HomeMy WebLinkAbout071690 PC Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
HELD JULY 16, 1990
A regular meeting of the Temecula Planning Corpmission was called to
order at Vail Elementary School, 29915 Mira Loma Drive, Temecula,
Ca].lforn].a at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by
Chairperson Dennis ChJnJaeff.
Fahey, Ford, Hoagland,
Also present were Assistant City Attorney John Cavanaugh, Gary
Thornhill, Principal Planner, John Middleton, Senior Project
Manager and Gail Ziglet, Minute Clerk.
Commissioner Cb]nJaeff entertained a mot]on to approve the
minutes of July 2, 1990 with the following amendments.
I~em No. 2, amen(~eG to reflect the motion made by
Commi ss ~.oner Chiniaef f.
Item No. 3, page 2, second paragraph amended to read
"the developer recognized the need for another freeway
overcrossing and allowed for the necessary land use, as
well as voluntarily setting back the supermarket to
accormmo(~ate freeway loop ramps which w~] I be put in as
part of the Mello-Roos".
Item No. 3, paqe 3, fifth paraqraph, change the word
elevate to eliviate.
Item No. 3, page 3, last paragraph amended to read
"Assistant City Attorney John Cavanauqh stated that he was
not sure J.f the staff report addressed whether or not the
proposed addition of square footage created a problem of
additional traffic, however be suqgeste~ that the
Minutes 7/16/90 -1- 08/08/90
PJa~)n}ing CO~T~m:ission M].~)utes Jul7 ]6, 11990
Comm.ission might direct staff to ]ook into whether or not
the addition of square footage to the project whould have
a negative .impact on traffic, as it relates to this
condition, and bring these findings back to the Commission
for rev.iew and at that time the Commission could make a
decision as to whether or not to approve the addition of
square footage."
It was moved by Con%missJoner Ford, seconded by
Commissioner Hoaqland and carried unanimously.
2. Substant:iaii Conformance No. 7
Gary ?.horr~hnlJ. presented staff's report. He stated that
the applicant, Nick Tavagli. one Construction, is requesting
t.o amend two items OD the approved mad and cond.ition of
approval. No. 22. These items include eliminating communal
~ rash enclosures for ind.ivid~]al %rash coJ leer.ion,
re-configuration of four garages and eliminate the
cond:~tion of block wal Is separating .property Jines due to
the existence of walls already J.n place from adjacent
proDertJ es.
The Commission reviewed the site plan. Ken Kaplan,
Superintendent, Nick Tavaqlione Construction, 29605 Solano
Way, Temecu]a, (;a]ifornia, pointed out the proposed areas
of change. Mr. Kaplan stated that they have proposed that
the Homeow~er's Association contract for individuaJ trash
removal, that the re-configuring of garages would. prov].de
easier access to the homeowner's individual .garages add
that the six foot h~qh block wall would run along an
already ex}stJnq wrought iron and chain 13. nk fence,
therefore applicant has proposed to ].andscape and maintain
the areas between property tines upon obtaining an access
agreement from the adjacent ~roperty owners.
Commissioner Ch~niaeff questioned an existing ordinance
stating that commercial zones and residential zones should
be separated by a block wall and felt that the west
boundary wall should remain due to the proposed adjoining
commerc.ia] Droiect. Mr. Thornnil i stated that he would
loo~ i. nto that ordinance, and if an ordinance as such
existed, :i t collid not be amended.
~].n utes '? / 1.6/90 -2- 08/08/90
Piann;L~t~ Comm:tss.ion Minutes July ]_6, ;f990
Comm,i,~s;ioner Ford suggested to staff that a condition oi
a~rova[ be that the CC&R's in. cJ. ude a provision for the
~,romer DJacement an~ removal of a] ] trash contaJ. ners.
Assistant City Attorney Johu Cavanaugh stated that the
Commission, couJd not amend the CC&R's bowever, they could
suggest that the condition on the trash be consistent with
~.rov;tsions Jr) the CC&R's add Jf not, that a provision be
establ ].shed.
Comm;~ss:ioner Ford, suggested that the block wail on
southern side of the project be eliminated so long as
t.be a~p.Jlicant ;is able to worR out landscape and
maintenance of the area with the surrondinq property
Commissioner Hoacl.iand moved to d:irect the P.ianning
Oirector to approve Substantial Conformance No. ? as
submitted, with the amendment that the westerly 'block
wal.]. remain. Commissioner Fahey seconded the motion
whJ ch was carr.~ ed /lnaDimo~ls] y.
Fahey, Ford, Hoaqland,
3. Substantial Conformance No. 8
Gary Thornhill stated that the applicant, Meadowview
]{omeowner's Association, proposes to add four tennis
courts to the existing homeowner recreational facility.
Comm:~ss]oners Fahey, HoaGland and Chin]dell abstained
;~rom votin(~ on the issue due to a personal interest, as
members of the MeadowyJew Homeowner's Association.
Mr. Cavanaugh advised the Commission members that they
cou.td be included Jn a Gunrum to vote and Commissioner
Ford woui. d direct staff.
M:i n utes 7 t :16 / 90 - 3- 08/08/90
?]:,ANN[{NG COi'~M]SSION .MINUT}~]S JUI,¥ ]6, /1990
After a br:iei d:i.+:(:ussiorJ of the addition
courts, Commissioner Foro instructed the P[anninq Director
t:o accept and soDrove Substantia.i Conformar~ce No. 8
r ec oremended.
P]ot P)aD No. 2, a revised permit for CouDty approved P]ot P].an
No. [1.].222
At t.~e re~uest of the Commission, this item was continued
from the Ju.[¥ '2, 1990, Planning Commission meeting, to
8,i low sta~r~ %0 prov:i(~e addit]opal lnformat~op retat. ing to
the s~ecia[ review of parking.
'.I'om Soterst]Do, act.~nq as Traff~]c Engineer for the City
through Witdan & Associates, ref[ected staff's concurrence
w.~tb the traffic studies prepared by Wilbur Smith and
Associates for ~ed.[ord Properties. He stated that with
~be rev].~::tons, oDce %~e traffic mnt:t. qa/ioD measures are
comD].ete, aft J. ntersections and street segments affected
b~ %h~ ceDter', would be e~Dected %o operate at acceptable
I. eve[s o~ service.
Cornmiss]order Cb:i~.]aeff re.-opened ?:be public hearing.
Bob Davis, Traffic Engineer, Wilbur Smith and Associates,
~406 S. ?4tb Street, Phoenix, Arizopa, addressed the
Commission on the results of tlhe traffic studies. He
stated that the traffic studies were performed in July,
1989 and December, ].989. Both. studies came to the same
coDc]tlsion, except that recommeDded i~tprovements increased
in the December study to accommodate future traffic
re~uiremeDts. Mr. Davis stated that with the proposed
partial opening of the center, prior to the completion
of the sJgDalt at the Winchester and Ynez Road
intersect.ton, that intersection would not operate at
accelDrab] e J. eve]s without- the p.;acement of a traffic
control. monitor at peak hours of service.
i, ana MilliGan, representative of Mervyns Stores, 2230]
Foothill ~oulevard, Hayward, California, spoke in favor of
the partial opening ot the center Dr]or to the comp.[etlon
of the Winchester and Ynez intersection traffic signal.
6/90 "-4 08/08/90
She stated l:bat Mervyns .has worked c]osely w.Jth Bedford to
expedite any tt'a]~]~].c mitigation measures and were hoping
for and prepared for a fa.t J opeDJng of their TemecuJa
store. S~e asked the Con~nission to assist them in
es'l. alb.t :~S.r.,]Dq th:lS oDen:irlq date.
Mr. Cavanaugh stated that the issue before the Commission
was to dec~de oy) lbe add:if.:ion of square .footage to the
center, and speci. aL revi. ew of parking, and what traffic
]mpac~s :if. wo'~.ld have. '?he proposa] for request for
mod. ifkcatJ, ott of condition was not on the agenda and he
recommended that the Commission not act on J t at this
tl.me, however they couJ. d recommeud that it be addressed on
f..be Dext aaeDda,
Comm:iss:ior)er Cb:in.~aeff stateci that the reason the public
hearing was continued was so that. staff could provide the
Commission w~fh additional information on the traffic
impacts the expansion wou].d c[eate, but also the impacts
it would have on W~nchester and Ynez Roads. He stated
that the Enqi. neerinq condition re~lects that all street
:~mproveme~/s re.iat:in~ to the pro-iec/ be completed prior to
occupancy. He questioned Mr. Cavanaugh as to whether or
Dol: the Coml,:~s~:}o~ couJd aad lbeJr owD conditions and
re~u.L~e the app[i. cant to install the traffic monitor at
the :~r)terseci. Jon of W:[nchester and Ynez Roads until the
si.~nal. s are in D].ace.
.Mr. Cava~auqb s'taled that the Commission could do this,
however he advised that the item was not on the agenda and
therefore should be set-forth before the bear[ing.
Commissioner Chiniaeff requeste~. applicant to move a trash
enc.iosure at l:ne corner of WineDester and Ynez Road,
extend a tandscap. e set-Dack the full length o~ the
proDosed ADr~Jcot Road aionf~ the project add extend the
screen wall behind the buildings along Apricot Road to the
fu][]i ]~]e~nt of the Du;i.[dings.
Commissioner Chiniaeff enterta].ned a motion to close the
oub.',]c .beariDa. Cor, m:~ss:~or)er Ford moved to c[~ose the
Dub.[ [c hearing, seconded by Co~issioner Fahey, which was
cart] ed l~Dar):~Trlol~s] y.
Minutes 7/L6/90 --5- 08/08/90
?i~,ANNII~(-~ CO~I $S] ON MINUTES JULY ]. 6, .1 990
Comm.is$.ioner ~'ord moved to approve Plot Plan #2, revised
permi~t for County approved P].ot Plan 11222, by Bedford
Procert:tes, ~rov~d:ir)q for aD aOd:i~:ior)a.l /~2,734 square foot.
retai. 1. Dui[¢i. nq, reconfiqure the bui. tdinq s~uare lootages,
w:ith a total r~el_ ga:in :in srn~are footage of 35,947, for a
total of 429,175 square feet. The request flor speckal
review of parkSng as sbowr) o)., p}o% ¢.ian as io]1ows;
ameaded by the extension o~ the landscape area along
Apricot Road, and extending the screen wa~i] a]oDq ~¢r:icot
Road. to the ~ul. 1. heiqht o[ the bui[dinq. To change the
)pearson of the trash enclosure at the corner of
Winchester and Ynez Roads and revise the Enqineerinq
Department Cormst5on of ADprova.; on t.~e street
improvements at Wi. uchester and Ynez Roads to require
comD.letFto~) prior t.o OCCtlDaDCy t):~ the cer)ter. The
modi. fication of the Engineering Condition would. read, that
r)r:ior to t.he cert:ificate of oc(:upar)cy beina :issued, the
Oeve[oper may be al.].owec[ to occupy 60% of the leaseable
area of the commercial center prlor to the completion of
the W].nchester: and Ynez Road traffic sfqnal. s and with road
:improvements from 1--i15 to Ynez as provided by gssessment
'Otstrict, ~16]., and as mitfqation the City Engineer will.
request that, at the expense of the deve]oper, a traffic
monitor be p/.aced at the intersection of Winchester and
Ynez Roa~ pr.~or to, aurJ~O ar~a after project opening,
until the ]~mprovement. s are completed. ~e closed the
mo~:tor~ adoDl.:[:o(l a Be~at.~ve resoJut~on recommeDd/ng to the
City Council that they approve the revised permit with the
conditions set'-~7ortD. Commissioner Fahey secohOed the
motion which carried. the following rol[ call vote.
AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Fahey, Ford, Chiniaeff
Comm.~ss~oner ChinJaeff re-opened the meeting for pub].ic comment.
Mr. Ron Henderson, 31.837. Poole Court, Temecula, California,
reauested that two aOdltional ~tems be addressed relating to
Minut`es 7116190 -6-. 08/08/90
P_LANNINC COMMISSION ~INU3"7~:$ JUI,¥ .16, ].990
TeDtative Tract No. ?3?09, scheduled for the August 6, agenda.
He stated that the applicant has re~erred to a traffic study, and
be wou]~ .l.ike this study made ava:i.lab]e to the Dubi[5c, and a]so he
would l.J. ke Butter~.i.e[d Stage Roa¢! and it's completion addressed.
Commi.~s:i ~Der L~oa(~] add asked staff where they are at on the genera:[
plan. ~.~. Tn. ornh~L[ state~J. taat the Ci. ty Manager has asked that
staff bo.~m of~ ur)t:i i De ;~as had an opportun:[.ty tO discuss this wit~]
the C].tv Counci. i.. Mr. Thornhil.]. stated that he will address this
:~tem a~:: soot) as ne is directed by the City Manager.
Comm'~ssione~: Ford. requested that staff i. ook t. nto i. ssuinq a master
~eo(ira~Dica.i .ietter.
Mr. Thornhill adv.ised the Commission that the City MaDaaer has set
aside JuLy 30, [990, for a joint PJ. anning Commission and City
Co'upon] wor.ksboD at Va;il E]e~entary School, 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner ChJn.iae~t enterta:ined a motion to adjourn the meeting
at 8:00 P.M. Commi. ss].oner Ford moved to adjourn, seconded by
Comm~ss.ioDer ]~'abey aD(~ carried unan.imous]y. Next scbeduli. ed
meeting to be held Monday, Ju].¥ 30, 1990, 7:00 P.M. at Vail
EJementar¥ Schoo) , 299]5 Mira I,oma Drive, Temecula. Next scheduled
P~anninq Commission meeting to be held August 6, 1990, 6:00 P.M. at
Va~iJ E]ementary School , 299]5 Mira Loma Dr~ue, Temecui~a.
hn.~s Ch.iniae~, Cha~rm n%h~
..~inutes 7/] 6/90 -7' 08/08/90