JANUARY 10, 2000
The City of Temecula Community Services Commission convened in a regular meeting
at 7:00 P.M., on Monday, January 10, 2000 in the City Council Chambers of Temecula
City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Meyler.
Also Present:
Commissioners Edwards, Henz, Meyler, Nimeshein, and
Chairman Miller.
Director of Community Services Parker,
Recreation Superintendent Pelletier,
Maintenance Superintendent Harrington,
Administrative Secretary Zigler, and
Minute Clerk Hansen.
Plaque of Appreciation to Mr. Thomas W. Edwards
Chairman Miller presented the plaque to Commissioner Edwards; and on behalf of the
City Staff and the Commissioners, expressed gratitude for the two years that he served
as Chairman of the Commission.
No comments.
Maintenance Supervisor Harrinqton provided an overview of the accomplishments that
were completed by the Maintenance Department during the months of November, and
December, as follows:
Mr. Jose Diaz and Mr. Anthony Martinez had filled the two maintenance positions.
The annual maintenance programs for the CRC Swimming Pool and the TES
Swimming pool had been completed.
The Maintenance Department had assisted with the following activities: 1) The
Museum Grand Opening, 2) Santa's Electric Light Parade, 3) the Little Padres' Field
Dedication Ceremony, and 4) aided in the preparations of the Temeku Hills Park for
the upcoming Dedication Event.
In response to Commissioner Henz's queries with respect to the adverse effect of the
Coots at the Duck Pond, Maintenance Supervisor Harrington advised that the water
quality was currently in good condition; and relayed that staff would further investigate
the matter after the Coots' season was over in order to develop mitigating measures for
next year.
Recreation Superintendent Pelletier provided an overview of the events that were held in
December, as follows:
The City's 10-Year Anniversary, which was celebrated on December 1, 1999, at the
Temeku Hills Country Club.
The Santa's Electric Light Parade which was held on December 2, 1999; and
commended Recreation Coordinator Giliiland for her fine work coordinating the
parade festivities.
The Holiday Lights and Festive Sights Event which was held on December 8% and
9th; relayed that staff was going to develop a program to provide tokens of
appreciation to the winners in the vadous categories for next year's event; and
thanked the Commissioners who participated as judges for the event.
The Winter Wonderland Festivities were held on December 11, 1999, inclusive of
the following: 1) over 400 breakfasts were served with Santa, 2) provision of 14 tons
of snow, 3) a Santa's Craft Workshop area, 4) a Vendor Fair, 5) a Party Jump, and
6) at the conclusion of the day, there was a Community Party, providing an
opportunity for citizens to view the 10-Year Anniversary video, sing Happy Birthday
to the City, and enjoy a City Birthday Cake.
· The Community Services Brochure had been sent out (a month early this year).
· Relayed with pleasure that all of the December Events had been a great success.
With respect to uDcomincl activities, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier relayed the
Noted that the Junior High Hopes Program would begin January 14, 2000, which
would cater to youth between the ages of 6-17 years; and noted that she would
further update the Commission at the February meeting.
· Advised that Staff was in the process of preparing for the Volunteer Recognition
Event, which would be held in April.
For Commissioner Nimeshein, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier provided additional
information regarding the Junior High Hopes Program, noting the participation of Ms.
Karen Newman whose efforts aided in the original High Hopes Program, specifically with
respect to advertising the event.
Chairman Miller commended the Community Services Department Staff for their efforts
associated with the great success of the December activity events, noting his family's
enjoyment at the festivities.
Recreation Superintendent Pelletier expressed gratitude to Chairman Miller for his help
at the Winter Wonderland Event.
Director of Community Services Parker relayed the followinq information reaardinq the
CIP Projects:
Noted that Staff was in the process of preparing for a feasibility study, which would
be conducted by a consultant firm in order to survey the community with respect to
their input regarding a Children's Museum facility.
Relayed that a qualified firm would be attained for the purpose of developing a Trails
Master Plan, which would be inclusive of the following: 12) a comprehensive
document, 2) the addressing of the trail needs 3) the establishment of connection
points, and 4) the development of trail standards; and noted that a Commissioner
would be appointed to serve on the Trails Master Plan Committee.
Advised that with respect to the Library Design Committee, there had been adoption
of a scope of service with LPA to complete the construction documents and
specifications of the Library Project; relayed that the next Committee meeting would
be held on January 25, 2000, noting that Commissioner Nimeshein served on that
Committee; and advised that the goal was to have a shelf-ready Library Project
completed in June of 2000.
For information purposes, Commissioner Meyler noted that The Press Enterprise
newspaper had published an article related to the Children's Museum on January 10,
For Commissioner Nimeshein, Director of Community Services Parker relayed that
Commissioner Henz served on the Children's Museum Subcommittee.
1. Al~l~roval of Minutes-November 8, 1999
Approve the minutes of the November 8, 1999 Community Services
Commissioner meeting.
MOTION: Commissioner Henz moved to approve the minutes, as written. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and voice vote reflected unanimous approval.
2. Temecula Valley Museum Update
That the Community Services Commission receive and file a report
concerning the Temecula Valley Museum.
Director of Community Services Parker introduced Museum Services Manager Ott, who
would present an overview of the Temecula Valley Museum operations,
Museum Services ManaGer Ott relayed the followinq data with respect to the Museum:
· Noted that over 2000 persons had visited the Museum, specifying the various
organizations that had visited the site.
Apprised the Commission of the docent/volunteer training program, and noted that
volunteers had contributed over 600 hours during the months of November and
Provided additional information regarding the successful Lecture Programs
presented at the Museum; noted that the first public program had been a lecture by
Mr. Phil Brigandi, and the second, by Mr. Jim Davis, which had been attended by 47
· Relayed that the first monthly Family Day Program was attended by 18 parents and
children, noting the various activities that were conducted.
Advised that he was in the process of developing a Changing Exhibition Program,
noting that the exhibits would be changed every two-four months.
· For informational purposes, provided additional data regarding an upcoming exhibit,
which would display antique maps of California.
For Commissioner Nimeshein, Museum Services Manager Ott provided additional
information regarding the sales at the Museum Gift Shop, relaying that the computer
technology was being updated in order to provided additional specifications; with respect
to the classroom area, relayed that at this time, the size of the area was adequate for the
scheduled programs, advising that various programs would be held in two sessions in
order to provide an opportunity for additional participants.
Commissioner Nimeshein thanked Museum Services Manager Ott for his excellent work
with respect to the Museum.
In response to Commissioner Henz's querying, Museum Services Manager Ott provided
additional information regarding the advertisement of the Museum activities, noting that
the events were publicized in The Press Enterprise, The Californian newspapers, and
various magazines; relayed the plan to additionally advertise via radio announcements;
and noted the compilation of a mailing list in order to apprise community members of the
various activities via the mail, advising that he would add the Commissioners' names to
the mailing list.
For informational purposes, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier relayed that in each
Recreation Guide and Leisure Activities brochure there would be a section denoting the
Museum's events.
Commissioner Meyler relayed that the TCI had a bulletin board for posting upcoming
community events, advising that the Museum could utilize that opportunity.
In response to Commissioner Nimeshein, Museum Services Manager Ott provided an
overview of the Museum's efforts to coordinate with the various schools, noting that
there were school tours scheduled for the months of April and May; relayed additional
information regarding special programs being designed for the schools, inclusive of a
hands-on activity for the children in order to facilitate internalizing the learning
experience; noted the positive response of the community with respect to the two-dollar
suggested donation; and relayed the potential in the future for a membership program.
For Commissioner Henz, Museum Services Manager Ott provided additional information
regarding the community video-recording program.
For informational purposes, Commissioner Edwards relayed that a newspaper entitled,
The Entertainment Roundup would be an excellent avenue for the Museum to pursue
publicized coverage.
For Chairman Miller, with respect to the docentJvolunteer training program, Museum
Services Manager Ott provided additional information, noting that the six-seek session
would be held again in February; and relayed the he would investigate the feasibility of
scheduling the sessions on Saturdays; relayed additional information regarding the
potential for a volunteer tour to visit historical sites, and the potential for other various
tours; and noted the restrictions associated with visiting the rock art historical sites due
to the potential for vandalism.
Chairman Miller relayed that the Commission would receive and file the Temecula Valley
Museum report.
3. Trails Master Plan
That the Community services Commissions appoint one ('1) member
to serve on the Trails Master Plan Development Committee.
Director of Community Services Parker provided a brief overview of the staff report (of
record), highlighting the Trails Master Plan project; and requested the Commission to
appoint a Commissioner to serve on the associated Committee.
MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to appoint Commissioner Henz to serve on
the Trails Master Plan Development Committee. Commissioner Meyler seconded the
motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval.
Director of Community Services Parker extended an invitation to the
Commissioners to the Temeku Hills Park Dedication Ceremony, which would be
held on Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 11:00 A.M. at the park site.
Director of Community Services Parker relayed that the Commission Park Tour
was scheduled for January 14, 2000, noting that the Commissioners would meet
at City Hall at 8:30 A.M.; and relayed the sites to be visited, and the luncheon
which would be provided.
With respect to Commissioner Nimeshein's queries regarding the feasibility study
for the Children's Museum, Director of Community Services Parker relayed that
at this time, a location site had not been determined.
With regret, Commissioner Meyler advised that he would not be able to attend
the January 14, 2000 Commission Tour.
For Commissioner Meyler, Director of Community Services Parker updated the
Commission with respect to the financial issues associated with the Sports
Complex Plan, which was agendized for the January 11, 2000 City Council
In response to Commissioner Henz's comments, Director of Community Services
Parker relayed that Staff would contact him regarding the specific streetlights he
noticed not operating, in order to address the matter.
Commissioner Edwards commended Staff for their successful efforts in the
planning and execution of the December events.
Chairman Miller extended his gratitude to Commissioner Edwards for his
excellent leadership skills exhibited while chairing the Commission for the past
two years.
At 7:44 P.M. Chairman Miller formally adjourned this meeting to an adjourned regular
meeting on January '14, 2000 at 8:30 A.M., meeting at the City Hall, 43200 Business
Park Drive, Temecula.
Henry ~'~er, Chairman
Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services