HomeMy WebLinkAbout112498 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE NOVEMBER 24, 1998 - 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Flag Salute: ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS Councilman Comerchero Comerchero, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberts A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. COUNCIL BUSINESS Selection of an Executive Search Firm RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Select a professional consulting firm to conduct the City Manager recruitment. R:~Agenda\l 12498 1 Closed Session of;the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section: 1. Consideration of appointment for the position of City Manager pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 54957. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: December 8, 1998, 7:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:%Agenda\l 12498 2 ITEM 1 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Counc/j~- Grarft y'a'tes, Assistant to the City Manager November 24, 1998 Selection of an Executive Search Firm RECOMMENDATION: Select a professional consulting firm to conduct the City Manager recruitment. BACKGROUND: At the November 17, 1998, City Council meeting, the City Council choose to interview perspective Executive Search Firms. These firms will be interviewed at an adjourned regular City Council meeting on November 24, 1998. At this meeting, a total of three firms will make a formal presentation before the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: Associated costs with hiring a firm to conduct this recruitment is estimated between $16,000 to $22,000. I I TEMEC_FS201 IDA TA IDEPTSICITYCLRKtAGENDA REPORTStCITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT 2. DOC 1 I/I 9/98 PMW Associates 232 West Avertida Gayiota, San Clemente, California 92672 (714) 498-7085 FAX (714) 498-8262 November 16, 1998 Mayor and City Council c/o Grant Yates Assistant to the City Manager City of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Dear Mr. Yates: PMW Associates is pleased to submit this letter proposal for the executive recruitment of a City Manager for the City of Temecula, California. Our firm has had the pleasure of assisting the City with various projects over the past few years. This experience and familiarity with the City, City Council, and Staff enables us to undertake this recruitment with a beginning knowledge base that will result in an expedited and less costly proposal for the City of Temecula. The project will be personally managed by Dr. Paul Whisenand, co-owner of PMW Associates. Dr. Whisenand has a working knowledge of the Temecula organization, having conducted workshops, training sessions, and.other projects for the City over the past several years. He has many years of experience with executive recruitment. Other members of PMW will assist with the project on an as-needed basis. Doug Clark, Vice President of PMW, has over 27 years of experience in local government in California, serving as City Manager in two communities. We believe that PMW's combination of understanding of the Temecula organization, broad experience with executive recruitment, and "hands on" knowledge of city management will provide the City with a quality hiring process. PROJECT OBJECTIVES This section consists of four parts as follows: (1) Executive Search; (2) Candidate Screening; (3) Background Investigation; (4) Cost/Bid Price; and (5) References. We are willing to work with the City of Temecula on any modifications to this proposal. In addition, each part can be purchased separately or combined with others. SECTION ONE EXECUTIVE SEARCH While it is important to appoint an Administrator as soon as possible, it is just as important to find an Administrator whose philosophies and management style match that of the City's. A poor match can be costly and damaging to the City organization and the community. PMW Associates recognizes the significance of this responsibility and approaches selection on a qualitative rather than a quantitative basis. The City does not benefit from 150 applications that do not meet minimum specifications. Our mutual goal is to identify those candidates who best match the professional qualifications and personal characteristics identified by the City, To obtain this goal, we suggest the following approach: 1. Identify City Expectations/Position and Job Criteria Definition: As an initial step in this process, we need to meet with City staff members as directed to discuss: · · Individual and group expectations; Traits appreciated in a City Administrator; Traits not appreciated in a City Administrator; Major issues and problems facing the community; Organizational issues needing attention; and Norms of the community and the council. 2. Develop a City Administrator Profile From the information gathered through the City Council and City staff inter- views, develop a profile that clearly communicates the type of Administrator who will be successful in the City of Temecula. 3. Develop a Recruitment Strategy After conferring with the City, we will also develop a recruitment strategy. Which geographic areas should we target? Are there some cities that are similar to the City Temecula and therefore should receive special search attention? 2 Which publications other than the standard ones should be used? Implement the Recruitment Program Design and distribute a City of Temecula City Manager brochure· Create appropriate advertisements for selected journals. Confer with our network of consultants on potential candidates. Call and follow up with letters to specially qualified candidates. During this phase, we will respond to applicant inquiries candidly and expeditiously. We will also keep the City Council or a designee informed of significant comments by applicants. SECTION TWO CANDIDATE SCREENING Perform a Preliminary Screeninq After acknowledging all telephone inquiries, applications and resumes based upon the City Manager profile and the characteristics identified by the City, we will perform a preliminary screening. We will also utilize a supplemental questionnaire to help the matching of applicant skills, experience, and personal characteristics. We have found that the questionnaire helps screen the less serious applicants and also prepares the serious ones for the interviews. This task will reduce the number of applicants to 10-15 candidates. Confer with the City to Apprise Top Candidates Prior to this conference, we will have supplied a detailed report on the applicants that best fit the City Manager specifications. This report will have our assessment and an evaluation of work experience. Candidate Reference Verification We will interview eight to ten candidates to verify information in the resume and supplemental questionnaires and to determine their expectations regarding the position· At this time a reference check and candidate profile will be developed for each applicant that appears to be well qualified for the job. Recognizing that references supplied by applicants are sometimes primed by the applicant, we also identify other sources who have been in a position to evaluate the applicant's work in this position. Develop Ratinq Guide/Interview Desion We will develop a rating system to include forms and guidelines. Further, we will organize an interview schedule and selection process to include panel interview questions, if desired by the City Council. SECTION THREE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION (OPTIONAL) This phase involves an in-depth investigation of the person selected to be the next City Manager. It includes a verification of all certificates, licenses and academic degrees, as well as a review of financial history. Most importantly, the references, co-workers, friends and others will be interviewed in person. SECTION FOUR COST/BID PRICE The professional services are categorized for bid-price purposes as seen below: NOTE: EACH COMPONENT CAN BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY. 1. Executive Search/Recruitment Fee $5,000 Expenses $600 Subtotal $5,600 Candidate Screening Fee $4,000 Expenses $600 Subtotal $4,600 Summary Fees: $9,000 Expenses: 1,200* Total Bid Price $10,200 BackQround Investiqation (Optional) Fee $1,500 Expenses $500* Subtotal $2,000 * Note: This is an estimated figure. Actual receipts will be submitted, and are likely to be below the cited figure. SECTION FIVE We have been fortunate references are listed below: REFERENCES to work for many California cities. Three specific James Ruth, City Manager, City of Anaheim (71 4) 254-5100 George Caravahlo, City Manager, City of Santa Clarita (805) 255-4900 Rolf Gunnarson, City Manager, City of Escondido (760) 839-4562 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS Our agreement may be terminated on ten (10) days written notice by either party, or within such lesser time as we may find necessary to conclude the work currently underway and summarize our findings for you. In the event of termination, the payments made shall be set off against time spent and such other expenses arising out of the termination of the work. This proposal may constitute the agreement between us. We look forward with great interest to working with the City of Temecula on this assignment. If this proposal meets with your approval and the City would like us to proceed, please sign the enclosed copy on the last page and return it to PMW Associates. Sincerely, Vice President ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF TEMECULA By: Title: Date: A Partial List of Organizations M/ho Have Used Our Services And Products City of Alexandria, VA · City of Anaheim, CA - Arcus, Inc., CA · Arizona Department of Public Safety, AZ · City of Arlington, TX · City of Arvada. CO · City of Aurora. CO · City of Baldwin Park, CA - Barstow Unified School District, CA - City of Boulder. CO · City of Brea, CA · City of Buena Park. CA · City of Burbank, CA · California Park and Recreation Society, CA ' California Peace Officers Association, CA · California University and State Colleges, CA (5 campuses) · City of Carlsbad, CA -City of Carreel-by-the-Sea, CA · City of Cathedral City, CA · City of Ceres, CA · City of Charlotte, NC · China Lake Naval Weapons Facility. CA ' City of Chula Vista, CA. City of Colorado Springs, CO · City of Corona. CA · City of Costa Mesa. CA · City of Dallas, TX · City of Denver, CO · City of Des Moines, iA · City of Downey, CA. City of Escondido, CA · City of Eugene, OR · City of Farmington, NM - City of Flagstaff. AZ. CiTy of Fort ColJins, CO · City of Fountain Valley, CA · City of Fremont, CA · CiTy of Fullerton. CA · City of Glendora, CA · City of Grand Junction, CO ' City of Grandview'. MO · CiTy of Hartford. CA · City of Hawthorne, CA - City of Henderson. NV. City of Huntington Beach, CA · City of Huntington Park, CA · City of Indio, CA · City of Irvine. CA - I<ern County. CA · City of Laguna Beach, CA .City of Lakewood, CO - City of Las Vegas, NV - League of California Cities. CA · City of Long Beach, CA · City of Longmont, CO · City of Los Aiamitos, CA - Ci%' of Los Angeles, CA · County of Los Angeles, CA · City of Mesquite, TX - City of MillDrea, CA ' City of Modesto, CA · City of Monterey Park, CA - City of Moorpark, CA. City of Morro Bay. CA - Multnomath County, OR. North Carolina National Bank, NC - City of Novato, CA - City of Oceanside, CA · Oholone ColLege. CA · Ontario-Montclair School District. CA · City of Orange, CA - County of Orange, CA. Orange County District Attorney's Office. CA 'Orange County MarshaL. CA ' City of Palm Springs, CA · Pasadena Community College, CA. City of Petaluma. CA · City of Phoenix, AZ . City of Pismo Beach. CA - Placentia. CA ·Citv Of Porterville. CA - City of Redondo Beach, CA ' City of Richmond. CA · City of Riverside· CA - County of Riverside, CA · County of Sacramento, CA - City of Sailhas. CA · County of San Bernardino. CA · City of San Carlos, CA · City of San Clemente, CA · San Diego County Marshal. CA · County of San joaquin. CA · City of San Leandro, CA · City of San Luis Obispo, CA · Cit:~' of San Mateo, CA · County of San Mateo, CA · City of Santa Cruz. CA - City of Santa Monica. CA · City of Santee, CA - City of Signal Hill. CA - South County Fire Authority, CA ' City of Stamford· CT ' City of St. Petersburg, FL · Toyota. U.S.A. · City of Tucson, AZ · City of Tustin. CA · University of California, CA (3 campuses) · City of Urbandale, IA · County of Ventura, CA - City of Westminster, CA · City of Westminster. CO - State of Hawaii - P M W Associates 232 west Avenida Gaviota, San Ciemente, California 92672 (714) 498-7085 ASSESSMETN T CENTERS What is An Assessment Center? It is a process for evaluating individuals usin~ realistic situations and a panel of experts to assess the performance of the individual. The performance data obtained is then used to make accurate judgments about the i nd iv idual ~s l i keii hood of effective ly handling si mi lar si tions on the job. Why Use An Assessment Center? Because it is perhaps the best method to realistically assess, select. and develop personnel. The key is the use of realistic situations a properly [rained and selected evaluation panel. The assessment center process eliminates, to the maximum extent possible, the use of subjective and biased criteria by single individuals in the evaluao tion of your personnel. What Are The Applications? 1. Selecting employees 2. Training and developing employees 3. Appraising employees' performance · Establishing performance standards · Assisting existing performance appraisal programs · Providing the nucleus of new systems 4. Planning employees' careers 5. Fvaluating organizational human resources · Identifyin~ management and executive · Determining strategies for developmental training · Determining placement needs 6, Documentation for fair employment 7o ~eeting affirmative action goals 8. EnhancinS equal employment opportunities Initiating upward mobility proSrams 10. DefendinS le,~al challenges Who Are The Assessors? The evai~ators, or assessors as they are called in the profession, are furnished by us or we can train members of your staff to serve as assessors. How Long Does it Take? From the time we complete the Benefit Analysis to the feedback stage takes between two to four weeks. (over please) THE ExECU' iV .: . F:ARCH Why Use An Executive Search? Executive search will save you time and money. Looking for good people in- terrupts the normal flow of worlc. By using executive search, we minimize that interruption. The best candidates are often happily employed. They are not reading ads or sending out resumes. But they are open to opportunities. Our ob is to match your opportunity with theirs. Matching opportunities is a full-time profession. It requires a network of con- tacts. a solid reputation and years of experience. By letting us work full-time on what we do best, you get to work full-time on what you do best. How Do We Work? First, we interview you and others of your choosing to determine what you need. We develop a written ~ob Requirements Profile which is submitted for your approval. Second, through our nationwide contacts and advertising, we identify outstanding potential candidates and contact them. Third, we screen the candidates by matching their resumes with the Job Re- quirements Profile. The best candidates are interviewed and their backgrounds are verified. Fourth. we make the final arrangements. This consists of drawing up a recom- mended list of top candidates, arranging for interviews. or other screening devices such as an assessment center. We also can assist in negotiations for salary and benefit programs for your ne~' employee. How Long Does !t Take? This depends to a large extent on your iD. dividual needs. A complete nation- wide search usually takes about 60 days. A more limited search will take less time. How Much Does It Cost? This again depends on individual needs. We have a fixed fee system which we believe is a better system for all parties. With this system, we have no vested interest in the salary awarded to the successful candidate. Before we accept an assignment, we submit a written budget naming our fee. Travel and other related expenses are estimated in the budget and billed as they are incurred. Why Select PMW Associates? We have been in the personnel recruitment and selection field since 1971. We specialize in public sector selection. Our list of clients include city, county and state governments as well as numerous special districts. We are large enough to give you the full range of service you want and small enough to give you the attention of our principals. In short. because we can do the best job at the best price. P M W Associates 232 West Avenida Gaviota. San Clemente. California 92672 (714) 498-7085 PMW Associates # 232 West Avertida Gaviota · San Clemente, California 92672 · (949) 498-7085 · FAX (949) 4984262 PAUL M. WHISENAND, PH.D. 232 West Avenida Gaviota San Clemente, California 92672 Home: 9491498-3951 Work: 9491498-7085 Work: 949/498-8262 FAX Work: 562/985-4741 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Current career activity demonstrates a dual and parallel course of professional values. First, is applied scholarship. This value is seen in PMW Associates management training, personnel selection, and redevelopment projects. Second, is academic scholarship. This value is evidenced in university teaching, research and writing. The confluence of these values creates a unique and strong foundation for providing quality services to others. - SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS - Work history includes the following job skills and special areas of expertise: ® Leadership Development · · Management Audits · · Executive Search · · Strategic Planning · · Value Clarification/Ethics · Team Building Survey Research Assessment Centers Management Training Author/Scholar - SPECIAL PROJECTS AND CAREER HIGHLIGHTS - PMW A-~SnCIATF.~ State-certified to conduct eight inservice police management seminars: personnel problems; cultural diversity; advanced management; strategic planning; performance rating; civilian management; problem-oriented policing; and team building. PAUL M. WHISENAND, PH.D. - PAGE TWO PMW A-~.~OCIATFS r-nNTINI Design and administer executive searches and/or assessment center testing to promote public sector managers and supervisors. Perform management audits and organizational surveys of city/county government agencies. Perform redevelopment projects focussing on: affordable housing; mobile home park conversions; and plan implementation. UNIVFRSITY Professor of Criminal Justice teaching upper-division courses in organizational behavior; research methods; and leadership/management. Author of 14 textbooks and over 60 journal articles. Two textbooks are now in their fourth and second editions. PROFFSSIONAI Based on a FBI national survey, ranked in the top 10 "law enforcement management" authorities. Served on over twenty commissions and boards, including a Governor's appointment to the policy-making body of the State of California, Commission on Crime and Technological Research Foundation. Acted as a technical consultant to the United States Department of Justice on fifty-three projects. Conducted nearly 100 organization and management studies, including the Division of Law Enforcement, Office of the Attorney General, State of California. PAUL M. WHISENAND, PH.D. - PAGE THREE - EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND - Principal, PMW Associates, Inc. 1974 - Current Responsible for the full range of corporate activities: marketing, finance, strategic planning, supervision and development of staff, and program implementation. The services provided are: personnel selection and testing; human resource development and training; and community development. Have conducted projects for over 2,000 clients in both the public and private sectors. Professor of Criminal Justice, California State University, Long Beach 1965 - Current Full professor. Responsible for teaching academic courses in: police management; organizational behavior; research methods; and strategic planning. Served as Department Chair 1971-1976. Police Officer 1958-1961 - EDUCATION - Doctor of Philosophy, Public Administration, University of Southern California. Dissertation: "Automated Police Information Systems: A Proposed Prototype Information System for Police Departments in Medium-Sized Cities." Master of Science, Public Administration, University of Southern California. Bachelor of Science, Public Administration, University of Southern California. - REFERENCES - Client, professional and personal references furnished on request. PMW Associates 232 west Avenida Gaviota · San Clemente, California 92672 ° (949) 498-7085 ° FAX (949) 498-8262 DOUGLAS CLARK 3626 Ryan Dr. Escondido, CA 92025 Home (760) 741-7786 Office (760) 741-7293 0iscondido) (949) 498-7085 (San Clemente) Doug Clark has worked in local govemment in California for over 26 years. He has served as the Director of Development Services in Costa Mesa, City Manager/Finance Director m Larkspur, a city m the San Francisco area, and as City Manager in Escortdido near San Diego from 1989 to 1997. He cun'ently serves as Vice President of PMW Associates, a consulting finn based in San Clemente. In 1992, the International City Management Association (ICMA) awarded Mr. Clark the Clarence E. Ridley Award for in service training recognizing Escondido's Customer Service Commitment. Doug received the Ridley Award for the second time in 1995 for Eseondido University, an employee designed and administered training program. The City of Escortdido and Mr. Clark were awarded the 1995 ICMA Award for Citizen Involvement for the Rental Housing Inspection Team Escondido (RH/TE), a citizen designed and implemented housing improvement program. The City has received numerous other awards during Mr. Clark's tenure including the Smithsonian Computerworld Award for use of technology in encouraging citizen access to local government. EDUCATION 1969 1970 1970-71 1974-76 1977 EXPERIENCE 1997- Whittier College - Bachelor of Arts Whittier College - Master of Arts Birmingham University, England - Centre for Urban and Regional Studies - one year post graduate study - Rotary Foundation Fellowship California State University Fullenon, Fullerton, CA - Public Administration comework University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA - "Certificate in Effective Management" Vice President PMW Associates, San Clemente, CA. Work includes training, redevelopment. planning, department analysis, customer service, teams, and general management issues. page 3 Resume - Doug Clark Major involvement with development issues of South Coast Plaza and Town Center, Irvine Industrial Park area adjacent to Orange County Airport, Orange County Performing Arts Center, Downtown Redevelopment. 1978-81 Assistant Development Service Director - Costa Mesa, CA 1972-78 Chief, Advance Planning, Associate Planner, Assistant Planner - Costa Mesa, CA OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Smithsonian Computerworld Award technology 1997 for City's use of ICMA - Citizen Involvement Award Housing Inspection Team Escondido) 1995 - RHITE (Rental ICMA Clarence Ridley Award - 1995 house employee training program). Escondido University (in- ICMA - Clarence Ridtey Award Commitment Training Program 1992 Customer Service Rotary Foundation Fellowship to Birmingham University England, 1970-71 Congressional Intem, Washington D.C. - 1968 PROFESSIONAL/ COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Member Intemational City/County Management Association Serve on one Committee Board of Directors, The Innovations Group, Tampa, Florida United Way Board, Executive Board, Finance Committee Chair for San Diego County Executive Recruitment Services City Manager City of Temecu]a © Col?ight 1998 DMG-FtLt'(BIUS. All righl~ re~erved. FIMUS AXIMUS Helping Government Serve The People November 13, 1998 Mayor Ron Roberts and Members of the City Council City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Dear Mayor Roberrs and Council Members: Thank you for inviting DMG-MAXIMUS to submit a proposal to conduct the recruitment for your new City Manager. The enclosed proposal contains information about the search process, the project budget, and the qualifications of the firm and our executive recruitment staff. Also enclosed is a listing of past recruitment clients and a sample recruitment brochure. DMG-MAXIMUS (formerly David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd.), established in 1976, with offices in 100 cities across the country, is uniquely qualified to assist you on this assignment. Our recruiters are the recognized leaders in the field of executive search. Specializing in local government recruitment, we bring the experience gained from handling hundreds of searches on behalf of cities, counties, and special districts. With respect to this important assignment you should know: DMG-MAXIMUS has an outstanding track record with respect to recruiting City Managers. Over the past three years we have recruited more than 50% of all the City Managers placed by search firms in California. Our contacts and knowledge of quality candidates will ensure you have quality fmalists from which to select your new City Manager >~ DMG-MAXIMUS is currently conducting City Manager searches for the Califor- nia cities of Long Beach, Vallejo, Woodland, and Thousand Oaks. In the past we successfully placed City Managers for the cities of Chino Hills, San Clemente, and Corona, and Hesperia. In addition we have conducted searches for Murrieta, Oceanside, Chula Vista, Riverside, South Pasadena, Cy- press, Los Alamitos, and San Bemardino. >' Our knowledge of Temecula and its issues will be valuable in presenting this opportunity to candidates. DMG-MAXIMUS has extensive experience in Te- mecula conducting User Fees, Impact Studies and Cost Allocation Plans. 4320 Auburn Boulevard, Suite 2000 · Sacramento, CA 95841 · 916.485.8102 · FAX 916.485.0111 Mayor Roberrs and Council Members City of Temecula Page 2 Many search firms will suggest that they are the leader in the field. At DMG- MAXIMUS, we beheve the proof is our record of success with past clients. Over fifty percent of the search work completed by our staff is repeat business. Past clients tell our story best. We have included names and phone numbers of individuals who can verify the quality of our work. Again, thank you for inviting us to submit a proposal to assist in the recruitment of the City Manager. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to call me or Nicole Koehler in our Sacramento office at (916) 485-8102. Sincerely, Robert W. Murray Vice President Executive Recruitment Services TABLE OF CONTENTS The Recruitment Process ..................1 Key Steps Optional Services ..................... Community Involvement Goal Setting Background Checks Assessment Centers Psychological Assessment Salary Surveys and Job Classification Analysis Professional Fees, Expenses, and Timing ............ 7 Professional Fees & Expenses Timing Anticipated Recruitment Schedule Summary and Guarantee Executive Recruitment Staff .................9 ClientReferences .....................13 DMG-MAXIMUS ......................14 Appendix - Past Clients ..................A-1 FIMUS City of Temecula --1 THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS [] Key Steps The recruitment process outlined below has been designed to recruit the most qualified candidates for consideration for appointment as the City's new City Manager. Step 1 -- Develop Candidate Profile In order to develop the profile of the ideal candidate for City Manager, we will meet with the City Council and others as appropriate, to develop information regarding specific issues and opportunities facing the City of Temecula. The desired education, experience, and background of the sought-after candidate will be determined. We will also work with you to identify the management skills and style that are appropriate for the new City Manager. These discussions will result in a consensus-driven prof'de of the ideal candidate. This profile will guide all subsequent recruitment efforts. Step 2 -- Develop Advertising Campaign Based on the above discussions, an advertising campaign will be developed. Emphasis will be placed on reaching the target market and controlling costs. Professional publications, journals, and other sources will be used. In addition, the job will be posted on our internet site, at www.dmgriffith.com/recruit. Step 3 -- Candidate Recruiting One of the most critical steps in any recruitment is the effort expended to identify and recruit outstanding candidates. The focus of DMG-MAXIMUS' efforts will be On: Developing a list of outstanding potential candidates through our network de- veloped over several years Use of our knowledge of quality candidates from past recruitments Effective marketing of the position and the community to ensure quality can- didates are attracted to the position. In addition, a recruitment brochure will be developed on behalf of the City. The brochure will discuss the recruitment process, the requirements of the position, AXIMUS City of Temecula --2 the organization, and the community. The brochure will serve as the primary marketing tool in the recruitment. Step 4 -- Screen Resumes Resumes received on your behalf will be prompdy acknowledged. Once the dosing date for the recruitment has passed, resumes will be screened against the criteria identified by the City Council in our initial meetings. Candidates whose qualifications most dosely match or exceed those identified in the recruitment prof'de will bc invited to personal interviews. Step 5 -- Personal Interviews DMG-MAXEMUS will personally interview the top 10-15 candidates. The interviews will focus on an assessment of the candidates' skills, background, and experience. An assessment of the candidates' strengths and weaknesses will be made. In addition, candidates will be questioned regarding their motivation in seeking the position and their level of interest in relocating to the area. Step 6- Conduct Detailed Reference Checks Following interviews, each candidate will be subject to detailed professional reference checks. We will contact references in the strictest of confidence to ensure the honesty of comments received. The objective evaluation of candidates' professional qualifications, such as management style and leadership, will be emphasized. We will conduct a Lexis-Nexis ® search on your selected final candidates. (Lexis-Nexis ® is an extensive newspaper search, which surveys major newspapers and regional newspapers as they pertain to the individual candidates.) Once you are prepared to offer the job to a specific candidate, we will conduct a criminal and credit check. Step 7 -- Recruitment Report Based upon the results of the preceding steps, a detailed recruitment report will be prepared. The report will contain information about each of the recommended finnlists including: Current responsibilities Community characteristics Notable achievements Management style Interest in the position Reference comments. IAXINIUS City of Temecula --3 The resumes of the top candidates and alternates will be presented. In addition, the names and positions of all candidates who applied will be included for your review. A comprehensive briefing on the candidates will be provided to the City Council on delivery of the report. DMG-MAXEMUS staff will recommend a specific group of candidates for final consideration. The City Council will select finnlists. Step 8 ~ Finalia Interviews Once the City Council has selected finalists, we will work with you to develop a selection process that will ensure the fairness of the recruitment. DMG-MAXIMUS staff will notify finalists of their selection and work with your staff to arrange and schedule the final selection process. Interview materiMs will be prepared for your use including suggested questions and rating forms. Detailed information on each candidate will also be provided. In addition, DMG-MAXLMUS staff will be present to facilitate the process. Step 9 w Negotiation Assistance One of the most critical s. teps in the recruitment and selection of the next City Manager is negotiating compensation. DMG-MAXLMUS staff will be available to assist the City of Temecula and act as their representative. Successful negotiations will ensure that the relationship starts on a positive note. Step 10 ~ Complete Administrative Assistance Throughout the recruitment, DMG-MAXIMUS staff will provide the City Council with regular written starus reports. In addition, we will keep candidates advised of the starus of the recruitment; resumes will be acknowledged and candidates notified of their selection as f'malists. DMG-MAXIMUS believes that attention to keeping everyone informed of the progress of the recruitment does much to ensure its success. FIMUS City of Temecula ---4 OPTIONAL SERVICES Depending on the needs of the City, DMG-MAXLMUS can provide a number of optional recruitment services in addition to those outlined above. Those services include: Community Involvement Goal Setting Background Checks Assessment Centers Psychological Assessment Salary Surveys and Job Classification Analysis · Community Involvement DMG-MAXIMUS understands that public participation can be important in the selection of a new City Manager. As such, we offer the option of a search process that includes community representatives. In this case, the City of Temecula will determine the appropriate individuals or community groups from whom they would like to solicit input. DMG-MAXIMUS will then include these individuals in the development of the candidate profile (Step 1). These individuals can later be invited by the City of Temecula to serve on an Interview Panel to review and consider finalist candidates. · Goal setting Conducted by our staff and lasting. one-haft to one day, these sessions are an excellent method for communicating the employer's performance expectations for a specific period of time. They are most effective when conducted foBowing the recruitment with the successful candidate in attendance. · Background Checks We will conduct a site visit on the selected candidate following final interviews. The site visit includes multiple meetings with individuals with whom the FIMUS City of Temecula --5 candidate works in their current position as well as members of the community, if appropriate. · Assessment Centers Assessment centers are a process employing group exercises designed to identify those individuals who possess leadership qualities, management skills, and specific technical abilities. Assessment centers are an excellent tool in determining the communication and listening skills of individuals. Exercises are designed to simulate actual situations found on the job. An assessment center can be conducted in lieu of final interviews for an additional $1,000. · Psycho]ogica]Assessment The psychological evaluation of the top candidate (contingent upon the offer of employment) can be arranged. The evaluation is conducted in confidence. Detailed information about personality, management style, and behavior under stress is conveyed in a detailed written report. · Salary Surveys and Job Classification Analysis Salary surveys and job classification analysis are often prerequisites to a successful recruitment. DMG-MAXIMUS' Archer System is a fully automated job classification and compensation system. The most advanced system of its type, the Archer System, can be used to support decisions in advance of undertaking a recruitment. AXIMUS City of Temecula ---6 PROFESSIONAL FEES., EXPENSES, AND TIMING · Professional Fees & Expenses The project costs for professional services will be $14,500. The fee provides for completion of the work described in Steps 1 through 10, which includes a full day on site to develop the candidate profile and two subsequent client meetings: one to review recommended f'malists and another to facilitate finalist interviews. Additional meetings will be billed at our standard hourly rate of $150 per hour. In addition, the City will be responsible for reimbursement of actual out-of-pocket expenses for items such as placement of advertisements, printing, postage, clerical services, long distance telephone charges, travel, Lexis-Nexis ® search, and a credit and criminal check on the selected candidate. For this recruitment we will cap expenses at $6,500. DMG-MAXIMUS is sensitive to the pressures faced by local governments to contain costs. As such, we will work with you to ensure that the recruitment is conducted in a cost-effective manner. DMG-MAXIMUS staff is prepared to proceed on this search immediately and can be available to meet with you within one week of our selection to conduct the search. We anticipate that we can cortFtrm f'malists within 60 to 90 days of our initial meetings. The schedule on the following page graphically displays the tasks and their anticipated duration and the milestone dates for the search. LXIMUS City of Temecula --7 · Anticipated Recruitment Schedule ID Task Name I Kickoff Meeting 2 Draft Brochure 3 Place ~,~,~i~r~entS 5 Candidate Identification 7 SCFB6R Resumes 8 Inte~iew Candidates 10 PreSent ~didates Month I ~ Month 2 } Month 3 ~ Month 4 2131,15161zl8191~01~1~21~31~,1~51~6 · Sunnnary and Guarantee DMG-MAXIMUS is proud of the track record of success achieved by our recruitment staff. The comprehensive recruitment process outlined within this proposal will result in the selection of the best possible candidate for the position of City Manager. In the unlikely event that none of the fmalist candidates are chosen, we will continu~ the search on your behalf at no added cost beyond direct expenses. In addition, ff within the first year of employment the City Manager either resigns or is dismissed for cause, we will conduct another search for direct expense only. There will be no charge for professional services. FIMUS City of Temecula ~ EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT STAFF · Robert W. Murray - Vice President Mr. Murray manages the DMG-MAXIMUS executive search practice. Since joining DMG-MAXIMUS in 1992, he and his staff have created the nation's largest, most successful public sector search practice. Mr. Murray has more than 24 years of experience in local government, management consulting and executive search. As the ftrm's senior recruiter, Mr. Murray personally conducts the most complex search assignments and is the ftrm's leading specialist in the recruitment of public executives. Mr. Murray is experienced in conducting recruitments for large and small pubhc agencies throughout the United States. He has personally conducted over 200 searches. He has full responsibility for the success of each search. In addition to his experience as an executive recruiter, Mr. Murray has also designed and administered assessment centers for both general management and public safety positions. He has also been a featured speaker and panelist at numerous professional conferences, conventions, and seminars. Mr. Murray previously served as the City Manager of the City of Olympia, Washington. He has also served as an Assistant City Manager and has held various positions in law enforcement. Mr. Murray is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with graduate studies in Public Administration at California State University at Hayward. - Chuck Neumayer - Senior Manager Mr. Neumayer has more than 28 years of professional experience, fifteen with state and local government agencies as a transportation and municipal engineer, division manager, and as a director of pubhc works. In the private sector his consulting experience covers providing professional civil engineering services, primarily to state, county and city government public works agencies, as well as executive recruiting for local government managers. He is thoroughly familiar with the institutional requirements of public sector agencies from direct experience as a practicing engineer and department head, working with boards XIMUS City of Temecula --9 and councils, as well as from working with state and local government in a consultant/client relationship. Mr. Neumayer has been actively involved with executive recruitment while at DMG-MAXIMUS and has conducted searches for technical and managerial positions in public works and other local government departments. His work has included searches for city managers, water agency and public works department managers and engineers, fire and police department managers, housing, information services, and other positions in cities, counties and special districts. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Iowa State University. · Mike Casey - enior Mana er Mr. Casey has more than 25 years of experience in local government management, consulting, and executive search. He has served six communities in five states in key management positions, three of them as the city or county manager. During that period, he served as an officer at the state level and a member of the Executive Board of the International City/County Management Association. As a consultant for another firm with a national practice, Mr. Casey provided management advice to corporations in the private sector and to a broad range of cities and counties including Boston, New Orleans, Las Vegas; and San Diego and Fresno County on matters of critical importance to their operations, including executive search. Mr. Casey is a graduate of Coe College and holds a Master's degree in public administration from Pennsylvania State University, where he was the recipient of the Cappazola Fellowship. He is also a graduate of Harvard University's Executive Program for Senior State and Local Government Officials. · Bobhi C. Peckham - Manager Ms. Peckham is a Manager in the Sacramento office of DMG-MAXIMUS. She has over 17 years of public and private sector recruitment, human resources, and staff development experience. Over the past ten years, Ms. Peckham has been responsible for a variety of recruitments for cities, counties, special districts, and not-for-profit agencies. She has conducted a number of searches for city managers, ,XIMUS City of Temecula ~10 general managers, executive directors, finance, personnel, and utility professionals. Ms. Peckham's areas of recruitment expertise include resort community, museum and cultural arts, and association executives. Prior to joining DMG-MAXIMUS, Ms. Peckham was a member of the Executive Recruitment practice at Ralph Andersen & Associates for over five years. She also provided administrative support to the City Manager of Naperville, Illinois, as well as serving in the City-owned electrical utility. Ms. Peckham received a Bachelor's of Arts degree in organizational behavior from the University of San Francisco. [] Nicole KoelMer- Consultant Ms. Koehler has ten years of experience in the public sector. During the course of her career, she has worked in the Governor's office, senatorial offices, and the California State Agency of Business, Transportation and Housing. Most recently, Ms. Koehler worked for the Western Policy Center coordinating fund-raisers and special events for political candidates, foreign dignitaries, and government officials. At DMG-MAXIMUS, Ms. Koehler is responsible for conducting detailed reference inquiries; identifying and recruiting candidates; and developing and maintaining an extensive candidate database. Ms. Koehler is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both political science and organizational studies. · Marilyn Smith- Consultant Ms. Smith has five years of experience in Executive Recruitment. Ms. Smith began her career with DMG-MA.XIMUS by assisting Mr. Murray in many aspects of recruitments for a wide variety of positions in the public sector. She is now responsible for conducting detailed reference inquires, identifying and recruiting qualified candidates, and composing detailed brochures and proposals. Prior to her work at DMG-MAXIMUS, Ms. Smith founded, owned and managed her own manufacturing firm, taught elementary school, and volunteered extensively in both the public and private communities. Ms. Smith is a graduate of Brigham Young University and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary education. FIMUS City of Temecula --11 · Ren e Natloeb - Consultant Ms. Naxloch has three years of experience in Executive Recruitment and has been directly involved with the success of 60-75 searches. Prior to joining DMG- MAXIMUS, she worked for three Fortune 500 companies in their sales and marketing divisions. At DMG-MAXIMUS, Ms. Narloch is responsible for identifying and recruiting candidates, conducting preliminary interviews and detailed reference inquires; and assisting clients in final interviews and negotiations. Ms. Narloch attended Tulane University. [] Ann L as - Consultant Ms. Lukas has three years experience within the private sector and one-year working with government offices. Prior to joining DMG-MAXIMUS, Ms. Lukas worked with the Illinois Housing Authority in the development and implementation of government programs within property settings. At DMG-MAXIMUS, Ms. Lukas is responsible for the identification of potential candidates, as well as reference inquiries. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature. FIMUS City of Temecula CLIENT REFERENCES The following past clients can provide information pertaining to recent search assignments conducted by DMG-MAXIMUS executive recruiters. Client: Position: Contact: Client: Position: Contact: Client: Position: Contact: Client: Position: Contact: Client: Position: Contact: City of Oceanside Multiple Searches Dana Whitson, Assistant City Manager or Colleen McCloud, Personnel Manager (760) 966-4410 City of San Bemardino Multiple Searches Fred Wilson, City Manager (909) 384-5122 City of Chino Hills City Manager Mike Wickman, Council Member or Linda Ruth, City Clerk (909) 364-2620 City of El Cajon City Manager Mayor Joan Shoemaker (619) 441-1789 City of Cypress Police Chief Mark Ochendusko, City Manager (714) 229-6688 FIMUS City of Temecula DMG - MAXIMUS DMG-MAXLMUS, formerly David M. Griffith & Associates, Ltd., founded in 1976, is recognized as the leading f/am providing a broad range of management, financial, operational, and human resource consulting services to local and state governments throughout the country. Our clients include over 2,000 governments, universities, and other public sector and not-for-profit organizations. DMG-MAXIMUS provides services to clients throughout the United States from the ftrm's central office in Chicago and regional offices located in Sacramento, California; Dallas, Texas; Tallahassee, FL. In addition, the firm has local offices in 30 other cities and in Puerto Rico. Our staff of over 300 experienced consulting professionals, many of whom have prior government experience, is uniquely qualified to understand and serve government officials and managers. Consultants of DMG-MAXIMUS have been called upon to examine virtually every facet of local government operations. Major public sector services offered by DMG-MAXIMUS include: Executive recruitment Revenue enhancement (cost allocation, fee determination, impact fee analysis) Operations improvement Disaster grants management Human resources and personnel management. DMG-MAXIMUS' commitment to its clients is to provide the best services available and nothing less. The quality of our services is evidenced by the fact that 70% of our business is from repeat clients. FIMUS City of Temecula --14 APPENDIX-PAST CLIENTS Alameda, CA Anaheim, CA Apache Junction, AZ Arcadia, CA Astoria, OR Atascadero, CA Atherton, CA Aurora, CO Avon, CO Bay City, MI Berkeley, M1 Big Bear Lake, CA Boynton Beach, FL Branson, MO Buena Park, CA Calistoga, CA Campbell, CA Camel CA Casa Grande, AZ Chino Hills, CA Commerce City, CO Concord, CA Corona, CA Corvallis, OR Dana Point, CA El Cajon, CA Essexville, MI Eugene, OR Fair~eM, CA Foad du Lac, WI Fresno, CA Galt, CA Grants Pass, OR Greenwood Village, CO Grover Beach, CA Hanford, CA Hesperia, CA Indio, CA Irwindale, CA Jackson, WY Kirkland, WA Laguna Hills, CA La Quinta, CA Laramie, WY Livermore, CA Los Alamitos, CA Mammoth Lakes, CA Martinez, CA Marysville, CA McHenry, IL Medford, OR Milpitas, CA Monrovia, CA Morgan Hill, CA Mountain View, CA Muskego, WI Naples, FL Needles, CA Normandy Park, WA Orinda, CA Paso Robles, CA Pendleton, OR Pittsburg, CA Pleasanton, CA Portage, Wl Rancho Palo Verdes, CA Redding. CA Riviera Beach, FL Roseburg, OR Safety Harbor, FL San Antonio, TX Sandstone, MN San Jose, CA Selma, CA South Pasadena, CA South San Francisco, CA AXIM1LIS Appendix - Past Clients --1 FIMUS St. Joseph, MI Sunnyvale, CA Tracy, CA Truckee, CA Tualatin, OR Tulare, CA Vancouver, WA Walnut, CA West Covina, CA Westminster, CA West University Place, TX Wilsonville, OR Yucaipa, CA ASSL TANTC]TYMANAGER Albany, GA Branson, MO Eugene, OR Huntington Beach, CA Monterey, CA Palo Alto, CA Riverside, CA Tallahassee, FL Tracy, CA Salinas, CA West Covina, CA Yorba Linda, CA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Alachua County, FL Arlington County, VA Bay County, FL Branch County, MI Lane County, OR Los Alamos County, NM Lowndes County, GA Maricopa, AZ Pima, AZ EXECIJTIVEDIRECTOIt American Water Works Association, CA- Nevada Section Association for Regional Centered Agencies, CA California Water Pollution Control Association, CA Centre City Development Corp., CA City County Insurance Services, OR Crown Development Corporation, CA Fire & Police Pension Fund, CO Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, WY Minority/Women Business Alliance, FL North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, CA Portland Development Commission, OR San Diego Housing Commission, CA San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, CA School Insurance Authority, CA Southwest Florida Water Management District, FL Victor Valley Economic Development Authority, CA POHCECItlEF/ PUBHC "ITD IEL'II)R Alameda, CA Apache Junction, AZ Atherton, CA Baldwin Park, CA Belmont, CA Boxborough, MA Boynton Beach, FL Breckenridge, CO Casper, WY Chandler, AZ Chesterfield County, VA Chino, CA Chula Vista, CA Clayton, CA Cypress, CA Dinuba, CA Appendix - Past Clients ~2 FIMUS El Cerrito, CA El Segundo, CA Eugene, OR Fresno, CA Garden Grove, CA Glendale, AZ Glendale, CA Glendora, CA Grand Prairie, TX Hercules, CA Hillsboro, OR Inglewood, CA Jackson, WY Kenosha, WI King City, CA Laramie, WY Longview, WA Los Alamitos, CA Los Altos, CA Medford, OR Menlo Park, CA (Commander) Mesa, AZ Modesto, CA Monterey, CA Mountain View, CA Newark, CA (Captain) Orange, CA Palo Alto, CA Pasadena, CA Petalurea, CA Redwood City, CA Reedley, CA Rialto, CA Richfield, MN Riverside, CA Sacramento, CA Salinas, CA San Carlos, CA (Commander) San Diego, CA San Jose, CA San Marino, CA San Rafael, CA Schererville, IN Seal Beach, CA Seattle, WA Tacoma, WA Torrance, CA Tracy, CA Vail, CO Visalia, CA Walnut Creek, CA West Covina, CA Chandler, AZ Culver City, CA Eugene, OR Garden Grove, CA Glendale, AZ Fairfield, CA Hesperia, CA Livermore, CA Los Alamos, NM Los Angeles County, CA Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District, CA Modesto, CA Orange County, FL Pleasanton, CA Redwood City, CA San Bernardino, CA San Clemente, CA Seattle, WA Tracy, CA Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, OR Westminster, CA Alameda County, CA Albany, GA Alhambra, CA American Canyon, CA Ann Arbor. MI Berkeley, CA Branson, MO Brea, CA gr~bane, CA Burbank, CA Campbell, CA Chino, CA Chula Vista, CA Appendix - Past Clients Claremont. CA Dallas, TX Dinuba, CA East Bay Regional Park District, CA Emeryville, CA Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley, CA Kansas City, MO La Quinta, CA Long Beach, CA Madera, CA Marionette, WI Milpitas, CA Modesto, CA Oro Loma Sanitary District, CA Richmond, VA San Bernardino, CA San Diego County Water Authority, CA San Juan Capistrano, CA Santa Clarita, CA Visalia, CA Washington CounO2, OR Western Municipal Water District. CA Westminster, CA Yorba Linda, CA P! ONNEL/HUMANRF O Berkeley, CA Chino, CA Conira Costa Water District, CA Davenport, M Delta Diablo Sanitation District, CA East Bay Regional Park District. CA Gresham, OR Hillsborough County, FL Mountain View, CA Oro Loma Sanitary District, CA Palm Desert, CA Riverside, CA South Lake Tahoe, CA Vail, CO West Covina, CA PARI AND RECREATION Alexandria, VA Chandler, AZ Gurnee Park District. IL Marin Municipal Water District. CA Northbrook Park District, IL North Clackareas County, OR Orange County, FL Pleasanton, CA Reno, NV Sunnyvale, CA Tallahassee, FL Thornton. CO LEGAL COUNSEL AC Transit, CA Bakersfield, CA Concord, CA Culver City, CA Fresno, CA Lake County, FL Los Alamo& NM Mountain View, CA Orange County Water District, CA Otay Water District, CA Pleasanton, CA Redding, CA Sacramento, CA Sacramento Regional Transit, CA Salinas, CA San Diego County Water Authority, CA Santa Clara County Transportation, CA Silverthorn, CO South Lake Tahoe, CA South San Francisco, CA Torrance, CA Tracy, CA IAXIMUS Appendix - Past Clients ---4 IAXIMUS CO DEVELOPMENT/ PLANN]NG Albany, CA Ashland, OR Aurora, CO Baldwin Park, CA Boulder, CO Brea, CA Casper, WY Chandler, AZ Culver City, CA H Cerrito, CA Eugene, OR Fort Collins, CO Livermore, CA Los Alamitos, CA Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency, CA Mountain View, CA Oceanside, CA Murrieta, CA Orinda, CA Otay Water Distn'ct, CA Pasadena, CA Salinas, CA San Bernardino, CA San Mateo, CA San Rafael, CA Santa Clarita, CA Sunnyvale, CA Sunrise, FL Tallahassee/Leon County, FL Teton County, WY Thornton, CO Tracy, CA Yorba Linda, CA Vail CO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/ REDEVELOPMENT/HOUS]NG Allegheny County Housing Authority, PA Bay City Economic Development Corp., MI Bay County, FL Centre City Development Corporation, San Diego, CA Glendale, AZ Hesperia, CA Huntington Beach, CA King City, CA Long Beach, CA San Diego Housing Commission, CA San Pablo, CA Southern Oregon Redevelopment & Economic Development Institute, OR GENFA MANAGER/ UT]LITYD]REC'IN)R Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, CA Alhambra, CA Charlotteville, VA Chino Basin Municipal Water District, CA Citrus Heights Water District, CA Contra Costa Water District, CA County Sanitation Districts, Orange County, CA Indian River County, FL Lakeland, FL Los Angeles (Hyperion Treatment Plant), CA Marin Municipal Water District, CA Merced lrrigation District, CA Monte Vista Water District, CA Monterey Peninsula Water Management Distn'ct, CA Natrona County Regional Wastewater Facility, WY Appendix. Past Clients --5 IAXIMUS Olivenhain Water District, CA Orange County, FL Orange Water & Sewer Authority, NC Ramona Municipal Water District, CA Richmond, VA Santa Rosa, CA Sonoma County Water Authority, CA Ventura Regional Sanitation District, CA Victor Valley Water District, CA Yorba Linda Water District, CA · PIIIUC WORI / G E! G Albany, GA Alpharetta, GA Belmont, CA Brighton, CO Campbell, CA Chino Basin Water District, CA Contra Costa Water District, CA Dinuba, CA Evanston, IL Genessee County, MI Greenwood Village, CO Hesperia, CA Las Vega& NV Los Alamitos, CA Los Alamos County, NM Marienette, WI Milwaukie, OR Mountain View, CA Naperville, IL Nevada State Contractor's Board, NV Newport Beach, CA North Miami Beach, FL Oceanside, CA Orange County, FL Oro Loma Sanitary District, CA Pasadena, CA Phoenix, AZ Pleasanton, CA Redding, CA Sacramento County, CA Salinas, CA San Carlos, CA Santa Cruz, CA Santa Rosa, CA Selma, CA Torrance, CA Tulare County, CA Valdosta, GA Yorba Linda, CA TRANSPORTATION Beverly Hills, CA Costa Mesa, CA Orange County, FL Sarasota County, FL Sonoma County, CA MEDICAL,/IEAI,THCARE Orange County, FL Washoe County Health Department, NV INFORMATION SERVICES Clackareas County, OR Orange County, FL Richmond, VA Tallahassee. FL BU1LDIN(;OFFIC kLS East Lansing, MI San Bernardino, CA San Mateo, CA Santa Clarita, CA Appendix - Past Clients ---6 AHtPORT/AV~TION Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX Dayton, OH Kansas City, MO Metropolitan-Dade County, FL Tallahassee, FL PORT/MARINA Berkeley, CA Sacramento, CA ART~ ADMINISTRATION Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA Irvine, CA San Jose Historical Museum, CA Torrance, CA lIBRARY North Miarni Beach, FL Oceanside, CA RISK MANAGEMENT Clackareas County, OR Livermore, CA Torrance, CA PUBLIC MFETY COMMU~CAT]ONS Clackareas County, OR SHASCOM, CA Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency, OR IAXIMUS Appendix - Past Clients Proposal to Recruit CITY MANAGER for the CITY OF TEMECULA November 19, 1998 Richard W. Perry HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES P. O. Box 384 35600 Verdant View The Sea Ranch, CA 95497 (707) 785-3083 Hughes, Perry Cs' Associates MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Temecula City Council c/o Grant Yates Assistant to the City Manager City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Dear Mayor Roberts and Council Members, November 19, 1998 We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal for assisting Temecula in recruiting a City Manager to replace Ron Bradley upon his retirement. Our proposal is based on: Ore' involvement in over 520 recruitment and selection processes for local government executives including 93 City Managers/Chief Administrative Officers. Examples of City Manager recruitments completed by our firm for small, medium and large cities are Sausalito, Corte Madera, Hillsborough, Los Altos, Los Gatos, San Carlos, Behnont, Palo Alto, Napa, Eureka, Hayward, Modesto, and Reno, Nevada. During the past year we have completed City Manager recruitments for the cities of Benicia, Huntington Beach,, Morgan Hill, Saratoga, Los Altos, Oxnard and Cohna and a County Manager for Nye County, Nevada. We are currently conducting recruitments for a General Manager for the Napa Sanitation District, an Administrative Services Director for Camarillo, a Finance Director for San Bruno Economic Development Directors for Antelope Valley and Henderson, Nevada, and a Health Officer for Washoe County, Nevada. Our knowledge of Temecula based on having conducted the recruitment for the City's first City Manager (Dave Dixon) shortly after Temecula incorporated. During the course of this recruitment I toured the community extensively and observed two regular City Council meetings. (At the time, tentative permit approval had already been granted by the County for approximately 10,000 homes. The City Council was placed in the difficult position of having to approve final subdivision maps without being able to attach additional conditions or make changes to the proposed plans; the developers were only required to meet the conditions established by the County when originally Sea Ranch Post Office Box 384 35600 Verdant ViewS, Street Sea Ranch, California 95497 707. 785.3083 FAX 707. 785.3086 _ San Francisco 1050Nort/~point San Francisco. California 94109 415.922.3760 FAX415.922.3971 approved. My conclusion after observing these meetings was that this appeared to be a particularly frustrating period for the Council and community alike, but was among a variety of difficult issues Temecula would face in launching their new City). (2) Our overall knowledge of the issues facing California local government today such as growth management, revenue shortfalls, and potential regional consolidation of services. We stay current with issues tlwough our ongoing contacts with City Managers and our work in facilitating goal setting processes for City Councils and Executive staffs in such communities as Santa Rosa, Albany, Morgan Hill, Hesperia, Santa Ana, Madera and Foster City. PROJECT INITIATION - DEFINING THE "IDEAL" CITY MANAGER FOR TE1VIECUI2~ The initial task in the recruitment process will be to identify the skills and characteristics of the "ideal" City Manager for Temecula. This would be accomplished through the following steps: I1. Interview Councilmembers. We will meet with each Council member individually to discuss their perspective of issues and opportunities facing Temecula now and for the foreseeable future. We will also ascertain each persons views about the requisite skills and characteristics necessary for the new City Manager to be successful in Temecula. The information collected thi'ough this interview process will be the basis for our candidate profile. [2. Interview Key Staff Members. With the concurrence of the City Council we would meet with the Department Heads and perhaps other key staff members individually or in small group settings to elicit their views on the next City Manager. We will also gather operational information such as departmental projects and goals. This information is often important to potential candidates because as City Manager, they will have overall operational responsibilities. [3. A Workshop May Be Important HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 2 In the event we find significant conflicting views among Councilmembers regarding the issues/opportunities, relative priorities, or desired skills and characteristics of the new City Manager, we would want to convene a workshop with the City Council to resolve these issues as they relate to the recruitment. We would facilitate the workshop. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES WII J, USE A THREE-PRONGED APPROACH FOR ATI'RACTING HIGHLY QUAIJFIED CANDIDATES FOR THE CITY MANAGER POSITION Three outreach activities will be used to identify and interest highly qualified candidates in the City Manager position in Temecula. The objectives of these outreach activities are: (1) clearly understand the kind of person your organization seeks; (2) present a positive image of the position and client organization; (3) catch the eye and interest of as many people as possible, particularly those not actively involved in a job search; minorities and women; and (4) provide potential candidates with valid and concise information on the position as well as the "flavor" of the job and type of person desired. [ ( 1 ) Eye Catciting Ads Are Placed In Appropriate Publications. Creative display ads and classified ads are placed in journals, magazines and publications which top level candidates are likely to read. These ads nor~nally generate about 35% of the candidates who apply for positions for which we recruit. We do not use a standard ad format and try to diversify ad layouts and messages to depict the differences of our various clients and the positions being recruited. For the Temecula City Manager we would use Jobs Available - Western Edition; Hispanic Hotline, Black Careers Now, Western City Magazine, and possibly the ICMA Newsletter. (2) '~orporate" Type Brochures Are Sent To 400 To 800 Persons For The[ Position. An informative brochure will be designed and tailored for Temecula and mailed to managers and professionals. This brochure provides potential candidates with relevant information on the position, issues to be faced, qualifications desired, compensation package, the client organization and recruitment time tables. We have found that 40% of the persons who apply for positions are initially interested by this brochure. While we have computerized mailing lists for various professions and positions, we tailor these lists for each new assignment. We will work with you to insure that brochures are distributed to persons and organizations that meet your needs, particularly women and minorities. HUGHES, PEIOctY & ASSOCIATES Page 3 (3) A lh~active Telephone Soumh~ Program Involving From 50 to 100 Persons Is Undertaken. Top practitioners in City Management (candidate sources) and highly qualified candidates referred to us or known through other means are contacted to explain the position and to interest them in applying. This provides us the opportunity to attract persons not necessarily contemplating a job change. Typically, about 25% of the persons who eventually apply for a position are attracted through the telephone sourcing program. A portion of this outreach effort would be specifically targeted to women and minorities. CANDIDATES ARE SCREENED THROUGH A MULTI-FACETED EVALUATION PROCESS TO IDENTIFY PERSONS WHO BEST '~'IT' THE CLIENT ORGANIZATION Hughes, Perry & Associates utilizes a variety of approaches to evaluate candidate qualifications and help insure that the best fit occurs considering the needs of our client. (1) Resumes Are Screened Against The '~deal Candidate"] Characteristics Initially Developed Jointly With YOtL The initial resume screening allows us to compare candidate experiences and other qualifications against those desired by our client. For example, Temecula may place a premium on people who have worked in medium size cities, have significant financial management experience, and have demonstrated skills in effectively working with diverse City Councils. We would then screen resumes against these characteristics and others you would feel are important. - (2) Supplemental Questionnaires Are Designed And Distributed To Obtain Additional Information From Mm~ Highly Qualified Candidates. A three to five-page supplemental questionnaire is prepared and distributed to the top 15 to 30 applicants who appear to be most highly qualified after the initial resumes are screened. This questionnaire allows us to obtain supplmnental information in areas of interest to the client. For example, Temecula might be interested in candidates experienced in: JPA/inter-governmental activities, cost controls, ability to analyze services, and so on. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIA2f~ES Page 4 (3) The Top 20 to 25 Candidates Will Be Interviewed To Further Explore Their Qualifications. Personal interviews are completed with the top 20 to 25 candidates for the position. The purpose of these interviews, conducted by telephone or in person, where possible, is to further explore key candidate characteristics. These interviews allow us to evaluate each candidate's knowledge and experience in topical areas of interest to our client and are based on detailed interview guides which we develop: (1) to ensure all candidates interviewed are assessed in common areas; and (2) to cover major client concerns and interests identified during the initial position and organizational analysis. (4) The Top 8 To 12 Candidates For The Position Will Be Reviewed With Yott At this stage, we encourage our client to participate with us in the final screening process to insure the "fit" of candidates. Our approach includes jointly reviewing resumes, supplemental questionnaires, samples of candidates' written communications such as a staff report, and interview results to thoroughly explore the reasons behind our recommendations for placing candidates on the semi-~nalist interview list. These sessions also provide an opportunity for our client to review the "second level" candidates who have not been selected as semi~~nalists by members of our recruitment team. ](5) We Will Facilitate The Interviews Of The Finalists We will facilitate the City Council interviews and evaluation of the ~nalists with a goal of achieving a consensus choice. Alternatively, we would design and facilitate an Assessment Center, such as we did in Reno, to help the City Council evaluate the ~nalist candidates. We have used a variety of alternative approaches for this interview process. In Manhattan Beach and the Ventura Regional Sanitation District, we used a panel of City Managers to supplement the Council / Board interviews. We would be pleased to discuss the range of alternatives available to the Council. There is no one "right" methodology for these interviews; the best approach is the one which makes the Council most comfortable in evaluating the ~nalists. I (6) The Top Candidate(s) Will Be Reference Checked. Our services always include detailed reference checking of the top candidate(s) upon completion of the interview process, but prior to an appointment being made. Reference checks often impact the selection of the "right" candidate from the top two or three interview ~nalists. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 5 (7) We Will Negotiate The City Managet~s Compensation Package. If desired by the City Council, we will negotiate the City Manager's compensation package based on the parameters established by the Council. Given that benefit packages typically range between 30% and 40% of salary, $35,000 - $45,000 in the case of the City Managers, the Council may desire input relative to items such as deferred compensation and severance pay. Having Hughes, Perry & Associates negotiate the compensation with the top candidate can shift potential problems, and a possible adversarial role, from the Council to the consultant. In over 90% of the City Manager recruitments we have completed, the Council has asked us to handle this task. We stay current on City Manager compensation issues which allows us to advise you about the market trends. (8) We Can Provide Other Services To Assist In The Final Candidate] Selection Process. Other services which our recruitment team can provide in the selection process include the following: Facilitate a community meeting or some other approach to elicit input from the community regarding the characteristics desired in a new City Manager. Providing technical assistance in finding employment opportunities for the working spouse of the top candidate if spousal job change complicates the top candidate's acceptance decision. Facilitating the development of performance objectives for the new City Manager or the evaluation of his/her performance after six or twelve months on the job. We would be happy to discuss these services and the additional cost associated with them in further detail if you desire. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 6 il4. THE PROPOSED RECRUITMENT WORK PLAN Summary and sequential descriptions of the work steps required to conduct the executive recruitment for the City of Temecula City Manager are detailed on the following pages. The timing of each task, stated in terms of weeks following the contract start date also is presented. Both the task plan and timing can be adjusted depending on your specific wishes. RESPONSIBILITY 1. Develop a "candidate profde" for HPAtl'emecula Week 1 City Manager. WORK TASKS Determine the type of person needed and specific issues the person will address on the job. This will be accomplished through interviews with the Mayor, City Council Members, and if appropriate, with key staff members. Resolve recruitment strategies and ti~netables. Detersnine the organizational style and critical operational issues in Temecula. If appropriate, facilitate a City Council workshop to resolve any candidate profile issues. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 7 Develop and place "eve catching" advertisements. Prepare and place advertisements for relevant publications and professional journals. Insure that all "Affirmative Action - Equal Opportunity Employer" targets are met in advertisements. ttPA Week 2 Prepare and send a brochure to candidate sources and pros- pective candidates. Prepare a brochure that "sells" the Temecula City Manager position, describes the "ideal" candidate, identifies the issues the new person will address, presents compensa- tion information, timing of the search and provides information about the organization. Prepare mailing list of organizations and candidates, including women and minority outreach groups/individuals, to which brochures will be sent. Print and distribute brochures. HPA Week 3 - 4 Conduc~ telephone sourcin~ program to further identify and interest hi~rhLV qualified candidates. Contact members of professional organizations and reliable sources of potential candidates. Contact qualified candidates identified. HPA Week 3 - 7 HUGlIES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 8 Closing deadline for receiving resunles. Screen restuRea Screen candidate pool to top 20 to 25 candidates by comparing resumes to characteristics of the "ideal" candidate. Prepare a progress report to the City Council identifying the top 20 to 25 candidates and their background. Notify all candidates of their status in the recruitment. Develop a Supplemental Quest- ionnaire to be completed by the more q~_m!~ed candidates. Prepare and distribute supp- lemental questionnaires to obtain additional background information from the selected candidates. Closing deadline for supple- mental questionnaires. Analyze supplemental quest- ionnaires completed by top candidates. Co~nplete personal interviews with selected candidates. Conduct interviews (in person or by phone) with up to 25 candidates using the candidate profile as the basis for interview questions. HPA Week 8 HPA Week 8 HPA Week 6 - 7 HPA Week 10 IIPA Week 11 HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 9 10. Prepare a progress report. Provide a list of the top 8 to 12 candidates and a summary of qualifications. Include resumes,supplemental questionnaires. ItPA Week11 11. 12. Screen candidates to develop a ~nalist list. Utilize resumes, supplemental questionnaires, writing samples and video interviews to acquaint the Temecula Council with the candidates. Select final 5 to 7 candidates for client interviews. Facilitate the City Com~cil / Candidate interviews. Arrange and coordinate the logistics of the City Council interviews of the ~nalist candidates. Provide a list of "suggested" questions for the City Council, and if desired, rating forms. Serve as a facilitator for the interview panel including post- interview discussion and candidate ranking. HPAfremecula Week HPAffemecula As Soon As Possible HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 10 13. Conduct reference checks of the top HPAffemecula : : After Final candidates. Interviews Conduct a thorough reference check of the top candidate(s) including credit checks and work with the Police Chief to complete a police invest- igation. Involve Councihnembers if they desire to participate in talking with key people from the candidate(s) community such as Councilmembers, staff, merchants, and neighborhood representatives. 14. Negotiate compensation. IlPAffemecula As Soon As Possible 15, Notify all candidates, HPA As Soon As Possible · Provide feedback on performance during recruitment and selection process. [5. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE FHtM IN RECRUITMENT AND SE! ~ECTION [ Hughes, Perry and Associates was established in 1974 (formerly know as Hughes, Heiss & Associates) organizations which is: · High Quality · Personalized to provide consulting assistance to governmental · Creative · Reasonably Priced Since its formation, the firm has served over 500 client agencies on more than 900 assignments, including 225 cities, more than 30 counties and over 10 states. (1) Over 450 Managerial Recruitments and Selections Have Been] Performed, Hughes, Perry and Associates has performed numerous recruitments and candidate assessment services for governmental agencies. These HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 11 services include comprehensive searches, both regional and nationwide; Assessment Centers, and technical assistance ~n recruitment and/or selection processes. The wide range of positions handled include the following: · City/County Managers · Assistant Managers (93) (30) · Chiefs of Police · Fire Chiefs (52) (43) · City Attorneys · Public Works Directors (25) (42) · Planning/Community · Utility Managers Development Directors (28) (30) · Personnel Dh~ctors · Finance Directors (25) (21) ° Park/Recreation · Directors (12) * Library Directors · (5) Redevelopmenff Economic Development (16) Transportationfrmffic Enetneers (12) · Other Plx~fessional · Middle Marta~ers~ Positions Supervisors (37) (65) The first attachment to this proposal provides an overview of our executive recruitment and selection assignments. (2) A Positive Track Record Has Been Established In Affinnative~ Action/Equn_l Employment Opportunity. Hughes, Perry & Associates has a commitment to affirmative action in recruiting local government executives and managers. For example: We placed the second woman to become a County Administrator in California (Yolo County) who has since become Ventura's City Manager, and the first African- American woman City Manager in HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 12 OUR RECRUITMENT STAFF In our recruitments, it is our practice to have one member of our professional staff take the lead through each phase of the recruitment process to ensure continuity from both the client's and the candidate's perspective. Additionally, another n~ember of our recruiting staff is assigned back-up responsibility to ensure a second professional staff person is knowledgeable about the status of the recruitment and is able to respond to either client or candidate if the lead recruiter is unavailable. For the recruitment of the Temecula City Manager, Richard Pen~ would have the lead and be project manager with assistance from Clark Wurzberger. Richard W. Perry has over 25 years experience, both as a manager with and consultant to local government. A Vice-President of Hughes, Perry and Associates and in charge of our recruitment division, Mr. Perry has taken the lead role in more than 250 executive recruitments/selection processes conducted by our firm. Prior to joining Hughes, Perry and Associates, Mr. Perry had extensive experience as a line manager serving as Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Belmont, Assistant Planning Director for San Mateo County and the Manager of Sea Ranch. Additionally, he served as Interim Town Manager for Los Gatos while recruiting their Town Manager. Mr. Perry has been responsible for over 50 of the City Manager recruitments completed by the firm. In recent years he conducted City Manager recruitments for cities such as Palo Alto, Carlsbad, Novato and Modesto. During the past year he completed the City Manager recruitment for Colma, Oxnard, Saratoga, Huntington Beach, and a County Manager for Nye County, Nevada. He is currently completing recruitments for a an Administrative Services Director for Camarillo, a Finance Director for San Bruno, Economic Development Directors for Antelope Valley and Henderson, Nevada, and a Health Officer for Washoe County, Nevada. Clark Wurzberger is a Senior Associate with the firm and would assist Mr. Perry in the recruitment effort. He worked in Washington D.C. for two Presidential administrations in the State Department and Department of Defense where he did senior level recruitment. Upon leaving Washington D.C. he worked with one of the nations top ten private recruitment firms which is located in San Francisco. Since joining Hughes, Perry & Associates, he has worked on various department head recruitments for Newark, Monrovia, Morgan Hill, Simi Valley, and Anaheim as well as recruitments for City Managers for Benicia, Morgan Hill, Union City, San Rafael, Saratoga, Reno, and Healdsburg. He is currently working with Mr. Perry on the completion of the six assignments noted above, and is taking the lead role on the Greenfield City Manager recruitment. Mr. Wurzberger's primary role on the Temecula HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 14 California (Palo Alto), and the first African-American City Manager in Nevada (Reno). Over 70 women have been appointed to professional positions for which we have recruited. For example, the Executive Directors of the San Diego PIC/RETC and Southern California Power Authority were both women. Over 25 African Americans, Asians and Hispanics have been selected including six City Manager. For example, Hispanics were appointed as City Managers in Hayward and Oxnard. We placed African American Fire Chiefs in Alhambra and Pasadena and a Chief of Police in Santa Monica and, recently, a Hispanic Fire Chief. In Pasadena, we have placed an African American female as Health Officer, and women as Capital Projects Administrator (since promoted to Assistant City Manager) and Planning Director. Asian men were appointed as the Public Works Director in Pleasanton and City Engineer in Union City. We work hard to develop a recruiting environment and establish a candidate pool which encourages women and minorities to effectively compete for the professional positions for which we recruit. (3) The Firm Has Been A Leader In Instituting Innovative And Mo~ Comprehensive Recruitment And Selection Techniques. Hughes, Perry & Associates has led the way among search firms in instituting new ways to enhance recruitment and selection processes to improve their effectiveness. For example: Eye-catching brochures and display ads have been used to attract candidates initially in perceiving themselves to be in the job market. Supplemental questionnaires have been utilized to gather more information about prospective candidates. Tailored and fast-paced Assessment Centers built around the specific needs of the client have been designed and facilitated. While some of these innovations are now emulated by other search organizations, Hughes, Perry & Associates pioneered their use. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 13 recruitment would be to assist in the telephone outreach phase, and drawing on his Department of Defense experience, will conduct the reference checks. J7. REFERENCES CAN BE CONTACTED TO EVALUATE THE QUAIJTY OF ] OUR RECRUITMENT EFFORTS. We believe the most effective testimony to the quality of our executive recruitment services comes from our previous clients and people who have participated in our recruitment and selection process. Following are listed elected officials who have been recent clients on executive recruitment and selection projects. You are encouraged to contact them to get their reactions to the quality and effectiveness of our work. Ed McCombs, Interim City Manager/Council Liaison or former Mayor Tim Lilligren, City of Manhattan Beach -- Recruitment of a City Manager. (805) 658-0587 (Ed McCombs) (310) 545-5621 Ex 405 (former Mayor Lilligren) Peter Green, ten year Council member, City of Huntington Beach- recruitment of the former City Manager, and current recruitment of a City Manager, an Assistant City Manager, a Fire Chief, a City Engineer, and a Chief of Police. (714) 536-5575 Bud Lewis, Mayor, City of Carlsbad -- Recruitment of a City Manager, Assistant to the City Manager, Human Resources Director, Fire Chief, City Engineer, Redevelopment Director and City Attorney. (619) 434-2819 Jeff Griffin, Mayor, City of Reno -- Recruitment of a City Manager, a Fire Chief and Chief of Police. (702) 334-2020 Mike SedeH, City Manager or Gfeg Stratton, Mayor, City of Simi Valley- recruitment of a Chief of Police and a City Attorney (805) 583-6703 Lisa Milh, C.E.O., Orange County Transportation Authority- Recruitment of an Assistant C.E.O. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 15 (714) 560-5584 Dick Carver, Board Pesident, Nye County-- Recruitment of a County Manager. (702) 482-8191 Ken Blackman, City Manager, City of Santa Rosa -- Recruitment for various positions including a City Attorney, Chief of Police, Public Works Director, two Assistant City Managers, two Assistant Community Development Directors, and two Human Resource Directors. (707) 524-5361 Pat Kelly, Council Member, Town of l-li!l,~borough and the Councirs representative to San Mateo C/CAG -- Recruitment of a City Manager and an Executive Director for C/CAG. (415) 579-3800 Mark Green, Mayor, City of Union City -- Recruitment of a City Manager. (510) 489-8586 or 489-3883 Errfie Gray, Mayor, City of Novam -- Recruitment of a City Manager and assistance in the selection of a Community Development Director and Chief of Police. (415) 898-2800 Tom Chambers, former Mayor cr Kent Mitchell, Mayor, City of Healdsburg '- Recruitment of a City Manager. (707) 431-3317 If you desire additional references, please contact us. CONSULTING CHARGES Our fees and estimated reimbursable expenses for the recruitment of a City Manager for the City of Temecula as outlined in our work plan are: HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 16 Recruitment and selection process as outlined in our work program: Professional Reimbursable T rne Expense $13,000 $3,500 - $4,500 Reimbursable expenses include the direct cost of items such as clerical support, postage, travel and telephone expense. It does not include candidate expenses, if any, for the final interview process and the City will be responsible for advertising and brochure charges. We would be prepared to begin the recruitment within 10 days in the event we were selected by Temecula to conduct the City Manager recruitment. HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 17 s: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. RECRUITMENT COST BREAKDOWN BY TASK Task Develop candidate profile Develop and place "eye catching" ad Prepare and distribute brochure Conduct telephone sourcing Resume closing deadline Screening of resumes and progress report Development and distribution of supplemental questionnaire Closing deadline for questionnaire Complete personal interviews with selected candidates Prepare second progress report Meet with Council to select ~nalist candidates Facilitate Board/Candidate interviews or design and facilitate Assessment Center Complete reference checks of top candidates Negotiate compensation Notify all candidates Professional Ti~ne Charges $1200 500 1000 3,650 -0- 400 300 -0- 2,500 150 600 900 ( additional $1600) 900 $600 Approximately 6 hours have been allocated. Additional time will be charged at $100 per hour 300 $13,000 HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 18 RECRUITMENT GUARANTEE We guarantee our recruitment results for a one-year period. In the event the City Manager is terminated during the initial twelve months for reasons of non- performance, malfeasance, commitment of an illegal act or substance abuse, we would conduct a replacement recruitment with no professional fee charges to Temecula. Sincerely yours, Richard W. Perry Vice-President HUGlIES, PERRY ~'~OCIATES Attachments HUGHES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 19 EXECUTIVF, IiECI{UITMENTS / SELECTIONS !;y l'oslltoa| and Cllept IIUGIII.,;3', I'EI~RY & AS3'OCIATES !tECRUI'I1VIEIVI$/SELECTIONS BY POSITION:AND CLIENT,, City/County 1Vlann~rers (79) · Belmont (2) · Benicia · Brisbane* · Callstoga · Campbell · Carlsbad · Carpinteria · Cbino · Cohna · Concord · Coronado · Corte Madera (2) · Cotati · Davis (2) East Palo Alto (2) · Eureka (2) Garden Grove*'*' · Glendale · Greenfield (2) · Half Moon Bay · tlayward · Itealdsburg · Ilillsborougb · Ituntington Beach (2) · hnperial Beach · Lafayette*"" · La Mesa · Larkspur · Los Altos (3) · Los Gatos (3) · Manhattan Beach (2) · Minnetonka, MN · Menlo Park · Modesto · Monterey Park · Morgan Hill · Nye County,NV · Napa · Napa County (CAO) · Novato · Oxnard · Pacifica** · Palo Alto · Peoria, AZ · Petaluma · Reno · Richland, WA · San Anselmo · San Bruno* · San Carlos · San Luis Obispo** · San Rafael (2) · San Ramon · Saratoga (2) · Sausalito · Seal Beach · Show Low, AZ · Sparks (Nevada) · South San Francisco · St. Helena · Temecula · Ukiah · Union City · Visalia · Yolo County (CAO) Executive Director (7) · Alameda County Waste Mngmt Auth. · /h~telope Valley Econ. Dev. Alliance · Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board · hfiand Valley Development Agency · San Diego PIC/RETC · San Marco C/CAG Exec. Dir. · Southern California Public Power Authority General Mmmger (7) · BAWUA (General Manager (2) · Coachella Valley Mosquito&Vector Control · Mid Peninsula Open Space District · Napa Sanitation District · San Marco County/Fairs and Expositions · Ventura Reg. Sanit. Dist HUGlIES, I'ERRY & ASSOCIA~I~ES Page 1 RECRUITMENTS / SEI J~,CTIONS BY POSITION AND CIJENT :: Assistant City/Comity Mmmger (30) City Attorney (26) · Beverly Hills** · Bakersfield · Corona** * Benicia · Daly City (2) ** · Campbell · Davis * Carlsbad and Assistant (2) · Hayward** · Danville · Huntington Beach** · Eureka · Irvine (2) · Garden Grove · Kirkland* · Glendale · Los Altos** · Hayward · Los Gatos** · Los Gatos · Milpitas** · Metropolitan Water District (GC) · Monterey** · Milpitas · Orange County Trailsit Authority · Moreno Valley · Oxnard** · Morgan Ilill · Pleasantoil (Assist. to the CM) · Napa · Redwood City* · Newport Beach (Assistant)** · Richmond* · Oya~ard (Assistant) · San Juan Capistrano · Paci~ca · San Marco County (Executive Assistant) · San Jose (Assistant) · Santa Cruz · San Jose (Deputy) · Santa Rosa (2) · San Marco · Seaside** · Santa Monica · Sunnyvale · Santa Rosa · Viaalia · Silnl Valley · Vista · Sulmyvale · Washoe County* · Watsonville (Administrative Assistant)-+* HUGlIES, Iz'ERRY & ASSOCIA~I~ES Page 2 ItECRUITMEN'I~J / SELECTIONS BY POSITION AND CI,IENT: ~:~:~.~.:: :~.~::,. ~:.~:: :;. ~ !.:; Police Clfief (52) Fire Chief (44) · Anaheim * Alhambra · Barstow · Buena Park · Behnont (2) · Campbell · Beverly ttills (2)** · Carlsbad** · Campbell · Central Fire District (Deputy) · Capitola · Corona* · Compton* · Corte Madera* · Concord · Daly City* · Corona* · Foster City** · Danville** · Fremont* · East Palo Alto · Half Moon Bay FPD · El Cajon · Hesperia (Deputy) · Escondido · Huntington Beach · Foster City · Kirkland (Deputy) *(4) · Greenfield , Kirkland * · Grants Pass, Oregon · Los Altos (Public Safety Director)* · Manteca (2)* · Glendale · Menlo Park (2) · Hayward (2) · Monterey (2)* · tiemet** · Monterey Park · Ilillsborough · Mountain View · Huntington Beach · Nevada County · Inglewood · Newark · Irvine (Public Safety Director) · Piedmont** · Kirkland, WA** · Redwood City** · Long Beach* · Reno (4)* · Manteca* · San Jacinto · Monterey* · San Marco · Mountain View · Santa Rosa (Deputy)** · Napa** · South Sail Francisco · Novato* · South County Fire · Paci~ca** · South County Fire · Pittsburg (Fire Marshal) · Redwood City* · Truckee Meadows FPD · Reno* (2) · Union City* · Ridgecrest · Watsonrifle* · San Bernardino · San Carlos · San Mateo** · Santa Monica · Santa Rosa (2) · Scottsdale, AZ · Seaside · Simi Valley · Tracy · Wichita* HUGlIES, I'EIIRY & ASSOCIAT~ES Page 3 ItECRUrrMEIYrS / SELECTIONS BY POSrfiON AND CIJENT,=: ];'.::~:::i:!~:.~:~yi?.:,;~,~,;,~: ~.~.:!; ~:~. ,:: . . Fhmnce Dh~ctor (21) · Berkeley · Carlsbad (Assistant) · Daly City (2) · Eugene, OR (Utilities Finance and Accounting Director) · Glendale (Assistant) · Itayward (2) · Irvine (Administrative Services DirectOr) · LACTC (Internal Audit) · LACTC (Controller) · Mountain View · Mountain View ( Revenue OFficer) · Pasadena (Utilities Finance and Business Manager) · Redwood City and Assistant (3) · San Marco County (Tax Collector/ Treasurer) · San Rafael Finance Director · Santa Clara County Transit (Fiscal Forecasting/h~alyst) · South San Francisco Plmmio~,/Commtmlty Development Dh~+or (28) · Belmont · Buena Park* · Carlsbad (Asst. Planning Director) · Daly City · Foster City · Gardena** · Irvine (2) · Irvine Cornre. Develop. Dir. · Kirkland · Los Angeles C.D.C. · Newark · Novato (2) * Pasadena · Pomona · Richmond · San Mateo (3) · San Marco County (HCDA) · San Rafael (Assistant)* · San Ramon · Santa Monica · Santa Rosa · Santa Rosa (Deputy) · Tracy · Washingtou Co., OR (Lined Development Manager & Housing Director) HUGlIES, PERI~Y & ASSOCIA~I~S Page 4 RECItUITMEN'I~d / SELECTIONS BY POSrfiON AND CIJENT!: :. ] !;~ ?:~ y: :!+ ~:?~i!:~..: ::',!:.~::,. ,' ] Adnfinistrative Services (3) · A.C. Transit · Kirkland Adm.Svcs. Dir.* · Seattle METRO l'elsoimel Dkx~c4ot' (25) · A.C. Transit (Labor Manager) · Alameda County (Deputy Director) · Alameda County (EEO Programs Mgr,) · Alameda County St. Personnel Officer · Carlsbad · Corona · Glendale, AZ · tlenderson, NV · Incline Village** · Long Beach (2)** · Mendocino · N.C.P.A. · Newark · Redwood City · SamTrans (San Marco Co. Transit) · San Diego County · San Luis Obispo · Santa Monica · Santa Rosa (2) · Seattle METRO Utilities Dire~&~r (26) · Alameda (Engineering Services Mgr.) · Alameda (Operation Services Mgr.) · Alameda Bureau of Electricity (Assistant General Manager & General Manager) · Anaheim (Water Production Manager and Water Distribution Manager)(2) Anaheinl Director of Engineering(water) Ariahelm Water Field Operations Mgr. Daly City (Water & Wastewater Dir.) Glendale Customer Services Admin. Glendale Public Services Director (2) Glendale Water Services Adlninistrator Glendale (Water Services and Electrical Services Directors)* Healdsburg Oakland (Electrical Service Manager) Palo Alto (Assistant) Palo Alto (Water Quality Manager) Pasadena (Business Operations Mgr.) Pasadena (Utility Resources Planning Manager) Santa Cruz (Water Services Manager) Santa Monica Persomtel Dh~:~'tor, Confd. · Stocktoil (Deputy)** · Stocktoll (Labor Relations)* · Viaalia Utilities DirectoHMmmger. Cont'd. · South Bayside Syste~n Authority (Source Control Supervisor) · Union Sanitary District · Ventura RSD WW Dir HUGHES, PI~ltJ~Y & ASSOC1AS!~ES Page 5 RECItUfi~IEN'I~ I SELECTIONS BY POSfflON AND CIJENT: :~ ;,:: :~/; !~'?,. ~ ::;,:.!.,~" , Public Works Dke~4off City Fa~iueer (47) Transpo~fion Director ( 10 ) $ · · · · S S · · · S · · · · · · · · Belmont (2)** Beverly Hills Campbell Campbell (City Engineer/Senior Civil Engineer) Carlsbad City Engineer Chino Daly City Emeryville Foster City (City Engineer) Foster City (Public Works Director) Fontana (Director, Assistant, Maintenance Director, and all Environmental Services Manager) Hercules** Huntington Beach Indian Wells Irvine Public Works Dir. Kirkland, Washington* Los Gatos Menlo Park (Superintendent) Modesto (Operations & Maintenance Director) Newark Oxnard Pasadena (Solid Waste Admin.) Pleasanton Portland (Maintenance) Reno (2)* San Bruno Sml Caries Santa Clarita Santa Monica Santa Rosa Santa Rosa - Deputy (2) Saratoga Sonoma County Stockton Tracy Tustin (Two Assistants) Union City and City Engineer (2) Yolo County · AC Transit (Planning Director) · Ariahelm · Glendale (TrafiicJTrans. Admin.) (2) · Orange County Transportation Authority (Transit Director) · Oxnard · Santa Rosa (Traffic Engineer) · West Ilollywood · West Hollywood (Traffic) · West Hollywood (Parking) Medical Dh~ors (4) · Pasadena (Health Officer) · San Marco County (3) Mental Healfi, Director (2) · San Mateo County · Tri-City Mental Health Agency Faxvhxnunental Health Director · Sail Mateo County (2) Hospital Dire~tor · San Mateo County Long-~nn Care Director * San Mateo County Public Health Dk~ctor · San Mateo County *Assessment Center Only/**Assessment Center and/or Recruitment Assistance HUGlIES, PEltRY & ASSOCIA~I~'S Page 6 RECRUITMEN'I~/SELECTIONS BY POSITION AND CIJENT:?~i !!::~ f i%i!.' :?!~ :?1 :.!i?~: ~ :.~:~: :!.:~,: hffonnation Services Direckn. San Mateo County Librm~ Director (6) · Glendale · ttayward* · Monterey Park* · Redwood City · Redwood City (Assistant)* · San Mateo Cldef Buildh~g Official (5) · Kirkland, WA* · Novato* · Pasadena · San Marco · Santa Rosa Recreation/Park Director (12) · Behnont · Lancaster · Long Beach · Los Gates · Monterey* · Monterey Park** · North Bakersfield PRD · Oxnard · Pasadena (Rose Bowl General Mgr.) (2) · San Carlos** · Santa Rosa Redevelopznen~nomic Developanent Dh~ztor (16) · Carlsbad (2) · Colton (3) · East Pale Alto · Eureka · Glendale · Long Beach (Manager) · Long Beach (Project Officer) · Mountain View (Shoreline Park Manager) · Novato* · Oceanside · Portland · Richmond · San Marco *Assessment Center Only/**Assessment Center and/or Recruitment Assistance HUGIIES, PERRY & ASSOCIA~EES Page 7 I',ECRUI'IWIENTS / SELECTONS BY POSITION AND C!JENI' !' !!,;: :!:?~:!!~!',!]:'i:]: ;: !;: ~ °:: ':::: . Convention/Visitot~ Bureau Dk~x,~or * Bakersfield Goff Course Dh~ztor · Incline Village Marketix~ l)h~tor · Glendale, AZ Mana~yement Analyst (3) , Pasadena (3)* Airport Manager o San Mateo County Public Defender · Mendocino County* Juvenile Dk~or * Washington County, OR City Clerk · Santa Monica Civil EnRjneer (2) · Santa Monica (2) Envix~nmental F~.~neer · Glendale Recyelin~ Coo~lixmtor · Glendale Mannper of Operations · Interstate Cleaning Corporation Rent Control Direc~ · West Hollywood Law Finn Adndnistrator · Hanson, Bridgett HUGlIES, PERilF & ASSOCIA~ES Page 8 ,RECRU1TMENTS I SELECTIONS BY POSYlION AND.CIJENT'!::=;i :=i:.':s::: .L. % ~:s:~:i !: ::iii'! :; :. : 2]:: ::: '!;: ::. · Middle/First I j~le Police Positions (45) · BART* · Belmont*(2) · Carlsbad (2)* · Foster City (2) · Glendale (2)* · Itumboldt Co. Commun. Mgr. · Kirkland (3)* · Livermore* · Los Altos* · Menlo Park* · Milpitas* · Morgan Hill* · Millbrae* · Monterey (2)* · Newark (4)* · Novato (2)* · Redmond* · Riverside* · San Bernardino* · San Marco (2)* · Sail Pablo (4)* · San Rafael* · Santa Cruz* · South Gate (2)* · Tracy (2)* · Union City (2)* · West Sacrmnento* Middle/First Ijne Fire Mannt*er Positions (32) * Alhambra · Central Fire District (BC)* · Corte Madera · Foster City (2) , Hesperia · King County (BC/Lt)(2)* · Kirkland, WA (Battalion ChieD(3)* · Irdrkland, WA (Capt]Lt)(2)* · Kirkland, WA (Deputy ChieD*(3) · Menlo Park (BC)*(2) · Newark (AssffCapt) (4)* , Novato Fire District (2)* , Pleasanton (BC/Capt) (2)* · Redmond (BC/others) (3)* · San Marco (Battalion ChieD* Updated 4/98 HUGlIES, PERRY & ASSOCIATES Page 9