HomeMy WebLinkAbout012797 PC Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 27, 1997 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Planning Commission was called to order on Monday, January 27, 1997, 6:03 P.M., at the City of Temecula Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Chairman Fahey presiding. PRESENT: Fahey, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster ABSENT: None Also present were Community Development Director Gary Thomhill, Principal Engineer Ron Parks, Assistant City Attorney Rubin D. Weiner, and Minute Clerk Pat Kelley. PUBLIC COMMENT~ Chairman Fahey called for public comments on non-agenda items. Wayne Hall, 42131 Agena Street, Temecula complimented the Planning Commission and the City Council on the good job they have been doing to make this city number one (1) in the state. COMMISSION RUS1NK~S 1. Approva! of Agenda It was moved by Commissioner Slaven and seconded by Commissioner Webster to approve the agenda. AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 The motion carried as follows: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: Approval of Minutes Fahey, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster None None January 6, 1997 Minutes It was moved by Commissioner Slaven and seconded by Commissioner Webster to approve the minutes of January 6, 1997, with the following amendment: Page 2, Item 4, "...represented one of the adjacent property owners..." The motion carried as follows: R: \ PLANCOMM\MINUTES\I 997 \ 1-27- 97. WPD 3/4/97 vgw 1 PT,:i~INTNG CO}fi~TSSTON ~']~lqUJ~Y ~7, 1997 Chairman Fahey opened the public hearing at 7:14 PM. Wayne Hall, 42131 Agena Street, Temecula, representing the First Baptist Church, stated they are opposed to this amendment as fortune telling activities seem to be located next to undesirable businesses and a criminal-type element. Chairman Fahey closed the public comment section at 7:18 PM. Mr. Weiner requested amendment of the Land Use Matrix for the Old Town Specific Plan, page 3-18, and Section 3 of the Ordinance to include psychic/fortune telling in the permitted activities. It was moved by Commissioner Webster and seconded by Commissioner Miller to adopt Resolution No. 974)02 recommending approval by the City Council of Planning Application No. PA97-003 and Planning Application No. PA97-0016 (Development Code Amendment and Old Town Specific Plan Amendment) with the proposed modifications based upon the analysis and findings contained in the staff report, and to close the public hearing. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: Fahey, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster COMMISSIONERS: None COMMISSIONERS None Chairman Fahey called for a recess at 7:21 PM. Chairman Fahey reconvened the meeting at 7:29 PM. Planning Application No. PA96-0293 (Development Plan, Southwest Comer of Pauba Road and Marg3rita Road) Associate Planner Matthew Fagan presented the staff report. He reported additional Conditions of Approval were received from the Community Services District, which will be attached as an exhibit, and the Department of Public Works have added the following conditions: Under the section "Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits": o Design and install a traffic signal at the intersection of Margarita Road and Pauba Road in accordance with City standards including provisions for the interconnect. o Add to Condition 60, The developer is eligible for credit for regional signal facilities installed by him/her. Under "Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits": o The traffic signals at Margarita Road and Pauba Road shall be installed and operational. R:\PLANCOMM\MINUTES\1997\l-27-97.WPD 2/25/97 vqw 5 ~T.;~i'~T~G (~O~41~TBBTON ~,]~!J'~.R¥ ~7, '~ 997 Commissioner Webster asked if there was a condition requiring a sign program and Mr. Fagan replied Condition 15 addresses signs. Commissioner Slaven asked if Condition 6A and Condition 15 were contradictory. Mr. Fagan stated 6A limits what they can do for the sign program and its intent is one business with three (3) suites would not have three (3) signs. Commissioner Miller questioned the left-turn pocket on Margarita Road shown on the exhibits when the staff report mentioned only right in/right out turns will be allowed. Mr. Parks stated there is a full median on Margarita Road and the exhibit shown tonight is predicated on a full signalization at the Margarita Road/Pauba Road intersection which must be operational before left turns will be allowed at that location. Commissioner Miller mentioned it appears the building's back will face the front of a building on the NC-zoned .property to the west of this project. Mr. Fagan stated there is really only one way to layout the site and the intent is for the rears of the two buildings to face each other. Commissioner Miller asked what mitigation is being incorporated to make the project compatible with existing land use in the vicinity. Mr. Fagan answered reduction of the building size from the previously approved project, and compliance with the California Business and Professions Code and the City's Development Code in regards to applicant acquiring the necessary entitlements to sell alcohol. Commissioner Miller asked if there is a condition for special lighting to reduce bright lights shining into residences. Mr. Fagan stated lighting was not addressed. Commissioner Slaven asked about the height of the property after grading. Mr. Parks stated the grading plans indicate it will be 4 to 5 feet above the Pauba Road/Margarita Road intersection Chairman Fahey opened the public hearing at 7:58 PM. Chairman Fahey reported she had a telephone conversation with larry Markham, applicants' representative, regarding circulation, grading and compatibility with neighbors. Commissioner Slaven reported meeting with Larry Markham and reviewing the plans and discussed general concerns of the owner and residents. Commissioner Miller reported he met with Larry Markham and reviewed the plans. Commissioner Soltysiak reported he met with Larry Markham and reviewed the plans. Larry Markham, 41750 Winchester Road, Suite L, Temecula, representing the applicant, stated they concur with the additional conditions proposed by the Community Services District and the Department of Public Works. He clarified the improvement plans provide for a protected left-turn-in-only into the site off Margarita Road and does not see any condition to preclude such a turn. He mentioned the hill R:\PLANCOMM\MINUTES\1997\l-27-97.WPD 2/25/97 vgw 6 l)'l',l~tl'lqTlqG (~OMI~TBBTON ~21~TU2B~¥ 27, '1997 will be cut down to make it more compatible with Pauba and Margarita Roads. He clarified Condition 6 dictates where the signs can be located, not the type; Condition 36 requires all lighting be directed downward so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way and the lights will meet Mr. Palomar low pressure sodium requirements. Chairman Fahey inquired about having landscape areas in the excess parking spaces and expressed concern about parking spaces 10 and 12 presenting a safety hazard. Mr. Markham stated parking was dictated by the request from Public Works that the access points be as far away from the intersection as possible and parking spaces 10 and 12 can be eliminated. Commissioner Soltysiak asked about the Community Services District No. 3 condition relating to the trail. Mr. Markham replied the CSD trail has been provided for and even though dedication has not been secured further south, the developer will not put any signs or trees in the path, but will plant turf. Art Pelka, 43185 Margarita Road, Temecula, presented a copy of a petition signed by 1,024 Temecula residents opposing this project which will be presented to the City Council. He asked the Commission to deny this project. Jon Hoxter, 31249 Sierra Bonita, Temecula, read the above-mentioned petition into the record. He also stated his opposition to the project. Commissioner Slaven questioned where and how the signatures were acquired for the petition. Mr. Hoxter replied signatures were gathered by many people at the Lucky and Target shopping centers, and in surrounding neighborhoods. He stated some of the people signing the petition do not live in the project area, but their children attend the high schools and/or participates in activities at the Sports Park. Richard Racicot, 31320 Corte Rimola, Temecula, stated he is not opposed to the NC zoning, but believes the building is totally out of scale, is not taking the canyon-view into consideration, and does not relate to surrounding architecture. He recommended a cross section through the street and property be done to show the grade elevation. Commissioner Slaven asked Mr. Racicot for his suggestions on the design. Mr. Racicot replied breaking up the long roof would help and needs a more residential feel similar to the fire station and recreation center. Roi Nieto, 43198 Corte Almonte, Temecula, stated he is opposed to the project as there is significant commercial area within a couple of miles -- Rancho CalifomiaJ Margarita Road and Margarita Road/Hwy 79S. Kandi Nieto, 43198 Corte Almonte, Temecula, stated ten (10) years from now, original businesses will have left and then undesirable activities will come into a family-oriented area. Larry Markham reiterated this is not a zoning issue, but a site plan proposal which is in compliance with the Development Code and applicant has agreed to everything staff has requested. R:\PLANCOMM\MINUTES\1997\l-27-97.WPD 2/25/97 v~w 7 P!.ANNTNG COMMTSSTON JANUARY ~7, !997 Commissioner Webster asked the reasons for this particular design. Mr. Markham replied the site limits dictated the design; staff asked for the tower, additional articulations to the front and back; and there are not any lots which will look down on the roof. Chairman Fahey stated it appears the architectural enhancements were added to soften the strip mall appearance. Mr. Markham answered this is a long, slender site and the building has been broken up by the tower features, added awnings, trellises, trees and tile, and the rear set- back. Chairman Fahey closed the public comment section at 8:40 PM. Commissioner Webster commented: there is no pending City Council zoning approval to hold up a decision on this project; he personally is satisfied with the architecture -- the towers break up the roof pattern, and the scale is consistent with other buildings in the area; grading is appropriate and the higher lots to the south are not aesthetically impacted; he agrees with eliminating parking spaces 10 and 12; has no problem with the dedicated left-turn; wants denser (evergreen and deciduous) tree plantings along the top of the slope on the south and west sides; a mix of tree sizes throughout the project; and asked staff to make a diligent effort to ensure there is a balance between too much and too little light. Commissioner Slaven stated her comments: a NC designation is not downzoning, due to the location of the property; the developer is aware of the concerns of the residents and something more than a redesign of a previously presented strip mall could have been presented; adding a tower seems to be the standard creative architectural answer and is not appropriate for this corner; she disagrees with the findings that the overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare because the potential uses are primarily for the profitability of the developer as it would be difficult to operate a business here that did not sell alcohol; she agrees the architectural design was done for the developer's profitability and not compatibility with the neighborhood community. Commissioner Miller stated: the structure should have a more residential appearance; he cannot support a strip mall that is not designed more to fit into its location; he feels the mitigation measures do not make this project compatible with the neighboring land use. Chairman Fahey's comments were: this location needs to be commercial; she does not like the design because the tile line and the identical shape and size of entrances accentuate the building length and strip mall look; this unique location requires distinctive treatment; i.e, separate-appearing, but connected buildings; excess parking spaces could become gathering places; the turrets do break up the building, but should be tapered or varied; architecture should blend with surrounding buildings; additional landscape enhancements; cutting back on square footage and building length would be helpful; vary front features for character. She said in the past staff had one or two commissioners' review preliminary plans, which might also work for this project. Commissioner Webster remarked he could see shortening the building about 30 feet, but could not support separate buildings due to site constraints, security problems, and cost. R:\PLANCOMM\MINUTES\1997\l-27-97.WPD 2/25/97 vgw ~ ~T.~N)TT~TG CO~l~T88TO)T J2~TU~R¥ ~7, 1997 Mr. Thomhill stated there are constraints on this project due to the law suit; but it is his opinion that the developer can do more with this site. He mentioned the Bonsall Shopping Center as a good design example which has some of the amenities be suitable for this location; i.e., gathering places, benches, etc. Mr. Thornhill suggested the applicant come back with conceptual, sketched designs rather than formal drawings. Commissioner Miller asked if the Commission should consider law suit ramifications in making a decision and Mr. Weiner replied, the Commission should only consider the application before it. Commissioner Slaven suggested the applicant should work closely with Mr. Thornhill, who can represent the Commission. Mr. Markham's response to the Commissioner's comments were: there are limited modifications that can be made to the site; parking spaces can be eliminated; pads can be offset somewhat for architectural interest; gathering places and more landscaping can be added; a gazebo area created; a couple of features added to the roof structure; there are security concerns with separate buildings; and rear access is to address fire department concerns. He suggested the possibility of an ad hoc committee made up of a couple of Commissioners and staff members to consider design features. It was moved by Commissioner Slaven and seconded by Commissioner Miller to continue this matter to the February 24, 1997 meeting. The motion carded as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 1 ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: Fahey, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak COMMISSIONERS: Webster COMMISSIONERS None Commissioners Slaven and Webster agreed to work with staff on this matter. Mr. Weiner cautioned Commissioners to report any contact they have with this applicant at the next meeting. PLANNING MANAGER'S REPORT Planning Manager Debbie Ubnoske stated the Commission members can attend a day session of the Planners Institute and asked them to let her or Valerie Wimberly know before February 1, 1997. PLANNING COMMISSION DI~qCUSSION Commissioner Webster asked about the two public heatings regarding 1) Enterprise Rental Cars in the Winchester Square Shopping Center, requesting outside storage of rental cars and 2) the proposed restaurant on Lyndie l_ane. Mr. Fagan replied Enterprise would park about 20 cars in the rear of the Center. Mr. Thornhill stated retail trucks are not allowed to be located at the Center. Mr. Fagan replied the restaurant will be located off Lyndie Lane, north of the vet building with a driveway and parking spaces between the two buildings. R: \PLANCO~\MINUTES\1997\l-27-97.WPD 2/25/97 vgw 9 9T.~TNG CO]4~TBBTON J~U~R¥ 97. 1997 Mr. Webster pointed out a lot of sediment has been left on the streets, especially on Winchester Road by the Rancho California Water District. Mr. Parks replied the situation will be investigated. Commissioner Miller asked about the status of the Unocal situation and Ms. Ubnoske stated she has not had an opportunity to review the site and will have a report at the February 27, 1997 meeting. Commissioner Miller asked about the radio tower erected on the Lynder Building which was suppose to be covered. Mr. Hogan replied work is still going on and the new screening mechanism will blend with the existing screeIl. Commissioner Miller asked what happened to the trees along the freeway. Mr. Thornhill replied a number of property owners petitioned Caltrans to replace the eucalyptus trees, and they agreed to plant lower canopy-type, appropriate species. Mr. Thornhill announced a Liveable Community Workshop will be held in this area by Local Government Commission, a group from the Bay Area, promoting the human element in planning. He encouraged each commissioner to attend. Commissioner Slaven mentioned it is not easy for most commissioners to attend weekday events; it would be great to have seminars/workshops on Saturdays. Commissioner Miller mentioned the attorney from Riverside who discussed the Brown Act and how it relates to public officials' made statements which differ from his understanding of City policy. Mr. Weiner stated the best policy is to have all testimony given in a public hearing so everyone in opposition believes all arguments can be countered. He recommended not speaking to applicants about a public hearing project outside of the hearing; but if it happens, a commissioner should make certain everything that might be relevant is made public. He has drafted a letter for the City Council and will see that each Commissioner gets a copy. Chairman Fahey and Commission Miller stated guidance is needed from the City Council as they believe the Council expects flexibility. Mr. Thomhill mentioned Councilmember Roberts has proposed a joint workshop and this would be an excellent subject. He asked the Commission give him any other topics, i.e., communications, directions, etc, they would like discussed. It was moved by Commissioner Slaven and seconded by Commissioner Miller to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 PM. The motion was unimously carried. The next meeting will be held February 24, 1997, at 6:00 P.M. at the Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary R:\PLANCOl~q\MINUTES\1997\l-27-97.WPD 2/25/97 vgw 10