HomeMy WebLinkAbout063090 CC AgendaA~DA TBXBCULA CXTY COUNCZL TBMBCULACXTYH~LL 0~IB 30; xg90 - g:00 AM CALL TO ORD~.: ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemane, Moore, Mufioz, Parks PUBLIC A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request To Speakfi form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a '*R~luest To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. COUNCIL BUSXNBSS xnterv~ew Candidates for Parks and Recreation COBmission Conduct Bailer Counting Procedure 3. ADDO4nt Members of the Temoou~a Parks and Recreation Conuission CZTYMiI~GBR REPORT CZTY ATTORNBY REPORT CZTY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: July 3, 1990, 7:00 PM, Rancho California Water District COmmunity Room, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California. ~ LOCATION FOR T[!~- PAR]~S AND RECRF~TION COHHISSION IHTERVIEIgS IS BUILDINC A LOCATED AT 63180 BUSINESS PARI~ DRIVE, SUITE 200 ,7 CITY OF TEMECU£A PARK & RECREA T/ON COMMISSION ~lUES770NS How much time do you have to spend on this? Do you realize the term is for three years? What is your understanding of the scope of this commission? Can you travel to seminars and will you devote the time? Do you have a particular area of Parks & Recreation that you would like to be involved? Are you familiar with City franchises like trash collection, cable TV, utilities, etc? How do you function within a group? Have you participated in a leadership role in any other volunteer organization? What is your current opinion on how to solve Temecula's park problems? Do you think CSA 143 had done an adequate job of serving the community and what would you change to make it better? CLAUDIA BRODE 41480 Luz Del Sol Temecula, CA 92390 '7 City of Temecula PO Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Frank Aleshire, City Manager 2/26/90 Dear Frank: I would like to volunteer my services to work on the Parks and Recreation Committee. I'm an interested citizen, living within'~-~ '~ity Limits, wanting to serve my community. This has been my home since 1980 and I have seen many changes. I have no children and therefore feel I would be objective regarding the use and needs of our park areas. I've been very involved with community services for sometime. We have a need for diversified forms of entertainment in our community and I feel I have something to offer. Regards, Claudia Brode BETCO MANAGEMENT BETCO CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2900 ADAMS STREET, SUITE A-15 RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 February 16. 1990 City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temecula. CA 92390 CONTR. LIC. NO, 571922 (714) 354-5296 FAX (714) 352-1661 Dear Sirs, Please accept this letter as my formal application to serve on one of the City of Temecula Advisory Commissions. I reside at 3l~ll Cotta Madera in Temecuia with my wife, Theresa and my three girls, Jessica, Andrea and Taylor. I am also a Registered Voter. My background is well suited to provide our new city with the talent required to intelligently make the right decisions about our growth. [ want to help Temecula retain the quality of life that brought us to the area in the first place. I recognize that development and ~rowth is important, but also we must progress in an orderly, planned fashion. I am enthusiastic about our future and [ want to help! [ am President of BETCO MANAGEMENT, which is a Cons=ruction Management and Architecture Firm. I am a California Licensed Architect and a Licensed General Contractor. As owner of the compay, I have the freeoom to devote as much time as required to work effectively for the City on any of the Advisory Commissions. However, I would like to state my order of preference. The Planning Commission is my first preference because as an Architect. I understand the matters normally considered by that group. Parks end Recreation Commission is my second choice because I consider the development of our park system to be important to the "Quality of Life" I mentioned earlier. The Traffic Commission would be my third choice and the Fubiic Safety Commission last. If you would like any more information, please feel free to call me at home at (71~) 69~-8053, or at work at (714) 35~-5296. Sincerely, Scott Buckles, AIA PRESIDENT SB:tab CONFIDENTIAL RESUME EVELYN M. HARKER P.O. Box 1051 Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-4718 Days or 676-3691 Evenings , SUMMARY OF OUALIFICATIONS: Eight years experience in Public Relations and Marketing field. including two years as co-owner of a weekly newspaper. Twelve years experience in Retail Sales, including five years as a Store Manager. Balance of experience is relate~ to planning, organizing, staffing and directing the efforts of subordinates in meeting company sales ob3ectives. Over forty years as an active volunteer in community events and organizations. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: November, 1988 to present H AND H ENTERPRISES Temecula. California EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/SPECIAL EVENT COORDINATOR FOR TEMECULA TOWN ASSOCIATION Ma3or Function: To act as Executive Secretary to the General Manager in all matters relating to the Management of the Temecula Town Association's activities, building and properties. As Special Event Coordinator I report to the Board of Directors of the Town Association and under their direction, work to assist teams of volunteers on specific projects, helping develop and meet budgets. obtain sponsorships (where appropriate;, assist with planning, provide secretarial services and maintain personal contact with volunteers, ass/sting and motivating them on an on-going basis. Events responsible for (but not limited to) are The Annual Great Temecula Tractor Race. Annual Installation Dinner and other Board approved Special Events. November. 1987 to November. 1988 H AND H ENTERPRISES Temecula. Ca 92390 PUBLIC RELATIONS Major Function: To develop marketing and Public Relations Plan for the 12th Annual Tractor EVELYN M. HARKER- Page 2 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Continued): Race. June, i985 to November 1987 RANCHO TRAVEL Temecula, CA 92390 OWNER/MANAGER Responsible for the hiring and staffing for a full service travel agency as well as developing the marketing program. Designed special one day bus trips for Senior Citizens groups as well as longer trips for Senior groups. Participated in ASTA and CRUISEATHON Training Seminars and arranged for staff to participate in special training seminars both in house and out of town. As Owner/Manager increased sales from a below profitable level to 100% profitable level. Sold agency 11-87. September, 1984 to June. 1985 MATHEWS TRAVEL CENTER Temecula, CA 92390 MANAGER - GROUP TRAVEL February, 1981 to June. 1985 Responsible for the management of Marketing and Group Sales for a new local travel agency. H AND H MULTI SERVICES Temecula, CA 92390 CO-PARTNER H and H Multi Services is a Public Relations and Marketing firm. Developed and produced Grand Opening for Butterfield Saving and Loan as well as Overland Bank. Worked with Golden Triangle Medical Center to organize their ground breaking ceremonies. Was involved in preparing brochures, advertising for all media and all physical arrangements for these events. Managed county-wide non-part/san political campaign taking the votes from 144 to 494 of the total vote. this involved planning brochures, target mailings and all press releases. Was co-founder of the Balloon and Wine Festival for the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce and EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 3 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Continued): wrote all the original 3ob descriptions for this event. Served as the first chal~nnan of the Festival in 1984 and chairman 1985 and co- chairman 1986. Was chairman of the Map and Directory committee of the Chamber for three years. Wrote the standing rules for the Chamber Am~bassador Committee. Worked with the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber to develop the first brochures the committee put out and assisted the Chamber Manager with other Promotional Planning. October. i979 to January. 1981 THE RANCHO NEWS Temecula. California Co-OWNER/BUSINESS MANAGER Responsible for supervision of ad salesmen, layout and production staff and financial accounting. Subscriptions were increased from 1,500 to just over 4,000. Business was sold in January, 1981 August, 1977 to July, 1979 THREE MARKETEERS.INC. (Public Relations and Marketing firm; Temecula. California OWNER/OPERATOR Produced brochures. custom designed business cards, letterheads, etc.. and organized merchants' promotional campaigns. Developed, produced and published County Life, a monthly slick regional magazine for the Southwest Riverside County. Sold both the business and the magazine. October, 1975 to August. 1977 H AND H ENTERPRISES (Self-Employed: in business with husband) The business consisted of vending machines and premium fish bait worms. Personally performed all vending machine maintenance and service. developed and handled all promotions and marketing of worths. including arrangements for booths and major Sport Shows throughout California. EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 4 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Continued) August, 1974 to Sep%ember. 1975 CASUAL CORNER (Retail Junior Woman's Wear Store) Arcadia Fashion Park Arcadia, California MANAGER Responsible for opening of new store, hiring and training of sales people, inventory and shortage control and meeting of sales quotas. While open the first year. shortages were less than 1%. Casual Corner is a wholly owned subsidiary of United States Shoe Corporation. Left to move to Temecula, full time. July,1974 to July, 1966 MAY COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORES Los Angeles, California MANAGER, DIVISION MANAGER. AREA MANAGER Started as Assistant Manager of China Department, moving to Manager within 3 months then to Executive Training at Los Angeles for 1 year and back to Arcadia as Division Manager for Men and Boys Department and Budget Store. In 1970 moved to Main Store in Los Angeles as Area Manager of 2nd floor and became Assistant Shortage Controller. Major Merchandising Functions: As a Department Manager and later working with Department Mangers to forecast sales for all selling sections in my designated areas and thus plan individual staff requirements. To coordinate and supervise all selling activities and review all sealing staff on job performance and make necessary salary recommendations. Worked closely with Shortage/Security mangers to produce a minimum of merchandise. register and cash shortages. Major Shortage Control Functions: To work closely with all Area Mangers, Department Mangers and Buyers to produce a minimum of merchandise. register and cash shortages. To arrange and conduct twice yearly inventories, to maintain a good working relationship with the Police and Fire Departments. EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 5 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduated. 1946 MONROVIA-ARCADIA-DUARTE HIGH SCHOOL Monrovia, California Graduated. 1949 PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Pasadena, California A.A. in Business Admistration June, 1984 to June . 1985 PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE San Marcos, California Courses in Travel Planning 1977-1979 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - RIVERSIDE Riverside, California UCR Professional Courses in Public Relations 1966 - 1973 MAY COMPANY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING COURSES Department Manager Course Executive Training Course (one year) "Better Management" Course Management by Objectives Course "Do-It-Dammit" Course (Shortage Control) Became an Instructor for Department Manager Course, Better Management Course and "Do-It- Dammit" Course. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Am active in the civic affairs of Temecula Valley since moving here in 1974. Previous to that, was active for many years in Temple City, serving of the Board of Directors of the United Way, President and Board of Directors of Temple City Coordinating Council, President and Board of Directors Temple City Youth Association, Citizens Advisory Committee on Education. San Gabriel Valley United Way Board of Directors. While on the Youth Association, I was active in working out the contract between the County of Los Angeles and the Temple City School District for the building of a swimming pool at the High School and the joint use thereof. PoliticaI activities include having been active on the County Republican Central Committees of Los Angeles and Riverside County as well as the California State Central Committee of the Republican Party for 39 years, retiring in 1987. Worked on Campaign Committees for Congressman Patrick J. Hillings. H. Allen Smith. and John H. Rousselot. Was State Headquarters Chairman for Joe Shell for Governor committee.. Was 25th Congressional Distr~ct Co-Chairman for Nixon for President. 1960. Served as Los Angeles County Young Republican Precinct chairman, Riverside County Precinct Chairman EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 6 ADDITIONAL INFOP3~ANTION (Continued) and was on the State Precinct Committee for 10 years. Appointed by Governor "Pat" Brown, in 1966 and 1977, to serve on the "Young Family Advisory Committee" to the Consumer Council. Listed in "Who's Who in American Women", 1964 Edition Recently served on Riverside County Parks Advisory committee on Regional Parks for Supervisor Wait Abraham AWARDS: 1985 1984 1962 1961 Rancho California B.P.W. - Women of Achievement Rancho Temecula Kiwanis - Citizen of the Year Temple City Junior Citizen of the Year San Gabriel Valley Citizen of the Year AFFILIATIONS: Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Temecula Town Association Rancho Temecula Area Woman's Club - Charter Member and first Honorary Life Member Rancho Temecula Soroptimist Club - Charter Member and Past President Temecula Valley Republican Woman's Club - Charter Member and former Board Member Sam Hicks Monument Park Foundation - President Temecula School PTO President - 1978 Temecula Unit CRA President - 1981 & 1982 Temecula Valley Women of the Moose - Past Senior Regent Rancho California Sports Park Board of Directors - member for 4 years. PERSONAL: Birthdate: Birthplace: Marital Status: December 27, 1989 Brattleboro, Vermont Married February 12, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA92390 Dear city Clerk: ! wish to apply for the position of Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for the City of Temecula. I have been a resident of Temecula since 1985: my wife and I own our one acre residence at ~0715 La Colima Rd.; we have also owned raw land in Temecula since 1980. ! have an excellent background in the field of education that gives me a valuable experience working with people and solving problems. It appears to me that you will need a person to communicate with several different types of people, and I am one who has had ex- cellent experience in this area. Yam willing to represent the city Council regarding its policies pertaining to parks and recre- ation. My twenty-five years of experience is extremely valuable for this position since one must work with the local school dis- trict. I am acquainted with people who run youth sports in the city, and I feel that I can communicate effectively. I have a strong background in sports, which is beneficial for this job. My experience in organizing programs and carrying them out will be invaluable to the City Council. I am a diligent worker, and will be able to devote the time necessary for the task. ~hat is very important is that I actively seek this job so that I can make a contribution to this community. As a teacher I will have the time after school and on weekends to carry out the dut- ies required of commissioner. Sincerel_¥, ' · ,5 .i rillJam D. Hillin (Dee) William D. Hillin 40715 La Colima Rd. Temecula, California '~2390 676-7373 EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE: To serve as Commissioner of Parks and Recreation PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES: Dedicated to assigned task; able to implement programs; good rapport with professional people and all members of the com- munity; able to listen to other points of view; able to demon- strate leadership; able to organize effectively; high expecta- tions of myself and others. EDUCATION: University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1967 Major: Humanities Minor: European Intellectual History M. Ao Memphis State University, Memphis, 1964 Major: Education Administration Minor: Curriculum M. Div. Southwestern Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, 1964 B. A. Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, 1960 Major: Biblical Literature Minor: English and Greek ADDITIONAL TRAINING.. Graduate work in English: University of Arkansas, summer 1968; Memphis State University, summer 1968; San Diego State University, summer 1979. ~tng for Quality Review, 1988-89 Training for Joint Process, Accreditation, 1985- 1990 Training for Drug Abuse Counseling, Tim Allen Break Through, 1987 Training for coaching soccer, CYSA, 1989-90 Training for refereeing soccer, 1989-90 William D. Hillin PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Served on Western Association of Schools and Col- leges for Accrediting for five years; served as SeLf-Study Coordinator for Accreditation for Elsi- nore High School in 1987 and 1990; representative to Western Regional Meeting of College Board for Rl~inore Union High School District: Phoenix in 1986, San Francisco in 1987, Honolulu in 1988, and San Diego in 1989; served as Advanced Placement Coordinator for ~l~inore High School since 1973; served as academic counselor for tenth grade for last three summers. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Served as assistant coach for football, baseball, and basketball, high school level, Harding Academy, Memphis, Tennessee, 1961-62; served as coach in Pop Wam~ner football, Poway, California, 1971-74; served as vice president for Poway Little League, 1972-74; coached youth soccer in Temecula, 1987- I990; served as referee for youth soccer in Temecula, 1989-90, Commissioner's Cup and President's Cup; served as coach for baseball in youth baseball in Temecula, 1989; sponsored youth soccer in Temecula 1989-90. TEACHING AND SUPERVISORY EXPERIENCE: cher D t o lish Chairperson of English, 1977-79 SeLf-Study Coordinator, 1987-90 Tenth grade counselor, 1987-89 ~]~inore High School 1977 to 198o Instructor of World Religions Palorator College, San Marcos Part -time 1977 to 1980 Lecturer of World Religions San Diego State University Part-time William D. Hillin 1972 1969 to 1971 1967 to 1969 1961 to 1962 Instructor of English Palomar College One semester Instructor and Chairperson of English, Education, Speech, and Foreign Language Okaloosa-Walton Junior College, Niceville, Florida Supervised ten faculty members Assistant Professor of English Mazding University, Searcy, Arkansas Teacher, eighth grade Coached high school football, baseball, and basket- b~ll, Harding Academy, Memphis, Tennessee The California Community Colleges: Community Col- lege Supervisor Credential, issued December 30, 1978; valid for life The California Community Colleges: Community Col- lege Instructor Credential, issued January 25, 1972; valid for life; subject matter: Humanities, Language Arts and Literature, Philosophy and Rel- igion State of California: General Teaching Credential issued April 16, 1975; valid for life; secondary State of California: General School Services Cre- dential; Secondary School Administration; issued May 15, 1986; expires June 30, 1991 INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES: Running is my hobby; have run hundreds of 10 K races{ mainly run m~watho-~{ have completed New York Marathon was my latest; youth sports William D. Hillin PERSONAL: Married to Luana D. Hillin Children: Daemon, will be 9 on March 10 Taryn, will be 5 on July 25 Born: Wichita Falls, Texas, February 25, 1938 Height: 5' 8" Weight: 162 lbs. Health: Excellent ~ 'C;flV]~} To serve on t~ CLty o~ T~ul. Par~e a~ a~atLon "~'"~-:" -.~,~:~. ~- C~tive s~ ~lexlble in ort~tstnl and plannit. 'a'~"<'"*' ' * ~1td ex~r~e in staff o~iata~ion, sch~ulln~, evaluation f~2:..: .,- ' l~us~r7 re. ration for professionalils and co.~tence. ~: ':'f~..;'-- - s F~llltar el~h T~cul~ I~l ~siness, lover~ent, ~uca~ion He~ber of Rancho Te~ecula Rotary Club - 1984-1990 O~ the ~oard of Directorl 1986, 87, 88 as Treasurer Chairsan of Youth Activities 1987-1990 Chairsan Rancho Te~ecula Rotary Scout CaBp Coaaittee 1987-1990 Chairsan Rancho ?e~..~ula Rotary Balloon and ~tne Fund Rliser 1990 Rancho ?e~ecula Rotary Scoutir~ Coordinator for Troop 301 1997-1990 ~o~d of Dtrectorl Taecul& VJlley Little League 1986, 1987, 1989 Vice President HaJor Lealue I~-1988 ~ch of T~ula Vell~ Little ~a~e HaJor ~a~e To~ ~el~ms ~naser for T~ula Vall~ ~unior ~afue Teas 1989 Board of Directors Tmcula Valley Pop Warner 1985,1986,1987 Vice President of Safety and Equipsent 1985-1987 Colch of the lti~hty Nites, 1984-1985. Coach of the Sunior !~e #ess, 1985-1986, Coach of the Pee~es, 19~6-I~7. Busir~ss H&nager for the 3unior aidleto, 1987-1989. Director of Field O~er&tions for Paine Avocado Co. Inc. 1972-1990. Paine Avoc&do Co. Inc. in business since 1921, It has the distinction of havin~ been one of tee l~okin~ houses under contract in the State of California to pack e~clusively for the CasbellJ Soup CoBparty of Casdin, New Jersey. And is rated in the top five independent pac~lnwhouses in the state. qricultural Consultant for #veral Real Estate Firns An Tallbrook 'Valley, Ventura, SanU Barbara and San Luis Obtsbo ar~e, 19~-i $ervin~ on th~ Californ/a Avocado Couission Fare Hana[er C~tt~, ~ ~v~ on ~ hnc~ T~ula Armada T~ft Co~ttt~, 1989-1~0. Graduate Orant~ a/lb School. Atter~Jed 2 y#ra Oraqe Cout College. Curr~tl¥ attendtq PalMer CoilMe to co~plets B.S. AFI Business. Bill be attending Cal Palm Pomona in Fall of lg90. ~rved on or chaired one or ISm coa~tttw durtq years lilted. Served as Herit Badle Counselor in Orange County Council, San Diego Council, end California Inland r-piTS C~ncil. Couuelor for ~t~li~ts, ~al ~t~. irc~ry, ~pl~, CooktM, ~eqency ~epar~n~s, hrn ~c~, fare a~ Ranch Ken--t, Ftshl~, Gard~i~, Hiking, Hone Repairs, Pl~t ~i~, ~bbtt btsing, El~alln~, and Truck Transportation, lg72-19go. Cub H#ter, Assistant Cub Halter, San Diego Council: Packs 619, 620. california Inland hptre Council: Pack 301, 1975-1965. Scoutsaster, Assistant Scoutsalter, Oraqe County Council, Council. and California Inland g~pire Council: Troop 151, Troop 316, 1967-1987. San Diego Troop 301, Dtltrict Co~iulorar, Assistant District Conillloner, Scout Round Table Co~tsitor~r, Cub Round Table Staff, Unit Coutmsloner. Orange Council, ~n DiMs Council, California Inland ~ptre Council, lg72-1ggO. Scout' Adult Leader Training Staff, Cub Scout Adult Leader Trainlr~ Staff, Poktow Staff, Cout#ioner l'rainln~ Staff. San Diego Council, California Inland E~plre Council, ~ Camp Provisional ~tsalt~', Su~er Cup Couisstoner, T~ops Suuer Cup. Orange County Council, San Diego Council, Inland e-ptre Council, Scouts~lter and California Chairann District C~ptn~ ~itt#. ftairnan District Canpores and on C~poree Staff both District and Council. San Diego Council and Caltforn/a lnl&mi hpire Council, Scout O=Rana and Scout Fair Chairnan, District and Council. ~cout O-Rain and Scout Fair Ticket Sales Chairnan, Unit, District and Council. Orate County, San Diego County and C&lifornia Inland E~pire Councils, 1968-1987. ~TAT]~Ii~f: I believe I can best serve this cornunity by b~'/Ming ~y ~ny y~rs ~l~ ~1~ youth orl~sat/oM to ~ Par~ ~ss/on of ~ CLty~ T~Ia, Z fN1 I k~v t~Lr ~e. I have s~ ~ lany ~a~S ~ ~t~10~. A~ c~n m~gU~e yOU Z ~111 work ~d ~eevo~ ~o sake T~/a a ~at pLa~ to 1lye. 31157 Via Gilberto Temecula, CA 92390 (714~ 699-9924 February 18, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear City Clerk: I am applying to serve on the City of Temecula Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. Over the past 20 years I have had an extensive background in various phases in this field, including working for Park and Recreation Departments for the County of Los Angeles, City of Lakewood, City of Placentia, and the City of La ~esa. In addition, I have an M.S. in Recreation Administration. As a new homeowner in the community, I am vitally interested and concerned over the proper development of adequate parks and quality recreational opportunities for our citizens. I believe the range of my experience in Parks and Recreation as well as being a previous successful retail business owner for over 8 years, can be of significant assistance in recommending future planning. If I can be of use to you, please contact me at your convenience. I appreciate your consideration. Narch 7, 1990 J.P. STENGER 43659 Buckeye Road Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 730-1494 City Clerk P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Re: ADVISORY CO~MISSIONS Dear Sir, As a new resident of Temecula. ! would like to become involved in the planning an~d orgainzation of our newly formed city and have enclosed my professional resume for consideration in serving on any one of the advisory committees. Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions in this regard. My Temecula home telephone number is 699-4421. Very truly yours, J.P. STKNGER Encl.. RESUME J.P. STENGER ATTORNEY AT LAW RECEIVED JURIS DOCTOR DEGREE FROM WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW IN FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA. MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE BAR. PRESENTLY IN SOLE PRACTICE WITH HEAVY EMPHASIS ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS OF LAW; REAL ESTATE LAW FAMILY LAW PERSONAL INJURY (plaintiff) BANKRUPTCY LAW HOLD AN ACTIVE CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE BROKERS LICENSE. FROM 1972 THROUGH 1984 WAS PRESIDENT AND MANAGING BROKER FOR LAKE FOREST REALTY, INC., EMPLOYING OVER 35 SALES CONSULTANTS IN TWO OFFICES LOCATED IN THE EL TORO/MISSION VIEJO AREA. PRIOR TO LAKE FOREST REALTY, COORDINATOR, NEW HOME DIVISION, DIVISION IN NEWPORT BEACH. WAS EMPLOYED AS SALES FOR OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM LAND GENERAL PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE Extensive exposure in managment, organizational skills, business ventures and investments, real estate investments, contract negotiations, property management, development and subdivisions, marketing and sales skills. Primary interests lie in real estate development and related services. Willing to travel. PERSONAL BACKGROUND Married with three adult children. Have resided in the Orange County area almost exclusively. Enjoy jogging, biking, music and theater. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member of the California Trial Lawyers Association, Orange County Women Lawyers, Orange County Bar Association, Past President of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Saddleback Valley, Past Officer of the Saddleback Board of Realtors. Personal references provided upon request. Temecula City Council City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, Ca. 92390 Dear Council Members I would appreciate being considered for membership on the City of Temecula Parks & Recreation Commission. I have attached a resume of my business background for your information. I believe I am uniquely qualified for the Parks Commission for the following reasons. I am very aware of the problems facing a park or parks including the scheduling and maintenance. I was a member and elected officer of the Rancho Temecula Community Park Association since near its inception. As such I was involved with many aspects of park operation including the responsibility of scheduling field use and user group maintenance for a number of years. When CSA 143 was being formed I was asked to be a member of its Advisory Board and have served in that capacity ever since. Neither my family nor I have ever been associated with any of the user groups which allows me to have an objective, non-prejudicial overview with regard to helping solve Temeculas growing park problems. The continued growth of this area is inevitable so it is imperative that Temecula establish long range policies and strategies while at the same time find equitable solutions to todays problems. I believe my background and experience can be a help in that endeavor. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely John Sterling 40491 Paseo Del Cielo Temecula Ca. 92390 Home - 676-2422 Bus.- 676-3400 JOHN E. STERLING 40491 PASEO DEL CIELO I~CULA, CALIFORNIA 92390 (714)676-2422 EVES - (714)676-3400 DAYS SUHHARY General Management Executive with a wide range of accomplishments in all modes of manufacturing, including the development of people, profits and resources. EXPERIENCE Self Employed - Temecula, California 1980-Present Owner, Retail Sporting Goods and Custom Screen Printing Co. Responsible for the operation of a full service retail sporting goods outlet including ,.~ custom screen printing operation, as wel 1 as personnel, administration, promotion and inventory control. AMETEK, Inc. 1968-1980 A Multi-Divisional, Multi- Product Corporation. Hired as Ouality Assurance Manager in California. I was immediatly transferred t.o their Moline, Illinois facility, where I was responsible for setting up and directing quality procedures to meet code requirements and design specifications. Responsible for evaluating the efficiency of various manufacturing departments. This plant manufactured large centrifuges (for the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries),' large filters, laundry and dry cleaning equipment, box making machinery, industrial fans and automatic bar dispensers. Became part of a group commuting to Pennsylvania on a ~eekly basis to evaluate and make recommendations concerning a potential acqt~isition in B~cks County PA. Nhen acquisition was finalized, transferred to that lo~_ation as factory manager. Was promoted to Operations Manager, responsibl~ for all aspects of manufacturing at two facilities, including all shop operations (we]dit3g? machining, assembly, te~t, polish, paint, stores, and shipping and receiving). Office functions included purchasing, production, prodL~ction contro!, inventory control, manufacturing engineering and participating in labor negotiaticz~s. (Sterling, ~age 2) These two plants manufact.,.~red lar.~e valves, flow meters.. large and small heat exchangers as well as "N" stamp heat. exchangers for the Nuclear i~-,dust. ry. Traveled extensively, performit-,g a wide range of duties, including_ trouble s$',oot. ir, g and customer relations on site at customers locati,:)n. Visited ,:,..~stomer location~ with other staff members in order to enhance propos&Is. - Transferred to Temecula~ C~lifornia plant as Operations Manager to aid in "turnaround effort". Was heavily involved in negotiating that plants first Union co~tract. Involved as part of staff effort on large proposals and part of an evaluation team for an acquisition in ~ort Lee, New Jersey. The Temecula plant - manufactured large centrifuges mad large vertical and horizontal filters. Haveg Industries - Santa Fe Springs, CA. 1963 - 1968 - Hired as Chief of Source Inspection for all outside vendors. Promoted to Quality A~surance Manager? responsible for entire operation including N ~ T. Held secret security clearance. Pa~-t. icipated in major proposals at customer facilities and attended missile tests, includin~ firings. This company manufactured tape ~rap and molded reinforced plastics, primarily for the Aerospace industry. Triangle Tool and Machine Co. - Los Nietos, CA. 1959-1963 Manufactured molds, tools and dies for the plast. ic~ rubber and aerospace industries. Machinist and Q A prior to promotion to foreman. Held foreman position until shop.closed. L & F M&chine Company - Huntington Pat-k, CA. 1958-1959 - Job shop utilizing very large macbible t. ool~, Hired as machinist. Mobil Oil Corp. - Torrance, CA. 1957-1958 Refinery worker. Military Service, U.S. Navy 1954-1957 In charge of machine shops aboard USS Montague, AKA 98 and USS Shangrila, CVA 38. (Sterling.. pmge :3) CURRENT COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT - Appointed by Riverside County Board of= .$L4pervisor~ t.o the advisory board of 6oMnt. y Service Area # 143. - Co-chairman.. Annua! Great Temecula Tractor Race. - Member of semi-permanent o~'gar, izit~._= ¢ommitt. ee of the annual "Tee Off For Kids" 9olf tournamer, t. - Co-chairman, Temecula Valley ar-,-,ual "Balloon ~r,d Wine Fest i va I ". - Hembe~, Temecula Town Association Board of bi~-ectorz. - Member, Temecula Valley Chambe~ of Commer-ce. ~S~ REFER~CES - Howard L. Chesher, Consulta~-,t 29710 Valle Olvera Temecula, CA. 92390 4714)676-7997 - Bill Leisey, We_~t Coast Co~nt~-oller AMETEK, Inc 1735 Havet~z Point Place Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (619) 729-9635 - Peter Olhaz~o, Pt-e~ide~t Equity Managemet",t Company 28465 Front Street - Suite 221 Temecula, CA. 92390 (714) 676-0031 - Sam Snyder, Preside~3t:- JESCO, Inc. 1684 Janney Terrace La~3ghorne, PA. 19047 (215) 757- 1706 CITY OF TEMECULA PARKS A~ID RECREATION CANDIDA TES Ballot Vote for 5 Claudia Brode Scott Buckles Evelyn Harker V~lliam Hi#in Michael IOrb y Jeffrey Nimeshein J.P. Stenger John Sterling TEMECUL~ CXTY COUNCXL AN ADJOURNEDP~GULARMEETXNG TEMECULACXTYNALL JUNE 30; 1990 - 9:00 AM CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks PUBLIC A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request To Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Interview Candidates for Parks and Recreation Commission 2. Conduct Ballot Copntinq Procedure Appoint Mmabers of the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission CITY M~N~GBR REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: July 3, 1990, 7:00 PM, Rancho California Water District Community Room, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California. ~erd~Oe l e~ 1 Oe/2O~ · !~ LOCATION FOR TIlE PAP, KS AND RECREATION CO~HISSION II~E!~¥IEIIS BUILDINC A LOCATED AT 43180 BUSINESS PARIK DRIYE, SUXTE 200 ?.XISTINC HALL CITY OF TEMECULA PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION ~UEST!ON$ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) How much time do you have to spend on this? Do you realize the term is for three years? What is your understanding of the scope of this commission? Can you travel to seminars and will you devote the time? Do you have a particular area of Parks & Recreation that you would like to be involved? Are you familiar with City franchises like trash collection, cable TV, utilities, etc? How do you function within a group? Have you participated in a leadership role in any other volunteer organization? What is your current opinion on how to solve Temecula's park problems? Do you think CSA 143 had done an adequate job of serving the community and what would you change to make it better? CLAUDIA BRODE 41480 Luz Del Sol Temecula, CA 92390 City of Temecula PO Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Frank Aleshire, City Manager 2/26/90 Dear Frank: I would like to volunteer my services to work on the Parks and Recreation Committee. I'm an interested citizen, living within-~-~~ ~ity Limits, wanting to serve my community. This has been my home since 1980 and I have seen many changes. I have no children and therefore feel I would be objective regarding the use and needs of our park areas. I've been very involved with community services for sometime. We have a need for diversified forms of entertainment in our community and I feel I have something to offer. Regards, Claudia Brode BETCO MANAGEMENT BETCO CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2900 ADAMS STREET, SUITE A-15 RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 February 16. 1990 City Clerk CITY Of TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 CONTR. LIC. NO. 571922 (714) 354-5296 FAX (714) 352-1661 Dear Sirs, Please accept this letter as my forma! application to serve on one of the City of Temecula Advisory Commissions. I reside at 31411 Cotta Madera in Temecula with my wife, Theresa and my three girls, Jessica, Andrea and Taylor. ] am also a Registered Voter. My background is well suited to provide our new city with the talent required to inte]li§ently make the right decisions about our growth. I want to help Temecula retain the quaiity of life that brought us to the area in the first place. I recognize that development and growth is important, but also we must progress in an orderly, pianned fashion. I am enthusiastic about. our future and ! want to help~ ! am President of BETCO MANAGEMENT, which is a Construction Management and Architecture Firm, I am a California Licensed Architect and a Licensed General Contractor. As owner of the compay, ! have the freedom to devote as much time as required to work effectively for the City on any of the Advisory Commissions. However, I would like to state my order of preference. The Planning Commission is my first preference because as an Architect, t understand the matters normally considered by that group. Parks and Recreation Commission is my second choice because ! consider the development of our park system to be important to the "Quality of Life" I mentioned earlier, The Traffic Commission would be my third choice and the Fubiic Safety Commission last. If you would like any more information. please feel free to call me at home at (71a) 69a-8053. or at work at (714) 35a-5296. Sincerely, Scott Buckles, AIA PRESIDENT SB: tab CONFIDENTIAL RESUME EVELYN M. HARKER P.O. Box 1051 Temecule, CA 92390 (714) 676-4718 Days or 676-3691 Evenings , f. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Eight years experience in Public Relations and Marketing field, including two years as co-owner of a weekly newspaper. Twelve years experience in Retail Sales, including five years as a Store Manager. Balance of experience is related to planning, organizing, staffing and directing the efforts of subordinates in meeting company sales ob3ectives. Over forty years as an active volunteer in community events and organizations. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: November, 1988 to present H AND H ENTERPRISES Temecula, California EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/SPECIAL EVENT COORDINATOR FOR TEMECULA TOWN ASSOCIATION Ma3or Function: To act as Executive Secretary to the General Manager in all matters relating to the Management of the Temecula Town Association's activities, building and properties. As Special Event Coordinator I report to the Board of Directors of the Town Association and under their direction, work to assist teams of volunteers on specific projects, helping develop and meet budgets. obtain sponsorships (where appropriate), assist with planning, provide secretarial services and maintain personal contact with volunteers, assisting and motivating them on an on-going basis. Events responsible for (but not limited to) are The Annual Great Temecula Tractor Race, Annual Installation Dinner and other Board approved Special Events. November, 1987 to November, 1988 H AND H ENTERPRISES Temecula. Ca 92390 PUBLIC RELATIONS Major Function: To develop marketing and Public Relations Plan for the 12th Annual Tractor EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 2 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Continued): Race. June, 1985 to November 1987 RANCHO TRAVEL Temecula, CA 92390 OWNER/MANAGER Responsible for the hiring and staffing for a full service travel agency as well as developing the marketing program. Designed special one day bus trips for Senior Citizens groups as well as longer trips for Senior groups. Participated in ASTA and CRUISEATHON Training Seminars and arranged for staff to participate in special training seminars both in house and out of town. As Owner/Manager increased sales from a below profitable level to 1004 profitable level. Sold agency 11-87. September, 1984 to June, 1985 MATHEWS TRAVEL CENTER Temecula, CA 92390 MANAGER - GROUP TRAVEL Responsible for the management of Marketing and Group Sales for a new local travel agency. February, 1981 to June, 1985 H AND H MULTI SERVICES Temecula, CA 92390 CO-PARTNER H and H Multi Services is a Public Relations and Marketing firm. Developed and produced Grand Opening for Butterfield Saving and Loan as well as Overland Bank. Worked with Golden Triangle Medical Center to organize their' ground breaking ceremonies. Was involved in preparing brochures, advertising for all media and all physical arrangements for these events. Managed county-wide non-partisan political campaign taking the votes from 144 to 494 of the total vote. this involved planning brochures, target mailings and all press releases. Was co-founder of the Balloon and Wine Festival for the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce and EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 3 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Continued): wrote all the original job descriptions for this event. Served as the first chairman of the Festival in 1984 and chairman 1985 and co- chairman 1986. Was chairman of the Map and Directory committee of the Chamber for three years. Wrote the standing rules for the Chamber Ambassador Committee. Worked with the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber to develop the first brochures the committee put out and assisted the Chamber Manager with other Promotional Planning. October, 1979 to January, 1981 THE RANCHO NEWS Temecula, California Co-OWNER/BUSINESS MANAGER Responsible for supervision of ad salesmen, layout and production staff and financial accounting. Subscriptions were increased from 1,500 to just over 4,000. Business was sold in January, 1981 August, 1977 to July, 1979 THREE MARKETEERS,INC. (Public Relations and Marketing firm; Temecula. California OWNER/OPERATOR Produced brochures. custom designed business cards, letterheads, etc.. and organized merchants' promotional campaigns. Developed, produced and published County Life, a monthly slick regional magazine for the Southwest Riverside County. Sold both the business and the magazine. October. 1975 to August. 1977 H AND H ENTERPRISES (Self-Employed: in business with husband) The business consisted of vending machines and premium fish bait worms. Personally performed all vending machine maintenance and service. developed and handled all promotions and marketing of worms, including arrangements for booths and major Sport Shows throughout California. EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 4 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Continued) August, 1974 to September, 1975 CASUAL CORNER (Retail Junior Woman's Wear Store) Arcadia Fashion Park Arcadia, California MANAGER Responsible for opening of new store, hiring and training of sales people, inventory and shortage control and meeting of sales quotas. While open the first year, shortages were less than 1%. Casual Corner is a wholly owned subsidiary of United States Shoe Corporation. Left to move to Temecula, full time. Julyo1974 to July, 1966 MAY COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORES Los Angeles, California MANAGER, DIVISION MANAGER, AREA MANAGER Started as Assistant Manager of China Department, moving to Manager within 3 months then to Executive Training at Los Angeles for 1 year and back to Arcadia as Division Manager for Men and Boys Department and Budget Store. In 1970 moved to Main Store in Los Angeles as Area Manager of 2nd floor and became Assistant Shortage Controller. Major Merchandising Functions: As a Department Manager and later working with Department Mangers to forecast sales for all selling sections in my designated areas and thus plan individual staff requirements. To coordinate and supervise all selling activities and review all selling staff on job performance and make necessary salary recommendations. Worked closely with Shortage/Security mangers to produce a minimum of merchandise, register and cash shortages. Major Shortage Control Functions: To work closely with all Area Mangers, Department Mangers and Buyers to produce a minimum of merchandise. register and cash shortages. To arrange and conduct twice yearly inventories, to maintain a good working relationship with the Police and Fire Departments. EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 5 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduated. 1946 MONROVIA-ARCADIA-DUARTE HIGH SCHOOL Monrovia, California Graduated. 1949 PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Pasadena, California A.A. in Business Admistration June. 1984 to June , 1985 PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE San Marcos, California Courses in Travel Planning 1977-1979 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - RIVERSIDE Riverside, California UCR Professional Courses in Public Relations 1966 - 1973 MAY COMPANY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING COURSES Department Manager Course Executive Training Course (one year) "Better Management" Course Management by Objectives Course "Do-It-Dammit" Course (Shortage Control) Became an Instructor for Department Manager Course, Better Management Course and "Do-It- Dammir" Course. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Am active in the civic affairs of Temecula Valley since moving here in 1974. Previous to that, was active for many years in Temple City, serving of the Board of Directors of the United Way, President and Board of Directors of Temple City Coordinating Council, President and Board of Directors Temple City Youth Association, Citizens Advisory Committee on Education. San Gabriel Valley United Way Board of Directors. While on the Youth Association. I was active in working out the contract between the County of Los Angeles and the Temple City School District for the building of a swimming pool at the High School and the joint use thereof. Political activities include having been active on the County Republican Central Committees of Los Angeles and Riverside County as well as the California State Central Committee of the Republican Party for 39 years, retiring in 1987. Worked on Campaign Committees for Congressman Patrick J. Hillings. H. Allen Smith. and John H. Rousselot. Was State Headquarters Chairman for Joe Shell for Governor committee.. Was 25th Congressional District Co-Chairman for Nixon for President, 1960. Served as Los Angeles County Young Republican Precinct chairman. Riverside County Preclnct Chairman EVELYN M. HARKER - Page 6 ADDITIONAL INFORMANTION (Continued) and was on the State Precinct Committee for 10 years. Appointed by Governor "Pat" Brown, in 1966 and 1977, to serve on the "Young Family Advisory Committee" to the Consumer Council. Listed in "Who's Who in American Women", 1964 Edition Recently served on Riverside County Parks Advisory committee on Regional Parks for Supervisor Wait Abraham AWARDS: 1985 1984 1962 1961 Rancho California B.P.W. - Women of Achievement Rancho Temecula Kiwanis - Citizen of the Year Temple City Junior Citizen of the Year San Gabriel Valley Citizen of the Year AFFILIATIONS: Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Temecula Town Association Rancho Temecula Area Woman's Club - Charter Member and first Honorary Life Member Rancho Temecula Soroptimist Club - Charter Member and Past President Temecula Valley Republican Woman's Club - Charter Member and former Board Member Sam Hicks Monument Park Foundation - President Temecula School PTO President - 1978 Temecula Unit CRA President - 1981 & 1982 Temecula Valley Women of the Moose - Past Senior Regent Rancho California Sports Park Board of Directors - member for 4 years. PERSONAL: Birthdate: Birthplace: Marital Status: December 27, 1989 Brattleboro. Vermont Married February 12, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P. 0. Box 3000 Temecula, CA92390 Dear City Clerk: I wish to apply for the position of Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for the City of Temecula. I have been a resident of Temecula since 1985~ my wife and I own our one acre residence at 40715 La Colima Rd.; we have also owned raw land in Temecula since 1980. I have an excellent background in the field of education that gives me a valuable experience working with people and solving problems. It appears to me that you will need a person to communicate with several different types of people, and I am one who has had ex- cellent experience in this area. I am willing to represent the City Council regarding its policies pertaining to parks and recre- ation. My twenty-five years of experience is extremely valuable for this position since one must work with the local school dis- trict. I am acquainted with people who run youth sports in the city, and I feel that I can communicate effectively. I have a strong background in sports, which is beneficial for this job. My experience in organizing programs and carrying them out will be invaluable to the City Council. I am a diligent worker, and I will be able to devote the time necessary for the task. What is very important is that I actively seek this job so that I can make a contribution to this community. As a teacher I will have the time after school and on weekends to carry out the dut- ies required of commissioner. Sincerely, , ~illiam D. Hillin (Dee) William D. Hillin 40715 La Colima Rd, Temecula, California 92390 676-7373 EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE: To serve as Commissioner of Parks and Recreation PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES: Dedicated to assigned task; able to implement programs; good r~pport with professional people and all members of the com- munity; able to listen to other points of view; able to demon- strate leadership; able to organize effectively; high expecta- tions of myself and others. EDUCATION: Ph.D. M. A. University of Iowa, Iow~ City, Iowa, 1967 Major: Humanities Minor: European Intellectual History Memphis State University, Memphis, 1964 Major: Education Administration Minor: Curriculum M. Div. Bo A. Southwestern Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, 1964 Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, 1960 Major: Biblical Literature Minor: English and Greek ADDITIONAL TRAINING: Graduate work in English: University of Arkansas, summer 1968; Memphis State University, summer 1968; San Diego State University, summer 1979. Training for Quality Review, 1988-89 Training for Joint Process, Accreditation, 1985- i990 Training for Drug Abuse Counseling, Tim Allen Break Through, 1987 Training for coaching soccer, CYSA, 1989-90 Training for refereeing soccer, 1989-90 William D. Hillin PROFESSION~L ACTIVITIES: Served on Western Association of Schools and Col- leges for Accrediting for five years; served as Self-Study Coordinator for Accreditation for Elsi- nore High School in 1987 and 1990; representative to Western Regional Meeting of College Board for Elsinore Union High School District: Phoenix in 1986, San Francisco in 1987, Honolulu in 1988, and San Diego in 1989; served as Advanced Placement Coordinator for P.]~inore High School since 1973; served as academic counselor for tenth grade for last three summers. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Served as assistant coach for football, baseball, and basketball, high school level, Harding Academy, Memphis, Tennessee, 1961-62; served as coach in Pop Warner football, Poway, California, 1971-74; served as vice president for Poway Little League, 1972-74; coached youth soccer in Temecula, 1987- 1990; served as referee for youth soccer in Temecula, 1989-90, Commissioner's Cup and President's Cup; served as coach for baseball in youth baseball in Temecula, 1989; sponsored youth soccer in Temecula 1989-90. TEACHING AND SUPERVISORY EXPERIENCE: ~acher.iu. Deoartme~t of. English vancea~acemen% uoor~na~or ~airperson of English, 1977-79 Self-Study Coordinator, 1987-90 Tenth grade counselor, 1987-89 Elsinore High School 1977 to 1980 Instructor of World Religions Palomar College, San Marcos Part-time 1977 to 1980 Lecturer of World Religions San Diego State University Part-time William D. Hillin 1972 I969 to 1971 1967 to 1969 1961 to 1962 Instructor of English Palomar College One semester Instructor and Chairperson of English, ~ducation, Speech, and Foreign Language Okaloosa-Walton Junior College, Niceville, Florida Supervised ten faculty members Assistant Professor of English Hml~iing University, Searcy, Arkansas Teacher, eighth grade Coached high school football, baseball, and basket- ball, Harding Academy, Memphis, Tennessee The California Community Colleges: Community Col- lege Supervisor Credential, issued December 30, 1978; valid for life The California Community Colleges: Community Col- lege Instructor Credential, issued Jan,~ry 25, 1972; valid for life; subject matter: Humanities, Language Arts and Literature, Philosophy and Rel- igion State of California: General Teaching Credential issued April 16, 1975; valid for life; secondary State of California: General School Services Cre- dential; Secondary School Administration; issued May 15, 1986; expires June 30, 1991 INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES: Running is my hobby; have run hundreds of 10 K races; mainly run marathons; have completed 13; New York Marathon was my latest; youth sports William D. Hillin PERSONAL: Married to Luana D. Hillin Children: Daemon, will be 9 on March 10 Taryn, will be 5 on July 25 Born: Wichita Falls, Texas, February 25, 1938 Height: 5' 8" Weight: 162 lbs. Health: Excellent Hlchsel $. Eirby 42690 ?/errs Robles "-.. T~secula, CA 92390 Director of Field Operat/ons for Paino Avocado Co. Inc. 1972-1990. Pa/no Avocado Co. Inc. in business s/ace 1921. It has the d/st/notion of having been one of two packing houses under contract in the State of California to pack exclusively for the Cambella Soup Company of Camdin, Mew Jersey. And is rated in the top five independent packin~houses in the state. Board of Directors Te~ecula Valley Pop ~arner 198S,1986,1987 Vice President of Safety and Equipment 1985-1987 Coach of the Highty Hires0 1984-1985. Coach of the Junior Pea ~ees, 1985-1986. Coach of the Pea ~ees, 1986-1967. Business Hanager for the JUnior ~lid~ets, 1987-1969. Board of Directors ?emecula Valley Little League 1986, 1987, 1988 Vice President HaJor League 1986-1988 Coach of Teaecula Valley Little League HaJor League Tea. 198~-19S9 Business Hana~er for Te~ecula Valle~ 3unior League Teas 1989 ~e~ber of Rancho TeJaecula Rotary Club - 1964-i990 On the Board of Directors 1986, 87, 6~ as Treasurer Chairsan of Youth Activities 1967-1990 Chairman Rancho Te~ecula Rotary Scout Camp Co~ittea 19~7-~990 Chairman Rancho Te~ecula Rotary Balloon and ~ine Fund Raiser 1990 Rancho Temecula Rotary Scou~lng Coordinator for Troop 30~ 1987-1990 To =errs on t~ City of T~ula Park. and R~rea~ton CO~l~.to'n '~ '~ '.:~ i:Agricultural Consultant for several Real Estate Firma in Fallbrook ~Valley, Ventura, Santa Barbara and ~an Luis Obisbo areas, 1986-i · ,.- Serving on the California Avocado Conism/on C~op Estimating 1987-1990. Serving on tam California Avocado Commiesion Farm NanBier tonitree, 19~5-1990. ~vi~ on the Ranc~ T~ula Avocado Theft Cou/tt~, 1989-1990. Graduate Orate H/gh ~hool. Att~d~ 2 yea~s Coast ~r~tly attendt~ Palomar Collie to complete S.S. Agrt Will ~ att~t~ Cal Poly Pomona in Fall o~ 1990, Served on or chaired one or more committees during years listed. Served an fferit Badse Counselor in Orange County Council, San Diego Council, and Call£ornia Inland Empire Council, Counselor for Agribusiness, Animal Science, Archery, Ca. DiaL Cooking, E~ergency Preparedness, Farm Hechantcs, Farm and Ranch Hana~e~ent, Fishing, Gardening, Hlklng, Hone Repairs, Plant Science, Rabbit Ratmini, Si~naling, and Truck Transportation, 1972-1990. Cub ~aster, Assistant Cub ~aster, San Diego Council: Packs 61g, 620. Cal/fornia Inland Sap/re Council: Pack 301, 1975-19~5. Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Orange County Council, San DLe~o Council, and California Inland g~pire Council: Troop 151, Troop 301, Troop 316. 1967-1987. District Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner. Scout Round Table Commissioner, Cub Round Table Staff, Unit commissioner, Orange County Council, San Die~o Council, California Inland Empire Council, 1972-1990. Scout'Adult Leader Training Staff, Cub Scout Adult Leader Training Staff, Po~14oe Staff, Con~tamloner Training Staff. San Diego Council, California Inland Sapire Council, 1975-1990. $un~er Camp Provisional Scoutmaster, Sunnet Camp Connissioner, Scoutmaster Troops Sum~er Camp. Orshie County Council, San Die~o Council, and California Inland ~pire Council, Z966-1987. Chairman District Camping Coaitt~e, Chairnan District campsres and on Campores Staff both District and Council. San Diego Council and California Inland ~apire Council, 1972=199~. Scout O-Rams and Scout Fair Chairman, District and Council, Scout O-Rams and Scout Fair Ticket Sales Chairman, Unit, District and Council, Orange County, San Diego County and California Inland Sapire Councils, 1968-2987. S.N.l::Chatrman, ~imt~ict Oentury. Iund Raiser Clubs ~und Raiser Chairman, Unit Sunnet camp maimer District 1% Fund Raiser Chairman. UnLt $.N.E. Chairman. Bike a Thon,}lii Thom and Walk a Thom Chairman. San Diego County Council and.Oaliforntaj Inland ~npire C~ncil, 1979-19B9. ,::.., Chairman Tem~ula Valley ~vAsory Comnitt~ on ~outing, 1983-~-~. ~v~ 3 years in ~ unl~ S~a~ Aray Xg$S-~92X A~a~n~ Sank S. S?A~: ~ ~lieve I can ~t a~ve thl. co,unit7 ~ bri~i~ aM aan~ M~r= ex~ien~ ~lth Mouth organization. to the ParM. Co, lesion of t~ City of T~ula. ~ f~l ~ kao~ their n~e. ~ ~ava s~v~ on lany ~a~s and ~isalon~. And can assure you ~ .~1~ ~ork and endeavor to make T~ula a ~eat pla~ to &&re. 31157 Via Gilberto Temecula, CA 92390 (714~ 699-9924 February 18, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear City Clerk: I am applying to serve on the City of Temecula Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. Over the past 20 years I have had an extensive background in various phases in this field, including working for Park and Recreation Departments for the County of Los Angeles, City of Lakewood, City of Placentia, and the City of La Mesa. In addition, I have an M.S. in Recreation Administration. As a new homeowner in the community, I am vitally interested and concerned over the proper development of adequate parks and quality recreational opportunities for our citizens. I believe the range of my experience in Parks and Recreation as well as being a previous successful retail business owner for over 8 years, can be of significant assistance in recommending future planning. If I can be of use to you, please contact me at your convenience. I appreciate your consideration. March 7, 1990 J.P. STENGER 43659 Buckeye Road Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 730-1494 City Clerk P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Re: ADVISORY COMMISSIONS Dear Sir, As a new resident of Temecula. I would like to become involved in the planning an~d orgainzation of our newly formed city and have enclosed my professional resume for consideration in serving on any one of the advisory committees. Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions in this regard. My Temecula home telephone number is 699-4421. Very truly yours, J.P. STENGER Encl.. RESUME J.P. STENGER ATTORNEY AT LAW RECEIVED JURIS DOCTOR DEGREE FROM WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW IN FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA. MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE BAR. PRESENTLY IN SOLE PRACTICE WITH HEAVY EMPHASIS ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS OF LAW; REAL ESTATE LAW FAMILY LAW PERSONAL INJURY (plaintiff) BANKRUPTCY LAW HOLD AN ACTIVE CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE BROKERS LICENSE. FROM 1972 THROUGH 1984 WAS PRESIDENT AND MANAGING BROKER FOR LAKE FOREST REALTY, INC., EMPLOYING OVER 35 SALES CONSULTANTS IN TWO OFFICES LOCATED IN THE EL TORO/MISSION VIEJO AREA. PRIOR TO LAKE FOREST REALTY, INC. WAS EMPLOYED AS SALES COORDINATOR, NEW HOME DIVISION, FOR OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM LAND DIVISION IN NEWPORT BEACH. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE Extensive exposure in managment, organizational skills, business ventures and investments, real estate investments, contract negotiations, property management, development and subdivisions, marketing and sales skills. Primary interests lie in real estate development and related services. Willing to travel. PERSONAL BACKGROUND Married with three adult children. Have resided in the Orange County area almost exclusively. Enjoy jogging, biking, music and theater. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member of the California Trial Lawyers Association, Orange County Women Lawyers, Orange County Bar Association, Past President of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Saddleback Valley, Past Officer of the Saddleback Board of Realtors. Personal references provided upon request. Temecula City Council City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, Ca. 92390 Dear Council Members I would appreciate being considered for membership on the City of Temecula Parks & Recreation Commission. I have attached a resume of my business background for your information. I believe I am uniquely qualified for the Parks Commission for the following reasons. I am very aware of the problems facing a park or parks including the scheduling and maintenance. I was a member and elected officer of the Rancho Temecula Community Park Association since near its inception. As such I was involved with many aspects of park operation including the responsibility of scheduling field use and user group maintenance for a number of years. When CSA 143 was being formed I was asked to be a member of its Advisory Board and have served in that capacity ever since. Neither my family nor I have ever been associated with any of the user groups which allows me to have an objective, non-prejudicial overview with regard to helping solve Temeculas growing park problems. The continued growth of this area is inevitable so it is imperative that Temecula establish long range policies and strategies while at the same time find equitable solutions to todays problems. I believe my background and experience can be a help in that endeavor. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely .,r". John Sterling 40491 Paseo Del Cielo Temecula Ca. 92390 Home - 676-2422 Bus.- 676-3400 JOHN E. STERLING 40491PASEO DEL CIELO TENECULA, CALIFORNIA 92390 (714)676-2422 EVES - (714)676-3400 DAYS SUMMARY General Management. Exe,_-utive with a wide range of accomplishments in all modes of manufacturing, including the developmer, t of people, profits and resources. EXPERIENCE Self Employed - Temecula, California 1980-Preser, t Owner, Retail Sporting Goods and Custom Screen Printing Co. Responsible for the operation of a full service retail sporting goods ot.~tlet. including m custom screen printing op~ratiot-,, as well as personnel, administration, promotion and invmntory cont:.rol. AMETEK, Inc. 1968-1980 A Multi-Divisional, Multi- Product Corporation. Hired as Quality Assurance Manager in California. I was immediatly transferred to their Moline, Illinois facility, where I was respor, sible for setting up ar, d directing ~uality pror_edures to meet code requirements and design specificatic, ns. Responsible for evaluating the efficiency of various mat~ufacturing alepat-teeters. This plant manufactured large centrifugms (for the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries),' large filters, la,Jndrv and dry cleanin.~ equipment, box making machir, ery~ industrial fans and automatic bar dispe~lsmrs. Became part of a group commuting t.o Pennsylvania on a weekly basis to evaluate a~;d make recommendations concerning a potential acq~.~isition in B~.~cks C,:,untv PA. When acquisition t~as finalized, transferred t.o loc~tion as factor~ manager. Was promoted to Operations Manager, responsible' for all aspects of manufacturin.~ t~,o fatill'ties, includir,~ all shop operations (weldir',~. machining, assembly, test, polish, paint, stores, mnd shippi~'~.~ and receiving>. Office functions included purchmsir,~, productlot,, prod,.~ct. ion c,:,ntrol, invent. ory ,:or, trol, man,.~fmcturir,.~ e~-~ir, eer'ir, g mr, d participating labor negot i atior, s. (Sterling, page These two plants manufa,-t.,.;red large valves, flow meters, large an,d small heat exchangers as we].l as "N" stamp heat exchangers for the Nuclear industry. Traveled extensively, performing a wide range of duties, including trouble shooting and customer relations or, site at customers Incatint;. Visited customer locations with other staff members it-, order t.o enhance proposals. - Transferred to Temec~aIa, C~1ifornia plant as Operations Manager t.o aid in "turnaroun,d effort". Was heavily involved in negotiating that plants first Union contract. Involved as part of staff effort on large proposals and part of an evaluation team for an acquisition in Fort Lee, New Jersey. The Temecula plant - manufactured large centrifuges and large vertical and horizontal filters. Haveg Industries - Santa Fe Springs, CA. 1963 - 1968 Hired as Chief of Source Inspection for all outside vendors. Promoted to ~uality Assurance Manager, responsible for entire operation including m b T. Held secret security clearance. Participated in major proposals at customer facilities and attended missile tests, including firings. This company manufactured tape wrap and molded reinforced plastics, primarily for the Aerospace industry. Triangle Tool and Machine Co. - Los Nietos, CA. 1959-1963 Manufactured molds, tools and dies for the plastic, rubber and aerospace industries. Machinist and Q A prior to promotion to foreman. Held foremat, position until shop.closed. L & F Machine Company - Huntington Park, CA. 1958-1959 Job shop utilizing very large maclqine tools, Hired as machinist. Mobil Oil Corp. - Torrance, CA. 1957-1958 - Refinery worker. Military Service, U.S. Navy 1954-1957 In charge of machine shops aboar'd USS Montague, AKA 98 and USS Shangrila, CVA 38. (Sterling, p~ge 3) CURRENT CONMUNITY INVOLVEMENT - Appointed by Riverside County Board of Supervisors to the advisory board of Cour. ty Service Area # 143. - Co-chairman, Annual Great Temecula Tractor Race. Member of semi-permanent organizing committee of the annual 'Tee Off For Kids" golf tournament. - Co-chairman, Temecula Valley annual "Balloon a~ad Wine Festival". - Membmr, Temecula To~n Association Board of Directors. - Member, Temecula Vall~ Chamber of Commerce. PERSONAL REFERENCES - Howard L. Chesher~ Consultant 29710 Valle Olvera Temecula, CA. 92390 (714)676-7997 - Bill Leise~, West. Coast Controller AMETEK~ Inc 1735 Havmns Point Place Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (619)729-9635 - Peter Olhasso~ President, Equity Management Compan~ 28465 Eront Street - Suite 221 Temecula, CA. 92390 (714)676-0031 - Sam Snyder, President JESCO, Inc. 1684 Jannew Terrace La~ghorne, PA. 19047 (215)757-1706 Vote for 5 CITY OF TEMECULA PARKS A~D RECREATION CANDIDA TES Ballot Claudia Brode Scott Buckles Evelyn Harker W#liam Hi#in Michael lobby Jeffrey Nimeshein J.P. Stenger John Sterling