HomeMy WebLinkAbout052990 CC AgendaNo. 90-54 Pastor T. J. Hercar Rancho Cramunity: Church Lindemane, Xoore, l~tfioz,, .: -.. . ad4rHs-the c~ncil .on items that are not listed on. 'the ~.:i;;.::::',~.::. ~: --, -~:v'~q. $~c~k~-s are limited to tvo. (2). minutes. each, "If you '-:::ib~trel ..:.-to::.. ~e~ak to the Council about. an item ,not ltl~ed on :(~:,~.'.,'~'~';. 'a:: pi!~ a~_ it TO~,Ipeilc- fore should be filled -'and' .'filed vith the City Clerk. ',yOU aFe called to speak, please-cone foryard and state FOr-~.All ,,other .agenda items a "B~quo~t To' ~ form must filed vith the City Cl~k ~[~Fa ~.C~cil gets to ~t All aat~Gre listed under Consent Calendar are ,~-considered to be routine, and' all viii 'be enacted by one roll call vote, There viii be no discuSSion of these items unless -members-of 'the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action, I, 1 Approve attnu~ea of Nay 8, 1990 as nailed. A-"L~act ~ontatntng 42 lots within 26.73 gross acres l~cated east of !qargarita Road, south of- South General Kearned Road and north of .Nanoho California Road -~ICCO~0113'1)&TZON: 2.1 P~ceive end File Tract 23371-2, subject to the attached Condi~tons of Approval. An applicat'ion for an on-site sale of beer an~wine eating place to be located at 27271 Jefferson Avenue, Suites V and W, filed by Shu-Chung Hsiao and Nariana Xan-Yu Tan. 3.1 Receive and File. P~=O~i~II~TION: 'Receive and File. 2 5.2 Adopt a resolution amending the 1990 budqet for COBBunity Services by. $15,000 entitled: RBBOLUTZC~ ~0- 5.3 Adopt a resolution amendinq the I990 budget for Community Development by $60,000 entitled: RBSOLUTZOII ~0- $60,-000 FOR TEB Iq/ILlq)Sl OF D ~~ DBIt'~ ,ClGgIULT'J:IJG FBBS RELATION: 6ol Issue the Report. RE COMMENDATION 7.1 Discuss and continue to the meeting of june 12, 1990. To a za~eti~ to b~ held ~une 4, 1990, &t ~ha Vail School, 29915 ~ira Z~ma Drive, _'~ecula at 6:00 1~, for the purpoee of ~vearinq in the Tez~cula Plannin~ Co~aimeiOn. ~ ~e~tinq: ~une 5, 1990, ?:00 1~, Rancho CaliEornia Water District, Cozmaunity Room, 28061 Diaz Road', Te~cula, California MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEHECUL~ CITY COUNCIL HELD mY Sv 1990 An Executive Session of Temecula City Council was called to order at 6:30 in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Mufioz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:05 PM. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Jack Flournoy, Trinity Christian Fellowship. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Moore. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jane Vernon, 30268 Mersey Ct. requested Council consider adoption of an ordinance restricting parking on City streets between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Steve Tapley, 30275 Calle Halcon, suggested the City issue an RFP for a local brokerage firm to represent the City in acquisition of real estate, not RFP's directed to property owners. Mr. Tapley felt this would increase the City's objective alternatives. Jeanie Burns, 30112 Santiago Rd., requested that the City Council purchase a building large enough to rent a section to the Temecula Community Theatre. Ms. Burns informed Council that the theatre would require 3,000 square feet and would pay rent to the City in the amount of $2,000/month. Ms. Burns feels the community would be enriched by a Community Theatre. Larry Murphy, 30326 Calle Halcon, also spoke in support of a Community Theatre. Mr. Murphy expressed the belief that a Community Theatre could be very successful and sustain itself financially. M~nules~5\$\90 -1- May 22, 1990 City Council Minutes May 8, 1990 CONSENT CALEND~R Mayor Parks requested the removal of item number 9 from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Mu5oz requested that items number 5, 8 and 10 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Birdsall moved, Councilmember Muhoz seconded a motion to approve Consent Calendar as follows: 1. Minutes 1.1 Approved minutes of April 3, 1990 as mailed. 1.2 Approved minutes of April 10, 1990 as mailed. 1.3 Approved minutes of April 17, 1990 as mailed. 2. Resolution Approving Payment of Demands 2.1 Adopted a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS BET FORTH IN E~WIBIT A. 3. Participation in ICMA Employee Deferred Compensation Plan 3.1 Adopted a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING ANEMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANTO BE ADMINISTERED BY ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION 4. Request for Proposal - Banking Services for the Fiscal Year Endina June 30, 1991. 4.1 Approved issuance of an RFP (request for proposal) for banking services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1991. Law Enforcement Activity Report 6.1 Received and filed report. Minutiae5\8\90 -2- May 22, 1990 city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 REBOLUTION NO. 90-52 A REBOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHECU~ ~ENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 BUDHET TO APPROPRIATE $3600 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDINH ADDITIONAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT BAIJ~RIES The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 5. Adoption of a Program of Voluntary Water Conservation Councilmember Mufioz questioned what the Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) is doing to help with water conservation, especially in regard to retention or detention water systems. City Manager Aleshire reported all water agencies are issuing the same type of call to public agencies, stressing that a drought situation does exist. Mr. Aleshire introduced Chuck Kratsch, EMWD, to answer questions. Councilmember Mufioz questioned what plans EMWD had regarding retention and detention of water. Mr. Kratsch reported that all water agencies in the area were pooling resources. Mr. Kratsch further stated that the EMWD has been asked to address Council on June 5, 1990, regarding fresh and reclaimed water. Mayor Parks reported that EMWD is doing a great deal to encourage water conservation. Some of the methods used are education to the public through means of the media, and education to school children. Mr. Kratsch reported that water saver kits are available, at no cost to the public. #i~ute$\5\8\~O -3- 05/ZZ/90 city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-5~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A PROGRAM OF VOLUNTARY WATER CONSERVATION TO REDUCE WATER USE BY TEN PERCENT The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 8. Resolution in BuDport of State ConstitutionalAmendment No. 1 Councilmember Mufioz said due to a lack of time to sufficiently review this item, he would like an opportunity for further study. He also expressed his concern over the increase proposed in the spending limit. He also questioned whether the State should control transportation in the community. Councilmember Mufioz requested continuing this item for one week. Councilmember Lindemans stated the Gann limit can only spend up to a certain point and no further. Councilmember Lindemans moved to approve this item. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Parks suggested placing this on the agenda as Council Business in two weeks so it could be discussed and videotaped for the public. It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Mayor Parks to continue this item to the meeting of May 22, 1990 and place it on the agenda as a Council Business item. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 o Concept Btripino Plan for Rancho California Road Over from Front Street to Ynez Road. Mayor Parks expressed the need to discuss this plan further in regard to the impact of the removal of trees in the median on Rancho California Road. He requested continuing this item for one week to allow for additional public input. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to continue this item one week to the meeting of May 15, 1990. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 10. Tentative Parcel HaD No. 24762 Councilmember Mufioz questioned whether resale is the purpose for dividing this subdivision into two sections. Ross Geller answered that he believes that is correct. Councilmember Mu5oz moved, Councilmember Moore seconded a motion to receive and file Tentative Parcel map No. 24762. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None # i nutes\5 \8\90 - 5- 05/ZZ/90 city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 COUNCIL BUSINESS 11. Policy Statement - Change of Zone &pplications Ross Geller, Planning Director, recommended the adoption of a policy of not accepting and acting on Zone Change applications without associated development proposals. Mr. Geller explained that since the Council had chosen not to adopt the Southwest Area Plan (SWAP), it is difficult to analyze zone change applications, such as subdivision or commercial centers, without accompanying development applications. Councilmember Mu~oz spoke in favor of this item, stating that the only way to assess the impact of zone changes would be to know the planned development. Councilmember Mu~oz pointed out that certain plans may not be in the City's best interest, i.e. liquor stores too close to residential areas, etc. Councilmember Lindemans said this requirement would put a burden on land speculators. Mr. Lindemans suggested adopting SWAP as an interim plan, might be a more suitable alternative to this problem. Mayor Parks asked staff if the City has received several zone change applications. Staff answered that numerous zone change requests have been received and the only way to properly evaluate them is to have a general plan. Dennis Chiniaeff, 29321 Via Norte, stated that in his opinion a requirement such as this would undermine the concept of zoning. He said this would seem to be a premature action. Councilmember Mu~oz said the commission has to have control over land use. He questioned the motives of developers who would not reveal their contemplated land use, and stressed the importance of being "above board" on these issues. Tom Huntington, 30252 Santa Cecilia, questioned the effectiveness of such a ruling, pointing out that it would be very easy to submit a plan for proposed use, get the zone change and never develop the property as planned. Mayor Parks pointed out that even with a zone change, a project must come before the Planning Commission for approval. Mayor Parks also stated that when a general plan is adopted, certain areas can be designated for specific zoning. # i nutes\5\8\90 -6- 05/22/90 -~ city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 Councilmember Birdsall asked if adopting the SWAP as an interim plan would alleviate some of these concerns. Ross Geller responded that it would take care of about half of the problems. Pia Oliver, 27919 Front St., objected to this issue, stating that it is a great advantage to be able to purchase property with zoning in effect, as opposed to property which still has to go through this process. She stated that much more time would be involved, therefore making property less attractive. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to continue this item for three months. Councilmembers Lindemans explained the reason for specifying three months is to give the planning commission an opportunity to look at this policy. Mayor Parks suggested adopting the policy for the same period of three months, giving the staff a method to handle the question of zone changes until the planning commission can respond. Councilmember Lindemans withdrew the motion and Councilmember Birdsall withdrew the second. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Munoz to approve the recommended policy for a period of three months. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ross Geller advised Council that he will bring a recommendation on this matter from the Planning Commission back to the City Council agenda in 90 days. 12. Debt Advisory Conittee City Manager Aleshire reported that this item was put on the agenda at Councilmember Lindemans' request. Mr. Aleshire recommended that staff not create a Debt Advisory Committee at this time, but consider it at a later date. Mr. Aleshire # i nutes\5\8\90 - 7- 05/22/90 City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 suggested hiring the firm of Fieldman, Rolapp and Associates to help define duties and goals of such a committee at a cost of $2,500. Councilmember Birdsall moved to table Councilmember Moore seconded the motion. this item. Councilmember professional City. Lindemans stressed the need for more input on the upcoming financial needs of the Mayor Parks called a break at 8:02 PM for the purpose of changing the A/V Tapes. The meeting was reconvened at 8:03 PM. Councilmember Muhoz suggested appointing a five member committee to recommend a mission statement. Councilmember Moore suggested this item be delayed until a Director of Finance is hired, who may be able to direct Council on this issue. Councilmember Birdsall expressed her concerns over creating a Debt Advisory Committee, stating that a mission statement must be created as well as guidelines on duties to be performed. Mayor Parks stated he would support postponing this item, but not tabling it indefinitely. He suggested creating an ad hoc committee, and continuing this item for 60 days, giving Councilmember Lindemans an opportunity to define what this group should do. Councilmember Birdsall withdrew her motion and Councilmember Moore withdrew her second to table this item. It was moved byCouncilmember Muhoz, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans, to continue this item for 30 days to give Councilmember Lindemans an opportunity to define the duties of this committee. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES:. 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None #f r~u~es\5\8\~O -8- 05/ZZ/90 .... city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 RECESH Mayor Parks declared a recess at 8:10 PM, to be reconvened to a Community Services District Meeting. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 PM with all members present. 13. Parks and Recreation Master Plan City Manager Aleshire recommended that the City Council approve and adopt the interim Park and Recreation Plan for the City of Temecula. The plan proposed is the Master Plan previously adopted by the CSA. Mr. Aleshire further reported that state law provides that jurisdictions with adopted park and recreation plans, may require fees as a condition of approval. This is commonly known as the "Quimby Act". Mr. Aleshire stated this is only an interim plan to make it possible to start collecting fees. He recommended adoption of this plan, and referral to Parks and Recreation Commission for review and necessary amendments. Bill Holley, Parks and Recreation Consultant, emphasized this is only an interim plan, with a comprehensive master plan to follow. Councilmember Lindemans questioned a newspaper report that the City has 120 acres of land dedicated for parks, but the County can not find it. Councilmember Lindemans asked how this figure was derived. City Manager Aleshire stated that the newspaper has been doing research on its own and came up with that number, based on an estimate made by Joe Richards, the County Planning Director. Mr. Richards does not, however, have a list of where this property is located. City Manager Aleshire reported that the County is microfilming all the files, but as yet has not released them to the City. Mayor Parks questioned whether there was a map accompanying this plan. Bill Holley answered that the map that goes with the text, is the map of the CSA-143 Master Plan. Councilmember Birdsall moved, Councilmember Lindemarts seconded a motion to approve the interim Parks and Recreation Master Plan. nut e$\5\8\90 - 9- 05/22/90 City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks None None 14. City Hall Purohase, Lease and Tenant Improvements City Manager Aleshire reported at a previous meeting a proposal was made to Council to lease property for a City Hall. Council requested that staff send out Requests For Proposals (RFP's) for the purchase of a City Hall. Mr. Aleshire stated that staff faxed RFP's to seven commercial brokerage firms in Temecula, distributed copies to each Councilmember, and faxed copies to the local Press to serve as a Press Release. City Manager Aleshire introduced Joe Hreha, Manager of Information Systems, to outline staff's recommendation. Mr. Hreha addressed the tenant improvements needed for the existing facility to accommodate the current and short-term anticipated staff levels. He presented a comparison of the three proposals submitted and the costs as they related to annual cost and cost of improvements. RECESS Mayor Parks declared a brief recess to change the tape at 9:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 9:21 PM. Mayor Parks asked the reason for considering The Windsor Park I proposal since it is under 40,000 square feet. Mr. Hreha explained that the RFP requested buildings over 40,000 square feet or buildings under 40,000 square feet that have adjacent properties with a 30-day first right refusal. Councilmember Mufioz asked how long would 27,000 square feet would suffice with projected staffing levels. Mr. Hreha stated this building would suffice through next year. Councilmember Mufioz asked how much space will staff occupy of the 27,000 square feet and would there be additional space to accommodate The Community Theater request. Mr Hreha answered that approximately 3,500 to 5,000 extra square feet should be available. Mr. Hreha also pointed out that the City has the option to purchase an addition 44,000 square feet. Hinutes\5\8\~O - 10- 05/Z2/~0 · -- City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 Mayor Parks reported that the City is governed by certain State Laws for public investments. Councilmember Birdsall made the point that if the City purchased the entire Windsor Park I, it would obtain over 70,000 square feet. Pia Oliver, 27919 Front Street, stated that Rio Nedo V, did indeed meet the parking requirements. She further stated that the existing tenant of the building is not the owner, simply a tenant. She said that she had not had sufficient time to submit an offer and further stated that she expected the City to negotiate, not simply accept any offer. Ms. Oliver presented several methods open to the City for purchasing or a portion of this project. Bill Bopf, 28924 Front Street, Suite 106, addressed the Council regarding the proposal submitted by Wine Country Realty of the City's decision to purchase, rather than lease a building. Mr. Bopf pointed out that in five years, the City will have paid $500,000 towards ownership, under the Business Park. Proposal. He also stated that no other project has clear legal title to convey, which is necessary when using bonds. Mr. Bopf further stated that an indoor parking facility can be accomplished without health or safety risks. He said that he had responded to the RFP, provided adequate parking, and suggested using extra square feet for other entities such as the Community Theatre. He also advised the Council that the owners of Business Park Center would be willing to eliminate Building K to provide additional land for parking. Mr. Bopf said that the City would pay a little more, but all requirements would be met. Councilmember Lindemans asked Mr. Bopf if the needs of the staff could be addressed between now and when the building is scheduled to be completed? Mr. Bopf answered that he could offer their services at no cost to find a building for lease, as well as a $50,000 offset. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if i 1/2 years could be added to the loan using capitalized interest. Mr. Bopf answered he could not guarantee this, but would feel comfortable with approximately a year. Mayor Parks questioned whether this project will be completed as scheduled. Mr. Bopf stated that Hawthorne Construction will use their best efforts to complete this project as scheduled and would offer a leasing offset. Mr. Bopf could not, however, guarantee the projected finish date. #i nutes\5\8\90 - 11 - 05/Za/90 --- city Council Minutes May 8. 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to continue the meeting until 11:00 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. Don Goldberg, representing Windsor Partners, stated that Windsor Park I, met all the requirements of the RFP, including parking. Mr. Goldberg concurred with staff's report and recommendation, outlining the flexibility and cost- effectiveness of Windsor Park I. Mr. Goldberg further showed the proposed savings on purchasing the building currently occupied. Councilmember Lindemans questioned whether clear title could be guaranteed. City Attorney Fields questioned if any of the proposals are responsive to the RFP, as not all proposals can at this time deliver clear title. Mr. Fields suggested rejecting all proposals and directing staff to negotiate a purchase with a particular front runner. The Public Hearing portion of the meeting was closed at 10:10 PM. Councilmember Muhoz suggested referring this matter to staff and continuing the negotiating process. Councilmember Muhoz stated in his opinion Windsor Park I was the front runner. Mayor Parks questioned whether there are any foreseeable problems with Windsor Park I's adequacy as a PUD and establishing clear title. Ross Geller stated it needs further analysis, but he does not foresee any problems. He reported this would be a local matter through the Planning Commission and City Council. Mayor Parks questioned the problems with the CC&R's established in the Business Park, and whether or not this use would be compatible. City Attorney Fields stated that a City is not subject to zoning laws for the property it owns. Mr. Fields said that if the City was the owner of several parcels within a subdivision, the City would be subject to the CC&R's. Councilmember Birdsall requested staff research purchasing the entire complex, and leasing the surplus space. This would in turn generate income for the City. City Attorney Fields reported that when certificates of participation are used, no more than 10% of a parcel can be used for private lease. An option would be to rent to the County or another governmental agency. # i nutes\5\8\90 - 12 - 05/22/90 _. City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 Mayor Parks suggested rejecting all proposals and directing staff to look into the legalities of the acquisition of the Windsor I project. Councilmember Birdsall stressed the urgency of providing a City Hall, and suggested negotiating a short term or interim lease to house staff. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, Councilmember Mufioz to reject all proposals. seconded by The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None It was moved by Councilmember Munoz, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to refer this matter to staff with further instruction that they address all the issues that have been raised and that they proceed with negotiations on Windsor Park I to get the best price as well as nail down all the terms and conditions of that purchase. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES- 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None RECESS Mayor Parks declared at recess at 10:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:33 PM with all councilmembers present. Mayor Parks reordered the agenda to consider item 16 at this time. 16. Riverside County Sheriff's Department Agreement City Manger Aleshire presented a staff report recommending the approval of an agreement based on the proposal submitted by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. # | nut e$\5\8\90 - 13-' 05/22/90 City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 Ralph Limon, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Law Enforcement Advisory Committee, spoke to the Council regarding the proposal submitted by the Riverside County Sheriff, and stated that the committee has reviewed it and finds it meets the needs of the community. He further advised that the committee feels that the Sheriff's Department can not meet the full committment spelled out in the proposal at its inception and he pointed out areas where other costs savings could be realized. He suggested that the City look at the following: Housing the officers in the City of Temecula rather than pay them for travel time. 2. Setting up a schedule of office hours for the Community. Identifying the officers as Temecula Police through special badges and vehicle markings. Sharing the cost of the School Resource Officer with the School District. In response to a question from Councilmember Lindemans, Police Chief Rick Sayre said the Department is committed to responding to the Council's requests and he would look into asset forfeitures being returned to the City in cases such as Driving Under the Influence. Councilmember Mu5oz pointed out the contract has a one year cancellation period. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to refer this matter to the budget meeting of May 12, 1990. The motion was unanimously carried. 15. Develope~ Pees Repo~ City Manager Aleshire introduced the staff report advising the Council that they should identify the projects which are necessary for the community that these fees will address. Philip Carter, representing the Consultant Willdan and Associates, presented the report' and briefed the Council on the land use process involved. Minutes~5\8\90 -14- May 25, 1990 City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 In response to a question from Councilmember Lindemans he said development fees can only be used for future development as identified in the fee program. He said it is not possible to charge for a "buy-in" to the existing infrastructure. City Attorney Field, in answer to a question from Councilmember Birdsall advised that all residential developments in the City pay mitigation fees under the County of Riverside Ordinance No. 659. New developments pay fees, even higher, to the County and the County contends that they may retain a portion of such fees, even those collected after the City's incorporation. Councilmember Birdsall stated she feels the City needs to define what agreements are in existance and what fees have been paid to the County and the portion of those fees owed to the City. It was moved by Councilmember Councilmember Muhoz to continue regular meeting. Lindemans, seconded by this matter to the next The motion was unanimously carried. 17. Cable Television Franchise Analysis Mayor Parks polled the members of the public who had filed a "request to speak" form and asked if there were any objections to this matter being continued for one week. There were no objections voiced. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to continue this matter for a period of one week. The motion was unanimously carried. 18. Closed Personel Session to consider Appointment of City Manager Pursuant to Government code Section 54957. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to continue this matter to the meeting of May 12. The motion was unanimously carried. CITY MANAGER REPORT There was no report presented at this time M t nutes\5\8\90 - 15- 05/22/90 City Council Minutes May 8. 1990 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT City Attorney Field advised the City Council that he would not be able to attend the Budget Workshop meeting on May 12, 1990. CITY COUNCIL REPORTB Councilmember Moore requested that the matter of the Southwest Area Community Plan (SWAP) be placed on the agenda for referrral to the Planning Commission. Councilmember Lindemans asked staff to looking into providing feeders for the ducks at the lake located at Rancho California Road and Ynez. Councilmember Birdsall asked that the Council meetings be started at 6:00 PM to accommodate the long agendas. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to adjourn at 11:24 PM to a meeting to be held at the Temecula City Hall, 43125 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California, at 9:00 AM on May 12, 1990. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk #iraJtes\5\8\90 -16- 05/22/90 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TEMECULACITY COUNCIL HELD IG~Y 12, 1990 A special workshop meeting of the Temecula city Council was called to order at 9:05 AM in the Temecula City Hall, 43172 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Moore, Parks ABSENT: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Mufioz Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, Interim Finance Director Mary Jane Henry, Consultant John McTighe and Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments were offered at this time. Councilmember Birdsall arrived at 9:08 AM Mayor Parks gave a brief report on the Mayors and Councilmembers Meeting of the League of California cities which four members of the City Council attended during the past week. Councilmember Muhoz arrived at 9:09 AM COUNCIL BUSINESS Consideration of FY 1990-91 Budget City Manager Frank Aleshire gave an overview of the budget process and established the guidelines for the discussion. He outlined the typical process which is a continuous process of implementation and audit. He explained the mid-year budget review as it relates to the Fiscal Year budget timetable. He also suggested that during this first year of the city's history, the mission statement should reflect the budget goal as follows: "To create an organization capable of assuming municipal functions". Mr. Aleshire next outlined the year's beginning balance, estimated revenues, estimated appropriations and unappropriated funds. #inutesS\12\90 - 1- 05/17/90 .... City Council Minutes May 12. 1990 Mayor Parks asked if any of the Mello-Roos figures have been included in this budget. City Manager Aleshire said they are not included and advised further that developer fees should be kept separate from the annual operating budget. Councilmember Moore questioned if the revenues generated by the Planning Department fees have been included. The City Manager responded that these fees are not included due the lack of historical data. Councilmember Mu~oz asked if the City is working with an appropriations limit. Mary Jane Henry, Interim Finance Director, stated that this years estimated tax proceeds to be received, as well as tax proceeds appropriated by the City Council, will be well under the legal limit. Mary Jane Henry reviewed the revenue appropriations contained in the Proposed Budget document. John McTighe, Consultant, addressed the Council regarding the revenue analysis. He explained that the estimated budget revenue figures for property tax are based on the County assessor's numbers. He also outlined the methods used for reaching the projections for other taxes. Ms. Henry recommended that the City might wish to look at the Transient Occupancy Tax rate which in the City of Temecula is set at a low percentage. She advised that the City does have the discretion to increase the percent of tax collected for this use. Mr. McTighe discussed the developer fees which are not included in this budget. He stated that road improvements could be considered for funding from developer fees. He advised that these fees can be used for new expenditures for capital improvement projects. He also advised the Council that he is presently reviewing, with the County, the amount of developer fees they have collected and which projects have been initiated for the City's benefit. Councilmember Lindemans asked if the projects approved under the Mello-Roos District CFD 88-12 could be paid for by developers fees. Mr. McTighe responded that the new consultant project just awarded to Willdan, Associates will address the developer fund expenditures. Hinu~esS\lZ\90 -Z- 05/17/90 City Council Minutes May 12, 1990 Councilmember Lindemans questioned if the franchise fees and revenues from franchises have been added into the budget revenues. Mary Jane Henry said the franchise fees not included in this budget will be considered at mid-year. Ms. Henry reviewed the expenditures in the various departmental budgets. She stated that she will be preparing the Gann appropriations limit report for presentation at the May 22, 1990 public hearing. Councilmember Lindemans said he would like to increase the Social Services area of the City Council appropriation to $250,000. Councilmember Birdsall requested that the City Council employee benefits be added to the Council budget. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if the City would realize a savings by hiring an in-house City Attorney. He also asked that a business license clerk be added to the finance budget as well as an additional position to assist in the audit of funds. He said he would like to have a computer added which would be used for "inquiry only" by the City Council. Mayor Parks announced he had to leave at 10:54 AM for a previously scheduled appointment. He turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans. RECESS The Mayor Pro Tem declared a recess at 10:55 AM. The meeting was reconvened at 11:04 with Mayor Parks absent. Councilmember Mufioz questioned the position of Director of Information Systems, stating it is his understanding that the Council has only approved a Manager of Information Systems position. City Manager Aleshire responded that the title is officially Manager but he intends to recommend that the position be upgraded to a Director. Councilmember Birdsall asked that travel be added to the non- departmental budget for commissioners. After discussion it was also agreed that a City Council Receptionist would be added and a dues and membership category added to the non-departmental budget. # i nute$5\12\90 -3- 05/17/90 --- City Council Minutes May 12. 1990 Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans asked that a line item be added for a Pay Telephone to be installed at City Hall. He also asked that an analysis of the revenues and expenditures related to the Planning, Building and Engineering functions be prepared. Councilmember Moore stated she would like to see a more extensive GIS system included in the budget if possible. Councilmember Birdsall asked staff to look at developing separate fees for "fast tracking" large development projects. Councilmember Moore asked that the street sweeping line items be moved from Engineering into the Roads budget. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans would like to have a study made of the cost to add a "cannonball" road maintenance vehicle. Community Services Budget Consideration Bill Holley, Parks and Recreation Consultant addressed the Community Services budget, outlining the three-part aspect of the budget; general Community Services and Zones A and B. He advised that the line item on Page 82 for general contractor should read general construction. In response to a question from Councilmember Moore, he stated that the City will be given the master plans for the Sports Park by the CSA. City Manager Aleshire advised the Council that they need to develop a list of the Capital Improvement Projects which should to be funded by the Community Services District. Councilmember Birdsall said the City needs to continue to pursue acquisition of the two pieces of property located on LaSerena Way for pocket parks. Councilmember Moore asked if there is an advantage to the City in forming a 501-C3 joint partnership with the Temecula Town Association. She asked staff to look into this. Councilmember Birdsall questioned the feasibility of adding a position of Volunteer Coordinator in the Community Services Budget, possibly as a part-time position. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans asked if the expenditure for a van should be identified as a handicapped vehicle. Councilmember Moore suggested that this be put down as a goal rather than as a line item addition. #inutesS\1Z\90 -4- 05/17/90 City Council Minutes May 12, 1990 Mr. Holley covered the Zone A budget appropriations. He advised that the total will be increasing before the final budget is approved. Regarding Zone B, he explained that this is limited to street lighting only which is a self-supporting program. RECESS Mayor Pro Tem Lindemarts called a recess at 12:15 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 12:30 PM with all members present, Mayor Parks again presiding. Fire Department Budget Consideration City Manager Aleshire introduced the Fire Department appropriations budget and recommended that a reduction from the original department proposal of $300,000 is necessary to bring this budget to a recommended level of $500,000. Chief Jim Wright explained the staffing and equipment levels which will be accomplished with adoption of the department's recommendation. He outlined the impacts of the reductions suggested and stated this budget would allow for a personnel complement of 24 members. Councilmember Mufioz objected to the reduction in the Fire Department Budget proposal. He stated he feels the revenues from the structural tax credit are underestimated and will help to offset some of this cost. He also stressed the need to cut in other areas rather than in the areas which affect the lives and health of the citizens. In response to a question from Councilmember Birdsall, Chief Wright stated that all wages listed in the proposal are figured at top step, and in actuality not all personnel are at that salary level. He explained that the $853,957 department recommendation is the highest amount that could be expended to meet the recommended level of service and the City will only be billed for actual expenditures. The City Council indicated by a unanimous straw vote their intention to support the Fire Department request for $853,957 in the budget. Councilmember Mufioz said he will contact the Assessors office to ascertain a more accurate assessment total. NinutesS\12\90 -5- 05/17/90 City Council Minutes May 12, 1990 Police Service Budget Consideration Captain Rick Sayre, presented a budget recommendation in the amount of $3,281,475 and outlined the methods used to achieve the recommended savings. He stated that the methods used would result in a reduced number of sworn officers by utilizing non-sworn personnel for routine paperwork, etc. Councilmember Birdsall asked the location from which the personnel will be dispatched. Captain Sayre said it is his hope that the Department will have a substation in the City before the end of the year. Councilmember Lindemans asked if this budget will allow for fingerprinting at the schools. Captain Sayre said this could be accomplished if the School District is agreeable. Mary Jane Henry summarized the presentation by explaining the aids contained in the budget document. Councilmember Moore thanked the Finance staff for the excellent job they have done thus far in preparing this most difficult first full year budget. city Manager Aleshire requested that the Council direct staff as to their desire for additional budget meetings. It was the consensus opinion of the Council that another workshop should be scheduled for Tuesday evening, May 29, 1990. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Parks adjourned the meeting to an executive session at 1:26 PM for the purpose of considering the appointment of a City Manager pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. The executive session was adjourned at 2:36 PM. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Parks declared the meeting adjourned at 2:37 PM to a meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 1990, at 7:00 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. ATTEST: RONALD J. PARKS, MAYOR #inutes5\12\90 -6- 05/17/90 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB#: TITLE: DEPT HD~-~-~. MTG: ~.Z~.~o CONSENT CALENDAR FINAL TRACT 23371-2 CITY ATTY DEPT:~,,~.,~-e~.,~r~ CITY HGR ~ RECOMMENDATION That the City Council RECEIVE AND FILE Tract 23371-2, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION Tract 23371-2 was submitted to the Riverside County Planning Department on January 26, 1988 for processing and was approved by the Board of Supervisors on November 8, 1988, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. The office of the Road Commissioner and County Surveyor is recommending that the City Council approve the tract map as submitted. The tract is located east of Margarita Road, south of South General Kearney Road, and north of Rancho California Road. The tract contains q2 lots within 26.73 gross acres. This tract is part of Margarita Village Specific Plan No. 199 and Development Agreement No. 5. The developer has posted the following bonds for this project: Improvement Faithful Performance Security Material ~, Labor Security Street and Drainage 180,000 90,000 Water 47,000 23,500 Sewer 35,000 17,750 Total 262,500 131,250 The following fees have been paid for this tract: Fee Amount RCFC Drainage Fee Signal Mitigation Fee Inspection Fees Fine Facilities Fees 11,211.00 6,300.00 10,988.00 14,400.00 Fiscal Impact Not determined Sunallar~ Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this project, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. OFFICE OF TNF. ROAD COMMISSIONER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Ivan F. Tennant Acting Road Commissioner County Administrative Center Mailing Address: PO Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone (714) ?8?-6554 May 2, 1990 SUBMITTAL TO FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FROM: Acting City Engineer for the City of Temecula SUBJECT: Tract Map 23371-2 in the First Supervisorial District SPECIFIC REQUEST: Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance it is REQUESTED that the City Council approve said map. All required certificates and documents have been filed and the map is ready for recordation. Acting City Engineer IFT:GAS:MSB:rdb The City of Temecula Re: Tract 23371-2 2 May 2, 1990 The developer wishes to enter into the following agreements to cover the improvements within this subdivision for: IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS (Bond No. 115-17-79) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Water to be supplied by Rancho California Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-79) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (Service to be provided by Eastern Municipal Water District) (Bond No. 115-17-79) SETTING OF LOT STAKES AND SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS (Bond No. 115-17-80) MATERIALS AND LABOR (Bond No. 115-17-79) in the amount of $131,250 is also attached. SECURING TAXES, (Bond No. 115-92-49) in the amount of $71,500 The above referenced bonds are issued by Insurance Company of the West. This map complies in all respects with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and applicable local ordinances. The dedications made on said map are for: 1. Lots "A" and the abutters rights of access along Rancho California Road are dedicated to public use for street and public utility purposes and as part of the City Maintained Road System. 2. Lots "B" through "E" inclusive, are retained as private streets. 3. Drainage easements are dedicated to public use. RES !.RES VACANT VACANT HIM.Y I#0. gA~. liD. il~p NO. 14! VACANT, HILLY ¥AC&NT ; ' 2000 :" .IK4 ,LI VACANT --- ~' HILLY VACANT ._~' HILLY RESIDE .iTi~..~L VACANT s, 4 VACANT VACANT ..,H!L! ¥. .-..============================ VACANT 'App. KACOR '- Use SPECIFIC PL-~,' OF LAND USE . Arlo RANCHO ' CAL Sup. Dist. · 7~.,.zw.' s.c:"~'i.~ ~sis---'- "~'' - T. ms..~zw..s,c.,,,,4 .... ,~, e~.,~o Pg.~o.~,~ Circulotion RANCHO CALIF. RD.,~RGARITA RD. ItO' Element SO. GENERAL KEARNY. RANCHO VISTA 88' ~~~ C~ ~~NING DEPARTM~T .J Z COPY '-' ' APPUCATION FOI~'jId. COfI(OIC .liVERAGE UC!NM(S) I: TYPE(S) OF LIgL~ISE(S) Tot Dapodment of Alcoholic kveroge Co~trol .................. Socrom~o, Calif. 95818.~ The undm'signed hweby app/ieJ licenMs described a, foliow~, 2. WE(S) OF AI~.ICANT(S) '.'~.~ ON ~ BF.,~R & #I!~ · ,A?ZNO PI~CB FILE NO. RECEIPT NO. 503927 GEOGRAPHICAL CODE 3300 Date Issued Temp. Permit Applied under Sec. 24044 I-1 Effective Date: 1-1-90 Effective Date: 3. TYPE(S) OF TRANSACTION(S) FEE LIC. TYPE $ 300.00 41 kmfiJM, 198.00 TOTAL $ 498. O0 7. Are Premises Inside City Limits? yea, (Temp) (Petra) P~rm. 10. Have you ever violated any of the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act or regulations of the Department per- taining to the Act? 4. Name of Bu~iness ',:~)*--'~::;~;~',l~'~-~ ' ~. L~a~on of ~n~s~Num~r o~ 27371 3eg~ ~.~ B~. V & ff Ci~ ~d ~p C~e: ~'~ -;. :.',: Coun~ Show Type of Licen~ :~.'"' .... -- 8. Mulling Addres~ (ff di~erenl ~r~ 5)--Number and Street 9. Hove you ever been c~vi~ed oF o ~elony? · ~ ::~'.~i~.i~ , ~ , 11. Explain o "YES" answer to items 9 or. 10 on an a.ochment which shall be deemed part of this application. 12. Applicant agrees (a) that any manager employed in on.sale licensed premises will have all the qualifications of a licensec, and (b) that he will not violate or cause or permit to be violated any of the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. 13. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County 'of ........ gt~'e~'&J,cl~ ................. Date .......................... 14. APPLICANT ' SIGN HERE ~.=,,.,~' '~,,~/'~ ...... -Z--~ .............. '"~' gf -· · · *,./'- : APPLICATION BY TRANSFEROR 15. STATE OF CALIFORNIA· County of .......... - ........................... Date ............................. 16. Home(s) of Licenwe(s} ..... '~- ......... 17. Signature(s)'of Licensec(s) 18. License Number(s) 19. Location . .- ' · Number and Street City and Zip Code County Do Not Write Below Thi~ Line; For Department Use Onlg Attached: [] Recorded notice, ~': - ~ Fiducio~/, papers, - / E] .............................................. COPIES MA,LED .................. : .~_/_ .................... [] Renewal: Fee of .......... _Paid at ............................. Office on .................. Receipt No ........................ City of Temecula AGENDA REPORT DATE: May 29, 1990 TO: City Council FROM: F.D. Aleshire, City Manager and Mary Jane Henry, Interim Finance Director SUBJECT: City Treasurer's Report for the Month Ending April 30, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for the month ending April 30, 1990 DISCUSSION: A report to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio is required as part of Government Code Section 53646. In addition, a report from the City Treasurer regarding receipts, disbursements and fund balances is required by Government Code Section 41004. The accompanying report for the month ending April 30, 1990 meets both of these Government Code requirements. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: City Treasurer's Report for the Month Ending April 30, 1990 City of Temecula City Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending April 30, 1990 Cash Activity Beginning Balance, April 1, 1990 Cash Receipts - Revenues Cash Disbursements $468,305 404,619 (106,242) Cash and Investments as of April 30, 1990 $766,682 Cash and Investment Portfolio as of April 30, 1990 Institution Yield Maturity Balance Money Market Demand Deposits Petty Cash Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Local Agency Investmt Fund Overland Bank Overland Bank N/A Overland Bank Glendale Fed Bank State Treasurer Cash and Investments as of April 30, 1990 6.50% N/A $74,289 4.75% N/A 61,075 N/A N/A 350 7.50% 6/20/90 50,968 8.15% 5/29/90 100,000 8.50% N/A 480,000 $766,682 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT MTG: 5/29/90 DEPT: Finance TITLE: Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the Five Months Ending April 30, 1990 CITY CITY MGR RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1) Receive and file the Statements of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual for the Five Months Ending April 30, 1990. 2) Amend the 1990 budget for Community Services by $15,000. 3) Amend the 1990 budget for Community Development by $60,000. DISCUSSION: The attached statements summarize the City's operations for the five months ending April 30, 1990. The excess of general fund revenues over expenditures is $454,373 for the five months. Fifty-nine percent of General Fund revenues were received as of April 30, 1990. The City received its second estimated sales tax payment in the amount of $168,500. Actual sales tax collected in the City will not be reported to us by the State Board of Equalization until June. It should be noted that Planning/Engineering fees collected during April include amounts collected on behalf of the County but have not yet been identified by the planning staff as to amount. Therefore, we recorded a reserve for the entire amount until the County portion is identified. Forty-five percent of budgeted appropriations were expended or encumbered as of April 30, 1990. Hiring delays account for much of the savings. Road fund revenues of $37,304 were received during the month ending April 30, 1990. The City has not yet received Measure A or Local Transportation (LTF) funds. We expect to begin receiving LTF payments during June. No Measure A monies will be received until a CIP plan is is submitted to the County. No road fund revenues have been expended to date. Staff recommends that the 1990 budget for Community Services FISCAL IMPACTs be increased by $15,000 to cover additional consulting fees and payphones. Staff recommends that the 1990 budget for Community Development be increased by $60,000 to cover the additional consulting fees related to the Willdan Associates special traffic study and planning and engineering services outside the normal contract fees for services. $15,000 increase in budgeted appropriations for Community Services and $60,000 for Community Development for FY 1990. ATTACHMENT: Statement of Revenues - Budget and Actual - Special Revenue Funds for the Five Months Ending April 30, 1990 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual General Fund for the Five Months Ending April 30, 1990 Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual - General Fund by Department for the Five Months and Ending April 30, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE HSCAL YEAR 1989-90 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE $15,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICES CONSULTING FEES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1: That the FY 1989-90 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby mended to appropriate $15,000 for Community Services Department Consulting Fees and Capital Outlay. SECTION 2: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of May, 1990. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] 3/R¢~-60 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE $60,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONSULTING FEES. The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1: That the FY 1989-90 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby mended to appropriate $60,000 for Community Development Department Consulting Fees. SECTION 2: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVE1) AND ADOPTED this 29th day of May, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk 3/Re~o-61 0 0 E~ ~1~ -,-~ ,,~ 0 0 0 ~ O0 0 ~ ~ ~) 0 0 ~ u~ O~ 0 ~D ~ u~ 0 O~ ~0~ ~0~ ~0~ ~ O0 0 o~o o ~ o m'~ o o o u'1o o~ 0 0 *,~ o I m 0 .u 0 0 0 ~ 0 J,J ~ ,-~ ~ 0 J~ o~~ ~o~ o~o ~o~o 0~~o ~m~oooo ~~o~o ~0~oo~o m 0 D.1 O · 4- 4d A ~ O ~' O r~ ::1 u I m U O U c: 0 :z: 0 4J ee m VJ ~ ,-4 --4 0 'u m 0 t"~ m 0 .,4 -,~ 00~000~0ooo~ 00~000~0000~ ~o~00~000~ k I u C + '0 C r~ i c i c E 0 C 0 0 C 0 0 0 U C 0 4J 0 m 0 c~l o ,,cI · .-I 0 C C c: 0 c: [~ C 0 r~ .p 0 0 0 0 ooo 0oo 0 o 0 II rl II o II rl II -- II a) II ,-~ II # II II II II II II o~ II o~ II ~l II ,, II c4 II II II II II o4 II ~D II t~l II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It II II II 0 -,.-4 O U + u ~'~ o ~o ~o~ -,.4~ 0 0 0 0 II ~ II oo II o0 II ,.. II u'~ II ~) II II II II II II II II 0 II ~'~ II ~D II .~ II ~ II o~ II II II II II II ~ II C~l II i,~ II ~ II ~-I II II II II II II II II o4 II b II ~0 II II II II II II II ~ II 0 II ~ II ,.. 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It ,...I # --- II N H H H H H # .,-I II CO H ,-I H c',l H H H H H II O H O H Oli · II C) II ~ II II II H H II H ~ II r,") il ~ II OO II II li II II ,,-4 II ~.O II OC) II -. II ,-4 II ~ II II II OII O II OII C) II c'4 I! II II U u II c) II 'd~ II e,I II - II f". H ~1' II ~ II U U II II H H ~:) II C) II 'q~ II · . II i.~ II ~-I II II II II II II II il II II H II II II II II II II ~,D II 0 II ~ II · , II i.~ II ~ II II il II ,,,D II 0 II ~1' II -. II ~'t II ~-~ II II II ~:) il ~ il ~ li - II ¢",4 II ~D II ,ml il II il -~ (~ 0 m 0000000 o o o 0 0 o 00o 000 000 u'l u"l t'~l o 0 o o 0 o ~ Um m -~0 = ~C 0 0 m~-~ 0 0 · · · 0 -~ · 0 O~O~D ~ ~00~ ~ 0 00 0 u~ 0 0 0 o 0 m 0 o o 0 U 0 ~> ~ m ,- ~) o II t~l II ¢q II · . II o0 II c~l II I'~ II II II II II II II ~,4 II o II r,I 11 · - II ~D II ao II uq II II II II II ~o II o~ II u'l II ,, II '~' II O~ II II II II II II II ~ II '~' II ~1 II .- II tn II r,'l II c',l II II II u-~ 0 II ~ II .,. II ~ II o~ II ~ II II .-1 II eq II ~1' II · - II ~' II ~-~ II r,! II ,.. II N II 0 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AS#: #~ TITLE: DEPT HD HTG: 5/29/90 lieport on Billboard Mo=ato=itm CITY ATTY DEPT: Planning CITY HGR RECOMMENDATION: Issue the Report BACKGROUND: The City Council adopted an Urgency Ordinance placing a moratorium on the construction of billboards at a regularly scheduled meeting on April 24, 1990. At the time the urgency ordinance was adopted the Council felt that additional time was necessary to establish local goals and objectives as they relate to the visual and aesthetic values of the community. The original urgency ordinance was valid for a period of 45 days. Government Code Section 65858 allows a second extension of a moratorium effectively prohibiting billboards for an additional 10 months and 15 days. DISCUSSION: The Council has stated they wanted their Planning commission to review all of the sign standards contained in Ordinance 348 and specifically address and make recommendations for the creation of new standards. The first Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for June 4, 1990. At that time or shortly thereafter, the Commission will begin studying the sign regulations. Ordinance 348 requires that before the City Council can extend the moratorium on the construction of Outdoor Advertising Displays (billboards), a mitigation report must be submitted outlining what actions have been taken to address the Council's original concerns. FISC/%L IMPACT: Not determined. RG:jsg CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB# DATE: 5/29/90 DEPT ~ FINANCE TITLE: FY 1990-91 BUDGET REVISIONS DEPT HD~ CITY ATTY CITY MGR_~ RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review the revisions to the Proposed FY 1990-91 Budget that were made pursuant to the budget workshop held on May 12 and direct staff as to any additional changes. DISCUSSION: Attached is a reconciliation of revenues and expenditures per the May 12 budget document compared to the May 29 version. The overall impact is an increase in City revenues of $453,883 and an increase in expenditures of $1,193,208. Also attached is a list of requests for funding from local community groups. Attachment 1 City of Temecula Proposed Budget Reconciliation CITY Appropriations per May 12 document Reconciling items: Department City Council City Council City Manager City Manager City Manager Increase social services to $250,000 City Manager City Manager City Clerk Finance Finance Finance Finance Info Sys Info Sys Engineering Engineering Nondepartmt Nondepartmt Nondepartmt Add benefits, auto allowance, computer system Add receptionist for front building/chambers Add office furnishings for above Add duplicating tech (current duplicating tech to become maintenance/facilities) Add office furnishings for above Add ICMA conference to travel Correct error Add office assistant to administer business license program Add office furnishings for above Add chief accountant to perform revenue audits Add office furnishings for above Remove signs Reclass asst to facil tech for new City Hall Add travel for commissioners Adjust fee estimate for change in rev est. Add 2 payphones Increase dues Revise utilities estimate based on greater number of square feet 11,995,791 193,700 16,400 23,085 3,600 23,085 3,600 2,600 2,400 23,085 3,600 51,870 2,100 (1,000) 15,576 4,000 315,675 3,000 6,400 11,000 Police Serv Police Serv Police Serv Fire Safety Roads Total revisions Add amount for traffic cops on bridge Increase contract to amt per R. Sayre memo Add travel for commissioner8 Increase contract to $853,957 Move street sweeping from engineering Appropriations per May 29 document 50,000 81,475 4,000 353,957 0 1,193,208 $ 13,188,999 Attachment 2 City of Temecula Requests for Funding Name of Organization Temecula Town Association - Street Improvemements Temecula Valley Substance Abuse Council Arts Council of the Temecula Valley Temecula Valley Economic Development Corporation Temecula Town Association - 4th of July Parade Alternatives to Domestic Violence Sister City Program Community Recreation Center Corp. (1) Temecula Community Players (1) Senior Center (1) (1) There is no written request on file. FY 1991 $ 35,120 7,500 50,000 75,000 6OO 5,717 1 unspecified 20,000 25,000 $218,938 CITY Revenues per May 12 document Add: Business license revenue Revise engineering fees Increase CSD overhead reimbursement for add'l exp Reduce= CDBG per J. Tebbets, Co. of Riverside Revenues per May 29 document CSD Appropriations per May 12 document $ Community Serv Add travel for commissioners Community Serv Add volunteer coordinator Community Serv Increase overhead due to additional costs for travel and volunteer coord. Zone A Zone A estimates are complete Zone B Zone B estimates are complete Appropriations per May 29 document $ CSD revenues were revised in conjunction with the above changes. $12,237,771 38,000 420,900 4,983 (10,000) $12,691,654 2,097,584 5,000 28,189 4,983 (14,976) (4,488) 2,116,292 CITY OF' TEMECULA ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1990- 1991 CITY OF TEMECULA 1990-91 Annual Budget CITY COUNCIL Ronald J. Parks, Mayor Karel F. Lindemarts, Mayor Pro Tern Patricia H. Birdsall, Councilmember Peg Moore, Councilmember J. Sal Munoz, Councilmember CITY MANAGER F. D. Aleshire INTERIM DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Mary Jane Henry May29, 1990 CITY OF TEMECULA TA,RLE OF CONTFNTS Understanding the Budget Document ............................. I Budget Summary: Where the Money Comes From ................................. 2 Where the Money Goes ....................................... 3 Budget Summary ........................................... 4 Revenue Schedule .......................................... 5 Explanation of Major Revenue Sources ............................ 7 Operating Budget Department Summary ........................... 9 Operating Budget Appropriations Schedule ......................... 13 Gann Appropriations Limit .................................... 14 Personnel Allocation By Program Area ............................ 15 OrganizationalChart ........................................ 19 Operating Budget: General Government ........................................ 21 Public Safety ............................................. 55 Community Development ..................................... 60 Community Services ........................................ 80 CITY OF TEMECULA TABLE OF CONTFNTS (Continued) Appendix Temecule Community Profile .................................. 90 Glossary of Terms Used ..................................... 91 Description of Funds ........................................ 93 CITY OF TEMECULA Understanding the Budget ,l ocument This Budget Document is intended to provide to the public concise and readable information about City government. It displays the City's objectives and budget for the 1990-91 fiscal year. The Budget Document begins with the City Manager's transmittal letter which provides an overview of the fiscal year 1990-91 Operating Budget by highlighting programs and major projects. The Budget Document is then divided into the following sections: Budget Summary Operating Budget Appendix The Budget Summary provides revenue and expenditure analysis. presents historical and categorical data for comparative purposes. summaries are also provided. This section Staffing level The Operating Budget section contains the objectives and resource allocation plans for each operating program. Budget information is organized into four programs which identify the major services provided by the City. Each program is described and its budget amount itemized by activity. Finally, the Appendix includes a community profile, glossary of terms used in the Budget Document, and fund descriptions. Additional information on the City's fiscal affairs is available in the following documents at the City offices: City Financial Statements City Treasurer's Monthly Reports 0 ~w L!~o I--z I.!_o 0 c/DO LLi '~- rr W k- Z ~0 w Z il LU X CO n"- 00~ 0~ r"ln 0 ~ .~ ~-co "'- 0 X ~..0 o I.~0 0 LU 0 LLI X ILl rr w cs) rr 0 W © Z ~z n IllO < CITY OF TEMECULA .;UMMARY Estimated Fund Balance July 1, General Fund Gas Tax Fund Community Services Estimated Revenue Total Resources Appropriations Reserve for Contingency 1990: 288,576 488,648 1~.691.654 13,468,878 (13.188.999) ~ ~79.879 TCSD ~ 822,000 2.312.683 3,134,683 (2.312.683) ~ 822.000 CITY OF TEMECULA RFVFN UF .~ CHF!3 UI F CITY Source of Data General Fund: Property taxes Other taxes Sales & use Franchise fees Real property transfer tax Transient occupancy tax Business License Intergo vernmental revenues Motor vehicle in lieu Cigarette tax Charges for services Planning Building Engineering Fines & forfeitures Investment interest Gas Tax Fund: Intergo vernmental Transportation Funds: Local Transportation Measure A Community Development Block Grant: Reimbursement from CSD: TOTAL CITY REVENUES: ~ 1,000,000 4,000,000 276,072 199,971 253,320 38,000 1, 135,374 48,322 975,000 1,453,360 1,696,356 33,000 40,000 42~081 496,000 375,554 50,000 12.691.654 Mc 77ghe Mc Tighe 90 Actuals Mc 77ghe Mc 77ghe $25 per License State Bulletin State Bulletin W#ldan Mc 77ghe W#ldan Mc~ghe 1,000,000 @ 8% for six months State Bulletin RC Trans Comm RC Trans Comm CITY OF TEMECULA R F VFN UF .~ ~. HF!~ ! IL F COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Assessments Community Service Zone A Zone B 1,564,838 475, 679 75. 775 TOTAL CSD REVENUE: ~ 2. 116.29~ CITY OF TEMECULA Exolanation of Major Revenue .?ources General Fund Property Tax: is determined by the Riverside County Tax Assessor based on the full value of a property. The County levies a base tax of one percent of assessed valuation plus assessments. Approximately six percent of the County levy is subvened to the City. Sales and Use Tax: the State of California imposes a six percent sales tax on taxable sales in the City. The City receives one percent of the six percent collected. Franchises: fees are imposed on gas, electric and cable television companies operating in the City. Real Property Transfer Tax: the County imposes a transfer tax on real property sold based on the value of the property transferred. This tax is evenly allocated between the County and the City. Transient Occupancy Tax: the City levies an eight percent tax on the rents collected by a hotel/motel located within the City limits. Licenses and Permits: the City assesses certain license and permit fees as a means of recovering the cost of regulating various activities. The fees are paid by individuals, businesses and developers (receiving permits for activities requiring permits). Intergovernmental Revenues: are revenues collected by the State of California and then subvened to the City according to formulas established by law. Charges for Services: service charges or fees are imposed on the user for a specific service rendered based on the rationale that the benefitting party should bear the cost of the service rather than the general public. Fines and Forfeitures: fines and penalties are imposed for traffic and parking violations occurring within the City limits and local ordinance infractions. The revenues are collected and distributed to the City by the Riverside County Court System less an administrative overhead cost. Interest Earnings: the City pools its available cash and invests in instruments as allowed in the City's investment policy. CITY OF TEMECULA ,Fx lanation of M jor Revenue . ource$ (Continuedl OTHER FUNDS Gas Tax Funds: the State of California assesses a tax on gasoline purchases as authorized by Sections 2106, 2107, and 2107.5 of the California Streets and Highways Code. A portion of this tax is allocated to the City based on a formula established by law. These funds are earmarked for the maintenance, rehabilitation or improvement of public streets. Transportation Funds: State and County funding is provided for the construction and improvement of major streets, and for fixed route transit facilities. These include: Local Transportation Funds and Measure A Funds. CITY OF TEMECULA OPERATING BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1991 - COMMUNITY SERVICES PERSONNEL SERVICES Number of Staff Salaries & wages Benefits Employer taxes ACCOUNTS 5100 5106 5104 COMMUNITY SERVICES ZONE A ZONE B TOTAL 190 191 192 11.00 11.00 318,552 $ 318,552 95,566 95,566 4,406 4,406 418,524 418,524 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Telephone Service Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Repair & Maintenance-Vehicles Office Supplies Printing Legal Documents/Maps Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Rent - Equipment Utilities Small Tools/Equipment Signs Consulting Services Other Outside Services Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage Auto Allowance Blueprints Street Lighting Slope Maintenance Drainage Maintenance Initial CSD Engineering City Admin. Charges 52O8 5212 5214 5220 5222 5224 5226 5228 5230 5238 5240 5242 5244 5248 5250 5258 5260 5263 5268 5500 5510 552O ll 3,240 11,000 12,500 6,325 28,500 5,000 310 5OO 5OO 1.000 64.000 5.000 1.000 72.000 57~000 7.600 1.700 2.400 1,000 45,000 198,244 $ 169,070 273,021 33,588 $ 75,775 3,240 11,000 12,500 6,325 28,500 5,000 310 500 500 1,000 64,000 5,000 1,000 72,000 57,000 7,600 1,700 2,400 1,000 244,845 273,021 33,588 45,000 198,244 523,819 475,679 75,775 1,075,273 CITY OF TEMECULA OPERATING BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY - COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1991 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Office Equipment Computer Hardware/Peripheral Vehicles CIP - Design CIP - General Contractor ACCOUNTS COMMUNITY SERVICES ZONE A ZONE B TOTAL 190 191 192 5600 19,000 19,000 5602 3,300 3,300 5604 10,000 10,000 5608 50,000 50,000 5802 45,746 45,746 5804 494,449 494,449 622,495 622,495 $ 1,564,838 $ 475,679 $ 75,775 $ 2,116,292 12 CITY OF TEMECULA O eratinq ,Rudqet' A t propriations . chedule Department Summary City Council City Manager City Clerk City A ttorne y Finance Personnel Information Systems Planning Building/Safety Engineering Roads Police Services Fire Services Animal Control Nondepartmental CDBG TOTAL CITY Appropriations ~ 357,927 332,452 177, 125 300,000 395,~.~. 82,367 252,240 1,213,525 1,130, 020 1,980,267 1,637,700 3,340,475 853,957 80,000 935,600 1~0.000 13,188.999 Number of Employees 5.84 5.66 5.00 8.00 1.50 6.00 10.00 9.00 51.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIS TRIC T Community Services Zone A Zone B TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,564,838 475, 679 75, 775 ~ 2.116.292 11.00 11.00 CITY OF TEMECULA ANN APPROPRIATIONS ! IMIT Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution, more commonly referred to as the Gann Initiative or Gann Limit, was adopted by California voters in 1980 and placed limits on the amount of proceeds of taxes that state and local governmental agencies can receive and appropriate (authorize to spend) each year. The limit is different for each agency and the limit changes each year. Each year's limit is based on the amount of tax proceeds that were authorized to be spent in fiscal year 1978-79 in each agency, modified for changes in inflation and population in each subsequent year. For cities which have incorporated after 1978-79, such as the City of Temecula, the initial appropriations limit is set by the voters at the time of incorporation. Then each subsequent year's limit is increased or decreased for changes in inflation and population. Temecula voters established the initial appropriations limit for the City at $8,500,000. Inflationary adjustments are, by law, based on increases in the March-to-March U.S. All Urban Consumer Price Index or 4th Quarter California personal income, whichever is less. Population adjustments for Temecula have to date been based on the annual population percentage increase for unincorporated Riverside County. For FY 1991-92, the State Department of Finance will begin to provide the City with the required annual population change factor to be used for appropriations limit calculations. For FY 1990-91, the City's estimated tax proceeds to be received, as well as tax proceeds appropriated by the City Council, will be well under the legal limit. The law requires a governing body to annually adopt, by resolution, an appropriations limit for the following year. The City's 1990-91 appropriations limit was adopted at the time of FY 1990-91 budget adoption, in the form of Resolution No. 90- . CITY OF TEMECULA Personnel Allocation R_y Pro;tram Area (Full-time Equivalents listed) PROGRAM: GENERAl GOVERNMENT Authorized 1989-90 Change Authorized 1990-91 Department: C/ty Council CouncEmembers Executive Secretary Admini#trative Secretary Department Total 5 0 5 0 0.34 0.34 0 0.5 0.5 5 0.84 5.84 Department: City Manager City Manager Asst. to City Mgr. Administrative Asst. Execu~ve Secretary Administrative Secretary Office Assistant Department Total I 0 1 I (0.5) 0.5 I 0 1 I (0. 34) O. 66 I (0.5) 0.5 2 0 2 7 (1.34) 5.66 Department: City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Administrative Secretary Office Assistant Department Total Department: F'mence Director of Rnence Chief Accountant Management Analyst Accountant Administrative Secretary Account Clerk Office Assistant Department Total I 0 1 I 0 1 I 2 3 3 2 5 1 0 0 I 1 2 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 8 CITY OF TEMECULA Personnel Allocation by Program Area (Full-time Equivalents listed) PROGRAM: Autho~zed 1989-90 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (Conb~ued) A#sL to City Mgr. Office Assistant Department Total Change Autho~zed 1990-91 Department: Information Systems Director of Information Systems Network Administrative Administrative Secretary ~ Assistant Department Total 0 0.5 0.5 0 I 1 0 1.5 1.5 I 0 1 0 I 1 0 I 1 0 I 1 0 2 2 I 5 6 PROGRAM TOTAL: 21 11 32 CITY OF TEMECULA Personnel Allocation R_y Program Area (Full-time Equivalents listed) PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Authorzeal 1989-90 Authorized 1990-91 Director of Planning I 0 1 Serdor l~nner I 0 1 Associate Planner 2 0 2 Assistent Planner I 0 1 Plann~g Technician I 0 1 Ad~'s~a~e S~ I 0 1 S~e~ 0 2 2 O~ Asds~t I 0 1 De~t To~l 8 2 10 ~ent: Building & S~fety 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Director of Bu#ding & Safety Senior Inspector Code Enforcement Officer Bu#ding Insl~Ctor Administrab~e Secretary Office AssiStant Department Total 1 1 1 4 1 1 9 11 PROGRAM TOTAL: 1 1 1 4 1 1 9 19 17 CITY OF TEMECULA Personnel Allocation By Pro;ram Area (Full-time Equivalents listed) Autho~zed Change Authorized 1989-90 1990-91 PRO(~RAM: COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Department: Community Services Dir. of Community Services Park Development Coordinator Maintwence Supervisor Maintenance Worker Recreation Program Supervisor Recreation Leader/Asst. Volunteer Coordinator Administrative Secretary Office Assistant Department Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 2 1 2 I 1 11 PROGRAM TOTAL: 0 11 11 TO TAL : 29 33 62 18 II Z 0 0 w w w Z ~ u_ ~ Z 0 rr Z z z 0 ~ ~ J -- ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~> --~ z ~ z~ ~ ~0 _~ ~0 z ~ Ow ~ W--~ w z --I-- Jw UJ CITY OF TEMECULA Prq~qr=m .~,,mm=ry Program: General Government Funding: General Fund General Government includes the operations of the City Council as policy makers, the City Manager as administrator, and administrative support departments including: City Attorney, City Clerk, Finance, Information Systems and certain nondepartmental activities. CITY CLERK 177125 CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY 332452 300000 FINANCE 395344t CITY COUNCIL 357927 PERSONNEL 82367 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 252240 .... NONDEPARTMENTAL 93560O FY91 - TOTAL $2,833,055 21 CITY OF TEMECULA nepartment . ummary Program: General Government Department: City Council Funding: General Fund Description: The City of Temecula has a five member City Council which serves as the governing body of the City. Members of the Council are elected at-large and serve four year terms, except for the initial Council -two of which would be up for election in November 1992. The City Council formulates policy guidelines in response to the needs, values and interests of the citizens of Temecula, and appoints commissions, and hires the Manager, Attorney, Clerk and Treasurer to run the City. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 ~ 10,500 ~ 51,827 35,000 297, 100 9,000 ~ 45,500 ;~ 357,927 Elected Officials Regular/Full-time Total Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 5 5 FY 1990-91 5.0 .84 5.84 22 Estimated Appropriations Department - City Council 001-100 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Benefits Employer Taxes ACCT$ 5100 5106 5104 39,625 11,888 314 51,827 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Printing Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Other Outside Services Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage Auto Allowance Social Services 5222 5226 5228 5230 5250 5258 5260 5263 5267 2,000 1,500 2,000 1,200 12,000 16,000 6,400 6,000 250,000 297,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Computer Hardware/Software TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS 56OO 5604 4,000 5,000 9,000 $ 357,927 23 Salaries & Benefits Department - City Council 001-100 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Months FY 1991 Council Members Executive Secty Admin. Secretary 300 300 300 5.00 12 $ 2,285 2,846 2,566 0.34 12 1,702 2,120 1,911 0.50 12 5.84 18,000 10,159 11,466 01-100-999-40-5100 01-100-999-40-5109 Salaries $ 39,625 Benefits Rate 30% Benefits $ 11,888 24 Travel Department - City Council 001-100 Conference Approx. Cost Number FY 1991 Mayors & Council Members Orientations Institute Mayors & Council Members Executive Forum League of California Cities U.S. Conference of Mayors Dinner Meetings 8OO 9OO 8OO 1,500 400 4,000 4,500 4,000 1,500 2,000 16,000 25 Capital Outlay Department - City Council 001-100 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Computer Hardware/Software Office/Space Cost 4,000 Number of Positions 1 FY 1991 $ 4,000 One System $ 5,000 26 CITY OF TEMECULA · e.oartment Summan/ Program: General Government Department: City Manager Funding: General Fund Description: The City Manager's Office provides overall leadership and direction to City staff; implements municipal programs in accordance with City Council policy direction; and coordinates departmental operations. The City Manager's Office is also responsible for the Personnel function. Personnel Cost Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 ~137,210 10,500 23,805 171,515 Budget 1990-91 287,392 20,960 24, 100 332,452 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 Regular/Full-time 7 FY 1990-91 5.66 27 Estimated Appropriations Department - City Manager 001-110 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Benefite Employer Taxes ACCT$ 5100 5106 5104 219,225 65,767 2,400 287,392 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Printing Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage Auto Allowance 5212 5222 5226 5228 5230 5258 5260 5263 1,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,200 7,600 2,560 3,600 20,960 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings 5600 24,100 24,100 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 332,452 28 Salaries & Benefits - Regular Employees Department - City Manager 001-110 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum MaximumAverage Positions Months FY 1991 City Manager Assistant to CM Admin. Assistant Executive Secty Admin. Secretary Office Assistant 8,750 1.00 2,807 3,495 3,151 0.50 2,105 2,621 2,363 1.00 2,285 2,846 2,566 0.66 1,720 2,120 1,920 0.50 1,303 1,624 1,464 2.00 5.66 12 $ 105,000 12 18,906 12 28,356 12 20,319 12 11,520 12 35,124 01-110-999-40-5100 01-110-999-40-5109 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits $ 219,225 3O% $ 65,767 29 Travel Department - City Manager 001-110 Conference Approx. Cost Number FY 1991 City Managers Department Meeting League of California Cities Planning Commissioners Institute California Municipal Treasurers Association International City Managers Association California Contract Cities Dinner Meetings 8OO 8OO 8OO 1,000 2,600 400 400 1,600 8OO 8OO 1,000 2,600 400 400 7,600 3O Capital Outlay Department - City Manager 001-110 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Mid-Management/Professional Support Staff Office/space Cost 4,000 2,100 3,600 Number of Positions 1 1 5 7 FY 1991 $ 4,000 2,100 18,000 $ 24,100 31 CITY OF TEMECULA nepartrnent . urnmary Program: General Government Department: City Clerk Funding: General Fund Description: The City Clerk administers elections for the City in accordance with the State and local elections laws; directs the City's records retention program; maintains the municipal Code; and provides support services to the City Council and City staff including production and distribution of City Council agendas, minutes and documentation. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 ~ 39,373 35,500 18, 120 ~ 92,993 Budget 1990-91 ~ 130,605 23, 120 23,4O0 ~ 177, 125 Regular/Full-time Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 3 FY 1990-91 5 32 Estimated Appropriations Department - City Clerk 001-120 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Benefits Employer Taxes ACCT$ 5100 5106 5104 $ 99,357 29,807 1,441 130,605 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Printing Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Rent - Equipment Public Notices Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage Auto Allowance 5212 5222 5226 5228 5230 5238 5256 5258 5260 5263 1,500 1,000 3OO 200 1,200 2,400 10,000 2,500 1,620 2,400 23,120 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Computer Hardware/Software 56OO 5604 18,400 5,000 23,400 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 177,125 33 Salaries & Benefits Department - City Clerk 001-120 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Months FY 1991 Dep. City Clerk Admin. Secretary Office Assistant Office Assistant 01-120-999-40-5100 01-120-999-40-5109 2,414 3,006 2,710 1.00 12 $ 1,702 2,120 1,911 1.00 12 1,303 1,624 1,464 2.00 12 1,303 1,624 1,464 1.00 6 5.00 32,520 22,932 35,124 8,781 Salaries $ 99,357 Benefits Rate 30% Benefits 29,807 34 Travel Department - City Clerk 001-120 Conference Approx. Cost Number FY 1991 League of California Cities City Clerks Seminar City Clerks Association of California 8OO 8OO 9OO 8OO 8OO 9OO $ 2,500 35 Capital Outlay Department - City Clerk 001-120 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Support Staff Computer Hardware/Software Office/Space Cost 4,000 3,600 Number of Positions 5 FY 1991 $ 4,000 14,400 One System $ 5,000 36 CITY OF TEMECULA nepartment Summary Program: General Government Funding: General Fund Department: City Attorney Description: The City Attorney provides legal advice to the City Council, prepares necessary legal documents and prosecutes or defends actions to which the City is a party. This department represents funding for the retainer and general litigation services provided by the contract City Attorney firm, Burke, Williams and Sorensen. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs Operating Costs ~ 105,000 ;} 300,000 Capital Outlay Total Cost ~ 105,000 ;} 300,000 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City Personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 37 CITY OF TEMECULA ,nepartment .;urnmary Program: General Government Department: Finance Funding: General Fund Description: The Finance Department is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the financial health of the City in accordance with legal requirements and pursuant to policy direction from the City Council and City Manager. Specific functions include: treasury, budgeting, risk management, general accounting, payroll, and capital financing. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 ~ 56,271 26,000 19,262 ;t 101,533 Budget 1990-91 ~ 320,844 34,800 39,700 ~ 395,344 Regular/Full-time Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 5 FY 1990-91 8 38 Estimated Appropriations Department - Finance 001-140 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Benefits Employer Taxes ACCT$ 5100 5106 5104 $ 244,293 73,288 3,263 320,844 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Printing Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Consulting Services Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage Auto Allowance 5212 5222 5226 5228 5230 5248 5258 5260 5263 1,500 2,000 1,000 5OO 1,200 20,000 5,600 600 2,400 34,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Computer Hardware TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS 5600 5604 24,700 15,000 39,700 $ 395,344 39 Salaries & Benefits Department - Finance 001-140 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Number of Months FY 1991 Dir. of Finance 5,236 6,519 5,878 1.00 Chief Accountant 2,945 3,667 3,306 1.00 Accountant 2,498 3,111 2,805 1.00 Management Analyst 2,498 3,111 2,805 1.00 Account Clerk 1,600 1,993 1,797 2.00 Admin. Secretary 1,702 2,120 1,911 1.00 Office Assistant 1,303 1,624 1,464 1.00 8.00 12 $ 12 12 6 12 12 12 70,530 39,672 33,654 16,827 43,116 22,932 17,562 01-140-999-40-5100 01-140-999-40-5109 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits 244,293 30% 73,288 ~0 Travel Department - Finance 001-140 Conference Approx. Cost Number FY 1991 League of California Cities California Society of Municipal Finance Officers Continuing Education/Seminars 8OO 9OO 1,500 8OO 1,800 3,000 5,600 Capital Outlay Department - Finance 001-140 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Mid-Management/Professional Support Staff Office/Space Cost 4,000 2,100 3,600 Number of Positions 8 FY 1991 $ 4,000 6,300 14,400 $ 24,700 Computer Hardware/Software Three Systems $ 15,000 42 CITY OF TEMECULA I~el~artm~nt .~ummary Program: General Government Department.' Personnel Funding: General Fund Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 50,000 50,000 Budget 1990-91 ~ 4~937 30,830 4600 ~ 82,367 Regular/Full-time Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 None FY 1990-91 1.5 Estimated Appropriations Department - Personnel 001-150 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Benefits Employer Taxes ACCT# 5100 5106 5104 $ 36,468 10,940 529 47,937 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Printing Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Consulting Advertising Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage 5212 5222 5226 5228 5230 5248 5254 5258 5260 75O 4,000 5OO 250 2,500 20,000 1,000 8OO 1,030 30,830 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings 56O0 3,600 3,600 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS 82,367 Salaries & Benefits Department - Personnel 001-150 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Months Assistant to CM 2,807 3,495 Office Assistant 1,303 1,624 3,151 0.50 12 $ 1,464 1.00 12 1.50 FY 1991 18,906 17,562 01-150-999-40-5100 01-150-999-40-5109 Salaries $ 36,468 Benefits Rate 30% Benefits $ 10,940 45 Capital Outlay Department - Personnel 001-150 Office Furniture Organizational Level Support Staff Office/Space Cost 3,600 Number of Positions 1 FY 1991 $ 3,600 CITY OF TEMECULA neoartment .;ummary Program: General Government Department: Information Systems Funding: General Fund Description: The Information Systems Department provides information systems support to every department at City Hall. Requirements analysis, system configuration, budgeting, purchasing, implementation, and training are all provided. The Director of Information Systems is also designated as the Purchasing Agent and the department provides a centralized purchasing function. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Regular/Full-time Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 ;t 24,214 ;t 205,840 1,500 14,700 25, 894 31, 7OO ;t 51,608 ~ 252,240 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 6 47 Estimated Appropriations Department - Information Systems 001-180 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACCT$ Salaries & Wages 5100 Benefits 5106 Employer Taxes 5104 $ 156,724 47,017 2,099 205,840 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Printing Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Small Tools/Equipment Consulting Services Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage 5212 5222 5226 5228 5230 5242 5248 5258 5260 1,500 2,000 5OO 3OO 1,200 2,000 5,000 1,700 5OO 14,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Office Equipment Computer Hardware 56OO 5602 5604 20,500 1,200 10,000 31,700 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS 252,240 48 Salaries & Benefits - Regular Employees Department - Information Systems 001-180 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Number of Months FY 1991 Director of IS 4,148 5,165 4,657 1.00 Network Admin. 2,498 3,111 2,805 1.00 Admin. Secretary 1,702 2,120 1,911 1.00 Secretary 1,454 1,811 1,633 1.00 Office Assistant * 1,303 1,624 1,464 1.00 Facilities Tech. 2,193 2,731 2,462 1.00 6.00 12 $ 4 12 12 12 12 55,878 11,218 22,932 19,590 17,562 29,544 01-180-999-40-5100 01-180-999-40-5109 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits 156,724 30% 47,017 * Purchasing Function -- 49 Travel Department - Information Systems 001-180 Approx. Conference Cost Number FY 1991 League of California Cities Local Miscellaneous Conferences 8OO 300 i $ 800 3 900 $ 1,700 5O Capital Outlay Department - Information Systems 001-180 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Office/Space Cost Management Mid-Management/Professional Support Staff 4,000 2,100 3,600 Office Equipment Description Unit Cost Typewriters 6OO Computer Hardware/Software Two Systems Number of Positions 6 Units FY 1991 4,000 2,100 14,400 20,500 1,200 10,000 CITY OF TEMECULA. nepartrnent . ummary Program: General Government Department; Nondepartmental Funding: General Fund Description: This department accounts for various administrative functions which are not directly attributable to a specific department. Major items include: facility rental, insurance and debt service. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 ~72,300 ~ 632,600 14~000 304000 ~ 21~300 ~ 935,600 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 52 Estimated Appropriations Department - Nondepartmental 001-199 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Insurance Telephone Service Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Repair & Maintenance-Vehicles Maintenance Supplies Office Supplies Dues & Memberships Bank Fees Rent - Office Rent - Furnishings Rent - Equipment Utilities Signs ACCT$ 5200 5208 5212 5214 5218 5220 5226 5232 5234 5236 5238 5240 5244 100,000 30,000 18,000 5,000 5,000 78,000 10,000 3,600 300,000 5,000 2,000 71,000 5,000 632,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Office Equipment Vehicles TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS 56OO 5602 5608 150,000 133,000 20,000 303,000 $ 935,600 53 Capital Outlay Department - Nondepartmental 001-199 Office Furnishings Description Conference Rooms (3) Council Chambers/Meeting Hall Filing Systems Office Equipment FY 1991 $ 30,000 110,000 10,000 $ 150,000 Description Telephone System Copier Copier Audio/Visual Pay Telephones Vehicles Description Utility Trucks (2) Unit Cost 10,000 Units $ 50,000 45,000 15,000 20,000 3,000 $ 133,000 $ 20,000 CITY OF TEMECULA Pr,~r,~m .;ummary FundinE: General Fund Program Ac#vitles The Public Safety program incorporates the departments of police services, animal control and fire protection services. Fire protection services for the City are partially funded through a fire services district administered and staffed by the Riveraide County Fire Department. POLICE SERVICES 3340475 ANIMAL CONTROL 853957 FY91 - TOTAL $4,274,432 CITY OF TEMECULA nepartment . urnmary Program: Public Safety Department: Police Services Funding: General Fund Description: This department provides funding for the law enforcement contract with the Riverside Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff'$ Department is responsible for providing for the protection of life and property of citizens, enforcement of laws, and meeting the community's needs for law enforcement and crime prevention. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs Operating Costs ;t 162,646 ~ 3,335,475 Capital Outlay 5,000 Total Cost it 162,646 ~ 3,340,475 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 Estimated Appropriations Department - Police Services 001-170-710 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Law Enforcement Services Travel/Conferences CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCT$ 5252 5258 $ 3,331,475 4,000 3,335,475 5,000 Computer Hardware/Software 5604 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 3,340,475 57 CITY OF TEMECULA nel artment . ummary Program: Public Safety Funding: General Fund Department: Fire Services Description: The Fire Services Department coordinates with other departments and agencies to provide a plan in the event of a major disaster to provide for emergency care and to assist in an orderly recovery after the emergency. The Fire Services Department provides funding for the contract with the County of Riverside to provide the above services. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 853,957 None ~ 853,957 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 58 CITY OF TEMECULA Deoartrnent .'" urnmary Program: Pubtic Safety Department: Animal Control Funding: General Fund Description: The Animal Control department provides funding for the contract with the County of Riverside to control animals as mandated by City and County codes and Health Department regulations. Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 80.000 None ~ 80,000 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 CITY OF TEMECULA Program .~:ummary Program: Community Development Funding: General Fund Gas Tax Funds Program Activities Community Development is an integrated program which includes four departments: Planning, Building, Engineering and Roads. Program activities range from advanced and current planning to permit inspection services and code enforcement. BLDG/SAFETY ENGINEERING 1980267 PLANNING 1213525 ROADS 1637700 FY91 - TOTAL $5,961,512 60 CITY OF TEMECULA ,t)epartment Summary Program: Community Development Funding: General Fund Department: Planning Description: The Planning Department is responsible for advanced and current planning including land use applications, environmental documentation, and development and maintenance of the General Plan in compliance with zoning, subdivision and various state and local land use regulations. This department represents the funding for the contractual services provided by Willdan Associates and the phase-in of regular City employees. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs 442,213 Operating Costs 609, 412 Capital Outlay 161,900 Total Cost None 1,213,525 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 Regular/Full-time 8 10 Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Development= Planning 001-160-610 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACCT$ Salaries & Wages 5100 $ 336,624 Benefits 5106 100,987 Employer Taxes 5104 4,602 442,213 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Printing Legal Documents/Maps Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Consulting Services Public Notices Travel/Conferences Auto Allowance CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Office Equipment Computer Hardware/Software 5212 7,800 5222 7,200 5224 10,000 5226 500 5228 475 5230 1,200 5248 572,037 5256 1,500 5258 6,300 5263 2,400 5600 31,900 5602 10,000 5604 120,000 609,412 161,900 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,213,525 62 Salaries & Benefits Department - Community Development: Planning 001-160-610 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Number of Months FY 1991 Dir. of Planning Senior Planner Assoc. Planner Asst. Planner Planning Tech. Admin. Secretary Secretary Office Assistant 5,236 6,519 5,878 1.00 3,424 4,236 3,830 1.00 2,885 3,592 3,239 2.00 2,464 3,068 2,766 1.00 2,193 2,731 2,462 1.00 1,702 2,120 1,911 1.00 1,454 1,811 1,633 2.00 1,303 1,624 1,464 1.00 10.00 12 $ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 70,530 45,960 77,724 33,192 29,544 22,932 39,180 17,562 01-160-610-40-5100 01-160-610-40-5109 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits 336,624 3O% 100,987 63 Consulting Services Department - Community Development: Planning 001-160-610 Description General Plan Update Geologic Consulting Miscellaneous Studies Consulting based on Revenues: Revenues Percentage Less: Salaries & Benefits 975,000 0.75 731,250 (442,213) $ 175,000 18,000 90,000 289,037 $ 572,037 64 Travel Department - Community Development= Planning 001-160-610 Approx. Conference Cost Number FY 1991 League of California Cities American Planning Association Planning Commissioners Institute 8OO 1,500 8OO 800 1,500 4,000 $ 6,300 Capital Outlay Department - Community Development= Planning 001-160-610 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Mid-Management/Professional Support Staff Office Equipment Office/Space Number of Cost Positions 4,000 1 2,100 3 3,600 6 10 FY 1991 4,000 6,300 21,600 $ 31,900 Map Files $ 10,000 Computer Hardware/Software Four Systems Computer - GIS $ 20,000 100,000 $ 120,000 66 CITY OF TEMECULA ,nepartment Summary Program: Community Development Department: Building & Safety Funding: General Fund Description: This department is responsible for the review of building plans, issuance of permits, inspections of construction and property, and investigations of complaints relating to building and construction. This department represents the funding for the contractual services provided by the County of Riverside and the phase-in of regular City employees. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost None ~ 392,786 702,534 34, 700 ~ 1.130,020 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 R e g u la r/Fu ll- t~n e 9 67 Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Development: Building & Safety 001-160-620 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACCT# Salaries & Wages 5100 $ 299,022 Benefits 5106 89,707 Employer Taxes 5104 4,057 392,786 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Consulting Services Postage & Packaging Travel/Conferences Auto Allowance 5248 697,234 5230 1,200 5258 1,700 5263 2,400 702,534 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Office Equipment Computer Hardware/Software TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS 5600 24,100 5602 600 5604 10,000 34,700 $ 1,130,020 68 Salaries & Benefits - Regular Employees Department - Community Development: Building & Safety 001-160-620 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Months FY 1991 Dir. of Bldg/Sfty Senior Inspector Code Enf. Officer Bldg. Inspector Admin. Secretary Office Assistant 5,236 6,519 5,878 1.00 2,550 3,175 2,863 1.00 2,193 2,731 2,462 1.00 2,325 2,846 2,586 4.00 1,702 2,120 1,911 1.00 1,303 1,624 1,464 1.00 9.00 12 $ 70,530 12 34,350 12 29,544 12 124,104 12 22,932 12 17,562 01-160-620-40-5100 01-160-620-40-5109 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits $ 299,022 30% $ 89,707 Consulting Services Department - Community Development= Building & Safety 001-160-620 Description Consulting based on Revenues= Revenues Percentage Less= Salaries & Benefits $ 1,453,360 0.75 1,090,020 (392,786) 697,234 7O Travel Department - Community Development: Building & Safety 001-160-620 ~pprox. Conference Cost Number FY 1991 League of California Cities California Building Officials 8OO 9OO i $ 800 i 900 $ 1,700 71 Capital Outlay Department - Community Development= Building & Safety 001-160-620 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Mid-Management/Professional Support Staff Office Equipment Office/Space Number of Cost Positions 4,000 1 2,100 1 3,600 5 7 FY 1991 $ 4,000 2,100 18,000 $ 24,100 Description Typewriter Unit Cost 6OO Units 1 $ 600 Computer Hardware/Software Two Systems 72 CITY OF TEMECULA Pro;ram .;ummary Program: Community Development Department: Engineering Funding: General Fund Gas Tax Funds Description: The Engineering Department is responsible for ensuring Capital Improvement Projects, City projects and private projects comply with legal requirements and high standards of quality through development review, public works inspections and transportation planning. This department accounts for contractual engineering services with Willdan Associates. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost None *Includes Gas Tax Expenditures totalling $190,000 1,970,267 10,000 1, 980, 267 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 73 Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Development: Engineering 001-160-630 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Postage & Packaging Consulting Services Public Notices Travel/Conferences Blueprints Traffic Administration Traffic Engineering CAPITAL OUTLAY Computer Hardware/Software ACCT$ 5230 $ 1,200 5248 1,772,267 5256 700 5258 4,900 5268 1,200 5400 40,000 5406 150,000 5604 1,970,267 10,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,980,267 74 Consulting Department Services - Community Development: Engineering 001-160-630 Description Other Studies Consulting based on Revenues: Revenues Percentage $ 1,696,356 0.75 $ 500,000 1,272,267 $ 1,772,267 75 Capital Outlay Department - Community Development= Engineering 001-160-630 Computer Hardware/Software Two Systems 76 CITY OF TEMECULA Program Summary Program: Community Development Department: Roads Funding: General Fund Gas Tax Funds Description: The Roads Department is responsible for road improvement and maintenance. This department accounts for contractual road services with the County of Riverside. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost None ~ 537, 700 1, 100,000 * ~ 1,637,700 *Includes Gas Tax Expenditures totalling $1,587,700 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 77 Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Development= Roads 001-160-635 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Postage & Packaging Routine Street Maintenance Special Street Maintenance Traffic Signal Maintenance Street Sweeping Pavement Management Program CAPITAL OUTLAY Road Improvement Base Mapping ACCT$ 5230 5402 5403 5405 5407 5408 5615 5617 $ 1,200 240,000 141,500 75,000 50,000 30,000 1,000,000 100,000 537,700 1,100,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,637,700 78 CITY OF TEMECULA Pro;ram . ummary Program: Community Development Funding: Department: Community Development Block Grant General Fund Gas Tax Funds Description: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is to be received from County of Riverside CDBG funds and is anticipated to be used for park improvements. Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Est~nated 1989-90 None Budget 1990-91 120,000 120,000 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 No City personnel in this department. FY 1990-91 CITY OF TEMECULA Program .;ummary Program: Community Services Funding: Commurdty Services District Assessments Program Activi~s Community Services offers residents a variety of recreation services. This program is also responsible for parks design and maintenance, and parkway and median maintenance street lighting. CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMUNITY SERV 1564838  ZONE B 75775 ZONE A 475679 FY91 - TOTAL 62,116,292 8O CITY OF TEMECULA nepartment .;urnmary Program: Community Services Department: Community Services Funding: Community Services District Assessments Description: This department provides for management and direction, coordination of the budget, goal setting, ongoing evaluation of programs, and staff support for City park and recreation operations. This department is also responsible for park d(~velopment and the administration of contractual services for recreational programs and landscape maintenance of parks, parkways and medians. Financial Summary Est~nated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs ;t 418, 524 Operating Costs ;t 20,000 523,819 Capital Outlay 622,495 Total Cost ;t 20,000 ~ 1,564,838 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 R e g u ler/Fu ll- t~n e None City overhead costs are allocated to this department based on a rate of 15% of expenditures. 11 8! Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Services 019-190 PERSONNEL SERVICES ACCT$ Salaries & Wages 5100 Benefits 5106 Employer Taxes 5104 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Telephone Service Repair & Maintenance-Facilities Repair & Maintenance-Vehicles Office Supplies Printing Legal Documents/Maps Dues & Memberships Publications Postage & Packaging Rent - Equipment Utilities Small Tools/Equipment Signs Consulting Services Other Outside Services Travel/Conferences Meetings in Town/Mileage Auto Allowance Blueprints Overhead-Initial CSD Engineering Overhead-City Admin. Charges 5208 5212 5214 5220 5222 5224 5226 5228 5230 5238 5240 5242 5244 5248 5250 5258 5260 5263 5268 $ 318,552 95,566 4,406 3,240 11,000 12,500 6,325 28,500 5,000 310 5OO 5OO 1,000 64,000 5,000 1,000 72,000 57,000 7,600 1,700 2,400 1,000 45,000 198,244 418,524 523,819 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Furnishings Office Equipment Computer Hardware/Peripheral Vehicles CIP - Design CIP - General Construction 5600 5602 5604 56O8 5802 5804 19,000 3,300 10,000 50,000 45,746 494,449 622,495 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,564,838 82 Salariee & Benefits - Regular Employees Department - Community Services 019-190 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Minimum Maximum Recmmd Number of Number of Positions Months FY 1991 CSD Director 5,236 Park Der. Coord. 3,424 Maint. Supervisor 3,424 Maint. Worker Rec. Prog. Supr. 2,464 Recreation Ldr/Asst Volunteer Coord. 1,702 Admin. Secretary 1,702 Office Assistant 1,303 6,519 5,498 4,263 3,595 4,263 3,595 1,787 3,068 2,766 1,288 2,120 1,787 2,120 1,787 1,624 1,368 1.00 12 $ 1.00 12 1.00 12 2.00 12 1.00 12 2.00 12 1.00 12 1.00 12 1.00 12 11.00 65~976 43.140 43.140 42.888 33.192 30,912 21.444 21.444 16,416 01-190-999-40-5100 01-190-999-40-5109 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits $ 318,552 30% $ 95,566 83 Travel Department - Community Services 019-190 Conference Approx. Cost Number FY 1991 League of California Cities Community Services Conference California Parks & Recreation Society 8O0 80O 1,000 1 1 6 8OO 8OO 6,000 $ 7,600 Capital Outlay Department - Community Services 019-190 Office Furnishings Organizational Level Management Mid-Management/Professional Support Staff Office Equipment Office/Space Cost 4,000 2,100 3,600 Number of Positions 6 FY 1991 4,000 4,200 10,800 19,000 Description Transcribing Equipment Drafting Equipment Misc. Equipment Computer Hardware/Software Two Systems Vehicles 800 1,500 1,000 3,300 10,000 Description 3/4 Ton Pick-up Utility Truck Closed Van Utility Truck 4WD Unit Cost 9,000 9,000 9,000 14,000 Units 2 $ 1 1 1 18,000 9,000 9,000 14,000 50,000 85 CITY OF TEMECULA n. artment .;urnmary Program: Community Services Department: Zone A Funding: Special Assessments Program Activities Description: This department is responsible for administration of landscape maintenance of parkways end medians and street lighting for an assessment district of the City. Operating Costs Capital Outlay Total Cost Financial Summary Est~nated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 475,679 None ~ 475,679 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 86 APPENDIX Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Services= Zone A 019-191 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Street Lighting Slope Maintenance Drainage Maintenance ACCT# 5500 5510 5520 169,070 273,021 33,588 TOTAL ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS $ 475,679 87 CITY OF TEMECULA !~epartment Summary Program: Community Services Department: Zone B- Street Lighting Funding: Special Assessments Description: This department is responsible for the administration of street lighting for an assessment district of the City. Financial Summary Estimated 1989-90 Budget 1990-91 Personnel Costs Operating Costs $ 20,000 $ 75,775 Capital Outlay Total Cost $ 20,000 ~ 75,775 Personnel Summary FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 88 Estimated Appropriations Department - Community Services: Zone B 019-192 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Street Lighting ACCT$ 5500 75,775 89 CITY OF TEMECUI. A COMMUNITY PROFILE Date Incorporated Form of Government Area Population Parks Dwelling Units December 1, 1989 Council/ManaEar 26 Square Miles 31,980 2 12,300 CITY OF TEMECULA 1ossery of Terms Used ADOPTION ~- Formal action by the City Council which sets the spending limits for the fiscal year. APPROPRIATION - A legal authorization granted by the City Council to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific purposes. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) - Annual appropriations in the City's budget for capital purposes such as street improvements, building construction and park improvements. CONTINGENCY - A budgetary reserve set aside for emergency or unanticipated expenditures. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - Consultant contracts for professional services. FISCAL YEAR - The period designated by the City for the beginning and ending of financial transactions. The fiscal year begins July I and ends June 30. FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS (FTE) - The amount of time a position has been budgeted for in terms of the amount of time a regular, full-time employee normally works in a year. Most full-time employees are paid for 2,080 hours in a year. FUND - An accounting entity with a set of self-balancing revenue and expenditure accounts used to record the financial affairs of a governmental organization. FUND BALANCE - The difference between the assets (revenues and other resources) and liabilities (expenditures incurred or committed to) for a particular fund. OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE - The individual expenditure accounts used to record each type of expenditure City operation incur. For budgeting purposes, objects of expenditure are categorized into groups of similar types of expenditures called major objects of expenditure. The principal objects of expenditure used in the budget are: PERSONNEL COSTS - Salaries and benefits paid to City employees. Includes items such as special duty salaries and retirement. OPERATING COSTS - Office supplies and other materials used in the normal operations of City departments. Includes items such as books, maintenance materials and contractual services. CAPITAL OUTLAY - Expenditures which qualify as capital costs according to accounting standards. This includes furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment and other relatively minor fixed assets. 9! CITY OF TEMECULA ('.1ossary of Terms Used (Continued) OPERATING-BUDGET - Day-to-day costs of delivering City services. PROGRAM/DEPARTMENTS - The budget organizes departmental expenditures into functional areas called programs. RESOURCES - Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues, fund transfers and beginning balances. 92 CITY OF TEMECULA nescr tion of Funds The City of Temecula revenues and expenditures are accounted for in a series of funds. Each fund is an autonomous accounting entity, established in accordance with legal and professional accounting standards. Funds are used to segregate the various financial activities of a governmental entity and to demonstrate compliance with specific regulations, restrictions or limitations; (for example, demonstrating that restricted revenues are spent only for allowed purposes). Funds used in government are classified into three broad categories: governmental, proprietary and fiduciary. Governmental funds include activities usually associated with a typical state or local government's operations (public safety, general government activities, etc). Proprietary funds are used in governments to account for activities often found in the private sector (utilities, stadiums and golf courses are prime examples). Fiduciary funds are utilized in situations where the government is acting in a fiduciary capacity as a trustee or agent. At the present time, the City of Temecula utilizes only governmental funds. The following funds are utilized by the City of Temecula: .Rovernmental Funds: General Fund: This is the general operating fund for the City, utilized to account for all resources not required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds: Gas Tax Funds: The City maintains the fund to account for the Highway User's Tax revenues received from the State of California under sections 2106, 2107 and 2107.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. Section 2107.5 revenues may only be spent on street engineering work. Sections 2106 and 2107 revenues may only be spent for street and highway purposes. Local Transportation Fund: The City maintains the fund to account for Local Transportation and Measure A funds to be used for construction and improvement of major streets and for fixed route transit facilities. 93