HomeMy WebLinkAbout101590 PC Minutes Mi{NUTBiH OF A RF.(;UI,AR MEI';TING
.~).~:I'..D OC'.~'OBER /{ 5 . ~} 990
A requ[ar meeti. no o~ the Temecuta Planni. n~ Commission was ca!.l. ed to
order at VaJ] EJemeDtar¥ School , 299f~,5 Mira Loma Drive, Temecu]a,
at 6:].0 P.M. The meetin~ was ca[led to order by Chairperson Dennis
CbJ .nJ aeff.
P'.R E S~:N'.P: 4
Blair, Fahey, Boao)aDd,
;%Jso present were A,~sJstant C.~tv Attorney 0obn Cavanaugh, C, arv
'['hornhi [ {., Actinc~ Pt. anninc~ Director, ,John Middleton, Senior Project
.P[] 8 f, [ C COMMENT
GARY ,'I'HOI{IN}{]{3[,iI. JDd.Jcated that. t,be City Manacler was not able to
attend this meet. J.n~ to update the Commission on the status of the
COMM]SSIONF..W C}{.]N]A~:FF opened the meetinc! for nub]Jc corninept.
There were none,
COMM.[SSIONER CHIN[AEFF entertained a motion to approve the
mJ)311t e,.~ of Oct ober .'1 , .'1990.
COMMISSIONER FAHEY reouested Paoe 5 of the minutes of October
]. ]990, be ameDded to JDc]Illde ~er view OD the C.U.P. for a
~as station I. ocated adjacent to a residential. development as
CO~'~I$,.qI()NE.R FAHF. Y expressed stron~ opposJtJo~ for the proposed
station Iotated dJ. rect[v adjacent to an established
MINUTES 10/15/90 -1- 10/24190
COMMI$$IONF, R FABEY moved to approve the mJ.nlltes of October ],
].990 as amended, seconded by COMMISSIONER I~LAIR, and carried
f o ~ J ows:
AYN.q: .3 C()MM]SS]ONEiRS: B)air, Fahey, C, biDJ
ABSTAIN: l. COMM [ SS lONERS: Hoaq I. and
GARY THORNHtI,!, advise~ the Commission that t.~ese two items woul. d
be continued to the meetino of November 5, ~990.
CO~[SS[ONER FAHEY moved to continue Substantial. Conformance No. 2,
add Ve.gtlBo Tentative Tract Map No. 23299, to the meeting of
November 5, J.990, ~econded be COMMISSIONER HOAGI,AND, and carried
Blair, Fahey, ~oaGland,
conjunction with VTTM 25004 on project located at
north of Nichol. as Road.
MINUTES 10115/90 -2- 10/24/90
Proposal. to subdivide 4~,4 acres into 1.]5 sincll. e
Joseph Road aooroxi. matol. v I.,000 ~eet. north o~
N~ cbo.tas Ro~d,
OLIVF.3~ MU;}.'I(;A presented the staff report on tb~s
item, ~e reminded staff that this item was continued
from the P)a~n~n~ Comm~,~s~oD meet~na o~ September 27,
!.990, to provide additional. information on the desiqn
CO~4]$$]ON.F3~ :~JOi%GI,AND asked .~f there were any studies
on the impact the French Val. l.e¥ Airport would have on
GARY T%IORNH[,LL stated that the Commission could require
a.n advisory not3 ce to the .~ltllre property owners that they
may be i.moacted by aircraft noise, Assistant CJ.t~
COMM[SSf. ONER HOAGLANO stated that he woul. d like the
~dvJ,~orv ~ot~ce as an addJthoDa] condition.
COM~4[SS[ON,:R C~[N[A~,WF ~uestioned who woul. d construct the
M[DDI,ETON stated t~at the primary access to the project
had discussed with the aDDI. icant bui.[di. nq a secondary
'1.6]. woul. d buit. d t~e improvements over the creek as well.
a,~ the COreD.teflOn O~ M1]rr~eta ~Ot SDr~D~S ~oad.
CO%~MISSIONF, R C}{[N[AF, FF asked who would be maintaining the
[lots Jn the designated ,.qK.~ habitat area. GARY T~.ORNHII,L
stated that if those iota were accepted as dedication
have to maintain it~ however, J.f. it was decided not to
accept the dedication, tlbeD the Iota would have to be
maintained by the ~omeowner's AssociatJ. on as covered in
CoDdJ tJ Or) No. 30,
P}-,ANN]NG (;ON~J,.q,_q'l()N .N]'NI]TES OCTOBER /! 5, .'19.90
COMM[SSION~:R CH[N[A~:[~' c~uestioned the (ocation of the
COMMISSIONER C~(IN[AEFF opened the public hearinc~.
.~tated that they had addressed the issue of the airport
J.~ it is d~t~rmJ. ned that the~ are in the airport ].and
ss we[{. as the ]Department o~ Reat. Estate D{lbl. ic report.
compl. ete the improvements for Assessment District ].6]. and
Winedester ~oad., as we{. {. as the ~rid~e at General ~earn~
aDDl.].cant 1, s aware that ~.~ the Assessment District fails,
that t~e entry monuments fol.{.owed county
aDD(icant would be wi[ [in~ to work with steal and
)ocate the entry monument.
~[,W,T~[~: R¢)(]GS, 30396 Mira I',oma Drive, Temecul. a,
roDresent~ Dc~ the 'Pemecu~ a Va]] eY {]n~ fJ ed Scboo] l)~ strJ ct,
was present to confirm the aDDt. icant's proposal. to the
to ensure the safety of chil. dren waikin~ to school.,
G~.R¥ T[qORN~t.T[~,}, stated f~aT' ,graff wou]d look 3~to a
condition to ensure ~af~ wa{.ki. na ~ath. s are i.m~[emented
habitat area to be used as Dark space. GARY ~HORNHILL
cit~ wide trail. system,
(.'.O~]$$1ONER F;k~IEY auestJoned what wou)d be t.be primary
into the project. JO~N M[~D[,ETON stated that
SDrinfls Road. to Winchester and the project was
coDOJtJoDed ~or secoD0arv ~cces~ a]oDq RJta WaY tbrl~
stated that the network that would tie North Genera[
CO1MM.IS,q.IONER FAB'EY movect to c:{ ose the Dub] ;ic bearinc{
and. adopt the Neqative Peel. arete. on for Vest~.no TenterS. re
Chancle o~ Zone No. .561.{. and approve Vest~.ncI Tenters. re
'I'ract No, 2,5004 subject to the Co.r)dJt.ions o.t APProve)
as subm%tted by staf~ w~.th the foi.!.ow%ncl
add a coDd~t~or) rectu~r~Dcl the project to Go tbrol~c/D the
Droner approval. bfoG. ess ~J~ {.ocated w~.th~.n the area
de,.~cInated by the Airport il',and USe Commission: a CODdJtJOr)
advJ. sJ. nc{ DrosDect~.ve [and owners o{~ the Doss~.b[e noise
GARY q?HORNFII. I,I, added that sai. d not~.ce be incl. uded J.n the
Wb,ite Report by the State Departme.nt ot Real Estate be
incl.~lded in that cond%t~.on as an advisory to the deed
i.n Droxi.mi. tv, the 0epartment of Real. Estate will
~'A~ continued with her motJ. on to i. nct. ude a condi. tion ~or
the ~DD~IjcaDt to work wJtb the Schoo] DJstr~ct aDO the
Enq~.neer~.n~ OeDart~ent to DrovJ. dea sa~e wa].kinq path ~or
ded. i. ea. tion o~ I. ots 1.36, t.3'/, 1.38 and ].40 ~lnJ. mproved and
t.b~ Ouimbv Act Fees to .be paid by the developer: a
condl. tJ. on arranoin~ ~or the mai. ntenanc~ o~ the entry
sta~. The mote. on was seconded by CO~[SSIONER HOAG[,AND.
GARY ~'~ORNBII,I, ouestJoned tDe ma.intenaDce oi the
adjacent to Street "A" (the too o~ [,or ].4].). COgglSSIONER
FA.~EY amended t~e rantie, to inc)ude that the maintenance
o~ the lot sho~li.d be Drovi. ded by the Homeowner's
Association or that this lot be added to )or 335,
whi. chever sta~ d. ecided was most appropriate. GARY
'~omeowners Associ. atJ. on shou}.d be dei. eted. COMM.[SSIONER
PLANNING CO. MN]SS]ON ~]NU')"F.,5 OCTOBER ~! ~, ] 990
Association would remain in the Conditions of. Approval..
'.l~it~e aDDiI ~ cant advJ ned the (IommJ ,.qnJ oD that I,ot /I 36 bad beer)
purchased by t~e county flor t~e comDl. etion of Murrieta Hot
3. nc{.ude an advisory notice statinq t~at [,ot 1.36 only be
exercised by the county and also that the maintenance of
dart of th~ dedication. COMMISSIONER ~OAG!,AND seconded
lot. [own:
<;OM.~ 1 SS ii ONERS:
A B SF.N'J': ]
COMM .l S,,q ] £)N ~;R ,q: Ford
TRACT NO. 25443
ProDo,ha) .for a ]05 uDJt condominium subdJvJsJon oi 7,3)1
acres I. ocated on the south side of Margarita Road, between.
OI,IVER MUJICA provided the staf~f report on this item. He
reminded the Commission tlbat tbJs was a ContJDlled item
f.rom the Commission meetinq on September ].0, 3990, at
sta~fi in addressin~ their concerns rel. atin~ to t. ocation
turn--around, provide a bu~ferin~ wa]. [ and I. andscaDJ. n~
qafed entry as it tel. ares to potential traf~ic Drob].ems.
adeauatel. v addressed. a(t. the issues raised by the
rotation of two Darkinfl spaces at t~e entrance a.(on~ the
ellrye, [He also stated that the Traffic Enfl~Deer bad some
concerns a~out the turn-around radius at the entrance off
JOlqN ~[OI)f,'~,q:ON advi. sed t~e Commi..~si, on o~ tt~e ~oJ.[owi. nq
No, 58, ~.h.e words "to ~onst. ru. ct" del. eted: No, 59, the
a~ded. "Acred. J.t s~81, t. be qJ. ven toward thJ. s developer's
desi, qn and constru. ct.J. on o[ this ~[ash~.nq veJ. l. ow schooJ.
en~i. neer"' and No 66, "240 ~eet o~ lnbolnd amended to
read "~00" add "~1~0
CO~1551ON.P,'.R (;HINJAEFF expressed coDcerD ior the site
vi. sJ. bJ.J.i.t¥ of the ,~J. dewa].k from exiti. nq cars a[onq the
westerly bOl~Ddarv dl~e to the block waJ J , He s11clc~ested
steDT)J. nc! down the wa!.[ as J.t comes up to the sidewalk.
I)AVEO I~'A[JRIA, 41.05 f,a Portai. ada, Carl. shad, represent~.nct
t.he app.~.~caDt addressed some o~ the coDcerDs firore the
Commi. ssi. on. ~e stated that they had ~rovJ. ded a ~0 ~oot
expand that J.~ n~cessarv, ~e i. ndi. cated that the apD.t.%cant
on the curve J.~ possi. bl.e and %hat they cou].d step-down the
vi. si. hi. I. i. tv,
G/~iRY M)%~TJN, MarstaD Deve]opment, 3()6().'1 Cabr.i if ] o,
'?~mecl,ll.a, di. scu. ssed the mod. i.~i. cati. ons made to the project
had pllsb. ed back tb.~ si.x b11i. l.d.i. ngs ].0 feet to allow for a
stated that tde wall. undui. ates ~rom a ~o~.nt o~ 1.0 ~eet
~eet the proPertY [i. ne, to a]. ~ow ~or a catch basi. n, ~e
added that they had provided a areat deal more ]aDdscaDJD~
t ban bad been orqina]. i.v proposed,
the most easterly buj, l. di. nq was too close to the street and
woul~ make the project work better and asked for the
After d.~sc~s,~.~n~ other a)ternat.~ves w.itb the Comm.~ssJon
GARY MAR'PIN aclreed to remove the bu1.~.dinq and re-desiQn
the e~st~r] v oortJ oD o~ the Droiec~ to l~tJ )J ~e some of the
GA.R¥ T}{ORNH]I,L ,~tated that tbJ,~ couJd resu.it Jn a
substantial re-~esiqn an~ requested t~at t~e Co~ission
~ave to br%n~ t~e project back ~or Pl. annJ. n~ Commission
mini.mum set-back of, 30 feet. from Marqarita Road for any
.b~Jd~r)c[ a)o.r)c~ t?)e ea,~terllV bouDc~arv of the project.
COMM. I~SS[()NER ~AHEY indicated t~at previously s~e stronq~¥
are aDDrove~ 91. ans ~or a ~iQber density project and t~e
~ensitv project, s~e would be in ~avor o~ this
COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND moved to clone the Dubl. ic
and adopt the Nec~atJve Dec)aratJo~ ~or Tentative Tract
MaD No. ~5443 and adopt Resolution No, 90- , aDDrov~.nq
Approval provided by sta~ inc[u~inq t~e
modifications: amendments to the Conditions o~ ADDrova)
by the En~J. neerJ. n~ Department; d~Letion o~ one bu~idinq;
the northeasterl.V buit. d. in~: a re-design o~ the ~l. ot DJ. an
spaces on the entrance curve.
that the con~J. tion de[etin~ one buil. din~ wou~l.d set a
jlO0 ltDJt maximum on the project, The motion carried as
~ol. I. ows:
~I,/~NN 1 NG COMM ] S,q I ON M ] NII.~'E,.q
AY~iS: 4 COIqM. [ S$ [ ONERS:
A B,.q F.N'J'
COMM [ SS 11 ON ~';RS:
CO.MM J ,.qS it ONER $:
7. PARC~[, MAP NO. ~fi~39
a '2,08 acre sJ. te Iotated at the southwestert. v corner of
east of Cherr~ Avenue and .Ie~ferson Avenue,
$'.PF, VE JJANN]NO prov]0e0 tlbe staff report on this item.
C¢)MMISS[ONF, R HOAGLAND auesti. oned 'if the parkinc, WaS
,clTW, I/E J[ANNINO stated. that the Darkinc had been
aPproved bY the COllDt¥ add the Traffic Departinept,
GARY 9~'HORN~(I¥,I, ~tated that staff would veri. f%, the
DarJ{JDc~ rec[llJ remeDts wJ tb the ordJr)ar~ce,
COMMISS[ONB;R CH[NIAB;FF opened. th~ pub[i,c heari. nq.
%;]NCF. D~I,¥, iaroo.~stoDe Deve.I oPmeDt, reDres~DtJno the
apDi. icant, stated thei. r concurrence w~.th the ~indings
max%mum ~or t. ha fe~ and whether or not ~taff had. any
,get tJm~ that the ~ee amount WOll]d be deterraiDed.
Mr, I)a].v ~uesti. oned the aPDl. i. cant's abi.].i. tv to
,JOHN M[ODI, ETON stated that the ~ee amount had not
Deen determiDe~ as of vet: bowever, he .~tated that
time per%od for estab(ishin~ the ~ee was not over
add be wol~.td look JDto how far a~to~ Jt was.
OARY ~.HORNt~11~,I, added that the aDpl. J. cant must concur
w~t,b the Conditions o~ ~pDrova] , Once be does
h, J.s obl,~.~at,d to conform to them: however, h, could
COMMISSIONER BLAIR moved to close the Dub(ic hearincl
add adopt the Neoative DecJarat.ioD ~or Parcel Ma~ No,
26~39, adopt Resol. utJ. on No, 90- and approve
APProval. as provJ. ded by staff, seconded by COMMISSIONER
Bl. aJ.r, Fahey, Hoaq].and,
Cb.i nJ aeff
0 COMM [ SS !:ONERS: None
C()~4M I ,.q,.q :[ ONF. R S: Ford
MAP NO, ~4633
t. ocated at the northeast corner of Estero Street and
Orms.h¥ Road,
~{e adv~.sed the Cnmmiss~.on of an addit%opal CondJ. tion,
permi. ts, the ~ol. 11owi. n.o condi. tl. on shai. l, be sati. sfi. ed:
No buJ]dJD~ permit w~) J be ~ssued by the cJtv ~or any
resi. denti. at uni. ts wi. thJ, n the project boundary unti.}. the
comDl. j. ance wi. th pllbJ. i.c ~acJ. i.i. ti. es ~inancJ. nq measures.
The cash sum o~ $300.00 Der up.Jr sba] ] be deposited
wJ. th the cJ. tv as mJ. tiGatJ~on for Pllb].ic ].ibrarV
devil opmeDt ~"
CO. MIW]SSIONF, R }~OAGI,AND rec[uested c] arJ fJ catJ oD of
Condi. tJ. ons No, 35, No. 36 and. No, 37.
MIDDI',F, TON .grated that C',ondJtion No, 35 was
reouest%ng i.mprovements to centerl. j. ne on Ormsby,
No, 36 wa,~ statJno that there wJ]l be Two
driveways and No. 3'/ was remuested so that there
.not be two streets comJDq Jn at to sharp of an
an~ [ e.
.~r~ NJdd[letoD stated tlbe to))owJnq amendments to
the Conditions of. ApProval. s: Condition No, 1.8,
Oual.~.tv~ ~e at. so indicated the applicant had
'l/he applicant wil. [ not benefit ~rom this however,
~ee[s that w~en the proDert~ to the north is
at that time.
this area and. what kind of. t.i. abi.{,i. tv the Ci. tv would
dO}IN ~IIDDI,E.TON stated t.Dat at tbJs time Jt Js Dot
maintained, but is used as a driveway to the D. rooert~
Dorth o~ Jr.
Assistant City AttorDe~ JOHN CA1;;~N]%IIGH a,qked who owDs
the [and, JOt(N M['0'0L.V,'P. ON indicated that the property
was ~edJcated to the col~ntv 1]Dder a Drevjol]s map
however, the county has not accepted the d. edi. catJ. on.
offer not accepted b~ the county, and the city did
{.and. would be the ncopertv owners and therefore the
suggested cond. itioninq the maintenance o~ that t. and
to the property owDer o~ the most westerJv )or JD this
C¢)MMiI$S]¢)N.~iN i[~A~}~¥ suqqested researcb.~Da the matter
f.uture bet.ore maki. ng a decision, JOI{N
to the ].ot.
(,'().~IS$]ON~:.~{ CB']N[!~I~;FF expressed coDtern that this
wag becominq a sub-division and c~uestioned the
PI,ANN'ING C()~l,~SlON }411~{]gt*~,~ OC.TOBF,~ 5! .5, .~ .990
Assistant Ci. tv Attorney JOI{N CAVANAUGH stated that
whether thi. s was Droqressi. ng towards a sub-all. vision.
the applicant and J.~ the~ are stJ.[[ uncertaJ. n, they
could send the proposal back to staff add have them
get title reports on the Dareels and brJ. n~ back to
COMM.]SS.IONE~l~ (;H]N]'AI~;FF opened the Dllb]Jc bearJnc~.
MIKe: BEN~:S~(, Benesh ~]nclineeri. nq, 2..89'1.'1. Front Street,
county had d. eter~J. ned that J.t WaS necessar~ ~or the
for parcel. s 1, and 3, ~e stated that parce].s 2 and 4
COMMISSIONER C~[NIAEFF stated. that he concerned that
the improvements to ()rmsD¥ aD~ Santiago, primary access
i. nto these Dareels, i.s not ao~.n~ to be completed. He
comnl. etJ. ng the ~.mnrovements on Estate Street.
comD[etin~ a[[ the improvements to Estero Street.
JOBN .~:IDI)I,I<'.rON cJ arJ ~1 ed t.nat t.n~ d, ommJ ssJ on was
remlestin~ the aDpt. i. cant to complete the improvement
at Bareel. 2,
MIR.W, RF, N~t$.54 advised that Comm.issJoD that Mr, Paine bad
di. sc~lssed shar~.nq the cost of the 5.mprovements with the
property owner of Parce) ~: bowever, the owner bad Do
Dl. ans at thi. s ti. me for hi.s Property, He added that a
DeFtion of parcel 2 Js JD the proposed ~mprovement
area and they cannot grade on that property.
GARY T~ORN~:!'I,I, stated that if there was a map eminent
on parcel. 2, staff could condJ. tJ. on the other property
owner to compensate Mr. Paine for the improvements.
KNOLl, PA[N~,,, 30222 Cort~ Canters, Tem~cu{.a,
the owner o~ parcel. 4 had aqreed to assist
~or the street ~mDrovements,
JOffN MIOI)I,ETOIt suqclested t.hat the devel. ouer enter into
a reJmbl)rsemeDt aclreemeDt w.it.b the owDers of parcei~ ~
and. Dareel 4 and when those prolaert¥ owners develop
comDensat~ tot any completed improvements,
MR, P~,;INf,; ]Dd~cated aclr~ement with th3s CODCeDt,
COMMISS[ON~;R ["AH'~:¥ moved to ct. ose the 10ub{.i.c hearinq
No. 24633, adogt Resot. l.lti. on No, 90--. and approve
ADDtoYs}. as Drovi. ded by sta~ and amended as
refercboe to SaD ])Jeqo ReGional{ Water Oua]JtV deleted
~rom Condition No, 1.8: Condition No, 20 and No.
~ul.[ improvement o~ ~:stero Street with reimbursement
seconded by COMMISSIONER BI,AIR and carried as ~o].[ows:
B:ta.ir, Pabev, ~)oacl:la~ct,
N()~,S: 0 COMM [ SS I:ONERS: None
A B SEN'.I':
COMM :I ,qS ] ONERS: Ford
¢~'~¥ '.I'}~O:RN:t~JJ,I, discussed the to,t:IowJD~ J terns with
Committee formed for the se.lectJon of a
Genera} Pl. an consul. rant,
to adui. t business nermi. ts,
.~'~,~N~.~¢; (>'(:,)~l,.S,.qlON .~]~U'.I'F.$ OC..?OBER .) b, 5~ 990
Or.di. nance adopted by Ci.t¥ Councit ilor the
Corem%sac. on and C~.tv Counc~.[,
AdvJ,~ed t.ae CommJssJo~ t.bat C,U,P. No. .'1
had been appr.oved by the C~.tv Council. but
PI. annJ. n~ Commiss1. on w~.th I. andscaDe pt. ans
Pr.ovi. ded an examlOl. e of th~ devet. oDment t!,ee
c.~eck) .i st to be iDcluded in each packsole
as r.eouested bv the Ci. ty Counci. l.,
~;O.~IN ¢;AVI~NAI1GH di,~cussed the approval authority
oLin. de w~.th t~e Co~iss~.on. ~ie a[.so exDI. a~.ned t~at
ad. ul.t businesses does not refer to d.i. sta. nces
Drocass for revi. ewinfl the Derm~.ta must be estabti. shed.
CO~M:f$$:~ON~;R (;f:{:~N1A~:)~· bassect out a copy of t.~e ac~eDda
the f,aaclue ot~ Ca[1.1~or.nJ.a C1. t1. es annual. meet1. nc~ at
ADsbeam CoDver)tJ OD Ce.Dter,
COMM[SSr. ONW, R FAHEY ~uesti. oned i.~ a tee!nest f. or
GARY THORNH[L~, stated. t~at t~e Ci. tv
(;OI~l~IS,~[ONER t{OAGI,ANI) asked when out update on the
OeDer'aJ PJ a.r) woll) d octlit,
CO.~It~]$$]ONE}~ .~IOAGI,AND moved to adfiourD the meet.inct at 8:50 P.M.,
seconded bv C,O~4~4I. SS[ON~:R FA~IW, Y and carr.i. ed unanimously,
PJ,ANNi[N(~ CONNJS$]ON ~]N[JTB:,H OCTOBER ] 5 , .3 990
CHAIRMAN OENNT. S CHINIA~;FB' adjourned to a special study qroup
]Drive, Temecu[8, on Mond. av, October ~, 1.990 at 6:00 P.~. The next
wi[ [ be held on Monday, November 5, 1.990, at Vail. Elementary