HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 S�teraent of Organization DateStamp � _ Recipient Committee o - � �I � 5tatement7ype 0 ��6�Bb�� ForOtfivaluseOl ❑Initial � Amendment TerminaHon—SeePartS � Notyetqualified � or Listl.0.num6er. Lis[I.D.number. � ���V���ND F��.�� 13777�1 , JUI_ 2 O PO�S in he office of the Secretary of S1ate . � p � � of lhe Stale of Califomia �3�2015 _�_� �_� `�e����� ���'. J U L 2 3 2015 Date qualifed as committee Date qualified as committee Date of 7ermination , . pf aoai�canie� 1 .Committee Informat�on. . = -" .,, ;.,,,,�, , , ':". ;2,;_.Treasuier and Other;Principal;Officers � , - ;' � ^ w"; ,� NAMEOFCOMMITTEE � � NAME OF TflEASUPEP � ' M i like Mike for Temecula City Council 2016 Michael S. Naggar STREETADD0.ESSIrv0V.0.B0%) STREETADONESS�NOP.O.BO%) � � 445 S. D St. 445 S D St. CITY AATE ZIVCODf AREACOOE/VHONE CITY STPTE ZIPCOOE ANEACOOE/OHONE Perris CA 92570 9515517730 Perris CA 92570 9515517730 MAILING PDDRE55(IF OffFERENT) NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASUPER,IF ANY FA%/E-MAIIA��RE55 � � STPEEiA00HES5�NOP.0.00%� ' COUNTYOF�OMICILE 1U0.1501CTI0NWHFPECOMMIiTEE�SARNE CITY STATE ZIPCODE AREACOOE/PHONE Riverside Temecula ' NAME OF PRINCIPAI OFFICEP�S� STREETADORESS INO P.O.BO%) Attach additional informa[ion on appropriately labe/ed contlnuatton sheets. CITY STATE ZIPCOOE APEACODE/PHONE 3 :Veri cat�on ''_;.'.� .. . ., _. :.:- . .,: �. . G '. > .,. y. .:">�' . r ., i�. ` . .i...._.1 , s ; � _? .. _5 s.. ; ; ,. a}. � _ I have used all�reasonable diligence in preparing this-statement and[o the best of my knowledge��the information contained herein is true and complete.�I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of ihe State of California that e foregoing is true and correct. . July 6th, 2015 �M Ezewted on ey OATf 51 pTUREOFTflEPSURERORP5515TANTT0.fA5URfN . . July 6th 2015 Executed on ey DATE . SIGNATl1REOFCONTPOLLING FlCEHOLOE0..CpNDIOATE,00.5TATEMEASUPEGPOPONENT Exewted on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFlCEHOLDER,CANDIDATE,O0.STPTE ME�SONE�qOPONENT Executed on By DPTE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFlCEHOLDER,CANDI�ATE,OP STATE MEASUPE PROPONENT . FPPC Form 410(Dec/2012� � . FPPC Advice:advice@fppaca.gov(866/2753772) www.fppt.w.gov S4arternent of Organization � • ' � , � � Recipient Committee o ' INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Page 2 fAMMITTEE NAME I.D.NUMBEP i like Mike for Temecula Clty Council 2016 1377711 • All committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FINANCIAL WSTIT�TION NNEA CO�E/PHONE OANK ACCOUNT NOMOE0. Wells Fargo Bank 9516995051 5945890605 ADONE55 CITY STATE 21FCODE 31963 Rancho California Road Temecula CA 92592 > h.- -a, �. -- ��.. �c. e . �. „r ,..� r'� -� ' 4 �TypeofCommittee Completetheapplicablesections }.,f `� ,;� = 4b mn�< � _ .,Y.' ,,..,t `�. , .�?' _�._ %,i�. .,� _,. �:. . `,-�h K ;- • List the name of each controlling oHiceholder,candidate,or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled,also list the elective office sought or held,and district number, if any, and the year of the election. • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check"nonpartisan" • If this committee acts jointly wi[h ano[her controlled committee,list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee. ELECTIVE OFqCE SOUGHT OR HEL� NAME OF CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLOER/STATE MEASURE PROPONENT (INCLU�E DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) YEAR OF ELECTION VARTY e Nonpartisan Mike Naggar City Council City of Temecula 2016 ❑ Nonpartisan Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candida[es or measures in a single election. List below: CANDIDATE�S)NAME OP MEASURE�S)FULLTIRE(INCLUDE BFLLOT NO.Oft LETTEF) CANDIDATE�S)OFFICE SOUGHT OP HEI�OR MEASUREISIIURISOICTION (INC W�E DISTRIQ NO.,CITV OR COUNTV,AS APPLICABLE) CHECK ONE SUPFORT OVPOSE Mike Naggar City Council of Temecula � � �� �� FPPC Form 410�Dec/2012� . FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275•3772) www.fppc.ca.gov r Sfaterwent of Organization ' • ' , e Recipient Committee • INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Page 3 I.D.NUMBER COMMITTEE NAME I like Mike for Temecula Clty Council 2016 1377711 ,.. �s o- � . � ,� �. d �.: � I :: ys C ,'. 9 aD�,+. ^- � r. 4 TypeyofCommittee,,.. Ico�e��ea�y ,. . _' . „ _. .'.. . .. -� ._. °..;. . w,. . .- r`'.,..,. . .,.,. s....t. s.� .. s,.-� .n�,.. « .,w .. r�.. e..... . ,k, n.s. ". - Not formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. Check only one box: ❑ CITY Committee ❑ COUNTY Committee� STATE Committee G0.0VIDE BflIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY �� �ist additional sponsors on an attachment. NAME OF SPONSOR INDUSTRY GROUP OP AFFlLINTION OF SPONSOP STRfETA0�RE5S NO.ANDSTftEET CRY SfATF ZIVCODE ��� � mee oozGM1ed . , .: r. S;;Tf'ITlllridYlOtl Rf_C�UI[Ellle11Y5 By,signingtheverificahon thetreasurer ass�s[anttreasurerand/orcandidate officeholder,orproponentiert(ythat�allof[hefollowingcondit�onsFavebeenme[,yIP,�Yc "'' • This committee has ceased to receive contributions and make expenditures; • This committee does not anticipate receiving contributions or making expenditures in the future; • This committee has eliminated or has no intention or ability to discharge all debts, loans received,and other obligations; • This committee has no surplus funds; and • This committee has filed all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions. -- There are restrictions on the disposition of�surplus campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving oHice and by defeated candidates. Refer to Govemment Code Section 59519. -- Leftover funds of ballot measure committees may be used for political, legislative or governmental purposes under Government Code Sections 89511-89518,and are subject to Elections Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regulatlon 18521.5. FPPC Form 410(Dec/2012) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) � www.fppc.ca.gov � � i � ��� I I " Statement of Organization ' �ates�amP . _ Recipient Committee //// '•. � - � � • StatementType �7�j �� ����� ��p ��L�� �Initial ` ✓J❑ Amendment ❑ TerminaHon—See PartS if1 lh olfice of tiie Secretary of Siafc ForOtficialUseOnly �� List I.�.number. List I.D.number: Not yet qualified � or . Of(hE Ct�!e of C���4^�*-�a . # M JUN Ol 2015 -i-i i-i �� Da�e qualified as committee Date qualified as mmmittee Da[e of ierminarion �1(appliable� '�apfl�sm�as.�.—.-u+�M a.t � �q-ar.m��v:vnv •„, ommittee.lnormation �� 2�TreasurerandOLherePr,meipalOfficers.-� �,�y g �- � ��� Nr1KE0FCOMMITTEE NTME OF TREASUflEP I Like Mike Naggar for Temecula City Council 2016 Michael S. Naggar ST0.EET AODflE55�NO P O.BOX� SiREEi R000.E55�NO V.O.BOX) 445 South D Street 445 South D Street CITV STAiE ZI>CODE AqEI�CO�E/FHONE CIiY STRTE LPCODE AREACODE/PHONE Perris CA 92570 (951)551-7730 Perris CA 92570 (951)551-7730 MHILING A��RE55�IF�IFLERENTf NqME OF ASSISTANT TPEASUREfl,IF PNY FA%/E�MFIL A��0.E55 SiREET ADORE55(NO P.O.BO%) COUNTYOFOOMICI�' IUflI501QIONWHERECOMMIiifEISAQNE CIiV AATE ZIPCODE AflEPCOOE/PNONE Riverside Temecula NPME OF CqINCIPFt OFFlCEfl�S) SiREEiF�OPE55�N0 P0.80%) Attach additional information on appropriately labeled mntlnuatlon sheetr. __ CRY STATE Z�PCOOE APEACODE/PHONE 3S`�iVemficat�onF � .� I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information containzd herein is true and complete. I cer[ify under . � penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. - Executed on 05/27/2015 ey ��(,� L� � C�� DATE 1 SIGNATU0.EOFTpEASU OflA5515TANTTPE SUflER Executed on �5�27�2��5 gy ��/` ` �/1 '�/�/� �_` . - DPTE SIGNAT RS�O�YBNi0.0LLINGOfFl EHOLDEP,CANOIOALE,00.5TA SUflWROYONENi Execu:etl on gY DATE SIGNRiURE OF CONiROLLING OFFlCENOLOER,CPNDIOAiE,00.STAiE MEPSURE PftOFONENi Exeated on gy . �ATE SIGNPiURE DF CONTflOLLING OFFlCEHOLDER,W NDI�/TE,OH STATE ME/SUPE VPOPONENT � : FPPC Form 410(�ec/2012) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/2753772) � www.fppc.ca.gov : � _ '� Statement of Organization • ' � ' Recipient Committee • ' � INSTRVCTIONSONPEVERSE vage 2 COMM�TTEE NnME I.�.NUMBEA I Like Mike Naggar for Temecula City Council 2016 • All committees must list the financial instituHon where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FINANCIALINSTITOTION /AE�ICOOE/FHONE BANK/.CCOUNTNUMBER Wells Fargo (951)676-6501 5945890605 ;.coa�ss atr srnrt nvmoc 28751 Rancho California Road #100 Temecula CA 92590 $�Type o Committee •omplet th apoljeabl sections ' o ' • List the name of each controlling officeholder,candidate,or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled,also Iist the elective office sought or held,and district number,if any, and the year of the election. � � • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check"nonpartisan." . • If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee,list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee. ELECiNE OFFICE SOUGNT OR HELD NAME OF CANDIDATE/OPFICEHOIDER/STATE ME/+SUFE PROGONENT �INCLUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) YEAR OF ELECTION PAFTV � Nonpartlsan Michaei S. Naggar City Council of Temecula 2015 ❑ Nonpartisan Primarily formed to support or oppose spetific candidates or measures in a single election. List below: CANDIDATE(5)NAMEORMEASUREIS�FULLTITLEIINCLUDEBALIOTNO.ORLETTER� �ANDIDFTE�S)OFFlCESOUGHTORHELDOPMEASURE(S�lURISDICTION �INCIUDE DISTRIR NO.,CITY OR COUNTY,AS APPLICABLEI CNECK oNF SUPVORT OPPOSE Michael S. Naggar Temecula City Council Q � � SUI�I1 �ppp5[ �I LJ � FPPC Form 930�Dec/2012) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) � ' www.fppcca��.gov