HomeMy WebLinkAbout112691 CC AgendaAGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA TEMPORARY COMMUNITY CENTER 27475 COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE NOVEMBER 26, 1991 - 7:00 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION: 5:30 - City Hal/Main Conference Room - 43174 Business Park Drive~ Closed session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9Ia) re: Pulte Homes vs. The City of Temecula and 54956.9(b) to discuss potential litigation Next in Order: Ordinance.' No. 91-43 Resolution: No, 91-114 CALL TO ORDER: Invocation Pastor Ron Bolt, Peoples Church of the Valley Flag Salute Councilmember Birdsall ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Cable Television Grants - Jones Intercable Proclamation - Family Week Proclamation - National Hospice Month PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda or on the consent Calendar, a pink "Request To Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, p/ease come forward and state vour name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. CONSENT CALENDAR Standard Ordinance Adox2tion Procedure RECOMMENDATION I. I Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDA T/ON.' 2. 1 Approve the minutes of November 12, 1991 as mailed. 3 Resolution ADDrOVinG LiSt of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3. 1 Adopt a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. 4 City Treasurer's RePOrt for Period Endine October 31, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: 4. 1 Receive and File Report 5 Combininq Balance Sheet and Statement of Exx2enditures and Revenues and Chanoes in Fund Balance for Period Endin~7 Sez2tember 30. 1991 RECOMMENDATION: 5. I Receive and File Report 5.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 ATTACHMENT "A " OF TIlE CITY OF TEMECULA BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN 6 Renewal of City Liability Insurance RECOMMENDATION: 6. I Approve renewal of contract with Insurance Company of the West to provide General Liability, Excess Liability and Public Officials Errors and Omission coverage. Final Parcel Mao No. 26852 Property located on the North Side of Winchester Road at Margarita Road. RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 26852 subject to the Conditions of Approval contained in the staff report. 8 Memorandum of Understandino with Bedford Proi)erties - Reqardin~7 Series II Bonds for CFD 88-12 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Bedford Properties concerning the sale of bonds in excess of ~ 19,000,000. 9 Adootion of Standard Drawinos for Public Works Construction RECOMMENDATION: 9, 1 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REPEALING PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE AND ADOPTING STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 10 Ordinance Aoorovino Zone Chanoe No. 5740 RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 9142 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NO. 5740 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A-20 TO I-P AND R-5 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RIDGEPARK DRIVE, SOUTH OF RANCNO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 940-3 10-020 AND 02 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the projectfs) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 11 Plot Plan No. 239 - Ax~olicant Rancho California Water District HeadQuarters 11.45 acre site located northwesterly of the intersection of Diaz Road and Rio Nedo. RECOMMENDATION.' 11.1 Adopt a Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 239 11.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECU/A APPROVING PLOT PLAN NO. 239 TO CONSTRUCT RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX AS FOLLOWS: 40,000 SQUARE FOOT TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING; 13,000 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE STORY WAREHOUSE STRUCTURE; 20,000 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE STORY OPERA TIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING; RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT SERWCE VEHICLE STORAGE YARD AND EMPLOYEE/VISITOR PARKING AREAS ON A PARCEL CONTAINING 11.5 + ~- ACRES L OCA TED BETWEEN A VENIDA DE VENTAS AND WINCHESTER ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILES WEST OF DIAZ ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 909-120-024 (PARENT NO.) 12 Parcel MaD 24085 - A~Dlicant Rancho California City Center Association No. 1 73 acre site located on the westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road. RECOMMENDA T/ON: 12. 1 Adopt a Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24085 12.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 24085 TO SUBDIVIDE A 72.6 ACRE DIAZ ROAD NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 909-120-022. 13 Parcel Ma~ 24086 - Az2xTIicant Rancho California Citv Center Association No. I 70 acre site located on the westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road. RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Adopt a Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24086 13.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO, 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO, 24086 TO SUBDIVIDE A 69.7 ACRE PARCEL INTO 49 PARCELS AT THE WESTERLY SIDE OF DIAZ ROAD NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 909-120-020 14 Tentative Tract Mao No. 25892 - Az2alicant David Pearson 20 acre site located on the south side of Pauba Road, between Ynez and Margarita Roads. RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 25892 TO SUBDIVIDEA 20 ACRE PARCEL INTO 34 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PAUBA ROAD BETWEEN YNEZ AND MARGARITA ROADS AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 945-090-005 COUNCIL BUSINESS 15 Pulte Homes vs City of Temecula (a challenc/e to the Citv's Sx2here of Influence northeast of the aresent City boundarv) RECOMMENDATION.' 15. I Consider approval of Settlement Agreement. 6 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: December 10, 1991, 7:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California TEMECULA COMMUNITY SER~CES DISTRICT MEETING - (To be hew at 8:00) Next ~ Orde~ Ordinance: No. 91-02 Resolution: No. 91-13 CALL TO ORDER: President J. Sal Mufioz ROLL CALL: D/RECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks, Mufioz PUBLIC COMMENT: Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, p/ease come forward and state your name and address for the record. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes RECOMMENDA T/ON: 1. I Approve the minutes of the meeting of November 12, 1991 as mailed. DISTRICT BUSINESS 2 Discussion of Lease of Prox2ertv for use as Temz2orarv Senior Center and for Youth Proorams (Placed on the agenda at the request of Director Lindemans) 2/agenda/112691 7 11/21/91 3 Comz2rehensive Overview of Goals for Youth and Teen Programs This report will be transmitted under separate cover. 4 Combininq Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and ExzTenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for Period Endino Sex2tember 30, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: 4. 1 Receive and File Report GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT- Dixon DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT- Nelson BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting December 10, 1991, 8:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Next in Order: Resolution: No. 91-11 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Peg Moore presiding AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Moore PUBLIC COMMENT: Anyone wishing to address the Agency, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk, When you are called to speak, p/ease come forward and state your name and address for the record. AGENCY BUSINESS I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1. I Approve the minutes of the meeting of November 12, 1991 2 Combining Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and Expenditures and ChanGes in Fund Balance for Period Endin(7 Seotember 30, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: 2. I Receive and File Report EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting December 10, 1991, Temecula Community Temecula, California 8:00 PM, Temporary Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, 2/~end~'l 12691 9 11/21/91 PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS The City of Temecula PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the family has been the vehicle of survival and stability in every culture from ancient Egypt to present-day America; and WHEREAS, individuals first find identity within the family circle, realize their relationship to others and to a Supreme Being, and discover there exists moral absolutes such as truth and honest, right and wrong; and WHEREAS, the family group is the first unit of government, the primary place where individuals learn rules of conduct and infractions for disobedience; where respect, honor and wholesome standards of behavior are practiced, and where individuals learn to interact, communicate, acquire social sldlls and form and express personal views; and WHEREAS, to focus on family, give thanks for its existence and encourage wholesome family life, it has become traditional for the President and Congress of the United States to proclaim the week in which Thanksgiving Day falls as "National Family Week"; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ronald J. Parks, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby proclaim the week of November 24 through, December l, 1991 to be: 1991 California Family Week in the City of Temecula, and encourage the celebration of this week through family reunions and by establishing stronger family ties, reinforcing and instituting family traditions, feasting, worshipping together and with other appropriate activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to be affixed this 261h Day of November, 1991. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk The City of Tetnecula PR OCLAMA TION WHEREAS, Hospice care has been demonstrated to be an humanitarian way for terminally ill patients to approach the end of their lives in relative comfort, with appropriate, competent, and compassionate care in an environment of personal individuality and dignity; and WHEREAS, the hospice concept advocates care of the patient and family by attending to their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs; and WHEREAS, hospice care is provided by an interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, psychological and spiritual counselors, and community volunteers trained in the hospice concept of care; and WHEREAS, The Elizabeth Hospice offers services to any patient with a life threatening or terminal illness, living in the Temecula Valley regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, sex, handicap or ability to pay and; WHEREAS, there remains a great need to increase public awareness of the benefits of hospice care; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ronald J. Parks, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby proclaim the month of November, 1991 to be: NATIONAL HOSPICE MONTH in the City of Temecula, and call upon the medical community, churches and community organizations to participate in appropriate forums, programs and activities designed to encourage recognition and support of hospice care. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to be affixed this 261h Day of November, 1991. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk ITEM 1 ITEM 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 12, 1991 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:02 PM at the Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California. Mayor Ronald J. Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Erik Krag, Temecula Evangelical Free Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Moore. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Parks presented a Certificate to Valor to Andrew Gonzales, who at the age of eight rescued a three year old child from drowning in a neighborhood pool. Mayor Parks proclaimed Thursday, November 21,1991 as "Great American Smokeout Day". Dennis Frank of the American Cancer Society, accepted the proclamation. PUBLIC FORUM John Dedovesch, 39450 Long Ridge Drive, addressed the City Council asking that the traffic signal on Ynez and Winchester Road be properly synchronized. He also requested an explanation of a 46 cent County Tax on cable TV services, imposed within City limits. Councilmember Birdsall explained this is a State-mandated Tax as part of concessions made to offset fees going to the County, such as booking fees. Joe Gareffa, 30042 Calle Halcon, addressed the City Council concerning the proposed expenditure for an Auto Mall Sign. He asked that an explanation of Redevelopment Funds, and what they can be used for, be given to the community. He further stated that a decision to place a sign such as this should be carefully researched with extensive public input taken. He suggested a display be made available and the planned location disclosed far enough in advance to accurately gauge public opinion. Ninutes\11\12\91 -1- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12, 1991 Tony Marino, KRTM 88.9 FM, 28715 Via Montezuma, addressed the City Council regarding the shooting incident at the Yellow Brick Road arcade. He stated the City has a problem with weak security in this area, as well as loitering and drugs. He suggested that a 90-day curfew be imposed at 9:00 PM, seven days a week. He further suggested that if caught after 9:00 PM, youth should be taken to jail where parents would be required to pick them up and be subject to a fine of at least $500. John Hunneman, KRTM 88.9 FM, 28715 Via Montezuma, stated teens have no place to go in the City and asked that the City open a temporary Community Recreation Center and proceed with the permanent center immediately. Councilmember Lindemans asked that this matter be placed on the agenda by a 4/5ths vote. City Attorney Field counseled that this item could not be placed on the agenda because it has not been properly noticed. He stated this could be placed on the next agenda for action. Councilmember Mufloz stated that not enough youth programs, inadequate security and lack of adult supervision are problems that need to be addressed. He also asked that the possibility of a temporary CRC be investigated. Councilmember Birdsall stated that the Boys and Girls Club will be opening in approximately two weeks. She stated the problem she sees with a 9:00 PM curfew, is the Police Department would spend all their time dealing with curfew violators instead of handling more serious problems. Councilmember Moore asked staff to do research and bring back model programs that have been successfully in other cities. R. Jane Vernon, 30268 Mersey Court, asked that trees other than Eucalyptus be used in future landscape designs for the City of Temecula, stating the recent fires in Sacramento were fueled in large degree by Eucalyptus Trees. David Ciabattoni, 41646 Avenida De La Reina, thanked the City Council for the street closure on Avenida De La Reina, stating this has made a big difference on the safety of the residents. He also thanked Tim Serlet for his aid in solving the problem. Mr. Ciabattoni also addressed the City Council regarding the Public Safety Commission, stating that this is an important Commission that deserves more authority and more assigned staff time. He stated many of the problems being discussed tonight should be addressed by the Public Safety Commission. Joseph F. Seguin, 41640 Avenida De La Reina, addressed the City Council regarding City costs. He asked that a controller be assigned, answerable only to the City Council, to reduce costs, possibly by combining departments. Chris Martinelli, 30255 Corte Cantania, addressed the City Council asking that concrete suggestions be given to the Community to eradicate gangs in this City. Ninutes\11\12\91 -2- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12.1991 Paul R. Serau, 31675 Leish Lane, expressed concern about the growing crime in Temecula and stated the Community needs to get behind the City Council and the Police Department to solve this problem. He asked that careful consideration be given to future building in Temecula, stating high density housing makes these problems more prevalent. James Marpie, 19290 St. Gallen Way, Murrieta, asked that the City put in applications for grants being offered by the State for Flood Control and stated the deadline for these grants is December 6, 1991. Councilmember Mu~oz asked that staff get a grant application in to the State by the December 6, 1991 deadline. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Lindemans requested that Item No. 5 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Mu~oz requested the removal of Item No. 6. Mayor Parks stated he would abstain from Item No. 8 due to a conflict of interest. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-4, and 7-11. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Standard Ordinance Adootion Procedure 1.1 2. Minutes 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks None None Waive reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Approve the minutes of October 1, 1991. Approve the minutes of October 8, 1991. Approve the minutes of October 10, 1991. Approve the minutes of October 22, 1991. Approve the minutes of October 29, 1991. Hinutes\11\12\91 -3- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 9. November 12, 1991 Ordinance Establishing City Clerk as Custodian of City Seal and Insignia 9.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91-39 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE CITY CLERK AS CUSTODIAN OF THE CITY SEAL AND INSIGNIA 10. Ordinance Pertaining to Advertising Reoulations and Use of Directional Sions 10.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 9140 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING CHAPTER FOUR TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ADVERTISING REGULATIONS AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF DIRECTIONAL SIGNS 11. Ordinance Reaardina ChanGe of Zone No. 17/First Extension of Time for Vestinq Tentative Tract MaD NO. 23125 11.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 9141 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION CONTAINED IN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 17, CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A-2½ (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL - 2½ ACRES MINIMUM) TO Rol AND R-5 (ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND OPEN SPACE COMBINING ZONE - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS) ALONG THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF DE PORTOLA ROAD AND BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 926-330-004 AND 926- 070-020 RECESS Mayor Parks called a brief recess to change the tape at 8:01 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:02 PM. Ninutes\l 1 \12\91 -5- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes 5. November 12.1991 Acceotance of Offer of Dedication - Portion of Via Las Colinas City Engineer Tim Serlet introduced the staff report. Councilmember Lindemans stated his concern on this project that it lacks two separate access points. David Jerik, representing the applicant, stated at the time the complex was built, the County felt a driveway on Rancho California Road would be more of a hazard than a help. He further stated that the City already has responsibility for half of the road and requested that this remainder be accepted. Councilmember Mufloz asked if it is the intention of the City to have Moraga Road go through, why is it not being addressed at this time. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to continue this item to the meeting of November 26, 1991. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Award of Desion Contract - MarQarita Road Councilmember Mur~oz asked the reason CFD financing might not be available. Tim Serlet, City Engineer stated that all of the property owners may not agree. City Attorney Field explained that a sub-zone is proposed that would be established to tax only adjacent property owners. Councilmember Mur~oz asked why the full width improvements design is not being considered at this time. City Manager Dixon stated the Council could direct staff to design the full width design. Mayor Parks stated that he would like to approve staff recommendation to get this project started, however he would not object to the further instruction to design the full-width improvements. Hinutes\11\12\91 -6- 11/19/91 Citv Council Minutes November 12.1991 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve staff recommendation as follows: 6.1 Award a design contract for street and drainage improvements for Margarita Road from Winchester Road to North General Kearny Road to Robert Rein, William Frost and Associates for an amount not to exceed $62,950.00. 6.2 The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Authorize the City Manager to execute the same. Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None It was moved by Councilmember Mu~oz, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to instruct staff to design the full width improvements for the balance of the road from General Kearny to Solana Way. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 RECESS COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: BirdsalI, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks None None Mayor Parks called a recess at 8:30 PM to accommodate the previously scheduled Community Services District Meeting. The meeting was reconvened following the Community Services District Meeting at 9:13 PM. Councilmember Muf~oz requested the agenda be reordered to hear Item No. 21, due to the number of people who wish to speak on this item. Hearing no objections, Mayor Parks reordered the agenda. 21. Consideration of Traffic Alternatives - Calle Medusa C. M. (Max) Gilliss, Special Consultant to City Manager's Office, introduced the staff report. Hinutes\11\12\~1 -7- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12.1991 Mayor Parks called a brief recess at 9:20 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 9:21 PM. Gary Taylor, 40811 Calle Medusa, stated the problem on Calle Medusa is too many cars driving too fast. He asked that this issue be made a priority. Evonne Taylor, 40811 Calle Medusa, stated that two attempted abductions have taken place on Calle Medusa, and asked the City Council to make this street safe for resident children. Nelson Betancourt, 40835 Catle Medusa, said he made a survey of residents in the Hidden Hills area. He reported out of 231 responses, 125 people agreed that a solution to the Calle Medusa problem is a bypass road. He requested that the City Council move forward to complete Walcott Lane as a through street and relieve some of the traffic on Calle Medusa. Councilmember Mu~oz asked staff to report on this alternative. Tim Serlet, City Engineer, stated the task force looked at the Walcott alternative, and felt that this solution would not substantially reduce traffic on Calle Medusa. He explained that the alternative route must be effective enough so that people will elect to use it. He stated that Butterfield Road would provide the most relief for residents on Calle Medusa. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to extend the meeting until 11:00 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. Jane Adams, 40451 Calle Medusa, stated her daughter was the child who was almost abducted on Calle Medusa, and asked that this problem be solved. Dennis Fritz, 39910 Jeffrey Heights Road, asked that the City Council not create a more serious problem on another road by trying to solve the Calle Medusa problem. He stated that if Calle Gerisol goes through, the speed limit would be raised to 55 miles per hour, thus creating a more serious problem than that on Calle Medusa. Jay Vanderwall, 992 Carnation Avenue, Costa Mesa, stated he feels the estimates for building Butterfield Road are much too high and quoted general figures illustrating this point. Ninutes\11\12\91 -8- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12, 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muf~oz to approve staff recommendations as follows: 21.1 Approve the following Traffic and Transportation Commission recommendations: Extension of Margarita Road Extension of Butterfield Stage Road Completion of improvements at Nicolas Road and Winchester Road 21.2 Direct staff to proceed with implementation of the approved alternatives. 21.3 Consider recommendation to table any further action on Calla Medusa by the City Council for a minimum 24 month period of time. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None PUBLIC HEARINGS 12. Chance of Zone No. 5631 - Vestine Tentative Tract No. 25320 Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning, stated the applicant requests the City Council contidue the public hearing to the City Council meeting of December 1 O, 1991. Mayor Parks opened the public hearing at 10:17 PM. Norman K. Dunn, 30434 Colina Verde, addressed the City Council in opposition to the proposed Zone Change, based on high densities and water shortages. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to continue this item to the meeting of December 10, 1991. Hinutes\11\12\~1 -9- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muf~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None November 12, 1991 RECESS Mayor Parks called a recess at 10:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:31 PM. 13. Chanae of Zone No. 5470 Mayor Parks stated he would abstain from this item due to a conflict of interest and turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro Tern Birdsall. Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning, introduced the staff report. Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall opened the public hearing at 10:35 PM. Tony Terrich, Tomack Engineering, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant concurs with staff recommendation. Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall closed the public hearing at 10:35 PM. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to approve staff recommendations 13.1 and 13.2 as follows: 13.1 Adopt a Negative Declaration for Change of Zone No. 5740. 13.2 Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 5740 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A- 20 TO I-P AND R-5 ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RIDGEPARK DRIVE AND SOUTH OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND KNOWN AS A$SESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 940-310-020 AND 021. Hinutes\11\12\91 -10- 11/19/91 November 12, 1991 City Council Minutes The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mui%oz NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Parks It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve staff recommendation 13.3 as follows: 13.3 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 9142 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NO. 5740 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A-20 TO I-P AND R-5 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RIDGEPARK DRIVE, SOUTH OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS, 940-320-020 AND 021 The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Parks 14. Second Extension of Time, Vestinq Tentative Tract Mao No. 23125 Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning, introduced the staff report. Mayor Parks opened the public hearing at 10:38 PM. Ron Williams, Ranpac, representing the applicant, stated the applicant concurs with staff recommendation. Mayor Parks closed the public hearing at 10:39 PM. Hinutes\11\12\91 -11- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12, 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve staff recommendations as follows: 14.1 Accept Environmental Impact Report No. 263 for Second Extension of Time for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23125. 14.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-112 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE SECOND EXTENSION OF TIME FOR VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 23125, A 212 RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION WITH 13 OPEN SPACE LOTS ON 88.4 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF DE PORTOLA ROAD AND BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 926-330-004 AND 926-070-020 The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCIL BUSINESS Hearing no objects from Council, Mayor Parks reordered the agenda to hear Items 19 and 20 since public "Request To Speak" forms have been turned in on these items. 19. Alionment of Butterfield Staoe Road Study Doug Stewart, Deputy City Engineer, introduced the staff report. John Moramarco, 32720 Rancho California Road, representing Callaway Winery, stated that the level of the road at a 14 foot maximum is acceptable to the winery. He expressed concern about the number of homes to be built west of the road, stating that if the canyons are filled, air flow will be blocked, and wind machines would become necessary to prevent freezing. Mayor Parks asked if this information could be shown on the environmental documentation for future developments. Doug Stewart stated this could be made a key criteria. City Manager Dixon further stated that the problem of air flow through this area will also be addressed on the general plan. Ninutes\11\12\91 -12- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12. 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve the vertical alignment for Butterfield Stage Road north of Rancho California Road adjacent to Callaway Winery and direct staff to proceed with processing the second extension of time for Vesting Tract Map 23103. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 20. Consideration of Chanae of Zone 5425 and Tentative Tract MaD No. 24308 Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning, introduced the staff report. Scotty McDowell, 42601 Pradera Way, asked that the City Council approve staff recommendation and forward a recommendation of denial to the County of Riverside for Change of Zone 5425. He stated this zone change would be inconsistent with SWAP and would permanently damage the view in this area. Mayor Parks stated he would like to see the City Council adopt a policy that would permit some uses by the property owners in this area. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to approve staff recommendation as follows: 20.1 Direct staff to forward a recommendation of denial to the County of Riverside Planning Department relative to Change of Zone No. 5425 and Tentative Tract Map No. 24308. 20.2 Direct staff to formally request that the County of Riverside adopt a policy which provides that whenever the County considers a project having any impact upon a local jurisdiction, proper notification be given to that jurisdiction. Further that the community be allowed to provide input on the project prior to action by the Board of Supervisors. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ninutes\11\12\91 -1]* 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12.1991 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to extend the meeting until 11:30 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. 15. Maraarita Villaae Soecific Plan/Rancho California Road Reimbursement Aareement City Engineer Tim Serlet introduced the staff report. Councilmember Mur~oz asked the reason for the $2,000,000 limit. City Engineer Serlet stated that this amount is based on the latest engineer's estimate for the project. City Attorney Field stated this agreement modifies the original agreement with the County of Riverside to add the additional improvements needed. He stated that the $2,000,000 cap was needed to negotiate this contract. 16. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve staff recommendations as follows: 15.1 Approve an agreement with the developers of the Margarita Village Specific Plan (Bedford Development Corporation, Marlborough Development Corporation, Margarita Village Development Company and Tayco) to reimburse the City for the construction of certain improvements to the I-15/Rancho California Road Freeway Ramps and Rancho California road from Margarita Road to westerly of Moraga Road; through the imposition of an additional building permit fee of approximately $2,600 per residential unit; and 15.2 The motion was carried by the following vote: Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOESi I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufloz ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Legal Advocacy in Suooort of Other Cities City Attorney Field introduced the staff report. City Manager Dixon asked that the City Manager be advised and be in agreement with each case. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve a policy to authorize the City Attorney to join in Amicus briefs which are "urged" by the League of California Cities with the stipulation that the City Manager shall be advised of and approve each case. Ninutes\11\12\91 -14- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12, 1991 The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muf~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Mayor Parks called a brief recess at 11:31 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 11:32 PM. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to extend the meeting to 11:45 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. 17. ADoointment of Old Town Historic Review Board June Greek, City Clerk, introduced the staff report. Councilmember Muf~oz questioned the reason for recommending Christina Grina as an alternate. Councilmember Lindemans responded that the committee felt that Mrs. Grina would serve better working on the Master Plan of Old Town where her expertise would be fully utilized. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve committee recommendation and directed the staff to place changes to the policy guidelines on a future agenda. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 18. Change of Zone No. 19 - Old Town Historical District Boundary Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning, introduced the staff report. Ninutes\11\12\91 -15- 11/19/91 City Council Minutes November 12, 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to direct staff to establish a boundary proposal for the Old Town Temecula Historical District expansion with the addition of the lots on both sides of Front Street south of First Street; the 96 acre Margarita Canyon parcel southwest of the I-15 interchange and Front Street; and all of the lots located on both sides of Sixth Street west of the creek; notice all property owners within proposed boundary and schedule for public hearing by the Council. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER REPORTS None given. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None given. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS After a brief discussion, it was decided by full concurrence that Council would meet in December on the 10th and 17th instead of the regularly scheduled meeting of December 24, 1991. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsail to adjourn at 11:52 PM to the meeting on December 19, 1991, at 5:30 at City Hall, Main Conference Room. The motion was unananimously carried. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk Hinutes\11\12\91 -16- 11/19/91 ITEM 3 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts of $807,299.10 SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOFrED, this 26th day of November, 1991. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 3/Resoa 221 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 11/07/91 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 1 I/13/91 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 11/15/91 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 11/18/91 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 11/14/91 PAYROLL $596,845.70 $25,22.1.85 $53,932.62 $38,521 ,O2 $92,777.91 TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR THE 11/26/91 COUNCIL MEETING: $807,299.10 DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: 001 GENERAL 016 RDA 019 TCSD 029 TCSD 042 SKR(K-RAT/ TOTAL BY FUND: PREPARED BY KARMA MCINTYRE I. r.,~NRyF~iNANC~OFFi~:~!ER~ I, MARK OCHEN~(~3Z;<O~ $691,118,88 $3,422,18 $91,704.54 $16,357.00 $4,696.50 $807,299.10 ,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. 11107/91 City of lemecula Fiscal Year: 1992 Chec[ Register Check Sate Vendor Name Invoice Date PIO Sate Sescription Gross Siscount Net 00008428 1k105191POSTNAST POSTN~TER 110591 11/05191 11/05/91 POSTAGE/BULK NAILING 421.40 0.00 421.40 Check TotaIs: 00008430 11106191 RIVERHAS RIV, ~. HABITAT ~MSE~ATION 110691 11/06/91 11106/91 K-RAT PAY~NT F~ OCTOBER Check Totals= 00008431 11107191HUNTESCR HUNTIN6TON ESCROW ERVICE 11/7191 11/07/91 11/07/91 BUS SARN/ESCROll 421.40 0.00 421,40 4,696.~0 0.00 4,696.50 4,696.50 0.00 4~696.50 454,455.00 -0.00 454,455.00 Check Totals: 00008432 11/07/91A~ISTAM ASSISTANCE BUILD OF TENECULA 103191 10/31/91 10131191 B~LANCE OF CS FON)INBI1991 454,455.00 0.00 454,455.00 1,366.12 0.00 1,3~.12 00008433 11/07/91 BENEFIT BENEFIT ANERIC~ 11/01R1 I0/15/91 10/31191 10131191 Check Totals: 10/15/910CTONER 10/31/91 OCTOBER 1013il91 1,).12 0.00 1,3&6.12 1,655.71 S.OS 1,655.71 4,901.49 0.00 4,901.49 Check Tatals: 00008434 11/07/91 BESTFORt. BEST FOR LESS TIRES 11798 10/17/91 10964 10/14/91 TIRE FOR CHEV.4X4 IE337874 6,557.20 0.00 6~557.20 73.25 0.00 73.25 Check Totals: 00008435 11107191 BIRDSALL BIRDSALL, PATRICIA 103191 10131/91 10/31R1 REINB FOR PHONE CHGS 73.25 0.00 73.25 14.00 0.00 14.00 00008436 11/07/91 CALIFORN CALIFORNIAN 4947/9472 10/31191 10626 37212 10131/91 2303/3883 I0/02/91 10626 Check Totals= 07/01/91 IOI111911PUSLIC NOTICES 10/31/91 SUBSCRIPTION/YEAR 07/01/91 LEGAL NOTICES/BCT, 14.00 0,00 14.00 115.38 0.00 115.38 48,00 0.00 48,00 37,56 0.00 37,56 00008437 11/07/91CASTRO!K CASTRO, 103191 i0/31/91 Check Totals: KAREN 10/31/91 RILEABE OCTOBER 200,94 0.00 200.94 31.35 0.00 51.35 Check Totals: 00008438 11/07/91COUNTYPU COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE/SUPPLIES 13142~ 10/31/91 10201 06/30/91 SUPPLIES 31.35 0.00 51.35 86.86 0.00 86.86 00008439 11107191DAVLIN DAVLIM 89-23:117 10/31/91 11001 I0108191 89-23:129 k0/23/91 11001 10/08/91 Check Totals: TAPES FOR TRAFFIC COt(NISSION TAPE TRAFFIC CON~ISSISN/OCT23 S6.86 0.00 86.86 11.34 0.00 11.34 130,00 0.00 130.00 Check Totals: 00008440 11/07/91EXECGALL THE EXECUTIVE GALLERY, INC. 041203401? 10/19/91 10923 09/27/91PICTURES;SLDB.&SAFETY OFFICE 141.34 0.00 141,34 59.95 0.00 59.95 00008441 11/07/91 GETPACED GET PAGED 0896047-IN 10/25/91 10987 0895868 10/10/91 0246 0895868-IN 10/10/91 0219 895868-IN 11/01/91 0228 Check Totals: 59.95 0.00 59.95 10/07/91PABER RENTAL/OCTDBER/PRDRATED 27.08 0.00 27.08 09/06/91PAGER RENTALS/NOV. 12.50 0.00 12.S0 07/15/91 PABEA RENTALS/NOV. 3150 0.00 37.50 07/01/91 PASERS/NOV. 150.00 0,00 150.00 il/07/gl City ol leeecui~ Fa?e: Fiscal Year; 1992 Check Register Station: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 1831 10/25191 10897 09/27/91 STEERING WHEELISAN HICKS PARK 89.09 0,00 89,09 000~454 11/07191 PETROLAN PETROU~NE 188166 10/28/91 10~/94 Check Totals: 10/2181 FUEL (PROPANE) G&S TRUCk 89,09 0,00 89.09 22.51 0.00 22.51 Check Totals: 00008455 I1/07/91R.B.EXPR R,G,EXPRESS HE~NGER SERVICE 41&l 10/01/91 0225 07101191 SERVICES FOR OCT. 41&I-CR 10131191 10131191 CREDIT NERO/EXCEEDED C.O. 22.51 0,00 22,51 275,00 O.O0 275,00 75,~- , O.OO 75,00- 0000845& 11107191RAN-CAL RAN-CAL JANITURIAL SUPPLY 1756 10/31/91 11010 10129191 4698 10122191 10898 10/01/91 0647 10/28/91 10898 10/01/91 Check Totals: 200.00 0.00 200.00 GATHROON PAPER SUPPLIES 117.38 JANI.SUPPLIES;PARK FACIL.TCSD 46.28 JANI,~PPLIESIPARK FACIL,TCSD 13,97 0.00 117,38 0.00 4&.28 O.O0 13.97 Check Totals: 00008457 11/07/91 REGENTS REGENTS OF UNIV, OF CALIF. II/O1R1 11/01/91 11101191UCLA EXTENSION COURSE 177.63 0.00 177.63 390,00 0,00 390.00 00008458 11107/91SEARSINO SEARS INDUSTRIAL SALES 40301102 I0121191 10957 09/20/91 Check Totals: 390,00 0.00 390,00 TOOL DOX;NETAL GAUGE 489.07 0.00 489.07 00008459 11/07/91 SIRSEED SIR SPEEDY 4388 10125/91 11002 Check Totals: 489.07 10122191RUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATI0NS 328,64 0.00 489.07 0.00 328.64 Check Totals: 328.64 00008460 11/07191 STADIUMS STADIUN SPORTING GOODS 11/08/91 11/08/91 11/08/91 GIFT CERTIFICATE/SFT GALL TOU 50.00 0,00 328.64 0.00 50,00 Check Totals: 00008461 11/07/91 STETSON STETON IDENTIFICATION PRDDUC 28651-1-01 10/28191 10970 10/07/91 SIGNS FOR CITY HALL 28651-0-01 10123/91 10970 10/07/91 SIGNS FOR CITY HALL 50.00 0,00 50.00 149,79 0,00 149,79 50.18 0,00 50.18 00008462 I1107191 TEN TROP TENECULA TROPHY 10214 10/14/91 10936 Check Totals: 19~.97 10102/91 PLAQUES;GOLF TOURNANENT;IO/19 150,31 0.00 199.97 0.00 150.31 Check Totals: 0000846~ 11/07/91TEHCULAT TERECULA TOWNE ASSOC 110191 11101191 0227 07/01/91 HALL RENT/CLEANING/NOV, 150,31 0.00 150,I1 510.00 0.00 510,00 Check Totals: 00008464 11107191TOWNCTR TOWN CENTER STATIONERS 11254-0 ll/OA/91 11014 10122191 BINDERS FOR O&S 510.00 0.00 510.00 23.52 0,00 23.52 Check Totals: 23,52 00008465 11/07/91UNIGLOGE UNIGLOGE BUTTERFIELO TRAVEL 103191 10/31/91 11040 11/01/91 AIR TICKET;MONTEREY HTG;C,C. 118.00 0.00 25,52 0.00 118.00 Check Totals: 118.00 0.00 118.00 00008466 11/07/91UNUR UNUN LIFE INS. CO. OF ANERICA 103191 10/31/91 10/31/~10CIOBER INSURANCE 2j07.89 0.00 2,107.69 iI/07/9i City of Iemecu[a Fiscal Year: 1992 Check Register Station~ Check Date Vendor Invoice Date Male PIO Date Description 6ross Discount Met 00008467 11/07/91 XEROX-2 XEROX CURPORATIGN-BILLING 530987504 11101191 0251 07/01/91 Check Totals: 2,107.69 0.00 2,107,, LEASE COPIES/NOV. 1,182,76 0,00 1,182,76 00008468 1112&191 ALLIED ALLIED BARRICADE 118757-00 11/01/91 10980 10116191 118555-00 10151191 11004 10122191 118502-00 10/30/91 10980 10/16/91 119505-00 10130191 10788 09150191 118459-00 10/29/91 10788 09150191 Check Totals: 1,182.76 0.00 1,182.76 SIGNS & fiATERIALS AS MEEDED 8ARRICADES;CGNES;PUD,DURKG SIGNS i MTERIAL8 AS NEEDED SIGNG 4 RATERIALS;PUB.NURKS SIGNS & MTER]ALS;POR.NORK8 17.95 0.00 17.95 6,558.87 0.00 &,358,87 175.35 ' 0,00 175.35 39.44 O,O0 39.44 39.07 0.00 39.07 Check Totals: 00008469 11/26/91BURKE,NN BURKE, NILLIARS & GORENSER 07291 10/23/91 10/23/91 SEPT LE6AL FEES 07282 10/22/91 10122191 SEPT. LE6AL FEES 72900 10/23/91 10/23/91 SEPT LEBAL FEES 6,&~0.68 0.00 6~630,68 3,422.18 0.00 3,422.18 3,150.00 0,00 3,150.00 2,474.16 0.00 2,474.16 00008470 11126191 CALIFLAN CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE 308511025 10151191 10840 09/19/91 103191 10/31/91 10777 09112191 308511029 I0131191 10780 09/12191 308511024 10/31/91 10886 09/17191 308511028 10131191 10778 09/12/91 308511027 10/51/91 10779 09/12/91 308511016 10/16/91 0252 08/28/91 Check Totals: EXTRA BORK OR~ERIDCT. SERV REMOVE DEBRIS/OCTOBER NEED ABATERENT/OCTOBER NV 60ALS ON FEILD/Pe~ N./OCT REPAIR IRRIGATION/OCTOBER REPAIR NATER MAIN LINE/OCT. MONTHLY MAXNTIOCTODER 9~046.34 0.00 9,046.34 1,920.00 0.00 1~920.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 900.00 0.00 900.00 200,00 0,00 200,~ 72,50 0.00 72.50. 76.25 0.00 76.2 297026.40 0.00 29,026.46 0000G471 11/26/91 COUNTSUN COUNTS UNLIMITED 2001 I0122/91 10873 09123191 Check Totals: TRAFFIC COUNTS; PUBLIC NORKS 34,195.15 0.00 54,t95.15 1J80.00 0.00 1,480.00 00008475 11/26/91 HANKSHAM HANKS HARDMARE 108530 10/03/91 10682 08/21/91 107965 '10/01/91 10682 08/21/91 107790 10/01/91 10682 08/21/91 108501 10/03/91 10682 08/21/91 110510 10/15/91 10682 08121/91 110688 10116191 10682 08/21191 110545 10/16/91 10682 08/21191 111566 10/23/91 10682 08/21191 112517 10/22191 10682 08/21/91 112782 10/29/91 10682 08121191 97778 10/01/91 10682 08121/91 109211 10/08/91 10682 08/21191 112595 10/28/91 10682 08/21/91 108303 10/05/91 10682 08/21/91 112688 10/29/91 10682 08/21/91 111525 10122191 10682 08/21/91 111985 10/24/91 lObB2 08121t91 111996 i0/24191 10682 08/21/91 111751 10/23/91 10682 08/21/91 112463 10/28/91 10682 08/21/91 111321 10/22/91 10719 110935 10/18/91 10719 Check Totals: MISC.REPAIR & MAINT, ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & NRINT, ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & HAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR a MAtNT. ITEMS NISC.REPRIR & MAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR k MAINT. ITEMS MISC,REPAIR & MAINT, ITEMS MISC,REPAIR & MAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & MMNT. ITEMS NISC.REPAIR & MAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & MAINT, ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & MAINT. ITEMS M]SC.REPAIR & ~AINT. ITEMS M[SC,REPAIR & MAINT. ITEMS NISC.REPAIR & fiAINT, ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & NAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & MAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR 6 MAINT. ITEMS MISC.REPAIR & MAINl. ITENS NISC.REPAIR & NAINT. ITEMS 08/27/91 ACCOUNTIREPAIR ITEMS: CITY 08/27/91 ACCOUNT;REPAIR ITEMS: CITY 1,480.00 0.00 1J80.00 7.52 0,00 7.52 8,84 0.00 8.84 8,28 O,OO 8.28 4.30 0,00 4,30 12.59 0.00 12.59 12,80 O.OO 12,80 212,61 O.O0 212.61 9.55 0.00 9,55 16.04 0,00 16.04 30.75 0.00 30.75 4.51 0.00 4.51 24,36 0.00 24,56 14,6B 0.00, 14.68 23,65- 0,00 23,65- 0,85 O,OO 0.85 7,62 0.00 7,62 64,54 0.00 64.5~ 78.82 0,00 78.8~ 21,52 0,00 21.52 22.13 0.00 22.15 24.87 0,00 24.87 0.65 0.00 0.65 Fiscai ~sar: !992 Check Register Station: Check Date Vendor Ra~e Invoice Date P/O Date DescriDtion 108745 10/07/91 10719 08127/91 ACCOONT;REPAIR MERE; CITY 108922 10107191 10719 10811& 10/02/91 10719 108190 10/02/91 10719 109,!.lB 10109191 10719 110571 1011&191 10719 112927 10/30/91 10719 113089 10/30/91 10719 08127191 112540 10/28/91 10719 08/27191 111538 10/22/91 10817 0911bl91 113029 10130191 11:3028 10/:30/91 1099:3 1011&191 112820 10/30R1 1099:3 10/1&/91 111825 10/24/91 10993 I0/I&/91 111783 10/24/91 10993 10/I~81 110120 10/14/91 10817 09116191 110:354 10115191 10817 09/I&RI 110245 10/10/91 10817 09116191 10858:3 10104191 10817 0911bl91 108904 10/07/91 10817 09116/91 109079 10/08/91 10817 09/16/91 107681 1010181 10817 09116/91 108045 10/02191 10817 09/16/91 109145 10/08/91 10817 09116191 1105:39 10116/91 10817 09116191 110464 10/16/91 10817 09/16191 112869 10129191 10817 09/16/91 111567 10/23191 10817 09/1&/91 11062:3 10/17/91 10817 09116191 08127191 ACCOUNT;REPAIR HERE; CITY 08/27/91 ACCOUNT;REPAIR ITERE; CITY 08/27/91 ACCOUNT;REPAIR ITEMS; CITY 08/27/91 ACCOUNT;REPAIR ITERE; CITY 08127/91 8CCOONT;REPAIR ITERE; CITY 08/27/91ACCOUNTIREPAIR ITERE; CITY ACCOUNT;REPAIR ITBtS; CITY ACCOUNT;REPAIR ITEflSI CITY HARDMARE;TOOLS~PUBLIC OORKS STREEl flAINI*.SOPPLIEO;PUB.W[8 STREET NAINT.SUPPLIES;PUG.MKS STREET NAINT,SUPPLIES;PUB,NKS STREET HA1HT,S~PLIES~PUG,MKS STREET HAINT,SUPPLIESIPUB,N[S HARDMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC MORKS HARDMAREITOOLSIPUBLIC NORKS HARDWARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC NORKS HARDMARE;IDOLS;PUBLIC MORES NARDMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC MORES HARDtAREiTOOLS;PUBLIC NORIS NARDMARE;TORLS;PUBLIC MORES HARBMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC NORIS HARDiARE;TORLS;PUBLIC NORIS HARDMARE;TOOLSIPUBL!C NORKS HARDMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC MORKS HARDMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC MORKS HARDMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC NORKS HARDMARE;TOOLS;PUBLIC NORKS 6ross 2,55 1.56 99.45 8.77 ~9.40 12.91 6.8~ 120.87 1:3.12- 86.84 27,12 :30, 16 12.:37 212.18 28. &2 5,70 7.76 0.80 77.25 21,24 95.49 3~. 28 25.74 49,54 65.12 Discount 0.00 0.~ 0.~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 '0,00 O,OO 0.00 0.00 O.O0 0.00 O.O0 O,OU 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net 2.55 1,3B 8.77 3t40 12.91 120.07 4:3.0B 1L12- 86.84 27.12 17.83 :30.16 212.18 28.62 5.70 7.76 O.BO 77.25 2~.24 25.74 49.54 65.12 00008476 11/26/91KLEINFEL KLEINFELDER 701654 10/01/91 10/01/91 Check Totals: 6/:30-7/26 SERVICES L,740,64 7,000.00 0.00 1,740.64 0.00 7,000,00 00008477 11/26/91 ONESTEP 102591 Check Totals: ONE STEP NAINT. & CLEANING CO I0/25/91 0214 07/01/91 JANITORIAL SERVICE/OCTOBER 7,000.00 1,87100 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 1,875.00 00008478 11/26/91 RAMTEK RAMTEK 3816 10/31191 0282 10/14191 ZBI7 10/:31/91 0282 10/14/91 Check Totals: SERVICES 10/21-10/25 SERVICES 10/21-10/24 1,873.00 9,:348.21 :3,190.09 0.00 1,87:3.00 O.OO 9,348.21 0.00 :3,190.09 00008479 11/26/91 RIVERSID RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY 101494-0 10129t91 10996 10/01/91 Check Totals: BOND COPIER PAPER 12,~8J0 1,176.65 0.00 12,5:38.30 0.00 1,176.6:3 Check Totals: 00008480 11/26/91SCHUMACH SCHUMACHER AUTO SALE & LEASIN 1178 10/04/91 10770 08/29/91 1992 CHEVY 8-10 PICK-UP,B&S 1,176.6:3 14,250.17 0.00 1,176.6:3 0,00 14,250.17 Check Totals: 00008481 Iif26/91 WINDSOR1 WINDSOR PARTNERS-RANCHO IND 12/01/91 12/01/91 11/:30/91 RENT FOR DECEREER 14,250,17 28,527.11 0.00 14,250,17 0.00 28,527.11 Check Totals: 28,527.11 0,00 28,527.11 1!/~7/91 Fiscal Year: 1992 Cneck Report Totals: 5%.845.70 Net Fiscal YeEF: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date R/O Date Oescriotion Gross Oiscount Net 00008483 11/13I~1 SICKNELL DICKNELL TRAVEL CENTER ll/O&/gl-1 11/06/~1 !llO&!~l AIRFARE/CONFERENCE !16.85 0.00 ll&.R5 Check Totals: 00008484 i1/13/~! CARLWARR CARL WARREN & CO. 53236 10/07/~1 I0/07/~1FORSYTME/STATEFARM 00008485 11113191 [CMA ICMA 2DFCM.53 10/10/9! 20FCM,54 I0t24101 11/01/91 10/31/91 Check Totals: 10/10/91 Normal PayrolJO/lO 10/24/91 Normal Pay, 10/24 10/31/91 DEPOSIT FOR OCTOBER 116.85 0,00 116.85 278.50 0.00 278.50 278.50 0.00 278.50 558.40 0.00 558.40 514.00 0.00 514.00 9,5!5.09 0.00 9,315.09 Check Totals: 00008486 11/13/9! PERSRETI PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT 110691 ll/O&/9I ../06/ol PERS RET. PAYMENT/NOV. 7,9I 10J87,49 0.00 10J87.49 12,217.41 0.00 12,217.41 00008~87 !1!13/91PETTYC PETTY CASH I006~I 10/06/gl Check Totals: 10/06191 CASH REINS. FOR OCT. !2,217.41 0,00 !2.2!7.41 !72.14 0.00 I72.14 Check Totals: 00008488 1!!13/9! SOUTHCED SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 717042B98C 10/24/91 !0/24/~1 Y717042898/9/18-10/!9 7170507~C 10/24R1 10/24/91Y7!705073~/9/18-10/19 717059917C 10/24/91 10/24/91 Y717030917/9/18-10/!9 367010011C !0/24/9! 10/24R! Y367010011/9/18-10/!9 172.14 0.00 172.14 604.74 0.00 604,74 605.73 0.00 605.75 I2~.86 0.00 126.86 512.15 0.00 5!2.!3 Chec~ Totals: 00008489 !I/13/91 WINDSOR! WINDSOR PARTNERS-RANCRO !2/01/qi 12101/9! 02~5 07/0~/91 iYR. RENT/DEC, 91 PAYMENT 1,849.46 0.00 1,849.A& 200.00 O,O0 200.00 Check Totals: 200.00 0.00 200.00 Report Totals: 25.221.85 0.00 25,221.85 Check Bate Vendor Name Invo~ce Bate P/O Bate Descriotlon Gross Siscount Net 00008429 11/05/91 BOYB&81R BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF TEMECULA 110591 !1/08/91 11/05/91 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB LOAN 24,800.00 0.00 24~800.0~ Check Totals: 24.800.00 00008490 11/15/91TEMECULA TENEOULA CREEK INN 111591 11/IS/91 11/15/91 DEP. CONF. LUNCHEON/NOV.23 500.00 0.00 24,800.00 0.00 500.00 Chock Totals: 500.00 0.00 500.00 00008492 11/15/91AVP AVP VISION PLAN 111291 11/50/91 11112191 PREMIUM FOR NOV, 91 561.85 0.00 561.85 Check Totals: 00008495 11/15/91 CALIFSIG CALIFORNIA SIGN & TINT 1517 I1!01191 11016 10/29/9110 N'S FOR CITY VEHICLES 561.85 0.00 561.85 25.86 0.00 25.86 Check Totals: 00008494 11/i5/91 COLONIAL COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDENT 111291 11/30/9! 1!/12/91 PREMIUMS FOR NOV. 91 25.86 0.00 25,86 967.75 0.00 967.75 Check Totals: 967.75 0,00 967.75 00008495 11/15/91CSMFO CA SO OF MUNI FIN 0FFICERS 1319 !0/24/91 10/24/91 MEMBERSHIP DUES/JAN 92-DEC92 65.00 0.00 65.00 Check Totals: 65.00 00008496 11/15/91 DELL CON DELL COMPUTER CORP. 11368248 10/22/91 10944 10/08/91 COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE 3,555.18 0.00 65.00 0.00 3,535.18 Check Totals: 00008497 11/15/9i DENTICAR DENTICARE OF CALIFORNIA 111291 11/30/g! 1!/12/9! PREHIUM FDR NOV. 3,535.18 0.00 5.535,1 799.00 0.00 799,00 Check Totals: 00008498 11/i5/9! GLENNIES GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCT5 6116~-0 10/22/91 10986 10/22/91 DATA LABELS;PRINTER FEB 7q°,> 0,00 79~',0=: 51.36 0.00 51.56 Check Totals: 00008499 11115/9! GLOBAL GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES 11077867 10t01191 10733 08/27/91 CABLE COVER~BLACK 25FT ROLL 57.8! 0,00 57,81 Check Totals: 57.8! 0.00 57,8L 00008500 11/15/91 GREAT G.R.E.A.T. TRUST 111291 11/50/9! 1!/!2/91 PREMIUM FOR NOV. 91 760.00 0.00 760.00 Check Totals: 760.00 0.00 760.00 00008501 1!/!5/9I GTEBILL GTE 1975854~ i1/01/91 11/01/91 TELEPHONE SERVICE/OCT ~I 3.401.74 0.00 3.401.74 Check Totals: 3!401.74 0.00 ~.401.74 00008502 !!/!5i91 RILLS HILLS, JULIE IIt891 Ii/08/91 11 08/91 T-SHIRT PAINTING/REFUND 2(.0n (!.(IC, I 20.00 Cried: Totals: 20,00 tl)O"j8505 1!/15/71HAHROON~ r4AHF: CONSTRL!CTIO~; CO 111291 11/12/91 c2~c' ~ ~ I0/01/91 SPORTS PRK.CONSESSION PROJECT !6,357,00 0.00 2( ,m'. 0.00 16,557 ,(!U Check Totals: I6,357.00 0,00 16,~57,((I 000085o4 l!'lS/~i F'OST~AE' F'OST~ASTEF: F1--: .~,a, ~ear: !992 Chic: Reoister : ....... Check Date Vendor Name lnvnice Date P/D Sate Description Gross Discount Net 9244628 10/20/91 10/20/91 EXPRESS HAIL/SEPI-ODT 135.50 0.00 151.50 Check Totals: 00008505 11/15/91 RANCHOAR RANCNO ARMY-NAVY STORE 6861 11/05/91 11019 10/28/91 SLICKERS:EMERGENCY EQUIP. 133.50 0.00 133.50 301.55 O.OQ 301.55 Check Totals: 00008506 11/15/91SCAMUNIC SO CA MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FED 7111 11/01/91 11/01/91 MEMBERSHIP SUES FOR 1992 7112 11/01/91 11/01/91 MEMBERSHIP SUES FOR 1992 301.55 0.00 301.55 15.00 0.00 !5.00 15.00 0.00 !5.00 Check Totals: 00008507 tl/15/91 SHELDON SHELDON EXTINGUISHER 41674 11/12/91 11029 10/31/91 FIRE EXI.CITY VEHICLES;B&S 50.00 O.O0 30.00 1(B.37 0.00 148.37 Check Totals: 00008508 11/15/91 SINGLES SINGLE SOURCE SUPPLY 007112 ii/05/91 10319 06/30/91 DISK LABELS/DISK 148.37 0.00 148.37 75.14 0,00 75.14 Check Totals: 75.14 00008509 11/i5/9i SYSTEM SYSTEM SOURCE? INC. 50843 10/18/91 10727 08/12/91 SIABDNAL SORTERS;HANGERS 330.B0 0.00 350.80 50851 10123191 10764 07126191 PLAN SINS;FILE TOPS:NAHEPLATE 104.65 O.OO 104.65 50890 10/25/91 10864 09/19/91 KEYBOARD TRAYS;DELIVERY CHRBS 604.97 0.00 604.97 0.00 75.14 Check Totals: 'q008510 11/15/91TEMECULA TEMECULA CREEK INN GL001175 10/23/91 10/23/91 MEETINGS IN TOWN/OCT 10 1,040.42 0.00 1,040.42 122.85 0.00 122.85 Check Totals: 122.83 0.00 !22.83 00008511 I!,'15/91 TON.+~CTP, TOWN CENTER STATIONERS 1157E-0 ~, ,~,~i~l !?3728 07/10/9i MACHINE STAND !98.2~ 0.0(i 19B.2E Check Totals: 198.26 0.00 198.26 Report Totals: 53,932.62 0.00 55,932.62 Fiscal ~ir: !;~l Cnec~ Re~i!~y Station: ~3~9 Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date DescriDtion Gross Discount Net 00008346 10/31/91WMG,IRMA WItLIARS. IRMA 102991 10/31/91 10/31/91 ASSISTANCE HALLOWEEN 55.00 0.00 SO.OK Check Totals: 00008515 11/18/91ABRICRED ABRICREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORP, 110191 11/01/91 0230 07/01191 1YR LEASE/TRACTOR/NOV,91 35,00 0,00 35,00 846,02 0,00 846,02 Check Totals: 846,02 0,00 846,02 00008514 11/18/91CALIFORN CALIFORNIAN 01799 11/12/91 10938 10102/91 LEGAL NOTICESI PLANNING DEPT, 38,72 D,O0 38,72 1000/9900 10/25/91 10626 07/01/91LEBAL NOTICES/10/25/91 65,82 0.00 65,82 11271 10/50/91 10626 07/01/91 LEGAL NOTICES/10/27/91 31,75 0.00 31,75 522816175 10/06/91 10626 07/01/91 LEGAL NOTICES/Ii/OI/91 65.82 O.O0 65,82 Check Totals: 202,11 O,OD 202,11 00008515 11/18/91 COUCH COUCH, CHRISTINE 5005 10/51/91 10/31/91 PAYHENT FOR HAUNTED HDUSE WRK 100,00 O,O0 100,00 Check Totals: i00,00 0.00 100.00 00008516 11/!8/91 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN SEMINARS 6544239 10128/91 10983 10/17/91 MASTER FILERS;DAYTIMERS 231,50 0.00 231,50 Check Totals: 23!.50 0.00 231.50 00008517 11/18/9! GLENNIES GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS 63%2-0 11/06/91 11017 10/24/91 BDOKENDS;CLIPBOA~S~RECDRDERS 79.52 0,00 79,52 63962-1 11/08/91 11017 10/24/9! BOOKENOS:CLIPBOAROS~RECDROERS 16.16 D,O0 16,16. Check Totals: 95,68 0,00 95,68 00008518 11/18/91GTEBILL GTE 69q86328 !I/07/9! 1!/07/91 PHONE SERVICE/!!/4-12/5 I9,57 0,00 19.37 Check Totals: 00008519 11/18/91JRFREEMA J. R. FREEMAN CO.. INC 41946 11/08/91 11025 !0/01/91 TYPEWRITER:CITY CLERKS OFFICE !~.57 0.0(! !9,37 524.74 0.00. 524.74 Check Totals: 00008520 !1/18/91MARGARIT MAROARITA OFFICIALS ASSOC, 00033 11/03/9! 0233 07/01/91 UMPIRE TOURNAHENT/11/2/91 524,74 0.00 524.74 369.36 0.00 569.36 Check Totals: 00008521 11/18/91RIVERSID RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY 10184>0 11/08/91 11027 10/29/91 LOCKING SUPPLY CADINET:TCSD 101649-2 11/07/91 11013 10/23/91 OFFICE SUPPLIES)COD 369.36 0,00 369.36 210.I2 0.00 210,12 38.9! O.OO 38.91 Check Totals: 00008522 11/18/9I SECURITY SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BAN 0823C 10/01/9! 10/01/91 4798020000010823/SEPT CHARGES 249.03 0,00 249,03 683.77 0.00 683.77 Check Totals: 685.77 0.00 683.77 00008525 !!/18/9i SHELDON SHELDON EXTINGUISHER 41673 !1/12/9I 11030 !0/5!/91 FIRE EXT.CITY VEHICLESIPUB,WK 100,21 0,00 100.21 Check Totals: 00008524 11/!8/91 SO CAt-2 SO,CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. ~4934598 10/30/91 10/30/91 7!4-349-3439/OCTOBER CHGS 3457418D !0/30/9! 10/30/91 714-345-TqB/OCT CHGS ~437C i0i~ii91 10/10/91 714-34~-3437/SEPT CHGS !00.2! 0.00 100.21 45.84 0.00 45.84 68.14 0.00 68.I4 59,07 0.00 59,07 Check Date VendoF Name Invoice Oato P/D Date Description Gross Discount Net 3436D 10/51/91 10/31/91 714-349-5456/OCT. CHBS. 49.35 0,00 49.55 00008525 11/18/91TEM TRDP TEMECULA TROPHY llOOZ 10/29/91 10971 Check Totals: 222.38 10/11/91 1ST & 2NO PLACE PLAQUES:TCSD 48.38 0.00 222.38 0.00 48.38 00008526 11/18/91WESTLUMB WESTERN LUMBER 980505 10/29/91 10832 Check Totals: 48.38 09/D6/91 PIPE:HINGES;CARPETS=DETECTOR 127.43 0.00 48,38 0.00 127.43 Check Totals: 127.43 00008527 11/26/91 ALLCITY ALL CITY MANAGEMENT 1105 10/08/91 0293 10/08/91 TRAFFIC CONTROL;9/22-10/5 5,913.6I 112I 10/22/91 0293 10/08/91 TRAFFIC CONTRDL;10/6-10/19 5,345.97 1140 11/04/91 0293 10/08/91 TRAFFIC CONTRDL;lO/20-11/2 3,871.5I 0,00 127.45 0.00 5~913.61 0.00 5,345,97 0.00 3,871.5I 00008528 11/26/91 KLEINEL KLEINFELDER 701882 11/08/91 0232 Check Totals: 13.131.09 11/08/91 SERVICES RENDERED/9128-10/25 7,000.00 0.00 13!131.09 0.00 7,000.00 00008529 11/26/91 8AMTEK RAMTEK 382! 10/31/01 0282 3822 10/3!/9! 0202 3823 10/51/91 0282 3824 10/31/91 0282 Check Totals: 7,000.00 10/14/91 ROUTINE STRT MAIN.lO/28-10/31 4!648.87 10/14/91 ROUTINE STT MAIN./OCT 29 667.60 10/I4/91 ROUTINE STT MAIN. 10!28-11/1 7,286.33 10/14/9i ROUTINE STT MAIH.IO/28-10/30 1,932.!5 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 4,648.87 0.00 667,60 0.00 7,286.35 0.00 1,932.15 Check Totals: 14,534.95 0.00 14.554.95 Reoort Totals: 38,521,02 0,00 38,521.02 ITEM NO. 5 APPROVAL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer November 26, 1991 Combining Balance Sheet September 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 and the Statement of'Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991. 2. Adopt Resolution 91- to amend the Fiscal Year 1991-92 Budget DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the City for the three months ended September 30, 1991. The requested transfer of $3,845 in election costs results from coordinating the City's Council election date with that of the national general election. In addition a transfer of $11,250 is being requested to cover unanticipated costs relating to office furnishings and tenant improvements in the new City Hall facility. Please see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991 Resolution 91- to amend the FY 1991-92 Budget Attachment "A" RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET AS DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT "A" The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That the FY 1990-91 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby amended as detailed in Attachment A. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED, PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 26th day of November, 1991. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 4\Rc~cm220 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 91- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 261h day of November, 1991 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: C OUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk ATTACHMENT A BUDGET TRANSFERS TRANSFER FROM: A/C No. 001-301 001-301 Descrip. Unreserved Fund Balance Unreserved Fund Balance Amount $3,845.00 ~11,250.00 TRANSFER TO: A/C No. Descrip. 001-120-999- Election 42-5223 Costs 001-199-999- Office 44-5602 Equip. AmouRt ~3,845.00 $11,250.00 o ®~-~E ×c~- ~D 0 ~D 0 "~ E r~~r'z'lO~>~['' h so ..-- cU ~- 0 Z ITEM NO. 4 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER~TV~ TO~ FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer Nov~3mber 26, 1991 City Treasurer's Report as of October 31, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report as of October 31, 1991. DISCUSSION: Reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio and receipts, disbursements and fund balance are required by Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 respectively. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the Code Sections as of October 31, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENT: City Treasurer's Report as of October 31, 1991 City of Temecula City Treasurer's Report As of October 31, 1991 Cash Activity for the Month of October: Cash and Investments as of October 1, 1991 Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of October 31, 1991 Cash and Investments Portfolio as of October 31, 1991: Type of Investment Institution Yield Demand Deposits Treasury Service Shares Petty Cash Certificate of Deposit Local Agency Investment Fund Security Pacific Pacific Horizons N/A Overland Bank State Treasurer N/A 3,920% N/A 5.250% 6.719% Cash and Investments as of October 31, 1991 (1)-This amount includes outstanding checks. Per Government Code Requirements, this Treasurer's Report is in compliance with the City of Temecula's Investment Policy and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next thirty days of the City of Temecula. Prepared by Alicia Almanza Maturity Date N/A N/A N/A 02/22/92 N/A 14,237,602 1,884,837 (2,899,802) 13,222,637 Balance as of October31, 1991 H53,841) (1) 643,488 800 100,000 12,932,190 13,222,637 ITEM 6 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer DATE: November 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Liability Insurance PREPARED BY: Grant M. Yates, Senior Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 91- to authorize renewal of the City's General Liability, Excess Liability, Automobile, and Public Officials Errors and Omissions insurance with Insurance Company of the West. DISCUSSION: The City's current policy with the Insurance Company of the West for General Liability, Excess Liability, Automobile, and Public Officials Errors and Omissions insurance expires on December 1, 1991. Staff has solicited proposals from the following brokers/agencies to cover the City for the upcoming plan year; Cal- Surance, Insurance Company of the West, Strachota, CIGNA, and the Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (SCJPIA). The total cost for General Liability, Excess Liability, Automobile, and Public Officials Errors and Omissions Insurance is summarized as follows: Broker/Agency Carrier Price CaI-Surance Insurance Company of the West $ 97,782 SCJPIA N/A ~103,350 Strachota CIGNA ~ 09,281 Staff is recommending that the City renew with Insurance Company of the West. This recommendation is based not only on cost, but because the Broker and carrier are very experienced with insuring municipalities and have provided the City with quality service for the past year. The renewal policy is identical to the policy currently in place. The City was not able to become insured through the Southern California Joint Powers Authority (SCJPIA) because the City's traffic signal contract with the County contains a hold harmless clause that releases the County from liability. The SCJPIA would not cover any claim relating to traffic signals which in effect prohibits the City from obtaining this coverage. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has budgeted adequate funds to cover the cost of renewing the coverage. ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 91-__ Authorizing Renewal of Coverage with Insurance Company of the West. ITEM 7 APPROVAL ~ ' 7' CITY ATTORNEY, _ ' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works November 26, 1991 Final Parcel Map No. 26852 PREPARED BY: Kris Winchak RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council APPROVE Final Parcel Map No. 26852 subject to the Conditions of Approval DISCUSSION: Tentative Parcel Map No. 26852, the associated Change of Zone ( No. 11 ) and the Plot Plan J No. 224) were approved by the City of Ternecula Planning Commission on June 17, 1991, and the Temecula City Council on July 2, 1991. Final Parcel Map No. 26852 contains 13 parcels on 2~, acres fronting on the north side of Winchester and Margarita Road. Two large remainder parcels total approximately 73 acres, thus the total site is roughly 97 gross acres. The newly constructed Costco Store Japproximately 115,280 square feet) is located on Parcel 13. The following fees have been paid Jot deferred) for Final Parcel Map No. 26852: * Area Drainage Fees * Traffic Signal Mitigation (Paid) $ 27,539.25 (Paid) $ 18.736.24 The following bonds have been posted for Final Parcel Map No. 26852: Faithful Performance Survey Monuments $ 7,000.00 ENG\PM26852.STF 1 SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Final Parcel Map No. 26852 subject to the Conditions of Approval. TN:ks Attachments: 2. 3. q.. 5. 6. Development Checklist Location Map Copy of Map Planning Department Staff Report Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report ENG\PH26852. STF 2 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO,: Parcel Map No, 26852 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan ( K-Rat ) Parks and Recreation (Qulmby) Public Facility Condition of Approval Condition No. 19 N/A Condition No. 73 Traffic Signal Mitigation Condition No. Fire Mitigation N/A (With PP 22u,) Flood Control (ADP) Riverside Service Area (RSA) Condition No. 9 and 67 N/A ENG\PM26852.STF CITY OF TEMECULA )' LOCATION 'MAP Recommendation: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION June 17, 1991 Case No.: Change of Zone No. 11 Plot Plan No. 224 Parcel Map No. 26852 Prepared By: Steve Jiannino That the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council: ADOPT a Negative Declaration for Change of Zone No. 11, Plot Plan No. 22q, and Parcel Map No. 26852; ADOPT Resolution 91 - recommending approval of Change of Zone No. 11 based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report; ADOPT Resolution 91 - recommending approval of Plot Plan No. 22~, based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval; and ADOPT Resolution 91 - recommending approval of Parcel Map No. 26852 based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: Bedford Development Co. J.F. Davidson Associates and Herron 8 Rumansoff Change of Zone from R-R I Rural Residential ) to C- P-S IScenic Highway Commercial) on 2~, acres of a 97.3 acre site, construction of a 1~,9,500 square feet commercial center on 19.7 acres and subdivide 97.3 acres into 13 parcels with two remainder parcels. Northwest corner of Margarlta and Winchester Roads. A: PP22L~ 1 EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: R-R ( Rural Residential ) North: R-R {Rural Residential) South: R-R (Rural Residential) East: R-R { Rural Residential ) West: R-R { Rural Residential ) PROPOSED ZONING: C-P-S EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USES: SWAP DESIGNATION: PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: ( Scenic Highway Commercial) North: Vacant/Industrial Commercial South: Vacant East: Vacant West: Vacant C ( Commercial ) Project Area: No. of Lots: Proposed Zone Change: No. of Buildings: Total Building Square Footage: Total Parking Provided: Total Parking Required: Buildings are Proposed on Lots: 97.32 acres 13 + 2 remainders C-P-S on Lots 1-13 3 149,696 sq.ft. 859 spaces 749 spaces 4, 7 and 13 The Change of Zone, Parcel Map and Plot Plan were submitted tothe City Planning Department February 20, 1991. The Plot Plan was requested previously, but could not be processed without the zone change due to the fact that the proposed use was not consistent with the R-R zoning. The project has been reviewed by the Development Review Committee I DRC), both at a Pre-DRC and a Formal DRC meeting. This site is within the boundaries of Assessment District No. 161. Construction has begun on the first phase development of the Assessment District. This construction includes the widening of Winchester Road between Margarlta and Ynez Roads, along with the Santa Gertrudis Creek Flood Channel improvements. The project has involved negotiations with GaiTFans on the location and access to driveways along Winchester Road. GaiTtans has also been involved A:PP224 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ANALYSIS: in the discussions involving the signalization of the two intersections shown on Plot Plan No. 22~. The applicant has received approval of the proposed improvements and signalization for Winchester Road as proposed for Plot Plan No. 22u,. This project proposes a Change of Zone from R-R (Rural Residential) to C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) on 2Lt acres, on proposed Lots 1-13 of Parce) Map No. 26852, to subdivide 97.3 acres into 13 parcels with two remainder parcels and to construct three retail commercial buildings totaling 149,696 square feet on Lots 4, 7 and 13 of Parcel Map No. 26852 located on the northwest corner of Margarita and Winchester Roads. Chanqe of Zone No. 11 Change of Zone No. 11 proposes a change in zoning classification from R-R to C-P-S on 2q acres fronting the north side of Winchester Road between Margarita Road and RCWD well site No. 108. The Southwest Area Plan (SWAP) designation for the area is C, Commercial. The proposed C-P-S zoning is consistent with the SWAP designation. An industrial park development has been constructed to the northwest of the site and the proposed regional mall is being processed to the south across Winchester Road. Winchester Road is being improved as part of Assessment District No. 161 to a 13~, foot right-d-way urban arterial. The Assessment District is also responsible for the construction of flood control drainage ways and main sewer lines. The first phase of the construction has begun with major infrastructure being done around this site. Parcel Map No. 26852 Parcel Map No. 26852 is a proposal for a 13 lot commercial subdivision of the 24 acres fronting the north side of Winchester Road between Margarita Road and RCWD well site No. 108 with two large remainder parcels on a 97 acre site. The 13 parcels cover the same area as being proposed for Change of Zone No. 11. The remainder parcels are separated from the other lots by Santa Gertrudis Creek and Margarita Road. A: PP224 3 The site is within the boundaries of Assessment District No. 161. The Assessment District was formed to provide major infrastructure improvements along Winchester road within the City and County boundaries. The first phase of construction for the Assessment District is already under way. The first phase improvements include construction of Winchester Road from Margarita Road to Ynez Road, the channelization of Santa Gertrudls Creek, and portions of Margarita Road. These improvements provide necessary infrastructure for the construction of the proposed commercial center within the proposed Parcel Map boundaries. The proposed access points for the parcels have been tentatively approved by CalTrans. The remainder of the frontage along Winchester Road would have restricted access. The access points also provide access to Rancho California Water well sites. The developer will also record reciprocal access and maintenance agreements between the parcels for access, drainage and parking facilities. The proposed Parcel Map conforms to the proposed development for Plot Plan No. 224 and possible future development along the Winchester Road frontage. Development ls currently being proposed for Parcels 4, 7 and 13, with the other parcels being available for future development. The City is requesting a 25 feet wide easement along Winchester Road for a future transportation corridor as required by SWAP. The applicant is protesting this requirement since it does not exist on current developments and will not be easily obtained in some areas. The 25 feet is not a requirement of CalTrans, it is a part of the adopted SWAP Transportation Plan. Plot Plan No. 224 Plot Plan No. 22~, proposes the construction of a 149,696 square feet commercial center. The project consists of 3 buildings with a major building being 115,280 square feet. The proposed tenant for this building is Costco. The other buildings are 23,916 and 10,500 square feet. The proposal provides for two access points on Winchester and Margarlta Roads. The access points on Winchester Road have been tentatively approved A: PP224 4 GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: by CalTrans with the access drive closest to Margarita providing access to RCWD well site No. 110 and the project. The proposed development complies with current code development standards in regards to parking and interior traffic circulation. The site design has been reviewed by City Staff at Pre and Formal Development Review Committee meetings. The applicant has addressed Staff's concerns regarding the site design for the project. The applicant made modification to the parking layout and eliminated the proposed development along Winchester Road at Staff's request. Staff had concerns regarding the free standing pad concept originally proposed along Winchester Road. A Plot Plan application or other appropriate City application will be required to be processed and approved prior to any building construction on any parcels other than Parcels 4, 7 and 13 of Parcel Map No. 26852. The overall circulation and access points to Winchester and Margarlta Roads are being established with this development. The proposed architecture for the project is Neo Mediterranean incorporating the use of stucco, concrete tile roof treatment, concrete block, parapet wall and archways. The applicant is providing architectural treatment to the building by the use of plant-on features to provide movement in the flat building face. The increased architectural treatment is being provided on the elevations that face the public right-of-way. The project is consistent with the SWAP designation of C {Commercial) and 2-5 DU/AC (dwelling units per acre). The area encompassing Change of Zone No. 11 and Plot Plan No. 22u, is designated C { Commercial), while the area designated 2-5 DU/AC is the remainder portion of Parcel Map No. 26852. The remainder area designated as 2-5 DU/AC is a part of Specific Plan no. 255 which is currently being processed by the City. The proposed Parcel Map, Zone Change and Plot Plan are consistent with other proposed developments along Winchester Road. As such, it is likely that Change of Zone No. 11, Parcel Map No. 26852 and Plot Plan No. 224 will be consistent with the ultimate City General Plan when it is adopted. A: PP224 5 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: FINDINGS: Pursuant to applicable portions of the California Environmental Quality Act ICEQA), an Initial Environmental Assessment was prepared for the project. Based on the assessment, a Mitigated Negative Declaration is being recommended for adoption. Chanqe of Zone No. 11 The proposed Change of Zone will not have significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the Ceneral Plan being prepared at this time, due to the fact that the project is compatible with the surrounding proposed development, zoning, and SWAP. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan, due to the fact that the project is compatible with surrounding development and improvements. The site is physically suited for the proposed Change of Zone in that required infrastructure exists or is being provided in the area including commercial roadways, drainage facilities, and main sewer and water lines. The proposed Change of Zone is consistent with the SWAP designation of C J Commercial ). The zone change will be beneficial by providing an area for needed services and employment. A:PP22~, 6 FINDINGS: Parcel Map no. 26852 The proposed Parcel Map will not have significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time, due to the fact that the project is consistent with the surrounding proposed development, zoning and SWAP. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan,due to the fact that the project is consistent with surrounding proposed development. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law due to the fact that the project conforms to the current zoning for the site and to Ordinance No. 460, Schedule E. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density due to the fact that the project has access to public roads and sufficient building area. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the initial study. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities due to the fact that the lots are large enough to provide sufficient southern exposure with passive or active solar possibilities. A: PP224 7 FINDINGS: 10. 11. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic, access is provided from Winchester and Margarita Roads. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project as conditioned. The project will not interfere with any easements. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. Plot Plan No. 22u, There is a reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 22~, will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. The project, as proposed, conforms with existing applicable city zoning and development ordinances. Further, the proposal is characteristic of similar development approved by the City to date. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with the City~s future General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The project is of insignificant scale in context of the broad goals and directives anticipated in the City's General Plan. The proposed use or action complies with State planning and zoning laws. Reference local Ordinances No. 3~,8, ~,60; and California Governmental Code Sections 65000-66009 {Planning and Zoning Law). A:PP22~, 8 The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and intensity of use. Adequate site circulation, parking, and landscaping are provided; as well as sufficient area to appropriately construct the proposed structure, reference proposed Plot Plan No. 224, Exhibit E of the Staff Report. The project, as designed and conditioned, will not adversely affect the public health or welfare; nor will it adversely impact the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Environmental Assessment of this proposal. Reference the attached project Conditions of Approval and Initial Environmental Study. The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property, because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. The project conforms with applicable land use and development regulations, and reflects design aspects currently existing in the proposal's general vicinity. The project has acceptable access to a dedicated right-of-way which is open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic. The project sitems primary frontage is on Winchester Road, a dedicated CalTrans right-of-way. Improvement of the abutting roadways shall be as per the City Engineering Department and CalTrans. The design of the project together with the type of supporting improvements are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through, or use of the property within the proposed project. None are exhibited on the underlying parcel map, nor are easements evident on deedl s ) describing the property in question. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. Supporting documentation is attached. A:PP22~. 9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council: ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration for Change of Zone No. 11, Plot Plan No. 22u,, and Parcel Map No. 26852; ADOPT Resolution No. 91- recommending approval of Change of Zone No. 11 based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report; ADOPT Resolution No. 91- recommending approval of Plot Plan No. 220, based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval; and ADOPT Resolution 91 - recommending approval of Parcel Map No. 26852 based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SJ: ks Attachments: 2. 3. 0,. 5. 6. 7. Resolution for Change of Zone No. 11 Resolution for Parcel Map No. 26852 Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 26852 Resolution for Plot Plan No. 220, Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 220, initial Study Exhibits A. Vicinity Map B. SWAP Map C. Change of Zone No. 11 D. Parcel Map E. Plot Plan F. Elevations A: PP220, 10 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 91- CZ-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL ZONE NO. 11 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-R I RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO C-P-S {SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND MARGARITA ROADS AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 910-110-029, 031; 910-180-026, 027; AND 910-130-028, 029, 031. WHEREAS, Bedford Properties filed Change of Zone No. 11 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Change of Zone application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Change of Zone on June 17, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Change of Zone; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, Findings, That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty ~30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: {1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. ( 2 ) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: A:PP224 11 CZ-11 a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, {hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The Planning Commission in recommending approval of the proposed Change of Zone, makes the following findings, to wit: a) The proposed Change of Zone will not have significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. b) There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time, due to the fact that the project is compatible with the surrounding proposed development, zoning, and SWAP. c) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan, due to the fact that the project is compatible with surrounding development and improvements. A: PP22~ 12 cz-}l d) The site is physically suited for the proposed Change of Zone in that required infrastructure exists or is being provided in the area including commercial roadways, drainage facilities, and main sewer and water lines. e) The proposed Change of Zone is consistent with the SWAP designation of C (Commercial). The zone change will be beneficial by providing an area for needed services and employment. D. The Change of Zone is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study was performed for this project when determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, no significant impact would result to the natural or built environment in the City because impacts will be mitigated by adherence to the attached Conditions of Approval which have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of Zone Change No. 11 to change the zoning on 20, acres of land from R-R { Rural Residential ) to C-P-5 I Scenic Highway Commercial ) on property located at the northwest corner of Winchester and Margarlta Roads. SECTION PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1991. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN A:PP22~ 13 CZ-~,i I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 17th day of June, 1991 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS A:PP224 ATTACHMENT 2 PM-26852 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 26852 TO SUBDIVIDE A 97.3 ACRE PARCEL INTO 13 PARCELS AND 2 REMAINDER PARCELS AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND MARGARITA ROADS. WHEREAS, Bedford Properties filed Parcel Map No. 26852 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on June 17, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty ~30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: {1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: A:PP22u, 15 PM-26852 a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. [ 2 ) The Pianning Commission finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 26852 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. A: PP221.1 16 PH-26852 c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. u,60, no subdivision may be approved unless the following findings are made: a) That the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type of development. d) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. e) That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. g) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through. or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsectlon shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. A: PP22~, 17 PH-26852 (2) The Planning Commission in recommending approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map, makes the following findings, to wit: a) The proposed Parcel Map will not have significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. b) There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time, due to the fact that the project is consistent with the surrounding proposed development, zoning and SWAP. c) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan,due to the fact that the project is consistent with surrounding proposed development. d) The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law due to the fact that the project conforms to the current zoning for the site and to Ordinance No. Schedule E. e) The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density due to the fact that the project has access to public roads and sufficient building area · f) The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoldably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the initial study. A: PP22q. 18 PM-26852 g) The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities due to the fact that the lots are large enough to provide sufficient southern exposure with passive or active solar possibilities. h) All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic, access is provided from Winchester and Margarita Roads. i) The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project as conditioned. The project will not interfere with any easements. j) The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. k) That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2_:. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study was performed for this project when determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, no signiflcant impact would result to the natural or built environment in the City because impacts will be miti9ated by adherence to the attached Conditions of Approval which have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby 9ranted. A:PP22LI 19 PM-26852 SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of Parcel Map No. 26852 for the subdivision of a 97.3 acre parcel into 13 parcels located at the northwest corner of Winchester and Margar)ta Roads subject to the following conditions: A. Attachment 3, attached hereto. SECTION ~. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1991. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 17th day of June, 1991 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS A:PP22q 20 PM-26852 ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Parcel Map No: 26852 Project Description: 1~ Lot Commercial Subdivision with 2 Remainders, on 97 acres located at the northwest corner of Winchester and Marqarita Roads. Assessor's Parcel No.: 911-180-026 Planninq Department The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance ~,60, Schedule E, unless modified by the conditions listed below. A time extension may be approved in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance u,60. The expiration date is The subdlvider shall submit one copy of a soils report to the City Engineer and two copies to the Department of Building and Safety. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance L~60 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Provide reciprocal access, parking, drainage and maintenance agreements between all the parcels through an REA or CCF, R's prepared by the applicant, reviewed and approved by the Planning Director and City Attorney. Document to be recorded with the final map. A:PP22~. 21 10. 11. 12. 13. 2M-26852 The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmitta) dated April 24, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated April 15, 1991, a copy of which is attached. If the project lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula Land Division Ordinance ~,60, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department~s letter dated March 7, 1991, a copy of which is attached. All proposed construction shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy, as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the C-P-S | Scenic Highway Commercial ) zone. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to recordat{on of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety Department. 1~,. The following notes shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory." "A Liquefaction Hazard Report {County Ceologic Report No. 793) has been done for this site and is on file in the Planning Department." A: PP22u, 22 15. 16. 17. PM-26852 Construction excavation has high potential to impact significant, nonrenewable paleontologic resources. A qualified vertebrate paleontologist must be retained to develop a mitigation program prior to issuance of grading permits. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the issuance of grading permits detailed common open space area landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the phase of development in process. The plans shall be certified by a landscape architect, and shall provide for the following: Permanent automatic irrigation systems shall be installed on all landscaped areas requiring irrigation. Landscape screening where required shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Planning Director. Utilities shall be placed underground. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at key visual focal points within the project. Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants where appropriate. All trees shall be minimum double staked. Weaker and/or slow growing trees shall be steel staked. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the San Bernardlno County Museum transmlttal dated May 6, 1991. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: A:PP224 23 18. 19. 20. 21. PM-26852 All building plans for all new structures shall incorporate, all required elements from the subdlvision's approved fire protection plan as approved by the County Fire Marshal. Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. If seasonal conditions do not permit planting, interim landscaping and erosion control measures shall be utilized as approved by the Planning Director and the Director of Building and Safety. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 26852, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66u,99.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdlvider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecu)a. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kv or greater, shall be installed underground. A: PP22~, 2u, PM-26852 22. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars 151,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars I$1,250. O0 ) fee, in compliance with A B 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4( d ){2 ) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight 1~,8) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Came Code Section 711 .~,lc). 23. Dedicate right-of-way along Winchester Road along remainder parcel. 24. The applicant shall comply with recommendations set forth in the County Geologist transmittal dated April 23, 1991. 25. A 25 foot wide transportation corridor easement shall be dedicated along Winchester Road. Enqineerinq Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. 26. The Developer shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions. 27. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. ~,60. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 28. As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; A:PP224 25 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 311. 35. 36. PM-26852 Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; GaiTtans; and Parks and Recreation Department. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Margarita Road from Highway 79 to the proposed bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek shall be improved with full improvements or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 100 ( 86'/110' ). In the event that Winchester Road (Highway 79) is not constructed by Assessment District 161 prior to the final map recordat/on, the developer shall construct or bond for the improvements to provide for one-half street improvements plus one 18 foot lane per GaiTtans Standard {110'/13~,'). The improvements shall be constructed per GaiTtans letter dated March 1~,, prior to occupancy. In the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement or right-of-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66L~62.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Winchester Road (Highway 79) and Margarita Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of access points and public street intersections as approved by the City Engineer and GaiTtans. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage shall be required and shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. An easement for a joint use driveway shall be provided prior to approval of the Final Map. A:PP224 26 37. 38. P~-26852 Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. A Notice of Intention to form and/or join the Landscape and Lighting District shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved in District information shall be borne by the developer. 39. 4O. 41. ~2. 43. Notice of Intention to join the median island Landscape Maintenance District shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved in District information shall be borne by the developer. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, traffic signal systems, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping I street and parks). d. Sewer and domestic water systems. e. All trails, as required by the City's Master Plans. f. Undergrounding of existing and proposed utility distribution lines. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. ~,61 and as approved by the City Engineer. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineering Department. A: PP224 27 t~5. ~6. ~7. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 55. 56. 57, PM-26852 The minimum centerline radii shall be 300 feet or as approved by the City Engineer. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the City Engineer. improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the City Engineer. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. Improvement plans per City Standards for the private streets or drives shall be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards as determined by the City Engineer and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The subdivider shall submit two (2) prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. if grading is to take place between the months of October and April, erosion control plans will be required. Erosion control plans and notes shall be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. The subdivider shall submit two (2) copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. On-site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions." As deemed necessary by the Engineering Department, a copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. A:PP22~ 28 PM-26852 58. The subdivlder shall accept and properly dispose of all off-site drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the City Engineer permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. ~,60 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity, or use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate facilities as approved by the Engineering Department. 59. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns; i.e., concentration or diversion ~f flow. Protection shall be p~ovided by constructing adequate drainage facilities, including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement. 60. The site is in an area identified on the Flood Hazard Maps as Flood Zone A subject to flooding of undetermined depths. Prior to the approval of any plans, this project shall comply with Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula regarding flood damage protection for development within a Flood Zone "A", which may include obtaining a letter of map revision from FEMA. 61. The developer shall record an Environmental Constraint Sheet delineating the area within the 100-year floodplain. 62. Prior to final map, the subdlvider shall notify the City~s CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 63. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer~s Office. Prior to any.work being performed on the private streets or drives, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. 65. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 66. Prior to any work being performed, an application for a Development Permit shall be submitted per Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula. All requirements of this ordinance shall be complied with as directed and approved by the City Engineer. 67. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. A:PP224 29 PM-26852 68, A permit shall be required from CalTrans for any work within the following right-of-way: Winchester Road ( Hiqhway 79) 69. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-of-way. 70. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prior to recordatlon make application for and pay for their reapportionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building permit. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 71. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 72. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved rough grading plan. 73. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer Shall execute the Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated lassuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; provided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. A:PP224 30 PM-26852 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and 9utter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. 75. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours durin9 construction. 76. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0. 05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transportation Enqineerinq PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 77. A signing and striping plan shall be under design by a registered Civil Engineer for approval by CalTrans and the City Engineer for Winchester Road (Highway 79) and Margarita Road and shall be included in the street improvement plans as determined by the City Engineer. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 78. All signing and striping shall be installed and functional per the approved plans and as approved in the field by CalTrans and the City Engineer. A: PP224 31 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT April 15, 1991 J.F. DavidSOn Associates, Post Office Box 340 Tomsouls, CA 92390 Inc. Attention: David B. ~aari Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel M~p 26852 Plot Plan 224 City of Temecula You have sent us material regarding these cases for our "review as a Land Use case and as a land subdivision". We do not make floodproofing recommendations or write flood hazard reports for projects in incorporated cities. But it is appropriate that we comment on Santa Gertrudis Creek Channel since we are involved with the flood control aspects of Assessment District 161. We have recently approved the plans for Santa Gertrudia Creek Channel. The channel will capture and safely convey the 100 year storm runOff in that stream when it has been constructed in its entirety according to plans, and when surrounding land developments have been brought up to grade as proposed. Zf the project iS constructed in stages, as we understand ie now being considered, additional study would be necessary ~o determine its performance. Zt should also be noted that Assessment District 161 has not yet made application for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision {CLOMR) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Properties within the FEMA mapped floodplain will remain subject to flood insurance requirements until FEMA has issued a letter of Map Revision (LOMR}, and the District cannot guarantee that FEHA will find the proposed improvements acceptable. The District will not accept the Santa Gertrudis Channel for operation and maintenance until it has been completed, all necessary grading adjacent to the channel has been completed, and the improvements have been approval by FEHA. :)HN H. KASHUBA lenior Civil Engineer c: City of Temecula Engineering Department Bedford Properties Attn: Grog Erickson RANPAt Attn: Chuck Collins JHK:;ln I ~:[n CHT',' F'L~NhilI6 [:'EF'T, ::IiVE::I iDE COUnt,u April 23, 1991 Ranpac Soils, Inc. 41710 Enterprise Circle South Temecula, CA 92390 Attention: Christopher Krall Won S. Yoo Subject: Liquefaction Hazard Work Order No. 690-161 Plot Plan 2~4 A.P.N.: 910-110-029 County Geologic Report No. City Of Tomecola 793 Gentlemen: We have reviewed the liquefaction aspects of your report entitled "Preliminary GoDtechnical Investigation, Margarita Meadows Commercial Center, Winchester and Margarita Road, Tomecola, CA," dated November I, 1990. Your report determined that: The potential for liquefaction of the subsurface soils at this site during a seismic event is considered to be moderate. The most significant effect of liquefaction at the site would be settlement of the ground surface. Indicated settlement on the order of one inch would be possible on localized areas of the site. Differential settlement at the site from zero to one inch is likely to occur across distances of 300 feet or more. Other effects of liquefaction including loss of bearing capacity, sand boils and lateral spreading are considered unlikely. Your report recommended that: All foundations shall be constructed entirely in compacted fill. The depth of fill shall extend a minimum of two footing widths beneath the base of the footing witha minimum of = feet and maximum of 8 feet. The area of recompaction shall extend five feet' outside the foundationsperimeter. z, Om- I EMON STREET, ~fH FLOOR 79733 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, SUITE BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 922a County CoOlogic Repoxt ao, ~13 )pril 23# 199~ Page ~ 2. All paVementS ind concrete ~lab~ shall ~c C~ll~tY~otc~ o~ 3. Continuous fQuti.gs ~hall ~ - minimum 12 inches wide and 1~ inches Mlow lowes~ adJ[cen+. grade. Isn] ated ~ootin,4~ pre~o~re for' these footings ~der cnmbine~ de~,l and ~8tlo 1Ave lo~U is 2000 p~=. Allowable bearing preocure m.~ be i~re~ ~ XO percent ~or ea~,h ~ot depth up to ~axlmum of 3~00 psf. 4. Conoret~ mlabs -on- grarle shell hav~ a minAmum thlekncss or 4 in,~},es nominal ~o~- ~i~ht~V lo~dea ~lcors. Fill ~lopes ~hall b~ ~roperly keyed. box,chad and compau~;~a with ~ain~ge devices Ins~.allca in ~:cordanuc with Chapter 70 of the l~tast UBJ fo~ Buil~inrJ Code and Appu~uJ{w E o~ Vo~ report. It. is our oFln~on that ~e ,-e~ort wa~ ~re~ro~ ~n ~ COmpetenL manner and sat j~fies the addit ;ena~ inform-tion requested under ~ Calif~rnia ~v{To~un~al Quality Ao~ revi~. Final ai~[,~'oval o~ th. ~e~Or~ is h.reby given. The recommendations made in your report liguofactlon hazard= shall l)c adaawrm4 to conctruct3r~n of the p~oJ~ct. R[VERSID~ CO~';Y P ~O~e~h a ~a~g, P ~i )l ctn~ ../ for mitigation of In I,l'~e ac~gn And City Of Temacula, ~lemdng - ~teve Jiannl~c ~crron & ~umenscfZ XEuhJ~ect~ - Russell RulnansuEf DISTRZCT 8,~,O, BOX 231 SAN BERNAR~XNO, CA 92402 TDD (714} 383-4609 PETE WlL50~, GovernDr April 16, 1991 08-Rlv-79-R2.86/R3.18 Planning Department Attention: Steve Jiannino City of Temecula 43180 Business Park Drive, Temecula, CA Suite 200 92390 Your Reference: Plot Plan 224, Parcel Map 26852, Change of Zone 11 Dear Mr. Jiannino: An Encroachment Permit will be required for the proposed Signage and Landscaping within the State R/W. In addition, Development Review branch has the following concerns: Grading, Caltrans' ~he connection to State Highway 79 (SH 79) called out as a 50' Driveway, approximately 1200 feet southwest of Margarita Road, must be a street connection, not a driveway, as shown on Permit application 90-1868 and as agreed to in several previous meetings between Caltrans personnel and JF Davidson engineers. Access to the proposed development must be taken off this local street, not off of the State highway. Perhaps the developer might consider a cul-de-sac configuration to accomplish this. The Traffic Study done for Assessment District 161 widening of Winchester Road) by Kunzman and Associates did not study this intersection to determine the need for signalization. If signals are to be constructed, warrants must be met. The access shown approximately 500 feet southwest of margarita Road is intended to serve the Rancho California Water District property only. It may not be used as an additional access to the proposed development. Also, it must conform to the configuration shown on Permit application 90-1868 (see attached, highlighted mockup of that access point). The Water District access shall be a Caltrans standard NS-A, Case A, type of driveway. Curb returns are not permitted. Details and elevations of the proposed Pylon Signage at the Slte Entry from SH 79 must be submitted a part of the Permit application package. In addition to the above-noted concerns, this office must see the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Conditions of Approval Grading and drainage Plans (not conceptuals) A copy of any documents providing additional State R/W A copy of the Traffic Study A check print of the Parcel Map (not Tentative Map). The map need not be signed and recorded, but must be stamped with the City's "Stamp of Approval". A check print of any plans for improvements within the State R/W (including Landscaping Plans) If you should have any questions, please call Mr. Ahmad Salah or Mr. Mike Sim at (714) 383-4384. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Tim Chowdhury District Development Review Engineer DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION March 14, 1991 PETE WILSON, Govemor Development Review 08-Riv-79-R3.180 Your Reference: PP 224/PM 26852/CZ 11 Planning Department City Hall City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed PP 224/PM 26852/CZ 11 located northwest corner of Winchester Road and Margarita Road near Rancho California area. Please refer to the attached material on which our comments have been indicated by the items checked and/or by those items noted under additional comments. If any work is necessary within the State highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit from the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office prior to beginning work. Please be advised that this is a conceptual review only. Final approval will be determined during the Encroachment Permit process · If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Nahro Saoud of our Development Review Section at (714) 383-4384. TIM CHOWDHURY Chief, Development Review Branch Att WE REQUEST THAT THE ITEMS CHICFaD BELOW BE INCLUDED APPROVAL FOR THIS PROJECT: DATE ~ ) ( Co TE PM IN THE CONDITION8 OF NORMAL RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION TO PROVIDE HALF--WIDTH ON THE STATE HIGHMAY. / N0~AL STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO PROVIDE 5'~' HALF--WIDTH ON THE STATE HIGHWAY. CURB AND GUTTER, STATE STANDARD /V/~--/~, TYPE//~2--~ ALONG THE STATE HIGHWAY. PARKING SHALL 8E PROHIBITED ALONG THE STATE HIGHIaAY BY PAIHTING THE CUR8 RED AND/ON 8Y THE PROPER PLACEHINT OF NO PARKING SIGNS, RADIUS CURB RETURNS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WITH THE STATE HIGHWAY, STATE STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMPS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE CURB RETURNS · A POSITIVE VEHICULAR BARRIER ALONG THE PROPERTY FRONTAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO LIMIT PHYSI~L ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY, VEHICULAR ACCESS SHALL NOT BE DEVELOPED DIRECTLY TO THE STATE HIGHWAY, VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY EXISTING PUBLIC ROAD CONNECTIONS · VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL 8E PROVIDED BY __ STANDARD __ DRIVEWAYS. VEHI~ ACCESS SHALL NOT BE PRCVID~) WITHIN Of THE INTERSECTION AT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGH~4AY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY A ROAD--TYPE CONNECTION. VEHiCULAR ACCESS CONNECTIONS SHALL BE PAVED AT LEAST WITHIN THE STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY. ACCESS POINTS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL BE DEVELONED IN A MANNER THAT WILL PROVIDE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR NPH ALONG THE STATE HIGHWAY. 65 LANDSCAPING ALONG THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL PROVIDE FOR SAFE SIGHT DISTANCEt CCeIPLY WITH FIXED 09JECT SET BACK AND BE TO STATE STANDARDS · A LEFT--TURN LANEt INCLUOING SHCULDERS AND ANY NECESSARY WIDEHINGe. SHALL 8E PROVIDED ON THE STATE HIGHWAY, A TRAFFIC STUOY iNDICATING ON AND OFF--SITE FLO~ PATTERNS AND ~LUNEE~, PROBABLE IMPACTS AND PROPOSED HITXGATIQN MEASURES SHALL BE PREPARED · PARXZNG SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN A NANNEE THAT HiLL NOT CAUSE ANY VEHiCULAR MOVEMENT CONFLICTS# INCLUOING PARKING STALL ENTRANCE AND EXIT# WITHIN __ OF THE ENTRANCE FRDIq THE STATE HIGHWAY. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN WHEN DEVELOPING THIS PROPERTY TO PRESERVE AND PERPETUATE THE EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN OF THE STATE HIGHWAY, PARTICULAR CONSIDERATION SHOULD 8E GIVEN TO CLIqULATIVE iNCREASED STORM RUNOFF TO INSURE THAT A HIGHWAY DRAINAGE PROBLEM IS NOT CREATED · //PLEASE REFER TO ATTACHED ADDITIONAL CQIRqENTS. PROVIDE TO APPLICANT. // CONSTRUCTiON/[)ENOLITiOII WITHIN PRESENT OR PRIED STATE RIGHT OF I~AY SHOLJLD BE INI~ESTIGATED FOR POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE ( I, E ,ASBESTOS# PETROCNENICALS# ETC. ) AND NITIGATED AS PER REQUIRENENTS OF REGI. JLATORY AGENCIES. WHEN PLANS ARE SU&NITTEDf PLEASE CONFORN TO THE REQUIRENENTS OF THE ATTACHED ;eP~NDOUTfi o THIS ~JILL EXPEDITE THE REVIEW PROCESS AND TINS REGUiRED FOR PLAN CHECK, PZR. OV:IDP, TO APPl*.T'C.A.1NTT, ALTHOUGH THE TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE GENERATED BY THIS PROPOSAL DO NOT APPEAR TO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEN~, CONSIDERATION NUST RE GIVEN TO THE CLffIJLATIVE EFFECT OF CONTINUED DEVELOPHENT IN THIS AREA, ANY NEASURES NECESSARY TO NITIGATE THE CUIIJLATiVE INPACT OF TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO OR W[TH DEVELOPHiNT OF THE AREA THAT NECESSITATES THEN, CONSIDERATION SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE PROVISION; OR FUTURE PROVISIONt OF SIGNILIZATION AND LIGHTING OF THE INTER~CTICN Of HI) THE STATE HEGI~i~y kHEN ~I~RRANTS ARE 14~T. //IT APPEARS THAT THE TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE GENERATED BY THIS PROPOSAL CGULD HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEN OF THE AREA, ANY NEASURES TO NITIGATE THE TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE iNPACTS SHALL BE INCLUOED ~ITH THE DEVELOPHiNT · THIS PORTION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY IS INCLUDED IN THE CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN OF STATE HIGHWAYS ELIGIBLE FOR OFFICIAL SCENIC HIGHWAY DESIGNATION AND IN THE FUTURE YOUR AGENCY HAY WISH TO HAVE THIS ROUTE OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED AS A STATE SCENIC HIGH~/AY · THIS PORTION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY HAS SEEN OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED AS A STATE SCENIC HIGHWAY # AND DEVELOPHENT IN THIS CORRIDOR SHOULD BE CONPATISLE WiTH THE SCENIC HIGHWAY CONCEPT , TT IS RECOGNIZED THAT THERE IS CONSIDERABLE PUBLIC CONCERN ABOUT NOISE LEVELS ADJACENT TO HEAVILY TRAVELLED HIGHWAYS. ~ND DEVELOPHiNTt IN ORDER TO BE CQIqPATIBLE WiTH THIS CONCERN~ NAY REQUIRE SPECIAL NOISE ATTENUATION HEASURES, DEVELOPNENT OF THIS PROPERTY SHOULD INCLUDE ANT NECESSARY NOISE ATTENUATION, CALTRANS DISTRICT S DEVELOPNENT i~EVIEW BRANCH P,O. Box 231' SAN BERNARDINO, C.~ 92402 ~ COPY OF ANY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OR REVISED APPROVAL, //.~ COPY OF ANY DOCUNENTS PROVIDING NDDITIONAL STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT QF WAY UPON RECORDATIOR OF THE HAP. ANY PROPOSALS TO FURTHER DEVELOP THiS PROPERTY, A COPY OF THE TRAFFIC OR ENVIRONNENTAL STUDY, /._/A CHECK PRINT OF THE PARCEL OR TRACT NAP, Z//A CHECK PRINT OF THE PLANS FOR ANY IMPROVEHiNTS WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO THE STATE HEGHVAY RIGHT OF WAY. .~/'/A CHECK PRINT OF THE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS FOR THIS PROPERTY WHEN AVAILABLE, Date: March 13, 1991 Riv-79-R3.180 (Co-Rte-PM) PP 224/PM 26852 / CZ 11 (Your Reference) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: We need cross-sections at 50 ft intervals, from 100 ft each side of the project limits, within state Right-Of-Way (R/W). The cross- sections must conform to the requirements of the attached "HANDOUT". The Caltrans Right-Of-Way (R/W) line must be shown and labeled on the next submittal. The driveways connections should be compatible with the existing and future road system of the area. The centerline of proposed driveway shown approximately 520 ft southwesterly of Margarita Road must be located and constructed as shown on PERMIT NO 90-1868, SHEET NO 5. The Rancho California water district property shall not have a separate access to state highway. Show the existing state stationing along the highway centerline according tO the stations shown on PERMIT NO 90-1868. The Right-OF-Way in the Vicinity of Rancho California water district property does not agree with our record. The proposed driveway shown northwest of Winchester Road (HWY 79) must accommodate the DETECTOR SETBACK requirements (See attached sheet). State law requires Outdoor Advertising clearance for signs proposed adjacent to interstate and primary highways. Clearance must be obtained form: Highway Outdoor Advertising Branch California Department of Transportation 1120 N street Sacramento, CA. 95814 (916) 445-3337 N~F'9 FIRE DEPARTMENT _, 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE ,, PERRiS, CALIFORNIA 92370 ~ (714) 657-3183 GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF March 7, 1991 TO: City of Temecula ATTN: Planning Department RE: CZ 11 & PM 26852 The Riverside County Fire Department has no comments regarding the above referenced projects. All fire protection requirements will be addressed on related Plot Plan 224. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Depar=ment Planner By Laura Cabral, Fire Safety Specialist LC/tm 71 LND10 OFFICE 79-733 Country Club Drive, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342-8886 · FAX (619) 775-2072 PLANNINGDIVISION ~ RIVERSIDE OFFICE 3760 12th State, Rivenlde, CA 92501 (714) 275-4777 · FAX (714) 369-7451 F'I TEMECULA OFFICE 41002 County Center Drive, Suite 225, Tcmccula, CA 92390 (714) 694-5070 · FAX (714) 694-5076 (~ ptthted on recycled pa~er FROM: RE: County of Riverside DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE: 'DF TEMECULA :Steve j~annlno U ~t-24-qI 'he E~rrei Mar. >Io. 26~52 for this proherr and letter I~ ftled. The requirements for a '._'-AN %3 letter A clearance l.?tteu fFcm the aDpFoDJlate :~ [tfrrr-.l~ Fe.nlonAi Water Qt[a!Itv C:rntFoi S,-ar,d . ~hZ'TE~ For Pro nects within the :ERn Dleae Wate~ t],,TalltV Contrei Bo~fd sphere =Dr Influence. t written clearance rwo C.DDles of the Par:el MaD. ,\ 'viII-serve" letter from the aqlencv/agencles 9ecvln~ potable water. B. :Sh,Duld the pro.~ect be se,ved 3aF~Itacy sewer ~ervl:e3, thls Department w,muld nee~ on!y: A "will-serve" letter fr:,m the agency/agencle~ servlDq oo~abie water and sanltarv ~ewer~. C~ty of Temecuia FaQe Two ATTN: Steve J~ann~no April 24. i99/ m~neFA1) to Drove the water DotAble. A complete set of plans showing All JeLalls of the proposed and e:,:lstlng wateF systems: sizes and tvpes of plpe and calculations ShIDWln,~ thtt adequate ~Llantlty and pressLiFe Can be malnta~ned (Calzfornla WateFworks Standards - Caltfornxa Health and ~afetV Code and Callfornla AdmLnlsttatlve Code. Tltte These plans must be stgned bv a re0!stered cIv1c engzn~er. BCI General Contractors attn: Rick Finken 28765 Single Oak Drive, Temecula, CA 92390 Suite 200 re: PALEONTOLOGIC ASSESSMENT, PARCEL MAP ~ ~4D51, CALIFORNIA AREA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDIN(::) GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY DR. ALLAN D. GRIL~MER Director RANCHO Dear Mr. Finken, At your request, the San Bernardino County Musetin] has conducted a paleontologic assess.nent, including a search of perti,~ent geologic literature, a review of the Regional Paleontologic Locality Inventol-y, and a field survey for parcel ~ 21361, a 29- acre parcel in Rancho California, Riverside County. The parcel is on the northwest side of Winchester Road between Ynez Road and Franklin Avenue. Specifically, the parcel is within Township 7 South and Range 3 West and if projected, falls within the southeast quarter of section 21, as shown on the Murrieta, CA 7.5 minute USGS topographic quadrangle map. Background Previous geologic mapping by Mann ( 1955 ) and Kennedy ( 1977 ) indicate that the parcel is located on recent alluvitm~ and on or 'near the Pauba Formation. These aut]~ors report fossil Pleistocene horse. The Pauba Formation overlies the Bishop Ash and thus is less than 700,000 years BP. Review of the ].egional Paleontologic Locality Inventory at the San Bernardino County Museum does not indicate that previous paleontologic resource a~.~essment$ have been conducted for the Temecula parcel and that no paleontologic localities are recorded within one mile of the parcel. However, more than 200 paleontologic resource localities are known from the Pauba Formation in the Murrieta-Temecula area. The Pauba Formation unconformably overlies the Unnamed Sandstone. The faunal assemblage from the Pauba Formation in the Temecula- Murrieta area, sun~arized below, suggests a late Irvingtonian/early Rancholabrean LMA ill contrast to the ear]y- late Irvingtonian fauna from the Unnamed Sandstone in the California Oaks area (Reynolds and Reynolds, 1990). M. i. nlperdtor. imperial manm~oth mastodon large camel llama pronghorn deer large horse small horse jack rabbit cottontail shrew squirrel kangaroo rat [z, ocket gopher deer mouse wood rat vole king snake rattlesnake pond turtle toad chub fish land snail Methods The field assessment was conducted on May 3, 1991, by Quintin Lake, Musekuu Tech II of the San Bernardino County Museum. He has had previous experience in Lz, aleontologic resource assessments and salvage in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Parcel ~ 21361 was inspected by foot traverses at approximately 30 meter intervals. Recent alluvikm~ was verified to occur on the parcel in association with the Santa Gertrudis stream bed as was the presence of coarse to meditm~-grained sands interpreted to · represent the Pauba Formation. Results and Recommendations Available geologic literature describes the Pauba Formation as fossiliferous. Resource localities in the Regional Paleontologic Locality Inventory indicate that the Pauba Formation is very fossiliferous in the Murrieta-Temecula area. Construction excavation has high potential to impact significant, nonrenewable paleontologic resources on the Temecula parcel. The --developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist tel $develop a program of mitigation for the parcel which will conform to the guidelines of CEQA and Riverside County. The impact mitigation program must include, but not be limited to: 1. Monitoring of excavation in areas identified as likely to contain paleontoloSic resources by a qualified paleontologic monitor'. The monitor should be equipped to salvaEe fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays and to remove samples of sediments which are likely to contain the remains of small fossil mammals. The monitor must be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. The most cost-efficient method of salvage of small fossils is to remove sediments containing the fossils to stockpiles offsite. The fossils can be removed by screen washing elsewhere while excavation continues on site. 2. Preparation of recovered specimens to a point of identification, includinS washinS of sediments to recover small vertebrates. This will allow 'the fossils to be described in a report of findings and reduces the volume of matrix around specimens being stored. 3. Identification and curation of specimens into an established n~useun~ repository with retrievable storage. ~. Preparation of a report of findings with an appended itemized inventory of z~pecimens. The report and inventory, when submitted to the approF-.riate Lead Agency, signifies completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. References cited Kennedy, M.P., 1977. Recency and character of faultinF~ alon~ the Elsinore fauit zone in southern Riverside County, California. California Division of Mines and Geology Special Report 131: 12 p. Mann, J.F., 1955. GeoloSy of a portion of the Elsinore fault zone. California. California Division of Mines Special Report ~3: 22 p. Reynolds, R.E. and R.L. Reynolds, 1990. IrvinEtonian? faunas from the Pauba Formation, Temecula, Riverside County, Califc, rnia, ix~ Abstracts of ProceedinSs, 1990 Mojave Desert. Quaternary Research Sympositm~. Redlands, San Bernardino County Musetm~ Association Quarterly, 37(2):37. Kat]~leen Sprin~er~ Pl'oject Manager Eart]! Sciences SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MUSEUM 2024 Or,ng, TrefOil~ ,6R/sdL~r~.~A 92374 · 1714) 798-8570 · 422-1610 INVOICE: ~050.0506.1 To: BCI General Contractors attn: Rick Fin]:en, Project Manager 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 200. Temecula, CA 92390 COUNTY OF SAN 8ERNAROINO GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY DR ALLAN D, GRIESEMER Director For: PALEONTOLOGIC RECORDS SEARCH, PARCEL 21361, RANCHO CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY Regional Paleontologic Locality Inventory access fee and first hour: Field survey, 3 hrs @ $32./hr Mileage, 115 mi @ .38/h~ Report, 3 hrs @ $32./hr $50.00 96.00 ~3.70 96.00 TOTAL $285.70 ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. 91- PP-22~ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PLOT PLAN NO. 220, TO CONSTRUCT 10,9,500 SQUARE FEET COMMERCIAL CENTER ON A PARCEL CONTAINING 20, ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND MARGARITA ROADS. WHEREAS, Bedford Properties filed Plot Plan No. 220, in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Plot Plan on June 17, 1991, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received a copy of the Staff Report regarding the Plot Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty 130) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: J l ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. ~ 2 ) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: A: PP220, 32 PP-22½ There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (C) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP" ) was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Plot Plan is consistent with the SWAP and meet the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: {1 ) The City is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. {2) The Planning Commission finds, in recommending approval of projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 220, proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. A: PP224 33 PP-22~ c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 18.30(c), no plot plan may be approved unless the followin9 findin9s can be made: a) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state law and City ordinances. b) The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. 12 ) The Planning Commission, in recommending approval of the proposed Plot Plan, makes the following findings, to wit: a) There is a reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 22L1 will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. The project, as proposed, conforms with existing applicable city zoning and development ordinances. Further, the proposal is characteristic of similar development approved by the City to date. b) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with the City~s future General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The project is of insignificant scale in context of the broad goals and directlves anticipated in the City's General Plan. c) The proposed use or action complies with State planning and zoning laws. Reference local Ordinances No. 3~8, LI60; and California Governmental Code Sections 65000-66009 (Planning and Zoning Law). A: PP22~. 3u.. d) e) f) g) h) PP-22½ The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and intensity of use. Adequate site circulation, parking, and landscaping are provided; as well as sufficient area to appropriately construct the proposed structure, reference proposed Plot Plan No. 22~,, Exhibit E of the Staff Report. The project, as designed and conditioned, will not adversely affect the public health or welfare; nor will it adversely impact the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Environmental Assessment of this proposal. Reference the attached project Conditions of Approval and Initial Environmental Study. The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property, because it does not represent a ,significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. The project conforms with applicable land use and development regulations, and reflects design aspects currently existing in the proposaPs general vicinity. The project has acceptable access to a dedicated right-d-way which is open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic. The project site's primary frontage is on Winchester Road, a dedicated CalTrans right-of-way. Improvement of the abuttln9 roadways shall be as per the City Engineering Department and CalTrans. The design of the project together with the type of supporting improvements are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through, or use of the property within the proposed project. None are exhibited on the underlying parcel map, nor are easements evident on deedl s) describing the property in question. A: PP22u, 35 PP-22~ That said findings are supported by minutes, maps. exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. Supporting documentation is attached. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Plot Plan proposed conforms to the logical development of its proposed site. and is compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration, therefore. is hereby granted. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of Plot Plan No. 220, to construct a 10,9,500 square feet commercial center located at the northwest corner of Winchester and Margarlta Roads subject to the following conditions: A. Attachment 5, attached hereto. SECTION 0,. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1991. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof. held on the 17th day of June, 1991 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS A: PP220, 36 PP-224 ATTACHMENT 5 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Plot Plan No: 22u, Project Description: Retail Center of approximately 150,000 square feet. Assessor~s Parcel No.: 910-110-029 and 910-180-019 Planninq Department The use hereby permitted by this plot plan is for 3 buildings for 115,280 square feet; 23,916 square feet; and 10,500 square feet. The permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claims, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning Plot Plan No. 22u,. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. This approval shall be used within two 12) years of approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two 12) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the baginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. This approval shall expire on The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on Plot Plan No. 22~ marked Exhibit E, or as amended by these conditions. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. The applicant shall comply with the Engineering Department"s Conditions of Approval which are included herein. A: PP22u, 37 10. 11. 12. 13. PP-22~ Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department~s transmittal dated March 11, 1991, a copy of which is attached. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control Distrlct~s transmlttal dated April 15, 1991, a copy of which is attached. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the appropriate section of Ordinance No. 5u,6 and the County Fire Warden~s transmittal dated April 23, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County Geologist~s transmittal dated April 23, 1991, a copy of which is attached. Prior to the issuance of building permits, three (3) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department of approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 3u,8, Section 18.12, and shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. Landscape plans shall conform to conceptual landscape plans marked Exhibit C. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape, irrigation, and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten i10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty {30) inches. A minimum of 7u,9 parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 3u,8. 71~9 parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the Approved Exhibit E. The parking area shall be surfaced with aspbaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of 3 inches on u, inches of Class II base or as may be recommended by a qualified Soils Engineer. A minimum of 9 handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on Exhibit E. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed raflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the international Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, A: PP22L~ 38 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ~1, 22. PP-22~ or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at __ or by telephone " In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the Symbol of Accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Planning Department Engineering Department Environmental Health Rancho Water District CalTrans School District Riverside County Flood Control Fire Department Eastern Municipal Water District A Plot Plan application for a Sign Program shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Director prior to occupancy. Building elevations shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on Exhibit F. Materials used in the construction of all buildings shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on Exhibit F I Color Elevations). Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. Screening material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. All trash enclosures shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Each enclosure shall be six feet in height and shall be made with masonry block and a steel gate which screens the bins from external view. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen canopy trees along streets and within the parking areas. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655. A: PP224 39 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PP-224 This project is located within a subsidence or liquefaction zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Soils Engineer or Geologist shall submit a report to the Building and Safety Department identifying the potential for liquefaction or subsidence. Where hazard of liquefaction or subsidence is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance which is based on {the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development) lthe number of single family residential units on lots which are a minimum of one- half {1/2) gross acre in size). Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 23 Class I I bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations as approved by the Planning Director to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. The area does not have to be enclosed. Prior to the issuance of building permits, performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of plantlngs, walls, and fences in accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the Planting for one year, shall be filed with the Department of Building and Safety. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Building and Safety. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kv or greater, shall be installed underground. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. Within forty-eight {48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars 151,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711 .Liid)~2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar 1525.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (u,8) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department A: PP22u, u,0 PP-224 the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711AIc). 31. A minimum of seven {7) loading spaces shall be provided as shown on approved Exhibit E. 32. A plot plan application must be processed for any approvals for any additional buildings other than the three approved by this plot plan. Dedicate a 25 foot wide transportation corridor easement along Winchester Road prior to issuance of building permits. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the San Bernardino County Museum transmittal dated May 6, 1991. Enqineerinq Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 35. As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; GaiTtans; and Parks and Recreation Department. 36. The developer shall submit two ~2 ) prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code and Chapter 70 as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 2~,"x36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A: PP224 u,.1 37. 38. 39. 41. 42. u,3. ~,4. 45. 46. 47. u,8. PP-224 The developer shall submit two (2) copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. A Geological Report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. Prior to any work being performed, an application for Development Permit shall be submitted per Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula. All requirements of this Ordinance shall be complied with as directed and approved by the City Engineer. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. No grading shall take place prior to the improvement plans being substantially complete, appropriate clearance letters and approval by the City Engineer and all appropriate agencies. If grading is to take place between the months of October and April, erosion control plans will be required. Erosion control plans and notes shall be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department. All site plans, grading plans, landscape and irrigation plans, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency with approved plans. Street improvement plans including parkway trees and street lights prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer and all appropriate agencies shall be required for all public streets prior to issuance of an Encroachment Permit. Final plans and profiles shall show the location of existing utility facilities within the right-of-way. Prior to any work being performed on the private parking areas or drives, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. Prior to any work being performed in public right-d-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. A permit shall be required from CalTrans for any work within the following right-of-way. Winchester Road ( Hiqhway 79) A: PP224 51. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. PP-22½ The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed 9uaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, traffic signal systems, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping ( street and parks ). d. Sewer and domestic water systems. e. All trails, as required by the City's Master Plans. f. Undergrounding of existing and proposed utility distribution lines. The developer shall comply with the requirements of the City Engineer based on the recommendations of the Riverside County Flood Control District. A permit from the Riverside County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-d-way. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. The developer shall obtain an encroachment permit from Riverside County Flood Control District to outlet storm flows directly into the flood control channel. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. As deemed necessary by the Engineering Department, a copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. All concentrated drainage directed toward the public street shall be diverted through the undersidewalk drains. A:PP22~, q.3 PP-22½ this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated lassuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; provided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATION OF OCCUPANCY: 67. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. 68. improvement plans per City Standards for the private streets or drives shall be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. 69. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards as determined by the City Engineer, and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard u,00 and o,01 lcurb sidewalk). 70. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. ~61 and as approved by the City Engineer. 71. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along all public street frontages in accordance with Riverside County Standard Nos. u,00 and u,01. 72. improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the City Engineer. 73. This minimum centerline radii shall be 300 feet or as approved by the City Engineer. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the City Engineer. 75. Construct all street improvements including but not limited to curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. 76. In the event road or off-site right-d-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement or right-d-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the A: PP22u, PP-224 developer~s cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66u,62.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. 77. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Transportation Enqineerlnq PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 78. A signing and striping plan shall be under design by a registered Civil Engineer for approval by CalTrans and the City Engineer for Winchester Road (Highway 79) and Margarita Road and shall be included in the street improvement plans as determined by the City Engineer. 79. Plans for a traffic signal shall be under design by a registered Civil Engineer for approval by CalTrans and the City Engineer for the intersection of Winchester Road (Highway 79) and Margarita Road and shall be included for reference with the second plan check submittal of the street improvement plans. 80. Plans for a traffic signal shall be under design by a Registered Civil Engineer for approval by CaITrans and the City Engineer for the intersection of Winchester Road (Highway 79) and the approved entry point, and shall be included for reference with the second plan check submittal of the street improvement plans. 81. Traffic signal interconnect shall be under design by a Registered Civil Engineer to show 11/2" rigid conduit with pull rope, and #3 pull boxes on 200 foot centers along the property fronting Winchester Road ( Highway 79). This design shall be shown on the traffic signal plans and must be approved by CalTrans and the City Engineer. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 82. All signing and striping shall be installed and functional per the approved plans and as approved in the field by CalTrans and the City Engineer. 83. The traffic signal for the intersection of Winchester Road I Highway 79) at the approved access point shall be operational and complete per the approved plans. The traffic signal interconnect shall be installed in place per the approved plans. A: PP22~ u,6 T0: FliOM: liE: County of Rxverside DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CITY OF TEMECULA ATTN: Steve Jiannino AM~IN~nvironmental PLOT PLAN NO. 224 RATE: 03-11-91 Health Specialist IV The Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan No, 224 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services should be available in this area. Prior to any building plan submittals, the following items will be required: 1. "Will-serve" letters from the appropriate water and sewsring agencies. Three complete sets of plans for each food establishment will be submitted, including a fixture schedule, a finish schedule, and a plumbing schedule in order to ensure compliance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law. For speclfic reference, please contact Food Facility Plan examiners at (714) 358-5172). A clR~E~O~9._JJ~.~L from the Hazardous Materials Management Branch Services (Jon Mohoroski, 358-5055), wlll be required indicating that the project has been cleared for: a. Underground storage tanks, b. Hazardous Waste Generator Services. c. Hazardous Waste Disclosure (in accordance with AB 2185), d. Waste reduction Management. SM:dr co: Jon Mohoroski, Hazardous Materials Branch RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT _, GL~-N J. NEWMAN FIRB C~I~!P April 23, 19~1 CiTY Or TE~E~'LA PLANNING DE~T FLOT PLAN 224 With respect, cc the condiulon$ of ayproval regardin8 the above referenced plot pla~, the Firs Depart-mann rac~mends the following fire pro~ecttcn metauras be provld%d in accordance wlt~z Riverside County Ordinances and/or reco$nlzsd fire protection standards: 1. The [ire Department ~s required to set a minimum f~re flow for the re.,nodel or construction of ell ccm~eTcia! bui!dln~s uain~ the ;roce~ra ee=abllshed in Ordinance 5~6. Provlde or show there exists a wa~er aVe:e~ capable of deliverins ~000 GFM for s 3 hour duration at 20 ~$I reelduel o~era=inM pressure, which a=ue= ~e available before a=y combustible ~ateriel i~ placed ca nhe Job site, A ccmbinaninn of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, ;on · ~Ooped system (6"X~"2~X2½), will be located not less than 2~ feet or m~re ~ka~ i~5 fse~ frc~ any portion of the building as measured alone apTroved vehicular treve!way=.. ~he required fire fl~w shall be available from an~ adjacent hydr~nt(e) in the system. The required fzre flow ms? be ad]~>sted at a later point in 2the permit process cc reflect changes in design. construction type, area separation or buil~-in fire protection Eelsurea. : Applicant/:evelcper ehal~ furnish one cop7 of the water sMStem plans to the Fire Department ~or review. Plans shall conform to the fire hFdrant mFpee, location and e~aci~g, anao the system shaLL =set the fire flow rsRuiremezts. Plane shall be si~ne~/ap~roved by a rsgiste~ed civil snglneer and ~hs l~cal wa~er com.~acV ~itb the foL!owin~ ce~tiflcation: "I serti~,~ rha= ~ha ~eeie~ of the water sye~e~ is in actor ante with the requirements prescribed by uhe Riverei~a County Firs Deper~menL' PLANNING DIVISlQH f714) 694-507C, FAX (714~ 6'3&5076 l~dica~ valve and ~ire aapartman~ connectio~ shall hs l~c~ted C~ the ~r~nt, within 50 ~eet ~ a ~ydran~, and · minimum of 25 ~eeC from bui~i~g(o~. A ztate~an~ that the buildin~(s3 will be au~oma~ieally fire sp~inkLere~ must be included on the ~itle page o~ ~he building pla~e. I~$tall ~ supervised water~ow moniunzi~ ~ire alar~ eyetam.' Plans ..~e~ be ~ubmi~ued ~ t~a Fire Depar~ne~ £cr ap2rovel D~io~ to installation, ee p~: UBC. ~ e~atemen= thaC the building rill be au:ouaClcally f/re sprinklered muau appear o~ =~e ti~le pass of the builain~ plans. Occupancy ssparaUio~ will be required a~ per ~he UnxBorm Building Code. Section 503. Lne=all patio hardware and e~iE ei$ne es par Chapter 33 of the Uniform 3ulldlng Co~S. Znsta!l ?erdahie ~lr~ ex:ineulshet~ wluh a mlni~um retina of 2A-10EC. Contact a clr~lfle~ aa~lnguleher company for proper plecem~n~ of equipment. 13. Prior ;o =he issuance o[ ~ullCln8 per~Acs, the a[plicaut/d~v~lcpe= shell be responsible to submi~ a check or money order In the amount o~ $558.00 ~o the Riverside County Firs Department for plan charm fees. Prior co =he issuance c[ butldtn~ ~ermIte, ohm developer shall depnsi=, ~th trim Cl~y of Tamecuts, a check o~ money or~e= e~uallng c~he sum of 25c per mqusre ~oct as mitigation fo~ [ire protection impacts, T~ts aucunu must be sub~Icts~ ee~aratelT from cha plan chec~ review ~ees. Final condlClo~ vill be addressed when b~lldin~ plans are reviewed in ~he ~uildin~ an~ Sa[ety Office. All questions rags=dice the P~anning and Enilueerin~ RAYMOND H. P~GiS Chisf Firs Deperumen~ Planner Laura Cabrzl, Fi~e ,fety Specialis~ RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT April 15, 1991 J.F. Davidson Associates, Post Office Box 340 Temecula, CA 92390 Znc. Attention: David B. Saari Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Hap 26852 Plot Plan 224 City of Tamecula You have sent us material regarding these cases for our "revie~ as a Land Use case end as a land subdivision". ~e do not make floodproofing recommendations or write flood hazard reports for projects in incorporated cities. But it is appropriate that we comment on Santa Gertrudis Creek Channel since we are involved with the flood control aspects of Assessment District 161. We have recently approved the plans for Santa Gertrudis Creek Channel. The channel will capture and safely convey the 100 year storm runoff in that 8treim when it has been constructed in its entirety accordin9 to plans, and when surrounding land developments have been brought up to grade as proposed. If the project is constructed in stages, as we understand is now being considered, additional study would be necessary to determine its performance. It should else be noted that AsSeSsment District 161 has not yet made application for a Conditional Letter of Hap Revision (CLOMR) from the Federal Emer9ency Management Agency (FEMA). Properties within the FEMA mapped floodplain will remain subject to flood insurance requirements until FEMA has issued a letter of Map Revision (LOHR), and the District cannot guarantee that FEMA will find the proposed improvements acceptable. The Dietrick will not accept the Santa Gertrudie Channel for operation and maintenance until it has been completed, all the channel has been completed, approval by FEHA. City of Temecula Engineering Department Bedford Properties Attn: Gre9 Erickeen RANPAC Attn: Chuck Collins necessary grading adjacent to and the improvements have been }HN H. KASHUBA .enior Civil Engineer JHK:pln April 23, 1991 Ranpac Soils, rnc. 41710 Enterprise Circle 5outh Temecula, CA 92390 Attention: Christopher Krall Won S. Subject: Liquefaction Hazard Work Order No. 690-161 Plot Plan 224 A.P.N.: 910-110-029 County Geologic Report City of TemecUla 793 Gentlemen: We have reviewed the liquefaction aspects of your report entitled "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Margarita Meadows Commercial Center, Winchester and Margarita Road, Temecula, CA," dated November 1, 1990. Your report determined that: The potential for liquefaction of the subsurface soils this site during a seismic event is considered to moderate. be The most significant effect of liquefaction at the site would be settlement of the ground surface. Indicated settlement on the order of one inch would be possible on localized areas of the site. Differential settlement at the site from zero to one inch ks likely to occur across distances of 300 feet or more. Other effects of liquefaction including loss of bearing capacity, sand boils and lateral spreading are considered unlikely. Your report recommended that: All foundations shall be constructed entirely in compacted fill. The depth of fill shall extend a minimum of two footing widths beneath the base of the footing with a minimum of 2 feet and maximum of 8 feet. The area of recompaction shall extend f£ve feet' outside the foundation,per.imeter. STREET, ~FrH FLOOR 79733 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. JITE 8EFIMUOA OUNES, CALIFORN{A (<-' .'~2.8: F'. '. cuunty Caologic Report Bo, 793 ~pril ~3, ~aga 2 2. All pave=en=s and ~ncrete elab.~ shall Be cola~t.~uctcu on · m~n[mu~ of two feet o= recu~pacted native ~oils ce.,epacte~ fill. 3. Ctzutinuou~ footings Ghall ~ ~ mi~l~u~ 12 inches w~e ~hall ~o s min{m~ 1~ lnch~ ~rc, Allowable ~eari~mg pTesuure ~or these footings ~er cumbine~ de~,l nnd ~tatiO 1Ave loa~o 1s 2000 ~sf. AJlownble bearing preucure =~y be increa~ ~y 10 ~ercHt~t ~or each Foot ~. Concret~ s~a~s -on- gra~]~ sh~ll ha~ a ~inimum thickness O~ ~ in,:hes nominal for iiJht~y loaded floor=. Fill ~lo~es ~all b~ ~roperl~ keyea, ~91,ch~ compacted with ~ain~ge ~evices ~ns~.allc~ i~ a~:co~-danco wi~h Chapter 70 of th~ l~t~St Un] r~ Suildi.U Code and IL is our opln~.~n that ~e repor= wa~ prepared Xn a m~n~er and eat }~fies ~h~ addit {on~l inror~t. ion rcque~tea under Cali[~rn$a ~xv~ro~cntal Qualit~ Ao~ review. Final albino'oval o~ th~ ~eport Is h~reby given. l~qucractlo~ h~ard$ shatl ~c i~aerad ~o in I.he acci~n ~nd cOnctructJnn ~f the F~u~.ct. Vu~ truly RIVER~IDR C0~'fY P NG D~ ~T doceph. a, Rtohardg, 9 a~i ~ Pi ct-nP c~: C~t~ ~f TemacUla, ~lam~ng - ~teve Rcrrcn & Rum~nso[{ xruh~.ect3 - Russell April 16, 1991 08-Riv-79-R2.86/R3.18 Planning Department Attention: Steve Jiannino City of Temecula 43180 Business Park Drive, Temecula, CA Suite 200 92390 Your Reference: Plot Plan 224, Parcel Map 26852, Change of Zone 11 Dear Mr. Jiannino: An Encroachment Permit will be required for the proposed Signage and Landscaping within the State R/W. In addition, Development Review branch has the following concerns: Grading Caltrans ~he connection to State Highway 79 (SH 79) called out as a 50 Driveway, approximately 1200 feet southwest of Margarita Road, must be a street connection, not a driveway, as shown on Permit application 90-1868 and as agreed to in several previous meetings between Caltrans personnel and JF Davidson engineers. Access to the proposed development must be taken off this local street, not off of the State highway. Perhaps the developer might consider a cul-de-sac configuration to accomplish this. The Traffic Study done for Assessment District 161 (widening of Winchester Road) by Kunzman and Associates did not study this intersection to determine the need for signalization. If signals are to be constructed, warrants must be met. The access shown approximately 500 feet southwest of margarita Road is intended to serve the Rancho California Water District property only. It may not be used as an additional access to the proposed development. Also, it must conform to the configuration shown on Permit application 90-1868 (see attached, highlighted mockup of that access point). The Water District access shall be a Caltrans standard NS-A, Case A, type of driveway. Curb returns are not permitted. Details and elevations of the proposed Pylon Signage at the Site Entry from SH 79 must be submitted a part of the Permit application package. In addition to the above-noted concerns, this office must see the following: a Conditions of Approval Grading and drainage Plans (not conceptuals) A copy of any documents providing additional State R/W A copy of the Traffic Study A check print of the Parcel Map (not Tentative Map). The map need not be signed and recorded, but must be stamped with the City's "Stamp of Approval". A check print of any plans for improvements within the State R/W (including Landscaping Plans) If you should have any questions, please call Mr. Ahmad Salah or Mr. Mike Sim at (714) 383-4384. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Tim Chowdhury c District Development Review Engineer STATE C~ CALIFC~N~A--SUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING ACt~NCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT ~, P.O. BOX 231 SAN ~RNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 3~3-4609 March 14, 1991 Development Review 08-Riv-79-R3,180 Your Reference: PP 224/PM 26852/CZ PETE WILSON. Governor 11 Planning Department City Hall City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed PP 224/PM 26852/CZ 11 located northwest corner of Winchester Road and Margarita Road near Rancho CalifOrnia area. Please refer to the attached material on which our comments have been indicated by the items checked and/or by those items noted under additional comments. If any work is necessary within the State highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit from the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office prior to beginning work. Please be advised that this is a conceptual review only. Final approval will be determined during the Encroachment Permit process. If addiltional information is desired, please call Mr. Nahro Saoud of our Development Review Section at (714) 383-4384. TIM CHOWDHURY Chief, Development Review Branch Att C~L~.i~tNB DNVXLOPNXNT I~VIEW FOIO! PLAN CHECKER WE irEQUEST T1L~T THE ITEMS CHECKED BELOW BE INCLUDED IN THE APPROVAL FOR THI2 PROJECT: / NORMAL RIGHT OF UAY DEDICATION TO PROVIDE ~7 HALF--WIDTH ON TNE STATE HIGHWAY. / NORMAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO PROVIDE if'5" HALF--WIDTH ON THE STATE NIGHWAY. CURB AND C~TTER, STATE STANDARD/V/e~--/~, TYPE/~2--,~ ALONG THE STATE NIGHWAY. CONDITION8 OF PARKING SHALL BE PROHIBITED ALONG THE STATE HIGHWAY BY PAINTING THE CURB RED AND/OR BY THE PROPER PLACEMENT OF NO PARKING SIGNS, RADIUS CURB RETURNS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT INTERSECTIONS WITH THE STATE HIGHWAY. STATE STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMPS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE CURS RETURNS. A POSITIVE VEHICULAR BARRIER ALONG THE PROPERTY FRONTAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO LIMIT PHYSICAL ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY. VEHICULAR ACCESS SHALL NOT 8E DEVELOPED DIRECTLY TO THE STATE HIGHWAY. VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY EXISTING PUBLIC ROAD CONNECTIONS. VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY STANDARD DRIVEWAYS. VEHIOINt AC~S$ SHALL NOT BE P~OVIDE) NITHIN THE INTERSECTIGN AT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL 8E PROVIDED BY A ROAD--TYPE CONNECTION. VEHICULAR ACCESS CONNECTIONS SHALL 8E PAVED AT LEAST WITHIN THE STATE RIGHVAY RIGHT OF WAY. },CCESS POINTS TO THE STATE HIGHWAY SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN A NANHER THAT WILL PROVIDE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR /' MPN ALONG THE STATE HIGHWAY, ' ' /,,/ LANDSCAPING ALONG THE STATE NIGHWAY SHALL PROVIDE FOR SAFE SIGHT DISTANCE t COMPLY WITH FLIED O~J~CT SET 8AC~ AND BE TO STATE STANDARDS. A LEFT-TURN LANE, INCLUOING SHOULDERS AND ANY NECESSARY WlDENING~ SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE STATE HIGHWAY. A TRAFFIC STUDY INDICATING ON AND OFF--SITE FLOW PATTERNS AND VOLUMES# PROBABLE IMPACTS AND PROPOSEO MITIGATION MEASURES SHALL BE PREPARED. __ PARKING SHALL BE OEVELC)PED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT CAUSE ANY VEHICULAR HOVEHINT CONFLICTSt INCLUOING PARKING STALL ENTRANCE AND EXITI WITHIN OF THE ENTRANCE FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY. CARE SHALL SE TAKEN WHEN DEVELOPING THIS PROPERTY TO PRESERV~ AND PERPETUATE THE EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN OF THE STATE NIGHWAY. PARTICULAR CONSIDERATION SHCULD SE GIVEN TO CUMULATIVE INCREASED STORM RUNOFF TO INSURE THAT A HIGHWAY DRAINAGE PROBLEM IS NOT CREATED · //PLEASE REFER TO ATTACHED ADDITIONAL CCI~ENTS. PROVIDE TO APPLICANT. /,,-/ CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION WITHIN PRESENT OR PROPOSED STATE RIGHT OF WAY SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED FOR POTENTIA HAZARDOUS VASTE ( I ,E eAS8ESTO$# pETROCHEMICALS~ ETC, ) AND MITIGATED AS PER REQUIREMENTS OF REC4JLATORY AGENCIES. WHEN PLANS ARE ~JSMITTEDt PLEASE CONFORM TO THE REGUIREMENTS OF THE ATTACHED IIHANDOUTtl, THIS VILL EXPEDITE THE REVIEW PROCESS AND TIME REQUIRED FOR PLAN CHECK, PRO~TZDE TO APP~.,ZCA.X~'T. ALTHOUGH THE TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE GENERATED BY THIS PROPOSAL DO NOT APPEAR TO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE STATE HIGHWAY $YSTEM~ CONSIDERATION MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CUMULATiVE EFFECT OF CONTINUED DEVEL0PHENT IN THIS AREA, ~d4Y MEASURES NECESSARY TO MITIGATE THE CUMULATIVE IMPACT QF TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO OR WiTH DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA THAT NECESSITATES THEM, CONSIDERATION SHALL SE GIVEN TO THE PROVISIONt OR FUTURE PROVISIORf OF SlGNILIZATIOR AND LIGHTING OF THE INTER~CTIGN OF HI) THE STATE NIG~41,Y k~N ~U~RN4TS ARE HIT. l/ T APPEARS T..T T.E TRAFFIC .D/OR DRA,.AGE GENERATED .Y T.,S P.OROSAL..VEA S.G.,F, NT EF,ECT O. THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM OF THE AREA. ~J4Y HEASURES TO MITIGATE THE TRAFFIC AND/OR DRAINAGE IMPACTS SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH THE DEVELORNENT. THIS PORTION OF THE STATE NIGH~4AY I$ INCLUDED IN THE CALIFORNIA MASTER PLAN OF STATE HIGHVAYS F-LIGIBLE FOR OFFICIAL SCENIC HIGHWAY DESIGNATION AND IN THE FUTURE YOUR AGENCY RAY WISH TO HAVE THIS ROUTE OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED AS A STATE SCENIC HIGHWAY. THIS PORTION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY HAS SEEN OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED AS A STATE SCENIC NIGHVAYt AND DEVELGPNENT IN THIS CORRIDOR SHOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE SCENIC HIGHWAY CONCEPT · ZT IS RECOGNIZED THAT THERE IS CONSIDERABLE PUBLIC CONCERN ABOUT NOISE LEVELS ADJACENT TO HEAVILY TRAVELL HIGHWAYS. LAND DEVELOPMENTt IN ORDER TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THiS CONCERN# MAY REQUIRE SPECIAL NOISE ATTENUATI(~.. MEASURES · DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY SHOULD INCLUDE ANY NECESSARY NOISE ATTENUATION · CALTRANS DISTRICT 8' DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BRANCH P.O. Box 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 A COPY OF ANY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OR HEVISED APPROVAL. A COPY OF ANY DOCUMENTS PROVIDING ADDITIONAL STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY UPON RECORDATIOR OF THE MAP · ANY PROPOSALS TO FURTHER DEVELOP THIS PROPERTY. A COPY OF THE TRAFFIC OR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY. CHECK PRINT OF THE PARCEL OR TRACT NAP. CHECK PRINT OF THE PLANS FOR ANY iMPROVEMENTS WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO THE STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF ~AY. CHECK PRINT OF THE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS FOR THIS PROPERTY WHEN AVAILABLE. Date: March 13, 1991 Riv-79-R3.180 (Co-Rte-PM) PP 224/PM 26852 / CZ 11 (Your Reference) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: We need cross-sections at 50 ft intervals, from 100 ft each side of the project limits, within state Right-Of-Way (R/W). The cross- sections must conform to the requirements of the attached "HANDOUT". The Caltrans Right-Of-Way (R/W) line must be shown and labeled on the next submittal. The driveways connections should be compatible with the existing and future road system of the area. The centerline of proposed driveway shown approximately 520 ft southwesterly of Margarita Road must be located and constructed as shown on PERMIT NO 90-1868, SHEET NO 5. The Rancho California water dlstrict property shall not have a separate access to state highway. Show the existing state stationing along the highway centerline according to the stations shown on PERMIT NO 90-1868. The Right-OF-Way in the Vicinity of Rancho California water district property does not agree with our record. The proposed driveway shown northwest of Winchester Road (h~4Y 79) must accommodate the DETECTOR SETBACK requirements (See attached sheet). State law requires Outdoor Advertising clearance for signs proposed adjacent to interstate and primary highways. Clearance must be obtained form: Highway Outdoor Advertising Branch California Department of Transportation 1120 N street Sacramento, CA. 95814 (916) 445-3337 I I C~ C~ C~, c E m nc-~ 11!//////,, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDIN( GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY SAN BERNARDiNO COUNTY MUSEUM i .LLA. D. GR,E.EM . 2024 Orange Tree Lane · Redl~ds, CA 92374 · (714) 798-8570 * 422-161( I ;-~-- . I ~'DR. ,. :) BCI General Contractors attn: Rick Finken .......... 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92390 re: PALEONTOLOGIC ASSESSMENT, PARCEL MAP ~ ~IDCI, RANCHO CALIFORNIA AREA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY Dear Mr. Fin],:en, At your request, the San Bernardino COLli]ty Musetm~ has conducted paleontologic assessment, including a search of pertinent geologic literature, a review of the Regional Paleontologic Locality Inventory, and a field survey for parcel ~ 21361, a 29- acre parcel in Rancho California, Riverside County. The F,arcel is on the northwest side of Winchester Road between Ynez Road and Franklin Avenue. Specifically, the parcel is within Towuship 7 South and Range 3 West and if projected, falls within the southeast quarter of section 21, as shown on the Murrieta, CA 7.5 minute USGS topographic quadrangle map. Background Previous geologic mapping by Mam~ ( 1955 ) and Kennedy ( 1977 ) indicate that the parcel is located on recent alluvi~uu and on or 'near the Pauba Formation. These authors report fossil · Pleistocene horse. The Pauba Formation overlies the Bi.=hop Ash and thus is less than 700.000 years BP. Review of the ~egic, nal Paleontologic Locality Inventory at the San Bernardino County Museum does not indicate that previous paleontologic resource a.~sessments ]]ave beea conducted for the Temecula parcel and t.]~at no paleontologic localities are recorded within one mile of the parcel. However, more than 200 paleontologic resource localities are known from the Pauba Formation in the Murrieta-Temecula area. The Pauba Formation unconformably overlies the Unnamed Sandstone. The faunal assemblage from the Pauba Formation in the Temecula- Murrieta area, sunm~arized below, suggests a late Irvingtonian/early Rancholabrean ~A in contrast to the ear]y- late Irvingtonian ~auna from the Unnamed Sandstone in the California Oaks area (Reynolds and Reynolds, 1990). Mcl,unu. tttz~s sp. of. M. fmpe,~'d~:Ot'. imperial m&nm~oth Han~tt sp, mastodon C~melops 5p. large camel Henzidz~cheni~ sp. llama ~nt i l occtl~ra? Sp. prollghorn OdocoiZe~s sp. deer Equ[~s sF.. (1~) large horse Eq~x~s sF,. (sin) small horse £epus sl:., jack rabbit Sy[ ~ ~ h~9'us sp. cottontail Sorex sp. shrew ~;mnospernlophilus sp. squirrel Dipodontvs sp. kangaroo rat Th. omou~>,s bott<xe poc]:et ~opher PerOItO, SCLLS sp. deer mouse Neoto~nd sp. wood rat M~crotu. s ca~ ~fopn.~cus vole tcll,,p?-opt=ltis sp. ]{illg sna]fe CrotaZ~s sp. rattlesna]<e CZeu~O,s sp. pond turtle [:ufo sp. toad Gf. Kd o~'<~tt ~? chub fish S~cc~ne,:r sF,. land snail Methods The field assessment was conducted on May 3, 1991, by Quintin Lake, Museum Tech II of the San Bernardino County Museum. He has had previous experience in paleontologic resource assessments and salvage in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Parcel ~ 21361 was inspected by foot traverses at approximately 30 meter intervals. Recent alluvitm~ was verified to occur on the parcel in association with the Santa Gertrudis stream bed as was the presence of coarse to meditm~-grained sands interpreted to · re[:.resent the Pauba Formation. Results and Recommendations Available ~eoloEic literature describes the Pauba Formation as fossiliferous. Resource localities in the ReSional Paleontolo~ic Locality Inventory indicate that the Pauba Formation is very fossiliferous in the Murrieta-Temecula area. Construction excavation has high potential to impact significant, nonrenewable paleontologic resources on the Temecula parcel. The ~/~developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a program of mitigation fox' the parcel which will conform to the guidelines of CEQA and Riverside County. The impact mitigation proSram must include, but not be limited to: 1. Monitoring of excavation in areas identified as likely to contain paleontologic resources by a qualified paleontologic monitor. The monitor should be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed to avoid construction delays and to remove samples of sediments which are likely to contain the remains of small fossil meals. The monitor must be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. The most cost-efficient method of salvage of small fossils is to remove sediments containing the fossils to stockpiles offsite. The fossils can be removed by screen washiF elsewhere while e>:cavation continues on site. 2. Preparation of recovered specimens to a point of identification, including washing of sediments to 1-ecover small vertebrates. This will allow the fossils to be described in a report of findings and reduces the volume of matrix around specimens being stored. 3. Identification and curation of specimens into an established museum re~--.ository with retrievable storage. l~. PreF, aration ,_',f a report of findings with an appended itemized inventory of ~pecin/ens. The reF,ort and inventory, when submitted t'o the a[--.proF.riate Lead ASency, siF~nifies comF. letion of the F. ro~r~m to mit. i~ate impacts to pateontolosic resources. References cited Kenne,_~y, M.P., 1977. Recency and character of faultinS alone the Elsinore fault zone in southern Riverside Cotlllty, California. California Division of Mjne~ and Gec, lc,~y Special Re[=,ort 131: 12 p. Mann, J.F., 1955. Geology of a F,ortic, n of the Elsinore fault zone, California. California Division of Mines Special Report ~: 22 p. Reynolds, R.E. and R.L. Reynolds, 1990. Irvingtonian? faunas from the Pauba Formation, Temecula, Riverside County, California, in Abstracts of Proceedings, 1990 Mojave Desert Quaternary Research Symposium. Redlands, San Bernardino County Musetm~ Association Quarterly, 37 ( 2 ): 37. Kathleen Springer~ Project Manager Earth Sciences SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MUSEUM III ~024 O~',ng, TreeZ. JZ~n~ .GR, acII.JI~.:~A 92374 , 1714) 798-8570 · 422-1610 INVOICE: ~050.0506.1 To: BCI General Contractors att]l: Rick Fin];en, Project Manager 28765 .qin~le Oak Drive, Suite 200, C~ 92390 COUNTY OF SAN SERNARDII', GENERAL SERVICES AGENC' I DR ALLAN D. GRIESEMER Dilector For: PALEONTOLOGIC RECORDS SEARCH, PARCEL 21361, RANCHO CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY Regional Pale,:,ntologic Locality Inventory access fee and first hour: Field survey, 3 hrs @ $32./hr Mileage, 115 mi @ .38/h~ Report, 3 hrs @ $32./hr TOTAL $50.00 96.00 ~3.70 96.00 $285.70 ATTACHMENT 6 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY II Backqround 1. Name of Proponent: Bedford Properties/Costco Address and Phone Number of Proponent: PO Box 9016 Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-5641 Date of Environmental Assessment: April 25, 1991 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: CITY OF TEMECULA Name of Proposal, if applicable: Plot Plan No. 224, Change of Zone No. 11, and Parcel Map No. 26852 Location of Proposal: Northwest corner of Marqarita and Winchester Roads 7. Proposal: Chanqe of Zone from R-R I Rural Residential ) to C-P-S I Scenic Hiqhway Commercial ) on 24 acres of a 57 acre site; subdivide the 57 acres into 13 commercial lots and a remainder; and construct a 175,000 square foot commercial center on 19.7 acres proposed for commercial zoninq. Environmental Impacts ( Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X A:PP224 47 The destruction, covering oF modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption Fates, drainage patterns, or the Fate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X A: PP224 48 Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X A: PP224 10. 11. 12. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticicles, chemicals or radiation ) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X A:PP224 50 13. 15. Transportation/Circulation. proposal result in: a. b. c. d. Will the Yes Maybe N__~o Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? __ X Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? __ X Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? __ __ X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? __ X Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? __ X b. Police protection? __ X __ c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? X e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? __ X f. Other governmental services: __ X Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? __ __ X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? __ __ X A:PP224 51 16. 17, 18, 19. 20. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard ( excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics, Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X X A:PP224 52 Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future. ) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? {A project~s impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? __ Yes Maybe No X X X X X A: PP224 53 Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation Earth 1.a. 1.b. 1.d. 1.e. 1.f. 1.g. 2.b. No. The area is not with any known fault zones and is flat, vacant land. Maybe. All new development causes displacement and overcoverlng of soils. The project will incorporate open landscape areas, along with obtaining and adherin9 to City grading and building permits which will provide mitigation measures for this impact. The impact will not be significant. No. The area is currently flat vacant land and will not require substantial amounts of cut or fill to establish the proposed building pads. No. No unique geologic or physical features exist on site. The site is flat. Maybe. Wind and water erosion increase during grading activities. The potential for water erosion is low due to the fact that the site is flat. Wind erosion will be mitigated by standard grading practices and adherence to grading and building permits. Maybe. The area is traversed by Santa Certrudis Creek which is being channelized as part of Assessment District No. 161. The flood control improvements are currently under construction. Construction of the channel per approved improvement plans will mitigate significant impacts. Maybe. The area is within a liquefaction hazard zone. A geotechnical investigation of the site was performed. Adherence to the recommendations made in County Geologic Report No. 793 will provide mitigation for possible impacts. Maybe. The project will impact local air quality due to the increased auto traffic in the area. Although the project should decrease overall travel miles by providing a shopping opportunity in closer proximity to the urban population. No overall impact. No. There are no industrial or commercial activities proposed that would cause objectionable odors. No. There are no industrial or commercial activities proposed that should alter air movement or temperature. A:PP22u, 54 Water 3.a. 3,b. 3.c. 3.g. 3.h. 3.i. Plant Life 4.a. No. The project is adjacent to Santa Gertrudis Creek which is an intermittent flowing creek. The creek is currently being channelized with approval of Assessment District 161. The channelization is not a result of this project. This project is being designed to drain into the channelized flood control facilities. This drainage pattern will not result in any substantial change in either marine or fresh waters. Maybe. The project will cause changes in the absorption rate due to the overcovering of soil The natural drainage pattern will remain unchanged. Obtaining and adhering the grading and building permits will provide mitigation for possible impacts. No. The natural drainage pattern will remain the same and will not be altered by this project. No. The project will not increase the amount of water in any body of water. The site is not located in close proximity to any standing bodies of water. No. The surface runoff does not run directly into any bodies of water. No. The project does not propose any ground cuts or construction that would alter the direction or rate of flow of ground water. Maybe. The decrease in absorption rate will decrease the amount of ground water available from the site, but providing irrigated landscaping areas will mitigate for potential decreases. There will be no overall impact. No. The amount of water consumed will be a small increase in the overall water demand of the area. Maybe. The area is within a liquefaction zone and flood zone. Adherence to County Geologic Report No. 793 recommendation will provide mitigations for liquefaction impacts. The current channelizatlon of Santa Gertrudis Creek will provide mitigation for the flood zone potential. Maybe. The mass grading of the site will eliminate the current vegetation on site. No rare species of plant were seen on site and the overall native vegetation of the area will not be significantly effected by this project. No. No rare or unique plant species were observed on this site. A:PP224 55 Maybe. The project includes proposed landscape areas that will introduce new plants to the area. The plants will be required to be drought tolerant and include native species. The impact will not be significant. The channelization of Santa Gertrudis Creek and Winchester Road are larger physical barriers. No. The area is not currently used for agricultural crops. Animal Life 5.8. Maybe. The project's mass grading will eliminate existing animal species. The area is impacted currently and increased commercial and industrial activity within the area does not make this site viable for maintaining native species. 5.b. Maybe. The site is within the historic range of the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat which is a listed endangered species. The County and City have received a 10-A permit for the incidental take of the rat. The payment of a fee in this area has been deemed proper mitigation for the impact of habitat loss. 5.c, No. No unique wildlife habitats exist on site. Noise Maybe. The noise level will increase during construction of the site, which will be a temporary impact. The economical use will generate increased noise level mainly from vehicle use of the site. No residential structures are located near the site and the noise level will not be a significant impact to the area. 6.b. No. Severe noise generations are not anticipated at this site. Light and Glare Maybe. The project will require parking lot and outside lighting. The project will be conditioned to have lights hooded and directed away from public rights-of-way and adjoining properties. The project must conform to the requirements of the Palomar Observatory for lighting impacts. Land Use No. The project will alter the current vacant use of the site and the development doesn't conform to the current zoning for the site. The project does conform to the General Plan Guideline SWAP designation for the site of C I Commercial ) and other commercial developments proposed or being constructed in the vicinity. A:PP22~ 56 Natural Resources. 9.8. No. The proposed commercial uses will not substantially increase the rate of use of natural resources. 9.b. No. The project will not substantially deplete non-renewable resources. The commercial use proposed will not generate a large demand on non-renewable resources. Risk of Upset 10.a. No. The commercial uses proposed do not include uses that would result in a risk of explosion. 10.b. No. The project will not interfere with emergency response plans or evacuation plans. Proper circulation has been conditioned to be maintained with development of the project. Population 11. No. The proposed commercial project will not alter the current population location or density. The project will provide an employment area for existing residence of the City and surrounding area. The project will not require an increased population demand. Housing. 12. No. The project is a proposed commercial center and will not affect housing demand. TransportationJ Circulation 13.a. Yes. The commercial project will increase traffic and vehicular movement. The improvements being constructed with Assessment District No. 161 and improvements condltloned on the project will mitigate the impacts to a level of insignificance. The conditions include recommendations required per the Traffic Study submitted and approved for the project. 13.b. Maybe. The project will result in a demand for increased parking. The required parking for the proposed project will be provided on-site per City Codes as part of the project design. 13.c. Maybe. The project will impact the existing road system, but the impacts will be mitigated by the improvements required as Conditions of Approval on the project. 13.d. No. The project will not alter the existing road patterns. The project has been conditioned to improve the existing roadways. A:PP224 57 13.e. No. The project will not require or impact waterborne, rail or air traffic. The site will be served by an improved roadway system. 13.f. Maybe. The increased traffic will increase possible vehicle hazards. The project has been conditioned to provide adequate street improvements and safety controls to mitigate the possible impacts. Public Services l~.a,b,c, e,f. Maybe. The proposed development will impact these public services. The project has been conditioned to construct necessary improvements and pay appropriate fee mitigation for these impacts. lu,.d. No. The project is a commercial center and will not impact current or planned recreational facilities. Energy 15.a,b. No. The project is for the development of a standard type retail commercial center and will not require the use of substantial amounts of fuel or require new sources of energy to be developed. Utilities 16.a-f. No. The surrounding area has the current utilities available or they are being constructed with Assessment District No. 161. No additional utility systems will be required to be constructed with this project. Human Health 17.a. No. The project is a standard retail commercial type center and no uses are proposed that will cause a health hazard. 17.b. Maybe. The project is within a liquefaction zone. County Geologic Report No. 793 was completed for the project. Adherence to the recommendation contained within the report will mitigate the potential liquefaction impacts. Aesthetics 18. No. The project is not within any designated view sheds and does not obscure scenic vistas. Recreation 19. No. The project is not being proposed on an existing or planned recreation or open space site. A:PP22u, 58 Cultural Resources 20.a. Maybe. The project is within the Pauba Formation which is fossiliferous. The applicant shall retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a mitigation program prior to issuance of grading permits as outlined in the San Bernardino County Museum transmittal dated May 6, 1991. 20.b-d. No. A preliminary cultural survey was conducted on the site and no cultural resources were identified on site. Mandatory Findings of Significance 21 .a. No. The area does not contain any environmentally sensitive areas and no rare or endangered species exist on site. 21 .b. No. The project as conditioned will not significantly impact short or long term environmental goals. 21 .c. Maybe. The project, while not causing a significant impact to traffic circulation because of proposed improvements contained within the project design, will add to the accumulative effect on the transportation system. The current construction and additional improvements proposed by Assessment District No. 161 will provide mitigation measures for the accumulative impacts on the transportation system. A:PP224 59 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. X April 25, 1991 Date For CITY OF TEMECULA A:PP224 60 Z Frl · =~' ~:~r. Z z o -s ~. ul o I:~."~ u~"u " u~_. a.: :o -To , a' ~m_.o~'.. · n ,.,n ,..,.n ~m I/1"I m -I Z CITY OF TEMECULA ) LOCATION 'MAP CASE NO.c~'' It > P.C. DATE ~ ~-~.-'// , CITY OF TEMECULA )' SP · q N SWAP MAP CASE NO. ,,'z- p.C. DATE CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP NO. 26852 DATE: November 14, 1991 IMPROVEMENTS Streets and Drainage Water Sewer TOTAL FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- tt~lairrtet~nce Retw~ion (101 for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Monument Security City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signalization Mitigation Fee - SMD # Road and Bridge Benefit Fee Other Developer Fees $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,000.00 -0= -0- -0- -0= -0- Planning Fee Qulmby Fee Comprehensive Transportation Plan Plan Check Fee Due Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee Fee Paid To Date (Credit) Total Inspectlon/Plan Check Fees Due 114.00 -0- 8.00 1,010.00 -0- 350.00 1,~82.00 -0- ENG\PM26852.STF ITEM 8 APPROVAL ~ CITY ATTORNEY ,~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER SCOTT F. FIELD NOVEMBER 26, 1991 CFD 88-12 (YNEZ CORRIDOR) RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Bedford Properties concerning the sale of bonds in excess of $19,000,000. DISCUSSION: The County Debt Advisory Committee has required, as a condition for approval of the sale of any bonds for CFD 88-12, that a surety be provided to insure that should there be default on the bonds and a delay in foreclosure on the land securing the bonds, the surety would pay any debt payments that come due. After many months of negotiations, a surety has agreed to issue the necessary security instrument. The surety is recluiring that Bedford and Kernper guarantee the surety as well as pledge the value of their land holdings. Bedford and Kemper .are willing to pay for the surety and sign the guarantee. However, the cost of the surety depends on the potential, not the actual amount of bonds issued. Further, Bedford's own bank places limits on Bedford's ability to pledge its land. Consequently, Bedford and Kemper have requested that, as a condition of executing the surety agreement, the City agree not to issue any bonds in excess of $19,000,000 without the consent of the majority of the property owners. (This $19,000,000 will cover the first series of bonds, which include widening Ynez, $2,000,000 for parks and the cost of designing Overland, the freeway bridges and loops, and land acquisition for Overland). Further, they are requesting that the City not object should they wish to petition the County to reduce the bond authorization from the $60,000,000 presently provided in the CFD 88-12. Accordingly, it is recommended that Council approve a Memorandum of Understanding. ATTACHMENTS: - Memorandum of Understanding - Summary of Series I, II and III Bonds sff\l 15430.AGD 3. This Memorandum does not apply to any sub-zone within CFD 88-12. · r o ~n \ any Title: Vice Pre.si~ent - Genera] C0unse] city of Tem®oula Ronald J. Parks Mayor Attest: June Greek city Clerk Approved as to fSrm: Pre1~req~ 8y:~QIP ~EDF,_;r,-, I--Lr=r- CFD 88-12: Ynez Road Corridor PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES October 1, 1991 YNEZ ROAD WIDENING ROADWAY ITEMS SEWER ITEMS LANDSCAPING ITEMS RIOHT. OF-WAY TOTAL !~STIMATE $3,213,736 $339,400 $584,653 $190.008 $896,401 $0 $5,224,198 ROADWRY ITEMS STRUCTURE ITEMS RIGHT-OF-WAY TOTAL ESTIMATE OVERLAND DRIVE OVERCROSSING @ 1-15 $1,814,611 $7,310,169 $1,540,000 $10,664,780 RANCHO'CALHrORNIA ROAD INTERCHANGE ROADWAh' ITEMS STRUCTLYR~ ITEMS RIGhT-OIl-WAY TOTAL ESTIMATE $2.835,000 $2,455,000 $1,575,000 $6,865,000 WINCHESTER ROAD INTERCHANGE ROADWAY ITEMS STRUCTURE ITEMS RIGHT-OBWAY TOTAL E3TIMATE $3,125,0(X) $2,965,000 $1,575,000 $7,665,000 ORAh~ TOT~kL $S0,418.978 CC~4MUNITY FACXL%TIEB DISTRICT 88-12 ~'1I ROAD COKKIDOR CITY O~ TE~iCULA $9,124,780.00 $410~ 615.10 $273~743.40 SUBTOT,Iv, L 81,117#785.51 SUBTOTAL EST~eAT~) r~3iAwc3~3 C0STI AND OTSlR INCZDEIqTAL$ $3,234,494.38 $13,477t059.93 PMPOSID ~OleD JUiO~IT ITEM 9 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works November 26, 1991 Adoption of Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction PREPARED BY: Michael D. Wolff, Senior Public Works Inspector RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the attached Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction, repealing Ordinance 461 adopted from Riverside County upon incorporation by the City by introducing and adopting an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REPEALING PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCES AND ADOPTING STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. BACKGROUND: At the direction of the Director of Public Works, the Public Works Department assembled Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction for the City of Temecula. The drawings were reviewed by Public Works Staff and were then sent to the Coordinating Committee for review and comments. The Coordinating Committee reviewed the drawing through a subcommittee which was comprised of five (5) Coordinating Committee members and three (3) Public Works employees. The subcommittee's comments were incorporated into the preliminary drawings and have been accepted by the Public Works Department and the Coordinating Committee as proposed. The Public Works Construction drawings were revised due to inconsistencies between Ordinance 461 adopted December 2, 1989, and the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book, adopted by City), The inconsistencies which were addressed by the subcommittee were as follows: -1- p~l\sgdspt\l126\drawings.sld 111891 County of Riverside classifies concrete design as Class A, B, and C. The City of Temecula Standards will utilize Green Book for concrete design as follows: 520-C-2500 for street surface improvements (520 Ibs. of Portland cement per cubic yard of concrete as compared to 470 Ibs. of Portland cement per cubic yard for Class B). 560-C-3250 for drainage facilities and storm drain structures (560 Ibs. of Portland cement per cubic yard as compared to 564 Ibs. of Portland cement per cubic yard for Class A). Cs 560-C-3250 miscellaneous concrete, street lights, and traffic signal foundations (560 Ibs. of Portland cement per cubic yard compared to 564 Ibs. of Portland cement per cubic yard). Class II Base rock shall be specified as crushed aggregate rock in accordance with Green Book. Tolerances shall be the same as Green Book. Subgrade (dirt grade) shall be +0.04 feet (approximately '~ inch). Finish grade (rock) shall be d:O.02 feet. (approximately ~A inch). Compaction of finish grade and subgrade shall be 95% compaction for top one foot (1 ft.) and 90% compaction below one foot (1 ft.). Placement of asphalt pavement shall conform to Green Book Standards and shall be limited to placement of no more than three inches (3") in one lift (Green Book specifies asphalt shall be placed with material temperatures between 265°F and 325°F, and the three inch (3") lift limit shall be to maintain industry standard). s The County of Riverside Flood Control Standard Drawings shall be used for all design and construction of flood control and storm drain systems. The adopted standards from County Ordinance 461 does not contain a complete set of storm drain or flood control standards, therefore to eliminate the use of two (2) partial sets of standards, the use of the County Flood Control Standards will provide a complete and consistent set of standards for flood control and storm drain. The Drawings consist of the Standard Drawings adopted by City Council from County Ordinance 461 with the above-stated modifications or additions and the following additional drawings: 114 Pavement Design Requirements (pavement design based on "R" value and traffic index) 203 Type "E", "F" and "G" curbs for parking lots 207 Commercial drive approach 404 Equestrian trail 405 Trench repair The Standard Drawings for Public Works construction shall become effective thirty (30) days after the second reading of Ordinance 91- (first reading will be November 26, 1991, second reading will be December 10, 1991). The Standard Drawings will be available for purchase by the public at the Public Works counter for $17.50 per set ($.25 per single sheet). A copy is on file at the Public Works Department for review. FISCAL IMPACT: To minimize any fiscal impact from the implementation of the new standards, existing and future projects or developments will be reviewed per the following: Existing projects or developments with plans submitted prior to January 1 O, 1992 and signed by the Deputy City Engineer prior to March 1, 1992, shall be constructed utilizing the standards to which they were designed. Projects or developments existing and under construction shall continue to be constructed utilizing the standards to which they were designed. Projects or developments with plans submitted after January 10, 1992 shall be designed and constructed utilizing the updated City of Temecula Standards. Projects or developments with plans which may have been submitted prior to January 10, 1992, and have not been signed by the Deputy City Engineer prior to March 1, 1992, shall be designed and constructed utilizing the updated City of Temecula Standards. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit "A" - Proposed letter to construction industry ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REPEALING PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE AND ADOPTING STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. City Ordinance No. 90-04 adopted by reference portions of the non-codi~ed Riverside County Ordinances. On the effective date of this Ordinance, Ordinance No. 461 of the non-codi~ed Riverside County Ordinances is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. The attached standard drawings for Public Works Construction are hereby adopted. They are to be used on all public works projects in conjunction with the standard specifications for public works Construction (Green Book). Any inconsistency between the standard drawings and the Green Book shall be resolved in favor of the Standard Drawings. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance No. 91- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the __. day of , 1991, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: 3rune S. Greek, City Clerk 5/ords31 -2- ITEM 10 ORDINANCE NO. 9142 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NO. 5740 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A-20 TO I-P AND R-5 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RIDGEPARK DRIVE, SOUTH OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 940-310-020 AND 021 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Public hearings have been held before the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Temecula, State of California, pursuant to the Planning and Zoning law of the State of California, and the City of Temecula. The application land use district as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and ratified as part of the Official Land Use map for the City of Temecula as adopted by the City and as may be amended hereafter from time to time by the City Council of the City of Temecula, and the City of Temecula Official Zoning Map is amended by placing in effect the zone or zones as described in Change of Zone No. 5740 and in the above title, and as shown on zoning map attached hereto and incorporated herein. SECTION 2. Severability. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted and published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of November, 1991. AT'FEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 3/Otda 9142 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Iune S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 91-42 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 12th day of November, 1991, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 261h day of November, 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBER: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk 3/Ords 91~6 EXHIBIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHANGE OF ZONE 5740 PARCELS OF LAND BEING A PART OF PARCELS 20 AND 21, PARCEL MAP 18254, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN PARCEL MAP BOOK 116, PAGES 69 THROUGH 78, INCLUSIVE, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ZONING BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 20, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP; THENCE NORTH 47'36'58" EAST ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 20 A DISTANCE OF 617.95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 51'47'51" EAST DEPARTING SAID LINE A DISTANCE OF 1073.56 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, RAVING A RADIUS OF 3500.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08'26'51", AN ARC LENGTH OF 516.03 FEET TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 21; THENCE SOUTH 11'06'14" WEST ALONG SAID LINE A DISTANCE OF 525.58 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66°42'29'' WEST A DISTANCE OF 1331.O5 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 20; THENCE NORTH 31'23'58" WEST ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 20 A DISTANCE OF 684.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 28.39 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. IP ZONING COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 20, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP; THENCE NORTH 47'36'58" EAST ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 20 A DISTANCE OF 617.95 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID LINE SOUTH 51'47'51" EAST A DISTANCE OF 130.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 20, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 82'01'31" EAST A DISTANCE OF 679.55 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF KATHLEEN WAY, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP; 1 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL MAP NO: CHANGE OF ZONE NO: 5740 ORDINANCE NO: 91- ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: S\STAFFRPT~574OCZ.CC 9 ITEM 11 FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER ' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department November 26, 1991 Plot Plan No. 239 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Charly Ray Staff Recommends that the City Council: 1. ADOPT the negative declaration for Plot Plan No. 239 ADOPT Resolution No. 91-_ approving Plot Plan No. 239 based on the Analysis and Findings contained in the staff report. APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: Rancho California Water District Donald J. Gillis (Gillis Iler and Clark) Construction of the new Rancho California Water District Headquarters Complex as follows: 40,000 square foot 2-story office building 13,000 square foot single story warehouse structure 20,000 square foot single story operations maintenance building Service Vehicle Storage Yard at 250 spaces and EmployeeNisitor Parking Areas at 287 spaces. Total site area: 11.5 +/- acres LOCATION: Between Avenida De Ventas and Winchester Road, approximately 3/4 mile west of Diaz Road. EXISTING ZONING: M-SC (Manufacturing-Service Commercial) SWAP DESIGNATION: L-I (Light-Industrial) SURROUNDING ZONING: North: South: East: West: M-SC (Manufacturing-Service Commercial) M-SC (Manufacturing-Service Commercial) M-SC (Manufacturing-Service Commercial) M-SC (Manufacturing-Service Commercial) PROPOSED ZONING: As existing, no change proposed EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Vacant West: Vacant DISCUSSION The City Planning Commission considered Plot Plan No. 239 at the regularly scheduled Commission hearing of October 7, 1991. In their deliberation of the proposal's merits the Commission concluded the project was appropriate in terms of its land use and design. It was further determined that the project as designed and conditioned would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. To this extent, the Commission accepted the environmental assessment of the project prepared by the Rancho California Water District. This assessment together with a finding of "Deminimis Impacts" was filed by the R,C,W,D. with the Riverside County Clerk and Recorder on July 12, 1991. The required 30 days posting of the environmental determination concluded on August 14, 1991. Based on the foregoing, the Commission deleted Condition No. 20 (Assembly Bill 3158 compliance/negative Environmental Declaration Posting fee payment). The Commission also amended Condition No. 15 to read as follows: 15. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of minimum 24" box canopy trees along streets, and within parking areas. Additional landscaping as approved by the Planning Director shall also be provided along the project site's northeasterly perimeter wall. Condition No. 54. duplicated requirements specified in Condition No. 52, and was deleted. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the public testimony for this project, and the considerations of the Planning Commission at their hearing of October 7, 1991, Staff concurs with the Commission's recommendation for project approval, including the project conditions as amended above. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends that the City Council: Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 1. ADOPT the negative declaration for Plot Plan No. 239 ADOPT Resolution No. 91-_ approving Plot Plan No, 239 based on the Analysis and Findings contained in the staff report, Resolution Approving Plot Plan No. 239 - page 3 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan No. 239 - page 10 Planning Commission Minutes, Public Hearing Item No. 8, Plot Plan No. 239, dated October 7, 1991 - page 11 Planning Commission Staff Report dated October 7, 1991 - page 12 Fee Checklist - page 13 S\STAFFRPT\239-PP.CC 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 91-_ S\STAFFRPT\239-PP, CC 4 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLOT PLAN NO. 239 TO CONSTRUCT RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX AS FOLLOWS: 40,000 SQUARE FOOT 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING; 13,000 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE STORY WAREHOUSE STRUCTURE; 20,000 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE STORY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING; RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT SERVICE VEHICLE STORAGE YARD AND EMPLOYEE/VISITOR PARKING AREAS ON A PARCEL CONTAINING 11.5 +/- ACRES LOCATED BETWEEN AVENIDA DE VENTAS AND WINCHESTER ROAD, APPROXIMATELY % MILES WEST OF DIAZ ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 909-120-024 (PARENT NO.) WHEREAS, The Rancho California Water District filed Plot Plan No. 239 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Plot Plan on October 7, 1991 at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Plot Plan; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Plot Plan on November 26, 1991, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council received a copy of the Commission proceedings and Staff Report regarding the Plot Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: S\STAFFRPT\239-PP.CC 5 SECTION 1. Findings That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (1) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (2) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (3) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. The proposed Plot Plan is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: The City is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. The City Council finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: S\STAFFRPT\239-FP.CC 6 (1) There is reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 239 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (2) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (3) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. Pursuant to Section 18.30(c), no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state law and City ordinances, The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. The City Council, in approving the proposed Plot Plan, makes the following findings, to wit: (1) There is a reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 239 will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. The project, as conditioned, conforms with existing applicable city zoning ordinances and development standards. Further, the proposal is characteristic of similar development approved by the City to date and that anticipated in it's vicinity based on current development trends. (2) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with the City's future General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the Plan. The project is compatible with existing development standards which will likely be included in the City's future General Plan. Substantial inconsistency is unlikely. (3) The proposed use or action as conditioned complies with State planning and zoning laws. Reference local Ordinances No. 348, 460; and California Governmental Code Sections 65000-66009 (Planning and Zoning Law). (4) As conditioned, the site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and intensity of use. A reversion to acreage and lot line adjustment affecting underlying parcels are required prior to S\STAFFRPT\239-PP. CC 7 issuance of building permits. Adequate site circulation, parking, and landscaping are provided, as well as sufficient area to appropriately construct the proposed structures (Reference Exhibits D and E.) (5) The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. Reference the proposal's Initial Environmental Assessment, (Attachment No. 3), and project Conditions of Approval (Attachment No. 2). (6) The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property. It does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. As conditioned, the project conforms with applicable land use and development regulations, and reflects design elements currently existing within the City. (7) The project has acceptable access to dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic. The project draws access from Winchester Road and Avertida de Ventas, improved dedicated City rights-of-way. Project access, as designed and conditioned, conforms with applicable City Engineering standards and ordinances. (8) The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Study performed for this project. Reference the attached Initial Environmental Study and Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 239. (9) Said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with this application and herein incorporated by reference. Supporting documentation is attached. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Plot Plan proposed conforms to the logical development of its proposed site, and is compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. S\STAFFRPT\239-PP.CC 8 SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula City Council hereby approves Plot Plan No. 239 for the operation and construction of Rancho California Water District Headquarters Complex as follows: 40,000 square foot 2-story office building; 13,000 square foot single story warehouse structure; 20,000 square foot single story operations and maintenance building; Rancho California Water District service vehicle storage yard and employee/visitor parking areas on a parcel containing 11.5 +/- Acres located between Avenida De Ventas and Winchester Road, approximately % miles west of Diaz Road and known as Assessor's Parcel No. 909-120-024 (Parent no.) subject to the following conditions: A. Attachment 2, attached hereto. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of ,1991. RONALD J PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 1991 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS JUNE So GREEK CITY CLERK S\STAFFRPT\239-PP,CC 9 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL S\STAFFRPT\239-PP. CC 10 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Plot Plan No: 239 Project Description: Construction of the new Rancho California Water District HeadQuarters Complex as follows: 40,000 square feet 2 story office building 13,000 square feet single story warehouse structure 20,000 square feet single storyoperations/ maintenance building Rancho California Water District Employee, Service Storage Yard & Visitor Parking Areas totaling 537 spaces Assessor's Parcel No.: 909-120-024 (Parent No.) Planning Department The use hereby permitted by this plot plan is for construction of the new RanchO California Water District Headquarters Complex as follows: 40,000 square feet 2 story office building, 13,000 sq.ft. single story warehouse structure, 20,000 square feet single story operations/maintenance building and supporting Rancho California Water District employee, service storage yard and visitor parking areas. The permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claims, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning Plot Plan No. 239. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the STAFF~T~239.PP 16 defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding, or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. This approval shall expire on The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on Plot Plan No. 239 marked Exhibit D, or as amended by these conditions. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, (3) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.12, and shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape, irrigation, and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, or within the time frame specified by the City Planning Director and City Building Official. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten (10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty (30) inches. Five hundred and thirty-seven parking spaces, designed in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348, shall be provided as shown on the Approved Exhibit D. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of 3 inches on 4 inches of Class II base. A minimum of 5 handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on Exhibit D. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a STAFFi~>T~239-PP 17 minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at __ or by telephone " In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the Symbol of Accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. A Plot Plan application for a Sign Program shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Director prior to occupancy. Building elevations shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibits F. 1, F.2. Materials used in the construction of all buildings shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibits F.1, F.2 and Exhibits 1.1, 1.2. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. Screening material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Prior to the final building inspection approval by the Building and Safety Department, a six foot high decorative wall shall be constructed the perimeter of the project's proposed vehicle storage yard as illustrated on the project site plan, Exhibit D. The required wall shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Building and Safety and the Planning Director. All trash enclosures shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. As a minimum, each enclosure shall be six feet in height and shall be constructed of materials architecturally compatible with the primary facility, utilizing a steel gate which screens bins from external view. Landscaping plans hsall incorporate the use of minimum 24" box canopy tress along streets, and within parking areas. Additionallandscaping as approvedby the Planning Director shall also be provided along the project site's northeasterly perimeter wall. STAFFRPT~23S.PP 18 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 (Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation and Procurement) by paying the fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcel proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. Seven (7) Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations as approved by the Planning Director to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. Prior to the issuance of building permits, performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of planrings, walls, and fences in accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year, shall be filed with the Department of Building and Safety. Contingent upon availability of irrigation water, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Planning. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. Alternatively, installation of landscaping may be secured by bonding means, and in amounts specified by the Director of Planning; and installed at such times as irrigation water is in adequate supply as determined by RCWD and the City Planning Director. Within forty eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applioant/dcvclopor -,,hall deliver to the Planning Deportment a cashiers check or moncy order payablc to the County Clcrk in the amount of Onc Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy Five Dollars (~1,275.00), which includes thc One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fcc, in compliancc with AB 3158, required by Fi3h and Game Codc Scction 711.4(d)(2) plus thc Twenty Fivc Dollar (~25.00) County adminictrativc foc to cnablc the City to filc thc Noticc of Dctormination required under Public Rcsourecs Codc Scction 21152 and 14 Cal. Codc of Rcgulations 15075. If within 3uch forty eight (48) hour period the opplicant/dcvclopcr has not dclivcrcd to thc Planning Dcpartmcnt the check required 3bore, thc approval for the projeer grantcd hcrcin shall bc void by rca3on of failurc of oondition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. Engineerina Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to .~ny Govcrnmcnt Agcncy, the City of Temecula. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 22. As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; and Parks and Recreation Department. 23. The developer shall submit two (2) prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code and Chapter 70 as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24"x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. 24. The developer shall submit two (2) copies of a soils report specifically related to the project site to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site, as well as the structural design of driveway and parking lot areas. 25. A Geological Report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check, and shall address the restricted use zone, fault line area; and areas of potential liquefaction and subsidence as identified by the report prepared by Schaefer Dixon Associates, dated June 7, 1989 and August 15, 1989, for PM 21383. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. No grading shall take place prior to the improvement plans being substantially complete, appropriate clearance letters having been received, and subsequently approved by the City Engineer, If grading is to take place between the months of October and April, erosion control plans will be required. Erosion control plans and notes shall be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department. All site plans, grading plans, landscape and irrigation plans, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency with approved plans. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, drive approaches, and traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. 33. c. Landscaping (street parkway). d. Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines if needed. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. STAFFRPT\239,PP 2 1 34. 35. Drainage calculations shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All onsite and offsite drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 36. All concentrated drainage directed toward the public street shall be diverted through the undersidewalk drains. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT: 37. A precise grading plan and site improvement plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 38. Lot Line Adjustment 21 shall be approved by the Planning Department and a copy of the recorded documents shall be provided by the applicant to the Department of Public Works prior to any building permits being issued. 39. 40. 41. 42. A Parcel Map for reversion to acreage shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Department to be recorded over the affected parcels of Parcel Map 21383. The Parcel Map shall be recorded prior to issuance of any building permits. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum as established per acre as mitigation for traffic signal impact. Prior to building permit, the subdivider shall notify the City's C.A.T.V. Franchises of the intent to develop. Conduit shall be installed to C.A.T.V. Standards prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the STAFFP~T~,23S.PP 22 Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; provided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATION OF OCCUPANCY: 43, A minimum flowline grade shall be 0.50 percent. Onsite improvement plans per City Standards for the private streets or drives shall be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. 45. All landscaping adjacent to driveway approaches shall be installed to provide for adequate site distance. 46. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards or a commercial curb return approach may be used and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The easterly driveway on Winchester Road, and the two driveways on Avenida De Ventas shall be a minimum width of 36 feet. The two westerly driveways on Winchester Road shall be a minimum width of 30 feet. Riverside County Fire Department With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: 47. The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 546. STAFFF~°T%239,PP 23 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. The applicant/developer shall provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 4000 GPM for a 3 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is place on the job site. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6"x4"2~x2~), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The required fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separation or built-in fire protection measures. The applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "1 certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." The applicant/developer shall install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. The applicant/developer shall install a supervised waterflow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as per UBC. A statement that the building will be automatically fire sprinklered must appear on the title page of the building plans. Occupancy separation will be required as per the Uniform Building Code, Section 503. The applicant/developer shall install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. Low level Exit Signs, where exit signs are required by Section 3314(a). 57. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. STAFFRPT~239,PP ~)4 58. The applicant/developer shall install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-IOBC. Contact a certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 59. Applicant/developer shall be responsible for obtaining underground or aboveground permits from both the County Health and Fire Departments. 60. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of 8558.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. 61. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall deposit, with the City of Temecula, a check or money order equaling the sum of 25 ¢ per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. This amount must be submitted seoaratelv from the plan check review fees. 62. Applicant/developer shall be responsible to install a fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. 63. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. Riverside County Deoartment Of Health The Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan No. 239 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services should be available in this area. Prior to any building plan review for Health clearance, the following items are required: 64. "Wili-serve" letters from the appropriate water and sewering agencies. 65. 'A clearance letter from the Hazardous Services Materials Management Branch (Jon Mohoroski, 358-5055), will be required indicating that the project has been cleared for: Underground storage tanks Hazardous Waste Generator Services Hazardous Waste Disclosure (in accordance with AB 2185) Waste reduction management 66. Waste Regulation Branch (Waste Collection/LEA approvals). $TAFFRPT%239.PP 25 Note: Any current additional requirements not covered, can be applicable at time of Building Plan review for final Environmental Health Service clearance. City of Temecula Deoartment of Building and Safetv 67. A request for street addressing must be made prior to submittal Building Plan Review. 68. The applicant/developer shall comply with applicable provisions of the 1988 editions of the Uniform Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes, 1990 National Electrical Code, California State Administrative Code, Title 24 Handicapped and Energy Regulations and the Temecula City Code. 69. Lighting on site and located on structures shall comply with Mount Palomar Lighting Ordinance No. 655. STAFFF~T~239,PP 26 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7, 1991; PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 8 PLOT PLAN NO. 239 S\STAFFRPT\239-PP.CC 11 pLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1991 COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF expressed a concern for the transportation conditions indicating that prior to recordation the applicant will get credit for the mitigation fee and contributing 46% of the construction costs and entering into a reimbursement agreement; however, they are building them. ROBERT RIGHETTI stated that Condition 39, credit given toward signal mitigation fee, is being deleted and the conditions outlined are taking the previous conditions and revising them. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF moved to close the public hearing at 8:15 P.M. and Deny Minor Change No. i for Parcel Map No. 25059 and APProve Parcel Map No. 25059 Minor Change No. 1, subject to the modification and deletion of Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map NO. 25059, seconded by COMMISSIONER FAHEY. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Chiniaeff, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 8. PLOT PLAN NO. 239 -- RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT Proposal to construct three structures to house Rancho California Water District Headquarters functions as follows: 2 story office at 40,000 square feet; warehouse at 13,000 square feet and an Operations Building at 20,000 square feet. Located northwesterly of the intersection of Diaz Road and Rio Nedo. CHARLES HAY provided the staff report. CHAIRMAN HOAGLAND opened the public hearing at 8:25 P.M. JOHN HERBERT, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, concurred with the staff report. Mr. Herbert requested clarification of the following Conditions: Item 20, project is not subject to the Fish and Game review and therefore should not be subject to the fees; Item 15, applicant stated they did not have the funds to place all specimen trees in the project; and regarding Conditions 16, 33, 40 and 42, developer has paid these fees already. CHAIRMAN HOAGLAND suggested modifying the first engineering condition to reflect "...at no cost to the City." TPCMINIO/07/91 -10- 10/08/91 pLItNNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1991 ( DOUG STEWART Concurred with the amendment. CHAIRMAN HOAGLAND suggested that the requirement for this fee be mitigated. MIKE GRAY advised that this was a standard fee on all buildings in the City and there is no proposal for deferment of the fee. CHAIRMAN HOAGLANDqUeStioned if Mr. Gray would be adverse to deleting Condition 54 which was a duplicate of Condition 52. MIKE GRAY concurred with the recommendation. COMMISSIONER FAHEY requested clarification on Condition 20. JOHN CAVARAUGH advised that this was a state mandated fee and the applicant can file a deminimous exemption. DAN GILLISS, 193 Hartford Drive, Newport Beach, answered questions regarding the proposed gas pumps that were referenced in the plans. COMMISSIONER FANEY suggested clarifying what the Commission wanted to see in the way of trees. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF stated that he felt 24" box trees were appropriate, particularly along Diaz Road. COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to close the public hearing at 8:35 P.M. and recommend AdoPtiOn of the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 239 and AdoPt Resolution 91-(next} approving Plot Plan No. 239, modifying Condition No. 15 to specify 24" box trees, No. 20, language to reflect whether or not the applicant must pay the fees, No. 54 deleted and top of page 20, to read "...at no cost to the City.", seconded by COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Chiniaeff, Fahey, Ford, Noagland NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 9. PARCEL MAP 24085 9.1 Proposal to create 57 commercial/industrial parcel on a 73 acre site in M-SC zone. Located on the westerly side TPCMIN10/07/91 -11- 10/08/91 A'I'I'ACHMENT NO. 4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PLOT PLAN NO. 239 DATED OCTOBER 7, 1991 S\STAFFRPT\239-PP.CC 12 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION October 7, 1991 Case No.: Plot Plan No. 239 (PP 239) Prepared By: Charles Ray Recommendation: The Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: RECOMMEND ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 239; and ADOPT Resolution 91- recommending approval of Plot Plan No. 239; based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: Rancho California Water District Donald J. Gillis (Gillis Iler and Clark) Construction of the new Rancho California Water District Headquarters Complex as follows: 40,000 square feet 2-story office building 13,000 square feet single story warehouse structure 20,000 square feet single story operations maintenance building Service Vehicle Storage Yard at 250 spaces and Employee/Visitor Parking Areas at 287 spaces. Total site area: 11.5 +/- acres STAFFRPT\239.PP LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: Between Avenida De Ventas and Winchester Road, approximately 3/4 mile west of Diaz Road. Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC) North: M-SC South: M-SC East: M-SC West: M-SC As existing no change proposed Vacant North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Vacant West: Vacant Site Area: Approximately 11.5 acres Building Area: 2-story office Building: 40,000 square feet Warehouse: 13,000 square feet +/- Operations Maintenance Building: 20,000 square feet +/- Total: 73,000 square feet +/- Parking Provided: For: District Vehicles per Rancho Water District vehicle storage yard requirements: 250 spaces For: Employees/Visitors: 270 required, 287 provided Plot Plan No. 239 was submitted to the City of Temecula Planning Department on June 17, 1991. The project, as originally proposed, conformed substantially with applicable design standards and zoning ordinances. Review, comment and concerns STAFFRPT~239.PP 2 regarding the proposal focused primarily on determination of traffic impact mitigation necessary to support the project. Further, as the subject site consists of 13 separate lots, or portions thereof, the applicant is also required to process a parcel map to effect a "Reversion to Acreage" in order to effect the project as configured. Both of the aforementioned concerns are addressed in the following project analysis. ANALYSIS: Land Use and Architectural Compatibility The proposed use is identified as one of those permitted, subject to plot plan approval, under the subject site's current zoning designation of Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC) (Reference Exhibit B). Adjacent properties are currently vacant, but will likely be developed with similar commercial/industrial projects based on recent development patterns within the City. Project materials and design elements proposed by the applicant are considered compatible with the design guidelines currently observed by the City. As such, the project is considered compatible with applicable City development standards and ordinances affecting the proposal site and neighboring properties, as well as probable future development of surrounding parcels. Landscaping Appropriately, on-site planting and irrigation schemes are in keeping with City policies regarding water conservation and use of drought-tolerant vegetative species. The project site also includes a "Demonstration Garden", evidencing the Water District's commitment to regional water- conservation; employing drought tolerant species in locally appropriate applications. Site Access The site is accessible by recently improved rights of way for Avenida De Ventas and Winchester Road STAFFRPT~239,PP 3 extensions. Improvements for these rights of way have been approved by the City of Temecula in conjunction with the underlying Parcel Map 21383. Primary project site ingress and egress for employees and visitors is provided by 2, two-way commercial- width drives accessing Winchester Road at the southwesterly corner of the project site, as indicated on the project site plan (Reference Exhibit D). Access to dedicated employee parking areas, is card- controlled via a secondary internal entrance point also indicated on Exhibit D. District maintenance vehicle access is provided via 3 separate commercial width drives leading into the district vehicle storage yard as shown on the project site plan; one drive fronts Winchester Road, while two are proposed on the Avertida De Ventas frontage. Ingress/egress at these points is controlled by rolling gates, also indicated on the project site plan. Traffic linDacts At the request of the Public Works Department, the applicant submitted a focused traffic analysis based upon the original traffic study prepared by the subdivider. Project related traffic impacts, as documented by the traffic study submitted by the applicant, are mitigated by signalization and public facilities fees, specified in the attached Conditions of Approval. (Reference also Attachment No. 5 - "Fee Checklist". ) Parking and On-Site Circulation The structure, as designed, is user-specific, with parking facilities designed to support administrative and maintenance functions of the Rancho California Water District. Employee/visitor parking exceeds the minimum of 270 spaces required by ordinance; 287 are provided. Parking for district vehicles is proposed at 250 spaces based on current requirements, and allowing for programmed STAFFR~T~239,PP 4 expansion of services support activities per R. C .W.D. specifications. As conditioned, on-site circulation patterns and drive aisle designs are considered adequate to support the project. Grading and Drainage The existing site is essentially level, having been rough graded in accordance with grading plans for the underlying Parcel Map No. 21383. Toxic/Hazardous Materials Use & Storage The applicant proposes on-site temporary holding of used vehicle lubricants employing a reclaimed oil system. The system will consist of an above grade tank covered with a concrete envelope. This tank will be periodically drained by a licensed contractor, and final disposition of used oil and related by products will be the contractor's responsibility. Location of the proposed reclaimed oil storage tank is indicated on the project site plan (Reference Exhibit D). Plans for temporary holding and recycling of used petroleum products have been reviewed and approved by the County Fire and Health Departments, as mitigated by the attached project Conditions of Approval. Uniform Buildina Code and State Mao Act Compliance Pursuant to section 504 of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), the applicant is required to eliminate the property lines currently subdividing the project site. In summary, the referenced UBC section prohibits single structures from crossing property lines as is currently proposed by the applicant (Reference Exhibit D.1.) The formal process to accomplish this ("Reversion to Acreage", per Chapter 6 of the State Map Act) entails redescription of the property and recordation of a new map reflecting the project site STAFFRPT~239.PP 5 as a single parcel. Recordation of this map is conditioned to issuance of Building Permits (Reference Condition of Approval No. 39.) The project site as currently indicated also reflects a lot line adjustment along the proposal's westerly boundary. Existing and adjusted property lines are indicated in Exhibit H. Lot Line Adjustment No. 21 filed independently by Johnson + Johnson, the project site owner, will effect the adjusted property lines as proposed by Plot Plan No. 239. Approval of LLA No. 21 is also required prior to issuance of Building Permits (Reference Condition No. 38.) EXISTING ZONING, FUTURE GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: The project, as conditioned, conforms with existing zoning and subdivision ordinances affecting the subject property, and is compatible with Southwest Area Plan (SWAP) land use recommendations for the site (Reference Exhibit C). As discussed previously, the proposal is also compatible with existing and anticipated development in its immediate vicinity. As such, Plot Plan No. 239 will likely be consistent with the City's General Plan recommendations for the property in question, upon the Plan's final adoption. ENVIRONMENTAL . DETERMINATION: Pursuant to applicable portions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Environmental Assessment was prepared for Plot Plan No. 239. Based on findings contained in that assessment, it was determined the project in question will not have a significant impact on the built or natural environment; a Negative Declaration of potential environmental impacts is recommended for adoption. FINDINGS: There is a reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 239 will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with STAFFRPT~239.PP B State law. The project, as conditioned, conforms with existing applicable city zoning ordinances and development standards. Further, the proposal is characteristic of similar development approved by the City to date and that anticipated in it's vicinity based on current development trends. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with the City's future General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the Plan. The project is compatible with existing development standards which will likely be included in the City's future General Plan. Substantial inconsistency is unlikely. The proposed use or action as conditioned complies with State planning and zoning laws. Reference local Ordinances No. 348, 460; and California Governmental Code Sections 65000-66009 (Planning and Zoning Law). As conditioned, the site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and intensity of use. A reversion to acreage and lot line adjustment affecting underlying parcels are required prior to issuance of building permits. Adequate site circulation, parking, and landscaping are provided, as well as sufficient area to appropriately construct the proposed structures (Reference Exhibits D and E.) The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. Reference the proposal's Initial Environmental Assessment, (Attachment No. 3), and project Conditions of Approval (Attachment No. 2). 6. The proposal will not have an adverse effect STAFFRPT\239.PP 7 The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property. It does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. As conditioned, the project conforms with applicable land use and development regulations, and reflects design elements currently existing within the City. The project has acceptable access to dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic. The project draws access from Winchester Road and Avenida de Ventas, improved dedicated City rights-of-way. Project access, as designed and conditioned, conforms with applicable City Engineering standards and ordinances. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Study performed for this project. Reference the attached Initial Environmental Study and Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 239. Said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with this application and herein incorporated by reference. Supporting documentation is attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: vgw The Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: RECOMMEND ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 239, and ADOPT Resolution 91- recommending approval of Plot Plan No. 239; based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. STAFFlt>T%239,PP 8 Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Resolution Conditions of Approval Environmental Assessment Exhibits A B C D D.1 E.1, E.2 F. 1, F.2, F.3 G.1, G.2, G.3 H Vicinity Map Zoning Map SWAP Recommended Land Use Site Plan Site Plan/Underlying Parcelization Composite Landscape Plans Elevations Floor Plans Parcel Map No. 21383 - Adjusted Property Lines 1. Color Exterior 2. Materials Samples Fee Check List STAFFRPT~239.PP 9 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PLOT PLAN NO. 239 TO CONSTRUCT RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX AS FOLLOWS: 40,000 SQ.FT. 2-STORY OFFICE BUILDING; 13,000 SQ.FT. SINGLE STORY WAREHOUSE STRUCTURE; 20,000 SQ.FT. SINGLE STORY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING; RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT SERVICE VEHICLE STORAGE YARD AND EMPLOYEE/VISITOR PARKING AREAS ON A PARCEL CONTAINING 11.5 +/- ACRES LOCATED BETWEEN AVENIDA DE VENTAS AND WINCHESTER ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILES WEST OF OIAZ ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 909-120-024 (PARENT NO.) WHEREAS, The Rancho California Water District filed Plot Plan No. 239 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Plot Plan on October 7, 1991, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received a copy of the Staff Report regarding the Plot Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findinos. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city STAFFI~T~239,PP 10 is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Plot Plan is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The City is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The Planning Commission finds, in recommending approval of projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of STAFFRPT~239.PP 11 the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 239 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 18.30(c), no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: a) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state law and City ordinances. b) The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. (2) The Planning Commission, in recommending approval of the proposed Plot Plan, makes the following findings, to wit: a) There is a reasonable probability that Plot Plan No. 239 will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. The project, as conditioned, conforms with existing applicable city zoning STAFFRPT%239.PP I 2 ordinances and development standards. Further, the proposal is characteristic of similar development approved by the City to date; and that is anticipated in it's vicinity based on current development trends. b) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with the City's future General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the Plan. The project is compatible with existing development standards which will likely be included in the City's future General Plan. Substantial inconsistency is unlikely. c) The proposed use or action complies with State planning and zoning laws. Reference local Ordinances No. 348, 460; and California Governmental Code Sections 65000-66009 (Planning and Zoning Law). d) As conditioned, the site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and intensity of use. A reversion to acreage and lot line adjustments affecting underlying parcels are required prior to issuance of building permits. Adequate site circulation, parking, and landscaping are provided, as well as sufficient area to appropriately construct the proposed structures (Reference Exhibits D and E.) e) The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. Reference the proposal's Initial Environmental Assessment, (Attachment No. 3), and project Conditions of Approval (Attachment No. 2). f) The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property. It does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. As STAFFP~aT%239,PP 13 conditioned, the project conforms with applicable land use and development regulations and reflects design elements currently existing within the City. g) The project has acceptable access to dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic. The project draws access from Winchester Road and Avenida de Ventas, improved dedicated City rights-of-way. Project access, as designed and conditioned, conforms with applicable City Engineering standards and ordinances. h) The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Study performed for this project. Reference the attached Initial Environmental Study and Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 239. i) Said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with this application and herein incorporated by reference. Supporting documentation is attached. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Plot Plan proposed conforms to the logical development of its proposed site, and is compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. SECTION 2. Environmental Comoliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Plot Plan No. 239 to construct Rancho California Water District headquarters complex as STAFFI~T~239,PP 14 follows: 40,000 square feet 2-story office building 13,000 square feet single story warehouse structure, 20,000 square feet single story operations maintenance building, Rancho California Water District, service vehicle storage yard and employee/visitor parking areas, on a parcel containing 11.5 +/- acres located between Avenida de Ventas and Winchester Road, approximately 3/4 miles west of Diaz Road and known as Assessor's Parcel No. 909-120-024 (Parent No.) subject to the following conditions: A. Reference Attachment No. 2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 199 JOHN HOAGLAND I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 199_ by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: · PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS STAFFI~T~239.PP I 5 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Plot Plan No: 239 Project Description: Construction of the new Rancho California Water District HeadQuarters Comolex as follows: 40,000 square feet 2 story office building 13,000 square feet single story warehouse structure 20,000 square feet single storyoperations/ maintenance building Rancho California Water District Employee, Service Storage Yard & Visitor Parking Areas totaling 537 spaces Assessor's Parcel No.: 909-120-024 (Parent No.) Planning Deoartment The use hereby permitted by this plot plan is for construction of the new Rancho California Water District Headquarters Complex as follows: 40,000 square feet 2 story office building, 13,000 sq.ft. single story warehouse structure, 20,000 square feet single story operations/maintenance building and supporting Rancho California Water District employee, service storage yard and visitor parking areas. The permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claims, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning Plot Plan No. 239. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the STAFFPg°T~239-PP 16 defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding, or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two {2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. This approval shall expire on The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on Plot Plan No. 239 marked Exhibit D, or as amended by these conditions. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, (3) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.12, and shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape, irrigation, and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, or within the time frame specified by the City Planning Director and City Building Official. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten (10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty (30)inches. Five hundred and thirty-seven parking spaces, designed in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348, shall be provided as shown on the Approved Exhibit D. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of 3 inches on 4 inches of Class II base. A minimum of 5 handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on Exhibit D. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a STAFFF~l~239,PP 17 minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at __ or by telephone " In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the Symbol of Accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. A Plot Plan application for a Sign Program shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Director prior to occupancy. Building elevations shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibits F. 1, F.2. Materials used in the construction of all buildings shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibits F. 1, F.2 and Exhibits I. 1, 1.2. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. Screening material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Prior to the final building inspection approval by the Building and Safety Department, a six foot high decorative wall shall be constructed the perimeter of the project's proposed vehicle storage yard as illustrated on the project site plan, Exhibit D. The required wall shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Building and Safety and the Planning Director. All trash enclosures shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. As a minimum, each enclosure shall be six feet in height and shall be constructed of materials architecturally compatible with the primary facility, utilizing a steel gate which screens bins from external view. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen canopy trees along streets and within the parking areas. STAFFI~239.PP 18 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 (Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation and Procurement) by paying the fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcel proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. Seven (7) Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations as approved by the Planning Director to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. Prior to the issuance of building permits, performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of planrings, walls, and fences in accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year, shall be filed with the Department of Building and Safety. Contingent upon availability of irrigation water, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Planning. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. Alternatively, installation of landscaping may be secured by bonding means, and in amounts specified by the Director of Planning; and installed at such times as irrigation water is in adequate supply as determined by RCWD and the City Planning Director. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. $TAFFRPT~239.PP I 9 Engineering Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 22. As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; and Parks and Recreation Department. 23. The developer shall submit two (2) prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code and Chapter 70 as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24"x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. 24. The developer shall submit two (2) copies of a soils report specifically related to the project site to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site, as well as the structural · design of driveway and parking lot areas. 25. A Geological Report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check, and shall address the restricted use zone, fault line area; and areas of potential liquefaction and subsidence as identified by the report prepared by Schaefer Dixon Associates, dated June 7, 1989 and August 15, 1989, for PM 21383. STA~=3e.~P 20 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. No grading shall take place prior to the improvement plans being substantially complete, appropriate clearance letters having been received, and subsequently approved by the City Engineer. If grading is to take place between the months of October and April, erosion control plans will be required. Erosion control plans and notes shall be submitted and approved by the Engineering Department. All site plans, grading plans, landscape and irrigation plans, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency with approved plans. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, drive approaches, and traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. 33. c. Landscaping (street parkway). d. Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines if needed. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. STAFFRPT~239 ,PP 2 1 34. 35. Drainage calculations shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All onsite and offsite drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 36. All concentrated drainage directed toward the public street shall be diverted through the undersidewalk drains. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT: 37. A precise grading plan and site improvement plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 38. Lot Line Adjustment 21 shall be approved by the Planning Department and a copy of the recorded documents shall be provided by the applicant to the Department of Public Works prior to any building permits being issued. 39. 40. 41. 42. A Parcel Map for reversion to acreage shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Department to be recorded over the affected parcels of Parcel Map 21383. The Parcel Map shall be recorded prior to issuance of any building permits. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum as established per acre as mitigation for traffic Signal impact. Prior to building permit, the subdivider shall notify the City's C.A.T.V. Franchises of the intent to develop. Conduit shall be installed to C.A.T.V. Standards prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the STAFFti°T~239.PP 22 Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; ~ that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATION OF OCCUPANCY: 43. A minimum flowline grade shall be 0.50 percent. Onsite improvement plans per City Standards for the private streets or drives shall be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. 45. All landscaping adjacent to driveway approaches shall be installed to provide for adequate site distance. 46. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards or a commercial curb return approach may be used and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The easterly driveway on Winchester Road, and the two driveways on Avenida De Ventas shall be a minimum width of 36 feet. The two westerly driveways on Winchester Road shall be a minimum width of 30 feet. Riverside County Fire Deoartment With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: 47. The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 546. STAFF~>T%239,PP 23 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. The applicant/developer shall provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 4000 GPM for a 3 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is place on the job site. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6"x4"2~x2~), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The required fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separation or built-in fire protection measures. The applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "1 certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." The applicant/developer shall install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. The applicant/developer shall install a supervised waterflow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as per UBC. A statement that the building will be automatically fire sprinklered must appear on the title page of the building plans. Occupancy separation will be required as per the Uniform Building Code, Section 503. The applicant/developer shall install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. Low level Exit Signs, where exit signs are required by Section 3314(a). 57. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. STAFFI~°T~239.PP 24 58. The applicant/developer shall install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact a certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 59. Applicant/developer shall be responsible for obtaining underground or aboveground permits from both the County Health and Fire Departments. 60. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $558.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. 61. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall deposit, with the City of Temecula, a check or money order equaling the sum of 25¢ per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. This amount must be submitted seoaratelv from the plan check review fees. 62. Applicant/developer shall be responsible to install a fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. 63. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. Riverside County DePartment Of Health The Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan No. 239 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services should be available in this area. Prior to any building plan review for Health clearance, the following items are required: 64. "Will:serve" letters from the appropriate water and sewering agencies. 65. · A clearance lette,r from the Hazardous Services Materials Management Branch (Jon Mohoroski, 358-5055}, will be required indicating that the project has been cleared for: Underground storage tanks Hazardous Waste Generator Services Hazardous Waste Disclosure (in accordance with AB 2185) Waste reduction management 66. Waste Regulation Branch (Waste Collection/LEA approvals). STAFF~°T'%239'PP 25 Note: Any current additional requirements not covered, can be applicable at time of Building Plan review for final Environmental Health Service clearance. City of Temecula Deoartment of Building and Safety 67. A request for street addressing must be made prior to submittal Building Plan Review. 68. The applicant/developer shall comply with applicable provisions of the 1988 editions of the Uniform Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes, 1990 National Electrical Code, California State Administrative Code, Title 24 Handicapped and Energy Regulations and the Temecula City Code. 69. Lighting on site and located on structures shall comply with Mount Palomar Lighting Ordinance No. 655, STAFFR~T~239,PP 26 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Background 1. Name of Proponent: Rancho California Water District Address and Phone Number of Proponent: 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula. CA (714) 676-4101 Date of Environmental Assessment: August 26,1991 Agency Requiring Assessment: CITY OF TEMECULA Name of Proposal, if applicable: Plot Plan No. 239 (PP 239)-Rancho California Water District Headauarters Complex Location of Proposal: Between Avenida De Ventas and Winchester Road, aooroximatelv 3/4 mile west of Diaz Road Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets.) Yqf Maybe N__o 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? X S\$TAFFRPT~23S.PP 27 Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~239.PP ~)8 Plant 8. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the ~umbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~;39,PP 29 Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? bB Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X SXST~FFRPT~23S.PP 30 YeS Maybe No 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? X Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? X 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? X 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? X Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? X Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? X Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X S\STAFFRPT%239 .PP 3 1 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16.. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: ao Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~239.pp 3 2 17. 18. 19. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yq~ Maybe No X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT\239.PP 33 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes Maybe No X X X X S~STAFFRPT~239,PP 34 III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation Earth 1.a. 1.b. 1.C. 1.d. 1.f. 1.g. Air 2.a,b,c. No. Construction is not proposed at depths sufficient to adversely affect geologic substructures of the site. Similarly significant grading/fill activities are not proposed - no significant impacts. YeS. Compaction and overcovering of soil is necessary to implement the proposal. The relatively nominal scale of this project does not indicate likelihood of significant impacts on regional topography or soil characteristics. No. Reference Items 1 .a and 1 .b. The subject site is essentially level at present. Further, fill activities of significance are not proposed. No. No unique geologic or topographic features currently exist on the subject site. No. Nominal alterations in regional surface erosion patterns can be expected if this project is eventually realized. Proposed additional on-site structures and paving will likely reduce erosion at the project site; resulting in additional off-site drainage discharge volumes. Impacts on regional drainage characteristics are insignificant as mitigated by project specific drainage conveyances. (Reference City of Temecula Engineering Department Conditions of Approval.) No. Construction is not proposed that would logically affect distant beach. sands. Neither should the project produce deposition/erosion potentially modifying stream channels or lake beds. No. The subject site is not affected by known earthquake, landslide, mudslide or ground failure hazards. Further, all proposed fill/compaction and subsurface construction shall conform to applicable City and Uniform Building Code standards. No. Addition of localized air pollutants will result from increased vehicle traffic accessing the project site with little or no noticeable regional impacts. Short term increases in localized pollutants and associated noxious odors are likely during construction activities. Impacts are not considered significant regionally. S%STAFFRPT~239.PP 3 5 Water 3.a. 3.b. 3.c. 3.d,e. 3.f,g. 3.h. 3.i. Plant Life 4.a-d. No. The proposed structure is not located within defined marine or fresh water flows. No. Currently permeable ground will be rendered impervious as a result of this proposal. Consequently, surface runoff and absorption rates on the project site itself will change. Site drainage shall conform with plans approved by the City of Temecula. Necessary improvements to effect proper site drainage shall be as indicated in the attached drainage plans and project conditions of approval. No significant impacts on drainage patterns are anticipated. Reference also Item 1 .e. No. Plans proposed at this time indicate no potential adverse on or off site flooding impacts. Proposed drainage plans and all related necessary improvements shall be as specified by the City Engineering Department. NO. Increased runoff from the project site may nominally increase surface levels and turbidity of off-site bodies of water with no impacts of significance. N0. Reduced permeation at the project site may eventually affect underlying groundwater. Impacts of this project individually are considered insignificant. No. Water consumption rates typical of small commercial/industrial projects is proposed. All water consumption activities are subject to monitoring and allowances specified by the applicable purveyor. Proposed vehicle washing activities shall utilize recycled water per applicable local and state requirements, Landscaping and irrigation shall respect current drought conditions affecting the City as specified in the project Conditions of Approval and exhibited by the proposed project landscape and irrigation plan concepts. Reference Item No. 3.c. NO. The project site is currently barren of all vegetation, new plant species which may be introduced as a result of required site landscaping cannot be considered invasive because of the referenced lack of existing on-site vegetation. Similarly, no impacts are anticipated on agricultural 8ssets. Animal Life 5.a-c. NO. Minor losses of common urban species, e.g., small lizards, insects, rodents, and their habitats may result from this project. Numerically and qualitatively, these losses are considered environmentally insignificant. Further, if not previously paid, the applicant is required to submit Stephen's Kangaroo Rat habitat procurement fees in the amount specified by City ordinance. Such monies are to be used for purchase of suitable habitat for the Kangaroo Rat as it is gradually displaced due to generalized development of the Temecula Valley. This proposal contributes incrementally to regional displacement of the Kangaroo Rat. Noise 6.8. Maybe. Minor increases in local ambient noise levels will occur. No. subsequent to project implementation and commercial/industrial occupancy of the project site. Area-wide noise impacts will be insignificant. Proposed hours of operation shall conform with normal business hours of operations, generally considered to be between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P,M. Short term construction noise levels generated may result in temporary localized disturbances considered insignificant as adjacent properties are currently vacant. Light and Glare No. While the project could potentially impact night skies, the proposal is required to comply with applicable City/Palomar Observatory lighting policies and ordinance(s). These policies and ordinances address potential night-sky lighting impacts of development proposals that might logically affect activities of the Mr. Palomar Astronomical Observatory. Land Use Nq. The project is consistent with underlying land use ordinances and Southwest Area Plan guidelines affecting the subject property. No change in Land Use designations is proposed in conjunction with this project; no anticipated impacts. Natural Resources 9.a,b. No. The proposal is of limited scale and will not logically deplete substantial amounts of renewable or non-renewable natural resources. S\STAFFRPT~239.PP 37 Risk of Uoset 10.a,b. No. Use and storage of hazardous substances e.g. waste oil/petroleum products proposed has been reviewed and approved in concept by the Riverside County Fire Department and the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Services. Potential risk of upset involving hazardous substances e.g. fuel, oil, petroleum wastes, is reduced to insignificance through compliance with the attached project Conditions of Approval. Population 11. NQ, The project does not contain population relocation elements. Housing 12. NO. No housing is proposed to be added nor deleted. Transportation/Circulation 13.a,c. NO. Commercial/industrial construction of relatively limited scale is proposed, generating similarly limited amounts of destination traffic. Traffic generated will consist primarily of daily Rancho California Water District operations vehicles and commuting employees. Nominal amounts of visitor traffic can also be expected. Regionally, traffic impacts of this individual project are determined to be insignificant. Further, the project is required to contribute monies to area-wide, as well as localized public improvements (e.g., signalization mitigation) proportionate to the proposal's anticipated impacts as determined by the City Public Works Department. 13.b. Yes. In compliance with City ordinance and project specific requirements,the project provides a total of 537 additional off-street, improved parking spaces as referenced in the proposal's Conditions of Approval (attached), and as indicated on Staff Report Exhibit D. 13.d. Ng, The project will attract additional destination traffic, primarily employees and service vehicles, to the subject site upon its implementation. Impacts on regional circulation patterns are expected to be insignificant given the proposal's limited scale. Reference also Item 13.a. 13.e. NO. The project is not in a location which will logically affect waterborne, rail or air traffic, nor does it propose addition 3r deletion of such facilities. S~STAFFRPT~239.PP 38 13.f. Maybe. Increases in traffic generated by this proposal may consequently increase the possibility of traffic accidents. Impacts are likely to be unnoticeable in view of the proposal's limited scope and proposed infrastructure improvements supporting the project. Public Services 14.a-c. M6ybe. New commercial/industrial development may generate at least nominal increased demands for police and fire protection services, utility provisions and, indirectly, schools. Mitigation is realized through project- specific building permit fees, assessment districts, property taxes, and similar funding mechanisms. 14.d. Maybe. Construction is not proposed which will directly impact schools or parks. However, the applicant is required by state law to contribute applicable school fees as partial mitigation for secondary impacts on school systems resulting from the commercial findustrial development proposed. 14.e. Yqi. Construction of new roads and associated increases in road maintenance activities in the immediate vicinity of the proposal will be required due to proportionate increases in traffic generated locally. Mitigation of such impacts are as specified by the City Public Works Department in the project's Conditions of Approval, attached. 14.f, NO. Impacts on other governmental services have not been identified at this time. Enerav 15.a,b. N0. Reference Item Nos. 9.a. and b. Utilities 16.a-f. N~. Service line extensions and increased demands can be expected for the utilities referenced. The facility itself supports regional water acquisition and distribution activities. No significant impacts are anticipated. Human Health 17.a,b. NO. The project does not include introduction of potential health hazards of significance to the region; nor are there existing identified health hazards at the project site, Potential hazards associated with use 3nd storage of toxic materials on the subject site are mitigated per the attached project Conditions of Approval. S\STAFFRPT~239.PP 39 Aesthetics 18. No. The application has been reviewed for architectural quality and compatibility by the City, and is considered appropriate in the context of existing and proposed development in its vicinity. Recreation 19. NO. Additional recreational assets are not proposed, nor are they to be deleted in conjunction with this project; direct impacts on recreational facilities are not anticipated. Cultural Resources 20.a. No. Construction is not proposed that will logically affect known archaeological religious or cultural assets; no identified impacts. 20.b. Nq. The proposal is not within an identified historic preservation/conservation district. As such, impacts on the existing character of historic assets in the region are unlikely. 21 .a,b, c,d. NO. Reference Item Nos. 1-20. S\STAFFRPT~239,PP 40 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. August 26. 1991 Date For CITY OF TEMECULA S\STAFFRPT~239.PP 41 CITY OF TEMECULA ) ./ e :./' C $ EXHIBIT NO-A ~P.C. DATE ~0'! ,~i j CITY OF TEMECULA ) ( oof~T :?-,:>Ni~ ) .~.,.,~ .o.b /q'b'(.,,-I~n~C4c,~)ri,q,~.r-'Jb'ViCE;CZ~ef, rd,~~.p.c. DATE CITY OF TEMECULA ) EXHIBIT NO. ~P.C. DATE ii ! n'I· I~ II i" ! li]iil!i] ~hi.iII*".`l, !; .,,lh ,~ I!!! !~ .:t ;; 0 < < 0 := z ': It i l~ :i ii ~ :: :! :i::[ i] if: ':i :i , l': } l lil" : .... ]° Z I- 4 el ~ r~ ~ t ll!lilll~lljl .! . k' 'l' 'l'~'i' 'l'/t' ldld.u.!.l.L.I!Li.l-,-u.t .......l,-i---.-- ,, Z < - II k3 [1 , [] / li ®1 0 ATTACHMENT NO. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST S\STAFFRPT\239-PP, CC 13 ATTACHMENT NO. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: Plot Plan No. 239 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Mitigation) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Public Facility (Library) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Approval Condition No. 16 N/A Condition No. 42 Condition No. 40 N/A Condition No. 61 Condition No. 33 S\STAFFRPT\239.PP ITEM 12 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department November 25, 1991 Parcel Map No. 24085 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: Debbie Ubnoske ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24085; and ADOPT Resolution 91-_ approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 24085 based on the analysis contained in the staff report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Rancho California City Center Association No. 1 NBS/Lowry To create 57 parcels on a 72.6 acre site Westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road Manufacturing-Service Commercial, (M-SC) S~STAFFRPT\24085 .cc SURROUNDING ZONING: North: South: East: West: Manufacturing-Service Commercial, (M-SC) Manufacturing-Service Commercial, (M-SC) Manufacturing-Service Commercial, (M-SC) Manufacturing-Service Commercial, (M-SC) PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: Not Requested Vacant North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Murrieta Creek West: Vacant Gross Site Area: Net Site Area: No. of Parcels: Average Parcel Size: Earthwork: 72.6 acres 55.9 acres 57 0.98 acres Cut = 363,000 yards Fill -- 363,000 yards cubic cubic BACKGROUND: The proposed parcel map was given a recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission on October 21, 1991. The project was originally submitted to the County in November of 1988. The project was transferred to the City in April of 1991 where it has undergone additional review. The Planning Commission changed a condition of approval for the project relative to bus turnouts. At the Planning Commission meeting, concern was expressed by the City of Murrieta relative to potential traffic impacts. The Planning Commission expressed their desire to work with the City of Murrieta, however, the projects could not be continued indefinitely. The City of Murrieta is still several months away from a circulation plan which could address their issues. S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 2 Additional issue areas contained within the Analysis Section of the Agenda Report dated October 21, 1991 are as follows: Fault Hazards, Liquefaction Potential, Flood Hazard, Drainage, Grading, Biological Impacts, Landscape and Architectural Standards, Water and Sewer Availability, Lot Line Adjustments and Street Realignments, Lot Size, Access, Archaeological Resources and Fossil Resources. FUTURE GENERAL PLAN, SWAP AND ZONING CONSISTENCY: Parcel Map No. 24085 is consistent with the Southwest Area Plan designation of the site for light industrial uses. The parcel map conforms to the requirements of the M- SC, Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone. The project is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity, and there is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the Future General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Initial Study prepared for Parcel Map No. 24085 indicates that the project will not have any impacts on the environment which cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance, and Staff recommends adoption of a Negative Declaration. FINDINGS: The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project, A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercial- industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone, and existing land uses in the vicinity. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to , or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule 5. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 3 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 24085 TO SUBDIVIDE A 72.6 ACRE PARCEL INTO 57 PARCELS AT THE WESTERLY SIDE OF DIAZ ROAD NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 909-120-022. WHEREAS, Rancho California City Associates I filed Parcel Map No. 24085 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on October 21, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: ~;ECTION 1. Findin.q~. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 5 a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The City Council finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 24085 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 6 adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. 460, no subdivision may be approved unless the following findings are made: a) That the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type of development. d) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. e) That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. g) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the S\STAFFRPT~24085 .cc 7 public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) The City Council in Approving approval the proposed Tentative Parcel Map, makes the following findings, to wit: The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercial-industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing- Service Commercial Zone, and existing land uses in the vicinity. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "E". The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or S\STAFFRPT~24085 .cc 6 substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the Initial Study prepared for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities in that all parcels have adequate southerly exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. These findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. SECTION :::]. Conditions. That the City of Temecula City Council hereby approves Parcel Map No. 24085 for the subdivision of a 72.6 acre parcel into 57 parcels located at the westerly side of Diaz Road north of the future extension of Winchester Road, and S\STAFFRPT~24085,cc 9 known as Assessor's Parcel 909-120-022 subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ,1991. RONALD J PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 1991 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS JUNE S. GREEK DEPUTY CITY CLERK S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 10 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map No: Project Description: Assessor's Parcel No.: 24085 To create 57 oarcels on a 72.6 acre site 909-120-022 Planning Deoartment The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule "E", unless modified by the conditions listed below. A time extension may be approved in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The expiration date is Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 11 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. A copy of the final grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. All on-site cut and fill slopes shall: Be limited to a maximum slope ratio of 2 to I and a maximum vertical height of thirty (30) feet. Setbacks from top and bottom of slopes shall be a minimum of one-half the slope height. B. Be a part of the downhill lot when within or between individual lots. All slopes over three (3) feet in height shall be landscaped and irrigated according to the City Development Code. The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated September 17, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated November 16, 1990, a copy of which is attached. If the project lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated June 5, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the slope stability recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated September 6, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated October 16, 1989, a copy of which is attached. 15. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Rancho Water District transmittal dated July 3, 1991, a copy of which is attached. 16. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: A. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the S~STAFFRt>T\24085.cc 12 17. 18. development standards of the Manufacturing - Service Commercial zone, The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. 19. The following notes shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan. "Archaeological and paleontological monitoring of grading is required, and summary reports shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits." "Part of the site is located in the 100 year flood plain of Murrieta Creek. Measures to remove the project site from the flood plain are listed in the Conditions of ApprOval." "The s'ite is traversed by a potentially active earthquake fault. The map includes a restricted use zone in which no structures for human - occupancy are allowed." "The property is affected by earthquake faulting and ground fissures. Structures for human occupancy shall not be allowed in the Fault and Ground Fissure Hazard Area." "County Geologic Report No. 627 was prepared for this property on June 7, 1989 by Schafer Dixon Associates, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern are as follows: earthquake faulting, fissuring and ground subsidence, liquefaction, landsliding, and uncompacted trench backfill." S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 13 20. 21. 22. 23. Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: If the project is to be phased, prior to the approval of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: (1) Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process. (2) Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. (3) Preliminary pad and roadway elevations. (4) Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase. Prior to the issuance of grading permits a qualified archaeologist shall conduct a stratified surface sampling of archaeological site CA-RIV 237 and shall excavate 20 to 30 one cubic meter cubsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site. Based on the results of these tests, the extent of further sampling and data collection will be determined. A qualified archaeologist shall also monitor grading activities and shall have the authority to temporarily halt or redirect grading activity to allow recovery of cultural resources. A Native American representative shall be present during archaeological testing and during grading and shall also have the authority to temporarily halt or divert grading activity. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. A paleontologist shall be on-site to monitor grading operations. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: S\STAFFRPT~24085,cC 14 24. 25. 26. Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from view of surrounding property. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 25 feet with at least 10 feet landscaped. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection and certified in writing by the landscape architect. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required for noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required wall shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat Mitigation fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No, 24085, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense, If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. S~STAFFBPT~24085.cc 15 27. All utility systems including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer, and cable TV shall be provided for underground, with easements provided as required, and designed and constructed in accordance with City Codes and the utility provider. Electrical lines rated 33kv or greater shall be exempted from the requirement to be installed underground. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions/Reciprocal Access Easements: 28, A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CC&R's shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CC&R's shah be subject to the following conditions: A. The CC&R's shall be prepared at the developer's sole cost and expense. The CC&R's shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. The CC&R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. The CC&R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas, drainage and facilities. The landscape and architecture standards shall be incorporated by reference into the CC&R's. The CC&R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CC&R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CC&R's, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CC&R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to S%STAFFRPT~24085.cc 16 29. 30. a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. (1) All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of building permits. (2) Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by CC&R's or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map or prior to the issuance of building permit where no map is involved. No lot or dwelling unit in the development shall be sold unless a corporation, association, property owner's group, or similar entity has been formed with the right to assess all properties individually owned or jointly owned which have any rights or interest in the use of the common areas and common facilities in the development, such assessment power to be sufficient to meet the expenses of such entity, and with authority to control, and the duty to maintain, all of said mutually available features of the development. Such entity shall operate under recorded CC&R's which shall include compulsory membership of all owners of lots and/or dwelling units and flexibility of assessments to meet changing costs of maintenance, repairs, and services. Recorded CC&R's shall permit enforcement by the City of Provisions required by the City as Conditions of Approval. The developer shall submit evidence of compliance with this requirement to, and receive approval of, the City prior to making any such sale. This condition shall not apply to land dedicated to the City for public purposes. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). S%STAFFRPT~24085.cc 17 31. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall obtain approval of and record all lot line adjustments, street vacations, and dedications to reflect the realignment of the future right of way of Winchester Road. Deoartment of Public Works The following are the Department of Public Works Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Department of Public Works. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 32. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Department of Public Works; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; CalTrans; and Parks and Recreation Department. 33. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Department of Public Works. 34. Pursuant to Section 66493 of the Subdivision Map Act, any subdivision which is part of an existing Assessment District must comply with the requirements of said section. 35. Winchester Road shall be improved with 38 feet of half street improvement plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within a 65' dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (38'/50'). S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 18 36. 37. 38. 39. 4O. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Diaz Road shall be improved or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (76'/100'). Streets "A", "B" and "C" shall be improved, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (56'/78'). Avenida de Ventas and Street "D" shall be improved with 28 feet of half street improvement plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within a 51' dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (28'/39'). If construction is to be phased, the landowner/developer shall acquire sufficient public offsite rights-of-way to provide for secondary access road(s) to a paved and maintained road as may be needed. Said access road(s) shall be constructed in accordance with County Standard No. 106, Section B, (32'/60') at a grade and alignment approved by the Department of Public Works. In the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement or right-of-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Winchester Road and Diaz Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of driveway openings and public street intersections as approved by the Department of Public Works. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage if required shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. Where applicable, an easement for a joint use driveway shall be provided prior to approval of the Final Map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, especially on Winchester Road and Diaz Road. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Department of Public Works. S\STAFFRPT\24085.cc 19 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, traffic signal systems, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. B. Storm drain facilities. C. Landscaping (street and parks). D. Sewer and domestic water systems. E. All trails, as required by the City's Master Plans. F. Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines. The street design, grading and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with Assessment District 155 and adjoining development. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the Department of Public Works. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Department of Public Works a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Building and Safety Department. The minimum centerline radii shall be 500 feet or as approved by the Department of Public Works. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the Department of Public Works. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment S\STAFFRPT~24085 .cc 20 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. as approved by the Department of Public Works. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The subdivider shall submit two prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Department of Public Works. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. The report shall also address setback requirements for fault line areas. The subdivider shall submit two copies of a soils report to the Department of Public Works. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the Department of Public Works. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the Department of Public Works. On-site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions." A drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows onto the adjacent property. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the recordation of the final map. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 64. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 2 1 alteration of the drainage patterns; i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities, including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement. 65. A portion of the site is in an area identified on the Flood Hazard Maps as Flood Zone A subject to flooding of undetermined depths. Prior to the approval of any plans, this project shall comply with Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula and the rules and regulations of FEMA for development within a Flood Zone "A" which may include obtaining a letter of map revision from FEMA. 66. The developer shall record an Environmental Constraint Sheet delineating the area within the 100-year floodplain. 67. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 68. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works. 69. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 70. An application for Development permit shall be submitted per Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula. All requirements of this ordinance shall be complied with as directed and approved by the Department of Public Works. 71. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 72. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-of-way. 73. The subdivider shall submit a haul route plan, including but not limited to, specific information related to truck loads, destination, permission and S~STAFFRPT~24085 .cc 2 2 clearance letters as requested. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 74. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 75. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved rough grading plan. 76. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to 'the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; provided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 77. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C, pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. 78. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Traffic control plans shall be provided as directed by the Department of Public Works, and may be required S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 23 to be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer. 79. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transportation Engineerina PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 80. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 81. Plans for traffic signals shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersections of Avenida de Ventas at Diaz Road and Avenida de Ventas at Winchester Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans with the second plan check submittal. 82. The developer shall execute a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The percent of costs and the warrants for these signals shall be as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 83. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 84. "Prior to recordation of the Final Map, developer shall provide bus turnouts with pedestrian entrances as approved by Riverside Transit Authority and the Department of Public Works. Turnouts shall be shown on the Street Improvement Plans." S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 24 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 85. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the Department of Public Works. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 86. All traffic signals, signing and striping shall be installed and operational per the approved plans and as directed by the Department of Public Works per the approved focused traffic analysis. 87. All landscaping installation within corner cutoff areas at all intersections and adjacent to all driveways shall provide for adequate site distance. 88. Stop signs shall be installed within the project site at the intersection of local streets. 89. Diaz Road shall be striped with left turn pockets at each intersection adjacent to the project, S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 25 pLANNTNG COMMT~8~ON MTNUT~8 OCTOBER 21, 1991 and hearing the testimony, he would feel comfortable with sending forth a recommendation to the Council that they approve this map. Mr. Hoagland added that the Council could deny the recommendation based on the information they receive. DOUG STEWART stated that the city is planning on going out with a request for qualifications on certain issues of the western by-pass corridor that only affect Temecula. The request is going to look at an alignment study and intersection study. There is an opportunity for the City of Murrieta to join us in the study and add how the by-pass corridor could affect their proposed circulation element. Mr. Stewart added that he was not sure how long that would take; however, he did not see a quick decision on this from the City of Murrieta for a couple of months. COMMISSIONER FORD stated that he had no problems with the first two maps (PM 24085 and 24086); however, he still has a problem with the grading on the other two maps. COMMISSIONER FAREY concurred that she too expressed a concern for the grading. 10. PARCEL MAP 24085 10.1 Proposal to create 57 commercial/industrial parcels on a 73 acre site in the M-SC zone. Located on the westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road. COMMISSIONER FORD moved to close the public hearing at 9:00 P.M. and recommend that the City Council Adopt the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24085 and Adopt Resolution 91-[next) approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 24085 with modifications to Condition 19 relating to earthquake faulting and notification of geological testing and Transportation Condition 84 added, as noted .above, seconded by COMMISSIONER FAREY. AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN:i COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff 11. PARCEL MAP8 24086 Proposa to create 49 c6~rcial/industrhl parcels on 11.1 a 70 ac~e~ite in the M-Scl'ene. Located on ~he westerly side of Dia Road, north of e future ex~e~nt~ion of Winchester xR~. f~ ,,. PCMN] 0/'21/91 ' 12 -- 10/23/91 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA. PLANNING COMMISSION October 7, 1991 Case No.: Parcel Map No. 24085 Prepared By: Scott Wright Recommendation: 1. 2. ADOPT THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION; AND ADOPT RESOLUTION 91- RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 24085 APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: Rancho California City Center Association No. I REPRESENTATIVE: NBS/Lowry PROPOSAL: To create 57 parcels on a 72.6 acre site LOCATION: Westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road EXISTING ZONING: Manufacturing-Service Commercial, (M-SC) SURROUNDING ZONING: North: South: East: West: Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial, (M- SC) Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial, (M- SC) Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial, (M- SC) Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial, (M- SC) PROPOSED ZONING: Not Requested EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant S\STAFFRPT~24085 1 SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Murrieta Creek West: Vacant Gross Site Area: Net Site Area: No.' of Parcels: Average Parcel Size: Earthwork: 72.6 acres 55.9 acres 57 0.98 acres Cut = 363,000 yards Fill = 363,000 yards cubic cubic Tentative Parcel Map No. 24085 was submitted to the County on November 22, 1988. The application was continued at the Land Development Committee (LDC) meeting of January 12, 1989 pending submittal of paleontological and biological surveys, additional grading information, geology and liquefaction reports, flood plain information, and a traffic study. The LDC continued Parcel Map No. 24085 at four subsequent meetings, pending clearance from the County Geologist and the County Traffic Engineer, submittal of a paleontological report, submittal of a slope stability report, additional information regarding liquefaction, and clearance of the biological survey. Parcel Map No. 24085 was transmitted to the City on April 11, 1990. City Staff requested a copy of the geologic report showing a restricted use zone, a traffic study, an archaelolgy report, information regarding property boundaries and the alignment of Winchester Road, and landscape and architecture standards. The proposal is to create 57 parcels with an average parcel size of approximately one acre on a site with a gross area of 72.6 acres. There is an open space area 150 feet in width reflecting the restricted use S\STAFFRPT~24085 2 ANALYSIS: zone recommended in the geologic report. The easterly side of the site comprises a Murrieta Creek channel easement and a flood control easement to the County of Riverside. Traffic linDacts Future development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 is expected to generate 5,340 vehicle trip ends per day. The traffic study prepared in conjunction with the project determined that projected future traffic based on existing traffic, project generated traffic, and traffic generated by other growth in the area will result in a peak hour Level of Service D or better at all intersections within the scope of the traffic study if recommended improvements are implemented. The recommendations include contributing to the extension of Diaz Road, providing traffic signals at certain intersection, contributing to the signalization of other intersections, providing a signing and striping plan, and contributing to the construction of the Overland overcrossing and the restriping of Winchester Road to six lanes. These improvements are incorporated in the Conditions of Approval. Fault Hazards The site is traversed by a potentially active fault which was previously unmapped. The geologic report prepared in conjunction with the parcel map defines a fault zone with two branches and recommends the establishment of a restricted use zone to include observed faults, their in-line projections, and a buffer zone. The larger branch of the restricted use zone is shown on the tentative parcel map as an open space area 150 feet in width. No habitable structure shall be constructed within either branch of the restricted use zone. S\STAFFRPT~24085 3 Liouefaction Potential Liquefiable soils are present in the lower lying portion of the site. Liquefaction may induce surface subsidence on the site in the range of 0.1 to 1.4 inches. The geologic report recommends that thte effects of liquefaction, including the loss of bearing capacity, surface subsidence, and lateral spreading be re-evaluated for each individual structure on the site when grading and building plans become available. Soils reports addressing the issues delineated above shall be a condition of approval of the subject parcel map and of any future development proposals on the site. Flood Hazard A portion of the proposed parcels are located within the 100 year flood plain limits of Murrieta Creek. Measures to remove the project from the 100 year flood plain are listed in the Conditions of Approval (see County Flood Control District letter of November 16, 1990). Drainaoe The site is located within the limits of the Murrieta CreekFFemecula Valley Area Drainage Plan and payment of drainage fees is required. All lots are required to drain toward adjacent streets or an adequate outlet approved by the City Engineer. Parcel Map 21383 is located adjacent to and upslope from the site. If development of the subject property occurs before development of the site of Parcel Map No. 21383, adequate inlet facilities shall be constructed to collect all tributary flows and convey them to Murrieta Creek. On-site grading shall be designed to penetrate existing tributary drainage areas and outlet points, and development of the subject and adjacent properties shall be coordinated S\STAFFI~oT~24085 to ensure that water courses remain unobstructed and that stormwaters are not diverted from one watershed to another. The site, including each phase if phasing occurs, shall be protected from 1 O0 year tributary storm flows. Parcel Map No. 24085 will involve 363,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Cut slopes will be up to 25 feet in height, and fill slopes be up to 10 feet high. Some cut will penetrate into the Pauba formation which consists of sandstone and siltstone. No cut or fill slopes will exceed a slope ratio of 2:1. The slope stability report determined that the proposed 2:1 cut slopes will be grossly stable to a maximum height of 29 feet, and surficial erosion potential should be mitigated by directing drainage away from the slope faces and installing landscape planting on the slopes. The recommendations of the slope stability report are included in the conditions of approval. Biological Impacts Biological surveys of the site found no evidence of the presence of any plant or animal species classified as rare or endangered. The project will involve the loss of foraging habitat for a number of species of birds, reptiles, and mammals. This is an incrementally adverse but regionally non-significant impact which is mitigated by the retention of an open space park area in the larger restricted use zone. Further mitigations may be required by State and Federal resource agencies relative to channel improvements for Murrieta Creek, The use of native California shrubs and trees in the landscaping will enhance reoccupation of the bird community. S\STAFFRPT~24085 5 Landscaoe and Architectural Standards The applicant has provided a set of landscape and architectural standards to ensure that development of the site maintains a consistent level of quality. Conformity with the lanscape and architechural standards will be required of all future development of the site. Water and Sewer Availability Water and sewer service will be available from the Rancho California Water District upon completion of financial arrangements between the property owner and the District. Lot Line Adjustments and Street Realianments The formation of Assessment District 155 included a realignment of the right of way for the future extension of Winchester Road west of Diaz Road. Since the centerline of the right of way constituted the boundary between properties, the realignment resulting in changes to property boundaries. The subject parcel map was affected by a realignment resulted in changes to property boundaries. The subject parcel map was affected by a realignment of Winchester Road at the intersection with Avenida de Venta. In order to prevent discrepancies in the legal descriptions of the property at the time of recordation of the map, Staff has required that the applicant and other affected property owners eliminate the discrepancies by filing lot line adjustments, street vacations, and offers of rededication reflecting the new alignment of Winchester Road and the resulting changes in property boundaries. These requirements shall be completed prior to map recordation. S\STAFFRPT~24085 6 Lot Size All proposed lots encompass approximately one acre and are adequate to satisfy the minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet where sewers are available. All lots are over 100 feet wide and meet the minimum width requirement of 65 feet where sewers are available. Access All proposed parcels abut upon a street offered for public dedication. Access to the site is taken from Diaz Road and from the future extension of Winchester Road west of Diaz Road through streets "A", "B" and "C". No parcels shall take direct access from Winchester Road or Diaz Road. Archaeological Resources The site of Parcel Map No. 24085 contains a recorded archaeological site (CA-RIV-237) which is believed to encompass approximately 70,000 square meters, part of which is outside of the subject property. During an archaeological surface survey of the site conducted in June of 1991, many pieces of basalt and quartz debitage, fragmented manos and metares, fire-affected rocks, pestles, hammerstones, and fragments of bowls and pottery were observed. The recommendations of the Archaeological Assessment are to conduct a surface collection of the site and to excavate a sufficient number of one cubic meter subsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site. The resulting information shall be used to determine what additional measures may need to be implemented to preserve cultural resources prior to grading. The Archaeological Assessment also includes the recommendation that an archaeologist be consulted S~STAFF~T~24085 7 for any future grading activities, These recommendations shall be incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 24085. In addition, a Native American representative shall be present during the archaeological excavation and also during grading. Fossil Resources The site is located in the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. In accordance with the recommendation of the San Bernardino County Museum, the subdivider shall retain a paleontologist to monitor grading operations, evaluate any fossils encountered during grading, prepare a report of findings, and provide for preservation and curation of recovered specimens. FUTURE GENERAL PLAN, SWAP AND ZONNING CONSISTENCY: Parcel Map No. 24085 is consistent with the Southwest Area Plan designation of the site for light industrial uses. The parcel map conforms to the requirements of the M-SC, Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone. The project is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity, and there is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistant with the Future General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Initial Study prepared for Parcel Map No. 24085 indicates that the project will not have any impacts on the environment which cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance, and Staff recommends adoption of a Negative Neclaration. FINDINGS: The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. S\STAFFRPT\24085 8 There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercial-industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing- Service Commercial Zone, and exising land uses in the vicinity. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "E". The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot, access, and density, The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the Initial Study prepared for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities in that all parcels have adequate southerly exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. S~STAFFRPT~24085 9 The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. 10. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. 11. These findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the following recommendation to the City Council: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24085; and ADOPT Resolution 91 - approving Tentative Parcel Map No.24085 based on the analysis contained herein and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Resolution Conditions of Approval Environmental Assessment Exhibits A. Vicinity Map B. SWAP Map C. Surrounding Zoning D. Tentative Parcel Map 24085 vgw S\STAFFRPT\24085 10 RESOLUTION NO. 91-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 24085 TO SUBDIVIDE A 72.6 ACRE PARCEL INTO 57 PARCELS AT THE WESTERLY SIDE OF DIAZ ROAD NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 909-120-022. WHEREAS, Rancho California City Associates I filed Parcel Map No. 24085 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on October 7, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: S~STAFFRPT~24085 11 'a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan, (2) The Planning Commission finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 24085 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time, b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. S\STAFFRPT\24085 12 c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. 460, no subdivision may be approved unless the following findings are made: a) That the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type of development. d) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. e) That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. g) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will S\STAFFRPT%24085 13 be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) The Planning Commission in recommending approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map, makes the following findings, to The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercial-industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing- Service Commercial Zone, and exising land uses in the vicinity. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "E". The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuarations, access, and density. S~STAFFRPT\24085 14 The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the Initial Study prepared for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities in that all parcels have adequate southerly exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public hearlth, safety and general welfare. These findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2_,. Environmental Comoliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. S\STAFFBPT~24085 15 SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Parcel Map No. 24085 for the subdivision of a 72.6 acre parcel into 57 parcels located at the westerly side of Diaz Road north of the future extension of Winchester Road, and known as Assessor's Parcel 909-120-022 subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. SECTION 4._,. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day of October, 1991. JOHN E. HOAGLAND CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of October, 1991 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: 4 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: I PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSTAIN: I PLANNING COMMISSIONERS S\STAFFRPT~24085 16 July 3, 1991 City of Temecula Engineering Department 43180 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92592 SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Availability Parcel Map 24085 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the above-referenced property is located within the boundaries of Rancho California Water District (RCWD). Water and sewer service, therefore, would be available upon completion of financial arrangements between RCWD and the property owner. Currently, RCWD has an inter-agency agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District to provide sewer service to your area. All plan check submittals will be made to RCWD. Water availability would be contingent Upon the property owner signing an Agency Agreement which assigns water management rights, if any, to RCWD. If RCWD can be of further service to you, please contact Ms. Senga Doherty. Sincerely, RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT Steve Brannon, P.E. Manager of Development Engineering SB:SD:ajwI16 cc: Senga Doherty, Engineering Technician CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT \ INI~TIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY I Background / \, / \ 1. Name of Proponent: \\, NBS Lowrv / \\ / 2. Address and Phone '\,, 27403 Ynez Road,/Suite 209 Number of Proponent: \ Temecula. CA 92390 676-6225 3. Date of EnVironmental '\ Assessment: ",,, August 21 i"-1991 \ 4. Agency Requiring '\ \, Assessment: ",, CITY OF TEMECULA 5. Name of Proposal, ",,, if applicable: \- Parcel MaD NOS. 24085 and'24086 I \,,, . ,\ ,/ . ',, 6. Location of Proposal: , Sour estev o az Road bou tied / \ hw rl f D~ n , bv the future extension of Winchester) / ROad on the northwesterly and / sodthwesterlv sides of the site. \ II Environmental linDacts '\,, \ (Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets.) '\ Yq~ Maybe N_.9o 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in \, changes in geologic substructures? X Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X X SL~bstantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? S~STAFFBPT~24085 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 4065 COUNTY CIRCLE DR. RIVERSIDE, CA. 92503 (Mailing Address - P.O. 8ox 7600 92515-7600) September 17, 1991 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 43174 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE TEMECULA, CA 92590 AI'rN: Scott Wright: PaE: PARCEL MAP N0. 24085: BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL 3 PARCEL MAP N0. 4646 P.M. 6175 RECORDS, RIVeSIDE COUNTY, C~j, IF~3RNIA. (57 lots) OF Dear Gentlemen: The Department of Public Health has reviewed Parcel Map No. 24065 and recommends: A water system shall be installed according to plans and specifications as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the water system shall be submitted in triplicate, with a minimum scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet, along with the original drawing to the City of Temecula. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter, location of valves and fire hydrants; pipe and joint specifications, and the size of the main at the 3unction of the new system to the existing system. The plans shall comply In all respects with Div. 5, Part 1, Chapter 7 of the California Health and Safety'Code, California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Callfornfa, when applicable. The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system in Parcel Map No. 24085, ls in accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Rancho California Water District and that the water services, storage, and distribution system will be adequate to provide water service to such Parcel Map" CIty of Temecula Page Two Atthi %Birdirk Wright S~,ptember 17, 1991 This certification does not constitute a guarantee that it will supply water to such Parcel Map at any specific quantities, flows or pressures for fire protection or any other purpose", This certification shall be signed by a resDonslble official of the water company. This subdivision has a statement from the Rancho California Water District agreeing to serve domestic water to each and every lot ~n the subdivision on demand provldlng satisfactory financial arrangements are completed wlth the subdivider. It will be necessary for financial arrangements to be made prior to the recordation of the final map. This subdivision is within the Eastern Municipal Water DIstrict and shall be connected to the sewers of the Dl~trlct. The sewer system shall be installed according to plans and specifications as approved by the District, the City of Temecula and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the sewer system shall be submitted in triplicate, along with the original drawing, to the C~ty of Temecula. The prints shall show the ~nternal diameter, locatlon of manholes, complete profiles, pipe and .~oint specifications and the size of the sewers at the sunorion of the new system to the exlsting system. A single plat Indicating location of sewer lines and water lines shall be a portion of the sewage plans and profiles. The plans shall be slgned by a registered englneer and the sewer district with the following certification: "[ certify that the design of the sewer system in Parcel Map NO. 240~5 is in accordance with the sewer system expansion plans of the Eastern Municipal Water DIstrict and that the waste dlsposal system is adequate at this time to treat the anticipated wastes from the proposed parcel :IiVE:I iDE county PLAnnin DEP :I nlEn October 16, 1989 Schaefer Dtxon Associates 23 Mauchly Irvtne, CA 92718 Attention: Hr. Paul Davis Mr. Nicholas F. Selmeczy Mr. Mtchael L. Leonard, St. SUBJECT: Seismic-Geologic/Liquefaction Hazard ProJect No. 9R-4332C Tentative Parcel Naps 24085 and 24086 APN: 909-120-020,022 County Geologtc Report No. 627 Rancho California Area Gentlemen: We have reviewed the seismic-geologic aspects of your report entttled 'Report on Geotechntcal Investigation, Assessment District No. 15S, Parcel Hap 24085, 24086, 21029, 21382, and 21383, Rancho California, RIverside County, CA,' dated June 7, 1989 and your responses to County Geologic Revtew, dated August 15, 1989 and September 21, 1989. It should be noted that previous reports prepared for this property were entitled 1.) 'Preliminary Geotechnical Znvesttgattono Proposed [ndustrtal/Commerctal Site, ~est of Cherry Street and Diaz Road, A.O. No. 155, Rancho California, Riverside County, CA' by Leighton and Associates, dated June 23, 1986, and 2.) 'Engineering Geologtc Investigation of Faulting and Anticipated Alluvial Removals, Proposed Industrial/Commercial Site, AO No. 155, Rancho California, RIverside County, CA,' by Letghton and Associates, dated August 18, 1987. This report did not recognize or address the potential for ground ftssurlng tn the area, which occurred in late 1987. [t is understood that your report now supercedes these prevtous reports for the subject property· Your report detemined that: The surface trace of a previously unmapped, through going fault extends northwest-southeast across the center of the property· A short branch of this fault trends rare northerly, coincident with a strong photolineament and the 1987 ground fissure. These faults are delineated on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map, revised 8-15-89/9-21-89, in your report. 2. These faults are considered to be active in accordance with State of California, Division of Mines and Gdulogy criteria. 3. The Wtllard fault traces located at higher elevations on the westerly portion of the site are judged to be pre-Holocene in age. 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619~ 342-8277 Schaefer Dixon Associates - 2 - October 16, 1989 The Whtttter-Elsinore fault zone is considered capable of the highest ground motions at the site. A lO0-year probable magnitude earthquake of 6.3 on this fault would result in a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.41g at the site. Ltquefiable and mrglnally ltqueftable zones are present in the lower-lying portion of the site, below a depth of approximately 15 fee~. The ltquefiable areas are delineated on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map, revised 8-15-89/9-21-89. Surface subsidence my be induced by liquefaction and the settlement is estimated to be in the range of 0.1 inch to 1.4 inches, however reduction of bearing capacity for shallow spread footings is not anticipated. The potential for lateral spreading is considered low based on the present geometry of the Murrieta Creek Channel relative to the llquefiable zones at the site. 7. The potential for selches, earthquake-induced flooding and lurching is considered to be extremely low at this site. 8. The mapped landslide at the northwest portion of the property is a shallow, surficial failure. Ground ~lssurtng will most likely occur along the establish traces of historic and Holocene fault displacements. It is not expected that ground fissures will occur in portions of the property away from pre-extsttng Holocene faults. Your report recommended that: No habitable structures shall be placed acrossed the active (Holocene) faults and ground fissures. A Restricted Use Zone (R.U.Z.) shall be established to include the observed faults, thetr tn-ltne projections and buffer zone. The total width and extent of the R.U.Z. is shown on Plate 1, Geotechntcal Map, revised 8-15-89/9-21-89. The effects of soft liquefaction, including loss of beartng capacity, surface subsidence and lateral spreading shall be re-evaluated for each Individual structure on the site when grading end butldtng plans b~come available. The mapped landslide at the northwest portion of the property shall be delineated on the project grading plans. In eddttton, the disturbed surftctal materials shall be completely remo~¶d during grading, in conformance with standard earthwork practicer. Schaefer Dixon Associates - 3 - October 16, 1989 Rec~m,~ndatlons for removing the uncontrolled fill from the exploratory trenches, and for placement of structures adjacent to or astride any of these trenches, should be specifically provided as part of the geotechnical grading plan review report for the subject projects· 6. Final plans and specifications should be reviewed by the geotechnical consultant prior to site construction. It is our opinion that th~ report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the additional information requested under the California Environmental Quality Act review and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Final approval of the report is hereby given. We recommend that the following conditions be satisfied before recordatton of Tentative Parcel Naps 24085 and 24086 and/or issuance any County permits associated with this project: The recommended Restricted Use Zone shown on Plate 1, Geotechnical Nap, revised 8-15-89/9-21-89 in the report shall be delineated on the project maps and/or Environmental Constraints Sheet (E.C.S.). The areas within the Rec~T6~nded Restricted Use Zone shall be labeled · FAULT AND GROUND FISSURE HAZARD AREA." 2. The following notes shall be placed on the E.C.S. and/or Subdivision maps: ' (a) · The property is affected by earthquake faulting and ground fissures. Structures for human occupancy shall not be allowed in the Fault and Ground Fissure Hazard Area.' (b) "County Geologic Report No. 627 was prepared for this property on June 7, 1989 by $chafer Dixon Associates, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern are as follows: earthquake faulting, ftssuring and ground subsidence, liquefaction, landsliding, and uncompacted trench backfill.' 3. The E.C,S. and/or project maps shall be submitted to the Planning Department Engineering Geologist for review and approval, 4. The exploratory trench backfill shall be addressed by the project geotechnical engineering prior to issuance of grading permits, Liquefaction reports for tndhtdual structures shall be submitted to the Planning Department Engineering Geologist for review and approval prior to Plot Plan approval. .. Schaefer Dtxon Associates - 4 - October 16, 1989 The r~c~ndattons made tn your report for mitigation of Seismic/geologic hazards shall be adhered to tn the design and construction of this project. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. S~/eeter - Planning Director Engineering Geologist CEG-1205 SAK:al c.c. Johnson & Johnson, Inc. - Dean Allen CDNG - Earl Hart Building & Safety (2) - Nom Lostbom John Chtu - Team I September 6, 1989 OiPAllTMINTAI, LITTIll COUNTY' OF RIVERSIDE PLANNING DEPARTNENT TO: John Chtu - Team 5 FROM: Steven A. Kupferran - Engineering Geologist RE: Tentative Parcel Raps 24085 and 24086 Slope Stability Report No, 149 The following report has been reviewed relative to slope stability at the subject site: "Slope Stability Assessment, Tentative Parcel Raps 24085, 24086, Rancho California, RIverside County, CA," by Schaefer Dtxon Associates dated August 16, 1989. This report determined that: 1. Tentative Parcel Rap 24085 will be graded with cut slopes ranging up to ..d fill s op.s .ppr. i.to,, 10 f.t high. .t o n vertl ca1 ). 2. Tentative Parcel Rap 24086 wt1T be graded wtth 2:1 (H:V) cut and f111 slopes less than 30 feet high. The Pauba formetton in the planned cut areas conststs prtmerlly of moderately hard to hard, moderately fractured, locally frtable sandstones and siltstones. Proposed cut slopes made tn Pauba formation sediments, havtng favorable-oriented bedded? planes, are expected to be grossly stable at 2:1 (H:V) to a mxtmum ght of 29 feet, 5. Surftctal erosion is possible in both cut and ftll slopes of granular Pauba formtton mtertals. Thts report recommended that: 1. C~t slope excavations should be observed ~rtng gradtng by the project engineering geologist. John Chtu September 6, 198~ Drainage on cut and ft11 slopes shculd be dtrected away from the slope face. Dratnage devtces should be constructed as per the Untfor~ Butldtng Code. 3. Proper landscaping should be established Immediately after construction and rainrained. 4. Slope ash and topsot1 mtertals exposed tn cut slopes should be removed and replaced with compacted f111 mtertals. This report satisfies the General Plan requirement for a slope stability report. the recoemndattons rode tn thts report should be adhered to tn the design and construction of this project. SAK:al FIRE DEPARTMENT 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE * PERRIS, CALIFORNIA 92370 ~ ' (714) 657-3183 GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF -June 5, 1991 TO: ATTN: RE: CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPT PARCEL MAP 24085 AMD #4 With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: The water mains shall be capable of providing a potential fire flow of 5000 GPM and an actual fire flow available from any one hydrant shall be 2500 GPM for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure. Approved super fire hydrants, (6"x4"xP½"xP{") shall be located at each street intersection and spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, containing a Fire Department approval signature block, and shall conform. to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow. Once plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Department for signature. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By Michael E. Gray, Fire Captain Specialist MEC/tm f'l ~NDIO OFMCE 79-733 Courier Clu~ D~, Suite F. Imtio, CA 92201 (619) 342~886 · FAX (619) 775-2072 PLANNING DIVISION I"l TEMECULA OFFICE 4t002 C4zunff C~:nta D~i.~, Suite 225, Tern~ula, CA 923W (714) 694-5070 · FA~ (714) 694-5076 r'~ RIVERSIDE OFFICE 3760 12th Start. Rivehide, CA 925Ol ~ ~ted on recyc/ed ~ap~ (714) 27~777 * FAX (714) ~7451 City of Temecula Re: Parcel Map 24085 Amended No. 3 Dated August 7, 1990 -6- November 16, 1990 The applicant's engineer should contact the District's Plan Check section to schedule a pre-design meeting before the engineer starts detailed project design. 2 · A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the District via the Transportation Department for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. Grading plans should be approved prior to issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to the Subdivision section of this office at 714/275-1210. Very truly yours, c: NBS/Lowry ZS:slw KEr', ~ETH L. EDWARDS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT November 16, 1990 City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Attn: Planning Department Scott Wright Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Map 24085 Amended No. 3 Dated August 7, 1990 This is a proposal to divide 72.6 acres into commercial parcels in the City of Temecula. The site is located west of Diaz Road about 1100 feet south of Winchester Road. This property is located adjacent to Murrieta Creek and approximately one half of the parcels are located within the year flood plain limits of the creek. 100 The District is currently developing a final design for improvement of Murrieta Creek with the assistance of a seven member citizens' committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Because of the complexity of the hydraulic and environmental factors involved, and to ensure orderly development, the District will design the entire Murrieta Creek improvement. Piecemeal design of portions of this major regional flood control project is not acceptable to the District. Following development of an acceptable design, the District intends to pursue a funding mechanism for the required improvements, probably by means of an assessment district over the flood plain. The right of way needed for Murrieta Creek in this area is 250 feet each side of the centerline. This includes a 50 foot habitat mitigation strip on each side which will be returned if it is not needed. This is shown correctly on Amended Map No. 3. This site also receives offsite runoff from the hills to the southwest. Tentative Parcel Map 21383 is proposed in the hillside area west of this property. This map shows that the storm drain in Winchester Road would extend up th~ hill. Much of the offsite runoff tributary to this site would then be collected by the development of Parcel Map 21383 and conveyed to the storm drain system. Should Parcel Map 21383 not be constructed, adequate inlet facilities will need to be constructed to collect all of the tributary flows and convey them to Murrieta Creek. The storm drain in Winchester Road is proposed to continue nort; into Parcel Map 24086. Onsite flows are proposed to be collected and conveyed to the Creek by several storm drain systems. Clt of Temecu~a ~Three Attn:k Scott Wright September 17. 1991 \ \ \ \ \, \ \ City of Temecula Re: Parcel Map 24085 Amended No. 3 Dated August 7, 199o -2- November 16, 1990 Following are the District's recommendations: A portion of the proposed project is in a floodplain and may affect "waters of the United States", "wetlands" or "jurisdictional streambeds", therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and Related Regulations (44 CFR, Parts 59 through 73) and County Ordinance No. 458: A flood study consisting of HEC-2 calculations, cross sections, maps and other data should be prepared to the satisfaction of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the District for the purpose of revising the effective Flood Insurance Rate Map of the project site. The submittal of the study should be concurrent with the initial submittal of the related project improvement plans and final District approval will not be given until a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) has been received from FEMA. A copy of appropriate correspondence and necessary permits from those government agencies from which approval is required by Federal or State law (such as Corps of Engineers 404 permit or Department of Fish and Game 1603 agreement) should be provided to the District prior to the final District approval of the project. This parcel map is located within the limits of the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board. Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provisions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Drainage fees shall be paid to the Transportation Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shall be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or City Re: of Temecula Parcel Map 24085 Amended No. 3 Dated August 7, 1990 -3- November 16, 1990 At the option of the land divider, upon filing a required affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Building Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel map; provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on that parcel which remain active. Murrieta Creek Channel shouId be constructed through the proposed project in conformance with the District's approved design including habitat mitigation measures which may be required by the various resource agencies. In lieu of constructing the channel improvements the applicant shall cooperate in the formation of and participate in a financial mechanism such as a community facilities district or an assessment district to pay for the cos; of the District's proposed Murrieta Creek Channel improvements. The right of way for Murrieta Creek, including the area required for habitat mitigation should be dedicated to the District. The right of way needed for Murrieta Creek in this area is 250 feet each side of the centerline. This includes a 50 foot habitat mitigation strip on each side which will be returned if it is not needed. This site also the southwest. adequate inlet collect all of Murrieta Creek. receives offsite runoff from the hills to Should Parcel Map 21383 not develop, facilities will need to be constructed to the tributary flows and convey them to Pads on this site should be elevated 12 inches above the 100 year water surface elevation in Murrieta Creek. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". City of Temecula Re: Parcel Map 24085 Amended No. 3 Dated August 7, 1990 -4- November 16, 1990 Offsite drainage facilities should be located within dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be recorded and a copy submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. All lots should be graded to drain to the adjacent street or an adequate outlet. The 10 year storm fiow should be contained within the curb and the 100 year storm flow should be contained within the street right of way. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities should be installed. 1t. Drainage facilities outletting sump conditions should designed to convey the tributary 100 year stor~ flows. Additional emergency escape should also be provided. 12. The property's street and lot grading should be designed in a manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to tributary drainage area and outlet points. 13. An encroachment permit should be obtained for any work on District facilities or ~ithin District right of way. ~he encroachment permit application should be processed and approved concurrently with the improvement plans. Prior t'o initiation of the final construction drawings for those facilities required to be built as part of the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan, the d~veloper should contact the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to ascertain the terms and conditions of design, construction, inspection, transfer of rights of way, project credit in lieu of fees and reimbursement schedules which may apply. Title reports and title insurance must be provided for all right of way to be transferred to the District. The developer should note that if the estimated cost for required area drainage plan facilities exceeds the required drainage fees and the developer wishes to receive credit for reimbursement in excess of his fees, the facilities will be constructed as a public works contract. Scheduling for construction of these facilities will be at the discretion of the District. City Re: of Temecula Parcel Map 24085 Amended No. 3 Dated August 7, 1990 -5- November 16, 1990 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. If the tract is built in phases, each phase shall be protected from the 1 in 100 year tributary storm flows. Temporary erosion control measures should be implemented immediately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage facilities. Development of this property should be coordinated with the development of adjacent properties to ensure that watercourses remain unobstructed and stormwaters are not diverted from one watershed to another. This may require the construction of temporary drainage facilities or offsite construction and grading. Master Drainage Plan facilities to be constructed as part of this development's improvement obligation are to be inspected, operated and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. The developer should enter into an agreement with the District establishing the terms and conditions covering their inspection, operation and maintenance. Inspection and maintenance of the storm drain system to be built with this tract must be performed by either the County Transportation Department or the Flood Control District. The engineer (owner) must request (in writing) that one of these agencies accept the proposed storm drain system. The request should note the tract number, location, and briefly describe the system (sizes and lengths). Request to the District should be addressed to Kenneth L. Edwards, Chief Engineer, Attn: Frank Peairs, Planning Engineer. If the District is willing to accept the system, an agreement between the owner and the District must be executed. A request to draw up an agreement must be sent to the District to the attention of Michael Rawson. All flood control facilities should be constructed to District standards. All facilities that the District will assume for maintenance will require the payment of a one time maintenance charge equal to the "present worth" of maintenance costs from the time of acceptance through 1998. CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map No: Project Description: Assessor's Parcel No.: 24085 To create 57 parcels on a 72.6 acre site 909-120-022 Planning DeDartment The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule "E", unless modified by the conditions listed below. A time extension may be approved in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The expiration date is Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. S\STAFFRPT~24085 17 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. A copy of the final grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. All on-site cut and fill slopes shall: Be limited to a maximum slope ratio of 2 to I and a maximum vertical height of thirty (30) feet. Setbacks from top and bottom of slopes shall be a minimum of one-half the slope height. B. Be a part of the downhill lot when within or between individual lots. All slopes over three (3) feet in height shall be landscaped and irrigated according to the City Development Code. The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated September 17, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated November 16, 1990, a copy of which is attached. If the project lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated June 5, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the slope stability recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated September 6, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated October 16, 1989, a copy of which is attached. 15. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Rancho Water District transmittal dated July 3, 1991, a copy of which is attached. S\STAFFRPT~24085 18 20. 21. "County Geologic Report No. 627 was prepared for this property on June 7, 1989 by Schafer Dixon Associates, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern are as follows: earthquake faulting, fissuring and ground subsidence, liquefaction, landsliding, and uncompacted trench backfill." Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: If the project is to be phased, prior to the approval of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: (1) Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process. (2) Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. (3) Preliminary pad and roadway elevations. (4) Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase. Prior to the issuance of grading permits a qualified archaeologist shall conduct a stratified surface sampling of archaeological site CA-RIV 237 and shall excavate 20 to 30 one cubic meter cubsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site. Based on the results of these tests, the extent of further sampling and data collection will be determined. A qualified archaeologist shall also monitor grading activities and shall have the authority to temporarily halt or redirect grading activity to allow recovery of cultural resources. A Native American representative shall be present during archaeological testing and during grading and shall also have the authority to temporarily halt or divert grading activity. S~STAFFRPT~24085 20 22. 23. 24. 25. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. A paleontologist shall be on-site to monitor grading operations. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from view of surrounding property. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 25 feet with at least 10 feet landscaped. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All laddscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection and certified · in writing by the landscape architect. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required for noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required wall shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat Mitigation fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. S~STAFFRP~240e5 21 26. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 24085, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. 27. All utility systems including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer, and cable TV shall be provided for underground, with easements provided as required, and designed and constructed in accordance with City Codes and the utility provider. Electrical lines rated 33kv or greater shall be exempted from the requirement to be installed underground. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions/Reciprocal Access Easements: 28. A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CC&R's shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CC&R's shall be subject to the following conditions: A. The CC&R's shall be prepared at the developer's sole cost and expense. The CC&R's shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. The CC&R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. S~STAFFRPT~24085 2 2 29. The CC&R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas, drainage and facilities. The landscape and architecture standards shall be incorporated by reference into the CC&R's. The CC&R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CC&R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CC&R's, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CC&R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. (1) All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of building permits. (2) Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by CC&R's or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map or prior to the issuance of building permit where no map is involved. No lot or dwelling unit in the development shall be sold unless a corporation, association, property owner's group, or similar entity has been formed with the right to assess all properties individually owned or jointly owned which have any rights or interest in the use of the common areas and common facilities in the development, such assessment power to be sufficient to meet the expenses of such entity, and with authority to control, and the duty to maintain, all of said mutually available features of the development. Such entity shall operate under recorded CC&R's which shall include compulsory membership of all owners of lots and/or dwelling units and flexibility of assessments to meet changing costs of maintenance, repairs, and services. Recorded CC&R's shall permit enforcement by the City of Provisions required by the City as Conditions of Approval. The developer shall submit evidence of compliance with this requirement to, and receive approval of, the City prior to making any such sale. This condition shall not apply to land dedicated to the City for public purposes. S%STAFFRPT%24085 23 30. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). 31. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall obtain approval of and record all lot line adjustments, street vacations, and dedications to reflect the realignment of the future right of way of Winchester Road. Deeartment of Public Works The following are the Department of Public Works Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Department of Public Works. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 32. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Department of Public Works; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; CalTrans; and Parks and Recreation Department. S\STAFFRPT~24085 24 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Department of Public Works. Pursuant to Section 66493 of the Subdivision Map Act, any subdivision which is part of an existing Assessment District must comply with the requirements of said section. Winchester Road shall be improved with 38 feet of half street improvement plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within a 65' dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (38'/50'). Diaz Road shall be improved or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (76'/100'). Streets "A", "B" and "C" shall be improved, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (56'/78'). Avenida de Ventas and Street "D" shall be improved with 28 feet of half street improvement plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within a 51' dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (28'/39'), If construction is to be phased, the landowner/developer shall acquire sufficient public offsite rights-of-way to provide for secondary access road(s) to a paved and maintained road as may be needed. Said access road(s) shall be constructed in accordance with County Standard No. 106, Section B, (32'/60') at a grade and alignment approved by the Department of Public Works. In the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement or right-of-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Winchester Road and Diaz Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of driveway openings and public street intersections as approved by the Department of Public Works. S\STAFFI~T~24085 25 42. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage if required shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. Where applicable, an easement for a joint use driveway shall be provided prior to approval of the Final Map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, especially on Winchester Road and Diaz Road. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Department of Public Works. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, traffic signal systems, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. B. Storm drain facilities. C. Landscaping (street and parks). D. Sewer and domestic water systems. E. All trails, as required by the City's Master Plans. F. Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines. The street design, grading and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with Assessment District 155 and adjoining development. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the Department of Public Works. S%STAFFRPT\24085 26 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Department of Public Works a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Building and Safety Department. The minimum centerline radii shall be 500 feet or as approved by the Department of Public Works. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the Department of Public Works. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Department of Public Works. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The subdivider shall submit two prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Department of Public Works. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. The report shall also address setback requirements for fault line areas. The subdivider shall submit two copies of a soils report to the Department of Public Works. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the Department of Public Works. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the Department of Public Works. S\STAFFRPT~24085 2 7 60. On;site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions." 61. A drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows onto the adjacent property. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the recordation of the final map. 62. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final .map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. 63. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 64. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns; i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection' shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities, including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement. 65. A portion of the site is in an area identified on the Flood Hazard Maps as Flood Zone A subject to flooding of undetermined depths. Prior to the approval of any plans, this project shall comply with Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula and the rules and regulations of FEMA for development within a Flood Zone "A" which may include obtaining a letter of map revision from FEMA. 66. The developer shall record an Environmental Constraint Sheet delineating the area within the 100-year floodplain, 67. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 68. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works. S\STAFFRPT~24085 28 69. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 70. An application for Development permit shall be submitted per Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula. All requirements of this ordinance shall be complied with as directed and approved by the Department of Public Works. 71. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 72. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-of-way. 73. The subdivider shall submit a haul route plan, including but not limi{ed to, specific information related to truck loads, destination, permission and clearance letters as requested. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 74. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 75. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved rough grading plan. 76. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of S\STAFFRPT\24085 2 9 the bond shall be ~2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; orovided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 77. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. 78. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Traffic control plans shall be provided as directed by the Department of Public Works, and may be required to be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer. 79. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transportation Engineering PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 80. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 81. Plans for traffic signals shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersections of Avertida de Ventas at Diaz Road and Avenida de Ventas at Winchester Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans with the second plan check submittal. S~STAFFRPT~24085 30 82. The developer shall execute a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The percent of costs and the warrants for these signals shall be as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 83. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 84. "Prior to recordation of the Final Map, developer shall provide bus turnouts with pedestrian entrances as approved by Riverside Transit Authority and the Department of Public Works. Turnouts shall be shown on the Street Improvement Plans." PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 85. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the Department of Public Works. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 86. All traffic signals, signing and striping shall be installed and operational per the approved plans and as directed by the Department of Public Works per the approved focused traffic analysis. 87. All landscaping installation within corner cutoff areas at all intersections and adjacent to all driveways shall provide for adequate site distance. 88. Stop signs shall be installed within the project site at the intersection of local streets. 89. Diaz Road shall be striped with left turn pockets at each intersection adjacent to the project. S\STAFFRPl~24085 3 1 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Background 1. Name of Proponent: 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Date of Environmental Assessment: NBS Lowry 27403 Ynez Road, Suite 209 Temecula. CA 92390 (714) 676-6225 August 21, 1991 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: Name of Proposal, if applicable: Location of Proposal: CITY OF TEMECULA Parcel MaD Nos. 24085 and 24086 Southwesterly of Diaz Road bounded bv the future extension of Winchester Road on the northwesterly and southwesterly sides of the site. Environmental Imoacts (Explanati.ons of all answers are provided on attached sheets.) Yq~ Maybq N9 1. Earth. a. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X S\STAFFRPT~24085 32 The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X S\$TAFFRPl~24085 33 .4. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Yes Maybe NO _ _ X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 34 10. Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: Yqi Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 35 11. 12. 13. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yes X Maybe NO X X X X Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 36 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? fo Other governmental services: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in 8 need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a.. Power or natural gas? YeS Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X S~STAFFRPT~24085 Communications systems? Water? Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? Solid waste and disposal? 37 X 17. 18. 19. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 38 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of ti'me while long- term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes Maybe No X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 39 III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation 1.a,b,c. 1,d, 1.e. 1.f. 1.g. Yes. Parcel Map No. 24085 will involve 363,000 cubic yards of cut and fill, and Parcel Map No. 24086 will involve 349,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Some cut will penetrate into the Pauba Formation which consists of sandstone and siltstone. Mitigation of liquefaction potential on the site may involve removal and recompaction of soil on the site. All cut and fill slopes will not exceed a 2:1 grade. Cut slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 will be up to 25 feet in height and fill slopes will be approximately 10 feet high. Cut and fill slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24086 will be less than 30 feet in height. The Slope Stability Report determined that the proposed 2:1 cut slopes will be grossly stable to a maximum height of 29 feet, and surficial erosion potential should be mitigated by directing drainage away from the slope faces and installing landscape planting on the slopes. The recommendations of the Slope Stability Report shall be included in the conditions of approval for the subject parcel maps. No. There are no unique geologic or physical features on the site. Maybe, Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted. The wind erosion impact is considered high and significant but will be mitigated through minimal grading, retention of natural vegetation whenever feasible, and use of watering trucks and hydroseeding disturbed areas after grading. After construction of the project, water run-off is likely to increase due to the addition of impermeable surfaces. Appropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved through the Engineering Department and will have to be designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the conditions of approval. No. Any drainage into the Murrieta Creek channel will be via drainage improvements as approved by the City Engineer and will not result in erosion or siltation. Yes. Portions of the site are susceptible to liquefaction and subsidence, and the site is traversed by a potentially active fault. The Geology Report recommends that the effects of liquefaction, including loss of bearing capacity, surface subsidence and lateral spreading should be re- evaluated for each individual structure when grading and building plans become available. In accordance with the requirements of state law, a restricted use zone based on the geology report is shown on the map. The restricted use zone represents a setback from the earthquake fault S\STAFFRPT~24085 40 2.a,b,c. 3.8. 3.b. 3.c. 3.d. 3.e. 3.f,g. 3.h. on the site, and no structures for human occupancy will be permitted within the restricted use zone. Hazards to buildings outside of the restricted use zone due to groundshaking associated with the fault are addressed by the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. The geologic hazard mitigations recommended in the Geology Report and the County Geologists letter shall be conditions of approval. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impacts to air quality or the climate. Subsequent development proposals will be assessed for potential impacts to air quality and mitigation measures will be required if necessary. No, The portion of the property necessary for the future construction of Murrieta Creek flood control facilities is indicated on the tentative parcel map as a County Channel Easement. There will be no change in the course or direction of water in Murrieta Creek. Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in changes in the amount of surface runoff. The improvement of the site will provide for adequate drainage facilities as approved by the City Engineer. No. The project will result in minor, localized redirection of flood waters to the extent necessary to elevate the site above the 100 year flood plain elevation, but the overall direction and flow of flood waters will not be changed. Maybe. Grading and future development of the site may increase the amount of surface runoff flowing into the Murrieta Creek channel. This is not considered a significant impact and is consistent with the provisions of the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan and Assessment District 155. Yes. Grading may result in an increase in turbidity in local surface water. This impact is temporary and is not considered significant, No. Recompaction of soil to mitigate the potential for liquefaction is not expected to result in a significant impact on the direction or rate of flow of ground waters. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impact on public water supplies. S\STAFF~T~24085 41 3.i. 4.a,b. 4.c. 4.d. 5.a,b. 5.c. 6.8. 6.b. 9.a,b. No. Prior to recordation of the proposed parcel map, the applicant shall obtain a Letter of Map Revision from the Federal Emergency Management Agency indicating that grading of the site or other improvements are adequate to ensure that the site will be above the 100 year flood plain elevation. No. A botanical survey of the site found no sensitive plant species on the site. Grazing and the introduction of non-native grasses have previously disturbed the natural native flora on the site. Maybe. Landscaping of the site may introduce some non-native species. This is not considered a significant impact. No. The site is not currently used as crop land. No. A biology survey of the site did not reveal the presence or any indications of any species classified as rare or endangered. Yes. The project will involve a loss of grass land and chaparral which provides foraging habitat for birds, mammals, and reptiles. In regional terms, the loss of foraging habitat is an incrementally adverse but non- significant impact. The biology report recommends the use of native California shrubs and trees to revegetate graded and open areas in order to enhance reoccupation of the bird community. Use of native plant life shall be a condition of approval. Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in increased noise levels during grading. This impact will be temporary and is not considered significant because the site is not near any noise sensitive land uses. No. Future development will be reviewed for potential noise impacts, and land uses which generate severe noise impacts will be prohibited or required to provide adequate noise mitigation. No. The proposed Parcel Map will not cause new light or glare, and subsequent development of the site will be subject to standard conditions prohibiting lighting from impacting adjacent properties and requiring low-glare sodium vapor lights. No. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zone and the land use designation in which the property is located. No. The project will not involve a substantial increase in the rate of consumption of natural or non-renewable resources. S~STAFFRPT~24085 42 10.a,b. 11,12. 13.a. 13.b. 13.c,e. 13.d. No. The proposed parcel map will not involve the use of hazardous materials or interference with emergency response or evacuation plans. No. The proposal is not likely to alter the distribution or growth rate of the population or create a demand for new housing. Future development of the site will help address the imbalance of local jobs in relation to existing and approved housing. Yes. Future development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 is expected to generate 5,340 vehicle trip ends per day. 5,150 trip ends per day are expected as a result of development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24086. The traffic study prepared in conjunction with the project determined that intersections and roadways in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended improvements are implemented. The following recommended traffic impact mitigations are incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 24085. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street imporvements plans. Plans for traffic signals shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersections of Avenida de Ventas at Diaz Road and Avenida de Ventas at Winchester Road, and shall be included in the street improvemnt plans with the second plan check submittal. The developer shall execute a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis approved by the Deaprtment of Public Works. No. Future development of the site will be required to provide adequate off-street parking as appropriate for the particular land use proposed. No. The project will have no impact upon existing transportation systems or upon water, rail, or air traffic. No. The proposed parcel maps will not alter present patterns of circulation. S\STAFFRPT%24085 43 13.f. 14.a-f. 15.a,b. 16.a-d,f. 16.e. 17.a,b. 18. 19. 20.a,b,c. No. The streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended street improvements are implemented. The street improvements will be conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. No. The project will not result in a need for new public services. Future development will generate an increase in the need for public Services in the areas of fire and police protection and road maintenance. Payment of the required traffic signal mitigation fee, the facility fee, and property taxes will fund the additional public services. No. The project will not result in a substantial use or increase in demand for fuel or other energy sources. No. Future development of the site will require only hook up to or service by existing utility systems and will not result in a need for new or substantially altered utility systems. Yes. The proposed Parcels Maps will involve the construction of the Murrieta Creek Channel through the site. The construction of channel improvements will be in compliance with the recommendations of the County Flood Control District and will be provided by the developer or by the developer's participation in an assessment district. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any potential health hazards. Future development will be assessed for potential health hazards, and mitigations, if needed, shall be required. No. The proposal will not result in the obstruction of any scenic views. Future development will be reviewed in order to prevent the construction of aesthetically offensive structures or site layouts. No. The site is not currently used for recreational purposes. Maybe. The site of Parcel Maps 24085 and 24086 contain a recorded archaeological site (CA-RIV-237) which is beleived to encompass approximately 70,000 square meters, part of which is outside of the subject property. During an archaeological surface survey of the site conducted in June of 1991, many pieces of basalt and quartz debitage, fragmented manos and metares, fire-affected rocks, pestles, hammerstores, and fragments of bowls and pottery were observed. The recommendations of the Archaeological Assessment are to conduct a surface collection of the site and to excavate a sufficient number of one cubic meter subsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and S\STAFFRPT~24085 44 significance of the site. The resulting information shall be used to determine whether the site is a unique resource for the area and whether measures to preserve the site or salvage some percentage of the cultural resources should be implemented. The Archaeological Assessment includes the recommendation that an archaeologist be consulted for any future grading activities. These recommendations shall be incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Maps 24805 and 24806. In addition, a Native American representative shall be present during archaeological excavation and also during grading. 20.d. No. The site is not used for any religious or sacred purposes. 21 .a. No. Although the project will result in a reduction of foraging habitat, this impact is not considered regionally significant. The inclusion of native trees and shrubs in the landscaping will provide adequate mitigations for potential b. iological impacts due to reduction of foraging habitat. 21 .b,c. No. The long term and cumulative traffic impacts of the project will be adequately mitigated by the street improvements recommended by the traffic study which are conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. Streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service. 21 .d. No. The proposed parcel map will not create any health hazards. Environmental review of future development of the site will address any potential health hazards and mitigations, if necessary, will be required. S\STAFFRPT~24085 45 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. X August 12, 1991 Date For CITY OF TEMECULA S\STAFFRPT~24085 46 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Mitigation) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Public Facility (Library) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Approval Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. S\STAFFRPT~24085 47 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Background 1. Name of Proponent: 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Date of Environmental Assessment: NBS Lowrv 27403 Ynez Road, Suite 209 Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-6225 August 21, 1991 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable: 6. Location of Proposal: Environmental ImPacts CITY OF TEMECULA Parcel Mao Nos. 24085 and 24086 Southwesterly of Diaz Road bounded bv the future extension of Winchester Road on the northwesterly and southwesterly sides of the site. (Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets.) Ye~ Maybe No Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X c. Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X S~STAFFF~T~24085 .cc 30 The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 .co 3 1 Plant a. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X S~STAFFRPT%24085.cc 3 2 10. Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal 'produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 33 11. 12. 13. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yq~ X Maybe NO X X X X Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 34- 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? Maybe NQ X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24085 .cc Communications systems? Water? Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? Solid waste and disposal? 35 X X X 17. 18. 19. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X S~STAFFP~T~24085 .cc 3 6 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes Maybe No X X X X S~STAFFI~T~24085.cc 37 III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation 1 .a,b,c. Yes. Parcel Map No. 24085 will involve 363,000 cubic yards of cut and fill, and Parcel Map No. 24086 will involve 349,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Some cut will penetrate into the Pauba Formation which consists of sandstone and siltstone. Mitigation of liquefaction potential on the site may involve removal and recompaction of soil on the site. All cut and fill slopes will not exceed a 2:1 grade. Cut slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 will be up to 25 feet in height and fill slopes will be approximately 10 feet high. Cut and fill slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24086 will be less than 30 feet in height. The Slope Stability Report determined that the proposed 2:1 cut slopes will be grossly stable to a maximum height of 29 feet, and surficial erosion potential should be mitigated by directing drainage away from the slope faces and installing landscape planting on the slopes. The recommendations of the Slope Stability Report shall be included in the conditions of approval for the subject parcel maps. 1.d. No. There are no unique geologic or physical features on the site. 1,6. Maybe. Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted. The wind erosion impact is considered high and significant but will be mitigated through minimal grading, retention of natural vegetation whenever feasible, and use of watering trucks and hydroseeding disturbed areas after grading. After construction of the project, water run-off is likely to increase due to the addition of impermeable surfaces. Appropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved through the Engineering Department and will have to be designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the conditions of approval. 1.f. No. Any drainage into the Murrieta Creek channel will be via drainage improvements as approved by the City Engineer and will not result in erosion or siltation. 1.g. Yes. Portions of the site are susceptible to liquefaction and subsidence, and the site is traversed by a potentially active fault. The Geology Report recommends that the effects of liquefaction, including loss of bearing capacity, surface subsidence and lateral spreading should be re- evaluated for each individual structure when grading and building plans become available. In accordance with the requirements of state law, a restricted use zone based on the geology report is shown on the map. The restricted use zone represents a setback from the earthquake fault on the site, and no structures for human occupancy will be permitted within the restricted use zone. Hazards to buildings outside of the S\STAFFRPT~24085,cc 38 2.a,b,c. 3.a, 3.b. 3.c. 3.d. 3.e, 3.f,g. 3.h. restricted use zone due to groundshaking associated with the fault are addressed by the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. The geologic hazard mitigations recommended in the Geology Report and the County Geologists letter shall be conditions of approval. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impacts to air quality or the climate. Subsequent development proposals will be assessed for potential impacts to air quality and mitigation measures will be required if necessary. No. The portion of the property necessary for the future construction of Murrieta Creek flood control facilities is indicated on the tentative parcel map as a County Channel Easement. There will be no change in the course or direction of water in Murrieta Creek. Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in changes in the amount of surface runoff. The improvement of the site will provide for adequate drainage facilities as approved by the City Engineer. No. The project will result in minor, localized redirection of flood waters to the extent necessary to elevate the site above the 1 O0 year flood plain elevation, but the overall direction and flow of flood waters will not be changed. Maybe. Grading and future development of the site may increase the amount of surface runoff flowing into the Murrieta Creek channel. This is not considered a significant impact and is consistent with the provisions of the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan and Assessment District 155. Yes. Grading may result in an increase in turbidity in local surface water. This impact is temporary and is not considered significant. No. Recompaction of soil to mitigate the potential for liquefaction is not expected to result in a significant impact on the direction or rate of flow of ground waters. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impact on public water supplies. 3.i. No. Prior to recordation of the proposed parcel map, the applicant shall obtain a Letter of Map Revision from the Federal Emergency S%STAFFI~T\24085 .cc 3 9 4.a,b. 4.c. 4.d. 5.a,b. 5.c. 6.8. 6.b. 9.a,b. lO.a,b. Management Agency indicating that grading of the site or other improvements are adequate to ensure that the site will be above the 1 O0 year flood plain elevation. No. A botanical survey of the site found no sensitive plant species on the site. Grazing and the introduction of non-native grasses have previously disturbed the natural native flora on the site. Maybe. Landscaping of the site may introduce some non-native species. This is not considered a significant impact. No. The site is not currently used as crop land. No. A biology survey of the site did not reveal the presence or any indications of any species classified as rare or endangered. Yes. The project will involve a loss of grass land and chaparral which provides foraging habitat for birds, mammals, and reptiles. In regional terms, the loss of foraging habitat is an incrementally adverse but non- significant impact. The biology report recommends the use of native California shrubs and trees to revegetate graded and open areas in order to enhance reoccupation of the bird community. Use of native plant life shall be a condition of approval. Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in increased noise levels during grading. This impact will be temporary and is not considered significant because the site is not near any noise sensitive land uses. No. Future development will be reviewed for potential noise impacts, and land uses which generate severe noise impacts will be prohibited or required to provide adequate noise mitigation. No. The proposed Parcel Map will not cause new light or glare, and subsequent development of the site will be subject to standard conditions prohibiting lighting from impacting adjacent properties and requiring low-glare sodium vapor lights. No. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zone and the land use designation in which the property is located. No. The project will not involve a substantial increase in the rate of consumption of natural or non-renewable resources. No. The proposed parcel map will not involve the use of hazardous S\STAFFRPT~24085.cc 40 11,12. 13.a. 13.b. 13.c,e. 13.d. materials or interference with emergency response or evacuation plans. No. The proposal is not likely to alter the distribution or growth rate of the population or create a demand for new housing. Future development of the site will help address the imbalance of local jobs in relation to existing and approved housing. Yes. Future development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 is expected to generate 5,340 vehicle trip ends per day. 5,150 trip ends per day are expected as a result of development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24086. The traffic study prepared in conjunction with the project determined that intersections and roadways in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended improvements are implemented. The following recommended traffic impact mitigations are incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 24085. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street imporvements plans. Plans for traffic signals shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersections of Avenida de Ventas at Diaz Road and Avenida de Ventas at Winchester Road, and shall be included in the street improverant plans with the second plan check submittal. The developer shall execute a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis approved by the Deaprtment of Public Works. No. Future development of the site will be required to provide adequate off-street parking as appropriate for the particular land use proposed. No. The project will have no impact upon existing transportation systems or upon water, rail, or air traffic. No. The proposed parcel maps will not alter present patterns of circulation. 13.f. No. The streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate S~STAFFRPT~24085 .cc 4 1 14.a-f. 15.a,b. 16.a-d,f. 16.e. 17.a,b. 18. 19. 20.a,b,c. at acceptable levels of service if recommended street improvements are implemented. The street improvements will be conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. No. The project will not result in a need for new public services. Future development will generate an increase in the need for public services in the areas of fire and police protection and road maintenance. Payment of the required traffic signal mitigation fee, the facility fee, and property taxes will fund the additional public services. No. The project will not result in a substantial use or increase in demand for fuel or other energy sources. No. Future development of the site will require only hook up to or service by existing utility systems and will not result in a need for new or substantially altered utility systems. Yes. The proposed Parcels Maps will involve the construction of the Murrieta Creek Channel through the site. The construction of channel improvements will be in compliance with the recommendations of the County Flood Control District and will be provided by the developer or by the developer's participation in an assessment district. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any potential health hazards. Future development will be assessed for potential health hazards, and mitigations, if needed, shall be required. No. The proposal will not result in the obstruction of any scenic views. Future development will be reviewed in order to prevent the construction of aesthetically offensive structures or site layouts. No. The site is not currently used for recreational purposes. Maybe. The site of Parcel Maps 24085 and 24086 contain a recorded archaeological site (CA-RIV-237) which is beleived to encompass approximately 70,000 square meters, part of which is outside of the subject property, During an archaeological surface survey of the site conducted in June of 1991, many pieces of basalt and quartz debitage, fragmented manos and metates, fire-affected rocks, pestles, hammerstores, and fragments of bowls and pottery were observed. The recommendations of the Archaeological Assessment are to conduct a surface collection of the site and to excavate a sufficient number of one cubic meter subsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site. The resulting information shall be used to S~STAFFRPT\24085.cc 42 determine whether the site is a unique resource for the area and whether measures to preserve the site or salvage some percentage of the cultural resources should be implemented. The Archaeological Assessment includes the recommendation that an archaeologist be consulted for any future grading activities. These recommendations shall be incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Maps 24805 and 24806. In addition, a Native American representative shall be present during archaeological excavation and also during grading. 20.d. 21 .a. 21 .b,c. 21 .d. No. The site is not used for any religious or sacred purposes. No. Although the project will result in a reduction of foraging habitat, this impact is not considered regionally significant. The inclusion of native trees and shrubs in the landscaping will provide adequate mitigations for potential biological impacts due to reduction of foraging habitat. No. The long term and cumulative traffic impacts of the project will be adequately mitigated by the street improvements recommended by the traffic study which are conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. Streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service. No. The proposed parcel map will not create any health hazards. Environmental review of future development of the site will address any potential health hazards and mitigations, if necessary, will be required. S\STAFFRPT~24085 .cc 43 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. X August 12, 1991 Date For CITY OF TEMECULA S\STAFFRPl~24085.CC 44 CITY OF TEMECULA ~ // ; // I : e / / VICINITY MAP CASE NO. P.C. DATE CITY OF TEMECULA ) .LI / SWAP MAP CASE NO. P.C. DATE CITY OF TEMECULA ~ e Jr ZONE MAP e CASE NO. C.C. DATE 't I- Z LU I-- l: ': { ,I CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.:Tentative Parcel Mao No. 24085 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Condition of Aooroval Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Condition No. 25 Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Condition No. N/A Public Facility (Traffic Mitigation) Condition No. 76 Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Condition No. 49 Public Facility (Library) Condition No. N/A Fire Protection Condition No. 12 Flood Control (ADP) Condition No. 71 S\STAFFRPT\24085.ec 41 ITEM 13 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY ('/</ FINANCE OFFICER~ CITY MANAGER ' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department November 25, 1991 Parcel Map No. 24086 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Debbie Ubnoske APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24086; and ADOPT Resolution 91-_ approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086 based on the analysis contained in the staff report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Rancho California City Center Association No. 1 NBS/Lowry To create 49 parcels on a 69.7 acre site Westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road Manufacturing-Service Commercial, M-SC S\STAFFRPT\240~6 .CC SURROUNDING ZONING: North: South: East: West: Manufacturing-Service Commercial M-SC Manufacturing-Service Commercial M-SC Manufacturing-Service Commercial M-SC Manufacturing-Service Commercial M-SC PROPOSED ZONING: Not Requested EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Murrieta Creek West: Vacant PROJECT STATISTICS: Gross Site Area: Net Site Area: No. of Parcels: Average Parcel Size: Earthwork: 69.7 acres 53.3 acres 49 1.09 acres Cut -- 349,000 yards Fill = 349,000 yards cubic cubic BACKGROUND: The proposed parcel map was given a recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission on October 21, 1991. The project was originally submitted to the County in November of 1988. The project was transferred to the City in April of 1991 where it has undergone additional review. The Planning Commission changed a condition of approval for the project relative to bus turnouts. At the Planning Commission meeting, concern was expressed by the City of Murrieta relative to potential impacts. The Planning Commission expressed their desire to work with the City of Murrieta, however, the projects could not be continued indefinitely. The City of Murrieta is still several months away from a circulation plan which could address their issues. S\STAFFRPT~24086.CC 2 Additional issue areas contained within the Analysis Section of the Planning Commission Agenda Report dated October 21, 1991 are as follows: Fault Hazards, Liquefaction Potential, Flood Hazard, Drainage, Grading, Biological Impacts, Landscape and Architectural Standards, Water and Sewer Availability, Lot Line Adjustments and Street Realignments, lot size, Access, Archaeological Resources and Fossil Resources. GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: Parcel Map No. 24086 is consistent with the Southwest Area Plan designation of the site for light industrial uses. The parcel map conform,s to the requirements of the MSC, Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone. There is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the future General Plan in that the project is consistent with existing land uses and approved subdivisions in the vicinity. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Initial Study prepared for Parcel Map No. 24086 indicates that the project will not have any impact on the environment which cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance, and Staff recommends adoption of a Negative Declaration. FINDINGS: The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercia- industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone, and existing land uses in the vicinity. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule SXSTAFFRPTX24086.CC 3 Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Resolution Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Minutes dated 10/21/91 Planning Commission Staff Report 10/7/91 Environmental Assessment Exhibits A. Vicinity Map B. SWAP Map C. Zoning Map D. Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086 S\STAFFRPT~24086. CC 5 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 24086 TO SUBDIVIDE A 69.7 ACRE PARCEL INTO 49 PARCELS AT THE WESTERLY SIDE OF DIAZ ROAD NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOWS PARCEL 909-120-020. WHEREAS, Rancho California City Associates I filed Parcel Map No. 24086 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on October 21, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: ~E(;TION 1. FindingS. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: a) There is a reasonable probability that the land S~STAFFRPT~24086 .CC 6 use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, {hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The City Council finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 24086 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. SXSTAFFRFI'X24086.CC 7 c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. 460, no subdivision may be approved unless the following findings are made: a) That the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type of development. d) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. e) That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. g) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of S~STAFFRFl~24086 .CC 8 competent jurisdiction. (2) The City Council in approving the proposed Tentative Parcel Map, makes the following findings, to wit: The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project, A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercia-industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing- Service Commercial Zone, and existing land uses in the vicinity. Cm There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law, The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "E". The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the Initial Study prepared for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities in that all parcels have adequate southerly exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. These findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Comoliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. SECTIQN 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula City Council hereby approves Parcel Map No. 27086 for the subdivision of a 69.7 acre parcel into 49 parcels located at the westerly side of Diaz Road north of the future extension of Winchester Road, and known as Assessor's Parcel 909-120-020 subject to the following conditions: S\STAFFRFl~24086.CC 10 A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. ~ECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ,1991. RONALDJPARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 1991 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS JUNE S. GREEK DEPUTY CITY CLERK S\STAFFRPT'~24086,CC I 1 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map No: Project Description: oarcels on a 69.7 acre site Assessor's Parcel No.: 24086 To 909-120-020 create 49 Planning Deoartment The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E, unless modified by the conditions listed below. A time extension may be approved in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The expiration date is Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to S~TAFFRPT~24086 .CC '[ 2 all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. A copy of the final grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. All on-site cut and fill slopes shall: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Be limited to a maximum slope ratio of 2 to 1 and a maximum vertical height of thirty (30) feet. Setbacks from top and bottom of slopes shall be a minimum of one-half the slope height. b. Be a part of the downhill lot when within or between individual lots. All slopes over three (3) feet in height shall be landscaped and irrigated according to the City Development Code. The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated June 13, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated November 16, 1990, a copy of which is attached. If the project lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated June 5, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the slope stability recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated September 6, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated October 16, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Rancho California Water District transmittal dated July 3, 1991, a copy of which is attached. 16. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: S~STAFFRPT~24086 .CC 3, 3 17. 18. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the Manufacturing - Service Commercial zone. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of alt slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. 19. The following notes shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: 20. "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan." "Archaeological and paleontological monitoring during grading is required, and summary report shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits." "Part of the site is located in the 100 year flood plain of Murrieta Creek. Measures to remove the project site from the flood plain are listed in the conditions of approval." "The site is traversed by a potentially active earthquake fault. The map includes a restricted use zone in which no structures for human occupancy are allowed." Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: 1) If the project is to be phased, prior to the approval of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: 1. Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and S\STAFFRP'I~,24086.CC '[ 4 21. 22. 23. sedimentation during and after the grading process. Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. 3. Preliminary pad and roadway elevations. 4. Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase. Prior to the issuance of grading permits a qualified archaeologist shall conduct a stratified surface sampling of archaeological site CA-RIV 237 and shall excavate 20 to 30 one cubic meter cubsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site, Based on the results of these tests, the extent of further sampling and data collection will be determined. A qualified archaeologist shall also monitor grading activities and shall have the authority to temporarily halt or redirect grading activity to allow recovery of cultural resources. A Native American representative shall be present during archaeological testing and during grading and shall also have the authority to temporarily halt or divert grading activity. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. A paleontologist shall be on-site to monitor grading operations. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from view of surrounding property. S\STAFFRF~24086.CC l, 5 c. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 25 feet with at least 10 feet landscaped. 24. 25. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection, and certified in writing by the landscape architect. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required for noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required walls shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat Mitigation fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 26. 27. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City'of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. All utility systems including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer, and cable TV shall be provided for underground, with easements provided as required, and designed and constructed in accordance with City Codes and the utility provider. Electrical lines rated 33kv or greater shall be exempted from the requirement to be installed underground. S~STAFFPJPT~24086.CC ]. 6 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions/Reciprocal Access Easements: 28. No lot or dwelling unit in the development shall be sold unless a corporation, association, property owner's group, or similar entity has been formed with the right to assess all properties individually owned or jointly owned which have any rights or interest in the use of the common areas and common facilities in the development, such assessment power to be sufficient to meet the expenses of such entity, and with authority to control, and the duty to maintain, all of said mutually available features of the development. Such entity shall operate under recorded CC&R's which shall include compulsory membership of all owners of lots and/or dwelling units and flexibility of assessments to meet changing costs of maintenance, repairs, and services. Recorded CC&R's shall permit enforcement by the City of Provisions required by the City as Conditions of Approval. The developer shall submit evidence of compliance with this requirement to, and receive approval of, the City prior to making any such sale. This condition shall not apply to land dedicated to the City for public purposes. 29. A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) Shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CC&R's shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CC&R's shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The CC&R's shall be prepared at the developer's sole cost and expense. The CC&R's shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. The CC&R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. The CC&R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas, drainage and facilities. The landscape and architecture standards shall be incorporated by reference into the CC&R's. S\STAFFRFl~24086 .CC 1 ? 30. 31. The CC&R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CC&R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CC&R's, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CC&R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of building permits. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by CC&R's or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map or prior to the issuance of building permit where no map is involved. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall obtain approval of lot line adjustments, street vacations, and dedications to reflect the realignment of the future right-of-way of Winchester Road. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). Deeartment of Public Works The following are the Department of Public Works Conditions of Approval for this S\STAFFRPT~240~6 .CC 18 project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Department of Public Works. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 32. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Department of Public Works; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; CalTrans; and Parks and Recreation Department. 33. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Department of Public Works. 34. Pursuant to Section 66493 of the Subdivision Map Act, any subdivision which is part of an existing Assessment District must comply with the requirements of said section. 35. Winchester Road shall be improved with 38 feet half street improvements plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within a 65' dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (38'/50'). 36. Diaz Road shall be improved, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (76'/100'). 37. Streets "A", "B" and "C" shall be improved, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance S\STAFFP, P~240~6. CC ], 9 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. with County Standard No. 111 (56'/78'). Street "D" shall be improved with 28 feet of half street improvement plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted within a 51 foot dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (28'/39'). If construction is to be phased, the landowner/developer shall acquire sufficient public offsite rights-of-way to provide for secondary access road(s) to a paved and maintained road as may be needed. Said access road(s) shall be constructed in accordance with County Standard No. 106, Section B (32'/60'), at a grade and alignment approved by the Department of Public Works. A standard knuckle shall be constructed within the land division per Riverside County Standard No. 801. In the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement or right-of-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Winchester Road and Diaz Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of driveway openings and public street intersections as approved by the Department of Public Works. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage if required shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. Where applicable, an easement for a joint use driveway shall be provided prior to approval of the Final Map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, especially on Winchester Road and Diaz Road. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Department of Public Works. 47. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements S\STAFFRF~240~6.CC 2 0 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, traffic signal systems, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping (street and parks). d. Sewer and domestic water systems. e. All trails, as required by the City's Master Plans. f. Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines. The street design, grading and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with A.D. 155 and adjoining developments. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the Department of Public Works. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Department of Public Works a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Building and Safety Department. The minimum centerline radii shall be 500 feet or as approved by the Department of Public Works. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the Department of Public Works. 54. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment S~STAFFRPT~24086.CC 2 ~. 55. 56. 57. 58, 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. as approved by the Department of Public Works. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The subdivider shall submit two prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Department of Public Works. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. The report shall also address setback requirements for fault line areas. The subdivider shall submit two copies of a soils report to the Department of Public Works. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the Department of Public Works. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the Department of Public Works. On-site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions." A drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows onto the adjacent property. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the recordation of the final map. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 65. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by S~STAFFP, PT~24086.CC 2 2 alteration of the drainage patterns; i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities, including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement. 66. A portion of the site is in an area identified on the Flood Hazard Maps as Flood Zone A subject to flooding of undetermined depths, Prior to the approval of any plans, this project shall comply with Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula and the rules and regulations of FEMA for development within a Flood Zone "A" which may include obtaining a letter of map revision from FEMA. 67. The developer shall record an Environmental Constraint Sheet delineating the area within the 100-year floodplain. 68. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 69. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works. 70. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 71, An application for development permit shall be submitted per Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula. All requirements of this ordinance shall be complied with as directed and approved by the Department of Public Works. 72. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 73. All conditions of Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District letter dated November 16, 1990, shall be complied with. 74. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its S\STAFFRPT\240~6.CC 2 3 right-of-way. 75. The subdivider shall submit a haul route plan, including but not limited to, specific information related to truck loads, destination, permission and clearance letters as requested. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 76. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 77. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved rough grading plan. 78. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; orovided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 79. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. S\STAFFRFT~.086.CC 2 4 80. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction, 81. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transportation Engineering PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 82. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 83. Plans for a traffic signal shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersection of Winchester Road North at Diaz Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans with the second plan check submittal, 84. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the Western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 85. The subdivider shall execute a reimbursement agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The percent of costs and the warrants for these signals shall be as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 86. "Prior to recordation of the Final Map, developer shall provide bus turnouts with pedestrian entrances as approved by Riverside Transit Authority and the Department of Public Works. Turnouts shall be shown on the Street Improvement Plans." SXSTAFFRPT~24086.CC 2 5 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 87. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the Department of Public Works. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 88. All traffic signals, signing and striping shall be installed and operational per the approved plans and as directed by the Department of Public Works per the approved focused traffic analysis. 89. All landscaping installation within corner cutoff areas at all intersections and adjacent to all driveways shall provide for adequate site distance. 90. Stop signs shall be installed within the project site of the intersection of local streets. 91. Diaz Road shall be striped with left turn pockets at each intersection adjacent to the project. S%STAFFRPT~,2~086 .CC 2 6 PARCEL MAPS 24086 side of Diaz Road, north of the future extensionerly Winchester Roa~. PLANNIN~ COMMISSION MINUTE8 OCTOBER 21, 1991 COMMISSIONER FORD moved to close the public hearing at 9:00 P.M. and recommends that the City Council Adopt the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24086 and AdoPt Resolution 91-(next) approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086, adding Transportation Condition 86, seconded by COMMISSIONER FAHEY. AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN:I COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff CHAIRMAN HOAGL~ND requested that in the overall staff report we urge the City Council to continue to work with the City of Murrieta on traffic issues. 12. PARCEL MAP 25139 12.1 Proposal to create 66 commercial/industrial parcels on a 97 acre site in the M-SC zone. Located on the westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road. COMMISSIONER FORD moved to continue Parcel Map 25139 for two weeks to look at the cut area on the westerly slope edge where the existing chaparral is and including modification to Condition 84 to refer to Diaz Road as opposed to Winchester Road. DOUG aTEWART suggested having the applicant stake the upper boundaries of that tract so that the Commission could see where it falls on existing terrain. The applicant concurred with the request. COMMISSIONER BLAIR seconded the motion. The applicant provided the Commission with a picture of the boundaries. AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN:i COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff 13. PARCEL MAP 25408 13.1 Proposal to create 20 commercial/industrial parcels on a 36 acre site in the M-SC zone. Located on the '~' ~ ~ ~. southwest of the future STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION October 7, 1991 Case No.: Parcel Map No. 24086 Prepared By: Scott Wright Recommendation: 1. ADOPT the negative declaration; and 2. ADOPT Resolution No. 91- recommending approval of Parcel Map No. 24086 APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: Rancho California City Center Association No. I REPRESENTATIVE: NBS/Lowry PROPOSAL: To create 49 parcels on a 69.7 acre site LOCATION: Westerly side of Diaz Road, north of the future extension of Winchester Road EXISTING ZONING: Manufacturing-Service Commercial, M-SC SURROUNDING ZONING: North: South: East: West: Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial M-SC Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial M-SC Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial M-SC Manufacturing-ServiceCommercial M-SC PROPOSED ZONING: Not Requested EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: South: East: West: Vacant Vacant Murrieta Creek Vacant S\STAFFRPT~24088 .PM 1 PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Gross Site Area: Net Site Area: No. of Parcels: Average Parcel Size: Earthwork: 69.7 acres 53.3 acres 49 1.09 acres Cut = 349,000 yards Fill = 349,000 yards cubic cubic Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086 was submitted to the County on November 22, 1988. The application was continued at the Land Development Committee (LDC) meeting of January 12, 1989 pending submittal of paleontological and biological surveys, additional grading information, geology and liquefaction reports, flood plain information, and a traffic study. The LDC continued Parcel Map No. 24086 at four subsequent meetings, pending clearance from the County Geologist and the County Traffic Engineer, submittal of a paleontological report, submittal of a slope stability report, additional information regarding liquefaction, and clearance of the biological survey. Parcel Map No. 24086 was transmitted to the City on April 11, 1990. City staff requested a copy of the geologic report showing a restricted use zone, a traffic study, an archeology report, information regarding property boundaries and the alignment of Winchester Road, and landscape and architecture standards. The proposal is to create 49 parcels with an average parcel size of approximately one acre on a site with a gross area of 69.7 acres. There is an open space area 150 feet in width reflecting the restricted use zone recommended in the geologic report. The easterly side of the site in Murrieta Creek comprises a channel easement and a flood control easement to the County of Riverside. S\STAFFRPT~24086,PM 2 ANALYSIS: Traffic Imoacts Future development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24086 is expected to generate 5,150 vehicle trip ends per day. The traffic study prepared in conjunction with the project determined that projected future traffic based on existing traffic, project generated traffic, and traffic generated by other growth in the area will result in a peak hour Level of Service D or better at all intersections within the scope of the traffic study if recommended improvements are implemented. The recommendation include contributing to the extension of Diaz Road, providing traffic signals at certain intersection contributing to the signalization of other intersection, providing a signing and striping plan, and contributing to the construction of the Overland overcrossing and the restriping of Winchester Road to six lanes. These improvements are incorporated in the Conditions of Approval. Fault Hazards The site is traversed by a potentially active fault which was previously unmapped. The geologic report prepared in conjunction with the parcel map defines a fault zone with two branches and recommends the establishment of a restricted use zone to include observed faults, their in-line projections, and a buffer zone. The restricted use zone is shown on the tentative parcel map as an open space area 150 feet in width. No habitable structure shall be constructed within either branch of the restricted use zone. Liauefaction Potential Liquefiable soils are present in the lower lying portion of the site. Liquefaction may induce surface subsidence on the site in the range of 0.1 to 1.4 inches. The geologic report recommends that the effects of liquefaction, including the loss of bearing capacity, surface subsidence, and lateral spreading be re-evaluated for each individual structure on the S\STAFFRPT%24086.PM 3 site when grading and building plans become available. Soil reports addressing the issues delineated above shall be a condition of approval of the subject parcel map and of any future development proposals on the site. Flood Hazard Approximately one half of the proposed parcels are located within the 100 year flood plain limits of Murrieta Creek. Measures to remove the project from the 100 year flood plain are listed in the conditions of approval (see County Flood Control District letter of November 16, 1990). Drainaae The site is located within the limits of the Murrieta CreekFFemecula Valley Area Drainage Plan and payment of drainage fees is required. All lots are required to drain toward adjacent streets or an adequate outlet approved by the City Engineer. Parcel Map No. 24086 is located adjacent to and upslope from the site. If development of the subject property occurs before development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24086 adequate inlet facilities shall be constructed to collect all tributary flows and convey them to Murrieta Creek. On-site grading shall be designed to penetrate existing tributary drainage areas and outlet points, and development of the subject and adjacent properties shall be coordinated to ensure that water courses remain unobstructed and that stormwaters are not diverted from one watershed to another. The site, including each phase if phasing occurs, shall be protected from 100 year tributary storm flows. Gradina Parcel Map No. 24086 will involve 349,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Cut slopes will be less than 30 feet in height, and fill slopes be up to 10 feet high. S~STAFFRPT\24086.PM 4 Some cut will penetrate into the Pauba formation which consists of sandstone and siltstone. No cut of fill slopes will exceed a slope ratio of 2: 1. The slope stability report determined that the proposed 2:1 cut slopes will be grossly stable to a maximum height of 29 feet, and surficial erosion potential should be mitigated by directing drainage away from the slope faces and installing landscape planting on the slopes. The recommendations of the slope stability report shall be included in the conditions of approval. Biological ImDacts Biological surveys of the site found no evidence of the presence of any plant or animal species classified as rare or endangered. The project will involve the loss of foraging habitat for a number of species of birds, reptiles, and mammals. This is an incrementally adverse but regionally non-significant impact which is mitigated by the retention of an open space park area in the larger restrict use zone. Further mitigations may be required by State and Federal resource agencies relative to channel improvements for Murrieta Creek. The use of native California shrubs and trees in the landscaping will enhance reoccupation of the bird community. Landscaoe and Architectural Standards The applicant has provided a set of landscape and architectural standards to ensure that development of the site maintains a consistent level of quality. Conformity with the landscape and architectural standards will be required of all future development of the site. Water and Sewer Availability Water and sewer service will be available from the Rancho California Water District upon completion of financial arrangements between the property owner and the District. S\STAFFRPT~24086,PM 5 Lot Line Adiustments and Street Realignments The formation of Assessment District 155 included a realignment of the right of way for the future extension of Winchester Road west of Diaz Road, Since the centerline of the right of way constituted the boundary between properties, the realignment which resulted in changes to property boundaries. The subject parcel map was affected by a realignment which resulted in changes to property boundaries. The subject parcel map was affected by a realignment of Winchester Road at the intersection with Avenida de Venta. In order to prevent discrepancies in the legal descriptions of the property at the time of recordation, staff has required that the applicant and other affected property owners eliminate the discrepancies by filing lot line adjustments, street vacations, and offers of rededication reflecting the new alignment of Winchester Road and the resulting changes in property boundaries. These requirements shall be completed prior to map recordation. Lot Size All proposed lots encompass approximately one acre and are adequate to satisfy the minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet where sewers are available. All lots are over 100 feet wide and meet the minimum width requirement of 65 feet where sewers are available. Access All proposed parcels abut upon a street offered for public dedication. Access to the site is taken from Diaz Road and from the future extension of Winchester Road west of Diaz Road through streets "A", "B" and "C". No parcels shall take direct access from Winchester Road or Diaz Road. S\STAFFRPT%24086.PM 6 Archaeological Resources The site of Parcel Map No. 24086 contains a recorded archaeological site (CA-RIV-237) which is believed to encompass approximately 70,000 square meters, part of which is out site of the subject property. During an archaeological surface survey of the site conducted in June of 1991, many pieces of basalt and quartz debitage, fragmented manos and metares, fire-affected rocks, pestles, hammerstones, and fragments of bowls and pottery were observed. The recommendations of the Archaeological Assessment are to conduct a surface collection of the site and to excavate a sufficient number of one cubic meter subsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site. The resulting information shall be used to determine whether the site is a unique resource for the area and whether measures to preserve the site or salvage some percentage of the cultural resources should be implemented. The Archaeological Assessment also includes the recommendation that an archaeologist be consulted for any future grading activities. These recommendations shall be incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 24086. In addition, a Native American representative shall be present during the archaelologaical excavation and also during grading. Fossil Resources The site is located in the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. In accordance with the recommendation of the San Bernardino County Museum, the subdivider shall retain a paleontologist to monitor grading operations, evaluate any fossils encountered during grading, prepare a report of finding, and provide for preservation and curation of recovered specimens. S\STAFFRPT\24088.PM 7 GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: FINDINGS: Parcel Map No. 24086 is consistent with the Southwest Area Plan designation of the site for light industrial uses. The parcel map conforms to the requirements of the M-SC, Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone. There is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the future General Plan in that the project is consistant with a existing land uses and approved subdivisions in the vicinity. The Initial Study prepared for Parcel Map No. 24086 indicates that the project will not have any impacts on the environment which cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance, and Staff recommends adoption of a Negative Declaration. The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercia-industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing- Service Commercial Zone, and existing land uses in the vicinity. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. S\STAFFRPT~24086,PM 8 . 10. 11. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "E". The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density, The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the Initial Study prepared for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities in that all parcels have adequate southerly exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. These findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the following recommendation to the City Council: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 24086; and ADOPT Resolution 91 - approving Tentative Parcel Map No.24086 based on the analysis contained herein and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 2. 3. 4, Resolution Conditions of Approval Environmental Assessment Exhibits A. Vicinity Map B. SWAP Map C. Zoning Map D. Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086 vgw S%STAFFRP'I~24086,PM 10 RESOLUTION NO. 91-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 24086 TO SUBDIVIDE A 69.7 ACRE PARCEL INTO 49 PARCELS AT THE WESTERLY SIDE OF DIAZ ROAD NORTH OF THE FUTURE EXTENSION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 909-120-020. WHEREAS, Rancho California City Associates I filed Parcel Map No. 24086 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on October 7, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Fin(;linfia. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: S\STAFFBPT~24088.PM 11 a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The Planning Commission finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 24086 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. S~STAFFRPT~24088.PM I 2 c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. 460, no subdivision may be approved unless the following findings are made: a) That the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type of development. d) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. e) That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. g) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will S\STAFFRP'T%24086.Rvl I 3 be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) The Planning Commission in recommending approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map, makes the following findings, to wit: The proposed Parcel Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time in that the proposed commercia-industrial subdivision is consistent with the SWAP Light Industrial Land Use designation, the Manufacturing- Service Commercial Zone, and existing land uses in the vicinity. Ce There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan in that the proposed commercial/industrial parcel map is consistent with existing and approved uses and subdivisions in the vicinity. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and Ordinance No. 460, Schedule "E". The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 14 The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the Initial Study prepared for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities in that all parcels have adequate southerly exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. These findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental ComPliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. S\STAFFRPT~24088.PM 15 SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Parcel Map No. 27086 for the subdivision of a 69.7 acre parcel into 49 parcels located at the westerly side of Diaz Road north of the future extension of Winchester Road, and known as Assessor's Parcel 909-120-020 subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. SECTION 4.~. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of October, 1991. JOHN E. HOAGLANO CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of October, 1991 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: 4 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: I PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSTAIN: I PLANNING COMMISSIONERS S\STAFFRPT~Z4086.PM 16 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map No: Project Description: Assessor's Parcel No.: 24086 To create 49 parcels on a 69.7 acre site 909-120-020 Plannine Department The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E, unless modified by the conditions listed below. A time extension may be approved in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The expiration date is Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. S\STAFFRPT~24088.PM 17 Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. A copy of the final grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. All on-site cut and fill slopes shall: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Be limited to a maximum slope ratio of 2 to I and a maximum vertical height of thirty (30) feet. Setbacks from top and bottom of slopes shall be a minimum of one-half the slope height. b. Be a part of the downhill lot when within or between individual lots. All slopes over three (3) feet in height shall be landscaped and irrigated according to the City Development Code. The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated June 13, 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated November 16, 1990, a copy of which is attached. If the project lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated June 5, 1991, a copy of which is attached, The applicant shall comply with the slope stability recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated September 6, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geologist's transmittal dated October 16, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Rancho California Water District transmittal dated July 3, 1991, a copy of which is attached. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 18 16. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: 17. 18. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the Manufacturing - Service Commercial zone. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. 19. The following notes shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: 20. "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan." "Archaeological and paleontological monitoring during grading is required, and summary report shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits." "Part of the site is located in the 100 year flood plain of Murrieta Creek. Measures to remove the project site from the flood plain are listed in the conditions of approval." "The site is traversed by a potentially active earthquake fault. The map includes a restricted use zone in which no structures for human occupancy are allowed." Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: 1) If the project is to be phased, prior to the approval of grading permitS, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 19 21. 22. 23. Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process. Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. 3. Preliminary pad and roadway elevations. 4. Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase. Prior to the issuance of grading permits a qualified archaeologist shall conduct a stratified surface sampling of archaeological site CA-RIV 237 and shall excavate 20 to 30 one cubic meter cubsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and significance of the site. Based on the results of these tests, the extent of further sampling and data collection will be determined. A qualified archaeologist shall also monitor grading activities and shall have the authority to temporarily halt or redirect grading activity to allow recovery of cultural resources. A Native American representative shall be present during archaeological testing and during grading and shall also have the authority to temporarily halt or divert grading activity. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. A paleontologist shall be on-site to monitor grading operations. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from view of surrounding property. S\STAFFRPT~24086 .PM 20 c. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 25 feet with at least 10 feet landscaped. 24. 25. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection, and certified in writing by the landscape architect. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required for noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required walls shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat Mitigation fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 26. 27. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. All utility systems including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer, and cable TV shall be provided for underground, with easements provided as required, and designed and constructed in accordance with City Codes and the utility provider. Electrical lines rated 33kv or greater shall be exempted from the requirement to be installed underground. S\STAFFRPT\24086.PM 2 1 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions/Reciprocal Access Easements: 28. No lot or dwelling unit in the development shall be sold unless a corporation, association, property owner's group, or similar entity has been formed with the right to assess all properties individually owned or jointly owned which have any rights or interest in the use of the common areas and common facilities in the development, such assessment power to be sufficient to meet the expenses of such entity, and with authority to control, and the duty to maintain, all of said mutually available features of the development. Such entity shall operate under recorded CC&R's which shall include compulsory membership of all owners of lots and/or dwelling units and flexibility of assessments to meet changing costs of maintenance, repairs, and services. Recorded CC&R's shall permit enforcement by the City of Provisions required by the City as Conditions of Approval. The developer shall submit evidence of compliance with this requirement to, and receive approval of, the City prior to making any such sale. This condition shall not apply to land dedicated to the City for public purposes. 29. A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CC&R's shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CC&R's shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The CC&R's shall be prepared at the developer's sole cost and expense. The CC&R's shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. The CC&R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map, A recorded copy shall be provided to the City, The CC&R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas, drainage and facilities. The landscape and architecture standards shall be incorporated by reference into the CC&R's. S\STAFFRPT\2408e,PM 22 30. 31. The CC&R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CC&R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CC&R's, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CC&R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this' maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of building permits. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by CC&R's or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map or prior to the issuance of building permit where no map is involved. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall obtain approval of lot line adjustments, street vacations, and dedications to reflect the realignment of the future right-of-way of Winchester Road. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). S%STAFFRPT%24088.PM 23 Deoartment of Public Works The following are the Department of Public Works Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Department of Public Works. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 32. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Department of Public Works; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; CalTrans; and Parks and Recreation Department. 33. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Department of Public Works. 34. Pursuant to Section 66493 of the Subdivision Map Act, any subdivision which is part of an existing Assessment District must comply with the requirements of said section. 35. Winchester Road shall be improved with 38 feet half street improvements plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within a 65' dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (38'/50'). 36. Diaz Road shall be improved, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 101 (76'/100'). S\STAFFRPT~24086 ,PM 24 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Streets "A", "B" and "C" shall be improved, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (56'/78'). Street "D" shall be improved with 28 feet of half street improvement plus one 12' lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted within a 51 foot dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 111 (28'/39'). If construction is to be phased, the landowner/developer shall acquire sufficient public offsite rights-of-way to provide for secondary access road(s) to a paved and maintained road as may be needed. Said access road(s) shall be constructed in accordance with County Standard No. 106, Section B (32'/60'), at a grade and alignment approved by the Department of Public Works. A standard knuckle shall be constructed within the land division per Riverside County Standard No. 801. In the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement or right-of-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Winchester Road and Diaz Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of driveway openings and public street intersections as approved by the Department of Public Works. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage if required shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. Where applicable, an easement for a joint use driveway shall be provided prior to approval of the Final Map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, especially on Winchester Road and Diaz Road, Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc,, shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Department of Public Works. S~STAFFRPT~24086.PM 25 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, traffic signal systems, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping (street and parks). d. Sewer and domestic water systems. e. All trails, as required by the City's Master Plans. f. Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines. The street design, grading and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with A.D. 155 and adjoining developments. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the Department of Public Works. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Department of Public Works a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Building and Safety Department. The minimum centerline radii shall be 500 feet or as approved by the Department of Public Works. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the Department of Public Works. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 26 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Department of Public Works. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. All driveways shall conform to the applicable County of Riverside standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans in accordance with County Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The subdivider shall submit two prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Department of Public Works. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. The report shall also address setback requirements for fault line areas. The subdivider shall submit two copies of a soils report to the Department of Public Works. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the Department of Public Works. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the Department of Public Works. On-site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions." A drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows onto the adjacent property. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the recordation of the final map, A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 27 65. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns; i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities, inc!uding enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement. 66. A portion of the site is in an area identified on the Flood Hazard Maps as Flood Zone A subject to flooding of undetermined depths. Prior to the approval of any plans, this project shall comply with Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula and the rules and regulations of FEMA for development within a Flood Zone "A" which may include obtaining a letter of map revision from FEMA. 67. The developer shall record an Environmental Constraint Sheet delineating the area within the 100-year floodplain. 68. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 69. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works. 70. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 71. An application for development permit shall be submitted per Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 91-12 of the City of Temecula. All requirements of this ordinance shall be complied with as directed and approved by the Department of Public Works. 72. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 73. All conditions of Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District letter dated November 16, 1990, shall be complied with. S\STAFFRPT\24086.PM 28 74. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-of-way. 75. The subdivider shall submit a haul route plan, including but not limited to, specific information related to truck loads, destination, permission and clearance letters as requested. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 76. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 77. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved rough grading plan. 78, Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute 'the Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; provided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 79. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. S~STAFFRPT~24088 .PM 29 80. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. 81. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transportation Engineering PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 82. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 83. Plans for a traffic signal shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersection of Winchester Road North at Diaz Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans with the second plan check submittal. 84. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the Western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 85. The subdivider shall execute a reimbursement agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The percent of costs and the warrants for these signals shall be as determined by a focused traffic analysis to be submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recordation. 86. "Prior to recordation of the Final Map, developer shall provide bus turnouts with pedestrian entrances as approved by Riverside Transit Authority and the Department of Public Works. Turnouts shall be shown on the Street Improvement Plans." S\STAFFRPT%24086.PM 30 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 87. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the Department of Public Works. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 88. All traffic signals, signing and striping shall be installed and operational per the approved plans and as directed by the Department of Public Works per the approved focused traffic analysis. 89. All landscaping installation within corner cutoff areas at all intersections and adjacent to all driveways shall provide for adequate site distance. 90. Stop signs shall be installed within the project site of the intersection of local streets. 91. Diaz Road shall be striped with left turn pockets at each intersection adjacent to the project. S\STAFFRPT~24086,PM 3 1 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Background 1. Name of Proponent: 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Date of Environmental Assessment: NBS Lowrv 27403 Ynez Road, Suite 209 Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-6225 August 21. 1991 II 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: Name of Proposal, if applicable: Location of Proposal: CITY OF TEMECULA Parcel Map Nos. 24085 and 24086 Southwesterly of Diaz Road bounded bv the future extension of Winchester Road on the northwesterly and southwesterly sides of the site. Environmental linDacts (Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets,) Yq~ Maybe NO Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X c. Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X S\STAFFRPT~24086 .PM 3 2 The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique .geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X S~STAFFRPT~24086,PM 33 -4. Plant Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~240Se.PM 34 -8. 10. Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? .Light and Glare. Wild the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24086 .PM 3 5 11. 12. 13. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yqi Maybe No X X X X X Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X X X X X S~STAFFRPT~24Oae.PM 36 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? Yes Maybe NQ X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24086,PM Communications systems? Water? Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? Solid waste and disposal? 37 X 17. 18. 19. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X S~STAFFRPT~24086.PM 38 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Ye~ Maybe No X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 39 III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation 1.a,b,c. 1.d. 1.e. 1.f. 1.g. Yes. Parcel Map No. 24085 will involve 363,000 cubic yards of cut and fill, and Parcel Map No. 24086 will involve 349,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Some cut will penetrate into the Pauba Formation which consists of sandstone and siltstone. Mitigation of liquefaction potential on the site may involve removal and recompaction of soil on the site. All cut and fill slopes will not exceed a 2:1 grade. Cut slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 will be up to 25 feet in height and fill slopes will be approximately 10 feet high. Cut and fill slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24086 will be less than 30 feet in height. The Slope Stability Report determined that the proposed 2:1 cut slopes will be grossly stable to a maximum height of 29 feet, and surficial erosion potential should be mitigated by directing drainage away from the slope faces and installing landscape planting on the slopes. The recommendations of the Slope Stability Report shall be included in the conditions of approval for the subject parcel maps. No. There are no unique geologic or physical features on the site. Maybe. Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted. The wind erosion impact is considered high and significant but will be mitigated through minimal grading, retention of natural vegetation whenever feasible, and use of watering trucks and hydroseeding disturbed areas after grading. After construction of the project, water run-off is likely to increase due to the addition of impermeable surfaces. ~,ppropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved through ~e Engineering Department and will have to be designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the conditions of approval. No. Any drainage into the Murrieta Creek channel will be via drainage improvements as approved by the City Engineer and will not result in erosion or siltation. Yes. Portions of the site are susceptible to liquefaction and subsidence, and the site is traversed by a potentially active fault. The Geology Report recommends that the effects of liquefaction, including loss of bearing capacity, surface subsidence and lateral spreading should be re- evaluated for each individual structure when grading and building plans become available. In accordance with the requirements of state law, a restricted use zone based on the geology report is shown on the map. The restricted use zone represents a setback from the earthquake fault S~STAFFRPT~24086 .PM 40 2.a,b,c. 3.b. 3.c. 3,d. 3.6. 3.f,g. 3.h. on the site, and no structures for human occupancy will be permitted within the restricted use zone. Hazards to buildings outside of the restricted use zone due to groundshaking associated with the fault are addressed by the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. The geologic hazard mitigations recommended in the Geology Report and the County Geologists letter shall be conditions of approval, No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impacts to air quality or the climate. Subsequent development proposals will be assessed for potential impacts to air quality and mitigation measures will be required if necessary. No. The portion of the property necessary for the future construction of Murrieta Creek flood control facilities is indicated on the tentative parcel map as a County Channel Easement. There will be no change in the course or direction of water in Murrieta Creek, Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in changes in the amount of surface runoff. The improvement of the site will provide for adequate drainage facilities as approved by the City Engineer. No. The project will result in minor, localized redirection of flood waters to the extent necessary to elevate the site above the 1 O0 year flood plain elevation, but the overall direction and flow of flood waters will not be changed. Maybe. Grading and future development of the site may increase the amount of surface runoff flowing into the Murrieta Creek channel. This is not considered a significant impact and is consistent with the provisions of the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan and Assessment District 155. Yes. Grading may result in an increase in turbidity in local surface water, This impact is temporary and is not considered significant, No. Recompaction of soil to mitigate the potential for liquefaction is not expected to result in a significant impact on the direction or rate of flow of ground waters. No, The proposed parcel map will not result in any impact on public water supplies. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 41 3.i. 4.a,b, 4.co 4.d. 5.a,b. 5,c, 6,8, 6.b. 9.a,b. No. Prior to recordation of the proposed parcel map, the applicant shall obtain a Letter of Map Revision from the Federal Emergency Management Agency indicating that grading of the site or other improvements are adequate to ensure that the site will be above the 1 O0 year flood plain elevation, No. A botanical survey of the site found no sensitive plant species on the site. Grazing and the introduction of non-native grasses have previously disturbed the natural native flora on the site, Maybe. Landscaping of the site may introduce some non-native species. This is not considered a significant impact. No. The site is not currently used as crop land. No. A biology survey of the site did not reveal the presence or any indications of any species classified as rare or endangered. Yes. The project will involve a loss of grass land and chaparral which provides foraging habitat for birds, mammals, and reptiles. In regional terms, the loss of foraging habitat is an incrementally adverse but non- significant impact. The biology report recommends the use of native California shrubs and trees to revegetate graded and open areas in order to enhance reoccupation of the bird community. Use of native plant life shall be a condition of approval, Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in increased noise levels during grading. This impact will be temporary and is not considered significant because the site is not near any noise sensitive land uses. No. Future development will be reviewed for potential noise impacts, and land uses which generate severe noise impacts will be prohibited or required to provide adequate noise mitigation. No. The proposed Parcel Map will not cause new light or glare, and subsequent development of the site will be subject to standard conditions prohibiting lighting from impacting adjacent properties and requiring low-glare sodium vapor lights. No. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zone and the land use designation in which the property is located. No. The project will not involve a substantial increase in the rate of consumption of natural or non-renewable resources. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM at2 10.a,b, 11,12. 13.a, 13.b. 13.c,e. 13.d. No. The proposed parcel map will not involve the use of hazardous materials or interference with emergency response or evacuation plans. No. The proposal is not likely to alter the distribution or growth rate of the population or create a demand for new housing. Future development of the site will help address the irabalance of local jobs in relation to existing and approved housing. Yes. Future development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 is expected to generate 5,340 vehicle trip ends per day. 5,150 trip ends per day are expected as a result of development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24086. The traffic study prepared in conjunction with the project determined that intersections and roadways in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended improvements are implemented. The following recommended traffic impact mitigations are incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 24085. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street imporvements plans. Plans for traffic signals shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersections of Avenida de Ventas at Diaz Road and Avenida de Ventas at Winchester Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans with the second plan check submittal, The developer shall execute a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis approved by the Department of Public Works. No. Future development of the site will be required to provide adequate off-street parking as appropriate for the particular land use proposed. No. The project will have no impact upon existing transportation systems or upon water, rail, or air traffic. No. The proposed parcel maps will not alter present patterns of circulation. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 43 13.f. 14.a-f, 15.a,b. 16.a-d,f. 16.e. 17.a,b. 18, 19. 20.a,b,c. No. The streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended street improvements are implemented. The street improvements will be conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. No. The project will not result in a need for new public services. Future development will generate an increase in the need for public services in the areas of fire and police protection and road maintenance. Payment of the required traffic signal mitigation fee, the facility fee, and property taxes will fund the additional public services. No. The project will not result in a substantial use or increase in demand for fuel or other energy sources. No. Future development of the site will require only hook up to or service by existing utility systems and will not result in a need for new or substantially altered utility systems. Yes. The proposed Parcels Maps will involve the construction of the Murrieta Creek Channel through the site. The construction of channel improvements will be in compliance with the recommendations of the County Flood Control District and will be provided by the developer or by the developer's participation in an assessment district. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any potential health hazards. Future development will be assessed for potential health hazards, and mitigations, if needed, shall be required. No. The proposal will not result in the obstruction of any scenic views. Future development will be reviewed in order to prevent the construction of aesthetically offensive structures or site layouts. No. The site is not currently used for recreational purposes. Maybe. The site of Parcel Maps 24085 and 24086 contain a recorded archaeological site (CA-RIV-237) which is believed to encompass approximately 70,000 square meters, part of which is outside of the subject property. During an archaeological surface survey of the site conducted in June of 1991, many pieces of basalt and quartz debitage, fragmented manos and roerates, fire-affected rocks, pestles, hammerstores, and fragments of bowls and pottery were observed. The recommendations of the Archaeological Assessment are to conduct a surface collection of the site and to excavate a sufficient number of one cubic meter subsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and S~STAFFRPT~24088 ,PM 44 20.d. 21 .a. 21 .b,c. 21 .d. significance of the site. The resulting information shall be used to determine whether the site is a unique resource for the area and whether measures to preserve the site or salvage some percentage of the cultural resources should be implemented. The Archaeological Assessment includes the recommendation that an archaeologist be consulted for any future grading activities. These recommendations shall be incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Maps 24805 and 24806. In addition, a Native American representative shall be present during archaeological excavation and also during grading. No. The site is not used for any religious or sacred purposes. No. Although the project will result in a reduction of foraging habitat, this impact is not considered regionally significant. The inclusion of native trees and shrubs in the landscaping will provide adequate mitigations for potential biological impacts due to reduction of foraging habitat. No. The long term and cumulative traffic impacts of the project will be adequately mitigated by the street improvements recommended by the traffic study which are conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. Streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service. No. The proposed parcel map will not create any health hazards. Environmental review of future development of the site will address any potential health hazards and mitigations, if necessary, will be required. S\STAFFRPT~24086 .PM 45 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. X August 12, 1991 Date For CITY OF TEMECULA S\STAFFRPT~24088.PM 46 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fqq Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Mitigation) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Public Facility (Library) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of ADDrOv81 Condition No. Condition No, Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. Condition No. S\STAFFRPT~24086.PM 47 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Backaround 1. Name of Proponent: 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent:. Date of Environmental Assessment: NBS Lowrv 27403 Ynez Road, Suite 209 Temecula. CA 92390 (714) 676-6225 August 21, 1991 II 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: Name of Proposal, if applicable: Location of Proposal: CITY OF TEMECULA Parcel Map Nos. 24085 and 24086 Southwesterly of Diaz Road bounded bv the future extension of Winchester Road on the northwesterly and southwesterly sides of the site, Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets.) Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? Yei Maybe NO X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X X S\STAFFRIr~240~6.CC 2 7 The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, mOiStUFe, Or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Yes Maybe NO X X X X X X X X S;STAFFRFl~24086.CC 2 8 Plant a. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any uRique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? YeS Maybe NO X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24086 .CC 2 9 10. Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use, Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~7~086.CC 3 0 11. 12. 13. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yqi Maybe NO X X X X X Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X X X X X S\STAFFRPT~24086.CC 3 I 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X Communications systems? Water? Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? Solid waste and disposal? 32 X 17. 18. 19. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Y~i Maybe No X X X X X X X X S\STAFFP, PT~240~6.CC 3 3 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yqi Maybe No X X X X S\STAFFRFI~24086.CC 3 4 III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation 1.a,b,c. 1.d. 1.e. 1,f. 1.g, Yes. Parcel Map No. 24085 will involve 363,000 cubic yards of cut and fill, and Parcel Map No. 24086 will involve 349,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Some cut will penetrate into the Pauba Formation which consists of sandstone and siltstone, Mitigation of liquefaction potential on the site may involve removal and recompaction of soil on the site. All cut and fill slopes will not exceed a 2:1 grade. Cut slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 will be up to 25 feet in height and fill slopes will be approximately 10 feet high. Cut and fill slopes on the site of Parcel Map No. 24086 will be less than 30 feet in height. The Slope Stability Report determined that the proposed 2:1 cut slopes will be grossly stable to a maximum height of 29 feet, and surficial erosion potential should be mitigated by directing drainage away from the slope faces and installing landscape planting on the slopes. The recommendations of the Slope Stability Report shall be included in the conditions of approval for the subject parcel maps. No. There are no unique geologic or physical features on the site. Maybe. Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted. The wind erosion impact is considered high and significant but will be mitigated through minimal grading, retention of natural vegetation whenever feasible, and use of watering trucks and hydroseeding disturbed areas after grading. After construction of the project, water run-off is likely to increase due to the addition of impermeable surfaces. Appropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved through the Engineering Department and will have to be designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the conditions of approval. No. Any drainage into the Murrieta Creek channel will be via drainage improvements as approved by the City Engineer and will not result in erosion or siltation. Yes, Portions of the site are susceptible to liquefaction and subsidence, and the site is traversed by a potentially active fault. The Geology Report recommends that the effects of liquefaction, including loss of bearing capacity, surface subsidence and lateral spreading should be re- evaluated for each individual structure when grading and building plans become available. In accordance with the requirements of state law, a restricted use zone based on the geology report is shown on the map. The restricted use zone represents a setback from the earthquake fault S\STAFFRFFX24086.CC 3 5 2.a,b,c. 3.b. 3.c. 3.d. 3.e, 3.f,g. 3.h. on the site, and no structures for human occupancy will be permitted within the restricted use zone. Hazards to buildings outside of the restricted use zone due to groundshaking associated with the fault are addressed by the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. The geologic hazard mitigations recommended in the Geology Report and the County Geologists letter shall be conditions of approval. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impacts to air quality or the climate. Subsequent development proposals will be assessed for potential impacts to air quality and mitigation measures will be required if necessary. No. The portion of the property necessary for the future construction of Murrieta Creek flood control facilities is indicated on the tentative parcel map as a County Channel Easement. There will be no change in the course or direction of water in Murrieta Creek. Yes. The proposed parcel map will result in changes in the amount of surface runoff. The improvement of the site will provide for adequate drainage facilities as approved by the City Engineer. No. The project will result in minor, localized redirection of flood waters to the extent necessary to elevate the site above the 100 year flood plain elevation, but the overall direction and flow of flood waters will not be changed. Maybe. Grading and future development of the site may increase the amount of surface runoff flowing into the Murrieta Creek channel. This is not considered a significant impact and is consistent with the provisions of the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan and Assessment District 155. Yes. Grading may result in an increase in turbidity in local surface water. This impact is temporary and is not considered significant. No. Recompaction of soil to mitigate the potential for liquefaction is not expected to result in a significant impact on the direction or rate of flow of ground waters. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any impact on public water supplies. S\STAFFRF~24086.CC 3 6 3.i. 4.a,b. 4.c. 4.d. 5.a,b. 5.c. 6.8. 6.b. 9.a,b. No. Prior to recordation of the proposed parcel map, the applicant shall obtain a Letter of Map Revision from the Federal Emergency Management Agency indicating that grading of the site or other improvements are adequate to ensure that the site will be above the 100 year flood plain elevation. No. A botanical survey of the site found no sensitive plant species on the site. Grazing and the introduction of non-native grasses have previously disturbed the natural native flora on the site. Maybe. Landscaping of the site may introduce some non-native species. This is not considered a significant impact. No. The site is not currently used as crop land. No. A biology survey of the site did not reveal the presence or any indications of any species classified as rare or endangered. Yes. The project will involve a loss of grass land and chaparral which provides foraging habitat for birds, mammals, and reptiles. In regional terms, the loss of foraging habitat is an incrementally adverse but non- significant impact. The biology report recommends the use of native California shrubs and trees to revegetate graded and open areas in order to enhance reoccupation of the bird community. Use of native plant life shall be a condition of approval. Yes, The proposed parcel map will result in increased noise levels during grading. This impact will be temporary and is not considered significant because the site is not near any noise sensitive land uses, No. Future development will be reviewed for potential noise impacts, and land uses which generate severe noise impacts will be prohibited or required to provide adequate noise mitigation. No. The proposed Parcel Map will not cause new light or glare, and subsequent development of the site will be subject to standard conditions prohibiting lighting from impacting adjacent properties and requiring low-glare sodium vapor lights. No. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zone and the land use designation in which the property is located. No. The project will not involve a substantial increase in the rate of consumption of natural or non-renewable resources. SXSTAFFRPTX24086.CC 3 7 lO.a,b. 11,12. 13.a, 13.b. 13.c,e. 13.d. No. The proposed parcel map will not involve the use of hazardous materials or interference with emergency response or evacuation plans. No. The proposal is not likely to alter the distribution or growth rate of the population or create a demand for new housing. Future development of the site will help address the irabalance of local jobs in relation to existing and approved housing. Yes. Future development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24085 is expected to generate 5,340 vehicle trip ends per day. 5,150 trip ends per day are expected as a result of development of the site of Parcel Map No. 24086. The traffic study prepared in conjunction with the project determined that intersections and roadways in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended improvements are implemented. The following recommended traffic impact mitigations are incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 24085. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included in the street imporvements plans. Plans for traffic signals shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works for the intersections of Avenida de Ventas at Diaz Road and Avenida de Ventas at Winchester Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans with the second plan check submittal. The developer shall execute a Reimbursement Agreement for the design and construction of traffic signals for the intersections of Winchester Road at Diaz Road, Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle West and Winchester Road at Enterprise Circle East. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Temecula to contribute a pro-rata share to the construction of the extension of Diaz Road to Washington Street/Rancon Center Boulevard overcrossing, the Overland overcrossing, Winchester Road restriping to six lanes, and the western bypass corridor as determined by a focused traffic analysis approved by the Department of Public Works. No. Future development of the site will be required to provide adequate off-street parking as appropriate for the particular land use proposed. No. The project will have no impact upon existing transportation systems or upon water, rail, or air traffic. No. The proposed parcel maps will not alter present patterns of circulation. S~STAFFRPT~24086.CC 3 8 13.f. 14.a-f. 15.a,b. 16.a-d,f. 16.e. 17.a,b. 18. 19. 20.a,b,c. No. The streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service if recommended street improvements are implemented, The street improvements will be conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. No. The project will not result in a need for new public services. Future development will generate an increase in the need for public services in the areas of fire and police protection and road maintenance. Payment of the required traffic signal mitigation fee, the facility fee, and property taxes will fund the additional public services. No. The project will not result in a substantial use or increase in demand for fuel or other energy sources. No. Future development of the site will require only hook up to or service by existing utility systems and will not result in a need for new or substantially altered utility systems, Yes. The proposed Parcels Maps will involve the construction of the Murrieta Creek Channel through the site. The construction of channel improvements will be in compliance with the recommendations of the County Flood Control District and will be provided by the developer or by the developer's participation in an assessment district. No. The proposed parcel map will not result in any potential health hazards. Future development will be assessed for potential health hazards, and mitigations, if needed, shall be required. No. The proposal will not result in the obstruction of any scenic views. Future development will be reviewed in order to prevent the construction of aesthetically offensive structures or site layouts. No. The site is not currently used for recreational purposes. Maybe. The site of Parcel Maps 24085 and 24086 contain a recorded archaeological site (CA-RIV-237) which is believed to encompass approximately 70,000 square meters, part of which is outside of the subject property. During an archaeological surface survey of the site conducted in June of 1991, many pieces of basalt and quartz debitage, fragmented manos and metares, fire-affected rocks, pestles, hammerstores, and fragments of bowls and pottery were observed. The recommendations of the Archaeological Assessment are to conduct a surface collection of the site and to excavate a sufficient number of one cubic meter subsurface units to determine the depth, spatial extent, and S\STAFFRPT~240~6.CC 3 9 20.d. 21 .a. 21 .b,c. 21 .d. significance of the site. The resulting information shall be used to determine whether the site is a unique resource for the area and whether measures to preserve the site or salvage some percentage of the cultural resources should be implemented. The Archaeological Assessment includes the recommendation that an archaeologist be consulted for any future grading activities. These recommendations shall be incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Maps 24805 and 24806. In addition, a Native American representative shall be present during archaeological excavation and also during grading. No. The site is not used for any religious or sacred purposes. No. Although the project will result in a reduction of foraging habitat, this impact is not considered regionally significant. The inclusion of native trees and shrubs in the landscaping will provide adequate mitigations for potential biological impacts due to reduction of foraging habitat. No. The long term and cumulative traffic impacts of the project will be adequately mitigated by the street improvements recommended by the traffic study which are conditions of approval for the proposed parcel map. Streets and intersections in the vicinity will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service. No. The proposed parcel map will not create any health hazards. Environmental review of future development of the site will address any potential health hazards and mitigations, if necessary, will be required. S\8TAFFRFI~240~6.CC 4 0 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. X August 12. 1991 Date For CITY OF TEMECULA S\STAFFRPT~24086.CC 4 ]. CITY OF TEMECULA ) / .- / SITE , ./ ../ VICINITY MAP r CASE NO. P.C. DATE /I CITY OF TEMECULA ) RLI SWAP MAP // // ZONE MAP r CASE NO. C.C. DATE h !I!1, 5' '7 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.:Tentative Parcel Map No. 24086 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Mitigation) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Public Facility (Library) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Aooroval Condition No. 25 Condition No. N/A Condition No. 78 Condition No. 50 Condition No. N/A Condition No. 12 Condition No. 72 S\STAFFRPT\24086.CC 4 2 ITEM 14 SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: South: East: West: Vacant Single Family Residential (minimum one acre parcels) Single Family Residential {minimum one acre parcels) Single Family Residential (minimum one acre parcels) PROJECT STATISTICS: Total Land Area: No. of Proposed Lots: Min. Residential Lot Size: Avg. Residential Lot Size: SWAP Designation: 20 acres 34 21,780 sq.ft. 25,650 sq.ft. 2-5 DU/AC BACKGROUND The City Planning Commission, at their meeting of October 7, 1991 conducted a Public Hearing for Tentative Tract Map No. 25892. After closing the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission voted 3-2 recommending the City Council deny the Tentative Map as proposed. In their recommendation for denial, the Commission cited the following concerns/considerations: Grading impacts of the project and the elimination of significant terrain necessary to achieve the map design and residential density proposed. It was the Commission's determination that the tentative map as designed proposed grading and land form alteration that would likely be inconsistent with the City's Future General Plan. It was further determined that land use and residential density proposed by Tentative Map No. 25892 would likely be inconsistent with the General Plan Land Use density eventually adopted for the project site, The design of the tentative map represents a significant alteration to the existing large lot, rural development characteristic of the project' site vicinity. Circulation plans for the project were also found likely inconsistent with the future General Plan in that the project's proposed internal circulation system may set precedent for development of similar small isolated road patterns. It was the Commission's determination that the project was likely premature considering the existing circulation system in the vicinity and would be detrimental to development of an area-wide road system needed to serve not only this project, but the entire area generally southwest of Pauba and Margarita Road, as well. The project, as designed, may result in significant adverse impacts to development of the City's future General Plan drair~ge element. The tentative map design does not address possible or likely area*wide drainage plans necessary to mitigate drainage concerns in the project vicinity. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TT 2 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY A'I'TORNEY ~:11 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department November 26, 1991 Tentative Tract No. 25892 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SWAP DESIGNATION: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: Charles D. Ray ADOPT Resolution No. 91- Map No. 25892 denying Tentative Tract David Pearson Richard Masyczek Subdivide approximately 20 acres into 34 single family residential lots. South side of Pauba Road, between Ynez Road and Margarita Road. R-R (Rural Residential) 2-5 DU/AC North: South: East: West: R-R (Rural Residential) R-R (Rural Residential) R-R (Rural Residential) R-R {Rural Residential) Not Applicable Vacant S/STAFFRPT\25892TT ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION DENYING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 25892 S\STAFFRPT\25892.TT 4 SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The foregoing concerns, enumerated by the City Planning Commission, are forwarded to the Council for their consideration of this project's design merits, and its likely compatability with the City's future General Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ADOPT Resolution 91- Denying Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 Based on the Analysis and Findings contained in this City Council staff report, incorporating the Planning Commissions 10/7/91 findings for denial. vgw Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Resolution denying Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 - page 4 Planning Commission minutes dated 10/7/91 - page 10 Planning Commission Staff Report dated 10/7/91 - page 11 Development Fee Checklist - page 12 S/STAFFRPT\25892.TT 3 Case No,: Recommendation: 1. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION September 16, 1991 Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 Prepared By: Oliver Mujica RECOMMEND ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract Map No. 25892; and 2. ADOPT Resolution No. 91- recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 25892. APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SWAP DESIGNATION: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: David Pearson Richard Masyczek Subdivide approximately 20 acres into 34 single family residential lots. South side of Pauba Road, between Ynez Road and Margarita Road. R-R (Rural Residential) 2-5 DU/AC North: South: R-R East: R-R West: R-R Not Applicable Vacant R-R (Rural Residential) (Rural Residential) (Rural Residential) (Rural Residential) S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 25892 TO SUBDIVIDE A 20 ACRE PARCEL INTO 34 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF PAUBA ROAD BETWEEN YNEZ AND MARGARITA ROADS AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 945-090-005. WHEREAS, David Pearson filed Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Tentative Tract Map on October 7, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to speak in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission Hearing the Commission recommended denial of said Tentative Tract Map; WHEREAS, the City Council considered said Tentative Tract Map on November 26, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Council hearing, the Council denied said Tentative Tract Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan wsthin thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (1) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (2) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (3) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (heroinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Ran for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the SWAP land use density ranges recommended for the subject site. However, the SWAP designation for the property in question and proposed Tentative Tract Map (heroinafter referred to as the "Property") is likely inconsistent with the City's future General Plan, to wit: A. The City Council finds, in denying the application that: (1) There is reasonable probability that Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 proposed will not be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. The map does not respect physical site terrain limitations, nor is it sensitive to adjacent rural development patterns. (2) There is reasonable probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. If approved, the Tentative Map will set precedent in allowable densities and map designs for the project area. The project will likely adversely impact development of the General Plan circulation and drainage systems. (3) The proposed Tentative Tract Map is not reasonable and beneficial at this time as it does not provide a logical transition to adjacent large lot residential development and may result in significant adverse impacts as delineated in Section 4.H. below. S~STAFF.PT~2Se92,TT 6 .i 4. Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. 460, a subdivision may be denied if any of the following findings are made: That the proposed land division is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans. That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans. That the site of the proposed land division is not physically suitable for the type of development. That the site of the proposed land division is not physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements is likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are likely to cause serious public health problems. That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. The City Council in denying the proposed Tentative Tract Map, makes the following findings, to wit: (1) There is a reasonable probability that this project will be inconsistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time. (a) The project proposes mass grading and elimination of existing significant topographic features to achieve the map design and residential density proposed. The proposed map design is incongruous with existing physical site limitations. Grading techniques proposed will likely conflict with those allowed by the City's future General Plan. (2) There is a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the.,plan. S%STAFFRPT%25892.TT 7 (a) Approval of the project will set precedent in residential densities allowed in the immediate vicinity. If approved, the map design also encourages like subdivision design incorporating mass grading of significant topographic features, Further, the project potentially impacts current off-site drainage area patterns and may significantly impede development of an overall circulation plan to serve the project vicinity. (3) The site is not suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density. (a) The project, as designed, requires mass grading of the site and destruction of significant natural terrain features evident at the proposal location. The project site consists of hilly terrain adjacent to Pauba Road to the north, tailing off into a deep ravine to the south. (4) All lots do not have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. (a) The subdivision accesses Pauba Road, an improved dedicated City right of way. The design of the map itself, however, discourages development of area-wide circulation systems. The tentative map proposes isolated subdivision of property with limited street improvements designed to serve only those lots internal to the subdivision. Approval of the tentative map will significantly reduce potential alternative circulation system configurations connecting the project site with surrounding properties. Development pressures in the vicinity of this proposal indicate the need for design and construction of an area wide road system. (5) Said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. SECTION 2. The City of Temecula City Council hereby denies Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 for the subdivision of a 20 acres into 34 single family residential lots located generally between Ynez and Margarita Roads, on the south side of Pauba Road, also known as Assessor Parcel No. 945-090-005. S%STAFFRPT\25892.TT 8 DENIED AND ADOPTED this , 1991 RONALD Jo PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 8th day of January, 1991 by the following vote of the Council: AYES NOES ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS JUNE S. GREEK DEPUTY CITY CLERK S\STAFFRPT\25892.TT 9 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7, 1991 S\STAFFRPT\25892.TT 10 PLA~FNXNG COIO~XENXON KINUTEE Time for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. by COMMISSIONER FAHEY. OCTOBER 7o 1991 23125, seconded AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Chiniaeff, Fahey, Ford, NOES: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Hoagland COMMISSIONER EO&GLAND declared a five minute recess. The meeting reconvened at 7:30 P.M. COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND opened the public hearing on Item No. 13. The applicant requested that the item be postponed to later in the public hearing to allow for his consultant to arrive. TENTATIVE TRACT RAP NO. 25692 Proposal to sub-divide 20 acres into 34 single family residential lots. Located on the south side of Pauba Road between Ynez and Margarita Roads. CHARLES RAY provided the staff report. COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND opened the public hearing at 7:40 P.M. RICHARD RASYCZEH, 25262 Madrone, Murrieta, representing the applicant, concurred with the staff report; however, expressed a concern with Condition 49 requiring that CC&R's be provided to maintain slopes and common open space. He stated that there were some common drainage areas, which the applicant was requesting TCSD maintain. Mr. Masyczeh requested deleting Condition 49 and replace with a condition that TCSD maintain the drainage areas and that adequate warning be given to the property owners for the maintenance of these areas. CHAIRMAN NOAGLAND asked if TCSD would be interested in maintaining these drainage areas. GARY KING advised that the TCSD was not interested in the applicants request to amend Condition 49. DAVE ASMUM, 40521 Calle Cansions, Temecula, spoke in favor of the request. RALPH NAVARRO, 30418 Colina Verde, Temecula, spoke in favor of the request. TPCMIN10/07/91 -7- 10/06/91 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTE2 OCTOBER 7, 1991 NOEL PAINE, 30222 Corte Cantero, Temecula, spoke in favor of the request. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF stated that he felt there were some design issues that needed to be addressed before approving the request. CHAIRMAN BOAGLAND stated that he would find it inappropriate to approve this map as part of an area that looks like approximately 220 acres with no coordinated circulation pattern. He stated that he felt that the developments should follow a circulation plan for the entire area. COMMISSIONER FORD stated that he felt the topography should also be looked at based on the fact that the project bisects a natural drainage course. COMMISSIONER BLAIR stated that she would feel more comfortable addressing this plan in areas such as this, in keeping with the general plan. CHAIRMAN CHINIAEFF moved to close the public hearing at 8:00 P.M. and continue off calendar Tentative Tract Map No. 25892, to allow the applicant to work with staff and address the issue of maintenance of large slopes along the creek, coordination of a drainage plan for this area, the coordination of a circulation plan for this property and properties between Santiago and Pauba Roads, and amount of major slopes and pad sizes related to the project setting a minimum size for a pad, using 10,000 as a reasonable pad to lot size (specifically looking at Lot 2) seconded by CHAIRMAN HOAGLAND for discussion. DOUG STEWART questioned if the Commission was requesting 'that the applicant redesign the drainage plan. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF suggested that staff work with the applicant to see that the drainage flows in that area. COMMISSIONER FAHEY stated that due to the fact that the Commission has expressed a number of concerns regarding this project, which appears to be in conflict with the future general plan, she would not be in favor of a continuation at this time. TPCMIN10/07/91 -8- 10/08/91 PLANNING COMMIBSION MZNUTES -/ OCTOBER 7o lggl CHAIRMAN HOAGLAND stated that until there is a general plan that clearly delineates what the City is going to do, he cannot support going forward with this project. AYES: 2 COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff, Ford NOES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Hoagland COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to deny Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 based on the probable inconsistency with the future general plan, seconded by COMMISSIONER BLAIR. JOB~ CAVANAUGH requested more specific findings on the probably inconsistencies. COMMISSIONER FAHEY outlined circulation, land use, grading and drainage. AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Hoagland NOES: 2 COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff, Ford CHAIRMAN BOAGLAND clarified that the motion was a recommendation to the City Council. 7. PARCEL HAP NO. 25059 MINOR CHANGE NO. I Proposal to modify or delete engineering conditions. Project located at Ridge Park Drive, south west side approximately 70 feet east of its intersection with Rancho California Road. RICHARD AYALAprovided the staff report. -CHAIRMAN HOAGLAND opened the public hearing at 8:10 P.M. ANTHONYPOLO, Avalon Consultants, P.O. Box 2497, Temecula, representing the applicant, concurred with the staff report. COMMISSIONER FORD questioned if the language in Conditions 40, 41 and 45 shouldn't read "as necessary" rather than "as warranted". ROBERT RIGHBTTI stated that staff would be relying on traffic studies for justification of the traffic signals and the proper terminology is "as warranted". TPCMIN10/07/91 -9- 10/08/91 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT OF OCTOBER 7, 1991 S\STAFFRPT\25892TT 11 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City of Temecula Planning Commission Gary Thornhill, Planning Director October 7, 1991 Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 (TTM 25892); Subdivision of 20 acres into 34 single family residential lots. The Planning Commission continued the Public Hearing for TTM 25892 from the Commission meeting of September 16, 1991 to their meeting of October 7, 1991 in order to provide the Commission adequate time to review the proposed map design. Copies of the Tentative Map were provided to the Commission at the meeting of September 16, 1991. Additional information regarding land uses adjacent to this project is attached hereto. Recommendation: 1. RECOMMEND ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract Map No. 25892; and ADOPT Resolution No. 91- Map No. 25892. recommending approval of Tentative Tract klb CITY OF TEMECULA ) e ~',,~,\ \ · , )~, /~,/ ,/ AS C E EXHIBIT NO. ~ J'.C. DAT, e~>"'/"~// CITY OF TEMECULA ) // II II II "'JI .. iL...---.'\ ./' II fl e e · . ',,/~. = // // r CASE CITY OF TEMECULA ) e · . ~. // // / NO EXHIBIT NO. SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: North: South: East: West: Vacant Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Total Land Area: No. of Proposed Lots: Min. Residential Lot Size: Avg. Residential Lot Size: SWAP Designation: 20 acres 34 21,780 sq.ft. 25,650 sq.ft. 2-5 DU/AC On March 1, 1990, the applicant filed Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 and Change of Zone No. 5736 to the Riverside County Planning Department. Change of Zone No. 5736 was a request to change the zoning designation of the subject property from R-R (Rural Residential - 20,000 sq. ft. minimum) to R-1 (Single Family Residential 7,200 sq. ft. minimum); and, Tentative Tract Map No, 25892 proposed to subdivide the subject 20 acre property in 37 single family residential lots. The project was reviewed by the Riverside County Land Division Committee (LDC) March 29, 1990. The LDC requested the following items: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Paleontological Survey Biological Survey Slope Stability Report Traffic Study Design Manual Archaeological Survey Slope Analysis Subsequently, this project was transferred to the City of Temecula on April 24, 1990. On April 24, 1991, this project was reviewed by the Preliminary Development Review Committee (Pre- DRC) in order to informally evaluate the project and address any possible concerns, as well as suggest possible modifications. The issues raised by the Pre- DRC irtcluded the following: S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ANALYSIS: 1. Density 2. Erosion Control 3. Grading 4. Drainage 5. Slope Stability Subsequent to the Pre-DRC meeting, Staff met with the applicant to discuss the Planning staff's concerns and the required supplemental material in order to address the Pre-DRC's concerns. After dicussing the project with the staff, the applicant decided to withdraw the application for Change of Zone No. 5736; reduce the number of residential lots from 37 to 34; provide a minimum lot size of 21,780 square feet; eliminate an interior loop street design; and reduce the amount of grading. On July 18, 1991, Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 was reviewed by the Formal Development Review Committee; and, it was determined that the project, as designed, can be adequately conditioned to mitigate the DRC's concerns. The DRC has forwarded a recommendation of approval subject to conditions. As noted above, Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 proposes to subdivide the subject 20 acre parcel into 34 single family residential lots. The proposed subdivision has been designed in accordance with the standards of the R-R (Rural Residential - 20,000 square foot minimum) zone, as well as Ordinance Nos. 348 and 460. Traffic Impacts The Transportation Engineering Staff has reviewed this project and has determined that the proposed project will have a minimal impact to the existing road system and there will be no adverse unmitigable significant traffic impacts resulting from the development of this proposed project. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 3 Land Use and Zoning The subject site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include single family residential homes to the west and south (1/2 and 1 acre lots); to the north is Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 25320, which is proposing 7,200 square foot minimum lot sizes; and to the east is the Paloma Del Sol Specific Plan area. Access and Circulation Pauba Road will be improved along the subject site with a half width street. Access from Pauba Road will be provided by Streets "A" and "B", which have a sixty (60') foot right-of-way; and are cul-de-sac streets. The circulation design has been approved by both the Traffic Engineering Department and the Riverside County Fire Department. Grading and Landform Alteration The project site is located within a fairly prominent natural hillside area of Temecula. However, the mass grading effort was designed to adhere to the gross natural topography of the site in its original condition. While substantial grading and recontouring of this site, which includes 171,898 cubic yards of excavation and 171,532 cubic yards of fill will occur in the immediate area, the overall plan is intended to promote preservation of site topography. It should be noted that a recommended condition of approval has been included to require that all slopes over five (5') feet in height shall be landscaped immediately upon the completion of grading and shall be maintained by the homeowner's association. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 4 GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: The proposed project density of is consistent with the SWAP Land Use Designation of 2-5 DU/AC. In addition, Staff finds it probable that this project will be consistent with the new General Plan when it is adopted since the proposed subdivision is consistent with the existing zoning and surrounding developments. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: An Initial Study was performed for this project which determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, no significant impact would result to the natural or built environment in the City because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration has been recommended for adoption. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed Tract Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time, due to the fact that the project is consistent with the surrounding residential developments. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan, due to the fact that the project is consistent with surrounding developments. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law, due to the fact that the project conforms to the current zoning for · he site and to Ordinance No. 460, Schedule A. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 6 10. 11. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density, due to the fact that the project has access to public roads and the subdivision has been designed to the standards of the R-R (Rural Residential) zone. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the initial study. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities due to the fact that the lots are large enough to provide sufficient southern exposure. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic, access is provided from Pauba Road. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project as conditioned. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 7 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: RECOMMEND ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract Map No. 25892; and ADOPT Resolution No. 91- recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 25892. vgw Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Resolution Conditions of Approval Environmental Assessment Exhibits: A. Vicinity Map B. Zoning Map C. SWAP Map D. Tentative Tract Map Large Scale Plans S\STAFFRPT~25892 .TTM 8 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 25892 TO SUBDIVIDE A 20 ACRE PARCEL INTO 34 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS LOCATED ON PAUBA ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 945-090-004 AND 005. WHEREAS, David Pearson filed Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Tentative Tract Map on September 16, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, atthe conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Tentative Tract Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findinos. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other'actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 9 (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The Planning Commission finds, in recommending approval of projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: (a) There is reasonable probability that Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 10 (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) Pursuant to Section 7.1 of County Ordinance No. 460, no subdivision may be approved unless the following findings are made: a) That the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed land division is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. c) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type of development. d) That the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. e) That the design of the proposed land division or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. g) That the design of the proposed land division or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property 'Within the proposed land division. A land division may be approved if it is found that S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 11 alternate easements for access or for use will be provided and that they will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) The Planning Commission in recommending approval of the proposed Tentative Tract Map, makes the following findings, to wit.' a) The proposed Tract Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. b) c) d) There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time, due to the fact that the project is consistent with the surrounding residential developments. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan, due to the fact that the project is consistent with surrounding developments. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law, due to the fact that the project conforms to the current zoning for the site and to Ordinance No. 460, Schedule A. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 12 e) The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density, due to the fact that the project has access to public roads and the subdivision has been design to the standards of the R-R (Rural Residential) zone. f) The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as determined in the initial study. g) The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities due to the fact that the lots are large enough to provide sufficient southern exposure. h) All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated rights-of-way which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic, access is provided from Pauba Road. i) The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project as conditioned. j) The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. k) Said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 13 E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Tentative Tract Map is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Comoliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby recommended for adoption. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 25892 for the subdivision of a 20 acre parcel into 34 single family residential lots located on Pauba Road and known as Assessor's Parcel No. 945-090-004 and 005 subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. SECTION 4. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1991. JOHN HOAGLAND CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 16th day of September, 1991 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 14 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Tract Map No: 25892 Project Description: Subdivide 20 Acres into 34 Single Family Residential Lots. Planning Department Assessor's Parcel No.: 945-090-004 and 005 The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule B, unless modified by the conditions listed below. A time extension may be approved in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the approval date by the City Council, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance 460. The subdivider shall submit one copy of a soils report to the City Engineer and two copies to the Department of Building and Safety. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. S\STAFFRPT~25892,TTM 15 10. 11. 12. 13. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. A copy of the final grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Public Works Department for review and approval. All on-site cut and fill slopes shall: Be limited to a maximum slope ratio of 2 to 1 or as approved by the City Engineer. b. Be contour-graded to blend with existing natural contours. c. Be a part of the downhill lot when within or between individual lots. All slopes over three (3) feet in height shall be landscaped and irrigated according to the City Development Code. An erosion control landscaping plan demonstrating methods of erosion protection for these slopes shall be prepared by a qualified professional and shall be submitted to the City Planning Department for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits. The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated April 29, 1991, a copy of which is attached. All proposed construction shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy, as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan. 14. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-R (Rural Residential ~ 20,000 square foot minimum) zone. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 16 15. 16. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. 17. The following note shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: 18. "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory recommendations." Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: If the project is to be phased, prior to the issuance of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process. Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. 3. Preliminary pad and roadway elevations. 4. Areas of terr~orary grading outside of a particular phase. S\STAFFRPT~25892.TTM 17 19. 20. All cut slopes located adjacent to ungraded natural terrain and exceeding ten (10) feet in vertical height shall be contour-graded incorporating the following grading techniques: The angle of the graded slope shall be gradually adjusted to the angle of the natural terrain. Angular forms shall be discouraged. The graded form shall reflect the natural rounded terrain. The toes and tops of slopes shall be rounded with curves with radii designed in proportion to the total height of the slopes where drainage and stability permit such rounding. Where cut or fill slopes exceed 300 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal contours of the slope shall be curved in a continuous, undulating fashion. The developer shall provide evidence to the Director of Building and Safety that all adjacent off-site manufactured slopes have recorded slope easements and that slope maintenance responsibilities have been assigned as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Detailed common open space area landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the phase of development in process. The plans shall be certified by a landscape architect, and shall provide for the following: Permanent automatic irrigation systems shall be installed on all landscaped areas requiring irrigation. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 18 Landscape screening where required shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Planning Director. Utilities shall be placed underground. Parkways shall be landscaped to provide visual screening or a transition into the primary use area of the site. Landscape elements shall include earth berming, ground cover, shrubs and specimen trees. Front yards shall be landscaped and street trees planted. Wall plans shall be submitted for the project perimeter and along Pauba Road. Wooden fencing shall not be allowed on the perimeter of the project. All lots with slopes leading down from the lot shall be provided with gates in the wall for maintenance aCCeSS. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at key visual focal points within the project. The focal points shall be identified on the plans submitted for approval by the Planning Department. Where street trees cannot be planted within right-of-way of interior streets and project parkways due to insufficient road right- of-way, they shall be planted outside of the road right-of-way. Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants where appropriate. All existing specimen trees and significant rock outcroppings on the subject property shall be shown on the project's grading plans and shall note those to be removed, relocated and/or retained. 10. All trees shall be minimum double staked. Weaker and/or slow growing trees shall be steel staked. No building permits shall be issued by the City for any residential lot/unit within the project boundary until the developer's successor's-in-interest provides evidence of compliance with public facility financing measures. A cash sum of one-hundred dollars ($100) per lot/unit shall be deposited with the City as mitigation for public library development. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 19 21. One (1) color and materials sample board (maximum size of 8 x 13 inches by 3/8 inch thick) containing precise color, texture and material swatches or photographs (which may be from suppliers' brochures). Indicate on the board the name, address and phone numbers of both the sample board preparer and the project applicant, tract number, and the manufacturer and product numbers where possible (trade names also acceptable). One (1) copy of the architectural elevations colored to represent the selected color combinations, with symbols keyed to the color and materials board. The written color and material descriptions shall be located on the elevation. Six (6) copies of each of glossy photographic color prints (size 8 x 10 inches) of both color and materials board and colored architectural elevations for permanent filing, hearing body review and agency distribution. All writing must be legible. Said plot plan shall require the approval of the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any building permits for lots included within the plot plan. The submittal of plot plans prior to the issuance of building permits may be phased provided: A separate plot plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for each phase, which shall be accompanied by appropriate filing fees. Each individual plot plan shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permits for lots included within that plot plan. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. If seasonal conditions do not permit planting, interim landscaping and erosion control measures shall be utilized as approved by the Planning Director and the Director of Building and Safety. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 2 1 22. 23. 24. 25. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required for noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required walls shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be sul~erseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Tract Map No. 25892, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site property interests, and if he or she should fail to do so, the developer shall at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 at such time as the City acquires the property interests required for the improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security of a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at the developer's cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. All utility systems including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer, and cable TV shall be provided for underground, with easements provided as required, and designed and constructed in accordance with City Codes and the utility provided. Telephone, cable TV, and/or security systems shall be pre-wired in the residence. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 22 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 33. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a cash sum of $400.00 per lot/unit as mitigation for fire protection impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, he/she may enter into a written agreement with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of the first building permit. Riverside County Department of Public Health 34. A water system shall be installed according to plans and specifications as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the water system shall be submitted in triplicate, with a minimum scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet, along with the original drawing to the County surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter, location of valves and fire hydrants; pipe and joint specifications, and the size of the main at the junction of the new system to the existing system. The plans shall comply in all respects with Div. 5, Part 1, Chapter 7 of the California Health and Safety Code, California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, when applicable. The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and water company with the following certification: "1 certify that the design of the water system in Tract Map 25892 is in accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Rancho California Water District and that the water service, storage, and distribution system will be adequate to provide water service to such Tract Map." This certification does not constitute a guarantee that it will supply water to such tract map at any specific quantities, flows or pressures for fire protection or any other purpose". This certification shall be signed by a responsible official of the water company. The plans must be submitted to the County Surveyor's Office to review at least two weeks prior to the request for the recordation of the final map. 35. This subdivision has a statement from Rancho California Water District agreeing to serve domestic water to each and every lot in the subdivision on demand providing satisfactory financial arrangements are completed with the subdivider. It will be necessary for financial arrangements to be made prior to the recordation of the final map. 36. This subdivision is within the Eastern Municipal Water District and shall be connected to the sewers of the District. The sewer system shall be installed according to plans and specifications as approved by the District, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the sewer system shall be submitted in triplicate, along with the original drawing, to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter, location of manholes, complete profiles, pipe and joint specifications and the S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 24 26. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the developer or his assignee must conform to the park district Quimby Ordinance, unless waived to time of issuance of a building permit. 27. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kv or greater, shall be installed underground. 28. Within forty-eight (48) hours of the approval of the project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred, Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,275.00), which includes the One Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($1,250.00) fee in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(2) plus the Twenty- Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15075. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). Riverside County Fire Department 29. Schedule "A" fire protection approved standard fire hydrants, (6"x4"x2 1/2") located one at each street intersection and spaced no more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 GPM for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI. 30. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, containing a Fire Department approval signature block, and shall conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow. Once plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Department for signature. 31. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. 32. All buildings shall be constructed with fire retardant roofing material as described in Section 3203 of the Uniform Building Code. Any wood shingles or shakes shall have a Class "B" rating and shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation.- S\STAFFRPT~25892.TTM 23 It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration, PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 42. As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; Parks and Recreation Department; US Department of Fish and Wildlife; and Metropolitan Water District 43. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. 44. Pauba Road shall be improved with 32 feet of asphalt concrete pavement, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right- of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 102 (64'/88'). 45. Street "A" and "B" shall be improved with 40 feet of asphalt concrete pavement, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 104, Section A (40'/60'). 46. Cul-de-sac geometrics shall be installed per Riverside County Standard No. 800. 47. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Pauba Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of street intersections as approved by the City Engineer. 48. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. -' S\STAFFRPT~25892 .TTM 2 6 49. A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CC&R's shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CC&R's shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The CC&R's shall be prepared at the developer's sole cost and expense. The CC&R's shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. The CC&R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. The CC&R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of slope and drainage areas within the subdivision. The CC&R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CC&R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CC&R's, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CC&R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. All parkways, open areas, drainage areas and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by homeowner's association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of building permits. 50. The subdivider shall construct or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. S\STAFFRPT~25892.TTM 27 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks along Pauba Road, drive approaches, street Fights, signing, striping, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping (street). d. Sewer and domestic water systems. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the City Engineer. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. The minimum centerline radii shall be 300 feet or as approved by the City Engineer. All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the City Engineer. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. All driveways shall be located a minimum of two (2) feet from the property line. The subdivider shall submit two prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. The subdivider shall submit two copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall'address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 28 60. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. 61. On-site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions." 62. If required after approval of the final drainage report, a drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release or concentrated or diverted storm flows onto the adjacent property. 63. All lots containing storm drains carrying water from public streets shall contain a dedicated easement for storm drain purposes and provide for an access road to the storm drain outlet. 64. The subdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns; i.e., concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities, including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement. 65. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 66. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. 67. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 68. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already cre~'ited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 69. If any work is to be performed within the Metropolitan Water District Right-of- Way, the developer shall submit a copy of the grading plan to the MWD for review and approval. - S\STAFFBPT~25892.TTM 29 PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 70. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 71. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved rough grading plan. 72. Developer shall pay any capital fee for, or install, road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/Negative Declaration for the project. The fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the Agreement for payment of Public Facility fee, a copy of which has been provided to developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 per square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this Agreement, developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this project; Provided that developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 73. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. 74. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. S\STAFFRPT~25892.TTM 30 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Background 1. Name of Proponent: 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: David Pearson 41593 Winchester Road, Suite 101 Temecula. CA 92390 Date of Environmental Assessment: (714) 694-1111 August 20. 1991 II 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: S\STAFFRPT~25892 .TTM Name of Proposal, if applicable: Location of Proposal: CITY OF TEMECULA Tentative Tract MaD No. 25892 South Side of Pauba Road, between Ynez and Maroarita Roads Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets.) Yes Maybe 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? __ __ b, Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X c. Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X d. The destruction, covering or modi- 31 X fication of any unique geologic or physical features? X Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off site? X Yes Maybe Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? X Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? X The creation of objectionable odors? X Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? X 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? X Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? X S\STAFFRPT~25892.TTM 32 c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X -4. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? X Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? X Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or Iround waters? X Yes Maybe Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? X Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? X Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? X Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? X Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? X Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? X S\STAFFRPT~25892,TTM 33 d. Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? _ _ X Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? X X X 10. S\STAFFRPT~25892 .TTM Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal 34 Yes Maybe X X X X X X 11. 12. 13. involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X X X X X 14. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? __ Public Services. Will the proposal have 35 Maybe X X X X X 15. 16. substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services: Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in 'a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? X X X X X X X X Communications systems? Water? Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? Solid waste and disposal? Yes Maybe ~ X X X X X S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 36 17. 18. 19. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? __ X 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential X X X X X X X S\STAFFRPT\25892.TrM 37 to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future.) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X X X S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 38 III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation Earth 1.a. 1.b. 1 .c-d. 1.6. 1.f. No. The project site will be graded as part of a mass grading effort. There will be substantial grading for this project, which includes 171,898 cubic yards of excavation and 171,532 cubic yards of fill. However, a conceptual mass grading plan for the project was reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the Conditions of Approval include mitigation measures in regards to grading. Therefore, the proposed project will not create an unstable earth condition or change the geologic substructure. Yes. The proposed development disrupts the soil profile and results in soil displacement, compaction, and overcovering. However, a slope stability report was prepared for this project, in which specific recommendation were made in order to develop the project. Therefore, this impact is not considered significant, due to the fact that the Conditions of Approval include mitigation measures in regards to all grading. Yes. The project site is located within a fairly prominent natural hillside of Temecula. However, the mass grading effort was designed to adhere to the gross natural topography of the site in its original condition. While substantial grading and recontouring of this site, which includes 171,898 c.y. of excavation and 171,532 c.y. of fill, will occur in the immediate area, the overall plan is intended to promote preservation of site topography. Therefore, this impact is not considered significant. Maybe. Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted and the proposed drainage facilities are constructed. The wind erosion impact is considered significant but will be mitigated through the use of watering trucks and erosion control planting of disturbed areas after grading. After the project is completed, water will be channeled to drainage easements. Appropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the Conditions of Approval. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant, due to the fact that appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. No. The project site is'not adjacent to any creek or stream bed. Therefore, a significant impact will not occur. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 39 1.g. Air 2.a. 2.b,c. Water 3.a,d. 3.b. 3.c. Maybe. The subject site is not located within a subsidence or liquefaction zone and is not subject to liquefaction and subsidence by the Riverside County General Plan. However, to mitigate any potential hazards, a geological report will be prepared prior to any construction of the property. The report will include mitigation measures. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant. Maybe. The proposed project consisting of 34 residential units will generate an increase in vehicle trips to the site. The increased vehicle trips will increase the carbon monoxide emissions and particulates in the area. However, since the ambient air quality in the project vicinity is currently very good due to the local wind patterns, this potential impact is not considered significant. The proposed project will not by itself deteriorate the local area's or regional air quality, but will add to the cumulative impact on air quality due to the substantial growth in the area. No. The proposed project will not create any objectionable odors or alter the area's climate. No. The proposed project will not impact any body of water. Yes. The proposed project will increase the amount of impermeable surfaces on the site and the existing drainage pattern will be altered. However, water will be channeled to drainage easements and streets through drainage facilities and control devices which will have to be approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temecula's Standards and the Conditions of Approval. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since apprcoriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. No. Flood waters will continue to be directed to the streets and flood channels, However, in order to mitigate the downstream impacts brought about by runoff and the proposed drainage facilities, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (the District) has indicated that the project will be required to pay a flood S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 4(~ 3.e. 3.f. 3.g. 3.h. 3.i. Vegetation 4.a,c. 4.b. 4.d. mitigation charge (Area Drainage Plan fee), which has been included as a Condition of Approval. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. Drainage plans for the site will have to meet the requirements of the City's Engineer. Yes. During construction, the proposed project will increase turbidity in local surface waters. This impact is temporary and is not considered significant. After the project is completed, water will be channeled to drainage easements and streets, which will have to be approved by the City Engineer. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. No. The proposed project will not alter the rate of flow of ground water. No. Although the proposed project will increase the amount of impermeable surfaces on the site, the addition of irrigation for the landscape areas will help to off-set any loss of water absorbed into the ground. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant. No. The proposed project will not significantly affect the public water supply. Maybe. Conditions of Approval are included for this project which require proper design and installation of drainage conveyance devices. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. Yes. The proposed project involves a mass grading of the subject site which will eliminate all of the existing native plants; and the proposal includes landscaping and erosion control which will be designed to City standards. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. No. No sensitive vegetational associations or species were identified on- site. No. No agricultural production occurred on-site. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 41 Wildlife 5.a,c. 5.b. No. Maybe. A survey for Stephen's Kangaroo Rat prepared for this project analyzed biologic resources on-site. In that no individuals of the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat were found there is no occupied habitat within the bounds of the tract map. Implementation of the tract as proposed will not result in a taking nor would it result in any adverse effect on the species or on the species' habitat. In that surrounding lands to the north, south, east and west have previously been developed at urban levels of use or are presently being developed at such levels of use, preservation of this site as a reserve is inappropriate. In addition, the site is now isolated from all other known colonies by impassable residential and other barriers and reinvasion of the site is virtually impossible. Implementation of the project as proposed will not have a significant effect and no mitigation other than payment of fees under the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Fee Ordinance is required. Noise 6.a-b. No. A noise assessment was prepared for this project. Analysis indicates that the project site is exposed to significant levels of noise as a result of traffic on Pauba and Margarita Roads. However, it is concluded that the project design, as recommended herein, will comply with the interior noise exposure standard placed on residential construction by the County of Riverside and the State's noise insulation standards. It is further recommended that the final engineering design of the project be reviewed by a recognized acoustical engineer to ensure compliance with the County's noise standards. Light and Glare Land Use Yes. However, the project has been conditioned to comply with applicable lighting standards. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 42 8. No. Project is consistent with both the zoning designation and the Southwest Area Community Plan. Natural Resources 9.a-b. No, This project itself will not significantly increase the rate of use of natural resources. Construction materials and petroleum products will be used extensively to support the specific plan project overall. Risk of Upset 10.a-b. No. The proposed project will not promote a risk of explosion or release hazardous substances nor will it interfere with emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. Population 11. Yes. Although the project proposes to increase the density to 102 lots, the proposed project is consistent with the City Land Use Designation which allows a maximum of 283 lots (according to SWAP). Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant. Housing 12. No. Since the proposed project creates housing, the proposed land use will not create a demand for additional housing. Transportation/Circulation 13.a. Yes. 13.b-e. No. 13.f. -Maybe. The Traffic Study which was prepared for the proposed project has addressed potential traffic impacts and has concluded that the cumulative impacts will not be significant. In addition, appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented through the Conditions of Approval. Public Services 14.a-e. Yes. 14.f. No. The proposed project will have significant adverse effect effect on public services. However, these impacts are not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented through the Conditions of Approval.- S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 43 Energy 15.a-b. No. The proposed project will not result in the substantial use or increase in demand of fuel or energy. Utilities 16.a-f. No. The proposed project might require the use of utilities but will not require substantial alteration to the existing system. Human Health 17.a-b. No. The proposed project will not have significant adverse effect on human health. Aesthetics 18. No. Because the proposed project has been designed to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, there will be no significant impact on aesthetics. Recreation 19. Yes. The proposed project will result in an impact upon existing recreational opportunities. However, the proposed project provides adequate recreational facilities for the subject residents and appropriate Quimby fees will be paid. Therefore, this impact is not considered to be significant since appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented with the project. Cultural Resources 20.a-d. No impact. Mandatorv Findines of Significance 21 .a. Maybe. The proposed project may have a significant impact on plant or wildlife species. However, the project is located within an area designated by the Riverside County as habitat for the endangered Stephen's Kangaroo Rat, the project will be subject to mitigation fees for the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan. In addition, during grading activities, a qualified paleontologist shall be present. S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM ~,at 21 .b. 21 .c. 21 .d. Maybe. The proposed project may have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals. However, no significant impacts will occur if the mitigation measures are followed. Maybe. The proposed project may have impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable which may have environmental effects. However, no significant impacts will occur if the mitigation measures are followed. No. The proposed project will not have impacts which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. S\STAFFRPT\25892.TTM 45 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. X I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. August 20. 1991 Date Oliver Mujica, Senior Planner For CITY OF TEMECULA S\STAFFRPT\25892,TTM 46 September 11, 1991 EVELOPMENT ' .RpORAT|0N pRESIDENT U.S. REP. OFFICE: GUAM OFFICE: PO. BOX 3093 City of Temecula Planning Dept. c/o Ms. Debbie Ubnoski 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Ms. Ubnoski: I'm of the understanding that you are recently in charge (on behalf of the City) of processing a Tentative Tract Map on which I would like to comment. The subject property is known as proposed Tentative Tract 25892 (approximately 20 acres fronting Pauba Road; Southwest corner of Pauba and Margarita Roads). My family and I own two homes and eight parcels of property in the immediate vicinity comprising approximately 37 acres of land. We personally constructed our two homes of approximately 4,000 square feet each with the finest of architecture and material in mind. These homes are presently situated on lots approved for the same density (1/2 acre) at the Tentative Tract Map stage that Mr. Pearson's Tentative Tract Map 25892 proposes. I have reviewed Map 25892 and find it to be well planned in terms of lotting layout, street configuration and surrounding land uses. This project certainly provides a compatible "upper-end" transition between Santiago Rancho and Los Ranchitos to the South and the Paloma Del Sol project and the school facilities to the North. I certainly-envision nice custom homes on lots not too large to maintain, occupied with families eager to locate in the center of our fine community. In short, I str~tK31y s,~Dport the adoption of Tentative Tract Map 25892 a 111 be in attendan on September 16, 1991 at 6:00 p.m. to v alize the same. Y urs trul;, Noel Pai JUDY ROSEN & aSSOCiATES September 11, 1991 city of Temecula Planning Dept. c/o Ms. Debbie Ubnoske 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Ms. Ubnoske: Please allow me to respond to the notice recently sent to me regarding proposed Tentative Tract Map # 25892. I presently own a one acre parcel immediately to the south of the subject property. My current intentions are to construct my personal residence approximately 4 - 5,000 square feet in size. Behind my property is Santiago Ranches with its large custom homes. I perceive this proposed development as being consistent with not only the Swap Map, but also with the existing development in our area. It is important to the homeowners in our community to maintain our exclusivity. This project should offer its own community environment because of its size, number of lots and location. Mr. Pearson's project provides an appropriate transition between the activities at Margarita and Pauba Roads and my immediate area. Finally, Mr. Pearson's project receives my full support because of its well-planned community of 1/2 acre lots. I believe this will be an asset to our r~g~^- b~,,~e of the rural setting for large custom homes it provides while allowing for parcel sizes a homeowner can reasonably be expected to fully maintain. Yours truly, Dave Asmus 4|877 ENTERPRISE CiRClE NORTH · SUITE IO0 · TEMECUIA. CA 92390 7~4/676-2135 · FAX 714/694-0344 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST S/STAFFRPT\25892TT 12 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: TM 25892 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Mitigation) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Public Facility (Library) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of AoDroval Condition No. 22 Condition No. 26 Condition No. 72 Condition No. 52 Condition No. 20.b. Condition No. 33 Condition No. 68 S\STAFFRPT%25892.TT ITEM 15 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council City Attorney November 26, 1991 Item No. 3 - Pulte Homes vs City of Temecula (A challenge to the City's Sphere of Influence northeast of the present City boundary) PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: City Clerk June S. Greek Consider approval of Settlement Agreement The staff will finalize the staff report on this item and forward it to you under separate cover. JSG APPROVAL: CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Anthony Elmo, Chief Building Officialc~ November 26, 1991 Building and Safety October Activity Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION: Building activity continues to decline as reflected by the decline in the number of building related permits issued this past month. You will note the monthly valuation and fee collection totals are higher than the previous month as a result of a combination of general permit issuance and several large and moderately sized projects being permitted. The following is an Update of projects of special note that staff is currently involved with: NEW CONSTRUCTION Advanced Cardiovascular Systems Paradise Chevrolet General Dynamics Commerce National Bank Primadonna's Restaurant Main Street Emporium Soup Exchange K-Mart Jefferson Creek Costco 85% Com 35% Com 95% Com 45% Corn 90% Corn 99% Corn 60% Corn 99% Corn 99% Corn 75% Corn >lete }lete ~lete ~lete ~lete ~lete ~lete ~lete ~lete ~lete Building and Safety October Activity Report November 26, 1991 Page 2 OFFICE, OFFICE/WAREHOUSE SPACE Ballatore Building Hawthorne Park - 13 Buildings Valley Medical Center 40,000 Sq. Ft. 400,000 Sq. Ft. 36,0OO Sq. Ft. 30% Occupied 20% Occupied 85% Occupied v:~wp\agende,rep\cccml 126.rpt This Month DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY Monthly Activity Report For: October, 1991 Last Month This Last Last Fiscal Fiscal Calendar Year Yr/Date Yr/Date PLANS CHECKED: Residential 4 I 18 53 Commercial I 1 17 66 Indust./Warehouse 0 0 I 1 Others 0 2 10 46 TOTAL: 5 4 46 166 PERMITS ISSUED: BUILDING 87 102 414 597 Value 8,171,809 3,096,447 22,161,632 13,374,466 Fees 31,103 24,174 118,477 121,792 ELECTRICAL 52 69 278 310 Fees 7,095 4,703 25,181 29,490 PLUMBING 34 52 200 196 Fees 3,613 4,799 24,338 16,960 MECHANICAL 28 43 152 122 Fees 1,326 2,232 11,487 7,484 TOTAL PERMITS: 201 266 1,044 1,225 TOTAL FEES: 43,137 35,908 179,483 175,726 THIS MONTHS NO. OF NO/UNITS PLAN CHECK PERHIT PERMITS: PERMITS YR/DATE FEES FEES SINGLE FAMILY I 62 1,009 1,768 DUPLEX 0 0 0 0 MULTI-FAMILY 0 0 0 0 COMMERCIAL 8 12 11,575 22,979 INDUSTRIAL 0 0 0 0 RELOCATE/DEMO 4 5 0 240 SWIMMING POOLS 9 34 1893 SIGNS 11 31 368 670 OTHER 54 105 753 3,373 ALTER/ADD TO DWELLING 22 115 1,025 1,858 TO COMMERCIAL 1i 70 5,641 10,356 TO INDUSTRIAL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL: 120 434 ~20,371 43,I37 BUILDING VALUATION This Calandar Yr/Date 33 78 5 40 156 1350 93,039,351 445,237 887 78,295 673 79,101 550 36,215 3,460 638,785 TOTAL VALU;LTION FEES 2,777 260,951 0. O0 0 0.00 0 34,5540 5,775,527 0 0 240 0 1,893 89,450 1,038 23,124 4,126 I68,42l 2,883 101,614 15,997 1,752,722 0 0 63,508 8,I71,809 his Fiscal Year to Date: $22,161,632 This Calendar Year to Date: $93,039,351 Last Fiscal Year to Date: $13,374,466 Last Calendar Year to Date: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER~ CITY MANAGER'7~- CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID F. DIXON NOVEMBER 15, 1991 SHAWN D. NELSON, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR DEPARTMENTAL REPORT Community Services Department The first Community Workshop for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan was held on October 28, 1991 at Vail Elementary School. Approximately 100 attendees provided input concerning parks and recreation facilities, recreation programs, multi-use trails, and operations. A second workshop will be scheduled in December. The Sports Park Restroom/Snack Bar Project is under construction. The concrete slab is poured and the four foot masonry inspection passed on November 14, 1991. This project is scheduled to be completed by the end of December. The City sponsored its first Haunted House program in the Old Town area on October 30 and 31, 1991. Approximately 2,000 people dared to enter the hideous chambers of the house. The event was co-sponsored by KRTM radio, which assisted greatly in publicizing the event. Statements of Qualifications (SOQ's) were submitted to the City to provide architectural services for the Community Recreation Center project. The SOQ's will be evaluated by a selection committee and narrowed to the top firms. These finalists will be invited to participate in an oral interview process. Council Action concerning this issue is scheduled for December 17. Community Services is planning a Breakfast with Santa program that will be held at Sam Hicks Monument Park. This event is still in the planning stages and more information will be forthcoming. The Commissioners Cup for the Temecula Valley Soccer Association is scheduled for the weekends of December 7 & 8, and 14 & 15. It is anticipated that approximately 8,000 people will attend this event at the Rancho California Sports Park. Staff is currently providing the necessary information to the Californian to prepare the Winter/Spring Community Services Recreation Brochure. This recreation brochure will be bull< mailed to every resident in the City. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Manager/City Council Planning Department '~ November 26, 1991 Monthly Report PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Discussion: Caseload Activity: Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning Receive and File The following is a summary of Planning Department's caseload and project activity for the month of November: The department received applications for 43 administrative cases and 5 public hearing cases; following is a breakdown of case type for public hearing items: * Plot Plans (4) * Extension of TimeTract (1) Onooino Proiects: General Plan: A public workshop/town hall meeting was held on October 29, 1991 at Vail Elementary School. About 45 people in a discussion about the City's previously identified opportunities and constraints. Old Town Boundan/ExPansion: A non-public hearing on the expansion was held November 12, 1991 by the City Council. Staff will notify all property owners within the proposed expansion area for a public hearing before the Council in December. Included in the public noticing, is the opportunity to protest the proposed expansion. Directional Sian Ordinance: Approved by the City Council on October 22, 1991. Staff is currently reviewing the alternate ways to implement the program. APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER ~__ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City CounciUCity Manager Department of Public Works November 26, 1991 Public Works Monthly Activity Report (October) PREPARED BY: Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Attached for City Council's review and filing is the Monthly Activity Report (October) for the Department of Public Works. pwOl'~s~d~s,~l126~moscuptlO 112091 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA ITEM 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 12, 1991 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:47 PRESENT: 5 DIRECTORS: PM. Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks, Mu~oz ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field and June S. Greek, City Clerk. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Shawn Nelson, Director of Community Services, introduced Bob K:ast, newly appointed as the City's Maintenance Superintendent. Mr. Kast briefly thanked the City for their confidence in appointing him and outlined his primary objectives. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Birdsall requested the removal of Item No. 3 from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Moore to approve Consent Calendar Items 1 and 2. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Minutes 1.1 1.2 5 DIRECTORS: 0 DIRECTORS: 0 DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks Mu~oz None None Approve the minutes of October 8, 1991. Approve the minutes of October 22, 1991. 4/Minutes/111291 - 1 - 11 / 19/91 CSD Minutes 2. November 12, 1991 Phase I end Phase II - Soorts Park Ballfield Liahting Project - ComDletion 2.1 Accept Phase I and Phase II of the Sports Park Ballfield Lighting Project as 100% complete. 2.2 Authorize final retention payment to Assured Electrical Contractors, contract No. 0137 and No. 0207, to be released pursuant to Section 9- 3.1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. Authorize recordation of the Notice of Completion. 2.3 Award of Bid - Recreation Brochures Shawn Nelson, Director of Community Services, introduced the staff report. Director Birdsall asked if advertising would be included in the Recreation Brochure. Mr. Nelson reported that no advertising would be included in the brochure. Director Birdsall suggested that volunteers distribute these brochures to the apartment complexes so that the recreation programs are better advertised to all citizens in the community. Director Lindemans asked that programs for teenagers be addressed in the January 6th issue. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Moore to award a contract to the Californian to produce two (2) issues of the Community Services Recreation Brochure. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES:- 5 DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks Mu~oz NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT General Manager Dixon stated that programs for teenagers will be addressed in the January issue of the Recreation Brochure and a work plan will be brought back before the Board on November 26, 1991 to address the concerns voiced by the community. 4/Minutes/111291 -2- 11/19/91 CSD Minutes November 12, 1991 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORT None given. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None given. DIRECTORS REPORTS President Mufioz asked that a staff member be assigned to talk with youth at the Yellow Brick Road Arcade to see what programs would be of interest to them. Director Parks asked staff to give an accounting of things the City has already done to address youth needs in the community. He also asked staff to address the suggestion of a temporary facility for the Community Recreation Center. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Moore, seconded by Director Parks to adjourn at 9:04 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: J. Sal Mur~oz, President June S. Greek, City ClerkrrCSD Secretary ITEM 2 ITEM 3 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Temecula Community Services District General Manager November 26, 1991 Item No. 3 - Comprehensive Overview of Goals for Youth and Teen Programs PREPARED BY: City Clerk June S. Greek BACKGROUND: The staff will finalize the staff report on this item and forward it to you under separate cover. JSG ITEM NO. 4 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer DATE: November 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991. DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Temecula Community Services District for the three months ended September 30, 1991. P~ease see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991 III '~) E o 0 (J < ~ O 0 TEMECULA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD NOVEMBER 12, 1991 A regular meeting of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 12:35 AM. PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Mu~oz, Parks, Moore ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were Executive Director David F. Dixon, General Counsel Scott F. Field and Agency Secretary June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. AGENCY BUSINESS 1. Minutes It was moved by Member Parks, seconded by Member Mu~oz to approve staff recommendation as follows: 1.1 Approve the minutes of October 8, 1991. 1.2 Approve the minutes of October 22, 1991. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 MEMBERS: NOES: 0 MEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 MEMBERS: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Birdsall, Lindemans, Mu~oz, Parks, Moore None None Executive Director Dixon addressed the request that staff inform the public regarding the purpose of the Redevelopment Agency. He reported that this was addressed two or three months ago, however time could be set aside in December to do so again. He also suggested working with the media to give people a better understanding of the functions of the Redevelopment Agency. GENERAL COUNSEL'S REPORT None given. 4\RDAM]N\IlI291 -1- 11/19/91 Temecula Redevelopmont Agoncy Minutes November 12. 1991 AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS Member Birdsall stated the Agency needs to address the meeting schedule in December, since one of the regular meetings fall on December 24, 1991, Christmas Eve. Member Lindemans requested that taxes for citizens involved in CSD 161 and CSD 159 be addressed. He also requested staff look into State Flood Control funds to assist people in these districts. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Member Parks, seconded by Member Birdsall to adjourn at 9:13 PM to a meeting on November 26, 1991 at 7:00 PM at the Temporary Temecula Community Center. The motion was unanimously carried. Peg Moore, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk/Agency Secretary 4\RI)AMIN\III291 -2- 11/19/91 ITEM NO. 2 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Redevelopment Agency Members FROM: Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer DATE: November 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: That the Agency Members receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991. DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Redevelopment Agency for the three months ended September 30, 1991. Please see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1991 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1991 E Z < Z c~ ~ 15274. Responses to Revenue Shortfalls. (a) CEQA does not apply to actions taken prior to January 1, 1982, by a public agency. (1) To implement the transition from the property taxation system in effect prior to June 1, 1978, to the system provided for the Article XIII A of the California Constitution (Proposition 13), or (2) To respond to a reduction in federal funds. (b) This exemption is limited to projects directly undertaken by any public agency and to proiects which are supported in whole or in part through contracts, grants, subsidies, loans, or other forms of assistance from one or more public agencies where the projects: (1) Initiateorincreasefees, rates, orchargeschargedforanyexistingpublicservice, program, or activity, or (2) Reduce or eliminate the availability of an existing public service program, or activity, or (3) Close publicly owned or operated facilities, cr (4) Reduce or eliminate the availability of an existing publicly owned transit service, program, or activity. 15275. Specified Mass Transit Projects. CEQA does not apply to the following mass transit projects: (a) The institution or increase of passenger or commuter service on rail lines or high- occupancy vehicle lanes already in use, including the modernization of existing stations and parking facilities; (b) Facility extensions not to exceed four miles in length which are required for transfer of passengers from or to exclusive public mass transit guideway or busway public transit services. 15276. State and Regional Transportation Improvement Programs. CEOAdoesnotapplytothedevelopmentoradoptionofare~ionalt~'ansportationimprovement program or the state transpcrta~on improvement program. Individual proiects developed pursuant to these programs shall remain subject to CEQA. 15277. Projects Located Outside California. CEQA does not apply to any project or portion thereof located outside of California which will be subject to environmental impact review pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 or pursuant to a law of that state requiring preparation of a document containing essentially the same points of analysis as in an environmental impact statement prepared underthe National Environmenta~ Policy Act of 1969. Any emissions ordischarges that would have a significant effect on the environment in the State of California are subject to C EQA where a California public agency has authority over the emissions or discharges. Article 19. Categorical Exemptions 15300; Categorical Exemptions. Section 21084 of the Public Resources Code requires these guidelines to inlcude a list of ciasses of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEOA. In response to that mandate, the Secretary for Resources has found that the following classes of projects listed in this article do not have a significant effect on the environment, and they are declared to be categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents. 99 15300.1. 'ation to Ministerial Projects. Section 2~u80 ofthe Public Resources Code exempts from the application of CEQA those projects over which public agencies exercise only ministeriai authority. Since ministerial projects are already exempt, Categorical Exemptions should be applied only where a project is not ministerial under a public agency's statutes and ordinances. The inclusion of activities which may be ministerial within the classes and examples contained in this article shall not be construed as a finding by the Secretary for Resources that such activity is discretionary. 15300.2. Exceptions. (a) Location. Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 are qualified by consideration of where the project is to be Iocated--a project that is ordinarily insignificant in its impact on the environment may in a particularly sensitive environment be significant. Therefore, these classes are considered to apply in all instances, except where the project may impact on an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local agencies. (b) Cumulative impact. All exemptions for these classes are inapplicable when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place, overtime is significant-- for example, annual additions to an existing building under Class 1. (c) Significant Effect. A categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. 15300.3. Revisions to List of Categorical Exemptions. Any public agency may, at any time, request that a new class of Categorical Exem ptions be added, or an existing one amended or deleted. This request must be made in writing to the Office of Planning and Research and shall contain detailed information to support the request, The granting of such request shall be by amendment to these guidelines. 15300.4. Application by Public Agencies. Each public agency shall, in the course of establishing its own procedures, list those specific activities which fall within each of the exempt classes, subject to the qualification that theselistsmustbeconsistentwithboththeletterandtheintentexpressedinthectasses. Public agencies may omit from their implementing procedures classes and examples that do not apply to their activities, but they may not require EIRs for projects described in the classes and examples in this article except under the provisions of Section 15300.2. 15301. Existing Facilities, Class 1 consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that previously existing, including but not limited to: (a) Interiororexterioralterationsinvolvingsuchthingsasinteriorpartitions,plumbing, and electrical conveyances; (b) Existing facilities of both investor and publicly-owned utilities used to provide electric power, natural gas, sewerage, or other public utility services; (c) Existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities except where the activity will involve removal of a scenic resource including a stand of trees, a rock outcropping, or an historic building; (d) Restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety, unless it is determined that the damage was substantial and resulted from an environmental hazard such as earthquake, landslide, or flood; 100 · the ent are ~tal de -ils, ng or is ch (el Additions to existing structures provided that the addition will not result in an increase of more than: (1) 50 percent of the floor area of the structures before the addition, or 2,500 square feet, whichever is less; or (2) 10,000 square' feet if: (A) The project is in an area where all public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Ran and (B) The area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive. (f) Addition of safety or health protection devices for use during construction of or in conjunction with existing structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment, or topographical features including navigational devices; (g) New copy on existing on and off-premise signs; (h) Maintenance of existing landscaping, native growth, and water supply reservoirs (excluding the use of economic poisons, as defined in Division 7. Chapter 2, California Agricultural Code); (i) Maintenance of fish screens, fish ladders, wildlife habitat areas, affiticial wildlife waterway devices, streamflows, springs and waterholes, and stream channels (clearing of debris) to protect fish and wildlife resources; (j) Fish stocking by the California Department of Fish and Game; (k) Division of existing multiple family rental units into condominiums; (I) Demolition and removal of individual small structures listed in this subsection except where the structures are of historical, archaeological, or architectural significance: (1) Single-family residences not in conjunction with the building of two or more such units. In urbanized areas, up to three single-family residences may be demolished under this exemption. (2) Aparlments, duplexes, and similar structures, with no more than four dwelling units if not in conjunction with the demolition of two or more such structures. In urbanized areas, this exemption applies to single apartments, duplexes, and similar structures designed for not more than six dwelling units if not demolished in conjuction with the demolition of two or more such structures. (3) Stores, motels, offices, restuarants, and similar small commercial structures if de- signed for an occupant load of 30 persons or less, if not constructed in conju nction with the demo lition oftwoormoresuch structures. In urbanized areas, the exemption alsoappliestocommemialbuildings on sites zoned for such use, if designed for an occupant load of 30 persons or less if not demolished in conjunction with the demolition of four or more such structures. (4) Accessory (appurtenant) structures including garages, carports, patios, swim- ming pools, and fences. (m) Minor repairs and alterations to existing dams and appurtenant structures under the supervision of the Department of Water Resources. (n) Conversion of a single family residence to office use. (o) The conversion of existing commercial units in one structure from single to condominium type ownership. 15302. Replacement or Reconstruction. Class 2 consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new stature will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, including but not limited to: (a) Replacement or reconstruction of existing schools and hospitals to provide earthquake resistant structures which do not increase capacity more than 50 percent; (b) Replacement of a commercial structure with a new structure of substantially the same size, purpose, and capacity. (c) Replacementorreconstructionofexistingutilitysystemsand/orfacilitiesinvolving negligible or no expansion of capacity. 101 (d) Conversion of overhead electric utility u, stribution system facilities to unde ground including connection to existing overhead electric utility distribution lines where th surface is restored to the condition existing prior to the undergrounding. 15303. New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Class 3 consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facil~es c structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversic of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifactjons are made in ex~edor of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section are the maximur allowable on any legat parcel or to be associated with a proiect within a two-year pedod. Example of this exemption include but are not limited to: (a) Single-family residences not in conjunction with the building of two or more suc units. In urbanizedareas, uptothree sing~e-familyresidencesmaybeconstructedorconver~e under this exemption. (b) Apa~ments, duplexes, and similar structures, with no more than four dweElin units if not in conjunction with the building or conversion of two or more such structures. urbanized areas, exemption applies to single apa~ments, duplexes, and similar structure designed for not more than six dwelling units if not constructed in conjunction with the buildin or conversion of two or more such structures. (c) Stores, motels, offices, restaurants, and similar small commercial structures nc involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, if designed for an occupant Ioa of 30 persons or less if not constructed in conjunction with the building of two or more such structure! in urbanized areas, the exemption a~so applies to commercial buildings on sites zoned for such us~ if designed for an occupant load of 30 persons or less if not constructed in conjuction with the buildin of four or more such structures and if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardo~ substances. (d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions of reasonabi Tength to serve such construction. (e) Accessory (appurtenant) structures including garages, carpods, patios, swirr ming pools, and fences. 15304. Minor Alterations to Land. Class 4 consists of minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, anc or vegetation which do not involve removal of mature, scenic trees except for forestry an agricuEtrual purposes. Examples include but are not limited to: (a) Grading on ~and with a slope of ~ess than 10 percent, except that grading sha not be exempt in a waterway, in any wetland, in an officially designated (by federal, state, c local government action) scenic area, or in officialy mapped areas of geologic hazard. (b) New gardening or landscaping. (c) Filling of earth into previously excavated land with material compatible with th natural features of the site. (d) Minor alterations in land, water, and vegetation on existing officially designate wildlife management areas or fish production facilities which result in improvement of habitE for fish and wildlife resources or greater fish production. (e) Minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on th environment, inlcuding carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. (f) Minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored. (g) Maintenance dredging where the spoil is deposited in a spoil area authorized b all applicable state and federal regulatory agencies, (h) The creation of bicycle lanes on existing rights-of-way. 102 15305. Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations. Class 5 consists of minor alterations in land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20%, which do not result in any changes in land use or density, including but not fimited to: (a) Minor lot line adjustments, side yard, and set back variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcel; (b) Issuance of minor encroachment permits; (c) Reversion to acreage in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. 15306. Information Collection. Class 6 consists of basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes, or as part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded. 15307. Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of Natural Resources. Class 7 consists of actions taken by regu~atory agencies as authorized by state law or local ordinance to assure the maintenance, restoration, or enhancement of a natural resource where the regutatoryprocessinvolvesproceduresforprctectionoftheenvironment. Examplesincludebutare not limited to wildlife preservation activities of the State Department of Rsh and Game. Construction activities are not included in this exemption. 15308. Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environ- merit. Class 8 consists of actions taken by regulator,/agencies, as authorized by state or local ordinance, to assure the maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or protection of the environ- ment where the regulatory process involves procedures for protection of the environment. Construction activities and relaxation of standards allowing environmental degradation are not included in this exemption. 15309. Inspections. Class 9 consists of activities limited entirely to inspections, to check for performance of an operation, or quality, health, or safety of a project, inlcidng related activities such as inspection for possible mislabeling, misrepresentation, or adulteration of products. 1531 O. Loans. Class 10 consists of loans made by the Department of Veterans Affairs under the Veterans Farm and Home Purchase Act of 1943, mortgages for the puchase of existing structures where the loan will not be used for new construction and the purchase of such mortgages by financial institutions. Class 10 includes but is not limited to the following examples: (a) Loans made by the Department of Veterans Affairs under the Vetrans Farm and Home Purchase Act of 1943. (b) Purchases of mortgages from banks and mortgage companies by the Public Employees Retirement System and by the State Teachers Retirement System. 5311. Acessory Structures. Class 11 consistsofconstruction,orreplacementofminorstructuresaccessoryto(appurtenant to) existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities, including but not limited to: (a) On-premise signs; (b) Small parking lots; 103 ":L-.-- - -----' (c) Pla,-~ment of seasonal or temporary use item.~ ^, ~ch as lifeguard towers, mobile food units, pertab. astrooms, or similar items in generally th ame locations from time to time in publicly owned parks, stadiums, or other facilities disigned for public use. 15312. Surplus Government Property Sales. Class 12 consists of sales of surplus government proper'b/except for parcels of land located in an area of statewide, regional, or areawide concern identified in Section 15206(b)(4). However, even if the surplus property to be sold is located in any of those areas, its sale is exempt if: (a) The property does not have significant values for wildlife habitat or other environmental purposes, and (b) Any of the following conditions exist: (1) The property is of such size, shape, or inaccessibility that it is incapable of independent development or use; or (2) The property to be sold would qualify for an exemption under any other class of categorical exemption in these guidelines; or (3) The use of the property and adjacent property has not changed since the time of purchase by the public agency. 15313. Acquisition of Lands for Wildlife Conservation Purposes. Class 13 consists of the acquisition of lands for fish and wildlife conservation purposes including preservation of fish and wildlife habitat, establishing ecological reserves under Fish and Game Code Section 1580, and preserving access to public lands and waters where the purpose of the acquistion is to preserve the land in its natural condition. 15314. Minor Additions to Schools. Class 14 consists of minor additions to existing schools within existing school grounds where the addition does not increase original student capacity by more than 25% or ten classrooms, whichever is less. The addition of portable classrooms is included in this exemption. 15315. Minor Land Divisions. Class 15 consists of the division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four orfewer parcels when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. 15316. Transfer of Ownership of Land in Order to Create Parks. Class 16 consists of the acquisition or sale of land in order to establish a park where the land is in a natural condition or contains historic sites or archaelogicai sites and either: (a) The management plan for the park has not been prepared, or (b) The management plan proposes to keep the area in a natural condition or preserve the historical or archaeological site. CEQA will apply when a management plan is proposed that will change the area from its natural condition or sign ificantly change the historic or archaeological site. 15317. Open Space Contracts or Easements. Class 17 consists of the establishment of agricultural preserves, the making and renewing of open space contracts under the Williamson Act, or the acceptance of easements or fee interests in order to maintain the open space character of the area. The cancel latjon of such preserves, contracts, interests, or easements is not included and will normally be an action subject to the CEQA process. 'e ~S )fi )e ~e or is -ic 15318. Designation of Wilderness Areas. Class 18 consists of the desi 'tion wilderness areas under the Califor ' Wilderness System. 15319. Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lots for Exempt Facili- ties. Class 19 consists of only the following annexations: (a) Annexations to a city or special distdct of areas containing existing public or pdvate structures developed to the density allowed by the current zoning or pre-zoning of either the gaining or losing governmental agency whichever is more restrictive, provided, however, that the extension of utility services to the existing facilities would have a capacity to serve only the existing facilities. (b) Annexations of individual small parcels of the minimum size for facilities exempted by Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. 15320. Changes in Organization of Local Agencies. Class 20 consists of changes in the organization or reorganization of local governmental agencies where the changes do not change the geographical area in which previously existing powers are exercised. Examples include but are not limited to: (a) Establishment of a subsidiary district. (b) Consolidation of two or more districts having identical powers. (c) Merger with a city of a district lying entirely within the boundaries of the city. 15321. Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies. Class 2t consists of: (a) Actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regu latory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. Such actions include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) The direct referral of a violation of lease, permit, license, ceritificate, or entitle- ment fdr use or of a general rule, standard, or objective to the Attorney General, District Attorney, or City Attorney as appropriate, for judicial enforcement. (2) The adoption of an administrative decision or order enforcing or revoking the lease, permit, license, certificate, or entitlement for use or enforcing the general rule, standard, or objective. (b) Law enforcement activities by peace officers acting under any law that provides a criminal sanction. (c) Construction activities undertaken by the public agency taking the enforcement or revocation action are not included in this exemption. 15322. Educational or Training Programs Involving No Physical Changes. Class 22 consists of the adoption, alteration, or termination of educational or training programs which involve no physical alteration in the area affected or which involve physical changes only in the interior of existing school or training structures. Examples include but are not limited to: (a) Development of or changes in curriculum or training methods. (b) Changes in the grade structure in a school which do not result in changes in student transportation. 15323. Normal Operations of Facilities for Public Gatherings. Class 23 consists of the normal operations of existing facilities for public gatherings for which the facilities were designed, where there is a past history of the facility being used for the same or similar kind of purpose. For the purposes of this section, "past history" shall mean that 105 (b) Operation of the generr" '] facilities will not change the flow re' ' *~e in the affected stream, canal, or pipeline inck._,ng but not limited to: (1) Rate and volume of flow, (2) Temperature, (3) Amounts of dissolved oxygen to a degree that could adversely affect aquatic life, and (4) Timing of release. (c) New power' lines to connect the generating facilities to existing power lines will not exceed one mile in length if located on a new right of way and will not be located adjacent to a wild or scenic river. (d) Repair or reconstruction of the diversion structure will not raise the normal maximum surface elevation of the impoundment. (e) There will be no significant upstream or downstream passage of fish affected by the project. (f) The discharge from the power house will not be located more than 300 feet from the toe of the diversion structure. (g) The project will not cause violations of applicable state or federal water quality standards. (h) The project will not entail any construction on or alteration of a site included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and (i) Construction will not occur in the vicinity of any rare or endangered species. 15329. Cogeneration Projects at Existing Facilities. Class 29 consists of the instafiation of cogeneration equipment with a capacity of 50 megawatts or less at existing facilities meeting the conditions described in this section. (a) At existing industrial facilities, the installation of cogeneration facilities will be exempt where it will: (1) Result in no net increases in air emissions from the industrial facility, or will produce emissions Tower than the amount that would require review under the new source review rules applicabie in the county, and (2) Comply with all applicable state, federal, and local air quality laws. (b) At commercial and industrial facilities, the installation of cogeneration facilities will be exempt if the installation will: (1) Meet all the criteria descril}ed in Subsection (a), (2) Result in no noticeable increase in noise to nearby residential structures, (3) Be contiguous to other commercial or institutional structures. Article 20. Definitions 15350. General. The definitions contained in this article apply to terms used throughout the guidelines unless a term is otherwise defined in a particular section. 15351. Applicant. "Applicant' means a person who proposes to cam/out a project which needs a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use or financial assistance from one or more public agencies when that person applies for the governmental approval or assistance. 15352. Approval. (a) "Approval" means the decision by a public agency which commits the agency to a deft nite course of action in regard to a project intended to be carded out by any person. The exact date of approval of any project is a matter determined by each public agency according to its rules, 107