HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 30434 Geotechnical ReportT.H.E. Soils Co., Inc. Plione: (951) 894-2121 FAX: (951) 894-2122 E-mail: thesoilsco(&aol.com ' 31548 Eastman Drive, Unit G • Murrieta, CA 92562 March 27, 2009 1 Mr. Larry Markham ' Markham Development Management Group, Inc. (MDMG) 41635 Enterprise Circle North, Suite B Temecula, California 92590 RECEIVED MAR 3 0 2009 MDMG, INC. SUBJECT: UPDATE TO PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed 18 -Lot Residential Development with 1 Common Lot Tentative Tract Map 30434 APN Nos.: 945-090-001 & -002 and 945-100-005 Santiago Road Northeast of John Warner Road City of Temecula, Riverside County, California Work Order No. 383201.00U Dear Mr. Markham: In accordance with your request, we have performed an Update Report to the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed residential development located in the city of Temecula, Riverside County, California. The purpose of our investigation was to update the previous geotechnical report, T.H.E., 2002 (see Appendix A) in accordance with the 2007 California Building Code (CBC). For our investigation, we utilized a topographic 50 -scale "Tentative Tract Map 30434" for the subject parcel prepared by MDMG of Temecula, California. The 50 -scale tentative tract map was utilized to locate our previous exploratory trenches and borings and as a base map for our "Geotechnical Map", Plate 1. Based on the results of our investigation, we anticipate that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint provided the conclusions and recommendations presented in the following sections are implemented during site development. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Proposed Development It is our understanding, that the subject site will be developed as 18 -residential lots that will be utilized as single-family residential properties. The 19ei lot, the Home Owners Association (HOA) lot, will be utilized as an open area with t o small retention basins. Development will include street improvements. 1.2 Site Description The subject site (APN Nos. 945-090-001 & -002 and 945-100-005) is an irregular-shaped +30 -acre parcel of land located along the north side of Santiago Road to the east of John T.H.E. Soils Company, 1ne. W.O. N0. 383201.000 Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 2 Warner Road in the city of Temecula in southwest Riverside County, California. The site is bordered on the north by Pauba Road (Lot 1), on the east and west by large parcel single- family residential development, and on the south by Santiago Road and large parcel residential development. The geographical relationships of the site and surrounding area are shown on our Site Location Map, Figure 1. Topography (see Plate 1) consists of gently to steeply sloping terrain with natural gradients that vary from 6 percent up to 56 percent on the hillsides within the wide, moderately incised, drainage course traversing from northeast to southwest across the site. Overall relief on the subject parcels is approximately ±136 -ft from approximately 1120 to 1256 above mean sea elevation. Vegetation consisted, at the time of our investigation, of a new approximately 1 -ft high growth of annual weeds and grasses, a moderate growth of chaparral type vegetation across the site and a moderate growth of cactus on the northerly slopes of the site. The subject site, for the most part, is in a relatively natural condition with the exception of several dirt access roads, minor surficial trash and debris, several soil stockpiles on the central and southwest portions of the site and some minor grading and associated erosion control measures (hay bales, silt fence, etc.) on the southeast comer of the subject site. 2.0 SITE INVESTIGATION 2.1 Background Research and Literature Review Pertinent published and unpublished reports and geologic map's were reviewed for the purpose of preparing this report. A complete list of the publications and reports reviewed for this investigation is presented in Appendix A. 2.2 Field Investieation Site reconnaissance and mapping of the site were conducted on March 25, 2009 with no subsurface exploration. Subsurface exploration of the subject site was previously performed by T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. for both a preliminary geotechnical and onsite sewage disposal investigations (see References). A total of 11 exploratory trenches were advanced utilizing a Case No. 580L extenda-backhoe equipped with a 2 -ft wide bucket on March 14, 2002. Exploratory Trench T-3 was advanced to the m^ximum depth explored of 16.2 -ft below the ground surface (bgs). Between March 19 and 20, 2008 and between March 25 and March 27, 2008, seven deep exploratory borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 50.0 -ft below the existing ground surface (bgs) and a total of nine deep seepage test borings were also excavated to various depths ranging from 30 to 40 -feet below the existing ground surface near proposed pad finish grade elevations. T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO. 383201.000 Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 3 Information collected during our field mapping and our review of the previous geotechnical and percolation investigations is shown on our Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. Copies of the exploratory trench and boring logs are presented in Appendix B. 2.3 Laboratory Testis¢ Program No laboratory testing was performed as part of our investigation. The previous laboratory test results (T.H.E., 2002) were utilized for our update investigation. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Locally, the entire subject site is underlain both at the ground surface and at shallow depths by dense sedimentary bedrock of the Pleistocene -age Pauba Formation (Kennedy, 2000 and Tan & Kennedy, 2000). Shallow accumulations of alluvial soils overly the sedimentary bedrock within the large alluvial valley located on the central and southwest portions of the subject site and within the smaller alluvial valleys on the southern portion of the site adjacent to Santiago Road. Several large soil stockpiles (undocumented fill) were noted on the central and southwest portions of the site. 3.1 Undocumented Fill W) Undocumented fill soils observed on-site were generally restricted to the three large soil stockpiles located on the central and southwest portions of the subject site. The stockpiles were approximately 9 to 11 -ft in vertical height and 45 to 60 -ft in diameter. Based on our site observations the soil stockpiles appeared to consist predominately of dark brown silty sands (Unified soil classification - SM) that contained minor construction debris. 3.2 Alluvial Soils (Oal) Alluvial soils were encountered at the ground surface within the alluvial valley located on the central and southwest portions of the subject site and within the smaller drainage courses located on the southern portion of the site adjacent to Santiago Road. The alluvial soils varied from approximately 3 to 5 -ft in thickness. This unit consisted predominately of silty sands (SM) that can be described as yellow brown to dark brown, fine to coarse grained, dry, loose, clayey in part with numerous pin point pores tcnd fine roots. 33 Pauba Formation (Ons) Sedimentary deposits of the Pleistocene -age Pauba Formation are exposed at the ground surface on the hilltops and hillsides and underlying the alluvial soils throughout the subject site. This unit extended to the maximum depth explored of 16.2 -ft (T-3) bgs on the lower T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO. 38320 LOW JOHN WARNER RD.;I - _ L �- [ i rc r T- M F low \ 1 � ae K /, ) )GRADING PEP RC yw—ti 1 y _w.mnnras 1 4 . rrn,weav :MWE- 7T nrear� woe �w.r.rn i...o 1=1 �.mmw�w—awvi�s�.`�aer �� .+nmunur.m.omau.arrn .mauavva-ms..rv.. �'. a+r�rn.a..sou�aa uesrn.. r B-1 • TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30434 (PA 08-0281) I Y nNIDI� iuuWr %7,4-tQ�` , a'°F0f � .o cn4n .so-rz (P — RIVATE STREET' A" -"B" "C") AND "D" P-7 .-4, ,41- T-3 T3 ry, B vicnim M" e JlmllfafLtleaa c s.mern • 1 i' � 1�� a �� � qt 111 \ mfm I I y 1 \ M�Q�y \ YYL wew� �s MIS eeua �� \\ �•'• �a IrOt Yt r1 � YPa[ Y t' Yrt�Aa am�vwelwa —� � 1 \ � - awrtlR flee wr are rorrfoco�e n s wear � a ores [ srnx rux \ � • � - sau arra rs rr oea orm \ .J Ian JOff M I rVe MRT A be ` _ \ 7r a r� rersr room \ , 1� M If a ma r�4r Saar 01 NS -O10-011 Lr � ? It waa.T (PF.•rT).OJ �.- � ,� 'r a� as a rwcns ax are POM uu w>ae ,\. rw e, ft i P 1 > - wr LO11 N5-090-016 LOT) 0 a — wur W-ODO-or) (P1-11400) — ream mown Grpw mrn ro- 0¢11 mrs.mc .eve >.sPPW 3. F-3 — P1•r])Te� P.C•r?]B4O ( \ �.c.mi.[.r..m n..a. iE ( 29 CF' P-E.nf a 01,1M.8 26 .11 .. F.na0 1 \ ewon..-,...•1 I I I 25852 V.S. T \ u.9. 2 J avr+� ii- �w ® I O�AfJaJIf1 e • r r r � � �r rar iinf w rna r.7—. s a Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 4 elevations of the subject site. This unit generally consisted of dark yellow brown to brown silty sands (SM) and sands (SC) that were slightly moist, medium dense to dense, with abundant white caliche veinlets and numerous pin point pores in the upper 1 -ft. 3.4 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered within our exploratory borings P-4 and B-7 at depths of 34 -ft and 30 -ft, or equivalent to above mean sea elevations 1125 and 1124, respectively. Both exploratory borings were drilled along the southeast side of the moderately incised drainage course. No groundwater was encountered within exploratory boring B-1, which was advanced on the southwest portion or lower elevations of the subject site. B-1 was advanced to a depth 50 -ft bgs or an equivalent above mean sea elevation of 1079. Our review of historic groundwater information (Rancho California Water District, 1984) indicates that regional high groundwater is at least 100 -ft bgs in the vicinity of the lower elevations of the subject site. Based on the above information, the groundwater encountered in borings P-4 and B-7 is anticipated to be in a perched localized condition. Fluctuations of the groundwater level, localized zones of perched water, and variations in soils moisture content should be anticipated during and following the rainy season. Irrigation of agriculture and/or landscaped areas on and adjacent to the site can also cause a fluctuation of local groundwater levels and perched water conditions can develop. In addition, the depth to groundwater can fluctuate seasonally as a result of planned groundwater and storm water management. 3.5 Excavation Characteristics Based on our limited subsurface exploration, the alluvial soils exposed on the subject site are anticipated to be excavated with moderate ease to proposed depths utilizing conventional grading equipment (Caterpillar D -9L dozer or equivalent) in proper working condition. The slightly to non -weathered sedimentary bedrock is anticipated to require moderate to moderately difficult excavation to proposed depths with a Caterpillar D -9L dozer or equivalent. 4.0 SEISMICITY 4.1 ReEional Seismicity The site is located in a region of generally high seismicity, as is all of southern California. During its design life, the site is expected to experience strong ground motions from earthquakes on regional and/or local causative faults. The subject site is not located within a State of California Alquist Priolo Fault Rupture Hazard Fault Zone (Division of Mines T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO. 383201.00U Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 5 and Geology, 1997). No active faults are known to traverse the site and no fault traces or photo -lineaments have been mapped on the subject site (Kennedy, 2000 and Tan & Kennedy, 2000). The closest known active fault is the Elsinore Fault Zone (Temecula segment) located about 2.2 -kilometers to the southwest (ICBO, 1998). Other major faults include the San Jacinto fault (Anza segment) located approximately 33.5 -kilometers to the northeast and the Newport -Inglewood fault located approximately 50 -kilometers to the southwest. ' The Elsinore fault zone (Temecula segment) is characterized as a right lateral strike slip fault with a total length of approximately 42 -kilometers (CDMG, 1996). The State of California has assigned the Elsinore Fault (Temecula segment) a slip rate of 5 mm/yr. (+/- 2 ' mm/yr.) with a recurrence interval of 240 years (CDMG, 1996). This fault segment has been assigned a maximum moment magnitude of 6.8. ' Historically, significant earthquakes causing strong ground shaking have occurred on local and regional faults near the site. To evaluate historical seismicity, we have utilized a computer software program titled EPI, which utilizes an earthquake database compiled t by California Technical Institute to analyze earthquakes of various magnitude that have occurred within a specified radius about the site. ' A total of 138 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or greater have occurred within 160.9 - kilometers (100 -miles) of the site since 1932. The closest earthquake recorded within the ' specified search area occurred on Monday, September 23, 1963, located approximately 31 -kilometers (19 -miles) to the northeast as a 5.1 magnitude earthquake. The largest earthquake recorded within the specified search area occurred on Sunday, June 28, 1992, ' located approximately 100 -kilometers (62 -miles) to the northeast as a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. A graphical representation of the historical seismicity is shown on Figure 2. ' 4.2 2007 California Buildine Code (CBCT - Seismic Parameters: Moderate to severe seismic shaking of the site can be expected during the lifetime of the ' proposed improvements. Therefore, the proposed structures should be designed accordingly. Based on our subsurface investigation and anticipated earthwork for construction of the proposed project, the soils underlying the subject site are classified as ' Type SD, "stiff soil profile", according to the 2007 CBC. The seismic design parameters according to 2007 CBC are summarized in the following table. The Design Acceleration Parameters were determined according to the procedure outlined in ASCE 7-05 21.4 and are ' as follows. ' T.H.E Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO. 383201.000 I+ � T N - I I +_ EPI 9oItWare 2000 Seismicity 1932-2006 (Magnitude 5.0+) 100 mile radius SITE LOCATION: 33.4940 LAT. -117.1255 LONG MINIMUM LOCATION QUALITY: C 0 50 100 TOTAL # OF EVENTS ON PLOT: 258 MILES TOTAL# OF EVENTS WITHIN SEARCH RADIUS: 138 MAGNITUDE DISTRIBUTION OF SEARCH RADIUS EVENTS: 5.0-5.9: 123 6.0- 6.9 : 13 7.0- 7.9 : 2 8.0. 8.9 : 0 CLOSEST EVENT: 5.1 ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23.1963 LOCATED APPROX. 19 MILES NORTHEAST OF THE SITE LARGEST 5 EVENTS: 7.3 ON SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1992 LOCATED APPROX. 62 MILES NORTHEAST OF THE SITE 7.1 ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1999 LOCATED APPROX. 90 MILES NORTHEAST OF THE SITE 6.7 ON MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1994 LOCATED APPROX. 94 MILES NORTHWEST OF THE SITE 6.7 ON SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1940 LOCATED APPROX. 108 MILES SOUTHEAST OF THE SITE 6.6 ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 09, 1971 LOCATED APPROX. 96 MILES NORTHWEST OF THE SITE FIGURE 2 Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 6 Mapped Spectral Acceleration Parameters: Ss = 1.820 and SI = 0.661. Site Coefficients: Fa = 1.0 and F„ =1.5. Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) Spectral Response Parameters*: SMS = 1.820 and SMI = 0.992. Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters*: SDs = 1.213 and SDI = 0.661. The corresponding value of peak ground acceleration from the design acceleration spectrum according to the 2007 CBC is 0.490g. 4.3 Photo -Lineament Review A photo -lineament review of the subject and adjoining sites was performed during our preliminary geotechnical investigation. Topographically, the majority of the subject site is located in an area of gently to steeply sloping terrain. No geomorphic expressions suggestive of faulting, such as linear topography, offset streams, spring lines, and/or fault scarps, were noted within the subject site during our site investigation and aerial photograph review of the subject site. A "moderate" northwest trending linear feature was noted approximately 3,000 -ft to the southwest and is coincident with linear topography and a well-defined break in slope and drop in elevation. This feature appears to be coincident with the mapped location of the Elsinore fault zone as mapped on the Fault -Rupture Hazard Zone Map (Hart, 2000 & Tan and Kennedy, 2000). The term "moderate", in the context of this report as meaning "a moderate lineament may have local sinuosity, is less than a few km long, may be locally wider than long, is more diffuse on imagery and may coincide with apparent alignments of topographic saddles or local drainage segments. ' 5.0 SECONDARY SEISMIC HAZARDS 5.1 Liquefaction Soil liquefaction is the loss of soil strength due to increased pore water pressures caused by a significant ground shaking (seismic) event. Liquefaction typically consists of the re- arrangement of the soil particles into a denser condition resulting in localized areas of settlement, sand boils, and flow failures. Areas underlain by loose to medium dense cohesionless soils, where groundwater is within 30 to 40 feet of the surface, are particularly susceptible when subject to ground accelerations such as those due to earthquake motion. The liquefaction potential is generally considered greatest in saturated loose, poorly graded fine sands with a mean grain size (D50) in the range of 0.075 to 0.2mm. Typically, T.H E. Soils Company, Inc W.O NO. 383201.000 Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 7 liquefaction has a relatively low potential at depths greater than 45 -ft and is virtually unknown below a depth of 60 -ft. Procedures outlined in two publications, 1) The Guidelines for Evaluation and Mitigation of Seismic Hazards in California, Special Publication 117: Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (1997); and 2) Recommendations for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117: Guidelines of Analyzing and Mitigation, Liquefaction Hazards in California: Southern California Earthquake Center University of Southern California (1997), provide for a "screening study" in lieu of a complete liquefaction analysis. It is our opinion that, owing to the dense/stiff nature of the underlying sedimentary bedrock units and the absence of regional shallow groundwater, liquefaction and other shallow groundwater related hazards are not anticipated, and further analysis appears to be unwarranted at this time. Based on the above information, the liquefaction potential is anticipated to be low. 5.2 Ground Rupture Ground rupture during a seismic event normally occurs along pre-existing faults. Owing to the absence of known faulting (Kennedy, 2000 and Tan & Kennedy, 2000) within the boundaries of the subject site, ground rupture during a seismic event is anticipated to be low. 5.3 Seismically Induced Soil Settlement Any proposed structures will be founded in medium dense to dense compacted fill overlying medium dense to dense sedimentary bedrock. The settlement potential, under seismic loading conditions for these onsite materials, in our opinion, is low. 5.4 Landslidina No geomorphic expression of landsliding or slope instability was noted during our aerial photograph examination or site mapping. In general, the potential for landsliding during a seismic event is considered very low under current conditions. 5.5 Rockfall Potential The subject site is located in an area free of large rock and the potential for rockfall is anticipated to be negligible. 5.6 Seiches and Tsunamis T H E Soils Company, Inc W.O. NO. 383201.000 ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG t March 27, 2009 Page 8 Considering the location of the site in relation to large bodies of water, seiches and tsunamis are not considered potential hazards of the site. ' 6.0 CONCLUSIONS • The proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the ' recommendations presented in the following sections are adhered to during site development. ' Locally, the entire subject site is underlain both at the ground surface and at shallow depths by dense sedimentary bedrock of the Pleistocene -age Pauba Formation (Kennedy, 2000 and Tan & Kennedy, 2000). Shallow accumulations of alluvial soils overly the ' sedimentary bedrock within the large alluvial valley located on the central and southwest portions of the subject site and within the smaller alluvial valleys on the southern portion of the site adjacent to Santiago Road. Several large soil stockpiles (undocumented fill) ' were noted on the central and southwest portions of the site. Groundwater was encountered within our exploratory borings P-4 and B-7 at depths of 34 -ft ' and 30 -ft, or equivalent to above mean sea elevations 1125 and 1124, respectively. Both exploratory borings were drilled along the southeast side of the moderately incised drainage course. No groundwater was encountered within exploratory boring B-1, which was advanced on the southwest portion or lower elevations of the subject site. B-1 was advanced to a depth 50 -ft bgs or an equivalent above mean sea elevation of 1079. Our review of historic groundwater information (Rancho California Water District, 1984) ' indicates that regional high groundwater is at least 100 -ft bgs in the vicinity of the lower elevations of the subject site. Based on the above information, the groundwater ' encountered in borings P-4 and B-7 is anticipated to be in a perched localized condition. Should any water wells be encountered during rough grading operations, they should be ' plugged and abandoned in accordance with current regulatory guidelines. • The subject site is not located within a State of California Alquist Priolo Fault Rupture Hazard Fault Zone (Division of Mines and Geology, 1997). No active faults are known to traverse the site and no fault traces or photo -lineaments have been mapped on the subject site (Kennedy, 2000 and Tan & Kennedy, 2000). The closest known active fault is the ' Elsinore Fault Zone (Temecula segment) located about 2.2 -kilometers to the southwest (ICBO, 1998). Other major faults include the San Jacinto fault (Anza segment) located approximately 33.5 -kilometers to the northeast and the Newport -Inglewood fault located approximately 50 -kilometers to the southwest. • Ground rupture during a seismic event normally occurs along pre-existing faults. Owing to ' the absence of known faulting (Kennedy, 2000 and Tan & Kennedy, 2000) within the T H E Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO 383201 OOU 1 Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 9 boundaries of the subject site, ground rupture during a seismic event is anticipated to be low. • The potential for liquefaction during a local seismic event is considered negligible. • The potential for seismically induced settlement, rockfall, landsliding, seiches, tsunamis and inundation during a local seismic event is considered low. • The Mapped Spectral Acceleration Parameters for the subject site are Ss = 1.820 and S, = 0.660 and the site coefficients are Fa = 1.0 and F, = 1.5 (2007 CBC). The Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) Spectral Response Parameters for the subject site are SMS = 1.820 and SM, = 0.992 and the Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters are SDS = 1.213 and Sp, = 0.661 (ASCE 7-05 Section 21.4). The corresponding value of peak ground acceleration from the design acceleration spectrum according to the 2007 CBC is 0.490g. 7.1 7.2 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS General Earthwork Recommendations for site development and design are presented in the following sections of this report. The recommendations presented herein are preliminary and should be confirmed during construction. Prior to the commencement of site development, the site should be cleared of any vegetation, existing asphalt driveways, concrete walkways, concrete foundations, water lines, electric lines, etc., which should be hauled off-site. The client, prior to any site preparation, should arrange and attend a meeting among the grading contractor, the design engineer, the soils engineer and/or geologist, a representative of the appropriate governing authorities, as well as any other concerned parties. All parties should be given at least 48 hours notice. Earthwork should be conducted in accordance with the recommendations specified in this report. Preparation of Existin¢ Ground The loose nature of the undocumented fill and alluvial soils will require complete removal of undocumented fill and the alluvial soils within the drainage swales in the proposed fill areas until medium dense to dense unweathered sedimentary bedrock is exposed that is free of pin -point pores and fine roots. All colluvial soils should also be completely removed by benching during rough grade operations. Depths of alluvial removals are anticipated to vary from a minimum of 4 to 6 -ft below the original ground T H E. Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO 383201 OOU ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG ' March 27, 2009 Page 10 ' surface. All removals should expose medium dense to dense sedimentary bedrock that is free of voids and roots with a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density as ' determined by ASTM D-1557. In areas that do not yield competent material and/or areas containing large trees with deep root systems deeper removals may be necessary. ' Prior to the placement of fill, the exposed sedimentary bedrock should be scarified a minimum of 12 -inches below the ground surface, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture, and recompacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density (as ' determined by ASTM D-1557). 7.3 Fill Placement ' Onsite earth materials are expected to be suitable for use as structural fill provided they are nonexpansive. A qualified soil engineer should test import materials to determine their ' feasibility for use as structural fill. Approved fill material should be placed in 6 to 8 -inch lifts, brought to at least optimum ' moisture content, and compacted to a minimum of 90% of the maximum laboratory dry density, as determined by the ASTM D1557 test method. No rocks or concrete larger than 6 inches in diameter should be used as fill material. Rocks larger than 6 inches should either t be hauled off-site or crushed and used as fill material. Any asphalt encountered should be hauled offsite and not placed as fill materials. 7.4 Slope Stability & Construction Based on our previous slope stability analysis (T.H.E., 2002), we anticipate that both fill tand cut slopes constructed at a 1.5:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope ratio, to a maximum height of approximately 70 -ft will be surficially and grossly stable if constructed in accordance ' with the recommendations presented in this report and in Appendix C of this report. Based on our review of the tentative tract map onsite fill and cut slopes were designed at a 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope ratio to maximum vertical heights of 54 and 70 -ft, respectively. When the highest slope consisting of a given soil or bedrock type was determined to be grossly stable (static and seismic factors of safety greater than 1.5 and 1.1, respectively), slopes of lesser height, derived from the same material, may be considered to be stable by inference. The gross stability of the existing cut slopes is largely dependent upon the fracture and bedding attitudes of the material from which they are derived. No adverse geologic orientations were observed within the sedimentary bedrock exposed within the existing slopes. The importance of proper fill compaction to the face of slope cannot be overemphasized. In T.H E Soils Company, Inc W.O. NO 383201.001] ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG ' March 27, 2009 Page 11 ' order to achieve proper compaction to the slope face, one or more of the four following methods should be employed by the contractor following implementation of typical slope construction guidelines; 1) track walk the slopes at grade, 2) grid roll the slopes, 3) use a combination of sheepsfoot roller and track walking, and/or 4) overfill the slope 3 to 5 -ft laterally and cut it back to grade. ' Care should be taken to avoid spillage of loose materials down the face of any slope during grading. Loose fill on the face of the slope will require complete removal prior to ' compaction, shaping and trackwalking. Proper seeding and planting of the slopes should follow as soon as practical to inhibit ' erosion and deterioration of the slope surfaces. Proper moisture control will enhance the long-term stability of the finish slope surface. ' 7.5 Expansion Index Testine Expansion index testing was previously performed on representative onsite soil samples t(T.H.E., 2001). The results generally indicated that the expansion index for the onsite soils varied from 0 to 6 or Non Expansive (expansion index QO - 2007 CBC, Section 1802.3.2). ' Expansion Index testing should be conducted on representative samples exposed within the upper 3-11 of the building pads at the completion of rough grading. ' 7.6 Soluble Sulfate Content Based on previous soluble sulfate content testing, it is anticipated that, from a corrosivity t standpoint, Type II Portland Cement can be used for construction. Laboratory analysis results were reported as 0.001 percentage by weight of water-soluble sulfate, which equates to a NEGLIGIBLE sulfate exposure per the American Concrete Institute (ACI), 318, Table ' 4.3.1 (2005). Soluble Sulfate content testing on representative soils samples exposed in the upper 3 -ft of the pad surfaces should be conducted within the building pad at the completion of rough grading. 7.7 Corrosion Suite Testin T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. does not practice corrosion engineering. If specific information or evaluation relating to the corrosivity of the onsite or any import soil is required, we recommend that a competent corrosion engineer be retained to interpret or provide corrosion analysis and mitigation. It is also recommended that these results and the recommendations from the corrosion engineer be forwarded to the appropriate design team members (i.e., project architect, engineer, etc.) for incorporation into the plans and implementation during construction. Corrosion suite testing should be conducted on T H E Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO 383201.000 ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 12 ' representative samples obtained within the upper 3 -ft of building pads at the completion of grading. ' 7.8 Lateral Load Resistance ' The following parameters should be considered for lateral loads against permanent structures founded on fill materials compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density. Soil engineering parameters for imported soil may vary. 1 Equivalent Fluid Pressure for Level Backfill Active: 35 pcf ' Passive: 475 pcf Coefficient of friction (concrete on soil): 0.35 If passive earth pressure and friction are combined to provide required resistance to lateral forces, the value of the passive pressure should be reduced to two thirds of the above recommendations. These values may be increased by one third when considering short- term loads such as wind or seismic forces. 7.9 Allowable Safe Bearing Capacity An allowable safe bearing capacity of 2,100 pounds per square foot (psl) may be used for design of continuous footings that maintain a minimum width of 12 -inches and a minimum depth of at least 12 -inches below the lowest adjacent grade. The bearing value may be increased by 10% for each additional foot of depth and/or width to a maximum of 2,900 psf. The bearing value may be increased by one-third for seismic or other temporary loads. Total settlements under static loads of footings supported on properly compacted fill materials and sized for the allowable bearing pressures are not expected to exceed about I - inch. Differential settlements between footings designed for the maximum recommended bearing value are expected to be less than one-half of the total settlement. These settlements are expected to occur primarily during construction. Soil engineering parameters for imported soil may vary. 7.10 Foundation System Design Foundation elements should be placed entirely either in sedimentary bedrock or engineered fill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density. For one-story houses, continuous spread footings should be a minimum of 12 -inches wide and 12 -inches below the lowest adjacent grade. For two-story houses, continuous spread footings should be a minimum of 15 -inches wide and 18 -inches below the lowest adjacent grade. As a T H E Soils Company, Inc. W.O NO.383201.000 Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 13 7.12 minimum, all footings should have one No. 4 reinforcing bar placed at the top and bottom of the footing. Concrete slabs, in moisture sensitive areas, should be underlain with a vapor barrier consisting of a minimum of ten mil polyvinyl chloride membrane with all laps sealed. A 2 -inch layer of clean sand should be placed above the moisture barrier. The 2 -inches of clean sand are recommended to protect the visqueen moisture barrier and aid in the curing of the concrete. The structural engineer should design all footings and concrete slabs in accordance with the anticipated loads and the soil parameters given. Cut/Fill Transitions Cut -to -fill transitions should be eliminated from building pads where the depth of fill exceeds 12 -inches. This should be accomplished by overexcavation of the cut portion and replacing the materials as properly compacted fill. Limits of excavation should be verified by the project civil engineer. Recommended depths of overexcavation are as follows: Depth of Fill on "Fill" Portion 0 to 6 -ft > 6 -ft Earthwork Factors Depth of Overexcavation "Cut" Portion 3.0 -ft /� Depth of Fill to Maximum Depth of 15 -ft The following shrinkage/bulkage factors should be considered for on-site earth materials excavated and compacted during site construction. Shrinkage/bulkage values for imported soils should be evaluated when the specific borrow source is defined. ' Undocumented fill 15-17% shrinkage Alluvial Soils 8-15% shrinkage Sedimentary Bedrock 0-3% Shrinkage The above shrinkage values are estimated considering an average relative compaction at the completion of grading of 92 percent for the on-site soils. An increase in relative ' compaction, or deeper removals, could correspond to an increase in shrinkage values. Subsidence, as a result of ground preparation, may also be anticipated on the order of 0.15 feet, occurring mostly during site construction. T H E. Sods Company, Inc W.O. NO 383201.000 ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 14 7.13 Utility Trench Backfill Utility trench backfill should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum ' dry density determined in laboratory testing by the ASTM D 1557 test method. It is our opinion that utility trench backfill consisting of onsite or approved sandy soils can best be placed by mechanical compaction to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density. The upper 1 -ft of utility trench backfill located within pavement areas should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density. All trench excavations should be conducted in accordance with Cal -OSHA standards as a minimum. The soils encountered within our exploratory borings are generally classified as Type "C" soil in accordance with the CAL/OSHA (California, State of 2007) excavation standards. Unless specifically evaluated by the project engineering geologist, all temporary excavations should be performed in accordance with CAL/OSHA (California, State of, 2007) excavation standards for Type "C" soil. Based upon a soil classification of Type "C", the temporary excavations should not be inclined steeper than 1.5:1 (horizontal:vertical) for a maximum depth of 20 -ft. For temporary excavations deeper than 20 -ft or for conditions that differ from those described for Type "C" in the CAL/OSHA excavation standards, the project geotechnical engineer should be contacted. 7.14 Surface Drainage Proper surface drainage is critical to the future performance of the project. Infiltration of irrigation excess and storm runoff into the supporting soils can adversely affect the performance of the planned improvements. Saturation of a soil can cause it to lose internal shear strength and increase its compressibility, resulting in a change in the original designed engineering properties. Proper drainage should be maintained at all times. All site drainage should be collected and transferred to the street in non-erosive drainage ' devices. Drainages should not be allowed to pond anywhere on the site, and especially not against any foundation or retaining wall. Landscape irrigation situated within 5 -ft of the building perimeter should be enclosed in protected planters. ' Positive site drainage should be provided away from structures, pavement, and the tips of slopes to swales or other controlled drainage structures. Any building pad and pavement ' areas should be fine graded such that water is not allowed to pond. 7.15 Foundation Plan Review ' T ME Soils Company, Inc. W O. NO. 383201 OOU ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG March 27, 2009 Page 15 ' T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. should review the final foundation plans, when available, to verify conformance with the intentions of these recommendations. t7.16 Construction Monitoring ' Continuous observation and testing under the direction of qualified soils engineers and/or engineering geologists is essential to verify compliance with the recommendations of this report and to confirm that the geotechnical conditions found are consistent with this ' investigation. Construction monitoring should be conducted by a qualified engineering geologist/soil engineer at the following stages of construction: • During excavation of keyways and alluvial removals. • During overexcavation of the cut portion of proposed pads. • During preparation of the areas to receive compacted fill materials. • During placement of fill material. • Following excavation of footings for foundations. • During utility trench backfill operations. • During sidewalk and curb and gutter operations. • During subgrade and base operations. • When any unusual conditions are encountered during grading. 8.0 LIMITATIONS Our investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable Geotechnical Engineers and Geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. The samples taken and used for testing and the observations made are believed representative of the entire project; however, soil and geologic conditions can vary significantly between test locations. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. ' YH E. Soils Company, Inc W.O. NO 383201.000 ' Mr. Larry Markham MDMG ' March 27, 2009 Page 16 1 Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside ' our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and revision as changed conditions are identified. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, .r ' T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. ' 'Nn. RCE23464 Eu'es121142 ' J FC Jo P. Frey John T. Reinhart, RCE 23464 ' P o'ect Geologist Registration Expires 12/31/09 tel% C ' es R. Harrison �/ Project Manager JPF/JTR/JRH:jek ACCOMPANYING MAPS, ILLUSTRATIONS, AND APPENDICES ' Figure 1 - Site Location Map (2,000 -scale) Figure 2 - Historical Seismicity (264,000 -scale) Plate 1 - Geotechnical Map (1149 -scale) ' APPENDIX A - References APPENDIX B - Previous Exploratory Boring Logs (T.H.E., 2002 & 2008) APPENDIX C - Standards of Grading 1 T H E Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO 38320 LOW APPENDIX A References T H E Soils Company, Inc W.O. NO 383201.000 California Building Standards Commission (CBSC), 2007, "2007 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Pari 2, Volume 2 of 2". California Division of Mines & Geology, 1997, "Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California", Special Publication 117. California Division of Mines & Geology, 1996, "Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California", DMG Open File Report 96-08, USGS Open File Report 96-706. California Geological Survey, 2006, "California Fault Parameters", California Geologic Survey website - Open -file Report 96-08. Coduto, Don, P., 1994, "Foundation Design Principles and Practice", Prentice Hall, pages 637-655. Department of Water Resources Website, 2009, "Groundwater Data Section". Department of Water Resources (DWR), April 1978, "Water Resources Evaluation of the San Jacinto Area", District Report; Hart, E.W., 2000, "Fault -Rupture Hazard Zones in California", California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42, CD -003 (CD-ROM Version). Houston, S. L., 1992, "Partial Wetting Collapse Predictions", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Expansive Soils, Vol. I, pages 302-306. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBG), February 1998, "Maps of Known Active Fault Near -Source Zones in California and Adjacent Portions of Nevada to be Used with 1997 Uniform Building Code" prepared by California Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas with Locations and Ages of Recent Volcanic Eruptions, California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map No. 6. ' Kennedy, Michael P., 2000, "Geologic Map of the Pechanga 7.5" Quadrangle San Diego and Riverside Counties, California", Scale I" = 2,000', USGS in Cooperation with the California Geological Survey. Morton, D. M., 2004, "Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Southern California, Version 2", Open -File Report 99-172, USGS in Cooperation with California ' Geologic Survey. NACE International, 1984. T H E Soils Company, Inc. W O. NO 383201.000 ' REFERENCES (Continued) Petersen, M., Beeby, D., Bryant, W., Cao, C., Cramer, C., Davis, J., Reichle, M., Saucedo, G., Tan, ' S., Taylor, G., Toppozada, T., Treiman, J., and Wills, C., 1999, Seismic Shaking Hazard Maps of California", California Division of Mines and Geology Map Sheet 48, varied scales. Rockwell, T.K., Millman, D.E., McElwain, R.S., and Lamar, D.L., 1985, "Study of Seismic Activity by Trenching Along the Glen Ivy North Fault, Elsinore Fault Zone, Southern California", Lamar-Merifield Technical Report 85-1. Tan, Siang S. & Kennedy, Michael P., 2000, "Geologic Map of the Temecula 7.5' Quadrangle, San Diego and Riverside Counties, California", Scale 1" = 2,000', USGS in Cooperation with the ' California Geological Survey. T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc., 2008, "Onsite Sewage Disposal Feasibility Investigation, Proposed ' 18 -Residential Lots, APN Nos. 945-090-001 & -002 and 945-100-005, Santiago Road, Northeast of John Warner Road, City of Temecula, Riverside County, California", Work Order No. 383201.01, dated April 23, 2008. T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc., 2002, "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed +32 -Acre, 33 -Lot Residential Development, Tentative Tract Map 30434, North of Santiago Road, East of ' Warner Road, City of Temecula, California", Work Order No. 383201.00 dated April 30, 2002. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS UTILIZED YEAR/SCALE FLIGHT #/FRAME # AGENCY 1939/1"=1,667' C-5750/205-31,211-74 Fairchild Collection 1962/1 "=2,000' Co. Flight/3-400,3-401 Riv Co Flood Control 1983/1 "=1,600' Co. Flight/200,201 Riv Co Flood Control 1990/1"=1,600' Co. Flight/19-21,19-22 7 Riv Co Flood Control ' T H.E Soils Company, Inc. W.O. NO. 383201.000 APPENDIX B ' Previous Exploratory Trench & Boring Logs (T.H.E., 2002 & 2008) ' T HE Soils Company, Inc, W.O NO. 383201.00U KEY TO LOGS DEFINITION OF TERMS PRIMARY DIVISIONS SYMBOLS SECONDARY DIVISIONS LOOSE GRAVELS CLEAN 10-30 GW Weil graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines rn MORE THAN GRAVELS 1 —2 GP Poorly graded gmvels or gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines d a S HALF 017 (LESS THAN OVER4 OVER32 O O COARSE 5% FINES A -7 Z FRACTION IS GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixtures, non -plastic fines. a W S S 4 N LARGER THAN GRAVEL dC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay matures, plastic fines. g m m NO. 4 SIEVE WITH FINES Q F > SANDS CLEAN SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. WW O MORE THAN SANDS Sp Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines ce a HALF OF (LESS TITAN 0 COARSE 5% FINES) $M Silty sands, sand -silt mnaures, non -plastic fines O FRACTION IS O SMALLER THAN SANDS SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures, plastic fines. N0.4 SIEVE WITH FINES rn ,� ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands or Oj SILTS AND CLAYS clayey silts with slight plasticilZ. CL Inorganic clays or low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean 0 LIQUID LIMIT IS C) x -a w c LESS THAN 50% cla s. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity W z Q J c ri] Q„a�G O lgl-1 Inorganic F �7 sds, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic F ¢ C z SILTS AND CLAYS silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays OLIQUID LIMIT IS w [— GREATER THAN 50% OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peat and other highly organic soils GRAIN SIZES SILTS AND CLAYS SAND GRAVEL COBBLES BOULDERS FINE MEDIUM COARSE FINE ICOARSE nn �V V U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE RELATIVE DENSITY SANDS, GRAVELS AND NON -PLASTIC SILTS BLOWS/FOOT* VERY LOOSE 0-4 LOOSE 4-10 MEDIUM DENSE 10-30 DENSE 30-60 VERY DENSE OVER 50 s 12 CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENINGS CONSISTENCY CLAYSAND PLASTIC SILTS STRENGTH** BLOWS/FOOT* VERY SOFT 0-1A 0-2 SOFT /4-''/z 2-4 FIRM /, - 1 4-8 STIFF 1 —2 8— 16 VERY STIFF 2-4 16-32 HARD OVER4 OVER32 ' * NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 POUND HAMMER FALLING 30-INCES TO DRIVE A 2 -INCH O.D. (1 -3/8 -INCH I.D.) SPLIT SPOON (ASTM D-1586). **UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN TONS/SQ. FT. AS DETERMINED BY LABORATORY t TESTING OR APPROXIMATED BY THE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (ASTM D-1586), POCKET PENETROMETER, TORVANE, OR VISUAL OBSERVATION TYPES OF SAMPLES: X — RING SAMPLE _- STANDARD PENETRATION TEST v - BULK SAMPLE DRILLING NOTES: n 1. SAMPLING AND BLOW COUNTS RING SAMPLER — NUMBER OF BLOWS PER FOOT OF A 140 POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST—NUMBER OF BLOWS PER FOOT 2. NR = NO RECOVERY OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03/14/02 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1132 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP z S w r w cu TEST PIT NO. 1 SOIL TEST u z DESCRIPTION sm �g mo U V ALLUVIUM MAXIMUM DENSITY/OPTIMUM MOISTURE SILTY SAND (SM) DARK OLIVE BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, EASY EXCAVATION, (MAX), DIRECT SHEAR (DS), SIEVE NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES AND FINE ROOTS, DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST ANALYSIS (SA), EXPANSION INDEX (EI), SAND EQUIVALENT (SE), SOLUBLE 5 n SULFATE PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM) DARK YELLOW BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR PIN POINT PORES IN UPPER 1 FT, MOIST, DENSE 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 10.1 FT NO GROUNDWATER 15 20 5 D 5 40 JOB NO:383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE:T-1 v OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATION:CASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03/14102 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1168 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w 8 °w a �' >0 �= TEST PIT NO. 2 E $ m w SOIL TEST y o o 6 5 5i 5 DESCRIPTION 0 j m 0 U RECENT ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN TO OLIVE BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY IN PART, WELL GRADED, OCCASIONAL COBBLES UP TO 3 INCHES IN DIAMETER, NARROWS TO VIN THICKNESS ON SOUTH END OF TRENCH PAUBA FORMATION SAND (SM): YELLOW BROWN, VERY FINE GRAINED, POORLY GRADED, DENSE, NUMEROUS CALICHE VEINLETS TOTAL DEPTH - 9.5' NO GROUNDWATER 15 20 5 0 5 40 JOB 190.383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE:T-2 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED: 03114/02 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1145 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP 0 ` 8 IT TEST PIT NO. 3 o z y i DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST g u f w -O RECENT ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM) MEDIUM BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, SLIGHTLY MOIST, EASY EXCAVATION, LOOSE, POROUS s PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST, MINOR PIN POINT PORES, WELL GRADED, OCCASIONAL SUBROUNDED COBBLES UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER AT T BECOMING VERY MOIST SAND (SM), YELLOW BROWN, MEDIUM TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR GRAVEL, MINOR WHITE CLAY DEVELOPMENT, STRONG ODOR, DAMP, MINOR ORANGE MOTTLING SILT (ML) OLIVE BROWN, MOIST, MICACEOUS, DENSE TOTAL DEPTH = 16.2' o VERY DAMP AT 12 - 14' ao JOB NO:383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE:T-3 L_1 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03/14102 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1166 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP � o ' TEST PIT NO. 4 " " o 2 7 5z o z 30 J. 5 H DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST g b Z RECENT ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN TO OLIVE BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, SLIGHTLY MOIST, NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES AND FINE ROOTS. OCCASIONAL SUBROUNDED TO -- ROUNDED COBBLES UP TO 6" IN DIAMETER AT CONTACT WITH PAUBA FORMATION --'—_ 5 V MAX, SA, EI, SE I PAUBA FORMATION SAND (SM), YELLOW BROWN, FINE GRAINED, DENSE, POORLY GRADED, WELL SORTED, SLIGHTLY MOIST A 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 9.2' NO GROUNDWATER i5 35 40 B NO:383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE T-4 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03/14102 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1163 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP LL. O v r w Via' w a ve ti� w �u wx TEST PIT NO. 5 _ DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST u RECENT ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, GRAVELLY IN PART, WELL GRADED, NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES AND ANIMAL BURROWS, SLIGHTLY MOIST 5 PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM) OLIVE BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MOIST, DENSE, WELL GRADED 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 10.0' NO GROUNDWATER 1s 35 0 rSNO:383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE T-5 ■ OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03Y14/02 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1254 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP � z o g w w � WX rLL KU TEST PIT NO. 6 m r x o i S i 5 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST o o z � so TOPSOI/COLLUVIUM SILTY SAND ISM) DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, DRY, NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES PAUBA FORMATION 5 SILTY SAND ISM) DARK ORANGE BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE SILTY SAND (MS) DARK ORANGE BROWN TO YELLOW BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, GRAVELLY IN PART, VERY MOIST, MODERATE EXCAVATION 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 12.0' 15 NO GROUNDWATER 0 5 0 35 40 JOB NO 383201 00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE:T-6 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03I14IO2 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1130 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP ° w TEST PIT NO. 7 LL N w< N w o u r 5- DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 5 U O m ON s° =0 COLLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM). DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES PAUBA FORMATION 5 SILTY SAND (SM): DARK OLIVE BROWN, VERY FINE TO FINE GRAINED, DENSE, SLIGHTLY MOIST, NUMEROUS WHITE CALICHE BLEBS, MINOR PORES IN UPPER 1 FT SILTY SAND (SM), DARK ORANGE TO YELLOW BROWN, MOIST, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, DENSE, EASY EXCAVATION 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 9.0' NO GROUNDWATER 1s 0 5 0 35 40 JOB NO:383201 00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE.T-7 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03114/02 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1160 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w V zo 8 w w K cLL TEST PIT NO. 8 LL in N i 0 5. x y w o 5 a g i DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST u o COLLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES, SLIGHTLY MOIST, OCCASIONAL SUBROUNDED COBBLES UP TO 6' IN DIAMETER AT CONTACT WITH PAUBA FORMATION, 1 - TIN THICKNESS PAUBA FORMATION s SILTY SAND (SM): MEDIUM YELLOW TO OLIVE BROWN, VERY FINE TO FINE GRAINED, VERY SILTY, DENSE WITH NUMEROUS CALICHE VEINLETS 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 7.0' NO GROUNDWATER 1s 0 s 0 35 40 JOB NO.383201 00 LOG OF TEST PIT T FIGURE:T-8 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATION:CASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03114/02 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1158 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP 0 TEST PIT NO. 9 o S vai x o `z 5. DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST Gw J 0 Z J E V COLLUVIUM SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, WELL GRADED WITH NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES AND ROOTS MAX, DS, SA, EI, BE, S s V PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM): DARK YELLOW BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, STILL MINOR PIN POINT PORES TO TOTAL DEPTH A 0 TOTAL DEPTH = 8.0' NO GROUNDWATER NO CAVING 15 0 s 35 40 O6 NO:383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE T-9 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATION:CASE NO. 580L EXTENDA-BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03/14102 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1242 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w � 8 w p TEST PIT NO. 10 DESCRIPTION SOIL 7E57 PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND ISM). YELLOW BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR GRAVEL IN PART, SLIGHTLY MOIST, WELL GRADED, DENSE, MINOR CLAY 5 TOTAL DEPTH = 10.0' NO GROUNDWATER 15 35 40 JOB NO:383201.00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE:T-10 OGGED BY: JPF METHOD OF EXCAVATIOWCASE NO. 580L EXTENDA•BACKHOE DATE OBSERVED:03I14IO2 WITH A 24" BUCKET ELEVATION: 1168 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w p a g w rc� w f rc yu �B TEST PIT NO. 11 o y u 5. DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST g u m j m ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND ISM). DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, LOOSE, DRY, TRACE OF GRAVEL, WELL GRADED, NUMEROUS PIN POINT PORES PAUBA FORMATION— -- ' -- --- — SILTY SAND ISM). YELLOW BROWN, VERY FINE TO FINE GRAINED, DENSE, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MINOR PORES IN UPPER 1' TOTAL DEPTH = 8.0' NO GROUNDWATER 1s 35 40 JOB NO 383201 00 LOG OF TEST PIT FIGURE:T-11 I OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3126108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1162 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w o LL 8 a i N z BORING NO. P-1 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 0 PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE (TOP 1 -2 -FT), FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED I,�) F?CF ibi>•' S � F.xp"sv; 17 -;ti 1 CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARKYELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, FINE TO MEDIUM tPT rQ' GRAINED g�OF CA��FO�a CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC)DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO __ _ ___ _ ___ ____ MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE ____________________________________________________________________ 20 CLAY (CL): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, MINOR MEDIUM GRAINED CLAYEY SAND (SC). DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC)' DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, 4D MODERATELY GRADED TOTAL DEPTH = 40 -FT, NO GROUNDWATER IJOB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-1 OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3126108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1223 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w BORING NO. P-2 °u DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST g u m j m _o PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM)MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, �• jr F FINE TO MEDIUM GRAVEL * No. P.CE 2MIll SILTY SAND (SM). LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, F41m; 1-31-J MINOR MEDIUM, POORLY `Prq�OF GRADED CA"EQQg�`P SILTY SAND (SM)' MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, POORLY GRADED 15 SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED SILTY SAND (SM)' DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, POORLY GRADED SILTY SAND (SM). DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, POORLY GRADED _ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, 1 MINOR MEDIUM 35 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE 40 GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 40 -FT, NO GROUNDWATER JOB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE' P-2 OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1207 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP o O w >LL gz BORING NO. P-3 T g m j 0. °u S i DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST u m o TOPSOIUCOLLUVIAL SOILS _ SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, RFI�F��cy MINOR FINE GRAVEL �3`�,,�RA A� 1 itiq 4CF_ g�pq PAUBA FORMATION ' °s: 12-31-O 1n CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE CALIFOP GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVELOF CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE i GRAINED, WELL GRADED 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL, WELL GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE 35 CLAYEY SAND (SC)DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE ____ _________________________________________________________ CLAY_(CL): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, TRACE MEDIUM GRAINED __________ TOTAL DEPTH = 40 -FT, NO GROUNDWATER NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-3 0 OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1 163 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP = O pw BORING NO. P-4 5 09 3 5 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST TOPSOIL/COLLUVIAL SOILS CLAYEY SAND (SC). DARK BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, SLIGHTLY MOIST, FINE TO MEDIUM G1�%� �,1i•i1�/(yG GRAINED, ROOTS (UPPER 1 -FT) r SOS ? p PAUBA FORMATION No. PCE 23464 CLAYEY SAND (SC) LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO E.lgim 123142' y MEDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES, CHUNKS OF CLAYSTONE (CL): LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN 9�Op CAUFpP CLAYEY SAND (SC)LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES, SMALL CHUNKS OF CLAYSTONE (CL): LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE _ ___ ____ __________________________________________________________________ CLAYEY SAND TO CLAYEY GRAVEL (SC -GC): MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, FINE GRAVEL, WELL GRADED SILTY SAND (SM)' MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED, MINOR CLAY FINES SILTY SAND (SM). MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED, MINOR CLAY FINES 35 SILTY SAND (SM). MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED, MINOR CLAY FINES V SILTY SAND ISM): MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM SIEVE ANALYSIS A GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED, MINOR CLAY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 38 -FT, GROUNDWATER @ 38 -FT B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-4 m OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1155 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP 0 u °w J $a 6 f W y pLL W B ORING NO. P-5 SOIL N DESCRIPTION TEST U o COLLUVIUMITOPSOILU CIVIL ANG .sk. �-� !�EllyA.l ✓tit CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, LOOSE, FINE TO MEDIUM {9 GRAINED, MINOR COARSE LL idn,WCE 28163 *. 5 PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, LOOSE, FINE TO MEDIUM Lp GRAINED, POORLY SORTED 9�OF _ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ CP4�' SILT (ML). LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, PIECES OF SILTSTONE (ML): LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN �15 _ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, POORLY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES SILTY SAND (SM)YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE, MODERATELY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES SILTY SAND (SM)' YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE, MODERATELY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES 35 SILTY SAND (SM)' YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES _______________ CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM 40 GRAINED TOTAL DEPTH = 40—FT, NO GROUNDWATER JOB NO. 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-5 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1162 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP ¢u BORING NO. P-6 8 a DESCRIPTION BOIL TEST 0 8 � o PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE ,Ct AElM�4q�''L GRAINED, CLAYEY FINER �0T. r POE �aJaj CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE �f 07 . 12-31- GRAINED � �OF CAl\FOP CLAYEY SAND (SC). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED 15 SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TOM ED IUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED SILTY SANE) (SM). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED 35 TOTAL DEPTH = 35 -FT 10 10B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-6 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1156 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP � o r o BORING NO. P-7 5 o n DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST z" TOPSOILICOLLUVIAL SOILS SILTY SAND (SM): LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, FINE TO MEDIUM .S t' V i GRAINED 7} ( '°o F'CE234&ii�� / PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND ISM)DARK BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, TRACE F-I¢n 12-31- ! N COARSE, CLAYEY FINES O� CALIFO - ----- ----- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- CLAYEY SAND (SC) MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY SORTED CLAYEY SAND (SC) YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY SORTED CLAYEY SAND (SC). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY SORTED 35 CLAYEY SAND (SC), DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED CLAYEY SAND (SC); DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO 40 MEDIUM GRAINED TOTAL DEPTH = 40 -FT, NO GROUNDWATER OB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-7 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1146 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP o w BORING NO. P-8 A DESCRIPTION 501E i¢sT 5 � m � m i 3 w -o PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, . cll(�� CLAYEY FINES �EWiG'y Gc,'SNS. � SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE ,k �40 HCE2,m64 GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES E>OO ylrec 12-31-_/ S Tg�OFCAUFOP�\P tU SILTY SAND (SM) YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, TRACE FINE GRAVEL, CLAYEY FINES 15 _ _ ___ _ ___ ____________________________________________________________ ___ CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED WELL GRADED, TRACE FINE GRAVEL CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, CHUNKS OF CLAYSTONE (CL). YELLOWISH BROWN, MOTTLED IS SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 40 -FT, NO GROUNDWATER NO. 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P-8 I GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1255 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w °w �J j rw �x w BORING NO. P-9 N H x of S DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST u0 ] m 2U UNDOCUMENTED FILL SILTY SAND (SM): LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, DRY, LOOSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, FINE qq��Gp-h �Yr'�-RyCIVIC TO COARSE GRAVEL �Q No. RCE z3ass PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND (SC)REDDISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE Cxplfcs 12-31'=—/ GRAINED cp� �P 9�0fi CAl\FO4� CLAYEY SAND (SC)' REDDISH TO YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC). DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC). DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 30 -FT 135 I NO GROUNDWATER ao JOB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: P- GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1129 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP w 8 m �S ffi8 BORING NO. 1 i DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST 5 V m J 0 20 -O TOPSOIL/COLLUVIAL SOILS SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, QrJ 'Vlt �� MEDIUM GRADED A No. SCE Z �e5d �1 F'� 1"' 12.3'1-q PAUBA FORMATION 1njq�OFCA1-�fOP�\P CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES _.i CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC)DARK BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, CLAYSTONE (CL): DARK BROWN, MOTTLED CLAY (CL)' YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, TRACE MEDIUM GRAINED CLAY (CL)' YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, TRACE MEDIUM GRAINED 35 _ _____ _____ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ SILTY SAND (SM)' DARK BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, SLIGHTLY MOIST, FINE GRAINED 40 SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, TRACE COARSE, CLAYEY FINES JOB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE B-1 0 �GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: ♦ 1129 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP o 8 w J H a x •LL LL _LL w w BORING NO. 1 — to h Y DESCRIPTION SOIL 7Esr S u m' m 3 a 1p`2�t"Y. REIry��:i �YG CLAYEY SAND (SC)DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM ECE '13-164 7F GRAINED, TRACE COARSE, CLAYEY FINES EXp17':_' 1231-© Jfj�i� Qa\V, OF CAIIF� CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MEDIUM GRADED, CLAYEY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 50 -FT NO GROUNDWATER 55 '5 10 B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE:B-1 0 OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: ± 1249 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP OF O ° °w yF BORING NO. B-2 N g o N� i E)2 s o SN i w DESCRIPTION SOILTEST m -o UNDOCUMENTED FILL SILTY SAND (SM): LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, DRY, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE 4�' rlv# yob j-'' REI& GRAINED, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL, /�G�%�,tiT s A PAUBA FORMATION SILTY SAND (SM): REDDISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE„I jlrw� �} ~OF'"4� GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL EXVOMS 12.31-6 0 SILTY SAND ISM) YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL 115 SILTY SANE) ISM). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL, CLAYEY FINES _ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ CLAY (CL): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, FINE GRAVEL _ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ SILTY SAND (SM). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL, MODERATELY GRADED SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, FINE GRAVEL, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES 35 SILTY SAND (SM)DARK GRAYISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES SILTY SAND (SM): DARK GRAYISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-2 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1249 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP LL = a12 w BORING NO. B-2 S m 5 y = F 3 z w DESCRIPTION sob- 7Es7 u ' -° �� cr:� SILTY SAND (SM): GRAYISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, 91 12-31-0 MINOR MINOR COARSE, CLAYEY FINES --- -- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- �FCALIPn 50 CLAYEY SAND (SC)GRAYISH BROWN, DENSE, SLIGHTLY MOIST, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM TOTAL DEPTH = 50 -FT ss NO GROUNDWATER 75 B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE:B-2 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK-RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1141 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP LL o F LL g w pJs n wX > e� w- BORING NO. 3 u"i o u5 Y o S o DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST u 9 z s0 az TOPSOIUCOLLUVIAL SOILS "J SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, oi�iy MINOR CLAY FINES, WELL GRADED 2 A 9 7f f:n. F'r'E13464 E'Pimy � O 7f U'�. 12.31-C PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND DARK 9�OFCALIFO��\P (SC): BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE, CLAY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, LARGE GRAVEL (UP TO 1.5 INCHES) I CLAYEY SAND (SC)DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, LARGE GRAVEL (UP TO 1.5 INCHES) SILTY SAND (SC) YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES, WELL GRADED 35 SILTY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES, WELL GRADED SILTY SAND (SC)' YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES, WELL GRADED 8 NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-3 OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1141 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP ° BORING NO. 3 w 0. U n i DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST U m �o CIVI( ! 9 I1* Na. FCE Z;i964 CLAYEY SAND (SC). YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, \ Expire, 12,11-o-7 WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES, MINOR FINE GRAVEL LIP 9�OF CAUFOe� 50 CLAYEY SAND (SC)YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES, MINOR FINE GRAVEL TOTAL DEPTH = 50 -FT NO GROUNDWATER s 0 7s tB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE B-3 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1146 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP o ` w p2Ja w x p4 ° BORING NO. 4 Hz s" iw DESCRIPTION 501E TEST TOPSOIL/COLLUVIAL SOILS SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL p(� PAUBA FORMATION A � N,,,RICE 1y46,1 SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, E*fca 120.31. 0 MINOR FINE GRAVEL �OF CAlIFO�� 10 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL 15 CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, POORLY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, POORLY GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC)DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MODERATELY GRADED 35 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-4 GGED BY: METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK-RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1146 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP LL F J mw Ff BORING NO. 4 s •' p2 SN DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST U s o i w ,� No. ACE t390-t CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL n E�Inic 12-3i- O �T9�OFCAL1c0� 50 CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL TOTAL DEPTH = 50-FT NO GROUNDWATER ss 75 B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE:B-4 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1150 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP z o w BORING NO. 5 N a DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST PAUBA FORMATION �FPiD CLAYEY SAND (SC) MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM //a GRAINED, SMALL CHUNKS OF CLAYSTONE (CL) MODERATE BROWN /V*1 kl�iree 12-3i-� � N� 9 Q, �OF CALIFp4�\ 10 - - --- - --- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- SILTY SAND (SM) LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, CHUNKS OF SILTSTONE (ML) LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN, MOTTLED 15 SILTY SAND (SM): MODERATE BROWN, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, CHUNKS OF SILTSTONE (ML): MODERATE BROWN, NO MOTTLING SILTY SAND (SM) DARK BROWN, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, CHUNKS OF SILTSTONE (ML)' DARK BROWN, NO MOTTLING SILTY SAND (SM) MODERATE BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MODERATELY SORTED _ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ CLAYEY SAND (SC). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES 35 CLAYEY SAND (SC). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC)YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL, CLAYEY FINES B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE. B-5 I GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1150 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP W F O O "r �w p BORING NO. 5 g o s 0 z DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST U � � -r No. CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE 1'OE 9 GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL, CLAYEY FINES % EXVIr[e 1231 QC A. Nj AUF®�a\P CLAYEY SAND (SC) YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, MINOR FINE GRAVEL, CLAYEY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 50 -FT GROUNDWATER @ 55 75 80 B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE:B-5 5 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: +'1'148 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP O w wX ¢w BORING NO. 6 DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST U PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM����(Y.T„N�''k�/F/V' GRAINED, MINOR COARSE AND FINE GRAVEL, POORLY GRADED � F 13q„q EX�Il2512-3jLl I CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, MINOR COARSE AND FINE GRAVEL, POORLY GRADED CAL� Q�,P CLAYEY SAND (SC). YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM I I GRAINED, MINOR COARSE AND FINE GRAVEL, POORLY GRADED 15 __ _ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ SILTY SAND (SM)YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES SILTY SAND (SM): YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY GRADED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC) DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, POORLY SORTED, CLAYEY FINES, _ _ ___ _____ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ CLAY (CL): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, DENSE, TRACE MEDIUM GRAINED 35 _ _ ___ _____ ____ ____________________________________________________________________ SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, CLAYEY FINES 4D SILTY SAND (SM). DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE, FINE GRAINED, MINOR MEDIUM, CLAYEY FINES JOB NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-6 0 OGGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3119108 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1148 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP = F 8 '�" wX rcu a BORING NO. 6 o 5 z DESCRIPTION 501E TEST iv Yft RE/1y / 140. RCE 23469 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM EYVIV 1231 -/JG GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES, 9�OF CAUF��� 50 CLAYEY SAND (SC): DARK YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, DENSE, FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES TOTAL DEPTH = 50 -FT NO GROUNDWATER 75 'B NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING TFIGURE:B-6 GGED BY: SAS METHOD OF EXCAVATION: LIMITED ACCESS TRACK -RIG EQUIPPED WITH DATE OBSERVED: 3/19/08 6" AUGERS ELEVATION: + 1154 LOCATION: SEE GEOTECHNICAL MAP o r 8 =awBORING rG NO. 7 N £ i o DESCRIPTION SOIL TEST U m TOPSOILICOLLUVIAL SOILS Istih v/ SILTY SAND (SM): DARK BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, ,y �S ROOTS (UPPER 1.5 -FT), MODERATELY GRADED Q 9 No. OCE i31&M1 Erpis=12-3t fi aP �,FOF PAUBA FORMATION CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, ('AL�FOQ FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES 110 CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC): MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, CLAYEY FINES CLAYEY SAND (SC) MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED CLAYEY SAND (SC) MODERATE YELLOWISH BROWN, SLIGHTLY MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED 30 CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED 35 CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED CLAYEY SAND (SC): YELLOWISH BROWN, MOIST, MEDIUM DENSE, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, WELL GRADED TOTAL DEPTH = 40 -FT, GROUNDWATER @ 30 -FT IS NO: 383201.01 LOG OF BORING FIGURE: B-7 APPENDIX C Standards of Grading ' T.H E. Soils Company, Inc. W.O NO 383201 OOU STANDARD GRADING AND EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS Three specifications present T.H.E. Soils Company, standard recommendations for grading and earthwork. No deviation from these specifications should be permitted unless specifically superseded in the geotechnical report of the projector by written communication signed by the Soils Consultant. Evaluations performed by the Soils Consultant during the course of grading may result in subsequent recommendations which could supersede these specifications or the recommendations of the geoedmical report. 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The Soils Consultant is the Owner's or Developers representative on the project. For the purpose of these specifications, observations by the Soils Consultant include observations by the Soils Engineer, Soils Engineer, Engineering Geologist, and others employed by and responsible to the Soils Consultant. 1.2 All clearing, site preparation, or earthwork performed on the project shall be conducted and directed by the Contractor under the allowunce or supervision of the Soils Consultant- 1.3 onsultant1.3 The Contractor should be responsible for the safety of the project and satisfactory completion of all grading During grading, the Contractor shall remain accessible. 1.4 Prior to the comwnencemea of grading the Soils Consultant shall be employed for the purpose of providing field laboratory, and office services fm conformance with the recommendations of the geotedmical report and these specifications. It will be necessary that the Soils Consultant provide adequate testing and observations so that he may provide an opinion as to determine that the work was accomplished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to assist the Soils Consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes so that he may schedule his persomel accordingly. 1.5 It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes, agency ordinances, these specifications, and the approved grading plans. If, in the opinion of the Soils Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as questionable soil, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, dc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Soils Consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend that construction be sopped until the conditions are rectified- 1.6 ectified1.6 It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide safe access to the Soils Consultant for testing and/or grading observation purposes. This may require the excavation oftest pits and/or the relocation of grading equipment. 1.7 A final report shall be issued by the Soils Consultant attesting to the Contractors confomance with these specifications. 2.0 SITE PREPARATION 2.1 All vegetation and deleterious material shall be disposed of off -she. This removal shall be observed by the Soils Consultant and concluded prim to fill placement. 2.2 Soil, alluvium, or bedrock materials determined by the Soils Consultant as being unsuitable fm placement in compacted fills shall be removed from the site mused in open areas as determined by the Soils Consultant. Any material incorporated as a part of a compacted fill must be approved by the Soils Consultant primto fill placemem4 2.3 After the ground surface to receive fill has been cleared it shall be scarified disced and/or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from ruts, hollows, hummocks, or other uneven features which may prevent uniform compaction. The scarified ground surface shall then be brought to optimum moisture, mixed as required, and compacted as specified. If the scarified zone is grealerthan twelve inches in depth, the exams shall be removed and placed in lifts notto exceed six inches or less. Prior to placing fill, the ground surfaceto receive fill shall be observed, tested, and approved by the Soils Consultant. 2.4 Any underground structures or cavities such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipe lines, or others are to be removed or treated inamatter prescribed by the Soils Consultant. 2.5 In art -fill transhtou las and wham out lots are partially in soil, colluvium or =weathered bedrock materials, in order to provide uniform bearing conditions, the bedrock portion of the lot extending a minimum of 5 fed outside of building lines shall be overexcavated a minimum of 3 feet and replaced with compacted fill. Greater overexcavation could be required as determined by Soils Consultant. Typical details am attached. 3.0 COMPACTED FILLS ' 3.1 Material to be placed as fill shall be frce of organic matter and other deleterious substances, and shall he approved by the Soils Consultant. Soils of from gradation, expansion, or strength characteristics shall be placed in areas designated by Soils Consultant or shall be mixed with other soils to serve as satisfactory fill material, as directed by the Soils Consultant. ' Standard Grading and Earthwork Specifications Page 2 3.2 Rock fragments less than six inches in diameter may be utilized in the fill, provided: They arenot placed or nested in concentrated pockets. • There is a sufficient amount of approved soil to surround the rocks. • The distribution of rocks is supervised by the Soils Consultant. 3.3 Rocks greater than twelve inches in diamotm shall be taken off-site, m placed in accordance with the reoommendations of the Soils C insullam in areas designated as suitable for rock disposal. (Atypical detail fm Rock Disposal is attached.) 3.4 Material that is spongy, subject to decay, or otherwise considered unsuitable shall not be used in the compacted fill. 3.5 Representative samples of materials to he milized as compacted fill shall be analyzed by the laboratory of the Soils Consultant to determine their physical properties. If my material other than that previously tested is encountered during gradhhg the appropriate analysis of this material shall be conduced by the Soils Consultant before being approved as fill material. 3.6 Material used in the compacting process shall be evenly spread, watered processed, and cornpacted in thin lifts not to exceed six inches in thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill shall be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane, unless otherwise approved by the Soils Consultand. 3.7 If the moisture content or relative compaction varies from that required by the Soils Consultant, the Contractor shall rework the fill until it is approved bythe Soils Consultant- 38 onsultant38 Each layer shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density in compliance with the testing method specified by the controlling governmental agency or ASTM 1557-70, whichever applies. If compaction to a lease percentage is authorized by the controlling governmental agency because of a spec land use or expansive soil condition, the arra to receive fill compacted to less than 90 percent shall either be delineated on the grading plan andror appropriate reference made to the area in the geotechnical report. 3.9 All fills shall be keyed and benched through all topsoil, colluvium. alluvium, or creep material, into sound bedrock or firm material where the slope receiving fill exceeds a ratio of five horizontal to one vertical or in accordance with the recommendations ofthe Soils Consultant. 3.10 The key for side hill fills shall be a minimum width of 15 fed wi0hin bedrock or firm materials, unless otberwise speed in the geotechnical report. (See detail allached.) 3.11 Subdrainage devices shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency, or with the recommendations of the Soils Consultant. (Typical Canyon Subdrain details are attached ) 3.12 The ocatractor will be required to obtain a minimum relative compaction of at least 90 percent od to the fetish slope face of fill slopes, buttresses, and stabilization fills. This may be achieved by either ova buildmgthe slope and arcing back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable equipment, or by my other procedure, which produces the required compaction approved by the Soils Consultant - 3.13 sulfa t3.13 All fill slopes should be planted or protected from erosion by other methods specified in the Soils report. 3.14 Fill -over -cut slopes shall be property keyed through topsoil, colluvium or creep material into rock or firm materials, and the transition shall be snipped of all soil priorto placing fill. (Seeatlachedddail.) 4.0 CUT SLOPES 4.1 The Soils Consultant shall inspect all ant slopes at vertical intervals exceeding five fed. 4.2 If my conditions not anticipated in the geotechnical report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes encountered during grading these conditions shall be analyzed by the Soils Consultant, and recommendations shall he madeto mitigate these problems. (Typical details for stabilization of a portion of a ad slope are alladwd.) 4.3 Chit slopes that face in the same direction as the prevailing drainage shall be protected from slope wash by a non -erodible interceptor swale placed at thetop oftheslope 4.4 Unless otherwise specified in the geaedmiml report, no M slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling govenmertal agencies. 4.5 Drainage terraces shall be constructed in omMliance with the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies, or with the recommendations of the Soils Consultant. Standard Grading and Earthwork Specifications Page 3 5.0 6.0 7.0 5.1 Trends excavatim shall be inspected prior to structure placement for competent bottom. 5.2 Trends excavations for milky pipes shall be backfilled under the supervision of the Soils Consultant. 5.3 After the utility pipe has been laid, the space under and around the pipe shall be backfilled with clean sand or approved granular soil to a depth of at least me fed over thetop ofthe pipe The sand backfill shall be unitbrmlyjetted into place before the controlled backfill is placed over the sand. 5.4 The on-site materials, or other soils approved by the Soils Consultant, shall be watered and mixed, w necessary, prior to placement in lifts over the send backfill. 5.5 The controlled backfill shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of the mandmum laboratory density, as determined by the ASTM D1557-70 or the controlling governmental agency. 5.6 Field density tests and inspection of the backfill procedures shall be made by the Soils Consultant during backfilling to see that proper moisture content and miform compaction is being maintained. The contractor shall providetest holes and exploratory pits as required by the Soils Consultant to arable sampling and testing 6.1 Inspection of the fill placemen shall be provided by the Soils Consultant during the progress of grading 6.2 In general, density tests should be made at intervals not exceeding two fed of fill height or every 500 cubic yards of fill placed. This criteria will vary depending on soil conditions and the size of the job. In any event, an adequate number of field density tests shall be made to verify that the required compaction is being achieved- 6.3 chieved6.3 Density tests should also be made an the native surface material to receive fill, as required by the Soils Consultant 64 All clean-out, processed ground to received fill, key excavations, subdrains, and rock disposals should be inspected and approved by the Soils Consultant prior to placing my fill. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Soils Consultant whm such areas will be ready for inspection. 7.1 Erosion control measures, when necessary, shall be provided by the Contractor during grading and prior to the completion and concoction of perniment drainage controls. 7.2 Upon completion of grading and termination of inspections by the Soils Consultant, no further filling or excavating including that necessary for footings fomdations, large tree wells, retaining walls, or other features shall be performed without the approval of the Soils Consultant. 7.3 Care shall be taken by the Contractor during final grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales, or other devices of permanent nature an or adjacent to the property. ' SIDE HILL CUT PAD DETAIL ' OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT '(REPLACEMENT FILL) —_ OVERBURDEN — OR UNSUITABLE --- __ ' MATERIAL f= — 1-11 IF NATURAL GROUND i i i i FINISHED CUT PAD MIN. p'== L Pad overexcavation and recompaction r = shall be performed if determined to be necessary by the geotechnical LBENCHING consultant. UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT SUBDRAIN AND KEY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS DETERMINED BASED ON EXPOSED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AND THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL FINISH GRADE c-- - - - - - - - - - - T6, ---.COMPACTED.'---- SLOPE FILL___ - - - - -- FACE- - - - - - - - - — - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_--_- - - _—r -- - - - - --------------- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - ______= -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- __- - - - - ------ -------- - ------------- 7 - - -------- - ------------ -- -- --------- - -- __— --- --r ---- -- ------------ ----- 0 V E R S I Z E WINDROW! GRANULAR SOIL To -fill voids, densified by flooding PROFILE ALONG WINDROW TRANSITION LOT DETAILS CUT -FILL LOT NATURAL GROUND 1 j 1 5' MIN. ------------ \P\ __-- �^-----_----- COMPACTED -`------_ _– =– =– 36"MIN. ----------- – ---. PCER---� =-------- gV\� - OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT ' -- UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT CUT LOT NATURAL GROUND REMOVE UNSUITABLE 5' MATERIAL MI14. 1 1 _-__ —-------- –=_==a=r_= �_ _____________ 36" 'COMPACTED FILL OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT ' NOTE: Deeper overexcavotion and recomoaction shall be performed ' if de?ermined 'o be necesscry by the geotechnical consultant. ' OUTLET PIPES __=r 4" ONonperforated Pipe,----_--- FILLBLANKE 100' Max. O.C. Horizontally,-=_=�=-,r 30" MIN. 30' Max. O.C. Vertically = BACK CUT __ ____ I:I OR FLATTER _ _ ----- BENCHING -SUBDRAIN ----_____—�` SEE ALTERNATES A 8 B 1 -------- ----__ --- -- _---- FILTER MATERIAL KEY --- ------ --- -- - 3ft. 3/rt. -_ T-CONNECTION DEPTH_— -- ---_---_---__ 5%MIN. y, � Ile _-_ _-�_%-___- -- 2 bT-Mln - _ vF PERFORATED PIPE 4^ MIN. ' 2' MIN. 4--- KEY WIDTH—� 4"0MIN. MQUIPm..ENT Sll - GENERALLY 15 FE_T ALTERNATE A B" MIN. OVEP.LAP TElAPORARY FILL LEVEL 'POSITIVE SEAL SHOULD BE IS^MIN• -- --- PROVIDED ' GRAVEL OR —_ _-- RECOMPACTED FILL A7 THE JOa1T a e' l APPROVED �U ';' 5% MIN. •• ° ° EOUNALENT 6%MIN. SELECT BEDDING —•.. BACKFILL "0 MCV. NONPERFORATED OUTLET ' �i PIPE PIPE MIRAFI 140 FILTER FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT ' DETAIL A-A' ALTERNATE B NOTES 'FILTER MATERIAL e Fill blanket, back cut, key width and Filter material shall be key depth are subject to field change, Class 2 permeable material per report/plans. per State of California e Key heel subdroin, blanket drain, or Standard Specifications, vertical drain may be required at the or approved alternate. discretion of the geotechnical consultant. Class 2 grading as follows: e SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdrain SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING pipe shall be installed with perforations ' down or, at locations designated by 1" 100 the geotechnical consultant, sholl be .3/4" 90-100 nonperforated pipe. 3/8" 40-100 ' • SUBDPAIIV TYPE:- Subdrain type shall No. 4 250 tie ASTM--D27,5'�,SDR 23.5 or ASTM-D1527, No. 8 18-33 SchadAI416,JG�- n1trile Butadiene Styrene No. 30 S-IS ' ,q ..TAI. ,V36 , No. SO 0-7 (ABS) of ASTM:D303¢.SDR 2$5 of ASTM �D1785i Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic No. 200 0-3 (PVC) nine or approved equivalent. uL-1VUI11IVU UC IHILJ ---------------- FILL SLOPE __ == -COMPACTED = _ =- ====FILL _-_- -------------�--- PROJECTEDPLANE-_--___ —� I to I maximum from toe - ----- of slope to approved ground =_ --'--- >—'_-- ' NATURAL GROUND% --—=— -- REMOVE = a� ___ —�--_ — UNSUITABLE MATERIAL WMIN. ------ �BENCH BENCH HEIGHT _=-2.o MIN.------' typical VARIES ' 2' MIN.kOWEST MIN. KEY BENCH DEPTH (KEY) FILL OVER CUT SLOPE REMOVE. UNSUITABLE MATERIAL i NATURAL GROUND Ufa—�_ =4701Vury _ 3 IS' MIN.—' LOWEST BENCH COMPACTED __, ]FILL --------- ----- --- 4' MIN BNC EMI (typical) CUT FACE To be constructed prior ' to fill placement ' NOTES: LOWEST BENCH. Depth and width subject to field change ' based on consultant's inspection. SUSDRAINAGE:. Ecc-tr may be required of the discretion of the geotechnical consultant. BENCH HEIGHT VARIES BENCHING NATURAL GROUND –�_ – _-------------- – =---__ — --_ --- —_ --___ --- — -- COMPACTED FILL _ -- =----- — -------- -- "SUBDRAIN Perforated Pipe Surrounded With ALTERNATE A: Filter Material Alternate A-1 FILTER MATER 9 ft. 3/ft. �— COVER 6" MIN. BEDDING i _: "' f ::'• 4" MIN PERFORATED PIPE 6" 0 MIN. / SUBDRAIN 1 1/2" Gravel Wrapped f ALTERNATE B: in Filter Fabric 8" ivilN. OVERLAP t Alternate B-1 ' REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE ALTERNATES A&B Alternate A-2 MIRAFI 140 FILTER _ FABRIC OR -- APPROVED EQUIVALENT I Yin MIN. GRAVEL OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 9 ft. 3/ft. Alternate B-2 FILTER MATERIAL: . Filter material shall be Class 2 permeable material per State of California Standard Specifications, or approved alternate. Class 2 grading as follows, SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 1" 100 3/4" 90-100 3/8" 40-100 No.4 25-40 No. 8 18-33 No. 30 5-I5 No. 50 0-7 No. 200 0-3 NOTE: In addition to the wrapped gravel, outlet portion of the subdroin should be equipped with a minimum of 10 feet long perforated pipe con- nected to a nonperforated pipe having a minimum of 5 feet in length inside the wrapped gravel. • SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdrain pipe shall be installed with perforations down or, at locations designated by the geotechnical consultant, shall be nonperforated pipe. • SUBDRAIN TYPE - Std)ftln type shall be ASTM 132751, SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1527, Schedule 40 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) or ASTM D3034 SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1785, Schedule 40 Polyvinal Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe or approved equivalant