HomeMy WebLinkAbout112690 PRC AgendaAGENDA TEMECUI A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD A T RANCHO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NOVEMBER 26, 1990 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Brode, Harker, Hillen, Kirby, Nimeshein PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commissioners on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commissioners about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state vour name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Parks and Recreation Secretary before the item is addressed by the Commis- sion. There is a three (3} minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. PR/AGENDA/112690 1 11/19/90 COMMISSION BUSINESS 1~ Approval of Minutes - October 22, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve minutes of October 22, 1990 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting as submitted. 2. Reservation and Fee Policy for Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) Park Usage. RECOMMENDATION: 2. 1 Approve and recommend to City Council adoption of a reservation and fee policy for the TCSD. 3. Capital Im~Trovement Plan - Phase I RECOMMENDATION: 3. 1 Approve and recommend to City Council to modify the Lighting System Project by deleting the two (2) Temecula Valley High School fields and adding one (1) additional field in Sports Park. Master Calendar for S~2orts Park RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve the revised Master Calendar for youth and adult sports organizations for calendar year 1991. This revised calendar has been unanimously agreed upon by the Temecula Sports Council. Community Recreation Center Discussion led by Commissioner Kirby and Commissioner Harker concerning meeting with City staff on November 21, 1990. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REPORTS PR/AGENDA/112690 2 11/19/90 ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting, December 10, 1990, 7:00PM, Rancho Elementary School, 31530 La Serena Way, Temecula, California, 92390. PB/AGENDA/112690 3 11/19/90 OP THE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA HELD OCTOBER 22, 1990 The first meeting of the Temecuka Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at RancOo Elementary School, 3]530 l.a Serena Way, Temocu[a, Ca[iforni. a, 92390, at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Pro-Tom Kate[ PRESENT: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Kirby, Nimeshein ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ~l~n present wore Comml)nitv Services Director Shawn No]son and Gall ZiQter, Minute Clerk. The P]odo~ nf al~eciance was led bv Con~nissioner Evelyn Harker. P[JH[,IC COMMENT Edward Doran, 39985 Stamos Court, Temecula, addressed the Commission with his concerns re~arding the lack of recreation area for tho VollnO children and families of Temecu)a. He auestioned where the funds which have atreadv been assessed for parks Qo and ~o d~scHssed hjs Personal desire to see more Pjav Parks as opposed to athtetl. c tvDe parks. CONSENT CAI.EN~AR RESOI.IIT{ON ESTABI. JBBING TIME AND PLACE OF PARKS'AND RECREATION COMI4ISSION MEETINGS Minute Clerk Gall ZiGJet presented a staff report recommending adoption of a resolution estab[ishin~ the time and place for the regular meetings of the Temecula ~arks and Recreation Con~nission. It was moved b~ COMMISSIONER BRODE, seconded b~ COMMISSIONER KIRBY to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. PR 90 - 01 A RESOLUTION OF TEE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF TEMECUI,A DESIGNATING TIME AND PLACE OF MONTHLY COMMISSION MEETINGS. 'Phe motion was carried unanimouslY. PRMIN.10/22/90 -1- OCTOBER 29, 1990 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 1990 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING f,OCATIONS FOR POSTING OF ORDINANCES AND/OR RESOLUTIONS ~nmlte Cler~ (~aji Zjqler presented a staff report recommendinQ adoption of a reso[ution desicnatinQ the }ocation for DOSt~D~ o~ ordinances and/or resolutions. It was moved DV COMMISSIONER BRODE, seconded bv COMMISSIONER KIRBY to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. PR 90 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECHLA DESIGNATING LOCATIONS FOR POSTING OF ORDINANCES AND/OR RESOLUTIONS REOUIRED BY LAW TO HE PUBLISHED OR POSTED. The motion was carried unanimously. COMMISSION BUSINESS COMMISSION HARKER moved to ta~e Item 5 out and order and hear Item 5 prior to Items 3 and 4. COMMISSIONER HILLEN seconded the motion. which carried the fo]lowin~ roll call vote: AYES: 5 NOES~ 0 COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: Brode, Harker, Hillen, Kirby, Nimeshein 5. COMMISSIONERS TERMS OF OFFICE 5.] Mayor Pro-Tem Kare] I, indemans asked each Commissioner to draw a term of office ~rom prepared lots. Commissioner Bi]~en drew a three-year term, Commissioners Brode and Kirby drew a two-year term and Commissioners Harker and Nimeshein___drew one-year terms. COMMISSIONER HARKER moved to elect the Chairman and Vice Chairman from the two Commissioners who drew a one year term to allow other commissioners the opportunity to serve as Chairman and Vice Chairman. COMMISSIONER HILLEN seconded the motion. COMMISSIONER NIMESHEIN stated that he would not accept the nomination of Chairman or Vice Chairman. After the Commission's d~scussion. COMMISSIONER HARKMR withdrew her motion and COMMISSIONER HILLEN withdrew the second. PRMIN.10/22/90 -2- OCTOBER 29, 1990 PARKS AND RECREATION COmmISSION ~INUTES Et,ECTtON OF CRAIRMAN OCTOBER PP, 1990 COMMISSIONER HARKER moved to nom]nat~ Cemmissioner Hi{4en as Chairman, the motion failed for {.ack of a COMMISSIONER NIM~:NSHEIN moved ro nnm~na~e Commissioner Rrode as Chairman, the motion ~aited ~or lac~ o~ a COMMISSIONER MARKER moved to nomjDate Commiss~nner Kirby as Chairman, seconded bY COMMISSIONER 8RODE and carried as COMMISSIONERS: Brode, Marker, Hillen, Kirby, Nimeshein NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 4. El.EC~'lON OF VTCE CHAIRMAN COMM[SSIONER BRODE nominated Commjss]oner Harker as Vice Chairman, seconded by COMMISSIONER NIMESHEIN ann carried as fo~']ows: AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Brode, Harker, Hi[[en, Kirby. N~meshe~n NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 6, GAVEl, PRESENTATION Mayor Pro-Tem Kare] Lindemans ~resented Chairman Kirby w~.th an enQraved ~avel, declared him duly elected and ~m)rned the meetinQ over to him at 7:30 DISCUSSION ~TEMS 7. FISCAL YEAR 1990-]993 OPERATING MUDGET - TEMECUI.A COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT {TCSD) 7.] Review and discuss TCSD oueratjnQ budQet and responsibilities. PPJ41N.10/22/90 -3- {~BMR 29, 1990 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OC?OBER 22, 1990 Shawn Nelson, Co~unitv S~rvices Di.r~ctor, outtined the oDorarena budact of the Temecmm.la Communi tv Servi cos District and the responsibilites of the TCSD. (?OMM'FSSIONMR KIRBY opened the vlmb.}~c hearing at 7:35 PM. MAYOR PRO-~EM KAREL T, INDEMANS, 42740 Las Violetas, Tem~uta. ~uaaested that the Community Services Director as wel. 4 as toe Commission may want to research the funds t~at have been a.lJocat~.d t~rouo~ tD~ Ouimbv Act add atso review the report bel. nq prepared bv John McTiqhe on t~ t~e~ col)cored DV the County, prior to incorporation of Temecula, from the developers. Mr. L~ndemans added that the area map be~n~ prepared by Lighttoot will reflect open space and the Commission may want to rev.iew this map. COMMISSIONER KIRBY closed the public hearing at 7:38 PM. COMMISSION MARKER recnmested that the Community Services Director research the fees which have already been paid Dv the dove]oDors for Parks. '8. FEE POLICY FOR TCSD PARK USAGE 8.|. APPrOVe and recommend to CitvZCoUncil adoption of a re.~nlution estab]ish.ina a fee DO]iCY nf free park usaae durino dairy, non-evening hours and charging a utility fee of S35.00 Per hour ]per fiejd for fba]]field ]iahts for night play. COMMISSIONER KIRBY opened the public hearin~ at 7:40 PM. ROGER JAEGER, 3011.3 La Primavera, Temecula, President of the Temeeula Va])ev I,itt]e I,eaQue. spoke in OPPOSition of the fee for liahted fields at night. Re stated--{hat this fee wollld have a serious financial immact on the youth athletic ctubs and suggested that the City provide either more parks with ball fields or charge no fee to the youth clubs. SHAWN NELSON stated that the fee was based on SCE's estimated cost of the lighting of the ball fields. He stated that the organizations such as the Temecu]a PRMIN.10/22/90 -4- OC'~OBER 29, 1990 AND RgCRE~TION COMMISBION MINU?~8 O(:,?OB~R 22, 3990 Va[I. ev T,].tt[~ f,~aQue are off~ri. nQ a areat Service to the' c~tjes' youths and the Community Services District needs to work this out wi.t~ th~ City and try to tak~ ~nme nf t~e ~na~c~a{ DurdPn o~f of the youth sports c I ub~. C(~MISSTONER KIRBY Stated that the fee js mjnjma] compared to other cities. TOM LANGI.F.Y, 350'10 Ca.i+e CamDo, Temecula, stated that since the ball fields were built to service mainlY the youth activities, that more of the financial burden ShomJ(d be P[aced on adult recreation. En nORAN, 39985 Stamps Court, Temecu]a, stated that a[thouQh he feels that these SPOrts clubs provide a Qr~st service to the corr~unity, he felt that Youth athletics is the minority and the Commission needs to address the youth population as a whole. COMMISSIONF.R KIRBY closed the Dubtic hearinq at ?:55 PM. COMMISSIONER BRODE stated that she felt jt was important for t~e vounQ people in the con~nunitv to have areas to P,llav and suggested that staff should take this item bac~ and research al. ternatives for ~h.e p~rk usaQe fee. COMM]S~IONE~ NlMgSHEIN:suaeIested tookin~ ~t an ovefaj] DO[icY Of Dark usage fees. S~AWN NEI,SON stated that staff was Qojnu to work on a user fee DO[icY and he would have that information available for the next meetino of the Parks and Recreation meetinQ. COMMISSIONER HILLEN stated that many citizens feel they have atre~V paid these fees throuQh tax assessments and would like staff to work on a favorable compromise. PRMIN.10/22/90 -5- OCTOBER 29, 1990 PARKS aND EECREATION CONMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER ??, ]990 CA P I ~{'A l, q. * COMMISSIONER HRODE moved to cnntinue this item to the next avai]ab]e meetlna, seconded bV COMMISSIONER NINESREIN and carri.~d am tollow~: AYES: 5 COMMIS,q[[ONERS: Rrnne, Harder, Hil)en, Kl, rbv, Nimeshein NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None IMPROVEMENT PI.AN APProve an~ recommend to C~tv Col~ncj} to adopt the Capita[ Improvement Plan to provide effective ~t~ ~3zat~on of existin~ parks and recreation resources. SHAWN NELSON reviewed the Capita[ Improvement Plan tot the ~emecuJa Community Services District. Mr. Nelson stated that he would like the Commission to adopt two members to serve on a committee for the setaction of a landscape architect to be amptoyed for improvements to existin~ parks and new)y acquired [and ~or parks. COMMISSIONER KIRBY opened the public hear~na at 8:]5 PM. MAY~R PRO-TEES KAREL LINDEMANS requested that the p~rk dedjcat~nn nn l.a Serena'Wav be removed from the Capita) Improvement Plan, and that staff look hack at the condjtions-p]aced on the deve]oDer to provide useable [and for park dedication. Mr. Lindemans suq~ested that the ~and t~at Was provided wa.q DOt sufficient to be used as Dark {and and if mroposed a safety concern due t~e c)ose proximity to the street. ROGER JAEGER, 303.13 La Primavera, Temecula, expressed a desire for more ]~hted bail f~elds to service all of the vouth-~thtetic projrams so that the teams do not have to ~o outside the city to participate in these sports. He suggested that the youth athletics be given priority over the adult sports or that the city provide more ball fields. COMMTSSIONER KIRBY closed the DubJic hearina at 8:75 PM. PRMIN.10/22/90 -6- 0C~0BER 29, 1990 AND RECREATION CONW{SBION MINUTES OCTOBER PP, 3990 SHAWN NELSON recommended that Item No. 4, La Serena Park R~abj]jtat~on, be removed trom Cn~r~n~ss~oD ~onsideration until .~tatf can read the MarQari, ta Vi, tlaQe Specific Plan. an~ determine ~ow much credit for par~ dedication was r~ce~.ved bv the developer, COMHISSIONER HARKER moved to approve and recom~nend to C~.tV CoupelL to adopt the Capital. Improvement Plan, w~t~ t~ aeJetion ot Item No. 4, to provide effective utt[iEat].on and rehabilitation of existing parks and recreatqon re~ources, seconded by COMMISSIONER BRODE and carried as fo[[ows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Brode, Harker, Hillen, Kirby, Nimeshein NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None SHAWN NELSON reauested nom~natjon~ at th~s time for two members to serve on the selection con~nittee for the laDd~c~pe architect. COMMISSIONER KIRBY nominated Commissioner Brode, ~cnnde~ by COMMISSIONER HILI,EN, and COMMISSIONER KIRBY nomi. nated Commissioner Hillen, seconded bV COMMISSIONER BRODE and carried unanimouslY. i.0. MASTER CALENDAR ~OR SPORTS PARK Apmrove the Master Calendar for vouth and adult sports organizations for calendar vear ]99]. This calendar has been unanimously agreed upon by representatives from L~tt]e League, Youth Soccer, Pop Warnet and Adult Softbail. SHAWN NEI. SON provided the staff report on this ~tem. ~OMMISSIONER KIRBY opened the public hearing at 8:30 ROGER JAEGER, 30313 La Primavera, Temecula, spoke in support of the Master Cal. endar. COMMISSIONER KIRBY closed the pub]~c hearina at 8:34 PM. PRMIN. 10/22/90 -7- OCTOBER 29, 1990 PARES AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER ??, 1990 COMMISSIONER HARKER moved to approve the Master Calendar for Youth an~ adutt snorts OrQ~n3zatjonS for calendar Year !.991, seconded bY COMMISSIONER BRODE and carried AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Brode, Harker, H3lJen, Kirbv, Nimesheln NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ~3. COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER 't 3. ) Reenmmendation to cons3der the deve)oDment of a Coramunitv Recreation Center and direct Community Serv~e~ Director to iDvestiaafe possible fjnancina mechanisms to fund Dro~ect. SHAWN NEI,SON urovided the staff report on this item. COMMISSIONER KIRBY oPened the Dublie hearinQ at 8:35 PM. TOM J.ANGI,EY 350]0 Ca.lie CanDId, TemecHla, president of the Con~nunitv Recreation Center Bui [dinQ Foundation, ~Doke aDolit the e[forts of the CRC Btli)d2ina Follndat~on ~n ra3. slno monies ~or this ~ro~ect and rednested that the Par~s and Recreation Commission set aside $3.000,000 from asseMsment funds for the construction of.th~s center as we]] as ej~bt to ten~acreSof ~be SnOrts Park ].and to build the center on. JIM MEYI.ER. 29930 Santiago Road, Temecula, of the Arts Council. of Temecu[a, exUressed his summort for the con~nIxnj t Y recreati on center which wi]] provide much needed facilities for the various arts qrouus ~orminQ in Temecu]a. Mayor Pro-q'em KAREI. LINDEMANS, 4P740 Las Vio) etas, Temecula, expressed his SliDDOff O~ $1,000,000 in assessment funds be~nQ allocated for the construction of the coYrenunitv recreation center. COMMISSIONER KIRBY closed the blablie bearin~ at 8:45 PRMIN.10/22/90 -8- 0CTOBER 29, 1990 AND RECRRATION COMM:fSSION MINUTES OC~ORER PP, ]990 COMMISSIONER RRODS; moved to direct ~taff to i. nvestiqate vatlolls tl]nd~nQ me~an3~ms for the con.~trllct~on of the community recreation center, seconded by COMMISSIONER AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Rrode, HarR~r, HilLen, Kirby. Nlmeshejn NOES: 0 COMM[SSIONERS: None SHAWN NF),,qON reouest~d nominations at tbjs time for two members to assist in establishing other fjnancinQ m~cnan~sms to tuna t~e construction n~ t~ center. COMMISSIONER KIRBY nominated Commissioner Harker, ~ecood~d ~y CONNISSIONER RRODE and COMMISSIONER BRODE nominated Commissioner Kirby, seconded bv COMMISSIONER HII,),EN and carr3ed unanimously. SHAWN NELSON addressed the Conunission on the fol[owino subject matters: Commlmnitv Services is Iook~na at the park land dedication ordinanc.. This ordinance would include apartments in the dedication re~llirement, revise th~ formn]R for.average ~ersons per dweLLina'and amend the private recreate, on credit for par)r ]aDd dedication. Advi, sorv Vote on the November 6, ballot to determine if the c~t~zens of Temeclm]a want to be included in a County reqional Dark Proqram with an assessment fee of S26 per Darce) maximum. SHAWN NEI,SON advised that the City would be allocated 80% qf the co4-~ected assessment funds in which they would have direct control of. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REPORT COMMISSIONER HARKER addressed the needs of the Little Leaque and stressed that she would )jke to see the issue of fees for lighted fields resolved at the earliest possible convenience. P}LMIN.10/22/90 -9- 0C~X)BR 29, 1990 P~KS AND R~CR~A~JON COMMJSSTON MINUTES OCTOBER ?2. ]990 and state~ that she ie:lt that they sho~l.ld have the ~ieJd~ for Iree ~i. nq day ~se. COMMTSS:|ON~.~ ~IR~Y al~o conc~mrred w~th the free ~RV use. ADJOURNMENT COMM:ISSTONER BRODE moved to a~iourn the meet~nQ at 9:00 PM. s~conded hv COMMISSIONER +{[I:,f,EN and carried unanimously. NPxt mePt~no nt the ParK~ and Recreation CnnTm~s~jon to be held o~ Novemh~r ~6, ].990, 7:00 PM, Rancho E~ementary School., 31530 },a Serena Way, Temecu.lR. MICHAEL KIRBY, CHAIRMAN .gEC~:'PARY PRMIN.10/22/90 -10- OCTOBER 29, 1990 CITY OF TEMECUI. A COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT.- Parks and Recreation Commission Shawn Nelson, Director November 19, 1990 Fee Policy for Temecula Community Services (TCSD) Park Usage District RECOMMENDATION: That the Parks and Recreation Commission approve and recommend to City Council to adopt the TCSD fee policy, which includes no charges for daily, non-evening park usage and categorizes utility fees based on the type of user groups. FISCAL IMPACT.' No adverse fiscal impact because the costs of maintenance and operation of the park facilities are covered through the city-wide park assessment, and no monies were budgeted as revenue for daily park usage and utility costs in the TCSD fiscal year 1990-91 operating budget. DISCUSSION: The costs associated with operating the TCSD including staffing, benefits, maintenance and operation, and capital development is covered through the city-wide park assessment which was effective July 1, 1990. This assessment covers the daily maintenance requirements of existing park facilities. Therefore, it is not necessary to charge a daily park reservation fee to cover maintenance and operation costs already paid for through the city-wide park assessment. This has had a serious adverse financial impact on local youth sports organizations and community members. The additional expense of lighting sports fields for night usage that has direct benefit to that particular group should be paid by that organization or group. However, the utility rate should take into consideration whether the group is a non-profit or community service organization, standard user, or a for-profit organization. Also, a fee should be charged to non- resident participants in lieu of the city-wide park assessment. Enclosed is a copy of the TCSD Fee Policy for your review. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PUBLIC FACILITIES RESERVATION AND FEE POLICY FY 1990-91 GENERAL POLICIES 1. Any gathering of 50 or more persons on a City park or any use of a City building, require a completed application form at least fourteen (14) days before the event. 2. Major events in excess of 250 participants and all sporting events, carnivals, circuses, and cultural and special events must provide a Certificate of In- surance naming the City of Temecula as an additionally named insured in an amount determined by the City Attorney. Approval for any special event must be coordinated with the City's Special Event Committee. 3. All applications for reservations must be on official forms provided by the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD). 4. Any person or group causing property or equipment damage will be required to pay for damages based on current cost of repair or replacement. Until pay- ment is received for said damages, TCSD reserves right to refuse future applications. 5. Groups requiring time to decorate or make other preparation must include time on application form. Consumption of alcohol in any public building or park area is strictly prohibited unless an alcohol permit is issued by the TCSD. Each request shall be evaluated on an individual basis. If approved, applicant must provide liquor liability and general liability as required by the City Attorney. 7. All groups are required to notify the TCSD of any change in their use of a facility, especially canceled dates. Non-residents of Temecula will be charged an additional $10.00 fee per per- son who participates in any youth or adult league. All non-profit organiza- tions providing youth or adult leagues will be required to total all non- resident participants and sumbit payment to the TCSD for said participants. GROUP CA TEGORIES FOR USER FEES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES RESCHEDULE ANY GROUP OR EVENT. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO - Non-profit organizations, civic groups, and service clubs pro- viding benefits and services to the community. - Base standard rate for community users. - For-profit and non-resident organizations. FIELD FEE SCHEDULE (Rates per Field per Hour) Without lights: With lights: Deposit for bases: Non-resident fee: (per participant) Grouo 1 Group 2 Grouo 3 N/C N/C $ 12.00 $ 5.00 $ 12.00 ~ 20.00 N/C $100.00 $100.00 910.00 $ 10.00 N/C CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT A GENDA REPORT TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Shawn Nelson, Director DATE: November 19, 1990 SUBJECT.- Capital Improvement Plan - Phase I RECOMMENDATION: That the Parks and Recreation Commission approve and recommend to City Council to modify the Lighting System Project by deleting the two (2) Temecula Valley High School fields and adding one (1) additional field to total three (3) lighted fields in Sports Park. DISCUSSION: After reviewing the joint-use agreement with Temecula Valley High School and the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD), it was decided by both parties that the Temecula Valley High School's current usage was to extensive to install lights for an expanded, twelve (12) month night recreation program. The TCSD would have only been able to use the facilities for three (3) months during the year for senior league baseball. Therefore, it was decided to delete the high school fields from the project, and add one (1) additional field in Sports Park. The installation of the lights in Sports Park will provide the ability to expand the facility usage to accommodate the current recreation demand. I have enclosed a site plan of the lighted fields in Sports Park for your review. CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT.' Parks and Recreation Commission Shawn Nelson, Director November 19, 1990 Master Calendar For Sports Park RECOMMENDATION: That the Parks and Recreation Commission approve the revised Master Calendar for Sports Park for calendar year 1991. DISCUSSION: With the modification of the Sports Park Lighting System Project, it was necessary to revise the Master Calendar for Sports Park for calendar year 1991. On November 14, 1990, the Temecula Sports Council unanimously approved the Master Calendar. A request will be made to the Temecula Valley Unified School District to use school sites excluding the high school for after school practices. Enclosed is a copy of the revised Master Calendar for your review. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SPORTS PARK MASTER CALENDAR JANUARY 1, 1990 - DECEMBER 31, 1990 N/S - NORTH & SOUTH MAR - MARGARITA SCHOOL HS - T.V. HIGH SCHOOL N/S RAN MAR JANUARY OPEN OPEN OPEN FEBRUARY OPEN OPEN OPEN MARCH L.L. L.L. L.L. A.S. A.S. APRIL L.L. L.L. L.L. A.S. A.S. MAY L.L. L.L. L.L. A.S. A,S. JUNE L.L. L.L. L.L. A.S. A.S. JULY L.L. L.L. L.L. A.S. A.S. AUGUST A,S, Y.S. P. W, SEPTEMBER A. S. Y, S. P. W. OCTOBER A. S. Y. S. OPEN NO VEMBER A. S. Y. S. OPEN DECEMBER OPEN OPEN OPEN L.L. - LITTLE LEAGUE Y.S. - YOUTH SOCCER P.W. - POP WARNER A.S. - ADULT SOFTBALL RAN - RANCHO VISTA UPPER- UPPER SOUTH UPPER HS OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN L.L. L,L. L.L. L.L. L.L. L.L. L.L. L.L. L.L. L.L. Y. S. OPEN Y.S. Y.S. P.W. Y.S. Y.S, P.W. Y.S. Y.S. OPEN Y.S. Spring- 1991 1. Sports Park Little League Adult Softball Adult Softball NOrth 5pro to 8pm 8:30pm 9:45pm 2, Rancho Vista - Upper Little League Adult Softball Adult Softball Adult Softball 5pro to 7pro 7:15pm 8:30pm 9:45pm 3. Rancho Vista - Lower East Little League 5pnn Little League 7pro South 5pro to 8pro 8:30pm 9:45pm * Adult softball could schedule games on Saturdays if high school available for Saturday Little League games, * * Use of facility requests will be made for all school sites except for Temecula Valley High School for after school practices. Fall- 1991 1. Margarita Middle School A. Pop Warner: August and September - 5pm to 7pm. 2. Upper South Field/Sports Park A. Pop Warner: October and November ( 3 practices per week). CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT.' Parks and Recreation Commission Shawn Nelson, Director November 19, 1990 Community Recreation Center (CRC) DISCUSSION: Led by Commissioner Kirby and Commissioner Harker concerning meeting with City staff on November 21, 1990 regarding possible financing options available to construct the CRC facility.