HomeMy WebLinkAbout082090 PC Minutes MINUTES OF A REGUI,AR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA H~I,D AUGUST 20, ]990 A regular meeting of the Temecuia Planning Commission was called to order at Vail Elementary School, 299]5 Mira I, oma Drive, Temecu]a, California at 6:10 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dennis CbJ. nJaeff. PRESENT: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford Hoag]and, ChJniaeff ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Also present were Assistant CJty Attorney John Cavanaugh, Gary Thornhill, Acting Planning Director, John Middleton, Senior Project Manager and GaJl Ziglet, Minute Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENT Ray McLaugb] in, 30025 Front Street, Temecula, addressed the commission w.~th his concerns relating to SpecJf.Jc Plan ]99, Tract Map 23371-10. Mr. McLaughlin advised the Commission that there has been no final approval of this tract map and he would I. ike them to look at J.t closely before granting f~naJ approval . He stated that the org.ina] conceptl~a.] plan indicated a[ot of. negatives about the project. He presented the Commission copies of a recent appraisal done on property near the site which has depreciated in value due to noise, traffic, DO] Jutjori, etc. COMMISSION BUSINESS ~1, MINUTES ] ..] Comm.~ssioner CbJnJaeff enterta.~ned a mot]on to approve the minutes of August 6, ]990, with the following amendments: Discussion Items, page 11, first paragraph, amended to read "Commissioner Blair added that they would want to know if there was a trailing case application at the time of the zone change action by the Commission." Commissioner Blair moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Hoagtand and carried unanimously. ~T/l,8/20/90 -1- 8/2~/90 PLANN]'NC, C.O~.'[ S$.'[ ON ~INUT~,,S RYES: 5 NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: AUGUS? 20, ]990 B}air, Fahey, Ford, Hoagl and, Cbi ni aeff COMMISSIONERS: None PUBT,.] C HF. RR 1NG Tentative Tract No. 9.3990 Prior to this item being heard, COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF excused b.~mse'Jf dl~e to a conflict of ~nterest and turned the qave]. over to Vi. ce Chairman, CO~ISSIONIgR FORD. Sam Reed, Senior P)anner, presented staff's report on the subd.~v.~s.~on of ,5,76 acres lots and one common open s.oace 1. ot, 1. ocated between I,a Serena Way a~d Maroar~ta Road; on the south side of Via La Vida. ~e also Orovided a st. ide presentation of the ~ro!~osed site. Dean A'.lstrup, aDp)icant, 4~1360 Circle D Court, Temecu)a, provided sketches of arcb~tectura~ design of the planned residential struct~lres a[onq with material. samples and a br~e~ slimmary. Vincent D.~Donato, 29780 Rven.~da CJma De] So], Temecu]a, expressed bJs concerns for gradJn(~ that w~.].] have to be done by the appl. icant as well. as some existing trees which be Dianted that WOll}d have to be removed by the applicant and the type of fenc%ng the applicant will be using to separate the adjacent tracts from this deve}opment. Robert Kemb].e, 28'165 Sinq].e Oak Drive, Temecula, representing Robert BeJn, W.~]~.~am Frost and Associates, indicated that the actual. size of. the site %s 6.32 acres wJtb a Droposed den.~Jty o.t 4.75 liDits Der acre. He also stated that the aDpl.%cant and deve[o.Der ~.ntend to work w.~tb the adjacent Dronetry owners on the ~sslles addressed by Mr. Dir)onato. Mr. Kembl. e requested the f.o].J. owing modifications to the Cond.~t.~oDs of Approval : Condition No. ].3 - (]~) to ref.].ect "at the Buildin~ Permit Stage"; Cond.~t~oD No. ]3.--(])E, c)ar~fJcatJon of this condition MIN.8/20/90 -2- 9/20/90 re~ardJncl ex.~stJng wood fencing and the wa]] requ.~rements; Condition No, ].5-H, change condition to read "Building separation between a] ] buildings exc)udJnq fireplaces shal. l. not be less than ten (i.0) ~eet: and Condition No. 35, amend Condition to read "At time o~ recordation o~ Gary ThornbJ ]) added the OuJmb¥ Act Fee, which regu] res the aDD] Jcant to pay the aDD] Jcab]e fee prior to building permits, as a standard condition. (lobs MJdd}eton stated that the Engineering Department wou}d be adding Condition No~ 59, the Road Benef.~t Condition, and stated that the applicant had been so adv.J sed. aobm M.Jdd]eton allso clarified tbe :last sentence of Condition No. 43 to state "al[ lots shall not be all. owed to drain onto adjacent tract~ without a recorded gradJn_g or drainage easement." Robert gemb)e stated that a]) condJt.~ons as amended by sta.~ were acceptab]e, Commissioner Blair asked for staff's comments to the amendment of the Conditions Of Approval[ by the applicant. Sam Reed stated that staff woul. d agree to the amendment ot Cond5 tJ on No. ~1 ,'4 - ( ] ) , as ]ong as approprj ate bonds are issued if. the grading work i.s done prior to map recordation: Condition No. .]3- (])F., the easterly wail requirement coul. d be del. eted; Condition No. ].5 - H, he would not oppose as long as J.t was within the ordinance r ec/u.i r ernest. 0o.bn GerrJtsem, Robert Rein, WJ]]Jam Frost and Associates, requested a clarification of the fence requirements add the existing wood fence at the bottom of the slope on the west s~de o~ the property. Sam Reed stated that staff is requesting that a block watl of some type be 0oDstrllcted at tbe top of the s)ope. Commissioner Fahey moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner B]aJ r and carrJ ed 11nanJmolls] M]}I. 8t20f90 -3- 9/20/90 PI,ANN:ING CO~:IS$.~ON ~J:iNIJ'.I'F.S AUGUST 20, ]990 Commissioner Ford stated that be wou}d .}.~ke CondJt.~on No. }5 . H to rema.~n as recommended by staff. Commissioner Blair concurred. CommJssJoner Ford allso requested that the Conditions ref}ect the modification of street and }andscape J.mprovetnents for Lot 31. be completed prior to occupancy Of any )ORS. Sam Reed stated that ..~taff could amend Cond.itJon No. .}6 - B to state "street improvements and }andscape .~mprovements on Via [.a VJ, da wJ.[ [ be com~)l. eted prior to occupancy". Comm.issJoner Hoegland moved to approve staff's recommendation and adopt the Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract No. ~.3990, and approve Tentative Tract. No, ~3990, sllbject to the to} ]owing, modifications to Conditions of, A~rovaJ.: Condition No. 1.3- (].), chanqe to read "Dr~or to the ~ssuance of bll~}dJng permits" as I. onq as appropriate bonds have been issued; Condition No. 33 - (})E, de}ere the we] ] regllirement on the east s~.de of the property~ Condition No. ].5 - H, to remain as recommended by staff; Condition No. 36 - E, street and landscape improvements on Via [,a Vide comD}eted prior to occupancy permit; CondJ. tJoD No. 43, amended to read "Lots shall not be all. owed to drain on adjacent tracts without a qradJnq and/or drainage permit"; Condition No. 59, added as requested by the Traf.f~c Deparf. menf and Cond.JtJon No, 60, added for the payment of. Quimby Act Fees. Commissioner Blair seconded the motion, which carried the f,o[towinq rol.]. call, vote: ~YES: 4 CONM]SSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, ~oagl. and NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: .'I COMMISSIONERS: Ch~ n~ aeff COMMISSIONER C~INIAEFF returned to the chair. 3. Tentative Parcel Nan. No. 26036 3. ) Sam Reed presented the staff's report oD the subdivision of a } ,79 acre parce} wJtb existing bllJ}d~ngs, ~ocated on the west .~J. de of, Enterlprise Circle West, near the terminus of Rider Way, 8/20190 ~4- 9/20/90 PLhNN]N~ COMM]~B]ON ~IN[I'J'~S hU~UST 70, .~990 Dave James, Ranpat Eng~neer.~ng, ?7447 EDterpr.~se C.~rc]e West, Temecu]a0 clave a br.Sef summary of the rec[t~est add ad.d.ressed. the Commission's comments. There beJncl .no furlbet pub.lie test.~momy, Commissioner Fahey moved. to c[ose the public hearing, seconded by CommJss~ ODer l~'oag] RDd. Comm.~ssJoner gla.~r moved to adopt the Negat.~ve Dec) arat~ on for Parcel MaD No. ?6036 add approve Parcell Map No. ?6036, based. on the Cond. itions of Approval net forth by the P]a.nn.~Dg Department. ComlnJSsJoner Fahey seconded the mot.~oD wbscb carrSed the fo]]ow.~ng vote. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland, Chiniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 4. & .%. Plot P)an No. 5 add No. 6 Sam Reed presented the staff report on Plot P)an No. 5, the construct.~on of a 3],050 s~uare foot ]~ght manufacturing facil. ity on .57 acres and Plot Plan No. 6, the coDstruct.~on of a .'12,950 srtuare foot /.~ght manufacturing facility on .63 acres. Parcels are located at the northeast corner of gvenJda Alvaratio and Aq~la Vista Way. 0oe Yentress, J.R. M~tler & Associates, 2854 E. Imperial H~ghway, Brea, gave a brief description of the project. Mr. Yentress stated. that the total square footaqe did Mot ~nc]!lde mezzanines ~n both bllildiDgs; however, the parking study incorporated th%s extra square lootage. Mr. Yentress ~nd~cated an error ~n the staff report on page 4, und.er Health Department, and advised the Commsss5on that tb~ Health Department requirements for both Diet plans had been reviewed. Comm.~ssJoDer Ch.Sn.~aeff asked 5. f the applicant would be opposed to reconfJgurJng the itocat.~on of the trash encl. osure and. the truck ].oading doors so that they do Dot face the street. Commsssioner CbSnJaefi also M~N. 8t 20/90 -5- 9t20/90 PLANN]N~ COMNIS$1ON NIN[]TES AUGUST ~0, 3990 expressed concern for sufficient landscaping and proper screening of. roof equipment. Mr. V~.ntress stated the project has satisfied the ]andscane reqll~Jrements add Drovided for suft.Jci. ent screening of the roof equipment, but that they could accommodate the CommJss~oD's req]]ests. He a~{so sta~ed that there would be no ~rob.{.em turning the door of the trash eDc~{osure away ~rom the street; bowever, ~n rel. ocatin~ t~e tr.lck loading doors, the needs o~ the tenant wou]d have to be considered. Commissioner Ford moved to close the pllb].ic hearing seconded by Commissioner Fahey add carried unanimous]y. Comm.~ssioner Hoag3and moved to reject staff's recommendation add not adopt the Negative Dec]afar.ion for Plot Plan Nos. 5 and 6 and deny Plot Plan Nos. 5 and 6, and direct staff to work w.~tb the appl~can% to Drovide a detailed ].andscane plan, review the structura} des~D to ensure adeGuate screening of the roof equipment, study the parking and to doors. Co~issioner Hoagland amended his motion by cODtJDUJDQ the .pubJJc bearing oD Item 4 and Item 5 to the PI. anninq Co~ission meeting of September ].7, ] 990. Commissioner Fahey seconded the revised motion. COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fabey, Ford, Hoaqland, Cbiniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Cba.~rman DeDD.~s Cbiniaeff declared a five minute recess at 7:50 ,P.M. to allow planning staff to set up more exhibits for agenda items. The meeting was reconvened at 7:55 P.M. M11{.8/20/90 -6- 9/20/90 PLANN.~NG CO~]'~S]ON ~INU?F.S AUGUST ~0, ~ 990 6. Tentat.~ve Parco.] .~aD P3969 Deborah ParRs presented staff's report on the subdivision of :Parcell 27 of Parce) Map 38254 into four .parcels, I. ocated at Kathleen Way, South of. Rancho Calif.ornia Road. Ms. Parks stated that wbeD the Darce) map was approved by the County, they failed to show Pujo[ Street. County Ord.sDaDce 460 required the dedication of Plljo] Street; at that time, however, is was overt. ooked and the width of Plljol Street remained at 40 feet. When Ohmdab) Enterprises applied to sub-divide, they were told by the COllDty they wou)d need the dedication of 20 feet o~ Parcel. 2 for dedication o[ Pujol. Street. Ohmdahl Enterprises bad reached aD a~qreemeDt wJtb Eastern MuniciPal. Water District to provide an easement within tbSs 70 teet. To widen Plljo~ Street woll]d be a great expense and at this time staff is unclear as to who wol121d be resvoDsSb~le for the cost of these 5mprovements. John Middl. eton stated that the Engineering Department's reco~r~r~endat.JoD was to co.nstruct Pujoll Street as per county standards. Anthony .Pollo, Markham & ItsseeS ares, 4~1750 W.~ncbester Road, Temecu.]a, gave a brief descrJ.ptJon of the project. Wi[ti. am Haley, 28426 Pujol Street, Temecula, an adjacent property owner expressed bJs desire to have the devel. oper proceed with the road improvements to Pujo]. Street as proposed by the County of Riverside. Anthony Polo offered an alternative to the Conhmission of JeavSDg Pujo] Street 5n lts' present state and DrovJ. de the dedication and improvements to create a ell]-de-sac on the end of Sixth Street. Doug Stewart, deputy traff.ic engineer, advised the Commission that the easeme.nt was neither Mr. Ohmdabl's property nor Mr. Hal. ey's property. He stated that Coll.nty Ordinance No,460 a.nd the recommendatJon by the Riverside County Transportation Department requires certain JmprouemeDts be completed; boweuer, there Js an exception clause within the ordinance that would aJlow the (:ommSssJon to dev5ate from these required MIN. 8/20/90 -7- 9/20/90 PLANNING CONI~I]SSIf')N ~}11NIIt}~}~:S AUGUST 20, .]990 street improvements, but on3y under that exception cl. ause could the Commission consider anything other than what was recommended by the County. Commissioner Fahey cuesti. oned the reference to special c~rcumstances of the exception apD]Jcab]e to the properties size, shape or topagraphy, and did that exception MDD:Iy to sllcb conditions created by the property owner. Doug Stewart stated that the ordinance reguires that the applicant put a substantial cost to the applicant, and since applicant has offered other alternatives that seem more appropriate, the commission could consider one of these alternatives and make that recon~pendatJon to the City Commissioner Chiniaeff asked if staff needed action by the CommJss.~on to come baclk wJtb a rev~,~ed recommendation. ,John Cavanaugh, Assistant City Attorney, advised the Comm.~ssJoD that ~f they were to approve th.~s parcel map and recorf~end there be a oartia[ dedication or recor, mend that Dart o~ the ded.~cat.~on be accomp].~shed by another property owner other than the app].icant, the Corffmission needs to be aware that ~f the other property owner does not approve of the recommendation, and if that approval. Js not sou.qbt wJtb.~n 320 days after the CommJss.~on's recommendation, this condition wil terminate. Commissioner Ford asked Jf this was a condJ. tJon for offsite improvements, could the Commission reguest the applicant to bond or guarantee the acquisition rights of the property. John Cava~auqb, AssJsta.nt City Attorney, stated that the CommJ ssJ oD COll] d eJ tber recommend that the app] J cant provide the dedication of ihJ. s own property or recommend partial dedication/vacation of the other property owner. [f the other property owner does not approve 3.20 days after the Comm.~ss~on acts on Jr, this condition Js automatical. [y terminated. HIM. 8/20/90 -8- 9t 20/90 PLANNING COMMISSION MIN[]'~'ES AUGUST 70, 3990 Commissioner Fahey moved to not adopt the Negative Dec)station for Farce} MaD No. 23969, and to continue the item to September 17, 1.990, with staff. working with both parties to come to an agreement acceptable. Commissioner Ford seconded the motion. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland, Cbiniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Deborah Parks provided staff's report and an architectural rendering of the project, a proposal to complete Phase 2 of. this project, Iotated north of Winchester Road, west of. Ynez Road. Wait Mount ford, 7330 EnGineer Road, San Diego, gave a brief slimmary of the project add reqllested the to] ]owing modif.ications to the Conditions of. Approval.: Condition No. 313, as it relates to grading be de[leted; Condition No. ~.8, establ. ish a maxim~lm f. ee expos]Ire to the deve].operi Cond.ition No. 29, fees which were inc]tided Jn the street and drainstie bond posted with the county, to be de].eted. Deborah Parks stated that staff would not oppose the deiletion of conditior) No, :13, John Middleton advised that the ~ee schedule has not been established at this t~me and that the $30,000 fee would be a deposit for whatever that fee is, and therefore they collid not amend Condition No. 28. After discussion of the Conditions of. Approval Coramiss.ioner Fahey moved to c)ose the p!lblic hearing, seconded by Conm~lissioner Hoag]and. Commissioner Fahey moved to adopt tbe Negative Declaration for P]ot Plan 3/{62] and approve P.Iot Plan 1162] as recommended with the f.ollowing amendments: delete Condition No. 33 and amend Condition No. 29 to state MIN.8/20/90 -9- 9/20/90 PLAMNJNG COMMISSION .MINUTES ~U~US~ 20, ] 990 "Pray]deal the ice has a)ready been paid for sign]n9 and striping, the county will. be responsible for the improvements." Commissioner Blair seconded the motion ~ AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoag[and, NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None NON PUBLIC HEARING I?F~S 8. Appeal No. 6 Ar~pea] P.lannJng Department's denial of the Palm Plaza Sian Criteria Program. Project I. ocated at the southwest corner of Winchester Roads and Y.nez Roads. Gary Thornhill. advised the Commission that it was staff's decision that the most appropriate way to handle this item was through a variance; however, a discussion with the city attorney indicates be may have a problem with making the necessary findings for a variance. Larry Markham, Markham and Associates, 4]750 Winchester Road, Temecu]a, represent]nO the ann)]cant, stated that the applicant would ].ike to request continuing the appeal until September [10, 3~990, to allow time for research of the variance. 9. P]ot P] an 69 Prior to tbJs item being heard, COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF execused himself due to a conflict of interest and turned the Gave~l over to VICE C~AIRMAN, COMMISSIONER FORD. 9.1 Mark Rhoades, pianning staff, provided staff report for the proposal to constr!lct a 3170 fOOt antenna tower, off of Front Street. El)Jot UrJck, 2866~I Ca]]e ],ago, Temecu]a, reguested Condition No. 3 be modified to read "The approved MIN.8/20/90 -10- 9/20/90 PLANNING COMMISSION .MINi]TF.S AUGUST i}O, ] 990 temporary antenna structure sisal ] be removed Do later than 30 days af~ter the final. inspection of the tower" add Condit.~on No. 4 to read "construction of the approved 1.20 foot high pol. e." Ray ~4cLauab.l.~D, 30025 Front Street, 'remecula, spoke support el staff's recommendat.~on. Mr. McI,auqhlin owns the oreperry the tower wi[[ be I. ocated on. .C, ary 'J'bornbitl stated t.~at staff bad no problems w.itb the modJt~catioDs to Condition No. 3 and Condition No, 4. Commissioner Hoaqland moved to approve Plot Plan No. 69 as presented with the modification of Condition No. 3 and (;ondJtJoD No. 4 as reqlleSted bY the appil~cant, f. orwarded to City Council as a receive and f.i}.e item, seconded by Comm.~.~sJ oder Fahey. AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Fahey, Ford Hoaqland, NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Cb~niaeff ¢Ol~M[SS[ONEIt C, HINIAEFF returned to the chair. ~0. P~tot PilaD No. 57/Revised Perm.~t Mark Rheades provided staff report for a revision to a prev.i ousl y approved .126,000 s.~uare foot el ect toni cs f. acil. ity 1. ocated at. 43044 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Applicant Js propos.~nq to add 3,400 square feet of conference and office space to the second floor as well as a small eXpanSiOn to the erlll.iDmer)t area. Mr. Rheades amended Condition No. 2 to reflect 20 x 35 square foot are~ . Corrmaissioner Fahey moved to approve Plot Plan 57, SliDjeer to the Conditions of Approval by staff with Item 57 revised to reflect 20 x 35 square foot area, seconded by Commissioner Hoaq).and and carried unanimous 1. y. MI14.8/20/90 -ll- 9/20/90 PLhNNING COMMItSSION !*4INUTr*:S hUGHST 20, ].990 AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland, ChJnJ aeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ]3. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23299 Richard Ayala provided staff report for tbe extension of t~me for Vested Tentative Tract Map No. 23299, a 232 unit condominium project on approximately 14.3 acres. Project ~s located solltb of Highway 79, west of Margarita Road. Raymond Casey, Presley of San Diego, 15010 Avenue of Science, San Diego, gave a brief summary of the request for extensJ. on o~ the project. Mr. Casey stated that the project bas been de)eyed due to the processing of another pllb[ic agency's approval necessary for the recordation of the map, regarding the flood control channel. He also advised that the project is in comp].iance with the Quimby Act and DariUs within the project will be dedicated to the CSD. Mr. Casey also stated that they are looking at re-mapping the project; bowever, the extension o~ time J.s necessary to complete this applJ. cation. Commissioner Hoag]and expressed concern for tbe density of the project, as i.t tel. ares to the surrounding area. Gary TbornbJ]J stated that Jt was staff's opinion that the approved map does not fit Jn the Southwest Area Map Plan as it stands now. Commissioner Fahey questioned what options the Commission had in granting or denying the extension. John Cavanaugh, Assistant City Attorney, advised the CO~iSS~OD that under the code the Commission has the option of. approving or denying the extension, but they are limited due to the subject map being previously approved by the County. He stated that the Code of Standards for eva]uatJn~ an extension reflected that an extension of time sha].]. not be granted unl. ess the ].and division conforms to the comprehensive general plan, Js consistent with existing zoning and does not affect the health, HIN,8/20/90 -12- 9/20/90 PY.ANNING (;OMNISSION MINUTES AUGUST 70, 3 990 safety or we)'lfare of the Dub].~c. W.~th that, he advised that the Commission could not. go back and re-evaluate the ent.~re project; bowever they could conduct a further revi. ew of what. the project. i.s, before making their decision of approving or denying the extension of time. Commissioner Chiniaeff was concerned that an extension of the mad woll]d essentially be an approva) and presently the Commission does not have sufficient information about John CavaDauab, Assistant C.~ty Attorney, adv.~sed tbe Comm.~ss.~on that they co, ld d~rect staff to bring the ~tem back to the Commission with a].l. the particulars of. the project, so that they coll]d be better .~nformed to make the proper recommendation. Comm.~,~s.~oner Ford moved to contJnl~e the regl~est for extens.~on of t.Jme for Ve~t.~ng Tentat.~ve Tract No. 23299, to the next. availabl. e meeting, and directed staff to look at a]] ~ssl~es of tbJs project ~nc]ud.~ng the surrounding map, the ~iscal impact report, park stlldy as ~t relates to Quimby Act, design of the project, landscape pl. ans and trailtic circu].ation. Commissioner Fahey seconded the motion. AYES: 5 COMM .l SSI ONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland, Cb.~ n~ aeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None A]exander Urm~bart, Crosby, Mead, Benton & Assoc,.ares, 5650 E3 CamS no Real, Suite 200, Carlsbad, project engineer provided information on drainaqe and access. .1;>. P) ot Pjian No. 86 Prior to tbJs ~tem be~n.g beard, COMMISSIONER C~INIAEFF and COMMISSIONER FORD indicated they had a conflict o~ interest w~th the applicant and execllsed themselves. The gavel was turned over to COMMISSIONER FAHEY. MEN. 8120/90 -13- 9~20~ 90 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 20, ] 990 Steve Padovan provided sta~ report for the construction of a 60 foot receiving antenna tower witb a JO foot microwave dish, for In[and Vai[ey Cablevision, in order to uporade the reception of several cbanDe]s in the service area, Edward GageD, 33{000 Corte Arroyo VSsta, Temecula, spoke in ~avor of the new antenna tower due to %be poor reception he receives. Ken Heid, 4]486 Big Sage Court, Temecu]a, questioned the proposed camaf]oug.~ng of the tower and the col[or of the microwave dish. Jerr.y Sanders, In]and Va]ley Cablevision, provided a brief summary for the Commission on the purpose of upgrading the existinq tower. He stated that the location of. the tower Js on a sma]] portion of a ]arger lot being developed as a park for the community, which will. be dedicated to the c~ty. He stated that the u.].t.Jmate goal is to have the receiving tower located in an industrial area. Commissioner }toag]and moved to adopt a Negative Declaration and approve Plot Plan No. 86 and the attached Conditions of. Approval, and recommend that the City ('.o~ncJ] ~rant aD exemption from Ordinance No. 90-3 based on findinqs contained in the Staff. Report, and recommend that staff work w~th the app]~cant oD a suitable col or scheme f.or the tower and microwave dish. Seconded by Com~j ssi oder B] ai r. AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Hoaq[and NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Ford, CbinJaefi COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF and COMMISSIONER FORD returned to their chairs. ADJOURNMENT Comm.~ss.~oner Hoag)and moved to cancel tbe regular meeting of the CJ ty of Temecu] a P] ann.~ ng CommJ ss.~ on schedu]ed for Monday, September 3, 1990, seconded by Commissioner Ford and carried unan imous [ y. MIN.8/20/90 -14- 9/20/90 PLANNINC, COMMISSION ~INUTF,$ AUGUS.? 20, ] 9.90 Commissioner Blair moved to schedule a special meeting of. the City of Temecu:la PilanDing Commission for Monday, September 10, ].990, 6:00 P.M. at Vail. Elementary School, 29915 Mira Loma Drive, TemecuJa, seconded by Commissioner Ford and carried unanimously. MIN.8/20t90 -15- 9/20/90