HomeMy WebLinkAbout092490 CC Agenda AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA CITY HALL, 43172 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE SEPTEMBER 24, '1990 - 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request To Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Interview Candidates for Traffic Commission 2. Conduct Ballot Counting Procedure 3. AI3point Members of the Temecula Traffic Commission CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: September 25, 1990, 7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California 2/aOenda/061290 I 09113~90 CITY OF TEMECUL,4 QUESTIONS FOR TR,4FFIC COMMISSION C,4NDIDA TES Why should you be appointed to this Commission? How much time could you contribute? What could you contribute to this Commission? individual questions from City Council. 7:0OPM 7:15PM 7:30PM 7:45PM 8:00PM 8:15PM 8:30PM 8:4.5PM 9:00PM 9:15PM 9:30PM CITY OF TEMECULA SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS FOR THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 Jim Esl:och Jerry Godnick Ron Guerriero Bob Harmon Knox Johnson Bill Keller Dave Lander Randy Luth Steve Sanders Robert Walker Ron Roberrs February 6, 1990 Temucula City Council Temecula, California I would like to volunteer my services to be on one of your committees. moved into the area about one year ago and would like to help make our new city safe and sound. I am a down to earth honest working person who only wants what is best for all the people. I believe in researchino everything all the way. I beleive in dotno it all the right way and I will not be bought. Enclosed is a breif copy of one project I am working on. I am still working on making this street safe for the neighborhood. In the city we moved here from [ was a little league manager and served on its board. I helped with the planning commission. I did volunteer work with a senior circuit Golf Tournament at Wood Ranch. I am vice president for a Marketing Co. ends of the citrus and produce business. can help. We handle, buy, sell and service all My office is local so I believe that I am open for any question you might have or any references you might want. The only thing I can say is that I strive for perfection in all I do and I would like to help our new city become a city that people will be proud to say the,/live in. Thanks, James Estoch ~0480 Calle Medusa Temecula, CA 98390 Home 699-90?9, Work 699-6131 January 15, 1990 City of Temecula Temecula, California I am totally devastated that we have streets with no traffic enforcement on them. I mean people can not call anyone in the state to help stop speeders and people from running stop signs. I live on such a street and I Have gone through the following agencies for help to no avail: Local Sheriff Department Local Highway patrol County Road Department County Traffic Department County Boad of Supervisors (Walt Abrahams) The builder of the development (U.S. Homes) State senator's office (Mary Burgerson) Governor's office Governor's office of local law enforcement (Paul Zelfner) Channel ? on your side The Californian Newspaper AFter cver 9 months of fighting to prevent someone from getting killed I find ou[ there is a loophole in the law and no one will hel~ to make our lives safe. It is good to hear and read that people like our assembly woman is more interested in naming a freeway than making our streets safe. I can not beleive this and I am totally devastated. Who cares about a name. Could someone please tell me something other than people have to get killed before something will be done? In this time one kid was hit and paralized by a pick uo truck doing over 60 MPH in a 25 MPH zone. We have stop signs that people run and when you yell at them they just give you the finger. There is no police to call. I would like to warn every homeowner or prospective homeowner in the county of Riverside to be aware that you have no police traffic protection unless your street is admitted into the county road system. I mean not just dedicated for public use but it must be in the system. This could take as much as a year or two. That means you live with no traffic protection all that time. Be aware IF anyone would like to help or change this feel free to contact me. thinks I am not telling the truth feel free to check all my work running this down. If anyone I did on i sincerely hope new home buyers will check this out and I hope someone will do some~hing before some child is killed. I can not believe I live on a street in the United States of America where I can not get any police traffic protection for my family or neighbors. Thanks for listen >_~~ ~_ ing, James J. Estoch ~ (714) 699-9079 JERRY S. GODNICK 30569 Avenida Buena Suerte Temecula, California 92390 (714) 676-0026 PERSONAL DATA: ~ Birthdate - January 26, 1934 ~ 5'11" - 175 lbs. ~ Married, two grown sons EDUCATION AND TRAINING: ~ AA Degree - East Los Angeles tollege ~ BS Degree - Cal State College, Long Beach ~ Graduate S~udy - Golden Gate University, 24 Units U.C.L.A., 6 Units San Jose State, 3 Units In addition, I have extensive specialized training in vehicle thefzl. security and personal protection. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL - 07/08/58 to Present Current Rank: Assistant Chief - assigned as Assistant Commander ol Inland Division, a geographical area comprised of the counties of San Bernardino, Kiverside, Inyo, Mono and portions of Kern and Tuiare. During the course of my employment I have had the assignments and responsibilities: following ASSISTANT CHIEF - 01/01/84 to Present Responsible for supervision and administration of eleven areas wizh a total uniformed complement of 800+ officers. CAPTAIN - 07/01/78 to 12/31/83 Responsible for administering the operation of the largest, mosz complex area office in the state, the Central Los Angeles Area. LIEUTENANT - 05/02/72 to 06/30/78 Various assignments throughout the state ranging from Area Execunivt Officer to special assignments in the Commissioner's office and a one year assignment to the Governor's office of Traffic Safety. Ix addition, I had extensive experience in the California Vehicle Thefz Program, both as an investigator and as an administrator. SERGEANT - 09/15/67 to 05/01/72 Assigned to several areas, both as a Field Supervisor and as Director of the Vehicle Theft Program in the greater Los Angeles Area. STATE TRAFFIC OFFICER - 07/08/58 to 09/14/67 FEBURARY 13, 1990 CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. BOX 3000 TEMECULA, CA. 92390 PLEASE ACCEPT MY LETTER OF INTEREST FOR THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONS. I FEEL THAT MY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, AND ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND THE REALITY OF TRAFFIC SAFETY SITUATIONS, WILL MAKE ME AN ASSET TO THE COMMISSION. I AM VERY INVOLVED WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY, AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF HIGH SCHOOL, MIDDLE SCHOOL, AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COMMITTEES, AS WELL AS YOUTH LEAGUE ORGANIZATIONS. I HEAR THE CONCERNS OF OUR CITIZENS, AND UNDERSTAND THE VITAL NEED FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY IN TEMECULA. ER 41510 CHENIN BLANC TEMECULA, CA. 92390 RONALD C. GUERRIERO 41510 CHENIN BLANC ST. TEMECULA, CA. 92390 (714) 676-6150 AGE: 43 MARRIED, 3 CHILDREN PERSONAL: MY BACKGROUND IS COMPRISED OF A COM]BINAT!ON OF EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND OVER 18 YF. ARS OF PUBLIC REhTIONS, SALES, AND INDUSTRIAL/PUBLIC SAFETf. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1987-pRESCoTt - TI~FF!C SASETY M~_NAGEMINT/SAFETf CONSULT_J~NT. S="LF EMPL0k'ED. · TRAINING IN SAFETY PROGRAMS RELATED TO TI~ZF!C. 1984-1987 - M.~AGER, TRAFFIC SJ_FETY DIVISION. CjLIFOKN!A SAFETY COL~C!L. RESPONSIBLE FOR AUDITING ~/VD MONITORING PERSON1xFEL TIIOUGHOUr TIE STATE, FOR THE TRAFFIC VIOLATORS SCHOOL PROGR_~M, AS CONTR_~CTED BY ?..~2E DEPJJlTMINT OF MOTOR VEHICLES. ALSO INVOLVED IN SALES 0F, PRESENTATION OF IbFDUSTRI.~L SAFETY PROGRAMS, PRIMARILY IN SOblilY CALIFORNIA. 1979-1984 - VICE PRESIDENT AikFD SALES MINAGER. CROWN AUTO SALES J=ND LEASING. BUYING, RECONDITIONING, AND RESALE OF USED AUTOS, FOR WHOLESjLE. RETAIL. LEASING AGENT FOR N~ AND USED VEHICLES. THE BUSINESS WAS LOCATED IN STUDIO CITY, CA. 1978-1979 - REGIONAL SALES REP. THOMPSON BUILDING MATERIALS. 0RiNGE, CA. SALES OF BUILDING MATERIALS, LATH, AND PLASTERING MATERIALS TO RESIDSNT!AL, COMMIRICAL, AND PLASTERING CONTRACTORS. HEAVY. CUSTOMER RELATIONS, AND ATT~YDANCE AT ALL B. ! .A. FbnNCTIONS, PLASTERING ASSOCIATION MEETINGS. SERVED AS TREASURER FOR SOUTH]ELM CALIFORNIA PLASTERING INST!TLrrE. 1970-1977 - PATROL/TRAFFIC 0FCR./ACCIDENT INVESTIGATOR. CITY OF ORANGE ENFORCEMENT OF ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS, TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, AND VEHICLE COLLISON INVESTIGATION. REQUIRED HEAVY PUBLIC RELATIONS, AS WELL AS COMMUNITY TRAINING, AND SAFETY SUPPORT. 1968-1970 - AUDITOR/CREDIT ANALYST/CREDIT INVESTIGATOR. CHRYSLER CORP. CONDUCT INVENTORY AUDITS OF RETAIL AUTO DEALERSHIPS. CREDIT ANALYSIS OF NEW RETAIL ACCOUNTS, AND INVESTIGATION OF DELIQUENT ACCOUNTS. RESUME OF RONALD C. GUERRIERO, CONT. TRAINING AND EDUCATION: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY FULLERTON - BA CRIMINAL JUSTICE/SOCIOLOGY SADDLEBACK COMMUNITY COLLEGE - AA POLICE SCIENCE/BUSINESS ADMINISTRAT!I2 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE - 0NGOING COURSE WORK NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL - CERTIFICATE OF SAFETY MANAGEMENT LOS ANGELES POLICE ACADEMY - GRADUATE CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION - SUPERVISORS TRAINING CERTIFICA~ CHRYSLER CORPORATION - MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING CERTIFICATE CALIFORNIA SAFETY COUNCIL - INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION IN; DEFENSIVE DRIVING, FORKLIFT OPERATION, FiRE CONTROL, INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT INVEST.. ELECTRICAL SAFETY, AND LOSS CONTROL/RISK MANAGEMENT UNITED STATES NAVY TRAINING SCHOOL - FIRE CONTROL, ELECT. SAFETY, AND ELECTRONICS. VIET NAM VETERAN. REALITY WORLD R.E. TRAINING COURSE. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: ACTIVE DUTY CAMBODIA. PASSED REAL ESTATE STATE EXAM JULY, 1989. ...AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY ENGINEERS-MEMBER ...POLICE OFFICERS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA ...AMERICAN RED CROSS - FIRST AID/CPR INSTRUCTOR, EMERGENCY DISASTER PREPARATION INSTRUCTOR, AND TEAM LEADER ...ACTIVE MEMBER OF TEMECULA UNIFIED SCHOOLS PTA, AND COMMITTEE MEMBER OF BOTH RANCHO SCHOOL AND MARGARITA MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHOOL SIT' IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, AND TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL BOOSTERS. ...TEME(ZULA VALLEY LITTLE LEAGUE AND SOCCER LEAGUE AS MANAGER AND lEST. COACH REFERENCES: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP OF COMPANIES January 30, 1990 BOB HARMON, AAI. InsuranceAgency Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager - City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Dr. P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA. 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshire, Bob Harmon 40050 Holden Cir. Temecula, CA. 92390 676-0886 FEe 0 ',:-, It is my understanding that the Council is now in the position ~o start selection of citizen advisory commissions. This letter will serve as my application to be nominated for the Traffic Advisory Commission. My qualifications for such position are as follows: - Resident of Temecula, since November 1988. - Former Traffic Commissioner, City of Oceanside, 1987 - 1988 - Former Police Officer, City of Oceanside, 1975 - 1976 - Accident and Liability Investigator, Farmers Insurance Group of Companies, Various Claims Offices, 1988 - 1990 - Insurance Agent, Farmers Insurance Group, Temecula, Present On the prior commission, I was experienced in public forums, scene investigations, staff interface (engineering, police, streets, and CalTrans), workshops, Brown Act regulations and continuing education. I have followed the progress of the signal installations, the flow of traffic, the remedial remedies, and the Chamber of Commerce's committee suggestions for the last year. I feel that I am qualified, experienced, and informed and would provide the Council with the expertise desired from a commissioner. I thank you in advance for every consideration you can make in presenting me to the Council. Very truly yours, Bob Harmon AMERICA CAN DEPEND ON FARMERS 27475 Ynez Road. Suite 300. Temecula. CA 92390 o 3usiness: (714)676-1991 January 31, 1990 City of Temecula City Council 43172 Business Park Drive P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Council Members: , My name is Knox Johnson and I live at 29681 Avenida del Sol, Temecula (Meadow- view). I would like to submit my name for consideration for an appoinement to the Temecula Traffic Commission. I have lived at the above address since August of 1986 and have owned that property since February 1984. I have been a board member of the Meadowview Community Association since October of 1986. I have been an active member of the Traffic Subcommittee of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Growth Awareness Committee since October of 1987 as an interested private citizen. I am not a member of the Chamber. As a member of the Traffic Committee I am very aware of the traffic problems within the city and have some knowledge of the steps required to resolve them. I have worked closely with the Riverside County traffic engineers and other county personnel in obtaining most of the traffic improvements that have been made over the last two and a quarter years. I am a retired electronic engineer, retiring from the Northrop Corp. after working there 35 years. My area of work was in electronic and avionic systems at both the Electronic and Aircraft Divisions of Northrop. During my career I held senior technical management positions and for a while I was a director of avionics programs at the Aircraft Division. I would bring to the Commission my experience in program/projecct management, the capability of looking for the best solutions to difficult problems within the confines of budget requirements and the needs of the community, as well as the compromises that would be required. Since I am retired, I have the time to devote to the Traffic Commission. As I and my family drive in Temecula, I have a strong interest in improving the traffic and traffic safety problems that we have in this community. Respectfully, q/~ Knox Jo May 14, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Sirs: I am interested in applying to serve on the Traffic Commission for the City of Temecula. I am a Registered Civil Engineering in the State of California and the State of Colorado and have been involved in land development layout for the past thirteen years. I have lived in Temecula for two years and work for Webb, Hawkins & Associates in the City of Temecula. I am currently on the Traffic Committee through the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce. I am very interested in projects that affect the future of our city. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, William D. Keller 41774 Humber Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Home: (714)699-1810 Work: (714)676-2443 BOROS, BALCHER AND LANE · ,~,,~..,.',,~,,. ~'..~ .. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. -~ ~, ..,, ~..... ..... ~'.~ "~-~":? '- ~. Ternecula CA 92390 February 26, 1990 Offices at:. Colton Nappa Temecula Mayor Ron Parks and City Council City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Re: Traffic Commission Dear Mayor Parks and City Council: I request consideration for appointment to the Traffic Commission. I have a long history of community service, including two terms on the Los Alamitos City Council and two years on the Planning Commission. As a council member, I served on several regional, County and League of Cities committees. My reputation is one of hard work, tenacity and fairness. My family and I recently purchased a home and moved to Temecula. I have opened a law practice in this land of opportunity. We consider Temecula our permanent home. I am anxious to serve my city in any way possible. Traffic is obviously the number one problem facing the city. The solution will require imagination, courage and community commitment. I would like the opportunity to contribute my share. Very truly yours, David A. Lander cc Perry Peters, Chamber of Commerce DAVID ~. ~D~R 30070 Calle Carranza Temeeula, CA 92390 (bus) (714) 694-0797 (res) (714) 699-8272 PERSONAL AND FAMILY BACKGROUND Date of Birth: February 18, 1938 Marriage: June 22, 1986 Children: Children of a prior marriage: Adopted September 15, 1987: COMMUNITY SERVICE Planning Commission, City of Los Alamitos City Council, City of Los Alamitos Mayor, City of Los Alamitos Member of Orange County Criminal Justice Council Chairperson 1981 League of California Cities, Public Safety Commitee Southern California Association of Governments - Community, Economic and Human Development Commitee Chairperson 1986 District Attorney's Advisory Committee - Victim Witness Program, Chairperson Member of Cultural Arts Committee, City of Costa Mesa Cub Master, Pack 373, Costa Mesa Temecula Chamber of Commerce, Legislative Commitee Rancho, Temecula, Murrieta Kiwanis PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Attorney: Member of California State Bar Boros, Balcher & Lander, Temecula Personal Injury Prosecution Law Offices of Alexander Polsky, Tustin Counsel for Fireman's Fund, Personal Injury Defense Metz, Johnson & Larson, Fullerton Counsel for Western Employers Insurance Company, Personal Injury Defense Law Offices of James E. Cusick, Los Angeles Counsel for Harbor Insurance, Personal Injury Defense Camil & Ross, Santa Fe Springs General Practice with emphasis on Municipal Law. Served as Assistant City Attorney, Santa Fe Springs, Planning Commission Counsel, City of Duarte Law Offices of David A. Lander, Los Angeles and Encino General Practice Law Offices of William Strong, Beverly Hills General Practice Law Offices of Arnold M. Cowan, Redondo Beach General Practice Cheryl Lander Lori, age 2~ Lisa, age 2~ Danielle, age Joshua, age 1976 - 1973 1978 - 198d 1984 - 198~ 1979 - 198' 1978 - 1982 1982 - 198~ 1982 - 1987 198~ 198~ 199: 19~: 1963 - Presen: 199; 1983 1981 - 198~ 1973 - 198' 1969 - 1973 1964 - 1963 196~ 1962 31260 Ashmi 11 COurt Temecu 1 a, CA . 92390 June 13, lgg0 Temecula City Council P. 0. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear City Council: My wife and I have been residents of Temecula for almost a year now and we really enjoy living here. We enjoy what this community already has to offer and are excited about its potential. As commuters, we also get to experience the traffic problems our growing city is faced with. I am an electronics engineer at the Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station. As an engineer, my responsibilities include reviewing technical proposals and making recommendations about their cost, feasibility, and need. I feel that my · engineering experience as well as my commuter insights would be beneficial to the T. T.~raffic CommissionL~j This community has a very bright future and I would be honored to be a part of shaping its future. Sincerely, Randy A. Luth RANDY A. LUTH 31260 Ashmill Court Temecula, CA 92390 Phone: (714} 699-7447 OBJECTIVE: EDUCATION: WORK HISTORY: 1987 to Present PERSONAL: Member of Traffic Commission for the City of Temecula. B.S., University of California, Irvine, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Grade Point Average 3.0/4.0 Cerritos College Major: Engineering Grade Point Average 3.9/4.0 Engineering Student of the Year Award, 1985 USS Pelias Scholarship, 1985 FALLBROOK NAVAL WEAPONS STATION Project Enqineer (1987 to Present) Report to Senior Project Engineer. Provide engineering support for test and evaluation of HARPOON and TOMAHAWK guidance systems. Age 28 Married Registered Voter REFERENCES: References available upon request. # H. STEVE SANDER, A.I.A. ARCHITECT AND PLANNER July 10,1990 The Honorable Members of THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEMECULA,CA RE: Selection of the CITY TRAFFIC CO~4ISSIONERS. I am submitting my application to serve on the Traffic Commission of the City of Temecula. My architectural and planning records are reflected in the attached resume. During my more than forty years in California I have been active in the service to the communities we lived My experience gained during the four years on the "University Community Planning Group'Board" dealing with the rapid growth problems in San Diego's suburbs and the solutions to traffic problems could be applied to many of our developments in and for the City of Temecula. · It would be a challenge for me to become an active member and participant in the growth and development of this community. Sincerely, H.Steve Sander 40213 Holden Circle Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 699-6921 H. STEVE SANDER, A.I.A. ARCHITECT AND PLANNER 40213 Holden Circle QUALIFICATION RESUME Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 699-6921 EDUCATION: REGISTRATION: PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: EMPLOYMENT RECORD: Architect and Planner in all fields and phases of activities connected with the planning, design and construction supervision of buildings including administration of Architect-Engineer firm. Dipl.-Lng. (M.Arch.) Technical University, Hannover, Germany, graduate work in City Planning. Fallout Shelter Analysis Course, Port Huenerne, California. Real Estate Appraisal Course,San Diego Community College, 1977-78 Germany, Oregon, Cal].fornia C-1345 American Institute of Architects Committee on ~r.Chitecture for Health Cons tructio~ Specifications Lns ti~utc Lncorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors, London, England' Architect-Partner x-.1 Architect-Engineer firm Ben Heckler Associates 1960-1974 Own firm 1959 - 1960, 1984 - present Daniel, Mann, Johnson ~ Mendenhall, Los Angeles Project Architect 1958 - 1959 Kanner-Mayer & Associates Associate Architect 1947 - 1957 Neptune & Thomas/~ssociates Project Mana~;er- 1974-1984 Planning, Research & Consulting Own firm' 1984- present CIVIC ACTIVITIES AND MEMBERSHIPS: La Crescenta Home Owners Assn - Vice Pres. 1948-50 La Crescenta Citizens Council, Board Member 1951-5Z "Montrose Beautiful" Organization - Chairman 1960-61 "Gaveliers" Toastmasters of La Canada - Pres. i959-60 Descanso Gardens Master Plan Steering Corn. 1961-62 Kiwanis Club, Montrose - Corn. Chairman 196 1-68 Crescenta-Canada (Behrens) I-Iospltal, Steering & Site Selection Corn. Chairman La Canada Presbyterian Church, Landscape Corn. - Chairman Deacon La Canada Valley Beautiful - Chairman La Canada Parks and Recreation District - Chairman elect Foothill Conservation and Planning League - Co-chairman Flying Samaritans Inc., Chairman, Los Angeles Chapter .Townhall - Los Angeles . La Mision Association-Board r, lember Architecture for [Iealth. Committee -Chairman, San Diego/AIA University Community Plan,,ing Group -Exec. Committee Member Archaeological Institute of America -President ,San Diego 'Society San Diego Energy. Recovery Project, -Member, Architectural Review Committee, City/County or S.D. Chairmsn~'URBAN DESIGN EI,EMENT" Subcommittee of UCPG, SanDiego 1962-63 1955-59 1961-63 1963-68 1969 1968-70 1971 1958 1978-85 1984-88 1985-88 1985-87 1985-87 1987-88 TYPES OF PRO~TECTS: RESIDENTIAL: COMMERCIAL: EDUC AT IONAL: MEDICAL BUILDINGS: CITY AND MASTER PLANNING: Custom Residences, Apartment Buildings, Residential Devel.opments and Suburban Planning and Environmental Design. Stores, Shopping Centers, Office Buildings (including highrise), Parking Structures, ~Ararehousing, Passenger and Air Freight Terminal, Restaurant, Country Club. District Offices, Automobile Club of Southern California Pacific Telephone Company Buildings, Los Angeles Bank of America, La Canada Branch Brainard Avenue Elementary School; 93rd Street School; Frances Blend School for the B1hnd; additions to schools for handicapped children and classroom buildings on 30 sites, Los Angeles, Unified School District; Agricultural and Trade High School Buildings, San Vicente, Mexico; Flower Show and Educational Building, Descanso Gardens, County of Los Angeles. Victory Blvd. School, L. A. Dental Technicians School,U.S. Navy,San Diego Medical buildings in Van Nuys, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and Sacramento, CalLfornia - Air Force Hospital moderniza- tion, Norton Air Force Base, California. Naval Regional ~nter,San Diego. Kaiser Permanents Medical Center and ~ledical Buildings, (Remodel & new constr. )San lDieg~. Suburbs and Subdivisions, Germany; Redevelopment and improvement studies, Civic and Corru-nercial District, 1Viontrose, California; Glendale Civic Center, South Glendale and La Canada, California; Campus Development Plan - Experimental Farm and Trade High School, San Vicente, lk4exico. Development Plan on 40-acre site, Lompoc, California; Development, 1v[odernization, Re- placement, and Landscaping Plan, Norton Air Force Base, California. (Five-Year Development plan.) 'URBAN DESIGN ELFA~IF_ANT', Universi.ty Community Plan City.of San Diego -: ':' · ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. .: ...::: . · ' ..... Urban Design ~ the generally · . .' ..., . accepted name for the process of giving physical design direction .and change. ff ~ understood to include landscape as well as ' buildings preservation, adapta- tion and new ,constrUction.· 1989 in Nov.89 "Urban Design is the complex Interaction of physical and psychological factors relating to our urban environment. It provides the sense of place, of diversity and of distinctiveness so often lacking in land use plans." "Urban Design defines the image of a community. Urban Design Cdteria provide the foundation for evaluating proposed projects.". "Urban Design is differentiated from planning by its primary .concern with three dimensional space and form. It recognizes that buildings and spaces when seen together produce a total effect that characterizes a communih/." of ' Urban' Design Element ' CommUnity, ['l.anning Group. .. 1987/88 ":.:::URBAN DESIGN ELEMENT '.-:" U'niversity Community Plan · ' DraftJuly ~ # '- Subm~t,t, ed to SAN DIEGO [>LANLN~N(] C(,)HHISSJ:ON 9/88~ passed l~assed by San lJie~;o. City Council. ~n Janugry of ~99(J lio · Steve Sander ~ Cliair'man Committee University POSITION OBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1979 to 1990 1969 to lgTg 1966 to 1988 EDUCATION Robert B. Walker Residence 31110 Corte Arroyo Vista Temecula, Ca 92390 (71~)699-6431 MemOe~ or the Temecuia Traffic Commission. Caii~ornia HiEhwa. y Fatro~ Santa Fe Spcings. Westminster and Capistrano Area O~ices State ?~arric Se?~eant While working in these A~ea Offices as a rie~ supervisoF [ cooF~inane~ col latef. ai duties chat inciu~ed: Occumacionai Saret'¢ T~ainin~ Eme~cenc./ Opepanions and Somcieny Checkpoints. [ was also on the Division Protective SeFvices Detaii as a moloccaae SuDef"/iSof', Caiif. Hi_~nwav Pa.r. ro, West Los Angeles and Westminste~ A~ea O~fices State ?tarrio Officer. While wo~Kin~ in these Ar. ea Offices [ was assi,~ned to road 'paccc~ , seE"jed on sevef. ai commiLtees an~ assis~e~ wiLn ~uD[ic affairs presen~a~i,Dns when neede~. Academy of Defensive Drivin~ 31726 Rancno Viejo Ro. Ste tt8. San Juan Capist~an~, Ca ~2675 Traffic SChoOi [nsLPucnor Part time joD teacnin~ Traffic Violators School two to thcee limes per month. Golden West Coile~e. Huntington Beach. California Associate in Arts in Administration ,Dr Justice, 1/26/76 GPA: 3.36 Unive~sit,/ o_L Re,j~ands. Redianos. Calirocnia 5acheLoF or Arts in Libecal Studies. 12-16-77 Mil~Of': FubLic A~mlnistr-aLio~ GPA: 3.28 Robert B. Walker Page 2 8-89 to 12-89 Mr. San Jacinto College Off Campus Class-31555 Rancho Vista Rd..Temecula. Ca 92390 CIS llO-introduction to Computers and Data Froceasing. 1-3-90 tO o-_~r-90 UniversiLy or Caiifornia at Riverside UCR Extension Cen~er. ~0~,55 County ,Senter Dr. Temecula,Ca RE X463-Real EeLate Appraisal PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1967 to 1989 Kiwanis Club of CaoisLrsn,o v'site:,' Served as Treasurer in 88/89 F.,'E. Coordinated and assisted wiLb numerous rung raisin~ everiLe that benirited several I,DCa[, nationai anO international charitable organizations. 1969 ~o Present California Ass,aciation of Hi~n,~a,,.- Fa.'.f,Dimen Dur in~ the parr, :Q ':/e~rs [ na.'.-,e ser'~e,J President, ~ice-Presiden~. Secretar. y and Treasurer o~ locai CHP office c[uOs that the CHP ~i,d,Dws & Orp. hans PERSONAL As a resident of ]'emecuia since 1968 I have cioseiy moniLored the ~row%h of this young community and would like to have some input into its future deveiopment. I feel thaL my experience with the California Highway Patrol and with the Kiwanis Club can be a ~reat value and benefit to our community. As [ am presently on disability leave and ab,Dut to retire ~rom the Highway Patrol [ have the time and would appreciate the opportunity to secve on the ?ratfir Commission. REFERENCES Available upon request POSITION OBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 19T9 to 199{3 1969 to 1979 1986 to 1988 EDUCATION Robert B. Walker Residence 31110 Corte Arroyo Vista Temecula, Ca 92390 (71~)699-6~31 MemOec or the Temecuia Traffic Commission. (California Hishw~.y Fatroi Santa Fe Sprin~s. Westminster and Capistrano Area Offices State ?~arric Se~eann ~hile wo~kin~ in these A~ea Offices as a field supervisop I coorOinaneo collanef. ai duties than inciu~ed: OccupaEi,Dnal Safety. Training, Emergency Opera%ions and Som~iety Checkmoinns. [ was also on the Division ~rotecnive SeFvices Detail as a Cafif. Hi~nwav Pa. Lroi West Los Angeles and Westminster Area Offices State ?2attic Officer. While wo~Kin~ in these Area 0trices [ was assi4ned to road paLFOi. sea. red on sevef. ai comalittees aria assisted with puCiic affairs presentations when needed, Academy of Defensive Drivin~ :31726 Rancno Viejo Ro,Ste 118. San juan Capist~an~, Ca ~2675 Traffic Schooi [nSL~UCLOF Part time joD teacnin~ Traffic Vi,Dlato~s School two to three Limes per month. Golden West Coi le~e. Hunting_ton Beach. California Associate in A~ts in Administration or Justice, 1/26.,.76 GPA: 3.36 Universit,/o__[_r Redlands. Redianos, Caliror. nia ~acheiot or Arts in Liberai Studies. 12-16-77 Minor.: Public Administ£.aLio~ GPA: 3.28 Ronald H Roberts 41140 Avenida Verde Temecula, CA. 92390 February 4, 1990 J. Sal Munoz City Councilman City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA. 92390 State of California Department oi~ Calitornia Highway Patrol Rancho California Area 27685 Commerce Center Drive Rancho Cali/ornia, CA 92390 R. H. Roberrs Sergeant (7 14) 676-0112 Dear Councilman Munoz; I respectfully request that my name be submitted for consideration in the selection of members for the City of Temecula's Traffic Commission. At the request of Mr. Aleshire, I developed a Traffic Congestion Relief Plan for the City. This plan was implemented with private funding for a trial period and proved to be highly successful. I also have been appointed by the City Council to the Traffic Committee. At the present time, I am serving as the chairperson of that group. As a member of the community I would like to continue this involvement as our City grows. I believe that as a member of the California Highway Patrol for 24 years, I have developed the skills in traffic management and planning requisite to being successful in this assignment. I also have developed excellent working relationships with the Riverside County Road Department and Cal-Trans. I reside in the Meadowview area of Temecula and as a member of the community, look forward to assisting our new City in traffic management and planning. I have attached a resume and a copy of my Traffic Congestion Relief Plan for the City Councils' review. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Ron Roberrs RESUME Ronald H. Roberts EXPERENCE State Traffic Sergeant. Temecula Area. July 1988 to present Duties: Field Operations Sergeant. Area Training Supervisor. Commercial Facilities Supervisor. Advisor on Traffic Committee - 1990 Balloon and Wine Festival. Chairman of Traffic Committee - City of Temecula State Traffic Sergeant. July 1983 to July 1988. Central Los Angeles Area. Duties: Field Operations Sergeant. Administrative Operations Sergeant. Acting Administrative Lieutenant State Traffic Sergeant. August 1982 to July 1983. Los Angeles Communication Center. Duties: Watch Commander. State Traffic Officer. Baldwin Park Area. January 1966 to August 1982. Duties: Field Patrol. Commercial Enforcement Officer. Field Training Officer. SPECIALIZED ASSIGNMENTS Associate Instructor - CHP Academy. State Traffic Officer Cadet Qualifications Appraisal Panel (Oral Board) State Service Representative, 1985 to present. Member of Planning Staff - 1984 Olympics, Central Los Angeles. Area liaison for special event traffic planning with City of Los Angeles. (Dodger Stadium and Coliseum), 1984 to 1988. TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF PLAN designed for City of Temecula Sergeant Ron Roberts California Highway Patrol TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF PLAN designed for City of Temecula During the past year, the Temecula area has experienced a dramatic rise in traffic flow on the two major traffic arteries over the 1-15 Freeway connecting the east and west sides of the City. The two major highways are Winchester Road (S/R 791 and Rancho California Road. The addition of stop signs on both overcrossings to alleviate freeway off-ramp traffic have also appeared to exacerbate the congestion during peak commute traffic hours, causing traffic to back-up to nearby intersections and create near gridlock conditions. Morning commute traffic on Winchester Road appears to be heaviest travelling westbound. Stop and go traffic on Winchester Road starts east of Ynez Road and continues past the 1-15 Freeway overcrossing to Jefferson Avenue. A ripple effect causes traffic to also back up on northbound Ynez Road from Winchester Road. Morning commute traffic on Rancho California Road appears to be equally divided. The heaviest traffic in both directions continues to be east of the freeway due mainly to the close proximity of Front Street and it's signalized intersection. Afternoon commute traffic on eastbound Winchester Road backs up from the 1-15 Freeway overcrossings to several blocks west of Jefferson Avenue. As the result of northbound traffic on Jefferson Avenue making right turns onto eastbound Winchester Road during left turn phases, near gridlock has developed on eastbound Winchester Road west of Jefferson Avenue. Vehicles entering Winchester Road from parking lots and side streets add to this congestion. Afternoon commute traffic on eastbound Rancho California Road backs up from the freeway overcrossings to west of Diaz Road. Traffic on north and southbound Front Street also backup for some distance due to the congestion on Rancho California Road between Front Street and the overcrossing. Traffic on Rancho California Road east of the freeway is usually free flow The intersection of Ynez Road and Rancho California Road has little traffic congestion during commute traffic hours. A study of the traffic patterns on the two congested highways by this Department has revealed that the optimum solution would be the replacement of the stop signs at the two overcrossings with synchronized traffic signals.. This would allow a much larger volume of traffic to move unrestricted through the problem areas. As a short term solution until signals are installed, the following action plan is recommended. ACTION STEPS Traffic Direction Provide traffic direction at the following locations during peak traffic hours. Winchester Road at s/b 1-15 off-ramp. Winchester Road at n/b 1-15 off-ramp. Winchester Road at Ynez Road· Rancho California Road at s/b 1-15 offramp. Rancho California Road at n/b 1-15 offramp. ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS 1. Winchester Road. Create additional westbound traffic lane on Winchester Road from Ynez Road to west of 1-15. Add additional left turn lane on westbound Winchester Road at Jefferson Avenue. By utilizing a split phase signal, the lane would be designated as an optional through traffic lane. 2. Front Street· Add additional left turn lane from southbound Front Street to east bound Rancho California Road. Lengthen present left turn lane from southbound Front Street to eastbound Rancho California Road. 3. Rancho California Road. Create right turn only traffic lane on eastbound Rancho California Road at 1-15 southbound onramp. Create right turn only traffic lane on westbound Rancho California Road at 1-15 northbound onramp. Lengthen left turn 1-15 freeway access lanes on Rancho California Road. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Reconditioning and repainting of all roadway markings in problem area. Post additional "Right lane must turn right" signs and road markings on Front Street at Rancho California Road. 3. Post anti-gridlock warning signs· Rancho California Road at Front Street· b. Winchester Road at Jefferson Avenue· CITY OF TEMECULA TRAFFIC COMMISSION CANDIDATES Ballot Vote for 5 Jim Estoch Jerry Godnick Ron Guerriero Bob Harmon Knox Johnson Bill Keller Dave Lander Randy Luth Ron Roberts Steve Sanders Robert Walker