HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 20848 Rough Grading Report Sept. 21, 1987' LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED % 1 ' •SOILENGINEERING 113EOLOGY *GEOPHYSICS •GROUND WATER *MATERIALS TESTING *HAZARDOUS WASTE ASSESSMENT September 21, 1987 ' Project No. 6851326-02 1 TO: Sunland Housing Group Inland Empire Division 1060 East Washington Street, Suite 240 Colton, California 92324 ' ATTENTION: Mr. Jim Hatter ' SUBJECT: Final Compaction and Geologic Report of Rough Grading, Tract 20848, and Plot Plan 8632, Rancho California Area, Riverside County, California Reference: "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Tentative Tract No. 20848 and Plot Plan 8632, Rancho California Area, Riverside County, California," Project No. 6860407-01, dated April 9, 1986, by Leighton and ' Associates, Inc. Introduction ' In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to document the results of engineering and geologic observations, and field and laboratory testing during rough grading of the subject tract. Also contained herein are conclusions ' and recommendations pertinent to the proposed residential construction. The base map used to illustrate as -graded conditions, geologic data, and ' approximate locations of field density tests is the 40 -scale Rough Grading Plan. This plan was prepared by Rancho Pacific Engineering, Inc. of Rancho California and is dated April 28, 1986. 1 Accompanying Maps and Appendices Figure 1 - Index Map - Page 2 ' Plate 1 - Minimum Foundation and Slab Recommendations A(16' Plate 2 - Geologic and Test Location Maps (40 -Scale, 6 Sheets) - In Pockets Gradin ' Appendix A - Summary of Laboratory Tests Appendix B - Summary of Field Density Tests 1 1999 ATLANTA AVENUE, SUITE 1, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92507 (714)788-5800 TELEX 249208 LAOEO UR ' REGIONAL OFFICES SERVING THE COUNTIES OF: ORANGE, LOS ANGELES, VENTURA, SAN DIEGO, RIVERSIDE/SAN BERNARDINO AND THE COACHELLA AND SANTA CLARITA VALLEY AREAS. 13 A; -W\.1.. �vr - �!- f.•.�7�,:.-: •i. rll. #1.,4 —.J i__ �P ,II , ;: 42, Ur f: �•..� f t J� \ 24 NO I do !. - , _ ,.... ire ..� T3- • .� %._ o� Mill �J `;"� I"' ..per N.A•P• , a30 - �I _A ARlffno _I � 'r -A • Ly a I . L— .r `q+' - .•'.+=,r •��' l .471 _� �' `• • BM 10- - y,, -'- to wf11 Reiervair� _ • i�l' --a 1.. _ -•�`I.'`_"•`,�-�=1w• Z v X 3 D mu NN scala Meet INDEX MAP OF TRACT NO. 20848 RANCHO CALIFORNIA AREA RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (Subject Site Shown in Yellow) Base Map: USGS Bachelor Mtn. 7s' Quadrangle, 1953 (Photo Revised f7f 11 USGS Murrieta 7�' Quadrangle, 1953 (Photo Revised 1979) 2 _ LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 6851326-02 ' SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK PERFORMED ' General ' Rough grading of Tract 20848 was completed by Pacific Coast Construction of Escondido, California. It was conducted during the period from June 1987 through August 1987. ' Rough Grading t Areas to receive fill were stripped of vegetation and debris prior to grading. These materials were placed in designated offsite disposal areas, or otherwise removed from the site. Nominal amounts of annual grasses that remained after t clearing were diluted into excavated soils and placed as fill. Prior to the placement of fill, the upper loose alluvial soils to depths of 5 to 6 feet were overexcavated in low lying and canyon areas. The exposed subgrade was ' then scarified to a depth of 6 to 12 inches, brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Areas of shallower alluvium were encountered in the south and east parts of +the tract ' during grading. These soils were removed and recompacted to depths of 3- feet. Fill materials were generated from excavations within the subject tract. Fill was placed in 4 to 10 inch loose lifts, according to material type. During excavation ' and fill placement, moisture was added where necessary to achieve near optimum moisture distribution. Each lift of fill was then spread even and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. This is relative to the maximum ' density determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557-78. Earth materials were excavated, transported and placed by self -loading and tandem ' loading scrapers, and D-8 size dozers. Water was added using water trucks. Earth materials were spread into even lifts, mixed and compacted using a Caterpillar 824 pulling a sheepsfoot roller or a "bee gee", and fully loaded scrapers. Fill slopes were constructed in accordance with our specifications contained in the referenced report. For fill over cut slopes and keyways were constructed in accordance with our specifications. These keyways are located in slopes on Lots ' 100-106, 109-125, 59-61 and 63. Fill slopes were overbuilt 2± feet to 4 feet, track rolled by a dozer and trimmed back) exposing a compacted inner core at the slope surface. Fill placed in the channel area was not observed or tested and is ' not included as a part of this project. I 3 F T;pw n- u ' LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 1 6851326-02. 1 1 1 1 1 [1 1 1 L 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 Cut portions of transition lots within the building pad area were overexcavated such that the minimum compacted fill thickness is 36 inches. These lots include 6, 14, 15, 18-20, 26, 29-38, 59, 64-67, 77 and 81. Lots 42, 43, 46 and 51 were also overexcavated to a depth of 36 inches below finished grade due to the poor natural condition of the soils exposed at pad grade. Where field density test results indicated that the minimum compaction requirements had not been achieved, the materials were reworked or replaced, as necessary, and verified by additional testing for compliance with project specifications. Field density testing was conducted on each lift and is not intended to be constrained to a "per lot" basis (i.e. each test may represent a lift placed on more than one lot). Certain tests were not computed for relative compaction. These tests were initiated for informational purposes. The partial data has, however, been included as a part of this report. u T;I% — 4 _ I LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 6851326-02 SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS General Plot Plan 8632, Sheet 3 of 8 only, consists entirely of fill; no cut is exposed. The bedrock unit consists primarily of gray -white and brown sandstone, silty sandstone with some siltstone. Ancient channel sand deposits have been locally exposed by cut slopes. A thin veneer of topsoil and colluvium mantles the tops of perimeter cut slopes. Local cut surfaces in Tract 20848 have exposed sedimentary bedrock of the Quaternary age Pauba formation. ' Geologic Structures Bedding of the exposed bedrock generally ranges from poorly bedded to massive. ' Overall, the formation dips about 2 to 5 degrees to the northwest; however, undulation of individual bedding surfaces results in locally steeper inclinations up to 18 degrees to both the north and south. East of Lots 85-87, sheared bedding ' surfaces were mapped in channel cut slopes and in a temporary road cut for a street to be known as Via Lobo. These sheared surfaces dip between 8 to 18 degrees and are neutral or into slope. ' There is a fairly well developed joint pattern within the site that trends in a northeast to southwest direction. It is most prominen� on Lots 46-50 and 54-56. Since the jointing predominantly dip in excess of 80- degrees, these features do ' not adversely affect slop stability. Faulting ' No faults are known to pass through the site and none were found during site grading. The site is not located within the limits of any State Special Studies Zone for active faulting. The nearest such zone is located approximately ' 2}± miles to the southwest and was established by the State Geologist due to the presence of the active Wildomar fault. Further, the site is not located within the boundaries of any County fault hazard zone. ' Ground Water 1 Ground water was not encountered in exploratory borings drilled during our preliminary geotechnical investigation of the site, and none was encountered during site grading. A tentative subdrain recommended in our preliminary report in the vicinity of Benwood Circle was not installed since this area is cut and no ground water was encountered. -5- I u �LJLJ • LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 1 6851326-02 ' CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 1. Compacted Fill Test results in fill indicate a relative compaction of at least 90 percent of ' the maximum dry density. The approximate locations of the field density tests are shown on the Geologic and Test Location Maps (in pockets). ' Based on observation and testing, the grading procedures and methods used were generally in accordance with standard specifications contained in the referenced report. 2. Expansion Potential ' Laboratory test results and observation of soils on each lot in the foundation areas indicate expansion potentials vary from very low to very high. A list of lots versus EI is contained in Appendix A. 3. Cut Slopes Cut slopes excavated within the site at inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal to ' vertical) are considered to be grossly stable due to the massive to poorly bedded nature of the Pauba formation and strength of these materials. These slopes, however, may be subject to surficial erosion and should be planted and maintained as soon as practical to minimize this potential. A temporary roadcut was graded offsite to the south to allow for partial improvement of a street to be known as Via Lobo. This roadcut is inclined at a ratio of 1:1. According to Sheet 7 of 8 of the grading, only the western half of the roadway was graded now. It appears that the remaining half of the road will be graded whenever the adjoining property is developed. Considering that adverse geologic structures were not exposed by the roadcut, short-term stability problems are not anticipated. Long-term stability, however, is questionable due to the steep inclination of this slope. ' Recommendations 1. Foundations/Slabs-On-Grade 1 The minimum foundation and slabs -on -grade recommendations for various expansive classifications are presented on Plate 1. Foundation design should be based on the appropriate category for expansion potential of each lot, unless otherwise specified. Results of expansion index testing are contained in Appendix A. ' Fibermesh may be utilized in concrete for slabs -on -grade in lieu of wire mesh for very low to low expansive conditions at your discretion. Presoaking of the slabs subgrade would, however, be required as recommended. - 6 - I u �LJLJ • ' LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 6851326-02 I 2. Concrete ' Concrete for foundations and slabs -on -grade may use Type II Portland cement or equivalent. The use of low slump concrete (not exceeding 4 inches) at the ' time of placement is recommended. 3. Lateral Loads ' Lateral loads may be resisted by using passive earth pressures of 400 psf/foot, but should not exceed 3,000 psf. The upper 1 foot of soil cover adjacent to structure should not be considered in design. A friction ' coefficient of 0.25 for clayey soils and 0.35 for sandy soils may be used for lateral restraint along the bottom of concrete footings. ' If friction and passive resistance are combined to resist lateral loads, the passive pressure should be reduced to two-thirds of the above value. 4. Retaining Walls ' Retaining walls should be designed to resist equivalent fluid pressures presented in the following table. For walls that are not free to rotate or ' are braced the active pressure should be increased by 50 percent (a factor of 1.5). Additionally, retaining walls should contain at their heels adequate drainage devices to minimize seepage forces. 1 Slope of Backfill Active Pressure psf ' Horizontal 40 3:1 50 2:1 60 ' 5. Site Drainage All surface and roof runoff should be directed away from the foundations and ' slopes, toward the streets or other approved drainage devices. Water should not be allowed to pond. Due to the expansive nature of the soils, this ' recommendation on lots with expansion cannot be overemphasized. Additionally, planters potentials equal to or greater than medium constructed should have sealed bottoms if adjacent to footing areas. ' 6 Pavement Design A pavement design for streets based on R -value testing can be provided .if requested. 7. Seismic Design ' Structures should be designed to resist the effects of seismic activity in the region. The most recent edition of the Uniform Building Code, Riverside County Standards, and our preliminary geotechnical report should be consulted ' for appropriate data. ' - 7 LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 6851326-02 8. Slopes All slopes should be planted and maintained as soon as possible in order to minimize the possibility of surficial erosion. 9. Additional Observation and Testi Observation and testing should be conducted by Leighton and Associates, Inc. ' at the following stages of construction. a After trench backfills have been properly compacted, unless performed by ' the County. o After footing trench excavations for Lots 41 and 50 have been made but prior to placement of reinforcing steel and pouring of concrete. 1 o Concurrent with presaturation prior to construction of the slabs. c Concurrent with subgrade preparation and compaction, unless performed by the County. ' o Concurrent with aggregate base placement and compaction, unless performed by the County. o When any unusual conditions are encountered. ' We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 Hob s Staff Engin/eery / nG/.C'�Z��cy"� Ga Wallace, CEG 1255 Engineering Geologist S. A. Siddiqui, RCE 19915 Chief Geotechnical Engineer/Manager WH/GW/SAS/jh Distribution: (5) Addressee (1) Rancho Pacific Engineering Attention: Mr. Ed Beach I u IULJ • - $ LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 1 6851326-02 Marr Foatings e- Note N. 1) �Star, Faalin.g, ee Note Na. 1) 1 Minimum Fmlirvg Yidth jarage Durr Grade Beam 1 ISe ;nq Arco ear Slab, e No le Na 2) I Garage Floor i lobs re-soo4ir.) of '„ing Area and Drage Slabs fAlmIMUM FOUrIOATION ANO SLA8 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXPANSIVE 501LS (OhE- AND TWO-STORY RESICENTIAL BUILDINGS) UB.C. EXPAt CION INCEX 0-20 VERY LOW EXPAr6lON All faalings 12” deep. Remfarcemcnt for eonti,.s loalmgs: one No. 4 bar Ica, and ballam. E<lenar footings 18" deep. Interior foo Kegs 12" deco. P.unlorcemenr far continuous fooling,: one hl.- 4 bar Iop and bat tarn. 12" continuous 24" isolated pad, A grade beam 12" < IZ" ,hould be pre—dd acres, the garage entrance. The base should be at the fame ^elevation a3 that of the adjoining feelings. Nominal 4" (hick slab. 6x6-10/10'NVIF rrnforcement at mid -height. 6 mil Visaveen moisture barrier on and grade .th 1" sand above Visqucen. Nanning[ 4" thick slab oa and grade. Garagc slabs should be isolated from seem wall footings with a minimum 3/8" felt e-.ansian joint. Garage slabs should be guarler-sa'-t'M1 Neer optimum la a deplh of 6". UE.C. E:<PAhS10N INDEX 71 -50 LOW EXPANSION All loolings 12"deep. Reinforcement for conlinuou, footings: ane hlo. 4 bar top and bollam. Exterior fooling, 18" dem. Interior faalings 12" dcp. Reinfarcemcnr lar can rinuous foalir..Is: one No.4 bar top and half., IZ" c.ntinaoan 24" isolated pads A grade beam 12" < 12" should be pr.�id-d across the garage entrance. The base should be at the same el,,afion as the? of the adjoining foaling& Naminal It" thick slab - 6x6 -10/10 'W%VF reinforcement at rmldheight. 6 mil Vi,queen moisture barrier above 2" and base ..rilh 1" and ab... Visqueen. Nominal 4" thick slob en 2" sand base. Garage slabs should be isolated from stem +•ell faalings •nlh a minimum 3/8" fell e<cansian joint. Garage slobs should be avert eraawM1 (1.2) x optimum la a death of 6". U.8.C. EXPANSION INCEX 51-90 MEDIUM EXPANSION E<teriar fwlings IB" dem. Interior footings 12" deep. Reinforcement forcanhnucus feelings: one Na.4bar lop and baltom- E.,<lenor laolings 18" deep. Interior footings 12" de_o. Reinforcement far eaminaoas footings one No. 4 bar lop and batlo,n 12" Co. linuatu 21," isolated pads A grade beam 12" x 12" should be prodded across the garage entrance The base shauld be at the same alcmlion as :hat of the adjoining footings. Nominal h" thick slab. 6x6.6/6 WVIF reinforcement at mldbeghl. 6 mil Visrlurn moisture barrier above 3" sand base with I" sand abo,e Visquac, Nominal 4" thick slab w 2" sand base. Garage slabs should be isolated from stem wall [..rings •,ilh a minimum 3/8' felt e.:aansian joint. Garage slabs should be quarter - sawn and re,nf.rc A ..Ifh 6,6-10/10 W%yF at m,d- height. (1.31 < ao fimum to a depth of 12". U.B.C. EAs AN SIGN INDEX 91 -130 HIGH EXPANSION Es ter for footings 2A" dem. Interior footings 18" deep. Reinforcement far cominuous fasting, one M. 5 bar top and bottom; allemastely, Iwa No. 4 ban top, two No. 4 bars bell., I Exterior footings 24"deco. Interior footings 18' deep. Rcmforeemn rl far cantinvws footings: one No. 5 bar tap and bottom; alternately, Iwa No. 4 ban top, two No. 4 bars bottom. 12" e.ntlnunus 24" isolwe-d pads A grade beam 18' x 18' should be provided across the garage entrance. The base should be at the same rle,isli.a w that of the adjoining footings. Nominal 4" thick slab. 6,t6-416 WWF reinforcement or mid hegbL 6 and Visqueca moisture barrier above 4" and base with 1" and above Visqueen. flaming] 4" thick slab on 2" and base. Garage slobs should be isolated from stem wall faalings with a minimum 3i8' felt exoansiOn joint. Garage slabs should be everter-sa..n and reirf.,cd with 6x6-10/10 'NRF of mid -height. (1.4) •.olimum to a depth of 18'. 110TES: I. Depth of ea erfor tenting, to be measured from lo-.,st odjacenl ground surface. Death of inlcrior foaling, to be measured from lowest odjoeenl pad grade, not including the thickness of the slab or sand blur el. Maximum allwable bearing pressure: 1,500 p,f. '. LMj arca dab, d,ould be lie•] to the faalings os directed by the strut tar al ergimer. I I I u� • LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES PLATE 1 INCORPORATED I I L' 1 I [1 I APPENDIX A IuIj LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 1 1- COHiPACT 1 ON TEST. DATA f•'POISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT I S 1D 15 20 H 0 ZERO AIR VOIDS 0 Borine or Test Pit B-2 7 Gepth, in Feet 10_35' U Reoresentive For Soil Type P-1 C W ' C N C ici Grain Sices in Parcent of Dry b:eight O Sand (Retained on =200 Sieve) - Z Fines (Passing #200 Sieve) - F- Cn 1_0 Liquid Limit Lu c ' } c c Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM) Medium dark lis COHiPACT 1 ON TEST. DATA f•'POISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT I S 1D 15 20 t Locallav ZERO AIR VOIDS Borine or Test Pit B-2 7 Gepth, in Feet 10_35' ' Reoresentive For Soil Type P-1 G=2.7 SOIL CLASS I F I C4T ICAN ' t Locallav Borine or Test Pit B-2 Gepth, in Feet 10_35' ' Reoresentive For Soil Type P-1 SOIL CLASS I F I C4T ICAN ' Grain Sices in Parcent of Dry b:eight Sand (Retained on =200 Sieve) - ' Fines (Passing #200 Sieve) - n..=.,•oDry ::e ieht „��_ ,ere Limits, in Percent or Liquid Limit ' Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM) Medium dark brown, minor clay, ' fine to medium grained CG';PACTION PROPERTIES ' Mjethod of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O_ Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound hafriner falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) ' 10.0 Optimum f4oisture Content, in percent of Dry b:eight I12r.inum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 127.5 ' PROJECT NO. 6851326-02 _ LEICiHTON P ASSO(-IATES PLATE NOA-i 11 0 0 LLU C` U U cf W G c iC: L 0 z r z LU c r c r, coi'PAC-Ti ON TEST-3—ATA iiOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT s 1n 15 20 L0C41ION Boring or Test Pit Depth, ir, Fee- Reoresen_s_ive For B-4 5-9' Soil Type P-2 SE = 14 SOIL CL4SSIFICATIC+y Crain Si_es in Percent of Dry V!Eight Sand (;retained on "200 Sieve) c9 ' Fines (Passing 200 Sieve) 31 Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry !:eight ' Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM) Medium dark brown, clay, 'Cr'ine to coarse grained c' 1?ACT MGN PROPERTIES ES ' Method of Compaction ASTMS Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold to pound harmer ' falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry b:eight 138.0 M2y.ir..um Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot ' PROJECTfl�._6s�32 — LEMGHTat p ASSrrMAlES PLATE NOA=i;_ IZERO AIRVOiDS i i I SIII� I L0C41ION Boring or Test Pit Depth, ir, Fee- Reoresen_s_ive For B-4 5-9' Soil Type P-2 SE = 14 SOIL CL4SSIFICATIC+y Crain Si_es in Percent of Dry V!Eight Sand (;retained on "200 Sieve) c9 ' Fines (Passing 200 Sieve) 31 Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry !:eight ' Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM) Medium dark brown, clay, 'Cr'ine to coarse grained c' 1?ACT MGN PROPERTIES ES ' Method of Compaction ASTMS Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold to pound harmer ' falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry b:eight 138.0 M2y.ir..um Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot ' PROJECTfl�._6s�32 — LEMGHTat p ASSrrMAlES PLATE NOA=i;_ r - I I10 COMPACTION TES_TDATA t•IOISTURE CO`JTEVT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT LOGaTioN SE = g Boring or est Pit B-6 Depth, in Feet 2-6' ReDresentative For Soil Type P-3 SOIL CLASS IF iGAT iC+N Crain Sizes in Percent of Dry 4leiaht Sand (Retained on 200 Sieve) 54 Fires (Passing =200 Sieve) 46 Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry +:'elght Liquid Limit - Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description CLAYEY SILTY SAND (S1) Medium brown -dark brown, rine to medium grained Ca-1PACT ION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound harmer falling 18 inches, 25 blov.s per layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry Leight 9.5 125.5 Mayj r.um Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot PPOJECT NO.___0b510 o -it LEIG-HTON P, FSS`JCIATES PLATE NO.A-iii ZERO AIR VOIDS G= 2.6 LOGaTioN SE = g Boring or est Pit B-6 Depth, in Feet 2-6' ReDresentative For Soil Type P-3 SOIL CLASS IF iGAT iC+N Crain Sizes in Percent of Dry 4leiaht Sand (Retained on 200 Sieve) 54 Fires (Passing =200 Sieve) 46 Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry +:'elght Liquid Limit - Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description CLAYEY SILTY SAND (S1) Medium brown -dark brown, rine to medium grained Ca-1PACT ION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound harmer falling 18 inches, 25 blov.s per layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry Leight 9.5 125.5 Mayj r.um Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot PPOJECT NO.___0b510 o -it LEIG-HTON P, FSS`JCIATES PLATE NO.A-iii C W 0- } } c c COMPACT ION TEST DAT h1OISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT n 5 1n 1S 61 SE = 13 LOGa.T !ON Boring or Test Pit 3-6 Depth, in Feet 3-7' Reoresent-tive For Soil Type P-4 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry '::eight Sand (Retained on -200 Sieve) 03 Fines (Passing -200 Sieve) 32 Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry ':.eicht Liquid Limit Plasticity Index - Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM) Medium brown, fine to coarse grained CG'iPACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound haFmer falling 18 inches, 25 blov.s per layer) Optimum lioisture Content, in percent of Dry Leight 7.5 maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 132.0 PROJECT I')0._ 6851326-02 — I ElcHaCN P, ASSOCIATES PLATE NO,A-iv ZERO AIR VOIDS G=2.6 SE = 13 LOGa.T !ON Boring or Test Pit 3-6 Depth, in Feet 3-7' Reoresent-tive For Soil Type P-4 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry '::eight Sand (Retained on -200 Sieve) 03 Fines (Passing -200 Sieve) 32 Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry ':.eicht Liquid Limit Plasticity Index - Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM) Medium brown, fine to coarse grained CG'iPACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound haFmer falling 18 inches, 25 blov.s per layer) Optimum lioisture Content, in percent of Dry Leight 7.5 maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 132.0 PROJECT I')0._ 6851326-02 — I ElcHaCN P, ASSOCIATES PLATE NO,A-iv C0i,1P�ItCT I ON TEST DATA ' P101STURE OC+`ITENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT 5 10 15 20 0 ZERO AIR VOIDS C7 �G=2.7 i ' SE=59 no or Test Piz 3-8 h n Feet 4-8' etanive For Soil Type P-5 AGAT I ON !ezes in Percent or Dry ' ght and (Retained on #200 Sieve) 95 its (Passing #200 Sieve) 5 rberg Limits, in Percent of Dry '::eight iid Limit - '11ticity Index - pe and Description SAND (co SP/SM) Medium brown to orange -brown, fine to )N ROPERT I ES io of Compaction mer AaS Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. ;oil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound harr. .-aling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) ir� Moisture Content, in percent of Dry "eight 138.5 it Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 0�-6851326 02_ ASSOCIATES PLATE NO.A-v I I C] 135 0 0 U 130 m 0 w a 125 0 0 a 120 L w Gi 115 COMPACTION TEST DATA P101STURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT u 10 15 20 z� ZERO AIR VOIDS G=2.7 LOCATION Boring or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Representative For Soil Type G-1 "OIL CLASSIFIC.ATICN Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on n200 Sieve) Fines (Passing ""200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry height Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Medium brown, fine to coarse grained. CO' iPACT ION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.I1.0. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry 6leight 129.0 Maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot PROJECT (`)0._ _6851326-02 LEIGHTON R ASSOCIATES PLATE NO,A-vi 5 130 0 0 0 LL U 12E m U U Cf W d N Z 12( 0 a z r L 11`. w CD} G 110 COMPACTION TEST DATA VO ISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT in 1S 2n 25 ' LOCATION Boring or Test Pit ' Depth, in Feet Representative For Soil Type G-2 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on 200 Sieve) ' Fines (Passing 200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry 4leight Liquid Limit Plasticity Index 1 Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Dark brown, fine to coarse grained. CO' (PACT I ON PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound harmer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum I.loisture Content, in percent of Dry 4leight 12.0 llaximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 122.0 PROJECT 1110.__6851326-02 __ (.L"IGHTM Y, ASSdCIATES PLATE No. A ZERO AIR VOIDS \� G=2.7 ' LOCATION Boring or Test Pit ' Depth, in Feet Representative For Soil Type G-2 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on 200 Sieve) ' Fines (Passing 200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry 4leight Liquid Limit Plasticity Index 1 Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Dark brown, fine to coarse grained. CO' (PACT I ON PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound harmer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum I.loisture Content, in percent of Dry 4leight 12.0 llaximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 122.0 PROJECT 1110.__6851326-02 __ (.L"IGHTM Y, ASSdCIATES PLATE No. A ' 135 ' o 0 130 U ' al U a_ LU w U`) 125 L 1 0 ct L z 120 w 0 ' } o_ a 115 COMPACTION TEST DATA MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT 0 5 10 15 20 ZERO AIR VOIDS ' LoCATION Boring or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Representative For Soil Type G-3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on 5"200 Sieve) Fines (Passing 5"200 Sieve) Atterbery Limits, in Percent of Dry l•leight ' Liquid Limit Plasticity Index 1 1 1 1 G=2.7 Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Medium to dark brown, fine to coarse grained. CO' 1PACT I ON PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.I1.0. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum I•loisture Content, in percent of Dry bleight 9.5 Maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 129.5 PROJECT (`0,__6851326-02 — LEIGHTU4 Y, ASSOCIATES PLATE N0. A -vii i 130 0 0 0 1- 125 U LU Cl - 120 0 rZ z r F - Ln 115 L uJ Q 110 COMPACTION TEST DATA MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT 5 in 15 20 25 LOCATION Boring or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Reoresentative For Soil Type G-4 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on ;;200 Sieve) Fires (Passing "'200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry height Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Dark brown, fine to coarse grained. CG'1FACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.11.0. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) optimum I-joisture Content, in percent of Dry I:eiyht 11.5 Maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 125.0 PROJECT NO- _ _6851326-02 LEIGHTON R ASSOCIATES PLATE NO,A-ix ZERO AIR VOIDS G=2.7 LOCATION Boring or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Reoresentative For Soil Type G-4 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on ;;200 Sieve) Fires (Passing "'200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry height Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Dark brown, fine to coarse grained. CG'1FACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.11.0. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) optimum I-joisture Content, in percent of Dry I:eiyht 11.5 Maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 125.0 PROJECT NO- _ _6851326-02 LEIGHTON R ASSOCIATES PLATE NO,A-ix 140 1-- 0 0 135 o' LU a L 130 0 0 Q_ z I I" 125 L w C Cf 120 COMPACTION TEST DATA MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT 0 5 10 1b ZU ZERO AIR VOIDS G=2.7 LOCATION Borino or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Reoresentative For Soil Type G-5 SOIL CLASSIFICATICIN Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on F"200 Sieve) Fines (Passing 200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry Ileight Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Medium brown, fine grained. CO,' !PACT ION FROPERT I ES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry 4leiyht 10.5 Nar.imum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 134.0 PROJECT NO._ 6851326-02 LEIGHTON F, ASSOCIATES PLATE N0. A -x 125 0 0 0 v 120 m v LU 0 - Lo Lo 0 115 z 0 0 CL z r F-- ` 110 w 0 105 COMPACTION TEST DATA MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT ZERO AIR VOIDS ' LOCATION Boring or Test Pit ' Depth, in =eet Representative For Soil Type B-6 SOIL C ASSIFICATICN Grain Sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on 1"200 Sieve) ' Fines (Passing 6"200 Sieve) Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry Ueight Liquid Limit Plasticity Index 1 G=2.7 Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Medium brown, fine to medium grained. CIXiPACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test I•lethod D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 cubic foot mold 10 pound harmer falling 18 inches, 25 blows per layer) OpLimum 1loisture Content, in percent of Dry 4feight 16.0 Iia Y.il➢Um Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 116.0 PROJECT 1`I0. 6851326-02 — LL=IGHTCYJ Y ASSOCIATES PLATE NO. A xi I". O O W 12C C W d Z er 10� COMPACTION TEST DATA MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT Ir on 0G 1V ZERO AIR VOIDS Depth, in Feet G=2.7 OIL CLASSIFICATION Grain sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on #200 Sieve) - Fines (Passing #200 Sieve) - OCATION Boring or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Representative For Soil Type 8 OIL CLASSIFICATION Grain sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on #200 Sieve) - Fines (Passing #200 Sieve) - Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry Weight Liquid Limit Plasticity Index " Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Medium brown to tan, fine to medium grained. :OMPACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.U. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 Cubic Foot f,lold 10 Pound Hammer Falling 18 Inches, 25 Blows Per Layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry Weight 13.5 Maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Fout 121.5 ' PROJECT N0. 6851326-02 LEIGHTON 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. PLATE NO.A-xii F- 0 0 W U r -i D] U C w a U1 0 z CD 0 a z F- V) N z W O Y c 0 125 120 115 110 105 COMPACTION TEST DATA MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT 5 10 15 20 25 ZERO AIR VOIDS G=2.6 LOCATION Boring or Test Pit Depth, in Feet Representative For Soil Type 9 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Grain sizes in Percent of Dry Weight Sand (Retained on #200 Sieve) - Fines (Passing #200 Sieve) - Atterberg Limits, in Percent of Dry Weight Liquid Limit _ Plasticity Index Soil Type and Description SILTY SAND (SM), Yellowish to tan brown, fine grained. COMPACTION PROPERTIES Method of Compaction ASTM Standard Test Method D1557-78 Equivalent to A.A.S.H.O. Soil Compaction Test T180-57 (1/30 Cubic Foot Mold 10 Pound Hammer Falling 18 Inches, 25 Blows Per Layer) Optimum Moisture Content, in percent of Dry Weight 14.0 Maximum Dry Density, in pounds per Cubic Foot 116.0 PROJECT NO. 6851326-02 LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. PLATE NO. A- xiii 1 6851326-02 EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ' Expansive Sample Initial Compacted Dry Final Volumetric Expansion Location Moisture (%) Density (PCF) Moisture (%) Swell (%) Index Classification 1 - Lot 3 8.4 116.1 14.8 0.7 7 Very Low 2 - Lot 8 8.1 116.9 15.2 1.4 14 Very Low 3 - Lot 13 7.4 119.7 14.0 0.1 1 Very Low 4 - Lot 19 7.8 117.6 12.9 0.4 4 Very Low 5 - Lot 26 7.7 119.4 13.9 0.3 3 Very Low 6 - Lot 40 10.0 110.5 19.9 1.8 18 Very Low ' 7 - Lot 45 8.0 117.0 15.3 0.2 2 Very Very Low Low 8 - Lot 49 9.3 112.4 20.0 1.6 16 9 - Lot 54 14.1 96.3 36.3 15.9 159 Very High 10 - Lot 57 7.5 119.0 14.8 1.9 19 Very Low ' 11 - Lot 62 6.9 121.8 15.5 0.8 8 Very Low 12 - Lot 69 8.7 113.5 20.3 5.7 57 Medium ' 13 14 - Lot - Lot 72 77 8.4 7.8 115.9 118.9 17.7 17.1 3.5 4.2 35 42 Low Low 15 - Lot 82 9.0 112.9 16.5 0.4 4 Very Low 16 - Lot 88 9.4 112.4 18.8 3.6 36 Low ' 17 - Lot 89 9.1 112.5 18.3 1.2 12 Very Low 18 - Lot 94 8.5 115.2 18.4 5.1 51 Medium 19 - Lot 99 9.6 110.0 23.1 5.1 51 Medium 20 - Lot 104 14.9 94.3 36.9 9.2 92 High ' 21 - Lot 108 9.2 112.2 21.4 3.9 39 Low 22 - Lot 111 8.9 113.5 18.1 3.5 35 Low 23 - Lot 116 8.8 114.2 16.1 0.1 10 Very Low ' 24 - Lot 121 7.5 119.6 14.9 0.1 10 Very Low Note: Tests in accordance with UBC Standard 29-2 Classification LOT NUMBER Expansion Index 0-20 very low 48, 49, 52, 57, 62, 81, 82, 89, 91, 116, 119, 3, 7, ' 8, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22-24, 26-29, 40, 44-46, 121 21-50 low 1, 2, 4-6, 9-12, 14, 18, 21, 25, 30-32, 41-43, 47, 50, t 51, 58, 59, 61, 63, 65-67, 72, 75, 77, 83, 88, 90, 92, 97, 108, 111, 114, 115, 117, 120, 122 51-90 medium 16, 33-35, 39, 56, 60, 64, 68-71, 73, 74, 76, 78-80, 84-87, 93-96, 98, 99, 109, 110, 112, 113, 118, 123 91-130 high 36, 37, 100-107, 124, 125 130+ very high 38, 53-55 1 1 ' A - xiv I 1 1 P APPENDIX B 1 [1 j I � u �o LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED ' 6851326-02 r - APPENDIX B FIELD DENSITY TEST PROCEDURE ' 1. Field Density Tests were performed in accordance with Sand Cone Test Method ASTM 01556-64. ' 2. *Denotes Driven Sampler Method of Testing - ASTM 02937-71. 3. **Denotes Field Density Tests were performed by Troxler Nuclear Gauge Test Method. 4. Maximum Densities and Optimum Moistures were determined in accordance with 01557-78, unless otherwise noted. 'ASTM 5. A letter following the Test No. indicates a retest as shown in the following example: ' Test No. 6 - Original Test ' Test No. 6A - First Retest of Test No. 6 Test No. 6B - Second Retest of Test No. 6 I I 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 ' Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 ' 1 6/9 Contour Fill G-4 1107.0 112.4 125.0 11.8 11.5 90 Area ' 2 6/9 Contour Fill G-4 1108.0 115.4 125.0 10.2 11.5 92 Area ' 3 6/9 Contour Fill P-4 1105.5 122.3 132.0 10.3 7.5 93 Area 4 6/9 Contour Fill P-4 1106.5 121.7 132.0 10.4 7.5 92 ' Area 5 6/9 Contour Fill P-4 1107.5 120.8 132.0 8.0 7.5 91 ' Area 6 6/9 Contour Fill P-5 1108.5 117.8 131.5 10.3 8.5 90 ' Area 7 6/9 Contour Fill P-5 1108.0 127.6 131.5 9.6 8.5 97 Area 8 6/9 Contour Fill P-5 1109.0 121.3 131.5 10.7 8.5 92 Area ' 91 9 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1108.5 118.2 129.5 11.1 9.5 Area ' 10 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1109.0 121.3 129.5 10.5 9.5 94 Area ' 11 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1110.0 117.0 129.5 6.4 9.5 90 Area 12 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1110.5 112.6 129.5 5.8 9.5 87 Area ;NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum ield Opt. Compaction 1987 ' 12A 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1110.5 122.2 129.5 9.7 9.5 94 Area ' 13 6/10 Contour Fill P-3 1111.0 114.8 125.5 8.4 9.5 91 Area ' 14 6/10 Contour Fill P-3 1110.5 114.3 125.5 9.0 9.5 91 Area 15 6/10 Contour Fill P-4 1109.0 115.8 132.0 9.9 7.5 88 ' Area 97 15A 6/10 Contour Fill P-4 1109.0 124.7 132.0 7.6 7.5 94 Area 16 6/10 Contour Fill P-4 1110.0 126.0 132.0 11.0 7.5 95 Area 50 17 6/10 Contour Fill P-4 1108.0 128.3 132.0 8.2 7.5 97 ' Area 50 18 6/10 Contour Fill P-5 1110.5 117.9 131.5 7.8 8.5 90 Area 50 19 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1107.0 120.5 129.5 12.5 9.5 93 Area 20 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1108.0 124.6 129.5 11.5 9.5 96 Area ' 21 6/10 Contour Fill P-5 1109.5 124.9 131.5 10.0 8.5 95 Area ' 22 6/10 Contour Fill P-5 1109.5 120.8 131.5 12.0 8.5 92 Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS ProJ ect No 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 1 Comments ' Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative No Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 119.2 129.5 11.3 9.5 92 119.5 125.0 13.5 11.5 1987 113.7 129.5 9.7 9.5 88 127.0 129.5 7.3 9.5 98 113.4 129.5 23 6/10 Contour Fill G-3 1110.5 9.5 97 115.8 Area 12.5 9.5 92 ' 24 6/11 Contour Fill G-4 1109.5 9.6 7.5 90 Area 125.5 8.5 9.5 93 25 6/11 Contour Fill G-3 1111.0 125.0 12.6 11.5 Area 25A 6/11 Contour Fill G-3 1110.5 ' Area 26 6/11 Contour Fill G-3 1111.0 ' Area 26A 6/11 Contour Fill G-3 1111.0 Area 27 6/11 Contour Fill P-3 1108.0 ' Area 28 6/11 Contour Fill P-4 1109.0 Area 29 6/11 Contour Fill P-4 1109.0 ' 30 6/11 Contour Fill P-3 1107.5 Area 31 6/11 Contour Fill G-4 1108.5 ' Area 32 6/11 Contour Fill G-4 1107.5 ' Area NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 119.2 129.5 11.3 9.5 92 119.5 125.0 13.5 11.5 96 113.7 129.5 9.7 9.5 88 127.0 129.5 7.3 9.5 98 113.4 129.5 9.5 9.5 88 126.0 129.5 7.4 9.5 97 115.8 125.5 12.5 9.5 92 122.6 132.0 8.4 7.5 93 118.9 132.0 9.6 7.5 90 117.0 125.5 8.5 9.5 93 113.8 125.0 10.5 11.5 91 114.5 125.0 12.6 11.5 92 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Pro'Ject No 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 1 Comments ' Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative No Date Location Type Test Elev. Fie d Maximum ie a Opt. Compaction 118.2 131.5 10.7 8.5 90 121.3 132.0 8.9 7.5 1987 113.8 125.5 13.0 9.5 91 122.7 132.0 9.2 7.5 93 118.3 129.5 33 6/11 Contour Fill P-5 1108.0 8.5 92 126.0 Area 10.7 8.5 96 ' 34 6/11 Contour Fill P-4 1108.0 11.3 8.5 95 Area 132.0 9.7 7.5 92 35 6/11 Contour Fill P-3 1109.5 132.0 7.8 7.5 Area 36 6/11 Contour Fill P-4 1109.0 ' Area 37 6/11 Contour Fill G-3 1110.0 ' Area 38 6/12 Contour Fill P-5 1110.0 ' Area 39 6/12 Contour Fill P-5 1111.0 ' Area 40 6/12 Contour Fill P-4 1109.0 Area 41 6/12 Contour Fill P-5 1110.0 Area 42 6/12 Contour Fill P-4 1109.5 Area 1300 ' 43 6/12 Contour Fill P-3 1111.0 Area ' 44 6/12 Contour Fill P-4 1110.0 Area 14+50 ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 118.2 131.5 10.7 8.5 90 121.3 132.0 8.9 7.5 92 113.8 125.5 13.0 9.5 91 122.7 132.0 9.2 7.5 93 118.3 129.5 9.8 9.5 91 120.5 131.5 10.7 8.5 92 126.0 131.5 10.7 8.5 96 131.0 132.0 6.0 7.5 100 125.2 131.5 11.3 8.5 95 120.8 132.0 9.7 7.5 92 112.5 125.0 10.3 9.5 90 127.5 132.0 7.8 7.5 97 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 1 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 45 6/12 Contour Fill P-4 1111.5 113.6 132.0 5.7 7.5 88 Area ' 45A 6/15 Contour Fill G-3 1111.5 117.3 129.5 11.4 9.5 91 S. Sec. ' 46 6/12 Contour Fill P-4 1108.0 125.4 132.0 7.8 7.5 95 Area 1 47 6/12 Contour Fill P-4 1110.0 111.3 132.0 7.5 7.5 86 Area 47A 6/15 Contour Fill P-4 1112.0 122.8 132.0 6.1 7.5 93 ' S. Sec. 52 6/15 Contour Fill P-4 1108.5 123.4 132.0 6.0 7.5 93 ' S. Sec. 53 6/15 Contour Fill P-5 1110.5 121.9 131.5 10.7 8.5 93 S. Sec. 54 6/15 Contour Fill P-4 1112.0 120.1 132.0 7.2 7.5 91 S. Sec. 55 6/15 Contour Fill G-3 1112.0 126.5 129.5 11.5 9.5 98 Shoulder 'S. 56 6/15 Contour Fill P-4 1113.0 121.7 132.0 7.2 7.5 92 S. Shoulder ' 57 6/15 Contour Fill P-4 1111.0 120.9 132.0 8.2 7.5 92 S. Shoulder 58 6/15 Contour Fill P-4 1112.0 124.1 132.0 9.8 7.5 94 S. Shoulder ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture q Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 ' 94 61 6/15 Contour Fill P-2 1111.0 123.6 132.0 8.4 8.0 Area 62 6/15 Contour Fill P-2 1112.0 124.9 132.0 8.6 8.0 95 Area t63 6/15 Contour Fill P-2 1112.0 122.4 132.0 8.8 8.0 93 Area 1 64 6/15 Contour Fill P-2 1113.0 122.5 132.0 10.5 8.0 93 Area 65 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1110.0 117.0 129.5 8.9 9.5 90 ' Area 66 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1111.0 123.9 129.5 11.7 9.5 96 ' Area 67 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1112.0 121.9 132.0 9.3 9.5 94 ' Area S. Pile 68 6/16 Contour Fill P-4 1111.5 122.8 132.0 7.3 7.5 93 Area S. Pile 69 7/17 Contour Fill G-3 1111.0 126.3 129.5 9.6 9.5 98 Area 96 70 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1112.0 123.9 129.5 9.3 9.5 Area ' 71 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1113.5 121.0 129.5 8.7 9.5 93 Area 72 6/16 Contour Fill G-4 1112.0 115.6 125.0 9.6 11.5 92 Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Pro'Ject No 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative No Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 116.7 125.0 9.9 11.5 93 122.1 129.5 9.3 9.5 1987 115.7 125.0 10.5 11.5 93 115.2 125.0 9.3 11.5 92 115.3 125.0 73 6/16 Contour Fill G-4 1114.0 8.0 97 124.0 Area 9.5 8.0 94 ' 74 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1114.0 8.6 9.5 92 Area 132.0 9.0 8.0 ' 75 6/16 Contour Fill G-4 1112.5 132.0 9.2 8.0 Area 1 76 6/16 Contour Fill G-4 1114.5 Area 77 6/16 Contour Fill G-4 1114.5 ' Area 78 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1114.0 1 Area 79 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1115.0 Area 80 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1113.0 ' Area 81 6/16 Contour Fill G-3 1114.0 Area ' 82 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1113.0 Area ' 83 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1114.0 Area 84 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 116.7 125.0 9.9 11.5 93 122.1 129.5 9.3 9.5 94 115.7 125.0 10.5 11.5 93 115.2 125.0 9.3 11.5 92 115.3 125.0 9.6 11.5 92 128.8 132.0 8.0 8.0 97 124.0 132.0 9.5 8.0 94 124.9 132.0 9.6 8.0 95 119.4 129.5 8.6 9.5 92 126.8 132.0 9.0 8.0 96 127.2 132.0 9.7 8.0 96 127.5 132.0 9.2 8.0 97 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS 1 Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 ' 8.0 95 85 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1114.0 115.7 132.0 10.5 Area ' 86 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1115.5 115.2 132.0 9.3 8.0 98 Area 87 6/16 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 116.3 132.0 9.6 8.0 93 Area ' 88 6/17 Contour Fill G-3 1111.0 122.0 129.5 11.7 9.5 94 Area 89 6/17 Contour Fill G-3 1112.5 122.9 129.5 12.4 9.5 95 ' Area 90 6/17 Contour Fill G-3 1113.0 123.3 129.5 10.8 9.5 95 ' Area 91 6/17 Contour Fill G-3 1114.0 118.0 129.5 11.4 9.5 91 ' Area 92 6/17 Contour Fill G-3 1114.0 120.6 129.5 11.7 9.5 93 ' Area 93 6/26 Contour Fill G-3 1113.0 116.8 129.5 8.0 9.5 90 Area 92 94 6/26 Contour Fill G-3 1114.0 118.9 129.5 6.0 9.5 Area ' 95 6/26 Contour Fill 1115.0 No relative compaction computed Area ' 96 6/26 Contour Fill 1115.5 No relative compaction computed Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture o Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field aximum field Opt. Compaction 1987 97 6/26 Contour Fill 1116.0 No relative compaction computed Area 98 6/26 Contour Fill G-3 1115.0 116.1 129.5 10.0 9.5 90 Area ' 99 6/26 Contour Fill G-3 1116.0 120.0 129.5 13.0 7.5 93 Area ' 100 6/29 Contour Fill 1114.0 No relative compaction computed Area 101 6/29 Contour Fill 1115.0 No relative compaction computed ' Area 102 6/29 Contour Fill 1114.5 No relative compaction computed ' Area 103 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1113.0 125.3 132.0 7.9 8.0 95 ' Area 104 6/29 Contour Fill 1114.0 No relative compaction computed ' Area 105 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 121.8 132.0 7.8 8.0 92 Area ' 91 106 6/29 Contour Fill G-3 1117.0 118.0 129.5 9.4 9.5 Area ' 107 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1117.0 128.5 132.0 11.3 8.0 96 Area 108 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1118.0 118.5 132.0 7.8 8.0 91 Area NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 1 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 ommen s Tract No. 20848 ' Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i Relative No Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 118.8 129.5 10.0 9.5 91 128.3 132.0 9.3 8.0 1987 118.7 132.0 6.4 8.0 90 121.3 132.0 7.9 8.0 92 No relative compaction computed 109 6/29 Contour Fill G-3 1118.0 91 114.9 125.0 Area 11.0 92 114.2 ' 110 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 8.0 95 120.8 Area 10.8 8.0 91 ' 111 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1118.0 9.0 8.0 90 Area ' 112 6/29 Contour Fill P-2 1119.0 Area 113 6/30 Contour Fill 1116.0 ' Area 114 6/30 Contour Fill G-4 1117.0 Area 115 6/30 Contour Fill G-4 1118.0 ' Area 116 6/30 Contour Fill G-4 1117.0 ' Area 117 6/30 Contour Fill P-2 1114.0 Area 118 6/30 Contour Fill P-2 1115.0 Area ' 119 6/30 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 Area 121 6/30 Contour Fill P-2 1118.0 Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 118.8 129.5 10.0 9.5 91 128.3 132.0 9.3 8.0 95 118.7 132.0 6.4 8.0 90 121.3 132.0 7.9 8.0 92 No relative compaction computed 113.5 125.0 7.0 11.0 91 114.9 125.0 7.2 11.0 92 114.2 125.0 6.4 11.0 91 125.3 132.0 7.4 8.0 95 120.8 132.0 10.8 8.0 91 121.8 132.0 7.5 8.0 92 119.1 132.0 9.0 8.0 90 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS 1 Project No. 6851325-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i Relative 'Test No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 ' 92 122 7/2 Contour Fill P-1 1114.0 117.3 127.5 12.0 10.0 Area 123 7/2 Contour Fill P-1 1115.0 118.4 127.5 10.1 10.0 93 Area ' 124 7/2 Contour Fill P-2 1115.0 129.7 132.0 9.8 8.0 98 Area ' 125 7/2 Contour Fill G-2 1116.0 112.8 122.5 10.7 12.5 92 Area 126 7/2 Contour Fill P-2 1119.0 120.1 132.0 10.3 8.0 91 ' Area 127 7/2 Contour Fill P-1 1118.0 117.4 127.0 9.6 10.0 92 ' Area 128 7/2 Contour Fill G-5 1119.0 121.1 134.0 14.0 10.5 90 ' Area 129 7/2 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 119.8 132.0 15.0 8.0 91 Area 130 7/2 Contour Fill P-2 1115.5 127.6 132.0 10.1 8.0 97 Area ' 96 131 7/2 Contour Fill P-2 1116.0 126.5 132.0 9.1 8.0 Area ' 132 7/3 Contour Fill G-3 1113.5 111.5 129.0 6.7 9.5 86 Area ' 133 7/3 Contour Fill P-1 1114.0 110.7 127.5 7.5 10.0 85 Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum to d Opt. Compaction 1987 134 7/3 Contour Fill P-1 1117.0 No relative compaction computed Area ' 135 7/3 Contour Fill P-1 1117.5 No relative compaction computed Area ' 258 7/13 126 8 1112.8 112.5 121.5 13.6 13.5 93 259 7/13 126 8 1113.7 112.6 121.5 10.0 13.5 93 260 7113 126 8 1112.6 120.0 121.5 12.6 13.5 98 276 7/30 Contour Fill 8 1117.0 109.5 121.5 11.5 13.5 90 Area 296 8/6 Contour Fill 8 1119.0 119.0 127.5 8.7 10.0 91 ' Area 303 8/6 Contour Fill P-3 1120.0 113.8 125.5 6.5 9.5 91 ' Area 316 8/10 Contour Fill 8 1120.0 114.9 121.5 14.9 13.5 95 Area 317 8/10 Contour Fill G-3 1118.0 116.6 129.5 11.5 9.5 90 Area 318 8/10 Contour Fill G-5 1117.0 125.1 134.0 11.4 10.5 93 Area ' NOTE: Tests plotted as squares on sheet 3 of 8. 1 1 Project No. 6851326-02 ' Test Test Test No. Date Location 1987 LOT NO. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 uommencs Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Tvoe Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Op 1 P-2 1 6/17 ' 2 6/17 3 6/17 4 6/17 5 6/17 6 6/17 2 P-2 ' 7 6/17 8 6/17 ' 9 6/17 10 6/17 ' 11 6/17 9.8 8.0 ' 12 6/17 13 6/17 ' 14 6/17 15 6/17 ' 16 6/17 ' 17 6/18 18 6/18 4 P-2 1111.0 127.1 1 9.4 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 uommencs Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Tvoe Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Op 1 P-2 1106.0 121.6 132.0 10.7 8.0 2 P-2 1107.0 123.9 132.0 11.8 8.0 2 P-2 1109.0 125.6 132.0 8.0 8.0 4 P-2 1107.0 123.1 132.0 9.8 8.0 5 P-2 1108.0 127.4 132.0 8.2 8.0 5 P-2 1109.5 119.8 132.0 8.3 8.0 4 P-2 1111.0 127.1 132.0 9.4 8.0 1 P-2 1118.5 119.5 132.0 9.9 8.0 1 P-2 1110.0 No relative compaction computed 3 P-2 1111.5 121.9 132.0 7.5 8.0 15 P-2 1110.5 No relative compaction computed 15 P-2 1111.5 125.4 132.0 9.5 8.0 15 P-2 1112.0 No relative compaction computed 15 P-2 1113.0 No relative compaction computed 5 P-2 1113.0 126.6 132.0 8.3 8.0 4 P-2 1114.0 120.6 132.0 11.5 8.0 16 P-2 1115.0 121.0 132.0 10.7 8.0 16 P-2 1116.0 120.3 132.0 8.0 8.0 Relative Comoaction 92 94* 95* 93* 96* 91* 96* 91* 92* 95* 96* 91* 92* 91* SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field aximum 1eld Opt. Compaction 1987 LOT NO. 19 6/18 17 P-2 1116.0 No relative compaction computed ' 20 6/18 17 P-2 1117.0 No relative compaction computed 21 6/19 23 P-2 1109.0 120.7 132.0 7.3 8.0 91* 22 6/19 23 P-2 1110.5 119.0 132.0 8.5 8.0 90* 23 6/19 24 P-2 1111.5 120.2 132.0 8.0 8.0 91* ' 24 6/19 24 P-2 1112.5 123.4 132.0 6.0 8.0 94* 25 6/19 22 P-2 1110.5 122.9 132.0 8.4 8.0 93* 26 6/19 25 P-2 1112.5 126.2 132.0 10.3 8.0 96* ' 27 6/19 15 P-2 1111.5 No relative compaction computed 28 6/19 14 P-2 1112.5 No relative compaction computed ' 29 6/19 17 P-2 1115.0 No relative compaction computed 6/19 14 P-2 1112.0 No relative compaction computed '30 31 6/22 30 P-2 1113.0 124.5 132.0 9.4 8.0 94* ' 32 6/22 30 P-2 1114.0 125.3 132.0 9.8 8.0 95* 33 6/22 32 P-2 1116.0 125.7 132.0 6.0 8.0 95* t34 6/22 32 P-2 1117.0 122.8 132.0 8.0 8.0 93* 6/22 35 P-2 1118.0 No relative compaction computed '35 36 6/22 36 P-2 1119.5 No relative compaction computed 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851325-02 Tract No. 20848 omments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 LOT NO. 37 6/22 34 P-2 1119.0 127.6 132.0 8.0 8.0 97* ' 38 6/22 33 P-2 1119.5 125.4 132.0 7.3 8.0 95* 39 6/22 117 P-2 1124.0 127.4 132.0 9.0 8.0 97* ' 40 6/22 118 P-2 1125.0 123.8 132.0 13.0 8.0 94* 41 6/22 124 P-2 1120.0 No relative compaction computed 42 6/22 125 P-2 1121.0 No relative compaction computed ' 43 6/22 122 P-2 1121.0 127.5 132.0 10.0 8.0 97* 44 6/22 121 P-2 1122.0 125.4 132.0 7.9 8.0 95* ' 45 6/23 110/Keyway P-2 1123.0 No relative compaction computed 46 6/23 110/Keyway P-2 1124.0 No relative compaction computed 47 6/23 124 G-2 1117.0 112.5 122.0 16.5 12.0 92* ' 48 6/23 123 G-2 1118.0 110.4 122.0 15.8 12.0 91* 49 6/23 116 G-2 1120.0 115.9 122.0 11.5 12.0 95* ' 50 6/23 112 G-3 1126.0 No relative compaction computed 51 6/23 113 G-3 1127.0 No relative compaction computed ' 52 6/23 114 G-4 1121.0 113.1 125.0 12.5 11.5 90* 53 6/23 115 G-4 1122.0 115.8 125.0 11.7 11.5 93* 54 6/23 116 G-4 1123.0 112.1 125.0 13.8 11.5 90* Test cation T NO. 19 19 20 20 22 22 23 23 24 115 115 116 111 111 83 84 86 87 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 comments Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative Tvoe Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction G-3 1120.0 119.3 129.5 12.7 9.5 92* G-2 1124.0 109.5 122.0 10.5 12.0 Project No. 6851326-02 100.8 122.0 13.6 12.0 83* G-3 1124.5 123.6 Test Test 9.5 95* ' No. Date Lo 10.2 12.0 89* G-3 1122.0 127.6 LO '1987 9.5 99* 1 1123.0 55 6/23 9.6 ' 56 6/24 1 119.4 57 6/24 1 ' 57A 6/25 1 122.0 58 6/24 1 G-2 1125.0 108.4 1 10.5 58A 6/25 G-3 ' 59 6/24 1 9.5 59A 6/25 1 ' 60 6/24 1 92* 61 6/24 114.9 ' 10.5 6/25 94* G-3 61A 120.3 129.5 ' 62 6/24 G-3 1135.0 63 6/24 10.7 ' 64 6/24 1136.5 129.4 65 6/25 9.5 ' 66 6/25 123.3 129.5 8.3 9.5 95* ' 67 6/25 129.5 12.7 68 6/25 Test cation T NO. 19 19 20 20 22 22 23 23 24 115 115 116 111 111 83 84 86 87 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 comments Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative Tvoe Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction G-3 1120.0 119.3 129.5 12.7 9.5 92* G-2 1124.0 109.5 122.0 10.5 12.0 90* G-2 1124.5 100.8 122.0 13.6 12.0 83* G-3 1124.5 123.6 129.5 9.3 9.5 95* G-2 1122.0 108.5 122.0 10.2 12.0 89* G-3 1122.0 127.6 129.5 8.3 9.5 99* G-2 1123.0 108.5 122.0 9.6 12.0 89* G-2 1123.0 119.4 122.0 7.6 12.0 98* G-2 1123.0 111.9 122.0 11.7 12.0 92* G-2 1125.0 108.4 122.0 10.5 12.0 89 G-3 1125.0 121.1 129.5 8.1 9.5 94* G-2 1126.0 111.7 122.0 10.8 12.0 92* G-2 1129.0 114.9 122.0 10.5 12.0 94* G-3 1126.0 120.3 129.5 9.3 9.5 93* G-3 1135.0 118.5 129.5 10.7 9.5 92* G-3 1136.5 129.4 129.5 7.2 9.5 100* G-3 1132.0 123.3 129.5 8.3 9.5 95* G-3 1133.0 116.9 129.5 12.7 9.5 90* 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 ommen s Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum ie d Opt. Compaction 1987 LOT NO. 1 69 6/25 87 G-3 1133.5 118.5 129.5 10.8 9.5 92* 70 6/25 88 G-3 1132.0 119.6 129.5 12.4 9.5 92* 71 6/25 114 G-2 1129.0 110.5 122.0 10.8 12.0 91* ' 72 6/25 114 G-2 1130.0 108.7 122.0 10.2 12.0 89* 72A 6/25 114 G-2 1130.5 114.2 122.0 12.9 12.0 94* 73 6/25 109 G-2 1127.0 109.0 122.0 10.2 12.0 89* ' 73A 6/25 109 G-2 1127.0 113.5 122.0 14.1 12.0 93* 74 6/25 110 G-2 1129.0 110.1 122.0 11.1 12.0 90* ' 75 6/25 111 G-2 1131.0 109.5 122.0 13.0 12.0 90* 76 6/25 109 G-2 1131.0 110.6 122.0 14.6 12.0 91* ' 77 6/25 110 G-2 1132.5 108.7 122.0 13.6 12.0 89* 77A 6/25 110 G-2 1132.5 112.3 122.0 13.9 12.0 92* 78 6/29 89 G-3 1130.0 121.9 129.5 6.2 9.5 94 ' 79 6/29 90 G-3 1131.0 123.8 129.5 6.1 9.5 96* 80 6/29 92 P-2 1124.0 124.2 132.0 8.8 8.0 94* ' 81 6/29 93 P-2 1125.5 119.9 132.0 10.0 8.0 91* 6/29 93 G-3 1127.0 118.9 129.5 10.2 9.5 92* '82 83 6/30 89 G-3 1131.0 124.8 129.5 10.8 9.5 96 1 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS ' Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture p Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction LOT NO. '1987 9.5 97* 84 6/30 94 G-3 1126.0 125.6 129.5 9.7 85 6/30 95 P-2 1127.0 124.3 132.0 7.5 8.0 94* 86 6/30 96 P-2 1124.0 121.8 132.0 8.5 8.0 92* ' 87 6/30 96/97 P-2 1126.0 128.7 132.0 9.9 8.0 98 88 6/30 91 G-5 1127.0 125.1 134.0 9.5 10.5 93 t89 6/30 92 G-5 1128.5 123.3 134.0 9.7 10.5 92* ' 90 6/30 89 P-1 1132.0 119.1 127.5 11.5 10.0 93* 91 6/30 90 P-2 1132.5 123.9 132.0 11.6 8.0 94* ' 92 6/30 98 P-2 1125.0 121.5 132.0 11.7 8.0 92* 93 6/30 96 G-5 1124.5 125.5 134.0 8.8 10.5 94 94 6/30 97 G-5 1126.0 126.6 134.0 8.5 10.5 94* ' 95 6/30 98 P-1 1127.0 122.6 127.5 9.6 10.0 96* 96 7/1 22 G-3 1117.72 117.8 129.5 6.1 9.5 91 97 7/1 21 G-3 1118.92 118.6 129.5 7.0 9.5 92 98 7/1 25 G-3 1117.2 118.1 129.5 7.2 9.5 91 ' 99 7/1 23 G-3 1116.54 118.8 129.5 7.0 9.5 92 ' 100 7/1 24 G-4 1116.86 113.9 125.0 5.4 11.5 91 101 7/2 19 1117.0 113.4 No relative compaction computed Project No. 6851326-02 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 Lommenzs ' Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i Relative No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 LOT NO 7/2 20 compaction 1117.0 7/2 19 compaction 1118.0 7/2 18 compaction 1116.0 7/2 18 compaction 1117.5 7/2 69 compaction 1134.0 7/2 70 compaction 1132.0 7/2 61 compaction 1128.0 7/6 100 P-1 1125.0 7/6 103 P-1 1125.0 7/6 5 G-3 1112.5 7/6 6 B-6 1112.5 7/6 99 P-1 1126.0 7/6 99 P-1 1125.0 7/6 104 G-3 1128.9 7/6 104 G-3 1129.4 7/7 103 P-3 1127.8 7/7 105 P-1 1130.0 102-108 for field density and moisture only. 120.4 No relative compaction computed 127.2 No relative compaction computed 116.3 No relative compaction computed 119.2 No relative compaction computed 118.4 No relative compaction computed 117.0 No relative compaction computed 121.0 No relative compaction computed 114.4 127.5 8.0 10.0 90 115.2 127.5 8.7 10.0 90 116.8 129.5 10.6 9.5 90 110.8 116.0 12.5 16.0 95 118.9 127.5 12.0 10.0 93 115.6 127.5 7.6 10.0 90 109.3 129.5 14.9 9.5 85 119.8 129.5 9.0 9.5 90 114.0 125.5 11.6 9.5 91 109.4 127.5 13.6 10.0 86 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments ' Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative No Date Location Type Test Elev. Fie d aximum ie d Opt. Compaction 110.7 125.5 9.6 9.5 88 113.7 121.5 12.2 1987 LOT NO. 99.4 127.5 21.3 10.0 78 102.5 121.5 21.6 13.5 122A 7/14 105 P-3 1129.4 ' 122C 7/24 105 8 1129.2 108.5 123 7/7 105 P-1 1129.0 ' 123A 7/14 105 8 1130.4 11.2 13.5 7/24 105 8 1130.7 '123C 96 96.9 116.0 22.5 14.0 83 125 7/7 106 P-3 1130.0 ' 1258 7/24 106 9 1130.0 125.5 126 7/7 106 P-3 1129.0 ' 126A 7/27 106 8 1131.4 13.5 127 7/7 104 P-3 1128.0 85 112.2 121.5 12.2 9 1129.7 127A 7/10 104 ' 1276 7/14 104 8 1128.0 127C 7/20 104 P-3 1128.5 ' 1270 7/20 104 P-3 1128.5 128 7/7 104 P-3 1130.0 ' 104 8 1130.2 128A 7/10 ' 1288 7/14 104 8 1130.0 128C 7/20 104 8 1130.0 110.7 125.5 9.6 9.5 88 113.7 121.5 12.2 13.5 94 99.4 127.5 21.3 10.0 78 102.5 121.5 21.6 13.5 82 120.5 121.5 13.4 13.5 99 109.1 125.5 13.7 9.5 87 108.5 116.0 17.5 14.0 93 115.1 125.1 13.5 9.5 93 121.2 121.5 11.2 13.5 99 120.2 125.5 13.1 9.5 96 96.9 116.0 22.5 14.0 83 110.3 121.5 12.3 13.5 91 119.4 125.5 10.8 9.5 95 117.4 125.5 9.0 9.5 93 110.6 125.5 15.6 9.5 88 110.0 121.5 17.8 13.5 91 102.7 121.5 22.7 13.5 85 112.2 121.5 12.2 13.5 93 1 Soil Type uommencs and Test Elev. Dry Dens., pcf Field Maximum 1 Relative Compaction T NO. Project No. 6851326-02 1130.0 107.6 116.0 13.5 14.0 93 73 P-4 Test Test 132.0 8.2 ' No. Date Lo 1134.4 97.7 132.0 11.6 9.5 74 LO '1987 1134.0 102.0 132.0 5.0 128D 7/20 1 ' 129 7/8 132.0 10.8 130 7/8 70 ' 131 7/8 127.5 11.0 132 7/8 61 P-4 1131.1 120.0 132.0 7.4 132A 7/8 60 ' 133 7/8 127.5 9.8 134 7/8 60 t134A 1130.1 7/8 127.5 9.5 1348 7/10 60 8 1130.0 113.1 121.5 12.6 135 7/9 62 ' 136 7/9 125.5 10.1 137 7/9 75 ' 138 7/9 132.0 10.2 139 7/9 75 ' 140 7/9 132.0 7.4 8.0 90 70 8 141 7/9 121.5 13.7 142 7/9 70 1 1137.0 120.7 132.0 10.7 8.0 90 73 1 1137.7 127.4 132.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 Test cation Soil Type uommencs and Test Elev. Dry Dens., pcf Field Maximum Moisture % Field Opt. Relative Compaction T NO. 04 9 1130.0 107.6 116.0 13.5 14.0 93 73 P-4 1132.5 120.7 132.0 8.2 9.5 91 75 P-4 1134.4 97.7 132.0 11.6 9.5 74 71 P-4 1134.0 102.0 132.0 5.0 9.5 77 70 P-4 1134.0 103.0 132.0 10.8 9.5 78 70 P-1 1134.3 111.0 127.5 11.0 10.0 87 61 P-4 1131.1 120.0 132.0 7.4 7.5 91 60 P-1 1130.1 112.8 127.5 9.8 10.0 88 60 P-1 1130.1 106.0 127.5 9.5 10.0 83 60 8 1130.0 113.1 121.5 12.6 13.5 93 62 P-3 1132.2 116.5 125.5 10.1 9.5 92 75 P-2 1135.5 125.9 132.0 10.2 8.0 95 75 P-2 1136.5 118.5 132.0 7.4 8.0 90 70 8 1136.0 109.5 121.5 13.7 13.5 90 70 P-2 1137.0 120.7 132.0 10.7 8.0 90 73 P-2 1137.7 127.4 132.0 7.6 8.0 96 73 P-2 1133.7 115.0 132.0 7.1 8.0 87 77 G-3 1141.1 118.3 129.5 9.1 9.5 91 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Fielo Opt. Compaction LOT NO. '1987 9.5 90 143 7/9 77 G-3 1140.1 116.5 129.5 6.2 ' 144 7/10 70 9 1134.8 102.4 116.0 13.3 14.0 88 145 7/10 70 P-3 1135.0 115.4 125.5 9.5 9.5 92 ' 146 7/10 62 8 1133.7 114.5 121.5 9.2 13.5 94 147 7/10 59 G-3 1128.4 118.5 129.5 6.2 9.5 92 ' 9.5 93 148 7/10 16 G-3 1116.7 120.8 129.5 9.1 ' 149 7/10 17 G-3 1117.9 114.6 129.5 5.5 9.5 88 149A 7/23 17 G-3 1117.9 117.0 129.5 5.0 9.5 90 ' 150 7/10 18 G-3 1119.0 116.1 129.5 7.1 9.5 90 151 7/13 42 P-2 1155.2 118.9 132.0 8.9 8.0 90 152 7/13 42 P-2 1156.7 116.5 132.0 8.6 8.0 88 ' 153 7/13 1 G-3 1113.7 117.7 129.5 6.5 9.5 91 154 7/13 2 P-3 1114.2 113.1 125.5 6.0 9.5 90 ' 155 7/13 3 G-3 1114.2 116.2 129.5 6.2 9.5 90 156 7/13 4 G-3 1115.5 115.5 129.5 5.9 9.5 92 157 7/13 5 G-3 1115.7 117.2 129.5 5.6 9.5 93 '158 7/13 6 G-3 1115.7 114.2 129.5 4.6 9.5 91 159 7/13 14 G-3 1114.1 113.1 129.5 5.9 9.5 90 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS 1 Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field opt. Compaction 1987 LOT No. 4.3 9.5 94 160 7/13 15 G-3 1113.7 117.5 129.5 161 7/13 19 G-3 1120.0 115.9 129.5 4.4 9.5 92 162 7/13 20 G-3 1120.0 116.8 129.5 4.3 9.5 93 ' 163 7/13 26 G-3 1117.2 116.3 129.5 6.6 9.5 90 164 7/13 27 G-3 1117.4 118.4 129.5 6.0 9.5 91 165 7/13 28 G-3 1116.7 117.9 129.5 6.7 9.5 92 ' 166 7/13 29 P-3 1118.2 115.0 125.5 6.7 9.5 92 167 7/13 Contour Fill G-3 1119.6 123.6 129.5 9.1 9.5 96 Area ' 168 7/13 Contour Fill G-3 1119.2 123.3 129.5 10.8 9.5 95 Area ' 169 7/13 30 G-3 1118.7 122.0 129.5 10.0 9.5 94 ' 170 7/14 46 8 1164.0 114.8 121.5 9.3 13.5 94 171 7/14 46 8 1164.0 109.6 121.5 8.3 13.5 90 ' 172 7/14 46 8 1165.0 109.1 121.5 7.0 13.5 90 173 7/14 102 8 1127.0 109.1 121.5 11.1 13.5 90 ' 174 7/14 42 G-3 1147.5 118.8 129.5 11.6 9.5 92 '175 7/14 43 G-3 1156.7 120.4 129.5 7.8 9.5 93 176 7/14 51 G-3 1127.7 115.4 129.5 6.3 9.5 89 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 1 ommen s Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Fie d aximum Field Opt. Compaction '1987 LOT NO. 176A 7/14 51 G-3 1127.7 116.8 129.5 5.8 9.5 90 177 7/14 51 G-2 1129.2 109.7 122.5 6.7 12.0 90 178 7/14 No. of 64 P-3 1135.0 108.2 125.5 7.1 9.5 86 ' 178A 7/15 No. of 64 G-3 1135.0 121.7 129.5 10.7 9.5 94 7/15 No. of 64 G-3 1136.0 119.9 129.5 13.8 9.5 93 '179 180 7/15 64 P-3 1138.7 114.0 125.5 10.0 9.5 91 ' 181 7/15 64 G-3 1139.0 122.9 129.5 12.2 9.5 95 182 7/16 105 8 1129.7 107.5 121.5 15.3 13.5 88 ' 183 7/17 Deer Meadow Rd. 8 1105.0 118.1 121.5 15.2 13.5 97 10+50 ' 184 7/17 Deer Meadow Rd. 8 1109.0 102.2 121.5 8.3 13.5 84 11+50 184A 7/18 Deer Meadow Rd. P-1 1109.0 118.9 127.5 10.5 10.0 93 ' 11+50 7/17 120 P-3 1125.7 114.8 125.5 11.4 9.5 91 '185 186 7/17 121 P-3 1124.5 123.5 125.5 10.5 9.5 91 ' 187 7/17 122 P-3 1123.8 116.1 125.5 10.6 9.5 91 188 7/17 113 9 1128.9 104.9 116.0 11.1 14.0 91 ' 189 7/17 113 9 1128.5 107.5 116.0 12.5 14.0 92 190 7/17 112 P-1 1125.9 117.8 127.5 10.9 10.0 92 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 1 ommen s Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture o Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Fie aximum ie d Opt. Compaction LOT N0. '1987 93 191 7/17 116 G-3 1126.3 120.8 129.5 6.4 9.5 192 7/17 120 G-3 1123.0 124.3 129.5 10.7 9.5 96 193 7/17 101 9 1129.8 108.4 116.0 11.1 14.0 94 ' 194 7/17 109 P-1 1130.0 117.0 127.5 8.3 10.0 92 7/17 100 8 1129.6 111.4 121.5 9.3 13.5 92 '195 15.5 91 196 7/17 102 8 1130.1 106.0 117.0 16.9 ' 197 7/18 124 G-3 1123.1 128.0 129.5 11.0 9.5 99 198 7/18 Deer Meadow Rd. P-1 1112.0 118.1 127.5 7.6 10.0 93 15+75 ' 199 7120 Deer Meadow Rd. P-1 1111.5 114.4 127.5 10.3 10.0 90 13+50 200 7/20 Deer Meadow Rd. P-1 1112.0 120.1 127.5 12.7 10.0 94 15+60 ' 201 7/20 Deer Meadow Rd. P-1 1110.5 118.0 127.5 7.4 10.0 93 13+05 ' 202 7/20 Deer Meadow Rd. P-1 1109.0 116.7 127.5 8.2 10.0 92 11+00 ' 203 7/20 Vidette Court P-1 1114.0 116.7 127.5 8.8 10.0 92 204 7/20 Toulomne Court P-1 1116.0 116.6 127.5 8.1 10.0 91 205 7/20 100 8 1128.1 111.1 121.5 10.4 13.5 91 206 7/20 103 8 1130.7 111.1 121.5 14.4 13.5 91 1 1 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 1 ommen s 'Test Test Test Soil and No Date Location Type Test Elev Tract No. 20848 Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1128.6 107.0 117.0 13.3 15.5 92 1129.5 1987 LOT NO. 8.9 ' 91 1134.4 110.1 121.5 11.1 207 7/20 105 9 ' 208 7/20 99 P-3 113.2 209 7/20 109 8 ' 210 7/20 110 8 93 211 7/21 112 8 12.0 93 1126.1 102.0 G-2 22.0 212 7/21 112 123.4 ' 213 7/21 114 G-2 121.0 214 7/21 38 G-5 1132.2 214A 7/23 38 G-5 95 215 7/22 68 G-3 1 92 1140.2 63 P-2 11.4 216 7122 1139.2 125.0 ' 217 7/22 63 P-2 116.3 218 7/22 64 G-5 1127.5 219 7/22 64 G-3 93 220 7/21 115 G-3 7.5 221 7/21 117 P-1 ' 222 7/21 119 223 7121 Kearney Pkwy E. G-3 of St. 5+07 Lot 4 1 Tract No. 20848 Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1128.6 107.0 117.0 13.3 15.5 92 1129.5 114.4 125.5 8.9 9.5 91 1134.4 110.1 121.5 11.1 13.5 91 1134.6 109.5 121.5 12.7 13.5 90 1134.0 113.2 121.5 11.2 13.5 93 1134.8 114.3 122.5 14:3 12.0 93 1133.4 113.4 122.5 10.4 12.0 93 1126.1 102.0 134.0 22.0 10.5 77 1126.0 123.4 134.0 11.1 10.5 92 1140.0 121.0 129.5 11.8 9.5 93 1132.2 125.5 132.0 9.3 8.0 95 1133.2 120.9 132.0 9.6 8.0 92 1140.2 134.4 134.0 11.4 10.5 100 1139.2 125.0 129.5 11.1 9.5 96 1131.5 116.3 129.5 7.0 9.5 90 1127.5 118.1 127.5 11.5 10.0 93 1125.5 125.6 132.0 6.7 7.5 95 Subgrade 122.9 129.5 7.0 9.5 95 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction LOT NO. '1987 94 224 7/21 Kearney Pkwy P-2 1109.0 124.7 132.0 8.6 8.0 E. of Lot 4 ' 225 7121 Deer Mdw and P-2 1105.8 No relative compaction computed Kearney Rd. ' 225A 7/23 Kearney Rd. and P-4 1105.8 115.2 125.5 12.4 11.5 92 Deer Mdw. ' 226 7/21 69 G-2 1138.8 114.6 122.0 7.7 12.0 94 227 7/21 Kearney Rd. G-3 1107.0 120.6 129.5 8.0 9.5 93 ' E. of Lot 4 228 7/21 Kearney Rd. 9 1107.3 107.5 116.0 17.6 14.0 92 E. of Lot 5 229 7/22 68 P-4 1141.7 113.2 125.0 8.5 11.5 90 230 7/22 37 P-1 1123.8 114.5 127.5 8.5 10.0 90 231 7/22 89 G-4 1133.8 112.0 125.0 7.4 11.5 90 232 7/22 90 G-2 1133.5 109.9 122.5 12.1 12.0 90 7/22 91 G-4 1132.8 118.5 125.0 9.2 11.5 95 '233 90 234 7/22 92 P-2 1132.1 118.9 132.0 6.8 8.0 ' 235 7/22 93 P-2 1131.4 119.4 132.0 9.5 8.0 90 236 7/22 65 P-1 1141.0 115.5 127.5 8.4 10.0 91 237 7/22 68 G-5 1139.5 122.7 134.0 12.9 10.5 91 1 1 ' Project No. 6851326-02 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 ' 247 7/23 95 G-4 1130.0 116.6 125.0 9.8 11.5 93 248 7/23 96 G-3 1129.6 117.1 129.5 8.0 9.5 90 1 249 7/24 81 G-4 1141.2 117.8 125.0 11.7 11.5 94 250 7/24 81 P-5 1142.7 uommenzs 131.5 4.9 8.5 87 250A 7/27 Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens.,pcf 8.0 Moisture % Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Fie d aximum ie d Opt. Compaction 1987 LOT NO. ' 93 238 7/23 W. of Lot 90 8 1130.0 113.2 121.5 9.5 13.5 ' 239 7/23 W. of Lot 94 G-4 1127.0 103.2 125.0 7.6 11.5 83 239A 7/23 Holden Circle W. G-4 1127.0 118.5 122.0 10.9 11.5 95 ' of Lot 94 240 7/23 65 B-6 1142.7 104.0 116.0 20.0 16.0 90 ' 241 7/23 66 B-6 1143.3 106.7 116.0 18.0 16.0 92 242 7/23 Hidden Circle E. 9 1126.0 106.3 116.0 10.4 14.0 91 ' of Lot 102 243 7/23 Hidden Circle E. G-4 1128.0 104.0 125.0 5.6 11.5 83 1 of Lot 105 243A 7/23 Hidden Circle E. G-4 1128.0 113.9 125.0 7.2 11.5 91 Lot 105 'of 12.2 14.0 92 244 7/23 Deer Mow 34+80 9 1130.5 107.1 116.0 245 7/23 Deer Mdw 34+75 G-2 1130.5 110.4 122.0 8.5 12.0 90 246 7/23 94 G-4 1130.8 111.9 125.0 5.9 11.5 90 ' 247 7/23 95 G-4 1130.0 116.6 125.0 9.8 11.5 93 248 7/23 96 G-3 1129.6 117.1 129.5 8.0 9.5 90 1 249 7/24 81 G-4 1141.2 117.8 125.0 11.7 11.5 94 250 7/24 81 P-5 1142.7 113.9 131.5 4.9 8.5 87 250A 7/27 81 P-5 1142.7 117.8 131.5 6.3 8.0 90 E 1 Project No. 6851326-02 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 Comments and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative Test Elev. Fie aximum Opt. Compaction 1156.5 126.5 Test Test Soil 'Test No. Date Location Type 10.5 90 1134.0 118.3 129.5 8.1 9.5 LOT NO. 1144.8 '1987 127.5 12.4 10.0 93 1134.3 251 7/24 43 G-5 ' 252 7/24 43 G-5 14.0 253 7/27 62 G-3 ' 255 7/27 67 P-1 134.0 13.5 7/27 88 P-3 '256 132.0 13.0 8.0 96 1108.6 257 7/27 87 9 ' 258 7/28 Deer Mdw E. 20+10 G-5 13.5 259 7/28 Deer Mdw E. 14+50 G-5 1 260 7/28 Deer Mdw E. 11+15 P-2 127.5 261 7/28 Toulomne Court G-3 118.3 127.5 7.8 Court 8 1130.2 262 7/28 Vidette 14.0 90 263 7/28 Golden Circle W. 8 ' 94 1132.1 of Lot 84 121.5 10.6 264 7/28 Holden Circle W. P-1 121.5 9.3 13.5 of Lot 84 265 7/29 36 P-1 1 103 9 266 7/29 ' 267 7/29 104 8 268 7/29 105 8 269 7/29 106 8 Tract No. 20848 Comments and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative Test Elev. Fie aximum Opt. Compaction 1156.5 126.5 134.0 9.8 10.5 94 1156.0 121.0 134.0 8.3 10.5 90 1134.0 118.3 129.5 8.1 9.5 91 1144.8 119.1 127.5 12.4 10.0 93 1134.3 113.7 125.5 9.4 9.5 91 1134.7 105.4 116.0 12.4 14.0 91 1112.5 139.0 134.0 8.7 10.0 100 1109.0 138.6 134.0 13.5 10.5 100 1108.0 126.4 132.0 13.0 8.0 96 1108.6 124.0 132.0 7.5 8.0 94 1109.0 111.7 121.5 14.3 13.5 92 1136.5 117.6 121.5 13.6 13.5 97 1131.9 117.0 127.5 12.2 10.0 92 1119.7 118.3 127.5 7.8 10.0 93 1130.2 104.7 116.0 8.1 14.0 90 1131.5 113.9 121.5 11.1 13.5 94 1132.1 114.0 121.5 10.6 13.5 94 1132.8 109.6 121.5 9.3 13.5 90 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 comments Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative Tvoe Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction P-1 Test Test Test ' No. Date Location 1133.8 107.6 116.0 12.9 14.0 1987 LOT NO. 1 119.7 129.5 10.3 9.5 270 7/29 107 143.0 271 7/29 108 100 272 7/29 99 ' 273 7/30 86 8 274 7/30 84 11.5 13.5 91 8 1137.6 275 7/30 83 ' 276 7/30 85 117.3 280 7/31 82 92 281 7/31 81 127.5 282 8/3 63 ' 1136.3 117.5 Circle 10.7 283 8/3 Donomore 1129.5 284 8/3 Donomore Circle 13.5 285 8/4 Deer Meadow Rd. ' 286 8/4 Deer Meadow Rd. 91 287 8/5 Donomore Circle 127.5 6.7 10.0 Donomore Circle P-4 288 8/5 132.0 8.7 289 8/5 Donomore Circle 1129.5 290 8/5 Dear Meadow Rd. 8.0 94 P-1 1131.0 113.7 127.0 9.9 10.0 90 P-2 1135.5 123.0 Tract No. 20848 comments Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture % Relative Tvoe Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Opt. Compaction P-1 1133.5 117.3 127.5 10.7 10.0 92 9 1133.8 107.6 116.0 12.9 14.0 93 G-3 1124.2 119.7 129.5 10.3 9.5 92 G-5 1135.9 143.0 134.0 8.7 10.5 100 8 1139.7 113.6 121.5 11.1 13.5 94 8 1141.7 110.3 121.5 11.5 13.5 91 8 1137.6 112.1 121.5 14.5 13.5 92 P-1 1144.0 117.3 127.3 8.3 10.0 92 P-1 1142.9 118.0 127.5 9.4 10.0 93 G-1 1136.3 117.5 129.5 10.7 9.5 91 8 1129.5 112.0 121.5 10.7 13.5 92 P-3 1131.5 114.0 125.5 11.1 9.5 91 P-1 1129.5 115.3 127.5 6.7 10.0 91 P-4 1127.5 120.5 132.0 8.7 7.5 91 P-2 1129.5 124.6 132.0 8.6 8.0 94 P-1 1131.0 113.7 127.0 9.9 10.0 90 P-2 1135.5 123.0 132.0 9.1 8.0 93 P-3 1129.5 115.7 125.5 7.3 9.5 92 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD. DENSITY TESTS ' Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 Comments Test Test Test Soil and Ory Dens,, Moisture i Relative ' No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field ,,2,,,. Maximum Field Opt. Compaction 1987 LOT NO. 90 291 8/5 Street Holden Cr. P-3 1124.8 113.8 125.5 11.4 9.5 292 8/5 East of Lot 106 9 1126.5 108.7 116.0 7.8 14.0 93 293 8/5 East of Lot 101 P-1 1126.5 119.4 127.5 8.7 10.0 94 ' 294 8/5 East of Lot 104 8 1128.0 111.9 121.5 7.2 13.5 92 295 8/5 East of Lot 107 G-3 1129.0 116.0 129.5 9.8 9.5 90 297 8/6 74 P-2 1134.3 119.0 132.0 7:8 8.0 90 ' 298 8/6 73 G-5 1135.9 121.9 134.0 10.3 10.5 91 299 8/6 72 P-3 1134.1 116.4 125.5 7.0 9.5 93 ' 300 8/6 75 G-5 1137.6 129.1 134.0 7.2 10.5 96 301 8/6 76 P-3 1139.7 114.7 125.5 9.9 9.5 91 302 8/6 77 P-2 1142.3 145.0 132.0 6.8 8.0 100 304 8/6 68 9 1143.7 107.8 116.0 13.0 14.0 93 305 8/6 69 P-3 1140.5 115.8 125.5 11.1 9.5 92 ' 306 8/6 70 P-3 1136.2 117.1 125.5 9.9 9.5 93 307 8/6 71 P-3 1135.7 121.6 125.5 11.1 9.5 95 308 8/7 61 P-1 1134.3 118.6 127.0 4.5 10.0 93 309 8/7 62 G-4 1135.7 114.0 125.0 14.0 11.5 91 310 8/7 63 8 1136.2 112.8 121.5 10.8 13.5 8 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Project No. 6851326-02 Tract No. 20848 ' Comments Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture Y Relative No. Date Location Type Test Elev. Field M aximum ie d Opt. Compaction LOT NO. '1987 311 8/7 64 P-1 1141.2 120.2 127.5 12.1 10.0 94 ' 312 8/7 65 G-3 1144.0 117.4 129.5 11.2 9.5 91 313 8/7 66 G-3 1146.3 116.8 129.5 8.4 9.5 90 ' 314 8/7 67 G-3 1146.3 121.5 129.5 11.1 9.5 94 319 8/10 60 G-5 1132.6 122.2 134.0 5.3 10.5 91 ' 91 . 320 8/10 59 P-3 1130.4 114.0 125.5 8.3 9.5 ' 324 8/13 51 G-5 1130.2 121.2 134.0 6.7 10.5 90 325 8/13 43 P-1 1158.2 121.9 127.5 10.0 10.0 96 ' 326 8/13 42 P-3 1151.7 117.6 125.5 6.4 9.5 94 8/13 38 9 1127.5 109.3 116.0 7.5 14.0 94 '327 10.0 92 328 8/13 37 P-1 1125.3 117.3 127.5 7.5 ' 329 8/13 36 G-3 1121.7 126.9 129.5 8.8 9.5 98 330 8/13 35 G-3 1121.1 127.3 129.5 9.9 9.5 98 ' 331 8/13 34 G-3 1120.5 126.6 129.5 7.5 9.5 98 332 8/13 Kearney Rd. WM P-4 TP+5FT. 130.0 132.0 9.4 7.5 98 1 333 8/13 Kearney Rd. WM G-3 TP+3FT. 116.1 129.5 9.9 9.5 90 ' 334 8/13 Pky. Nicolas Rd. P-2 1127.0 119.2 132.0 8.9 8.0 90 335 8/14 Pky. Nicolas Rd. P-2 1127.0 119.2 132.0 8.3 8.0 90 1 Project No. 6851326-02 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Tract No. 20848 Test Test Test Soil and Dry Dens., pcf Moisture i No Date Location Type Test Elev. Field Maximum Field Op Relative Comoaction ' 1987 LOT NO. 336 8/14 Pky. Nicolas Rd. P-2 1126.0 119.7 132.0 8.6 8.0 91 337 8/14 Pky. Nicolas Rd. 8 1126.5 110.3 121.5 16.0 13.5 91 (Not Plotted) 338 8/14 Pky. Nicolas Rd. G-3 1116.5 124.9 129.5 8.3 9.5 96 ' (Not Plotted) .1 1 t 1 1