HomeMy WebLinkAbout112890 TTC AgendaCALL TO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: AGENDA TEMECULA TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD AT TEMECULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 31350 RANCHO VISTA ROAD NOVEMBER 28, 1990 - 7:00 PM COMMISSIONERS: Goldnick, Guerriero, Johnson Roberts, Sanders PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink 'IRequest to Spesk" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request to Spesk" form must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the Commission gets to that item. there is a five (5), minute time limit for individual speakers. COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. Minutes Recommendation: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of October 2q, 1990. Resolution No. 90-01 Establishing the date, time, and location of commission meetings. Recommendation: 2.1 Consider the request of Commissioner Sander to select a different day for for meeting days. 3. Procedure for Public Hearings Procedure for Public Hearings Presentation by John Cavanaugh, Deputy City Attorney. Speed Humps Recommendation: 4.1 Receive and File Staff Report. 6. 7. 8. Speed Zone Presentation by Mark Greenwood City Engineer Reports City Attorney Reports Commission Reports ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: December 20, 1990 7:00 P.M., Temecula Unified School District, 31350 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. MC\lb docs\forms\T R - 11-28 ITEM NO. 1 MJNUTES ()F A )41.:(IUI,AR MEETJNG OF THE (;PRY OF TRMECUf,A 'PR~F~'I(: SAFETY (:OMM] SS ION HEr,l) OCT()~E~ ')4. ~990 ARS~:N'I': 0 COMMESS[ONERS: Nnne I)enutv Cltv Attorney ,inbn Cavanallah and (tail Zlcller, MiDHIe Clerk(. PilBf, IC C,()MMRNq' Mayor Prn-'rem~ requested that the Cnmmjs.~inn take :item No. 5 out of order and annDt the remn[utl, on tn e~tabLi, sh time and place o{ the me~tlnas tar the 'Prattjc SateLy Cnn~nl ssi nn. COM,M I~I'ON MER~TN(I~ 5.{ Ann~t a r~nlutinn entitled: RESOhI1TION NO, TS 90-O:1 A ~.ESOT,IIq'[ON OF THE PURL[C TRAFFIC COMMISSION OF ~H~: CITY ()F 'W'l, IMJ~f;ImI,A I)E,qlGNA'PING TIME AND PLACE OF MONTHLY COMMISSION MEET I' NGS. M~nute Clerk Gaij ?,.3cller read After discussion, the Comml.~i. nn de~ided the of each month as their renlllar meetln~ date, desiqnated at a Later date. third Wednesday the D.lace tn De COMMfSSIONER JOMNSON moved to adopt Re,~n.lutlon No. T.q 90-03 and e~tabl i,~h the third Wednesday a,~ thel. r reqlli ar m~etlncl date. C()MMI,qSIONF. R {~()I)NICM ~econded the motion and was c~rrl Pd Itn~ni. moll~ i V, TSMINIO/24/90 -1- 10/28/90 ]0/24/90 Mayor Pro--'Pems ],jndemans opened nominations for the Dositlon Of Chairman of the Traffic Safety Commission for COMMISSIONER C. UERRIERO moved to nominate Knox Johnson as Chairman, seconded by COMMISSEONER gANDF.R. COMM] SS] ONF. RS: NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: FJ,F.C~'ION OP VIC~ CH~IRNAN Godnit){, Guerriero, Johnson, Roberrs, gander Hayor Pro-Toms Y,jndemans opended nominations for the PoSition nf Vice--Chairman of the Traffj. c Safety Commfssion for a one year term. COMMISS]ONF. R JOHNSON moved to nominate Ron Guerrjero as Vice-Chairman, seconded bV COMMISSIONER GODNICK. 5 COMMISSIONF.RS: Godnick, Guerrjero, Johnson, Roberts, Sander NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None COMM]SS]ONER ' ,q 'P~:RMS OF OFFICE MaYor Pro-Toms IdndemaDs asked eacD Commissioner to draw a term of office from prepared lots, Commissioner Sander drew a three-year term, Commissioners Godn~ck and Roberrs drew two-Year terms and Commissioners Guerriero and Johnson drew one-vear terms. 4. GAVEL PRESENTATIOM 4.3 MaVor Pro-Tems ],jndemans then presented Chairman Johnson with an engraved oave[, declared him duly e[ected and turned the meefino over to him. TSMINI0/24/90 -2- 10128/90 'PRAFt~']C SAFETY COBMISS]ON M]NUT~:S ]0/24/90 COMMISSIONER ROBERTS moved to ta~e Item 9 out of order due to the number o~ DoODle at the meetinq that wanted to addren~ this item, ~coD~e~ ~v COMMJSSIONER SANDE~ ~nd carried as AYES: 5 COMMISS[ONE8S: Godni. c~, Guerr]ero, Johnson, Roberrs, SaDder NOES: 0 COMMCSS[ONERS: None 9. I T~m Setlet oresopted tbP Commission with ~ Traffic lnv~nt~.~ation/Studv staf~ was I. ookin~ at ~or al. ternat~v~ The tol{owinQ i. ndividuaks expressed their concern for the ~r~fjc problems On caJ]e Medusa and h~ob)v ODDOSed the closing of one ~nd of Cairo Medusa m~king it a cut-de-sac: gate) I,~ndemans - 42740 I.as Vio)etas, Temecu3a Paul Val. encia - 4041.7 Yardtev Court, Temecuta Ken ),]ndsav - 3]082 Riverton I,ane, '.Pemecu)a eo~rt Kniqht - 40409 Yardtoy Court, Tometufa RoD~rt Smjtb 40435 Cb~IIDCeY Way, Temeeu] a Dennis Green 30378 Deer Meadow Road, Temecul. a Miteheft Rosen 40412 Chauncey Wav, Temecu[a Frank Grant - 404~9 Yard]ev Court. Temecu]a Scott TlnQlev - 3],378 Ashmill Court, Temecu[a i,~DOa Ashcraft 40397 Ca]]e Medusa, Temecu]a [~.s Wil. lev - 30932 Wel.].inQton Circl. e, Temecula Edward Doran 39985 Stamos, Temecu]a Karen Hec~endor[ 31].06 Riverton Lane, Temecula C.S. R]dd~ck 30945 WellinGton C~rc]e, Temecu]a GarV ~]anchette - 40~],~ Vidette Circt. e, Temecu]a M~n~v Movers 40~9] C~lJe Medulla, Temecu)a Marie R~chardnon - 40493 Yardtev Cou~t, Temecu[a Ed Burke - 30944 Wellinqton Circle. Temecu]a Vic deforest 39675 Cont~e[[ Road, Temecula Carr~e Parent - 30979 We]]inQton Circ]e. Temecu)a James L. Hess - 400],2 Ambeviev Circle, Temecuta Martv Derk 39750 Amber]ev C~rc]e, Temecul~ Frank GeVer - 40466 Chauncev Wav, TemecuIa J~m M~])er - 39355 Pourrov, Temecu]a TSMIN10/24/90 -3- 10/28/90 't'RAFF~C S~TY C(~M~fSS]ON ]0/24/90 'Pracev Rorrnel 40,%(~4 YardJev Court, T~mecu:la f,orefta Gonzal. es - 40451 Y~rd t~v Court, Temecul. a Dor~ l,j 4(1454 Y~r~leV Cnllrt, Temecuje COMMISS[ONF, R JOHNSON advl,~ed the audience member.~ that the Commission wol]ld not be vot]ncl On anvth~n~ at this t~m~ however, there wnutd h~ nuhl i. c noti. c~ of the hear~nq ~or action on this ~t~m nv t~e Commission. COMMISSrONER JOHNSON dec[ared a five minute recess at 8:10 PM. The meet~Do reCopvened at H~I5 PM. 6. BR(~N ACT DePutY City Attorney ,lo}~n c~avanauob Presented the Brown Act to the comml,~sion. 7. ;{ Tim Ser]et presented the Commjss3oners with a book]et from the Automobil. e Association exD[ai. nino California Ve~]c]e Code ~nd laws for settiD~ speed ~oDes. He requested the Commission to read the handout and to addre5~ any crue.~tlons to the Enc~ineerjn~ Department. 8. VEHICf,E AND TRAFFIC ORDINANCES Tim Setlet presented the Commissi, oners with the drafted Dar~]no add traffic ordinance for the City prepared bV the Poli. ce Department and the Enqineeri. nq Department. Me a~ked the Commission to review the ordinance and br~nQ back tn the next meetinq any o{ their concerns so that they may be incorporated in the ord)nance before it ~s presented to the City Council. FUTURE AGENDA ITFJ4S TIM SRRI,ET questioned the Commission as to what type of items they would like addressed on future aqendas. The Commission had the fo]]owino ideas and discussions: COMMISSIONER ROBERTS asked about the development of a qenera] traffic plan. TIM SERLET responded that the TSMIN10/24/90 -4- 10/28/90 'PRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MINUTZR,q ]0/24/90 City has petitionact for a clenera,i D~an consuJtant and that would enenmnass traffic ci. rcul. ati on. TIM SERLET statec~ that he wnuj~ brina the Commission o~ the ~Anera]. D[~n ~ we[% as what it will cnve~ in r~ards to ~rat~]c c~r~ulatjon. COMMISSIONER SANDER reco~n~ended that staff provide ~tn~e~ don~ hv other organizations on traffic ~rcul. ation. COMMISSIONER SANDER al.~n egprA~ed as we[[ a~ i. nt~rsection aPPrOaCh siQns. TIM SR~[,ET county nffici. al.s. COMMISSIONER jI()HNSON directed staff to ]nok into the cost of a study and what staff couJd PrePare relating [nn~ the study would take and what the benefits would be. COMMiSSJONRR GIJERRIERO brought attention to the hazard on westbound Rancho California at Motago. He stated there js no sians ind]catjna that the Jane ends. COMMISSIONER JOHNSON expressed the same concern for Dorthbol]nd YDeZ at SoJano. COMMISSIONER JOHNSON advised staff that the City had set aside $?00,000 to be used for hjab-pr~orjty traffic .Drob],ems. He directed staff to look into utilizing any rema]n]n(~ fllnds for correctjn~ an~ traffic problems. · COMMISSIONER ROBERTS ~uestioned the status of the ~rjvewav ~D the Tower P,laza at North County Bank. TIM SERLET stated that the county was involved in this pro~)em add the ]aDd owner did DOt want to participate in the placement of traffic signals however, the city i~ ne~otiat~n~ with Bedford Properties to ~nstaj] the signals under a reimbursement agreement. COMMISSIONER GODNICK suggested that the city close down the driveway which is providing a traffic hazard. COMMISSIONER ROBERTS requested that staff provide the Commission with a update of thls si. tutation and to al. so ]OO~ at iDstaJJin~[ a ]eft tllrn DOCket at the Northern dri. v~wav of the Target center. TSMIN10/24/90 -5- 10/28/90 )0124190 zone study. He al~o a~ked each (7ommi. ssloner to make a Ij~t Of th~ streets they t~el Dealt to h~ Surv~ved as We~i AI),II)IINNMWN'I' C()MMI,q.q:ION.:N N(~B~:)~'f'S mnve~ to a~tqourr~ at 9:50 PM, Seconded hv C(~MM [ SS I ONE~ GOI)N [CK and c~rrl ed llnanl. mn~ls I v . 'rh~ ne~t reelsliar me~t~na of tn~ ']'emecl]la 'l'r~'~r]c ~qat~tv wl it b~ held Wednesday, November '~l, 1990 at '/:0O ~M at the Un~ied KNOX 0OHNSON, CHAIRMAN 'PSM]NI0/?4tg0 -6- 10/28/90 ITEM NO. 2 RESOLUTION TC NO. 90-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETINGS. The Traffic Commission of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: WHEREAS, The City Council adopted Ordinance No. 90-02, establishing the Temecula Municipal Code on February 13, 1990, and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 90-05, Section 13.01.020, requires the Traffic Commission to establish a schedule of time and place for meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION of the City of Temecula; Section 1. That the Temecula Traffic Commission will meet regularly on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Regular meetings shall commence at 7:00 pm and adjourn at 10:00 pm, subject to an adopted motion to extend the meeting. Section 2. Regular meetings will be held at the Temecula Unified School District at 31350 Rancho Vista P, oad, Temecula. If a regular meeting falls on a holiday, the regular meeting shall be held on the next business day. (Cov. Code Section 36808. ) Section 3. The Traffic Commission may, by resolution, designate another date, time and location for a meeting. Section ~,. The City Clerk shall verify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2u, th day of October, 1990. ATTEST: Chairman Tim D. Setlet, Secretary TRAFFIC\RES90.01 ITEM NO. 4 CITY OF T~ECULA AGENDA PaPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Traffic Commission Tim D. Serlet, City Engineer November 28, 1990 Report on Speed Humps PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Mark Greenwood The Engineering Department recommends that speed humps not be installed on public streets within the City. BACKGROUND: In response to a request by the Traffic Commission, the Engineering Department has investigated speed humps as a traffic control device on public residential streets. All official traffic control devices are regulated by the California Traffic Control Devices Committee through the California Department of Transportation ( CalTrans ). Although speed humps are not specifically identified as an official traffic control device by CalTrans, they are used to influence or control the route and speed of vehicles, therefore, they function as a traffic control device and should be considered as such. While speed humps are, by their function, a traffic control device, they have not been approved for use by the California Traffic Control Devices Committee. Installation of speed humps could put the City in the difficult position of installing unapproved devices, which may violate the regulations of the Vehicle Code. Studies, reports, and policies from the cities of Thousand Oaks, Pasadena, and San Jose were reviewed for this report. The City of Thousand Oaks published a report of their experience with speed humps in September, 1982. While they found that reduction in speeds could be facilitated by speed humps, a variety of negative side effects were identified, including the fol Iowincj: Vehicle undercarriage and trailer hitch bottoming on the speed hump, damaging the hump or vehicle. There is a tendency for light-weight stiffly sprung vehicles, such as mini-trucks, to become airborne at or slightly above the 25 MPH speed limit, which obviously could cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. STAFFRPT\TRFC - 001 1 Acceleration and deceleration due to the speed humps can create a substantial speed variance among the vehicles on the street. Excessive speed variance can cause an increase in collision occurrence. Response time for emergency vehicles, especially fire trucks and ambulances, could be slowed down by as much as ~,0%. In Thousand Oaks, the "best case" for emergency vehicles was 30% slower response time. A tendency of speed humps to upset motorcycles and bicycles. especially when located on curvelinear roads. Traffic Engineers from various jurisdictions were consulted for their experiences and opinions. The Traffic Engineers disclosed these past experiences: After speed humps are installed, complaints from residents and motorists can be expected. The complaints may include the following: a) Excessive noise and fumes b) Damaged vehicles and loads c) Daredevils intentionally using speed humps as "jumps" d) Increased travel time. After speed bumps are installed at a location, several additional requests or demands will probably be received for nearby locations. If the speed humps are successful in reducing traffic volumes and speed, requests to remove the speed humps may arise. Battalion Chief Mark Brodowski, of the City Fire Department, was contacted for a preliminary opinion regarding the installation of speed humps. Chief Brodowski indicated that the Fire Department would oppose the installation of speed humps due to increased response time and wear and tear on emergency vehicles. The City of Thousand Oaks reported that the shape, height, and spacing of the speed humps were of great importance. In order to maintain an acceptable level of quality control, a group of ternplates had to be made to use as a screed. The asphalt concrete had to be laid in multiple lifts { layers ) and a survey crew followed to assure that the desired height and shape were achieved. Advance signs and pavement markings were then installed and the speed hump was striped to increase its visual impact to the driver. This intensive method of construction results in a cost that may be greater than anticipated. A cost estimate for construction and maintenance of speed humps follows: I nstal latlon: Design $ 100.00 Survey 150.00 Speed Hump Construction 1,000.00 Signing and Striping 500.00 TOTAL $1,750.00 ( each ) STAFFRPT\TRFC-001 2 Maintenance: ( yearly ) Asphalt Concrete Pavement Signing and Striping TOTAL $ 100.00 200.00 $ 300.00 (each) For a typical 1/4 mile long residential street, this equates to approximately $7,000 for installation and $1,200 per year for maintenance. CONCLUSION: Although speed humps seem attractive for controlling speeds on residential streets, it is recommended that they not be installed for the following reasons: 1. Increased response time for emergency vehicles. Possible loss of control of vehicle if any unwary or daredevil motorist traverses the speed hump too quickly. 3. Additional maintenance cost. TDS:ks STAFFRPT\TRFC7 0 0 1 3