HomeMy WebLinkAbout032790 CC AgendaT3](~C~OXJ~ C~XT~ CX)~C~XT- A RBGULAR ]I~BTXNe ]13J.(2~ 27 · XggO Ilext 4n Ozdez: OFd4nance: No. 90-05 Reso'~-tion: No. 90-32 uvuG-~J~TFu BBBBXOH - 6: 30 PH C~LL TO ORDBR: Invocation Flag Salute Pastor Ron Bolt, Church Rancho Christian Z~BBBIITATZOHS/ P~O~L~M~TXONB Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muff. z, Parks WeQk of the Young ~hild Presentation by Children Temecula Preschool PUBLIC C~:)IfI(BNTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the -'::,Agenda, a pink *eRequest To speak- form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a -Request To Speak** form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. (X:)NSBNT ~I~T.UI~DAR NOTXCE TO TH~ PUBLIC All matters listedunder Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. ~ 2/~032'~0 ~ 03/22~90 o o o C4t¥ f:ellue:tl bDort For the ~hlm~ 98o 1990 RECOMMENDATION= 1.1 Receive and file report, Three Months Ending Resolution Approving Payment of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RBBOLUTIONBK:). 90- & RZSOLU~XO~ OY TJ~ CXT~ OOUNCZ~ O~ ~ CXT¥ TRMECUL~ ,JLT.,LOWZ~G ~BRTAXN CL~ZMS AND DEIGtNDS AS SBT FORTH ZN BXHZBIT A. C~ty Troasurerts Statement of vnvestaent Polioy RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve the Treasurer's Statement of Investment Policy as proposed by Staff which provides safety, liquidity and yield for City funds and approve the formation of an Investment Review Committee. Statement of Revenues and u~pend4turos. Budget and Actual, for the Three Months Bndinq Februa~ ~8, 1990. RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and File the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, Budget and Actual, for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990. F4nal Traot Map No, 23371-1 A subdivision consisting of 25 lots located generally north of Rancho California Road and South of General Kearny Road, and east of'Margarita Road. RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve Final Tract Map No. 23371-1 ~ppm~ 2/~0em~l/~32790 2 03~22/g0 ~TC -wu~TN~B 6. CUP-30?6 Auto Do-leasheD on Wast B4de of Ynez Road, Bouth oE W4~hel~e~. ~CO~ATION: ~ake ~es~inony and continue ~c Hearin~ foF one week. (To be held at 8~00 ~) ~loaso see separate agenda ~r~TTNG COUNCTT. BUBXN~AS o o o Ranoho California Road Reimbursement Agreement RECOIOiENDATION: 7.1 Authorize the Mayor to execute providing for reimbursement Rancho California Road Veterans Day Parade I~ECOMMENDATION: 8.1 8.2 an agreement for improvements on Approve Annual Veterans Day Parade to be sponsored by the Veterants Day Parade Association.' Direct City Staff to prepare the appropriate Resolution or Ordinance to cover issuance of parade permits. Roso~ution Adopt4nq Traffic Conitteo Report Recommendations ~d Providing Matching Funds. RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Adopt a resolution entitled REBOLUTIONNO. 90- A RBBOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TBMECOL~ OF THE CITY OF TBMECUL~ ~PPROPRIATING $50;000 PeR TBAFFIC CONTROL ON Z-15 OFBR-~ROBBZNGB 03/22/9O 10. C4 t¥ Cons4 d~,e&t~ on o£ P~uc~9 C&l 4 fo,~ni& W&tee District CFD Me. 88-3 (Item continued Erom meeting oE aaroh 20, 1000) RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- A ~t~BOL~TZON OF T~ CZT~ COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF T~CU~ ~P~MG ~A~ ~OZ~ FZ~CXNG ~G~~S BY ~ BB~ ~ CZ~ OF ~CU~ ~ ~~TY F~OZLITZB8 DZS~ ~. 88-3 OF ~ ~~ ~Z~~ ~R DZB~Z~ ~pprove and authorize ~e Hayor to s~gn the following aqre~ents: (1) JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 9\88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP (2) and, JOINT FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP 11. CD~Funds - Old Town Teme~l& RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Receive and file report. 12. Club V-lenoi& ~p&r~onts - T.~&ot No..93304 Presentation by William Coghlen, IDM Development  2/sge.c~o3279o 4 13. RECOMMENDATION= 13.1 Authorize the City Manager to prepare a Newsletter to be mailed to all City residents on or about April 15, 1990. ~XTYM]LM~GBRRBX~RT ~XTYATTORMBY ~PORT CITY ~O~NCIL RBX;q:)RTS Next meeting= April 3, 1990, 7=00 p.m., Rancho California Water District Community Room, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California ~f~ 2/~genc~O327m $ PreschoolsDay Care Home Environment Ann Woodward-Teacher (Preschool Licensed/CredtntlnD. d) We, the committ~ for the event, The Week of the Young Child, request to be placed on the March 27th agenda In order to I:)resent a Declaration for the Week of the Young Child. The Declaration Is to be presented by local preschool children. The presentation will take about five mlnutes. At the time of the presentation we will a;k our new City Council to proclaim April let thru April 7th the Week of the Young Child in Temecula. The Week of The Young Child ts an annual celebration that focuses public attention on the needs of young children and their famllles, particularly the need for high quality early childhood programs. Sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the country% largest organ|zatlon of early childhood professionals, the goal of the week is to build public understanding to the impnrtance of early childhood programs In our society and to · foster needed public support for these programs. Although sponsored nationally,, most of the Week~s celebratinn.~ are planned and implemented on a <~mmunity basis. The Week of the Young Child will culminate on Saturday April 7th with an event to be held at Temecula Elementary school. The event to be from 9:30 until 2:30 p.m. Area poeschools, schools, P.T.A.ts, organizations, and service groups will provide activities for children to enjoy. Food, balloons, games and free entertainment will be enjoyed. All activities are free and children must be accompanied by an adult. The theme chopsen this year Is HEALTHY BODIES; I:OR A HEALTHY PLANET. We will be asklng anyone attending to bring plastic bottles and aluminum cans to be recycled. We thank the City Council for their suppOrt. Ann Woodward Phone #676-2935 40174 Paseo Sereno, Temecula, CA 92390 "Teaching self respect and love for all living thi~.gs" City of Temecula AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 27, 1990 City Council ~ F.D. Aleshire, City Manager and Mary Jane Henry, Interim Finance Director City Treasurer's Report for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for the three months ending February 28, 1990. DISCUSSION: A report to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio is required as part of Government Code Section 53646. In addition, a report from the City Treasurer regarding receipts, disbursements and fund balances is required by Government Code Section 41004. The accompanying report for the three months ending February 28, 1990, meets both of these Government Code requirements. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: City Treasurer's Report for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 City of Temecula City Treasurer's Report For the Three Months Ending February 28, lggo Cash Activity Cash Receipts: Revenues Loan from County of Riverside Total Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of February 28, 1990 $374,379 100,000 474,379 (115,089) $359,290 Cash and Investments Portfolio as of February 28, lggo Institution Yield Maturity Balance Money Market Demand Deposits Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Overland Bank 6.50% N/A $138,419 Overland Bank 4.75% N/A lg,420 Overland Bank 7.50% 101,451 Glendale Federal 8.15% 100,000 Cash and Investments as of February 28, 1990 $359,290 NOTE: The loan from Riverside County was repaid on March 14, 1990. RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE crrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ^I I OWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. as follows: The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order Section 1: That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited as required by law, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts hereinafter set forth. Section 2: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 1990. ATrEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/9032 03/22/90 1:10pm CK # 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 ~037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 ~'~45 CK DATE 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS AGAINST CITY & PAYROLL March 27, 1990 VENDOR Anderson & Co. Bastanchury Waters California Business Systems The Californian Linda Cloughen Community News Network Computer Rents County of Riverside Davlin Douglas Ford & Associates Freemans Office Supply Products GTEL W.'L Holley Joseph Hreha Joseph Hreha DESCRIPTION February Accounting Services Water Supplies Office Supplies Display ads for Commissiom Reimbursement for typesetting expemes for 2/90 & 3/90 Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Display ad for Commissions Computer Rental Jan - Feb 1990 Office Supplies Video and Audio taping of CounciI Meetings Evaluation & Analysis of CFD 88-12 Office Supplies Rental of Telephone Equipment 1/90- 4/3/90 Management Consulting Services 2/23/90- 3/16/90 Reimbursement for expenses Reimbursement for expenses at 1990's Info Systems Conference AMOUNT 255.00 36.00 164A0 292.00 218.84 93.10 709.34 2,036.70 840.00 9,800.00 35.16 1,131.01 3,779.40 67.75 83.30 1046 047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1~5 1~6 1057 1~8 1~9 1~0 1~1 1~2 1~3 1064 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 3/27/90 Thomas E. Hotchkiss I.E.M. lnmac Irvine Hilton Hotel J. R. Freeman Company, Inc. Kunzman & Assoc. League of California Cities League of California Cities Moreland & Associates The Phone Man P.I.M.A. Press Enterprise Ran-Tec Rubber Stamp Mfg. Inc. Sheshunoff Sir Speedy Strachota Temecula Carpets Temecula Towne Assoc. Towne Center Stationers Stage for Council/building & materials Salary Survey & Report 2/1 - 2128190 Office Supplies/Peripherals Reservations for Council for LCC 1990 5/9 & 5/10/90 Office Supplies Traffic Study on Ynez Corridor/Mello Roos Registration Fees for Council for LCC 1990 5/9 & 5/10/90 Registration Fees for Community Services Conference for Councilmembers Birdsall & Lindemare Financial Comulting Services for 1/29 thru 2/28 and March Retainer Connect additional Phone Line Liability Policy Council Display ads/Commissiom Stamps for Finance Subscription Printing & Duplicating Services Increased Property Coverage Carpet Stage for Council Janitorial Svs. for 2/27 Meeting Office Supplies 303.13 1,777.59 191.08 972.00 2,198.73 14,800.00 800.00 260.00 7.555.25 45.00 7,787.16 231.84 21.78 294.95 643.11 371.00 155.00 39.00 99.40 1065 ~6 1067 1068 1069 1070 3127190 3127190 3/27/90 3~27~90 3127190 3~27~90 West Publishing Company Pat Birdsall Karel Lindemans Peg Moore J. Sal Munoz Ronald Parks TOTAL PAYMENTS DUE: Annotated California Codes Books Month of March 1990 Month of March 1990 Month of March 1990 Month of March 1990 Month of March 1990 1,393.09 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 60,981.11 331 -a37 332 333 338 336 334 335 PAYROLL: 3/12/9o 3/12/9o 3/12/9o 3/12/90 3/12/90 3/12/90 3112190 3/12/90 F. D. Aleshire Lisa M. Carter June S. Greek Cynthia C. Harmon Joseph P. Hreha Teresa A. Maley Rose R. Perea Kathleen V. Turner SUB TOTAL PAYROLL: 2/26/90thm&incl. 3/9/90 2/26/90 thm&incl. 3/9/90 2/26/90thm&ind. 3/9/90 2/26/90thm&incl. 3/9/90 2/26/90thm&incl. 3/9/90 2/26/90thm&incl. 3/9/90 2/26/90thm&ind. 3/9/90 2/26/90thm&incl. 3/9/90 2,457.08 462.20 923.91 1,052.57 350.14 55029 551.66 715.03 7,062.88 340 339 3/15/90 3/ 5/90 EDD Overland Bank TOTAL PAYROLL: California Income Tax Federal Tax Deposit TOTAL PAYMENTS & PAYROLL: 405.79 $ 2.821.70 $10.290.37 $71,271.48 I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: F. D. Aleshire - Interim City Manager CTTY OF AGENDA TEMECULA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MARCH 27, 1990 CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL MARY JANE HENRY, INTERIM FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY RECOMMENDATION That the City Council adopt the Treasurer's Statement of Investment Policy as proposed by Staff which provides safety, liquidity and yield for City funds and approve the formation of an Investment Review Committee. DISCUSSION The California legislature has passed legislation imposing a State-mandated local program requiring the treasurer or chief fiscal officer to render an annual statement of investment policy to the legislative body of the local agency and to render a monthly report containing specified information regarding investments and deposits to the chief executive officer and the legislative body of the local agency. The Treasurer's Statement of Investment Policy, as presented herein, is in conformity with the State requirements and guidelines established'by the California Municipal Treasurer's Association, the California Society of Municipal Treasurer's Association, and the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers. The monthly investment report will be placed on the agenda each month. The legislated authority of the Fund is included in Sections 53601, 53635, 53638, 53646, 53652, and 53653 of the Government Code. Enclosed are copies of the statutes which determine the maximum parameters of the Investment Fund. Staff also recommends the formation of an Investment Review Commiitee. The Committee would meet semi-annually to review the City's portfolio and would consist of the City Manager, City Treasurer, Finance Director, Internal Auditor, and a public representative appointed by the City Manager. FISCAL IMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS Proposed Investment Policy, Government 53638, 53646, 53652 and 53653 Code Sections 53601, 53635, CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE 2 INTRODUCTION The investment policies and practices of the City of Temecula are based upon State law and prudent money management. The primary goals of these policies are: 1. To protect the principal monies entrusted to this office. 2. To provide sufficient liquidity to meet normal operating and unexpected expenditures. m To assure compliance with all Federal, State, and Local laws governing the investment of monies under the control of the City Treasurer. To generate a maximum amount of investment income within the parameters of prudent risk management and consistent with the above policies. The monies entrusted to the City Treasurer (referred to as the "Fund" throughout the remainder of this document) will be invested, administered, and reported in a timely and prudent manner. The City Treasurer and staff will observe, review, and react to changing conditions that effect the fund. The authority to execute investment transactions that will effect the Fund will be limited to: City Treasurer Finance Director The above officers will meet on a regular basis with the City Manager to discuss the current market conditions, future trends, and to plan investment strategy to meet the City's fiscal objectives. The policy stated below will also address risk management because it is such an integral part of the investment policy. To concentrate only on maximizing return would be dangerous; therefore, policy issues will be directed to: 1. Limiting the Fund's exposure to each issue and issuer of debt; and Determining a minimum credit requirement that firms must have in order to hold City money. 1 \Fmanc~ndarpt \032'/90.001 -2- CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE 3 SCOPE In accordance with Ordinance No. 90-2 of the City Council of the City of Temecula and as prescribed by Section 41000 through 41007 of the Government Code of the State, the City Treasurer is responsible for investing the unexpended cash in the City Treasury. OBJECTIVES Safety of Principal Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City of Temecula. Each investment transaction shall seek to ensure that capital losses are avoided, whether from securities default, broker-dealer default, or erosion of market value. The City shah seek to preserve principal by mitigating the two types of risk: credit risk and market risk. Credit Risk. Credit risk, defined as the risk of loss due to failure of the issuer of a security, shall be mitigated by investing only with issuers whose financial strength and reputation can be verified to be the highest as rated by nationally known rating agencies (see Section VI for detailed limitations on credit risk), and by diversifying the investment portfolio so that the failure of any one issuer would not unduly harm the City's cash flow. Market Risk. Market risk, the risk of the market value fluctuations due to overall changes in the general level of interest rates, shall be mitigated by (a) structuring the portfolio so that securities mature earlier than or concurrent with the timing of major cash outflows, thus eliminating the need to sell securities prior to their maturity; (b) prohibiting the use of leverage and margin accounts; and (c) prohibiting the taking of short positions--that is, selling securities which the City does not own. It is explicitly recognized herein, however, that in a diversified portfolio, occasional measured losses are inevitable, and must be considered within the context of the overall investment return. B. Return on Investment The City's investment portfolio shall be designed to attain a market-average rate of return through economic cycles. The market-average rate of return is defined as the average return on three-month U.S. Treasury bills. Whenever possible, and consistent with risk limitations, as deftned herein, and prudent investment principles, the Treasurer shah seek to augment returns above the market average rate of return. CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE 4 mm SAFEKEEPING OF SECURITIES To protect against potential losses by collapse of individual securfies dealers, all securities owned by the City, including collateral on repurchase agreements, shall be held in safekeeping by a third party bank trust department, acting as agent for the City under the terms of a custody agreement executed by the bank and by the City. All securities will be received and delivered using standard delivery versus payment procedures, i.e., the City's safekeeping agent will only release payment for a security after the security has been properly delivered. REPORTING Under provisions of Section 53646 of the California Government Code (attached), the City Treasurer shall render a monthly report to the City Manager and City Council showing the type of investment, issuing institution, selling institution, date of maturity, amount of deposit, current market value for all securities with a maturity of more than 12 months, return on the City's investment portfolio expressed as an annual percentage rate, yield to maturity, cash flow information demonstrating that the City can meet its upcoming financial obligations, and such data as may be required by the City Council. The report shall also state its relationship to this statement of investment policy, as directed under the Code. The treasurer shall annually submit an investment report and a recommended updated Investment Policy to be reviewed and approved by Council. QUAIIFIED DEAl JERS The City shall transact investments only with banks, savings and loans, investment security dealers and the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund. The dealers must be primary dealers regularly reporting to the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Exceptions to this rule will be made only after thorough research and documented confirmation of financial strength and reputation and after approval by the City Council. Investment staff shall investigate dealers who wish to do business with the City in order to determine if they are adequately capitalized, make markets in securities appropriate to the City's needs, and are recommended by managers of portfolios like the City's. The City shall at least annually send a copy of the current investment policy to all dealers approved to do business with the City. Confirmation of receipt of this policy shall be considered as evidence that the dealer understands the City's investment policies, and intends to show the City only appropriate investments. AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS Generally, investments shall be made in the context of the "prudent investor" rule, which states that: CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE 5 ~Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived." The City is further governed by the California Government Code, Sections 53600 et seq (attached). Within the context of these limitations, the following investments are authorized, as further limited herein: United States Treasury Bills. Bonds. and Notes. or those for which the full faith and credit of the United States are pledged for payment of principal and interest. There is no limitation as to the percentage of the portfolio which can be invested in this category. Maturity is not to exceed the projected dates of the City's cash needs or five years, whichever is less. Obligations issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA). the Federal Farm Credit Bank System (FFCB). the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLB), and the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA). Although there is no percentage limitation on the dollar amount that can be invested in these issues, the "prudent investor" rule shall apply for a single agency name. Maturity is not to exceed the projected dates of the City's cash needs or five years, whichever is less. Bills of exchange or time drafts drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank. otherwise known as banker's acceptances. Banker's acceptances purchased may not exceed 270 days to maturity or 40% of the market value of the portfolio. No more than 10% of the market value of the portfolio may be invested in banker's acceptances issued by any one bank. Commercial paper ranked "PI" by Moody's Investor Services and "AI+" by Standard and Poor's. and issued by a domestic corporation having assets in excess of $500.000.000 and having an "A" or better rating on its long-term debentures as provided by Moody's or Standard and Poor's. Purchases of eligible commercial paper may not exceed 15% of the market value of the portfolio. No more than 10% of the market value of the portfolio may be invested in commercial paper issued by any one corporation. The City may invest in no more than 10% of a single corporation's commercial paper. Maturity is not to exceed 180 days. Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by a nationally or state-chartered bank or a state or federal savings and loan association. Negotiable certificates of deposit (NCDs) differ from other certificates of deposit by their deposit liquidity. They are issued against funds deposited for specified periods of time and earn spedfled CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE 6 Fe or variable rates of interest. NCDs are traded actively in secondary markets. When feasible, an independent trading service will be used as part of the evaluation process. If a rating service is used, the financial institution should maintain a rating equivalent to Keefe Bank Watch Service of"A/B" or better. To be eligible for purchase by the City, the NCD must be issued by: A California bank rated "A/B" or better by the rating service of Keefe, Bruyette and Woods, (Keefe) or equivalent); A major national or regional bank outside of California rated "B" or better by Keefe, (or equivalent); A domestic branch of a foreign bank ("Yankee") rated I for country rating, H or better for peer-group rating, and II or better for dollar access by Keefe; or e A savings and loan association operating in California rated "A/B" or better by Keefe. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section II-A-2 of this policy, the maturity of bank NCDs shall not exceed two years; the maturity of savings and loan association NCDs shall not exceed two years. Transactions in NCDs shall not collectively exceed 30% of the total portfolio in effect immediately after any such investment is made. Repurchase Agreements. The City may invest in repurchase agreements with banks and dealers with which the City has entered into a master repurchase agreement which specifies terms and conditions of repurchase agreements. Transactions shall be limited to the primary dealers and the top banking institutions according to the rating agency based on liquidity, profitability, and finandal strength. The maturity of repurchase agreements shall not exceed 30 days. The market value of securities used as collateral for repurchase agreements shall be monitored daily by the investment staff and will not be allowed to fall below 100% of the value of the repurchase agreement plus the value of collateral in excess of the value of the repurchase agreement (haircut). In order to conform with provisions of the Federal Bankruptcy Code which provide for the liquidation of securities held as collateral for repurchase agreements, the only securities acceptable as collateral shall be certificates of deposit, eligible bankers' acceptances, or securities that are direct obligations of, or that are fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States or any agency of the United States. 1 \Fmanec~S~gndarpt \032'/90.001 -6- CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE 7 VII. No more than 50% of the portfolio may be invested in repurchase agreements, and a "perfected security interest" shall always be maintained in the securities subject to a repurchase agreement. Local Agency Investment Fund. The City may invest in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAW) established by the State Treasurer for the benefit of local agencies up to the maximum permitted by State law. Time Deposits. The City may invest in non-negotiable time deposits collateralized in accordance with the California Government Code (attached), in those banks and savings and loan assorations which meet the requirements for investment in negotiable certificates of deposit. Since time deposits are not liquid, no more than 15% of the portfolio may be invested in this category. The issuer firm should have been in existence for at least five years. The City may waive the first 100,000 of collateral security for such deposits if the institution is insured pursuant to federal law. In order to security the uninsured portions of such deposits, an institution shall maintain at least 10% in excess of the total amount deposited. Real estate mortgages may not be accepted as collateral. The maximum term for deposits shall be one year. In general, the issuer must have a minimum 6% net worth to assets ratio or the minimum ratio established by the Comptroller of the Currency. The issuer's operation must have been profitable during their last reporting period. Money Market Funds. Investing solely in U.S. treasuries, obligations of the U.S. Treasury, and repurchase agreements relating to such treasury obligations. To be eligible, these companies must have an investment advisor with not less than five years experience and that is registered with the SEC, has the highest ranking available as evaluated by a nationally recognized rating service, and with assets in excess of $500 million. Ineligible Investments. Investments not described herein, including, but not limited to, reverse repurchase agreements, mutual funds, zero coupon bonds, mortgage backed securities, common stocks and corporate notes and bonds are prohibited from use in this portfolio. SWAPPING OF SECURITIES A swap is the movement from one security to another and may be done for a variety of reasons, such as to increase yield, lengthen or shorten maturities, to take a profit, or to increase investment quality. The purchase transaction and the sale transaction must each be recorded separately and any losses or gains on the sale must be recorded. CITY OF TEMECULA INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE $ VIII. PORTFOLIO ADJUSTMENTS Should an investment percentage-of-portfolio limitation be exceeded due to an incident such as fluctuation in portfolio size, the affected securities may be held to maturity to avoid losses. When no loss is indicated, the Treasurer shall consider reconstructing the portfolio basing his decision, in part, on the expected length of time the portfolio will be unbalanced. IX. POLICY REVIEW This investment policy shall be reviewed at least annually to ensure its consistency with the overall objectives of preservation of principal, liquidity, and return, and its relevance to current law and financial and economic trends. The City Council shall be responsible for maintaining guidance over this investment policy to insure that the City can adapt readily to changing market conditions, and shall approve any modification to the investment policy prior to implementation. STATE LAW The legislated authority of the Fund is covered in Sections 53601, 53635, 53638, 53646, 53652, and 53653 of the Government Code. Enclosed are copies of the statutes which determine the maximum parameters of the Fund. It is the policy of the City Treasurer to comply with the State laws governing the Fund. CODE § 5860! A~CI~I. ~OF $UI~LUS Section ~3601.1. Investment in fumnc~l fU~ or financial option ~n~U. ~601.S. Inv~en~; .qu~fied pu~ ~gen~ § 53600. l,ocnl agency, definition -As used in this ar~cle, "local agency" means county. city, city and count, including a chartered city or count, school clis~ct, community college die~ct, public district, county board of ~ucat~on. county superintendent of schools, or any public or mum'cip~! corporation. (Amended by Stats.1984, c. ILl, § 2; Stats. 1984, c. 1226, § 1; Stats.198?, c. 887, § 2.) § 53601. Circumstances authorizing investments: authorized investments The legislative body of a local agency having money in a sinking fund of, or surplus money in, its ~euury not requized for the immediate necessities of the local agency may invest any potion of the money which it deems wise or expedient in: (a) Bonds issued by the local agency, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenueproducing property owned, controlled, or operated by the local agency or by a department, board, agency, or au',.hority of the local agency. (b) United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills, or cer~qcntes of indebtedness, or +.hos-. [or which the faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest. (c) Registered stat~. warrants ~r' trea.~ury notes 'or bonds of this state, including bon~s payable solely out of the revenues from a revenueproducing property owned, controlled, or operatz~l by the 'state or by a department, board, age.soy, or authority of the stat~. ' -"' id) Bonds, notes, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness of any local agency wL-kLn this .state, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenue-produ'cL~,g prope:~.' owned. controlled, or operuted by the local agency, or by a department, board, agency, or authoriD' of the local agency. : .... · (e) Obligations issued I~y banks for cooperatives, federal land banks, federal intermediate credit banks, federal home loan banks, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or in obligations, participations, or other instruments of, or issued by, or fully ganinstead a~ to principal and interest b7, the Federal National Mortgage A~sociation; or in guaranteed port!ohs of Small Business Administration notes; or in obligations, participations, or other instrumenu of, or L~ued by, a federal'agency or a United States government-sponsored enterprise. ~ ~ (t3 Bills of exchange or t~me dra.fta draw~ on and accepted by a commercial bank, otherwise known :a.~ bankers acceptances, which are eligible for purci~nse by the Federal Reserve System. Purchases 'of' bankers acceptances may not exceed ~70 days maturity or 40 percent of the agency's surplus money which may be invested pursuant to this section. However, no more than 30 percent of the agency's surplus funds trmy be invested in the bankers acceptances of any one commercial bank pursuant to this section. This subdivision does not preclude a municipal utility district from investing any surplus money in its treasury in any manner authorized by the Municipal Ut~'lity District Act, Division $ (commencing with Section 11501) of the Public Utilities Code. (~) Commercial paper of "prime" quality of the highest ~nking or of the highest !otter and numeric~ tiring as provided for by Moody's Investon Service, Inc., or Standard and Poor'.. Corporation. Eligible paper is further limited to issuing corporations that are orkeanised and operating w~thin the United States and having total assets in excess of five hundred million dollar~ ($500,000,000) and having an "A" or higher rating for the issuer's debt, other thin commercial paper. if any, as provided for by Moody's Investors SerHce, Inc., or Standard and Poor's Corporation. l:~rchases of eli~ble commercial paper may not exceed UI0 days maturity eor represent more than 10 percent of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation. Purchases of commercial paper may not. exceed 1~ percent of the agency's surplus money which may be invested pursuant to th~ section. Asterisks ' ' ' Indicate deletions by amendment '" 89 § 53601 GOVERNME.~rr COD; An additional 15 ~en~ or a ~ of ~0 ~nt of ~e a~'s s~l~ money, ~y ~ ~v~d ~ ~vemge ~tu~ of ~e en~ amo~t d~s not ~c~ 31 ~ys. "Dol~wei~h~ avenge ma~' meus ~e ~um of ~e ~ount of e~ ou~n~ ~mme~l ~r ~v~ent muifiplie~ ~) Ne~o~able ce~ of de~si~ ~u~ by ~ ~ily or ~~ ~nk or a s~ or fede~l m~on (~ de~ by ~on ~102 of ~e F~n~] ~e) or by · ~iice~ b~n~ ~ fo~i~ b~ ~es of nego~ble ce~u~ of de~it ~ not ~c~ ~0 ~n~ of ~e agenc~e s~l~ moneF whi~ m8~ ~ ~vu~d p~nt m ~ ~on. For p~s~ of ~o~ nego~ible ~fi~ of de~li~ do no~ ~me ~ ~cie 2 (~mmen~g ~ ~0) of Ch~p~r 4 of P~ I of Di~ion 2 of ~e ~, ~cept ~t ~e ~ount so ~v~ s~ sub~ m ~e ~i~fions of S~on ~. (5 lnv~en~ ~ top.hue a~m~ or ~ve~e ~~ a~men~ of ~y s~es au~o~ by ~2 s~on, so long ~ ~e p~ of ~e ~v~e ~p~hue a~eement ~ ~ves~d solelF ~ supplement ~e ~come no~y ~eiv~ f~m ~ s~d~. Fnves~ent ~ ~ ~v~e m~u~e ~ement shall ~ made only u~n p~or app~val of ~e le~h~ve ~y of ~e io~1 agency. For pu~ses of ~ s~gon, ~e ~ "repute ~menff' m~s · pu~ue of s~ by ~e i~l agency pu~u~t ~ an a~ment by whi~ ~e seller ~i ~pu~h~e ~e s~u~es on or ~fore · s~cified da~ ~d for ~ s~ed ~ount ~d ~ll deliver ~e underl~ sec~es ~ ~e I~1 agency by ~k end, physic] deliver, or b~ ~-~ cus~dial a~eemen~ ~e ~fer of underling s~es ~ ~e ~un~l~ bank'e ~mer ~k~n~ ~ccoun~ may be us~ for ~k~n~ deliver. ~e ~ "~~" for ~e p~ses of ~ subdillon, means ~e o~ p~ m ~e ~n~on. A coun~ b~k's ~t dep~ent or ~fek~p~g dep~en~ maF ~ used for physi~l delive~ of ~e ~derl~ng s~. ~e ~ of a~men~ shall be for one Fear or less. ~e ~ "s~es," for p~se of repulse under ~2 sullivan, means s~u~es of ~e s~e issuer, deskpriori, ~sue da~, and ~e ~ "revere ~pur~e a~men~" me~ · ssle of s~es b~ ~e Io~ agency ~ an a~ment by whi~ ~e 1~1 egenc~ ~ll repulse su~ sec~es on or ~fore · s~fied dz~ and for 2 s~ed amo~k or~an~ ~d o~ng s~ ~e Uni~d S~s or by 6e~si~ insertions licensed by ~e Uni~d 5~s or any s~ and ooe~n~ ~in ~e Uni~ S~s. No~s elishie for inv~ent unCer ~is subdi~sion shg~ ~ ~d ~ g ~g m~o~ of "A" or i~ ~uivglent or ~r by a ~o~ed ~og se~ce. Pu~es of m~um-~ ' ' ' ao~s may not ~ceed 3~ ~nt of ~e agency's s~l~ money which ~y ~ ~v~d ~u~t ~ ~ ~on. ~) Sh~ of ~nefic~l ~st ~su~ by dive~ ~nagement companies, u defin~ in Section ~701m of ~e Revenue ~nd T~fion ~e, iav~g ~ ~e ~ ~d ob~ga~ons ~ au~o~ed by sub~ions (a) ~ (l), ~cla~e, of ~g ~on gnd whi~ ~mply ~ ~e iav~ent ' ' ' ~c~o~ of ~g ~cle and ~cle 2 (coremenceE ~ ~c~on ~01. To ~ elishie ~or or ~e ~ghest ie~r ~d nametirol m~g p~ded by not im ~e ~o of ~e ~r~ largest ~fioaally ~o~ m~ng se~ces, or (2) have an iaves~eat ad~er m~ wi~ ~e ~d gxch~ge ~mm~sioa wi~ not iesa ~n five e~ e~e~ inv~ng ~ ~e ~es and obliga~ons ~ au~o~ed by ~i~io~ (a) m (m), ~clusive, of ~ ~o~ and ~ meu under mnagemeat ia exe~ of five h~ million dol~ ($~,~,~}. ~e pu~e price of ~ha~s ~mpgni~ my ~ge and ~hgll not ~ ~ ~meat of ~e agea~'a ~!~ money w~ch ~y be ~v~d pu~at m ~ ~on. p~v~ioa o~ law, mo~ey~ held by a ~s~e er fg~l agent ~d pl~g~ ~ ~e pa~ent or ~ecu~ of ~n~ or o~er ~deb~dness, er ebli~o~ under a leue, ~!ment ~le, or o~er a~ement of I~! agency, or ce~s of p~ci~oa ~ ~ose boa~, ~deb~ess, or leue i~11ment sale, or ~u~ of ~e ~a~, ladebbars, or leue ~Ime~t ~le, er e~ agrameaL or ~ ~e e~nt o~i~ace, ~solufion, ~den~, er a~eat ef ~e i~i agea~ p~ag for ~e ~ce ~ ia~t ~ a~un~es of ~e t~s hs~d by ~uon ~6al u eh~ble ~ecun~es for ~e p~se of ~ t~i nEehey de~i~ ~vin~ a m~ket value at ieMt eeual ~ ~at ~u~ed by Underline Indiatea ~ge8 or 8~diUons ~y amendment 90 GO~'ERN~MENT CODE § 53601.1 Section $3652 for the ~urpose of secuFin~ local arehey deposits. The securMes serene as co!lat.al shall be placed by delive~ or ix)ok enLr~ into the cua~xiy of a mast coma)any or Lite t3'tLSt department of a bank which ia not a~filia~ed with the issuer of the seemed obligauon, and the securit~ intttest shall be per~ec~ed in acconiance Mth the t .eq,. uitements of the Undonn Comme~al Cede or federal tej~uia~ions aT)placable t~ the Woes of securiues in whi~ the secm'i~ intatest is rtanted. (Amended by Stats.198a, c. S~0, § 18 Stata.198a, c. S67, § 1.58 Stats.1084, c. 6,59, J 2; Stata.1984, c. 741, § 1: $tata.198~, c. 983, § 14, eft. Sept. 26, 19858 Stats.198~,. c. 983, ~ 15, eft. Sept. 26, 1985, operative Jan. 1, 19888 Stats.1985, c- 1526, 0 18 Stats.1985, c. 1526, § 1.5, operatiYe J&n. I, 19888 Stats.195S, c. 78~, § 18 Stats.1986, c. 784, § 2, operative Jan. 1, 1988; Stats.1986, c. 8S3, § 1, elf. Sept. 17, 19868 Stats.1986, c. 853, § 2, operative Jan. 1, 19878 Stats.1986, c. 853, § 1.58 Stats.1986, c. 8~, § 2.5, operative Jan. 1, 19888 Stau.198't, c. 446, § .2: Sta~398't, c- 887, ~ 3.5.) Amendmere of. thb ~t Ac~ Am~t o[~ ~ J I ~S~J983, c S67, f~]~ ~ ~me o~uve ~ ~ ~ ~ J 3 of ~t Ac~ ~c ~ion of ~mcnt of mntmjmt u~n o~tivc when A.~ No. 21 (19~) p~ G~on held J~e ~, 198~. o~bvc u~n ~c ~cnc of su~iv~ion ~) of ~on i I of A~clc J ! of ~c ~[o~ ~fitu~on (A.C~ No. 21 (19~4) nut va(~ ~c to praHde for the f~ or su~e ~it u~n ~ ~ s~" *'Sections 1.~ sod 2.:5 of ~ b/U arima§me amendmints to bctiou 53~1 of' the Governmere Code proImBed by both thio bill and AB 2~95 (S~m. ltl6, c- 784). Sec~om 3.5 and the Gov~nmmt 'T__.~._ propreed by Ix~ ~J~ bill and AB 2~95. Those soanimu abaft only boome operative if both bl]ls are macted and income efi'~ive on or before $lauary I. 19t7. but this ~ becomes operative tim. (2) mr.h bill amends Sectiota 53~:)1 and 53635 of. the merit CfMe. and (5) this bill is toocud aAer AB 2595. in which case Section 53601 of the Government Code. as ~ ~ skill rtma~n olnu~ve o~ly un6J the operaeve date of no 2595. ot ,,~h r~me SectioM 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and.4.~ of' this ~ shaU become opemt~ve.*' lJr/Let§Jilt§on Undrt the pr~6s~ons of J 6 of SLtt~1987. c. ~87. the 1987 &mendmenu of thb section by e. 4~6 lad c. 887 were given tiTtat and iacorl)omted in the form ~-t forth in j 3.5 of c. 8S7. An amendment of' this esc~oa by § 3 ~f St~u. 1~87. c. $l?, failed m besmmc operacivt under the prov~siom of§ 6 of that Act. .4.maMment of this s~cticn by $taM. l~14, c. 741, 198~ L~gislation · - Amendment of' this s~ction by § 14.5 of StatJ. 1985. c. 9S3, faiJed to bocome operative under the provisions of J 27 of that Ac~.' ' Ammdment of this m:tion by § 15.5 of Stau. 1985, c. 983. f&iled to ba:ome ol~n'ative uAder the provisiom of § 2~ of that ACL .. I~86 Les~slation. Amendment of this ~-tion by ~j 1.5 of StatLI986, c. 714. failed to becom~ operatlv¢ under the pr~visiom of J 5 of that Ac~. · Amendment of this M~-.Jon by J L5 of Stau. 1986. c. 7M. failed to tna'onw olm'ative under th~ pmvisiom of j 5 of' that Ac~ Section 5 of StaLL1986, C- ~53. pmv~ka: · . Stau. 1915. c. 983, J 14: $1atalgIS. c- 1526, J i; Sur( '1986. c- 784. J I; Sau. 1986, c- I53. ! 18 Sm~!986, c. 153,§ I.J, wm a ttmpora~ pmvislon aad. by iu m~m terms was mpenJed on Jla. I. 1911. at ~hich time ;be m; of thb- · tec~m as amended b~ Slau. lg$3, ~..(67, J 1.5, and furlher 8mended by StaLLI9M. C. 6.19. J 24 Stats. 198§, c. 983, · J 15; Sla~Z9SJ, C. 1526, J i.~: StaLLi986, C. 714, § 2; : Stau. 1986. c 853. ! 24 Slau. 1986, C. 85:3, ! 2.5; Sue. 1987, C. ~6, J I: lad ht1987, c. 187, J 3.5 became ope~Mivc. Admbis*m~[~ Code Referueas Coatra~ pe~oda see 2 Cd. Adm. Code 599.943. iav~unmL~ see 2 Gd. Adm. C~,~_ 599.942. Lfh'Br7 Reteruem Words and P'oru~ ~erm. ~L) § 53601.1. Investment in financial futures or financial option contracts The autho~ty of a Ioczl agency to invest funds pursuant to Section 5,~601 includes, in addition th.eto, autho~ to invest in financial futuFes or financial .option contracts in any of the investment categores enumeFatsd in that section. (Added by Stat~.1983, c. 534, § 33 /.Jbrm'y Refertn~es · · Counties · CJ.S.'Countics § 229. Asterisks ' ' · indiclte deletfons by amendment 92 § 53601.5 GOVERNMENT CODI~ § 53501.5. Investments; qunlified purchase qent The purchase by · local agency of any investment authorized pursuant to ~ction 53601 or 53601.~., hot purcl~ued directly frown the issuer, ·hall be purchased either from en iustitution licensed by the state u · broker-dealer, u defined in Section 2~004 of the Corporations Code, or from · member of · federally regvlated securities excl~nge, from · n~fion~l or state-chrtered bank, from · feder~ or state association (as defined by Sec~on 5102 of the Financ;-1 Code) or from · brokerug· f'u'm desirnaLed u a primar~ government dealer by the Federsl Reserve ~nk. (Added by Stats.1984, c. 929, § 1. Amended by Sta~.1.985, c. 983, ~ 16, urrency, eft. Sept. 26, 198~.) § S3602. Investment in ier~l lnvestm~nt~ for ~vJnp banks; securities of public dis·facto AdmioisU~five Code Refer·ores Contr~ periods. s~ 2 C. tI.Adm. Ca~ 599.943. ' lnvesung~u, sgg 2 C, al.Adm. Cod~ 599.942. § 53602.3. He~tinE oil, crude oil, or ruoline futures; author§at§on of investment by Southern Colifornia P.&pid Transit Dis~ct~ report: duration of section. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this L'~cle, the Board of' Directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District~ when the dis~ct h~s money in a sinking fund of, or su~tus money in, i~ treuu.~ not required for the immediate necessities of the dis~ct, may invest that portion of the money which it determines to be wise and expedient in futures con~'~ct~ in he~fing oil, crnde o~i, or gasoline on the New York Mercantile Exchange. (b) The ' * ' annual fiscal audit of the district shall ' ' * include · report * · ' in · seoarate section on any invesunen~ made pursuant to subdivision (a). -- · - (c) This section shah remain in effect only until January 1, 1989, and shall have no force or effect on or after that dare, unless a later enacted statute, which is enacted before January. 1, 1.°89, deletes or extends that date... (Amended by Stat. s.1986, c. 803, § 1; Sta~s.1987, c/'1028, § L) "' .... ·" Duration of Section $ectioT~ $,Y$0~.1 shall hn~e no/orca or effec~ by i~ own ten. J, on or n~er./a~ 2, I$~A '. § 53608. Deposit of securities; receip~ dolors·ion of authority The legislative body of a local agency may deposit for safekeeping with · fede~l 'or state association (u defined by Section 5102 of the Financial Code), · trust company or · state or national bank located within this state or with the Federai Reserve Bank of San Francisco or any branch thereof within ~ state, or with any Federal Reserve bank or with any state or national bank located in any city.designated as a reserve city by the Board of (;oremort of the Federal Reserve System, the bonds, notes, b01s, debentures, obligations, cert~cates of indebtedness, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness in which the money of the local agency is invested pursuant to this article or pursuant to other legislative authority. The local agency shall take from such financial ins~tution a receipt for securities so deposited. The authority of the legislative body to deposit for safekeeping may be delegated by the ierisl~tive body to the ~easurer of the local agency; the treasurer shall not be rupons~ie for securities delivered to and receipted for by · financie! institution until they are withdrawn from the financial institution by the treasurer. (Amended by Stat. s.1985, c. 983, § 17, urgency, eft. Sept. 26, 1985.) ARTICLE 2. DEPOSIT OF FUNDS . Section 53632.5. 53635.5. 53635.6. 53648.5. 63651.2. 63651.4. Cluses of security for deposits. InvestmenU. s; qualified purchue agent. Inoperative. Termination of aL~%~ment with depositofT. Eligible security. Report of independent carried public ·ccountant~ depositor~ using eliL~Je securities; state bank; n~tional b&nk; fee. Underfine Jrtdfcateo change· or addition· by amendment 92 § 53632.5 GOVERNMENT CODE § 53632.5. C!u~.s of security for deposits .... There are three ch~es of security for deposits: ' :'. (·) Securitiu described in subdivision (m) of Section 5355L Fol Securities desc~'l~l in Subdivision (u) of Section 53651. ' -:' (c) Securities anuserased in Section 53651, except for these descrfimed in ·ubdivhions (m) and (p) of that section. *. (Added by State.1983, c. 105, § 2. Amended by State.1986, c. 1132, § 2.) § 53633. Determination of amounts to be deposited in e~ch elm " The u'essurer shall determine'the ·mounts of money to be deposited as inactive, active, and interest-beL"inm ·ctive deposite, except as otherwise provided in Section 53679. (Amended by State.1983, c. 105, § 3.) § 53635. Funds of local qency; deposit or investment As far as posed!e, all money belonging to, or in the custody of, ·' local qency, including money paid to the U'easurer or ot%er official to pay the principal, interest. or penalties of bonds, sh-~11 be deposit-d for safekeeping in state or nations{ banks, savings ass§ciaSa§ns or federal ~sociations or credit un~,ons in this state selected by the treasurer or other official having thk legs{ custody of the money;, or, unless otherv~se directed by the !eggs§naive body pursuant to Section 53601, may be invest-~{ in the following: · (·) Bonds issued by the local qency, including bonds payable ·§lely ohs of the revenues from · revenue-producing property owned, conu, olled, or operated by the local qency or by · department, beard, agency, or authority of the local agency. Co) United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills, or certificates of indebtedness, or those for which the faith ~nd cred/t of the United States ·re pledged for the payment of. principal and interest. (c) Registered ~tate warrants or treasur~' notes or bonds of th~ state, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a reven~e-producing propersT owned, controlled, or operated by t.~e state or by a department, board, agency, or authority of the state. (d) Bonds, notes, wL,~ants, or other ev/dences of indebtedness of ~; iocal agency within this state, includ/ng bonds payable solely out of the revenues from · revenue-producing propers)' owned, controlled, or operated by the local agency, or by · department, board, agency, or authority of the local agency. (e) Obligesions issued by banks for cooperatives, federal land banks, federal intermediate cr~d!t banks, federal home loan banks, the Federal Home Loan Bank, the Terme··es Valley Aut~,ority, or in obliga~ous, participations, or other '~st.-~'-me~'ts of,'~r is~ed by, or fully gumnteei as to principal and interest by, the Federal National ~ortgege Association; or in guaranteed portions of Small Business Administration.notes; or in obligations, part/cipat/ons, or other ins~umente of, or issued by, federal agency or · United States government-sponsored enterprise. (f) Bills of exchange or time drafts d~wn on and accepted by · commerch] bank, otherwise known as bankers acceptances, which ~re eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. Purehues of bankers ·ccepta~ces may not exceed 2~0 days maturity or 40 percent of the ·gency's surplus funds wh/ch may be invested pttrsuant to this section. However, no more than 30 percent of the agency's am-plus funds n~y be invested in the tankers ·ccoptences of any one eommerd·i tank pursuant to this ·ertion. This subdiv/sion does not preclude · municipal utility district from invest/rig any surplus money in its treasury in any rn~nner authorized by the Municipal Utility District Act, DKdsion 6 (commencing with Section 11501) of the Public Utilities Code. (g) Commercial paper of "prime" quality of the highest ranking or of the highest letter end numerie~l r~ting as provided for by Moody's Investors Service, Inc., or Standard and Poor's Corporation. Eligible paper is further limited to issuing corporation· that are orL,~nized ~nd operathE within the United States and having total assets in excess of five hund.'ed million dollars ($500,000,000) and l~ving an "A" or higher rating for the iasuer's debt. other than commercial paper, if any, ~s prov/ded for b~ Moody's Investors Serv/ce, Inc., or Startdang and Poor's Corpor·t/on. Purchases of elig/ble commercial paper may not exceed 180 days maturity nor represent more than Underline Indicate· change· or ,,ddJtione by ·mendment 94 GOVERNMENT CODE § 53635 10 percent of the ou~s~nding paper of an issuing corporation. Purchases of commerchl paper may not exceed 15 percent of the agency's surplus money which may be invested pursuant to this section. An adc~cional 15 perconY, or a total of 30 percent of the agency's money or money in its custody, may be invested pursuant to this subdivision. The eddit~onal 15 percent may be so invested only i/the dollar-weighted average maturity of the engre ·mount does not exceed 31 days. "Dollar-weighted average maturi¥' means the sum of the ·mount of each outstanding commercial paper investment muirplied by the number of days w maturity, divided by the total ·mount of outstanding commercial paper. (h) ,Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by a nationally or s~ate-chafiered bank or · savings association or fede.'~i association or a state or federal credit union or by · ·tote-licensed branch of a foreign bank. Purc.~ues of negnt2abJe certificates of deposit may not exceed 30 percent of the agency's surp]us money which may be invested pursuant to this ·ecton. For purposes of this section, negotiable certificates of deposit do not come within Ar~cJe 2 (commencing with Section $3530) of Chapter 4 of Par~ l of Division 2 of Title $, except that the amount so invested shall be subject to the limit·tons of ~ection 53f~$. For purposes of this section, the legislative body of z local agency having legal custody of the money are prohibited from depositing or investing agency funds, or fun~ in the custody of the iocaJ ·gancy, in negotiable certificates of deposit issued by a state or federal credit union ~f a member of the ]ekrislafive body of the local agency, or empJcyee of the adminisl:.,~five officer, manager's office, budget office, auditor-cont~ol]er's office, or treasurer's office of the Ioca] agency also serves on the board of dh'ectors, or any committee appo~.n~ed by the board of director·, or the credit committee or supervisory committee of the state or federal credit union issuing the negotiable certificates of deposit. (~ Investmen's in repurchase ·greement-q or reverse repute agreemen~e of any securities authorized by this sec~Jon, so long as the proceeds of the reverse repurchase agreement are invested solely co suppIemenc the income norm.~Jly received from these securities. Investment in s revere repurchase agreement shall be macJe only upon prior approval of the lekd$1ative hotly of the local agency. For purposes of th~s section, the term "repurchase agreement" me·ns a purchase of securities by the local agenc.v l~U~suant to an agreement by which the seller will repurchase the securities on or before · specified date and for a spec-~fied amount and will deliver the under',~ng securities to the local agency by book entz~', physical delivery, or by third-p-~rty oustsoCial agreeme~:. The transfer of underlying securities to ',.he counterpony book's customer book entry. account may be used for book entry. delivery. The term "counterparty" for the purposes of this subdivision, means the other parmy to the transaction. A counterparty book's Crust department or safekeeping depLrcment may be used for physical delivery of the underlying security. The term of repurchase agreements shall be for one yeLr or less. The term "securities," for purpose of repurchase under this subdivision, shall mean securities of the same issuer, desc~ption, issue date, and maturity. · T~e term."reverse repurchase agreement" means · ·ale of securities by the local agency pursuan~ to an agreemen: by which the local agency will repurchase such securities on or before a specified date and for · specified am6unt. (]] Medium-term ' * ' notes o[ · maximum of five ye·r~' maturity issued by corporations organized and operating within the United $tatas or by deg)ository insfitutons licensed by the United State~ or any state and o~eratin~ within the United States. Notes eligible for investment under this sub~fiv~sion shall be ra~ed in a rating catej~ory of "A" or its ec~uivalent or be~.'ter by · nationally recognized rating service. P~rchases of medium-term notes may not exceed 30 perfcent of the · gency's surplus money which may be invested pursuan~ to this section. 0t) Shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified management companies, as defined in Section 23701m of the Revenue and T~.xation C~)de, investing in the securities and obligations as authorized by subdivisions (a) to (k), inclusive, of this section and which comply with the investment ' * ' 1 rest2~ctions of thb article and Article _ (commencing 'with Section 53600). To be eligible for investment pursuant to this subdivision, these companies shall either. (1) attain the Mghest ranking or the Mghest letter and numerical rating provided by.not less ~ two of the three lLrgest naton~lJy recognized rating services, or (2) have an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission w~th not less than five ye&re' experience investing in the securities and obligations as authorized by subdivisions (a) to (m), inclusive, of this section and w~th assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). The purchase price of shares of beneficial interest purchased pursuant t~ this subdiv;.sion shall not include any commission tha~. these companies may charge and shoji not exceed 15 percent of the ·gency's surplus money winch may be invested pursuant to this section. AsterJags * ' ° ifidfcate doleirons by amendment 95 § 53635 GO~'E~"CODE (l) Notes, bonds,' or other oblil~ations which are at ·!1 t~es secured by · nlld first'priorit~ secur'iCv interest in seeur~ies of the _types listed by Section S3651 u eli~ble securities {or the .ur3x)se of securing local ·gent? dec,§sits bavinl~ s ma~?et vtlue at leut en~uzl to thst reclu~,u~._b~ on ~652 for the purpose of securinlr 1o421 tiresty oeec)sits. '~'he see·rises sexist shill be pileeel by delivery or book entry in~o the custody of · trust company or the u'ust debsrunes· of l bank which is sol elf§listed with t~e issuer of the secured §blip·ion, and the security interest shxll be ~er~ected in :ccorchnce w~th the requiem·ns of the UnifoFm Goreinertial Code or federal re~Jlat. ions 8~lic~ble to the types of securities in which the security. interest is rranted. ·. (Amended by St~tJ.3983: c. ~0, § 2: St~ts.3983, c. S67, § 2.5; Stats.1984, c. ssg, 741, § R: St~ts.1985, c- 983, § 19, ef.~. Sept. 26, 1985; S~ts.198~, c. 983, § 20, §perurive Jan. 1, 1988; Sta~s.~985, c. 1526, § 2; Stau.1985, c. 1526, § 9_$, operative Jan. 1, 1988; $t~tL1986, c- 784, § 3; Stats.1985, c. 784, § 4, ol~erut~ve Jazc 1, 1988;. Stats.1986, c. 8.~, ~ 3, eft. Sept. 17, ].986; Stats.].986, c. 853, § 4, operative Jan. 1, 198';; St, tts.1986, c. 853, 0 3.5; Stats.1986, c. ~3, § 4.5, §peri·ave Jan. 1988: St~s.198'/, c- 446, ~ 2: SUu.1987, c. 88% § &.5.) 1~3 LL*~sintfou. Ammdment of~h fdctio~ by J 2.S of $ta~.1983, c. f-;led to become ope~tive under the prm, himu of J 4 of that Act. * Amendment of this section by J 2 ~f StarrigS3, c. $6?, feUed to benome operntiv. e under the pmvisinns of j 4 of tlut Act. F. ff~t of amidmerit of' ML'ticm by two or mor~ a~u ax the same sinsinn of the lecture, ~ Government Code, § 9605. 1984 L. erhlstion .. Amendment of' this s~ion by Sm'* 1954, c- 639, J 4, cominSent upon approval o( A.C=A. No. 21 (1954), benme operaLive upon the approval of' A.C.A. No. 21 (1954) st the primL'~ election b~d June J, 1986. . . 1988 L,eg~simtion ' ' .... Amenct~ent of' this se~o~ t~ § 19.S of' StaU. 1985. 'c. 983, ftfind to become oporutive under the pro 'vuimu of § 29 of' 'k't Act ' Amendment of' this s~-tion by § 20.~ of SratLI985, C- 98~, failed to become oper%tiv¢ undc~ the provisiom of § 20 of' tht Act. .. 19M Legislation. Amendment of thls wetion by ~ 3.$ of Scau. 1956, c. 754, fa~ied to become operative und~ the provialom of ~ $ of thax Act. Atomdrams of this ·action by ~ 4.$ of Stau. 1956, c. 784. fsJJed so bo0me opersbw under the pr~'biom of j S of 0pa~tive effm of 1966 wnendm~U, ~- )~J~ri-'-~ Note follow§n6 § 53601. "' lJrJ' L~!lfion Under the pmvisinm of ! 6 of Swu. 19S7, ~ 887, the 1987 ammdmenu o~ ~ section by c- 446 and c. 887 were li~ dT~-t and inoorpotu[ed in the ronn set rm.th in § ~.~ of c. ii?. AJ Went of this section by § S of 19~?. c. it?. ~led Io b.mme oper&tive und~ the of ~ 6 of 1hal ~ '~mendmen[ of this se~ion by SmLLI914. C- ?(1. St.u.~985, c- 98J, § 19:, S,-U. 1985, c. 1S26, ~ ~ Smcs. 1986, c. ?54, J 3; SML1986, c. 883o § 2; S,-L~9~6. c. 883. J 3.,q. wa~ · tanporL-y -~-~,' and, by iu own teruu, was reproand ou Jan. i, 1918, &t which ~ne the tu~ of' d~is We~ou u Mnen6ed by Suu. l~SJ, c- ~67. § 2-5. and further amend~ by Stm. 1954. c. 659, § 4; SULL!98~, 982, § 2~, suu. 1985, c- u26, § ~.s: Stau. 1986, c- 784. § 4; Stau. 1986; c- 853, J 4: Stau. 1986, c- 8~3, § 4.~; SULLI087, c- 44~ J 2~ Smu. 1987, c. .887, § $.5. became Water distfic~ dd'msance or csdl for rudmnpLion of' refundinS bonds. requi~n~mu, see We~*r r'_,,,4, § 36064. Words sad Phmsm (Petra. Ed.} ~ ~3635.& Investments; qu·lified purchase a~ent The pu.-.chue by · lot&! qenc7 of any investment ·uthorized pursuant to Section ~635, not pm'chued direcOy from the issuer, shaJI be purchsed either from an institution licensed by the sute · s · broker-dealer, a.q defined in Se~on 25004 of the ~orpor~tions Code, or from · member of · feders!ly re~ulzted securities exchnfe, from · ntion·l or sLtt~-cha..'tered bank, ~om · sav~ngs nssochtion or · federsJ * * ' usochtion, or from · brokersEe firm de·SEn·ted a.s · primar~ government de·Jet by the Federtl Reserve bank. (Added by St~U.1984, c. 929, § 2. Amended by Sr. tts.1985, c. g83, § 2]., urEency, ell Sept. 26, 198~; Stats.1986, c- 1132, § 4.) 19B6 ].,rib|it§on. bumbe. f~uI oft}ds oecdon by J ~ ~1986. ~ 248. J ~ ~d ~ ~ S~!981. ~ 67. ~ 153, J 26. ~ m ~ J 2~ ~ ~t ~ ~ by S~198~ ~ 113~ J 3. Underline ~l~tes ~ng~ or additions ~ ~endment 96 GOVERNMENT CODE § 53640 j S363,S.6. Inoperative § 53637. Selection of depositary, Interest The money shall be deposited in any bank. savinl~ us·clarion or federal usochtion, or state or federal credit union, with the objective of realizinj~ maximum ret'm'n. consistent with ~)rudent financial management, except ~a~ money shall not bedeposir~d in any sta~e or federal credit union if · member of the ielisla~ive body of a 1ocll a~enc~, or an employee of the Idminis~ive office, manager's office, budge= office, audimr*con~,oller's office, or u~uur~r's office of the lo,'.~l &fancy, also ser%,es on the board of direc~ors. or any committee al~pointed by the bold of direc~ors. or the credit committee or supereisory committee, of the state or federal credit union. (Amended by Sta=.1984, c- 659, § 5; Stat-~.1986. e- 1132, § 6.) 1984 Lerisl&fion. · Amendmen! of this s~'doJ~ by J 89 of Sta~s. J986, c. 248, Amendment of' this section ~ SLm. 1984, = 6f9, J ~, hikd m become oper~ve under ~be provisiotu of' § 277 or contifiSent tipon &pprovll of' A.C.A. NO. II (19~4), benme lhat &ca. operntivc upon approvg of A.C.A. No. 21 (1984) ~t the primary election held. June .~, 1916. !~$6 legislation. Amendment of this section by $t~u. 19e~, c. 98~, } ~2, w~ repe~led by StMs. 1956, c. i132. § t. § 53638. Maximum deposits (a) The deposit shall not excecd the shareholder's ~0uit~ of any depositar~ bL~i~ For the purposes of th~ subdillon, shareholder's e0ui~' shall be de~ined in a~ordance ~ SecUon 118 of the F~ancia] ~de, but shall be deemed ~ include ~pi~l notes ~d deben~es. ~) ~e deposit sh~l not exceed ~e ~ of ~e net wo~ of ~ de~s'i~ ~s~ ~soci~Oon or f~e~] ~socia~on, excep~ ~t de~si~ no= exce~in~ 8 ~! of five hun~d ~o~and doll~ ($~00,000) m~y ~ m~de ~ · sav~gs ' * * ~o~: or fede~I ~on ~out rega~ ~ ~e ne~ wo~ of ~t density, ~ su~ ~si= ~ ~ or sec~d u ~d by !sw. (c) ~e deposit ~ ~e shl~ t~oun~ of any ~)arJy ~d ~Jt union shall not ~xc~d ~e ~l of ~e unimoaired ~i~l rand su~Jus oi ~e ~i= union. u defied by role of ~e ~mm~sion- er o~ ~o~ons. except ~ac ~e de~sit m any ~dit union s~ accost in an Imounc no~ exce~in~ five hunted ~ouund doJia~ (S~.0~) may be rode if ~e sh~ ~eoun~ o~ ~ c~di~ ~ion are ins~d or ~a~n~d pu~usnt ~ S~on 148~ of ~e ~cht ~e or t~ secu~d ~ '~ubed by law. ~ended by S=~.19h, ~ ~9, O 6; S=U.~986, ~ 1~32, ! 8.) I~ le~istion. ' *A~m~t of ~b ~ ~ Su~!984. ~ 2S9. J ~ ~dve u~n apo~ ~ ~ ~. 21 (19~) at ~e ~ e~ ~ J~e 2, 1986. .' 1O~ ~shUo~ · ~m~t ~ {~ ~ ~ ~1985. ~ 913. J 22. Amendment of ~ section by ~ 90 of' Suu, 1986. ~ 248. hiled ~o begrune ·perudye under rbe pm~isions of J 277 of § 53639. Expense of trunsporUng money · Except u 'otherwise provided in Section 53682, the'depository shall bear the expenses of transportation of money to and from the depository. (Amended by Sta~.1983, c. 106, § 4; Stau.1986, c. 248, § 91.) § 53640. Checks, drafts, and other erehuge gxcep~ is otherwise provided in Section 53682, the depository_ sh~11 htndle, collect, and p~y ell checks., dr~fts, and other exchange without cost to the local agency. OS, mended by Stats.1983, c. 105, § 6; Stats.1986, e. 248, § 92.} Astorhk$ ° * * Indicate cleferr·tin by ·mendmerit § 53641 60~NT CODE § 53641. Receipt or other evidence of deposit When money is deposited in t depository, the t~e~surer or other authorized offic~t] sh~11 tike and preset· · receipt, certificate of deposit, or other evidence of the deposit ~s he or she requires. (Amended by Stats.1955. c. 248. § 93.) § 53643. Deposit by treasurer The treesurer may deposit any I~A of.t~e money u ·treed upon between the frei·aLter &rid the depositor~. ' (Amended by Stat~.1983, c. 105, § 6; Stats.1986, c. 248, § 94.) § ~3644. Withdrawals on dem~ndi penaRie~:' notice If an I~ment ~ not made: (~) Ac~ve de~si~ ~d h~st ~e~n .~ subje~ ~ ~w~ u~n ~e de~d of ~e ~e~r or o~er au~o~ offi~l, subjec~ ~ any mnal~es whi~ ~v ~ p~ by f~e~] hw or re~la~on. ~) Inac~ve de~si~ ~ subject ~ nonce of at ]e~t ~ days ~fo~ ~w~. ' (Amended by S~.19~, ~ 105, t 7.) § 53645. Inter·st. computation Interest shal] be ~mputed by the del>osito~ on the average daily bolances of i the money on deposit, paid qua~-terly and computed on a 360-day b~is. (Amended by S','~t.s.1986, c. 248, § 95.) . .-'- .~ . .. § 53646. Treasurer's reports and statemenU of inv~tment policy' . . Tzzt of section opemtiw until Jan. 1, 1591. (z) The tre~urer or chief f~cal officer ° "' si~11 ~nnu~lly render to the legislative body'of the local zgency a ~.tatement of investment policy. : .. (b) The treasurer or chief f~c~l officer sl~11 render ~ monthly rcl~ort to the chief executive officer and leg/zlative body of the Io~1 agency showing the type of investment, institution, date o~ maturity, amount of deposit, current market value for ~11 ~ecurities with a ~turity of more than 12 months, r~te of interest, ~nd such d~ta as may be required by the 1oe.~l agency. The monthly report ~hall ~peciPy in detail investment.~ made pursuant to sulxiivision (~ of Section ~601, Section f~601.1, subdivision (~ of Section 53635. (1) The monthly report ~hall state ira rehtionship to the statement of investment policy. (2_]} In ~the monthly repo~ a subsidiary ledger of in.e~tmente m~y be u~ed in accordance with ~ecepted account/ng practices. (3) The monthly report shall ·!so include any information which the tre~urer or chief f~c~! officer determines would demonstrate th·t the loo~l sl~encv'~ exoenditure re~luirements can be met in the foliowirer month. ¢4~ A school district is not required to render · monthIx. report on ~nv of its funds in the custody of the counrv treasurer. (c) This section shall remain in effect only un~l J~nutry 1, 1991, and Lq of that date is repealed, unless a l~cer enacted statute, which is enacted before Januar~ 1, 1991, deletes or extends that date. If that ds~ is not deht~d or extended, then, on ·nd after JanuL-7 1, 1991, pursuant to Section 9611 of the Government Code, Section 53646 of the Government Code, as amended by Section 8 of Chapter 105 of the Statuces of 1983, ·hf, I1 have the same force m~d.effect &s if this temporary provision had not been en·cted. ' '(Amlnded by $tats.2~82, ~. 10~, § 8; Stets.lO8~, ~ 122S, i ~; S~u.'iO8~, c. ~S2~, § 3.) .. Underline Indicates c~mngee or additions by ornenclment 98 cov~]~r~m.~r CODE § 53648 ~f of ~cctio~ ~iw JG~ 1, J~I. ~e ~r shall ~nder ~ ~e de~si~ ud ~ ~e ~udi~r, ~n~ller, s~, or ~g o~cer of ~e ~ ~gency, I sm~meDt sho~g ~e ImOunt of ~m~ ~t for 8e~i~ for ~e p~g q~r ff ~o ~u~ by ~e le~ve ~ of ~e ~1 For ~t of ~fcti~ o~8~ u.~l J~t 1, I$SI, ~f ~ 5J~, gnta 53~7. Interest; piymen~ into fund biffon of lut~ M~u ~ 7S3 v. 1~ (~. S ~t!986) ~ ~p~. 186, § ~3647.5. Interest on b~il money on deposit ZJbrm-F Referuces Notes o( Du:isions 1. In len*r~] " C~umy's retention of' intorut era'ned on cash b~] dqx~iu in ~ i~-~iofu wis not aJ~ unconstitutional ~1 or privntc property. Fruno Fire Fighteft Loci] 753 v. Jema- ~n (App. 5 ~cl986) ~ ~.R~r. U6, ~ ~. ~t ~y ~ r~n~ by ~nty u ~ fun~ F~ ~re Fi~te~ ~ (Ap~ ~ ~1986) ~ ~Rp~. lit l~ · § S3648. Deposits and contracts pursuant to federul law:or rule ' ' % .... NoL~,ithstnn~ng this a~cle, the ~reasurer m~y deposit moneys in, and enter into contras w~th, a state or national bank, saying3 us§clarion or federal association, or federal or state credit union,' · putstrent to a federal law or a rule of a federal department or agency adopted pursuant to the law if the law or rule conflicts w~th this tr~cle in rerulating the payment of interest on deposits of p~blic moneys by any of the fol16wing: {a) Banks which are Federal Reserve System members or whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: · .'"(b) 8av~n~ ass§clarions or federal usoehtions which are federal home loan bank members or whose deposits &re insured by the Federal Savingj and Loan Insurance Corporation. (c) State or federal credit unions whose accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or rua.,-anteed by the California Credit Union $h&re GuaAnty Cora§ration or insured ' or k, uaranteed 9ursuant to Section 14858 of the Financial Code. unless a member of the legislative · body of a local agency, or an employee of the administrative office, manager's office, budget office. auditor~ontroiler's office. or trt~surer's office of the local agency, also serves on the board of directors, or any committee aptminted by the board of directors, or the credit con~mittee or · supervisory committee, of the state or federal credit union· '0J'nended by Stats.1984, c. 659, § 7; State.1986, c. 1;132. §. 10.) 1984 Letisis§on. 1986 Lerbl,,tfon. ~'* ~kmendment of this section by Statt1984. c. 6J9. 'J 7. "~ · · Amendment of this section by Sttl&1955. c. 95~. J 24. · -~utmJent upon approval of A.C.A. No. 21 (1984). Iramine 4'pperotive upon approval of A.C,q. No. 21 (198~) al the was rep~bd by S4au. 19~6, c. 1132. J 9. :~ prima~ eJemion held June L 1956. lj~. terlaks * ° * b~dicnte deletions by amendment 99 GOYERNMENT CODE § 53652 (d) The depositor~ m~y ~e~e, ~fo~e, or ~ve ~y.~h~ ~ ~ it by ~ ~~ no~, mo~Ke, or d~ of ~ (e) For p~es of ~b ~cle, ~e m~kec ~!ue of ~ p~o~ no~ w~ b u eli~le s~ under su~ion (m) of ~fion M651, shll b deM~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~hfio~ tdopted by ~e * * * T~r under ~ph (2) of su~ion (m) of ~on ~1, n ~e ~la~ons znd s~ we~ ~ effe~ on D~m~r'31, 1986. However, ~ ~d when ~o~ on · e sublet ~ zdop~ by ~e Id~r, ~e ~ket ulue shll ~ de~ ~ ~ce (Added by SU~1986, c 11~ 0 1~. Amnd~ by SU~.39~, ~ M, J 86.) ~ ~651.4. ~fi of inde~ndent ce~fied public ~coun~ de~si~ uinf ~i~ble (z) A de~i~ which ~es elishie s~ of ~e c~ dum~ h su~ion (m) of S~on p~sc~be. The de~si~ sh~ll p~de a ~py of ~e ~ M ~e~r on ~uesL ~) If a de~si~ whi~ h a s~ hnk ~u ~ ~e a~h~r, not less ~ ~ ~ ~fore of fil~ z repo~ of zn ~de~ndent ce~ pubic 8~un~nt under sv~i~ion (a) for ~ac ~len~r year, ~e de~si~ shall ~ ~empt f~m su~ion (l) for ~ ~lendir ye~ ~d shll for ~lend~ year be sublet ~ exa~a~on by ~e ~dminh~r ~K complhnce ~ ~ ~cle ~d ~h ~]a~o~ and o~e~ under ~is ~cle wi~ ~s~c~ ~ e~ble s~es of ~e cl~s des~bed in su~i~ion (m) of Sec~on ~65~. ~e tdmin~r sh~ll O~de t re~ ~ l ~ de~si~ in ~e exzmined s~ bank u~n ~ues~ of ~he ~e~urer. .her ~on, m~y e~mh~e a ~onzl b~k for ~e p~su of n~ng ~e ~q~men~ of bi~on~l bank u~n ~uesc of ~e ~e~urer. (d) ~enever ~e ~inh~r e~m~es z de~sito~ p~u~t ~ Su~io~ ~) or (c)~ ~e de~hi~ shall ~y, ~n 30 diys afar ~eipt of t s~Mment f~m ~e a~i~r, t f~ of ~o hun~d dolla~ (S~) ~r ~y for e~ ~iner en~ed ~ ~e e~na~on. (Add~ by S~.~986, ~ 113~ ~ 16. ~end~ by S~U.1987, ~ ~1, j 3.) (z) To ~ zn eli~le ~ ~der su~ion (p) of ~on ~65~, a le~r of ~t shzll ~ in such fo~ and sh~J ~n~n su~ p~io~ n ~e ~m~r my ~, ~d sha~ hclude (1) ~e ~~r s~l ~ ~e ~nefich~ of ~e-le~r of ~L (2) ~e Je~r of ~it sh~! ~ cle~n ~d ~v~ble ~d s~! p~e ~t ~e admirer may ~w u~n it up ~ ~e ~ ~o~t ~ ~e event of ~e f~lure of ~e de~si~ s8~ ns~on or f~e~l m~h~on or ~ ~e de~si~ n~n~ ~on or f~e~i ~hfion ~f~u m · e ~dnwli of fun~ by 8 ~uurer. .(~dded by S~.1986, c 113~ O 17.) j ~S~2. Ytlue ~uir~ ~ s~ tcfive or hctJve de~i~; m~k~ Vt!~e .- . To s~ s~*e or he~ve de~iu t ~i~ sh811 n~ all ~mu m~, ~ ~e aKen~ of ~i~ elishie s~u~es h sec~es ~b, pu~u~t M ~ons ~6~6 end ~6~, ~ ~e ~o~u s~ified in ~ s~on. Uncoilsted fu~ shll b ~clud~ from ~e'smount de~iMd ~e de~i~o~ when deM~ininK ~e s~ ~menu for ~e de~si~. · · of ~on ~651, s~11 bye I mirket vtlue of tt ~t 10 w~ent h exc~ of ~e mul tmount of all 103 § 53652 GOYERNMENT CODE · (b) Eligible securities of.the ~ d~crz~ed in subdivision (m) of Section 53651 sitall imve · market value at lent 50 percent in excess of the total amount of all clap§site of a depository secured by those alii;able securities. (c) EliL~le securities o~ the class described in subdivision (p) of Section 53651 shall )m~e · market value of at le~ut 5 percent in excess of the total amount of all deposits of · depositor)* secured bv those elis'hie securities. For purposes of this article, the markit value of · letter of credit which ~s an eli~le securitT under subdivision (p) of Section 53651 shall be the amount of credit stated in the letter of credit. (Added by Stats.1986, c- 1132, § 19.) 1986 LeWisleSion. Former. J $3652 was repealed by Sion. 1986. c 1132. J ~8. " § 536~3. Waiver of securit~ When in his or her discretion local conditions so warrant, the tz~esurer may waive securitT for the parr. ion of any deposits as is insured pursuant to feder~ law, notwithstanding tide article. (Added by Stats.198~, c. 1132, § 21.) '. : .... Ig86/~isistion. Dmtvatiom: Porm~ § $3653. sdd,d by $t~u.l.o6~. c- Formar § 536~:1, sme~ded b~ $t~,~ t9S4. c- 6~9, t S, 14S2. p. ~035, i $, amended by' $tm.l!)S4, c. ~19, t~. relatinl to the s~me sub.i~i mortar, wa~ replied by $***, " ·" i~St, c. It3~ § 10. ' · " ".:'" § 53651..Addition o: substitution of securities; withdrawal or release of securities.. .. (n) The depSsitory m~.y add securities to the pool or substitute S~curities of e~lua] value for those in t.be pool at ~-n)' time, b :*. shall n0~. interchangeclasses 6f securi~, is defined in Section r,,8632.5, without pi4or approval ~1' the t. reasurer ....... · ...... ./~ . · .. .... .. (b) Withalraoul of securities from the pool withgUt replacement'at eq~tal ~,alue my be'ordered onli," by two d~lv nu'.,horized officer~ or.emvloyees of the depository who ntisf{ the requirements as may be set by the administrator ..... · ........ - ...... (c) The agent of depository'is responsible' for ~e safekeeping and 'disbursement of ~ecurities placed in its custody by a depository. It shall release securities only upon presentation by the depository..cf the most reasonably current statement of the total deposits subject to this article held by *.he depository, such statement to be verified and countersi~ned by two duly authorized officers, other than those who · ' : ordered the withdrawal of securities. A copy of this statement shall be forwarded ~-'~'e administrator concurrently by the a~ent of depository. (Amended by $tat~.1983, c. 105, § 10; Stats.1986, c. 11112, § 22.) 'idminLm~tfve Code Relate§era ' Withdrawal art seemay, sac ~ CuL ~dm. Code 16003.3.2 0 53656. Authorization for hold§ns of security by esent of depository; ~nts of deposito~; securities subject to order of depository; exception (a) A~ the time the treasurer enters into · contract with the depositor'/pursuant to Section 53649, he or she shall autitorize the a~ent of depository desirhated by '.he depository, but including the trust department of the iepository only when acceptable to both the traMuser and the depository, to hold securities of the depositor), in -___,~_rdance with this article to secure the deposit of the local aEency. (b) Only those trust companies and trust departments, or the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco. wh,ch have been aut~,orized by the administrator I)ursuant to Section 5365~ shall be authorizc~ by treasurers to act as at~ents of depository. (c) T~e sectu'ities are subject to order of the depository in accordance with 'S~ction 53654 except when the provisions of subdivision (~ of Section 53661 and Section 53665 are in effect. (Amended by Stats. 1986, c. 1132. § 23.) UndeHlne indicates changes or Idditiona by amendment 104 City of Temecula AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 27, 1990 City Council Mary Jane Henry, Interim Finance Director Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the Statements of Reveunes and Expenditures - Budget and Actual for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990. DISCUSSION: The attached statements summarize the City's operations from inception through February 28, 1990. The excess of General Fund revenues over expenditures is $129,485. Nineteen percent of General Fund revenues were received as of February 28, 1990. Sale tax revenues are expected to be received beginning in March lggO. Transient occupancy tax will be collected by and remitted from Riverside County quarterly beginning in March. Only 14% of budgeted appropriations were expended as of February 28, 1990. As permanent City staff is hired the rate of spending will increase. Road fund revenues of $73,457 were received during the three months ending February 28, 1990. The City has not yet received Measure A or Local Transportation funds but expects to begin receiving such payments during April. No road fund revenues were expended during the three months ending February 28, 1990. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: Statement of Revenues - Budget and Actual - Special Revenue Funds for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund for the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 Statement of Expenditures Budget and Actual - General Fund by Department City of Temecula Statement of Revenues - Budget and Actual Special Revenue Funds For the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 Revenues: Road Fund: Section 2106 Section 2107 Section 2107.5 Measure A Local Transportation Investment Interest Total Road Fund Adopted Budget Actual Variance Favorable % Actual (Unfavorable) to Budget 90,971 $ 23,453 $ 174,288 43,092 6,000 6,000 109,136 (109,136) 108,253 (108,253) 912 912 (67,518) 26% (131,196) 25% 100% $ 488,648 $ 73,457 $ (415,191) 15% CSD Fund Miscellaneous $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Statement of Revenues For the City of Temecula and Expenditures - Budget and Actual - Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 General Fund Revenues: Sales Tax Hotor Vehicle in Lieu Cigarette Tax Real Property Transfer Tax Franchise Fees Transient Occupancy Tax Contributions Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenditures: Personal Services: Salaries Benefits Total Personal Services Variance Amended Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) 766,465 $ (766,465) 529,025 $ 273,177 (255,848) 30,447 8,987 (21,460) 89,010 7,126 (81,884) 4o,ooo (4o,ooo) 126,660 (126,660) 25,000 (25,000) 2,298 2,298 8,334 8,334 1,606,607 299,922 (1,306,685) 296,851 54,109 242,742 67,705 954 66,751 364,556 55,063 309,493 Operations and Maintenance: Liability insurance 32,500 9,263 23,237 Telephone 6,000 2,213 3,787 Office supplies/services 34,500 11,705 22,795 Printing 18,000 2,252 15,748 Office rent 27,600 7,076 20,524 Equipment rent 5,000 885 4,115 Consulting 183,800 37,532 146,268 Travel and meetings 20,000 3,540 16,460 Legal services 105,000 26,493 78,507 Utilities 2,400 441 1,959 Police services 100,000 100,000 Total Operations and Mainten. 534,800 101,399 433,401 Office furniture · 100,000 3,198 96,802 Office equipment 59,500 59,500 Computer hardware 60,129 10,312 49,817 Computer software 19,800 464 19,336 Total Capital Outlay 239,429 13,974 225,455 Contingency 100,000 100,000 Total Expenditures 1,238,785 170,437 1,068,348 Revenues Over Expenditures $ 367,822 $ 129,485 $ 238,337 % Actual to Budget 52% 30% 8% 19% 18% 1~, 15% 29% 37% 34% 13% 26% 18% 2~ 18% 25% 18% 19% 3% 17% 2% 6% 14% 35% City of Temecula Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund by Department For the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 City Council Personal Services: Salaries Operations and Maintenance: Consulting Travel and meetings Rent Total Operations and Maintenance Total City Council Amended Budget Actual Variance Favorable % Actual (Unfavorable) to Budget $ 10,500 $ 4,500 $ 6,000 43% 13,800 5,518 8,282 40% 20,000 3,540 16,460 18% 1,200 20 1,180 2% 35,000 9,078 25,922 26% $ 45,500 $ 13,578 $ 31,922 30% City Manager Personal Services: Salaries Workers' compensation Total Personal Services Operations and Maintenance: Office supplies and services Capital Outlay: Office equipment Computer hardware Computer software Total Capital Outlay Total City Manager $ 119,577 $ 39,504 $ 80,073 17,633 622 17,011 137,210 40,126 97,084 10,500 9,537 963 11,500 11,500 9,705 4,067 5,638 2,600 232 2,368 23,805 4,299 19,506 $ 171,515 $ 53,962 $ 117,553 mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm= 33% 4% 29% 91% 42% 18% 31% City of Temecula Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund by Department For the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 Amended Budget Actual Variance Favorable % Actual (Unfavorable) to Budget City Clerk Personal Services: Salaries Workers' compensation Total Personal Services Operations and Maintenance: Office supplies and services Printing Total Operations and Maintenance Capital Outlay: Office equipment Computer hardware Computer software Total Capital Outlay Total City Clerk City Attorney Legal services $ 30,287$ 8,741$ 21,546 9,086 332 8,754 39,373 9,073 30,300 4,500 658 3,842 18,000 2,252 15,748 22,500 2,910 19,590 1,000 1,000 16,020 6,245 9,775 1,100 232 868 18,120 6,477 11,643 $ 79,993 $ 18,460 $ 61,533 $ 105,000 26,493 $ 78,507 29% 23% 15% 13% 13% 39% 21% 36% 23% 25% City of Temecula Statement of Expenditures Budget and Actual General Fund by Department For the Three Months Ending February 28, lggO Amended Budget Actual Variance Favorable % Actual (Unfavorable) to Budget Finance Personal Services: Salaries Workers' compensation Total Personal Services Operations and Maintenance: Office supplies and services Consulting Total Operations and Maintenance Capital Outlay: Office equipment Computer hardware Computer software Total Capital Outlay Total Finance Personnel Consulting $ 40,516 $ 1,364$ 39,152 12,155 12,155 52,671 1,364 51,307 3% 6,000 10 5,990 20,000 5,020 14,980 26,000 5,030 20,970 1,500 1,500 9,662 9,662 8,100 8,100 19,262 19,262 $ 97,933 $ 6,394 $ 91,539 $ 50,000 $ 2,394 $ 47,606 0% 25% 7% 5% City of Temecula Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund by Department For the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 Management Information Systems Personal Services: Salaries Workers' compensation Total Personal Services Operations and Maintenance: Office supplies and services Capital Outlay: Computer hardware Computer software Total .MIS Community Development Personal Services: Salaries Workers' compensation Total Personal Services Operations and Maintenance: Consulting Office supplies and services Total Operations and Maintenance Capital Outlay: Office equipment Computer hardware Computer software Total Capital Outlay Total Community Development Amended Budget Actual Variance Favorable ~ Actual (Unfavorable) to Budget $ 18,626 $ 18,626 5,588 5,588 24,214 24,214 1,500 1,500 19,194 6,700 25,824 $ 51,608 19,194 6,700 25,824 $ 51,608 $ 77,375 $ 77,375 23,213 23,213 100,588 100,588 80,000 $ 24,600 55,400 12,000 1,500 10,500 92,000 26,100 65,900 500 500 5,548 5,548 1,300 1,300 7,348 7,348 $ 199,936 $ 26,100 $ 173,836 31% 13% 28% City of Temecula Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund by Department For the Three Months Ending February 28, 1990 Amended Budget Actual Variance Favorable % Actual (Unfavorable) to Budget Parks and Recreation Consulting Public Safety Consulting Nondepartmental Operations and Maintenance: Liability insurance Telephone Office rent Equipment rent Utilities Total Operations and Maintenance Capital Outlay: Office furniture Office equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Nondepartmental Contingency Total $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 32,500 $ 9,263 $ 6,000 2,213 26,400 7,056 5,000 885 2,400 441 23,237 29% 3,787 37% 19,344 27% 4,115 18% 1,959 18'Y, 72,300 19,858 52,442 100,000 3,198 96,802 45,000 45,000 145,000 3,198 141,802 217,300 23,056 194,244 100,000 100,000 $1,238,785 $170,437 $ 1,068,348 27% 3% 2% 11% 14% OFFICE OF ~ RO~D COI~ISSIONER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR COONT~ OP RIVERSIDE LeRoy D. Smoot Road Commissioner and County Surveyor County Achainistrative Center ~ailing Address: POBoz 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone (714) 787-6554 March 19, 1990 SUBMITTAL TO PRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER OP THE CITY OF TEMECULA FRO~: Acting City Engineer for the Ci2y of ?emecula SUBJECT~ Tract Map 23371-1 in the First Supervisorial District SPECIFIC REOUEST~ Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance it is REQUESTED that the City Council approve said map. All required certificates and documents have been filed and the map is ready for recordation. IPT: GAS ;MSB: rdb Acting City Engineer The City of Temecula Re= Tract 23371-1 March 19, 1990 The developer wishes to enter into the foliowing agreements to cover the improvements within this subdivision for: IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS (Bond NO. 115-17-72) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Water to be supplied by Rancho California Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-72) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (Service to be provided by Eastern Municipal Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-72) SETTING OF LOT STAKES AND SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS (Bond No. 115-17-71) MATERIALS AND LABOR (Bond NO. 115-17-72) in the amount of $728,750 is also attached. SECURING TA3(ES, (Bond No. 115-92-50) in the amount of $49,800 The above referenced bonds are issued by Insurance Company'of the West. ! This map complies in all respects with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and applicable local ordinances. The dedications made on said map are for: Lots #A" and "B" are dedicated for public road and public utilit~ purposes and as part of the City Maintained Road System. Lots "C" through "H", inclusive are retained .as private streets. 3. Drainage easements are dedicated to public use. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE Polt Off~e Box 2169 · ENB Building · 613 Wait Valley Parkway, Suite 270 Telephone (619) 489-0123 · EKondido, California 92025 THE CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 March 16, 1990 Re: rondltlon=l !lqe Permit No. ~076 - FA 346~9 Gentlemen: Terraton Corporation represents the property owner Tomond Properties who owns property in the vicinity of the proposed Toyota of Temecula Valley Conditional Use Permit. Please be advised that we are strong supporters of the Toyota Dealership. It will be a significant financial income source to the city, and will further enhance the Temecula Auto Park. We urge expeditious approval and support for the proposed Toyota of Temecula Valley Dealership. Thank you very much. Sincerely, John C. Raymond President JCR/nlm March 20, 1990 Toyota of Temecula Valley 26631 Ynez Road Temecula, California 92390 Mr. Frank Ales hire City Manager - City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 Dear N:. Aleshire, RE: Conditional Use Permit No. 3076 - EA 34639 This letter is being submitted in conjunction with my correspond- ence of March 7, 1990, and subsequent appeal which is scheduled for Public Hearin~ on Tuesday, March 27, 1990. In addition to the points outlined before, and to facilitate the start of construction, we would request the following additional conditions be waived or modified as follows: L.A. Toerper (Riverside Co. Planning Department) letter dated February 13, 1990. - Items 13 and 14, referring to driveways; should be clarified. - Item 16 should be waived. The total lighting assessment district should not be the responsi- bility of this project. Condition of Approval #19 (paEe3) should state "with the ex- ception of Phase II," as it relates to the surface of the parking area. Revise the following conditions to "~rior to Occupancy." - Condition #21 (page 3) Clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: · Road Department · Riverside County Flood Control · CALTRANS -'Condition #25 (page 4) A six foot high precision cut block wall shall be constructed. - Condition #34 ~p~ge 5) Performance Securities to muarantee installation of plantings, walls and fences... Also, security amount should be clari- fied. Recording of separate instrument granting public access to the stream slope or maintenance and incidental purposes. (J.H. Kashuba letter dated February 4, 1990.) - Fire Protection impacts covered in condition #14. Fire Department letter dated February 6, 1990. ) calculation should also be clarified. (L. Cabral Depos it - Written clearance from the Temecula Unified School District. (V. Sarklsian Buildin~ and Safety letter dated January 24, 1990) My partner Dan Atwood and myself, would like to meet personally with you, the City $ouncll and your new Planning Representatives prior to our Public~ Hearing on Tuesday, March 27, 1990. I would like to again emphasize the time restrictions we are working against. The modification of these conditions along with those addressed earlier must be decided upon now. We do not want this project to fail. Thank you a~aln for your quick consideration. OC: respectfully yours, · · - ~ith M. Andrews Vice President & General Manager Mayor Ronald J. Park8~ ~lq~ 71~" ?/~ Councilwoman Pat Birdsall Councilman Karel Lindemans Couucilwoman PeM Moore Councilman Sal Munoz John Matt - General Manager Toyota Region CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: DEPT HD. H'/'G: 03-13-90 CUP-3076 AUTO DEALER ON WEST CITY ATTY DEPT: CN SIDE OF YNEZ, SOUTH OF WINCHESTER CITY NGR RECO~NDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council set this matter for a hearing to consider modifying the conditions of approval. BACKGROUND County Planning Staff has recommended appr~.~ of a proposed t~--~yota car dealership with conditions specified. One of the conditions requires the developer to mitigate traffic deficiencies in the Ynez- Winchester Corridor. The following conditions are required. 1. Pave four lanes of Ynez Rd. from Winchester south to the project; 2. Secure an executed agreement with CalTrans to construct signals on Winchester at 1-15; 3. Widen the Ynez and Winchester intersection; and 4. install signal. The owner has requested a waiver of these conditions due to the fact that all of the conditions are being done by others. Encl: Letter from Andrews 1\CmRpt\031390.022 - 1- 03107190 1: 20pm T~B CITY OF TBMECUL~ 43L72 Business Pa~k Drive Tmeoula, Califo~ni& 92390 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the CITY COUNCIL to consider the matter(s) described below. Conditional Use Permit No. 3076.- EA 34639 - An appeal has been filed by Keith M. Andrews, Vice President and General Manager of Toyota of Temecula Valley appealing certain conditions of approval for CUP No. 3076 by the Riverside County Planning Commission. The site comprises 5.07 acres located west of Ynez Road and north of Rancho California Road, having a C-P-S zoning. Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before the hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the approval of this project at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. The proposed project application may be viewed at the public information counter, Temecula City Hall, 43172 Business Park Drive, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. . Questions concerning this project may be addressed to John Ristow, County of Riverside Planning Department, (714) 787-6567. The time place and date of this hearing are as follows: PLACE OF HEARING: Temecula Community Center 28816 Pujol Street Temecula DATE OF HEARING: Tuesday. March 27. 1990 TIME OF HEARING: 7:00 o.m. ~end im~f of publication to: Glty ef ?eme~.le 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 9.2390/ Publish on:-:~//~//~ q21~90-O09-0 . Tomond Prop M/T P.O. ~ox 2159 Eseondldo,' CA 92025 9~!~n80-051-6 Ad~, cad Cardiovascular Systems H/T 26531 ¥nez Road Teme~ula, CA 92390 910-130-005-9 Kaiser Devevlopment Company H/T 3470 H: Diablo Blvd, AI00 Lafayette, CA 94549 921-090-005-9 ' 921-080-0~8 ,049 -5 .' Rancho California Dairy no2 Rancho California Dev Company 29400 Rancho California Rd. It/T P.O. Box 755 Rancho California, CA 92390 Temecula, CA 92390 921-O90-007-6/921-O9OO06--7 Rancl~o Californi, Dev Campnay M/T P.O. box 755 Temecula, CA 92390 921-090-007-8 · Rancho California Dai~y Assoc. ~/T 29~O0 Rancho California Rd. Temecula~ CA 92390 910-130-008-2 Rancho California Day Company H/T &601 Sheridan St., Suite600 Hollywood, Plorid~ 33021 910-130~008-2 Rancho California Der Company 40700 ~inch~ster Road Temecula, CA 92390 910=!30-022-4 Kaiser DevelSpment Company M/T 3470 Mt Diablo Blvd, AIO0 910-130-023-5 Rancho Californla Day Company M/T 4601 Sheridan St, Suite 600 ~ollywood, F1 33021 921-080-014-3 Rachc California Dev Company M/T P.O. Box 755 Temecula, CA 92390 R21-080-018-7 Rancho California Dev Company M/T P.O. Box 755 Temecula, CA 92390 ~f~ 'o Ter~a~ion Corpora:ion P.O. Box 2159 i~scondido, CA 92025 )21-290-003-2 ~ancho Hobile Home Estates 2312 W. Olive Avenue, steA ~urbank, CA 91506 921-080-039-6 Toyota Hotor Distributors Inc H/T 1900] South Western Avenue Torrance, CA 90509 921-080-044-0 Coop, Donald W., & Jennean ~ P.O. Box 1234 Temecula, CA 92390 FootHill Project Managemen~ c/o Cottie Kates 156 East Highland Avenue, Sierra }ladre, CA 91024 921-080-040-6 Mission Chrysler Plymounth Inc M/T 298 N. Azusa Avenue Wset Covlna, CA 91791 921.2901002_1 Rancon Realty Fund M/T 27720 Jefferson Avenue Temecule, CA 92390 Jack Lnaphere &Associates C/o Jack [anphere 393 Uest A~hol Street, ate 8 San Bernardino, CA 92401 8t~te d OIlifornll } s! t declare under penalty of perjury that I am eml~:~yed by the City of Temecula in the City Clerk's that I mailed this item to the addressees on the attached mailing list, o.: ' 'nao..,..~l~ 14, ~qC~O March 7, 1990 Toyota cf Temecula Valley 26631 Ynez Road Temecula, California 92390 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager - City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 Dear Mr. Ales hlre, This correspondence is to comment on the current pro~ress of our new Toyota Dealership planned for Xnez Road, here in Temecu!a. If 'you recall, my partner Mr. Dan Atwood and I visited your office on January 2~, 1990. The plot plan was reviewed along with several other items, inc!udln~ our time schedules. On Wednesday, February IA, 1990, our project came before the Riverside County Plannin~ Commission as Fast Track NO. 038-89 CUP No. 3076, Amended No. l, and was APPROVED subject to certain conditions. While some cf these conditions will make the undertakin~ very difficult, certain stipulations outlined in the Road Commissioners letter dated February l~, 1990 (slqned by Mr. L.A. Toerper) make this project imoossible~ (Please refer x ~ l0 and 17). to attached letter , items l, 2, ~, , These items were specifically addressed to the County Commission at this meetin~ on s~id date, as follows: It is unfair tb~t before issuance of a buildin~ permit and/or occupancy these stipulations, which were needed when we started this venture 2 years a~o, be placed on a single project like ours. The estim~.ted cc~t of these ~.orrections is !8~ to 10 million - our whole project.is estimated at million. We wil! ~ree to complete our f~lr sh~re of off-site improvements, but why should we have to be~r the entire cost or the responsibility cf so~ethin~ that benefits everyone? The counties answer in effect was: "While, we realize this may not be ~.uite fair, take it up with the new City cf Temecula - they have the power to over+.urn cr modify any of these conditions." Some salient points about our project: We are not huge developers or absentee owners, Just two local business people who have invested their "all" in a dream to open a Toyota Dealership in Ternsouls. We are willin6 to do our part and share the desire to improve Temecula - Just like everyone else. Our project is being financed/funded locally through the Bank of Commerce here in Ternsouls; the County of Riverraids, and the Small Business Association. We are planning to fill 40-~5 Jobs in our community within the first year, and up to 70 Jobs within 5 years. We expect to ~enerate $~18 to 20 million in ~ales the first year, and up to $~0 million within 5 years. We are members of the Chamber of Commerce, and expect to provide sound business "input" to our community. Our $~200 Wilber Smith Traffic-Study indicated: '"The addition of the relatively small increment of Toyota of (Temecula Valley) traffic will further reinforce the need for these improvements but will not contribute to any more intersection capacity thr-~o d~ bein~ exceeded ." - We have serious time restraints as follows: We must immediately open Escrow to purchase land from Toyota Motor Sales, U~A. (A time 120 days has been established by contract.) subject table of * Our letter of Intent with Toyota to complete this dealership will expire in June 1990. Toyota's basic position is "If we can't ~et this project completed in two (2) years, maybe we should look else- where." We respectfully request the follow!ns: Items 1, 2, ], 4, 10 and 17 be removed as mitigation measures for us to receive b~ldin= and/or occupancy permits. * That this deci,~icn be voted and decided upon by the City Council on Tuesday, March l~, 1990. 2 Tt is my understanding. that all of these conditions will be satisfied either through the approval of the Community Facilities District No. 88-12 (Mello-Roos), which we support; and/or various other Assessment District(s) currently under des i~.n. This project is in dan~er of ~oin~ away. ¥e need a decision now, so our tax dollars can help Temecula continue to be a better p-~ce to work and live. ~erely yours, 2 X~lth M. Andrew-- Vice President & General Manager cc: Mayor Ronald J. Parks Councilwoman Pat Birdsall Councilman Earel Linderoans Councilwoman Peru_ Moore Councilman Sal Munoz John Matt - General Mana=er Toyota Re~ion OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR LeRoy D. Smoot tO&O COM~ISSIONEII & COUNI'¥ SURVEYOr February 13, Riverside County Planning Com~ission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Re: (Auto Sales Facility) CU 3076 - Amend %1 Team S - S."D ~9 AP %111-111-111-9 FTA %038-89 Ladies and Gertclement The Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the traffic study for the above referenced project. The traffic study has been prepared in accordance with accepted traffic engineering standards and practices, utilizing County approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic impacts. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "D" at Winchester Road and Ynez Road. The Southwest Area Community Plan identifies peak hour Level of Service 'D" as acceptable. As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary r~ achieve the red, ifad .l~vel of service: ~J1.'\ ~_rior to occuDane~a minimum of 48' of paved width shall / 6e provided along Ynez Road from Winchester Road south to ~he northerly project boundary. ~_./'~rln~ .~O issuan~ nf a hutld~ng ~ermi~ ~ an executed agreement w~th the State of California Department of Transportation shall be provided for the construction of signals on the Winchester Road/Interstate 15 ramps. :'.'Orior tO oCCUCmnc¥b the Winchester Road shall be traffic study recommended southbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn intersection of Ynez Road and constructed to the following intersection geometrics: one one southbound through lane, lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two westbound through lanes, and one westbound right turn lane. CU 3076 - Amend February 13, lggo Page 2 This lane configuration is the minimum r~ired to meet the General Plan requirements for this project. ~Coordination with other D~arhV Dv~J~'t-" ( -~ hiqhlv recomm--qd~ tQ ~ n-~-~-. nr~erl ¥ ~velopment of ~r~w( H~. ( nt~-rsectlo_n .improvements needed. ~?i ~Prior to occuDanc¥ or any u~ allowed by this permit, the ~ollowing improvements shall exist at D~ cost to any government agency: the intersection of Y~ez Road and Winchester Road must be signalized. With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced exhibit, the Road Department recommends that the applicant provide the following street improvements, street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accor~nce with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards (Ordinance 461). It is understood that the exhibit correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate Q' s, and that their omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions arm essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the im~rovement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commissioner's Office. Prior to .(~su~nce of a building permit or .a_.ny use_~llowed by this ~erm~t, the applicant shall ~plete the-following conditions at no cost to any government agency= Sufficient right of way along Ynez Road shall be. conveyed for public use to provide for a 67 foot half width right of way. 6. The traffic signal mitigation has been m~t on this project. It was paid on Aug. 29, 1984 on underlying PM 19145. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by th(s Dermit,~ the uwp~icant shall construct the ~oilU~lng at no cost to any government agency~ Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 55 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Co~issioner within a 67 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 100A. Asphalt emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. cU 3076 - Amend ~1 February 13, 1990 Page 3 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and aliqnment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply auceptance for main- tenance by County. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Sectlon 11.1. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. The single driveway shall conform to Riverside County Standards. the applicable The single entrance driveway shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent 'back-on' parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 35 feet measured from face of curb. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with 823-S. Street lighting shall be required for a discretionary permit in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whete]~ this proposal qualifies under an existing assessment district or not. If not, the land owner shall file, after receiving tentative approval, for an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a 'Lighting Assessment District" in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000. _A ,~viping plan (~ v~T,(~ fo~ Ynez Road. The removal of the exlst~ striping shall be the ~u&ponsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs born~ hy the applicant. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar Cb 3676 - Amend 11 February 13, 1990 Page 4 mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. £1ncere~ ~ Lawrence A. Toerper / Road Division Engineer ! LAT:Jw ~ CU ~3076 ~ r I ...........LAND USE I 1 GRADED / INDUSTRY AUTOMALL DAIRY · ' '-- o~.~,~o T % ' · ~ND~ STRIAL ' ' ~ "PAI~K'. ' App. DAN ATWOOD ~ 400' KEITH ANDREWS Assessor's ~M~ Drawn By Use AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP Am~ RANCHO CALIFORNIA Sec. I T. 8S.R.$W. Circulation YNEZ RD. EJsment SOLANO WY. Fid. ~k. Pg. 55C Date 1/27/90 Sup.Dist. Ist I 921 Pg. 08 I00' I00' RIVERSIDE (Z)CIVTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VAC VAC LOCATIOWAI. MAP NO SCALE i-' County loan-helping out ' Temecula ToyOta dealer RosALIND SMITH besed..~foyota Motor Sales USA.; '..'~he Press-EntmprJse ..... InC. tO 'buy the.5~acre parcel on. ~ :Aided by a $$00,000 loan from Riverside County, Toyota of Temecula Valley plans to open tltts summer near Temecula's burgeoning auto park. Temecula residents Keith An' drews and Dan At*wood have se- cured an economic development loan from the county Economic Development Agency to acquire the !and, build and finance the S4 million project, Andrews said. Other loans were obtained from the Bank of Commerce..and the Small Business AdministraUon, he said. David Mc£1roy, director o! the development agency, said the loan was approved by. the board of supervisors. '"They'll get the money,*' Mc£1roy said. "It comes before the board on the 13th for final approval, but that's a formal. fry." Andrews said he and Atwood worke~. with the ctty of Temecula for tw~ months on the proposal and are in escrow with Torrance- · Ynez Roed..They plan to open in June or July, Andrews said. ~ =:-~#lt's a little difficult because we~'~.ffalit in the.middle of the - .Mello-Roos dismct,'**~'he .said;' re- fefFlng ~O a $16' ml!Uon proposed -- ~'l --t district that would pay fOr. 'street, and .other -improve- .' 'nJB~f~n]ong Ynez. Road.:. .*.) ...'131e dealership will have libout!200 vehicles in its 4nven- *to r~, =vulued nt about $3 million, Andrews s~M. *'The prinmry em- piresis. still be on .quality service and pm'ts," he said.'. Although Toyola of Temecula 'Valley will be independent of the auto park association irdUa!ly, Andrews said he plans to join the auto park. ;3'emeculn is a good 1ocaUon, AndFews*'.$ald. "The nearest Toyota dealers *are in Escondido, Rlve13dde and Corona. But there 'are !otn. 0f Toyotns registered in fid-,.~,~*We want to provide 10C8] se~'~ce for all those Toyota owllers." ~UBMrFI'AL TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TEMECULA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, $" '~TE OF CALIFORNIA Riverside County Planning FROM: Jeffery S. Adams SUBMn-I'AL DATE: 2/23/90 ¢d/;o 3 G'7 RECOMMENDED MOTION: ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 34639 based on the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and APPROVAL of Conditional Use Permit No. 3076, Amended No.1 PROJECTLOCATION: South of Winchester Rd., and west of Ynez Rd. BACKGROUND: This is a proposal for a Toyota car dealership on Ynez road in the newly incorporated City of Temecula. NOTE: The Planning Commission minutes are not available at this time. They will be transmitted when they become available. CU 3076 LAND USE 1 GRADED VAC INDUSTRY DAIRY AUTOMALL UC · ST~IIAL_. PARK." VA~" VAC App. DAN ATWOOD & KEITH _AN.._DR__E. WS__ ....... I U~e AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP Azle RANCHO CALl ~"]~!~-'~-. ~. ,~ Sec. I T. SS.,R.$W. A~mm~c,r.'lBIc 921 Pg. 08 I Circulation YNEZ RD. BlAiR-- I00' EWnmt SOlaNO W¥. I00' 4oo'1" a/v~asac~ (xxavrr ~L~4~V~;~'~~E~ VAC LOOATIONA~ M4P NO 8GALE Zoning Area: Temecula First Supervisorial District E.A. Number: 34639 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 CUP NO. 3076, Amended No. 1 Planning Commission: 02-14-90 Agenda Item No. 3-2 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 1. Applicant: 2. Engineer/Rep.: 3. Type of Request: 4. Location: 5. Existing Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: 9. Comprehensive General Plan Designation: 10. Land Division Data: 11. Agency Recommendations: 12. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: Dan Atwood Lanphere Associates Architecture Proposed Toyota auto dealership including sales, service, and administration. West of Ynez Road, and north of Rancho California Road. C-P-S C-P-S, M-M, C-1/C-P The site is currently vacant and slopes downward to the west and the 1-15 Freeway. Rapidly developing retail, commercial, and industrial area. Southwest Area Community Plan Land Use: C (Commercial) Category II Open Space/Cons: Areas Not Designated as Open Space Total Acreage: 5.07 Total Lots: 1 See letters dated: Road: 02-13-90 Health: 03-13-90 Flood: 02-05-90 Fire: 02-06-90 Bldg. & Safety Land Use: 01-24-90 Grading: 02-06-90 Opposing/Supporting: None Within the City of Temecula. ~N~T.YSIS: Pvo4ect Description Conditional Use Permit is an application to construct a Toyota automobile dealership including sales, service, and administration on 5.07 acres in the Temecula area. The site is located west of Ynez Road, and north of Rancho California Road. CUP NO. 3076 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 Staff Report and ~.on ~ ~9 The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses are commercial/industrial to the north, commercial to the east, vacant to the south, and the 1-15 Freeway to the west. The site is zoned C-P-S. Surrounding zoning includes M-M to the north, C-1/C-P to the east, C-P-S to the south, and 1-15 to the west. R{vers~de Co,,ntv Co-%~reh~ns~ve General PlAn: The site is located within the Southwest Area Community Plan and is designated as Commercial. The project is a Category II land use which requires a full range of public services including water distribution, sewage collection, an adequate circulation system and utilities including natural gas and/or electricity and telephone service. This site is also within the newly incorporated City of Temecula. The proposed use is consistent with the commercial designation of the Southwest Area Community Plan and is therefore consistent with the Comprehensive General Plan. Rnv,~ro.menta] Assessment: The initial study conducted fo~ Environmental Assessment No. 34639 has indicated impacts to the Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat. The site is located within the approximate limits of the 100-year floodplain, the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone, and a potential Liquefaction Zone. All environmental concerns can be mitigated through the conditions of approval. FTNDTNGS: 1. The applicant proposes to construct a Toyota automobile dealership including sales, service, and administration on 5.07 acres in the Temecula area. 2. The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses are commercial/industrial to the north, commercial to the east, vacant to the south, and the 1-15 Freeway to the west. 3. The project is located within the Southwest Area Community Plan and is designated as "C" (commercial). The project is also within the City of Temecula. 4. Environmental concerns include impacts to the Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat. The site is also impacted by the 100-year floodplain, the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone, and liquefaction. 2 CUP NO. 3076 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 Staff Report CONC~S?ONS: 1. The project is consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan, and is therefore consistent with the Comprehensive General Plan. 2. The project is consistent with Ordinance No. 348. 3. All environmental concerns have been mitigated to a level of non- significance. BRCOM~RNDATTONS: ~DOPT?ON of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 34639 based on the findings that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and ~PROV~T. of CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.3076, Amended No. 1, based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in this staff report and subject to the attached conditions of approval. JSA:ja 2/07/90 3 Dan Atwood 2380 First St. San Bernardino, CA 93063 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3076, Amd Project Description: Auto dealership including sales and service. Assessor's Parcel No.:921-080-039 District/Area: Temecula The use hereby permitted by this plot plan is for a Toyota dealership including sales, service, and administration. The permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claims, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3076, Amended %1. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of approval date; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of'substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit A, Amended %1, or as amended by these conditions. In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a period of one (1) year or more, this approval shall become null and void. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. The applicant shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the County Road Department's transmittal dated 02-13-90, a copy of which is attached. Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department's transmittal dated 03-13-90, a copy of which is attached. CUP NO. 3076 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 Conditions of Approval e 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control District's transmittal dated 02-05-90, a copy of which is attached. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the appropriate section of Ordinance No. 546 and the County Fire Warden's transmittal dated 02-06-90, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety - Land Use Section's transmittal dated 01-24-90, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety - Grading Section's transmittal dated 02-06-90, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Riverside County Geologist's transmittal dated 08-02-83, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the San Bernardino County Museum's transmittal dated 01-24-90, a copy of which is attached. a. A paleontologist shall be on site for the entire grading operation. The paleontologist will be authorized to divert and direct grading operations to facilitate the evaluation and, if necessary the salvage of exposed fossils. The project proponent will pay for the analysis of any fossil finds and subsequent report preparation and curation. (Added per Planning Commission on 2/14/90) The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Transportation's transmittal dated 01-10-90, a copy of which is attached. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved Landscape, Irrigation and Shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten (10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty (30) inches. 2 CUP NO. 3076 FASTTRACK NO. 038-89 Conditions of Approval 17. 18. 19. 20. Prior to the issuance of building permits, six (6) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.12, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of Ordinance No. 348. The irrigation plan shall be in accordance with Ordinance No. 348, section 18.12 and include a rain shut-off device. In addition, the plan will incorporate the use of in-line check valves, or sprinkler heads with incorporated check valves to prohibit low head drainage. A minimum of 103 parking spaces shall be required in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. 115 parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the Approved Exhibit A. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of 3 inches on 4 inches of Class II base. A minimum of three (3) handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on Exhibit A. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign .~hall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height of 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning " In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. 3 CUP NO. 3076 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 Conditions ofApproval 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Environmental Health Bldg. & Safety (Grading) Riverside County Flood Control Fire Department CALTRANS Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. If signage is proposed, a separate plot plan accompanied by the appropriate fees as set forth in Ordinance No. 348 shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to sign installation. Building elevations shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on Exhibit B. Materials used in the construction of all buildings shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on Exhibit M-1 (Materials Board) and Exhibit M-2 (Color Elevations). These are as follows: Use Material Color Roof Mission Tile by monier Mission ~ed Siding Stucco Paint Cream %103 Detratrend Cielo Blanco %250 Exposed wood Frames Decratrend Russet (721) Black Anodized Prior to the final building inspection approval by the Building and Safety Department, an six (6) eight foot high precision decorative block wall shall be constructed along the perimeter of the service area. The required wall shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Building and Safety and the Planning Director. (Amended at Planning Commission on 2/14/90) Roof-mDunted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Screening 4 CUP NO. 3076 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 Conditions of Approval 27. A total of one large trash enclosure which is adequate to enclose an adequate supply of bins shall be located within the project, and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. The enclosure shall be eight feet in height and shall be made with masonry block and a gate which screens the bins from external view. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen canopy trees along streets and within the parking areas. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologi~ and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. A total of five (5) Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. 5 CUP NO. 3076 FAST TRACK NO. 038-89 Conditions of Approval 34. 35. Prior to issuance of building permits, performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of plantings, walls and fences in accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year shall be filed with the Department of Building and Safety. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Building and Safety. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 36. 37. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kV or greater, shall be installed underground. Prior to any use allowed by this plot plan, the applicant shall obtain clearance from the Department of Building and Safety - Land Use Section that the uses found on the subject property are in conformance with Ordinance No. 348. 38. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning Director of the County of Riverside demonstrating compliance with Conditions 14 and 14a of Conditional Use Permit No. 3076. (Added per Planning Commission on 2/14/90) 39. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. JA:sc 2/23/90 6 ¢U $075 EXISTING ZO?G M-M C-1/C-P I 3 c-/e-s . / ,~ App. DAN :, ~ RANCHO ¢&LIFORNIA 8,up.Dilt. 181 ~-~-.~- '~t,:~'-:--::":'~ ElJllmt '~01.&NO ~Y, ---,M~,IOR-- I00~ rid. Bk. t~. SaC D=~ t l~?/eO ~ By :,~'~ LOi~ATIONAL MAP 400', RIVEF~IDE (X)iMVTY FY. ANNING .DEFA.WTMENT l ~o ,CAL ~ " CU $076 CP - SWAP C RLI ./, C DI .. / ~App. DAN ATWOOD & KEITH &NDREWS Ule AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP 8,1C. I T. eS,,P,.3W. AII~'IBk. ~21 ling. 06 CXnXllBtion 'VNI[Z RE ~ I00' Ellmint SOLANO WY. I00' LOGATIOWAL MAII) NO eta L E OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER 6 COUNTY SURVEYOR LeRoy D. Smoot ROAD ~10NER & COUNTY SURVEYOR February 13, Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE: klAII. ING AODR[S$~ P.O. BOX 199~,v~..,o~. c~,.o..,~ -- T~KPHONE (714) 7'7-6554 Re: (Auto Sales Facility) CU 3076 - Amend #1 Team 5 - SMD #9 AP #111-111-111-9 FTA #038-89 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the traffic study for the above referenced project. The traffic study has been prepared in accordance with accepted traffic engineering standards and practices, utilizing County approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic impacts. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "D" at Winchester Road and Ynez Road. The Southwest Area Community Plan identifies peak hour Level of Service 'D" as acceptable. As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve the required level of service= Prior to~¢u~maoy, a minimum of 48' of paved width shall be provided along~nez Road f~om ~i,uch~st~r ~ south to the northerly project boundary. Prior to ~ssuan~e ~f -a bui~{ng permit, an executed _agreement ~ith the S}ate -of -~alifornia Department of -Transportation shall be provided for the construction of signals on the ~inchest~rRoad/Int~_r~t~te 15 ramps. Prior to ~ccu~ancy, the intersection of ~Ynez Road and _~in~er ...~ROad .shall be constructed to the following --traffic study recommended intersection geometrics: one southbound right turn lane, one southbound through lane, one southbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two westbound through lanes, and one westbound right turn lane. CU 3076 - Amend fl February 13, 1990 Page 2 This lane configuration is the minimum required to meet the General Plan requirements for this project. Coordination with other nearby projects is highly recommended to insure orderly development of areawide intersection improvements needed. ~ ?~or~. ~.~ or any use allowed a~t this permit, the '~1owzng improvements shall exist no cost to any government agency= the intersection of Ynez Road and Winchester Road must be ~nr~l(~a.. With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced exhibit, the Road Department recommends that the applicant provide the following street improvements, street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards (Ordinance 461). It is understood that the exhibit correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate Q's, and that their omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commissioner's Office. Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall complete the following conditions at no cost to any government agency: Sufficient right of way along Ynez Road shall be conveyed for public use to provide for a 67 foot half width right of way. e The traffic signal mitigation has been met on this project. It was paid on Aug. 29, 1984 on underlying PM 19145. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall construct the following at no cost to any government agency: ® Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 55 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 67 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 100A. Asphalt emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. CU 3076 - Amend #1 February 13, 1990 Page 3 9. Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). ,,,,,/~ Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for main- tenance by County. 11. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. 12. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. 13. The single driveway shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards. 14. The single entrance driveway shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 35 feet measured from face of curb. 15. The street design and improvement concep~ of this project shall be coordinated with 823-S. 16. Street lighting shall be required for a discretionary permit in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whether this proposal qualifies under an existing assessment district or not. If not, the land owner shall file, after receiving tentative approval, for an application with LAFC0 for annexation into or creation of a "Lighting Assessment District" in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000. 17. 18. A striping plan is required for Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar CU 3076 - Amend #1 February 13, 1990 Page 4 mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36" ). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Fincere~ ~ LAT: jw RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT February 5, 1990 1~'5 MARKET STREET P.O. BOX 1033 TELEPHONE ('714) 717-oO15 FAX NO. ('714) 7Be-ms Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Jeff Adams Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Conditional Use Permit 3076 Amended No. i This property is located in the Temecula area between Highway 1- 15 and lnez Road south of Winchester Road. During large storms runoff from the east ponds along the east side of the freeway embankment on this and neighboring property. The majority of these flows are carried in the watercourse along the north bound- ary of the site. The peak I00 year flow rate is calculated to be 1250 cfs. If this project is constructed, the watercourse should be stabi- lized, the pond volume should be maintained and buildings should be floodproofed. Following ore the Distrtct's recommendations. The channel along the north side of the site should be stabilized with regard to lateral erosion along its south side. Erosion protection cutoff depth should be based upon peak flow velocities. The minimum depth should be three feet below the flow line. There should be a mini- mum freeboard of two feet. More may be required if velocities are high. The slope protection should be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical. The floors of all building should be conotructed above the elevation of the freeway pondins. 3. The volume of the freeway pond on this property should be preserved. o The applicant should record a separate instrument, before construction, granting the public a~cess across this property to the stream slope protection for maintenance and incidental purposes. Riverside County Planning Department Res Conditional Use Permit 3076 Amended NOo 1 -2- February 5, 1990 The proposed Itorm drain for Inez ~ad should be extended past the proposed buildings. A copy of the ~mprovement plans and grading plans along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations ehould be submitted to the District for review and ap- proval prior ~o the issuance of grading or building permits. <./."ery 'truly yo~, Senior Civil Engineer c: NBS Lowry JHK~ slw PLANN~G & !nqGIN~RnqG D~D!(~ CA 922O1 ~61~ ~4L~886 FLANHIHG DEPARTKENT _. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT CALIFORNIA DEPARTIdENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTK)N GLeN ]. NEV,'M~qN FIR~ CHIEF 2-6-90 CUt' 3076 -,M~I~D~ ~1 With respect to the conditions of approval resardins the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the fellovens fire protection measures be provided in accordance with l~Lvereide County Ordinances and/or recosn~zed fire protection standards: 1. The Fire Department is required to net a uinimm fire flay for the · remodel or construction of all co---erctal buildins8 .ustuS the procedure established in Ordinance 546. e Provide or ·hey there exists · water system capable of deliverins 1750 GPH for · 2 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operatlns pressurewhich must be available before any coubustlble mterl·l to placed on the Job site. o A conbin·eton of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on · looped system (6"x4"x2tx2j), will be located not lees then 25 feet .ore ore than 165 feet fram any portion of the buildins as Masted alone. approved vehicular travelways, The required fire flow ·hall be available free any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The required fire-flowMy be adjusted at · later point in the pernit process to reflect than·es in deslee, construction type, ·re· separation or buLlt-in fire protection u easts·. Applicant/developer mhall' furnish one copy of the nter o/eta plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall con, ore to the fire hydrant t~pee, location and opecins, and, the ayetea ·hell Met the fire flay requirements. Plans shell be elsned/approved by · reel·toted civil ansinear and the local water company with the followins certification*. el eertJ~y that the design of the water eyetree is in accordance tr~th the requirements prescribed by the R~veraide County Fire DepartBent.# I~mtall · complete fire optinkier system tnall bulldinp requirtns a fire flay of 1500 ~ or greater. The poet indicator valve end fire departnest connection cheil be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a,-n~ of 25 feet frou the buildins(s). A orateeast Chef ~he bu~ldins(s) TIll be autometically fire sprinklered mat be Included on the title pnse of the buildins plans. 3076 Page 2 7. Install a supervised water flay monitoring fire alarm system. Plans ~ust be subsetted to the Fire Department for approval prior to install·ties, as per Un~foxlSuildinA Code. 8o & statement that the building viii be ·utonaticall~"~ize sprinklered must appear on the title page of the building plans. 10. Occupancy separation viii be required as per the Uniform Building Code, Section 503. In, tall panic hardwareland ~xit signs ·s per ~hapter 33 of the Un~fora Building Code. Certain designated areas viii be required to be maintained ·s fire lanes. 12. Install portable fire extin~uishezsv~th a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 13. Friar to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit · check or money order in the amount of $413.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. 14. Prior to the issuance of building perlite, the developer shall deposit v~th the Riverside County Fire Department, a check or money order equaling the sum of 25¢ per square foot &s mitigation for fire protection t~pacts. Thio amount must be submitted separately from the plan check review fee. 2~. FInal conditio~sv~ll be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. ALL questions zesazd~ng the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and gnAthearts$ staff. RATHOHDR. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Laura Cebz·l, Fire Safety Specialist Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 ganuary 24, 1990 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: geff Adams County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Conditional Use Permit 13076 FEB061990 Ladies and $entlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: An additional plot plan or an approved exhibit for 6n-site signage will be required. Engineered plans are required for any walls or fences over six feet in height. An approved setback adjustment from the Planning Oepartment is required for walls or fences over six feet in height found in required setback areas. Zf approved elevations are required from the Planning Department the approved plans must be submitted to the Land Use Oivision concurrently with submittal of structural plans for review. if the proposed project is to be "phased,' an approved exhibit Indicating whtch structures and on-site Improvements are requtred for each 'phase" should be required. Prior to issuance of building permits, proposed lighting must be tn conformance wtth Mount Palomar Ltghttng Plan, Zone B, per Ordinance 655. Prior to acceptance of structural plans for Building and Safety review, one complete set of approved conditions from Planntng .Department must be attached. Performance Securities Bond for maintenance of landscaping may be required. Consult your Conditions of Approval. Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 Planntng Department CUP 3076 January 24, 1990 Page 2 Prtor to the tssuance of building permits, written clearance ts requtred from the following: * Temecula Unified School District Yours truly, Vaughn Sarktstan Land Use Technician /sn COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDIN(} AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT ~RADIN~ SECTION TO: PLANNINO / JEFF, ~t~AHS FROM: WENDY PARKER ~ ~' DATE: Tobruary 60 lg90 ~t C~ 30Y6 APN: 921-080-039 The "Oradinf SootSon' has reviewed a conceptual Iradinf plan for this site. The plan is aesoptable, Consequently, the "Oradinf Section' recommends approval of this project lr the followinf conditions are included, Prior to oomnoncinf any fradinf in excess of $0 cubic yards, the applioant shall obtain a fradinf permit and approval to construct from the Bu~ldinf and Safety Department. Prior to issuance of ~ny bu~ldinf pernit, the property owner shall obtain a fradinf permit and approval to oonstruct from the Bu~ld~nf and Safety Department. oo  adinf in excess of 199 subic yards will require performance security be posted with the Bu~ld~nf and Safety department. NOTE= For the final fradinf Plan, pisses provide the applicable info~mation form Dulldine and Safety Department fr&dinf fores: 284-120, 284-21, 284-86, &rid S84-46. These forms are available at all Buildinf and Safety Off~ceo. Thank you, countu. PL ilrfirlG August 2, 1983 Pioneer Consultants 251 Tennessee Street Redlands, CA 92373 Attn: Messrs. Turner, gathur and Shea Subject: d.N. 242-125, PM 19145, County Geologtc Report No. 278, Neste, Brudtn and Stone, Znc., Rancho California - ~ · ,. Gentlemen: 'We have reviewed your report entitled 'Alquist-Prtolo Special Studtes Zone Investigation and evaluation of Liquefaction Potential, Tentative Parcel Map No. 19145, Portions of Parcels 4,5,6 and 7", dated dune 7, 1983. We have also reviewed your letter of addendum dated dune 29, 1983, and your revised page 6, dated duly 22, 1983. Your report detemtned,that: 1. Rtstng groundwater and landsliding are not considered to be potential hazards to the stte. 2. A potential hazard for storm runoff and floodtng extsts on the stte. 3. An acttve fault crosses over the southerly portion of the stte. 4. The maximum probable earthquake is expected to be Richtermgnttude 6.0 along the £1stnore-Wtldemr fault zone. An earthquake of this magnitude ts expected to produce a peak acceleratJon of .0.57 + gtn the bedrock under the sJte. The peak acceleratJonmy be reduced by3S~ to artlye at the Repeatable Htgh $round Acceleration of 0.37 g. The duratJon of strong shaklng would be 18 seconds. ~S. Artarea of potential llquefactJ~nextsts under lots 4,5 and a portton of 1~t.6. --3aur report ~maend ~hat: .... 1. -~aY ~ut or fill slopes greater than 5 feet high ~tl! ~eed to be evaluated by a soils engineer and a geologist. Structures for human occupancy are not to be constructed ~tthtn 50 feet of the octlye faultan the property. Continued 4080 LEMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46'209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 Page °2- August 2, 1983 3. Ground acceleration discussed in the ~eport should be considered as only a design guide. 4. -Heasures be implemented to mitigate the potential liquefaction hazard on the site. ]t ts our opinion that the ~eport was performed in a competent manner consistent wtth the present "state-of-the-art" and satisfies the requirements of the Alquist- Priolo Special Studies Zones Act and the associated Riverside County Ordinance 547. Final approval of the report is hereby given. We recomnend that the following conditions be satisfied before issuance of any County permits associated with this project. The Building Setback Lines shown on Exhibit No. 1 in the report shall be delineated on the Environmental Constraints Sheet (E.C.S.) and the area inside of the setback lines shall'be labeled "Fault Hazard Area." 2. The-Area of PotentialSLiquefaction sho~n bn Exhibit No. 1 shall'~be delineated on the E.C.S. and labeled "Area of Potential Liquefaction" 3. The following notes shall be placed on the E.C.S.: 'This property is affected by'earthquake faulting. Structures for human occupancy shall not be allowed in the Fault Hazard Area. This constraint affects parcels 4,5 and 6." b.. "This property is affected by the potential hazard of liquefaction during an earthquake. Mitigation for human occupancy structures shall be performed in accordance with recommendations set forth in County Geologic Report No. 27B, on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. This constraint affects parcels 4,5 and 6." 4. Notes shall be placed on the final land division map stating: "County Geologic Report No. 278 was 'prepared for this property on June 7, 1983 and is on ftle at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in this report are as follows: Flooding, active earthquake faulting, seismic design of structures, liquefaction, slope stability~ b. "This property is affected by earthquake faulting. Structures for human *occupancy shall cot be allowed in the Fault Hazard Area. The constraint. affects parcels 4,5 and 6, as shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints .... Sheet the original ~f~hich is on file at the Office of the Riverside County 'Surveyor.' c. -'This property is affected by the potential hazard of liquefaction during an earthquake. Mitigation for human occupancy structures shall be performed in accordance with reconeendattons set forth in County Geologic Report No. 278, on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. This constraint affects parcels 4,5 and 6, as shown on the accunpanytng Environmental Constraints Sheet the original of which is on file at the Office of the Riverside County Surveyor.' .- Page -3- August 2, 1983 :~' S. A copy of the final ,top and Environmental Constraints Sheet shall be submitted to the Planning Department Engineering Geologist for review and approval. In should be noted that the exploratory trench backfill wms tested for compaction by Pioneer Consultants, and the results submitted to our office in their letter dated · June 2g, lgB3. The compaction report was reviewed mnd is hereby approved. · Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter, Acting Planning Director /' ~'.//')/i // ' Anthony B. B~wn, Engineering G~e. ologist, CEG ABB/rk cc: Earl W. Hart, Sr. Geo. COHG. S.F. Building and Safety Dept. ATTN: Bill Harvey (2) Neste, Brudtn. & Stone, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Gene Otepholz bcc: Aleta Rohlehr - Team 2 SAN, BERNARDINO COUNTY MUSEUM =ENER^I. SERVICES AGENCY 2024 O~B~. Tm ~ · Ildmd~. CA ~2374 (714! 752~1334 · 7~2-0052 · 82S-482S · 126..4823 DR. ALLAN D. GRIESEMER JLnuaz~ 24, 1990 LAnpher'e Anoci.,,tes &T.t.n: J~..k i,,n]:bere 393 best. Athol ~;t, rset,, Suite 8 San BernBrdino, ~ 92401 re.: Paleontolo~ic records search, 'lk~yolm Parcel, Hap 19145 At your request, I have ~ndu~t a revie~ of geologic literature ard · pslem~olo~ic r~o~rce site records for the "ToFota Parcel", Hap 19145, in Rancho California. The parcel is between line-- Road and Interstate 15, north of Rancho California Road and south of Winchester Road in the Rancho California are~. The parcel is ~ithin the undivided portion of Saucho Teme~ula and, if pro~e~ted, ~uld fall trithin the ~E 1/4 of uect. iori 35, T.?$ R.3W, 8BB~N, as sho~n on the Nurrieta 7.5 ~tnute quadrsr~le. Geolo¢ic eappin~ by Kenne~ (1977) indicates that paroel ~p ~9145 is ~ ~ f~siiifem hu~ Fo~ti~. ~ ~ (1977) ~~ (1955) i~i=~ ~at ~ehu~Fo~ion is f=ilifem~~~~~e Ice ~e~ls A revie~ of the Refio~l Paleontologic ~__~--!it~ Inven~ry at the San ~e. rnardino t~mt.v ~use~ does not indicate that ~here have been previous r~source aases~ents for the .-~_~cel. Consecluen'clT, no palecntologic resource Bite are recorded fr~ the psr~el. lionever, $~e Re~ice~l Palecntologic reilly lnventor~ does record ~ore than 140 ?le~tologic resource localities fr~ the Pauba For~tio~ in the Rancho California area. The~e localities have prodded ~ore than 40 taxa of fossil vertebrates ~hich t~clude ~ sloth, m~oth, mastodon, horse, ~pir, c~eel, 11s~a, prmlghorn, and fi~nt i;or~oise. l~e deposits ~lao Fielded l~port~% ~all vertebrate f~£ls ~uch ,s r~ts, rabbits, hat~, shre~, and bird, li~rd, J~cle, m~d tortoise. L~c_ 1he geologic litertire sarc~ ard ~vi~ of ~ ~i~ ~ml~ic hi~ ~tial for mt~ti~ ~tim at ~ '~m ~1", mp 19145, ~ ~t ,~: ble ~~l~ic ~. ~ti~ ~~ f~ ieepacu ~o paleo~olo~ic resources ~hieh ~hould include, ~ r~t uece~arily ~e limited to, the followin{: I. ~itoring of excavation in ar?,_~ identified as likely to contain paleo~tologic resources by a qualified paleon~ologic ~itor. 'lhe ~onitor should be equipped to salvage fossils as they are ~earthed to avoid c~mstruc%ion delays and to remove samples of ~diments uhieh are likely to ~ontain the re~ains of s~all fossil stoareals. The monitor must be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to ~11ow removal of ah~dant or large 2. [~eparation of recovered spec~ to a point of identificatim, includin~ ~ashing of sediments to reoover samll vertebrates. 3. Identification and eur~ticn of specimens into a ~ repository with retrievable ,torre. 4. Preparation of a report of findings with ~n appended itmized inventory of apeeimerm. The report and inventory, ~hen aul~uitted to the appropriate bead &geney, signifies c~mpletion of the Plan to ~iitig~te ~ts to P~lecm~ologic Literature cited ~ennedy, H.P., 1977. Recency and character of faulting alon~ the Elsinore fault zone in southern Riverside County, California. Division of Mines and Oeolo~ Special Report 131:12 p. ~tann, J.F., 1955. Geology of a portion of the Elsinore fault zone, California. Curator, I lar't~ Scier~es encl. California California Division of ~tnes Special Report 43:22 p. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAN 16 WJ90 Development Revie~ OB.-.R~v-A~-&.O~ Your Referencem CUP $07& ~ttention Mr. Jeff ~dams County of Riverside 40BO Le~on Street Think you for the opportunity to revie~ the proposed Conditional U~e Permit 307& ]Kited east of Z-A~ and north of Rancho Please refer to ~the attached BaterAil on which our coM~mts have been indicated by the items checked and/or u~ed by those ~teMs noted under additional cwnts. If mn¥ ~ork is nlc#sary Nitbin the state highNay rLght of the developer must obtain an encroachment ~ere~t fro~ the ~lltrans District B PeriSt Office prior to beginning work. If edditionsl information Is desired, please call Mr. Thomas J, Neville at (7A4) 3034304. Very truly y~,re, '~., -~H. ~. LEW~NDOWBKI District Permits Engineer ~tt CALTRAN$ DEVELOPHENT REYZ£~ FORH ~ (Xour RefersAce) D. te checker vE VOULD LIKE TO NOTE: (Co Rte "Mtf~""l'117 ~ted IS I loire ~ bLiJMy. ~n Ch~ C~rT~kr dx~d be cn~F~M- ~4Ch CM ~ h~biy cxx.~pr. k~ ~QU~ST T~AT T~ 1TD~ CRK~.n ~0V ~£ I~CU~D~D ~N TH~ CONDITIONS OF APP~O¥~ Normal rllht st vay dedlcetlon to provide bali-v/dth on the Irate h/Ihviy. Norm~! street ~mproveuente to proFide hilf-v~dch on the lute Curb and lUSter, Sctte Sc~nderd ~:o]oni the state hllhvoy. Parking olmll be pr~btt~ al~8 t~ state hi~y by ~lat~8 tb c~b red ~d/~ by ~ wo~r p~~t of "M ~r~" ifps. rld:Lul curb returu be pr. oFided st Jotsructions rich the lute highray. & ICindird Mmeldmir romp must be proFaded Jo the returns. & polittve veMcul~r barrier Lions the property franclee ~ be provided to &L~Lt physical accel co rJm oUce Mlhmy. VeMcu~r ~cceea droll not be developed directly to the lute h4lh~y. Vehicular scceea Co the state Msh~uy sh~l be provided by eELstin8 pubXlc rood Vehlcubr access co the lute Mehuuy Ih~11 be proFaded by drXvMya. IrJndord UE IEQUEST: ~ A outV~f my C',d~'m Of qtraq~. a' ruv].ud q~roud.. -~VE ItE~UES! VflE OPi~ORTUd%T! ~0 I~V%EU DURIIIG THE APPROVAL PROCESS: Date: ~anuar¥ 10. 1990 R!V - !5 - 6.0 (Co-Rte-PM) CUP 3076 (Your Reference) 3.) 2) 3) 4) Caltrans is particularly concerned about grading in the State right of way. Cross sections ever~SO it are required for any work within State right of way. Also, cross sections shall begin and end 100 ft BEYOND the proposed property limits and shall extend minimum 10 ft OUTSIDE of right of way. Please refer to page nos. 6 and 7 of the attached #It~fi)OUT" for detailing of the cross sections. Please note that the roquirononts noted in the "~UT" are HAHDATORY. Please show and label existing culverts crossing 1-15 in this area. Please show how you plan to tie the drainage system of this proposal to the existing drainage system at the sout~hwest corner. Please provide hydrology calculations for this improvement. I~T[: ~r ~&. 1989 . qiVE )iDE COLlilt.u 'PL rlrlirlG E)EM CnlErlC State Department of Ftsh A Game U.S. Postal Servtce- Ruth E. Devldoon U.S. Fish & ¥11dllfe Servtces County Superintendent of Schools Rancho California Water District Southern california Edison- Doug Dmvies Southern California Gas general Telephone Caltrmns #B City of Te~cul m Te~culm Union School Dist. Lake Elsinore Unified School Dist. Co~i ssioner Turner E&stern Municipml Wmter Dist. 'UCR - Archmeoloqicml Unit San Bernardino County Museum Con~unt ~ Plans ICONDITIONAL USE PERHIT 3076 FAST TRACK 038-89 - (TB 5) - E.A. 34639 - Den Atx~xl - Oack lanphore, lanphore Assochtes Architecture - Tloecula Area -Ftrst Supervtsortal Dtstrtct- II of Ynez Rd., N ot' Rancho California Rd. - C-P-S Zone - S.07 Acres - REQUEST: Auto dealership Including sales, servtce& administration - Mod 119 - A.P. 921-080-039 Please raylay the case described above, along vlth the attached case rap. A land Dtvtslon Comatttee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Omnuar~ 8, 1990 A publlc bearing his also been scheduled on Februmn( 14, 1990 vtth the P1annlnaCmmlsston. Your coBants and recomendattons are requested is soon is posstble tn order that we mY lnclude them in the stmff report for this particular case. Should 3mu hive aqy questions regarding tkls Ran, please do lot histtata to contact Gaff Adams it 787-6356. Planner The pllcCel Js located on the fosslliferous Pauba Formation. Construction excavation will Impact nonrenewable l)aleontolo91c re~3urces. The developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a sLte-specific l~ro9ram to miti9ate impacts 1o paleorrtologic resources. This pro9ram should include: (1) monitorin9 of excavation by 8 qualified paleontolo91c monitor; (2) preparation of ~l'~ered specimen~Gll~lJj~ir~ ~ediment processin9 for small vertebrate fossils; (3) (e) a ,ul~u, k u~ findings with curetim of specimens Into an estabZJs~ea reposl~ 1/?/90 4080 LEMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDF. CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787~181 Dr. Allan D. Grlesemer, Mum16~91~JA~l~-TREET, ROOM304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 %,' :DiOE COUrlL"Y i..anmn DEPA=ICITIEnC APPLICATION FOR LAND UIE AND DEVELOPMENT DATE: DECEMBER 18, 1989 D GHANGE CW ZONE NO. II~RMIT NO. D PARCEL MAP NO. D PLOT PLAN NO. D PUBLIC IJ~E PERMIT NO. O TRACT MAP NO. D TEMPORARY USE lIEWIT NO. D VARUU~'E NO. INCOMK.ETE APFIJGMIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. A. gd~U~kWT IfJF,DRIV'&TION D[.C 20 198~ RIVER.%IDE COUNt* PLANNING D£PAP. TUENT Milling A,Xlmss: Telel~).e No.: DJ~ RT,~)OC), 2380 FIRST b'~.. SIMI V7mT~Y. rA 93063 (8051 583-334 ~ ~, 1960 ~ ~. ~l~,~I'.'-'. 91709. (71~.. "~' 993-~1t ( ] ~ &~- S Gin.) 393 ~. X~, ~ 8&..~ ~~, ~ 92401 ( ~14 I 888-1222 ~&~-S~) NOTE :ff mo~ thin one pem(m il Wtn ~he ow~emhip M the Dro~erty berg developecl i levine ~ ~ ~ illlobed to this I~)licltion w~c:h ~ the nimel Ind &ck~reliei ol iii per10~ h~q In Intertit m the ownership B. FIIOJICT INFORMATION 1. PiJrpOee of IteClUeM (deeGrtb4 ~): (Ordiw ~48 rof. rio.) PROPOSED AUTOMOBILE D~.ALERSHIP INCLUDING SALES, ADMINISTRATION, & SERVICE. NONE ¢. PIIOF~RTY INFORMATION 1. ,~';,lDl'kPimeiNali). 921-080-039-6 PARCEL 4 26631 YNEZ ROAD, RANCRO CALIFORNIA B, I.e~lidlyC b4io~lltwi~iCIIlelldil~ ilMiohMmcmdldMtheO41i~dtheCmmlyRicon~r).ldlybe&W. AGI~-R~r FOR D. ATWOO]) i K. ANDREWS 12-18-89 40eO LEMON ~'REET. 9~ FLOOR 46-209 OASIS STREET. ROOM IIEQUIRED PROPERTY OWNERR NC)TIFI~,ATION INFORMATION IMJ~,,EL MAPS ZONE CHANGES CONDITION~ USE PERIdITS PUBLIC USE PERMITS WIND ENERGY CONV~R81C)N 1A30 K.OT PLANS r~quk~n~ Enviro,.mentl, ~1) VARIANCES ~M~RY U~ ~RMITS 1, TWO idenficll ~ to be inlefie~ in lille OV~" X l~Y~' fillhill e~n44Ol=~S.These M~ ~h~11M~clic~te the nufidwr Ihcl t~e won~ 'llbMi,"aKI she# (~Mlln ~e Io1~: I. C)nl tYPed let M guml1144 IM k~ting lll the ~ 0w/~Ml'alfi~el inCI the filliling IdchllllS ~t ire Khm i ~0C)~oM IICliul C4 ~le axle/tot M ~ ~ I=1Oklct ~ lilt Wtall I~ aacMtai~ecf from the last ·(3ullizec~ Y! !111 'KB.~! all.) c. One libel lot 1he II~r4 ~1~. el. Ofie libM lot Ihe ovmer. · . IK~ I,&ND DIVlIION CIIEI ONLY :An lye' x 11' NKluclion Cd Ihe lefititwe m~). 2. Four IY~ letl c4 GW libeis M Ihe iINMiclnt, ow~er,enWneer ,ind ~11=ttlentltM with thlir ml~ ~$.Do~ ilV:lucle clulMicite ~ where alx)licant end owner.etc.·re the lame .The~4 Ihoulcl be inserted in · lettMlizecl envelol)e ancl liepied to the ouf~de M one of the ll~e manill anyMabel mentioned in Itom 111x)ve. & Can#cation t)ythe tale c:offwiny.engineer,or mnwyor that the above lit isle and ~te.?~?~ msor i ~,ce MI nm mm a~ n~t~y the I~X4ny owner li~ W oemfic~tto~ form below). 4. C)n · -~..,G~ M yo~ exld~t o~ ton~tive mp ~4w ~ I~eis wtthm Gfeet. O~ the mip.l~nt the ~,met ol ·11DrC)~erty owners within ~C)O~et M they am listed on the W The Ibow timed iMMmitiofi my be o0toi~ecl by ~ · Was i~surBnc~ comDe~ny m the Rn~Oe County area PROPERTY OWNERI CERTIFIP, A TION I. ,,-/~.~: /-,'~-~./""~'~,- .oadeythat m . /2.-/-. ~ _ I~uent to am)l~atlon requirements fumteh~ by the Rivemibe County Plenning De~afimem. h~l ~ is a compete a~0 true I lUrth~'O~'lllythat the InlMmltlo~fillKI istme WKI C~fild to the I)M4 M my ImmsMcl~e; I uncle~ad thlt in~lct o~ lnoneous YrI~EII~--GIST~TIO~: NX)RESS: 393 #. ATHOL~ SUZTE 8 SAN B~RNARgZNO, CA 92401 (714)888-1222 12-18-89 ........ ~: ..... ~&CK. LAH~U'"'P~' ,-*.-AG,BM~-~'OR D. ATWOOD & K. ANDREWS ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM Pielie oomMMe Plrll I end IId tNI faire lnd provide Ifi M the IdditWf~ mltedldl mQUlied In Pitt IlL F~ikjre ~ ~ ~ my Iree to GG.-',,M:( the PIinnk~ D IEl it 1.~1M (714) 787,4418. PART I: ~lneml IMM. 1. MMJistheTol~JAJleOehwdwd? 5.07 ac:es # "Y~' ~dde ~ NumbM. AiO pmdde ~e En ~ .,~v.~ ANIIIn~K Nuff~w, I know~ mnd EA. NO. II Known), EIR NO. & Addltionli oommlMI )qDU lily Wilh I0 MMMy mOlnJ~ ymlr proMcL (Mild1 In IddltJoMI IMet I MMlllry.) PART ll: EnvllomnlMII hlll_timl~ehl II'No,' how kr must the wlW iin~) be emended Io IraMeN leMOe? ~ART #1: J)ddlliGdml M h k)lowine iieml muir be IubmllllKI wilh M Iorm: 1. &t liMt tltme ~t l)anommic l~c .. ~. AirphC~G~t~(XMOxOrlkld~WMlhelp~u~.~ltl pOrliO~ d h U.~ OiOPcFiI Suwey Quidfinal mlp. clelin- I Ol~y IhBl I IIIve k,,~. "~i~llid 1he W in M IInd HInd the ihewem m M W W to the belt of my LANPH~-RE ASSOC. ARCHZTECTUR]~ - AGF ...... '921-090-009-0 Tonsrid Prop · ,.M/T' P.O. Box 2159 Escondido, CA .92025 I-O80-05 !-6 · anted Cardiovascular Systems .' 26531 Ynez Road Teue~ula, CA 92390 92J-090-008-9 Rancho California Dairy no2 29400 Rancho California Ed. Rancho California, CA92390 92 !-090-007-6/92 i-090-006-7 -RIncho California Dev Coupnay H/T P.O. box 755 Temecula~ CA 92390 921-080-0~8,0~9-5 Rancho California Dev Company H/T P.O. Box 755 Temecula, CA 92390 921o090-007-8 Rancho California Dairy Assoc. H/T 29400 Rancho California Ed. Temecula, ~A 92390 910-130-005-9 Kaiser Devevlopuent Company M/T 3~70 lit Diablo Blvd, AJO0 Lafayette, CA 9&549 91 0- ! 30-008-2 hncho California Dev Coupany H/T &601 Sheridan St., Suite Hollywood, Florida, 33021 910-130-008-2 Rancho California Dev Company &0700 Winchester Road Temecula, CA 92390 910-130-022-~ Kaiser Development Company H/T 3~70 Ht Diablo Blvd, AIO0 Lafayette, CA 94549 910-130-023-5 Rancho California Dev Company H/T 4601 Sheridan St,.Suite 600 Hollywood, F1 33021 921-080-014-3 Racho California Dev Company H/T P.O. Box 755 Temecula, CA 92390 921-080-018-7 Rancho California Dev Company H/T P.O. Box 755 Temecula, CA 92390 921-080-039-6 Toyota Hotor Distributors Inc H/T 19001 South Western Avenue Torrance, CA 90509 921-080-0~0-6 Hission Chrysler Plymounth Inc H/T 298 N. Azusa Avenue WseC Covina, CA 91791 921-080-0~i-7 Tomsad Prop ~T c/o Terration Corporation '.0. Box 2159 ~.¢ondido, CA '92025 921-290-003-2 Rancho Mobile Home Estates H/T 23]2 W. Olive Avenue, see A Burbank, CA 91506 921-080-0~4-0 Coop, Donald ~., & Jennean -lit P.O. Box 123~ Temecula, CA 92390 FootHill Project Hanagement c/o Corrie Ka£es 156 East Hisbland Avenue, Sierra Hadre, CA 91024 921-290-002-1 Rancon Realty Fund Inc H/T 27720 Jefferson Avenue Temecula, CA 92390 Jack Lnaphere ~AssociaCes c/o Jack Lanphere 393 Wear Athol Street, see8 .San Bernardino, CA 92401 :IiVE:L iDE coun;Y --PLAI111i!1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: c,~ n, pr~s) ~ NUMbs): P-~I~ STANDARD EVALUATION F=A~' ~ o,~ ~ - :~/ ' L PROJECT INFORMATION B. TOTN. PROJECT ~:IE~ ACRES ~', 0"'/ : or 8Qt. L,4RE FEET E. PROPOSED ZONING: ~*--~.) IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? G. BECTK)N, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DES~RI~ OR ATTACH A LEGAL. DESCRIPTION: ~-- H. BRIEF bESCRIrlION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL ~'TTING OF THE PROJECT ~rE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS: COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAH OPEN 8PACE AND CONSE~A~ DESIGNATION Che~ the el:Gol~,;qJg ~s) below mcl I~,Gcae~ IX:,otdngly. AI or ~ of Ihe ixoJect elle b In '~ .~l:~cllic F'len~," "REMAP" (x "Ranc~ Villages Community Po~ Arees". Gomptet8 ."'e:t~=n8 m, Iv (B ~ C only), v md vt. ~ AI or litOf Ihe IXOject ell i~ in'Ame~ Not Deelgnal~ m Olin 8pete". C4mlXete ~ III. N (A. B .ncl D only). V md VI. I:] M or pill M the project ~ll hll m Open 8pime ind Conten, tt:=n (~ignW~ Mher ~h~n those men~ ~x~v~. CG,,,pI~Ia 9e:t~one II, N (A, B, Imcl E only), V and Vl. A. Indictits the nlture of the p..~.olld lind Ul, II d~!i..~ir Id Irom Ihi dl I G ~i)~ionlll~ound M ~,~ihlrlP-¢ ~ ~ ~ VL3 (C:kc~ One). Thili. Ic..,~ I~n il I~IGIIII~ylo d4M ,,~r~e Ihe qrr.uM~lfl lind uee lu#d)Ety min~ in Section IlI.B. bylhe~(.poP'm'. AJl,lfc,rincadfiOurelareoontaJnedlnlle~o,,G~_l'4nlh40enMlJPlin. ForinylelueW yes(Y)wdte B~fiionl/Cllll Iouroes, I oenc:ill consultS, findinol d bc~t lind Iny,,dfi~/~tiofi millurN undM SIctiofi V. AJBo, whl~ inc#c:ltecl, drde me Vp. Cd:)rla~ land u~e mfiabmty ornoM --csl:~ 'l:ty ming(8~ (See Cf_rd'dth:v~ at bollDin ofthl Hlard Zonel (Fig. V1.1) &_V1.12 & 1~ ~J(:;UZ ~ MA.F~.) NA PS U n (Fig. M/a) ., A · c D (F',o, NA 8 ~ U n (Fto. VI.4) ~ A B ¢ D (Fio, Vl.11) o d. k gZor.(RoVt. ) ..VtJT-Vt20) NA $ P8 U R (Fig. VLS) ~ A B ¢ D (F'lg, V1.11) 4-N 84opel(Riv. Co. OOO~d:ideSIOl)eMIpt) lS.J~,L OlherNoile 7_r4 (FBo. Vl.6) 8etimic Maps or On-die b~rs:tJon) t, LA, $ 1~3 U R ~ Hazard (On elle b lptGt~on) 8en~ soa Surveys) W~nd F. mo. Jon & '~k.. ~rd (FTg. VL1, _.~ O n:l. ,4GO, Sec. 142 & On:L 404) lO Dim IfN, n~tion Arel (Fio. W.7) Floodpb~ (F~ ~7) U FI (Fio. Via) In or N~rm Aodoultuml I~,_ier~o OmlblCt ~) Mk~BI ReBouroN (FIG M.41 -M.4~) · 18. 19. 21. 25. RESOURCE8 ~ A B ¢ D (Fig, M.11) Project Oe~:..at;d Noise Affecting NoM SenelUve Ueee (FJO. VI.11) NoM ~ ~ (F~O. Vl.11) WaW QuaJity IffN)acts From Project HIzardous IvlaledaJ8 and Wistes ~ Fire Am, (Irio. M.30 - VI.31) Hi~todc Reeouroel (IrlO. Vt.32 - I/I.33) (Fig. VI,32 * MJ3 & M.48 * M.48) ID~OOA~ ,dOG~C-' RmOuK~ Definition8/or Lind Ule 8ultlblllty and Noile Acceptlblllty IMUngs NA - NM~rMicfli · 8 - Gen4NIJly~l~l~la PS - Provisionlily ~ U - (3~nti~ Unsdllble R - Reltrk~d A - Genemly ~ B - Cond~ AooepU~ C - (3enm~ L~%rcclp~le D - L~nd U,e Dic~u,Ned 1. OPENSPN:~ANDCONSERVATIONM~DESlGNMK~8): ~ ~crt' P~-~I~,~~ PUBUC FACILmES AND ~,ERVICEB 14 .~. BiMd on Ihi k~ study, k Ihe p~ ~l V (xx-.::ilgnt ~lh Ihe Po~ Ind del~d~ of Ihe IpprcN~ document, lind II~.,~/O.l oOr I~ta~t ~ Ihl Oon~4hlrlkl GdM Plln? l no~ exp~: D. I1Mi M ;wt M.II~ pmJ~t Mi i M 'Ainu ~t ~ M Op~ 81~", ~d i m~ ~ a C~mm~lty PI~, ~mi~te 1. Lind tile C,110~) Mr, BBt~'~y tO lupport the pl~:Oled pn:)ject AMo ~ ilficl tie type (::~urmmnt Immd ~ ~) ~ k'N) elm bMed ~ e0dmeng ix~ncfil~nz,m. ~ ¢N~lif~ (x),).,~m ~'mk ear..) ~ I D.1 h Imm D2 d Ihe difllmnoe be tilOl~J I~ h ~810F~I ~? E~l~: ~. Im ~ p,'~oe-' c(,,,,rmdi:lm wllh exiting and ~c,.ommc~ mm'roundlno ~ ~? ?. ~ m IhM iMil ~ly, k I~ ~G;nefft ~ wilh I~ C~q~MW 6e~ml PI~? I ~k ,~if~ by ~ ~d iu~ N~tw ~ ~ id~tJfy~g in(x)nmiml~ncimm: t II Mi M IWt M I~ ~ ~ IIh ~ 0[~ ~ ~d O~Mn~km duig~tk~ w,,)IU: t~ k)aowtno: Billed on M Initial Itudy, Ii the p,,~.~-[ Go, 4Immst with the C,(N,~ohlnlive Oenerll Plan? # not, ..Mi. ~in~m by 8ectk)n end lllue Number lhoM V. INFORMATION IOURCF.~. IRNDING6 OF FACT AND MITIGATION M~RES A. ADDfT1ONAL NdFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL A,.~SSMENT GAN BE COMPLETED: DATE -DATE ADEOUACY 8ECTIONI 1884.JE NO. SOURCES. AGENCIES CONSULTED. FINDINGS OF FACT, MfTIGATION MEASURES: V. INFORMATION 80URGES, FINDING8 OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURF.~ (oontlnued) 188UE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: t/I. ENVIRONMENTAL IdPAGT DETERMINATION: The prc)je~ will not hnve & nig, dimnt ~ on the ern, i~t~,.,~.M nncl · Negittivo Dl~f iilc~ may be ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ 4df~'t Qn the envirofimefik I~v~n., Ibem ~11 ~ 13e · ~i~nircant The I)n:)Ject my hl~ · ~gfiit~nt eHIct on the environment ~ in Erwhc~h,,.nnlal ~ Report in ~ ~t~k~c.J. COLOR "r'o'-I"oT'A LEGEND M I co5101~1 TILE sw' ~ ~=. 20O Mission Red 103 CREAM BASE ]00 EXHIBIT NO. 5T UCCO/¢ M U s-r 721 Ru~et (Code 79, 76, 790, 28) 5TOEEFEONT PROPO.~E~ IrACILITY f~ TOYOTA ~1' R,41VCHO CALIFORNIA , I q i CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: MTG: DEPT: TITLE: RANCHO CALIFORNIA REIMBURSERENT DEI:'T HD. AGREERENT CITY ATTY _~ / CITY MGR~ RECORNERDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Reimbursement Agreement with Bedford Properties for improvements on Rancho Ca]ifornia Road. BACK6ROUND Bedford has proposed to widen Rancho California Road in four places between Ynez and Margarita. The City has been asked to attempt to levy a fee on currently vacant properties when they apply for discretionary planning approvals. This proposal would provide a fully improved road this year--instead of a piecemeal improvement as properties develop. FISCAL IMPACT No cost to the City, except for time spent in processing the Agreement. VETERANS DAY NOVEMBER 11 Temecula City Council Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 March 22, 1990 Attention: Joseph P. Hreha On behalf of the Veterans Day Parade Association, I would like to request that the City of Temecula permit the Association to have an annual Veterans Day Parade in your city. This parade is to be held on November 11th of each year. This year is the Associations 8th year of organizing a Veterans Day Parade. Previous years Parades were held in the City of Lake Elsinore. Each year the Veterans Day Parade has grown in the numbers of participants and spectators. Our continued growth requires an expanded parade route. We feel that the City of Temecula can provide the best accommodations for the parade. Upon your approval of this request, correspondence will be sent to the National Commanders of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. Our request will ask the Commanders to recommend the City of Temecula to the National Veterans Day Committee in Washington D.C. as 1 of only 15 regional sites across the United States. This designation would be our 3rd year as a regional site. Feel free to contact me for additional information. Sincerely, Ral'~Jackman, Jr. President Veterans Day Parade Association - P.O. Box 1344, Lake Elsinore, CA 92331-1344 RESOLUTION 90- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROPRIATING $50,000 FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL ON 1-15 OVER-CROSSINGS WHERFAsS, traffic congestion is a critical problem on the 1-15 over-crossings; and WHEREAS, an Ad Hoc Traffic Committee funded by local developers has demonstrated the effectiveness of manual traffic control on said over-crossings; and WHEREAS, permanent traffic signals have been funded and will be installed on these over-crossings in 1991; and WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Committee has recommended that the City continue manual control until traffic signals are in place; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to appropriate matching funds for this purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AS FOI JOWS: SECTION 1 $50,000 is hereby appropriated to law enforcement for traffic control. SECTION 2 Said funds are only to be used to match dollar-for-dollar funds contributed to the City for traffic control. SECTION 3 City Manager is hereby directed to file application with Cal Trans for an Encroachment Permit to provide traffic enforcement on Winchester and Rancho California over-crossings. SECTION 4 City Manager is hereby authorized to recruit and hire necessary personnel to carry out this project. SECTION The Ad Hoc Traffic Committee is hereby requested to continue to work on this project by soliciting funds and assisting the City manager in the coordination and supervision of this project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 1990. ATrEST: Ron Parks Mayor Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] Resolution No. 90-30 Page 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 27th day of March, 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Munoz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek Deputy City Clerk 03\22\90 12:33pm sff/AGD12345 CITY OF TEHECUL~ AGENDA REPORT FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE: SUB~'ECT: RECOD~!~ENDATION: 1. CITY COUNCILMEMBERS, CITY OF TEMECULA FRANK D. ALESHIRE, INTERIM CITY MANAGER SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY MARCH 14, 1990 MARCH 20, 1990 CITY CONSIDERATION OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT CFD NO. 88-3 That the Council approve the resolution entitled: "ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CERTAIN JOINT FINANCING AGREEMENTS BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT" That the Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the following Agreements: (1) "JOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP", and (2) "JOINT FFINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP." suject to deletion of funding for Rancho Vista Road and Kaiser Parkway from the first Agreement. DISCUSSION: This staff report accompanies the City's Resolution approving the following two documents regarding -1- sff/AGD12345 the Rancho California Water District CFD No. 88-3: 1) the Joint Financing and Construction Agreement among Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District, the County of Riverside, the City of Temecula and Tayco, a California Partnership; and 2) the Joint Financing and Acquisition Agreement among Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District, the County of Riverside, the City of Temecula, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Tayco, a California Partnership. These documents are before you for your adoption and approval. For the reasons discussed below we recommend that the City agree to the Community Facilities District financing portions of Rancho California and Butterfield Stage Road, which are major arterials within the City. We recommend against financing portions of Rancho Vista and Kaiser Parkway, because they are not arterial roads. In reviewing these documents and negotiating with bond counsel, we have attempted to obtain the best possible "deal" for the City within the constraints imposed by time and positions negotiated previously by the County. The Water District, the developer and the County attorneys have been most responsive and helpful. · Tayco (Costain Homes) is the developer of Vintage Hills, part of Margarita Village. That development is governed by the Margarita Village Specific Plan and Development Agreement No. 5. The specific plan and the conditions of approval for the tracts within Vintage Hills require that the developer do the following: (1) grade and construct Butterfield Stage Road between Rancho Vista Road and Pauba Road; 2) grade Rancho Vista Road from the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 of the project east to Butterfield Stage Road; (3) grade and construct Kaiser Parkway from the intersection of Rancho Vista Road South to Pauba Road; and (4) grade the southerly half of Rancho California Road from the westerly tract boundary of Parcel 1 to Butterfield Stage Road (collectively called the "Street Improvements"). The developer has agreed to build portions of arterial roads in exchange for other benefits granted by the County in the specific plan and Development Agreement No. 5. These roads would be graded and constructed to the specifications in the Specific Plan and to County standards referenced in the conditions of approval. Rancho California Road and Butterfield Stage Road are defined as arterial roads in the specific plan, while Kaiser Parkway and Rancho Vista are defined as secondary roads (although the developer considers Rancho Vista to be a major road). In addition, County -2- sff/AGD12345 ordinances require the developer to stripe and sign completed roads and to pay traffic signal mitigation fees to the County. The Rancho California Water District (the "Water District#) is proceeding with a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (#CFD#) to finance certain water and school district facilities by levying a special tax on undeveloped property and sell bonds secured on the special tax and the property. At the request of the developer, the Water District included the financing of roads and certain local drainage facilities, which the developer otherwise would be required to build with his own funds as a condition of project approval. There is no requirement of any kind that public financing be used for these roads or drainage facilities. The major issue before the City is the financing of roads pursuant to the Joint Financing Agreement among CFD No. 88- 3, the County, the City and the Developer. The City is being asked to approve the financing of these roads by the Water District although the City is in no way pledging any of its funds. In addition, the City is being asked to accept the roads into the City system when completed to its satisfaction. For example, the city would not accept a road which had not been paved to its standards, striped and signed. The developer must maintain the roads until they are accepted into the City system. The agreements contain a provision which recognizes that City road responsibilities currently are performed by the County by statute and may be performed by the County by contract as of July 1, 1990. It further provides that any traffic signal mitigation fees must be paid directly to the City rather than the County. The City has no obligation to approve these agreements and the developer is required to build the roads even without public financing. While the roads probably will be built sooner as bond proceeds will be available immediately for their grading and construction, the City will have "used up" a portion of its available bonding capacity, which capacity would otherwise be available for City projects (such as the completion of roads graded by this CFD). In other words, the property within Margarita Village within Vintage Hills will be subject to a special tax lien for these improvements. There is a limit on the amount of such debt which residential property can bear. Allowing the financing of roads the developer must build anyway therefore raises a significant policy decision. -3- sff/AGD12345 In general, cities do not use their tax-exempt financing power to build non-arterial roads, such as Kaiser Parkway and Rancho Vista. Instead, they reserve the use of such power for arterial roads which benefit the City rather than just one development or to create inducements for developers. In fact, the policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors last May 2, 1989 provides as follows: "The County encourages the development of commercial or industrial property. The Board of Supervisors will consider the use of community facilities districts (hereinafter "CFDs") or special benefit assessments districts (hereinafter "Assessment Districts") as well as other financing methods to assist these types of development. Where, in the County's opinion, the public facilities of a residential development represents a significant public benefit, this type or other appropriate types of public financing will also be considered. While recognizing that public facilities proposed to be financed must meet a public need and must benefit properties within the proposed development project, public benefit implies that a significant benefit will also result to the community at large. An example of significant public benefit is a public facility having reqional impact such as an all-weather bridqe, a freeway overpass, a regional water or wastewater treatment plant. etc. Significant public benefit can also take the form of affordable housing through reduced housing costs. etc." Based upon this definition of "significant public benefit", while we can recommend allowing such financing of Rancho California and Butterfield Stage Road, we cannot recommend that such financing should be used for the non-arterial roads like Kaiser Parkway and Rancho Vista. Nonetheless, the Council may choose to agree to financing of these two roads as well, on the basis that it is carrying out a deal passed on by the County. The Joint Financing Agreement for the local drainage facilities raises a different issue. The local drainage facilities included are a concrete storm drain pipe in Butterfield Stage Road between Rancho California and Rancho Vista Road. We have stated to the Water District counsel -4- sff/AGD12345 that we will be responsible for local drainage facilities but that in no way will the City contribute at this time to regional facilities, which should be constructed and maintained by or for the Flood Control District. The Acquisition Agreement provides that subject to the procedures set out there and in the Joint Financing Agreement, the City would accept the Street Improvements and local drainage facilities when completed to its satisfaction and would be responsible for their maintenance. Finally, the Resolution provides that the Council finds that approval of these documents benefits the community. Such a finding is required under the Mello-Roos Act. -5- sff/RES18395 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CERTAIN JOINT FINANCING AGREEMENTS BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULAAND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rancho California Water District (the #Board#) has commenced proceedings for the formation of Community Facilities District No. 88-3 of the Rancho California Water District ("Community Facilities District No. 88-3") pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, Sections 53311 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Act") by its adoption of Resolution No. 89-7-6 on July 7, 1989; and WHEREAS, by adoption of Resolution No. 89-9-1 on September 8, 1989, the Board established Community Facilities District No. 88-3, authorized the levy of a special tax within Community Facilities District No. 88-3 and determined the necessity to incur bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $8,500,000 in accordance with the notice and hearing requirements of the Act; and WHEREAS, Tayco, a California General Partnership, is the sole owner of land (the "Property") located in Community Facilities District No. 88-3 and the development plan for the Property requires the construction of certain road and local drainage, to be owned and operated by the City of Temecula (the "City"); and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Board acting as the legislative body of Community Facilities District No. 88-3, enter into the following agreements with the City entitled: uJOINT FINANCING AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIPu, and sff/RES18395 "JOINT FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION AGREEMENT AMONG COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-3 OF THE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TAYCO, A CALIFORNIA PARTNERSHIP." WHEREAS, the proposed Joint Financing and Acquisition Agreements attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A# and #B", and incorporated by this reference herein has been prepared by counsel for the Board of Directors of District and reviewed by Counsel for all parties; WHEREAS, the City Council now has reviewed the proposed Agreements pursuant to Government Code Section 53316.2 and finds that approval of the Agreements is beneficial to the residents of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Temecula; SECTION 1. The Agreements attached as Exhibit A and B is hereby approved in substantially the form presented. SECTION 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Agreements and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1990. day of RON PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: CDBG PRO,]ECT - OLD TOHN DEPT HD mE: 03/27/90 CITY ATTY ;::~,,,~. DEPT: CM CITY MGR RECOIlMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the report from Old Town Temecula requesting CDBG Funds. BACKGROUND The City will receive Federal Block Grant Funds in 1990-91. Those funds may be spent by the City to benefit low income areas which meet federal criteria. This year, the County administers the Block Grant Funds. The County has appro- priated funds for Sam Hicks Park as a cooperative project with the City. The Old Town Temecula District applied to the County for funding, but was turned down. The District is now asking the City to allocate funds. The proposed project is to install wheelchair ramps at intersections on Front Street. The estimated cost is $24,000. At this time, the City has no funds budgeted for capital improvements. It is suggested that action on this project be deferred until next year's CDBG project hearings are scheduled. It is also suggested that a Master Plan for Old Town be adopted before any capital projects are approved. 1\O.Rpt\052790.028 -1- 0~/22/~0 1:47pm WILLIAM D. PERRY ARCH ITECT 28645 FRONT ST. TEMECULA, CA 92390 March 19, 1990 Frank Aleshire City of Temecula, Manager P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA. 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshire, Per our conversation on Thursday March 15, 1990, it is vitally important that I am scheduled for the next City Council meeting due to Community Block Grant Funding deadlines. The application to C.B.G. includes the request for: 1) Handicap and wheelchair ramps in the Old Town district. 2) Designated tour bus stops. 3) Cross walk stripes at all Front Street crossings. 4) Bike path indicators for a historical loop drive. 5) Improved night lighting through existing and new light poles. 6) Street furniture: a) bike racks b) benches c) planters The Old Town Temecula District is of upmost importance to the Old Town Temecula Merchants Association, area business and the community at large. It is more than a shopping district, it is a community gathering place. A letter confirming my participation in this project will follow from the Old Town Merchants Association. This letter will also outline my responsibilities as the Block Grant Chairperson and spokesperson. As you review the merit of this proposal keep in mind that the California State Office of Tourism has defined that for every one dollar spent that three to seven dollars are generated ba,ck. This is an investment in our City of Temecula. Please call me to confirm my placement on the next agenda. Sincerely, WB~ol~lc~a~Pe r rY Chairperson "X"filMENSION 5'FO~ O"CU~O F~C~,' 4'FOR e" ~U~O FACE I TYPICAL SECTION 'A~ .~,~.~_ m'#,# ' I' ,' M~N .......... . ~0?0~,~ ,, ~, ~l i [ t [ II ~¢OLO ~OINT NOTE.' 8 - 77 ·- 88 6 - 82 ' COUNTY Ofr RIVERSIDE ACCESS RAMP FOR ALL INTERSECTIONS STANDARD NO. 40:5 OoO 0o0 0o0 Temecula Historic District TEMECULA IIIII CDBG ELIGIBLE AREA ~ rl H % % \u .% ~£LEZ PL PROPOSAL-NUMBER Date Receiged ENTITLEMENT FUNDS PROJECT PROPOSAL COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) GENERAL INFORMATION: Name or Primary Activity Sponsor: Address: P.O. Box 488 Temecula. CA Telephone Number: (714) 694-1989 Contact Person: Frank Aleshire Address (If different from above): City of Temecula Zip Code: 92390 (714) 694-1999 (Fax) Title: City Manager II PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (check applicable category) ~Real Property Acquisition Public Service Housing Capital Equipment Rehabilitation/Preservation (please provide picture of structure) ~Planning/Studies X Public Facilities Improvements (construction) Other: explain Name or Project: Old Town Handicapped Ramps Location of Project: Various (See below) Provide a detailed description of the proposed project by describing precisely what is to be accomplished with the requested funds. 1. Provide a detailed description in quarttillable terms: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Engineering and construction of handicapped access ramps at the following locations: Phase 1 - Front Street from 1st Street northerly to 6th Street (28 total ramps) Phase 2 - Mercedes Street from 2nd Street northerly to 6th Street (24 total ramps) -1 - Explain how the project appropriately addresses the identified needs of the area to be served. Identify the needs; and explain how these needs were identified (ie study, survey, etc.)(attach additional sheets if necessary) The project will increase pedestrian circulation in Old Town: Provide increased accessibility for handicapped persons in need. Community meetings and one on one contact with principals determined what the problems and or poten- tial solutions Identify the census tracts served by the proposed project. (If countywide benefit, so indicate) (Attach additional sheets if necessary) CT 432 ED 713 -2- e If this is a public service activity: (A) Is this a new service provided by your agency? Yes .... NO X (B) If service is not new, will the proposed activity substantially increase the existing level of service? Explain how the service will be substantially increased. (attach additional sheets if necessary) Oiscuss the project's effect on low and moderate income residents, identifiable groups and neighborhoods, highlighting the expected benefits to the residents: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Primary effect would be the increased accessibility and use in "old town" Temecula by handicapped persons. -3- III 6. Attach maps of proposed project's location and service area. PROJECT BENEFIT: To be eligible for CDBG funding, a project must qualify within one of the three following categories. Indicate how the activity meets the following categories of benefits. Indicate the source of the information provided. CATEGORY 1. PRIMARY BENEFIT TO LOW AND MODERATE INCOME PERSONS. Number of all persons to be served by this project 458 (1980) 2,000 (1989 Number and percent of low and moderate income households to be served by this project ............... # 174 ~ 62.9 (Low and moderate income households less than $14,550 annual income). Source U.S. Census Median Household Income of area to be served: ...... $10,000 Number and percentage of elderly (60 yrs. +) to be served by this project: .................................... # 61 ................................................. ~ 14 Source U.S. Census Number and percentage of minorities to be served by this project: ......................................... # 40 Source U.S. Census CATEGORY 2. PREVENTION OF ELIMINATION OF SLUMS AND BLIGHT: Provide Documentation: On file at the RDA Office Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area: Yes Source: Riverside County Redevelopment Agency CATEGORY 3. DOCUMENTED HEALTH OR SAFETY CONDITION OF PARTICULAR URGENCY: Provide Documentation: Source: -4- IV FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Complete the following annual budget to begin on July 1, of this year. If multi-year funding is requested, attach a budget for each additional year. If these line items are not applicable to your activity, please attach an appropriate budget. BUDGET Planning/Studies $ ~) Architectural Engineering Design $ Real Property Acquisition $ (~) CDBG FUNDS Construction/Rehabilitation Capital Equipment Administration Identify: (Salaries, Fringes, (Operating Expense, Contingency Other Specify: $ <') *OTHER FUNDS $ $ 0 $ $ $ 0 $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Costs $ $ $ TOTAL CDBG FUNDS REQUESTED $ *B. Identify other funding sources; identify commitments or applications for funds from other sources to implement this activity. Attach evidence of commitment. Type of Funding Source Amount of Funds Available Date Available Commitment City of Temecula (Road/Gas Tax) 09/90 Verbal -5- Co Yes~ D. If this project benefits citizens of more than one community or local jurisdictions have requests been made to those other jurisdictions: No. X If yes, identify sources and indicate outcome Has this project previously funded with CDBG funds? If yes, when. Is this activity a continuation of a previously funded (CDBG) project? (Explain) Engineering activities conducted in 1989/90 Fiscal Year. V MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: Ae Describe the organization responsible for managing and operating the project, discuss previous similar experience, list sources, and commitment of funds for operation and maintenance. If non-profit corporation, please provide a list of your Board of Directors, as well as your Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. (Provide Management Information as an attachment). By name, identify project manager, or person in charge of the pro~ect's day to day operations. B. Timetable for Project Implementation. Indicate primary project milestones: (You may attach on separate sheet) MILESTONE START DATE COMPLETION DATE Complete Bid Documents 09/90 11/go Bidding Process 12/90 02/91 Begin Construction 03/91 Complete Construction 06/91 C. If you have never received CDBG funding from Riverside County, provide evidence of any previous experience with other Federally funded programs. Amount Funds Funds Source Activity Year Received Expended -6- VI CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Every project proposal must contain evidence of citizen participation and support for the proposal. That evidence must include documentation of at least one community meeting this year at which the specific project was discussed and opportunity given for citizen input. Indicate below the methods used to obtain citizen involvement and attach appropriate documentation. Minutes of Meeting: Press Release: Attendance Reports: Petitions: Advertisement: Flyers: Community Ci ti zen Participation Meeting Endorsement Letters: VII PLANNING: X Other: A. Identify the most applicable adopted plans or strategies which the proposed project will help implement: Riverside County General Plan - Circulation Element CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that: The information contained in the project proposal is complete and accurate. The sponsor shall comply with all Federal and County policies and requirements affecting the CDBG program. The federal assistance made available through the CDBG program funding is not being utilized to substantially reduce the prior levels of local financial support for community development activities. The sponsor shall maintain and operate the facility for its approved use throughout its economic life. o Sufficient funds are available to complete the project as described, if CDBG funds are approved. Frank Aleshire, City Manager Type Name and Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative JRT:nch (0494U) -7- Date CITY OF TEMECUIA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT MTG: DEPT: TITLE: DP.. PT HD. 03-:].3-90 CLUB V.&I-~-NCIA APARTMENTS CT~Z A~lvl'Y CM TRACT # 23304 c~ ~GR ~ At the Council meeting January 23, 1990 a petition was filed requesting the Council to hold hearings to disapprove additional apartments in the Moraga-Rancho California area. The situation is this: On May 10, 1988 the County approved a Vesting Tentative Map for a one lot, 344-unit condo/apartment project called Club Valencia. The development plan was approved as Exhibit 'A." No plot plan approval is required. The project was sold to IDM Corporation recenfiy and grading permits were pulled. The 21-acre site is now being graded and building permits will be applied for. The owner has filed the Final Map with the County and indicates that aH conditions of Tentative Map have been met. The City Council will soon be asked to approve the Final Map. In accordance with the City Attorney memo of March 2, 1990 it appears the City Council has no discretion since the Tentative Map was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 10, 1988. Mr. William Coghlen, IDM Development representative, (213) 498-0141, will be at the March 13th Council Meeting to answer questions. Others f~miliar with the project are: Richard Machott, County of Riverside Planning (714) 275-3299. Nancy at Rick Engineering (714) 782-0707. Ronni Crossland, representative of petitioners, has been notified and may wish to address the Enci: Petition C/ty Attorney memo March 2, 1990. l~C:Mpt\031390.0~3 -1- dd ss · PETITION REGARDING: HEARING AND DISAPPROVAL OF RANCHO VALENCIA APARTMENTS WHEREAS, there is currently undeveloped land on the north side of Rancho California Road, east of Moraga Road between Woodcreek Apartments and "The Villages" WHEREAS, there is evidence that s;l{d land is intended for more apartments; and WItEREAS, this project falls within a one square mile area which houses three apartment complexes totaling 784 units namely Woodcreek Apartments at 42200 Moraga Road, Morning Ridge Apartments at 30660 Milky Way Drive and Margarita Su~mit Apartments at 42200 Margarita Road; and WHEREAS, the current plans for this project, Rancho Valencia Apartments, an IDM l)~velopment, are to build 344 units bringing the total number of apartment units to 1,128; and WHEREAS, additional apartments would negatively impact an already existing traffic problem; and · WHEREAS, we believe that apartments often attract transients and crime including drug related activities; and WHEREAS, we believe that there already exists more than enough high density res idences; THEREFORE, the undersigned citizens of Temecula, residing within one mile of the proposed apartment complex request that the City Counsel hold immediate hearings on this project and DISAPPROVE additional apartments at that location. Signature SiEnalure Print Name Address ?~Name [ ~: {nt Nellie ?tint Print Name Print Name Address Address Address Address Signature Print Name Address Signature Print Name Address gnature Print Name Address Signature Print Name Address '~.,~ ~' , ~ ; '~,' , ,. ,(. ,, ',,.al~,,.-.~. ;., '.~'.(.~,?. ~.:~ j/: . ~' ~ ~ .~'?.~ ,~ .;~ .~.'y~: ~' .~: ~.. .,, ..'~?~:~/~..,~I'1~ I)li i !~l~l~l ! I ,A ,.'~,., ..,.~-~i~'.,,/~. ,, .., , ' .'. ~':,~ · :-:" . ' .~,~?:,' ~ .; i'.: ~.~e .....'~"~.~1~'~}~'~ t;.; ~ wis~ to spea~ on ~geRoa ~en No;~' ,.~,'.,,.?.~.~ · ._ . %,.~ ~ - ~ , v,. ,~ '~.~: :.- i[~. ~ ~., ~ .,. ' ' : '" ~Y~ I --- ,~.. ' ~ ~ - ~' ~&%~ .:'~-~,t';~~' 6'. - · ~ .~. ,.~,.~ , ,, ~;- -~. , ' ' ~.~'~~~'~~;~-"?r~': .... ~ ....... ' ~, ....... :, .:4~~ ? - " ' ~-"~ ~~ ~"~ ?'". "~': -- ' ~'" ~he ~a~o~o~~LdLng'o~Lce~ ~L~I call you~ na~e ~hen ~he ~a~e~'co~es ,U~;~.~/:);~i 'Lease,.'., o~:,to~the]~pod~'and s~a~e vou~ na~e and address ~ '~--~a · f: ~u?a,~AePresen~ing an organization or group, please aive the n~e: ' "' '? ~'~..~~;:;~ .... ~. · ~'~'~t'" ~'.~. ~'~i,~'.~;' ,' ' ,", March 2, ~990 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Re: APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAPS Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: The purpose of this letter is to explain the City Council's authority in the approval of final tract maps. As a matter of background, the first step necessary in order to subdivide property is for the owner to file a tentative map application. Depending on local procedure, the tentative map is approved by either the Planning Commission or the City Council, subject to conditions setting forth the requirements to which the owner must conform in developing the property. These conditions may address such matters as street, bicycle path and transit facility dedications, solar access easements, parkland dedication, school dedication, drainage and sewer facilities, fees for bridges and major thoroughfares, fees for ground-water recharge, and various other public and off- site improvements. The next step after approval of the tentative map is approval of the final map. Approval of the final map creates the legal lots of the subdivision. Prior to the approval of a final map, all tentative map conditions must be complied with, either through constructing the improvements, or entering into an improvement agreement with the City. The City must approve the final map if the subdivider has substantially complied wi~h the terms and Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 2, 1990 Page 2 conditions attached to the tentative map approval. The City Engineer or County Surveyor determines whether there is substantial compliance with the tentative map by executing a certificate stating: that the subdivision is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map, tha~ all Subdivision Map Act provisions and local ordinances applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with, and that the map is technically correct. Once the Engineer or Surveyor executes the final map certificate, formal approval of the final map is a ministerial act, and the City Council has no discretion to disapprove the final map in the absence of fraud. In one court case, the Court stated that the City Council is not to make the technical determination on whether =he requirements and conditions of the tentative map have been satisfied, and that the submission of the final map does not authorize the City Council to redetermine matters that are primarily technical in nature. Rather, the purpose of submitting the final map to the city Council is to ensure that the Council and the public remain informed about development in the City's jurisdiction. (Great Western Savings & Loan ~ociation v. City of Los Angeles (1973) 31 Cal.App.3d 403, These same rules generally apply in the case.of newly incorporated cities. The recently adopted statute appearing at Government Code § 66413.5 applies to any new city with an effective incorporation date on or after January 1, 1989. In such new cities, final maps that meet the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the County Subdivision Ordinance, and that substantially comply with the applicable tentative map must be approved by the Council. However, a newly ~ncorporated city may condition or deny final map approval when a failure to do so would create a "dangerous health and safety" condition, or when the condition or denial is required to comply with State or Federal law. It should be noted that a dangerous ~ealth and safety condition is a very narrow exception and the Council would need to make a specific finding as to the danger that would result in approval of the final map. Finally, it should be noted that Section 66413.5 applies only if the developer'~ tentative map application was submitted to the County before the first signature was Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 2, 1990 Page 3 placed on the incorporation petition, and the County approved the tentatiYe map before the incorporation election. In the case of Temecula, the incorporation election was November 7, 1989. We are still determining the date of the firs= signature on the incorporation petition, but we believe it was in the Spring of 1988. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions. Sincerely, Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA sf f/LTR15002: bj j cc: F. D. Aleshire, City Manager FOUNTAIN Tta~,&a. T~lr. la-. CANOPY CLUB VALENCIA D.A,H C klO CA, LIFOI~NI& APPLICA, KIT'. TlaE. PLIAII~. COFtP~NY ~r~o I~O~T)~ go.M). 5UtT ZO5 CHUL/~ VISTA C~.. gZOIO r,,~ '~ /,t.7~ . oo ~'~ POE PAg. E~.: O..OO I'~YF..D_.~ -&a,A,l'q,E PI.K:~t4E/AJ3DI2E~5 /V~E'~Og.'~ P/k~.C~L NO. g21-$70-OOt $UB.q~TT~ TO THE BOARD OF ~JPERVI6ORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FROM: THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL DATE: - ~ - ' u SUBJECT: TRACT NO. 23304 Th. Ph,~i'i ¢~,,~any First S pervisorial District - Rancho California Are~ - 20.95 Acres - 344 Units - Schedule A - R-3 Zoning RECOMMENDED MOTION: 6N: sc~ 4/14/88 RECEIVE ANO FILE the above mentioned case acted on by the Planning Cmnisston on Apr11 13, 1988. THE PLANNING COI~IISSION: ADOPTED the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32327 based on the findings incorporated tn the environmental assessment and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and APPROVED TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23304 subject to the attached conditions and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Comission minutes dated April 13, 1988. Ro(J'er S. Streeter: Planni~Oire?~ Del)tS. Comments Dist. AGENDA NC FO~M 11A RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING C(PlqlSSION PIlllUTES APRIL 13, 1988 (AGENDA ITEH 4-1 - REEL 980 - SIDE I - 1393-1544) VESTING TRACT RAP 23304 - EA 32327 - The Phatr Cocoany - Rancho collfo~nta Ar~ -Ftrst Suporvtsortal Dtstrtct- ~orth of Rancho ~11fo~a IM, e, st of I~reoa Rd - ~l Untt Ce'nd~ntum I~oJect on 20.9S~ acres - R-3 Zone. Sched A lhe heartrig ds oponmd mt 11:40 a.m. rand closed at 11:M a,u, STAFF RECCI~I, OAT~ON: Mo~tfon of the eeg~ttve dnclantton for EA 323Z7 and ipprov11 of Vesttrig Tentative Tract Z3304 subject to the proposed cmdlttons. Tim tract mp ds a resubmittel of e previously approved trice, and hid been suhe~tted tn order to gltn vesting stitus. Staff felt the proposal vould be cc~pettble vtth the su~reundtng Irel, vhtch tncluded stngle flatly and ~ulttple fimtly residences. offtces. schools, and churches. ~r. Nell noted t'J)lt the ftscal tmplct report hid Indicated the pro,tact vould hive enegattve l~q)act on the County of S91,369 durtng butld out and $85.648 annually there- &ftero hesed on I selltrig price of S58.571 ~er ontt. Rodney ~eyers. representing the applicant. accepted the conditions as presented. Coatsstoner Purrlance wanted to knov hov the County vould be comensited for the megarty· ftscal lmpects under the vesttng tract mp procedure. Mr. Klotz edvtsed there were no spectal conditions applicable only to vesttrig tone·tire · lpSo The Board wes currently considering the countyvide ~evelownt Mitiga- tion Fees, but no dectston hid been mde is yet. ~hen commissioner PurYtance asked about the posstble use of general obligation bonds. Mr. K1otz &dvtsed this o~tton hid been considered by the ~dmtntstratton 0fftce tn thetr racomended fee proposal. They hid trted to fatfly apportion the cost of new capteal facilities be~een extsttng and nay residents. Comndsstone~onahoe asked vhether these fees would apply to approved vesttng tentative nips. M~. Klotz could not answer th~s question, s~nce the f~nal structure of thts program had not as yet been datemined. conntsstoner kedltng felt the comtsston ~eeded general guidelines before discussing financial t~pactso because every project could not Posstbly Pay for ttself. Tke Cantssion nNded Infohutton on · regtwl b, sts. tn o~der to balance ~stttve and ~tgattve projects. She dtd not thtnktt v~s Posstble to tenline the full financtll tBpect vtthout thts type of ragtoni1 tnfoNtton. Nr. Clotz idylsad thts uis pert of the process for the proposed Count)Ylde fees, is ~elr~ of the propose1 ms ~ use an everaging process. comtsstoner I ragtonal bists tither than count3Mtde; thts should be done kldltng she vBs p~rttculirly concerned about areas vhtch Mght tncorporite ·s thts could destro~ the billrice tn that Particular ragton. Hr. Streeter agreed. and Idvtsed the Pllnntng De~nt ms trying to prep·re the first annual grcvth report for the Board. he felt tt ms very necesslry to loo~ at the overall ptcture, and questioned the value ~ these tedtvtdual ftsc~l twact r~ort although he felt they mr· needed thts the. Cmmlssloner Bresso~ asked ~hether a~y esttmted ftgures w~ available ~a~t~ ~ v~tt~ mp fNs for ~ts t~ of p~JKt. ~. ~o~ advtsed ~ p~~ ~e f~ for ~ ~s~m ~t~ of ~e ~nt~ ~s app~xtm~ly 1S IIVEISID£ COUIfi'Y PLANNING C(X~ISSION 8INU~S 600 ~er ontto although he dtd ~ knw Vhother there vould he I~y rnductton r Iplrtments or condomtntUlSo reslx)nded to Cmntsstoner Beedltng's concerns b~ idvtstng that to · wr~ 1titted extent, se~lrattng the eastern from_ the astern ~ortton of the County, there hid been in ·teaapt to segregate Wltal f&ctllttes Meds. Cowlsstoner aresson asked vhother any alloylace hid been ·de for vesttag mp fees dmfi prelmrtng the ftsc~l analysts report. ~eff Phitr, the ·Dpltcant, &dvtsed they dtd not kno~ the mount of the fee but mr· vt111nq to eccopt Mount estlbltshed. The current pr~osel ms $2600 per untt, vhtch auld the fee ·pp~oxtmtely S9000000 fo~ thts I~OJeCt. Fir. Phetr could not edvtse vhether or not thts mount hid been tncluded tn the ft$cal analysts, Is they hid Just ~ecetved thetr copy that mo~ntng Ind hid not hid in o~ortuntty to · evtev tt, They mr· paytag ·pproxtmtely $1.4 ntllton tn dtrect fees for vie·re severe folds, etCo ?he heartrig ms closed at ll:S4 a.m. Con~Isstoner aressen edvtsed the project slte ms located tn a fist gro~tnq Itel, Bad severe1 tndustrtal/cmmerctal centers mr· hetng proposed vhtch muld haY· a beneficial effect on the economy. In hts o~tnton, the oYerall ire, h~d to be considered vhen reviewing residential proposals. FINDINGS AND CGNC~USIONS: Vesttag Tentative Tract HID 23304 ts a request to develop Z0.95 acres Is · one lot· 344 untt statutory condofitntu~ project; thts vesttag mp ts a resub~tttal of Tract 21608 (approved by the Board of Super- vtso~s October 28, 1986)a the project stte ts currently vac&nt& surrounding land uses tnclude stag1· flatly and m~ttple famtly rostdences, offtces, schools. and churchesa the project stte ts zoned R-3a surrounding zontng tncludes numerous residential zones, A-2-ZO and C-1/C-P& the project stte locited vtthtn the Pancho C~11fo~nta Suhiroi of the Southvest Terrttor~ Land Use Pl&nnlng Areal Genere~ Plan poltctes cid1 for C~tego~ I and II deve~op- l~nt; · fiscal analysts vis prepared for this project Bad hid been revte~d by the Administrative fifftce; and environ·nell concer~s tncluded #ount btologtcalo and nots· tN~cts. The proposed ~roJect ts consistent ~th the Comprehensive General Plan; c(nlxlttble vlth ifil develolxwnt& and eavtronmentJ1 concerns can he adequately Iddressed. The p~oposed prO~ect not h~v· · stgntfic&nt effect en the onvtroment. I~OT~ON: Upon melon by Camtsstener aresson, seconded by Comtsstone~ kidllng end duly c&rrted, the Camlsston ·dopted the nagarty· declaration for EA 3Z327 ·rid &pproved Vesttag Tentlely· HIp ~3304 subject to the proposed conditions, bued on the ·boy· fledtags ·rid centlust·ns ·rid the recomenda- ttw of stiff. 16 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COIqPiI$SION PIINUTES APRIL 13, 1988 AYES: Caratsstoners B~'esson, Sfgttb, Bemdltng end I)ofmhoe Con~sstofier Perv~ance (Could not support i tflct mp Mth m lm~9e negative ftscal tq)mct until tnformmtton ms available to show m billrice on a regional basts) 17 Zontng Area: Rancho California $upervtsorta] District: First E. A. Number: 32327 Ragtonal Team No. I VES111 TEITATZVE lZACT Z3304 Plannlng Commission: 4-13-88 Agenda %tern No.: 4-1 C~ Applicant: Eegtneer: Type of Request: Location: 5. £xtsttng Zonlng: 6. Surrounding Zontng: 7. Existtrig Land Use: 8. Surrounding Land Uses: 9. Comprehensive General Plan Elements: 10. Land 01vtston Data: 11. Agency Recon~nendattons: 12. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: The Phatr Company The Phatr Company 344 untt condominium pro;lect Northerly of Rancho California Road and easterly of ~ioraga Road R-3 Vartety of residential zones, A-2-20 and C-1/C-P Vacant Stngle ¢emtly residential, multiple famtly residential, a school, churches and a horse farm Land Use: Category I Denstry: 8 - 20 dwelltrig untts per acre Total Acreage: 20.95 Total Untts: 344 DU Per Acre: 16.42 See letter dated: Road: 2-18-88 Health: 2-26-88 Flood: 2-26-88 Ftre: 3-01-88 Opposing/Supporting: None received Not within a city sphere ANALYSIS: ;I)ro~ectBascrtptton Background Vesttrig Tentative Tract No. 23304 ts a request to develop 20.95 acres as a one lot, 344 untt s~tutor~ condominium project tn the Rancho California area. Thts tract ts a re su~tttal of an already approved tract (Tract 21608, Board of_ Supervisors approved 10-28-86) In order to gatn vesttrig status. The project slte ts located on the north stale of Rancho California Road, :Just to the east of Noraga Re~l. Scoff nipoK The pro, act stte ts currontly vacant. Su~rouMtng land uses tnclude apartments to the vest and stngle flatly homes to the north, east, and s?uth... A. school and church ere located along Hotage Road, vtth a firm/horse training ?actltty located across Rancho CellComte Road to the south. Zo~tng on the $ub~ect stte ts R-3. Zontng tn the vtctntt~ tncludes numerous residential zones, A-2-20 and Col/C-P. I)estan Considerations The proposed pro3ect has been designed in accordance with. the planned residential development standards of Ordinance 348 and a11 other pertinent standards of Ordinances 348 and 460. The applicant ~111 be providing three floor plans var),in9 tn stze from 760 to 1,014 square feet. Proposed colors, materials and architecture reflect a '14edtterrenean' theme. Due to the tracts vesttrig status, the following additional plans ~ere submitted for revte~ tn compliance ~th Ordinance 460: - Fonctng Plan - Landscape and Zrrlgatton Plans - Oretriage Plan - Comprehensive Stte and Gradtrig Plan These plans were found to be adequate and wtll be Implemented through the conditions of approval. Pro~ect Cons t stency/Con~& ttb11 tty The pro, act stte ts located vtthtn the Rancho California subarea of the Southwest Ter~ttor~ Land Use Plinntng ~a. Poltctes call for ~tagor~ ] end ~] land uses. The pro~ect as p~sed ~11 have I denstt~ of ~6.42 d~lltng ~ ~tts W Ic~, ~tch falls tn~ the 8-20 ~111ng untt range allo~d ~thtn ~t~o~ ]. ~e pro~ect ~11 p~vtde I p~uct dtffe~nt f~ ~e m~ortty of mltt-f~tly ~stdences tn ~ a~l. ~c~ltt~al facilities I~ ~s~ as a ~ of ~ts p~ect, fncludtng ~ tannts c~s and ~ s~tn9 ~ols. ~ ~T~ p~ect ts ~nstde~ consilent ~ ~ ~rehenstve File w lS ~ttble ~th develo~ent In ~e Flscal Ibalysts Under ~.rrent policy regarding processing of vesttrig tentative mips, i ftscal &n&l~rsts ts requtrod to be sukattted to the CounW for roytoy. A 'fiscal &nll~sts has been prepired for thts proWlact and ts nov currently betrig raytawed brat he Administrative Office. Conclusions for thts raytry wtll be available by e Planntng Conaatsston beartrig date. Envt roerental Analysis i The tnttti1 study of £nvtronmental Assessment No. 32327 tndtcited that the WaroJoct had the potentIll for biological resources, that tt could tapact Mount 1gnat Observatory operations and that the subjJect stte could be Impacted by htgtadmy notse. & biological report ms prepared for the projJect stte (County Biological Report No. t80). The only significant biological resource found on stte was e burrowing owl and 1rs burrow. 14tttgatton will entat1 relocating the owl the stte tp~tor to dtn9. The conditions of approval wtll tnsure thts · ttlg&tion adhered gt~)e. Impacts to MountPalomar will be mitigated by the requirement to use low pressure sodturn lighting. Motse impacts wtll be mitigated through the preparation of an acoustical study prtor to butldtn9 pe~ntts, with any recommendations designed tnto the construction of the buildings. FINDINGS: 1. Vesting Tentative Tract NO. 23304 ts a request to develop 20.96 acres as a one lot, 344 unlt statuto~ condominium project. 2. Thts vesting map is a re-submittal of already approved Tract No. 21608. (Board of Supervisors approved 20-28-86) 3. The pro~ect site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include: single family, multi-family, offices, schools and churches. 4. The project site ls zoned R-3. Surrounding zoning includes numerous residential zoneso A-2-20 and The project stte is located vtthtn the Rancho California Subarea of the Southwest Terrttor~ Land Use Planntng Area. 6. General Plan policies call for Category ! and 11 develornent. 7. A fiscal analysis was prepared for this project and ts now being reviewed bytheAdmtntstrmtlveOfftca. Environmental concerns include: biological, llount Palomar impacts and noise tapacta o CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed project ts consistent utth the Gomprehens~ve General Plan. 2. 'The I~oposal ts compatible ~tth ·~ea developrant. 3. The p~o~ect vtll not have · significant effect on the envtroment. RECOIdlqENDATIONS: ~01t of a Negattve t)eclaratton for Envtronnental Assessment No. 32327, based on the conclusion that the pro~iect wtll not have a significant effect on the envt~onnent; and, APPROVAL of VESTING TEXTATIVE TRACT NO. 23304, sub,Jeer to the conditions of · pproval, and based on the ftndtngs and conclusions Incorporated tn thts staff report. GAN:aea 3-30-88 VAC. &OO~344 i APT. &OZ 41~ VAC. APT. L !1 ~p u,~,O.~SAO.~44L~TO0~.S -- 5e~, T. 8 S..R. ~ Am~sor . Bk. ~ P~ 87' LDOATIONAL MAP ~ LN ~iroulot~ RANCHO CALIF. RDARTERIL' 110' ! ~ Elemerd,$. GENERAL KEARNYfiD. ARTERIAL 110' .'~-'~_-"~R4. BL 11~.58A Date 8114188 Wee. By DJ3.T~.'i r .' ' · o o' I ~ ~ ~,4~/A~ as,,,4m?,~,*r-I. ~_~. 13 · ,? ..~.' R,3-4,H_O, tit ItlVERSID£ COUMTT Pt. Jg~lllG O~P~ ~JOIVISIOM COIDITI~ItS OF APPIIOV~ TBffATIVE 11LqCT NO. ~3304 $TANO~ CO~ITIO~S The subdivider shall defend, tndenmtfy, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, 1rs agents, officers, and employees from any clatm, actton, or proceeding agatnst the ~ounty of Riverside or 1rs agents, officers, or o~Ployees to attack, set astde, votd, or annul an approval of the ~ounty Riverside, 1rs advtsory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Vesttn9 Tentative Tract No. 23304, whtch actton ts brought about withtn the ttme pertod provtded for tn ~altformta Government ~ode Sectton 65499.37. The County of Riverside wtll promptly nottry the subdivider of any such clatm, actton, or proceeding agatnst the ~ounty of Riverside and wtll cooperate fully tn the defense. If the County fatls to promptly nottry the subdivider of any such clatm, actton, or proceeding or fatls to cooperate fully tn the defense, the sulxltvtder shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, tndmntfy, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. The tentative subdivision shall comply wtth the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule A, unless modlfted by the conditions 11sted below. 3. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. 4. The final mp shall be prepared by a 11censed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance 460. m The suMtvtder shall submtt one copy of a sotls report to the Riverside County Sarveyor's Offtce and t~o coptes to the Department of Butldtn~ and Safety. The report shall address the sotls stability and geological Conditions of the stte. .If any grading is proposed, the subdivider shall submit one print of comprehensive gradtrig plan to the Department of Butldtng and Safety. The plan shall comply ~tth the Untfom Buildtrig COde, Chapter 70, 'as amended by Ordinance 457 and as maybe additionally .provided for tn these conditions of approval. 7. A g~dtng pemtt shall be obtained frm the Departmat of Butldtng and Safety Prto~ comencemnt of a~ Bredtag outstda of county mtnUtned road fight of ~y. I. Af~y delinquent property taxes shall be patti prtor to recordation of the ftnal lip. The subdivider shall comply ~tth the street ImproveBent reconnendattons outltned tn the Riverside County Road Departnent's letter dated February 18. 1988, a copy of ~tch ts attached. Legal iccess is requtred by Ordinance 460 shall be provtded fro~ the tract map boundary to a County mtntatned road. 22. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall conttnue tn force unttl the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Road Con~tsstoner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Cometsstoner. :12. Easements, ~en required for roadway slopes, dratnage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the ftnal mp tf they are located wtthtn the land dtvtston boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded is dtrected by the County Surveyor. 23. Uater and softerage dtsposal facilities shall be Installed tn accordance wtth the provisions set forth tn the Riverside Coun~ health Department's letter dated February i8, 1988, a copy of ~htch ts attached. :14. 15. The subdivider shall conq)ly wtth the flood control recommendations outltned I~ the Riverside County Flood Control I)tstrtct's letter dated February 26, 1988, a copy of ~htch ts attached. If the land dtvtston 11es utthtn in adopted flood control dratMge Irsa pursuant to Sectton 10.26 of OrdtMnce 460, &pproprtate fees for the construction of ares dratnage facilities shall be collected b~ tM RDad Commissioner. ./ The subdtvlde~ shall cc]mq)ly vtth the ftre tmprovment recommendations ~(- outltMd tn the County Ftre 14irsha1's letter dated P4rch 1, 1968, a copy of ehlch ls attached. 16. Subdtvtsfon t~astng, Including any proposed coonon open space area fnprovenent phestng. If &ppltcable,. skil.1 be subject to Planntng 'Department approval. My proposed phasing snell Irovtde for adequate vehicular access to all lots tn each phase, end shall substantially conform Co the tncont and purpose of the subdivision approval. I~STEIG TENTATTYE TRACT lO. Z3304 COMIttons of Allffwll hoe 3 27. Lots created by thts suMtvtston shill comply vtth the folioMing: 28. Lots created I~ thts subdivision shall be tn conformnee vtth the developsent standards of the R-3 zone. Graded but UndevoloIxKI land shsll be altntatned tns vocal-free cofidttton end shall be etther planted vlth 1fitefta landscaping or provided vlth other oresIon control measures is approved by the Director of Butldtng end Safety. c. Trash btns, shall be located I~iy and vtsually screened surrounding areas vtth the use of block ~alls and landscaptn9. d. Bike ricks in bike lockers tn sufficient quanttry shall be provtded convenient locations to facilitate btke access to the project area. Prtor to RECOROATION of the final mp the folioring conditions shall be satisfied: 1~tor to the recordation of the ftnal map the applicant shall sut~tt ~ttten clearances to the Riverside County Road and Survey Department hat al! pertinent requirements outltned tn the attached approval otters fror~ the following agenctes have been met. County Ftre Department County Health Department County Flood Control CounTy Planntng Department County Parks Department County Atrports Department Santa Ana Regional klater QualtTy Control Board Prtor to recordatto~ of the final map, the subdivider shall su!~lt the 011ovtng documents to the Planntng Department for raytoy, ~tch ocuments shall be subject to the approval of that department and the office of the County Counsel: 2) A dec1sratton of covenants, conditions and restrictions; snd A simple _documnt conveying tttle to the purchaser of an tndfvtdual lot or untt ~hfch provtdes that the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions ts Incorporated theretn by reference. Ce tlons. of lfm l ThE declaration of covenants, conditions Ind restrictions submitted for revte~ shall (I) provtde for I term of 60 ~lrs, (b) provt~e for the eatabllsMent of I propert~ ouM~s' association coeprtsed of ~e Mere of each lndtvtdull lot or untt, (c) provtde for mrshtp of the camnon &tea b~ etther the property o~nere' Issoc~ltton or the ovne~s of each Individual lot or untt is teMnts tn careen and (d) contatn the folioring provisions verbatim: · 'No~vlthstandtng I~y provtstm t thts Decllratton contrite, the following provisions shill Ipply: to ~he The property offnets' Issoctltton established heretn shall manage and continuously matntatn th,e 'connon area', more particularly described on txhtbtt ' attached hereto, Ind she11 not se11 or trlnsfer the 'common area', or Iny ~rt thereof, &bsent the Grtor vrttten consent of the Plinktrig Dtrector of the County of tverstde or the County's successor trioInterest. The property.ovMrs' Issoctetton shill hive the rtght to assess the ovmers OT each Individual lot or untt for the reason&hie cost of mtntatntng the 'common itel' ind sh&11 hive the rtght to 1ten the property of any such mmer vho deflults tn the payment of a mathten&nee Issessment. An Issessment 1ten, once established. sh&11 not be Subordinate to Iny encumbrance other than a ftrst trust deed or ftrst mortga9eo made tn 9ood f&tth and for value and of record prior to the assessment 1ten. Thts t~cllrltto~ shill not be tamtnated, 'substantially' Imended or property deannexed therefro~ lbsant the prtor vrttten consent of the Pllnntng Dtrector of the County of Riverside or the County's successorotn-tntarest. A proposed mendmint shall be considered 'substanttll° tf tt Iffects ~he extent, usage or amtnteMnce of the 'connon Irel'. In'~e event of &nyconfllctbetveen thts Oecl&r&tton and the Arttoles of incorporation or the Byllvs, tf Iny, thts Oecllr&tton shall control.' Once ipproved, the decllrltton of covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be recorded it the same tlli thlt the ftnll lip ts recorded. The developer shall comply vlth the folioring plrk~y llndsclptng condtttoM: 2) Prtor to recordation of the ftnll mp the developer shall ftle an application vtth the County for the formltton of or innexatlon to, (3xMIttom of AIq~mml · parbay maintenance dtstr4ct or CSA for mtnte~ance of parkrays along Pancho California bid tn accordance wtth the Landscaptn9 and £tghttng Act of t972, onless the project ts ~tthtn in extsttn9 la~tW itnteMnce district. Prtor to the tssuance of butldtng pamtts, the developar shall secure approval of proposed landscaping end Irrigation plans from the County Road and Planntng Department. All landscaping and ¶rrtgatton plans and spoctftcattons shall be prepared tn a reproducible format suttable for permanent ftltng ~tth the County Road Depar~ent. 3) The developer shall post a landscap· performance bond ~htch shall be released concurrently wtth the release of subdivision performance bonds, guaranteeing the viability of al1 landscaping ~htch ~111 be Installed prtor to the assumption of the mintchance responsibility by the district. 4) The developor~ the developar's successorsotnot nterest or &sstgnees, shall be responsible for all parkva~ landscaptn9 maintenance unttl such ttme is mintchance ts taken over by the district. The developer shall be responsible formtntenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscapod areas and Irrigation systems untt1 such ~tme as those operations ire the responsibilities of other parttes as approved by the Planntng Director. Pr4or to rocordatton of the ftnal mp, in Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared tn conjunction vtth the ftnal map to delineate 1denttried environmental concerns and shall be pamanently ftled vtth the offtce of the County Surveyor. A copy of the EC:S shall be transmitted to the Planntng Department for revtev and approval. amT~p approved ECS shall be ¢or~arded ~tth coptes of the recorded ftna] to the Plamtng Department and the Department of Butldtng and Suety. f. The folloutng note shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: 'County Biological PapoK No. 190 ~zs prepared for thts property ~nd ts on ft1~ it the Riverside COunty Pl&nntng Department. g. The follovring note shall be placed on the Envtronmntel Constraints Sheet: *l'hts property ts located Mthtn thtrty (30) atlas of ~unt Pilomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor 11ghttng systems shall con~ly ~lth the California Institute of Technology, Palomar .Observato..~ r~.onnendattons dated February 12, 1988, I copy of vhtch IS on Tlle 1It the Riverside County Planntng Department and the Riverside County Department of eutldtng and Safety.' ~ESTZl ITmAI1VE TIACT ~. 233O4 Cmdttlons of Apl~al Page 6 Prtor to the tssuance of GRADING PEIIHITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prtor to the tssuance of gradtrig permtts, clearance shall .be ~tatn_ed from the County Planntng Deportmet that the recomenaatlon for biological adttgatton as found tn County Btologt¢&l Report No. 160 has _b~.n ccmpletod. Thts mitigation sh&11 entatl the_ rolocation of the existing burroving or1 to another suttable 1ocitlon and ts cartted out so as to be tn compliance vtth all state and federal regulations. All cut slopes located adjacent to ungraded natural terrain and exceeding ten (10) feet tn verttcal hetght shall be contour-graded Incorporating the following gradtrig techniques: 1) The angle of the gr_aded slo. pe shall be gradually adjusted to the angle of the natural terrain. 2) Angular fo~m shall be discouraged. The graded form shall ~eflect the natural rounded tarrate. 3) The toes and tops of slopes shall be rounded wtth curves ~lth tad11 destgned tn proportion to the total hetght of the slopes ~here dratnage and stability permtt such rounding. 4) Vhere cu~ or ftll slopes exceed 300 feet tn horizontal length, the horizontal contours of the slope shall be curved tna continuous, u~dulattng ?ashton. 20. c. Prtor to the tssuince of grading permtts, the developer shall provtde evtdence to the Dtrector of Butldtng and Safetqy that all adjacent off-stte mnufactu~d slopes have recorded slope eisatents and that slo~ ilntenance responsibilities have been Isstgned as approved by the DI/wctoroflutldlng and Sifety. d. Prtor the tssuance of gradtrig perndts, a qualified paleontologist shill ~ ratateed by the developer for consultation and cornant off the / sed gradtrig ~lth respect to potential pileontologtcal tapacts. uld the pileontologtst ftnd the potential Is htgh for tapact tapact to slentftciet .~e$?~/~es, &_. pro-gr.&de leertrig between the Imleo#Tu)logtst mm ~ excav&T1on leg g~adtng contrlctor shall be &rranged. #hen necessary, the poleontologtst or rel)resentattve shall have the authorliLy to temporarily dtvert, redtract or Mlt gradtee &cttvlt~ to allow recovery of fosstls. Prlor to the lssuance of BUILDING P£R/4ITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: GoMIttons af Al~n1~11 No hutldtng Pemtts shall be tssutd by the County of Riverside residentIll 1ot/mtt ~tthtn the project boundary ..ttl the ~eVelOper s successor'sotn-tntarest provtdes evtdence of compliance vtth publlc fict11.~ ftnanct.ng measures. A cash sun of one-hundred d.olli_rs ($%00) per IOt/untt shill be dopostted vtth the Riverside CounTy of Butldlng &rid Sifet, y is mittSmitre for Imbllc 11brmry develophen%. Prtor to the s.b.tttal of hutldtng plins to the Departant of Butldtng and Safe~y an acoustical study shall be performed by in &cousttcal engtneer to establish appropriate Mttgatton masures that shall be &pplted to Individual dwelltrig untts vlthtn the subdivision ~o reduce &robtent tritertot notse levels to 45 Ldn. c. The prolJect shall be constructed so that tt ts tn substantial conformance vtth Exhtbtt A. d. I~tertals used tn the construction of substantial conromance vtth that shoMn £1evattons) and Exhlbtt C (HaterIlls Board). all buildings shall be tn on Exhtblt B (Color These ire is follows: IMtert11 Roof Concrete S-Ttle llal ls Stucco A~ntng Ginyes Boors -Trtm Fictng -Trtm Color Htsston Sunrtse No. 208 Siltwater Taffy No. 4372 V Frazee &qua Flitthe Frazee Color No. 5760 ~ Frazee Color 4323 K e. All dwellings to be constructed ~lthtn thts subdivision shall be destgned and constructed vlth ¢tre reCarciant (Class A) roofs is &pproved by the County Ftre I~arshal. f. Roof-mounted equtpaent shill be shtelded from vtev of surrounding Buildtrig seperitton between &11 tmtldtngs Including fireplaces shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Prtor to the tssuince of OCCUPANCY PERH2TS the folioring conditions shall be satisfied: I. IMll ~d/or fence 1oc~tto~s sh~11 confore to attached Exhtbtt · I~ All landsc&ptng end frrtgatton shall be Installed tn accordance ipproved pl&ns prior to the tssuence of occupancy perntts. seasQnal condictions do not pemtt planting, Intartm landscaping and eroston control measures shall be uttltzed as approved by the planntng Mrect~ and the Mrect~r of Butldtng end hfe~. - I~STTNG TEXTATTVE TRACT BO. Z3304 CiNdlt~ons of Aplffwal hoe 8 c. ~ vtthstl~dlng the preceding conditions, vi~reve.r .In._~ous~.tc.~] s~udy ts requlred for notse ittenultton purposes, T~e nedgnus 0T Ill requtred rills shill be dKemtned b~ t~e Kousttcl~ s~ud~ vhere Ippl t clb] e. 3-30-B8 Loaoy D. Snore lOdd~A '~'~11'~ ! &CQ~d~SdIOWVOI OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONEl( 6 COL'NTY $£'I~VEYOR lfverslde County Planntng Coentsston RIVERSIDE~OUNTY Lemon Street PLANNING DEPARTMENT ItversJ~e, CA S~S01 RE: Trlct Hip 23304 Schedule A - Team 1 Ledtes and Glntlemn: ¥tth respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced centdrive lanG dtvtston top, the Road Department rectumends this the landdivider provise .~e following strut t.~rovemnts and/or road Mdtcattons tn accordance vtth O~dtnance 460 and Riverside County Road Z~rovement SCindards (Ordinance 461). understood that the tenUttve mp correctly $ho~s &11 extsttng userants, traveled vlys, and drstnage courses vtth appropriate Q's, and that thetr omtsston my requtre the mp to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the folioring conditions art essential parts and & requireranT occurring tn ONE ts as btndtng as through occurring tn a11. They are tntenaeG to be ccm~o~ementlrT. and to descrtbe the conditions for & coKolete dest9n o~ ~e Improvement. All questions reglrdtng the true mintrig of the condiStaffs shall be referred to the Road C~m~tsstonlr's Offtce. The landdivider she11 protec~ dov~strelm properties fran damages caused by litePISton of ~e ~rltnlge ~t~s, t.e., concentrl- tlon of dtve~ton of fiw. ~o~ctt~ sM11 ~ praytried by const~cttng ede~l~ drltnl~ figtittles Including enlirg~ng extstlng flctllttes or b~ s~urtng I drltnlge elsrant or ~p ~th. All drllnlge elsw~ shill ~ s~m ~ ~ ftnl] Mt~ctt~s, or eK~c~nts b~ I1~ ftlls I~ Illo~d'. ~e pretl~tt~ shall be as approved ky Uu Road Depart,ant. The landdivider shall accept and proparl~ dispass of all offStie draIMge floutrig onto or through the IttJ. In the event the Ibid Caratsstoner pemtts tM use of streets for dratnage purposes, the provisions of Article Xl of 0r~tnance No. 460 v111 eppl~. Should the quantities exceed the street c&Nct~y or the use of streets be prohlbt_ted for tiretriage purposes, the subdivider s#&11 provtde &oequl~e tiretriage facilities as approved b~ the Road hparmnt. · February 24, ~988 Page 2 lIJor dratnoge ~s ~nvolved on thts linddivision and its resolution shall lab aS approved by the Road Dipattaint. me Concrete etdMlks shill be constructed &longRincho coltfo~tl limed tn accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 40! (curb stdlullk). Rancho coliforntl bad she11 be tiproved with concrete curb gutter located 43 feet fram centerline and itoh up asphalt concrete pevlng& reconstruction or resurYactng of utsttng IMvtng as determined by the Road Commissioner withta dedicated right of uly in accordance with county etaKlard NO. ~00. Prior to the recordation of the ftnll map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Dlbartmnt, I cash Sum of el40.00 per unit Is mtttgitton for trofftc stgnel tmpects. Should the developer ChOOse to defer lnto a written agreement with tt~ time of payment, he my enter County deferring sltd payment to the time of issuance of a Imlldtng permit. (344 units x $~40 · S48,160.00) tmprovement plans shill be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at I grlde and allgreene u lpproved by ~he Riverside County Roma conniestoner. completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for maintenance by County. Electrical and connuntcattons trenches shall be provtded in accordance with Ordinance 461o Standard 8~7. Aspbaltic emulsion (fog see1) sho11 be Ipplied not less than fourteen days following pllcialnt of the asphalt Surfacing and shall be applied it I rate of O. OS g&llon per squire y&rd. Asphalt emulston shell conform to Sections 37° 30 and 04 of tAe State Standard Specifications. Lot access shill be restricted on Rancho coltfornll Road and so noted on the ftnll lip with the exception of three driveNay opening as approved by the ROad coamtsstoner. Tr&c; II~p ~33~4 FebrUary Z4, 1~8B Page ~ II. 14. 2S. Street trees shill be ~]lnted tn confornmnce vrlth the provisions of Arttcle ~h of Ord~n&nce 460.S3 &n~ their loclt~on(s) she11 be shown on street Improverant plans. All drtvlvl~S $h&11 conform to the ippltclble Ittvlrstde County Stlnderds and sh&11 be shown on the street Improvement pl&ns. The street destgn Ind Improvement concept of thts project shill be coord~nlted with t~nt&ttve Trier Z0735 and TR ~260G. StreeT. 11ghttng shill be requtred tn Iccordlnce vtth Ordinance 400 and 462 throughout the subdivision. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator de~em~nes vhet~er this propOSI1 qualifies under an existing assess~nt d~str~c~ or not. if not, the lind ~er sha~l ftle in lppllcltJon wtth ~FCO for Innexlt~on tn~o or creakton of a "Lighting Assess~n~ District' tn ecco~aBnce ~th Governance1 Code Set,ton 560~0. SH:lh Yer~ trul~ ~ours, ~~oLJ~rrY o~ ~~mmom- C)EIOARTMEN~ OF ~q~mbrum'""r~'"~e. z'""~e"~'m' ~ -- '"" "~m'"' mm HEALTH 6080 Idmon Street !~tverside, CA 92502 Tract ~ 2330~: bins · d~s~on of Lot 25 o~ ~acc 33~ es oh~ by file ~ bk ~, Pisno 25 ch~h 300 ~clustve of hp, Taterda of ~verm~e ~Cy, Gm~tlentm: The Depmr~nent o! PublLc !!~alth has rayLaved ?entat~ve Nap lqo. 2330& and reco~tnds ~hat: Avuter symte~ shall be installed according to plans and as approved by the racer coupany and the Health Depar~uent. Permanent prints of the plans of the uater system shall be submeted cate, v~th a Bindnun scale use less than one inch equals 200 feet, alone vith the oris~nal drayinS to the County Surveyor. The prints shall sho~ the internal pipe diem·car, location of valves and fire hydrants, pipe and 3slut specifications and the size of the at the Junction of the ue~ ayeten to the existinS system. The plans shall comply in all respects vith DLv. $, Part 1, Chapter 7 of the ColLfornia Health and Safety Code, California Administrative code, Title 22, Chapter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities K.c,nnnimsLon of the State of California, vhen /pplicable. The plans shall be sisned by · resist·red anSinear and racer company v~th the follou~ns certification: #l oartilT that the demisn of the racer ryst~ ~ Tract Hap 2330~ im In accordance ~th the voter system expansion plano of cbe Sancbo Californ~aVater D~etrict and chat the rarer metrics, moorose and d~tribuc~on eystmu~11 be adequate co provide racer msrv~oe to much tract. Th~s oertificatton does not constitute · Snarenone chat lcw~l! supplyricer co such tract at any specific quantities, flM or pressures for fire prat·teton or ocher purpose'. ~n~m certification mhall be sisned by a responsible ollie. laX of ~beuter cogpony. The plans mot be subleted to the CountySurveyor's Office to rev~e~at least tee veeb ~rior to the request for the recordation of the flul DepartBent bas · etatenant for Itancbo CallfoTub gater D~mtrict aSzeetn8 to serve d~mt~c vat~ to ~ nd ~ ~t ~ the d~, ~d~g est~fac~ f~ci~ a~ng~to are c~leted o~d~d~. Xt ~ ~ necesoe~ f~ the f~nnc~8~ arranSmuts b Mde pr~ to tb rec~t~ of ~ f~ LTTH: Gres ~ YebruaFy 18, 1988 a~a of ~ ~cr~cc. ~ o~er ~sc~ 0~1 be ~sCalled accord~ p~o ~ ~f~ci~ ~ appr~ by the ~c~cc, the ~cy the ~ch ~r~c, Pe~t prhto of the p~a of the ~ot~ 0~1 ~ n~tc~ in crXpX~cate, al~ ~tb ~ orts~l dr~s ~b ~ S~r. ~e yrtut8 o~11 o~ ~he ~te~l p~ dimtar, ~e a~e of Che o~ers ac the 3mcc~on of th u~ eyeera Co the water l~es sh~3 be a porc~ of the o~ase plns and profiles. ~e yla~ o~11 be s~ed b~ a registered ~s~neer nd the a~er ~ch the fo~l~uS certificates: "~ certify the the deo~ of the o~er s~ac~ ~n Tracc hp 2330~ ~s ~ accordance v~ch the o~er e~~n ~laus of the hscen ~c~pal ~acer D~ocr~cc and chc the vas~e d~spos~ o~sC~ ~s adeq~ce ac th~a C~e to treat the anticipated wastes fr~ the pr~ooed trace." ~e ~!ans uusc be auditcad to the Su~eyorVs Office to r~i~ at least ~o reeks ur~or to ~he teanest for the recordation of the fiul 3~t will be neceaaar~y for the financial arranleuencs to be uade prior the recordation of the fina! nap. SinceFelT, San KaFcinez, ST. ~ ~ar~an EnviromnenCal Hea~lch ~S~r~cea (114) RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROl- AND WATER GONS£RVATION DISTRICI' :february 26, ~988 Riverside COunty Planning l)el~r t~ent County Adn~n4etrative Center Riverside, Clli forn:Le Attention: aegisnil Tea~No. 1 Greg ieal Ladies and ~entle~en: Re: Vesting Tract 23304 This is a proposal to construct 344 condominium units on a 21 acre site in the Temecula Valley area on the north side of Rancho California Road, about 900 feet east of Norage Road. This pro~- act vie previously processed as ~ract 21608. The site is bisected !~y Long Canyon Wash vhich conveys runoff from east to ~est. Long Canyon Wash has a 100 year p~ak flow rate of 1947 cfs. Runoff from about 12 acres approaches the pro~ect's northern boundary. The applicant proposes to convey Long Canyon Wash through the pro~ect in an unlined channel vith drop structures. Oneits run- off,auld be discharged into the channel. The channel should be designed to convey a 100 year flow rate of 1~47 cfs. It should be built to District standards and complete- ly lined vith rock or concrete. T~e channel should have properly designed inlet end outlet transitions and t~o 12-foot vide main- t. lnanCl rOldl, This tract is located~ithtn the limits of the Hurrieta Creek/Te~ecula ValleySres Drainage Plan ~or which drainage fees hve ~en ~opted ~ tb hrd. ~ainage fees ~11 ~ ~id as set ~rth ~der tb ~ovtslono of tb 'Rules ~d Req- ula~onl ~r ~nn~lo~a~on o~ea ~ainage PI~s", ~ended J~y 3, 1~4~ Drainage fees shall be paid to the Road Coanissionar as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final Mp or Parcel Mp, or if the recording of a final parcel ~ap is ~aived, drainage fees shall be paid as I condition of the ~aiver prior to record~g a ~rtlficate of ~plianee evidencing t~ ~iver of t~ ~c~ mpj ~ l~Lverside County Planning Depurt~ent los Vesting Tract 23304 -2- February 26, 1988 At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quirod ·ffidivit r·quouting defers·at of the payment of foes. the dr·in·g· feou shell be paid to the Building Dtr·ctor ·t the t. tme of issuance of a grad- lag permit or building pared· for ouch approved par- eel, whichever my be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision ~Lnal map or parcel map~ · s · part of the ~Lling for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or before receiving a Waiver to record · land division, for each lot within the land division where construct.ion activity as evi- denced by one of the following actA.ns has occurred since May 26, 1981s (8) A grading padnit or building parBit has been obtained. (b) Grading or structures have been initiated. Long Canyon Wash should be collected from the adjoining box. culverts and conveyed titrough the tract. The channel should be designed to convey a 100 year peak flow rate of 1947 cfs. It should be built to District standards and completely lined with either rock or concrete. The chan- nel should be designed with an adequate outlet transi- tion. A minimum of t~ 12of,or wide maintenance roads should be provided. The 100 year storm runoff tributary to the north boundary of the tract should be collected and conveyed to an &de- quato outlet. If the tract is built in phases, each phase shall be pro- tected ~ron the I ~n 100 year tributary storB tiM. Temporary erosion control measures should be implemented £mmodlately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downs·re·n properties or drain·g· ,/ bvelopment of thio proper~y should be eoordinnted with the development of &discent propart. tee to ensure that WatercouFeee remain unobstructed end stormwaters are not diverted fro~ one watershed to another. This may require the cons·rust/on of temporary drainage hcllit/es or offsite eonstruet~Lon and grading. Plann:Lng IMpartBent Res Vesting Tract 23304 -3- Yebruary 26, 1988 · Cositc drainage fucilit~Les located outside of road r~ght of way should be contained within drainage easements shown on the f~nal map. A note slyauld be added to the final map lt~t~Lng, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and chat. ructions". Offsite drainage facllit~Les should be located w~tl~Ln publicly dadicatod drainage easements obtained from the affected property o~ner(s). The doc~ant(a) should be recorded and a eol~ submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. Drainage facilities outletting sunp conditions should be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows. Additional emergency escape should also be provided. 10. A COlbY of the ~provement plans, grading plans and f~nal map along with support£ng h~drologic and hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted to the District via the Road Departsneat for review and approval prior to recorda- tion of the f~nal map. Grading plans should be approved prior to ~ssuance of grading Permits. A registered ginear must sign, sea1 and note his expirat£on date on plans and calculations submitted. Ouestions concerning th~s matter may be referred to Stuart McKibb£n of this office at 714/787-2333. Very truly yours, Phair Company &tan, Rodney byers Rick ~ngineering ~spln · IUVER~DE CO~qTY ~ DEPARTM~ TR23304 -]U4~)t~ WASh zegpec~ ~o t. he condArlene of ilaroyeZ for tJ~e above referenced Zend d~vLsion, ~be FAre Dop&Ftnent recounands ~be fol3~vAng fire prot~c~Lon Be~suJeo be provided An accordance vAt~ RAvereAde County Ord~dnces and/or recognLJed fare protec~ion and an actual fire flo~ available fron any one hydrant Shall be IS00 G~S for 2 hours duration at 20 PS! rosAdual operatAng pressure. &ppXLcan~/developer Ihall furnLsh one col~ of ~e rarer ~lte pin to ~e Fi~ ~nt for reval. PA~o ohaZ~ ~nfo~ ~ fare ~t ~s, A~at~on and ~acL~, ~, the syst~ aha~A m~t ~e fire f~ov r~uLmnts. P~s sha~ be sig~/a~roved by a rqLstered cLvLA engLneer a~ ~e Aoca~ rarer ~y v~th ~e roAX~ng ~rt~ficat~on, "Z cerci~ ~at ~e design o~ ~e water ~st~ is ~n ac~r~ce vA~ ~e r~uir~en~s prescr~ ~ ~e ~v~sAde ~unty Fire ~ ~e ~roprXa~e vat~ agen~ prLor ~ ~y ~t~Xe ~Xd~ng mterAaX ~X~ pXa~ ~ ~ ~vAd~X ABe. Bead width surroundAng ~he fountBAn An ~he endrinse ma As ~o be ~4 foot mJ~lmm vAd~h. Prior to tJJe reeordd~LoJ of t. bo f~ rasp, t3w developer ohLLl ~SepooAt vL~h true fLtveraAdo County FAre I:)ep&fi~on~, · cioh mm of S400.00 per Jo~/unLt is ~L~gatAon for fire pro~ec~Lon ~ecU. Should ~he developer choose ~o defer t~e tJm of p,-), _ ~, he/oho my enter Ante · written agreement vith the COunt~ deferr~M/ s~Ld ~ l~linn~ng OffAo~r of Ribes-side BuiLdino and Safety, Land Use Division VestLng Tract 23304 L~nd Use has the following commentst Pr~or to the issuance of building permits, the develope= shall obtain PLanning Department mpprovaL for all on*site mnd off*site signage advertis~ng the Bale of the subdivision pursuant to Section L9.6 of Ordinance 348. Fireplaces may encroach L° ~nto required minimum 5' side yard actback. Mechanical equipment may not be Located ~n required minimum 5* side yard setback. ALL pools sha~ be fenced in acco=dance ~.~-~~~.~. T'.~.~ 0 '7 1988 RIVEES'..~E COUNTY PLANNING L~..~'ARTME NT l.ancl Use Division · Eric Traboula¥, Del~uty Director. Gradino LDC Review of Vest~ncl Nal)s February 11, 1988 The Grading Division viii not hereviewing precise gred£ng pleas for vesting maps prior to P3~nn~ng i:)epertment mpproval. Grading requirements end recommenderIons viii be oddreseed during application for grading review and peEu~Lt. Any mod£- firorions required of grading plans submitted to the PZanning Department for vesting purposes vail be subSect to Planning Department review and epproval. .. -.-.-.oZease'.,lnco~po:~d~e .this po. licy.into your comment.s and cot- - *.'. .'":.;:'~ ~ :esponde~Ce or~;~esting ;mops at-L~nd Development Committee " "' Heet~n~s~'. /'.';-"'~-'~""' '" '-" '~: " ~' *. -; -... ......; . ~, ~- .. . ' · . .. ~_.......~ ._.- '~..'..~ : ..... .._~. .......~ . ,, .......... · "'"" '~ '*;'3S/:ip.:" - ." .. ~ ' .~.~ ' ' %' I ., . : ' .. .-.. NIN{3 DEPARTMENT FOR CDND]?IDNAL APPROVAL, THE FOLLOWING SHOULD &PPLY: to Chapter ?S of the Uniform Building Coda and County iS,ed. me Tmo copies of the Preliminary Bootechnical report addresmi~O ur~lerlyir,~ moil conditions including soil bearing ahd expansive pro~ertiem mhall be Yurnithe~. The r~ort ~411 ~ectYlcelly address site geologic/seismic para~teru Yet buildi~ construction. Reconme~ationu r~er~i~ Yootl~u, interior ul~u on construction o~ cleerl~ e~ ~redl~ ope~otio~ ere to be i~l.dH. The r~ort shall be submitted to this Hydrology I~cl hydraulic calculations addressing offsite the tract await be provided to this d~art~nt for review and approval. The 018 and OlO8 must be shown at all points of entry and exit. Details of all sureace devices must be shown. Provide building YeaSprints on ell lots showing all setbacks. Show driveway details on the grading plan along with grades not to exceed 1~. Slope stability calculations with a factor of safety of at least one and five-tenths (1.5) shall be submitted by a soils engi~r for all slopes equal to or greater than 3~ feet. Provide proper building setbacks on all pads from the top or toe OY slopes to the face of structure. The ~aces o~ cut and. ~ill slopes shall be provided with slope planting to minimize eremien. -a. Cut slopes equal to or greater than 5 Yeet vlrtlcll hei~t o~ fill slopes ~ual to or greater than 3 feet in vetStool height ~olI plint~ with grist or 9rou~ cover. b. Slopes excwdi~ 15 f~t in vertical height shall ~eet on centerJ or treeBy ~oced ~t to exceed trees at equivalent specie. c. All ulop~ r~ulred to be plsnt~ ~all be provided with On irrigation system. d. Provt~ Eroulo~ ~ntrol~ondicape pla~s prepared ~y a r~ioter~ la~scope architect· ~co~anytng ".- the pla~ ~all be a cost estimate detatli~ coots associated , with the project for bo~t~ putpoe. · :IiVE::DiDE county i, LAnninc DEP. ARClTIEnC DATE: JInuary 2! o :1988 TO: Assessor h~ldtng and Safety Surveyor - Dave Road Department Health - Rllph Luchs Fire Protection Flood Control Dlstr~ct F~sh & Game LAFCO, S Paisley U.S. Posta] Service- Ruth E. Dartrison Rancho b/a ter Southern Calif. Edison Southe~ Calif. ~$ ~nera 1 Telephone [1sinore Union $chool Temecula Union tat. Paler Te~cula Cha~er of Coerce ~issi~er Bresson REC£IvED TRACT 23304 - (T~-2) - E.A. 32:327 - The Phatr Company - Rodney Meyers/The Pair Co. - Rancho £altfornia Area - First Supervtsorial District - North of Rancho Calfornia Road, East of Moraga Road - R-3 Zone - 20.95 acres - Request TR 34a Unit Conclo~tntum pro~ect - Related Case TR 21608 - Nod 120 - A.P. 921-370-00! Please revtev the case described above, along wtth the attached case map. A Land Division Co~ittee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for February 25, lg8g. clears, tt rill then go to public hearing. If it Tour cce~ents and reco~nendattons are requested prior to February 16, 1988 in order that ve may include the~ in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have am~ questions regarding thts tte~, please do not hesitate to contact Grea Neal at 787-1363 ellnner I~L,~AS~ S~:E: A~'J~AC:!~D print name and tttle Labatt It~ac&to/&lllLatlnt O::LrecCor/l~i!~r 4080 LEMON STREET. g~' FLOOR RIVERSIDE. C,U. IFORNIA ~7 1,41 ?R?.JK 1 ~q I 46-209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92201 ~1 cj~ 342-8277 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OlrirlCE 0I THE OIBECTOB fALOMA! OBSEIYATOtY 1eS.14 ThKs case is viciten 30 uibea of the Psimuir Observatory and Ks therefore vich,n the Bone requiriu~ the use of bow-pressure oodt~ vapor lan~s for attest bKShttnS, us stKpulated by the lttveraLde Count7 Board of Supervisors. Ve request that the desK~n for ocher cTpes of outdoor bi~htin~ Chit nay be enployed on thKe property be uade consistent vith the spirit of the decision of the Board of Supervisors vhich Ks Kncended to niclKate the adverse effects such fscilKtKes have on the ascronouical research at Palomar. Beneficial steps Co Chat end include: Use the uinimun amount of bKAht needed for the task. 2. Orient and shield bight to prevent direct u.ovard illuuination. Turn off bights at 11:00 p.u. (or earbier) unless, in co~nercial rppltcations, the associated business is aden past thio tiue, in which case the lights should be turned off ac closing. Use lo~-pressure eoditm lamps for roads, aye, walkways, equi~enc yards, parkin~ lots, security and other sinilar applications. These lights need not be turned off at I1:00 For further infernaileD, call (818) 356-&035. lobere J. Incite leaKscant Director March 29, 1988 Mr. Greg Neal, Associate Planner Riverside County Planning Department a080 Lemon Street, Ninth Floor Riverside, California 92S01 Subject: Club Valencia--Vesting Tentative Tract Map Number 23304 Oemr Mr. Neml: The following summarizes our findings regarding the fiscal inkpact analysis for the project identified above. The appendix mttached smmmrizes the basic assumptions used in analysis. Please note that these results reflect the current levels of service provided by the County based on Fiscal Year 1985-1987 actual costs (per capita factors) and OeDartmental and Auditor-Controller review of Doerations and facility costs for services reviewed using case study analysis. Staff to the Growth Fiscal Impact Task Force and Departments are currently reviewing service levels provided and the need to increase the levels of service. Current findings are that existing levels of service are not adequate in most cases. Should the desired level of service be utilized in the fiscal analysis performed, it would significantly increase the costs associated with this development. COUNTY FUND (O~ermttons and Maintenance) FISCAL lIMPACT AFTER BUILDOUT CUMULATIVE FISCAL IMPACT AT BUILDOUT :purity General Structural Fire Free Library $59.431 ) ($56,6173 $22,7443 ($30,1493 (S 3,473) ($ 4,603) SUBTOTAL COUNTY ($85,6483 ($91,3693 Romd Fund $ -o- $ -o- TOTAl. ($85,6483 ($91,3693 41BOLEMOIq ~ · IZll. IR.O(~ · RNERSKI.~I2S01 · (714) 1WZ.ZM4 The following special circumstances Ipl)ly to this project: Flood Control staff has indicated that flood control facilities constructed within Zone 7 are unlikely to be sufficiently funded for maintenance costs. Current estimates indicate that funding shortages should occur for the next ten years. Suggested mitigation measures tnclude a cash cleDostt by the project developer or use of an assessment mchanism. The mount of depostt would be deter~ntned by a present value &nalysts and project timing. The cost of maintaining flood control facilities will not be known until final de$tgn phases, when factltty needs have been fully identified. Flood Control staff wt11, therefore, condition project approvals to 1den,try a means of financing factltty maintenance and operation (if necessary) Drtor to recordation of subdivisions. This project will share in the cost of a proposed 15,000 square foot library in Rancho California. A mitigation fee of $100.00 per unit is required for capital facilities. e This project has only private streets. Thus, no impact is shown. Road fund revenue generated from this project will go toward countywide road COSTS. Initial Review By Revtew Approved By OFFICIAL HEARING NOTICE MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNIN~ DEPARTIENT COUNTY JOIINISTRATIVE CENTER, NINTH FLOOR 4080 LEIIO~ STREET RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA ~S01-3557 t~ger S. $tr~t~r, Planntng Dtr~ctor A I~JII.IC lEMIII~ has I~en scheduled before the ~IE ~~l~ ~ constde~ ~ Ippltcatt~(s)~sc~ ~1~. ~ Pllnntng ~po~nt ~s ~n~ttvel~ ~ ~lt ~ ~s~ pro~ect(s) ~11 Mve ~ st~tftcln~ envl~ntal effect Ind Ms ~n~tlvel~ ~le~ mgittve ~cllrltton(s). ~e Pllnntng ~tsst~ ~11 coastder ~r or Nt ~ Idopt ~ Nglttw Mcllrltt~ Ilong ~th ~e ~o~sed p~o3ect It ~ts Ml~ng. Place o~ Moaning: Bolrd Roam, 14th Floor, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA Date of heartrig: ¥g)NESDM, APRIL 13, lg~8 Tire time of hearing 1s Indicated with elch application 1tsted belw. A~y person my sulmtt vrttten c~ments to the Planntng Department before the heartrig or my appear and be heard tn support of or opposition to the adoption of the negattve declaration and/or approval of thts project at ~1 tim of heartrig. If ~ou challenge any of the projects tn court, pu my tmtted to ratstag only_ those tssues ~ou or soreone else ratsad at the publtc heartng described tn thts nottce, or tn ~ttten correspondence delivered to th_e Planntng Con~tsslon at, or prtor to, the publlc heating. The envtromental finding along with the proposed project application my be vtewed et the public Infomarion counter Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. VESTING TRACT MAP 23304, EA. 32327, ts an application submitted by The Phai? Compl~ for property located in the Rancho California Area and First Supervtsortal District vhtch proposes to divide 20.95 acres into 344 unt~s condmtntun on property generally described as north of R~ncho California Rd, e~st of Morlge Rd TIlE OF lEM31~: 10:lS a.m. V'm 23304 J 6{2 41~6 App. TFE PHA/R CO.' 20.95 AC. 344 Lf, gT ~$ Are~ C,,AJ. - I,p. Om' 1 1'.8 S.,R.3W.am,#sor's Bk. 921 I',g. 37 Ck~.lotba RANCHO CALIF. RDARTERIL 110' Element $. GENERAL KEARNY RD. &186 Sortcato Valley Blvd. Son D:LeSo, CA 92122 1-370-O02: 003 Arthur E. l~ontgomer~ 30005 General ramruey load TemecuLi, CA 92390 921-370-O0~ P.O. Box 332 Tenecuh, CA 92390 921-370-005 700 Market Aaooc I:XX~I! c/o b'BE DevelopBent lieuport B4~ch, CA 92660 921-310-012 Ueot2Jke Griffin Partnership c/o Or~ff~nloues P.O. Bcm9810 Cal&bimm, CA 92390 921-~51-001 thru OO6 921452-o33;O&l&O&2; lancho Califozn:La Deve] P.O. Box 735 TeuecuLu, CA 92390 921-~61-006 ~6~-001 ?.O. Box 9010 Ca3Jbisu, CA 92390 921-661-001 thru 005 &62-001;002;014 thru 017 l~tthev A. B4rkley &2015 Cosmic Drive Teuecull, CA 92390 923-551-O01 loberr Dovning &2029 Comic Drive Tenecula, CA 92390 923-551-002 t. Anmtrong Cosmic Drive Tmcu3a, CA 92390 923-351-003 George C. Vernet 30260 Nebula Line Tenecu~a, CA 92390 923-552-011 G Robert Sanders &260 Central Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 923-590-011 e/o 1f/1140- L7ou 30131 S~r Spur 92676 92~5~~013 H & R Suomn Zuc. 16055 Ventura M. vd. FueLno, CA 91636 923-$90-016 CrTY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: MEgSLETTER DEPT HD E.03/27/90 CITY ATTY rm: CM CITY MGR ~ RECOI~IEI~ED ACTIOtl It is recommended that City Council authorize City Manager to prepare a newsletter to be mailed to City residents on or about April 15, lggo. BACKGROUND It is important for the City to provide citizens with timely information about local government. An informed citizenry is a key factor in maintaining good government. As a new city, Temecula has yet to establish an identity and a presence. People need to know 'What goes on at City Hall." Much has happened since the incorporation election. It is proposed that the City put out a newsletter on 'The First 100 Oays' and distribute it to all residents. A second newsletter could be sent out in July to explain how the new City is organized for our first year and list our goals and objectives. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of preparation and mailing 14,000 copies is $4,000. in the Consultant Budget. Funds are available If approved by Council, Perry Peters will be retained to carry out this project. Suggestions for the content are welcome. A final layout will be submitted for Council review before printing. 1\CmRpt\0327~O. 029 - 1 - 03/22/90 12:15pm PROPOSAL TO PUBLISH A NEWSLETTER FOR'THE CITY OF TEMECULA March 19, 1990 Presented by Perry Peters 42968 Agena Street Temecula, California 92390 (714) 676-1984 OBJECTIVE: To research, write, edit, proof and print articles and items for a City of Temecula Newsletter, high- lighting the accomplishments of "The First 100 Days" of the City Council. To include photographs, design the layout, typeset the articles, print the Newsletter and label and mail 13,300 copies (Based on your estimate of 30,000 residents at 2.5 residents per household, plus 1,300 members of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce). Labels shall include the nine-digit zip code (except for the Chamber labels), qualifying the mailing for the lowest bulk rate cost (10.1¢ per piece commercial rate or 5.3¢ per piece non-profit rate). If you have applied for the non-profit rate before the Newsletter is mailed, you will be eligible to receive a refund for the difference between the two rates once the non-profit status is confirmed by the I.R.S. PROPOSAL: The Newsletter shall be produced in a timely manner for $1,235.00. Costs are itemized as follows: Research, write, edit, proof Typeset Photos/half tones Label, mail Write news release, distribute $480 125 130 400 100 The printing is estimated to cost $1,400 and the postage $1,343.30, of which $638.40 may be refunded once the non-profit status is obtained. The City of Temecula shall pay these bills directly to the printer and the Post Office. All arrangements will be made by Perry Peters. Incidental expenses are included in the $1,235.00 fee. Any unexpected or extraordinary expenses will be billed separately. Re su P~rry Peter~ ~2968 Ageq~S~reet Temecula,~'California 92390 (714) 676-1984 V OW ,/ EVELYN M. tlARKER P.(3. BOX 1051 TEMECULA. CA 92390 MARCH 23, 1990 CITY OF TEMECULA MAYOR RON PARKS COUNCILWOMAN PAT BIRDSALL P.O. BOX 3000 TF~ECULA, CA 92390 RE: VETERAN DAY PARADE AS A RESULT OF ~{E MEETING WE }tAD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 WITH THE REPRESENTATIVES OF TIlE VETERAN DAY PARADE ASSOCIATION FROM LAKE ELSINORE I FELT I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MORE INFORMATION ON THE LAST YEARS PARADE AND WHY THEY WANTED TO COME TO TEMECULA RATtIER THAN LAKE ELSINORE. I CALLED DICK WAMPAUGH, WHO IS A FRIEND OF MINE, AND HE IS THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE. HE SAID THE GROUP ALREADY HAS THEIR APPLICATION IN TO TIlE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE AND THE CITY WILl, BE DISCUSSING IT AT THEIR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 27TH. THE CITY CONCERNS ARE: 1. THE SUNDAY DATE BECAUSE LAST YEAR ONLY 4 OR 5 OF THE GROUPS VOLUNTEERS SHOWED UP AND THE CITY HAD TO MAN TIlE BARRICADES. IF THIS PARADE IS ON SUNDAY THE CITY HAS TO PAY THEIR STAFF MORE MONEY. 2. THE GROUP WANTS A DIFFERENT PARADE RuUTE AND SO DICK HAS BEEN CONTACTING DEPARTMENT HEADS TO MAKE SURE THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC CAN BE HANDLED WlTft OUT TOO MUC}{ DISRUPTION. 3. THE COUNCIL IS CONCERNED THAT THE i'ITH OF NOVEMBER IS TOO CLOSE FOR THE CITY/CHAMBER ANNUAL CHRI'STMA,q PARADE I,ESS THAN A MONTH AWAY. (THIS WOULD BE THE 'SAME TIME SPAN FOR THE TOWN ASSOCIATION PARADE AND K IWANI,?, B IR'[HDAY PARTY AI,READY PLANNED BY LOCAl, PEOPLE) IN ADDIT[ON HE SAID THAT THEY }lAD ALREADY ASKED THE CHAMBER TO PAY FOR THE INStlRANCE. HE SAID THE GROUP HAS GOOD INTENTIONS BUT PUSH TOO HARD AND ALWAYS WANT MORE THAN THEY ASK FOR. THEY DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE THE HELP THEY THINK THEY HAVE AND THINK THAT THEIR EVENT IS THE ONLY IMPORTANT EVENT TO THE CITY. I SAID THAT THE CLOSENESS OF OUR LOCAL EVENTS WAS ALSO A CONCERN OF MINE. HE SAID THEY EVENT WAS NOT NEAR THE QUALITY OF THEY EVENTS WE PUT ON HERE. IN CLOSING HE SAID "BE VERY CAUTIOUS" MANY OF HIS CONCERNES ARE THE SAME AS MINE. EVENTS PLANNED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER ARE: SEPTEMBER 15 OCTOBER 4,5,6,7 OCTOBER 13 OCTOBER 20 OCTOBER 27 AND 28 NOVEMBER 16 NOVEMBER 17 DECEMBER 1 ANNUAL CHILI CONTEST GREAT TEMECULA TRACTOR RACE "RIB OFF" AND CROCK POT CHILI CONTEST 10K RUN AND 5K FUN WALK FOR CRC TEMECULA PRCA RODEO CHAMBER ANNUAL CASINO NIGHT NOUVEAU WINE RUN AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES CHRISTMAS PARADE AND KIWANIS CITY BIRTHDAY PARTY EACH OF THESE EVENTS TAKE A LARGE AMOUNT OF VOLUNTEERS AND A LARGE AMOUNT OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE LOCAL COMMUNITY. THE RODEO WILL BE SELLING ADVERTISING SPACE IN THEIR PROGRAM AT THE SAME TIME ~E PEOPLE FROM ELSINORE WILL BE SELLING PROGRAM ADS. CASINO NIGHT FOR THE CHAMBER REQUIRES DONATIONS OF CASH AND/OR PRISES FROM THE MERCHANTS AND WINERYS. THE RUNS ALREADY PLANNED REQUIRE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF LARGE AMOUNTS. MY FEELING IS THAT THIS NEW OUT OF TOWN GROUP WILL BE DRAINING THE RESOURCES THAT THE LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS HAVE GROk~ TO DEPEND ON. FOR EXAMPLE; WHO IS GOING TO PROVIDE THE MAN POWER - ARE THE PEOPLE FROM ELSINORE GOING TO COME TO TEMECULA TO VOLUNTEER OR WHAT? I FEEL THE CITY SHOULD TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION BEFORE GIVING THEIR SUPPORT TO AN OUT OF TOWN OR NEW GROUP WANTING OUR HELP. THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT BECAUSE OF OUR VERY SUCCESSFUL EVENTS WE LOOK LIKD A GOOD COMMUNITY TO ESTABLISH IN. BUT TO GO TO THE CITY INSTEAD OF A LOCAL ORGANIZATION SUCH AS OUR LOCAL VETERAN ORGANIZATION OR THE CHAMBER OR THE TOWN ASSOCIATION FOR SUPPORT IS REALLY NOT FAIR TO THE LOCALS WHO HAVE TO WORK AND FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THESE EVENTS. ANY THING THAT WOULD I,OOK LIKE CITY SUPPORT OR CITY ENDORSEMENT OF THIS EVENT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF WAVED FEE'S FOR NON PROFIT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CONSIDERED. PLEASE BE AWARE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AND NON-PROFIT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS. A GOOD QUESTION OF THIS GROUP IS, "WHAT CHARITY DO THE MONIES RAISED GO TO? ARE THESE CHARITIES LOCAL?" IN ADDITION, BECAUSE OF MY TRAINING AND CONTACTS WITH SPECIAL EVENTS AND PARADES I WOULD HATE TO SEE THE CITY RUSH INTO A PROCEDURE TO QUICKLY. SINCERELY, EVELYN HARKER CC: JOE HREHA LEIGH ENGDALH SAL MUNZO KAREL LINDERMANS PEG MOORE sff/AGR15311(032290-3) REIF, BURSEHENT AGREEI4ENT FOR OFF-SITE STREET IHPROVEI~ENTS TO RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROB, D THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this of 1990, by and between the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called CITY, and BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation, hereinafter called DEVELOPER. __ day WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the opinion of the city Council of the CITY, it is necessary that off-site street improvements be constructed which can be, or will be used to serve the hereinafter described property of DEVELOPER; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER, at his own expense will construct such street improvements; and, WHEREAS, such street improvements as constructed will provide a portion of the improvements which would be required of adjacent properties at a later date; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, CITY and DEVELOPER agree as follows: 1. In accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of CITY, DEVELOPER will, at his own expense, furnish all equipment and materials necessary and pay all costs incident to the construction of -1- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) the following off-site street improvements and appurtenant work: Widening the existing Rancho California Road in those areas depicted in Exhibit A as requiring widening, so as to correspond with adjacent four (4) lane portions of Rancho California Road; construct curbs, gutters and sidewalks and modify street signs, traffic signalization, overhead power poles and other utilities as necessary to correspond with new street widths (hereinafter referred to as the #Improvements#); to benefit DEVELOPER'S property described as follows: See Exhibit B attached hereto. 2. DEVELOPER shall construct the Improvements and shall cooperate with the City Engineer in the construction of the Improvements. 3. City Engineer shall inspect the Improvements at the expense of DEVELOPER and, after any deficiencies discovered by said Engineer have been corrected by DEVELOPER, CITY shall accept the Improvements for public use. 4. Until such time as the City has accepted the Improvements and their warranty period has expired, DEVELOPER shall save, keep and hold harmless CITY, its -2- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) officers or agents, from all damages, costs or expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise or be set up because of damage to property, or of personal injury received by reason of or in the course of performing the work necessary for the construction of the Improvements which may be occasioned by any act or omission on the part of DEVELOPER, its agents or employees. 5. CITY shall not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage resulting from the Improvements prior to its acceptance by CITY. DEVELOPER shall remain responsible for satisfactory workmanship and material for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the work by CITY. 6. Upon executing this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall provide as security to the CITY: a. For Performance and Guarantee: A letter of credit, surety bond or other security, in a form acceptable to the city Attorney, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of the work. With this security, DEVELOPER guarantees performance under this Agreement and maintenance of the Improvements for one year after its completion and acceptance against any defective workmanship or materials or any unsatisfactory performance. b. For Pavment: A letter of credit, surety bond or other security, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the -3- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) estimated cost of the Improvements. With this security, the DEVELOPER guarantees payment to the contractor, to his subcontractors, and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them or to the DEVELOPER. c. Upon acceptance of the Improvements as complete by the CITY and upon request of the DEVELOPER, the amount of the securities may be reduced according to the provisions of Section 66499.7 of the California Government Code. 7. After approval by the CITY of plans and specifications for the Improvements, DEVELOPER shall solicit contract bids through a recognized contract bidding agenda such as the Dodge Report. All bids will be submitted to the City Engineer for review. The City Engineer will determine an acceptable cost of the Improvements based on such bids and this cost shall be the cost reimbursed to DEVELOPER as hereinafter provided. 8. CITY hereby agrees to use its best efforts to impose fees or exactions on the first discretionary development permit of property immediately abutting or adjacent to the Improvements (hereinafter, the "Benefitting Property#). Such fees and exactions shall be used to reimburse DEVELOPER for the costs of the Improvements. Owners of said property shall be conditioned on repayment to CITY of the costs of construction of one abutting lane of Rancho California Road, plus curb, gutter, sidewalk and parkway and one-half of the cost of any utility -4- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) relocation not borne by the utility. The precise allocation of such repayment shall be determined pursuant to a formula to be developed by the City Engineer as described in Paragraph 6. 9. Reimbursement as set forth in Paragraph 7 above shall be paid to the DEVELOPER from time to time as fees and exactions are collected for the Improvements as hereinbefore set forth, except that: All right of reimbursement shall cease ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement, whether fully paid or not; and be CITY is not liable to DEVELOPER for any reimbursement set forth in Paragraph 7 above, if CITY fails for any reason, including negligence, to impose the fee or exaction on the Benefitting Property. Rather, the sole remedy of DEVELOPER in enforcing reimbursement is to participate in, challenge, and appeal, if necessary, the impositon of conditions on the development permit approvals of the Benefitting Property. 10. no interest. Amounts covered by this Agreement shall bear -5- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) 11. Reimbursement to be made under this Agreement shall be mailed to the address of DEVELOPER hereinafter shown unless written notice of change of address is received by CITY. 12. Rights to reimbursements due under this Agreement may be assigned after written notice to CITY by the holder of such rights as shown by the records of CITY. Such assignment shall apply only to such refunds or reimbursements becoming payable more than thirty (30) days after receipt by CITY of written notice of assignment. CITY shall not be required to make any reimbursement payment to more than a single developer or assignee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER Address: BY CITY OF TEMECULA Attest: BY: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney MAYOR -6- 7147555648 ~WS OC EX!:i:--~IT B ~t'~be;? ~Bcir~,~illiam ~tOst ~8~a,~ssoci~tes PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS 02 l~rch 6, 1990 ~.N, 241Z0 LE~L !)ESCRIpTIQN HARGAR~TA CO~¢ER~IAL SITE PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL HAP riO. 22513, IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERS[DE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER ~P FILED IN BOOK 145, PAGES 70 AND 71 OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, :~......: · X. 1 .ROooXvo. ~ £Xle t~mt m.tnmtml o£. ]liE'cA 1S, '2.3. ~0£ FOR ?~ Riverside County Service Area 143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Roncho California Road, Suite 105 - Temeculo, CA 92390 (714) 699-0235 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 15. 1990 All Interested Parties County Service Area 143 Advisory Committee Mimeres of the CSA 143 Advisory Committee Special Meeting March 15, 1990 I~E~BERS PRESENT Doug Kulberg, John Sterling, Dennis Chiniaeff, Allan McDonald, Bill Bopf, and Doug Davies HEHBERS ABSENT Hngh Stites INXERESTED PARTIES II~ ATT!~!~!)AI~CE Evelyn Harker - Sam Hicks Park and Temecula Town Association; Frank Aleshire and Bill Holly - City of Temecula; Deputy Dennis Englehardt - CSA ]43 Staff. Oeanine R. Overson - CSA 143 Director; Robert Kast -CSA 1l~3 Fac~l.~tfes Ca~'etaker; Kris }Iatcher -CSA 143 Recreation Coordinator; Rebecca L. Stein - CSA ]43 Supervising Office Assistant I CAL~- ~0 ORDER Mr. Kulberg called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. APPRfl~ HI~PJT ES Motion made by Mr. Sterling to approve the mLnutes from the February 1.5, 1990 meeting: Second by Mr. Bopf. Approved 6-0 OL~ B~SINESS park and l{ecreation Report Following review of Ms. HatcheF's recreation report a ~otiom was ~ade by Mr. Chlni.eff to ~Dorov~ the recreation re~ort. Second ]~ Hr. Sterlln?. Passed Park and RecreatioJl Master ~ Ms. Overson received approval to send in a requisition to the Purchasing Department for the updating and implementation.oF the Master Plan. This should be started by Urban Environs within the next few weeks. Sheriff' s ReDor t Deputy Dennis Englehardt presented his report. CSA 143 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes March 15, 1990 Page 2 1990/91 Fiscal Year Budget Review Following review and discussion of the budget a motion llisimd" by Mr- to recom~endth~ Professional Services {&llO!) ~ppropriatlonbeno [reater rhm. ~ ~ ~~~ receive m~ ~hmr~e. Sec~d~ ~iniaeff. Pmss~ 6~ ~ ~ini-eff~a~~ ~prove~ budget ~a reduction ~~~ 13101. X~~ McDonald. Passed 6-0. ~ ~ ~a~~ rec~end~~ C~,nity ~e~ice District ~,~et orepmred~ ~rson~~ Xecond~ Nc~nmld. Passed BUSINESS Be-Evaluate itLfl Sphere of. In[Luence 1.9 the East and Northeast of Present CSA 163 _Sphere Ms. Overson informed the Committee Supervisor Ceniceros has no objections to CSA 163 enlarging it's Sphere of Influence to take in part of her area. ~ ~ini.eff ~ a ~tion ~ reckend incl,Minv ~ ~ ~ ~ proposed ~ existing ~ecific pl=n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~cp~ ~ ~ ~ Sphere ~ lnflt~pnce. Reeond ~ ~ ~ Phased ~ Remo_[_~ on JT~itv Manager's jLetter of Request Following discussion a sub committee was established to refine the report for the TGSD. The sub committee members are Mr. Bopf, Mr. Sterling, Mr. Chiniaeff, and Mr. McDonald. A motion m~am la~ ]iX Mr. ~ to approve the sub ~ to revipw the information provided by CSA staff. Second tLY ~r. i~avies. Pa.q.qed 6-0. Mr. Aleshire will also review the report. A meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 1990 at 8:00 a.m. in the Overland Bank for the sub committee to review this report. Jiesuon~_~ to l.ittl e l,eague' s Inquires This was an information item for the Advisory Committee. Erocess for Dedication = Review Acceptance Procedure Postponed to a later date. · City Manager's Request to Schedule a Joint Meeting the CSA-CSD Mr. Aleshire requested the CSA meet with the CSD to give them a briefing on all items pertaining to the CSD. The agenda will. consists of information from the sub committee on the report, CSD budget, and Mr. Holly's data. 'A meeting, which will include Mr. Alehsire and Mr. Holly, will be held m] Friday, March 23, 1990 at 8:00 a.m. in the Overland Bank, to discuss the report, budget, and Mr. Holly's information. DIRECIDR' S P~PORT Revenue and Appropriation reports were discusse~. Mr. Kulberg discussed the Joint. Powers Agreement between the Temecula Unified School District and the Murrieta School District. Mr. Joe Rank, Riverside County Counsel and Mr. Chuck van de Wetering, Superintendent of Schools for Murrieta, will meet to work up joint use agree,nent. CSA 1~3 Advisory Committee Meeting blinutes March 15, 1990 Page 3 Motion made by Mr. McDonald to adjourn to the study session between CSA and CSD on a date to be determined at a later date. Second by Mr. Sterling. Passed 6-0. SC~tEI)~D MEETII~G DATE The next Advisory Co~nittee meeting will be a study session. Date and location to be determined at a later date. Next regular Advisory Committee meeting will be Thursday, April 19, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. in the Temecula Community Center. Approved: Doug Kulberg, Chairman DATE: March 14, 1990 TO: FROX: SUBJECT: Frank Aleshire, City Manager ~~ Jeanine R, Overson, CSA 143 Directo '~,,,--- - Iract 20882-1-2-3 Costain Home~ CSD f, esolut. ion Please find er,,closed the Iemecula CSD Resolution Accepting Oilers of Dedication fo~ the above tract. The CSA respectfully requests this item be placed on the CSD agenda and be adopted by the ?emecula Community Service District. Following adoption of the resc.lution thi~ offi,..~. ~'ill z~'quesl. tho Count:' ut Riverside to record thi~ document. Please notify the CSA when this occurs. Should you have a~..> question,~' please fee] f~'ee to conta~'t this oifi~'~. ROBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST & ASSOCIATES 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, California 92718 August 11, 1988 JN 24165/1L8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CSA - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS TRACT NO. 20882 PARCEL I Those portions of Lots 26 and 27 of Tract No. 20882 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages 71 through 77 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of said Lot 27; thence along the northeasterly line of said lot South 32043'42" East 178.60 feet; thence North 57°20'00" West 67.68 feet; thence North 46°30'00" West 100.00 feet; thence North 52°00'00" West 38.97 feet; thence North 74°15'00" West 34.00 feet; thence North 88°30'00" West 27.00 feet to the southeasterly line of that portion of said Lot 26 identified as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement" on said map. thence along said southeasterly line North 57°16'18" East 109.71 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 26; thence along said northeasterly line South 32°43'42" East 57.49 feet to th'e POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2 Those portions of Lots 1 through 26 and Lots 54 and 55 of Tract No. 20882 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages 71 through 77 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, identified on said tract as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement". EXHIBIT "A" Page I of 2 Page Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates CSA - Landscape Maintenance Easements Tract No. 20882 August 11, 1988 JN 24165/1L8 PARCEL 3 Those portions of Lot "A" (Solana Way), Lot "B" (Corte Cantera) and Lot "C" (Avenida Sonoma) of Tract No. 20882 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages 71 through 77 of Maps, together with that portion of Lot "B" (Calle Aranda) of Tract No. 20882-3 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages 1 through 7 of Maps, both in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, lying between the land hereinbefore described in Parcel 2 and the existing adjacent sidewalks in said Lots "A", "B" and "C" of Tract No. 20882 and Lot "B" of Tract No. 20882-3. SUBJECT TO all Convenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way and Easements of Record. EXHIBIT "A-I" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Lawrence L. Bacon, L. S. 3527 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 Page -I. pARC£L 1 AREAS PARC, EL ! 0.Z$'7 A[,.~ PAR6EL 2. Z.BB~ AC.-'Z' pARC, EL 3, 0.Z~,I AC.~- EXHiBiT f. OUNT¥ SERVICE AREA LANDSCAPE MAINI'E#ANC~- TR~ #0. SHEET I OF I SI..IEET ROBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST AND ASSOCIATES 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 250 Temecula, California 92390 Revised November 15, 1989 August 11, 1988 J.N. 24165-M1 Page 1 of 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CSA - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS TRACT NO. 20882-1 PARCEL i Those portions of Lots 11 and 12 of Tract No.' 20882-1 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 175, Pages 14 through 18 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California described as follows: BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of said Lot 12; thence along the northwesterly North 51'40'00" East 13.27 feet; line of said lot thehce South 40'00'00" East 154.04 feet; thence South 83'25'00" East 22.00 feet to the northwesterly line of that portion of said Lot 11 identified as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement" on said map; thence along said northwesterly line South 51'20'00" West 49.53 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 11; thence along ~aid southwesterly line and the southwesterly line of said Lot 12 North 32'52'59" West 170.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL Those portions of Lots 1 through 11 of Tract No. 20882-1 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 175, Pages 14 through 18 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, identified on said map as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement." Exhibit "B" Page 1 of 3 Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates CSA-Landscape Maintenance Easements Tract No. 20882-1 Revised November 15, 1989 August 11, 1988 J.N. 24165-M1 Page 2 of 3 PARCEL Those portions of Lot "A" (Margarita Road), Lot "B" (Avenida Sonoma) and the southerly one-half of Lot "C" (Corte San Luis) of Tract No. 20882-1 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 175, Pages 14 through 18 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, lying between the right-of-way lines of said streets and the existing adjacent sidewalks in said Lots "A", "B" and southerly one-half of Lot "C". PARCEL 4 Those portions of Lot 1 of Tract No. 20882-1 as shown on a map · thereof filed in Book 175, Pages 14 through 18 of Maps in the Office of the Cour :y Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 with the northwesterly line of the aforedescribed Parcel 2; thence along said northwesterly line North 70'50'00" East 89.77 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 1; thence along said easterly line and the northerly line of said lot through the following courses: North 26'13'26" East 6.11 feet; thence'North 19'14'35" West 1.00 foot to the beginning of a tangent curve concave easterly and having a radius of 333.00 feet; thence along 'said curve northerly 64.66 feet through a central angle of 11'07'30"; thence non-tangent from said curve North 47.'08'33" West 19.15 feet; thence South 89'20'00" West 5.43 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southerly and having a radius of 270.00 feet; thence along said curve westerly 21.01 feet through a central angle of 4'27'27"; . thence leaving said northerly line, radially from said curve South 5'07'27" East 4.00 feet; thence South 48'40'25" East 30.28 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave easterly and having a radius of 352.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears North 80'20'00" East; Exhibit "B" Page 2 of 3 Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates CSA-Landscape Maintenance Easements Tract No. 20882-1 Revised November 15, 1989 August 11, 1988 J.N. 24165-M1 Page 3 of 3 thence along said curve southerly 28.89 feet through a central angle of 4'42'08" to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 33.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears South 75'37'52" West; thence along said curve southwesterly 45.49 feet through a central angle of 78'58'35"; thence tangent from said curve South 64'36'27" West 47.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO all Covenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way and Easements of Record. EXNIBIT "B-i" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Lawrence L. Bacon, L.S. 3527 Exhibit "B" Page 3 of 3 PARCEL II lOCi ~ 7 ~ PARCEL LOT "A" COUNTY SERVICE AREA LANDS CAPE HA I NTENAN CE EASEMENTS TRACT NO. Z. OgSZ-I RE'VISF7) II./5- 8..~ f / 3 P,4~C~L 4 AREAS PA[~CEL I PARCEL 2. PARCEL 3 PARCEL 4 0.0% AC.-+ 0.G7G AC.+- 0.1 gOAC.+-. 0.053 AC. +- SHEET 1 01:: i SHEET ROBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST & ASSOCIATES 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, California 92718 August 11, 1988 JN 24165/3L8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CSA - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS TRACT NO, 20882-2 PARCEL I Those portions of Lots 42 through 50 and Lots 53 through 55 of Tract No. 20882-2 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 181, Pages 68 through 72 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, identified on said tract as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement." PARCEL 2 Those portions of Lot "B" (Corte Cantera) of Tract No. 20882 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages 71 through 77 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, lying between the land hereinbefore described in Parcel 1 and the existing adjacent sidewalk in said Lot "B". SUBJECT TO all Convenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way and Easements of Record. EXHIBIT "C-1" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Lawrence L. Bacon, L.S. 3527 EXHIBIT "C" Page 1 of I SOLANA '- IllIll \ ~, ~/ , "8- , ~\ / ~ z ~ O~T~ ~' '-~ ~ ~TL~;F~ ', x , I lI~.L._~ ,,.~,, ~z~~~ ~ ~~ . ' ' · I i , ; / / I I .-u. __ ~/ -- . T~ACt .u. t / / r ARGARITA EXHIBIT "[q" - AREAS COUNTY SERVICE AREA PARCEL LANDSCkPE NAINTENAN~ EkSEN~TS PARC~ Z 0.1o4 AC.~ ~ TRACT NO. Z088Z-Z ROBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST & ASSOCIATES 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, California 92718 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CSA - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS TRACT NO. 20882-3 August 11, 1988 JN 24165/L8 PARCEL 1 Those portions of Lot 1 and Lot "B"(Calle Aranda) of Tract No. 20882-3 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages I through 7 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly terminus of that certain course shown as "North 38054'37" East 20.88 feet" in the southeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence North 7020'00" West 139.52 feet; thence North 48°40'00" West 12.66 feet to the southerly line of that portion of said Lot I identified as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement" on said map. thence along said southerly line and the Ely prolongation thereof North 86035'00" East 21.14 feet; thence South 50049'03" East 3.64 feet; thence South 5°13'00" East 140.38 feet; thence South 40°48~55" West 13.50 feet; thence North 7020'00" West 4.35 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2 Those portions of Lot 14, Lot "A"(Solana Way) and Lot "H" (Via La Vida) of Tract No. 20882-3 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages I through 7 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as follows: . BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of said Lot 14; thence along the westerly line of said Lot "A" North 18°47'01" East 6.00 feet; thence South 71012'59" East 91.78 feet; thence South 26o03'38" East 41.12 feet; thence North 70°54'17" West 5.00 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 14; EXHIBIT "D" Paqe I of 3 Paqes Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates CSA - Landscape Maintenance Easements Tract No. 20882-3 ~ August 11, 1988 JN 24165/L8 thence North 38°20'00" West 33.37 feet; thence North 76025'00" West 88.12 feet to the westerly line of said lot; thence along said westerly North 18°46'17" East 2.00 feet; line through the following courses: thence North 18°47'01" East 11.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3 Those portions of Lot 16, Lot "E" (Via Sevilla) and Lot "H" (Via La Vida) of Tract No. 20882-3 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages I through 7 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, described as fol)ows: BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of said Lot 16; thence along the southwesterly line of said Lot "H" North 24°00'43" West 6.70 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave westerly and having a radius of 328.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears North 66007'46" West; thence along said curve northerly 29.19 feet through a central angle of 5°05'57" to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave easterly and having a radius of 272.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears South 71°13'43" East; thence along said curve northeasterly 98.34 feet through a central angle of 20o42,54,,; thence non-tangent from said curve North 87047'06" East 28.37 feet; thence South 46o05'00" West 4.00 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot 16; thence South 40°05'00" West 34.50 feet; thence South 25050'00" West 50.50 feet; thence South 13°10'00" West 43.00 feet; thence South 17°35'00" East 33.40 feet; thence South 46005'00" West 23.65 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 16; thence along said southwesterly line North 24°00'43" West 49.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT "D" Page 2 of 3 Pages Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates CSA - Landscape Maintenance Easements Tract No. 20882-3 August 11, 1988 JN 24165/L8 PARCEL 4 Those portions of Lots 1 through 13, and Lots 55 through 65 of Tract No. 20882-3 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Pages 1 through 7 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, identified on said tract as "a variable width slope and landscape maintenance easement". PARCEL 5 Those portions of Lot "A" (Solana Way), Lot "B" (Calle Aranda), Lot "C" (Avenida Vista Ladera), Lot "D" (Corte Faldas), Lot "E" (Via Sevilla), Lot "G" (Corte Castille) and Lot "H" (Via La Vida) of Tract No. 20882-3 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 185, Page 1 through 7 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, lying between the land hereinbefore described in Parcel 4 and the existing adjacent sidewalks in said Lots "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G" and "H". SUBJECT TO all Convenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way and Easements of Record. EXHIBIT "D-I" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Lawrence L. Bacon, L.S. 3527 EXHIBIT "D" Page 3 of 3 Pages PARC~ PARCEL I".- 300' LOT ~A' EXI-IIBIT "D-I" LANDs COUNTY SERVICE AREA . CAPE NAINTENANcE EASEMENTS TRACT NO. ZO88Z-3 --_..__._._AREAS PARCEL I 0.044 PARCEL Z 0.037 At._.+ PARc~'L 3 0.093 A£._+ PARCEL 4 2,410 AC,,~ PARCEL ~ O.Z~3 AC.~ SNEET I OF I AL ENGINEERS ~Ii. ANNERS& SURVEYOIl AUG. 10,1988 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24. 25 26 27 28 WILLIAM C. KATZENSTEIN COUNTY COUNSEL SUITE 300 3535. 10TH STREET RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA Recorded at Request of an~ Return to: TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT c/o Riverside County Service Area 143 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 Rancho California, California 92390 FREE RECORDING This instrument is for the benefit of the Temecula Community Services District and is entitled to be recorded without fee [Govt. Code S6103] Board of Directors Temecula Community Services District RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFERS OF DEDICATIONS FOR PUBLIC SLOPE AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS WHEREAS, the hereinafter-delineated public slope and landscape maintenance easements were offered for dedication on subdivision tract maps, to wit: Tract No. 20882 Legal Description of Appurtenant Easement Attached Hereto as Exhibit A Tract Map Recordation Date June 23, 1988 Recorder's Instr. No. 173016 20882-1 Attached Hereto as October 22, 1987 304831 Exhibit B 20882-2 Attached Hereto as March 24, 1988 77779 Exhibit C 20882-3 Attached Hereto as June 8, 1988 155932 Exhibit D and WHEREAS, at the time the dedications were offered, the affected properties were located in the unincorporated territory of the County of Riverside, State of California; and -1- 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~VILLIAM C. KATZENSTEIN COUNTY COUNSEL SUITE 300 3535 - lOTH STREET RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 1 WHEREAS, the offers of dedication have not previously 2 been accepted by the County of Riverside; and 3 WHEREAS, bY virtue of the incorporation of the City of 4 Temecula (effective December 1, 1989), the offers of dedication 5 affect properties now located wholly within the City of Temecula, 6 State of California; and 7 WHEREAS, the Temecula Community Services District is the 8 duly-constituted legislative body authorized to accept offers of 9 dedication for public slope and landscape maintenance easements 10 within the City of Temecula; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and appropriate that the aforementioned offers of dedication for public slope and landscape maintenance be accepted, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District, City of Temecula, State of California, in regular session assembled on March .~, 1990, that pursuant to Government Code ~66477.2(a), this Board.accepts the offers of dedications for public slope and landscape maintenance easements over those areas more particularly described in Exhibits A, B, C and D attached hereto and incorporated into this Resolution by reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that these acceptances are not intended to create or vest any fee simple interest in favor of the Temecula Community Services District or City of Temecula to the subject slope and landscape maintenance areas, but are solely for the express purpose of accepting a perpetual easement and right-of-way for maintaining, --2-- 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 GV~: bln 1L ~it 27 3/6/90 28 WILLIAM C. KATZENSTEIN COUNTY COUNSEL SUITE 300 3535 · 10TH STREET RIVERSIDE, CAI.IFORNIA operating, altering, repairing, and replacing equipment and landscaping within the boundaries of that certain real property as identified in Exhibits A, B, C and D attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that if the Temecula Community Services District or its governmental entity successors or assigns determine at any time that it is unable, incapable, or unwilling to maintain said easements, then all or any of such easements may be terminated, abandoned and extinguished by appropriate express action and thereafter, upon the giving and recording of notice to the interested parties, maintenance of the slope and landscape areas shall become the responsibility of the then current owners of the respective underlying properties. -3- CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM PLACEMENT DATE~ March 22, 1990 70~ June Greek, Deputy City Clerk FROM= Bill Holley, Staff Consultant Council meeting date= March 27, 1990 Item title~ RESPONSE TO CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FROM COUNTY SERVICE AREA 143 REGARDINC PARK USE, FIELD AND PROGRAM SCHEDULIN0 Recommended action= Receive and File. Agenda placement= Council Business STATIONERS ~25 ?1~6941999 MAR 22, 1990 l:08PM P.03 DATE: March 27, 1990 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Bill Holley, Staff Consultant RESPONSE TO CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR ZNFORM~tTION FROM COUNTY SERVICE AREA 143 REGARDING PARK USE, FIELD ~%ND PR00~H SCHEDULING RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File. SUMM~Y OF QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES: At City Council's direction, a letter of inquiry was sent to County Service Area 145 on February 16, by the City Manager, regarding the following items. Inquiry items follow in three parts: City Manager's Question~ CSA's Response; and, Consultant's Comment. QUESTION 1: "Explain the (field) scheduling problem (between various user groups, i.e., softball and little league) and how it was resolved?" RESPONSE: Resolution is being achieved through ongoing meetings with the various groups and working with them in a process toward meeting their needs.· COMMENT: This situation is not unique to the City of Tamsouls. It is in the natural course of events in any community where an explosive population growth has outstripped the available facilities. The steps employed by the CSA were proper under the conditions as they exist. The only real long term resolution of the problem, however, will be the aggressive addition of more public park lands by the City. Interim relief can be partially found through the immediate implementation of Joint use agreement between the Tamsouls Unified School District and the City. Without more public park lands, this problem will continue to surface each year at an increased level. QUESTION 2: "What is the priority policy now in effect (for who is authorized use of the fields)? Do you give 'out-of-area' adults first priority ahead of local children on lighted fields?" RESPONSE: The youth/adult softball programs are programs authorized by the CSA Board as programs of the District. Participants in these progrants are selected by a point criteria which includes additional points for local residents. 1 All the responses of CSA are summarized by this writer front the 67 page response, including detailed attachments, given to the City Manager at the CSA 143 Advisory Committee meeting On March 15. If you wish ~ full copy of the response, please advise. 'FROH:FRRRS STATIONERS ~25 ?146941999 Page 2 COMMENT: This issue of 'residency' has p~oblems that are relatively unique to the City of Temecula. Let me illustrate that uniqueness. Last season, residents of CSA 145, which then included what is now the city, were all 'locals' so long as you lived within the district. Teams that were last year made up of all local residents, may this year be partially or totally non- 1o081. It is a knotty dilemma. The solution will likely be to acknowledge that the situation has changed, Tamsouls is now a city, and teams permitted into the leagues will be based on a 'residency criteria.' This is the way most municipal/ties have come to handle this situation. Additionally, there should be a difference in fee structure for teams that do not meet a minimum residency requirement. This is not a punitive measure, rather it acknowledges that residents contribute to the city tax base, which make the programs possible, and non-residents do not. QUEST/ON 3: "Are little league games lasting until 11:00 p.m.?" RESPONSE: The policy of the CSA is that field lighting shall last not later than 11:00 p.m. due to the Palomar ordinance. The CSA chooses not to comment on the little league time schedule as a matter that was the policy of the Little League Board of Directors. The CSA "only books and reserves the fields at the times requested by the organization." COMMENTs This is a policy question. How long lights are left on and the fields used for play is up to the governing board of the facility, in this case the City Council. Most cities adopt $ lights out policy at 9:00, 10;00 or 11t00 p.m. Some cities adopt no lighted use on Sunday. With a shortage of public park facilities, user groups will press for the longest time period of availability in order to maximize the number of games played. As in a previous comment, resolution of the problem lies in more public parks. QUESTION 4: "What is the CBD policy on warning unauthorized users? May we review the letter threatening arrest?" REaPONSE: The CSA refers tO County Ordinance 328, which the City adopted by reference, regarding rules and regulation in County owned and operated parks. To date there have been no arrests. COMMENT: All public facilities must have rules and regulation to protect the peace and welfare of their users, along with the public property itself. These rules to be enforceable must be posted, as is common practice in most cities, for the users to observe. While arrest may be possible under this ordinance for simple trespass in using a field without authorization, ! do not believe it was the intent of the ordinance, and barring some other complicat ing factors, is in my opinion, wholly inappropriate. The City should consider adopting its own rules FROM:FRRRS STRTIE~ERS A25 ¢z~u~z~=~ Page and regulations regarding public parks that are more in line with the City'a policy direction on public service. QUESTION 5t "What are the current fees for use of fields, picnic areas, etc.?" ~RESPONSE: Referred to attached 1990 User Fees and ~990 User Conditions of the CSA. (Attached for your reference.) COMMENT: Adoption of fee schedules is a policy issue for the City Council. Normally, fees are collected to cover cost incurred as result of specific programs that would not normally have been incurred otherwise, or, as a method of generating revenue to fund other recreation related activities. Sometimes, it is a policy decision of the governing board to 'subsidize' an activity by underwriting a portion of costs incurred. That has been the decision of the CSA with regards to the cost of operating the sports field lights. The user is charged 815.00 per hour for lights, while the actual cost is much higher. The CSA is up the difference, Where a governing board chooses to grant a subsidy, which is becoming increasingly less common, it is usually granted to defined classes, such as 'organized youth activities'. Rarely, however, are subsidies granted to adult classes of activity. Generally, the adult user is expected to cover the full cost of the activity, rather than the non- participating public. QUESTION 6: "Explain the status of telephones at Sports Park." RESPONSE: Project of installation is presently under way, scheduled to be completed this month. COMMENT'. NO comment. QUESTION 7: "Report on what you have done to waive building permit fee for Snack Bar?" RESPONSE: Building permit fees are assessed by others and CSA does not have the power to waive them. COMMENT: It is generally the practice of cities to 'waive' certain fees when a community volunteer organization is donating labor and materials that promote the common good. In this case, the CSA does not have the power the 'waive' the fees of another agency. The simplest solution to this is for the City to absorb any fee cost, which should be nominal, associated with the project. This should really not even be a problem. Community volunteerism should not be hampered by bureaucratic obstacles. Page QOESTZON 8: "Do we need 8 mediator?" RESPONSE: No. COMMENTS It i8 in the public interest that · continuing, open and .cordial dialogue between the CSA and the City be established and maintained during this transition period. I believe we have achieved this. Riverside' county Service Area '143 29377 ~ancho California Road, ~ut~e TemeeuXe~ CA 92390 (114)699-0235 o ~-.' EVEN._.._[~r CArtE FEI~S rP~rtCl~ FE!~S 8OCOERIFOOl'BALL $24.00 PER FIELD PER DAY $8.00 PER I"XELD PER IIUUR DASBBALL FIBLBS (ON RANClIO VXSTA) $12,00 PER FXELU PER DAY' $3.D0 PER PI. BLD PER HOUR SOFTBALL F/.ELI)S $20.00 PElt FXELI) PER DAY* $5.0D PF, R t~!£BLU I'EE iiOUR (NORTIi Al'llJ 80U'[11) , LIGI!I'~.~ .... t $15.00 PER FXELD PER 110UR $13.00 eJ~l*, FXgLD l'Sg 110UE (aoa'rll: ANDSCUTIt) ' ....]~ .... , ',s_~ ' 'iPi""=i~ ,. · '~IN .t .........'-'"';.--.0,1~ I'10]B1;1i AN!)IUR 80U!'11 FIELDS ........ ', I'. t'. ~,.'.., · ~ h.,.( . .: '~i ' ' 'J.:~:~',~' ::-':,~): '~.! :';.~,('..': ..-'..",..[~ ~ ~t: .," ..a, .,,,, ...... .tl .......... . ......,1.-., · . e,,~,.~,~ ,':t . "'t ' . '4 . .' i,., ~ ' ' :. ' · ' ~ 'gt 3; '~..,.e,",",~:.~.: ..: .:'x ,','...'.L ..~,"~. :, ·'b..... -'.') ~,,.., ,-;~:. · '"..,,'.,~ t'. ........... . , .. .....~ ....... ,.,,,... ..............., .......... ............. . ' · .~= .[+,~ X' .............. . ~'~ ..................... . t, ~O~Tn ^~ SOUm 2. ~cuo VtS~'a 3. UPPER ALTA NUI~XETA * 1, ALTA f!URE[~TA $OGCERIFOOTB^bL 2, ALTA tlURE~gTA ~ALL 8~CAt'lORB BALL CALIFORNIA PARK 1. PABK 10 (OPEN PARK) 2. I'ABK 11 (OPEN PARK) 7146941c:_~9 I"!P,R 22, 1990 1:11PM P.BB Elverslbd County Service Area JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECIOR <29377 Eancho Calif'ornta Eoad, Suite 105 · emecula, CA 92390 (716)699-0235 1990 USERS COHDI?tON$ Ifil REBEI{Ve tile RIOlit TO LIHI? OR BENI' USE 11¥ ANY OEOU. P OE PERSON(S) TO INSURE tlIB CON'fINUE[) AVAILABII, ITE OF TIlE PARK TO ALL USERS, ALL USEIlS HILL gEElOVE TIIEIR EQUIPHENT FRO[I Tile FIEL{~$ AT TIlE UONGLUSION OF PlAY TO FAGILIi'ATE Tile USE OF TII!3 PAI{K /3¥ O'flIER GROUPS. ALL VI~:iJIGLE$ ARE PROIIIBITED rllO[l ilVllq~ ON OR BEINg DRIVEN ON TIlE EAG!I GEOUI' 18 RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSSES OF AN]/ II'EHS, TilIglRS gR"PARKS, IN TIlE SHADE BAR~ $~rORAGg FAGZLITF UR ON 3HIE FIELiIS. 1100~.' 1F Tile OgeO~l'T odes flor CovER OR LACK OF PA~tlgff'l'~ Y.O~B,:GROUP HAY IHI'ROV~HBNI'~ FO~ ~OU~ GROUP, tlgSl' ~g R~QUgSI'gU 1N ~RIl'lNG AliD fil'I'RUV~U BEFORE 10. AGAIN, PAYtlCNT I8 UUB TF, N DAYS I~EFORE ANY USE, Tills AtlOUHT ~lt.L BE gAbUULATI.3D BY YOUE BOORING ff~FDS. Ifi!BN ~OUE AUTUAL SuIIB~ULEB AII~ EEGEIVgD~ IF T~O I~EES BEFOEE US~, ~OUE FEE8 I~ILI, BE EB=FIGUREIJ. AT TIlE END OF THE 8EA80N OR USE, TIlE DIFFERBilgE IF ANY ~ILL BE REFt~NUEI}, ALONG IflTli YOgR DEPOSIT 1F 1T I8 HOT USED. It. 1NSUIIAHUB I'OLIUY~ FOR USE OF ~HUliO CALIFORNIA S!'ORTS PARK OR SAt{ illORS --~PARK, T[iB UI~;Y O~ ~H~GULA COHHUHITY SEBVIC~ ADD1TIONAL INSUI{gD..FOR USB OF ALTA NURRIEI'A AND CALIFORNIA OAiiS I'AEKS, COUH~ OF RIVeRSIde, USA 143 [JUST CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: REFUSE COLLECTION DEPT HD. MTG: CITY ATTY DEI~: CM CITY MGR RECOI~IENOED ACTION It is recommended that the CSD Board of Directors request CSA-143 not to award a contract for refuse collection within the City limits at this time. CSA-143 desires to provide refuse collection within the District as a mandatory service. Funds have been collected to provide this service. CSA-143 estimates that the proposed contract will reduce the cost of service by about 30%. CSA will collect from homeowners annually and will pay the refuse hauler monthly. The cost of billing will be reduced and delinquencies will be virtually eliminated. The problems I foresee are that this plan only serves that part of the city within the CSO. Other haulers will still operate in the City but outside the District. In the future the City will probably wish to franchise trash hauling or take it over as a City operation. If the CSA-143 contract is in place it may preclude any City action. I am advised that there is a State law which grants vested rights to trash haulers who have been operating for three (3) years.. City Staff has had no chance to analyze this proposal. If the CSD wishes to go ahead we should seek professional advice before making a final decision. FISCAL IMPACT About 9,000 homes would be served in CSA with annual trash revenues of about $1 million. No budget has been provided on the program. Riverside County Service Area .143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 2937~ Rancho California Road, Suite ~05 - Rancho California, CA 92390 ............................ [7'14] 699-0235. Fax [7~4] 699-4390 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECr: March 9, 1990 Jeanine R. Overson, CSA 143 D2ze¢ Refuse Remow~l RFP Please find ~c-I~'~.d the Riversial,, County Service Area l~3 Refuse Removal RFP. CS.i 1;+3 respectfUlip- e'Sts this item be placed on the Iemezu!a Communit?- Ser\'ice Di~tric't's ~ge~'~']'- P]ease notify this office when this item will appear on the agen~ as p. representat ix es from the County wilkeS, tend this meeting~ ~o pr~c_~he ~P ~ ~ ,: The CS~ is ve~ .a~ous to beg~n the refuse removal, therefore. t. hJs ~espectfully reqoe~.~-p~a.~&em $~e r?v~.e~,ed b~- the C~mmun~ty Dt~t~xtt s Board ~ ~j.'~e.~.~b.e given ..... ~-.. , ..;~. Should you have any ~estiens pteast~ feel free t.~ cont~,_t th~ r, ff!~'c. RIV!~SI~E COU!~I~ SERVICE AREA 14~ lIEFUSE REHOVAL RFP Object [t is the River[~ide County Service Area 143's obje{:tive to engage a Refuse ¢ollectir:n Firm to provide refuse collection services for residential pickups. These services include exclusive mechanized bin collection, construction waste removal and curb side recycling for t. he area specified in exhibit (see attached map). 1'he CSA 1.63 supports the goals and activities of Clea~'~ Comnlunity Systems. The purpt, se of this m'ganization is to generate an awareness of enviro,nnental aesthetics renorig the residents of the CSA 143. In order to support this g~.,aJ.. refuse collection must be accomplished in a manner ~¢hich contributes to a litter free enviromnent. While the CSA 143 recognizes that an occasi{m~,l eme~'gency may require unloading a refuse collection vehicle in the field, this material shall be recollected within 2 hours of tl,e mtl.adJng. Tl~e area must be litter free after the re-collection. All vehicles used in both c,ntalned and uncontained collection must have enclosed bodies. Open bed vehicles n,ay n~>t be used unless every load is covered by a tarp. Ibis hi,_! is subject to the conditio,)s of Riverside County Ordinance #657, provided howeYer. rates are not required to fall within the Riverside County regulate{I rate control range but shall be governed instead by the terms -f this agreement. Copy is available for yielding in the County of Riverside, Purcha~ing I)el~artme,~t, 2980 l~ashington St. feet, Riverside, CA 92504. A preI:id conference will conducted on in the (:SA 143 Office at 29377 R.'=mcho California Road, Suite 105, Rancho California 92390. Bidders must submit a Statentent of Qualification at the prebid conference. Failure submi't t~.he S{at. ement of Qualification mnay disqualify the bidder lion, £urther COILS idera! it)n. -1- CSA ll, 3.Refuse Removol RFP Updated March 8, 1990 Addendum I. II. III. TABLE OF CONTENTS Objectives Request for Proposal Specifications 1. Scope of Work 2. Location of Area 3. Co~nty Not Liable for Delay 4. Public Convenience and Safety 5. Definitio~'~s and Terms 6. Materials Furnished by the Contractor 7. Ownership of Solid Wastes 8. Contents of B~d 9. List of Equipment 10 Payment 11 Compliance 12 Character of Workers and Work 13 Itolidhys 14 Program Indoctrination Employees 16. Contact 17. Disposal Site ]8. Complaints -2- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP UpdatedMarch 8, 1990 VII. IV. Contained Collection Specifications 1 Scope of Work 2 Materials to be Collected 3 Containers 4 Service Frequency 5 Schedules, Routes and Literature 6 Collection Vehicles 7 Care and Diligence 8 Place of Collection 9. Non-Residential Collection 10. Time of Collection 11. Collection Impediments Unco,tained Collection Specifications 1. Scope of Work 2. Materials to be Collected 3. Service Frequency 4. Schedules and Routes 5. Collection Vehicles 6. Place of Collections 7. Non-Residential Collection 8. Time of Collection 9. Special Services 10. Completed Work ' VIII. Bid 1. Bid Letter 2. list of Proposed Machinery a{~d Equipment IX. Go~tract 1. Contract Agreement Between CSA 143 and Contractor -3- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFF Updated March 8, 1990 III. SPECIPI~ONS Scope ~f.' Work - The Contractor shall provide all residential solid waste collection services including mechanized contained collection. l.ocat[oll O~ Area - The area to be served is that portion of the County of Riverside located in the description of sphere of influence and each annexation as of December 31, 1988. This includes all areas currently within Riverside CSA 1~3 as well as any annexations which occur during the course of the contract. (See Exhibit A) CSA ~43 Not Liable for. Delays - It is further expressly agreed that in event shall the CSA 143 be liable for or responsible to the Contractor, or to any other person for or on account of any stoppage or delay in the work herein provided for by injunction or other legal or equitable proceeding or on account of any delay for any cause over which tlie'CSA 143 has no control. Public Convenience and Safety - The Contractor shall be familiar with and operate within the guidelines set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The Contractor is granted the right to use dedicated streets. alleys and refuse collection easements for the purpose of preforming the work specified in this contract, but he;she is not granted exclusive use su'.:h streets, alleys or easements. The Contractor sitall handle the work a manner that will cause the least inconvenience or annoyance t.o the gene,'al public and to property owners. Whenever the Contractor's operations create a condition hazardous [o traffic or to the public, he/she shall furnish, erect, and maintain such £ences. barricades, lights, signs, and other devices and take such other protective measures as are necessary to prevent accidents or damage or injury to the public. Any barricades, lights, signs of other devices erected must conform to the requirements of the Traffic Engineering Department of the County of Rivers ide. Definiti~m of Ierms - ~erever the following definitions and t.erms. or pronouns in place of them, are used in these specifications or in other ('ontract documents, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as specified in this section. ACTIVE LIFE OF LANDFILL - That period of time during which the landfill is receiving refuse for disposal. ALLEY COLLECTION - Refuse collection form an alley in which the collection point is that area closest to the alley and adjacent to the property li.ne, but. outside of any fences or enclosed portion of the premises. CSA la3 - The CSA 143 shall indicate the Riverside County Service Area 163, Call f~,rnia. CONTAINED COLLECTION - Refuse which is placed in the container provided by the Contractor. -4- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated March 8, 1990 UNCONTAINED COLLECTION - Refuse which is not placed in the container provided by t[~e Contractor ie. tree branches etc. CONTAINER - Plastic containers supplied by the Contractor to residents for the disposal of household refuse. DIRECTOR - Director shall mean the Director of CSA 163 or duly authorized representative. DWELLING UNIT - Any room or group of rooms used solely as a domicile for a single household. This includes single %mits, duplexes, triplexes, apartments, town houses and mobile homes. LANDFILL - Landfill shall mean any authorized CSA 143 Landfill or any Landfill permitted to accept CSA 143 waste. Permitted in State of California. PUBLIC FACILITIES - All buildings or structures including parks owned or used by governmental agencies. REFUSE - All solid wastes provided by the conmlunity including putrescible and mmputrescible waste including garbage, rubbish and construction waste or a combination thereof. P, ECYCI,ABIE - All items provided by tile community that can be recycled including but. not limited to glass, aluminum, plastic beverage containers and newspaper. SANITATIOM FEE - A fee assessed to residents by the Service Area 143 for any sanitation services provided by the Contractor. STREET COLLECTION - Refuse collection from a right of way i.n which the collection point is that area closest to the thoroughfare which does not block traffic:. ."WORK" OR "TILE WORK" - Work or the Work shall mean tile furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and other incidentals necessary for the successful completion of the contract and the carrying out of all duties and obligations imposed by the contract. Materials Furnished !LM the Contractor - Contractor will be responsible for providing containers to residents for the mechanized collection service including replacement containers for those which are lost or stolen. Replacement parts for repair such as wheels, lids, hinges, axles, and handles shall also be the responsibility of the Contractor. Ownershio of Solid Waste - Contractor will have exclusive right to and full ownership of all solid waste placed at curb for pick-up as well as all designated recycables placed at curb for pick-up. Recyclables sitall not be delivered to landfill disposal sites nor to waste, to energy disposal sites w~t.hout express written consent of the Director. At no time shall any other agency or entity have any right to the materials placed at the curl) under this contract. However, CSA 163 does not guarantee against occasional scaraging of these materials by vagrants. -5- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated March 8, 1990 10. 11. 12. Content of Bid - Prospective bidders will furnish forms which will state the description of' the proposed service. The following items must be included: a. The bid Form Mtich requests the price per unit for contained collection and the per unit for uncontained collection. b. L/st of proposed machinery and equipment. ~ ~[ E_qjji~ - The list of equipment shall include the number, ~ype of vehicle:~ with which the bidder proposes to accomplish the work. Pay,,e~£ - CSA 143 will. collect fees associated with contract through anm~al parcel charges. Payments will be ,,ade to Contractor 30 days following pr[ma~'y collection periods, December loth and April 10th - 50 % and January ]0th and 50% May 10th. All subdivided parcels within the service area wi]i be charged for refuse removal service. Contractor will supply a listing of the number of dwelling units serviced in the preceding quarter ]5 days foil. owing the end of that quarter. CSA 143 will notify Contractor 30 days prior to all new move-in's to enable prompt refuse removal. Compliance - All refuse and recyclables must be collected on the scheduled day, Failure to perform any term of the agreement or condition may result in declaring the Contractor in default and pursuing remedies specified in the termination clause VII. (See paragraph 13 for Holidays) B. Route Order Ihe Contractor shall collect the refuse specified on the route maps provided to the CSA 143, upon award of contact. Chat'auter o_L[ Workers and Work - All superintendents, foremen and workers employed by the Contractor shall be capable and safety conscious workers, ski]led in their respective trades. The Contractor shall not employ any person who is incapable or negligent in the due and proper performance of his/her duties. The Contractor shall furnish such sup~rvision, labor and .equipment as is considered necessary for the fulfillment of the work acceptable manner at a satisfactory rate of progress. County reserves the right to request a worker of the Cootractor be replaced without cause for ,any reason. 13. Holi. davs- The CSA 143 observes the following legal holidays: New Year's Day - January 1st Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - 3rd Monday in JanuaYy Lincoln Day - 2nd Monday in February Washington Day - 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day - Last Monday in May Independence Day - July 4th -6- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated'March 8, 1990 Labor Day - 1st Monday in September Colmnbus Day - 2nd Monday in October Veterans Day - 2nd Friday in November Thanksgiving Day - 4th Thursday and Friday in November Christmas Day - December 25tb It,. 15. When a holiday fails on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Honday; when a holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday or as determined by CSA 143 Landfill closure dates. The Contractor is required to observe the listed holidays as non-collectiou days. In the event a holiday falls on a scheduled collection day, residential units will be serviced on the day after their collectim~ day'. Su.days residential collections are not required. Should holiday fall on a Saturday the pick-up will then be made on the following Monday. Fro~ra,n Indoctrinatio.rl - Contractor will provide for a comprehensive media company to indoctrinate and educate the citizen's of CSA 143 Service Area 14q to the utilization of automatic collection service as well as curbside 1:ecyc].ing program. £1. plovee$ Ihe Contractor will agree to prohibit the use of intoxicating substrances by his drivers and crew members while on duty or in the course of performing their duties under tills contract. Contractor's employees shall be required to wear a clean uniform bea~ing the Contractor's name. Employees who normally and regularly come into direct contact with the public including drivers shall bear some means of individual identification such as a name tag or identification card. (Provide picture witIt your proposal.) Co Employees driving the Contractor's vehicles shall at all times p~,ssess and carry a valid and appropriate vehicle operator's license issued the Slate of California. D. Contractor's employees, officers, agents, and subcontractors shal], at no time, be allowed to identify themselves as being employees of tile CSA 143, or County employees. E. Any contact with the public will be done so with courtesy and respect. -7- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated March 8, 1990 16. 17. 18. Contact - Throughout the period of this contract, the Contractor shall establish an authorized managing agent within the CSA ] 43. The Contractor shall furnish the CSA 143 the na.,e of the managing agent prior to commencing collection operations and shall notify the CSA 143 if the managing agent is ~hanged at any time. Request. to the Contractor's agent shall always constitute a request to the Contractor. Contractor's shall have a responsible person in charge during the time period 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.{,. fro{n Monday through Friday with the exception of CSA 143 holidays with the authority to make decisions relevant to operations under this contract. In addition, an employee of the firm shall answer the phone to receive complaints and inquiries from the public related to this contract. CSA 143 staff will return only local or no charge phone calls. All complaints shall b,.' resolved in an expeditious manner within tile following 24 hour period. C<;ntractor's managing agent shall serve as the point of contact for dealings and c<,m,nunications with the Contractor. The County's point of contact shall be the Director Of Service Area ]43 or an authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the pe~'formance of this t~ontract except as otherwise stated. Such authorization will be conveyed to tile Contractor in writing. It is, however, recognized that daily operational communications will occur at all levels of staff. To !he exte~t that these facilitate job performance, they will be encouraged. i!iS~oosal Sites - Collected garbage and refuse shall be transported by the Contractor to approved disposal sites. Contractor is responsible for any and all. fees for disposal. The Contractor shall follow all established ru~es and regulations when operating on any disposal site owned by the County. Ihe Contractor's operators shall follow all given directions by the l~ndf311 spotter when delivering solid waste material. Complaints - The Contractor shall be responsible for receiving citizens i~)quiries, request for service and complaints related to service in the designated area. The Contractor shall provide tile CSA 143 with a phone number (a local no charge ntm~ber) which will be published in informat. i(~nal literature and the Gover~unent section of the Local General Telephone Book. The telecommunicat:ion system must be capable of handling peak customer service request loads. The Contractor shall keep a record of the total ,ntml:~er of calls received related to this contract. In addition, the Contractor shall keep a record of each complaint call including tile name,. address and phone number of the complainant, date of occurrence, nat:u,-e of oc:curre~lce and disposition. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Contractor shall investigate. If the complaint is a missed collection, the Contractor shall provide the service within 24 hours. If the request is for container repair service, the services shall be performed within 72 hours. If the C<~ntractor fillds the complaint to be without merit, the Contractor shall noti{=y the complainant of the finding and advise the resident at that t.~me that if they wish to appeal the decision. They may call a CSA 143 inspector at (714) 699-0235. -8- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated'March 8. 1990 CONTAINED COLLECTION SPECIFICATION SCOPE OF WORK It is the purpose of the specifications to provide a framework for accomplishing the tasks which result in maintaining a sanitary enviromnent for the residents of the CSA 143. This section addresses the collection of contained refuse. The intent of the work is to collect all contained refuse placed for collection each day. Materials 1d2 be Collected - The Contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, materials, permits, licenses, and equipment necessary to provide mechanized contained refuse collection for occupants of specified dwelling units within the designated area of the CSA 143, California as fo] 1 ows: A. All refuse curbside placed on streets or easements for collections in containers provided by the Contractor. B. The Contractor will not be required to collect metal bin type c(.)llta J Tiers. The £:ontractor may on occasion be required to collect refuse placed fo~' collection i~, bag or boxes. Ihese collections will be in specia] emergency situations and for periods of short duration. They usually occt,~. when construction or emergency repairs to utilities block access to the usual location of containers. Provide collection services for up to four special clean-up events each year. These clean-t,p dates will be agreed upon by the Di,~ector and the Contractor. One of which will be the first week of January. Coutainers - The Contractor will provide both the initial container and any replacement containers to residents to be served. Residents will have individual containers. They may also have an unlimited number of additiona] containers, but each homeo~mer must pay the contractor for each additional container. Additionally, the hauler shall notify CSA 143 of all customer's utilizing extra containers, so that CSA 143 may install piece disincentives in its assessment structure to help promote state mandated source redt, ction and recycling goals, and reimburse the contractor for this extra service. Specifications for containers: See Exhibit B (A picture of the container should be included in the RFP.) Repairs to containers shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. This includes replacement of wheels, lids hinges, axles, and handles. Service Frequency - The Contractor shall provide regularly scbedt~led minimum once weekly service to each residence including ~'ecyclab]es. Those residences during the week which contains the holiday sha]l follow instruction under Section 13 in the Specifications. Recyclables shall be collected on the same day that refuse is collected, but may be col]ected using a separate vehicle not necessarily equipped for mechanized pickup. -9- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated March 8, 1990 o Schedules, Routes and Literature - The Contractor shall submit. detailed route maps to the CSA 143. Ihe routes will be doctmlented on detailed route maps which show the area to be collected. The days of collection will be specified. The CSA 143 will notify the Contractor of required changes not ]ess than thirty (30) days prior to the start of services. Any subsequent changes of routing must be submitted to the CSA 143 prior to implementa~iou. All mmh changed routes must be documented in the same detail as the original maps supplied by the Contractor. Not less than two weeks prior to implementing any change in routes or collection schedules which alters the day of collection, the Contractor must notify each customer affected by mail and by leaving a notice taped to top of trash container. Cc, llm:tion Vehicles - The Contractor shall provide and maintain (luring the entire period of this contract a fleet of mechanized refuse collection vehicles sufficient in number and capacity to preform the work and render the service required by this contact. The fleet must be sufficient to handle the special requirement of adverse weather, holiday overloads and water flow including bridge closures or blocked washes. The Contractor's vehicles and other equipment must be clearly identified with the name and phone number of the company's local office on each side of the equipment. Letter's and number shall. he at least six inches high and of proportionate width. This identification shall be permanently affixed to each vehicle and piece of equipment. All vehicles must be kept clean, in sanitary condition, good repair and meet community standards of appearance at all times. (Submit picture of vehicle with bid.) Ihe CSA 143 shall be the sole judge of community standards of appearance. The noise level for the collection vehicles duri,tg the stationary compaction process shall not exceed seventy- five (75) decibels at a distance of twenty-five (25) feet from the collection vehicle and at. an elevation of five (5) feet from the horizontal. b3se p].ace of such vehicle. The Contractor shall supply the Sanitation Contracts Administrator witIt a list of all equipment to be used in fulfilling this agreement and will notify CSA 143 of additions or deletions as they occur. C~re and Diligence - The Contractor shall exercise all reasonable care mid diligence in collecting refuse. Every effort must be made to prevent spilling, scattering or dropping refuse during the collection process. Ho~,,ever, in the event that refuse is spilled, scattered or dropped, the ,,perator shall i,mnediately clean up the material, place it in the container an, l dmnp the container. Containers must be replaced in an upright position. If the container falls over, the operator must immediately reset the container. It shall be further noted that refuse collection easements are frequently co-located with other utility easements. Particular attention must be given to the location of water meters, transformers, guy ~ires. utility poles and irrigation structures. Authorization to use the easement does not abrogate the Contractor's responsibility to exercise caution in relationship t.o the property of other authorized users. -10- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP UpdatedMarch 8, 1990 10. 11. Place of Collection - Normal collection points for residential refuse shall be curbside. 'The Contractor shall continue carry-out services for those individuals who are tunable to place their refuse for collection in the usual manner due to severe physical handicap. A current list of such locations will be provided to tile Contractor one week prior to the date the Contractor starts service. The Contractor shall not receive special pay,nent for this service. New requests for carry out service received by the Contractor shall be referred to the Director for investigation. If approved for this service, the CSA 1~3 will notify the Contractor to start the service oil tile next regularly scheduled collection day. However, if the Contractor has reason to believe the service is no longer required, the Contractor shall notify the Director. The CSA 143 will notify the Contractor of the result o[ the investigation and whether the service is to be continued or discontinued. Non-Residential Collections The Contractor shall provide refuse collection to specifically designated non-residential locations within the CSA 1~3. These may include, but are not limited to, fire stations, schools, parks, and public buildings. The Contractor shall not serve any non-residential units with the equipment used for collections under this contract except those specifically designated. Ihe CSA 143 will not. bill or be billed for titis service. ~ of Crdlection - The Contractor shall not start refuse collection prior t:o 6:00 a.m. nor continue collections after 8:00 p.m. In an emergency, the Colttractor may request authorization from the Assistant Sanitation Administrator to work beyond 8:00 p.m. October 31st the last pickup carlnot be later than 4:00 p.m. Collection Impediments - The Coiltractor shall provide regularly scheduled weekly re[use collection service to each residence in the designated area. A nu,nber of collection impediments may require special effort to accomplish this level t,f. service. If this special effort requires the distribution of containers, it shall be tile responsibility of the Contractor to distribuLe 'tltem. Rain Some streets become impassable during periods of heavy or prolonged rain. When the Contractor determines that collection vehicles can longer provide service in the street, the following steps shall be taken: 1. Notify the Director giving location of il~passable street. 2. Notify residents that collection service will be available temporarily at the street location. 3. Notify the Director when alley is returned to service. Return containers if applicable. Notify the residents of the date that collection service will again be delivered in the street location. -11- CSA lt, 3 Refuse Removal RFP Updated 'March 8, 1990 (;. B. Infrastructure Renovation Periodically major renovation is necessary to maintain the infrastructure of the CSA 143. This includes such activities as replacing gas, water, and sewer lines, surfacing or resurfacing stt-eets, and replacing wiring for telephone, electricity, or cable 'I.V. I[ the Director is notified in advance of these activities, Director will notify the Contractor. However, it is not uncommon for work to be ~nitiated without prior notification. Alternate sanitation service must be provided during this period of disruption. Each circumstance mu.~t be evaluated individually to determine the appropriate alternative. The Director shall be notified o[ the nature of the disruption, its location, and the alternative employed to provide .~ervice. Street Blocked by Refuse When material is placed in the street in such a way that the collection vehicle cannot proceed do~a] the street, the Contractor may notify the Director. Director will attempt to locate the individual responsible for the material and have them remove it. However, if the responsible p:~rty cannot be located, the Co~tractor shall remove the material blocking the alley and collect the refuse as scheduled. '.~treet Bh,cked by Illegally parked vehicle. Titis is usually a matter {,f hours, thus collection can be provided on the scheduled day. If ~ecessary, collection sh:lll be provided at start o[ shift on the [oilowing day. 12. Future Requirements - The Director may imp.se other requirements for pickup ~ recyclab]e,materials throughout. tile life of this contract, C~,:u~ty in meeting state mandated recycling goals. Good faith negotiati~s wi.]_] be required of both parties to the contract when any new malldates are impos~:d. 13. Ret,ortin~. - Ihe Contractor shall provide monthly reports on the quauti. t5 (by weight.) of each type of recyclable collected to the Director, and compare this to the tonnage of refuse delivered to disposal sites from the service area. -12- CSA 163 Refuse Removal RFP Updated March 8, 1990 UNCONTAINED COLLECIION SPECIFICATIONS Scop~ 12Jr Work - Tile Contractor shall provide quarterly collectiou of uncontained refuse which is composed of materials which are not easily contained such as Christmas trees, tree trimmings, furniture and large appliances. lla_J. erials t.o be Collected - The Contractor shall furnish all labor, sul,erv[sion, materials, permits, licenses, and equipment necessary to l,r,¥,:i,le unc,.,ntained trash collection for occupants of specified dwelling units within the designated area of tile CSA 143 as follows: A. 1he Contractor shall collect a]l Christmas trees placed for collection. B. The Contractor shall collect all furniture, large appliances, rugs, and other items of household usage too large for placement in containers. C. The C~mtra¢:tor sha]_l collect all palm fronds placed for collection. D. The C,mtractor shall collect all yard refuse such as tree limbs, shrubs, t rimmi,gs, and clJ. ppings as placed for collection The C,'mtroctor shall not collect construction material resulting from the c,mstruction or demolition of buildings. tlowever, small amounts of material such as results fromm do-it-yourself projects including but not limited to sheet metal, pipe, and lumber shall be collected. Ihe intent o£ this paragraph is to provide service if at al. 1 possible. F. 7he Contractor shall not be required to collect bin type containers. _$~'OiA~C Ft'eq,te~tc_y - The district is divided into 13 collection areas. Uncontained collection service shall be scheduled to co,,,plete one area ~:t week. Thus. each area shall receive uncontained collection service 4 times per year. Ihe schedule for this service is detailed in Section 11 of the Sl,eci[ica~ i(,n~. ?he work load should be evenly balanced among the areas. When growth or the maturation of vegetation create unbalanced work loads tile O:mtractor shall request a tealigm~ent of areas in writing. The Cont~.aclor slmll inch,de a map giving the suggested boundaries of the revised areas i~ tl,e request. The CSA 143 will periodically review these requests and may change the areas. s{'bedules am'__J Routes - The collection areas must be collecte,1 [n sequem'e and e;~ch area must be collected in au orderly progression starting and ending in tl~e same general location in each subsequent collection cycle. Each day the Contractor will report the area competeted and t.ns that. day and the next. days work area to the Inspections Supervisor. Days are to be arranged by the successful vendor and CSA 143 Director sh~,rtly after award of contract.. The CSA 143 will place advertisementq the South West edition of the Press Enterprise, Rancho News, and the Californian as to dates of uncontained collection. The vendor is to leave a note taped to the top of the trash container tile week prior, notifying r,.~:~ident of refuse collection. -13- CSA 163 Refuse Removal RFP Updated' March 8, 1990 10. Col].ectiou Vehicles - The Contractor shall exercise all reasonable care and diligence in collecting refuse. All materials placed for collection mr, st be collecled without dm, age to lawns or creating litter. This may require hand raking. It shall be ~urther noted that refuse collection easements area frequently co-located with other utility easements. Particular attention must be given to the location of water meters, transformers, guy wires, utility poles, and irrigation structures. Authorization to use the easement does not abrogate the Contractor's responsibility to exercise caution in relationship to the property of other authorized users. ~],acc of collection- Normal collection points for residential refuse shall be curbside. Non-Re!ident~a] Collection -The Contractor shall provide refuse collection service to specifically designated non-residential locations. These may include but are not limited to fire stations, schools, parks, and public buildings. Each non-residential unit shall be counted as one (1) dwelling uniL. The Contractor shall not serve any non-residential units with the equipment used for collections under this contract except those specifically ,losi~,~,,ated. There are currently some locations within this area which ret'eive uncontained collection only. A list will be provided to the C-u trac !or. ]'im_C of Co_l].ect[on - The Contracto~ shall not start refuse collection prior to 6:00 a.m. nor continue collections after 8:00 p.m. Although the Contractor may work in an area before the date announced in the newspaper ad.vertisement, all material placed for collection after the Contractor collects the area but prior to the date of first collection as advertised must be collected. bpecial Services - The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all services necessary for public refuse collection. Special services will be reimbursed at special rates. Possible everits which may trigger' these requests are major storms which block streets with vegetation or fire loads dumped by vehicles other than the Contractor. .~ompleted Work - It is the contractors responsibility to supervise the work in progress and to provide direction to employees in the field. While 143 employees may suggest possible solutions to problems or unnsual situations, the Contractor retains the responsibility for collecting refuse. 11. Future Requirements - The Director may impose other requirements for pi,'kup of recyclable materials throughout the life of this contract, to assist Cot, nty in meeting state mandated recycling goals., Good faith negotiations will be required of both parties to the contract when any new mandates are imposed. -14- CSA 1~3 Refuse Removal RFP Updated .March 8, 1990 MINIM[~! CONIAINER SPECIFICATIONS Materials: Retationally molded, first qua].ity, Union Carbide GPEP-803-LMDPE. Certified t~.', c'onlain uttra violet stabilization provided by the equivalent of .5% of UV 531 stab.ilization compound. Certified to meet a minimum ESCR rating exceeding 1000 hours for both 100% and 10% Igepal solutions. Cart. !t,.q_,_ll]e Mounts: [nl~e~:~ally molded part. of cart body. External handle di;mleter, 1.375 inc!~es. Features three comfortable and convenient gripping areas. Cart. Lid: Rc,~ation~lly molded, first quality, Union Carbide GPEP-~;03-LMDPE. .Nominal thickness, 0.125 inches. Certified to contain ultra violet stabilization provided by the equivalent of .5% of LW stabilization compound. Attached with hinge which rotates with no interference. Encases PVC pipe witl~in 1/4" walls. D~,med t.o facilitate run-off of wate~~. Imprinted with "Instructions" and "Indications and Contra-indictions" in Etu:]ish, Irent'h, and Spanish. Wheel P, et:-~ iners: Plastic coated steel. 5/8" galvanized solid steel fully supported by cart body. used for mounting. No bolts or rivets Wheels: 20 inch by 2 inch (nominal) IIDPE. Minimum R.M,A, doa,! rating of 180 poun,ls per wheel. -15- CSA 143 Refuse Removal RFP Updated March 8, 1990 Safety Bar: Minimum 1.00 inch diameter, 16 gauge, galvanized steel tube. Stainless steel optional. Rotates freely on its axis to facilitate safe engagement and disengagement of dtunper locking hook. Accessible for quick, clean, and easy removal and replacement from exterior o£ cnrt by maintenance personnel in the filed without use of power tools. Capacity: Container volume 101 U.S. gallons. D ~ mell$ J ¢)11~: Width: 31 inches. Fits through gates and doors. Length: 36 inches. Heigkt: 45 lines C(, lo r: U!t~a-violet stabilized, non-fading dark green, brown, black. Special colors available. Stahl] i iv: Designed to prevent being turned over by winds of up to 25 ,nph in any direction when empty. -16- CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 23, 1990 City Council/City Manager Bill Holley, Staff Consultan~'~[J~ Response to Board of Directors Request for Information From County Service Are 143 Regarding Park Use, Field and Program Scheduling. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file response; set meeting date with CSA-143 Board of Directors DISCUSSION: On Friday, March 23, we had a very productive and positive meeting with a three-member subcommittee of the CSA-143 Board of Directors and the District Director. The attached four-page response was discussed in detail. Additionally, the CSA has provided sixty- plus pages of back-up material for illustration and/or clarification to issues discussed in the response letter. Your attention is directed to page 3, CSA Committee Concerns, 1 - 5. We concur with the items listed and have been working on a package for the Council to address items I - 4. The Board of Directors of the CSA requests a meeting with the Directors of the Community Services District to discuss and share their views on these concerns and discuss other topics of interest to the CSD. Additionally, the budget for the CSD should be discussed as well. If this is your desire, the identification of several agenda topics in advance would facilitate a more productive session. I highly recommend this meeting as a way of clearing up any misconceptions. BH:jsg Riverside County Service Area 143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite '105 - Temecula, CA 92390 [7~4] 699-0235 A.arci~ 23. !~90 L:~'a: "' .~lesht."v: i. 5.xpia~n the s,:heduling p.'obiem -~nd ho~, [[ v:.:-:s :'esolved. lhe :)asic pr~':uiem i~ ~tn over abundance ',.If t. ser groups n-~ber of sporting fields. "~ is poll,"} mm ha~ been t.., ~ive all u~er '~:[: .~: ' .groups a~ equal ~,ppot'~u;~icv to ut[lize the fze~ds. huheducing ,uee~.tngs have been held ~ld :::it 5he ~.cnclusJcn ,',f these ,.eetings r. he re. questing. fialds had been gz,.-an ~heir s,~iicite'i I [mss. As "o "iliz~ { by fact all + .... ' t .... ['[ei~ '~i~in.'~.ll, ~'~m,e=~d have noc .... en .~. '~.Ldi[.i.:,n a .,)n-r .~[:,'' f~e has been 5uper':~ors, .,:hich t,'ould ,~ii~'..'~a[e ~e t.~o [.v nun-remidecr~., a~ ind/ca:ed ;n ..ge ..... ed,./~ng tnrormatic.n, clte resident p~zuri%' by 'flSA spo~l~oted 1..,~gue',. was ad:'iressed quk=e :~ffecti','ely ~cith ;he puint ~ystem. The t.~n.lem.': reqn~r~menc ix: the point ~y~tem, conse,_juen=l>' cut the adult {.e:ul{s by e~even (See attachme:Its). Wimt is the pri. o:'it:~ go.[ic7 new ix'. effect: Do you ~;]ve ";)ut-,,:-a,~'ea" adult? first pric, rit. y aneacl of l:~cal children -)~'; lighted T!:e (.~A sraff_~ p~:'[[c.l.' i~ noc t,.~ giro ,,ut ~,f area pl.ayex'% priority +:head witix the CSA 5~fztoail Le:tgues. ekextu~ t=amam t. er'e ("tlL vhlci: ~[imi::ished Lhese i~sues, Howevor. Lit the leagues tnu CSA does mot ~vhniniitut, :his type ,,[ ~'~.,~_troi 1~, their r~spc:nsibilirv, Whereas. ,tall has m, Tile · ~ ...... ~ ~'~ they aU ::::e Alta :.k'.riteu:t ~ ie:.~s anti :his ~ciil :~ uncle:' "'-' . ieague ;,;oice<.i [kts iiglit. e~l f_eld tmr. iJ l!:,:)O :.'.ill. !,2 h:t.= i::.~en implied r,ie ! ~za:~ue ,I..% . . the stacsn.g "Reset' ar. ic,n .::a:!!,:: <itlKhOl'iZ::lUi:':l; fy :':1~ L'.iie:7::or - =':~quized for :.~e i.v qroups/ii::livi[tuai, r~f ::ay fields." ~28 is :cfetrs. a t: on the 'sign ;.ma ;'he~ tEA relephc:ne :lumber ;its tce!i. If unautilorizea ;;k'oUps t, ere observed. a warning !ias i'veeft given verbally and then i5 ti:ev :efu=e t,., leave she kt:ate~' ;,'as given ,,ut. A;' p:'e~ent. Life Siteriff ')eput/ .'~s a :ae:nbe:' uf staff i.as t,een pa[r<';iiiug and letsets are being given tilC ~'i,~;tli. C .LiP, g: u; ' ]..,C .'4t'~.:.tS. ']:'.:ere t: a pilon~' .-It hi're Xorth aaa South fields, [:: the ,;' recession 5,.>: ,taff ::se and ;,: pay phniie ~m the exterior uf the building. The :::sts:l.xticu .~." the ::,:~,,- [:hr.;lies ;:is [.he Y. ancho l':sta fields has been :tailed as of titis ~:eek. :'!:e ,:',mt~.;c': from General Telepncme insists he <:rid :foe agree r;-> a.~ tile [:'~Hcilitlg .iS the CS? p:'esiJe:lt :;:Is 'Lead :..c.. beiie~e. ihe~.~ ..... "':~ CSA i~a~ no st;!~f t.c :iO [:.li:~ ," ':~ust ~¢ait [~ tocei,.'e ti,:mat-od help '~::,m the iaif:bot~ Ca:ap :'~e~s. Fhe CSA has ilO funds for t'.Ii. Jito.a i:not'o:'ement:',, [het~-i'ore, t'he CEA suggests :lie ::SD q,".lui~:e ;:'::h'lS ~:'::::~l ~:~e t:i~]' ]~ile~.kik Fund ~:; pay (..,r ~i-:e tr,e:lciling. F<,ssib!: 9erte~:.l :¢.iepi:ovo t,,ul<: [,e ~.i. li:.:.:,. ~<:' ,iu :.his job. tcijl be ,,t:tai::4,.: ~'o:i~ 5~ne:::.:: T::!epkc::e ::.' CSA 14:.' ::'aff u';,: to, ::.he C'SD. ~ f >i&h if. -5. ["' '..,e 12ee,~ .L lu~..tli. 2~_(;£'; '2. }:ore e::tensive vse ,~[ the .~,,'.1~ooi factiicies. .°urstm arm obEy. it: tt~e ;;f tire Devei,~.per'~ Fees, '.mienunit7 the ' ' ~2- .. · lkex'_~x: ,,£ 5he (:23D Other tte.ls [-o (..c. vet: i. 'Xhy ok,, ,.-.he:,.' think :;qA st:ill has c::nfllct ',:,f i:~ce.':eat': The .'tCcus:4Li.'~:l rile C$,\ staff ha'.4 .x c~:nf:!ic't ,,t 5nCete$t ..)re.sume,.[ ',': srenl i::.nn ~he CSA Rec:~:ari:mai Pr),:~za:,~ ~.hicit [or "'~ . _ rite ,.:';.~ :.cifi Ls acr[,i,4 in tile ,:..:p;u.try c:f :i F..~:.:,, :-.i:d F.:~ct'eation t,.itich :':. ,:ne :'he [uncr. ions ,-~f this c~i.',. '~he users gro:zps :~[lOllJ.'~ }',:~'U. ['F.-'.'.~e :-H:v H.iesT. ilms [ Lel{~-e ~'' '~' ,. , Riverside Counly Service Area ' 43' JEANINE R, OVERSON, DIRECTOR · i'29377 Rd,~cho Cali£ornia Road, Suite 105 ~lemdcula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 11, 1989 Park Facility User Groups Riverside County Service Area 143 1990 Booking of Facilities The 1990 scheduling meeting will be i~eld at 6:00 P.M. on January 24, 1990, at the Riverside County Service Area 143 office located ~t 29377 Ral~cho California Ro'ad, Suite 105 in the Windsor Building. Any and all interested groups wishing to use the Rancho California Sports Park, Alta Murrieta and/ or Cali£ornia Oaks facility, must have one representative present to book usage for the 1990 calendar year. The Ra{~cho California Sports Park may be booked from February 19 to June 30, 1990. The remainder of the 1990 year will be booked at a later date. All other [,ark facilities may be booked for the entire 1990 calendar year. Please find enclosed a rental fees for usage and a need form for your booking. To make the scheduling go faster and have fewer problems, please have )'our need form filled out and mailed back to the CSA l!~3 office no later than January 17 at 5:0U P.M. Staff will prepare a rouah need calendar for use for the 1990 year and have copies at the meeting. Only groups that return co,~pleted forms by the deadline will be placed on this calendar, thus having first choice. Each group attending the meeting must have a "booking and cleon up deposit" of $100.00, made payable to Riverside County Service Area 143 (CSA 143). Thank you for your ~ime. See you at the meeting on January 24. Very truly )'ours, Director JRO/rls Riverside Courtly Service Area t43 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 :Temecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 EVENT GAME FEES PRACTICE FEES SOCCER/FOOTBALL $24.00 PER FIELD PER DAY $8.00 PER FIELD PER IIOUR BASEBALL FIELDS (ON RANCHO VISTA) $12,00 PER FIELD PER DAY $3.00 PER FIELD PER IIUUR SOFTBALL FIELDS (NORTH AND SOUIll) LiGiiT~,t ....................... (NORTH', AND SOUTII) $20.00 PER FIELD PER DAY $5.00 PER ~iELD PER {[OUR $15.00 PER FIELD PER 1IOUR :. $15.00 PER FIELD PER 110UR :. f.'.. '":~,l l?' I "7' , ,. · ,, · .~' ~, 1 .......'-'.,....ON NoR'r:Ii'AND/OR SOUIll FIELDS ....... '.' ........~.~"}~,~; ............... - ~ '~' ".' L..' , ."'~i " ' ~' ~" ,. .~-I'~ .r',...~. . :." ~, ' .,. '~ ~' ,' . ~ ~., '~.., ...... ~,~ ,, ~ .... .... ..... ,. ~; ~ .,. < · .~:, . .u,~.,..~ ..,,..,., ..~ ....... ,.....,~.-t,Z.~. , · '1% .....::.:;' t'~..~;I,:~'3~PIB~,~'.F~g; PER D~y ~OR GROUP(S);O B~ ~ FT~" ..~ '.. "~ , ~'~...h. ~ ;~ '~ ' '~ :" · .~ ~/ ~ / ' ;' .Yv' ":.: ' ' ' ~, $25.00 PER FI~L~ PER IIOUR ~"~RTli' AND"~'~IJ-'~iEL~S . ' ...~%.~ <' ................ ., ~!2~: '~.' ..................... · ,. ),{~ ....... .., · FIHLDS AVAI~BL~: ~NClIO GALIFORNIA SPORTS PARK 1. NORTH AND SOUTH 2. ~NGI{O VISTA 3. UPPER ALTA MURRIETA 1. ALTA MURRIETA SOCCER/FOOTBALL 2. ALTA HURRIETA BALL 3. SYCAMORE BALL CALIFORNIA PARK 1. PARK 10 (OPEN PARK) 2. PARK 11 (OPEN PARK) 1990 BOOKING NEEDS Riverside Counly Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92390 (714)699-O235 DATE I'REPARED: NAHE OF USER GROUP: HAILING ADDRESS: PERSON TO CON'rAG'r: TELEPIIONE: TYPE OF USER GROUP: LEAGUE: SPECIAL EVENT: SPURT UR EVENT TO BE IiELDI DATES REQUESTED: I !q""('l/'~ FIELDS REQUESTED: OILIER REQUESTS: LIGIITING NEEDED: YES: NO: IF YES, GIVE T1HES: $/GNA1UHE OI" USER 'riII,E Of U~I~;I~, Riverside County Service Area t43' JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR '129377 Rancho Cal:L£ornLa Road, Su~l:e 105 "Cemecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 1990 USERS CONDITIONS WE RESERVE TIlE RIGlIT TO LIMIT OR DENY USE BY ANY GROUP OR PERSON(S) TO INSURE TIlE CONTINUED AVAILABILITY OF TIlE PARK TO ALL USERS. ALL USERS WILL REMOVE TIIEIR EQUIPMENT FROM TIlE FIELDS AT TIlE CONCLUSION OF PId%Y 1'O FACILITATE TIIE USE OF TIlE PAIiK BY OTIIER GROUPS. 3. ALL VEIIICLES ARE PROIIIBITED FROM RIDING ON OR BEING DRIVEN ON TIIE GRASSED AREAS. (EXCEPTION.' MAINTENANCE AND/OR SET 'UP OR' CLEAN UP) i~, EACll GROUP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSSES OF ANY ITEMS, T~IEIRS OR 'PARKS, IN TIlE SNACK BAR, STO~GE FACILITY UR ON 1'HE FIELDS. ABO,yE ANY OTIIER 'FEES.,(. Tills DEPOSIT IS REFUNDABLE IN WIIOLE OR PART AT 1118' END, OE YOUR USAO~'O~ ~IIE FIELDS. IF TIlERE 1S ANY DAMAGES OR' t;LEAN LosE~ TIlE RIGlIT I~ USK TIlE P~ AND ANY AND ALL HONIES PAID';i~i~L BE NON- THE FEf, S ARE D,~E~'AND~.P~i?ABLB. IN FULL TEN,DAYS BEFORE A [Y..SC I~PLf,b"EyEN'I 'NEXT AVAILADLg DATg.'~IF ',~pU DO .NOT~ SEND YOUR 0IIANGES OR CANOEI,LAI'IONS IN WRITING, $50.00 WILL BE KEPT"~.GR LOSS OF BOOK1NO, . . 9. TIlE FACILITIES ARE RENTED AS STATED IN T!!~ A~OV~ CONDITIONS, ANY AND ALL IMPROVEMENTS FOR YOUR GROUP, [lUST BE REQUESTED 1N WRITING AND APPROVED BEFORE MADE. lO. AGAIN, PAYMENT IS DUE TEN DAYS BEFORE ANY USE. IllIS AMOUNT WILL BE CALCULATED BY YOUR BOOKING NEEDS. WHEN YOUR ACTUAL SGIIEDULES ARE RECEIVED, IF TWO WEEKS BEFORE USE, YOUR FEES WILIo BE RE-FIGURED. AT TIlE END OF TIlE SEASON OR USE, TIIE DIFFERENCE IF ANY WILL BE REFUNDED, ALONG WITII YOUR DEPOSIT IF IT IS NOT USED. 11. 1NSURANUE POLICY: FOR USE OF RANClIO CALIFORNIA SPORTS PARK OR SAM 1IICKS PARK, TIlE CITY OF TEMEGULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT flUST BE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED..FOR USE OF ALTA MURRIETA AND CALIFORNIA OAKS PARKS, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CSA 1~,3 HUST BE NAMED AS ADI;ITIONAL INSURED. ~OE' F0~ ~ DATE PREPARED: NAME OF USER GROUP: 19 ~._5~6KING NEEDS Riverside County Service Area 443 JEANINE R. OVERSON. DIRECTOR '2937~ Rancho California Road, Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 PERSON TO CONTACT: ~,~z~/ ~~.~_~/ TYPE OF USER GROUP: LEAGUE: SPORT OR EVENT TO BE IIELD: ~'~/~" z~ DATES REQUESTED: 'l TELEPIIONE: SPECIAL EVENT: OTIIER REQUESTS: LIGIITING NEEDED: YES: ~ NO: YES, G~VE TIUES: ~O~i~ 3I(;NATI~E OF USER /7/ ? ~ 22 I ? January 24, 1990 Riverside County Service Area JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road. Sulle t05 - Temecula, CA 92390 [.7t4] 699-0235 Temecula Valley American Little League 27588 Jon Christian Place Temecula, California 92390 Mr. Richardson, Your organization has requested the following dates; staff has calculated your reutal fees based on this request. 1. Starting February 21 to February 28 Weekdays 3pm to 5pm 6 days x 2 hours = 12 hours (2 major) 12 hours ($3.00 per hour) = $36.00 x 2 fields = $72.00 March 1, 2; 2 major fields 3pm to 5pm 2 hours x 2. days; 4 x $3.00 = $12.00 x 2 fields = $21.00 Feb./March Saturdays 8am to 5pro $12.00 per field per day x 2 fields = $2&.00 $24.00 x 2 days = $48.00 Section 1 total is: $144.00 2. March; Mondays and Fridays 3pro to 5pro All 8 Rancho Vista fields 8 fields x 2 hours; 8 x $6.00 = $48.00 x 10 days = $480.00 Saturday, March 10; $12.00 x 8 [ields = $96.00 Saturday, March 17; Opening Day; 5 fields 9am - 12:30pro $10.50 x 5 = $52.50 2 fields; lpm to 4pm; 2 x $9.00 = $18.00 Sectio[, 2 total is: .. 3. Rancho Vista Fields Monday through Friday; aii 8 fields; 3 pm- 5pro 8 fields x 2 hours ($6.00) = $48.00 per day A.March 19 - 23rd B.April 2 - 13th C.April 16 - 20th D.April 23 - 27th E.April 30 - May &th Section 3 total is: $1,440.00 $48.00 x 5 days = $240.00 $48.00 x 10 days = $480.00 $48.00 x 5 days = $240.00 $48.00 x 5 days = $240.00 $48.00 x 5 days = $240.00 4. North and South Fields Monday through Friday; 3:00pm ~ 5:30pm. 2 1/2 ($5.00 per field per hour)= $12.50 A. xxxxx B. Dates above for the Nortit $12.50 x 10 days = $125.00 Adding South on Thursdays; $12.50 x 2 = $25.00 C.Dates above for the North $12.50 x 5 = $65.00 South on the 18th $12.50 D. North & South on Thurs. 26th $25.00 E. South only on May 1 $1~.50 Section ~ totaJ. is: $265.00 page 2 5. Rancho Vista Fields Monday through Friday; all 8 fields; 3 pm - 5pm 8 fields x 2 ltours ($6.00) = $48.00 per day A.[.lay 7 - 18 $48.00 x 10 days = $480.00 B.May 21 - 25 $48.00 x 5 days = $260.00 C.May 28 - June 1 $48.00 x 5 days = $240.00 7 fields x 2 hours ($6.00) = $42.00 D.June 4 - 15 $42.00 x 10 days = $420.00 E. June 18, 20, 21, 22 3 x $6,00 = $18.00 x 4 = $72.00 F. June 19; 5 fields x $6.00 = $30.00 Section 5 total is: $1,482.00 6. North and South Fields Monday through Friday; 3:00pm - 5:3Opm. 2 1/2 ($5,00 per field per hour)= $12.50 X 2 = $25.00 A. $25.00 x 10 days B. $25.00 x' 5 days C. $25.00 x 5 days D. $25.00 x 10 days E. $25.00 x 4 (lays F. $25.00 one day use = $250.00 = $125.00 = $125.00 = $250.00 = $100.00 = $ 25.00 Section 6 total is: $817.00 7. Rancho Vista 3 fields and North & Soutit Rancho Vista; 3pm - 5pro: Nortit & South 3pro - 5:30pro June 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, July 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 $18.00 x 19 = $342.00 Rancho Vista $25.00 x 19 = $475.00 Nortit & Soutit Section 7 total is:',. $817.00 8. Sunday use of tile 8 fields at Rancho Vista and Nortlt. lpm - 5pm; 8 x $12.00 = $96.00 1 x $20.00 = $20.00 $116.00 total of 9 used March 18 & 25th $96.00 April 1,8,22,29; 4 x $116.00 = $466.00 Play 6, 13, 20, 27 adding South at $20.00 additiom~l $116.00 + $20.00 = $136.00 x $544.00 June 3, 10:7 fields x $12.00 = $84.00; $124.00 x 2 = $248.00 June 17, 2~; 3 fields x $].2.00 = 36.00; $76.00 x 2 = $.152.00 No Sundays in July. $40.00 $40.00 = $76.00 Section 8 total is: $1,464.00 page 3 9. Saturdays: (all 8am to 6pm) Rancho Vista 8 fields x $12.00 = $96.00 Sports Park North $20.00 Sports Park South $20.00 date R.V. North South total 3-24 X 3-31 X 4-07 X 4-14 X 4-21 X 4-28 X 5-05 X 5-12 X 5-19 X 5-26 X 6-02 X 6-09 *$84.00 6-16 * 6-23 #36.00 6-30 # 7-07 # 7-14 # 7-21 # 7-28 # .... $96 .... $96 X $116 x .... $116 x $116 X $116 X $116 X $116 X X $136 X X $136 X X $136 X X $12~ x x $12~ x x $ 76 X X $ 76 X X $ 76 X X $ 76 X X $ 76 x x $ 76 Totals $1,440.00 $340.00 Note: *$84.00 = 7 fields x $12.00 #$36.00 = 3 fields x $12.00 $220.00 $2,000.00 Section 9 total is: $2,000.00 TOTALS; SECTION 1: 144.00 2: 646.50 3:1,440.00 4: 265.00 5:1,482.00 6:875.00 7:817.00 8:1,464.00 9:2,000.00 Tile total of requested days are: $ 9,133.50 The total is due and payable on or before February 11, 1990. page 4 1990 BOOKING NEEDS Riverside County Service Area ~43 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR "273,77 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 Temecula, CA 9239'0 (714)699-0235 DATE PREPARED [WILING ADDRESS: PERSON TO CONTACT: TYPE OF USER GROUP: LEAGUE: ,~ SPECIAL EVENT: LIGIITING NEEDED: YES: NO: ~ IF YES, GIVE TI[IES: SIGNATUR~ OF USER T11'i.E OF USI'.'R Riverside County Service Area 143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 405 - Temecula, CA 92390 (744] 699-0235 January 24, 1990 Temecula Valley National Little League P.O. Box 1011 Temecula, California 92390 Hr. Lewis, Your organization has requested the following dates; staff has calculated your rental fees based on this request. SYCAMORE PARK IN ALTA MURRIETA 1. Saturdays: Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 3, 1990 $12.00 x 4 days = $48.00 8am-5pm 2. Weekday Practices: 4pm to 6pm Harctt 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 April 2, 3,, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 2 hours = $6.00 x 22 days = $132.00 3. Games: Mondays - Wednesdays 4pm to 6pm April 16 - June 30 33 days x $6.00 = $198.00 4. Games: Saturdays 9am to 4pm April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 $12.00 x 11 days = $132.00 5. Practices during season: Thursdays and Fridays 4pm to 6pm April 19 to June 29 22 days 2 hours = $6.00 x 22 days = $132.00 . --' ~,~ Total rental fee for the above mentioned days and facility: $642~~~~ Staff has prepared your organizational request by numbers 1 through 5. Page one is Sycamore Park, page two is Alta Murrieta open field and page 3 is the Alta Murrieta ball field. ALTA MURRIETA OPEN FIELD Using the same dates on page one page 2 1. Try outs on Saturdays 8am to 5pin. $24.00 per day x 4 days = $96.00 2. Weekday Practices: 4pm to 6pm $16.00 x 22 days = $352.00 ($8.00 per hour) 3. Games: Mondays - Wednesdays 4pm to 6pm $16.00 x 33 days = $528.00 4. Games: Saturdays 9am to 4pm $24.00 x 11 days = $264.00 5. P~'actices during season: Thursdays and Fridays $16.00 x 22 days = $352.00 4pro to 6pro Total remtal fee for the above mentioned days and facility: $1,592.00. ALTA MURRIETA BALL FIELD page 3 1. March 15 to March 1, 1990 4pm to 8pm Practices: weekdays $20.00 x 12 days = $240.00 Lights: $15.00 x 3 hours = $45.00 x 12 days = $540.00 2. Saturdays: 8am to dark March 17, 24, 31. $20.00 x 3 days = $60,00 Section 1 and 2 total $840.00 3. April 2 to April 27: Monday through Friday 4pm to 10pm $20.00 x 20 days = $400.00 Lights: 20 days x 5 hours of lights $15.00 x 5 hours = $75.00 per night $75.00 x 20 days = $1,500.00 April 30th : $20.00 for field and $15.00 x 4 hours = $60.00 Section 3 total is : $1,980.00 4. May usage: 4pm to 10pm 23 weekdays x $20.00 = $460.00 Lights: 4 hours x $15.00 = $60.00 x 11 1/2 days = $690,00 11 1/2 days x 3 hours ($45.00) = $517.50 Saturdays in May: 8am to 10 pm. 4 days x $20.00 = $80.00 ~Lights:~ 2 days x $60.00 = $120.00 2 days at $45.00 = $ 90.00 Section 4 to~al is : $1,957.50. 5. June usage: 4pm to 10pm 21 weekdays x $20.00 = $420.00 Lights: 3 hours ($65.00) x 10 1/2 = $472.00 2 1/2 hours ($37.50) x 10 1/2 = $393.75 Saturdays: 5 x $20.00 = $100,00 Lights: 2 1/2 x $45.00 = $112.50 2 1/2 x $37.50 = $ 93.75 Section 5 total is : $ 1,592.00 page Sycamore Park Alta Murrieta Open Field Alta Murrieta Ball Field $ 640.00 $1,592.00 due Feb. 1, 1990 due Feb. 1, 1990 $6,369.50 due March 5, 1990 (if starting March 15th) $5,529.50 due March 23, 1990 (if starting April 2, 1990) Total bill if starting at Alta Murrieta ball field is: $8,603.50 Total bill if starting at Alta Murrieta ball field is: $7,763.50 Riverside County Service Area 443 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 Jnnuary 23, 1990 Temecula Valley Soccer Association P.O. Box 1463 Temecula, California 92390 Mr. Nick Laytart, O~r sta~.[ wishes to thank you for your booking request for the Rancho Califor.~a Sports Park on Saturdays beginning September 8, 1990. At t~is time we are only taking. reservations for dates prior to June 30, 1990. The CSD will'~,e admli~iste~ing this facility after the above mentioned date. Uowever, ~SA 143 staff wil~.present your request to the CSD in the month of February, knowing tha~ y .Br-".organ~.zat~on will need ample time in planniug thls you[h 8~O~in~p~og.f:~,~.~]!~ich will be of benefit to the entire commun.[ ty'?~ t:' ......[" ~t,:.. Tie policM now in. effect fc.r ~ental '~ees are' $2~ O0 per d:]v , ., / . ' ' ' .... '; -' . i : · , ..... ~ ....... ~'' ' fee zs for Rancho V~sta;, .~!ppe~.soc~er?[ield at the 8ports Park Tli~ ."': · 'q ' ' ' ,~,!~. ~,:~'.lP~ ' .~: ~ ~ ~.,' t'~ ,~ ~ ,:;, .i:',i;I~."s' ~'": · Dates : 9~O~,,l~,~.Z~i,~Z~,~;..13~ 20, 27( 11-03, 10, ]7''(10~b~[e~.):. am.t o v sta: dates I.,L., ,~ ..... .... ~ ~ *~ ~ ~' ,, ~/' ~ ,' ~', , ~ J ~, 'Total rental fee for'Spo~'~s'Pa'rk: $z,20'd:bb ... ~"'.'.~ ,- tlsage..We shalZ be ~n con~Tct?s..soon ms we have official word [o['m l:he Your request for the Alt~ J,~urr~}eta opensturf field for' the same above me[[tioned dates, with the ren[:~t. fee"the same ($24.00 per daF), 'the renLal fee will be $2~0,00. This amoun~ is due and payable to the (;SA 143 on or , before August 29, 1990, The $100,00 deposit must be delivered I:o the office as soon as possible in order to confirm your requested dates at. the Alta Murrieta open fieJd, authorized sig[mture dal.c 1990 BOOKING NEEDS Riverside County Service Area 'i43 JEANINE R. OVERSON. DIREC'IOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 "Temecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 TYPE OF USER GROIIP~ LEAGUE: / SPE~JI.AL EVE~I'I': OTIIER REQUESTS: LIGIITING ~IEEDED: YES: NO~ ~ i · IF YES, GIVE TIHES: TI'J'I.E OF [IS1;11 Riverside County Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR '.29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 Tem~cula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 J:~nuary 22, 1990 Temecula Valley Pop Warner Football Assoc, c/o Hr. Patrick Ryan 42036 Horaga Road #10 II l'en,ecula, California 92390 Our staff wishes to thank you for your request form, which tins excellentJ.y ,1one. The on.ly error was in October, mentioned 13 days with 14 days listed. The caculations were clone at 13 days. The $100.00 deposit i~ no}!idp~ and payable to the CSA 143 in order tu con f i r,,, ,you r..~,ql~951' dA te~,T.i]- The fees ttre due and .,a~t~b.e ~n or before July 22, 1990. Weelcdays ~ $928~00 .... , ....i .......... ;' {'{~ "' ,;{:' -. 't ' "~ t"~,' Total *~ ,l', 8~7 ~0{ Please see attached booking requesE.form Ior Lite actua~ dales. " ,' authorized signature/ title date Jt3{~l 1 ? 19Qt) 1990 BOOKING NEEDS Riverside Counly Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR .29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 · Temecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 DATE PREPAREDI 01-15-90 NAHE OF USER GROUP: TEMECULA VALLEY POP WARNER FOTTBALL ASSO. MAILINO ADDRESS: C/O PATRIC RYAN 42036 MORAGA RD #10II TEMECULA, CA. 92390 PERSON TO CONTACT~ G. PATRIC RYAN TELEPilONEI 699-9417 TYPE OF USER GROUP= SPORT OR EVENT IO BE HELD: LEAGUE: x SPECIAL EVENT{ YOU~{ FOOTBALL AND YOUTH CIIEERLEADING DATES REQUESTEDI AUGUST 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24,27,28, M. to 7:00 P.M. TOTAL 23 DAYS RENTAL IS"2 'HOURS EriCH' DAY FOR PRACTICE AT THE RATE OF $8.00 PER }{OUR = $16.00 ~ ' / PER D~Y X 23 -- $3%8.OO .t ~ ,' I.,j ' SEPTEMBER: 3,5,6,1Q,12 7~19,20,24,26,27, = 12 DAYS X $16.O' ..... ' " '"' / _ . . " ,jI '~I... ~1[ · ' ~' " . .. ,.. ... ,., .. .E0. OESTE~',POSS,,?I~.~'~' Or SATU.~A~'S tO. ~ S':'" I; I"'" """ ' . 1~..oo .oeNtrb BA~k:' · AUGUST; 4,11rl ',~.' 29 =' SpAYS X $~-4.00 = S120.0~/ OCTO~EX 6,Z,~,20,27 -- 4 PArS X $24.00 FIELDS REQUESTED: ' NOBEMBER 3 10,17, = 3 DAYS X $24.00 = $72.00.~ ALTA MURRIETA ' ' OTIIER REQUESTS OPEN BATHROOM FACILITIES AND SNA~K BAR LIGIIl'INO NEEDE[}: YES: X NO: I.F YES, GIVE TIHES: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM AS NEEDED, ESTIMATED LIGHT USE 35 }[OURS X $15.00 PER }{OUR = $525.00. - .(J. GI'I^'11.11{IC ¢)F' t181;l{ February 5, 1990 Riverside County Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON. DIRECTOR 29377 Ra9. cho California Road. Sulle t05 - Temecula, CA 92390 (7t4) 699-0235 TEMECULA VALLEY AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE 27588 ,Iori Christian Place Temeculn, Cali. l~orlti.a 92390 Mr. Richardson: Your organization has requested the foil. owing dates. Our staff has revised ::md calculated your rental fees based on ),our request and 3pm-darl¢ 1. Weekdays: Rancho Vista Fields; February 21 - February 28;6 days X 2 hours = 12 hours (Two major) 12 hours ($3.00 per hour) = $ 36.00 $36.00 X 2 fields = 5 72.00 March 1, 2; Two major fields 2 hours X 2 days = 4; 4 X $3.00 = $ 12.00 $12.00 X 2 itelds = $ 26.00 Sat:urdays: February - Narch 3 pm-tlark 8am-darl; $12.00 per field per day X 2 fields = $ 24.00 $24.00 X 2 clays = 5 /,8.00_~~ '--~-7 SECTION 1 'rOYAL IS: 5 21/,/,.._~0 Jl~ Section 1 is due and payable on or before February 11, 1990. Wee!~days: Month of March 3pro-dark All 8 Rancho Vista Fields 8 fields X 2 hours; 8 X 56.00 = $ 48.00 548.00 X 10 days = $ 480.00 Saturday, March 10 512.00 X 8 fields = 5 96.00 Saturday, March 17 (Opening Day) 5 fields (9am-12:30pm): $10.50 X 5 = $ 52.50 2 fields (lpm-4pm); 2 fields X $9.00 = ~ 18.(;U SECTION 2 TOTAL IS: C 666.5 Page 2 Weekdays: All 8 Rancho Vista Fields 3pm-dark 8 fields X 2 hours; 8 X $6.00 = $ 48.00 per day March 19 - 23; $48.00 X 5 days = $ 2~0.00 March 26 - 30:$58.00 X 5 days = ~ 240.00 April 2 - 13; $48.00 X10 days = ~ 480.00 April 16 - 20; $48.00 X 5 days = ~ 2~0.00 April 23 - 27; $48.00 April 30- May 4; $48.00X ~ d~~ SECTION 3 TOTAL S~.'$1,600,~]O~/// Weekdays: All 8 fields at Rancho Vista Field 3pm-d~rk 8 fields X 3 hours ($9.00) = $ 72.00 per day May 7 - ~8; $72.00 X 10 days = $ 720.00 ~ay 21 - 25~ $72.00 X 5 days = ~ 360.00 May 28- June 1~ $72.00 X 5 days = $ 360.00 7 fields X 3 ($9.00) = $ 63.00 per clay June 4 - 15; $63.00 X ~0 days = $ 630.00 June ~8, 20, 22; 3 X $9.00 = $ 27.00 per day $2 .oo x 3 SECTlON 4 TOTAL~ $2~96.0~ k ~Z~/ Sections 2, 3, and 4 due amd payable on or before February 19, 1990. 5. Rancho Vista - 3 Fields - June 25, 27, 29; July 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 - 13, 16 - 20 3 fields X $6.00 = $18.00 X 17 days = $ 306.00 5 fields - June-2~, 26, 28; ~5 fields X $6.00 = $30.00 X 3 days = $ 90.00 : 5 fields - June 23, 30; 5 fields X $12.00 = $60.00 X 2 days = $ 120.00 SECTION 5 TOTAL IS: $-516.00 3pm-dark 3 pro-dark Section 5 is due and payable on or before June 15, 1990. 6. Sul~day's use of Rancho Vista - 8 fields 8 fields X $12.00 March 18, 25; 2 days X $96.00 April 1, 8, 22, 29i 4 days X $96.00 Play 6, 13, 20, 271 4 days X $96.00 June 3, 10; 7 fields X $12.00 = $84.00 X 2 days June 17, 24; 3 fields X $12.00 = $36.00 X 2 days 96.00 192.00 3~3~.00 384.00 168.00 72.00 lpm-5pm SECTION 6 TOTAL IS: $1,200.00 Section 6 is due and payable on or before March 8, 1990. Page 3 Saturday's'use of Rancho Vista - 8 fields @8 fields X $12.00 = $ #7 fields X $12.00 = $ A5 fields X $12.00 = $ &3 fields X $12.00 = $ Sports Park - Nortit Field 1 field X $20.00 = $ 96.00 84.00 60.00 36.00 20.00 8am-dark t, pm- 11 pm DATE RANClIO VISTA NORTII FIELD TOTAL 03124 @ -- NO $ 96.00 03/31 @ NO ! 96.00 04/07 @' YES $ 116.00 04/21 @ YES { 110.00 o4/28 @ YES _ 116.oo 05/05 @ YES $ 116.00 o5/12 @ YEs ~ 116.oo o5/19 @ YES ~ 116.00 *05/26 ? ? ~ 116.O0 06/02 @ YES ~ 116.00 06/09 # YES ~ 104.00 06/16 # YES $ 104.00 06/23 ^ YES {. 80.00 o6/3o ' YES 0.oo 07/07 & NO ~ 36.00 07114 & NO $ 36.00 07/21 & NO ~ 36.00 07/28 & NO ! 36.00 SECTION 7 TOTAL IS: $1,632.00 Section 7 total is due and payable on or before Marcit 14, 1990. lle need clarification on whether you want to play on :~ , Memorial D~y week-end. /'he above total includes titis day. Lights for above mentioned 12 Saturday gaines at Nortit field. 5--6 hour____~s o_jf lights ~ $15.00 ~er hou____~r ~ ~ 8&O.00 SECTION 8 TOTAL IS: ~ 860.00 Section 8 is due and payable on or before Harc~ 14, 1990. Page TOTAL CALCULATIONS: SECTION 1 TOTAL IS: $ 144.00 SECTION 2 TOTAL IS: $ 646.00 SECTION 3 TOTAL IS: $1,680.00 .SECT~nN 4 TOTAL IS: %2,196.00 SECTION 5 TOTAL IS: $ 516.00 SECTION 6 TOTAL 1S: $1,200.00 SECTION 7 TOTAL IS: $1,632.00 SECTION 8 TOTAL IS: $ 840.00 Tile total fees for requested days are: $8,854.00 Please review this revised request and coiltact our office in writi~[g of ally changes. The lights are on automatic timers, therefore ending times are critical. Your organization must have proof of iusurance witll the correct additional insurance listed filed in our office to first usage of facilities. Staff has received your $100.00 refutidabie deposit, please fiud attached your receipt. Thank You. Very truly yours, Jeanine R. Overson Director JRO/mhd Riverside County Service Area 143 JEANINE R. OVERSON. DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho Calil'ornla Road. $uile '105 ~ Temecula0 CA 92390 (714} 699-023,5 February, 6, 1990 TEMECULA VALLEY SOCCER ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 1463 Temccula. California 92390 Mr. Laytart: Our staf£ wishes to thank you for your booking request for the Rancho Calilor. ia Sports Park on Saturdays beginning September 8, 1990, At this time, we are ollly talcing reservations for dates prior to Juue 30, 1990. Tile CSD will be administering this facility after the above ,,e, tioned date. Uowever, CSA 143 staff will present your request to the CSD in tile month of Febrtia~3'. Knowing that your organization will need ample time ill l.,ianning this youth sporting program which will be of benefit to tile eutire community. The policy now in effect for rental fees are $2l,.00 per day per field. fee is for Rancho Vista fields and the upper soccer field at the Rancho California Sports Park. The calculated fees for your request at this facility at tile current rate is as follows: Dates Requested: September 8, 15, 22; October 6, i3, 20, 27 ' ~ November 3, 10, 17 (Ten Dates) This Ranch0Vista Fields: 4 fields X $24.00 = $96.00 X 10 clays = $ 960.00 Upper Soccer Field: -1 field ~ $24.00 - $21.00 X 10 days = ~ 21~0.00 Total Rental Fee For Sports Park: $1,200.00 Also requested by your organization was the Alta Murrieta open turf field for tile same above mentioned dates. Tile rental fee is also $2t,.OO per day. This request is calculated as follows: Dates Requested: Alta Murrieta: (Open Turf Area) September 8, 15, 22; October 6, 13, 20, 27 November 3, 10, 17 (Ten Dates) 1 field X $24.00 = $24.00 X 10 days = $ 240.00 The $240.00 amount for the Alta Murrieta use is due and payable to the CSA 143 office on or before August 29, 1990. The $100.00 refundable deposit must be delivered to tile CSA 143 office as soon as possible in order to confirm )'our requested dates at the Alta Murrieta open turf field. Your organization must have your proof of insurance with the correct additional insurance listed filed in our office to first usage of facilities. Please review the above infor,mtion. Any corrections must be done writing and be sent to the CSA 143 office. We again thank you for your request. Very truly yours, /~/Jeanine R. O~erson Director JRO /mhd Riverside County Service Area '1, 3 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite '105 - Temecula, CA 92390 [744] 699-0235 February 6, 1990 TEMECULA VALLEY POP WARNER FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION 42036 Moraga Road, #10H Temecula, California 92390 Mr. Ryan: Our staf~ wishes to thank you for your request form, which was excellently done. Tl~e only calculation error was in October, mentioned thirteen days with fourteen days listed. Your calculations were done for thirteen days. The fees are due and payable oil or before July 22, 1990. The final calculations are as follows: Weekdays $ 928.00 Saturdays $ 38~.00 Lights $ 525.00 Total $1,837.00 The only concerns that the staff has are: 1. will your organization be using our facil£ti~s oil October 317 2. We need clarification on Saturdays usage. 3. Will your organization be using the lighted ball field, or will you bemusing the open turf area at tile Alta Murrieta facility? Staff has received your $100.00 refundable deposit, please find attached your receipt. Thus, the dates that you requested are now reserved for your organization's future use. Thank you. Very truly yours, JRO/mhd DATE: February 22, 1990 Riverside County Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho Calllornla Raad, Suite 105 - Temecula, CA 92390 (7~14~ 699-0235 TO: Vice Presidents of Junior & Senior Little League FtlOM: CSA 143 Staff SUBJECT: Alternative field use for this organization. As per our meeting oil Monday, February 19, 1990, staff has prepared three alternative field use for your combination of 17 teams in the two divisions of your league. Staff's options are just that, options we have explored to assist your' growing organization in its needs for more fields at the appropriat. e times needed. We wish to thank you at this time for the opportunity for us to aid you in your scheduling. After your Boards conside~'ations of these alternatives, should none of tl~ese be sufficient, staff would be pleased to research other avenues. 1. On Wednesday, February 20, 1990, staff held a meeting with Mr. Ilugh Stites of Ra~lCon, tile present owners of the Alta Murrieta Sports ['ark facility, in which he has agreed to allow tile Little League organization to begin using the open turf area (presently reserved by the Murrieta Li. ttle League) on Marcll 15, 1990. Tile lighted bali field will be avail.able o~ April 2, 1990. At the present time this facility has immature grass growth and is still in phases of completion. (see attached letter) If your organization is willing to hold their games on a facility that is not at 100%, your present t'equested use on tile dates and times may l~e Julfilled. This allowi~lg the maximum use of two, two and one I~alf hour games, five nights a week. The total of 20 games a week. Your anticipated start time of 4:00 to 6:30 and perhaps the next game start at 6:~,5 would end/at 9:15 p.m. Staff realizes this is a late hour for t/~e y. oung men to be out, however if utilizing another option or pat't of one Could reduce these game times. 2. In c~,ntacting the local higti schools, each campus must be reqt~ested on the suhoois forms and follow through the system for actual reservations. The schools athletic programs have practices after schoo.[ and once their season begins will be traveling to compete. Perhaps, yotir orga~ization could acquire a few weekday games when their teams are away, or possible use on Saturdays. If you so desire, staff may as~'ist in the filling of these forms. We d:i.d not receive any actual dates or availability, as we were inquiri,g i~ to the procedures of using the facilities. These fields are not lighted, therefore day games would only be possible. As to tile q[~estior~ of "portable snack bar", staff can not answer. Last year, however. Pop Warner did have such a set up and perilaps ca~ give you further information on tills subject. page 3. The I',ancho California Sports Park: Your organization has reserved tile bottom eight ball fields, these fields are referred to as the Rancho Visi. a Cields. As stated in ottr previous convers.ation, tile utilizing of the Senior field for the older athletes, and moving the younger players up t,~ the top fields, refereed to as tile North and South. Based oil the base path required of 60 feet and no pitching mound, the youuger ge,tleman would be able to play the two games that would be interfered with by ttsing the Senior field at the same time. These fields are available Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. to 5:45. In May, Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., are scheduled to be little girls game clays as well as Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Presently you have reserved one field from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., throughout the montlts of April, May and part of June on Saturdays. Due to the .p coming time change it is workable titat the Senior field could be used for at least one game per day. Staff realizes that you l,ave b-ys that attend Murrieta schools until 5:00 p.m., so until late in your season they could not be incorporated i.n to tiLls facility as soon as tile Temecula boys. This is where the Alta Murrieta field could come into to play. U.,.;ing the Senior field from either 6 to 6:30, or later 5 to 7:30, then having a game at Alta Murrieta at either 5:30 to 8:00 or 6:00 to 8:3{) p.m. Staff is uncertain of the exact scheduling times and techuiques your organization implements, these are only our estimations. Also I;,eglnning in April the Womev's division games will be moved to later times. lhe Nort & South fields could be utilized up to 7:00 in the everting in April, May and into June. Staff has gone on Lite information we received from you titat each tea., .lust play the minimin. o'f 2 games per'week. With 17 tea.,s it is an odd situation, but one that could be done witlt some a double header on Saturday if this was distt:'ibuted evenly among tlle teams. Please see attached hand written alternative schedule done by staff. Staff has yet to receive information oa tile "Fire Station" field which is adjacent to the Murrieta Town Hall. If this could also be worked into your playing schedule, staff feels confident that a volunteer group could assist in bringi. ng tiLls facility up to an acceptable playing field. We suggest that if your organization is interested in this facility tiCat you contact tile overseer of this and inquire to the procedure and fees if any, that would be required. Staff hopes thai: I.l~ese alternatives are helpfnl. in your p.lan,~i,U:.'. ol games lot tile young men in tile 1990 season. If we can be of any further assist;rowe, please coil tact our office. February 22, 1990 Rancho California and ~furrieta Little League Subject: Use of Alta Murrieta Park Fields This Spring Attention: Cathy Kemmis and Shelly Brimus The CSA, their consultants and Rancon Realty Fund II, owners of the park property, are trying to determine when the new fields that |rave now been hydroseeded would be available for play by Little League. The first field, the lower unlighted one, was hydroseeded in the late November, 1989. The upper, lighted field was hydroseeded in January of this year. I understand an individual working for the contractor planting the park has stated the fields would not be ready for play until June. My belief is that the 'June date would be assumes that no one was to get on the park at all until the grass had been mowed and had matured to the point that very little damage would be done it by playing on it. However, we need sports fields for play now, therefore, my recommendation to the CSA is to make the fields available for play in mid-March. Because of the cold weather, the grass will not |]ave matured to the point that playing on it will not damage it. However, as I recall in past years when the leaders of the Little League had to scrounge for fields, at times games were held on areas where there wasn't any grass at all. My recommendation is based on the fact that these fields have been prepared for play and even though some damage is done and will 'need to be repaired, they should be made available to Little League .'in mid-March. I certainly believe that Little League should accept-the use of these fields from CSA in the same responsible way as they should conduct all of their affairs. That is, accept the fact that they were not going to be 100% as nice as mature grass fields will be. It seems to me that the. alternative of keeping the fields out of play until June should not be acceptable to anyone. I believe by working together cooperatively, we can make the most of the facilities we have and put up wit~ the fact that some of them are not perfect. We should all work together toward accepting what we have when what we would like to have is not available. Then we should all work together to obtain what we would like to ]]ave. f71.11 676 Rancho California and Murriet~ Little League Use of Alta Murrieta Park Fields This Spring February 22, 1990 '~ Page 2 I would be happy to be meet with representatives of Little League to discuss this matter at your convenience. Very truly yours, Rancon Realty Fund II Alta Murrieta 1Iugh Stltes tlS/la cc: County Service Area 143 %/~ Riverside Coullty Service Area 143 ADULT SOFTBALL RECREATIONAL INFO~TION - SPRING SEASO~ 1990 FOR __ JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho"California Road, Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 699-0235 GENERAL RULES FOR ADULT SOFTBALL I. QUALIFICATION: A. Leop. ues ore opened to all wo,,en and men over the age of 18 )'ears, as of the begi,.ning of each seasou. Each participant must submit a photo copy of their valid California Drivers Licence a,d currant paid utility bill. No team shall l,e accepted into a league until tile requJ. red fee(s) have bee, lmid and roster has been submitted and verified. B. Term: The term of qualification shall be from season to :~eason. FEES: No team sitall be accepted as a member of a league until. the required fee(s) have been paid and a roster has been submitted and verified. Fees cover Lhe cost of the umpire, supplies, lights, A.S.A. registration, administration costs and away. ds. The Adult programs are self supporting and all league fees are subject to adjustment. I'[I. I'AYMENT: F-es shall be due and payable in advance and deliuq.ent on the date t{tat the U.S.A. staff determines. If divisions are full a waiting list will be started and if fat' any reason a team is dropped from a division, I.l~e team [irst on waiting list will be called. If a team is found with m~ infraction t:o roster, non-payment of fee(s) or other regulations, they will be placed nt the bottom of the waiti,g list. IV. ROSTERS: Roster limit is maximum of 16 quaJifiecl players for ai.[ teams. Rosters are frozeit at t':ime submitted. Additions/deletions must be made to the U.S.A. office three (3) working days prior to next scheduled game, see atl:ached add/d~'op policy for pf'ocedure and requirements for use. Once a player has been dropped from a team he/she is ineligible to play for remainder of said season. All rosters are frozen tb,-ee (3) weeks prior to completion of regular season play. Add/drop may be used only once during season. Male teams roster males ouiy, women's teams roster women o,ly, Co-ed combination of male & female players. Players may not switch teams during season. V_~. ].EAGUE RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES: A. Determination of League Rules, Regulations and Procedures governj,g League play and team qualifications shall be determined by the U.S.A. st~ff, prior to start of .league play. B. Unless stated in these rules the Amateur Softball. of America official rules will govern all. league play. C. Teams may start with 9 qualified roster players; Co-ed must start with 10 (5 females/5 ,,ales). Teams may finish gm, e with eight players (co-ed: 4 females/4 males) due to ~n injury; however, if p.l.ayer(s) are ejected ~,n(I can D. 1Iome team listed last on sch.ed. ule and IS TIIE OFFICIAL SCOREKEEPER. Ilome team to occupy concrete dugouts at Sl;orts Park and third base dugout at Alta Mu,'rieta. Team at bat to retrieve foul balls. EACII AND EVERY TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TIIE CLEAN UP OF TIIEIR DUG OU]' AFTER ,GAME. g. GAMES: Start promptly at scl~eduled time, meaning if menfwomen teams have 9 legal players and co-ed teams must have 10 legal players (5 female/5 male). All games to start on time. FIVE MINUTES AFTER SCHEDULED TIME IS FORFEIT TIME, thls time ls deducted from game time. NO EXCEPTIONS! Seven inuings or one hour ~nd 10 minutes with no new inning starting after one hour and five minutes. Exception: Use of international tie breaker. Umpire is official time. It is coaches responsibility to keep track of time. Umpire doe,s.not have t- announce last i,ning. F. T.[E GAME: The international tie breaker wtii be use. Last out of last imping takes second base with following batters ,uti]. three outs are m~de. Ilome team does same. This will continue for a max[mum of two innings uutil the tie is broken. If tie is not broken, it will be recorded as a tie. (J. FORFEIT RULE: If a teal, for any reason forfeits two games in one season, said team will be dropped from said season, and forfeits all rJghts and monies. Players from a forfeiting team may not be added to another roster for [-emaiuder of said season. If this should happen be£ore the 1/2 way point. next team waiting list will have option to replace said teal, resuming their record paying only pro-rated entry fee, new team must still ,met all requirements. il. EJEUTION: Ejection for any reason will have' the f..[lowiug penalties. Exception: Infractions covered in Code of Co,duct. 1. First ejection: Suspe,tsion from the next schedule game. If player is on women's/men's and co-ed, said player is suspended for th.e next scheduled game for both 'leagues. 2. Second ejection: Suspension from the league for remainder of that seasoil. If any player ts suspended fo~ season, said player will enter the foilowb~g season on probation; meaning if in the .followlug season said player is ejected once, player will be suspended for the remainder of that season. P].avers suspe.ded from game will have their names posted at parks to state wlJ~t game they are suspended fromm. I. PROTEST: See A.S.A. book for procedure. To be a legal protest a written "INTENT TO PROTEST" form must be filed with the storekeeper immediately following said game. TIIIS IS P~NDATORYI T!~e official protest form must be flied i~i th.e C.S.A. office by 5 p.m. on the next working day, with $25.00 casl, and will be':. returned if found valid, if not fee will be retained. In the event of any protest the storekeeper, umpires and both coaches shall be notified i,,,ediate[y so Jt will be logged in the official scorebook. In the event a team protest a players eligibility, said player must show valid I.D. to tu,pire and scorekeeper, if l~e/she can not, that team will forfeit said game. The. coach of said team and illegal player will. be suspended for the remainder of saxd season. J. MERCY RULE: Slo-pitch is 12 runs after 4 3./2 or 5 iunings, which ever applies. K. 1. PITCIIING ARC: max. of 12 feet and I,iit. of 6 feet. 2. FITCIIING DISTANCE: 46 feet: sio-pitch 3. USE OF MAT AT IIOHE PLATE FOR STRIKES. 4. WAR[I UP PITC!IES: Slo: 1 minute or 3 pitches 5. BASE PATIlS: 60 feet T,. 1/red .rE :~ft,?r the troll I~mvo~ f'tl~ ptr,.hors Imn,I. H. Co-ed: intentional or not walk of male batter, next £emale batter has choice of a walk or batting, most choose before entering batters box. N. COURTESY RUNNERS: One courtesy runner per In, ling, courtesy framer being tile last out. In Co-ed runner must be of same sex. O. SLIDE OR AVOID: On a double p.l.ay or close play at any base. P. BATTING ORDER: Men's/Women's may bat entire roster or those present, using £ree substitution or may bat 1O using re-entry rule. Co-ed must alternate batting order with male-female, batting even numbers only, ,(8 if injury only, 10,12,14,16). Once team has gone through entire line-up, any late arriving players ,may only enter game under re-entry. Exception is if men's/women's starting with 9. If a batter is iajured, and Cml not be replaced, and tinable to take his/her tttrtt at bat, said player is scratched from the line t,p wiLbout penalty. This player'must also be removed ~rom the game defensively. CO-ED: 'file following batter must also be removed without penalty. Exception: if said pl~D'er is ejected. and caa not be replaced, when player comes up oil batliJ. lu~ order i.t is an out the first time, then is scratched without further penalty. CO-E!;: the following halter must also be scratched without penalty. ~. Line ups must be completed and giveit to storekeeper five mimeres before start of game. any/all char, ges must be given to scorekeepe,' prior to changes. B. FIELDING: Fast Pitch: 9 players Slo-Pitch: 10 players Co-ed: 10 players: (5 female & 5 male) 2 £emale/2 male outfielders: 2 fe,,ale/2 male infi. elders; P~tcher/catcher; 1 male - I femaJ. e ** 8; 4 female/4 male, pitcher/catcher - male infield & outfield, placed by cl,o[ce,(3 n,td 3 or 4 & 2) as long as not all male/£ema].e. * only used if injury occurs S. Co-ed outfielders must all stay behind tile 1O0 foot mark .in the outfield uatil the ball is hit. T. BATTING IIEIIIETS ARE OPTIONAL. U. Game balls will be provided, after game each team is to receive one. ¥. No in£ield between games, after first itming no warm up ba.l. ls on field.... W. U.iforms are an optional, reco,,mendation of wearing same shirts. X. NO DRINKING OR POSSESSION OF ALCOIIOLIG BEVERAGES OF ANY KIND IS ALLOWED IN DUG OUTS. PLAYERS ARE NOT TO ENGAGE IN C'ONSUMPTION OF SAID BEVERAGES DURING TIlEJR GAME. PENALTY; Offending players teom will forfeit s~id game. Y. UMPIRES: If no umpire ~ppears, game may be played with v:~lunteer t,mpire, if both managers agree, game will stand as played. Game may be re-schedule at next available time. All comments concerning league maaagers, umpires, scorekeepers and the conditfO~ of the playing ~reas sl~oul. d I,e ,litcoted to C.S.A. office in writing. Z. RAIN OUTS: If games are called due to rain after 5 p.m., please caJ. i C.S.A. office for recording. Staff will. attempt to reach the 6:1.5 p.m. games. UltJ. mate resl,O,sibility is on ench coach/manager. Rain outs wJ.l]. be re-sche,hll. e,I. by staff, and ,take ups wi]..l. be given I:o e~ch te.m. Contact (,b-r.. ~,u,,,I).rs n,;e wry PLAY OFFS, GIIAMI?lONSIIiPS, ETC.. A DIVISIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPION WI. LL BE DETEI~IINED BY A SINGLE, SEVEN INNING, NO TIME LIH.[T, PLAY OFF GAME BETWEEN TEAMS TIIA'r ARE T1ED FOR I!.[RST OR SECOND PLACE. IN TIlE EVENT 'I'IIERE IS A TIIREE WAY TIE, A DRAW BY STAFI?, W£LL DETERMINE WllICII TEAM RECEIVES A BYE. IN ORDER TO PROVIDE MORE BALANCED LEAGUES, TIlE TEAMS MAY BE SIIIFTED FROM ONE LEAGUE 1'0 ANUTIIER AT TIIE END OF SEASON PLAY. MAKE YOUR TEAM AWARE TIIAT ']'IIEY MAY NOT PLAY SAME NIGIIT DURING IIIE YEAR. IF A TEAM WINS A DI.VISION, SAIl} TEAM WILL BE MOVED UP ONE DIVISION FOR TIIE NEXT SEASON. NO RE-SCIIEDUI,ING, UNLESS AN AGT OF GOD OR FACILITY AVAILABILITY. (RAIN, FLOOD, FIRF., OR 1N CASE OF FORFEIT RULE) RAIN OUTS OR PL~ OFFS, WHIUII CAN NOT BE SUllEDUI,ED ON REGULAR NiGIIT OF PLAY, MAY BE ON WEEKENDS. CLASSIFICATION TOURNAHENT, IF NEEDED WiLL BE fiELD ON A WEEKEND PRIOR TO START OF SEASON. GAMES WILL BE 45 M£NUTES OR 5 INNINGS. ALL O'rlIER RULES, REGULATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS APPI,Y. AWARDS AWARDS ARE DETEP~IINED AT MEETINGS OR BEFORE EACII SEASON BEGINS. INSURANCE PERSONS OR PLAYERS PARIIUIPATING IN AGTIVITIES SPONSORED BY U.S.A. 143 ARE NOT COVERED IN ANY WAY FOR PERSONAL LIABILITY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. 'I'llIS MEA~IS YOU ARE PAR'IICIPATING AT YOUR OWN RISK. FOR INFORMATION ON PLAYER MEDICAI, iNSURANCE TIIROlIGII TIlE A.S.A. PROGRAM FOR INDIVIDUAL TEAMS, PLEASE SEE ATTACIIED FORM. ACCIDENT REPORTS & FORMS IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY SCOREKEEPER, AND I{AVE YOUR MANAGER/COACII F1LL OUT AN ACCIDENT FOI~! COMPLETELY. v TOURNAMENT INFORMATION ~11E RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AREA 143 WILL FORWARD AN1~ AND ALL A.S.A. TOURNAMENT INFOI~IATION TO COACIIES/~[4NGERS. U.S,A. 143 WILL BE 110STING A.S.A. QUALIFIERS DURING TIlE YEAR. THE CODE OF E1.'IIICS FOR PLAYERS AND COACIIES Coaches and players should comply with the meaning and the spirit of the playing rules. Purposely ig,loring or willfully violation rules is iutolerabie. Those who break tile rules degrade not only themselves but the game, their tea,., and community. Coaches and players should show respect for tile decisio.s of umpires and the efforts of their opponents aud they must conduct themselves so as to diguify the game. Coaches should motivate players so they will co~[trol themselves at all times, there by preventing any unsportsmanlike act to opponents, officials or spectators. Coaches should refrain from heckling game officials a[~d., from challenging judgement decisions of tile umpires. Discussing an occasional rule illterpretation is permissible if it is done with dignity and sincerity. Coaches with a ethical approach will not tolerate actio.s by players which are physically dangerous to opponents, such as a pitcher purpose].y tl,~owing at a hatter or a base runner deliberately tryi~g to injure opponent during a double play. Coaches and players should cooperate in eliminating game delays stalling tactics. Co,~ches in coaches' boxes are expected to direct their remarks to their teammates a~'{d not use their position i~[ attempting to upset tile opposi~g ., pitc .her. A dedicated coach will lastill i~l her and his players the habit properly respecting opponents azld game officials. Players must not direct .nbecoming lauguage or personal remarks to =INTENT TO PROTEST FROM DATE: TIME: NIPIRE: TEAM ~KING PROTEST: ItOME TEAM: INNING INVOLVED: TYPE OF PROTEST: FIELD: SCOREKEEPER: VISITORS: SCORE AT TIME: a. Mlsinterpretation of playing rule. b. Failure to apply correct rule to given situation. c. Failure to impose correct penalty for given violation. Essential facts involving in the matter protested. (Conditions surrounding the making of decision.) ,! This "Intent to Protest" is filed by: Title: Game ending score:. tIOME: Umpire signature: Scorekeeper signature: VISITORS: DATE: U~tPIRE: FORMAL PROTEST TIME: FIELD: : SCOREKEEPER: TEAH P~KING PROTEST: ItOME TEAM VISITORS: INNING INVOLVED: TYPE OF PROTEST: SCORE AT TIME: a. Misinterpretation of playing rule. -- b. Failure to apply correct rule to given situation. -- c. Failure to impose correct penalty for given violation. Essential facts involving in the matter protested. (Conditions surrounding the making of decision.) State rule and section of the Official Rules or local rules under which the protest is made. This "FORmaL PROTEST" is filed by: Title: Game ending score: .HOME: VISITORS: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE RECEIVED: TIME: RECEIVED BY: PROTEST FEE PAID: 'RULING OF SAID PROTEST: Reason: from point a. The protest found invalid and game stands as played. b. Protest allowed for mlslnterpretation of rule. Game to be played with correction made c. Protest of inellglbility is 811owed, C.S.A. 143 ADULT PROGRAMS ACCIDENT REPORT Name of Injured: Age Address of Injured: Phone: Location Of Accident: Date: Time: Apparent nature of Injury: Detailed desc,'iptiou of accident and evellts pertinent thercto: Sex Witnesses: Name & Address: Action taken: Source of informatibn: Signed: Title: Facility: Date: ~TE: TEAMS: INFRACTION/INCIDENT: OFFICIAL REPORT VS TIME: PLAYER(s) INVOLVED: ACTION TAKEN: SIGNATURE: DATE: TEAMS: INFRACTIONflNCIDENT: PLAYER(s) INVOLVED: ACTION TAKEN: SIGNATURE: GAME: OFFICIAL REPORT VS TIME: : Riverside County Service Area JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR · :'i29377 Rancho Calif'ornia Road, Suite 105 ~ ~emecula, CA 92390 .(714)699-0235 OFFICIAL TEAM REPORT TO CSA 1~3 STAFF DATE: IEA[I NAME: COACtlI[~NAOER: LEAGUE/DIVISION: DATE OF INCIDENT: PLACE: '~ NATURE OF COMPLAINT/REPORT: ... ~ ':.*,, (51{',;.:,, r.~' .~ I ...... ~ , ,, "", ~-'.-' ' ~'~? "~'~.~ ~.'~.':'~'~.."~. .-~.~"~;~7":' '~' .' %' '. ', ,r' " ,;~ ~.~.:~ ' ~,~, . .~. · ~ .', , ~ ..... - ~. · . . _ . ~ ,- . - '.f..~ ,~, -~ ' · ,o.:,T3, ~?;~t',~]"-:'~'. ~.' ~ ~_. ~ y ~ .4. , ',"..~':';';~,.r ..:~'.': . ~ '~ ~1 ,'-~- ~/~ ;~.~'~'~'~.~;~,. (~ I' - .......~': '* ., 1. ': I ..... '. "" ~:~:":"?~:";'W~:~':~"&-:4'.:[:": ~ ~ [/' L' ~ ~ ~,f f~"~' ~T ....... ?:"5~.~;'.:'-:~-.- i S~GNATURE: '.~-~ '~. : ' FOR CSA 1~3 STAFF DATE RECEIVED: BY: ACTION TAKEN IF NEEDED PEOPLE NOTIFIED: ^I)DI VRUI' FULLG¥ ALl /osCars shal~ be 11mtted to no mote then sixLean (16) quail/ted l,l~yeL*s at any time dut'I~p.. a se..~so~. O~ce a roster is received m.J veri[Ied .by the C.S.A. staff, snid roster ].s £rozen. I[ [or n.y tenson a teams t'oster dlmi.lshes to te~ (10) quell[led plnye['s or less, ct,-ed divls[oi~ 5 ~ome!l/men Che ADD/DROP policy mDy be used. This must be done by using Lite curt'eeL [,)rm nud submikt:tng.nt G.S,A. o/lice (3) ~-rki.g do)'s be[.r*e llexE scheduled t~nme, ] - 3 pLnyer~, yoll must pick up ] pLeyer o[~ the ~n[~I.g JLst~ 4 - 6 pinyet-s, you musl: pick up 2 pinyeLs o[[ Lhe ~i. ttng lIs~. This pullcy tony only be used once I~er senson, ~/[h ~1~ rostels [rozen kl~ree (3) ~eeks pr*Ior to completion o/ regular seoson play. I~ tl~e rven~ o teom ro~ter hos [n[Jen to ten (10) or less qunl[[led plnyers~ o.e (I) Io six quntlfled p~o)*ers moy be ridded to sold r.s~er. Once o pl~ye~ Ires b~m dropped [rum n ~em, he/she Is h~eJ[~ibLe to pin)' [oc the rein/tinder o[ s~id season. AUDIDROP FORI~ " D IrIS [ON: DATE: LEAGIll';: TEAi'I NAI'IE: COACII ' I'iIONE: uA'rE/GAIqg TO !]ECO[IE EFFECtiVE.' 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. PLAYERS TO I~E I)ROrPgu NAfIE (PRINT) S IGNA'fURE All players 1ts~ed above are ineligible t~ play [or the i'emai. nder 0£ above slated se.s,~,,. PLAYERS TO 1{!'I ADDED NA[IE (PRINTED) S LGNA/URE-- ADI)I;ES$ / rllONg 5. G. 7. All l,lnyer$ Llsted above must qua]ll'y as slated l,t Genernl Rules. ]his I,olicy may only be used OilCO durJlt~ ~ season, m~d is not usable three ~'eeks be[ore the cun, pl,ction o[ regular seasue. O[[[ce use DaCe receLved~ I)a~e to be e~Eectlve~ rlnyers qualification chucke,l: 1, 2. 3. 6. 5. 6. ADUI,Y SPORTS; COlll~ OF CONDUCT 1. NO PLAYER SIIALL: At a,I)' time Jay a Imu, I Ul,OO, shove, sLtike or threaten au O[[~i~ ~[e ~equ[med to immedLuLe{y suspend pl~)'er [ram EarLher piny m,d tcporL sucil I,J.n)'e~ LO Lite League Director. Such ~l~yer shall iemmill Buspended u. LIl his case has co.~t. de~ed by Lhe League DirecLot. HINtrICH PENALTY: Suspension from nil C.S.A. I,~3 Leagues for n period of o,ne HAXDI~ I'ENALTYi Suspension lo~ up to five yearn u.d/ or n~snuit ~lmt~es tired. 2. NO P~YER SNALL~ Re[use to abide by oi[letnl's decisions. ' Offfriars are teq. i~ed l,.medlu~eiy suspe.d player from [urnher piny and repor~ ~uch player' ~o the I.engue Discolor. Such n player shall remain suspended until his ,:use has been eoaslde,'e,I by Um IH rector. tIININUH PENALTY: Placed on pinItalian [nr the remainder of the s.nso.. HAXItI~I P~NALTY~ S.spension from t~'o lenguu gmne8, placed on pinbalLon lor ~l~e remain,let tl~n~ season. 3. NO PLAYER S{IALL: Be guilty oi objectto.able demonstrn~ions of ,itssuni: ~ ,,[lielal'~ deeisto.s. HINItlI~{ PENALTY: ~nrning by the HAXIHUN PENAI.TY{ Rerunvat itom ~l~e game by nit trial. ~,. NO PLAYER S{IALL: DiscUss viU~ on oZttei.t in nny rammer the decisions ten.had by such oi[~tn~cep~e mnnager/comch of the ~eun. UINItlUH FENAI.TY~ Nothing by tl~e tlAXIHUU PENAL[Y~ Removal iron ~he gn.,e by ollicini. ~. NO PLAYER S{IAt. L~ Be guilty at usi.8 um~eces~nri{y rough tactics [a Ihe pJ.y 0[ the against lhu body nnd person o[ na opposing player. Ofileinis ore required Lo I.~edinte~y suspend player from further piny 8nd report such player to U~e League ~lt'ecLor. HtNUIUH FENALTY~ Suspension lot ~'o tenBoa games mid placed on probation lur U~e o[ that season. N~XIH~{ PEtIALTY: Suspension lot ~he ternhinder oi the season. 6. N~ PLAYER SIIALL: Be guilty of ph)'si~ai nt~nuk us nn o~gressor upon mO' player, official, Spectot. og. O[[Jc~9 ate requiEed to Immediately suspend [tom iuclher piny nnd tepot'L sucIi player to the LeoRue Director. Such player shall temnin suspended untiJ his case has been co.sl. dered by the l.e~gue Director. UINIHIRI PRNALTY~ Suspension itom nil C.S.A. 163 ]enRues [or nne year period. tlAXItI~I PENALTY~ Suspension ior iive years nndl or assault chatge~ [lied. 7. NO PLAYER SIIALL{ Be guilty o[ abusive verbui aLteck upon nay player. or[Joint or sl,e~t~ntor. OEE[~s ate required to immediately suspended [tom lurther play and teporL such pJ.nyer to the League Dlr,tctot. Such player slmii remain auspeuded .ul;li his case been considered by the Leul:ue fIININUU I'ENALTY~ PLaced on ptohntiou Eat' remainder o[ season. NAXIf{Ufl I'ENALTY~ Suspension [arm t~o league Barnes end p~obnl. ion [or ten.ai.,lez u[ that 8. NO PLAYER SIIALL: Appear upon the iield ot rely time [. an intoxicut.ed O[[~i~s are to ~aspend such player immediaLeiy itom [urther piny m.l tel,oiL Lo LeoBum ~irector. tlINIHUfl PENAI.TY~ S.spension i:om t~o JanBum games nnd placed on probation [or remal.,le~ that season. NAXIH~I PENALTY{ Suspension irum the remainder oi the season. 9. NO PLAYER SIlALL~ Be gulity of ~nmbll.B upon euy ploy or the ,>utco,.e o{ games with spectator', player or oppo~tent. O{[Jcia{s are required to t'epol't vioJ~Ltou o[ this t.o l.~nB.e D{ t'~ctot. UtNIfIUfI PENAI,TYI PJoce,I on probation Ear remain,let of senso.. {IAXIfli~I PEHALTY: Suspuasiuu Elam ~eog.e [or remainder- oi sen~on. 10. N~ I'f~ER SIIALL: Smoke while coraL.8 on or o[[ the pD.~yt.B nren or ~h{le on lira piny. H i N I tllltl flAX ltlUH PENALTY: ~{arnin$ by oiEiclnl. PENALTY: Removal from the 8m, e by official. SPECIAL NOTE: All}' player beln8 placed ou probation for tire remnin,leF o[ the sea.~Oll :11111 i{tl,t,I t~l{ ogn[n for violating the "Code o[ Conduct" alii be suspended for the t'emoinder of the season. A.y pio)'er removed from n Rnme must leave the lociliLy imme,liaLely. Fall. i'm I.o ,h) so viii carry n maximl,m penalty o[ suspension [or the rerunislet o[ Lhat HonngerlCooch SiBnoLure: Date! initi,zls o[ players I. 2. O. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. Riverside County Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 105 ITemecula, CA 92390 (714)699-0235 AWARDS QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEAMS IN SPRING 1990 ADULT SOFTBALL IliiS FORH [lUST BE RETURNED TO GSA OFFICE O.N TIIE DAY OF REGISTRATIONS, PLEASE CIRCLE ONE I'FEH IN EAGII CATEGORY, WITI1 COLOR/TYPE.AFTER. PLEASE IIAVE SIZES INCLUDED. ALL SIZES ARE MEN'S; S[D%LL, HED1UH, LARGE, X-LARGE.. TEAM NAHE: DIVISION & LEAGUE: FIRST PLAGE INDIVIDUAL: TROPHiES/PLAQUES: SECOND BAT BAGf -~ '-- '. '~'.b ."~,~,-,,. " ~ .. , .,,.. ? :1:3., . , ,",', TROPHIES/'PLAQUES. ', ' ':' ~ ~'N ..... BAT BAGS ~%'~ .................. '~ ~ ........ ~.--.) TOTE BAGS SIlIRTS SliORTS IL&TS I'11£RD I'LAf.;E INDIVIDUAL: TROPIIIES / PLAQUES SIIIRTS 1IA'rS Riverside County Service Area t43 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 2~377 Rancho California Road. Sulle t05 - Teme~:ula, CA 92390 (7~4) 699-0235 POINTS SYSTEM FOR TIlE CSA 1/~3 ADULT SOFTBALL PROGRAM A. ONE POINT: For each pre-season meeting that tile team attended. P~XIMUM OF THREE PO£NTS POSSIBLE B. TWO POINTS: For eacll 1989 season played under the s~.~e n~me that the team completed the season in good standi~g. MAXIMUM OF FOUR POINTS POSSIBLE C. TWO POINTS: For each CSA 143 resident member on their team. OF THIRTY-SIX POINTS POSSIBLE MAXIHUM D. ONE POINT: For each Temecula City Resident member on their team. MAXIMUM OF SIXTEEN POINTS POSSIBLE E. TWO POINTS: For CSA 143 Sponsor of a team. MAXIMUM OF TWO POINTS POSSIBLE F. ONE POINT: For Temecula City Sponsor of a team. MAXIMUM OF ONE POINT POSSIBLE NOTE: Th6re wil~,be zero points awarded for players or sponsors not listed above. H H '~- H H I~ 01 0 0 H ORDINANCE NO. 328 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF COUNTY-OWNED OR OPERATED PARKS AND RECREATION CAMPS. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside', does ordain as follows: Section 1. That within the limits of any park or recreation camp belonging to or operated by the County of Riverside and lying within the unincorporated territory of said county, it shall be unlawful for any person to do or commit, or for any person, firm or corporation to cause or permit to be done or committed, any act hereinafter in Section 2 of this ordinance ;specified. Section unlawful: a. 2. That within the boundaries of any such park or camp it shall be To throw upon, along, or across any public highway or drive- way therein any snowball or any missile capable of causing personal in3ury or damage to personal property, or to throw any such snowball or missile at or toward or in the vicinity of any vehicle standing or moving along, upon, or across any such highv~ay or driveway. To bring or otherwise transport, or keep therein, any firearm that is not rendered inoperative or to fire or discharge therein any firearm, firecracker, rocket, torpedo, fireworks, air gun, bow and arrow, or sling shot. c. To pick, dig, remove, destroy, injure, mutilate, or cut any tree:, plant, shrub, bloom or flower, or any portion thereof growing therein. To cut, break, injure, deface, or disturb any rock, building, cage, pen, monument, sign, fence, bench, structure, appa- ratus, equipment or property therein, or any portion thereof, or to make or place thereon or on any portion thereof, any mark, writing, or printing, or to attach thereto any sign, card, display or similar device; provided, that the provisions of this sub-section shall not prohibit the d.oing of any such act by any park employee in the performanc~ of his duties. e. To light or maintain any fire therein without having first procured written authorization therefor from the superintendent thereof, or his duly authorized representative, and in such event such fire shall be lighted and maintained only in a stove or fire circle, or place provided for that purpose. f. To throw, place, or dispose of, any garbage, refuse, or can in any place therein other than into a garbage can or other receptacle maintained therein for that purpose, or to throw, place, or dispose of, any waste paper or combustible refuse in any place therein other than into an incinerator or into some 328- '328-2 b'" box, can, trench or receptacle maintained therein for that purpose. g. To bring or maintain therein any dog or cat, unless such dog or cat is kept at all times on a leash and under full control of Its owner or custodian. h. To place in any stream therein, or in any portion thereof, any edible, dish, or utensil, or to wash or cleanse in the waters thereof any such edible, dish, or utensil, or to bathe or wade in such waters, or to wash or cleanse in such waters any portion of the body, or to commit any nuisance in or near such waters or in any manner to pol- lute the same. To disturb the peace and quiet thereign by any undue loud or unusual noise, or by tooting, blowing, or sounding any automoblie siren, horn or signal o~' any noise making device, or by any tumultuous conduct; or to use any vulgar, profane, or Indecent language therein. J. To bring or otherwise transport or ride therein any cattle, horse, mule or other similar animal, except on riding trails as designated and open at the discretion of the camp super- intendent, but this prohibition shall not apply to the Moun- tain Center Camp. k. To violate any regulation for any camp as established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and publicly posted in the camp. 1. To hitch to or pull by any vehicle upon, along or across any public highway or driveway therein, a toboggan, sled, skis or any other type of winter sports equipment; or for any person or..persons to use any toboggan, sled, skis or any other type of winter sports equipment upon, along or across any public highway or driveway therein. m. To solicit in any manner or for any purpose therein, or to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise therein, or to distribute or to pass out any hand bill, advertising mat- ter or literature therein; provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not be deemed nor construed to prohibit the doing of any such act by any concessions operating under lease granted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside. n. To operate or drive any vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour or in a reckless manner. o. To leave standing for more than one hundred forty-four (144) hours any unoccupied tent or unoccupied trailer. p. For any one person to use the Idyllwild Recreation Camp for more than two weeks between ~une 15 and October 1 of any year. 328-3 Section 3. It is hereby recommended that the Sheriff of the County of Riverside appoint as deputy sheriff the superi.ntendent and manager of each such park or camp respe'ctively and each ranger or employee therein for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance ar{d for the protection of public health, peace and safety therein. Section 4. Any person violating, or any persc~, firm or corporation causing or permitting to be violated, any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not less than five (5) days nor more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. E ffec tire: Amended: May 21, 1947 328-a-b-c Riverside County Service Area t43 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road. Suite 405 - Rancho California0 CA 92390 [744] 699-0235 DATE: TO ~IOM IT NAY CONCERN: Please be advised, the playing fields are available for use to any group/individual as long as application has been made and authorization has been issued by the o~ner of the fields, the CSA ~ A fee may be required and the field fields may~.. t be used until the fee has been paid. Verification of a recei t or written!autho.~ization must be available upon request. If this verif cation is no: aT~ftfble, one must be obtained before any field may be used. '~ ~,dd,,,,,~ ,I/-~' \\. If you~ insist on occtfpy:.~t~he fields without verification of.~p,~anent, you may be arrested ~d c~rg~d wi~ trespassing. Director CSA 1~3 % ,>~ ,, ' i ~ q '"', Riverside County Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Ran~:ho California Road. Suile t0,5 - I~ancho California, CA 92390 (7 t4) 699-0235 May 8, 1989 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mr. Hugo Schreiner has permission to use the Alta Murrieta park to work his dog. Mr. Schreiner is a CSA resident and has agreed to clean up after his animal. Mr. Hugo Schreiner. ~ .~. 25415 Lacebark Drive, 677-1238 ' ': Riverside County Service Area '143 "JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Sulle '~05 · Rancho California, CA 92390 (7'14] 699-0235 May 11, 1989 ; TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Ms. Mary Meredith, of 25361 Lacebark, has permission to use the Sycamore park located in Alta Murrieta on Murrieta Hot Springs Road and Whitewood. Ms. Meredith is a resident of CSA and will be using the park on Friday, May 19, 1989 from 4:00-7:30pm for a birthday party. R~~. Overson ' ' ' Riverside County Service Area '143 .. JEANINE R. OVERSON. DIRECTOR 29377 Rar~cno Colilofnia Road. Suile '105 · Rancho California. CA 92390 [7 '14] 699-0235 July 27, 1989 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mrs. Terry Jo Brown of 25506 Woodside Circle, Murrieta has permission to use the Sycamore Park located in Alta Murrieta on Murrieta Hot Springs Road and Whitewood. The above named person(s) is a resident of CSA 143 and will be using the park on: Saturday, July 29th 6:30p.m. ~ Scout meeting, Cub Pack #524 to dark ~eanine R. Overson, Director 'RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AREA 143 Mrs. Terry ~o Brown 25506 Woodside Circle Murrieta, Ca. 92362 'Riverside County Service Area ' 43 JEANINE R, OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho (~alifornia Road. Suile t05 - Rancho California, CA 92390 [.7't4] 699-0235 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: John Chit ty of Murrieta has permission to use the Sycamore Park located in Alta Murrieta on Murrieta Hot Springs Road and Whitewood. The above named person(s) is a resident of CSA 143 and will be using the park on: Wed. Aug. 16th 5:30 to Dark for Softball Game R. Overson, Director RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AREA 143 Temecula Valley Little League P~O. Box 523 Temecula, Ca. 92390 RECEIVED APR 1', 1~,~,~ 13 April 1989 Jeanine R. Overson, Director Riverside County Service Area 143 In order that we might comply to the County of Riverside Dept. of Public Itealth regulations, we would like to request both a water and electrical hookup at the snack bar located at the Rancho California Sports Park on Rancho Vista Road. There is a water meter located within the fenced area of the snack bar and we would appreciate it if you would take whatever steps are necessary to supply water to the snack bar, as soon as possible. We have obtained a bid from Dana Laursen, of Laursen and Laursen Electric for the work necessary to complete an electrical hookup to the snack bar. Mr. Laursen was the original electrical con- tractor for the Sports Park on Rancho Vista Road. Howard Powell of Powell Electric, who is a licensed electrician, has offered to contact Mr. Laursen and obtain the necessary information to complete this hook-up. We would like to request your permission for Mr. Powell to proceed and complete the electrical~hook-up as soon as possible. 4/17/89 - Faxed to Mel Bohlken ~..~'~,~% Counly el Riverside, Department of Heallh ~*,"~ NV RONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ~,; E I FOOD FACILITY' INSPECTION REPORT -..,- .. ,.,. ,-,,.-..,-,., ,.,.. ,,..,,,, ,,..,.,.,,-. ,..,---., ...,...,-.,-,,-.-,..,,--.,- ,:;':::=,,':.."',=;:;::=.:;':;=,:V;,:t:,t;:V;:::'::.=.= '"' "" "'"' I. DISHWASHING FACILITIES= required equipment 5, lood repltr k~,'~ 17, UTENSILS= Icrlpld/pre-rlMed 4, properly Wllhld 7. ~,,;~ 5, mac~M th.mom~t~r ~ ~ prellfly Ilnltllld 20, therlulhly cleln I0, c~mlcll 2. REFRIGERATIONt t~quate 4, ~ood r~pair 4, thumem~t. ~lP[~m~ sanitize= =tat kit 2 in ~ch ~ ~ ' ~[J 18. REFRIGERATIONI ~et~ntlllly htzlrdeul ¢eedl It or ~. OISPLAY ANO PROTECTION OF FOOOt idtqultl Insole ~ ,v' i~, below 45OF 7~ thlwld II~11y 2~ Iquip. cilia 2~ 6. 5. 20. 7. 22. 8. 23. ?.4. O. 13. 14. 15. 16. good repair 4 STORAGE= products 6" or= floor 4, area in good repair 4, II~1 It0rlgl for cIllnOrl and poeticIdes 4. Unln 2 PLUMBING: lyltlm mlintlnlncl Z. croea connection 3. dllpOlll lyltlm 5, hot & cold WlJlr under prlllUrl 5 UTENSILS & EQ~JIPMENT: approved 4, properly Initlllld 4, good repair 4 MECHANICAL VENTILATION= &alequite 3, good riplit ROOENT & INSECT PROOFING: adequate 3, eelt-clo~in~ VENTI~TION & LIGHT~ room w~il~tion ~d~qu~t~ ~, TOILET FACILITIES~ room v~tll~tion ~d~qu~t~ 4, ~lf-~le~ln~ doo~ 2~ ti~u~ dl~p~n~r~ 8~ toilet Hxtur~ ~ HANDWASHING ~ NO SMOKING SIGNSt di~pl~y~ ~ HANOWASHING F~CI~ITIES~ ~pprov~d ~, hot & cold GARBAG~ & RUBBISH OISPOSAL~ ~d~u~t~ c~t~in~r~ & cowr~ ~, ~o~ r~ir ~ SCREENS: op.ningl lornenid & In.food riplit 3 ~ '~.~,. FLOORS: good repeat 2, approved I, f'loor mitl duckbolrdl I WALLS & EILINGS: ~ood riplit 2. Ipproved miteflail I. Ilfht color Structurtl Scor, ~'~.~~ Structural ~ Operational 25. 26. 27. 28. 29; 30. 31. 32. PROTECTION OF FOODS & UTENSILS= rood, protected 7, gtlnllll protected 7, proper Itsrife 4. live inlmlll or fowl 4 EQUIPMENT: maintained to clean condition 1-21 STEAM TABLES: porch=lilly hlZlrdovl roodl it 140° F or ohovo ?, food thermometer availihlo ?-, tiein 2, proper rood prl-hootlnf prl-hoitinf 4 CONTROL OF RODENTS & INSECTSs presence or .videnoD or rodents. fll.. or rolohie 3 PERSONNELs clean outer firm.fits ?-, holt confined ?-, ,moklnf 4. cllln hlndl 2. open lOtel or III I0. llllpinf occomoditl.oo, 2 GARBAGE & RUBBISH DISPOSAL= containire cleon ?-, Itorofi Itel cleln 3 TOILET FACILITIES: cleon ?., ueod for ererole I FLOORS= oilin 2. fleer linkl. ?. duckbooth. etc. I WALLS & CEILINGS= cilia ?. DOORS, SCREENS & WINDOWS; clean 2 CURRENT FOOD PERMIT & EMPLOYEE LISTI curroot health permit poerid I. employlee certlfiod 3, certlrlcltlen c~trde posted 2 VENTILATIONI lylteml functioning I GOOD HOUSEKEEPINGs overall cleanliness I-3 CLOTHING STORAGE= propit I, cleon I ,Operltionol Score --' 2 = Total Score place colictad by the Enforcemerit Orflclr. can only he removed by Oh, Enforcement o.,.,. ~,.,,, ,.,,...., ,,. ,o,,..,., .core tinge,: A = 100-90, B=89-80. Environme'nt~ f-!,~:id~ .o.~rvtce~ ~., , 8so[,I. sw:.~,:?~t (~) ~- .~u~ hot~ ~ c o(~ ~.~.~ Hornet, CA ~>23~ ~J J o ~ U DOll ~AH ~2~ (~v 7/B~) Ong Oilme '-' .... ' · · ' opy - Owner DY Ollic~ Page April 23, 1989 Riverside County Service Area '143 .. JEANINE R, OVERSON, DIRECTOR 2'9377 Rancho (~alifornia Iloacl, Suile ~05 · Rancho California0 CA 92390 {7 ~4] 699-0235 Mark Winslow, President Teme~ula Valley Little League P.O. Box 523 Teme6ula, Ca 92390 RE: Water and Electrical Hookup Dear Mr. Winslow: As per your letter dated April 13, 1989 requesting water and electrical hookup, please be advised your request has been approved with following stipulations which were recommended by the Advisory Comfaittee and the A~ninistration: Contractor at the contractors expense;, obtained the proper permits from the agencies affected; the structure must be inspected as a temporary structure and approved for said hook-ups prior to construction; construct and run all electrical and water lines from source. All construction expense will be paid for by Temecula Valley Little League. The water and electrical usage will be absorbed by the CSA for this season. Future seasons usage fees should be ad3usted to reflect this additional cost, CSA staff must be contacted before and after construction to inspect construction process. Should you have any questions regarding the above 'please call this office directly. V ry trul, y yours, , iei~~~ Overson Director : ,?