HomeMy WebLinkAbout032090 CC AgendaTmfB~'"ULIL (:ZT~ (~OUI~ZL & RBGULILR IBBTZII'G If]LRC~ ~0; 3,990 !~ext in Order: Ordinance: No. 90-05 Resolution: No. 90-28 4:~3G, L TO ORDBR: Invocation: Flag Salute: Pastor Peter Molster Church of Christ Birdsall, Lindemarts, Moore, Mufioz, Parks PRO~LIM~TZONB 1. Proclaiming April 28, 1990 "Health Fair Expo Day" in Temecula PUBLZC CC)M!iBIITB A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that a~e not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink ,"Request To Spe~k- form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state y~ur name and address. For all other agenda items a ,,Request To Speak,, form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. ~)NSRNT ~LFdDAR NOTICB TO THB PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 2/agen~320~O I 03/15/90 w4 nutes RECOMMENDATION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Approve minutes of February 20, 1990 as mailed. Approve minutes of February 27, 1990 as mailed. Approve minutes of March 3, 1990 as mailed. o lf:LnaX Tr&ot~ I(ap 19872 A sub~ivision consisting of 55 lots, Road and east of Rainbow Canyon Road. RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 located south of Pala Approve Final Tract Map 19872 0 y4nal Tract Map X9872-5 A subdivision consisting of 61 lots, located south of Pala Road and east of Rainbow Canyon Road. RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve Final Tract Map 19872-5 4. Plot Plan ~lSOS - Teme~ula Creek Tnn Addition of rooms, lobby, restaurants, existing golf course and hotel. RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file Plot Plan 11505 COONCId. BUSTRSS lounge and spa to ProDosedamon4ment to Assembly BiXX No. 2743 Presentation by Howard Chesher RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Direct staff to prepare a Resolution of Support for Assembly Bill No. 2743 as amended. 2 ReDO-~C of ]td Hoe ?4w Enforcement CoRtittee RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 ~opt a resolution entitled: ~OL~ION ~. 90- ~ ~L~ZON' OF ~ ~Z~ ~CZL OF ~ OF ~C~ ~~TZ~ ~ ~~ZDE ~~" B DEP~'z'~w ~ P~ZDE ~DZTZO~ ~g ~R~~ BBRVZ~8 ~ ~ CITY ~ Adopt a resolution entitled: A ~SOL~ION OF ~ CITY ~CIL OF ~ CITY OF TM~ APP~PRIATIN~ $74;680 ~R ~ P~SE OF ~VZDZNG ~DZTZO~ ~W ~OR~~ SERVICES BBGZ~ZNG APRIL ~, ~ne~&l RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: lIBSOLUTION NO. 90- A P~BOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TF~CUL~ P~JtDZNG ADOPTING THE SOUTHWEST AREA COMMUNITY PLAN U THE CITY eS PLANNING GUIDELINE8 UNTIL THE CITY /tDOPTB ITS GENERAL PLaN o C~t¥Consideration of Rancho Califor~ia Water District CFD No. 88-3 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: P~BOLUTZONNO. 90- · P~NOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUI~PPNOVZNG CERTAIN JOINT FINANCING ~GRBBMBNTB BY~NDBETWBRNTH~CITY OF T~CU~ ~ ~~Z~ F~CZLITZB8 DZBTRZ~ NO. 88-3 OF ~ ~O ~ZFO~Z~~R DISTRICT 2/agend~z~,9~ 3 03/15/90 8. (Continued) 8.2 (',) (2) Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the following agreements. JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP and JOINT FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO'CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP. ® Resolut4on of Intent - Hello Ross District RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- X~BSOLUTZON OFT HE CITY COUNCIL OFT HE CITY OF TEMECUL~ ~GA~DZNG ZTS ZNTENTZON TO USZST NITH TH~ FZN~NCZNG OF RO~Dv TP~t~PIC AND P~RK F~CILITZ~ OF ~GIO~ BE~FIT ~IN ~ CITY BY ~ING ~RT~IN S~8 T~ ~~8 A~I~ ~R PA~ OF DEBT SERVICE ON ~S OF ~~TY F~CILITIBS DISTRI~ ~. 88-12 (~S ~I~R) OF ~ ~~OF R~IDB~I~Y BE IS8~D ~ FI~CE ~ ~NS~U~ION OF SU~ FACILITIES 10. ~uthe-n Californi& Association o~ Governments Presentation by Gil Smith 11. Liverside County Disaster/Fire Workshop Presentation by Chief Glen J. Newman, Riverside County Fire Department 2./~genda~032090 4 03/15/90 Next meeting: March 27, 1990, 7: 00 p.m., Temecula Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California Community 2~ge~:~032090 5 03/15/90 PROCLAMATION A PROCLAHATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHECULA. WHEREAS, individuals have more control over their health when they assume personal responsibility to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle; and WHEREAS, the Temecula Valley is conducting a Health Fair Expo on Saturday, April 28, 1990, coordinated by Dr. Donald Myren of Temecula Valley Chiropractic; and WHEREAS, Health Fair Expo is in its 13th year of community service to the Temecula Valley, offering free health education and screening services that promote healthy lifestyles; and WHEREAS, Health Fair Expo has screened more than 90,000 southland residents and over 3/4 million residents in the past 12 years; and WHEREAS, Health Fair Expo is sponsored by the American Red Cross, Chevron USA, Inc., KNBC-TV Channel 4 and the Hospital Council of Southern California. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TENECULA, hereby proclaims April 28, 1990 as Health Fair Expo Day and congratulates Health Fair Expo and its sponsors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to be affixed this 20th day of March, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAL] Chevron February 26, 1990 The Honorable Ron Parks City Hall P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Mayor Parks: Udlm/'~-~"~ Hospital Council n~__~~ ot Southern California As you know Dr. Donald Myren is a dedicated citizen in this community and is committed to bringing quality programs and services to the residents of the Temecula Valley. As health care and the preservation of health becomes a more prominent issue to the people of Temecula, our organization has been increasingly involved in emphasizing health education and the importance of early disease detection. In light of this committment, both to the community and to health education, Temecula Valley Chiropractic is sponsoring an Annual Health Fair Expo. We will conduct this years' Health Fair on Saturday, April 28, 1990, for the Temecula Valley, bringing its residents the opportunity to take advantage of free health screenings and education. Your support is needed in this community-wide effort sponsored by the American Red Cross, Chevron USA, the Hospital Council of Southern California and KNBC-Channel 4, particularly in this, the 13th anniversary year of Health Fair Expo. As Mayor of this city, your involvement in introducing a resolution/proclamation at the City Council meeting on March B will draw attention and community support to the Health Fair Expo event. We also invite you to be the first person through our Fair Expo site as part of our opening ceremony on Saturday, April 28, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. I will be in contact with your office within a few days to check on your interest in this proposal. Should you or your staff have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 899-6228. Sincerely, Health Fair Expo Site Coordinator P,O. Box 57930 · 2700 Wilshire Boulevard · Los Angeles, CA 90057 · (213) 739-5266 MINUTES OF /~N ~DJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECUL~ CITY COUNCIL HELD FEBRU/~RY 20, 1990 An adjourned regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Rancho California Water District Community Room, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCI LMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Acting Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Jeff Howell, Grace Christian Fellowship. PLEDGE OF ALLEGI~NCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Pat Birdsall. /%I~I~OUNCEMENT 8 No announcements were made. PUBLIC COMMENTS Linda Cloughen, 41304 Bravos Court, spoke in opposition to the approval of high-density apartment projects. She encouraged the Council to move forward with a City Master Plan. Sydney Vernon, 30268 Mersey Court, spoke in opposition to the approval of any high-density projects and expressed the opinion that those already approved have been at the expense of parks development within the community. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Lindemans stated that he had questions regarding items two and three on the Consent Calendar. He asked if the City Council could levy fees for the construction of freeway overpasses and interchanges on the two tract maps before the Council for final approval. # i nutes\2\20\~O - 1 - 03/1:3/90 City Council Minutes February 20. 1990 city Manager Aleshire stated that the City Council could decide to add conditions requiring additional mitigation fees on developments which have not reached the final approval stage. The two tract maps before theCouncil as items two and three of the Consent Calendar are final approvals and all conditions have been met. Richard Niec, 30180 Villa Alturas Drive, representing Marlborough Development Corporation stated that the two tract maps are part of the Margarita Village development. He advised that the development has been conditioned to address the traffic impacts and all the appropriate fees have been paid. Councilmember Muhoz stated that he would like to see parks development included in this type of subdivision rather than simply collecting the Quimby Act fees. Mayor Parks requested the City Attorney clarify the final approval process and explain how the Quimby Act applies. City Attorney Scott Field explained that the two final maps before the City Council have gone through the planning process which allows for subdividing property. At the tentative tract map stage of the process, conditions may be added however, State law prohibits the adding of conditions at the final map stage. He reported that the City Manager has requested a report outlining how to establish new fees which will be forthcoming. He advised that the Quimby Act provides for in- lieu fees, and that in the future, the City Council can take the position that park land dedication is preferable to these fees. Mr. Niec advised the Council that the Margarita Village development includes a 10 acre park, as well as a number of smaller neighborhood parks and greenbelt areas. He further advised that the developer is planning further upgrades to the large park. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to approve the Consent Calendar, items one through three as follows: Minutes Approve the minutes of the meeting of January 30, 1990 as mailed. 14inutes\2\20\~) -2- 03/13/90 City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 Final Tract Map 23100-1 Approve Final Tract Map 23100-1· F~nal Tract Map 23100-2 Approve Final Tract Map 23100-2. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCIL BUBINESS 4. Mayor Parks reordered the agenda to allow consideration of item no. four after the reports of the Mello-Roos consultants have been given. e Appointment of Law Enforcement Negotiating Committee City Manager F. D. Aleshire recommended that the City Councilmembers name the seven members to serve on the negotiating committee. City Attorney Scott Field recommended that the members of the City Council appoint an individual to the committee. He further advised that the members could discuss these appointments on a one on one basis, but they must observe the provisions of the Brown Act and not discuss these appointments as a group outside a noticed meeting. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to continue this matter to the meeting of February 27, 1990. The City Manager advised that the City staff would make copies of all resumes filed for the Public Safety Committee available to the Councilmembers. The motion was unanimously carried. 14inutes\2\20\90 - 3- 0:~/1 City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 C&ltrans - Rancho C&lifornia Road Signal Agreement City Manager Aleshire reported that this matter is before the Council because Caltrans requires formal authorization from the governing body of the area (i.e. City Council) to install signals at Rancho California Road and the 1-15 Freeway. Since the County has spent a great deal of time securing the Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans, he recommended the Council authorize the County to act on the City's behalf rather than attempting to get a new agreement between the State and City. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to approve a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUL~ AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO EXECUTE A COOPE1/ATIVE AGREEMENT WITH CALTRANS FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND 1-15 FREEWAY The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Oualifioations for Commissions City Manager Aleshire stated that Councilmember Birdsall requested that the Council consider amending the requirement that commissioners must be City residents. In response to a question from Mayor Parks, City Attorney Field advised the Council that it is not a matter of State law that the members of a City Commission must be residents of that City. Councilmember Lindemans stated that he strongly felt the City of Temecula has more than enough verywell qualified residents to serve on all commissions and that there is no need to look outside the City boundaries. #inutes\Z\ZO\90 -4- 05/15/90 City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 Councilmember Birdsall moved that the code section 2.06.030 be amended to read "...all members of commissions of the City shall, at all times during their incumbencies, be bona fide residents and registered voters of the State of California..." The motion died for lack of a second. 8. Riverside County Solid Waste Management Advisory Council Manager F. D. Aleshire reported that the State of California has ruled that all Cities must prepare a detailed analysis of its waste stream and source reduction and recycling plans. He advised that this action concurs in the establishment of a task force to develop the plans required by the County and the Cities. Janice Guymon, Inland Disposal Company, 28636 Front Street, spoke in favor of the adoption of the resolution. She also volunteered her services and those of her staff to assist the Council in any manner they might feel appropriate to complete this plan. Councilmember Birdsall moved and Councilmember Moore seconded a motion to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION 90-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMEOUL~CONCURRING IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TASK FORCE TO COORDINATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENTS AND THE SITE OF SOLID WASTE FACILITIES IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None RECEB8 # i nutes\Z\20\90 - 5- 03/13/90 city Council Minutes Februarv 20. 1990 Mayor Parks declared a recess at 7:56 PM. reconvened at 8:12 PM with all members present The meeting was Mello Roes Traffic Consultant'e Report City Manager Aleshire introduced Mr. John Kain of the firm of Kunzman and Associates who presented the report. Mr. Kain outlined the areas which the report addresses and he explained the various scenarios which were used to develop the recommendations. He pointed out District Roadway Improvements identified as being currently in-process, shown in Figures 4 and 5, which currently are earmarked for a variety of funding methods. He stated that in looking at the 1991 conditions, the planned improvements will adequately serve the estimated traffic for the short term. By 1993, the district improvements and short- term improvements will only marginally meet the needs and by 1995 the levels of service will not be adequate without the Apricot Street overcrossing. He stated that by the year 2000, the traffic conditions will demand loop on-ramps at the 1-15 at Winchester Road and Rancho California Road be in place. He stressed that the report highlighted these interchanges because the study did not identify any additional funding sources for these improvements. In response to a question from Mayor Parks, Mr. Kain stated that in 1995, with the Apricot Street overcrossing in place, he felt the service levels would be acceptable. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if, in the opinion of the consulting staff, the funds in the current Mello Roes proposal for traffic improvements were realistic. In response Mr. Kain replied that additional analysis is needed regarding the cost of the improvements recommended in this report. He deferred to the financial consultant regarding an opinion on the costs detailed in the CFD 88-12 plan as it is currently proposed. Councilmember Mufioz asked if the improvements recommended in each of the three phases adequately address the traffic situations. Mr. Kain replied that there are additional unfunded improvements which are very real needs for alleviating the traffic congestion. 10. Hello Roes Financial Consultant,s Report nutes\2\20\90 -6- 03/13/90 City Council Minutes February 20. 1990 Consultant Doug Ford of Douglas Ford and Associates reported on the findings contained in the analysis presented to the City Council. He stated that the bond issue is financially sound but the tax treatment is very unusual. He stated that the proposal meets the lien-to-value tests and that the ratios for the CFD will remain well in excess of the County and industry standards. He also advised that there are circulation elements which need to be placed in different priority orders. Mr. Ford said that his research indicates that this type of sales tax reimbursement program has been used successfully in other Riverside County areas, and he also advised that the sales tax figures will be somewhere between 0-50% higher than predicted. Mr. Ford advised that his conclusion is that the current proposal is too expensive in its present form. He outlined recommendations for restructuring the proposal to provide public benefits equal to the benefit derived by the developers. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if the Mello-Roos District would greatly enhance the City's ability to attract a regional shopping mall. Mr. Ford responded that in his opinion the likelihood of this being an inducement for developers of a regional facility might have a value of about 10 percent. Councilmember Muhoz thanked both Mr. Ford and Mr. Kain for the reports and praised both as being very well done. Councilmember Lindemansquestioned if the worst case described on page 15 were to occur, is it correct to assume that $2,734,600 would be available in sales tax revenues in 1993. Mr. Ford responded that would be the case as outlined in Table 6, Alternative 2. Councilmember Lindemans added his compliments to consultants on the excellence of the reports presented. the It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to receive and file the reports. The motion was unanimously carried. ~ppointment of &d Hoc Committee for negotiating restructuring of the Mello-Roos District nut es\2\20\~0 - 7- 03/13/90 City Council Minutes February 20, 1990 Councilmember Muhoz recommended that since this is largely a planning issue, the ad hoc committee members should be the same two councilmembers who are serving as the ad hoc members to appoint the Planning Commission. Councilmember Birdsall expressed concern with the timing of the recommendation from the committee. She suggested that the committee should tryto have some recommendations by February 27, 1990. Mayor Parks questioned if changes can be made at this point in the process. City Attorney Scott Field replied that negotiations can be held and changes and/or additions made within the plan prior to the election. James Allmon 43954 Gatewood Way, spoke in opposition to making any decision without the models for the area in parks, traffic and planning being completed. Bill Bopf, representing Bedford Properties spoke recommending alterations to the existing CFD project and he requested some form of Resolution of Intent within the next two weeks. He also complimented both consultants on the reports presented. Councilmember Moore stated that she would like to serve on the ad hoc negotiating committee. Councilmember Muhoz questioned if Mr. Ford agreed with Mr. Bopf's suggestion regarding a Resolution of Intent. Mr. Ford said he agreed that some kind of Resolution should be presented by the City. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to establish an ad hoc committee with section 3 of the resolution amended to read February 27, 1990. City Attorney Field recommended that a staff assigned to the committee and suggested that available, Mr. Ford would be a valuable addition. member be if he were The City Council agreed by consensus to appoint City Manager Aleshire and Mr. Douglas Ford to serve on the negotiating committee. Mayor Parks suggested that Councilmember Moore would be a very objective member of the ad hoc committee. Councilmember Muhoz stated that he felt Councilmember Lindemans has displayed a keen understanding of the matter, Ninutes\2\20\90 -8- 03/13/90 City Council Minutes February 20. 1990 and has spent a great deal of time doing his homework on this subject. He proposed that the Mayor Pro Tem and the Mayor, who brings his experience in land use matters were the best choice for the committee. Councilmember Muhoz moved that the ad hoc committee consist of Mayor Parks and Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans. The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore that the ad hoc committee consist of Mayor Parks and Councilmember Moore. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Parks NOES' 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Muhoz ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER REPORTS None presented CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None presented CITY COUNCIL REPORTS None presented ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adjourn at 9:45 PM to a meeting to be held February 27, 1990 at 7:00 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California ATTEST: RONALD J. PARKS, MAYOR F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK Ninute$\2\20\90 -9- 03/13/90 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THB TEF, ECUI~ CITY COUNCIL HELD FEBRUARY 27; X990 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:07 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Moore Mufioz, Parks ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Acting Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Blake Withere, Las Brisas Bible Fellowship. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Boy Scout Troop 624. ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS Greg Heer, 17015 St. Andrews Drive, Poway, California, the owner of the Yellow Brick Road in Temecula, spoke concerning the problem he is experiencing with teen age residents who just "hang around" at his place of business, creating noise, confusion and blocking the entrance to his establishment. He requested that the City Council consider adopting a no- loitering ordinance. Ronnie Crossland 30632 Hollyberry Lane, Temecula spoke regarding the development of apartment projects in the area of Rancho California Road between Moraga and Margarita Roads. She requested that the City Council hold hearings on the development of the Rancho Valencia Apartments. Bill Harker, 31130 S. General Kearny Road, addressed the City Council and introduced the members of Boy Scout Troop 624. He announced that these Scouts had performed a number of voluntary services, such as planting flowers and painting, at the Temecula Community Center to prepare for the inaugural city Council meeting on December 1, 1989. He also introduced #i rvates\2/27/90 - 1 - 01/15/90 city Council Minutes February 27, 1990 David Armstrong, who as a part of his Eagle program, organized this project and directed the work. Councilmember Muhoz asked staff if the City has an anti- loitering ordinance. City Attorney Scott Field replied that the County Ordinance calls for a 10:00 PM curfew. Councilmember Muhoz also questioned the status of the Rancho ValenciaApartment project. City Manager Aleshire stated that he was not aware of this project's status but he would check into the matter. Mayor Parks requested staff check into preparing an anti- loitering ordinance which would address the concerns expressed by Mr. Heer during the Public Comments section of the meeting. City Attorney Scott Field advised that he would present an ordinance for the Council's consideration within the next 30 days. CONSEI~I' CALBND~R Councilmember Lindemans requested the removal of items one and two from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to approve items three and four of the Consent Calendar as follows: 3. Resolution Approvina Payment of Demands RESOLUTION NO. 90-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUL~, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN B~IBIT A. Resolution Denying Plot Plan No. 1170 RESOLUTION NO. 90-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLOT PLAN NO. 1170 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF ANOUTDOORADVERTISING DISPLAY NEAR RANCHO CALIFORNIA RO~D AND FRONT STREET #inutes\2/27/90 -2- 0:~/15/90 city Council Minutes February 27, 1990 The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks None Birdsall Councilmember Lindemans questioned staff as to the timetable for adoption of the Southwest Area Community Plan (SWAP). He asked if the City is currently operating under the provisions of the SWAP. City Attorney Scott Field responded that the item before the Council is a final map and the provisions of the SWAP have no impact on this matter. He further explained that at this time the City has, by law, 30 months from the date of incorporation to adopt a general plan. The City does have the option to adopt SWAP as its general plan, but they have not taken that action at this time. Nick Tavaglione, the developer of this project responded to a question from Councilmember Lindemans that 12 and one-half acres fronting Ynez Road will be developed for commercial uses and that the 10 acre portion fronting on Margarita will be developed for condominiums with a density of less than 13 dwelling units per acre. Councilmember Mufioz questioned why grading of the property is taking place when the Parcel Map is being considered for final approval tonight. Mr. Tavaglione answered that grading permits can be issued prior to the final map approval. He also advised that all fees in the conditions of approval have been paid or will be prior to recordation. City Attorney Field stated that an ordinance is being prepared which allows projects being considered for tentative approvals to be conditioned for payment of certain traffic mitigation fees. He advised however that some projects coming before the City Council are too far along in the approval process to be included in the new mitigation fee program. Councilmember Muhoz stated that this is another high-density project within an already impacted area. He also objected to the lack of support material provided by the County on items one and two. #t nutes\Z/Z7/90 - 3- 0:3/15/90 City Council Minutes February 27. 1990 Mayor Parks questioned if the City Council has any discretion to deny this project. City Attorney Field advised that the only discretion allowed is to determine if the conditions have been met. The County Surveyor has advised the Council that they have been. Jim Allmon, 43954 Gatewood Way, stated that the City Council has the ability to approve projects; considering roads, parks and school impacts. He requested that the Council exercise their authority to take all these areas into consideration. Armando Malanga, 40216 Calle Medusa, spoke regarding future development to occur within the City. He suggested that the City Council should get the various commissions in place prior to accepting any new development projects. He requested a temporary moratorium be placed on all future development until the Planning Commission is appointed and is functioning in their advisory capacity. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to continue this matter in order to secure the full details of the project. City Manager Aleshire responded to a question from Councilmember Moore stating that there would be a staff report from the County Surveyor if this matter is placed on a future agenda. The motion failed by the following vote: AYES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Muhoz NOES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore, Parks ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall Mayor Parks questioned if this matter could be brought back in one week. Councilmember Muhoz stated that he has concerns that the developers have not given consideration to the City Council and their expressed desires for the community. Nick Tavaglione responded that it is his desire to work with the City Council but he does not understand what delaying the approval will accomplish at this stage of the project. He stated that his firm would be happy to make any presentations requested by the Council to show them all of the features of the planned development. 14i .ut.s\21~?190 -4- 0~/15/90 City Council Minutes February 27. 1990 Councilmember Moore suggested that the Council expedite this matter, since it is a Consent Calendar item and over one hour has already been spent in discussion. Councilmember Moore moved for approval of Parcel Map 23426 and Tract Map 23160. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilmember Lindemans again moved to continue approval of Parcel Map 23426 and Tract Map 23160 for a period of two weeks. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Muhoz, Parks NOES: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall RSCEB8 Mayor Parks declared a recess at 8:05 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:19 PM and adjourned to a meeting of the CSD. PUBLIC HEARING8 5. Appeal of Planning Department Denial of Plot Plan 1168 John Ristow, Riverside Planning Department, presented a staff report detailing the location of the proposed billboard and the reasons for the staff recommendation for denial of the appeal. He stated the project is 1) inconsistent with the Southwest Area Plan (SWAP); 2) incompatible with the Scenic Corridor designation of Highway 15 and; 3) an aesthetic detriment to the Temecula Historic District which adjoins the area. John Gunderson, 26525 Jefferson, with Outdoor Media Group, stated that the sign meets all the permit requirements and requested that the City council give it favorable consideration based on the merits of the sign. William Harker, 31130 S. General Kearny Road, acting as spokesman for the Temecula Town Association, addressed the Council regarding the importance of keeping the Old Town character intact. He stated that the Town Association supports denial of this application. Ninutes\2127190 -5- 03/15/90 City Council Minutes February 27. 1990 Mayor Parks declared the hearing closed at 8:37 PM Councilmember Lindemans questioned the City Attorney if there are any legal reasons which would prevent the Council denying this application. City Attorney Scott Field advised the City Council that they can accept the recommendations of the staff that there are sufficient grounds for denial. He also responded that in this case there are no constitutional provisions which would support the appeal. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore, to deny the appeal for Plot Plan 1168 for an Outdoor Advertising display. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall 6. Ordinanoe Adopting Portions of Riverside County Ordinances Mayor Parks declared the public hearing open at 8:40 PM. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave a staff report recommending that the Council adopt the non-codified provisions of the County of Riverside Ordinances. He explained that the list attached to the staff report showed red lined Ordinances which do not apply to the City of Temecula and would not be included in this adoption. There being no members of the public wishing to be heard, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 8:43 PM. Mayor Ron Parks questioned if the City Council could amend any of these ordinances within the next 30 days. City Attorney Field advised that should the City Council make any amendments within the next 30 days, adoption of that section of the ordinances would be delayed for an additional 30 days. Hi nutes\2/2?/90 -6- 03/15/90 -- City Council Minutes February 27. 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to read by title only, waive further reading and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDIN~%NCE NO. 90-04 ~ ORDIITANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TENECUL~, ADOPTING BY REFERENCEPORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVEP~IDE COUNTY ORDINANCES The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks None Birdsall COUNCIL BUSINESS 6.b 'Appointment of &d Hoc Committee to Negotiate Sheriff,s Contract City Manager Aleshire gave a staff report recommending that the Council add consideration of the appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee to Negotiate the Contract for law enforcement with the Riverside $heriff's Department to the agenda. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to add consideration of a resolution setting up a committee to negotiate a law enforcement contract with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department to the agenda. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Birdsall absent. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if the committee would be given instructions from the staff as to their specific duties. City Manager Aleshire responded that Section 3 of the resolution outlines the duties of the committee and that he has also prepared a memo to be sent to the committee members upon their appointment, with a copy to be provided to the Council. H i nut es\2/27/90 -7- 0~/15/90 City Council Minutes February 27, 1990 The Councilmembers were polled for their choice of appointees as follows: Councilmember Mufioz Councilmember Birdsall Mayor Parks Councilmember Lindemans - Appointed Howard Chesher Councilmember Moore - Appointed Hank Rupp and Ted Goudy - Appointed Linda Cloughen and Frank Klein - Appointed John Sterling - Appointed Ralph Limons It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION 90-25 ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPOINTING ~ CITISENS COMMITTEE ON THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Birdsall absent. Councilmember Lindemans stressed that the committee does work under the provisions of the Brown Act. Mello Roos Ad Hoo Negotiatina Committee Report Mayor Parks reported that he and Councilmember Moore had met with the property owners involved in the Mello Roos District and that there have been substantial changes made to the original proposal. The items now included are the Apricot Street overcrossing, the right of way acquisition for both sides of the overcrossing and improvements from Winchester to Rancho California along Ynez Road. Also included are the loop ramps and acquisition of right of way for these at Rancho California and Winchester Roads at the 1-15. He advised that this represents the initial proposal to the developers and that the Ad Hoc Committee had also requested the addition of $2 million for park land acquisition. The Mayor recommended that a hearing be scheduled which would allow time for a written report to be prepared and presented. He said he would also like to give Councilmember Lindemans an opportunity to make his presentation on the final proposal. Councilmember Lindemans stated that he has questions with regard to the development time-table of this project and he Minutes\2/27/90 -8- 0~/15/90 City Council Minutes February 27. 1990 also set forth an alternate financing method for funding the road improvements. He recommended that the City Council select a Debt Advisory Counsel to assist in this decision. Councilmember Muhoz stated that he would like to have Consultant Douglas Ford at the proposed workshop and also requested that the public be invited to address this matter. Jim Allmon, 43954 Gatewood Way, stated that he wondered why the City would agree to be taxed for 30 years if the results can be predicted for only five to seven years. He stated that the results need to be "fixed forever", to be sensible. C. M. "Max" Gillis, former Assistant Road Commissioner with the County of Riverside, addressed that City Council and volunteered to be a resource person and to give the benefit of his experience to the Council. He advised he would be available to attend a Saturday workshop. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if CalTrans would consider any collateral the City might have a sufficient for getting started on an overcrossing. Mr. Gillis advised that there are several options available to the Council for starting projects of this sort in a more expeditious manner. Keith Andrews, Vice President of Toyota of Temecula, advised the City Council that his development is required to provide one-half mile of roadway and as spelled out presently in the conditions of his approval he will be expected to spend $10 million on roadway improvements. He questioned if the Mello Roos District does not go through how small businessmen will possibly be able to complete these projects. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to continue this matter to a workshop to be held on Saturday, March 3, 1990 at a location to be secured by staff. City Manager Aleshire announced that the traffic consultant, Kunzman and Associates could not be available for a Saturday meeting. Councilmember Muhoz stated he would like to have a list of the 17 property owners included in the Mello Roos district. He also would like to make it apparent that no decisions will be made at this Saturday meeting. nut es\2/27/90 - 9- 0~/15/90 City Council Minutes Februarv 27. 1990 The City Manager, F. D. Aleshire reported to the Council that the County of Riverside must hold the election by March 21, 1990 or be compelled to begin the process over again. He has advised the County to schedule the election and that it is possible the City's decisions might not be available at that time. The motion to continue this to a meeting on Saturday, March 3, 1990 was unanimously carried with Councilmember Birdsall absent. CITY!~%N~GER REPORTS CITY ~TTORNEY REPORTS CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Lindemans questioned when a report on the Business License Tax would be forthcoming from the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce. City Manager Aleshire stated that if the Chamber's report was ready it could be placed on the next Council agenda. Councilmember Moore congratulated City Attorney Scott Field on his recent promotion to partner with the law firm of Burke, Williams and Sorensen. Councilmember Muhoz asked about the status of securing a code enforcement officer and if the sign ordinance is being enforced. City Manager Aleshire advised that hiring an enforcement officer was still being pursued and that individual would be working on enforcement of the sign ordinance. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to adjourn at 9:37 PM to a special meeting to be held on March 3, 1990 at 9:00 AM at a location to be announced and published. The next scheduled meeting will be at 7:00 PM on March 6, 1990 to be held at the Rancho California Water District Community Room, 28061 Diaz Road ATTEST: RONALD J. PARKS, MAYOR nut es\2/27/90 - 10- 03/15/90 City Council Minutes February 27, 1990 F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK # i nutes\2/27/90 - 11 - 0~/15/90 MINUTES OF /% REHULAR MEETINH OF THE TEMECUL~ CITY COUNCIL HELD MARCH 6, ~990 A regular meeting of the Temecula City 'Council was called to order at 7:04 PM in the Community Room of the Rancho California Water District, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Acting Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Kerry Martin of Rancho Temecula Bible Church. PLEDHE OF ALLEHIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Peg Moore. ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS H. Steve Sander, 40213 Holden Circle, addressed the Council regarding the confusion in street names within the community (i.e. Jefferson/Front), and the number of streets which are unmarked. He also suggested that the City develop street signs for the community which would be of uniform size and design. Vito Bellino, 42430 Carino Place, a resident of Alta Vista, spoke regarding his concerns with code violations occurring in his single family neighborhood. He requested that the City look into enforcement of CC&R's and in making sure the single family zoning is strictly enforced. Ronni Crossland, 30632 Hollyberry Lane, said she is still very concerned with the development of an apartment complex on Rancho California Road. She stated that the City should respond to the concerns expressed by citizens during Public Comments in a more timely manner. Hinutes\l\9\90 - 1- 03/15/90 -- City Council Minutes January 9. 1990 Jim Allmon, 43954 Gatewood Way, addressed the Council regarding the right of citizens to speak during City Council meetings and the need for the City to listen to the public comments with an open mind. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: ~inutes 1.1 1.2 Approve the minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1990 as mailed. Approve the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1990 as mailed. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 · NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCIL BUSINESS 2. &pproval of Parcel MaD 23426 and Final Tract Map 23160 City Attorney Scott Field gave a staff report explaining the subdivision map act procedures. He set forth the manner in which tentative maps are approved and how the conditions are placed on these maps. He also outlined the dates which govern the City Council's ability to change or amend conditions on these maps. He stated that if an application for a project had been filed prior to June 10, 1988, the date incorporation papers were filed; or if approval had been given by the County prior to November 7, 1989, the date of the election ratifying incorporation; the Council did not have the ability to make changes. He advised that the two maps before the Council were both in this category. It was moved by Councilmember Muhoz, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve Parcel Map 23426 and Final Map 23160. #~ nutes\l\~\~O -2- 0~/15/90 City Council Minutes January 9. 1990 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks None None County Planning Directors Report on status of Hiring Planning Consultant, SW&P. WInG and Traffic Issues The City Manager, F. D. Aleshire introduced the County of Riverside Planning Director Joe Richards. He also introduced Ed Studor, County Road Department who will explain the traffic issues which are addressed in the Southwest Area Community Plan (SWAP). He advised the City Council to consider adopting the SWAP as the City's General Plan Councilmember Lindemans requested a presentation from the City Attorney on the options available to the City Council with regard to adoption of a general plan. City Attorney Scott Field outlined the way in which a general plan is used as the "constitution" for development within a community. The general plan must include seven mandatory elements which include land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, noise element, and safety. In addition he advised it can also include other elements such as parks, etc. He advised that a newly incorporated City is not required to adopt a general plan until 30 months following incorporation. He also advised the Council on the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the Southwest Area Plan stating that the issue before the City Council is whether the plan is generally acceptable or if the Council feels it would be better to develop a totally new general plan. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if the SWAP is approved by reference does the City Council have the flexibility to look at each project on a case by case basis. The City Attorney responded that even when a City General Plan has been adopted, there is flexibility to consider each case individually. Mayor Parks asked if the City does not have a general plan does the City staff operate under a handicap when working with developers. County Planning Director Joe Richards responded that the County would, during the 30 months period, use the Hi nutes\l \9\90 -]- 0]/15/90 City Council Minutes January 9. 1990 provisions of SWAP as the general plan in the absence of an adopted City General Plan. Councilmember Muhoz said that he hoped the actions taken by the City Council thus far on developments will be taken into account by County staff when working with developers. Councilmember Moore questioned if it would be possible to have an overlay map showing which projects are currently approved and which ones the City Council can still make changes to or amend conditions. City Manager Aleshire made the point that the general plan is different from the zoning ordinance. The ordinance will still be in force and the general plan will serve as another planning tool. Joe Richards introduced Marshall Lee of the County Planning staff who made a presentation showing the various land uses within the SWAP area. He addressed several housing and zoning issues such as mobile home parks and affordable housing considerations. He also discussed the methods in which the plan has tried to address traffic impacts within the industrial areas. Ed Studor, Transportation Planning Engineer gave an overview of the planning process from the traffic planning standpoint. He referred to the Traffic Circulation Plan and said that the general plan prohibits developments if traffic capacities are exceeded. He showed how the service models were developed~and that desired levels have been projected in the planning for the SWAP. He also discussed several of the recommendations for widening existing roadways and adding a traffic corridor along the route of Butterfield Stage Road. He also stated that the plan had considered a traffic mitigation proposal. City Manager Aleshire asked if levels "e" and "f" in the plan reflect levels at build-out and what the population would be at build-out. Mr. Studor responded that additional lanes have been recommended and other mitigation factors are recommended in the SWAP to handle the levels expected at build-out. He stated that future approvals will determine total population. RBCB88 Mayor Parks declared a recess at 8:27 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:43 PM with all members present. Ninutes\1\9\90 -&- 03/15/90 -- City Council Minutes January 9, 1990 Councilmember Lindemans related a conversation he had with Supervisor Kay Ceniceros who stated that the SWAP traffic plan could not support the intensity of the proposed development. Mayor Parks questioned if any Quimby Act funds have been collected for parks expenditures in the City of Temecula. Joe Richards advised that the County had been late in filing the applications for these funds and he did not know the amount of money available to the City. Mayor Parks asked if developments outside the City boundaries, which impact Temecula's major intersections are being made subject to any mitigation fees. City Attorney Field questioned if the general plan has provisions to mitigate traffic conditions within the circulation element. Ed Studor replied that the plan amended the County's circulation element and a CIP plan will identify which improvements are most needed. Mayor Parks questioned if any consideration has been given to a bypass road around old town Temecula. Mr. Studor answered that this has been discussed but nothing definite has been proposed to date. Councilmember Lindemans asked if a master plan could be put in place immediately. Mr. Studor responded that a master plan is in place but the financing program is not yet fully developed. Sydney Vernon, 30268 Mersey Court, spoke about the need for the City to look at a general plan of its own. He stated the County has given the City a traffic problem, high density zoning and an unsightly antenna, the City can surely do a better job of planning. Jim Allmon 43954 Gatewood Way spoke regarding the need for more careful planning and setting up a citizens workshop to make recommendations to the City Council. Armando A. Malanga, 40216 Calle Medusa, stated that he had requested consideration at the previous meeting of a moratorium on building until the appointment of the City's Planning Commission had been made. He reiterated this request to the Council. Mayor Parks questioned if any bicycle and equestrian trails are included in a recreation component of the plan. Mr. Richards answered that these facilities are a part of the SWAP. Mayor Parks stated he would like to have a plan to nut es\ 1 \9\90 - 5- 01/15/90 City Council Minutes January 9. 1990 operate with during the 30 month period in which the City will be working to develop its own general plan. Councilmember Lindemans stated that he would like to have citizen input on how to improve the plan. Councilmember Birdsall asked County staff how long it took to develop the SWAP. Joe Richards responded it has been worked on for three years. Councilmember Muhoz said he felt that the plan might need updating to address the road and traffic problems. He stated that a general plan modelled after the SWAP would be a better alternative for the City. Councilmember Moore stated that she would like to adopt the plan and make the necessary changes to address the City's specific concerns. Mayor Parks asked if the City does not have a general plan, can the various programs such as transportation improvements, parks, facilities for police and fire, etc. still be pursued. The City Attorney advised that the staff is working on mitigation fees as suggested by the Council at previous meetings. He explained that all projects coming to the Council would have to agree to pay the fees that are to be established. Therefore the Council can initiate the program and condition the projects to pay future fees at the time they are finalized. Ed Studor stated that commercial development is the highest generator of traffic and should be looked at very carefully. He also discussed the fees in place currently for traffic signal mitigation. Mayor Parks asked how can the City identify how the fees being collected by the County on developments are made available to the community. Joe Richards replied that this should be covered ~t the staff level by City and County staff and a report should then be made to the City Council. Councilmember Birdsall asked how effective car pool/van pool requirements for employers will be on the traffic situation. Mr. Richards stated that this can be very effective if the AQMD is able to implement and enforce these programs. nut es\1\9\90 -6- 03/15/90 - City Council Minutes January 9. 1990 The City Attorney advised the Council that if they choose to adopt the SWAP they would want to adopt it in the form of a stand alone document. He suggested that the staff be directed to use the SWAP and the Riverside County General Plan as a basis for developing a new general plan within the next 30 months. This would allow the planning commission and staff to have guidelines when working with developers. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to instruct the staff to draft a resolution spelling out the City's use of the Riverside County General Plan and the SWAP as guidelines for development. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Richards advised that due to the time spent on the SWAP during tonight's meeting, the briefing on WRAG would be put of until a later date. Mayor Parks thanked the County of Riverside staff for their presentations. City Manager Aleshire reported that the County is hoping to name a planning consultant within the next week to ten days who will begin to work on the fee schedule matters, traffic and circulation plans, etc. Mello Roos Co-mittee Report City Manager Aleshire said the committee is close to finishing the resolution of intent which should be on the Council agenda of March 13, 1990. CITY MANAGER REPORTS NO report CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS No report CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Mu~oz asked if the City Manager has any further information on joint use agreements in process between the City and School District· The City Manager responded that Bill Holley is working with CSA-143 at this time and will be nutes\l\9\90 -7- 03/15/90 City Council Minutes January 9, 1990 providing the City with detailed reports on City/School joint use. Mayor Parks announced upcoming events and asked the Councilmembers to advise him if they were able to attend any of these functions. Councilmember Birdsall stated she would be able to attend the Riverside County Fire Department Awards Dinner on March 24, 1990. Councilmember Muhoz asked that a policy be developed regarding petitions submitted to the City for following up on them. He also requested a status report on the Rancho Valencia Apartments project. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to adjourn at 9:50 PM to a regular meeting to be held on March 13, 1990 at 7:00 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: RONALD J. PARKS, MAYOR F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK # ~ nutes\l%9%90 - 8- 03/15/90 OFFICE OF THE ROAD COMMISSIONER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE LeRoy D. Smoot Road Commissioner and County Surveyor County Administrative Center Mailing Address: PO Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone (714) 787-6554 March 9, 1990 SUBMITTAL TO FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FROM: Acting City Engineer for the City of Temecula SUBJECT: Tract Map 19872 in the First Supervisorial District SPECIFIC REQUEST: Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance it is REQUESTED that the City Council approve said map. All required certificates and documents have been filed and the map is ready for recordation. Ivan F. Tennant Acting City Engineer IFT:GAS:MSB:rdb The City of Temecula Re: Tract 19872 2 March 9, 1990 The developer wishes to enter into the following agreements to cover the improvements within this subdivision for: IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS (Bond No. 115-17-83) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Water to be supplied by Rancho California Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-83) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (Service to be provided by Eastern Municipal Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-83) SETTING OF LOT STAKES AND SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS (Bond No. 115-92-65) MATERIALS AND LABOR (Bond No. 115-17-83) in the amount of $169,000 is also attached. Also submitted herewith is Tax Bond No. 115-92-66 the amount of $19,400. The above referenced bonds are issued by Insurance Company of the West. This map complies in all respects with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and applicable local ordinances. The dedications made on said map are for: 1. Lots "A" through "D" and the abutters rights of access are dedicated to public use for public street and public utility purposes and as part of the City Maintained Road System. 2. Lot "E", 1 foot barrier strip is dedicated to the City of Temecula for street and access control purposes. 3. Drainage easements are dedicated to public use. OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR D!~A.R~ IIOAD CC~4M!~IOh'~ & COLfiq'~Y S~RV~OR February 28, 1990 COUNTY AD~'~iISTRATIV~ HAILING P.O. BOX 1090 R,'VT..RSU~. C&LJTORNIA 92~02 (7~4) 787.6554 FROM: Re: County Counsel County Surveyor and Road Commissioner Subdivisions Tract No 19872 The following are hereby submitted to your office to forrag for approval u Aurcw~nt s Bond No. Amount Streets XXX 115 17 83 $243,000 Water XXX 115 17 83 S 42.000 Sewer XXX 115 17 83 S 53.000 Monuments XXX 115 92 65 $ 15,800 Material and Labor XXX 115 17 83 S169.000 Other- Tax Bond XXX 115 92 66 S 19,400 The amounts in the agreements and bonds have been checked by this office and are correct as shown above. Developer for this tract: H.R. Remington Properties, L.P. 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, Ste. 202 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Bonding Company, Insurance Company of the West 10140 Campus Point Drive SanDiego, CA 92121-1520 Attachments Byg PLEASE CAT.T. THIS OFFICE WHEN READY Extension - 2531 COUNTY ADM~TRATW~ CENTER * 4080 LEMON STREET · RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 TRACT MAP 19872 'TO ~G~,LF_ OFFICE OF THE ROAD COMMISSIONER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE LeRoy D. Smoot Road Commissioner and County Surveyor County Administrative Center Mailing Address: PO Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone (714) 787-6554 March 9, 1990 SUBMITTAL TO FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FROM: Acting City Engineer for the City of Temecula SUBJECT: Tract Map 19872-5 in the First Supervisorial District SPECIFIC REQUEST: Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance it is REQUESTED that the City Council approve said map. All required certificates and documents have been filed and the map is ready for recordation. Ivan F. Tennant Acting City Engineer IFT:GAS:MSB:rdb The City of Temecula Re: Tract 19872-5 March 9, 1990 The developer wishes to enter into the following agreements to cover the improvements within this subdivision for: IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS (Bond No. 115-17-81) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Water to be supplied by Rancho California Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-81) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (Service to be provided by Eastern Municipal Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-81) SETTING OF LOT STAKES AND SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS (Bond No. 115-17-82) MATERIALS AND LABOR (Bond No. 115-17-81) in the amount of $186,000 is also attached. Also submitted herewith is Tax Bond No. 115-92-67 the amount of $22,000. The above referenced bonds are issued by Insurance Company of the West. This map complies in all respects with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and applicable local ordinances. The dedications made on said map are for: 1. Lots "A" through "D" inclusive for public street and public utility purposes and as part of the City Maintained Road System. 2. Lot "E", 1 foot barrier strip is dedicated to the City of Temecula for street and access control purposes. 3. Drainage easements are dedicated to public use. OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR February 28, 1990 I~oy D. Smoot ROAD CO~M~ON~R & ~ SURVEYOR TO: County Counsel FROM County Surveyor and Road Co~tssioner Subdivisions Tract No 19872-5 COL.~NTY ADHINISTRATIVE CENTER MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX RIVT..I~IDtr. CAU£ORNLA 92~O2 (?t4) 787-6554 The following are hereby submitted Co your office for approval as to form: Agreements R~ndNo. Amount Streets XXX 115 17 81 $253.000 Water XXX 115 17 81 S 52,000 Sewer XXX 115 17 81 S 67,000 Monuments XXX 115 17 82 S 16.500 Material and Labor XXX 115 17 81 S186,000 Other - Tax Bond 115 92 67 ~ 22 000 C- The amounts in the agreements and bonds have been checked by this office and are correct as shown above. Developer for this trace: H.R. Remington Properties, L.P. 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, Suite 202 South Laguna, CA 92677 Bonding Company: Insurance Company of the West 10140 Camgus Point Drive San Diego, CA 92121-1520 Attachments By: PLEASE CAT.T. THIS OFFICE WF~.N READY Extension - 2531 COUN'rY ADMINISTRATIV~ CENTER * 4080 ! I:'MON STREET * RIVERSIDE, CAUFORNIA 92501 TRACT NO. 19872-5 VICIMIT'¥ MAP NOT' TO 5E.,ALE5 Pr(~ect Dest~n Consultants File: 710.10 February 27, 1990 Frank Aleshire, City Manager city of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 SUBJECT: Temecula Creek Inn Dear Mr. Aleshire, At the request of Jeff Adams of the County of Riverside, and per conversations with Randi Coopersmith, i am enclosing a complete set of the Temecula Creek Inn Plot Plan approval drawings. These prints are identical to those recently approved by tile County of Riverside. Jeff Adams should be forwarding the County's other information directly to you. As we understand it, this project can proceed to the Temecula City Council without delay and may even be put on the consent agenda. Please let us know when this item will be scheduled for Council hearing. Sincerely, hrie, AIA Project Planner JBG/kjb C: Randi Coopersmith Gus Colachis, JC Resorts TO CITY OF TEMECULA FROM: COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT This item should be: Set and noticed for public hearing Placed on agenda as a receive and file item ction taken at your discretion qaV' L i courlc. 'PLArlnil DE A CmEnC m~TE: January 8, 1990 RE: Plot Pl&n Ne. 11505 Am,'S ~ I~1ona1 TMB I~. 5 Mr ~l~11cmrt: On Jpnuary 8.1990 the Riverside County ~ Plannfng Director [] Planning Cemlsslon L] Board Of Supervisors took the following action on the above referenced plot plan: XX APPROVED the Plot Plan, contit tl ms. APPROVED the Plot Plan, emended cad1 ttons. APPROVED the Plot Plan, &tgched COlldt ttons. APPROVED the Plot Plan, attached amended conditions. UPHELD the &ppeal. DENTED the appeal. Revised Exhtbtt Revised Ex~tbtt Exhtbtt , subject to the attached ExhtbttA.Amd.~, subject to the attached · subject to the , subject to the APPROVED the ~THDRAW/~ of the appeal request. APPROVED the ¥ITIIDRAliAL of the Plot Plan. DENIED the Plot Plan based on the attached findings. ADOPTED the Uoted above. Negative Oeclaratton on the Environmental Assessment This action may the [] Planntng Cematssion [] Board of Supervisors within ~n 4ppemled (10) clays o~ the date of this notlce.. The &ppeal must be lade in wtttng and submitted vtth a fee fn accordance with the fee schedule to the Ipproprtate department. An appeal of any condition COnStitutes an appeal of the &cttOn is a ~hole &rid requires & nay publtc keartng before the I~p~oprlate heartrig body. Very truly yours, JSA: kcb RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter, Henning MPector ,.lef~r~'~'s.~A~a' ~- P1 anner ~S-43 lilwtSed 8-10.48 IMVEI~IDE, CAUFORNU~ e~501 (714) 7i7~181 46,209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 02201 (619) 342-827? DATE: January 8, 1990 RiVERJ)iDE county PLAnninG Di:.- ARQTIEnc SURI~YOR ROAD 891Li)1~ ~ ~ FLOOO COlITROL HEALTH FIRE 'PROTECTION RE: Plot Plan No. 11505 An~nd~d N. 1 Environmental Assessment go. 336R~ Regtona1 Team No. 5 On January8. 1990 the Riverside County [ X~ Planning Director [ ] Planning Cosmission L J Board of Supervisors took the following action on the above referenced plot plan: APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit attached condtttons. APPROVEO the Plot Plan, Exhibit A. Amended #1 attached amended condt ttons. APPROVEO the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit the attached contit tt OhS. APPROVEO the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit the attached mended conditions. UPHELO The appeal. DE)flED the appeal. -" APPROV£O the ¥II140RAWAL of the appeal request. APPROVEO the WITHORAWAL of the Plot Plan. DENlEO the Plot Plan based on the attached findings. ADOPTED the noted above. , subject to the , subject to the , subject to , subject to Negative Oeclaratton on the Environmental Assessment All actions are final ten (10) days after the date of this notice unless an appeal is ftled within that pertod. 12-16-88 tO80 LEMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR :~IVEFI~iDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 714) 787.~181 Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter, P1 anntng Dt rector P1 anne r 46-209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 LAND USE: Category I1 OPEN SPACE/CONS.: Not Designated as Open Space COMMUNITY POLICIES: City of Temecula, 1-15 corridor PLANNING DZRECTOR'S HEARZNG CASE SUMMARY CASE NO. Plot Plan No. 11505, Amended No. 1 PRCklECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION: Addition of lounge, and spa to existing golf course and hotel. AREA/DISTRICT: Temecula SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: City of Temecula GENERAL PLAN: a. b. C. ZONING: a. SITE: R-R b. ADJACENT: R-R, R-l, R-4 LAND'USE/AREA DEVELOPMENT: a. SITE: Golf Course, Vacant Land DATE: 1/8/90 E.A. No. 33689 rooms, lobby, restaurants, b. ADJACENT: Single and Multi-Family Residential, 1-15 Freeway, Vacant Land.. MAJOR ISSUES: RECOMMENDATION: ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration for E.A. 3368g and APPROVAL of Plot Plan No. 11505 Amended No. 1 based on the following: 1. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The proposal is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. JA:mp PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING DATE: JANUARY 8, 1990 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAIIffIffG DEPARTIEIT COIIDITIINISOF APPROVAL J. C. Resorts 533 Coast Blvd. South La Jolla, CA 92037 PLOT PLAN IK). 11505, NEIIDED NO. 1 Project Description: Addttton of rooms, lobby recreation areas to extsttng golf course. Assessor's Parcel No.: 922-220-002, 003, 004, 007, 008 g22-230'-002, 003, 004, 007, 008 District/Area: Tomecula The use hereby permitted by thts plot plan ts for the addit1on of 201 hotel rooms, lobby, restaurants, launge, meeting rooms, tennis factlity and hea~th spa ~o an existing golf course. (Corrected at Director's Hearing on 1/08/90) ® The penntttee shall defend, Indemnify, and hold hamless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, actton, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or 1rs agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning PLOT PUUl I10. 11505, MEIIDED ~0. I . The County of Riverside will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully tn the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. Thts approval shall be used wtthtn two (2) years of approval date; otherwise tt shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use ts meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval wtthtn the two (2) year period whtch ts thereafter diligently pursued to cenpletton, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by thts approval. e The develol~ent of the premtses shall confore substantially wtth that as shown on plot plan mrked Exhtbtt A, knended No. 1, or as amended by these conditions. 5. In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a pertod of one (1) year or more, this approval shall become null and void. Any outside 1tghttng shall be hooded and directed so as not to shtne dtrectly upon adjoining property or publtc rights-of-way, and shall comply with Ordinance No. 655. PLOT PLAII BO. 11S05, AMD. JlO. I C,o~dltto~u of Approval Page 2 o The applicant shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the County Road Department transmittal dated 1-08-90; a copy of which is attached. (Amended per Oirector*s Hearing on 1-08--90) 8. Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department transmittal dated 1-08-90, a copy of which is attached. (Amended per Director's Hearing on 1-08-90) 9. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control District transmittal dated 12-22-Bg, a copy of which is attached. 10. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the appropriate section of Ordinance $46 and the County Fire Wardan's transmittal dated 12-13-89, a copy of which is attached. 11. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety Land Use Section transmittal dated 12-13-89, a copy of which is attached. 12. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety - Grading Section's transmittal dated 12-20-89, a copy of which is attached. 13. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Riverside County Geologist's transmittal dated 12-14-89, a copy of which is attached. 14. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape, irrigation and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten (10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty {30) inches. 15. Prior to the issuance of building permit, six (6) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section, 18.12, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of Ordinance No. 348. PLOT PlJII I10. 1150~, /11~. I10. ! Comlttto, s of/~proval Page 3 17. 18. 19. 20. A mtntmum of 680 parktng spaces shall be provtded tn accordance wtth Sectton 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. 660 parktng spaces shall be provtded as sho~n on the Approved Exhtbtt A, Amended No. l. The parktng area shall be surfaced wtth aspbaltic concrete pavlng to a mtntmum depth of 3 1riches on 4 tnches of Class ]! base. be as A mtntmum of efght (8) handicapped parktng spaces shall provtded shown on Exhibit A, Amended No. l~ Each parktng space reserved for the handicapped shall be 1denttried by permanently afftxed reflectortzed stgn constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the !nternattonal $~mbo] of Accessibility. The stgn sha]l not be smaller than 70 square tnches tn area and shall be centered at the tntertor end of the parktng space at a mtntmum hetght of 80 tnches from the bottom of the sign to the parktng space lintshed grade, or centered at a mtntmum hetght of 36 inches from the parktng space ftnished grade, g~ound, or sfdewalk. A stgn shall also be posted tn a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than ~7 tnches by 22 inches in stze with lettering not less than ! inch in height, which clearly and conspicuously states the following: "Unauthorized vehtcles not displaying distinguishing placards or 11cense plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehfcles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning ." !n additton to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface Identification stgn duplicating the s~mbol of accessibility tn blue patnt of at least 3 square feet in stze. Prior to the issuance of a butldtng permit, the applicant shall obtatn clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Environmental Health Building and Safety - Grading Riverside Flood Control Ftre Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Butlding and Safety. Prtor to the tssuance of building permits the following additional and/or revtsed plans shall be submitted for Planntng Department approval: Stgntng Program Landscaping, Irrigation, Parktng and Shadtng Plans Butldtng elevations shall be in substantial conformance wtth that shovm on Exhibit B. PLOT PL~ RO. IlSOS, AIO. IJO. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 4 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Materials used tn the construction of all bullding shall be tn substantial conformance wtth the shown on Exhtbtt M-2 (Color Elevations) and Exhibit M-! (l~atertals Board). These are as follows: Use Matefta1 .Color Roof Stdtng Trtm Veneer Ftnfsh Wtndow frame Light weight mineral shake Wood Wood Riverrock Stucco (sand finish) Anodized aluminum Natural Taupe (Olympic stain) No. 74 Cocoa {Ounn Edwards} Natural No. X-46 Misty (La Habra) Medium bronze Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. Screening material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Approximately twenty (20) trash enclosures which are adequate to enclose a total of twenty (20) bins shall be located within the project, and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Each enclosure shall be six feet in height and shall be made with mansory block and a gate which screens the bins from external view. Landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen canopy trees along streets and within the parking areas. All existing specimen trees on the subject property shall be preserved wherever feasible. Where they cannot be preserved they shall be relocated or replaced with specimen trees as approved by the Planning Oirector. Any oak trees removed with four (4) inch or larger trunk diameters shall be placed on a ten (!0) to one (1) basis as approved by the Planning Otrector. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shallt°comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the Riverside County Comprehensive ~eneral Plan. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any butldtng permit by the Riverside Cunty Department of Butldtng and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not oe 1tmtted to, PLOT PLAII JlO. 11505, AIqD. JlO. 1 Coedtttmu of Approval Page 5 30. the stte spectftc setsmtc, geologic, and geothechntcal hazard of subsidence or ftssure development ts appropriate mitigation measures must be demostrated. conditions. Where determined to extst, Prtor to the tssuance of gradtrig permits, the applicant shall comply wtth Ordinance No. 663 by paytrig the fee requtred by that ordinance which ts based on 26.40 acres of the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habttat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the ffes requtred by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee requtred under the Habttat Conservation Plan as Implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 32. Prior to issuance of building pemtts, performance securities, tn amounts to be determined by the Dtrector of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of plantings, vralls and fences tn accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year shall be filed with the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to tssuance of occupancy pemtts, all requlred landscape planting and trrlgatton shall have been tnstal]ed and be tn a condition acceptab]e to the Director of Butldlng and Safety. The plants shall be healthy and free of ~eeds, dtsease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good verktng order. 33. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kV or greater, shall be Installed underground. 34. 35. The applicant shall mark the curb red along Rainbow Canyon Road to prohibit parking. Prtor to any use allowed by thts Plot Plan, the applicant shall obtatn clearance from the Department of Butldtng and Safety - Land Use Section that the uses found on the subject property are in conromance wtth Ordinance No. 348. 36. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complted with prtor to occupancy or any use allowed by thts pemtt. JA:mp OFFICE OF ltOAD COMMISSIONER & COUI~'Y SURVEYOR January 8, 1990 COUNTY ADt4D41STRA"J'P~T CD4TT. R HAI~Q, IG P.O. 9OX 1090 R.IV!~SE)[. CAUlrORNIA 92502 (1'14) 787~554 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: (Resort) Res Plot Plan 11505 - Amend Team 5 - S~D #9 AP %111-111-111-9 *As ~u~ended at D.H. 1-8-90 With respect referenced item, reco~aendations ~ to the conditions of the Road Department approval for the above has the following Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall complete the following conditions at no cost to any government agencys Sufficient right of way along Rainbow Canyon Road shall be conveyed for public use to provide for a 88 foot full width right of way. Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Del~r~ent the sum of $66,000.00 towards mitigating traffic impacts for signal require- ments. This amount represents 26.40 acres x $2,500.00 per gross acre - 66,000.00. The resmining 315.40 acres is developed and existing. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall construct the following at no cost to any government agencyt o Rainbow Canyon Road'shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 52 feet fro~ centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner COUNTY ~11V[ ~ · 4080 LIGON ~ * ~, CAI.IFORIq!A 92501 Plot Plan 11505 - ,~mend #1 !~ee~mbe~,o2~,~-~989- January 8, lggO Page 2 witkin a 88 foot full width dedicated right of way in accordance wXth modified County Standard No. 111, wi~h the exception of the two driveway entrances which will transition to a 60'/88' as approved by the Road C~missioner. ® Asphelt emulsion (fog seal) shall he applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of ~he State Standard Specifications. *5. Six =fuo~ ~lde- ~.xet~ r; ae~.- ~ k- -s~a/~ ~e-~w~~ ~te~2 = ® Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by ~he Riverside County Road Coauntssioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for main- tenance by County. Major drainage is involved on this project and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Commissioner. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. ® All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. 10. ltll driveways shall County Standards lmpzx~m~ent plans. conform to and shall the applicable Riverside be shown on the street 11. All entrance driveways shell be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent 'beck-on' parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 50 feet measured fr~n face of curb. 12. The street design and Improvement concept of this project shall be coordina~ed with PP 10724. 13. S~reet lighting shall be required in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461. The County Service Area (CSA) Adminis~rator determines whe~r this proposal qualifies under an existing assessment district or not. If not, the land owner shall file, after receiving tentative approval, *As deleted at D.H. 1-8-90 Plot Plan 11505 - Amend #1 Beeeebe~-~-~989- January 8, 1990 · Page 3 14. 15. 16. LJ~ Jw for an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a 'Lighting Assessment District' in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000 or as approved by the Road Com~issioner. All private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite th~s project shall be coordinated with ~his project and shown on ~he street improve~nt plans. A s~riping plan is required for Rainbow Canyon Road. The re,oval of ~he existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by,he applicant. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall co~ply wi~h Road DeparU~ent standards and r~quire approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Coa~issioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24' x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Ve~f truly yours, Lee Johnson -*~echnlcal Eng. Unit Supervisor County of Riverside DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ~'TI: .~IVER~IDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. /i~TN: ~eff Adams IE: lATE: 0i-08-9o IRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST IV PLOT PLAN 11505, Amended No. 1 The Envxronmental Health $ervxces has revxewed Plot Plan 11505 and has no ob3ectxons. $anxtarv sewer and water $ervxces are available in thxs area. Prxor to buildxna Dian submxttals. the followlno xtems wxll be submitted: 1. "Will-serve" letters from the water and aoe~c 1 eS . 2. If there are to be any hazardous materials. a cle%ra~qg_lett~? from the Environmental Health Services Hazardous Materials Manaaement Branch ~Jon Mohoroski. 358-5055). will be reou~red ind~catxno that the Dro.~ect has been cleared for: a. Underoround $toraoe tanks. b. Hazardous Waste Generator Services. Hazardous Waste D~sclosure ~n accordance w~th AB d. Waste reduction manaoement. SM:tac cc: 3on Mohoroski. Hazardous Materials Branch 11 m9o DOH-GA.002 (Flev. 11/~1) KF.~I~r'rH L.. F.D~AFID$ RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 December 22, 1989 1995 MARKET ~rREET P.O. BOX 1033 TEI.,EPHONE (714) 787-2015 FAX NO. (714) 788-9965 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Jeff Adams Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Plot Plan 11505 Amended No. 1 This is a proposal to add new buildings to existing hotel facili- ties in the City of Temecula. The site is located along the east side of Rainbow Canyon Road south of Pala Road. This originally was Plot Plan 10724 which proposed an extension to the golf course. A new plot plan was required for the addi- tional buildings. Runoff is tributary to the site from the hills to the southwest. The developer proposes to realign Rainbow Canyon Road adjacent to this site. A portion of the offsite flows would be collected in a storm drain in the west side of Rainbow Canyon Road conveyed through the site and outletted onto the existing golf course. A watercourse would drain to a parking lot adjacent to the spa. The drainage area is difficult to determine due to surface mining and grading on the southwest side of Rainbow Canyon Road. It is unclear how much flow would travel northerly in Rainbow Canyon Road or cross the road draining to the parking lot. The developer should provide a hydrology study to determine if addi- tional flood control facilities are required to carry these flows from the parking lot to the golf course. Following are the District's recommendations: A hydrology study should be performed to determine the amount of runoff tributary to the parking lot adjacent to the proposed spa. If the streets do not have capacity to convey these flows through the site additional flood con- trol facilities will be required. ® Drainage facilities outletting sump conditions should be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows. Additional emergency escape should also be provided. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Plot Plan 11505 Amended No. 1 -2- 'December 22, 1989 Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easements. Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions. A copy of the improvement plans and grading plans along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the District for review and ap- pr6val prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to Kris Flanigan of this office at 714/787-2333. c: Markham and Associates y~, truly ~ rs, KF:slw PLANNING & P..NGINF.~RING 46-2O90AmS STREET, SUITE 4O5 nqDIO, CA 92201 (619) 342.8886 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF 12-13-89 PLANNING & ENGINEERING 376O 12TH STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 (714) 787-66O6 TO: PLANNING DEPARTNENT NIKE BACON PLOT PLAN 11505 A~ENDED ~1 With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 546. o Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 4000 GPM for a 3 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the Job site. 0 The required fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separation or built-in fire protection measures. 4. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company vith the foil,ring certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 5. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6"x4"x2~xe~), viii be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feat from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. o Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow of 1500 GPM or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet frma the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be autmaatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. RE: PP 11505 Page 2 Install a supervised water flow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as per Uniform Building Code. e In lieu of fire sprinkler requirements, building(s) must be area separated into square foot compartments, approved by the Fire Department, as per Section 505 (e) of the Unifor~ Building Code. 9. A statement that the building will be automatically fire sprinklered ~ust appear on the title page of the building plans. 10. Occupancy separation will be required as per the Uniform Building Code, Section 503. 11. Install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 12. Certain designated areas viii be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 13. Install a manual pull, smoke detection system as required by the Uniform Building Code and National Fire Protection Association. 14. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 15. Install a hood duct fire extinguishing system. Contact a terrified fire protection company for proper placement. Plans must be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. 16. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $413.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. 17. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a cash sum of 25¢ per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. 18. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. All questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYI4OND H, REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Laura Cabral, Fire Safety Specialist ml December 20, 1989 Administrative Center. 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 .Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Jeff Adams County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Plot Plan 11505, Exhibit A, Amended #1 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: If the proposed project is to be "phased," an approved exhibit indicating which structures and on-site improvements are required for each "phase" should be required. An additional plot plan or an approved exhibit for on-site signage will be required. Prior to the issuance of building permits, written clearance is required from the following: ° Temecula Valley Unified School District Engineered plans are required for any walls or fences over six feet in height. An approved setback adjustment from the Planning Department is required for walls or fences over six feet in height found in required setback areas. Performance Securities Bond for maintenance of landscaping may be required. Consult your Conditions of Approval. Swimming pool to be fenced according to requirements specified in Ordinance 421.1. Health Department clearance required on pool plans. If approved elevations are required from the Planning Department the approved plans must be submitted to the Land Use Division concurrently with submittal of structural plans for review. Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 Planning Department PP 11505 December 20, 1989 Page 2 Prior to acceptance~of structural plans for Building and Safety review, one complete set of approved conditions from Planning Department must be attached. Prior to issuance of building permits, proposed lighting must be in conformance with Mount Palomar Lighting Plan, Zone A, per Ordinance 655. Grading clearance required prior to building permit issuance - ground fissure area. Very truly yours, Robert Llnares Senior Land Use Te~-hnician TO: JEFF ADAMS FROM: TONY HARHON DATE: 12/13/89 RE: P.P. 11505 PLANNING The "Gradin~ Section" has reviewed a conceptual ~rading plan for this site. The plan is acceptable. Consequently, the "Grading Section" recommends approval of this pro~ect if the foliowinE conditions are included. Prior to commencing any gradin~ in excess of 50 cubic yards, the applicant shall obtain a ~rading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety department. Prior to issuance of any buildin~permit, the property owner shall obtain a ~radin~ Permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Constructing a road, where ~reater than 50 cubic yards of material is placed or removed, requires a ~rading permit. Provide verification that any existing~adir~was permitted and that approval to construct was obtained from the Buildin~ and Safety Depamtment. Plant and irrigate fill slopes ~reater than or equal to 3° and/or cut slopes E~eater than or equal to 5' in vertical heiEht with ~ass or ~round cover. Slopes that exceed 15' in vertical height are to be provided with shrubs and/or trees per count ordinance 457, see form 284-47. Landscape plans are to be si~ned by a registered landscape architect and bonded per the requirements of ordinance 457, see form 284-47. .Grading in excess of 199 performance security to be Safety department. cubic yards will require posted with the Buildin~ and In instances where a ~rading pla~ involves import or export, prior to obtaining a ~radin~ permit, the applicant shall have obtained approval for the import/export location from the Building and Safety department- this ~ay require a written clearance from the Pi~-,~-~ Department. The proposed retat-~-S walls, shown on the conceptual ~ading plan, w~ll require separate Permits and shall be desiEned by a registered civil ervinear - unless they conform to the County Standard Retaining Wall designs shown on Buildin~ and Safety Department form284-19?. THE ON SITE D~AINAGE FACILLITIES SH~r.r. BE DESIGNEDTO HANDLE THE100YEARSTOSHFLOWS. K~ILDII~ FOOTINGS NEAR OR ADJACENT TO SLOPES }/AY ~IRE SPECIAL DESIGN PERPARED BY AN REGISTE~r~ CIVIL ENGINIng. NOTE: Por the final ~rading plan, please provide the applicable information from Buildin~ and SafetFDepartment ~rading forms: 284-120, 284-21, 284-86, and 284-46. Thank Fou. qiVE::l iDE coun;.u 'PLAnnine; DEPA:I;I;IEI1; December 14, 1989 Pactftc Soils Engineering, ]nc. 7370 Opportunity R~ad, Sutte "N" San Dtego, CA 92111 Attention: Hr. Robert S. McElwain Hr. John A. Hanson Hr. Rex P. Ketter SUBJECT: Gentlemen: Sotsmtc/Geologtc Hazard Work Order 400275 Plot Plan 11505 APN: 922-220-002 County 6eologtc Report No. 668 Ratnbow Canyon Area He have revtewed your report entttled "Fault Hazard Study For Temecula Creek Inn, Located Near Ratnbow Canyon Road, County of Riverside, CA," dated November 15, 1989, and your response to County revtew, dated December 12, 1989. Your report determined that: 1. Holocene faulttng ts not present on-stte. e A maxtmum probable earthquake of magnitude 7.0 on the E1stnore fault located 0.25 mtles from the stte would produce an estimated peak acceleration of 0.78 g at the stte. e The secondary setsmtc hazards of liquefaction, landslides, rockfalls, setches, tsunamts, earthquake tnduced settlement wtll not pose a hazard to the stte. 4. Ground lurching is posstble wtth materials of contrasting setsmtc velocities extsttng at the stte. Your report recommended that: 1. Fault setbacks are not necessary for proposed buildings in the developed areas. 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 Pactftc Sotls Engineering, Inc. -2- December 14, 1989 e Proposed stte gradtng remedtal work and adherence to setsmtc code destgn parameters shall be used to mtntmtze the effects of ground lurchtng and expected ground acceleration from earthquakes produced along off-stte faults. e The exploratory trench excavations shall be re-excavated and backft]]ed durtng stte gradtrig tn a manner consistent ~tth s~andard engineering practices. It ts our optnton that the report was prepared tn a competent manner and satisfies the additional Information requested under the California Environmental Quality Act raytaw and the Riverside County Comprehensive $eneral Plan. Ftnal approval of the report ts hereby gtven. The recommendations made tn your report for mitigation of seismic-geologic hazards sha]l be adhered to tn the destgn and construction of thts project. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter - Pl~nntng 0t~ector Steven A. Kupfe~rm~,~ '[// Engineering Geo]q~tst / / CEG-1205 ~ ~ [ SAK:al c.c.J.W. Colachts Co. - Applicant Norm Lostbom -Butldtng & Safety Jeff Adams - Comerctal/Xndustrtal Team P,2 R:Lveroido County PlannAng Department 4080 ldlon It:tit ILvertJ. ae, ~ I~a~U,A Dear ~. ~p~erumn, : ·hAi ~etter LB ~ relz~x~eto a :fiLer letter by RivereAde Couty ~laan~ DeparUantud LeeMe deeazLbedbyyou in a telq~.l oOrrVirlatLon oaDooember 12, 1080. b ~o~no®s to Lmmm 11st~ m~i'Mr,~ t~g~%fi%l ~~t for % ~C X2 'e9 Xdl:56 I~qCI'F*IC SOILS S.D.619 5c, o'03ee P.3 Order 40017S We do not believe ··co·defy feleuic o£rec~o viii pose a halard to tie devilop~ent. Ipooifioall¥; liquefaction is nature or the bedroo~ end lack or ·halley groundu&tor. Land- · lidee and rook £·11· are ~ot ···aid·red · hasard or ··n- ettaint due to the leek o£ ·~ep ·d:~&cont rolie£ end ravor- ~Lble 8101p~ itebll:Lty c~&rm~rAlt~Ol or the gran~t~c rock. leichel, tlUnaB11 &lgl earthquake Andflood rloodArtg ihould not J3npa~ ~e lite owing to ~h· elevation above Pachanga Creek · and dion·nee from large bodAen or va~aF. hz~h~Aake induced lett. Xeaant and/oF ooupao~ion wall not pome a hasard eying to ~.he We oh·reefer or ~he bedrook and antleAp·ted FeBoval and reoompa~Aon vAthi· rill area·. Ground luEohing in possible vl~h Bat·rials or oorfi~ar~ing leA·RIO veX·cities, however; ~he lite grading and ·ode dEmAgn patlne~eFI ohould uLnAaXle the erreatJ of 93wle poe~ntLaX leoend·r7 dilplaoemont~. UAddro~ lmoule aueh a~ ground ···aXeration on rilereef Baler faults at mits, Bax~ probable e~ and Bltigation or , i~ 12 '89 ldrS6 Pin,tIC SOI~S S.D.&19 ~r£9 0388 P.4 WorX OnSo~ 400~7S Doomtabor %a, %900 ~ La lateral The PonLnlG2&r Range atFuotu~al blQcX Lo dAvLd~ Lnto oLqh~ o~bl~. · ~Lvo faults ~ m~b opicnears ~l~! h l~..~&.B,oo alto soLsiLo i~ruetara for the fou~ (4) noBroot &otLve £au2~. · &BLR · 6.B 0,09 g 0.06 g 8.0 0,1% g 0.14 g end 82.oooon (%0?4) Md,~ ~ mmmNmmm#~mo ~ i · ~'~ 12 'B9 14:57 P~CLrXC BOLLS S.D.6~ '~S~ a3U? Woz~Order400~75 1909 P,$ We ~ope ~ho above reoponoeo vAll provide ~Ae proper for ~ou co oouplete your ~ovAev of the oub~e~t pro3ocC. Should you luve any ~ueotiono or require additional lnforuation, ploaoo do not heaLSaCe ~o eonU~ ~he undersigned. /.~0 S~eO¢~ leapera:fully oubu/ttod, ~ ~JO~OO0 ~ ~ · J~XFX¢ IOXTJ BIIGX~G~ 13lC. *'UERTIFI£D" . ~. Rovlowod by. ;.& ~6EOLO~IOT, ~ .... ~'- ~'~,,. A,,'I. o' ~'~u~, ~;,~,~, ~.,,, ,. ,,~,.....o.:,o ixl riosign eonault. ~ &~ut mr. c~ersai~A nsW~&w~,p:Jo/o0o3 · ~lr~.. 1~' "Ftq 14t.q? PI~.TF'TC .q)TI .~ .q.h.~l") .q~'~l ~ Groone£oldor, I.W., 1974, Hax~mtm orod~blo rook aooeleration from Ol~q~.mkow %n Cal~£ornLa: CilLforn~m D~vLwLon of IlLnew mrdGoo%og~, Xm~ ~ ~3. · lommm&l, M.R., & B10omon, 3.Z., X974, Rmp4ml:mble htgh ground moomler&tXonm from oarthquakoms Calt£ornt& Geology, vol. 37, no. g. P.? ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE88MENT FORM: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (E~.) NUMBER: PROJECT CASE TYPE(s) AND NUMBERS(~): P~ "rl' Al:q:)L~ I',LAJVIE: .- Io~-. ~!"&. NAlVlE OF PERSON(s) PREPARING E.A.: -I, STANDARD EVALUATION MODULE NUMBER(s): Ig ( PROJECT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION (include propceed minimum lot 81ze rand uool 18 flrplk:~)M): ai4::)i;:)r~QFI ~ B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES ___~/' 4JC~ ; Or S(:~.IARE FEET C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): ¢~.~-Z ' ,,~C) -- ~ ~D~l 00~'I O0"~I D. EXISTING ZONING: ~;[,';' ~'~ IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? E. PROPOSED Z(~NING: ~,-~A~ IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? F. STREET REFERENCES: ~ 'q~' ~1~411,~u., ~'.~~ ~ 1 ~,,~t'[~ ~I~'~I~A, G. SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATI'ACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND ITS SURROUND. ING5 IL COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN OPEN MACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION Check the Ippmi)r~te option(s) below ancl ptc:lecJ Kcorclingly. [] All or part of the project 8ire is in "Adopted Specific Plin8, .... REMAP" or "Rancho Villages Community POlicy Areas". Complete Section8 III, IV (B and C only), V and VI. · All or part of the project site is in "Arees Not Desigr~lted ~8 Open Space". Complete Sections III, IV (A, B and D only), V and Vl. [] All or part of the project ~te ha~ an Open Space and Conservation desigrmtion other than those mentioned above. Complete ~ III, IV (A, B, and E only), V and Vl. 295-70 (New 12/87) I 111. ladkale h allure of fie prol~Otl cl lind use IS d.~k.,,St d Irom h d Sl cdi)lk)nl as found in C~,,(,t.~;ntks 6efmral Plan Figure VI~ (Cimle One~ TI~ infc, ,~tion 18 ng~BgBl~y to .Ck4B..,~ lbs ~'pn3pfii~ B lam:l use tuitlbgity ratin~ in 8oction III.B. NA - Not ArpV. clt)le Cdtkll £IIIFA;BI t10..,l~ Illt~h Rilk ~'~ Hormll-I.~)w Risk q Inditers with & yes (Y) or no (N) whMher any Mwirmmmnld hlzord lad/or fseouroe lieuse my -,~)~1~ BrdJy Offact or be afroted by the IXOlX~al. All ralcrtnc;d ~ Ire ~ tint3 in the Cckur,,,:t4r lkl (~mlfld Plan. For any illue marked yes (Y) write W~.IiorB~ data seumel, tgene'.t I got l~llg d, tktdin~ of fact end any, ~ ~;n ~ under Section V. Abo, where indicated. circle the ypropriaLe land use eu#abmty or no~ BCell:~- ~'.'I:L~ mtln0(8~ (Sse dsfirk~iorm at bottom of th~ p~oe). 1~ Aiquilt-Priolo 8pectal 8tudias or County Fault NA ~....) U R (Fig. Vt.3) 2.._~ Liq~ Potential Zone (F~. ~.1) 3~ ~~ing ~ (~ ~.~) 12. kl Alq)odNoM(Fig. ll.le.5,11.18.11 & V1.12 & 1964 NCUZ Report, M~.F.B.) IdA A a C D (Pig, Vl.11 ) 13...~ Flailroad Noise (Fig. V1.13- V1.16) R (Fig. Vl.4) 14. ~ IdA (~v.' PS U R~:['(Fig. VI.5) 15 f~ Sk)pes Co. 8oo 8c;ale 8lope Maps) .__ Landslide Riak Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Roc kfall Hazard (On-alta Ina~ection) 17. -~L ExpinUve Soils (U.S.D.A. Soil 18. __~ Consenmtion 8entice Soil ~urveys) 19. Erosion (U.S.D.~. Soil Conservation 20. Id ~ervice Soil ~Jweys) 21. ~ Wind Eracmion & Blowsand (Fig. VI.1, 22. Ord. 460, ~ec. 14.2 & Ord. 484) 23. I~ Dam Inundation Area (Fig. Vl.7) 24. (rm. ~q.8) RE~iOURCES 37. 26 ~ Agriculture (Fig. VI.34- VI~5) 32.._~ 27.~- In or Near in Agricultural Presewe 33. kl (Riv. Co. AgricultumJ Land convemation 34~ contract Maps! 26...~_ Wik:llife (Fig. Vl.36- VI.37) 35. N IdA A B C VI?I (Fig, VI.11) Hig~y Noise (CId. 7 - Vl.29) NA A B D (Fig, VI.11 ) IdA A B C D (Fi0, VI.11) Protect GMNIrated Noise Affecting Noise Sermitive Uses (Fig. VI.11) Noise 8analtire Project (Fig. VI.11 ) Air Quality Impacts From Project Project ,~enNtive to Air Quality Water Quality Impacts From Project Project ~itive to Water Quality Hazardous Materials and Wastes ~ Fire Area (Fig. Vl.30 - Vl.31) Other Other ,.~ic Highwly~ (Fig. VI.45) Historic Rseourcas (Fig. VI.32 - VI.33) Amhasologic~l Resources (Fig. VI.32 - VI.33 & W.46- VI.48) P~eont01~gical Re~)urces (Plleo~ic~ Resources Map) 3~5-70 (New 12/87) Definitiont for Land Ule Suitability and Noile Acceptability Ratings NA - Not Applicable S - Generally Suitable PS - Prov'm~)nally Suitable U - Generllly Un~Jitable R - Rllbio14d A - Gafferally Acceptable B - Cofiditior~ly Acceptld~ C - Giner~lly Un&cc~table D - Land Use DMcouraged 1. OPEN 8PACE AND C~RVATION MAP DF.~NATION(M: 4. COMMUNITY POLICY AREA, IF ANY: 5. COMMUNITY PLAN, IF ANY: 6. ~uNrrY PLAN DESIGNATION(i), IF ANY: For all projects, inidcate with a yes (Y) or no (N) w,~-ther any public facilities and/or services issues may significantly affect or be affected by the proposal. All referenced figur~ are contained in the Co~ General Plan. For any issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consulted, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. PUBLIC FACIUTIE$ AND ~ERVlCES 1~_ Circulation (Fig. IV.l-IV.11. Discuss in 10- ~ec. V Existing, Planned & Required Roads) Bike Tmil~ (Fig. IV.12 - IV. 13) Wmer (Agency LeUers) Sewer (Agency letters) F~ Sewires (Fig. N.16 - N.18) Shetin Senates (Fig N.17 - N.18) Schoo~ (Fig. rV. 17 - rv.18) Sold Waste (rig. rV.17 - Pa~ and Recmmk~ (Fig. ~V.19 - ~V~0) 2. H 11.1~ 14. 16- Y' 17. Equsstrian Trails (Fig. IV. 19 - IV.24/ Riv. Co. 800 Sc~e Equestrian Trail Maps) Util'Wes (Fig. IV.25 - IV.26) Libraries (Fig. IV.17 - IV. 18) I-MMIh Senricss (Fig. IV.17 - IV. 18) Alrpmls (Fig. 11.18.2 - 11.18.4, 11.18.8 - 11.18.10 & N.27 - IV.36) City Sphere of Influence Olher Ce If all or part Of the project is located in "Adopted Specific Plans", "RElYlAP" or "Rancho Villages Community Policy 1. Slate the relevant land use dangnation(s): Based on this initial study, is the proposal consistent with the policies and designations of the appropriate document. and therefore consistent with the Com~ General Plan? ff not, explain: 295-;'O (Hew 12/87) 3 If all Or I:mrt of the project ~ is in "Ames nM Deeignited M Open ,~ace", and i~ nol in a Community Plan, complete ~uestions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7. ComplMe quasl;on~ 4, 5, 6 and 7 If it is in a Community Plan. 1. Land uee category(lee) neoHeary to a~pl:x)ft the pm~.0ul~ project. Aleo indicate land use type 3. If D.1 differs from D.2, will the difference be ~l;IveJ at the dL~&l~g:.Mtt atage? Explain: 4. Community Plan designation(s): 5. !s the ~ I:~ject consistent with the policie6 and de~gnations o~ the Community Plan? not, explain: 6. Is the proposal compatible with existing and propoMd surrounding land uses? If not, explain: ~"-"-~ 7. Based on this initial study, is the proposal consistent with the Compretmrm, ive General Plan? If not, reference by Section and la~ue Number those ie,~ues identifying inconsistencies: E. If all or I:mrt of Ihe project ~ is in an Open Space and Conaervation designation, complete the following: 1. State the designation(s): 2. I~ the prolx)aal cormistent wtth the designation(s)? If not, explain: 3. Baled on this initial study, is the I:)ro13osal consisent with the Compmh~sive Gene~ Plan? If not, reference by Section and la~Je Number those isles identifying ~cies: 12/87) 4 V. NK)RMATION SOURCES. IqNDING8 OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURE8 A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE&SMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY 18SUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECEIVED (YES~O~ATE) B. For each issue marked yes (Y) under Sections III.B and N.B, identify the ~ and i~ue number and do the following, in the kxmat as ~ below: 1. Ust all edditiorml relevant data sources, including agencies consulted. '2. 8rate all findings of fact regmding envtron,,~tel oor~,,~. 3. State ~oecific mitigation rnea~ures, if identifmble without rKluiring en environmental impact report (E.I.FL) 4. If m:lditiorml information is required before the envtror,,,wJttal ~e~smertt can be completed, refer to $ubeectk~n A. 5. If additional sheets are needed to ~p~"ffe this ~'tlon, check the box at the end of the section and attach SECTION/ 18SUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: 295-1'0 (New 12/87) · SECTION/ ISSUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, fiNDIG OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: [] The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration may be (or) ~ The project could have & 8ignificent effect on the environment; however, there will not be a significant effect in this (3~e because the mitigation meaaure8 described in ~ection V have been applied to the project and a Negative Declaration may be prepared. (or) r'l The project may have & Mgnificant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report is required. prepar by 295-70 ~ 12/87} 6 February 14, 1990 City Council City of Temecula Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Council= The Rancho California Water District has introduced A.~. 2?42 which provides for a fourteen year transition period to convert the present land owner vote election of its seven member Board of Directors to popular vote election. the undersigned, support A.B. 2743 with respect to its result of popular election of all Board members as well as its provisions for an "orderly" transition from the land election basis and for "continuity" of Board members. ~ strongly believe, however, that there is absolutely no Justification for the Billts provision for a seven-election or fourteen year transition period beginning with the popular vote election of one Board member in 1991, two in 1993, etc. Under this scenario, the master land developers, Bedford, Et A1, would control the Water District through November 1997. During the intervening seven year period the Water District Board will be approving huge capital outlays for water supply and sewerage facilities which the citizens of the Rancho California area and the City of Temecula will be required to pay for over the next twenty to thirty years. It seems only Just and appropriate that these citizens be afforded the right to elect Water District Board Members who will be incented to consider the long-term interests of our community rather than the relatively short-term interests of the master developers. have prepared, with the assistance of competent legal counsel, an Amendment to A.B. 2743 for which we seek your endorsement. The Amendment we propose simply calls for the election of all future Water District Board members by popular vote. In effect, the ~ended bill would provide for election to the Board seats presently scheduled for 1991 to be by popular vote and the four Board seats scheduled for election in 1993 to be by popular vote. Thus, the need for both an orderly transition and Board member continuity is assured while transferring control of the Rancho California Water District from the master developers to the citizens. To put the W~ter board election issue in perspective, we wish to point out that, at the present time, a voter or a member of the District Board need be neither a resident nor a registered voter of the District nor, indeed, even a citizen of the United States. The single ~ualification in that a voter or a Board member he a property owner. ~ have attached a copy of A.B. 2743 as introduced by the Rancho California Water District' and a copy of our recommended Amendment thereto. Please review these attachments and should you have any ~uestions, please call Mr. Affolter and he will arrange a prompt and ~ualified response. We intend to formally introduce the proposed Amendment in Sacramento in the very near future and your formal support of this proposal will be most helpful. Sincerely, John Affolter Howard Ches~ Stan Mills Lela~ McKeel Jori Moramarco AMENDMENT TO AB 2743 1. In Section 35231 strike the words "the transition period provided in section 35232" in line 14 and replace with the following: "the effective date of this chapter" 2. Strike the language in Section 35232 and replace with the following: 35232. In order to facilitate an orderly transition and to preserve the staggered terms, the terms of office of directors serving on the effective date of this chapter shall remain unchanged and no provision of this chapter shall be construed to disqualify any director serving on that date from continuing in office; provided that any person appointed to fill a vacancy on the board of directors shall be a qualified voter of the district as provided in Section 35234. 3. Place a period at the end of line 23 in Section 35233 and strike the remainder of Section 35233. 4. Strike lines 18 through 21 in Section 35234. 5. Strike the language contained in Section 35235 and replace with the following: 35235. Qualified voters of the district shall be residents of, and registered voters in, the district. i:r' (I) o G · o ~.~-~, ~,~ .%. -. · 0 ~ (I) I:::: ::r 0"~..o · (1) ,.., 0 rn ,-,. CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: Law Enforcement DEPT HD. MTG: S.-~ o~o CITY ATTY DEI~: C~ Recommendations CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACFION That the City Council approve the recommendations of the Law Enforcement Committee and adopt: 1. A resolution appropriating $74,680. 2. A resolution requesting the Sheriff to provide additional services. BACKGROUND The Law Enforcement Negotiating Committee, at its meetings of March 5th and 12th, recommended that the City Council request the Sheriff to provide the following additional services beginning April 1, 1990. 1. A Sergeant 40 hours per week to act as liaison to the City Manager. 2. Three Deputies for a total of 72 hours per week. 3. Two CSOs (Commn~nity Service Officers) for 80 hours per week. 4. Vehicles as needed - $7,500. 5. Sheriff's Posse for patrol duties, with no additional paid supervisor. Total cost April 1 to June 30, 1990 would be $74,680. Deputy Recruitment The committee also recommends that the City Council request the Sheriff to commence recruiting for 30 Deputies and 6 CSOs for assi,~tmment in Temecula beginning July 1, 1990. This request will expedite recruitment of Deputies. Californi:~ Highway Patrol A further recommendation is that the Council request the ClIP to provide Traffic services to the City for a six month period beginning July 1, 1990. CITY OF TF,.,~ECUL~ STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: city Manager Deputy city Clerk Law Enforcement Committee Action March 12, 1990 The Ad Hoc Council Committee to Negotiate the Contract with the Sheriff's Department met last evening at City Hall. They developed a proposal to present to the City Council for consideration which addresses the interim programs to occur prior to July 1, 1990. The Sheriff in his letter of February 28, 1990 proposed several measures which would, if implemented, total an expenditure of $77,985. The committee has suggested modifying that suggested program as follows: Temecula City Sheriff's Captain - to fill this position with a Sergeant who would act as city Liaison but who would also be a working patrol officer. The resulting savings could then be used to add additional man hours. Sheriff's Posse - to be utilized as suggested in the proposal of February 28, 1990 with a Deputy Sheriff providing supervision. Target Team - to add an additional Deputy Sheriff for 24 hours. This amount to be funded from the savings realized by replacing the Captain position with a Sergeant. Community Service officer Team - to add an additional CSO position for 24 hours per week. This also would be funded from the salary savings realized in having a Sergeant acting as City Liaison/Supervisor. Additional Vehicle Costs - The additional costs to support the extra personnel suggested was estimated at $7,500. The modified program being recommended by the Committee is estimated at a cost of approximately $74,680. This is only a minor savings over the estimated cost contained in the Sheriff's suggested interim program but it does increase the service level in hours and personnel significantly. RESOLUTION NO. 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REQUESTING THE RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY AND TO COMMENCE RECRUITMENT FOR DEPUTIES WHEREAS, The City of Temecula submitted a Letter of Intent dated February 13, 1990, declaring its intention to contract with the Riverside County Sheriffs Department commencing July 1, 1990, and WHEREAS, a committee is currently meeting with Chief John Jones for the purpose of negotiating a contract for services, and WHEREAS, the Law Enforcement Committee has recommended that the Sheriff be asked to provide an enhanced level of service in the City commencing April 1, 1990, and WHEREAS, the Sheriff has advised the City Council that there is a long lead time required to recruit and train deputies, and WHEREAS, the City Council believes there is an urgent need for additional law enforcement services immediately, and WHEREAS, the voters of the City of Temecula supported incorporation because of a strong desire for additional law enforcement services, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That the Riverside County Sheriff's Department is hereby requested to provide the following additional law enforcement services in Temecula beginning April 1, 1990. A Sergeant 40 hours per week to act as liaison to the City Manager. Three Deputies for a total of 72 hours per week. Resos/90-28 03/15/90 6:04pm Resolution 90- Page 2. Two Community service Officers for 80 hours per week. d. Vehicles as needed - $7,500. Services of the Sheriffs Posse for patrol duties, with no additional paid supervisor. Section 2. That the Riverside County Sheriffs Department proceed immediately to recruit and train 30 Deputies and six (6) Community Service Officers to provide services to the City of Temecula after July 1, 1990. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/90-28 03/15/90 6:04~m Mayor Ron Parks Mayor Pro Tem Karel F. Lindemarts CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 (714) 694-1989 FAX (714) 694-1999 Councilmembers Patricia H. Birdsall Peg Moore J. Sal Mu~oz March 9, 1990 California Highway Patrol 27685 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Captain Dave Webb Dear Captain Webb, The City of Temecula became a newly incorporated city in Riverside County on December 1, 1989. Since that time the California Highway Patrol has provided the City with traffic enforcement and has agreed to do so through June 30, 1990. At the present time the City of Temecula is negotiating a contract for law enforcement with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. We do not anticipate having adequate staff to handle the needs of our citizens by June 30, 1990 and would therefore respectfully request that the California Highway Patrol continue to furnish traffic enforcement until January 1, 1991. The City Council and I very much appreciate your consideration of this matter and would appreciate knowing of the decision on our request at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Ronald J. Parks Mayor JSG ~NT ~Y:CO~T~IN HOHE5 INC l 4, ? 10 11 15 16 ~0 ~? postage prepaid, to the foliovial add:eases: RIVERSIDE C01JA~f FLOOD ~qOH'~ltOL A~JTATBR CONSERVATION DIS~'RICT P.O. Box 1033 TAYTO ~ OF RIVBRSIDK Attar Road DepaRtment County Administrative Cen~eE, Eighth Floe: 40oo Lemon It. Riverside, CA 0250l 15. Any action at law or in equity brought by any of the patties hete~o for the purpose of enforcing · righ~ at tights provided for by the agreement shall be tried in a court of competent JuRisdiction in the County o! Riverside, Sta~e o! California, and the parties hereto waive el! provisions of law providing fez a change of venue in such proceedings to any oounty. ~heir respective counsel. The fact t~at t~ia agreement was prepared as a matte: o~ convenience b~ D~STRICT shall have no inpo~t o: significan~e. Any uncertainty or embigui~y in this agreement shall not be construed against DISTRICT because DISTRICT prepared this agreement in its final form. to end be binding upon all heirs, successors and assignees. any at their rights. duties o= obligatiOnl hereunder to any person or en~i~y without the prior written ashgent o! the other trans,e: o: assignment, DMbOPIR expressly understands and agrees that they shall remain liable vith Respect to any and all o! the obligations and duties contained in this agreement. lg. This agreeBent is intended by the pa;ties berets as a final expression of their understanding vi~h roepe~ to the sub~ec~ matteR he~eo~ end as a coRpleto and exclusive of the terms end conditions thereo£ end supersedes any end p~lo: a~d ashtempo:sheens egreemen~s and understandings, oraX written, in connection therewith. This agreement may be changed o~ modified only upon the written consent o~ the parties here~. IIII IIII IIII -8- FOR .APPROYAL: 6 '7' B ILl'PROVED &6 TO ?OR)i: SENT ~Y: CO~T~ ! N MObiUS ! NC FOR APPROVAL: ? 8 9 3.0 APPROVrD AS TO IPOR#: GERALD By 14 16 1'7 18 IO 402?LIT ~ 3/1/89 RIVERBIDE COUNTY FLOOD ~T~OL A)TDNATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AT'Z'BSTf HAl ~4 (SEAL,) Road Cormill,One: and County 8u£veyo: COUNTY OF RIVKRSIDE ATTEST: ~ t 4 lift GERALD A. NALONgY Clerk o~ Da~ed: ' 'It, ~. ~. INJI~ VIS, TA · ... INDEX MAP' COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ,y,,I e IN17¥ MAP EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION (Community Facilities District No. 88-3) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 1st day of March, 1990, by and between the COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, a community facilities district, hereinafter referred to as "District," and TAYCO, a California partnership, (hereinafter referred to as "Landowner"). RECITALS 1. Landowner is the owner of approximately 303 acres of land, more or less, located in the City of Temecula, California hereinafter referred to as "the Subject Property." Landowner has filed a petition with District requesting that the Rancho California Water District initiate and complete all necessary proceedings under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, hereinafter referred to as the "Act," for the formation of the District over and including the Subject Property, and for the sale of bonds to finance the acquisition of certain public improvements which are herein- after referred to as the "Public Improvements." 2. District is authorized by Section 53313.5 of the Government Code to acquire and finance the acquisition of the Public Improvements through proceedings pursuant to the Act. This agreement is intended to set forth the procedures which EXHIBIT "D" must be followed pursuant to Section 53313.5 and the Act in order to legally and validly acquire the Public Improvements. 3. The additional purpose of this agreement is to provide for coordination between District and related public agencies and Landowner with regard to the acquisition and construction of the Public Improvements and the sale of bonds by DiStrict to finance the acquisition of the Public Improvements by District and related public agencies'and to provide for certain other matters related to the construction of the Public Improvements. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the preceding reci- tals and the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter con- tained, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Construction. Prior to the formation of District, Landowner constructed a portion of the Public Improvements, as identified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "First Phase"). Landowner may, after receipt of written notice to proceed from District, construct at their sole cost the second phase of the Public Improvements as identified in Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Second Phase"), in accord- ance with plans and specifications therefor approved by the public agency which ultimately will own and maintain such Public Improvement (the "Plans and Specifications"). Additionally, the Landowner will, prior to soliciting bids as -2- described below, submit for approval to the District or the public agency which will ultimately own and maintain such Public Improvement, the bidding documents to be utilized in order to insure that such bidding documents' requirements for prevailing wages, surety bonds and insurance are in accord- ance with the requirements set forth in the "Joint Financing Agreements" (the "Joint Financing Agreements") which are concurrently being entered into by and among the District, Landowner and the affected public agencies. If Landowner elects to proceed with the construction of the Second Phase after receiving District's written notice to proceed, Landowner shall notify District in writing of its election to proceed. If Landowner elects to proceed with the construction of the Second Phase, Landowner shall, after a competitive bid- ding procedure in conformity with the Public Contracts Code at which at least three (3) bids are received, submit to the District or the applicable public agency written evidence of such competitive bidding procedure, including evidence of the means by which bids were solicited, a listing of all responsive bids and their amounts, and the name or names of the contractor or contractors to whom Landowner proposes to award the contract(s) for such construction. District, or the applicable public agency (with whom the District will confer), shall approve or disapprove of said contract or contractors in writing within 10 business days after receipt of the name or names of such contractor or contractors. If -3- District or applicable public agency disapproves of any such contractor, Landowner shall select another contractor from the competitive bids received who is acceptable to District or applicable public agency. Section 2. Inspection. District or the applicable public agency which will ultimately own and maintain such Public Improvements shall have primary responsibility for providing inspection of the work of construction of the Second Phase to insure that the work of construction is accomplished in accordance with the Plans and Specifications approved by them. District's or such public agency's personnel shall have access to the site of the work of construction at all reasonable times for the purpose of accomplishing such inspection. Upon the completion of the construction of the Second Phase to the satisfaction of District's or such public agency's inspectors, Landowner shall notify District in writing that the construction of the Second Phase or discrete component thereof has been completed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Upon receiving such written notification from Landowner, and upon receipt of written notification from its inspectors or those of the applicable public agency that construction of the Second Phase or discrete component thereof has been com- pleted in accordance with the Plane and Specifications, District shall in a timely manner notify Landowner in writing that the construction of the Second Phase or discrete component thereof has been satisfactorily completed. Upon -4- receiving such notification, Landowner shall forthwith file with the County Recorder of the County of Riverside a Notice of Completion pursuant to the provisions of Section 3093 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Landowner shall furnish to District a duplicate copy of each such Notice of Completion showing thereon the date of filing with the County Recorder. The costs incurred by District or other public agency in inspecting and approving the construction of the Second Phase shall be reimbursed to District or other appli- cable public agency from the proceeds of the bonds. Section 3. Liens. Upon expiration of the time for the recording of claims of liens as prescribed by Sections 3115 and 3116 of the Civil Code of the State of California, Landowner shall provide to District such evidence or proof as District shall require that all persons, firms and corpora- tions supplying work, labor, materials, supplies and equip- ment to the construction of the Second Phase have been paid, that no claims of liens have been recorded by or on behalf of any such person, firm or corporation and otherwise comply with the applicable requirements for conveyance of title free of such encumbrances, as set forth in the Joint Financing Agreements. Section 4. Acquisition~ Acquisition Price~ Funds Source. Provided Landowner has complied with the require- ments of this agreement and the applicable Joint Financing Agreement, District agrees to acquire the First and Second Phases from Landowner. The price to be paid by District for -5- the acquisition of the First and Second Phases shall be the actual costs incurred by the Landowner to construct the First and Second Phases (or discrete component thereof) as approved by District, together with reimbursement of any advances made by Landowner to the District, if any. As a condition to the payment of such acquisition price, Landowner shall transfer ownership of the completed component of the First or Second Phase constructed by them by grant deed, bill of sale or such other documentation as District or the public agency ultimately owning such Public Improvement may require. Upon the transfer of ownership of the Public Improvement or any discrete component thereof from Landowner to District or the public agency ultimately owning such Public Improvement, District or the public agency ultimately owning such Public Improvement shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Public Improvement transferred. Notwithstanding the prior provisions of this section, the sole source of funds for the acquisition by District of the Public Improvements or any discrete component thereof shall be the proceeds from the sale of the bonds of District. If for any reason beyond District's control the bonds are not sold, District shall not be required to acquire the Public Improvements from Landowner. In such event, Landowner shall complete the construction and transfer to District or the public agency ultimately to own such Public Improvement ownership of such components of the Public Improvements as are required to be constructed by Landowner as a condition to -6- recordation of the subdivision map for the Subject Property, but need not construct any component of the Public Improvements which it is not so required to construct. Section 5. Bonds. Upon the completion of the vali- dation of the formation of the District, including the levy of the special tax and approval of the issuance of the bonds by the Districts Securities Division, District shall use its best efforts to issue and sell bonds pursuant to the Act in an amount sufficient to acquire the Public Improvements and pay other incidental costs. Upon receiving the proceeds from the sale of the bonds, District shall reimburse Landowner for the First Phase of Public Improvements as provided in Section 4 hereof and shall thereafter reimburse Landowner for the construction of the Second Phase of the Public Improvements or discrete component thereof as soon as the foregoing condi- tions for reimbursement are satisfied. Notwithstanding any preceding provision in this agreement, if District is unable to sell the bonds for any reason beyond its control, District shall be relieved of its obligations under this agreement with respect to the acquisition of the First and Second Phases. Section 6. Easements. Landowner shall at the time District or such other public agency acquire the Public Improvements, as provided in Section 4 hereof, grant to Dis- trict or such public agency, by an appropriate instrument prescribed by them, all easements on private property which -7- may be necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the Public Improvements, or any part thereof. Section 7. Maintenance. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the Public Improvements by Landowner to District or other applicable public agency, as provided in Section 4 hereof, Landowner shall be responsible for the maintenance thereof and shall maintain and transfer the Public Improve- ment to District or other applicable public agency in as good condition as the Public Improvement was in at the time Land- owner notified District that construction of same had been completed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Section 8. Inspection of Records. District or other applicable public agency may, at its discretion, review all books and records of Landowner pertaining to costs and expenses incurred by Landowner pursuant to Section 1 hereof, during normal business hours by making advance arrangements with Landowner. Section 9. Ownership of Public Improvements. Not- withstanding the fact that some or all of the Public Improve- ments may be constructed in dedicated street rights-of-way or on property which has been or will be dedicated to District or other applicable public agency, the Public Improvements shall be and remain the property of Landowner until acquired by District or other applicable public agency as provided in the preceding sections of this agreement. Section 10. Improvement Security~ Prevailing Wages. Notwithstanding any provisions of this agreement to the con- -8- trary, Landowner shall be required to secure the faithful performance of construction and completion of construction of the Second Phase by appropriate ¢ontractor's bonds as required by Public Contracts Code of the State of California. Additionally, Landowner shall require its contractor or con- tractors to pay the prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality of the District and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work, as provided in Section 1771 et. seq. of the California Labor Code, to all workmen employed by each such contractor in the construction of the Second Phase. Landowner shall obtain from its contractor or contractors and furnish to District certified payroll records as to all such workers employed by the contractor or contrac- tors demonstrating that compliance has been had with the requirements of said Section 1771. Section 11. Independent Contractor. In performing this agreement, Landowner is an independent contractor and not the agent of District or any other public agency. Dis- trict shall have no responsibility for payment to any con- tractor or supplier of Landowner. Section 12. Indemnification~ Insurance. Landowner shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and save harmless, District, the public agencies ultimately owning and maintaining the Public Improvements, their officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, -9- claims, losses, liabilities or expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, this agreement, and the design, engineering and construction of the Public Improvements. No provision of this agreement shall in any way limit the extent of Landowner's responsibility for payment of damages resulting from the operations of Landowner and their contractors~ provided, however, that Landowner shall not be required to indemnify District and such public agencies as to damages resulting from negligence or willful misconduct of District and such public agencies or their agents or employees in performing this agreement. Landowner shall furnish to District and such public agencies a certificate or certificates of insurance substantiating that they have obtained for the entire period of the construction of the Second Phase a policy of comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage broad enough to include Landowner's contractual obligations under this section and having a combined single limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000. Said certificate of insurance shall include an endorsement naming District, such other public agencies, its officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents as additional named insureds. Section 13. Letter of Credit Concurrently with issuance of the bonds, Landowner shall cause to be delivered to District a letter of credit (the "letter of Credit") substantially in the form attached as Exhibit "C" hereto -10- which shall be: (i) an irrevocable, non-transferable letter of credit issued by a federal or state chartered bank or other financial institution (the "Issuer") reasonably acceptable to District~ (ii) in the "Stated Amount" as defined below~ (iii) subject to renewal, replacement reduction, early termination, expiration and draws by District, or the agent designated by District (the "Beneficiary") as provided below~ (iv) shall have a term ending on a June 30 at least one year from its date of issuance~ and (v) shall be subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400). (a) ADplicabilit¥ of Requirement. Landowner shall cause the Letter of Credit to be delivered, renewed and/or r~placed with respect to each legal lot owned by Landowner and its partners in their individual capacities within the District for so long as all legal lots owned by Landowner and its partners are responsible for thirty-three percent (33%) or more of the total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within the District as a result of the bonds. (b) Beneficiary. The Director of Finance- Treasurer of the Rancho California Water District and his or her designated representatives (the "Beneficiary") are hereby authorized by the District to draw on the Letter of Credit and provide for the reduction and termination of any Letter of Credit as may be required according to the terms of this Agreement. Landowner shall bear all costs associated with -11- posting any Letter of Credit, which costs shall not be subject to reimbursement by the District. (c) Stated Amount. The "Stated Amount" shall be an amount equal to the gross debt service on the bonds allocable to legal lots owned by the Landowner and its partners in the District for the fiscal year ending on the termination date of the Letter of Credit and the fiscal year following such termination date. "Gross debt service on the bonds" means for each of the two fiscal years subject to calculation, the sum of (i) the principal amount of all outstanding bonds payable in such fiscal year either at maturity or pursuant to a sinking fund payment and (ii) the interest payable on the'aggregate principal amount of bonds outstanding in such fiscal year assuming the bonds are retired as scheduled. Such gross debt service on the bonds shall not be reduced by earnings on funds that might otherwise be applied to payment on bonds pursuant to the bond resolution. "Gross debt service on the Bonds allocable to legal lots owned by Property Owner" shall be the sum of such gross debt service multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the maximum special tax that could be imposed on all legal lots owned by the Landowner and its partners in the current fiscal year and the denominator of which is the maximum special tax that could be imposed on all property within the District in the current fiscal year. (d) Letter of Credit Draws. Beneficiary may draw upon the Letter of Credit if Landowner is delinquent in -12- payment of the special taxes on property it and its partners own within the District. The total amount to be drawn under the Letter of Credit shall not exceed an amount equal to the special taxes owed by the Landowner and delinquent on property within the District at the time the draw is made. The amount thus drawn on the Letter of Credit shall be applied to clear the delinquent payment of special tax. If the Letter of Credit is not renewed within thirty (30) days prior to its expiration date and the requirements for release or termination of the Letter of Credit have not then been met, the full amount of the Letter of Credit may be drawn by Beneficiary and deposited in a separate fund. Thereafter, amounts in said fund may be drawn by Beneficiary on the same terms and conditions applicable to the Letter of Credit. At such time as the Letter of Credit is renewed, or a substitute letter of credit is accepted by the District, or the requirement for the Letter of Credit has been terminated pursuant to this Section, the District shall release all amounts in said fund to Landowner or the Issuer, as appropriate, within ten (10) calendar days from the date of renewal or acceptance, as possible. (e) Renewal and Substitution. The Letter of Credit shall be renewed or a substitute letter of credit provided, not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to its expiration. If Landowner provides a substitute letter of credit to the District, then the District shall return any -13- existing letter of credit at the time of such substitution by Landowner. (f) Reduction and Termination. Upon the sale or transfer by Landowner and its partners of any property within the District, the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit shall be reduced by recalculation in accordance with Section 13(c) above. The Letter of Credit shall be terminated when all legal lots owned by Landowner and its partners are responsible for less than thirty-three percent (33%) of the total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within the District. (g) Reduction and Termination Mechanics. Reduction or termination of a Letter of Credit shall occur automatically upon submission to the Issuer by the District of a Certificates of Reduction or Termination in the form of Annex "3" or Annex "4" to the Form of Letter of Credit attached as Exhibit "C" hereto. District shall deliver such Certificate of Reduction or Termination promptly upon receiving from Landowner a certificate which shall be made under penalty of perjury and shall indicate (i) the legal description of all land owned by Landowner and its partners within the District, (ii) a recalculation of the new Stated Amount that Landowner proposed be applicable to the Letter of Credit and (iii) if termination of the Letter of Credit is requested, a statement that (1) such amount of total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within the District as a result of the bonds outstanding. -14- Landowner shall notify the District of any events that will result in a reduction of the face value of Landowner's Letter of Credit and shall provide the District with verification of said events. Landowner may provide the District with a substitute letter of credit in the reduced amount and the District shall release and return to Landowner the Letter of Credit then in effect. The parties expressly acknowledge that Landowner's failure to so notify the District or to reduce the Letter of Credit at the times prescribed herein shall in no way effect or invalidate sale or transfer of property, or recordation of maps on property. (i) Transferees. If property within the District is sold or transferred by Landowner and its partners, a Letter of Credit on the same terms specified herein will be furnished by the purchaser or transferee (the "Substitute Transferee") with respect to all legal lots owned by such Substitute Transferee with the District. The issuing financial institution and the form and terms of said Letter of Credit will be subject to reasonable prior approval by the Beneficiary and his or her designated representatives. All terms provided in this Section 13 are applicable to the Substitute Transferee by replacing the term "Landowner" at each place where it occurs in each section with the name of the Substitute Transferee. Each Substitute Transferee shall be an express third party beneficiary of the provisions of Section 13. -15- Section 14. Disclosure of SDecial Tax. In addition to the following provisions of this Section, the Director of Finance-Treasurer of the Rancho California Water District may approve on behalf of the District any additional disclosure provisions which together with those herein shall constitute the "Disclosure Program" of the Landowner and its partners, subject to the mutual agreement as to such provisions by the Landowner and the Director of Finance-Treasurer in consultation with special bond counsel. (a) To Purchasers of Finished Product from Landowner. This Section 14(a) shall apply to all residential dwelling units and custom home lots developed by Landowner and its partners and located within the District for which a final subdivision public report was or will be required by the California Department of Real Estate (each a "Residential Lot") and to all commercial or industrial facilities developed by the Landowner and its partners for lease or sale (each a "Commercial Facility"). From and after the date of this agreement, the Landowner and its partners shall give a "Notice of Special Tax" (as defined in Section 14(d) below) to each prospective purchaser of a Residential Lot or a Commercial Facility. The Landowner and its partners shall also require as a condition precedent to their obligation to close an escrow as to a Residential Lot or a Commercial Facility, or its obligation to lease a Commercial Facility pursuant to a "triple net" lease, that the prospective purchaser or lessee sign and return to the Landowner or its -16- partners a copy of the Notice of Special Tax. At least once each month, the Landowner and its partners shall forward copies of all signed Notice of Special Tax to the Director of Finance-Treasurer or his written designee. Landowner and its partners shall maintain records of all Notices of Special Tax for a period of eight (8) years. The Landowner and its partners shall include the Notice of Special Tax (or such other notice as is approved by the Director of Finance- Treasurer) in all of Landowner's and its partners' applica- tions for Final Subdivision Reports required by the California Department of Real Estate ("DRE") which are filed after the effective date of this agreement. (b) To Bulk Purchaser of Residential Property from the Landowner. This Section 14(b) shall apply to those p~rsons or entitles who purchase property within the District from the Landowner and its partners for the purpose of subdividing such property or constructing residential dwelling units thereon, or both (each a "Residential Developer"). Landowner and its partners shall require, as a condition precedent to their obligation to close an escrow for the sale of real property to a Residential Developer, that such Residential Developer covenant for the benefit of Landowner or such partner and the District that such Residential Developer shall require as a condition precedent to its obligation to close an escrow as to any residential dwelling unit that the prospective purchaser thereof sign and return to such Residential Developer a copy of the Notice of -17- Special Tax. At least once each month each Residential Developer shall forward copies of all signed Notices of Special Tax to the Director of Finance-Treasurer. Each Residential Developer shall maintain records of all Notices of Special Tax for a period of eight (8) years. Each Residential Developer shall include the Notice of Special Tax (or such other notice as is approved by the Director of Finance-Treasurer in all of such Residential Developer's applications for Final Subdivision Reports required by the (¢) Purchasers of Commercial Property from the ProDerty Owner. This Section 14(c) shall apply to those persons' or entitles (each a "Commercial Developer") that purchase property within the District from the Landowner and its partners for the purpose of constructing a commercial or industrial facility thereon for lease or sale (each a "Commercial Facility"). Landowner and its partners shall require, as a condition precedent to their obligation to close an escrow for the sale of real property to Commercial Developer, that such Commercial Developer covenant for the benefit of Landowner and the District, that such Commercial Developer shall require as a condition precedent to its obligation to sell or lease pursuant to a "triple net" lease any Commercial Facility, that the prospective purchaser or lessee sign and return to the Commercial Developer a copy of the Notice of Special Tax. At least once each month Commercial Developer shall forward copies of all signed -18- Notices of Special Tax to the Director of Finance-Treasurer. Each commercial Developer shall maintain records of all Notices of Special Tax for a period of eight (8) years. (d) Notice of Special Tax. With respect to any parcel, the term "Notice of Special Tax" means a notice written in English which is calculated to disclose to the purchaser thereof (i) that the property being purchased is subject to the special tax of the District~ (ii) the land use classification of such property~ (iii) the maximum annual amount of the special tax and the number of years for which it will be levied~ (iv) if available at the time such notice is delivered, an indication of the amount of special tax to be levied on such property for the following fiscal year~ and (v) the types of facilities or services to be paid or with the proceeds of the special tax. The Notice of Special Tax shall be in such form as may be approved from time to time by the District or the Director of Finance-Treasurer. Such Notice of Special Tax may include as exhibits thereto copies of the "Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax for the District, in which case the requirements of item (iii) above shall be deemed satisfied. (e) Notice to Subsequent Purchasers. The District has filed with the Riverside County Recorder a document that gives notice of the existence of the District and the levy of the special tax on property within the District for the benefit of subsequent property owners, pursuant to -19- sff/AGD12345 CITY OF TEMECUL~ AGENDA REPORT FROM: DATE: HEETING DATE: BUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: 1. CITY COUNCILMEMBERS, CITY OF TEMECULA FRANK D. ALESHIRE, INTERIM CITY MANAGER SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY MARCH 14, 1990 MARCH 20, 1990 CITY CONSIDERATION OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT CFD NO. 88-3 That the Council approve the resolution entitled: "ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CERTAIN JOINT FINANCING AGREEMENTS BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT" That the Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the following Agreements: (1) "JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP", and (2) "JOINT FFINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP." suject to deletion of funding for Rancho Vista Road and Kaiser Parkway from the first Agreement. DISCUSSION: This staff report accompanies the City's Resolution approving the following two documents regarding -1- sff/AGD12345 the Rancho California Water District CFD No. 88-3: 1) the Joint Financing and Construction Agreement among Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District, the County of Riverside, the city of Temecula and Tayco, a California Partnership; and 2) the Joint Financing and Acquisition Agreement among Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District, the County of Riverside, the City of Temecula, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Tayco, a California Partnership. These documents are before you for your adoption and approval. For the reasons discussed below we recommend that the City agree to the Community Facilities District financing portions of Rancho California and Butterfield Stage Road, which are major arterials within the City. We recommend against financing portions of Rancho Vista and Kaiser Parkway, because they are not arterial roads. In reviewing these documents and negotiating with bond counsel, we have attempted to obtain the best possible #deal# for the City within the constraints imposed by time and positions negotiated previously by the County. The Water District, the developer and the County attorneys have been most responsive and helpful. oTayco (Costain Homes) is the developer of Vintage Hills, part of Margarita Village. That development is governed by the Margarita Village Specific Plan and Development Agreement No. 5. The specific plan and the conditions of approval for the tracts within Vintage Hills require that the developer do the following: (1) grade and construct Butterfield Stage Road between Rancho Vista Road and Pauba Road; 2) grade Rancho Vista Road from the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 of the project east to Butterfield Stage Road; (3) grade and construct Kaiser Parkway from the intersection of Rancho Vista Road South to Pauba Road; and (4) grade the southerly half of Rancho California Road from the westerly tract boundary of Parcel 1 to Butterfield Stage Road (collectively called the "Street Improvements"). The developer has agreed to build portions of arterial roads in exchange for other benefits granted by the County in the specific plan and Development Agreement No. 5. These roads would be graded and constructed to the specifications in the Specific Plan and to County standards referenced in the conditions of approval. Rancho California Road and Butterfield Stage Road are defined as arterial roads in the specific plan, while Kaiser Parkway and Rancho Vista are defined as secondary roads (although the developer considers Rancho Vista to be a major road). In addition, County -2- sff/AGD12345 ordinances require the developer to stripe and sign completed roads and to pay traffic signal mitigation fees to the County. The Rancho California Water District (the "Water District") is proceeding with a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (#CFD") to finance certain water and school district facilities by levying a special tax on undeveloped property and sell bonds secured on the special tax and the property. At the request of the developer, the Water District included the financing of roads and certain local drainage facilities, which the developer otherwise would be required to build with his own funds as a condition of project approval. There is no requirement of any kind that public financing be used for these roads or drainage facilities. The major issue before the City is the financing of roads pursuant to the Joint Financing Agreement among CFD No. 88- 3, the County, the City and the Developer. The City is being asked to approve the financing of these roads by the Water District although the City is in no way pledging any of its funds. In addition, the City is being asked to accept the roads into the City system when completed to its satisfaction. For example, the City would not accept a road which had not been paved to its standards, striped and signed. The developer must maintain the roads until they are accepted into the City system. The agreements contain a provision which recognizes that City road responsibilities currently are performed by the County by statute and may be performed by the County by contract as of July 1, 1990. It further provides that any traffic signal mitigation fees must be paid directly to the City rather than the County. The City has no obligation to approve these agreements and the developer is required to build the roads even without public financing. While the roads probably will be built sooner as bond proceeds will be available immediately for their grading and construction, the City will have "used up" a portion of its available bonding capacity, which capacity would otherwise be available for City projects (such as the completion of roads graded by this CFD). In other words, the property within Margarita Village within Vintage Hills will be subject to a special tax lien for these improvements. There is a limit on the amount of such debt which residential property can bear. Allowing the financing of roads the developer must build anyway therefore raises a significant policy decision. -3- sff/AGD12345 In general, cities do not use their tax-exempt financing power to build non-arterial roads, such as Kaiser Parkway and Rancho Vista. Instead, they reserve the use of such power for arterial roads which benefit the City rather than just one development or to create inducements for developers. In fact, the policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors last May 2, 1989 provides as follows: #The County encourages the development of commercial or industrial property. The Board of Supervisors will consider the use of community facilities districts (hereinafter #CFDs") or special benefit assessments districts (hereinafter "Assessment Districts") as well as other financing methods to assist these types of development. Where, in the County's opinion, the public facilities of a residential development represents a significant public benefit, this type or other appropriate types of public financing will also be considered. While recognizing that public facilities proposed to be financed must meet a public need and must benefit properties within the proposed development project, public benefit implies that a significant benefit will also result to the community at large. An example of significant public benefit is a public facility having regional impact such as an all-weather bridge, a freeway overpass, a regional water or wastewater treatment plant, etc. Significant public benefit can also take the form of affordable housing through reduced housing costs. etc." Based upon this definition of "significant public benefit", while we can recommend allowing such financing of Rancho California and Butterfield Stage Road, we cannot recommend that such financing should be used for the non-arterial roads like Kaiser Parkway and Rancho Vista. Nonetheless, the Council may choose to agree to financing of these two roads as well, on the basis that it is carrying out a deal passed on by the County. The Joint Financing Agreement for the local drainage facilities raises a different issue. The local drainage facilities included are a concrete storm drain pipe in Butterfield Stage Road between Rancho California and Rancho Vista Road. We have stated to the Water District counsel -4- sff/AGD12345 that we will be responsible for local drainage facilities but that in no way will the City contribute at this time to regional facilities, which should be constructed and maintained by or for the Flood Control District. The Acquisition Agreement provides that subject to the procedures set out there and in the Joint Financing Agreement, the City would accept the Street Improvements and local drainage facilities when completed to its satisfaction and would be responsible for their maintenance. Finally, the Resolution provides that the Council finds that approval of these documents benefits the community. Such a finding is required under the Mello-Roos Act. -5- sff/RES18395 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CERTAIN JOINT FINANCING AGREEMENTS BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULAAND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District (the "Board") has commenced proceedings for the formation of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District ("Community Facilities District No. 88-3") pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, Sections 53311 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Act#) by its adoption of Resolution No. 89-7-6 on July 7, 1989; and WHEREAS, by adoption of Resolution No. 89-9-1 on September 8, 1989, the Board established Community Facilities District No. 88-3, authorized the levy of a special tax within Community Facilities District No. 88-3 and determined the necessity to incur bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $8,500,000 in accordance with the notice and hearing requirements of the Act; and WHEREAS, Tayco, a California General Partnership, is the sole owner of land (the "Property") located in Community Facilities District No. 88-3 and the development plan for the Property requires the construction of certain road and local drainage, to be owned and operated by the City of Temecula (the "City"); and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Board acting as the legislative body of Community Facilities District No. 88-3, enter into the following agreements with the City entitled: #JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP", and sff/RES18395 "JOINT FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP." WHEREAS, the proposed Joint Financing and Acquisition Agreements attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" and "B", and incorporated by this reference herein has been prepared by counsel for the Board of Directors of District and reviewed by Counsel for all parties; WHEREAS, the City Council now has reviewed the proposed Agreements pursuant to Government Code Section 53316.2 and finds that approval of the Agreements is beneficial to the residents of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Temecula; SECTION 1. The Agreements attached as Exhibit A and B is hereby approved in substantially the form presented. SECTION 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Agreements and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1990. day of RON PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP THIS JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is dated as of March 1, 1990, by and between COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, a legally constituted governmental entity organized and existing pursuant to Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 2.5 of the California Government Code (hereinafter "CFD NO. 88-3"), the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California, (hereinafter "County"), the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (hereinafter "City"), RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, a public agency organized and existing pursuant to Chapter 48 of the Appendix to the California Water Code (hereinafter "RCFCWCD") and TAYCO, a California partnership (hereinafter "Property Owner"). RECITALS : A. Property Owner is the owner of a development project known as "Vintage Hills" located wholly within the City of Temecula and approved by County' as a portion of the -1- Margarita Village Specific Plan (the "Project"), a map of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". The Project at the time of approval of said specific plan by County lay within unincorporated territory. Subsequent to County's approval of the Project, the City was unincorporated on December 1, 1989 and the Project now lies within the City. B. Property Owner plans to develop the Project for residential uses. The development plan includes the construction of flood control and drainage facilities to be owned and maintained by RCFCWCD and the City (the "Flood Control Facilities"), as depicted and described in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. By statute, the County must maintain until July 1, 1990 the portion of the Flood Control Facilities which, but for the incorporation of City, it would have owned and maintained in public rights-of-way, such as drainage inlets and connectors. At this time it is probable that County will maintain such Flood Control Facilities for some period beyond July 1, 1990 pursuant to an agreement to be entered into between County and City. Accordingly, all references to the City herein as to various acts to be performed with respect to the construction, acquisition and maintenance of the Flood Control Facilities to be owned and maintained by City shall also be deemed to refer to County until such time as County is relieved of such duties by statute or contractual agreement. -2- C. Property Owner initiated by written petition and thereafter the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District (hereinafter "RCWD") by adoption of Resolution No. 89-9-1 on September 8, 1989 completed proceedings for the formation of CFD No. 88-3 pursuant to the Mello-Roos Commun- ity Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, Section 53311 et seq. of the California Government Code (hereinafter the "Act"), to provide financing for the construction and acquisition of certain public facilities (the "Facilities"), which include the Flood Control Facilities. The boundaries of CFD No. 88-3 are depicted on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C". CFD No. 88-3 lies entirely within the Project and consists of approximately 303 acres. TAYCO is the owner of all property within CFD No. 88-3. D. The proceedings to establish CFD NO. 88-3 included a special election wherein the qualified electors authorized bonded indebtedness in the amount of $8,500,000 and author- ized an annual levy of a special tax (hereinafter the "Special Tax") within CFD No. 88-3 to fund debt service on such bonded indebtedness. Pursuant to such authorization, CFD No. 88-3 contemplates the issuance and sale of Series A Bonds in the approximately amount of $8,200,000 (hereinafter the "Bonds") pursuant to a bond resolution adopted by the legislative body of CFD No. 88-3 (the "Bond Resolution"). E. CFD No. 88-3 and Property Owner will enter concurrently into the "Agreement For Acquisition" (herein- after the "Acquisition Agreement") a copy of which is -3- attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "D". The Acquisition Agreement provides for the financing of the Facilities and sets forth procedures for the design, engin- eering, construction and acquisition of certain of the Facilities. The Acquisition Agreement is intended, together with this Agreement, to set forth the procedures which must be followed pursuant to Section 53313.5 of the Act in order to legally and validly acquire the Street Improvements and certain other Facilities. F. In contemplation of the issuance and sale of the Bonds, Property Owner has advanced moneys for the purpose of financing the design and construction of the Flood Control Facilities. The design and construction of the Flood Control Facilities in Butterfield Stage Road from Rancho California Road south to Rancho Vista Road is the subject of an agreement heretofore entered into by and among the Property Owner, the County and RCFCWCD, dated March 14, 1989 covering the design and construction of a 60" reinforced concrete storm drain pipe, as described and depicted in said agreement, a copy of which is incorporated herein as Exhibit "E" Agreement"). attached hereto and (the "Storm Drainage G. CFD No. 88-3, City, County and RCFCWCD desire to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Sections 53316.2, 53316.4 and 53316.6 of the Act. -4- AGREEMENT NOW, T~EREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. Sale of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. CFD No. 88-3 shall proceed with the issuance and sale of the Bonds at such time and in such amounts as CFD No. 88-3, in its sole discre- tion, may determine is appropriate to finance the design, engineering, construction and acquisition of the Facilities, including the Flood Control Facilities. CFD No. 88-3 shall make disbursements out of the proceeds of the Bonds to pay for such costs and certain other incidental costs as herein- after described. Such proceeds, however, may be expended by CFD No. 88-3 for any lawful purpose, including the financing of the Flood Control Facilities, as CFD No. 88-3 shall deter- mine to be appropriate. CFD No. 88-3 shall strictly account for the disbursements of the proceeds of the Bonds. 2. Flood Control Facilities Design and Construction. The Flood Control Facilities have been designed and engin- eered by Property Owner and constructed consistent with the procedures set forth in the Storm Drainage Agreement and by RCFCWCD. The costs of the construction of the Flood Control Facilities shall be paid by CFD No. 88-3 from the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds in accordance with the Acquisition Agreement. 3. Design and Construction Budget. Exhibit "B" sets forth the budget for the construction of the Flood Control Facilities. In addition to the cost of specification and bid -5- preparation and the construction of the Flood Control Facili- ties, such costs may include, without limitation, the esti- mated costs of permits, licenses, easements, land, engineer- ing, inspection and legal fees, construction contingency and RCFCWCD's and City's general and administrative costs reasonably devoted to the design approval and inspection of the Flood Control Facilities. 4. Engineering and Design of the Flood Control Facili- ties. Property Owner employed a properly qualified regis- tered civil engineer (the "Design Engineer") to design and prepare detailed bid documents, construction plans and specifications (the "Bid Documents") for the Flood Control Facilities, including required system layout drawings and construction plan-profile drawings, in accordance with RCFCWCD's standard design criteria, the Storm Drainage Agreement and consistent with the Margarita Village Specific Plan and conditions of approval for the Project. 5. Construction of the Flood Control Facilities. Property Owner has constructed the Flood Control Facilities in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Storm Drainage Agreement and by RCFCWCD, consistent with the Margarita Village Specific Plan and conditions of approval for the Project. All payment requests for the acquisition costs of the Flood Control Facilities shall be handled consistent with the Acquisition Agreement. 6. Shortfall. In the event the actual construction costs for the Flood Control Facilities exceed the budgeted -6- amount as shown on Exhibit B, Property Owner shall pay the amount necessary to complete the construction of the Flood Control Facilities. The procedures provided for herein shall also apply to the extent approved change orders result in construction costs exceeding the amounts budgeted for the Flood Control Facilities. Property Owner shall not be released from constructing any Street Improvement in the event that the proceeds of the Bonds are insufficient to pay the costs of construction, but shall be required to complete the Flood Control Facilities. 7. Use of Funds. CFD No. 88-3 shall use the proceeds in the Improvement Fund (as defined and established by the Bond Resolution) exclusively for the payment of the construction and acquisition costs of the Facilities, including the Flood Control Facilities. CFD No. 88-3 shall strictly account for the expenditure of such proceeds. It is the intention of the parties that payments from the Improvement Fund shall be only in connection with the payment request form for costs and expenses paid or incurred, including, without limitation, any amounts owing for the Flood Control Facilities. CFD No. 88-3 shall account for, deposit, invest and reinvest such funds in the manner required by the Bond Resolution. 8. Inspection. Construction of the Flood Control Facilities has been subject at all times to inspection by RCFCWCD in accordance with the Storm Drainage Agreement and RCFCWCD procedures. RCFCWCD personnel have inspected the -7- furnishing, construction and installation of the Flood Control Facilities to assure compliance with RCFCWCD's approved construction plans and specifications and the Storm Drainage Agreement. The Property Owner shall be required to repair any and all installed facilities which have been damaged by any party prior to RCFCWCD's and City's final acceptance of the Flood Control Facilities for ownership, operation and maintenance, which final acceptance shall follow final inspection and testing of the Flood Control Facilities after completion thereof. Property Owner will be required to: (i) make any and all corrections and/or repairs determined by RCFCWCD and City inspection personnel to be necessary and consistent with the approved construction plans and specifications, including, but not limited to, any erosion repair or accumulated debris removal and (ii) provide a one (1) year materials and workmanship guarantee, the precise nature of which will be agreed upon by RCFCWCD and City, providing that Property Owner will repair, at its expense, all failures of facilities which it furnished, installed and/or constructed due to faulty materials or installation, including settlement of backfill within said one-year period. 9. Completion of Construction. RCFCWCD and City shall notify CFD No. 88-3 in writing of their acceptance of the Flood Control Facilities to be owned by them following final inspection by RCFCWCD and City and then Property Owner shall prepare and execute a Notice of Completion as to such -8- Facilities, record said Notice with the Office of the Recorder of the County of Riverside, State of California, and cause the contractor and all subcontractors to provide lien and material releases. 10. Use of Flood Control Facilities. Upon acceptance of the Flood Control Facilities by RCFCWCD or City, as the case may be, said facilities shall be and remain the sole and separate property of RCFCWCD and City, as applicable. The Flood Control Facilities shall be operated, maintained and utilized by RCFCWCD and City, as applicable, to serve the Project and other land pursuant to applicable RCFCWCD/ City rules, regulations policies and procedures. 11. Conveyance of Title. Property Owner shall transfer and convey, to such party as City and RCFCWCD may agree upon, fee simple title or easements as deemed necessary by such party, including ingress and egress, on and over property within the Project on which the Flood Control Facilities are constructed. Said rights-of-way shall be conveyed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, assessments, taxes and leases, except those which are acceptable to the party to which such rights-of-way are to be conveyed as provided herein. Property Owner shall transfer title to such land or rights-of-way on such documents as City and/or RCFCWCD may prescribe. 12. Acceptance. RCFCWCD (consistent with the Storm Drainage Agreement) and City agrees to accept title to, and provide service through, the Flood Control Facilities to be -9- owned by them, subject to certification by the RCFCWCD and City, as the case may be, that such Facilities have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and provided that title to the Flood Control Facilities is free of all liens and encumbrances not otherwise acceptable to RCFCWCD and City. For those portions of the Flood Control Facilities for which fee title is transferred, RCFCWCD and City shall require a policy of title insurance for each parcel to be conveyed to it in an amount which is not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000). 13. Maintenance. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the Flood Control Facilities to RCFCWCD and City, as the case may be, Property Owner shall be responsible for their maintenance. Upon acceptance of the Flood Control Facilities by RCFCWCD and City, as the case may be, RCFCWCD and City (except as previously noted in recital "B" above), as the case may be, shall be solely responsible for the maintenance thereof and all rights, duties and obligations of Property Owner for said maintenance under this Agreement shall terminate; provided, however, that CFD No. 88-3 shall reimburse RCFCWCD for the maintenance of a box culvert to be constructed in the Long Valley Wash Channel adjacent to Tract 22715 and 22716 during the nine years following its acceptance by RCFCWCD, but only from the proceeds of the special tax levied by CFD No. 88-3 therefor. City grants to RCFCWCD the right to maintain the Flood Control Facilities which are within City's rights-of-way. -10- 14. Administrative Costs. The estimated administrative costs of Property Owner, CFD No. 88-3, RCFCWCD and City which include but are not limited to the reasonable cost of all fees and costs incurred in obtaining permits, licenses, rights-of-way or easements, and engineering, legal, fiscal, and inspection fees and land acquisition costs are provided for in Exhibit "B." CFD No. 88-3 shall cause to be reimbursed from the Improvement Fund the reasonable administrative costs actually incurred by Property Owner, CFD No. 88-3, RCFCWCD and City. Such costs shall be reimbursed within a reasonable time after presentation of a request therefor. 15. No Obligations Assumed. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring CFD No. 88-3 to issue or sell Bonds pursuant to the Act or any other law or regulation requiring the construction of the Flood Control Facilities. 16. Indemnification and Insurance. Property Owner shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and hold harmless CFD No. 88-3, RCFCWCD, County and City and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, (i) the actions of Property Owner required in the performance of this Agreement and (ii) the design, engineering and construction of the Flood Control Facilities designed, engineered and constructed -11- by Property Owner; provided that, the actions damages, claims, losses and expenses covered by this paragraph shall be those arising out of events which occur during the period up to the acceptance of the Flood Control Facilities by RCFCWCD and City whether or not an action or claim is filed by the date of acceptance of the Flood Control Facilities; and provided further that, nothing in this paragraph shall limit, in any manner, RCFCWCD's and City's rights against any of Property Owner's contractors, architects or engineers. No provision of this Agrement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of Property Owner for payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractors, agents or employees. CFD No. 88-3 shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and hold harmless Property Owner, RCFCWCD, County and City and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from the actions of CFD 88-3 pursuant to the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of CFD No. 88-3 for payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractor, agents or employees. RCFCWCD shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and hold harmless CFD No. 88-3, Property Owner, County and -12- City and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, the actions of RCFCWCD taken in the performance of this Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of RCFCWCD for the payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractors, agents or employees. County shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and hold harmless Property Owner, RCFCWCD, CFD No. 88-3 and City and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from the actions of County pursuant to the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of County for payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractor, agents or employees. City shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and hold harmless CFD No. 88-3, Property Owner, County and RCFCWCD and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities -13- and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, the actions of City taken in the performance of this Agreement. NO provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of City for the payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractors, agents or employees, other than County acting as such contractor or agent pursuant to law or contract between City and County. As required by the Acquisition Agreement, Property Owner will assure RCFCWCD, City, County and CFD No. 88-3 that it shall furnish to RCFCWCD, County and City a certificate of insurance substantiating that it has obtained a comprehensive general liability insurance policy from a company acceptable to County, City and CFD No. 88-3 having a combined single limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000 or as provided in the Storm Drainage Agreement, if applicable. Said certificate of insurance shall include an endorsement naming RCFCWCD, CFD No. 88-3, County, City and Property Owner, and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents as additional named insureds. 17. Effective Date and Termination. This Agreement shall become effective and of full force and effect as of the date (the "Effective Date") on which CFD No. 88-3 issues the Bonds. Should CFD No. 88-3 not sell the Bonds, this Agree- ment shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. -14- 18. Notice. Any notice, payment or instrument required or permitted by this Agreement to be given or delivered to any party or other person shall be deemed to have been received when personally delivered or upon deposit of the same in the United States Post Office, registered or certi- fied, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Property Owner: District: CFD No. 88-3: County: City: TAYCO c/ Costain Homes, Inc. 620 Newport Center Drive Suite 440 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Robert Dieudonne, Project Manager Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District P.O. Box 1033 1995 Market Street Riverside, CA 92502 Attn: Chief Engineer (714) 787-2016 Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District 28061 Diaz Road Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Director of Finance Road Department County of Riverside 4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attn: Ivan Tennant, Acting Road Commissioner (714) 275-6740 City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: City Manager -15- Each party can change its address for delivery of notice by delivering written notice of such change or address to the other parties within twenty (20) days of such change. 19. Captions. Captions to Sections of the Agreement are for convenience purposes only and are not part of this Agreement. 20. Severability. If any portion this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such portion shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and the remaining parts shall remain in full effect as though such invalid or unenforceable provision had not been a part of this Agreement. 21. Assignment. Property Owner may, with the prior written consent of CFD No. 88-3, City and RCFCWCD, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, assign all or a portion of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to persons or entities acquiring from Property Owner title to any property within CFD No. 88-3. 22. Storm Drainage Agreement. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement be interpreted consistently with the provisions of the Storm Drainage Agreement. In the event that any of the foregoing provisions of this Agreement conflict with the terms of the Storm Drainage Agreement, the provisions of the latter shall control to the extent necessary. -16- 23. Successors and AssiGns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 24. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 25. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended or modified only in writing signed by all of the parties. 26. Exhibits. The following exhibits attached hereto are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Exhibit Description "A" Map of Project "B" Flood Control Facilities Description and Budget "C" Map of CFD No. 88-3 "D" Acquisition Agreement "E" Storm Drainage Agreement (March 14, 1989) 27. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. -17- IN WITNESS W~EREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT By: President of the Board of Directors, Ex Officio the Legislative Body of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District ATTEST: By: Secretary of the Board of Directors, Ex Officio the Clerk of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT By: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: Kenneth L. Edwards, Chief Engineer -18- APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Counsel: By: Deputy ATTEST: By: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Counsel: By: Deputy ATTEST: By: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors -19- CITY OF TEMECULA ATTEST: By: Mayor By: City Clerk TAYCO, a California partnership By: COSTAIN HOMES, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Signature Printed Name Its: TAYLOR WOODROW INC., a California corporation By: Signature Printed Name Its: 5/146/006634-0138/051 -20- EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTON OF FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (1) The storm drain channel improvements for Long Valley Wash adjacent to Rancho California Road within Parcel 2 (to be owned by City or its designee). (2) Storn drain improvements from Rancho California Road south to Rancho Vista Road (to be owned by RCFCWCD). UJ EXHIBIT "B" JUNE 26, 1989 2&$;'0/24871 NELLO-RCO~ DIGTRICT FIJ~DS SUNHARY UNIT UNiT TOTAL DESCRIPTION UNIT C~JANTITY PRICE COST LOnG VALLEY WASH CHANNEL RE~F. CON:. RIBBO~ LF ~TTER PER DET. ~ SHT. NO, 7 £EZHF. CONC. DEBRIS ~ALL CY P!ER EXT. PER DET. Ok SHT. ~0, ? REZNF. CONC. PARAPET WALL CY PER OET. OK SHT. 7 RE!NF.CO~C.~HUTE-TRANSITIOg CY STRUCTURE PER OET.ON 1/2" DIA.P.V.C. VEEPHOLES W/ EA S~A~]N~ INdiCATED I~ PLA~ & ~RO~:LE & R:FCI, D STD,D~G. 3~6 ~/~ T. OROUTED RiP-RAP P~R D~T.ON SHT. 7 & LIMITS O~ PLAN 1/~ T. LOOSE RiP-RAP CY ~ER LIMITS ON PLAN $,D. JUNCTION STRUCTURE go.1 EA PE~ RCF',~D STD. DWG. NO. J$ 226 &" THK.GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD CY SURFACE W/2-1/2" CRUSHED ROCK CSP RISER INLET PER DET. O~ $HT. NO. 8 CHP RISER INLET PER NlOB EA ~]PE ~NTRANCE TO EARTH CY CHAN#EL JU#¢T,STRU~TURE PER DET, ~ SKT.NO. T EART#ED TRAPEZOZDAL CHANNEL PER PLAN,PROFILE L TYPICAL SECT. DB~o 10~ X 6' REINF, CONe. BOX LF ~J~VERT PER OET.ON SNT.NO.9 1,717 27.00 3.~ 350,00 1,225 1.6 350.00 ~0 350.0¢ ~,~00 119 $0.00 3,570 Z,953 78,00 230,33~ 728 40.00 29,1Z0 3 3,000.00 %000 43 30.00 1,~90 2 1,000.00 2,000 1 1,000.00 1,000 16,097 1.00 16,097 &E2 690.00 291,180 EXHIBIT "B" NELLO-ROOS DISTRICT FUKDS d.N, 247'PJ/247i'6/ SUMMARY UNIT UNIT TOTAL ~ESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY P~ICE LOST LONG VALLEY UASN CHAKNEL, LONT. TINBER BARRICADE PER DET. EA ON $KT. NO. 7 2~" RCP D-11~O (ALT. 2&# LF $RP 12 ~.) 36" RCP D-1750 CALT. 36" LF $RP 12 GA.) REINF. CONe. CUTOFF gALL PER CY DET. ON SHT.NO. ? REINF. CONe. BOX ~J. ILVERT EA ~INDO~ PER DET, ON SHT.NO. B CHAIN LINK FENCE PER RCFC~CD LF $TD.D~G. N801 TIKBER BULKHEAD PER RCFCWCO EA JUN:TION STRUCTURE NO. ~ PER EA R:FC~CD $T.O~G.NO. J~ 227 REKOV~ EXIST. 36" SRP (3Z LF) LS SG" RCP (O-l~OO) (ALT.SG" LF SR~ 1Z GA.) CON~. PIPE COLLAR PER RCFCWCD EA MANHQLE NO.3 PER R~FC~:D EA ~TD.D~.NO. HH ZS3 10" ABS SBR 35 LF 51" RCP LF 3 500.00 1,500 16T 48.00 8,016 l~S 65.00 9,425 7.8 350.00 2,730 Z 500.00 1,000 1 100.00 100 I 3,000,00 3,030 1 500.00 SO0 lZO 100.00 12,000 1 1,000.00 1,000 1 Z,600.OO 2,600 30 21.00 630 8 93.00 TOTAL LONG VALLEY UASH 696,687 JUNE ?.6, 1989 ******************************** MELLO-RO0~ OISTRZCT FUNDS $UMNARY J.N. 2~775/2~7'/6/ *--*************************** 2481'0/2~71 UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPT]O# UNIT QUANTITY PRIg COST 60" RCP JS KO. 3 PER ~CFCt,~CD JS 228 EA !~HOLE NO. 2 PER RCF¢,&W~D ~H2~2 EA WING TYP~ HEADWALL ~ANO SLURRY FILL EX.~2"CH~(280LF) B~]CK ~ E~S OF G2" C~P JUHCTZ~ ~TRUC~E NO. 2 EA CO~C. ~LKH~ F~ RCF~CD H816 EA 36" ~CP ~1~0 D) LF 18" ~CP CLA~ IV (A~T 18"C~P) LF ~TCH SAIIN NO. 1 (g-7) PER EA ~F~&~ STD,D~G, LD 201 S~N~E 10~ X 6' R~B P~R ~ALTRA~S STD. PLANS DS0 & BOX P~R DET. 1~ ON SHT. NO, S D83 80X ~ULVERT ~ING~AL~S CTYPE "A") P~R ~LTRARS STD. PLANS RA~E N.H. TO FINISH GRAB~ EA [XTRA DEPTH FOR N.H. NO. 2 FT NANHOLE SAFETY LEDGE ~ER EXCAVATION FOR ~TORH BRAIN CY 1,6Z8 112.00 182,336 I 3,000.00 3,000 2 2,600.00 5,200 3,7~ 350.00 1,313 1 2,000.00 2,000 & 200.00 800 1 3,000.OO $,000 1 100,00 100 36 65,00 2,340 10 ~2.00 420 1 1,~0.00 1,850 89 355.00 31,S95 2 3S0.00 700 S2 350,00 1E,200 ~ 100.00 ~00 40 100.00 ~,000 2 1,000.00 2,000 17,434 1.03 17,434 TOTAL BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD - STORM DRAIN ,/ EXHIBIT "C" & '~0 16 l? ~0 ~8 ~?~ RI~RSID~. he~ei~a~e~ called ~TY,u and TAYTO. a Cali~o~nia general ~ac~ne~lhi~, hezeinat~ec eelled "D~LOPER," agree as fo~ovo~ A. DEVELOPER has submitted for approval Tenta~ive Tract Nos. 2271S and 2271e in the Rancho California area of voltern Riverside County, and as a eaRdillon foe approval. DEVELOPER Uvst cons~ruc~ certain flood control facilities in order to p~ovide flood pcoCec~ion fez DEVELOPER'S planned development; and B. Said required facili~tes include a 60" zein~orce~ conc=e~e pipe in Bu~e:fleld Stage Road, hereinafter oalled 'STORM DRAIN,~ as shov~ in red on Exhibit ~A" attached ~e:eto, extending ream a point not~hvei~e~ly o~ Rancho Vista Road ~o a point o~ connec~ion vi~h an existing coinforced eoncce~e box oressing teac nan~no California Road~ and C. STORM DRAIN is one o! numerous public facilities proposed to be ~unded and coRot:veXed through p:oceeding8 associated vi~h CO~qTY,S Xssessuen~ ~isc:ic~ He. ISJ CRancho Villages). however, in o£der ~o expedite ~he installation of STORM DRAIN, DBVELOPBR desires ~o Zund and construct STORM ~RAXH. exciteire of such asseseuen~ dietriot financing: and cesponlibiliW toe the opsca~ion and maintenance of STORM DRAIN. Therefore. DISTRICT Bus~ review end approve the p~ans and speelfiea~ions and subsequently inspect the construction o! STOIm ~RAm: and · . DISTRICT is willing ~o review and approve plant and s~ecifiaatione prepared by DRV~LOPBR ~or STORM DRAIN and is ~u~Chec vil~tng to provide construction inspection of STORM DRAIN, provided ~LOPRR deposits with DISTRICT the &moun~ as epeci£1ed he~ein to oove: ~he co,~ for conedruction inspection: and F. DISTRICT is willing to Retune ownership and responsibility £ot the o~eration and Baintenants of STORM DRAIN. excluding inlets and eonnec~or pipes within COOHTY rights of yaM. provided (i) DEVELOPER ooup~ie, with this agreeBent, DEVELOPER deposits v~th DISTRICT ~he amounts as specified herein EXH~BTT "E" ~ENT By:C~TI:IIN HOfiUS INC ~18-31-~ 11:~ClM ; 714~1~-) 94185"'~;# ~ 1 · § '7 15 ~B maintenance oders of STORHDRAIN, (tit) 8TOEHDRAZN is by DIBTRZ~T, and (iv) all rights of way deemed neeossify by in~udiag ingress end agEess, operation end maintenance eelponaibilitiel alSOtilted With STORM DRAIN, the added relpOnltbilit¥ of removing dab:is which may in Butterfield Stage Road, hereinafter called "BOX~, al shown in concept in blue on Exhibit 'A", provided COUNTY grants DISTRICT the :ig~C to peraDEn laid VorX vt~hin CO~ :ightl o~ way: and H. COUNTY is willing (i) to exclude STOBJ(DRAIN Seem future Aleelement District No. lag (Rancho Villages) financing conaide=at/on, (el) to g~ant DISTRICT the righ~ to operate an~ maintain STORM DRAIN and remove dabrio from BOX vi~hin CO~ opeEo~ton fn~ matn~onon~o responsibilities ~or BOX, an~ (iv) ~o accept responsibility ~o: the o~e:acion ind maintenance o~ STO~ D~TN inle~, and connects: pipes vi~hin CO~ rig~ce o~ va~, z. Tentative Tract NOl. ZC?IS and 22716 are part o~ Specific Plan No. lag (Margarita village) and are subject to the provisions of Developmen~ Agreemen~ No. 5 recorded November ?. 1}lB, II lnlCrumant No. NOW. THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually &g:ee &l B~CTION I DEVELOPER lhall: 1. Propane plans and Ipocification8 for STORM DRAIN in accordsace with DISTRICT standards and labmir the plans and specifications to DISTRCCT for it, ~evie~ and approval. 3. Pay DISTRICT (Zone ? Maintenance Trust Fund No. 732-&4-0S0-3211) upon execution of this agreement. the one ellh lUm Of 814,97S.00, the agreed upon DISTRICT estimated amoun~ necessary to cove~ DISTRICT operation and maintenance col~e STORM DRAIN through the yea~ l~ge. not/as prior to the start of conetcuction of 8TOJCq DRAIN, and at the time of said volcoon notice, deposit with DISTRICT CAtcount No. I-8-3gl-10-O1S) the sum or 120,000.00. the DISTRICT eetima~ed cost of providing construction inspection for STORM 9RAIS. 4. Secure ill necessary lieeasel, pc:mits, eight of way end rights of entry as may be needed for the coast:action, -3- ~I~'NT ~y: COStill ! N HOt1~ ! NG 3 8 :20 lg inspeocion, and optgariSh and iaXntenance of STOI~qDRAXN, and to DIBTRI~T O~ the itart of COnltrUCtiOn as act ~o~th in Section 1.3., or not less than 10 days ~rio~ to the resetdarien of the whichever occurs first. with sufficient ovidshoo o£ DBVELOPRR senseruction of any aleBent of STOi~l DRAIN, or ~Etor to the recordation of the final Bops for Tract Nos. ~2715 and 22716 any ~hatet thereof, vhtohevtr occurs first, either: acceptable to DISTRICT, the amount o£ one hundred end ten p,cen~ (ll0~) or DXSTR~CT'S estimated cot~ to construct STORM DRAIN. 6aid amount ~s to zeusin on deposit until STORM DRAIN is accepted by D~STRICT es complete: at vhioh tile the amount of deposit nay be COuN7Y. The bonds shall re~ain in full fezes and sf~ec~ until STORM DRAIN is accepted by DISTRICT es being complete: at which time the bond amoun~ may be reduced s. In accordsnet with Section 3.8 of Developlsn~ Agreement No. S. obtain and convoy to DXSTRICT. ell rights dealed nasa.dry by DISTRICT for operation and STOR~ DRAIN, including ingress and egress, upon eomp~etion oonKruc~on of STORR~RA~H, but p~or to ~ISTRICT STORM DRAIN ~oz opuseton and ?. Purnlih DISTRICT with policies o~ title ~nlUranoe, (050,0oo.oo) £o= each pareel to be conveyed to DISTRICT pursuant to Section .2.6. guaranteeing DISTRICT'S ~nt.eat to laid prope:~y as being tree and clear of &11 lie~l, encvmbranaal. 1110811entl. latelents. taxes and leases (recorded and unrecorded), except thole vh~ch, in the tale discretion of ~ISTItlCT. are acceptable. l. Conatrue~. o: amuse to be coniCrutted, STORM DRAIN a~ DEVE~OPER*S Jolt expense in accordsnee with ~lan, and -3- ~NT BY: CO~TA I N HOM~$ INC 4 ? 8 g ~.0 3,4, 3.? ~0 87 IIMil & 81BUIS8 · fiBIf I o, pay, lr sut% is brought upon thio contract or bond guaranteeing the souplotion of STem40RAXN, el! costs %easesable ez~enmes and fees incurred by DISTRICT in suooemmfuliy enforcing such obligations, including reasonable attorneys. foes, end eoknovledgo that, upon entry of Judgment, all such costs. expenses and fees shal~ be taxed os essto and inoluded in an~ Judgeeat rendered. and &llign their ovnership to DISTRICT. elKC~XC)N l I l, Reviev end lpprove plans and specificsalons p=epa=ed by DEVELOPER So: STORM DRAIN, prior co the St&~t o! 3. Upon acceptance o~ STERN DRAIN ms being complete and upon conveysnee o~ ·lX rig~cs or v·¥ necessary for DISTRICT'$ responsibility ro~ the ope:etion end maintenance or STOI~q DRAIN, sccep~ ovnership and :esponsibi~ity re: ope~stton and maintsnance st STORM DRAIN, excluding eli inlets and connects: pipes vich co~Y tights or ray, and fuE~he~ aocep~ the added responsibility of debris removal viihie BOX. 4. Keep an accurate accounting o~ all cons~vction inspection essCs and, vathie thirty (30) days after DISTRICT accept·nee o£ S~)RMDRAIN os being complete, submit · cos~ s~atsmont to DEVBLOPBR. 88 set forth in Section ~ inspection costs exceed the deposit ,, DEVELOPER s~·11 pay the additional amount upon demand by DISTRICT. 1£ the deposi~ exceedl said COlfl. DISTRICT shall reinhurls DEVELOPER ~ho excess amount DRAIN ~1 ~eing eelpiece. ProVide COUNTY vith "ei-buil~~ mylar plans fOE 811 constructed vi~hin COUNTY rtg~s of VS¥. upon )ISTRICT .*CTXC~ ~II 1. Seeopt end hold pettermanes and payment bonds sp~roved by CO~FTY end OlSTRZ~T &l Set ro~th herein, pelo~ ~o ~e star~ of construction o~ STORM DRAIN, STORM DRAIN inlets end connector pipes within COTAqTY right o! way. -4- 5E:NT ~Y:C~T~IN I-IOr'~$ INC ~'t~-3~..-ScJ 11:5~l:fl ; 714'70e81~?-) ~41~37~;# ? & $ ? 8 g 3.0 3.3. 3.3 3,4 3.6 3.'/ ,~0' a4, 3. Continue its ownership end operation end maintenance responsibilities £or al! structural aspects of BOX. STORJiDRAIN within COUNTY rights of way and to pe~£orB debris removal work within BOX as provided ~erain. unit within TEaat NoB. 3371S or ZZ716 or any phalc thereo~, until oonstructton or 8TOR~DRAXN Is soBplate, unless otherwise approved by DISTRict, in writing. · tCTION XV x. All wot~ involved with STOP~q DRAIN lhSll b8 inspee~ed by DISTRICT and shall no~ be deemed complete until approved and accepted as complete by DISTRICT. 2, DEVELOPER end COUNTY personnel u&y observe and inspect all work being done on STORM DRAIN, but shall provide any sommenOs to DISTRICT pe£sonnel who shall be responsible for all quality eontro~ communications with the aontracto~ during the oonotzuction o~ steRn DRAiN. 3. Construction o~ 8TORH DRAIN shall be esspieCed by DEVELOPER v~th~n six (6) consecutive months afte~ execution of after commencing york on STORM DRAIN. It is expressly understool that since t~me is o~ the essence in this agreement, failure o~ DEVELOPER to per£orm the york within the agreed upon ~me ,~a~Z constitute authority for DISTRICT to pe:£o:m the :emal~ing york Ca) Draw upon the cash deposit or letter o~ as described in Sootion I.S. to pay for the cost (b) Require DEVELOPER'S surety to pay to COUlqTY the penal sun o£ any and all bonds. 4, DISTRICT and COUNTY s~all not in anyway be obligated purluser to this agreement, to acquire rights of way necessary for the construction, inspection, operation and maintenance or STOIOI DRAIN. S. DMLOPBR shall, during the construction period, provide #orke='s Compensation Insurance in an amount required by law. A certSfloats o~ said insstones poxtoy shall be provided to DISTRICT and COUNTY prior to such aShSituation period. s. DBVBbOPSR shall, coRmsacing on the date notice is given pursuant to Section 1.4 end continuing unti~ DISTRICT oecepts STORM DRAIN £or operation and maintenance: -5* ¢ 6 ? 10 ~0 o8 man (a) Provide and maintain comprehensive liability insurance coverage which ehall protest DEVELOPRR from nlaim from damages for persona~ injury, including mootdental and wrongful death, as vol! as from claims construeclan of 8TOPJ4DRAlN or the performance of its obltgations hereunder, whether gush construction or De:re:manse be by DL~BLOPBR, by any subcontractor, or by anyone employed directly or indirectly by any of them. Such insurance shall name DISTRICT and COUNTY as additional insureds with respect to this agreement and the obligations of DEVELOPER hereunder. Such insurance shall provide for limits of not less than two million dollars (02,000,000.00) oocurrence. DISTRICT, prior to the construction period, by direct insurance is in full force and effec~ and that DISTRICT and COUNTY are named as additional insureds with to this agreement and the obligations of DEVELOPER hereunder. Further, said certiCi~ate(s) shall provide that the issuing company shall give DISTRICT sixty days written notice in the event of any san~ella~ion. termination. non-renewal or reduction in ~ovecage o~ the policies evAdeneed by the oertt~loate(s). In the event of any such cancella~ion, termination, non-renewal reduction in coverage, DgV~LOPER shall, secure replacement lnauranos meeting the provision of Failuze to maintain the inlurance required by this paragraph shall be deemed e material breach o~ this agreement and shall authorize and constitute authority £or DISTRICT to proceed to perform the remaining work pursuant to Section 1.3. v. In the event that any claim oz legal action is brought against DISTRICT or COUNTY in mannaction with this agreement because of the actual or alleged acts or omissions by DM~OPBR. DEVELOPER shall defend. indemnify and hold DISTRICT and COUNTY harmless therefrom, without east to DISTRICT o: COUNTY. Upon DEVELOPER'S failure to do is, DISTRICT and COUNTY lhlll be entitled to recover from DEVELOPER all of their cost and ezpenses including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys, ~eas. I. DEVELOPER. shall defend, indemnify and hold DISTRICT end ~C,"v~-f', their respective offion:s, agents, employees and independent contractors £ree and harmloll from any claim whatsoever, based st asserted, pursuant to Artidle I, Seerion IV of the California Constitution, the Ft~th Amendment of the United S~ates Constitution, or any other lag'or ordtn&noe v~tch see~s to impose any other liability or damage whatsoever, for the design, construction or fairurn of STORM DRAIN st from the diversion of 11 3,6 18 aO ~? claim, and litigation aristas solely through the sola magiSeines or lOlO willful aileenduet of DISTRICT or COUIFFY. DBVELOPER chill defend DISTRICT and COUNTY without ooa~ to DISTRICT oz ~, and upon~~P~*S ret~ure ~o do so, D~S~X~ and ~~ shall be entitled co recover fzon~LO~ all of C~oiE cost and expendt~ureo, [neZudine, bu~ no~ limited [o, reasonable I. I~LOPBR for itself, its euooessors and assigns hereby releases DISTRICT and COUN~. their respeet/we offSet:a. agents. and employees from any and all ~ll[ll, demands, motions, or suite of any kind aristas ouc of any liability. known unknown, p~esenC or future, inoludtng, buc not limited to, any claim or 1/ability, based or eeocton It of the California Constitution, the United States Constitution, or any other law oc ordinance- which seeks Co impose any ocher liability o: damage, whatsoever, for the desSan. construction o: failure of STORM.DRAIN,*or'the~ disaharge o~ drainage within or from STORM DRAIN. Nothing oon~ained herein shall eonstit~te a release by DMLOPER o~ DISTRICT, its officers, ageace, and employees from any and all elaine, demand, action oc suits o! any kind arising out of any liability. knovn or unknown, prosen~ or future, ~or the negltgen~ maintenance of STORM DRAIN oc BOX after i~u ,capcanoe by DISTRICT. 10. Any valve: by DISTRICT or COUNTY of any breach of any one or more o£ the ternl of this agreement shall not be construed Co be a valve: of any lUbOeqUen~ or other broach of the same or o~ any other ~e:m Cheroot. Failure on the parc of DZSTRICT or co~I~TY to require exact, full and eommlete oomplianoe manner ehangin~ the Cs:us hereof, oc esSimping DISTRICT or COUNTY from enforcement hereof. ll. TALe ag:eemen~ is entered into pureuanC to Section ~l.l? of Development Agreement No. $ and not mursuan~ co soe~ion l.S of Development Agreement No. S. This agreement is no~ intended to modify, amend or rescind any provision of Developmen~ Agreement No. 6. To the extent that any provision of this egreemen~ conflicts vtth any provision o~ ~evelopmen~ Xgreemen~ #o. B, ~e provisions of'Development Agreement No. S ohmIX ~rovatl and be ainUoiling. 12. If any provision in this agreement is held by e eourt of aimeecent Jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unanforoeable, the remaining provisions vii1 nevertheless ashsinus in full foroe without being impaired or invalidated in anyway. 11. This agreement is to be construed in acco:dance with the lave o! the State of California. 14. Any and all nostril linc or :ogu~zed to be sent co -7- requirements of Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. Section 15. Termination. This agreement shall ter- minate and be of no further force or effect if Landowner does not elect to proceed with the construction of the Second Phase within 60 days of the date hereof or if Landowner pro- ceed but does not complete the construction of the Second Phase. Furthermore, District may, in its sole discretion, terminate this agreement if any legal challenge is filed relating to the validity or enforceability of this agreement or the bond issuance proceedings. Section 16. General. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters herein provided for, and may only be amended by a subsequent written agreement executed by all parties. This agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but which together shall consti- tute a single agreement. Section 17. Joint Financing Agreements. It is the intent of District and Landowner that this agreement be interpreted consistently with the provisions of the Joint Financing Agreements concurrently entered into by District, Landowner and other applicable public agencies. In the event that any of the foregoing provisions of this agreement conflict with the terms of the Joint Financing Agreements, the provisions of the latter shall control to the extent necessary. -20- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agree- ment to be executed as of the date first above written. COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT ATTEST: By: President of the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District Linda M. Fregoso, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District TAYCO, A California general partnership By: Title: 5/146/006634-0138/019 -21- EXHIBIT A First Phase of Public Improvements (By Discrete Component) (1) The storm drain channel improvements for Long Valley Wash adjacent to Rancho California Road within Parcel 2. (2) Storm drain improvements from Rancho California Road south to Rancho Vista Road. 5/146/006634-0138/019 Exhibit A EXHIBIT B Second Phase of Public Improvements (By Discrete Component) ROAD/GRADING (1) The grading of the southerly half of Rancho California Road from the westerly tract boundary of Parcel 1 to Butterfield Stage Road. (2) The grading of Rancho Vista Road from the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 east to Butterfield Stage Road. (3) The street improvements of Kaiser Parkway from the intersection of Rancho Vista Road south to Pauba Road. WATER (1) Tract 22715 Water Facilities (as described in Facilities Report) (2) Tract 22915 Water Facilities (as described in Facilities Report) (3) Tract 22916 Water Facilities (as described in Facilities Report) 5/146/006634-0138/019 Exhibit B · ' EXHIBIT "C" (Form of Letter of Credit) (Form of Value and Diversification Risk Letter of Credit) IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT , 19 Director of Finance-Treasurer Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 28061 Diaz Road Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Dear Sirs: We hereby establish, at the request and for the account of [insert name of Property Owner or Substitute Transferee] , a corporation [partnership, individual, trust, etc., as applicable], (the "Account Party") in your favor, as "Beneficiary" pursuant to that certain Agreement For Acquisition (Community Facilities District No. 88-3), dated as of March 1, 1990, (the "Acquisi- tion Agreement") between the Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District ("CFD No. 88-3") and TAYCO, a California partnership, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. , in the amount of $ (the "Stated Amount"), effective immediately and expiring on , 19__ (the "Stated Termina- tion Date"). We hereby irrevocably authorize you to draw on us in an aggregate amount not to exceed the Stated Amount of this Letter of Credit set forth above and in accordance with the terms and conditions and subject to the reductions in Stated Amount as hereinafter set forth, (1) in one or more drawings by one or more of your drafts, each accompanied by your writ- ten and completed certificate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "1" attached hereto (any such draft accom- panied by such certificate being your "Default Payment Draft"), and (2) in a single drawing by your draft, accom- panied by your written and completed certificate signed by Exhibit C-1 you in substantially the form of Annex "2" attached hereto (any such draft accompanied by such certificate being your "Final Draft"). Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to you against (1) your Default Payment Draft referring thereon to the number of this Letter of Credit and accompanied by your written and completed certificate signed by you in substan- tially the form of Annex I attached hereto, and (2) your Final Draft referring thereon to the number of this Letter of Credit and accompanied by your written and completed Certifi- cate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "2" attached hereto. Each such draft and certificate shall be dated the date of its presentation, and shall be presented at our office located at , , California, Attn: (or at any other office in the City of , State of California which may be designated by us by written notice delivered to you) on or before 9:00 a.m. (California time) on the day (which shall be a banking day) of our making funds available to you hereunder. If we receive any of your drafts and certificates at such office, all in strict con- formiry with the terms and conditions of this Letter of Credit, not later than 9:00 a.m. (California time) on a bank- ing day prior to the termination hereof, we will honor the same on the same day in accordance with your payment instruc- tions. If we receive any of your drafts and certificates at such office, all in strict conformity with the terms and conditions of this Letter of Credit, after 9:00 a.m. (California time) on a banking day prior to the termination hereof, we will honor the same on the next succeeding banking day in accordance with your payment instructions. The phrase "banking day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day which shall be in the State of California a legal holiday or a day on which banks are authorized or obli- gated by law or executive order to close. The Stated Amount of this Letter of Credit shall be decreased upon (1) our payment of each Default Payment Draft or Final Draft, by an amount equal to such payment or pay- ments, and (2) upon our receipt of your written and completed Certificate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "3" attached hereto to the new Stated Amount in said Certifi- cate. This Letter of Credit shall automatically terminate upon the earliest of (i) the Stated Termination Date, (ii) our honoring your Final Draft presented hereunder, (iii) our honoring of a Default Payment Draft which has the effect of reducing the Stated Amount to zero ($0.00), (iv) our receipt of your written and completed Certificate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "4" attached hereto (such Certificate being your "Termination Certificate"), or (v) the date on which we receive written notice from you that an Exhibit C-2 alternate letter of credit has been substituted for this Letter of Credit in accordance with the Funding Agreement. This Letter of Credit is nontransferable. This Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice or Documentary Credits (1983 Revision, Inter- national Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400). All com- munications with respect to this Letter of Credit shall be in writing specifically referencing the designated Number of this Letter of Credit and shall be addressed to us at , , California, Attn= · Very truly yours, [Bank] By: Exhibit C-3 Annex i CERTIFICATE FOR DRAWING UPON ACCOUNTS PARTY'S DEFAULT IN PAYMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Bank"), with reference to Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) As of the date of this Certificate, the Account Party has defaulted in the payment of special taxes imposed on the property owned by Account Party within the boundaries of CFD No. 88-3 in the total amount of $ (the "Default Amount") which amount includes all penalties, assessments and costs of collection associated with the defaulted payment of special taxes. (c) Beneficiary hereby requests payment of the Default Amount and acknowledges that upon your payment of this draft the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit shall be auto- matically reduced by the Default Amount to a new Stated Amount calculated as follows: existing Stated Amount Default Amount new Stated Amount $ ( $ (d) Beneficiary hereby certifies for the benefit of Account Party that all amounts drawn hereunder shall be applied to defaulted payments of special taxes. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19 . Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 By: [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized Exhibit C-4 Annex 2 CERTIFICATE FOR FINAL DRAWING UPON FAILURE OF ACCOUNT PARTY TO RENEW IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Bank"), with reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) Account Party has failed to renew the Letter of Credit or provide a substitute letter of credit within thirty (30) calendar days prior to the Stated Termination Date of the Letter of Credit. The Stated Termination Date of the Letter of Credit is , 19 . This Certificate is dated and submitted to Bank not more than thirty (30) days prior to the Stated Termination Date. (c) Beneficiary hereby requests payment of the entire Stated Amount of $ . (d) Beneficiary hereby certifies for the benefit of Account Party that all amounts drawn hereunder shall be held in trust and used or disbursed to or for the account of Account Party as provided in the Funding Agreement. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19 . Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 By: [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized Exhibit C-5 ~nnex 3 CERTIFICATE FOR REDUCTION OF AMOUNTS AVAILABLE UNDER IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. , DATED , 19 The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Bank"), with reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) Account Party has sold or transferred property within Community Facilities District No. 88-3 and has pro- vided the Beneficiary with an approved recalculation of the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit. (c) The Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit is auto- matically reduced upon receipt by the Bank of this Certifi- cate to an amount equal to $ [insert new Stated Amount]. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19 . Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized Exhibit C-6 Annex 4 CERTIFICATE FOR TERMINATION OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. , DATED , 19 The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Bank"), with reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) Property owned by the Account Party within CFD No. 88-3 is responsible for less than thirty-three percent (33%) of the total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within CFD No. 88-3. (c) Beneficiary hereby requests the Letter of Credit be automatically terminated upon delivery of this Certificate to Bank. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary delivered this Certificate as of the · 19 . has executed and day of Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 By: [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized 5/146/006634-0138/019 Exhibit C-7 JOINT FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP THIS JOINT FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is dated as of March 1, 1990, by and among COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, a legally constituted governmental entity organized and existing pursuant to Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 2.5 of the California Government Code (hereinafter "CFD NO. 88-3"), the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter "County") the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (hereinafter "City") and TAYCO, a California partnership (hereinafter "Property Owner"). RECITALS : A. Property Owner is the owner of a development project known as "Vintage Hills" located wholly within the City and approved by County as a portion of the Margarita Village Specific Plan (the "Project"), a map of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". The Project at the time of approval of said specific plan by County lay within unincorporated territory. Subsequent to -1- County's approval of the Project, the City was incorporated on December 1, 1989 and the Project now lies within the City. B. Property Owner plans to develop the Project for residential uses. The development plan includes the construction of streets and roads to be owned and maintained by City (the "Street Improvements"), as depicted and described in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. By statute, the County must maintain the Street Improvements until July 1, 1990. At this time it is probable that County will continue to maintain the Street Improvements for some period beyond July 1, 1990 pursuant to an agreement to be entered into between County and City. Accordingly, all references to the City herein as to various acts to be performed with respect to the construction, acquisition and maintenance of the Street Improvements shall also be deemed to refer to County until such time as County is relieved of such duties by statute or contractual agreement. C. Property Owner initiated by written petition and thereafter the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District (hereinafter "RCWD") by adoption of Resolution No. 89-9-1 on September 8, 1989 completed proceedings for the formation of CFD No. 88-3 pursuant to the Mello-Roos Commun- ity Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, Section 53311 et seq. of the California Government Code (hereinafter the "Act"), to provide financing for the construction and acquisition of certain public facilities (the "Facilities"), which include -2- the Street Improvements. The boundaries of CFD No. 88-3 are depicted on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C". CFD No. 88-3 lies entirely within the Project and consists of approximately 303 acres. TAYCO is the owner of all property within CFD No. 88-3. D. The proceedings to establish CFD NO. 88-3 included a special election wherein the qualified electors authorized bonded indebtedness in the amount of $8,500,000 and author- ized an annual levy of a special tax (hereinafter the "Special Tax") within CFD No. 88-3 to fund debt service on such bonded indebtedness. Pursuant to such authorization, CFD No. 88-3 contemplates the issuance and sale of Series A Bonds in the approximate amount of $8,200,000 (hereinafter the "Bonds"). E. A portion of the Street Improvements, comprised of the grading and streets improvements for Rancho Vista Road from the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 east to Butterfield State Road, are also included as improvements to be constructed as part of County's Assessment District No. 159 ("A.D. No. 159). In order to avoid duplication, it is the intention of County, upon satisfactory completion hereunder of the Street Improvements which are also part of A.D. No. 159 and the other improvements to be constructed therein, not to issue andsell bonds for these Facilities. F. CFD No. 88-3 and Property Owner will concurrently enter into the "Agreement for Acquisition" (hereinafter the "Acquisition Agreement") a copy of which is attached hereto -3- and incorporated herein as Exhibit "D". The Acquisition Agreement provides for the financing of the Facilities and sets forth procedures for the design, engineering, construction and acquisition of certain of the Facilities. The Acquisition Agreement is intended, together with this Agreement, to set forth the procedures which must be followed pursuant to Section 53313.5 of the Act in order to legally and validly acquire the Street Improvements and certain other Facilities. G. In contemplation of the issuance and sale of the Bonds, Property Owner has advanced moneys for the purpose of financing the design and engineering of the Street Improve- ments. H. CFD No. 88-3, City and County desire to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Sections 53316.2, 53316.4 and 53316.6 of the Act. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. Sale of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. CFD No. 88-3 shall proceed with the issuance and sale of the Bonds at such time and in such amounts as CFD No. 88-3, in its sole discre- tion, may determine is appropriate to finance the design, engineering, construction and acquisition of the Facilities, including the Street Improvements. CFD No. 88-3 shall make disbursements out of the proceeds of the Bonds to pay for -4- such costs and certain other incidental costs as hereinafter described. Such proceeds, however, may be expended by CFD No. 88-3 for any lawful purpose, including the financing of the Street Improvements, as CFD No. 88-3 shall determine to be appropriate. CFD No. 88-3 shall strictly account for the disbursements of the proceeds of the Bonds. 2. Street Improvements Design and Construction. The Street Improvements will be designed and engineered by Property Owner and constructed consistent with the procedures set forth herein and in the Acquisition Agreement. The costs of the construction of the Street Improvements shall be reimbursed by CFD No. 88-3 from the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds in accordance with the Acquisition Agreement. All contracts for the construction of the Street Improvements shall be awarded and administered consistent with the appropriate sections of the Acquisition Agreement and this Agreement as public works projects consistent with the applicable provisions of the California Public Contracts Code. The contractor or contractors who will construct the Street Improvements, or any portion thereof, shall be required to provide performance and payment Bonds, each in a principal amount equal to 100% of the contract price and naming County, City and CFD No. 88-3 as obligees. Said contractor or contractors shall also be required to name CFD No. 88-3, County, City and Property Owner, and the employees, volunteers, officers, directors, attorneys, agents and consultants thereof as additional insureds under a policy of -5- general liability insurance in the amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence. The bid and contract documents shall include the bond and insurance requirements as set forth in the Acquisition Agreement. 3. Design and Construction Budget. Exhibit "B" sets forth the budget for the construction of the Street Improve- ments. In addition to the cost of design, preparation of bid specifications and the construction of the Street Improvements, such costs may include, without limitation, the estimated costs of permits, licenses, easements, land, engineering, inspection and legal fees, construction contingency and a share of City's general and administrative costs reasonably devoted to the design approval and inspection of the Street Improvements. 4. Engineering and Design of the Street Improvements. Property Owner shall employ a properly qualified registered civil engineer (the "Design Engineer") to design and prepare detailed bid documents, construction plans and specifications (the "Bid Documents") for the Street Improvements, including required system layout drawings and construction plan-profile drawings, in accordance with City's standard design criteria, consistent with the Margarita Village Specific Plan and conditions of approval for the Project. It is understood that there may be subsequent modifications to Exhibit "B" prior to City's approval of final plans and specifications for the Street Improvements. CFD No. 88-3 and City shall provide to Property Owner and its engineer, copies of all -6- information and documents necessary to prepare the Bid Documents and specifications, standard design criteria, schedules for progress or reimbursement payments, applicable prevailing wage rates and bond requirements. The Design Engineer shall submit preliminary and final plans and specifications for the Street Improvements to City for review and approval; City shall review and approve said plans and specifications in as expeditious a manner as possible. The Bid Documents shall be reviewed and approved or rejected within fifteen (15) days following their submission to City. Any rejection shall be accompanied by a written statement of reasons for rejection. City shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of Bid Documents. 5. Construction of the Street Improvements. Property Owner shall construct the Street Improvements in accordance with the procedures set forth herein and in the Acquisition Agreement, consistent with the Margarita Village Specific Plan and conditions of approval for the Project. City shall be under no obligation to approve the award of a contract and shall not allow a contract for construction of any of the Street Improvements to be awarded until it has determined that sufficient uncommited funds to cover the contract award, including a contingency amount equal to approximately five percent (5%) of the total contract price and City's costs of inspecting and administering said contract, are in the Community Facilities Improvement Fund (the "Improvement Fund") created by the Bond Resolution adopted by the -7- legislative body of CFD No. 88-3 (the "Bond Resolution"). All payment requests for the construction costs of the Street Improvements shall be handled consistent with the Acquisition Agreement. 6. Shortfall. In the event the lowest acceptable bid would cause the total cost provided in the budget for the Street Improvements to exceed the budgeted amount as shown on Exhibit B, Property Owner shall pay the amount necessary to complete the construction of the Street Improvements. The procedures provided for herein shall also apply to the extent approved change orders result in construction costs exceeding the amounts budgeted for the Street Improvements. Property Owner shall not be released from constructing any Street Improvement in the event that the proceeds of the Bonds are insufficient to pay the costs of construction, but shall be required to complete the Street Improvements. 7. Use of Funds. CFD No. 88-3 shall use the proceeds in the Improvement Fund established by the Bond Resolution exclusively for the reimbursement of the construction and acquisition costs of the Facilities, including the Street Improvements. CFD No. 88-3 shall strictly account for the expenditure of such proceeds. It is the intention of the parties that payments from the Improvement Fund shall be only in connection with the payment request form for costs and expenses paid or incurred, including, without limitation, any amounts owing under any construction contract entered into -8- for the Street Improvements. CFD No. 88-3 shall account for, deposit, invest and reinvest such funds in the manner required by the Bond Resolution. 8. Inspection. Construction of the Street Improve- ments shall be subject at all times to inspection by City. City personnel shall inspect the furnishing, construction and installation of the Street Improvements to assure compliance with approved construction plans and specifications. Inspection shall be the responsibility of City. City's inspection personnel shall have the authority to enforce the approved construction plans and specifications for the Street Improvements, which authority shall include the authority to require that any and all unacceptable materials, workmanship and/or installation be replaced, repaired or corrected. In addition, the contractor(s) shall be required under the approved construction specifications to repair any and all installed facilities which have been damaged by any party prior to City's final acceptance of the Street Improvements for ownership by the City and operation and maintenance by City, which final acceptance shall follow final inspection and testing of the Street Improvements after completion thereof. Contractor's(s) will be required to: (i) make any and all corrections and/or repairs determined by City inspection personnel to be necessary and consistent with the approved construction plans and specifications and (ii) provide a one (1) year materials and workmanship -9- guarantee, the precise nature of which will be agreed upon by City and County, providing that such contractor(s) will repair, at its (their) expense, all failures of facilities which it (they) furnished, installed and/or constructed due to faulty materials or installation, including settlement of backfill within said one-year period. 9. Completion of Construction. Upon completion of any of the Street Improvements, CFD No. 88-3 shall notify City in writing of such completion and request final inspection by City and, upon notification from City that the Street Improvements (or portions thereof) are complete and accept- able to City, then Property Owner shall prepare and execute a Notice of Completion as to such Facilities, record said Notice with the Office of the Recorder of the County of Riverside, State of California, and cause the contractor and all subcontractors to provide lien and material releases. 10. Installation of Traffic Control Devices. Prior to notification to City of completion of the Street Improvements (or portions thereof) Property Owner shall install or cause to be installed any and all traffic control devices (includ- ing but not limited to striping, purchase and placement of traffic signs pursuant to City criteria) required by the Margarita Village Specific Plan or the conditions of approval for the Project. In addition, and notwithstanding any agree- ment between the County and Property Owner to the contrary, Property Owner shall pay to the City any and all traffic signal mitigation or other, similar fees required by the -10- County for the installation of traffic signals or other traffic control devices in or along the Street Improvements. The City shall not accept the Street Improvements or portions thereof until such traffic control devices have been installed to City's satisfaction. 11. Use of Street Improvements. Upon completion of the construction of the Street Improvements and acceptance by City, said facilities shall be and remain the sole and separate property of City. The Street Improvements shall be operated, maintained and utilized by City to serve the Project and other land pursuant to applicable City rules, regulations policies and procedures. 12. Conveyance of Title. Property Owner shall transfer and convey, to such party as City may designate fee simple - title or easements as deemed necessary, including ingress and egress, on and over property within the Project on which the Street Improvements are to be constructed. Said rights-of- way shall be conveyed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, assessments, taxes and leases, except those which are acceptable to the City. Property Owner shall transfer title to such land or rights-of-way on such documents as City may prescribe. It is anticipated that a substantial portion of the Street Improvements will be constructed within public streets and rights-of-way dedicated by Property Owner to the City and other public entities. Any easements granted to facilitate construction prior to such dedications shall provide that the easement right conveyed -11- will expire upon dedication and acceptance of such area as a public right-of-way. 13. Acceptance. City agrees to accept title to, and provide service through, the Street Improvements, subject to certification by the City that such Facilities have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and provided that title to the Street Improvements is free of all liens and encumbrances not otherwise acceptable to City. For those portions of the Street Improvements for which fee title is transferred, City shall require a policy of title insurance for each parcel to be conveyed to it in an amount which is not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000). 14. Maintenance. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the Street Improvements to City, the Property Owner shall be responsible for their maintenance. Upon acceptance of the Street Improvements by City shall (except as previously noted in recital "B" above) be responsible for the maintenance thereof and all rights, duties and obligations of Property Owner for said maintenance under this Agreement shall terminate. 15. Administrative Costs. The estimated administrative costs of Property Owner, CFD No. 88-3 and City which include but are not limited to the reasonable cost of preparing the Bid Documents, all fees and costs incurred in obtaining permits, licenses, rights-of-way or easements, and engineering, legal, fiscal, and inspection fees and land acquisition costs are provided for in Exhibit "B." The -12- parties recognize the amount of such costs may increase in the future. CFD No. 88-3 shall cause to be reimbursed from the Improvement Fund the reasonable administrative costs actually incurred by Property Owner, CFD No. 88-3 and City. Such cost shall be reimbursed within a reasonable time after presentation of a request therefor. 16. No Obligations Assumed. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring CFD No. 88-3 to issue or sell Bonds pursuant to the Act or any other law or regulation requiring the construction of the Street Improvements. 17. Indemnification and Insurance. Property Owner shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and hold harmless CFD No. 88-3, City and County and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, (i) the actions of Property Owner required in the performance of this Agreement and (ii) the design, engineering and construction of the Street Improvements designed, engineered and constructed by Property Owner; provided that the actions, damages, claims, losses and expenses covered by this paragraph shall be those arising out of events which occur during the period up to the acceptance of the Street Improvements by City whether or not an action or claim is filed by the date of acceptance of the Street Improvements; and provided further that nothing in this -13- paragraph shall limit, in any manner, City's rights against any of Property Owner's contractors, architects or engineers. No provision of this Agrement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of Property Owner for payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractors, agents or employees. CFD No. 88-3 shall assume the defense of, protect, indemnify and hold harmless Property Owner, City and County and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from the actions of the CFD 88-3 pursuant to the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of CFD No. 88-3 for payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractor, agents or employees. County shall assume the defense of, protect, indemnify and hold harmless CFD No. 88-3, City and Property Owner and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, the actions of County taken in the performance of this Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the -14- extent of the responsibility of County for the payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractors, agents or employees. City shall assume the defense of, protect, indemnify and hold harmless CFD No. 88-3, County and Property Owner and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, the actions of City taken in the performance of this Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of City for the payment of damages resulting from its own operations or the operations of any of its contractors, agents or employees, other than County acting as such contractor or agent pursuant to law or contract between City and County. As required by the Acquisition Agreement, Property Owner will assure County, City and CFD No. 88-3 that any and all contractors employed by it shall furnish to CFD No. 88-3, County and City certificates of insurance substantiating that such contractors have obtained for the entire period of construction of any of the Street Improvements a policy of workers compensation insurance as required by state law and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy from a company acceptable to County, City and CFD No. 88-3 with coverage broad enough to include the contractual obligations -15- they have under the construction contract(s) and having a combined single limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000. Said certificate of insurance shall include an endorsement naming County, City, CFD No. 88-3, and Property Owner, and their respective officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents as additional named insureds. 18. Effective Date and Termination. This Agreement shall become effective and of full force and effect as of the date (the "Effective Date") on which CFD No. 88-3 issues the Bonds. Should CFD No. 88-3 not sell the Bonds, this Agree- ment shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. 19. Notice. Any notice, payment or instrument required or permitted by this Agreement to be given or delivered to any party or other person shall be deemed to have been received when personally delivered or upon deposit of the same in the United States Post Office, registered or certi- fied, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Property .Owner: County: TAYCO c/ Costain Homes, Inc. 620 Newport Center Drive Suite 440 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Robert Dieudonne, Project Manager Road Department County of Riverside 4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attn: Ivan Tennant, Acting Road Commissioner (714) 275-6740 -16- CFD No. 88-3: City: Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District 28061 Diaz Road Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Director of Finance City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: City Manager Each party can change its address for delivery of notice by delivering written notice of such change or address to the other parties within twenty (20) days of such change. 20. Captions. Captions to Sections of the Agreement are for convenience purposes only and are not part of this Agreement. 21. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such portion shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and the remaining parts shall remain in full effect as though such invalid or unenforceable provision had not been a part of this Agreement. 22. AssiGnment. Property Owner may, with the prior written consent of CFD No. 88-3, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, assign all or a portion of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to persons or entities acquiring from Property Owner title to any property within CFD No. 88-3. -17- 23. Design Engineer. The Design Engineer retained by Property Owner for purposes of preparing the Bid Documents shall be Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates or such other qualified registered civil engineer as Property Owner may appoint for such purposes. 24. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 25. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 26. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended or modified only in writing signed by all of the parties. 27. Exhibits. The following exhibits attached hereto are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Exhibit I! C I! Description Map of Project Street Improvements Description and Budget Map of CFD No. 88-3 Acquisition Agreement 28. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. -18- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT By: President of the Board of Directors, Ex Officio the Legislative Body of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District ATTEST: By: Secretary of the Board of Directors, Ex Officio the Clerk of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: -19- APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Counsel: By: Deputy ATTEST: By: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors TAYCO, a California partnership By: COSTAIN HOMES, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Signature Printed Name Its: TAYLOR WOODROW INC., a California corporation By: Signature Printed Name Its: -20- CITY OF TEMECULA ATTEST: By: Mayor By: City Clerk 5/146/006634-0138/052 -21- I EXHZBZT "~" EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS (1) The grading of the southerly half of Rancho California Road from the westerly tract boundary of Parcel 1 to Butterfield Stage Road. (2) Butterfield Stage Road full-width street improvements (other than the inner two travel lanes which are being financed by County Assessment District No. 159) from Rancho Vista Road south to Pauba Road. (3) The grading of Rancho Vista Road from the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 east to Butterfield Stage Road. (4) The street improvements of Kaiser Parkway from the intersection of Rancho Vista Road south to Pauba Road. EXHIBIT "B" 2~7~12~71 NELLO-RQOS DISTRICT FUNOS SUIIMRY WZT UNZT TOTAL OESC~!PTEQN UNIT QUANTITY PRICE COST EANCNO CALZFC~NIA IK)N) (FRC~I TRACT I(X/NDARY EAST TO II~'TERFIELD STAGE RQAO) GRADING CUT ¢Y 0 0.00 FILL CY 1&,565 1.00 SUBTOTAL RANCHO CALIFORNIA RC)A~ - GI~ADING 0 I&,S6S 14,565 EXHIBIT "B" NOJKT: ~WCHO V3STA ~ NELLO-NOQS DISTRICT FUNDS SLNqANY UNIT UNIT TOTAL OESCIIIPTIQIt UNIT QUANTITY PRICE COST BITTERFIELD STAGE ROAD (FRON RANCHO VISTA IGIO SO. JTN TO PAULA ROAD) STREET mm .32- AC/.9/. Ct. 2 AI SF 5&,316 1.17 63,55O 6# C~S & GUTTER LF 2,&SO 5.90 l&,&SS S!OEidALIC SF 1&, 700 1 .&$ 21,021 S IDEIdALIC U/SP EA 1 100.00 100 STREET LIGHT 135W EA 6 6L8.00 3,8M SUBTOTAL - STREET 103,014 TOTAL BUTTERFIELD STAGE liD. SO.OF. RANCHO VISTA 103,014 GRADING - TRACT 22715-2 RANCHO VISTA ROAD EANTIM]11C (CUT) CY 29,366 EARTHM3WC (FILL) CY 1,667 1.00 29,366 1.00 1,667 ~J~TOTAL - GRADING 31,033 GRADrNG - TR. Z~716-1 RANCHO VISTA ONLY EAdlTH~QR[ (FILL) CY 5~,571 1.00 S&,ST1 SUBTOTAL - GRADING 54,571 GRADING - TR. Z2716-& RANCNO VISTA ONLY EMTNU~[ (FILL) 1.00 SUlTOTAL - GRADING 61,~0 RANCHO VISTA PHASE I TOTAL ~LLO-I~ DISTRICT WELT: IMClIO VISTA ION) SUlMAIY WiT UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION UNIT ~MNTITY GRADING o TRACT ~n~lS RAMClIO VISTA ONLY EARTNW~K - CUT CY 1~9,50Q RAITI&IONK - FILL CY 95,100 STREET - TRACT RANCHO VISTA ONLY CONST. oZS A.Co W/SEAL COAT OVER 0.87 A.I. (CLASS'2) CONST.C~C.CURI & ~TTER TYPE NAN (6"CF) KR S~.K.200 ~ST. ~C. SZDE~K (~') ~ST. SlO~LK AC~SS STD. P~ ~. C~ST. ~l & ~TER TRANS CF TO 6~ CF STREET L~GHTS STREET ° TRACT 22915-2 RANCH VISTA ONLY CONST..26A.C. WSEAL COAT OVER 0.8? A.I. (CLASS-2) SIDEUAL[ PER STD. 4)01 CONST.CONC.CUll & GUTTER TYPE "A'~ PER S~.~.~O CUll T~!)E L-& F/A/J~.. ~G (O, II ONLY) ~ST.~C.~-~ ¢6'WIOE) PER STO. ~, ~M ~ST. ~SS M PER SQ. ~Z STREET LI~TS 1.00 129,500 1.00 9S,100 SUBTOTAL o GRADING 22&,600 RANCHO VISTA PHASE II TOTAL 22&,000 SF 6~,81Z LF SF 10,829 EA 2 LF 10 EA S 0.99 ~,1~ 5.90 12,266 1.43 15,~ 100.00 200 6.40 960.00 ~BTOTAL - STREET 22915-1 9&,990 SF 17,2S& SF LF /61 LF 107 SF 1,030 EA EA 0.99 17,081 1.~3 5,068 5.90 2,T20 S. 25 562 3.~ 3,T08 100.00 200 960.00 1,920 SUITOTAL - STREET 2291S-2 31,Z59 OEC:BMR T, 1~e9 NOJECr: RAKNO VISTA NELLO-IMOS OISTRICT IruNoS SUMAmY UNIT UNIT TOTAL O~SC~IPTION UNIT QUANTITY PEICE COST STIEET - TRACT ZZ915 RAMCNOVISTAONLY CONST..26A.C. U/SEAL COAT SF OWR 0.8?A.I. (CLASS-Z) CUNST.CONC.C~I &GUTTER TTPE LF #A-6# I)~R CONST.CONC.GUII &~LrrTER TYPE LF 'A-e" PER $TO.llO. Z01 CW! TYI~A-6PER STD. 200 LF (GUlloNLY) COIdST.CUNC.CIOSS-GUTTER (6'VIDE) SF PER STD. 209, 209A, 303 CCBC. ClOSS-GUTTER (6'VIDE) SF PER STD. 209, 209A, 303 COIlS?. AC~SS IbUqP PER STD. &OZ EA CONC. CUll & GUTTER TITANS 8' LF CF TO 6# CF STREET LIGNTS EA 23,391 1.25 29,239 36~ 5.90 2,171 Z75 6.91 1,900 70 5.23 368 5,181 1.43 7,409 ~,054 3.6O 3,794 Z 100.00 200 10 6.40 64 Z 960.00 1,9Z0 S~BTOTAL - STREET 22915F &7,065 TOTAL RA#C#O VISTA STREET 173,323 STREET - TRACT 22915-1 KAISER PAJIICIMY ONLY COldST. .31 A.C. V/SEAL COAT OVER 1.10 A.I. (CLASS-Z) CONST,CONC.CUNI & GUTTER TYPE A-8 PElt Sin, 201 CUNST. C:ONC. SIOfIMLI: fidu6'~ PER ST.O PI, JW llO. 4,01 STREET LIGNTS SF LF sir EA 10,03~ 1.25 1Z,543 593 6.91 3, Z~ 1 .&] &,dim 2 960.00 1,920 SUBTOTAL - STREET 23,228 OIC!I(IIR ?, 1gO9 PIOJECT: KAI~I PAJWMY RAKNO VISTA NELLO-ROOS DISTRICT IKJNDS IIJIIIARY Lilt UNIT TOTAL OESCEIPTILI Lilt GUANTITY PItICE COST STREET - TRACT 22915-3 KAISER PkRIOMYONLY CO.ST. .31 A.C. WMAL COAT SF MR 1.10 A.I. (CLASS-Z) C~IiST.CGllC.CUII &GUTTER TYPE LF A-8PEE STD. 201 COldST. COliC. SIDEVALK (k~6') SF PER ST.D PLAN NO. &01 CONST.COliC.CROSS-GUTTER C6'WlDE) SF PER $TO. 209,209A CONST. ACCESS RA/4P PER STD. &OZ EA CONST.C~B LILY TRANS 8" CF I,F TO 6" CF STREET LIGHTS EA STREET - TRACT 22915 KAISER PARGiAY QIILY CONST. .31 A.C. V/SEAL COAT OVER 1.10 A.I. (CLASS-Z) CONST.COliC.CURl & GUTTER TYPE A-8 PER STD. 201 CONST. COliC. SIDE'dALK PER ST.D PLAN liO. &01 STREET I,IGHTS STREET - TRACT 22915 - A.D. 159 KAISER PAIGIAY COKST. 0.31' AC V/SEAL C:CY, T ~ 1.10' A,~I~4AT! IAM CL.3 ?,001 1.25 8,7~1 334 6.91 2,3O8 2,8&3 1.43 &,065 1,030 3.6O 3,7O8 2 100.00 2O0 10T 5.7~ 615 SUBTOTAL - STREET 20,608 SF I.F SF EA 6,542 1.25 8,178 645 6.91 4,457 3,54? 1.43 5,072 I 960.00 960 SUeTOTAL - STREET 18,667 SF 38,121 1.2S &7,651 SLITOTAL - STREET 47,651 STREET - TIACT 22916-1 rAl~l PMI3MYGIILY CallS?. .31 A.C. g/SEAL COAT MI 1.10 A.I. CCLA.SE-2) CQIlIT.CCIIC.CUII & ~JI'TEI TYPE A-6PER STO. C:ONST. CGNC. CUll & GUTTER TYPE A-SPEI STO. 201 CONS?. CONC. S!OEIdALK PEt ST.O PLAII NO. &01 STSEET LIGHTS SF 2S,576 1.25 31,970 LF 8ZS 5.90 LF 7'~ 6.91 SF 8,7~2 1.&3 12,573 EA & ~.00 SUBTOTAL - STREET 58,591 STREET - TRACT ?.2916-2 IC4ISER PAIICI, IAY QIILY C~ST..31 A.C. g/SEAL COAT OVER 1.10 A.I. (CLASS'2) CONST. CONC. CURl & GUTTER TYPE Ao8 PER STD. 201 CONST. COliC. SIDEgALK PER STD. PLAM NO. COllET. ACCESS ~ PER ST. CONST.CUll T/AMS 8" CF TO 6" STREET LIGHTS SF 8,6~ 1.25 10,793 LF &29 6.91 2,96& SF 3,1?3 1.43 &,537 EA 2 100.00 LF 110 6.40 EA 2 960.00 SUBTOTAL - STREET 21,118 STREET - T/ACT 2~916 FINAL rAISEI PAIICIdAY ONLY CCXlST..31 A.C. g/S~JL CQAT OVER 1.10 A.I. (CLASS-2) TYPE AoB PER lTD. 201 CONST. C:CIIC. SII)EIMLK (I/"6') PER 'STO. IlLAll "0. &01 STREET LIGNTS SF 3,98~ 1.25 4,980 LF 659 6.91 4,55/) SF 3,624 1.43 5,182 EA 1 960.00 960 SUITOTAL - STREET 15,676 TOTAL ICAISER PARKUAY-?RACT 2~916 120,3/6 EXHIBIT "C" AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION (Community Facilities District No. 88-3) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 1st day of March, 1990, by and between the COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, a community facilities district, hereinafter referred to as "District," and TAYCO, a California partnership, (hereinafter referred to as "Landowner"). RECITALS 1. Landowner is the owner of approximately 303 acres of land, more or less, located in the City of Temecula, California hereinafter referred to as "the Subject ~.operty." Landowner has filed a petition with District requesting that the Rancho California Water District initiate and complete all necessary proceedings under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, hereinafter referred to as the "Act," for the formation of the District over and including the Subject Property, and for the sale of bonds to finance the acquisition of certain public improvements which are herein- after referred to as the "Public Improvements." 2. District is authorized by Section 53313.5 of the Government Code to acquire and finance the acquisition of the Public Improvements through proceedings pursuant to the Act. This agreement is intended to set forth the procedures which EXHIBIT "D" must be followed pursuant to Section 53313.5 and the Act in order to legally and validly acquire the Public Improvements. 3. The additional p~-rpose of this agreement is to provide for coordination between District and related public agencies and Landowner with regard to the acquisition and construction of the Public Improvements and the sale of bonds by District to finance the acquisition of the Public Improvements by District and related public agencies'and to provide for certain other matters related to the construction of the Public Improvements. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the preceding reci- tals and the mutual promises and covenantf~ hereinafter co~ rained, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Construction. Prior to the formation of District, Landowner constructed a portion of the Public Improvements, as identified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "First Phase"). Landowner may, after receipt of written notice to proceed from District, construct at their sole cost the second phase of the Public Improvements as identified in Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Second Phase"), in accord- ance with plans and specifications therefor approved by the public agency which ultimately will own and maintain such Public Improvement (the "Plans and Specifications"). Additionally, the Landowner will, prior to soliciting.bids as -2- described below, submit for approval to the District or the public agency which will ultimately own and maintain such Public Improvement, the bidding do¢=ments to be utilized in order to insure that such bidding documents' requirements for prevailing wages, surety bonds and insurance are in accord- ance with the requirements set forth in the "Joint Financing Agreements" (the "Joint Financing Agreements") which are concurrently being entered into by and among the District, Landowner and the affected public agencies. If Landowner elects to proceed with the construction of the Second Phase after receiving District's written notice to proceed, Landowner shall notify District in writing of its election to proceed. If Landowner elects to proceed with the construction of the Second Phase, Landowner shall, after a competitive bi~- ding procedure in conformity with the Public Contracts Code at which at least three (3) bids are received, submit to the District or the applicable public agency written evidence of such competitive bidding procedure, including evidence of the means by which bids were solicited, a listing of all responsive bids and their amounts, and the name or names of the contractor or contractors to whom Landowner proposes to award the contract(s) for such construction. District, or the applicable public agency (with whom the District will confer), shall approve or disapprove of said contract or contractors in writing within 10 business days after receipt of the name or names of such contractor or contractors. If -3- District or applicable public agency disapproves of any such contractor, Landowner shall select another contractor from the competitive bids received who is acceptable to District or applicable public agency. Section 2. Inspection. District or the applicable public agency which will ultimately own and maintain such Public Improvements shall have primary responsibility for providing inspection of the work of construction of the Second Phase to insure that the work of construction is accomplished in accordance with the Plans and Specifications approved by them. District's or such public agency's personnel shall have access to the site of the work of construction at all reasonable times for the purpose of accomplishing such inspection. Upon the completion of the construction of the Second Phase to the satisfaction of District's or such public agency's inspectors, Landowner shall notify District in writing that the construction of the Second Phase or discrete component thereof has been completed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Upon receiving such written notification from Landowner, and upon receipt of written notification from its inspectors or those of th~ applicable public agency that construction of the Second Phase or discrete component thereof has been com- pleted in accordance with the Plane and Specifications, District shall in a timely manner notify Landowner in writing that the construction of the Second Phase or discrete component thereof has been satisfactorily completed. Upon -4- receiving such notification, Landowner shall forthwith file with the County Recorder of the County of Riverside a Notice of Completion pursuant to the provisions of Section 3093 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Landowner shall furnish to District a duplicate copy of each such Notice of Completion showing thereon the date of filing with the County Recorder. The costs incurred by District or other public agency in inspecting and approving the construction of the Second Phase shall be reimbursed to District or other appli- cable public agency from the proceeds of the bonds. Section 3. Liens. Upon expiration of the time for the recording of claims of liens as prescribed by Sections 3115 and 3116 of the Civil Code of the State of California, Landowner shall provide to District such evidence or proof as District shall require that all persons, firms and corpora- tions supplying work, labor, materials, supplies and equip- ment to the construction of the Second Phase have been paid, that no claims of liens have been recorded by or on behalf of any such person, firm or corporation and otherwise comply with the applicable requirements for conveyance of title free of such encumbrances, as set forth in the Joint Financing Agreements. Section 4. Acquisition~ Acquisition Price~ Funds Source. Provided Landowner has complied with the require- ments of this agreement and the applicable Joint Financing Agreement, District agrees to acquire the First and Second Phases from Landowner. The price to be paid by District for -5- the acquisition of the First and Second Phases shall be the actual costs incurred by the Landowner to construct the First and Second Phases (or discrete component thereof) as approved by District, together with reimbursement of any advances made by Landowner to the District, if any. As a condition to the payment of such acquisition price, Landowner shall transfer ownership of the completed component of the First or Second Phase constructed by them by grant deed, bill of sale or such other documentation as District or the public agency ultimately owning such Public Improvement may require. Upon the transfer of ownership of the Public Improvement or any discrete component thereof from Landowner to District or the public agency ultimately owning such Public Improvement, District or the public agency ultimately owning such Public Improvement shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Public Improvement transferred. Notwithstanding the prior provisions of this section, the sole source of funds for the acquisition by District of the Public Improvements or any discrete component thereof shall be the proceeds from the sale of the bonds of District. If for any reason beyond District's control the bonds are not sold, District shall not be ~:equired to acquire the Public Improvements from Landowner. In such event, Landowner shall complete the construction and transfer to District or the public agency ultimately to own such Public Improvement ownership of such components of the Public Improvements as are required to be constructed by Landowner as a condition to -6- · recordation of the subdivision map for the Subject Property, but need not construct Improvements which it is not Section 5. Bonds. any component of the Public so required to construct. Upon the completion of the vali- dation of the formation of the District, including the levy of the special tax and approval of the issuance of the bonds by the Districts Securities Division, District shall use its best efforts to issue and sell bonds pursuant to the Act in an amount sufficient to acquire the Public Improvements and pay other incidental costs. Upon receiving the proceeds from the sale of the bonds, District shall reimburse Landowner for the FirstPhase of Public Improvements as provided in Section 4 hereof and shall thereafter reimburse Landowner for the construction of the Second Phase of the Public Improvements or discrete component thereof as soon as the foregoing condi- tions for reimbursement are satisfied. Notwithstanding any preceding provision in this agreement, if District is unable to sell the bonds for any reason beyond its control, District shall be relieved of its obligations under this agreement with respect to the acquisition of the First and Second Phases. Section 6. Easements. Landsmet shall at the time District or such other public agency acquire the Public Improvements, as provided in Section 4 hereof, grant to Dis- trict or such public agency, by an appropriate instrument prescribed by them, all easements on private property which -7- may be necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the Public Improvements, or any part thereof. Section 7. Maintenance. Prior to the transfer of ownership of the Public Improvements by Landowner to District or other applicable public agency, as provided in Section 4 hereof, Landowner shall be responsible for the maintenance thereof and ehall maintain and transfer the Public Improve- ment to District or other applicable public agency in as good condition as the Public Improvement was in at the time Land- owner notified District that construction of same had been completed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Section 8. Inspection of Records. District or other applicable public agency may, at its discretion, review all books and records of Landowner pertaining to costs and expenses incurred by Landowner pursuant to Section I hereof, during normal business hours by making advance arrangements with Landowner. Section 9. Ownership of Public Improvements. Not- withstanding the fact that some or all of the Public Improve- ments may be constructed in dedicated street rights-of-way or on property which has been or will be dedicated to District or other applicable public agency, the Public Improvements shall be and remain the property of Landowner until acquired by District or other applicable public agency as provided in the preceding sections of this agreement. Section 10. Improvement Securit¥~ Prevailing Wages. Notwithstanding any provisions of this agreement to the con- -8- trary, Landowner shall be required to secure the faithful performance of construction and completion of construction of the Second Phase by appropriate contractor's bonds as required by Public Contracts Code of the State of California. Additionally, Landowner shall require its contractor or con- tractors to pay the prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality of the District and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work, as provided in Section 1771 et. seq. of the California Labor Code, to all workmen employed by each such contractor in the construction of the Second Phase. Landowner shall obtain from its contractor or contractors and furnish to District certified payroll records as to all such workers employed by the contractor or contrac- tors demons=rating that compliance has been had with the requirements of said Section 1771. Section 11. Independent Contractor. In performing this agreement, Landowner is an independent contractor and not the agent of District or any other public agency. Dis- trict shall have no responsibility for payment to any con- tractor or supplier of Landowner. Section 12. Indemnification~ Insurance. Landowner shall assume the defense of, indemnify, protect and save harmless, District, the public agencies ultimately owning and maintaining the Public Improvements, their officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents, and each and every one of them, from and against all actions, damages, -9- claims, losses, liabilities or expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, this agreement, and the design, engineering and construction of the Public Improvements. No provision of this agreement shall in any way limit the extent of Landowner's responsibility for payment of damages resulting from the operations of Landowner and their contractors; provided, however, that Landowner shall not be required to indemnify District and such public agencies as to damages resulting from negligence or willful misconduct of District and such public agencies or their agents or employees in performing this agreement. Landowner shall furnish to District and such public agencies a certificate or certificates of insurance substantiating that they have obtained for the eldtire period of th~ construction of the Second Phase a policy of comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage broad enough to include Landowner's contractual obligations under this section and having a combined single limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000. Said certificate of insurance shall include an endorsement naming District, such other public agencies, its officers, volunteers, employees, attorneys and agents as additional named insureds. Section 13. Letter of Credit Concurrently with issuance of the bonds, Landowner shall cause to be delivered to District a letter of credit (the "letter of Credit") substantially in the form attached as Exhibit "C" hereto -10- which shall be: (i) an irrevocable, non-transferable letter of credit issued by a federal or state chartered bank or other financial institution (the "Issuer") reasonably acceptable to District~ (ii) in the "Stated Amount" as defined below~ (iii) subject to renewal, replacement reduction, early termination, expiration and draws by District, or the agent designated by District (the "Beneficiary") as provided below~ (iv) shall have a term ending on a June 30 at least one year from its date of issuance~ and (v) shall be subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400). (a) Applicability of Requirement. Landowner shall cause the Letter of Credit to be delivered, renewed and/or replaced with respect to each legal lot owned by Landowner and its partners in their individual capacities within the District for so long as all legal lots owned by Landowner and its partners are responsible for thirty-three percent (33%) or more of the total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within the District as a result of the bonds. (b) Beneficiary. The Director of Finance- Treasurer of the Rancho California Water District and his or her designated representatives (the "Beneficiary") are hereby authorized by the District to draw on the Letter of Credit and provide for the reduction and termination of any Letter of Credit as may be required according to the terms of this Agreement. Landowner shall bear all costs associated with -11- posting any Letter of Credit, which costs shall not be subject to reimbursement by the District. (c) Stated Amount. The "Stated Amount" shall be an amount equal to the gross debt service on the bonds allocable to legal lots owned by the Landowner and its partners in the District for the fiscal year ending on the termination date of the Letter of Credit and the fiscal year following such termination date. #Gross debt service on the bonds" means for each of the two fiscal years subject to calculation, the sum of (i) the principal amount of all outstanding bonds payable in such fiscal year either at maturity or pursuant to a sinking fund payment and (ii) the interest payable on the'aggregate principal amount of bonds outstanding in such fiscal year assuming the bonds are retired as scheduled. Such gross debt service on the bonds shall not be reduced by earnings on funds that might otherwise be applied to payment on bonds pursuant to the bond resolution. "Gross debt service on the Bonds allocable to legal lots owned by Property Owner" shall be the sum of such gross debt service multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the maximum special tax that could be imposed on all legal lots owned by the Landowner and its partners in the current fiscal year and the denominator of which is the maximum special tax that could be imposed on all property within the District in the current fiscal year. (d) Letter of Credit Draws. Beneficiary may draw upon the Letter of Credit if Landowner is delinquent in -12- payment of the special taxes on property it and its partners own within the District. The total amount to be drawn under the Letter of Credit shall not exceed an amount equal to the special taxes owed by the Landowner and delinquent on property within the District at the time the draw is made. The amount thus drawn on the Letter of Credit shall be applied to clear the delinquent payment of special tax. If the Letter of Credit is not renewed within thirty (30) days prior to its expiration date and the requirements for release or termination of the Letter of Credit have not then been met, the full amount of the Letter of Credit may be drawn by Beneficiary and deposited in a separate fund. Thereafter, amounts in said fund may be drawn by Beneficiary on the same terms and conditions applicable to the Letter of Credit. At such time as the Letter of Credit is renewed, or a substitute letter of credit is accepted by the District, or the requirement for the Letter of Credit has been terminated pursuant to this Section, the District shall release all amounts in said fund to Landowner or the Issuer, as appropriate, within ten (10) calendar days from the date of renewal or acceptance, as possible. (e) Renewal and Substitution. The Letter of Credit shall be renewed or a substitute letter of credit provided, not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to its expiration. If Landowner provides a substitute letter of credit to the District, then the District shall return any -13- existing letter of credit at the time of such substitution by Landowner. (f) Reduc.ion and Termination. Upon the sale or transfer by Landowner and its partners of any property within the District,'the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit shall be reduced by recalculation in accordance with Section 13(c) above. The Letter of Credit shall be terminated when all legal lots owned by Landowner and its partners are responsible for less than thirty-three percent (33%) of the total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within the District. (g) Reduction and Termination Mechanics. Reduction or termination of a Letter of Credit shall occur automatically upon submission to the Issuer by the District of a Certificates of Reduction or ~.ermination in th= form of Annex "3" or Annex "4" to the Form of Letter of Credit attached as Exhibit "C" hereto. District shall deliver such Certificate of Reduction or Termination promptly upon receiving from Landowner a certificate which shall be made under penalty of perjury and shall indicate (i) the legal description of all land owned by Landowner and its partners withi. n the District, (ii) a recalculation of the new Stated Amount that Landowner proposed be applicable to the Letter of Credit and (iii) if termination of the Letter of Credit is requested, a statement that (1) such amount of total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within the District as a result of the bonds outstanding. -14- Landowner shall notify the District of any events that will result in a reduction of the face value of Landowner's Letter of Credit and shall provide the District with verification of said events. Landowner may provide the District with a substitute letter of credit in the reduced amount and the District shall release and return to Landowner the Letter of Credit then in effect. The parties expressly acknowledge that Landowner's failure to so notify the District or to reduce the Letter of Credit at the times prescribed herein shall in no way effect or invalidate sale or transfer of property, or recordation of maps on property. (i) Transferees. If property within the District is sold or transferred by Landowner and its partners, a Letter of Credit on the same terms specified herein will be furnished by the purchaser or transferee (the #St~stitut~ Transferee#) with respect to all legal lots owned by such Substitute Transferee with the District. The issuing financial institution and the form and terms of said Letter of Credit will be subject to reasonable prior approval by the Beneficiary and his or her designated representatives. All terms provided in this Section 13 are applicable to the Substitute Transferee by replacing the term #Landowner# at each place where it occurs in each section with the name of the Substitute Transferee. Each Substitute Transferee shall be an express third party beneficiary of the provisions of Section 13. -15- Section 14. Disclosure of Special Tax. In addition to the following provisions of this Section, the Director of Finance-Treasurer of the Rancho Cali~ornia Water District may approve on behalf of the District any additional disclosure provisions which together with those herein shall constitute the "Disclosure Program" of the Landowner and its partners, subject to the mutual agreement as to such provisions by the Landowner and the Director of Finance-Treasurer in consultation with special bond counsel. (a) To Purchasers of Finished Product from Landowner. This Section 14(a) shall apply to all residential dwelling units and custom home lots developed by Landowner and its partners and located within the District for which a final subdivision public report was or will be required by the California Department of Real Estate (each a "R~sidential Lot") and to all commercial or industrial facilities developed by the Landowner and its partners for lease or sale (each a "Commercial Facility"). From and after the date of this agreement, the Landowner and its partners shall give a "Notice of Special Tax" (as defined in Section 14(d) below) to each prospective purchaser of a Residential Lot or a Comme=cial Facility. The Landowner and its partners shall also require as a condition precedent to their obligation to close an escrow as to a Residential Lot or a Commercial Facility, or its obligation to lease a Commercial Facility pursuant to a "triple net" lease, that the prospective purchaser or lessee sign and return to the Landowner or its -16- partners a copy of the Notice of Special Tax. At least once each month, the Landowner and its partners shall forward copies of all signed Notice of Special Tax to the Director of Finance-Treasurer or his written designee. Landowner and its partners eha11 maintain records of all Notices of Special Tax for a period of eight (8) years. The Landowner and its partners shall include the Notice of Special Tax (or such other notice as is approved by the Director of Finance- Treasurer) in all of Landowner's and its partners' applica- tions for Final Subdivision Reports required by the California Department of Real Estate (eDRE") which are filed after the effective date of this agreement. (b) To Bulk Purchaser of Residential Property from the Landowner. This Section 14(b) shall apply to those persons or entitles who purchase property within the District from the Landowner and its partners for the purpose of subdividing such property or constructing residential dwelling units thereon, or both (each a "Residential Developer"). Landowner and its partners shall require, as a condition precedent to their obligation to close an escrow for the sale of real property to a Residential Developer, that such Residential Developer covenant for the benefit of Landowner or such partner and the District that such Residential Developer shall require as a condition precedent to its obligation to close an escrow as to any residential dwelling unit that the prospective purchaser thereof sign and return to such Residential Developer a copy of the Notice of -17- Special Tax. At least once each month each Residential Developer shall forward copies of all signed Notices of Special Tax to the Director of Finance-Treasurer. Each Residential Developer shall maintain records of all Notices of Special Tax for a period of eight (8) years. Each Residential Developer shall include the Notice of Special Tax (or such other notice as is approved by the Director of Finance-Treasurer in all of such Residential Developer's applications for Final Subdivision Reports required by the (c) Purchasers of Commercial Property from the Property Owner. This Section 14(c) shall apply to those persons. or entitles (each a "Commercial Developer") that purchase property within the District from the Landowner and its partners for the purpose of constructing a commercial or industrial facility thereon for lease or sale (each a "Commercial Facility"). Landowner and its partners shall require, as a condition precedent to their obligation to close an escrow for the sale of real property to Commercial Developer, that such Commercial Developer covenant for the benefit of Landowner and the District, that such Commercial Developer shall require as a condition precedent to its obligation to sell or lease pursuant to a "triple net" lease any Commercial Facility, that the prospective purchaser or lessee sign and return to the Commercial Developer a copy of the Notice of Special Tax. At least once each month Commercial Developer shall forward copies of all signed -18- Notices of Special Tax to the Director of Finance-Treasurer. Each co~ercial ~veloper shall maintain records of all Notices of Special Tax for a period of eight (8) years. (d) Notice of Special Tax. With respect to any parcel, the term "Notice of Special Tax" means a notice written in English which is calculated to disclose to the purchaser thereof (i) that the property being purchased is subject to the special tax of the District~ (ii) the land use classification of such property~ (iii) the maximum annual amount of the special tax and the number of years for which it will be levied~ (iv) if available at the time such notice is delivered, an indication of the amount of special tax to be levied on such property for the following fiscal year~ and (v) the types of facilities or services to be paid or with the proceeds of the special tax. The Notice of Special Tax shall be in such form as may be approved from time to time by the District or the Director of Finance-Treasurer. Such Notice of Special Tax may include as exhibits thereto copies of the "Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax for the District, in which case the requirements of item (iii) above shall be deemed satisfied. (e) Notice to Subsec~ent Purchasers. The District has filed with the Riverside County Recorder a document that gives notice of the existence of the District and the levyof the special tax on property within the District for the benefit of subsequent property owners, pursuant to -19- requirements of Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. Section 15. Termination. This agreement shall ter- minate and be of no further force or effect if Landowner does not elect to' proceed with the construction of the Second Phase within 60 days of the date hereof or if Landowner pro- ceed but does not complete the construction of the Second Phase. Furthermore, District may, in its sole discretion, terminate this agreement if any legal challenge is filed relating to the validity or enforceability of this agreement or the bond issuance proceedings. Section 16. General. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters herein provided for, and may only be amended by a subsequent written agreement executed by all parties. This agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but which together shall consti- tute a single agreement. Section 17. Joint Financing Agreements. It is the intent of District and Landowner that this agreement be interpreted consistently with the provisions of the Joint Financing Agreements concurrently entered into by District, Landowner and other applicable public agencies. In the event that any of the foregoing provisions of this agreement conflict with the terms of the Joint Financing Agreements, the provisions of the latter shall control to the extent necessary. -20- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agree- ment to be executed as of the date first above written. COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT ATTEST: President of the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District Linda M. Fregoso, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District TAYCO, A California general partnership By: Title: 5/146/006634-0138/019 -21- EXHIBIT A First Phase of Public Improvements (By Discrete Component) (1) The storm drain channel improvements for Long Valley Wash adjacent to Rancho California Road within Parcel 2. (2) Storm drain improvements from Rancho California Road south to Rancho Vista Road. 5/146/006634-0138/019 Exhibit A EXHIBIT B Second Phase of Public Improvements (By Discrete Component) ROAD/GRADING (1) The grading of the southerly half of Rancho California Road from the westerly tract boundary of Parcel 1 to Butterfield Stage Road. (2) The grading of Rancho Vista Road from the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 east to Butterfield Stage Road. (3) The street improvements of Kaiser Parkway from the intersectio~l of Ran~. ~ Vista Roa~ south t¢ Pauba Road. WATER (1) Tract 22715 Water Facilities (as described in Facilities Report) (2) Tract 22915 Water Facilities (as described in Facilities Report) (3) Tract 22916 Water Facilities (as described in Facilities Report) 5/146/006634-0138/019 Exhibit B EXHIBIT "C" (Form of Letter of Credit) (Form of Value and Diversification Risk Letter of Credit) IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT , 19 Director of Finance-Treasurer Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 28061 Diaz Road Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Dear Sirs: We hezeby establish, a% the request and for the account of [insert name of Property Owner or Substitute Transferee] , a corporation [partnership, individual, trust, etc., as applicable], (the "Account Party") in your favor, as "Beneficiary" pursuant to that certain Agreement For Acquisition (Community Facilities District No. 88-3), dated as of March 1, 1990, (the "Acquisi- tion Agreement") between the Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District ("CFD No. 88-3") and TAYCO, a California partnership, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. in the amount of , $ (the "Stated Amount"), effective immediately and expiring on , 19 (the "Stated Termina- tion Date"). We hereby irrevocably authorize you to draw on us in an aggregate amount not to exceed the Stated Amount of this Letter of Credit set forth above and in accordance with the terms and conditions and subject to the reductions in Stated Amount as hereinafter set forth, (1) in one or more drawings by one or more of your drafts, each accompanied by your writ- ten and completed certificate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "1" attached hereto (any such draft accom- panied by such certificate being your "Default Payment Draft"), and (2) in a single drawing.by your draft, accom- panied by your written and completed certificate signed by Exhibit C-1 you in substantially the form of Annex "2" attached hereto (any such draft accompanied by such certificate being your "Final Draft"). Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to you against (1) your Default Payment Draft referring thereon to the number of this Letter of Credit and accompanied by your written and completed certificate signed by you in substan- tially the form of Annex i attached hereto, and (2) your Final Draft referring thereon to the number of this Letter of Credit and accompanied by your written and completed Certifi- cate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "2" attached hereto. Each such draft and certificate shall be dated the date of its presentation, and shall be presented at our office located at , , California, Attn= (or at any other office in the City of , State of California which may be designated by us by written notice delivered to you) on or before 9=00 a.m. (California time) on the day (which shall be a banking day) of our making funds available to you hereunder. If we receive any of your drafts and certificates at such office, all in strict con- formiry with the terms and conditions of this Letter of Credit, not later than 9=00 a.m. (California time) on a bank- ing day prior to the termination hereof, we will honor the same on the same day in accordance with your payment instruc- tions. If we receive any of your drafts and certificates at such office, all in strict conformity with the terms and conditions of thi~ Letter of Cry, .t, after 9=00 a.m. (California time) on a banking day prior to the termination hereof, we will honor the same on the next succeeding banking day in accordance with your payment instructions. The phrase "banking day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a day which shall be in the State of California a legal holiday or a day on which banks are authorized or obli- gated by law or executive order to close. The Stated Amount of this Letter of Credit shall be decreased upon (1) our payment of each Default Payment Draft or Final Draft, by an amount equal to such payment or pay- ments, and (2) upon our receipt of your written and completed Certificate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "3" attached hereto to the new Stated Amount in said Certifi- cate. This Letter of Credit shall automatically terminate upon the earliest of (i) ~he Stated Termination Date, (ii) our honoring your Final Draft presented hereunder, (iii) our honoring of a Default Payment Draft which has the effect of reducing the Stated Amount to zero ($0.00), (iv) our receipt of your written and completed Certificate signed by you in substantially the form of Annex "4" attached hereto (such Certificate being your "Termination Certificate"), or (v) the date on which we receive written notice from you that an Exhibit C-2 alternate letter of credit has been substituted for this Letter of Credit in accordance with the Funding Agreement. This Letter of Credit is nontransferable. This Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice or Documentary Credits (1983 Revision· Inter- national Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400). All com- munications with respect to this Letter of Credit shall be in writing specifically referencing the designated Number of this Letter of Credit and shall be addressed to us at · W California, Attn: Very truly yours, [Bank] By: Exhibit C-3 Annex 1 CERTIFICATE FOR DRAWING UPON ACCOUNTS PARTY'S DEFAULT IN PAYMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Ba~k"), with reference to Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) As of the date of this Certificate, the Account Party has defaulted in the payment of special taxes imposed on the property owned by Account Party within the boundaries of CFD No. 88-3 in the total amount of $ (the "Default Amount") which amount includes all penalties, assessments and costs of collection associated with the defaulted payment of special taxes. (c) Beneficiary hereby requests payment of the Default Amount and acknowledges that upon your payment of this draft the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit shall b~ auto- matically reduced by the Default Amount to a he% Stated Amount calculated as follows: existing Stated Amount Default Amount new Stated Amount (d) Beneficiary hereby certifies for the benefit of Account Par~y that all amounts drawn hereunder shall be applied to defaulted payments of special taxes. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19__. Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 By: [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized Exhibit C-4 Annex 2 CERTIFICATE FOR FINAL DRAWING UPON FAILURE OF ACCOUNT PARTY TORENEW IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the NBank"), with reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the mLetter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) Account Party has failed to renew the Letter of Credit or provide a substitute letter of credit within thirty (30) calendar days prior to the Stated Termination Date of the Letter of Credit. The Stated Termination Date of the Letter of Credit is , 19__. This Certificate is dated and submitted to Bank not more than thirty (30) days prior to the Stated Termination Date. (c) Beneficiary hereby requests payment of the entire Stated Amount of $ . (d) Beneficiary hereby certifies for the benefit of Account Party that all amounts drawn hereunder shall be held in trust and used or disbursed to or for the account of Account Party as provided in the Funding Agreement. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19 . Director of Finance-Treasurer. Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized Exhibit C-5 Annex 3 CERTIFICATE FOR REDUCTION OF AMOUNTS AVAILABLE UNDER IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. , DATED , 19__ The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Bank"), with reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the #Letter of Credit#) issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) Account Party has sold or transferred property within Community Facilities District No. 88-3 and has pro- vided the Beneficiary with an approved recalculation of the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit. (c) The Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit is auto- matically reduced upon receipt by the Bank of this Certifi- cate to an amount equal to $ [insert new Stated Amount]. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19 . Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 By: [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized Exhibit C-6 Annex 4 CERTIFICATE FOR TERMINATION OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. , DATED , 19 The undersigned, a duly authorized officer or agent of the undersigned Beneficiary hereby certifies to (the "Bank")', with reference to the Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of the Beneficiary, that: (a) The undersigned is the duly authorized officer or agent of the Beneficiary for the purposes of submitting this Certificate. (b) Property owned by the Account Party within CFD No. 88-3 is responsible for less than thirty-three percent (33%) of the total annual special taxes to be levied on all property within CFD No. 88-3. (c) Beneficiary hereby requests the Letter of Credit be automatically terminated upon delivery of this Certificate to Bank. The capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are used herein as defined in the Letter of Credit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this Certificate as of the day of , 19 . Director of Finance-Treasurer, Rancho California Water District, on behalf of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 By: [Name and Title], Hereunto Duly Authorized 5/146/006634-0138/019 Exhibit C-7 WILLIAM C. KATZENSTEIN COUNTY COUNSEL OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL RIVERSIDE COUNTY 3535 TENTH STREET, SUITE 300 RIVERSIDE, CALIfORnIA 9250I-3(574 TELEPHONE {714) 787-E:4E:I March 6, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 Re: Community Facilities District No. 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) Dear Mr. Aleshire: Pursuant to a telephone conversation of Monday, March 5, 1990, enclosed please find a copy of a ballot pamphlet being sent to all landowners who will be voting in the election regarding the above referenced district. Very truly yours, WILLIAM C. KATZENSTEIN County Counsel Timothy~.'~Davis Deputy County Counsel TJD:ay Enclosure COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (YNEZ CORRIDOR) Special Bond and Special Tax Election (Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act) March 23, 1990 Ballot Pamphlet and Instructions to Voter Dear Voter: The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside has called a Special Bond and Special Tax Election for Community Facilities District No. 88-12 of the County of Riverside (Ynez Corridor). This is a landowner election with the landowners of record within the District as of the close of the September 26, 1989 protest hearing being entitled to cast one vote for each acre or portion thereof owned within the District. The ballots are being mailed to the landowners listed on the latest equalized assessment roll prepared by the County of Riverside Assessor prior to September 26, 1989, as updated by information known to the County of Riverside regarding ownership. YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE BALLOT FOR EACH GROUP OF PARCELS SHOWN ON THE ASSESSOR'S ROLL UNDER AN IDENTICAL NAME AND ADDRESS OR KNOWN BY THE COUNTY TO BE OWNED BY A SINGLE LANDOWNER. Any parcels with a common name and address have been combined for voting purposes. Each qualified voter has been issued one ballot which entitles that voter to vote his or her total acreage of land within the District. Each ballot is allotted a specified number of votes depending on acreage. Each acre or portion thereof is worth one vote. The election will be conducted by mail ballot mailed to each landowner by the Registrar of Voters' Office at 1260 Palmyrita Avenue, Riverside, California 92507. Please note that your ballot must be marked and returned to the Office of the Registrar of Voters of the County of Riverside at 1260 Palmyrita Avenue, Riverside, California 92507, not later than 5:00 p.m., March 23, 1990. Contained in this Ballot Pamphlet and Instruction to Voter are Instructions to Landowner Voter, a Sample Ballot, an Impartial Analysis prepared by County Counsel and a Statement in Compliance with Elections Code Sections 5300 to 5304. If you have any questions, please contact us at (714) 275-8721. Very truly yours, Frank Johnson Registrar of Voters for the County of Riverside 8493n/2242-24 -2- INSTRUCTIONS TO LANDOWNER VOTER HOW TO VOTE YOUR BALLOT Vote'your official ballot by placing a cross (+) in the voting square opposite your choice with a pen or pencil. If desired, detach the stub in the upper left-hand corner and keep as your receipt. SPOILING YOUR BALLOT If you tear your ballot or make an error in voting, you may secure another by surrendering the ballot you spoiled, in person, to the Registrar of Voters at 1260 Palmyrita Avenue, Riverside, California 92507, or by executing an affidavit to the effect that you lost your ballot, and you will be given another ballot. If you spoil your ballot, please call the Registrar of Voters at (714) 275-8721. RETURNING YOUR BALLOT Enclose your ballot in the Return/Identification Envelope provided. Supply ALL information requested on the Return/Identification Envelope. YOUR VOTE WILL BE DISQUALIFIED IF YOU DO NOT FILL IN ALL THE INFORMATION. LAST DAY TO RETURN BALLOT TO REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Your ballot must be returned to the Office of the Registrar of Voters at 1260 Palmyrita Avenue, Riverside, California 92507 not later than 5:00 p.m. on March 23, 1990, for it to be counted. YOUR BALLOT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED BEYOND THIS DEADLINE. -3- SAMPLE OFFICIAL BALLOT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (YNEZ CORRIDOR) SPECIAL BOND AND SPECIAL TAX ELECTION March 23, 1990 This ballot represents votes. To vote, stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the word "YES" or after the word "NO". All marks otherwise made are forbidden. All distinguishing marks are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly mark, tear, or deface this ballot, return it to the Registrar of Voters and obtain another. PROPOSITION NO. A: Shall Com- munity Facilities District No. 88-12 of the County of Riverside (Ynez Corridor) incur an indebtedness and issue bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $60,000,000, with interest at a rate or rates not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum or a higher maximum interest rate permitted by law, the proceeds of which will be used to construct, purchase, modify, expand, improve or rehabilitate certain public facilities, consisting of a performing arts and convention center, a library, park sites and facili- ties, roads and roadway improvements, flood control and storm drain facilities, water and sewer facilities and utility relocations and related work (the "Facili- ties"), as provided in Resolution No. 89-449 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside (the "Resolution of Formation"), and shall a special tax with a rate and method of apportionment as provided in the Resolution of Formation be levied to pay for the Facilities described in the Resolution of Formation, for the creation or replenishment of any necessary reserve YES NO -4- funds, for any Incidental Expenses (as defined in the Resolution of Formation) of th~ District associated with the Facilities or the'~bonds and for the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on such bonds? PROPOSITION NO. B: Shall the appropriations limit, as defined by subdivision (h) of Section 8 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution, for Community Facilities District No. 88-12 of the County of Riverside (Ynez Corridor) be an amount equal to $12,000,0007 YES NO -5- COUNTY COUNSEL'S IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF BALLOT PROPOSITIONS A AND B RELATING TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (YNEZ CORRIDOR) The Board of Supervisors (the "Board't) of the County of Riverside, California has undertaken proceedings to form a Community Facilities District pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 (the 'Act"), designated as "Community Facilities District No. 88-12 of the County of Riverside (Ynez Corridor)' (the 'District'). The Board has called for an election within the District asking voter approval on Ballot Proposition A authorizing the District to incur bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $60,000,000 and to levy a special tax on property within the District, and on Ballot Proposition B to establish an appropriations limit for the District for purposes of Article XIII B of the California Constitution. The specific activities proposed to be financed by the District are the construction, acquisition, modification or rehabilitation of major public facilities, both regional and local, as set forth in Ballot Proposition A (the "Facilities"). No other facilities or services are authorized to be provided by the District. The Board has also declared the necessity to incur a bonded indebtedness as authorized by the Act, for the purpose of financing the construction, acquisition, modification or rehabilitation of the Facilities described in Ballot Proposition A. This bonded indebtedness shall not exceed $60,000,000 in aggregate principal amount. The total amount of the bonds which the District ultimately issues may be less than the amount specified above. The Board has further determined that any bonds issued shall have a maximum term not to exceed 40 years, with principal generally payable in annual installments and bearing interest either at a fixed interest rate or a variable interest rate. The bonds may be issued in differing series, and at differing times. The interest on the bonds shall generally be payable semiannually. The maximum rate of interest to be paid on the bonds shall not exceed the greater of either ~2% per annum or the maximum legal rate at the time of the sale of the specific bonds. The Board has also authorized that a special tax be levied within the District boundaries to repay the previously mentioned bonded indebtedness, to pay for the proposed -6- Facilities, to create or replenish any necessary reserve funds and to pay any incidental expenses of the District authorized by the Act. The proposed rate and method of apportionment of the special tax is attached to this Ballot Pamphlet and Instruction to Voter as Exhibit A. The current estimate from official sources of the special tax rate to be levied is set forth in the Statement in Compliance with Elections Code Sections 5300 to 5304 appearing in this Ballot Pamphlet aad Instruction to Voter distributed by the Registrar of Voters. The special tax may not exceed the rate of $10,000 per acre for fiscal year 1990-91; provided, however, that this maximum rate will increase by two percent in each subsequent fiscal year. The Board may, however, levy the special tax at a rate lower than the maximum rate set forth in the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax attached hereto as Exhibit A. The proceeds of the special tax may only be used to pay for the Facilities, to create or replenish any necessary reserve funds, to pay any incidental expenses of the District authorized by the Act and to pay the principal of and interest on the outstanding bonded debt of the District. The bonds will not be secured by any taxing power or funds of the County of Riverside, the City of Temecula or any other funds of the District, although contributions from other authorized sources may be made available for payment of debt service in certain cases. The Board has also authorized the submittal of Ballot Proposition B to the voters of the District. Ballot Proposition B, if approved, will establish the "appropriations limit" for the District as defined by subdivision (h) of Section 8 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution. The appropriations limit sets the maximum amount of the proceeds of taxes that the District may expend during any fiscal year for items other than debt service on the bonded indebtedness of the District; provided that the appropriations limit will be adjusted annually in accordance with the procedures contained in Article XIII B from the limit stated in Ballot Proposition B. The District may not expend proceeds of taxes in any fiscal year in excess of its appropriations limit, as adjusted pursuant to Article XIII B, without the further approval of the voters of the District. In order for Ballot Proposition A to be approved, two-thirds of the voters voting on Ballot Proposition A must vote in favor of incurring the bonded indebtedness and levying the special tax described therein. In order for Ballot Proposition B to be approved, two-thirds of the voters voting on Ballot Proposition B must vote in favor of establishing the appropriations limit as set forth in Ballot Proposition B. In the District, the vote will be by the owners of land located -7- within the District. Each landowner shall receive one (1) vote for each acre or portion thereof of land that he or she owned within the District as of September 26, 1989, as reflected on the latest equalized assessment roll prepared by the County of Riverside Assessor prior to that date. Approval of Ballot Proposition A will not obligate the District to construct the proposed Facilities, to incur any bonded indebtedness, or to levy any special tax. Approval of Ballot Proposition A, however, will grant the power and authorization to the District to undertake the previously mentioned activities. Herewith submitted, WILLIAM C. KATZENSTEIN County Counsel Deputy,~oun~y Counsel u / -8- STATEMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ELECTIONS CODE SECTIONS 5300 TO 5304 As described in the foregoing Sample Official Ballot, an election is being held in Community Facilities District No. 88-12 of the County of Riverside (Ynez Corridor) (the "District") on March 23, 1990, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the District the question of whether or not the District shall issue and sell bonds in an amount not to exceed $60,000,000 to finance the construction, purchase, modification, expansion, improvement or rehabilitation of certain public facilities, including a performing arts certer and convention center, a library, park sites and facilities, roads and roadway improvements, flood control and storm drain facilities, water and sewer facilities and utility relocations and related work (the 'Facilities"). The qualified voters are also being asked to approve the levy of a special tax (the 'Special Tax") on land within the District to pay for the Facilities and/or to repay the bonded indebtedness. The bonds will bear interest at a rate or rates established at the time the bonds are sold. The bonds may be sold in one or more series and may be sold at a fixed or variable interest rate, provided that such interest rate shall not exceed the greater of 12 percent per annum or the maximum rate permitted by any then applicable provision of law limiting the maximum interest rate on the bonds. If the bonds are authorized and sold, the principal thereof and interest thereon will be payable from the proceeds of the Special Tax levied upon the taxable property in the District. The following information regarding the Special Tax rates is given to comply with Section 5300 to 5304 of the Elections Code. Such information is based upon the best estimates and projections presently available from official sources, but is subject to change. The rate and method of apportionment of the Special Tax, as adopted by the Board of Supervisors, is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The best estimate from official sources of the Special Tax rate which will be required to be levied to repay the bonds during each fiscal year is described below. The District expects to issue three series of bonds with the first series being issued in 1990 and the final series being issued in 1995. -9- The actual rate of the Special Tax that will be levied to repay the bonds is dependent upon the interest rate of the bonds, the timing of the issuance of bonds, the terms of the bonds and the level of delinquencies in payment of the Special Tax. Accordingly, it is extremely difficult to estimate what the actual Special Tax rate will be in any fiscal year; however, based upon current assumptions as to interest rates on the bonds, it is estimated that the following Special Tax rates will occur: A Special Tax rate of $2,795 per acre for fiscal year 1991-92, the first fiscal year following the sale of the first series of bonds. A Special Tax rate of $8,860 per acre for fiscal year 1996-97, the first fiscal year following the sale of the last series of bonds. o A Special Tax rate of $8,860 per acre for fiscal year 1995-96, the fiscal year in which the highest Special Tax rate is expected to occur. The estimates set forth in above are estimates only and are lower than the maximum Special Tax that the District would be entitled to levy annually under the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax attached as Exhibit A. The highest tax rate which the District would be permitted to levy is $10,000 per acre per year, with such maximum escalating by an amount equal to 2.0% per annum on July 1, 1991 and on each July 1 thereafter. All capitalized terms have the meaning set forth in the Rate and Method of Apportionment of the Special Tax. -10- EXHIBIT A RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAX FOR YNEZ CORRIDOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (YNEZ CORRIDOR) A Special Tax shall be levied on and collected from each parcel of land in Ynez Corridor Community Facilities District No. 88-12 of the County of Riverside (herein #CFD No. 88-12") in each Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 1990, in an amount determined by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside as the legislative body of CFD No. 88-12 (the "Board") in accordance with the rate and method of apportionment described below. All of the land in CFD No. 88-12, unless exempted by law or by the provisions hereof, shall be taxed for the purposes, to the extent and in the manner provided herein. A. Definitions "Annual Special Tax Levy" means the total amount to be levied in a Fiscal Year equal to the sum of amounts required to pay for (1) the Facilities and any Incidental Expenses related thereto as such terms are defined in Resolution No. 89-390 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, and (2) the annual debt service on the Debt of CFD No. 88-12 plus any amount needed to replenish any reserve fund established pursuant to a resolution authorizing the issuance of Debt plus the annual administrative expenses for the levy and collection of the Special Tax and for servicing the Debt of CFD No. 88-12 less the -11- amount of funds which the Board determines is available for such purposes. "Debt' means any binding obligation to repay a sum of money, including obligations in the form of bonds, certificates of participation, long-term leases, loans from governmental agencies, or loans from banks, other'financial institutions, or private businesses or individuals. 'Special Tax' means the special tax authorized pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, comprising Chapter 2.5 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, to be levied on the parcels of land within CFD No. 88-12. "Fiscal Year" means the period starting on July 1 and ending the following June 30. "Maximum Special Tax" means the Maximum Special Tax determined in accordance with Section C hereof that can be levied by the Board in any Fiscal Year. B. Publicly Owned Land No Special Tax shall be levied on a parcel of land which at the time of adoption of the resolution of formation for CFD No. 88-12 is owned by a public agency, or on any land which must be acquired by or dedicated to a public agency in order to construct any of the public facilities to be financed by CFD No. 88-12. Any acquisition by any public agency of a parcel of land within CFD No. 88-12 subsequent to formation of CFD No. 88-12 for a purpose other than the acquisition or construction of the -12- public facilities to be financed by CFD No. 88-12 shall require the public agency to continue to pay the Annual Special Tax Levy for such parcel or to prepay, in full, any special tax obligation oll such parcel pursuant to the methodology specified in the resolution of issuance for any Debt of CFD No. 88-12. C. Maximum Special Tax Rate The Maximum Special Tax Rate shall be $10,000 per year per acre of land for Fiscal Year 1990-1991, which Maximum Special Tax Rate shall be increased on July 1 of each year, commencing on July 1, 1991, by an amount equal to 2% per annum above the rate in effect for the previous Fiscal Year. The area of each parcel of land to be used to calculate the Special Tax for such parcel is the acreage shown on, or calculated from, the latest Riverside County Assessor's maps for each Fiscal Year. D. Method Of Apportionment On or prior to August 10 of each year, or such later date as is permitted by law and consented to by the County Auditor, the Board shall determine the Annual Special Tax Levy to be levied for the current Fiscal Year. The Board shall cause to be computed the aggregate amount of Special Taxes which could be levied in such Fiscal Year if the Maximum Special Tax Rate were levied against each parcel of land in CFD No. 88-12 not exempt from the levy of the Special Tax (the "Maximum Annual Special Tax Levy"). The required Annual Special Tax Levy shall be divided by the Maximum Annual Special Tax Levy and the -13- resulting ratio shall be the "Appointment Ratio" for the current Fiscal Year. The amount to be levied against each acre of land within each parcel for that Fiscal Year shall be determined by multiplying the Maximum Special Tax for that parcel times the Apportionment Ratio. The Special Tax shall be levied pro rata against all parcels based on the Maximum Special Tax for each parcel. E. Review/Appeal Board The Board of Supervisors shall establish as part of the proceedings and administration of CFD No. 88-12 a special three-member Review/Appeal Board. This Board shall construe and make determinations relative to the administration of the Special Tax as herein specified. -14 - RIYZRSIDE C01J~ ROAD COI~ C7D Advanced Cardiovascular 26531Yni2 Road TmucuXa, CA 02500 92t-080-051-6 25.2~ 26 Bank of America Hatio~al Trust & SevinIs Assoc. P.O. ~x 37000 San Yra~e~ico, ~ 94137 921-260-002-8 1,03 2 costa ..a, cA 02626 92L-260-024-8 0.87 21&2 LeaSe lAne Ssnte A~a. CA g2705 921-300-005-4 20,35 21 John & Judy Harrison Gary & Harriet Anderson 26755 Ynet hi Te~cvle~ CA 92590 02t-080-0S~-8 2.03 l~liasr I)evelopment Co. 3470 ~t Diablo Blvd., Suite AIO0 910-130-005-9 4.96 910-130-022-~ 39.11 To~sl... 4~.0~ 45 Harubint America Corp, 333 So~h 0rand Av~aue LosAn soles. CA 90071 021-680-009-3 3.32 Ms.ton ChUsltr/IllnMuth 298 North Aauaa Avenue West Carina, CA 91791 21'0i0'0 4" 2.70 Nicolas Taraslices 354S Central Avon~o, 8uit~ 200 Riverside, CA 92506 921-290-002-1 22.66 23 North County Bmnco~p P.O. Box 1416 broadida, CA 9202S 021-260-023-7 0.62 Pacific e/o Corlmrate Tax X20-12 No. 342 P.o, kz 2007, TerminalAnnex Los Artsoles, CA 900Sl 921-270-005-2 0.76 RIVI~SIDE COUNTY ROAD CORRIDOR CFD 88'12 OF OgNKRS, ASSBSSORtS PARCEL NUNBER, ACREAGE & HUIdBER OY VOTES 29A00 Rancho Californt& Te~ecul&, CA 92390 921-090-007°8 20.90 921-650-010-$ 20.74 Tot&l... &l,Ta 42 Rancho C&Xtfornia Otvetol~ant ~o. P.O. ~ox 755 Tim~eul&, CA 92390 92t-080o014-3 S$.20 02X-080-0X7*6 3.47 g2x-ooo-0xa-7 o.16 g2xoogo-oo3-4 20.30 O2X-OOO-004-5 20.28 921-000-005-6 20.24 921-000-006-7 23.36 g21*090-017-7 26.76 921-260-0X7-2 x.g9 921-26o-0x8-3 o.93 g2x-260-olg-4 2.52 921-260-022-6 0.53 921-270-026-1 1.14 021-270-031-S 4.13 g21-270-032-6 o.18 921-270*033-7 0.64 g2x-270-034-8 12.55 g2t-270-O$$-9 O.SS g21-270-036-0 2.1~ 9~4-020-001-2 36.07 944-290-005-5 22.03 Total... 255.48 256 Rancho Hobtie Ho~eBmtatum 2312 ~ Olive Avenue, Suite A Burbank, CA 91506 Rancho Restortel Shopptn8 Con, or, Inc. c/o bdford PropQttiee 3470Kt Diablo ~Xv4., Suite A100 Lafayette, CA g4s~g 921*290-003-2 16,60 010-130-008-2 145.87 010-130-023-5 7.75 gll-170-00&-g 3.X6 021-O00-002°3 20.24 Total... 186.57 Rancho ¥tlla8o Ammoc. 29400 Rancho Ciltforntlld. Tmdcul&, CA 02390 gA4-2gO-Ol$-O 11.30 g44-2go*ot6*l 8.77 944-290-017-2 7.og Total... 28.15 29 i°' R["v~RS IDE CO~ ~ ROJ~ COI[RIDOR CI~ 88-12 , ~ %me- , , ,i~-,~l,- ' , ..... I&~a %__ _ - , _, ' / PROPERTY ~ ~ & ADDRESS gan Dieso Federal Savinss &~oen Assoc. (Nov Greet Anerican) 600 B St. Saudialoe CA 92101 921-320-007-8 1.50 2 Touond~roperties c/o Terratoncorp. P.O. Box 21S9 Eacondido, CA 92023 92t-080-041-7 2.56 921-680-001-5 2.77 021-680-002-6 921-680-003-7 2.03 921-680-004-8 2,67 02 -680-005-9 1,35 92t-680-006-0 0.97 921-680-007-1 0.66 021-680-008-2 1.33 Total... 19.67 20 Toyota Hater Dil%r~butora Inc. 19001 South VosternAvsnus Torrance, CA 90309 William& Patricia Johnson 29400 Rancho California lead Temecula, CA 92390 Worldvide Rxecut£vee M4I)T Partnership 40274 ?asea Serene Tomcula, CA 92390 921e080--039--6 5.07 921-080-052-7 2.53 3 661.63 693 (1) Information baeed on County of Rivermidi Amseamor Data am of 7/6/89 & current assessor parcel maps. (2) InforMaLan is currently bainI verifies for accuracy vith a title company. sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) RESOLUTION NO. 90-__ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ASSIST WITH THE FINANCING OF ROAD AND TRAFFIC AND PARK FACILITIES OF REGIONAL BENEFIT WITHIN THE CITY BY MAKING CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEBT SERVICE ON BONDS OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 (YNEZ CORRIDOR) OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE WHICH MAY BE ISSUED TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH FACILITIES WHEREAS, the County of Riverside (the #County") prior to incorporation, has conducted proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, Chapter 2.5 (commencing with § 53311) of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code (the "Mello-Roos Act"), for the establishment of Community Facilities District No. 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) of the County of Riverside, State of California (the "District"), the authorization of a bonded indebtedness for the District in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000, and the levy of special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on bonds which may be issued to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the design and construction of certain public facilities; and WHEREAS, all proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act with respect to the establishment of the District, the authorization of the bonded indebtedness therefor and the levy of special taxes on taxable property therein to pay the -1- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) principal of and interest on the bonds thereof have been completed except the elections pursuant to Sections 53326 and 53351 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, among the public facilities which are pro- posed to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds of the District are the construction and widening of Ynez Road to a six (6) lane width from the north property line of the property where the Advance Cardiovascular Systems building is located southerly to its intersection with Rancho California Road, the construction of the Apricot Street Overcrossing of Interstate Highway 15, the addition of loop- ramps at the entrances of Rancho California Road and Winchester Road to Interstate Highway 15, and the acquisition of land for the future development of regional and local parks, and the acquisition of all or a portion of Solano Way, a portion of Ynez Road at its intersection with Solano Way and all or a portion of certain water, sewer, and storm drain improvements located therein, all of which will be of general benefit to residents throughout the City of Temecula (the #City#) andsthe surrounding area and which facilities are not private projects but those required by City and County (the "Public Facilities"); and WHEREAS, the territory within the District is located entirely within the City and will be developed for commercial, industrial and residential uses which will -2- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) provide significant sales and use tax revenues to the City; and WHEREAS, prior to incorporation, the Board of Supervisors of'the County, as an inducement to the owners of the property within the boundaries of the District to proceed with the financing of the construction of the,Public Facilities and the development of their property to provide such sales and use tax revenues agreed with the owners of property within the District to annually appropriate and make available for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds of the District a portion of the sales and use tax revenues received by the County from businesses and industries located within the District; and WHEREAS, now that the City has become incorporated, the County will not receive any sales and use tax revenues from businesses and industries located within the District, and all such revenues will be received by the City; and WHEREAS, the owners of the property within the District have requested of the City that the City enter into an agreement with them whereby the City will make sales and use tax revenues received by the City from businesses and industries located within the District available for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to finance the construction and acquisition of the Public Facilities; and -3- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) WHEREAS, in order to induce such owners and their successors and assigns (hereafter the "owners of property") to proceed with the elections to be conducted by the County authorizing bonded indebtedness for the District and the levy of special taxes on taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on bonds which may be issued and sold to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the Public Facilities, it is desirable that the City enter into such an agreement with the County and with owners of the property within the District; and WHEREAS, the City also requires certain agreements from the County and the owners of property within the District in order to make such sales and use tax revenues available for the Public Facilities while assuring that funds will be available for other road projects of benefit to City residents and the City may determine not to finalize an agreement which does not contain corresponding agreements of the County and the owners of property as set out in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, since it is not possible for the City, the County and such owners to negotiate the final terms and conditions of such an agreement and to have such an agreement approved, authorized and executed on behalf of the City and the County and all such owners prior to the last date upon which such elections can be held pursuant to -4- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) Section 53326 of the Government Code, it is necessary and desirable that the City Council adopt a resolution with regard to its intention to enter into such an agreement and to make a portion of the sales and use tax revenues received by the City from businesses and industries located within the District available to the County for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities and specifying the general terms and conditions of such an agreement; and WHEREAS, the City may request that the County limit the amount of bonds to be authorized in such elections and issued to that necessary to fund the Public Facilities and expenses incidental thereto; and WHEREAS, since additional road and traffic facilities including, but not limited to, the Public Facilities also are of benefit to property owners and residents of the City, it is also equitable and desirable that the City Council proceed with the establishment of an impact fee program, including but not limited to, the formation of a Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Construction Fee District(s) pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code, including the property within the District, and levy a fee as a condition to the issuance of building permits to provide another source of revenue to finance the construe- -5- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) tion and acquisition of, or to reimburse the District for such roads, bridges and traffic facilities,throughout the City; and WHEREAS, the owners of property within the District will be required to pay such fees upon issuance of building permits and notwithstanding any prior agreement with the County, to waive their rights to protest to the formation of such an impact fee district and the levy and collection of a fee therein (reserving their rights to object to the method of allocation of costs or fee apportionment); and WHEREAS, as a portion of the Public Facilities to be financed are of local rather than regional benefit, the owners of property within the District will be required to reimburse the City, for the cost of such Public Facilities they otherwise would be required to build with their own funds; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the costs of utility relocation for construction of the Public Facilities will be borne by the affected utilities, but, in the event all or a portion of such costs are not borne by the utilities, the City and owners of property shall divide such costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AS FOLLOWS: -6- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) Section 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct. Section 2. Aqreement by City. It is the intention of the City Council to negotiate the terms and conditions of and to approve and authorize the execution and delivery on behalf of the City of an agreement to be entered into between the City, the County and all owners of property within the District (the "Agreement") which, with regard to sales and use tax revenues, will in general provide as follows: (a) When and if bonds of the District are authorized and issued by the County in an amount sufficient to finance the Public Facilities (plus incidental expenses), the city Council will develop a system to annually appropriate and make available for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds an amount equal to 25 percent of the sales and use tax revenues received for each fiscal year by the City from businesses and industries located within the District. (b) The City Council shall appropriate such sales and use tax revenues each year for the term of the bonds, commencing with the first fiscal year in which special taxes~ are levied on parcels of taxable property in the District for the payment of interest or principal on the bonds. -7- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council has the absolute authority in any fiscal year to determine not to make such an appropriation and the failure or refusal of the City to make such an appropriation shall not be determined to be a breach of any agreement. (d) No part of the sales and use tax revenues received by the City in any fiscal year shall be appropriated, made available or used for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which are issued and sold to finance any public facilities other than the Public Facilities. (e) For each fiscal year when sales and use tax revenues have been appropriated by the City Council, such revenues shall be allocated for the payment of special taxes as follows: (1) Up to 25 percent of the sales and use tax revenues received during each fiscal year with respect to each parcel of developed property (a parcel with a commercial or industrial business located thereon and with curb and gutter adjacent thereto) shall be allocated proportionately to the payment of the special taxes levied on all parcels of developed property for that fiscal year. To the extent that the amount of the special taxes levied on such parcels exceeds the amount of sales and use tax revenues -8- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) available to pay the special taxes, the property owners shall pay the additional amount of any special taxes owing (the "shortfall"). (2) In the event the amount of the sales and use tax revenues available to be appropriated in any fiscal year with respect to parcels of developed property is in excess of the special taxes levied on such parcels for that fiscal year, that excess shall be allocated proportionately to pay or reduce all or a portion of the special taxes levied on parcels of undeveloped property in the District. To the extent that the amount of the special taxes exceed the amount of sales and use tax revenues available to pay the special taxes, the property owner shall pay such amount. (3) It is contemplated that in the later years of the agreement the 25 percent of sales tax revenues appropriated annually for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds of the District may exceed the amount of the special taxes levied on parcels of both developed and undeveloped property. In the event of such an excess in any future years the City shall appropriate and make available such excess first to reimburse each owner developed property pro rata for -9- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) the shortfall pursuant to subsection 1 hereof, and then to the extent any excess remains to reimburse each owner of undeveloped property or developed property pro rata for special taxes paid pursuant to Subsection 2. Such reimbursement shall be made without interest and shall be credited first to the earliest fiscal year in which special taxes were levied. In the event that there is no such excess in any fiscal year, the City shall be under no obligation to make such reimbursement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council shall have the absolute authority in any fiscal year to determine whether or not to make this appropriation and has no obligation to make any contribution or reimbursement from any other funds of the City. Section 2. Traffic Impact Fees. The City Council intends to initiate, conduct and complete proceedings to form a district and levy and collect traffic impact fees, as allowed by law, including, but not limited to those authorized pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code, to be paid by the owners of property within the area of benefit as a condition to the issuance of building permits to finance the design and construction (or reimbursement to the District therefor) of roads, bridges and other traffic facilities which are of benefit throughout the City (the -10- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) "Traffic Impact Fee") specifically including, but not limited to, the cost of construction of the fifth and sixth lanes of Ynez Road. (a) The Agreement shall provide that the owners of property within the District, notwithstanding any prior agreement with the County, shall pay such a Traffic Impact Fee as determined by the City upon the issuance of building permits. (b) The owners of property also shall agree to consent to the formation of a district for, and the levy and collection of, a Traffic Impact Fee therein, and shall waive their rights to protest such formation, levy or collection, but not to object to the method of allocation of costs or fee apportionment. (c) The City Council may but in no manner is required to elect in any fiscal year, and the agreement provided for in Section 2 hereof shall so provide, to pay all or any portion of the special taxes levied on parcels of taxable property in the District for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds thereof, which would otherwise be paid with sales and use tax revenues appropriated by the City Council, with revenues of the Traffic Impact Fees or other available funds, but the general revenues or full faith and credit of the City shall not be pledged for such payment. -11- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) Section 3. Facilities to be Financed. The Agreement shall provide that the facilities which shall be financed with the proceeds of any bonds of the District authorized, issued and sold shall include the following facilities which are the Public Facilities, and any and all costs incidental thereto, but in no event shall the City be obligated or required in any way to contribute sales and use tax revenues for the payment of principal and interest on bonds of the District issued and sold to finance other facilities. (a) Construction of the Apricot Street Overcrossing of Interstate Highway 15 from Ynez Road to Jefferson Avenue, including the acquisition of the right-of- way required on both sides of Interstate Highway 15, at an estimated cost of $5,000,000; (b) The construction of Ynez Road to a six (6) lane width with turning pockets at various intersections commencing from the north property line of the property upon which the Advance Cardiovascular System plant is located southerly to its intersection with Rancho California Road, including the acquisition of right-of-way, utility relocations, and utility crossings (i.~-, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, gas mains, electrical facilities, traffic signal facilities relocation, telephone -12- sf f/RES14444rv (031490-7) and cable television facilities, etc.), at an estimated cost of $3,000,000; (c) The construction of the freeway loop-ramp at the southeast quadrant of the entrance of Rancho California Road to Interstate Highway 15, including the acquisition of the required right-of-way, at an estimated cost of $1,000,000; (d) The construction of the freeway loop-ramp at the southeast quadrant of the entrance of Winchester Road to Interstate Highway 15, including the acquisition of the required right-of-way, at an estimated cost of $1,000,000; (e) The acquisition of park land and/or the construction of facilities, buildings, and equipment for local and regional park and recreational purposes, at an estimated cost of $2,000,000; and (f) The acquisition of all or a portion of Solano Way and a portion of Ynez Road at their intersection and certain water and sewer system and storm drainage facilities in Solano Way near its intersection with Ynez Road, including the acquisition of right-of-way therefor, which have been constructed to support the auto park located ~t such intersection and the acquisition of which is provided for in the Resolution of Intention and the -13- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) Resolution of Formation adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County with respect to the District. Section 4. Sale of Bonds. With respect to the bonds of the District to be issued and sold by the County, the Agreement shall provide as follows: (a) The bonds shall be sold in two or more; the first of which shall be sold as soon as possible in an aggregate principal amount to finance the design, construction and/or acquisition of the Public Facilities described in Section 3(b) and (f) hereof and any and all costs incidental thereto, and the second or later series of which shall be sold as soon as possible after Cal Trans permits have been obtained for the Public Facilities described in Section 3(a), (c), (d) and (e), which series shall be in an aggregate principal amount sufficient to finance the design acquisition and/or construction of such Public Facilities and any costs incidental thereto; (b) The aggregate principal amount of the any series of the bonds issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall include a reserve fund in such amount as is reasonably required, issuance costs, underwriter's discount, and capitalized interest for not more than eighteen months as well as the costs of administration of the District and of the Agreement contemplated by this Resolution; -14- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) (c) The aggregate principal amount of the any series of the bonds issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall also include an amount sufficient to reimburse the owners of property within the District for any amounts which they have advanced to the County for the payment of costs and expenses incurred by the County in connection with the establishment of the District and the issuance and sale of that series of bonds; (d) The aggregate principal amount of the any series of the bonds to be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall be determined by the County in consultation with its bond counsel and financial consultant, the underwriter, the owners of property within the District and the city; and e) Any series of the bonds to be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall contain a provision which will permit their call and redemption at the earliest practical date, as determined by the County in consultation with its bond counsel and financial consultant and the underwriter. Section 5. Conditions Precedent. (a) The City shall not be obligated to enter into an Agreement with the County and the owners of property within the District as contemplated in this Resolution, unless two-thirds of the votes cast in the -15- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) elections within and for the District on the proposition of the District incurring a bonded indebtedness and the proposition of the levy of special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the design and construction of the Public Facilities are in favor of such propositions, and the County is thereby authorized to provide for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the District in an amount sufficient to finance the design and construction of the Traffic Facilities and to levy special taxes on all parcels of taxable property within the District in an aggregate amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds of the District. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provisions of this Resolution in the event the County or owners of property fail or refuse to consent to the agreements required in this Resolution or other consideration acceptable to the City, the City shall not be obligated or required to enter into any agreement for the contribution of sales and use tax revenues. Section 6. Agreement and Cooperation of Owners. In addition to the agreements set out in § 3(a) and (b) hereof the Agreement contemplated by this Resolution shall further provide that : -16- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) (a) The owners of property in the District agree that they will execute and deposit with City, as an attachment to the Agreement contemplated by this Resolution, an~irrevocable offer to dedicate the land necessary to widen Ynez Road as set out in Section 4 hereof; and (b) The owners of undeveloped property further agree that the issuance of building permits for their projects with frontage on Ynez Road or Solano Way, or the intersection of Solano Way and Ynez Road shall be conditioned on repayment to City of the costs of construction of two lanes of Ynez Road and two lanes of Solano Way plus curb, gutter, sidewalk and parkway and two- thirds of the cost of any utility relocation not borne by the utility. The precise allocation of such repayment shall be determined pursuant to a formula to be developed by the City Engineer. In addition, the City may place a contingent assessment for such costs on the undeveloped property. Section 7. Property Acquisition. The Agreement contemplated by this Resolution shall provide that to the extent property for the Public Facilities has not been required to be dedicated by and therefore must be acquired from the owners of property within the District, the date of valuation for such property shall be the date of adoption of this Resolution. -17- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) Section 8. certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1990. Certification. The city Clerk shall day of RON PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK -18- FROM: DATE: CITY OF TEHECULA Frank D. Aleshire Teresa Maley~/ March 13, 1990 REQUEST TO SPEAK FOLLOW-UP March 6 City Council Meeting Speaker:. H. Steve Sander This is in response to Mr. Sander's comments which he expressed at the City Council meeting on March 6, 1990. Mr. Sanders serves on the Urban Design Committee for University City in San Diego. In his past experience he has found that doing it right the first time is easier than having to try and correct the problem at later date. This is a list of suggestions that he had made regarding City street signs: legibility well-lit/reflective letters uniformity street sign contest elimate confusion (i.e.: Jefferson/Front streets) Mr. Sander noted that he is aware that there are more pressing issues facing the City Council at this time, but he wanted to express his comments and concern. l\mcmo\000000.000 -I- CTTY OF TEHECULA 43172 Business Park Drive P.O. Box 3000 Temccula, California 92390 (?~4) Councilmembers Patricia H. Birdsall Peg Moore J. Sal Munoz March 8, 1990 Vito Be!iino 42430 Carlrio Place Temecula, CA 92390 INQUIRY-SINGLE FAMILY VIOLATIONS At the Temecula City Council meeting of March 6, 1990 you expressed concern on single family dwelling violations. The Riverside County zoning code (R-l) does not disallow more than one family per household. Ordinance 348, Article #21, Section 21.34 (see attachment) defines a family as an individual or two (2) or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than (5) persons, excluding servants, who are not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. If the single family unit is located in an area with a Homeowners Association, it is the Association's obligation to enforce their rules and regulations. If you have any further questions, please contact me. .D. City Manager /tam Enclosure knended Effective: 01-05-84 (Ord. 348.2244) SECTION 21.29. DWELLING,.ONE FAMILY. A building or structure, including a mobilehome or manufactured home, containing one (1) kitchen and used to house not more than one.(1) fanily, including domestic employees. Amended Effecttve: 12-23-82 -(Ord. 348.2140) SECTION 21.30. DWELLING, MULTIPLE FAMILY. A building or portion thereof used to house two (2) or more families, Including domestic employees or each such femtly, ltvtng independently of each Driver, and doing their own cooking. SECTION 21.31. DWELLING, GUEST. A building which occupies not more than one-fiftieth (1/50) of the area of the lot on which it is situated, which contains no cooking facilities and which is used exclusively for housing members of a single family and their nonpaying guests. No reduction of the general side or rear yard setbacks shall be allowed for guest dwelling despite any other provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 21.31a. DWELLING, RESORT. A building used exclusively for residential purposes, containing not more than two kitchens, with permanent interior means of access between all parts of the building, and located on a lot in a recorded subdivision with an average lot area of 10,000 square feet or more. No such dwelling shall be erected unless as a part of the purchase price of the property the purchaser receives the privilege of use of recreational facilities such as golf courses, or polo fields, which facilities are adjacent to and a part of the residential development. No reduction of yard setbacks shall be pemttted despite any other provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 21.32. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIOtlS. Schools, colleges, or universities, supported wholly or in part by public funds, and other schools, colleges and universities giving general instructions, as determineU by the California State Board of Education. SECTION 21.32a. EMERGENCY ACCESS. A private drive or roadway constructed according to Section 18.12.b.l.a. or b., providing access to one or more buildings. The access may be gated and locked at one or both ends restricting traffic to emergency vehicles only. Amended Effecttve: 07-06-89 Ord. 348.3032. SECTION 21.33. ERECTED. The word 'erected" includes built, built upon, added to, altered, constructed, reconstructed, moved upon, or any physical operations on the land, required for a building. ~rE~f~O~~;.iFAMILY. An individual or two (2) or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than five (5) persons, excluding 297 servants, who are not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. SECTION 21.34a. FARt4 PROJECTS. (Future Famers, 4-H or similar projects). Not more than five cattle, horses, sheep or similar farm animals, or six goats or hogs, on parcels not less than 20,000 square feet in size, being fattened or trained in connection Mth the education of a person as a member of a recognized farm education organization. SECTION 21.3'4b. FAR~. A parcel of land devoted to agricultural uses where the principal use is the propagation, care, and maintenance of viable plant and animal products for canmerctal purposes. SECTION 21.35. GARAGE, PRIVATE. An accessory building or a main building or portion thereof, used for the shelter or storage of self-propelled vehicles, owned or operated by the occupants of a main building and wherein there is no service or storage .for canpensatton. SECTION 21.36. HOME OCCUPATIONS. Home occupations means those uses tha' are customartly conducted in a residence, provided such uses must be incident and secondary to the principal use of a dwelling as a residence. The follow, criteria shall apply to any home occupation: 1. No one other than a resident of the dwelling shall be employed c. the premises in the conduct of the home occupation. 2~ A home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwellin and shall be incidental and secondary to the use of the dwellin~ as a residence. 3. A home occupation shall not be conducted in an accessory structur and there shall be no storage of equipment or supplies in an accessory structure or outside building. 4 The residential character of the exterior and interior of the dwelling shall not be changed. $. No vehicles or trailers except those normally incidental to residential use shall be kept on the site. 6. No signs other than one unltghted identification sign, not more than two square feet in area, shall be erected on the premises. SECTION 21.37. HALF WAY HOUSE. A rehabilitation center for the trea~ent, counseling, rooming and boarding of persons released from Jail, prisons, hospttal s and sant tartums. SECTION 21.38. HOTEL. A butldtng designed for or occupied as the more or less temporary abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or without meals, in which there are six (6) or more quest roans, and in which no provision is made for cooking in any individual roan or suite; jails, hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, orphanages, prisons, detention hanes or stmtlar buildings where human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint, are specifically not included. 298 RESOLUTION NO. 90- as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE $74,680 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1990 The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order Section 1: That the FY 1989-90 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby amended to appropriate $74,680 for the purpose of providing additional law enforcement services. Section 2: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/9029 03/16/90 11:65am sff/AGD15332 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY MARCH 15, 1990 MARCH 20, 1990 GENERAL PLAN RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the attached Resolution, entitled: #A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING ADOPTING THE SOUTHWEST AREA COMMUNITY PLAN AS THE CITY'S PLANNING GUIDELINES UNTIL THE CITY ADOPTS ITS GENERAL PLAN." DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Council direction provided at the March 6, 1990 meeting, we have prepared the attached Resolution, providing that the Riverside County General Plan, as modified by the Southwest Area Community Plan, is adopted as the City's planning guidelines until the City adopts its own General Plan. -1- sff/RES15332 RESOLUTION NO. 90-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING ADOPTING THE SOUTHWEST AREA COMMUNITY PLAN AS THE CITY'S PLANNING GUIDELINES UNTIL THE CITY ADOPTS ITS GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Temecula was incorporated on December 1, 1989; WHEREAS, on or about November 29, 1989, the County of Riverside adopted the Southwest Area Community Plan ("SWAP") as the Land Use and Circulation elements to its General Plan; WHEREAS, SWAP addresses the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City; WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30- month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. -1- s f f/RES15332 (c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances; and WHEREAS, on March 6, 1990, the city Council received a presentation from Riverside County Planning and Road Department Staff, and City Staff, regarding the City's options regarding adopting SWAP and the County's General Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. At this time, the City chooses not to adopt SWAP and the Riverside County General Plan as the City's official General Plan. Rather, the City intends to initiate, within a reasonable time, the planning process that will result in adoption of the City's own General Plan. During the interim, SWAP and the Riverside County General Plan are to be used as guidelines in evaluating all development projects and other development actions, including the issuance of building permits. City Staff is directed to process all development applications so as to obtain consistency with SWAP and the Riverside County General Plan. Moreover, the Planning Commission is directed to approve no development application unless it is consistent with SWAP and the Riverside County General Plan. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1990. day of RON PARKS MAYOR IIII -2- sff/RES15332 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the city Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK -3- CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: DEPT HD. MTG: 03-13-90 M~LLO ROOS RESOLUTION OF CITY ATTY DEPT: CM INTENTION CITY MGR BACKGROUND At the City Council Meeting of March 8, 1990, the Council onn-imously agreed to proceed with the Mello Roos Community Facilities District 88-12 under the following concepts: Ynez to be six lanes The City not to pay for developer-required improvements Sales taxes to be used to pay the City fair share of costs Since that time, negotiations have been held with the landowners, City Manager and City Attorney. The City Attorney and atWrneys for the landowners have prepared a Resolution of Intention for Council action. Tb_is Resolution spells out the general terms and conditions under which the City will participate in the Dhtricc This is not the final document. It is a set of standards and policies. Much more effort will be required by the County and others to work out the final details, but this Resolution provides sufficient guidance of City intention to allow the election of the property owners to proceed on March 23rd. BASIC FEATURES The City is agreeing to contribute funds (sales tax) to cover the cost of defined "regional improvements" within the Ynez Corridor. Landowners are required to pay the ~nm~i bond retirement costs up front, to pay their individual "local developer costs," and to pay any traffic mitigation fees imposed by the City in the future. "Local Developer Costs" are defined to be: four lanes plus curb/sidewalk and utility costs on Ynez Road. This works out to something ]/ke 1/3-2/3 split .on the total cost of Ynez. "Regional Improvements" are delved as: Ynez Road (1/3), two on-loops on 1-15, and the Apricot over-crossing. Work includes right-of-way acquisition and utilities. In addition, the $2 million Park acquisition and improvement cost is included as regional Included in the City's share of cost is the cost of improvements already built, which must be acquired or rebuilt to new standards. The work along Ynez and Solana Way at the Auto Center are in this category. The County promised to reimburse the Auto Center for the work done for streets, utilities and storm drain. The exact reimbursement is not yet computed by the County, but we have determined that there is a clear obligation to reimburse for those costs. It has also been determined that it is not possible to acquire a full 134 feet of right-of-way for all of Ynez. For vacant property, 134 feet will be the standard. For already improved land, a lesser fight-of-way will have to suffice. In all cases, however, there will be six travel lanes for traffic. The parkway, parking lanes and median will be varied to fit within available right-of-way. Properties affected by this restricted right-of-way include: Plaza Shopping Center, Target Mall, and ACS. 1\Cmltpt\0:513~. 025 re,an,o. Current estimates of the cost of the entire project are $16-18 million_ Exact costs will not be known until the County hires en/ineers and negotiates right-of-way costs. The plan provides that the landowners will first pay the snm~nl bond costs of a~lproxiln~ly $1.~ million per year. The City will pay into the trust fund up to 2.~% of sales taxes received from within the District each year. The sales tax money will first go to reimbursin5 developed properties, then to undeveloped properties. As developments occur, the developer will reimburse the City for the four lanes on Ynez and pay tr~/6c mifi/afion fees. These payments will replace sales taxes. Under this scheme, the City will be reimbursed by future development for some or all of the sales taxes advanced. The landowners will underwrite the bond costs by liens on their lands, but they will receive reimbursement from sales tax payments. T~is plan seems fidr to all concerned and complies The benefits of this proposal are that critically-needed traffic improvements will be built without further delay. If this District is not approved, it is likely that further development in the Ynez Corridor will be delayed until some other plan is devised to mitigate the traffic deficiencies. l\(:Mpt\031390.025 IJ3108/~ 3:&Sin sff/AGD14444 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY MARCH 15, 1990 MARCH 20, 1990 YNEZ CORRIDOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the attached Resolution, entitled: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ASSIST WITH THE FINANCING OF ROAD AND TRAFFIC AND PARK FACILITIES OF REGIONAL BENEFIT WITHIN THE CITY BY MAKING CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEBT SERVICE ON BONDS OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 (YNEZ CORRIDOR) OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE WHICH MAY BE ISSUED TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH FACILITIES." DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Council direction provided at the March 13, 1990 meeting, we made the following substantive changes to the Ynez Corridor CFD: All developed property, not just property tax generators, will receive "first call" to sales tax revenue provided by the City. The impact fee credit to Bedford for widening Ynez north of ACS was eliminated. The limitation on the amount of the bond issuance to Ynez, the freeway loops, Solana Way and park funds was eliminated. The landowners may seek additional bonding for other improvements (e.g., hotel loop) without sales tax participation. -1- sff/AGD14444 The requirement that the landowners consent to a regional Community Facilities District was eliminated. The developer reimbursement for Ynez was amended to clearly state that curb, gutter and sidewalk would be a developer obligation. -2- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ASSIST WITH THE FINANCING OF ROAD AND TRAFFIC AND PARK FACILITIES OF REGIONAL BENEFIT WITHIN THE CITY BY MAKING CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEBT SERVICE ON BONDS OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 (YNEZ CORRIDOR) OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE WHICH MAY BE ISSUED TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH FACILITIES WHEREAS, the County of Riverside (the #County") prior to incorporation, has conducted proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, Chapter 2.5 (commencing with § 53311) of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code (the "Mello-Roos Act"), for the establishment of Community Facilities District No. 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) of the County of Riverside, State of California (the "District"), the authorization of a bonded indebtedness for the District in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000, and the levy of special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on bonds which may be issued to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the design and construction of certain public facilities; and WHEREAS, all proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act with respect to the establishment of the District, the authorization of the bonded indebtedness therefor and the levy of special taxes on taxable property therein to pay the -1- sf f/RES14444rv (031490-7) principal of and interest on the bonds thereof have been completed except the elections pursuant to Sections 53326 and 53351 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, among the public facilities which are pro- posed to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds of the District are the construction and widening of Ynez Road to a six (6) lane width from the north property line of the property where the Advance Cardiovascular Systems building is located southerly to its intersection with Rancho California Road, the construction of the Apricot Street Overcrossing of Interstate Highway 15, the addition of loop- ramps at the entrances of Rancho California Road and Winchester Road to Interstate Highway 15, and the acquisition of land for the future development of regional and local parks, and the acquisition of all or a portion of Solano Way, a portion of Ynez Road at its intersection with Solano Way and all or a portion of certain water, sewer, and storm drain improvements located therein, all of which will be of general benefit to residents throughout the City of Temecula (the "City") and the surrounding area and which facilities are not private projects but those required by City and County (the "Public Facilities"); and WHEREAS, the territory within the District is located entirely within the City and will be developed for commercial, industrial and residential uses which will -2- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) provide significant sales and use tax revenues to the City; and WHEREAS, prior to incorporation, the Board of Supervisors of the County, as an inducement to the owners of the property within the boundaries of the District to proceed with the financing of the construction of the Public Facilities and the development of their property to provide such sales and use tax revenues agreed with the owners of property within the District to annually appropriate and make available for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds of the District a portion of the sales and use tax revenues received by the County from businesses and industries located within the District; and WHEREAS, now that the City has become incorporated, the County will not receive any sales and use tax revenues from businesses and industries located within the District, and all such revenues will be received by the City; and WHEREAS, the owners of the property within the District have requested of the City that the City enter into an agreement with them whereby the City will make sales and use tax revenues received by the City from businesses and industries located within the District available for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to finance the construction and acquisition of the Public Facilities; and -3- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) WHEREAS, in order to induce such owners and their successors and assigns (hereafter the "owners of property") to proceed with the elections to be conducted by the County authorizing bonded indebtedness for the District and the levy of special taxes on taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on bonds which may be issued and sold to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the Public Facilities, it is desirable that the City enter into such an agreement with the County and with owners of the property within the District; and WHEREAS, the City also requires certain agreements from the County and the owners of property within the District in order to make such sales and use tax revenues available for the Public Facilities while assuring that funds will be available for other road projects of benefit to City residents and the City may determine not to finalize an agreement which does not contain corresponding agreements of the County and the owners of property as set out in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, since it is not possible for the City, the County and such owners to negotiate the final terms and conditions of such an agreement and to have such an agreement approved, authorized and executed on behalf of the City and the County and all such owners prior to the last date upon which such elections can be held pursuant to -4- sf f/RES14444rv (031490-7) Section 53326 of the Government Code, it is necessary and desirable that the City Council adopt a resolution with regard to its intention to enter into such an agreement and to make a portion of the sales and use tax revenues received by the City from businesses and industries located within the District available to the County for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities and specifying the general terms and conditions of such an agreement; and WHEREAS, the City may request that the County limit the amount of bonds to be authorized in such elections and issued to that necessary to fund the Public Facilities and expenses incidental thereto; and WHEREAS, since additional road and traffic facilities including, but not limited to, the Public Facilities also are of benefit to property owners and residents of the City, it is also equitable and desirable that the City Council proceed with the establishment of an impact fee program, including but not limited to, the formation of a Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Construction Fee District(s) pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code, including the property within the District, and levy a fee as a condition to the issuance of building permits to provide another source of revenue to finance the construc- -5- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) tion and acquisition of, or to reimburse the District for such roads, bridges and traffic facilities,throughout the City; and WHEREAS, the owners of property within the District will be required to pay such fees upon issuance of building permits and notwithstanding any prior agreement with the County, to waive their rights to protest to the formation of such an impact fee district and the levy and collection of a fee therein (reserving their rights to object to the method of allocation of costs or fee apportionment); and WHEREAS, as a portion of the Public Facilities to be financed are of local rather than regional benefit, the owners of property within the District will be required to reimburse the City, for the cost of such Public Facilities they otherwise would be required to build with their own funds; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the costs of utility relocation for construction of the Public Facilities will be borne by the affected utilities, but, in the event all or a portion of such costs are not borne by the utilities, the city and owners of property shall divide such costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AS FOLLOWS: -6- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) Section 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct. Section 2. Agreement by City. It is the intention of the City Council to negotiate the terms and conditions of and to approve and authorize the execution and delivery on behalf of the City of an agreement to be entered into between the City, the County and all owners of property within the District (the "Agreement") which, with regard to sales and use tax revenues, will in general provide as follows: (a) When and if bonds of the District are authorized and issued by the County in an amount sufficient to finance the Public Facilities (plus incidental expenses), the City Council will develop a system to annually appropriate and make available for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds an amount equal to 25 percent of the sales and use tax revenues received for each fiscal year by the City from businesses and industries located within the District. (b) The City Council shall appropriate such sales and use tax revenues each year for the term of the bonds, commencing with the first fiscal year in which special taxes are levied on parcels of taxable property in the District for the payment of interest or principal on the bonds. -7- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council has the absolute authority in any fiscal year to determine not to make such an appropriation and the failure or refusal of the City to make such an appropriation shall not be determined to be a breach of any agreement. (d) No part of the sales and use tax revenues received by the City in any fiscal year shall be appropriated, made available or used for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which are issued and sold to finance any public facilities other than the Public Facilities. (e) For each fiscal year when sales and use tax revenues have been appropriated by the City Council, such revenues shall be allocated for the payment of special taxes as follows: (1) Up to 25 percent of the sales and use tax revenues received during each fiscal year with respect to each parcel of developed property (a parcel with a commercial or industrial business located thereon and with curb and gutter adjacent thereto) shall be allocated proportionately to the payment of the special taxes levied on all parcels of developed property for that fiscal year. To the extent that the amount of the special taxes levied on such parcels exceeds the amount of sales and use tax revenues -8- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) available to pay the special taxes, the property owners shall pay the additional amount of any special taxes owing (the "shortfall"). (2) In the event the amount of the sales and use tax revenues available to be appropriated in any fiscal year with respect to parcels of developed property is in excess of the special taxes levied on such parcels for that fiscal year, that excess shall be allocated proportionately to pay or reduce all or a portion of the special taxes levied on parcels of undeveloped property in the District. To the extent that the amount of the special taxes exceed the amount of sales and use tax revenues available to pay the special taxes, the property owner shall pay such amount. (3) It is contemplated that in the later years of the agreement the 25 percent of sales tax revenues appropriated annually for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds of the District may exceed the amount of the special taxes levied on parcels of both developed and undeveloped property. In the event of such an excess in any future years the City shall appropriate and make available such excess first to reimburse each owner developed property pro rata for -9- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) the shortfall pursuant to subsection 1 hereof, and then to the extent any excess remains to reimburse each owner of undeveloped property or developed property pro rata for special taxes paid pursuant to Subsection 2. Such reimbursement shall be made without interest and shall be credited first to the earliest fiscal year in which special taxes were levied. In the event that there is no such excess in any fiscal year, the City shall be under no obligation to make such reimbursement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council shall have the absolute authority in any fiscal year to determine whether or not to make this appropriation and has no obligation to make any contribution or reimbursement from any other funds of the City. Section 2. Traffic Impact Fees. The City Council intends to initiate, conduct and complete proceedings to form a district and levy and collect traffic impact fees, as allowed by law, including, but not limited to those authorized pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code, to be paid by the owners of property within the area of benefit as a condition to the issuance of building permits to finance the design and construction (or reimbursement to the District therefor) of roads, bridges and other traffic facilities which are of benefit throughout the City (the -10- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) "Traffic Impact Fee") specifically including, but not limited to, the cost of construction of the fifth and sixth lanes of Ynez Road. (a) The Agreement shall provide that the owners of property within the District, notwithstanding any prior agreement with the County, shall pay such a Traffic Impact Fee as determined by the City upon the issuance of building permits. (b) The owners of property also shall agree to consent to the formation of a district for, and the levy and collection of, a Traffic Impact Fee therein, and shall waive their rights to protest such formation, levy or collection, but not to object to the method of allocation of costs or fee apportionment. (c) The City Council may but in no manner is required to elect in any fiscal year, and the agreement provided for in Section 2 hereof shall so provide, to pay all or any portion of the special taxes levied on parcels of taxable property in the District for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds thereof, which would otherwise be paid with sales and use tax revenues appropriated by the City Council, with revenues of the Traffic Impact Fees or other available funds, but the general revenues or full faith and credit of the City shall not be pledged for such payment. -11- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) Section 3. Facilities to be Financed. The Agreement shall provide that the facilities which shall be financed with the proceeds of any bonds of the District authorized, issued and sold shall include the following facilities which are the Public Facilities, and any and all costs incidental thereto, but in no event shall the City be obligated or required in any way to contribute sales and use tax revenues for the payment of principal and interest on bonds of the District issued and sold to finance other facilities. (a) Construction of the Apricot Street Overcrossing of Interstate Highway 15 from Ynez Road to Jefferson Avenue, including the acquisition of the right-of- way required on both sides of Interstate Highway 15, at an estimated cost of $5,000,000; (b) The construction of Ynez Road to a six (6) lane width with turning pockets at various intersections commencing from the north property line of the property upon which the Advance Cardiovascular System plant is located southerly to its intersection with Rancho California Road, including the acquisition of right-of-way, utility relocations, and utility crossings (!.9-, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, gas mains, electrical facilities, traffic signal facilities relocation, telephone -12- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) and cable television facilities, etc.), at an estimated cost of $3,000,000; (c) The construction of the freeway loop-ramp at the southeast quadrant of the entrance of Rancho California Road to Interstate Highway 15, including the acquisition of the required right-of-way, at an estimated cost of $1,000,000; (d) The construction of the freeway loop-ramp at the southeast quadrant of the entrance of Winchester Road to Interstate Highway 15, including the acquisition of the required right-of-way, at an estimated cost of $1,000,000; (e) The acquisition of park land and/or the construction of facilities, buildings, and equipment for local and regional park and recreational purposes, at an estimated cost of $2,000,000; and (f) The acquisition of all or a portion of Solano Way and a portion of Ynez Road at their intersection and certain water and sewer system and storm drainage facilities in Solano Way near its intersection with Ynez Road, including the acquisition of right-of-way therefor, which have been constructed to support the auto park located at such intersection and the acquisition of which is provided for in the Resolution of Intention and the -13- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) Resolution of Formation adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County with respect to the District. Section 4. Sale of Bonds. With respect to the bonds of the District to be issued and sold by the County, the Agreement shall provide as follows: (a) The bonds shall be sold in two or more; the first of which shall be sold as soon as possible in an aggregate principal amount to finance the design, construction and/or acquisition of the Public Facilities described in Section 3(b) and (f) hereof and any and all costs incidental thereto, and the second or later series of which shall be sold as soon as possible after Cal Trans permits have been obtained for the Public Facilities described in Section 3(a), (c), (d) and (e), which series shall be in an aggregate principal amount sufficient to finance the design acquisition and/or construction of such Public Facilities and any costs incidental thereto; (b) The aggregate principal amount of the any series of the bonds issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall include a reserve fund in such amount as is reasonably required, issuance costs, underwriter's discount, and capitalized interest for not more than eighteen months as well as the costs of administration of the District and of the Agreement contemplated by this Resolution; -14- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) (c) The aggregate principal amount of the any series of the bonds issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall also include an amount sufficient to reimburse the owners of property within the District for any amounts which they have advanced to the County for the payment of costs and expenses incurred by the County in connection with the establishment of the District and the issuance and sale of that series of bonds; (d) The aggregate principal amount of the any series of the bonds to be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall be determined by the County in consultation with its bond counsel and financial consultant, the underwriter, the owners of property within the District and the City; and e) Any series of the bonds to'be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities shall contain a provision which will permit their call and redemption at the earliest practical date, as determined by the County in consultation with its bond counsel and financial consultant and the underwriter. Section 5. Conditions Precedent. (a) The City shall not be obligated to enter into an Agreement with the County and the owners of property within the District as contemplated in this Resolution, unless two-thirds of the votes cast in the -15- sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) elections within and for the District on the proposition of the District incurring a bonded indebtedness and the proposition of the levy of special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the design and construction of the Public Facilities are in favor of such propositions, and the County is thereby authorized to provide for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the District in an amount sufficient to finance the design and construction of the Traffic Facilities and to levy special taxes on all parcels of taxable property within the District in an aggregate amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds of the District. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provisions of this Resolution in the event the County or owners of property fail or refuse to consent to the agreements required in this Resolution or other consideration acceptable to the City, the City shall not be obligated or required to enter into any agreement for the contribution of sales and use tax revenues. Section 6. Aqreement and Cooperation of Owners. In addition to the agreements set out in § 3(a) and (b) hereof the Agreement contemplated by this Resolution shall further provide that : -16- sff/RES14444rv(031490-7) (a) The owners of property in the District agree that they will execute and deposit with City, as an attachment to the Agreement contemplated by this Resolution, an irrevocable offer to dedicate the land necessary to widen Ynez Road as set out in Section 4 hereof; and (b) The owners of undeveloped property further agree that the issuance of building permits for their projects with frontage on Ynez Road or Solano Way, or the intersection of Solano Way and Ynez Road shall be conditioned on repayment to City of the costs of construction of two lanes of Ynez Road and two lanes of Solano Way plus curb, gutter, sidewalk and parkway and two- thirds of the cost of any utility relocation not borne by the utility. The precise allocation of such repayment shall be determined pursuant to a formula to be developed by the City Engineer. In addition, the City may place a contingent assessment for such costs on the undeveloped property. Section 7. Property Acquisition. The Agreement contemplated by this Resolution shall provide that to the extent property for the Public Facilities has not been required to be dedicated by and therefore must be acquired from the owners of property within the District, the date of valuation for such property shall be the date of adoption of this Resolution. -17- ' sff/RES14444rv (031490-7) Section 8. certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1990. Certification. The city Clerk shall day of RON PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK -18-