HomeMy WebLinkAbout041599 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 15, 1999 CALLTO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:05 P.M., on Thursday, April 15, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners Connerton, Edwards, *Markham, Telesio and *Chairman Coe None Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Management Analyst Adams, Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Kelley *Chairman Coe arrived at 6:15 P.M.; Commissioner Markham arrived at 6:20 P.M. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Telesio led the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR I. Minutes of March 25, 1999 MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes of March 25, 1999. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Telesio and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Chairman Coe and Commissioner Markham who had not yet arrived. COM M I SSION BUSINESS 2. Fnrmation of a Subcommittee to Implement Staggered Work Hours RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission establish a subcommittee to study and make recommendations to the City Council regarding a staggered work hour program. Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record). Deputy Director of Public Works Parks suggested that an inventory of businesses in westside area and their working hours be undertaken as many of them currently have staggered working hours between 3:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. Commissioner Telesio suggested that study parameters be established and then businesses identified who do not have staggered work hours be targeted. Management Analyst Adams suggested that a meeting of the subcommittee and a representative of the Mannfacturers Council be held next week and stated that the project should be completed in about a month. Commissioner Edwards pointed out that although a majority of westside businesses only have 10 to 35 employees, their participation is vital to the success of the program. MOTION: Commissioner Telesio moved to nominate Commissioners Edwards and Connerton to the subcommittee to study and to make recommendations regarding a staggered work hour program. The motkin was seconded by Chairman Coe and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Markham who had not yet arrived. Commissioner Telesio requested that the appointed Commissioners provide an update to the Commission at each meeting. 3. Feasibility of Establishing Town Hall Meetings Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record). Chairman Coe expressed his opinion that the regular Commission meetings are publicized; noted that the Public Comment section of the agenda is designed for people to bring forth any type of traffic issue: and stated that he was against adding more meetings. Comn~issioner Connerton stated that 19 out of 20 people that he talked to were of the opinion that the Public Comment section was for agenda items only. Commissioner Edwards commented that the intent of the Public Comment section needs to be publicized and citizens should be encouraged to bring forth any traffic/safety issue. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that residents are informed of Commission review process, staff review process as well as the appeal process. Deputy Director Parks mentioned that one of the purposes of the Commission is to deal with significant issues which affect a large group of people and/or areas and to make recommendations to the City Council. He stated that if the Commissioners would like to have a log of the daily calls and e- mails handled by staff, they can be made available. Deputy Director Parks added that since the completion of Old Town and better signal timing, complaints have tremendously decreased except for accidents and issues with Caltrans noting that the City has no control over Caltrans issues. Commissioner Markham remarked that people respond to a particular issue that affect their particular situation: i.e., house, business or children's school and meetings/workshops do not attract the general public. He suggested that the City Council make a comment about the Commissions being the forum to bring forth concerns/complaints, or during a recess, have the statement on the screen as the televised City Council meetings reach many of the City's residents. Commissioner Edwards suggested utilizing The Californian as a means to apprise the public of how to voice complaints, concerns, questions, etc at a Commission meeting. the Commission meetings might be worth pursuing. She also mentioned that if any Commissioner wanted his/her e-mail address on the Commission's Web site, they should inform the City Clerk's Office. Commissioner Telesio suggested that placing the Public Comment section at 7:30 P.M. or at the end of the meeting in order to allow commuters time to attend the meeting and, therefore, having the ability to express their opinions. Chairman Coe summarized that the intent of the Commission is to provide the opportunity for citizens of the City to express their comments; to invite the public to attend the meetings and express their views using the various formats suggested; and to leave the meeting in its present format at this time. 4. Street lmpruvement Proiects Assnciated with the Temecula Regional Center RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file a report on the approved street improvements projects associated with the Temecula Regional Center. With the use of overheads, Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record). Commissioner Markham stated that when he requested this item, it was his intent to have a one page summary along with a striping plan illustrating what is being built around the Regional Center in order to be able to explain the situation to citizens. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that informational tbrmat would be ready for the next meeting. Chairman Coe tabled the matter and continued it to the next meeting TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer Moghadam reported that the numbers tbr the Press-Enterprise article on staggered work hours were erroneously stated as being tbr the entire day, not the peak hour, and a correction should be printed in a few days. In response to Commissioner Telesio's question about the Via Las Colinas signal, Deputy Director Parks stated that signal installation should start next week and that the signal should be in operation within a month. In response to Commissioner Markham's comments, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that the Town Center issues will be on the agenda for the April 29, 1999 meeting and Town Center property manageanent staff will be invited. In respnnse to Commissioner's Telesio's inquiry, Senior Engineer Moghadam reported that the plans tbr the Pauba Road/Margarita Road signal have been approved; that the matter will be placed on the City Council's May 11, 1999, agenda to advertise for bids; that the project will take six (6) to eight (8) months; and that the City is ordering the equipment in order to expedite the process. Deputy Director Parks noted that the widening of Pauba Road in order to create a full intersection has been added to the proposal. In response to Commissioner Markham's concerns, Deputy Director Parks stated that the City is delaying the Margarita Road paving contract until the sewer line has been installed. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT Police Sergeant DiMaggio reported on the following: The Police Department has received a number of calls regarding construction trucks speeding through residential areas and that his staff has spoken to the Regional Center's construction managers and requested their assistance in having the truck drivers detour around residential areas as the truck weights are creating pavement problems and to lower their speeds. The radar trailer was placed on Pina Colada for 10 days during a 20-day period and complaints were received from the street's residents because skateboarders were utilizing it to test their speed. He reported that very few speeding citations were issued, and a majority of those were given to area residents. Fro' the month of March, the radar trailer was set up for approximately 200 hours in various areas the City. The success of red light cameras, both from a traffic and an enforcement viewpoint, in San Diego and he offered to set up a tour for the Commissioners if they are interested in pursuing the matter. In response to Chairman Coe, Police Sergeant DiMaggio stated that he would recommend the intersections of Winchester Road/Jefferson Street, Front Street/Rancho California Road, and Rancho California Road/Ynez Road for the camera installation. Commissioner Markham suggested that the Winchester Road/Ynez Road intersection be added to the list. With regard to these cameras, Senior Engineer Moghadam mentioned that the City of Poway has not experienced the same success rate as the City of San Diego. Commissioner Edwards suggested that the matter be agendized and that the City of Poway be contacted to determine why their success rate with the cameras is not as effective. · Residents are unaware that Winchester Road problems are the responsibility of Caltrans and not the City. FIRE CHIEFS REPORT No report given. COMMISSION REPORT Commissioner Connerton requested that the Pina Colada speed bump removal issue be agendized for the next meeting. Commissioner Telesio requested that Police Sergeant DiMaggio's report regarding Pina Colada be included in staff's report. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that the circulation study of the general overview of Meadowview will be completed in 90 days as it is necessary to hire a consultant to complete the study. He also mentioned that the traffic study for the Meadowview Golf Course has been submitted. Commissioner Markham noted that the golf course needs to be considered in the circulation overview. Co~nmissioner Edwards reported on her meeting with the City Manager regarding development of a television show on traffic and safety issues and that she will be developing a story board to take to the City Council for their approval. In response to Commissioner Markham's inquiry about the expansion of the Public Works newspaper ad, Administration Secretary Pyle explained that it may have to wait until the next fiscal year due to budget constraints. Commissioner Edwards stated that she and the City Manager's Office were discussing a bi-weekly column setting forth the information, which would have no cost. Commissioner Markhatn commented that he liked the present format as a lot of information is provided in a quick glance. In response to Commissioner Markham's question about the progress of the Commissioners receiving copies of site plan submittals so that they could comment or raise questions before a project is approved, Deputy Director Parks stated that the matter was being worked on. Commissioner Markham emphasized that he does not intend for the Commission to be any part of the approval process. In response to Commissioner Markham's inquiry, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that the specifications for the street signs have been completed and will be going to bid shortly. Chairman Coe stated that he would be on vacation April 29 and requested Co-Chairman Connerton to preside over the meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 7:55 P.M., Chairman Coe formally adjourned this meeting to the next Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting tu be held on Thursday, April 29, 1999, at 6:00 P.M., in City of Temecula City Hall Conncil Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Charles Coe, Chairman retary 5 R:Xcommissn~m[nutes\99\041599min