HomeMy WebLinkAbout091091 CC AgendaAGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA TEMPORARY COMMUNITY CENTER - 27475 COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 - 7:00 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION: 6:00 PM Main Conference Room - Temecula City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, Closed session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 to discuss Personnel Matter and Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding potential litigation. Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 91-35 Resolution: No. 91-89 CALL TO ORDER: Invocation Reverend Joan Rich Egan Church of Religious Science Flag Salute Councilmember Lindemans ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS PUBLIC FORUM This is a portion of the City Council meeting unique to the City of Temecula. At the meeting held on the second Tuesday of each month, the City Council will devote a period of time (not to exceed 30 minutes) for the purpose of providing the public with an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with the Council. The members of the City Council will respond to questions and may give direction to City staff. The Council is prohibited, by the provisions of the Brown Act, from taking any official action on any matter which is not on the agenda. If you desire to speak on any matter which is not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 2/Nencla/Oe 1280 I 09/0618 1 CONSENT CALENDAR Standard Ordinance Adootion Procedure RECOMMENDATION 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1' Approve the minutes of August 20, 1991 as mailed. 3 Resolution Aoorovinq List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1991. RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and File Report Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency AQreement RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve the amended agreements for the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency. 2/egend~/Oe 1290 2 09/0~/81 Reduce Faithful Performance Security for Parcel MaD No. 22610 7 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Accept completion of street improvements and authorize the reduction in street Faithful Performance Security amount. 6.2 Approve the subdivision agreement rider. 6.3 Accept the Faithful Performance Trust Deposit in the reduced amount and direct the City Clerk to so notify the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Final Parcel MaD No. 23335 (Property located north of the junction of Winchester Road and Ynez Road.) RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 23335 subject to the conditions of approval. 8 Final Parcel MaD No. 24232 (Property located on the south side of Nicolas Road and east of Calle Medusa) RECOMMENDAT. ION: 8.1 Approve Final Tract Map No. 24232, subject to the conditions of approval. 9 Final Parcel MaD No. 26036 (Property located on the south side of Enterprise Circle West and east of Rider Way) RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 26036 subject to the conditions of approval. 2/~enddOe 1280 3 01/05/I 1 10 Contract Services - Planning Deoartment RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Authorize a professional service contract with consultant, pursuant to the attached documents. Forma, a planning 11 Aoorooriation From Redevelooment Aqencv Revolving Fund RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN EXPENDITURE FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT REVOLVING FUND FOR THE ACQUISITION BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA OF CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS MARGARITA CANYON PUBLIC HEARINGS Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 12 ChanQe of Zone No. 14, Tentative Parcel MaD No. 26845 A proposal to change zone from R-A 2 1/2 to R-A and a four-lot subdivision on 3.68 acres. RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Approve Zone Change No. 14 12.2 Approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 26845 2/ege~lNOe 1290 4 08/06/9 13 ChanQe of Zone No. 15, Tentative Parcel MaD No. 26488 A proposal to rezone 4.5 + \- acres located at the southeasterly corner of Walcott Lane and Calle Chapos from R-A 2-1/2 (Residential Agricultural) to R-1-1 (Single Family Residential). RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Approve Change of Zone No. 15 13.2 Approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 26488 14 Soecial Events Permit Resolution RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS ON PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, SIDEWALKS, OR PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY COUNCIL BUSINESS 15 Underqroundinq of Utility Lines and Interim Wideninq of Ynez Road (Continued from the meeting of August 27, 1991 ) RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Consider undergrounding the existing overhead facilities and constructing two exterior lanes to ultimate design specifications to provide four (4) travel lanes on Ynez Road. 2/eeendd081290 6 09/06/81 16 Consideration of Old Town Historic Review Committee (Continued from the Meeting of August 27, 1991) RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Appoint a five (5) member Old Town Historic Review Committee to operate within the guidelines adopted August 13, 1991. 17 Consideration of Fundine for Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival (Placed on the agenda at the request of Councilmember Moore) CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: September 17, 1991,7:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California Next regular meeting: September 24, 1991,7:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING - (To be held at 8:00) CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENT: President J. Sal Mur~oz DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks, Mur~oz Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. 2/aeendNOe 1290 6 o9/o6/e 1 DISTRICT BUSINESS Aooointment of Seven (7) Member Parks and Recreation Technical Sub-Committee RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Appoint seven (7) members and one alternate to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Committee. 2 Statement of Revenues. Exoenditures and Chanqes in Fund Balance for the Fiscal Year ended June 30. 1991. RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1991. 2.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET AS DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT "A" COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR'S REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting Temecula Community Temecula, California September 24, 1991, 8:00 PM, Temporary Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, 2/eOendNO 61290 7 09/06/91 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENT: AGENCY BUSINESS I Minutes Chairperson Peg Moore presiding AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks Anyone wishing to address the Agency, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. 2 3 1.1 Approve the minutes of August 20, 1991 as mailed. Adoption of Conflict of Interest Code RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Procedural Guidelines by the Agency RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING PROCEDURES TO IMPLEMENT THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 2/agerdNO61290 8 oe/os/el Owner Particioation Rules and Relocation Guidelines RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve and adopt the "Rules Governing Participation and Re-entry Preferences for Property Owners, Operators of Businesses and Tenants in the Agency Project Areas" and the "Relocation Assistance Rules and Guidelines of the Redevelopment Agency of Temecula". 4.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEMECULA, ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION AND RE-ENTRY PREFERENCES FOR PROPERTY OWNERS, OPERATORS OF BUSINESSES AND TENANTS IN THE AGENCY PROJECT AREAS 5 6 2/e~ende/061290 4.3 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ADOPTING RELOCATION ASSISTANCE RULES AND GUIDELINES AcJencv Personnel Rules and Policies RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 TEMECULA, Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEMECULA PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERSONNEL RULES AND POLICIES AdOPtiOn of Aqencv Bylaws RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING BY-LAWS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE AGENCY. 9 0e/06/91 7 Authorization to Purchase Marcjarita Canyon Site RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEMECULA, AUTHORIZING A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND BEDFORD PROPERTIES A deposit of $100,000 be used to open escrow; Funds from the Redevelopment Agency revolving fund be used for the escrow deposit; Authorize the Executive Director to enter detailed negotiations and execute all necessary documents to lease the 2.18 acre portion of the property zoned M-1 during the escrow period or one year, whichever occurs first. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting September 24, 1991, 8:00 Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Temecula, California PM, Temporary Center Drive, 2/ageride/061290 10 09/06/91 ITEM 1 ITEM 2 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD AUGUST 20, 1991 An adjourned regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 5:37 PM in the Main Conference Room, Temecula City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Mayor Ronald J. Parks presiding. PRESENT 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and City Clerk June S. Greek. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Parks declared a recess to an executive session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 (b), and 54956 (c), to discuss pending litigation. The meeting was reconvened at 7:08 PM in regular session by Mayor Parks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Mu~oz. PUBLIC COMMENTS Greg Treadwell, representing Granny's Bakery and Country Sore, 27300 "B" Jefferson Avenue, presented the Council with invitations to joint him at his place of business to discuss the sign ordinance. Jane Vernon, 30268 Mersey Court, thanked the City Council for their prompt reaction to her suggestion that traffic directors be used on the Rancho California Road over-crossing on weekends. COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Introduction of Draft Five-year C.I.P. Proaram City Manager David Dixon introduced the staff report to be presented by Assistant City Manager Mark Ochenduszko. Mr. Ochenduszko gave the City Council an overview of the plan and explained that this document is a planning tool, not a budgetary tool. He outlined that way in which the Minutes\8/20/91 - 1 - 09/0519 1 City Council Minutes August 20, 1991 " staff developed the plan and briefly explained the way the sources of funding tables were prepared. He directed the Council's attention to the Project Description section of the plan and explained the information contained in each section and the location maps. Mayor Parks questioned the reason projects contained in Assessment Districts 159 and 161 are not covered in the program. City Manager Dixon explained that these projects are not funded or controlled by the City. Mayor Parks requested that the projects to be performed by Assessment Districts 159 and 161 that are contained within the City's boundaries be included in the Capital Improvement Plan. City Manager Dixon said staff could add an addendum to include those projects having a fiscal impact on the City. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if impact fees for office space, industrial space, commercial space, etc. were computed per square foot per year. City Manager Dixon responded that the only impact fees included in the report are for residential construction and that the assumptions made do not include industrial and commercial development. Councilmember Lindemans questioned how the development impact fees were projected. Finance Officer Mary Jane Henry presented the Council with a spread sheet detailing the estimated development impact fees for a five year period ending June 30, 1996. Councilmember Mu~oz stated he would like to see staff make comparisons between collecting industrial/commercial development impact fees versus crediting these against any industrial/commercial benefits to be derived by the City. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Dixon announced that due to an unfortunate death in her family, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Harker will not be able to attend the Main Street Program meeting to be held August 25 through 28. He asked Council to consider if any of them would be able to attend since all of the travel and accommodation fees have been prepaid. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS Scott Field reported that Bedford Properties has been working with the County of Riverside to finalize the surety issue which should allow the bonds for CFD 88-12 to be issued, hopefully, within the next two weeks. Minutes\8/20/91 -2- 09/05/91 City Council Minutes August 20. 1991 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Parks requested that staff give an up-date report on the Rancho California Road widening agreement. City Manager Dixon reported that one of the major developers, who had previously agreed to enter into a joint agreement for widening Rancho California Road, has indicated that they no longer wish to be a participant. Mayor Parks asked that staff explore contingency plans to accomplish this widening. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adjourn at 8:10 PM to an executive session to be held at 5:30 PM in the Main Conference Room at City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, to be followed by a regular meeting at 7:00 PM in the Temporary Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Birdsall absent. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk Minutes\8/2019 1 -3- 0910519 1 ITEM 3 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts of $526,284.60 SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOFrED, this 10th day of September, 1991. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 3/R~so 205 a: uj ,-I- ,_1 t- UJ -r 0 Z 0 0 u_ 0 ,_1 0 r,D C,> 0 0 C,1 Z Z < LU ILl C/) ,_1 ,_1 ,_1 ,_1 0 0 U_ LU UJ LU LU (,> LU UJ LU LU Fiscal Year: ]992 Check ~egister Station: 3369 Check Date Vendor Name -- Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 0vu07595 08/14/93 KNOTTS XNOTTS BERRY FARM 081291 08/12/93 08/14/91 TICKETS FOR DAY CAMP 523.50 0.00 521.50 00007687 08/23/93 CHAMBER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 082291 08/22/91 08/05/91 Check Totals: 521.50 0.00 521.50 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 Check Totals: 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 00007689 08/23/91 ALLIED ALLIED BARRICADE ~36474-00 08/08/91 10553 07/30/91 STOP SIGNS FOR RORIPAUGH TRCT 328.31 0.00 328.31 Check Totals: 328.31 00007690 08/23/91 AMERICAN AMERICAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS 08262242 08/01/93 10554 08/01/91 POSTAGE MTR TAPE 126.63 Check Totals: 126.63 00007691 08/23/9i BICKNELL BICKNELL TRAVEL CENTER 081691 08/16/91 08/05/91 AIRFARE CODE DEV. CONFERENCE 330.59 0.00 328.31 0.00 126.63 0.00 126.63 0.00 330.59 Check Totals: 00007692 08/23/91 BRATSCHI MICHAEL & JEANNIE BRATSCHI 081991 08/19/91 08/19/91 GOLF SESSION I 330.59 0.00 330.59 500.00 0.60 500.00 '7693 08/23/91 BROWRiB BROWN & BIGELON 5447023-26 08/06/91 10191 Check Totals: 05/10/91 NAME BADGES 500.00 0.00 500.00 588.39 0.00 588.39 00007694 08/23/93 CALlFORM CALIFORNIAN 07239~ 07/21/93 Check Totals: 588.39 0.00 588.39 07/21/93 33243 YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION 48.00 0,00 4E.O0 Check Totals: 00007695 08/23/91 COPYLiNE COPY LINE CORPORATION 49630 08/13/91 30547 07/30/91 DEVELOPER FOR COPIERS 48.00 0.00 48.00 629.45 0.00 629.45 00007696 08/23/91DAVLIN DAVLIN 89-23:306 08/20/91 10465 89-23:108 08/20/91 10462 Check Totals: 07/01/91 TAPE COUNCIL MEETING 8/6,8/13 07/01/91 TAPING PKS & REC. AUG 12 629.45 0.00 629.45 634.82 0.00 614.82 130.00 0.00 130.00 Check Totals: 0000769? 08/23/91 DELACUES REGINA DE LA CUESTA 081993 08/19/91 08/19/91T SHIRT PAINTING/SESSIONII 744.82 0.00 744.82 80.00 0.00 80.00 Check Totals: 00007898 08/23/91 DIVERSIF DIVERSIFIED TEMPORARY SERVICE 712 07/14/91 10557 07/01/91TEMPORARY~L.L. WE 7/21 80.00 0.00 80.00 320.00 0.00 320.00 ~q~7699 08/23/91 FORD SHARON FORD 083993 08/19/93 Check Totals: 08/39./9! MONEY MANAGEME~T/SESSIOK II 320.00 0.00 320.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 Check Totals: 00007700 08/°~/91 FREEMARS FREEMAN'S OFFICE PRODUCTS 133714-~ 07/09/93 ]0343 06/34/93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 80.00 0.00 80.00 93.70 0.00 93.70 Cric<'i: ?ct,~ls: c~ vr C.0(, c~ -.' 08/23/91 City c~ T~ec=!3~ i'ags. Fiscal Year: 1992 Check Register Station: 3369 Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 00007701 08/23/9{ GENEP. ALB GENERAL BINDING ]1481455 07/12/91 10414 07/11/91 SPIRAL COMB BINDERS 25.60 0.00 25.60 11484513 08/08/91 10571 08/07/91 COMBS FOR BINDERS,BUDGET/STOK 137.90 0.00 137.90 Check Totals: 00007702 08/23/91GLENNIES GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS 132173-1 07/03/91 10508 07/02/91 DESK PADS, LETTER TRAYS 163,50 0,00 163,50 488,14 0,00 488,14 00007703 08/23/91 GLOBAL 11061769 Check Totals: GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES 07/08/91 10369 06/24/91 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 488.14 0.00 488.14 523.13 0.00 523.13 Check Totals: ~0007704 08/23/91 GLOBAL C GLOBAL CITIES PROJECT - 3160 08/05/91 10496 07/17/91 ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDE FOR OOVMT 523.13 0.00 523.13 193.05 0.00 193.05 Check Totals: 00007705 08/23/91GOVTFINO GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS A 59156 07/08/91 30395 07/02/91 FINANCE PUBLICATION 193.05 0.00- 193.05 12.50 0.00 12.50 00007706 08/23/91GRAINGER GRAINGER ?21-115930 08/05/91 10522 Check Totals: 07/23/91 HARDWOOD PIANO BOLLIE 12.50 0.00 12.50 53.13 0.00 53.13 Check Totals: 00007707 08/23/91 GRAY BAR GRAY BAR ELECTRIC 159-206461 07/11/93 10402 07/08/91CRIMPER CONDUCTER & CORD 53,13 0,00 53,13 449,02 0,00 449,02 Check Totals: 00007708 08/23/911NLANDD2 INLAND DISPOSAL, tNC 046850 08/09/91 08/09/93 AUGUST SERVICES 449,02 0,00 449.02 45,00 0,00 45,00 00007709 08/23/91JOK'S f13550 JON'S FLAG SHOP 08/19/91 10602 Check Totals: 08/12/91 SMALL FLAG POLE;STAND;FLAGS 45.00 0.00 45.00 238.05 0.00 238.05 00007710 08/23/91 LEONARD SANDRA LEONARD 081991 08/19/91 Check Totals: 08/19/91 SWIM LESSON REFUND 238,05 0,00 238,05 5,00 0,00 5,00 00007711 08/23/91 LOCAL 081291 Check Totals: LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 08/12/93 08/20/91 CONPOSTING WORKSHOP j, HREBA 5,00 0,00 5,00 60,00 0,00 80,00 Check Totals: 00007712 08/23/91 LUNCH&ST LUN~rH & STUFF CATERING 081691 08/16/93 08/16/91 LUNCH FOR STAFF DUNE STAFF MT 60.00 0.00 60.00 93.80 0.00 93.80 0(1007713 08/23/91LYO~ LYON COMMUNITIES 081593 08/15/91 Check Totals: 08/05/91 TRACT 22627 93.80 0.00 93.80 525.00 0.00 525.00 Check Totals: 00007734 08/23/91MARiLYNS MARILYN'S COFFEE SERVICE 3645 08/12/91 10584 08/04/91 COFFEE SUPPLIES AUG. 525.00 0.00 525.00 83.20 0.00 83.20 Totals: E3.20 0.00 Lj.2(= Fiscal Year: 1992 Check Re,aster ~eck Date Veodor Name invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net ,J07715 08/23/91PE~TYC PET~ CASH 082191 08/21/91 08/21/91 CASH REIMB/CITY 227.87 0.00 227.8? 081991 08/19/91 08/19/91 PETTY CASH/TCSD 142.89 0.00 142.89 Check Totals: 370.76 0.00 370.76 00007716 08/23/91 RAIN RAIN FOR RENT 327836 07/01/91 10573 07/0]/91 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES;PARKS 144.39 0.00 144.39 00007717 08/23/91RIVERSID RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY 98284-0 07/31/91 10509 07/09/91 Check Totals: 144.39 ASST DESK PADS, HANGING FOLDE 68.53 0.00 144.39 0.00 68.53 ~eck Totals: 68.53 0.00 68.53 00007718 08/23/9I S&SARTS S &S ARTS AND CRAFTS · 787756-01 07/01/91 10313 06/12/91 DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 38.91 0.00 38.91 8]0345 08/09/91 10532 07/16/91 RECREATION SUPPLIES;TCSD 221.34 0.00 221.34 810147 08/09/91 10533 07/16/91 RECREATION SUPPLIES; TCSD 262.34 0.00 262.34 810143 08/09/91 10531 07/16/91 RECREATION SUPPLIES;TCSD 497.65 0.00 497.65 Check Totals: 1,020.24 0.00 1,020.24 00007719 08/23/91 SECURITY SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BAN 070491-1 07/04/91 07/04/91 4798020000010831S. MUNOZ ' 338.75 0.00 336.75 080491 08/04/91 08/04/91 4798020000010773 D. DIXON 1,311.04 0.00 1,311.04 070491-2 07/04/91 07/04/91 4798-0200-0001-0807 R. PARKS 265.52 0.00 265.52 -- 070491-3 07/04/91 07/04/91 4798020000010799 J. GREEK 127.59 0.00 127.59 080491-1 08/04/91 08/04/91 4798020000010831S. MUNOZ 327.42 0.00 327.42 080491-3 08/04/91 08/04/91 4798020000010815 P BIRDSALL 66.00 0.00 66.00 070493-4 07/04/91 07/04/91 4798020000010815 P BIRDSALL 402.54 0.00 402.54 00007720 08/23/91 SO CAL-i SOUTHERN CA TELEPHONE CO 000727 08/13/91 10487 07/10/91 000727-1 07/13/91 10488 07/10/91 000727-2 08/13/91 10489 07/10/91 000727-3 08/15/91 10494 07/10/91 Check Tota3s: 2~838.86 0.00 2.836.86 INSTALL CELLULAR PHONE-GREEK INSTALL CELLULAR PHONE-SERLET INSTALL CELLULAR PHONFHENRY INSTALL CELLULAR PBONE-THORNH 377.13 0.00 377.13 377.13 0.00 377.33 377.13 0,00 377.13 377.13 0.00 377.13 Check Totals: 00007721 08/23/91 SO CAL-2 SO.CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. 345-7423-2 08/07/91 08/07/91 JULY SERVICES 714-345-7421 345-7421-1 07/09/91 07/09/91 JUNE ~ARGES 714-345-7421 345-6005-1 07/09/91 07/09/91 JUNE SERVICES 714-345-6005 345-6005-2 08/07/91 08/07/91 JULY SERVICES 714-345-6005 1,508.52 0.00 1,508.52 82.98 0.00 82.98 329.30 0.00 I29.30 303.20 0.00 303.20 366.35 0.00 166.35 00007722 08/23/91 TEN TROP TEMECULA TROPHY 71193 07/26/93 10453 81006 08/02/9] 10454 81005 08/02/91 10457 07/12/91 07/31/91 07/12/91 Check Totals: CITY LOGO CUSTOM ENGRAVING DILL/HASTIE MEN TOURN PLAQUES ALLSTAR PLAQUES 681.83 0.00 681.83 177.78 0.00 177.78 271.31 0.00 271.31 280.15 0.00 280.35 08/23/91TOWNCTR 7663-0 TOWN CEGTER STATIONERS OS/!6/93 10590 07/30/93 Check Totals: OFFICE SUPPLIES 729.24 0.00 729.24 25.09 0.00 25.09 Check Totals: 00007724 08/23/93 UNIGLOB~ U~IGLOBE BUTTERFIELD TRAVEL 08209] ~!20/93 0~!20/93 AIR FARE/PAT ~!RDSALL/SA~ FRA 25.09 0.00 25.09 8~.00 0.00 "'= "-"' C~;.=, I:~f 7emecuia ['age: : F~sca] Year: 1992 ~neck Register Station: 3389 Cneck Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net Check Totals: 88.00 0.00 88.00 00007725 08/23/91WILLIAMS IAY WILLIAMS 081993 08/19/91 08/19/91 MODELING SESSION I 400.00 0.00 400.00 Check Totals: 400.00 0.00 400.00 00007726 09/10/91BEM BKM 3563 05/31/91 90328 03/14/91 CHAIRS FOR NEW CITY HALL 56,461.82 0.00 56,461.82 Check Totals: 56,461.82 0.00 56,461.82 00007727 09/10/91 S&SA~S S & S ARTS AND CRAFTS 810148 08/09/91 10534 07/16/91RECREATIOW SUPPLIES; TCSD 176.60 0.00 176.60 00007728 09/10./91TEM TROP TEMECULA TROPHY · 81007 08/06/91 10456 Check Totals: 07/11/91 BB EEYCBAINS-DILL/HASTIE MEM 176.60 0.00 176.60 307.09 0.00 307.09 Check Tota]s: 307.09 0,00 307.09 Report Totals: 117,142.88 0.00 117,142.88 89/e5/91 City of le:ecula Pa;e: Fiscal Year: !992 Check Reaister Station: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net lfi7688 88/15/91ROLLAR ROLLAR CITY B81591 88/15/91 88/14/91 DAY CAMP/TICKETS 9e.H LH 99.H Check Totals: 98.99 88887683 88/15/91 rLaSGARIT MARSARITA OFFICIALS ASSOC. HH1 88/86/91 ~233 87/81/91 UMPIRES; 678 ADULT S/B GAMES l,leG.H file4 87/21/91 9235 97/e1/91 UMPIRES; 678 ADULT S/B GAMES 216.H file3 87/21/91 9233 97/81/91 UMPIRES; 678 ADULT S/B GAMES 1,144.8B I8112 87/27/91 823S 87/11/91 UMPIRES; 679 ADULT S/D GAHES 237.68 e.99 99.98 e.e6 1,188.88 e.H 216,H e.96 1,144.89 e.ee 237.68 Check Totals: 2,786.48 eH87684 H/28191 SIMPLY SIMPLY PERFECT 8761 88128191 98/28/91 MEALS FOR COUNCIL MTG 9.Be 2,7e6.48 e.H 66.ee .... Check Totals: · HH7686 H/25191COUNTYRC COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CLERK & e82391 eB/21/91 eB/23/91 ASSESSMENT FEE 66,8e B,e9 66.H 25,H e.88 25,98 H997729 88126/91 3C~A 5CMA H229I 88/22/91 Check Totals: H/22/91 3CMA CONFIKARL LINDERMAN 25,99 e.e9 25,H e8687736 88/26/91VILLAHTL VILLA HOTEL 982691 H126t91 Check Totals: H/22/91 LEAD, CA. CITY/PAT BIRDSEL Check Totals: 88867731 H/26/91LAMANSIO LA MANSIO DEL RIO HOTEL _ 982691 98/26/91 68/26/91 CMA CONFERENCE/KAREL LINDEMAN 74.52 9,H 74.52 74.52 Leg 74,52 584.32 e.H 584.32 ee867732 H/27/91 DIXON DAVID F, DIXON 882791 H/27i91 , Check Totals: 88/27/91 EXPENSE REIMB, a.D. POWER 384.52 9,H 584,52 186.74 e,H 1H.74 eeH7733 88/27/91 DIXON DAVID F, DIXON 982791-1 G8/27/91 Check Totals: 88/27191 EXPENSE REIND./LEA6. CA, CTY Check Totals: HH7734 88/27/91PARKCAFE PARK CAFE & CATERING 1678 68/27/91 e8/27/91 DINNER FOR COUNCIL 186.74 e. Be 188.74 198.14 9.Be 198.14 198.14 e.88 198.14 72.89 9.H 72.88 98687735 88/27/91 MOOREPEG PEG MOORE 882791 88/27/91 Check Totals: 88/27/91 EXPENSE REIM8./LCC MONTEREY 72.89 6.H 72.88 684.H 9,88 684.H Check Totals: 96887736 98/27/91 BIRDSALL PATRICIA BIRDSALL H2791 88/27/91 88/27/91 EXPENSE REIMB/LCC MDNTERREY 684.88 e.16 684.98 474.84 e.ee 474.84 187737 88/27/91CALMUNI 882791 Check Totals: CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL BUSINESS 88/27i91 88/27/91LUNCHEON/ZEE SMITH 474,84 9.88 474,94 2e.H 8,88 28,88 Check Total!: 8H87738 88/27/91 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN SEHINARS 882791 ~8/27/91 18681 BB/2D/~! SEHINA~ AUG ~ 28.88 8.66 28,88 1,,.7o 8,88 145.78 89/83/9! Fiscal Year: 1972 City of Te~ecuia Check Register Page: Station: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Discount Net Check Totals: BH87739 98/27/91GOVTFINO GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS A 882791 88/27/91 88/27/91 SUBMIT BUDGET DOC./BFOA 145.78 288.89 8,18 145.7~ Check Totals: 88887741 88/27/91TEMMUBEU TEMECULA MUSEUM FOUNDATION 881591 H/15/91 88/15/91 LOAN 22,281.98 e.19 8.18 288.16 22,288.88 98887748 89/8~/91 ALLCITY 1113 1164 1115 Check Totals: ALL CITY MANAGEMENT 97181/91 8231 i7/91/91 JUNE CHARGES; TRAFFIC CONTROL 87/81/91 8231 97/91/91 JUNE CHAR6ES; TRAFFIC CONTROL 87/91/91 8231 87/91/91 JUNE CHARBESt TRAFFIC CONTROL 22,298.89 286.13 21832 235.76 8,81 i,ll 22,2H.~ 286.13 218,92 235.76 99897749 89/83/91 ALLIED 116736-H 116735-~8 ALLIED BARRICADE 88/21/91 11623 88/21/91 18579 Check Totals: 88/14/91 ST. MAINT SUP/B/21/91 88/96/91HAROWARE SUPPLIES/8/21 748.81 165.~7 248.82 e,te I,II 8,el 741.81 165.37 246,82 88887758 99/83/91ARTESIA W018977 IV42817 23475 Check Totals: ARTESIA INhERiT 97/82/91 1965~ 97/81/91HOWER RENTAL;.52 HOURS 17181/91 18652 - 97/81/91 FILTERS;ELEmENTS 97/81/91 18782 87/81/91 HOMER RENTAL;TWO DAYB; TCSD 88987751 99/8~/91 BARAN L.E. BARAN 682191 88/29/91 Check Totals: 98/21/91 REFUND/CATALINA CANaLLED 486.19 25,48 159.65 223.65 488.78 158,89 1,91 6.99 9,18 I,GI 8.16 466.19 25.48 159.65 223.65 498.7E 158.88 , Check Totals: 88897752 69/83/91CALIFCON CALIFORNIA CONTRCT CITIES ASS 882291 88/22/91 68/22/91REB. SENINAR/KARL LINDE~ANS 158.88 158.88 8.89 158.98 158.88 89887753 69183191CALNUNI 882191 Check Totals: CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL BUSINESS 88/21/V1 88/21/91QUAR.MEETINB/ALLAN MARSHALL 88887754 89/83/91CALWEST CAL WEST RENTAL CENTER 868142A 87/83/91 18679 87/11191 669894A 67/24/91 II679 87/81/91 969183A 87/26/91 19679 07/61191 967914A 87/83/91 18679 97/81/91 868185A 67/92/91 18679 87/81/91 Check Totals: RENTAL;PIANO DOLLY;VACUUM RENTAL;PIANO DOLLY;VACUUM RENTAL;PIANO DOLLY)VACUUM REliTAL)PIANO DOLLY;VACUUM RENTAL;PIANO DOLLY;VACUUM 156.88 29.89 28.86 6.39 6.47 8.88 49.52 27.16 8.98 8.88 8.98 8,88 8.i6 9.98 6.80 8.98 158.88 28.88 28.88 6.39 6.47 8.88 49,52 27.16 98867755 89/83/91 CHESHIRE CHESHIRE EMBROIDERY 882391 H/23/91 18595 87/82/91 Check Totals: SHERIFF UNIFORM PATCH;CTYSEAL 97.62 1,643.19 9.98 8.89 97.62 !,643.19 86897756 99/85/91 CUMMINS MILDRED CUMMINS 882991 88/19/91 68/19/91 882891 88/28/91 88/28/91 Check Totals: REFUND/CATALINA CANCELLED REFUND/ROSE PARADE 1,643.!9 158.88 158.88 8.89 8.88 8.88 1,643.19 _ 158.88 158,88 89887757 89/8~/91DANAPTR DANA POINT RESORT Check Totals: 3)8.88 B.98 388.88 Fiscal ~eaf: I992 Check Register Station: Check Date Vendor Invoice Date Name P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 882291 fi/22191 68/22/91CALIF CONTRACT SENIOR/KARL 242.66 242.68 Check Totals: 66867758 99193191EASTBRTH EAST BROTHERS GROVE SERVICE, 53549 67/63/91 19689 17/61/91 NEED EXTRACTION;SADDLENOOD 99997759 99/63/91 GETPAGED BET PAGED 9894438-IN 98/16191 9219 68~4438-1 98/29/91 9228 9893421-IM 97/61/91 6228 Hg39fi-IN 67/19/91 9228- 68941~4-IN 97/26/91 1219 98t4114-IM 97/19/91 9219 99997769 69163191 BENILL GTE A676-1932 97/97/91 8676-69~2 98/97/91 881691 98/16/91 98/16/91 98/16/91 971691 97/16/91 A981691 68116/91 A671691 97/16/91 8681691 68/16/91 8971691 67/16/91 686191 98/91/91 Check Totals: 67/15/91 ~ONTHLY SERV. PABERS/AUB, SER 97161191 MONTHLY PA6ER/AUS. SERV 17/ll/91PABERS/JUNE -97/61/91-PAGERS/JULY 97/15/91PAGERS/JULY 97/15/91PABERS/JULY Check Totais: 17/67/91 714-676-1932 -JUNE CHBS 98/17/91 714-676--1932 JULY CHGS 98/16/91 714-162-5596 JULY CLOSE BILL 98/16/91 714-672-5595- JULY CHGS 97116/91 714-162-5595 JUNE CHBS 98/16/91 714-i62-6652 JULY SERV 97/I&/91 714-162-6152 JUNE SERV 6811&/91 714-162-6143/JULY SERV 97/16/91 714-162-6943 JUNE SERV 68191/91 714-197-~854 JULY SERV. 242.66 3,668.68 48.56 162.fi 1S5.66 1~5.H 29,79 55.35 557.55 54.78 1~.52 ~42.29 224.21 1,767.37 1J95.52 1,767.74 5,929.64 9.66 8.99 6.96 1.98 9.H 6.69 9.19 6.68 6 .H 6.89 9.69 242.68 3,HO.H 3,699.9 46.56 162.99 135.69 29.71 55,35 557.55 -31,6.1 54.78 13.52 ~42.29 224,21 1,767.37 1,395.52 1,767.74 1,399.26 5,629.64 99997761 99193191HAFELIll'I THOMAS HAFELI 982691 68/2&/91 99697763 8918~191HANKSHAR HANKS HARDWARE 96766 96664 96678 96687 96335 96329 96425 93599 95922 94458 94466 91833 ~314 94911 91931 91754 93769 96975 97854 98/21/91 19655 68/21/91 16655 68121191 16655 HI21191 16655 68/21R1 19655 98121191 19655 98/21/91 19655 98/21/91 19655 H/21/91 19655 H/21/91 19655 98/21/91 19655 H/21/91 18655 68121/91 18455 98/21/91 19655 68/21/91 18455 68/21/91 16655 68/21/91 16655 68/21/91 18655 68/21/91 18655 68/26/91 Check Totals: REIM9/NEC AMERICA COURSE Check Totals: HI21191 coupler 98121191 COUPLER/TEE 98/21/91MISC.REPAIR EQUIPNENT;TCSD 68/21/91MISC.REPAIR EOUIPNENT;TCSD 68/21/91NISC.REPAIR EQUIPMENT;TCSD 98121191MISC.REPAIR EQUIPMENT;TCSD H/21/91MISC.REPAIR EDUIPMENT;TCSD 98/21/91 MEASURING TAPE 98/21/~1MISC,REPAIR E9UIPMENT;TCSD 68/21/91 BATTERY/RISER 98121191 KEY/BUCKET H/21/91 FITTINGS 98/21/91 KEYS 68/21/91MISC.REPAIR EGUIPMENT;TCSD 68/21/91 TAPE/COUPLER 88/21/91 GLUE/HAMMER 68/21/91MISC.REPAIR EOUIPMENT~TCSD 68/21/91 NISC.REPAIR EOUIPNENT;TCSD 68/21/91 CHAIN 11,875.B1 2,138.BB 2,138.88 9.91 2.96 29.34 29.43 16,19 27.86 41.~9 58.56 15.96 22,49 15,71 1.7~ 3.46 8.54 7.49 29.43 46.56 19.91 9.87 6 9.99 9 .H 6.96 9.96 9.96 6.69 6.96 9.66 9.96 9,96 6.e6 9.98 6.99 9.69 6.6e !1,875.81 2,138.88 2,138.88 6.91 2.96 28.34 29.43 16.19 27.86 41.36 58.56 15.96 22.49 15.71 1.79 3.49 8.56 7.49 26.4~ 46.59 19.91 9.87 99967764 99/83/91HARGIS 682691 RUSSELL HAR6IS 88/26/91 68128191 Check Totals: REFUND/CATALINA CANCELLED 353.76 158,69 ~53.76 I58,6~ Fiscal Year: 1992 CnecF ;.eci:.ter Station: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net Check Totals: I58.88 8.99 158.88 6H67765 99/65171HARKEREV EVELYN HARICER 662391 66/23/91 66/23/9! REIMB/AIRFARE 13G.66 6.61 136.H Check Totals: 866e7766 69/63/91 HIGHGRAD HIGHGRADE 8GINEERING 91147 87/61/91 16685 87/!1191 LOAD & HAUL BROKEN CONCRETE 139.66 6.66 136.86 486.98 6.66 486.96 99667767 19/65191HORNSVEL PATTY HORNSVELD 681391 98/13/91 Check Totals: 88/15/tl REFUND/CLASS CANCELLED 486.89 6.69 488.99 72.86 i.8i 72.H Check Totals: 66H7768 6t/63/91 KING IKt KING ONE K-9 ACADEMY 682391 96/25/91 66/23/91 DO6 OBEDIENCE/SESSION I Check Totals: H96776~ 6V/63/tl ~IDLAWT LAIDLAW TRANSIT, INC. 326467 66/22/91 66/22/91 TRANS. TO ~OTIS BERRY FARN 72.69 6.86 72.69 526.96 i.H 528.66 528.86 6.86 529,66 385.37 8,66 385.37 Check Totals: 9H67776 6~/63/61LEABUE-I LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 16426 ~7/91/V1 16227 94/26/91 ADM & LEGAL B~KS 385.57 I.H 385,57 26.63 6,99 26.65 Check Totals: 68667771 69/63/91 LEECHART NANCY LEE CHARTER & TOURS 662691 68/26/91 68/26/tl TRANS TO PAUL BETTY MUSEUM 69997772 69/63/91M.C,R.LA M.C.R, LANDSCAPE 2522 67/81/91 18377 2522CR 68/28/~1 Check Totals: 66/17/91 WEED REMOVAL/JUNE 68/28/91 CREDIT NENO/EXC. P.O. Check Totals: 88987773 69/63/91NARGARIT NARGARITA OFFICIALS ASSOC. 69667 18/15/91 6233 67/91/91 UMPIRES/AUGUST flee6 68115191 6235 e7/61/91 UMPIRE/AUG Check Totals: 89687774 89163/91 ~ARILYNS HARILYN'S COFFEE SERVICE 1635 68/16/91 18631 68116191 COFFEE SUPPLIES AUGUST SER. 1661 68/19/91 16651 68/16/91 COFFEE SUPPLIES/AUGUST 26,63 6,96 26.65 476,H 6,66 476.69 476.69 6,86 476,69 585.93 8.69 585.93 29,94- 9,96 29.94- 555.99 6,86 555.~9 172,69 i,H 172,66 777.66 8.69 777.66 956.49 9.19 956.49 92.56 6,69 92.56 69.66 6.66 69.69 Check Totals: HH7775 69/63/91NARTINEZ DEANN IDYK-MARTINEZ 666291 88/62/91 66/62/91REFUND/SNIN LEMONS 161,56 6.69 !61.56 29.89 6.86 26.69 9691777~ 99163/91 NEWPORT 68623 68628 66612 Check Totals: NEWPORT WAVE SOFTWARE D7/22/91 9183 ~4/26t91COMP. TECH 7/15/91 B7/24/91 ~185 64/26/91 JOHN HINES 7/22/91 07/16/~1 ~163 94/26/91 JOSEPH TIERNAN 7/11 26,86 9.69 29,69 136.66 6.69 136.66 375,69 ~.61 575.80 113.75 6.69 113.75 H667777 89/~5/ti ORANGES 822753 Check Totals: ORANGE SPORTING GOODS 68/39/91 ~8296 ~1/31/91 48 DOZEN SOFTBALLS 618.75 !,e6 618.75 245,35 e. BB 245.35 Fiscal Year: !972 Chec~ Register Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Descri;tion Gross Discount Net 96687778 89103191PAC[FICW PACIFIC WEST 862~1 67161191 16665 Check Totals: 67/61/91 RENT;BOBCAT TREN~ER;ROTO TIL 245.55 128.88 8 9.66 245.55 126.88 Check Totals: 66667779 89/63/91PACIFIRR PACIFIC IRRIGATION 5~2761 97/62/91 1~64 67/62/91 IRRIGATION ~TERIALS;TCSD 3~625 67/17/91 16663 67/16/91 BATTERY CONTROLLERJ TCSD 129.86 254.85 9.96 9.66 9.69 126.86 254.83 99697788 69/65/91 QUALITY 6561 Check Totals: QUALITY TONER SUPPLY 68/16/91 19587 67/24/91 RECHARGE TONER CARTRIDGES 644.76 245.86 6.66 6.66 644.76 245,88 Check Totals: 99697781 99163191R.B.EXPR R.B.EXPRESS NESSFJi6ER SERVICE 5849 87/31/91 8225 67/91/91 PICK~/DFJ, V. DEP.JULY SERV. 245.88 275.86 8.66 245,66 275,98 66667782 99/63/91 RANBEY 5485 Check Totals: RAHSEY BACKFq, OW & PLUHBING 67/16/91 16687 67/15/91 BACKFLOW DEVICES;PARTS&LABOR 275.99 95.88 6.66 275.69 95,69 Check Totals: HH7785 99/95191RIVCTYCH RIVERSIDE COUNTY CHAPTER 682191 68/21/91 68121191NE~BERSHIP/ANTHONY ELMO Check Totals: d667784 69/63/91SHERAT-I SHERATON - SPOKANE HOTEL 681591 88/15/91 98/15/91 EDUC & CODE DEV. CON~,,/ELMO 95.68 59.66 56.68 511.44 6'.66 8.66 95.88 56.66 56.69 511.44 68667785 69/83/91SIGNKWIK SIGN KWIK 813297 98/16/91 19486 Check Totals: 87/16/91 DOOR SIGN/DOOR A & DOOR B 511.44 58.59 8.66 511.44 58.59 Check Totals: 86667786 89/83191SO-CAL-2 SO.CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. $49-3439-2 68/67/91 68/97/91 714-349-$439 $45-7425-2 88/67/91 98/87/91 714-345-7425 345-7425-1 97/99/91 97169191 714-345-7425 34577419-2 68/67/91 68/67/91 714-345-7419 JULY SERVICES JULY JUNE SERV. JULY SERVICES 69687789 89/83/91SOUTHCED SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON A8-766797 67191191 67/61/91 A8-733519 67/61/91 97/61/91 A398-51768 07/17/91 67/17/91 A388476569 67/16/91 67116191 A368393819 67/16/91 87/16/91 A85689458 67/12/91 67/12/91 A588426227 87/12/91 67/12/91 A531H~17 97/16/91 87/16/91 A85674588 97/26/91 87/26/91 A8814825 97/36/91 97/36/91 85-882944 97/91/91 97/91/91 A369826279 97/95/91 97/85/91 B$6992927~ 98/82/91 98/92/91 aN17812628 88/92/91 68/92/91 Check Totals: 66774111695828667 5/13-6/12 6677411925562H65 5/13-6/12 66774118911629696 6/12-7/11 5977885162136991 6/I1-7/I1 5977892542293HH 6/11-7/11 57777862489636967 6/7-7/9 57777888746636699 617-7/9 59777994685936686 6/11-7/11 67778639414628662 6/28-7/23 G9776781651629692 6/25-7/24 66777958462636699 ~/22-4/11 51779656161926663 5/39-6/29 51779658191629683 6/29-7/$6 51779651892919984 6/29-7/39 96,22 53.25 66,97 48.81 259.25 9.69 11.82 8.76 9.68 9.69 9,66 9,66 9.8~ 278.17 243.$S 48.75 56.74 59.29 53.84 6.69 9.66 6.69 6.66 8.66 6.69 9.68 6.66 9.96 9.89 9.9B 9.68 58.39 96.22 53.25 69.97 48.81 259,25 11.62 8.78 9.68 9.96 9.48 9.66 9.83 278.17 243.53 48,75 56.74 59.29 55.94 Fiscal Tear: [992 Check Register Station: Chec[ Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net A85759853 87112191 87112191 88685178 88162191 88182191 A2884H529 87112191 87112191 A788823136 8711219[ 87112191 A8766797 87/17/91 87/87RI A873~519 87117/91 87117191 8531fi917 H/14/91 H/14/91 8388426227 68112191 88112191 885689458 68/12/91 H/12/91 838839~819 88/14/91 68/14/91 8388476369 88114191 98114191 83113466- 88114191 68114191 KIHS17688 88115191 68115191 87888231,% 88112191 88112191 8288464529 88/12RI 68/12/91 8368465421 88188191 H/98/91 8~88517678 68197/91 HI67191 8388517677 88187191 68/87/91 829836H25 88/87/91 H/97/91 AN18581846 87/25191 87125/91 A85H2944 87/25/91 97/25/91 885759853 88/12/91 88/12/91 8283H5~24 H123/91 68/23/91 8298432191 88123191 68123191 85882944 87/81/91 67/91/91 85882944-I 87181191 87/91191 AY71791898 87/25/91 97/25/91 AY71761699 87/25/91 87/25/91 717818982 68/23/91 88/23/91 717618993 88/26/91 88/23/91 66867798 89183191STRACHOT STRACHOTA INSURANCE 86686 88168191 88188191 57775&6197381H64 6/7-7/9 5177985tHZ82~H5 6/29-7138 5777~567818~882 6/>719 57"'/7566~24929H5 6/7-7/9 6877411189592~97 6/12-7/11 69774119255r21fi5 6112-7111 59777994985136996 7/11-8/9 5777788874H,Ii69 7/9-8/7 57777882489836997 7/9-8/7 59778125422HI983 7/11-8/9 5977885192115fi61 597789254141~18H 7111-819 ~177411H1112Hfi 7/11-8/16 577756LT324128H5 7/9-8/7 5777565679182~82 719-816 55771267543MI986 715-815 5477828651582HH 7/3-8/2 54778~658~82~82 7/3-8/2 54778286484826982 7/3-8/2 6a77795868H4H66 5/26-7/22 66777958442LI619 6/26--7/22 5777566197361HH7/9-8/7 ~777959~13829H3 7/22-8/19 66774951849928988 7/22-8/19 667779584621,1HI9 5/2F6/28 6677795846213H99 4111-5/28 6677585883~4197 6/2F7/22 66775858856Hfi99 6/2F7/22 66775858638941559 CL05t 8ILL 66775858836841551 CLOSE Check Totals: LOCATION ENDORSERENT 31.27 258,99 9.68 39,25 8,76 18,88 9.53 8.78 8,78 8,76 9,77 9,H 39,25 8.46 9.88 9.88 14.82 28,56 49,~ 31,58 2H.57 59.41 49,18 538.52 284,78 1H,48 58.19 2,967.31 16.88 6.68 6 9.88 8.86 6.99 8.19 8.98 9.88 8.89 8.66 i.98 8.88 6.99 6.89 8 6.86 8,88 6.88 8,il 6.88 8,88 6.88 8 6.68 6,88 8.68 8.88 51.27 258.99 9.66 39.25 8.78 19.86 8.76 8.78 8,78 8.78 9.77 9.88 39.25 8.48 9.89 14.82 26.56 238,44 295.57 59.41 49.18 538.52 284,78 188.48 58,19 2,967.31 16,66 86887791 89163191TENCULAT TENECULA TOWNE ASSOC 653191CR 87/81/91 87161191 679591 87/65/91 8227 87181191 872491 87/24/91 8227 87/81/91 962191 67181191 9227 87/81/91 872591 87/25/91 8227 87/!1/91 Check Totals: ~EDIT ~E~/DOUBLE PAYNENT HALL RENT JULY/CLEANING JUNE HALL RENT ~/CLEANUP OULY HALL RENT ~ULY HALL RENT A~UST 16,88 637.60.- 262.58 592,58 158,19 9.88 6.66 8,89 8.98 8.88 16,88 637.68- 262.56 592.59 158.88 68667792 69163191 TENECREN TEMECULA RENTS 36827 87126191 18519 67126191 38488 67/29191 16519 67/26/91 29714 87126191 18519 67/26/91 29574 67/26/91 185i9 87/26/91 29919 6712619I 18519 67/2~/91 29888 87/26/91 18519 67/26/91 29729 67126/91 16519 87/26/91 Check Totals: RENTAL TRENC~R/7/$ RENTAL/AUGER 7~29 RENTAL/BOLT CUTTER 6/17 WEED ~OMER RENTAL/6/12 RENTAL/TRENCHER 6/28 RENTAL/TRENCHER 6/27 RENTAL TREN~ER/6/18 668.86 68.88 8.89 12i.68 148.68 I46.88 52,88 8,88 8,88 6.89 8.68 6.88 6,66 668.99 68.88 8.66 121.88 148.88 148.88 52.88 H687793 8918319[ TOWNCTR 7885-6 TOWN CENTER STATIONERS 88/22/91 18687 68/H/91 Check Totals: 5 HOLE PUNCH 562.89 56.74 8.88 8.68 562.86 56.74 Fiscal Year: 1992 Check ReGis:=r Stirion: ~56o. Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Sross Discount Net Check Totals: 56.74 8.88 56,74 ,J794 89/85/91TRUBEE LISA MARIE TRUBEE 888591 88/85/91 88/85/91REFUND/DAYCAMP 315.81 8,H 515.68 Check Totals: 515.88 88667795 89/85/91UNIGLOBE UNIBLOBE BUTTERFIELD TRAVEL 761717618 88/38t91 68/36/91LI~ERMANS/S~ANTONID 5CMA CO 576.88 8.88 515.68 6.68 576.88 Check Totals: 576.86 86667796 89/85/91 VALLEY VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS 11525 88/28191 18568 87/26191 OFFICE SUPPLIES; TCSO 63.43 8.66 57&.88 88887797 89/83/91WHII~EHEA PARIS WHITEHEAD 886591 88/15/91 Check Totals: 68/65/91REFUNDISWI~ LESSONS Check Totals: 88687798 69/85/91 WINDSOR1 WINDSOR PARTNERS-RANCHO IM8 688191 ~8/81191 82~5 87/81/91 RENT STORABE/JULY & AUG 68/81/91 88181191 8235 i7/61191 BUILD RE)T/SEPT 65.43 8.88 28.H 8.66 28.66 28.81 8,88 28,88 468.86 6.86 4H.88 2H.81 8.H 26i. H 86887868 89/18/91 ALLCITY 1114 Check Totals: ALL CITY NANAGENENT 17/62/91 8231 67/61/91 JUNE CHARBES; TPj~FFIC CONTROL 4,471.12 666.86 4,471.82 Check Totals: 87881 89118191JRFREENA J. R. FREEMAN CO., INC 4HJB 87/88/91 18558 86/IB/91 IBM WHEELWRITER 15 41121 88/13/91 18559 87/11/91 IBM TYPEWRITER; BLDB &~AFETY 4,471.62 5s2,56 524.74 6.88 4,471.82 8,88 532,58 8,68 524,74 Check Totals: 86887882 89/18/91 ROBERTBE ROBERT BEIN, NM. FROST & A.SSO >7846 88/16/91 8218 67/61/91 CIVIL ENB./JULY SERV, 1-68(2 87122/91 B186 84/38/91 CONST. SCHED. JUNE SERV. 1-7641 88/16/91 8186 84/56/91CONSTR~ SCHED./JULY SERVICES 1,857.24 6~842.68 2,531.68 1J9~.68 1,657.24 8.88 6,842.68 8,88 2,5~1.68 6,66 1,293.68 Check Totals: 86887863 89/18/91SCHUHACH SCHUMACHER AUTO SALE & LEASIN 1163 88119/91 18297 86185191TSCD VEHICLES 1163CR 88/28/91 H/28/91 CREDIT ~Q/EXCEEDED PO 18,667.88 15,565.61 179.BF 8.68 18,~67,88 8,88 15,563.91 6,68 179.84- 88887884 89/18/91 SETCON SETCON CORP. 326qB 88/16/91 18878 8~/22/91 Check Totals: CABLE KIT;HELMET;SPEAKER KIT 15,525.17 1,158.64 8.88 15,523.17 8.86 1,159.84 Check Totals: H887885 89/18191 SIRSPEED SIR SPEEDY 4633 87/24/91 18495 87/12/91 4 PART CASH RECEIPTS 4125 8715119l 16491 87115191 BIN STATIONARY 4898 87/31/91 18491 87/15/91B/W STATIONARY 3822 87/81191 18698 87/81/91 CASH RECEIPTS 1,156.84 419.79 1,949.57 1J76.84 251j7 1,158.84 8.88 419.79 8.86 1,948.37 8.86 1.276.84 6.86 251.37 08887886 89/18/91 T~ TROP TE)ECULA TROPHY 81289 88125/91 18551 81287 88/25/91 18551 81286 88/25/91 18551 Check Totals: 87/19/91 SOFTBALL TROPHIESI 87/I9/91 SOFTBALL TROPHIES; 87/19/91SOFIBALL TROPHIES: 3,888.37 8.H 3,888.37 459.81 8.88 459.81 474.19 8.88 474,18 584,27 8.89 584.27 8~/83I~1 City of ieaecuis Page: Fiscal Year: 1992 Check Reoister Station: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 81288 88/25/91 18551 87/19/91 81285 88125/91 18551 67119/91 98687887 99/18R1T~S TH01'IAS TBPORARIES 578675 H/I1RI 18548 67/24RI 575272 87/14R1 19528 87/87/91 575272-1 87/14/91 18516 87118R1 575272-2 87/14R1 18515 97/81/91 573272-5 97114/91 18527 87/82/91 572684 67/67R11~515 87/61/91 572884-1 87/67/91 18527 87/12/~1 578174 88/11R1 16528 67/67/91 574447 67t21/91 16528 67/67/91 574447-1 87/21/fi 18515 67/81/91 98887888 89118191TO-NACEN TO-HAC EN6INEERING I2H& 68/17/~I 68/17/91 SOFTBALL TROPHIES; SOFTBALL TROPHIES; Check Totals: TE~P. SEC. WE 8/4/91 TENP. SERV.WE 7/14R1 ASSIST FILINB WE 7/14 T~P WE 7/14/91 TE~P WE 7/14/91 TE~P/WE 7/7 TE~P/WE 7/7 TE~P SERV/WE B/11 TEI, tP SERV/WE 7/21 TE)iP HEI.P/WE 7/21 Check Totals: PROF. SERV. JULY Check Totals: Report Totals: 474.19 584.27 2,415.75 92.88 554.48 128.51 597.92 419.52 265,28 596.H 76.24 5,616.48 2,789.19 2,769.18 · 168,859.71 9.88 6.66 474.1~ 584.27 2,415,75 92.86 554.48 128.56 568.,~ 597.92 419.52 2&5.28 5~8.18 7&.24 5,616.48 2,789.19 2,789.18 188,839.71 Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date F'/O Date Descrimtion 8ross Discount Net 768 5 8/23/91COUNTYHD CO.OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH DEPT. JAN 71 81131/91 ~1/51/9! ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH.JAN 91 4.726.8~ 8.88 4226.88 JULY 9~ 81/31/?I 81/3!/9I ENVIRONMENT HEALTH, JULY 90 1,~i8.88 0.88 1.848.88 OCT ~ 81/31/91 ~!/51/91 ENVIRO~NENT HEALTH jUL 98 5,531.~8 B.B8 5,531.80 DEC 98 81/3!/91 81/31/~1 ENVIRONMENT HEALTH DEC 98 581.88 0.88 581.88 NOV 98 01/51/9! 81/31/91 ENVIRONMENT HEALTH NOV 98 2.429.88 8.88 2,429.88 SEPT 98 81/5I/~I 81/31/91 ENVIRONMENT HEALTH SEPT 98 ~,822.88 B.8B 6.822.80 AUG 91 81/31/91 81/51/91ENVT HEALTH CDRRCT BL JULY 91 2,788.~8 8.80 2,780.~ MARCH ?1 B4/eli?l 84/~1/91 ENVIRON.HEALTH;MARCH BILLING 8,771.88 8.88 8,771.88 Check Totals: 08887684 88/23/91COUNTYHD CO.OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH DEPT. '~,528.88 ~. 8.88 52,528.~8 FEB 91 82/81/91 82/81/91 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR FEB 91 5.759.74 B.88 5,759.74 JAN 91 AN 81/31/91 81/31/91 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR JAN 91 7,825.26 ~,88 7.825.26 DEC 98 AN ~1/51/91 ~1/31/91 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR DEC 98 5.939.14 8.88 5,939.14 NOV ~ AN 81/31/~I ~1/31/9! CORRECT ANIMAL CONTROL NOV 90 6,577.76 B.B8 ~,577.76 OCT 9~ AN ~1/51/91 ~1/31/91 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR OCT 90 788.~B B.88 70~.08 SEPT 98 AN 81/51/91 81/31/91 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR S~T 98 ~25.88 8.88 925.88 AUG 90 AN 81/51/91 81/31/91ANIRAL CONTROL FOR AUG 98 888.88 188 888.~8 JUL 98 AN 81131/91 81131191 ANIMAL CONTROL FOR jULY 98 895.88 8.88 895.88 MARCH 91' 84/81/~1 98-829 98/~3/98 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES;MARCH 6,832.2~ B.88 6.832.28 APRIL 84/81191 98-829 88/83/98 ANIMAL CONTROL; APRIL 91 6,969.76 8.88 ~.969.76 7683 88/25/91 COUNTYTR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 68-3188 81/31/91 81/51/91 68-318~A ~I/51/91 81/31/91 68-31~B 81/31/91 81/31/91 68-Z188.18 81151191 eI131/91 68-31~8.2~ 81/31/91 81/31/91 68-3181 81/31/91 fii/51/91 88-3181A 81/31/9! ~!/31/91 68-31~18 011~I191 81131191 68-3181C 81/31/91 81/31/91 68-3181D BI131/~1 BIIZ!/?I 68-31~1.18 81/31/91 81/31/91 ~8-3181.19 81/31/9! BllZl/~l 68-3181.21 81/31/91 81/31/91 68-3183.19 81/31/91 81/31/91 &8-3!83 8UZlISI ~1131191 68-31848 81/31/91 81/51/91 68-3184 81131191 8!131191 68-3184.!8 9!/31/91 ~1/31/91 68-3184A BI131/91 81131191 ~8-3184.!9 ~1/31/91 81/31/91 68-1288.!9 ~1131191 8U31191 68-3281 81/31/91 81/51/91 88-3282 81/31/7! 81/~I/9! &8-3283 81/31/91 01/31/91 ~8-~511 81/51/~! el/3!/91 ~8-~548 8!/5!/?I 81/~!/91 58-3548A ~I/31/91 81/31/9! ~-5~4!.iS 81/~I/~! ~!/~I/~1 Check Totals: 42.583.88 B,88 42.583.86 ENG SER JUL 98 ENG SERV NOV 98 ENB SER OCT 18-31, 1991 ENG SERV FILING&OFF REC AUG98 ENB SER A~MIN SEPT 6-19, 9~ MAIN CONSTR SUPER JAN MAINT&CONST SUPER JUL 12-25,8 MAINT CONST SUPER OCT 4-31,98 NAINT CONST SUPER NOV 1-14,98 MAINT CONST SPER NOV29DEC12,8 NAINT CDNST SPER AUG 9-22,90 NAINT CONST SUP AUG23SEPS,9~ MAINT CONST SUPER SEP28OCT5,8 STENCIL MARK PAVENT AUG~-22,8 STENCIL MARK PAVT AUB23-SEP~ STENCIL NARK P~ENT JUL!2-AUGB STRIP ST JUL 1-!I, 9B STRIP ST JAN I8-23, 90 STRIP ST AUG 9-22, 98 STRIP ST NOV 29- DEC 2&, STRIP ST AUG 25 SEPT 5,98 CALLE ~EOUSA STOP SIGN AUG NA~E SIGN CORTE/AVENIDA OCTSe VARIOUS SIGN INSTALL NOV 98 W[NCH&NICOLAS CONST JAN-FEBgl PLACE SiGN 3RD ST AUGS-22,98 SIGNS TE~ AVE DEL PEP JUL CLEAN DITCH NOV !-!4, 98 EQUIP LITTER CLEANUP DEC-JAN TRAFF SIGNS REPAIR DEC !3-26 RIGHT OF WAY ~AINT AUG 9-22.~ E~S ~E~ SEPT 29- OCT ~3.99 574.58 8.88 574.38 .~74.72 8.88 574,72 188.&1 8.80 188.&1 Ila.41 ~,e~) llA.41 122.77 0.80 122.77 I44.64 ~.08 ~44.64 782.94 ~.~8 782.94 385.38 ~.88 385.38 95.90 8.80 95.98 11~,41 0,~8 321.94 ~.88 32134 365.18 0.80 3&5.18 non 15 B,8e 282.&5 .... 8.88 24.Z5 184.98 8.88 184.98 2,861.84 8.88 L861.84 3&.74 8.88 36.74 ~89.78 8,88 &89.78 i ,878.88 8.88 1,878.88 122.23 a. 8~ 122.2Z 258.47 8.88 258,47 8a. 1~ 8.88 8&. l& 157.~8 8.88 157.88 1,88~. ~8 8.88 [. ~83.38 494.95 8.88 494.95 589.79 6.8~ 58~. 78 782.76 8.88 782.76 164.~5 ~.~8 Za4 12~.85 8.88 12~.~5 .... ~ ~.~9 143.55 =: =~ ~.~ =~ =- Check Date VenOor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 6G-354B.21 B1/51/91 81/31191ENG SERV SEPT 28-0CT 5, 98 192.19 ~.eO 172.17 68-$543 01/31/91 8[131/71 EQUIP DEC 27,98-FEB 6, 91 285.76 0.88 285.76 &8-3549 81/31/91 81131191TRAFF SIGN REPAIR JUL !-11,9B &8-35494 81/31/91 81/51/91TRAFF SIGNS REPLACE OCT4-17,e 115.98 8.88 1!5.98 68-3549B 81/31/91 el/51/91 PATCH TEM-FRONT ST NOV 98 68-3549C 81/31/91 81131191BARRICAD TER-FRONT DEC27jAN9 95.98 0.8B 95.98 68-3550.21 Bl131/91 Bl/31/91 TRAFF REPAIR&REPLACE SE2BOC3 12B.56 s.ee 128.56 68-3558 01/31/91 01/3119! GRADE SHOULD NOV 1-14, 9~ 185.44 B.BB 185.44 68-3551 81/31/91 81/51/91 DRAIN CLEAN TEM-FRONT JUL-AgB 429.57 ~.e8 429.57 68-3551.21B1131/91 81131191 TRAFF SIGNS RE-PAIR/PLACE SEP 212.25 B.BB 2!2.25 68-3551C Bii31/91 81/31/91 PATCH TEH-FRONT NOV 15-2B,gB 129.23 8.88 129.23 68-35514 BIlSI/91 Bl/31/91BARRICAD TEM-FRONT DEC27-JAN9 95.98 8.B~ 95.98 68-3551B B1131/91 ~1/31/91 LITTER CLEANUP JANI~-FEBG,91 591.18 B.88 591.1B 68-3552 81/51/91 e1/31/91 MATERIALS NOV !5-28, 9~ 39.45 ~.BB 39.45 68-35524 t1/31191 81131191TRAFF SIGNS REPL NOV29-DEC12 125.81 e.~B 125.8! 68-3553 81/51/91 B1/31/91TRAFF CONT JEFF/FRT 0CT4-51.0 N5.16 8.0~ 205.16 68-3554 ~1151/91 B1/31/91 CLEAN DITCH, NOVI-14, 98 248.24 8.88 240.24 68-3559.2! B1/51/91 B1/31/91 TRAFF SIGN REP SEPT28 OCTS,ge 146.27 8.08 146.27 68-356&.28 B1/31/91 ~I/31/91MATEIALS MAIN/PUJOL SEPG-19.B 18.23 8.B8 18.23 68-3567+ B1/31/91 B1/31/91TRAFF CONT DEC 27- JAN 9, 68-35674 01/31/91 81/31/91 LITTER CLEANUP JAN1B-23, 91 328.77 B.~e 328.77 68-3567B 81/31/91 ~1/31191 LABOR,EQUIP JU112-25, 9~ 2,812.53 B.eB 2.812.53 68-3567C ~1/31/91 e1/31/91TRAFF SIGNS EQUIP NOVi-14, 98 1!1.51 8.~8 111.51 68-3569 Bl/31/91 81/31191MAZANO TRAFF SIGN OCT 4-17,98 65.24 ~.~ 63.24 68-35694 ~1/31/91 81/31/91TRAFF SIGN NOV 29-DEC 12, 9B 68.98 B.B8 68.98 68-3569B 81/31191 e1/51191TEM-NAZ TRAFF NOV [-28, 9e 131.24 B.BB 131.24 68-357B 81131191 B1/51/9! LITTER CLEANUP JAN I~-23,91 7e.55 ~.BB 70.55 68-3575 81/31/91 B1/31/91 LABOR SUPER JAN 24- FEB 6,91 277.15 8.80 277.15 68-3579 01i31191 81131191 CLEAN BITCH OCT 1B-3!, 98 884.67 B.B~ 884.67 68-35794 81131/~I 81/31/91TRAFF SIGNS NOV29-DEC 12, 9~ 1,877.29 B.80 1~877.29 6G-3579B 81/51/91 81/31/91 MATERIALS DEC U-JAN 9.9i 56.2~ 8.80 5S.2~ 68-3579C 81/31/91 81/31/91 CLEAN DITCH NOV 1-11, 98 653.07 8.80 653.e7 6B-3583 BI/51/91 Bl151/91 TREE TRIM PAUBA/YNEZ OCT 9B 462.85 8.BB 462.85 68-3585 81/31/91 81/31/91TRAFF SIGN JAN 1B- 23, 91 112.39 0.08 !!2.37 68-35854 8i/31/~I 81131/91TRAFF SIGN TEMIPIO DEC-JAN91 155.29 0.B8 155.27 68-3587.17.1/~[/~1 e1/31/91PUJOL TRAFF SIGN AUG 23-SEP5 ~ .... a8.74 e.eB 68.74 68-3588 81/31/91 e1/31/91 RAINBOW PATCHING NOV!5-2B,gB 157.&! B.e~ !57.6! 68-3588.21 81/31191 BII31191 RAINBOW ENG SERV SEP 28-0CT3 95.77 B.8~ 95.77 68-3588.18 B1/31/9! Bi/31/91 RAINBOW PATCH MIX AU69-22,9~ 39.16 B.B~ 39.16 68-3588B 81/31/91 8LI31191 RAINBOW PATCH JUL!2-AUG8,9~ 299.1B 8.0~ 299.1~ 68-35884 81131191 Bl/51/91 RAINBOW PATCH JAN24-FEB 6,91 246.B6 O.~B 246.86 68-3589.21 B1/31/9! 81/31/91 RANCHO/DIAZ PATCH SEPT2~-OCT3 22B.$I e.B~ 228.51 68-3589.19 e1131/9! Bl/31/91 RANCHO TRAFF AUG 25 SEPT5 9B 115.71 e.BB 113.7! 68-3589 elt31191 e1/31/91RANCHO SIGNS JAN 24-FEBG. 91 55.57 e. BO 55.37 68-358'?A ~1/31/91 81/31/91RANCHO SIGNS DEC 27-JANg, 91 658.9i 8.88 658.9! 68-3589B 81/31/91 81131/91RANCHO CLEAN/SIGN NOV29-DEC2~ 265.78 ~.e8 265.78 68-3589C BI/51191 81/31/91 RANCHO LABOR NOV >28,98 351.15 e.8~ 351.15 &8-S589D 81131/91 ~i/31/91 LITTER CLEANUP jULI-11.9B 78.55 e.88 7B.55 68-3591 81/31/91 Bi131191RANCHO PATCH JUL26-AUBG. 90 109.45 e.88 189.45 6e-35914 81/31/91 ei/31191RANCHO EQUIP NOV29-DEC26.g8 156.73 B.80 136.75 68-35~1.1~ 81/J1/91 0!/31/91RANCHO/YNEZ/CALLE AU~9-22.ge 39.16 ~.B8 39.16 68-3604 81131/g1 e1/31i91 SOLANA/YNEZ/DEL EQUIP NOV 90 124.6i 8.88 124.61 68-3&B44 ~I/31/91 0!/31/91SOLANA/YNEZ/DEL NOV/DEC98 24.16 e. OB 24.16 68-3614 ~!/31/9[ 0!/31/9! VALLEJO/SANT/YNEZ CLEAN NOVgB le5.85 ~.88 185.~3 68-36144 01/31/9! gi/31/91VALLEJO/SANT/YNEZ EQ DEC jAN i18.15 e.88 !!~.IS 68-36148 81/31/9! e!/31/91VALLEJ/SANT/YNEZ DEC-JAN23.9! 14!.!~ ~.~ L41.!3 ~ll':: City of Te~ecuia Fatal Fiscal Tsar: :~?l Check Register Sialion: l!?l: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 68-3654 81/51i91 01/51/91 VILLA/PAUBA TREE TRIM 0CT4-17 248.46 8.80 248.46 ~8-3643 81151/9I 81131191 WINCH TRAF CONTR DEC27-jANQ,1 231.48 ~.88 231.48 68-3643.18 81/31/91 81/31R1 WIN~/DIAZ MATER. AUG g-22,98 31.64 B.BB 31.64 68-3643.19 81/31/?1 B1151/91WINCH/DIAZ PAINT AUG23-SEPS.B 215.25 e.B8 215.25 68-3644 81/51/91 81/31/91YNEZ/JEDED CLEAN NOV1-14, 98 997.12 8.88 997.12 68-3644A B1/51/?i 0113!/91YNEZ/JUDED TREE TRIM NOV/DEC 748.51 8.88 748.51 68-36448 ~1/51/91 81/31/91YNEZ/JEDED LITTER CLEAN JUL9B 188.15 ~.80 188.15 68-3644C 81/31/91 el/31/91YNEZ/JED TREE TRIM 0CT4-17,98 188,81 8.88 188.81 68-3649.28 81/51/91 Bl/51/91 BAY/RAINBOW/TOUR MATER SEPT 22.51 8.~e 22.51 68-3649,21 81/31/91 81/31/91 BAY/RAINBOW/TOURN Si6 SEP OCT 86.16 8.88 86.16 68-3651 81131191 81/51191BOR/COS/MILKY PATCH NOV DEC 8 99.15 8.88 99.13 68-3653 BII31/~1 81/31R1 CARRILLO/VALL/JED CLEAN NOV 248.24 8.Be 248.24 68-3655.2! 81/51/91 ~1/31/91 CALL/VIA/BEN KEAR SIGN SEP OC 599.18 8.88 399.18 68-3688.21 81/31/91 81/31/91 JEFF/WINCH/CHERRY PATCH SE OC 254.64 0.88 254.64 684681 81/31/91 ~1/31/9t JEFF/WINCH/CHERR SIGN OCT 98 75.78 8.~8 95.98 684684.19 81/31R1 81131/91MARG/BEN/LA SER GRAVEE AUB-SE 648.53 8.88 648.5~ 68-3684 81151191 ~1/31/91 ~RB/DEN KEAR/LA S. TREE OCT 249.92 B.B~ 249.92 68-3684A 81131/9! e1/31/?1 MARS/BEN KEAR/LA S CLEA NO-DE 99.13 0.88 99.13 68-3698.18 81/31191 81131/91 SPICA CRTI~OSS MATER AUG 98 49.51 8.8~ 49.51 684693 81/31/91 81/31/?1 SANTA/MIRA/COSMIC PATCH NOV 128.83 8.88 128.83 68-3698.19 81/31191 81131/91SPICAICROSS SIGN AUG SEP 98 79.19 8.~e 79.19 68-3788.!8 81/31/91 81/31/9! TEAT/IRON MATER AUG 9-22,98 72.82 0.88 72.~2 68-5781 B1/51/91 81151/91 MORENO/FRONT DEC 13-2&~ 98 7~.55 B.8~ 78.55 68-3684.28 84/~1/91 8&/81/?1MAINT.SEPT/9e; 3.38 B.BB 3.38 68~36888 e4/81/91 ~4/B1/91MAINT.NOV./?e 198.42 8.88 198.42 6845438 84/~1/91 84/~1/91 ROAD MAINT. NOV,VB-DEC.9~ 5,386.91 8.88 3~38a.91 W068-3567 84/81191 84/81/91 LABOR:EQUIPMENT:7/12-7/25 2 8~? 53 8.88 2,812.55 W068-3591 84181191 84/81/91 ~BOR;EQUIPMENT;7/26-8/8/?l 189.45 8.BB !09.45 W068-3588 t4/81/91 84/81/91LABOR;EQUIPMENT;7112-8t8198 299,18 B.B8 299.18 W068-3551 84/81/91 84181/91LABOR;EQUIPMENT;7/26-8/8/QB 429.57 8.ee 429.57 W068-3644 84t~1/9! 04t8119! LABOR:EQUIPMENT:71!-7/I!/QB t88.I3 ~.80 10~.13 W068-3549 B4/el/QL 84181191 LABOR;EQUIP. 7/1-7/11/9~ 86.89 8.88 86.09 W068-3511 84/81/91 84/81/91LBR:EQUIP;7Ii2-7125-7/26-B/8 58?.78 B.B8 589.78 W088-3589 84181/91 84/81191LABORIEQUIh 7/I-7/11/9~ 78.55 8.88 78.55 W0683632 84IB1/91 04/~1i91 LABOR; 3/21-4/~/91 58.95 8.8 58.?5 W068-3548 84/81/91 84/81/?I LABOR;EQUIP; 3/21-4/3/91 588.53 8.88 W068-32~3 04/81191 84/e1/71 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/21-413191 257.18 B.B8 257.18 W068-3566 84i81/?1 84181191 LABOR;EQUIP;5/21-4/3/91 177,84 e. BB 177.84 W068-3579 84/B1/91 84181/71 LABOR:EQUIP; 3121-4/5 991.42 ~.Be 991.42 ~068-3614 84/~1/?1 84/81191 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/21-413/91 1,288,69 ~.8~ 1.280.69 W068-3627 84181191 84/~1/91 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/21-4/5 588.57 8.88 588.57 W068-3643 84181/?I 84/81/91 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/2!-41319t I~3.77 e.88 133.77 W068-3701 84/~1/?1 84/81/91 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/2!-413191 287,?8 8.88 287,98 W068-3536 84/e1/91 84/81/91 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/21-4/3/91 167.81 8,08 167.81 W068-3684 841~I/9! ~4/81/9! LABOR;EQUIP: 3/21-4/5/9! 91.25 e.80 91.25 W0683567-1 84/81/91 84/81/91 LABOR; 3/21-4183/91 5~.~6 8.80 58.66 W0683588-1 84181191 84181/91 LABOR; EQUIP. 3/2>413/91 218.79 ~.88 218.79 WOa83589-1 84i81/91 84/81/9~ LABOR; EQUIP. 3/2!-4/3 816.11 8.88 816.1! W0683591-I 04/81/?1 04/B1/~1 LABOR; EQUIP, 5/2>4/3 346.3~ 0.8~ 546.38 W068364~-I 04101191 04/81/91 LABOR: EQUIP. 3121-4i3 282.48 0.80 282.40 ~0683549-! 04/01/91 04/01/91 LABOR: EQUIP, 5/2!-4/5 158,78 0,80 !58,7~ W068-3535 04/~1/91 04/01/~1 LABOR;EQUIP. 2/21-3/6 374.33 0.0~ 374,~3 W068-3537 04/81/91 04/01/91 LABOR; 2/2>3/6 !25.64 8.08 125.54 W068-3544 04/01/91 84/81/91LABOR;EQUIP,MTRLS;2/2!-3/6 2~6,6~ 0,88 '246.66 W068-3569 84/81191 84/01/91 LABOR: MATERIALS; 2/21-3/6 29.38 8.~0 29.38 W068-3575 04/01/91 04181/91LABOR:SUPERV:EQUIP:2/2!-3/6 7~6.~1 ~.80 746.61 ~O,5~-T~Oo ~"~,~Oi O4/~I/Q1 EQUIP.LABOR: c'/:-~/6 c~ ..... 7:.21 2" '~... Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description ~ross Discount Net W068-3681 84181191 84/81/91 W068-3647 84181i91 04/51/91 WDBB-S&51 84/81/91 84/81/91 W068-3684 84/8i/91 54/B1/91 W065-3557 84/81/91 84/81/91 W068-3697 84181191 54/~1191 W065-3572 84/81/9I W068-3552 84181/91 84/~1/91 W065-3516 84/81/91 84/51/91 W068-3616 ~4i81191 WOa8-3655 84/81/9! 84/81/91 W068-3~444 84/~1/91 84/51/91 WD68-35494 ~4/51/V1 84/81/~1 WO68-3546A 84151191 84/Bl/91 WD68-35794 84181191 84181191 W068-36844 84/81191 84/01/~1 WD65-3557A 84/81/91 54/81/91 W065-35754 ~4/81/91 84/~1/91 WD65-35795 84/~1/91 84/81/91 WO&8-3511A 84181/91 84/~1/91 WD68-35495 84/51/91 ~4/51/91 WO65-35514 84/81/91 WO65-36274 84/81/~1 84/81/91 W068-36844 54/81/91 84/51/91 WD65-35914 84/81/91 84/81/91 W068-35515 84i~1/91 84/81/91 W068-3549C 84/81/~! 84/81/~1 W068-36845 84184191 W068-~915 54/~4/91 84/54/91 W068-3598 84/84/91 W068-~5665 84/84/91 84/~4/91 W068-3~5~ 84/~4/91 84/54/91 W068-36845 ~4/04/91 ~4/84/91 W068-3553 ~4/~4/91 ~4/54/91 W068-36275 84/54/9! 84/54/9! W068-35575 54/~4/91 ~4/54/91 LABOR:EQUIP. 2/2>3/6 LABOR:EQUIP.MTRLS; 2/2>5/6 EQUIP.LABOR] 2/7-3/6 CLAIMS:LABOR; 2/7-3/6 LABOR; 2/21-3/6 LABOR;EQUIP.MTRLS; 2/21-3/6 3/7-3/2~;LABOR;EQUIP. LABOR;EQUIP;3/7-3/28 LABOR;EQUIP;2/7-2/28 LABOR;EQUIP;2/7-2/28 LABOR;EQUIP;2/7-2/28 CLAIMS;LABOR &EQUIP.2/7-3/28 LABOR;EQUIP.2/2!-3/6 LABOR;EQUIP. 2/21-3/6 NAIRLS;LABOR;EQUIP.2/7-3/6 LABOR:EQUIP. LABOR;EQUIP. 5/7-3/28 LABOR;EQUIP· 3/7-3/2~ LABOR;EQUIP. 5/7-3/28 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/7-3/28 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/7-3/28 LABOR:EQUIP; 3/7-3/28 LABDR;EQUIP; 5/7-3/28 LABOR;EQUIP; 3/7-3/2~ LABDR;EQUIP; 2/7-2/2~ LABOR;EQUIP; 2/7-2/28 LABOR:EQUIP; 2/7-2/28 LABOR!EQUIP;CLAIMS~4/4-4/17 LABOR EQUIP;4/4-4/17 LABOR:EQUIP;4/4-4/17 LABOR:EQUIh 4/4-4/17 LABOR:EQUIP; 4/4-4/17 LABOR:EQUIP; 4/4-4/17 LABOR:EQUIP;CLAIMS;2/7-4/17 LABOR 4/4-4/17 LABOR;EQUIP; 4/4-4/17 129.66 8.58 129.46 ~ ~ 8.H 95.!3 286.99 E.88 286.99 555.5~ 8.H 553.50 75.58 8.88 75.30 95.13 8.88 ~5.13 146.42 8.80 146.42 i66. I2 i).{)8 166.12 43.85 ~.H 43.SB 122.5~ 8.88 122.5~ 117.55 8.88 117.35 284.52 8.88 284.52 122.85 ~.H !22.83 1,427.42 8.8~ 1,427.42 71.87 8.66 71.97 2!9.92 LOg 2!9.82 2,625.8{) 9.86 2,625.88 4,128.74 8.88 4,128.74 355.42 8.88 353.42 317.12 8.80 317.12 148.55 0.89 148.35 481.85 0.88 451.88 91.25 8.88 91.25 79.19 8.88 79.19 215.95 8.90 213.95 I57.77 ~.~ 157.77 112.75 8.89 112.75 116.51 8.Be !18.31 352.29 8.88 352.29 151.99 ~.88 151.99 231.91 e.ae 231.91 95.84 8.88 95.84 158.{)4 8.98 158.84 125.65 8.85 125.65 151.o. 9 8.80 151.99 Check Totals: 61,527.83 B.BB 81,527.83 Report Totals: 136,558.89 ~.80 [36.558.89 Chec~ Register Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description ............................................. T~T~'T~'__'TTT .~7683 08/25/91COUNTYTR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 888 87121191 87121191 7H 87111191 27121191 721 2712119! 87/21/91 722 87/81/91 87/21/91 783 07/91/91 87/91191 784 87/21/91 87191191 7~5 87/21/91 87/91/91 Tea 27/21/91 27/ei/91 707 87/01/91 87/11/91 788 27/~1/91 97/81/91 799 27/21/91 87/81/91 718 27/~1/91 87181191 715 97/91/91 87/21/91 724 27/81/91 ~7/21/91 797 87/81/91 97181/91 79~ 87181191 87/81191 799 81/81R1 27/21/91 79>1 87/81/91 87/21/91 798-1 87/B1R1 ~7/91/91 791-I 07/Bl/91 97/91191 796-1 87/21/91 87/81/91 724-1 87/21/91 27/e1/91 725-1 87/21/91 27121191 795-I 97191191 27181191 787-1 87/81/91 87/81/91 782-1 ~7/el/91 87/81/91 865299 87/91/91 27/21/91 799-I 87191191 87/81/91 SIGNAL MAINT. 7/1/99-5/29/9I SIGNAL MAINT 711198-5129191 SIGNAL NAINT 7/1/92-5/29/91 SIGNAL NAINT 7/1/9F5/29191 SIGNAL MAINT 7/1/98-5/29R1 SIGNAL NAINT 7/1/98-5/29/91 SIGNAL ~AINT 711192-5129191 SIGNAL NAINT 7/1/~-5/29/91 SIGNAL ~AINT 71119F5129/91 SIGNAL NAINT 7/1/92-5/29/91 SIGNAL NAINT 7/1/92-5/29/91 SIGNAL ~AINT 711198-5129/91 SIGNAL NAINT 711192-5129191 SIGNAL ~AINT 711191-5129/91 SIGNAL NAINT 711198-512919! SIGNAL NAINT 711RI-5129191 SIGNAL MAINT 7/I/gFS/29RI SIGNAL NAINT 1/11981/38/98 SIGNAL ~AINT 1/119e-~/32/98 SIGNAL MAINT 111192-~132192 SIGNAL ~AINT SIGNAL NAINT SIGNAL MAI~ I11/92-6/58/99 SIGNAL NAINT 1/I/981138/92 SIGNAL NAINT 1/1/921/38/99 SIGNAL NAINT ADJUST BILLI~ PER COUNTY SIGNAL NAINT/i/1/981/38/98 Check Totals: 80067685 88/23/91COUNTYHD CO.OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH DEPT. 272491 27/24/91 27/21/91 CREDIT NENO/DLIPLICATE CHGS 848A~I 87/e1191 97181191ENVOIRNENTAL/APRIL SERV 929291 87/9!/91 87/81/91ENVOIRNENTAL/FEBRUARY SERV (B58191 ~719LIgl 971~I191ENVOIRMENTAL/~AY SERV 2~2191 87/81/~I 87/e1/91ENVOIR~ENTAL/JUNE SERVICES Check Total., i,919.14 2,7B4.79 4,244.92 6,562.58 4,493.96 6~139.86 2,9~2.71 ~,416.94 1,132.94 994,76 ~4~.16 661.2B 2,4B7.87 4,586.54 5,282.98 3,385.42 3,214.94 3,823.18 j,989.14 1,476.75 1,237.74 814.45 2,161.48 872.91 1,~.14- 2,285.87 76,297.27 7,951.92- 2,666.22 945.29 Paoe: : Statie~: L1?34 Discount Net 2.82 1,919.14 8.82 2,784.79 2.22 4,844.92 ~.H 6,562.5~ 2.92 4,483.96 8,22 6,139.86 8.H 2,932.71 2.82 7,414.94 8.88 5,525.28 8.H 1,132J4 8.88 994.76 8.88 545.16 2.21 661.28 8.88 2~487.87 2.89 4,586.54 9.12 - 5,282.98 6.69 3,385.42 e.ee 3,214.94 2,82 1,989.14 8.H 867,9B 2,H 1,47~,75 2.26 1,237.74 2.99 814.45 8.68 2,1~1.48 2,88 872.91 2.88 1,936.14- ILH 2,255.87 76,297.87 2,29 7,951.H- 2,784.88 .CHECK TOTALS $79,003.07 ITEM APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER~ CITY MANAGER'D~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: 1. CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer September 10, 1991 Combining Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1991 That the City Council: Receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1991 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1991. 2. Adopt Resolution 91- to amend the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the City for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1991. The audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report will be completed during October 1991. Please see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1991 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1991 Resolution 91- to amend the FY 1990-91 Budget Attachment "A" (J E -,4 0 ,--I r-I 0 s -.-I ~ 0 (~ ~-0~ -H4J 0 U~[.z., rj 00~2 ~, II a:) II I.,11 II II II II II I| II II II II II ,-I II ['-. 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II U'l II - II Lfi II I.~ II Lfi II - II cl II ~ II II II ~0 11 r- Lfi II I.fi 0 II [" ~ II - II 0 II 0'1 II (vl II - II ffl II II || II II II I'- (~1 || ~ ~ || I'- ~,~ - II ~ II ffl II CO II II II II II mm 0 C) C) m-.I n:l C) m'-'l ,U (1) m-I 0 -H 0 m m O~ ~-~ -~o 0 II ~ II · 1~ II ~ II - II ~-I II O~ II i" II II II II II II II II ~1' II lfi II lfi II - II ~ II [" II ~ II II II II II 0 0 ~-I ~J ~-I ~4 o -,-I o m 0 ~ 0 -H m 0 I~ ..H~ ~ II ag II ~ II · 1' II ~ II II II II II II II II II CO rl 0 E-, II !'- II LI1 II O0 II - II C4 II rfl II I;~ II II II II II II II II i71 II 0 II ~1~ II - II ~1~ II 0 II O~ II II II II II E~ :> 0 .. -H 0 o o o o II 0% II ~1e II ~-t II - II s-I II II II II II II II II I| II 0 II O0 II 0 II - II ~-I II II II II II II II \ 0 \ r,,zl 0 0 ~ 0 U n. U 0 0 0 CD 0 ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 t-I 0 0 ~ II LI"I II Ul II Pf'l II ~ II II II II II II II II II II ~ II 0 II 0 II 0 II - II 0 II ~' II ~ II II II II II ~ II ~ II · 1~ II (~1 II - II e-l II ~ II II II II II II II II RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET AS DETAILED IN ATrACH1VIENT "A" The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That the FY 1990-91 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby amended as detailed in Attachment "A" . SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED, PASSED AND ADOFrED, this 10th day of September, 1991. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 4\Reao~195 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 91- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 10th day of September, 1991 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk 4\Relo0195 2 ATTACHMENT A BUDGET TRANSFERS · TRANSFER FROM:· A/C No. .CITY::COU:NCIL. 001-100-999-42- 5267 Descrip. Social Services CITY MANAGER" 001-110-999-40- 5100 PLANNING 001-161-999-44- 5602 001-161-999-40- 5100 001-1 61-999-40- 51XX 001-161-999-42- 5256 001-161-999-42- 5250 001-161-999-42- 523O 001-301 Salaries Office Equipment Salaries Benefits Public Notices Other Outside Services Postage Unreserved Fund Balance Amount $9,621.00 $10,825.00 $3,000.00 $60,000.00 $18,800.00 $6,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $274,944 TRANSFER TO: A/C No. 001-199-999- 42-5226 001-110-999- 42-5248 001-161-999- 42-5248 Descrip. Dues/ Member- ships Consulting Consulting Amount $9,621.00 $10,825.00 364,244.00 4\I~so, 195 3 TRANSFER FROM: A/C No. Descrip. Amount BUILDING'& SAFETY':: ':'i..; '... 001-162-999-40- Salaries 5100 001-301 ENGINEERING 001-163-999-42- 5230 001-301 Unreserved Fund Balance Postage Unreserved Fund Balance PUBLIC WORKS 001-164-999-42- Street 5407 Sweeping 001-165-999-42- Traffic 5400 Admn. NONDEPARTMENTAL 001-199-999-42- Rent-Office 5234 $4,770.00 $16,008.00 $1,100.00 $324,414 $24,900.00 $10,400.00 $9,100.00 TRANSFER TO: A/C No. Descrip. Amount 001-162-999- Benefits 40-51XX 001-163-999- Salaries 40-5100 001-163-999- Benefits 40-51XX 001-163o999- 42-5248 Consulting 001-164-999- Traffic 42-5405 Signal Maint. 001-165-999- Salaries 40-5100 001-165-999- Benefits 40-51XX 001-199-999- 999-42-5219 Temporary Improvmts. $20,778 $4,440.00 $3,474.00 $317,600 $24,900.00 $7,500.00 $2,900.00 $9,100.00 4\]~os195 4 ITEM 5 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICE CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: DESCRIPTION: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department September 10, 1991 Amended Agreements for the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency Mark Rhoades APPROVE the proposed amended agreements for the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency, and; DIRECT the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreements and forward them to the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency for execution. On August 16, 1991, Staff received copies of the amended agreements for the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency (R.C.H.C.A.). The R.C.H.C.A. has requested that said agreements receive the proper signatures. The documents are then to be returned to the R.C.H.C.A. for full execution by the balance of the member agencies. Once all the member agencies have responded to the R.C.H.C.A. request, the City of Temecula will receive fully executed versions of the amended agreements· Brief Descriptions of the amended agreements are as follows: The Second Amendment to the Agreement Regarding Allocation of Take; An amendment to include the City of Corona in the J.P.A. The Third Amendment to the Agreement Regarding Allocation of Take; An amendment granting S\STAFFRPT~RCHCA 1 additional allocation of take to cities which have acquired replacement habitat. The First Amendment to the Agency Agreement- California Endangered Species Permit; An amendment to add the City of Corona to the agency agreement. The Second Amendment to the Implementation Agreement: An amendment to add the City of Corona as a party to the agreement. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Contributions to the R.C.H.C.A.; A memorandum binding the City of Corona to the provisions of the J.P.A. The Third Amendment to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Creating the R.C.H.C.A.; An amendment making the City of Corona a member agency of the R.C.H.C.A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE the proposed amended agreements for the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency, and; DIRECT the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreements and forward them to the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency for execution. MR:vgw S\STAFFRPTXRCHCA 2 County Administrative O~'ce August 5, 1991 Mr. Gary Thornhill Planning Director City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 SUBJECT: Dear Gary, Attached are by the Board 1. 2. 3. Gary N. Cottrell Chief Adm inistrative Officer Mischeile Zimraerman Assistant CAO AMENDED AGREEMENTS FOR THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY the following amendments to RCHCA agreements which have been approved of Directors: Second Amendment to Agreement Regarding Allocation of Take; Third Amendment to Agreement Regarding Allocation of Take; First Amendment to Agency Agreement - California Endangered Species Permit; 4. Second Amendment to Implementation Agreement; '5. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Contributions to the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency; 6. Third Amendment to Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Creating the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency. Please execute each counterpart with original signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and then return all documents to me. When all RCHCA members have returned executed Robert T. Andersen Administrative Center 4080 LEMON STREET · 12TH FLOOR · RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 · (714) 275-1100 * FAX (714) 275-1105 documents I will forward fully executed versions to you for your files. assistance. Sincerely, Brian Loew Executive Director Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency Thanks for your SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE This SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE ("Second Amendment") is made and entered into by and among the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ("the County"), THE CITY OF HEMET, THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, THE CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, THE CITY OF PERRIS, THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA and THE CITY OF CORONA ("Cities") and the RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY (the "JPA"). RECITALS A. The County, the JPA and the Cities of HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS and RIVERSIDE have previously entered into that certain agreement entitled "AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE" ("Original Agreement"). B. The City of TEMECULA became a party to the Original Agreement pursuant to the FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE. C. The County, the Cities and the JPA desire to amend the Original Agreement to include the CITY OF CORONA. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 1. MAXIMUM ALLOCATION OF PERMITTED TAKE of the Original Agreement is amended to read as follows: SCS6574 -1- "1. MAXIMUM ALLOCATION OF PERMITTED TAKE The parties acknowledge and agree that the HCP and Implementation Agreement authorize cumulative incidental take of SKR during the two-year term of the short-term HCP in an amount not to exceed 4,400 acres, or 20%, of the total occupied habitat of the SKR within the HCP fee area, whichever is less (such authorized incidental take shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Permitted Take"). Unless modified pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, each of the parties hereto shall be allocated a fixed percentage of the Permitted Take during the two-year term of the HCP as follows: County of Riverside 41.47% City of Riverside 34 % City of Lake Elsinore 8 % City of Moreno Valley 4 % City of Perris 4.71% City of Hemet 2 % City of Temecula 1.17% City of Corona 4.65% In order to calculate each party's total Permitted Take during the two-year term of the HCP, the party's fixed percentage referenced above is multiplied by the total number of acres subject to take. To illustrate, assuming a maximum total Permitted Take of 4,400 acres, each party's maximum share of the Permitted Take expressed in acres would be as follows: SCS6574 -2- County of Riverside City of Riverside City of Lake Elsinore City of Moreno Valley City of Perris City of Hemet City of Temecula City of Corona 1,825 acres 1,496 acres 352 acres 176 acres 207 acres 88 acres 51 acres 205 acres The actual amount of occupied habitat on which incidental take would be allowed could be less than described above if it is determined during the two-year term of the Section 10(a) Permit that less than 4,400 acres of occupied SKR habitat exist within the boundaries of the HCP fee area, as amended from time to time." II. Section 2.A. Impact Fee Acquisitions. of the Original Agreement is amended to read as follows: "A. Impact Fee Acquisitions. For each acre of occupied replacement habitat acquired in accordance with the requirements of the HCP and Implementation Agreement using monies collected from the impact fee ordinances of the various parties, or occupied habitat acquired in lieu of payment of said impact fees, each party hereto will be allocated a percentage of the resulting Permitted Take as follows: (1) During the first semi-annual period following the issuance of the Section 10(a) Permit, each party will be allocated a fixed percentage of SCS6574 -3- Permitted Take resulting from "impact fee SCS6574 acquisitions," as follows: County of Riverside 51.47% City of Riverside 25 % City of Moreno Valley 6 % City of Lake Elsinore 5 % City of Perris 4.71% City of Hemet 2 % City of Temecula 1.17% City of Corona 4.65% For illustration purposes only, if the JPA or another entity acting on behalf of the JPA acquires 500 acres of replacement habitat during the first semi- annual period after the issuance of the Section 10(a) Permit using monies collected from impact fees, the County of Riverside would be allocated fifty-one and forty-seven one hundredths percent (51.47%) of such 500 acres, or 257 acres of Permitted Take; the City of Riverside twenty-five percent (25%) of such 500 acres, or 125 acres of permitted Take, etc. In order to provide additional flexibility for the Cities of Hemet and Temecula, each of which only has a two percent (2%) or less share during the first semi-annual period, it is contemplated by all the parties hereto that Hemet and Temecula will be permitted to exceed their proportionate shares of the semi-annual Permitted Take pursuant to this Paragraph 2.A(1) so long as the total proportionate share of Permitted Take for each of the above jurisdictions for -4- SCS6574 a semi-annual period would not exceed four percent (4%); provided, however, that any additional allocation of Permitted Take pursuant to this Paragraph 2.A(1) shall require the prior written approval of the JPA. It is further agreed that any increase in the proportionate share of the Cities of Hemet or Temecula pursuant to this Paragraph 2.A(1) shall, unless otherwise agreed by the parties hereto, result in a decrease, on a pro rata basis, of the shares of the other parties. (2) Commencing with the second semi-annual period following the issuance of the Section 10(a) Permit, the proportionate share of Permitted Take resulting from acquisitions of replacement habitat using impact fees during any semi-annual period will be based solely on the cumulative impact fees contributed to the JPA by the various parties. Cumulative contributions of impact fees shall be calculated in accordance with the terms of Section 3.10.1 of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement creating the JPA. Each party's share of Permitted Take under this Paragraph 2.A(2) shall be adjusted on a semi-annual basis unless otherwise agreed by the parties. For illustration purposes only, if at the end of the first semi-annual period the total cumulative impact fee contributions equal fifteen million dollars, -5- with ten million dollars coming from the County of Riverside, three million dollars from the City of Riverside, one million dollars from the City of Moreno Valley, etc., the proportionate share of Permitted Take allocated to each of the parties during the second semi-annual period from impact fee acquisitions would be adjusted on a pro rata basis as follows: the County would be allocated 66.7% of available Permitted Take, the City of Riverside 20%, the City of Moreno Valley 6.6%, etc. (3) Prior to the commencement of any semi- annual period during the term of the HCP, the parties, in consultation with the JPA and its consultants, shall attempt to project the amount of replacement habitat expected to be acquired during the upcoming semi-annual period so that each party can determine in advance the number of acres of Permitted Take to be allocated to such party pursuant to this Paragraph 2.A during such semi-annual period. Monthly updates on acquisitions of replacement habitat will be provided to the parties by the JPA pursuant to the Implementation Agreement." SCS6574 -6- III. Section 4. ANNEXATIONS of the Original Agreement is amended to read as follows: "4. ANNEXATIONS In the event that County lands within the HCP area are annexed by newly-incorporated cities or existing cities not currently a party to this Agreement (hereinafter, the "New City"), or existing cities which are a party to this Agreement, it is contemplated that the County's share of Permitted Take under Paragraph 1 above will be partially reallocated to any such city based on the amount of the occupied habitat annexed to or incorporated by such city that is subject to take under the Section 10(a) Permit. For example, assume that the New City has an estimated fifty (50) acres of occupied habitat within its boundaries outside of study areas. If the New City becomes a co-applicant under the Section 10(a) Permit, the County would allocate a pro rata percentage of its Permitted Take under Paragraphs 1 and 2.A to the New City. Current information indicates that there are approximately 5,382 acres of occupied habitat outside of study areas that are subject to take. The New City's pro rata share of the total is approximately ninety-three hundredths percent (.93%) (50 + 5382 = .93%); thus, subtracting the New City's ninety-three hundredths percent (.93%) share from the County's forty-one and -7- SCS6574 forty-seven hundredths percent (41.47%) share of the total Permitted Take would leave the County with a forty and fifty-four hundredths percent (40.54%) share of the total Permitted Take. The New City's propor- tionate share of Permitted Take resulting from impact fee acquisitions (Paragraph 2.A) would be based on the amount of fees collected and contributed to the program. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing to the contrary, any reapportionment of any share of the County's Permitted Take resulting from annexations or incorporations shall be subject to the review and written approval of the County." IV. This Second Amendment shall take effect upon both its execution by all of the parties and the recordation by the executive officer of the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission of a certificate of completion on Annexation No. 72 to the City of Corona in substantially the same form as the application for that Annexation stood amended on January 1, 1991. This Second Amendment shall continue in force for the duration of the Section 10(a) Permit. SCS6574 -8- V. The terms and conditions of the original agreement not expressly amended by this Second Amendment shall continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date or dates below written. Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Dated: ATTEST: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors CITY OF CORONA By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF HEMET By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor -9- SCS6574 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS6574 -10- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: SCS6574 -10- CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: -10- SCS6574 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: SCS6574 -10- CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: -10- SCS65~ Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: SCS6574 -10- CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: -10- SCS65~ Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: -10- SCS6574 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS6574 -10- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: SCS6574 -10- CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TARE This THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE ("Second Amendment") is made and entered into by and among the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ("the County"), THE CITY OF HEMET, THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, THE CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, THE CITY OF PERRIS, THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA and THE CITY OF CORONA ("the Cities") and the RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY (the "JPA" ) . RECITALS A. The County, the JPA and the Cities have previously entered into that certain agreement entitled "AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE", as amended ( "the Agreement" ) . B. The County, the Cities and the JPA desire to amend the Agreement as hereinafter set forth. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 2.A(2) of the Agreement is amended to add the following at the end thereof: "Notwithstanding anything set forth herein to the contrary, with respect to the second semi-annual period only, the allocation of Permitted Take resulting from acquisitions of replacement habitat using impact fees during such second semi-annual period will be allocated as follow: DE013~94107111191 --1-- City of 'Corona City of Perris City of Lake Elsinore 191 acres 60 acres 186 acres TOTAL 437 acres The foregoing allocation of Permitted Take for the second semi-annual period as described above shall not limit the JPA from allocating additional acres of replacement habitat acquired or to be acquired during the second semi-annual period on a proportionate or other basis, as the JPA may decide." II. The City of Lake Elsinore hereby reaffirms, warrants and covenants that it shall remain a member of the JPA and maintain its current Stephens' kangaroo rat mitigation fee ordinance in full force and effect during the term of the Section 10(a) Permit with only such changes or amendments to such ordinance as the JPA shall approve. III. This Third Amendment shall take effect upon its execution by all of the parties. IV. The terms and conditions of the Agreement not expressly amended by this Third Amendment shall continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date or dates below written. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors DE01329~/07/11/91 -2- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF CORONA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF HEMET By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor -3- DE013~94/07/11/91 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DEO1129&/OF/11/91 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DEO 13294/07/11/9 1 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DEO 1329/,/07/11/91 --4-- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: 0E013294/07/11/91 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: D[O 13~94107/11/91 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DE013294/0?/11/91 --4-- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DE011294107/11/91 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DE01 ~29/,/07/11/91 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DE01329~,/07/11/91 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: DEO1329&/07/11/91 -4- FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGENCY AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA ENDANGERED SPECIES PERMIT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGENCY AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA ENDANGERED SPECIES PERMIT ("First Amendment") is entered into by and among the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (the "Department"), the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (the "County"), the CITIES OF HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS, RIVERSIDE, TEMECULA, and CORONA ("Cities") and the RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY (the "JPA"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Department, the County, the JPA and the CITIES OF HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS, RIVERSIDE, and TEMECULA have entered into that certain AGENCY AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA ENDANGERED SPECIES PERMIT ("Agency Agreement") dated for reference purposes October 4, 1990; WHEREAS, the Department, the County, the JPA and the Cities desire to amend the Agency Agreement to include the CITY OF CORONA as a party; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing recitals and mutual covenants and undertakings provided herein, and other considerations, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Agency Agreement is hereby amended to add the CITY OF CORONA as a party. SCS4973 -1- 2. This First Amendment shall become effective upon both its execution by all of the parties hereto and the recordation by the executive officer of the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission of a certificate of completion on Annexation No. 72 to the City of Corona in substantially the same form as the application for that Annexation stood amended on January 1, 1991. 3. The terms and conditions of the Agency Agreement not expressly amended by this First Amendment shall continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this First Amendment to the Agency Agreement as of the date or dates set forth below. Dated: ATTEST: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH ANDGAME By: Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors SCS4973 -2- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk SCS4973 -3- CITY OF CORONA By: Mayor CITY OF HEMET By: Mayor CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: -4- SCS4973 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS4973 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS4973 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS497'] -4-- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS4973 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS497""5 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS4973 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: scs4973 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: -4- SCS4973 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS4973 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: SCS4973 -4- SECOND AMENDMENT TO IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT This SECOND AMENDMENT TO IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT ("Second Amendment") is made and entered into this day of , 199~, by and among THE UNITED STATES FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE ("the FWS"), THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California ("the County"), THE CITIES OF HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS, RIVERSIDE, TEMECULA and CORONA, all municipal corporations of the State of California ("the Cities") and THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY, a public agency (the "JPA"). RECITALS 1. The FWS, the County, the CITIES OF HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS, and RIVERSIDE and the JPA have previously entered into that certain agreement entitled "IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT" ("Original Agreement"). 2. The FIRST AMENDMENT TO IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT made THE CITY OF TEMECULA a party to the Original Agreement. 3. The CITY OF CORONA has (i) adopted an SKR mitigation fee ordinance, (ii) executed a SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF TAKE with the County and the Cities regarding the CITY OF CORONA'S proportionate share of the County's allocation of incidental take and (iii) has executed a written consent to be bound by the terms and conditions of the -1- scs65~ Original Agreement, and has satisfied the requirements of Section VIII.A.(2) of the Original Agreement. 4. The FWS, the County, the Cities and the JPA desire to amend the Original Agreement to add the CITY OF CORONA as a party. FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. The first paragraph of the Original Agreement is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "THIS IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1st day of August, 1990, by and among the UNITED STATES FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE ("the FWS"), THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California ("the County"), THE CITIES OF PERRIS, LAKE ELSINORE, RIVERSIDE, MORENO VALLEY, HEMET, TEMECULA, and CORONA, all municipal corporations of the State of California, ("the Cities"), and THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY, a public agency ("the JPA")." 2. SECTION VIII.B of the Original Agreement is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "B. Notices. Notices provided for shall be delivered to the persons set forth -2- SCS6576 below or shall be deemed given twenty (20) days after deposit in the United States mail, certified and postage prepaid, return receipt requested and addressed as follows or at such other further address which any party hereto may from time to time give notice to the other parties. CITY OF CORONA Attention: City Manager 815 W. Sixth Street Corona, California CITY OF HEMET Attention: City Manager 450 East Latham Hemet, California CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE Attention: City Manager 130 South Main Street Lake Elsinore, California CITY OF MORENO VALLEY Attention: City Manager 23119 Cottonwood, Bldg. C Moreno Valley, California CITY OF PERRIS Attention: City Manager 101 North "D" Street Perris, California CITY OF RIVERSIDE Attention: City Manager 3900 Main Street Riverside, California CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Dr. Temecula, California 92390 SCS6576 -3- COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Attention: Planning Director 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, California 92501 RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY Attention: Brian Loew 4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor Riverside, California THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Attention: Brooks Harper 24000 Avila Road Laguna Niguel, California 92656 THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Attention: Peter Stine 2140 Eastman Ave., Suite 100 Ventura, California 93003" 3. This Second Amendment shall take effect upon both its execution by all of the parties and the recordation by the executive officer of the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Agency of a certificate of completion on Annexation No. 72 to the City of Corona in substantially the same form as the application for that Annexation stood amended on January 1, 1991. This Second Amendment shall continue in force for the duration of the Original Agreement. 4. The terms and conditions of the Original Agreement not expressly amended by this Second Amendment shall continue in full force and effect. SCS6576 -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Second Amendment as of the date last set forth below and agree to abide by its terms from that date forward. Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF CORONA By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF HEMET By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF PERRIS By: City Clerk Mayor SCS6576 -5- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: -6- scs6576 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: scs6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: -6- SCS6576 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATE8 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: -6- -- SCS6576 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY By: Dated: ATTEST: THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE By: SCS6576 -6- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING CONTRIBUTIONS TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING CONTRIBUTIONS TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY ("MOU") is made by and among the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (the "County"), and the CITIES OF HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS, RIVERSIDE, TEMECULA and CORONA ("Cities"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the County and the CITES OF HEMET, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PERRIS, RIVERSIDE and TEMECULA have entered into that certain agreement entitled "JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY" ("JPA"); WHEREAS, Section 3.5 of the JPA provides that in connection with the admission of an additional public agency, the prospective member and the existing members shall execute a memorandum of understanding specifying the obligations of the prospective member for contributions for past or present Agency expenditures and assets; WHEREAS, Section 3.10, "Contributions/Estimated Budget" of the JPA specifies the obligations of members for contributions; SCS4976 -1- NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE CITY OF CORONA shall be fully bound by the provisions of the JPA, specifically including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 3.10 Contributions/Estimated Budget on the same basis as the existing members. 2. This MOU shall take effect upon both its execution by all of the parties and the recordation by the executive officer of the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission of a certificate of completion on Ammexation No. 72 to the City of Corona in substantially the same form as the application for that Annexation stood amended on January 1, 1991. This MOU shall continue in force for the duration of the JPA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this MOU as of the dates set forth below. Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF CORONA By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF HEMET By: City Clerk Mayor SOS&976 -2- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board SCS4976 -3- CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors SOS4976 -3- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board SCS4976 -3- CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRI8 By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors -3- SCS4976 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors -3- SCS49~6 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors SCS4976 -3- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board SCS~976 -3- CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors -3- SCS4976 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board SCS4976 -3- CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors THIRD AMENDMENT TO JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY This THIRD AMENDMENT TO JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY ("Second Amendment") is made by and between THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF HEMET, THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, THE CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, THE CITY OF PERRIS, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, and THE CITY OF CORONA. RECITALS WHEREAS, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF HEMET, THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, THE CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, THE CITY OF PERRIS and THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, ("original member agencies") entered into that certain agreement entitled JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY ("Original Agreement"); and WHEREAS, THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING RIVERSIDE COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVATION AGENCY made THE CITY OF TEMECULA a party to the original Agreement; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF CORONA has executed a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING specifying the obligations of the CITY OF CORONA for contributions toward Agency expenditures and assets, as SCS6573 -1- provided in Section 3.5 "Additional Members" of the Original Agreement; and WHEREAS, the original member agencies, the CITY OF TEMECULA, and THE CITY OF CORONA desire to amend the Original Agreement to add the CITY OF CORONA as a member agency; THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 1, "PARTIES AND DATE" of the Original Agreement is amended to read as follows: "1. PARTIES. This Agreement is made by and between THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF HEMET, THE CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, THE CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, THE CITY OF PERRIS, THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, and THE CITY OF CORONA hereinafter collectively called the "Member Agencies" for the acquisition, administration, operation and maintenance of land and facilities for ecosystem conservation and habitat reserves for the Stephens' kangaroo rat and other listed or candidate threatened or endangered species." II. The terms and conditions of the Original Agreement not expressly amended by this Third Amendment continue in full force and effect. SCS6573 -2- III. This Third Amendment shall become effective upon both its execution by all of the parties and the recordation by the executive officer of the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission of a certificate of completion on Annexation No. 72 to the City of Corona in substantially the same form as the application for that application stood amended on January 1, 1991. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Third Amendment as of the date last set forth below and agree to abide by its terms from this date forward. Dated: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF CORONA By: City Clerk Mayor Dated: ATTEST: CITY OF HEMET By: City Clerk Mayor SCS6573 -3- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor -4- SCS6573 Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor SCS6573 -4- Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE By: Mayor CITY OF MORENO VALLEY By: Mayor CITY OF PERRIS By: Mayor CITY OF RIVERSIDE By: Mayor CITY OF TEMECULA By: Mayor -4- SCS65T'5 ITEM 6 APPROVAL ~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works September 10, 1991 Authorize Reduction in Security Amounts for Parcel Map No. 22610 PREPARED BY: Albert Crisp, Permit Engineer R ECOMMEN DAT ION: That the City Council ACKNOWLEDGE the completion of street improvements in Parcel Map No. 22610; AUTHORIZE the reduction in street Faithful Performance Security amount; APPROVE the Subdivision Agreement Rider; ACCEPT the Faithful Performance Trust Deposit in the reduced amount; and DIRECT the City Clerk to so notify the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. DISCUSSION: The County Surveyor and Road Commissioner, acting on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, approved the Map for Parcel Map No. 22610 on February 25, 1988 and accepted the Subdivision Agreement submitted by Rudy S. Berry 41837 Calle Cedral Temecula, CA 92592 for the improvement of streets. Accompanying the Subdivision Agreement were Letters of Credit issued by American National Bank CITYENG\PM22610.STF\ks 1 as fol lows: Letter of Credit No. ANB-(2)89-23-2 in the amount of $8,500.00 to cover street improvements. Letter of Credit No. ANB-(1 )8912312 in the amount of $4,250.00 to cover material and labor. The following item has been completed by the developer in accordance with the approved plans: Required Street Improvements. As a Schedule "H" Parcel Map division where the streets are not to be accepted for maintenance by the County (City), the construction of streets may be limited to 24 feet width of base material on 32 feet width of graded roadway section. Three fronting streets were included in the Conditions of Approval: Calle Cedral, Green Tree Road, and Pauba Road. The Road Commissioner's office deleted the requirements for Green Tree Road as the existing asphalt paved roadway was superior to the proposed base material on graded roadway section, and for Pauba Road as Assessment District No. 159 proposed improvements also exceeded the proposed base material on graded roadway section. Calle Cedral was constructed to the minimal section and satisfies the conditions for a non-maintained road. The inspection and verification process relating to the above item has been completed by the County of Riverside Road Department and City Staff, and the Department of Public Works recommends the reduction of the Faithful Performance Security amount. Therefore, it is appropriate to reduce this Security amount as follows: Streets $ 7,650.00 The remainin9 10% of the original Faithful Performance Security amount is to be retained for one (1) year guarantee period as follows: Streets $ 850.00 The developer has submitted a cash deposit with the City of Temecula in the amount of $8.50.00. City Council acceptance of this cash deposit will permit the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to release the Faithful Performance Letter of Credit for this item of work. The Material and Labor Letter of Credit will remain in effect pending City Council exoneration. AC:ks Attachments: Vicinity Map Subdivision Agreement C I TYENG\PH22610. STF\ks 2 AGREEMENT REGARDING SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between the CITY OF TEMECULA, hereinafter called "CITY", and ~"~t~'~' ~_'~ hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County of Riverside and CONTRACTOR have entered into a series of agreements and CONTRACTOR has submitted a series of bonds in connectio with consideration by the County of Riverside of final map approval ~r~r: ,'~ _ '~f~ N~ ;L~4~l~ WHEREAS, the City of Temecula incorporated on December 1, 1989; WHEREAS, in order to expeditiously process the acceptance of improvements pursuant to the final map, the CITY has permitted subdividers to use the existing County Subdivision Agreement and Bond forms in lieu of CITY forms; WHEREAS, certain references in the County forms incorrectly refer to County positions instead of City positions; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between CiTY and CONTRACTOR as follows: 1. All references to the "County of Riverside" contained in of the documents between CITY and CONTRACTOR concerning ~Faet-~.-~t\~'~.1~,~t~are now defined as referring to the "City of Temecula". 2. All references to the "Riverside County Road Commissioner" contained in any docum_~:~ts between CiTY and CONTRACTOR concerning T-~L-alt~)~,~ ~f)~ ~.,~are now hereby defined to refer to the "City Engineer". 3. All references to any other Riverside County offices or position.~ contained in the Agreements or Bonds concerning ~ ~/:~(~, ~xl'~f' -J:L~c now hereby refer to th: uw:lent CI Y or positions. NT ' NA,h~jE' CTOR S Dated: ~ -- ~ ~ ~ By: ~Q~ ~~ ( Print Signatore's Name) CITY OF TEMECULA Dated: RONALD J. PARKS, MAYOR Dated: JUNE S. GREEK, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: z SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ x :- t' ' SS. COUNTY OF ~_/') On / -- . before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared personally know"h to me, or proved to me on the basis of satis- factory evidence. to be the person(s) whose name(s) (is/are) subscribed to the within instrument. and acknowledged that ;~. ( (he/she/they) executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1 Notsry's Signatu~ OFFICIAL SEA MARY JO SEE'RY NOTART PUBLIC-CALlicORNIA PRINCIPAL C FIC~, IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY rOjq Nt::]ITAj:i~ SEAL OR ST/~MP ITEM 7 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFIC CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works September 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Final Parcel Map No. 23335 PREPARED BY: Kris Winchak RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council APPROVE Final Parcel Map No. 23335 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335, Amended No. I was approved by the Riverside County Planning Commission on August 3, 1988, and the Riverside County Board of Supervisors on October 4, 1988. The City Council approved the First Extension of Time on March 26, 1991. Parcel Map No. 23335 is a six (6) lot commercial subdivision of 10.18 acres. The Parcel Map is located north of the junction of Winchester Road and Ynez Road and is part of Zone Change No. 5163. The applicant is Bedford Properties. The following fees have been paid (or deferred) for Parcel Map No. 23335: * Area Drainage Fees (Deferred to Building Permits) * Traffic Signal Mitigation Fees (Deferred to Building Permits) * Stephen's K-Rat Fees (at Grading Permits) $5,841.33 $14,255.00 $19,851.00 A:FPM23335 1 The following bonds have been paid for Final Parcel Map No. 23335: Faithful Labor and Performance Materials Streets & Drainage N/A -o Water N/A -o Sewer N/A -o Survey Monuments $ 2,904.00 $ 0.00 FISCAL IMPACT: Not determined. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council APPROVE Final Tract Map No. 23335 subject to the Conditions of Approval. BY:ks Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Development Checklist Location Map Copy of Map Planning Department Staff Report dated March 26, 1991 Resolution Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Staff Report dated February 25, 1991 Planning Commission dated February 25, 1991 Action of City Council to Approve Resolution A:FPM23335 2 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP NO. 23335 DATE: August 30. 1991 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY Streets and Drainage $ '- Water $ '- Sewer $ '- TOTAL $ N/A MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY $ -- $ -- $ -- $ N/A *Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) $ N/A Monument Security City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signalization Mitigation Fee- SMD # Road and Bridge Benefit Fee Other Developer Fees Planning Fee Quimby Fee Comprehensive Transportation Plan Plan Check Fee Due Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee Fee Paid To Date (Credit) Total Inspection/Plan Check Fees Due 2,904.00 -0- 5.841.33 14,255.00 -0- -0- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 106.00 -0- 8.00 850.00 -0- 651.76 1,615.76 -0- SANDEFKM\FORMS\FEESECUR.ENG 3 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: Final Parcel Map No. 23335 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan (K-Rat) Parks and Recreation ( Quimby ) Public Facility ( Traffic Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Traffic Signal Mitigation ) Public Facility ( Library ) Fire Protection Flood Control (ADP) Condition of Approval Condition No. 1 N/A Condition No. 16 Condition No. 12 N/A Letter Dated 6-13-88 Letter Dated 6-22-88 A:FPM23335 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department March 26, 1991 First Extension of Time Tentative Parcel Map 23335 ~REPARED BY: Richard Ayala RECOMMENDAT ION: ADOPT Resolution 91- approving the First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 based on the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: Bedford Properties REPRESENTATIVE: Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates PROPOSAL: Six (6) commercial lot subdivision of 10.18 acres. First Extension of Time LOCA T I ON: North of Junction of Winchester Road and Ynez Road. EXISTING ZONING: C-P-S I Scenic Highway Commercial ) SURROUNDING ZONING: North: I - P South: C-P-S East: C - P-S West: C-P-S I Industrial Park ) | Scenic Highway Commercial ) ( Scenic Highway Commercial ) ( Scenic Highway Commercial ) PROPOSED ZONING: Not requested ST A F F R PT\T PM23335 I EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Vacant North: Industrial Park South: Commercial East: Vacant West: Commercial Total Acreage: 10.18 No. of Lots: 6 First Extension of Time application for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 was submitted to the City on September 18, 1990. On February 25, 1991, it was presented to the City of Temecula Planning Commission and was approved by a ~-0 vote based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. The property is located north of the junction of Winchester Road and Ynez Road. At present. the subject site is vacant and graded land. Westerly of the property, there is an office building, a CarPs Jr., and graded land· The subject site is currently zoned C-P-S {Scenic Highway Commercial ). Planning Department Staff recommends that the City Council: ADOPT Resolution 91- approving the First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 based on the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. · RA:ks Attachment: Resolution Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Staff Report dated February 25, 1991 Development Fee Checklist Planning Commission Minutes dated February 25, 1991 STAFFRPT\TPM23335 2 -- RESOLUTION NO. 91-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 23335 A SIX PARCEL COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION OF 10.18 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF JUNCTION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND YNEZ ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 910-011-031 PORTION. WHEREAS, Bedford Properties Inc. filed the Time Extension in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Time Extension application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Time Extension on February 25, 1991, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission approved said Time Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: · SECTION 1. Findinqs. That theTemeculaPlanningCommission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty ~30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: ~1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. | 2 ) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: a) There is a reasonable probability that the Time Extension proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. STAFFRPT\TPM23335 1 b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Time Extension is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The City is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The Planning Commission finds, in approvin9 projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a) There is reasonable probability that the Time Extension proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. ( 1 ) Pursuant to Section 18.30( c), no Time Extension may be approved unless the followin9 findings can be made: STAFFRPT\TPM23335 2 a) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state law and City ordinances. b) The proposed subdivision does not affect the general health, safety, and welfare of the public. 12) The Plannin9 Commission, in approvingthe proposed Time Extension, makes the following findings, to wit: a) There is a reasonable probability that Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law, due to the fact that the project is consistent with existing site development standards in that it proposes articulated design features and site amenities commensurate with existing and anticipated commercial development standards. b) There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future and adopted general plan, if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan, due to the fact that the project is in conformance with existing and anticipated land use and design guidelines standards. c) The proposed use or action complies with state planning and zoning laws, due to the fact that the proposed use conforms with those uses listed as "allowed" within the project site's existing C-P-S ( Scenic Highway Commercial ) land use designation. d) The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and density, due to the fact that; adequate area is provided for all proposed facility structures; adequate landscaping will be provided along the project's public and private frontages; and the internal circulation plan should not create traffic conflicts as design provisions will be STAFFRPT\TPM23335 3 in conformance with adopted City standards. e) f) g) h) The project, as designed and conditioned. will not adversely affect the public health or welfare, due to the fact that the conditions stated in the approval are based on mitigation measures necessary to reduce or eliminate potential adverse impacts of the project. Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 is compatible with surrounding land uses. The density creates a compatible physical relationship with adjoining properties, due to the fact that the proposal is similar in compatibility with surrounding land uses; and has adequate area in order to provide for siting of proposed development. The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area, due to the fact that the proposed project is consistent with the current zoning of the subject site { C-P-S; Scenic Highway Commercial ) and also consistent with the adopted Southwest Area Community Plan { SWAP ) designation of Commercial. The project, as designed and conditioned, will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Negative Declaration adopted by the County for the project, due to the fact that impact mitigation is realized by conformance with the project's Conditions of Approval. The project has acceptable access to a dedicated right-of-way which is open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic, due to the fact that the project will propose independent access points from Winchester Road and Possibly Ynez Road which have been determined to be adequate by the City Engineer. S~ ~,FFRPT\TPM23335 4 The desi9n of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed projects, due to the fact that this is clearly represented in the site plan and the project analysis. k) That said findings are supported by minutes. maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applicants and herein incorporated by reference, due to the fact that they are referenced in the attached Staff Report Exhibits, Environmental Assessment, and Conditions of Approval. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECT ION 2, the Time Extension proposed conforms to the logical development of its proposed site, and is compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby determines that the previous environmental determination {Adoption of Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32718) still applies to said Parcel Map {Extension of Time). SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves The First Extension of Time for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 for a six (6) parcel Commercial Subdivision of 10.18 located north of junction of Winchester Road and Ynez Road and known as Assessor's Parcel No. 910-011-031 Portion subject to the fol Iowi ng conditions: Resolution. A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. SECTION ~. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February, 1991. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN STAFF R PT\T PM23335 5 CITY OF TEMECULA 2R 2356 10 1621 PP PP2 23335 J VICINITY MAP r CASE NO. P.C. DATE J CITY OF TEMECULA t,,,,- Sc c"' 4' ;,7 I 'CZ08 CZ4348 \ ,, / ~ -sc > A- I-I0 I/ CZ 4607 / '~Z 077C 4 CZ ~566 M-SC( I-P CZ 4078 ~ M-SC 'R R, ._._,,._---'-' ~: ~f CASE NO. !:'.~ ~ ZONE MAP ) P.C. DATE 2-,~~'''~/ CITY OF TEMECULA LI .v,,. . · 2'/' J SWAP MAP CASE NO. ,/~vf ~:]5'3 _, P.C. DATE ~-z~'- ~/)t Tentative Parcel County. of' Rlvlrslde,. WincheSter Map Nc SUte Of Californiu Meadows 23335 T ' ~ HEREBY CERTIFY that the forecJoin9 Resolution was duly adopted by the Plannin9 Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meetin9 thereof, held on the 25th day of February, 1991 by the followin9 vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS STAFFRPT\TPM23335 6 --- ATTACHMENT II CITY OF TEMECULA ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 Commission Approval Date: Expiration Date: P!anninq Department Unless previously paid, prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. Prior to any construction on the area shown as remainder, the applicant shall file for a Certificate of Compliance with the Planning Department. This conditionally approved extension of time for Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 will expire one year after the original expiration date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance ~60. The expiration date is October q, 1991. Enqineerinq Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. The Developer shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. ~60. STAFFRPT\TPM23335 9 PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; and CalTrans. Prior to recordation of the final map. the developer shall provide evidence that Assessment District 161 will construct the improvements on Winchester Road, in accordance with County Standard 100, Section A ( 110~113~~ ). In the event that the Assessment District 161 will not construct the improvements, the developer shall be required to construct or bond for the required improvements. Sufficient right-of-way along Winchester Road shall be confirmed to exist or conveyed for public use to provide for a public street for public use to provide for a 67 foot half width right-of-way. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. 10. A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCSR's) shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CCF, R~s shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CCF, R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CCF, R's shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The CCF, R's shall be prepared at the developer~s sole cost and expense. The CCF, R~s shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. Ce The CCF, R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. STAFFRPT\TPM23335 10 d, The CCF, R~s shall provide for the effective establishment, operation. management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas and facilities. The CCF, R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CCF, R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CCF-R~s, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CCF, R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads. drives or parking areas shall be provided by CCF, R's or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map or prior to the issuance of building permit where no map is involved. 11. County Road Condition Number lq shall be deleted. 12. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. 13. The developer shall record an Environmental Constraint Sheet delineating the area within the 100-year floodplain. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 15. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter. A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. STAFFRPT\TPM23335 11 16. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/Negative Declaration for the project, in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which Developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the Developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to Developer. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees ) and specifically waives its right to protest such increase. Transportation En.qineerinq PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 17. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by CalTrans and the City Engineer for Winchester Road and Ynez Road, and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 18. Prior to designing any of the above plans, contact CalTrans and City Transportation Engineering for the design requirements. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 19. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engine~er for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the City Engineer. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 20. All signing and striping shall be installed per the approved signing and striping plan. 21o All Conditions of Approval stated in the County Road Department letter dated June 23, 1988 shall still apply to this project. STAFFRPT\TPM23335 12 DATE October 4, 1988 "' :IiVE:I])iDE CO UnCu II PLAntlinG DEPA:IC!TIEnC TO: Surveyor Road Building & Safety Flood Control Heal th Ft re Protection TENTATIVE ;/PARCEL NAP NO. ~ T r~lV~.H~l -"' u., REGIONAL O, One The Rheaside County E] Planning Director/~Board of Supervisors has taken the following action on the above referenced tentative map: xx APPROVED tentative map subject to the attached conditions (no waiver requ(st submitted), __DENIED tentative map based on the,attached findings, APPROVED tentative map subject to attached conditions and DENIED request for waiver of the final map. APPROVED tentative map and APPROVED request for waiver of the final map. APPROVED ~ Exten;ton of Time to al 1 previously app~Ved.-cen,d.t,.t't;ons. APPROVED :~ Extension :Of Time to . ~ k . DENIED Extension of T-:ime~':. <.~/,:-:' ", --T; ', .... f';, - ': I.., / I 1. I; .',' i !.l I:' :"' ';' f' ~'''' APPROVED withdrawal of ~eh!a~tve map; ....................... APPROVED Minor Change to revise originally approved conditions as sho~n (attached), APPROVED Minor Change to revtse'6~'i'gtnally approved map (attached). subject to subject to . DENIED request for Minor Change. · . APPROVED Minor Change to waive the final map. Ver7 truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAHNING DEPARTHENT Roger S, Streeter, Planning Director R~chard J.~';cHott, Su.~erv~s~ng Planner SURVEYOR -WHITE ROAD - BLUE ,~z~e,-. ,/u~ HEALTH - PiNK 4080 LEMON STREET, gin FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 BUILDING & SAFETY - GREEN FiRE PROTECTION - GOLDENROD FLOOD- CANARY 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM INDIO, CALIFORNIA ~: (619) 342-~:? INKS T~,RM:rs 8-9-88 SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FROM: The Planning Department SUBMillALDATE: ' ' SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE 5163 TENTATIVE COtltlERCIAL PARCEL ,'lAP ~ · <LL~': NO. 23335 -RANCHO CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT COfIPANY - First Supervisorial District -Rancho California Area - lO.18 Acres - 6 Lots - Schedule E - REQUEST: RECOMMENDED MOTION: Change of Zoning from R-R to C-1/C-P. THE PLANN I NG CO~MI SS I ON RECOMMENDS: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32718 based on the findings incorporated in the environmental assessment and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and DENIAL of Change of Zone No. 5163 from R-R to C-1/C-P in accordance with Exhibit 2, based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Commission minutes dated August 3, 1988; but, APPROVAL of Change of Zone No. 5163 from R-R to C-P-S in accordance with Exhibit 4, based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Commission minutes dated August 3, 1988; and APPROVAL of Tentative Commercial Parcel Map No. 23335 subject to the attached conditions, based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the P~anning Connission minutes dated August 3, 1988. P'r~,,' A-- reJ Depfi Comments Di_~, AGENDA RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1988 (AGENDA ITEH 3-1 - REEL 995, SIDE 1 - TAPE 1, SIDE 2) CHANGE OF ZONE CASE 5163 - EA 32718 - Rancho California Development Company - Rancho California Area - First Supervisorial District - 10.16± acres, north of Junction of Winchester Rd and Ynez Rd - R-R to C-l/C-P, etc. PARCEL NAP 23335 ANENDED NO. I - EA 32718 - Rancho California Development Company - Rancho California Area - First Supervisorial District - north of Junction of Winchester Rd and Ynez Rd - 6 lots - 10.18± acres - Schedule E The hearings were opened at 11:11 a.m. and closed at 11:21 a.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the negative declaration for EA 32718, denial of Change of Zone Case 5163 from R-R to C-l/C-P, approval of Change of Zone Case 5163 from R-R to C-P-S in accordance i w th Exhibit 4, and approval of Parcel ~p 23335 Amended No. 1. Staff had originally recommended approval of the C-1/C-P zone as requested, as they felt a commercial use would be compat- ible with surrounding development which included vacant lands, single family residences, a. pasture and dairy, and c~nmerctal uses. However, after a further review, they had determined that the C-P-S zone would be more appropriate as it would protect Winchester Road from outdoor advertising. Robert Kimble, representing the applicant, requested approval of the C-1/C-P zone as it would provide more flexibility in selecting future uses. In answer to a question by Commissioner Donahoe, Nr. Kimble advised they did not have any. proposed uses at the present time. Mr. Kimble requested deletion of Road Department Condition 14 which restricted access on Nargarita Road; this had been a condition of their original map submittal and the area covered by the map had been reduced so that they no longer had frontage on Margarita Road. Ns. Johnson agreed to the deletion of d Con ition 14. Nr. Kimble then requested that Conditions 2 through 5 of the Flood Control District's conditions be deleted and replaced with conditions which he had submitted to the District; he read these conditions into the record at that time. (The conditions related to the construction of facilities required as part of the Hurrieta Creek/Santa Gertrudis Valley Area Drainage Plan). Ed Lotz of the Flood Control District advised Mr. Kashuba had been required to leave the meeting; however, Mr. Kashuba had discussed the appltcant's proposal with Flood Control staff and they did not endorse the proposed changes. Mr. Lotz requested that the Flood Control conditions be retained as originally presented. Commissioner Bresson asked about access; there was an access opening on Winchester between Lots 3 and 4, and he wanted to know how Lots 2 and 5 would receive access. Mr. Johnson explained State Highway 79 (Winchester Road) in this area was a six lane divided highway and had a greater access restriction than the Count's lesser road system. Road Department Condition 16 required a businessman's association to provide for reciprocal parking and legal access. Mr. ICIotz asked whether a businessman's association was needed for any other reason; when informed there was no other purpose for the association, Mr. Klotz advised a businessman's association was not necessary as the reciprocal parking and )Ccess could be accomplished_through CC&R r~quir___~_e__n~s. He 11 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1988 furnished wording to replace Road Department Condition 16 as currently written. There was no further testimony, and the hearing was closed at 11:21 a.m. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: The applicant is proposing to change the zoning on 10.18 acres in the Rancho California area from R-R to C-1/C-P and subdivide the parcels into 6 lots; surrounding zoning includes M-SC, I-P, R-R, R-5, R-3, R-4, A-2-20, R-2 and C-P-S; the subject site is currently vacant; surrounding land uses include graded and vacant land, single family residences under construction, a pasture and dairy, and commercial uses along 1-15; the project site lies within Planning Area "F' of the Rancho Villages Policy Plan on the Open Space and Conservation Map of the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan; Planning Area 'F" is designated for con~ercial land uses along Winchester and east of 1-15 in the Rancho Villages Policy Plan; environmental concerns include liquefaction, groundshaking, flooding, noise, possible impacts to agriculture, energy resources, scenic highways and paleontological resources but these concerns, with the exception of the impact on scenic highways, can be mitigated through conformance with the conditions of ap roval; the impact on scenic highways can be mitigated by approval of the C-~-S zone. The proposed C-1/C-P would allow outdoor advertising and would therefore not protect the scenic qualities of Winchester Road. The recommended C-P-S zone and Parcel Map 23335 A~ended No. I would be more consistent with the adjacent C-P-S zoning, would protect the scenic qualities of Winchester Road, would be consistent with the Rancho Villages Policy Plan and the. Comprehensive General Plan; compatible with area zoning and develop- ment; consistent With the applicable provisions of Ordinances 348 and 460; and will not have a significant effect on the environment. MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Bresson, seconded by Commissioner Purviance and unanimously carried, the Commission recommended to the Board of Supervisors adoption of the negative declaration for EA 32718, a royal of Change of lone Case 5163 from R-R to C-P-S in accordance with Ex~Vbtt 4, and approval of Parcel Map 23335 Amended No. 1 subject to the proposed conditions, with the Road Department conditions amended as follows, based on the above findings and conclusions and the recommendations of staff. 14.' Delete Entirely 16. Delete as currently written and replace with the following: P tor to the ecordatton of the final map or .-ny phase thereof, the applicant sh,l~ record Cr~R~ providing for reciprocal parktnq and leqal accesS. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Commissioners Bresson, Smith, Beadling, Purrlance and Donahoe NOES: None ABSENT: None 12 PINKS ' Zoning Area: Rancho California First Su ervisorial District E.A. Number 32718 Regional Team No. I CO~(ERCIAL PARCEL ~ MO. 23335 AMENDED MO. 1 CHANGE OF ZONE ~0. 5163 Planning Commission: 8-03-88 Agenda Item No. 3-1 Z RIVERSIDE COUMTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT S'rAFF REPORT 1. Applicant: 2. Engineer/Rep.: 3. Type of Roquest: 4. Location: 5. Existing Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: g. Comprehensive General Plan Designation: 10. Land Division Data: 11. Agency Reco~Xnendations: 12. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: ANALYSIS: Rancho California Development Co.- Robert Betn, William Frost and Assoc. To change the zoning from R-R to C-1/C-P and subdivide 10.18 acres into 6 lots. North of Junction of Winchester Road and Ynez Road R-R R-2, C-P-S, C-l/C-P, M-SC, R-R, I-P, R-5, R-3, R-4, and A-2-20 Currently fiat and vacant. It is covered by dry grass and brush and scattered trees. Vacant and graded land, substations, a dairy, single family residential under construction and commercial buildings. Land Use: Rancho Villages Total Acreage: 10.18 Total Lots: 6 See letters dated: Road: 6-23-BB Heal th: 6-16-88 F1 ood: 6-22-88 Ft re: 6-13-BB Bldg & Safety {grading): 6-1048 Mt. Palomar: 4-26-88 NOpposin/Supporting: None received ot within a City Sphere Project Description zoning on 10.18 acres in the Rancho California zoning area from Residential) to C-1/C-P {General Commercial} and subdivide the propert into 6 schedule 'E' lots. The property is located North of the ]unction of W~nchester Road and Ynez Road. CORqERCIAL PARCEL RAP RO. 23335 AMERDEDRO. 1 CHANGE OF ZONE I10. 5163 Staff Report Page 2 Land Use and Zonlng At present, the subject site is vacant. Surrounding land uses include rimarily vacant and graded land with a pasture and a dairy located Eoutheasterly of the project site. Westerly of the pro erty, there is an office Building, a Carl's Jr. and graded land. A commercial center is located across 1-15 to the west. The subject site is currently zoned R-R. Surrounding zoning includes M-SC, I-P and R-R to the north, R-5, R-3 and R-4 located Northeasterly of the project, R-R, A-2-20 and R-2 located Southeasterly of the site. To the west, and across 1-15 there is C-P-S, C-1/C-P and H-SC. Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment No. 32718 indicated that liquefaction, groundshaking, flooding, and possible noise, impact the site. Development of the property could also impac~ agriculture, energy resources, scenic highways and potential paleontological resources. County Geologic Report No. 509 has been prepared for the site and has been approved by the County Geologist. Nitigation for liquefaction will be implemented through the conditions of approval. Groundshaking will be mitigated through adherence to the Uniform Building Code Standards. Flooding hazards will be mitigated through Flood Control's conditions of approval. All noise impacts will be mitigated through proper building design and Uniform Building Code regulations. The subject site is not currently being used for Report was prepared and no significant impact on wildlife was found. The project site is mapped as having a potential for thermal waters beneath its surface, however at the present time there is no economically feasible way to harness this energy resource, therefore mitigation is not possible at this time. Landscape plans will be required prior to the issuance of building permits in order to maintain the freeway's and highway's aesthetic view. An archaeological report was prepared for the site and no significant artifacts were found. A qualified paleontologist will be required to be on site during grading. General Plan The project site lles within the Rancho Villages Policy Plan on the Open Space and Conservation Hap in the Comprehensive General Plan. More specifically, the subject site falls within Planning Area 'F" of the Rancho Villages Polic Plan. Planning Area "F" is designated for a combination of industrial, commercial and residential uses. Industrial and commercial uses, more commonly called "Employment Center East", which are located north of Winchester Road will take COme4ERCIAL PARCEL RAP I10. 13335 MMERDED RO. 1 CHANGE OF ZOME RO. 5163 Staff Report Page 3 advantage of the immediate freeway access and Winchester Road. Since the proposed project is located northwesterly of Winchester and Easterly of 1-15 and falls within the allowable commercial acreage called forth for Plannin Area 'F', it is consistent with the Rancho Villages Conmnunity Policy Plan an3 Comprehensive General Plan. FINDINGS: The applicant is proposing to change the zoning on 10.18 acres in the Rancho California area from R-R to C-1/C-P and subdivide the parcels into 6 lots. 2. The subject site is currently zoned R-R. Surrounding zoning includes H-SC, I-P, R-R, R-5, R-3, R-4, A-2-20, R-2, and C-P-S. The subject site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include graded and vacant land, single family residences under construction, a pasture and a dairy and c_o~nmercial uses along 1-15. The project site lies within Planning Area "F" of the Rancho Villages Policy Plan on the Open Space and Conservation Hap of the Riverside County · Comprehensive..General Plan. Planning Area "F" is designated for c~nmercial land uses along Winchester and East of 1-15 in the Rancho Villages Policy Plan. Environmental concerns include liquefaction, groundshaking, flooding, noise, possible impacts to agriculture, energy resources, scenic highways, and paleontological resources. The concerns can be mitigated through conformance with the conditions of approval. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed zone change and subdivision are consistent with the Rancho Villages Policy Plan and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. 2. The proposed zone change and subdivision are compatible with area zoning and development. 3. The proposed zone change and subdivision are consistent with the applicable provision of Ordinance 348 and Ordinance 460. 4. The proposed zone change and subdivision will not have a significant effect on the environment. COI~ERCIAL PARCEL MAP RO. 23335 AMENDED RO. 1 CHANGE OF ZONE RO. 5163 Staff Report Page 4 RECOHHENDATZONS: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 32718 based on the findings that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVAL of lie OF ZONE I10. 5163 from R-R to C-1/C-P in accordance with ~Xnlblt Z; and APPROVAL of COIIERCIAL PARCEL RAP I10. 23335, AMEMDED RO. I subject to the attached conditions, and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in this staff report. GM:sc 7/25/88 r CZ 51G~/PM 23~:55 "'LAND USE ' ' -,/7'~./': !----/ ,. / / .' ' ~ I ~V.J/~ -ij<~ , ~' ""' GRADED ,~ VAO. OF.FlOE II,B~ VAC. ~ /... App. RANCHO CALIR DEV. CO. Use R-R 10 C-IIC-P Are 1t0, CALl E Sup. I)bt. s-. t · s.,,. aw. ,,,,,,,', e~. |~ ~. Ckc~lafion WINCHESTER RD. URBAN ART, 134' Elemefd ~ FREEWAY VARIABLE t MIll :R-R PROPOSED ZONING RllllR - R-4 C-P-S R81~R C-P-$ A-2- r , 'P C-P-: R-2 'App. RANCHO CALIF. DEV. CO. "" Use R - R ~ C-I/C-P - ~eo ~, CALIR " Sup.~st. I ~ s.. T. 7 s.,e. ~w. k,,,,.', ek~ i~ ~. ~ ~= " Ckculotion WINCHESTER RD UR~N ART, [~ent ~ FREEWAY VARIAB~ Ca. Ok. ~ 55C ~fe 7/6/88 bown By jcw//, Tentative Parcel County of Riverside,. Winchester Map No. State of California Meadows 23335 Amended Mop No I / / / RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE COIiI[RCIAL PARCEL leAP NO 23335° 1. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning CO!~MERCIAL TENTATIVE PARCEL NAP NO. 23335, AND. #l, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. 2. The tentative/~arcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedul, E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. 3. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Nap Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. 4. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the County Road Conm~issioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. 5. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Riverside County Surveyor. 6. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a County maintained road. 7. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. TENTATIVE PARCEL NAP NO. 23335 Conditions of Approval Page 2 8. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the County Department of Building and Safety. 9. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement reconm~endations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated June 23, 1988, a copy of which is attached. lO. The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated june 16, 1988, a copy of which is attached. ll. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control reconmnendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated june 22, 1988, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Con~issi~ner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. 12. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations · outlined in :the County Fire Department's letter dated june 13, 1988, a copy of which is attached. 13. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Section's transmittal dated June lO, 1988, a copy of which is attached. 14. All proposed construction shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory recommendations dated April 26, 1988, a copy of which is attached. 15. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geologic Report No. 509 and the County Geologist letter dated july 13, 1988, a copy of which is attached. TENTATZVE PARCEL MAP N0.23335, At!:). tl Conditions of Approval Page 3 GRADXNG: 16. Grading plans shall conform to the Hillside Development Standards as presented in the Comprehensive General Plan. All cut and/or fill slopes, or individual combinations thereof, which exceed ten feet in vertical height shall be modified by an appropriate combination of a special terracing (benching) plan, increased slope ratio (e.g. 3:1), retaining walls, and/or slope planting combined with irrigation. All driveways shall not exceed a 15% grade. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 17. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in coqformance with the development standards of the C-1/C-P zone. 18. All lots created by this land division shall have a minimum area of O.B acres gross. 19. When lots a~ crossed by major public utility easements, each lot shall have a net usable area of not less than 3600 square feet, exclusive of the utility easement. 20.' All' lot length to width ratios shall be in conformance with Section 3.BC of Ordinance 460. 21. Corner lots shall be provided with additional area pursuant to Section 3.8B of Ordinance 460. 22. Prior to recordation of the final map the land divider shall execute a certificate of noncontiguous ownership. 23. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for ~lan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. 24. Prior to the recordation of the Final Nap, the following conditions shall be complied with: ae Change of Zone ~of) 5163 shall be adopted by the Board of Supervisors. ~ I~i) A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. TENTATZVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23335 All). Conditions of Approval Page 4 ENVIROk~NTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET CONDITIONS: 25. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following note(s) shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. "County Archaeological Report No. 1217 was prepared for this property on Narch 30, 1988 by Christopher E. Drover PhD, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. "County Biological Report No. 212 was prepared for this property in May 1988 by the Planning Center, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. "County Geological Report No. 509 was prepared for this property in Nay, 1988 by Leighton and Associates, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are liquefaction hazards. 25. The following note shall be placed on the final map: "Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. These constraints affect all parcels." GM:aea 7-27-88 i'L .......Ir ......................i'll .............] .............................iii ...........~'1 ~ 1"'~ ......................Ii' LeRoy D. Smoot ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR OFFICE OF ROAD CO~4.41S.~IO.%'ER 6 COL'NTY St RVEYOR Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 June 23, 1988 MiVIII~IiDIE:. CA~IKO~NI A 12902 Tl~-llmNONl (7t4) ?l?-Ill4 Re:. Parcel Nap 23335 - Amend Schedule E - Team 1 Ladies and Gentlemen: With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, the Road Department recommends that the landdivider provide the following street Improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards (Ordinance 461). It Is understood that the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline profiles, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate Q's,.and that their mission or unacceptabtltty may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are Intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commisstoner's Office. The landdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e., concentra- tion of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities or by securing a drainage easement or by both. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final map and noted as follows: 'Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroachments by land fills are allowed". The protection shall be as approved by the Road Department. The landdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the Road Commissioner permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Road Department. Parcel MAp 23335 - Amend #1 · Jun~ 23, 1988 Page 2 ~Jor drainage is involved on this landdivision and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Department. The landdivider shall comply with the Caltrans reconnendations as outlined in their letter dated Hatch 2, 1988 (a copy of which is attached), prior to the recordatton of the final map. A copy of the final map shall be submitted to Caltrans, District 08, Post Office Box 231, San Bernardino, California 92403; Attention: Project Development for review and approval prior to recordation. Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 38 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; recon- struction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 50 foot half width dedicated right of way tn accordance with County Standard No. 101. All-driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards. Winchester Road including R.C.W.D. lots fronttng Winchester Road shall-be Improved with concrete curb and gutter located 55 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by Caltrans within a 67 foot half width dedicated right of way. Prior' to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road department, a cash sum of $2,500 per gross acre as mitigation for traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, he may enter into a written agreement with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. 10. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extend- ing a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the RIverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road Improvements does not Imply acceptance for maintenance by County. 11. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Sections 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Parcel Map 23335 - Amend dune 23, 1988 Page 3 12. Corner cutbacks in confonnance with County Standard No. 805 shall be shown on the final map and offered for dedication. 13. Lot access shall be restricted on Ynez Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of one access opening located at the northwest corner of parcel 1. 14. Lot access shall be restricted on ~rgarita Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of that portion of parcel 14 abutting Nargartta Road. ~ ~ ~f~ ~ ~/½;~,~,F/~y/~ 15. Street lighting shall be required in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461 throughout the subdivision. The County Service Area (CSA} Administrator determines whether this proposal qualifies under an existing assessment district or not. If not, the applicant shall file an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a 'Lighting Assessment District" in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000. Prior to recordatlon of the final map or any phase the applicant shall establish a businessmans association to provide for reciprocal parking and legal access. - ~1~ , 17. Lot access shall be restricted on Winchester Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of a 35' driveway located between parcels 3 and 4 as approved by Caltrans. GH:lh Very truly yours, Gus Hughes Road Division Engineer County of Riverside f---TO: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. FROM RE: PARCEL MAP 2335S, Amended No. 1 DATE: June 16. 1988 · E~vironmental Health Services Environmental Health Services has reviewed Parcel Map 23335, Amended No. 1 dated June 9, 1988. Our current comments will remain as stated in our letter dated April 29, 1988. SM: tac 'j~' JUN 2 1 1988 RIVEi~su~- CuUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT GLN. FORM 4. (R~v. 8187) 'COUNTY RI\ OF ,r ERSIDE it."" ,-,':e- DEPARTMENT " [.J.~LL~ER,M ~~'~v~"' April 29 1988 1998 IRq~IIT I~nVICZi RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92502 Attn: Gloria Maciel RIVERSIDE CCUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~I&LTN GilTIll i&illlO 1055 RAIdSEY STREET BANNING. CA 12220 eLYTat 263 NORTH BROADWAy IL'YTHE. CA 92225 CAllA ILAICA 7240 MARGUERITA RIVERSIDE, CA 12504 CORONA 605 SOUTH IUENA VISTA CORONA, CA 11720 880 NORTH STATE I~I~T. CA 12343 IIIDlO 46-209 OASIS STREET ielDiO. Ca 9220~ LAKE ILIIROR! 10115 FRASER OR. LAKE ELSINORE, CA. 92330 fALl IPRIIIOl 3255 T,VIQUmTZ..MCCA/J.UM 23? NORTH'T)' STREET · ERRIS. CA 92370 IIVERIID! 1520 LINDEN STREET IIIVERSiD{. CA. lUllDOgE 1888 liESSlOE 8LVD. ,RIVERSIDE. CA Id?SOI RE:; Parcel Map 23335; Being situated in the unlncorporated territory of the County of Riverside, State of California, and be,lng portions of Lots 114, 118, 139, 141 and 142 together with portions of Lincoln Avenue, 3ackson Avenue and.__ Monroe Avenue and ad3oinlng said lots. All as shown on map of the Temecula Land and Water Company on flle in Book 8, Page 359 of Maps, Records of San Diego County, California. (18 Lots) Gentlemen: The Department of Public Health has revlewed Tentative Map No. 23335 and recommends that: A water system shall be installed according to plans and specification as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prindts of the plans of the water system shall be submitted in triplicate, with a mlnimum scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet, along with the original drawing to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter, location of valves and fire hydrants; pipe and joint specifications, and the size of the main at the junction of the new system to the existing system. The plans shall comply in all respects with Div. 5, Part 1, Chapter 7 of the California Health and Safety Code, California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the--. State of California, when applicable. Riverside County Planning Dept, Page Two Attn: Gloria Maciel April 29, 1988 The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system in Parcel Map 23335 is in accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Rancho California Water=-:T'' 2:"~'~ District and that the water service,storage and -- ~-. distribution system will be adequate to provide=~wateri"~~'? :]~.I~. service to such parcel, This certification does.'not~t~ constitute a guarantee that it willssupply such parcel at any specific quantities, flows=o; pressures for fire protection or any other purpose",f:5.::...7.:~:. This certification shall be signed by a..responsible'~/.=~.~] official of the water company, The ~A~s must submitted to the County Surveyor's Office to Aeyiew'ati~?~!';!f~/=,!i least two weeks E~ior to the request for the This Department has a statement from the Rancho Water Distric~ agreeing to serve domestic water to eachand':~:~!.'~"~'~ every lot in the subdivision on demand providing ,~'!!i~j':~! satisfactory financial arrangements are completed wit~the~!:~-!~i:~-:.~ subdivider. It viII be necessary for the financialY~:~:~:/:";'.:.!~1-~ arrangements to be made prior to the recordation'of!i;;the"'~::~'i:,:;'!:~:: final map. , "' :'i: :: ::,:" This Department has a statement from the Eastern Municipal:!,:'!~-"'-~ ~ ,~ T:~ .. ..-~ . Water District agreeing to allow the subdivision sewage system to be connected to the sewers of the Distri~tj.,iThe.~-: '-:' ..... -~ . sewer system shall be installed according to plans and~.:i.z~..~.i: .... specifications as approved by the District. the County:'.,~$ .. ~urveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of .the" plans of the sewer system shall be submitted'in triplicate."/: c:. alon~ with the original drawing. to the County Surveyor.'Th~: prints shall show the internal pipe diameterSlocation manholes. complete profiles. pipe and 3oint specifications and the size of the sewers at the ~unction of the new.system'<~' to the existing system. A single plat indicating location of sewer lines and water lines shall be a portion ofthe~:=/!" ~."-. sewage plans and profiles. The plans shall be signed..by".&~ .:.'. registered engineer and the sewer district with the .:~ :. '- sewer system in Parcel Map 2333~ is in accordance with the sewer system expansion plans of the Eastern, Municipal Water · District and that the waste disposal system is adeqUate'at this time to treat the anticipated wastes from the proposed. parcel." Riverside County Planning Dept. Page Three ATTN: Gloria Maciel April 29, 1988 The plans must be submitted to the Count_y Surveyor's<Office :~-".. :"~."" to review at least two weeks prior to the reclues_t_f__or_the_,G~'/~. - recordation of the final mal~. %.: It will be necessary for financial arrangements to be~made' prior to the recordation of the final map. ;<..~ , Sincer ly, Sanitarian Environmental Health Services SM:tac KE~INLrTH 'L. EDWARDS C:HIEF EN~INEIEX .. ."; '. '~' :?~;G':~-';~;,; ;'~ :~'~ ':'k, ~ ,, ',"...:~ WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT '~:' :;~:~!7"":~.' ~' :,[~;'~:~ ~vers~de County ::'-:?-" "' ,:~:- ...."'' County R~n~strat~ve Center ', '. ~:~;:'." '-L";. ~' ;' ' · - . ~:,~'-, , ;,,.; ~ttent~on: ~eg~onaZ ~eam No. I .,:.,~ .~ ~?:;'.:. ;: ,~ GZor~a Mac~eZ ,, ,.:,.'~r';;', "' "' ~ad~es and GentZemen: Re: ~arceZ Nap 23335 ?~;.'::;':' ;-.' ~'~ ,~, :, ~ .;:~ '.;:;.. ,, .... ;':L:'; .': ' · h~s ~s a proposaZ to d~v~de about 10 acres ~nto severaZ co~erc~aZ" Zots ~n the Santa Ge:trud~s VaZZey area. ~he,,s~te ~s' north s~de o~ W~nchester Road about Z000 ~eet east o~.-Znte~State~'::C~;~;: 15. - ', '~ .~ -- ~ ~- ~ .~ ..~..: Our review ~nd~cates that the entire ~roperty ~s w~th~n the:';,Z00 year fZo~ ~la~n caused by Santa Gertrud~s Creek which traverses . the north ~t~on of the s~te w~th an estimated ZOO year fZow rate o~ 11,300 cfs. ~he appZ~cant ~ro~oses to channeZ~ze Santa ,,. Gertrud~s Creek b7 ~nstaZZ~ng hardened sZope protect~on.aZong ~th banks to ~rotect th~s deveZopment. ~h~s reach of Santa Ge~rud~s Creek ~s a ~ort~on of the Murr~eta Creek Master Drainage ~Zan .., fac~Z~t~es, and w~ZZ be o~erated and maintained by the D~str~ct ~f" the ~roposed ~mprovements o~ Santa Gertrud~s Creek ~s constructed "~:, to D~str~ct's standards. No ~nd~cat~on was made on the s~te ~Zan .'~' how to colZect the fZows ~nto the ~zoposed, channeZ.; and ':how .~o ~ro--' tect the Zots aZong Margar~ta Road. ,,:':~,,,;"~" '; "~:~.' ;':': ~:.;::;~ .'. '~:' ~oZZow~g are the D~str~ct' s reco~endat~ons m -:: ,~"'~ ;.. ,:-' ' ',?~.-":, :;,~:;~ ,:Zr ' , ~;' ~. ~s parcel map ~s Zocated w~th~n the l~m~ts o~, the .' .... "~ HurrYeta Creek/Santa Gertrud~s VaZley ~ea Drainage ~Zan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board. ".. '.' Drainage fees shalZ be ~a~d as set forth .nde~ the s~ons of the "RuZes and ReguZat~ons for-A~n~strat~on o~ a. Drainage fees shalZ be ~ to the ~oad Co~ss~oner"as part o~ the f~Z~ng ~or record o~ the' su~v~s~on' ~na1."".~- map or ~rceZ map. or ~f the record~ng,o~'a'f~naZ,,.~r-:~:L; ceZ ma~ ~s waived, drainage fees shaZZ be-.~d as condition of the waiver prior to 'reco:d~ng='a~cert~f~-~.~'~-:'' Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23335 'Amended Map No. 1 b. At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of' fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Building Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved pargel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the. subdivi-.?~ sion final map or parcel mapl provided however,Vthis option to defer the fees may not be. exercised for parcel where grading or structures have been initiatedT'" on the parcel within the prior 3 year period,'or mits for either activity have beenlissued on that.par- Prior to initiation of the final construction"drawings'for>;=~ those facilities required to be built as part'of the -~" Murrieta Creek/Santa Gertrudis Valley Area DrainagePlan,~Z/= the developer should contact the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to'ascertain'~the~.i~:'!7!~ terms ~nd conditions of design, construction,~inspection,!~/:-~ transfer of rights of way, project credit in'.lieu'of!fees~=,~'~. and reimbursement schedules which may='apply.~(].i'i. Title~reports7 and title insurance must be provided for all right.of'way;.; .to be transferred to the District..The developer-.should note that if the estimated cost fordrequired areadrainage'~=; plan facilities exceeds the required d[ainage fees and the~,~=-/ developer wishes to receive credit'for'reimbursement'in excess of his fees, the facilities will be constructed as a public works contract· Scheduling for'construction of''=' these facilities will be at the discretion of the District. Hardened slope protection should be installed~'along'both banks of Santa Gertrudis Creek to District standard.:-~The'i~/~ slope protection should extend from the top of slope to a' point below flow line based on design flow velocities~'- The protection should be tied into the existing c[Ossing.under.'; Ynez Road. ' ;' '.~,'-., :~!.~'.-~i, ~<~.~.~, !-' :,:~]:~" ' The proposed channel invert should be designed as close as.., possible to the existing natural channel's slope Arrangement should be made to channelize the flows upstream of Margarita Road into the proposed channel to protect those lots along Margarita Road~ otherwise, appropriate:=-=', floodproofing measures should be provided for all the buildings on the lots which are affected by the, tributary".., flows· Any blocking of the tributary flows or significan~T ly raising of the upstream water surface caused by.the development is not allowed. ,,--.,.]"~L.,-'.,,~i.~ . ,~ . ..... Riverside County Planning Department Parcel Map 23335 Amended Map No. i -3- A portion of the proposed project is in a floodplain 'and ' may affect "waters of the United States", "wetlands" or "jurisdictional streambeds". therefore, in accordance with ?-' the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and Related Regulations (44 CFR, Parts.59, through73)~ and a. A flood study consisting of MC-2 calculations, 'cross '~--, sections, maps and other data should:be prepared to.the-]j satisfaction of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.:' (FEbR) and the District for the purpose of revising the effective Flood Insurance Rate Map of the'project site.~-=,: The submittal of the study should ~ concurrent ,.with the initial submittal of the related, project .' ~r.~IF:'j=:j' improvement plans and final DistrictLapproval" will' be given until a Conditional Letter'of (C~MR) has been received from FE~.'.' , ~: <'.~'=~:.:~ ~.~,':~9..~.~ b. A ~opy of appropriate correspondence'and permits from those government agencies approval is required by Federal or State law (such as Corps of Engineers 404 permit or Deparment of Fish and Game 1603 agreement) should be provided to %he District prior to the final District approval'~of the?.project. ~ere flows are collected or conveyed offsite, ~or where, --~.._;. offsite construction is required for these purposes,' re- corded drainage easements should be secured from the af- fected property owners. Copies of these' easements should be submitted to the District prior 'to recordation of the final map. If easements are not obtained, hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted for District review which '~. show that no adverse impacts, such as'backwater'ponding' will result from ~e proposed improvements.'This is'par-:4: ticularly important in reference to Santa Gertrudis'Creek -'~ and any impacts the proposed improvements might have upon Winche star Road · ~ ~. ~ts abutting the proposed channel should be at'least 1 f~t above the 100 year storm water surface elevation." '- Onsite drainage facilities located outside of'road right of way should be contained within drainage easements 'sho~ on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept: free of build- :'~f,=: Riverside County " -4- ~ ~' Planning Department , I.: ,h~i>!C, .,.,;. ~. -~ ~.~: :~, ...~?:~:~, 77 Re: Parcel Map 23335 10. Offsite drainage facilities should be located within=L=.'~~. ~ublicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected pro~rty o~ers. ~e doc~ents should be recorded and a copy submitted to the District ~rior to~recordation ~e proper~y's s~ree~ an~ lo~ g~a~ing s~oul~ ~e"~esigne~ in a ~anner ~ha~ pe~ua~es ~e e~is~ing na~ural';'~rainage ~erns ~i~ ~espec~ ~o ~ri~u~ary ~ainage area. outlet. points an~ ou~le~ conditions. o~e~ise/a ~rainage ease- men~ s~oul~ be obtaine~ from ~e affec~e~ proper~y o~e~s.~ fo~ ~he ~elease o~ ~on~en~ra~e~ or.~ive~e~ s~o~m flo~s._ copy of ~he reco~e~ ~rainage easemen~ s~oul~ ~e su~mi~e~ ~o ~he ~is~ic~ fo~ ~evie~ prior ~o.~he' .reformation[of final map. ""'~' """ '.:~'~ )>~'.~T", 12. ~emporary e~osion control ~easures s~oul~ ~e 'implemen~e~'~r i~e~ia~ely following roug~ g~a~ing ~o'preven~'~epos~ion.'~' of ~eb~is onto ~o~ns~eam properties ;or - ~ainage facilities. " ' "'~: ':'' "?C~' ~;:: ~;~'~"::'~: 13- A copy of the improvement plans.. grading plans:'and ..final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic Calcula-' tions should be submitted to the District via4the Road ' Department for review and approval prior to recor~a~ion of the final map. Grading plans should be:,apprOved prior to. . issuance of grading permits. . ':~?'~'. "'~j;,,":E '~:~F '~""' Questions concerning this matter may be referred to Robert~'~iang~'~'~.. of this office at 714/787-2333. .~ ..:~-.~'~;i.~? :~':=.'~li~::f~'i.~',;',~.'- ~nior Civil EngineerS/:..:~E...-:." ~(, · : .- '-j?.7;...~- :-.:'~:~,~,',~ ~'-~:,r..-~,.., .',r~c ,,;~, . .t~;~': · ., TO: ATTN~ RE: PLANNING DEPARTNENT TEAH I, GLORIA NACIEL PN 23335 -ANENDED I1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY-i~:. FIRE DEPAR~T 'Cf': ;. · :-:.~.,,~,~:.~ RRE CHIEF "~'. :~": '~ .:~';'~" ":;"~:'~" :~' ; :,: . ':',~,~ :: ' Nvenll, CA 92501 ' ,: ',': 2 - -' ".: ' ,~ { ', (714) 787~ ' '. ~', ' ' ";~;F":: "'.~-:' '; '.;' , ~ .' ,, "..: : , . ' ~,.:.', · .:~::gV :,%:: .:': ' ':~ ~ , ' ,. ,~ L~ ~ - ' ' ::.~.~ ' ~ ..: .. With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department recommends the folioring fire protection measures. be provided in accordance vith Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized. firs protection../ standards: , '.,' ',':~,,:;:!" :. ":-::~::~:j~.::!:/~i.,i:!: ThE .ater mains shall be capable of providing . potential fire'rio" of::"5OO0'GPH";:~ and an actual fire flo. available from any one hydrant Bhall be 2500 GPN hours duratio. st 20 PSZ residua opers inS pr,sur,. ", Approved super f~rE hydrants, (6"x~"x2-2i") shall be located at each street ,'.T~' no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet frog s fire hydrant..~:,.;>':~ ,~ ~ .,.: - :~ ~4:-;~.~:· ~, :~' ~e applicant/developer shall provide vritten certification from the approp=iate vqter company ~hat the required fire hydrants are either exisCin&"or tha~,~:~(:',' :::::~ .... financial arrangements have been made ~o provide them.,: .'~,:.:.::';:',--~,,~(:,r: '::~:'!:.~:'::';; Applicant/developer .shall furnish one copy of the vs~e= 'system'plans to/the :: Fire Department for reviev. Plans shall con[on ~o fire hyd=anC Cypes,'locatton' and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fi=e flov =equtremenCs. Plans'shallV be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local rarer company-':'.: vith the fo11~inS certification: '"I certify that Che design of Che rarer system. is in accordance vith the ~equi~emenCs prescribed by the ~verel~e County. Fire :' ..'.:. ~ ..,~, · , ~e required ~ster systes including fire hydrants shall be installed and 'accepted by the spptopriate vster agency prior ~o any co~uBCible .bullding.Sscezisl being- All questions reSarding the meaning of the condi~ions shall be ~efer~ed Co ~he '~;"7" ~tr. D.par~men~ Planning and EnSineerins stiff. :~ .',~:;~-~c.:'~' ':'/,:~:~.,:: .:~,~-.< ~I '7~',:::: :- :: .' V{~:,~,: ':':~ ~' ','~:f:, ,? ,.':~ .2': Chief ~lrs ml George Tatums'DepUty Fire Nsrshal' Grading - BuHdjrxj and SafeLy . ~fe,'~ ' . ...~. ..,~ ~ '.!': ~- . firadin~'s crigjr~l camels renown ~ppl jc~ble to t. hjs r.~se. GEN. FOH:,t 4, 3/65 oo , ,. .?~ ~ ,.. ,,,. the owner of that property ,hall obtain agrading from the Department of BuiXding and Safety'.~:',. ___b,Prior ~o approval of this use/subdivision:. a.'grading pe[mi t and approval of the rough :~ grading".: .shal · .,,obtained .from the Building and 5afety.Department,'::/:'~'~"":... c, Prior to issuance of any building permit, ,.~he:""property owner shall obtain a grading permi~ ~ and approyal construct from the Building and Safety.Depar~men~,:{:::'"."' :. , ~ .... -.,, ~: ___d, ~ons~ruCting a road~ ,here greater than 5e cubic/-"yards .' ' of material is piac~d or movedm ' rlqu~r~s a : z, , ~: .: '~ ':':_~ :.~ ~. The following 'X ' marked comments pertain DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY.,' · ": .... DATE: :',. ' .- .' ,-:/' ;::,,/: ;'~ INITIAL: :'~~ Refer ko the attached standard vesting tract'commen~s. ;'~.' ~.- : - . .. The information submitted is too vague for specific Please refer t~ departmental forms 3B~-k6~' 86, ~ 38~-Z~g when preparing a gradtn9 p~an.'~:,' ~.'-~-2 In order to permit your grading plan~ . the:,: following t terns' ~ i ] X be needed. "'~:::: ~';:: ;~-'~-~;;'. ', '~':-.:-~ ~ ' ,.~";.~': · ':';~'n-' -.7~'~""~ .:"~,~.~ .' a. Obtain grading plan rev$e.. '- ~-" . ':, :~;',.~:,~. :'e ,:~/J.~:~. '/,<':',, " b. Provide 3 cop~es of Preliminary So~ls 'Report ~:':;:?' ' c. Provide 1 copy of each oF the hydr.o]ogyj:.:.hydraut~c review, standard improvement plan, and ';' : '~: d. Provide clearances from the following.department, ' .... +~" ~ ': ."' Provide copy of Planning Department :2 conditions ofI',.~: ,pprovaI for the ,ppraved orL':..tentative:, ,approved,' case. "' Provide an erosion control ;...plan , prepared ~:. by i'i.:i~: licensed. landscape architect, "'.:')'-~- ..~'~.?.~,~:-:-.. ~:"":" Provide a conceptual grading plan, :"~:~',-:?:'~.: :..:.:-~:~.-. :::' .-. -':::-~ Observe slope setbacks from permit" areas :-. '~and/or structures per section ?ale and figure Egrl: of-;.~. the. Uniform Building Code as modified byz. Ordinance When obtaining a plan review permitw".submit~5'copies grading plan to Building and Safe~y:LF,~for.';.~distribution .-~: .... Sh~ street and pad elevations,. Insure' can be maintained from back of pad to skre~, ~;~" ": .' ~-- .. 10. 11. 1P, 15, l&, 1B, Pl. Provide {1) one copy of the hydroloqic/hydrau ic talc',, , . :.~..~ :. ~ and drawings ~,, ...-. ,; -~ .:;':='~ ':. Provide recorded drainage easements for the proposed Show the Q16 and Q166 flows at the inlet and outlet to: el I properties and at all drainage structure,:inlets' and Provide building footprints on lo ::' ': This property is located in ~',the~' Rancho 'l~alifornia,:;;~ Potential Subsidence area. Per Board Resolution BB-~I~/-:.: lncludin~ the asphal t ic concrete, base material ~ .... and earth moved this pro~ect Nill exceed. 56 ThoraX, re, . ~rading permit ~. required.. Design each lot to drain separately.":,~; Do. not use .common.~:- Projects having an imbalance between the cut:;, and ':~fil shall specify the location of their;':import:~or~ export,,' ~:,.:'~: Show slopes, including terraces,-to scale. Proposed off-site ~rading notarized permission from the affected property= No obstruction or diversion of natural shall be permitted. .~...;~. ~ .:'~,". :-~Z.:;*/ ~, . , , , ,. -;,. ? :~:, ', ~, ;: . · . Provide topography beyond permit area, especially where,.:.. adjacent property is developed or being developed~.~::'~--' Slope height may affect adjacent properties:~:':~:'-: :~":~)~':' :~ On flag lots show the ]ocation~ graded'cut:; fills: scale that construct .'~the ,~.dr ve..- .... . ,,-'~ will be required to t DATE: Hatch 9, 1988 Assessor Butldtng and Safety Surveyor - Dave Duda. Road Department Health - Ralph Luchs Ftre Protection Flood Control Dtstrtct Ftsh& Game LAFC0, S Patsley U.S. Postal Servtce- Ruth E. Davtdson iVE }iDE councu. PL nnin¢;. DEP qClTIEn DATE: APR ! t 1989 SXGNATURE DI I~'A~C' ~,.,'In+ n~,m-~ ~.nd 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 P~_-'adeP~, r'_~tHornia 91125 -m 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 ' (619) 342-8277 Should you have any questions regarding thts ttem, pleasedo not hesttate to contact Glorta Nactel at 787-1363 .. ;~.r..'~:. i ;~.~!~:.'.:.~:. ! '.'!!:. -. _:.., '. :: .~: · , , · 'i:ii ,',~ , "l *' !',' *~: "' - Southern Ca1 tf, Gas - C~HERCIAL~ PARCEL' ~P 23335/CH~GE OF ~neral Telephone ZONE 5163 -~ (Tm-1) .~ Rancho California Nt, Palomar Develo~nt Cmpany - Robert Betn; Sterra Club · ~tl 1tam Frost and Associates '- Hurrteta Nurrieta ChaSer of Comrce Area -Ftrst Supervlsortal ~Dtstrtct - Callf, Native Pl~t Sodety Nor~ of Junction ofHtnchester Road and Comtsstoner Bresson Ynez Road - R-R Zone "- 48,7 acres - Proposal to su~tvtde 3 parcels. tnto c~erctal; lots - (REQUEST Zone Chan frm R-R 'to C-t/C-P) - Hod 119-- A,P, 910-11~029,31; 911-180-018 ' -.. ,-~, Please revlw the case described above, along wtth the attached case 'mp;'~:A Land. Dtvtslon C~tttee mettng has been tentafivel~ scheduled for Ha~ 12, 1988, .if tt clears, Your c;ents and rec;endafions are requested prlor to Apt11 28, 1988 (n order that we , : -.~ ma~ tnclude thm in the staff report for thts particular case, .- ~thouZh the proposed proJec~ is more than 30 miles fr~ Paler Obse~atory,~:": ~e request that any outdoor li~htin~ confo~ to the follo~n8 Zuidelines~: ~hich are fo~ulated to minimize the adverse effects of liZht pollutio~=~"V~'~ '~"~' applications, ~he associa~ed business ~ open pas~ ~ha~ ~ime, in,which 4. Use low-pressure sodi~ l~ps for roadways, val~ays',' equipmen~ yards,.' 7": Adoption of ~hese guidelines will help preserve ~he conditions needed for ~he continuation of research at Palomar 0bserva~ory, _ For further info~a- ~sistsn~ Director-'-, ' FASADENA. CALIFORNIA ellZl TELEPHONE illS) lSe-4OlS TELEl ItliJl CALTICH PSD: :' :' '- ~. - Leighton and Associates 27715 Jefferson Avenue, Sutte 109 Rancho California, CA 92390 Attention: Hr. Dante1Chu Hr. irk Bergmann July 13, - :IiVE:I)iDE :iCOUn;.u PLAnnin6 :' DEPA:I;nlEn; SUBJECT: L~quefacUon Hazard Tentative Parce~ Hap 23335. County ~o]o9}c Report No. 509.~'~ Gentlemen: We have reviewed your repdrt entitled 'Preliminary Geotechntcal Evaluation'of ~!~' Liquefaction Pote~tal~..Lots 1'through 18, Winchester Meadows, TentativeITract~.!:': Map No, 23335, Northeast corner of Winchester and Ynez'~Roads, Rancho California, Riverside County, CA,' dated Nay 1, lg88,/~d your response ~letter dated June 30, 1988~ -... ~:...: " ,.-,,-'.~i::~:i:~- ~:~.~::. :'~:~ .'. '. .' -, .,.it' ~tt'\ I'|' ';.,t':!~l;!''~ '~:'!'.;:'~i:',?.':;:~::'.:::~' Your report determined thlt'the potenttal"{or lt'uefa¢~l~n'extsts°on the site for an earthquake of 61.:;Lilf!lghttudeJ~lJll ~61Yl~ht&?.,'~roUnd',lcceleratton of The factor of safety ag~JnS1;"'l~quefactton ']s-']ess-.than-he-for a layer of soil ranging in depth of 10 t~ 20 feet belo~ the existing 9round suffice.-~.,:-::~Z'-::;. . .....' -~'.:~.y'.~ !!' ":~i ~.~:' Your report recommended that ]n ~rJer,to reduce the liquefaCtion potential, one:' of the following alternatives should.be followed: :,::~::~!::.;~:,,,.:~7:,~!;:~:: !~..: ::!.:~. ~.. Placement of additional fill (approximately ~0 feet'in thickness)!L' -'~d throughout the proposed butldtng and improvement area to 'tncreasetheI!~''' overburden pressure. The existing 7, feet of compacted ft11~on Lots through ~ wtll provide the additional measures to mittgate;~ .~",'-:L~-- ~.~ liquefaction. All buildings and the improvements such located within Lots 6 through 18 should be underlain by~at least 10 feet of compacted fill. The fill blanket should extendlO feetbeyond ,,. ,.,,d,.. foo,p-.,.. ..' 2. Removal of approximately 15 feet to 20 feet of alluvial'deposits and-'~':~'~. replaced and recompacted to at least 90 percent of:.relattve as detemtned by ASTH D1557-78. 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 ~ 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 ~'- INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 . .; (619) 342-8277 3. Denstftcatton of the upper 20-foot subsurface cohesionless mtertal to at least 92 percent relattve cropaction as aleretained by ~.D1557-78,; by vtbroflotatton dyn~tc capaction, or other techniques..,::-, "~;~,:,., .+ 4. Utilizing post-tenstoned slabs for the proposed st~ctures;"' This+-:' masure will not mitigate liquefaction potential; hwever, tf'.,~ '~ ','~ -' liquefaction should occur and ttts not too severe, post-tenston~ slabs should help keep the ~tldtng intact. ,,. '-.~,~.,, :~,-':'~',i~'~.';"~'L~::.':" It ts our opinion that the re~rt was prepared tn a c~petent mnner and :: satisfies the additional infomtton requested under the California '~'~' Environrental Qualtty Act revtw and the Riverside County C~prehensive General Plan. Final approval of the report ts hereby given. ,, ':,':.~'~'~,: .j'., ~'~.~:,':-7.~LY~;j::~:: Ne recmmnd that the following note ~ placed on the Ftnal tp prior to its recordatton. "County Geologtc Report No. 509 was prepared for this property Nay 1, 1988 by Leighton and Associates, and ts on file at the Riverside Count3 Planntng Deparmnt. The specific tt~s of interest are,liquefaction.and~.:,:~ seismic design oLstructures." ; - ,' ~.. ~'.~"'-,~,;;~, -. The recomendations rode tn your report for tt gatton'of liquefaction ~.~, ',,~,:" potential shall ~ adhered to tn the design and const~ctton of .thts,, proJect. RIVERSIDE ~UNTY P~NING DEPAR~ENT"':::.,. ':~. Roger S. Streeter ~,planntng Director SAK:rd C,C, Nom Lostbom -Butldtng & Safety (2)' Planning Team I -Glorta Hadel GEN. FORM i. I/'6S WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ::-'::"';~ 'i:~,':":'~i.~!;~::;i ~i~'~:"iii~:i'::';c':;';;;!~'i': , Planning Department ," .U:. ~ .'.;'~';~' 's County Administrative Center ,. .... Riverside, California --.'-, Attention: Regional Team No. I Re: Ch~n~e e~ ~-.e Area: ~-{~ ~er~q~a V~lleZ , =',".'-:,:;~,::- :: :' :' ::'~ :~ '=,, We have reviewed thts case and have the following co~ents ~: '~: ;'. ~ '~ %":i:' ''~ Except fo~ nuisance nature local ~unoff which ma~ traverse po~t~ons"of the . p~opert~ the pro~ect ~s considered free from ordtnar~ storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some.damage.,::,: New construc-' tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. ;;~:~::~.,~.,.~ The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water-. courses which traverse the property. There ts adequate area'outside?of: the , natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the 'natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet'stating,' "A11 new buildings shall be floodp~oofed by elevating the finished floors a m~n~mum of ]8 1riches above ad3acent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided fo~ mobile home supports" Thts pro3ect ts ~n the . ea d~ainage plan fees shall be pa~d tn accordance ,with .the,appl,.t.cabl,e rules and regul at tons. ': :: ., ~ The proposed zoning 'ts consistent with existtrig flood hazards.' Some flood control facilities or floodproofing ma~ be requtred to fu11~ develop' to the The Dtstr~ct's report dated ts still ~current,'for this., ~ro~ect. .: .: The D~strtct does not ob3ect to the proposed minor change':' .?'~,~,; ,.' The attached co~ents appl~. ;' ~:~:;/~:~";::""' ""':;': Ver~ truly' ~ours, ,. ,.: 2 cc: R~F ~ A~:~e~ DATE: K, II r I q 6 8. ""-~,-~:; ;' '~:: Rc - ....= Riverside County Planning Department-, 'I~j]vZ=~>~_:~j![~?,'~!i!-'[\,~:'~Z 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor . . ..-.."";'-":-"'; Bo~dofD~Wm: Riverside, California 92501-3657,"::ff(, ;=-'~f ..~:b~b-I.~?::. Pp~ident SUbject: Water availability :: ,.. ~ ?i~'. (: "~:,~ d .' Sr. Vice Pnsident Reference: Commercial Parcel Hap' 2 3 3 3 5: .::~ :", !! Jon A. Lun~n Please be advised that ,: the above-referenced Jelf~yL. Mi~er property ~s located within the :boundaries o~ ~alifornia Water District. Water' se~ice, . therefore2':~. T. C. ~we would be available upon completion , o~7 ~tnancial :' arrangements between R~D and ~e' property o~er.'~:~"~:~.:f: Stan T. MH~ water availability would be contingent upon the.,. Gene~ M~a~r property owner signing ' an ': agency ~; agreement ':',which assigns water management rights, if any,': to.'R~WD."'K~'.'~ D~rofF~- If R~D can be of further se~ice to~you/Splease:''' :. .h, -;~.. '- contact this office. - .-;:,i- . ,;-:~'j:7~-~:'~T: ~j2's::a:-~:~:q,~/": D~mr of En~.~g Ve~ truly yours, ~.~ j' ~-.~j~,.{~,/ = '~:': T~o== n. M~,t,, ' "' ':c'~:~ ""''~: ',: '''~' ' :'--~'h]h~-?' D~mr of O~Cions ~HO ~LIFO~IA W~TER~.DISTRI~ ~ '; sen · t Engineering. se~ices ~Representative , "-' .'.:C :;"::'. ;.: RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATE'R DISTRICT 28061 DI~ ROAD · ~ST OFFICE BOX 174 · TEMECU~, CA 92~174 · [714} 676-4101 · FAX ~714} 67~615 120/eg :E,,ter. Mu.icipal er Di,tdct ~ Caem,i ~a~ ~une 23, ]988 4080 Lemon st., 9th Floor '~,~ .~. ~= ~ :,:~~~ ;, Riverside, Ca 92501 - ~~~~~~ .' ~ECT: PARCEL ~P 23335 - Z~E C~GE 5163 The Dtstrlct ts responding to your request for' c~nts~';on' the?subJect~ project(s) relative to the prov]slon of water and se~r service. ,~The. ]tems checked below apply to this project review. The subject project: x 2045 S. SanJacinto Street · Post Office Box 8300 · SanJacinto, California 92383-1300 · Telephone (714) 925-7676 Zs not wtthtn ENI40's: ~ water service area sewer service area "~:~.=.!:~/~.i:..<!.~,, .~='~:=i':'i~'~'~' ;./" *:': '. Nust be annexed to this Dtstrtct's Zmprovement"'Dtstrtct"No, ':" in order to be e11gtble to receive domestic water/.santtary"seNer;servT~, ::.:.~.,..-'. X,,, ~tll be requtred to construct the following factltttes.:.tf to'be served a. ) Mater Service " Any and all necessary regionally s]zed onsite and offs]te gravity sewers and appurtenant works that mfght tnclUde mon]tor]ng manholes, 11ft' stations, force:~ f mains, and e fluent d]sposal/use. Sewers w~11 not~'be' allowed' along/lot? lines/private land. Fee participation ]n regional effluent disposal must be mr. Only wastes acceptable :to EM~.~'~egulatlons w~11 be allowed. A 15" Must provide adequate' rights-of-way. The"-proponent~:'should::'i~Ontact:',- EMklD' s Ri ght-of-Way Department. . ;, '-.-.! · ,~,'~;_,'~: ',,:='~: :;5:..-.' ~-~ ...' water .storage reservoir Ntll be requtred to use reclalmd water tn the greenbelt areas.,' Zs wtthln the Assessmnt Dtst. fict,' 'Conditions 'must:be tncluded that the tract cannot be recorded untt1 the assessmnt' has been patd In full or an amended assessmnt district,has. been .recorded..:' Requtres major master planning and the Dtstrtct cannot comnt 'until Can be provtded w~th water servtce stnce the Dtstfict has'existing water . Can be provided w~th sewer service stnce the Dtstrtct has adequate sewer All above counts are subject to revts~on dur~ng:submtttal-'of .tracts~for Should you have questions on any of the above co~nts,lplease call m, :-., -" Planning Depar~nt .; ~:.~ :...~ .:-:;':% ~ ....:t.: ,-:~ ' ,,: :IiVE iDE'COUnC. LA P nnincs DEPA CBEnC APPLICATION FOR LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT -:., . . · , I3XCHANGE OF ZONE NO. rl PUBLIC USE PERMIT N ~i ,; .;. " 13 CONDITIONAL USE 13 TRACT MAP NO. - ,' % ~ '.' PERMIT NO. 13 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT'NO. O PARCEL MAP NO, 13 VARIANCE NO. ~. - ~.. ~ .... "; ~NCOMaETE APP,~CATIONS WiLL NOT BE ACCEPTED. "~:(:':':~'':' T~!~'~'" ' A. APPLICANT INFORMATION ~' '~ ~*~ . , 1. Applicanl'sNama' ]~anoho CaZ~fo~n~a DeveZopmen~ Company Mailing Address: ~.O. BOX 75~, ]~ancho Cal£:Eo[n~a, CA 92390' ITREIT CITY ITATI Telephone No.: ( 1Z4 ) 676-564Z (8 am.-5 :~ "~ 2. Owners Name: XatSer Development Company' Mailing Address: P.O. aox 755, l~ancho Ca:UL~orn~.a,"'CA92390 · ,?,-' Attns' ~ l~obett ~emb~e 3. Representalive: Robert Be~n. 14~lZ;Lam F~ost and Associates Mailing Address: 21405 ¥nez l~oaa,' ate.. C, aancho California, 'CA 9239( NOTE: If more than One perSon is involved in the ownerShip Of the property being developed a se;arate pa;e muS: be aftached to this application which lists the names and addrelies ot all persons having a.n inleresl.in l~e owr. ersr,~r. App~ova~ o~ Change o~ =one for ~entat~.ve I'arce~ Nap No,23335 from 1~-1~ to C-~/C-P oone~stent w~th the l~anc.ho, V~:lagea Community 2. Rillled cases tiled in ¢onJunctl0n with this request: :'!:!' ~:~':. '%'.: ' ~entat~ve Parce~ Hap No, 23335 ::~':;i:j~?/: '~; 1. AsSesaoflParcelNO(S). 910-110-029,. 910-110~031:~,'i*~1~2~, 911-180~018 2. Generellocallon(slreelsddress. elc.) Notth ot ietnchestet Road (Hwy. 79), r-ast. o~ 3, Section Temecula Rancho Townlhlp 7S Range 3W 5, Legal description (give exact legal description Is recorded In the Office of the County Recorder), May be attached. See Attachment A ' 6. Thomas Brothers Page No. and Coordinates:/j>, ],14~D;.6 ~5," E6 :;' ::' ' '~'i :! :'; :'. "7" ,; .: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT _.. -~ TE J.S Kli. nnnek ,' V :DA ,r ' EMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR ' : ti ~ ' e" "46'209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 SIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501'3657 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92201 '7-6181 ~ : m~a~ ,u '~. ,, -,'r, Please complete Parts I and II of thll form and provlde lll of the additional mired·Is r·cluast·d in Part III. Failure to do so may delay lhe review and process of your DrOJaCL If yOU ate unable to provide the Information, or you n··d.lSsist·nce, plea.as feel 2. Is there a previous application filed for the same alto? YES ~ . NO D ;!:.~ . ·, .... ., , . if "Yes." provide Case Number· AIIO provide the Environment· Aueasment Number, If known, and Environmental. Impact 3.' Additionai comments you may wish tO supply regarding your prOJoeL (AttaCh ·n Iddition·l sheet If I. Is the project within In Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone? YES i1 · · NO CX: * ~·: ~*:, '~,~ :;- ' · To determine If your project is located In a Special Studlel Zone, contact the Public Information Section, or refer to the Special Study Zones M ads available at the Public Information Counter of the Pllnnlng DeplrtmenL If the project Is within a zone refer to Ord hence 547 1 Or alllouiS the = tu·t On with the County Geolog st. ;:z - -. ,:-::~ , 2' :-',,.', , ' tf a faurt hazard report is ~ecessary. complete the Investigation priOr to submitting your application and provide 6Copies of the re ;Oft with this form. If a waiver of the re(luirements Is granted, submit · copy of the waiver with this form. ',i 2. ts P* e ;reject located within a hazard management zone or licluifaclion Ire· as shown on maps of the "Seismic Safety Ele- T: r-e: e-"~ i~e if ycur =roje~.t iS subject to the geologic hazards noted above you should consult the *'Seismic Safety & Safety E'e-e-t Technical ReDPal" which is available at the Public Intermition Counter of the Planning DepartmanL '~ t, '."e a ^swer to Ques~ic,~ *2 is "Yes," contact the appropriate Geographic PIInning Tale Section to discuss appropriate r.,,.eas,.:re to minimize the hazard. Incorporateanymitigation melsurellntothe prOjeCt design priortolubmitting the s;ptica. t,cn cr inCacats it, the space provided below the results of your dlsCulllOnl with the Planning Team, ~:*' ~ ,. ';' 3. if your I~roject is in the desert araa,'la It within a blowsand hazard area? '= YES O '- NO I~ .'~:::~' ~ - ,' · " .The P;anning Offices in Indio and RiverSide will provide you with Information concerning blOws·hal hazards. You may also wish to Contact the U.S. Soil ConserVation Service. ' . ' "-' ",/-::, '~ .. ' , If ye; r project is subject to blows·hal hazards, submit a blowsand control plln with the appliCatiOn. (Also refer to Section 14.1 of Ordinance 460, if your project Is · plrc·l sip or lubdivIlion), ,, - ,. :': .,r .'~. - , If "NO," how far must the water line(s) be extended to provide letvice? .~ : ..... :. · - - Number Of feet or miles .. ", ,' · :~ ; .:i .' - .,~ '-. '. If "NC." how far must the water line(s) be extended to provide service? .'.r~ :?-,: _ :.: ,. :,,~--- , ~ . I,;,J.-.ber of feet or miles 6. Additional Comments: 'Z'hj.s ~-nv:L~ronmenf. a].' Znfoz:mat:Lon ~'o~:m:Ls subm.~t.t. ed w~l:h t. he Request..:~o~ Approval .0~ .tentat.:Lve Z~a~cel Nap No. 23335 and ~-one Change, (R-R t.o C-1,/.C-Z~) cona.tst. ent. v.tth the Ranthe V:Lllages Coznmun:Lt.y i>o.l.j. cy Z~].an.. ~'he p=o::)ect has been ai:ld~reseed :Ln the env:Ltonment. al documenf. at.~on p~:epa~:e¢l pzrev~.ously .io~' the Ranthe V:LlZagee Z=ol:Lcy Z~Zakn A~ea. -: 1 :. At least three (3) panoramic phOtOgrlphl (color prlntl) of the project litl, Or in letIll PhOto Of the mitt If color phOtogrlphs · a. The pOSitiOn from which each photograph wll tlken ., ,,, ... . ,:., . I. , ., . , .,:-'.-, .. 2. A C~ear photocopy (XerOx or lieliar COpy) Of the IpprOpriat· portion Of the U.& Geologlcll Survey quldrlngl· mll~ delin- eating the boundaries of the project site. AIIO note the title of the map, .: ! ,. . , '- :, ~ -.., . ... I cert,fy that I have investigated the questlonl in Plrtl IInd II Ind the answer= Ire true Ind Correct to the best Of my knov.,fedOe. "' Robert. Be XembZe, ~.l. ann:Ln9 Coozrdj. naco~r Robeel l~e:Ln, Wtll:Lam h:ost. and Asspc. · ME & T T F PIllSON COM L NG FORM , SIGNATURE -:r' · ~ Pan& R~JI 8M ~1~ *te · <; :IiVE:IMDE COUn;. PLAnning DEP, R;ITIEn; APPLICATION FOR LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT ~' ~ CONDITIONAL USE D T~CT MAP NO. ' '~>'~'~ :'; e PERMIT NO. D ~M~RY USE PERMiT'NO~t~t'~/'~ '~'~ ' ~ PARCEL MAP NO. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q VAR~NCE NO. >~'~-'~:' ~~ a PLOT PLAN NO. '. . ~:' ' ' ': .::t, , =~ APR 14 1988 . ' . . ' . ;t: '. ·., ~ . INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCE~D,. : ..:,C.: . , ':::~ ~, RIVERSIDE COUN~ 1, AD~licant'sName: gancho California Development Company ~iP' Box 755¢ Rancho CaZifo=nia~ CA 92390 ': Mailing Address: ST , , ~t,, . , . . ITAT[ . TeleOhoneNo.: ( 714 ) 676-5641 (8t~=5~),-.~.'.:' ~ ~ 2, Owners Name: gs~Be~ Development Company MgilingA~dress: P,O, Box 755~ Rancho Califo~nia~ CA92390 3. geDreSentative: RobeIt Bein. ~illiam E~Ost and Associates ' C," Rancho CaZi{o=nia'; CA 9239t Mailing Address: iT~E?~05 ~ne~ Road,' NOTE: If more than one ~on Is Involved In the ~nemhlD of the pro~y ~ing developed ~ separate page ~e at ached to this 8pDli~ti~ which lists the Mmes and I~m~es of 811 ~o~ having an interest in t~e ownt , of ~ .. ~ ~ .... i~ , . 1. Purpose Of Request (describe project): (Ordinance ~8 rl. no.)',: ~,.:,,~f~,~:,.<' ': Appzoval of Tentative Pa;cel NapNo,"23335~'fo= co~e~ciaZ use (18 lots} consistent vith, the Rancho Villages Co~untty Policy 1. Aasessotl Parcel N~I). 910-110-029, 910-ZZ0-031~:~~ ~?.911-180-018 2.. General l~lion(slreel lddren. elCJ North of ~inches~er Road (Bvy.,'79},: 3. Section ?emeeuZa R~nehn T~Ip ?S Range L.. ~ Legal description (give exlcl legal delc~pt~n ~ ~d~ ~ ~e ~ of the County RKor~r~ May ~ Ittached. ,, 4080 LEMON STREET, 9~ FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501-3657 (714) 787-6181 ,. 4~209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM Please complete PaHs I 8nd II of thll form IM ~ ~ ~ tM IddltloMI mte~ll rNuffied In PIH III. FIIlure to do ~ may delay the review and Dryass ~ your Dr~e~ If you Ire unl~ tO ~ ~ Id~t~ ~ ~u ~ ilia ~IN feel free to contact the Planni~ DeNHmnt It ~14) 787~18.. ~7~- · ~, .. =., ,('.~; :~ ~- ~ PART I: General Information ' ~ "~.:,~ ... ':~:~ :~'- ~ 1. What is the Total Acreage Invalid? ~ 48 · ? , . - , 2. Isthereapreviouseppl~atlonfil~f~t~MmesRe? ~S~ ; NOD ,. ~ .... ; If "Ye~" provide Case NumMr. AI~ pr~ t~ Environsnil AtoMmint Numr. e ~ ~d En~r~mn~l ImMct ReDod Number, ~ appliMble. - . - '. ' , ~. ~-::. ·. :~ ~ - ~ ,. - ,- · CASE NO. ~ancho Vj ~ ] age. (Pe~I M~ Z~e C~e eta' "'~, ;' ~':~:: '>: '7~.:: ~': ~:~':'~':~- 3, AdditiOn81 COmmentS you rely wlh to ~y r~ffii~ ~r ~i ~i I~/a~ ~t (. ~J:: To determine ~ ~ur proted is I~ted h I Smll Stud~e Z~ ~tl~ the Put~ I~f~t~n ~ ~ refer to the Special Study Zones Maps available at the Publ~ Inf~etion C~nter ~ the Pinnl~ De~m~ If t~ zone, refer to Ordinance ~7.1, or di~ the situation ~h ~ ~n~ G~il~, ':~.~. ~; ..~ If a fault hazard repod is n~sM~, ~m~ete the Inve~atlon ~or tO lubmiffi~ ~r ~l~tm the re~d with this fo~. If 8 waiver of t~ muirsaints i grlnt~ I~H I ~ d ~ ~r ~h thl 2. Is the project I~ated within I hazard ma~gement z~ ~ ~uffl~ area el I~ ~ ~ d j ct ~ ~ n~ed a~e ~u .h~i ~u~ t "~ism~ ~f & ~fe~ Element Techn~l Re~ ~h i avali~ at the P~I~ Info~t~ C~nter ~ ~ P~n~ DemmnL :'~/, ' _If the answer tO Question e2 ts "Yet" CO~ the ~r~rlte G~mph~ Pinni~ TMm ~i~ to di~u. a~opdate measure to minimize the hazard. Incor~mle any mitigation measures Into t~ pro~ des~n ~rlo lumiffi~ t~ a~l~- tion or indicate in the space pm~ed ~ the relu~8 of your dl~o~ wRh I~ Pi~iq TM~ 3. If your project is in the dese. are~ ~ it ~Nn s ~w~ mard area?.' :' ~8 O ;:~ NO ~ ~7.": The Planning Offices in Indio and Rivemi~ Mll pr~e y~ with Info~tl~ mml~ b~ ~rd~Y~ ~y also wish to contact the U.S. Soil Conse~atl~ ~t ','~.'; :~.,,~t':.:'-;' ~:~ <:~.7.' . If your project is sub~ct to bl~s8~ h~mffit luSH I blo~nd ~ pin ~h t~ ~t~ ~ refer to Sffiion 14. ~ Ordinance 460, if your ~o~ct II 8 pa~l ~p ~ lu~N~n~ ~ :. ~., .~ ,, ": "::'~ ~'~ 4. Is water seaice available at the proje~ ~e? ~S ~ NO D: ~'' ..... : '~J~: * If "No." h~ fir must the ~ter lin~l) N e~e~ to p~ ~? :"'' .~ ~' ? :-' ': :'. Num~r of feet or miles . . ..... ~. - If "No," how far must the water line{s) ~ eden~ to Wwi~ ~w~? '.;;;~' '~ ". ~:-','/~ ,~::~.' Number of feet or miles , 6. AdditionalComments: th~s ~nv~zo~entaZ Zn~otet~on ~otm ~s submitted v~th the Request ~o~ ApprovaZ of tentative ~atceZ Nap No. 23335 and .~one Change (R-R to C-ZZC-~) consistent v~th the Rancho V~ZZages Co~un~ty ~oZ~cy ~Zan. the pzoject has ~en addressed ~n the env~tonmentaZ doc~entat~on ~=e~azed ~=ev~ousZy ~ot the Rancho V~ZZagee ~oZ~cy ~Zan Area. ,- . . ...~.~= . ;' .~ ,: , PART Ill:Additional Matedill :.?:~: :.: .. .... ~:; ;-3 -/:..' ":':~", . The foll~ing items must ~ submi~ ~ ~ f;: ,, ': ' ~ ' ' ~j '..;' / -:- ~'~'~ 1. At least lhree (3) panoramic ~OtqmpM (~ ~n~ d ~ ~ its, ~ an le~! ~No ~ ~ ~t !f ~ ~tqrlphs Ireutillze(includelmlplnt~: . ;". ~..,;.; ,~,. ~ The ~.itio. frm which each ~otq~ m .~. · . '~: 3 :,': <~ '~;~F;': ~;- ~' '~:': 2. A clear Dhot~opy (Xerox or similar ~ d m a~r~Mte ~i~ ~ ~ U.S ~ 8~ ~dmngle m~ deli~ eati~ the boundaries ~ the ~o~t ~t i ~te ~ tal d ~e i ,. :,:/, ..;, .:-, .... ..~.-:. I cedi~ thai I have Jnveatiglt~ 1~ Q~m in ~8 I aM II m~ t~ InNs 8m ~e 1~ ~ to t~ ~lt ~ my knowledge. ~obe~t B. ~e~Ze, ~Zanning Coordinator Robert Bein, Nilliam Frost and Assoc. ' ' OFFICIAL HEARING . . :: :-~-~ .-~+~- ~.,%t. ~, ..~..~, · ~.'' R E ~ ~ C~NTY ~IN]ST~TIVE CENTER. NINTH ~R;~ '~'.~-~ e~,;~..~ ','~. ~.,- · 40~ LEmN S~EET "::" "',~,~:A.':' '~:::":':..,,"~ ~,'.: :',.-" ":~ RIVE SID . ~LIFO~IA 92501-3657~::~?:':' ,' ,.:~:~.~h~,:,,:~:~.~.,:;~2~? constder the application(s) described below, The Planntng Department. has'~q~ tentatively found that the proposed project(s) wtll ~:have no. stgntftcant::~f~. environmental effect and has tentatively completed negathe declaratton(s),:~':~:C The Planntng Comfsston wtll constder whether or not to adopt':::'the · negathe declaration along with the proposed project at this hearing. ?,~..~ i,,:~!:<,'~',"~,i:~!~,' i~-~:. Place of Hearing: Board Room. i4th Floor. 4080 Lemon Street. 'Rive~side.'CA An ersor nsubmlt rttte n n:~';''~''" ':"';!{' ~'~""~:' rco~nents to the P~an t Dedartment bef~ the heartn9 or my appear and be head tn support of o opposition to the adoption of the negative 41eclaratton and/or approval of thts project at. the time heartng. if you challenge any of the projects in court. you my'be limited.. to .,:~i~: ratstn9 only those tssues you or someone else raised at the publtc hearth9 ~'i:?~::.~:" described tn this notice, or In wrttten"correspondence'~delivered'.to Planntng Comtsston at, or prtor to, the publlc heartng,~":TheTenvtronmental finding along wtth the proposed project application my be viewed at the publlc::~.!i~ information counter Nonday through Friday from 8:00 ,,,, :U..;?tt!. CHANGE OF ZONE 5163. E.A. 32718. located tn the ~ncho ~ltfornta ~ea',and F1rst Supervfsor~al Dtstrtct ts an appl 1carton 2~ su~1tted .~{' to:~ a~nd · '. ~ .... Ordinance No. 348. Riverside ~unt~ Land Use Ordinance. htd ~ndmnt muld change Zone R-R (Rural Residential ) , ~':" C-1/~:P.'::..':~, (General C~rcfal ) or other such zo.s as the Planntng"Comlsston m~j find . - ..... ~. ~, .., :~.~ appropriate for property general 1~ described as '~north o~junctton:~of.:~:: .1nchester .d and Yne, ". , PARCEL ~ 23335. E.A. 32718. ~s an application su~ftted by ~ncho~llforn(a · ~ · . ~, ... ,, , ~:~-~ and Develo~nt Co~aW for property locat~ . .'-, ~..j::t:.- ::, - . Area and First Supervtsorfal District Nhlch proposes to'divide acres ~nto 6 lots on proper~ generally descdbed. as 'north::~:Of2Junct~on~:' /._. ': :l:"::',:: ':;. ;::: '.-,.':.:':: ",-'::"-"': .... ' ,. . :IiVE:I>iDE,C0UnC¥ Pl, nllin{; i DEPA:IaTIEfiE FO,,:T ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA.) NUMBER: 32718 'MODULE: NUMBEROS): PROJECT CASE TYPE(S) AND NUMBERS(S): CZ 5163 and Commercial P,M. :23335'~'::'~:' ': :~:'4"'~'~;"'~': !~"'~' APPLICANI"S NAME: Rancho California Development Company NAME OF PERSON(s) PREPARING EA: Gloria Maciel Be De Ge PROJECT INFORMATION He DESCRIPTION (include proposed minimum lot size and uses as applicable):, 'Applicant is proposinq t~ divide 48.7 acres into 18 Comercial lots with a zone change from R-R ':: .... {Rural-Residential } to C-1/C-P {General Commercial ). '~ ~ !'" ' o CONFOR'M~CE?':~'''' EXISTING ZONING: R-R (Rural-Residential) LS THE PR POSAL IN PROPOSED ZgNING: C-]./C-P (General Commercial) LS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? STREET REFERENCES: North of junction o~ ~inchester Road and ~nez'Road.' ' SECTION. TOWNSHIP. RANGE DESCRiPTiON OR ATrACH A LEGAL~:;DESCRIPTION: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND, ITS SURROUNDINGS: The subject property is currently vacant with moderate rolling hills,"'~dry'grass'' and shrubs. Surrounding land uses include commercial development to:the west;:"'" II, COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION .~k.~;-,~.~ ~ All ~ ~d of me proj~t site is in 'Adopt~ S~ific P~ns,"-"RE~p,~..~ "Rancho Villages ~mmuni~ ~licy ~eu". ~mplete ~tiona III, W (B ~d C ~ly), V ~d VI.'~,~,; ~.~.~:.~ ~:~;-.~;:;~'~..~.~:i~c~. .... ~ All or ~d of ~e proj~t site ~ In "~eas ~t Designat~ ~ O~n SH~":~~ ~mplete ~t~ns .I I, IV (~ B .d D only), V and Vl. ~,.'~.'~.~ ~,~.?~2~-~r" ~:/:~:"7~"-.: :.' ~::?.~ ~ All or ~d of ~e proof site ~s ~ O~ Space and ~n~ali~ desig~ti~ o~. th~ t~e menl~n~ a~ve. ~mplete ~l~e III, IV (~ B, ~d E ~ly), V ~d ~. ' · ' ..... ~; III. Ae Be ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Indite ~ nature of ~ pro~ land u~ as dete~l~ ~om ~ d~dgti~s. f~nd in ~mpr~e~ve ~ P~ F~ure VI.3 (Ciml OM). ~is inf~mation is ~s~ ~ detemiM ~e ~pr~riate land uM ~ - Not ~pli~le Crlti~l E~t~ N~-High Ri~ Indicts w~ a ~s ~ or ~ (N) whether any envir~nll h~d and/~ m~rM issues may signlfi~ntly 8ff~t ~ ~ afroted by ~e Dr~o~l. NI referenc~ figures are contain~ in ~e ~mprehensive Ge~ral Plan. ~ ~y ~ ~ffi~ yes ~) ~ite addili~l dal ~urces, agencies ~nsuH~, findings of fact and any mitigatl~ measures under ~n V. N~, ~ere indiMted, ci~ ~e ~pro;riate I~d u. suilili~ ~ noi~ 8~plili~ rating(s). (~ definit~s at ~om of HAZARDS 1. N 12. Y 2. Y 3. Y 4. N 5-N 6- N 7. ( 8. 9-N 10. Y 11. Y 26- Y 27- N 13. 28- y 29- N 30-N 31. Y Alquist-Priolo Special Studies or County Fault Hazard Zones (Fig. VI.1 ) NA PS U R (Fig. VI.3) Liquefaction Potential Zone (Fig. VI.1) NA S PS U R (Fig. Vl.4) Groundshaking Zone (Fig VI.1 ) C] ass NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.5) Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Slope Maps) Landslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Seismic Maps or'On-site Inspection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfall Hazard (On-site Inspection) Expansive Soils (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Erosion (U.S.D~. Soll Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Wind Ersosion & Blowsand (Fig. VI.1, Ord. 460, Sac. 14.2 & Ord. 484) Dam Inundation Area (Fig. VI.7) Sk~ nner Darn Floodplains (Fig. VI.7) Va~ ] Dam NA U R Agriculture (Fig. VI.34 - VI.35) In or Near an Agricultural Preserve Farml and (Riv. Co. Agricultural Land Conversation Contract Maps) Wildlife (Fig. %/I.36 - %/I.37) Stephen ' s Kangaroo Rat Vegetation (Fig. VI.38 - VI.40) Mineral Resources (Fig. VI.41 - VI,42) Energy Resources (Fi . %/I.43 - VI.44) Therma~ ~/aters 14.. 15. N 17. N N 20. N 21. N 22. N 23. N 24. N 25. N (Fig. VI.8). ' . RESOURCES Local Important 32 Farmland, Prime · - 33. :34. 35. 36. 37. NA - Not Applicable U - Generally Unsuitable B - Conditionally Acceptable 395-10 (New 12/871 S - Generally Suitable R - Restricted C - Generally Unacceptable Airport Noise (Fig. 11.t8.5, 11.18.11 . ~.':' & V1.12 & 1984 AiCUZ Report, MJ~.F.B.), NA -:,A ,.' B ~ C~" D-'. (Fig, V1.11) ;:~. N -Rallroad Noise(Fig. Vl.13-Vl.16) Air Qu~i~ Impac~ From Pm~' "~?~,~~ ~ Wa.r Quality Impacts From Pro~ct .. Hu~dous Fire Area (R9. ~.~ - VI.31 ):~ Other: W~ th~ n: 5 m nutes .f~ re' respo qse Y , ~n~ Highways (Rg. VI.45) .~-~ 5 ,~;.,. N Histo~ Rearms (Rg. ~.32. ~.33) · ,;' (Fig. ~.32 - VI.~ & ~.46 ,: ~.~). Definitions for Land Use Suitability end Noise Acc;;ptability ":i~~ PS, Provisionally Suitable ~' ' ~ ~.!"~:.".'; A '- Generally Acceptable :'! , ;;;. ..... D - Land Use Discouraged Be Ce LAND USE DETERMINATION 1. O~N SPACE AND CONSERVATION ~P DESIG~TION(s): ..... 2. ~ND USE P~NNING ~ 3. SUB~ IF ANY: 4. ~MMUN~ ~UCY ~ IF ANY: 5. COMMUN~ P~, IF ANY: 6. COMMUN~ PMN DESIG~TION(S), IF ANY: 7. SUMM~Y OF ~LICIES AFFECTING PRO~ . .. ~ aft pro~ts, ~i~te with a ~s ~ ~ no (N) w~t~r any public facilRies ~d/~ or ~ aff~t~ by t~ prowl. All referenc~ figures are mam~ ~s ~, write data ~urces, agents ~sult~, findings of facL ~d . · ~BUC FACIUTIES AND SERVICES 1-N 2-N 5-N 6. N 7-N 8-N 9-N Circulation (Fig. IV. 1 -IV.11. Discuss in ],34 Sec. V Existing, Planned & Required Roads) Bike Trails (Fig. W.12 - W. 13) Sewer (Agency Letters) fire response Sheriff Se~ces (Fig W. 17 - N.18) Schools (Fig. W.17 - W.18) Solid Waste (Fig. IV.17 - IV.18) Parks and Recreation (F~. W.19 - IV~O) 10- N Equestrian Trails (Fig. IV.19 · :' ': Riv. Co. 80O Sc~de Equestrian Trail Maps) 11- N Utilities (Fig. W25'-,.IV.26) 12- N Ubraries(Rg.W.17**.N.18), 13. N Health Services (Fq]. N.17~.N.18) ~ Fire Services (Fig. IV.16-1V,18) Within 5 minute 14. Y: Airports(F1g. ll.18.2-1L18.4,'within 5'mile'- 15.. N , City 17. N ', OtherL. ff all or pad of the project is located in "Adopted Specific Plans", "REMAP' or "Rancho Villages Community Policy 1. State me relevant land use designation(s): Ca~'Xgory I I. eB°es~ gnated Conanerc ia Winchester and East of 1-15. ': _-~_ 2. Based on this initial study, is the proposal consistent with the policies and designations of the appropriate documem, and therefore consistant with the Comprehensive General Plan? If not, explain: N. IjM~D USE DEIliRMINATION (continued) : *~.~:':~; .~;~.:~."~?~.= D.ff all or pad of the project site is in "Areas not Des~nated as Open ~ce", and is not in · Community Fqan,'complete questions 1, 2. 3. 6 and 7. Complete questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 if it is in a Community (i.e. residential. commercial. etc.) ' !"~, ...... "; e 7._. Current land use category(tee) for the site based on existing conditions.: (i.e. residential, commercial. etc.) ·: ... ' ~ ;-jr .~: i,.. . d ; -; · ff D.1 diffem from D.2, will the difference be resolved at the development' stage? ?Explain: · , · · Community Ran designation(s): Rancho Villages Community PoliCy .Plan Is the prolx~sed project consistent with the I:x)licles end designations 04 the C, ornmunity Plan? If not, explain: Yel - W~thin Planning area "F" designated for: commercial-~land"uses along Winchester Road and East of 1-15. .' '?." · . . - IS the proml compatible with existing and proposed surrotlnding land... .uses?.' ff not, explain: Yes " .... Nso indicate land use type ,'i:,:~;~'~', ~ ' ,. ~ If not, reference by Section and Issue Number those issues identifying inconsisten~leS~':y/ Yes ~;:'~=!'~*: F_ , all or part of the project site is in an Open Space end Conservation ' d esignatlon.';c~)mplete~the following:' 1. State the designation(s): ' ': '~ "?"~' ';->'<; :~ :~:' ;'~:-:" :; ':~ *.'~:~i.:' · ~ ,,,: ,.:. . 2. Is the pr~l consistent with the designation(s)? If not. explain: .... ' %?'~'; .:.r?~' 3. Based on this initial SttKiy. is ~ proposal Cx)nsisent with the Comprehensive General Plan?, ff r~){. refer~ by ~tlon and Iss4je Number those issues identifying' inconsistencies: .<,~L::.. 7 -~' ~ ......... ..~. -,:~.'.:~;:'. . ~.- ,.: . -.~ ISSUE NO. IIIB-2 IIIB-28 IIIB-34 SECTION/ ISSUE NO. IIIB-2 IIIB-3 IIIB-10.11 IIIB-12. IIIB-14 IIIB-26 V. INFORMATION SOURCES, RNDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES''~?'~'~' "~:'= ~''''~ A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: SECTION/ INFORMATION ~TE REQUESTED ~-::~' RECEIVED 'Li~.~?(YES/NOJ)ATE) :~ es Liquefaction Report 5-]?-RR .. '.,;**~ q '?.~..'y Biological Report 5-12-88 ~'Z..' !' 6/88 '~"'" !!:': yes Archaeological Report 5-12-88 ' 6/88 ~,:'!''' '~'~' !i,!~ yes '~::'`~ B. For each issue marked yes if) under ~tl~s III.B ~d IV.B, identi~ ~e ~tbn ~d i~ue num)r and do t~ following, in the f~mat as shown ~low: . ~: .~': ,~Z:. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmen. I con.ms. ' "'., ~, :?~: ..... ~ ~ ~:~:~"~':'{;:': :""<=~.~:="~ 3. State s~ific mitigation measures, if identifiable witho~ requiring an ~vironmental im~ct m~d (E.I.R.) 4. If additional information i r~uir~ ~fore tM envir~m~il amssment ~ ) ~mplt~ refer to 5. If additional sh~ts are nHd~ to replete this ~ti~, ch~k ~e ~x at ~e end ~.~ s~t~ ~d a~ch, SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION M~SURES: The subject sitP is within a liquPf~ctinn pntPntiR1 ynnp_ ',Niti~tinn are set forth in Liquefaction Report' No. 50g which~waS prepared~for:the ~uh)Pct ~ite in M~ lqRR ~nd will h~ i~l~m~nt~ thrnugh th~ rnndit~nn~ nf The projec~ falls ~thin the Class ZZ groundshak~ng'zone:{:~The project w~11 adhere to the Unifom Building Code Standards at;"develop~':";t;~;:'%~''~::~`::`~:~:: Dam Inundation and potential floodplains will be'mitigated by~flood"contr01's conditions of approval, ' .... The project s~te falls ~th~n j few m~les of the Rancho Cal~forn(a A~rport. No~se concerns ~11 be addressed at development stage. The subject s~te encompasses h~gh,ay no~se, ho, ever:the':p~posed Use (comercial development) is a compatible use for~"this area.~-'' '~"'~ Development of the property will result in a'loss of'prime and local ~. ,.~ :-, : ".' . ~. Important Faml and. However, surroundi nq 'uses for '~th i s a'~ea 't nCl'ude' Industrial and comercial land uses. Sur~undtng'~uses also are developed Industrial and Comercial, therefore the sub~e'ctPropertY~"~ould~ot be conducive for agriculture use. "L'~ "' ':~'~"':'*" ~' V. INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES (continued) ISSUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES:':-:-.~::.. IIZB-28 Biological Report No. 212 was prepared for the s~te to address the ~mpact on Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat on June of :1988. '~ No Stephens Kangaroo Rats were found on the property, therefore no m~t~gat~on ~s required.' ~.q':..1.-;~: ,!,., :,/::~I , IZ]B-3:1 Thermal Waters is not technol'oq~cally feasible to access as "an IIIB-32 If the subject property is to be developed the site will;;'be conditioned for a landscaping plan prior to issuance of buildinq'~permits':'to'assU~ethe''~:~:'~L'::"~:~ Z]~B-34 Archaeological Report No. ~2:17 was prepared for'the s'ite;'and'no':;~{~ulture~:~ art~facts were found therefore no miUqet~on measures' are necessary.~: ~]~B-35 The pro~ect w~11 be cond~tioned that a qualified peleololog~st"be'present''~-' D The proj.t wm ~t ~ve a .~.n~t e.~. me env.r. ment .d a N~aUveT~ D,lar~t~may T~ pro~t ~uld have a signifi~nt eff~t ~ the envir~ment; ~wever, '~m will 'not ~ a Signifi~nt eff~t in this ~se ~u. t~ mitigation measures ~ri~ in ~ti~ V Mve )' ~pl~ to the' pro~t and a Negative D~larati~ may ~ pre~r~. ' ~; """: '~ :" T~ proj~ may Mve a signifimt eff~t ~ ~e envir~menl ~d M Environmentl Im~ Re~d VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: D W'J-70 (New PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 1991 10. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP23335 10.1 Proposal for first extension of time. Project located North of Junction of Winchester Road and'Ynez Road. JOHN CAVANAUGH advised that the decision by the Commission would be a recommendation to the City Council. STEVE JIANNINO provided the staff report. CHAIRMAN CHINIAEFF opened the public hearing at 8:15 P.M. GREG ERICKSON, Bedford Properties, Single Oak Drive, Temecula, representing the applicant, gave a brief presentation on what type of tenants are proposed for this project. He also discussed access of the project. Mr. Erickson presented Assistant City Attorney John Cavanaugh a letter from Bedford Properties op~psing Condition of Approval No. 16. 'COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND moved to close the public hearing at 8:20 P.M. and Adopt Resolution 91-(next] recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 23335 based on the analysis and findings contained in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented by staff. 11.1 PARCEL MAP 26664 Park GARY off for a 21 parcel Planned Industri~ ion on the Site of previously Plot Plan Located at the southeasterly of Business and Rancho Way. L advised that this would be continued 12. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 91-1 12.1 Proposal to provid, Plan approvals Permits city :ension Procedure for Plot Conditional Use STEVE provided the staff re HOAGLAND moved to Adopt Resolut: 1 recommending to the City Council inance Amendment 91-i providing an Extension of PCMIN2 5/91 -12- 2/26/91 ./ DATE: TO: MEETING OF: AGENDA ITEM No.: SUBJECT: MINUTE ACTION OF TIlE CI l Y COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TE1MECULA, CALIFORNIA March 28, 1991 Gary Thornhill City of Temecula Planning Department March 26, 1991 Item 17 Tentative Parcel Map No. 23335 - First Extension of Time The motion was made by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 23335, A SIX (6) PARCEL COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION OF 10.18 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF THE JUNCTION OF WINCHESTER ROAD AND YNEZ ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 910-110-029, 031, AND 910-180-018. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ./. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temec,da, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury, the forgoing to be the official action taken by the City Council at the above meeting. IN W/TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 281h day of March, 1991. [SEAL] Minu~ Ol~=r ITEM NO. 8 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY ~ ~ "' FINANCE OFFICER~ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works DATE: September 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Final Tract Map 24232 PREPARED BY: Kris Winchak RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve Final Tract Map No. 24232 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Tract No. 24232 was originally submitted to Riverside County Planning Department on October 4, 1989. The Tentative Tract Map was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 23, 1989. Tract No. 24232 contains 11 residential lots within 4.91 acres. The tract is located on the south side of Nicolas Road and east of Calle Medusa. This Tract is part of Zone Change No. 5392. The Developer is U.S. Home Corporation. The following fees have been paid or deferred for Final Tract Map No. 24232: Area Drainage Fee Signal Mitigation Fee Fire Mitigation Fee Stephen's K-Rat Fee Parkland/Quinby Fees (Paid) $ 5,022.93 (Paid) 1,650.00 (Deferred) 4,400.00 (Paid) 9,574.50 (Paid) 12,780.00 STAFFRPT~24232. FFM 1 Page 2 FinaiTract Map No.24232 Improvements for Tract 24232 are currently under construction and are bonded through neighboring Tract No. 23220. U.S. Home Corporation is responsible for the development of both Tracts, and Staff has determined that the existing bonds are adequate for these projects. Any City Council acceptance of the improvements with the resulting reduction in Bond amounts will be processed in the regular manner and the mandatory one year warranty period will be required. The Labor and Materials Bond will be retained in place for the statutory 90 to 180 day lien period. FISCAL IMPACT: Not Determined SUMMARY: Staff recommends that City Council Approve Final Tract Map No. 24232 subject to the conditions of approval. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. Development checklist Location Map Copy of Map Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report STAFFRPTX24232.FTM CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: Tract Map No. 24232 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Fire Protection Flood Control Condition of Approval Condition No. 39 (Planning) Condition No.21 a (planning) Condition No. 19 (Roads & Surveyor) Condition No. 16 (Planning) Condition No. 1 (Flood Control & Water District) STAFFRP~I~'M24232 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT TRACT NO. 24232 DATE: August 1,1989 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS Streets and Drainage $ N/A Water $ N/A Sewer $ N/A TOTAL $ N/A *Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) Monument Security City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signalization Mitigation Fee - SMD # Road and Bridge Benefit Fee Other Developer Fees Plan Check Fee Due Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee Fee Paid To Date (Credit) Total Inspection/Plan Check Fees Due MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A -0- -0- 5,022.93 1,650.00 -0- -0- ,082.75 -0- 250.00 ,332.75 -0- STAFFRPTX24232. FFM , CZ5312/TR242:32 J LAND USE I I App. t1~ BIE~rd. OP'tKNT, INC. UII R-A-IL/I ?0 R-I ,, SaC. It T.T I.,R. II. · I , , RI IL PIt,SS-CDre O8/ $1/ll Dr~wn By RG,It::i~,/ 4O0' RPtIRS1)E {ZX,NTY PI, AIWi~ DEPARTMENT , .?:~NT IIY:C,M E. NG, ~N BERNI:IR, .I 9..- 4-91 9-'454:1,1; '7148896143~ CC]TT I5,.3;$I 2 TRACT NO. 2~232 m~ ~kNI m. see ~Ad~ t' w die VlCtNI"I~ MAt .. ' -liVE:I, iDE COUFICu PL nnane DEPat. JAN 10 1990 RE: TENTATIVE TRACT HAP N0. ~4~2 :' E. A. N~B~: 33549~ R~]ON~ T~ ~. One Dear lppl tcant: The Riverside County Board of )Jpervtsors has taken the following action on the above referenced tentative tract mp at Its regular meeting of January 2, 1990 . XX Iv°PROVED tentative map subject to the attached conditions. DENIED tentative map based an attached findings. APPROVED withdrawal of tentative map. The tract map has been found to be cmslstent with all pertinent elements of the t Environmental Riverside Ceunty General P)an and is in cgnpliance with the Cal fornia t ra o A cmdttimally mppr~/ed tenta~.fve'~'tract map shall expire t)A.'.mmths after the approval at the Board of Supervtsort~ Hem~-t~_ihe-del;e of whic is mhoW~abov~, unless within that period of time a ftna).aaaLsheT1/(aL beep appr%ed and f~ '.j~Ith the County Recorder. Prior to the expiration d'~t~.'ZLhem.~idl~)vfd6~(inly/'alppli .|~'~lir.~ing for an extension of time. A~plicatton shall')lie ' ~.lp~he NaMing ~.tnj'.U~ffty (30) days prior to the exptrattm date of the ten ' 41a'p;'. ]q~l~lB~)'W)fJ)bjl)~,~s~;'N.y extend the period for me 3~ar and upon further ap ~att~ a sc~.d aRd m tth~d J=ar. ' .____~Yery truly yours. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTNENT Roger S. $treeter. Plmnntng Director / R 'K~m Jarre11 Johnson, Sen~or Planner LC:lgg fiLE- IIHITE 4080 LEMON STREET, P FL(X)R RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 IP~Ir..ANT- CANARY BIGIMEER- PINK 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 # m SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FROM: THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL DATE: November 21, 1989 SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE N0. 5392, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24232 - Dix Development - First Supervisorial District - Skinner Lake Area - 4.91 Acres - 11 Lots - Schedule A - REQUEST: R-1 RECOMMENDED MOTION: The Planning ConTnission and Staff Recon~nend: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 33549 based on the findings incorporated in the environmental assessment and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVAL of CHANGE OF ZONE N0. 5392 from R~A-2~ to R-1 in accordance with Exhibit 2, based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Convnission minutes dated October 4, 1989; and APPROVAL of TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 24232, subject to the attached conditions, based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Con~ission minutes dated October 4, 1989. "'~:~ ~gg 11/21/89 Rog e P1Xnnihgbirecto r PTev. Agn. tel. Depts. Comments Dist. AGENDA NO. RZVERS/DE COUNTY PLANNING COHH]SSiON MTNUTES OCTOBER 4, 1989 Staff recaphanded approval of the subject extensions of time. Upon motion by CaTntsstoner Turner, seconded by Canmtsstoner Purrlance, and unanimously carried, the Car, ntsston approved the second extension of ttme for Commercial Parcel Nap No. 21194 to September 23, 1990, the first extension of ttme for C~,,,,erctal Parcel Map No. 21382 to Hatch 10, 1990, and the first extension of time for Parcel Nap No. 22325 to September 1, 1990. (AGENDA ]TEH 2-1 - Tape 1A) CHMGE OF ZONE CASE S392 - EA 33549 - Dtx Development, Inc. - Skinner Lake Area - First Superrlsortal Dtstrlct - 4.91t acres, south of Ntcolas Rd, east of Calla Medusa - R-A-2~ to R-l, etc. with TRACT Ra.p NO. 24232 o 11 l~ts - 4.91-, acres - Schedule A Hearing was opened at 9:56 a.m. and was closed at 10:01 a.m. STAFF RECOHMENDATION: Adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 33549, approval of Change of Zone S392, approval of the waiver of lot length to w~clth ratio for Lots 8, 9 and 11, and approval of Tentative Tract No. 24232 based on the findings and conclusions listed tn the staff report. The applicant proposes to change the zone of 4.91 acres from R-A-2~ to R-1 and to divide the peered1 tnto 11 lots. The stte ts located south of Ntcolas Road and east of alle Medusa. Surrounding zontng Is R-A-2kh R-A-S and RoT. The stte ts vacant and partially mountainous. The surrounding area ts primarily vacant, w~th scattered residential. The site Is.located w~th~n the Rancho Tenecula Subarea and ts consistent vrith the General Plan and area development. The proposed density would be consistent with the SNAP designation of 2-4 dwelltng units per acre. The 1nittel study for EA 33549 tn~cated several concerns, the ma~n concern being the htstortc habitat range for the Stephens Kangaroo Rat. Conditions have been drafted and approved by County Counsel for cases such as this one where K-Rats are found on a stte not located tn a study area. That condition requtres that a habttat conservation plan be tn place prior to tssuance of a butldtng or gradtrig permtt. TESTIMONY OF PROPONENT: Gary Koontz (CM Engineering, 255 E. Atrport Drive, San Bernardtrio) adrlsed that they agreed with ell conditions as su~ttted. No one else fram the suaVerice wished to cement on this easter. Camtsstoner Turner said that more end more projects ere camtrig through with evidence of habitation by the Stephens Kangaroo Rat. He asked tf those anteels t s a~ exist or a~ f~nd tn sine a~as, ~ antmils are s1111 11ntted In ~strl~tton cmpa~d on a ~tonal ~sts. Ccentsstoner Purrlance satd that the spectes has been declared endangered, and ere used to gatn the financing to preserve same portton of their present range 3 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLNf. NING COt,!HZSSZON MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1989 so that tt will not disappear entirely. Jn other words, this ts a mechanism to a11o~ the County to meet Federal regulations and set up an area ~here the K-Rat can be preserved, The hearing was closed at 10:01 m.m. FZNDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Change of Zone No. 4392 is a request to change the zone on 4.9! acres from R-A-2~ to R-I; Tract 24232 proposes a subdivision which would create 11 lots with a minimum lot size of 7200 square feet; the site ts located in the Rancho California area south of Ntcolas Road and east of Calle Medusa; the project site is vacant; surrounding land uses are also vacant; the properly lies adjacent to the north of Tentative Tract 23220, which calls for 29 lots on 9.8 acres, with a minimum lot size of 7200 square fee~; zoning on the site. is R-A-Zki; surrounding zontn9 includes R-A-5, R-A-2~ and R-T; the r n project has been designed to be in confoment, with 0 dt ance Nos. 348 and 460; the site is located within the Rancho Caltforntarrenecula subarea of the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area; the tentatively approved Southwest Territory Area Coneunity Plan designates the site for residential, 2-4 dwelling units per acre; envtromental concerns tnclude slope stability, erosion, biological resources, archaeological resources and paleontologtcal resources; and, all envirormnental concerns can be mitigated by the conditions of approval. The proposals are in conromance wtth the Comprehensive General Plan and the tentatively approved Southwest Area Plan; is consistent with Ordinance 348; end, will not have a significant effect on the enfirorfnent. MOTION: Upon morton by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Cmtsstoner Donehoe, and unanimously carried, the Conmission recommended to the Board adoption of the Negattve Declaration for EA 33549, approval of Change of Zone 5392 from R-A-2k~ to R-l, tn accordance with Exhtbit 2, approval of the waiver of lot length to width rattos on Lots 8, 9 and 11, and approval of Tentative Tract No. 24232, subject to the conditions of approval and based upon the above findings and conclusions. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Cemmtsstoners Turner, Donahoe, Beadling, Purrlance and Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None AGENDA ITEIR 2-2 -Tepe 1A) ~U~GE OF ZD E GAS S - 33726 - II. H. Rawltngs Inc. N E 445 EA , Murrteta Area - First Suporrlsorlal District - 8.06~ acres, Guava, westerly of Jefferson - A-1-10 to M-$C, etc. (Terry McGraw) - southerly of RZVERSZDE COUNTY PLANNING COHH]SS]ON HINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1989 Staff reco~rnended approval of the subject extensions of time. Upon motion by C~,,,,tsstoner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Purrlance, and unanimously carried, the Camntsston approved the second extension of time for Commercial Parcel Nap No. 21194 to SaproBber 23, 1990, the first extension of time for Conlnerctal Parcel Map No. 21382 to March 10, 1990, and the first extension of time for Parcel Map No. 22325 to September 1, 1990. (AGENDA ITEM 2-1 - Tape 1A) CHANGE OF ZONE CASE 5392 - EA 33549 - Dtx Development, Inc. - Skinner Lake Area - First Superdsortal District - 4.91~ acres, south of Ntcolas Rd, east of Calla Medusa - R-A-2~ to R-I, etc. with TRACT HAP NO. 24232 - 11 l~ts - 4.91-, acres - Schedule A Hearth9 was opened at 9:56 a.m. and was closed at lO:O1 a.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 33549, approval of Change of Zone S392, approval of the waiver of lot length to vtdth ratio for Lots 8, 9 and 11, and approval of Tentative Tract No. 24232 based on the findings and conclusions listed in the staff report. The applicant proposes to change the zone of 4.91 acres from R-A-2~ to R-1 and to divide the arcel into 11 lots. The site is located south of Nicolas Road and east of ~alle Medusa. R-A-2kh and R-T The site s is . t vacant Surround1 ng zoni ng R-A-5 and partially mountainous. The surrounding area 1s primarily vacant, vith scattered residential. The site is. located w~thin the Rancho Te~ecula Subarea and is consistent wtth the General Plan and area development. The proposed density would be consistent wtth the SVIAP designation of 2-4 dwelltn9 units per acre. The initial study for EA 33549 indicated several concerns, the main concern being the historic habitat range for the Stephens Kangaroo Rat. Conditions have been drafted and approved by County Counsel for cases such as this one where K-Rats are found on a site not located in a study area. That condition requires that a habitat conservation plan be in to pl ace prt or tssuance of a building or grading permit. TEST|IqONY OF PROPONENT: Gary Koontz (OH Englneerlng, 255 E. Atrport Drive, San Bernardino) addsad that they agreed rlth all conditions as submitted. No one else iron the audience ~shed to cement on this Batter. Caa~tsstoner Turner said that more and more projects are coming through vtth evidence of habitation b~ the Stephens Kangaroo Rat. He asked tf those animals st111 1tatted tn distribution caBpared on a ragtonal bists. Cemlsstoner hrvlance setd that the species has been declared endangered, and are used to gain the financing to preserve same portion of their present range 3 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PL!NJNG COHHZSSZON NINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1989 so that tt ~dll not disappear entirely. In other ~ords, this is a mechanism to a11o~ the County to meet Federal regulations and set up an area ~here the K-Rat can be preserved, The bearing Nas closed at ]O:OZ a,m. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Change of Zone No. 4392 ts a request to change the zone on 4.91 acres from R-A-2~ to R-l; Tract 24232 proposes a subdivision which would create 11 lots ~th a mtnimum lot stze of 7200 square feet; the stte ts located tn the Rancho California area south of Nicolas Road and east of Calla Nedusa; the project sltets vacant; surrounding land uses are also vacant; the p~operly 1tea adjacent to the north of Tentative Tract 23220, ~htch calls for 29 lots on 9.8 acres, tdth a mtntmum lot stze of 7200 square fee~; zontng on the stte. is R-A-2~; surrounding zontng includes R-A-S, R-A-2~ and R-T; the project has been designed to be in confomance ~th Ordinance Nos. 348 and 460; the site is located ~dthtn the Rancho Caltforniarrenecula subarea of the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area; the tentatively approved Southwest Territory Area Cemmuntty Plan designates the site for residential, 2-4 d.elling units per acre; envtromental concerns include slope stability, erosion, biological resources, archaeological resources and paleontologtcal resources; and, 811 enviromental concerns can be mitigated by the conditions of approval. The proposals are in conromance with the Comprehensive General Plan and the tentaUvely approved Southwest Area Plan; is consistent ~tth Ordinance 348; and, ~11 not have a significant effect on the enviroment. NOTION: Upon motion by CGmmtsstoner Turner, seconded by Cm~tsstoner Donahoe, and unanimously carried, the Ca~ntsston recommended to the Board adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 33549, approval of Change of Zone 5392 from R-A-2~ to R-l, in accordance ~tth Exhtbtt 2, approval of the waiver of lot length to vidth ratios on Lots 8, 9 and ll, Ind approval of Tentative Tract No. 24232, subject to the conditions of approval and based upon the above findings and conclusions. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Cmmtsstoners Turner, Donahoe, Beadling, Purvtance and Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None AGENDA ITEM 2-2 - Tape 1A) t~H~GE OF Z[) E GAS S - 33726 - i. Rawlings. inc. (Terry McGraw) N E 445 EA H. - Murrleta Area - First Suporrlsorlal District - 8.06~ acres, southerly of kava, westerly of Jefferson - A-l-10 to N-SC, etc. 4 PLAnnin DATE: January 2, 1990 RE: J/ N 10 1990 / ..... ,..., TENTAT] VE TRACT HAP J~0. 24232 .... E. A. N~B~: 33549~ R~ION~ T~ ~. One Dear ~ppl Icant: The RIverside Ceunty Board ef ~,pervtsors has taken the following action referenced tentative tract mp at its regular meeting of January 2, 1990 XX APPRDVED tentative map subject to the attached conditions. on the above , DENIED tentative map based m attached findings. APPROVED withdrawal of tentative map. The tract map has been found to be consistent with all pertinent elements of the i a Riverside Cajnty General P]an and is in c anpliance with the Ca1 forni Environmental Quality Act of 1970. ronp~J,°t will nat have m significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declare has ~llJdopted. A cmdttimal ly mpproV~ed tenta :fve'T~"{rmct map shall expire _~A'.months after the approval at the Board of Supervisor%. Ite-_ris,'j~_J~he-dete ef ~f, tch is m/Tme~j'~abC~e, unless within that teriod of time a final amaLshell/~ leer rapproved and f~ .~wlth the C~unty Recorder. Prior to the expiration d~t~,:U~em.~lil~;)vfder(inlyT'a)ppli .lulr.~tng for an extension of time, Application shall') lie ' ~.l~the Planaing ~,tn~',tl~ffty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the ten ' ~la'p;'. )~NflBg)-W)~j)b~).)~,~s~)mf$;'lMy extend the period for me 3ear and upon further mp ?tatt~ a sc%a.d and m t~i~d ),~er. ' · 3 iVery truly ymrs, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S, Streeter, Planning Director 'K~m aarretl Johnson, Sen~or Planner Ii LC:lgg fiLE- MHITE 4080 LEMON STREET, P FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 Nq~,ICANI- CANARY IEMGIREER- PINK 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 # SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FROM: THE PLANNING DEPARTHENT SUBMITTALDATE: November 21, 1989 SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 5392, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24232 - Dix Development - First Supervisorial District - Skinner Lake Area - 4.91 Acres - 11 Lots - Schedule A - REQUEST: R-1 RECOMMENDED HOTION: The Planning Co~rnission and Staff Recon~nend: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 33549 based on the findings incorporated in the environmental assessment and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVAL of CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 5392 from R-A-2~ to R-1 in accordance with Exhibit 2, based upon the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Cotmission minutes dated October 4, lg89; and APPROVAL of TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24232, subject to the attached conditions, based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Convnission minutes dated October 4, 1989. ,"h~ ~ gg 11/21/89 ) 11,,I, 112112) Prey. Alin. rel. Depts. Comments Dist. AGENDA NO. . ['q"IL':I"-'I"21~"i;R24232 J LAND USE I ' I ~NT %~Y:Chl ENG, SiqN BERNP. R, ~ c~_ 4-91 cJ:45i:ahl ~ 714~9~:J6143..) CCITT (33~# 2 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO.: Tract Map No. 24232 The following fees were reviewed by Staff relative to their applicability to this project. Fee Habitat Conservation Plan Parks and Recreation (Quimby) Public Facility (Traffic Signal Mitigation) Fire Protection Flood Control Condition of Approval Condition No. 39 (Planning) Condition No.21 a (planning) Condition No. 19 (Roads & Surveyor) Condition No. 16 (Planning) Condition No. I (Flood Control & Water District) STAFFRPT~FTM24232 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT TRACT NO. 24232 DATE: August 1, 1989 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS Streets and Drainage $ N/A Water $ N/A Sewer $ N/A TOTAL $ N/A *Maintenance Retention (10% for one year) *(or Bonds if work is completed) Monument Security City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signalization Mitigation Fee - SMD # Road and Bridge Benefit Fee Other Developer Fees $ $ $ $ $ $ Plan Check Fee Due Inspection Fee Due Monument Inspection Fee Fee Paid To Date (Credit) Total Inspection/Plan Check Fees Due MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A -0- -0- 5,022.93 1,650.00 -0- -0- ,082.75 -0- 250.00 ,332.75 -0- STAFFRPTX24232. FTM APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER~ CITY MANAGER ",.~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works DATE: September 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Final Tract Map 24232 PREPARED BY: Kris Winchak RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve Final Tract Map No. 24232 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Tract No. 24232 was originally submitted to Riverside County Planning Department on October 4, 1989. The Tentative Tract Map was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 23, 1989. Tract No. 24232 contains 11 residential lots within 4.91 acres. The tract is located on the south side of Nicolas Road and east of Calle Medusa. This Tract is part of Zone Change No. 5392. The Developer is U.S. Home Corporation. The following fees have been paid or deferred for Final Tract Map No. 24232: Area Drainage Fee Signal Mitigation Fee Fire Mitigation Fee Stephen's K-Rat Fee Parkland/Quinby Fees (Paid) $ 5,022.93 (Paid) 1,650.00 (Deferred) 4,400.00 (Paid) 9,574.50 (Paid) 12,780.00 STAFFRPT~24232 .FTM Page 2 FinaiTract Map No.24232 Improvements for Tract 24232 are currently under construction and are bonded through neighboring Tract No. 23220. U.S. Home Corporation is responsible for the development of both Tracts, and Staff has determined that the existing bonds are adequate for these projects. Any City Council acceptance of the improvements with the resulting reduction in Bond amounts will be processed in the regular manner and the mandatory one year warranty period will be required. The Labor and Materials Bond will be retained in place for the statutory 90 to 180 day lien period. FISCAL IMPACT: Not Determined SUMMARY: Staff recommends that City Council Approve Final Tract Map No. 24232 subject to the conditions of approval. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. Development checklist Location Map Copy of Map Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report STAFFRPT~24232.FTM Zoning Area: Skinner Lake Supervtsorial District: First E.A. Number 33549 M~v'onal Team No. One Applicant: Engineer/Rep: Type of Request: Location: CHARGE OF ZORE I10. 5392 TENTATIVE TRACT 24232 Planning Con~tsston: 10-4-89 Agenda Item No.2-1 RIVERSIDE COURTY H.AHRII~ DEPARTIEIfl' STAFF IrEPORT 5. Extsttng Zontng: 6, Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: 9. Comprehensive General Plan Designation: 10. Land Division Data: Otx Development Inc. CH Engineering Associates Inc. Subdivision of 4.91 acres into 11 parcels change of zone R-A-2~ to R-1 South of Ntcolas Road, east of Calle Medusa R-A-2~ R-A-2~, R-A-5 and R-T Vacant, partially mountainous Vacant Land Use: Category II Density: 2-8 I)u per acre Open Space/Cons: Areas not Designated as open space Total Acreage: 4.91 Total Lots: 11 DU Per Acre: 2.4 Proposed Htn. Lot Size: 7,200 square feet 11. Agency Reconnendattons: 12.. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: AMALYSIS: See Letter Dated: TR 24232 CZ 5392 Road: 3.06-89 8-01-89 Health: 3-23-89 3-01-89 Flood: 3-13-89 3-09-89 Fire: 2-22-89 3-21-B9 Bldg. & Safety: Land Use: 3-31-89 Grading: 3-30-89 Opposing/Supporting: None received as of this writing Not wtthtn a city sphere Project Descrlptim: Tract No. 24232 is an application to subdivide 4.91 acres into II residential Parcels, Change of Zone No, 5392 is an application to change the zone on the same property from R-A-2~ to R-l, CHANGE OF ZOME NO. 5392 TERTAfiVE TRACT RO. 24232 Staff Report Page 2 Additionally the applicant has requested a wetvet of the lot length to width ratio requirements on lots 8, 9, and 11 due to the slopes adjacent to the Netropolttan Water District right of way, The project stte is located south of Ntcolas Road and east of Calla Nedusa, in the Rancho California Area, The project site is currently vacant, wtth the east portton of the property bean hilly terrain. Surrounding land uses are also vacant. Further to the sout~ Tract No. 22148, approved b the Board of Supervisors on April 19, 1988, calls for 167 lots on 60 acres of ~and, with a mtntmum lot stze of 7,200 square feet. The stte is currently zoned R-A-2~ and R-A-5. All other directions, to the east, south and west are zoned R-T. Project Conststency/Coapattbtl lty: The project site is located in the Rancho Californta/Temecula subarea of the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area. Policies call for generally Category I and II land uses with Category III land use in the outlying areas. The project, Tract 24232 lies north of three previously approved tracts (Tract 23220, Tract 22148, and TR 18518} which call for Category II densities. Services and facilities for improvements necessary to support Category II development either exist or will be provided to the site. Therefore it would be appropriate to call this a Category II site. The proposed density which is 2.24 dwelling units per acre, is within a Category II density, so therefore the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive General Plan and compatible with area development. The project site also falls within the tentatively approved Southwest Area Community Plan. The SWAP designation for the subject site is for residential development, 2-4 dwelltng units per acre. The project density is consistent with this SWAP designation. Envtrormental Malysis: The initial study completed for Environmental Assessment No. 32358 identified concerns; slope stability, erosion, biological resources. resource, and Paleontologtcal Resources. The site lies within the historical habitat range for Stephens' Kangaroo Rat, a faderally listed endangered species. A biological survey (PDB-316) was conducted by Howard Lee to determine the species presence, on April 5th, 1989 end again June 20th, of 1989. From the second survey active burrows in suitable habitat for Stephens' Kangaroo rat were identified. They were located on the north-easterly quarter of the stte. A conditions has been drafted and f as this where K-rats are found on a a proved by Coun_ty Counsel or cases such s~te which is not located in a study area. That condition has been included in this case's conditions of approval and requires that a habitat conservation plan be in place prior to the issuance of butldtng or grading permits and that this project comply with the HCP. CHARGE OF ZOME RO. 5392 TEMTATIVE TRACT NO. 24232 Staff Report Page 3 All of the other items of concern shall be mitigated as per the environmental assessment. FINDINGS: Change of Zone No. 5392 is a requests to change the zone on 3.91 acres from R-A-2~ to R-l. Tract 24232 proposes a subdivision which would create 11 lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. The site is located in the Rancho California Areas south of Nicolas and east of Calley Nedusa. 3. The project is vacant. Surrounding land uses are also vacant. Road The property line adjacent to the north of Tentative Tract 23220, which calls for 29 lots on g.8 acres, with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. 5. Zoning on the site is R-A-2~. Surrounding zoning includes, R-A-5, R-A-2~ and R-T. 6. The project has, been designed to be in conformance with Ordinance 348 and 460. 7. The site is located within the Rancho Caltfornia/Temecula subarea of the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area. 8. The tentatively approved Southwest Territory Area Community designates the site for residential, 2-4 dwelling units per acre. Plan Environmental concerns include, slope stabiltty, erosion, biological resources, archaeological resources and Paleontological resources. All environmental concerns can be mitigated by the conditions of approval. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposals are in conformance with the Comprehensive General Plan and the tentatively approved southwest area plan. 2. The project is consistent with Ordinance 348. 3. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. OiARGE OF ZONE RO. 5392 TEITATIVE TRACT I10. 24232 Staff Report Page 4 RECOIIIENDATIONS: ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 33549 based on the conclusions that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVAL of ClIAII~E OF ZONE I10. 5392,from R-A-2~ to R-1 in accordance with Exhibit 2; and, APPROVAL of the WAIVER of the lot length to width ratios on lots 8, 9 and 11; and, APPROVAL of TENTATIVE TRACT MO. 24232 subject to the conditions of approval, and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in this staff report. LC:bc;sc 9/26/89 RIVERSIDE ~OURTt' PLAHIIIG DEPARTHENT SUBDIVISION CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ~ I~F' ATIVE TRACT NO. 24232 · _ ~ N ~;'ANDARD COND[TiONS ..i,/The following conditions of approval are for Tract No. 24232. m' ~. JThe subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tract No. 24232 which action ts brought about within the time period provided for tn California Government Code Section 66499.37. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully tn the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully tn the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. 3.~ The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordtnance.460, Schedule A, unless modified by the conditions listed below. 4. J'Thts conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. 5. ~The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance 460. 6. ~*The subdivider shall submtt one copy of a sotls report to the Riverside .County Surveyor's Office and two coptes to the Department of Bulldtng and Safety. The report sha]l address the sotls stability and geological conditions of the stte. 7. ~ if any grading ts proposed, the subdivider shall submit one print of comprehensive fading plan to the Department of Butldtng and Safety. The plan shall comply w4th the Uniform ButTdtng Code, Chapter 70, as ended by Ordinance 457 and as maybe additionally provided for tn these conditions of approval. TENTATXVE TRACT NO. 24232 Conditions of Approval Page 2 A grading permit shall be obtained from the Depar~ent of Building and Safety prior to commencement of any grading outside of county maintained road right of way. 9. i Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. lO.v The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Road Department's letter dated 3-6-89, a copy of which is attached. 11. '/Legal acce'ss as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a County maintained road. 12. ~ All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the Road Commissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. 13./ Easements, when utilities, etc., wi thin the land conveyances shal 1 Surveyor. required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, shall be shown on the final map if they are located division boundary. All offers of dedication and be submitted and recorded as directed by the County 14. ~;Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department's letter dated 3-23-89° a copy of which is attached. 15.~ The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined by the Riverside County Flood Control Dtstrict's letter dated 3-13-89, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Co,mnisstoner. 16. J The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire ~rshal's letter dated 2-22-89, a copy of which ls attached. 17. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Butldtng and Safety Department: Land Use Sectton's transmittel dated 3-31-89, a copy of which is attached. 18. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outltned in the Butldtng and Safety Department: Grading Sectton's transmittal dated 3-30-89, a copy of which is attached. TERTATIVE 11LACT RO. 24232 Conditions of Approval Page 3 19./Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval, 20. ~ Lots created by thts subdivision shall comply wtth the following: a. All lots shall have a mintmum stze of 7,200 square feet gross. c. Corner lots and through lots, if any, shall be provided with additional area pursuant to Section 3.BB of Ordinance 460 and so as not to contain less net area than the least amount of net area in non-corner and through lots. d.uLots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-1 zone. e. ~When lots are crossed by major public utility easements, each lot shall have. a net usable area of not less than 3,600 square feet, exclusive of the uttltty easement. f. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained tn a wed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. 21. Prior to RECORDATION of the final map the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the recordatton of the final map the applicant shall submit written clearances to the Riverside County Road and Survey Department that all pertinent requtranents outlined in the attached approval letters from the following agencies have been mat: County Fire Department County Health Department County Flood Control County Planning Department County Parks Department County Airports Department Santa Ana Ragtonal Water quallty Control Board b~ Prior to the recordatton of the ftnal map, Change of Zone No. 5392 shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors and shall be effective. Lots created by this land division shall be in conformance with the development standards of the zone ultimately applted to the property. TERTATZYE TRACT IK. 24232 Conditions of Approval Page 4 23.L/Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS} shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the County Surveyor. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Deparbnent for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. 24. q'he following note shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: 'County Slope Stability Report No. 117 was prepared for this property and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. 25. ~The following note shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Nount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall be from low pressure sodium lighting systems that are shielded and oriented so as not to shine above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare". 26. Prior to the issuance of GRADING PER/4ITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: 27. For use on projects located outside SKR study areas which contain occupied SKR habitat. 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit: The Secretary of the Interior must have approved the Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan and any proposed taking of the SKR must be in compliance with the approved Plan: The Secretary of the Interior must have issued to the County, the Section lO(a) Permit required by the Endangered Species Act of lg73 and said Permit must be in effects and, A report, prepared by a biologist permitted by the 'U.S Fish and Wildlife Service to trap the Stephens' Kangaroo Rat for scientific purposes, documenting the amount and quality of occupied Stephens' Kangaroo Rat habitat subject to disturbance or destruction must have been submitted to end approved by the Planning Director. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24232 Conditions of Approval Page 5 '-~ 3. Prtor to the recordatton of the final map: The Secretary of the Interior must have approved the Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Habttat Conservation Plan and any proposed taking of the SKR must be in compliance with the approved Plan: The Secretary of the Interior must have tssued to the County, the Section %0(a) Permit required by the Endangered Spectes Act of 1973 and sald Penntt must be tn effect; and, c. A report, prepared by a biologist permitted by the U.S. Fish and wtldltfe Service to trap the Stephens' Kangaroo Rat for scientific purposes, documenting the amount and quality of occupied Stephens' Kangaroo Rat habitat subject to disturbance or destruction must have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Director. 28. / Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontologtcal impacts. Should the paleontologist ftnd the potential is high for impact impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily dtvert, redtract or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. 29. Grading plans shall conform to Board adopted Hillside Development Standards: All cut and/or ftll slopes, or Individual combinations appropriate combination of a spectal retract n ) plan, tncrease slope ratio (i.e., 3:%), retaining walls, or/or slope planting combtried with Irrigation. All driveways shall not exceed a fifteen percent grade. 30. All cut slopes located adjacent to ungraded natural terratn and exceed ten (IO) feet tn vertical hetght shall be contour graded incorporating the following grading techniques: 3%. / ]) The angle of the graded slope shell be gradually adjusted to the angle of t~ natural terratn. 2) Angular foms shall be discouraged. The graded form shall reflect the natural rounded terrain. 3) The toes and tops of slopes shall be rounded wtth curves wtth radii designed tn proportion to the total height off the slopes where drainage and stability permtt such rounding. TENTATIVE TRACT RO. 24232 Conditions of Approval Page 6 4) Where cut or ftll slopes exceed 300 feet tn horizontal length, the horizontal contours of the slope shall be curved in a continuous, undulattng fashion. Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be Installed Including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. 33.~All dwellings to be constructed within this subdivision shall be designed and constructed with fire retardant (Class A} roofs as approved by the County Fire Narshal. 34. ~Building separation between all buildings including fireplaces shall not be less than ten (10) feet. 35./All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. ;'3~ ~'All front yards shall be provided with landscaping and automatic irrigation. 37. ~ Prior to the final building inspection approval by the Building and Safety Department, a six foot high decorative block wall shall be constructed along north and east borders and the south borders of Parcel B. The required wall shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Building and Safety and the Planning Director. 38;~ All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with -~ approved plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. If seasonal conditions do not permit planting, interim landscaping and erosion control measures shall be utilized as approved by the Planning Director and the Director of Building and Safety. 39.~/Prtor to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development/the number of single family residential units on lots which are a minimum of one-half (~) gross acre in size. Should Ordinance No. 663 by superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance no. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 40./ All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. TERTATIVE TRACT NO. 24232 Condt. ttons of Approval Page 7 LC:bc;sc 9/26/89 OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER i COUNTY March 6, 1989 L~Ro)' D. Smoo! Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CO; IN';"' PLaeiNING L'~P,""" -,.--r COL~ ~DMI'~ISTR.~Tr, [ C['~TER MAIU% ~DDIU.3S PO BOX IOqO I.B.T,R~ID[ C.m.U[OR%LA 92502 (714~ 787 ~554 Re: TR 24232 Schedule A - Team 1 - SMD#9 Ladies and Gentlemen: With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, the Road Department recommends that the landdivider provide the following street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Riverside County Road Improvement Standards (Ordinance 461). It is understood that the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline profiles, all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate Q's, and that their omission or unacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commissioner's Office. The landdivider shall protect downstream properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i,e., concentration of diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities and/ or by securing a drainage easement. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final map and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or encroachments by land fills are allowed"· The protection shall be as approved by the Road Department. The landdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the Road Commissioner permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate drainage facilities as approved by the Road Department. COUNTY ADHINISTRAI1VI: CZNTT,/· 4080 LEMON SlRIZT" IIVI:ISIDt, CALIJDENIA 9ZSO! TR 24232 Mar~h G, 1989 Page 2 Major drainage is involved on this landdivision and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Department. Calle Katerine shall be improved within the dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 104, Section A. (40'/60') Klaren Lane shall be improved with 32 feet of asphalt concrete pavement within a 45 foot part width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 104, Section A. (20'30') Corner cutbacks in conformance with County Standard No. 805 shall be shown on the final map and offered for dedication. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for main- tenance by County. Standard knuckles shall be constructed throughout the landdivisi'on. Aspbaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard· Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifi- cations. The landdivider shall provide utility clearance from Rancho California Water District prior to the recordation of the final map. The landdivider shall post a deposit and execute an agreement with the Metropolitan Water District prior to the recordatlon of the map. The maximum centerline gradient and the minimum centerline radii shall be in conformance with County Standard t114 of Ordinance 461. TR 24232 March 6, 1989 Page ~ 14. 7. 9. All centerline intersections shall be at 90° with a minimum 50' tangent measured from flow line. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed throughout the landdivision in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). The minimum lot frontages along the cul-de-sacs and knuckles shall be 35 feet. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards. A minimum of four feet of full height curb shall be constructed between driveways. The minimum garage setback shall be 30 feet measured from the face of curb. The landowner/developer shall provide/acquire sufficient public offsite rights of way to provide for primary/secondary access road(s) to a paved and maintained road. Said access road(s) shall be constructed in accordance with County Standard No. 106, Section B. (32'/60') at a grade and alignment approved by the Road Commissioner. This is necessary for circulation. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department, a cash sum of $150.00 per lot as mitigation for traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, a written agreement may be entered into with the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Electrical and communications trenches shall be provided in accordance with Ordinance 461, Standard 817. Landdivisions creating cut or fill slopes adjacent to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approved by the Road Department. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with PM 119/77-78, PM 31/43, PM 75/22- 23, Tent TR 23220 and Tent TR 23483. &11 private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite this project shall be coordinated with this project and shown on the street improvement plans. 1R 24232 March 3, 1989 Page 4 EB:jw 24. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prior to recordation make application for and pay for their reapportionment cf the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building permit. Very truly ours, Subdi vi si on Eng i neer 'COUNTY ! DEPARTI IENT c~,.,~ ~,- R I ~ I DE COU~ PL~ I N~ D~T 4080 Lemon Street ~iR$1DE CO' '.N~' ~I~,U,,,,. ATTN: Din Citron RE; TRACT HAP 24232: & portion of Parcel 10 of map filed for record zn Book P-l, Pages 44, 45 and 46 of Parcel Maps zn the Office of the County Recorder, County of R~verside State of California. (11 Lots) II&LTN GeNTIle lAgill NO'kTHI'IOADW AY /?d0 MAII'0.UEIhTA COLON& li0b liOUTH I~ENA VsSTA COrOna. Ca 111}0 Illlit llo NORIN NiU(T. CA 12343 el.lOt OAlifS ITREE1 INDIa. C& IS%t0 I till Itlllell 10tie ;malEm D~ LaKE [LliNORI. CA. ll31o WALl I*lllll 13? ;IN~' STREET PiemS. CA Illto IfVllllWl IS;O LeNDIN lieEEl mvEeltO(, CA, tllOl Gent lemen: The Department of Public Health has reviewed Tentative Map No. 24232 and recommends that: A water system shall be installed according to plans and speczficat;on as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prlnts of the plans of the water system shall be submitted in triplicate, with a minimum scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet, along with the original drawing to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe dlameter. location of valves and flre hydrants; pipe and joint specifications, and the size of the main at the junction of the new system to the existing system. The plans shall comply in all respects with Dtv. S, Part l, Chapter I of the California Health and Safety Code, California Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, when applicable. i111 ltlililO~ kvO. leeme me: Riverside County Planning Dept. Page Two Attn: Dan Cotton Hatch 23, lg89 The plans shall be signed by s registered engineer and voter company with the following certification: "1 certify that the design of the water system in Tract Map 24232 is accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Ranthe California Voter District and that the voter service, storage and distribution system v~ll be adequate to provide voter service to such Tract map. This certification does not constitute · guarantee that it viII supply voter to such tract map at any specific quantities, flows or pressures for fire protection or any other purpose".This certification shall be signed by s responsible official of the voter company. _Tl~_!_Dians must be !ubmittfd_~9 the Coun~X final ma~, Th~s Department has a statement from Rancho California Water D~strict agreeing to serve domestic water to each and'every lot in the subdivision on demand providing satisfactory financial arrangements are completed with the subdivider. It wZll be necessary for financial arrangements to be made prior to the recordation of the final map. This Department has a statement from the Eastern Hunicipal Municipal District agreeing to alloy the subdivision sewage system to be connected to the sewers of the District. The sewer system Ihall be inltallld according to plans and specifications as approved by the District, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans of the sewer system shall be submitted in triplicate, along with the original drawing, to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the internal pipe diameter, location of manholes, complete profiles, pipe and ~oint epecifXcations and the size o[ the sewers at the ~unction of the new system to the existing system. A single plat indicating location of sewer lines and water lines shall be a portion of the sewage plans and profiles. Riverside County Planning Page 3 Hatch 23, 1989 Attn: Dan Citron The plans shall be signed by · registered engineer end the sewer district with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the sewer system in Tract Map 24232 is in accordance with the sewer system expansion plans of the' Eastern Municipal Municipal District and that the waste disposal system is adequate at this time to treat the anticipated wastes from the proposed tract Map." must be submitted to the County Surveyor's Office to review )~_Jeast two weeks prior t~_~b!_£!gg!l~_for the fecordmtAgD ~£ the final ma~. St'viii be necessary for financial arrangements to be completely finalized prior to recordation of the final map. Sancerely, S~/MartXnez, EnvX~o~tal Health Specialist Environmental Health Services SM:tac IV KENNETH L,. I'DWANDS cl~llr (NGINEER Illl IdXlll(WT ITRI:rT P. O. BOX T033 TeLERNON((714) 71?-lOIS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIV(RIID(, CALIItORNIA lalOZ March 13, 1~89 Riverside 0ounty Planning Department Ooulty ~n/nistrative Center Riverside, CalifDrnia Attention: ~egional Team No. 1 Dan Carton ladies and GentleTen: Re: Tract 24232 This is a proposal to divide 4.91 acres fDr single f3mily busing. The prop- erty is located in the Santa Gertrudis Valley west of Calle Medusa and south of Nicolas ~oad. IDts 5 and 6 receive runoff from a small weters}md to the west of the proper- ty. These flc~s should be allowed to pass through the lots to the interior street. A much larger watercourse with a 100 year peak flow rate of 284 cf3 traverses the nort/~estern comer of Lot 1- The tantat/ve map proposes en- croachnent into this watercourse. This encroachment should be minimized so as not to cause any increase in flooding crier) neighboring properties. Follc~ing are t/~ District' s rec~,,i,endations: 1. This tract is located within t]~ limits of the MulTieta Creek/Santa Gertrudis Valley Area Drainage Plan fDr which drainage fees heve been adopted by the Board. Ilrainage fees shall be lmid as set fDrth ruder the [~u~isions of the "Rules and Regulations fDr Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amelded Febz-~y 16, 1988: Drainage fees shall be paid to the ~oad Ga,s,,~ssioner as part of the filing fDr record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recordin~ of a final parcel map is ~ived, drainage fees shall be paid as a conditio~ of t]~ ~aiver prior tD recording a certificate of canpliance evidencing the waiver of the lmrcel map; or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a rec~,~ved af- fidavit request/rig deferment of the paymet of f~es, the drainage fees my be paid to tl~ Building nirector at the time of ismance of a grading permit or building permit fDr each approved parcel, whic}~-ver my be first obtained after the recozding of t~ s~b- defer the f~es my not be exercised fDr any parcel w~ere grading or structures tmve been initiated cm the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits fDr either activity }ave been issued ~n tlmt ,mrcel Which re~n ective. Riverside County Planning Dep~r~t Re: Tract 24232 - 2 - March 13, 1989 % EncrDach~e~t into t]~ ~Btercourse that traverses the nort}west comer of the property shDuld r~t cause any increase in flooding depth onto neighboring properties. 3. Erosion ~utection s~Duld be ~o~ided fDr fill slopes subject to ero- sive e Offsite storm flcws tributary to I~ts 5 and 6 should not be blocked o~to neighboring property but accepted amite and co.veyed to an ade- quate outlet. Tr~ property's street and lot grading shDuld be designed in a manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to tributary drainage area, outlet points and outlet conditions, ot]~rwise, a drainage easem~mt should be obtained from t~e affected property c~ners fDr the release of concentrated or diverted storm flow~. A copy of the recorded drainage easement should be subnitted to the District for review prior to the recordation of the final map. e A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and ~inal map along with supporting bydrologic and hydraulic calculat/ons should be sub- mitted to t]~ District via the 9Dad Department for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. Grading plans should be ap- proved prior to issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to Bob Cullen of this office at 714/787-2333. Very truly yours, ~ Lss ~ BCtbjp RIVDLSIDE COUNTY tiRE DEPARI'MDfT IN COOPERA11ON wrrH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NG4MAN PtsnninS&~Offic~ 46-209 O, sis Stm~. Suite 405 ladio, CA 92201 (619) :}42..8896 2-22-89 Plam~&EnSinm~C~ce 4080 lemon Stm. t. $uile ! I1 Rive'skk. CA 92501 (?14) 717..6606 TO: PLANNING DEPARTNENT ATrN: DAN CATRON RE: TRACT 24232 With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: FIRE PROTECTION Schedule "A" fire protection approved standard fire hydrants, (6"x4"x2i") located one. st each street intersection and spaced no more than 330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 GPH for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approvedby a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Dept." The required water system including fire hydrants shall b~ installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. HAZARDOUS FIRE AREA The land division is located in the "Hazardous Fire Area" of Riverside County as shown on s map on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Any building constructed on lots created by this land division shall comply with the special construction provisions contained in Riverside County Ordinance 546. All buildings shall be constructed with fire retardant roofing material as described in section 3203 of the Uniform Building Code. Any wood shingles or shakes shall have a Class "B' rating and shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. RE: TR 24232 Page 2 MITIGATION Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit vith the Riverside County Fire Department a cash sum of $400.00 per lot/unit as mitigation for fire protection impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment, he may enter into a vritten agreement vith the County deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. All questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By Kurt Harttrail, Fire Safety Specialist ml March 31, 1989 Administrative Center · '17"/'7 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Dan Carton County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Tract 24232 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off- site signage advertising the sale of the subdivision pursuant to Section 19.6 of Ordinance 348. Fireplaces may encroach 1' into required minimum 5' side yard setback. Mechanical equipment may not be located in required minimum 5' side yard setback. Very truly yours, Administration (714) 682-8840, (714) 787-2020 TO= FRDH= RE= COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Department of Building and ~afety Planning - File Grading Section '7"7z T Zqz ,Z- ZNITIAL= _~Please make the following a condition of approval: a. Prior to commencing any grading exceeding 5~ cubic ~he owner o~ that property shall' obtain a grading from the Department of Building and Safety yards~ permit ___b. Prior to approval of this use/subdivision a grading permit and approval of the rough grading shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Department. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the property owner shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. _ _d. Constructing of material permit. a road, where greater than 50 cubic yards is placed or movedm requires a grading ..... The Grading Section has no comment on this site FOR FINAL GRADING PLAN - PLEASE PROVIDE I:DRMAT AND GRADING INFORMATION PER COJNTY GRADING K)M: 284-86 284-21 · 284-120 284-46 (A.C. Paving) ee~-13~ T~A~T Connents · /s,>/~t zoo_.. Initial trey'. Fo:4,.i s e/..c. DATE:' February 8o 1989 TO: Assessor Building and Safety Surveyor - Dave Ouda Road Department Health - Ralph Luchs Fire Protection Flood Control District Fish & Game U.S. Postal Service - Ruth E. Davidson U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services RiVER)iDE COUnt,u PLA~~i~G DEPA:tClTIE E Rancho Calif Water Co Southern California Edison Southern Cali forni a Gas General Telephone Cal Trans #8 Elsinore Union High School District Temecula Union School District Eomni ss i one r B res son EaStern Municipal Water District Valleywide Park & Rec C.J. Crotinger Community Plans TRACT 24232 GE Or ZONE 5392~- (Tm-1) - E.A. J3549 - D~x Development Inc. - C. N Engineering Assoc - Skinner Lake Area - First Supervisorial District - S of Nicolas Rd E. of Calle t~eduoa - R-A-2 1/2 Acres - 4.91 Acres into 11 lots - Schedule A - No Waiver - CONCURRENTLY CZ-5392 - REQUEST Divide 4.91 Acres into 11 parcels - Mod 119 - A.P. 914-310-048 ~ A-Z ~ 'h) ~- I Ctl :- '!: · -. ~'~ Please review the case described above, along with the attached case map. A Land Oiviston Coem~tttee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Fek,..,Jl,~13, 1989. If it clears, it will then go to public hearing. Your comments and reconvnendattons are requested prior to i,b, ua,) ~J, 1989 in order that we My include them in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this item, please do. not hesitate to contact Dan Carton at 787-1363. Vllnner C,13111LITS: DATE: S 1 GNATURE ~ ,L'~J( r. kM. ....m. _.al klklm ~80 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 DATE: February 8, 1989 TO: Assessor Building and Safety Surveyor - Dave Duda Road Department Health - Ralph Luchs Fire Protection Flood Control District Fish & Game U.S. Postal Service - Ruth E. Davidson U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services RiVE=I iDE courl;Y -PLAnninG DEPAR IilEFIF, Rancho Cal i f Water Co Southern California Edison Southern California Gas General Telephone Cal Trans #8 Elsinore Union High School District Temecula Union School District Eomnissioner Bresson Eastern Municipal Water District Valleywide Park & Rec C..J. Crotinger Coffmnunity Plans TRACT 24232C~HANGE OF ZONE 5392~- (Tm-1) - E.A. J3549 - Olx Development Inc. - C. M Engineering Assoc - Skinner Lake Area - First Supervisorial District - S*of Nicolas Rd E. of Calle ~duoa - R-A-2 1/2 Acres - 4.91 Acres into 11 lots - Schedule A - No Waiver - CONCURRENTLY CZ-5392 - REQUEST Divide 4.91 Acres into 11 parcels - Mod 119 - A.P. 914-310-f ~a-Z~ -l'e 12-1 cn ~.',~-~-.'~ Please review the case described above, along with the attached case map. A Lane Division Committee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for clears, it will then go to public hearing. Your comnents and reconmnendattons ere requested prior to f.b,.=,/~j, 1989 in order thai we may include them in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this item, please do. not hesitate to contact Dan Catron at 787-1363. vlmnner COeqEMT$: DATE: SIGNATURE ~ ,L,t.C,:'j,."mFRqlllRllllq.._' :'.~,-.,rt l 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STkEET, ROOM 304 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 Count.y of Riverside · RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAnNInG DEPT. DATE: ~tarch 1, 1989 ATTN' Dan Carton rag Dellenbach. Environmental Health Specialist CHANGE OF ZONE 5392 Environmental Health Services has reviewed this change of zone case and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services are available in this area. GD:tac 'O P, M 4. (Paw. 1/87) (;Hit BOX 103:- RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Riverside County Planning L)epartr..ent County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional leam No. r V,,-,,/ Area ~ Re :. ('~. ,5'3 Ue have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisence nature local 'runoff ~:hich ma3 travc:'se pot!ions :T t:'... prb~..erty the project is considered free from ordin:ry storm Fl~,nd t,azc~rd. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause soh~c dalnago. New co; st,'uc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural courses which traverse the property. lhere is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natu,'al ~vatercourses should L,: kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natur~.l drainaUe patterns of the area and to p,'evcnt flood da:'.age to ne~.7 buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraini sheet stating, "All nc'..: buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the fini,:,hed floors a minir,::- o: 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be providcd for mobi 1 e home supports." lhis project is in the . ATca drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable rules and regul at i on s. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Sense f'mo,~d 'control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the imp! ied ds'.~sit.v. lhe District's report dated is still current for this project. lhe District does not object to the proposed minor change. The attached comments apply. CC: Very truly yours, KENNElH L. EDWARDS · ' r Civil Engineer DATE: DALE: February 8. 1909 TO: Assessor Building and Safety Surveyor - Dave l)uda Road Department Health -Ralph, Luchs ~ re: P~otec t I oh Flood Control District Fish & Game U.S. Postal Service - Ruth E. Davidson U.5. Fish & Wildlife Services :IiVE:DiDF- coun _u PLAIIllilIG Rancho Calif Water Co Southern Ca1 i f,,rn ia F. dison Southern Calif,~m'mmia (jas Gem,era) le Ic, l,lmone Ca ! 1 rans UR Elsinore U,,iu,, !ligh School Uistrtct le~cula Ilnlnme School I)iStrict {o~n t s s i one r O m-e s s on Eastern Hunicil~al Water Uistrict Valleywide Park & Rec C.,). Crotinger Connuni ty Plans rTRACT 24232tCHANG[ OF ZONE 5392 - (1m-1) - E.A. 33549 - Dtx Development Inc. - C. M Engineering Assoc -'Skinner Lake Area - First Supervtsorial l)i~trtct - S of Nicolas Rd E. of Calle Heduoa - R-A-2 |/2 Acres - 4.91 Acres into 11 lots - Schedule A - No Waiver - CONCURRENTLY CZ-5392 - REQUEST Divide 4.91 Acres into II parcels - Hod ll9 - A.P. 914-3|0-048 Please review the case described above, along with the attached case map. A Land Division Committee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Ireb, u.ry J; 1989. if it clears, it will then go to public hearing. Your con~nents and recommendations are requested prior to F-t, rua~ ~, lgBg in order that we may include them in the staff report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this item. please do not hesitate to contact Oan Catron at 787-1363. ~lanner C011~ENTS: PI"F;I~.,'~ rn, ,, ,' , I'll .I! I. .;.".~ The Riverside County F~re DepartmrJ~i~ hem no comment or condittona. I L tl E l; E I V E Em DATE: 2-21-89 SIGNATURE - ~cthSe m., hvi ,,.,,,: .,,d -ttlll. 4090 I.EMON STREET. g"' FLOOR RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 9250 ~ 1714) 787-e~e~ Furt Nantvell, [,1re hfetv SpmclaZtmt 46.209 OASIS STREE1, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL LETTER i... COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Nay 5, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: Ktm Johnson - Team 1 ~_ Steven A. Kupferman o Engineering Geologist Tentative Tract No. 24232 Slope Stability Report No. 117 The following report has been revtewed relative to slope stability at the subject tract: "Geotechntcal Report for Proposed Subdivision Consisting of 11 Single Famtly Homes, within the 4.91 Acre Parcel Described as Tentative Tract 24232," by South Coast Geologic Services, dated April 24, 1989. This report determined that: Cut and fill slopes are planned at ratios of 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) with maximum proposed slope heights on the order of 32 and 30 feet respectively. Factors of safety of at least 1.5 for static conditions and 1.1. for seismic loading were determined for proposed slopes. These are cormonly accepted factors of safety against instability. 3. Cut slopes tn older a11uvtum with favorable geologic conditions are expected to be stable against deep seated and surftcial instability. 4. The alluvial soils are subject to eroston. This report recmnended that: Grading plans and specifications shall be submitted to the geotechntcal engineer prior to the start of grading for review of geotechntcal aspects. Ftli slopos my be graded at 2:1 or less. The keyway to be constructed at the toe of slopes shall be at least 15 feet ~de, 2 feet deep at the toe, and 3 feet feet deep at the heel of the key. The keyway ts to be excavated tnto firm older alluvtum as approved by the project geologist. Kim Johnson - Team I -2- ~y 5, 1989 Fill slopes shall be either over-filled at least 6 feet and trimmed back to a firm surface or shall be compacted at design grade during construction, The outer %0 feet of fill slopes shall consist of a cohesive sot1, 4. Proposed permanent cut slopes may be graded at 2:1 and shall be made under observation of the project geologist, Terrace dratns shall be provtde per the latest Uniform Butldtng Code. A compacted fill berm shall be placed at the top of all ftll slopes Drainage shall be directed,away from the slopes, A paved terrace drain shall be provided at the top of all cut slopes, Newly constructed slopes or existing slopes where vegetation is not sufficient or has been damaged due to construction shall be planted as soon as possible with a deep rooted ground cover requiring a minimum of irrigation. Burrowing rodents shall be actively discouraged. This report satisfies the General Plan requirement for a slope stability report. The recommendations made in this report shall be adhered to in the design and construction of this project. SAK:al Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District 901 West Emplenade Avenue P. O. Box 907 San Jacimo. California 92383 Telephone {714) 654-1505 March 13, 1 989 Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attention: Dan Catron RE: Tract 24232/Change of Zone 5392 RIVERSIDE COL. ~,;'r,, PLANNING DEPAF-, · We would like to call your attention to the following with respect to the above referenced parcel/tract number: "Prior to issuance of building permits, the fee of $ To Be Determined per dwelling unit must be paid to Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District." In the event the building permits have already been issued, please do not issue the occupancy permit until these fees have been paid. We appreciate your assistance in helping us receive the required fees. Sincerely, Samue,.~~W.d~o 1 Nanager ~lle) and Park District SWG:ps cc: Kay Ceniceros doe Tronti, Riverside County Building Dept. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRI~'T OY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RECi~IVED APR 4 MWD San Diego Pipelines Nos. 3, 4, and 5 Sta. 1347+00 to 1365+00 ~/W ~42-3-1 (fee) R/W SDA-P-3 13 (easement) W.O. 7-6387 C. M. Engineering Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 6087 San Bernardino, California 92412 Attention Mr. Tom T. Fujiwara Gentlemen: Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 23220, 23483 and 24232 Thank you for your Transmittal Form dated November 23, 1988, your letter dated December 14, 1988, and Transmittal Form dated January 6, 1989, sending one set of prints of the Rough Grading Plans, Sheets I and 2 for Tract No. 23220 and Sheets 1 through 4 for Tract No. 23483s Storm Drain Plans, Sheets 1 through 6 for Tract No. 23220 and Sheets I through 3 for Tract No. 23483~ an exhibit showing the location of the proposed street crossing in Tract No. 23483; and a check in the amount of $3,000 from J. & L. Properties to apply towards the cost of engineering review of your plans. We acknowledge receipt of two form letters from Continental Land Title Company dated October 3, 1988, and January 4, 1989, concerning Tracts Nos. 23220 and 23483. Also, we acknowledge receipt of one set of prints of the Sewer Plans, Sheet 4 for Tract No. 23220 and Sheet 4 for Tract No. 23220, and Water Plans, Sheet 4 for Tract 23220 and Sheet 5 for Tract No. 23483, during a meeting between Messrs. Tom Fujiwara of C. M. Engineering, Brent Dix of Dlx Engineering, Inc., and Marc Weinberger and Ron Redd of Metropolitan on February 14, 1989. The locations of Metropolitan's rights-of-way as shown on Vesting Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 23220 and 23483 are sub- stantially in agreement with our records. Bowever, on Tract Map No. 23483, our right-of-way along the easterly boundary of the tract must be identified as being Metropolitan's efee property,' ~heMel~poli~nWaterDistn~ dSou~emCali~mia C. M. ~ngineeri~g Associates, Inc. - 2 - IqAR 3 ~ 1989 and the official record data must be shown. Further, Tract Map No. 23220 must show the northwest and southwest corners of the parcel tied to the monuments set per survey of Parcel 10 of Parcel Map 1/44-46 per records of Riverside County, copy attached. Also, record data must be shown on the map, and our 70-foot-wide right-of-way must be shown as being "fee property." We require that Metropolitan's full name be written on both tract maps as "The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California." Attached for your use are Metropolitan's Right-of-Way Maps Nos. 142-3 and SDA-P-3, and a copy of P.M. 1/44-46. We require that both final tract maps be submitted for our review and approval prior to recording. Also, the location of Metropolitan's rights-of-way as shown on Tentative Tract Map No. 24232 is substantially in agreement with our records. Mowever, both our 70-foot-wide fee property and our 50-foot-wide easement should be identified by their book and page numbers. Enclosed for your use is a copy of our Right-of-Way Map No. 142-3. Also, our right-of-way should be shown continuing through Calls Katefine Lane. Please submit the final tract map, grading, and all improvement plans for Tract No. 24232 for our review and approval. We have reviewed the improvement plans and find that they are acceptable to Metropolitan subject to the following comments and requirements: 1. The street crossing of Metropolitan's rights- of-way as shown on the Street Improvement Plans for Tracts Nos. 23220 and 23483 is acceptable. However, we require that Sheet 7 of the Street Plans for Tract No. 23220 show and clearly label our fee property and easement. 2. Metropolitan's San Diego Pipelines 3, 4, and 5 are adequate for AASHTO H-20 loading provided that the cover is not less than 4 feet or greater than 15 feet. However, if the contractor plans to use any equipment over Metropolitan's pipelines which will impose loads greater than AASHTO B-20, it will be necessary to submit the specifications of such equipment for our review and approval at least one week prior to its use. 3. We require that 16-foot-wide commercial-type driveway approaches be constructed on both sides of all streets crossing Metropolitan's rights-of-way. Access ramps, if necessary, must be at least 16 feet wide. Grades of ramps are normally not allowed to exceed 10 percent. If ~heMet~poliMnWalerDist~ dSou~emC~li~mia C. ~. ~ngineering Associates, Inc. - 3 - HAR 3 ! the slope of an access ramp must exceed 10 percent due to the topography, the ramp must be paved. We require a 20-foot-wide level area on the driveway approach to access ramps where the ramp meets the street. 4. Your plans show that storm water as well as nuisance water from landscaping, irrigation, car washing, and other outdoor domestic water uses will flow into the storm drainage system and onto Metropolitan's right-of-way, resulting not only in erosion but also in weed abatement, insect infestation, obstructed access, and other problems. Therefore, the storm drain, as shown on Sheet 5 of the Storm Drain Plans for Tract No. 23220, is unacceptable. However, to accommodate our requirements, Mr. Fujiwara proposed to continue the storm drain across our right-of- way in a closed conduit pipe, which is acceptable to Metropolitan. We require that revised plans be submitted for our approval. Further, we require that the 72-inch RCP Storm Drain, as shown on Sheet 6 of 8 of the Storm Drain Plans for Tract No. 23483, be extended across our fee property and easement. 5. Concrete drainage swales, designed for a minimum capacity of 35 cfs shall be constructed to convey the water discharged from Metropolitan's blow-off structures to the proposed storm drains located in Tract No. 23483. However, since Metropolitan must maintain access along its rights- of-way and its pipeline facilities, to ensure their safety and proper maintenance, we require that the swales be designed to accommodate Metropolitan's patrol road crossing and that the swales at the crossings be designed for AASHTO H-20 loading. 6. Two toe drains, as shown on Sheet 2 of your Rough Grading Plan for Tract No. 23220, will discharge water onto our right-of-way in two locations. First, at the northerly boundary of the tract in Lot 29, and second, near the down drain in Lot 24. Zf water must be discharged onto Metropolitants fee property and easement, Metropolitan will insist that plans for development provide that it be carried across our right-of-way in a closed conduit or lined open channel approved in writing by Metropolitan. Also, the drainage facilities must be maintained by others. Further, we require that the toe drain be located outside of our right-of-way. 7. Metropolitan requires that the developer construct a concrete lined brow ditch and/or toe drain along the boundary of Tract No. 23483 and Metropolitan's fee property ~eMef~poliMn W~lerDisf~ ~Sou~emC~li~mia C. ~. [ngineeri~g Associates, Inc. - 4 - to intercept any drainage flow from our property and discharge it into the storm drain system. 8. We require a splash block be located on the toe drain at the bottom of the emergency drainage swale shown on Sheet 2 of the Rough Grading Plan for Tract No. 23220. 9. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23220 indicates a storm drain within a 20-foot-wide easement between Lots 23 and 24. However, Sheet 5 of the Storm Drain Plans and Sheet 2 of the Rough Grading Plans indicate a storm drain within a 24-foot-wide easement between Lots 24 and 25. Please revise the plans to show the actual location of the storm drain and its easement. 10. The Water and Sewer Plans for Tracts Nos. 23220 and 23483 are acceptable since Sheet 4 of your Water Plan for Tract No. 23220 indicates that the proposed 8-inch waterline will cross over our San Diego Pipelines No. 3, 4, and 5 with approximately 8, 1, and 5 feet of vertical clearance, respectively. Also, Sheet 4 of the Sewer Plan for Tract No. 23220 indicates that the proposed 8-inch sewer will cross over our pipelines with approximately 5, 2, and 3 feet of vertical clearance, respectively. We note that the sewerline at the overcrossing of our pipelines will be encased in concrete. 11. Mr. S. M. Chavez, Director of Metropolitan's Right of Way and Land Division, must be contacted concerning the rights for the street and storm drain facilities across Metropolitan's property. Maps and legal descriptions of the required easement must be submitted, along with written evidence that the County will accept the easement for street and utility, and storm drain purposes into its public system. The grant of the easement will be subject to Metropolitan's rights to use its land for water pipelines and related purposes to the same extent as if such grant had not been made. Also, there will be a charge for the easement. Please note that an entry permit must be obtained for any grading purposes or for any construction of the street, utility, or storm drain improvements before issuance of the easements. '7heMetm;x>litanWaterDistri~ dSourhernCali~mia C. M. Engineering Associates, Inc. - 5 - Facilities constructed within Metropolitan's easements shall be subject to the paramount right of Metropolitan to use the easements for the purpose for which they were acquired. If at any time Metropolitan or its assigns should, in the exercise of their rights, find it necessary to remove any of the facilities from the easements, such removal and replacement shall be at the expense of the owner of the facility. We request that a stipulation be added to the plans or specifications for notification of Ms. Julia Lie of our Operations Services Branch, telephone (213) 250-6727, at least two working days prior to any work in the vicinity of our facilities. We advise you that this response is based upon information available to the Metropolitan Water District which was prepared by or on behalf of Metropolitan for general record purposes only. Such information may not be sufficiently detailed or accurate for your purposes. No warranty of any kind, either express or implied, is attached to the information herein conveyed as to its accuracy, and no inference should be drawn from Metropolitan's failure to comment on any aspect of your project. You are therefore cautioned to make such surveys and other field investigations as you may deem prudent to assure yourself that any plans for your project are correct. Should you require additional information, please contact Mr. Ron Redd, telephone (213) 250-6025. Very truly yours, Charles E. Nichols Chief Engineer RRR/lk Encl. 25735 Dix Development, Inc. 22865 Lake Forest Drive E1 Toro, California 92630 Attention Mr. Brent Dix The Metmpoli~n Water DistH~ d.~ou~em Cali~mia C. M. Engineering Associates, Inc. - 6 - cc: Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Ninth Floor Riverside, California 92501 Riverside County Road Department Commissioner and Surveyor Halls of Records Post Office Box 1090 Riverside, California 92501 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Post Office Box 1033 Riverside, California 92502 Continental Land Title Company 1605 Spruce Street Riverside, California 92507 Attention Ms. Debi Bright Ms. Kathy Littman 'VE dDE county PLAnrkn DEPArCnEB APPLICATION FOR LAND UIE AND DEVELOPMENT INC{)MPtETE APPLC. ETK)NI WIlL NOT BE ad:~EPTED 1. tlmlmi~teldeme Ml,q t~lOfess Dtx Blvelolaent, Inc. 22865 Lake Forest Drive [1 Toro Elk J I L ~oNrttes ( 714 C N En~t~erln9 ltsoc4ates. Inc. ( 714 ) 184-88N 92~33 924]2 4.91 acres 40 G0 LIB ITIISET. I~VTRIIDE. CALiFC)IIN;a f?md) 41,~01 0AIJI ITI~ET. ROCW IIDiC). CALiF01tNI& II1tl 342.82?? IIa~F UII C}NI.v " ENYIRONMINTAL INFORMA T)ON FORM elmmmmmmmlmmM~lnmlmmmmlmNmNmWmmmmmm. mmmammmm~lm~m FM~m~m~mm~ 1. lmm~tMhi~MmepPmke~ 4.91 acres. I 1lllmml almlwm, md~Ymm, ~K~Immtlm lm lmmmm m9 II1~ Mmm0 Im tq ~. 1~78 emmmm Mmm Zmm Mm. mU tArt0 IM!mmm0 il~k 1.1mlMlmmlmmm,e~' 'P~ImemtllkdlmZemt tl80 $memmllmmmlmilm~mlemmmmMmZmm~mmmNIMkb.~,. Imlmmm~~mm, m~m~.m_~ :~m~mmm~~.- t ~mmm~a~em~mmtmxm~m~m~s.m,mmmmm~.- TmememmmfFemtmmmm~tmmmam~mmmeeWe;cMmmrmmmmemmmmtmsmmmdmmmlemm,m:Sm~lf~w~ Iftm nmmtoMmmm, el ~m"Yoe~'mmmm~e,emf Immmmmm~memlmmlm, M~mmlmmmmmemlw.f~.~'m,bm11~mmP~,mmmllmmm. iflm~lm, l~IM11~t~mmlaMiMIiI. Mmm~lhmlled~,.,;,~D~fiMil~lheM~ll~~r~k~l4 .... 4. mmue~e, mm,,,,,mmmemmeme,mm, Mec, tmmu9 'l'!l:l I'Ne~'MmmtmmmaltheemeWk~tmelmmse~t0MM9 Wmf~mmmmm ~ mmmmm~mm*. mBmmummmm'dmmmOmmmmmmmm'r WJI ~ODD ft6.°MmmmllmrmdgmmIM86JbeemededlelMglmmi~ mmHmmmmmmmmm $mmmmmmm~ -: MIIl:AimmmllMmM btmlmmmmSBmmmmtmMmINmtmm: t mmmmmmealmmemmm~m~ rammmmmemWmmmmm~wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~-~, ~ memmmmm~: · 11mlmmlmWmmmddl~elm~A~, P. mmllm · 1Mmmmlmefmmm~A1~ U~ IillmwlA k- Imkbammmbrlaglleflet. I)m"A Jmmlmmlllmlll,.:le_' _' 'km,mir,k,r'#~mimm&k IMmlttll 'd' ~ llBIMMImm~lmmtlllllmml J. mmm~.tmtltmmm i__~ ' 'mmmiMImmdlNtmmmmetmmmmemmmmmmmmtmmemm~ Glry to~ntz, Plmnmmr, C · E tnee,'t~m' aliVEraDii :. COUntY PL~nni~ pg~mraTEn~ APPLICA ?'ION FOR LAWD UIE AND DEY/LOPMIAff' m: CX,mm'L rll &m'me. eC, A1'~C~i WII, L IOT I( I~C;!IrrI D LIke FOreSt D~he [1 ?oro PriNtties 95~-1)~1 film-JIm, leeavsl Between LI kreM III) Ind kicolls Io1¢, te RlsChO CalifOrnia. 41.IDI Oald$ rml~. ~ 3~x INDID. GIkLFOINI, 111, EA NO 5TA~I~ USE ENVIRONMENTAl, INFORMATION FORM Im~lse complete I~lrll, I I~q0 If 0e thtl IDfm If10 Df(W~e ITI {~ ~ I~(~rhDMI mle~ltl r~u4,wleO ~ 10 C~IIC~ tM ~leRl~ DeM~NRI It l?141787~18 PART I: GeHml I~formmion q ~1~t~o~Ac~l~m~Oq 4.9~ lores. 2 IS t~re I ~vsM I~lGtsOe fl~ IF N MN Ine~ ~5: NO 3 ~ENO P. M. N0, 1207E (~l~f~ZWCM~mc.I ~ NO n K~. !m NO (I ~) 3 Id~f~mml~Y~htoWY~ 2 It IM ~o~ct I~te~ wdhm I MZIrO ~M~eNnl IO~ ~ ~vfflCt~ I~1 It I~ ~ ~1 Tec~n~ ee~*'~ ~ S: NO 3 10 ~le~,~ ~ you~ FMCI l I~C~ 10 1~ ~0~ ~ZI'Ol ~e0 ~ ~ I~V~ ~nlv~ ~ "~,l--.: Sl*e' ~ i 51' e', H the i~lwe~ IC agewho- e2 el 'vii Coqllct s~ I~r~rate Ge~lphsc ~l.n,~ TN~ ~,o~ l00,lc~lt l: ~'::' i'~ 3 if~v, FMc1~,.l~e~le~lrel Sdwdh'~tPl~qo~l~l~el9 ~S: N02 TN DiI~R,RG ~,ces ,P inO.c IRe R,~l~ wd. Dr0vee y0v w,th I~fOrqtaO~ ConCem,~g ~;~-0 ~l'ot · :. P,I · L~: 4 IS wile' H~CI Ivl,ll~*e r me p'o~:~ I,It~ YES } NO; Numb' Of IH~ Or 'NO.* how tar mat ~ diet ~l) N e~e~ ~ ~ ~ / II. Pl~wtrtlll RIVERSZDE COUNTY PLANNZNG DEPARTMENT COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER, NINTH R, OOR 4080 LEMON STREET RZVERSZDE, CALIFORNZA 92501-3657 ' Roger S. Streeter, Planntng Dtrector A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the PLANNING C(II~ISSlON to · consider the application(s) described below. The Planntng Department has tentatively found that the proposed proJect(s) will have no significant en~tromental effect and has tentatively completed negative declaration(s). The Planning Commission will consider whether or not to adopt the negative declaration along with the proposed project at this heartng. Place of Hearing: Board Ram, ]4th Root, 4080 Leon Street, Riverside, CA Date of Hearing: WEI)NESDAY, OCTOBER 4o 1989 The time of hearing is indicated with each application listed below. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Department before the hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the negative declaration and/or approval of this project at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Con~nission at, or prior to, the public hearing. The enviromental finding along with the proposed project application may be viewed at the public information counter Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. CHANGE OF ZONE CASE 5392 WITH TRACT MAP NO. 24232, EA '33549 is an application submitted by Dtx Development, Inc. for property located in the Skinner Lake Area and First Supervisorial District and generally described as south of Ntcolas Road, east of Calle Medusa to mend Ordinance No. 348, Riverside County Land Use Ordinance. Said anen~ent would change R-A-2~ (Residential Agriculture with a 2~ Acre mintram lot size) to R-1 (Single Fmtly Residential) Or other such zones as the Planning Canmntsston may find appropriate to divide 4.91~ acres into 11 lots TIJ[ OF HEARING: 9:30 a.a. 914-300-058 r,rol Anderson .... Moore . O. Box 324 Murrieta, CA 92362 914-300-058 Carol Anderson John Noore P. O. Box 324 Murrteta, CA 92362 914- 300-06O 914-300-060 Leonard Wiebe 6490 ~ntova Long Beach, CA 90815 914-310-012 Leonard Wiebe 6490 Kantova Long Beach, CA 914-310-012 90815 J & L Properties 22865 Lake Forest Drive E1Toro,';CA 92630 914-310-046 J-& L Properties ~2865 Lake,Forest Drive E1Toro, CA 92630 914-310-046 Robert and Larraine OCanna P. O. Box 615 Nurrfeta, CA 92362 914-310-047 Robert and Larratne OCanna P. O. Box 615 Iqurrieta, CA 92362 914-310-047 Peter mnd Gabriella Giovannoni "~4 W. Alcomar Ave ~"-- ,aim, CA 92804 914-310-049 Peter end Ga~rtella Gtovannon( 1784 W. Alcomar Ave Anahetm, CA 92804 914-310-049 J & L Properties 22865 Like Forest Drive E1Toro, CA 92630 LJ & L Properties 22865.Lak-~Torest Drive 'El loro, CA 92630 C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Dtx OevelopMnt, Inc. P. O. Box 6087 22865 Like Forest Drive San Bernardtno, CA 92412 E1Toro, CA 92630 914-300-058 Carol Anderson John Moore P. O. Box 324 Nurrieta, CA 92362 914-300-060 Leonard Wtebe 6490 Kantova Long Beach, CA 914-310-012 90815 J & L Properties 22865 Lake Forest Drive :l Toro, CA 92630 914-310-046 Robert and Larraine OCanna P. O. Box 615 Murrleta, CA 92362 914-31 0-047 Peter end Gabriella Giovannoni 1784 W. Alcomar Ave Anahetm, CA 92804 914-310-049 J & L Properties '22865 Lake Forest Drive E1Toro, CA 92630 C M Engineering Associates, Znc Dlx Development, Inc. P. O. kx 6087 ZZ865 Lake Forest Drive San Bernardlno, CA 92412 El Toro, CA 92630 C M Engineering Associates, Znc P. O. Dex 6087 San krMrdino, CA 92412 Dtx Development, lnc 22865 Lake Forest Dr. El Toro, CA 92630 Engineering Associates, %nc ~. O. Box 6087 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Dt~ Development, Inc. 22865 Lake Forest Dr. E1 Toro, CA 92630 :IEVE:L DE county 'Pl.&~nilx; DEP4RCmEnE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: STANDARD EVALUATION ENV1R,C)NMENTAL ASSESSMENT (E.A.) NUMBE.,~. ' MODULE NUMBER(s): PROJECT CASE TYPE(s) AND NUMBERS(s): "-/' ~ ,.. T ,~, -,/2 _g~_. (~ 2. S' .k" APPLICANT'S NAME: --'~- ~ "' L~ ~> / c:/.~ ~ rr (-~ r, ,,L' ,,/~ :- . NAME OF PERSON(s) PREPARING E.A.: ,,~.,,,h~/ c/' .,,F "/',,: iv' //,, ./,(..,d. / ,.-, PROJECT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION (itclucle pro(xased minimum Jot e~ze end lees is ippliceble): "';'/(: :' ~" ,,~/:,:~.,_~.,~.c,./~-~,r,'.,,_,.. .' ~,">'~.?' -"~" ''''/~':'(.~-".: '; -" ,~'. / --:,. .'.-r. B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES ; or SQUARE FED / C. ASSESSOWS PARCEL NO.(s): -"' ""' :~ '- ' "': "' /,~.- -? _ -~ , D, EXISTING ZONING: - 2_ IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? E. PROPOSED ZONING: ~" / IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFOBMANCE? ,' : " , ; ~ ,-~ ,, F. ST~iEET REFERENCES: '-' ,3 -/', , ...z' ,) ' ... ,., ,,..:.' .. . . .-..A ' ~ ~ .~,_..:. ,,-,: ' .G. SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~' 'T./..~ .~ ? t,~,' BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS / . . I. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN OPEN 8PACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION Check the mpproprimte option(s) below and p~or. Jed mccordinghy. I'1 All or part of the project site is in "Adopted Specific Ptans," "REMAP" or "Rlncho Villages Community Policy Areas". Complete Sections III, N (B end C only), V end Vi. IZ~.AII or DIrt of the project mite il it "Areas Not Designated Is Open Spice", Complete Sections III, I (A, B end D only). V Ind VI. [3 M or DIrt of the project erie has en ~ SDece end ConservNion clesignltion Other thin those rnentior~ec~ ebove. Complete Sections III, N (A, B, Ir~ E only), V end VI. .... I III. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND RESOURCES ASSESSMENT A. Indicate !he nlture Of Ihe proposed lind use as delern'~nld lrom ~ delcrlptionl II found In ~sive Ger~ral Pin Figure Vt.3 (CIrcle One). This ;;~;r.w'mltion II necetl/ry to liltermine ~ Ippropriltl lind ull ii,litlbility rltjngl In Section III.B. NA - Not Appliclble Crltlcll Ellentill Normi-Hlgh Rllk Normel-Low Risk B. IndicNe with s yes (Y) or no (N) whether any ernHronmenlal hazard end/or resoume isaac my significantly effect or be sfiecte cI by the WOGOII!. NI rwfwerced figures m'e contlined In ere Co,,q;yihlnlNe 134wlrld Fqln. For any illue mlrked yes (Y) write lddltiOrtlJ dltl IourcN,, Igenclel cortlulted, ~ndir~gl Of flct Ind any mftigltion riteSure uriClet Section V. Alto, where indicated cede the eppropr~te ~ ue suitebaH,/or noise eoceptabllty mires). (See deidtiorm et bottom Of mie page). HAZARDS 1 ,/" ' Aicluist-Fh'iolo Special Studies or County FluIt lizard Zones (Fig. VI.1 ) ~u ~ t~U R (Fig. %/!.3) 2, '- efact Poten Zone (Fig. V!.1) L.N.A S PS U R (Fig. VI.4) 8. ~, g. A/ 10. 11..~. NN~ndshaking Zone (Fig V!,I ) S PS U R (Fig. VI.5) Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Slope Maps) Lindslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 ScAJe Seismic Maps or On-sHe Inlpection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfall Hlzard (On-site Inspection) ExDansive Soils (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Erosion (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservltion Service Soil Surveys) Wind Ersosion & Blowland (Fig. VIA, Offi. 460, Sac. 142, l Ord. 484) DIm Inundation Area (Fig. Vl.7) F.J~xIplNns (Fig. VI.7) NAt' U R (Fig. VI.8) 12. A' Airport Noise (Fig. l|.18.5,11.18.11 &._y!,12 & 1984 AICUZ Repod, M.A.F.B.) L...NA/ A S C D (Fig, VI. 11 ) 13. P, jlroad Noise (Fig. V1.13- V1.16) ~ ~.wlA] B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 14. f Noise (Fig. VI.17 - VI.29) [NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 15. -~ 13t'~erNoise NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 16. Project Generlted Noise Affecting Noise Sefilitive Ules (Fig. VI.11 ) 17. Noise Senlitive Project (Fig. VI.11 ) 18. ', Air Qullity Impacts From Project 19." Project Sefilitive to Air Quality 20. , Witer Qullity Impacts From Project 21. '. Pro~ct Sefteitive to Water Quality 22. "', Hazardous Materials end Wastes 23. ' HIz. ardous Fire Area (Fig. VI.30 - Vl.31 ) 25. Olher # 26.~ 27. r% RESOURCES ,j Contract MN~) ._,y_ (Fig. %/I.32 - Vl.33 & %/I.46- Vl.46) 28. ' Wildli~ (Fig. VI.36 - VI.37) 35 P,,~sonl01ogicll Resources 29. ~,: Weetauon (Fig. V1.38- VI,40) ONeontologk~ Resources Map) · 30,/%: Mineral Re~ouroee (Fig. VI.41 - VL42) 35. Oete 31. ~' EneW Resource (Fig. %/I.43 - VI.44) 37..__. Olher 32. ~ "' Scenic I.lighweys (Ir~. vl.45) 3,3, A, HiltoHc Relourcel (Fig. V1.32- VI.33) 34. '// Archaeological Resources Definitions for Lend Use Suitability and Noise Acceptability Ratings NA - Not Appllcable S - Generdy Suitable PS - ProviBiormlty Suitable U - Gef~llly Uneuttabie R - Reetricted A · ~lly Acceptable B · Conditionally Acceptable C - Gerberlily ~ceplble D · LInd ~ Dilcourlged A. Complete this part unless the project is located in "Adopted Specific Plans", "REMAP" or "Pancho Villages Community Policy Areas." OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION MAP DESIGNATION(e): "~'~4j.%' '~,'C. '7'- ~, ~ 0 -~ ~,~ ~' ~,~ C*C ., LAND USE PLANNING AREA: .~'C.' c. Jb ~:t, ~"d" ,/L- '7',4~ ';, ~-_ ~' r ,:.,,/. SUBAREA, IF ANY: - COMMUNITY POLICY AREA, IF ANY: COMMUNrTY PLAN. IF ANY: .r,, ~.~ ~, :::.,~Lr.~z 6//," "'~,.'L C ,~. --.; ~ COMMUNITY PLAN DESIGNATION(s), IF ANY: 2. -- J' ~'¢Z,'C'/" ~- ,.p , ."7 ;--.- ' e.C/.~. F ' 7. SUMMARY OF POLICIES AFFECTING PROPOSAl; Be For Ill projects, inidcate with · yes (Y) or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or services issues may significantly effect or be affected by the proposal. All referenced figures are contained in the Comprehensive General Ptan. For eny issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consumed, findings of fact, end mitigation measures under Section V , PUBUC FACILITIES AND SERVICES 1../~ Circulation (Fig. IV.l-IV.l.1, Discuss in 10, Y Sec. V biting, Planned & Required Roads) Bike Trails (Fig. N.12 - N.13) Water (Agency Letters) Sewer (Agency Lettee) Firs Services (F~, N.16- N.18) Bherffi ,Services (Fig N.11 - N.18) ~lx}ois (Fig. N.11 - N.18) 8olk:l Wiste (Ir~}. N. 17 - NAb) Pmrk~ ~ RecrssUc~ (Fig. N, le - N20) 5. 8. ,^" e.~ 11, 12. ^' 13," 14, ~ 15.~._~ 16,_'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~_ 17. Equestr~q Trm~s tFig. IV.19 - lV.24/ Riv. Co. 800 Sclle Equestrian Trail M~ps) Utilities (Fig. N25 - N~6) ·" '.'~- :~' '~" Llbrmrlas (Fig. N.17 - N. 18) Hllllh Servk~t.'___ (Fig. N. 11 - IV.18) Akpotll (Fig. 11.1 8~ - 11.18.4, 1.18~ - 11.18.10 1 N27 - N36) DimmerPrepmredness O~her I Ill or pert of Ihe project is located in "Adopted Sped.it Pins", =FIEMAP" or '11wx:ho Villages Ccrnmunity Policy 1. 81ste the televent lend use dseignation(s): e Based on this inltll study, is Ihe proCx:eal consMte~t with the policies and clesignations of Ihe appropriate riocur encl therefore consistent ~ Ihe Comprehensive General Ptln? ff not, explain: 0 t . t.~D USE DETERMINKr~ON (continued) D. If all or pad of the project site is in "Ames not Designated as Open Space", Ind is not in · Community Plan, complete Questions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7. Complete guestions 4, 5, 6 and 7 If it is in · Community Ran. 1. Land use category(m) necessary Io ~/~,, _,lhe, Ixo;osed ~ Also Indicate land use type L/- --- /.. (i.e. residential, commercial, etc.) :'~. ~' c-/. ,,c/---, / ;--- indicate tlid use type ./L ' :;C;- :-::, ," 3. If D.1 differs from D.2, will the difference be resolved at the ¢3,~alop,.,znt Itage? Explain: . 4. Community Plan designation(s): '~' Is the proposed project consistent with the policies lid designations of the Community Plan~ ff not, explain: _, Is the proposal compatible with existing lid proposed surrounding land uses? ~ not, explain: "/~ ~ 7. Baled o~ this initial study, M the proposal consistlit wtth the Comprehensive Gef~eral Plan? ff noL reference by Section lid Issue Number fix:s· issues identify~g inconlistex:ies: E. If Ill or part of the project site is in In Open Space Ind Conservation de·ignition, complete the following: 1. State the de~·): 2. M the preptill consistent with the desigtmion(·)? ff not, explain: 3. Based on this inltiaJ Itudy, is the priXxxal ~,,-~lisent with the Comprehensive General Plan? If not, mferertce by Section Ind issue Number lhoee liltill k;lentlfytng inconsistencies: i' · V. )]F"JRMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY SECTION/ INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION DETERM!~TION I~SUE NO. REQUIRED RECkJESTED RECEIVED {YE$/NO~)ATE~ ~A z_'.,~.'L~;.-~.[,_E; .~'.T~".~.I~'~"' r~, ,.~_:~'>- -_ Z_~,~(, ~Cc "' ~;'~'=~ ,'c ,, Z: ~, ~' . ~-~-..,~_~-r-.~~ ,~' ~,~,.~x~, "'~" r- D ~/-~r ,.~ ;, ~/. ~, :-~.".~ ~/_~/-/~~"":~. ' ,_ _. . . ~;, . , ',..-.c For each issue marked yes (Y) under Sectms III.B end N.B, identify the Section end isue number and do the following, in the format as shown below: 1. Ust 811 additional relevant data sources, including agencies consulted. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmental concerns. 3. State specific mitigation measures, if iclentifi~ble wfthout requiring In environmental laDact report (E.I.R.) 4. If 8ddifional information is required before the environmental Ismessment can be completed, refer to Subsection A. 5. ff additional sheets are needed to complete this eaction, check the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary abets. SECTION/ ISSUE NO. -- :, SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: "' '-- ,~-;.: ~'/,..~ . ,. "'-: <":.~,_ -;. 7~.:.,,.~. - ...,.. -j-, ,::..: ~--~,-,' ,;L~_/ ~"'",,.~," ~' IV. INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT ,eND MITIGATION MEASURES (Gontlnued) SECTION/ I~SUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: I .- VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: The IxoJect wi~ not hlve · dgnlficlnt effect on the efwironnant and · Negative Declaration may be papered. (or) The project could hive · lignlficlnt effect on the environment; however, there will not be · significant ~ in Iht= ~ because ~e rnltigNtcm n~lmurls ~ in Section V hive been rapplied to the project m'td · Negative Declarmtion my be I:xeplrld. The project my have · ~ignlft,,lnt effect on ~e environment and mn Environmental Iml~ct Report I= re~lutrtd. ITEM NO. 9 APPROVAL CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: City Council/City Manager Department of Public Works DATE: September 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Final Parcel Map No. 26036 PREPARED BY: Kris Winchak RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve Final Parcel Map 26036 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DISCUSSION: Tentative Parcel Map 26036 was originally submitted to the Planning Department on April 6, 1990. An initial study on April 16, 1990 concluded that the map would not cause significant impact upon the environment, given that full buildout of the site has already occurred. The Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 26036 on August 20, 1990. The project involves the re-establishment of two (2) parcels which were merged under Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 585, under Riverside County Jurisdiction. Prior to the merger, the parcels were identified as Lots 10 & 11 of Tract 16178. The lots were merged when Plot Plans 9474 and 10923 were developed. Parcel Map 26036 proposes to subdivide a 1.79 acre industrial parcel into two (2) parcels of .89 and .90 acres. It is located on the west side of Enterprise Circle West, at Rider Way. The applicants are Won and Insook Yoo. All development fees were paid with the recordation of the underlying Tract Map No. 1 6178 and with the issuance of building permits. Additional development fees were not conditioned as part of Final Map Approval for this project. Since buildings exist SANDEFKM\STAFFRPT\26036.PM 1 on the site at this time, construction is not authorized under this proposal· All off-site improvements have been completed and therefore, bonds and securities are not required. FISCAL IMPACT: Not Determined. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council approve Final Parcel Map No.26036 subject to the Conditions of Approval. BY:tbb Attachments: Vicinity Map Location Map Planning Commission Minutes dated August 20, 1990 Conditions of Approval Fees and Securities Report SANDEFKM\STAFFRPT\26036.PM 2 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP NO. 26036 DATE July 9, 1991 IMPROVEMENTS Streets and Drainage FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY SECURITY $ -0- $ -0- k i' ~AY V:c.,~,Ty M~p- RH..,j.. ~P..c.~:,_ ,'vt~ Nc,.~,os~, No"T To ~c.AL~ PLANNING COMMISSION NINUTES AUGUST 20, 1~90 - improvements for Lot 31 be completed pr' of any lots. to occupancy Sam Reed stated that staff could am~ Condition No. 16 - B to state "street improvements and ndscape improvements on Via La Vida will be completed ior to occupancy". Convnissioner Hoagland moved to ~rove staff's reconnnendation and adopt the ative Declaration for Tentative Tract No. 23990, a approve Tentative Tract No. 23990, subject to the .owing modifications to Conditions of &pproval: C tion No. 13 - (1), change to read "prior to the of building permits" as long as appropriate ds have been issued: Condition No. 13 - ( delete the wall requirement on the east side of ~ property: Condition No. 15 - H, to remain as ~ded by staff; Condition No. 16 - E, street and lands, ~ improvements on Via La Vida completed pri occupancy permit; Condition No. 43, amended to re~ 'Lots shall not be allowed to drain on adjacent cts without a grading and/or drainage permit"; C~ tion No. 59, added as requested by the Traffic rtment and Condition No. 60, added for the payment Quimby Act Fees. Conlnissioner Blair seconded the mo ~, which carried the following roll call vote: : 4 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff Tentative Parcel Map. No...26036 3.1 Sam Reed presented the staff's report on the subdivision of a 1.79 acre parcel with existing buildings. Dave James, Ranpac Engineering, 27447 Enterprise Circle West, Temecula, gave a brief summary of the request and addressed the Commission's comments. Commissioner Fahey moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Hoagland. ]1IN.8/20/90 -4- 8/23/90 PLANNING COMMI SSION..NINUTES AUGUST 20, 1990 CommisSioner Blair moved to adopt the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 26036 and approve Parcel Map No. 26036, based on the Conditions of Approval set forth by the Planning Department. Commission_er Fahey seconded the motion which carried the following vote. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoagland, Chiniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 4.._& 5. Plot Plan No. 5 and. No. 6 Sam Reed presented the staff report No. 5, the construction of a 11,050 manufacturing facility on .57 No. 6, the construction of a 12, manufacturing facility on .63 Plot Plan foot light nd Plot Plan square foot light Joe Ventress, J.R. Miller & Ass ares, 2854 E. Imperial Highway, Brea, gave a brief de ription of the project. Mr. Venttess stated that the .al square footage did not include mezzanines in bo' buildings; however, the parking study incorporated s extra square footage. Mr. Ventress indicated an or in the staff report on page 4, under Health De rtment, and advised the Commission that the Heal Department requirements for both plot plans had eviewed. Commissioner_ Chiniaeff ~ked if the applicant would be opposed to reconfigur the location of the trash enclosure and the tr' loading doors so that they do not face the street. Conwnissioner Chiniaeff also expressed concern sufficient landscape and proper screening of roof ~ipment. Mr. Venttess sta' the project has satisfied the landscape re~ui ~ents and provided for sufficien~ screening of roof equipment, but that they could accomodate th :on~nission's requests. He also stated that there wol be no problem turning the door of the trash encl . away from the street; however, in relocatinq truck loading doors, the needs of the tenant would have to be considered. NZN. 8/20/90 -5- 8/2:S/90 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION August 20, 1990 Case No.: Tentative Parcel Map No. 26036 Recommendation: Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCAT ION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: Won Sang Yoo and Insook Yoo Ranpac Engineering Subdivide a 1.79 acre industrial parcel into 2 lots of · 89 and . 90 acres. On the west side of Enterprise Circle West, newar the terminus of Rider Way. MSC - Manufacturing Service Commercial North: MSC South: MSC East: MSC West: MSC North: South: East: West: Man ufactu ring / Office Man ufactu ring / Office Manufacturing/Commercial Vacant Total Acreage: No. of Proposed Parcels: 1.79 acres 2 STAFFRPT\TPM26036 ANALYSIS BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCR IPT ION: GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: This project was submitted to the City of Temecula on April 6, 1990. It was reviewed at the Preliminary Development Review Committee meeting on May 17, 1990. Background information was requested by the Engineering Department at that time and all pertinent information was received. An Initial Study was completed on April 16, 1990 which concluded that no significant impacts would affect the environment as a result of project implementation, given that full buildout of the site has already occurred. This project involves the re-establishment of two {2) parcels which were merged under Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 585, under Riverside County jurisdiction. Prior to the merger, the parcels were identified as parcels 10 and 11 of Tract 16178. When Plot Plans 9~7~ and 10923 were constructed, the parcels were merged. At this time a covered glass breezeway connects two separate buildings, each on one of the two proposed parcels. {See attached Parcel Merger Exhibit and Tentative Parcel Map No. 26036. ) Staff perceives no technical problems in subdividing the existing 1.79 acre parcels as long as appropriate restrictions and reciprocal access agreements are in place at the time of map recordation. Improvements and I nfrast ructu re No construction is authorized under this approval; buildings exist on the site at this time. No site improvements of off-site installations are required to approve the project. The land use currently in place on-site is consistent with zoning regulations and the SWAP designation. Staff finds it highly probable that this project will be consistent with the new General Plan when it is adopted. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act IC.E.Q.A.), an Initial Study was performed for this project. Staff found no possibility of a significant impact on the environment. That Initial Study is attached for review. A Negative Declaration has been FINDINGS: recommended for adoption· There is a reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 26036 will be consistent with the City's future General Plan, which will be completed in a reasonable time and in accordance with State law. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complies with State planning and zoning laws. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed subdivision in terms of the size and shape of the lot configuration, circulation patterns, access, and intensity of use. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. The project is compatible with surrounding land uses. The proposal will not have an adverse effect on surrounding property, because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. The project has acceptable access to a dedicated right-of-way which is open to, and useable by, vehicular traffic. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the expanded initial study performed for this project. 10. The design of the project, the type of improvements, and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. 11. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. J STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1. ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 26036. 2. APPROVE Parcel Map No. 26036. based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SR:ks Attachments: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Initial Environmental Study 3. Letter from Fire Dept. 4. Cert. of Parcel Map Merger 5. Exhibits CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY II Backqround 1. Name of Proponent: Ranpac Engineering Corporation ~ddress and Phone Number of Proponent: 27447 Enterprise 0 W Temecula, California 92390 Date of Environmental Assessment: 5-16-90 4. Agency Requiring Assessment: CITY OF TEMECULA e Name of Proposal, if applicable: T.P.M. 26036 6. Location of Proposal: On W~t ~idp nf Fnt~rprise Circle ~n~th nf Rider Way Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are provided on attached sheets. ) yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or or off site? X X X X BLANKIES/FORMS -1- Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslid·s, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? Yes Maybe No X X X X Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? he Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Ce Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life· Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals {birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Ce Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? p!/~ ldVll:C Yes Maybe No X 10. 11. 12. 13. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset· Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticicles, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yes Maybe No X ~:':' B! ,~NKIE-~II=O~M¢ -b- be ee Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? de Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? BLANKIES/FORMS Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? -5- Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X 17. 18. 19. b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Human Health. Will the proposal result in: ae Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard {excluding mental health ) ? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics· Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. ae Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? BLANKIES/FORMS -6- Yes X X 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehlstory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? I A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future. ) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? {A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? BLANKIES/FORMS -7- Yes ~ N_9o Project Description The applicant seeks to subdivide property, previously merged, into 2 lots, .9 and .89 acres in size. Two buildings have been constructed on the site. (PP 10923 and 9~7~ processed through Riverside County files not transmitted to Temecula as of this date) Photos of the site indicate that the buildings are joined by a glass breezeway or atrium. Landscaping is marginal and the construction on the site appears relatively recent. A review of the M-SC Zoning Section of Ordinance No. 3L~8 indicates that the proposal lots exceed minimum lot size 110,000 sq.ft. ). M-SC zoning is on all four sides. Ordinance 348, Section 11 .~4.b. 12) states no minimum building setback, except that | 3 ) says 25 feet from street right-d-ways. The existing building on proposed Parcel No. 1 is 10 fee back from the right-d-way, in conflict with the code provision cited above. Applicant will be requested to provide information relative to this seeming inconsistency. I A P.I.D. application may not have the same provision. ) III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation Earth 1.8. No. This application will not physically alter the site in any way. Earth conditions, soil, topography, and erosion potentials were presumably assessed and impacts mitigated under Plot Plan Application Numbers 10923 and 9~7~. 1.g. The project is in an area recognized with extreme liquefaction potential during episodes of ground shaking. It is not likely that any additional people would use the site as a result of the proposed parcel split. It is presumed that the grading and building design incorporates features to minimuze damage related to ground shaking. Air No. This application will not alter air emissions, increase odors or alter the local climate in any fashion. Water 3.a-i.. No. No change in water movement, absorption, flow of floodwaters, water quality, groundwater supplies in a qualitative or quantitative sense, water supplies or exposure of people to floodwaters will occur as a result of project implementation. No new construction is proposed. These impacts were presumably addressed in previous County- processed proposals. Plant Life ~.a-d. No. The site has previous approvals. split. been graded and buildings constructed under No additional impact can result from a 2 lot parcel Animal Life No. The site has been graded and buildings constructed under previous approvals. No additional impact can result from a 2 lot parcel split. Noise 6.a,b. No. Noise levels will not increase as a result of project implementation. No new noise generating features are proposed. Liqht and Glare No. Previously addressed under earlier plot plan approvals. No new lighting is proposed.