HomeMy WebLinkAbout090897 PC MinutesMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 CAIJ. TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular session at 6:03 P.M., on Monday, September 8, 1997, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROIJ. CAIJ, Present: Commissioners Guerriero, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, and Chairwoman Fahey. Absent: None. Also Present: Planning Manager Ubnoske, Principal Engineer Parks, Attorney Estrada, Associate Planner Donahoe, Assistant Planner Anders, and Minute Clerk Ballreich. PUBLIC COMM'ENTg None. COMMISSION BUSINF. qS 1. APPROVAl, OF AGENr}A MOTION: Commissioner Slaven moved for the approval of the Agenda as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guem'ero and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. R:~PLANCO~SX1997k9-8-97.WPD 11/19/97 vgw 2 PURI,IC HEARING ITEMS 2. PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA97-0174 (DF, VFJ,OPMENT PIAND Planning Commition consideration of a request to construct two office and manufacturing buildings totaling 13,108 square feet. RECOMMENDATION To adopt the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. 07-0174; To adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Progrsm for P!anninE Application No. 9%0174; To Adopt Resolution No. 97-020 approving PlanninE Application No. 97-0174 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the Conditions of Approval. Commissioner Miller advised that he would be abstaining with regard to this request. As per the Commission's direction to staff at the August 18, 1997, Planning Commission meeting, Assistant Planner Anders advised that staff had met with the applicant in order to address the Commission's concerns with regard to the architectural compatibility (overall design, colors, materials) of the proposed buildings with the neighboring, existing buildings, noting that alternative design options were discussed. After additional review of the City-wide Design Guidelines, Development Code, and General Plan, it was determined by staff that the proposed design would be consistent with those guidelines. Although the applicant had considered a color change to a more earth tone color, Assistant Planner Anders stated that it was the applicant's determination that the earth tone colors would not integrate well with the company's lapis blue signage; therefore, the applicant has requested that the Planning Commission approve the request as originally proposed. Because of his inability to attend this evening's Commission meeting, Assistant Planner Anders informed the Commissioners that Mr. Joe Kuebler (representing the six property owners of the buildings located to the east and across the street of the subject site) expressed opposition to the proposed project based on architectural design. In response to Chairwoman Fahey, Assistant Planner Anders reviewed those elements of the City-wide Design Guidelines as well as the General Plan with which the proposed project is compatible. RSPLANCO~S\1997k9-g-97.WPD 11/19/97 vgw 3 Planning Manager Ubnoske advised that neither the General Plan nor the City-wide Design Guidelines include specific language which address compatibility with surrounding developments. Echoing Assistant Planner Anders' comments, Mr. Lon Bike, 14 Hughes Street, Irvine, architect representing the applicant, reiterated efforts undertaken by the applicant to address the Commission's concern with regard to compatibility but reemphasized the applicant's opinion that any change to the proposed design would negatively detract from the desired hi-tech appearance which would accurately portray the business. Therefore, Mr. Bike requested the Commission's approval as submitted. Commissioner Slaven noted that the Commission, at its August 18, 1997, Commission meeting continued this request in order to give the applicant the ability to address the Commission's concern with regard to compatibility of the proposed buildings with the neighboring, existing buildings and to propose adjustments necessary to mitigate this concern. Commissioner Slaven stated the proposed landscaping (24.16 percent) for the subject site does not meet the requirement of 25 percent. Referencing the August 18, 1997, Commission meeting, Commissioner Soltysiak noted that the Commission primarily discussed and relayed concern with regard to the architectural appearance of the building to the back, noting that the front building (visible from Ridge Park Drive) depicts more architectural detail. Mr. Bike, in response to Commissioner Soltysiak, reviewed the architectural elements of the front and back buildings and clarified why the proposed landscaping will be slightly below the 25 percent requirement, noting the following: Installation of a sidewalk along Ridge Park Drive, as required by the City, requires the applicant to comply with the State accessibility law as well as Federal ADA requirements, which necessitated the installation of a sidewalk along the side of the access drive; that if the sidewalk to the side were converted to landscaping, the project would slightly exceed the 25 percent requirement; On-site access between buildings is required by State law. In light of the existing Industrial Design Guidelines which indicate that architectural appearance should be considered as secondary to other issues, Commissioner Guerriero viewed the proposed project as one which will be compatible with the surrounding area. In light of Mr. Bike's explanation with regard to landscaping, Commissioner Soltysiak expressed no concern with the project not meeting the 25 percent landscaping requirement. R:~PLANCOMM~IINI3TE $\ 1907~9- 8-97.WPD 11/19/97vgw 4 Although the proposed buildings will not be compatible with the existing buildings, Chairwoman Fahey noted that, in her opinion, the existing buildings are not compatible with the City's new design guidelines; reiterated that architectural appearance should be considered as secondary to other issues; and relayed her support of the request. MOTION: Commissioner Soltysiak moved for the approval of PA97-0174 as recommended and conditioned by staff. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote reflected approval as follows: AYES: 3 Commissioners Guerriero, Soltysiak, and Chairwoman Fahey. NOES: 1 Commissioner Slaven. ABSTAIN: 1 Commissioner Miller. e PI.ANNING APPLICATION NO. PA9%0149. (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 53371 - REVI~ED) PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA97-0143 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 9.859.6) PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA9%0144 (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. ~.848~ PLANNINC. APPLICATION NO. PA9%0160 (.AM-ENDMENT NO. 3 TO SPF. C1FIC PLAN NO. !99~ PLANNING APPI.ICATION NO. PA97-0161 (GENERAl, PI.AN AMENDMENT) PI.ANNINC~ APPLICATION NO. PA9%0~04 LAM1ZNDMENT AND RF~TATF. MENT OF DEVEI.OPMENT AGREEMENT FOR ,~PECIFIC PI.AN NO. 199, VILLAGE A} RECOMMENDATION To make a Determination of Consistency with a project for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was previously certified and f'mdings that a subsequent EIR is not required; To adopt Resolution No. 97-021, 97-022 and 9%026 recommending the City Council approve Planning Application Nos. PA9%0161 (General Plan Amendment), PA97-0160 (Amendment No. 3 to Specific Plan No. 199), and PA97-0204 (Amendment and Restatement of Development Agreement for Specific Plan No. 199, Village respectively, based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report; and R:XPLANCOMlvlXMINLrlZ S\ 1997L9-8 -97. WPD 11/19/97 vgw 5 To adopt Resolution No. 97-027 through No. 97-029 approving Planning Application Nos. PA97-0142 (Tentative Tract Map No. 23371 - Revised), PA97-0143 (Tentative Tract Map No. 28526), and PA97-0144 (Tentative Tract Map No. 28482) respectively, subject to the Conditions of Approval. By way of overheads, Project Planner Donahoe reviewed the staff report (as per written material of record), highlighting the applicant's desire to change the originally proposed density, reducing the overall dwelling units by 125 units; to reduce the amount of commercial use (7.5 acres) by eliminating a currently proposed commercial site at the northwest corner of Rancho California Road and Meadows Parkway; and to construct a public park (12.5 acres - with lighted softball field) at the southwest corner at La Serena Way and Meadow Parkway. Further addressing the proposed changes and amendments, Planner Donahoe noted the following: that the 12.5 acre park would be constructed to TCSD standards; would be dedicated to TCSD; and would be maintained by TCSD; that any proposed roadway revisions (public or private) have been reviewed by the City Engineer and were deemed adequate; that the marquee monumentation (advertising to be limited) would be placed at Margarita/Rancho California Roads; that architectural appearance of the Village has been changed from Spanish Mediterranean to California Spanish; that a higher density is being proposed for Planning Area No. 42 [existing density range 7 - 12 du/ac -- proposed 11.99 du/ac (multi-family development)], noting that a formal design has not been submitted and that without the submittal of a separate Development Plan, this area would be limited to detached single-family houses on each of the 15 lots; that the perimeter slopes will be maintained by TCSD and that the interior will be maintained by the Homeowners Association; that the current owner has had to work with several physical constraints to the site such as grading, completed by the previous owner; Metropolitan Aqueduct lines traversing the site; and previously located and developed streets, drainage facilities, and water lines; RSPLANCO~S\1997~9-8-97.WPD 11/19/97 vgw 6 that in several areas proposed lots will exceed the City's maximum length-to-width ratio of 2:1 (Ordinance No. 460); that because previously approve Tentative Tract maps granted a waiver from the length-to-width requirement, the applicant is requesting same consideration; that the applicant has agreed to provide rear and side yard fencing; that because of the minimum back-up area necessary for tun-in style garages, it is recommended that this option only be offered for those lots with a 45' minimum width; that the existing smaller water tank, located on the east side of Meadow Parkway, is a storage tank for reclaimed water and that the larger tank is for portable water; With regard to the noise concern expressed by the La Serena Homeowners Association, Commissioner Guerriero expressed difficulty understanding what in this project could result in an unacceptable decibel level. Chairwoman Fahey suggested that staff review the minutes from the time this request was originally discussed, in order to address the Homeowners Associations' noise concern. Project Planner Donahoe referenced Condition No. 14 of PA97-0143 (acoustical analysis) and suggested that any specific area of concern with regard to noise could be included in this study. Having earlier expressed a concern with regard to the stability of the existing water tanks, Commissioner Guerriero expressed appreciation to staff for the quick response to this issue and reiterated concern as to the stability of these tanks in the event of a disaster as well as sabotage and the impact this could have on the surrounding homes. In response to Commissioner Guerriero's concern, City Engineer Parks advised that although such a disaster could be damaging, the quantity of water could be handled and would probably not damage any homes. Commissioner Guerriero expressed pleasure with the plans to construct landscaped medians. Because the overall density of the project has been decreased, City Engineer Parks, advised that no new traffic analysis has been completed; that although the development of the mall was not considered in the original traffic analysis nor was the Walcott Corridor or the connection of Calle Medusa to Nicolas Road; that the originally prepared traffic analysis adequately addresses the subject site; and that the potential traffic impact from the proposed R:%PLANCOMMYMINIYrES\I ~-8-97.~D 11/19/97 vgw 7 project will be less than what was originally proposed. City Engineer Parks noted adequate traffic circulation has been proposed to accommodate the additional 175 multi-family housing units with Project Planner Donahoe reiterating that the overall dwelling units for this project will decrease by 125 units. With regard to one of recommended amended conditions (copies submitted to the Commissioners) relative to the submittal of the landscaping plan, Commissioner Soltysiak suggested that to discourage any delay, this condition be amended to read as follows:" ...prior to the issuance of precise grading permits..." City Engineer Parks clad fled the intent of the condition, noting it would be staff's desire to obtain the landscaping plan prior to the submittal of the precise grading plan. Mr. Barry Burnell, T & B Planning Consultants, 3242 Halladay, Suite 100, Santa Ana, representing the applicant, concurred with the recommended amended conditions of approval including the comment made by Commissioner Soltysiak; advised that if the number of permissible units (as per the General Plan) were to decrease, as per choice by the developer, the proposed size (12.5 acres) of the park would decrease as well in size. He provided clarification with regard to Condition No. 19 (bike lanes and recreational trails), noting that such trails would only be provided on the periphery of the subject site. He also advised that a copy of the CC&R's has been submitted; that the applicant has complied with Condition No. 1 ld; and, therefore, the condition should be deleted. He noted that the traffic analysis considered the proposed multi-family housing; that a completed noise analysis would not indicate an adverse impact as a result of this project, that landscaping would further create a buffer and, thereby further attenuate a noise concern; that the proposed marquee will not be an electrical sign and the message would be interchangeable by way of letters. With regard to the marquee, Commissioner Slaven suggested the use of a locked device to ensure the security of the letters. Chairwoman Fahey commended staff and the applicant on a well-organized presentation. Echoing Chairwoman Fahey's comment, Commissioner Slaven expressed with the removal of the commercial use, the construction of a park, the lowering of the overall density and expressed support of the construction of multi-family units. MOTION: Commissioner Slaven moved to close the public hearing and to approve the request as recommended and conditioned by staff, including the amendment with regard to the submittal of the landscaping plan (as suggested by Commissioner Soltysiak). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. R:XPLANCO~S\1997~9-8-97.WPD 11/19/97 vgw 8 A representative from McMillin and Company extended appreciation to staff for their efforts with regard to this request and thanked the Planning Commissioners for their approval of the project. PLANNING MANAGER'S REPORT In response to a previously noted concern by Commissioner Slaven with regard to the deletion of handicapped parking spaces because of parking lot restriping, Planning Manager Ubnoske advised that the loss of handicapped spaces is a concern to staff and requested that Commissioner Slaven submit her concern in writing and that staff would follow up on the matter. She advised Code Enforcement to investigate Commissioner Miller's concern regarding trash bins being inappropriately used for storage bins (behind the theaters in the Town Center); after which, it was determined that a Code Violation does exist. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Miller commented on the number of vending machines displayed outside of the new Albertson's (SR 79) and noted how such machines detract from the overall appearance of the store and also commented on the number of plants that are displayed in front of the Payless Drugstore. With the passage of the new Sign Ordinance, Commissioner Miller questioned whether any measures were available, which could permanently remove the display of a truck located on Jefferson Avenue -- visible from the freeway, advertising a moving company (Two Men will move you). Commissioner Soltysiak informed staff that some street names referenced in Agenda Item No. 3 were redundant to already existing street names. Chairwoman Fahey advised that she would not be able to attend the September 15, 1997, Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 7:30 P.M., Chairwoman Fahey formally adjourned the Planning Commission meeting to Monday, September 15, 1997, at 6:00 P.M. /Linda Fahey, Chairwoman [ Planning Manager Ubnoske R:~PLANC OMMkMINIJrF~\1997LO- g -97.WPD 11/19/97 vgw 9