HomeMy WebLinkAbout111899 PTS AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the oflicc of the City Clerk at (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR35. 102.35. 104 ADA Title 111 AGENDA TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION TO BE HELD AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS COMMISSIONERS: Connerton, Edwards, Katan, Telesio, Coe A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item no__.lt listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" tbrm must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the Commission gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. PRESENTATION/PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Certificate of Appointment of Commissioner Mark Katan COMMISSION REPORTS Reports by the members of the Commission on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR I. Minutes of October. 28 1999 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of October 28, 1999 COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Request for Soeed Undulations - North General Kearnv Road RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request for the installation of speed undulations on North General Kearny Road between Nicolas Road and Willow Creek Drive. 3. Traffic Engineer's Report 4. Police Chief's Report 5. Fire Chief's Report AD.|OURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Thursday, December 9, 1999, at 6:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall, Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ITEM NO. I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, '1999 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 P.M., on Thursday, October 28, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Edwards. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Connerton, Edwards, *Markham, Telesio, and Chairman Coe. Absent: None. Also Present: Director of Public Works Hughes, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Hansen. * (Commissioner Markham arrived at 6:11 P.M.) PUBLIC COMMENTS The Public Comment portion of the meeting was considered out of order, see page 2. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Connerton applauded the Public Works Department for a job well done with respect to the Overland Bridge Opening, and the associated improvement of traffic circulation. With respect to the temporary closure of the median in the proximate area of the Target Center, Commissioner Telesio commended the Public Works Department. Commissioner Edwards relayed kudos to the Public Works Department for their successful efforts regarding the following: 1) the Overland Bridge Opening, and 2) the lack of traffic congestion at mall opening. For informational purposes, Commissioner Edwards relayed her attendance to the Red Light Camera presentation, noting the utilization of the system by TraffComm/minutesl102899 alternate cities; and advised that further data is currently being investigated, and would be relayed to the Commission at a future point in time. Commissioner Edwards noted her receipt of Ms. Kathleen Pace Osborne's correspondence (via agenda material), relaying that she had contacted Ms. Osborne and would keep her updated with respect to the status of her recommendation to install red light camera units (after the analysis has been completed determining the feasibility of installation of the units in the City of Temecula.) Chairman Coe commended the Public Works Department for the success of the recent traffic improvements, which have vastly improved the general traffic circulation in the City of Temecula. Relaying that his current term limit was as Commissioner was about to expire, Chairman Coe commended the Commission for their diligent efforts, noting that it had been a pleasure to serve on the Commission; and noted that he had applied for re-appointment. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of October 14, 1999 MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Connerton and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Markham who was absent, At this time, Chairman Coe reopened the Public Comment portion of the meeting in order to hear Ms. Fregoso's comments. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Linda Fregoso, 29760 Via Norte, thanked the Commission for hearing her comments, apologizing for her delayed attendance; noted her concern with respect to the high speed of traffic travel in the Meadowview area; recommended that the Commission consider installation of a stop sign at Via Norte/Carmalita Circle for the purpose of reducing the speed of traffic in this particular area; commended the Public Works Department for their successful efforts with respect to the recent improvements in traffic circulation; and thanked Sergeant DiMaggio for his efforts in addressing her concerns with respect to traffic issues. It was noted for the record that Commissioner Markham arrived at the meeting at 6:11 P.M. At this time the meeting returned to the regular order of the Agenda, and Agenda Item No. 2 was considered. TraffComm/rninutes/102899 COMMISSION BUSINESS ReQuest for Removal of Bike-Lane and Parkin~l Restrictions-North General KearnV Road RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review a request to remove the bike-lane and associated parking restrictions along North General Kearny Road. Director of Public Works Hughes provided a detailed overview of the staff report (of record), apprising the Commission of the parking issues with respect to the pickup/drop- off times of children at James L. Day Middle School; specified the restrictions associated with the alternate recommendation to re-stripe North General Kearny Road; provided a video presentation, displaying the parking of vehicles in the vicinity of the school; and advised that the placement of the bike lanes was consistent with the City's General Plan Circulation Element. For Commissioner Edwards, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that staff would not recommend implementing specified time periods, allowing the parking of vehicles in the bike lane; provided additional information regarding the potential for the vehicles to utilize the adjacent neighborhood for parking at a future point in time; clarified that he was not aware of any plan of the School District to eliminate bussing, and allow the bus zone to be utilized as a parent pick-up area, acknowledging, however, that this would improve the impact of parking on the streets; for Commissioner Markham, confirmed that this padicular parking impact being addressed by the City was due to the inadequate pickup/drop-off zones at the school site; specified the parameters of the bike lanes; for Commissioners Coe and Connerton, provided additional information regarding the status of the upcoming residential development in the area. For informational purposes, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that staff is in the process of preparing a cost estimation for the request to install concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in this particular area; advised that the issue would be brought forward to the City Council at a future point in time; and for Commissioner Markham, relayed that the request for the proposal was received by an neighboring property owner. In response to Commissioner Edwards querying, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that staff was of the opinion that the temporary removal of the bike lanes would not alleviate the parking issue. For Chairman Coe, Sergeant DiMaggio advised that the parking of vehicles in the bike lane was a violation. In response to Commissioner Telesio's comments, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the bike lanes were utilized by the students of the school; noted that there was existing signage indicating that the area was a school zone; and clarified that the sole removal of the bike lane was not an adequate width for provision of vehicle parking. TraffCommlminutes/102899 For Commissioner Markham, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed the restrictions associated with the suggestion to widen the sidewalk for installation of a dedicated bike lane, and to remove the restricted parking area. For Commissioners Connerton and Telesio, Director of Public Works Hughes provided additional information regarding the City's lack of authority with respect to the development of school sites; and advised that the City was in the process of working with the School District with respect to future school sites in order to review any negative impacts prior to construction. With respect to Commissioner Connerton's comments, Director of Public Works Hughes noted the School District's response in order to address the vandalism issues associated with the impact of the students in the area. Ms. Eva Kinsella, 40765 La Colina Road, advised that she had written an additional, subsequent letter dated October 7, 1999 (referencing the letter in the agenda material dated September 14, 1999); specified the impact of the numerous students on her property; recommended that the Commission continue the matter until the City Council takes action of the previously mentioned concrete curbing and sidewalk project proposed to be installed in this particular area, suggesting that if approved, the bike lane be continued; recommended that if the proposed project was denied, that the bike lanes be removed, due to the safety hazard for the children impacted by the vehicle parking in the bike lane zone; and for Commissioner Connerton, specified her attempts to address the issue with the school. MOTION: Commissioner Markham moved to continue the issue until the City Council considers the concrete sidewalk and curbing project in this particular area. (This motion died for lack of a second.) For Commissioner Coe and Markham, Director of Public Hughes relayed that the above- mentioned project would potentially be brought before the City Council in December, and if approved would not be completed until approximately March of 2000. MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to continue the matter to the first meeting in March, 2000. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion. (This motion was ultimately amended.) Ms. Kinsella relayed her desire for the Commission to continue the issue until December, 1999 at which time the Council would take action on the previously mentioned project. MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to continue the matter to a December meeting for review as to whether the issue should be further continued. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Commissioner Connerton expressed a desire for the Commission to recommend that the City Council actively pursue the issue of the School District working in conjunction with the City in order to alleviate the safety hazard impacts associated with the school sites in the City of Temecula. TraffCommlminutes/102899 MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to recommend that the City Council strongly encourage the School District to submit all future school site plans to the City of Temecula for review of traffic impacts, and to ensure adequate loading and unloading zones for children pickup. Commissioner Markham seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. For informational purposes, Commissioner Markham relayed that the School District did process the bus barn as a Land Use Application through the City of Temecula. 3. Recluest for Removal of Bike-Lanes and Parkinq Restrictions-Temeku Drive RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and deny the request to remove the existing bike-lane and parking restrictions on Temeku Drive between Tee Drive and Flag Way. Commissioner Connerton advised that he would be abstaining with regard to this issue. Noting the modified staff recommendation, Senior Engineer Moghadam provided an overview of the staff report (per agenda material); relayed the receipt of the recently submitted letter form the Homeowners Association (HOA) which was received on October 22, 1999, expressing concern with respect to safety issues related to the vehicular parking on Temeku Drive. Chairman Coe suggested that the matter be continued until after the HOA had voted on the issue in order for that input to be considered by the Commission. In response to Commissioner Markham's querying, Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that the placement of the existing bike lanes was not a requirement of the Specific Plan. Commissioner Markham relayed that it was his opinion that the property owner of the Temeku Hills Clubhouse should address the negative impact of the street parking due the inadequate onsite parking provisions. Mr. Anthony Maggio, 31106 Iron Circle, concurred with Commissioner Markham's recommendation to place the burden of mitigation on the property owner of the Temeku Hills Clubhouse; for Chairman Coe, relayed that there was no open space available at the site for provision of additional parking areas; and specified the negative impact on the adjacent neighbors due to the on street parking. Commissioner Telesio reiterated the Commission's previous recommendation for the property owner to consider constructing a dedicated bike lane above the street, noting that the response of the property owner was that the proposal was too costly. Mr. George Clark, 41799 Cascades Court, relayed his opposition to the removal of the bike lanes, noting that the width of the street was not adequate for the safe parking of vehicles; and recommended that the existing onsite driving range be replaced with a parking area, or that additional lots on Rancho California Road be utilized for public parking with the provision of shuttling the patrons to the Clubhouse. TraffComm/minutesl102899 Commissioner Edwards recommended continuing the matter until data had been received relaying the results of the HOA vote on this issue; concurred with Commissioner Markham's' recommendation that the property owner should provided mitigation for the on-street parking issue; advised that she was not in favor of removing the bike lane; and recommended that the Police Department cite the violators parking in the restricted parking area. Sergeant DiMaggio advised that the residents to contact the Police Department in order to specify the times when the illegal parking was occurring, in order to effectively enforce the restrictions. Ms. JoAnn Clark, 41799 Cascades, relayed the potential safety hazard if the parking restriction was removed, which would restrict the access of emergency vehicles to the area. In response to Commissioner Markham's comments, Commissioner Edwards clarified that her recommendation to postpone the issue until the HOA vote was conduct was not an inference that the Commission would take action solely based on the results of that vote. In response to Commissioner Telesio's querying, Commissioner Markham provided additional information regarding the previous approval of the Temeku Hills Clubhouse development, noting that the project had been approved by the County. Deputy Director of Public Works Parks provided clarification with respect to the original County approval of the project, and the subsequent foreclosure of that development project; specified the negotiating polices agreed upon by the City with the new property owner, in order to allow the previously recorded maps to go forward; provided additional information regarding the placement of the bike lanes on Temeku Drive; and relayed the potential for the Clubhouse to not be utilized for public functions at a future point in time. Mr. Maggio provided additional information regarding the potential for the Clubhouse to be controlled by the HOA at a future point in time. MOTION: Commissioner Markham moved to deny the request to remove the bike lane and the associated parking restrictions along Temeku Drive. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion. Commissioner Edwards relayed that the HOA could request the Commission to agendize the issue after the HOA's consideration of the matter of removing the bike lanes. Due to the safety hazard associated with the on street parking in this area, it was the general consensus of the Commission to recommend that the City Council encourage the property owners of the Temeku Hills Clubhouse to mitigate the negative impacts generated from the inadequate onsite parking provisions. At this time voice vote was taken reflecting approval with the exception of Commissioner Connerton who abstained. TraffComm/minutes1402899 TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Commissioner Markham recommended that staff investigate the installation of an additional lane in the Palm P~aza exit driveways in order to provide a right-turn only exit lane. In response to Commissioner Edwards querying regarding the First Street Bridge Project (denoted on page 3 of the agenda material), Director of Public Works Hughes provided additional information with respect to the City's prior rights associated with this particular project. C+ In response to the letter from three Meadowview residents dated October 28, 1999 (per supplemental agenda material), the Commission addressed the request to consider agendizing the road openings of Kahwea Street, Sanderling Way, Starling Street, and the portion of North General Kearney Road between Pina Colada and Nicolas Road. Due to the recent City Council action regarding these particular streets and the decision to postpone the Meadowview Circulation Study, Commissioner Markham recommended that the Commission not agendize these particular issues at this time. Concurring with Commissioner Markham's recommendation, Commissioner Edwards reiterated the City Council's action with respect to the denoted areas. Chairman Coo recommended that the residents present the issue to the City Council, and that the Commission agendize the issues if the Council provided that direction. Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the request was generated by the residents in the area; relayed that the Commission's comments have been duly noted; advised that the North General Kearney issue would be brought forward to the City Council as part of the Circulation Element at a future point in time. In concurrence with Chairman Coe's comments, Commissioner Markham advised that the Commission not reconsider the requested issues until further direction from the City Council. Commissioner Connorton relayed his opposition with respect to the Commission waiting for further direction from the City Council prior to reconsideration of the requested road openings; advised that it was the Commission's charge to consider issues of concern in order to provide recommendation to the City Council; and concurred with postponing the agendizing of these particular issues until the Circulation Element Update was complete. Commissioner Telesio recommended that the Commission reconsider the issues solely when additional data was available since the Commission had previously addressed the requested matters. TraffCommlminutes/'102899 Relaying concurrence with the previous Commission comments, Commissioner Edwards, echoed by Chairman Coe, advised that the matter was a mute issue until the Meadowview Circulation Study had been completed. Director of Public Works Hughes reiterated the direction of the Commission to postpone the agendizing of the requested road openings until the Meadowview Circulation Study was conducted in order to more thoroughly address the matters. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that the Police Department had received numerous calls regarding the malfunction of the Overland Bridge signal, advising that the issue had been resolved; and noted the improved traffic flow due to the opening of the Overland Bridge. With respect to the previously mentioned Hog Rally activity held in the City, Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that the event went well. C= Noting the upcoming Race for the Cure Event scheduled to be held November 13, 1999, Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that there would be various street closures in the City during the race. For informational purposes, Sergeant DiMaggio noted the upcoming Christmas Parade scheduled to be held on December 2, 1999, which may impact traffic flow. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT No comments. ADJOURNMENT At 7:37 P.M. Chairman Coe formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 6:00 P.M,, in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Chairman Charles Coe Administrative Secretary Anita Pyle ITEM NO. 2 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic November 18, 1999 Item 2 Request for Speed Undulations - North General Kearny Road RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request for the installation of speed undulations on North General Kearny Road between Nicolas Road and Willow Creek Drive. BACKGROUND: At the meeting of October 14, 1999, the Public/Traffic Safety Commission received a request from Mr. Bob Lopshire, to evaluate the possibility of installing speed undulations or traffic circles on North General Kearny Road to reduce vehicular speed and volume. A petition with approximately two hundred-forty (240) signatures was received from residents of the area. The public has been notified of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission's consideration of this issue through the agenda notification process and by mail. North General Kearny Road is a furty-tbur (44) foot wide residential street that functions as a collector street providing direct access to approximately 381 dwelling units between Willows Avenue and Nicolas Road. The speed limit is posted at 25 MPH on North General Kearny Road between Nicolas Road and Willow Creek Drive. An analysis of traffic conditions was performed in November 1999. The comprehensive study included collection of speed and w~lume data at two (2) locations and accident history in the area. Copies of the speed and w~lume data are included as Exhibit "C" and "D". The speed data indicates that the 85c' percentlie speed on North General Kearny Road is approximately 32 MPH between Sierra Madre Drive and Cross Creek Court. Similarly, an 85~ percentlie speed of 32 MPH was measured on North General Kearny Road between Pauma Valley Road and Willow Creek Road. Although the data indicates that some speeding does occur on this roadway, the majority of drivers are travelling at a reasonable and prudent speed tbr conditions on North General Kearny Road. Moreover, the 85lh percentlie speeds observed on North General Kearny Road are enforceable and consistent with vehicle speeds observed on other City streets that are primarily residential. Based on the results of the speed data collected, the posted sl~ed limit of25 MPH is appropriate tbr conditiorks. Our records show one (1) reported accident within the last three (3) years which involved a parked vehicle. A review of the traffic count data indicates that between Sierra Madre Drive and Cross Creek Court, North General Kearny Road carries approximately 1,635 Average Daily Traffic (ADT). Between Pauma Valley Road and Willow Creek Road, North General Kearny Road carries approximately 1,634 ADT. These traffic volumes are also consistent with the number of dwelling units which access from North General Kcarny Road and do not represent a significant "cut-through" traffic to access Nicolas Valley Elementary School. Residents commonly express concerns over excessive speeds and volumes on nearly every residential street in the City. A solution expressed by residents is the installation of speed undulations to control vehicle .speed and w~lume. To that end, the City of Temecula developed a Speed Undulation Policy and implemented speed undulations along Calle Pina Colada as a pilot program. The before and after studies performed on Calle Pina Colada indicate that the speed undulations have reduced speeds slightly; however, they have proven to be ineffective in reducing vehicle volumes. Moreover, the residents along Calle Pina Colada perceive the speed undulations to be ineffective and obtrusive. Recently the City Council recommended that staff develop a Nei,ghlx~rhood Traffic Calming Policy as a meatks of addressing concerns about excessive speeds and volumes on residential streets. Along with the policy the City Council recommended the use nf traffic circles on Via Cordoba. Via Cordoba was chosen as a test hlcation primarily because of the traffic volumes, approximately 2,400 ADT. A temporary traffic circle pattern has been implemented using delineators in order to determine if the traffic circles are effective in reducing vehicle speeds and volumes. The test period is expected to last approximately ti~ur (4) months. After the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy has been adopted and the results of the Via Cordoba test have been evaluated, traffic circles could be implemented along North General Kearny Road if conditions are appropriate and the traffic circles prove to be effective. For these reasons staff recommends denial of the request for speed undulations on North General Kearny Road between Sierra Madre Drive and Willow Creek Road. An alternative recommendation would be that the Commission deny the request for speed undulations on North General Kearny Road between Sierra Madre Drive and Willow Creek Road and direct staff to evaluate the t~asibility of implementing traffic circles along North General Kearny Road after the Neighborhood Traffic Cahning Policy has been adopted and the results of the Via Cordoba test have been evaluated. It should be noted that installation of traffic circles nr similar devices on Nnrth General Kearny Road could direct the traffic to Sierra Madre Drive. Therefore, implementation of any type of traffic control device should also include Sierra Madre Drive. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachment: 1. Exhibit "A" - Locatinn Map 2. Exhibit "B" Petition uf Residents 3. Exhibit "C" - Speed Data - Nnrth General Kearny Road between Sierra Madre and Cross Creek 4. Exhibit "D" - Speed Data - North General Kearny Road east of Pauma Valley Road EXHIBIT "A" Location Map EXHIBIT "B" Petition of Residents 1989 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SPEED UNDULATION PETITION ,<,~,:~,.~ ~: (STREW NAME) ~ ~ from to ,,~,ott~,,r ~cr'r~rT~ctrc. &t.,,bb c ,~/__t/~.~~ SPEED UNDULATION PETITION '= WiFI r R r r U S e i rTlecu 8 o iris 8 ,, TO .8{STREET~ PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS 22 ' {~ ~ '~ 23 pwOBXtraffic~undulatn%petmon.und SPEED UNDULATION PETITION We, the following property owners, request the City of Temecula to install on/?Orf~ Ge,q. er'aO ~e speed undulations IST.EET NAME) ~ tO PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS 2 5 25 pwOS~traffic~undulatn\petiuon,und S E D UNDULATION PETITION (S REET NAME) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PRINT NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS ~. , , -,..~, - ,~., - 9 ,~-,-- ~. · , ~ - ~., ac- ( ,m,~ r: ,~C7 .,q ,,~y ~c ~ e~d, ,~:~x~ ~,,4,~ w>,~ &,{, , 9;fy pwOB\traffic~undulatn~petition.und SPEED UNDULATION PETITION speed undulations ~ccrP, L.~" from (STREET NAME) to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PRINT NAME SIGNATURE T3" tt<c ADDRESS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 pwOB~treffic~undulatn~pe~Jtion.und PETITION FOR SIGNATURES FOR TRAFFIC AND SPEED REGULATION ON NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: (( [C PETITION FOR SIGNATURES FOR TRAFFIC AND SPEED REGULATION ON NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD. I NAME: AD RESS: PHONE NUMBER: :?z4/. x/, ./,~,./~t/7 ~ SIGNATURE: g, PETITION FOR SIGNATURES FOR TRAFFIC AND SPEED REGULATION ON NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE SIGNATURE: NUMBER: ~'5~.&~: ~'./.)-" ~ ~'7,~'?'~ / "' '~'' '~' ::4 .... ~ PETITION FOR SIGNATURES FOR TRAFFIC AND SPEED REGULATION ON NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD. NAME: / lADDRESS: SIGNATURE: L~( ,Z T'c,'<, 7', 0;~' /"' "'/ ' ,' PHONE NUMBER: PETITION FOR SIGNATURES FOR TRAFFIC AND SPEED REGULATION ON NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD. NAME: />' .z - q2,Sq PHONE SIGNATURE: NUMBER: , , ' :;,,'f ,-' ,'~ 1 '2',;, '2'>'::' >".>[2',/,.' ./' k<,,,:2 t(. ,,5 7e, i!L (,-- <~ ,_ , ,, ',,)Lf ]:;., ~!'~;k?': qoq ~//~- ~'~ ~ ~ ,:',; ). % ?) L" P',..,"'D~: ,,...,V: Z .4 L/',>/;,, ,i. <2,/' -~-j "22': ~ .v.'.,,.- ~, ,-:/s..i,,~ : .2/: ,7,i _s (~') EXHIBIT "C" Speed Data North General Kearny Road between Sierra Madre and Cross Creek 21TY OF TEMECULA ~ENERAL KEARNY B/SIERRA MADRE & CROSS CR 4 ER DIRECTIONAL SPEED SURVEY [egin Int. 0- 16 21 26 'ime Total 15 20 15 30 2:00 11/04 5 0 0 0 2 l:O0 2 0 0 ! 0 2:00 2 0 0 i 1 3:00 4 0 0 0 1 4:00 16 2 2 2 3 5:00 25 0 1 5 5 6:00 55 2 5 14 !6 7:00 111 3 5 19 48 8:00 201 4 7 51 95 9:00 178 3 11 45 81 0:00 41 1 4 9 16 1:00 66 0 3 i1 24 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 EASTBOUND, WESTBOUND 31 36 41 46 35 40 45 50 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 i 3 4 0 11 3 0 14 3 0 27 7 2 34 7 1 32 6 0 6 4 1 21 5 1 2:00 pm 114 0 0 26 63 19 5 1 1:00 60 1 4 18 22 11 2 2 2:00 103 0 5 25 52 18 3 0 3:00 250 2 19 84 103 34 5 1 4:00 115 3 6 40 41 20 5 0 5:00 90 1 1 19 52 15 2 0 6:00 64 2 3 10 33 11 5 0 7:00 54 1 2 16 21 9 3 2 8:00 31 0 4 7 I6 3 1 0 9:00 33 I 1 5 16 6 4 0 0:00 13 0 0 4 3 4 2 0 1:00 2 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 ay Totals 1635 26 83 413 715 301 79 12 5i 56 55 60 61 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 Site Code: 151356 Start Date: 11/04/1999 File I.D.: TEGKSMCC Page : 1 66 71 76 70 75 9999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 rand Total 1635 26 83 413 715 301 79 12 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 peed Statistics. 15th Percentlie Speed : 21 MPH Median Speed (50th percentile): 27 MPR Average Speed - All Vehicles : 28 MPH 85th Percentlie Speed : 32 MPH 95th Percentlie Speed : 36 MPH 10 MPH Pace Speed : 21-30 MPH Number of Vehicles in Pace: 1128 Percent of Vehicles in Pace: 69.02% Number of Vehicles > 55 MPH : 4 Percent of Vehicles > 55 MPR: .24% ITY 0F TEMECULA ENERAL KEARNY E/O PAUMA 4 RR DIRECTIONAL SPEED SURVEY COUNTS UNLIMITED, iNC. 909,247,6716 EASTBOUND egln int. 0- 16 21 26 3! 36 41 ime Total 15 2:~0 11/04 2 0 1:00 1 0 O 1 2:00 1 3:00 2 0 0 0 1 O 0 1 4:00 4 1 1 I 0 0 0 5:00 4 0 O 1 1 i I 0 6:00 16 1 7:00 54 1 0 9 28 11 3 2 8:90 II7 3 2 26 61 18 5 1 9:00 90 2 2 22 33 25 6 0 0:00 17 1 i 3 8 1 3 0 h00 39 0 2 6 I0 14 5 I 2:00 pm 5I 0 0 13 27 7 3 1 0 1:00 35 0 0 8 17 6 2 2 O 2:00 59 0 I 12 33 11 2 0 0 3:00 119 0 4 34 50 25 5 0 S 4:00 59 3 2 17 25 9 3 0 0 5:00 49 I I 5 29 12 I 0 O 6:00 44 1 2 6 24 8 3 0 D 7:00 32 1 1 9 9 8 2 2 0 8:00 16 0 3 3 8 1 1 O 0 9:00 18 0 I 3 7 3 4 0 0 0:00 ? 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 0 h00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,ay Totals 836 15 23 186 376 168 54 10 , 51 56 55 60 61 66 65 ?0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Site Code: 151368 Start Date: 11/04/1999 File I.D.: TEGKEOPA Page : 1 71 76 75 9999 rand Total 836 15 23 I86 376 I68 54 10 0 I 0 0 2 1 0 peed Statistics. i5th Percentlie Speed : 22 MPH Median Speed (50th percentlie): 27 MPB Average Speed - All Vehicles: 28 MPH 85th Percentih Speed : 33 MPR 95th Percentih Speed : 37 MPH 10 MPN Pace Speed : 21-30 MPH Number of Vehicles in Pace: 562 Percent of Vehicles in Pace: 67.22% Number of Vehicles > 55 MPN : 3 Percent of Vehicles > 55 MPB: .36% ITY OF TEMECULA ENERAL KEARNY B/SIERRA MADRE & 4 HR DIRECT!ONAL SPEED SURVEY CROSS CR egin ins. 0- 16 2i 26 ime 7~tai 15 20 25 I0 2:00 11/04 ] 0 0 0 0 1:00 0 0 0 O 2:00 0 0 0 1 3:00 2 0 0 0 0 4:00 12 1 1 1 2 5:00 21 0 1 4 4 6:00 39 1 5 9 15 7:00 57 2 5 10 20 8:00 84 I 5 25 34 9:00 88 1 9 23 48 7 0:00 24 0 3 6 0 5 1:00 27 0 1 5 I4 7 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 WESTBOUND 31 36 4i 46 I5 40 45 50 2 1 i 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 i0 2 9 0 16 4 16 2 0 I 0 2:00 pm 63 0 0 13 36 12 2 =1:00 25 1 4 10 5 5 0 2:00 44 0 4 13 19 7 1 ,3:00 !31 2 15 50 53 9 0 4:00 56 0 4 23 16 11 2 ,5:00 4! 0 0 14 23 3 1 6:00 20 1 1 4 9 3 2 17:00 22 0 1 7 I2 1 1 ,8:00 i5 0 1 4 8 2 0 ~9:00 i5 1 0 2 9 3 0 0:00 6 0 0 3 2 1 0 .1:00 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 )ay Totals 798 11 60 227 338 133 25 51 56 55 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 66 65 70 Site Code: 151356 Start Date: 11/04/1999 File I.D.: TEGKSMCC Page : 1 7I 76 75 9999 }rand Total 798 11 60 227 338 133 25 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ;peed Statistics. 15th Percentlie Speed Median Speed (50th percentlie Average Speed - All Vehicles 55th Percentlie Speed 95th Percentlie Speed 10 MPH Pace Speed Number of Vehicles in Pace Percent of Vehicles in Pace Number of Vehicles > 55 MPH Percent of Vehicles > 55 MPH: 21 26 27 31 34 21-30 565 70.77% 1 .13% MPR MPH MPN MPH MPH MPH EXHIBIT "D" Speed Data North General Kearny Road East of Pauma Valley Road ITY OF TEMECULA ENERAL KEARNY E/O PAUMA ~ NR DIRECTIONAL SPEED SURVEY egin Int. 0- 16 21 26 ime Total 15 20 25 30 2:00 11/04 5 0 0 O 2 1:80 2 0 0 ! 0 2:00 2 0 0 i 1 ]:DO 4 0 0 G 1 f:00 16 2 2 2 3 5:00 25 0 1 5 5 S:00 55 2 5 14 16 7:00 111 ] 5 !9 48 ]:00 201 4 7 81 95 7:00 178 3 11 45 81 ):00 41 1 4 9 16 l:00 66 0 3 11 24 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 EASTROUND. WESTBOUND 31 36 41 46 35 40 45 50 2 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 I 3 4 0 11 3 0 14 3 0 27 7 2 34 7 1 32 6 0 6 4 1 21 5 1 1:00 pm 114 0 0 26 63 1S 5 1 0 [:00 60 1 4 18 22 1I 2 2 0 !:00 103 0 5 25 52 18 3 0 0 ]:00 250 2 19 84 103 34 5 1 1 t:00 115 3 6 48 41 20 5 0 0 5:00 90 1 1 19 52 15 2 0 0 i:00 64 2 3 !0 33 1I 5 0 7:00 54 1 2 I6 21 9 3 2 0 3:00 31 0 4 7 16 3 I 0 0 ~:00 33 1 1 5 16 6 4 0 0 ):00 13 0 0 4 3 4 2 0 0 L:O0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ~y Totals 1634 26 83 413 714 301 79 12 I 51 56 55 60 61 66 65 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Site Code: 151368 Start Date: 11/04/1999 File I.D.: TEGKSOPA Page : 1 71 76 75 9999 rand Total 1634 26 83 413 714 301 79 12 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 feed Statistics. 15th Percentlie Speed : 21 MPH Median Speed (50th percentlie): 27 MPH Average Speed - All Vehicles : 28 MPH 85th Percentlie Speed : 32 MPH 95th Percentlie Speed : 36 MPH 10 MPH Pace Speed : 21-30 MPH Number of Vehicles in Pace: 1127 Percent of Vehicles in Pace: 69.00% Number of Vehicles > 55 MPH : 4 Percent of Vehicles > 55 MPH: .24% !TY OF TEMECULA ENERAL KEARNY B/SIERRA MADRE & 4 ER DIRECTIONAL SPEED SURVEY CROSS CR egio Int. 0- 16 2I 2me To[al 15 20 20 2:00 11/04 2 0 0 0 hO0 1 0 0 2:00 1 0 0 i 3:00 2 0 0 0 4:00 4 1 1 1 5:00 4 0 0 i 6:00 16 1 0 5 7:00 54 1 0 9 ~:00 117 3 2 26 9:00 90 2 2 22 3:00 17 1 1 3 !:00 39 0 2 6 COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 EASTBOUND 26 3I 36 41 46 30 35 40 45 50 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 ! 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 3 0 28 i1 3 2 61 18 5 1 33 25 6 8 1 3 0 10 i4 5 1 h00 pm 51 0 0 13 27 7 3 I [:00 35 0 0 8 17 6 2 2 !:00 59 0 1 12 33 11 2 0 ]:00 119 0 4 34 50 25 5 0 [:00 59 3 2 17 25 9 3 0 5:00 49 I 1 0 29 12 1 0 ~:00 44 I 2 6 24 8 3 0 Z:O0 32 1 1 9 9 8 2 2 bOO 16 0 3 3 8 I 1 0 bOO 18 0 I 3 7 3 4 0 ):00 7 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 !:00 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 837 15 23 186 377 i68 54 10 51 56 55 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 66 65 70 rand Total 837 15 23 I86 377 i68 54 10 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 MPH MPH MPM MPN MPH MPR 22 27 28 33 37 21-30 563 67.26{ 3 .36% eed Statisdcs. I5th Percentile Speed Median Speed (50th percentile Average Speed - All Vehicles 85th Percentile Speed 95th Percentlie Speed I0 MPR Pace Speed Number of vehicles in Pace Percen; of Vehicles in Pace Number of Vehicles > 55 MPH Percent of Vehicles > 55 MPH: Site Code: 151356 Start Date: 11/04/1999 File I.D.: TEGNSMCC Page : 1 7i 76 75 9999 ZlTY OF TEMECULA ~ENEEAL KEAENY E/O PAUMA 4 HR DIRECTIONAL SPEED SURVEY =egin Znt. 0- 16 21 26 'ime 7otal I5 20 25 30 2:00 11/04 3 0 0 0 0 1:00 1 0 0 0 0 2:00 1 0 O 0 1 3:00 2 0 0 0 0 4:00 12 1 1 1 2 5:00 21 0 1 4 4 6:00 39 1 5 9 15 7:00 57 2 5 I0 20 8:00 84 i 5 25 34 9:00 88 1 9 23 48 0:00 24 0 3 6 8 1:00 27 0 1 5 14 ZOUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 WESTBOUND ]i 36 41 48 35 40 45 50 1 0 O 0 2 4 10 2 9 0 !6 4 16 2 7 0 5 1 7 0 2:00 pm 63 0 0 13 36 12 2 1:00 25 1 4 10 5 5 0 2:00 44 0 4 13 19 7 1 3:00 131 2 I5 50 53 9 0 4:00 56 0 4 23 16 11 2 5:00 41 0 0 14 23 3 1 6:00 20 1 1 4 9 3 2 7:00 22 0 1 7 I2 I 1 8:00 15 0 1 4 8 2 0 9:00 15 1 0 2 9 3 0 O:O0 6 0 0 3 2 1 1:00 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]y Totals 798 11 60 227 338 133 25 51 56 61 66 55 60 65 70 rand Total 798 II 60 227 338 133 25 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 )eed Statistics. 15th Percentlie Speed : 21 MPH Median Speed (50th percentlie): 26 MPH Average Speed - All Vehicles: 27 MPE 85th Percentlie Speed : 31 MPE 95th Percentlie Speed : 34 MPR 10 MPH Pace Speed : 21-30 MPH Number of Vehicles in Pace: 565 Percent of Vehicles in Pace: 70.77{ Number of Vehicles > 55 MPH : i Percent of Vehicles > 55 MPH: .13{ Site Code: 151368 Start Date: 11/04/1999 File I.D.: TEGKE0PA Page : 1 71 76 75 9999 ITEM NO. 3 TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO3ECTS Monthly Activi.tv Report October/November 1999 Submitted by: William G. Hughes Date: November 16, 1999 PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1. I-15 Southbound Auxiliary Lane at Winchester Road Construction on this project is complete. with the exception of the overhead sign structure. The sign structures are expected to be delivered in about a month. They will be installed, along with the overhead signs, as soon as they are delivered. 2. I-I 5 Southbound Auxiliary Lane at Rancho California Road Construction on this project is complete. with the exception of the overhead sign structures. The sign structures are expected to be delivered in a month. The,,' will be installed, along with the overhead signs. as soon as they are dclivered 3. 1-15/OverlandDriveOvercrossinglmprovement The Overland Bridge is now open for through traffic. Stage 3 of Jefferson Avenue improvements is about 95% complete. Work remaining includes parking lot at Guidant, minor concrete work. irrigation & landscaping, permanent bridge railing, and fencing. Southern Califomia Edison will mobilize to complete the steel pole ~nstallalion. 4. Pala R.md Bridge The placement of the underground utilities in Stage I is complete. Construction of the bridge is also complete. The construction of the barriers and the sidewalk continue. A proposed sewer line for the Pechanga Development Corporation has been included in the construction adding a month to the schedule. 5. Traffic Signals Installation on Margarita Road at Pio Pico Road and at Pauba Road Construction on these two signals has started. Completion is scheduled for Janua~' 2000, 6. Sunta Gertrudis Creek Trail Undercrnssing at Winchester Road (Hwy. 79 North) Constrnction on this project is complete. The missing link of the bike path at Winchester road has been constructed A bike path undercrossing (under Winchester Road) is in place now. ". Street Name Sign Replacement - Phase I Work is under, ray in this project. The signs are being installed at this time. Installation of all the sign is expected to be done by mid November. 8. Butterfield Stage Park Improvements Construction is almost complete. The remaining work consists of the installation of the basketball pole and hoop. R:\MonlhlyAclivityRepori\CIP\99\October 9. Traffic Signal and Median Modification at Rancho California Road and Town Center Drive This prc~lcct almost complete. Final striping is being done. 10. Citywide Bike Path Construction Work on this project started Monday, November 15. 1999. This project will stripe bike lanes along Margarita Road from Sotana Way to Moraga Road, Ynez Road from Tower Plaza North to Overland Drive, and Rancho California from Margarita Road to Riesling Court. and portion of La Serena Way. Completion is scheduled for December 1999. 11. Pavement Management System FY98-99 This pro3ect will provide street rehabilitation of Del Rio Road from Via Montezuma to Front S~eet, Pauba Road I'rom Yncz Road to just east of La Primavera and from Margafita Road to Lin~eld School, Margarita Road from La Screna Way to Rancho Vista Road. Mcrcedes Street from Moreno Road to 2"a Street, and Rancho Vista Road I~rom Mira Loma Drive (Traffic Signal') cast to 200' cast of Mira Loma Drive. PROJECTS BEING BID I. Pujol Street Sidewalk. Curb & Gutter This project will improve Pujol Street from Main Street to Sixth Street. The improvements include the construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, asphalt concrete pavement, driveways and driveway approaches and extending a storm drain line. Bids arc scheduled to be opened on November 18, 1999. PROJECTS IN DESIGN 1. Pavement Management System This project ~vill provide street rehabilitation of Jefferson Avenue from the northerly City limits to Rancho California Road and on Winchester Road from Jefferson Avenue to Diaz Road. This project will also include the installation of streetlights along the entire length of Jefferson Avenue. Staff has determined that the rehabilitation of Winchester Road, from Jefferson Axenut to Diaz Road can be done as a separate project. Work on Jefferson would be delayed until construction of Overland is complete. The specifications to rehabilitate Winchester Road is complete and the project is ready to be advertised for bids. A request for State Transportation Improvement Progrmn (STIP) funding has been submitted to Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). As soon as the City receives authorization for the funds, the project to rehabilitate Winchester Road wdl be advertised For construction bids. In addition. staff is soliciting proposals from gcotcchn,cal finns to perform limited soils testing to determine if extensive pavement removal and replacement x~ ould be required. 2. Old Town Southside Parking Lots This project consists of two proposed parking lots One will be located on the xvest side of Front Street just north or Second Street. and the other lot is located on the south side of Fourth Street west of Front Street. The project is currently being designed in-house. A landscape architect and an electrical consultant arc being utilized to do the specialty work The design for the Second Street parking lot is being ~nalized. Design for Fourth Street Parking Lot is on hold 2 R:\Month[yAclivityRepo~\C1P\99\October 3. First Street Bridge Staff is currently working with Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) to finalize plans for the sewer line rclocation. Final construction drawings are complete. Staff is reviewing and assembling the plans and specifications to bid this project. Advertisement for construction bids is expected in late November. 4. Margarita Park Lighting and Fencing Design of this project is almost complete. An authorization to bid this project is being presented to the City Council at the November 16. 1999 meeting. 5. Diaz Road Realignment The consultant presented to the City two different alignments for Diaz as it is approaching Rancho California Road. Staff reviewed the available three alignment choices (one from a previous study) and gave the consultant direction on the preferred alternative, The consultant submitted 30% completed plans the week of November 8th bascd on staff direction, 6. Margarita Road Widening, Pauba Road to Dartolo Road Staff received 30% completed plans late October. A number of issues were addressed with the consultant. The dcsign is moving t'orx~ard and completion is expected in December. 7. Santa Gertrudis Bridge Widening at i-15 This is Phase II ofthe Southbound Auxilia~l Lane at Winchester Road project. This project will widen the 1-15 southbound off-ramp at the Santa Gertrudis Creek Bridge to provide for an additional lane from the freeway to .lust north of Winchester Road. The design consultant expects to submit I'~ plan check by the end of this month. 8. Traffic Signals Design at Pala Road and Loma Linda and at Pala Road and Wolf Valley A contract xuth the consultant has just been approved The design of the two signals will be completed in December 9. Pala Road Improvements - Phase 11 (79 South to Pechanga Road) A Request for Proposals (RFP) x~as sent to a number of consultants for the design of this project. Staff has negotiated a contract xxith the consulting tlrm that submitted the most complete proposal. A recommendation to approve the a~n-eemcnt is being presented to the City Council at the November 16, 1999 meeting. 3 R:\MonlhlyA,;livilyRepor~\CIP\99\Ocloher TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Bill Hughes, Ac~ng Director of Public Wod<slCity Engineer Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent November 8, 1999 Monthly Activity Report - October, 1999 The following activities were performed by Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division in- house personnel for the month of October, 1999: I. SIGNS A. Total signs replaced 39 B. Total signs installed 17~ C. Total signs repaired 7 II. TREES A. Total trees trimmed for sight distance and street sweeping concerns 30 III. ASPHALT REPAIRS A. Total square feet of A. C. repairs B. Total Tons 5,016 55 IV. CATCH BASINS A. Total catch basins cleaned 17 RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT A. Total square footage for right-of-way abatement 48,045 VI. GRAFFITI REMOVAL A. Total locations B. Total S,F. ~4 2.966 VII. STENCILING A. 358 B. 3,002 New and repainted legends L.F. of new and repainted red curb and striping Also, City Maintenance staff responded to 39 service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.C. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is compared to 53 service order requests for the month of September, 1999. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 74 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies. The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of October, 1999 was $ 86,138.38 compared to $ 48,979.50 for the month of September. 1999. Account No. 5402 $ 86,138.38 Account No. 5401 $ - 0 - Account No. 999-5402 $ - 0 - CC: Ron Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works All Moghadam, Senior Engineer - (CIP/Traffic) Greg Butler, Senior Engineer - (Capital Improvements) Amer Attar, Senior Engineer - (Capital Improvements) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer - (Land Development) 0 0 z = 's ,O Z ITEM NO. 4 POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT ITEM NO. 5 FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT