HomeMy WebLinkAbout060399 PTS Special Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION JUNE 3, 1999 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a special meeting at 6:04 P.M., on Thursday, June 3, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, Califomia. FLAG SALUTE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Markham. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Markham, and Telesio, and Chairman Cce. Absent: Commissioners Connerton, and Edwards. Also Present: Acting Director of Public Works Hughes, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Senior Management Analyst Papagolos, Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Hansen. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. 1. Proposed Capital Improvement ProClram for the Fiscal Years 2000-2004 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and discuss the proposed Capital Improvement Program for the Fiscal Years 2000-2004. Acting Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the Circulation Projects within the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) would be presented to the Commission for their review and input; noted that, thereafter, the Commission's comments would be forwarded to the City Council for their review on June 10, 1999; advised that the projects have been cetegodzed, as follows: A) Projects that have been completed (or will be completed during this fiscal year), B) Projects that are under construction, C) Projects that are under design that will be entirely funded, inclusive of design, study, and construction, D) Projects that are under design that will be funded solely for the design portion of the project, with no current availability. for funding of the construction (clarified the rationale for including this type project in the CIP as forthe purpose of being prepared to apply for applicable grant funding), and E) Future projects, solely identified, without current availability of funding for the design, study, or construction of the project. By way of slide overheads (operated by Senior Management Analyst Papagolos), Acting director of Public Works Hughes presented the proposed Circulation portion of the CIP, presenting the projects in categorical order, and as listed in the CIP. A. Completed Proiects (during! the fiscal year) - 1-15 Bridge Widening, and southbound Loop-Ramp Project at Rancho California Road (Phase I) - Southbound Ramp Widening Project at Winchester Road (Phase I) - The Median Island on W~nche~ter Road, west of Jefferson Avenue - The Front Street W~dening, south of Rancho California Road -ties into the Old Town Project - Traffic Signals completed (during the fiscal year): Rancho Califomia Road/Via Las Colinas Road Rancho California Road/Meadows Parkway Winchester Road/Enterprise Circle Ynez Road/Tierra Vista - Highway 79 South 1-15 Intedm Improvements - Ynez Road Widening Project at Rancho Califomia and Tierra Vista B. Projects Under Construction - Overland Drive Overcrossing - 1-15 southbound offramps (Phase II) at the Wanchester Interchange (additional auxiliary lane to the nollh), and the 1-15 southbound Offramp at Rancho Califomia Road - The 1'~ Street Bddge - Additional Improvements at 1-15 and Rancho California Road - Overland Road and Margarita Road improvements - for provision of adequate circulation after the mall opening - Winchester Road within the Ynez Road Widening - Pala Road Bridge - Margarita Road at Pauba Road - sidewalk improvements and widening along the park area - Replacement of street signs ~n the Los Ranchitos area Commissioner Markham specified that the replacement of street signs project would also be inclusive of Santiago Ranchos and Santiago Estates. C. Projects Under DeskIn {entirely funded) - Extension of Diaz Road to Date Street -. The Murdeta Bddge Crossing (between Rancho Califomia Road and W'~nchester Road) The Diaz Road Re-alignment to Vincent Moraga Road The Jefferson Avenue Median Project from Santa Gemdis Creek to Rancho Califomia Road - The Rancho California Road Widening east of Meadows Parkway - The Winchester Widening between Jefferson Avenue and Enterprise Circle West - Pauba Road Improvements (Phase II) - this project would include additional widening along Pauba Road in order to serve the proposed Library site - Replacement of two Traffic Signal Controllers (not currently Y2K compliant) Additional Signal Interconnect Conduits - along Margadta Road, and vadous remote areas on the outskirts of the City. - Intersection Traffic Monitoring System (which would include remote cameras at intersection locations in order to monitor traffic from City Hall) -* Traffic Signals: Additional flashing beacons at new school site Pala Road/Loma Linda Road Pala Road/Wolf Valley Road Butterfield Stage Road/Ra. ncho California Road Margadta Road/De Portola Road Margadta Road/Pio Pico Road Margadta Road/Stonewood Road With regard to the Winchester Road Widening Project, Commissioner Markham recommended that after completion of the Ovedand Bddge Project, that a dedicated right-turn lane be installed (eastbound on Winchester to southbound on Jefferson Avenue) in order to direct traffic to Overland, relaying that the current landowner has expressed a willingness to dedicate the right-of-way area; and further recommended that the project be pdodtized to Pdodty I, specifically, at the east end of the Enterprise Circle Loop and Jefferson Avenue. In response to Commissioner Telesio's comments with regard to the signal at Margadta/Pio Pico Roads, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that pdor to awarding that particular project, staff will bdng a report forward to the City Council at the June 22, 1999 City Council meeting in order to address the warrants for the signal and to present the schedule for the completion of . Meadows Parkway to Highway 79 South. D. Project Under Desiqn {funded for deskIn only) - Murdeta Bddge Crossing (north of Winchester Road) - potentially located at Date Street or Chernj Street - I-15/79 South Ultimate Interchange - to include funding to bdng the project report to completion, and to begin funding for the design services - Widening of Pala Road (south of Pala Road Bddge) - Feasibility Study which would potentially culminate into the design for an Overpass Crossing of 1-15 at Date Street, Cherry Street or at an alternate location - Wsdening Improvement of Margadta Road from Pio Pico Road to Highway 79 South Widening of Rancho California Bddge over Murrieta Creek - Design of Butterfield Stage Road (Phase I) - contingent upon the successful formation of an assessment distdct - La Paz Street Widening from Ynez Road to Highway 79 South In response to Senior Engineer Moghadam's querying, with regard to the Butterfield Stage Road Extension Project, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks dadfled that the first phase would be from Nicolas Road to Rancho Califomia Road (although the map denotes La Serena Way); noted that the second district would be from Nicolas Road to Murrieta Hot Spdngs Road, and then an extension of Murdeta Hot Spdngs Road to the County line; and advised that this assessment distdct would be contingent upon approval of the Rodpaugh Ranch Specific Plan. With respect to the Butterfield Stage Road extension, with regard to the timing and phasing of the project, Commissioner Markham suggested that staff investigate pdodtizing the southerly portion of the project (from Rancho Califomia Road to La Serena Way, and then La Serena Way to the completed Bypasses) in order to attract traffic to the Calle GerasoI-Calle Chapos-Walcott Lane Bypass. E. Future Projects (not funded) - Murfieta Creek Improvements (Phase I and II) I-15 additional Interchange at Santiago Road - Margadta Road Improvements (Phase II) from Pauba Road to Pio Pico Road - Meadowview (North) Circulation Study - Temecula Creek Crossing which would provide additional access to Highway 79 South in the southerly portion of the City - Ynez Road Widening from Rancho Vista to La Paz - Western Bypass (Phase I and II) For Commissioner Telesio, Commissioner Markham provided additional clarification regarding the Temecula Creek Crossing Project. W~th respect to Commissioner Telesio's comments regarding the Bike Path Project, Commissioner Markham specified that the project would be in compliance with the General Plan; and advised that the project be considered in conjunction with the Jefferson Avenue Median Project (and the associated turn lanes) in order to alleviate any restrictions the median would impose on the installation of the bike paths, and, additionally, in conjunction with the overall circulation in order to determine whether the bike paths are still appropriate in the Jefferson Avenue/Ynez Road area; and suggested relayed vadous alternate sites for the bike paths. Regarding the above-mentioned Bike Path Project, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes advised that the project has been brought forward by the Temecula Community Service Department (TCSD) due to the obtaining of applicable grants to fund this particular project; and relayed that he would forward the Commissioners comments to TSCD. Deputy Director of Public Wonks Panks relayed that in order to qualify for certain federal funding and particular grants there is a requirement to provide provision for alternative transportation sources, advising that the funding of this particular project may be based on specific cdteda. Chairman Coe recommended that the bike paths be installed, as proposed. With regard to the Diaz Road Extension to Date Street, Commissioner Markham advised that since Date Street will not go across the creek between Diaz Road and Adams Avenue, that there be consideration to extend the extension to Elm Street, in light of the fact that the City of Murrieta is considering an Elm Street Overcrossing. Acting Director of Public Wonks Hughes advised that the City of Temecula is in the continued process of meeting with the City of Murrieta to form an agreement on the crossing of Murriefa Creek; and relayed that although the aforementioned extension's location could be modified, the City of Temecula needs provision of a north/south connection west of Murrieta Creek. With regard to the 1-1 5/South Ultimate Interchange (denoted on page 45 of the CIP), Commissioner Markham advised that the map graphic should correctly reflect the intedm alignment, Commissioner Markham advised that with respect to the 1-15 and Rancho Califomia Road Interchange Additional Improvements (denoted on page 48 of the CIP) that an additional on-ramp (westhound to southbound loop) at the Steak Ranch location be added into the CIP, although the project would entail relocating an existing building. With respect to the 1-15 and Santiago Road Project (denoted on page 49 of the CIP), Acting Director of Public Works relayed, for Commissioner Markham, that this project would be funded solely for the feasibility study, relaying that there would be no current funding for the design or construction, noting that the study would evaluate the area; and advised that it could potentially be determined that no additional improvements may be feasible. Commissioner Markham noted that the map graphic (denoted on page 63 of the CIP), should reflect the westhound to southbound 1-15 Win~ester Road on-ramp. Regarding the Ynez Road Widening Project from Vista Road to La Paz Road (denoted on page 109 of the CIP), Commissioner Markham recommended there be consideration of measures to mitigate the potential acoustic impact to the adjacent neighberhcod area (i.e., berming, walls.) With respect to the Margadta Road improvement Project, (denoted on page 68 of the CIP), Commissioner Markham recommended that the project be pdodtized as Pdodty 1; and advised that sinca Pio Pico Road is currently being utilized as a cut-through street that there be consideration to install a cul-de-sac in order to adequately address the situation/ For informational purposed, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the warrant analysis for the intersection at Pio Pico Road/De Portola Road revealed that 240 vehicles a day utilize that particular portion of Pio Pico Road. Commissioner Telesio advised that the aforementioned area of discussion be further analyzed after the construction on Highway 79 South is complete. With regard to the Murdeta Creek Bddge Analysis Project (denoted on page 71 of the CIP), Commissioner Markham advised that further analysis be performed in order to investigate augmenting the tum-lane capability at Via Montezuma and Rancho Way at the connection to Jefferson Avenue in order to direct traffic to Ovedand Ddve, relaying that due to the width of the aforementioned streets there is no existing provision for turning movements. Commissioner Markham queried with respect to the Murdeta Creek Bddge Crossing Project (denoted on page 73 of the CIP), regarding the denotation of Date Street as the proposed crossing, relaying that it could potentially be Cherry Street, For Commissioner Markham and Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the First Street Bridge Project is currently denoted in the CIP as a Redevelopment Project, noting that the project will be funded by Redevelopment; and confirmed that the aforementioned connection would be at Pujol Street. For Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Commissioner Markham advised that in conjunction with the aforementioned project there would be a Pujol Street Widening Project In response to Police Sergeant DiMaggio's concem with regard to high rates of vehicle speed at Pujol/Main Streets, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes advised that a warrant analysis of PujoVMain Streets could be conducted in light of the 1'~ Street Bddge Project, noting that the results of the analysis could be brought back before the Commission for their input. For Commissioner Markham, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes provided additional clarification regarding the pedestrian/bike overcrossing at Rancho Califomia Road; and relayed that the aforementioned project has been categodzed as a future project with no funding for study, design or construction. For Chairman Coe, Commissioner Markham provided additional clarification regarding the potential of Via Eduardo tying into Rainbow Canyon. For Chairman Coe, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks clarified the location of the proposed school sites. Commissioner Markham advised that the Murrieta Creek Improvements Phase I and II, denoted as a Circulation Project should be cetegodzed under Infrastructure. For Commissioner Telesio, Senior Engineer Moghadam specified that the Rancho Califomia Road Widening Project (denoted on page 83 of the CIP) would be widened to four lanes without a median. For Commissioner Markham, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed the potential site for the proposed Fire Station. After additional clarfficetion from Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Commissioner Markham advised that the previously discussed Via Eduardo Project be added to the Circulation Element initially, as opposed to adding it directly to the CIP. For cladficetion, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes reiterated the Commission's comments, inviting their additional input, as to the specific Commission recommendations that staff would relay to the City Council, as follows: > That the previously discussed Rainbow Canyon Project should be included in the CIP for the purpose of diverting traffic from Highway 79 South > That an additional southbound on-ramp at the 1-15 Rancho Califomia Interchange Project be added to the CIP After additional discussion the recommendation regarding re-pdodtizing the Rancho California Bridge Widening Project was to recommend that the project be pdodtized as Pdodty II. After additional clarification from Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, it was the consensus of the Commission to recommend inclusion as a future project in the CIP, the addition of a Diaz Road Improvement adjacent to the Creek, specifically, to include a four-lane Widening Project in this particular area. Acting Director of Public Works Hughes noted that the following comments have been duly noted, but would not be relayed as recommendations to the City Council: > Recommended analysis of the Pio Pico Road area after the surrounding improvements are complete. Recommended analysis to provide tuming movements at Jefferson Avenue dependent on the location of the Muftieta Bddge Crossing. That the comments regarding the bike paths would be addressed by staff further investigating the matter and then bdnging additional information regarding the project back to the Commission pdor to the initiation of the project. For Mr. Kenneth Ray, 31647 Pio Pico Road, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes clarified the process and timing of the Pio Pico Road Signal Project; noted that the Street Sign Project for Santiago Estates, Santiago Ranchos and the Los Ranchitos area is in the process of being prepared for bid; advised that the Santiago Extension Project Between Ynez and Margadta Roads is part of the Circulation Element, ultimately identified as a necessary route, relaying that this particular project is not part of the five- year CIP; and clarified the procedure for assessment distdct fees. ADJOURNMENT At 7:30 Chairman Coe formally adjourned this meeting to a City Council/Commission Workshop regarding: Brown Act/Conflict of Interest on Tuesday. June 15. 1999 at 6:00 P.M., and the next regular Public/Treffic Safety Commission meeting will be on Thursday. June 24. 1999 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula. Chairman Chades Coe Adm~mstra S~ry An~ta Pyle