HomeMy WebLinkAbout031296 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting (28 CFR ADA Title Ill AGENDA TEMECULA CiTY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER 30875 RANCHO VISTA ROAD MARCH 12, 1996 - 7:00 PM At approximately 9:45 PM, the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 PM and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 PM. 6:30 PM - Closed Session of the Redevelopmerit Agency pursuant to: 1. Government Code §54956.8, CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, Property: 28534 Pujol Street (922-054~003|and 28555 Pujol Street (922-054-006); Negotiating Parties: John Freeman, Cande Ceballos and the Redevelopmerit Agency of the City of Temecula; Under negotiation: price and terms, 2. Government Code §54958.1 - CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR. Property: 27500 Jefferson Ave.: Negotiating Parties: Norm Reeves Super Group and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula; Under negotiation: consideration of lease terms. Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 96-06 Resolution: No. 96-27 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Karel Lindemans presiding Invocation: Pastor Gary Nelson, Calvary Chapel of Temecula Flag Salute: Councilmember Roberts ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Ford, Roberts, Stone, Lindemans PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation - Architecture Month R:%AQendaV)31296 I PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda or are listed on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item nCf~ listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Standard Ordinance Adoption Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 2.2 ADDroYal of Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of February 13, 1996. Approve the minutes of February 27, 1996. 2 3 4 5 6 Resolution Aoorovina List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of January 31, 1996. Aooroval of 1995-96 Mid-Year BudQet Adjustments RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET Professional Services Contract between City of Temecula and Government Interfsce, L.LC. RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve a contract between the City of Temecula and Intergovernmental interface, L.L.C. for Professional Services and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. 7 AcceDtance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street Svstem (Within Tracts No, 9833-3 and 9833~F) (Located Southwesterly of intersection of Margarita Road at Santiago Road) RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO. 9833-3 AND 9833-F) 8 Solicitation of Construction Bids for Sidewalk Improvements on Rancho California/Santa Cecilia Sidewalk Project No. 5 - PW95-25 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Approve the construction plans and specification and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids for sidewalk improvements on Rancho California/Santa Cecilia Sidewalk Project No. 5 - PW95-25. 9 Award of Contract for the Construction of a Traffic SiQnal at the Intersection of MarQarita Road and State Route 79 (South). Proiect No. PW95-15 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Award a contract for the construction of a Traffic Signal at the intersection of Margarita Road and State Route 79 (South), Project No. PW95-15 to DBX, Inc., for $141,676.50and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 9.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $14, 167.65 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. 9.3 Advance $155,844.15in Signal Mitigation Funds from the Development Impact Fund to the Capital Improvement Projects Fund. 10 Award of Contract for the Construction of an Interim Traffic Sional at the Intersection of Pala Road and State Route 79 (South) - Proiect No. PW95-14 RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Award a contract for the construction of an interim Traffic Signal at the intersection of Pala Road and State Route 79 (South), Project No. PW95-14 to Signal Maintenance Inc. for $67,465.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 10.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $6,746.50 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. 11 Sixth Street Prooertv Conveyance RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Convey the 1.4 acre site at 6th Street and Front Street (APN 922-023-020)to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula and authorize the Mayor to execute the Grant Deed on behalf of the City. 11.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING AND APPROVING A PROMISSORY NOTE FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 12 Second ReadinQ of Ordinance No. 96-04 RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 96-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON PALA ROAD BETWEEN STATE ROUTE 79(S) AND THE SOUTHERLY CITY LIMITS 13 Second Readinc~ of Ordinance NO. 96-05 RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 96-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD BETWEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND THE EASTERLY CITY LIMITS RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING FOR TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING. TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT MEETING, OLD TOWN/WESTSIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY MEETING OLD TOWN/WESTSIDE IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRIC'I; MbEIr'ING .'" ...' "': Next in Order: Ordinance: No. CSD 96-01 Resolution: No. CSD 96-01 CALL TO ORDER: President Ron Roberts ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberts PUBLIC COMMENT: A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Board of Directors on an item nqt listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak' form must be filed with the City Clerk befQr~ the Board of Directors gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name end address for the record. CONSENT CALENDAR I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 13, 1996. 1.2 Approve the minutes of February 27, 1996. 2 Aooroval of 1995-96 Mid-Year Budqet Adjustments RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS Landscaoe Maintenance Imorovements - TCSD Parks, Slopes and Medians RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve contract amendment in the amount of $35,000 to California Landscape Maintenance, Inc. to provide repairs and improvements to City parks and medians currently under contract for maintenance through the end of FY 1995-96. 3.2 Approve contract amendment in the amount of $34,500 to Excel Landscape, Inc. to provide repairs and improvements to City maintained slope areas currently under contract for maintenance through the end of FY 1995-96. GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT - Bradley DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT - Nelson BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting: March 26, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT 'AGENCY MEETING Next in Order: Resolution: No, RDA 96-01 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Patricia H. Birdsall presiding ROLL CALL: AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Stone, Birdsall PUBLIC COMMENT: A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Agency on an item not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Agency gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CONSENT CALENDAR I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 13, 1996. 1.2 Approve the minutes of February 27, 1996. 2 Sixth Street Prooertv Conveyance RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Accept conveyance of the 1.4 acre site at 6th Street and Front Street (APN 922- 023-020) and authorize the Executive Director to execute the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the Agency. 2.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF A PROMISSORY NOTE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY 3 Review and AoDroval of the 1995-96 Mid-Year Budaets RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS AGENCY BUSINESS 4 Master Plan - Sixth Street Restroom and ParkinQ Proiect RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve the master plan for the Sixth Street Restroom and Parking Project. 4.2 Authorize staff to release a formal public bid for the 6th Street Restroom and Parking Project. 5 Purchase AQreements for 28534 and 28555 Puiol Street RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTITLED "AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28534 PUJOL STREET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA" 5.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTITLED "AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28555 PUJOL STREET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA" EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: March 26, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. OLD TOWN WESTSIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS Next in Order: Resolution No,: No. FA 96-02 President Patricia H. Birdsall Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda a pink "Request To Speak' form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address, Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 27, 1996. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: March 26, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California, OLD TOWN WESTaIDE IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL:' PUBLIC COMMENTS President Patricia H. Birdsall Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Stone, Birdsall A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda a pink 'Request To Speak' form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. CONSENT CALENDAR I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 27, 1996. ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: March 26, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 14 Plannine Application No. PA95-0113 - Deletion of Conditions of Approval and Release of Bonds for Parcel MaD 23969 (Located on the southerly side of Ridge Park Drive approximately 1 #200 feet southerly of Rancho California Road) (Continued from the meeting of February 13, 1996) RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 95-0113 TO DELETE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP 23969 KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 940-310-044, 045, 046, 047, AND 048 14.2 Delete Conditions of Approval No. 21,22 and 23 for Parcel Map No. 23969; 14.3 Release Bond No. 177 40 76 for Labor and Materials and Faithful Performance; 14.4 Release Bond No. 117 40 78 for Subdivision Warranty. COUNCIL BUSINESS 15 Appointment of SiQn Ordinance Committee RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Appoint the Sign Ordinance Committee members. 16 17 Monthly Salary for City Commissioners RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Provide staff direction on monthly salaries for City Commissioners for the coming fiscal year. Council Direction on the Preparation of an Ordinance to ReQulate Horse Drawn Vehicles in Old TOwn RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Provide direction on the preparation of an ordinance to regulate Horse Drawn Vehicles in the Old Town area. 18 19 Appointment of a Plannina Commission Representative to the Joint Temecula/Murrieta Traffic Committee RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Appoint Commissioner Rich Soltysiak to serve as the Planning Commission's representative to the Joint Temecula/Murrieta Traffic Committee. Cable TV Franchise Transfer Agreement RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 Receive staff report and recommendation under separate cover. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: Development Impact Fee Workshop, March 20, 1996, 7:00 PM, Rancho California Water District Board Room, 42135 Winchester Road, Temecula, California. Next regular meeting: March 26, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. PROCLAMATIONS/ PRESENTATIONS The City of Temecula PROCLAMATION W'gI~REAS, Architecture influences the daily lives of all Californians through the definition and enhancement of the areas in which we work, phy and live and WHEREAS, more than 15,000 licensed architects practice in California and are entrusted by the state to protect public health safety and welfare through their concerns for, and understanding of such important issues as seismic safety, growth management accessibility for people with disabilities, historic preservation, energy conservation, housing for the homeless and the sensitivity of the relationship between nature and the built environment and WHEREAS, California architects have been recognized as forerunners of architectural design in the United States and have helped create California unique visual character through their innovative and responsive designs of public and private spaces; and WHEREAS, Architects have worked with teachers to establish a built environment education program in California's public schools to teach young people about the relationship between people and their built environments and WRI~REAS, Architects at local AIA chapters have worked diligently to represent architects and the architectural profession and to serve the public interest on such issues as community disaster assistance following earthquake and fires, managing growth, housing the homeless and preserving the architectural heritage of our communities. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Karel F. Lindemans, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby proclaim March 11 through March 17, 1996 to be *Architecture Week 1996" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to be affixed this 12th day of March, 1996. Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk ITEM 1 ITEM 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD FEBRUARY 13, 1996 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:02 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Karel F. Lindemans presiding. PRESENT: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Roberts, Stone, Lindemans ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present Were City Manager Ronald Bradley, City Attorney Peter M. Thorson, and City Clerk June S. Greek. EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY It was duly moved and seconded to adjourn to executive session at 5:30 PM, pursuant to Government Code Sections: § 54956.8,CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, Property: 28534 Pujol Street (922-054-003)and 28555 Pujol Street (922-0-54-O06};Negotiating Parties: John Freeman, Cande Ceballos and the Redevelopmerit Agency of the City of Temecula; Under negotiation: price and terms. §54956.8,CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, Property: 27500Jefferson Avenue; Negotiating Parties: Jan Weilert RV, Norm Reeves Super Group and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula; Under negotiation: consideration of lease proposals. §54956.9(a), Claim of Geico Insurance on behalf of I(aren Ortega. §54956.9(a)~Vance Corooration v. City of Temecula. §54956.9(b), two matters of potential litigation. The motion was unanimously carried. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor George Simmons, House of Praise. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the flag salute by Councilmember Stone. r:\minutes\021396 -1 - PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS City Clerk, June S. Greek, administered the oath of office to Councilmember Ford. Mayor Lindemans presented a certificate of appointment to Councilmember Ford and welcomed him to office of Councilmember. Mayor Lindemans also pointed out that Councilmember Ford was officially a member of the Temecula Community Services District and the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. PUBLIC COMMENTS Phil Hoxey, 43318 Cielo De Azul, spoke in opposition to the manner in which the Council selected a Councilmember to fill the vacancy left by Councilmember Parks. He stated that the Council violated public trust by denying the voters the right to vote at a special election in May. Councilmember Stone responded that he was in favor of holding a special election, but had been informed by Counsel that November was the first date available to hold a special election. Sam Pratt, 40470 Brixton Cove, spoke in opposition to the process of selection for a Councilmember to fill the vacancy. He stated that this was a growing community danger because the Council had twice denied the public the right to vote for the past two vacancies. He believes this is a mis-use of political power. Joan Sparkman, 30554San Pasqual Road, representing the Temecula Chamber of Commerce, reported on the status of tourist information being sent out through the Chamber as a result of over 1,000 calls requesting information on Temecula. Sonny Salkind, P.O. Box 971, spoke concerning the proposed detour for the Winchester Road improvements. He requested the Council reconsider the route proposed which would result in the diversion of traffic away from his proposed service station, at the Winchester Road/Murrieta Hot Springs intersection. He requested AD161 's assistance in keeping the driveway open. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Pro~Tem Birdsall made the following comments: the monument signs on the north and south end of the City need to be resurfaced, and requested that the City seal be added to the signs a reminder about the Rod-Run event, there are 900 registered entrants and a good turn-out is expected. r:\minutes~021396 Asked that now the Council vacancy is filled, committee assignments be re- distributed requested staff explore installing horse corrals at Ynez Road and Santiago Rad as a Community Services project requested clarification of any re-assignment of City Fire Department staff, due to the new station which will be in operation Fire Chief John Winder responded that Engine Company 812 would be relocated to station 83, in the Winchester Corridor/Nicolas Road jurisdiction. He stated that he hopes to relocate the State funded personnel at Station 12 to the French Valley station. Councilmember Stone stated that he noticed the alarm company used by the City of Temecula is an out-of-town vendor and requested that a local vendor be researched. He also announced that the Wine Country Chapter of the City of Hope will present a Night at the Oskars at the Temecula Stampede on Saturday night, February 17, 1996 and invited the entire community to participate and help raise money for cancer victims. Councilmember Stone also welcome Councilmember Ford to the Council. Councilmember Roberts reported that he had been appointed President of Western Regional Council of Governments and also to the League of National Cities Transportation and Communication Committee. Mayor Karel Lindemans requested to hear Council Business Item #31 out of order, due to the many children in the audience in regard to this item. This received consensus approval of the Council. 31. Temecula Valley In-Line Hockey Association Reauest Shawn Nelson presented the staff report. He reported that the Association had raised $15,000 in cash and $5,000 for in-kind services, but $12,500 is still needed to meet the matching request. Staff recommends the Council consider appropriating $32,500. Councilmember Roberts reported that he had looked into obtaining a grant for building these facilities which would qualify for a Community Development Block Grant. Since the 95/96 financial cycle has been allocated, he recommended this could be explored in the 96/97 budget. Councilmember Stone spoke in support for this request and asked staff to explore a means of financing. r:~minutes~021396 -3- CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Ford announced he would abstain on Item No 2 and requested Item No. 24 and Item No. 26 be pulled for discussion. Councilmember Birdsall announced she would abstain on Item No 18 and requested Item No. 25 be pulled for discussion. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-23, with Councilmember Ford abstaining on Item No. 2 and Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall abstaining on Item No 18. The motion was unanimously carried. 1. Standard Ordinance Adoorion Procedure 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. ADDroyal of Minutes 2.1 Approve the minutes of January 23, 1996. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Stone, NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Roberrs, Lindemans None None Ford r:%minutee\021396 -5- Resolution Aoorovincl List of Demands 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A City Treasurer's Report 4.1 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of December 31, 1995. 10. Records Destruction AOnrOval 5.1 Approve scheduled destruction of certain records as provided under the City of Temecula approved Records Retention Policy. Property Insurance Coveraae 6.1 Approve the City of Temecula's property insurance policy renewal with Reliance Insurance Company, Hartford Steam Boiler, and Pacific Insurance Company, Ltd./Agricultural Insurance for the period of February 26, 1996 through February 26, 1997 in the amount of $73,260; 6.2 Appropriate $36,600 from the Insurance Internal Service Fund Retained Earnings to the Property Insurance Account. Direction on Pendino Council Reauest 7.1 Direct staff to discontinue development of a tree ordinance. Out-of-State Travel 8.1 Authorize certain out-of-state travel plans. Resolution Findine Benefit to the Community from the Statewide School Facilities General Oblioation Bond 9.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FINDING SUBSTANTIAL BENEFIT TO THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY FROM THE STATEWIDE SCHOOL FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND Release Faithful Performance Warranty, Labor and Material. and Monument Bonds in Tract No. 20703-1 (Located easterly of intersection of Roripaugh Road at Winchester Road) 10.1 Authorize the release of Faithful Performance Warranty and Labor and Material bonds for Street, Water and Sewer Improvements, and Subdivision Monumentation bonds in Tract No. 20703-1; 10.2 Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the developer and surety. r:\minutes\021396 -6- 11. 12. 13. AccePt Public Imorovements in Tract No. 20703-2 (Located easterly of intersection of Roripaugh Road at Winchester Road) 11.1 Accept the Public Improvements in tract No. 20703-2; 11.2 Authorize the reduction in Faithful Performance Street, Drainage and Water and Sewer Bond amounts and the release of the Subdivision Monumentation Bond; 11.3 Accept the Faithful Performance Warranty Bond Riders and approve the subdivision agreement rider; 11.4 Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the developer and surety. Release the Public Imorovement Warranty, Labor and Material and Monument Bonds in Tract No. 22786 (Located southwesterly of intersection of Nicolas Road at North General Kearny Road) 12.1 Authorize the release of the Subdivision Monumentation, Faithful Performance Warranty, and Labor and material Bonds, in Tract No. 22786; 12.2 Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Surety and Developer. Acceot Public Improvements in Tract No. 23126 (Located Southerly of Intersection of Nicolas Road at Roripaugh Road) 13.1 Accept the Public Improvements in Tract No. 23126; 13.2 Authorize the reduction in Faithful Performance Street, Drainage, and Water and Sewer Bond amounts and the release of the Subdivision Monumentation Bond; 13.3 Accept the Faithful Performance Warranty Bond Riders and approve the subdivision agreement rider; 13.4 Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the developer and surety. r:\minutee\021396 14. Acceotance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street System (Within Tracts No. 19939-1,2and F) 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO. 19939-1,2 AND F) 15. Acceotance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street System (Within Tracts No. 20703-2. and 23126) (Located southeasterly of intersection of Winchester Road at Roripaugh Road) 15.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO. 20703-2 AND 23126) 16. Acceotance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street System (Within Tracts No. 20703-1 and 22786) (Located southwesterly of the intersection of Nicolas Road at North General Kearny Road) 16.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO 20703-1 AND 22786) 17. ACCeptance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street System (Within Tract No 22208) (Located northeasterly of Margarita Road at Solana Way) 17.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NO 22206) r:%minutes%021396 -8- 18. Award a Contract to Remove and Replace Concrete and A.C. on Commerce Center Drive. Public Works Maintenance - Project No. PW95-96-17 18.1 south of Enterprise Circle West at the channel. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: I Award a contract to Maples and Associates to remove and replace concrete and A.C. on Commerce Center Drive, 200 feet COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Ford, Robarts, Lindemans None None Birdsall Stone, 19. 20. Comoletion and Acceetence of the Construction of FY95-96 Citywide P.C.C. ReDairs, Project No. PW95-21 19.1 Accept the construction of FY95-96 citywide P.C.C. Repairs, Project No. PW95-21. 19.2 File Notice of Completion, release the Performance bond, and accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract. 19.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after filing of the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. Sewer Facilities Aoreement with Eastern Municipal Water District for Relocation of Sanitary Sewer for Winchester Road at Interstate Route 15. Bridae Widenine and Northbound Ramo Imerovements, Project No. PW94-21 20.1 Approve the Interagency Agreement and bill of Sale, and authorize the Mayor to execute both documents. 20.2 Authorize payment to the Eastern Municipal Water District for engineering, inspection and testing fees in the amount of $3,940.00. r:\minutes\021398 21. 22. 23. 24. Sewer Facilities and Service Aoreement with Eastern Municioal Water District for Construction of a Sanitary Sewer in Pauba Road for the Parkview Site Improvement Project - Phase 1. Fire Station No. 84, Proiect NO. PW95-09 21.1 Approve the Interagency Agreement and Bill of Sale, and authorize the Mayor to execute both documents. 21.2 Authorize payment to the Eastern Municipal Water District for engineering, inspection and testing fees in the amount of $7,655.00. Award of Contract for the FY94-95 Annual Pavement Manaoement Project, Proiect No. PW95-06 22.1 Award a contract for the construction of the FY94-95 Annual Pavement Management Project, Project No. PW95-06 to Clovis Paving and Sealing, Inc., for $653,929.15 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 22.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $65,3992.92which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. Second Amendment to Emolovment Systems, Inc. Aereement to Provide Inspection Services for the Winchester InterchanQe Proiect No. PW94-21 23.1 Approve the Second Amendment to Employment Systems, Inc. Agreement to provide Inspector Services for the Winchester Interchange Project No. PW94-21. Prooosed Detour for Winchester Road Construction - Maroarita Road to Murrieta Hot Sorincls Road (Area 1) 24.1 Request approval from Caltrans the proposed detour plan (Alternative #2), to facilitate the safe and timely construction of Winchester Road (Area 1 ). Commissioner Ford expressed concern on closing Winchester Road without signalization in operation. He recommended the Council give direction to staff to find funds to support signalization at Winchester and Rustic Glen Roads, and to find a solution to maintain access to businesses. Councilmember Roberts spoke in agreement concerning the signalization and recommended the Alternative #2 detour plan. r:\minutee\021396 -10- Councilmember Stone recommended the Council pass a motion to fund the signal at this location, Councilmember Ford asked staff if there were available funds in signal mitigation fees to cover the installation of the signal. Staff responded there are ample funds for this purpose. It was moved by Councilmember Roberrs, seconded by Councilmember Stone to approve the Alternate #2 detour and to fund signalization at the Margarita Road and Rustic Glen Road intersection prior to the construction on Winchester Road. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Roberts, Stone, Lindemans NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None RECESS Mayor Lindemans called a recess at 8:00 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:10 PM. 25. Award of Bid for Replacement Computer Workstations Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall expressed concern regarding the type of keyboards being included with the computers and recommended the keyboards be selected at the option of the employees. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tern Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Ford to approve the bid for replacement computer workstations including optional keyboards. 25.1 Award a bid for the purchase of the replacement computer workstations for City Hall, Bid Number 96-01 to Golden State Trading Company for $205,608.55. 25.2 Approve an Operating Transfer from the General Fund to the Information Services Internal Services Fund in the amount of $200,000. r:~minutes\O21396 -11- 26. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Stone, Lindemans NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Amendment to Lease Aareement 26.1 Approve an amendment to the Real Property Lease Agreement between the Temecula Town Association and the City of Temecula regarding the operation and maintenance of Rotary Park. Roberrs, Councilmember Ford requested clarification on the two locations listed. It was moved by Councilmember Ford, seconded by Councilmember Stone to approve the amendment to the lease Agreement as written. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: RECESS 0 0 Birdsall, Ford, Roberrs, Stone, Lindemans COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None Mayor Lindemans called a recess at 8:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:45 PM following the Community Services District Meeting, Redevelopment Agency Meeting, Old Town Westside Community Facilities District Financing Authority Meeting and the Old Town Westside Improvement Authority Meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS 27. Plannina Application No. PA95-0113- Deletion of Conditions of Aooroval and Release of Bonds for Parcel MaD 23969 (Located on the southerly side of Ridge Park Drive, approximately 1,200 feet southerly of Rancho California Road) Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. Mayor Lindemans opened the public hearing at 9:50 PMo r:\minutes\021396 -12- Bill Haley, 28421 Pujol, expressed concern for the proposed cul de sac on Pujol Street which would take a portion of his property. He recluested the City Council consider amending the Agreement with the developer. City Attorney Peter Thorson responded that Pujol Street was not an Agenda item for this evening. Mayor Lindemans closed the public hearing at 9:00 PM. Councilmember Ford stated that he would not want to impact personal property on Pujol Street. It was moved by Councilmember Ford, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall to approve staff recommendation on 27.1,27.3, and 27.4 and to deny the deletion of conditions of approval on 27.2. Councilmember Stone stated that if the current neighboring property owner would agree not to impact Mr. Haley's property, he would support the deletion of conditions in 27.2. Mayor Pro Tem recommended that the two parties have a meeting to resolve this issue. It was moved by Councilmember Ford, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall to withdraw the motion and to continue this item for 30 days. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Stone, Lindemans NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Roberrs, RECESS Mayor Lindemans called a recess at 9:08 PM to change the tape. reconvened at 9:16 PM. 28. Plannine Aootication No. PA95-0133, Zonino Amendment Aoolication No. PA95-0134. General Plan Amendment Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. Mayor Lindemans opened the public hearing at 9:19 PM. The meeting was & Plannina r:\rninutes\021396 -13- Mayor Lindemans closed the public hearing at 9:19 PM. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall, to approve staff recommendations 28.1,28.2, 28.3. 28.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA95o0134, CHANGING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO SERVICE COMMERCIAL ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF YNEZ ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 270 FEET NORTH OF SOLANA WAY AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'$ PARCEL NO. 921-680-007 28.2 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: 28.3 ORDINANCE NO. 96-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA95-0133, ZONING AMENDMENT, CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO SERVICE COMMERCIAL ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY SI DE OF YNEZ ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 270 FEET NORTHERLY OF SOLANA WAY AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 921-680-007 Adopt the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA95-0133, Zoning Amendment and Planning Application No. PA95-0134, General Plan Amendment. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: Birdsall, Ford, Stone, Lindemans 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Roberts, r:~minutes\021396 -14- COUNCIL BUSINESS 29. Interim Plannine APPliCation Fees Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING INTERIM PLANNING APPLICATION FEES The motion was unanimously carried. 30. Review and Approval of the 22nd Year Community Development Block Grant Aoolications for FY 1996-97 Community Services Department presented the staff report. Jeannie Miley, 42106 Via Paeso del Sol, representing the Boys and Girls Club of Temecula, spoke to thank the Council for the monies allotted for the Boys and Girls Club of Temecula. She requested additional funding for after school programs. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Ford to approve staff recommendations for allotments submitted by the Finance Committee and outlined in the staff report, for the Community Development Block Grants for FY 1996-97 as follows: Temecula Community Center Acquisition - e242,000 Temecula Recreation and Human Services - $12,000 Temecula Senior Center - $10,000 Alternatives to Domestic violence - $2,500 Boys and Girls Club of Temecula - $10,000 Assistance league of Temecula Valley - 85,000 Temecula Valley Special Olympics - $500 Operation Safe House - $500 Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center - $1,000 Parent Center - $1,000 TOTAL - $285,000 The motion was unanimously carried. r:%minutee\021396 -1 S- 32. Direction of the Development of a Siqn Ordinance committee Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember ford to approve Option No. 1 with the modification that there be three representatives from local businesses and that the members of the Council will make one suggestion for each of the categories. Councilmember Ford was designated to serve as the City Council representative and Chair of the Committee. 32.1 Consider Option 1, the creation of a sign ordinance committee to help staff in developing a locally appropriate sign ordinance. The motion was unanimously carried. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT None given. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT City Attorney Peter Thorson recommended that Council recess at 9:17 PM and reconvene in Closed Session. RECESS It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall to reconvene Executive Session pursuant to Government Code 54956.8- Conference with Real Property Negotiator regarding property located at 28534 Pujol Street (922-054-O03)and 28555 Pujol Street (922-054-O06):Negotiating Parties: John Freeman, Cande Ceballos and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula; Under negotiation: price and terms. The motion was unanimously carried. The Closed Session was adjourned at 9:28 PM and City Attorney Peter Thorson announced that the City Council had given instructions to their real property negotiator to enter into purchase agreements for the properties located at 28534and 28555 Pujol Street on behalf of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. r:~minutes\021396 -16- ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to adjourn at 9:29 to the next regular meeting to be held on February 27, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk r:\minutes%021396 -17- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD FEBRUARY 27, 1996 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:03 P.M. at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Mayor Karel F. Lindemans presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Roberts, Stone, Lindemans ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Ronald Bradley, City Attorney Peter M. Thorson, and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Bishop Konrad Lee, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the flag salute by Councilmember Ford. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Lindemans presented Certificates of Achievement for receiving their "Arrow of Light" to members of Cub Scout Pack 337, Don Jenkins, Cub Master. Cubs receiving certificates were: Grant Walker, Michael Jenkins, Kyle Murray and Dustin Starbuck. Mayor Lindemans proclaimed February 16 through February 25, 1996 to be "Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival Week. Mayor Lindemans proclaimed March, 1996 to be "American Red Cross Membership Month." Mayor Lindemans proclaimed March to be "Daffodil Days Month." PUBLIC COMMENTS John Dedovesch, 39450 Longridge Drive, thanked the Council and staff for the City's "Hot Line," stating, "it works." Minutes\l\29\94 -1- 03/05/96 CiW Council Minutes February 27, 1996 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Birdsall thanked members of the Community who participated in the Rod Run, making it a huge success. Councilmember Ford reported he at-tended a meeting of the joint Temecula/Murrieta Traffic and Transportation Committee Meeting, however there was not a quorum from the City of Murrieta. He announced the next meeting is scheduled for March 21, 1996. Councilmember Ford thanked the Police Department for the opportunity to spend a day looking at different areas of the City and focusing on lighting, traffic and safety issues. Councilmember Stone invited the public to attend a fund raiser scheduled for March 25, 1996 at the Temecula Stampede, to benefit the Wine Country Chapter of the City of Hope. He said for more information call 676-2733 or KRTM. Councilmember Stone requested the following from staff: 1 ) agendize the Traffic Signal at Cosmic Way and Rancho California Road; 2) provide a status report on the Traffic Signal at LaPaz Road and Hwy. 79S; 3) provide a progress report on development of a "booking fee" ordinance; 4) investigate the need to have a higher law enforcement presence in areas such as Starlight Ridge, Calle Medusa and Meadowview. Mayor Lindemans announced that the "State of the City Address" has been taped and will be aired on March 7, 1996 at 7:00 P.M., and March 9, 1996 at 2:00 P.M., on Channel 28. Councilmember Ford requested staff look into purchasing a second "smart trailer" for use in areas experiencing high traffic volume. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Ford announced he would abstain on Item No. 2. Councilmember Birdsall registered a "no" vote on Item No. 14. Councilmember Stone requested the removal of Item No. 12 from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Stone registered a "no" vote on Item No. 14 and an abstention on Item No. 13. Minutes\l%29\94 -2- 03/05/96 City Council Minutes Febmaw 27. 1996 It was moved by Councilmember Ford, seconded by Councilmember Stone to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-11 and 13-18, with Councilmember Birdsall and Stone voting "no" on Item No. 14 and Councilmember Stone abstaining on Item No. 13. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Roberts, Stone, Lindemans None None NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Standard Ordinance Adoorion Procedure 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Aooroval of Minutes 2.1 2.2 The motion carried as follows: Approve the minutes of the meeting of January 25, 1996. Approve the minutes of the meeting of January 31, 1996. AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Roberts, Stone, Lindemans NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Resolution ADDrOvino List of Demands 3.1 Ford Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Minutes%1%29~94 -3- 03/05/98 City Council Minutes 4. Febmaw 27. 1996 City of Temecula Travel Poficv Revision 4.1 Approve the revised City of Temecula Travel Policy for implementation. Purchase of Semi-Automatic Defibrillators 5.1 Authorize the purchase of five (5) semi-automatic defibrillator units for the City's First Responder Fire Units. 5.2 Authorize an appropriation of $27,793 in General Fund Reserves to the Fire Department Equipment account. Aooroval of Final Tract Mao No. 24131-F (Located westerly of Meadows Parkway, between McCabe Drive and Leena Way) 6.1 Approve Final Tract Map 24131-Fsubject to the Conditions of Approval. Aooroval of Tract MaD No. 24133-5 (Located westerly of Montelegro Way, between McCabe Drive and Leena Way) 7.1 Approve Final Tract Map No. 24133-5 subject to the Conditions of Approval. Aooroval of Completion and Acceotance of the Solana Way Storm Drain Imorovements. Project PW 95-03 8.1 Accept the Solana Way Storm Drain Improvements, Project No. PW95-03, as complete. 8.2 Direct the City Clerk to File the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond and accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bon in the amount of 10% of the contract, and 8.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after the filing of the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. Release of Faithful Performance Warrantv and Monument Security in Parcel Mao No, 21 ~]2 (Located at the Southeasterly intersection of I-15 and Highway 79S) 9.1 Authorize the release of Faithful Performance Warranty security for Street, Sewer and Water Improvements, and the Subdivision Monumentation security in Parcel Map No. 21592. 9.2 Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the developer and surety. Minutes%l%29\94 -4- 03/05/96 CiW Council Minutes February 27. 1996 10. Acceptance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street System (Located Northwesterly of the intersection of Pala Road at Via Gilberto) 10.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO. 19872-1 AND 19872-2}. 11. AccePtance of Public Streets into the City-maintained Street System (Located Southeasterly of the intersection of I-15 at Highway 79 So.) 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN PARCEL MAP NO. 21592). 13. "No Parkina" Zones on the West Side of Puiol Street at Sixth Street 13.1 The Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE WEST SIDE OF PUJOL STREET FROM SIXTH STREET TO A POINT 65 FEET SOUTH, AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "A" The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Roberrs, Lindemans NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Stone Minutes~l ~29\94 -5- 03/O5/96 CiW Council Minutes Febmew 27, 1996 14. SUDD0rt Of Leaal Reform Initiatives - Pr0O0Sitions 200. 201 end 202 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- 24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUPPORTING NO-FRAUD AUTO INSURANCE INITIATIVE, PROPOSITION 200 14.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- 25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUPPORTING SHAREHOLDER LITIGATION REFORM INITIATIVE, PRO POSITION 201 14.3 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- 26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUPPORTING LAWYER CONTINGENCY FEE LIMITATION INITIATIVE, PROPOSITION 202 The motion carried as follows: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Ford, Roberts, Lindemans Birdsall, Stone 15. ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Fire Protection Services Agreement for FY 1995-96 15.1 Approve the Fire Protection Amendment for Fiscal Year 1995-96 with the County of Riverside Fire Department and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreements in a final form to be approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. Minutes%l ~29\94 -6- 03/05/96 City Council Minutes Februerv 27, 1996 16. Authorization for Destruction of Records 16.1 Approved scheduled destruction of certain records as provided for under the City of Temecula approved Records Retention Policy 17. Contract Amendment - Tsutsumida and Associates 17.1 Approve an amendment of $9,355 to the design services contract for Tsutsumida and Associates for the Temecula City Hall Project. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 18. Second Readincl of Ordinance No. 96-03 18.1 Adopt an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 96-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA95-0133, ZONING AMENDMENT, CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO SERVICE COMMERCIAL ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF YNEZ ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 270 FEET NORTHERLY OF SOLANA WAY AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 921-680-007 12. Aooroval of All-way Stoo SiQns at Pala Road and Wolf Valley Road Public Works Director Joe Kicak presented the staff report. Councilmember Stone asked the reasons for the traffic increase in this area. Mr. Kicak stated it appears the traffic increase is due to the opening of the Pechanga Casino. Councilmember Stone asked if the Pechangas have been contacted to see if they are interested in contributing to these traffic improvements. Mr. Kicak answered they had not been contacted. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Ford to approve staff recommendation with direction to staff to discuss sharing of costs for these improvements with the Pechanga Tribal Council. RESOLUTION NO. 96-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING "STOP SIGN LOCATIONS (ON PALA ROAD AT WOLF VALLEY ROAD) The motion was unanimously carried. Minutee%l~29\94 -7- 03/05/96 City Council Minutes FebNew 27. 1996 RECESS Mayor Lindemans called a recess at 7:38 P.M.. The meeting was reconvened at 8:11 P.M. 19. Ordinance EstablishinQ Prima Facie Saeed Limits - Rancho California Road between Marqarita Road and the Easterly City Limits Public Works Director Joe Kicak presented the staff report. Councilmember Birdsall stated she has a problem with a 50 mph speed limit on a road with a 4-way stop sign. Public Works Director K:icak explained that State law is very specific on how speed limits may be determined. Councilmember Roberrs said the speed limit is currently not posted which makes the speed limit 55 mph and it could increase to 65 mph based on recent changes made by the State of California. Councilmember Ford explained by posting this street, the Council can set a precedent for the future and can go back and review it later. It was moved by Councilmember Roberts, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve staff recommendation as follows: 20.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 96-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD BETWEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND THE EASTERLY CITY LIMITS The motion was unanimously carried. 20. Ordinance Establishina Prima Facie Soeed Limits - Rancho California Road between Margarita Road and the Easterly City Limits Public Works Director Joe Kicak presented the staff report. Councilmember Ford expressed concern over the six access points along this road and requested that it be monitored. Minutes\l%29\94 -8- 03/05/99 City Council Minutes February 27. 1996 It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Ford to approve staff recommendation as follows: 20.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 96-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD BET~NEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND THE EASTERLY CITY LIMITS The motion was unanimously carried. 21. City Council 1996 Committee Assienment Chanees Council consensus was received to change the 1996 Council Assignments as follows: Councilmember Ford was assigned to serve as Public/Traffic Safety Commission Liaison, Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency with Councilmember Stone as alternate (effective after meeting of March 6), WRCOG alternate representative, Temecula/Murrieta Transportation/Traffic Committee and Old Town Steering Committee. 22. Plannine Commission Appointment Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall gave a brief staff report. Greg Morrison, 31117 Tecumseh Court, gave a brief overview of his qualifications for the position of Planning Commissioner and expressed his interest in the position. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Ford to appoint Rich Soltysiak to the Planning Commission, to serve the unexpired term of former Commissioner Steve Ford, through June 4, 1998. The motion was unanimously carried. 23. Aceuisition Aareement - Temecula Community Center Director of Community Services Shawn Nelson introduced Deputy Director of Community Services Herman Parker who presented the staff report. Councilmember Ford asked if provisions were made in the agreement if CDBG funding is not available. City Attorney Thorson responded that paragraphs three and four, page five of the agreement, lists funding as a condition of closing. Councilmember Ford Minutes%1%29%94 -9- 03/05/96 City Council Minutes Febmaw 27, 1996 stated that Phase One has been provided for by CDBG funds, and asked about Phase 2 funding. City Manager Bradley answered that to his knowledge CDBG funds are reviewed by the Federal Government and he has no knowledge that these funds are jeopardized. Community Services Director Shawn Nelson reported he contacted the City's representative from CDBG specifically on this issue. He stated they have heard no rumors of the program being cancelled, however if funding was stopped, the required public hearings necessary to make changes would take a minimum of two years. He explained that based on this information, staff feels confident this funding will continue for the next two years. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to approve staff recommendation as follows: 23.1 Approve the acquisition agreement between the City of Temecula and the Temecula Town Association (TTA) to acquire the Temecula Community Center and adjacent property located at 28816 Pujol Street. 23.2 Approve the official name of the proposed new community center to be the Temecula Community Center. The motion was unanimously carried. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT None given. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT None given. Minutes~1\29%94 -10- 03/05/96 Council Minutes February 27. 1996 ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to adjourn at 8:55 P.M. to a meeting on March 12, 1996.7:00 P.M., Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk Minutes~l \29\94 -11 - 03/O5/96 ITEM 3 I~'-~OLUTION NO. 96- A RF-~OLUTION OF THE~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXI:IFRIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DEfP_kMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following chims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the Office of the City Clerk, have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the mount of $939,509.57. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVF-r~ AND ADOFrED, this 12th day of March, 1996. ATfhST: Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk [SEAL] 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temeeula, hereby do certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 12th day of March, 1996 by the following roll call vote: COUNCILlvm-MBERS: NOES: COUNCILMF-MBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk Resos\88 2 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 02/22/96 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 02/29/96 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 03/12/96 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 02/22/96 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 03/12/95 COUNCIL MEETING: DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: 001 GENERAL 100 GAS TAX 165 RDA-LOW/MOD 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 195 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL R 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ (CIP) 280 RDA~:;IP 300 INSURANCE 320 INFORMATIONS SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES PAYROLL: 001 GENERAL 100 GAS TAX 165 RDA-LOW/MOD 190 TCSD 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 162 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 280 RDA-CIP 300 INSURANCE 320 iNFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES TOTAL BY FUND: I'RONALD E. BRAD~Y, CI~ MANAGER $ 220,275 54 270,870,00 324,698.74 123.665.29 $ 839,509.57 188,963.08 34,440.77 4.935.85 73,140.81 9,697.41 230.59 4,901.07 3,744.50 206,814.83 41,063.72 208,151.21 17,873.26 4,223.77 17,492.12 $ 815,844.28 78,094.94 12,872.04 458.21 21.353.57 625.33 697.14 2,125.63 381.13 591.09 1,293.16 702.23 2,272.58 123.665.29 $ 939,509.57 , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT VOL/ CITY OF TENECULA PAGE 1 OZ/ 11:31 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 27809 27809 27809 27811 27812 27813 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 51 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 510784 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670759 670' 67L CHECK VENDOR VENDOR DATE NUMBER NAME 02/16/96 02/16/96 02/16/96 02/20/96 02/21/96 02/21/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 ~2/22/96 J2/22/96 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 000882 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING TRUST ACCT/SULLIVAN/WOR 002101 MY BUDDIES PIZZA 000144 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPOR 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX {IRS) 000283 FIRBTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (ZRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX ([RS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX CIRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (TRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX CXRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (ZRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (IRS) 000283 FIRSTAX (ZRS) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDO) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) ITEM DESCRIPTION EMERG. WORK: CALLE CHAPOS EMERG. WORK: LIEFER RD EMERG. WORK: SANTIAGO RD INDIAN CHILD WELFARE SETTLEMNT STATE OF THE CITY/ENPLY LUNCH EMPLYEE LUNCH/STATE OF THE CTY 000283 FEDERAL 00028~ FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 MEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 NEDICARE 000283 NEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 NEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 NEDICARE 000444 SDI 000444 SDI 000444 SDI 000444 0004/,4 BDI 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE ACCOUNT NUMBER 195-180-999-5402 195-180-999-5402 195-180-999-5402 300-199-999-5207 001-150-999-5265 001-150-999-5265 001-2070 100-2070 165~2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 194-2070 280-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 340-2070 001-2070 100-2070 165-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 194-2070 280-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330'2070 340-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 193-2070 280-2070 001-2070 100-2070 165-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 194-2070 280-2070 ITEM AMOUNT 780.00 1,170.00 1,794.50 125,000.00 500.00 100.00 11,867.26 2,373.10 29.55 2,696.64 93.57 84.43 417.63 66.85 144.46 128.52 365.45 102.27 156.76 2,865.70 485.12 14.62 766.70 21.68 23,50 78.18 13.76 T3.46 22.44 60.72 22.70 74.54 42.56 9.38 46. O0 2.77 9.33 3,215.45 611.22 8.91 616.53 17.57 10.68 98.78 14.53 31.74 CHECK AMOUNT 3,744.50 125,000.00 500.00 100.00 23,049.61 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA P' 2 02/22/96 11:31 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ITEM AMOUNT 670759 02/22/96 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 STATE 300-2070 38.17 670759 02/22/96 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 STATE 320-2070 92.85 670759 02/22/96 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 STATE 330-2070 17.04 670759 02/22/96 000444 FIRSTAX (EDD) 000444 STATE 340-2070 16.45 27816 02/22/96 001587 A P W A CONST STORMWTR CONF/J.PDURK,AZE 27817 02/22/96 002038 ACTION POOL & SPA SUPPL 27817 02/22/96 002038 ACTION POOL & SPA SUPPL 27817 02/22/96 002038 ACTION POOL & SPA SUPPL POOL IMPRDVEMENT-TEM ELEM SCHL POOL MAINT SRVCS/DEC JAN POOL MAINT -TBM ELEM SCHL 27818 02/22/96 AGNEW, JAMES REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 27819 02/22/96 ALM, MITCH REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 27820 02/22/96 000781 ASSOC OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEMBERSHIP D.HOGAN 27821 02/22/96 001178 C M S BUSINESS FORMS, I QTY 2000 CASHIER RECIEPTS 27821 02/22/96 001178 C M S BUSINESS FORMS, I TAX 27822 02/22/96 000799 CALIFORNIA HOMICIDE INV HO~CDE CONF:DAVIS/COOK:3/6-8 27823 02/22/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE HA 27823 02/22/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27823 02/22/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA CNTRL VERTEBRATE PEST ~ POND REMOVE DEBRIS/ALGAE ~ DUCK PND WEED PORTION OF SANTA GERTRUDI 27824 02/22/96 000127 CALIFORNIAN, PUBLIC NOTICE/PU95~14 27825 02/22/96 CALVERY CHAPEL OF MURRI REFUND:SECURITY DEPOSIT 27826 02/22/96 000447 COMTRONIX OF HEMET 27826 02/22/96 000447 COMTRONIX OF HEMET BATTERIES FOR HANDHELD RADIOS TAX 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH 27827 02/22/96 002036 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPH REPRO SBVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL BEPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRD SMVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL BEPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL REPRO SRVCS FOR NEW CITY HALL 27828 02/22/96 002106 DA FAMILY SUPPORT 002106 SUPPORT 27829 02/22/96 000155 DAVLIN 2/13 CC~JNCIL MTGS BROADCASTING 001-163-999-8261 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-183-4982 190-183-4982 001-161-502-5226 001-140-999-5222 001-140-999-5222 001-170-999-5261 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 210-190-142-5804 001-120-999-5286 190-2900 001-162-999-5242 001-162-999-5242 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-S804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 001-100-999-5250 100-164-601-5218 27830 02/22/96 001669 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATIO RE-CYCLED GRAFFITI PAINT 85.00 980.00 150.36 157.50 ZO.O0 15.00 80.00 368.55 26.65 220,00 700.00 224.00 640.00 56.83 100.00 300.00 23.25 21.35 12.40 52.63 23.85 19.95 8.15 20.75 76.36 9.35 34.36 21.70 82.50 800.00 108.38 CHECK AMOUNT 4,899.46 85.00 20.00 15.00 80.00 395.20 22G-J~Q 1,564.00 56.83 100.00 323.25 300.85 82.50 800,00 lr VOV CITY OF TEHECULA PAGE 3 02, 11:31 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NUMBER BATE VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 27831 02/22/96 27832 02/22/96 27832 02/22/96 27832 02/22/96 27832 02/22/96 27832 02/22/96 27832 02/22/96 FAGAN, MATTHEW 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. REFUND:SECURiTY DEPOSIT EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAil SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS NAIL SERVICES 190-2900 001-162-999-5230 210-199'650-5804 190-180-999~5230 100-164-604-5230 001-162o999-5230 001'140'999-5230 100.00 25.31 13.50 15.25 7.75 31.50 11.00 100.00 104.31 27833 02/22/96 27833 02/22/96 27833 02/22/96 27833 02/22/96 27033 02/22/96 27833 02/22/96 27833 02/22/96 27833 02/22/96 27834 02/22/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 547~-6664-0391-O099/JS/FEB 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 5473-6664-0391-0180/KL/FEB 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE SANK C 5473-6664-0391-O040/PB/FEB 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 5473-6664-0391-0222/RR/FEB 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANX C 5473-6664-0391-0198/MJM/FEB 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 5473 6664 0391 0115 JG 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 5473 6664 0391 0131AE 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 5475 6664 0391 0057 SN 000993 FREEDOM COFFEE, INC. BEyERAGE SERVICE ' CITY HALL 001-100-999-5258 001-100-999-5258 001-100-999-5258 001-100-999-5258 001-110-999-5260 001-120-999-5258 001-1170 190-180-999-5258 340-199-999-5250 6,40,00 60.00- 163.72 751.86 65.00 52.00 12.99 147.93 190.21 1,77'3.50 190.21 27~35, 02/22/96 001609 GREATER ALARM COMPANY, MAR'ALARM MONITORING-STORAGE 340-199-999-5250 35.00 35.00 2 02/22/96 000366 HARRINGTON, KEVIN REIMBURSMNT:CPRS CONF/2/9-10 190-180-999-5258 149.60 149.60 27837 02/22/96 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT TRUS 000194 DEF CONP 001-2080 27837 02/22/96 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT TRUS 000194 DEF COMP 100-2080 27837 02/22/96 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT TRUS 000194 DEF COMP 190-2080 27838 02/22/96 002203 IDEA BANK, THE STAFF REFERENCE MATERIAL 190-180-999-5228 27839 02/22/96 000199 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVIC 000199 IRS GARN 001-2140 27839 02/22/96 000199 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVIC 000199 IRS GARN 100-2140 27840 02/22/96 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP U/E 2/4 EVANS 001-163-999-5118 27840 02/22/96 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP g/E 2/4 EVANS 100-164-604-5118 27841 02/22/96 001282 KNORR POOL SYSTEMS, %NC MISC POOL SUPPLIES FOR CRC 190-182-999-5212 27842 02/22/96 001671 LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL B JAN HAZ-MAT STORAGE/DISPOSAL 100-164-601-5430 27843 02/22/96 LUBETKIN, BEATRICE REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS 190-183-4986 27844 02/22/96 MARSHALL, PAMELA REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 190-183-4982 27845 02/22/96 000220 MAUR/CE PRINTERS, INC. OLD TC)t4N NAP 280-199-999-5264 27845 02/22/96 000220 MAURICE PRINTERS, INC. FAST TRACK BROCHURE 280-199-999-5264 27846 02/22/96 000228 MOBIL, INC. CITY VEHICLES FUEL/8592161460 001-170'999-5262 27 02/22/96 001068 MURRAY~S HOTEL & RESTAU CAN OPENER (EDMUND#I)SEN CNTR 190'181-999-5301 2 02/22/96 001068 MURRAY~S HOTEL & REBTAU FREIGHT 190-181-999-5301 1,179.24 180.93 452.78 328.34 154.92 154.89 99.01 192.19 113.73 215.00 12.00 20.00 575.00 43.10 61.85 63.75 3.26 1,812.95 328.34 309.81 291.20 113.73 215.00 12.00 20.00 618.10 61.85 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA P' ' 4 02/22/96 11:31 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR iTEM ACCOUNT NUHBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 27847 02/22/96 001068 HURRAY,S HOTEL & RESTAU TAX 190-181-999-5301 4.94 71.95 27848 02/22/96 000235 0 C 0 REPROGRAPHICS, IN 27848 02/22/96 000235 0 C S REPROGRAPHICS, 1N 27848 02/22/96 000235 0 C B REPROGRAPHICS, IN BLUEPRINT REPRO SRVCS/DEC BLUEPRINT REPRO SRVCS/JAN CREDIT:OVERCHARGED ON DELIVERY 210-190-626~5802 210-190-626-5802 210-190-626-5802 252.28 288.40 23,08- 517.60 27849 02/22/96 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE VEHICLE MAIHT PW MAINT DIVISIO 100-164-601-5214 27849 02/22/96 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE VEHICLE MAINT PW MAINT D]VISIO 100-164-601-5214 69.32 23,55 92.87 27850 02/22/96 002088 OLD TCX4N TYPEWRITER POLICE DEPT TYPERWRITER REPAIR 001-170-999-5242 55.00 55.00 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27051 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27851 02/22/96 000246 27852 02/22/96 27852 02/22/96 27853 02/22/96 27853 02/22/96 27854 02/22/96 PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS 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191-2390 95.64 000246 PERS RET 192-2390 111.05 000246 PERS RET 193-2390 326.05 000246 PERS RET 194-2390 70.92 000246 PERS RET 280-2390 226.21 000246 PERS RET 300-2390 106.83 000246 PERS RET 320-2390 282.54 000246 PERS RET 330-2390 107.29 000246 PERS RET 340-2390 349.87 000246 SURVIVOR 001-2390 51,32 000246 SURVIVOR 100-2390 8.59 000246 SURVIVOR 165-2390 .23 000246 SURVIVOR 190-2390 12.56 000246 SURVIVOR 191-2390 .47 000246 SURVIVOR 192-2390 .93 000246 SURVIVOR 193-2390 1.39 000246 SURVIVOR 194-2390 .23 000246 SURVIVOR 280~2390 .78 000246 SURVIVOR 300-2390 .46 000246 SURVIVOR 320-2390 000246 SURVIVOR 330-2390 000246 SURVIVOR 340-2390 2.09 PUBLIC NOTICE PA95-0138 PUBLIC NOTICE PA96-0003 BLUEPRINT'LAND DEVEL DIVISION BLUEPRINTS-SAM HICKS PRK PRJT PLAN CK WTR LINES PRKVIEW STAT 001-161-501-5256 001-161-501-5256 001-163-999-5268 280-199-805-5802 210-190-626-5802 65.96 65.96 52.83 50.77 1,500.00 20,771.21 131.92 103.60 1,500.00 27855 02/22/96 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER 01-06-84300-1/28763 FRONT ST 100-164-601-5240 14.31 27855 02/22/96 000262 RANCHO CALIF~NIA WATER WATER SERV VARIOUS LOCATIONS 190-180-999-5240 1,204.89 27855 02/22/96 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER WATER SERV VARIOUS LOCATIONS 190-181-999-5240 84.68 ' V~ Q CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 5 02 11:31 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 27855 27855 27855 27855 27856 27856 27857 27858 27859 27859 27859 27859 27859 27860 27860 27861 27861 27862 27862 27862 27863 27864 27864 27865 27865 27866 27867 27868 27869 27869 27869 27869 27869 CHECK DATE 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 32/22/96 VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER NAHE 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER 000426 RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL 000426 RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL RANCHO TEMECULA AUTO PA RENAISSANCE HOTEL 000266 RIGHTWAY 000266 RIGHTWAY 000266 RIGHTWAY 000266 RIGHTWAY 000266 RIGHTWAY 001675 RIVERSIDE CO./GSA BUILD 001675 RIVERSIDE CO./GSA BUILD 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTB 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTR 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTR 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTR 000537 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - 000537 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - 000537 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - 001212 SOUTHERN CALIF GAB COMP 0003?5 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON 001672 TEMECULA DRAIN SERV & P 001672 TEMECULA DRAIN SERV & P 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY CO. 000876 TEMECULA VALLEY BALLOON TROUPE, DONALD 002016 TSUTBUMIDA & ASSOCIATES 002016 TSUTSUMIDA & ASSOCIATES 002016 TSUTSUMIDA & ASSOCIATES 002016 TSUTBUHIDA & ASSOCIATES 002016 TSUTSUMIDA & ASSOCIATES 000459 TUMBLE JUNGLE iTEM DESCRiPTiON WATER SERV VARIOUS LOCATIONS WATER BERV VARIOUS LOCATIONS WATER SERV VARIOUS LOCATIONS WATER SERV VARIOUS LOCATIONS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - PARKS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - PARKS REFUND:OVERPAYMENT OF BUS. LIC HOTEL:HOMICDE CONF:DAVIS-COOK FEB TOILET RENTAL-SAN HICK PRK FEB TOILET RENTAL-RIVERTON PRK FEB TOILET RENTAL-CITY PARKS FEB TOILET RENTAL -CITY PARKS FEB TOILET RENTAL-DUCK POND JAN SERVS-REAL PROP AGRNNT JAN SERVS-REAL PROP AGRNNT JAN PEST CNTRL SERVS-CITY HALL JAN PEST CNTRL SERVS' CRC PEST CONTROL SRVCS-PARK~JAN JAN PEST CNTL SERVS-SR CENTER 2-02-351-6685/27352 YNEZ RD 2-02-351-7790/31970 RANCHO VIS 2-02-543-4176 27058 NICOLAS RD 07-8274-036-1451-3 SR CNTR 909 202-4752 SN 909 212-0934 SR VAN PLUMBING REPAIRS CITY HALL PLUMBING SERVS-SR CENTER CRC AWARDS-TEEN FEST 1996 SPONSORSHIP AGRMNT DATED 1/30 REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION REPRO SRVCS NEW CITY BALL SPACE PLANNING/SPECS/FEB SPACE PLANNING/PROF BRVCS/FE8 JAN PLAN REVISIONS-CITY HALL JAN PROF SERVS'CONST DOC REVNS TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-182-999-5240 191-180-999-5240 193'180'999-5240 340-199-999-5240 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 001-199-4056 001-170-999-5261 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5250 280-199-602-5700 280-199-602-5700 340-199-999-5250 190-182-999-5250 190-180-999-5250 190-181-999-5250 191-180-999-5240 191-180-999-5319 191-180-999-5319 190-181-999-5240 190-180-999-5208 190-180-999-5208 340-199-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-182-999-5301 280-199-999-5264 190-183-4982 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 210-199-650-5804 190-183-999-5330 ITEM AMOUNT 1,140.09 65.88 !,046.33 290.66 46.55 51.64 35,00 192.17 125.78 62.89 188.66 172.50 50.39 4,199.18 4,147.63- 42.00 42.00 32.00 29.00 16.50 15.40 288.02 123.63 93.76 44.21 64.00 47. O0 53.88 10,000.00 30,00 6.60 750.00 750.00 330.00 100.00 1,406.40 CHECK AMOUNT 3,~6.8~ 98.19 35.00 192.17 600.22 51.55 145.00 319.92 123.63 137.97 111.00 53.88 10,000.00 30.00 1,936.60 1,406.40 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA P' ' ,6 02/22/96 11:31 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 27871 27871 27871 27871 27871 27871 27871 27871 27872 27872 27872 27872 27872 27873 278?'3 2787~ 27873 27874 27874 27874 27875 CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 02/22/96 001065 U S C M/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 DEF COMP 001065 U S C M/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 DEF COMp 001065 U S D M/PEBSCO (DEE C 001065 DEF COMP 001065 U S C M/PESSCO (DEF. C 001065 DEF COMp 001065 U S C H/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 DEF COMp 001065 U S C M/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 DEF COMp 001065 U S C M/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 DEF COMp 001065 U S C M/PEBSCO (DEE D 001065 DEF COHP 000389 U S C M/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 000389 U S C M/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 000389 U S C M/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 000389 U S C M/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000389 PT RETZR 000389 U S C M/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 000325 UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN 000325 UW 000325 UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN 000325 UW 000325 UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN 000325 UW 000325 UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN 000325 UW 001342 WAXiE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 W~J(IE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 000345 XEROX CORPORATION 81LLI ACCOUNT NUMSER 001-2080 100-2080 190-2080 194-2080 280-2080 300-2080 320-2080 340-2080 001-2160 100-2160 193-2160 280-2160 001-2120 100-2120 190-2120 280-2120 CITY HALL BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES 340-199-999-5212 CITY HALL BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES 340-199-999-5212 CITY HALL BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES 340-199-999-5212 FEB 96 LEASE PMT/COPIER 5100 330-199-999-5239 ITEM AMOUNT 2,635.77 164.35 644,79 5.0O 69.70 5.00 312.50 87.50 398.92 87.98 431.18 25.94 87.42 67.25 10.95 15.00 .30 129.36 129.35 31.72 3,738.00 CHECK AMOUNT 3,924.61 1,031.44 93.50 3,738.00 TOTAL CHECKS 220,275.54 VOU' CITY OF TENECULA PAGE 8 02/ 15:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERZODS FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 165 RDA DEV- LOW/HOD SET ASZDE 190 COHHUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 210 CAPITAL INPROVEHENT PROJ FUND REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY - CIP 300 INSURANCE FUND 320 ]NFORHATION SYSTENS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACZLITIES TOTAL AMOUNT 115,580.07 2,57'3.21 3,000.00 11,820.44 7,451.52 1,204.00 17,727.51 17,370.45 73,782.10 5,212.55 235.54 14,912.61 270,870.00 VCXJCHRE2 02/29/96 15:35 VOUCNER/ CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 27876 02/22/96 27877 02/23/96 27878 02/23/96 27879 02/27/96 27880 02/27/96 27881 02/29/96 27881 02/29/96 27882 02/29/96 27882 02/29/96 27883 02/29/96 27883 02/29/96 27884 02/29/96 27884 02/29/96 27887 02/29/96 27888 02/29/96 27889 02/29/96 27890 02/29/96 27891 02/29/96 27892 02/29/96 27893 02/29/96 27893 02/29/96 27894 02/29/96 27895 02/29/96 27895 02/29/96 27895 02/29/96 27896 02/29/96 27896 02/29/98 27896 02/29/96 27896 02/29/96 27897 02/29/96 27897 02/29/98 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL pERIODS VENDOR VENDOR ITEM NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION 002072 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST RELOCATE WTR METER @ SAM HICKS 001985 A E P (ASSOC OF ENVIRO CEQA WRKSHP:FAGAN/RUIZ:03/01 000277 S & S ARTS AND CRAFTS, TRAINING FOR ART INSTRUCTOR 000314 TEMECULA VALLEY MUSEUM DRAW~ 6:TEMECULA MEUSUEM PRGT 00Z225 WESTSIDE BUSINESS CENTR REFUND OF FEES 000351 GILLISS, MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISS, MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISS, MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISS, MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISS, MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISS, MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISS~ MAX C.M. 000351 GILLISSI MAX C.M. NOV 95 CONSULTING SERVICES NOV 95 CONSULTING SERVICES DEC 95 CONSULTING SERVICES DEC 95 CONSULTING SERVICES JAN 96 CONSULTING SERVICES JAN 96 CONSULTING SERVICES FEB 96 CONSULTING SERVICES FEB 96 CONSULTING SERVICES 001515 A S A P TRUCK TRACTOR & INSTALL 12"& 10" PIPE INTO CRK 002038 ACTION POOL & SPA SUPPL POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 001425 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR CORP. LA 60152020196 TN ALM. MITCH REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 000112 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC APA MTG:THORNHILL:3/14 001910 AMERITECH CONNUNICATION RICOH COPIER-MAINT & SUPPLIES ANDREWS, WILLIAM ANDREWS~ WILLIAM REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 001530 BAKER, REBECCA 000622 BANTA ELECTRIC-REFRIGER 000622 BANTA ELECTRIC-REFRIGER 000622 BANTA ELECTRIC-REFRIGER TCSD INSTRUCTOR MEN RESTROOM ELECT REPAIR SERV SOCCER FIELD ELECT SERVS-CRC BBALL FIELD LIGHTS ELECT SERVS 002085 BARNEY & BARNEY 002085 BARNEY & BARNEY 002085 BARNEY & BARNEY 002085 BARNEY & BARNEY INSUR:BDILER/MACHINERY 2/96-97 ANNUAL COMM. INSURANCE 95/96 ANNUAL COMM. INSURANCE 95/96 ANNUAL COMM. INSURANCE 95/96 BELL, MICHAEL BELL, MICHAEL REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER 280-199-805-5802 001-161-501-5261 190-183-999-5320 210-190-808-5804 001-199-999-5375 001-110-999-5248 001-1990 001-110-999-5248 001-1990 001-110-999-5248 001-1990 001-110-999-5248 001-1990 193-180-999-5415 190-182-999-5212 320-199-999-5208 190'183-4982 001-161-502'5260 330-199-999'5217 190-183-4986 190-183-4986 190-183'999'5330 190'180'999'5212 190'180'999-5212 190-180-999'5212 300-1655 300'1655 300'1655 300-1655 190-183-4986 190-183-4986 ITEM AMOUNT 7,818.00 200.00 25.00 4,792.51 100,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 750.00 5.37 58.46 15.00 20.00 229.34 6.00 6.00 80.00 188.50 480.75 135.00 742.20 17~440.00 36~947.62 18,000.00 6.00 6.00 P,' 1 CHECK AMOUNT 7,818.00 200.00 25.00 4,792.51 100,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000,00 2,000D0 7~ 5.37 58.46 15.00 20.00 229.34 12.00 80.00 804.25 73,129.82 v3' ? CITY OF TEMECULA PACE 2 OZ 15:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER 27898 02/29/96 27898 02/29/96 27899 02/29/96 27900 02/29/96 27901 02/29/96 27901 02/29/96 VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION BRUNNER, DEL BRUNNER, DEL 000484 CALIFORNIA ASSOC LOCAL 000131 CARL WARREN & CO., INC. 000138 CITICORP NORTH AMERICA 000138 CITICORP NORTH AMERICA REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS MEMBERSHIP: MARY JANE MCLARNEY 04/12/95 BROWN, PATRICIA MAR PMT-TELEPNONE SYSTEM LEASE MAR PMT-TELEPHONE SYSTEM LEASE 27902 02/29/96 000155 DAVLIN 27902 02/29/96 000155 DAVLIN "STATE OF THE CITY" PRQOUCTION BROADCASTING OF COUNCIL MTGS. 27903 02/29/96 DISCOVERY ZONE REFUND-OVRPAIO BUSINESS LICENS 27904 02/29/96 001673 DIVERSIFIED TEMPORARY S TEMP HELP W/E 2/18 COLNAN 27905 02/29/96 DOODS, ZVETTE REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 27906 02/29/96 DOYLE, BOB REFUND:GRADING BOND 2 02/29/96 001380 E S I EMPLOYMENT SERVIC TEMP HELP W/E 02/02 NAGHERA 27908 02/29/96 000528 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER WINCHESTER RD ENG,INSPECT,TEST 27908 02/29/96 000523 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER SEWER AGRMNT PALA RD/FIRE STAT 27909 02/29/96 001722 EDWARDS, SALLY 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27910 02/29/96 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE RANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE 8ANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 27911 02/29/96 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS LSCP ENHANCEMENTS'SLOPES S-6 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPES S-6 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS'SLOPES S-13 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS'SLOPES S-7 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPES S-7 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPES S-8 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPES S-8 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPES S-12 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPES S'12 LSCP ENHANCEMENTS-SLOPE S-12 5473 6664 0391 0172 RB 5473 6664 0391 0172 RB 5473 6664 0391 0172 RB 5473 6664 0391 0172 RB 5473 6664 0391 0172 RB 5473 6664 0391 0172 RB 5473 6664 0391 0123 GT 5473 6664 0391 0214 JK ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-183-4986 190-183-4986 280-199-999-5270 300-199-999-5205 320-199-999-5391 320-2800 001-100-999-5250 001-100-999-5250 001-2640 001-110-999-5118 190-183-4982 001-2670 001-162-999-5250 280-199-602-5804 210-190-626-5802 190-183-999-5330 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 001-161-501-5258 001-161-502-5258 001-110-999-5260 001-150-99~-5258 001-163-999-5261 320-199-999-5258 001-161-501-5272 100-164-604-5260 ITEM AMOUNT 6.00 6.00 55.00 652.28 45.25 1,382.32 400.00 800,00 70.00 72.24 45.00 995.00 992.76 3,940.00 7,655.00 27Z.00 32.00 20.00 60.00 8.00 100.00 16.00 30.00 8.00 60.00 120.00 47.31 47.31 101.50 94.62 94.63 94.63 205.00 63.80 CHECK AMOUNT 12.00 55,00 652.28 1,427.57 1,200.00 70.00 72.24 45.00 995.00 992.76 11,595.00 272.00 454.00 748.80 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA - PAYN 909-181-1123/FEB/GENERAL 320-199-999-5208 542.26 27r' 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA - PAYM 909 676-8526 CITY'S FIRE SYSTE 32D-199-999-5208 80.02 2' 32/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA - PAYM 909 676-6243 PALA COMM PARK 320-199-999-5208 29.64 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA P~ ~ 02/29/96 15:]5 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME iTEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALIFORNIA 27912 02/29/96 000184 G T E CALiFORNiA PAYM 909 693-0956 GENERAL PAYM 909 694-1993 GENERAL PAYM 909 694-4354 PALA CGqM PRK PAYM 909 694-4356 KENT HINTERGARDT PAYM 909 695-3564 CITY HALL ALARM PAYM 909 699-2475 PUBLIC WORKS PAYM 909 699-7945 CRC FiRE ALARM PAYM 909 699-8652 GENERAL 320-199-999-52D8 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 27913 02/29/96 001355 G T E CALIFORNIA, INC. EQN6058106-96028 ACCESS CHARGE 320-199-999-5208 27913 02/29/96 001355 G T E CALIFORNIA# INC. LATE CHRG-SENT TO WRG ADDRESS 320-199-999-5208 27914 02/29/96 001164 GABRIEL, RICHARD MARCH RENT FOR CITY YARD 100'164-601-5234 27914 02/29/96 001164 GABRIEL, RICHARD MARCH RENT FOR CITY YARD 190-180-999-5234 27914 02/29/96 001164 GABRIEL, RICHARD MARCH RENT FOR CITY YARD 001~162-999-5234 27915 02/29/96 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 00017'/GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 00017'/GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 00017'/GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 00017'7 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 27915 02/29/96 00017'/GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-170-999-5220 MISt OFFICE SUPPLiES/B&S 001-162-999-5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES/FINANCE DEPT 001-140-999-5220 MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-162-999-5220 HISC OFFICE SUPPLIES/COPY CNTR 330-199-999-5220 MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-161-502-5220 CREDIT/RETURNED OFFICE SUPPLIE 001-110-999-5220 CREDIT/RETURNED OFFICE SUPPLIE 001-162-999-5220 CREDIT/RETURNED OFFICE SUPPLIE 001-120-999-5220 CREDIT/RETURNED OFFICE SUPPLIE 190-180-999-5220 CREDIT/RETURNED OFFICE SUPPL1E 001-140-999-5220 27916 02/29/96 000178 GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO UPGRADE 4 COMPUTERS-BMB MEMORY 320-199-999-5221 27917 02/29/96 001609 GREATER ALARM COMPANYt iNSTALL SECURITY NEW CITY HALL 340-199-999-5212 27917 02/29/96 001609 GREATER ALARM COMPANYt FEB-MAR CITY HALL MONITORING 340-199-999-5250 27918 02/29/96 002195 HALE COMPANY, THE PREP. APPRAI~L RPT/RANCHO APT 165-199-999-5250 27919 02/29/96 000806 HOWARD, BOBBY TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-999-5330 27920 02/29/96 HUGHES, BARBARA REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 190-183-4980 27921 02/29/96 001908 HUMAN KINETICS PUBLISHE BOOK:ASEP COACH YOUTH BASEBALL 190-180-999-5228 27922 02/29/96 00157'~ INLAND EMPIRE TOURISM C MEMBERSHIP:CITY OF TEM/IETC 280-199-999-5270 27923 02/29/96 001186 IRWIN, JOHN TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-999-5330 27923 02/29/96 001186 IRWIN, JOHN TCSD iNSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-999-5330 27924 02/29/96 001140 JOHN C. HENBERGER CO., MEASURING WHEEL-REDDIHGTON 27924 02/29/96 001140 JOHN C. HENBERGER CO., FREIGHT 27924 02/29/96 001140 JOHN C. HEHBERGER CO., TAX 100-164-602-5242 100-164-602-5242 100'164-602-5242 ITEM AMOUNT 26.43 1,240.45 28.92 28.61 51.78 39.53 51.50 27.30 612.31 2.31- 440.00 552.00 88.00 56.57 207.66 141.58 18.15 6.20 64.39 52.41- 11.02- 28.30- 94.15- 200.04- 845.45 695.00 39.76 3,000.00 320.00 30.00 17.57 250.00 336.00 436.80 121.55 7.00 9.42 CHECK AMOUNT 2,146.44 610.00 880.00 108.65 845.45 734.76 3,000.00 320.00 30.00 17.57 250.00 772.80 137.97 27925 02/29/96 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 2/11 EVANS 001-163-999-5118 74.26 VC~Jr CITY OF TENECULA PAGE 4 02/ 15:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERICX)S VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME ITEM ACCC)ONT DESCRIPTION NUMBER 100-164-604-5118 001-163-999-5118 100-164-604-5118 MAGICAN FOR F~ILY FUN MITE 190-183-999-5320 REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 190-183-4982 REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION 190~183-4982 190-183-4990 190-2900 190-183-4982 REIMB:RECONFIGURE LICENSE INFO 001-172-999-5255 190-180-999-5214 001-171-999-5470 190-180-999-5250 280-199-99<;:-5270 190-183-4986 190-183-4982 190-183-4982 001~110-999-5223 190-183-4986 001-171-999-5226 001-120-999-5330 001-163-999-5214 100-164-601-5214 190-183-999-5380 190-183-999-5380 190-183-999-5380 280-199-999-5270 001-110-999-5258 001-161-501-5250 27925 02/29/96 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 2/11 EVANS 27925 02/29/96 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 2/18 EVANS 27925 02/29/96 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 2/18 EVANS 27926 02/29/96 000205 KIDS PARTIES, ETC. 27927 02/29/96 27927 02/29/96 27928 02/29/96 27929 02/29/96 KIWANIS CLUB OF RANCRO' 27930 02/29/96 KUTZKE, LINDA 27931 02/29/96 002187 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FR 27932 02/29/96 001513 27933 02/29/96 001891 27 ~2/29/96 000414 27935 02/29/96 002217 27936 02/29/96 LUBETKIN, BEATRICE 27937 02/29/96 MARKELL, LESLIE 27937 02/29/96 MARKELL, LESLIE 27938 02/29/96 000220 MAURICE PRINTERS, INC. 27939 02/29/96 MINARDI, MARIO KIM, ELAINE KIM, ELAINE KITCHEN, HAROLD & ROSEN REFUND:RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND:CLEANING DEPOSIT REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION TCSD VEHICLE-4 NEW TIRES MAR INTERIM STATION RENT LIBERTY AUTO CENTER LINFIELD SCHOOL LONGS DRUG STORE FILM FOR PARK MAINT LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JO ADVERTISING THE CITY IN JRNL REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION TEMECULA O.N.E.-ARTWORK ONLY REFUND:EXCURSIONS/KEY DEPOSIT 27940 02/29/96 000727 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTIO MEMBERSHIP:TEMECULA FIRE DEPT 27941 02/29/96 000915 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIA INSURANCE RENEWAL:GREEK/JONES 27942 02/29/96 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 27942 02/29/96 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 27943 02/29/96 000241 27943 02/29/96 000241 27943 02/29/96 000241 ORANGE SPORTING GOODS° ORANGE SPORTING GO00S, ORANGE SPORTING GOODS, 27944 02/29/96 002219 ORYX, INC LAND DEVEL TRUCK-OIL CHANGE MAINT DIV VEHICLE-OIL CHANGE 18 DOZ SOFTSALL-TCSD SUPPLIES FREIGHT TAX PUS:FUND SOURCES COMM & ECON NGMT RETREAT DEPOSIT APR 4&5 27945 02/29/96 001911 PALA MESA RESORT 270~ q2/29/96 001492 PAULINE BC~JRON PHOTOGRA PHOTO WRK-DEVEL COOE(GRAPHICS) ITEM AMOUNT 144.14 141.44 274,56 65.00 37.00 20.00 100.00 I00,00 64.00 240,00 390.06 600.00 34.47 3,7/6.25 12.00 15.00 30.00 49.57 36.00 95.00 32.00 33,91 15.95 7'~7.10 20.00 57.13 49.95 500.00 80.00 CHECK AMOUNT 634.40 65.00 57.00 100.00 100.00 64.00 240.00 390.06 600.00 34.47 3,7/6.25 12.00 45.00 49.57 36,00 95.00 32.00 49.86 814.23 49.95 500.00 80.00 VOUCHRE2 OITY OF TEMECULA P ,~ 02/29/96 15:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY OASH 2~47 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27947 02/29/96 000249 PETTY CASH 27948 02/29/96 000580 PHOTO WORKS 27948 02/29/96 000580 PHOTO WORKS 27949 02/29/96 000251 PLANNING CENTER# INC.# 27950 02/29/96 PONSETTI, JEAN 27950 02/29/96 PONSETTI, JEAN 27951 02/29/96 000253 POSTMASTER 27951 02/29/96 000253 POSTMASTER 27951 02/29/96 000253 POSTMASTER 27951 02/29/96 000253 POSTMASTER 27952 02/29/96 002110 PRIME EQUIPMENT 27953 02/29/96 000255 PRO LOCK & KEY 27954 02/29/96 RAMIREZ, PATRICIA 27955 02/29/96 000947 RANCHO BELL BLUEPRINT 0 27955 02/29/96 000947 RANCHO BELL BLUEPRINT C 27955 02/29/96 000947 RANCHO BELL BLUEPRINT C 27955 02/29/96 000947 RANCHO BELL BLUEPRINT C 27956 02/29/96 002072 RANCNO CALIF WATER DIST 27957 02/29/96 001500 REGIONAL TRAINING CENTE 27958 02/29/96 ROBBEY, DOROTHY 27959 02/29/96 ROBERTS, HELEN 27960 02/29/96 27961 02/29/96 ROLING, LAURIE 002226 RUSSO, MARY ANNE ITEM DESCRIPTION PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FILM & PHOTO DEVELOPING FILM & PHOTO DEVELOPING GENERAL PLAN WRN PRGM REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS EXPRESS MAIL & POSTAL SERVS EXPRESS MAIL & POSTAL SERVS EXPRESS MAIL & POSTAL SERVS EXPRESS MAIL & POSTAL SERVS EQUIPMENT RENTALS - PARKS TCSD LOCKSMITH SERVS-PARKS REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION BLUEPRINT/WINCHESTER 1-15 BLUEPRINTS/WINCHESTER 1-15 BLUEPRINTS/SAM HICK PRK BLUEPRINTS/BAH HICKS PARK INSALL 3/4" WTR METER:MARGARIT PEAK PERFOR:HOGAN/MEYER:2/T&14 REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS REFUND-TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION REFUND:TCSD CLASS REGISTRATION TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-180-999-5260 001-162-999-5220 001-165-999-5260 001-150-999-5265 001-162-999-5260 001-100-999-5260 001-140-999'5220 001'163'999-5222 190-183-999-5320 190-183-999-5380 320-199-999-5226 100-164-601-5260 100-164-604-5260 001-150-999-5260 001-161-502-5224 001-161-502-5224 001-161-502-5248 190-183-4986 190-183-4986 001-120-999-5230 190-180-999-5230 001-161-501-5230 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5212 190-183-4982 280-199-602-5802 280-199-602-5802 280-199-805-5802 280-199-805-5802 191-180-999-5416 001-161-502-5261 190-183-4986 190-183-4986 190-183-4982 190-183-999-5330 ITEM AMOUNT 25.20 16.16 10.97 2B.O0 12.39 10.00 43.09 26.61 4.84 10.58 6.14 30.00 11.17 33.38 3.79 18.01 15.49 90.00 6.00 6.00 32.25 25.40 18.25 18.25 58.29 42.12 20.00 403.90 153.87 16.22 47.26 7,206.00 195.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 350.00 CHECK AMOUNT 272.32 33.50 90.00 94.15 58.29 42.12 20.00 621.25 7,206.00 195.00 6.00 6.00 15JlO 3, 15:35 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 27962 02/29/96 27962 02/29/96 27962 02/29/96 27962 02/29/96 27962 02/29/96 27963 02/29/96 27964 02/29/96 27965 02/29/96 27965 02/29/96 27966 02/29/96 27967 02/29/96 27968 02/29/96 27969 02/29/96 27c~9 02/29/96 02/29/96 27970 02/29/96 27970 02/29/96 27971 02/29/96 27972 02/29/96 279~ 02/29/96 27973 02/29/96 27974 02/29/96 27975 02/29/96 27975 02/29/96 27976 02/29/96 27977 02/29/96 27977 02/29/96 27978 02/29/96 27979 02/29/96 27979 02/29/96 27979 02/29/96 279.7~ 02/29/96 2' 02/29/96 ~ 02/29/96 VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER NAME 000704 S K S, INC/INLAND OIL 000704 S K S, INC/INLAND OIL 000704 S K S, INC/INLAND O1L 000704 S K S, INC/INLAND OIL 000704 S K S, INC/INLAND OIL SMITH, TINA 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPNON STARK, LOUIS STARK, LOUIS 001417 STERLING, STEVEN 001546 STRAIGHT LINE GLASS 000302 SYSTEM SOURCE, INC. 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY CO. 000307 TEMEDULA TROPHY CO. 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY CO. 000668 TIMMY D. PRODUCTIONS 000668 TIMMY D. PRODUCTIONS 002117 TR~)E & CC~4MERCE AGENCY 000826 TRAVEL TRUST 001179 TREBOR COMPANY INC., TH 001179 TREBOR COMPANY INC., TH 002016 TSUTSUMIDA & ASSOCIATES VANDERBOUT, BERNARDA VANDERHOUT, BERNARDA 002218 VERMONT SYSTEMS, INC VINCENT, JESSIE VINCENT, JESSIE 001437 VIRACK, MARYANN 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 gAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCRIPTION FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES REFUND-HENS SOFTBALL LEAGUE 909 202-4759 TE REFUND-SECURITY DEPOSIT $8 SHOULD BE APPLIED TO RENTAL BOOT REIMB:REMAINING BAL CRC 8LDG WINDOW REPLACEMENT RECONFIGURE URK STATION/FINANC PLAQUE FOR STEVE FORD ENGRAVING TAX 5 MICROPHONES FOR THE C,R.C. PICK UP AND INSTALLATION PARTICIPATION IN 96 TRADE BHO~ AIR:GFOA CONF:ROSERTS,G:5/19 50-TRAFFIC CONES W/SLEEVES TAX 1/1-2/15 SPACE PLANNING SERVS REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS REFUND:TCSD EXCURSIONS RECREATION SOFTWARE DEMO DISK REFURD:TCSD RATES FISCAL 92'93 REFUND:TCSD RATES FISCAL 92'93 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS BUILD MAINT SUPPLIES-CRC BUILD MAZNT SUPPLIES-CRC CREDIT'RETURNED BLDG SUPPLIES CREDIT-RETURNED DLDG SUPPLIES BLDG MAINT SUPPLIES-CRC BUILD HAINT SUPPLIES-CRC ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-180-999-5263 001-162'999'5263 100-164-601-5263 001-163-999-5263 190-183-4994 001-162-999-5208 190-2900 190-183-4990 190-180-999-5243 190-182-999-5212 001-140-999-5250 001-161-501-5272 001-161-501'5272 001-161-501-5272 190'182'999-5301 190'182-999"5301 280-199-999-5270 001-140-999'5258 100-164-601-5244 100-164'601-5244 210'199-650'5804 190-183-4986 190-183-4986 190-180-999-5340 190'180'999'5375 191-180-999-5375 190-183-999-5330 190'182-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-181-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 ITEM AMOUNT 39.98 270.97 103.64 455.55 1~0.06 425.00 52.92 108.00 8.00- 51.93 132.02 140.00 48.00 50.56 7.64 800.00 125.00 860.00 164.00 925.00 71.69 4,680.00 6.00 6.00 25.00 3,730.78 245.52 160.00 53.82 127.15 ?53.07- 480.59 129.35 638.61 PAGE 6 CHECK AMOUNT 1,020.20 425.00 52.92 100.00 51.93 132.02 140.00 106.20 925.00 ~0.00 164.00 996.69 4,680.00 12.00 25.00 3,976.30 160.00 676.45 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEHECULA p~ ~ 02/29/96 15:35 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-183-999-5350 210-190o120-5802 210-190-120-5802 210-190-120-5802 27980 02/29/96 000634 WILD BILLS TICKETS FOR EXCURSION 27981 02/29/96 000539 WIMMER YAMADA ASSOCIATE FEB SERVS-PALA ROAD PARK 27981 02/29/96 000539 WINMER YAMADA ASSOCIATE RE~MB:FEB PALA ROAD PARK 27981 02/29/96 000539 W1MMER YAMADA ASSOCIATE CONTRACT INCLUDES BLUEPRINTS 27982 02/29/96 001939 WINDSOR PROJECTS, INC. MAR RENT/FEB CAM/95 CAM ADJUST 340-199-999-5234 27982 02/29/96 001939 WINDSOR PROJECTS, INC. CREDIT~OVRPAID JAN CAM 340-199-999-5234 ITEM AMOUN~ ~45.00 600.00 178.07 178.07- 14,244.21 66.36- CHECK AMOUNT 345.00 600.00 14,177.85 TOTAL CHECKS 270,870.00 VOI CITY OF TEHECULA PAGE 02, 15:51 VOIJCNER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERZOOS FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 165 RDA DEV- LO~/MOO SET ASIDE 190 COHMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUND 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -CIP 300 INSURANCE FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 340 FACILITIES TOTAL AMOUNT 32,311.46 24,858.78 1,800.00 44,295.21 1,631.16 1,700.00 184,178.77 12,329.45 9,067.69 11,546.22 980.00 324,698.74 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA par 02/29/96 15:51 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 27985 03/12/96 001281 ALHAMBRA GROUP TCSD DETAILS/SPECS/JAN 96 SRVC 193-180-999-5250 27986 03/12/96 000123 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENS 27986 03/12/96 000123 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENS 27986 03/12/96 000123 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENS 27986 03/12/96 000123 BURKE WILLiAMS & SORENS 27986 03/12/96 000123 BURKE WlLLIAMS & SORENS 27986 03/12/96 000123 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENS JAN LEGAL 5ERVS-RETAINER SERVS JAN LEGAL SRVCS/TCSD/GEN/CLAIM JAN LEGAL SRVCS/TCSD/GEN/CLAIM JAN LEGAL SRVCS/TCSD/GEN/CLAIM JAN LEGAL SERVS-REDEVELOPMENT JAN LEGAL SERVS-GENERAL 001-130-999-5246 001-130-999-5246 190-180-999-5246 300-199-999-5246 280-199-999-5246 001-130-999-5246 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/I2/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE HA 27987 03/12/96 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MA ~988 03/12/96 002086 CALIFORNIA PAVEMENT MAN 27988 03/12/96 002086 CALIFORNIA PAVEMENT MAN JAN LSCP MAINT~PARKS JAN LSCP MAINT- SR CENTER JAN LSCP MAINT- C,R.C. JAN LBCP MAINT- MEDIANS JAN LSCP MAINT-NICOLAS RD PRK JAN LSCP MAINT-NEW CITY HALL JAN LSCP MAINT-DUCK POND JAN LSCP MAINT- PALA PARK LDSCP IMPROVE ~ THE DUCK POND FEB LSCP NAINT-PARKS FEB LSCP MAINT-SR CENTER FEB LSCP MAINT-C,R,C. FEB LSCP MAINT*MEDIANS FEB LSCP MAINT-DUCK POND FEB LSCP MAINT-PALA PARK FEB LSCP NAINT-NE~ CITY HALL FEB LSCP MAINT"NICOLAS RD PRK 190-180-999-5415 190-181-999-5415 190-182-999-5415 191-180-999-5415 190-180-999-5415 340-199-999-5415 190-180-999-5415 190-180-999-5415 210-190-143-5804 190-180-999-5415 190-181-999-5415 190-182-999-5415 191-180-999-5415 190-180-999-5415 190~180-999-5415 340-199-999-5415 190-180-999-5415 JAN PRGSS PMT/SLURRY SEAL PRJT 100-164-601-5402 RETENTION W/H-JAN PRGSS PMT 100-2035 27989 03/12/96 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER 27989 03/12/96 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER 27989 03/12/96 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER SPEC. SIGNS/RADIUS CORNERS SPEC. SIGNS/RADIUS CORNERS TAX 100-164-601-5244 100-164-601-5244 27990 03/12/96 001924 DAVID M. GRIFFITH & ASS JAN PROGSS PMT-SCHL MITIGAT ST 001-140-999-5248 27991 03/12/96 001945 E. A. MENDOZA CONTRACTI 27991 03/12/96 001945 E. A. MENDOZA CONTRACTI 27991 03/12/96 001945 E. A. MENDOZA CONTRACTI 27991 03/12/96 001945 E. A. MENDOZA CONTRACTZ FEB PRGSS PYMT/R.C. SPT PRK 210-190-137-5804 FEB PRGSS PMT-R.C.SPT PRK C0#4 210-190-137-5804 FEB PRGSS PMT/R.C.SPT PRK CO~t4 210-190-137-5804 RETENTION:FEB PRGSS PMT/RC PRK 210-2035 27992 03/12/96 000481 GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONM CONSULT/ENVIRO SITE ASSESMENT 165-199-999-5250 1,700.00 4,500.00 10,657.52 100.00 9,067.69 2,774.33 2,519.48 13,547.61 242.52 1,670.81 815.58 1,015.00 490.00 1,445.00 2,336.00 9,675.00 13,547.61 242.52 1,670.81 815.58 1,445.00 2,336.00 490.00 1,015.00 8,234.84 823.48- 2,390.61 409.45 217.00 1,140.29 137,250.00 38,576.47 37,981.66- 13,784.48- 1,800.00 27993 03/12/96 000178 GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO 3-PENTIUN 133MHZ COMPUTER 16MR 320-1970 7,848.00 27993 03/12/96 000178 GOLDEN STATE TRADING C0 TAX 320-1970 608.22 27994 03/12/96 002129 GREAT ~EST CONTRACTORS, FEB PRSS PMT-FIRE STATION 84 210-190-626-5804 27994 03/12/96 002129 GREAT WEST CONTRACTORS, FEB PRSS PMT RETENTION-FIRE ST 210-2035 55,404.51 5,540.46' 1,700.00 291619.02 52,800.04 7,411.36 3,017.06 124,o6o.~3 1,800.00 8,456.22 49,864.05 27995 03/12/96 002207 HTE PROGRAMMED FOR SUCC 96 ACTIVITY REG SOFTWARE MAINT 320-199-999-5211 720.00 27995 03/12/96 002207 HTE PROGRAMMED FOR SUCC 96 LEAGUE SCHED SOFTWARE MAINT 320~199-999-5211 240.00 ITEM 4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVA~~ CITY k~q~ORlqEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Genie Roberrs, Director of Finance March 12, 1996 City Treasurer's Report as of January 31, 1996 PREPARED BY: Steve Oakley, Accountant RECOMMENDATION: as of January 31, 1996. That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's Report DISCUSSION: Reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio and receipts, disbursements and fund balance are required by Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 respectively. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the Code Sections as of January 31, 1996. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Treasurer's Report as of January 31, 1996 2. Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Equity as of January 31, 1996 City of Temecula City Treasurer's Report As of January 31, 1996 Cash Activity for the Month of December: Cash and Investments as of January 1, 1996 Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of January 31, 1996 $ 50,500,952 6,652,971 (2,641,39~ $ 54,512,525 Cash and Investments Po~olio: Type of Investment Institution Yield Balance Petty Cash General Checking Benefit Demand Deposits Local Agency Investment Fund Deferred Compensation Fund Deferred Compensation Fund Defined Contribution Fund Trust Accounts-TCSD COPs Reserve Account-TCSD COPs Trust Accounts-RDA Bonds Construction Fund-RDA Bonds Reserve Account-RDA Bonds City Hall $ 800 First interstate 4,033,298 First Interstate 3,691 State Treasurer 5.698 % 35,759,552 ICMA 289,439 PEBSCO 420, 168 PEBSCO 29,565 First Trust 5.408 (2) 17,557 BofA - Bayerische Landesbank 6.870 502,690 First Trust 5.408 (2) 1,120,845 BofA - Bayerische Landesbank 6.210 10,886,000 BofA - Bayerische Landesbank 7.400 1,448,920 $ 54,512,525 (1) (1) -This amount includes receipt of $4,114,569 in property tax revenue on January 31, 1995. (2) -Yield reflects rate received in December 1995, January 1996 yield not available at this time. Per Government Code Requirements, this Treasurer's Report is in compliance with the City of Temecula's investment poticy and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the City of Temecula for the next thirty days. City of Temecuia Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances As of January 31, 1996 Cash and investments Receivables Due from other funds Land held for resale Fixed assets-net Total assets City (1) Community Services Redevelopmerit District Agency Total $ 30,742,790 $ 2,417,394 $ 21,352,341 $ 54,512,525 2,694,531 122,300 195,718 3,012,549 542,393 542,393 918,171 2,103,053 3,021,224 467,261 467,261 $ 35,365,146 $ 2,539,694 $ 23,651,112 $ 61,555,952 Liabilities and fund equity: Liabilities: Due to other funds Other liabilities Total liabilities $ 509,593 $ 32,800 $ 3,354,586 $ 147,436 85,093 3,864,179 147,436 117,893 :und equity: Contributed capital 1,055,344 Retained earnings 460,995 Fund balances: Reserved (2) 5,213,008 Designated (3) 19,861,037 Undesignated 4,910,583 Totalfund equity Total liabilities and fund equity 856,478 10,956,426 1,535,780 12,576,793 542,393 3,587,115 4,129,508 1,055,344 460,995 17,025,912 33,973,610 4,910,583 31,500,967 2,392,258 23,533,219 57,426,444 35,365,146 $ 2,639,694 $ 23,651,112 $ 61,555,952 (1) Includes General Fund, CIP Fund, Gas Tax Fund, other special revenue funds, and deterred comp agency funds. (2) includes amounts reserved for encumbrances, land held for resale, long-term notes receivable, low/rood housing, and debt service. (3) Includes amounts designated for economic uncertainty, future capital projects, debt Service, and continuin4} appropria6ons. ITEM 5 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Genie Roberts, Director of Finance March 12, 1996 Approval of 1995-96 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments PREPARED BY: Tim McDermott, Assistant Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 96- entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET DISCUSSION: Each year the City conducts a mid-year review of its operating budget. The purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the City maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of revenues. Human Resources and Finance Department staff have performed an analysis of projected personnel costs, which includes the impact of both the compensation study and the Community Development Department reorganization which were implemented this fiscal year. Additionally, all City departments have reviewed their operating budgets and have identified any material adjustments required. The mid-year budget review includes the General Fund, Gas Tax Fund, and the Internal Service Funds. Activity in each of the funds is presented in accordance with the following schedules: Summary of Revenues. Exoenditures. and Fund Balance: Presents summary prior year and 1995-96 year-to-date actual activity, as well as 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. Also included is a schedule of beginning and estimated ending fund balance based upon the proposed budget activity. Revenue Detail: Presents detail of prior year and 1995-96 year-to date revenues, as well as the 1995-96 current and revised projected revenues. Exoenditure Line-Item Detail: Presents expenditure line item detail by department for prior year and year-to date actual activity, as well as the 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. GENERAL FUND Based upon the recommended mid-year adjustments, the General Fund fund balance at June 30, 1996 is projected to be $14,067,668. Proposed expenditures exceed projected revenues by ~1,876,488for the 1995-96fiscal year. This current year operating deficit is due primarily to the commitment of $2,000,000 for the new city hall project. The projected General Fund revenues reflect a $525,876 or 4% increase over the original budget estimate. This increase is an indication of the strong performance and growth of the local economy, with significant increases projected in the revenue estimates for Sales Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax, Franchise Fees, Motor Vehicle in Lieu Fees, and Investment Interest. Proposed General Fund expenditure adjustments reflect a net increase of $100,000. This corresponds to the amount of a refund issued for revised tentative map applications. All other proposed General Fund expenditure adjustments result in no net increase or decrease in appropriations. This is a reflection of the thorough analysis done by each department during the original operating budget process. GAS TAX FUND The projected Gas Tax Fund revenues reflect a decrease of $23,3 12 from the original budget estimate. This increase is primarily due to a decrease in the General Fund contribution required to fund Public Works activities, and is offset by a corresponding $23,312 proposed decrease in expenditures. This expenditure decrease is primarily due to personnel cost savings from positions vacant for a portion of the fiscal year. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS A $25 ,500 net increase in Internal Service Funds revenues is projected (primarily in investment interest). In total, a net increase in total Internal Service Funds expenditures of $168,034 is proposed. Significant appropriation increases are as follows: Insurance Fund - An increase of $65,000is requested due to claims-related legal costs. Information Systems Fund - An increase of $37,618 is required in Depreciation Expense due to major computer hardware replacement as approved by the City Council on February 13, 1996. An increase of ~25,000 is requested for Windows-related in- house staff training. Support Services Fund - An increase of $8,500 is requested for copy center supplies due to increased levels of activity in the copy center such as for Public Works related bid document processing. An increase of $9,000is requested for records management expenses due to the increased volume of microfilming and off-site records storage activities. 2 AUTHORIZED POSITIONS No changes are proposed to the Schedule of Authorized Positions. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed mid-year adjusted budget reflects a net increase of ~425,876 from the current budget estimate in the projected General Fund fund balance at June 30, 1996. Attachments: Resolution 1995-96 General Fund Mid-Year Budget 1995-96 Gas Tax Fund Mid-Year Budget 1995-96 Internal Service Funds Mid-Year Budget 3 RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE~ CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING ~ FISCAL YEAR 199~-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, each year a mid-year review is conducted of City operating budgets. WHEREAS, the purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the City maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. WHEREAS, the mid-year review has been completed and the recommended adjustments are reflected in the attached schedules for the City's General Fund, Gas Tax Fund, and Intemai Service Funds. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 1995-96 General Fund Annual Operating Budget is hereby amended in accordance with the attached General Fund Mid-Year Budget. Section 2. That the Fiscal Year 1995-96 Gas Tax Fund Annual Operating Budget is hereby amended in accordance with the attached Gas Tax Fund Mid-Year Budget. Section 3. That the Fiscal Year 1995-96 Internal Service Funds Budgets are hereby amended in accordance with the attached Internal Service Funds Mid-Year Budget. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTFJ} this 12th day of March, 1996. ATTEST: Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TENIECULA) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 12th day of March, 1996, by the following vote of the City Council: COUNC/LMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILIVIEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk 1995-96 General Fund Mid-Year Budget CITY OF TEMECULA SU~u a, RY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE- G AL FUND 1 Total General Fund Revenue~ General Fund Expenditures by Dept: City Council City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Finance Human Resources Planning Building & Safety Engineering CIP Adrnin Disaster Relief Police Fire An; ' Control Nc ~artmental Operating Transfers Out: Public Works Capital Projects TCSD Information Systems Fund Insurance Fund Total General Fund Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 15,804,111 280,374 477,248 389,807 235,215 721,411 218,164 882,047 981,397 486,042 443,139 300,894 4.224,233 802,407 77,372 514,568 753,457 267,000 361,994 12,416,769 3,387,342 235,481 247,436 171,392 120,202 385,022 144,419 500,863 434,017 268,257 279,748 1,927,508 28,853 63,836 386,545 2,093,100 8,274,932 280,373 95-96 Current Budget 14,327,037 336,182 472,416 380,980 260,000 758,875 251,763 997,991 849,060 585,407 587,854 406~2,g~8 1,490,847 7130510 1,546,178 2,093.100 17,310 200,000 400,000 16,629,401 (2,3o2,364) 95-96 Proposed Budget 14,852,913 343,805 481,596 356,446 285,000 766,466 267,065 1,013.203 864,292 569,907 589.947 1,431.268 829,836 1,532.232 2,093,100 17,310 200,000 400,000 16,729,401 (1,876,488) Proposed Increase 525,876 7,623 9,180 (24.534) 25,000 7,591 15,302 15,212 15,232 (15,500) 2,0tB 116,326 (13,946) 425,876 General Fund Balance, July 1, 1995 1995-96 Estimated Revenues 1995-96 Proposed Expenditure Estimated General Fund Balance, June 30, 1996 15,944,156 14,852,913 (16,729,401) 14~067',668 mcdermt\rnidyear\deptsuml .wql 27-Feb-96 ACCT NO OO1 GENERAL FUND DEFT 181 PLANNING DEFT 162 BUILDING -Various DEFT 163 ENGINEERING -Various DEFT 166 CIP 4083 -Grants (FEMA) DEFT 170 POUCE 4055 -Faeklng Cltetbne 4067 -Vehicle Impound Fees 4125 *Temporary Outdoor Event 4060 -Mlsc. Non Texeble 4083 -G~mts (COPS Fast SCAIR) DEFT 171 FIRE 4035 -Fire Pin Check 4031 -Fire Ifupectinn DEPT 199 NON-DEpARTMENTAL 4010 -PropetyTax 4012 -Property Tax (Urinecured) 4016 -Property Trandet Tax 4018 -Franchise Fees 4024 -Sales and Use Tex 4028 -Homeowner Property Tax Relief 4032 -Candidate Fliing Feel 4033 -SBE Apportionments 4045 -Off Road Vehicle In LjNJ 4046 -Motor Vehicle in Lieu 4047 -Vehicle Code Fbel 4052 -Tipping Feel 4053 -Bide & Proposals 4056 -Bullnell Licenses 4060 -Miscellaneous NOn Taxable 4061 -Betumed Check Fee 4062 -BecoveW of Prior Year Expense 4065 4nvestment Intotest 4085 -Mortgage Loan Interest 4070 -Cash Over & $h~ft 4075 -Bentel Income 4016 -Belmbureemente (CFD88-12) 4077 -Community Sewices District 4082 -Bedeve4oprnent Agency 4083 -Capital Improvement Program 4090 -CpereSng Trermfem-M TOTAL GENERAL FUND 530,549 30,484 46,290 33,250 1,007,460 67,072 6,053 182,702 865,231 838,930 31,899 150 635 71,077 6,873 138,575 223 16,272 450 235,561 609,158 (2) 15,704 g,oeo 8,846 8,129 31,765 20,545 548,371 51,078 342,128 478,958 534 4,178,544 18,810 302 811,507 30,527 10,732 110,250 13,310 135 409,526 4,700 52 32,318 FY 05-88 (:)RIG BDGT 198,585 30.000 10,000 600 8,000 35,530 53,533 35,OOO 1,108,335 60,215 150,000 M0,000 550,OOO 0,520,000 17,000 1,203,178 67,000 3,000 140,000 508,000 50,000 162,000 75,000 517,750 35,000 14,327,037 OF BDGT 53.73% 52.35% 56.61% 116.00~ 110.55 22.88% 50.32% 58.70'/. 45.74% 90.28% 60.13% 40.73% 87.33% 64.09% 97.71% 61.05% 45,56% 134.15% 78.75% 57.36% 50.00% 50.00% 24 59.71% F'Y 95.06 REVISED BDGT 198,565 504,000 30,000 16,000 600 8,000 35,530 53,556 35,000 1,076,450 80,215 150,000 310,000 630,000 7,000,000 33,000 1,300,000 67,000 12,000 140,000 15,000 7,855 700,000 4,500 80,000 162,000 290,000 35,000 14,852,913 CHANGE IN BDGT (122,545) 480,000 16,000 96,822 4,000 15,000 7,655 4,500 10,000 (227,756) 525,876 mcdermt~midyear\96rev1 .wql 23-Feb-96 A~-CT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT VISION INSURANCE 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIF~= & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENERAL FUND CITY COUNCIL-DEPARTMENT 100 FY 1995-96 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 95-96 ACTUALS YTD CURRENT BDGT FY 95-96 PROPOSED SDGT 23,003 15,184 18,000 18,000 2,227. 2,807 2,711 2,711 442 471 281 261 8,470 7,300 8,400 12,000 120 329 1,508 892 738 756 276 214 581 817 50,269 42.279 60,094 63,217 INCREASE DECREASE) 3.600 (495) mcdermt\midyear\96my-100.wql 3 2?-Feb-96 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DEBCRIFTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 UFE INSURANCE 510e UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABIUTY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 51.~15 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT VISION INSUP. ANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5112 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5128 COMPENSATED ABSENCE3 5190 UFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENERAL FUND CITYMANAGER-DEPARTMENT110 FY 1995-85 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 95-86 CURRENT BDGT 295,039 163,432 2/7,817 3~,786 25,270 41,148 4,264 2,516 4,101 2,400 1,600 2,400 4~5 278 1,183 1,022 1,353 1,942 1,597 1,~08 1,419 2,388 15,862 5,560 23,520 1,488 1,354 280,623 2,806 42,270 422 4,142 41 · 2,400 1,386 33 2,413 ' 24 23,124 (396) 1,000 (1,000) 366,270 212,382 359,516 382,/96 3,180 mcdermt~midyear%90my-110.wql 28.-Feb-86 CITY MANAGER-OEPARTMENT 110 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION 5200 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5223 TEMECULA ONE 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5263 FUEL EXPENSE 5278 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITUES CAPiTAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPiTAL OUTLAY TOTAL CITY MANAGER PAGE 2 FY 8586 FY 65-86 FY 65-~6 INCRE/ YTI) CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREA~_ 1,847 1,169 4,000 1,085 308 2,500 1,196 925 2,500 03 437 500 3,000 1,203 1,623 2,175 8,444 1,500 6,000 477.247 247,436 S00 3,000 (1,000) 2,500 2,500 500 10,000 7,000 2,175 800 2,000 250 22,000 500 150 S00 800 800 472,416 481,596 9.180 mcderrnt%midyear~Smy-110.wql 28-Feb~6 AC~T ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 51 O0 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILR'Y INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK-DEPARTMENT 120 FY 1995-96 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY94-95 FY85-96 ACTUALS YTD FY95-96 CURRENTBDGT 180,852 100,403 195,512 24,805 14,535 28,450 2,716 1,679 2,835 2,400 1,600 2.400 639 348 2,042 1,109 1,722 1,294 1,O37 1,229 891 1,652 9,168 5,500 35,280 683 799 720 480 430 290 962 1,371 31 1,000 5,243 9,538 182 372 195 66 291 207 235,322 138,885 FY 95-96 INCREASE PROPOSED SDGT (DECREASE} 170,153 (25,359) 25,630 (3,82~ 2.652 (183) 2,400 2,299 577 1,545 {107) 28,420 (6,880) 2,000 1,000 12,740 12,740 478 478 248,317 (21,534) mcderrnt%midyear\96my-120.wql 23-Feb-96 CLERK-DEPARTMENT 120 PAGE 2 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5210 MESSSENGER 5217 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF.EQUIP. 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5225 ELECTION COSTS 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5244 SIGNS 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5330 INSURANCE 5340 INFORMA'i;ION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL CITYCLERK ACTUALS FY 95-96 YTO P( 95-96 CURRENT BDGT 605 358 800 200 150 6,083, 1,399 4,500 127 152 303 20,534 710 140 825 1,089 1,514 2.200 3,109 2,627 3,000 520 520 2,500 3,120 812 2,600 1.085 202 900 4,825 2,585 4,500 1,894 1,449 2,385 179 147 500 1,141 1,072 2,575 127 56 200 18.812 4,355 17,419 27,364 7,106 28,782 37,320 2,250 8.999 25,864 5,673 22,691 164,488 32,507 106, 129 5,000 5,000 389,810 171,392 380,980 FY 95-96 INCREA$' PROPOSED SDGT (DECREAS~ 900 200 150 4,500 303 L 825 2,200 4,000 1,000 2,500 3,600 1,000 g00 4,500 2,385 500 2,575 200 17,419 28,782 8.999 22,691 108, 129 2.000 (5,000) (5,000) I 356,446 (24,534} mcderrnt\midyear\95my-120.wql 23-Feb-96 GENERAL FUND CITY ATTORNEY-DEPARTMENT 130 FY 1995-96 MIDYEAR BUDGET A~CT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5246 5247 LEGAL SERVICES-CONTRACT LEGAL SERVICES-H.R. FY 94-95 FY 95-96 ACTUALS YTD 219,536 15,679 117.922 2.280 PY95-96 CURRENT BDGT 250,000 10,000 FY85-98 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 275,000 25,000 10,000 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 235,215 120,202 260,000 285,000 25,000 mcdermt\midyear\96my-130.wq1 9 22-Feb-96 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABIUTY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENERAL FUND FINANCE-DEPARTMENT 140 FY 189546 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 94-95 FY 85-96 ACTUALS YTD 337,914 210,316 45,635 30,196 5,118 3,223 2,400 1,600 1 ,O40 643 3,397 1,759 2,223 2,031 2,306 1,701 4,437 4,008 739 510 2,142 1,509 301 251 9,945 7,250 17,964 4,171 12,062 566 455 27 1,434 1,402 449,512 271,163 FY 95*96 CURRENT BDGT 338.354 51,246 5,006 2,400 2,870 2,916 52,920 5,000 5,000 188 466,900 FY 95-96 PROPOSED BDGT 342.392 · 51,574 5,063 2,400 3,528 2,950 52,029 5,000 6.800 255 2,500 474,491 INCREASL DECREASE) 4,038 328 57 858 34 (89t) 1,800 67 1,500 7,591 mcdermt\midyear\96my-140.wql 22-Feb-95 FINANCE-DEPARTMENT140 · - ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION ~ OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5232 BANK FEES 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 533(~ INSURANCE 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FINANCE FY 9445 ACTUAL~ FY95;6 YTD FY 95-96 CURRENT BDGT FY 95-96 PROPOSED BDGT 1,121 376 1,200 1,200 5,815 2,950 5,700 5,700 12,593 12,602 13.712 13,712 1,032 · 813 1,250 1,250 974 276 825 825 6,047 4,116 6,000 6,000 81 200 200 95,462 57,282 125.535 125,535 3.037 1,624 3,475 3,475 536 30 550 550 631 952 2,500 2,500 704 220 600 600 5,605 1,510 5,000 5,000 523 276 900 900 31,352 6,895 27,580 27,580 45,608 11,393 45,572 45,572 15,028 3,562 14,249 14,249 43,108 8,982 35,927 35,927 269,257 113,859 290,775 290,775 728 1,918 2,846 1,200 1,2O0 721,415 1,200 1,200 385,022 758,875 766,466 PAGE2 INCREASE DECREASE) 7,591 mcderrnt\midyeer\96my*140.wql 22-Feb-96 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 EN.i, RIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 UFE INSURANCE 510e UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTALINSUSANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TiME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5199 BENEFITS ADVANCED TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CITY OF I'EMECULA HUMAN RESOURCES-DEPNtTMENT 150 FY 199548 MIDYEAR BUOGET FY 95-85 CURRENT BDGT 118,2/~ 73,314 115,140 FY 95-86 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 120,612 5,472 15,281 10,481 17,344 18, 168 824 301 208 900 714 1,148 858 734 77/ 800 1,015 408 17,640 381 381 5,005 1 ,g77 43 500 944 2,474 5,000 33 98 188 261 306 200 159,917 1,353 147,247 95,140 1,176 28 1,061 49 17,343 (297) 5,000 350 150 166,210 6,302 mcdermt~mldyear%98my-150.wq1 12 284=eb'96 HUMAN RESOI. RCES-DEPARTMENT 150 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5220 OFFICE SUPPUES 5222 PRINTING 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5248 CONSULlING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5258 CONFERENCES 52_~9 TUmON REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5265 RECOGNITION PROGRAM 5330 INSURANCE 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES F'Y 85-83 CURRENT BDGT 1,078 413 1,060 1,093 802 805 1,996 365 1,500 840 412 750 1,426 1,223 1,200 12 140 140 3,910 18,105 22,634 4,221 e, lgl 5,511 5,870 1,261 4,000 77 75 250 1,152 2,000 4,000 PAGE 2 FY 95-83 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 1,260 200 1,205 400 1,500 750 1,600 400 140 22,634 0,261 3,150 4,000 250 4,000 4,300 3,500 mcdermt%midyear~6my-150.wql ' 13 28-Feb-86 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES&WAGEE 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMEI~IT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE|NSTJRANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENTTRAININGTAX 5110 DISASIUTYINSUFtANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HF_A~..THINSLjRANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 I~MPORARYHELP 5119 PART-TIME (Pr~)ect) 5120 PART-TIMERETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENERN. FUND CI.)RRENT PLANNING4)EPAR1MEIfr 131-501 FY 1995-08 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 25-08 CURRENT BDGT 299,819 25,763 45,538 2,686 4,721 800 1,200 463 1,754 2,282 4,425 9,104 380 674 2,688 2,860 14,~41 23,130 150 238,613 430,948 FY 05-06 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 281,248 (18,571) 42,364 (3,174) 4,416 (305) 1,200 2,205 (77) 36,853 (3,7! 2,500 (160) 23,290 160 873 404,422 (25,52~"'- mcdermt~midyeer~96my-161 28-Feb.~6 CURRENT PLANNING-DEPARTMENT 151 ~01 ACCOUNT DESCRIFrrION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5217 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE-EQUIP 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTSNAPS 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PURUCATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT · r~48 CONSLItTING SERVICES ,.~0 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5256 PURUC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFFTRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5272 PLANNING COMMISSION 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDII~RES FY ~445 ACTUAL~ le4 1,125 660 310 855 1,867 58 13,405 3,287 2,440 275 3,288 405 1,287 401 2,625 8,818 52,640 PAGE 2 FY 9546 FY g546 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 300 300 150 150 2,800 2,600 2,000 4,000 2,000 450 450 3,500 3,500 250 800 550 mcdermt\midyea~96my-181 28-Feb46 CURRENT pLANNINCt-DEPARllAENT 161 -~01 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCR|PTIONIJUSI~FICATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FI..I~NISHING$ 5802 OFFICE EQUfPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FY 95-86 Y'rD 1,035 1.035 I='Y 9546 CURRENT BDGT 575 PAGE 3 · FY 9546 INCREAS, PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) TOTAL CURRENT PLANNING 578,260 560,624 (17,636) mcdermt%midyear~Bmy-161 28*Feb-g6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DE$CR|PllON/JUSI1FICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5100 UNEMPLOYMENTTRAININGTAX 5110 DISABIlITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS'COMPENSATION HEALTIt INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICALREIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART*TIME (Pro.iecQ 5120 PART-TIME REtiREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENEP. N. FUND ADVANCE PLANNINCrDEPARTMENT 101 .~02 FY 1905-06 MIDYEAR BUT)GET FY 94.65 F'Y 25-66 ACTUALS YI'D FY 95-66 CURREhrT BDGT 111,284 176J20 FY 95-06 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 192,048 15,728 17,176 26,536 28,928 1,992 1,880 2,931 3,122 191 e00 1,200 1,200 299 960 1,421 1,588 167 1.113 3,175 5,003 5,577 484 5,817 22.981 24,713 1,732 1,019 607 326 1,965 2,885 2,660 2,500 (160) 294 22,730 23,290 560 11 873 873 377 3,500 3,500 262 149,861 286,645 287.339 20,694 mcdermt~mldyear%96my1612 17 28..Feb~06 ADVANCE PLANNING43EPARTMENT I Sl J502 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFT~ON/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5217 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE-EQUIP 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 5225 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PU~UCATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5256 PUBUC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5282 MILEAGE 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 94-85 ACTI.IAL$ FY 95-66 Yll) 222 431 400 149 Sl FY 95-66 CURRENT BDGT 300 150 2,600 3,500 1,500 1,250 450 3,500 250 PAGE 2 FY 95-66 INCREA, PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 300 150 2,600 1,500 (2,000) 1,500 450 3,500 800 550 73,000 11/ 387 3,000 3,000 2,613 2,835 3,200 565 214 250 300 50 2,751 2,800 4,550 1,750 mcdermt%midyear%95my1612 28-Feb;6 ADVANCE PLANNING4)EPAR1MENT 161.802 PAGE 3 NO. ACCOUNT DESCRIPtION/JUSTIFICATION CAP/TAL OIJTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ADVANCE PLANNING FY 95-86 YTD 208,575 R95-86 C~RE~B~T 1,402 1,077 419,731 FY 95-86 INCREASE PROPOSED BOGT (DECREASE) 1,402 575 452,579 32,848 medermt~midyea~gemy1612 28~ceb46 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 51 O0 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MED~CARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS'COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTALINSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART*TIMERETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES GENERAL FUND BUILDING & SAFETY-DEPARTMENT 162 ~ 1995-96 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 94~6 FY 95~6 ACTUALS Y'TD FY 95-96 CURRENT BDGT 327,870 208,412 362,557 47,216 31,406 58,230 5,340 3,266 5,605 2,400 1,600 2,400 1,071 647 3,638 2,013 2,870 2,445 2,309 8,586 5,419 10,462 23,859 15,505 57,820 2,538 2,377 2,173 1,143 415 551 6,271 3,539 20,673 5,844 7,311 39,085 2,240 4,500 1,506 84 596 183 496,293 286,591 511,755 FY 95-96 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 378,501 15,944 57,014 (I .216) 5,583 (22) 2,400 3.528 658 10,410 55,396 (2,424) 7,311 6,500 2,000 244 244 100 100 526,987 15,232 mcdermt\midyear%96my-162.wql 23-Feb-96 BUILDING & SAFETY-DEPARTMENT 162 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5226 DUES MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5234 RENT-FACILITY 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5243 UNIFORMS 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERIVICES CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5263 FUEL EXPENSE~;ITY VEHICLES 5440 WEED ABATEMENT 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY FY 04-95 ACTUALS FY95-95 Y'ro FY 95-96 CURRENT BDGT PAGE 2 FY 95-96 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 770 256 500 500 5,741 2.126 6,500 6,500 2,031 1,777 2.600 2,600 3,780 709 2,000 2.0(~0 801 675 845 845 3,495 279 726 726 4,461 939 4,100 4.100 668 1,040 1,040 400 188 1,200 1,200 778 699 1,200 1,200 918 1,227 1,500 1,500 131,813 78, 163 133,924 133,924 120,575 22,239 26,011 26,011 2,543 1.268 2,200 2,200 275 566 750 750 2,288 2,165 3,100 3,1 O0 108 35 150 150 5,320 2,973 4,500 4,500 59,210 . · 610 25.000 25,000 28,220 6,532 26,129 26,129 24,036 655 2,622 2,622 41,048 10,793 43, 173 43,173 5,272 3,375 13,499 13,499 38,796 8.509 34,036 34,036 482,679 147,426 337,305 337.305 434.017 849,060 2,425 981,397 864,292 15,232 mcdermt%midyear\96my-162 .wql 2 1 23-Feb-96 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 51 O0 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5160 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING-DEPARTMENT 163 FY 1995-96 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 94-95 FY 95-96 ACTUALS YTD FY 95-96 CURRENT BDGT 279,657 167,554 329,027 38,538 24,794 49,561 4,123 2,554 4,771 420 480 720 809 437 2,174 1,619 2,296 2,038 1,694 10,305 6,523 12,268 16,979 11,018 45,889 1,727 1,565 309 25 716 454 301 2,481 4,386 4,386 5,942 2,676 6,000 6,000 73 256 364,111 224,130 454,918 FY95-96 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREAS~ 312,304 (16,723) 47,042 (2,519) 4,528 (243) 720 2,778 482 11,867 H01) 42,907 5,982) 432,532 (22,386) mcderrnt\midyeer\96my-163,wql 23-Feb-96 ENGINEERING-DEPARTMENT 163 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5243 UNIFORMS & SPECIAL CLOTHING 5249 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5263 FUEL EXPENSE-CITY VEHICLES 5268 BLUEPRINTS 5330 INSURANCE 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ENGINEERING ACTUALS 285 125 156 396 357 13,955 1,033 247 2,762 280 2t ,948 3t ,928 30,176 121,275 657 657 486,043 FY9546 CURRENT BDGT H} 532 3,000 745 1,283 1,977 3,250 850 44 140 250 433 1,132 374 398 12,663 19,114 1,765 4,750 178 400 819 1,750 298 300 1,495 1,500 89 500 5,081 20,322 8,395 33,579 2,625 10,490 6,618 26,472 44, 127 130,489 PAGE 2 FY 9546 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 500 500 3,000 1,283 3,250 1,000 850 140 250 1,132 398 23,000 3,888 4,750 400 1,750 800 500 3,500 2,000 500 20,322 33,579 10,499 26,472 137,375 6,886 268,257 585,407 569,907 (15,500) mcdermt~midyear\96my*163 .wql 23-Feb-96 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 MFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABIL~'Y INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Pro)ect) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CITY OF TEMECULA CIP ADMIN-DEPARTMENT 165 FY 1995-96 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 94-95 FY 95-96 ACTUALS YTD FY 95-96 CURRENT BDGT 255,056 155,179 253,740 35,239 23,159 38,221 4,208 3,120 5,854 420 480 720 572 345 2.377 1,713 2,153 1,843 1,612 9,778 7,333 10,920 11,372 7,549 28,420 1,125 933 602 439 301 2,112 2,111 32,408 50,442 147,889 1,160 1,946 5,625 5,121 1,687 10,000 73 45 361,855 258,094 FY 95-96 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 251,474 (2,266) 37,880 ~41) 5,791 (63) 720 2,279 126 10,846 (74) 27,821 ~99) 4,500 2.389 147,889 5,546 {79) 10,000 505,653 504,745 ~07) mcdermt%budgetop\96My-165.wql 23-Feb~96 CIP ADMIN-DEPARTMENT 185 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDR'URES 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5243 UNIFORMS & SPECIAL CLOTHING 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCES PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5263 FUEL EXPENSE-CITY VEHICLES 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAy TOTAL CIP ADMIN FY 9445 ACTUALS FY 9546 YTD FY 9546 CURRENT BDGT 1.592 1,538 2,000 548 241 1,000 57 500 71 1,000 375 165 700 19 250 89 60 125 346 103 259 183 196 196 312 279 1,OOO 443.137 279,748 587,854 PAGE 2 F'Y g546 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT {DECREASE) 3,000 1,000 500 700 250 125 259 196 4,000 2,000 870 400 500 500 14,516 2,392 23,985 7,496 18,909 84,201 3,000 1,000 1,000 589,947 2,093 mcderrnt\budgetop\96My-165.wql 23-Feb46 5281 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS 5282 OFFICE ASSISTANT III 5284 CAL ID 5285 COUNCIL DISCRE'T1ONARY 5288 SWORN STAFF 5290 C~ME PREVENTION OFRCER peOPOSED BOOT (OECFF_~E) POUCE-DEPARTMENT 1/0 4,201 PAGE 2 FY g6-86 INCREASE PRO;OSED BOOT (DECREASE) ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DE~CRIFI1ON/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDFrUREE 5112 PROJECT SALARIES 5201 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 5217 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-OFF.EQUIP. 5220 OFFICE EUPPUE$ 5221 COMPUTER SOFTVVANE-SUPPIJES 5222 PRINTING 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5251 FIRE SERVICES 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCA11ON 5267 SOCIAL SERVICES 5274 T.I.P. FUNDING 5296 FIRE PREVENTION EDUCATION 5470 INTERIM FIRE STATION TOTAL OPERATING EXpENDrI'I. IRER CAPITAL OUTLAY 5602 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5604 COMPUTER HARDWARE 5606 COMPUTER SOFTVVARE 5608 VEHICLES 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FIRE FY 05-00 FY 25-88 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 2,311 4,051 4,629 4.675 415 12,000 384 504 1,000 341 500 173 225 515 700 414 505 65 367 425 424 1,034 1,000 2,132 3,125 5,250 2,625 5,395 150 41 2,750 111,430 18,800 27,900 787,797 588,253 1,445,247 828 13,783 14,611 802,408 12,000 11,100 4,000 18,500 45,600 588,253 1,490,847 4,675 5,395 2,750 27,900 1,385,668 (59,570) 12,000 11,100 4,000 18,500 45,600 1,431,268 (59, mcdermt~budgetop\96MY-171 ,wql 2 8 28-Feb-g6 ACCT ~ ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTIONIJUS'IIFICATKN OPERATING EXPENDrrURES 5255 ANIMAl, CONTROL CITY OF TEMECUI,A ANIMA~ CONTROL-DEPARTMENT 172 FY legs-e6 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY es-e5 CURRENT BDGT FY es.ee ZNCREASE PROPOSED BOGiT (DECREASE) TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL CITY OF TEMECUt. A NON-DEPARtMENTAL-DEPARTMENT 199 try 1995-~6 MIDYEAR BUO GET ACCT ACCOUNT NO, DESCRIPTIONIJUS~FICAT1ON OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5100 SALARIES 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICE8 5262 MILEAGE 5276 SALES TAX REIMBURSEMENTS 5385 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB LOAN 5375 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR REVEN 5382 TCSD ADMIN FEE CREDIT TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5603 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT 5810 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,838 18.088 10,332 73 459,863 1,375 16,626 5,050 1,860 40,500 63,836 FY 9546 CURRENT BDGT 10,700 6,810 525,000 162,000 713,510 FY 05-06 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (T:)ECRSASE) 18,700 6,810 533,211 8,211 8,115 8,115 100,000 100,000 162,000 829,836 116,326 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 514,570 713,510 829,835 118,326 mcdefmt%budgetopWBMY-190.wq1 30/end 25..F~-98 1995-96 Gas Tax Fund Mid-Year Budget CITY OF TEMECULA SUI~'RY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE- G~ :. FUND 1995-~ 95-96 Current Budget 95-96 Proposed Budget Total Revenues 1,670.429 829,421 2,230,171 2,206,859 Total Expenditures by Division: Maimenance 756.271 363,561 1,146,378 1.146,378 Traffic 118,945 78,370 244,454 244,454 Special Projects 22,407 5, 196 20,559 20, 559 Admin 797,469 389,955 885,530 862,218 Total Expenditures 1,695,092 837,082 2.296.921 2.273,609 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (24,663) {'/,661 ) (66,750) (66,750) Proposed Increase Decrease) (23,312) (23.312) Fund Balance, July 1. 1995 19~, _-stimatad Revenues 1995-96 Proposed Expenditures Estimated Fund Balance, June 30. 1996 66,750 2.206,859 (2,273,609) mcdermt~midyear~deptsuml .wql 28-Feb-96 ACCT NO 100 GAS TAX FUND FY 94-85 REVENUE GAS TAX FUND REVENUE DETNL FY 1995-66 BUDGET FY 95-66 ~ ACI~ALS FY 95-66 ORIG BDGT ~1L3% OF BDGT FY 95-66 REVISED BDGT CHANGE IN BDGT TOTAL GAS TAX FUND 9,600 4,449 25,227 1,518 882,285 144,818 204,052 291,479 6,000 3,562 4,000 386,544 02,548 139,988 190,779 6,000 82~,421 24,000 1,546,175 208,878 6,000 2.230,171 25.00~ 44.31e~ 93,74~ 08.53% 100.00% 37.19% 1,072 3,562 10,000 1,532,232 149,344 208,878 295,771 6,000 2,206,859 1,072 3,562 ('~4,000) (13,946) (58,534) (23,312) mcdermt~midyear~g6rev1 ,wql 23-Feb-98 ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIF~IOFUJUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5118 TEMPORARY HELP TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDrTI. IRES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLE 5215 REPAIR&MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 5226 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5234 RENT 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 5240 UTIliTIES 5242 SMALLTOOLS/EQUIPMENT INFORMS/BOOTS 5244 SIGNS 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5263 FUEL EXPENSECITY VEHICLES 5268 BLUEPRINTS 5401 DRAINAGE FACILFRES MAINTENANCE 5402 ROUTINE STREET MAINTENANCE 5410 STRIPING/STENCIliNG 5430 HAZ~4AT DISPOSAL AND STORAGE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDfTURES FY N45 FY 05~6 ACTUAL8 YTD CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BGGT (DECREASE) 13,929 16.100 16,100 13,029 15,100 16,100 2,290 1,420 3,500 3,500 4,257 4,178 8,000 8,000 756 602 1,500 1,500 56.023 13,851 58,995 58,995 20 30 30 4,8/2 3.340 5,500 5,500 3,901 995 5,190 5.180 1,573 802 2,540 2,540 3,445 1,328 3,175 3,175 2,445 1,463 5,460 5,460 24,320 10,086 23,925 23,625 170 1,411 1,411 0,692 3,736 4,099 4,909 64 180 180 179 142 180 180 SIr/ 229 600 600 0,306 5,36~ 11,400 11,400 200 80,575 38,741 174,500 174,500 496,168 112,928 621,502 621,502 48,835 79,323 118,111 118,111 2,262 717 9,000 g,OOO /50,130 279,250 1,058,808 1,058,898 mcdermt%midyee~my961641 .wql 28-Feb46 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTIONIJUSTIFICATTON OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5215 REPAIR&MAINTENANCE~QUIPMENT 5218 MAINI~NANCE SUPPUES 5222 PRINTING 5228 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5244 SIGNS 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5256 PUBUC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCE8 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFFTRAINING/EDUCATION VIII, F_AGE 5405 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 5406 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 5410 STRIPING/STENCIlING TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDrTURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5602 VEHICLES 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PUBUC WORKS TRAFFIC FY 9546 FY 9546 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (T)ECRRASE) 250 250 140 151 152 152 105 21 920 920 210 3,928 3,928 106,555 78,370 234,154 234,154 10~390 10,390 118,946 10,300 10,300 10.300 10,300 244,454 244,454 mcdermt%midyear%my961842.wql 28--Feb-e5 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFI10NIJUSTIFICA'/1ON OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MA/NTENANCE-VEHICLE 5224 LEGAL DOCUMEN~'BAMAPB 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5256 PUBUC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5268 BLUEPRINTS TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS CITY OF TEMECULA PUBUC WORKS SPECIAL PROJECTS-OEPARIMENT 164403 F'Y 1995-86 MIDYEAR BUDGET FY 95-88 F'Y 95-86 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE} 878 251 228 20.065 4OO 385 25 75 22,407 584 2,250 2,250 3,612 13,339 13,33~. 500 500 250 250 250 250 1,470 1,470 1,000 1,000 1,000 250 250 250 250 5,196 20,559 20,559 mcdermt%midyear%my961643,wql 28-Feb-86 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSI1FICAllON PERSONNEl. SERVICES 5100 SALARIES&WAGES 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 IJFEINSIJ~ANCE 510~ UNEMPLOYMENTTRAININGTAX 5110 DISABI~FYINSURANCE 5112 WORKERS'COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DEI~/TAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE ;TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART*TIME (Pro.bet) 5120 PART-TIMERET1REMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5190 LJFE&ACCIDENTINSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CfTYOF19~ECUI. A PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN-OEPARTMEHT 194.404 FY lees-ee MIDYEAR Bt,JOGET FY 9540 FY 95-0~ INCREASE CURRENTBDGT PROPOSEDBDGT (DECREASE) 435~,64 250,828 456,143 434,977 (21,166) ~.555 H,827 88,085 05,807 (3,1 M) e,e~7 5.004 7.ess 7.e45 (307) 1,842 725 3,448 3.H2 mcdermt%midyNmmy961644.wql 28*Feb-e6 PUgLIC WORKS-DEPARTMENT 164-604 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTIONIJUSTIFICA~ON OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLE 5220 OFFICE SUPPUES 5222 PRINTING 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 5228 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBUCATIONS 5230 POSTAGE E PACKAGING 5243 UNIFORMS/BOOTS 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFFTRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5283 FUEL EXPENSE~ITY VEHICLES 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILITIES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAy 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5602 VEHICLES 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OtITLAY TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN PAGE 2 FY 95~3 FY 95~6 INCREA CURRENT SDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREAL 206 275 1,500 1,500 1,680 237 1,500 1,500 3,013 2,202 8,244 6,244 860 555 750 1,250 8 6 1,000 1,000 85 612 612 488 138 500 500 2,2~ 1,723 2,000 4,000 26 26 36,473 ea7 1,500 1,500 120 1,000 1,000 240 151 400 400 141 352 1,000 1,000 28 50 216 2,850 2,850 25,084 7,984 31,635 31,035 32,172 3.044 12,178 12,178 36,488 8,395 33,57~ 33,579 11,324 2,625 10,499 10,426 34,488 6,618 26,472 26,472 186,179 35,244 137,519 140,016 1,455 1,455 797,469 389,255 2,500 885,530 862,218 (23,312) mcdermt~midyeer~my961644.wql 8tend 28-Feb-e6 1995-96 Internal Service Funds Mid-Year Budget CITY OF TEMECULA IN'r'="NAL SERVICE FUNDS SL :IY OF REVENUES, EXPENSES 199b-~6 TotalRevenues Total Expenses by Fund: Insurance Vehicles Information Systems Support Services Facilities TotalExpenses Excess ofRevenuesOver(Under) Expenses AND FUND EQUITY Actual 95-96 95-96 Proposed gS-g6 Current Proposed Increase YTD Budget Budget (Decnmse) 1,605,758 959,284 1,712,952 1,738,452 25.500 254.399 242,242 307,936 374,498 66,562 82,278 16,930 60,236 60,236 359,224 156,907 401,583 478,023 76,440 148,656 85,206 149,292 170, 930 21,638 286,210 190.140 304.142 307.536 3,394 1,130,767 691,425 1 ?'z~ 189 1,391,223 168,034 474,ggl 26'7,86g 489,763 347,229 (142,534) Fur -uity, July 1, 1995 1995-96 Estimated Revenues 1995-96 Proposed Expenses Estimated Fund Equity, June 30. 1996 1.464,358 1,738.452 (1,391.223) 1,811,587 mcdermt~midyear\deptsuml .wql 1 27-Feb-96 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL FY 1995-86 BUDGET FUND 300 INSURANCE FY 94-95 REVENUE 25,408 280,828 6,355 FY 95-96 YTD ACTUALS 540,455 FY 95-96 ORIG BDGT 21,500 259,836 400,000 YTL3 % OF BDGT 49.01% 50.00% I00.00~ 79.32% FY 95-96 REVISED BDGT 40,000 259,836 400,000 CHANGE IN BDGT 18,500 18,500 FUND 310VEHICLES FY 94-85 REVENUE 88,861 FY 95-96 Y110 ACIUALS 2,318 15,486 17,784 FY 05-86 ORIG BDGT 30,936 34,938 YTU % OF BDGT 57.05% 49.99% 50.90~ FY 96-86 REVISED BDGT 6,000 30,936 36,936 C~NGE INB~T 2,000 2,000 FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4050 -Pay Telephone Revenue 4062 -Recovery of Prior Year Expense 4065 -investment Interest 4076 -Charges for SeNices 4090 -Operating Transfers In TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS FUN FY 94-95 679 265 5,638 364,872 371,454 FY 95-96 Y1~ ACTUAL8 795 52 1,9/~ 188,284 FY 95-98 ORIG BDGT 2,500 376,589 200,000 OF BDGT 79.16% 50.00% FY 05-96 REVISED BDGT 1,000 3,500 376,569 200,000 581,060 CHANGE IN BDGT 1,000 2,000 I FUND 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 4062 -Recovery of Prior Year Expense 4065 4nvestment interest 4076 -Charge for SeNices TOTAL SUPPOET SERVICES FUND FY 94-95 REVENUE 496 4,855 149,556 154,707 FY 95-96 YTO ACTUALS 23 1,329 58,874 60,226 FY 95-88 ORIG BDGT 3,000 117,741 120,741 YTU % OF BDGT 44.36% 50,00% 49.88% FY 96-96 REVISED BDGT 4,000 CHANGE IN BDGT FUND 340 FACiUTIES TOTAL FACIliTIES FUND FY ~4-95 REVENUE 1,197 344,96O 34E,057 FY 95-96 YTD ACTUALS 766 148.434 140,709 FY 95-86 ORIG BDGT 296,870 296,870 OF BDGT 50.(X0% 50.43% FY 05-86 REVfSED BDGT 2,000 296,870 298,870 CHANGE IN BDGT 2,000 2,000 mcdennt~midyear~Srevl .wql 23-Feb-g6 ACCT NO, ACCOUNT DESCRIFTIONIJUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 51ol DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO AM,OWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 510~ UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115--_,MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 51 /ISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 UFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND INSURANCE4q~ID 300 FY 199546 MID-YEAR BiEr Pf 95.66 CURRENT BDGT F'Y 0546 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 19,317 12,612 18,602 18,882 280 2,462 1,803 2.802 2,~44 42 279 160 270 274 4 52 35 206 129 110 119 124 97 972 306 122 113 15~ 275 31 20 165 103 (1.608) 318 147 (18) 22,329 16,017 24,936 157 160 3 2,940 2,881 (49) 26,498 1,562 ACE~T ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION INTERNN. SERVICE FUND VEHICLES-FUND 310 FY 1Hs-e6 MID-YEAR INJDGiET FY 95-86 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 5360 DEPRECIATION TOTAL VEHICLES FUND 18,930 mcclermt%midyeer%O6my-310.wq1 23-Feb..66 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCR|FllON/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSAtiON 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABIL.IT~ INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSUNANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Pro)ect) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND INFORMATION SYS'I~MS-FUND 320 FY 199548 MID-YEAR BUOGET 120 287 264 310 311 325 248 40 2,602 1,402 FY 9566 CURRENT BDGT 49,992 7,530 725 63,425 33,499 64,878 FY 95-~6 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 50,627 635 7,626 90 734 0 s~ ~e4 (35) 422 428 6 5,880 5,781 (99) 68,490 3,812 mcdermt~midyear%96my-320.wq1 23-Feb-e6 INFORMA13ON SYSTEMS ISF PAGE 2 Al ACCOUNT NO, DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDfTURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5209 RADIO SYSTEM CHARGES 5211 SOF'I%VARE MAINI~NANCE 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIP 5220 OFFICE SUPPIJES 5221 COMPU~rJ~ SOFT~/ARE SUPPUES 5226 DUES ANO MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBLICATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 521 ~NSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF I~AINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5360 DEPRECIATION 5391 INTEREST 5550 (GAIN) LOSS ON DISPOSAL OF ASSETS TOTAL OPERA~NG EXPENDITURES TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ISF 66.375 45,273 70,000 8,ee5 7,8/2 11,000 10,454 7,850 24,150 10,45~ 903 18,500 11,286 41 2,500 0,341 1,600 5,400 7,836 5,739 30,100 2,083 8,700 32 83 200 0,585 1,142 7,000 FY 95-06 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 80,000 10,000 11,000 24,150 18,500 500 30,000 250 2,500 250 360 2,500 5,400 3~,100 8,700 200 32,000 25,000 2,000 151,255 37,828 868 40~,533 72,828 478,023 70,440 mcdermt~midyea~96my~320.wq1 23~ceb;5 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTIONIJUSTIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTI-I INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5118 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5110 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART*TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 UFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES FY 8445 FY 95-88 AC"T',JAI~ YI'D FY 85-88 CURRENT BDGT 1S,152 12,813 18,084 2,621 1,722 2,724 278 1~4 262 110 70 130 115 3,173 1,481 5,880 382 171 83 25 82 (301~ 151 20 28,903 17,018 27,432 F'Y 95-~6 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 19,423 1,339 2,926 202 282 20 (35) 164 11 5,781 500 500 800 600 29,870 2,538 mcderrnt%midyear%98my-330.wql 23-Feb-~6 SUPPORT SERVICES ISF A( ACCOUNT N, DESCRIFllON/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.*OFRCE EQUIP. 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINTING 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5243 UNIFORMS 5262 MILEAGE 5277 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 5360 DEPRECIATION TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDfilJFIE8 16,793 0,771 19,124 11,352 PAGE 2 309 172 500 50,968 28.830 52.000 156 500 277 388 400 9,087 10,783 12,500 23,039 6,016 27,460 110,753 88,180 121,860 500 52,000 500 300 300 700 300 21,500 9,000 25,460 (2,000) 140,080 10,100 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES ISF 148.656 85,206 149,292 170,930 21,638 mcdermt%midyear%96my-330.wq1 23-Feb-e5 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFI1ON/JUSllFICAl10N PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5119 5120 5121 5126 5190 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FAC/LITIES-FUND 340 FY 9445 FY 0545 ACTUALS YTD FY 9546 CURRENT BDGT FY 0546 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 57,H6 38,60~ 61,765 60,849 (916) 7,643 5,573 9,304 848 585 896 257 158 629 317 398 381 3,772 2,510 5,543 3,351 559 564 9,1 e6 (138) 882 (14) 740 662 (7N 4,201 4,145 (62) 13,230 13,032 (198) 1,220 761 1,487 14 29 80,713 53,399 00,142 90,036 (106) mcdermt~midyear~Smy-340.wq1 23-Feb-~6 FACILITIES At ACCOUNT N~. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION 5212 REPAIR & MAINllENASCE FACILITY 5219 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENTS 5228 PUBLICATION8 5234 RENT4:ACILITY 5240 UTIUTIE$ 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5250 OI~;ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES TOTAL FACIUTIES llt FY~4~5 ACTUALS 8,219 1,121 FY i;5~e YTO 9,615 2,798 FY 95.,ee CURRENT BDGT 16,679 2,798 PAGE 2 FY 95~e INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 16,679 2,798 148,4/7 94,047 ~42,000 ~42,000 37,417 24,341 39,000 39,000 835 523 523 523 8,422 5,411 9,535 9,535 3,465 6,985 3,500 136,141 214,000 217,500 3,500 304,142 286,210 19~140 307,536 3,394 mcdermt%mldyea~96my-340.wq1 11/Final 23-Feb46 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager  oseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer March 12, 1996 Professional Services Contract between City of Government Interface, L.L.C. Temecul8 and RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve a contract between the City of Temecula and Government Interface, L.L.C. for Professional Services and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. BACKGROUND: The State of California, Office of Local Programs advised local agencies through LPP 95-07 "Re-Engineering", that in order to meet 50 percent staff reduction requirements, a number of functions will be reduced or totally eliminated. As a result, many of these functions and responsibilities are being transferred to local agencies. To meet federal requirements, local agencies in the past depended on Caltrans staff to get through the process. This review will no longer be available in many areas and the responsibility will rest with the local agencies. Should the projects which are federally funded proceed without proper step by step procedures mandated by the federal government, (FHWA), anticipated funding could be lost, and in some cases would have to be returned to federal government for non-compliance with the regulations. A group of retired Caltrans employees, whose primary responsibility was to work with local agencies recently formed a company, Government Interface, L.L.C., with it's primary mission to aid local government to properly get through the "maze". Members of this group will work with local agency staff to make certain that staff follows the guidelines, rules and regulations on projects in general and on specific projects. A proposal for such services has been received by the City of Temecula. Staff feels that this service would be extremely valuable to the City and recommends approval of a professional contract with this firm. The cost for the services is $1,000 per month, with a not to exceed amount of $20,000 per year for additional services, as needed. A portion of Mr. Max Gilliss' current contractual responsibilities will be reduced if this proposal is approved and accordingly, our contract amount with Mr. Gilliss will be reduced from $2,000 per month to $1,000 per month, with Mr. Gilliss' concurrence. This reduction will pay for this additional service. Government Interface, LL C Providing transportation assistance to local agencies February 16, 1996 Mr. Joe Kicak Director of Public Works City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Mr. Kicak: Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Temecula. We are prepared to provide information, advice, direction and management of your Federal and State funded street and highway projects referred to in CallFans' Local Programs Procedure 95-07 Re, engineering. SERVICES We propose the following services: 6. 7. 8. 9. Review the City's Street and Highway Program to: a. Determine project funding sources and qualifications. b. Prepare funding applications. c. Plan future actions. Ensure that complete and correct applications, forms, documents and requests are submitted on time. (Except Right of Way services.) Monitor that the proper sequence and process are followed to secure reimbursement when due. Coordinate submittals with City's engineering staff and consultants. Meet with City staff and consultants in one combined monthly meeting to review progress and to plan future actions. Provide up to 6 additional hours of service monthly. Immediately notify City of new information, policy and procedural changes. Provide exclusive advisory bulletins and newsletters. Provide on-line services and assistance, if City desires. P.O. Box 6303 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (909) 888-1991 FEES The monthly fee for these services will be $1000, payable monthly upon billing. This will include routine expenses, such as reasonable txavel to and from the City for meetings. Non-routine expenses, such as ti3r extended travel or overnight trips requested by the City will be billed at 1.15 times actual cost. Additional service hours requested by the City beyond those indicated above will be billed at $100 per hour. The total amount of compensation under this agreement shall not exceed $20,000 unless a written amendment to this agreement is executed by both parties. TERM This agreement will remain in force for one year after date of execution by the City. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the other party. Please execute and return one copy of this letter contract. Don Weaver Vice President I agree with and approve the above letter contract and wish to initiate these services on . (date) City of Temecula authorized representative (signed) (dated) Local Programs Procedures LPp 95 - 07 Re~.n~neering References: See attachments Effective Date: J, lv 1. 1995 The purpose of this Local Progr~m-~ Procedure (LPP) is to describe the Reengineered Local Assistance procedures. These changes are required in order to meet the 50 percent staff reductions proposed in the 1995-96 budget. A new edition of the Local Progr~m~ Mannnl (LPM) is being prepared for release after the approval of the 1995-96 budget. This LPP is being released in advance of the new LPM to provide detailed instructions for project implementation between now and the new LPM release. EXISTING PROCEDURES Procedures described in the current edition of the Local pregram.~ Manual are based on the sinended C~lltornia Certification Acceptance plan approved by the Federal Highway .Atlmln~stration (FHWA) for Local Agency projects in 1977. In response to the efficiencies provided in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, Caltran-~ and the Federal Highway A~ministration also entered into "Letters of Agreement" wherein Caltrans was granted exemption from FHWA project review and oversight for prelLminary engineering and construction-related activities on certain federal-aid projects. Thla exemption applied to all projects off the National Highway System (non-NHS) and for Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) and low-cost projects (less than $1 million) on the National Highway System. (See Figure 1.) Caltrans - Office of Local Programs June 21, 1995 LPP 95-07 Page 3 However, to ensure that project sponsors meet federal requirements, the following preliminary engineering and construction review and approval activities by Caltrans were retained: · A field review before the initial "Request for Approval to Proceed" (FNM~76) can be processed, · Review and approval of consultant agreements, Review and approval of PS&E, including Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) project goals for those agencies not qualified under Design Certification or Local Agency Certification Acceptance. · Concurrence in award, · Invoice review, and · Construction oversight including DBE compliance. contract change order approval, and final inspection. NEW PROCEDURES Effective July 1, 1995, the Caltrans preliminary engineering and construction review and approval activities listed above will not be performed for projects off the National Highway System (non-NHS). Caltrans' review activities for 3R and low- cest (less than $1 million) projects on the National Highway System will continue in accordance with existing procedures. In addition. review of Environmental documents and some project authorization and agreement processing activities will be streamlined to eliminate duplication of effort and multiple reviews. All of these changes will return responsibility and accountability for federally funded local projects to the local agencies. Caltrans will initiate process reviews on a regular basis to ensure that federal requirements continue to be met. This LPP does not address reengineered procedures for the Caltrans role in right- of-way activities performed by local agencies. Interim procedures are now being prepared and will be forwarded shortly after July 1, 1995. Additional systemic changes are also being developed. which will be phased in over the next six months. Local agency Certification Acceptance (CA) will be discontinued as an optional procedure. However, if approved by the District Local Assistance Engineer, Caltrans - Office of Local Programs June 21, 1995 LPP 95-07 Reengineerin Page 4 agencies currently under Local Agency Certification Acceptance may continue under those procedures for up to one year. This approval will be based on the following: 1) Recent evaluations of the local agency's performance under current local assistance procedures, and Consideration of the time necessary for Caltrans to process the local agency's projects under this Reengineering LPP versus the time necessary under Local Agency Certification. An overview of the revised procedures is provided below. Detailed procedures are attached. Project Authorization/Obligation of Federal Funds (Attachment 1) To initiate a project authorization or add authorization for additional phases, local agencies will be required to complete a revised "Request for Authorization" form. This form and its attachments will provide all of the funding, classification, and statistical infon~,ation needed by Caltrans and the FHWA to electronically authorize the project and obligate the federal funds. Instructions for completing this package have been developed and are included. The agency will be expected to submit a complete form and certify the accuracy of all data on the form. Caltrans will make a cursory review, complete the authorization/obligation process, print out the "Authorization to Proceed" report and forward it to the project sponsor. Costs incurred prior to the date of authorization to proceed will not be reimbursed! These procedures apply to all federal-aid projects. Environmental Procedures (Attachment 2) Caltrans will continue to review and approve Programmatic Categorical Exclusions. Caltrans will also endorse all other local environmental documents for completeness and sufficiency before transmittal to FHWA for review and approval. However, Caltrans' environmental staff will no longer be able to provide the level of assistance that was available before the staff reductions. Instead, the District Local Assistance Engineer will coordinate with FHWA and limit review of local agency environmental documents to complete submittals (including a completed Preliminary Environmental Studies form and basic supporting documentation, such as the results of records searches for cultural and biological resources) to support the conclusion. Caltrans - Office of Local Programs June 21, 1995 LPP 95-07 Reenginccring Page 5 In some cases, an on-site environmental review and/or office meeting may still be necessary. Coordination with Caltrans' district environmental staff may also be necessary given a project's complexity and/or its potential for controversy. This LPP only modifies the level of Caltrans' review of local environmental documents and is not intended as a "stand-alone" procedural guide. The local agencies should continue to refer to Volume III of the current LPM for guidance material for the various federal environmental requirements until the new volume is released. These revised procedures are for all local projects. regardless of whether they are on or off the NHS. Field Review fAttachment 3) The local agency sponsor of a project will decide whether or not to hold a field review to scope non-NHS projects. Caltrans will only be involved with non-NHS projects when requested by the local agency, and then only for major roadway or structure projects. Caltrans' involvement will be limited to the least number of functions and people possible. For most non-NHS projects, the initial obligation of funds may be processed without the field review or field review form. However, portions of the field review form must be submitted to provide a complete "scoping document" and other information required for authorization of the right of way or construction phases of the project and preparation of agreements. Requirements for field reviews for projects on the NHS will continue in accordance with existing procedures. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBF~) (Attachment 4) Caltrans will continue to review and approve the local agency DBE Program and each Annual Plan/Goal. The local agency will be responsible for establishing project goals for DBE participation and will be required to complete the Report of DBE Awards and Utilization forms. For non-NHS projects, Caltrans will not: · review project goals, · concur with award of construction contracts, or · monitor compliance during construction except for process reviews. Caltrans' project level review and approval for projects on the NHS will continue in accordance with existing procedures. Caltrans - Office of Local Programs June 21, 1995 LPP 95-07 Reengineering Page 6 Consultant Selection (Attachment 5) Caltrans' approval of consultant agreements will no longer be required. The local agency will complete a checklist and document that federal requirements have been met. Pre-award audits will continue to be required for consultant agreements of $250,000 or more. These revised procedures apply to all federal-aid projects. Design Standards (No Attachment) Drafts of reengineered procedures have been widely distributed and used for reengineering workshops around the state. However, in the process of obtaining final approval from the FHWA, the proposal to allow locally-approved and adopted design standards for non-NHS projects was not approved. Therefore. non-NHS projects (as well as projects on the NHS) must continue to meet minimum AASHTO or 3R standards. We will challenge this decision. Until this issue is resolved, all local projects must continue to meet AASHTO or 3R standards and an exception must be approved by the local agencies on a project-by-project basis. Plans. Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) (Attachment 71 Determining the applicability of required federal contract provisions is difficult because ISTEA provided flexibility for non-NHS projects, but federal regulations have not been revised to clearly define the limits of the flexibility. A summary of applicable requirements for non-NHS projects is included in the attached detailed procedures. Local agency sponsors will certify that their PS&E package for non-NHS projects complies with all these applicable federal requirements. A certification form is provided in the attachment that identifies those items which require local agency compliance. Caltrans will not review the local agency PS&E for non-NHS projects, with the exception of complex structure designs when a local agency specifically requests a review. PS&E for local projects on the NHS will continue to be reviewed by Caltrans unless prepared under Design Certification or Local Agency Certification Acceptance. Construction Administration (Attachment Except for process reviews and quality assurance procedures, Caltrans will not review any of the construction activity on local non-NHS projects. The local agency will certify their compliance with all state and federal contract administration requirements. Caltrans will gather DBE data from the local agencies and report it to the FHWA. Caltrans - Office of Local Programs June 21, 1995 LPP 95-07 Reen~raeering Page 7 Once the Administering Agency receives the authorization to proceed for the construction phase of the project, Caltrans will not be involved in: · approving the advertising or award of construction contracts, · approving of change orders, or · certifying compliance with DBE or Davis-Bacon wage requirements. The FHWA denied the proposal to allow the local agencies to use their own quality assurance procedures for non-NHS projects. We will challenge this decision, but until this is resolved, sampling and testing on all local federal-aid projects must continue to follow Caltrans Construction Manual, Chapter VIII, Section 8-01, 8-02, and 8-03, "Sampling and Testing," and the Quality Assurance Program Manual. Existing procedures will continue for projects on the NHS. Agreements LAtt_achment 9) Agreements must be prepared and executed before any invoices for payment can be processed. Caltrans' Office of Local Programs in Sacramento will prepare all agreements and process them directly with the local agency. Invoices (Attachment 10) This LPP revises LPP 94-05, "Revised Invoice Payment Process," issued on ' April 15, 1994, by eliminating the Caltrans district review of invoices. Instead, the District Local Assistance Engineer will only be required to verify completion of the project. This procedure applies to all local agency projects requesting reimbursement from funds administered by the Office of Local Programs. Process Reviews (Attachment 11) The process review will be the main method for determining whether or not local agencies are in compliance with all laws, regulations, and procedures developed to administer federal-aid projects. The process reviews will be used to evaluate all aspects of the local assistance federal-aid program and to improve procedures. Attachments Caltrans - Office of Local Programs June 21, 1995 ITEM 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY \ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer March 12, 1996 Acceptance of Public Streets into the City Maintained-Street System (Within Tracts No. 9833-3 and 9833-F) (Southwesterly of intersection of Margarita Road at Santiago Road) PREPARED BY://d'/Steven W. Cresswell, Principal Engineer ~1~ Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer. RECOMMENDATION: City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED-STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO. 9833-3 AND 9833-F) BACKGROUND: The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved Tract Maps No. 9833-3 and 9833-F on July 14, 1981, and July 28, 1981, respectively, and entered into subdivision agreements with Kacor Development Co., a California Corporation, for street and water system improvements. The Board of Supervisors accepted substitute securities and agreements with Santiago Villages, Ltd. for the remaining work in both tracts on January 31, 1989. On April 20, 1990, the County of Riverside accepted the improvements in both tracts and initiated one-year warranty period. The City Council then authorized the release of the faithful performance warranty and labor and material securities for both tracts on April 23, 1991. The public streets recommended for acceptance are as follows: Tract No. 9833-3: Calle De Velardo, and portions of Jedediah Smith Road and Pescado Drive. r:\agdrpt\96\0312\tr99333f.sts Tract No. 9833-F: El Faro Place, Lucero Place, and portions of Jedediah Smith Road. FISCAL IMPACT: Periodic surface and/or structural maintenance will be required every 5 to 8 years. Attachments: Resolution No. 96- with Exhibits "A-B", inclusive. 2 r:\agdrpt\96\0312\tr99333f.sts RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED-STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACTS NO. 9833-3 AND 9833-F) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The County of Riverside accepted an offer of dedication of certain lots for street and public utility purposes made by Kacor Realty, Inc., a California Corporation, with the recordation of Tract Maps No. 9833-3 and 9833-F; and, WHEREAS, The County of Riverside accepted the improvements as complete within Tracts No. 9833-3 and 9833-F on April 20, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby accepts into the City Maintained-Street System those streets or portions of streets offered to and accepted by the County of Riverside described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the 12th day of March, 1996. Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor ATFEST: June S. Greek City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 96- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of March, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: EXItIBIT "A" TO RESOLUTION NO. 96. Accepting the public streets offered to and accepted by the County of Riverside as indicated on Tract Maps No. 9833-3 and 9833-F, and accepting subject public streets into the City Maintained-Street System as described below: 1. Those lots described as Lots "A" through "C" inclusive, as shown on Tract Map No. 9833-3, f'ded 15 July 1981, in Book 120 of Maps, Pgs 86-91 Incl., further described as follows: Lot "A" Lot "B" Lot "C" Carte De Velardo Portion of Jedediah Smith Road Portion of Pescado Drive 2. Those lots described as Lots "A" through "C" inclusive, as shown on Tract Map No. 9833-F, f'ded 30 July 1981, in Book 121 of Maps, Pgs 9-14 Ind., further described as follows: Lot "A" Lot "B" Lot "C" Portion of Jedediah Smith Road El Faro Place El Lueero Place EXHIBIT "B" TO RESOLUTION NO. 96-. SUBJECT ACCEPTANCE- PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED-STREET SYSTEM AS INDICATED BELOW: TO SE At2.,,,.~:.rxz~u INTO Crr'v'- T~CT AIO NOTE: MAPS NOT TO SCALE -ITEM 8 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works\City Engineer March 12, 1996 Solicitation of Construction Bids for Sidewalk Improvements on Rancho California/Santa Cecilia Sidewalk Project No. 5 - PW95-25 PREPARED BY: ~ Don Spagnolo, Principal Engineer - Capital Projects Scott Harvey, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the construction plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids for sidewalk improvements on Rancho California/Sants Cecilia Sidewalk Project No. 5 - PW95-25. BACKGROUND: Each fiscal year the State Public Utilities Code (Senate Bill 821) sets aside 2% of the Local Transportation Funds in the County of Riverside to fund facilities for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicyclists. The City of Temecula was one of twenty-two proposals that the Riverside County Transportation Commission approved for funding. The plans, specifications and contract documents have been completed and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. This project will provide for a continuous sidewalk on the north side of Rancho California Road between Lyndie Lane and the existing sidewalk at Rancho California Plaza shopping center and a new sidewalk on the north side of Santa Cecilia Drive between Mira Loma Drive and Cosmic Drive. The improvements on Rancho California Road may be revised based on the final design and schedule of improvements that will be constructed by the developers of the property at Rancho California Road and Lyndie Lane. The estimated total cost for the construction is $8,000 for Rancho California Road and $40,000 for Santa Cecilia Drive. RCTC/SB821 will fund 80% of the total cost and the City will match the remaining 20%. FISCAL IMPACT: This project is a Capital Improvement Project and the project will receive 80% in SB 821 funds which are administrated by the Riverside County Transportation Commission with the balance to be funded by the City through Development Impact Fees. p~O4~g~d~t~96~O312~pw95-25+bid 022996 ITEM 9 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager  .//Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer March 12, 1996 Award of Contract for the Construction of a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Margarita Road and State Route 79 (South), Project No. PW95-15 PREPARED BY: ~J~ Don Spagnolo, Principal Engineer - Capital Projects All Moghadam, Assistant Engineer - Capital Projects/Traffic RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Award a contract for the construction of a Traffic Signal at the intersection of Margarita Road and State Route 79 (South) (SR 79 (S)), Project No. PW95ol 5to DBX, Inc., for $141,676.50and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $14, 167.65 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. Advance ~ 155,844.15 in Signal Mitigation Funds from the Development Impact Fund to the Capital Improvement Projects Fund. BACKGROUND: On December 12, 1995, City Council approved the construction plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids for the Traffic Signal at the intersection of Margarita Road and SR 79 (S). This project includes installation of a four (4) way fully actuated traffic signal, minor roadway modifications, and signing and striping. On December 12, 1995, the City Council also approved a cooperative agreement between the County and the City in which the County will fund twenty-five percent (25%) and the City seventy-five percent (75%) of the engineering and construction cost of this project. The County will make a deposit in the amount of $50,751 with the City for design, construction and other expenses associated with this project. The final cost to be reimbursed will be determined upon completion of the project. Caltrans will operate and maintain the proposed signal system which will require a separate cooperative maintenance agreement. The Engineers Estimate for this project was $177,000. Nine (9) bids for this project were received and publicly opened on January 18, 1996 and the results for the bid are as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DBX, Inc ..................................... //141,676.50 Sierra Pacific Electric ............................ //141,919.30 Peek Traffic .................................. //144,147.65 Lekos Electric ................................. //146,772.50 Paul Gardner .................................. $151,963.00 De La Cruz Construction .......................... $155,803.00 Hovey Electric ................................. $155,896.00 Superior Signal Service, Inc ........................ $155,971.00 MBE Electric Construction ......................... $183,667.00 DBX, Inc. is the lowest bidder for this project and a reference check revealed a satisfactory performance on similar construction projects. The specifications allow 90 working days for completion of this project. A copy of the bid summary is available for review in the City Engineer's office. FISCAL IMPACT: This project is funded twenty-five percent (25%) by the County and the remaining seventy-five percent (75%) by the City through the Surface Transportation Program (STP), which is a federally funded program. Attachment: Contract -2- r,%agdq~t%96~0312%pw95-15,awd/AJP CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT FOR PROJECT NO. PW95-15 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION ~j) SR79S & MARGARITA/REDHA WK THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 12th day of March, 1996, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and DBX, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: That CITY and CONTRACTOR, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: 1.8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled PROJECT NO. RN95-15 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION O SR79S & MARGARITA/REDHAWK, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (1992 Ed.) where specifically referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Associated General Contractors of California (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PIN95-15TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION O SR79S& MARGARITAJREDHAWK. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building News, Incorporated 3055 Overland Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 (213) 202-7775 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General, Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW95-15 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION ~ SR79S & MARGARITA/REDHAWK. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Document describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 20104.50. Public Contracts Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. 7. WARRANTY RETENTION. Commencing with the date the Notice of Completion is recorded, the CITY shall retain a portion of the Contract award price, to assure warranty performance and correction of construction deficiencies according to the following schedule: CONTRACT AMOUNT $25,000-$75,000 $75,000-$500,000 Over $500,000 RETENTION PERIOD 180 days 180 days One Year RETENTION PERCENTAGE 3% $2,250 + 2% of amount in excess of $75,000 $10,750 + 1% of amount in excess of $500,000 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: EXTENSION OF TIME. In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, CONTRACTOR agrees to forfeit and pay to CITY the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR including delays caused by CITY. CONTRACTOR is required to promptly notify CITY of any such delay. 9. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the CONTRACTOR has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by CONTRACTOR of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the CITY related to the payment. CONTRACTOR shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 10. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract, from the Director of the Department of industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the City Clerk. Copies may be obtained at cost at the City Clerk's office of Temecula. CONTRACTOR shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code, CONTRACT CA-3 r:\cip\project$\pw95-15\contract/ajp Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, CONTRACTOR shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 11. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this contract. 12. INDEMNIFICATION. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of CONTRACTOR alone. CONTRACTOR agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (CONTRACTOR's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by CONTRACTOR, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the CITY. 13. GRATUITIES. CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to CITY's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 14. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONTRACTOR warrants that he has no blood or marriage relationship, and that he is not in any way associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. CONTRACTOR further warrants that no person in his/her employ has been employed by the CITY within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 15. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall file with the City Manager his affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 16. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES. Whenever CONTRACTOR has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to CITY. 17. BOOKS AND RECORDS. CONTBACTOR'S books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the CITY. 18. INSPECTION. The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by CITY and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plans of CONTRACTOR and any of its suppliers. CONTRACTOR shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final CONTRACT CA-4 r:\cip\projects\pw95-15~contract/ajp inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 19. DISCRIMINATION. CONTRACTOR represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 20. GOVERNING LAW. This Contract and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State of California. 21. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the CONTRACTOR as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the CITY addressed as follows: Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590-3606 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: CONTRACTOR DBX, INC. 41066 Avenida AIvarado, Suite C Temecula, California 92590 By: Print or type NAME Print or type TITLE DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk CONTRACT CA-5 r:\cip~projects\pw95-15~contract/ajp ITEM 10 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer March 12, 1996 Award of Contract for the Construction of an Interim Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Pala Road and State Route 79 (South), Project No. PW95-14 PREPARED BY: ~ Don Spagnolo, Principal Engineer - Capital Projects All Moghadam, Assistant Engineer - Capital Projects/Traffic RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Award a contract for the construction of an interim Traffic Signal at the intersection of Pala Road and State Route 79 (South) (SR 79 (S)), Project No. PW95-14to Signal Maintenance, inc., for $67,465.00and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $6,746.50 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. BACKGROUND: On December 19, 1995, City Council approved the construction plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids for the installation of an interim Traffic Signal at the intersection of Pala Road and SR 79 (S). This project includes installation of an interim three-way fully actuated traffic signal, and minor signing and striping at this intersection. Since SR 79(S) is a state facility, an encroachment permit was obtained from Caltrans for work within the State right-of-way and all construction activities will be coordinated with a state inspector. The Engineers Estimate for this project was 980,000.00. -1- r:~agdrpt\96~0312~pw95-14.ewd/AJP Seven (7) bids for this project were received and publicly opened on February 29, 1996 and the results for the bid are as follows: 1. Signal Maintenance, Inc ............................ (;67,465.00 2. Macades Electric ................................ $69,969.00 3. TDS Engineering ................................ $70,391.00 4. De La Cruz Construction ........................... $70,602.00 5. DBX, Inc ...................................... $71 106.00 6. Lekos Electric .................................. $76,937.00 7. Sierra Pacific Electric ............................. $78,645.50 Staff has reviewed the bids for compliance with the City requirements and Signal Maintenance, inc. wasthe lowest responsible bidder for this project. Signal Maintenance, Inc. has performed similar projects for the City in the past with satisfactory results including the installation of the traffic signal at Margarita Road and La Serena Way. The specifications allow 90 working days for completion of this project. Work is expected to begin in April, 1996 and be completed in August, 1996. A copy of the bid summary is available for review in the City Engineer's office. FISCAL IMPACT: This is a Capital improvement Project and will be funded through Development Impact Fees - Signal Mitigation. Funds are available for the construction contract of $67,465.00 and contingency amount of $6,746.50. The total amount of $74,211.50has been transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund and appropriated in account No. 210-165-658-5804. Attachment: Contract -2- r:%agdrpt\96~0312%pw95-14.awd/AJp CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORK~ DEPARTMENT CONTRACT FOR PROJECT NO. PW95-14 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ~) PALA ROAD & ROUTE 79 SOUTH THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 12ffi day of March, 1996, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Signal Maintenance Inc., hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: That CITY and CONTRACTOR, for the consideration herainafter named, mutually agree as follows: 1.8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled PROJECT NO. RN95- 14 TRAFFIC SIGNAL O PALA ROAD & ROUTE 79 SOUTH, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (1992 Ed.) where specifically referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Soecifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Associated General Contractors of California (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW95-14TP, AFRC SIGNAL O PALA ROAD & ROUTE 79 SOUTH. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building News, Incorporated 3055 Overland Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 (213) 202-7775 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General, Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW95-14TRAFFIC SIGNAL ~ PALA ROAD & ROUTE 79 SOUTH. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Document describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. CONTRACT CA-1 r:\cip\projectt\pw95-14~contractlajp e The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTOR shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: PROJECT NO. PIN95-14TRAFRC SIGNAL O PALA ROAD & ROUTE 79 SOUTH All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by CITY. CITY APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision and subject to the approval of CITY or its authorized representatives. CONTRACT AMOUNTAND SCHEDULE. CITY agrees to pay and CONTRACTORagrees to accept in full payment for the work above-agreed to be done, the sum of: SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS and NO CENTS ($67,465.00),the total amount of the base bid. CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed ninety (90) working days, commencing with delivery of Notice to Proceed by CITY. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by CITY. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. PAYMENTS. LUMP SUM BID SCHEDULE: Before submittal of the first payment request, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the City Engineer a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the City Engineer may require. This schedule, as approved by the City Engineer, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the CONTRACTOR's payment requests. UNIT PRICE BID SCHEDULE: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contracts Code, within thirty (30) days after submission of a payment request to the City, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid a sum equal to ninety percent (90%) of the value of the work completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the thirtieth (30th) day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made sixty (60) days after acceptance of final payment and the CONTRACTOR CONTRACT r:\cip~projects\pw95-14~contract/ajp filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the CITY on forms provided by the CITY. Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 20104.50. Public Contracts Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. WARRANTY RETENTION. Commencing with the date the Notice of Completion is recorded, the CITY shall retain a portion of the Contract award price, to assure warranty performance and correction of construction deficiencies according to the following schedule: CONTRACT AMOUNT $25,000-$75,000 $75,000-$500,000 Over $500,000 RETENTION PERIOD 180 days 180 days One Year RETENTION PERCENTAGE 3% $2,250 + 2% of amount in excess of $75,000 $10,750 + 1% of amount in excess of $500,000 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES; EXTENSION OF TIME. In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, CONTRACTOR agrees to forfeit and pay to CITY the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR including delays caused by CITY. CONTRACTOR is required to promptly notify CITY of any such delay. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the CONTRACTOR has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by CONTRACTOR of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the CITY related to the payment. CONTRACTOR shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 10. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract, from CONTRACT CA-3 r:\cip~projects~pw95-14\contract/ajp 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the City Clerk. Copies may be obtained at cost at the City Clerk's office of Temecula. CONTRACTOR shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, CONTRACTOR shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this contract. INDEMNIFICATION. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of CONTRACTOR alone. CONTRACTOR agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (CO NTRACTOR's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by CONTRACTOR, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the CITY. GRATUITIES. CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to CITY's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONTRACTOR warrants that he has no blood or marriage relationship, and that he is not in any way associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. CO NTRACTOR further warrants that no person in his/her employ has been employed by the CITY within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall file with the City Manager his affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES. Whenever CONTRACTOR has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to CITY. BOOKS AND RECORDS. CONTRACTOR's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the CITY. CONTRACT CA-4 ~\cip%projects%pw95*l 4~contract/ajp 18. INSPECTION. The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by CITY and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plans of CONTRACTOR and any of its suppliers. CONTRACTOR shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 19. DISCRIMINATION. CONTRACTOR represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 20. GOVERNING LAW. This Contract and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State of California. 21. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the CONTRACTOR as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the CITY addressed as follows: Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590-3606 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: CONTRACTOR SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INC. 2283 Via Burton Street Anaheim, California 92806 By: Print or type NAME Print or type TITLE DATED: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor CONTACT CA-5 r:.\cip\projects\pw95-14~contract/ajp APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk CONTRACT CA-6 r:~cip\projects~pw95-14\contract/ajp ITEM 11 APPRO\ CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, City Manager DATE: March 12, 1996 SUBJECT: 6th Street Property Conveyance PREPARED BY: (~Shawn D. Nelson, Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Convey the 1.4 acre site at 6th Street and Front Street (APN 922-023-020) to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula and authorize the Mayor to execute the Grant Deed on behalf of the City. 2. Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING AND APPROVING A PROMISSORY NOTE FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BACKGROUND: On December 1 O, 1991, the City Council authorized the purchase of an approximate 1.4 acre site located on the corner of Front Street and 6th Street in Old Town. It was originally intended that the 6th Street property be purchased with General Fund monies, and then be reimbursed at a future date with RDA funds. Therefore, it is recommended that the property be conveyed from the City to the Redevelopment Agency in consideration of a promissory note, which will allow the RDA to reimburse the City's General Fund with interest for the acquisition costs of a redevelopment project site. FISCAL IMPACT: The costs of the acquisition of the 6th Street property including closing costs is $918,171. It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency execute a promissory note to reimburse the City's General Fund with interest (prime rate) utilizing tax increment monies. This will allow the City's General Fund to be fully reimbursed with interest for the costs associated with the 6th Street acquisition. The promissory note is scheduled to be repaid within the next five (5) years. However, the City Council has the ability to extend the repayment period beyond five years if necessary. RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING AND APPROVING A PROMISSORY NOTE FROM THE REDEVELOPMFNr AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council hereby finds determines and declares as follows: a. Pursuant to the provisions of Health and Safety Code Sections 33220 and 33610 and other applicable law, the City is authorized and expected to cooperate with the Redevelopmerit Agency and may make grants or loans to the Agency and to sell, convey or lease any of its property to the Agency, with or without compensation. b. The City acquired the property generally located at 6th Street and Front Street, APN 922-023-020 (the "Property") and has conveyed the Property to the Agency. c. The Property will be used for re, development purposes. d. The City and the Agency now desire to provide for the Agency's repayment of the costs of acquisition of the Property to the City. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves and accepts the Promissory Note dated March 12, 1993 from the Agency and the terms thereef in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and authorizes the City Manager to execute such documents as may be required in connection with the acceptance thereof. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula on , 1996. ATTEST: KAREL LINDEMANS MAYOR JUNE S. GREEK CITY CLERK [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA I, lune S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the Resolution No. 9 - was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on , 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: JUNE S. GREEK CITY CLERK ITEM 12 ORDINANCE 96-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON PALA ROAD BETWEEN STATE ROUTE 79(S) AND THE SOUTHERLY CITY LIMIT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The City of Temecula finds and determines that from time to time it is necessary to add or modify existing prima facie speed limits within the City for certain sweets, or parts of streets. SECTION 1. Section 10.28.010(d) of the Temecula Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows to modify the declared prima facie speed limits only on the following streets: "Name of Street and Portion Affected Declared Prima Facie Speed Limit. Miles Per Hour Pala Road - State Route 79(S) to Clubhouse Drive 35 Pala Road - Clubhouse Drive to Southerly City Limit 5O Except as specifically set forth in this Section 1, all other provisions of Section 10.28.010(d) shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 2. Severability. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, together with the names of the City Councilmembers voting thereon, it shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in said City. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOFrED this 12th day of March, 1996. Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 96-04 was dully introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 271h day of February, 1996, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 12th day of March, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, CMC City Clerk OrdaX96-04 2 ITEM 13 ORDINANCE 96-0~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICWAL CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD BET~vVREN MARGARITA ROAD AND THE EASTERLY CITY LIMIT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The City of Temecula finds and determines that from time to time it is necessary to add or modify existing prima facie speed limits within the City for certain streets, or parts of streets. SECTION 1. Section 10.28.010(d) of the Temecula Municipal Code is hereby mended as follows to modify the declared prima facie speed limits only on the following streets: *Name of Street and Portion Affected Declared Prima Facie Speed Limit. Miles Per Hour Rancho California Road - Margarita Road to Easterly City Limit 55 Except as specifically set forth in this Section 1, all other provisions of Section 10.28.010(d) shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 2. Severability. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, together with the names of the City Councilmembers voting thereon, it shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in said City. Ords\96-05 1 PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of March, 1996. Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC City Clerk [SnAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 96-05 was dully introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 271h day of February, 1996, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 13th day of March, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, CMC City Clerk O~dmX96-05 2 ITEM 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 13, 1996 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 7:45 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. President Ron Roberrs presiding. PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberts ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were Executive Director Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Roberts to approve Consent Calendar. With Agency member Stone and Agency Member Ford abstaining, the motion was carried. 1 Minutes 1.1 Approve the minutes of January 9, 1996 AGENCY BUSINESS 2 Fence Installation Contract - Temecula Duck Pond Shawn Nelson, Director of Community Services, presented the staff report. It was moved by Agency Member Stone, seconded by Agency Member Lindemans to approve the contract of $22,985 to Rancho Recycled Products for the installation of 1783 linear feet of white, two-rail trail fencing at the Temecula Duck Pond. The NOES: ABSENT: Minutes.csd\021396 motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberts 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Release of Labor and Materials Bond for Voorbura Park - Nicolas Road and North General Kearnv Road It was moved by Agency Member Stone, seconded by Agency Member Lindemans to authorize the City Clerk to release the Parkland/Landscape labor and Materials Bond for the construction of Voorburg Park - Van Daele Development Corporation. The motion carried as follows: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: AYES: NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT None given. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT Birdsall, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberts None None Shawn Nelson announced that about the time the Roller Hockey rink is open, the City will be ready to go out to bid for construction of the Margarita park which will also include roller hockey facilities. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS None given. ADJOURNMENT It was moved to adjourn at 8:31 PM to a meeting on February 27, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA The motion was unanimously carried. Ron Roberts, President ATTEST: June So Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Board Secretary Minutes.csd\021396 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 27, 1996 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 7:38 P.M. at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. President Ron Roberts presiding. ROLL CALL PRESENT: 5 DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberrs ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None Also present were General Manager Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Ford requested the removal of Item No. 2 from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Director Stone, seconded by Director Birdsall to approve Item No. I of the Consent Calendar. The motion was unanimously carried. I Release of Landscape Bonds for Slope Improvements - Costain Homes, Inc. NintaQe Hills DeveloPment (Located at Butterfield Stage Road and Meadows Parkway) 1.1 Authorize the City Clerk to exonerate the remaining landscape bonds for Tract Nos. 22915-2 and 22915-3, Costain Homes, Inc. 2 Acceptance of Grant Deed for Butterfield StaQe Park - Kaufman and Broad of San Dieao, Inc. Director Ford asked if this park is defined by the fence line and whether the City would have any liability for the flood plain. Community Services Director Shawn Nelson answered the park is defined by the fence line and the City would not have any liability for the flood plain. r:~minutes.csd%022796 -1 - ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Stone, seconded by Director Lindemans to adjourn at 7:50 P.M. to a meeting on March 12, 1998, 7:00 P.M., Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. Ron Roberts, President ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ District Secretary r:\minutes.csd\022796 -3- ITEM 2 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT General Manager/Board of Directors Genie Roberrs, Director of Finance March 12, 1996 Approval of 1995-96 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments PREPARED BY: Tim McDermott, Assistant Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: entitled: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. CSD 96- RESOLUTION NO. CSD 96° A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS DISCUSSION: Each year a mid-year review is conducted of the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) operating budgets. The purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the TCSD maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal .position. Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of revenues. Human Resources and Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of projected personnel costs, which includes the impact of both the compensation study and TCSD reorganization which were implemented this fiscal year. Additionally, TCSD staff has reviewed the operating budgets and has identified any material adjustments required. The mid-year budget review includes the TCSD City-wide Parks and Recreation Fund, five Service Level Funds, and the Debt Service Fund. Activity in each of the funds is presented in accordance with the following schedules: Summary of Revenues, Exoenditures, and Fund Balances: Presents summary prior year and 1995-96 year-to-date actual activity, as well as 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. Also included is a schedule of beginning and estimated ending fund balances based upon the proposed budget activity. Revenue Detail: Presents detail of prior year and 1995-96 year-to-date revenues, as well as the 1995-96 current and revised projected revenues. Expenditure Line-Item Detail: Presents expenditure line-item detail by department for prior year and year-to-date actual activity, as well as the 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. Based upon the recommended mid-year adjustments, the total TCSD fund balances at June 30, 1996 is projected to be $2,492,552. Proposed expenditures exceed projected revenues by t~238,893for the 1995-96fiscal year. The TCSD has been able to minimize the 1995-96 rates and charges assessed because of an operating surplus accumulated for the past several years. The projected TCSD revenues reflect a $39,781 increase over the original budget estimate. This increase is due primarily to a projected increase in Recreation revenues. A total net increase in TCSD expenditures of $/67,871 is proposed. Significant expenditure increases requested are $30,979 for refunds of prior year assessments, and $44,500 for increases in street lighting costs due to additions to the City's arterial and residential street lighting systems. AUTHORIZED POSITIONS No changes are proposed to the Schedule of Authorized Positions. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed mid-year adjusted budget reflects a net decrease of $28,090 from the current budget estimate in the projected total TCSD fund balances at June 30, 1996. There is no impact on current assessment rates. Attachments: Resolution 1995-96 Temecula Community Services District Mid-Year Budget 2 RESOLUTION NO. CSD 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS WHEREAS, each year a mid-year review is conducted of all Temecula Community Services (TCSD) operating budgets. WHEREAS, the purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. WHEREAS, the mid-year review has been completed and the recommended adjustments are reflected in the attached schedules. The Board of Directors does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 1995-96 TCSD operating budgets are amended in accordance with the attached schedules. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOFrED this 12th day of March, 1996. A'ITEST: Ronald H. Roberts, President June S. Greek, Board Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA) I HEI~F,I~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 12th day of March, 1996, by the following vote of the Board of Directors: BOARDMEMBERS: NOES: BOARDMEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARDMEMBERS: June S. Greek, Board Secretary 1995-96 Temecula Community Services District Mid-Year Budget TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SUMUARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCES 1.c 95-96 Current Budget 95-96 Proposed Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Total Revenues 5,664,400 3,055,289 6,405,687 6,445.468 39,781 2,695,926 180, 632 269,255 44g,541 1,503,255 502,144 5,600,753 Total Expenditures by Fund: City-wide Parks and Recreation Service Level A Service Level B Service Level C Service Level D Service Level R Debt Service 1,537,454 118,288 172,485 289,359 929,203 53 336,132 3,3~,~4 Total Expenditures 3,208,754 184,135 267,895 569,738 1,860,757 19,398 505,813 6,616,490 (210,803) Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 3,239,593 204,135 294,082 560,831 1,860,509 19,398 505,813 6,684,361 (~8,8~) 63,647 30,839 20,000 26,187 (8,907) (248) 67,871 (28,o9o) Fu. ,ances, July 1, 1995 1995-96 Estimated Revenues 1995-96 Proposed Expenditures Estimated Fund Balances, June 30, 1996 2,731,~5 6,~5,4~ ~,684,361) 2,4~,5~ mcdermtimidyear\deptauml .wql 27-Feb-e6 TOTAL DEFT 180 TOTAL DEPT 183 190 TOTAL TCSD FUND 190 FY 9445 REVENUE 2,479,998 1,366 5,173 28,125 . 8,485 1,350 2,520,697 48,710 15,828 80,881 23,681 5,918 21,381 18,519 10,284 60,972 275,174 2,795,871 TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY 199546 BUDGET FY 9546 Y'rZ) ACTUAL$ 1,075,845 1,343 11,305 2,552 81,000 42,633 8,389 36.651 12,012 3,762 13,110 25,351 5,357 31,793 181,238 1.358,754 FY 9545 ORIG BDGT 2,611,356 20,000 5,212 20,O00 15,000 162,000 2,834,068 45,000 10,000 46,000 45,000 8,500 25,000 9,500 9,000 71 5,192 274,192 3,108,280 YIU% OF BDGT 41.23% 50.00% 41.55% 94.7491 85,~% 79.68f. 28.80% 44.26% 52.448~ 277.38% 70.83*~ 44.78% FY 9545 REVISED BDGT 2,511,856 2,000 25,000 20,000 3,000 2,500 162,000 2,835,730 60,000 10,000 45,000 45,000 8,500 25,000 29,0O0 8,000 71,000 3O3,5O0 3.139,239 CHANGE IN BDGT 2,000 4,171 5,000 3,000 (12,5O0) 19,5O3 (5,192) 29,308 30,97~ mcdermt~mldyear~96rev1 .wql 23-Feb-96 4076 -Reimb(jrMments (CIP} 4390 -Street Lighting Fees TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL A FUND 192 SERVICE LEVEL B DEPT 18ONON-DEPARTMENTAL 4005 -Assesme 4062 -Recovery of Prior Year Experee TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL B FUND 193 SERVICE LEVEL C DEFT 180 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4005 -Assessments 4062 -RecoveW of Prior Year Expense 4065 4nvestment.lnteest FUND 194 SERVICE LEVEL D DEPT 180NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4005 -A~sessmenb 4006 -Lien release 4060 -Mi~cellaneoul non-taxable TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL D FY 94-65 REVENUE 218,162 5,746 FY 0546 YTD ACfiJALS 120,207 3 S,g4e 128,394 FY 95-86 ORIG BDGT 244,170 3,000 247,170 YTu % OF BDGT 49.23% 41.17~ 51.95% FY 85-66 CHANGE REVISED BDGT IN BDGT 244,170 3,000 FY 94-65 FY 05-~8 FY 05-88 Y I U % FY 95-86 CHANGE REVENUE YTD ACTUAL~ ORIG BDGT OF BDGT REVISED BDGT IN BDGT 428,125 237,340 475,390 49.93% 475,390 41 15,505 4,703 8,000 58.79% 8,000 3,780 14,825 4,500 20,000 22.50% 10,000 (10,000) 462,125 246,584 503,300 48.98% 493,390 (10,000} FY 94-85 FY 9546 FY 9543 Y-r/J % FY 95-80 CHANGE REVENUE YTD ACTUALS ORIG BOGT OF BDGT REVISED BDGT IN BDGT 49.95 903,767 100 3,917 8,80; 018,586 1,808,867 1,474,783 165 5,513 12,554 8,457 5,000 78.34% 5,000 6,802 8,802 17,310 17,310 1,831,177 50.05% 1,839,079 8,802 FUND 195 SERVICE LEVELR DEPT 180NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4005 -Assessments TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL R FY 9445 REVENUE FY 9548 YTO ACTUALS 8,495 8,495 FY 9546 ORIG BDGT 19,398 19,398 OF BDGT 43.79% 43.79% FY 95-86 REVISED BDGT 19,398 19,398 CHANGE IN BDGT mcderrnt\midyear~g6rev1 ,wcll 23-Feb-66 FUND 390 DEBT SERVICE DEFT 1~ NONDEPARTMENTAL TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND F'Y ~4..65 REVENUE 30,603 485,535 516,138 TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY 1995-86 BUDGET FY 95.86 Y'rD ACTUALS 9,049 320,581 32~,010 FY 95.85 ORIG BDGT 30,000 502,415 532,415 OF BDGT 30.16% 63.86% 01,01% FY 95.86 REVtSED BDGT 30,000 502,415 532.415 CHANGL IN BDGT mcden'nt%midyear%95rev1 .wql 23-Feb-g6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 5101 5102 SALARIES & WAGES DEFERRED COMPENSATION RE'RREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT -'~ ' q VISION INSURANCE CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Pro.lee1) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5100 UFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT TCSD/CITYWIDE OPERATIONS-DEPAR1MENT 180 F'Y 1;95.86 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 35,83 CURRENT BDGT FY 95-85 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT {DECREASE) 440,002 28~,008 488,084 488,710 625 74,384 73,814 (750) 8,038 7,966 (72) 2,400 2,400 8,608 7,948 1,337 20,448 20,733 285 73,500 70,339 (3,131) 7,304 7,304 2,276 2,276 4,500 4.500 748,212 746,477 (1,735) 82,880 41 ,e47 7,30/ 4,867 2,400 1,600 1,3~0 838 6,978 4,033 3,193 2,883 17,533 12,575 34,140 16,749 2,114 2,058 640 295 751 530 4,re0 4,586 4,131 3,791 55,854 42,763 2,110 1,628 2,078 3,211 1,415 2,169 859,856 438,611 mcdermt~midyear%96my-180.wql 5 22-Feb45 TCSD CIT~WIDE OPERATIONS~)EPARTMENT 180 T ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONIJUSTIFICATION 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5263 FUEL EXPENSE-CITY VEHICLES 5267 COMMUNITY SERVICES FUNDING 5268 SLUEPRINTS 5301 RECREATION SUPPUES 5330 INSURANCE 5335 VEHICLES 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5350 FACILFRES ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING 5375 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR ASSESSMENT 5380 CiTY ADMIN CHARGES 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDFI~IRES CAPITAL OUTLAy 5601 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 5602 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5610 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUtlAY OTHER EXPENDITURES -Operating Transfers Out TOTAL TCSD CITY%NIDE OPERATIONS FY 94-85 AC13JALS 4,607 2,373 2,O83 2,281 5,372 15,000 27 12,862 34,488 18,744 50,168 17,428 47,420 18,407 9,932 162,000 258,882 991,580 12,738 12,138 460,365 FY 05-86 956 4,045 4,910 3,225 13,064 2,047 4,125 10,400 9,475 3,575 40,500 161,742 459.597 2,167 FY 85-86 CURRENT BDGT 5,000 7,700 2,000 5,000 3,000 7,000 5,000 500 15,000 52,258 PAGE 3 FY 95-86 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT ~DECREASE) 6,000 7,700 2.000 6,000 3,000 7,000 5,000 500 mcdermt%midyear%96my-180.wql 22-Feb-e6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 UFE INSURANCE 510~ UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES FY 85-86 CURRENT BDGT FY 95-85 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 32,16~ 20,228 31,804 32,388 582 4,388 2,883 4,788 4,878 112 605 470 886 996 10 70 638 198 180 1,776 1,820 44 2,207 2,231 24 5,880 5,781 (98) 120 709 224 195 500 10,810 424 106 36,327 1,362 10,038 366 '28 36,327 150 150 52,539 38,497 85,108 85,931 823 mcdermt%midyear%96my-181 .wql 22-Feb.86 TCSDISENIORS-DEPARTMENT 181 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.~FF. EQUIP. 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5230 LEASE EQUIPMENT 5240 UTILITIES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5262 MILEAGE 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5~J 0 EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPffAL OUTLAY TOTAL TCSD SENIORS FY 05~85 YTD FY 9545 CURRENT BDGT PAGE 2 FY 6545 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 4,254 4,078 7,000 7,000 278 1,500 12,433 8,662 14,000 14,000 2,853 1,043 2,000 2,000 386 106 3,808 324 6,500 6,500 2,053 1,455 3,000 3,000 25,587 15,946 34,000 34,000 2,462 2,000 2,000 2,462 2,000 2,000 80.588 54,443 121,108 121,931 823 mcdermt%midyea~95my-181 .wql 22-Feb46 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFT1ON/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSA1~ON 5102 RE~REMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT 1~AINING TAX 5110 DISABIUTY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5110 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERllME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNrrY 8ERVtCES DISTRICT TCSD/CRC-DEPAR1MENT 182 FY 199540 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 95-86 CURRENT BDGT 36,383 26,364 FY 05-88 INCREASE PROPOSED SDGT (DECREASE) 26,582 218 4,710 2,412 3,910 4,004 ~4 861 407 1,086 1,0~5 2 120 251 70 787 101 1,01 S :3,108 451 2,293 2,34il 56 2,432 2,452 20 5,880 5,781 (92) 366 22,808 14,628 48,921 48,922 1 651 598 1,835 1,835 312 235 250 250 28 69.466 4~050 22,721 23,270 54~ mcdefmt~midyea~96my-182.wq1 224:eb~6 TCSD/CRC-DEPARTMENT 182 ! DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACIUTY 5217 REPAIR & MAIhlT.-OFF.EQUIP. 5220 OFFICE SUPPUES 5234 RENT-OFFICE/MEETING HALL 5239 LEASE EQLNPMENT 5240 UTILITIES 5250 OTI'~ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5250 MILEAGE 5301 RECREATION SUPPUES 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TCSD CRC FY 05-06 CURRENT BDGT PAGE 2 icy 05-66 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 29,522 24,760 42,558 42,558 2,806 1,143 2,500 2,500 086 043 2,000 2,00p 75,674 43,853 75,000 75,000 8,146 4,234 9,183 9,183 349 3,436 1,068 6,200 6,200 19,973 10,025 21,000 21 140,343 86,373 158,441 158,441 E,OSe 6,0~0 6,024 6,024 6,050 6,059 209,809 132,447 257,221 257,770 549 mcdermt~midyear~Emy*182.wql 22.,Feb*06 ACCT ACCOUNT NO, DESCRIFI~ON/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSAllON 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 UFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 ' COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 UFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUINTY SERVICES DISTI~ICT TCSD/RECREATION-DEPARTMENT 183 FY 192546 MIDYEAR BUDGET 232 FY 2546 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 1,228 791 2,058 2,068 10 2,049 5,820 4,610 3,301 4,630 . 20 84,964 48,611 142,598 142,598 3,177 2,046 5,323 5,347 24 95,675 55,272 160,4rm 160,832 223 mcdermt%midyear%O6my-1 &3.wql 12 22J=eb46 TCSD/RECREA'f3ON-DEPARTMENT 183 ACCOUNT DE$CRIPTION/JUS~FICATION 109 PAGE 2 P( 25-55 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 5,392 327 6,000 6,000 4,552 2,327 6,000 6,000 55,0e8 24,428 38,800 36,800 5,853 5,253 12,350 12,350 5,858 3,441 8,000 6,000 33,884 12,517 32,000 32,000 42,281 24,344 60,500 60,500 154,235 72,637 186,458 166.458 250,910 127,908 326,867 327,090 223 mcderrnt%midyear%96my-183.wql 22-Feb-e6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIF~ONIJUSTIFICAT1ON PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5115 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SERVICE LE"V~L A-FUND 101 FY 1~5-80 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 9445 FY 8546 ACTUALS YTD FY 95-06 CURRENT BDGT 15,020 11,215 15,708 2,338 234 1,484 170 2,366 228 54 129 120 35 93 074 FY 25-85 INCREAS~ PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 16,515 807 2,488 122 239 11 52 234 21 164 22,317 15,790 144 147 3 1,010 1,125 55 2,939 2,8~1 (48) 22,455 50 50 23,455 1,000 mcdermt%midyear%96my-191 .wql 22-Feb..96 SERVICE LEVEL A-FUND 121 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTiON/JUStiFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPUES 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5240 UTllLR3ES 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUPMENT 5243 UNIFORMS 5262 MILEAGE 5263 FUEL EXPENSE 5319 STREET LIGHTING 5375 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR ASSESS, 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 5416 LANDSCAPE REHABIUTATION TOTAL OPERA~NG EXPENDITURES TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL A F'Y 94-65 FY 9546 YTD 2,458 4,8~0 6,958 47 53 47 137,455 81,8'15 645 244 15,2/8 4,883 158,315 104,498 180,832 118,288 FY B5.66 CURRENT BDGT S00 500 861 125,746 15,000 2,880 161,680 PAGE 2 IrY 25-68 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 500 7,8e8 500 861 144,748 19,000 1,295 15,000 6,880 180,680 19,000 204,135 20,000 mcdermt~rnidyear~Smy-lgl .wql 22-Feb-66 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFRON/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 REtiREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LJFE INSURANCE 510~ UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART*TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 C{~MPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNTIY SERVICES DISTRICT SERVICE LEVEL B-FUND la2 F'Y 1995-e6 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY9546 FY95~6 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 18,515 19,178 663 2,788 2,889 100 268 278 10 12,858 2,233 271 1,713 190 110 474 134 106 1,286 343 70 102 116 1,728 43 281 294 7 158 182 5,880 5,781 23,290 16,713 27,8~5 28,582 687 mcdermt~midyear~6my-192.wql 22-Feb-96 SERVICE LEVEL B-FUND 192 ACCOUNT DESCRIFT1ON/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPEND~'URES 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES FY' 95-86 CURRENT BDGT 242,788 153,688 237,500 525 2,500 245.985 155,772 240,000 2~,255 172,485 267,8~5 PAGE 2 P( 95-88 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 263,000 25,500 2,500 265,500 25,500 294,M2 26,187 mcdermt~midyear~Smy-192.wql 17 22-Feb~6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMEN1' 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TI~,AINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSA'I~ON 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBLRSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (ProjecQ 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5125 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNrrY SERVICES DISTRICT SERVICE LEVEL C-FUND 193 FY 199540 MID-YEAR BUDGET ACTUALS YTD 57,616 35,581 8,308 5,08.1 836 642 185 104 445 38~ 428 340 5,768 2,378 107 64 7,415 278 286 21 200 75,824 53,584 FY 95-86 FY 95-80 INCREASE CURRENT RDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 55,435 50,306 871 8,223 8,481 258 892 1,017 25 gg8 1,022 24 1,848 1,910 62 8,820 8,672 (148) 13,832 13,832 518 519 gl ,7511 1,083 rncdermt\midyear~Tmy-193.wq1 18 22-Feb-e6 SERVICE LEVEL C-FUND 193 5212 5231 5240 5243 5250 5250 5340 5415 5419 5901 'T ACCOUNT DESCRIFT1ON/JUSTIFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES UTIIJTIE$ UNIFORMS OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES MILEAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE MAINI~NANCE LANDSCAPE REHABIUTATION TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDfTURE$ OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL C FY 94.65 ACTUAL$ 81,103 58' 4,533 238.M1 34,539 358,320 15,387 449,541 752 3,100 47 2,026 142,421 14,990 235,775 PAGE 2 FY 95-68 FY 95-.06 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 47,868 37,866 (10,000) 20,000 20,000 8,105 8,105 278,8~5 278,895 38,161 38,161 479,072 469,072 (10,000) 2e0,359 568,738 560,831 (8,907) mcdermt~midyear~98my-193.wql 22~eb.66 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFTION/JUSllFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSLRANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNTIY SERVICES DISTRICT SERVICE LEVE~ D-FUND 194 F'Y 1995.86 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 95-86 CURRENT BDGT 7,029 13,240 FY 95-86 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 12,979 (261) 1,0~7 1,927 1,255 28 116 186 188 2 79 230 415 421 6 818 1,470 1,445 (25) 8,455 17,310 17,062 (248) mcdermt\midyear~96my-194,wq1 ' 20 22-Feb-86 SERVICE LEVEL D-FUND 1~4 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONIJUST1FICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5254 ADVERTISING 5262 MILEAGE 5315 WASTE HAUMNG 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5375 REFUND OF PRIOR yEAR ASSESS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL D FY 95-68 CURRENT RDGT PAGE 2 1,500 1,500 1,494,344 917,154 1,838,447 1,83~,447 875 3,500 3,500 1,503,255 919,748 1,843,447 1,843.447 mcderrnt~midyea~96my-194 .wql 2 1 22-Feb-g6 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISlltlCT SERVICE LEVEL R-FUND 195 FY 1395-e6 MID-YEAR BUDGET ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUS~FICATION 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5402 EMERGENCY ROAD MAINTENANCE 53 19,398 19,398 TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL R mcdermt%midyear%96my-195.wql 22-Feb-g6 TEMECLe_A COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE4qJND F'Y 1995-86 OPERATING BUOGET ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSllRCATION OPERATING EXPENDFrURES 5227 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES 5390 DEBT SERVICE4~RINCIPAL 5391 DEBT SERVICE4NTEREST 155,000 2,287 165,000 168,845 F'Y 95-86 CURRENT BDGT 7cO00 185,000 333,813 FY 95-88 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 165,000 333,813 TOTAL DEBT SEEVICE FUND 505,813 505,813 mcdermt%midyee~gemy-390.wql 23/Final 22-Feb~6 ITEM 3 APPRO L CITY AI'FORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, General Manager DATE: March 12, 1996 SUBJECT: Landscape Maintenance Improvement - TCSD Parks, Slopes and Medians PREPARED BY:(~ Ji~Bruce A. Hartley, Maintenance Superintendent RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Approve contract amendment in the amount of $35,000 to California Landscape Maintenance, Inc. to provide repairs and improvements to City parks and medians currently under contract for maintenance through the end of FY 1995-96. Approve contract amendment in the amount of $34,500 to Excel Landscape, Inc. to provide repairs and improvements to City maintained slope areas currently under contract for maintenance through the end of FY 1995-96. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) currently contracts for landscape maintenance services for parks, slopes and medians. In addition to the routine maintenance required by those contracts, landscape and irrigation improvements or repairs are required. The two companies currently under contract with the City were selected through a competitive bid process in May, 1993 and are currently in the one extension period permitted by the contract. As low bid contractors, these two companies provide the TCSD with a mechanism to efficiently perform extra work throughout the term of the contract. This speeds up the process for making repairs or improvements to the parks, slopes and medians throughout the City. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost for repairs and improvements to TCSD landscaped areas throughout the City for the remainder of FY 1995-96 is $35,000for parks and medians, maintained by California Landscape, Inco The estimated repair and improvement costs for slope areas, maintained by Excel Landscape, Inc. is $34,500. The costs for repairs and improvements have already been included in the Community Services Department Budget for FY 1995-96. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Agreement dated May 11, 1993, between the City of Temecula, and Excel Landscape, (herejnafter referred to as 'Agreement") is hereby amended as follows: lIE: Landscape Maintenance Services $~ction 1 Ten of the Agreement is extended through June 30, 1996. $~tion 2 The Scope of Work is hereby amended by adding the following: Provide landscape repairs and improvements per City of Temecula Specifications for City maintained slope areas and the Rancho California Sports Park. Section 3 Compensation for services shall be total compensation of all services described in the Amendment and shall be payable monthly not to exceed $34,500 for the remainder of the agreement. Section 4 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain the same. The parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year above written. CONTRACTOR By: By: Excel Landscape APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA Ronald H. Roberts, President Community Services District Date: June S. Greek, City Clerk AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Agreement dated May 11, 1993, between the City of Temecula, and California Landscape, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "AgreementH) is hereby amended as follows: RE: Landscape Maintenance Services ~ection 1 Term of the Agreement is extended through June 30, 1996. Section 2 The Scope of Work is hereby amended by adding the following: Provide landscape repairs and improvements per City of Temecula Specifications for City maintained parks and medians. Section 3 Compensation for services shall be total compensation of all services described in the Amendment and shall be payable monthly not to exceed $35,000 for the remainder of the Agreement. Section 4 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain the same. The parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year above written. CONTRACTOR CITY OF TEMECULA By: By: California Landscape. Inc. Ronald H. Roberts, President Community Services District APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorsen, City Attorney ATTEST: Date: June S. Greek, City Clerk ESTIMATED COSTS FOR REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS PARKS & MEDIANS - CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, INC. Loma Linda Park Pala Park K, Hintergardt Park Paloma Del Sol Park Riverton Park Butterfield Stage Senior Center Temecula Duck Pond Various Parks Plant Material & Mulch Replace Plant Material Drain System Plant Material Plants & Hydroseed Slope planting Irrigate & Plant Wall Renovation of Turf Irrigation Repair ~4000 ~1000 95000 92000 94000 92000 92000 ~10,000 95000 TOTAL $35,000 ESTIMATED COSTS FOR REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS SPORTS PARK & SLOPE AREAS - EXCEL LANDSCAPE, INC. R.C. Sports Park Saddlewood Winchester Creek Rancho Highlands Signet Series Woodcrest Country Ridgeview Village Grove Meadowview Morrison Homes Barclay Estates Slope S-1 Slope S-2 Slope S-3 Slope S-5 Slope S-6 Slope S-7 Slope S-8 Slope S-11 Slope S-14 Slope S- 15 Various Slopes Irrigation Repairs Plants & Hydroseed Plant Material Tree Removal & Plants Plant Material Plant Material Plant Material Plant Material Plant Material Plant Material Trees Irrigation Repair $5000 $3500 $2000 $5000 $3500 $2500 $1500 $2500 $1500 $1000 $1500 $5000 TOTAL $34,500 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEM 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD FEBRUARY 13,1996 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 8:20 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Chairperson Patricia H. Birdsall presiding. PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Stone, Birdsall ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were Executive Director Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENT None given. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Stone to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1. The motion was unanimously carried with Agency Member Ford abstaining. 1 Minutes 1.1 Approve the minutes of January 23, 1996 AGENCY BUSINESS 2 Temecula O.N.E. ODeration Neiohborhood Enrichment Agency Member Stone stepped down due to a conflict of interest based on property ownership in the Old Town area. Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. Senior Planner John Meyer stated that this program would enable the City of Temecula to proactively deal with law enforcement, housing and human resource issues throughout the community. He stated staff is currently working with a consultant who will conduct a needs assessment survey. Temecula Police Officers Dave Harwood and Mike Teachea explained that this is a cooperative effort to prevent crime and the P.O.P. Team will be establishing dialog with the Apartment Managers Association to deal with specific crimes which may occur in the apartment complexes. The field office for the P.O.P. Team will be located in the Pujol Street Caboose. Minutes.rda\021396 -1- 3 Rancho West Apartments Proposed Tax-Exempt FinancinQ Agency Member Stone announced a conflict of interest. Senior Planner John Meyer presented the staff report. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Ford to approve 3.1 - Resolution No. RDA 96-; 3.2 and 3.3. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Birdsall NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: I AGENCY MEMBERS: None AGENCY MEMBERS: None AGENCY MEMBERS: Stone 4 Comparison of Current Loan ProQrams Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. Agency Member Stone expressed concern using the full amount of equity of store fixtures when granting loans. He recommended fixtures be granted parallel to the SBA loan program of only 75% to 80% of the value. He also suggested a fixture loan of 100% if the City is guaranteed repayment through the use of an equitable co-signor. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Stone to approve staff recommendation with the change that equity of fixtures will parallel the SBA loan program. The change will allow 75% to 80% of the value of fixtures to be used in determining assets and allowing an option of loaning 100% with an equitable co-signor. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None given. None None Minutes.rda\021396 AGENCY MEMBERS' REPORTS None given. ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: February 27, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Agency Secretary Minute~.rda\021396 -3- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 27, 1996 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:50 P.M. at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Chairperson Patricia H. Birdsall presiding. PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Stone, Birdsall ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were Executive Director Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. AGENCY BUSINESS 1 AOOrOval of Public Relations Consultant Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. Agency Member Ford requested clarification on a price differential on the recommendation and Exhibit "B". Assistant City Manager McLarney stated there is a "typo" on Exhibit "B" and the contract amount will not exceed $22,780.00. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Stone to approve staff recommendation with corrections as noted: 1.1 Authorize the Chairperson and Agency Secretary to execute a contract with Cooper and Vochelli for tourism marketing services in a form to be approved by the Executive Director and Agency Counsel prior to execution. The motion was unanimously carried. 2 Ground Lease - Sixth Street Property Agency Member Stone announced a conflict of interest. Community Services Director Shawn Nelson presented the staff report. Ed Dool, 41920 Sixth Street, No. H, spoke in favor of staff recommendation. r:~minutes.rde\022796 -1- Agency Member Ford requested that recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 be acted upon separately. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Roberts to approve staff recommendation 2.1 as follows: 2.1 Approve the Ground Lease by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula and Dual Development, Inc. The motion carried as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Birdsall 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None I AGENCY MEMBERS: Stone It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Roberrs to approve staff recommendation 2.2 as follows: 2.2 Consider a request from Dual Development, Inc. to approve a six (6) month grace period, after the certificate of occupancy, for monthly loan payments on a small business loan approved by the Redevelopment Agency on May 23, 1995. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 3 AGENCY MEMBERS: Lindemans, Roberts, Birdsall NOES: 1 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: I AGENCY MEMBERS: Stone EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None given. AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS None given. r:%minutes.rda~022796 -2- ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Agency Member Roberrs, seconded by Agency Member Ford to adjourn at 8:00 P.M. to a meeting on March 12, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk r:\minutes .rde\022796 -3- Agency Member Ford requested that recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 be acted upon separately. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Roberts to approve staff recommendation 2.1 as follows: 2.1 Approve the Ground Lease by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula and Dual Development, Inc. The motion carried as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Birdsall 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None I AGENCY MEMBERS: Stone It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Roberts to approve staff recommendation 2.2 as follows: 2.2 Consider a request from Dual Development, Inc. to approve a six (6) month grace period, after the certificate of occupancy, for monthly loan payments on a small business loan approved by the Redevelopment Agency on May 23, 1995. The motion carried as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 3 AGENCY MEMBERS: Lindemans, Roberts, Birdsall I AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None 1 AGENCY MEMBERS: Stone EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None given. AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS None given. r:~minutes.rda~022796 -2- ,City Cou~'f~iLMinutes Seotember 25.1990 11. 10-A Permit - len's Kanqaroo Rat 11.1 Au ~e Mayor to execute Federal ~plication for incidental "' Wildlife 11.2' Authorize the Agreement California Amendment to Ager~cy Species Permit. The motion was carried by the foH6wing AYES: 5 COU ILMEMBERS~ , Mu~oz : , : None : None Lindemans, Moore, Parcel MaD No. 23969 Councilmember Moore referred to Planning Condition No. 23, asking that the "Standard 810 barricade" be changed to something more aesthetic. Doug Stewart, Deputy City Engineer, stated this is a temporary barricade and will be removed when adjoining properties are developed. Councilmember Mu~oz asked for a brief report from staff outlining the major issues in this case. Gary Thornhill, Chief planner, explained the significant issue discussed before the Planning Commission was the design of the road where the barricade is proposed. He stated the sewer agency installed lines in the road right-of-way, which caused a re-design of the road. Doug Stewart, Deputy City Engineer, presented slides showing the right-of-way and the 10 foot strip the applicant has agreed to construct. Ninutes\9\25\90 -3- 11/28/95 ATTACHMENT NO. 6 MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MEETING R:\STAFFRPT~II3pA9~.CC 1/4/~6 dr I ~ 3 Rancho West Apartments Proposed Tax-Exempt Financina Agency Member Stone announced a conflict of interest. Senior Planner John Meyer presented the staff report. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Ford to approve 3.1 - Resolution No. RDA 96-; 3.2 and 3.3. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberrs, Birdsall NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: I AGENCY MEMBERS: None AGENCY MEMBERS: None AGENCY MEMBERS: Stone 4 Comparison of Current Loan Programs Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. Agency Member Stone expressed concern using the full amount of equity of store fixtures when granting loans. He recommended fixtures be granted parallel to the SBA loan program of only 75% to 80% of the value. He also suggested a fixture loan of 100% if the City is guaranteed repayment through the use of an equitable co-signor. It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Stone to approve staff recommendation with the change that equity of fixtures will parallel the SBA loan program. The change will allow 75% to 80% of the value of fixtures to be used in determining assets and allowing an option of loaning 100% with an equitable co-signor. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None given. None None Minutes.rda\021396 -2- 4. :l Proposal td Suba]vide Parcel 22 of Parcel MaD :18754, Moca~ed at Ridge Park Drive': South of Rancho California woad, Into four parcels. The Commission continued this item ~rom the meetino of Auoust 20, 1990, and directed staff to work w~th the aDD.I]cant and the adiacent mroDerty owner on a solution to the access problem. DEBORAH PARKS provided the staff report on this item. She stated that staff arranged a meeting however, Mr. Haley d~d not attend that meetinQ but was advised of the resuits. JONN MTDDI.ETON stated that in speaking with the Riverside COUnty Fire Department regarding the oroposed ~mDrovements of Puioj Street. They confirmed that the applicant could bulLd Pujol Street according to 32'/50' standards and that a turn-around at the end o~ the cul-de- sac would not be necessary at this time slnce the street Only provides access to one dwelllnu unit. He stated that the Englneerln~ Department recommendation would be to construct an offset cul-de-sac when Mr. Halev develops his property. ANTHONY POLO, Markham & Associates, 41750 Winchester Road, Temecula, asked for clarification of Condition No. 29, recuesting nublic facllity ~inancing. GARY THORNHILL stated that Condition No. 29 did not pertain to this item and should be deleted. WILLIAM HALEnE, 28426 Pujol Street. Temecula, adjacent propert~ owner, expressed h~s opposition to the recon~nendation by the Engineering Department. MIN.9/17/90 -6- 9/21190 ATTACHMENT NO. 5 MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MEETING R:~STAFR~t13pA95.CC 114/~ ~4r 12 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1990 John Cavanaugh advised the Convnission that if they were to approve this parcel map and recomend there be a partial aedication or recommend that part of the dedication be accomplished by another property owner other than the applicant, the Commission needs to be aware that i[ the other property owner does not approve o~ the recon=nendation, and i~ that approval is not sought within 120 days after the Commission's recommendation. this condition will automatically terminate. Commissioner Ford asked if_ this was a conditi on for outside improvements, could the Commission regueSt the applicant to bond or guarantee the acquisition rights of the property. John Cavanaugh stated that the Commission could either recommend that the applicant provide the dedication of his own property or recommend partial dedication/vacation of the other property owner. If the other property owner does not approve 120 days after the Commission acts on it, this condition is automatically terminated. Commissioner Fahey moved to not adopt the Negative Declaration lot Parcel Map No. 23969, and to continue the item to September 17, 1990, with stall working with both parties to come to an agreement acceptable. Commissioner Ford seconded the motion. AYES: 5" COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford. Boagland. Chiniae~f NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None the project. wIN. 8/20/90 -~- 8/23/9Q Recess P.M COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1990 'ssjoner Ford moved to close the public hearing oner Hoag]and moved to e f tion and not adopt the Ne. gative for Plot tn Nos. 5 and 6 and deny Plot Nos. 5 and 6, and rect staff to work with applicant to provide tailed landscape pla the structural to ensure ql screening of the roof equi ~nt, studyt parking and to re-evaluate the tion of truck loading doors. Commi amended his motion by continuing the g on Item 4 and Item 5 to the Planning Commi meeting of September 17, 1990. Commissione !econded the motion. AYES: ERS: Blair, FaheV, Ford, Hoagland, Chiniaeff : 0 None Dennis Chiniaeff declared a five minute !ess at 7:50 allow planning staff to set up more exhibits agenda The meeting was reconvened at 7:55 P.M. 6. Tentative Parcel Map 2-3969 6.l Deborah Parks presented staff's report on the subdivision of Parcel 22 of Parcel Map 18254 into four parcels. Ms. Parks stated that when the parcel map was approved by the County, they failed to show Pujol Street. County Ordinance 460 required the dedication of Pujol Street: at that time, however, is was overlooked and the width of Pu~ol Street remained at 40 feet. When OhnKiahl Enterprises applied to sub-divide, they were told by the County they would need the dedication of 20 feet of Parcel 2 for dedication of Pujol Street. OhnKlahl Enterprises had reached an agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District to provide an easement within this 20 feet, To widen Pujol Street would be a great expense and at tbis time staff is unclear as to who would be responsible for the cost of these improvements. KIn.8/20/90 -6- 8/23/9Q ESTIMATED COSTS FOR REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS PARKS & MEDIANS - CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, INC. Loma Linda Park Pala Park K. Hintergardt Park Paloma Del Sol Park Riverton Park Butterfield Stage Senior Center Temecula Duck Pond Various Parks Plant Material & Mulch Replace Plant Material Drain System Plant Material Plants & Hydroseed Slope planting Irrigate & Plant Wall Renovation of Turf Irrigation Repair $4000 $1000 ,5000 $2000 ,4000 ,2000 ,2000 ,10,000 ,5000 TOTAL $35,000 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Agreement dated May 11, 1993, between the City of Temecula, and Excel Landscape, (hereinafier referred to as "Agreement") is hereby amended as follows: RE: Landscape Maintenance Services Section 1 Term of the Agreement is extended through June 30, 1996. Section 2 The Scope of Work is hereby amended by adding the following: Provide landscape repairs and improvements per City of Temecula Specifications for City maintained slope areas and the Rancho California Sports Park. Section 3 Compensation for services shall be total compensation of all services described in the Amendment and shall be payable monthly not to exceed $34,500 for the remainder of the agreement. Section 4 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain the same. The parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year above written. CONTRACTOR By: By: Excel Landscape APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATFEST: CITY OF TEMECULA Ronald H. Roberts, President Community Services District Date: June S. Greek, City Clerk TD: FROM: IDL. AUlLI~,',aG--,'~/,/ D,~Ts: ....:""' · _X'__Please make the fDllDwin~ a condition of approval: . ~_a. Prior to commencing any graclln~J-e~ceedincJ 52 cubic ,he o..n,r th.t p op,rty sh.ll obt,in . g-.di.g from the Department Qf Building and Safety yards. permit Prior to approval o( this use/subdivision a grading permit and approval Of the rough ~radin~ shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Department. P~ior to issuance of any building permit, the pro;~erty owner shall obtain a grading permit and a;:;:roval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Constructing a road, where greate~ than JO cubic yards material is placed or moved, ~equires a grading permit. o~ Prior to ~ccupancy and/Dr beginning actual use of this permit, a grading permit and approval of the ~radin~ shall be oDtained from the Suilding and Safety Department. ___f. Provide verification that the existin~ grading was permitted and.approval to construct .as ebtained frDm the Building and Safety. ___g. The Grading Section has ~o comment On this site. NOTE: For the final gradin~ plan -- Please pruvide the applicable information f~om C~unty Grading Forms 2B~-13~ Rev. NNETH i [DWARDS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Regional Team No. P1 anner Y/; Attention: Area: We have reviewed this case and have the following coments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free' from ordinary storm flood hazard, However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property, There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order'to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new duildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports.' This project is i. the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The District's report dated is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. /This project is a part of P/~/~//',2_ . The project will be free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements have been constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached coments apply. DHN H. KASHUBA ;enior Civil Engineer DATE: /q-/, ( O~ t ':t i C> [NNE'rH L_ I'~WARDI RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DIS'T~ICT Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside° California 92501 Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Patti Nabill Ladies and Gentlemen: Re:'- Parcel Map 23969 This is a proposal to divide 21.56 acres into 4 lots in the Temecula area. The site is located at the end of Kathleen Way south of Rancho California Road. Parcels 3 and 4 are proposed to drain to the storm drain located northeast of this site. Parcels i and 2 are proposed to drain east of the site. Offsite flows are to be collected in the con- crete ditch in the southern most corner of the site. These pro- posals appear to be consistent with the approved Parcel Map 326-2. Following are the District's reconunendations: This parcel map is located within the limits of the Mur- rieta Creek/Murrieta Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have'been adopted by the Board. Drainage fees shell be p~id as set forth under the provisions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Drainage fees shell be paid to the Road .Comissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shall be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map7 or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel mapm provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised fDr any parcel where grading or structures here been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on thet parcel which remain active. TEMECULA COMMUNTTY SERVICE DIWII~ICT SERVICE LEVEL R-FUND 195 F'Y 1095-68 MID-YEAR BUDGET ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFT1ON/JUBTIFICATION F'Y 95-86 FY 9548 INCREASE CURREk'T BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5402 EMERGENCY ROAD MAINTENANCE 19,308 19,398 TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL R 53 16.398 19,398 mcdermt~midyem~96my-19S.wql 2 2 22-Feb-e6 ~.209 Ol~ ~ ,..ko 405 k:~. CA 92201 (619) 342~6 TO: Rr~!~'tnE couN'r~ PIANNING DKPARI'~iNT JEFF ADAHS ~rk ;ENT PARCEl, ~ 23969 - &,~iENDED 11 Wi=h respect Co the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department reco~nends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordanus with Riverside Count7 Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: FIRE PROTECTION The water mains shall be capable of providing a potential fire flow of 5000 GPM and an actual fire flow available from any one hydrann shall be 2500 GPM for hours duration at 20 P~I residual operating pressure. _roved super fire hydrants, (6"x&"x2-2i") shall be located at each street intersection and spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet'from a fire hydrant. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet =he fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a regist.ered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "X certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside Count7 Fire Dept." The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. All questions regarding the me--4ug of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYI~ONDH. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By Kurt Fantwell, Fire Safety Specialist ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFTIONIJUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 5101 SALARIES & WAGES DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5108 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5113 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (ProjecQ 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNTIY SERVICES DISll!ICT SERV1CE LEVEL D-F1,JND 1~4 FY 1995-86 MID-YEAR BUDGEl' FY 95-88 CURRENT BDGT FY 95-88 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 7,029 13,240 12,079 (261) 1,067 1,327 1,955 28 110 186 188 2 230 415 421 6 818 1,470 1,445 (25) S,455 17,310 17,062 (248) medermt~midyear~96my-194.wq1 ' 20 22-Feb..96 Administrative Center · '1777 Atlanta Avenue Fliverside, CA g2507 March 8, 1990 MAR 12 1990 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Jeff Adams County, Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside. CA 92501 R~.v ~RS|DE COUN'Pf PLANNING DEPARTMENT Parcel Map 23969, Amended Map No. I Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. Sincerely, Vaughn Sarkisian Land Use Technician /sn Aclministration C714) 682-8840 * (714) 787-2020 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL 8ERVtCES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE RBMSURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5118 PART-TIME (Project} 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECUL.A COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SERVICE LEVEL C-FUND 193 FY 1995-88 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 94-85 FY 95-88 ACTUALS YTD 57,618 35,561 8,308 5,08,1 838 642 185 104 445 388 428 340 1,581 1 5,768 2,378 107 64 7,415 278 288 21 200 /5.824 53,584 FY 95-86 FY 95-86 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (C)ECREASE) 55,435 56,306 871 8,223 8,481 258 992 1,017 25 308 1,022 24 1,848 1,910 62 8,820 8,672 (148) 13,832 13,832 518 519 30,866 91,759 1,0~3 mcdermt~midyear~6my-193.wql 22*Feb-i6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET CONDITIONS: 37. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently flied with th~ City. Prior to the recordation of the final map. a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Rannin9 Department and the Deparunent of Building and Safety. The following notel s) shall be placed on the EnvirOnmental Constraints Sheet. "Surface alteration shall not be allowed in the delineated constraint area without additional archaeological investigation or mitigation as directed by the City of Temecula Planning Department. "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the Observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the )uminare." Indicate the availability of domestic water services to the subject property as of the date of recordatlon of the final map. The following note shall be placed on the final map: "Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. No building permits shall be issued by the City of Temecula for any building in Parcel Map No. 23969 until the developer or the developer's successors-in-interest or assignee--, provides evidence of compliance with the terms of said agreement for the financing of public facilities. STFRPT\PM23969.A 5 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIFTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5108 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 UFE INSURANCE 510O UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPEN~AT10N 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5115 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARy HELP 5119 PART*TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 C(~MPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNTIY SERVICES DIS'TI~'3T SERVICE LEVEL B4q. IND 162 F"Y 199548 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY 85-08 FY 05-00 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 18,515 19,178 663 2.78~ 2,88~ 100 2~8 278 10 12,658 2,233 271 1,713 100 474 134 343 7O 102 116 03 1,728 43 287 294 7 158 162 6 5,880 5,781 (99) 23,290 16,713 27,895 28,582 687 mcdermt~midyear%g6my-lg2.wc11 22-Feb-06 Lhe fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the Agreement fqr Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated t assumin9 benefit to the project in the amount of such fees) and specifically waives its right to protest such increase. Prior to occupancy, Pujol Street shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter, (on the south side) located 16 feet from centerline with 32 feet of asphalt concrete paving in accordance with Riverside County Standard 106. Section "A" 132'/50). 22. Dedication shall be made on Pujol Street to provide for a full 50 foot right-of- way i n accordance with Riverside County Standard 106, Section "A" { 32~ / 50 ) prior to final map. 23. Prior to occupancy, a Riverside County Standard 810 barricade shall be constructed at the west end of Pujol Street. The applicant shall not be required to construct a sidewalk on Pujol Street adjacent to Parcel Map No. 23969. GRADING: 25. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by City Ordinance or resolution, 26. Grading plans shall conform to the Hillside Development Standards as presented in the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. All cut and/or fill slopes, Or individual combinations thereof, which exceed ten feet in vertical height shall be modified by an appropriate combination of a special terracing |benchin9) plan, increased slope ratio le.9. 3:1), retain walls, and/or slope planting combined with irrigation. All driveways shall not exceed a 15% grade. 27. Prior to the issuance of grading and/or building permits, all proposed new structures on parcels shall be limited to slopes less than 26% unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director. 28. All grading and building plans/permits shall reflect the utilization of post and beam foundations or the appropriate combination of split level pads and post and beam foundations when development is proposed on slopes of 15% or greater measured over a horizontal distance of 30 feet. All driveways shall not exceed a 15% average grade. STFRPT\PM23969. A 3 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 51 DO SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 At)TO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 51 DO UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAJ. REIMBURSEMEhrT 5115 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5115 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNfTY SERVICES DISTRICT SERV1CE LEVEL. A-FUND 1 el FY 199506 MID-YEAR BUDGET F'Y 94-65 FY 95-66 ACTUALS YI'D FY 95-66 F'Y 95-66 INCREASF': CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED SDGT (DECREASE) 10,020 11,215 15,708 15,515 807 2.338 2~4 1.484 170 2,366 228 54 129 120 1,lee 1,715 88 35 35 98 674 2,488 122 239 11 1.070 2,239 52 234 21 164 22,317 13,790 22,455 144 147 3 50 50 23,455 1.000 mcdermt~midyear%96my-191 .wql 22..Feb~6 :ITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Parcel Map No. 23969 Commission Approval Date: Expiration Date: Planninq Department The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the Cit~/of Temecula or its agents, officers, or employees to attack. set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards oi~ legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 23969, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66~99.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivlder of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivlder of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance u,60, Schedule E, unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the City Council approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance ~60. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act, Subdivision Ordinance ~60. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Legal access as required by Ordinance ~60 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map, Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code shall be submitted to the City Department of Building and Safety. STFRPT\PM23969. A 1 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTIONIJUSTIFICA'rTON PERSONNEL SERVICE5 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 510il UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 3113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 ' COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUINTY SERVICES DISTRICT TCSD/RECREATION4)EPARTMENT 183 F'Y 9546 F'Y 95-e6 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE} 232 1,228 791 2,058 2,068 I 0 2,042 5,820 3,301 4,610 4,630 . 20 84,964 48,611 142,598 142,598 3,1T/ 2,046 5,323 5,347 24 66,675 55,272 160,409 160,632 223 mcdermt%midyear%98my-183.wql 12 22-Feb46 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R:~TAFFRPT~II3pAg~.CC I/4/96 ~dr 'l 0 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 UFE INSURANCE 510~ UNEMPLOYMENT 'I~AINING TAX 5110 DISABILJ'P( INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 'I~MECULA COMMUNITY 8ERrICES DlSll~-'r TCSD/CRC-DEPARIMENT 182 FY 19~548 MID-YEAR BUDGET 3e,3e3 16,0el 26,364 F'Y 35-86 INCREASE ' PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 26,582 218 4,710 2,412 3,910 4,004 ~4 861 407 1,086 1,0~5 · 120 1,290 251 1,573 70 787 181 1,016 3,108 451 2,283 2,349 56 2,432 2,452 20 8,880 5,781 (89) 30O 14,628 598 235 48,921 1,835 22,808 851 318 26 40,050 48,822 1 250 250 82,721 83,270 54~ mcdermt~midyear~emy*182.wql 22-Feb-86 CITY OF TEMECULA r - HO ANC ~ . CASE NO. - PA95-0113 CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 9, 1996 VICINITY MAP ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 5116 VISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (PrOJect) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 UFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISITtlCT TCSD/SENIORS-DEPARYMENT 181 FY 1995-86 MID *YEN:I BUDGET FY 94-85 PY 95-80 ACTUALS YTD F'Y 05-85 CURRENT BDGT FY 95-86 INCREASE PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 32,189 20,228 31,804 32,386 582 4,388 2,893 4,766 4,878 112 505 470 086 335 10 1,775 1,820 44 2,207 2,231 24 5,880 5,781 (99) 120 700 224 195 500 70 638 129 1,243 171 180 36,327 10,038 385 '08 10,010 424 106 36,327 1,362 150 150 52,539 38,497 85,108 85,031 823 mcdermt%midyea~96my-181.wql · 8 22~ceb46 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 VICINITY MAP TCSD CITYWIDE OPERATIONS-DEPARTMENT 18O ACCT ACCOUNT NO, DESCRIPT1ON/JUSTTFICATION OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 5220 OFFICE SUPPUES 5222 PRINTING 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 5228 PUBUCATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5234 RENT-FACILITIES 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 5240 LjTILIT1ES 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5243 UNIFORMS 5244 SIGNS 5246 LEGAL SERVICES 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING FY 94-85 ACTUALS PAGE 2 FY 95-88 FY 95-88 F'( 95-85 INCRE/ YTD CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECRF_ 3,555 3,0Cg 72,115 25,583 3,740 4,885 5,750 4,683 32,645 20,263 1,418 1,065 753 762 11,468 3,786 8,286 2,574 5,525 2,672 10,739 8,351 4,500 92,500 12,000 11,100 33,110 650 2,000 1,150 2,500 4,522 12,000 4,500 g2,500 12,0o0 11,1o0 33,110 850 2,000 1,150 9,500 4,522 12,000 177,150 177,150 5,281 5,281 5,200 5,200 g,000 9,000 16,477 16,477 36,O21 23~398 35,000 35,000 3,340 991 4,000 4,000 mcdermt~midyeer~96my-180.wql 22-Feb-e6 APPROVe:b,/' CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Community Development Director February 13, 1996 _ Planning Application No. PA95-0113- Deletion of Conditions of Approval and Release of Bonds for Parcel Map 23969 Prepared By: Craig D. Ruiz, Assistant Planner RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- ,~'~"~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 95-0113 TO DELETE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP 23969 KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 940-310-044, 045, 046,047, & 048 and Delete Conditions of Approval No. 21,22 and 23 for Parcel Map No. 23969; and Relea$q - Bond No. 117 40 76 for Labor and Materials and Performance; and Release - Bond No. 117 40 78 fo~ Subdivision Warranty Faithful BACKGROUND Parcel Map 23969 was originally submitted to the County of Riverside in 1989 and transferred to the City of Temecula upon incorporation. On September 25, 1990, the Temecula City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 23969. The project approval contained conditions of approval that required the improvement of Pujol Street adjacent to the subject project. Bonds were provided to the City by then property owner Omdahl Enterprises for the necessary improvements and the map was subsequently recorded in February of 1991. R:\STAFFP,.F~II3PA9LCC 215/96 c~t FUND 390 DEBT SERVICE DEPT 199NON-DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND FY 94-e5 REVENUE 30,603 485,535 516,138 TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY 95'e8 Y'rD ACTUALS 2,042 320,581 329,610 FY 55-e5 ORI6 BDGT 30,000 502,415 532,415 ~lu% OF BDGT 30.16~ 63.80~ el.91-~ FY 0546 REVISED BDGT 30,000 502,415 532,415 CHANGL IN BDGT mcdermt~midyeer%gerev1 .wql 23-Feb-96 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 FEBRUARY 13, 1996 STAFF REPORT R:\STAFFRPT\Ii3PA95.CC2 315196 cdr 7 FUND 190 TCSD FUND DEPT -180 NON-OEPARTMENTAL 4005 -Assesmerits 4058 -Miscellane~ta 4062 -Recovey of Pdor Year Expense 4076 -Reimbuetefnents (CIP) 4090 -OperMing Trerefem In 4107 -PercelMlp~ 4284 -Plan Check new -TCSD Admln Fee Credit TOTAL DEFT 180 DEFT -183 RECREATION 4975 -AquaBcs 4980 -Clmee/Activltja 4982 -Cont~scted Classes 4984 -Day Cemp 4986 -Excursions 4988 -Field Rentals/Lights 4990 -Indoor Rentsis 4992 *Special Events 4994 -Sports new -Lunch Program TOTAL DEFT 183 190 TOTALTCSD FUND 190 2,479,995 1,566 28,125 · 6,485 1,350 2,520,697 48,710 15,628 60,881 23,681 5,318 18,519 10,284 60,972 275,174 2,795,871 TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY 1995-65 BU{:)GET 1,076,845 1,343 4.171 11,605 2,552 81,000 42,633 12,012 3,762 28,351 8,357 181,238 1,358,754 FY 95-65 ORIG BDGT 2,611,856 20,000 5,212 20,0o0 15,000 162,000 2,834,068 45,000 10,000 46,000 45,000 8,500 25,000 8,500 0,000 71,000 5,192 274,182 3,108,200 41.23% 58.03'~ 50.00% 41.55% 94.74% 79.98% 44.25 52.4496 2/7.38% 44.78% 66,10% 43.71% FY 95-68 REVISED 8DGT 2,611,856 2,000 4,171 25,000 5,212 20,000 3,000 2,500 162,000 2,835,739 60,000 10,000 46,000 45,000 8,5O0 25,000 29,000 0,000 71,000 3O0,5O0 3,130,239 CHANGE IN BDGT 2,000 4,171 5,000 3,000 (12,5O0) 10,500 (5,122) 29,308 30,97f mcdermt~midyear~98rev1 ,wql 23;eb-96 Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of March, 1996. ATI'EST: Karel Lindemans, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] STAT/~ OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 12th day of March, 1996 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: C OUNCILMRMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk R:\STAFFRPT\l13PA95.CC2 3/5/96 cdr 6 ATTACttNfENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TENIECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 95-0113 TO DELETE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP :23969 KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 940-310-044, 045, 046, 047, & 048 WHEREAS, Fh'st Pacific National Bank fried Planning Application No. PA 95-0113 in accordance with the City of Temecula General Plan and Riverside County Land Use and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, Planning Application No. PA95-0113 was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved Tentative Parcel Map 23969 on September 25, 1990 at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pindin~,s. A. The City Council in approving Planning Application No. PA95-0113, makes the following f'mdings, to wit: 1. That the condilions of approval to improve Pujol Street, which are proposed to be deleted, do not provide a direct benefit to the property owner of record. 2. That the conditions of approval to improve Pujol Street, that are proposed to be deleted, would not typically be required by the City of Temecula. 3. That the proposal to delete said conditions of approval would not create a situation that would be inconsistent with the General Plan for the City of Temecula. 4. That the proposal to delete said conditions of approval is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 5. That the proposal to delete said conditions of approval is not likely to cause serious public health problems. R:\STAFFILP~l13PA95.CC2 315/96 cdr ~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA) I HERFJ~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 12th day of March, 1996, by the following vote of the Board of Directors: BOARDMEMBERS: NOES: BOARDMEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARDMEMBERS: June S. Greek, Board Secretary Expenditure Line-Item Detail: Presents expenditure line-item detail by department for prior year and year-to-date actual activity, as well as the 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. Based upon the recommended mid-year adjustments, the total TCSD fund balances at June 30, 1996 is projected to be $2,492,552. Proposed expenditures exceed projected revenues by $238,893 for the 1995-96 fiscal year. The TCSD has been able to minimize the 1995-96 rates and charges assessed because of an operating surplus accumulated for the past several years. The projected TCSD revenues reflect a $39,781 increase over the original budget estimate. This increase is due primarily to a projected increase in Recreation revenues. A total net increase in TCSD expenditures of $67,871 is proposed. Significant expenditure increases requested are $30,979 for refunds of prior year assessments, and $44,500 for increases in street lighting costs due to additions to the City's arterial and residential street lighting systems. AUTHORIZED POSITIONS No changes are proposed to the Schedule of Authorized Positions. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed mid-year adjusted budget reflects a net decrease of $28,090 from the current budget estimate in the projected total TCSD fund balances at June 30, 1996. There is no impact on current assessment rates. Attachments: Resolution 1995-96 Temecula Community Services District Mid-Year Budget 2 APPROV CITY ATTORNE~~~ DIRECTOR OF FI CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Community Development Director"~'~ March 12, 1996 Planning Application No. PA95-0113- Deletion of Conditions of Approval and Release of Bonds for Parcel Map 23969 Prepared By: Craig D. Ruiz, Assistant Planner RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 95-0113 TO DELETE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP 23969 KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 940-310-044, 045,046,047, & 048 Delete Conditions of Approval No. 21,22 and 23 for Parcel Map No. 23969; and Release Bond No. 117 40 76 for Labor and Materials and Faithful Performance; and 4. Release Bond No. 117,40 78 for Subdivision Warranty BACKGROUND On February 13, 1996, this item was before the City Council. At that meeting, the Council directed staff to hold a meeting with the applicant, Howard Omdahl, and an adjacent property owner, William Haley. The purpose of the meeting was to reach a mutually agreeable resolution to this matter. DISCUSSION On February 21,1996, representatives from the Public Works and Planning Departments met with both parties. At that meeting, staff presented the following three potential outcomes: ITEM 14 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE OLD TOWN WESTSIDE IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY HELD FEBRUARY 27, 1996 A regular meeting of the Old Town Westside Community Facilities District Financing Authority was called to order at 8:01 P.M. at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Chairperson Patricia H. Birdsall presiding. PRESENT: 5 BOARD MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall ABSENT: 0 BOARD MEMBERS: None Also present were Executive Director Ronald E. Bradley, City Attorney Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR Board Member Stone announced an abstention. It was moved by Board Member Lindemans, seconded by Board Member Ford to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Minutes 1.1 4 0 0 1 BOARD MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Birdsall BOARD MEMBERS: None BOARD MEMBERS: None BOARD MEMBERS: Stone Approve the minutes of February 13, 1996. r:~minutes.otwe~022796 -1 - It was moved by Director Ford, seconded by Director Stone to approve staff recommendation as follows: 2.1 Accept a Grant Deed from Kaufman and Broad of San Diego for the dedication of Butterfield Stage Park, a 2.8 acre park within Tract 23125-3. 2.2 Direct the City Clerk to Record the Deed. The motion was unanimously carried. DISTRICT BUSINESS 3 Acouisition AQreement - Winchester Creek Prooertv Community Services Director Shawn Nelson presented the staff report. John Dedovesch, 39450 Long Ridge Drive, spoke in support of staff recommendation. Director Ford requested that staff look at the width of the sidewalk to make sure it provides safe access to the park. It was moved by Director Lindemans, seconded by Director Stone to approve staff recommendation as follows: 3.1 Approve the Acquisition Agreement between the City of Temecula and Winchester Hills I, LCC, to acquire the 4.5 acre park site located east of Margarita Road, directly north of the Winchester Creek Development. 3.2 Award a design services contract to the Alhambra Group to master plan the proposed Winchester Creek park site at a cost not to exceed $42,000. 3.3 Appropriate $42,000 for Winchester Creek park site design services from the FY 1996-97 CIP budget to the FY 1995-96 CIP budget. The motion was unanimously carried. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT None given. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT None given. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS None given. r:~minutes.csd\O22796 -2- ITEM 1 Release of Labor and Materials Bond for Voorbura Park - Nicolas Road and North General Kearnv Road It was moved by Agency Member Stone, seconded by Agency Member Lindemans to authorize the City Clerk to release the Parkland/Landscape labor and Materials Bond for the construction of Voorburg Park - Van Daele Development Corporation. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT None given. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT Birdsall, Ford, Lindemans, Stone, Roberrs None None Shawn Nelson announced that about the time the Roller Hockey rink is open, the City will be ready to go out to bid for construction of the Margarita park which will also include roller hockey facilities. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS None given. ADJOURNMENT It was moved to adjourn at 8:31 PM to a meeting on February 27, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA The motion was unanimously carried. Ron Robarts, President ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Board Secretary Minutes.csd\021396 OLD TOWN WESTSIDE IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE OLD TOWN WESTSIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY HELD FEBRUARY 27, 1996 A regular meeting of the Old Town Westside Community Facilities District Financing Authority was called to order at 8:00 P.M. at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Chairperson Patricia H. Birdsall presiding. PRESENT: 5 ABSENT: 0 BOARD MEMBERS: Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall BOARD MEMBERS: None Also present were Executive Director Ronald E. Bradley, City Attorney Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR Board Member Stone announced an abstention. It was moved by Board Member Lindemans, seconded by Board Member Ford to approve Item No. 1. 1. Minutes 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 13, 1996. The motion was unanimously carried with Board Member Stone abstaining. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board Member Ford, seconded by Board Member Lindemans to adjourn at 8:01 PM to a meeting on March 12, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Authority Secretary r:\mlnutes.fa\022796 -1 - ITEM 1 ITEM 2 APPROV CITY ATTORNEY ~ FINANCE DIRECT CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Redevelopment Agency FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, Executive Director DATE: March 12, 1996 SUBJECT: 6th Street Property Conveyance PREPARED BY: ~:~hawn D. Nelson, Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: That the Redevelopment Agency: Accept conveyance of the 1.4 acre site at 6th Street and Front Street (APN 922-023-020)and authorize the Executive Director to execute the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the Agency. 2. Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF A PROMISSORY NOTE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY. BACKGROUND: On December 10, 1991, the City Council authorized the purchase of an approximate 1.4 acre site located on the corner of Front Street and 6th Street in Old Town. It was originally intended that the 6th Street property be purchased with General Fund monies, and then be reimbursed at a future date with RDA funds. Therefore, it is recommended that the property be conveyed from the City to the Redevelopment Agency in consideration of a promissory note, which will allow the RDA to reimburse the City's General Fund with interest for the acquisition costs of a redevelopment project site. FISCAL IMPACT: The costs of the acquisition of the 6th Street property including closing costs is $918,171. It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency execute a promissory note to reimburse the City's General Fund with interest (prime rate) utilizing tax increment monies. This will allow the City's General Fund to be fully reimbursed with interest for the costs associated with the 6th Street acquisition. The promissory note is scheduled to be repaid within the next five (5) years. However, the City Council has the ability to extend the repayment period beyond five years if necessary. RESOLUTION NO. RDA A RESOLUTION OF THE REI~EVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF A PROMISSORY NOTE TO THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Re. development Agency hereby finds determines and declares as follows: a. Pursuant to the provisions of Health and Safety Code Sections 33220 and 33610 and other applicable law, the City is authorized and expected to cooperate with the Redevelopmerit Agency and may make grants or loans to the Agency and to sell, convey or lease any of its property to the Agency, with or without compensation. b. The City acquired the property generally located at 6th Street and Front Street, APN 922-023-020 (the "Property") and has conveyed the Property to the Agency. c. The Property will be used for redevelopment purposes. d. The City and the Agency now desire to provide for the Agency's repayment of the costs of acquisition of the Property to the City. Section 2. The Redevelopment Agency hereby approves the Promissory Note dated March 12, 1993 from the Agency and the terms thereof in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and authorizes the Chairperson of the Agency to execute the Note on behalf of the Agency. Section 3. The Secretary shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula on , 1996. ATTEST: PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL Chairperson JUNE S. GREEK Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE C1TY OF TEMECULA I, June S. Greek, Secretary of the Re. development Agency of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the Resolution No. 9 - was duly and regularly adopted by the Re. development Agency of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on , 199__, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: AGENCY MEMBERS: JUNE S. GREEK Secretary ITEM 3 APPROVAL,,~ CITY ATTORNEY DIR. OF FINANC CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT Executive Director/Agency Directors Genie Roberrs, Director of Finance~ March 12, 1996 Review and Approval of the 1995-96 Mid-Year Budgets PREPARED BY: Tim McDermott, Assistant Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS DISCUSSION: Each year a mid-year review is conducted of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency (RDA) operating budgets. The purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the Agency maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of revenues. Human Resources and Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of projected personnel costs, which includes the impact of the compensation study which was implemented this fiscal year. Additionally, staff has reviewed the operating budgets and has identified any material adjustments required. The mid-year budget review includes the RDA Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund, the Capital Projects Fund, and the Debt Service Fund. Activity in each fund is presented in accordance with the following schedules: Summary of Revenues, Exoenditures, and Fund Balances: Presents summary prior year and 1995-96 year-to-date actual activity, as well as 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. Also included is a schedule of beginning and estimated ending fund balances based upon the proposed budget activity. Revenue Detail: Presents detail of prior year and 1995-96 year-to-date revenues, as well as the 1995-96 current and revised projected revenues. Expenditure Line-Item Detail: Presents expenditure line-item detail by department for prior year and year-to-date actual activity, as well as the 1995-96 current and proposed budget amounts. The projected RDA revenues reflect a $565,455 increase over the original budget estimate. The primary reason for this increase is the addition of a $905,369 "Other Financing Source" to reflect the current year portion of the deferred pass-through to Riverside County. This amount is not actual revenue to the Agency, but is an accounting adjustment which is offset by a corresponding expenditure amount. Other projected revenue adjustments include a $125,000 increase in investment interest (due to higher than anticipated cash balances), and a $520,414 decrease in property tax increment revenue (due to the effect of assessed valuation appeals by property owners). A total net increase in RDA expenditures of ~861,230 is proposed. The only significant expenditure adjustment is an increase in the pass-through agreements line-item (primarily to reflect the current year portion of the deferred pass-through amount to Riverside County as discussed above). AUTHORIZED POSITIONS No changes are proposed to the Schedule of Authorized Positions. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed mid-year adjusted budget reflects a net decrease of $295,775 from the current budget estimate in the projected total RDA fund balances at June 30, 1996. Attachments: Resolution 1995-96 Temecula Redevelopment Agency Mid-Year Budget 2 R~-~OLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE TElVlECULA I!EDEVELOPIWENT AGENCY AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS WHI~.REAS, each year a mid-year review is conducted of all Temecula Redevelopment Agency (RDA) operating budgets. WHEREAS, the purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the RDA maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. WI-~REAS, the mid-year review has been completed and the recommended adjustments are reflected in the attached schedules. The Board of Directors does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 1995-96 RDA operating budgets are mended in accordance with the attached schedules. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOFrED this 12th day of March, 1996. A~rEST: Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson lune S. Greek, Board Secretary [SEAL] 1995-96 Temecula Redevelopment Agency Mid-Year Budget TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SU~'~,RY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCES 95-96 Current Budget 95-96 Proposed Budget Proposed Increase (Decrease) Total Revenues 12,394,991 3,281,075 7,494,538 8,059,993 565,455 3,806,661 1,000,428 5,343,685 10,150,774 Total Expenditures by Fund: Low/Moderate Income Housing Capital Projects Debt Service 38,577 858,235 1,888,854 2.785,666 Total Expenditures 1,142,727 17,041,724 4.309,570 22,494,021 (14,999,483) Excess of Revenues Over (1Jndor) Expenditures 1,142,773 17,045,039 5,167,439 23,355,251 (15,295.2s8) 2,244,217 46 3,315 857,869 861,230 Fund Balances, July 1, 1995 1995-96 Estimated Revenues 19', ,3rejected Expenditures Estimated Fund Balances, June 30, 1996 23,029,547 8,059,993 (23,355,251) 7,734,289 mcdermt\midyear\deptsuml .wql 28-Feb-96 REDEVEi, OPMENT AGENCY REVENUE DETAIL FY 1H5-06 B~OGET FUND 165 LOWNOD HOUSING ¢015 -Tax If~creme~t FUND 280 CIP TOTAL CIP FUND FY 94-85 REVENUE 1,239,859 163,328 FY 9445 REVENUE 747,783 ~:,024 600 171,250 3,744,368 FY 95-e6 Y'TD ACTUALS 807,292 39,460 646,752 FY 95-66 Y'rD ACTUALS 111,623 6,673 333 43,750 FY 95-86 ORIG BDGT 1,320,400 125,000 1,445,400 FY 95-66 ORIG BDGT 200,000 7,500 500 37,500 412,038 657,538 OF BDGT 45.99% 31.57% OF BDGT 55.81% 128.9'7'% 66.60% 116.67% 25.15% FY 95-86 REVISED BDGT 1,216,317 150,000 FY 95-~6 REVISED BDGT 300,000 15,000 500 85,500 412,038 813,038 CHANGE IN BDGT (lo~,os3) CHANGE IN EDGT 100,000 7,500 48,000 155,500 R. JND 380 DEBT BERVlCE TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND FY 94-05 REVENUE 5,228,401 154,093 936,285 6,318,779 FY 95.;6 Y11) ACTUALB 2,435,214 33,730 2,468,944 icy 9546 ORIG BDGT 5,281,600 110,000 5,391,600 YTU % OF BDGT 46.11% 30.66% 45.79% FY 95-86 REVISED 9DGT 4,865,269 110,000 905,3~ 5,M0,638 CHANGE IN BDGT (416.331) mcdermt%mldyear%96rev1 .wql 23-Feb-e6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO, DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 510~ UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 511' '~4EDICALREIMBURSEMENT 511, ,ISION INSURANCE 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project) 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOWNOD SET ASIDE FUND 165 FY 19954446 MID-YEAR BUDGET FY SS446 FY 95-86 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (OECREASE) 11,454 8,268 14,187 14,253 66 1,689 1,294 2,137 2,147 10 159 118 206 207 1 24 17 57 84 89 8~ 342 272 875 17~ 102 113 I 44 41 33 43 438 19 52 14,895 10,979 451 463 2 1,470 1,445 (25) 18,543 18,58~ 46 mcdermt~midyeer~96my-low,wql ' 3 22-Feb-~6 ACCT NO. 5100 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION~USTIFICATION PERSONNELSERVICES SALARIES & WAGES DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5102 RETIREMENT 5104 MEDICARE 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 5108 LiFE INSURANCE 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5110 DISABIIJTY INSURANCE 5112 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 51 qSION INSURANCE 51 ~. CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 5119 PART-TIME (Project} 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5128 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 5190 LiFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL PROJECT8 FUND 280 FY 1995-e6 MID-YEAR BUDGET 30,764 25,803 43,332 42,967 (365) 4,419 3,547 8,527 8,472 (55) 441 457 628 623 (5) 235 530 218 247 1,043 845 2,401 548 255 163 I 307 104 58 (43) 1,527 124 8,535 325 921 253 41,014 43,370 430 678 248 1,407 1,395 (12) 4,410 4,914 504 13,500 13,500 70,234 70,549 315 mcdermt~midyear%96my-280.wq1 22-Feb-e6 RDA CIP4:UND 280 PAGE 2 ACCT ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICA'rlON OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5212 FACILITY REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5222 PRINT1NG 5225 ELECTION COSTS 5228 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5227 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES 5228 PUBUCATIONS 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5248 LEGAL SERVICES 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5254 ADVERTISING 5258 CONFERENCES 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 5262 MILEAGE 5264 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5270 CITY PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM 5276 SALES TAX REIMBURSEMENTS 5360 CITY ADMIN CHARGES 5385 FEE REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES VAR TOTAL CAPiTAL PROJECTS TOTAL RDA CIP F'Y 94.85 ' ACTUAL 85.86 YTD P( 25.86 FY 95;6 INCREA$ CURRENT SOGT PROPOSED BOGT (DECREAL 18,250 35,000 35,000 439 500 500 464 46,048 2,047 3,877 2,500 2,500 10,703 694 40,200 40,200 62 200 200 20d 4,508 3,789 10,000 10,000 SS,383 43.813 85,000 85,000 15,1, 129 27,580 183,768 183,768 lS,509 2,682 2S,000 26,000 2, 123 1,953 7,000 7,000 100 100 463 429 1,000 1,000 430 1,000 1,000 56 234,991 123,659 238,942 238,942 45,000 6,450 74,450 74,450 162,417 198,000 201,000 3,000 75,000 18,750 75,000 75,000 30,000 30,000 850,277 252,721 1,008,660 1,011.660 3.000 109,137 562, 144 15,962,830 15,962,830 1,000.428 856,235 17,041,724 17,045,039 3,315 mcdermt~midyear~Smy-280.wq1 22-Feb-~6 ACCT ACCOUNT NO, DESCRIPTION/JUST~FICATTON OPERATING EXPENDrTURES 5227 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 5241 PASSTHROUGH AGREEMENTS 5245 ED. REV. AUGMENT. FUND (ERAF) 5390 DEBT SERVICE4~RINCIPAL 5391 INTEREST TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDFrURES TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND 380 FY 199545 MI[~YEAR BUDGET 5,834 2,151 3,6/2,561 1,357,225' 530,000 915,8~5 444,035 5,343,685 1,888,854 FY 95-55 F"( ~5~6 INCREASE CURRENT BDGT PROPOSED BDGT (DECREASE) 8,500 8,500 75,000 85,500 10,500 2,778,000 3,625,369 847,358 560,000 550,000 888,070 888,070 4,309,570 5,157,439 857,869 TOTAL RDA DEBT SERVICE 5,343,885 1,888,854 4,309,570 5,167,439 857,86~ mcdermt\midyear%gemy-380.wq1 7/Final 22-Feb-96 ITEM 4 APPRO CITY ATTORNE~RT~ FINANCE DIREC CITY MANAGE CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Redevelopmerit Agency FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, Executive Director DATE: March 12, 1996 SUBJECT: Master Plan - 6th Street Restroom and Parking Project PREPARED BY: (~/Shawn D. Nelson, Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: That the Redevelopment Agency: 1. Approve the master plan for the 6th Street Restroom and Parking Project. Authorize staff to release a formal public bid for the 6th Street Restroom and Parking Project. BACKGROUND: On December 10, 1991, the City of Temecula purchased an approximate 1.4 acre site located on the corner of Front Street and 6th Street in Old Town Temecula. With the approval of the Old Town Specific Plan in February, 1994, this site was designated as an appropriate location to construct public parking and restroom facilities. On February 27, 1996, the Redevelopment Agency approved a ground lease to Dual Development Inc. for the operation of a transportation facility (Temecula Shuttle) on the westerly portion of the 6th Street Property. In conjunction with this ground lease, the Agency has been involved in preparing a master plan that includes the Temecula Shuttle Project, parking improvements, a restroom facility, and street scape improvements. It is anticipated that the street scape improvements will become the standard street specifications for all future development in Old Town. Also, when the Old Town Specific Plan was approved, an environmental impact report was completed as part ofthe approval process. Therefore, since no substantial changes are being proposed to the scope of the project on the 6th Street property or the surrounding land uses, no additional environmental work is required for this project. Webb and Associates, the design engineering firm for this project, will provide a formal presentation to the Agency regarding the master plan, architectural elevations, and street scape improvements. This master plan has also been reviewed by the Old Town Local Review Board. If approved by the Agency, the consultant will immediately begin the preparation of construction documents to facilitate a formal public bid for the project. FISCAL IMPACT: The construction budget for the 6th Street Project was originally established at $330,000. Since that time, the costs of installing a public restroom facility and completing the surrounding street scape improvements for the project have been added to the scope of the 6th Street Project. The estimated construction budget for this project is $576,000,which includes a 20% contingency. It is anticipated that substantial savings will be realized in the design costs of another RDA project, the Old Town Demonstration Block. These savings may potentially cover the construction shortfall for the 6th Street Project. The actual RDA funds required to fund the total construction costs will be identified prior to the award of contract. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Site Plan L~J Oh m0 Mercedes Street 'rI H'h;M 5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROV TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT Redevetopment Agency Members Ronald E. Bradley, Executive Director March 12, 1996 Purchase Agreement for 28534 and 28555 Pujol Street Prepared By: John Meyer, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTITLED "AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28534 PUJOL STREET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA' 2. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTITLED "AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28555 PUJOL STREET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA" That the Agency authorize the expenditures of up to $260,000from RDA Housing set- aside funds for acquisition, relocation, closing costs, demolition and soil remediation expenses. BACKGROUND: In an effort to implement the General Plan Housing Element and the Implementation Plan of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, staff has pursued the acquisition of real property from willing sellers to establish sites for future affordable housing projects. Based on fair market appraisals, staff has negotiated the following purchase prices for the subject properties. 28534 Pujol Street (APN 922-054~003)Freeman Purchase Price: $ 75,000 28555 Pujol Street (APN 922-054-006) Ceballos Purchase Price: $100,000 A Phase I Environmental Analysis has been conducted on both properties to determine the presence of hazardous waste or unacceptable soil conditions. The Freeman property is undergoing additional soil testing because acceptable thresholds for lead and hydrocarbons were exceeded. The additional testing will determine the amount of remediation necessary to mitigate any impacts. No additional testing is necessary on the Ceballos property. Both purchases are all cash transactions with the Agency paying all closing costs. Additional fund authorization in the amount of $10,000 is requested to cover escrow, closing costs, appraisal and soils testing fees. In addition, up to $15,000 is requested for tenant relocation cost for the Ceballos property, up to $60,000is requested for soil remediation and demolition of the Freeman property, bringing the total fund authorization request to $260,000. FISCAL IMPACTS The 1995-96 CIP budget contains $400,000 for acquisition and new construction of affordable rental units. The $260,000 acquisition cost for this project will be funded by this line item, account number 165-199~813-5801. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Resolution No. 96- (Freeman)- Page 2 Resolution No. 96- (Ceballos)- Page 3 Agreement for Acquisition (Freeman)- Page 4 Agreement for Acquisition (Ceballos)- Page 5 R:~IOUSH~O~URCI-IAOO.CC 3/6/96 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 96- RESOLUTION NO. RDA 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE I~,nEVELOPNiF-NT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN AGREE_MF, NT ENTITLED "AGRF~EIVHP~NT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28534 PUJOL STREET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA" THE REr}EVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. declare that: The Redevelopment Agency does hereby find, determine and a. The Agency is curren~y implementing the Redevelopment Plan for Re, development Project No. 1-1988, originally approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 12, 1988 prior to the incorporation of the City and subsequen~y approved and transferred to the Redevelopmerit Agency of the City of Temecula on April 9, 1991 (the "Phn"). b. The Agency has established a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 33433 for the purposes of increasing, improving and preserving the supply of low and moderate income housing within the Project Area and the City. c. The Agency proposes to purchase the property described in the attached "Agreement for Acquisition of Certain Real Property Located at 28534 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula" ("Property") for the purposes of increasing, improving and preserving the supply of low and moderate income housing within the Project Area and the City as the Property is zoned for multi-family residential housing and is located in an area already developed with multi-family housing. d. The acquisition of the Property for low and moderate income housing purposes is consistent with the Redevelopmerit Plan and with the Implementation Plan adopted by the Agency. Additionally, acquisition of the Property and the improvement and preservation of low and moderate income housing thereon will assist in the elimination of blight in the Project Area. e. The acquisition of the Property and the units thereon is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to 14 Cat. Admin. Code 15326. Moreover, the EIR approving the Plan addressed the impacts of housing development in the area of the Property. LAX2:146889.2 Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula hereby approves that certain agreement entitled 'Agreement for Acquisition of Certain Real Property Located at 28534 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula' and authorizes the Chairperson to execute the Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3. The Secretary shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula on , 199__. Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson ATFEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Agency Secretary [SEAM LAX2:146889.2 -2- STATE OF CAI JI~ORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ) ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk/Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the Resolution No. 96- was duly and regularly adopted by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on , 199__, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: AGENCY MEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk/ Agency Secretary ATTACHMENT NO. 2 AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION AGRF-F~MF-NT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28534 PUJOL STI~V. ET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA THIS AGREE34k'NT is entered into as of ,1996, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, a public body, corporate and politic ("Agency"), and John Arthur Freeman and Bernice S. Freeman, husband and wife ("Seller"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. AGREEMENT TO SELL AND PURCHASE. For valuable consideration, Seller agrees to sell to Agency, and Agency agrees to purchase from Seller, upon the terms and for the consideration set forth in this Agreement, all that certain real property which is legally described and depicted as set forth on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated heroin by this reference ("Propen'y"). The Property is located generally at 28534 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula (APN 922-054-4303). 2. PURCHASE PRICE. The total purchase price for the Property shall be the sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) ("Purchase Price"), payable in full at the close of escrow. 3. CONVEYANCE OF TITLE. Seller agrees to convey by grant deed ("Grant Deed") to Agency marketable fee simple title to the Property free and clear of all recorded and unrecorded Hens, encumbrances, assessments, easements, leases and taxes, subject only to those exceptions approved in writing by Agency pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Agreement. 4. CONDITION OF TITLE: TITLE INSURANCE POLICY. Agency shall obtain, at its expense, concurrently with the recording of the Grant Deed to Agency, a standard form CLTA Owner's Policy of Ti~e Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price, issued by a title Company chosen by the Executive Director of the Agency ("Ti~e Company"), showing the title to the Property vested in the Agency, a public body, corporate and politic, subject only to the exceptions approved by Agency pursuant to the following procedure. a. Agency shall obtain a preliminary title report ("FIR") within twenty (20) working days of the date of this Agreement along with the documents described in the PTR. b. Agency shall, twenty (20) working days from receipt of the PTR, approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the PTR, in its sole discretion, and shall specify the items which are disapproved or conditionally approval. LAX2:146885.1 Febnaty28, 1996 c. If Agency shall disapprove or conditionally approve any item in the PTR, Seller shall, within twenty (20) working days of receipt of such disapproval or conditional approval, advise Agency in writing whether or not Seller shall cause to be eliminated any such disapproved item or items. d. If Seller elects not to eliminate such item or items, this Agreement may be canceled by either party upon written notice to the other. 5. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. Agency's obligation to complete the purchase hereunder is conditional upon the following: a. Agency shall approve the Preliminary Ti~e Report; b. Agency shall conduct a physical inspection of the Property, and approve of the physical condition of the Property; c. Agency shall conduct an environmental investigation of the Property, including but not limited to, determining whether baT~rdous materials and/or asbestos are present on the Property, and shall approve the condition of the Property pursuant to such investigation; d. Agency conducts the environmental investigation and approves the environmental report on the Property described in Paragraph 8 of this Agreement; e. Agency approves the Seller's Disclosure Statement described in Paragraph 8 of this Agreement; f. The truth of each and every warranty and representation made by Seller in this Agreement as of the date of execution thereof and as of the Closing Date; and g. On the Closing Date, the Title Company shall be ready, willing and able to issue to Agency (or other entity selected by Agency at least three (3) days prior to the Closing Date) its standard form CLTA Owner's Policy of title insurance insuring Agency in the amount of the Purchase Price that good and marketable title to the Property is vested in Agency subject only to the exceptions to title set forth in the PTR and approved by Agency. I,AX2:146885.1 Febmm~ 28, 1996 6. ESCROW. a. The Paxties hereto shall enter into Escrow for the conveyance of the Property in accordance with this Agreement. Prior to entering escrow the Executive Director, on behalf of the Agency, and the Seller shall agree upon an Escrow Agent and shall execute Escrow Instructions as necessary to effectuate and implement this Agreement. b. The Closing Date shall be agreed to by the parties but shall not be earlier than April 12, 1996. c. Seller shall deliver or cause to be delivered to escrow the Grant Deed in proper form duly executed and in recordable form conveying to Agency fee title to the Property subject only to the exceptions approved by Agency pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof. d. Both parties shall execute and deliver to each other any other documents or instruments which are reasonably necessary in order to consummate the purchase and sale of the Property. e. Seller shall deliver to Agency through escrow an affidavit executed by Seller under penalty of perjury stating Seller's United States taxpayer identification number and that Seller is not a foreign person, in accordance with Internal Revenue Code 1445(2) and such other documents as are required by federal and state tax laws. f. Real property taxes and assessments through fiscal year 1995-96 and 1996-97 shall be prorated as of the Close of Escrow, based upon the latest tax bill available. g. Agency shall pay the usual recording fees and any required documentary transfer taxes. h. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute such escrow instructions, certificates of acceptance (Government Code Section 27281), and such other documents as are necessary to complete the transactions described in this Agreement. 7. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON PREMISES. Seller hereby grants to Agency, and its designated agents, permission to enter upon the Property at all reasonable times prior to close of escrow for the purpose of making necessary or appropriate inspections and investigations, including but not limited to, conducting a mils, geotechnical, toxic and hazardous substances investigation. Agency shall restore the Property to its original condition after said investigation. LAX2:I46885.1 Feanttry 28, 1996 '3- 8. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DISCLOSURE. a. Pursuant to I-Iealth and Safety Code Section 25359.7, and other laws, Seller is obligated to disclose any knowledge that Seller, or any agent, officer or employee of Seller, has regarding baTardous substances on, in or under the Property. It is understood and agreed between Agency and Seller that the closing of this escrow is subject to and contingent upon receipt and approval, by Agency, of Seller's Disclosure Statement, disclosing if the Seller, or any present or former agent, officer or employee of Seller, knows or has reasonable cause to believe there are any hazardous or toxic substances or materials located on, in, or under the Property. Said Disclosure Statement is subject to Ageocy's review and approval in its sole discretion. b. It is further understood and agreed that Agency shall have sixty (60) days from the date of this Agreement in which to complete said investigations. If the results of this investigation are not satisfactory to Agency, then Agency, in Agency's sole discretion, shall have the right to cancel the escrow with no obligation to Seller. c. As used in this Agreement, the phrase "HaT-qrdous Materials" shall mean any hazardous, toxic, corrosive, reactive, ignitable, carcinogenic or reproductive toxic substance, material, product, compound, chemical or waste (including, without limitation, petroleum, including crude oil, or any fraction thereof, asbestos or asbestos-containing materials, flammable explosives, radioactive materials, and polychlorinated biphenyls) as defined in or regulated by any federal, state or local law, ordinance, regulation or code regarding the environment or health, safety or welfare ("Environmental Law"). 9. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER. Seller hereby represents and warrants as follows: a. The Property is flee and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances, easements, encroachments or rights-of-way of any nature whatsoever other than the matters set forth as exceptions in the PTR and approved by the Agency. b. Seller has no knowledge of any order or directire of any applicable Department of Building and Safety, Health Department or any other City, County, State or Federal authority, relating to the Property. c. Seller has complied with, and has no knowledge of any pending, threatened or potential investigation, proceeding or action (including legislative action) relating to the failure of Seller to comply with any and all statutes, laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and orders of governmental authorities LAX2:I46885.1 FebflinT 28, 1996 -4- having or claiming jurisdiction relating to the ownership, operation and use of the Property including, but not li~nited to, compliance with all zoning, health, safety, building and fire regulations and the obtaining and compliance with any and all necessary permits, licenses and certificates of authority. d. Seller has no obligations to any finder or broker in connection with the sale of the Property. e. Seller is not aware of any Hazardous Materials (as defined below) that have been used, present, released, stored, manufactured, generated or disposed of on, under or about, or transported to or from the Property. L To the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property (including, without limitation, the soil and groundwater thereunder) is not in violation of any Environmental Laws. No above-ground or underground tanks exist on, under or about the Property. g. All of the documents, information and records provided by Seller to Agency in accordance with this Agreement shall contain true and accurate information and do not omit any material fact. h. Seller has no knowledge of any pending, threatened or potential litigation, action or proceeding against Seller or any other party before any court or administrative tribunal which is in any way related to the Property. i. All contracts, agreements, understandings and commitments, written or oral, with vendors, affecting any part of the Property, axe disclosed in Exhibit C. attached hereto and incoxporated herein. j. As of the time of the Closing Date, Seller shall have paid and setfled all outstanding debts, claims and other obligations owed by Seller in connection with the ownership of the Property or the maintenance thereof ("Debts"). Agency is not assuming any Debts. Seller will indemnify and defend Agency from all actions relating to collection of Debts. 10. FULL PAYMENT OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OF Agency. It is understood and agreed between Seller and Agency that the Purchase Price set forth herein represents an all inclusive settlement and is full and complete payment for just compensation for the acquisition of all property interests pertaining to the Property and includes and satisfies any and all other payments, if any, which may be required by law to be paid to Seller arising out of the acquisition and displacement of the Seller and persons residing on the Property, and specifically includes, but is not limited to, pre-condemnation damages, owner participation rights under the Redevelopment Plan, relocation assistance and/or benefits under the Relocation Assistance Act, Government Code Section 7260 et ~cq., and LAX2:14688$.I F~bn~ly 28, 1996 -5' loss of business goodwill under the Eminent Domain Law, Code of Civil Procedure Section 1263.510. 11. ATTORNEY'S FEES. In the event of any litigation between the Agency and Seller, concerning this transaction, the prevailing party shall be enti~ed to reasonable attorneys' fees. 12. ASSIGNMENT. Agency may assign its rights under this Agreement or may designate a nominee to acquire ti~e to the Property, provided, however, that any such assignment or designation shall not relieve Agency of any of its obligations under this Agreement. 13. NOTICES. All notices called for herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered to Seller and Agency at the addresses set forth in this Paragraph. Notices shall be deemed delivered two (2) business days after first-class mailing, or upon receipt by personal service at the office of the party, delive~ by overnight courier service, or by legible and complete facsimile transmission. The following addresses are to which notices shall be sent pursuant to this Paragraph, provided that either party may change its address by proper notice to the other: SELLER: John Arthur Freeman and Bernice S. Freeman 28534 Pujol Street Temecula, California 92590 AGENCY: City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager 14. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. a. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties or their predecessors in interest with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. b. Beth Parties are sophisticated buyers and sellers of real property and have participated in the drafting of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first written above. I, AX2:146885.1 Febnap/28, 19~6 JOHN ARTHUR FREEMAN BERNICE S. FREEMAN LAX2:146885.I Fe,~nmzy 28, 1996 -7- I~,r~EVELOP~V~F_,NT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEM~CULA: Patficia H. Birdsall, Chairperson ATFF_~T: By June S. Greek, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Peter M. Thorson Agency Counsel ~IT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION APN 922-054-003 Lot 3 Block 37 Town of Temecula LAX2:146885.1 l~dms~y 28, 1996 EXJ:IIRIT B CONTRACTS AFFECTING PROPERTY NONE LAr2:~4~g5.~ Fe~nuay 28, 1~6 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 96-__ R:~HOUSH~O~trRCHAOO.CC 316/96 S RF-~OLUTION NO. RDA A RESOLUTION OF THE RI~,FIEVVJI3PMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENT1TLF~D "AGREEMV, NT FOR ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28555 PUJOL STREET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA" ~ I!VIIEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. declare that: The Redevelopment Agency does hereby find, determine and a. The Agency is curren~y implementing the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1--1988, originally approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 12, 1988 prior to the incorporation of the City and subsequently approved and transferred to the Redevelopmerit Agency of the City of Temecula on April 9, 1991 (the "Plan"). b. The Agency has established a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to the provisions of Health and Safety Cede Section 33433 for the purposes of increasing, improving and preserving the supply of low and moderate income housing within the Project Area and the City. c. The Agency proposes to purchase the property described in the attached "Agreement for Acquisition of Certain Real Property Located at 28555 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula" ("Property") for the purposes of increasing, improving and preserving the supply of low and moderate income housing within the Project Area and the City as the Property is zoned for multi-family residential housing and is located in an area already developed with multi-family housing. d. The acquisition of the Property for low and moderate income housing purposes is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and with the Implementation Plan adopted by the Agency. Additionally, acquisition of the Property and the improvement and preservation of low and moderate income housing thereon will assist in the elimination of blight in the Project Area. e. The acquisition of the Property and the units thecon is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to 14 Cal. Admin. Code 15326. Moreover, the EIR apprnving the Plan addressed the impacts of housing development in the axea of the Property. LAX2:I46888.2 Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula hereby approves that certain agreement entitled *Agreement for Acquisition of Certain Real Property Located at 28555 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula~ and authorizes the Chakperson to execute the Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3. The Secretary shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula on , 199__. Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Agency Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA I, June S. Greek, City Clerk/Secretary of the Redevelopmerit Agency of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the Resolution No. RDA 96- was duly and regularly adopted by the Redevelopmerit Agency of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereef, held on March 26, 1996, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: AGENCY MEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk/Agency Secretary LAX2:146888.2 '3- ATTACItb,~,NT NO. 4 AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION R:UiOUSlNO~I'UI~CF, AO0.CC 3/f~/96 6 AGRE~NT FOR ACQUISmON OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28555 PUJOL STRI~.F.T IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA THIg AGREEMENT is entered into as of , 1996, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, a public body, corporate and politic ("Agency"), and Cande Ceballos, an unmarried woman ("Seller"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. AGREEMENT TO SELL AND PURCHASE. For valuable consideration, SeLler agrees to sell to Agency, and Agency agrees to purchase from Seller, upon the terms and for the consideration set forth in this Agreement, all that certain real property which is legally described and depicted as set forth on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Property"). The Property is located generally at 28555 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula (APN 922-054-006). 2. PURCHASE PRICE. The total purchase price for the Property shall be the sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) ("Purchase Price"), payable in full at the close of escrow. 3. CONVEYANCE OF TITLE. Seller agrees to convey by grant deed ("Grant Deed") to Agency marketable fee simple tide to the Property free and clear of all recorded and unrecorded liens, encumbrances, assessments, easements, leases and taxes, subject only to those exceptions approved in writing by Agency pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Agreement. 4. CONDITION OF TITLE: TITLE INSURANCE POLICY. Agency shall obtain, at its expense, concurrently with the recording of the Grant Deed to Agency, a standard form CLTA Owner's Policy of Title Insurance in the mount of the Purchase Price, issued by a rifle Company chosen by the Executive Director of the Agency ("Title Company"), showing the title to the Properly vested in the Agency, a public body, corporate and politic, subject only to the exceptions approved by Agency pursuant to the following procedure. a. Agency shall obtain a preliminary title report ("PTR") within twenty (20) working days of the date of this Agreement along with the documents described in the PTR. b. Agency shall, twenty (20) working days from receipt of the PTR, approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the PTR, in its sole discretion, and shall specify the items which are disapproved or conditionally approved. LAX2:I46886.1 ~ebrdary 2~, 19~6 c. If Agency shall disapprove or conditionally approve any item in the PTR, Seller shall, within twenty (20) working days of receipt of such disapproval or conditional approval, advise Agency in writing whether or not Seller shall cause to be eliminated any such disapproved item or items. d. If Seller elects not to eliminate such item or items, this Agreement may be caneeled by either party upon written notice to the other. 5. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSE OF ESCROW. Agency's obligation to complete the purchase hereunder is conditional upon the following: a. Agency shall approve the Preliminary Title Report; b. Agency shall conduct a physical inspection of the Property, and approve of the physical condition of the Properly; c. Agency shall conduct an environmental investigation of the Property, including but not limited to, determining whether hazardous materials and/or asbestos are present on the Property, and shall approve the condition of the Property pursuant to such investigation; d. Agency conducts the environmental investigation and approves the environmental report on the Property described in Paragraph 8 of this Agreement; e. Agency approves the Seller's Disclosure Statement described in Paragraph 8 of this Agreement; The troth of each and every warranty and representation made by Seller in this Agreement as of the date of execution thereof and as of the Closing Date; and g. On the Closing Date, the Title Company shall be ready, willing and able to issue to Agency (or other entity selected by Agency at least three (3) days prior to the Closing Date) its standard form CLTA Owner's Policy of title insurance insuring Agency in the amount of the Purchase Price that good and marketable ti~e to the Property is vested in Agency subject only to the exceptions to ti~e set forth in the PTR and approved by Agency. 6. ESCROW. a. The Parties hereto shall enter into Escrow for the conveyance of the Property in accordance with this Agreement. Prior to entering escrow the Executive Director, on behalf of the Agency, and the Seller shall agree upon LAX2:146886.1 Febtroy 28, 1~96 -2- an Escrow Agent and shall execute Escrow Instructions as necessary to effectuate and implement this Agreement. b. The Closing Date shall be agreed to by the parties but shall not be earlier than April 12, 1996. c. Seller shall deliver or cause to be delivered to escrow the Grant Deed in proper form duly executed and in recordable form conveying to Agency fee title to the Property subject only to the exceptions approved by Agency pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof. d. Both parties shall execute and deliver to each other any other documents or instruments which are reasonably neeessaxy in order to consummate the purchase and sale of the Property. e. Seller shall deliver to Agency through escrow an affidavit executed by Seller under penalty of perjury stating Seller's United States taxpayer identification number and that Seller is not a foreign person, in accordance with Internal Revenue Code 1445(2) and such other documents as are required by federal and state tax laws. f. Real proparty taxes and assessments through fiscal year 1995-96 and 1996-97 shall be prorated as of the Close of Escrow, based upon the latest tax bill available. g. Agency shall pay the usual recording fees and any required documentaxy transfer taxes. h. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute such escrow instructions, certificates of acceptance (Government Code Section 27281), and such other documents as are necessary to complete the transactions described in this Agreement. 7. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON PREMISES. Seller hereby grants to Agency, and its designated agents, permission to enter upon the Property at all reasonable times prior to close of escrow for the purpose of making necessary or appropriate inspections and investigations, including but not limited to, conducting a soils, geotechnical, toxic and haTaxdous substances investigation. Agency shall restore the Proporty to its original condition after said investigation. LAX2:146886.1 Felmm3, 28, 1996 -3- and expert witness fees and costs incurred in defending against any of the foregoing or in enforcing this indemnity) relative to the existence, remedlation, removal, repair and/or disposal of said HaT~_rdous Materials, and hazardous, toxic or other wastes or substances on or in or under the herein described Property. This indemnity includes, but is not limited to, any repair, cleanup, remediation, detoxification, or preparation and implementation of any removal, remedial response, closure or other plan (regardless of whether undertaken due to governmental action) concerning any bnTnrdous substance or hazardous wastes including petroleum and its fractions, asbestos and lead-based paint, as defined pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ["CERCLA"], 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et sea_., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ["RCRA"], 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et s~. or California Health and Safety Code Section Code Section 25280 et se~_. at any place where Seller owns or has control of real property pursuant to any of Seller's activities under this Agreement. The foregoing indemnity is intended to operate as an agreement pursuant to Section 107(e) of CERCLA and Caiifomla Health and Safety Code Section 25364 to assure, protect, hold harmless and indemnify Agency from liability. c. It is also understood and agreed that Seller shall be entirely responsible for securing any and all permits necessary in connection with the removal and disposal of any and all such HaT~rdous Materials, and hazardous, toxic or other wastes or substances, and paying all fees, charges, costs and/or penalties whatsoever in connection therewith, and that Seller shall have any and all contractors involved with the removal and disposal of any and all such hazardous, toxic or other wastes or substances, provide evidence of public liability insurance, in form and mounts approved by Agency, and naming Agency as additional insured. d. It is further understood and agreed that Seller shall be solely responsible for the costs of removal of any asbestos-containing building materials and lead-based paints in conjunction with Agency's demolition of any structures which may be on the Property. e. As used in this Agreement, the phrase 'FlnTnrdous Materials' shall mean any hazardous, toxic, corrosive, reactive, ignitable, carcinogenic or reproductive toxic substance, material, product, compound, chemical or waste (including, without limitation, petroleum, including crude oil, or any fraction thereof, asbestos or asbestos-containing materials, flammable explosives, radioactive materials, and polychlorinated biphenyls) as defined in or regulated by any federal, state or local law, ordinance, regulation or code regarding the environment or health, safety or welfare ("Environmental Law'). I.AX2:146886.1 Febna~ 28, 1996 -5- 10. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER. Seller hereby represents and warrants as follows: a. The Property is free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances, easements, encroachmerits or fights-of-way of any nature whatsoever other than the matters set forth as exceptions in the PTR and approved by the Agency. b. Seller has no knowledge of any order or direcfive of any applicable Department of Building and Safety, Health Department or any other City, County, State or Federal authority, relating to the Property. c. Seller has complied with, and has no knowledge of any pending, threatened or potential investigation, proceeding or action (ineluding legislative action) relating to the failure of Seller to comply with any and all statutes, laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and orders of governmental authorities having or claiming jurisdiction relating to the ownership, operation and use of the Property including, but not limited to, compliance with all zoning, health, safety, building and fire regulations and the obtaining and compliance with any and all necessary permits, licenses and certificates of authority. d. Seller has no obligations to any finder or broker in connection with the sale of the Property. e. Seller is not aware of any Hazardous Materials (as defined below) that have been used, present, released, stored, manufactured, generated or disposed of on, under or about, or transported to or from the Property. f. To the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property (including, without limitation, the soil and groundwater thereunder) is not in violation of any Environmental Laws. No above-ground or underground tanks exist on, under or about the Property. g. All of the documents, information and records provided by Seller to Agency in accordance with this Agreement shall contain true and accurate information and do not omit any material fact. h. Seller has no knowledge of any pending, threatened or potential litigation, action or proceeding against Seller or any other party before any court or administrative tribunal which is in any way related to the Property. i. All contracts, agreements, understandings and commitments, written or oral, with vendors, affecting any part of the Property, are disclosed in Exhibit C. attached hereto and incorporated herein. j. As of the time of the Closing Date, Seller shall have paid and settled all outstanding debts, claims and other obligations owed by Seller in connection with the ownership of the Property or the maintenance thereof ("Debts"). Agency is not assuming any Debts. Seller will indemnify and defend Agency from all actions relating to collection of Debts. 11. FULL PAYMENT OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OF Agency. It is understood and agreed between Seller and Agency that the Purchase Price set forth herein represents an all inclusive settlement and is full and complete payment for just compensation for the acquisition of all property interests pertaining to the Property and includes and satisfies any and all other payments, ff any, which may be required by law to be paid to Seller arising out of the acquisition and displacement of the Seller and persons residing on the Property, and specifically includes, but is not limited to, pre-condemnation damages, owner participation rights under the Redevelopment Plan, relocation assistance and/or benefits under the Reloca~on Assistance Act, Government Code Section 7260 et sea_., and loss of business goodwill under the Eminent Domain Law, Code of Civil Procedure Section 1263.510. 12. ATrORNEY'S FEES. In the event of any litigation between the Agency and Seller, concerning this transaction, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees. 13. ASSIGNMENT. Agency may assign its rights under this Agreement or may designate a nominee to acquire ti~e to the Property, provided, however, that any such assignment or designation shall not relieve Agency of any of its obligations under this Agreement. 14. NOTICES. All notices called for herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered to Seller and Agency at the addresses set forth in this Paragraph. Notices shall be deemed delivered two (2) business days after first-class mailing, or upon receipt by personal service at the office of the party, delivery by overnight courier service, or by legible and complete facsimile transmission. The following addresses are to which notices shall be sent pursuant to this Paragraph, provided that either party may change its address by proper notice to the other: SELLER: Cande Ceballos 28555 Pujol Street Temecula, California 92590 LAX2:I46886.1 Febt~ar/28, 1~ -7- AGP2qCY: City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager 15. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. a. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties or their predecessors in interest with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. b. Both Parties are sophisticated buyers and sellers of real property and have participated in the drafting of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first written above. S~L~ CANDE CEBALLOS IAY3:146886.1 Pcbnm~ 28, 1996 '8- ]~Er~EVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA: PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: By June S. Greek, City Clerk/Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Peter M. Thorson Agency Counsel L~X2:I46886.1 Fdmmy 2g, 1994 EXH]RIT A LEGAL DESCRIFFION APN 922-054-006 Lot 1 Block 37 Town of Temecula EXHIBIT B CONTRACTS AFFECTING PROPERTY NONE OLD TOWN WESTSIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY ITEM 15 APPROV CITY ATI'ORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Community Development Director~' '~' DATE: March 12, 1996 SUBJECT: Appointment of the Sign Ordinance Committee Prepared By: David W. Hogan, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council appoint the Sign Ordinance Committee members. BACKGROUND The purpose of this Agenda Report is to have the City Council select the communitywide and three remaining business representatives to the Sign Ordinance Committee. At the February 13, 1996 meeting, the Council considered the Composition of the Committee and determined that it should be composed of five business representatives, five communitywide representatives, and a member of the Planning Commission and City Council. Two categories of Sign Ordinance Committee members have already selected. These are as follows: One City Councilmember. Steve Ford was appointed by the Council to Chair the Committee and represent the Council at its February 13, 1996 meeting. One Planning Commissioner. The Commission appointed Tim Miller as its representative to the Committee at its March 4, 1996 meeting. The following categories of Sign Ordinance Committee members have been, or will be, proposed by their respective organizations. These are as follows: One representative from the Chamber of Commerce. Staff has been contacted by the Chamber of Commerce. They have suggested Alice Sullivan, their Executive Director, as a possible representative. If this is acceptable, staff recommends that the Council accept Alice Sullivan as the Chamber of Commerce's representative on the Committee. One commercial property manager or realtor. Staff anticipates that these groups will be provided the name of a possible candidate(s) prior to the Council meeting. Because some of the representatives have already been identified, staff recommends that the Council focus their efforts on the appointment of the Committee members from the remaining two categories. Three other representatives from local businesses. Staff recommends that each Councilmember provide the name of a suitable candidate and that the Council select the three most representative candidates. Five interested residents of the City who do not have significant business affiliations. Staff recommends that each Councilmember provide the name of a suitable candidate for the Sign Ordinance Committee, Following the Council's identification of the remaining members staff will contact the Committee to set up the first meeting, FISCALIMPACT None. R:\SIGNCOIv~M~SIGNCOM.CC2 315196 dwh 2 ITEM 16 APPROVAL ~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council Ronald E. Bradley, City Manager March 12, 1996 Monthly Salary for City Commissioners PREPARED BY: Grant M. Yates, Human Resources Administrator RECOMMENDATION: That City Council provide staff direction on monthly salaries for City Commissioners for the coming fiscal year. BACKGROUND: Staff, at Council direction, has recently completed a survey of thirty-seven (37) Southern California Cities to determine if, and to what extent, they compensate their Commissioners. Based upon the results of the survey: Fifteen Cities (41%) pay their Planning Commission an average of 975.00 per month. The range is from 930.00 to 9150.00. Three Cities (8%) pay their Public Safety/Traffic Commission an average of 948.00 per month. The range is from 930.00 to 975.00. And four Cities (11%) pay their Community Services/Parks Commission an average of 934.00 per month. The range is from ~25.00 to ~40.00. Monthly compensation is intended to serve primarily as a reimbursement for expenses that Commissioners incur as a result of the performance of their duties. For example, prior to a Commission meeting, Commissioners may visit various site locations to get first hand information regarding projects and conditions before they vote. Monthly compensation will reimbursement Commissioners for out-of-pocket expenses related primarily to these visits. This monthly compensation will not affect the City's policy of reimbursing Commissioners for travel expenses and other incidentals incurred while attending relevant conferences relating to their commission duties. In addition, monthly compensation for Commissioners will make serving on a commission more attractive to a wider variety of citizens. Although the City has been very fortunate with respect to the quality and caliber of applicants for Commission vacancies to date, this cbuld change in the future. By providing monthly compensation, service on a City Commission will not become a financial liability for those who dedicate their time and hard work to service their community. Based upon this information, if council decides to compensate Commissioners, staff is recommending that the following City Commissions be compensated on a monthly basis as follows: Planning Commission Public Safety/Traffic Commission Community Services/Parks Commission 975,00 950,00 950.00 Finally, staff is recommending monthly compensation, versus per-meeting compensation, primarily because it is easier to administer and will not be affected by the need for occasional additional special meetings. FISCAL IMPACT: For each Commission, the cost for a full fiscal year for the respective operating department would be as follows: Planning Commission Public Safety/Traffic Commission Community Services/Parks Commission 94,500.00 93,000.00 93,000.00 If the City Council directs staff to compensate Commissioners, an appropriation of funds will be required. Attachment: Survey results 0 000 000000 000~ ZZZ ZZZZZZ ZZZ ITEM 17 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPRO~ CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINA ~,- CITY MANAGER i~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Community Development Director/'~' March 12, 1996 Council Direction on the Preparation of an Ordinance to Regulate Horse Drawn Vehicles in Old Town Prepared By: David W. Hogan, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the City Council provide direction on the Preparation of an Ordinance to Regulate Horse Drawn Vehicles in the Old Town area. BACKGROUND The protection of the turn-of-the-century theme is important to the attraction and promotion of tourism in Old Town. To enhance the Western theme, the Old Town Specific Plan envisions the use of a horse drawn wagon or trolley during high traffic use periods to move people between parking and activity areas (Circulation\Parking Policy Number 10). However, the potential conflict between pedestrians, motor vehicles, and horse drawn carriages creates a need, in the opinion of staff, to govern some aspects of their operations. The purpose of this Agenda Report is to provide information to the Council and request guidance and direction on the development of a locally appropriate regulation to permit horse drawn vehicles in Old Town. DISCUSSION Staff has identified a number of issues that should be addressed if the Council wishes to permit horse drawn vehicles in Old Town. These primary issues include the following. o Maintaining the western theme in Old Town; o The safety requirements for the carriages; o Operator qualifications and insurance requirements; o Care, shelter and sanitation requirements for the horses; and o Routes and locations of vehicle stands (stops). R:\HOGA2qD\HORSEORD.CCI 31U96 dwh Maintaininq the Western Theme in Old Town The need to maintain the turn-of-the-century appearance of Old Town Temecula was a key component of the Old Town Specific Plan, As a result, the process of approving the operation of a horse drawn vehicle should include compliance with the design guidelines contained in the Specific Plan. The City could also require the colors and design of any horse drawn vehicle to be reviewed by the Old Town Local Review Board. Safety Requirements for the Carriaoes All horse drawn vehicles should be required to meet certain minimum standards. These standards could include the need for appropriate safety equipment such as: lights for night operation and annual safety inspections. Requiring communication equipment on the vehicles could also be required. It is envisioned that the Police Department would be involved in developing the specific safety requirements, In addition, there is also a need to provide secure after hour storage for all horse drawn vehicles, Operator Qualifications and Insurance Requirements To ensure the public's safety, it is staff's recommendation that carriage operators be licensed. The permit applications would be reviewed by the Police, Planning and Finance Departments to ensure that all the appropriate issues are addressed. This would also give the City an opportunity to ensure that minimum levels of insurance coverage are provided, It is recommended that the City establish minimum insurance coverage for each operator, The Care, Shelter and Sanitation Requirements for the Horses Special requirements to ensure the health and safety of the horses, and general public, should be considered, Attention should be given to require that all animals wear a device to prevent manure from falling on the pavement and that rubber horse shoes be required if needed to prevent damage to road surfaces. Routes and Pick Up Locations The issue of traffic safety is vital to the efficient operation of horse drawn vehicles. Restrictions on the operation of horse drawn carriages during peak traffic hours may be needed. Should the vehicles have to follow a set route? Should specified pick-up and drop-off locations be established? Should there be provisions to vary these standard routes and stops for special occasions (ie. weddings and promotional activities)? Implementation Options There are several different approaches to regulating the operation of horse drawn carriages, The two common techniques are as follows: · Regulate horse drawn vehicles (like taxicabs and paratransit); and, · Regulate as a special use. R:'~OGAND\HORSEORD.CCI 3/1/96 dwh 2 Some cities, like Santa Barbara, include horse drawn carriages in their taxicab and paratransit ordinance. This approach could work well on a citywide basis, but would not easily include all the issues surrounding the operation of horse drawn carriages in the Old Town area, The other approach, followed by the Cities of San Diego and Solvang, is to develop an ordinance that specifically regulates horse-drawn carriage operations in a Temecula context. Given the wide range of non-motor vehicle issues, it appears that a separate ordinance to regulate horse drawn carriages would allow the City to effectively address the variety of issues in the Old Town area. FISCAL IMPACT Staff estimates that this work effort will require approximately 40 hours of staff time to prepare. However, because the ordinance will be done in-house, no additional appropriations are required. The future costs of implementing this program could be addressed through an appropriate permit application fee. R:~,HOGANDx, HORSEORD.CC1 311196 dwh 3 ITEM 18 APPRO CITY ATTORNEY, CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/CityyM~ager Gary Thornhill,beCommunity Development March 12, 1996 Appointment of a Planning Commission Temecula/Murrieta Traffic Committee Director Representative to the Joint Prepared By: Saied Naaseh, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommends that the City Council appoint Commissioner Rich Soltysiak to serve as the Planning Commission's representative to the Joint Temecula/Murrieta Traffic Committee. BACKGROUND The City Council appointed Councilmember Steve Ford to the Joint Temecula/Murrieta Traffic Committee. On March 4, 1996 the Planning Commission appointed Commissioner Rich Soltysiak to serve as the Planning Commission representative to this committee. The purpose of this report is to request the City Council confirm this appointment. FISCAL IMPACTS None. ITEM 19 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council Ronald E. Bradley, City Manager March 12, 1996 Cable TV Franchise Transfer Agreement PREPARED BY: Human Resources Administrator Grant Yates RECOMMENDATION: Receive staff report and recommendation under separate cover. BACKGROUND: City Staff has been unable to reach a member of the Cable Operator's staff to finalize one vital point in the agreement, prior to the deadline for preparation of the agenda. Staff therefore will transmit the report and recommendation to the City Council under separate cover when all the materials are completed. jsg City Council Minutes September 25, 1990 Councilmember Moore moved, Councilmember Birdsall seconded a motion to receive and file Parcel Map No. 23969. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Conditional Use Permit No. 2980. Revised Permit No. I }uncilmember Mu~oz asked if this two-lane street can han< ic proposed by this project? Do which stated that it is his understanding that ressed these issues. said this project is a very low facility, and receive mostly night ar not a concern to Mayor Parks asked if He stated he shares area and asked the Engineer Lyndie Lane from the Car Lindemans, Moore, potential y was done of traffic. It is a storage access, and therefore is for a traffic signal at this intersection. concern regarding the traffic in this Department to look into a possible exit off of tnd shopping center. It was moved by ber z, seconded by Councilmember Moore to receive and file. onditional Use No. 2980, Revised Permit No. 1. · The motion w s carried by the following vot AYES. 5 COUNCILMEMBERS. Birds l, Lindemans, Moore, UNCILMEMBERS' Mu~oz, arks : : ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ninutes\9\25\90 -~- 11/28/95 ~l}ao O~nartment dl.~ not condition him to build the cu~ nP-sac, and that the cu]-de-sac wou]d be of no benefit to nl~ D~ODertV: however, he has offered to put In the curb and gutter and 32' of street improvements to exDed3te the aPProVal. COMMISSIONER FORD clarified that Mr. Omdahl was Providinc aporoximate[y 80% of the street improvements and these improvements wolxl~ be of ~6 benefit to his property. Re Suaqested that Mr. Hatey miaht want to vacate the property in toe future. COMMISSIONER FAMEY moved to close the public hearina, seconded by COMMISSIONER BOAGLAND and carried unanimously. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Fora, Hoaqland, Chin~aeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None COMMISSIONER FAHEYmOveU to adopt the Neqative Declarataon for Parcel MaD NO. 23969 and approve Parcel MaD No. 23969, based on the analysis and findinqs in the Staff Report and subject to the Conditions of Approval- modified by the deletion of Condition No. 29, seconded by COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND and carried by the fol[owinq vote. AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Fahey, Ford, Hoaqland, Chiniaeff NOES: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Blair 5.'T~'TE~TATIVE~ARCEL MAP 25633 PLOT PLAN NO. Y1669= = .... 5.1 Proposal to subdi~i~e-~='~C'r'es fnto, four parcels and ~et-~'~ustrial park an the we~t side of Business Park Drive, north of Rancho California MIN, 9/17/90 -7- 9/21/90 PLANN ] NG COMMTSSION MINUTES AUGUST 20, ] 990 John Middleton stated that the Engineering DeDartment's recommendation was to construct Pujol Street as per county seandards. Anthony Polo, Markham & Associates,.41750 Winchester Road, Temecula, gave a brief description of the project. William Haley, 28426 Puj01 Street, Temecula, an adjacent property owner expressed his desire to have the developer proceed with the road improvements to Pujol Street as proposed by the County of Riverside. Anthony Polo o~ered an alt'~rnative to the Cor~nission o~ leaving Pujol Street in its' present state and provide the dedication and improvements to create a cu)-de-sac on the end of Sixth Street. Douq Stewart, deputy traffic engineer, advised the Commission that the easement was neither Mr. Ohmdahl's property nor Mr. Haley's property. He stated that County Ordinance No.460 and the reconvnendation by the Riverside County Transportation Department requires certain improvements be comp]eted~ however, there is an exception clause within the ordinance that would allow the Cb...ission to deviate from these required street improvements, but only under that exception clause cou]d the Conm~ission consider anything other than what was reconmnended by the county. Cor~nissioner Fahey questioned the reference to special circumstances of the exception applicable to the properties size, shape or topagraphy, and did that exception apply to such conditions created by the property owner. Doug Stewart stated that the ordinance reguires that the applicant put in a street: however, it would be at a substantial cost to the applicant, and since applicant has offered other alternatives that seem more appropriate, the commission could consider one of these alternatives and make that reco.i,,endation to the City Council. Con~nissioner Chiniae~f asked if staff needed action by the Commission to come back with a partial recon~nendation. Mllq.8/20190 -1- 8/23/90 C~ONTy OF RIVERSIDE Department of Building and Safety ease refer to the following co~ents when ~Aan for plan review by the Grading Section. Xl. 5 X 9 · 15. 19. submitting a grading Please refe~ to department forms 284-86, 284-120, 284-21 and 24-46 for applicable information to include on your grading plans. In order to issue a grading permit, the following items will be needed at the plan review stage. ~ a. Obtain · plan review permit. X b. Provide 2 copies of the Preliminary Soils Report. ~c. Provide e copy of the hydrologic-hydraulic study. X d. Provide clearance letters from the following ' departments. ~Planning Flood Control Road Department ' ' Other e. Provide a set of the Planning Department conditions of approval on the approved case· __f. Provide an erosion control plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, for plan review, permit, end bonding. ' Submit 5 copies of the grading plan for distribution and review. Refer to any specific plan related to this project. This property is located in the Rancho California Potential Subsidence area. Per Board Resolution 88-61, additional geotechnical information is required. Observe slope setbacks from permit areas and structures per section 7011 and figure 29-1 of the Uniform Building Code as modified by Ordinance 457. Driveway grades shall be 15% or less. Show.street and pad elevations~ --Insure that e 1% grade (min~ can be'maintained from back of pad to street. Design V-ditches at top of slopes to handle the Q-100 year storm flow. Provide recorded drainage easements for the proposed lot to lot drainage. Show the Q-100 year storm flows at the inlet and outlet of all drainage facilities. Provide building footprint on all lots. Design each lot to drain separately. Prior to issuance cf a grading permit, projects having an imbalanoe between cut and fill shall specify the location of their import or export source. Show all slopes to scale, including terrace and setbacks. Proposed off-site grading will require written notarized permission from ~'~e affected property owner. No obstruction or diversion of natural water courses shall be permitted. Provide sufficient offsite topography to show this projects compatibility with adjacent properties. Verify any underlv~ aradin~ was mermitte~ ~.~ ~ ....... ~ 125/R/eg/5 :astern unicipa ter is:trict Riverside Co. Planning Dept. 4080 Lemon St., 9th Floor Riverside, Ca 92501 SUBJECT: ""~r__,..~ T""/1/'~j..,.P The District is responding to your request for conments on the subject project relative to water and/or sewer service. The items checked below apply to this project review. The subject project: /Is not within EMWD's: /water service area sewer service area /Will be required to construct/provide the following facilities if to be served by Effi4D: Sewer Service Any and all necessary regionally sized onstte and offsite gravity sewers and appurtenant works that might tnclude monitoring manholes, ltft stations, force mains, and effluent disposal/use. Sewers will not be allowed along lot lines/private land. Fee payment and participation in regional sewers, treatment, and effluent disposal must be met. Only wastes acceptable to EMWO regulations will be allowed. EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Planning Department R/verside County Planning DeparTment Re.' Parcel Map 2969 - 2 - June 7, 1989 Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of wBy should.be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions'. A drainage easement should be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or di- verted storm flows. A copy ~f the recorded drainage easement should be submitted to the District for review prior =o the recordation of the final map. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted to the District via the Road Department for review and approval prior to recorda- tion of the final map. Grading plans should be appro~ed prior =o issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this matter may be of this office at 714/787-1253· referred to Zully Smith · Civil Engineer Markham and Associates ZS:seb DEPARTMENT OF HEALT)'I EIVERSIpE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. h atti Nahill · ~~enUal Health Specialist IV PARCEL MAP 23969 - SAN 53 Requiremenus DATE: Hay 22. 1989 The Environmcntal Ilealth Services Division has reviewed tile tentative map for titis project and cannot make any recommendations until a sanitation latter is filed. The requircments for a SAN 53 letter are as follows: 1. A satisfactory soils pcrcolation test to prove the project Feasible. 2. A clcarnncc Icttcr From thc :,pl~rol~rinte California Regional Water Control Board. 3. Two copice of the tcntntive 4. A "will-serve" latter from the agency/agencies serving parable water. Should tile projcct be scrvcd sunit:try sewer service, this Department would need only: A "will-serve" lcttcr From the nCcncy/agcncics scrving parable water and sandtar)' sewers. 2. Onc copy of the tentative map. If the project is to be served water ID' existing wells, pumps and water tanks, a water st,pp_ly permit will he required (contact tile Environmental Ilca/th Scrviccs I)ivisiomm. Engineering Scctlon at 787-6544). The rcquircmonts for n water supply permit are as follows: Satisfactory laiDorator)' tests {I,ncteriologica], organic, i,xorHnnic, gencrnl ph)'sic:{!. nnd gcncrnl mlnernl) tn provc thc water l,otz{blc. '. A complete set of plnns showi,,g all details of tile prol,osed n,td existing water systcms: sitcs and types of pipe and calculntio,,s slmwi,tg that adequate quantity and presstare Can be nm:mintninctl (California Waterworks Standards Culirornla Ilcalth nnd Safety Code nnd California Administr:,tivc Code, Title. 22). l'hese plans must be signed by a registered civil engineer. OFFICe..,,F ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY ~RVEYOR April 2, 1990 Riverside County Plyruing Commission 4080 Lemon STreet R/verside, CA 92501 Ladies ~nd Gentlemen: PM 23969 - Amend #1 Schedule E - Team 5 S~D #9 AP #111-111-111-9 With respect to ~he ' conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, ~.he Road Del~-Unent rec.'-..~ends that the landdivider provide ~he following street improvements, street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement ST~a~a~ds (Ordinance 461). It is understood that the tenuative nmp correctly shoos acceptable centerline elevations, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with a~ropriate Q's, and v. hat their omission or unacceptability may require the nmp ~o be res-~ttued for further consideration. 1 These Ordinances and the fol ooing conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They ar~ intended ~o be complementary and to describe the conditions for a cc~plete design of the improv~nt. All questions regarding the =rue meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Coumiasioner's Office. The landdivider shell protect downstream proper%ies from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e., concentration of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities and/ or by securing a drainage easement. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final map and noted as followBl 'Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroachmen~s by land fills are ~llowed'. The protection sh~ll be as approved by ~he R~ad Department. The landdivider sh~ll accep~ and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onv~ or ~uDugh =he site. In =he ef=nt =he ~ad C~ssio~r ~its ~e ~e of s~ for No. 460 will a~ly. Should ~ ~ities ~c~ =M s~t ca~ci~ or ~e ~e of s~ ~ prob~i=~ for ~a~ge p~ses, ~e s~vi~r sMll ~ide ad~e ~a~ge facilities as app~o~ ~ ~ ~ad ~p~nt. Riverside County Road Department P.O. Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 May 24. Arch: Subdivision Section: SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel 'Map No. 23'969 1989 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Tentative Parcel Map No. 23969 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easement(s) held by Southern California Edison Company vithin the boundaries of said tentative parcel map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights. title and interest in and to said easement(s), nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of costs for teloration of any affected facilities. In the event that the development requires teloration of facil- ities, on the subject property, which facilities exist by right of easement or otherwise, the owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such teloration and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are required prior to the performance of the relocation. If additional information is required in connection-vith the above mentioned subject. please call me at (213) 491-2644. Very truly Fours, 18455pmh cc: Riverside County Planning Dept. ATTN: Patti Nahill Markham & Associates DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: '29. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Environmental Health Riverside County Flood Control Fire Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Ptanning Department of Building and Safety. 30. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the I-P zone. 31. 32. All lots created by this land division shall have a minimum area of 20,000 square feet. When lots are crossed by major public utility easements, each lot shall have a net usable area of not less than 3,600 square feet, exclusive of the utility easement. All lot length to width ratios shall be in conformante wlth Section 3.8C of Ordinance 460. Prior to recordation of the final map the land divider shall execute a certificate of noncontiguous ownership. 35. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in this subdivision in accordance with the Standards No. 0,00 and u,01, except that sidewalk shall not be required on the south side of Pujol Street. PRIOR TO THE RECORDATiON OF THE FINAL MAP: 36. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the following condition{s) shall be complied with: The subdivlder shall annex Tentative Parcel Map No. 23969 into the City of Temecula~s Recreation and Parks District, The subdivider shall submit to the Planning Director an agreement with the City of Temecula Recreation and Parks District which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the County that the land divider has provided for the payment of parks and recreation fees in accordance with Section 10,35 of Ordinance No. 0,60. The agreement shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors prior to the recordation of the final map. A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet {ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. STFRPT\PM23969. A The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the Office of Road Commissioner and County Surveyor~s letter dated April 2, 1990. a copy of which is attached. All items of the letter shall comply excep~c for No.'s 3 and 6. 10o The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated May 22, 1989, a copy of which is attached. 11. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations Outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated June 7, 1989, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula L-and Division Ordinance ~,60, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. 12. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department~s letter dated March 3, 1990, a copy of which is attached. 13. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section*s transmittal dated March 8, 1990, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Sectlon's transmittal dated July 11~, 1989, a copy of which is attached. 15. All proposed construction shall comply with the California Institute of TechnolocJy, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy, as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan. 16. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Eastern Municipal Water District transmittal dated May 16, 1989, a copy of which is attached. 17. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Southern California Edison Company transmittat dated May 2u,, 1989, a copy of which is attached, 18. Prior to recordalton of this map, a reciprocal access agreement shall be recorded for Parcels 2 and 3. 19. Prior to recordalton of this map, a signing and striping plan along with a street improvement plan shall be approved by the City Engineer. 20. Prior to occupancy, developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EiR/Nagative Declaration for the project, in the amount in effect at the time of payment of ST F R PT\PM23969. A 2 On November 1, 1995, the current property owner filed an application with the City seeking a waiver of the conditions to improve Pujol Street. The deletion of the conditions will provide for the release of the related improvement bonds. On November 30, 1995, a Planning Director Hearing was held on the request to delete said conditions of approval. At that meeting, the Director approved the applicant's request. However, subsequent to the hearing, it was determined that the City Council, and not the Planning Director, was the appropriate hearing body for an amendment to a final map. Thus, this item, plus the release of bonds have been noticed for a public hearing before the City Council. DISCUSSION Typically, staff will condition a project to provide improvements to adjacent streets. Conditions of approval for Parcel Map 23969 included the improvement of Pujol Street and prohibiting the project from using Pujol to access the site. In addition to the conditions, there is an approximate 25 foot grade separation between the site and Pujol Street that physically prohibits the site from accessing Pujol Street. Because no access is proposed or necessary for the subdivision, staff supports the applicant's contention that there is no nexus between the condition to improve Puiol Street and the approval of the map. Pujol Street is a dead-end street and the improvement of which provides no benefit to the subject property. Should the Council delete said conditions, the necessity of the bonds is removed and can thus be released. FISCAL IMPACT None, Attachments: 2o 3. .4. 5. 6. Resolution No 96- - Page No. 3 Vicinity Map - Page No..7 Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map 23969 - Page No. 9 Minutes from the August 20, 1990 Planning Commission Meeting - Page No. 10 Minutes from the September 17, 1990 City Council Meeting - Page No. 11 Minutes from the September 25, 1990 City Council Meeting - Page No. 12 R:~STAFFRPT~I13PA95.CC ~/~6 cdr 2 6. That the proposal to delete said conditions of approval is not likely to cause conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. TMs subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. B. As conditioned pursuant to Section 3, Planning Application No. proposed, is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. , as Section 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Environmental Assessment was prepared for this project and it was determined that the project would have no effect on the environment and was therefore exempt from requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act per Section 15061(3). Section 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula City Council hereby approves Planning Application No. PA95-0113 to delete condition of approval No. 21, 22, and 23 for Parcel Map 23969 on property known as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 940-310-044, 045, 046, 047, 048. A. Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference and made a pan hereof. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. R:\STAFFRPTxI13PA95.CC2 3/5/96 ¢dr 5 1. A compromise could be reached between the two parties that would be presented to the Council for their adoption. No agreement would be reached between the parties and the Council would elect to adopt staff's previous recommendation to delete the street conditions. No agreement would be reached between the parties and the Council would elect to enforce the street conditions. After much discussion, no compromise was reached. As an alternative to the above, Mr. Haley recommended that if the waiver of conditions were granted, an agreement would be entered into which would relieve his property from all future off-site improvement requirements. The agreement would be a recorded document that would run with the land. After reviewing this proposal, staff can not support this proposal due to potential future health and safety concerns. As stated in the February 13, 1996 staff report, staff supports the applicant's contention that there is no nexus between the condition to improve Pujol Street and the approval of the map. Thus, staff supports the request to delete the requested conditions of approval, thus the necessity for the improvement bonds is removed and can thus be released. FISCAL IMPACT None. Attachments: Resolution No 96- - Page 3 February 13, 1996 Staff Report - Page 7 R:~STAFFRfP17\l13pA95.CC2 3/5/96 cdr 2 ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board Member Roberts, seconded by Board Member Lindemans to adjourn at 8:02 PM to a meeting on March 12, 1996, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. Patricia H. Birdsall, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, CMC, City Clerk/ Authority Secretary r:~minutes.otwa\022796 -2-