HomeMy WebLinkAbout100190 PC MinutesOF T146: ~'LANN[NG COMMISSION OF T~E CITY OF }-]F.L~ OCTOBF. R ~} , ~! .990
A requl. a, meeti. na of the Temecu[a Planning Commission was called to
order at VaJ] Elementary Scboo], 29935 M.ira l,oma Dr3ve, Temecu]a,
California at 6:].0 P.M. The meeting was called to order by
CbaJ rpersoD ]3ennJ s CbJ n.i aeff.
BLair, Fahey, Ford
CbJ n.~ aeff
A.Isn present were Assistant City Attorney John Cavanaugh, Gary
Thornhi[ [, Actinr~ P[anni. ng Director, John Middleton, Senior Project
Manager and GaJ] Z~g]er, M.~Dute Clerk.
FRANK KI,F. IN, 30180 Sant.Ja.go Road, '?emecu]a, discussed various items
with the Commission, including: increasing bike paths i.n the city,
deue]op3Dg a system for making addresses more accessible to
emergency vehicles, prohibition o~ tethered ba].].oon advertising,
.~tora~e of ~ bus on an empty lot and dJsguJs.JDg of cylindrical
tanks at the concrete batch plant, off of Front Street.
GARY T~ORN~II,L advised Mr. K]e~n that some of these items were
under investigation; however, he could direct all of these
complaints to Mr. ~arsha]], Code Enforcement Officer, in the City
Planning Department,
COMMISSIONER FORD moved to approve the minutes of August
20, 1990, seconded by COMMISSIONER FAHEY.
Blair, Fahey, Ford
first noragraph, ghnu.:d read. "di.~cussi. on with the
fol ~owinq amendments: Page 3, fifth paragraph,
Page 4~ third paragraph, should read "proport. y,
su[:,m;~ ts d5 sorer] onary", seconded by COMMISSIONER
AYR$: 4
R]air, Fahey, Ford
Chi. ni. aef f
AR.q~]N'P: .] CC)MM ] SSIONER$: Hoagland
plIt:lr,[C HI~',,ARING ITEMS
?. 'PEN'.PATIV~. PARCEl, MAP NO. 2563?
Proposal. to subdivide 4.7 acres into 10 parcels in the
M.S~C. gone, to constrllct an industrial park on the
sm.lthw~,st side of Business Park Drive, north o[ Rancho
O).IVER MIIJICA presented the staff report on this item.
COMMISS[ONW. R CHINIAEFF opened the publ. ic hearing.
WARREN ,]AMES, Weston Properties representative, requested
~].arification and toodill. cation of the following Conditions
of Approval : Plot Plan No. .]] 688, Condition No. 27,
Mr. James requested. that this item read "Unless already
paid, prior to"i Condition No. 47, ETA be deleted.
COMMISSIONER FAHEY clarified that prior to the meeting, a
revised set. of Eng.~neering conditions were provided and
under these revised conditions, Mr. James was requesting
Condition No. 31 be deleted. Mr. James also requested
modifications to the Conditions of. Approval for Tentative
Parcel Map No. 25637, Condition No. 38, to read:
"reciprocal access agreement or common ownership";
Condition No. 70, revised to read "Unless already paid,
prior to" Condition No. 37, revised to read "If required,
the subdivider"; Condition No. 4?, Mr. James requested
MIN, 10/1/90 -2- 10/10/90
that this Conditin~ ba deleted. JO~{N MIDOLETON and GARY
C¢)MM[SSIONF, R CHINIAF,~'F ~tated that. the RTA was assigned
to cover the A()MD r~uJreme~ts for tb~ City and therefor~
~ho]lid rmmain a.S Part n~ Cnndj. t].on No, 47,
COMMI,.q$[ION~;R .~'ORD advJ sed Mr. ,]ames that the recJ proca]
acc~.ss agreement would be a memor~.nc[um to the parcel map
which would be f~;rtber e~forced by the CC&R'g. .M~. JAMES
stated that he wanted to avoid having to record the CC&R's
that although it was suggested that the CC&R's be
au~ti. nnad i.f the Commission could require that the
cc&2a's be recorded add JO~N CAVANAUGH stated that they
cnul. d,
JOfgN MIDDI,ETON stated that the reason the CC&R's were
wri tten i.n was to create an agreement between the City
and the app)ScaDt as to bow the site would be maintained.
Assistant City Attorney JORN CAVANAUG~ advised that a
separate .)andscape agreement col)]d be prepared for the
maintenance of the common areas.
(IOMM1S$IONW. R FO)~D moved to c]os~ the public hearing,
seconded by CO~4MISS[ONER FAHF, Y and carried unani. mously.
B]air, Fahey, Ford
Chi. ni. aef f
COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to Adopt the Negative Declaration
for Tentative Parcel Map No. 25637, and P]ot P] an No.
1].688, Approve Tentative .Parcel Map No. 25632 and Approve
Plot Plan No..]3688 subject to the attached Conditions of
Approval (as replaced by the Planning Department) with the
following modifications: Plot P)an, Condition No. 27,
amended to read "Unless prevfously paid"; Condition No. 31
to rems.in as is; Tentative Par~e] Map, Condition No. 18
to remain as i.s; Condition No. 20 to read "Unless
previously paid"; Condition No. 4~ to be deleted.
MIN. 10/1/90 -3- 10/10/90
A B,q'~:N T: 3
OOMM J S S 7! ()N F,R S:
Pro~osaJ to construct a 924 sO. ft. gasoline service
stati. on and mini-market wi. th beer and wine sales t. ocated
at the southeast corner of 8R79 and Bedford Court.
STRVR PArK)VAN provided the staff report on thi.~ project.
GARY Tt~'ORN}III,I. stated that the p}anniDg department had
been worki. nq wi. th the applicant regarding the areas
"oetwe~D the ;~ iacent reside~t.~a] housJn~ add the proposed
gaso].ine station. He stated that the app].J. cant had
reeoDf~gured some of the r~ar DarkJag and reJocated the
air and water service area c].oser to SR79. He also
a mod. ilicati. on o~ the No,its o~ oneration proposed by the
CO~4M[SSIONW, R CH[NIA~.PP opened the Dubl. i.c hearing.
),ARRY MARK~IAM, Markham & Associates, 4.]750 Winchester
Road, Temecul. a, indicated that the applicant has concurred
with the staf~ report; however, the proposed hoilrs of
operation were not acceptable, and that they were seeking
74 hour operation. He stated t. bat they ~e)t they had
adequate].y addressed the issue of noise by providing
.landscape buff. ers and block wal].s to separate the
residential. housing f. rom the proposed gasol. ine station.
He also stated that the applicant was proposing an
on-site security guard. Mr. Markham requested
modification of the following Conditions: No. 44, he
indicated that the SR79 right-o~.-way had already been
dedicated; No. 49 - 54, 57 and 58, Mr. Markham stated
MIN.].0/1/90 -4- lo/~o/9o
for the improvements ot],~er than what t.ney ]have already
done and that. Assesgm~n.t ~Jatri~,t Nn, 1.59 h.a.~ expressed
that they do ~ot want t]n~m done at tb~g t~me~ No. 59, he
asked. the Cnmmi. g~.on i.f they had a time frame for the
TERESA BANES[, 44737 "C" i',a Paz, Temecu[a, stated that she
~,q or)e of the 1146 homeowners adjacent to this project and
feel. s that they shoul, d not have to 1. i. ve next to a gas
No ode else requested to speak on this item.
I,ARR¥ MARKHAM stated that the appl. i. cant and
representatives have met w~tb t.he ~omeowner's Board on
three d~.fferent octass%OhS and. presented the Pl. anning
Department wJt.n a draft ]ett-r from them giving their
CO~W~41,.qSION~;R Ck!IN]AEFF inetJested .he was torn on this
propose!. i,n that the cornmerci. a[ desi. qnati. on for this
war- bu] It. In addit].on, th~.s ~.s one of on].y three off-
ramps J~ tow~ add the proposed use should be Iotated at
an o~f ramp to held tell. eye congestion i.n the core of the
city. The Japact oD the residences cou)d be softened by
a redesJ. qn of the site.
COMMISSIONER WORD moved to close the public hearing and
deny the Negative Dec].aration and not adopt the Resolution
aIDDrOVing Conditions) Use Permit No. 4, and direr. ted staff
to re-submit to the Commission with appropri. ate landscape
p]ans, assessment district p]an,~, determination on the
hours of operation, architectural plans and input from the
Rainbow Meadows Homeowners Association. COMMISSIONER
BLAIR seconded the motion.
MIN. 10/1/90 -5- 10/10/90
~, VARtA. NC~ NO, 7
348, ~t.i.on 1.9,4 (a.4) in ~wd.~ to obt~i.n ~a~ai. ~ ~
SCOTT WRIGHT provided the staff report on this item. He
stated that the proposed signs were sma]]er than the
maximum size m[ [owed and that the appt. icant had provided
H~ ad.d,~d. that the freeway signs woul. d hava n. maxi.mum of
two tenants named and t.ne other s~gn.q would have a maximum
of four tenant~ named.
(tO~M~[SSIONER R)~,~%IR cjuestJoned that diagrams provided Jn
the aqenda packages indicated eight tn ten names slots on
COMMISSIONER C}{INIAF, FF opened the .~ub]Jc bearJ.~g.
GRF. G ERICKSON, Radford Properties, stated that they would
ac~ree to condition the signs to two add four tenants.
COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to cl. ose the public heari. ng and
adopt geso]utJon 90- approving Variance No. 2; and
approve Variance No. P based on the attached Conditions of
Approval[ add added Co.~dJtJon No. 5 mtJpll]atJDg a maximize
of two names on t~e freeway signs and four names on the
other signs, seconded by COMMISSIONER FORD and carried as
foL Laws:
Blair, Fahey, Ford
COM.~IS$IONE~ CHINIAEFF declared a five minute recess at 7:45 P.M.
The meeting reconvened at 7:50 P.M.
MI~. 10/1t90 -6- 10/10/90
PLOT PLAN NO. 1.1.622
Prooo,~a] to eon.~truct 5 5~dustr~a] buJ)dings (~17 -]6,000
scruare ~eet each) at the 27800 bl. oc{< of Diaz Road..
S'P~.VF. d'rANNiINO prov~aea t~n~ stall re~ort on t.~is pro~ect,
,lORN M[DDI,F, TON advised the Copamission that Condition No.
36 a~d (;o~Oition No. 42 had been revised ..per the
memorandum of September ~8, 1.9g0,
CO~],qSIONF. R CT~'INIAF. PP opo~O t.be ~xtb]ic bearing.
~'~,VF, ~I'~ND¥,~iY, Spectrum CnntractJ. ng, Inc., expressed
co.ncurrenc~ with stati's recommendations. ~ reouested
ct. arificatinn of Cond. itJ. on No. '13, GARY T~ORN~I'~'.L stated
t.his Cona]tJoD cou]G be d~/eted; Condition No. 30, amended
to read "[~ required, protect. inn sha].l. be". Mr. Hendl. ey
a]~o r,ql]ested c.tarj~jcatjoD of Condition No. 36. JO~N
MIDDLETON stated that Condition No. 36 could be amended
to r~ad "coDStrllCt drive approaches, parkway trees and
~traat ].iqhts on Diaz Road".
The Commiss.5on expressed eoncern for the landscape plan,
specJ. fJ. call. y I. andscaping adjacent to the buJ. tding fronting
DJ aZ Road ,
COMMISSIONRR CBINIA~PP stated that be would fee]
cnmfortab[e with staff approving the landscape as long as
they were aware that the Commission wants well developed
specimens and not five gal.[on trees.
COMWISSIONE~ FORD moved to cJose the public hearing,
to adopt the Negative Declaration ~or Plot P]an No. 31622
and approve Plot PI, an No. 1.1622, Reguest for Site
Approval, subject to the Conditions o~ Approval with the
following modifications: Condition No. 13 deleted;
Condition No. 30 modi.~ied to read "If reguired,
protection"; and Condition No. 36 modified to read
"construct dr~ve approaches, parkway trees and street
lights on Diaz Road"; and direct staff to work with
applicant on landscape p]ans. Seconded by COMMISSIONER
FAHEY and carried as follows:
MIN.10/1/90 -7- 10/10/90
Ch.ini aeff
f~, PT,¢)'I' Pf,AN NO,
Prol%o,~aJ to ~.on,~tru~t an iI~{,??.5 ~(~llare foot retail
,~howroom.--furn. i. ture st. or* on the north ~i. de of gnte~prJ.~
S~.VE JIANN[NO provi.ded the staff report on this i. tem.
He advJse(~ the CommJssJo.n that staff was concerned
w1. th the 1. oadJ, ng and unl. oad].ng space. He stated that
the project Js Dot designed wJt~ rear ]oad.~ng doors;
however the appt.~.cant has ind~.cated that the building
wJ jt ] be a furniture showroom for display OD]y and that
the sol. es and shi. pgi. ng wi.].l be ~rom another I. ocatJ. on.
(;OMMIS,qlONF,.R CH]NIAEPF addressed the issue of a furn-~ture
showroom Incated ~,n a orifice/industrial bui. l. ding area.
GARY TIqOl~NH.ILL stated that the D]aDn.ing staff cannot
address the J, ssue of llse, which is set by the ord.~.nance.
JO~IN ;MIDDI,F.~'ON advi sed the Comm.~ s.~i on that Concti ti oD of
Approval. No. 31 was amended to read "area shown as 30'
x 50' ingress and egress or) the Plot Plan sba]) be
J.mproved w].th A.C. pavement to the same standards as
the on-site parking Jot".
COmmISSIONER CHIN[AEPP opened the public hearing.
JEFP HARDY, Jeif Hardy Architecture, 27349 Jefferson
Avenue, Temecula, advised the Commi. ssion that Condition
o~ Approval No. 2] stipulated that BuS]d~ngs A and B,
which comprised of sixty to seventy percent of the
project could only be used for furniture, drapery,
plumbing, floor coveri. ng, and appliance stores. He
also commented that the CC&R's required the driveway
approaches to be decorative concrete and thereinre
would like Condition No. 3] amended. JOHN MIDDLETON
stated that concrete would be acceptable. Regarding
MZN. ~0/~/90 -8- ZOtZO/90
Condi. tian No. 27, ~.,:, Irtarc~y rec~uested that. a restaurant
be a.lJow~d to 3n t]D3ts ¢! ti~rou~ih ? if they can Drav.i~e
based on the reQuirement~ ni~ tna ordinanca,
GARY TIqORN}9']I,L advised t.~e ¢;omm3ss~oD the
and ~ w~'e not aDD l, ~,cab i, ~ unless the a~D[~cant aoreed to
fh~, M,R. ~ARDY stated t.bat be wou~t~ agree to Condition
No. 2J. and Condition No. ~'2 wJ th the modi.~icati. on he
~R, ~ARDY recn~ested CondJtJoB No, 45 be deleted because Jt
applied to PLot Pl. an No. 1, t. 759. He also asked ~.f the City
Attorney wo~l.td approve COD(littOn NO. 7 to read "The owner/
developer shal [ aqree". JOHN CAVANAUC,%~ stated that this
would be acceptable.
CO~MISSIONER CHINIAF. FF expressed concern for the quantity
and ].ocati. on of~ the trash enclosure. MR. HARDY stated
that the trash enc.[osure coillid b~ eD)ar~ed to hold another
trash bin; however, i.n working with the City requirements
add the CC&R'~, the proposed location of the trash bin
was the most appropriate place. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF
island and the trash encLoseire Locations. MR. HARDY was
The Con~raission expressed concern J.n approving the project
kDowjnc~ that futi{re ilses of the s~te may cal{se the project
to be ~lnderDarked. They a}.so expressed concern t~or the
)ocr oi adequate trash ~aci ] Jt.~es .for the uses and
the project and tlle proposed ].oad±ng zone.
COMM]SSIONF, R WAHEY moved to cil ose the public bear.log and
not adopt the NegatJ. ve Declaration for Plot P].an No.
],]609, not adopt Resolution 90-, ........ and deny Plot Plan
No. l[609, Request .for Site Approval. COMMISSIONER BLAIR
seconded the motion.
COMMISSIONER C~INIAEFF recommended that instead o~
denying the application, ~t be continued to allow the
applicant to work w~th sta~ on the problems, The motion
stood as made.
MIN. 10/1/90 -9- 10/10/90
A'R ,q'~:N q'
COM. M ]~ ,qS lONERS
P.T,OT Pt,AN NO. ].1.7.59
Pro~osa.i to co.nstruct an ]8,300 square foot industrial
bU.l.J, di. tlq on the north side o~ Enterprise Ci. rcl. e, west
STEVE alANNINe) provided the staff re.)ort on this project.
He stated that the bu~.[d~.ng woul. d be used for a cab%net
iIOHN MIDDI.ETON requested condition No. 35 be amended to
read. "Construct A.C. or concrete pavement" After
Commission d~scussion, Condition No. 35 was amended to
read "Construct concrete pavement improvements"
COI4~41SSIONER CH]NIAF. FF o.)ened the public bearing.
,IF. FF HARDY, ,Ie[~ Hardy ArchJ. tect~lre, 27349 Jef. f. erson
Avenue, Temecu.[a, reo. uested the to)lowing modifications
to the Condi. ti. ons of. Approval: No. 7, replace the word
a~.))icaDt w.itb owDer/deve]operl No. 9, if not a City
requirement woui. d like to uti. l. ize single ].ine striping
The Comm.JssioD expresse~ concern for the location and
number of. dust/trash reciprocals. The applicant and
the Commission aqreed that rather than ,)]ace them
insi. de the bui. l.d~.ng, they should be placed outside the
bil.~ ld.~Dg w.~tb a we) ] to .)roperly .~creen them.
COMPIISSIONER FAHEY moved to cl. ose the pub].it heari. ng and
adopt the Negative Dec)station for Plot Plan No. ]1759,
adopt Resolution No. 90-_ ........ and approve Plot Plan No.
]]759, Reguest for Site Approval, subject to the attached
Conditions of. Approval amended as follows: Condition No.
7 to read "The owner/developer shall"; Condition No. 9
MIN. 10/1/90 -10- 10/10/90
to remai. n as wr].tten; Con~.i ti.o~ No. 35 to read "Construct
~.oncr~te ~avemeDt"~ add with the addition of Condition No.
58 w&i. ch wi.I.I. sO. dress the I. ocation of the trash en. cl. osure,
addit,.on of another trash hi.n. GARY T~OR.N~[~ff, suggested
~)e~artment Con~l. tl. ons. CO~[SS[ONER FORD seconded t~e
mot] on, wbi cb terri ed as fo.l J ows:
8(air, Fahey,
Propo,.~al) to .gubdivide a .] .43 acre parcel into two parcels
at. W~.nchester Road and 30565 Estero Street.
$T~V~ JIANNINO provided the staff report on this item.
JOHN MII)I)I,ETON requested the ~ol.l. owi. ng modi. f. icatJ. ons to
t.he (;ond~tiOnS of Approvall : No. 23 (a) delete the reference
to "s~.dewa[k"; No. 33 amended to read "a mi. nimum
center.i~ne grade sba)) De 0.50 Dercent"; a~d No. 35
amended to read "(36-60)"; and replace pages 3 and 4
4 o~ Sentember ~8, 1.990.
(:ONNISSIONE}~ CI~INIAEFF opened the Dub]it hearincl.
NIKE BENESH, genesch Enqzneering, requested clarification
of Condition No. 35. He questioned if the engineering
department was requesting full street improvements at this
time. JOHN MIDDLETON stated that they are requesting 28'
o~ improvements at this time.
MR. BENESH provided the Commission with a opinion from
the Attorney General in 1978 regarding the legality of
the subdivision of one parcel under a tract map, which
indicated that the other parcels of the tract map do not
Deed to be inc]uded.
City Attorney JOHN C, AVANAUGH stated that the
the Attorney <;e~er~.{ w~,~ ~ot b~ndJng and ~be
did not ~av~ to base their action on it.
.~!]K~: iF~F.N,~:S~ state<~ that under the ordinance t.ney were
~nt reauired to m~,t i~ eo~erete curb and qutter
~m~rovem~nts: .~nwever, they wou)d ac~ree to Condit. ion No.
COmmISSIONER BI,AIR moved to c}ose the pub].it bearing add
ad. oDt the Negative Oecl. arati. on ~.or Parcel. Map No. P5538
o~ A~DrovaL as s~lbmi. tted, i. nc~l.ldJ. ng the modifications to
as ~o}. l. ows:
B]a~r, Fahey, Ford
Proposal. to del. ete the CLass I bike trail in Planning Area
No. 4 of the RorJpaugb H.J] ].~ Estates, ] ocated at NJcho] as
Road, between Winchester and General Kearne¥.
GARY THORNHILl, advJsed t:he CommJ ssJ oD that staff was
stil. I, working with the applicant and requested a
re~ommemdatJon for contJDumnce at this time.
COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to continue Substantial
Conformance No. 2, SP 364 to October ]5, 1990, seconded
by COMMISSIONER BLAIR and carried as follows:
MIM. 10/1190 -12- 10/10/90
?{,ANN! N{; {:OHM] ,q,.qT[ON H7[NI'I'.{'~:S O(;?OIR},XR .] , J 5490
a[air, Fahey, Fora
Prior to nearing this item, COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF stepped down
~ue to a conflict of ~nterest and tllrned the gave] over to Vice
Proposal{ for first extension of time on vroject Iotated
south of Rancho Ca[i. fornia Road, west. of. ¥nez Road and
easterJ¥ of I--.]5.
ProPosal for first extension of time on project located
south of. Rancho Ca[J. fornia Road, west of. Ynez Road and
easterJ ¥ of I-) 5.
RICHARD AYAI.A provided the staff report on this item.
COMMISSIONER FORD questioned J.f the applicant was part
of a aeve]opment a~reement. The applicant confirmed
that they did have a development agreement.
RIC!4ARD KI,ASSEN, Coleman Homes, 42850 Agena Street,
'P~mecul. a, requested c[arificati. on of the fol. l. owing
CoDdi tioDs of Approval: No. ) . Mr. K.lassen stated
that the site has el. ready been graded; therefore, the
SKR fees have been satisfied; No. 2, Mr. K]assen.
questioned park and recreation fees. G~Y ~ORN~I[,L
stated that they would satisfy this requirement under
the development agreement; therefore, the Condition
should read "pay the fee or satisfy tne the County
requirement". Mr. K[assen also requested that Condition
No. 8 be modified to read "precise grading plan".
COMMISSIONER FAREY moved to approve the First
Extension of Time and to approve Tentative Tract
Map No. 22761, Minor Change No. l, subject to the
attached Conditions of Approval amended as follows:
MIN.10/1/90 -13- 10/10/90
Co'ad,'i. ti. on No. {. to read. "u,n.l~.,~,,~ Drev'}.ousi. y
to buJ.l~Jnq permit",
and carried as tot. lows:
Blair, Fahey, Ford
ARS'I'A ]' N: :~ COMMI S,.qI ONER S: Cbi ni aeff
COMMISSI¢)N~:R FAH~:Y moved to approve the First
Extension of. Tl. me and to approve Tentative Tract Map
No, 22'16,2, subject to the attached Conditions of
Approval. amended as f.o[I. ows: Condition No. I. to read
"unless prev.~ously paid": No. 2 to indicate either the
re~ui. re~ent has been satl. s~i. ed or the ~ees are paid;
add No. 8 to r~ad "Dr]or to bl~)JdJDq permit", mecopded
by COMM[SSTONKR '8f,AIR and carried as
B]aJ r, Fahey, Fora
CO}4MI$SIONER CHINIAF. FF returned to the chair.
GARY THORN~II,L advised the Commission that City Manager, David
Dixon would be present at the October ].5, ].990, Planning Commission
meeting to provide them with an update on the status of the General
Plan. Mr. Thornhill also directed the Commission to choose two
individuals to participate in the selection o~ the Genera] Plan
e.~ected w~th COMMISSIONER BLAIR as an alternate.
MIN. 10/1/90 -14- 10/10/90
r-~I'.AI~NING CO?4M'fSSION MINI ).S OC')O ~.R ] ]990
Mr. Thorntxit. I. atso di.,~cu.,q,~ed the dif. fi.c~ll. ty staler ~as waen
r~v~n~ the ~e.~i~n of a~.~eations ~ith no ouideJ inca on aesion,
an interim design O~ide]l~e ~lnti.I tbe Genera~t P]a~ was complete.
Me suggested that the CommJ. a~i. on may want to ~et-~lp a work ~hop to
workshop addressing de,gJ. gn guidel. inea, to be held October 22, ].g90,
6:00 P.,~. at Va] i~ E.[ eme~tary Scboo;; , 299) 5 MJ ra I,oma Drive,
?emec~l[.a. Me stated that he wo~l[d provide them with examples of
CHAIRNAN DENNIS CHINIAF. FF aajourned the meeting at 9:45 P.M. The
next regular meeti. ng of the Temecu[a Pi. annJ. nc! Co~ission wi[[ be
belin Octo.~r 11.5, ~1990. 6:00 P.I~. at Vail .F,]ementary School , 299.]5
Mira f,oma Drive, Temecula.
MIM. 10/1/90 -15- 10t10190