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The Heart of Southern California
Wine Country
City of Temecula
Community Development Department
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Application for the
2015-2016 Program Year
Submission Deadline
December 12, 2014
5:00 P.M.
City of Temecula
2015-2016 Community Development Block Grant
The following CDBG Application is to be used for the City of Temecula 2015-2016 CDBG
Program Year. This application form is intended for the use by non-profit organizations 301�c)(3)1
and government agencies that will be requesting CDBG funds from the City of Temecula. The City
of Temecula's 2015-2016 CDBG funds will not be available until after September 15, 2015.
SUBMIT: The original hard copy of the complete 2015-2016 CDBG application and an electronic
copy of the application and all attachments in PDF format (email the PDF copy of your full
application to Dana.Weavet&Cityoffemecula.org, or provide a CD or Flash Drive when you
submit the original hard copy; contact Dana Weaver if you are unable to provide a PDF of your
DUE: No later than 5:00 PM on Friday, December 12, 2014, at the following location:
City of Temecula
Attention: Dana Weaver
CDBG Administrator
41000 Main Street
Temecula, CA 92590
(951) 693-3928
Applications received after the above deadline will not be accepted. A complete application
for each activity or project must be submitted by all organizations applying for CDBG funds. All
questions must be answered completely, and all required documentation must be attached. If
additional sheets are required to complete a response, please continue the answer as an attachment.
Attachments to the Application: All applicants must submit a detailed index of all attachments to
the CDBG application. All attachments must be individually tabbed and labeled to correspond to
the specific section of the application. Non-profit organizations are only required to submit one
copy of their Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and current board membership.
Should you require any assistance in completing the application, please attend the Technical
Assistance Workshop. The date and time of the workshop will be announced in November.
If you are unable to attend the Technical Assistance Workshop, you may also contact a CDBG
representative at (951) 693-3928 for assistance completing the application..
At this time, the City of Temecula will utilize a Priority Evaluation and Project Rating System
for all proposals. As part of the review and evaluation process, City staff will review and evaluate all
proposals utilizing the following checklist:
❑ Does the activity address an established need?
❑ Is the proposed activity eligible (24 CFR 570.201) under the CDBG program?
❑ Does the proposed activity meet one of the three broad National Objectives?
■ Principally benefit low and moderate-income persons;
■ Prevents or eliminates slum and blight; or
• Addresses an urgent need or problem in the community.
❑ Has the applicant provided sufficient explanation concerning their ability to adequately and
accurately document the benefit to low and moderate income persons?
D Can the project be implemented and completed within a reasonable amount of time (Public
Service activities 1 year / all other activities 2 years maximum)?
❑ Has the applicant identified all the major tasks or components that will be required in
carrying out the activity?Are there any potential issues or concerns?
❑ Has the applicant provided a reasonable estimate of the resources necessary for each
component of the project, and has it developed a realistic budget that reflects these
resources?Are other sources of funds (leveraging) committed to this project?
❑ Is the proposed budget for the CDBG-funded activity separate from other activities
undertaken by the applicant?
0 Has the applicant ever undertaken the proposed activity before?What were the results?
❑ Does the applicant have experience with CDBG or other Federal programs? Has the
applicant conducted a Single Audit (OMB A-133)within the last two years?
❑ Does the applicant and prospective staff understand the additional requirements associated
with Federal funding?
11 Does the applicant have qualified staff for all the necessary functions associated with the
proposed activity? Is there adequate staff time available?
a Does the applicant possess adequate administrative structures, management systems, and
policies &procedures?
❑ Does the applicant possess adequate financial stability? Will the applicant be overly
dependent upon CDBG funding?
Minimum Activity Funding:
In an effort to ensure effective, efficient, and appropriate allocation and use of CDBG funds, the
City may reject any proposed CDBG activity in an amount less than 1$ 0,000. If selected for funding,
applicant shall follow timeliness standards for contract execution and fund use, or forfeit any and
all funding.
Leverage Funding:
Verification of at least FIVE percent matching funds must be provided prior to the date of the grant
awarded to the grantee. Funds used to match a previous CDBG grant may not be used to match a
subsequent grant award. Applications with zero leverage will be disqualified. Leverage may include,
but limited to Federal, State, local, private, donations, in-kind,volunteer hours at $5.00 hour, etc.
Acquisition of Real Property / Displacement:
NOTE: Any organization considering the submittal of an application for CDBG funds for a project
that involves acquisition of real property and/or the displacement of tenants must consult with the
City p
rior to submitting the application.
2015 - 2016
Applying Entity or Agency:
City: Zip Code:
Mailing Address:
City: Zip Code:
Telephone Number: Fax Number:
Executive Director:
Telephone Number: E-mail:
Program Manager:
Telephone Number: E-mail:
Address (If different from above.-
Grant Writer:
Telephone Number: E-mail:
II. ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY: (This is applicable U1 ifyou are a non profit organization)
Date Organization founded:
Date Organization incorporated as a non-profit organization:
Identification Number:
State Identification Number:
DUNS Number:
Number of paid staff: Number of volunteers-
ATTACH. Current Board ofDirectors(Label as Attachment I.A)
Articles oflncorporation and By-Laws(Label as Attachment LB)
CDBG Funds Requested: $
(Total amount for the project only)
Where will the proposed activity occur (be specific as to the geographic scale of the proposed activity)? If
the project involves a new or existing facility,what is the proposed service/benefit area for the facility?
(Attachment II Project Activity)
❑ Citywide (check if project will serve multiple areas of the city).
Community ies)-'
What area of the City does the activity occur within?
What Census Tract is the activity located within?
NOTE:The City will make the final determination of the appropriate service area of all proposals.
Check ONLY the applicable category your application represents.
❑ Real Property Acquisition
❑ Public Service
❑ Housing
❑ Rehabilitation/Preservation (please provide picture of structure)
❑ Public Facilities Improvements (construction)
❑ Other(provide description)
A. Name of Project:
Specific Location of Project (include street address;if a street address has not been assigned provide APN)
City: Zip Code:
Attach maps ofproposedproject(s)location and service area.
B. Provide a detailed Project Description. The description should only address or discuss the specific
activities, services, or project that is to be assisted with CDBG funds. If CDBG funds will assist
the entire program or activity, then provide a description of the entire program or activity. (Attach
additional sheets if necessary—Attachment III Project Descdpdon)
C. Provide a detailed description of the proposed use of the CDBG funds only (e.g. client
scholarships,purchase a specific piece of equipment,rent, supplies,utilities, salaries,etc.):
D. Outcomes and Performance Measures
Number of clients or units of service to be provided using CDBG funds during the term of the
NOTE.•This is based on the expected number of clients to he served if the City funds your project for the requested
Length of CDBG-funded activities or service (weeks,months,year):
Unduplicated number of clients/persons projected to serve (e.g.,25 clients, 50 seniors):
Units of service (Example: 25 clients x 10 visits = 250 units of service):
Service will be provided to (check one or more):
❑ Men ❑ Women
❑ Children ❑ Men/Women
Range of children's ages:
❑ Men/Women/Children ❑ Families
❑Seniors ❑ Severely Disabled Adults
❑Migrant Farm Workers ❑ Homeless
Number of beds of facility:
Anticipated number of"new"beds:
Length of stay (if residential facility):
E. What are the goals and objectives of the project, service, or activity? How will you measure and
evaluate the success of the project to meet these goals and objectives (measures should be both
qualitative and quantitative)?
F. Discuss how this project directly benefits low-and moderate-income residents.
G. Respond to A& B alyly if this application is for a public service project.
(a) Is this a NEW service provided by your agency? Yes ❑ No ❑
(b) If service is not new,will the existing public service activity level be substantially increased
or improved?
H. What methods will be used for community involvement to assure that all who might benefit from
the project are provided an opportunity to participate?
I. What evidence is there of a long-term commitment to the proposal? Describe how you plan to
continue the work(project) after the CDBG funds are expended?
All CDBG-funded activities must meet at least one of three National Objectives of the CDBG
program. Indicate the category of National Objective to be met by your activity:
CATEGORY 1: Benefit to low-moderate income persons (must be documented).
Please choose either subcategory A, B,or C.
A. Area Benefit:
The project or facility serves, or is available to, all persons located within the City's Low/Moderate
Income Area. Please refer to the City's Low to Moderate Area Map attached as Exhibit A to the
Citizen Participation Plan. If you need assistance in determining the appropriate census data,
please call the City.
Census Tract and block group numbers:
#Total population in Census Tract(s) / block group(s)
#Total low-moderate population in Census Tract(s) / block group(s)
B. Public Service Limited Clientele:
The project serves clientele that will provide documentation of their family size, income, and
ethnici . Identify the procedure you currently have in place to document that at least 51% of the
clientele you serve are low-moderate income persons.
C. Clientele presumed to be principally low- and moderate-income persons:
The following groups are presumed by HUD to meet this criterion.You will be required to submit
a certification from the client (s) that they fall into one of the following presumed
categories.The activity will benefit (check one or more):
❑Abused children ❑Homeless persons
❑Battered spouses ❑ Illiterate adults
❑Elderly persons ❑Persons living with AIDS
❑Severely disabled adults ❑Migrant Farm workers
Describe your clientele to be served by the activity,
CATEGORY 2: Prevention or Elimination of Slums and Blight: The proposed project or
activity must directly benefit an identified slum and blighted area.
Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes, attach map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area
(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific
redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. (Label as Attachments:IV Category
2, Exhibit 1, 2, etc.)NOTE: this National Objective Category m ust be approved by the City in
writing prior to the submittal ofyour application.
CATEGORY 3: Documented Health or Safety Condition of Particular Urgency:
Condition shall have been of recent (18 months) origin and must be designated by the City Council.
Provide documentation which demonstrates the health or safety condition has existed within the
previous 18 months. (Label as Attachments: V Category 3, Exhibit 1, 2, etc.) NOTE.• this
National Objective Category must be approved by the City in writing prior to the submittal of
your application.
A. Proposed Project Budget
Complete the following annual program budget to begin July 1, 2015. If your proposed CDBG-funded
activity will start on a date other than July 1, 2015, please indicate starting date. If these budget line
items are not applicable to your activity, please attach an appropriate budget.. Provide total Budget
information and distribution of CDBG funds in the proposed budget.
The budgeted items are for the activity for which you are requesting CDBG funding - not for the
budget of the entire organization or agency.
(EXAMPLE:The Malley Senior Center is requesting funding of a new Senior Nutritional Program. The total cost of
the program is$15,000. A total of$10,000 in CDBG funds is being requested for operating expenses associated with
the proposed activity. Other non-CDBG funding will be used to pay pick-up the remaining costs for the program).
(Include CDBG Funds) REQUESTED
I. Personnel
A. Salaries &Wages $ $
B. Fringe Benefits $ $
C. Consultants &Contract Services $ $
II. Non-Personnel
A. Space Costs $ $
B. Rental,Lease or Purchase of $ $
C. Consumable Supplies $ $
D.Travel $ $
E. Telephone $ $
F. Other Costs $ $
III.Architectural/Engineering Design $ $
IV.Acquisition of Real Property $ $
V. Construction/Rehabilitation $ $
VI. Indirect Costs $ $
B. Leveraging
Identify other funding sources (commitments or applications) from other sources to assist in the
implementation this activity. Attach current evidence of commitment (Attachment VI-A,
Exhibits 1, 2, etc.). If commitments are pending, indicate amount requested and attach
documentation regarding previous year's funding.
Funding Amount Date Type of
Source Requested Available Commitment
C. Provide a summary by line item of your organization's previous year's income and expense
statement (Attachment VI-B,Exhibits 1, 2, etc.).
D. If the project benefits residents outside the City's jurisdiction have requests been submitted to
those other jurisdictions? Yes ❑ No❑
If yes,identify sources and indicate outcome.
If no,please explain
E. Was this project previously funded with CDBG funds? Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes,when?
Is this activity a continuation of a previously funded (CDBG) project? Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes,explain:
A. Describe your organization's experience in managing and operating project or activities funded
with CDBG or other Federal funds. Include within the description a resource list (partnerships) in
addition to the source and commitment of funds for the operation and maintenance of the
Source Activity Year Allocation Amount
B. Management Systems
Does your organization have written and adopted management systems (i.e., policies and
procedures) including personnel, procurement, property management, record keeping, financial
management, etc.?
C. Capacity
Please provide the names and qualifications of the person(s) that will be primarily responsible for
the implementation and completion of the proposed project. Provide a detailed organizational
chart (Attachment VII-A,Exhibits 1,2, etc.).
D. Should the applying entity be awarded CDBG funds, please identify the primary project
objectives and goals using an Estimated Timeline for Project Implementation:
Undersigned hereby certifies that (initial after reading each statement and sign the document);
1. The information contained in the project application is complete and accurate.
2. The applicant agrees to comply with all Federal and City policies and requirements imposed
on the project funded in full or part by the CDBG program.
3. The applicant acknowledges that the Federal assistance made available through the CDBG
program funding will not be used to substantially reduce prior levels of local, (NON-CDBG)
financial support for community development activities.
4. The applicant fully understands that any facility built or equipment purchased with CDBG
funds shall be maintained and/or operated for the approved use throughout its economic
5. If CDBG funds are approved, the applicant acknowledges that sufficient funds are available
or will be available to complete the project as described within a reasonable timeframe.
6. On behalf of the applying organization, I have obtained authorization to submit this
application for CDBG funding. (DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED Minute Action
and/or written Board Approval signed by the Board President)..
Print Name/Title
Authorized Representative:
Applicant's Check-list:
The following required documents listed below have been attached. Any missing documentation to the
application will be cause for the application to be reviewed as INELIGIBLE.
❑ ❑ 1. Board of Directors
❑ ❑ 2. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
❑ ❑ 3. Project Activity Map
❑ ❑ 4. Project Description
❑ ❑ 5. Project Benefit,Category 2.Slum Blight Documentation
❑ ❑ 6. Project Benefit,Category 3, Urgency
❑ ❑ 7. Leveraging
❑ ❑ 8. Income and Expense Statement
❑ ❑ 9. Management Capacity
❑ ❑ 10. Board Written Authorization approving submission of application