HomeMy WebLinkAbout121890 CC AgendaCALL TO ORDER: Invocation Flag Salute ROLL CALL: PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER DECEMBER 18, 1990 - 7:00 PM Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 90-27 Resolution: No. 90-124 Pastor Marry Edwards, Lambs Fellowship Councilmember Mufioz Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks Special Achievement Award - Temecula Valley High School Football Team PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request To Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk befor/the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 2/ageride/121890 I 12/14/90 CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Standard Ordinance Adootion Procedure RECOMMENDATION 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of November 27, 1990 as mailed. 2.2 Approve the minutes of December 4, 1990 as mailed. 3 Resolution Aoorovinq List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. 4 Statement of Revenues and Exoenditures for the Four Months Endinq October 31. 1990. RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. 4.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUI. A AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET TO TRANSFER ~26,000 FROM FINANCE DEPARTMENT SALARIES TO CONSUL TING AND $90,000 FROM BUILDING SA~,ARIES TO CONSUL TING FEES. 2/ageride/121890 2 12114/90 5 6 7 Public Imorovements - Parcel Mao 23354 RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Accept public improvements within Parcel Map 23354. 5.2 Authorize the reduction in Letter of Credit amounts and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Public Improvements - Parcel Mao 21592 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Accept public improvements in Parcel Map 21592. 6.2 Authorize the reduction in Letter of Credit amounts and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Final Parcel MaD No. 23496 RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. approval. 23496 subject to the conditions of Final Parcel Mao No. 25037 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 25037 subject to the conditions of approval. 9 Final Tract Mao No. 23583 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve Final Tract Map No. approval. 23583 subject to the conditions of 21aeertddl 21880 3 12114/90 10 Ratification of Professional Enaineering Services Contract with J.F. Davidson Associates, Inc. to Provide Design Services for Community Facilities District 88-12. RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Approve contract as submitted. CSD MEETING - (To be held at 8:00 PM) Please see se~a~te aoenda PUBLIC HEARINGS 11 Extension of Time - Parcel Mao No. 23430 A 9-lot commercial subdivision located at the Winchester Roads. RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 southwest corner of Ynez and Approve the applicant's request for extension of time. COUNCIL BUSINESS 12 13 Final Parcel Mao No. 23430 RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 23430 subject to the conditions of approval. ADoointment of Alternate to WRCOG and Dis~;ussion of the Oroanizations Goals Requested by Mayor Parks and Councilmember Birdsall RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Appoint a member of the City Council to act as the Alternate Voting Delegate to the Western Riverside Council of Governments. 2/ageride/121890 4 12114/90 CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY CGUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Special meeting: Adjourn to a meeting to be held December 19, 1990, 4:00 PM, Temecula City Hall, 43172 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California Next regular meeting: January 8, 1991,7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California 21agefxIdl 21890 6 12114/90 ITEM NO. 1 ITEM NO. 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 27, 1990 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Tim Riter, Rancho Christian Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Birdsall. PRESENTATIONS/ PRO CLA MA TIONS Mayor Parks recognized the Library Building Foundation of Temecula for its efforts in bringing a new library building to the City and thanked the members of the Foundation for their continuing commitment to libraries. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bill Bopf, 41707 Winchester Road, asked the .City to take action to support the Economic Development Corporation. He also asked what progress is being made to complete the Ynez-Corridor Mello Roos. Jimmy Moore, 41747 Borealis Drive, representing the Kiwanis Club, congratulated the City on its birthday and announced a barbecue to be held on Saturday, December I st from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Bob Hemme, 47918 Pala Road, requested that the matter of insurance for the City be placed on the agenda as an urgency item. City Manager Dixon requested this be referred to the City Manager, who would take necessary steps to resolve the issue and report back to Council. H i nut es \ 11 \27~90 - 1 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Lindemans requested the removal of Agenda Item No. 3. Councilmember Moore stated she would abstain from Item No. 5 to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve Items No. 1, 2 and 4 as follows: 1. Standard Ordinance Adoption Procedure 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. Minutes 2.1 Approve the minutes of October 30, 1990 as mailed. 4. Second Reading of Ordinance Permitting Change of Zone No. 5611 4.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION CONTAINED IN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 5611, CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-R (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO R- 1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SERAPHINA ROAD AND RITA WAY. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ninutes\11\27~90 -2- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 Substitution of Bonds for Tracts No. 23371-1 and Tract 23371-2 5.1 Accept Substitute Monument, Faithful Performance, and Material and Labor Bonds for Tracts 23371-1 and Tract 23371-2. 5.2 The motion was carried by the following vote: Authorize the City Clerk to release existing bonds on file. AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: I Birdsall, Parks None None Moore COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Resolution Approving Payment of Demands Lindemans, Mu~oz, Councilmember Lindemans asked why the City is refunding developer fees. City Manager Dixon answered that at times projects are withdrawn and fees, therefore, are refunded. Councilmember Lindemans requested a list of building fees collected during the months of July, August and September. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore, NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 Birdsall, Lindemans, Mu~oz, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None M i nut es\l 1%27%90 -:$- 12/1ZlgO City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 COUNCIL BUSINESS 6. Election of Mayor Sydney Vernon, 30268 Mersey Court, suggested that the position of mayor be rotated to give other members of the Council an opportunity to serve in that capacity. Steve Schraeder, 41235 Via Carlotta, spoke in favor of the Council reelecting Ron Parks for another term as Mayor of Temecula. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to nominate Ronald J. Parks for Mayor in 1991. Councilmember Lindemans stated that when the Council was newly elected, a meeting was held at which a decision was made that the office of mayor would be rotated each year, and asked that this be done. He stated he would support Councilmember Pat Birdsall as the next mayor. Councilmember Mu~oz stated that he also feels the office of mayor should be rotated and further stated his concerns with Mayor Parks performance as mayor. He stated he would favor electing Councilmember Pat Birdsall. Councilmember Moore stated she feels Mayor Parks is the best choice for mayor, and he has done an exemplary job during the forming of a new City. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Parks NOES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mu~oz ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None H i nut es\ 11 \27\90 -/, - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 Election of Mayor Pro Tempore It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Mayor Parks to nominate Patricia Birdsall as Mayor Pro Tempore. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 NOES: 2 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Parks Lindemans, Mu~oz None PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. Plot Plan No. 20 Gary Thornhill, Planning Director, stated this is a request by Medical Design Concepts to construct an industrial building located on Business Park Drive. He explained it would contain 128,345 square feet of warehouse, 26,850 square feet of office space and 5,366 square feet of manufacturing area on 12.09 acres. He said the Planning Commission recommends approval. City Manager Dixon reported this is an expansion of an existing use. He said the company employs 200 people and staff is very supportive of this proposal. Mayor Parks opened the public hearing at 7:50 PM. Craig Wulfemeyer, 43225 Business Park Drive, stated he is in agreement with all conditions of approval. Mayor Parks closed the public hearing at 7:51 PM. Hinutes\l 1%27"%90 -5- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Mu~oz, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to: 8.1 Adopt a Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 20. 8.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-115 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUI. A APPROVING PLOT PLAN NO. 20 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 160,561 SQUARE FOOT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING NORTH OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD WEST OF BUSINESS PARK DRIVE AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 92 1-020-045 The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Parcel Map No. 252 12/Change of Zone No. 5663 Gary Thornhill, Planning Director, reported this is a request by Durango Development Co. for Change of Zone No. 5663/Parcel Map No. 25212. He explained this would divide five acres into four parcels. He stated the current zoning is RR 2 1/2 and the request is for RR (which would allow 1/2 acre parcels). Mr. Thornhill stated the Planning Commission recommended denial of this application based on the increase in density to an rural area. He stated the Commission felt this may set a precedent and affect the rural character intended for the area. Doug Stewart, Deputy City Engineer, reported that since the Planning Commission recommendation of denial on November 5, 1990, the applicant has worked with staff to resolve the engineering issues, Mr. Stewart presented the Council with revisions to the conditions of approval for Parcel Map 25212. H i nut es\ 11 \27M)0 - 6- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 Mayor Parks called a one minute break to change the tape at 8:05 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:06 PM. Councilmember Moore asked if there had been any discussion at the Planning Commission Hearing to change this to one acre parcels. Gary Thornhill answered there was no discussion of changing this zoning to R-1 I Acre. Mayor Parks asked if this project is consistent with SWAP, which the City is using as it's planning guide. Gary Thornhill answered that this project is consistent with SWAP, however the Planning Commission does not agree SWAP should be used in this particular case, because of the existing developed character of the land. Mayor Parks opened the public hearing at 8:06 PM. Tim Crowe, the owner of the property, stated that this project is less dense than the SWAP guidelines, and that he feels the project is suitable for the proposed area. He asked that the Council overturn the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the project. Steve Delamas, 23769 Five Tribes Trail, Murrieta, stated he agreed with Tim Crowe on the zoning issues and stated he concurs with staff's conditions of approval No. 24 and 26, for street improvements excluding sidewalks and street lights. Alicen Wong, P.O. Box 913, Murrieta, said she is in favor of the proposed zone change and explaining street improvements are needed and without approval of smaller parcels, these improvements will probably not be made. She presented the Council with two letters in support of the zone change. John Hoagland, 40481 Calle Fiesta, Planning Commissioner, said there were no representatives in favor of this project at the Planning Commission hearing. He explained the Commission felt that by allowing this zone change it would set a precedent for smaller lot sizes in this area. He explained the applicant had not been cooperative in working with staff on conditions of approval, and stated the Commission wanted applicants to come to a "meeting of the minds" with staff. He requested that concerned citizens be present at Planning Commission hearings so that decisions could be made based on the desires of the residents. Edward Varela, I 443 Rainbow Valley Blvd., Fallbrook, stated he owns land in this area and is in favor of 1/2 acre zoning. H i nut es\ 11 \27\~0 - ?- 12/12/~0 City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 Luis Morgan, Leifer Road, stated he wanted to attend the Planning Commission Public Hearing, but was not informed when it was occurred. He stated that the rules of notification within 300 feet is not adequate. Mayor Parks stated the City is working to correct this problem. Mayor Parks closed the public hearing at 8:20 PM. Councilmember Mu~oz stated it appears at everything surrounding this project is 2 1/2 lots, and he would like to hear from residents living on these 2 1/2 acre lots. He said he would be in favor of compromising for nothing lower than 1 acre parcels, with the guarantee that improvements are installed. Councilmember Moore said she felt one acre designation in this area is more appropriate than 1/2 acre. She stated she felt the Planning Commission was at a disadvantage because there was no public comment given. Councilmember Mu~oz stated he is concerned with not support the decisions of the Planning Commission, and stated he does not want to send a signal to applicants that they do not have to work with staff and the Council will overturn the Planning Commission's decision. Mayor Parks said he felt that most of the ownership will go to higher density in the area and basically supports the applicants request. He said, however, that he does not want to send a message to the community that the Council does not support the Planning Commission. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to continue to the meeting of December 11, 1990 with direction to staff to address conditions 23, 24 and 26, and to identify the project as a minimum zoning of one acre, if feasible. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None H i nut es\ 11 \27~90 - 8 - 12/12190 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 RECESS Mayor Parks called a recess at 8:25 PM. The meeting was reconvened following the CSD Meeting at 8:50 PM. Mayor Parks announced they would be taking Agenda Item No. 11 out of order, due to the number of interested citizens. 11. Sphere of Influence Study City Manager Dixon introduced Bill Mecham, a member of a consultant team which has been developing a Sphere of Influence Study. He explained that Mr. Mecham would present the proposed sphere and Council would determine if boundaries needed to be changed. He stated once direction has been given to staff, this will be presented to LAFCO, whereby public hearings will be held. Bill Mecham, Philip Anthony Inc., reported that the establishment of a Sphere of Influence is mandated by State law. He explained it may conform to City limits or it can be much larger. Mr. Mecham stated the proposed sphere would quadruple the size of the City if annexation occurs. Mr. Mecham reported the proposed sphere was established by using existing political boundaries; County line; Murrieta School District Facilities, the Water District and the City of Murrieta. He said it includes Skinner Lake, Vail Lake, the Santa Rosa Plateau, the Vineyard Area and the French Valley. Mr. Mecham said that after boundaries have been finalized the report goes to LAFCO, who has the responsibility for making a judgement on what the City presents. Mr. Mecham said he had been approached by several major property owners who were interested in becoming a part of the City's Sphere. Councilmember Lindemans asked what the Sphere will cost the City. City Manager Dixon stated the Sphere itself will have no financial impact upon the City. He said only with annexation would a financial commitment be made. Mr. Dixon explained the Sphere of Influence is a future plan or blueprint for the expansion of public facilities over the next five to 10 years. Councilmember Lindemans asked if the City were to annex property, would property owners have a vote? City Manager Dixon stated that on vacant land a vote would not be taken, however if more than 11 or 12 residents are in the area, a vote must be taken. M i nut es\ 11%27%90 -9- 12/12190 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 The following citizens objected to be included in the Sphere of Influence: Kenneth Barnes, 39695 Berenda Road, representing CSA 149 Area. Mr. Barnes also presented a petition with 203 signatures. Dennis O'Neil, French Valley Area, 18881 VonKarman, 16th Floor, Irvine Fred Weishaupl, 29949 Willowbend Drive, Murrieta, representing the Council Elect of Murrieta, asked that the Council not take action until discussing it with the City of Murrieta. Audrey Cilurzo, Cilurzo Winery, 41220 Calle Contendo, Temecula Mayor Parks called a one minute break to change the tape at 9:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 9:21 PM. Shirley Allen, Glen Oak Hills, 42200 Chaparral Drive Joseph Phelps, Valle de Los Caballos and Palomar Ranches, 35010 Santa Rita Road Stephen J. Corona, 29926 Corte Tolano Beverly Ashbrook, Temecula Valley Vintners Association, 30942 Loma Linda Road John Moramarco, Callaway Vineyard and Winery, 32720 Rancho California Road Carl Key, Valle De Los Caballos, 37338 Deportola Road John Culbertson, Culbertson's Winery, 32575 Rancho California Road Ben R. Drake, Piconi Vineyard and Winery, 45650 Bowery Lane Tom Rogers, Wine Country Community, 35270 Calle Nopal Bradley Light, Wine Country, 41825 Calle Cabrillo Mayor Parks stated he met with representatives from the Wine Country and explained that the City may be able to offer them better services than the County, and had no intention of changing the rural nature of the area. N i nut es \ 11 \27~90 - 10 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 Councilmember Birdsall asked if the Sphere of Influence could be changed after it is submitted to LAFCO. She also stated that she is not opposed to leaving the wine country out of the Sphere of Influence. Councilmember Mu~oz stated that he appreciated the concerns of the farmers in the area. He said he had hoped to bring them into the City to provide more guarantees and protection, however, because of the strong sentiment against, he is not opposed to excluding them from the sphere. He suggested giving the City of Murrieta a copy of the Sphere for their input and bringing the proposal back in a couple of weeks. Councilmember Lindemans stated he felt the Sphere of Influence was much too large, and suggested the boundaries be reduced on the East and West. City Manager Dixon suggested that to address the concerns of the large audience, direction should be given to staff on which areas to exclude. He suggested excluding the boundaries of CSA-149, looking at the area to the west and holding discussions with the City of Murrieta. He said there is strong sentiment for extending to the French Valley and the area to the South has filed no objections. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to continue to the meeting of December 11, 1990 with direction to staff to meet with the Council-Elect of the City of Murrieta to discuss their concerns and further to remove the Wine Country Area known as "CSA 149" from the Sphere of Influence. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to extend the meeting until 11:00 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. RECESS Mayor Parks called a recess at 10:00 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:15 PM. H i nut es\ 11 \27~90 - 11 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 10. Zone Change 5613, Vesting Tentative Tract 25082 Councilmember Lindemans stated he had a conflict of interest on this item, and would remove himself from the discussion and vote. Gary Thornhill, Planning Director, reported this is a request from Pavillion Homes, Inc. for approval of Vesting Tentative Map No. 25082 and Change of Zone No. 5613. Mr. Thornhill stated this project would require extensive grading, (40 to 50 foot cut). He said the Planning Commission felt this would set a precedent for higher density zoning in this area and recommended denial. Mayor Parks asked if there is a flood control problem with the project. Mr. Doug Stewart, Deputy City Engineer, answered the County Flood Control Agency sent a letter stating they could not support the project, based upon inadequate infrastructure being planned for the area. Mayor Parks opened the public hearing at 10:25 PM. Gary Koontz, CM Engineering Associates, 41593 Winchester Road, Suite 210, representing the applicant, stated the project before the Council has a density of 3.1 dwelling units per acre which is in accordance with SWAP. He stated a number of studies were required by the County which have been cleared, and as part of this a environment assessment notes there are no significant environmental impacts on this project. Regarding consistency of area development, Mr. Koontz stated there are several tracts (Hidden Hills Area), that are approved, recorded and constructed, adjacent to this parcel. He said to the northwest, Tract 25004 was approved with 7200 square foot lots. He said Tract 25082 is a logical extension of this area. Mr. Koontz said with regards to adequate infrastructure, Nicolas Road, a planned arterial highway is being extended, with improvements being funded by Assessment District 161. He said existing water lines are available, as well as sewers approximately 1/4 mile away. He objected to the suggestion of 1/2 acre lots for part of the project stating this would not be compatible with 7200 square foot lots. He said 1/2 acre lots do allow animals, (horses), which could cause problem with adjacent single family homes. H i nut es\ 11 \27~90 - 12 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 He stated in terms of the flood plain issue, the County wanted an assessment district created to provide for these improvements. He said it is difficult to create an assessment district before a project is approved and therefore suggested adding a condition that prior to recordation of a final map, a financing mechanism for regional improvements to the Santa Gertrudis Creek shall be approved by the Flood Control District. He said the applicant has no problem with going back to the Planning Commission and upgrading the design manual, and return for final approval. Mayor Parks declared a one minute break to change the tape at 10:40 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 10:41 PM. Alicen Wong, P.O. Box 913, Murrieta, stated she owns property directly across from this project and feels a higher density zoning is appropriate for this area. Larry Markam, 41750 Winchester Road, Ste N, stated with upcoming projects surrounding this project, the 1-2 designation is inappropriate on this area. He said there are a series of vacant parcels that are becoming a rural island, completely surrounded by higher density. He said this area was originally slated for 1-2 dwelling units, but was changed to 2-4 dwelling units. When these changes were made, there was no opposition. He said this project will be providing the needed infrastructure to support the density levels proposed, with street improvements, flood control channels, and utilities to this area. Linda Ashcraft, 40397 Calle Medusa, asked if a traffic study was performed. She stated she is not opposed to new development, but requested the streets be improved before these projects are approved, so that Calle Medusa will not be further impacted by "cut-through" traffic. Doug Stewart reported the Transportation Engineering Department has reviewed the traffic study and have given a clearance for this tract. Mr. Koontz stated that Assessment District 1 61, which will provide substantial improvements on that road, has been approved and contracts have been awarded. He also said this project does not front on Calle Medusa and traffic should be distributed to Nicolas Road. John Estoch, 40420 Calle Medusa, asked when this traffic study was performed. Doug Stewart reported the traffic study was done approximately six months ago and reviewed within the last two months. Mayor Parks closed the public hearing at 11:00 PM. nut es\ 11 \27~90 - 1 ] - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 City Manager Dixon asked the Planning Director to comment on whether new material was supplied to the Council which would change his recommendation, and he responded his recommendation is for denial. Mr. Thornhill stated this is a vesting tentative map where design guidelines should be in order for the project. He said the Planning Commission was not satisfied with the guidelines submitted. He reported there are other projects in house for this area and the Council's action tonight will give staff policy direction relative to recommendations on other projects. Doug Stewart stated the flood control improvements which will be done by Assessment District 1 61 do not include improvements adjacent to this tract, and do not protect this tract from the 1 O0 year flow. He said the position of Riverside County Flood Control District is that this tract, and tracts adjacent to this, need to present a realistic financing mechanism for the installation of improvements that will protect this area. He reported this has not be accomplished to date. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to extend the meeting to 11:30 PM. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans Mayor Parks closed the public hearing at 11:35 PM. Councilmember Mu~oz stated he feels that Council should go with staff recommendation because one, Riverside County Flood Control has not been satisfied, two, Calle Medusa may be impacted from this project, and three, buffering the rural community is not addressed. Mayor Parks suggested referring this project to the Planning Commission for re- work and re-design. He said a lot of work has already been done on this project, but agrees that the applicant has not addressed all the issues, such as flood control. H i nutes\l 1 \27~90 - 1/,- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 City Manager Dixon stated that referring this to the Planning Commission would involve more staff time and the City would need to request time and materials costs for this project. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to refer Zone Change 5613, Vesting Tentative Tract 25082 to the Planning Commission for review at a later date, subject to the applicant paying all appropriate time and material costs incurred as a result of this reconsideration. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans 12. Expanding Sphere of Influence City Manager Dixon reported it is stafrs recommendation to extend the contract to Phil Anthony and Bill Mecham to pursue the filing of the amended sphere to LAFCO, in an amount not to exceed $24,000. Councilmember Mu~oz asked if $48,000 for a Sphere of Influence study is too high? City Manager Dixon answered that based upon services still required, more funds need to be allocated. Mr. Dixon stated this is an expansion of tasks outlined in the scope of work in the original contract. He said this scope of work not only includes preparing the report for LAFCO but also meeting with property owners, which has been more extensive than first planned. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to authorize a maximum of $24,000 for continued efforts by Phil Anthony in establishing the City's Sphere of Influence. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None N i nutes\l 1 \27~90 - 15 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Mayor Parks to extend the meeting to 12:00 AM. The motion was unanimously carried. 13. Nuisance Abatement Ordinance City Manager Dixon reported this ordinance gives the City a method to protect the citizens from conditions that are offensive, annoying and detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and allows it to enforce these provisions. Councilmember Moore asked if private streets and easements are included in Item (1), Page 57 City Attorney Field stated he did not have a problem adding this. It was moved by Councilmember Mu~oz, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to introduce an ordinance, with the correction to Section 6.14.002, Subsection (I) adding "private streets and easements", entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCES AND ADDING CHAPTER 6.14 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO NUISANCE ABATEMENT The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None City Manager Dixon reported that Items 14, 15 and 16, are all recommendations for continuance. He said that on Agenda Item No. 15, instead of 30 days, the recommended date should be January 8, 1991. Mayor Parks asked that Item 16 be continued to a time certain. Councilmember Lindemans stated he spoke with a Target representative and an answer would be ready by December 11, 1990. Hi nutes\l 1 \27~) - 16- 12/12/~0 City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to continue Items 14, 15 and 16 as follows: 14. Discussion of Para-legal Position for City 14.1 Continue off calendar. 15. Discussion of Developmental Fees 15.1 Continue to the meeting of January 8, 1991. 16. Traffic Signals - Target Shoppin9 Center 16.1 Continue to the meeting of December 11, 1990. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Mayor Parks called a one minute break to change the tape at 11:40 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 11:41 PM. 17. Adol3tion of a City Ordinance Relating to Placement of Adult Materials Harmful to Minors City Attorney Field reported that as a result of the last meeting, this ordinance was designed to require blinder racks for all adult magazines in retail stores. Councilmember Mu~oz pointed out a typographical error reading the City of Mission instead of the City of Temecula. Tim Riter, Rancho Christian Church, 41768 Borealis, thanked the City Council for being responsive to the requests of the community. He asked that the City further explore the possibility of a moratorium on adult business and to also require the adult magazines be placed behind the counter, as well as in a blinder rack. Ninutes\11\27%~O -17- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27° 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIl- OF THE CITY OF TEMECUI. A ADDING CHAPTER 11.10 TO THE TEMECUI. A MUNICIPAl- CODE REI. A TING TO THE PI,ACEMENT OF MATTER HARMFUl- TO MINORS The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Dixon reported that plans and specifications for Nicolas and Winchester Road were delivered to Caltrans today. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS City Attorney Field reported that the Solid Waste Ordinance and Recycling proposals will be on the next agenda. CITY COUNCIl- REPORTS Councilmember Lindemans requested the formation of a Debt Advisory or Finance Committee. Councilmember Mu~oz reported that the Riverside Transit Agency Board voted to extend a bus line to Temecula, to be in place by the end of January. Hinutes\11\27\~) -18- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes November 27, 1990 Councilmember Birdsall requested staff send an appropriate remembrance to Supervisor Walt Abraham who is hospitalized. Mayor Parks requested that the matter of defining the role of City Commissioners and their interface with Council and other City Commissions be placed on the agenda. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Mu~oz, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adjourn at 11:55 PM to a meeting on December 4, 1990 at the Temecula Community Center. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk Ninutes\l 1\27%90 -19- 12/12/90 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECUI. A CITY COUNCIL HELD DECEMBER 4, 1990 An adjourned regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. Councilmember Lindemans announced that Councilmember Mufioz was attending a League of California Cities meeting in Houston. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Sean Oliver, Rancho Christian Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Lindemans. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Karen Ortega, of the Temecula Valley Rose Society presented the City with a "token" rosebush to represent the approximately 160 roses to be planted in the median strip at Rancho California Road and Ynez. Kathleen Johnson, representing Bill and Tisch Johnson, said in honor of the City of Temecula's first birthday, Johnson + Johnson would present the City with 160 rose bushes to be planted in the median strip at Rancho California Road and Ynez. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Lindemans noted a minor correction on Page 18 of the minutes. Councilmember requested that Item 6 be removed from the Consent Calendar and a "no" vote be entered on the record for Item 5, explaining he felt this is a mixed use item. He stated he will be absent on Items 11 and 12 due to a conflict of interest. City Attorney Field requested the removal of Items No. 11 and 12 from the Consent Calendar for discussion. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve Consent Calendar Items No. 1-5, 7-10, and 13 as follows: 1. Standard Ordinance Adoption Procedure 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. Minutes 2.1 Approve the minutes of November 13, 1990, as corrected. 3. Dedication of New Jefferson Avenue Alignment 3.1 Accept the offer of dedication of Jefferson Avenue realignment for public road, drainage and utility purposes, but not as a part of the City maintained road system. 4. Summary Vacation of Jefferson Avenue 4.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA VA CA TING THAT PORTION OF JEFFERSON AVENUE LYING NORTHERLY OF SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK BETWEEN SANBORN AVENUE AND THE PREVIOUSLY VACATED EXTENSION OF CHERRY S TREE T Hinutes\12\04\~O -2- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4o 1990 10. Find Parcel Map No. 23561-2 5.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 23561-2, subject to the conditions of approval. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Parks NOES: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz Approval of Bid for Legal Advertising 7.1 Approve the best low bid submitted by The Californian to provide publication of the City's legal notices. Approval of Bid for City Seal Final Art 8.1 Approve the best low bid submitted by BoGraphics to provide final camera ready art of the City's logo. Second Reading of Nuisance Abatement Ordinance 9.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCES AND ADDING CHAPTER 6.14 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO NUISANCE ABATEMENT Second Reading of Ordinance Relating to Placement of Adult Materials 10.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING CHAPTER 11.10 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE PLACEMENT OF MATTER HARMFUL TO MINORS H i nut es\ 12\04\90 - 3 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4, 1990 13. Acceptance of Easement for Proposed Public Roads and Drainage Purposes for Tract No. 23100-3, Tract No. 23101-1, Tract No. 23101-2 and Tract No. 23102 13.1 Accept the dedication of Chemin Clinet across a portion of Parcel I of Parcel Map No. 22554 for road, drainage and utility purposes, but not as a part of the City-maintained road system, as an access for Tract No. 23100-3. 13.2 Accept the dedication of a drainage easement for storm drain purposes across Metropolitan Water District's pipeline easement per the Conditions of Approval for Tract No 23101-1 and Tract No. 23101-02, but not as a part of the City-maintained drainage system. 13.3 Accept the dedication of Heitz Lane, LaSerena Way, Meadows Parkway as shown on Tract No. 23101-2, and Cabern Court as shown on Tentative Tract No. 23102, across Metropolitan Water District's pipeline easement, but not as a part of the City- maintained road system. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Seven Months ended June 30, 1990. Councilmember Lindemans stated the City has an accounts receivable with the County of Riverside for $2.5 million, which was not included in this report. Mary Jane Henry, Chief Finance Officer, stated the City is not able to record the $2.5 million receivable from the County because the City is on a modified accrual basis, which means that when recording revenues, the City must receive those revenues within 60 days of year end and they have to be measurable. She explained that applicants have been coming to the City's Building and Safety Department with County of Riverside receipts for development impact fees and RSA mitigation fees that are not recorded on the H i nutes\ 12\04\90 - 4 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4o 1990 list making up the 2.5 million dollars. She stated the City has asked the County to research the discrepancy. Councilmember Lindemans asked if this amount could be increased due to this research. Ms. Henry answered it could be more than the original figure. Councilmember Lindemans asked when a capital improvement budget will be started. Ms. Henry answered these packets will be put together in January. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to receive and file Agenda Item No. 6. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz City Attorney Field announced he would discuss Item No. 11 and 12 concurrently. He stated Councilmember Moore brought these tracts to staff's attention because the staff report indicated there were no Quimby Fees owing: He said upon investigation , it was learned that these Vesting Tentative Tract Maps were approved prior to the County's adoption of the Quimby Ordinance. He stated that they. are also covered by Development Agreement No. 4, which provides that any subsequently adopted regulations affecting an exaction on the properties would apply. He stated it is the City's view that the Quimby Ordinance does apply to these two properties, the developer has been informed and fees will be paid prior to issuance of building permits. H i nut es\ 12\04\90 - 5 - 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4, 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve Item No. 11 and 12 as follows: 11. 12. Find Tract Map No. 24 132 11.1 Approve Final Vesting Tract Map conditions of Approval. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Final Vesting Tract Map No. 24 132-1 12.1 Approve Final Vesting Tract Map No. 24132-1 Conditions of Approval. The motion was carried by the following vote: No. 24132 subject to the Birdsall, Moore, Parks None Lindemans, Mu~oz AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mu~oz subject to the COUNCIL BUSINESS 14. Western Riverside Council of Governments 1990-91 Dues Assessment City Manager Dixon reported that Temecula is a part to the Western Riverside Council of Governments and membership fees for Fiscal Year 1990/91 are $9,620.25. He explained the dues are based upon 50% assessed value and 50% population and recommended approval. Mayor Parks reported he has been attending the WRCOG meetings and would like place on the agenda a discussion of goals and mission statements for the organization. nut es\ 12\04\90 - 6- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4o 1990 Councilmember Birdsall requested that a new alternate to WRCOG be chosen for the upcoming year. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve the expenditure of $9,620.25 for the 1990-91 membership dues to Western Riverside Council of Governments. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz 15. Proposals for Curb-side Recycling Program Staff was directed by consensus to continue this matter to the meeting of December 11, 1990. Mayor Parks announced Item No. 16 would be postponed until after the break to allow for maps to be posted. 17. Holiday Time-Off Policy City Manager Dixon stated both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on Monday. He said that when holidays fall like this, the days are not very productive and asked that Council consider a reduced work day for both December 24, 1990 and December 31, 1990, stating he would also like to have employees off the highway. Councilmember Birdsall suggested having a skeleton crew on these days since most other City businesses will be closed. Councilmember Lindemans supported this suggestion. Mayor Parks stated if this is a paid holiday, it may affect the Holiday Time Off Policy, and requested that comp-time be used if employees choose to take the full day off. City Manager Dixon suggested City Hall closing at 12:00 Noon, operating with a skeleton crew, and that employees who would like to take a full day off could use comp or flex time. N i nut es\ 12\04 \(~0 - 7- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4, 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to authorize the City Manager to schedule abbreviated work days with minimal staff on December 24, 1990 and December 31, 1990, with time off being compensated through the use of comp and flex time. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz 18. Building Department Positions/Reclassification City Manager Dixon reported the Council adopted budget approved five Building Inspectors, One Senior Inspector, a Director and Secretary. He explained Tony Elmo, Director of Building and Safety, is proposing that the five inspectors be reduced to three, that the Senior be increased from one to two, and that the City employ a Building Technician to work the counter. He said the number of authorized positions would be the same and the fiscal impact would be $96. City Manager Dixon recommended the Council adopt the attached resolution providing for these changes. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERSONNEL POLICIES The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz H i nut es\ 12\04\90 * 8- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4, 1990 City Manager Dixon reported that he discussed this matter with Councilmember Mu~oz would was in agreement. RECESS Mayor Parks called a recess at 7:35 PM and invited the audience to enjoy birthday cake celebrating the City's first birthday. The meeting was reconvened following the CSD meeting at 8:40 PM. 16. Presentation of Land Use Inventory Report (Lightfoot Group) Planning Director Gary Thornhill introduced the report which was presented by Mr. George Williamson representing the Lightfoot Planning Group. Mr. Williamson reviewed the scope of the project and explained the delays encountered by the planning firm in preparing an updated base map. He then presented a summary of five maps developed for this study entitled: existing land, vacant land, vacant land with a South West Area Plan overlay, approved projects and special districts. He explained the methods used to establish the population projection based on Lightfoot's evaluation of the approved projected units currently being reviewed or in process. Mayor Parks asked if this report contains a list of all projects in process and if this information will be integrated into the City's computer system. Mr. Williamson responded that the study contains all of the County of Riverside approved projects and that the Lightfoot Group will continue to perform work which will enable the data base to be utilized in conjunction with Temecula's computerized tracking system. In response to a question from Mayor Parks, Gary Thornhill advised the Council that staff will look into an additional scope of work to include the areas in the City's proposed sphere of influence for a study of this type. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager David Dixon informed the Council that interviews for consultants to prepare the City's General Plan will be conduced on Saturday, December 8, 1990. He also requested direction from the Council regarding their attendance of the League of California Cities Team Building Workshop on January 30, 1991. Mayor Parks, 14 i nut es\ 12\0~\90 - 9- 12/12/90 City Council Minutes December 4, 1990 Councilmembers Moore and Lindemans indicated a desire to attend this seminar. Councilmember Birdsall stated she would be unable to participate. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None presented. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Parks asked that the priority list, developed at the Team Building Seminar held November 10, 1990, be made available to the Council as soon as possible. Councilmember Lindemans requested that staff take a fresh look at the phasing of the Mello-Roos District No. CFD 88-12. City Manager Dixon advised that he has, this date, provided the Council with a report dealing with the matter of moving ahead without reducing the scope of the project. Mayor Parks questioned the current status of the utility franchises. City Attorney Scott Field responded that meetings were held in November and the final negotiations will be on the Council's agenda in January. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adjourn at 9:20 PM to the next regular meeting of December 11, 1990 at 7:00 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk 14 i nutes\l 2\04\90 - 10 - 12/12/90 ITEM NO. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts of $ 604,352.69. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 18th day of December, 1990. Ronaid J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] 3,rResos 122 12/11/90 ZI I I 1 I i I f'4 (*-1 0- 0' N I'- m 03 b3 b3 h3 It3 --' ~ C'.l r'.~,:, ,2, r';, o., h'l 0- ~ ,0 r.9 i*'~ 0~ f*J 1.9 ~a* ] .L:-:'~. o o .:::.o o o o o o o o ,:3, o o o o o _ c..:, .-. c. c. 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U ¢ q: / C' :> ,, xOO.', LLI ,'r' 0 JC' WO 0" ¢t") NI)-O'Q"- x ¢ LL-"' N0' ' N I C, O C' ('.1 C, N 09" O('41Nf"I O~) 0~ Oi":, ON O~"~ '%. \ \ \ ~, \ CO ID0 ~ m CO I~ m r .4 C4 ('4 C.4 C'4 ("4 r.l O) I} O 124 t'9 "¢ · 4:) -0 .,0 ,8 -8 ,:, C' · 'D O '=' ::_: .:. o ,. _1 _J LLIO O ('4 ['.1 -0 .,0 ,:D 0 0 0 U) W Z 0 O- r j) ("4 ")x. '::) (n tU 7C, O0'. ('4 0--,-, ~) 1('4 41 4) -0 LU O O LL ¢ O O O CgK, J W ¢O O m ('4 ..0 -0 O O C, O d,:, ~,3, O Zfq Z~ O ~ W ~ 3 OC* O~ 00 .5 .:, o ,5 nj ,u. O O'U~ U lq 0 L f~ r 0 r_, L U · -.m QI In. · 4J Ui j~ =_ Oa gJ QI I--CC Q; )-r' n, 'o u C ~ n, n I: =:, >. ' - rr- ~ U'l r' ,rl .,.~ · ~ h I aO ~ e' b') b'} b'l O' bl ',~ ~ C'4 l ) :~: 8 :~ :=~ '8 '8 :~ :~: cd o .:..:. o o o o o ,s c. .:, o c. ,s o c. o o c..=. c. C. O0 0 O0.~ 0 O O 0 C, O O C, 0 0 0 C.,:: C, OZ 0'- LL .,-., LL rr W ,'r, 1-- W U ,', i 0 O ... i I- W Z UUW W Z O U Z .J I- f jl h ....., ,T, · -.0 ~ ~ W ~ '~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~ 0 ( 0 ~ 0 0 0 %% 0 x~ 0 0 0 W 0 Z O ~ 0 ~ 0 ~W 0 o G ~ u ~ u w u ~ u uu u ~z~ u u H u u ~ G u J~ u Z"- i.d'-- _J\ t.-,". r_lDl ~ ,.-, u 0 r.O Z C, C, ZO WO LLIr'- t/:, rrf.4 WC, · r ,-, n _1 m,.~ "r'C' W Oe' Z 'rr~ 00'. 'D.I C, ',--, -'. ' · ,,. --,. .':"-4 -0 ~-, 0 .M u tn tq 0 L ,C, r-:, J ,.) ITEM NO. 4 APPROVAL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer December 18, 1990 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the Four Months Ending October 31, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1) Receive and file the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the Four Months Ending October 31, 1990. 2) Adopt a resolution to transfer $26,000 from Finance salaries to consulting and $90,000 from Building salaries to consulting. DISCUSSION: The attached statements reflect the activity of the City for the four months ending October 31, 1990. They do not yet reflect the complete activity of the Temecula Community Services District, as the CSA 143 will administer the function of the district until January 1, 1991. Thirty-six percent of general fund revenues were collected as of October 31, 1990. A slump in housing sales resulted in a decline in property transfer tax collections. City staff is continuing to pursue sales tax collections and a "clean up" of the State's business listing for the City. To date, we have collected 27% of estimated sales tax. In Community Development, Planning fees reflect the slow down in the development industry at 11% of expected fees. Engineering fees exceed the estimate as a result of a back log of projects from the Spring of 1990, an increase in fees at September 1, as well as a $200,000 collection from the County for cases transferred to the City. General fund expenditures totalled 21% of budget. Certain negative variances result from June 30 encumbrances paid during fiscal year 1991. There is no impact on unreserved fund balance at October 31, as these amounts had been reserved at June 30. In Finance, a budget amendment is necessary to transfer $26,000 from salaries and benefits to consulting, as a result of the following: 1) Services rendered to cover the Chief Accountant's maternity leave. 2) A tax opinion concerning treatment of Council compensation and benefits. 3) Services of McTighe and Assoc. regarding development impact fees. In Building and Safety, a budget transfer of $90,000 from salaries to consulting is necessary since Willdan Associates staffed the department for the first four months of year. Gas Tax revenues to date were transferred to the General Fund to be used for road and traffic improvements. At June 30, 1991, any unexpended gas tax revenues will be transferred back to the Gas Tax Fund and will be reserved for future road improvements. ATTACHMENTS: Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the Four Months Ending October 31, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET TO TRANSFER $26,000 FROM FINANCE DEPARTMENT SALARIES TO CONSULTING AND $90,000 FROM BUILDING SALARIES TO CONSULTING FEES The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That the FY 1990-91 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby amended to transfer $26,000 from Finance Department salaries to consulting fees and $90,000 from Building Salaries to Consulting. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED, PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 18th day of December, 1990. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] 3~e~sl~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution NO. 90- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 18th day of December, 1990 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk 3~e~sl~ C "' (],) 0 E o o i~ o (~, ,-I 0 0 -.-.t 0 0 0 ~1~>~ 0~0 0~00 0~0 -~ m m 0 -,4 u -~ ~-~ ~-~ m~O I-i ,u 0 c: 0 I= o,-I ~O::s G o O~.c o,-I 4J O ~ 0 + ~ ~0 · ~0 } + 0 ooooo~o~ooooooo~oo omooO~o~ooooooo~oo o~~ooooo~oooo~oo u C ::s ~.~ m m 0 ~ oooC -d-,~ o 0 ~ ::s ~),-i o m-,.4-~ ~ 8 G ~1 ~ ~ -,4 G~ G G ~ O ~ G 000 04~ ,S.U C-~ ~ ~ c 0 0 0 m 0 ,u 0 m U ~o~o o c c: 0 I I rl *,..I G ~ 0 G X 0 C *,,-i Ii) ,-.I (l} 0 (]) 0 o,-I.i..I 0 m (D U C: rO U (D I-i .,u ~1 0 ~¢~r-.. 0 0 c,-I r.I t-¢ 00~00 O0 00000 O0 m~~ oo ~m ~ oo s.-i c~l 0 0 0 · II !~, II c,,i II m II ,,. II u) II ~1' II ~ II ,,. II rl II ~ II o II ~) II ao II -. 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II ~ II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I.,i ,u E .. m G -d~O ~ C 0 0 ~ II s-t tl ~ II II II II II II II II II II II II II PI II ~ II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II · . a} ~> ~ ql 0 r..J 0 EiO4J:::s al · 0 0 Ei-,.4,.c: -,.4 4J 0 0 0:3 II t",- II r-,I II ,,-t II II II II II I1 II II II II II II r", II ~-I II ~1 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ITEM NO. 5 CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER""'~' CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department l~v.0 December 18, 1990 Acceptance of Public Improvements in Parcel Map No. 23354 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSSION: Albert Crisp That the City Council ACCEPT the Public Improvements in Tract No. 23354, AUTHORIZE the reduction of street, sewer, and water letters of credit, and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the clerk of the Board of Supervisors. On September 30, 1988, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Tomond Properties, A General Partnership PO Box 2159 Escondido, CA 92025 for the improvement of streets and the installation of sewer and water systems. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were letters of credit issued by: Torrey Pines Bank as follows: Letter of Credit No. 01-800371-01 in the amount of $414,500.00 to cover street improvements. Letter of Credit No. 01-800371-01 in the amount of $34,000.00 to cover sewer improvements. STAFFRPT\PM23354 1 Letter of Credit No. 55-800371-01 in the amount of $81,000. O0 to cover water improvements. Letter of Credit No. 01-800372-01 in the amount of $264,750.00 to cover materials and labor. The following items have been completed by the developer or his engineer in accordance with the approved plans: 1. Required street, sewer, and water improvements. The inspection and verification process relatin9 to the above items has been completed by the County of Riverside Road Department and City Staff agrees with the recommendation to reduce/release the subdivision improvement letters of credit. Therefore, it is appropriate to reduce/release these letters of credit as fol lows: Streets: $373,050. O0 Sewer: $ 30,600. O0 Water: $ 72,900. O0 The remaining 10% of the original faithful performance letters of credit amounts are to be retained for one (1) year guarantee period as follows: Streets: $41,450. O0 Sewer: $ 3,400. O0 Water: $ 8, 100. O0 AC:ks Attachment: Vicinity Map STAFFRPT\PM23354 2 ! Pro]ecY SHe~ VIClNI T Y MAP no scole ITEM NO. 6 APPROVAL ci z ATTo EY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department ~ December 18, 1990 Acceptance of Public Improvements in Parcel Map No. 21592 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDAT ION: DISCUSSION: Albert Crisp That the City Council ACCEPT the Public Improvements in Tract No. 21592, AUTHORIZE the reduction of street, sewer, and water letters of credit, and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the clerk of the Board of Supervisors. On May 17, 1988, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Tomond Properties, A General Partnership PO Box 2159 Escondido, CA 92025 for the improvement of streets and the installation of sewer and water systems. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were letters of credit issued by: Torrey Pines Bank as follows: Letter of Credit No. 55-800312-01 in the amount of $97,500.00 to cover street improvements. Letter of Credit No. 55-800312-01 in the amount of $27,500.00 to cover sewer improvements. STAFFRPT\PM21592 1 Letter of Credit No. 01-800312-01 in the amount of $28,500.00 to cover water improvements. Letter of Credit No. 55-800312-01 in the amount of $76,750.00 to cover materials and labor. The following items have been completed by the developer or his engineer in accordance with the approved plans: 1. Required street, sewer, and water improvements. The inspection and verification process relating to the above items has been completed by the County of Riverside Road Department and City Staff agrees with the recommendation to reduce/release the letters of credit. Therefore, it is appropriate to reduce/ release these letters of credit as follows: Streets: $87,750.00 Sewer: $24,750.00 Water: $25,650.00 The remainin9 10% of the original faithful performance letters of credit amounts are to be retained for one (1) year guarantee period as follows: Streets: $ 9,750.00 Sewer: $ 2,750.00 Water: $ 2,850.00 AC:ks Attachment: Vicinity Map STAFFRPT\PM21592 2 PROJECT LOCATION · ~ PM 21592 -- ,:i '~' \" LOCATION MAP ITEM NO. 7 APPROVAL . CITY ATTORNEY/~I FINANCE OFFICER- ..... CITY MANAGER ~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department December 18, 1990 Parcel Map No. 23496 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDAT ION: Douglas M. Stewart That the City Council approve Final Parcel Map No. 23496 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Final Parcel Map No. 23496 was originally submitted to Riverside County Planning Department on February 18, 1988. The Parcel Map Amended No. 4 was received and filed by the Board of Supervisors on April 4, 1989. Parcel Map No. 23496 is a 16 commercial lot subdivision of 58.83 acres. The site is located on the west side of Ynez Road, the east side of Interstate 15, and south of Solana Road. The developer is Bedford Properties. The following fees have been paid for Parcel Map No. 23496: Signal Mitigation Fee Area Drainage Fee (Deferred to Building Permit) $157,950.00 58,883.76 The following bonds have been posted for Parcel Map No. 23496: FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE LABOR AND MATERIAL Street and Drainage Water Sewer Survey Monuments $3,102,758.40 110,664.00 26,371.20 $1,551,379.20 55,332.00 13,185.60 $9,804.00 STAFFRPT\PM2 3 4 9 6 1 FISCAL IMPACT: Not Determined. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Parcel Map No. 23496 subject to the Conditions of Approval. GH:ks Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. Development Fee Checklist Location Map Copy of Map Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report STAFFRPT\PM2 3 4 9 6 2 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: PM 23496.. The followin9 fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan I K-Rat) Parks and Recreation IQuimby) Public Facility I Traffic Mitigation ) Public Facility |Traffic Signal Mitigation) Public Facility | Library ) Fire Protection Flood Control IADP) Condition of Approval Condition No. 21 (Planning) Condition No. ~ Condition No. g Condition No.13 (Road and Survey) Condition No. ~ Condition N0.12 (Planning) Condition No. 11 (Planning) FormslPIng-M9 // PM 2:3,~9~ ,7 I/C-P M-SC -SC RANCHb CALIFORN!A AIR 1" 800' iEXISTING ZONING R-3 ,,,.,,.-- ,,/ ./ C-1/C-P C-1/C-P App. RANCHO CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT CO Use 588 AC INTO 11 PARCELS Area RANCHO CALIFORNIA Sup.D~st. 1 Sec. 1 T. 8S.FL 3W As~essor's Bk. 921 Pg. 8 ~t Rd. Bk. I~l. ~c Date 1/30/89 Drawn By BGS BGS RIVF_RSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTIVlENT R-1 R-3 S-P S-P TIF,.,RRA 'V'LSTA h LOCATIONAL NO SCALE {% I DATE TO: October 18, ~89 Surveyor Road Building & Safety Flood Control Hea 1 th Fi re Protection :IiVE:DiDE COUllE,u t:(IVERSIDE C()t INl", ROAD DEPAtl I MENT RE: TENTATIVE X~RACI~PARCEL FLAP NO. 23496, AMD. REGIONAL TEAM NO. 5 #4 The Riverside County["] Planning Director/[~lBoard of Supervisors has taken the following action on the above referenced tentative map: XX APPROVED tentative map subject to the attached conditions (no waiver request submitted). DENIED tentative map based on the attached findings. APPROVED tentative map subject to attached conditions and DENIED request for waiver of the final map. APPROVED tentative map and APPROVED request for waiver of the final map. APPROVED . e sion of Time Ext n to ' all previously approVed 'conditions. APPROVED . Extension of Time to ----~--.'/t" ' all previously appnoved. conditions and the attached add1{|onal conditions. ~' - -' '- ,. .., ~' c, I .~' l )' .~ .., t DENIED Extension of Time,"c':,.'. ..... ;}:.tL' ~' .' ~-~'~--' · ' 1~ / l'/.' I,' .~ i / ,,, ;"., .... APPROVED withdrawal of ~t~ive map.- ...... __ APP~VED Hinor Change to re~)s~'o'~.{~inally appmved conditions as sh~n APPROVED Hinor Change to ~vise originally approved mp (attached). subject to subject to (attached). __DENIED request for Minor Change. APPRDVED Minor Change to waive the final map. SC:sc Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter, Planning Director Slavia Caric - Senior Planner SURVEYOR - WHITE ROAD - BLUE m~z/(me,.molm3) HEALTH - PINK BUILDING & SAFETY - GREEN FIRE PROTECTION - GOLDENROD FLOOD - CANARY 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 SLIPMrlTAL TO THE 'BOAm Jm SUfERVISnRS CO~ rY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFC 41A FROM: Planning Department SUBM!ITAL DATE: March 20, 1989 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23496, AMENDED NO. 4 - Rancho California Development Co. - First Supervisorial District - Rancho California Area - 58.83 Acres - 16 Lots - Schedule E - C-1/C-P Zoning RECOMMENDED MOTION: RECEIVE AND FILE the above referenced case acted on by the Planning Commission on February 22, 198g. THE PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTED the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32722 based on the findings incorporated in the environmental assessment and the conclusions that the pronosed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVED TENTATIVE PARCEL flAP NO. 23496, AMENDED NO. 4, subject to the conditions and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Commission minutes dated February 22, 1989. GM:bc 3/20/89 Roge~.~]'treeter, Pl anni ng%rector' SEP IZ lgBg ,: w,isDE: COUNTY "' ~ :,>, ~:~vEV DEPARTMENT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion of Supervisor Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Abraham and duly carried by unanimous vote, IT WAS ORDERED that the above report of approval is received and filed as recommended. Ayes: Ceniceros, Abraham, Younglove and Larson Noes: None Gerald A. oney Date = April 4, 1989 "'~e/~" xc: Planning, Land Use, Applicant F(~qlvl ll-A Prey. Agn. ref. Depts. Comments Dist. AGENDA NO. I '11 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 1989 (AGENDA ITEM 4-3 - Tape 1018, Side 1 - Tape 1B) PARCEL MAP NO. 23496 - EA 32722 - Rancho Calif. Development Co. - Rancho California Area - First Supervisorial District - on Ynez Rd, northerly of Rancho California Plaza Shopping Center - 16 lots - 59L_acres - Schedule E Hearing was opened at 11:08 a.m. and was closed at 11:|4 a.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 32722 and approval of Tentative Commercial Parcel Map No. 23496, ~nended No. 4, based on the findings andlconclusions listed in the staff report. The applicant proposes to divide 58.83 acres into 16 lots on land located west of Ynez Road and northerly of the Rancho California Road. The site is zoned C-1/C-P and is generally vacant, with the exception of one 2,700 square foot con~erci~l storage building. Surrounding zoning is C-1/C-P and C-P-S. Surrounding land uses are the Rancho California Plaza located to the south of the property and vacant land. The project meets the Category II requir~nents and was found to be consistent with the General Plan. Staff added the Stephens Kangaroo Rat condition, requiring payment of mitigation fees, as follows: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. A second condition was added, to read: This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologic and geot,chnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development t~ determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. The Stephens Kangaroo Rat condition will be C~nditton 21, the subsidence condition will be Condition No. 22, and the following conditions (old Condition 21 on) will be renumbered. TESTIMONY OF PROPONENT: Mike Mithia, NBS Lowry, Rancho California, concurred with the recommendations of staff and the amended conditions. Sarah Jane Jackson, Stephen Bedford Properties, spoke in support of the application. 16 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 1989 The hearing was closed at 11:14 a.m. FINDINGS A~D CONCLUSIONS: The applicant is requesting to subdivide 58.89 acres into 16 co~m~ercial lots in the Rancho California area; the site is generally vacant with the exception of one 2,700 square foot ce-,-~rcial storage building; adjacent land uses include an auto sales dealership and vacant land to the north, vacant land to the east, the Rancho California rlaza Shopping Center to the south and various commercial and industrial uses to the west across 1-15; the site is zoned C-1/C-P as is the property to the north, east and south; zoning across 1-15 to the west is C-1/C-P and C-P-S; the site lies within the Southwest Territory land Use Planning Area and qualifies as a Category II site and environment concerns include fault, liquefaction hazards within t~e subsidence zone, erosion, dam inundation and flooding, highway noise, wildlife, and paleontologtcal resources and a biological and archaeological report was prepared and no significant findings were noted. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive General Plan and Ordinance 460; is compatible with area development; and, environmental concerns will be mitigated at the development stage therefore, the proposal will not have a significant effect on the environment. MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Purrlance, secondoH by Commissioner Beadling, and unanimously carried, the Ccm~mission adol,trd the Negative Declaration for EA 32722 and approved Tentative Commercial Parcel Map No. 23496, Amended No. 4, subject to the conditions as a,~,nded (add Conditions No. 21 and 22, renumber the following conditions), and sul,Jrct to the above findings and conclusions. 17 Zoning Area: Rancho California 5 ~r' o~f~Di., trict: First E F~. E~). 27~ 2 COt~(RCIAL PARCEL MAP 23496, AI~). #4 Planning Con~ntsston: 2-22-89 Agenda Item No.: 4-3 APR 4 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARllI-'NT STAFF REPORT · F~ -,, . 2. Engineer/Representative: 3. Type of Request: 4. Location: .. 5. Existing Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: Comprehensive General Plan De s i gn a t i on: Land Division Data: Agency Recommendations: 10. 11. 12. Letters: Rancho Ca1 i forn f a Development Co. NB S/Lowry Subdivide 59 a¢ ~,s into 16 parcels West of Inez ;h~ad, northerly of the Rancho Californi.m P|aza C-I/C-P C-1/C-P and C-P-S Generally vacar, t with the exception of one 2,700 square foot commercial storage buildin!l VaCant land and the Rancho California Plaza located to the south of the property. Land Use: Category I I Open Space/Cons: Not designated Total Acreage: 58.83 Total Lots: 16 See letter dated: Road: 1-12-89 Heal th: l 1-28-88 Flood: 11-22-88 Fire: 12-05-88 Building & Safety Grading: 10-20-88 County Geologist: 6-13-88 Revised 6-14-88 Revised Opposing/Supporting: None received ANALYSIS: Project Oescrtptton Tentative Commercial Parcel Map No. 23496 Amended N,~. 4 is an application to subdivide 58.83 acres into 16 lots in the Rancho Callf,unta area. The site is located west of-Inez Road, easterly of Interstat,, 15 and northerly of the Rancho California Shopping center. COI~ERCIAL PARCEL RAP NO. 23496, AJ~3. ~4 Staff Report Page 2 Land Use and Zoning The site is currently vacant with the exception of a 2,700 square foot comnercial storage building. Adjacent land uses include an auto sales dealership and vacant land to the north, vacant land to the east, the Rancho California Plaza,.shopping center to the south and various comnercial and industrial uses to the west, across 1-15. The site is zoned C-1/C-P. Adjacent zoning includes C-I/C-P to the north, east and south. Zoning across 1-15 to the west is C-P-S. General Plan The project lies within the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area. The review 6f the policies of the land use element in the Comprehensive General Plan indicates that the proposed project fits the requirements of Category II land uses at this time. Category II land uses should locate within existing communities or within cities' sphere of influence, provide for a full range of public facilities and services including an adequate circulation system. The pr.oposed project is consistent with the above pnlicies, and therefore is consistent with the Comprehensive General Plan. Environmental Assessment The initial study conducted for environmental Assessment No. 32722 indicated the site to be within the boundaries of the Wildo,~r Fault, subsidence and liquefaction zone. The Riverside County Comprehensive G~neral Plan indicates that the site is impacted by erosion, dam inundattc~n and flooding, highway noise, wildl ife and paleontologtcal resources. A biological and archaeological report was prepared for the site and no significant findings were noted. However, the applicant will be required to pay a fee to mitigate the impacts on the Stephens Kangaroo Rat, through the conditions of approval. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant is requesting to subdivide 58.8~ acres into 16 commercial lots in the Rancho California area. The site is generally vacant with the exception of one 2,700 square foot comnercial storage building. Adjacent -land uses include an auto sales dealership and vacant land to the north, vacant land to the east, the Rancho Cali fornia P1 aza Shopping Center to the south and various commercial and industrial uses to the west across 1-15. The site is zoned C-1/C-P as is the property to the north, east and south. Zoning across 1-15 to the west is C-I/C-P and C-P-S. COtt~RCIAL PARCEL MAP NO. 23496 Staff Report Page 3 3. The site lies within the Southwest Territory land Use Planning Area and qua I i fies a s a Ca tegory I I s i re. Environmental concerns includf, fault. liquefaf Ilun hazards within the subsidence" zone. erosion. dam Inundation an,I flooding. highway noise. wi ldl i re. and paleontologtcal resources. A biological and archaeological report was prepared and no '.luni ficant findings were noted. . CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal is consistent wi ~ the Compreh,.,~tve General Plan and Ordinance 460. 2. The proposal is compatible with area development. 3. Environmental concerns will be mitigated at the ,l~,veloplnent stage. RECOI, I, ENDATIONS: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32722 based on the finding that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment; and APPROVAL of TENTATIVE COI~RCIAL PARCEL MAP NO. 23496, AMENDED NO. 4 based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the staff report and subject to the attached conditions of approval. GM: aea 2-01-89 ..~M 2349~. Y / LI/C-P ,~EXISTING ZC)NING [ 3 ,4',, ,, / 'v C-1 C-P ' M-SC RANCH1::) CALIFORN!,A AIRPOR M-M C-1/C S-P Use '~.~,NCHO CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMEN l CO 58-8 AC INTO 11 PARCELS RANCHO CALIFORNIA Sup,Dist. 1 T. 8S.,R. 3W Assessor's Bk. 921 F~. 8 ssc Date 1130/89 Rd. Bk.I~.seA Drawn By BGS BGS RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING, DEPARTMENT TIF,,,RRA VISTA LOCATIONAL MAP 1" 800' ~vo SCALE PM 234 96 ' VAC LA,.~D DAIRY VAC '~' RES ._ a: \ c ,\%' RANCHO CALIFORNIA AIRPO 800' VAC · VAC GRADED iPPIr4G lEn \ VAC ', \ App. RANCHO CALIFOnNIA DEVELOPMEN1 (:O Use 58-8 AG INTO 11 PARCELS T Ares RANCHO CALIFOR_NIA Sup. IN,d. 1 Sec. !i"'T:,R: 3W ~'s Bk. 921 P,,j n ~tion Element SeA I:ktte 1130/89 Drawn By BGS tlGS RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT POND / TIERRA APTS vtsu VAC LOCATIONAL MAP NO SCALE //VAC ~PT~, ,t L. I J~ \ ..\\\ : ~ / ~ ,a ,z_. z '/!" , 0 t RECEIVED AND FILED APR 4 PZ))g ~ B, Y BOARD OF ~UPERVI~OR$ RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARllENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE COIe(RCIAL PARCEL MAP NO 23496, A, ml). e4 1. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning TENTATIVE COMMERCIAL PARCEL MAP NO. 23496, AM). ~/4, which action is brought within the time period provided .for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The County of Riverside wil 1 promptly notify the Subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and wilt cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fail s to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. 2. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. 3. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. 4. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the County Road Conmnissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. 5. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Riverside County Surveyor. 6. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a County maintained road. TENTATIVE COI~RCIAL PARCEL MAP NO. 23496, AIO. ~4 Conditions of Approval Page 2 7. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the fi na 1 map. 8. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the County Department of Building and Safety. 9. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated January l~, 1989, a copy of which is attached. 10. The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recon~nendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated November 28, 1988, a copy of which is attached. 11. The subdivider shal 1 comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated November 22, 1988, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. 12. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated December 5, 1988, a copy of which is attached. 13. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmittal dated Octob.er 20, 1988, a copy of which is attached. 14. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geologist transmittal dated June 13, 1988 and June 14, 1988, copies of which is attached. 15. The access strip to Parcel 15, between Parcels 8 and 9 shall be 30 feet wide and shall be shown on the final map. DEVELOPlENT STANDARDS: 16. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the C-1/C-P zone. TENTATZYE COle~RCZAL PARCEL RAP NO. 23496, All). #4 Conditions of Approval Page 3 17. When lots are crossed by major public utility easements, each lot shall have a net usable area of not less than 3600 square feet, exclusive of the utility easement. 18. All lot length to width ratios shall be in conformance with Section 3.8C of Ordinance 460. 19. Corner lots shall be provided with additional area pursuant to Section 3.8B of Ordinance 460. 20. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and con~nent on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavati on and grading contractor shal 1 be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or hal t grading acti vi ty to al low recovery of fossils. 21. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance which i s based on the gross acreage of the parcel s proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. (Added at Planning Con~nission on 2-22-89) 22. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geoldgic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. (Added at Planning Commission on 2-22-89) PRZOR TO THE RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 23. A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. TENTATIVE COle~RCIAL PARCEL NAP NO. 23496, AN). e4 Conditions of Approval Page 4 ENVIRON!(NTAL CONSTRAINT SHED CONDITIONS: 24. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shal 1 be permanently filed with the office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The f.ollowing note(s) shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. 25. "County Archaeological Report No. 1252 was prepared for this property on · March 30, 1988 by Christopher E. Drover Ph.D, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. 26. "County Biological Report No. 255 was prepared for this property on August 25, 1988 by Clint Powell, Naturalist, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department." 27. "County Geological Report No. 455 was prepared for this property on August 31, 1987 by Schaefer Dixon Associates, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are as follows: within the Wildomar fault and liquefaction hazard ,, zone. 28. "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the Observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare." 29. The following note shall be placed on the final map: "Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. These constraints affect all parcels.' GM: aea 2-01-89 OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR ROAD AND SUR'VI:Y DTPARTM L4zRoy D Srncxgt ROAD CC)MMLS~K)INFbq & COUh~Tt ~L~RVEYOk[ January 12, 1989 c ()t)NT'~ ADMiNLSTP~ATIV| CJ]~IT~R MAI(JNG AL)0~ PO EiDX i0~(3 RIV~IDL C,m, UFOKtlA 925<2 (714) 787-b554 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Re: Parcel Map 23496 - Amend #4 Schedule E - Team 1 Ladies and Gentlemei~: With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, the Road Department recommends that the landdivider provide the following street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards {Ordinance 461}. It is understood that the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline profiles, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate O's, and that their omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commissioner's Office. The landdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e., concentra- tion of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement or by both. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final map and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroachments by land fills are allowed". The protection shall be as approved by the Road Department. The landdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the Road Commissioner permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance .No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Road Department. Parcel Map 23496 - AmenG ~4 January 12, 1989 Page 2 3. Major drainage is involved on this landdivision and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Department. 4. "A" Street shall be improved within the dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 111, (56'/78'). 5. The landdivider shall comply with the Caltrans recommendations as outlined in their letter dated April 22, 1988. 6. The landdivider shall provide utility clearance from Rancho Calif- ornia Water District prior to the recordation of the final 'map. 10. 11. 12. 13. A copy of the final n~p shall be submitted to Caltrans, District 08, Post Office Box 231, San Bernardino, California 92403; Attention: Project Development for review and approval prior to recordation. The maximum centerline gradient shall not exceed 15%. The minimum centerline radii shall be as approved by the Road Department. Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 38 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road CommissiOner within a 50 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 101. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed throughout the landdivision in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department, a cash sum of $2,500 per gross acre as mitigation for traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, he may enter into a written agreement with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Parcel Map 23496 - Amend ~4 danuary 12, 1989 Page 3 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for maintenance by County. Electrical and communications trenches shall be provided in accordance with Ordinance 461, Standard 817. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Sections 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. A standard knuckle shall be constructed within the landdivision. Corner cutbacks in conformance with County Standard No. 805 shall be shown on the final map and offered for dedication. Lot access shall be restricted on Ynez Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of 6 access openings as shown on Amended Map #4 dated November 17, 1988 or as approved by the Road Commissioner. All centerline intersections shall be at 90° with a minimum 50' tangent measured from flow line. Street lighting shall be installed in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461 at all intersections of roads constructed or improved within the subdivision. The County Service Area {CSA) Administrator determines whether the subdivision is within an existing assessment district. If not, the land owner shall file an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a County Service Area in accordance with Governmental Code Section 25210.1. A striping plan is required for Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. ParCel Map 23496 - Amend January 12, 1989 Page 4 Very truly yours EB:lh Coulity ~,1' l{iversi~l~·, .: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEIyI__i,__ I)A'i'I':: _Novembe~ ,', 1988 ,"": _ eal .... 0/~I~ I~ .~ani JarJan. [.~virg.~e. t e ! Health Set. - s : ?ZARCEI. FIAP P3496, AMENDED NO..__4_ Environmental Health S~rvices has revtew,,d 'I~a~'t Map 234'1'., ^mended No. 4 dated November 17, 1988. Our current comments will remail, stated in our letter dated October 7, 1988. SM:tac FOIt~{ 4. {Itev. 8/87} COUNT' ' oF RIVERSIDE D E P,, RT >I E X T HEALTI JN trANNIN~ ~R$ klPA H,C N~LK OVN,MPH [.11 COTN[ I S October 7, 1988 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92502 RtVEkblu~ Cbu;ff'Y Attn: Greg Neal lf.&LTN GilTIll eLfTUg 21) NORTN IROADWAY i~YTHL. CA 12225 COIOlA CC)R(}NA. CA 91720 HENIT el0 NORTH STAT( 51, NEM[I. CA 12343 IllOlO 4G-TOg OASIS iN0iC1. CA 1220 LAKE ILIIIOtE tAKE ELSINORE. CA I;330 tALl IPRIRGI 3?55 TAMOUtTZ,.4dcC4J. LU&a PALM SPRINGS. CA 1225~ 231 NORTH 'D' STREE1 IUllOOVe MISSION ILVD. RIVERSIC)(. CA IlS0l RE; PARCEL MAP 23496 (Amended No. I & 2): Being a Division of a Portion of Lot 1, Tract Map 3587 as shown by Map on F1]e in Book 57 Pages 80 and 81 of Maps, Records of Riverside County California and a portion of Rancho Temecula, granted by the government of the United SLates to Luls Vignes by patent dated January 18, 1860 and on file in Book 1, Page 37 of Patents, Records of San Diego County, California in Section 1. T.6S., R.3W., Rancho Temecula (i1 Lots) Gentlemen: The Department of Public Health has reviewed Tentative Map No. 23496 and recommends that: A water system shall be installed according to plans and specXflcation as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the water system shall be submxtted xn triplicate, with a minxmum scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet, along with the orxgxnal drawing Lo the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the Xnternal pXpe dXameter, location of valves and fire hydrants; pipe and .Joint specifications, and the slze of the main at the 3unction of the new system to the existing system, The plans shall comply In all respects with Dlv. 5, Part 1, Chapter 7 of the California Health and Safety Code, California Administrative Code, Tztle 22, Chapter 16, and General ~lverslde County PJarln:r~a Dept. Page Two Attn: Greg Neal October 7. 1~i88 Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. when applicable. The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and water company with the following certification: certify that the design of the water system in Parcel Map 23496 ~s accordance wlth the water system expansion plans of the Rancho California Water District and that the water service,storage and distribution system will be adequate to provide water service to such tract. This certification does not constitute guarantee that it will supply water to such parcel at any specific quantities, flows or pressures for fire protection or any other purpose" This certification shall be signed by a responsible official of th~ water company. The plans must be submitted to the County ~[y~or s Office to review at least two weeks prior to the r~est for the recordatlon of the final map. This Department has a statement from Rancho California Water District agreeing to serve domestic water to each and every lot in the subdivision on demand providing satisfactory financial arrangements are completed with the subdivider. It w~ll be necessary for the f~nanclal arrangements to be made prior to the recordatlon of the final map. This Department has a statement from the Eastern Municipal Water DIstrict agreeing to allow the subdivision sewage system to be connected to the sewers of the District. The sewer system shall be installed according to plans and specifications as approved by the District, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the sewer system shall be submitted in triplicate, along with the original drawing, to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the'internal pipe diameter, location of manholes, complete profiles. pipe and 3olnt specifications and the size of the sewers at the 3unction of the new system to the existing system. A single plat indicating location of sewer lines and water lines shall be a portion of the sewage plans and profiles. The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and the sewer district with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the sewer system in Parcel Map 2349~ is in accordance with the sewer system expansion plans of the Eastern Municipal Water Dxstrxct and that the waste disposal system Is adequate at this time to treat the anticipated wastes from the proposed parcel." ~iverside County F'lannino Dept. Pane Three ATTN: Ore9 Neal October 7, 1988 The_plans must be submitted to the County Surveyor s Office to review at least two weeks ~rlor to the request for the E~erdation of the final ma~. It will be necessary for annexation proceedings to be completely prior to recordation of the final map. S~ncerely, ~'~mM~r. Sanl tar Environmental Health Services SM:tac KENNETH L EDWARDS CHIEF ENGINEER RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 12502 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. Area: ~"C~.~v~,~bA VALbt~~'~A we have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. HoweVer, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable rilesArea and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The District's report dated NOV C~,IC~ is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. The attached comments apply. Very truly yours, CC: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Chief Engineer jOHN H. KASHUBA Senior Civil Engineer DATE: KENNETH L. EDWARD5 CHiIrF ENr~INEER BOX 1033 TLLEPHONE (7143 787-ZQIg RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 November 9, 1988 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 1 C-tog Ncal ~ ..... Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Map 23496 Amended Map No. 3 This is a proposal to divide about 59 acres in the Temecula Valley area. The site is between Ynez Road and Interstate ~5 about 1800 feet north of Rancho California Road. Three major offsite flows are tributary to the site's east bound- ary. Their watershed are, from north to south, 42 acres, 82 acres and 5.86 square miles (Empire Creek), respectively.' The southwest portion of this property is within the flood plain cau- sed by the above tributary flows. No indication was shown on the map how these tributary flows would be handled. Following are the District's recommendations: t. This parcel is located within the limits of the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board. Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provisions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Drainage fees shall be paid to the Road Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shall be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel map; provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on that p~-ce] which remain actjvp. Riverside County Plannin~ Department Re: Parcel Map 23496 Amended Map No. 3 -2- November 9, 1988 ® Arrangements should be made to collect and safely convey alt the tributary flows to adequate outlets. The flows should be collected at the east side of Ynez Road without significantly raising the upstream water surfaces. Facilities used to convey the flows in Empire Creek should be constructed to the District standards. Calculations demonstrating the freeway culverts a~equacy to carry tributary flows should be submitted for review. If the culverts do not have capacity, ponding areas cau- sed by the backwater should be delineated and labeled on the final map. A note should be adde~ to the final map stating, "Ponding area shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". Offsite drainage facilities should be located within publicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be re- corded and a copy submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. The 10 year storm flow should be contained within the curb and the 100 year storm flow should be contained within the street right of way. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities should be installed. Drainage facilities outletting sump conditions should be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows. Additional emergency escape should also be provided. The property's street and lot grading should be designed in a manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to tributary drainage area, outlet points and outlet conditions, otherwise, a drainage easement should be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or di- verted storm flows. A copy of the recorded drainage easement should be submitted to the District for review prior to the recordation of the final map. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23496 Amended Map No. 2 -3- November 9, 1988 Temporary erosion control measures should be implemented immediately following rough grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage facilities. 10. Evidence of a viable maintenance mechanism should be sub- mitted to the District and County for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. ]1. A portion of the proposed project is in a major waterway and may affect "waters of the United States", "wetlands" or "juriSdictional streambeds", therefore: A flood study consisting of HEC-2 calculations, cross sections, maps and other data should be prepared. The study should meet the requirements of the District and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in case FEMA prepares flood plain mapping of this area in the future. A copy of appropriate correspondence and necessary permits from those government agencies from which approval is required by Federal or State law (such as Corps of Engineers 404 permit or Department of Fish and Game 1603 agreement) should be provided to the District prior to the final District approval of the project. 12. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the District via the Road Department for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. Grading plans should be approved prior to issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to Robert Chiang of this office at 714/787'2333- Very truly yours, cc: NBS/Lowry KENNETH L. EDWARDS Chief Engineer JOHN H. KASHUBA Senior Civil Engineer RC:bab Ri\.'ERSII)E COt~NTY FIRE I)EItARTMF, NT IN COOPERAI'ION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPAR'I'MENT OF FORESTRY RAY IIEBRARi) FIRE CHIEF 12-5-88 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ATTN: TEAM I, GREG NEAL RE: PM 23496 - AMENDED ~4 Planning & Engineering Office 4080 I,cmon Sireel, ,¢;uile 11 Rive.idc, CA 92501 (714) 787-6606 With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures b; provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: FIRE PROTECTION The water mains shall be capable of providing a potential fire flow of 5000 GPM and an actual fire flow available from any one hydrant shall be 2500 GPM-for hours duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure. Approved super fire hydrants, (6"x4"x2-2½") shall be located at each street intersection and spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. The applicant/developer shall provide written certification from the appropriate water company that the required fire hydrants are either existing or that financial arrangements have been made to provide them. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Dept." The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. All questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By George Tatum, Deputy Fire Marshal ml COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Department of Building and Safety TO: Planning - File DATE: 10/20/88 FROM: Grading Section INITIAL: ,72i6/' RE: PM 23496 ~ ~t~ X Please make the following a condition of approval: x a. Prior to commencing any grading exceeding 50 cubic yards, the owner of that property shall obtain a grading permit from the Department of Building and Safety ___b. Prior to approval of this use/subdivision a grading permit and approval of the rough grading shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Department. _~_c. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the property o~ner shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. ___d. Constructing of material permit. a road, where greater than 50 cubic yards is placed or moved, requires a grading ..... The Grading Section has no comment on this site e84-134 (5/88) ::IiVE::IMDE COUrEu PLA rlirl( DEPA::I[ITIErI: January 28, 1988 (Revised June 13, 1988) Schaefer Dixon Associates 2168 South Hathaway Street Santa Ana, California 92705 Attention: r4r. Paul Davis: SUBJECT: Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Project: 70-250 APN: 921-080-014, 017 ' Tentative Parcel Map 23496 County Geologic Report No. 455 Rancho California Area Dear Paul: We have reviewed your report entitled "Report on Geotechnical Investigation of the Wildomar Fault, North Plaza Area, Rancho California, Riverside County, CA," dated August 31, 1987; the Second Party review for the subject project by Roy j. Shlemon and Associates, dated October, 1987; and your addendum report dated December 10, 1987. Your report determined that: The surface trace of the Wildomar fault extends northwest-southeast across the site. Holocene-age displacement along the Wildomar fault at the site is indicated by {1} disruption of probable Holocene-age soil horizons, (2} alluvium and pond deposits faulted against Pauba sediments, and (3} offsets within Holocene-age pond deposit. The small displacements and discontinuity of the faults encountered in excavations easterly of the Wildomar fault suggest that these faults are relatively minor, non-reoccurring pre-Holocene features in Pleistocene-age Pauba formation sediments. 3. The potential for landsliding is considered remote. 4. The potential for earthquake-induced.flooding, tsunamis and seiches can be precluded. 5. The potential for sympathetic movement on adjacent faults is considered to be extremely low. 4080 LEMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 46'209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 Schaefer Dixon Associates - 2 - June 13, 1988 The potential for liquefaction, lateral spreading, seismic settlement and differential compaction is considered low based on your Preliminary Soils and Foundation Investigation report dated August 31, 1987. It should be noted that this report has not been reviewed and approved by this office. Your report recommended that: No habitable structures be placed along the trace of the actiove Wildomar fault zone shown as "Fault Setback Zone" on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map of your report, and described in your report. The boundaries'of the fault setback zone established by this report supersede those recommended by Pioneer Consultants, 1980 (County Geologic Report No. 199}. It is our opinion that the report was prepared in a competent manner consistent with the present "state-of-the-art" and satisfies the requirements of the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act and the associated Riverside County Ordinance No. 547. Final approval of this report is hereby given. We recommend that the following conditions be satisfied before issuance of any County permits associated with this project: The "Fault Setback Zone" shown on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map of your report shall be delineated on the Environmental Constraints Sheet {E.C.S.), and the area in between the setback zone shall be labeled "Fault Hazard Area." 2. A note shall be placed on the E.C.S. stating: "This property is affected by earthquake faulting, Structures for human occupancy shall not be allowed in the Fault Hazard Area. This constraint affects parcels 2 through 8, and 11." 3. Notes shall be placed on the final land division map stating: "County Geologic Report No. 455-was prepared for this property on August 31, 1987, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific Item of concern in this report are as follows: active earthquake faulting and uncompacted trench backfill.' (b) 'This property is affected by earthquake faulting. Structures for human occupancy shall not be allowed in the Fault Hazard Area. The constraint affects parcels 2 through B, and 11, as shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. Schaefer Dixon Associates - 3 - June 13, 1988 A copy of the final map and Environmental Constraints Sheet shall be submitted to the Planning Department Engineering Geologist for review and approval. It should be noted that the areas covered by these reports now supersede the same areas previously covered by County Geologic Report 199; therefore, the Restricted Use and Fault Hazard zones in County Geologic Report 199 in this area are no longer applicable. ' Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING ~EPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter - Planni Steven A-" Kupferman / Engineering Geologist/' CEG-1205 SAK:rd c.c. Csaba Ko - Rancho Calif. Dev. Co. Roy J. Shelmon - Consultant Norm Lostbom - Building & Safety {2) Earl Hart - CDMG Greg Neal - Planning Team 1 :IiVE:i iDE COUil u PLArlrlirlG DEPA: ITIE!I March 17, 1988 (Revised June 14, 1988) Schaefer Dixon Associates 2168 South Hathaway Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 Attention: Mr. Scott Hardman Mr. Dennis V. Long SUBJECT: Liquefaction Hazard Project 70-250 A 'APN 921-080~014, 017 Tentative Parcel Map No. 23496 County Geologic Report No. 455L Rancho California Area Gen t] emen: We have reviewed the liquefaction aspects of your report entitled "Preliminary Soils and Foundation Investigation, North Plaza Area, Rancho California, Riverside County, CA," dated October 13, 1987. Your report determined that the main effect of liquefaction at this site would be the differential settlement which might occur after. the ground shaking. The liquefaction induced settlement would, be ~oq~.lized. The liquefaction induced damage to structures or underground 'utili~i'e~ ~ld be minor during or following an earthquake event of the magnitude considered. Your report indicated that surficial soils in the area, of B-3 and B-4, with a potential for liquefaction will probably be removed and recompacted during site development, thus eliminating the potential in those layers. Your report did not make recommendations that seismic liquefaction be considered in design of foundations for the proposed structure. It is our opinion that the report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the requirement for a geologic report assessing liquefaction hazards as required in the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Final approval of your report is hereby given. We recommend that the following note be placed on the Parcel Map prior to its recordation: 'County Geologic Report No. 455L was prepared for this property on October 13, 1987 by Schaefer Dixon Associates and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. The specific item of interest is liquefaction.' 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 46'209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 tNt'llr) CALIFORNIA 922,r,~ Schaefer Dixon Associates -2- March 17, 1988 (Revised June 14, 1988 We recommend that the recommendations made in your report be adhered in the design and construction of this project. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTM NT Streeter - P1 ' Geolo Dlr tor Steven A. Kupferma Engineering CEG-1205 SAK:rd c.c. Rancho Calif. Dev. Co. - Csaba Ko Roy Shelmon and Assoc. Building & Safety - Norm Lostbom (2) Greg Neal - Team I STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 383-4609 December 26, 1989 GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Gearnor Development Review 08-Riv-15-5.2/5.5 Your Reference: PM 23496 Road Department County of Riverside Attention Mr. Reggy Menke 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Dear Mr. Menke: Thank you for the opportunity to review a check print of Parcel Map No. 23496 located easterly of 1-15 and westerly of Ynez Road between Rancho California Road and Solana Way in Rancho California. We have no comments on this map. We would also like an opportunity to review any proposals to further develop property in the vicinity of the highway when they become available. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Thomas J. Neville at (714) 383-4384. Very truly yours, Att 1990 i ItvEPSIDE COUNTY ROAE .:~ ~t 'q~_rV DEPARTMEN1 'Eastern ] 2un ic ipal ' /rat r District General Manager Donald C. Stewart Legd Counsel Redwine and Sherrill Director o[ The Metropolitan Distract 4 Southern California Doyle F. Boen Treasurer Rogers M. Cox Board o/Directors Richard C. KeLley, President Rodger D. Slums, Vice President Win. G. Aidridge John M. Coudures Chester C. Gilbert Secretary Juanira L_ Machek September 28, 1989 First American Title Insurance Company Attn: Hal Thomas 3625 Fourteenth Street P.O. Box 986 Riverside, CA 92502-0986 RE: Parcel Map 23496 Gentlemen: Reference is made to your letter dated July 25, 1989 relative to an easement which the District holds as they relate to the above referenced parcel map. Please be advised the District has approximately a 20' easement east of Interstate 215, south of Solana Way in Parcel Map 23496. The facilities within these easements will have to be protected during any grading or construction work and no permanent type facilities can be constructed over the easement. Upon the satisfaction of the conditions as outlined above, the division and development of Parcel Map 23496 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easements held by the Eastern Municipal Water District within the boundaries of said parcel map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the District's right, title and interest in and to said easement; nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement. Very truly yours, EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Robert N. Spradl in Manager of New Business DEOO51cJ89 RNS:lf 89-2989 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ~OAD .~ ~1 IRVEY OEPARTMENT Mail To: Post Office Box 8300 u San Jacinto, California 92383-1300 · Telephone (714)925-7676 · Fax (714)929-0257 Main Office: 2045 S. SanJacinto Street, SanJacinro u Customer Service/Engineering Annex: 440 E. Oakland Avenue, Hemet, RECEWEO NOV 19 !990 WESTERN REGION LAND SERVICES DIVISION REAL PROPERTIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Southern Ca/iforn/a Edison Company P. 0. BOX 410 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 10O LONG BEACH BOULEVARD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90802 TELEPHONE (213) 491-2946 FAX (213)491-2675 City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula CA 92390 Attention: Doug Stewart SUBJECT: Parcel Map No. 23496 November 9, 1990 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Parcel Map No. 23496 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easements held by Southern California Edison Company within the boundaries of said Parcel map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights, title and interest in and to said easements, nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easements or a waiver of costs for relocation of any affected facilities. In the event that the development requires relocation of facilities, on the subject property, which facilities exist by right of easement or otherwise, the owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are required prior to the performance of the relocation. If additional information is required in connection with the above mentioned subject, please call Dennis C. Bazant at (213) 491-2644. Sincerely, DCB/bp/1 S. R. SHERMOEN ,-/ Real Propert. ies Agent cc: Bedford Properties D. Meeker R,gn: o' Wa,~, Department 3839 Eas; Cor3~aco S::ee: Secon: Floor Anane!m. Canforna ~2807 PACIFICIIIBELL® A Pacific Tetesls Company August 31, 1989 First American Title Insuranc Company P. O. Box 986 Riverside, California 92502-0986 RE: Tentative Tract No. 23496 Gentlemen: Pacific Bell approves the recordation of. Tentative Parcel Map No. 23496. We have reviewed the map with regard to our easements recorded September 21, 1917, in Book 470. at Page 14, Official Records of Riverside County. We wish to have our easement designated and delineated on the Parcel Map showing our recording data in order to serve notice that we have existing facilities on this property. Our approval (per Section 66436(a)(3)(A)(i) of the Subdivision Map Act) does not in any manner waive any prior rights. Nor does it relieve the subdivision owner or others from responsibility for reimbursing our Company for any possible relocations of our facilities, either vertical or horizontal, which may be required during development of property. May we thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours truly, Right of Way Agent 714-666-5716 vs b DE0051989 RiV2RSIDE COUNTY' ~ ~1 t~NEY DEPARTMEN'I' : "RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND NOTICE OF DETERMINATION EA No NE~TIVE DECLA~TION Based on ~he Initial Study, it has been detemined that the proposed proj~'~ not have a s i gni fi cant envi ronmenCal effect, APR 2 J 7989 PROJECT DESCRIP. TION AND LOCATION: See Roger S. Streeter, Planning Director COMPLETED Case No. (Mod) prpt ~3~q ~ Land Div Sch Appl/Rep~tO ~li~r ~q ~.v~e~- Developable Lots Dev. Ac Date Subrotted q-13-. ~ Open Space Lots O.Sp. Ac Exi sting Zones ~ -I Changes of ProPosed/- ~ Zones Only Zoning Acreage ADOPTED [Z) Board of Supervisors ~Plannin9 Commission '~ Area Planning Council J~ning Director (Other) ~-~-, ~,~ .~ Title (~(~/ty~t/er' ' Cmlifornia Person verifying adoption HEARING BODY DR OFFICER NOTICE OF DETERMINATION C/.Board of Supervisors G)~Planning Commission [3 Area Planning Council D ~ni ng Di rector 123 (Other) ACTION ON PROjECT ,Approval Disapproval _ Date c~-~ '~<~ Developable Lots/(~ Dev,Ac~8.~S Open S~ace Lots O.Sp. Ac Changes of Approved Zones Only Zones Acreage The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been adopted and may be examined at the Planning Department at the address below. Person verifying action lor, G,H o'et RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4080 LEMON STREET, gTH FLOOR -~IVERSIDE, CA 92501 1st White Original - County Clerk 2mi Canary - Case File 3rd Pink - Scheduling 295-31 (Rev. 10/83) CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP / TRACT NO. 23496 DATE 12/12/90 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS Streets and Drainage $ 3,102,758.40 Water $ 110,664.00 Sewer $ 26,371.20 TOTAL $ 3,239,793.60 *Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) Monument Security City Traffic Signin9 and Striping Costs RCFC Draina9e Fee Due Signalization Miti9ation Fee - SMD # Road and Bridge Benefit Fee Other Developer Fees Plan Check Fee Due Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee Fee Paid To Date (Credit) Total Inspection/Plan Check Fees Due MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY $ 1,551,379.20 $ 55,332.00 $ 13,185.60 $ 1,619,896.80 $ 55,541.82 $ 9,460.00 $ -0- $ 58,883.76 $ 157,950.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ $ $ $ $ 48,808.00 39,712.71 -0- 48,808.00 39,712.71 STAFFRPT\ PM2 3 4 9 6 ITEM NO. 8 APPROVAL /~ ..... - ~,~ CITY ATTORNEY ~ ~ / FINANCE OFFICER/~,, CITY MANAGER ~ TO: F R OM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department December 18, 1990 Parcel Map No. 25037 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDAT ION: Douglas M. Stewart That the City Council approve Final Parcel Map No. 25037 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Parcel Map No. 25037 was originally submitted to Riverside County Planning Department on July 17, 1989. The Parcel Map, Amended No. 1, was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 14, 1990. Parcel Map No. 25037 is one common industrial condominium lot creating seven condominium parcels within 2.48 acres. The Parcel Map is located south of Rancho California Road and at the west side of Ridge Park Drive (formerly Kathleen Way). This Parcel Map is part of Parcel Map No. 23968. The applicant is Preferred Equities and Sunergy Development. The following fees have been paid for Parcel Map No. 25037: Signal Mitigation Fee Area Drainage Fee Fire Mitigation Fee Temecula Unified School District $ 1,200.00 5,023.50 10,372.50 10. 787.40 Ridge Park Drive was improved as a Condition of the underlying map. The following security has been posted: Survey Monument Security $ 924.00 STAFFRPT\ FPM2 5 0 3 7 1 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Not Determined. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Final Parcel Map No. 25037 subject to the Conditions of Approval. GH:ks Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. Development Fee Checklist Location Map Copy of Map Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report STAFFRPT\FPM25037 2 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: P.M. 250.3.7 The followin9 fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility ( Traffic Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Traffic Signal Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Library ) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Approval Condition No. 47 (Planning) Condition No. 0 Condition No. 0 Condition No. 12 Condition No. g (Road & Survey Department) Condition No.13 (Planning) Condition No.12 (Planning) Forms/PIng-M9 ;tl '" llml. PREFERRED EQUIT. IES 8 SL1NERGY · ,,,j,.. PLANI4/I&"D INDUSTRIAL l~V. ' ' ' /' ~ ~ T~:MECULA "' ............... IlL II T. 8 S.,R.SW. Jlleeeer'l 81t.940 *: ",~,.m,mB i~^z RD.----MA.O4 ....~oo' l,S~ 'Imm, m,m~ CALF. RD,---- SECOel3ARY -- -. ~,.-a~ ............. ' ................. MINUTE ACTXON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA TOS MEETING OFz A~ENDA ITEM NO.S SUBJECT: May 23, 1990 County of Riverside Planning Department May 22, 1990 Item 6 Received and filed Tentative Parcel Map 25037 Southerly of Rancho California Road, westerly Xathleen Way. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to approve Agenda Item No. 6. The motion was unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemane, Moore, Mufioz None Parks STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury, the forgoing to be the official action taken by the City Council at the above meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of May, 1990. JU~]jGR~EK, DEPUTY CITY 'CLERK SEAL] SUBMITTAL TO THE CZTY COUNCTL CITY OF TENECULA COU!fTY OF RXVERSXDE, STATE OF CALZFORNZA FRI3M: Slavia Cartc Principal Planner SUBHITTAL DATE: 4-11-90 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 25037, Amd. No. I RECI31elENDED MOTION: RECEIVE AND FILE the above referenced case acted on by the Planning Conmntssion on March 14, 1990. THE PLANNING COe4MISSION ADOPTED the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 34157 based on the findings incorporated in the Environmental Assessment and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and APPROVE/) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 25037, Amd. No. I subject to the attached conditions and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Ccmmission minutes dated March 14, 1990. PR(X1ECT LOCATION: Way. Southerly of Rancho California Road, westerly of Kathleen BACKGROURO: See attached Staff Report. ~R:JC:lt Planning Director RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COHMXSSION MXNUTES March 14, 1990 (AGENOA ITEM 7-1 - Tape PARCEL MAP NO. 25037 - EA 34157 - Preferred Equtttes& Sunergy Development Temecula Area - FIrst Supervlsortal Dtstrtct- southerly of Rancho California Rd, westerly of Kqthleen Way - 7 condomtntum lots, 1 connon lot - 2.55t acres - SCHEOULE E - PROJECT: Planned Industrial Oevelopment (7 condomtntum style Industrial buildings) The heartrig opened at 1:45 p.m. and closed at 2:15 p.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Negattve Declaration for E.A. 34157 based on the ftndtng that the project wtll not have a significant effect on the environment and approval of Parcel Map No. 25037, ~mended No. I based on the findings and conclusions tn the staff report. The applicant ts proposing a planned industrial development with seven condomtntums parcels and one co,anon area parcel on 2.55 acres. The stte in questton ts located southerly of Kathleen May and westerly of Rancho California Road tn the ctty of Temecula. Currently the stte ts vacant and has been ~aded. Surrounding parcels consist of Industrial uses and bustness parks to t north and east and vacant and graded land to the south and west. Presently the site is zoned Z-P as well as to the north and east, and R-A-20 to the south and west. The proposed project site 11as wtthtn the Southwest Area Community Plan where the land use and , Industries and land use designation it would allow research · offtces tn an Industrial and bustness park setting. The proposed pr6Ject Is consistent with the zontng and land use designation of the Southwest Area Community Plan and ts compatible with area development. All environmental concerns wtll be mitigated through the conditions of appreval. Mr. Rtchards explained the plan to the Coantsston and said this plan ts a planned Industrial development that Is tn a way an Industrial condomtntum. He referred to the stte plan and explained what ts betrig done on the plan tn question. He stated that the proposed project would be shartng parking, landscaping that surrounds the property and parktrig that ls wtthtn the consnon TESTIMONY OF PROPONENT Anthony Polo, (Markham & Assoc.), 41750 Winchester Road, Suite 'N', Temecula, said the reason they have designed the project the way they have is for general efficiency. Mr. Polo pointed out that in addition to the benefit of parking and landscaptngo he said that there is a access idea that would be brought up by the Road Department. He noted if they develop a parcel for each of these buildings, each parcel would be required to contain .its own parking and have adequate access to It. In answer to Commt o e t concern, Hr. Polo stated thts parcel ts the tmtldtng footprint on which the foundation would be butlt and he noted that they are required to Ixatld to thts point. At this point. Nr. Polo referred to the conditions of approv~':',~' ''/''''" ~..., F.'t..-.. .... .'.,' RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COlqMISSION MINUTES March 14, 1990 Hts ftrst concern was Condition t22 tn the staff report that would requtre him to obtatn clearance and/or permtts from certatn agencies; hts concern was why would he be required to obtatn a clearance from Envlronmenta*l Heal'th. He noted that the clearanc~ letter he has recetved from Environmental Health did not ask for anythtng prtor to butldtng permtts. Hr. Polo's request was to have Environmental Health deleted from the 11st of agencies. Condition #22 - Conditions of Approval - DELETE the word · Environmental Health" Mr. Polo's next concern was Condition t23 tn the staff report that would require him to put tn setbacks. He referred to the exhlbtt of the proposed project and noted that on this exhtblt there ts a slope that is 7 ft. high and this property currently ts zoned residential. According to the ordinance this slope would be a 50 foot setback. At thts point Mr. Polo explained the reason why this particular slope would not have any structure on tt even tf ttts graded. He noted that the area to the south ts Restricted LIght Industrial according to SWAP. Mr. Polo expressed that he has talked to staff regarding the setback concern and they have reached an agreement with staff regarding the setback. Staff explained that what was agreed upon ms that Mr. Polo would take the setback to 7~ feet. What Mr. Polo ts asking for tn this condition ts to have tt changed so that tt would reflect the stte plan as approved. Staff noted that they have considered the request of the applicant. Mr. Chtu said that they feel that a 7~ ft. setback would be to small so they agreed that 10 ft. would be acceptable. However, on the south stde where the applicant ts proposing a setback at a minimum of 5 feet, staff felt that this would not be a sufficient setback from the property line. Staff felt that a minimum of 15 feet would be an adequate requirement. After staff's consaents, Nr. Polo stated that 15 ft. ts the minimum requirement by ordinance. He stated that he ms told by staff tf he want to 7~ ft. tt would be adequate. Mr. Rtchards questioned Mr. Polo by asking htm what ts tn the area to the south, ts It a slope. Mr. Polo satd this area ts a continuation of the pad tn questton and ttts owned by the same developer with no grade differential. Mr. Polo explained that the owner ts planntng to take care of this Issue when a planned Industrial development ts done on the back portion of this area. After the above discussion, staff amended Condition 123. Condition t23 ADD to the. end of this condition the following wording The rear setbac'E'sha11*not be less than 7.5 feet. Mr. Polo's next concern was Condition 130 tn the conditions of approval that would requtre them to submit to the Planntng Department seven coptes of the parking, landscaping, Irrigation, signage and shadIn plan.' Mr. Polo's desire was to have this condition to read "prior to the building permtt". RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COHMISSION MINUTES March 14, 1990 Condition 130 AMENDED to read: Prtor to the butldlng permtt, seven (7) coptes of a parking .... Mr. Polo referred to Condition t39 In the conditions of approval that would require him to construct a block wall along the southerly propert~ line. He noted that this p~operty 11ne is the one that has the large slope and he felt that by plactng a block wall at this location would serve no purpose. Mr. Goldman commented that the pad In question ts lower than the adjacent property so he ts asktng that the slope be the depth separation. At this potnt staff deleted Condition 139. Condition of Approval t39 - DELETED Mr. Polo*s next concern was Condition #40 tn the staff report that ts a requirement to place trash enclosures on the stte. He explained why tt ~ould not be a good 1dee to have seven trash enclosures scattered throughout the stte. Mr. Polo noted they would 11ke to follow the destgn of the plot plan instead of the condition. After the above discussion staff amended condition 140. Condition of Approval 140 - AMENDED to read: Tvo (2) trash enclosures whtch Is adequate to enclose a total of two (2) btns shall be distributed throughout the project, and shall be constructed prior to the tssuance of occupancy permits. Each enclosure shall be stx feet in hetght and shall be made wtth masonry block and an opaque gate wtth a self-latchlng devtce whtch screens the btns from external view. Mr. Polo's next ttem of concern was condition t45 tn the staff report and what he ts asking for is could he get clearance from the Geologist. He noted that the project in question ts not tn the Subsidence Zone. After a brief discussion staff dectded to leave this condition as is. Mr. Polo ~s next 1tam was CondiS'Ion of Approval t46; he wanted clarification of what thts condition meant. Stiff explained briefly. The next 1tam of concern was Condition of Approval 151a. Mr. Polo explained that they have turned tn to the Planntng Department a archaeological report so he felt thts condition hid already been met. Condition 51a - DELETED Lastly, Mr. Polo questioned the paleontologtcal resources which'conditions for clearance by the museum and also a paleontologist td come on site. He noted that the stte tn question was ruff graded and ts flat and has a II grade on It and what they are gotng to do with this area ts place a parktng lot on it and excavate the footings.' Mith this being done he wondered tf this condition would still be appropriate. 29 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 14, 1990 Mr. Chtu explained that they have contacted the San Bernardino County Museum and have explained to then that the lot has been graded. The museum feels even though the lot had been graded, tt does not necessarily mean that there are no further arttracts. still present on the stte. So what they request'of the applicant ts when' he ts ready to grade that they be extremely sure that there are no arttracts present. There was no one present tn opposition. Ms. LInd noted that an additional flndtng would have to be added. AOD- Finding #6 - The proposal project is consistent with the General Plan that will be formulated by the City of Temecula. Mr. Johnson questioned Condition #26 tn the condition of approval that refers to street lighting. He explained that the Road Department ts currently In charge of street light requirements. He noted that he would 11ke to add Condition 121 to the Road letter that would relate to street 11ghttng and delete condition 126 from the conditions of approval. AODED to Road Letter Condition t21 to read: Street lights shall be r~"~'~Tred In accordance wtth Ordinance 460. DELETE Condition of Approval #26. Hearing closed at 2:15 p.m. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: The applicant ts proposing a planned industrial development with seven (7) condomfnium parcels and one (1) camnon area parcel on 2.55 acres; the site is vacant and has been graded. Surrounding land uses consist of industrial developments, business parks, and vacant parcels; the site is presently zoned I-P, and the surrounding zoning tnclude I-P, R-A-20 and N-SC; the Southwest Area Community Plan designates the site .as Restricted Light Industrial; environmental concerns Include fault hazard subsidence Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat, paleontological resources and lighting on Mt. Palomar Observatory and the proposed proJept is consistent with the General Plan that w111 be formulated by the City of Temecula. The proposed project is consistent with the polictes of the Southwest Area Co,~nuntty Plan and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan; the proposed project is consistent with I-P zoning and environmental concerns wtll be mitigated through the conditions of approval. NOTION: Upon motion by Co,,ntssloner Turner, seconded by Co,,,tssioner Smith, and unanimously ~arrted, the Cam!sston recommended to the Temecula City Council adoptton of the Negative Oeclaratlon for EA 34157 end approval of Parcel Flap 25037, Amended No. I subject to the conditions of approval as amended and based on the above findings and conclusions as ended. Zontng Area: Temecula TENTATIVE PARCEL NO. 25037 Supervtsortal DIstrict: Ftrst AMENDED NO, 1 E.A. Number: 34157 Planntng Commission: 3/14/90 Regional Team No.: 5 Agenda Ztem No.: 7-1 RIVERSXDE COUNTY PLANNXNG DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 1. Appl i cant: 2. Engineer/Pep.: 3. Type of Request: 4. Location: 5. Extsttng Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zontng: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: 10. Land Division Data: 11. Agency Recomnendattons: 12. Letters: 13. Municipality: Preferred Equities & Sunergy Development - Markham and Associates Planned industrial development with seven condantnium style industrial parcels and one camnon area parcel. Southerly of Rancho California Road, westerly of Kathleen Way I-P I-P, R-A-2O, M-SC Graded vacant parcel Vacant parcels, Industrial development and business parks. Southwest Area Canmunt ty Pl an Land Use: Restricted Light Industrial Total Acreage: 2.55 Total Lots: Seven condantnium style industrial parcels and one canmon area parcel. Proposed Mtn. Lot Size: 2557 Sq. Ft. See letters dated: Road: t~-3Q-Bg3-14-90 (Amd. at the Planning Canmission on 3-14-90 Health: 12-15-89 Flood: 11-2B-Bg Fi re: 12-05-8g Bldg. & Safety Land Use: 12-12-89 Bldg. & Safety Grading: 12-12-Bg County Engineering Geologist: 3-1-90 S.B. County Museum: 8-24-89 U.S. Postal Service: 8-23-89 So. Caltf. Edison: 8-18-89 Opposing/Supporting: None' received City of Temecula' ANALYSIS PRO,.1ECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing a planned industrial development with seven condaniniums parcels and one canmon area parcel on 2.55 acres. The project site is located at the southerly of Rancho California Road and westerly of Kathleen Way in the City of Temecula. TEMTATZVE PARCEL MAP RO. 25037 AMENDED eO. 1 Staff Report Page 2 Land Use and Zmtnq: The site is currently vacant and has been graded. Surrounding land uses include industrial uses and business parks to the north and east, vacant and graded land to the south and west. - The site is zoned I-P. Surrounding zoning includes I-P to the immediate north and east, R-A-20 to the south and west, and M-SC to the further north and east. ~eneral Plan Consistancy/Land Use Canpattbtltty: The project site lies within the Southwest Area Canmuntty Plan. Land use designation for this area is Restricted Light Industrial. This land use category allows research and development, industries, and offices in an industrial and business park setting. The proposed planned industrial cond~minium subdivision is zoned I-P and has adequate access and the necessary community services. Also, the area is in intransition of transforming into a major industrial and business park center of the City of Temecula. Since the proposed project is consistent with the zoning and land use designation of the Southwest Area C~nmnunity Plan, and it is compatible with the area development. Therefore, staff determines the proposed project to be consistent with the policies within Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Env t rormnenta 1 Assessment: The initial study for Environmental Assessment No. 34157 indicated that the site is subject to fault hazard and 'subsidence. Other environmental concerns which may impact the site or be impacted by the project are: Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat, paleontol ogical resources, and 1 tghting on the Mr. Pal omar Observatory. Nevertheless, al 1 environmental concerns wtl 1 be mitigated through the conditions of approval. The archaeological report on file at the Archaeological Research Unit at UCR was previously conducted for the underlined Parcel Map No. 19626-1 and no cultural resources were found. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant is proposing a planned industrial development with seven (7) condomtntum parcels and one (1) camnon area parcel on 2.55 acres. 2. The site is vacant and has been graded. Surrounding iand uses consist of Industrial developments, business parks, and vacant parcels. TENTATZVE PARCEL MAP II0. 25037 AREMI)IED NO. 1 Staff Report Page 3 The stte Is presently zoned z-p, and the surrounding zontng R-A-20, and H-SC. include I-P, 4. The Southwest Area Community Plan designates the site as Restricted Light Industrial. . Environmental concerns include fault hazard Rat habitat, paleontological resources, Observatory. subsidence Stephens Kangaroo and lighting on Ht. Palmar 6. The proposed project is consistent with formulated by the City of Temecula. 3-14-90). CONCLUSIONS: the general plan that will be (Added at Planning Canmission on The proposed project is consistent with the policies of the Southwest Area Cemmuntty Plan and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. The proposed project is consistent with I-P zoning. Environmental concerns will be mitigated through the conditions of approval. RECOI~ENDATIONS: AIJOPTION of the Negative Declaration for'Environmental Assessment No. 34157, based on the findings that the project wtll not have s significant effect on the environment; and APPROVAL of PARCEL ~ RO. 25037, NERI)ED NO. 1, subject to the conditions of approval, based on the findings' and conclusions Incorporated In thts staff report. JC:gs:sc PLANNING C(MqlSSION HEARING DATE: MARCH 14, 1990 ~ RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 25037,/tlqEXDED NO. 1 e The following conditions of approval are for a planned inaustrial development with seven condomtnium style industrial parcel and one common area parcel on 2.55 acres. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 25037, AMENDED NO. I and EXHIBIT A, AMEMDED MO. 1, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the subdivider of any such clatm, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold hamless the County of Riverside. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Hap Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the overning body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shaV1 be free from all encumbrances as approved by the County Road Commissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Cemmtsstoner. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Riverside County Surveyor. TEIfFATZVE PARCEL RAP IN). 25037 AIRENDED NO. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 2 09 19¸ 2. 39 4. 59 7. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a County maintained road. A11 de1 t nquent property taxes shal 1 be paid pri or to recordati o~ of the final map. Prior to any gradt_n9, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Untfom 0 Building Code~d~pter 7 , as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the County Department of Building and Safety. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated ii-3Q-GGv 3-14-90, a copy of which is attached.(Added at Planning Canmission 3-14-90). The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated 12-15-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated 11-28-89, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to recordatton of the final map or waiver of parcel map. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated 12-5-B9, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Butldtni and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmtttal dated 12-12-B , a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations oUtlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Sectt on's transmtttal dated 12-12-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Engineering Geologlsts's transmittal dated 3-1-90, a copy of which i s attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recanmendations outlined in the San Bernardtno County Huseum's transmtttal dated 8-24-89, a copy of which is attached. TEXTATZVE PARCEL MAP g0. 25037 NEX!)EI)N0. 1 CondftfQns oF Approval Page 3 A paleontologist shall be'on site for the entire grading operation. The paleontologist wtll be authorized to dtvert and direct grading operations to facilitate the evaluation and, if necessary the salva e of exposed fosstls. The project proponent wtll pay for the analys?s of any fossil finds and subsequent report preparation and curatton. The subdivider shall comply with the recanmendattons outlined in the U.S. Postal Service's transmittal dated 8-23-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Southern California Edison Company's transmittal dated 8-18-89, a copy of which is attached. GRADING: 20..Prior to the recordation of the final map, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 21. Grading plans shall conform to the Hillside Development Standards as presented in the Comprehensive General Plan. All cut and/or fill slopes, or individual canbinations thereof, which exceed ten feet in vertical height shall be modified by an appropriate combination of a special ratio e.g. , terracing (benching)plan, increased slope I 3X)) retaining walls, and/or slope planting combined with trrigat on. driveways shall not exceed a 15% grade. DEVELOPRENT STANDARDS: 22. Prior to the issuance of buildin. pe~mtts, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits frm the folVowing agencies: 3e Building & Safety Road Department Fire Department. Env4Feemen(a) Hemilk San Bernardtno County Museum Riverside'County Flood Control County Engineering Geologist (Deleted at the Planntn Commission on 3-14-I0). Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. shall not be than 15'. Also, a minimum of 10' setback may be TENTATZVE PARCEL I~P nO. 25037 AI~ERDED NO. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 4 provided in lieu of 50' along the southerly property line and shall be landscaped. The waiver of 40' of the required 50' setback is due to the existing slope constraint adjacent to the property line. The rear setback shall not be less than 7.5 feet. (Amended at the Planning Canmiss)on on 3-14-90)· 25. Lots created by this land division shall be in conformance with the development standards of the I-P zone. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in this subdivision in accordance with the standards of Ordinance 461. tl slveet ;49kt4n9 4s prepused te be 4nsta;;ed 4n this ebueivis4enm 4~ ska~l be 4Msta~;ed 4n aeee~danee with ike SlaRdavds el O~dinaRse 46& and aT Geeduvvenlly w4tk the ~4;4R9 ef SubdlvlSiee 4mpvevemeRt p~ans with the Read Depavtueent, the deve~epev skal~ sevuFe appreval ef the prepused street ;ayeel ~vem ~4vst the Geethere ga;4dewela Edisen G~pany and ,hem ~ke Red ~eap~(men~s (~a((ie engineer, bT ;e-1;ev4ng appveva] ef the stvee.t ;4ght4ng ;ayeel by the Read i)epavt~eent~s l~a~ie engineer, abe deve;~e~ ska~; a;ae ~4;e an app~4eal4ee w4lk kAFGO fay the feemal4ee of a slyeel 14gh14ng dislv4et~ ew annuMalien le an eMiat4ng ;4ght4ng dielv4etv PPie~ te lhe veee~dat4ee e~ the final mapv tie deve;eFeP sha;; seeeve eeed414eea; a ,eva~ ef tle el~ee~ ;4gkl4ng a p;4aat4ee ~AFGQ, (Deleted at t~e Planning C.anmtsston on 3-14-90~. ~em PRIOR TO RECORDATIOII OF THE FINAL nAP g · The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit A, Amended No. 1, or as amended by these conditions. In the event the use hereby pemt tted ceases opera~ton for a period of one (1) year or more, this approval shall becane null and void. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine dtrectly upon adjoining property or publtc rights-of-way, and shall canply with Ordinance No. 655. TENTATIVE PARCEL RAP NO. 25037 AMENDED NO. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 5 30. Prto~the 4ss,ame, ef eJ,adJm9 e~ butldtng pemi~ ~seven C7) coptes of a genus, spectes, and container stzed the plants sha}~ be sh~n. shall met all requtr~ents of Ordinance No. 348, Sectton, 18.12, and shall be accmpanted by a ftltng fee as set forth in Sectton 18.37 of Ordinance No. 348. (~ended at the Planntng C~mdtsslon on 3-14-90). 31. tster tmprovemnt plans presented on Exhtbtt "A", ~nded. No. 1 shall be coordinated with the master tmprovment plans for Parcel Hap 25037, ~nded. No. 1, on ftle wtth the Planntng Depar~nt. Said plans shall tnclude the use of nattve spectmen trees and shrubs. 32. A mtntmum of 125 parktng spaces shall be provided tn accordance wtth Sectton 18.12, RIverside County Ordinance No. 348. 130 parktng spaces shall be provided as sh~ on the Approved Exhlbtt A, ~ended. No. ~. The parktng area shall be surfaced wtth asphalttc concrete pavtng to a mintmum depth of 3 Inches on 4 tnches of Class II base. 33. A mtnlmum of ftve (5) handicapped parking spaces shall be provided. Each parktng space reserved for the handicapped shall be 1dentSfled by a s tee , pemanently afftxed reflectortzed stgn constructed of porcelain on 1 beaded text or equal, dt s~l ayt ng the %nternatt onal S~bol of Accessibility. The stgn sha 1 not be smaller than 70 square tnches tn area and shall be centered at the tntertor end of the parking space at a mtntmum hetght of 80 tnches frm the bottm of the stgn to the parling space ftntshed grade, or centered at a mtntmum hetght of 36 Inches frm the parktrig space ftntshed grade, gr~nd, or sidewalk. A s~gn shall also be posted ~n a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parktng facility, not less than 17 tnches by 22 tnches tn stze wJth lettering not less than I tnch tn hetght, ~tch clearly and conspicuously states the foilwing: 4e "Unauthorized vehtcles not dJsplaytng distinguishing placards or 11cense plates tssued for ph stcally handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. ~owed vehtcles may-be reclaimed at , or by telephoning · Zn addttJon to the above requirements, the surface of each parktrig p~ace shall have a surface Identification stgn duplicating the symbol of accessibility tn blue patnt of at ~east 3 square feet tn stze. Parktrig 3or landscaping shall tnclude a benned and landscaped setback frem adjacent streets. An additional three percent (3%) of the parking area shall be landscaped (exclusive of the setback) w~th a mtntmum of one (1) spectmen tree per eight (8) parktng spaces. TENTATZVE PARCEL RAP NO. 25037 AleENDED !10. 1 Cmdtttms of Approval Page 6 ; 51 6e 7e Loading spaces shall be provtded in accordance wtth Sectton 18,13, RIverside County Ordinance 348. . Butldtng elevations and floor plans shall be tn substantial conromance wtth that shown on Exhtbtts B-l, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, and B-7. Materials used tn the construction of a11 buildings substantial confonnance wtth that shown on Exhlbtts M-1-1, (Color Elevations) and Exhibit M-2 (Iqaterlals .Board). fol 1 ows: shal 1 be I n M-1-2, M-1-3 These are as Material color iRoof Mtsston Ttle ~ Trtm Stone GuadelaJara 3) Wall Stucco Santa Fe 81 0. 18 44. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded frem ground vtew. matertal shall be subject to Planntng Department approval. Screening Pv4ew te the depaptmenh a s4K ~ee~ k4gh desePat4ve b~eek wall shall be seestrusted a~eq§ the seutke~y pwepeFty 14Re where abuts the R-A-~O ,eRe, The ,equ4,ed wall skal~ be subS,at te the aFpPeval e~ the .D4veeteP e~ the the Planntng Commission on ieveM (3~Two (2) trash enclosures whtch ts adequate to enclose a total of sever ~;~two (2) btns shall be distributed throughout the project, and shall be constructed prt or to the tssuance of occupancy pemtts. Each enclosure shall be stx feet tn hetght and shall be made wtth masonry block and an opaque gate wtth a self-latchtng devtce whtch screens the btns fran external vtew. (Amended at the Planntng Cmmtsston on 3-14-90). Landscape screening shall be destgned to be opqque up to a mtntmum hetght of stx (6) feet at maturity.. Landscaping shall be Installed prtor to the tssuance of occupancy pem~ts. Trash btns, loadtng areas and Incidental storage areas shall be located away and vtsually screened frm Industrial streets and-open space areas. All street lights and other outdoor 1t httng shall be show. on electrical d the Oepartment of Bu~ldtng and Safety for plan check plans submttte to approval and shall comply with the requirements of .RIverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the RIverside County Canprehenstve General Plan. TENTATIVE PARCEL RAP NO. 25037 AMENDED NO. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 7 45. t nyl~~ a ~t~tn' a Subsidence Report Zone:/ Prior to Thts project s loc ted' issuance of a butldtn~g'~perm4t--by. the-RIverside County Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and stru6turally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. 69 Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning Director of the County of Riverside demonstrating compliance with all conditions of approval and mitt art measures 3415V. on of Parcel Map No. 25037, Amended. No. I and E.A. 47. Prior to the/+s uance of grading parfaits, the applicant shall comply with drdinance No.~by/paythg the fe equtred by that ordinance which is h based on t e gross acreage ot the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required b Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under t~e Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 48. Five Class I bicycle lockers or Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. 4g. All utilities except electrical lines rated 33kV or greater, shall be installed underground. 50. One center-identification monument sign, in accordance with Ordinance 348, shall be allowed for the industrial area. Other signage shall be allowed in conformonce with Ordinance 348. No billboards shall be permitted for the industrial area. 51. Prior to the recordatton of the Final Nap, the following conditions shall be complied with: PP4ee, lethe peeewdal4en e4r lhe f4nal map, The swbd4v4deP sh~l~ pPev4de aM apehaee.Tqiea~ vepeP~ ~eP P~ann4ng DepaF4nnen~ oFFFever, The PeFe4,l eha~ be peF;e~ned by · qwa~4~4ed aFehaee;eg4si ws4ng S~andaFd 6e4en~i~4e melkede~egy, Any mi~4ga~4en meaawves pvepesed ska~ be 4nee4,Fewaled 4hie tke des4gn e~ lke f4na~ map as d4Feeied by ~he Plann4ng PepaF4ment, (Deleted at the Planning Canmission on 3-14-90). TENTATIVE PARCEL RAP NO. 25037 AIRENDED ND. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 8 be Prtor to recordatton of the ftnal subdivision map, the applicant shall submtt to the Department the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that the total project wtll be developed and maintained in accordance with the tntent and purposes of the approval: a. The document to convey tttle b. Covenants and restrictions to be recorded c. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered Into wtth the owners of the project The approved documents shall be recorded at the same time that the subdivision map is recorded. A property owner's association with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property, of the owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust provided such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the association. EIIVIROtIENTAL CONSTRAINt SHEET COleITIONS 52. A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planntng Oepartment for review and approval. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET COMD ITIONS: 53. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the Office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Oepartment for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded ftnal. map to the Planntng Department and the Oepartment of Butldtng and Safety. The following note(s) shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. "County Geological Report No. 681 was prepared for this property on February 16, 1990 by Sotl Tech and is on file at the Riverside County Planntng Department." "This property is located with thirty (30) miles of Mount Palmar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the observatory. Outdoor ltghttng shall be fran low pressure sodium lamps TENTATTVE PARCEL RAP NO. 25037 N4ENDED M0. 1 Conditions of Approval Page 9 54. that are oftented and shtelded to prevent direct Illumination above the horizontal plane passtng through the lumtnare." The following note shall be placed on the final map: "ConStraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor." Prior to any use allowed by this Plot Plan, the applicant shall obtain clearance from the Department of Building and Safety - Land Use Section that the uses found on the subject property are in conformance with Ordinance No. 348. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. OC:gs:sc 2/06/90 0 W~A.p.'" ' -C J.L , o ~ :I~ /\ t OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR March 14, 1990 ROAD COHINISSIONtR · ~ ~RVt'Y~ Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street RIverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: COUNTY A/:)MD~ISTRATIV~E CLNTT. R MAIUNG P.O. BOX IUVFalRIX. CAUIDRN~A (714) 275-6740 RE: PM 25037 - Amend tl Exhibit A Schedule E - Team 5 - SMD 19 AP t111-111-111-9 *As amended at P.C. 3-14-90 With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, the Road Department recommends that the landdivider provide the following street improvements, street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards (Ordinance 461). It is understood that the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline elevations, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate Q's, and that their omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in a11. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commissioner's Office. The landdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alte~ation of the drainage patterns, I.e., concentration of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities and/ or by securing a drainage easement. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final map and noted as followsz "Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroachments by land fills are allowed". The protection shall be as approved by the' Road Department· The landdivider shall accept and properly dispose of offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the Road Commissioner permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities as Qpproved by the Road Department· COUNT!' ADNfi~ILSTRAT!~ CENTLIt, 4080 LENON STREET · il/VDtSIDE, CALffO~J~!A 92~Ot PM 25037 - Amend #1 - Exhibit A NevembeF-aert989- March 14, 1990 Page 2 Major drainage is involved on this landdivision and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road D{partment. Kathleen Way shall be improved with 34 feet of asphalt concrete pavement within a 45 foot part width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 111. (28'/39') Zmprovement plans shall be based upon a centerline p~oftZe extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road Improvements does not Imply acceptance for maintenance by County. The developer/owner shall submit a detailed soils Investi- gation report addressing the construction requirements within the road right of way. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard· Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. The landdivider shall provide utility clearance from Rancho California Water District prior to the recordatlon of the final map. The maximum centerline gradient and the minimum centerline radii shall be in conformance with County Standard #114 of Ordinance 461. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Camtno Real in accordance with Standard 400 and 401 (curb sidewalks)· 11. The landowner/developer shall provide/acquire sufficient public offsite rights of way to provide for primary/ secondary access road(s) to a paved and maintained road. Said access road(s) shall be constructed in accordance with County Standard No. 106, Section B. (32'/60') at a grade and alignment approved,by the Road Commissioner. 12. Prior to the recordatton of the final map, the develop&r shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department, a cash sum of $150.00 per lot as mitigation for traffic ---) signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, a written agreement may be entered into with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. PH 25037 - Amend #l -Exhtbtt A NevembeP-a8,-tg89- Hatch 14, ~990 Page 3 4e 5. 6e 17. 8. 9. Electrical and communications trenches shall be provided in accordance with Ordinance 461, Standard 817. ; Landdivisions creating cut or fill slopes adjacent to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approved by the Road Department. The street design and improvement concept of this pkoject shall be coordinated with PM 23968. All private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite this project shall be coordinated with this project and shown on the street improvement plans. A striping plan is required for Xathleen Way. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applican~ shall prior to recordation make application for and pay for their reapportionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building permit. The applicant shall provide CC & R's to insure.access to all parcels. PH ~5037 - Amend #1 -Exhtbtt A Nevembev-a9~-t989 Hatch 14, 1990 Page 4 *21. ga: jw Street lighting shall be required in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461 throughout the subdivision. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whether this proposal qualifies under an existing assessment district or not. If not, the land owner shall file, after receiving tentative approval, for an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a "Lighting Assessment District" in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000. · *As amended at P.C. 3-14-90 ** ~(:C' 19 '89 1~:16 MARKHAM ~ ASSOCIAT~SxRIVEZRSI!:( COUNTY OF RIVE RSI DE DEPARTMENT ~ecember 16. 1969 HIVIRSIDI COUNTY PLANNINO DEPT, 4000 Lemon Street Riverlids, CA 93502 ATTNI John Chiu lie&kill lilYill lh'."J,,. II,.VINi. CA III15 eevlq;Ot. Ca ellis Illlilt lit lO4lld I?Alf ~lll, Ca Illel miss kill fallgill °il. ld IIIINI , {:& I tO lfi'".?.,- 'o' o,..o, lellee~l, CA ,",",,'.%"/,. !qls PAlqCiCL MAP 36037t Portion st Percol I of PM 19626-1 CO Lots) Gentlemini The Department or Public Hoelib has reviewed TenfillY, Kip No. 35037 &nd recommends thstl A water system ,h, LL be instilled according to p/&n, ,nd e;)ectfication ,s ,;)proved by the v&ter company and the HesLth Department, Permanen~ ~rinte or the pl,ne or the water system shell be submitted in triRlickte, with · minimum ,cole not less than one inch equals 200 test, along with the ori~ln&l drawing to the County Surveyor, The ;)rants shell Ihow the internal Ripe diameter, lociteen o~ viiyes and tire hydrantsl ;)ipe and Aoint specifications, and the size of the main st the .~unction or the new system to the existing system. The glens shall comply in all respects with Day. 6, Part 1, Chester ? o~ the Callremit Health and Solely Code, Csllfornie Administrative Code. Tills ~3, ChaRter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Coat,zion or the Irate of C, lifornie. when &;)pLtckblo. The Plknl lhell be eL;ned by'a rlqiltlred eneinelr and water company with the teLLoving certification: "Z certl/Y thit the design o[ the water system in PareeL Nap ~5037 le accordance with the water system ex;)enston plans ot the ~ancho C&lttornia Water District and that the water service. stories and distribution system viII be adequate to ;)roY/de water service to such tract map. H[C 19 '89 13:i7 "~ARKFI11 & ASSOCIRT[S/RIVERSID~ P,3 ~lveretde County PAinnini Deer. Piqo Tvo ATTN; John Chtu December 16, 1989 This certificition does not constitute s Quirtnags thit it viii supply viter to such trlct mip kt Iny s~eclflc quirttitles, fl~vs or pros.urea for fire protection or lny other purpose". This certification shill be signed by i responsible offtrial of the vk~er rompshy, ~.cegums~_~o~....th, recQ£dl~IQO_Q[_~bt_[iOli_llQ, ~his Depirtment his i stilemeAt trom Sancho Cilifornil Witmr District igreetn~ to serve domestic viter to eich end every lot in the subdivision on demsnd providing s&tllf&ctory f/nincill &fringemenlo &re completed wlth the subdivider. Zt will be necessity for finincl&l arrangements to be mide prior to the recordirish of the final map. This Depsrtment his I stilemint from the Eistern MuniciDkl Water District luremini to Illov the subdivision sew&go system to be connected to the severe of the District. The sewer eyetom shill be instilled according to pleas specifications le ·pproved by the District, the County Surveyor ind the Heilth Dipstamina. Perminent prints of the plans of the sewer system snail be submitted in triplittle, ilonQ with the original driving, to the County Surveyor. The prints shill show the antemil pipe diimoter, locilion minholes, complete profiles, pipe Ind ~otnt speciticitionl ind the size st the severs it the dunelion of the new system to the existing system. A single past tndiciting location of sewer lines ind water lines shill be s portion or the sewage pl·ns Ind profiles. The plans until be signed by · registered engineer ·rid the sewer district with the following cer~lficstion: "! certify thit the design of the sewer lyetom in Pitcol Nip 2503? in iccordince with the sewer system expiation pitAs of the Itstern MUniclpil Witor District ind that the waste dlipos&/ system to ldequite &t this time to treat the anticSpited viitee from the proposed trict map," tuh LLed..La_Lhe...CountY,gg£XlXe ~Vq..yteSl,i£ie£_lg_~ht~£t~Utlh,~mC-.~bt-£t;~Lil~kgU-aL-hUt .. :. [6,: 19 'e9 12:17 rIRRK~ & RSSOCIRTES/RIVER~ID~: P&ae Three ATTN~ John ChSu December 15, zeee l~ will be neeeslkry for tin&ncZll &rr&naemen~s to be comDle~ely [lnsltsed prior to record&L~on of ~hs f~nkl SLncerely, 8 t, ronment,&Z He&l',h Spec/&l/et, XV Environment.&1 He&Zt, h BeryLcoo KENNETH L EDWARDS CHIEF IN(~INIER 1995 MARKET SI"REET P.O. BOX 1023 T[L.EPHONE~ (?$a) 787-2015 FAX NO. (714) 788'9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT lINERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 9280~ Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. Planner~,Ay Area: Re: We have reviewed thts case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project ts considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area conststs of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions tn order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and tO prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of ]8 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the tL//~ //:77~Q,e/lF~//~ ~uz,fi~a~enf,~. Area regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The Distrtct's report dated is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of /°H/~-~,'/' The project will be free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~ave been constructe~ in accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. Very truly yours OOH" ". KASHUBA Senior Civil Engineer DATE: '~/c~. o~// PLANNING ~ ENGINEERIN~ 46-209 OASIS STREET. SUITE 405 INDIO, CA 92201 (619) 342*8886 TO: PLANNING DEPARTHENT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 0 6 IN COOPERATION WITH TH~~ CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION . GLEN J. NEW~ FIRE CH!~' ~ , 12-S-8~ "~" DE C 7~ ~NNING ~ ENGINEERING 37~ IITH ~REET ATTN: JOHN CHIU PM 25037 ANENDED I1 - REVISED LETTER With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced parcel map, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 546. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 2000 GPH for a 2 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the Job site, e A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6"x4"x2½x2i), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company ~ith the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 5. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 6. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-IOBC. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. Prior to issuance of building p~rmits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $~13.00 to the Riverside County Pire Dspartment for plan check fees. Subject: Parcel Hap 25037 Page 2 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shell deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a check or money order equaling the sum of 25¢ per square foot as mitigation for fire pr~tection impacts. This amount m~st be submitted separately from the plan check review fee. Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow of 1500 GPH or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. 10. Instsll a supervised waterflow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as required by the Uniform Building Code. 11. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. RAYNOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Hichael E. Gray, Deputy Fire Department Planner ama : December 12, 1989 Administrative Center, 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA~92507 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: John Chiu County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Parcel Hap 25037, Amended #1 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: Where no specific uses for proposed structures are indicated, Building and Safety may require additional Planning Department approvals. If the proposed project is to be "phased," an approved exhibit indicating which structures and on-site improvements are required for each "phase" should be required. An additional plot plan or an approved exhibit for on-site signage will be required. Prior to the issuance of building permits, written clearance is required from the following: ° Temecula Valley Unified School District The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall conform with an approved fl-oor plan indicating the maximum number of tenants allowed. Each space shall be labeled with' a number or a letter. If approved elevations are required from the Planning Department the approved plans must be submitted to the Land Use Division concurrently with submittal of structural plans for review. Prior to acceptance of structural plans for Building and Safety review, one complete set of approved conditions from Planning Department must be attached. Administration (7141 682-8840 · (71 41 787-2020 Planning Department PM 25037 December 12, 1989 Page 2 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Land Use Division with evidence of recordation of a Certificate of Parcel Merger. Prior to issuance of building permits, proposed lighting must be in conformance with Mount Palomar Lighting Plan, Zone B, per Ordinance 655. may be required. Consult your Conditions of Approval. -" ~.. Very truly yours, Rober~inares ~ Senior Land Use Technician /sn COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING AND SAFETY DKP~ GRADING SECTION TO: JOHN CHUI PLANNING FRO~: TONY HARNON DATE: 12/12/89 RE: P.N. 25037 AND, 1 The information provided on this pro~ect did conceptual SeadinS plan. However, sufficient supplied for us to recommend approval with conditions. not include a information was the ~ollowing Prior to commencing any SeadinS in excess of 59 cubic yards, the applicant shall obtain a Seeding permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety-department. Prior to issuance of any buildinS permit, the property owner shall obtain a SeadinS permit and approval to construct from the BuildinS and Safety Department. Plant and irrigate fill slopes Seeater than or equal to ~' and/or cut elopes ~reater than or equal to 5' in vertical height with Seass or Seound cover. Slopes that exceed 15° in vertical height are to be provided with shrubs and/or tree8 per count ordinance 457, see form 284-47. Grading in excess performance security Safety department. of 199 cubic yards will require to be posted with the Building and In instances where a BradinS plan involves import or export, prior to obtaininS a ~radinS permit, the applicant shall have obtained approval for the import/export location from the Building and Safety department- this my require a written clearance from the PlanninS Department. NOTE: For the final Seadins plan, please provide the applicable information from Building and Safety Department grading forms: 284-120, 284-21, 284-86, and 284-46. Thank you. :iiVE:DiDE counc t nnin DEi A:I "InEnC March 1, 1990 Soil Tech, Inc. 41607 Enterprise Circle North P.O. Box 1568 Temecula, CA 92390 Attention: David L. Jones Michael K. Mason John T. Reinhart Anthony B. Brown SUBJECT: Seismic/Geologic Hazard Project No.z 3074-P-89 Tentative Parcel Map No. 25037 A.P.N.: 940-310-026 County Geologic Report No. 681 Rancho California Area Gentlemen: We have reviewed the seismic/geologic aspects of your reports relative to the Willard fault on this site. These reports are entitled 1) "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Parcel 22 of Parcel Map 18254," dated May 1, 19891 2) Geotechnical Testing/Grading Report, Parcels I through 3 of Parcel Map 19626- 1, Parcel I of Parcel H~p 19626-2, dated A~ril 12, 19891 Geotechnical Testing/Grading Report, Parcel Map 19626-2, dated October 2, 19891 and your response to County review dated February 16, 1990. Your reports determined that= There are no active faults related to the Willard fault on the subject site. 2. There is no significant hazard of surface fault rupture on the subject site. No mitigation measures relative to surface'fault rupture were made in your report. ~ 4080 LEMON STREET, gTH FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 79733 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. SUITE E BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-.8277 Soil Tech, Inc. Narch 6, 1990 Page -2- It is our opinion that the report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the additional information requested under the California Environmental Quality &ct review and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Final approval of the report is hereby given. ' Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DE ARTMENT Joseph A. Rlchar~ning irector SAK: bam c.c. Markham & Assoc. - Anthony Polo Norm Lostbom - Building & Safety (2) Planning Team 5 - John Chiu iVE >EDE COUntY , .. -.. PLAnnine DEPArtmEnt T0: Assessor ~Jsstoner Dave Tu~er Butldtng and Safety - Land Use Te~cu]~ ChaSer of Coerce Building and ~fety - Grading UCR - Archaeological Unit Surveyor - Ken Tetch ATTN: Dan McCathy Road Depar~nt ; San Bernardino County Museum Health - Ralph Luchs A~N: Bob Reynolds Flood Control District Ftsh & Ga~ U.S. Postal Service - Ruth E. Da ~UG ~ ~ '1~ . u.S. Fish & Wildlife ~rvtces County Superintendent of $ch~l s Rancho Ca 1 i forni a Water PLA~Ir~;~O Southern California Edison Southern California Gas Temecula Union School District Lake Elsinore Unified School District PARCEL ~ 25037 - (Tin-5) - E.A. 34157 - ~untatnvtw Assoc. ~d Preferred, Equities & Sunergy Dev. - Harkham & Assoc. - Temecu 1 a Area - Ftrst f Supervtsortal District - S o Rancho California Rd., W of Kathleen Way - I-P Zone - 2.55 Acres - Schedule E- No Waiver - RELATED: PH 23968 - REQUEST Planned Industrial Development (T condominium style industrial bldgs. ) - Nod 119 - A.P. ~J40-310-026 Please review the case described above. along with Division Conmntttee meeting has been tentatively scheduled clears, it will then go to public hearing. the attached case map. A Land for August '31, 1989. If it Your coments and recommendations are requested prior to August 31, 1989 tn order that we may tnclude them in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questl0ns regarding t~ls item, please do not hesitate to contact John Chtu at 787-1363. Planner COft(ENTS: The site 16 located on the fosslllferous Pauba Formation. ConstructiOn excavation w111 result In impacts to nonrenewable vertebrate fossils. The applicant must employ 8 qualified' vertebrate paleontoXoglst to develop a p. lan of mitigation which should Include but not be limited to (1) monitoring and salvage during excavation; (2) preparation of specimens, including processing of adequate samples of sediments for recovery of microvertebrate fossils; (3) Identification of specimens and repository ~ a report of findings, including curation Into an appropriate museum ~~~ an itemized inventory of recovered pecimens. qATE: 6/2,/89 SIeNATURE ~~~ D ' PLEASE print name and title an . Grie , Director 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342'8277 13:45 MARKHAM & ASSOC SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MUSEUM 2024 O,ange Tree Lane · RedlMdl, CA 92374 · (714) 798-8670 · 422-1610 September 11, 1990 P. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDtNO GENERAL SERVICES AQENCY Markham and Associates 4 1750 Winchester Road. Suite N Temecula, CA 92390 re: PM 5.037, PALEONTOLOGIC MITIGATION CONDITIONS We are in receipt of additional information rqprding the proposed development of the above- referenced parcel. This data indicates that rough ~rading has been completed and that conditions regarding paleontoloF~c mitigation w~e satisfied at that time. No recommendations for further paleontologic mitigation relative to fate grading or subsequent construction on the parcel are offered. Sincerely, Dr. Allan D. Griesemer Museums Direaor Sout/~ern Ca//Forn/a Lrdison Company P. O. BOX 410 100 LONG IrAell BOUL[VARO LONG BE~AC:N. CALIFORNIA 00801 W(ITI:IIN RIGION LAND les~vecz s DIVII, ION pI!OleEIITl[I ANT} ADIdlINIITIIA'rlV( 1113) 4et-sl41 FAX 13~131 all-titS Riverside County Road Department P.O. Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Attention: Subdivision Section SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map No. 25037 August 18, 1989 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Tentative Parcel Map No. 25037 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and'c0mplet~'exerCise of any easement(s) held by Southern California Edison Company within the boundaries of said tentative parcel map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights, title and interest in and to said easement(s), nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of costs for relocation of any affected facilities. In the event that the development requires relocation of facil- ities, on the subject property, which facilities exist by right of easement or otherwise, the owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are required prior to the pe[formance of the relocation. If additional information is required in connection with the above mentioned subject, please call Dennis Bazant at (213) 491-2644. Very truly yours, S. R. SHERMOEN Z,iona-.. ~~ ~r~'P~A~gjnt N P ~ i 19956(7)pmh cc: Riverside County Planning Dept., Attn: John Chiu Markham & Associates :IiVER)iDE COUnff --PLAnnine DEPA:KmEnC INVIRONMENTAL AIIEIIMENT FORM: ITANDARD IVALUATION ENVIRONMINTAL ~NT (I,A,,) IlllllR: 34157 MODUI/ PROJICT CAll TYP!(I) AND ~l): Parr,.,1 Nap !'.h,-, 25037 ~ i: PrPfprrpfi FqJli f. tP~ And ~mmnPrO/IJ/ I~ CW ImEIm-14:)N(m) ImREIm~IN0 ~ John Chi, L PlliOJICT tilIORMATION A, 119 IXc, iCRtmTiONgnekem~nmd~lmmtsewNlumemMNmtk:W~) Planned industrial development with 7 condominum parc~l~ ~nd nn~ pnnm~n ar)) parcel. l. TOTAl. ImlROJECT AREA: ACRES 2.55 C. A,I, SEIIOR$ IMRCEL NO4m): 940-310-026-3 ;eBQUAREFEET D. ~ ZONING: PROPOSED ZI;)NING: ITREET REFERENCES: T-P t TI~ PRI:)PC)~L IN I:X:~ORI~? Yes NJA t ll4E PRO/%tV~ IN C~C~MA~t " Southerly of Rancho California Road, Westerly Of Kathleen W~y ~ IICTION, TO~P, RANGE DEICRIPTION OR ATTACH A lEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 11 T8S, R3W The site is currently vacant and has been qraded under Parcel Map No 2396R. Anmnended No. 1. Surrounding 1add uses include industrial, business parks.and vacant Darcel ~, IL BNVIIONMENTAJ,. HAZARD1 AND REBOURCll Allill. MINT 1-y ~-PddoleecimmlNemmorMFmu~ li._U, AkpceNoim(l~e. Lll, S, L1L11 HMard Zoom ~ V1.1) NCXJZ fiepod, M.A,F,B.) u eqeo (NA) PI n (&NAV~'IBA&li~4 C D 0re, V 1.11) ~ LJci~efi-k~nPme~tJeJ~arjO. Vl.1) l~,,g_ RknrOOdN0iooOrIO. VLlS-Vt.16) NA $ (PB) U : Oqe. vl,4) (HA) A · C D Or~ m.11) ~ Ofou~dehekb~gZafm(IrlOVL1) Zone 2 14. N leghwuyNmmtlriO. Vl.l?-VLi9) 4y' uA · (Ps) u eqe. vLs) (Kk) A · C D N 8eeee(n~.Cc~eOOi:eoSmpeMeps) gentle 1L__ I,B_ Id~etikZomOmv. CkkeOOkWe (HA) A · .C D Or~ VLll) (leA) · P8 U M IN__ Redden Haard(Qn-mMk, mpmcion) bess ks ~) iN__ WhdEmmk~&·lsssd(W~VL1, ~ N Dem~Ame(Iri~VLfi 11,.N,, Flledllki~VLfi (M U R ll.,JL. PrmdectQsnm.'&tmdNoimeNmece~ Iki01m~k~rig. Vl.11) 17._U_ No~~lkKdect(rq;.Vl.11) wmw Oamy wneecu From Im~Benm~mVwmammGummy H~ Mines mm Wemm I:-,-iodmFbeAm(F~Vl,lO-Vt31) Ommu~ubstdence Zone MerNeefmmA~.r,M-~.'mmm~ REBOUIIm WammFII. Vi~*g?) K-ra~ mitigation ~leelke~~-~fee area ~.80~tmnmdRmm:~,ill~Ldl-Vl~ ~ OmhmMtro. Palomar l toht n~ Definltk~ for ~ Ueo lultablgty and Noise Aooeptabalty bungs IM - NmAmmmmm~ · · (ImmalyW II - U-OennayUmunl~ R-Ikaotamd l-CbedamdvAmeab~ C:-Oenn~Unemm, el D-LandUND4Koum~ $ W. 1. {)elNIMM:IAND~2NI!3qVATIONMNmDIIKINATION(my. Not designated as ol)en ~, LJIJI~DIJ~E~AiRrr)~ (:;nufhwp~,f Tnrrtfnry space & (X:)iANMI'YlmtN~IrANy: Southwest Area & iX)~&f, jNffyi~Olla(iNAII(X~XImN~: Restricted Light Industrial · {RLI) /. It~yOFimOtj~N~FiC/ffilm~Restricted Light Industrail allows research and development industries, and offices,in an industrail or business park settinq. Additional landscapina and buffer tr~afm~nf m~yhp r~jired fn create the desired industrial park enviroment. l. Iroralm. lnk:lcateMtham(Y)ornoP, I) whethefanyPubactacmUesend/oreeedces iekes my~gnr~=nWa~m~ · erbeeffecle, dbythe),..pQmmt. AJfrmfm.'eNmdllOvmkeooelalnedlnlheC. oeXxerm, ra.k, eQ, erkemJPian. Foranyluae FUIUC FAClLITlll AND IIRVIC!8 1.=.Y_ (~rcUaam(W~g. lV. IW.11. Dioaeln IO..B_ kVlamef~Pvwmd&~i) lie Tmlb ire. IV.1I - W.1.1) Fife levion (Pie. w. ll · w. ll) Ihsd~ lsrvis II~ IV.l? · Iv. tl) leook IF~ IV.l? - IV. II) k M (Re. w.l? - Iv. ll) · s N 11J_ · ~m-m it ~ 1tile F~ N.1I · N241 Iiv.~(LlOOImmmr~m_~TmlMm~) glkm Or~ W21 · N26) ~ (IqB. tll, I · 1.11.4, ElM · I.l&l O l W.t'/· IV.,le) I)i:eeler~ Caylphemef~Temecula I- llesdon ltil kill lkey, klhe i~;=li'omdllnl wllh lM~Imllslgnliom oll~e sOIm}pdm momsm. D. ldwpeetelhPmNctnlmk'mnotDemignmmeMOpmnlpm~'.mm~flmnollnm~~,.~ua ~l.l,&tendT. CemIamT_TmeaM4, l. lendTlllmlnar,,mmnmm~lmmmn. 1. Lmnd m mime) m:mmv~ I~ ~ Ibm r~;=mmd I~ i InQmmm mmn~ m IV~m e~ mm~ ~,,~. m.,~m~ el~) Category 2- Industrial Cgn~mlmnd m m~)b N mam immmdmem~~ e~Ydmi'~emwnn~elr,) Catego~ 2- Industrail I D.1 mann mereram D.,t. wl the ~ bm mmmi, ed at the ~ 4. ~ ~ dem~,mrden(m): Restricted Light Industrail S. Im N peap:~mmcf Imeolect eenmatmt t the immic~ end dem~nmU~ ef ~ r.,oevnuney 14an? Ifmm&.emkmn: 0. Im the p,4:l:gmm' omm4alaNe wee exlmenO end p~Qpommd mmfn:u'mml'mO land Ime&, empmin: Yes 7. lend an this Inlee/muey. l the I~CE~" oofe~erd dh Im Coneram Oeerad Plea? I eel. mlemee by lecemifdleeaNuneerlenbesmlde ~JS,eh~'altmalN: Yes l.. ~em~m~heimm~e~mi~m~m~p~:~mmd~am4~mwd~~g~m`~mthm~k~: 1. Ilmlelaelgndm~ . ,. · & Imhmemmmmd~wmhthidmmaemeemSQifmmm&emmmkc & lemed en gem Inlmf mlu~. Im h ~a~ov' wm% m ,ml mmlh N C~,..$..V'e.m~ Oeeeeml Iralima? I mirare&. ~ by lemamm end m Nueeew h:me U Idmm'Q~,k(m k,w,~,mnm'Umo'mm' f IIC'rION/ IIIUI NO. 3B-.1 3B-34 3B-35 IIFORMATION 'OURCII, IqNDINGt OF FAC~.._AND MITIGATION .MF,.AIURE8 ADDITIONAL NeORMATION RE{~RIm2,D BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE~,~,qENT CAN BE COMFq_rTED: · ORMATON RIOUIRED MC2U~STED Geologtc Report 9-28-89 Anchaeoloaical Report 9-2R-Rq Paleentological Report 9-28-89 DATE ADEOUACY INIFORMATION I~,,L- t&S~ON RECEIVED ~,DAT[1 I. FOr each issue marked y~ (Y) urgler ~ect~qm IILB ~ NJ, ~n~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~ humor ~d ~ ~ ~~, ~ ~ t~t u ~ ~: 3. 8~te ~ m~t~ ~s~, H ~ntff~M ~ ~ui~O ~ ~v~~l ~ m~ (E.LR.) ~ ~ m~l ~ Ire ~ ~ repute ~M ~, ~k ~ ~= mt N ~ of ~ ~ mn~ ~ch ~ nlEIIIt~ M~. .. lEe'lION/ 1~51J~NO. 6OURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, M~IGATION MEASURES: 3B-H3 Earthquake h~zard will be mitigated at the development staqe and in accordance with mitigattnn mPR~lirp~ rnnf~q tn CO,,nty Seelogic Report No. 3B-4 Slope has been graded in accordance with proper enqineerina design. 3B-24 Subsidence ha?ardq w~ll ha m{ftg~ted ~t the devglc~ment ctm,gO and in 4B-28 3B-35 accordance with the reconmnendattons contains in the County GpnlnOtral RePort Nn_ KR1 Impacts on K-Rat will be mitigated thrnml~h p~,ympnt nf fee~ Impacts on paleontologtcal resources will be mitigated at the development ill. "staqe and accordanr-e with the ~an Rnrnarrll nn Primrarity Mmm~pmmm r. rnnmlindatiOnE. V. INFORMATION IOUR~EI. FINDINGI llGqlON/ INNO. 3B-36 4B-1 4B-5 6,13,15 4B-16 3B-34 IOURC!I, AGEG0 I~)iI~JI,IIC), ~ OF PACT, MITIOATION MEASURES: Impacts on the Mtro Paloeer Lighting will be mitig~f~, thrnU[}~ 655. Traffic impacts will be mitigated in accordanc~ '-'~*h the Road Department. Conditions of approval. Impacts on fire , sheriff. health an~ d4.~c+er will h. m4f(0at-d thro~v3h cenditten3 of app, uv=l and Tot payment ot tees. The City Of Temecula will h~w ~. o4~pertgni~ ta r~vi~. Lh~ p, uJ~uL print tO the i~Mr~noe of the Dutldi,,v I~n. lc. Anchaeoloaical ~pnPf nn ~(10 ~t the ' ' Anchaeoloqi ca1Reasearch Unit at U.C.R was previously conducted for t~e underlined PHI 9626-1 and no cultural resources were found. lie minemot mine met lureram · dgnlkam ellme on the ;m~k~,-~,ent'end · lageve DeeWmNm. we tm OmenmS line) ' JClxlle Imimm add lave a mienarrant afire on me m~d~,w~ to~-&._r, gum mdi nora me a reignmold i)m Immlm=l mm~ lmmm · ~ mama m ms ,m~..~m 4 mini m Intk~.,msW Imlmm Mintre' R I VERS I DE COUNTY PLANN I NG~ DEPARTMENT NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND NOTZCE OF DETERMZNATION Case No. EA No. NEGATIVE DECLARATION Based on the Initial Study, tt has been determined that the proposed project wtll not have a significant environmental effect· PROJECT DESCRIRTION AND;LOCATION: Eee a~f~zohed Zn(~a~ E~t~y Roger S. Streeter, Planntng Dtrector COMPLETED Case No.(Mod)/y~/~-/~T/~./~f/c///5;·) Land Div Sch Developabl Lots ?/~--.D~/.~Dev. Ac Appl/rep~ ~D x~]/~/~/~~,~ e ~t, Su,mltte~ ~- 3 --~ Open Space Lots ,,( l~O.Sp. Ac Existing Zones ~-p Changes of Proposed Zones Only Zoning Acreage ADOPTED O Board of Supervisors Person verifying adoption B Planning C~ismion O Area Planning Council Date J~/ /~/ O~ning Director O (Other) HEARING BODY OR OFFICER [3 Board of Supervisors D Planning Commission C3 Area Planning Council rl~ning Director I'1 (Other) NOTICE OF DETERMINATION ACTION ON PROJECT D Approval rl Disapproval Date Developable Lots Changes of Approved Zones Only Zones Acreage The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been adopted and may be examined at the. Planning Department at the address below· Person verifying action Title , RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TH FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 Dev. Ac Open Space Lots O.Sp. Ac let White Or~2inal - County Cle~k 2nd Canary- Case F~Io Z)x~l P~nk - Schedul~n~ i-)l (Rew. 10/83) J COUNTY STAMP CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP / TRACT NO. 25037 DATE 12/10/90 IMPROVRMRNTB" FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SEC1JRITY MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY Streets Water ~ewer IOTAI, 924.00 $ $ $ $ 5023.00 1200.00 10,787.40 10,372.50 ,Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) Monument Security $ Inspection Fee: (Offsite Improvements) Fee paid to date (Credit) Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs Total Inspection Fees Due RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signalization Mitigation Fee - SMD ~ Road and Bridge Benefit Fee SCHOOL DISTRICT FEES FIRE MITIGATION FEE 46.00 ITEM NO. 9 APPROVAL ~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER ~'~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department December 18, 1990 Final Vesting Tract Map No. 23583 PREPARED BY: Douglas M. Stewart R ECOMMEN DAT I ON: That the City Council approve Final Vesting Tract Map No. 23583, Amended No. 1, subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Vesting Tract No. 23583 was originally submitted to Riverside County Planning Department on March 15, 1988. The Tentative Tract Map Amended No. 1 was approved by the County Planning Commission on June 22, 1988 and by the Board of Supervisors on October 11, 1988. Vesting Tract Map No. 23583 contains 23 residential lots within 26.9 acres. The tract is located southerly of Santa Gertrudis, northerly of Via Norte and easterly of Valle Olvera. This tract is to be part of the Meadowview Homeowners Association and is part of Variance No. 1518.The developer is Bedford Properties. The following fees have been paid for Vesting Tract Map No. 23583: Signal Mitigation Fee (Deferred to Buildin9 Permit) Area Drainage Fee (Deferred to Gradin9 Permit) Public Library Development Fee $ 3,450.00 44,364.00 2,300.00 This Tract Map is not part of a Specific Plan nor is it governed by a Development Agreement. Requirement of Quimby fees ( Park and Recreation ) were not historically Conditions of Approval by the County of Riverside until some time on or after June, 1988. A Condition of Approval requiring Quimby fees was not adopted as a Condition of Approval. STAFFRPT\FVT23583 1 The following bonds have been posted for Final Tract Map No. 23583: Faithful Performance Street and Drainage Water Sewer Survey Monuments Traffic Signal $ 725,500.00 212,000.00 96,000.00 $ 15,312.00 3,450.00 Labor and Material $ 362,750.00 106,000.00 48,000.00 FISCALIMPACT: SUMMARY: GH:ks Attachments: Not Determined. Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Final Vesting Tract Map No. 23583 subject to the Conditions of Approval. 1. Development Checklist 2. Location Map 3. Copy of Map 4. Conditions of Approval 5. Fees & Securities Report STAFFRPT\ FVT2 3 5 8 3 2 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: Final Vesting Tract Map No. 23583 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility ( Traffic Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Traffic Signal Mitigation ) Public Facility (Library) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Approval N/A N/A N/A Condition No. 13 (Road and Survey) Condition No. 21 .a. (Planning) Condition No. 15 (Planning) Condition No. 1~ (Plannin9) STAFFRPT\FVT23583 V?R 2358~ tlilllllll] i . ::":"': // J App. KAISER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. ,z:A':,'~;4',.~.'-~.'-",-. , Use 26 LOTS. , Areo RANCHO CALIFORNIA. Ist. Sup. Dist. ~ "~ Sec. 25 T. 7 S..R. 2W. Assessor's Bk. 919 Pg. :~5 (~) '~' Circuhition NICOLAS RD. ART I10' "" 2~E~w Element , ~{~L ~ Rd. Bk. Pg. 55CD.te 6/2/88 I~own By Vn = I"- 600' RtV~'RSIO~' COUNTY P~A. NNIN~ OEPARTMENT /~ =IiVE=IMDE counc,u PLAnninG DEPARCITIEnC DATE: November 7, 1988 NOV :-> 988 VARIANCE 1518 R E: Vr~l~k~i VE TRACT MAP NO. E. A. NLHBER: 32532 REGIONAL TEAM NO. One 23583, Amd. #1 Dear Applicant: The Riverside County Board of ~upervisors has taken the following action on the above referenced tentative tract map at its regular meeting of October 11. 1988 · xx APPROVED tentative map subject to the attached conditions. DENIED tentative map based on attached findings. APPROVED withdrawal of tentative map. The'tract map has been found to be consistent with all pertinent elements of the Riverside County General Plan and is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. ~ne pruject will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declara i~.s ~e~_dopted. A conditionally appro~lsd tenta:fv~'~ract map shall expire _~_A_--months after the approval at Prior to the expiration d~t~;;i;/~'.l~h~'~iv(d&tL~i)Yi'alPPl]..':~"'~r.!~..'(ng for an extension o time. Application shall"} l)e: .... ~'~he Planning ..O:i~id'~r.','jU~iYty (30} days prior to the expiration date of the tenl~),_~_~':~ }rHlr)B~ )lt~.le~/,i~s~)nay extend the period for one year and upon further ap ~'Cation a sccond and a .tj~ird )car~ ' ~~. :Very truly ~ours, · ~C~~~ rf RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter. Planning Director. Ric~~~~ncipal Planner FILE- WHITE APPLICANT- CANARY ENGINEER- PINK 29~.3m) (1mew. 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 3.33 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA The application of Kaiser Development Co., for Vesting Tentative Tract 23583, Amendment No. 1, a Schedule A subdivision located in the Rancho California area, came before the Board. The hearing on said matter had been closed on September 27, 1988 and the matter was continued to this date for Board decision. On motion of Supervisor Abraham, seconded by Supervisor Younglove and duly carried by unanimous vote, IT WAS ORDERED that the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32532 is adopted, and IT WAS FURTHER ORDERED that Vesting Tentative Tract 23583, Amendment No. 1, a Schedule A subdivision located in the Rancho California area is approved as recommended with the following addition: Condition #26 - "Prior to the recordation of any phase, the property owner, which is Bedford Properties, shall enter into a written agreement to pay in any future assessment district for construction of North General Kearny Road". fORM 11 D{683) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an order made and entered on October ll, 1988 of Supervisors Minutes. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Board of Supervisors (seal) xc: Dated: October 11, 1988 Gerald A. Maloney, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, in and for the County of Riverside. Sta'e of California. AGENDA NO. 3.33 Planning, Land Use, Subd~., Survey, Applicant Deputy -flea "~ R!t ER~IOt __ ~", ' · ,m,, · L,,a OFFICE OF ROAD CO*4MISSIO%ER ~. CO{ % TY ~t R~ E'FOR October 11, 1988 auRe-8~-ig88- UPDATED LETTER Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Tract Map 23583 - Amend ~1 Schedule B - Team 1 As Amended by Planning Commission 6-22-8~ ** As Amended by Board of Supervisors 10-11-88 With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative lano division map, the Road Department recomn~nds that the landdivider provio~ time following street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accoraance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards (Ordinance 461). It is understood that the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline profiles, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate O's, and that their mission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential Darts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary ano to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Noaa Commissioner's Office. The landdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of t~e drainage patterns, i.e., concentra- tion of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement or by both. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final n~ap and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroachmints by land fills are allowed". Tne protection shall be as approved by the Road Department. The landdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the Road Commissioner permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. 460 will apply. -Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for draina~je purposes, the subdivider s~all provide adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Road Department. Tract ~ap 235a3 - ~men~ =L a~e-B~-igBB- -J~rrm-~i-~- October 11, 1988 "Page 2 As Amended by Planning Conmlission 6-22-88 UPDATED LETTER **As Amended by Board of Supervisors 10-11-88 M~jor drainage is involved on this landdivision and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Department. North General Kearney Road shall be improved within the dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 103, (64'/88'). "A" Street and "~" Street shall De improved within the dedicated right of way in accordance .with County Standard No. 105, Section (36'/60'). The landdivider shall provide utility clearance from Rancho Calif. Water District prior to the recordation of t~e final map. 7. The maximum centerline gradient shall not exceed 15%. The minimum centerline radii shall be 300' or as approved by the Department. Calle Madero and Via Norte shall be improved with asphalt concrete dikes located 18 feet from centerllne and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 30 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 105, Section B. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Ri.~.erside County Standards. 11. The minimum garage setback shall be 30 feet measured from the face of curb. * ~;~--Generete-s+dewa~ks-sha~-be-eens~Pueted-a~eng-Nerth-Genera~-KeaPny- iR-aeeePdanee-w~h-Geuety-S~aedawd-Ne~-4Gg-and-4G~-~euPb-s+dewa~k~. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department, a cash sum of $150.00 per lot as mitigation for traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, he may enter into a written agreement with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. *Deleted by Planning Commission 6-22-88 Tract ~aD Z3S33 :menc =L ~~r-l~i,-~-~r-~!~ October 11, 1988 Page 3 As ~menued by Planning Commission 6-22-&8 -, UPDATED LETTER **As Amended by Board of Supervisors 10-11-88 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. *23. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extenaing a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for maintenance by County. Electrical and communications trenches shall be provided in accordance with Ordinance 461, Standard 817. Aspbaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Sections 37, 3g and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Standard cul-de-sacs shall be constructed throughout the land division or as approved by the Road Commissioner. Corner cutbacks in conformante with County Standard No. 805 shall be shown on the final map and offered for dedication. Lot access shall be restricted on North General Kearny Road and so noted on the final. map. Landdivisions creating cut or fill slopes adjacent-to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance conl:r. ol and slope easements as approved by the Road Department. All centerline intersections shall be at 90° with a minimum 35' tangent measured from flow line'or as approved by the Road Commissioner. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with TR 3883 and P/P 788-U. All private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite this project shall be coordinated with this project and shown on the street improvement plans. *Deleted by Planning Commission 6-22-88 4 Tract'~ap 23583 -Amen~ ~1 ~~r-1-9~-'~'~'~ October 11, 1988 Page 4 d by Planning Commission 6-22-88 As Amen ed UPDATED LETTER **As Amended by Board of Supervisors 10-11-88 25. A striping plan is required for North General Kearny Road. signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the appl icant. Traffic **26. Prior to recordation of any phase, the property owner (Bedford Properties) shall enter into a written agreement with the County to provide for a commitment to participate in any future Assessment District for construction of North General Kearny Road, is pe~ £~r~ul~tAe~ El~men~ ef th~ &erienil P13~ The Meadowview Homeowners Association has made a conmnitment to dedicate the. right-of-way. GH:lh Very truly yours, Gu~Hughes~/f'~'''~ Road Division Engineer *23. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461 at all intersections of roads constructed or improved within the subdivision. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whether the subdivision is within an existing assessment district. If not, the land owner shall file an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a County Service Area in accordance with Governmental Code Section 25210.1. *As Amended by Planning Commission 6-22-88 **As Amended by Board of Supervisors 10-11-88 Zoning Area: Rancho California Supervtsorial District: First E.A. Number 32532 Regtonaa Team No. I VESTZNG TENTATZVE TRACT NO. 23583 AI(NDED NO. 1 VARZANCE NO. 1518 Planntng Con~tsston: 6-22=88 Agenda ]ten No,: 1-4 RZVERSZDE COUNTY PLANNZNG DEPARllENT STAFF REPORT 1. Applicant: 2. Engineer/Representative: 3. Type of Request: 4. Location: 5. Existing Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: 9. Comprehensive General Plan Designation: lO. Land Division Data: 11. Agency Recon~nendations: 12. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: Kaiser Development Corporation Robert Bein, William Frost and Assoc. To subdivide 26.9 acres into 23 lots Generally southerly of Santa Gertrudis Road and northerly of Via Norte and easterly of Valle O1vera R-A-l/2 R-A-l/2, R-3, R-4, R-5, A-l-lO, R-R, A-l-20, R-1 Low natural grasses and occasional brush or small tree. Gently rolling hills cover the site. Currently vacant with dry grass covering the site. Land Use: Category III Density: 0.2 to 2.0 Du Per Acre Total Acreage: 26'.9 Total Lots: 23 Proposed Hin. Lot Size: 1/2 Acre See letter dated: Road: 5-04-88 Health: 5-16-88 Flood: 4-25-88 Fire: 5-02-88 Bldg. & Safety: 4-22-88 Ht. Palomar: 2-29-88 Opposing/Supporting: None received Not within a city sphere ANALYSIS: Project Description "Vesting" Tentative Tract No. 23583, Amended No. 1 is a Schedule "A" subdivision in the Rancho California zoning area proposing to subdivide 26.9 acres into 21 residential lots, and 2 open space lots. Variance No. 1518 is a request for a waiver of the 150' minimum lot depth requirement (Ordinance 348, Section 6.52) for Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10. The project is located southerly orte and easterly of Valle Olvera. of Santa Gertrudis Road, northerly of Via '¥ESTZNG' TENTATZYE TRACT I10. 23583 ¥ARZANCE NO. 1518 Staff Report Page 2 Land Use and Zontng The subject site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses are large lot single family residential homes and vacant land. The property is zoned R-A-l/2 as are adjacent properties surrounding the project. Other zoning in the general area include R-3, R-4, R-5, A-l-lO, A-l-20, R-1 and R-R. The proposed large lot single family residential development is compatible with similar existing and approved subdivisions adjacent to the subject property. Comprehensive General Plan Consistency The Comprehensive General Plan's Open Space and Conservation Element shows this site in 'Areas not designated as Open Space." The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive General Plan shows the site in the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area, the Rancho Cali fornia/Temecula Subarea and the Mount Palomar Observatory Special Lighting Area. The policies of the Rancho California/Temecula subarea state that "future land uses within this area should generally be Category I and Category II land uses, with the outer portion of the area being Category III. Category III land uses include residential development with a building intensity of one dwelling unit per half acre to one dwelling unit per five acres, and requires adequate access and community water, compatibility with existing area developments and a rural and small town identity. Currently~ the existing land uses in this area fit the Category III requirements. This proposal can adequately be classified as a Category III project due to the availability of water and sewer services to the site, adequate access and compatibility with area. The County Environmental Health Department Rancho California Water District agreeing subdivision. b~s a written statement from to serve domestic water to this Design Considerations The proposed subdivision has been designed in accordance with the standards of the R-A-l/2 zone (Residential-Agriculture with a 1/2 acre minimum lot size). The circulation pattern uses North General Kearney Road as the project's main access and provides a curvtltnear street and cul-de-sacs into the project. In addition the project provides for 2 open space lots (No. 22 and 23). The applicant has requested a variance from the 150' minimum lot depth requirement (Ordinance 6.32) for Lot Numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 due to the existing lot configuration and constraints. Staff feels the request is reasonable and reconmnends approval. Due to the tracts "vesting" status a development design manual was submitted. The design manual was found to be adequate and will be Implemented through the conditions of approval. & "YESTZNG" TENTATXYE TRACT NO. 23583 VARZANCE NO. 1518 Staff Report Page 3 Environmental Assessment The tnttial study conducted for Environmental Assessment No. 32532 Indicated erosion potential, cumulative air quality impacts, loss of agriculture lands and wtldltfe (Stephens Kangaroo Rat). AddtUonally impacts to Archaeological and Paleontologtcal resources were noted. The project will have school and library impacts due to overcrowding. The project ts also within the Hount Palomar Special Lighting Area. Eroston potential falls between s11ght and high. Ntttgatton measures will be implemented during the gradtng phase. Air quality impacts will be cumulative tn nature but thts project will not significantly contribute to that cumulative impact. A loss of local Important farmland was indicated. However, development has already taken place around the project site and this ts more or less inft111ng between two tracts. No mitigation ts necessary as tt has been urbantzed. A biological report was requested and since then staff has received a letter from Davtd C. Hawks, a consulting biologist stattng the stte in question had been significantly degraded tn the past by grading and off-road vehtcle use, and a full blown biological report was not necessary. An archaeological report was requested and found no cultural resources or constraints. The project will be conditioned to have a paleontologist on hand during grading. School and library fees will be paid prior to the issuance of building permits to mitigate impacts to overcrowding of schools. The project will be conditioned for adherence to the Mount Palomar Observatory Special Lighting policies as the project is within their 30 mile radius sphere. Low pressure sodium lighting and appropriate shielding will be implemented. A Fiscal Impact Report for this project has been submitted to the County Administrative Office. The Administrative Office has reviewed the Fiscal Impact Report and determined that, based upon a selling price of $215,000.00, the proposed project will provide the County $6,342.00 at buildout and $1,075.00 annually after buildout. "VESTING" TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23583 VARZANCE NO. 1518 Staff Report Page 4 FINDINGS: 'Vesting" Tentative Tract No. 23583 is an R-A-l/2 subdivision of 26.9 acres tn the Rancho California area into 21 residential lots and 2 open space lots. 2. The subject stte Is currently vacant and zoned R-A-l/2. Surrounding land uses include large lot single family residential homes and zoning includes R-R, and R-A-l/g, R-3, R-4, R-S, A-l-lO, A-l-gO and R-1. Review of the policies of the Land Use Element in the Comprehensive General Plan indicates that the subject property meets the requirements of Category III at this time. 5. Variance No. 1518 is a request for a waiver of the 150' minimum lot depth requirement for Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and lO. The initial study for Environmental Assessment No. 32532 has indicated that the project will create no significant adverse impacts upon the environment. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal is consistent with Ordinance 348 and 460. 2. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive General Plan. 3. The proposal is compatible with area development. RECOleqENDATIONS: Based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in this staff report, Staff reconmnends: AJ)OPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32532, based upon the findings incorporated in the initial study, and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment; and, APPROVAL of VARIANCE NO. 1518 and, APPROVAL of "VESTING" TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23583, AIO. NO. 1, subject to the attached conditions of approval. GM:aea 6-7-88 VAC ~\~__ VTR ~ t" = 6001/iYI/£/FJ/Z~ C(X4YTY t:[.ANNIN6~ OEPAti'TMENT :i::'.'~!:i~///!i:': VhC ...": .:.!.iiiii...?i?i!:'!:.:::":-:'/", '/® ·_,,,, ~~ :~ / /~: m// vAc ~~ s~ ·VACo ~ H LOTS. ~~ ~e RA~ CALIFORNIA, Ist, ~.~. ' e'coc4e i hc. ~ T. 7 $.,R. 2W. ~es~'s ~. 919 ~c'ul~l~ NIOOL~S RD. ART I10" --__ · Rd. lk.~.55C Oote 6/2/88 ~own B VAC GRADED SOlO GREEN HOUSE Nu~r, li,T,, VTR 23583 EXISTING 3NING I 3 A-1-10 RI RelllS 2SIll CZ ~O10 RImR RIll R-A-112 R-A-l/2 - / L ~ 7,~ ' ft-A-1/2 K/elSER [i)EVELOPMENT COMPANY. LOTS. RANCHO CA,LIFO;t~N4A. tst. Sup O i st. \1/11\ R-A-l/2 C L, DCAT~ONAt. MAP elCOL41 ID RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTHENT SUBDIVISION CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23583 DATE: AHENDED NO. I EXPIRES: STANDARD CONDITIONS The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Vesting Tentative Tract No. 23583, Amd. #1 which action is brought about within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 6649g.37. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Hap Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule B, unless modified by the conditions listed below. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Hap Act and Ordinance 460. The subdivider shall submit one copy of a soils report to the Riverside County $urveyor's Office and two copies to the Department of Building and Safety. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. If any grading is proposed, the subdivider shall submit one print of comprehensive grading plan to the Department of Building and Safety. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457 and as maybe additionally provided for in these conditions of approval. VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23583 Amd. ~1 Conditions of Approval Page 2 A grading permit shall be obtained from the Department of Building and Safety prior to conmnencement of any grading outside of county maintained road right of way. 8. Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. go 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Road Department's letter dated 6-22-88, a copy of which is attached. {Amended per Planning Commission on June 22, 1988.) Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a County maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Road Co~mnissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the County Surveyor. Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department's letter dated 5-16-88, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined by the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated 4~25-88, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Marshal's letter dated 5-2-88, a copy of which is attached, The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety letter dated 4-22-88, a copy of which is attached. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improve- ment phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23583 Anx). #1 Conditions of Approval Page 3 18. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: 19. a. All lots shall have a minimum size of 21,780 square feet. b. All lot length to width ratios shall be in conformance with Section 3.8C of Ordinance 460. Corner lots and through lots, if any, shall be provided with additional area pursuant to Section 3.8B of Ordinance 460 and so as not to contain less net area than the least amount of net area in non-corner and through lots. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-A-½ zone, except as permitted by Variance No. 1518. {Amended per Planning Commission on June 22, 1988) When lots are crossed by major public utility easements, each lot shall have a net usable area of not less than 3,600 square feet, exclusive of the utility easement. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to RECORDATION of the final map the following conditions shall be satisfied. a. Prior to the recordation of the final map the applicant shall submit written clearances to the Riverside County Road and Survey Department that all pertinent requirements outlined in the attached approval letters from the following agencies have been met: County Fire Department County Health Department County Flood Control COUnty Planniong Department b. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall apply for annexation of the subject property, as divided, into the Meadowview Property Owners Association and shall provide evidence to the Planning Department of the approval or rejection of' said application for annexation. If the application for annexation is rejected, the subject property shall be annexed into County Service Area 143. c. The con~on open space shall be shown as a numbered lot on the final map and shall be deeded to and managed by the Meadowview Property VESTLRG TE!rFAT~VE TRACT MO. 23583 ~md. 11 Conditions of Approval Page 4 Owners Association or if maintenance of the common open space is rejected by the Meadowview Property Owners Association, the common open space shall be deeded to and managed by County Service Area 143. Prior to recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall convey to the County title to all common or common open space areas, if the Headowview Property Owners Association rejects an application to annex the subject property, as divided. As a condition precedent to the County accepting title to such areas, the subdivider shall submit the following documents to the Planning Department for review, which documents shall be subject to the approval of that department and the Office of the County Counsel: 1) A declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions; and 2) A sample document conveying title to the purchaser of an individual lot or unit which provides that the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions is incorporated therein by reference; The declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions submitted for review shall (a} provide for a term of 60 years, {b) provide for the establishment of a property owners' association comprised of the owners of each individual lot or unit and {c} contain the following provisions verbatim: 'Notwithstanding any provisions in this Declaration to the contrary, the following provisions shall apply: The property owners' association established herein shall, if dormant, be activated, by incorporation or otherwise, at the request of the County of Riverside, and the property owners' association shall unconditionally accept from the County of Riverside, upon the County's demand, title to all or any part of the 'common area', more particularly described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. The decision to require activation of the property owners' association and the decision to require that the association unconditionally accept title to the 'common area' shall be at the sole discretion of the County of Riverside. In the event that the common area, or any part thereof, is conveyed to the property owners' association, the association, thereafter shall own such 'common area', shall manage and continuously maintain such 'common area' and shall not sell or transfer such 'common area' or any part thereof, absent the prior written consent of the Planning Director of the County of Riverside or the County's successor-in-interest. The property owners' association shall have the right to assess the owners of VESTING TEXTATZVE TRACT NO. 23583/kK!. tl Conditions of Approval Page S each individual lot or unit for the reasonable cost of maintaining such 'common area', and shall have the right to lien the property of any such owner who defaults in the payment of maintenance assessment. An assessment lien, once established, shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first trust deed or first mortgage, made in good faith and for value and of record prior to the assessment lien. This Declaration shall not be terminated, 'substantially' amended or property deannexed therefrom absent the prior written consent of the Planning Director of the County of Riverside or the County's successor-in-interest. A proposed amendment shall be considered 'substantial' if it affects the extent, usage or maintenance of the 'common area'. In the event of any conflict between this Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws or the Association Rules and Regulations, if any, this Declaration shall control." Once approved, the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final map is recorded. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation system until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet {ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the County Surveyor. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following note shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: "This property is located within thirty {30) miles of Hount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall be shielded and oriented so as not to shine above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare. Outdoor lighting for roadways, walkways, equipment yards, parking lots, security, and other similar applications shall be from low pressure sodium vapor lighting systems." All other outdoor lighting that is not from low pressure sodium vapor lighting systems shall be turned off at 11:00 p.m. or earlier. VESTZIIG TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23583 Amd. #1 Conditions of Approval Page 6 Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERNITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All approved grading and building plans shall reflect the utilization of ost and beam foundations or the appropriate combination of split leve~ pads and post and beam foundations when development is proposed on natural slopes of fifteen percent or greater measured over a horizontal distance of thirty (30) feet. bo If the project is to be phased, prior to the approval of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: 1. Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process. 2) Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through Hatch 3} Preliminary pad and roadway elevations 4) Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase c. Driveways shall be designed so as not to exceed a fifteen (15) percent grade. d. Natural features such as water courses, specimen trees and significant rock outcrops shall be protected in the siting of individual building pads on final grading plans. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERNITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: No building permits shall be issued by the County of Riverside for any residential lot/unit within the project boundary until the developer's successor's-in-interest provides evidence of compliance with public facility financing measures. A cash sum of one-hundred dollars ($100) per lot/unit shall be deposited with the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety as mitigation for public library development. be Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision, however solar equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Planning Department approval. VESTTNG TENTATZVE TRACT NO. 23583 And. #1 Conditions of Approval Page 7 Prior to the issuance of building permits, a plot plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department pursuant to Section 18.30 of Ordinance No. 348 accompanied by all applicable filing fees, as a plot plan that is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act and is not transmitted to any governmental agency other than the Riverside County Planning Department. The plot plan shall ensure the conformance of the final site development with the tract's approved Design Nanual (Exhibit N), and shall contain the following elements: A final site plan showing the lots, building footprints, all setbacks, and floor plan and elevation assignments to individual lots. One {1) color and materials sample board (maximum size of B X 13 inches by 3/8 inch thick) containing precise color, texture and material swatches or photographs {which may be from suppliers' brochures). Indicate on the board the name, address and phone numbers of both the sample board preparer and the project applicant, tract number, and the manufacturer and product numbers where possible {trade names also acceptable}. One (1} copy of the architectural elevations colored to represent the selected color combinations, with symbols keyed to the color and materials board. The written color and material descriptions shall be located on the elevation. Six (6) copies of each of glossy photographic color prints (size B X 10 inches} of both color and materials board and colored architectural elevations for permanent filing, hearing body review and agency distribution. All writing must be legible. Said plot plan shall require the approval of the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any building permits for lots included within the plot plan. The submittal of plot plans prior to the issuance of building permits may be phased provided: A separate plot plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for each phase, which shall be accompanied by appropriate filing fees. Each individual plot plan shall Director prior to the issuance of included within that plot plan. be approved by the Planning building permits for lots GN:bc 6-08-88 \ / L, Roy D. S,,,oot m,o.m0 C~mwM,$$,Om,,fl m. :=~,,rv OFFICE OF RO.~D CO~IvlISSIO%ER Z. COl, %7)' ~ R~ E,rjR June 22, 1988 auRe-8~-ig88- UPDATED LETTER IPIL-IImONI 't'mm 'll-,¢j'14 Riverside County Planning Conmission 4080 Lenon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Tract Map 23583 - Amend #1 Schedule B - Team 1 As Amended by Planning Comisston 6-22-8~ With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, the Road Department recommends that the landdivider proviaw time following street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvenent Standards (Ordinance 461); It is understood that the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline profiles, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate O's, and that their omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as Oindiny as though occurring in 811. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall De refifrecl to the Road Commissioner's Office. '. The landdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e., concentra- tion of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement or by both. All drainage easements shall be sho~ on the final n~p and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroac)ents by land fills are allowed'. The protection shall be as approved by the Road Department. The landdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the Road Co~nissioner permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the proviSionS Of Article X! of Ordinance No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposeS, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Road Oepartment. Tract Hap 23583 - ;:enG ,! dNRe-81-i98~- June 22, 1986 ~age 2 As Amended by Planning Com~ission 6-22-88 UPDATED LETTER 3. ~jor drainage is involved on this landdivision and its resolution snell be as approved by the Road Department. · 4. ~rth General Kearney Road shall be improved within the dedicatea right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 103, t64'/88'). "A" Street and "S" Street shall De improved within the dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 105, Section (36'/60'). 6. The landdivider shall provide utility clearance from Rancho Calif. Water District prior to the recordorion of the final map. 7. The maximum centerline gradient shall not exceed 15%. 8. The minimum centerline radii shall be 300' or as approved by the Department. ge Calle Madero and Via Norte shall be improved with asphalt concrete dikes located 18 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 30 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 105, Section B. 10. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Rtverside County Standards. 11. The minimum garage setback shall be 30 feet measured from the face of curb. * t~:--Generete-s~dewa~ks-sha~-be-eens~rueted-ahng-Ner~h-Ge~era~-Kea~nV- in-aeeerdanee-w~tk-Geunty-~tandawd-Nh-4gg-and-4g~-~eawb-sidewa~k~. Prior to the recordorion of thm~ final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department, a cash sum of $t50.00 per lot as mitigation for traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, he may enter into · written agreement with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. *Deleted by Planning Conmnission 6-22-88 ;'rac~. ~4a5 Z."583 - '-,.-.e:c .1 ,~Vne-~-,--1;~)6-- June 22, 1988 Page 3 As ~,,e :ued by Planning Commission G-~2-b~; UPDATED LETTER 14. 15. 81 .21. 2. *23. 41 Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extendin~j a .~inimum of 300 feet beyond the Project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for maintenance by County. Electrical and communications trenches shall be provided in accordance with Ordinance 461, Standard 817. Aspbaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and snell be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard· Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Sections 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Standard cul-de-sacs shall be constructed throughout the land division or as approved by the Road Con~nissioner. Corner cutbacks in conformante with County Standard No. 805 shall be shown on the final map and offered for dedication. Lot access shall be restricted on North General Kearny Road and so noted on the final. map. Landdivisions creating cut or fill slopes adjacent.to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approved by the Road Oepartment, All centerline intersections shall be at 90° with a minimum 35' tangent measured from flow line'or as approved by the Road Con~nissioner. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with-TR 3883 and PIP 788-U, All private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite this project shall be coordinated with this project and shown on the street improvement plans, *Deleted by Planning Commission 6-22-88 Tract'Map 23583 - Amen~ ,1 -uhn~e-~r-l'g~- june 22, 1968 Page 4 As Aunended by Planning Commission 6-22-88 UPDATED LETTER A striping plan is required for ~rth ~neral Kaarny Road. Traffic signing and striping shall ~ done by County forces with all ,/ incurred costs borne by the appl icant. GH:Ih Very truly yours, Gus Hughes Road Division Engineer *23. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461 at all intersections of roads constructed or improved within the subdivision. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whether the subdivision is within an existing assessment district. If not, the land owner shall file an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a County Service Area in accordance with Governmental Code Section 25210.1. Cc nty of Riversi~ ~ RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. TO: FROM: Sam ~t~nez, S~anitarian, TRACT FAP 23583 RE: DATE: Kay 16, 1988 Environmental Health Services Environmental Health Services has reviewed the Amended Kap No. 1 and would require prior to any flnal approvals, an upda=ed sewage dlsposal revlew by the Solls Engineer of Record (Leighton & Associa~es) RIVEt~otuc c;uunlTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~a'~,~l~s~m.i~.E~ Aorll 7, 1988 eqk'elme~ ~al.'ns Riverside Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street RIverside. CA 92502 RE; TRACT MAP 23583: Bezno a Division of Lot 540 of Tra:t 3883 as recorded in Book 63. Page 2 of MEDs. on Fz!e in the Office of the County Recorder. ~lversade California (26 Lots) ATTN: Gloria Maczel '% ssea~v IVe~Lrl' ,j I10lT¢¢ 810ADI'AV ta'4C: ua~elT& QliVIRIQll. ~ ~eee41l souTee IllIf elllET. sitel LSll ILlllell I0~11, Pill!It DII. IsaLI IllIS ell, el IRImGI. C:& IINI ll, a~o kinell Illlrl less ~ I~vl:lilalL C~ Gentlemen: The De.Dartment of Public Health has reviewed Tentative .~.ar Tract MaD 23583 as recommends that: A water system shall be :natalled acccrd:n9 to plans and specifications as apDroved by the water company and the Health DeDartment. Permanent prints of the plans of the water system shall be submitted an triplicate. with a minimum scaie not less than one Inch equals 200 feet. along with the original drawing to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the Internal pipe diameter. location of valves and fire hydrants; pipe and 3olnt specifications. and the size of the main at the 3unction of the new System to the existing system. The plans shall comply In all respects w~th Dxv. ~. Part 1. Cha~ter 7 of the California Health and Safety Code. California AdminIstrative Code. TItle Chapter 18. and ~eneral Order No. 103 of the UtZlzt~e$ Commission of the State of California when applicable. The plans shall be signed b.v a registered engineer and water company with the followln~ certification: "l certify that the design of the water system In Tract M&p No. Z3583 is In accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Rancho California Water DIstrict and that the water service. storage and dmstrlbutlon system will be adequate to provide water service to such tract. This certification does not constitute a ~uarantee that it will suppay water to such tract at any specific Riverside County Planning Commission Pa~e Tvo ATTN: Gloria Macxel April 7. 1988 quantities. flows or pressures for fire protection or any other purpose." This certification shall be signed by a responsible official of the water company. 2b~_~ians must be !g~mxtt~ to the County Survey~[i~_Q£[~ ~Q_[~y~w at A~st two weeks Drlor to the request for the recordataon of the final mao. This Department has a statement from the ~ancho Ca3:fornia Water District aareelng ~o serve domestic water to each and every lot in the subdivision on demand. providing satisfactory financial arranaements are comc, le~ed subdavmder. It wall be necessary for the financial arrangements to be made pr~or to the re,zordatAor~ cf tr, e fxnal map. This Department will permit domestic sewace disposal from the individual lots in this subdlvas:on as per a uerco/at:or! report submitted by Leaohton and Associates dat. ec. March 2. 1958 (Addendum March 25. 1988, for each 1C!0 aailons of sentic tank capacity as follows: TABLE I (LEACH LINE) SO. IFT./0F APPLICATION LEACHING AREA PE~COLATION RATE REQUIRED LOT RATE (NIN. (SOlFTI100 GAL (INCLUDES 100% ~Q= ~X~CH) /DAY) EXPANSION)* 1 30.0 65 1560 2 26.6 60 1440 3 See Table II 4 33.0 80 1920 5 2.5 20 480 6 48.0 100 2400 7 60.0 120 2880 8 See Table XI 9 See Table IX 10 20.0 45 1080 11 60.0 120 2880 12 60.0 120 2880 Rzverszde County Plannzng Comm:ssxon Page Three ATTN: Glorxa MacXel Apral 7. 1988 PERCOLATION LOT RATE (MIN. ~g= /INCH) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 O 34 3 60 O 109 30 O 30 O 15 O 60 O TABLE I LEACH L I NE > APPL I CAT I ON RATE (SO/l:'r'll0O GAL I DAY ) SO./FT./OF LEACHING AREA REQUIRED (INCLUDES 100% EXPANSION)* 65 1560 80 1920 120 2880 25 6C, 0 65 1560 65 1560 35 840 120 2880 * NOTE: The areas and depths have been calculated uszng a 1200 gallon septxc tank. For areas. see Geotechnzcal Map. RIverside County Planning Commission Page Four ATTN: Gloria Maclel April 7. 1988 TABLE II (Seepage P~t) DEPTM PERCOLATION OF LOT RATE (SO/ 5' DIAMETER MQ= P'T/DAY ~__EE?AGE PIT* 1.3 1-40.5'TD ~Total De~,th} 2-35.0 BI (Below In/eL) 2-30.0 BI (Below lnlet~ -NOTE: These areas and depths have been calculated using a 1200 gallon septic tank. For areas. see Geotechnxcal Map. These results (leach l~nes and seepage pits) are based on the type and depth of the earth materials Indicated in the preliminary report, dated March 2. 1988 The above Informat:on is an lndlcat=on of the type of sewace disposal systems based on existing ground elevations at the time the tests were conducted. ]f any ~radInc coma, action. cuttIno. etc.. 2s accompl~shed and ~s in excess of two feet. addltlonai sewage disposal ~nformat~on shall be reculre~ przor to fznalzng of the map. It is our opxnaon that extens;ve gradznO is So;no to be necessary for thZs subdivision. Przqf_~_E~orda~!~D of the final map. we waX.~_E!g~E~ an evaluation and update preXlmlnary grading map by the soils engzneer of record. Add~tzonal testing ~s to be performed to zncorporate system designs for each ~ Zncorporatzng all the recommendat~ons/conc~uszons lzsted ~n the sozls report referenced above. A copy of the revised gradzng map s~ned by the solXs engineer. shall be provided prior to recordatlon of the f~nal map. lndzcatlng areas of intended subsurface sewaqe disposal placement to znclude 100% expans3on area. ~vers~de County Planning Commission Page F~ve ATTN: Gloria Hac~el Aprzl 7. 1988 ~nzs Department wzll permzt domestzc sewage dzsposal from the znd~vzdual lots ~n th~s subdzv~s~on by means of se~tzc t&nks vzth mznzmum szze Jeachzng/znes or seepage p~ts based on the occupancy of each zndzv~dual Jot there shalJ be an unoccupied area on each lot where sewage d~sposal as requzred &bore. may be znstalled Zn conformante wzth the current On~form Plumbing Code. There shall be an addztzonal unoccupzed are& equal to 100% exp&nszon of the &bore required sewage dzsposal systems for sewage d~sposaJ znsta/latzon zn case of fazlure. However. zt should be noted that this type of sewage disposal system ~s conszdered temporary and zf sewer lines of a sewer district become avazlable. connectzon to the system should be made. it wzll be necessary for the fznanc:al arranuements to be made przor to the recorda~=c,n of the fznal map. Sincerely. !~J]~.artlnez. Senior Sandtartan Env=ronmental Health Servzces SM: tac KEIklNLPTH I_ EDWARDI GNalJr INe:NU3t tell Id&RKrF ITWart? P-0. BOX 101t TELEPHONE (714) 787-9011 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RlVlrRIIDI. CALIFORNIA IIIOl April 25, 1988 RIverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 1 Gloria Maciel Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Vesting Tract 23583 Amended Hap No. 1 This is a proposal to divide about 27 acres in Temecula Valley area. The site is along the southeast side of Margarlta Road about 1000 feet south of Nicolas Road. The topography of the site consists of well defined ridges and natural watercourses which traverse this property. Storm runoff from a watershed of about 20 acres meanders along the south por- tion of the property; applicant proposes to convey the flows with natural open spaces and culverts under North General Kearny Road. Onsite flows and local offsite flows would be handled by the com- bination of streets, open spaces and culverts. Following are the Dtstrtct's recommendations: This tract' is located within the limits of the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley and Santa Gertrudts Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board· Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provisions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16m 1988: a e, Drainage fees shall be paid to the Road Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waiwed, drainage fees shall be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or Riverside County PZanntng Department Re: Vesting Tract 23583 Amended Nap No. 1 - 2 - April 25, 1988 At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting dererment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the time or issuance or a grading permit or building -'~-mit for each approved parcel, whichever may be fXrs, .btained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel map; provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on that parcel which remain active· Care should be taken to protect the proposed building pads from any potential flooding or erosion hazards· Appropriate brow ditches and down drains should be pro- vided to the lots adjacent to steep slopes. The 100 year tributary storm runoff should be accepted and safely conveyed to adequate outlets. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions"· All lots should be graded to drain to the adjacent street or an adequate outlet. The 10 year storm flow should ~e contained within the curb and the 100 year storm flow should be contained within the street right or way. When either or these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage facilities should be installed. Drainage facilities outletting sump conditions should be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows. Additional emergency escape should also be provided· Riverside County Planning Department Re: Vesting Tract 23S83 Amended Map No. 1 -3- April 25, 1988 The property's street and lot grading should be designed in a manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to tributary drainage area, outlet points and outlet conditions, otherwise, a drainage easement should be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or dt- vetted storm flows. A copy of the recorded drainage easement should be submitted to the District for review prior to the recordation of the final map. The natural watercourse that traverse Lot 22 should be delineated and labeled on the environmental constraint sheet. A note should be placed on the environmental con- attaint sheet stating that the watercourses must be kept free of all buildings and obstructions. 11. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and en- vironmental constraint sheet along with supporting hydro- logic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the District for review and approval prior to the is- suance of grading or building permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to Robert Chiang of this office at T1q/787-2333. Very truly yours, K NNETH L. EDWARDS 't E~gineU7 ~OHN 'H. kASHUBA ' r Civil Engineer RBF & Associates RC:bJp vt23583 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY RAY HEBRARD FIRE CHIEF 5-2-88 T0: PLANNING DEPARTRENT PlanninI &k EnlineerinI Office 4080 Lemon S~reet. SMite 1 River, ide, CA 92S01 (114) ATTN: TEAH ! RE: TR 23583Amended tl With respect to the conditions of approvai for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department reconTnends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection· FZRE PROTECTION Schedule A fire protection approve standard fire hydrants, (6"x4"x2~") located one at each street intersection and'spaced no more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a hydrant· Rinimum fire flow shall be 1000 GPN for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the desiqn of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. HAZARDOUS FIRE AREA All buildings shall be constructed with 'fire retardant roofing material as described in section 3203 of the Uniform Building Code. Any wood shingles or shakes shall have a Class "B" rating and shall be approved by the Fire Dept. prior to installation. Prior to final tmspectton of any building,.the applicant shall prepare and submit to.the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. All questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner George iatum, ~ire Department Planner Jhw April 22, 1988 County AaminisT~stive Cemer · 4080 Lemon Slreet R~versiae. California g250'1-3661 Riverside County Planning Department Attention.- Gloria Maciel County Administrative Center Riverside, CA 92501 RE: (V) Tentative Tract 23583, Amended #1 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditionsz Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off- site signage advertising the sale of the subdivision pursuant to Section 19.6 of Ordinance 348. Fireplaces may encroach 1' into required minimum 5' side yard setback. Mechanical equipment may not be located in required minimum 5' side yard setback. Very. truly yours, Thomas M. Ingram, Director DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY Norman A. Lo~tbom, Deput~irector Land n~eADivision Building Inspection (714) 787-6146 · Administrmion (714) 787-6155 Use Code Enforcement (714) 787-2011 · Engineering PIIn Service (714) 787-2954 RiVERSiDE coun -, PLAnnine DEPAR rRE E DARE: Februaz7 29, 1988 TO: Assessor Building and Safety Surveyor - Dave Dude Road Department Health - Ralph Luchs Fire Protection Flood Control District Fish & Gut LAFCO, S Paisley I!AR I l l BB RIVERSIC)_= COUNTY PLANNING D=,PARTMr'NT U.S. Postal Servlce - Ruth E. Davidson RECEIVED MAR 16 1988 PALOMAR 0BSER'.:ITORY Rancho Calif, Water Southern Calif, Edison Southern Calif, Gas General Telephone Temecula Unified School He. Palnear Sierra Club Calif. Native Plant Santa Maragartta Rancho Prop. Owner Con~nissioner Bresson VESTING TAACT 21819 - (Tm-1) - E.A. 32532 - Kaiser Development Co. - Robert BeRn, William Frost and Associates - Rancho California Area - First Supervisortel District - Generally Southerly of Santa Gertrudts Road - and Northerly of Via Notre and easterly of Valle 01vera - R-A-~ Zone - Schedule A - 26.9 acres into 26 lots - Related Case TR 3883 - Nod 119 - A.P. 919-350-008 Please raytar the case described above, along vith the attached case map. A Land Division Committee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for April 21, 1988. If it clears, it will then 20 to public hearth2. Tour conehis and recommendations are requested prior to April 7, 1988 in order that may include them in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regardIn2 this item, please do not ~esttate to contact Gloria Nattel at 787-1363 Planner PLEASE SEE ATTAC~r~n PLEASE print name and title Dr. l~!nert J. Brucat~/Assistant Director/Palanar 4080 LEMON STREET, 9T" FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 t'ge d~ 'PO'P.f~40q 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OffiCE Or THEr DIRErCTOR FALOMAR OI.~ErRVATORt 10S-:¢ This case is within 30 miles of the Palomar Observatory. and is therefore within the zone requirinS the use of Xow-pressure sodium vapor lamps for street lightin~, as stipulated by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. We request that the design for other types of outdoor lighting that may be employed on this property be made consistent with the spirit of the decision of the Board of Supervisors which is intended to mitiEate the adverse effects such facilities have on Zhe astronomical research at Palomar. Beneficial steps to that end include: 1. Use the minimum amount of light needed for the task. 2. Orient and shield light to prevent direct upward illumination. Turn off lights at 11:00 p.m. (or earlier) unless, in commercial applications, the associated business is open past that time, in which case the lights should be turned off at closing. Use low-pressure sodium lamps for roadways, walkways, equipment yards, parkin~ lots, security and other similar applications. These lights need not be turned off at 11:00 p.m. For further information, call (818) 356-4035. Robert J. Brucato Assistant Director I'A.',,ALIL%,A I,..ALIF{JR,%IA el l2~ TELlrI'HC~' ~ (llta~ 3~.r-40.).'1 T[:.[I, l~42.& CALTECH PSD March 31, 1988 Board of Dire:tots: Richsrd D. Steffey Jams A. Darby St. Vice Presidenl Ralph Daily Dou$ Kuiber$ Joa A. Luadin Jeffrey L, MinkJet T. C. Rowe Officers: Sta~ T. Mill, Genertl Minaret Phi!lip L. Forbes Director of Finance - T~asur~ Norman L. Thomas Director of Engmeenng Thomas R. McA!iesier Director of Operations & MamLenance DU~cu~ of Ad~scr~Uon - Rutan and Tucker Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, California 92501-3657 Subject: Water Availability Reference: Vesting Tract 21819 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the above-referenced property is located within the boundaries of Rancho California Water District. Water service, therefore, would be available upon completion of financial arrahgements between RCWD and the property owner. Water availability would be contingent upon the property owner signing an Agency Agreement which assigns water management rights, if any, to RCWD. If RCWD can be of further service to you, please contact this office. Very truly yours, RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT Engineering Services Representative F012/jkth073 1~ A NCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT ~)Rfk~l I~T A7 l~&r~ · P/'I~T (')N'ITI(~I~. R(')X 174 · TEMECULA. CA 92390-0174 · (714~ 676-4101 · FAX (714) 676-0615 County A dmini, m:~ivq Off~, April 27, 1988 Mr. Richard MacHott, Supervising Planner Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 SUBJECT: Meadowview Vesting Tentative Tract Map Number 23583 Dear Mr. MacHo=t: The following summarizes our findings regarding the fiscal impac= analysis for the pro3ect identified above. The appendix attached summarizes =he basic assumptions used in the analysis. Please note =hat these results reflect the current levels of service provided by the County based on Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 actual costs (per capl=a factors) and Departmen=al and Auditor-Controller review of operations and facility costs for services reviewed using case study analysis. S=aff ~o the Growth Fiscal Impac~ Task Force and Depar=men~s are curren=ly reviewing service levels provided and the need to increase the levels of service. Curten= findings are that existing levels of service are not adequa=e in most cases. Should =he desired level of service be utilized in the fiscal analysis performed, it would significan=ly increase the costs associated with this development. COUNTY FUND (Operations and Maintenance) FISCAL IMPACT AFTER BUILDOUT CUMULATIVE FISCAL IMPACT AT BUILDOUT County General $2,707 $8,791 Fire $488 $731 Free Library $177 S266 SUBTOTAL COUNTY $3,372 $9,788 Road Fund ($2,298) ($3,446) GRAND TOTAL $1,074 $6,342 Robert T. Andersen Administrative Center 4080LEMON STREET · 12TH FLOOFI · RNERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 · (714)787-2544 The following special circumstances apply to this project: 1. CAO staff has reviewed library costs with Library personnel and incorporated actual operations and maintenance costs into the analysis. Using Llbrary staff estimates of the costs of providing the current level of service, considering the ~ncrease in population, this project should result in one-t~me capital facility costs of $2,878 (library space, volumes) and ongoing annual operations and maintenance costs of $551. Library staff has indicated that the current level of service =s not adequate. 2. Flood Control staff has indicated that flood control faci1~ties constructed within Zone 7 are unlikely to be sufficiently funded for maintenance costs. Current estimates indicate that funding shortages should occur for the next ten years. Suggested mitigation measures include a cash deposit by the project developer or use of an assessment mechanism. The amount of deposit would be determined by a present value analysis and project timing. The cost of maintaining flood control facilities not be known until final design phases, when facility have.been fully identified. Flood Control staff therefore, condition project approvals to identify a of financing facility maintenance and operation necessary) prior to recordation of subdivisions. will needs w~11, means (if Based on the analysis and assumlng that the average sales price of the units will be $215,000, overall Meadowview (Vesting Tentative Tract 23583) will have a positive fiscal impact at buildout of $6,342. After buildout, this project will have an annual positive fiscal impact to the County of $1,075 at current levels of service. Initial Review By: Review Approved By: 'FLArlrlirk, DEPARCfflEfI ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: STANDARD EVALUATION ,NVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (E.A.) NUMBER: PROJECT CASE TYPE(s) AND NUMBERS(s): APPLICANTS NAME: NAME OF PERSON(s) PREPARING E.A.: I. PROJECT INFORMATION A. DESCRIPTION (incltKle proCx)sed minimum lOt Nze and uses Is N)plicable): Subdivide 26.9 acres into 23 lots for residential uses, MODULENUMBER(s): VESTING TRACT N0. 23583 K~ISE~ DFvELOoMENT COMPANY GIRRIA MAClEt - PIANNFR 119 B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES C. ASSESSOWS PARCEL NO.(s): D. EXISTING ZONING: E. PROPOSED Z~)NING: F. STREET REFERENCES: of Val 1 e O1 i vera. Ge 26.9 *' He R-A-~ ~ THEPROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? 6 THEPROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? ~outh nf ~anta Rertr,di~ Rnad, Nnrth Of V~a Notre and East Thomas Bros. Pll5 A-5 Pll4 F-5 SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATrACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 30 Township 7S Range 2W BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITEAND ~SSURROUNDINGS: Project site consists of low natural grasses and an occasional bush or small tree. Dirt trails run across parcel in various spots. Slopes range from relativel) flat to steep in other areas. Surrounding land uses are single family residential and vacant. .. 215-70 {Nee II. COMPRENENSNE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION Check the N)fxopriate option(I) belOw and proceed accordingly. I'] All or pad of lhe project site is in "Adopted Specific Pins," "REMAP" or 'Rancho Villages Community Policy Areas". Complete Sections III, N (B and C only), V an¢l Vi. 133 All or pad of the project site is in "Areas Not Designated as Open Space". Complete Sections III, IV (A, B and D only), V and Vl. I'] All or pad of the project site has an Open Space and Conservation designation other than those mentioned above. Complete Sections III, IV (A, B, end E only), V anti %/I. 1 Ill. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARI~S AND RESOURCES ASSESSMENT A, Indicate the nlture of the propoled lind use ss determined horn ttte descriptions ss found in Comprehensive General Ran Figure V1,3 (Circle One), Thtl inf~'mltion il necelslry to tieterrains the Ipproprilte and ule suitlloility ratings in Section III.B. NA - Not ,e$'pliclNe C,,dticll Ellentill NortoN-High Ri~k ~ormiI-Low B, Indiclts wiffi s yes (Y) or no {N) whether Iny environmental hlzlrd and/or resource issues rely significantly affect or be affected by the proposal. All referenced figures Ire contained in I~e Comprehensive General Plin. Fo' any issue marked yes (Y) write idditionll dltl sources, Igef'~ciss consulted, findings of flct IrN:l any mitigltiOn measures uncler SeCtion V. Allo, where indicated, circle Itte appropriate lend use suitability or noise acceptN~ility rating(s). (See definitions at bottom of ~is page). HAZARDS 1- N Alquist-Priolo Special Studies or County FluIt 12. N Airport Noise (Fig. II. 18.5, II. 18.11 H&zard Zones (Fig. VI.1) & %/I.12 & 1984 AICUZ Report, M.A.F.B.) (~que PS U FI (Fig, VI.3) (~ A B C D (Fig, %/1.11 ) 2 N faction Potential Zone (Fig. %/1.1) 13. N Railroad Noise (Fig. V1.13 - V1.16) 3-N nd eking ne(FigVl.1) C18S$ :[:[ 14. N ' w Noise(Fig. Vl.17-VI.29) U R (Fig. VI.5) B C D (Fig, V1.11) 4, N Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Slope Maps) 15. N Other Noise 5- N Landslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale ~roj A B C D (Fig, VI. 11 ) Seismic Maps or On-site Inspection) 16. H ec! Generated Noise Affecting '(,,~ S PS U R (Fig. %/!.6) Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. %/1.11 ) 6. N 0ckfall Hazard (On-site Inspection) 17. 1%1 Noise Sensitive Project (Fig. %/I. 11 ) 7- N Expansive Soils (U.S.D.A. Soil 18. Y Air Quality Impacts From Project Conservation Service Soil Surveys) 19. N Project Sensitive to Air Quality 8. Y Erosion (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation 20. N water Quality Impacts From Project Service Soil Surveys) 21. N Project Sensitive to water Quality 9- N Wind Ersosion & Blowsand (Fig. %/1.1, 22. N Hazardous Materials and Wastes Ord. 460, Sac. 14.2 & Ord. 484) 23. N Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. VI.30- V1.31) Dam Inundation Area (Fig. VI.7) 24. Other .. ~k/~,;,;plalnl (Fig. VI,7) 25. C)bher U R (Fig. %/I.8) 70. N ~.N RESOURCES 26. Y 32. N 27-N 33 N 34. Y Agriculture (Irtg. VI.34 - I/I.35) In or Nee 8n Agricultural Preserve (Riv. Co. AgricuHural Lend Conversation Contract Maps) 2S. Y W,d,fe (Fig. w.3e - w.37) 3s. Y 29. N vegetatkon (F',g. W.38- v~.40) 30- N Minerll Resourcel (Fig. %/1.41 - VI.42) 36. 31- N Energy Resources (Fig. VI.43 - VI.44) 37. Scenic Highways (Fig. VI.45) Historic Resources (Fig. I/I.32 - VI.33) Archaeological Resources (Fig. VI.32 · %/i.33 & VI.46 - %/I.48) Plleontoiogical Resources (PNeontoiogical Resources Map) Otter Definitions for Land Use Suitability and Noise Acceptability Ratings NA - Not Applicable S - Generally Suitable PS - Provisionally Suitable U - Generally Unsuitable R - Restricted A - Generally Acceptable B - Conditionally Acceptable C - Generally Unacceptable D - Land Use Discouraged USE DETERMINA' yN 1. OPEN ~PACE AND CONSERVATION MAP DESIGNATION(s): Area not desiqnated as 0Den' Space 2. I, AND USE PLANNING AREk ~nuthw~t T~rri tnry 3. SUBAREA, IFANY: Ranchn Califarnia/Temecula 4. CO MMUNITYPOUCYAREA, IFANY: Rancho California and Lighting Policies 5. )UNITY PLAN, IF ANY: 6. CO MMUNrTY PLAN DESIGNATION(s), IF ANY: Mt. I'alomar Observatory Street SUI4MARY OF POLICIES AFFECTINGPROPOSAl; Future land uses within this area should generally be Category I and II land Uses, with major connercial and industrial land uses located adjacent to 1-15. In the outer portions of this area, future land uses should generally be Citegory III land uses. Mt. Palomar policies apply and they suggest low pressure sodium lights and appropriate shielding be used for the project. Be For all prciects, inidcate with a yes (Y) Or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or services issues may significantly affect or be dlected by the proposal. All referenced figures are contained in the Comprehensive General Ran. For any issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consulted, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. PUBUC FACIUTIES AND SERVICES 1. Y Circulation (Fig. !V.1-!V.11. Discussin 10. N Sec. V Existing. Planned & Required Roads) Bike Trails (Fig. IV. 12 - IV.13) Water (Agency LetteraT) Sewer (Agency Letters~ 2. N 3. N 4. N 5. N 6N 1. Y 8. N g.N Fire Services (Ir~. N.16 - IV.18) Sheriff Sen~ces (F~ IV.11 - N. 18) Schoois (F~. N.17 - N.18) ~olid Waste (Fig. N.11 - N.18) Pad~ ~ Recreation (Ir~. N.19 - N~O) ll.N 12. Y 13. N 14. N 15-N 18. N 17. Y Equestrian Trails (Fig. IV. 19 - N.24/ Riv. Co. 800 Scale Equestrian Trail Maps) Utilities (Fig. IV.25 - IV.26) Ubraries (Fig. IV.17 - N.18) Health Services (F~. IV.17 - IV.18) Airports (Fig. 11.18.2 - 11.18.4, 11.18.8-11.18.10 & IV27 - IV.36) Disaster Preparedness ~ Sphere of Influence Other Mr. Palomar If Ill o~ part of the project is located in "Adopted Specif~ Plans", "REMAP" or "Rancho Villages Community Policy Areas', review in detail the SpeCifK; policies applying to the p~!, and complete the following: 1. State the relevant land use designation(s): 2. Based on this initial study, is the proposal consistent with the policies and designations of the appropriate document and therefore consistent with the Comprehensive General Ran? If not explain: 3 W. LAND USE DETERMINX N ((:QntJnved) U. If .Ill or plJ1 o~ the I:m:)ject site t~ in "Ateis not Designated u Open Space", end is n(:d in I Community Plan, complete ~esUon8 1, 2, 3, 6 end 7. Complete questions 4, 5, 6 end 7 if it is in · Community Pmn. 1. Land use catsgoryCms) nec~ t~ supixxi me pnX~ project A~ indicate Imnd use bype (i.e. residenlial, Cornn~, etc.) Cateqorv III- Residential Current land use category(S) for the mite besed on exisuung conclitoris. (Le. residential. commercial, etc.) Cateqory III- Residential AJsO indicate land use type 3. If D. 1 dilkrs from D.2. will the difference be resoived at the development stage? Explain: 4. Community Plan designation(s): Is the proposed project consistent with the po,cies and designations of the Community Plan? ff not explain: & Is the proposal compatible with existing end proposed surrounding lend uses? If noL explain: 7. Based on this initial study, is the proposal consistent with the Comprehensive General Ran? ff not, reference by Section end Issue Number those issues identifying inconsistencies: Yes E- If all or plrl of the project site i~ in In Open Space end Conservation designation, complete the fOllowing: 1. State the designation(I]: 2. II the proposal Consistent with the designation(s)? ff not, explain: 3. Based on Ibis initial ltudy, M the proposal consisent with the Comprehensive General Plan? ff not, reference by Section end Issue Number those issues identifying inconsistencies: 2/87) 4 ___V..INFORMATION SOURCE qNDING8 OF FACT AND MITIGATIO; 'qEABURE8 A. ~kDDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY 'SECTION/ INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION DETERIIiATION ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECEIVED (YES/NOJ~ATE) :IX! 8-28 Biological Survey III B-34 Archaeological Survey Be For each issue marked yes (Y) under Sections III.B end IV.B, identify the Section and issue number and do the following, in the format as shown below: 1. List all additional relevant data sources, including agencies consulted. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmental concerns. 3. State specific mitigation measures, if identifiable withoul requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. If additional information is required before the environmental assessment can be completed, refer to Sub,t4ction A. 5. If additional sheets are needed to coml)leta this section, check the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary sheets. SECTION/ ISSUE 1%10. III B-7-8 Soils AtD2 Gkb HcC RnE3 Ruf SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: Description Slope Arlington&Greenfield 8 to 15% Gorgonio 2 to 15% Hanford 2 to Ramooa&Buren 5 to Rough Broken Land 30 to 8% 25~ Rapid 50% Run-Off Erosion NedSum Noderate Slow to Rapid MOderate to Slow to NedSum Noderate High Erosion potential falls between slight be taken during the grading phase. Shrink-Swell Low Low Low Low and high. Nitigation measures should III B-18 Air Quality Impacts will be cumulative in nature ~nd therefore not mitigable at this time. III B-26 The project site is in an area of local important Farmland. Development has already taken place around the suject site a~d this is more or less infilling between two tracts. No mitigation is necessary as it has been urbanized. SECTION/ ISSUE NO. ZZ! B-28 III B-34 INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES (continue) SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OFFACT. MfflGATION MEASURES: Site lies within the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat'Habitat. A biological renort is requested. Potential Archaeological Resources on Site ~rcho requested. III B-35 Paleontological Resource Potential on the subject site. Paleontologist should be on hand when grading. Iv B-1 Traffic and Circulation Margarita Road/North General Via Norte - 66' Kearny Road - 88' IV B-17 Mt. Palomar Observatory Street Lighting Policies apply as this project lies within their 3p-mile radius sphere. Low pressure sodium lighting and appropriate shielding should be implemented. ,See allached pa~es. VI, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: r"l The project will not have · ~ignifr, ant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration may be prepared. (or) I"'1 The project could have · signirr,,ant effect on the environment; however, them will not be · significant effect in this use because the mitigation measures described in Section V have been applied to the project and · Negative Declaration may be prepared. (or) I'1 The project may have · significant effect on the environment and an il required. Name: ,, Prepared by Environmental Impact Report Date: y:Z F'z/~? CASE NO. E,A, NO. , STAFF US~ ONLY ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM Please complete P·r~s I anti II Of thiS tore and lYovide all Of the eclditioPal materials requWed in PItt III. F·ilurl to cIo k~ ely (leisy the revww In0 Drocel.s Of your Droject- If you Ire un·lDiS to prove· the in;urmlt~on, oe you need uliltlnce. plelle 'e,,'. , free to contact the Pllnnir~g Department It (1'14) 787~418. PART I: Glnlrll InfOrmltion 1. Whlt I· the TOtll Acreage ~nvohed? . 2b. 9 acres 2 IS there · oeev,ous apOl|clt,on fil~S foe the Ieme life? YES l) NO ~ If 'Yes" DroviOe Cm Numpar. AlSO p/oriOle the Environmental AMel. t. ment Numlar, II know~ end Er.viroetmental implet RepOrt Numpar, d IDDI~CiDle. CASE NO. Tract 3~83 (ParceiMID Zone Change, etP.) E.A. NO. ~ KN:Nm), aIR NO. (If iO¢4icmbe) 3. AclOd:onli comment~ you may w~sh to m~pOly regaffiing your Ixolect. (AttaCh en e~liti,-~al sheet If necessary.) PART II: Environmental Queltlonnelm 1. Is the Drolect within an AIQuist-Prlolo Sixeel $tud~el Zo4~? YES ~ NO To (later·me if your Droiect ~1 I~te~ in I S~ll Stutel Z~t ~nl~ tM Pu~ I~o~t~ ~io~ ~ refer to the S~;li StuOy Zones MIDi IvlHlOte It t~ Pg~ Inf~tion C~nter ~ the Plnni~ De~nL If tM ~o~ · w~thm zoo. refer to Ore·Inca ~7.1, ~ d~scuM the situltton ~h ~ ~n~ ~qi~. If I fluIt h~lrO reOo~ ~s nKesM~. ~m~ete the my·station Wior to lu~m~q ~ur ~pl~ti~ IM ~O~N 6 CONS the reDo~ wdh th~S fO~. If I wl~r ~ the r~uirements ~ grlnte( lu~m~ I ~ d the ~i~r ~ thi f~ 2 Is t~e DrO~CT I~lte~ withe I hlzlr~ ~nlgement Z~ ~ ~uHl~ion Irll Is Ih~ ~ ~ ~ tM '~lmlc ~fe~ E~ ment Techn,MI Re,if"9 YES; NO ~ TO Oeterm,~e :f you~ Orole~ ~S luble~ to t~ geol~ic ~lr~l note~ I~ ~ s~ ~Mu~ the '~ilm~ Slfe~ i Element Technical Re~' which ~i IvlillBll It the Pu~a~ Intor~t~n C~nter ~ the Plnnmg DeNnmen~ If the Imswe. to aueshom e2 ~$ 'YIL" contl~ ~he IpgrOprmte Geq~Dh( Plnni~ Teim ~i~ tO ~i~gM 8DDroonlte reelSure t O minimize the ~lr~. inco~qte lny miti~bon mllsurtl i~to t~ Dr~ ~i~gn pnorto luBmi~ng the t~on or ~nd~te m the spice Dr0vt0e~ ~1~ the rllu~l of your O~UMiOM w~h tN PinniN 3 If your OrO~Ct ~1 m the aesen IreL ~ it within I ~101~6 ilffi Irll? ~S D NO ~ The Ptlnmng Offices m Ind;o Ind Rtvl~ wil; pr~ y~ ~th mf0rmltnon co~mi~ Dlo~nd hglr~tYOu ~y wnsh to C0ntlct the U-S ~sl C0nle~lhon If you r Dr0leCt ~S suP/cot to 01~nd hgl~L iubm~ I Bl~n~ ~tr~ Din wRh the 8Nl~tiO~ (AI~ refer t0 Sect,on 14 1 ~ OrO.ninCe 460. ~f your Oro~ ~l I Nrcel mID ~ luNwmon). 4 Is wlter H~'tce IvldlBle it the DrO~Ct ~e~ ~S · NO ~ If "NO.' how fir must the wlter hn~l} N I~en~e~ t0 pr~i~ NumNr of fNt or radii Fuffiher exDllnihon: 5. Is sewer Service ·vaiisble It the lit·? YES C:} NO ~ If "NO," how fir must the wlter line(I) i)e extenN<l to provide Service? NumlDer of feet Or mifel septic tank/learh field ty~tems prrtpn~rJ fnr perdeft 6. AO~ClilsOnll Comments: Tht$ Env~ronfnental inf0rmatton Form ts $ubm~tte{I in con,iunct'/,on ~th the request for approval of ¥est(ng Tentative Tract No. 21819 t26 R-A-l/2 lots[,\, PART III: Addltion81 Miterilia The fOllOwing iteml must be lut)mitted with thil fix·: I. At le·ll three (3) panorlmic Dhotogrlphl(COkx grintl) Of the Ixoject lit·, oe ~n lenll DIN)to Of the Nt& If color phOtOgrlDhl ere utihzl~L inclucle · mad klentlfytng: & The position from which each Dl~tqrlph wal tlken t}. The ·re· Of coverage Of each phOtOgft~ 2+ A Clelr phOtOCOpy (Xerox Or mailer COpy) Of the IpOrOprilte portion Of the U.S. GaOloUt,41 Survey Qua·tangle maD, ~enn- eltsng Ihe bouncllnes Of the prolect late. AlSO note the title o~ the I certi+y that I hive inveltiglte¢l the Queltionl in Parts IInd II InQ the enlwlri ere true ·nd COrrect to the NIt 04 my knowteOge Robert 8, Keffele, Planning t;oorcl~nator Robert Be~n, Idilltam Frost and Associates i V:'R 23583 ,, , ~e //HillIll} ~ zs~z. cZ I~'ADOW /I\ c J App. KAISER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. , I'D~ATIONAL U&llt4~ Use 26 LOTS. , Area RANCHO CALIFORNIA. Ist. Sup. D ist. 4m Sec. 25 T. 7 S.,R. 2W. .a4sessor'sBk. 919 Pg. 35 ~' Circulation NICOLAS RD. ART I10' Element , m Rd. Bk. PI. 55CDaIe 6~2~88 Drawn By Vn ; I"- ~'00' RYVE~ID[ COY./NTY PLANNIN6' DEPARTMENT ~-~-e-,~.. NO ICALE CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP / TRACT NO. 23583 DATE 12/03/90 IHPROVKMKNT~" FAI~fFUL PERFORMANCE SEL~JRITY MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY Streets and Dra}na~e $ 725,500.00 ~ 362,750.00 Water m 212,000.00 ~ 106,000.00 Sewer m 96,000.00 m 48,000.00 TOTAL $ 1,033,500.00 ~ 516,750.00 ,Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) $ 103,350.00 ,(or Bonds if work is completed) Monument Security Inspection Fee: (Offsite Improvements) Fee paid to date (Credit) Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs Total Inspection Fees Due RCFC Drainage Fee Due $ Signalization Mitigation Fee - SMD ~,. $ Road and Bridge Benefit Fee $ 15,312.00 68,372.00 14,605.00 53,767.00 498.00 b4,265.00 44,364.00 3,450.00 N/A ITEM NO. 10 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER '~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department December 18, 1990 Consultant Agreement for Community Facilities District ( Ynez Corridor) PREPARED BY: Tim D. Serlet, City Engineer STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering Department recommends that the City Council approve the attached agreement with J. F. Davidson Associates, Inc., to provide professional engineering services for Community Facilities District 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) and authorize the mayor to sign the agreement. DISCUSSION: At the regular City Council meeting of August 28, 1990, the City Council awarded the work for professional engineering services for Community Facilities District 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) to J. F. Davidson Associates, Inc., directed the City Engineer to issue a notice to proceed and authorized the City Manager to negotiate a final scope of services and fee subject to Council approval. In order to expedite the project, J. F. Davidson agreed to begin work without a final contract immediately upon the receipt of the notice to proceed. J. F. Davidson is currently pursuing the necessary environmental work for the entire project along with the preliminary design work. The Engineering Department has now completed negotiating a scope of services and fee with J. F. Davidson Associates for professional engineering services necessary to complete the construction of the following components of Community Facilities District: Project 1 - Ynez Road Widening Project 2 - Winchester Road Interchange Modifications Project 3 - Apricot Overcrossing Project Project 4 - Rancho California Road Interchange Modification Due to the complexity of the projects involving Caltrans approvals the services and professional fees involved in each of the projects listed above has been divided into schedules A through C. Schedule A represents the lump sum fee for completing all the engineering services required to produce the construction documents necessary to publicly bid the Ynez Road Widening and the Apricot Overcrossing Construction. Schedule B represents the lump sum fee to complete preliminary design surveys, environmental assessments, and project study report for the interchange modifications at Winchester Road and Rancho California Road. The Project Study Report is a requirement of Caltrans that explores various alternatives to modifications to their system. At this time it is uncertain what additional improvements Caltrans will require at the interchanges to accommodate new northbound on-ramps. Therefore, Schedule C is only an opinion of the probable cost necessary to complete the Caltrans Project Report and to prepare the contract documents necessary to construct the additional loop ramps at the interchanges. The opinion assumes Caltrans will require the bridges to be widened in conjunction with the ramp construction. Once the project study report is approved by Caltrans, the fees associated with Schedule C will be brought back to the Council for your review. The following chart summarizes the cost associated with each Schedule. SCHEDULE A: Project No. 1 Completion of Plans, Specification and estimate for Ynez Road. 431,275.00 Project No. 3 Completion of Plans, Specification and Estimate including Project Study Report and Project Report for Apricot Overcrossing. 622,53~.00 SCHEDULE A TOTAL 1,053,809.00 SCHEDULE B: Project No. 2 Design Surveys and Mapping Along with the Project Study Report for the Winchester Road Interchange Modification. Project No. 4 Design Surveys and Mapping along with the Project Study Report for the Rancho California Road Interchange Modification. SCHEDULE B TOTAL TOTALSCHEDULE A AND B SCHEDULE C: Project No. 2 Completion of Project Report and Plan, Specification and Estimate for Winchester Road Interchange Modification. Project No. 4 Completion of Project Report and Plans. Specification and Estimate for Rancho California Road Interchange Modification. TOTAL SCHEDULE C TOTAL SCHEDULES A, B AND C: 110,150.00 108,250. O0 218,q00.00 1,272,209.00 512,615.00 443,700.00 956,315.00 $ 2,228,524.00 The fee for the professional engineering services will be funded through the first bond sale of Community Facility District 88-12 and represents approximately 9% of the probable construction cost. The Engineering Department, along with Max Gillis, will review each invoice submitted by J. F. Davidson Associates. Inc. on a per cent complete and an hourly basis prior to authorizing payment. 3 AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD) 88-12 YNEZ ROAD CORRIDOR This agreement for engineering is made and entered into on this day of , 1990, by and between the City of Temecula, California, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "CITY" ) , and J. F. Davidson Associates, Inc. , a California corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER"). 1. SERVICE ENGINEER shall perform engineering services for City of Temecula Community Facilities District No 88-12 - Ynez Road Corridor (herein referred to as "District") which shall include, but not be limited to, those services defined in Exhibit "A", "SCOPE OF SERVICES." 2. RETAINER CITY hereby retains ENGINEER, as an independent contractor, to perform the engineering services hereinafter specified; and, ENGINEER agrees to perform said engineering services for the term of the work contracted by the District. 3. SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Engineering services to be performed by ENGINEER shall consist of engineering, in accordance with Caltrans' Standards and specifications and appurtenant CITY Standards and specifications as described in Exhibit "A", "Scope of Services." A. Duties ENGINEER shall provide a Project Manager as provided in Section 5, who shall report to the CITY ' s designated representative. The Project Manager shall be a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California. The CITY ' s representative shall be designated separately by the CITY MANAGER. Duties shall include, but shall not be limited to, those defined in Exhibit "A". 4. COMPENSATION For the work authorized under this Agreement, as set forth in Section 3, ENGINEER shall be paid on a lump CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 1 sum, not-to-exceed basis for all work effort actually expended in the provision of services. Said services shall be as defined in Exhibit "A". When out of scope items are encountered, ENGINEER shall immediately identify such items and bring them to the CITY's attention for action and approval prior to ENGINEER encumbering additional costs beyond those set forth in Section 3. ENGINEER shall invoice the CITY monthly in accordance with the rate of pay as set forth in the ENGINEER's Schedule of Fees which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B". ENGINEER shall submit to CITY an invoice each month based on a percentage completion for each item of work described in Exhibit "A" in sufficient detail to demonstrate satisfactory completion of the services performed during that month. ENGINEER shall also provide any "deliverables" completed that period. CITY agrees to accept each invoice as a record of work performed by ENGINEER under this agreement. ENGINEER agrees that, unless authorized by amendment to this Agreement, the total amount of such invoices shall not exceed the total amount as shown in attached Exhibit "C" ENGINEER and CITY shall review the Schedule of Fees in July, 1991 and shall make mutually agreed adjustments to the rates of pay set forth in the ENGINEER' s Schedule of Fees, which shall become effective on August 1, 1991. Such adjustments shall be representative of the prevailing changes in fees for such services. This procedure will be continued each successive year until the project is completed. ENGINEER agrees that payment of monthly invoices for work performed under Exhibit "C", Schedule A and B, shall be subject to the sale of bonds for CFD 88-12. However, if bonds have not sold by January 1, 1991, all work identified by this contra~t shall cease and all invoices submitted by ENGINEER shall be paid in full by CITY. Subsequent work after receipt of all payments shall be agreed upon once sufficient funds are made available by the CITY for payment to ENGINEER. Payment for work performed under Exhibit "C", Schedule C shall be funded from sources as determined by the CITY. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 2 CITY shall make prompt progress payments to ENGINEER within thirty (30) calendar days following CITY approval of an invoice from ENGINEER. 5. EMPLOYEE'S QUALIFICATIONS Mr. Jimmy W. Sims shall serve as Project Manager for ENGINEER. Replacement of said Project Manager shall not be made by ENGINEER without the prior knowledge and consent of the CITY. ENGINEER'S employees actually performing the services described in the Agreement shall meet or exceed the qualifications set out in the ENGINEER'S proposal, which is made a part hereto by reference. The ENGINEER shall remove from service, under this Agreement, any person determined by the CITY, or their duly authorized representative, to be unsuitable for the work herein. ENGINEER shall perform the services defined in this Agreement in accordance with the generally accepted standards for performing similar services. CITY has relied on ENGINEER' s representations for quality and professional work as an inducement to enter into this Agreement. ENGINEER has represented to CITY that ENGINEER has the qualifications, experience and personnel to perform services for CITY. 6. LICENSES ENGINEER'S employees shall maintain licenses as required by laws of the State of California at all times while performing services under this Agreement. 7. WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE ENGINEER certifies that he is aware of the laws of the State of California requiring employers to be insured against liability for worker's compensation, and shall comply with such laws during the term of this Agreement. 8. INSURANCE ENGINEER shall maintain $1,000,000 of professional liability insurance coverage (errors and omissions) in accordance with sound business practices and requirements of the CITY and $1,000,000 in general liability insurance, including motor vehicle coverage, and other applicable insurance coverage and shall name CITY, its officers, employees and agents as additional insured under these policies. Said policy shall indemnify ENGINEER, its officers, agents and employees while acting within the scope of their duties, against any and all claims arising out of or in connection with CONTRACT: ADS. AC1 3 the project. Said policy shall specifically provide that any other insurance coverage which may be applicable to the project shall be deemed excess coverage and that ENGINEER's insurance shall be primary. ENGINEER'S LIABILITY To the maximum extent allowable by law, ENGINEER shall indeminify and hold harmless CITY, its employees, officers, agents, and members, from any and all claims, damages, expenses, suits, or other costs, including but not limited to those arising out of bodily injury, death or third party property damage, stemming from ENGINEER' s negligent performance of the services described herein. Such indeminity shall aplly regardless of the design review of the party to be indemnified hereunder. 10. WORK PRODUCT All materials, logs, diaries, reports, drawings, calculations, and field office notes shall be property of the CITY and shall be made available and turned over to the CITY at any time for inspection, review or otherwise upon demand of CITY. ENGINEER may, however, make and retain such copies of said documents and materials as ENGINEER may desire. Any use or reuse of said documents or any alteration or revision to said documents by CITY, its staff or authorized agents without the specific written consent of ENGINEER shall be at the sole risk of the CITY. The CITY agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the ENGINEER against all damages, claims and losses including defense costs arising out of any such alteration or revision, or use or reuse at another site by the CITY, its staff or authorized agents. 11. ASSIGNMENT 12. This Agreement, or any part thereof, shall not be assigned by ENGINEER without prior written approval of CITY. NON-DISCRIMINATION In the performance of the terms of this Agreement, ENGINEER shall not discriminate in the employment of persons in accordance with the California Labor Code or other provisions of State or Federal law. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 4 13. 14. 15. 16. NOTICE Any notices, requests, demands or other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person, or when received if mailed by certified mail with return receipt requested, or otherwise actually delivered. Notice to CITY shall be sent to: CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 Attn: Mr. Tim Serlet, City Engineer Notice to ENGINEER shall be sent to: J. F. Davidson Associates, Inc. Municipal Engineering Division 3426 Tenth Street P. O. Box 493 Riverside, California 92502 Attn: Mr. Jimmy W. Sims, Project Manager TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days notice. Upon termination, all work products as defined herein shall be turned over to CITY by ENGINEER. Upon termination by CITY, ENGINEER shall immediately cease work in progress and CITY shall not be liable for payment of ENGINEER's fees incurred after the effective date of the termination. OTHER TERMS ENGINEER shall submit written reports to CITY on a monthly basis on the status of work on the project. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ENGINEER is, and shall be acting at all times in the performance of this Agreement as an independent contractor. ENGINEER shall secure at its expense, and be responsible for any and all payments of all taxes, social security, state disability insurance compensation, unemployment compensation and other payroll deductions for ENGINEER and its officers, agents and employees and all business licenses, if any, in connection with services to be performed hereunder. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the following parties have executed this Agreement: CITY OF TEMECULA J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. By: By: DATED: "CITY": Mayor "ENGINEER": Vice-President Ill\ DATED: ATTEST: , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Scott Field ,City Attorney CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 6 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Project Identifications / Design Criteria The following projects identifications and descriptions are provided to determine a general understanding of the scope of work that this contract will encumber. The following project identifications shall involve: Project 1 - Ynez Road Widening Project Project 2 - Winchester Road Interchange Modifications Project 3 - Apricot Avenue Overcrossing Project Project 4 - Ranch o California Road Interchange Modifications All engineering services associated with Project 1 shall utilize criteria established by the City of Temecula's current Standards and specifications. Engineering services performed for Projects 2 thru 4 shall utilize criteria established by the State Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) Standards and Specifications. Project Descriptions In general, the engineering services envisioned for each project is described as follows: Pro~ ect 1 - Ynez Road Wideninq Pro~ ect. Perform design surveys and mapping, geotechnical engineering, environmental assessments, and prepare plans, specifications, and estimates (PS & E) for the widening of Ynez Road from Palm Plaza to Rancho California Road, a distance of approximately 7,500 feet. Plans shall include designs for curb and gutter, sidewalks, pavement sections, storm drain culvert extensions, power pole relocations, traffic signal modifications, traffic signing and striping, waterline relocations, sewer and other appurte'nant items. Pro~ect 2 - Winchester Road Interchanqe Modifications. Prepare a project study report (PSR), project report (PR), environmental reports, traffic studies, traffic safety index reports, traffic management plan (TMP), geometric approval plans, design surveys and mapping, and PS & E documents for the addition of a northbound loop ramp system within the southeast quadrant of the existing interchange. This project shall be broken into two schedules. Schedule B shall consist of preliminary work necessary to prepare the Project Study Report and obtain design surveys and mapping. CONTRACT: ADS. AC1 7 Schedule C shall consist of preparing Project Report and PS & E documents. Protect 3 - APricot Avenue Overcrossin~ Project. Prepare a project study report (PSR), project report (PR), environmental reports, traffic studies, traffic safety index reports, geometric approval plans, design surveys and mapping, utility coordination, and PS & E documents for the construction of Apricot Avenue from Ynez Road to Jefferson Street including a bridge overcrossing of the 1-15 freeway. Proiect 4- Rancho California Road Interchange Modifications. Prepare a project study report (PSR), project report (PR), environmental reports, traffic studies, traffic safety index reports, traffic management plan (TMP), geometric approval plans, design surveys and mapping, and PS & E documents for the addition of a northbound loop ramp system within the southeast quadrant of the existing interchange. This project shall be broken into two schedules. Schedule B shall consist of preliminary work necessary to prepare the Project Study Report and obtain design surveys and mapping. Schedule C shall consist of preparing Project Report and PS & E documents. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 8 EXHIBIT A SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. I - YNEZ ROAD WIDENING PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES The following scope of services has been developed specifically for the Ynez Road project. ° Data Collection ° Research Review existing record documents relating to right-of-way and centerline location. Review existing property records to determine approximate location of lot lines. Obtain record information on existing utility locations. Review street improvement plans prepared by others as they relate to the project. ° Field Survey Obtain aerial topography of project area Perform cross-sectional and cultural surveys of the project area. Includes data on all cross streets and entrances for a distance of 300 feet. ° Office Calculations Plot cross-sections Reduce field data to coordinate geometry Close and adjust horizontal control ° Street Improvement Plans Prepare Plan and Profile drawings at a scale of 1" = 40'. Length of Ynez Road improvements are approximately 7,500 feet 1. Prepare one title sheet 2. Prepare two detail sheets 3. Prepare seven plan and profile sheets ° Right-of-Way Coordinate with the City's right-of-way engineer, requirements for the proposed improvements. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 9 ° Traffic Signals Plans Prepare traffic signal plans to modify the existing signal at Rancho California Road and Ynez Road Prepare traffic signal plans to modify the existing signal at Solana Way and Ynez Road Prepare traffic signal plans to modify the existing signal at the entrance to the Target Center and Ynez Road (Tower Plaza) ° Waterline Relocations Modify existing Rancho California Water District (R.C.W.D.) plans to depict the revised location of the fire hydrants and other appurtenances along Ynez Road Modify the R.C.W.D. plans and/or prepare supplemental plans for the vertical realignment of the existing water line from Solana Way to "Target center". ° Utility Coordination Coordinate relocation of existing utilities within public right-of-way to accomodate the widening of Ynez Road. This task will include meetings , minor exhibit preparations, and agency coordination. ° Hydroloqy Report Review existing Hydrology/Hydraulic information for the Ynez Road drainage basin Meet with Riverside County Flood Control District (R.C.F.C.D.) to coordinate planning of master planned drainage systems for future consideration Identify and calculate "local" drainage areas to support drainage system designs. ° Storm Drain Plans Storm drain improvements shall be designed at the following locations along Ynez Road. There are no other provisions within this contract to design facilities other than the following: CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 10 Empire Creek and Ynez Rd - Extend existing culvert to the east and design outlet improvements immediately downstream. Downstream channel improvements and right-of-way engineering is not included in this agreement. DrainaGe System between Empire Creek and Solano Wav - Install a new single barrel culvert to replace deficient existing culvert. We are assuming that downstream channel improvements are not needed. One easment document is budgeted. Drainage system at Solona Way - Extend existing 4- barrel RCP to the east; design outlet improvements immediately downstream; and two catch basins at this location. No easement documents are budgeted for this system. Drainage System between Solano Way and Apricot - Extend an existing double RCB culvert to the east. This facility shall also be extended under Project No. 3. Modify two existing catch basins and provide one easement document. ° Sewer Plans Sewer plans shall be prepared in accordance with Eastern Municiapl Water District standards and specifications. The extent of sewer facilities are described as follows: Within Ynez Road beginning at the Apricot intersection and extending approximately 1000-feet south to an existing sewer connection. Adjacent and parallel to the existing Caltrans right-of-way beginning at the Apricot crossing and extending approximately 1,500-feet south to an existing sewer connection. This element will also include preparation of four (4) legal descriptions and plats for the new sewer facilities. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 11 ° Striping and Signing Plans Prepare a Striping Plan for that portion of Ynez Road being improved Prepare a Signage Plan for that portion of Ynez Road being improved ° Detour Plans Prepare Detour Plans for Ynez Road at a sufficient scale to describe the necessary work required for the new improvments. ° Public Meetings/Processing and Coordination Attend up to 200 manhours of public and private meetings and improvement plan procesing meetings at various agencies ° Cost Estimate: Provide preliminary engineering cost estimate for the Ynez Road improvements ° Geotechnical Engineering: Provide preliminary geotechnical engineering support services for the Ynez Road improvement plans. ° Environmental Clearances: Prepare an environmental assessment for the project. A mitigated Negative Declaration is anticipated for this project. ° Quality Control Plan: Prepare a quality control plan (QCP) for the project which will describe all project elements, manpower requirements, budgets, time schedules, and internal plan checking procedures. Also included in this budget is administartive time to implement the QCP. ° Preliminary Engineering: Provide preliminary engineering and coordination for the purposes of establishing improvements to be constructed under CFD 88-12. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 12 ° Mileage and Deliveries: This element will include charges for mileage expended and delivery charges for the project. ° Reproductions: This element will include charges for reproductions made for external uses other than in-house check prints. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 13 PROJECT NO. 3 - APRICOT ROAD OVERCROSSING @ 1-15 SCOPE OF SERVICES For Project 3, the following "Proposed Index of Plan Sheets - Additional Project Elements" represents the Scope of Services required to prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for the project and shall be deemed as the sole basis for developing the lump sum fees presented in Exhibit "C". The estimates presented therein are reflective of the "Number of Sheets" shown as follows. In the event there are substaintial changes to the total number of sheets required by Caltrans, we respectfully reserve the right to renegotiate our proposed fees. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 14 PROPOSED INDEX OF PLAN SHEETS PROPOSED PROJECT ELEMENTS J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC., ONLY Project No. 3 - Apricot Avenue Overcrossing @ 1-15 Drawing Type Scale No. of Sheets Highway Drawings Title Sheet Typical Cross-Section Plans Standard Plan List Construction Staking and Survey Control Data Layout Plans & Profiles Construction Details Contour Grading Plans Drainage Layouts Drainage Profiles Drainage Details Drainage Quantities (including Culvert List) Construction Staging/Traffic Control Plans Construction Staging/Traffic Control Plans Construction Area Sign Plans Pavement Delineation Plans Summary of Quantities Sign Plans Traffic Item Quantities Sign Summary Sheet Lighting Plans Electrical Plans Landscape and Irrigation Plans & Details Right Of Way Maps N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. Varies l"=50'H 1"=5 'V Varies 1"=50 ' 1"=50 ' Varies Varies N.T.S. 1"=200' 1"-50 ' N.T.S. 1"=50 ' N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. 1"=50 ' 1"=50 ' 1"=50 ' 1"=50 ' 1 2 1 1 8 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 Projected PS&E Drawings - JFDA only 51 ADDITIONAL PROJECT ELEMENTS TO BE PERFORMED Design Surveys Project Study Report Traffic Safety Index Bridge Engineering Meetings/Administration Aerial Mapping Project Report Traffic Study Materials Report CAD - Intergraph Geometric Approval Environmental Assessment Quality Control Plan Bridge Reports WORK NOT INCLUDED UNDER SCHEDULE A Traffic Signal Designs are not included at the following locations: Ynez Road and Apricot Jefferson Road and Apricot CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 15 Environmental engineering beyond the preparation of a Categorical Exemption. Revisions to the PS & E documents generated from Caltrans Headquarters' Office Engineer after District 8 approvals. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 16 EXHIBIT A SCHEDULE B PROJECT NO. 2 - Winchester Road Interchange Modifications PROJECT NO. 4 - Rancho California Road Interchange Mod. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services under this schedule shall consist of those necessary to prepare a Project Study Report (PSR) for Projects 2 and 4. The goal of this phase of work is to define more concisely the extent of improvements required at these two locations prior to proceeding with formal construction documents. The following work elements will be included under Schedule B: o o o o o o o o o Design Surveys and Aerial Mapping Traffic Study Environmental Assessments Preliminary Layouts and Profile Alternatives Preliminary Alternative Cost Estimates Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluations Preliminary Bridge Evaluations Prepare Project Study Report Caltrans Processing / Meetings All of the above work shall follow State of California Transportation Department (CALTRANS) Standards and Specifications. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 17 EXHIBIT A SCHEDULE C PROJECT NO. 2 - Winchester Road Interchange Modifications PROJECT NO. 4 - Rancho California Road Interchange Mod. SCOPE OF SERVICES For Projects 2 and 4, the following "Proposed Index of Plan Sheets - Additional Project Elements" represents the Scope of Services required to prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for the two project and shall be deemed as the sole basis for developing the lump sum fees presented in Exhibit "C" The estimates presented therein are reflective of the "Number of Sheets" shown as follows. The work effort for these projects assume that bridge widenings of Winchester and Rancho California will be required to accomodate the new loop on ramps for northbound traffic. The following listing should be considered valid for establishing ,'budgets', only. After completion of Schedule B, a re-evaluatlon of our work effort shall be performed and agreed upon prior to beginning work on this schedule. CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 18 PROPOSED INDEX OF PLAN SHEETS ADDITIONAL PROJECT ELEMENTS J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. I - Winchester Road Interchange @ 1-15 Drawing Type No. of Scale Sheets Highway Drawings Title Sheet Typical Cross-Section Plans Standard Plan List Construction Staking and Survey Control Data Layout Plans & Profiles Superelevation Diagrams (Ramps) Construction Details Contour Grading Plans Drainage Details Drainage Quantities (including Culvert List) Construction Staging/Traffic Control Plans Construction Staging/Traffic Control Plans Construction Area Sign Plans Pavement Delineation Plans Summary of Quantities Sign Plans Traffic Item Quantities Sign Summary Sheet Lighting Plans Electrical Plans Traffic Signal & Ramp Metering Plans Planting Plans Irrigation Plans Planting and Irrigation Details Planting and Irrigation Quantity Summary Right Of Way Maps N.T.S. 1 N.T.S. 3 N.T.S. 1 Varies 2 l"=50'H 8 1"=5 'V 1"=50 'H 3 1"=5 'V Varies 2 1"=50 ' 2 Varies 4 N.T.S. 1 1"=200 ' 2 1"-50 ' 4 N.T.S. 1 1"=50 ' 3 N.T.S. 1 N.T.S. 2 N.T.S. 1 N.T.S. 1 1"=50 ' 2 1"=50 ' 2 Varies 4 Varies 2 Varies 2 N.T.S 1 N.T.S. 1 1"=50 ' 2 Projected PS&E Drawings - JFDA only 57 ADDITIONAL PROJECT ELEMENTS Design Surveys Project Report Quality Control Plan Aerial Mapping Traffic Management Bridge Engineering Geometric Approval Plan Traffic Safety Index Materials Report CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 19 PROPOSED INDEX OF PLAN SHEETS ADDITIONAL PROJECT ELEMENTS J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC., ONLY Project No. 4 - Rancho Callfornia Road Interchange @ 1-15 Drawing Type Highway DrawinGs Title Sheet Typical Cross-Section Plans Standard Plan List Construction Staking and Su~,y Control Data Layout Plans & Profiles Superelevation Diagrams (Ramps) Construction Details Contour Grading Plans Drainage Details Drainage Quantities (including Culvert List) Construction Staging/Traffic Control Plans Construction Staging/Traffic Control Plans Construction Area Sign Plans Pavement Delineation Plans Summary of Quantities Sign Plans Traffic Item Quantities Sign Summary Sheet Lighting Plans Electrical Plans Traffic Signal & Ramp Metering Plans Planting Plans Irrigation Plans Planting and Irrigation Details Planting and Irrigation Quantity Summary Right Of Way Maps No. of Scale Sheets N.T.S. 1 N.T.S. 3 N.T.S. 1 Varies 1 l"=50'H 8 1"=5 'V 1"=50 'H 3 l"=5'V Varies 2 1"=50 ' 2 Varies 4 N.T.S. 1 1"=200 ' 2 1"-50 ' 4 N.T.S. 1 1"=50 ' 3 N.T.S. 1 N.T.S. 2 N.T.S. 1 N.T.S. 1 1"=50' 2 1"=50 ' 2 Varies 3 Varies 2 Varies 2 N.T.S 1 N.T.S. 1 1"=50 ' 2 Projected PS&E Drawings - JFDA only 56 ADDITIONAL PROJECT ELEMENTS Design Surveys Project Study Report Traffic Safety Index Quality Control Plan Aerial Mapping Project Report Traffic Study Bridge Engineering Geometric Approval Environmental Traffic Management Plan Materials Report CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 20 EXHIBIT B SCm~nULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES EFFECTIVE THROUGH JULY 31, 1991 (Revised 08/28/90) EnqineerinQ & Municipal Services Rate Surveying Services Rate Principal Engineer V Engineer IV Engineer III Engineer II Engineer I Engineering Designer IV Engineering Designer III Engineering Designer II Engineering Designer I Drafting Supervisor II Drafting Supervisor I Drafter IV Drafter III Drafter II Drafter I Transportation Engineer iI Transportation Planner Plan Checker $125.00 100.00 95.00 84.00 65.00 55.00 84.00 65.00 55.00 51.00 65.00 55.00 53.00 45.00 37.00 32.00 61.00 55.00 57.00 Principal Land Surveyor IV Land Surveyor III Land Surveyor II Land Surveyor I Survey Drafter III Survey Drafter II Survey Drafter I 1-Man Survey Party 2-Man Survey Party 3-Man Survey Party $125.00 95.00 82 00 75 00 65 00 51 00 45 00 37 00 82 00 140 00 180 00 Travel Time (when in excess of 8 hours work per day) 1-Man Survey Party 34.00 2-Man Survey Party 60.00 3-Man Survey Party 86.00 Inspector 63.00 * Above Rates are -~ximum for the classificaton. Planning Services Architecture Principal Deputy Director, Planning Planning Supervisor Planner III Planner II Planner I Planning Aide Planning Intern $125.00 100.00 84.00 77.00 71.00 45.00 32.00 32.00 Director of Architecture Architect II Designer III Drafter III Drafter II Drafter I $84.00 67.00 65.00 44.00 34.00 30.00 Landscape Architecture Computer Services Director, Landscape Architecture $90.00 CadManager/Water Management Project Landscape Architect Project Manager Project Coordinator Drafter II Drafter I 67.00 67.00 60.00 48.00 37.00 32.00 Systems Technician $37.00 Operations Manager 65.00 Computer Operations Coot. 51.00 Co~uter Intern 32.00 Senior Com~uter Technician 37.00 Computer Technician 32.00 Services And Expenses Secretarial/Word Processing Services $35.00 In-house Reproduction Cost Travel .36/Mile Subsistence Cost Other Expenses - including Special Consultants and Purchased Services through Subcontracts Cost +20% Expert Witness or Litigation (4-hour minimum, including preparation time) $160.00 EXHIBIT "C" SCHEDULE A - Fee Breakdowns Costs shown herein shall considered as lump sum not-to- exceed charges unless the scope of work described under this contract changes. Sub-consultant charges for geotechnical engineering and bridge engineering have been marked up 3% for JFDA handling costs. PROJECT I - YNEZ ROAD WIDENING PROJECT Data Collection: Street Improvement Plans: Right-of-Way: Traffic Signals: Waterline Relocation: Utility Coordination: Hydrology Studies: Storm Drain Plans: Sewer Plans: Striping and Signage Plans: Detour Plans: Meetings/Processing: Cost Estimates: Geotechnical Engineering: Environmental Clearances: Quality Control Plan: Preliminary Engineering: Mileage and Deliveries: Reproductions: $ 51,640.00 $ 51,865.00 $ 10,600.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 24,950.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 24,800.00 $ 67,700.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 10,120.00 $ 17,050.00 $ 35,050.00 $ 23,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 23,500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 TOTAL COSTS - Project No. 1: $431,275.00 CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 21 SCHEDULE A - Fee Breakdowns (continued) PROJECT NO. 3 - Apricot Road Overcrossing Quality Control Plan Project Study Report Environmental Clearances Design Surveys Aerial Mapping Traffic Study Traffic Management Plan Traffic Safety Index Project Report Highway Drawings & Specifications $ 5,000.00 $ 15,700.00 $ 23,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 9,350.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $227,618.00 Bridge Drawings & Specifications±3744H$202,910.00 Materials Report $ 56,856.00 Reproductions $ 5,000.00 Mileage and Deliveries $ 2,000.00 CAD Charges $ 24,600.00 TOTAL COSTS FOR PROJECT NO. 3 $622,534.00 TOTAL COSTS FOR SCHEDULE A: $1,053,809.00 CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 22 SCHEDULE B - Fee Breakdowns PROJECT NO. 2 - Winchester Road Interchange Modifications Design Surveys and Aerial Mapping Traffic Study Environmental Assessments Preliminary Layouts and Profile Alternatives Preliminary Alternative Cost Estimates Prepare Project Study Report Caltrans Processing / Meetings Quality Control Plan TOTAL COSTS FOR PROJECT NO. 2 $ 29,650.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 23,500.00 $ 14,200.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 12,050.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 5,000.00 $110,150.00 PROJECT NO. 4 - Rancho California Road Interchange Modification= Design Surveys and Aerial Mapping Traffic Study Environmental Assessments Preliminary Layouts and Profile Alternatives Preliminary Alternative Cost Estimates Prepare Project Study Report Caltrans Processing / Meetings Quality Control Plan $ 27,750.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 23,500.00 $ 14,200.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 12,050.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 5,000.00 TOTAL COSTS FOR PROJECT NO. 4 $108,250.00 TOTAL COSTS FOR SCHEDULE B: $218,400.00 CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 23 SCHEDULE C - Fee Breakdowns PROJECT NO. 2 - Winchester Road Interchange Modifications PROJECT NO. 4 - Rancho California Road Interchange Modifications Highway Drawings & Specs Bridge Engineering & Specs Project Report Traffic Safety Index Traffic Management Plan Material Report Reproductions Mileage & Deliveries CAD Charges TOTAL COSTS FOR EACH PROJECT Winchester Rd Rancho Calif Rd $288,750.00 $264,650.00 $100,425.00 $ 72,100.00 $ 18,500.00 $ 18,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 44,540.00 $ 28,450.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 30,400.00 $ 30,000.00 $512,615.00 $443,700.00 TOTAL COSTS FOR SCHEDULE C: $956,315.00 SUMMARY OF SCHEDULES A, B, & C SCHEDULE A - $1,053,809.00 SCHEDULE B - $ 218,400.00 SCHEDULE C - $ 956,315.00 GRAND TOTAL $2,228,524.00 CONTRACT:ADS.AC1 24 ITEM NO. 11 APPROVAL FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department December 18, 1990 First Extension of Time Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 Revised No. 1 PREPARED BY: Steve Jiannino RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 90- approving the First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map 23430 APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: Bedford Properties Inc. REPRESENTATIVE: J.F. Davidson Associates Inc. PROPOSAL: First Extension of Time for Parcel Map No. 23430, an 9 lot Schedule E Parcel Map. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Ynez and Winchester Roads. EXISTINC ZONING: C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) SURROUNDING ZONING: North: C-P-S South: M-M East: R - R West: C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) ( Manufacturing- Medium ) ( Rural Residential ) (Scenic Highway Commercial ) EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: Commercial Center Under Construction North: Commercial Center South: Advanced Cardiovascular Systems STAFFRPT\PM23430 I PROJECT STATISTICS: East: Vacant West: I - 15 Total Acres: No. of Parcels: Minimum Parcel Size: 44.07 acres 9 parcels 0.6 acre BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula Planning Commission at their December 3.1990 meeting, recommended approval of the First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map 23430 Revised No. 1. Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 Revised No. 1 is a nine (9) lot Commercial Subdivision of 44.6 acres located at the southwest corner of Ynez and Winchester Roads. The City Council approved Parcel Map No. 23430 Revised No. 1 July 31, 1990. The approval of the revised map did not extend the original expiration date of the parcel map. A time extension request is necessary for the recordation of the Final Map. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Adopt Resolution 90- approving the First Extension of time for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 Revised No. 1 based on the Analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. 1. Resolution 2. Conditions of Approval 3. Planning Commission Staff Report dated 12-3-90 4. Planning Commission Minutes dated 12-3-90 STAFFRPT\PM23430 2 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 23430 REVISED NO.1 A NINE (9) PARCEL COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION OF 44.6 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF YNEZ AND WINCHESTER ROADS. WHEREAS, Bedford Properties Inc. filed the Time Extension in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Time Extension application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Time Extension on December 3, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Time Extension. WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Time Extension on December 18, 1990, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Time Extension; and WHEREAS, the City Council received a copy of the Commission proceedings and Staff Report regarding the Time Extension; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. the following findings: Findings. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. ( 2 ) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building STAFFRPT\PM23430 1 permits, each of the following: a) There is a reasonable probability that the Time Extension proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Time Extension is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1} The City is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The City Council finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that the Time Extension proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. STAFFRPT\PM23430 2 c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. (1) PursuanttoSection18.30(c), no Time Extension may be approved unless the following findings can be made: a) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state law and City ordinances. b) The proposed subdivision does not affect the general health, safety, and welfare of the public. (2) The City Council, in approving the proposed Time Extension, makes the following findings, to wit: a) There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. b) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future and adopted general plan, if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complies with state planning and zoning laws. d) The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and density. e) The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. f) Parcel Map No. 23430 is compatible with surrounding land uses. The harmony in scale, bulk, height, density and coverage creates a compatible physical relationship with adjoining properties. STAFF R PT\PM23~30 3 g) h) i) j) k) The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Negative Declaration adopted by the County for the project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the state map act in regard to the future passive energy control opportunities. Units have significant southern exposure which allows for passive heating opportunities. Deciduous landscaping can be utilized to allow solar penetration in winter and shading in summer o The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed projects. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applicants and herein incorporated by reference. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECT ION 2, the Time Extension proposed conforms to the logical development of its proposed site, and is compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. SECTION 2. Conditions. That the City of Temecula City Council hereby approves The First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map 23/430 Revised No. 1 for a nine (9) parcel Commercial Subdivision of/4/4.6 located at the Southwest corner of Ynez and Winchester Roads subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. ST A FF R PT\PM2 3/430 Resolution. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 1990. RONALD J PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 18th day of December, 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS JUNE S. GREEK DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPLICANT'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read, understand and accept the conditions for approval set forth herein above in this Resolution of approval for The First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 Revised NO. 1. DATED: By STAFF R PT\PM23430 5 CITY OF TMMMC%rLA ~q)NDITIONS OF APPROVAL REVISED TENTATIVE PARCEL MaP NO. 23430 CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE:7/13/9 ORIGINAL EXPIRATION DATE: 8/16/90 EXTENSION EXPIRATION DATE: 8/16/9 e The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning TMNTATIVM PARCEL MAP NO. 23430, REVISED PERMIT NO. 1, AMMNDED NO. 2, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37· The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense· If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free fromall encumbrances as approved by the County Road Commissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Riverside County Surveyor. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the City Department of Building and Safety· TENTaT~ PARCEL HAPNO. 23430 REVlSMDFERNITNO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 2 The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement reconvnendations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated 2-14-90, a copy of which is attached. 10. The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recon~nendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. 11. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area~ drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. 12. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined i the County Fire Department's letter dated 12-04-89, a copy of which is attached. 13. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmittal dated 12-13-89, a copy of which is attached. 14. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined i the Building and Safety Department: Grading Section's transmittal dated 10-12-89, a copy of which is attached. 15. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined County Geologic Report No. 418 update and in the County Geologist transmittal dated 8-15-89, a copy of which is attached. DB'VELOPMMNT ST]x. MIIRaDS: 16. Lots created by this land division shall be in conformance with the development standards of the C-P-S zone. PRIOR TO RECORDATIONOF THE FINaL MaP 17. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the following condition shall be complied with: A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. T~NTATIV~ PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 ~aVlS~D PBE~IT NO. 1 ~~. 2 Conditions of A~al ~age 3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SF~-~T CONDITIONS 18. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the Office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following notes shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. "The notice appearing in Section 6.a. of Ordinance No. 625, the Riverside County Right-to-Farm Ordinance, shall be place~ on the Environmental Constraints Sheet, with Lots No. 1 thru 9 identified therein, the manner provided in said Section 6.a., as being located partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of, land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes by the County of Riverside." be "County Archaeological Report No. 1203 was prepared for this property on 3-28-88 by Christopher Drover, and is on file at the County of Riverside Planning Department." "County Biological Report No. 195 was prepared for this property in March 1988 by the Planning Center, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department." de "County Geological Report No. 418-update was prepared for this property on April 14, 1989 by Highland Geotechnical Consultants and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are as follows: liquefaction. ee "This property is located with thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the observatory. outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare." 19. The following note shall be placed on the final map: "Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. These constraints affect all parcels. 20. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying fees required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663. the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by City ordinance or resolution. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERNITNO. 1 A_MENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 4 21. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the City of Temecula Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR LeRm, D. Smoot lORD COHMISSIONr,,R · COL'NI~' K'R%.lr~OR February 14, 1990 -JermarT-2-3.r-t~)0 COt,.'NTY AOMBelSTRA tr,,T CL',TT,R ~AILING ADOIU..~. PO. IOX lOgO (7141 117-4K%54 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: (Shopping Center) REz PM 23430-Revised ll-Amend #2 Team 5 - SHD 19 AP 1111-111-111-9 . tAS amended at P.C. 2-14-90 The Road Department has reviewed the traffic study for this project. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "C' on both Winchester Road and Ynez Road, based upon substantial improvement. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses statesz "A minimum of Level of Service "C" is necessarT for any new Category II land use." As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service. The project proponent shall incorporate such demand programs as may be appropriate to comply with the goals and objectives of the Regional Mobility Plan and Air Quality Hanagement Plan, including1 a) design provisions to accoamodate transit servicesl and b) Participation in regional corridor stucLtesl all as approved and confirmed by the Road Co~ssioner. Prior to the -isseanoe-ef-en~--bela4Jme-t~emite~-recordation of the final map, the project proponent shall consult with and obtain clearance from the following agencies to assure compliance and coorcLtnate with the Regional Nobility and Air Quality Management Plans I a ) Caltrans, District 8 ~ b ) The South Coast Air Quality Management District ( SCAQHD ) ~ c) The R/verside Transit Agency (RTA)3 and d) The Riverside County Transportation Cc~mmission (RCTC). *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 COUNTY ~I"IY~ CE3'4'KR · 4080 LD4ON 5111EET · PJ~r., CAL~O~ 92501 PH 23430-Revised el-Amend #2 aenNery-~3~-~9gg February 14, 1990 Page 2 Ynez Road shall be constructed to a full width Urban Arterial standards, 134' right-of-way along the frontage of PH 23430. *5. The project proponent construct the traffic signals at the freeway interchange. This is necessary to attain a Level of Service *C""D". The plot plan should delineate the future Apricot right-of- way as proposed by the developer for informational purposes. After a review of the Operation Analysis sn~,itted for the proposed access points for the project, the Road Department's requirements shall be8 7. Install the primary entry to the Palm Plaza project as a standard intersection with a signal midway between Winchester Road and Apricot Street. Install two additional driveways, one as a right turn in/right turn out located midway between Winchester Road and the primary entry, and the other located midway between Apricot and the primary entry. The southerly driveway shall have a channelized median opening for left turn in only, as long as access rights are dedicated on the eastside of Ynez, except for two access points. The southerly opening shall not line up with the left turn in opening With respect referenced item, recommendations8 to the conditions of the Road Department approval for the above has the following Sufficient right of way along Winchester Road (State !tLghway 79) shall he conveyed for public use to provide for a 134 foot full width right of way. 10. Sufficient public street right of way shall he provided along Ynez Road to establish a 134 foot full width right of way including standard corner cutback. Developer shall dedicate to Riverside County all vehicular access rights along the east side of Ynes Road from Winchester Road, southerly to the south line of th~s project, with only two access points allowed. The two access points shall bet (1) opposite the signalized entrance to this proJect~ (2) north of (not aligning with) the southerly drive approach to this · As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 · *As deleted at P.C. 2-14-90 PH 23430-Revised Wl-Amend ~2 aeeeary-8a~-iggg February 14, 1990 Page 3 12. 14. Prior to recordatton or any use allowed by this permit, and prior to doing any work within the State highway right of way, clearance and/or an encroachment permit must be obtained by the applicant from the District 08 Office of the State Department of Transportation in San Bernardino. The project proponent shall enter into a written agreement with the County of Riverside and Caltrans District 08 to provide for the design and construction of signals and related facilities at the following intersectjones a. Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities b. Winchester Road at Ynez Road Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 110 feet curb :o curb and match up asphalt concrete paving~ reconstruction~ or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by =he Road Con=nissioner within a 134 foot full width dedicated right of way in accordance with County S~andard No. 100A, including all necessary transitions as per Caltrans standards as approvsd by the Road C~,issioner. The landdivider shall construct on Winchester Road and Ynez Road Ccs~nissioner. full width raised medians as approved by the Road Standard 35 foot curb return, cross access ramps shall be constructed Ordinance 461 where applicable. gutter, spandrel and in accordance with Six foot wade concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). ImprDvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile ex~ending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the RIverside County Road Cmmlssioner. Improvement plans shall include all traffic signal design plans as described in Condition #5 and 22. Major drainage Is involved on =his project and solution shall be as approved by the Road Ccsmnissioner. ?M 23430-Revised ~l-Amend ~2 ~~/2~/~/February, 14, 1990 Page 4 19. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. 20. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. 21. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans. 22. All entrance driveways shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 50 feet measured from face to curb. 23. The primary interior driveways shall be kept free of all "back-on" parking. 24. Projects creating cut or fill slopes adjacent to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approved by the Road Department. 25. The developer shall be allowed to occupy 60% of the leasable area of the center prior to completion of the Winchester/Ynez traffic signal and Winchester Road improvements from 1-15 to Ynez Road. As mitigation, the City Engineering Staff will monitor intersection traffic levels and the developer shall pay for traffic directors when needed at the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the level of service at the intersection at current operational level. 25a. The traffic signal at the center driveway shall be constructed and funded by the developer with no credit applied towards developer's signal mitigation fees. 26. A striping plan is required for Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces With all incurred costs borne by the applicant. PN 23430-Revised ~l-Amend #2 aasaaFy-~a,-&99e- February 14, 1990 Page 5 ge 0e The applicant shall com~ly with the Caltrans reconmend- atlons as outlined in their letter dated July 11, 1989. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall c~mply wt~h Road DeparUnent stanaards and require approval by the Road Comissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through =he establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road C~tssioner. Landscape plans shall be suamnitted on stanc~ard County Plan sheet format ( 24 ' x 36 ' ). Eandscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict ~ such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Should this project lie within arF assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prlor to recordatton make application for and pay for their reappornionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building permit. Prior =o recordatton, the Businessman's Association easements for legal access Commissioner. applicant shall establish a to provide for reciprocal as approved by the Road Road DIvision Engineer County of Riverside TO: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. DATE: Dsctmbtr 6, 1989 A1LI~I· Glo a ~c,.~eL ~fielENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST IV FROM: RE: PARCEL ~ 23430, ~d~ENDED NO. 2, REVISED NO. I Environmental Heai=h Services has reviewed Amended No. 2, Revised No. I dated November 17, 1989. Our current comencs will remain as scared in our memo daced April 22. 1988. SM:tac · .~T~ENT e,E.% +{)RII 4,1{. - -', t,l l~U, mmm_m LlJII. Iramere, m emmmm, e COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT of HEALTH l/I aTN Illlilt la4.k lPOlt OdnriCI IOI IItOI- In4illaDl. Gl. llIOI AMENDE:Z:) NO. 1. "lss~N.l.%%l( April 22. 1988 RIV!~RSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DE~T. 4080 Lemon SLreet Riverside. CA 92502 Attn: Greg Heal mKelm ,el,. ~.I :O~OmL Cd~ ettll Ill roSefro Itltl If. 41,1ll. ~k IINI ILllOll · alkm Immm~l, ~ 18168 mwlllem~L ewk. w RZ; Parcel Hap 23430; That portion of Lots 115 End 116 of Tamscala Land and Water Company in the County or Riverside. State of California. as shown by map on file in Book 8. F'aqe 359 of HIps, Records of SEn Diego County. California (f Lots) Gentlemen: The DepIrtment of Public Health has reviewed Tent. aLive Hat, No. 23430 and recommends that: A valet system shell be installed accord]hg to plans and specification as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent przndts of the plans of the valor system shall be submitted In tr3plScate, with a mlnsmum scale not legs than one Inch equ&|s 200/eat. along vath the original drawing to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the Internal pipe diameter, lotsalon st vilvel and Fire hydrants; pipe and 3sins speci/lc&tions, and the silo o[ the main st the ~tmction st the new system to the existing system. The plans shell comply in all respects with Div. S, PErt I, Chapter ? o[ the Cali/ornt& Health sad SaFety Code, Cali/ornia Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 16. and General Order No. ~03 o[ the Public Utilities Commission o[ the SLate o[ California. when applicable. Riveraxle County Planning Peps. Amended No. ?, -Imm, Page Tvo ALert: Greg Neal Aprll 22. lge8 The plans shall be smgned by a registered engineer and valor company with the following certX[XcaLXon: certify that the design o( the voter system ~n Parcel Nap 23430 js ~n accordance v~th the voter system expansion pians of the Rancho Callfornla Water D~str~ct and that the voter service,storage and d~sLr~bution system viJ~ be adequate to provide voter service to such parcel. This certification does not constitute · guarantee that ~t viii supply voter to such parce] at any specific quantities. flora or pressures for f~re protect3on or any other purpose" This certlficat~on shall be signed by a respons3ble official of the voter company. l'b!_EJsns must be !!!!~ two wee~s ~£~or to the This Department has a statement from the Rancho CaJlforn~a Water D~strict agreeing to serve domestic voter to each and every lot an ~he subdavasaon on demand prow]dang satisfactory flnanczal arrangements are completed vzth the subdzv3der. It vii1 be necessary for the financial arrangements to be made prlor to the recordat~on of the [~nal map. This Department has s statement from the Eastern Munxcz~a! Water Dxstr~ct &gree~nq to &/1or the subdivision seva~e system to be connected to the severs of the Dmstrmct. The sever system shall be ~nstalled according to plans and specifications as approved by the D~etrzct, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prznts or the plans of the sever system shall be submitted zn Lrlpi3cate. along vzth the orzglnai dravzng, to the County Surveyor. The pr3nts shall ahoy the Internal pipe diameter, location of manholes, complete profiles, pipe and ~o3nt specz[~catlons Lnd the size of the severs at the 3unct~an of the nov system Lo the existing system. A single plat ~nd~cmtzng locatzon of sever iinee end+vater lines eh&i3 be · portion of the eev&ge plane ·rid profiles. The plans shall be sig.ed by a registered eng:neer and the sever d,strSct vlth the fo~Jovzng certification: '! cerLZfy that the design of the se~er system jn Parcel Nap 23430 is $n ·ccordance vlth the ee~er system exp&nszon plans of the Astern Nun3cipal Water D~strSct and that the vests d3sposaZ system ze adequate at this time to treat the anticspared vastes from the proposed parcel.' Rzverstde County Pl&nn3ng Dept. Amended No. ~ !hem Page Three AT'I"N: Greg Nea~ Aprz~ 22, 1986 It vz~J be necessmry for ~:nanciaJ &rrangements to be made prxor to the recordatzon ot the rSn=~ msp. Zt~vsZi be necessary rot the annexm~son proceedings to be completely ~na~zed prior to recordatlon of the f~na! map. S~nceret,v, Sa"~~a~ an * F. nvzronmental HeaJth -r, ervaces SM:tac -) K(NN~'TH I, EDWAROS 1999 MARble' II'Rtrr PO. IOx 1032 I'Lq, ZPHON! i71,1) 787-2015 FAX NO. (714| lle-llgS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CAm mlrOleNl& 12~O1 Riverside County Planning Department Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. Planner ~.~/~/,~H~, Area: We have reviewed this case and have the following cormants: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construd- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable r~lesArea and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. · The Dfstrtct's report dated ~'- ~'~-~ is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. Th~s project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~avJhbeeenpr°ject will be constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached conmnents apply. KKNNi'rH I,. EDWARDI P. O. BOX lOJ9 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERIIDI, CALIFORNIA IllDe August 3, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Gloria Haciel Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Hap 23q30 Revised Permit This is a proposal to divide q~ acres into a 9 lot commercial subdivision in the Temecula area, on the southwest corner of Ynez Road and Winchester Road, and adjacent to Interstate 15. The site is on relatively flat terrain between Santa Oertrudis Creek to the north and a large unnamed wash to the south. Santa Gertrudis Creek is contained by newly constructed facilities, The unnamed wash has capacity for perhaps a third of its 100 year peak flow rate of 1250 cfs. The reinforced concrete box where the wash crosses North General Kearny Road is undersized. Large amounts of runoff from this wash will spill over onto an open field to the northeast of the subject property and Join with run- off from a local watershed of 300 acres, These combined flows sheet across Ynez Road onto the subject property, Water ponds on the property as it seeks enough energy to pass through an exist- ing 7' wide x 3' high reinforced concrete box beneath Interstate 15, As the pond gets higher, some flow will outlet in a Caltrans interceptor channel toward more freeway culverts to the south, This proJeer proposes to intercept the sheet flows with a tem- porary channel offsite along the east side of Ynez Road and carry them to the box culvert under Ynez Road to the channel along the south side of this project, The applicant indicates that the pondinS elevation upstream of the freeway is 10q3.7, that their project would not decrease the existing pond volume and that all new buildings would be flood- proofed to at least that elevation. RIverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23~30 Revlsed Permi~ - 2 - August 3, 1989 Following are the District's recommendations: This parcel map is located within the 11mlts of the Hurrieta Creek/TemecuZa Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board· Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provi- sions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Dralnage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Dralnage fees shall be paid to the Road Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shali be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the tlme of issuance of a gradlng permlt or bulldtng permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be flrst obtalned after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel map; provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel wtthln the prlor 3 year perlod, or permits for either activity have been issued on that parcel which remain active· The preservation of the 10q3.7 pond elevation should be proven with appropriate hydraulic and topographic information. The proposed interim channel on the east slde of Ynez Road should be constructed with the first phase of this pro~eet. The channel should have capacity to carry the storm runoff from the 300 acres, The 6qO cfs breakout should also be carried unless upstream facilities have been Improved. Natntenanee should be provided. The RCB under ~nez Road and the channel along the south boundary of the project should have capacity to carry the 100 year pea~ runoft from its tributary area with full development assumed· Zf they do not have capacity they should be enlarged or other measures should be taRen. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit -3- August 3, 1989 The onsite channel should be constructed to District standards including those relating to design, alignment and access. If the District is to maintain the channel, the applicant will have to pay a maintenance charge. Offsite drainage facilities should be located within publicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be re- corded and a copy submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easement's shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free or buildings and obstructions". A note should be put on the environmental constraint sheet stating, "Finished floors of buildings shall be constructed above elevation 1043.?". A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted to the District via the Road Department for review and approval prior to recorda- tion of the final map. Grading plans should be approved prior to issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to the Subdivi- sion section of this office at 1) 2> 714/]87-2884. Veryf '. ~ , V_~O~:b~. KASHUBA ~enior Civil Engineer J. F. Davidson Assoclate~, Inc. R$ncho California Development Co. KF:bJp 1;/1;./89 15~I I~i~,~F~iDI~ C.(I.I, IT',' FII~ DEPTg. filzaglz 12"4"8~ FlmnN&P~iV ~ ~Cl~ 4OlOlammlm~l.mttL PLAN!ILIIG DttAtl~XllT GI,0IXA 14ACZZ1, l!I IBVZIBD Y,k~CgL ~ 23&30 - AHEHDED 12 With reapeat to the conditions of approve1 for th· above refersused lead division. the rive Department re·osmude the fellsvial firs protection measures be provide~ lizaoeordan,·rlth Uverside County Ordinsn=ee udtor retainlead fire protection stmsdard·t FD/I*lO"t'l~:t0ll The valet u~lu eh~l be ,ap&bZs of providiul · potential fire fray of 5000 OF14 and an aetua~ fire flow avatZ~bla from oaf on hydrant shall be 2000 GI~ for hours duration eg 20 PIt residual operatinl pressure. Aperaid eqer fire hydrants, (6'xi"x2-2|') elulZ be re, seed :t each street taraffection and spaced not more than 330 foot ·part in any dtrsotion, with no portion of ny 1ot frontate maze th~n 165 foot frou· fire hydrant. Appliceug/dovelaper lbslZ furnlsh one espy of the valor eyetom plans to the rite Depotremus far review. elmm oh&it ,oafon co fire hydrant g,ee, rotation a~ epa~lq, a~, the often e~Z mac the fire fZwraqutremnco. Pim ,UZZ be eilud/qprffd by a reiterated ctvti eqtneer aM the lou1 voter cQauy ~th Who to11~ ~e~t~fiaect~t "Z eerc~fy t~C the des/p of the near eyecan U.~seeor~e ~ cb re~trmate prescribed by t~ ~verside ~uaty Fire The required water systeu rueladleI fire hydrinte ebmZl be instailed and Iceopted by the appropriate voter qeuey prior to mry embust~bh baildial stariLL betas piesad osutm4tvtdsm.t lot. questlout relardtq the menial of the tondilLon shirr be referred to the lira Depergumst ttamztnl ~ rallneerial staff. Chief rue Dt. partmst ~lmnner guzt lieseve11, rite lafety Iit.~.aUlUc Administrative Center, 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside. CA 92507 December 13, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Gloria Guzman County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 ' RE: Parcel Map 23430 - Revised, Amended #2 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. The site is located in a special studies zone -- G-418. Lot configuration shall conform to site development of PP 11222. Very truly yours, Robert CTnares Senior Land Use Technician /sn Administration (714) li2-8840, (714) 787-2020 11:38 Bi, DG 0OUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUXLDINO AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT ORADINO SECTION TO: PLANNING / GLO]~A CiUZHAN DATE: A 90 RE: PM 23430 AMENDED #2 APN: The information provided on this project did not include.a conceptual gra~Zn[ plan. However, lufflctlnt information wal supplied for us CO reccmmenC approval with the following conditions. Prior to commencinl ant IradinE in excess of 50 cubic 7Erda, the applicant shall obtain a Iradinl permit end approval to construct from the Suildinl and Safety Department. Grading in excess of 199 cubic yards will require performance securi=y to be'posted with the Buildinl and Safety department. NOTE: For the final gradinS plan, please provide the applicable informa~on from Building and Safety Departmen~ IradAnE forms: 284-120, 284-21. 284-88. and 284-46. These forms are available at the Building and Safety Depar~mc- offices. Case No.: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION December 3, 1990 Extension of Time, Parcel Map No. 23430 Prepared By: Steve Jiannino Recommendation: Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: Bedford Properties, Inc. J. F. Davidson Associates, Inc. First Extension of Time for Parcel Map No. 23430, an 9 lot Schedule E Parcel Map. Southwest corner of Ynez and Winchester Roads. C-P-S ( Scenic Highway Commercial ) North: C-P-S South: M-M East: R - R West: C- P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) ( Manufacturing - Medium ) ( Rural Residential) (Scenic Highway Commercial ) Commercial Center Under Construction North: South: East: West: Commercial Center Advanced Cardiovascular Systems Vacant 1-15 Total Acres: No. of Parcels: Minimum Parcel Size: 44.07 acres 9 parcels 0.6 acre Bedford Properties requested a Time Extension for Parcel Map No. 23430 on July 10, 1990, prior to the August 16, 1990 expiration date of the original map. The City was processing a revision to Parcel Map No. 23430 at the time of the Extension request. The STAFFRPT\PM23430 1 ANALYSIS: GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: FINDINGS: City Council approved Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. 1, and Plot Plan No. 2 for Palm Plaza on July 31, 1990. Confusion arose regarding the approval date of the map with its being transferred from the County. It was determined that the approval of the revised map did not extend the life of the original map and a Time Extension is required. The commercial center, as proposed in Plot Plan No. 2, is well under construction with shops already built and occupied. The Time Extension for Parcel Map No. 23430 and the ultimate recordation of the map will allow the major tenant, Mervyn's, etc., to own or long term lease the individual lots. This project is for the First Extension of Time for Parcel Map No. 23430 in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Law and Ordinance 460. Parcel Map No. 23430 is a commercial parcel map, Schedule E Parcel Map of 9 parcels on 44.07 acres. The commercial project for the site is under construction with some of the buildings already open for business. Parcel Map No. 23430 is a financing map of an approved and partially constructed commercial site. The commercial center and revised parcel map were reviewed and approved by the City Council July 31, 1990. The proposed Time Extension will extend the expiration date of the parcel map to August 16, 1991. The applicant is attempting to record the final parcel map prior to the end of the year. The Time Extension must be approved prior to recordation of the final parcel map. The City has adopted the SWAP as a land use guideline until a City general plan is adopted. The SWAP designation for the site is C (Commercial) with the current zoning being C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial). The proposed project is a commercial subdivision which conforms to both the SWAP and the current zoning for the site. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. S TA FF R PT\PM23430 2 10. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future and adopted general plan, if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan· The proposed use or action complies with state planning and zoning laws. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and density. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare· Parcel Map No. 23~130 is compatible with surrounding land uses. The harmony in scale, bulk, height, density and coverage creates a compatible physical relationship with adjoining properties. The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area· The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Negative Declaration adopted by the County for the project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the state map act in regard to the future passive energy control opportunities· Units have significant southern exposure which allows for passive heating opportunities· Deciduous landscaping can be utilized to allow solar penetration in winter and shading in SUmmer, The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed projects. STAFFRPT\PM23430 3 11. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applicants and herein incorporated by reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend tothe City Council: APPROVAL of the First Extension of Time for Parcel Map No. 23430 subject to the attached Conditions of Approval, based on findin9s contained in the Staff Report. RA:ks Attachments: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibits STAFF R PT\PM23430 4 DRAFT COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1990 COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to adopt Resolution No. -(next) concur to staff's recommendation that t summary s are likely to be consistent ~ The carried as follows: AYES: Blair, Fahey, Ford, / Hoagland, Chiniaeff GARY THORNHILL advised to discuss Item No. NOES: 0 [ERS: None \. \,, ~man the meetinc that the applicant wanted ht. CHAIRMAN item and therefore C] item that the Commissi >ved to continue the ere was no information in t ~nda package and had nothing to base a --On. CHAIRMAN ~ated that the Commission would like )tinue the y moved. MARKHAM stated that they would prefer that the C sion the item; however the Commission remained with their m0~on. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 3. EXTENSION OF TIME PM 23430 REVISED NO. I Proposal for the first extension of time for PM 23430 located at the southwest corner of Ynez and Winchester Road. STEVE JIANNINO provided the staff report on this item. CHAIRMAN CHINIAEFF opened the public hearing at 6:30 P.M. COMMISSIO,NER FAH~moved close the public hearing at 6:30 P.M. ~'~r~°~ i~ ension~ of Time for Parcel Map 23430, Revision No. 1, seconded by COMMISSIONER FORD and carried unanimously. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland, Chiniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 4. PLOT PLAN NO. 104 PCMIN12/3/90 -3- 12/7/90 ITEM NO. 12 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Engineering Department December 18, 1990 Final Parcel Map No. 23430 PREPARED BY: R ECOMMEN DAT I ON: Douglas M. Stewart That the City Council approve Final Parcel Map No. 23430 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Parcel Map No. 23430 was originally submitted to Riverside County Planning Department on January 27, 1988. The Parcel Map, Revised No. 1, Amended No. 2, was approved by the City of Temecula City Council on July 31, 1990. Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. 1, proposes to divide 44.07 acres into nine {9) commercial lots. The parcel map site is located west of Ynez Road and south of Winchester Road. This parcel map is part of approved Plot Plan No. 11222, Revised No. 2. The applicant is Bedford Properties, Inc. The following fees have been paid for Parcel Map No. 23430: Area Drainage Fee Stephen's K-Rat Fee (for Plot Plan No. 11222) Traffic Signal Mitigation $ 41,008.00 $ 79,911.00 $110,175.00 Improvements for this site have been completed to date. The following bonds have been posted for Parcel Map No. 23430. Streets and Drainage {1 Year Maintenance Only) Water (1 Year Maintenance Only) Sewer ( 1 Year Maintenance Only) Survey Monument Bond $ 80,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 9,636.00 STAFFRPT\ FPM2 3 4 3 0 1 FISCAL IMPACT: Not Determined. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Final Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. 1, subject to the Conditions of Approval. CH:ks Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. Development Fee Checklist Location map Copy of Map Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report STAFFRPT\FPM23430 2 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: Final Parcel Map No. 23~30 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation ( Qu imby ) Public Facility ( Traffic Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Traffic Signal Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Library ) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Approval Condition No. (Planning) 20 N/A N/A (Fees Paid) Condition No. 57 ( Transportation Engineerin9 Plot Plan Condition ) N/A Condition No. 12 (Planning) Condition No. 11 (Planning) STAFFRPT\FPM23430 3 ,1 II I PM 23430 LI t I CZ 46' | CP- SWAP ... . ... · .'."' . · .. .....".'... :.' · 15 :,-,:,',~ / I ii II Ii I I ~ ,_=,2y ..' /~.::, OICI 2-5 D A , , - cz too. ,-~. ,-,. R~ ~.,,4,~; /" ?~' ~' c T ' ~ -. .}~. ' j /- ~ ~...~-!6 D~/AC,' ,: · ~,, ~, · App. KAISER DEV, ELOPMENT COMP, ~ I IONAL MAP~ U~ 44,07 ACR,ES ~O 8 LOTS ~ ~ ~ . 515 wn ~ .' . . · I"- 800' ~/aE CO~ ~~/~$ O~AR~~ ,o sc.L~ el-/l-l-aLI MINUTE ACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA DATE: TO: MEETING OF= AGENDA ITEM No.: SUBJECT~ August 3, 1990 City of Temecula Planning Department July 31, 1990 Item 7 Plot Plan No. 2 - Related Case PP 11222 It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to approve staff recommendation as follows: 7.1 Approve Plot Plan No. 2, a revised permit for county Plot Plan No. 11222, based on the findings contained in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval as amended by the Planning Commission on July 16, 1990. 7.2 Approve Tentative Parcel No. 23430, Revised No. 1, based on the findings contained in the County Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of approval with the deletion of Road Condition #25. Condition No. 22, was changed to read, "as mitigation, the City engineering staff will monitor intersection traffic levels and the developer will pay for traffic directors when needed at the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the level of service at the intersection at current operational level." The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury, the forgoing to be the official action taken by the City Council at the above meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of August, 1990. JUNE'IS. GREEK, DEPUTY CITY CLERK [SEAL] Mayor Ron Parks Mayor Pro Tem Karel F. Lindemans August 29, 1990 CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, Califomia 92390 (714) 694-1989 FAX (714) 694 - 1999 Councilmembers Patricia H. Birdsall Peg Moore J. Sal Mu~oz Mr. Gregory A. Erickson Bedford Properties POBox 9016 Temecula, CA 92390 Final Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 2 (Revised Permit for Plot Plan No. and Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. I 11222) Dear Mr. Erickson: On July 31, 1990 the Temecula City Council approved the above referenced projects subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. The plot planpermit willbe valid for a period of two years, until July 31, 1992. Substantial construction of the project must be initiated prior to the expiration date. Theparcel map approval is valid for two years frc~ the original approval date, with extensions of time optional as provided in Ordinance No. 460. If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact the Planning Department at (714)964-6400 at your convenience. Sincerely, Gary Thornhill Planning Director GT:ks cc: Engineering Department CITY OF TEMECUIA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN NO. 2 (REVISED PERMIT FOR PLOT PLAN NO. 11222, AMENDED NO. 4) CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 7-31-90 EXPIRATION DATE: 7-31-92 PLANNING DEPARTMENT This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the original City approval date; otherwise it shall bec~e null and void and of no effect whatsoever· By this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on Plot Plan No. 2, or as amended by these conditions. e In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a period of one (1) year or more, this approval shall become null and void. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way, and shall c~ply with Ordinance No. 655. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with appr~ved landscape, irrigation and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancypermits. An autcumtic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten (10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty (30) inches. Prior to the issuance of building permits, a phasing plan for the shopping center must be s,,~w. itted and appruved to coincide with the appr~ved landscape plan. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant shall submit seven (7) copies of~ an 18.12 parking, landscaping, shading and irrigation plot plan to the Planning Department and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of Ordinanue No. 348. A min/mum of 2,406 parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of three (3) inches on four (4) inches of Class II base. -2- 10. 11. 12. 13. A minimum of 25 handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the approved plot plan. Each parking space reserved for the handlcapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a mintmum of height of 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than one { 1 ) inch in height, which clearly and conspicuously states the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning ." !n addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at lust three {3) square feet in size. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Environmental Health Riverside County Flood Control Fire Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. Screening material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Eighteen | 18| trash enclosures which are adequate to enclose a total of 18 bins shall be located within the project, and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Each enclosure shell be six feet in height and ahall be made with masonry block and · gate which screens the bins from external view. {Amended per Director's Hearing on 11/6/89| Landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet. Landscaping plans shall Incorporate the use of the specimen canopy trees along the freeways, streets, and within the parking areas. This projed site Is within a significant groundshaking zone. MItigation shall be the application of the proper Uniform Building Cede standards in the development of this project. 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to Issuance of · ny building permit by the Riverside County Department of Buildlng and Safety, · California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the Intended structure or building is safe end structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not Iimlted to, the site specific selsmic, geologic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. Twelve Class II bicycle rtcks shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bicycle access to the project ·re·. Prior to Issuance of building permits, perform·nce securities, In ·mounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of planrings, walls end fences in ·ccordance with the ·pproved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year shall be filed with the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to Issuance of occupancy permits, all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in · condition acceptable to the Director of building end Safety. The plants shall be healthy end free of weeds, disuse or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed end in good working order. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kv or greater, shall be Installed underground. Prior to the sale of any structure as shown on Plot Plan No. 2, · land division shall be recorded in accordance with Riverside County Ordinance No. 460 and any other pertinent ordinance. For use on projects located outside SKR study areas which contain occupied SKR Habitat: 1. Prior to the issuance of · grading or building permit: The Secretary of the Interior must have approved the Stephens~ K·ng·roo R·t H·bitat Conservation Plan and ·ny proposed taking of the SKR must be in compliance with the ·pproved Plan: be The Secretary of the Interior must have issued to the County, the Section 10(·) Permit required by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 end said Permit must be in effect: end A report, prepared by a biologist permitted by the U.S. Fish end Wildlife Service to trap the Stephensm Ken ·too Rat for scientific purposes, documenting the amount an3I quality of occupied Stephensm K·ngaroo R·t Habitat subject to disturbance or destruction must have been submitted to ·pproved by the Planning Director. 22. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fees set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as Implemented by County ordinance or resolution. FIRE DEPARTMENT With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection atanclards: 2S, 26, 27, 28. 29. 30. 31, The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance No. St~6. The existing water system per water improvement plan approved for Plot Plan No. 11222 will provide sufficient fire protection for the proposed project. Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow flow 1500 GPM or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within S0 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building{s). A statement that the building{s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. Install a supervised wateRlow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for ·pproval prior to Installation, as required by the Uniform Building Code. !n lieu of fire sprinkler requirements, building(s) must be area separated into square foot compartments, epproved by the Fire Department, as per Section 505 {a) of the Uniform Building Code. Install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. Install pertable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact · certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment, Prior to Issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $~413.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. -5- 32. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a check or money order equaling the sum of $.25 per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. This amount must be submitted separately from the plan check review fee. 33. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning end Engineering staff. HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan No. 2 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services are available in this area. Prior to building plan submittal, the following items will be requested: ~. "Will-serve" letters from the water and sewering agencies. Three complete sets of plans for each food establishment will be submitted, including a fixture schedule, a finish schedule, and a plumbing schedule in order to ensure compliance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT This is a proposal to construct a shopping center in Rancho California between Ynez Road and the freeway south of Winchester Road. The site is on relatively flat terrain between Santa Gertrudls Creek to the north and a large unnamed'wash to the south. Santa Certrudis Creek is contained by newly constructed facilities. The unnamed wash has capacity for perhaps a third of its 100 year peak flow rate of 1259 ds. The reinforced concrete box where the wash crosses North General Kearny Road is undersized. Large amounts of runoff from this wash will spill over onto an open field to the northeast of the subject property and join with runoff from a local watershed of 300 acres. These combined flows sheet across Ynez Road onto the subject property, Water ponds on the property as it seeks enough energy to pass through an existing 7~ wide x 3~ hlgh reinforced concrete box beneath Interstate 15. As the pond gets higher, some flow will outlet in a CalTrans interceptor channel toward more freeway culverts to the south. This projed proposes to intercept the sheet flows with a temporary offsite along the _-~__t side of Ynez Road and carry them to the box culvert under Ynez Road to the channel along the south side of this project, The applicant indicates that the pondlng elevation upstream of the freeway Is 10q3.7, end their project would not decrease the existing pond volume and that ell new buildings would be flood proofed to at least that elevation, -6- The County Board of Supervisors has adopted the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for the purpose of collecting drainage fees, Those fees are used to construct needed flood control facilities within the particular area. The Area Drairusge Plan fees apply to new land divisions and other types of development, Virtually ell new development causes increased storm runoff. These increases are particularly troublesome in those watersheds where an Area Drainage Plan has been Klopted. In order to mitigate the downstream Impacts brought about by Increased runoff, the District recommends that Conditional Use Cases, Plot Plans and Public Use Cases be required to pay a flood mitigation charge. Mitigation charges, where appropriate, will be similar to the current Area Drainage Plan fee rate. Following are the District's recommendations: 36. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The new development in this case includes · total of LIq acres. At the current fee rate of $1,970.00 per acre, the mitigation charge equals $86.680.00. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 37. The preservation of the 10q3.7 pond elevation should be proven with appropriate hydraulic and topographic information. The proposed Interim channel on the east side of Ynez Road should be constructed with the first phase of this project. The channel should have capacity to carry the storm runoff from the 300 acres. The &tl0 cfs breakout should also be carried unless upstream facilities have been ·pproved. Maintenance should be provided. 39° The RCB under Ynez Road end the channel along the south boundary of the project should have capacity to carry the 100 year peak runoff from its tributary area with full development assumed. If they do not have cap·city they should be enlarged or other measures should be taken. The onsite channel should be constructed to District standards Including those relating to design, alignment end access. If the District is to maintain the channel, the applicant will have to pay · maintenance charge. Onstte drainage facilities located outside of road right of wa should be contained within drainage easements. Drainage easements shall I~ kept free of buildings and obstructions. Offslte drainage facilities should be located within publicly dedicated drainage _&we.menU obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be recorded and · copy submitted to the DIstrict prior to the Issuance of permits. -7- A copy of the improvement plans and grading plans along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the District for review and approval to the issuance of grading or building permits. COUNTY GEOLOGIST We have reviewed the liquefaction aspects of your report entitled "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, 41 + Acre winchester Plaza Shopping Center, SWC of Winchester Road, and Ynez Road, Temecula, CA," dated April 14, 1989, and your response letter, dated, August 10, 1989. Your report determined that: There is a moderate liquefaction potential at the site for soils at depths between 20 and 40 feet. Approximately 1 to 3 inches of liquefaction-induced settlement might occur at the subject site. Your report recommended that: To mitigate the liquefaction potential of the site, the near-surface soils within proposed building areas should be removed to a minimum depth of 5 feet below the existing ground surface or 4 feet below the deepest footing, whichever is greater. Deeper localized removals to competent soils should be anticipated. Overexcavations should extend a minimum lateral distance of 5 feet beyond the outer edges of exterior footings. Prior to fill placement, the exposed soils should be scarified to · depth of 6 to 8 In and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction (ASTM D 1557). A 1-foot layer of gravel |1-112 in maximum aize| should then be placed in the bettom of the excavations and compacted to et least 90% relative compaction ASTM D 1557}, To mitigate the potential effects of liquefaction, continuous footings should be used for all proposed structures. Square footings may be considered but should be constructed as a combined or continuous footing. Two tq reinforcing bars placed in the top and 2 In the bottom of the continuous footings ere recommended to provide uniform support of the foundation system. A Structural Engineer should evaluate configurations end reinforcement requirements for combined footings, structural loads, shrinkage and temperature stresses, with special consideration given to the possible effects of liquefaction. The design structures should comply with the requirements of the governing Jurisdictions and standard practices of the Structural Engineers Association of California. -8- Foundation and grading plans should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer to assure conformance with the intentions of the recommendations contained in this report. It is our opinion that the report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the additional information requested under the California Environmental Quality Act review and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Final approval of the report is hereby given. The recommendations made in your report for mitigation of liquefaction potential shall be adhered to in the design and construction of this project. It should be noted that the recommendations for liquefaction mitigation made in this report supersede those made in County Geologic Report ~118, prepared by Leighton and Associates on October 16, 1985. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DRAINAGE The developer shall comply with the requirements of the City Engineer based on the recommendations of the Riverside County Flood Control District. The Development shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the City Engineer permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. ~|60 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the shall provide adequate facilities as approved by Engineering Department. All lots shall drain toward the street unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 50. All concentrated drainage directed toward the public street shall be diverted through undersidewalk drains. 51. A detailed drainage study will be required to be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. The study shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and shall include existing interim and proposed conditions, including Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations. GRADING 52. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit four (4) copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. 53. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit four (L~) copies of a comprehensive grading plan to Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these conditions of approval. The plan shall be -9- 55. 56. drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City maintained road right-of- way. The developer shall provide bonds and agreements, clearances from all applicable agencies, and pay all fees prior to the approval of the plans. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments, including median cuts. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 57. Prior to the issuance of building permits the developer shall deposit wi~h the Engineering Department a cash sum based on the current fee schedule as mitigation for traffic signal impact. 58. The developer shall be allowed to occupy 60% of the leasable area of the center prior to completion of the Winchester/Ynez traffic signal and Winchester Road improvements from 1-15 to Ynez Road. As mitigation, the City Engineering Staff will monitor intersection traffic levels and the developer shall pay for traffic directors when needed at the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the level of service at the intersection at current operational level. CITY OF TEMECUIA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REVISED TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: ORIGINAL EXPIRATION DATE: 7-31-90 8-16-90 The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430, REVISED PERMIT NO. 1, AMENDED NO. 2, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate' fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue .in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the County Road Commissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Riverside County Surveyor. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the City Department of Building and Safety. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 2 The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recomendations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated 2-14-90, a copy of which is attached. 10. The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. 11. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. 12. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined i the County Fire Department's letter dated 12-04-89, a copy of which is attached. 13. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmittal dated 12-13-89, a copy of which is attached. 14. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined i the Building and Safety Department: Grading Section's transmittal dated 10-12-89, a copy of which is attached. 15. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined County Geologic Report No. 418 update and in the County Geologist transmittal dated 8-15-89, a copy of which is attached. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 16. Lots created by this land division shall be in conformance with the development standards of the C-P-S zone. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP 17. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the following condition shall be complied with: A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SF~-RT CONDITIONS 18. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the Office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following notes shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. "The notice appearing in Section 6.a. of Ordinance No. 625, the Riverside County Right-to-Farm Ordinance, shall be place~ on the Environmental Constraints Sheet, with Lots No. 1 thru 9 identified therein, the manner provided in said Section 6.a., as being located partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of, land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes by the County of Riverside." "County Archaeological Report No. 1203 was prepared for this property on 3-28-88 by Christopher Drover, and is on file at the County of Riverside Planning Department." "County Biological Report No. 195 was prepared for this property in March 1988 by the Planning Center, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department." de "County Geological Report No. 418-update was prepared for this property on April 14, 1989 by Highland Geotechnical Consultants and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are as follows: liquefaction. "This property is located with thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the observatory. outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare." 19. The following note shall be placed on the final map: "Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. These constraints affect all parcels. 20. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying fees required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663. the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by City ordinance or resolution. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 4 21. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the City of Temecula Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR Le. Rov D. Smool lOAD COM,qt~;IONER & COI.'NTY S].'RVL~OR Februacy 14, 1990 -j~arru azT- -2-) r - i 9~0 CCX.%q'Y AD'4D',IS"TI~iTR'[ Cf..',TT_R K~,ILING ADORLSS PO ~OX tO'q,o (714) 71.'-655& Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: (Shopping Center) RE: PM 23430-Revised #1-Amend #2 Team 5 - SHD #9 AP #111-111-111-9 . *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 The Road Department has reviewed the traffic study for this project. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "C" on both Winchester Road and Ynez Road, based upon substantial improvement. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses states: 'A minimum of Level of Service "C" is necessary for any new Category II land use." As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service. The project proponent shall incorporate such demand programs as may be appropriate to comply with the goals and objectives of the Regional Mobility Plan and Air Quality Management Plan, including: a) design provisions to accommodate transit services; and b) Participation in regional corridor studies; all as approved and confirmed by the Road Co~Enissioner. Prior to the-issuanee-e~-an~--b~Fi-14ia~-Fcrmi~s~-recordation of the final map, the project proponent shall consult with and obtain clearance from the following agencies to assure compliance and coordinate with =he Regional Mobility and Air Quality Management Plans: a) Caltrans, District 8; b) The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD); c) The Riverside Transit Agency (RTA); and d) The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 COUNTY ADMFN1STRATIYZ CENTT. R, 4080 LEHON STRIIT, RIVT_RSrDE, CEORNIA 92501 PH 23430-Revised tl-Amend t2 aaReePy-ea~-~998 February 14, 1990 Page 2 * * 3. - Pr, t~x= -=~- - ~e - ~~e- - ee -anr - ~xz~)dt.n~/l=ermt=~; -a- - me~ham~e~ ~ -e3~~e- t~e -eenstTu~ ~ iorr v]~ - ' WiTm-~es trr - ~ - 4~ - - ~44~ima~e- - ~ - - ) er~ - ~-en(-i~uzat~crr - -between -~effnrrson- Ynez Road shall be constructed to a full width Urban Arterial standards, 134' right-of-way along the frontage of PM 23430· *5. The project proponent construct the traffic signals at the freeway interchange. This is necessary to attain a Level of Service The plot plan should delineate the future Apricot right-of- way as proposed by the developer for informational purposes. After a review of the Operation Analysis submitted for the proposed access points for the project, the Road Department's requirements shall be~ 7. Install the primary entry to the Palm Plaza project as a standard intersection with a signal midway between Winchester Road and Apricot Street. Install two additional driveways, one as a right turn in/right turn out located midway between Winchester Road and the primary entry, and the other located midway between Apricot and the primary entry. The southerly driveway shall have a channelized median operhing for left turn in only, as long as access rights are dedicated on the eastside of Ynez, except for two access points. The southerly opening shall not line up with the left turn in opening With respect referenced item, recommendations~ to the conditions of the Road Department approval for the above has the following Sufficient right of way along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) shall be conveyed for public use to provide for a 134 foot full width right of way. 10. Sufficient public street right of way shall be provided along Ynez Road to establish a 134 foot full width right of way including standard corner cutback. Developer shall dedicate to Riverside County all vehicular access rights along the east side of Ynez Road from Winchester Road, southerly to the south line of this project, with only two access points allowed. The two access points shall be~ (1) opposite the signalized entrance to this project; (2) north of (not altgning with) the southerly drive approach to this project. ,/ks amended at P.C. 2-14-90 *"As deleted at P.C. 2-14-90 PM 23430-Revised ll-Amend ~Z aan~a~y-~a~-~99g February 14, 1990 Page 3 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. Prior to recordation or any use allowed by this permit, and prior to doing any work within the State highway right of way, clearance and/or an encroachanent permit must be obtained by the applicant from the District 08 Office of the State Department of Transportation in San BerD^~dino. The project proponent shall enter into a written agreement with the County of Riverside and Caltrans District 08 to provide for the design and construction of signals and related facilities at the following intersections= a. Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities b. Winchester Road at Ynez Road Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 110 feet curb to curb and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 134 foot full width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 100A, including all necessary transitions as per Caltrans standards as approved by the Road Co~unissioner. The landdivider shall construct on Winchester Road and Ynez Road Commssioner. full width raised medians as approved by the Road Standard 35 foot curb return, cross access ramps shall be constructed Ordinance 461 where applicable. gutter, spandrel and in accordance with Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile exZending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a gTade and aligrunent as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Improvement plans shall include all traffic signal design plans as described in Condition #5 and 22. Major drainage is involved on this project and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Commissioner. ?M 23430-Revised ~l-Amend ~2 ~~/Z~/~990/February, 14, 1990 Page 4 19. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. 20. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. 21. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans. 22. All entrance driveways shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 50 feet measured from face to curb. 23. The primary interior driveways shall be kept free of all "back-on" parking. 24. Projects creating cut or fill slopes adjacent to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approved by the Road Department. 25. The developer shall be allowed to occupy 60% of the leasable area of the center prior to completion of the Winchester/Ynez traffic signal and Winchester Road improvements from 1-15 to Ynez Road. As mitigation, the City Engineering Staff will monitor intersection traffic levels and the developer shall pay for traffic directors when needed at the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the level of service at the intersection at current operational level. 25a. The traffic signal at the center driveway shall be constructed and funded by the developer with no credit applied towards developer's signal mitigation fees. 26. A striping plan is required for Winchester Road {State Highway 79) and Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. PH 23430-Revised tl-Amend 12 aan=aFy-~a~-~99G- February 14, 1990 Page 5 27. 9e 30. The applicant shall comply with the Caltrans recommend- ations as outlined in their letter dated July 11, 1989. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prior to recordation make application for and pay for their reapportionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district un/ess said fees are deferred to building permit. Prior to recordation, the Businessman's Association easements for legal access Comm~ssioner. applicant shall establish a to provide for reciprocal as approved by the Road Road Division Engineer County of Riverside TO: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. AT~NHENTAL FROM: DATE: December 6, 1989 HFALTH SPECIALIST IV RE: PARCEL MAP 23430, AMENDED NO. 2, REVISED NO. Environmental Health Services has reviewed Amended No. 2, Revised No. I dated November 17, 1989. Our current couaaents SH: tac ~ ]98~~ ' DE'C 0 8 ' ' ~ f,E.~ I'()H.%! 4,1(. - -', COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE '. DEPARTMENT ' Apr~ I 22, 1988 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. 4080 Lemon Street Riverside. CA 92502 Attn: Grog Neal IIJ, LTI Ill/Ill :OIOelA. C& Illl*l .mill ¢t.i11 OAlfl ITITfT ,ill ILIWHI Illel If&Ill N e&tll 11111 m~ffllrll RE:; Parcel Hap 23430; That portion of Lots llS and 116 of Temecula Land and Water Company in the County of R~verslde. State of California. as shown by map on fiJe In Book 8. F'aoe 359 of Maps, Records of San Diego County. Cal~forn3a (~ Lots) Gentlemen: The Department of Public Health has reviewed Tent. aLive Mar. No. 23430 and recommends that: A water system shall be Installed accord3r,9 to plans and specxficat~on as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prlndt~ of the plans of the water system slyall be submitted in triplicate, with a minimum scale not less than one ~nch equals 200 feeL. &Ion9 w~th the original drawinl to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the Internal pipe diameter, location or valves and rife hydrants; pipe and joint specifications, and the si=e or the main at the ~unctton or the new system to the existing system. The plans shall comply in all respects with Div. 5, Part 1, Chapter 7 or the California Health and Safety Code, California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 16. and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the StaLe of California. when applicable. Pzverstde County PZannxn9 Dept. Amended No. ?, qm.-, Page Two Attn: Greg Heal Aprxl 22. lg88 The plans shall be signed by i registered engineer and valet company with the following certification: certify that the design of the valet system in Parcel Nap 23430 is in accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Rancho California Water District and that the water service,storage and distribution system viii be adequate to provide water service to such parcel. This certification does not constitute a guarantee that it viii supply water to such parcel at any specific quantities, flows or pressures for fire protection or any other purpose" This certification shall be signed by a responsible o/ritual of the valet company. ~3_!_~!~! must be submitted to the Coun~Z_!g£y~gE~!_~/fice to review at least two v!~!_EEXor to the request for the_ recordation of the final maR. This Department has a statement from the Pancho California Water District agreeing to serve domestic vater to each and every lot ~n the subdivision on demand providing satisfactory fsnanc~al arrangements are completed vlth the subdivider. IL w311 be necessary for the financial arrangements to be made prior to the recordatlon of the final map. This Department has a statement from the Eastern Municipal ~ater District agreeing to alloy the subdivision sewage system to be connected to the severs of the Dlstrlct. The sever system shall be installed according to plans and specifications as approved by the District, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the pllns of the sever system shall be submitted zn triplicate. along v,th the original drawing, to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter. iocation of manholes, complete profiles. pipe and joint specifications and the size of the sewers at the junction of the new system to the existing system. A single plat indicating location of sever lines and water lines shall be a portion of the sewage plane and profiles. The plane shall be sigaed by a registered engineer and the sever district with the following certification: 'Z certify that the design of the se~er system in Parcel Hap 23430 is in accordance with the sewer system expansion plans of the Eastern Hunicipal Water District and that the vista disposal system Is adequate at th~s time to treat the antic~pated vistas from the proposed parcel." Rzvers~de County Planning Dept. Amended No. ~ ~ Page Three ATT'N: Greg Neal Apr2~ 22, Z988 ~F13~_~ans Dust be submitted to the ~9_~ev at least tvo vee~_~Zg£_~_~b~_~gg~st for the [~g&~n of the f~nal It vzll be necessary for/znancsal arrangements to be made przor to the recordaLton of the/inal map. ]tiviJJ be necessary for the annexation proceedings to be compieteJv f:na/:zed prior to recordat~on or the f:na! n, ap. S~ncerely. F, nvsronmentai Health Serv~ces SH:tac KENNETH I. EDWARDS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTR,OL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CAIJIrORNIA g2~O2 Riverside County Planning Department Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. ~ Planner ~.,~/~/~z~, Area: /~*~F~ ~ Re: We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicab)e r~les and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The District's report dated F- ~'~=~ is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~aveThe project will be been constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. OH!l H. Y, ASHUBA n~or t~vil Engineer~ DATE: K'.ZNNETH L. rDWARD~I CHl[lr [NQIIN[IR I lll MARKEl' ITRlrr P. O. 10se I011 TIZ..I~HONI (714) RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIV[RIID[, CALIIrORNIA IllOl August 3, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Gloria Maciel Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit This is a proposal to divide q4 acres into a 9 lot commercial subdivision in the Temecula area, on the southwest corner of Ynez Road and Winchester Road, and adjacent to Interstate The site is on relatively flat terrain between Santa Gertrudis Creek to the north and a large unnamed wash to the south. Santa Gertrudis Creek is contained by newly constructed facilities. The unnamed wash has capacity for perhaps a third of its lO0 year peak flow rate of 1250 cfs. The reinforced concrete box where the wash crosses North General Kearny Road is undersized. Large amounts of runoff from this wash will spill over onto an open field to the northeast of the subject property and join with run- off from a local watershed of 300 acres. These combined flows sheet across Ynez Road onto the subject property. Water ponds on the property as it seeks enough energy to pass through an exist- inE 7' wide x 3' high reinforced concrete box beneath Interstate 15. As the pond gets higher, some flow will outlet in a Caltrans interceptor channel toward more freeway culverts to the south. This project proposes to intercept the sheet flows with a tem- porary channel offsite along the east side of Ynez Road and carry them to the box culvert under Ynez Road to the channel along the south side of this project. The applicant indicates that the pondthE elevation upstream of the freeway is 1043.7, that their project would not decrease the existing pond volume and that all new buildings would be flood- proofed to at least that elevation. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Hap 23~30 Revised Permit - 2 - August 3, 1989 Following are the District's recommendations: Thi~ parcel map is located within the limits of the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board. Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provi- sions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Drainage fees shall be paid to the Road Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shal) be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel map; provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 -year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on that parcel which remain active· The preservation of the 1043.7 pond elevation should be proven with appropriate hydraulic and topographic information. The proposed interim channel on the east side of Ynez Road should be constructed with the first phase of this project· The channel should have capacity to carry the storm runoff from the 300 acres. The 640 cfs breakout should also be carried unless upstream facilities have been improved. Maintenance should be provided. The RCB under Ynez Road and the channel alone the south boundary of the project should have capacity to carry the lOO year peak runoff from its tributary area with full development assumed. If they do not have capacity they should be enlarged or other measures should be taken· Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit - 3 - August 3, 1989 The onsite channel should be constructed to District standards including those relating to design, alignment and access. If the District is to maintain the channel, the applicant will have to pay a maintenance charge. Offsite drainage facilities should be located within publicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be re- corded and a copy submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easement's shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". A note should be put on the environmental constraint sheet stating, "Finished floors of buildings shall be constructed above elevation 1043.T". A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted to the District via the Road Department for review and approval prior to recorda- tion of the final map. Grading plans should be approved prior to issuance of grading permits· Questions concerning this matter may be referred to the Subdivi- sion section of this office at 714/~87-2884. / Ver y/ _ , e ' r Civil Engineer cc: 1) J. F. Davidson Associate . 2) Rancho California Development Co. KF:bJp iUvmak CA tlEOt PLA~qXJaQ Dr~AIZ~aINT Arflh (~LDLT. A KACZF. L LI'VZEID PLRCEZ, ZtA.P 23430 - A,HZ~E.D 12 With rampmet to the coMicions of approvLL for the abrve referenced la~d division, abe Fire DeparCmenZ teaseneeds the folioviaI fire protection meam~aree be provided: J.Q motordance ~Ch ~vmrside County Ordinances ~/or raceSaimed ~ire protection ee~lrdll The racer malts shall be capeble o~ preyidea8 a potential fire few of ~000 GFH and an actual firs flow Iveilablm ~rom any one hydrant shall be 2000 ~FH for ho~zs duration at 20 FIX residual operactq pressure. Appreysd luper fire hydranca~ (6"x&"x2-2|") shall be located at each corset LEesreactiOn and spiced not more chin 330 feet apere in any direction, rich no poreion of any lee frontelm mote then 165 lest from · fire hydrant. Applicant/developer chill furnish on, copy of the rarer system plans to the /ira Daparemmnt for rl~ov. FXmJIs shall conform to firs hydrant cTpee, location ami apeciq, end, the system shall meeg the fire fXw requirements. Flan8 shall be eilued/apprrved by a relicfeted civil anSiriser and the local vator cmmpany vtth the follcrrJ. q csrtiftaaciont '! certify Chit the domain of the vetor lyetam is-in accordmuss rich the requirements prescribed by the liverside Connay Firm Dept." The required refer ayeEra includla$ fire hydrants shell be teecalled end accepted by the eppFopriaCa racer qency prior to azry combustible buildtel material beans pl&Ged on an Ledevades/lot, AAX questions relardtztl the uaautq of the condiatoms chill ba referred to the Fire Doperesent ~lma~tq and ~eer~ st~f. aiYNOSD a, its C~i. ef Fire D~.partsmnt Planner lure Kantwell, Fire Seasty Sp.ecisllst Administrative Center, 1 777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 December 13, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Gloria Guzman County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Parcel Map 23430 - Revised, Amended #2 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. The site is located in a special studies zone -- G-418. Lot configuration shall conform to site development of PP 11222. Very truly yours, Robert C'i'nares~ ' Senior Land Use Technician /sn Administration (714) 682-8840, (714) 787-2020 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT GRADING SECTION TO: FROM: DATE: APN: FEBRUARY 6,~90 PM 23430 AMENDED The information provided on this project did not include.a conceptual lradini plan. However, sufficient information was supplied for us to recommend approval with the tollowin2 conditions. Prior to commencin2 any lrading in excess of 50 cubic yards. the applicant shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Gradinl in excess of 199 cubic yarde will require performance securi%F be'posted with the Building and Safety department. NOTE: For the final gradinS plan, please provide ~he applicable informatXon from Building and Safety Department gradinS forms: 284-120, 284-21. 284-88. and 284-46. These forms are available at the BuildinS and Safety Departmc- offices. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 (AGENDA ITEM 3-3 -Tape 3A, 3B) PARCEL MAP NO. 23430, REVISED NO. 1, AMENDED NO. 2 - EA 34048 - Bedford Properties, Inc. - Rancho California Area - First Supervisorial District - west of Ynez Rd and south of Winchester Rd - 9 lots - 44.07± acres - Schedule E Hearing was opened at 2:32 p.m. and was closed at 3:02 p.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 34048 and approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised Permit No. 1, Amended No. 2, based on the findings and conclusions listed in the staff report. The applicant proposes to divide 44.07 acres into 9 commercial lots located west of Ynez Road and south of Winchester Road. The site, which is currently vacant, is zoned C-P-S. Surrounding land uses are conmercial uses, light manufacturing uses, a pasture and vacant property. Surrounding zoning is C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20 and M-M. The project site is located within the Southwest Area Community Plan and is designated as Commercial, therefore, the proposal is consistent with the Plan. Staff added the following three findings as follows: 6. There is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied by the City of Temecula or which will be studied within a reasonable time by the City of Temecula. 7. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the City of Temecula's future adopted General Plan if the project is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. 8. The project complies with all other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances. Staff amended the Conditions of Approval by deleting Condition No. 17, as there are no trees on the site at present. Further, staff deleted Condition No. 21 regarding the ECS note on trees as that condition is no longer needed. Commissioner Turner asked if a plot plan was previously approved by the Director for this proposed parcel map. Staff advised that there was an approved plot plan with conditions. Staff advised that the conditions for the plot plan are basically the same as for the parcel map, however, there was no menti on of trees. Larry Toerper, Road Department staff, said that the conditions of approval for the plot plan require the project proponent to construct a 134 foot street, with more lanes along the frontage and the intersection than required of the Toyota dealership (CUP 3076}. Therefore, the conditions of approval for the plot plan and parcel map would more than provide for the frontage. The project would improve Ynez and the intersection of Ynez and Winchester, and would also signalize both ramps at 1-15 and Winchester as well as the main entrance to the shopping center, located about half way down Ynez. Mr. Vickers asked whether the conditions for this map the same as imposed on the plot plan, and Mr. Toerper said yes. 32 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 Commissioner Donahoe referenced item 3 of the Road Department's letter dated January 23rd, and Mr. Toerper recommended deleting Item No. 3, as the full width construction of Winchester is not required. There have been discussions about a regional center going in on the southeast corner of Winchester and Ynez, and that would require the widening of the bridge and of Winchester. There are no submittals as yet for the regional center. Staff advised that a specific plan has been submitted. Commissioner Beadling asked where the "hang up" was that they are not requiring everyone to pay into that big intersection. Mr. Toerper said that, hopefully, there will be a road improvement district formed to fund things like the overpass. By its very nature, bridges and overpasses are not part of frontage requirements. The Road Department is starting a program to bring many road improvement districts to the Board to institute, and to have someone start paying for them. He said that a one year program will reflect a lot of the things these traffic studies are pointing the need for. TESTIMONY OF PROPONENT: Greg Er. ickson, Bedford Properties, said that they support the Toyota project (previous case) as they felt that it would benefit the city through sales tax and also the Mello Roos District, which is pending. The property to the east is also owned by their company and they plan on developing a regional mall, hotels, office buildings, restaurants, etc. They are processing a specific plan, an EIR, and associated studies in order to build that project. He said that Bedford has been working for a long time with the Road Department and Caltrans to try and resolve some traffic problems. They came in with a traffic study that showed a minimum level of improvements which they agreed to provide and, through the Road Department, they plan to provide additional improvements over and above what is required by this project. The existing Assessment District No. 161 will help alleviate the congestion at that intersection and overcrossing at least for a couple years. Mr. Erickson said that there are a couple long range problems, such as the widening of the Winchester Road overcrossing and the construction of the Apricot overcrossing. They need benefit districts to provide for those improvements. The Mello Roos District, which has been adopted by the County and is now before the City of Temecula, can provide funding for the Apricot overcrossing. All their plans are in various stages of plan check. Commissioner Turner said that the Apricot overcrossing would be located at the bottom of the project. Mr. Erickson indicated on the exhibit where the Apricot overcrossing would go, and said that the right of way would be split 50-50 between their property and the adjacent property owner (A.C.S.). They acquired the right of way on the west side. A.C.S, through a business agreement, agreed to the right of way for Apricot, and are coming in with a plot plan demonstrating that in the near future. Mr. Erickson said that the traffic studies were done to provide for Level of Service {LOS) "C" or "D," depending upon land use, and this traffic study was 33 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 c'onditioned to provide a LOS "D." This project has conditions to provide two lanes each way on Ynez without turn pockets, a signal at Winchester and Ynez, and a signalized road crossing. In addition to those improvements, they realize that as a major development in the area, future traffic can cause a lot of problems, and they are sensitive to that issue. To meet those concerns, they are widening Ynez to a 134 foot right of way, which allows for six lanes, with the help of an assessment district. They will provide for double left turn pockets on Winchester and Ynez into the shopping center, and will signalize the overcrossing. They are working on right of way for Apricot and will set back the buildings voluntarily in order to provide room for a loop ramp, which would be required. Their timing is planned in order to get this project going later this year. He did not know if the Toyota project will be successful in having their conditions waived, but he would appreciate their cooperation in helping them get applicable encroachment permits and so forth. Commissioner Turner asked the timing on the Assessment District. Mr. Erickson said that Assessment District 161 was formed by selling Series B bonds. If the bonds do not come through in time, they will do upfront funding through a letter of credit and be reimbursed by the bonds. That would take care of Winchester Road. Ynez Road will be funded through developer funds as will the Winchester overcrossing. Apricot has been included within the existing Mello Roos District approved by the County, but that still needs to be approved by the City. If the city approves the District, then they will have the Apricot overcrossing built some time in the future. Caltrans has not given their approval, and that will probably take about two years to get. However, with the first phase of the Mello Roos District, they will fund the design and engineering, then hope to build the overcrossing in the second phase. Assessment District 161 includes the Winchester overcrossing, so that can be improved. Lacking those two, they can form a bridge benefit district, which they are doing with Rancho California Road. Commissioner Turner asked Mr. Erickson if they had any suggestions regarding the Toyota project. Mr. Erickson said they could meet with the proponents and let them know what their schedule is. Everything is now in plan check, but working with Caltrans takes a long time. Mr. Erickson said he had some questions regarding the Road Department letter, first page, item 2. He was not familiar with that condition and asked that that it be modified to make it consistent with this parcel map request by stating, prior to the recordation of the parcel map. He requested that the Road Department assist them in their attempts to meet those conditions, as they were concerned about the timing. He asked that item 5 be amended to read LOS "D" rather than LOS "C". Item 6 has already been explained (Apricot overcrossing). Ed Studor, Road Department staff, said in reference to item 2 that the South Coast Air Quality Management District is becoming more and more involved with projects and the Road Department is 1 ooking for a letter from them regarding whether they have any comments or concerns. This site is within the service 34 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 area of the Riverside Transit Agency. The population is growing in this area and, therefore, this site would be a candidate for RTA services in the future. The Riverside County Transportation Commission is expressing more and more interest in projects that have an impact on regional facilities. Commissioner Turner said that it does not say that they are looking for input or conments, but rather clearance fron those agencies. He asked if some of those people would have the ability to shut down this project. Mr. Studor said that the Road Department is looking for any additional requirements that those agencies may wish to impose, and added that Caltrans has the ability not to issue a permit. Mr. Erickson said that he had no problem with Caltrans, but he did with the others. He does not know how long it would take those agencies to respond, as they may not be set up to provide clearances. Mr. Richards explained that the Southwest Area Plan set up two tiers of special policies regarding transportation and circulation. The first tier is all the physical improvements necessary. The second tier, in order to get to an acceptable level of service, is all the operational kinds of things that occur with respect to transportation management, such as car-pooling associations, etc. What is happening is that, technically, under SWAP, this parcel map should have been transmitted to those agencies initially. In an effort to move this along, the Road Department suggested requesting a clearance rather than having to transmit to those agencies at this time. Under SWAP, those are legitimate clearance agencies. Mr. Erickson said that it will take time before this item gets to the City Council, therefore, they can investigate this condition. As this is a parcel map, they would like the condition to read, "prior to recordation" rather than "prior to issuance of building permits." They already have an approved plot plan and they will be trying to pull building permits soon. Mr. Toerper said that the only issue he sees would be if they tie this to recordation of the parcel map, and not to the building permits, and any of those agencies have requirements that may require even a slight redesign of the plot plan or some accommodation, then how would that be addressed if the building permits have been issued and construction started. Mr. Vickers said if Bedford pulls the parcel map, they can still build on this site, as they have an approved plot plan. This is a financing parcel map so that they can divide up and sell off the lots. He suggested changing that condition to read prior to recordation of the parcel map.. Mr. Toerper concurred. He added that Item 5 can be amended to read Level of Service "D," and that Item 6 could stay. Mr. Studor advised that a new Road Department letter will be issued with today's date. Commissioner Donahoe said that she was curious about the parcel map lines, in particular the jagged lines. Mr. Erickson explained that each parcel has to have parking for its own use. Commissioner Donahoe referred to Parcel 4, and Mr. Erickson said that he believed that that jog was in error. There was no one else who wished to comment. The hearing was closed at 3:02 p.m. 35 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. 1, Amended No. 2, proposed to divide 44.07 acres into 9 ccmmercial lots in the Rancho California Area; the site is currently vacant; surrounding land uses include commercial uses, vacant land, a pasture and light manufacturing uses; the site is zoned C-P-S; surrounding zoning includes C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20 and M-M; the site is located with the Southwest Area Community Plan; the land use designation is C (Commercial); environmental concerns include liquefaction and flooding hazards and impacts to farmland, Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat and Scenic highways; there is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied by the City of Temecula or which will be studied within a reasonable time by the City of Temecula; there is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the City of Temecula's future adopted General Plan if the project is ultimately inconsistent with the plan; and, the project complies with all other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances. The proposed project is consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan within the Comprehensive General Plan and Ordinance 460; is compatible with area development; and, will not have a significant effect on the environment. MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Donahoe, and unanimously carried, the C~mmissi on r~commended to the City of Temecula adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 34048, ~nd approval of Tentative Parcel Map NO. 23430, Revised Permit No. 1, Amended No. 2, subject to the conditions of approval as amended this date, and based on the above listed findings and conclusions. 36 Zoning Area: Rancho California First Supervtsortal District E.A. Number 34048 Regional Team No. 5 PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Planning Conmnisslon: 2-14-90 Agenda Item No. 3-3 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 1. Appl lcant: 2. Engt neer/Rep.: 3. Type of Request: 4. Location: 5. Existing Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: s Area Characteristics: Comprehensive General Plan Designation: 10. Land Division Data: 11. Agency Recommendations: 12. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: Bedford Properties Inc. J.F. Davidson and Associates To divide 44.07 acres into 9 commercial lots. West of Inez Road, and South of Winchester Road. C-P-S C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20, The site is currently flat and vacant with dry grasses. Commercial uses, a pasture and vacant. Southwest Area Community Plan (C) Commercial Land Use: Category II Open Space/Cons: Areas not Designated as Open Space Total Acreage: 44.07 Total Lots: 9 See letters dated: Road: 1-23-90 Health: 12-06-89 Flood: 12-06-89 Fire: 12-04-89 Bldg. & Safety- Land Use: 12-13-89 Grading: 10-12-89 County Geologist: 8-15-89 Opposing/Supporting: None received Within City of Temecula's city ltmtts ANALYSIS: Pro;lect Descrtptto. Tentative Parcel Hap No. 23430, Revised No. 1, Amended no. 2 is an application to dtvtde 44.07 acres tnto 9 comerctal lots tn the Rancho California area. The stte ts located west of Inez Road and south of WInchester Road. PARCEl MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Staff Report Page 2 Land Use and Zontng: The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include commercial uses to the north, vacant land and a pasture to the east, light manufacturing uses to the south and various commercial and industrial uses to the west across 1-15. The site is zoned C-P-S. Surrounding zoning includes C-P-S, to the north, R-R and A-2-20 to the northeast and east, M-M to the south and the 1-15 freeway to the west. Comprehensive General Plan: The project is located within the Southwest Area Coenuntty Plan. The land use designation is C {Commercial}. The established zoning on the property conforms with the proposed land use designation for this area, and therefore this project is consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan and with the Comprehensive General Plan. Environmental Assessment: The initial study conducted for Environmental Assessment No. 34048 indicated liquefaction and flooding hazards, impacts to local important farmland wildlife and the 1-15, an Eligible State Scenic Highway. All of these concerns or impacts have been mitigated to an level of non-significance which will be implemented through the conditions of approval. FINDINGS: 1. Tentative Parcel Nap No. 23430, Revised No. 1, Amended No. 2 proposed to divide 44.07 acres into 9 commercial lots in the Rancho California Area. 2. The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include commercial uses, vacant land, a pasture and light manufacturing uses. 3. The site is zoned C-P-S. Surrounding zoning includes C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20, and M-Ft. 4. The site is located with the Southwest Area ConmNntty Plan. The land use designation is C (Co,merctal). 5. Environmental concerns include liquefaction and flooding hazards and impacts to farmland, Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat and Scenic highways. PARCEL RAP NO. 23430 REVISED PEI~IT NO. 1 MENDEDDNO. 2 Staff Report Page 3 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed project ts consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan wtthtn the Comprehensive General Plan and Ordinance 460. 2. The proposed project is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. RECOR4ENDATIONS: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 34048 based on the findings that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVAL of TENTATIVE PARCEL FlAP NO. 23430, REVISED PERleIT NO. 1, AMENDED NO. 2 based on the ftndtngs and conclusions found within the staff report and subject to the attached conditions of approval. GG:sc 1/23/90 ! PM 23430 t VAC VAC · !' LAND USE VAC. CZ 4490& PASTURE :,'-=-~\ . i ~1 , I/ // / I · %=,,,,Y / VAC · .:.,: :..:'::' . 'II'DUSTRIAL CZ 4691 E ~oo~ M~ANUF. .-4 I · 1 ""/ CZ 14 I) · I ,.../' VAC· U/C · App. KAISER DEVELOPMENT "Zej,'J~ i U}C,~'iO, AL cap Use 44.07 ACRES INTO 8 LOTS ' I ~ *~ 'Nee RANCHO CALIFORNIA Ist Sup.~st. ' I · / 5ec. 35 T. 7 5.,R.3~ ~esw's lk. 910 ~. 13 I ~ * ~e~ C~ulotMnWlNCH~ R~ UR~N ~IAL I10' ~ '~ ],,~ &, ~ FR~AY V~IABLE .. · 23430 ~XIS'T:iNG Z'~)'~ING I 3 , // / M-,~ I-P / /I R-R // /~ 'Ii /I I i/ · ~ ,__...;,Y CZ 46SO& RIIR .. ......... ...../ · :: '.:.': ::,..:.'. M-~ A-2-20 =i R-2 M-M , · 1/ P J~,, ..... l'd~:k'~ER DEVELOPMENT COMP. U>C,,T~ONAL Use 44.07 ACRES INTO 8 LOTS i Atecl RANCHO CALIFORNIA IstSup. 01st · · el ,I"' · ; I"=~ ' 800" .'Wl/E'/iSfZ:~" CCXJVT')r.4:~L,4NN/N6' el'3"t'l - JLI """ r- e~ I( /., TIMi'CU'-A 0 I v: k Ri~aD " e. 3W- R. 2W- RO;D CLA$StF|CATION FLARNIRG COI~ISSION HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 14, 1990 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTIqERT CORDITIOIIS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE PARCEL RAP NO. 23430, REVISED PEle!IT RO. 1, AHEIIDED RO. 2 The subdivider shall defend, Indemnify, and hold harmless the County of RIverside, tts agents, officers, and employees from any clatm, actton, or proceeding agatnst the County of RIverside tts agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, votd, or annul an approval of the County of RIverside, tts advtsory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning TDITATZVE PARCEL IIAP RO. 23430, REVZSED PERIqZT NO. 1o ENDED NO. 2, whtch actton ts brought wtthtn the ttme pertod provtded for tn California Government Code Sectton 66499.37. The County of Riverside wtll promptly nottry the subdivider of any such clatm, actton, or proceeding agatnst the County of RIverside and wtll cooperate fully tn the defense. If the County fatls to promptly nottry the subdivider of any such clatm, actton, or proceeding or fatls to cooperate fully tn the defense,' the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, Indemnify, or hold harmless the County of RIverside. The tentative parcel mp shall confom to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E unless modtfted by the conditions 11sted below. Thts approved tentative parcel map wtll exptre two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provtded by Ordinance 460. The ftnal map shall be prepared by a registered ctvtl engtneer or l(censed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Hap Act, RIverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the publlc and shall conttnue tn force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers, All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the County Road Commissioner, Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner, Easements, ~hen requtred for roadway slopes, dratnage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shmm on the ftnal map tf w'ithtn the land dhtston boundary, All offers of dedication shall profide for nonexclusive publlc road and uttltty access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the RIverside County Surveyor. Legal access as requtred by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel mp boundary to a County mtntatned road. TENTATZVE PARCEL MAP MO. 23430 REVZSED PERMZT NO. 1 AHENDED NO. 2 Condtttons of Approval Page 2 7. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. 0. 18 28 4. 5. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the County Department of Building and Safety. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement reconmendatlons outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated 1-23-90, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated 12-06-8g, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control Dlstrict's letter dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. The subdivider' shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated 12-04-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmittal dated 12-13-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the reconmendattons outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Sectton's transmtttal dated 10-12-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the reco,mnendattons outlined County Geologic Report No. 418 update and in the County Geologist transmittal dated 8-15-89, a copy of which is attached. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERleIT NO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 16. Lots created by this land dtvtston shall be In conformance with the development standards of the C-P-S zone, 17. All existing trees on the subject property with a trunk diameter greater than four (4) inches shall be preserved. Removal shall be at the discretion of the Planning Director. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FIliAL MAP 18. Prior to the recordation of the Final Nap, the following condition(s) shall be complied with: a. A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET CONDITIONS 19. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the Office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following note(s) shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. a. "The notice appearing in Section 6.a. of Ordinance No. 625, the Riverside County Right-to-Farm Ordinance, shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet, with Lots No. I thru 9 identified therein, in the manner provided in said Section 6.a., as being located partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of, land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes by the County of Riverside.' *County Archaeological Report No. 1203 was prepared for this property on 3-28-88 by Christopher Drover, and is on file at the Riverside County Planntng Department. "County Biological Report No. 195 was prepared for this property in March 1988 by the Planntng Center, and ts on ftle at the RIverside County Planning Department. TENTATIVE PARCEL ~ RO. 23430 REVZSED PERMZT leO. 1 AMENDED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 4 1. de "County Geological Report No. 418-update was prepared for this property on April 14, lg89 by Highland Geotechnical Consultants and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are as follows: liquefaction. ee · This property is located with thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare." The following note shall be placed on the final map: 'Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. These constraints affects all parcels. The Environmental Constraint Sheet shall delineate the eucalyptus trees and oak tree near the intersection of Highway 79 and Ynez Road as indicated in County Biological Report No. 195. A note shall also be placed on the E.S.C. Sheet stating: 'No surface alteration or removal of trees shall occur in the delineated area. Relocation or replacement of these trees is subject to the approval of the Planning Oirector." Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologic and geotechntcal conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measdres must be demonstrated. GG:sc 1/23/90 OFRCE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR II - ! · If / LeRoy D. Smoot ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR February 14, 1990 -Jafraar~ -2-3' ; - ~t g'~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTT. R ~t~.ILfNC, ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 1090 RIVERSIDE. CAMFORNIA 92502 (714) 787-6554 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: (Shopping Center) RE: PM 23430-Revised #1-Amend #2 Team 5 - SMD #9 AP #111-111-111-9 *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 The Road Department has reviewed the traffic study for this project. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "C" on both Winchester Road and Ynez Road, based upon substantial improvement. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses states: "A minimum of Level of Service "C" is necessary for any new Category II land use." As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service. The project proponent shall incorporate such demand programs as may be appropriate to comply with the goals and objectives of the Regional Mobility Plan and Air Quality Management Plan, including: a) design provisions to accommodate transit services; and b) Participation in regional corridor studies; all as approved and confirmed by the Road CommisSioner. Prior to the -~se~,3aue-e~-~y--b~-14iR~-~--~e~- recordation of the final map, the project proponent shall consult with and obtain clearance from the following agencies to assure compliance and coordinate with the Regional Mobility and Air Quality Management Plans: a) Caltrans, District 8; b) The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD); c) The Riverside Transit Agency (RTA); and d) The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER · 4080 LEMON STREET · RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 PM 2343G-Revised #1-Amend #2 danuaPy-a8~-~gee February 14, 1990 Page 2 Ynez Road shall be constructed to a full width Urban Arterial standards, 134' right-of-way along the frontage of PM 23430. *5. The project proponent construct the traffic signals at the freeway interchange. This is necessary to attain a Level of Service ~E .... D". The plot plan should delineate the future Apricot right-of- way as proposed by the developer for informational purposes. After a review of the Operation Analysis submitted for the proposed access points for the project, the Road Department's requirements shall be: 7. Install the primary entry to the Palm Plaza project as a standard intersection with a signal midway between Winchester Road and Apricot Street. Install two additional driveways, one as a right turn in/right turn out located midway between Winchester Road and the primary entry, and the other located midway between Apricot and the primary entry. The southerly driveway shall have a channelizedmedian opening for left turn in only, as long as access rights are dedicated on the eastside of Ynez, except for two access points. The southerly opening shall not line up with the left turn in opening With respect referenced item, recommendations: to the conditions of the Road Department approval for the above has the following Sufficient right of way along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) shall be conveyed for public use to provide for a 134 foot full width right of way. 10. Sufficient public street right of way shall be provided along Ynez Road to establish a 134 foot full width right of way including standard corner cutback· Developer shall dedicate to Riverside County all vehicular access rights along the east side of Ynez Road from Winchester Road, southerly to the south line of this project, with only two access points allowed. The two access points shall be: (1) opposite the signalized entrance to this project; (2) north of (not aligning with) the southerly drive approach to this project. *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 **As deleted at P.C. 2-14-90 PM 23430-Revised #l-Amend #2 aeeuePy-aa~-~gge February 14, 1990 Page 3 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Prior to recordation or any use allowed by this permit, and prior to doing any work within the State highway right of way, clearance and/or an encroachment permit must be obtained by the applicant from the District 08 Office of the State Department of Transportation in San Bernardino. The project proponent shall enter into a written agreement with the County of Riverside and Caltrans District 08 to provide for the design and construction of signals and related facilities at the following intersections: a. Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities b. Winchester Road at Ynez Road Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 110 feet curb to curb and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 134 foot full . width dedicated right of way in accordance with County{' Standard No. 100A, including all necessary transitions as per Caltrans standards as approved by the Road Commissioner. The landdivider shall construct on Winchester Road and Ynez Road Commissioner. full width raised medians as approved by the Road Standard 35 foot curb return, cross access ramps shall be constructed Ordinance 461 where applicable. gutter, spandrel and in accordance with Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Improvement plans shall include all traffic signal design plans as described in Condition #5 and 22. Major drainage is involved on this project and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Commissioner. PM 23430-Revised #1-Amend #2 ~a~a~y-~8~-~ggg--February 14, 1990 Page 4 19. 21. 22. 23. 25a. 26. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. All driveways shall County Standards improvement plans. conform to the applicable Riverside and shall be shown on the street All entrance driveways shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 50 feet measured from face of curb. The primary interior driveways shall be kept free of all "back-on" parking. Projects creating cut or fill slopes adjacent to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approved by the Road Department. The project proponent shall be responsible for the design and construction of signals and related facilities at the locations listed below. Said signalized locations shall be operational prior to occupancy of any development projects: a. Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities b. Winchester Road at Ynez Road c. Ynez Road at center driveway The above shall be designed and constructed at no cost to any government agency. Should the project proponent request reimbursement from the signal mitigation fund (except for location "c"), it shall be made to the Board of Supervisors or governing agency and subject to their approval. The traffic signal at the center driveway shall be constructed and funded by the developer with no credit applied towards developer's signal mitigation fees. A striping plan is required for Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. PM 23430-Revised #1-Amend #2 aenuaPy-~-~g9~- February 14, 1990 Page 5 28. 29. 30. The a~licant shall comply with the Caltrans recom~end- atione~'as outlined in their letter dated July 11, 1989. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Con~issioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict Only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prior to recordationmake application for and pay for their reapportionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building permit. .Prior to recordation, the applicant shall establish a Businessman's Association to provide for reciprocal easements for legal access as approved by the Road Commissioner. Road Division Engineer nT:Jw County of Riverside TO: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. DATE: December 6, 1989 Ai'TN' Clo ia Mac el '~ISONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST IV FEOM: RE: PARCEL MAP 23430, AMENDED NO. 2, REVISED NO. 1 Environmental Health Services has reviewed Amended No. 2, Revised No. 1 dated November 17, 1989. Our current conmnents SM: tac ~ .~ : GEN. FORM 4. (Re.. ~'~T~ RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. 4080 Lemon Street RIverside. CA 92502 Attn: Grog Neal 41M$I. ~a IIIdl ~IDIO. C,I l/Ill .All ILIIINI litIt Is&lie ~ .Al~ ILIa$1D$~ C~ Iflll fALl 'All lelmGL ~ Illil lit eKeT$ e~- ~ :f~lll. CA RE; Parcel Map 23430; That portion of Lots llS and 116 of Temecula Land and Water Company in the County of RIverside. State of California, as shown by map on/lie in Book 8. F'aqe 359 of Maps, Records of San Diego County. California (~ Lots) Gentlemen: The DeDartment of Public Health h/~4 revolved Tent. aLIve MaF. No. 23430 and recommends that: A valor system shall be ]nat&lied accordmr, g to plans and specification as approved by the water' company and the Health Dep&rtment. Permanent prlndts of the plans of the water system sl~a]l be submitted in trmplicate. vsth a minimum scale not less than one ~nch equals 200 feet. along with the original drawing to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter. location of valvel and fire hydrants; pipe and ]oint specifications, and the mi~e of the m&zn at the junction or the new eymtem to the existing system. The plans shall comply in all respects with Div. 5. Part 1. Chapter 7 the California Health and Safety Code. Administrative Code. Title 22. Chapter 16. and General Order No. 103 or the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. when appl3cable. Rivers&de County Planning Dept. Amended No. ~ ~ Page Two Attn: Greg Neal April 22, 1988 /The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and water company with the/oilowing certification: "! certify that the design of the water system in Parcel Hap 23430 is in accordance with the veter system expansion plen; of the R&ncho Californi& Weter District end thet Lhe veter servlce,storege and disLrZbution system viii be edequete to provide water service to such pertel. This certificetion does not constitute E gu&rentee thet it viii supply valet Lo such parcel at any specific quantities, flows or pressures for fire protect&on or any other purpose". This certification shall be signed by · responsible officiaZ of the water company. _Tli_~_9~ans must be submitted to the Co~D~y_~[vevor's Off.ice to review at JeesL Lvo weeks_~Z~[_~o the request for the recordatZon of the Final ~. This Department has · statement from the Rzncho California ~ater District agreeing to serve domestic weter to each end every lot in the subdivision on demand provsd:ng satisfactory f:nanc:aJ arrangements &re completed w~th the subdivider. It will be necessary for the fznanc:aJ arrangements to be made prior to the recordarson of the final map. This Department hem & statement from the Eastern Hunic:Da/ Water Dlstr~ct agreeing to allow the subdivision sewage system to be connected to the sewers of the D~strict. The sewer system shall be installed according to plans ~nd specifications as approved by the Dsstrzct, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the p/ins of the sever system shall be submitted in triplicate. along with the origin&/draving, to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diEmeter, Jocetion of sanholes, comp/ete profiles, pipe and ~oint specifications 84~d the s~ze or the severs a~ the 3unction of the new system to the existing system. A singie p/it indicating location of sever lines and' water/ines sh&ii be · portion or the sev·ge pl·ns and profllel. The pl·ns shEiX be s~gRed by E registered engineer ·nd the sever district with the following certification: 'Z certify that the design of the se~er system in Parcel Hap 23430 is in &ccord·nce with the se~er system expansion plans of the ~stern Hunicipa! Veter Distr~ct End thet the veste disposal system ss adequ·te at th~s time to treet the antitapered v·stes from the proposed Rxvers2de County Plann:ng Dept. Amended No. ~ em,,, Page Three ATT~l: Greg Heal Aprxl 22, lg88 irl3_~_~i&ns must be subm:tted to the County. Survey~Ei~_Q££i~ to revmev !5 least two_weeks ~r~or to the r~ffi~ for the r_e!Eordat&on of the f~nal_~!R. It v21I be necessary rot rznanclal arrangements to be made przor to the recordat~on o~ the ~nal map. IL~v]l] be necessary [or the annexam:on proceedings to be completely/~nalized przor to recordat~on of the f~nal ~,ap. S~ncerely. E',nv~ronmental Health ,qerv~ces SM:tac e tggS MARKET S')'REET P.O. BOX 1033 TELEPHONE: (714) 787-2015 FAX N0. ('714) 788ogg65 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CAUF'OIINIA g2502 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. :~' Planner ~.~/,; (~4u=-,~/ Are a: ;/~-~F~ uz ~ Re: We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 1B inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable rGles and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. v/' The Dtstrtct's report dated ~- ~'(JP~ is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements i~av/hbtenproject will be constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. ,'OHN H. KASHUBA Civil Engineer DATE: KENNETH I,. EDWARDS gMIIF INelNIIR Illl MARKEr ITIIErr P. O. BOX IOII TILl:PHONE (711) 717-1OIS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERIIDE, GALIIrORNIA 1llOl August 3, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Gloria Maciel Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit This is a proposal to divide 44 acres into a 9 lot commercial subdivision in the Temecula area, on the southwest corner of Ynez Road and Winchester Road, and adjacent to Interstate The site is on relatively flat terrain between Santa Gertrudis Creek to the north and a large unnamed wash to the south. Santa Gertrudis Creek is contained by newly constructed facilities. The unnamed wash has capacity for perhaps a third of its 100 year peak flow rate of 1250 cfs. The reinforced concrete box where the wash crosses North General Kearny Road is undersized. Large amounts of runoff from this wash will spill over onto an open field to the northeast of the subject property and Join with run- off from a local watershed of 300 acres. These combined flows sheet across Ynez Road onto the subject property. Water ponds on the property as it seeks enough energy to pass through an exist- 1rig 7' wide x 3' high reinforced concrete box beneath Interstate 15. As the pond gets higher, some flow will outlet in a Caltrans Interceptor channel toward more freeway culverts to the south. This project proposes to intercept the sheet flows with a tem- porary channel offsite along the east side of Ynez Road and carry them to the box culvert under Ynez Road to the channel along the south side of this project. The applicant indicates that the pondtng elevation upstream of the freeway is i043.7, that their project would not decrease the existing pond volume and that all new buildings would be flood- proofed to at least that elevation. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit - 2 - August 3, 1989 Following are the District's recommendations: This parcel map is located within the limits of the Murrieta Creek/Temeeula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board. Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provi- sions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Drainage fees shall be paid to the Road Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shall be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel map; provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on that parcel which remain active· The preservation of the 1043.7 pond elevation should be proven with appropriate hydraulic and topographic information. . The' proposed interim channel ,on the east side of Ynez Road should be constructed with the first phase of this project. The channel should have capacity to carry the storm runoff from the 300 acres. The 6qO ors breakout should also be carried unless upstream facilities have been improved. Maintenance should be provided. The RCB under Ynez Road and the channel along the south boundary of the project should have capacity to carry the 100 year peak runoff from its tributary area with full development assumed· If they do not have capacity they should be enlarged or other measures should be taken. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23q30 Revised Permit -3- August 3, 1989 The onsite channel should be constructed to District standards including those relating to design, alignment and access· Ir the District is to maintain the channel, the applicant will have to pay a maintenance charge· Offsite drainage facilities should be located within publicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be re- corded and a copy submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note should be added 'to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". A note should be put on the environmental constraint sheet stating, "Finished floors of buildings shall be constructed above elevation 1043.7". A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted to the District via the Road Department for review and approval prior to recorda- tion of the final map. Grading plans should be approved prior to issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this sion section of this office matter may be referred to the Subdivi- M y~r s, H. KASHUBA · ~enior Civil Engineer 1 ) J F. Davidson Assdciate~ Inc · elt · 2) Rancho California Development Co. KF:bJp 12/12~2~ 15=1~ RIUEI~IDE COUNTY FIE DEPTO. P. 82 bdkCAfttOt 4010tmmlbe~lebltt thudk CA mot ~te JLTTMt Gi MACilL litI IIVXIID PASTEL NAP 23130 - AKnmED t2 With tempest to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the rite Department toomuds the folXovinl fire protection meatdrew be provided :Ln ascotdance trXth I~Lverside County Ordinances and/or tocsinlead fire protection standardas lZll raOTIC2'ZC81 The Mater man abel1 be aspable of prowidthS a potential fire flow of 5000 gPH and an actual fire flow available from ~ny one hydrant shall be 2000 OPl4for hours duration It J0 ~lZ restdual ~eratiq pressure. Approved mupar firs hydrants, (6"x4"x2-2|w) shell be located ec each street intersection and spaced mot more than 330 feet apart in any d/reotiou, with u~ portion of any lot frontale more than 163 feet frou a firs hydrant. ippXicautldeveXoper oh&iX furnish one espy of the valor eFstem pZm to the rite Department for review. rlano shall e~o~ to fire hydrut c,ee, l~atlon ~ opa~tM, a~, ~e lyeto e~Z Met the fire {Zw requireunto. Plm be o~ud/appr~ed bY a reStstored etvll e~lnor ~ the Zeal valor ~th the rolX~ tortClimactic "Z eert~f7 c~t the deoip of the ~ter b ~ a~cot~l ~Cb gb tequtrmutl primerChad by t~ ~vermide ~uuCl Fire ~t.w The required water mrstam iucludinl fire hydrants shelA be installed mad accepted by the appropriate water Qemcy prior to fi7 ooubuecihte bulldin8 mteriaX betuS phoed nasa tndivtdu~ lot, question ralardXn8 the uemttu8 of the soudillon shall be referred to the Department ,lmmtn8 and hathscriM staff. C~tef rife b. parumut rimmet lutt Manall, ~ lafety II~.cifl4mt Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 December 13, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Gloria Guzman County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Parcel Map 23430 - Revised, Amended #2 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. The site is located in a special studies zone -- G-418. Lot configuration shall conform to site development of PP 11222. Very truly yours, Senior Land Use Technician /an Administration (714) 682-8840, (714) 787-2020 82/86/98 11: 38 BLDG ~ SAF*ETY RDM I H I STRAT I OH P. 03 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT GRADING SECTION TO: FROM: DATE: RE: APN: FEBRUARY 6 PM 23430 AMENDED #2 The information provided on this project did not include · conceptual grading plan. HoWever, sufficient information was supplied for us to recommend approval with the followinS conditions. Prior to commencing ant fredinS in excess of 50 cubic ~erds, t~e applicant shell obtain a fredinS permit end approval to construct from the Building and Safet~ Department. Grading in excess of 199 cubic ~ards will require performance securit~ to be'posted with the BuildinS and Safer7 department. NOTE: For the final grading plan, please provide the applicable information from Building and Safet~ Department grading forms: 284-120, 284-21,284-88, and 284-48° These forms are available at the Buildin8 and Safet~ Department offices. k, STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 N BERNARDINO, CA 92402 ..) (714) 383-4609 GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor July 11, 1989 Development Review 08-Riv-15-6.62 Your Reference: TPM 23430 REVISED Planning Department Attention Ms. Gloria Maciel County of Riverside 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Dear Ms. Maciel: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 located at the southeast intersections of Interstate 15 and Winchester Road in the Rancho California area. Please refer to the attached Development Review Form which documents Caltrans' requirements for this project. Conformance with these conditions is required for issuance of an Encroachment Permit. If any work is necessary within the state highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit from the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office prior to beginning work. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Thomas J. Neville at (714) 383-4384. Very truly yours, Original Signed T. J. Ileville H. N. LEWANDOWSKI District Permits Engineer Att. CALTRANS (Your Reference) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FORM Date Plan checker (Co Rte PM) WE WOULD LIKE TO NOTE: Construction/~lition within present or proposed State right of ~ay should be investigated fgr potential baynrdous ~aste (asbestos, petrcr_hen~cal.% etc.) and mitigated as per require~_nts of reguiatory agencies. WIden plans are submitted, please conform to the requirements of the attached '}[~ndout". l]nis will expedite the review process and time required for Plan Check. Although the traffic and drainage generated by this proposal do not appear to have a significant effect on the state highly system, consideration must be given to the cLm,]ative effect of continued develc~.nt in this area. Any ,~ures necessary to mitigate th~ ctm~alative in~t of traffic and drainage sba] ] be provided prior to or with development of the area that necessitates them. It appears that tJ~ traffic and drainage generated by this prop~] could have a significant effect on the state highway system of the area. Any m~sures m~cessary to mitigate the traffic and clrainage in~ts sl-mll be irr_luded with the develo[mant. ,~ This portion of state highway is included in the California [~Lster Plan of State Highways Eligible for Official Scenic Highway Designation, and in th~ future your agency my wish to have tj~is route officially designated as a state scenic highway. llnis portion of state highway has been officially designated as a state scenic hig~y, and develo[m~n_t in this corridor should be cc~tible with the scenic hig~y concept. It is recognized dmt there is considerable public car_ern about noise levels adjacent to heavily traveled highways. land developrent, in order to be cc~tible with this car_ern, may require speri~l noise attenuation m~q~res. Developnent of property should include any nec___~ry noise attenuation. WE REQUEST THAT THE ITEMS CHECKED BELOW BE INCLUDED IN THE.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THIS PROJECT: / Normal right of way dedication to provide ~ohalf-width on the state highway7~ o Normal street improvements to provide half-width on the state highwayl~o Curb and gutter, State Standard ~ along the state highway. Parking shall be prohibited along the state highway by painting the curb red and/or by the proper placement of "no parking" signs. / radius curb returns be provided at intersections with the state highway. A standard wheelchair ramp must be provided in the returns. A positive vehicular barrier along the property frontage shall be provided to limit physical access to the state highway. Vehicular access shall not be developed directly to the state highway. Vehicular access to the state highway shall be provided by existing public road connections. Vehicular access to the state highway shall be provided by__ driveways. standard t Vehicular access shall not be provided within _~_~ of the intersection at .r-15 Off VeJaicnl~r ac_c~ss to t~ state highway ~11 be provided by a road-t)~e connection. Vehicnlar access connections shall be paved at least within the state ~hioJ~ay right of ~y. ~ Access points to tJ~ state highray ~Lll be developed in a m~nner that will provide sioJ~t distance for ~ mph along the state hi~vay. landscaping along the state high'~y shall be low and forgiving in nature. A left-turn lane including any ~ · Consideration shall be given to tt~ Drovision, or future provision, of signaJi y~tion and lighting of the intersection of ~'~.~ ~,~ t~ and the state highray. A traffic study indicating on- and off-site flow patterns and volunes, probable impacts, and proposed mitigation ml_,~qures sba]l be prepared. Adequate off-street parking, which does not require backing onto the state higrmay, shall be provided. Parking lot shall be developed in a marm~_r that will not cause any vehic, fi~r nDvement conflicts, including parking stall entrance and exit, witJ~in of the en~ from the state highray. Handicap ~rking shall not be developed in the busy drive~ey mtrance are~. Care s~l I be taken v~m developing this property to preserve and perpetuate the existing drainage pattern of the state highway. Partio,lar consideration should be given to cunulative .incressed storm runoff to insure that a tLi~y drainage problen is not created. Any necessary noise attenuation g~,~l l be provicK.od as p~rt of the developrant of this property. Pl~qse refer to attachex] additional comments. WE REQUEST: A copy of any conditi~ of approval or revised approval. A copy of any doctments providing additional state highway right of ~ey upm recordation of the rap. WE REQUEST THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW DURING THE APPROVAL PROCESS: Any propo~]s to further develop this property. A copy of d~ traffic or enviro~nemtal study. A check print of the Parcel or Tract ~hp. A check print of the Plans for any improvements witJ~in the state high~ey right of ~ey. A dF_k print of the Grading and Drainage Plans for tJ~is property ~m av~ ]able. Date: May 26, 1989 08-Riv-15-6.619 (Co-Rte-PM) FTPP l1222/Winchester Plaza (Your Reference) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 1. Future plan submittal must delineate State Right-of Way boundaries. 2. Plans must show existing and proposed grading (off/on site). 3. Contours must be legible. Due to an increasing demand for development within this area, Caltrans requires each development to mitigate its share of drainage runoff. Due to the magnitude of this proposal and the construction explosion (residential, commercial), the developer should contribute to all state highway improvements necessaryto maintain the existing traffic flow patterns. In addition, we recommend that this development participate in the "Winchester Properties Assessment District No. 161" to mitigate its impact on state highways. .. The above comments represent a preliminary review (conceptual review) only. It is presumed that once the above comments have been addressed, application for a permit will be made in the usual manner. At that time, a complete plan package should be submitted for review. If you have any questions regarding Caltrans permit procedure requirements, please call Mr. Bruce Gregg at (714) 383-4501. STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 TDD (714) 383~4609 April 4, 1988 GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Development Review 08-Riv-15-6.62 Your Reference: TPM 23430 Planning Department Attention Mr. Greg Neal County of Riverside 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Dear Dear Mr. Neal: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed TPM 23430 located at the southeast intersection of Interstate 15 and Winchester Road in the Rancho California area. Please refer to the attached material on which our comments have been indicated by the items checked and/or by those items noted under additional comments. If any work is necessary within the state highway right of way, the developer must obtain an encroachment permit from the Caltrans District 8 Permit Office prior to beginning work. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Patrick M. Connally at (714) 383-4384. Very truly yours, Ori.clinal Signed H, N. Lewandc~wt;k. H. N. LEWANDOWSKI District Permits Engineer Att. cc: Lee Johnson, Riverside County Road Department DEVELOP~NT REVIEW FORM ~//"' /~" ~C~Rt~e PM) (~r Re~erenee) WE WOULD LIKE TO NOTE: Although the ~ drainage generated by this proposal do not appear to have a significant effect on'the state highway system, consideration must be given to the cumulative effect of continued development in this area. Any measures necessary to mitigate the cumulative impact of ~- ~' i i drainage should be provided prior to or with development of the area that necessitates them. It appears that the traffic and drainage generated by this proposal could have a significant effect on the state highway system of the area. Any measures necessary to mitigate the traffic and drainage impacts should be included with the development. This portion of state highway is included in the California Master Plan of State Highways Eligible for Official Scenic Highway Designation, and in the future your agency may wish to have this route officially designated as a state scenic highway. This portion of state highway has been officially designated as a state scenic highway, and development in this corridor should be compatible with the scenig highway concept. It is recognized that there is considerable public concern about noise levels adjacent to heavily traveled highways. Land development, in order to be compatible with this concern, my require special noise attenuation measures. Development of property should include any necessary noise attenuation. WE RECO~4END: 0~/~o~ 7F Normal right of way dedication to provide ~7 half-width on the state highway. / Normal street improvements to provide ~_half-width on the state highway. Curb and gutter, State Standard/q2-F along the state highway. Parking be prohibited along the state highway by painting the curb red and/or by the proper placement of "no parking" signs. .L _JL radius curb returns be provided at intersections with the state highway. A standard wheelchair ramp must be provided in the returns. A positive vehicular barrier along the property frontage be provided to limit physical access to the state highway. Vehicular access not be developed directly to the state highway. Vehicular access to the state highway be provided by existing public road connections. Vehicular access to the state highway be provided by __ driveways. standard Vehicular access shall not be provided within of the intersection at Vehicular access to the state highway be provided by a road-type connection. Form 8-PD19 (Rev. 5/87) (Continued on reverse) ,X Vehicular access connections be paved at least within the state highway right of way. Access points to the state highway be developed in a manner that will provide sight distance for mph along the state highway. Landscaping along the state highway be low and forgiving in nature. A left-turn lane, including any necessary widening, be provided on the state highway at '~~ /~O ~f/ · Consideration be given to the provision, or future provision, of signalization and lighting of the intersection of y~Z/~ ~ and the state highway. A traffic study indicating on- and off-site flow patterns and volumes, probable impacts, and proposed mitigation measures be prepared. Adequate off-street parking, which does not require backing onto the state highway, be provided. Parking lot be developed in a manner that will not cause any vehicular movement conflicts, including parking stall entrance and exit, within of the entrance from the state highway. Handicap parking not be developed in the busy driveway entrance area. Care be taken when developing this property to preserve and perpetuate the existing drainage pattern of the state highway. Particular consideration should be given to cumulative increased storm runoff to insure that a highway drainage problem is not created. Any necessary noise attenuation be provided as part of the development of this propert,y. Please refer to attached additional comments. WE WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE: A copy of any conditions of approval or revised approval. A copy of any documents providing additional state highway right of way upon recordation of the map. WE WOULD LIKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW DURING THE APPROVAL PROCESS: Any proposals to further develop this property. A copy of the traffic or environmental study, if required. A check print of the Parcel or Tract Map, if required. A check print of the Plans for any improvements within the state highway right of way, if required. ~ A check print of the Grading and Drainage Plans for this property when available. .,.-__-.~:, ._.,_.= r=~.. ~,~ 6763385 P.82 RIVERSIDE TRANSJT AGENCY 182.5 THIRD STREET, RIVERSK3E CA 92507-3484 · BUS. (714) 884.0850 FAX [714) 684-1007 May 24, 1990 Ms. Brenda Wahlerr Bedford Properties 28765 Single Oak Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Regarding: Parcel #23430 Dear Brenda: Please forgive the delay Of this letter. The Riverside Transit Agency {RTA} has reviewed site maps for parcel number 23430 w(th Bedford Properties. The locations of proposed transit amentties has been agreed upon and n_o further action by RTA- is deemed necessary. RTA appreciates the cooperation of Bedford Properties. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, Jim Stoffer Planner JS:sda 0 5 1990 May 3, 1990 Ms. Barbara Walhart Bedford Properties P.O. Box 755 Rancho California, CA 92390 RE: Palm Plaza Commercial Development Traffic Impact Study Dear Ms Walhert: First of all I must apologize for the length of time this exercise took but we were never notified by the County of Riverside that we would be requested to "approve" traffic studies. However, the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), as a single purpose transportation agency, has a vested interest in Riverside County's transportation infrastructure. At this time, the RCTC is involved with the refinement of a regional transportation model which will be used to assist in the assessment of alternative improvements to improve the highway transportation system in Riverside County. As you may be aware, the RCTC is the administrative/implementing agency for the Riverside County Measure "A" program (1/2 cent transportation sales tax). In approximately one year, the refinement of the transportation model (RIVSAN Model) will be complete. In addition to our application of the model on major highway improvements, we are encouraging local governments within Riverside County to use the model in assessing transportation impacts of both residential and commercial development. We also intend on applying the model to assist local government agencies develop their respective Congestion Management Plans as required under AB 471. Of particular interest to RCTC is the impact of the various developments on commute (home to work and work to home) trips. As you are aware, the significant growth of the past decade has burdened our highway system beyond an acceptable level of service. It appears that this growth trend will continue for years to come and our efforts must be directed toward providing the most cost effective and efficient transportation improvements as possible. In assessing commute trips, we are interested in the cumulative impact of development on our county-wide highway infrastructure. For example, if there is a residential housing development of 500 units or more, lets say in Temecula, we are interested in the impact of "regional commute trips" which would be originating from the proposed development. In other words, will commute trips originating from the development increase the traffic load on 1- 215, 1-15 Route 91 or Route 60?, and if so what are its consequences and how should we accomodate the increased load? This raises questions as to whether or not consideration of a uniform traffic mitigation fee, as is being applied to development in the Coachella Valley, would be applicable and appropriate in Western Riverside County. In terms of the commercial nature of the Palm Plaza Development, the RCTC understands the relative impact of these developments to assist in containing the growth of traffic impacts on the regional system. This is true if employment opportunities are created for Riverside County residents. Thereby, on an incremental basis reducing the demand on the regional highway system. In reference to the Palm Plaza Commercial Development traffic impact study, I engaged the assistance of Mr. Tom Horkan who is a traffic engineer with the Bechtel Corporation and he made a generalized assessment of the study as being adequate. However, there were several constructive comments made in his critique of the study that I think you and your management group may find useful in improving the quality of consultant work you engage in the future. o o On page 4 of the study it mentions that daily traffic volumes and P.M. peak hour volumes have been estimated for the local intersections. It appears that the traffic counts identified were collected from various sources, either from field counts, Caltrans, or the County Road Department. From a best practice stand point, it is desirable to explicitly state where counts were taken, where they were estimated, and when they were factored from older counts (as well as the source(s) of the older counts. This will contribute towards improving the accuracy of the current study as well as preventing future studies from using inaccurate traffic counts. Also stated is that certain intersections, in the A.M. and P.M. peaks are operating at a level of service "D or worse". It is better practice to state the level of service each intersection is operating at because there is a significant difference, as well as, differing implications of intersections operating a level D or level F. Growth in the area is stated as being 14% but it is not defended. There is no information provided that demonstates this is no more than a guess. This growth rate appears to be representative of the current situation. However, documentation would further add to the study's credibility. The study should include an existing conditional analysis for intersection level of service using existing volumes and existing lanes. O The A.M. analysis should follow consistently with P.M. analysis throughout the study. Although the site trip generation is less during the A.M. peak hour the A.M. background may be significantly higher than the P.M. peak hour. Therefore, the addition of A.M. trips to an overburdened road system could create significant problems. Table 4 includes numbers that do not match the analysis sheets in the Appendix. Intersections 1 and 2 have incorrect ICU values for Pre-Project Conditions. The mitigation section of the report is not clear as to what the study is recommending (improvements) the project proponent (developer) to do. An executive summary of the study recommendations would be most helpful. In other words the summary should explicitly state what improvements the developer should perform for the implementation of the project. In addition, the summary should describe the traffic conditions in the study area after all improvements are performed and taking into account all other improvements committed by other projects in the surrounding area. Finally, this study does not address impacts to the regional highway system beyond the sections of 1-15 adjacent to the site. The project is estimated to add 1,800 trips to the highway north of Winchester Road and 1,500 trips to the freeway south of Winchester Road (the volumes are both direction totals). Given the generalized nature of development in the Temecula area being residential, this commercial development might have the affect of reducing trips generated from this area to or through other parts of the county because of job development and the creation of local retail facilities. I hope you will benefit from this critique and apply it to future traffic impact analyses in the future. We must understand that the interests of both the RCTC and the developers are really quite similar. The RCTC is trying to provide transportation improvements which will improve service to the residents and visitors of the County as well as contributing to improving the quality of life and the environment. The developers desire projects which offer improved quality of the life as well as value to the purchasers of their products. In conclusion, after reviewing the Palm Plaza Traffic Impact Study, staff of the RCTC find it acceptable. Should you have anyquestions please call Hideo Sugita of my staff at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, tor CC: Ed Studor, County of Riverside Gary Moon, SCAG Inland Area Office Frank Aleshire, Interim City Manager City of Temecula Kay Ceniceros, Chairman RCTC October 8. 1988 6TE Calffornta Incorporated 1500 Crafton Avenue - 8ox 1-18 Hentone, CA 92359 In Reply Refer To Parcel Hap 23430 First American Title Insurance Company P. O. Box 988 Riverside. CA 92358 ATTENTION: Hal Thomas: Please be advised that, pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 6G438(c)(!), 6TE California Incorporated hereby waives its right to object within thirty (36) days after recelpt of the fine1 map of Parcel Nap 23430 to the recording of said map so that said map may be earlier recorded without its signature only on condition that failure of said public utility to object to recording the final map without its signature shall in no way affect its right under an easement or otherwise. The division and development of the property shown on the final map will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easement held by 6TE California Incorporated within the boundaries of said map. Very truly yours, TIM AVILA Right of Way Agent REAL PROPERTIES AND ADMINISTRATION Southern Ca/iforn/a Edison Company P. O. BOX 410 1OO LONG BEACH BOULEVARD LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA 9080'1 Riverside County Road Department P. O. Box 1090 Riverside. CA 92502 Attention: Subdivision Section Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 September 9. 1988 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easement(s) held by Southern-California Edison Company within the boundaries of said tentative parcel map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights. title and interest in and to said easement(s). nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of any costs for relocation of affected facilities. In the event that the development requires relocation of facil- ities, if any. on the subject property by right of easement or otherwise, the owner/developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are required prior to the performance of the relocation. If additional information is required in connection with the above mentioned subject. please call Mike Robertson at (213) 491-2828. Very truly yours. R. P. ROSSEL Relocation and Distribution L/13353/mrr21 cc: First American Title Insurance Company CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP / TRACT NO. 23d30 DATE 12/10/90 ] MPROVRMKNT,q FAITHFUL PERFO~67{ SECIII{IU MATERIAl, & LABOR SECq3RITY' Street~ Water TOTAl, *Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) Monument Security Inspection Fee: (Offsite Improvements) Fee paid to date (Credit) Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs Total Inspection Fees Due RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signalization Mitigation Fee - SMD ~ Road and Bridge Benefit Fee STEPHENS K-RAT FEE $ 90,000.00 $ 9,636.00 $ ~ $ 482.00 m 482.00 $ 41 008 00 , 116,17~.00 $ 79,911;00 ITEM NO. 13 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT.' CITY OF TEMECUI. A A GENDA REPORT City Council City Manager December 18, 1990 Appointment of Alternate to WRCOG PREPARED BY: Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek RECOMMENDATION: Appoint a member of the City Council to serve as the alternate voting delegate to the Western Riverside Council of Governments. BACKGROUND: Councilmember Birdsall has been serving as the City of Temecula's alternate to the Western Riverside Council of Governments. At a recent meeting she requested that another Councilmember be appointed to this position. jsg CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS PUBLIC COMMENTS A GENDA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 18, 1990 - 8:00 PM DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks, Birdsall Introduction of Parks Maintenance Superintendent CSD BUSINESS 1. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of December 4, 1990 as mailed. Public Facilities Reservation Fee Policy RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt the Public Facilities Reservation and Fee Policy which includes eliminating fees for daily non-evening park usage and categorizing utility fees based upon the type of user group. Sx~orts Park Ball Field Lightin~l Project, Phase II RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve Phase II of the sports Park Lighting System Project. This includes retrofitring the existing lights on the north and south fields, and rehabilitating the existing lights on the upper south soccer/football field in Sports Park. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: January 8, 1991, 8:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD DECEMBER 4, 1990 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:05 PM, President Birdsall presiding. PRESENT: 4 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Moore, Parks, Birdsall ABSENT: 1 DIRECTORS: Mu~oz Also present were City Manger David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field and June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CSD BUSINESS 1. Sports Park Lighting System Project Shawn Nelson, Director of Community Services, reported the proposed Sports Park Lighting System Project is Phase One of the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Plan, which would alleviate the overcrowded situation at the Sports Park. He explained the plan would involve lighting an additional field, bringing the total to three lighted fields in the Rancho Vista section of Sports Park. He stated that a revised Sports Park master calendar for 1991 was prepared and presented to the Temecula Sports Council who unanimously approved the revised 1991 master calendar. He reported that on November 26, 1990, the Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously approved and recommended for Board approval, the installation of the lights at Sports Park. He stated an environmental assessment has been completed by City Planning, with a negative declaration given to the project, and all property owners within a 1,000 foot radius were notified concerning this public hearing. Mr. Nelson stated he had received two letters concerning the project; one concerned with the noise level and one requesting that the lights be turned off at 10:00 PM. Mr. Nelson reported that in terms of operation of the lights, the City will be in compliance with County Ordinance 655, and the Palomar Lighting District and every attempt will be made to have the lights turned off by 11:00 PM. Mr. 4\CSDMIN\I 20490 -1 - 12/12/90 CSD Minutes December 4, 1990 Nelson recommended the board approve this project and authorize staff to advertise formal bids. Director Parks asked if these lights would be shielded from the surrounding residential area. Mr. Nelson answered that Musco, has an excellent product and introduced Brent Marchetti to describe the type of lights being proposed. Councilmember Lindemans asked if the neighbors were notified. Mr. Nelson answered that notices were mailed to approximately 250 surrounding residents, and every effort was made to notify residents. Brent Marchetti, Musco stated the design of the lighting system addresses light spill, glare light and the upper glow of the light. He stated this system will minimize all three areas by location of the poles, mounting heights of the poles for proper aiming and a reflector system that redirects the light back on the field. He reported this system cuts out 95% of the glare and spill light. Director Parks asked how this system compares to the existing lighting at Sports Park. Mr. Marchetti stated this system is 90% more efficient. Councilmember Lindemans suggested refitting the existing lights now instead of at a later time. Mr. Nelson stated he did not want to delay the current project, but stated this project will be researched as a part of the capital improvement plan for the upcoming year. Councilmember Lindemans requested that staff move ahead with the research for retro-fitting these lights, possibly before year end. Director Parks stated that since lights are already existing at these facilities, restrooms and other concerns may be a more urgent need. Mr. Nelson reported that a conceptual plan for Sports Park is being developed and the types of developments needed, and their priorities will be addressed. President Birdsall opened the public hearing at 8:15 PM. Michael Medaris, 30601 Moontide Court, representing the Starlight Ridge South Homeowners Association, stated that the proposed lights will greatly impact the surrounding residents. He submitted a majority consensus letter from the Homeowners Association stating opposition to the lights. He said the current schedule allows play until 11:00 PM, and play goes on well past the deadline, with noise, traffic and foul language. He said the City cannot compensate for its lack of parks by scheduling the Sports Park 24 hours a day. He objected to 4\CSDMIN\I 20490 -2- 12/12/90 CSD Minutes December 4, 1990 adult play into the late hours of the night. President Birdsall stated this park has been in this area for 18 to 20 years and the fact that they are lighted has been well publicized. She did, however, state she feels that the 11:00 PM deadline should be strictly enforced. President Birdsall closed the public hearing at 8:25 PM. President Birdsall reopened the public hearing at 8:25 PM, following a request to speak from a member of the audience. Beatrice Vickers, stated that she is a resident of the surrounding area and stated the noise is very offensive, the glare from the lights prevent any privacy for homeowners, and asked that the lighting system be reconsidered. President Birdsall closed the public hearing at 8:26 PM. Shawn Nelson stated that the operation of the softball program has up to this time been conducted by CSA-143, and the City will strictly enforce the 11:00 PM curfew. He stated the Balloon and Wine Festival is not planning to use the Rancho Vista Fields for their event. He said the lighting system is not intended as a long term solution to rectify the Parks and Recreation needs of the community. He explained it is being pursued so that the City can effectively meet the upcoming recreation events in the Spring. Director Parks asked if this schedule is designed primarily for use by children or adults. Mr. Nelson answered that 90% of the usage is planned for the youth. Director Moore suggested retro-fitting the existing lights to help homeowners with the glare problem. Director Lindemans stated this is a temporary situation where some sacrifices must be made. He stated the City has 3,000 to 4,000 children to accommodate, and asked if most cities turn off lights at 9:00 PM. Mr. Nelson answered that most cities have lights off by 10:00 PM. City Manager Dixon asked what effect on the existing programs a light turn-off time of 10:00 PM would make. Mr. Nelson stated he would have to review that with the Temecula Sports Council to see whether or not the programs could still be accommodated during a reduced time frame. He stated that there is only a two or three month period where this could be a problem. 4\CSDMIN\120490 -3- 12112/90 CSD Minutes December 4, 1990 City Manager Dixon stated he would like to work toward having activities cease at 9:30 or 9:45 PM with the lights being turned off by 10:00 PM. He said that the noise level would also drop earlier in the evening. Director Lindemans stated with retro-fitting the existing lights, the surrounding citizens would not be so greatly impacted. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Moore to approve the Sports Park Lighting System Project, authorize staff to advertise formal bids on this project with the understanding that the lights would be turned off at 10:00 PM, and certify the negative declaration. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Moore, Parks, Birdsall NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Mu~oz COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORT Shawn Nelson reported that the 17.9 acres adjacent to Sports Park has been approved to be deeded to the Temecula Community Services District by the County of Riverside Board of Directors. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None given. DIRECTORS REPORTS Director Lindemans requested that staff begin work to have the existing lights in Sports Park retro-fitted with modern equipment. Director Parks asked that restroom and snack bar facilities are planned for the Rancho Vista area of the Sports Park. 4\CSDMIN\I 20490 -4- 12/1 CSD Minutes December 4, 1990 ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Park, seconded by Director Lindemans to adjourn at 8:40 to a meeting on December 11, 1990. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks, Birdsall NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Mu~oz ATTEST: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk Patricia H. Birdsall, President 4\CSDMIN\120490 -5- 12/I 2/90 ITEM NO. 2 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA A GENDA REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID F. DIXON, CITY MANAGER DECEMBER 18, 1990 PUBLIC FACILITIES RESERVATION FEE POLICY PREPARED B~ SHAWN D. NELSON, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Adopt the Public Facilities Reservation and Fee Policy which includes eliminating fees for daily non-evening park usage and categorizing utility fees based upon the type of user groups. FISCAL IMPACT: No adverse fiscal impact because the cost of maintenance and operation of the public park facilities are covered through the city-wide park assessment. DISCUSSION: The main points of the policy are: a) To eliminate daily non- evening fees for park usage; b) To develop utility fees based on the type of users; and c) To develop a procedure to evaluate non-athletic special events. The intent of the policy is to cover the majority of recreation activities and events that will transpire in the park facilities. All special events shall be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission for approval and designation of appropriate fees. On December 1 O, 1990 the Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously approved and recommended to City Council to adopt the Public Facilities Reservation and Fee Policy. The Reservation and Fee Policy is enclosed for your review. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PUBLIC FACILITIES RESERVATION AND FEE POLICY FY 1990-91 GENERAL POLICIES Any gathering of 50 or more persons using a City park or using a City build- ing, requires a completed application form and payment of fees at least four- teen (14) days before the event. Major special events in excess of 250 participants and all sporting events, must provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Temecula as an additionally named insured in an amount of $1 million. Approval for any special event requested that does not correlate with the intent of the designed ballfields i.e., festivals, carnivals, cultural events, etc. must be approved by the Parks & Recreation Commission. 3. All applications for reservations must be on official forms provided by the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD). Any person or group causing property or equipment damage will be required to pay for damages based on current cost of repair or replacement. Until pay- ment is received for said damages, the TCSD reserves the right to refuse future applications. 5. Groups requiring time to decorate or make other preparations, as well as time to clean the facility, must be included on the application form. Consumption of alcohol in any public building or park area is strictly prohibited unless approved by the TCSD. Each request shall be evaluated on an individual basis. If approved, applicant must provide liquor liability and general liability in an amount of at least $1 million. Further, if alcoholic bevages are sold, a liquor permit issued by the California Alcohol Beverage Control Department is required. All groups are required to notify the TCSD of any change in their use of a facility, especially cancellations. A cancellation fee of 25% of the to- tal fee will be charged if notified less than 72 hours in advance of the scheduled event. Non-residents of Temecula will be charged an additional $10.00 fee per parti- cipant in any youth or adult league. All non-profit organizations providing youth or adult leagues will be required to total all non-resident partici- pants and submit payment to the TCSD for said participants. Resident non-profit organizations shall be any non-profit organization in which 50% or more of its participating, registered members reside within the City boundaries of Temecula. 10. Non-resident organizations (profit or non-profit), shall be any organization in which less than 50% of its participating, registered members reside within the City boundaries of Temecula. 11. All for-profit organizations, resident or non-resident, shall pay the Group 3 rate for facility usage. 12. Fees required for all special events shall be coordinated with the type of group requesting usage and the overall benefit to the City. All special event applications will be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. 13. The TCSD reserves the right to reschedule groups or events. However, reo scheduled dates required by the TCSD must be in extreme situations only, and every attempt shall be made to reschedule the event or activity to the satisfaction of the user. GROUP CA TEGORIES FOR USER FEES Group I Group 2 Group 3 - Non-profit organizations, civic groups, and service clubs pro- viding benefits and services to the community. - Base standard rate for community users. - For-profit and non-resident organizations. FIELD FEE SCHEDULE (Rates per Field per Hour) Without lights: With lights: Non-resident fee (per participant) Group 1 N/C 5.00 10.00 Group 2 N/C 12.00 10.00 Group 3 12.00 20.00 N/A ITEM NO. 3 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA A GENDA REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID F. DIXON, CITY MANAGER DECEMBER 18, 1990 SPORTS PARK BALL FIELD LIGHTING PROJECT, PHASE II PREPARED B~ SHAWN D. NELSON, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Approve Phase II of the Sports Park Lighting System Project. This includes retrofitting the existing lights on the north and south fields, and rehabilitating the existing lights on the upper south soccer/football field in Sports Park. FISCAL IMPACT: The projected cost of Phase II is $130,000.00. However, $335,000.00 was originally budgeted and approved for Phase I. With the deletion of two Temecula Valley High School fields, and the addition of one field in Sports Park, the cost of Phase I should be between $225,000.00 to $250,000.00. Therefore, an additional commitment of $65,000.00 to bring the total capital outlay amount for lights in Sports Park to $400,000.00, will adequately fund Phase I and Phase II. DISCUSSION: At the public hearing on December 4, 1990, for Phase I of the Sports Park Ball Field Lighting Project, the City Council (Board of Directors), stated concerns about the existing lights on the north and south fields in Sports Park as well as the need for the upper south soccer/football field to be properly lighted. Further, the Board stated that a curfew of 10:00 p.m. must be adhered to in all evening recreation activities. By retrofitting the existing north and south field lights, and rehabilitating the upper south soccer/football field, the TCSD can expand its ability to provided recreation opportunities while reducing the upward glare and spill light associated with the existing north and south fields. Agenda Report- Sports Park Ball Field Lighting Project Page 2. On December 10, 1990, the Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously approved and recommended to City Council to approve Phase II of the Sports Park Ball Field Lighting Project. A site plan including the lighted fields for Phase I, and the proposed lighted fields for Phase II are enclosed for your review.