HomeMy WebLinkAbout011499 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION JANUARY 14, 1999 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Satbty Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 P.M., tm Thnrsday, January 14. 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall. 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, Calilbrnia. ROLLCALL Present: Commissioners Connerton, Edwards, Markham and Telesio Absent: Chairman Also Present: Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Senior Planner Fagan. Police Sergeant Crisp, Police Sergeant Damagio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Kelley In the absence of Chairman Coe, Co-Chairman Connerton presided over the meeting. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Edwards led the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no pnbiic comments. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR I. Minutes of December I0. 1998 On Page 3, Traffic Engineer's Report, paragraph 5, line 5, Commissioner Edwards requested that the word sidewalk be changed to crosswalk. MOTION: Commissioner Telesio moved to approve the minutes of December 10 1998. as amended. The mt~tion was seetraded by Chairman Edwards and voice wlte reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Markham who abstained. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Short-Term Circulation Improvement Projects RECOMM ENDAT1ON [t is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Satbty Commissiun review and provide input regarding prioritization of short-term circulation improvement projects. Bet't}re introducing Mr. Bob Davis of Wilbur Smith Associates. Senior Planner Fagan requested the Ct}mn~issioners provide their input on the Circulation Improvement Projects that would be presented by Mr. Davis anti to include any other pro.jeer they felt should be added. He explained that recommendations made tonight will be presented at the January 21, 1999, City Council Capital Improvement Program (CIP) workshop. Mr. Robert Davis of Wilbur Smith Associates. consultant for the General Plan Circulation Element tipdate Report, presented the prioritized proposed short-term (S-year) projects that will relieve traffic ct}ngestitm. improve traffic flow and/or enhance capacity in various areas and that will provide alternate north/south, east/west routes tbr the Commission's consideration. These projects will be discussed at the ,ioint Public/Traffic Safety Commission and Planning Commission meeting on January 20, 1999. In reply to Commissioner Edwards' question regarding the westbound widening of Rancho California Rl~ad (#23), Mr. Davis explained that most of the congestion occurs westbound anti that road widening in tha| direction will provide the most benefit. In response to Commissioner Edwards' question about the stares of the extension of Meadows Parkway (#I6L Mr. Davis stated that it was nnder design. Commissioner Edwards suggested moving #13 ahead of #11 anti #12. in the Capital lmpn~vement l'ahle. since funding is currently being discussed tbr #13. In i'esptlnse to Commissitmer Markham, Mr. James Miller t}f the City of Murrieta advised that the nt}rtherly extension of Jefferson Avenne was ~mded by the RCTC on January 13, 1999. Commissioner Markham made the following comments: · Pl'tl.iect #1 should be split into two projects as the interchange construction is under contract, and the widening t'rom Bedtbrd Court to Avenue Las Missions will be going out tel bid about the first week of February 1999. · Overland Overpass is under contract and awarded. · Consideration of splitting #20 into two phases should be given: First phase, Butterfield Stage Road nllrth to Nicholas Road which w/Itdd relieve the Calle Medusa traffic~ second phase, to Murrieta Hot Springs Road, which is more long-term and more difficult. · Both directions should be looked at in the Rancho California Road study (#23) as some numbers shtlw Rancho Calift~rnia at 6 to 8 lanes at buildnut. 2 #42 appears to have migrated to Phase I verbiage under #12 (Rancho Way) and questioned if #42 should read from Ynez Road to Margarita Road. Mr. Davis advised that #42 needs further study as to whether the new crossing needs tu be at Rancho Way or at Via Eldorado. · #10 under verbiage appears to be #32 in the middle range items and tier consistency, Westside Parkway should probably read Western Bypass. #7 under Winchester Interchange and #8 under Rancho California Interchange need to be moved up to #1 because development uf a traffic management plan can immediately begin and traffic capacity ctluld be i~nproved without any improvements. Comn~issioner Telesio offered the t~>llowing comment: Pauba Road should be addressed in the plan since City-owned property on the north side is being considered for building. Mr. Davis stated that there is the option of widening Pauba Road and maybe delaying the extension of Santiago Road or to provide the Santiago Road connection to relieve a considerate amount of Pauba Road traffic. [n F¢~pollse ttl Co-Chairman Connerton's question about the process to re-designate the 1-15 Freeway lrtlm rural to urban (#22). Mr. Davis replied that it is a petition-type process which should be immediately started and that he is unaware of the time length tilr the Caltrans process, and that FHWA appr~,val would also be required. He mentioned that an urban designation will lower the speed limit. Mr. Davis also presented medium-range (6 to 10 years) and long-range (beyond 10 years) improvement ctmsiderations and mentioned that the lists will be expanded to include every other widening, extension. or new segment that is remaining in the City so that the Circulation Element will agree with the buildout of the General Plan. Commissioner Markham offered the ~llowing comments: The project study tilr a collector/distributor/frontage road system should be accelerated into at least the medium- or near-term range since the Santiagu Road Interchange potential is in the medium range. Mr. Davis agreed that #33 and #40 should probably be considered ragether. Putting the westbound-to-southbonnd Rancho Caliti~rnia loop ramp beyond the IO-year range should be reconsidered because it will become a critical movement, noting that a part of the needed area is cnn'ently vacant. Mr. Davis noted that a study fi~r that particular loop ramp is mentioned ~m another list and considerallan will be given to placing it toward the end of the medium range lind then a study wlmld fnrther determine its need. In response to Commissioner Edwards' concern about a collector/distributor/frontage road (#33) and traffic exiting into Los Ranchitos, which is primarily residential, Mr. Davis stated that the road would run immediately adjacent to the freeway lanes and would accommodate ramp spacing of less than a mile. He also noted that widening of lower Ynez Road tu timr (4) lanes does not appear on this list, i~ut that it should be timed accordingly. Cmmnissioner Markham mentioned that when the Update Committee discussed the extension of Santiagl} Road between Ynez and Margarita Roads (#24), it was determined that a majority of the traffic exiting at Santiago Road will be going to Paloma del Sol. Co-Chairman Connerton expressed the opinion that it is important to move some of these projects into the short-term in an attempt to relieve traffic at the off-ramps, but acknowledged the amount of coordination it will require. He suggested identit~ing and prioritizing a solution to the northbound Icftquru lanes on Ynez Road to westbound Winchester Road/I-15 on-ramps. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that a short-term solution was being considered. MOTION: Co-Chairman Connerton received and filed Mr. Davis' report on behalf of the Commission. 3. Request for Traffic Flow Modifications - Los Ranchitos Area Conunissioner Markham noted that he would abstain with regard to this issue. RECOM M ENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to establish a 10,000 pound weight limit on all streets within the Los Ranchitos area. Seni,>r Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record) and not~ that a letter had been sent tt~ the Los Ranchitt~s Ht~meowners Association notifying them that this matter was on this meeting's agenda ('ommissioner Telesid reiterated that even though the Commission has determined that a right-turn lane at Ynez Road and La Paz Street would not be necessary at this time, there is available easement for the lane. Ms. Rebecca Weersing, 41775 Yorba Avenue. spoke in support of stafi's recommendation. (',mmfissitmer Telesio remarked that if tour buses or other heavy vehicles are using the streets, the prohlcm will probably be eliminated once Highway 795 construction is completed. Commissioner Edwards stated that she recently drove the area with Mr. Victor Jones, president of the HOA: explained stafCs recommendation: and reminded him this matter was on the agenda for tonight's roeeli ng. MOTION: Commisskmer Edwards moved tn deny the request to establish a 10,000 pound weight limit on all streets within the Los Ranchitos area. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Telesio and write w~te reflected Unanilllotls approval with the cxcel~tion of Conmfissioner Markham who abstained. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer M¢~ghadam intbrmed the Commissinners that with Caltrans' cooperation, the signal ct~o~dination at boil Winchester Road and Rancho Cali~rnia Road intersections has improved traffic flow 4 POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT Co-Chairman Connerton requested that the graphs in the report be patterned so that they are distinguishable from each other. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT No report given. ('onsidering the series of fires throughout the City, Co-Chairman Connerton viewed it as unusual to have a report. COMMISSION REPORT Commissioner Markham stated that the Circulation Element Update has been an eight-month process and reiterated the request fi>r the commissioners to provide their comments/recommendations. t'ommisskmer Markham further noted the following: that staff provide the two new commissioners with a copy of the report on the workshop that this C,m~mission held about a year-and-a-half ago and that the report should be agendized for the next meeting for possible update; · that slaff consider the t~asibility of providing remote parking opportunities, possibly at Chaparral High School or the industrial areas, tbr shuttle service to the mall; · that the proposal tbr Commissioner Areas of Responsibility developed by Commissioner Edwards should be agendized tbr the February meeting: · that the Commissilm have a more inw}lved role in the Capital lmproven~ent Program (CIP) that the gates at the storm drain that goes underneath the Target Center, (the outlet on the west of Ynez Rl>atl), are torn off or partially torn off. Deputy Director of Pnblic Works Parks mired that the matter will be investigated. In response to Comn~issioner Edwards concern regarding the crosswalk at Hope Drive and Rancho ('alifilrnia Road, Cmnmisskn~er Markham related that the issue was part of the overall Town Center traffic prt>blems and that the matter should be re-addressed by the Commisskm six (6) months after instalhttion of the Via Las Colthas signal. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that the Via Las Colinas is scheduled t{i be installed in about five (5) months. Commissioner Edwards requested that the matter he agcndized in the near ftlture. In nesponse ttl Commisskmer Edwards' question about in-house signal maintenance. Deputy Director ,it' Public Works Parks stated that the contract must be approved by the City Council: and if the Commission determined it was feasible to provide in-house signal maintenance. they may recommend it ttl the City Council. Ctmm~issioner Edwards' explained her rationale of the proposed Commissioner Areas of Responsibility. advising of her interest to keep the commissioners better informed and to make the Cimm~isskln more effective. She requested that the matter be agendized for the February meeting. Senit}r Engineer Moghadam advised that he will investigate permissive left turns as requested by Ctnmnissioner Telesio after his discussion with Bill Renny and that the matter will be agendized. Co-Chairman Connerton mentioned that the sidewalks on both sides of Ynez Road. south of Rancho California Road, had signs saying "Sidewalk Closed. Use Other Side" and suggested that the signs be rem~lved as soon as the sidewalk is completed. For int~lrmational purposes. Co-Chairman Connerton requested that a list tff future repairs. etc be given to each commissioner. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that he prepares a monthly city project status report. but utility company projects are not included. and a constructkin project schedule is printed hi-monthly in the Press Enterprise and The Calililrnian. ttmm~issitmer Markham brought up a past request tbr a presentation of the mall's traffic improvements and stated that a sunllnary would still be very infilrmative. He mentioned that Mr. Pratt presented his CA I'S (Citizens Against Traffic Stagnation) proposal at a recent City Council meeting and it would be helpful to have the proposal included in the co~nmissioners' fillders. In resptlnse to Commissioner Markham's concern about installation of the new rural street signs, 51enitlr Engineer Moghadam stated that the signs are cnrrently under design and specifications are I~eLt/g pLLt together. In resp, lnse to Commissioner Telesio's inquiry as to when the parking and loading zones of Margarita Road that were approved by the City Council and the School Board will be marked, Senior Engineer Mt~ghadam stated that a work order was immediately submitted after approval by the City Council and that he will check on the job's status. Cnmmissinner Telesio noted that although parking is permitted ,m the westside of Margarita Road. north of Rancho Vista Road, people do not park there. ADJOURNMENT Ai 7:54 P.M.. Co Chairman Connerton fi/rmally adjonrned this meeting to the Joint Planuing Cimm~ission and Public/Traffic Sat'ely Ct~mmission meeting tn be held tin Wednesday. January 20, 1999. at 6:00 P.M.. iu City of Temecula City Hall Councd Chanqbers. 43200 Business Park Drive. 'fcmccula. Calitilrnia. 'Fhe next regnlar meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held ,in Thursday. February II, 1999. at 6:00 P.M.. Temecula City Hall Council Chambers. 43200 13usines~qPark Drive. Temecula. Calitiu'nia. / Co-Chairman. Connerton 6