PER DETAIL & NOTES, SI IT. 1 OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. PROP. A.C. PAVEMENT - `';�-- SLOPE PER PLAN / / \/� fM/ . , , p • THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN MIN• _ - �\` \ � f_ ` � � \ - ,� 20 CONSTRUCT U CURB, D-�-fi CURB PER CITY'S STD. NO. 204•A(MODIFIED). MATCIH EXIST. 2; /\\, /� «oo /�,�r/, / ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A .DILIGENT SEARCH OF ALL AVAILABLE RECORDS. �\��`' �11"`�_ -`�~- PRQP FINISHED GRADE '�\/��r `►�n �/��/\�`/ 21 CONSTRUCT TRASH- GRATE PER DETAIL, SHT. 1'. REF. STREET IMP. PLANS BY T.E.C., INC: w..,. _..___ _.....�w..._...�..._ .. _._._ 2 - r..- �,'%�\� � /\// w // uo� \//�/�' i`� q THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT C._.. . _._.,..._.._. _,_, w _� . _� ��,'. 4 \,, N/,%\/.,� �i _i►. _�r1 2 INSTALL 4 DRAIN SCREENED CAP OR EQUIVALENT' TfIE UTILITIES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER LINES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN !/\� \� ////\/// �;�,�,/ EXIST. GRADE = ��0 ON THESE PLANS. AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION 0F, AND ANY DAMAGE TO EXIST. A.C. PAVM'T-/ , % 14 2 PAINT STRIPING PER ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN (TYP.) THESE LINES OR STRUCTURES. PROP. FINISHED GRADE 24 CONSTRUCT 1% MIN. SWALE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 711E DISTRICT IN WRITING A MININUM OF TWO WEEKS � FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS SECTION B B ���T IO� BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL NOT BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BEFORE OBTAINING REF'- STREET IMP. PLANS NO SCALE NO SCALE AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED. BY 'T.E.C., INC. PA04-0584 L006-,,m096GR DATE BY REVISIONS ACC'D SEA P S�Q� Designed By Drawn By Checked By Dra wing No. r SCALE' �,� �� D. ,� '1, � � �� -9 v SH DMDesi nCor All, . SH RECOMMENDED 8Y. DATE. .; +r _� OF ULADEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS "I DIAL TOLL FREE 14. oe _ 9 P s .CITY- „�, Horizontal � � Plans Prepared Under Supervision Of `, ENGUN NG �'�00�" 27�200 w No. q-392 .. :; .,.. AS SHOWN a� rn ACCEPTED BY: DATE'. CQN& 0, o z •' °'EXp. 6/30/07 ; _ WATERMMAGBIWNT PLM . AT LEAST TWO DAYS . * Date. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS . v BEFORE YOU DIG Vertical RONALD J. PARKSLAND PLANNING, CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS e � � STARWORLD �`� 29377 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD., STE. 202, TE•MECULA, CA 92591 V R.C.E. No. 43982 Ex ires 6--3p--07 R.C.E. No. 19744 Ex ires 9-30 -07 * � * �fr_.•Ase%..i.: NIA I V t - p P TELEPHONE 95I--fi7�--1 UI8 FACSIMILE 9 -�67�--229 no PARCEL , �.� *JJ, AM ' 8 Sheet 1 of UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 0� 1 C�� AN PaP42001 _-.__. __._____.._.. ____-_____. _ ____ ' Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) OV-721 Appendix D Educational Materials 1 A-23 ' WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Infiltration Trench _ _ TC-10 Maintenance Concerns, Objectives, and Goals ' . . . ... ■ A_c_cumula—tion of M-etals ■ Clogged Soil Outlet Structures ' ■ Vegetation/Landscape Maintenance r General Description An infiltration trench is along,narrow,rock-filled trench with no outlet that receives stormwater runoff. Runoff is stored in the Targeted Constituents void space between the stones and infiltrates through the bottom ,% Sediment ■ and into the soil matrix. Infiltration trenches perform well for / Nutrients ■ ' removal of fine sediment and associated pollutants. / Trash ■ Pretreatment using buffer strips,swales,or detention basins is Metals ■ important for limiting amounts of coarse sediment entering the trench which can clog and render the trench ineffective. ✓ Bacteria ■ ' V Oil and Grease ■ Inspection/Maintenance Considerations ✓ Organics ■ Frequency of clogging is dependant on effectiveness of Legend(Removal Ef3ecfiveness) ' pretreatment,such as vegetated buffer strips,at removing • Low ■ High sediments. See appropriate maintenance factsheets for associated pretreatment. If the trench clogs,it may be necessary A Medium ' to remove and replace all or part of the filter fabric and possibly the coarse aggregate. Clogged infiltration trenches with surface standing water can become a nuisance due to mosquito breeding. Maintenance efforts associated with infiltration trenches should include frequent inspections to ensure that water infiltrates into the subsurface completely at a recommended infiltration rate of 72 hours or less to prevent creating mosquito and other vector habitats. Most of the maintenance should be concentrated on the pretreatment practices,such as buffer strips and swales upstream of the trench to ensure that sediment does not reach the infiltration trench. Regular inspection should determine if the sediment removal structures require routine maintenance. Infiltration trenches should not be put into operation until the upstream tributary area is stabilized. to S Q A ' California Stormwater (Iuarity Associa0on January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 1 of 3 L Industrial and Commercial www.cabmphandbooks.com ' TC- 10 Infiltration Trench Suggested 3nspeCUOW`Adrvtties k Frequency, ■ Inspect after every major storm for the first few months to ensure proper functioning. After construction Drain times should be observed to confirm that designed drain times has been achieved. ■ Inspect facility for signs of wetness or damage to structures,signs of petroleum i Semi-annual and hydrocarbon contamination,standing water,trash and debris,sediment accumulation, I after extreme slope stability,standing water,and material buildup. I events ■ Check for standing water or,if available,check observation wells following 3 days of dry weather to ensure proper drain time. ■ Inspect pretreatment devices and diversion structures for damage,sediment buildup,and structural damage. . ' ■ Trenches with filter fabric should be inspected for sediment deposits by removing a small w Annual section of the top layer. If inspection indicates that the trench is partially or completely clogged,it should be restored to its design condition. h Suggs egd Maintenance Activities - _ Frequency _. ■ Repair undercut and eroded areas at inflow and outflow structures. I Standard (as ■ Remove sediment,debris,and oil/grease from pretreatment devices and overflow needed) structures. I ■ Remove trash,debris,grass clippings,trees,and other large vegetation from the trench Semi-annual,more ' perimeter and dispose of properly. often as needed ■ Mow and trim vegetation to prevent establishment of woody vegetation,and for aesthetic and vector reasons. ■ Clean out sediment traps,forebays,inlet/outlet structures,overflow spillway,and Annual trenches if necessary. ■ Remove grass clippings,leaves,and accumulated sediment from the surface of the trench. Replace fast layer of aggregate and filter fabric if clogging appears only to be at the surface. ■ Clean trench when loss of infiltrative capacity is observed. If drawdown time is observed to have increased significantly over the design dmwdown time,removal of sediment may -: be necessary. This is an expensive maintenance activity and the need for it can be minimized through prevention of upstream erosion. j ■ If bypass capability is available,it may be possible to regain the infiltration rate in the 5-Yellr maintenance short term by providing an extended dry period. , i ■ Seed or sod to restore ground cover. j ■ Total rehabilitation of the trench should be conducted to maintain storage capacity within i Upon failure a 2/3 of the design treatment volume and yz-hour exfdtration rate limit. i ■ Trench walls should be excavated to expose clean soil. j I ■ All of the stone aggregate and filter fabric or media must be removed. Accumulated sediment should be stripped from the trench bottom. At this point the bottom may be scarified or tilled to help induce infiltmtion. New fabric and clean stone aggregate should be refilled. I 2 of 3 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 1 Industrial and Commercial www.cabmphandbooks.com Infiltration Trench TC- 10 Additional Information ' Infiltration practices have historically had a high rate of failure compared to other stormwater management practices. One study conducted in Prince George's County,Maryland(Galli, 1992), revealed that less than half of the infiltration trenches investigated(of about50)were still functioning properly,and less than one-third still functioned properly after 5 years. Many of these practices,however,did not incorporate advanced pretreatment. By carefully selecting the location and improving the design features of infiltration practices,their performance should improve. It is absolutely critical that settleable particles and floatable organic materials be removed from runoff water before it enters the infiltration trench. The trench will clog and become nonfunctional if excessive particulate matter is allowed to enter the trench. Cold climate considerations—see bttp,//www.cmM.org/cold-climates.htin ' References EPA,Stormwater Technology Fact Sheet-Infiltration Trench. EPA 832-F-99-oi9. September, 1999• Metropolitan Council, Urban Small Sites Best Management Practices Manual. Available at: httn•//www metrocouncil or¢/environment/Watershed/BMP/manual.htm Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Infiltration Trench Factsheet. Available at: http://www.deg.state.mi.us/documents/deg-swg-nps-it.pdf Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. Maintaining Urban Stormwater Facilities-A Guidebook for Common Ownership Communities. Available at: httn•//www.montgomei:ycountymd.gov/mc/services/dep/Stormwater/maintain.htm Stormwater Managers Resource Center,Manual Builder. Available at: httn•//wwwstonnwatereenter.net/intro manual.htm Stormwater Managers Resource Center. On-line: httn•//www.stormwatercenter.net U.S. Department of Agriculture,Natural Resources Conservation Service. Illinois Urban 1 Manual:A Technical Manual Designed for Urban Ecosystem Protection and Enhancement, 1995• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development&Redevelopment BMP Factsheets. Available at: http://www.cfpub.ei)a.gov/ni)des/stormwater/menuofbmps/­bmp files.cfm Ventura Countywide Stormwater Quality Management Program,Technical Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Control Measures. July, 2002. January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 3 of 3 Industrial and Commercial www.cabmphandbooks.com ' Vegetated Swale TC-30 ' - Maintenance Concerns, Objectives, and Goals ' f ■ Channelization ■ Vegetalion)Landscape �a Maintenance eta ' y ■ Vector Control ■ Aesthetics ■ Hydraulic and Removal Efficacy �1¢ham, I ' 's `''r,•s'��hy:'i�< sy}y. ' General Description ' Vegetated swales are open, shallow channels with vegetation _ covering the side slopes and bottom that collect and slowly Targeted Constituents convey runoff flow to downstream discharge points. They are % Sediment designed to treat runoff through filtering by the vegetation in the ✓ Sediment Nutrients • channel,filtering through a subsoil matrix,and/or infiltration into the underlying soils. Swales can be natural or manmade. ✓ Trash • They trap particulate pollutants(suspended solids and trace ✓ Metals metals),promote infiltration,and reduce the flow velocity of ✓ Bacteria • stormwater runoff. Vegetated swales can serve as part of a ✓ Oil and Grease stormwater drainage system and can replace curbs,gutters and t Organics storm sewer systems. Therefore,swales are best suited for Legend(Removal Effectiveness) ' residential,industrial,and commercial areas with low flow and a Low ■ High smaller populations. ♦ Medium ' Inspection/Maintenance Considerations It is important to consider that a thick vegetative cover is needed for vegetated swales to function properly. Usually,swales ' require little more than normal landscape maintenance activities such as irrigation and mowing to maintain pollutant removal efficiency. Swales can become a nuisance due to mosquito breeding in standing water if obstructions develop(e.g.,debris ' accumulation,invasive vegetation)and/or if proper drainage slopes are not implemented and maintained. The application of fertilizers and pesticides should be minimized. ' t QA fornia tormwaterQuality Association ' January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 1 of 3 Industrial and Commercial www.cabmphandbooks.com ' TC-30 Vegetated Swale InspectiortAdivities "Ien gge led ■ Inspect after seeding and after first major storms for any damages. ■ Inspect for signs of erosion,damage to vegetation,channelization of flow,debris and i Semi-annual litter,and areas of sediment accumulation. Perform inspections at the beginning and end — of the wet season. Additional inspections after periods of heavy runoff are desirable. 1 ■ Inspect level spreader for clogging,grass along side slopes for erosion and formation of i Annual rills or gullies,and sand/sod bed for erosion problems. sugge ed Maintenance,Activities - Frequency, ■ 'Mow grass to maintain a height of 3-4 inches,for safety,aesthetic,or other purposes. As needed 1 litter should always be removed prior to mowing. Clippings should be composted. (frequent, seasonally) ■Irrigate swale during dry season(April through October)or when necessary to maintain the vegetation j ■ Provide weed control,if necessary to control invasive species. y �� ■ Remove litter,branches,rocks blockages,and other debris and dispose of properly. C Semi-annual ■ Maintain inlet flow spreader(if applicable). s Repair any damaged areas within a channel identified during inspections. Erosion rills or 7 gullies should be corrected as needed. Bare areas should be replanted as necessary. ' ■ Declog the pea gravel diaphragm,if necessary. ! Annual(as needed) ■ Correct erosion problems in the sand/soil bed of dry swales. ■ Plant an alternative grass species if the original grass cover has not been successfully . established. Reseed and apply mulch to damaged areas. ■ Remove all accumulated sediment that may obstruct flow through the Swale. Sediment m? _ As needed accumulating near culverts and in channels should be removed when it builds up to 3 in. ( (infrequent) at any spot,or covers vegetation,or once it has accumulated to to%of the original design volume. Replace the grass areas damaged in the process. i ■ Rototill or cultivate the surface of the sand/soil bed of dry swales if the swale does notFT --m draw down within 48 boom. i 1 2 of 3 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 Industrial and Commercial www.cabmphandbooks.com ' Vegetated Swale TC-30 ' Additional Information Recent research(Colwell et al., 2000)indicates that grass height and mowing frequency have little impact on pollutant removal. Consequently,mowing may only be necessary once or twice a year for safety or aesthetics or to suppress weeds and woody vegetation. References Metropolitan Council,Urban Small Sites Best Management Practices Manual. Available at: httn•//www metrocouncil ore/environment/Watershed/BMP/`manual.htm U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development&Redevelopment BMP Factsheets. Available at: cfnub ena eov/nodes/stormwater/menuofbmps/bmp files.cfm Ventura Countywide Stormwater Quality Management Program,Technical Guidance Manual ' for Stormwater Quality Control Measures. July, 2002. January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 3 of 3 Industrial and Commercial www.cabmphandbooks.com i i i i i f i i i i i i i i i i i r i I g hale 011 LOCAL SEWERING AGENCIES _ >>� _ Riverside County has two drainage systems-sanitary What you should know for..., _ _ ! sewers and storm drains. The storm drain system is IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY: - _ - = designed to prevent flooding by carrying excess City of Beaumont (909)769-8520 rainwater away from streets...it's not designed to be Belau Homeowners Association (909)277-1414 ���D®®rat .fpp Sri pe�pp/yN waste disposal system. Since the storm drain system City of Banning (760)922-6161 IW'lll Il�Yly�l�tl IWI'1116tlyufr^tltlW WIIWn /�� J City of Blythe (760)922-6161 i-- does not provide for water treatment, it often serves City of Coachella (760)391-5008 1❑1 aaNN5� pp 5� pap 1IInI�' the Unintended function of transporting pollutants Coachella Valley Water District (760)398-2651 tat l'[l'�tyl�II�Iy\, q�-_ directly to ourwaterways. City of Corona (909)736-2259 MINIMS LI tl ISYY l` Desert Center,CSA#51 (760)227-3203 NON-STRRA9WdTER RISCNARRES Eastern Municipal Water District (909)928-3777 Unlike sanitary sewers, storm drains are not Elsinore Valley MwD (999)s7aa14s $� connected to a treatment plant-they flow directly Faim Mutual water Company (909)244-4198 n.,i to ourlocat streams,rivers and lakes. Idyllwild Water District (909)659-2143 Jurupa Community Services Dist. (909)685-7434 1 Non-stormwater discharges such as Lake Hemet MWD (909)656-3241 washwater generated front outdoor Soaps,degreasers,automotive fluids,Ill and a host Lee Lake Water District (909)277-1414 cleaning projects often transport harmful March Air Force Base (909)656-7000 1 pollutants into storm drains and Our of other materials washed off buildings, sidewalks,local r Mission Springs Water District (760)329-6448 �, `/ waterways. Polluted runoff contaminates 1 plazas,Parking areas vehicles,and equipment can all Cityof PalmSprings (760 323-8242 tfi \ pollute ourwatLiways. l ) !(;./ \ local waterways and poses a threat to Rancho Caballero (909)760-9272 I £' groundwater resources. Rancho California Water Dist (909)676-4431 Ripley,CSA#62 (760)922-4909 i Rubidoux Community Services Dist. (909)684-7580 City of Riverside (909)782-5341Silent u or _N_ prI Q._ per' (._p. pp rIp 49-4501 Valley Sanitary)District ub,Inc (760)09)347-2356 _ - 1Wpl�jiu8s';idiC �II 41�1 erlidt L .,. Western Municipal Water District (909)780-4170 �9iorml�aterlClean�atePlProtecoullrogwam SPILL RESPONSE AGENCY: Since preventing pollution is much easier,and less costly than cleaning up"after the fact;'the HAz-MAT: (909)358-5055 l� l�(� - Cities and County of Riverside StormWater/CleanWater Protection Program informs residents and HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL: (909)358-5055 flpgp�®(�RMg(( businesses of pollution prevention activities such as those described in this pamphlet. TO REPORT ILLEGAL DUMPING OR A CLOGGED ll�UjIIIVVJJ LSIS WISc� STORM DRAIN: 1-800-506-2555 ®�sa��W®��� ®�Wm1�0il1N0116UY11 The Cities and County of Riverside have adopted ordinances for stormwater management and W tl discharge control. In accordance with state and federal law,these local stormwater ordinances fi prohibit the discharge of wastes into the storm drain system or local surface waters. Thisincludes YQ®mm. non-starmwater discharges containing oil,grease,detergents,degreasers,trash,or other waste 1 StormWater u°a' materials. II- - Sidewalk,plaza or parking lot cleaning i Vehiclewashing or detailing Building exterlor cleaning u PROTECTION PROGRAM g g J _ i.; . j Waterproofing Riverside CountyMan gratefully Agencies A es the Association and Equipment ele.aning or degreasing Stormwater Management Agencies Association and PLEASE NOTE:The discharge of pollutants into the street, gutters storm drain system, or waterways - the Cleaning Equipment Trade Association for - without a Regional Water Quality Control Board permit or waiver-is strictly prohibited by local ordinances information provided inthis brochure - - and state and federal law. NJ Prot jr # F jJJ use Thaw OWN= F®r'91 ®af Cleaning AVM S and,1980102alev Disposal Do . . . Dispose of small amounts of washwater from cleaning DO . . . Understand that mobile auto detailers should divert OTHER TIPS TO HELP building exteriors, sidewalks, or plazas onto landscaped or unpaved washwater to landscaped or dirt areas. Note: Be aware that soapy surfaces provided you have the owner's permission and the discharge will washwater may adversely affect landscaping, consult with the property PROTECT OUR WATER . . . not cause flooding ornuisance problems,orflow raps storm drain. owner. Residual washwater may remain on paved surfaces to evaporate; DO NOT . . .Discharge large amounts of these types of washwater sweep up any remaining residue. If there issufficient water volume toreach onto landscaped areas or soil where water may mn to a street or storm the storm drain,collect the runoff and obtain permission to pump it into the SCREENING WASH WATER p y sanitarysewer. Follow local sewering agency's requirements for disposal. A thorough dry cleanup before washing (without drain. Wastewater from exterior cleaning maybe pumped to a sewer line soap)surfaces such as building exteriors and decks with specific permission from the local sewering agency. without loose paint,sidewalks,or plaza areas,should DO NOT . . . Dispose of left over cleaning agents into the gutter, p p storm drain or sanitary sewer. be sufficient to protect storm drains. However If any DO . Check with your local sewering agency's policies and debris(solids)could enter storm drains or remain in requirements concerning waste water disposal. Water from many the gutter or street after cleaning,washwater should outdoor cleaning activities may be acceptable for disposal to the sewer .,1 first pass through a"20 mesh"orfiner screen to catch system. See the list on the back of this flyer for phone numbers of the Regarding Cleaning Agents: the solid material,which should then be disposed of sewering agencies in your area in the trash. DO NOT . . . Pour hazardous wastes or toxic materials into the If you must use soap,use biodegradable/phosphate free cleaners. Avoid use storm drain or sewer system. . . properly dispose of it instead. When in of petroleum based cleaning products. Although the use of nontoxic cleaning DRAIN INLET PROTECTION/ doubt,contact the local sewering agency! The agency will tell you what products is strongly encouraged,do understand that these products can still typeset liquid wastes can be accepted. degrade water quality and,therefore,the discharge of these products into CONTAINING & COLLECTING WASH WATER HYDRO- CLEAN O Sand bags can be used to create a barrier around Do . . . Understand that water(without soap)used to remove dust o � '' > _ storm drain Inlets. from clean vehicles may be discharged to a street or storm drain. n a O Plugs or rubber mats can be used to temporarily Washwater from sidewalk, plaza,and building surface cleaning[nay seal storm drain openings. go into a street or storm drain if ALL of the following conditions are met: "/ 0 '. O You can also use vacuum booms, containment 1) The surface being washed is free of residual oil stains, debris and ._ __;__�____,.__.+ pads, or temporary berms to keep wash water similar pollutants by using dry cleanup methods (sweeping, and away from the street,gutter,or storm drain. cleaning any oil or chemical spills with rags or other absorbent materials the street, gutters, storm drain before using water). i r system, or waterways is prohibited EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 2) Washing is done with wateronly-no soap archer cleaning materials. by local ordinances and the State Special materials such as absorbents, storm drain 3) You have not used the water to remove paint from surfaces during _ _ _ _ Water Code. plugs and seals, small sump pumps, and Vacuum cleaning booms are available from many vendors. For more DO NOT. . . Dispose ofwater containing soap or any othertype of information check catalogs such as New Pig (800- cleaning agent into a storm drain orwater body. This is a direct violation of 4684647),Lab Safety Supply(800-356-0783),C&H state and/or local regulations. Because wastewater from cleaning Note: When cleaning surfaces with a high pressure washer or steam (800-558-9966),and W.W.Grainger(800-994-9174); parking areas or roadways normally Contains metallic brake pad dust,oil cleaning methods, additional precautions should be taken to prevent the or call the Cleaning Equipment Trade Association and other automotive fluids,itshould neverbe discharged to a street,gutter, discharge of pollutants into the storm drain system. These two methods of (g00-441-0111) or the Power Washers of North orstorm drain. surface cleaning, as compared to the use of a low pressure hose, can remove additional materials that can contaminate local waterways. America(800-393-PWNA). The Permit (cont.) Construction Stormwater Resources How on sites be deaianed to redutR.PQHutlnn after construetlon hvEmpleted7 P a vla,mvumien:mmPbx e•a,.yremlmPomn:a.m«,.x.w.,ligor».ma.ab..+,u�d" Env bo enrol Worenlon Pgenp(EPA)SF•rmwabr Webene I _ J.P "nq 10." f M d B.I�Iq y Fa k FMene, I'Y 1 r eu.F.e:Fe Conrhunon Genmol Pe.m ICGP bN Je b J.s tl X I. d IrquenYN J bod d.dl b4 Wf pu,mr.°:hrtPmawe �?,w" b I rol I M wq ,F de eM sw M M b `3. • a .. gM1ra b0 I d bd mF bMtl Lq weuepeEe I PdeJ / Me Iw. d d b M r IL. 'ry wq kA: ✓J n pela mmo ' dbw Ib< me• Conn nl 1 d Iry Co PD AubE uGnbr Th A pp N P - rle Wd' dM hw 11J.'nah I la Wr b m+nu.bn,bu,LLn dl 9 'ry 116 d Ce ktl FSm G F F —Wn Fb 4 ,owiA M eMaenbpenl bwbpl�AhF IwJ ra rmgnn Nw ry:rztls aael.pm°m.e.ba.der..ele—r•,,..mm,,,,lry m,a,e.vwl.,,rv°rrv.,d m'.mbv b•°.rn„ .q.,:,ab.eJee,:...ur.mw.m,»;..wbnrom mo,.r.a,.,..ww,.,.e onr A.IA:M bwl enA.wb,.bei rmx. eny,Jy fnb b rNY pmrcAry euXv.iYn,oM IirLr bmnaal:M1e m amw " Local Programs m °M CxrJeb lnvMe,m md0.Mpmen C44 q/ Getting the Word Out... RaJalionships ___ n smrm er. sEe o f E. a rThe Roleof sGovernments r .1 sbmr v „ c e 6, a " r. r Ibm - oo°m nv mrq.nuebv d.em mne rvm. a nueaeeun9 - O r.bmlW cXeC-1. n:6 .. d 1'a1 ( Implementing NPDES M A u ro q b. a e,a r•s •.m,m.,.ar.. rtnrcgm.m.w..overed,m m;,,a°M br x. F re ul 1 1 r,:m 'w' b I' w......Pmr°[nc. - F N d al.de I m r. :^ql.. F � Stormwater Programr d.aoal le.. A nr p .w.r F w w Mar m.w .m..wwmwp.q r 1 Im A w ,a a bP e• a r .. O {. .'tv s i Construction EPn1 l I P n D 1 P r W b n ,�• b 1 M d rd .ry! �yw .� IAe EPP' rG 6 r,l MIM b,wMnubou brlmpoa - m w =<a' m a 1 n I .I � 7r m G.wap a••.b==Ae.w.r w...Pe Pm/..../+mnw y .—�,^�el' - UU 14 :N",m m°.m pbm.da d p<"e: l e.,re.aemwe p = Smon OnMn m rewi:A ocal nqu.amanx. EPFe 6menemlh Webpepvm ud b baroN D + 3 m�,a,w.b,mMlq•M= m ,.M:a a.,m„pb.Fq r j Z mamew onMh x.nAn'. F .a.am.da .k, F•' ./be hdr. —.rmYabpcmm i i Vr .,wn0.+'M 6w pntl,u dewbp eM a O q. Moda.0 b.n.b.m.an....pp.m,.„,I.,.m.r C jr—hrmemnrlpnMh eq ,Ftp� Qa Ilryl 91 al 1 rreem p __ ly `xcr A� 1 Nb .p M d I EPA J G rM IP q I n dl Ib n a l [[[YYY �\a�y��ye ' ml d ed I 1 EP 4POEs .pre r,l IW'g 1 - ti ��. c I.1 d ♦ K a v��kfrV+ +' d ®I 1—0 Id J 1Pu1—n F1 , Oe X[InMPr PPP �%•�E�S��•Er�F�p��._^.per-�:1 •GT''o� M1EOl papwr� °.P°nen f " "'d aaem '.1 Gx:.rNwEs w,nrc x.pvlmdl E °brvrn K�'Sa�� +J;� Eve a.pq a�i orz�>im,.°—.'.obew F:,.,n t.J.a.,,:m m. ewrMl^q I.ml pr,r-1. mn fi Y-,EPA Fepbml su,: r c...a:�.m,m,w,,..ePse•mpae./ebm..eb. � rm n.ro."mr r...-.vou c,.,a... ",...m...rs..,w .¢:ov ..,.>...dwa,.,."s.. Background Thelssue The Permit What are the Problems and solutions assodated with A.rmwatar runon7_ How canxau help? _ What do construction site operators need to do? Wbp phpeld We be Fo.nned abo.t rbrmWater neon) We.,'.the 1....7 obleln rwd,.na prdrwr.M m.u F.EnN.enm.nrul......I..ap.rrp(I." puwNlrem reinne•mrvnarnvwm•F'n rM mur,i0^a.enr,aura.elver«PIWl l,y,,Iw Cben Wen r Prr,ne XU N:I, ,tN-krvmy l- w,,5, 'Well 0.rmlr. v,edry.5ro•mwr•......' •d 1,p v, v pAerpinrv.nM vrbr Ir/ f N I{b I 0 -M1 El- SMem D.wl.p u EWPPP q- _ w abn,n •mdm� MM d.' b/ bdirv.9rtevw , '. NWES pw b YtM1 p.mnn I.,nrmnvnrpl4,r6np,eren an pbnlSWIPPI,avrm.n dewmenlM d rv� • , •p•orvl•w,w n IA pl pp pu d J It.. M 4m rAe wnnvl wru.el nermwn,yllu,mn dewb Mu -II r"'a1 WL r 1 .n. .be wn.bn.., Iwne 1 Mu Id'4rq wne ry,bm,mq bu h'M ak, k noun Mr„d v rrdue pWnngeM ml lmt(CG wN IMrb bn Gn col P.nrrr....EI d rN br .ruwh lm kIde vmOW nv,mwnr uwX 6tIM Fdvde N m nynh nuu rM b I. du•S llell brappr. lei abp mu,e el llmd h F bee ry^vpeMdompe.eu•mM I ry y - ^ an ¢ n W^X Pa n M rd nose we kbL b Bewmm.n eNabb ond,M Av,e•d,vM,bp w.AM d Fn ,•d m•mvMdr6ia Sd m.mn • Ile n•d ....... .. .. Pn rele.,.I, lnel nbrmapen,.Peple P.N.upn rqw,. r r• • M Nw aerurrunb M 'M wverwvmn mpd•ravgeronend pum• mn•dr 1p p. ar�.� ,Y 191, edNPDES perm newrbpe �w�•-' Yeumn MlpwD'.F ML15. vol Prv«on Oq IEPP• nu eprmprVl mmr tle MIIIW Igl XeW doe mend reds.Irmo Iebea�d m.O.l W.Ienp '�"` ewha.wnnM Do Y c ns.NN.San,norr PPo•rvd bb.a Ged<,he•L^b,m.re m M1 h - id 9.,,•,bndb TPrveu,.vrkan,l4e•wtl, 4 '•, mwM mry rwWa pNb w« vwd•Epn,Cvmm.Mnn f+cool Vnrnr 5 d Prvnl^drare I "E b •b rd keiirywnr tlb Ap th •omb,rw vnwnign FmnA mpmwurbvd e,N �� GG.I lw¢/u�J mml 'Ill de b Ib.Nr.�Mv,bMmuN b p d, M N fiX B M ae • F A.,I.IJ dr N M 1 nd Imry I X rd A - y -' Ep ' A h iry D I b wd 4,v ry ^dm re v rw 1 A b I. I II F Ib a m4, b rM NpOE d p 0 mNLTh eI .drv.,... k. te. 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Im x.a t Mabw.nn aaW Owrv,v,e1 1 m P I aP Ihv.Lpm.v P I.d6 W P .10 P.I. pml^d1— elwerrom N,w'd Necks 1l Ym' d Iv gel 1...vr^pIp_t m ld a•p Y 1 pl M Me P.rM bM1 eMn wi.. a uv nn d/. yL Mv,. M1ax. b .a•.pbvvra a.r.6vm.n.coon r..F �l 0 P h I M'1 .MN uW NFO-s p bL rl tl r w l evp M1 a M n a II Wh eed ro 9eed 1 brp N bd br lm' nawpVPebre r"navaM..uPb.d,v• =' :•V a W .� irg M vdry h iAr p 1 m ( .. b Np0E5ry nwev Po.mx urv.r M b Mw I,dmbpv SWPPR mnm,rtmn rIIIoPmnn b M Im petl -EpNC •cli G I dfi......... . yAvrM1m m EM M 1'✓/ra•¢Ye./I,ee0ee .Yr/.epppl. ...rM con,mom p1.ma.d pwdimmn. { e G WM NIN aN nunry Nrl n,emun nMd m,eN.v w emM ^ mNle .bM,leml n9ulnm nn k Fl/ S bilbire,wp a^P• D°Y-b MY egm,ewl mom vlrhe, Obleln P.r,rN wwm.•i..6tin P core Aa nPAbJ,I .D J«iu,eMn m The-vpe,v ' W 1 Gp.Jv bw. rvb 1 w II N.O.Ep FM Me dm wen Pp 0 ••• O.........6r Po tl 11 1, 111. b enl .Y.d NOI( .Y¢r/nptl.y.roll, 1 1 W b d H 6e Im tl l 1 J 11 bk M E N,M1- M b M xq e P redo Cw cop de FPN. ItIe I., ......­61 M 6.dIIII., CGP F 1 po-¢r/n pb./epP.na,w Semen J.na apPne'.e .—I 1a re wed W' 1 i FpA CGp yg Inr fr6d NI.tedMb ,eI.T. hwk tfw 1..11. Ohe 0 P r b wdb 4 .IM 'Yp p,n d.bl, W Ipew m. II aL iwsd ppld b.NpOFS permemr«u¢wMnlMlr 'V NOI ,MEP b n.re peep /pdn/ L FI Lv k '=Jt AI J k A' ,d ry narrvalen p Neln N Mt,em wwlbr.ssmple.romM1u.rlen.f.me, ^mPl ha SWp'..mle Men bp'm rFe •m...,le m u, N whvaun. bull muNelpel dl,park el l reSwppP4unb mri le,,e l 6•M,deco,eehmq..1 rM pmisi. `r-- Ca. e P,d Per..—.,r wln bye wM Mu:p rke -It".1 P'e",vn n0 M.m W.q e,npb-cowl mw- waA v,a,Xl.m,n v vM ndM,ev ie M­1.X.m•e AMP,.M1vva Mu,H n rum6'm wn. 'w n _ 1e aw mmn Mmll.tl InbmmNen rbll V 5.EnNrenm.n,d 0.eMN en 1` �rryIFNY•^bNr.iwn•r.p¢v/npM./m.nrahmPl.n con y �"+pt k' t 1 Y ` 1 1OThingsYou Can Do to Prevent Stormwater 1 Runoff Pollution 1MW @UcD M o. e 1ftmo 000 1 -o- o e ® e e e VAYIUII .�e 1 � O e 0 0 , 100 0 0 l�n... • • e - D oe oo 1 i�•n�izo . . 9illtl L IBB9 l.._ r \f —`.f .r`" x a paauvnm % areauuo ,1 ls/xapdsapEu/o&etlasxxM 4 ♦� ]I I t � t Y t, � a 3 { , I •tR.. aonuoo trope o) Ia�tai rr Y_ µ au0]. �a��; �a���} SNn ll N3NM a� s 1.fk / / /Q e wzr Y -- -- •. .- �.,..-=�*—r'^I Polluted stonnwa[er mnoff can have tl s- many adverse effects on plants,fish, Stormwater runoff occurs when precipitation animals,and people. ' ax from rain or snowmelt flows over the ground. • Sediment can cloud the water y r rz l., y. Impervious surfaces like driveways,sidewalks, and make it difficult or ''• y 4 PI and streets prevent stormwater from impossible for aquatic plants to tic I naturally soaking into the ground, grow.Sediment also can g, H •q_����•#� destroy aquatic habitats. excess current.Can canSP i g.g alae blooms When algae die �y = c FF . � ,�•5 they sink ro the bottom and decompose '� �YY'r �' � Jj ji y" in a process that removes oxygen From Y ✓ N the water,Fish and other aquatie -�•��d organisms can't exist in water with low t .(••'N r ,.F. `� dissolved oxygen levels. - �¢ _ • Bacteria and other pathogens can washXW r- M; into swimming areas and create health t hazards,often making beach closures NINE— necessary. + -- ksJ1 • Debris—plastic bags,su-pack rings,bottles,and cigarette butts—washed Into waterbodies can choke,suffocate,or _ disable aquatic life like ducks fish turtles and birds. •Household hazardouused wastes likeother rant insecticides,canpes poison paint, solvents,used..for oil and other e sick fluids can poison aquatic life. land animals and people can become sick or die from eating diseased fish and shellfish or ingesting polluted water. Stormaa er can pick up' debris,chemicals,dirt,and other • Polluted stormwater often_ pollutants and h rm w into a sto sewer system or directly to affects drinking watersources.This,in turn,can e lake,stream river,wetland,or coastal water.Amyth'mg that .( ,. affect human health and enters a storm sewers stem is discharged untreated into J7_FYI �"'"""�' Y g � "J�I increase drinking water the waL=rhodies we use for swimming,fishing,and nrovidipg �v„w :qe^' treatment costs. drinking water. "- 1 ,r s# Y.. 'e�`�.. "•Y�•tY".(��rrryvvv .\mr { _% x _ Auto care n G l`.§shtng vour car and � degreasing auto parts at home d ! Etblm➢wc a aui b e4urvju y Peop&A bawl t. a can send detergents and other ,{ a+6 watFeu arat It u+•6twd maw,veidawL atsrr? •- 1 contaminants through the " barPizdaxL rwt, ffie kia wX be or ad ' automotive ut m sewer system.Dumping Gel automhas th same into storm w •smrv6 vb.z v+>TtboAy. drains has the same result as i.�.. ..:e..,..c:. ro8nta r/rpwr/mlj, luck x: uaM.Tt4A, gPdtGd; paw, dumping the materials directly _ into a waterbody. ��yp /, da�Tard, axe jXg rued.mrt d arz!rime t,ama/Ladd. ♦Use a commercial car's ash that treats or �f ' OM 04 ffir gtarard of ud,,dTaW dtawd. recycles its wastewater,or wash your car on Ft,o ble Pavem en:ltaditional concrete and your yard so the water inf iltia[es into the asphalt don't allow water to soak into the ground. Lawn ground. Instead these surfaces rely on storm drains to cam •Repair leaks and dispose of used auto Maids divert unwanted water permeable pavement Excess fertilizers and batteries at designated drop-off or systems allow in and s rawmelt to soak throughr u recyclin locations. decreasing stormwater runoff. ' and applied toilies tit%.3.r g addgar ens was Y' ea; t ck—,You fter, pt� and gardens wash ^'�"'� !LI aLp'r- off and pollute 1 Septic Pet waste collect s iai mos from ,yL7 streams.In Y P roohops in mosquiro- t '� 51J9te1/15 proof containers.The , addition yard - Pet waste can be wf water can be used late o O F clippings and Leakin and amalor source of _ 1 ` g ' lawn or idea areas leaves can wash poorly L t bacteria and into storm hands and contribute maintained g ca excess nutrients g : Ga,da -,ad nutrients and orE tic matter to streams a' � In local wam, pe r.. 5 ole.�Pec ally +� _ -t• systems release nutrients and r •Dons overwarhear,Ir5lea Consider When walking -�— with native easplants can ' "unes)that bacterianbe and our t with nati e using a soaker hose irslcad of acked Y pe, v plants can provide natural places for s nnklec by storl tw aper n be is<bar barged remember to nick up the ainwa[er to collect p by s[or:nwater and discharged wane and dispose of it and soak into the •Use pesticides and fertilizers into nearby waterbodies. properly,Flushing pet '!'tr..; w". ground,gain from span-gly.When use is necessary,use Pathogens can cause public waste is the best disposal X rooftop areas or paved these chemicals in the recommended health problems and method Lei rig pet waste `' areas can be diverted ' a mounts.Use organic mulch or safer environmental concerns. on:he ground increase into these areas rather pest control methods whenever ♦Inspect your system every public health rsks by • L than into storm drains. possible. 3 years and pump your allewinl ntnirful bacteria •Compost ormulch yarci waste.Don't tank as necessary arery 3 and nutrients to wash into c ,,ca rdo:.Strip—Filter strips are areas of leave It in the rareet or.,;,It into to 5 years). the storm drain and native grass or plants created along roadways or ' sorm drains or streams, eventually into local streams.They trap the pollutants srormwater• Don't isp dose of waterbodies. picks up as it(laws across driveways and streets. • Cover piles of dirt or mulch being household hazardous used io Iandsaaparg praecm. waste in sinks or toilets. '+Js Y 01— t Dirt,oil.and debris that collect in Erosion controls that aren't maintained can cause - r •� I i parking lots and paved areas can be excessive amounts of sediment and debits to be_ washed into the storm sewer system carded into the stortnwater system.Construction �i` IIlrT and eventually enter local vehicles can leak fuel,oil,and other harmful fluidswaterbodies. that can be picked up by stormwater and4't' deposited into local waterbodies.�5 •Sweep up litter and sends from sidewalks,driveways and parking lots. •Divert ater away from disturbed or especially around storm drains. exposed d areas of the construction site. •Cover grease storage and dumpsters ♦Install silt fences,vehicle mud removal areas, and keep them clean to avoid leaks vegetative cover,and other sediment and Report any chemical spill t the local erosion controls and properly maintain them • .a hazardous waste cleanup team am. especially after rainstorms. They'll know the best way to keep •Prevent soil erosion by minimizing disturbed °t.) spills from harming the environment. areas during construction projects,and seed and mulch bare areas as soon as possible. .� rd' dI lack of vegetation on s-treambanks can lead w erosion.Overgrazed pastures can also I convibute excessive amounts of sediment to local waterbodies.Excess fertilizers and / - pesticides can poison aquatic animals and lead to destructive algae blooms.Llvestack in ' a sitdins,cancontaminatevatenvayswith bacteria,makingthem unsafe forhuman contact. a +9 ea •prep livestock away from streambeaksnnd provide t them a water source away from waterbodies. £ •Store and apply manure away from waterbodies and in •�" ••a�t'T' .r_y,a;�,� accordance with a nutrient management plan. _ �_as ''"=='ate •Vegetate riparian areas alongwaterways. f �.y = w •Rotate animal grazing to prevent soil erosion in fields. ; . 'r'- °irf7 •Apply fertilizers and pesticides according to label r —- instructions to save money and minimize pollution. 'as ling ;,rcovered fueling station.chow spill:::to be washed into storm drains.Gars walling to be repaired can leak fuel.oil.and other harmful Improperly managed logging operations can result in erosion and fluids that can be picked up by sthrmwater ,• sedimentation. •Clean up spills immediately and properly y T2 l s •Conduct preharvest plannum to prevent erosion and lower costs dispose of cleanup materials. •Use logging methods and equipment that minimize soil disturbance. •Provide cover over fueling stauens and • -"� �,;d •Plan and design skid trails,yard areas,and truck access roads to design or retrofit.racilities for spill minimize stream crossings and avoid disturbing the forest Floor. containment. ' -u •Pr perly maintain flat vehi Its to prevent +�y e Chastest stream crossings so that tf cy minimize erosion and physical b harges from being•r changes to streams. oil asndmiler c k y' g washed into local w rbcd:cs 0 Expedite revegetation of cleared areas- 0 Install and main[un dfl,u er separators. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1�1}'1/200'7 TENANT CERTIFICATION I certify that at the time of Final Walk-through I have received, reviewed ' and discussed all WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (WQMP) materials provided to me by [print name], an ' Authorized Representative of the development, and fully understand the importance of following the WQMP requirements and activity restrictions. Date 1 Tenant Name(s) Date Date ' Tenant Signature(s) Date ' Unit No.: Address: Temecula, CA Zip: ' Developer's Representative Signature Date A-24 ' WQMP— Star World Center 1/17/2007 ' Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1%L7/200Z Appendix E ' Soils Report (Note: site was previously graded and is compacted fill) ' The minimum percolation rate was used to size and analyze the infiltration trenches 1 1 1 1 ' A-25 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 t' ' GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND LIQUEFACTION EVALUATION PROPOSED STAR WORLD CENTER Old Town Front Street, South of C Street Temecula, California for Janet Lee Southern California Geotechnical Janet Lee October 13, 2004 ,`- 4027 Star Track Way Project No. 04G211-1 Fallbrook, California 92028 1; Subject: Geotechnical Investigation and Liquefaction Evaluation Proposed Star World Center Old Town Front Street, South of C Street Temecula, California Dear Ms. Lee: In accordance with your request, we have conducted a geotechnical investigation at the subject site. We are pleased to present this report summarizing the conclusions and recommendations developed from our investigation. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. We look forward to providing additional consulting services during the course of the project. If we may be of further assistance in any manner, please contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, Q�0fEW10%� S thern California Geotechnical, Inc. h.�'��° K M`rC" LU t9 No 236d � Zi aWc Exp. 09/30/06 ry K. Mitchell, GE 2364 FO �xN�LP�\q cip I E inea �OFCAL\kOQ� Jo n ra, CEG 2125 r� S�GFOL Pri ci al to ist \ ""�'Y Dist its ) ddressee No. 2125 CERTRED (P ENGINEERING =� y GEOLOGIST e TFOFCp, 1260 North Hancock Street, Suite 101 • Anaheim, California 92807-1951 (714) 777-0333 • Fax (714) 777-0398 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 3.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 3-1 Site Conditions 4 3.2 Proposed Development 4 4.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 6 4.1 Scope of Exploration/Sampling Methods 6 4.2 Geotechnical Conditions 6 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING 8 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10 ' 6.1 Seismic Design Considerations 10 6.2 Geotechnical Design Considerations 14 6.3 Site Grading Recommendations 15 6.4 Construction Considerations 18 6.5 Foundation Design and Construction 19 6.6 Floor Slab Design and Construction 21 6.7 Retaining Wall Design and Construction 22 6.8 Pavement Design Parameters 24 7.0 GENERAL COMMENTS 26 1 8.0 REFERENCES 27 APPENDICES A Plate 1: Site Location Map Plate 2: Boring Location Plan B Boring Logs C Laboratory Test Results D Grading Guide Specifications E UBCSEIS and FRISKSP Output F Liquefaction Analysis Spreadsheets Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center—Temecula,California IVF Project No. 04G211-1 �. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Presented below is a brief summary of the conclusions and recommendations of this investigation. Since this summary is not all inclusive, it should be read in ccmplete context with the entire report. Site Preparation The subject site is underlain by undocumented fill soils, generally extending to depths of 2'/z to 3± feet. Deeper fill soils were encountered at Boring B-4, extending to a depth of 8± feet. These existing undocumented fill soils possess variable strengths and unfavorable consolidation characteristics. 1 • It is recommended that remedial grading be performed within the proposed building area in order to remove the existing undocumented fill soils in their entirety. It is also recommended that the overexcavation extend to a depth of at least 3 feet below proposed building pad subgrade elevation. • The overexcavation should also be sufficient to provide at least 3 feet of compacted structural beneath all new footings. • Following evaluation of the subgrade by the geotechnical engineer, the exposed subgrade soils should be scarified, moisture conditioned as necessary, and recompacted. The resulting soils may be replaced as compacted structural fill. Liquefaction Our site-specific liquefaction evaluation indicates that some of the on-site soils are subject to liquefaction during the design seismic event. • The liquefaction analysis indicates total settlements of 2.1± inches and 1.4± inches at Boring Nos. B-1 and B-3, respectively. Therefore, the liquefaction induced differential settlements within the building area are expected to be on the order of 0.8 to 1± inches. Assuming that these settlements occur across a distance of 50± feet, an angular distortion on the order of 0.002 inches per inch would result. • Standard practice dictates that the proposed building can be supported on a shallow foundation system, with the understanding that some cosmetic distress could occur due to liquefaction. Such distress will be typical of buildings of this type, in this area, in the event of a large earthquake. Building Foundations • Conventional shallow foundations, supported in newly placed compacted fill. • 2,500 psf maximum allowable soil bearing pressure. • Reinforcement consisting of at least six (6) No. 5 rebars (3 top and 3 bottom) in strip footings due to the presence of potentially liquefiable soils at this site. Additional ' reinforcement may be necessary for structural considerations. ' Proposed Star World C Southern California Geatechnical enter-Temecula, CA P Project No. 04G211-1 Page 1 Building Floor Slab Conventional Slab-on-Grade, 5 inches thick. Reinforcement consisting of at least No. 4 bars at 18 inches on center, in both directions, to resist the potential liquefaction induced differential settlements. The actual floor slab reinforcement to be determined by the structural engineer. Additional reinforcement may be necessary for structural considerations. Pavements C Asphaltic Concrete: . Parking Stalls: 3 inches asphaltic concrete over 3 inches aggregate base. Auto Drive Lanes: 3 inches asphaltic concrete over 6 inches aggregate base. Light Truck Traffic: 3'/z inches asphaltic concrete over 8 inches aggregate base. Portland Cement Concrete (PCC): Autos Only: 5 inches PCC over compacted subgrade. Truck Lanes: 5'/z inches PCC over compacted subgrade. Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Southern California Geotechnical Project No.04G211-1 Page 2 2.0 SCOPE Of SERVICES The scope of services performed for this project was in accordance with our Proposal No. 04P335, dated September 17, 2004. The scope of services included a visual site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, field and laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering analysis to provide criteria for preparing the design of the building foundations, building floor slabs, and parking lot pavements along with site preparation recommendations and construction considerations for the proposed development. Based on the location of the subject site, this investigation also included a site-specific liquefaction evaluation. The evaluation of the environmental aspects of this site was beyond the scope of services for this geotechnical investigation. Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No.04G211-1 Page 3 3.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Conditions The subject site is located on the west side of Old Town Front Street, south of the intersection with C Street in Temecula, California. The site is referenced as Lot 4, Block 32, Parcel 2 and has been assigned APN 922-100-023. The site is bordered to the north by a vacant parcel, to the west by Murrieta Creek, to the south by an RV storage facility, and to the east by Old Town Front Street. The general location of the site is illustrated on the Site Location Map, included as Plate 1 in Appendix A of this report. The subject site consists of a trapezoidal-shaped parcel approximately 0.51 acres in size. The site is currently vacant and undeveloped. Ground surface cover consists of exposed soil with negligible grass and weed growth. An isolated stockpile of landscaping material is present in the southwestern portion of the site. The site is bordered to the south by a chain link fence. A large tree was observed in the southeastern corner of the site. Detailed topographic information was not available at the time of this report. Visually, site topography slopes downward to the southeast, at an estimated gradient of 1 to 2 percent. There was estimated to be less than 2± feet of elevation differential across the site. 3.2 Proposed Development A preliminary site plan for the proposed development was provided by Newport Architects. This plan indicates that the site will be developed with a new structure utilized for restaurant/retail/office space. The proposed building will have a footprint measuring approximately 50± feet by 104± feet. The building will be a total of three stories in height. A limited portion of the first level will be used as covered automobile parking. The proposed structure is assumed to include no below grade construction such as basements, crawl spaces or subterranean parking. The site plan also indicates several areas of asphaltic concrete pavements, landscaped planters and concrete flatwork around the proposed building. Detailed structural information is not currently available. As discussed above, the proposed building will be three stories in height. It is assumed that the building will be of wood frame or steel frame construction, typically supported on a conventional shallow foundation and concrete slab-on-grade floors. Based on the assumed construction, maximum column and wall loads are expected to be on the order of 60 kips and 2 kips Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 4 1 per linear foot, respectively. The floor slabs are assumed to be subject to a maximum P P y load of 150 pounds per square foot. Preliminary grading plans were not available at the time of the geotechnical investigation. Based on the existing topography, and assuming a relatively balanced site, cuts and fills of less than 3 to 4± feet are expected to be necessary to achieve the proposed site grades within the building area. Southern California Geoteehnieal Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No.04G211-1 Page 5 4.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 4.1 Scope of Exploration/Sampling Methods The subsurface exploration conducted for this project consisted of six (6) borings advanced to depths of 5 to 50± feet below currently existing site grades. The 50± foot borings were performed as part of the liquefaction evaluation. All of the borings were logged during excavation by a member of our staff. The borings were advanced with hollow-stem augers, by a truck-mounted drilling rig. Representative bulk and in-situ soil samples were taken during drilling. Relatively undisturbed in-situ samples were taken with a split barrel "California Sampler" containing a series of one inch long, 2.416± inch diameter brass rings. This sampling method is described in ASTM Test Method D-3550. In-situ samples were also taken using a 1.4± inch inside diameter split spoon sampler, in general accordance with ASTM D-1586. Both of these samplers are driven into the ground with successive blows of a 140-pound weight falling 30 inches. The blow counts obtained during driving are recorded for further analysis. Bulk samples were collected in plastic bags to retain their original moisture content. The relatively undisturbed ring samples were placed in molded plastic sleeves that were then sealed and transported to our laboratory. 1 The approximate locations of the borings are indicated on the Boring Location Plan, included as Plate 2 in Appendix A of this report. The Boring Logs, which illustrate the conditions encountered at the boring locations, as well as the results of some of the laboratory testing, are included in Appendix B. 4.2 Geotechnical Conditions Artificial Fill Artificial fill soils were encountered at the ground surface at five of the six boring ' locations. These fill soils extend to depths of 2'/2 to 8± feet. The fill materials generally consist of medium dense fine to coarse sands and silty fine to medium sands, with trace clay and occasional fine gravel. Several samples of the fill materials contained trace amounts of debris fragments, including concrete, asphalt and brick. Additional soils classified as possible fill were encountered at Boring B-3, extending to a depth of 4'/2± feet. The possible fill soils are generally similar to the fill materials, but also possess some indicators of native alluvium. Southern Calif Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 6 Alluvium The native alluvial soils extending from beneath the fill materials to depths of 9 to 13± feet generally consist of medium dense silty fine sands and clayey fine sands with occasional trace fine gravel content. Beneath these materials, the borings generally encountered dense to very dense fine to coarse sands with trace silt content extending to depths of 47 to 48± feet. Borings B-1 and B-3, both drilled to depths of 50± feet, encountered silty fine sands at depths of 48 to 50± feet. Groundwater Very moist to wet soils were encountered during drilling Borings B-1 and B-3 at depths of 24± feet. Delayed readings taken within the open boreholes identified free water at depths of 23 to 27± feet. Based on the water level measurements, and the moisture contents of the recovered soil samples, the static groundwater table is considered to have existed at a depth of 23 to 25± feet at the time of the subsurface exploration. r Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula,CA Project No. 04G Page 7 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING The soil samples recovered from the subsurface exploration were returned to our laboratory for further testing to determine selected physical and engineering properties of the soils. The tests are briefly discussed below. It should be noted that the test results are specific to the actual samples tested, and variations could be expected at other locations and depths. Classification All recovered soil samples were classified using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), in accordance with ASTM D-2488. The field identifications were then supplemented with additional visual classifications and/or by laboratory testing. The USCS classifications are shown on the Boring Logs and are periodically referenced throughout this report. In-situ Density and Moisture Content The density has been determined for selected relatively undisturbed ring samples. These densities were determined in general accordance with the method presented in ASTM D-2937. The results are recorded as dry unit weight in pounds per cubic foot. The moisture contents are determined in accordance with ASTM D-2216, and are expressed as a percentage of the dry weight. These test results are presented on the Boring Logs. Consolidation Selected soil samples have been tested to determine their consolidation potential, in accordance with ASTM D-2435. The testing apparatus is designed to accept either natural or remolded samples in a one-inch high ring, approximately 2.416 inches in diameter. Each sample is then loaded incrementally in a geometric progression and the resulting deflection is recorded at selected time intervals. Porous stones are in 1 contact with the top and bottom of the sample to permit the addition or release of pore water. The samples are typically inundated with water at an intermediate load to determine their potential for collapse or heave. The results of the consolidation testing are plotted on Plates C-1 through C-8 in Appendix C of this report. Soluble Sulfates A representative sample of the near-surface soils was submitted to a subcontracted analytical laboratory for determination of soluble sulfate content. Soluble sulfates are naturally present in soils, and if the concentration is high enough, can result in degradation of concrete which comes into contact with these soils. The results of the Southern California Geotechnicai Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No.04G211-1 Page 8 ' soluble sulfate testing are presented below, and are discussed further in a subsequent section of this report. ' Sample Identification Soluble Sulfates (%) UBC Classification ' B-3 @ 0 to 5 feet 0.037 Negligible Grain Size Analysis Limited grain size analyses have been performed on several selected samples, in accordance with ASTM D-1140. These samples were washed over a #200 sieve to determine the percentage of fine-grained material in each sample, which is defined as the material which passes the #200 sieve. The weight of the portion of the sample retained on each screen is recorded and the percentage finer or coarser of the total weight is calculated. The results of these tests are presented on the boring logs. Expansion Index The expansion potential of the on-site soils was determined in general accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) Standard 18-2. The testing apparatus is designed to 1 accept a 4-inch diameter, 1-inch high, remolded sample. The sample is initially remolded to 50 ± 1 percent saturation and then loaded with a surcharge equivalent to 144 pounds per square foot. The sample is then inundated with water, and allowed to swell against the surcharge. The resultant swell or consolidation is recorded after a 24- hour period. The results of the El testing are as follows: Sample Identification Expansion Index Expansive Potential B-3 @ 0 to 5 feet 8 Very Low 1 Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Southern California Ceotechnical P Project No.04G21 1-1 Page 9 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Based on the results of our review, field exploration, laboratory testing and geotechnical analysis, the proposed development is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The recommendations contained in this report should be taken into the design, construction, and grading considerations. The recommendations are contingent upon all grading and foundation construction activities being monitored by the geotechnical engineer of record. The Grading Guide Specifications, included as Appendix D, should be considered part of this report, and should be incorporated into the project specifications. The contractor and/or owner of the development should bring to the attention of the geotechnical engineer any conditions that differ from those stated in this report, or which may be detrimental for the development. 6.1 Seismic Design Considerations The subject site is located in an area which is subject to strong ground motions due to earthquakes. The completion of a site-specific seismic hazards analysis was beyond the scope of this investigation. However, numerous faults capable of producing significant ground motions are located near the subject site. Due to economic considerations, it is not generally considered reasonable to design a structure that is not susceptible to earthquake damage. Therefore, significant damage to structures may be unavoidable during large earthquakes. The proposed structure should, however, be ' designed to resist structural collapse and thereby provide reasonable protection from serious injury, catastrophic property damage and loss of life. Faulting and Seismicity Research of available maps indicates that the subject site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. Therefore, the possibility of significant fault rupture on the site is considered to be low. Seismic Design Parameters The proposed development must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The UBC provides procedures for earthquake resistant structural design that include considerations for on-site soil conditions, seismic zoning, occupancy, and the configuration of the structure including the structural system and height. The seismic design parameters presented below are based on the seismic zone, soil profile, and the proximity of known faults with respect to the subject site. Southern Californian Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No.04G211-1 Page 10 ' The 1997 UBC Design Parameters have been generated using UBCSEIS, a computer program published by Thomas F. Blake (January 1998). The table below is a compilation of the data provided by UBCSEIS, and represents the largest design values presented by each type of fault. A copy of the output generated from this program is included in Appendix E of this report. A copy of the Design Response Spectrum, as generated by UBCSEIS is also included in Appendix E. Based on this output, the following parameters may be utilized for the subject site: ' . Nearest Type A Fault: Elsinore-Julian (17 km) Nearest Type B Fault: Elsinore-Temecula (<1 km) ' . Soil Profile Type: SD Seismic Zone Factor (Z): 0.40 Seismic Coefficient (Ca): 0.57 Seismic Coefficient (C ): 1.02 Near-Source Factor (Na) 1.3 ' . Near-Source Factor (N ) 1.6 The design procedures presented by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) are intended to protect life safety. Structures designed using these minimum design procedures may experience significant cosmetic damage and serious economic loss. The use of more conservative seismic design parameters would provide increased safety and a lower potential for cosmetic damage and economic loss during a large seismic event. Ultimately, the structural engineer and the project owner must determine what level of risk is acceptable and assign appropriate seismic values to be used in the design of the ' proposed structure. Ground Motion Parameters As part of the liquefaction analysis performed for this study, we have generated a site specific peak ground acceleration, as required by CDMG Special Publication 117. This probablistic analysis was performed using FRISKSP v4.00, a computer program published by Thomas F. Blake (2000). FRISKSP estimates probablistic seismic hazards using three-dimensional faults as earthquake sources. The program uses a seismotectonic source model, published by the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), to estimate seismic hazards at the subject site. The program originated from the original FRISK program (McGuire, 1978) published by the United States Geological Survey. FRISKSP generates site specific ground motion data based on generalized soil conditions (soil or bedrock), site location relative to nearby faults, accepted attenuation relationships, and other assumptions made by the geotechnical ' engineer. The attenuation relationships used by FRISKSP include one standard deviation measure of uncertainty. The ground motions are also weighted to a standard 7.5 magnitude earthquake. This weighting is due to the fact that earthquakes of lower magnitudes result in fewer cycles of strong ground motion than those of higher magnitudes. The magnitude weighting relationship used by our analysis is described Southern Calitornla Geoteehnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No.04G211-1 Page 11 ' by Idriss (1997) as presented in the proceedings of the NCEER Workshop (Youd and Idriss, 1996). The peak ground acceleration at the site was determined using an appropriate attenuation relationship (Sadigh, et al.,1997) using parameters for a "deep soil' site, which is considered appropriate for the subject site. Appendix E of this report contains the peak acceleration results, in graphical form. The graphical output consists of four plots: a probability of exceedence plot for 25, 50, 75 and 100 year return periods; and an average return period vs. peak acceleration plot, for both magnitude weighted (M = 7.5) and unweighted analyses. The UBC requires that the selected return period should have at least a 10 percent chance of exceedence in 50 years, which is equal to a. 475-year return period. Based on the plots included in Appendix E, this would be 0.63g for the subject site, weighted to a magnitude 7.5 earthquake. Appendix E also contains the tabulated results of the FRISKSP analysis. Liquefaction ' Liquefaction is the loss of the strength in generally cohesionless, saturated soils when the pore-water pressure induced in the soil by a seismic event becomes equal to or ' exceeds the overburden pressure. The primary factors which influence the potential for liquefaction include groundwater table elevation, soil type and grain size characteristics, relative density of the soil, initial confining pressure, and intensity and duration of ground shaking. The depth within which the occurrence of liquefaction may impact surface improvements is generally identified as the upper 50 feet below the existing ground surface. Liquefaction potential is greater in saturated, loose, poorly graded fine sands with a mean (d5o) grain size in the range of 0.075 to 0.2 mm (Seed and Idriss, 1971). Clayey (cohesive) soils or soils which possess clay particles (d<0.005mm) in excess of 20 percent (Seed and Idriss, 1982) are generally not considered to be susceptible to liquefaction, nor are those soils which are above the historic static groundwater table. ' The California Geologic Survey (CGS) has not yet conducted detailed seismic hazards mapping in the area of the subject site. The liquefaction susceptibility of the on-site soils was determined through research of available geologic data. The Riverside County Geologic Hazards Map indicates that the subject site is located within a designated liquefaction hazard zone. Therefore, a portion of this investigation was focused on ' determining the liquefaction potential of the on-site soils. The liquefaction analysis was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Special Publication 117 (CDMG, 1997), and currently accepted practice (SCEC, 1997). The liquefaction potential of the subject site was evaluated using the empirical method originally developed by Seed, et al. (Seed and Idriss 1971). This method predicts the earthquake-induced liquefaction potential of the site based on a given design earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration at the subject site. This procedure essentially compares the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) [the cyclic stress ratio 1 required to induce liquefaction for a cohesionless soil stratum at a given depth] with the Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 12 ' earthquake-induced cyclic stress ratio (CSR) at that depth from a specified design ' earthquake (defined by a peak ground surface acceleration and an associated earthquake moment magnitude). The current version of a generally accepted baseline chart (Youd and Idriss, 1997) is used to determine CRR as a function of the corrected SPT N-value (N1)60. The factor of safety against liquefaction is defined as CRR/CSR. Guidelines to determine the appropriate factor of safety against liquefaction have been presented as Table 7.1 of the SCEC publication, 'Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction in California." This table is reproduced below: ' FACTORS OF SAFETY FOR LIQUEFACTION HAZARD ASSESSMENT Consequence of (N1)60 (clean sand) Factor of Safety Liquefaction Settlement <=15 1.1 >=30 1.0 Surface Manifestations <=15 1.2 >=30 1.0 Lateral Spread <=15 1.3 >=30 1 .0 ' The liquefaction analysis procedure is tabulated on the spreadsheet forms included in Appendix F of this report. The liquefaction analysis was performed for Borings B-1 and ' B-3, which were drilled to depths of 50± feet. The liquefaction potential of the site was analyzed utilizing a maximum peak site acceleration of 0.63g for a magnitude 7.5 seismic event. The analysis was performed using groundwater at 12 feet, which is representative of a conservative, historic high groundwater elevation at the subject site. As noted in Section 4.2 of this report, groundwater was measured at depths of 23 to 27± feet below the ground surface at the time of the subsurface exploration. If liquefiable soils are identified, the potential settlements that could occur as a result of liquefaction are determined using the procedure developed by Tokimatsu and Seed (1987). This procedure uses the induced cyclic stress ratio, the corrected N-value and the earthquake magnitude to determine the expected volumetric strain of saturated sands subjected to earthquake shaking. This analysis is also documented on the ' spreadsheet included in Appendix F. Conclusions and Recommendations The results of the liquefaction analysis have identified potentially liquefiable soils at Borings B-1 and B-3. The potentially liquefiable soils were identified at depths of 12 to 22± feet. Soils which are located above the assumed static groundwater table (12 feet), or which possess factors of safety in excess of 1.1 are considered non-liquefiable. Settlement analyses were conducted for each of the potentially liquefiable strata. Southern California Geotechnlcal Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA ' Project No.04G211-1 Page 13 ' Based on the settlement analyses (also tabulated on the spreadsheets in Appendix F) total dynamic (liquefaction induced) settlements of 2.1± inches and 1.4± inches could be expected at Boring Nos. B-1 and B-3, respectively. Therefore, differential settlements of less than 1 inch could be expected to occur during the design seismic event. The estimated differential settlement can be assumed to occur across a distance of 50± feet, indicating an angular distortion of less than 0.002 inches per inch. Such settlements are considered to be within the structural tolerances of a typical building supported on a shallow foundation system. However, it should be noted that minor to moderate repairs, including repair of damaged drywall and stucco, etc., could be required after the occurrence of liquefaction-induced settlements. The use of a shallow foundation system, as described in this report, is typical for buildings of this type, where they are underlain by the extent of liquefiable soils encountered at this site. The post-liquefaction damage that could occur within the building proposed for this site will also be typical of similar buildings in the vicinity of this project. However, if the owner determines that this level of potential damage is not acceptable, other geotechnical and structural options are available, including the use of ground improvement, deep foundations or a mat foundation. ' 6.2 Geotechnical Design Considerations General Fill soils were encountered at all of the borings within the proposed building area, generally extending to depths of 2'/z to 3± feet. However, deeper fill soils were encountered at Boring No. B-4, extending to a depth of 8± feet. The fill soils generally possess variable strengths and unfavorable consolidation characteristics. Based on these conditions, these soils are considered to represent undocumented fill, and limited remedial grading is considered warranted within the proposed building area. As discussed in the previous section of this report, potentially liquefiable soils were identified at this site. The presence of the recommended layer of newly placed compacted structural fill above these liquefiable soils will help to reduce any surface manifestations that could occur as a result of liquefaction. The foundation and floor slab design recommendations presented in the subsequent sections of this report also contain recommendations to provide additional rigidity in order to reduce the potential effects of differential settlement that could occur as a result of liquefaction. Settlement Laboratory testing indicates that the near surface fill soils possess a potential for collapse when exposed to moisture infiltration. Some of these soils also possess a potential for consolidation when exposed to load increases in the range of those that will be exerted by the foundations of the new structure. The recommended remedial 1 Southern California Geatechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA ' Project No.04G211-1 Page 14 grading will remove these soils from within the zone of influence of the new foundations. The underlying native alluvial soils are not significantly compressible or collapsible. Provided that the recommended remedial grading is completed, the post construction settlements of the proposed structure are expected to be within tolerable limits. Expansion The near surface soils at this site are somewhat variable in composition, ranging from silty sands to clayey sands and sandy clays. Expansion index testing performed on a representative sample of these soils indicates that these materials possess a very low expansion potential (El = 8). However, based on the presence of some zones of soil that contain increased clay content, special care should be taken to properly moisture condition and maintain adequate moisture content within all subgrade soils as well as newly placed fill soils. The foundation and floor slab design recommendations contained within this report are made in consideration of the expansion index test results. It is recommended that additional expansion index testing be conducted at the completion of rough grading to verify the expansion potential of the as-graded building pad. Soluble Sulfates The results of the soluble sulfate testing indicate that the selected sample of the on-site soils contains negligible concentrations of soluble sulfates, in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) and Portland Cement Association (PCA) guidelines. Therefore, ' specialized concrete mix designs are not considered to be necessary, with regard to sulfate protection purposes. It is, however, recommended that additional soluble sulfate testing be conducted at the completion of rough grading to verify the soluble sulfate concentrations of the soils which are present at pad grade within the building area. Grading Plan Review As discussed previously, a detailed grading plan was not available at the time of this report. It is therefore recommended that we be provided with a copy of the preliminary grading plan, when it becomes available, for review with regard to the conclusions, recommendations, and assumptions contained within this report. 6.3 Site Grading Recommendations The grading recommendations presented below are based on the subsurface conditions encountered at the boring locations and our understanding of the proposed development. We recommend that all grading activities be completed in accordance with the Grading Guide Specifications included as Appendix D of this report, unless superseded by site-specific recommendations presented below. IProposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Southern California GeetechniCel Project No.04G211-1 Page 15 Site Stripping and Demolition i Initial site preparation should include stripping of any vegetation that may be present at the time of construction. Based on conditions observed at the time of the subsurface exploration, only minor, if any, stripping is expected to be necessary. The actual extent of stripping should be determined in the field by the geotechnical engineer. Treatment of Existing Soils Building Pad It is recommended that the existing undocumented fill soils within the proposed building area be overexcavated in their entirety. Based on conditions encountered at the boring locations, these materials generally extend to depths of 2'/z to 3± feet. However, the undocumented fill soils were observed to extend to a depth of 8± feet at Boring B-4. The overexcavation should also extend to a depth of at least 3 feet below proposed building pad subgrade elevation. The depth of overexcavation should also be sufficient to provide at least 3 feet of newly placed compacted structural fill below the bearing grade of all foundations. The overexcavation areas should extend at least 5 feet beyond the building perimeter, and to an extent equal to the depth of fill below the new foundations. If the proposed structure incorporates any exterior columns (such as for a canopy or overhang) the overexcavation should also encompass these areas. Following completion of the overexcavation, the subgrade soils within the building areas should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer to verify their suitability to serve as the structural fill subgrade, as well as to support the foundation loads of the new structure. This evaluation should include proofrolling with a heavy rubber-tired vehicle to identify any soft, loose or otherwise unstable soils that must be removed. Native soils suitable to serve as the structural fill subgrade should possess an in-situ density equal to at least 85 percent of the ASTIVI D1557 maximum dry density. Some localized areas of deeper excavation may be required if dry, loose, porous, low density or otherwise unsuitable materials are encountered at the base of the overexcavation. After a suitable overexcavation subgrade has been achieved, the exposed soils should be scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches, moisture treated to 2 to 4 percent above optimum moisture content, and compacted. The previously excavated soils may then be replaced as compacted structural fill. Treatment of Existing Soils: Retaining Walls and Site Walls ' The existing soils within the areas of any proposed retaining walls should be overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet below foundation bearing grade and replaced as compacted structural fill as discussed above for the proposed building pad. Any undocumented fill soils encountered within the retaining wall foundation area should be overexcavated in their entirety. The foundation areas for non-retaining site walls should be overexcavated to a depth of 2 feet below proposed foundation bearing grade. The overexcavation subgrade soils should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer prior to scarifying, moisture conditioning, and recompacting the upper 12 inches of exposed ' Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA ' Project No.04G211-1 Page 16 subgrade soils. The previously excavated soils may then be replaced as compacted structural fill. Treatment of Existing Soils: Parking Areas Subgrade preparation in any new parking areas should initially consist of removal of all soils disturbed during stripping and demolition operations. The geotechnical engineer should then evaluate the subgrade to identify any areas of additional unsuitable soils. The subgrade soils should then be scarified to a depth of 12± inches, moisture conditioned to 2 to 4 percent above optimum moisture content, and recompacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. Based on the presence of variable strength fill soils throughout the site, it is expected that some isolated areas of additional overexcavation may be required to remove zones of lower strength, unsuitable soils. Fill Placement a Fill soils should be placed in thin (6± inches), near-horizontal lifts, moisture conditioned to 2 to 4 percent above the optimum moisture content, and compacted. a On-site soils may be used for fill provided they are cleaned of any debris to the satisfaction of the geotechnical engineer. a All grading and fill placement activities should be completed in accordance with the requirements of the UBC and the grading code of the City of Temecula. a All fill soils should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. Fill soils should be well mixed. Compaction tests should be performed periodically by the geotechnical engineer as random verification of compaction and moisture content. These tests are intended to aid the contractor. Since the tests are taken at discrete locations and depths, they may not be indicative of the entire fill and therefore should not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to meet the job specifications. Imported Structural Fill All imported structural fill should consist of very low to non-expansive (El < 20), well graded soils possessing at least 10 percent fines (that portion of the sample passing the No. 200 sieve). Additional specifications for structural fill are presented in the Grading Guide Specifications, included as Appendix D. Utility Trench Backfill ' In general, all utility trench backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. As an alternative, a clean sand (minimum Sand Equivalent of 30) may be placed within trenches and compacted in place (jetting or Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula,CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 17 flooding is not recommended). Compacted trench backfill should conform to the requirements of the local grading code, and more restrictive requirements may be indicated by the City of Temecula. All utility trench backfills should be witnessed by the geotechnical engineer. The trench backfill soils should be compaction tested where possible; probed and visually evaluated elsewhere. Utility trenches which parallel a footing, and extending below a 1h:1v plane projected from the outside edge of the footing should be backfilled with structural fill soils, compacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 standard. Pea gravel backfill should not be used for these trenches. 6.4 Construction Considerations Excavation Considerations The near surface fill soils generally consist of sands and silty sands. Based on their granular composition, minor to moderate caving of shallow excavations may occur. Where caving occurs within shallow excavations, flattened excavation slopes may be sufficient to provide excavation stability. Deeper excavations may require some form of external stabilization such as shoring or bracing. Maintaining adequate moisture content within the near surface soils will improve excavation stability. All excavation activities on this site should be conducted in accordance with Cal-OSHA regulations. Expansive Soils As discussed in Section 5.0 of this report, the near surface soils have been determined to possess a very low expansion potential. However, some small zones of soil encountered in the borings were determined to possess moderate clay content. Therefore, care should be given to proper moisture conditioning of all building pad subgrade soils to a moisture content of 2 to 4 percent above the Modified Proctor r' optimum during site grading. All imported fill soils should have very low expansive characteristics. In addition to adequately moisture conditioning the subgrade soils and ' fill soils during grading, special care must be taken to maintain the moisture content of these soils at 2 to 4 percent above the Modified Proctor optimum. This will require the contractor to frequently moisture condition these soils throughout the grading process, unless grading occurs during a period of relatively wet weather. Moisture Sensitive Subgrade Soils Some of the near surface soils consist of sandy clays. These soils will become unstable if exposed to significant moisture infiltration or disturbance by construction traffic. The more granular soils will also be subject to erosion if exposed to flowing water. The site should, therefore, be graded to prevent ponding of surface water and to prevent water from running into excavations. Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA ' Project No. 04G211-1 Page 18 ' Groundwater ' The static groundwater table is considered to exist at a depth of 23 to 25± feet below currently existing site grades. Therefore, groundwater is not expected to impact the proposed grading or excavations performed for foundation or utility construction. 6.5 Foundation Design and Construction Based on the preceding grading recommendations, it is assumed that the new building pad will be underlain by structural fill soils used to replace existing undocumented fill soils. The new structural fill soils are expected to extend to a depth of at least 3 feet below foundation bearing grade. Based on this subsurface profile, and based on the design considerations presented in Section 6.1 of this report, the proposed structure may be supported on a shallow foundation system. Building Foundation Design Parameters New square and rectangular footings may be designed as follows: Maximum, net allowable soil bearing pressure: 2,500 Ibs/ft2. Minimum wall/column footing width: 14 inches/24 inches. e Minimum longitudinal steel reinforcement within strip footings: Six (6) No. 5 rebars (3 top and 3 bottom), due to the liquefaction potential of the encountered soils. Y Minimum foundation embedment: 12 inches into suitable structural fill soils, and at least 18 inches below adjacent exterior grade. Interior column footings may be placed immediately beneath the floor slab. • It is recommended that the perimeter building foundations be continuous across all exterior doorways. Any flatwork adjacent to the exterior doors . should be doweled into the perimeter foundations in a manner determined by the structural engineer. ' The allowable bearing pressures presented above may be increased by 1/3 when considering short duration wind or seismic loads. The minimum steel reinforcement recommended above is based on standard geotechnical practice, given the magnitude ' of predicted liquefaction-induced settlements, and the structure type proposed for this site. Additional rigidity may be necessary for structural considerations, or to resist the effects of the liquefaction-induced differential settlements discussed in Section 6.1. The actual design of the foundations should be determined by the structural engineer. ' Proposed Star World Center-Temecula,CA Southern California Geotechnlcal Project No. 04G211-1 Page 19 Foundation Construction The foundation subgrade soils should be evaluated at the time of overexcavation, as discussed in Section 6.3 of this report. It is further recommended that the foundation subgrade soils be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer immediately prior to steel or concrete placement. Within the new building areas, soils suitable for direct foundation support should consist of newly placed structural fill, compacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. Any unsuitable materials should be removed to a depth of suitable bearing compacted structural fill, with the resulting excavations backfilled with compacted fill soils. As an alternative, lean concrete slurry (500 to 1,500 psi) may be used to backfill such isolated overexcavations. The foundation subgrade soils should also be properly moisture conditioned to 2 to 4 percent above the Modified Proctor optimum moisture content, to a depth of at least 12 inches below bearing grade. Since it is typically not feasible to increase the moisture content of the floor slab and foundation subgrade soils once rough grading has been completed, care should be taken to maintain the moisture content of the building pad subgrade soils throughout the construction process. Estimated Foundation Settlements Post-construction total and differential settlements of shallow foundations designed and constructed in accordance with the previously presented recommendations are estimated to be less than 1.0 and 0.5 inches, respectively, under static conditions. Differential movements are expected to occur over a 30-foot span, thereby resulting in an angular distortion of less than 0.002 inches per inch. These settlements are in addition to the liquefaction induced settlements previously discussed in Section 6.1 of this report. ' Lateral Load Resistance Lateral load resistance will be developed by a combination of friction acting at the base of foundations and slabs and the passive earth pressure developed by footings below grade. The following friction and passive pressure may be used to resist lateral forces: Passive Earth Pressure: 300 Ibs/ft3 Friction Coefficient: 0.35 These are allowable values, and include a factor of safety. When combining friction and passive resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. These values assume that footings will be poured directly against suitable compacted structural fill. The maximum allowable passive pressure is 2500 Ibs/ft2. Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 20 ' 6 6 Floor Slab Design and Construction Subgrades which will support new floor slabs should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Site Grading Recommendations section of this report. Based on the anticipated grading which will occur at this site, and based on the design considerations presented in Section 6.1 of this report, the floor of the proposed structure may be constructed as a conventional slab-on-grade supported on newly ' placed structural fill, extending to a depth of at least 3 feet below finished pad grade. Based on geotechnical considerations, the floor slab may be designed as follows: ' a Minimum slab thickness: 5 inches. Minimum slab reinforcement: Minimum slab reinforcement: No. 4 bars at 18 inches on-center, in both directions, due to the liquefaction potential of the encountered soils. The actual floor slab reinforcement should be determined by the structural engineer, based on the imposed loading. Consideration should be given to structurally connecting the floor slab to the perimeter foundations. The method of connection should be determined by the structural engineer. Slab underlayment: 2 inches of sand overlain by a 10 mil visqueen vapor barrier, overlain by 2 inches of additional sand. • Moisture condition the floor slab subgrade soils to 2 to 4 percent above the Modified Proctor optimum moisture content, to a depth of 12 inches. The moisture content of the floor slab subgrade soils should be verified by the ' geotechnical engineer within 24 hours prior to concrete placement. Proper concrete curing techniques should be utilized to reduce the potential ' for slab curling or the formation of excessive shrinkage cracks. The actual design of the floor slabs should be completed by the structural engineer to ' verify adequate thickness and reinforcement. The steel reinforcement recommendations presented above are based on standard geotechnical practice, given the magnitude of predicted liquefaction-induced settlements, and the structure type proposed for this site. Additional rigidity may be necessary for structural considerations, or to resist the effects of the liquefaction-induced differential settlements discussed in Section 6.1. Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA t Project No. 04G211-1 Page 21 ' 6 7 Retaining Wall Design and Construction Although not indicated on the site plan, some small retaining walls (less than 3 to 4± feet in height) may be required to facilitate the new site grades. The parameters ' recommended for use in the design of these walls are presented below. Retaining Wall Design Parameters ' Based on the soil conditions encountered at the boring locations, the following parameters may be used in the design of new retaining walls for this site. We have ' provided parameters for two different types of wall backfill: on-site soils and imported select granular material. The on-site soils generally consist of sands and silty sands. Based on their composition, these materials are considered to possess a friction angle of at least 30 degrees. In order to use the design parameters for the imported select fill, this material must be placed within the entire active failure wedge. This wedge is defined as extending from the base of the retaining wall upwards at an angle of ' approximately 1 horizontal to 2 vertical (63.5 degree angle of inclination from the heel of the retaining wall). RETAINING WALL DESIGN PARAMETERS Soil Type ' Design Parameter Imported On-Site Aggregate Base Sands Internal Friction Angle (�) 380 30° Unit Weight 130 Ibs/ft3 125 Ibs/ft3 ' Active Condition 30 Ibs/ft3 42 Ibs/ft3 level backfill Equivalent Active Condition 44 lb 63 63 Ibs/ft3 Fluid Pressure: 2h:1v backfill At-Rest Condition 50 Ibs/ft3 63 Ibs/ft3 level backfill Regardless of the backfill type, the walls should be designed using a soil-footing ' coefficient of friction of 0.35 and an equivalent passive pressure of 300 Ibs/ft3. The structural engineer should incorporate appropriate factors of safety in the design to the retaining walls. ' The active earth pressure may be used for the design of retaining walls that do not directly support structures or support soils that in turn support structures and which will ' be allowed to deflect. The at-rest earth pressure should be used for walls that will, not be allowed to deflect such as those which will support foundation bearing soils, or which will support foundation loads directly. Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 22 ' Where the soils on the toe side of the retaining wall are not covered by a "hard" surface such as a structure or pavement, the upper 1 foot of soil should be neglected when calculating passive resistance due to the potential for the material to become disturbed ' or degraded during the life of the structure. Retaining Wall Foundation Design ' Retaining wall foundations should be underlain by a newly placed layer of compacted structural fill, extending to a depth of at least 3 feet below foundation bearing grade. Foundations to support new retaining walls should be designed in accordance with the general Foundation Design Parameters presented in a previous section of this report. Backfill Material It is recommended that a minimum 1 foot thick layer of free-draining granular material (less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve) be placed against the face of the retaining walls. This material should extend from the top of the retaining wall footing to within 1 foot of the ground surface on the back side of the retaining wall. This material should be approved by the geotechnical engineer. The layer of free draining material should be separated from the backfill soils using an approved geotextile. If the layer of free-draining material is not covered by an impermeable surface, such as a structure or pavement, a 12-inch thick layer of a low permeability soil should be placed over the backfill to reduce surface water migration to the underlying soils. ' All retaining wall backfill should be placed and compacted under engineering controlled conditions in the necessary layer thicknesses to ensure an in-place density between 90 and 93 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor test ' (ASTM D1557-91). Care should be taken to avoid over-compaction of the soils behind the retaining walls, and the use of heavy compaction equipment should be avoided. Subsurface Drainage As previously indicated, the retaining wall design parameters are based upon drained backfill conditions. Consequently, some form of permanent drainage system will be necessary in conjunction with the appropriate backfill material. Subsurface drainage may consist of either: ' . A weep hole drainage system typically consisting of a series of 4-inch diameter holes in the wall situated slightly above the ground surface elevation ' on the exposed side of the wall and at an approximate 8-foot on-center spacing. ' . A 4-inch diameter perforated pipe surrounded by 2 cubic feet of gravel per linear foot of drain placed behind the wall, above the retaining wall footing. The gravel layer should be wrapped in a suitable geotextile fabric to reduce Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 23 1 ' the potential for migration of fines. The footing drain should be extended to daylight or tied into a storm drainage system. 6.8 Pavement Design Parameters tSite preparation in the pavement area should be completed as previously recommended in the Site Grading Recommendations section of this report. The subsequent pavement recommendations assume proper drainage and construction monitoring, and are based on either PCA or CALTRANS design parameters for a twenty (20) year design period. However, these designs also assume a routine pavement maintenance program to obtain the anticipated 20-year pavement service I ife. ' Pavement Subgrades It is anticipated that the new pavements will be supported on the existing fill that have been removed and replaced as compacted structural fill. These materials generally consist of sands and silty sands. These materials are expected to exhibit fair to good pavement support characteristics, with estimated R-values of 30 to 40. Since R-value testing was not included in the scope of services for this project, the subsequent pavement design is based upon an assumed R-value of 30. Any fill material imported to the site should have support characteristics equal to or greater than that of the on-site soils and be placed and compacted under engineering controlled conditions. It may be desirable to perform R-value testing after the completion of rough grading to verify the R-value of the as-graded parking subgrade. Asphaltic Concrete Presented below are the recommended thicknesses for new flexible pavement structures consisting of asphaltic concrete over a granular base. An alternate ' pavement section has been provided for use in parking stall areas due to the anticipated lower traffic intensity in these areas. However, truck traffic must be excluded from areas where the thinner pavement section is used; otherwise premature pavement distress may occur. The pavement designs are based on the traffic indices (TI's) indicated. The client and/or civil engineer should verify that these TI's are representative of the anticipated traffic volumes. southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 24 1 ' ASPHALT PAVEMENTS Thickness (inches) ' Materials Parking Stalls Auto Drive Light Truck Lanes TI = 4.0 TI = 5.5 TI = 6.0 ' Asphalt Concrete 3 3 3Y2 Aggregate Base 3 6 8 ' Compacted Subgrade 12 12 12 The aggregate base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the ASTM D- 1557 maximum dry density. The asphaltic concrete should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Marshall maximum density, as determined by ASTM D-2726. The aggregate base course may consist of crushed aggregate base (CAB) or crushed miscellaneous base (CMB), which is a recycled gravel, asphalt and concrete material. The gradation, R-Value, Sand Equivalent, and Percentage Wear of the CAB or CMB should comply with appropriate specifications contained in the current edition of the 'Greenbook" Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. Portland Cement Concrete The preparation of the subgrade soils within Portland cement concrete pavement areas should be performed as previously described for proposed asphalt pavement areas. The minimum recommended thicknesses for the Portland Cement Concrete pavement sections are as follows: PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Thickness (inches) Materials Automobile Parking and Truck Traffic Areas Drive Areas TI =6.0 ' PCC 5 5'/ Compacted Subgrade 12 12 950/. minimum compaction) The concrete should have a 28-day compressive strength of at least 3,000 psi. ' Reinforcing within all pavements should be designed by the structural engineer. The maximum joint spacing within all of the PCC pavements is recommended to be equal to or less than 30 times the pavement thickness. The actual joint spacing and reinforcing ' of the Portland cement concrete pavements should be determined by the structural engineer. Southern California Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No.04G211-1 Page 25 ' 7.0 GENERAL COMMENTS This report has been prepared as an instrument of service for use by the client, in order to aid in the evaluation of this property and to assist the architects and engineers in the design and preparation of the project plans and specifications. This report may be t provided to the contractor(s) and other design consultants to disclose information relative to the project. However, this report is not intended to be utilized as a specification in and of itself, without appropriate interpretation by the project architect, civil engineer, and/or structural engineer. The reproduction and distribution of this report must be authorized by the client and Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. Furthermore, any reliance on this report by an unauthorized third party is at such party's ' sole risk, and we accept no responsibility for damage or loss which may occur. The client(s)' reliance upon this report is subject to the Engineering Services Agreement, incorporated into our proposal for this project. ' The analysis of this site was based on a subsurface profile interpolated from limited discrete soil samples. While the materials encountered in the project area are ' considered to be representative of the total area, some variations should be expected between boring locations and sample depths. If the conditions encountered during construction vary significantly from those detailed herein, we should be contacted ' immediately to determine if the conditions alter the recommendations contained herein. This report has been based on assumed or provided characteristics of the proposed development. It is recommended that the owner, client, architect, structural engineer, and civil engineer carefully review these assumptions to ensure that they are consistent with the characteristics of the proposed development. If discrepancies exist, they should be brought to our attention to verify that they do not affect the conclusions and recommendations contained herein. We also recommend that the project plans and specifications be submitted to our office for review to verify that our recommendations have been correctly interpreted. The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained within this report have been promulgated in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty is implied or expressed. 1 1 Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA Project No. 04G211-1 Page 26 1 1 8.0 REFERENCES ' Blake, Thomas F., FRISKSP A Computer Program for the Probabilistic Estimation of Peak Acceleration and Uniform Hazard Spectra Using 3-D Faults as Earthquake Sources, Version 4.00, 2000. ' California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), "Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California," State of California, Department of ' Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 117, 1997. National Research Council (NRC), "Liquefaction of Soils During Earthquakes," ' Committee on Earthquake Engineering, National Research Council, Washington D. C., Report No. CETS-EE-001, 1985. ' Seed, H. B., and Idriss, I. M., "Simplified Procedure for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction Potential using field Performance Data," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, September 1971, pp. 1249-1273. Sadigh, K., Chang, C. —Y., Egan, J. A., Makdisi. F., Youngs, R. R., "Attenuation ' Relationships for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes Based on California Strong Motion Data", Seismological Research Letters, Seismological Society of America, Volume 68, Number 1, January/ February 1997, pp. 180-189. ' Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), University of Southern California, "Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction in California," Committee formed 1997. Tokimatsu K., and Seed, H. B., "Evaluation of Settlements in Sands Due to Earthquake Shaking," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, American society of Civil Engineers, Volume 113, No. 8, August 1987, pp. 861-878. Tokimatsu, K. and Yoshimi, Y., "Empirical Correlations of Soil Liquefaction Based on SPT N-value and Fines Content," Seismological Research Letters, Eastern Section ' Seismological Society Of America, Volume 63, Number 1, p. 73. Youd, T. L. and Idriss, I. M. (Editors), 'Proceedings of the NCEER Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils," Salt Lake City, UT, January 5-6 1996, NCEER Technical Report NCEER-97-0022, Buffalo, NY. 1 1 Southern California Geotechnical Proposed Star World Center-Temecula, CA ' Project No.04G211-1 Page 27 1 APPENDIX A i SITE LOCATION MAP BORING LOCATION PLAN 1 =i i i L i i i w � . �+' VQ Ip�U '.. CfxIER t IfL11U yylE cw� 9y •P % ���m OWAyL �V B 16�\�pd�4 Ro �V su ° ��sj: ENpi P �aRiFq�A`I FpvuaE�6t SERVu'� � ` fR n r�u[nod �m.:. 1 \ s � v Re11N6�� pP'Ps aft Sfe 4Q �?fA�RY a3t� f k•��&p� 1 A1gR6AaLrA �Ro ell trN :.F"sfp �a �.\ , ?ar"e.�• � �� < A!o J`t,$ a fi �lPre � . T U r eo a tnv� Lmlm P1F0 vf�`�nAs \ P!, a= TEMECU A S9e1V �R LL `(� 90,f P4 P 9USIN A NhR `M ryRHECUU \ s a DUCK VIP � ,��� a♦ � m c 9 \ ._af pKhK 8 0 .. vr♦ � 00 1NGLE aN', i. `IAVENI pPD OA r C4 .� o gib I aEL ORO x zeso° Po, Qkrt 's x uva�uw na RANCHO:, ALIFO0.NIA 1& 2 40° R! \ \ O ffi RD CJY S SS N qF.Aert, _ e pPRE55 OlPBLO E1 �i, � t b`T of� 1 HEEP � 2 R �� �•` !NU `\\ `tom '� 8 A T 'eb ClgAic YS \ -RCA � 12 f Pxl � E !yt EUE" I 2s �2 �pfOGEIINE c i SITE LOCATION MAP PROPOSED STAR WORLD CENTER TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SOURCE:RIVERSIDE COUNTY 1- 2400- Southern California Geotechnical THOMAS GUIDE, 2004 DRAWN: MDA CHKD:GKM SCG PROJECT 04G211-1 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,California 92807 iPLATE 1 Phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 777-0398 Star World Center — Proposed Building Site Lot 4, Block 32 , Parcel 2, Temecula OLD TOWN FRONT STREET 140.0' "i �B-5 �B-6 a GEOTECHNICAL LEGEND y APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION B ��1I -`F B-OJ NOTE: BASE MAP PROVIDED BY NEWPORT ARCHITECTS Or rn.osso mrz] ) rz.rw. I "B-1 B2 » BORING LOCATION PLAN ^� PROPOSED STAR WORLD CENTER 142.6 TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA •- _ . ,4 ° .., SCALE I'=30' Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN: MDA CHKD: GKM SCG PROJECT 04G211-1 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 PLATE 2 Anaheim,California 92807 Phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 777-0398 APPENDIX B BORING LOGS r y ,I BORING LOG LEGEND SAMPLE TYPE GRAPHICAL SAMPLE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION AU SAMPLE COLLECTED FROM AUGER CUTTINGS,NO FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF SOIL STRENGTH.(DISTURBED) ROCK CORE SAMPLE:TYPICALLY TAKEN CORE WITH A DIAMOND-TIPPED CORE BARREL. 1 TYPICALLY USED ONLY IN HIGHLY CONSOLIDATED BEDROCK SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN WITH NO SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT,SUCH AS FROM A STOCKPILE OR THE GROUND SURFACE. 1 (DISTURBED) CALIFORMASAMPLER:2-1121NCH I.D.SPLIT C BARREL SAMPLER,LINED WITH 1-INCH HIGH BRASS RINGS. DRIVEN WITH SPT HAMMER. (RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED) ORECOVERY: THE SAMPLING ATTEMPT DID NOT RESULT IN RECOVERY OF ANY SIGNIFICANT SOIL OR ROCK MATERIAL SPIT BARREL, PENETRATION TEST: IS A 1.4 INCH INSIDE DIAMETER LIT SPLIT BARREL,DRIVEN 18 INCHES WITH THE SPT HAMMER.(DISTURBED) S SHELBY TUBE:TAKEN WITH A THIN WALL SAMPLE TUBE,PUSHED INTO THE SQIL AN0 THEN EXTRACTED.(UNDISTURBED) VANE SHEAR TEST: SOIL STRENGTH ` OBTAINED USING A 4 BLADED SHEAR VANE DEVICE. TYPICALLY USED IN SOFT CLAYS-NO SAMPLE RECOVERED. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS DEPTH: Distance in feet below the ground surface SAMPLE: Sample Type as depicted above. BLOW COUNT: Number of blows required to advance the sampler 12 inches using a 140 lb hammer with a 30-inch drop. 5013" indicates penetration refusal (>50 blows) at 3 inches. WH indicates that the weight of the hammer was sufficient to push the sampler 6 inches or more. POCKEN PEN.: Approximate shear strength of a Cohesive soil sample as measured by the pocket penetrometer. GRAPHIC LOG: Graphic soil symbol, as depicted on the following page. DRY DENSITY: Dry Density of an undisturbed or relatively undisturbed sample. MOISTURE CONTENT: Moisture Content of a soil sample, expressed as a percentage of the dry weight. LIQUID LIMIT: The moisture content above which a soil behaves as a liquid. PLASTIC LIMIT: The moisture content above which a soil behaves as a plastic. PASSING#200 SIEVE: The percentage of material finer than the#200 standard sieve. UNCONFINED SHEAR: The shear strength of a cohesive soil sample, as measured in the unconfined state. SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL GRAPH LETTER DESCRIPTIONS CLEAN ®� ',� WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL- GRAVEL GRAVELS • ®• GW SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO 'i AND 0® ,0 ® FINES GRAVELLY Qa ° 60 POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, SOILS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) o D GP GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE p °p OR NO FINES COARSE ° GRAINED GRAVELS WITH °� SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- SOILS MORE THAN 50% FINES Q o o GM SILT MIXTURES OF COARSE Do FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE AMOUNT OF(APPRECIABLE GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND- FINES) GC CLAY MIXTURES CLEAN SANDS SW WELL-GRADED SANDS,GRAVELLY MORE THAN 50% SAND SANDS,LITTLE OR NO FINES OF MATERIAL IS AND LARGER THAN SANDY POORLY-GRADED SANDS, NO.200 SIEVE SOILS SIZE (LITTLE OR NO FINES) ,SP GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES SANDS WITH SILTY SANDS,SAND-SILT MORE THAN 50% FINES SM MIXTURES OF COARSEZ. FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE SC CLAYEY SANDS,SAND-CLAY AMOUNT OF FINES) MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE M L SANDS,ROCK FLOUR,SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY SILTS INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO IT FINE LIQUID LIM — MEDIUM PLASTICITY,GRAVELLY AND LESS THAN 50 C'I- CLAYS,SANDY CLAYS,SILTY GRAINED CLAYS CLAYS,LEAN CLAYS SOILS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MORE THAN 50°/ INORGANIC SILTS,MICACEOUS OR OF MATERIAL IS CC DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SMALLER THAN SILTY SOILS NO, 200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS ' LIQUID TLIMITHANINORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH CAND LAYS GREATER THAN 50 PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY,ORGANIC SILTS PEAT,HUMUS,SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS Southern California Geotechnical BORING NO. B-1 1 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/24/04 WATER DEPTH: 23 feet PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: 40 feet LOCATION: Temecula, California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS F Z Z u- vJ LL o aa.. ° DESCRIPTION z W Z o o u- w Fx- d uj 3 Yr. _ °ii aiz °r v~iH 0550 Ow O V_ . . . -_ of Z 7- yo UW 0 w a J o� o:0 o0 0� 5� <0 zx o ° rn m 0- o SURFACE ELEVATION: - MSL °a 20 �� a� a " xrn C,•,•, FlLL: Dark Brown Gray fne to coarse Sand,some fine :� Gravel,trace concrete fragments,medium dense-damp 48 ;•• 115 6 ALLUVIUM:,Brown Silty fine Sand to fine Sandy Silt, medium 30 dense-moist 107 14 5 26 @ 5 to 6 feet,trace fine Gravel, little Clay 107 17 28 Dark Gray Brown Clayey fine to medium and,little Silt,dense 117 11 moist 26 120 9 10 r Brown fine to coarse Sand,trace fine Gravel,loose-damp to moist 8 3 15 20 9 6 �- 20 Gray fine to coarse Sand,trace Silt,very dense-wet a r5110' 16 4 F @24 feet,water encountered during drilling q 25 0 w 0 19 10 m TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-1a Southern California Geotechnical BORING NO. B-1 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9124/04 WATER DEPTH: 23 feet PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: 40 feet LOCATION: Temecula, California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS } oWu_ DESCRIPTION W� X�� ,> O Z W0 LLo Cr Z Z u- y~ 5r n UQ 20- Q 00 Z= j a< N m W(Continued) oa 20 Gray fine to coarse Sand, trace Silt,very dense-wet l 3/11, 13 7 ` 35 50/3" 12 9 40 50/5" @ 43%to 45 feet,trace fine Gravel 12 6 45 @ 48 to 50 feet,interbedded with Brown Gray Silty fine Sand 5 17 22 0/5" Boring Terminated at 51' a w U O 'a U' J 0 TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-1b Southern California Ceotechnical BORING NO. e-2 1 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/24/04 WATER DEPTH: Dry PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: 18 feet LOCATION: Temecula,California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS 1 W Z z p F o ° w n LL o a DESCRIPTION z �� (D u- z W U w ❑ �W O F' Z� O� dULL - 'W �Z �F- N~ vNi� UW W Q OJ 00 K KV 00 d� g� ¢N Z= O o N m M L SURFACE ELEVATION: - MSL ❑a �c �� o o D(n FILL: Brown Silty fine Sand;trace Brick fragments, trace medium to coarse Sand,medium dense-damp 23 5 ALLUVIUM:' Brown Silty to Clayey fine Sand,:medium dense- 25 damp to moist 13 5 14 „ Dark Gray fine Sandy Clay;trace medium to coarse Sand,stiff 18 4.5+ -moist �1 IC) Gray fine to coarse Sand,trace Clay and Silt,dense-damp to moist 41 ':• t:• 7 15 Gray fine to coarse Sand;occasional Silty Clay,medium dense-moist 20 5 r20 Boring Terminated at 20' a o w M � U O 'a m r TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-2 Southern California Geotechnical BORING NO. B-3 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/25104 WATER DEPTH: 27 feet PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: 44 feet LOCATION: Temecula,California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS Ui a ❑ o s ° DESCRIPTION Z ,� zW z Z U w W 0 W MW Z— Z w ¢ ° oN �0 oo a� 5� a� z= o ❑ m m o-� ca SURFACE ELEVATION: - MSL ❑a �C> JJ o CL ❑ n ❑ FILL Brown Silty fine Sand, trace fine Gravel, medium dense dry to damp 41 81 5 POSSIBLE FILL: Brown Silty fine Sand?trace Clay,medium 48 dense-damp to moist v 113 10 5 ALLUVIUM: Brown fine Sandy Clay,some calcareous 38 4.5+ nodules,very stiff to hard-moist 113 14 Dark Brown Silty fine to medium and;little Clay,medium 23 dense-moist 116 7 24f 119 5 t0 Yellow Brown Silty fine Sand; medium dense-moist LLL Light Brown fine to coarse Sand;medium dense-damp 0 23 3 15 Brown fine to coarse Sand, trace Silt, trace fine Gravel, medium dense to dense-very moist to wet 14 15 7 r 20 0 35 11 3 F @ 24.feet,water encountered during drilling �. 25 0 w U O Gray Silty fine Sand,trace Clay,very dense-wet n J 1 7 51 II 22 14 c I'. r TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-3a Southern California Ceotechnical BORING NO. B-3 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/25/04 WATER DEPTH: 27 feet PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: 44 feet LOCATION: Temecula,California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTSI LABORATORY RESULTS i— z O H e Ow u= m Z , ° DESCRIPTION z �� 0 �t Z U W d W w U W 2 W FZ O U zW Z W CL N H yF N O¢ W Q O OON of KV 00 O� g� Q� Z2 O o m m 0-t c� (Continued) O �L) o a u n a Gray Silty fine Sand,trace Clay,very dense-wet Gray fine to coarse Sand,trace Silt,very dense-wet 4/10' 12 5 35 50/4" 13 7 40 @ 41%to 43 feel,trace fine Gravel 50/3" 12 8 1 45 1 Gray Brown Silty fine Sand,some Clay,very dense-wet 8/10, 17 40 56 Boring Terminated at 50' c? 0 c y d U' _� f9 m F TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-3b Southern California Geotechnical BORING NO. B-4 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/25/04 WATER DEPTH: Dry PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: 15 feet LOCATION: Temecula, California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS W Z Z 0O H o o w LL 0 LiJ DESCRIPTION z �� LLt z OU W = W 7w ❑ U ZW ZK W d a 0 0� �0 00 0� g� aN zz7 0 ❑ 0 m a t c0 SURFACE ELEVATION: --- MSL ❑a 2 0 o a az o N 0 FILL: Brown Silty fine to medium Sand,:little Clay,medium dense-damp 31 5 38 8 5 FILL: Light Brown Silty fine Sand;trace medium to coarse Sand,trace Asphaltic Concrete fragments, medium dense- 16 dry to damp 5 ALLUVIUM: Gray fine to medium Sand,trace Silt, medium 18 dense-damp to moist 6 20 :r 6 ' 15 Gray fine to coarse Sand,medium dense-very moist to wet 22 12 Boring Terminated at 20' a o 0 U O d U' o m F TEST BORING LOG PLATE B4 Southern California Geotechnical BORING NO. B-5 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/25/04 WATER DEPTH: Dry PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: None ' LOCATION: Temecula,California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS z O > o e o w o W v DESCRIPTION Z ofZ u LL w U H W O H V3 W W W Z_ Z a o- o �� oLL rnz �� coF- U 0W o v¢ m a� 0 SURFACE ELEVATION: - MSL oa 2OU �� g� c- �0 FILL: Brown Silty fine Sand,trace medium to coarse Sand, medium dense-damp t4 4 ALLUVIUM: Brown Silty fine Sand to fine Sandy Silt,medium 19 dense-damp to moist 11 Boring Terminated at 5' i i 0 w J U O a m TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-5 Southern California Geotechnical BORING NO. B-6 JOB NO.: 04G211 DRILLING DATE: 9/25/04 WATER DEPTH: Dry PROJECT: Star World Center DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger CAVE DEPTH: None LOCATION: Temecula,California LOGGED BY: Mike Adams READING TAKEN: at Completion FIELD RESULTS LABORATORY RESULTS Z LL J WZ O0 � ? ❑u z � iE DESCRIPTION C Wo z � W L) W ❑W ZZpW = ❑ F y 0¢ 6. ULL a }LL Lnz �H fn F_ �O 0W ❑ m m n.t, cD SURFACE ELEVATION: - MSL ❑a �O �� a� o_u DO 0 ALLUVIUM: Dark&own Clayey fne Sand,medium dense- damp ` 7 13 Brown fine Sandy Clay,some leachate seams,very stiff- 27 4.5+ damp to moist 17 Boring Terminated at 5' 1 a o c? w U' 1 U O a m TEST BORING LOG PLATE B-6 i 1 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING �i t '1 1 1 1 1 1 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 . z .W1 b SH 0 N 19 OR%41-ma; 07mniz. 2 TOM RI NI 11"WE" 2,111, 11 1 1 4 1 V 2. �V R 1 ft III Ris I A . . ........ I W-T ,-d" NVI 6 M 1—0121004 -5- WE W OMA �'x 8 M 12M., "gag'- �V .1 011 i Ot ON N MEMO ON a 10 A to C WON=so N U 1 10 ;=�=-w K M MAM 0 12 R N !0 O I IN N M 1 0 14 URI 0 1®R, I'M OR LIM, Fig 16 18 IS A4 — 10 20 NO AMON 22,1 22 0.1 Load(ksf) 10 10 1 0 Classification: FILL: Dark Brown Gray fine to coarse Sand, some fine Gravel Boring Number: B-1 Initial Moisture Content 6 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content 13 Depth (ft) 1 to 2 Initial Dry Density (pco 114.8 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 123.9 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 2.02 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnical Temecula, California Project No. 04G21 1 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Arehart,C.iff.mia 92807 PLATE C- 1 Phone:(714)777-0333 F..:(714)777-0398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 v 2 p g W. 4 10 MR, 15-00-3414 jg-U 1;� - -"t E 6 1, OR N' i ON ,,,01 , W , 'Nlot I 1, 1 NO�' ma I I R W MTi # T `11 1 12 �O M-11 ills a 0, 11-111,11 1 10 7L H p g ma 0 TO— Q NINE I I i'vp 2 12 -6 MIAMI.MIA a 111 -aT1- o at si- U 14 W -00 S.Oil;S-0 a i WN al 16 Ri INT WIN VMS NO A I w 5W M�T wo-ffin wolk NO am' z 1 aN 55152-08"..5121-01' It V-211 51 311 zl--��57W�'�'%�� �-T%r 1hYa 0 3q � MO. ,- -'9 - cress AN. RE Oil -9 w n — gpi 20 AIM yy R -OM -�c mg,- to 111 1,1 0.1 110 100 Load (ksf) Classification: ALLUVIUM: Brown Silty fine Sand to fine Sandy Silt Boring Number: B-1 Initial Moisture Content 13 Sample Number: Final Moisture Content 19 Depth (ft) 3 to 4 initial Dry Density (pcf) 108.0 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 117.1 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 0.39 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnicall Temecula, California Project No. 04G211 1260 North Hancock Street,suite 101 Anaheim,C.Iftnua 92807 PLATE C- 2 Phone:(714)7774333 Fax:J714)7774398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 U R-1 2 SO 40 4 Q B 1r TO I SAW §11. an r.r 310, 8 711,100MR&M ONE RON 7 11-la i:11-11 1 NOW 0—"' 'N' 13 ----::: I 10 aGs A 0 0 z Z ip KIM', 1 MINIM a -it,5 mr m 6 WEN C MITI 11 14 a 0 Aq MORE 95 zit ggM M", ME= No.rr I OIL,i, 18 =A now a 7U� A- 0111 y - N I c NMI rM �-0171'ffiflll W 7d 01 SRI, -2111 P51 201,1 V MANy At "I E 0.1 10 100 Load(ksfl Classification: ALLUVIUM: Brown Silty fine Sand to fine Sandy Silt Boring Number: B-1 Initial Moisture Content 15 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content 21 Depth (ft) 5 to 6 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 107.7 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 113.0 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse -0.25 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnical Temecula, California im Project No. 04G21 1 1260 North Hancock Snout,Suite 101 Ana heitn,California 92807 PLATE C- 3 Ph.na:(714)T77-0333 Fax;(714)M-0398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 'T 1% A9 H f:7— I WIN N't ON mat a- V- !7 1 1 'd -1--� R- 511 G 10 1 4 "g� MR IMF- rAll. 11-1 437 SEE, W Mi ORR 11 TWO-- g 8 ON& I ffil W-11 —ffiw "KI 10 PIP IN. 0 �0101 0 A mi 4 012 'ic U 14 am YOU,ON in:1 I lg� ON-,1115 111111 11 F" I IS 11c, �g% M Al 1� �? ,R� x 4 ME W 41 '9� IN" 16 �ng 2 g OR MY, 111,4111 10 -21 41 Bill, 9!93 S2 18 20 to SEE R, IN PIN x -P 22 0.1 110 100 Load(ksfl Classification: ALLUVIUM: Brown Silty fine Sand to fine Sandy Silt Boring Number: B-1 Initial Moisture Content (%) 11 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content 15 Depth (ft) 7 to 8 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 114.5 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 122.5 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 0.27 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnical Temecula, California I�vr am Project No. 04G211 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,California 92807 PLATE C- 4 Pho.e:(714)M-0333 F..:(714)7774398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 Al im, FRO- 4 2a. P H; 1 1, U cU �g V WENT 4 30 1, -M IN= z M111 V Fil N 6 �,41�gW iE —'ffi4 ­ 5 01 10 JMA C Li NO WN !FZ 14 ik All R 0 IN" WON N REMA 0,12. NO T-4 12 Big, -6 OEM a U 14 V"KIN 10 2, rtk I& IRWIN 1"�(NOW'. ,6M, 3 I 11, 16 i WON 4. 1 M1 Z -W )NIVI M, k0ft". i 1�&I'll Sr F*0'11"��'.�1�11 1,11 21P 18 R'M `dxM 4= 4 5 31 A 1, IN 5t R, HE NO 0 20 M",rl P-R, 22 0.1 1 Itso 10 100 Load( Classification: FILL: Brown Silty fine Sand, trace fine Gravel Boring Number: B-3 Initial Moisture Content (%) 3 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content (%) 16 Depth (ft) I to 2 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 82.0 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 105.5 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 10.82 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnicall Temecula, California Project No. 04G21 1 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,California 92807 PLATE C- 5 Phone:f714)7774333 F":(714)7774398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results Sim g27'- M�S'F M!, -i N HIM. 2 ea 11 002 MIT E g',7�' 0"'R U I rH TIsea R 4 N.®R 4 & 414 IN I, 41 U 6 �01 11 il Ali,11 101 AAA elk- lgg 0§31 s", ON- U M, I IF 8 iA MIR N-211 m ril 10 m A"M r frF 03 12 ur, 4 a. H0 "I X MIME.% 11"d 0 SIX V.om G 81 11, ow C AWWWN9 0 11 14 ffio,P4 h� p- W 16 'IV, gg W 0 g-SM, 18 71 ' - R ,BUM 20 ME kry RM 1 IBM T-'UN IS A 01, IN I 22 , 0.1 i10 100 Load(ksf) Classification: POSSIBLE FILL: Brown Silty fine Sand, trace Clay Boring Number: B-3 Initial Moisture Content 11 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content 19 Depth (ft) 3 to 4 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 111.1 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 124.0 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 1.76 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnicall Uffil Temecula, California Project No. 04G211 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,C.fif.nnia 92807 PLATE C- 6 Phone:(714)7774333 Fax:(714)7774398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 I OTI MIN N ON 0, ks W 2 5. V2 2 4 iii 7 Water Added 1019v=g N�110 v .......... at 1600 psf R" 15 OWED Mi.ttloill laal =M0 AIRM M ffl, If WINtp 9 A 1 10-1, 1-1t;-111 114 IN- NOW �n- ,; ,itR Ig gc M- -w-'M '- ilFlimmi��' . mm- =IN It 8 E117 "MI, e ice- -5—04 11� - E"'K' %4114 31 SIMON! 10 1,16-4 a IV -301SA k "al 11 a.,; N I i ms 4v ms��tl tz a 11 A. IONA M i Eli `0 12 e". X.,J RE M gas -VI OWN- -6 ZME lzll"fim ON, I 3-Ir I, ,VIM"M N 0 - maw 0 14 OR -0 R g= I - nam I , 16 NO W 1� N 5 0 A I , �WON 60, 4 A 22 IN INS-` 10 1 ®R 1,-—OF P 5 .mn A 20 N23111 N 4 lift" 0 0.1 110 100 Load(ksf) Classification: ALLUVIUM: Brown fine Sandy Clay Boring Number: B-3 Initial Moisture Content 15 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content 22 Depth (ft) 5 to 6 Initial Dry,Density (pcf) 110.7 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcD 115.7 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 0.10 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnical Temecula, California ====09 ,qw Project No. 04G211 1260 North Hancock Street,Suits 101 Anaheim,Caiffornia 92807 PLATE C- 7 Phone:(714)M-0333 Fior:(714)7774398 Consolidation/Collapse Test Results 0 HE EV M, 0m -— ----- EN Water Added 2 R IR at 1600 psf a All gug 12 Ov,A55 I4[1 11 5-0,11 17Z a AM UNION ISO US, ON 1211-1,s.a' 15 17 .1y,41-1 51'A NO .5 14, -� i �J '"011 P I ORA 6 g", M, g S VON, 1100 011.1-11 112- 1 101 1�1 - ------- a ,"% I vk - R v m,- VON 3 11 ISO-, NOR VIE 10 sn M T 1011 v- I I"I 0 Ks W � 12 46 R" NO IN N 0 1 TO V1911 I , A IsIR20AV, t, v 14 0 P U 14 'or 11 W ENRON 011 IR INS R 18 02 1 1"'Is xffl�' 76 a L 0" a it 20 A pr m-�O J�i a 977 0 v I 22 0.1 110 100 Load(ksi) Classification: Dark Brown Silty fine to medium Sand, little Clay Boring Number: B-3 Initial Moisture Content 7 Sample Number: --- Final Moisture Content 14 Depth (ft) 7 to 8 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 114.1 Specimen Diameter (in) 2.4 Final Dry Density (pcf) 124.9 Specimen Thickness (in) 1.0 Percent Collapse 1.07 Star World Center Southern California Geotechnical Temecula, California '111111111F is Project No. 04G211 1260 N.dh Hancock Street,Suite 101 'nahe!M California 92807 PLATE C- 8 Phone:(714)M-0333 Fax:(714)7774398 APPENDIX( D GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS 1 i 1 i i r i i Grading Guide Specifications Page 1 ' GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS These grading guide specifications are intended to provide typical procedures for grading operations. They are intended to supplement the recommendations contained in the geotechnical investigation report for this project. Should the recommendations in the geotechnical investigation report conflict with the grading guide specifications, the more site specific recommendations in the geotechnical investigation report will govern. ' General The Earthwork Contractor is responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with the plans and geotechnical reports, and in accordance with city, county, and Uniform Building Codes. • The Geotechnical Engineer is the representative of the Owner/Builder for the purpose of implementing the report recommendations and guidelines. These duties are not intended to relieve the Earthwork Contractor of any responsibility to perform in a workman-like manner, nor is the Geotechnical Engineer to direct the grading equipment or personnel employed by 1 the Contractor. • The Earthwork Contractor is required to notify the Geotechnical Engineer of the anticipated work and schedule so that testing and inspections can be provided. If necessary,work may be stopped and redone if personnel have not been scheduled in advance. The Earthwork Contractor is required to have suitable and sufficient equipment on the job- site to process, moisture condition, mix and compact the amount of fill being placed to the specified compaction. In addition, suitable support equipment should be available to conform with recommendations and guidelines in this report. • Canyon cleanouts, overexcavation areas,processed ground to receive fill,key excavations, subdrains and benches should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of any fill. It is the Earthwork Contractor's responsibility to notify the Geotechnical Engineer of areas that are ready for inspection. • Excavation, filling, and subgrade preparation should be performed in a manner and sequence that will provide drainage at all times and proper control of erosion. Precipitation, springs, and seepage water encountered shall be pumped or drained to provide a suitable working surface. The Geotechnical Engineer must be informed of springs or water seepage encountered during grading or foundation construction for possible revision to the recommended construction procedures and/or installation of subdrains. Site Preparation • The Earthwork Contractor is responsible for all clearing, grubbing, stripping and site preparation for the project in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineer. • If any materials or areas are encountered by the Earthwork Contractor which are suspected of having toxic or environmentally sensitive contamination, the Geotechnical Engineer and Owner/Builder should be notified immediately. • Major vegetation should be stripped and disposed of off-site. This includes trees, brush, heavy grasses and any materials considered unsuitable by the Geotechnical Engineer. 1 Grading Guide Specifications Page 2 • Underground structures such as basements,cesspools or septic disposal systems, mining shafts, tunnels, wells and pipelines should be removed under the inspection of the Geotechnical Engineer and recommendations provided bythe Geotechnical Engineer and/or city, county or state agencies. If such structures are known or.found, the Geotechnical ' Engineer should be notified as soon as possible so that recommendations can be formulated. • Any topsoil, slopewash, colluvium, alluvium and rock materials which are considered unsuitable by the Geotechnical Engineer should be removed prior to fill placement. Remaining voids created during site clearing caused by removal of trees, foundations basements, irrigation facilities, etc., should be excavated and filled with compacted fill. • Subsequent to clearing and removals, areas to receive fill should be scarified to a depth of 10 to 12 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted The moisture condition of the processed ground should be at or slightly above the optimum moisture content as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. Depending upon field ' conditions, this may require air drying or watering together with mixing and/or discing. Compacted Fills ' Soil materials imported to or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, provided each material has been determined to be suitable in the opinion of the Geotechnical Engineer. Unless otherwise approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, all fill materials shall be free of deleterious, organic, or frozen matter, shall contain no chemicals that may result in the material being classified as"contaminated,"and shall be low to non-expansive with a maximum expansion index(EI)of 50. The top 12 inches of the compacted fill should have a maximum particle size of 3 inches,and all underlying compacted fill material a maximum 6- inch particle size, except as noted below. • All soils should be evaluated and tested by the Geotechnical Engineer. Materials with high expansion potential,low strength,poor gradation or containing organic materials may require removal from the site or selective placement and/or mixing to the satisfaction of the Geotechnical Engineer. • Rock fragments or rocks greater than 6 inches should be taken off-site or placed in accordance with recommendations and in areas designated as suitable bythe Geotechnical Engineer. Acceptable methods typically include windrows.Oversize materials should not be placed within the range of excavation for foundations, utilities, or pools to facilitate excavations. Rock placement should be kept away from slopes(minimum distance: 15 feet) to facilitate compaction near the slope. ' Fill materials approved by the Geotechnical Engineer should be placed in areas previously prepared to receive fill and in evenly placed, near horizontal layers at about 6 to S inches in loose thickness, or as otherwise determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. ' Each layer should be moisture conditioned to optimum moisture content, or slightly above, as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. After proper mixing and/or drying, to evenly distribute the moisture, the layers should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density in compliance with ASTM D-1557 unless otherwise indicated. • Density and moisture content testing should be performed bythe Geotechnical Engineer at random intervals and locations as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. These tests are intended as an aid to the Earthwork Contractor, so he can evaluate his workmanship, Grading Guide Specifications Page 3 equipment effectiveness and site conditions. The Earthwork Contractor is responsible for ' compaction as required by the Geotechnical Report(s) and governmental agencies. • After compacted fills have been tested and approved by the geotechnical engineer, the contractor should moisture condition the soils as necessary to maintain the compacted ' moisture content. Compacted fill soils that are allowed to become overly dry or desiccated may require removal and/or scarification,moisture conditioning and replacement. Soils with medium to high expansion indices are especially susceptible to desiccation. Sandy soils that are allowed to dry can also lose density. • Fill areas unused for a period of time may require moisture conditioning, processing and recompaction prior to the start of additional filling. The Earthwork Contractor should notify ' the Geotechnical Engineer of his intent so that an evaluation can be made. • Fill placed on ground sloping at a 5-to-1 inclination(horizontal-to-vertical)or steeper should be benched into bedrock or other suitable materials, as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Typical details of benching are illustrated on Plates G-2, G-4, and G-5. • Cut/fill transition lots should have the cut portion overexcavated to a depth of at least 3 feet ' and rebuilt with fill (see Plate G-1), as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. • All cut lots should be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer for fracturing and other bedrock conditions. If necessary,the pads should be overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet and rebuilt with a uniform, more cohesive soil type to impede moisture penetration. ' Cut portions of pad areas above buttresses or stabilizations should be overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet and rebuilt with uniform, more cohesive compacted fill to impede moisture penetration. Non-structural fill adjacent to structural fill should typically be placed in unison to provide lateral support. Backfill along walls must be placed and compacted with care to ensure that excessive unbalanced lateral pressures do not develop. The type of fill material placed adjacent to below grade walls must be properly tested and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer with consideration of the lateral earth pressure used in the design. Foundations ' The foundation influence zone is defined as extending one foot horizontally from the outside edge of a footing, and then proceeding downward at a ''/2 horizontal to 1 vertical (0.5:1) inclination. ' 0 Where overexcavation beneath a footing subgrade is necessary, it should be conducted so as to encompass the entire foundation influence zone, as described above. • Compacted fill adjacent to exterior footings should extend at least 12 inches above foundation bearing grade. Compacted fill within the interior of structures should extend to the floor subgrade elevation. Fill Slopes • The placement and compaction of fill described above applies to all fill slopes. Slope compaction should be accomplished by overfilling the slope,adequately compacting the fill in even layers, including the overfilled zone and cutting the slope back to expose the compacted core. ' • Slope compaction may also be achieved by backrolling the slope adequately every 2 to 4 vertical feet during the filling process as well as requiring the earth moving and compaction equipment to work close to the top of the slope. Upon completion of slope construction,the Grading Guide Specifications Page 4 slope face should be compacted with a sheepsfoot connected to a sideboom and then grid rolled. This method of slope compaction should only be used if approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. • Sandy soils lacking in adequate cohesion may be unstable for a finished slope condition and therefore should not be placed within 15 horizontal feet of the slope face. e All fill slopes should be keyed into bedrock or other suitable material. Fill keys should be at least 15 feet wide and inclined at 2 percent into the slope. For slopes higher than 30 feet, the fill key width should be equal to one-half the height of the slope (see Plate G-5). All fill keys should be cleared of loose slough material prior to geotechnical inspection and should be approved bythe Geotechnical Engineer and governmental agencies prior to filling. The cut portion of fill over cut slopes should be made first and inspected bythe Geotechnical Engineer for possible stabilization requirements. The fill portion should be adequately keyed through all surficial soils and into bedrock or suitable material. Soils should be removed from the transition zone between the cut and fill portions (see Plate G-2). ' Cut Slopes • All cut slopes should be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer to determine the need for stabilization. The Earthwork Contractor should notify the Geotechnical Engineer when slope cutting is in progress at intervals of 10 vertical feet. Failure to notify may result in a delay in recommendations. ' Cut slopes exposing loose, cohesionless sands should be reported to the Geotechnical Engineer for possible stabilization recommendations. • All stabilization excavations should be cleared of loose slough material prior to geotechnical inspection. Stakes should be provided by the Civil Engineer to verify the location and dimensions of the key. A typical stabilization fill detail is shown on Plate G-5. • Stabilization key excavations should be provided with subdrains. Typical subdrain details are shown on Plates G-6. Subdrains Subdrains may be required in canyons and swales where fill placement is proposed. Typical subdrain details for canyons are shown on Plate G-3. Subdrains should be installed after ' approval of removals and before filling, as determined by the Soils Engineer. Y Plastic pipe may be used for subdrains provided it is Schedule 40 or SDR 35 or equivalent. Pipe should be protected against breakage,typically by placement in a square-cut(backhoe) trench or as recommended by the manufacturer. • Filter material for subdrains should conform to CALTRANS Specification 68-1.025 or as ' approved by the Geotechnical Engineer for the specific site conditions. Clean 3/,-inch crushed rock may be used provided it is wrapped in an acceptable filter cloth and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. Pipe diameters should be 6 inches for runs up to 500 feet and 8 inches for the downstream continuations of longer runs. Four-inch diameter pipe may be used in buttress and stabilization fills. ' CUT LOT L GRADE / Np,TURA MPEFtPP�E S MIN. l 1 _ y 3'MIN. ' COMPACTED FILL. OVEREXCAVATEAND . . ,./ RECOMPACT COMPETENT MATERIAL, AS APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER CUT/FILL LOT (TRANSITION) 1 Np�VG/ 5'MIN. 3'MIN. COMPACTED FILL g E .' OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT i ' DEEPER OVEREXCAVATION MAYBE RECOMMENDED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER. IN STEEP TRANSITIONS jy. COMPETENT MATERIAL, AS APPROVED .. BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TRANSITION LOT DETAIL GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN: JAS 1' Yi'YQT.:�I CHKD: GKM 1260 North Hancock Street,SuHe 101 ' PLATE G-i Anaheim,California 9 2807 Phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714)714) 777-0398 NEW COMPACTED FILL COMPETENT MATERIAL CUT/FILL CONTACT SHOWN CUT/FILL CONTACT TO BE ON GRADING PLAN SHOWN ON"AS-BUILT' 9'MIN. NATURAL GRADE 4'MIN. / "VARIAM_— MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BENCHES IS 4 FEET OR AS RECOMMENDED CUT SLOPE _� BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER MINIMUM I'TILT BACK OR 2/o SLOPE (WHICHEVER IS GREATER) BEDROCK OR APPROVED CUT SLOPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED COMPETENT MATERIAL 1 PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF FILL KEYWAY IN COMPETENT MATERIAL MINIMUM WIDTH OF 15 FEET OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. KEYWAY MAY NOT BE REQUIRED IF FILL SLOPE IS LESS THAN 5 ' FEET IN HEIGHT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 1 FILL ABOVE CUT SLOPE DETAIL GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN: JAS CHKD: GKM 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,California 92807 PLATE G•1 phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 777-0398 NATURAL GROUND . fi COMPACTED FILL / CLEANOUT EXCAVATION 6"MIN.. . FIRM NATIVE SOIUBEDROCK 24"MIN. 18"MIN. ` \ MINUS 1"CRUSHED ROCK COMPLETELY n SURROUNDED BY FILTER FABRIC,OR CLASS II PERMEABLE MATERIAL 4"MIN. 1.8"MIN. Z111METERFORATED PIPE-MINIMUM 1% SLOPE PIPE DEPTH OF FILL MATERIAL OVER SUBDRAIN SCHEMATIC ONLY ADS (CORRUGATED POLETHYLENE) 8 NOT TO SCALE TRANSITE UNDERDRAIN 20 PVC OR ASS: SDR 35 35 - I SDR 21 100 CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN: JAS CHKD: GKM 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,Calitomia 92807 PLATE G•3 phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 7T7-0398 FINISHED SLOPE FACE NEW COMPACTED FILL OVERFILL REQUIREMENTS PER PLATE NOA COMPETENT MATERIAL TOE OF SLOPE SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN f/ PROJECT SLOPE GRADIENT (1:1 MAX.) ... ` .� . . .: : PLACE COMPACTED BACKFILL TO ORIGINAL GRADE _ , BACKCUT-VARIES ✓' ......... � 4'MIN. SUIT/ Mp1ERtAL '.�/REMOVE A6l l'�. . i/i�/�/i�G�/i.%`. / .. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BENCHES IS 4 FEET OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER ' - -T-MINIMUM V TILT BACK 2'MINIMUM OR 2%SLOPE KEY DEPTH (WHICHEVER IS GREATER) KEYWAY IN COMPETENT MATERIAL. MINIMUM WIDTH OF 15 FEET OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNIAL ENGINEER. KEYWAY MAY NOT BE REQUIRED IF FILL SLOPE IS LESS THAN V IN HEIGHT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. NOTE: BENCHING SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN NATURAL SLOPES ARE EQUAL TO OR STEEPER THAN 5:1 OR WHEN RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. FILL ABOVE NATURAL SLOPE DETAIL ' GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN JAS CHAD: GAM 126C North Hancock Street,Suite 101 Anaheim,California 92807 PLATE G-4 Phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 777-0398 T TYPICAL BLANKET FILL IF RECOMMENDED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TOP WIDTH OF FILL AS SPECIFIED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER COMPETENT MATERIAL ACCEPTABLE TO THE SOIL ENGINEER COMPACTED FILL FACE OF FINISHED SLOPE VARIABLE .' MINIMUM HEIGHT OF BENCHES IS 4 FEET OR AS RECOMMENDED ,. BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER MINIMUM 1'TILT BACK 2'MINIMUM OR 2%SLOPE KEY DEPTH KEYWAY WIDTH,AS SPECIFIED (WHICHEVER IS GREATER) BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER STABILIZATION FILL DETAIL GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS NOTTOSCALE Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN: JAS CHKD: GKM 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 — Anaheim,California 92807 PLATE G-5 Phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 777-0398 ' DESIGN FINISH SLOPE 1. OUTLETS TO BE SPACED AT 100'MAXIMUM INTERVALS. EXTEND 12 INCHES BLANKET FILL IF RECOMMENDED BEYOND FACE OF SLOPE BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AT TIME OF ROUGH GRADING ' CONSTRUCTION. BUTTRESS OR ' SIDEHILL FILL 25'.MAX: 15'MAX. DETAIL"A" t 4-INCH DIAMETER NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE TO BE LOCATED IN FIELD z BY THE SOIL ENGINEER. 2'CLEAR "FILTER MATERIAL"TO MEET FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION "GRAVEL"TO MEET FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION OR OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT:(CONFORMS TO EMA STD.PLAN 323) APPROVED EQUIVALENT: MAXIMUM SIEVE SIZE PERCENTAGE PASSING SIEVE SIZE PERCENTAGE PASSING 1"- 100 1 112" 100 3/4" 90-100 NO.4 50 318" 40-100 NO.200 8 NO.4 25-40 SAND EQUIVALENT=MINIMUM OF 50 NO.8 18-33 NO.30 5-15 NO.50 0-7 NO.200 0-3 TO BE CON- FILTER MATERIAL-MINIMUM OF FIVE OUTLET PIPE CUBIC FEET PER FOOT OF PIPE. SEE NETTED TO SUBDRAIN PIPE WITH TEE OR ELBOW ABOVE FOR FILTER MATERIAL SPECIFICATION. ALTERNATIVE: IN LIEU OF FILTER MATERIAL FIVE CUBIC FEET OF GRAVEL PER FOOT OF PIPE MAY BE ENCASED _ IN FILTER FABRIC. SEE ABOVE FOR GRAVEL SPECIFICATION. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI 140 OR EQUIVALENT. FILTER FABRIC SHALL O BE LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES \ ON ALL JOINTS. `-- MINIMUM 4-INCH DIAMETER PVC SCH 40 OR ASS CLASS SDR 35 WITH A CRUSHING STRENGTH OF AT LEAST 1,000 POUNDS,WITH A MINIMUM DETAIL"A" OF 8 UNIFORMLY SPACED PERFORATIONS PER FOOT OF PIPE INSTALLED WITH PERFORATIONS ON BOTTOM OF PIPE. PROVIDE CAP AT UPSTREAM END OF PIPE. SLOPE AT 2 PERCENT TO OUTLET PIPE. SLOPE FILL SUBDRAINS NOTES: GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS 1. TRENCH FOR OUTLET PIPES TO BE BACKFILLED WITH ON-SITE SOIL. NOT TO SCALE Southern California Geotechnical DRAWN: JAS "II CHKD: GKM 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 PLATE G1i Anaheim,California 92807 Phone:(714)777-0333 Fax: (714) 777.0398 MINIMUM ONE FOOT THICK LAYER OF MINIMUM ONE FOOT WIDE LAYER OF LOW PERMEABLILITY SOIL IF NOT FREE DRAINING MATERIAL COVERED WITH AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACE (LESS THAN 5% PASSING THE#200 SIEVE) FILTER MATERIAL-MINIMUM OF TWO CUBIC FEET PER FOOT OF PIPE. SEE BELOW FOR FILTER MATERIAL SPECIFICATION. ALTERNATIVE: IN LIEU OF FILTER MATERIAL ' TWO CUBIC FEET OF GRAVEL PER FOOT OF PIPE MAYBE ENCASED IN FILTER FABRIC. SEE BELOW FOR GRAVEL SPECIFICATION. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI 140 OR EQUIVALENT. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ON ALL JOINTS. 1 MINIMUM 4-INCH DIAMETER PVC SCH 40 OR ASS CLASS SDR 35 WITH A CRUSHING STRENGTH OF AT LEAST 1,000 POUNDS,WITH A MINIMUM 12JOF 8 UNIFORMLY SPACED PERFORATIONS PER FOOT OF PIPE INSTALLED WITH PERFORATIONS ON BOTTOM OF PIPE. PROVIDE CAP AT UPSTREAM END OF PIPE. SLOPE AT 2 PERCENT TO OUTLET PIPE. �. ° d ° e' "FILTER MATERIAL"TO MEET FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION "GRAVEL"TO MEET FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION OR OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT:(CONFORMS TO EMA STD.PLAN 323) APPROVED EQUIVALENT: MAXIMUM SIEVE SIZE PERCENTAGE PASSING SIEVE SIZE PERCENTAGE PASSING 1" 100 11/2" 100 3/4" 90-100 NO.4 50 3/8" 40-100 NO.200 B NO.4 25-40 SAND EQUIVALENT=MINIMUM OF 50 N0.8 NO.30 5-15 5-15 NO.50 0-7 NO.200 0-3 RETAINING WALL BACKDRAINS ' GRADING GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE Southern California Geotechnical ' DRAWN: JAS CHKD: GKM 1260 North Hancock Street,Suite 101 - - Anaheim,California 92807 PLATE G-7 Phone:(714)T77-0333 Fax: (714) 777-0398 1 APPENDIX E ' II90fISAND FBISI(SP COMPUTER PROGRAM OUTPUT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRUM Seismic Zone: 0.4 Soil Profile: . SD 2 . 50 2 .25 2. 00 0) 1 . 75 0 1 . 50 L 1 .25 U Q 1 . 00 0 . 75 U 5- 0 . 50 0.25 0 .00 0.0 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Period Seconds *********************** * E * U B C S E I S * * Version 1. 03 * *********************** COMPUTATION OF 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS JOB NUMBER: 04G211-1 DATE: 09-23-2004 JOB NAME: Star World Cntr FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: CDMGUBCR.DAT SITE COORDINATES : SITE LATITUDE: 33 .4872 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.1450 UBC SEISMIC ZONE: 0 .4 UBC SOIL PROFILE TYPE: SD NEAREST TYPE A FAULT: NAME: ELSINORE-JULIAN DISTANCE: 17.3 km NEAREST TYPE B FAULT: NAME: ELSINORE-TEMECULA ' DISTANCE: 0 .4 km NEAREST TYPE C FAULT: NAME: OOOOC�OOOO�DODOOOOCOOO�OOOOOOOOOO DISTANCE: 99999 . 0 km SELECTED UBC SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS: ' Na: 1.3 Nv: 1. 6 Ca: 0 .57 ' Cv: 0 . 02 Ts : .71716 To: 0 .143 * CAUTION: The digitized data points used to model faults are * limited in number and have been digitized from small- scale maps (e.g. , 1:750, 000 scale) . Consequently, * the estimated fault-site-distances may be in error by * several kilometers. Therefore, it is important that * the distances be carefully checked for accuracy and * adjusted as needed, before they are used in design. ******************************************************************** --------------------------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS --------------------------- Page 1 ' ----------- APPROX. ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP FAULT ABBREVIATED IDISTANCE TYPE NAG. RATE TYPE FAULT NAME (km) I (A,B,C) I (Mw) (mm/yr) I (SS,DS,BT) ELSINORE-TEMECULA 0 .4 B 6. 8 5 . 00 SS ELSINORE-JULIAN 17 .3 A 7 . 1 5 .00 SS �. ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 25 .6 B I 6. 8 5 . 00 SS SAN JACINTO-ANZA 35 .1 A 7 .2 12 .00 SS SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 35 .2 B 6.9 12 .00 SS NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 43 .7 B 6.9 1.50 SS ROSE CANYON I 47 .4 B 6.9 1.50 SS CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 54 . 5 B 6 .7 1.00 DS SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 59.2 B 6.8 4 .00 SS SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 59. 5 B 6.7 12 . 00 SS ELSINORE-WHITTIER 61. 2 B I 6. 8 2 .50 SS EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 62 .3 B 6.5 2 . 00 SS SAN ANDREAS - Southern 63 . 3 A 7.4 24 . 00 SS CORONADO BANK 71. 3 B 7 .4 3 . 00 SS NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.Basin) 73 . 3 B 6.9 1. 00 SS PINTO MOUNTAIN 74 . 6 B 7 .0 2 .50 SS PALOS VERDES 76. 8 B 7 .1 3 .00 SS CUCAMONGA 82 .0 A 7 .0 5 . 00 DS NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 85 .2 B 7 .0 1.00 DS SAN JOSE 85 . 8 B 6.5 0 .50 DS 1 BURNT MTN. 87. 6 B 6.5 0 .60 SS - CLEGHORN 88 . 2 B 6.5 3 .00 SS SIERRA MADRE (Central) 89.7 B 7 . 0 3 . 00 DS NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 90.1 B 6.7 0 .50 DS ' EUREKA PEAK 92 .2 B 6.5 0 .60 SS ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 93 .0 B 6.8 4 .00 SS SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 93 .8 B 6.6 4 .00 SS 1 SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 98.3 A 7 .8 34 .00 SS LANDERS 101. 0 B 7 .3 0 .60 SS HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT 101.5 B 7 .1 0 .60 SS _ CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 106. 0 I B 6.5 0 .50 DS LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS 107.3 B 7 .3 0 .60 SS RAYMOND 109.9 B 6.5 0 .50 DS JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 112 . 8 B 6.7 0 .60 SS EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN. 115.4 B 6.9 0.60 SS VERDUGO 117.8 B 6.7 0 .50 IS HOLLYWOOD 122 .7 I B 6.5 1.00 IS SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 126. 0 B 6.6 5 .00 SS CALICO - HIDALGO 126. 6 ( B 7 .1 0.60 SS PISGAH-BULLION MTN. -MESQUITE LK 127.3 B 7 .1 0.60 SS ELMORE RANCH 130 .0 B 6.6 1. 00 SS SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto) 132 .2 B 6 .6 4 . 00 SS BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 134.3 B 6 .5 25 .00 SS SANTA MONICA 134.5 B 6 . 6 1.00 DS SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) 138.2 B 6 .7 2 .00 DS SAN GABRIEL 140 .1 13 7 .0 1.00 SS --------------------------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS --------------------------- ' Page 2 APPROX. ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP FAULT ABBREVIATED DISTANCEI TYPE I NAG. I RATE TYPE FAULT NAME (km) (A,B,C) I (Mw) I (mm/yr) I (SS,DS,BT) MALIBU COAST 142.2 B 6. 7 0.30 DS ELSINORE-LAGUNA SALADA 144 .6 B 7 .0 3 .50 SS ANACAPA-DUME 154 . 0 B 7 .3 3 . 00 DS GRAVEL HILLS - HARPER LAKE 155.5 B 6.9 0 . 60 SS SANTA SUSANA 156.0 B 6 . 6 5 . 00 DS ( IMPERIAL I 159.3 A I 7 . 0 20 .00 I SS - HOLSER 165.0 B 6 .5 0 .40 DS BLACKWATER 171.3 B 6 . 9 0 .60 SS OAK RIDGE (Onshore) 175.9 B 6. 9 4 .00 DS �!. SIMI-SANTA ROSA 177.4 B I 6.7 1.00 DS SAN CAYETANO 183 .4 I B 6. 8 6 .00 DS SANTA YNEZ (East) 202 .5 B - 7 . 0 2 .00 SS VENTURA - PITAS POINT 208 .3 B 6. 8 1. 00 IS �> GARLOCK (West) 208 .3 A 7.1 6. 00 SS GARLOCK (East) 215.8 A 7 . 3 7. 00 SS M.RIDGE-ARROYO PARIDA-SANTA ANA 216.9 I B 6 .7 0 .40 DS PLEITO THRUST 219.7 B 6.8 2 . 00 DS RED MOUNTAIN 222.6 B 6.8 2 . 00 DS SANTA CRUZ ISLAND 226.8 B 6 . 8 1.00 IS BIG PINE 227.6 B I 6.7 0 . 80 SS WHITE WOLF 234.9 B 7.2 2 .00 IS OWL LAKE 236.9 I B + 6.5 I 2 . 00 I SS PANAMINT VALLEY 237.3 B 7.2 2 . 50 SS So. SIERRA NEVADA 238 .8 B 7 .1 0 . 10 IS TANK CANYON 239.8 B 6.5 1. 00 DS LITTLE LAKE 240 .7 B 6.7 0 . 70 SS DEATH VALLEY (South) 244 .8 B 6.9 I 4. 00 SS �'. SANTA YNEZ (West) 256.1 B 6.9 2 . 00 SS SANTA ROSA ISLAND 262 . 9 B 6.9 1. 00 DS DEATH VALLEY (Graben) 287 .2 B 6 . 9 4 . 00 DS LOS ALAMOS-W. BASELINE 299.2 B 6 .8 0 .70 DS OWENS VALLEY I 310.5 I B 7 . 6 I 1.50 SS LIONS HEAD 316 . 6 B 6. 6 0 . 02 DS SAN JUAN 319. 8 B 7 . 0 1. 00 SS SAN LUIS RANGE (S. Margin) 324.3 B 7. 0 0 .20 DS HUNTER MTN. - SALINE VALLEY 333 .5 B 7. 0 2 . 50 SS CASMALIA (Orcutt Frontal Fault) f 333 . 8 B 6.5 0 .25 IS DEATH VALLEY (Northern) 341.1 A 7. 2 5 . 00 SS INDEPENDENCE 346.5 B 6. 9 0 .20 DS LOS OSOS 353 . 6 B 6. 8 0 .50 DS HOSGRI 362 . 8 B 7.3 2 .50 SS RINCONADA 371. 9 B 7 .3 1. 00 SS BIRCH CREEK 403 .3 B 6.5 0 .70 I IS WHITE MOUNTAINS 407 . 0 B 7 . 1 1. 00 SS 1 SAN ANDREAS (Creeping) 422 .5 B 5 . 0 34 . 00 SS DEEP SPRINGS 424 . 8 B 6 . 6 0 . 80 DS ------- -- ----- ---------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS --------------------------- Page 3 ------------------- - -------- - APPROX. ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP I FAULT ABBREVIATED DISTANCEI TYPE I MAG. I RATE I TYPE FAULT NAME (km) I (A,B,C) I (Mw) I (mm/yr) I (SS,DS,BT) DEATH VALLEY (N. of Cucamongo) 428 .2 I A 1 7 .0 I 5.00 1 SS ROUND VALLEY (E. of S .N.Mtns. ) 439 .4 I B 1 6 .8 I 1.00 1 DS FISH SLOUGH 446. 0 B 6. 6 0 .20 DS HILTON CREEK 465 .7 B I 6.7 I 2 .50 I DS HARTLEY SPRINGS 490 . 6 B 6. 6 0.50 DS ORTIGALITA 503 . 9 B 6 .9 1.00 - SS CALAVERAS (So.of Calaveras Res) 511.5 B 6.2 15 .00 SS MONTEREY BAY - TULARCITOS 517.3 I B 7 . 1 0 .50 I DS PALO COLORADO - SUR 520 .5 B 7 . 0 3 .00 ( SS QUIEN SABE 524 .2 B 6. 5 1.00 SS MONO LAKE 526.8 B 6. 6 2 .50 DS ZAYANTE-VERGELES 543 .6 B I 6. 8 0 .10 SS SARGENT 548 .4 B 6 .8 3 .00 SS SAN ANDREAS (1906) 548 . 8 A 7 . 9 24 .00 SS ROBINSON CREEK 558 .3 B 6.5 0.50 DS SAN GREGORIO 592 .5 A 7 .3 5 .00 SS GREENVILLE 595 .7 B 6 . 9 2 .00 SS HAYWARD (SE Extension) 597 .7 B 6 .5 3 .00 SS MONTE VISTA - SHANNON ( 598 . 6 B 6.5 0.40 DS ANTELOPE VALLEY 599.0 B 6. 7 0 .80 I DS HAYWARD (Total Length) 616.9 A 7 . 1 9 . 00 SS CALAVERAS (No.of Calaveras Res) 616. 9 B I 6 . 8 6.00 SS ' GENOA 625 . 0 B 6 . 9 1.00 DS CONCORD - GREEN VALLEY 663 .4 B 6. 9 6.00 SS RODGERS CREEK 702 .7 A 7 . 0 9.00 SS WEST NAPA 702 .9 B 6.5 1. 00 SS POINT REYES 723 .8 B 6 . 8 0.30 DS HUNTING CREEK - BERRYESSA 724.2 B 6. 9 6.00 SS MAACAMA (South) 764 .8 B 6. 9 9. 00 SS COLLAYOMI 780 .9 B 6.5 0 .60 SS BARTLETT SPRINGS 783 .4 A 7 . 1 6.00 SS MAACAMA (Central) 806 .4 A 7 . 1 9.00 SS MAACAMA (North) 665 .2 A 7 . 1 9.00 SS ROUND VALLEY (N. S.F.Bay) 870.1 B 6. 8 6.00 SS BATTLE CREEK 888 .2 I B 6.5 0 .50 DS LAKE MOUNTAIN 928 .4 B 6 . 7 6 .00 SS GARBERVILLE-BRICELAND 946.2 B 6 . 9 9 .00 SS MENDOCINO FAULT ZONE 1003 .3 A 7 .4 35.00 DS LITTLE SALMON (Onshore) 1008.4 A 7 . 0 5 .00 DS MAD RIVER 1010.3 B 7 . 1 0. 70 DS CASCADIA SUBDUCTION ZONE 1017.7 A 8 .3 35 . 00 DS MCKINLEYVILLE 1020. 9 B 7 . 0 0 . 60 DS TRINIDAD 1022 .3 I B 7 . 3 2 .50 DS FICKLE HILL 1023 .1 B 6 . 9 0 .60 DS TABLE BLUFF 1029.2 B 7 . 0 0.60 DS r LITTLE SALMON (Offshore) 1042 .4 B 7. 1 1.00 DS ---------------------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS -------____________________ Page 4 ________________________ APPROX. ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP FAULT ABBREVIATED DISTANCEI TYPE I MAG. I RATE I TYPE FAULT NAME (km) I (A,B,C) I (Mw) I (mm/yr) I (SS,DS,BT) BIG LAGOON - BALD MTN.FLT.ZONE 1058. 8 B 7 .3 0 .50 DS x x�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,txxxxx:,txxxxx<xxxxxx:xxxx�+xxxxxxxxxx:xxxx+xxxxxxxxx+x:exxxx r i it r w w aw Im, am, RETURNPERIOD vs . ACCELERATIOls�f SADIGH ET AL. ( 1997) DEEP SOIL (UNWEIGHTED) I U) 1000 0 a) n 7z a� 100 0 .00 0.25 0 . 50 0.75 1 .00 1 .25 1 . 50 Acceleration (g ) PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE SADIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL (UNWEIGHTED) 0 0 25 yrs 50 yrs FE I Fv7 100 75 rs 100 rs 90 80 O , 70 60 c� ° 50 n 40 Co 30 a� x 20 w 10 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 .00 1 .25 1 .50 Acceleration (g) 1 NMI No �- ,_ �. 'f r-. �r.. , '�:: �, �:_ �i. �■r. �. . RETURN PERIOD vs . ACCELERATION SADIGH ET AL. ( 1997) DEEP SOIL (WEIGHTED M=7 .5) 10000 L 0 1000 In MX L W ry 100 0 . 00 0 .25 0.50 0 .75 1 . 00 1 .25 1 . 50 Acceleration (q) PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE SADIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL (WEIGHTED M=7.5) 0 25 yrs 50 yrs 0 � 100 75 rs 10 s 0 r 90 11 ., 80 -A 0 70 4-1 ' 60 m ' ° 50 a u 40 r C 30 a� x 20 w 10 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 .00 1 .25 1 .50 Acceleration (q) 04G211.OUT "*r*'FRSS KSPtf eIBM-PC*VERSION eT+err Modified from 'FRISK' (McGuire 1978) TO Perform Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Analyses Using Multiple FOMS ° of Ground-Motion-Attenuation Relations ' Modifications by: Thomas F. Blake - 1988-2000 - 4.00 xeaeee«rrrr. VERSION ra ar:ree erer xea (visual Fart K ran) TITLE: Star world Center IP LFI LE 0 IPLOT 0 SITE CONDITION 0.00 BASEMENT DEPTH Ckm) 5.00 0.HGA FACTOR RHGA (km) 1FACT 0.00 0.000 NFLT NSITE NPROB NATT LCD 33 1 2 6 1 ATT Cl C2 C3 C4 CS C6 C7 CS C9 CIO C11 C12 CIS C14 1 -2.1700 1.0000 1.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATT C15 C16 C17 CIS C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 PER OSMIN SIGA IRELAF ICHK 25 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0 ' ATT C1 c2 C3 C4 CS C6 C7 CS C9 CIO C11C12 C13 C14 2 -1.9200 1.0000 1.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATT CIS CIS C17 CIS C19 c20 C21 C22 C23 PER DSMIN SIGH IRELAF ICHK 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 25 0 ATT C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 CS C9 CIO C11 C12 C13 C14 3 -2.1700 1.0000 1.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATT C15 C16 c17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 PER DSMIN SIGA IRELAF ICHK 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 25 0 ATT C1 C2 C3 C4 CS C6 C7 CB C9 CIO Cll C12 CIS C14 4 -1.9200 1.0000 1.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATT C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 PER DSMIN SIGA IRELAF ICHK 4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 25 0 ' ATT C1 Q C3 C4 C5 CG C7 CS C9 CIO Cll C12 C13 C14 5 -1.9200 1.0000 1.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATT C15 CIS C17 CIS C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 PER DSMIN SIGA IRELAF ICHK 5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 25 0 ATT C1 c2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CIO C11 C12 C13 C14 6 -1.9200 1.0000 1.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5200 0.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ATT C15 CIS C17 C18 C19 c20 C21 C22 C23 PER DSMIN SIGH IRELAF ICHK fi 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 25 0 PROBLEM DATA: Page 1 04G211.OUT SADIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL 1 PMPLITUDES: is 15 .100 .200 .300 .400 .500 0.600 MOO 0.800 0.900 1.000 1 1.100 1 1 1 1 .200 .300 .400 .500 MAGNITUDE WEIGHTING FACTORS: MWF: 0 MWF MAGNITUDE: 0.00 SAOIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL 2 AMPLITUDES: 15 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 MAGNITUDE WEIGHTING FACTORS: MWF: 3 MWF MAGNITUDE: 7.50 I RI5K5 SPECIFIED 5 SPECIFIED: 0.010000 0.005000 0.002105 0.001000 SITE COORDINATES: 1 -117.1450 33.4872 ' FAULT INFORMATION: FAULT 1 FAULT NAME: ELSINORE-TEMECULA NFP -NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 1 3 AMMIN PM57EP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 5.0000 2,072 2.100 2,000 1.000 NMAK AMMA% PMAX 1 6.80 1.00 ' dmchar ampchar amp char 0har char 1.00 char Slip Rate C 5.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm-2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Afed - cm*'2 0.630E+13 LOG10[Ma(AM _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 A8000 0000 ARATE03076 EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.8000 1.0000 0.03076 0.01926 0.01150 ' IND_R2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.3480 33.6430 2 -117.0130 33.3770 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 15.0000 ' Computed Total Fault Area - 0.64E+03 FAULT 2 FAULT NAME: ELSINORE-JULIAN NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 5.0000 2.072 3.700 2.000 1.000 NMA AMMN( PMAA 1 7.10 1.00 dmchar ampchar ampchar 0har char char 00 Slip Rate ( 5.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear Modulus - dyne/cm**2 0.330E+12 input Fdlllt Area - <m"2 0.113E+14 LOG10IMo(m)] = (1.50)m + (16,05) IMA1 AMMAX PMUVK0000 ARATE03091 = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.1000 1.0000 0.03091 0.02359 0.00732 NO_0.2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A-RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.0130 33.3770 2 -116.3620 32.9650 Page 2 ' 04G211.OUT NO2 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 2 0.0000 15.0000 Computed Total Fault Area - 0.11E+04 ---------------------------------------------------`----_------__------------ FAULT 3 FAULT NAME: ELSINORE-GLEN IW NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 10 1 3 AMMIN ANSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR.900 ECDP COEF .000 5.000 0.1000 1 5.0000 2.072 1.900 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.80 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.30 1.00 Slip Rate C 5.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtiVity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cmr^2 � 0.330E+12 Fa Input Fault Area - Cm*12 0.570E+13 LOG10[MO(m)] > (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.9000 1.0000 0.02783 0.01743 0.01040 1 D_R2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_M B_RA siG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117. 0 33. 0 2 -117.3483480 33.6430 6430 NOE 2 ' ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 z 0.0000 1 5.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.53E+03 -"-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT 4 FAULT NAME: SAN JACI NTO-ANZA NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN 0ANSTEP.1000 IRATE RATE BETA EC7R.500 ECDP COEF 000 5.000 0.1000 1 12.0000 2.072 4.500 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PHAX 1 7.20 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.70 1.00 Slip Rate ( 12.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm"'2 0.330E+12 Fa Input Fault Area - cm--2 0.162E+14 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX AMTE > EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.2000 1.0000 0.09901 0.07119 0.01782 D_R2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES33.7400 1 -116.5333 33.4750 2 -116.1220 33.2630 3 -116.1220 33.2630 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 18.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.16E+04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 1 04G211.OUT FAULT 5 FAULT NAME: SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 12.0000 2.072 2.100 2.000 1.000 . '. NMAX A6.90 1.00 1 .90 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.40 1.00 Slip Rate C 12.0000 min/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm-2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - cm°*2 0.756E+13 LOG10[MO(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PIMA% ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.9000 1.0000 0.07241 0.04897 0.02344 INO_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.2370 34.0170 2 -117.2333 34.0167 3 -116.9170 33.7400 ' NO2 Z ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 2 0.0000 18.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.77E+03 FAULT 6 FAULT NAME: NEWPORT-INGLEWOOO (Offshore) NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 6 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 1.5000 2.072 3.300 2.000 1.000 NMN)( AMMAX 1 6.90 1.00 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0 6.40 1.00 Rat Slip Rate ( 1.5.5000 min/yr) Converted to activity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm°°2 0.330E+1 Input Fault area - cm°•2 0.858E+13 LOIMAY (m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 AMMAX 0PMAX000 ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.9000 1.0000 0.01027 0.00695 0.00333 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B_RA siG-RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.9146 33.5910 2 -117.7989 33.5080 3 -117.6882 33.4024 4 -117. 7 33.2515 5 -ll7.484870 33.2163 6 -ll7.4291 33.15591559 NOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 13.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.86E+03 ------------------------- FAULT 7 FAULT NAME: ROSE CANYON NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 8 10 1 3 Page 4 ' 04G211.OUT AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 1.5000 2.072 2.700 2.000 1.000 1 NMAX APMAX 6.90 1.00 90 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.40 1.00 - Slip Rate ( 1.5000 mm/yr) converted to Activity Rate: input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm••2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - cm°*2 0.715E+13 LOG10EMo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) ' IMPX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.9000 1.0000 0,00856 0.00579 0.00277 INO_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A-RA B_BA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -ll].1325 32.7074 2 •1,17.1976 32.7642 3 -117.2226 32.3277 4 -117.2610 32.8577 5 -117.3173 33.9646 0080 6 -117.3763 33.0848 7 -117.4247 33. 8 -117.4247 33.1299 NOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0, 0000 0.0000 2 00000 13.0000 computed Total Fault Area = 0.72E+03 ----____------- FAULT 8 FAULT NAME: CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) ' NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 2 4 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 1.0000 2.072 1.400 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX ' 1 6.70 1.00 dmcha r ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.20 1.00 Slip Rate ( 1.0000 mm/yr) Converted t0 ACtiVity Rate: input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm-2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - cm'°2 0.476E+13 LOG10[MO(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.7000 1.0000 0.00574 0.00329 0.00245 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA V5. MAGNITUDE A_RA B_RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117,7455 34.0332 2 -117.5682 33.8275 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 7.2000 15,4000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.48E+03 ____________________ ______________-___________________-______ FAULT 9 FAULT NAME: SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 4.0000 2.072 2.000 2.000 1.000 NMA% AMMXK PMAX 6.30 1 6.80 1.00 Page 5 ' 04G211.OUT dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.30 1.00 Slip Rate ( 4.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm°°2 0.330E+12 - input Fault Area - cm**2 0.600E+13 LOG1O[Ma(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.8000 1.0000 0.02343 0.01468 0.00876 IND_RL 2 ' RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA sIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COOROINATES 1 -116.5080 33.4570 2 -116.1940 33,2000 NOR ORI ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 z 0.0000 15.0000 Computed Total Fault Area - 0.61E+03 FAULT 10 FAULT NAME: SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTER IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECOP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 12.0000 2.072 1.700 2.000 1.000 NMPX AMMAN 1.00PMAX 6.70 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.20 1.00 slip Rate ( 12.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm"2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm*•2 0.525E+13 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.7000 1.0000 0.07597 0.04350 0.03248 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA 3-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.5080 34.2450 2 -117.2500 34.0167 3 -117.2370 34.0170 1 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT C0.05S SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 2 0.0000 15.0000 Computed Total Fault Area - 0.54E+03 FAULT 11 FAULT NAME: WHITTIER NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTER IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COOP 5.000 0.1010 1 2.5011 2.072 1.800 2.000 1.010 WAX A AX PMAX 1 6.80 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0 6.30 1.00 Rat Slip Rate ( 2.5000 mm/y r) Converted to activity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm'^2 0.330E+Fa input Fault Area - cm•"2 0.555E+13 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) Page 6 04G211.OUT IMA1 AM000 0PMAX000 ARATE01355 = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.8000 1.0000 0.01355 0.00848 0.00506 ' IND_0.2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES ' 1 -117., 01'6370 33. 0 2 -110 33.8548540 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 15.0000 Computed Total Fault Area 0.57E+03 --------_-----_----- ----____________________________________________________ FAULT 12 FAULT NAME: EARTHQUAKE VALLEY NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 2.0000 2.072 1.000 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.50 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.00 1.00 Slip Rate ( 2.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm**2 0.330E+12 Input Fa01t Afed - Cm"2 0.300E+13 LOG10[Ma(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 AMMAX 000 0PMAX000 ARATE01138 = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.5000 1.0000 O.01138 0.00521 0.00617 ND RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -116,4107 33.0761 - 2 -116. 331113 3 -116.5815 5815 33,1817 NIP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 15.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.30E+03 ___________________________________________________________________________ FAULT 13 FAULT NAME: SAN ANOREAS - San Bernardino NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 24.0000 2.072 5.300 2.000 0.500 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 7.30 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.80 1.00 Slip Rate ( 24.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input shear Modulus - dyne/cm*'2 330E+12 Input Fault Area - cm"2 0.193E+14 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ARATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.3000 1.0000 0.17864 0.14858 0.03006 IND_R2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA 8-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.5264 34.3054 Page 7 r 1 2 -116 33.94 04GM CUT 3 -116,4765 4765 33.9240 NOR 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 18.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.19E+04 FAULT 14 FAULT NAME: SAN ANDREAS - Southern NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 6 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 24.0000 2.072 10.100 2.000 0.500 N1AK A7.40 1.00 .A0 1.00 PMAX dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.90 1.00 Slip Rate ( 24.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/Cm**2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - tm**2 0.243E+14 LOG10CMo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ARATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.4000 1.0000 0.19048 0.16368 0.02679 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA 6-RA SIC_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.5264 34.3054 2 -116.8357 33.9944 3 -116.4765 33.9240 4 -116.4697 33.9223 5 -1162463. 33.7882 3501-115 . 463 33,3501 NOR 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 12.0000 Computed Total Fault Area - 0.24E+04 _____________________________________________________________________________ FAULT 15 FAULT NAME: CORONADO BANK NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 6 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECOP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 3.0000 2.072 9.200 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 7.40 1.00 ' dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.90 1.00 Slip Rate ( 3.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: in Modulus - dyne/Cm**2 0. E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm-2 0.241E+14 LOG10[MO(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX Af+I PMAX ABATE EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.4000 1.0000 0.02361 0.02029 0.00332 ' O_R2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.6067 32.2685 9479 2 -117.5199 32.9778 3 -117.2527 32.4669 4 -117.2380 32,4460 5 -116.8350 31.8900 6 -ll6.8350 31.8900 x0P Page 8 -1 04G211.OUT 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 13.0000 ' Computed Total Fault Area 0.24E+04 --------_-----_-----_----__________________ FAULT 16 FAULT NAME: NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.BLSin) NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 5 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP CDEF 5.000 0.1000 1 1.0000 2.072 3.200 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAR PMAX 1 6.90 1.00 dm5 amp char dmpchar 0. 0 0.5 6.40 1.00 Slip Rate ( 1.0000 mm/yr) Converted t0 ACtivity Rate: Input shear Modulus - dyne/cm-2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm"2 0.832E+13 LOIMAX (AMM _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 A9000 0PMAX000 ARATE00664 = EX-PATE + CH-RATE 1 6.9000 1.0000 0.00664 0.00449 0.00215 ND RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A.RA 0-RA SIG-RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -118,3723 34.0337 2 -118.1510 33.8073 7822 3 -118.1208 33.7746 4 -117.9246 33.6061 5 -117.9246 33.6061 NOR 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 13.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.83E+03 _____________________ ________________-__________________________ FAULT 17 FAULT NAME: PINTO MOUNTAIN NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 9 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE SETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 2.5000 2.072 3.600 2.000 1.000 4M�. AMMO% PMAX 1 7.00 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.50 1.00 Slip Rate ( 2.5000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: ' Input shear Modulus - dyne/Cm'•2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm"2 0.949E+13 L0G1O[M0(m)1 (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAN PMAX ARATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.0000 1.0000 0.01562 0.01128 0.00434 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 ' FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -116.7227 34.0580 2 -116.6630 34.0914 3 -116.5541 34.0814 4 -116.4179 34.1358 5 -116.2883 34.1501 6 -116.1 34.1462 7 -ll6.9 29 34.1449 8 8 -115. 9 36 9653 34.120 086 9 -ll5.9653 34.1086 NOR 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION Page 9 1 0.0000 0.0000 04G211.OUT 2 0.0000 13.0000 computed Total Fault Area = 0.95E+03 FAULT 18 FAULT NAME: PALO$ VERDES - NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 4 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECOP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 3.0000 2.030 4.800 2.000 1.000 ' NPMOX 1 ANNOX7.10 1.00 1 7.10 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.60 1.00 Slip Rate ( 3.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear Modulus - dyne/cm**2 0.330E+12 InppZut Fault Area - cm**2 0 L0610[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.1000 1.0000 0.02038 0.01553 0.00485 IND_RL 2 ' RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -1-17.9388 33.2825 2 -118.1977 33,6571 3 -111,2711 33.7111 4 -118.5568 33.9720 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 13.0000 Computed Total Fault Area 0.13E+04 --------_-----_-----_----_____________ FAULT 19 FAULT NAME: SAN ANDREAS - Coachella NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTER IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 25.0000 2.072 4.700 2.000 0.500 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 7.10 1.00 dmchar0.50 ampcfi.r6.60 dmp1har .00 0.50 6.60 1.00 Slip Rate ( 25.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm-*2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - cm**2 0.114E+14 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 AMMkX 0PMAX000 ARATE15591 EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.1000 1.0000 0.15591 0.11900 0.03690 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE (BRA 8-RA SIG-RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -I16.4697 33.9223 ' 2 -111.14 7119 33.111 3 -1153 33.3501 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 12.0000 Computed Total Fault Area 0.11E+04 FAULT 20 Page 10 04G211.OUT FAULT NAME: CUCAMONGA NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 6 10 2 4 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA EC00 ECDP C000 5.000 0.1000 1 5.0000 2.072 1.400 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX _ 1 7.00 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.5a 1.00 Slip Rate ( 5.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear Modulus - dyne/cm°°2 0.360E+12 I nput Fault Area - cm°°2 0.504E+13 LOG10(MO(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE . EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.0000 1.0000 0.01809 0. IMI 0.00503 �.1 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.4T C 34.1942 DINATES 2 -117.5088 34.1737 3 -117.5585 34.1737 4 -117,6004 34.1671 5 -117.6278 34.1645 6 -n7.7285 34.1253 HOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 12.7000 12.7000 ' Computed Total Fault Area = 0.54E+03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT 21 ' FAULT NAME: ELYSIAN PARK THRUST NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 5 6 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF ' 5.000 0.1000 1 1.5000 2.072 1.700 2.000 0.500 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.70 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 char char Slip Rate ( 1.5000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: input shear modulus - dyne/cmf42 0.360E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm"2 0.510E+13 LOIMAX (m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 AMMAJ( 0PMAX000 ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.7000 1.0000 0.01006 0.00576 0.00430 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA Vs, MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.9173 33.8473 2 -]18.2277 34.0169 ' NO3 3 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 Z 0.0000 11,1100 00 3 1Total 15.Area Computed Total Fault Area = 0.52E+03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------_--- FAULT 22 FAULT NAME: SAN JOSE NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 4 10 2 4 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF Page 21 i 04G211.OUT 5.000 0.1000 1 0.5000 2.072 1.100 2,000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.50 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0,50 6.00 1.00 Slip Rate ( 0,5000 mm/yr) converted to ACtivity Rate: ' Input shear modulus - dyne/cm°f2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - CM-2 0.286E+13 LOG10[Ma(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.5000 1.0000 0.00271 0.00124 0.00147 L 1 IND-R2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIr-R -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.6901 34,1141 2 -117.7305 34.0846 3 -117,3384 34.0601 4 =.8789 34.0393 NOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 3.4000 12.6000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.25E+03 iFAULT 23 FAULT NAME: BURNT MTN. NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 4 10 1 3 AMMIN AM57EP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 0,6000 2.072 1.000 2.000 LOCO NMAX AMMAN PMAX 1 6.40 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 5.90 1.00 Slip Rate ( mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: input Shear modulusdulus - dyne/cm"2 0.330E+12 SOput Fa01t Area - cm°12 0.260E+13 LOG10[mo(AM - (1.50AB + (16.05) IMA1 A4000 0PMAX000 ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.4000 1.0000 0.00377 0.00150 0.00227 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -116.3764 33.9452 2 -116.3855 34.0173 3 -116.4037 34.0658 4 -116.4050 34.1216 ND2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 MOOD 2 0.0000 13.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.26E+03 _____________________________________________________________________________ FAULT 24 i FAULT NAME: COMPTON THRUST NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 2 10 5 6 AMMIN AM57EP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECOP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 1.5000 2.072 1.900 2.000 0.500 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.80 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 1 0.50 6.30 1.00 Page 12 ' 04G211.OUT Slip Rate ( 1.5000 MM/yr) Converted t0 Activity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm°°2 0.360E+12 Input Fault Area - cm°°2 0.585E+13 LOImox (m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMA1 AMMAX 0PVAX000 ARATE00935 = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.8000 1.0000 0.00935 0.00585 0.00349 NO_RL Z RUPTURE AREA V5. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA sIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -118.0582 33.8831 2 -111,0111 31*6111 MOP 3 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 5.0000 2 0.0 5 000 .1000 3 14.1000 10.1000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.58E+03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT 25 FAULT NAME: CLEGHORN NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: fi 10 1 3 5AMMIN.000 AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR.200 ECOP.000 COEF 000 5.000 0.1000 1 3.0000 2.072 1.200 Z.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.50 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.00 1.00 Slip Rate ( 3.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm-2 ' 0.330E+12 Input Fault Af¢a - Cm}4Z 0.325E+13 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PmA ARATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.5000 1.0000 0.01849 0.00846 0.01003 ' N0_R2 RUPTURE AREA V5. MAGNITUDE /RA 8-RA SIG-PA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.4644 34.3113 2 -117.3880 34.2858 3 -117.3455 34.2943 4 -117.3172 34.2773 5 -117.2577 34.2745 6 -117.2040 34.2830 1 NO2 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 2 0.0000 13.0000 computed Total Fault Area = 0.33E+03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT 26 FAULT NAME: SIERRA MADRE ' NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 12 10 2 4 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 3.0000 2.072 2.800 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 7.00 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.50 1.00 Slip Rate ( 3.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm**2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cmf°2 0.103E+14 LOG10[MO(M)] _ (1.50)M + (16.05) Page 13 i 04G211.OU7 IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7,0000 1,0000 0.02034 0.01469 0.00565 NO_R2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES �I 1 -117.7691 34.1231 317 2 -117,7691 34.1323 3 -117.8807 34.1470 4 -117.9402 34.1501 5 -118.0027 34.1752 6 -118.0693 34.1758 7 -118.0683 34.2010 ' 8 -118.1492 34.2028 9 -118.1492 34.2279 10 -118.2896 34.2751 11 -118.2960 34.2751 12 -118.2960 34.2751 NOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 12.7000 12.7000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.11E+04 FAULT 27 FAULT NAME: NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) ' NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 5 10 2 4 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 1.0000 2.072 2.500 2.000 1.000 NMAX PM. PMAX 1 00 00 1.00 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.50 1.00 Slip Rate ( 1.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm**Z 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm**2 0.900E+13 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.O5) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ARATE EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.0000 1.0000 0.00592 0.00429 0.00165 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA 8-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -117.2810 34.3070 2 -117.1640 34.4330 3 -117.0310 34.3950 4 -116.9370 34.3620 5 -116.8473 34.3707 NOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 12.7000 12.7000 ' Computed Total Fault Area = 0.76E+03 --------_-----_-----_----_____________________ FAULT 28 ' FAULT NAME: EUREKA PEAK NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 0.6000 2,072 0.900 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.40 1.00 ' dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 5.90 1.00 Slip Rate ( 0.6000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm**2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - cm-2 0.247E+13 Page 14 04G211.OU7 LOImAX (AM _ (1.SOAR + (16.05) IMAX .4000MVA 0000 ARATE00358 EX-RATE0.00143 + CH-RATE 1 6.4000 1.0000 0.00358 0.00143 0.00215 ' ND_R2 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG-RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -116.3293 34.1244 0078 2 -115.3352 33.9675 3 -116.3352 33.96]5 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 13.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.24E+03 -------------------- ___--------__-------_ FAULT 29 FAULT NAME: ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: ' 2 10 1 3 5AMMIN.000 AMSTEP IPATE RATE BETA ECTR.900 ECOP.000 COEF 000 5.000 0.1000 1 4.0000 2.072 1.900 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.80 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.30 1.00 Slip Rate ( 4.0000 mm/yr) Converted t0 ACt=,ity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm'•2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - CM-2 0.570E+13 LOG10(MO(m)A = (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ABATE EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.8000 1.0000 0.02226 0.01394 0.00832 INO_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA V5. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA sIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -116.3620 32.9650 2 -116.0060 32.7790 NDP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 15.0000 Computed Total Fault Area - 0.58E+03 ---------------------------------------------- ' FAULT 30 FAULT NAME: SAN IACINTO - BORREGO - NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: ' 2 20 1 3 5AMMIN.000 0AMSTEP.1000 IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 000 5.000 0.1000 1 4.0000 2.072 1.400 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAX 1 6.60 1.00 - dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.10 1.00 Slip Rate ( 4.0000 mm/yr) Converted to ACtivity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/Cm"2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cmss2 0.348E+13 LOG10CMo(m)7 (1.50)m + (16.05) ZNAX AMMAX PMAX ARATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 6.6000 1.0000 0.02094 0.01080 0.01014 ' IND-RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A-RA B-RA SIG-RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 ' FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES Page 15 1 -11 . 0 33. 0 04G211.OUT 2 -115.9759750 33.0110110 NDP ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 22 0.0000 12.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.35E+03 FAULT 31 FAULT NAME: SAN ANDREAS - Mojave NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 3 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ECTR ECDP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 30.0000 2.072 4.900 2.000 0.500 ' rv1 7.10 1.A 0 0 .10 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.60 1.00 ' Slip Rate ( 30.0000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input shear modulus - dyne/cm"-2 0.300E+12 Input Fault Area - c.--2 0.119E+14 LOG10[Mo(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) ZMAX AMMAX PMAX ARATE = EX-RATE + CH-RATE ' 1 7.1000 1.0000 0.17754 0.13551 0,04202 IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -118.5024 34.6989 2 -118.0075 34.5116 3 -117,5298 34.3106 Non ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 .0000 2 0.0000 12.0000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.12E+04 FAULT 32 FAULT NAME: SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture ' NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 12 10 1 3 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE RATE BETA ERR ECOP COEF 5.000 0.1000 1 34.0000 2.072 17.200 2.000 0.500 ' NMAX APMAX 7.80 1.00 .80 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 7.30 1.00 ' Slip Rate ( 34.0000 mm/yr) converted to Activity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm-'2 0.300E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm°a2 0.414E+14 LOG10[MO(m)] - (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMMAX PMAX ARATE EX-RATE + CH-RATE 1 7.8000 1.0000 0.22372 0.20895 0,01477 INO_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A_RA B-RA SIG-RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT COORDINATES 1 -120.5605 36.0019 2 -120,2928 35.7488 3 -119.8632 35.3106 4 -1-19.6673 35.3072 1336 _ 5 -119.4061 34.9395 6 -119.2103 34.8639 7 -119.2103 34.8175 8 -118.5075 34.7006 9 -118.5024 34,6989 10 -118.0075 34,5116 ll -118.0075 34.5116 Page 16 12 -117.5298 34.3106 04G211.OUT NOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 12.0000 Computed Total Fault Area - 0.42E+04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT 33 FAULT NAME: NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) ' NFP NRL ATTENUATION CODES: 10 2 4 AMMIN AMSTEP IRATE PATE BETA ECTR ECOP C05F 5.000 0.1000 1 0.5000 2.072 1.300 2.000 1.000 NMAX AMMAX PMAN ' 1 6.70 1.00 dmchar ampchar dmpchar 0.50 6.20 1.00 Slip Rate ( 0.5000 mm/yr) Converted to Activity Rate: Input Shear Modulus - dyne/cm^"2 0.330E+12 Input Fault Area - Cm°.2 0.486E+13 LOGIONO(m)] _ (1.50)m + (16.05) IMAX AMmAX PMAX ABATE EX-RATE + CH-RATE ' 1 6.7000 1.0000 0.00293 0.00168 0.00125 - IND_RL 2 RUPTURE AREA VS. MAGNITUDE A-RA 8-RA SIG_RA -3.490 0.910 0.240 FAULT SEGMENT CC09OI4AT£5 1 -116.7999 34.3369 2 -116.7435 34.3334 3 -116.7101 34.3457 4 -116.6696 34.3316 5 -116.6432 34,3414 ' 6 -116.5886 34.3210 7 -116.5896 34.3105 HOP 2 ORIGINAL FAULT CROSS SECTION 1 0.0000 0.0000 ' 2 12.7000 12.7000 Computed Total Fault Area = 0.46E+03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SITE 1 COORDINATES: -117.1450 33.4872 SAOIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL 1 AMPLITUDES (9): 0.1000E+000.2000E+000.3000E+000.4000E+WO.S000E+000.-000E+000.-000£+000.8000E+000.9000E+009.10.0E+0100 LN (AMPLITUDE): -2.30 -1.61 -1.20 -0,92 -0.69 0.51 0.36 -0.22 -O.11 0 FAULT 1 E(NO/YR) 0.2362E-010.1708E-010.1278E-010.9412E-020.6739E-020.4713E-020.3246E-020.2218E-020.1511E-020.1030E-02 FAULT 2 E(NO/YB) 0.5942E-020.1684E-020.467BE-030.1322E-030.3933E-040.1248E-040.4242E-050.1543E-050.5998E-060.2483E-05 FAULT 3 E(NO/YR) 0.6157E-020.1020E-020.1767E-030.3526E-040.8123E-050.2126E-050.5220E-060.2006E-060.7051E-070.2676E-07 FAULT 4 E(NO/YR) 0.1016E-010.1190E-020.1348E-030.1778E-040.2817E-050.5340E-060.1201E-060.3175E-070.9743E-080.3414E-08 FAULT 5 E(NO/YR) 0.1127E-010.1113E-020.1218E-030.1672E-040.2840E-050.5809E-060.1397E-060.3870E-070.1215E-070.4260E-08 FAULT 6 E(NO/YR) 0.4458E-030.1752E-040.1047E-050.9366E-070.1167E-070.1911E-080.3944E-090.9870E-0100.2875E-100.9085E-11 FAULT 6 E(NO/Y0.) 0.3576E-030.1596E-040.1135E-050.1191E-060.1682E-070.3003E-080.6483E-090.1640E-090.4697E-100.1454E-10 FAULT 9 E(NO/YR) 0.3774E-030.6633E-050.2563E-060.1759E-070.1855E-080.2722E-090.5003E-100.8898E-110.5691E-120.0000E+00 FAULT 10 E(NO/YR) 0.1138E-020.2052E-040.8453E-060.6159E-070.6793E-080.1025E-080.1906E-090.3482E-100.1680E-110.0000E+00 FAULT 11 E(NO/YR) 0.1736E-030.2675E-050.9569E-070.6248E-080.6380E-090.9110E-100.1584E-100.2078E-110.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 12 E(NO/VR) 0.1215E-030.2047E-050.8788E-070.6803E-080.7914E-090.1246E-090.2287E-100.1831E-110.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 13 E(NO/YR) 0.240]E-020.5280E-040.1793E-050.9830E-070.8241E-080.1015E-080.1671E-090.2029E-100.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 14 E(NO/YR) 0.2400E-020.6527E-040.2510E-050.1452E-060.1191E-070.1321E-080.1905E-090.2591E-100.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 15 E(NO/YR) 0.2886E-030.4665 E-050.1306E-060.6161E-080.4533E-090.4913E-100.3374E-110.0000E+000.00OOE+OOO.00OOE+00 FAULT 16 E(NO/YR) 0.2216E-040.1594E-060.3556E-080.1750E-090.1512E-100.1460E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 17 E(NO/YR) 0.5331E-040.3396E-060.fi68fi E-080.3057E-090.2567E-100.2030E-ll0.0000E+000.0000E+000.DOOOE+000.0000E+00 FAULT 18 E(NO/YR) 0.7817E-040.4520E-060.7926E-080.3427E-090.2862E-100.1778E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.00OOE+000.0000E+00 FAULT 19 E(NO/YR) 0.2447E-030.1239E-050.2031E-070.8527E-090.6644E-100.1476E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 20 E(NO/YR) 0.2474E-030.2874E-050.7543E-070.3858E-080.3369E-090.4364E-100.1345E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 21 E(NO/YR) 0.29T1E-040.3174E-060.9588E-080.5707E-090.5475E-100.6744E-110.3024E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 22 E(No/YR) 0.1500E-040.1797E-060.6337E-080.4326E-090.4641E-100.6951E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 23 E(NOIYA) 0.3101E-050.1955E-070.5067E-090.2918E-100.7736E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 24 E(NO/YR) 0.2526E-040.2319E-060.6091E-080.3261E-090.2883E-100.3092E-ll0.4157E-140.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 26 E(NO/YR) 0.8268E-040.3020E-060.1016E-0]0.4345E-090.3264E-100.01403E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 27 E(HO/Y0.) 0.6371E-040.6309E-060.1530E-070.7620E-090.6736E-100.8360E-110.2156E-130.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 28 E(NO/YR) 0.1865E-050.1001E-070.2392E-090.1319E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 29 E(NO/YR) 0.1224E-040.3909E-070.6131E-090.2232E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 30 E(NO/YR) 0.9822E-050.3866E-070.7218E-090.2936E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 31 E(NO/YR) 0.2795E-040.5042E-070.5345E-090.135I E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 32 E(NO/YR) 0.1411E-030.1422E-050.2958E-070.1080E-080.5855E-100.4249E-110.2591E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.00OOE+00 FAULT 33 E(NO/YR) 0.1493E-040.1372E-060.376SE-080.2110E-090.1967E-100.1569E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 TTOTAL OTAL RISK E(40/Y0.) 00.6470E-010.2209E-010.1360E-010.9569E-020.6769E-020.4717E-020.3246E-020.2217E-020.1511E-020.1030E-02 ' Page 17 04G211.OUT AMPLITUDES (9): 0.1100E+010.1200E+010.1300E+010.1400E+010.1500E+01 LN (AMPLITUDE) 0.10 0.18 0.26 0.34 0.41 FAULT 1 E(NO/YR) 0. 050E-030.4847E-030.3354E-030.2336E-030.1639E-03 FAULT 2 E(NO/YR) 0.1092E-060.5086E-070.2498E-070.1289E-070.6962E-08 ' FAULT 3 ECNO/YR) 0.1088E-070.4709E-080.2156E-080.1039E-080.5238E-09 FAULT 4 E NO/YR) 0.1339E-080.5757E-090.2654E-090.1E-090.6223E-10 FAULT S ENO/YR) 0.1641E-080.6847E-090.3038E-090.1390390E-090.6312E-10 (FAULT 6 E ND/YR) 0.2326E-100.8332E-110.2662E-110.1308E-120.0000E+00 FAULT 8 E NO/YR) 0.2624E-110.5486E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULTFAULT 9 E(NO/YR) O.0000Ei 00.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 10 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 11 E NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 12 E((NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 13 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 14 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 15 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 16 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 17 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.GOGGE+000.0000E+00 FAULT 18 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 19 E<NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 20 ENO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 21 E(NO/YR) O.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000-c+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 22 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 23 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 24 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 25 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 26 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT. 27 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 28 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 29 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.00OOEa000.OD00E+00 ' FAULT 30 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 31 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 32 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 33 E<NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 TOTAL ECHO/YR) 0.7051E-030.4848E-030.3354E-030.2336E-030.1639E-03 TOTAL RISK 0.7049E-030.4847E-030.3353E-030.2336E-030.1639E-03 ' SPECIFIED RISKS: 0.013900 0.010000 0.005000 0.002105 0.001000 EST7MATED LN ESTIMATED MR.P(9): 0.29456 0.38583 0.58263 0.81298 1.00750 SADIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL 2 AMPLITUDES (9): 0.1000E+000.2000E+000.3000E+000.4000E+000.5000E+000.6000E+000.7000E+000.8000E+000.9000E+000.1000E+01 LN (AMPLITUDE): -2.30 -1.61 -1.20 -0.92 -0.69 -0.51 -0.36 -0.22 -0.11 0.00 FAULT 1 E(NO/YR) 0.1931E-010.1310E-010.9106E-020.6043E-020.3850E-020.2394E-020.1473E-020.9043E-030.5570E-030.3454E-03 FAULT 2 E(NO/YR) 0.4195E-020.1007E-020.2307E-030.544SE-040.1371E-040.3720E-050.1086E-050.3399E-060.1134E-060.4015E-07 FAULT 3 E(NO/YR) 0.3578E-020.3833E-030.4737E-040.7213E-050.1322E-050.2827E-060.6885E-070.1871E-070.5587E-080.1810E-08 FAULT 4 E(NO/YR) 0.6864E-020.6197E-030.5598E-040.6071E-050.7965E-060.1238E-060.2228E-070.4558E-080.1043E-080.2611E-09 FAULT 5 E(NO/YR) 0.6143E-020.3730E-030.2838E-040.2898E-050.3798E-060.6109E-070.1164E-070.2558E-080.6317E-090.1678E-09 FAULT 6 E(NO/YR) 0.4474E-030.1462E-040.7345E-060.5536E-070.5743E-080.7675E-090.1258E-090.2335E-100.3806E-110.0000E+00 FAULT 7 E(NO/YR) 0.1986E-030.4469E-050.1789E-060.1147E-070.1051E-080.1267E-090.1851E-100.2566E-110.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 8 E(NO/YR) 0.1312E-030.3125E-050.1457E-060.1101E-070.1178E-080.1633E-090.2723E-100.4692E-110.5185E-120.0000E+00 FAULT 9 E(NO/YR) 0.1181E-030.1085E-050.2668E-070.1251E-080.8955E-100.6794E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 10 E(NO/YR) 0.3072E-030.272E-050.7230E-070.34E-100.0000E+000.00OOE+000.0000E+000.00OOE+00 FAULT 11 E(NO/YR) 0.5227E-040.41]8E-060.9454E-080.4ll7E-090.2792E-0100.143E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 12 ECNO/YR) 0.2288E-040.1794E-060.4697E-080.2478E-090.1870E-100.1989E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 13 E NO/YR) 0.1509E-020.2578E-040.7293E-060.3315E-070.2158E-080.1839E-090.1833E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 14 E(No/rR) 0.1739E-020.4108E-040.1440E-050.7656E-070.5658E-080.5411E-090.6294E-100.6948E-110.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 15 E(NO/YR) 0.2028E-030.2845E-050.7168E-070.2994E-080.SBZ3E-090.1468E-100.1206E-130.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 16 ENO/YR) 0.6413E-050.2391E-070.3220E-090.9100E-110.1177E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 17 E(NO/YR) 0.1805E-040.6215E-070.7373E-090.1822E-100.0000E+D00.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 18 E(NO/YR) 0.3106E-040.1038E-060.1111E-080.2430E-100.1489E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 19 E(NO/YR) 0.9492E-040.2764E-060.2722E-080.5434E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 20 E(NO/YR) 0.9454E-040.6009E-060.9999E-080.3275E-090.1634E-100.0000E+000.0000E+OCO.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 21 E(NO/YR) 0.6729E-050.3516E-070.6513E-090.2507E-100.1043E-ll0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 22 E(No/YR) 0.2a10E-O50.1304E000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 23 E(NO/YR) 0.2974E-060.7996E-090.1133E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 -070.2741E-090.1206E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+ FAULT 24 E(NO/YR) 0.6539E-050.3023E-070.4887E-090.1642E-300.5084E,-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 25 ECNO/YR) 0.2303E-OSO.6023E-080.8211E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+OOC.00OOE+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 26 E(NO/YR) 0.2827E-040.9906E-070.1170E-080.2875E-100.1402E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 2] E(No/YR) 0.2334E-040.1246E-060.1873E-080.5648E-100.2373E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 28 E(NO/YR) 0.1639E-060.3709E-090.4105E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 29 E(NO/YR) 0.2220E-050.3258E-080.2429E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 30 E(Na/YR) 0.1217E-050.2099E-080.1795E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 31 E(NO/YR) 0.8994E-050.8619E-080.3983E-100.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 32 E(NO/YR) 0.1642E-030.2026E-050.4828E-070.1946E-080.1158E-090.9133E-llO.6389E-120.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 33 ECNO/YR) 0.3177E-050.1389E-070.2294E-090.7780E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' TOTAL E(NO/YR) 0.4532E-010.1558E-010.9472E-020.6114E-020.3866E-020.2399E-020.1474E-020.9046E-030.SS71E-030.3455E-03 TOTAL RISK 0.4431E-010.1546E-010.9427E-020.6095E-020.3859E-020.2396E-020.1473E-020.9042E-030.5570E-030.3454E-03 AMPLITUDES (9): 0.1100E+010.1200E+010.1300E+010.1400E+010.1500E+01 LN (AMPLITUDE): 0.10 0.18 0.26 0.34 0.41 FAULT 1 E(NO/YR) 0.2161E-030.1366E-030.8719E-040.5627E-040.3671E-04 FAULT 2 E(NO/YR) 0.1502E-070.5918E-080.2446E-080.1059E-080.4784E-09 FAULT 3 E(NO/YR) 0.6297E-090.2329E-090.9036E-100.3625E-100.1438E-10 FAULT 4 ECNO/YR) 0.6574E-100.1514E-100.2746E-110.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 5 E NO/YR) 0.4160E-100.6657E-110.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 6 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.000GE+000.00OOE+000.0000E+00 FAULT 7 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 8 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 9 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 10 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 11 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 12 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+OOO.00OOE+000.0000E+00 FAULT 13 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 14 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 15 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000:0000E+00 ' FAULT 16 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+OOO.ODOOE+00 FAULT 17 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 18 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 19 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 20 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.DOOOE+000.0000E+00 FAULT 21 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 22 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 ' FAULT 23 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 p.R9000E8+00 ' 04G21I.OUT FAULT 24 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 25 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 26 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E400 FAULT 27 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 28 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 29 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.QODOE+00 FAULT 30 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 31 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 32 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 FAULT 33 E(NO/YR) 0.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+000.0000E+00 TOTAL E(NO/YR) 0.2161E-030.1366E-030.8719E-040.5627E-040.3671E-04 TOTAL RISK 0.2161E-030.1365E-030.8719E-040.5627E-040.3671E-04 SPECIFIED RISKS: 0.013900 0.010000 0,005000 0.002105 0.001000 ESTIMATED LN AMP. -1.522 -1.252 -0.820 -0.470 -0.251 ESTIMATED AMP. (9): 0.21826 0.28584 0.44060 0.62512 0.77827 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________""--------- CLOSEST DISTANCES -----EN SITE AND FAULT RUPTURES 'j NO. _FAULT NAME CD_1DRP CO_2DRP CDIST CLODIS CO_EPI CD HYPO ____________________________________________ 1 ELSINORE-TEMECULA 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.2 km 2 ELSINORE-JULIAN 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 18.4 18.4 km 3 ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 26.7 26.7 km 4 SAN JACINTO-ANZA 35.1 35.1 35.1 35.1 35.1 35.2 km 5 SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 35.2 35.2 35.2 35.2 35.4 35.4 km 6 NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (offshore) 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.8 km 7 ROSE CANYON 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.7 47.8 km 8 CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5 SSJ .0 km 60 9 SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 59.2 59.2 59.2 59.2 60.0 60. km 10 SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 59.5 59.5 59.5 59.5 59.7 59.7 km 11 WHITTIER 61.2 61.2 61.2 61.2 62.2 62.2 km 12 EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 62.3 62.3 62.3 62.3 63.4 63.4 km 13 SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.4 km 14 SAN ANDREAS - Southern 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 63.3 km 15 CORONADO BANK 71.3 71.3 71.3 71.3 71.3 71.3 km 16 NEWPO0.T-ZNGLEWoOD (L.A.Baiin) 73.5 73.5 73.5 73.5 74.4 74.4 km 17 PINTO MOUNTAIN 74.6 74.6 74.6 74.6 75.5 75.5 km 18 PALOS VERDES 77.1 77.1 77.1 77.1 77.3 77.3 km 19 SAN ANDREAS - Coachella 79.1 79.1 79.1 79.1 79.5 79.5 km 20 CUCAMONGA 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 83.0 83.0 km 21 ELYSIAN PARK THRUST 82.0 81.8 82.6 82.6 82.9 83.7 km 22 SAN JOSE 85.8 85.8 85.3 85.8 86.1 86.1 km 23 BURNT MTN. 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6 88.1 88.1 km 24 COMPTON THRUST 87.7 84.2 84.8 84.8 85.5 86.0 km ,:- 25 CLEGHORN 88.2 88.2 88.2 88.2 88.2 88.2 km 26 SIERRA MADRE 89.7 89.7 89.7 89.7 91.0 91.0 km 27 NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 92.0 83.4 84.4 84.4 84.7 85.6 km 28 EUREKA PEAK 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.2 92.9 92.9 km 29 ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 94.1 94.1 km 30 SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 93.8 93.8 93.8 93.8 94.8 94.8 km 31 SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.3 99.1 99.1 km ' 32 SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.3 99.1 99.1 km 33 NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 99_ - -8 87_5 88.4 88.4 88.6 89.4 km EXPLANATION CDIDRP = Closest distance to projection of rupture area along fault trace. Co2DRP = Closest distance to surface projection of the rupture area. CDIST = Closest distance to seismoge is rupture. CLODIS Closest distance to subsurface rupture. CO_EPI Closest epicentral distance. CD-HYPO = Closest hypocentral distance. 1 ' Page 19 ' APPENDIX F LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS SPREADSHEETS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LIQUEFACTION EVALUATION Project Name Star World Center Design Acceleration FT (g) Project Location Temecula, CA Design Magnitude 7.5 Project Number 04G211 Depth to Groundwater 12 (ft) Engineer GKM Boring No. B-1 eµs is i vry O Emil ,„m,y�s,s. p'"`°3dr� r r IN' C°v mO OO O OE � mo = m -�s u� '�_ �, Om v -_ rn m'(J. t` y a' o .tKE6 5.#�F �s-^hio-, .�'� �& o m m y w o m o 0 0R04"o Goo oM_'#ie° o; a Z Z n n m O � ^. O � s a N3 � c O O m r A o w o m n y)m + g;a nN o, i�i:; (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 5.5 0 12 6 15 115 1.3 1.70 0.75 24.9 24.9 690 690 0.99 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.70 Above Water Table 14.5 12 17 14.5 8 125 6 1.3 1.14 0.85 10.1 10.2 1693 1537 0.97 0.11 0.11 0.44 0.25 Liquefiable 19.5 17 22 .19.5 20 125 6 1.3 1.04 0.95 25.7 25.8 2318 1850 0.95 0.30 0.30 0.49 0.61 Liquefiable 24.5 22 27 24.5 75 125 4 1.3 0.96 0.95 89.1 89.1 2943 2163 0.94 INDET INDET 0.53 N/A Non-Liquefiable 29.5 27 32 29.5 72 125 10 1.3 0.90 0.95 79.9 82.5 3568 2476 0.93 INDET INDET 0.55 N/A Non-Liquefiable 34.5 32 37 34.5 83 125 7 1.3 0.85 1 91.4 92.3 4193 2789 0.89 INDET INDET 0.55 N/A Non-Liquefiable 39.5 37 42 39.5 100 125 9 1.3 0.80 1 104.4 106.7 4818 3102 0.85 INDET INDET 0.54 N/A Non-Liquefiable 44.5 42 47 44.5 100 125 6 1.3 0.77 1 99.5 100.0 5443 3415 0.81 INDET INDET 0.53 N/A Non-Liquefiable 49.5 47 50 48.5 100 125 22 1.3 0.74 1 96.0 108.9 5943 3665 0.78 INDET INDET 0.52 N/A Non-Liquefiable Notes: Assumed (1) Energy Correction for Nw of automatic hammer to standard Nso (2) Overburden Correction, Lao and Whitman, 1986,CN=(2.0 ksf (3) Rod Length Correction for Samples<10 m in depth (4) N-value corrected for energy,rod length,and overburden (5) N-value corrected for fines content per Eq.5(Youd and Idriss, 1997). Allows use of base curve,Fig 2(Youd and Idriss, 1997) (6) Calculated by Eq.2(Youd and Idriss, 1997),gives same results as Fig 40 of Seed and Idriss,ASCE, September 1971 (7) Per Figure 2, base curve(Youd and Idriss, 1997)using(NI),,,,s. Curve also presented as Fig 7.1 (SCEC, 1997). INDET indicates that the(N1),plots to the right of the vertical portion of the base curve,and the Cyclic Stress Ratio required to induce liquefaction is indeterminant. The layer is non-liquefiable. (8) Corrected for Magnitude Weighting using revised Idriss factors(Fig 12,Youd and Idriss(1997)and Fig 7.2, SCEC(1997)) (9) Per Seed and Idriss,ASCE,September 1971 Tay 0.65(ao),am„ , rd aa ao 9 (10) Per SC EC(1997),thefoIlowing guidelines apply to the factor of safety against liquefaction: Consequence of Liquefaction (N,)�n(clean sand) Factor of Safely Settlement <=15 1.1 >=30 1.0 Surface Manifestation <= 15 1.2 >=30 1.0 Lateral Spread <= 15 1.3 >=30 1.0 LIQUEFACTION INDUCED SETTLEMENTS Project Name Star World Center Project Location Temecula, CA Project Number 0413211 Engineer GKM Boring No. B-1 O r in 0 a n °' �.'S � CL"� m o ,c o Z ` r^ o OJ Z o 99 '� m §N' L, � § m o f ,p: COmIT78bt3 1 a o for ' och m � g x o x o o. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 5.5 0 12 6 24.9 0 24.9 0.70 0.40 1.00 0.40 0.0 0.00 Above Water Table 14.5 12 17 14.5 10.1 1 11.1 0.25 0.44 1.00 0.44 2.4 1.44 Liquefiable 19.5 17 22 19.5 25.7 1 26.7 0.61 0.49 1.00 0.49 1.1 0.64 Liquefiable 24.5 22 27 24.5 89.1 0 89.1 NIA 0.53 1.00 0.53 0.0 0.00 Non-Liquefiable 29.5 27 32 29.5 79.9 1 80.9 N/A 0.55 1.00 0.55 0.0 0.00 Non-Liquefiable 34.5 32 37 34.5 91.4 1 92.4 N/A 0.55 1.00 0.55 0.0 0.00 Non-Liquefiable 39.5 37 42 39.5 104.4 1 105.4 N/A 0.54 1.00 0.54 0.0 0.00 Non-Liquefiable 44.5 42 47 44.5 99.5 1 100.5 N/A 0.53 1.00 0.53 0.0 0.00 Non-Liquefiable 49.5 47 50 48.5 96.0 2 98.0 N/A 0.52 1.00 0.52 0.0 0.00 Non-Liquefiable Total Deformation(in) 2.08 Notes: Assumed (1) Nso calculated previously for the individual layer (2) Correction for fines content per Table 7.2(SCEC 97) (3) Corrected N6p (4) Factor of Safety against Liquefaction,calculated previously for the individual layer (5) Earthquake induced cyclic shear stress ratio calculated previously for the individual layer (6) Factor to convert M=7.5 shear stress ratio to M=7.5 shear stress ratio, Seed,et al., 1983 (7) Corrected for Magnitude Weighting using revised Idriss factors(Fig 12,Youd and Idriss(1997)and Fig 7.2, SCEC(1997)) (8) Voumetric Strain Induced in a Liquefiable Layer,Tokimatsu and Seed,ASCE August 1987 (Strain N/A if Factor of Safety against Liquefaction> 1.2) _ . _.. _. -.. _.. _. M _, M. _.. __. -.. W. _. W, LIQUEFACTION EVALUATION Project Name Star World Center Design Acceleration 0.63 (g) Project Location Temecula, CA Design Magnitude 7.5 Project Number 04G211 Depth to Groundwater 12 (ft) Engineer GKM Boring No. B-3 O- s 7N o' 0 °o arn v °`+;5rtrih kkk0 i n q a�8 to 'r R G�aµi OFTF $ O ? N uNi O tit O ,.tit O O O (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) f44.5 0 12 6 15 115 .1.3 1.70 0.75 24.9 24.9 690 690 0.99 0.28 0.28 0.40 0.70 Above Water Table 12 17 14.5 23 125 5 1.3 1.14 0.85 29.0 29.0 1693 1537 0.97 0.38 0.38 0.44 0.86 Liquefiable 17 22 19.5 14 125 7 1.3 1.04 0.95 18.0 18.3 2318 1850 0.95 0.20 0.20 0.49 0.40 Liquefiable 22 27 24.5 35 125 3 1.3 0.96 0.95 41.6 41.6 2943 2163 0.94 INDET INDET 0.53 N/A Non-Liquefiable 27 32 29.5 51 125 14 1.3 0.90 0.95 56.6 61.2 3568 2476 0.93 INDET INDET 0.55 N/A Non-Liquefiable 32 37 34.5 100 125 5 1.3 0.85 1 110.1 110.2 4193 2789 0.89 INDET INDET 0.55 N/A Non-Liquefiable 37 42 39.5 too 125 7 1.3 0.80 1 104.4 105.4 4818 3102 0.85 INDET INDET 0.54 N/A Non-Liquefiable 42 47 44.5 100 125 8 1.3 0.77 1 99.5 101.0 5443 3415 0.81 INDET INDET 0.53 N/A Non-Liquefiable 47 50 48.5 93 125 40 1.3 0.74 1 89.3 112.2 5943 3665 0.78 INDET INDET 0.52 N/A Non-Liquefiable Notes: Assumed (1) Energy Correction for Ngo of automatic hammer to standard N60 (2) Overburden Correction,Lao and Whitman, 1986,Cu=(2.0 ksf (3) Rod Length Correction for Samples G10 m in depth (4) N-value corrected for energy, rod length,and overburden (5) N-value corrected for fines content per Eq. 5(Youd and Idriss, 1997). Allows use of base curve, Fig 2(Youd and Idriss, 1997) (6) Calculated by Eq.2(Youd and Idriss, 1997),gives same results as Fig 40 of Seed and Idriss,ASCE,September 1971 (7) Per Figure 2, base curve(Youd and Idriss, 1997)using(NI)sws. Curve also presented as Fig 7.1 (SCEC, 1997). INDET indicates that the(N1),plots to the right of the vertical portion of the base curve,and the Cyclic Stress Ratio required to induce liquefaction is indeterminant. The layer is non-liquefiable. (8) Corrected for Magnitude Weighting using revised Idriss factors(Fig 12, Youd and Idriss(1997)and Fig 7.2, SCEC(1997)) (9) Per Seed and Idriss,ASCE,September 1971 <a. =0.65(aa),ama, ,r 60' aa' 9 (10) Per SCEC(1997),thefollowing guidelines apply to the factor of safety against liquefaction: Consequence of Liquefaction (N,),u(clean sand) Factor of Safety Settlement <= 15 1.1 >=30 1.0 Surface Manifestation <=15 1.2 >=30 1.0 Lateral Spread <= 15 1.3 >=30 1.0 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1L17/2007 ' Appendix F Treatment Control BMP Sizing Calculations and Design Details Vegetated Infiltration Trench Detail ' Trash Grate Detail t A_26 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 Worksheet 1 Design Procedure for BMP Design Volume 85th percentile r runoff event Designer: �✓, 14W)A Company: ECG Date: Project: S7, w /_'cb Location: I)z 57- �_C�l 1. Create Unit Storage Volume Graph � a. Site location (Township, Range, and T &R I ' Section). Section b. Slope value from the Design Volume 3' Curve in Appendix A. Slope = 2 (2) 44 c. Plot this value on the Unit Storage Volume Graph shown on Figure 2. d. Draw a straight line form this point to Is this graph Yes No❑ the origin, to create the graph attached? 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient �J I a. Determine total impervious area A;a,oerv;oua - acres (5) Q b. Determine total tributary area Ato,a; = , 49 acres (6) c. Determine Impervious fraction i = (5)/(6) i = a. g7� (7) d. Use (7) in Fig3ure 1 to find Runoff /n / ORC = .858i - .78i2+ .774i + .04 C = /.(�� (8) 3. Determine 85% Unit Storage Volume ' a. Use (8) in Figure 2 Draw a Vertical line from (8) to the graph, then a Horizontal line to the in-acre desired V.value. V = 0-11 acre (9) 4. Determine Design Storage Volume a. VBMP = (9) x (6) [in- acres] VBMP = 3U 7 in-acre (10) b. VBMP = (10)/ 12 [ft-acres] VBMP = I�. LD?J ft-acre (11) c. VBMP = (11) x 43560 [ft'] VBMP = 7i ft' (12) Notes: I' I� 7 I , 3. Using the runoff coefficient found in step 2, determine 85t' percentile unit storage volume (V ) using Figure 2 (created in step 1). 4. Determine the design storage volume (VBMP). This is the volume to be used in the design of selected BMPs presented in this handbook. 0 09. 0 = 0.80 i - 0 -0.70 0. 0 0 0.50 � w 0.40 C c 0.30 0.20 �1 0.10 0.00 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % % % % % % % % % % - % Impervious Figure 1. Impervious— Coefficient Curve (WEF/ASCE Method) tal catchment covered by the sum of roads,parking lots, Imperviousness is the decimal fraction of the to "' sidewalks,rooftops, and other impermeable surfaces of an urban landscape. Plot Slope Value from Appendix A here 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 00 1.3 _ C 1.2 �.20 W 0 m m < 0.9 o O � 0.8 u m 2 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 _ 0.2 Qs q 0.1 It 0 rn 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Runoff Coefficient (C) Figure 2 Unit Storage Volume Graph - . L .m�aatt: ��� �-. �.- . R � - 17�1•.�,...fe3d$9�l.��ili ��i�r.9 ash � �� -.. � _ r _ I R • ski IVAN wr WIN FAF ® i I ®mom 4 2jet �� m t 'm 4F" Cl 1 Worksheet 2 Design Procedure Form for Design Flow Uniform Intensity Design Flow Designer: Company: �G Date: Project: rri+✓ 'Z�r car ? Location: 1. Determine Impervious Percentage a. Determine total tributary area acres (1) b. Determine Impervious % i = 90 % (2) 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient Values Use Table 4 and impervious % found in step 1 a. A Soil Runoff Coefficient Ca = / (3) b. B Soil Runoff Coefficient Cb = (4) c. C Soil Runoff Coefficient C� = (5) d. D Soil Runoff Coefficient Cd = (6) ' 3. Determine the Area decimal fraction of each soil type in tributary area a. Area of A Soil / (1) _ Ad = (7) b. Area of B Soil / (1) = Ae = (8) c. Area of C Soil / (1) = A� = / 0 (9) d. Area of D Soil / (1) = Ad = (10) 4. Determine Runoff Coefficient /� y a. C = (3)x(7) + (4)x(8) + (5)x(9)+ (6)x(10) = C = 5. Determine BMP Design flow fts a. QBMp = CxIxA= (11)x0.2x (1) QBMP - (,, QQj s (12) 10 Worksheet 9 ' Design Procedure Form for Grassed Swale Designer: S- 6ATow Company' r N� Date: 12 O Project: STAP.W L Location V3 T'DL-3t1I oti1" - ST 1. Determine Design Flow OBMP - �•0 S cfs (Use Worksheet 2) 2. Swale Geometry ft a. Swale bottom width (b) b = b. Side slope W z c. Flow direction slope (s) s = — — 3. Design flow velocity (Manning n = 0.2) v = — fus 4. Depth of flow (D) D = ft 5. Design Length (L) L = (7 min) x (flow velocity, ft/sec) x 60 L = ft 6. Vegetation (describe) I' Ii 8. Outflow Collection (check type used or Grated Inlet' describe "other") �_ Infiltration Trench _Underdrain I' ✓Other �//a !/Ai� 7�lyf✓ I' Notes: -C�-ll5 lS 'f-H£ WOP.Sr C �Ac6 fi�S -t-t-i+✓ TK1��T'AF.y /�(Lrcr1 W y+S ArJ At,.�/ZED. ' "C1-lE REsu�Ts MFa�f RF fi,t�PltEO TU ALLSwflLES I' 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Temecula Engineering Consultants , Inc . Land Planning , Civil Engineering , Construction Consultants 29377 Rancho California Road , Suite 202 Temecula , California 92591 ' Tel : ( 951 )676-1018 Fax : ( 9S1 )676-2294 ' G - *** W .s . ( 0 .31 ' )� * ' Triangular Channel Flowrate 0 .080 CFS velocity 0 .217 fps Depth of Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .305 feet Critical Depth ' . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 120 feet, Freeboard 0 .000 feat (::hannel Depth 0 .305 feet Width at Water Surface . . . . 2" .442 feet Top Width 2 .442 feet Slope of Channel 1 . 100 Left Side Slope 4 .000 1 Right Side Slope 4 .000 1 X-Sectional Area 0 ..373 sq . ft . Wetted Perimeter 2 517 feet AR-( 2/3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 104 ' Mannings ' n ' 0 .200 ' PLACE COBBLE STONES ' BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S PLANS FL PER PLAN OBSERVATION WELL ' 4"-6" PERFORATED PVC 000 PIPE W/REMOVABLE CAP 000 12 O0 18" ' GRAVEL LAYER 1"-3" SIZE 000., 6" 6" SAND LAYER TRENCH LINED W/NONWOVEN 1 -0 GEOTEXILE MEMBRANE VEGETATED INFILTRATION TRENCH DETAIL NO SCALE Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) 1'/t;7/i Appendix G ' AGREEMENTS - CC&RS, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS AND/OR ' OTHER MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING ONGOING OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, FUNDING AND TRANSFER ' OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT-SPECIFIC WQMP 1 ' A-27 WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007 ' Preliminary Covenant and Agreement Water Quality Management Plan and Urban Runoff BMP Transfer, Access and Maintenance Agreement (adapted from documents from the Ventura County Stormwater Management Program) Recorded at the request of: ' City of Temecula After recording, return to: ' City of Temecula City Clerk Water Quality Management Plan and Urban Runoff BMP ' Transfer Access and Maintenance Agreement OWNER: Janet Lee PROPERTY ADDRESS: ' 28865 Old Town Front Street APN: 922-100-023 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into in Temecula, California, this day of 200--, by and between Janet Lee, herein after referred to as "Owner" and the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Riverside, State of California hereinafter referred to as "CITY' WHEREAS, the Owner owns real property ("Property") in the City of Temecula, County ' of Riverside, State of California, more specifically described in Exhibit"A" and depicted in Exhibit "B", each of which exhibits is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; ' WHEREAS, at the time of initial approval of development project known as Star World Center within the Property described herein, the City required the project to employ Best Management Practices, hereinafter referred to as "BMPs," to minimize pollutants in urban runoff; WHEREAS, the Owner has chosen to install and/or implement BMPs as described in the ' Water Quality Management Plan, on file with the City, hereinafter referred to as "WQMP", to minimize pollutants in urban runoff and to minimize other adverse impacts of urban runoff; WHEREAS, said WQMP has been certified by the Owner and reviewed and approved by the City; COVENANT and AGREEMENT—STAR WORLD CENTER Page 1 1 ' WHEREAS, said BMPs, with installation and/or implementation on private property and draining only private property, are part of a private facility with all maintenance or ' replacement, therefore, the sole responsibility of the Owner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; WHEREAS, the Owner is aware that periodic and continuous maintenance, including, but not necessarily limited to, filter material replacement and sediment removal, is required to assure peak performance of all BMPs in the WQMP and that, furthermore, ' such maintenance activity will require compliance with all Local, State, or Federal laws and regulations, including those pertaining to confined space and waste disposal methods, in effect at the time such maintenance occurs; NOW THEREFORE, it is mutually stipulated and agreed as follows: -1. Owner hereby provides the City of City's designee complete access, of any duration, to the BMPs and their immediate vicinity at any time, upon reasonable notice, or in the t event of emergency, as determined by City's Director of Public Works no advance notice, for the purpose of inspection, sampling, testing of the Device, and in case of emergency, to undertake all necessary repairs or other preventative measures at owner's expense as provided in paragraph 3 below. City shall make every effort at all times to minimize or avoid interference with Owner's use of the Property. ' 2. Owner shall use its best efforts diligently to maintain all BMPs in a manner assuring peak performance at all times. All reasonable precautions shall be exercised by Owner and Owner's representative or contractor in the removal and extraction of any material(s) ' from the BMPs and the ultimate disposal of the material(s) in a manner consistent with all relevant laws and regulations in effect at the time. As may be requested from time to time by the City, the Owner shall provide the City with documentation identifying the ' material(s) removed, the quantity, and disposal destination. 3. In the event Owner, or its successors or assigns, fails to accomplish the necessary maintenance contemplated by this Agreement, within five (5) days of being given written notice by the City, the City is hereby authorized to cause any maintenance necessary to be done and charge the entire cost and expense to the Owner or Owner's successors or assigns, including administrative costs, attorneys fees and interest thereon at the ' maximum rate authorized by the Civil Code from the date of the notice of expense until paid in full. ' 4. The City may require the owner to post security in form and for a time period satisfactory to the city to guarantee the performance of the obligations state herein. Should the Owner fail to perform the obligations under the Agreement, the City may, in ' the case of a cash bond, act for the Owner using the proceeds from it, or in the case of a surety bond, require the sureties to perform the obligations of the Agreement. As an additional remedy, the Director may withdraw any previous Urban Runoff-related approval with respect to the property on which BMPs have been installed and/or implemented until such time as Owner repays to City its reasonable costs incurred in accordance with paragraph 3 above. COVENANT and AGREEMENT—STAR WORLD CENTER ' Page 2 ' 5. This agreement shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County, California, at the expense of the Owner and shall constitute notice to all successors and assigns of the title to said Property of the obligation herein set forth, and also a lien in such amount as will fully reimburse the City, including interest as herein above set forth, subject to foreclosure in event of default in payment. ' 6. In event of legal action occasioned by any default or action of the Owner, or its successors or assigns, then the Owner and its successors or assigns agree(s) to pay all costs incurred by the City in enforcing the terms of this Agreement, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, and that the same shall become a part of the lien against said Property. ' 7. It is the intent of the parties hereto that burdens and benefits herein undertaken shall constitute covenants that run with said Property and constitute a lien there against. ' 8. The obligations herein undertaken shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto. The term "Owner" shall include not only the present Owner, but also its heirs, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns. Owner shall notify any successor to title of all or part of the Property about the existence of this Agreement. Owner shall provide such notice prior to such successor obtaining an interest in all or part of the Property. Owner shall provide a copy of such notice to the City at the same time such notice is provided to the successor. 9. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. ' 10. Any notice to a party required or called for in this Agreement shall be served in person, or by deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address set ' forth below. Notice(s) shall be deemed effective upon receipt, or seventy-two (72) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, whichever is earlier. A party may change a notice address only by providing written notice thereof to the other party. ' IF TO CITY: IF TO OWNER: COVENANT and AGREEMENT—STAR WORLD CENTER Page 3 1 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures as of the date first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: OWNER: ' City Attorney Name ' CITY OF Title OWNER: ' Name Name Title Title ATTEST: City Clerk Date ' ATTACH NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ON FOLLOWING PAGE 1 1 COVENANT and AGREEMENT—STAR WORLD CENTER ' Page 4 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) 1%1;7l200,7 1 ' Appendix H PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT- SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION ' CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS ' NOT APPLICABLE THIS WQMP 1 1 1 1 ' A-28 ' WQMP—Star World Center 1/17/2007