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JUNE 24, 1999
The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting
at 6:01 P.M., on Thursday, June 24, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula
City Hall, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula, Califomia.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Telesio.
Commissioners Connerton, Edwards, Telesio, and
Chairman Coeo
Commissioner Markham.
Also Present:
Acting Director of Public Works Hughes,
Senior Engineer Moghadam,
Fire Battalion Black,
Police Sergeant DiMaggio,
Administrative Secretary Pyle, and
Minute Clerk Hansen.
Mr. Nelson Betancourt, 40835 Calle Medusa, relayed that he would like the matter of
the closure of Calle Medusa agendized; advised that by the City's standards he believes
that the street warrants closure; noted that the residents have funded a Traffic Count
Study revealing that the street generates approximately 5,000 trips a day, and have
conducted surveys of the surrounding residents; relayed that he had himself been hit by
a vehicle in front of his house; and advised that the matter of closure of Calle Medusa be
scheduled for consideration at a Public Headng or the matter would potentially be
pursued legally.
For Mr. Betancourt, Chairman Coe recommended submittal of the traffic count study,
and the resident surveys for review pdor to agendizing the matter.
Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that he had initially presented Mr. Betancourt's
request to agendize the aforementioned issue at the May 13, 1999 Public/Traffic Safety
Commission meeting; noted that in light of the City Councils' determination to postpone
consideration of the Meadowview Study until after review of the CIP, it was the
recommendation of the Public/Traffic Commission to postpone the Calle Medusa matter;
and noted that due to the concern expressed from Mr. Betancourt that he was advised
that if it was his desire he could readdress the issue with the Commission dudng the
Public Comment portion of the meeting.
For Commissioner Connerton, Mr. Bedancourt clarified the specific location of the area
of concem, specifically at Calle Medusa between La Serena and Nicolas Road.
Commissioner Telesio provided clarification with regard to the matter, relaying that
initially the Commission had recommended addressing the matter of closure of Calle
Medusa after completion of the Meadowview Study; noted that, subsequently, the City
Council determined that the study would be postponed until after mall opening; and
advised that due to the Council's determination, the Commission, therefore, had
recommended postponement of consideration of the matter.
Providing assurenca for Mr. Betancourt, Commissioner Connerton relayed that once all
the data has been provided in order to address the facts of the matter adequately, that
the Commission would take action and agendize the matter.
In order to provide clarification regarding Mr. Betancourt's comment that Senior Engineer
Moghadam had not presented his request to agendize the matter at a Commission
meeting, Senior Engineer Moghadam read into the record, page 4, paragraphs 2-3, from
the minutes of the May 13, 1999 Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting, referencing
the portion of the meeting at which point he addressed the Commission with the request,
and the Commission's recommendation to postpone the matter.
After submittal of the referenced data (surveys and traffic study) which would
substantiate Mr. Betancourt's concam, Chairman Coe requested that staff investigate
City standards as to whether or not the cdteda has been met warranting the agendizing
of the issue.
Mr. Robert Purmont, 45099 Corte Valle, recommended that a stop sign be installed on
Loma Linda Road to control the rapid speed of vehicle traffic.
In response to Chairman Coe's querying, Senior Engineer Moghadam and Police
Sergeant DiMaggio relayed the data collected with respect to the Loma Linda area,
relaying that the average speed is less than 40 MPH (40 MPH being the highest cited
speed); and noted that recently additional speed limit signs have been installed in the
area of discussion.
Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that the area did not meet the warrants for
installation of stop signs.
1. 'Minutes-May 13, 1999 and June 3, 1999
1.1 Approve the Minutes of May 13, 1999
1.2 Approve the Minutes of June 3, 1999
MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes of May 13, 1999, as
written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Connerton and voice vote reflected
approval with the exce!otion of Commissioner Markham who was absent.
It was the consensus of the Commission to continue the matter of approval of the June
3, 1999 minutes to the July 7, 1999 Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting.
2. Request for Traffic SiQnal Controls - Santiaqo Road at "C" Street
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny the request for
installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Santiago Road and "C"
Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record); relayed that the initial
traffic study revealed that the area did not meet the warrants for installation of a traffic
signal; noted that due to a second request to evaluate the area spedfically with respect
to parishioners being able to access Santiago Road, additional studies were perforTned
inclusive of both weekday and Sunday traffic volumes; relayed that justification for the
installation of traffic signals is based on 11 warrants that have been established by
Caltrans, noting that the analysis performed for the intersection indicated that one
warrant is met on Sunday; advised that sinca none of the warrants are satisfied on
weekdays, it is staff's recommendation to deny the request; presented altematives due
to the impact involving pdmadly the church use and not the City as a whole, as follows:
1) that the church fund the installation of the signal, or 2) due to the limited hours the
traffic is generated, that the church hire a uniformed officer to assist with the direction of
traffic on Sundays; for Commissioner Telesio, relayed that the vehicle code states that
only a uniformed offcar can direct traffic; for Chairman Coe, advised that at alternate
sites, signals have been installed and funded by the entity which beneflted from the
signalization; for Commissioner Connerton, relayed that the cost of installing the signal
would be approximately $120,000, with an additional annual cost of $5,000 for energy
and maintenance.
For Commissioner Edwards, Police Sergeant DiMaggio advised that one officer could
adequately direct traffic at the intersection, relaying that there is a four-hour minimum on
an off-duty basis at a cost of approximately $75 an hour.
Father Anthony DiLeo, 43981 C Street, specified that the church holds six services on
the weekend, with 200 vehicles exiting at one time, creating chaos; advised that the
traffic would increase to 400 vehicles after the church's expansion; relayed the he directs
traffic on Sundays due to the padshioner's fear in exiting the parking lot; and for
Connerton, noted that the services were held Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings, and
Sunday evenings.
In response to Chairman Coe's quedes with respect to the church participating in the
funding of the signalization due to the fact that the project may benef'~ only the church,
Father DiLeo relayed that due to the use being utilized by 25% of the population that the
City should participate in the installation of the signal.
For Commissioner Telesio, Father DiLeo clarified that 25% of the Temecula residents
are Catholic.
Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed the improvements the City has funded in the area of
concern, as follows: approximately one and-a-half years ago Santiago Road was re-
striped for provision of a left-turn lane, and there was provision made for a left-turn
pocket onto C Street; advised that the church's plan to expand was appreved many
years ago; and noted that if the request to expand was proposed at this point in time, the
City would have requested a traffic study which would have revealed that a signal would
be required and the development would have been conditioned to install the signal.
In response to Commissioner Edward's suggestion for the padsh to utilize volunteer
police officer parishioners to direct traffic, Police Sergeant DiMaggio advised that there
would be liability issues with respect to the officers not working, spedficelly regarding
workmen's compensation.
Mr. Frank Miklas, 30625 Avenue Buena Suede, noted that he was advised not to direct
traffic voluntarily as an off-duty Highway Patrol Officer due to the workmen's
compensation issue; relayed that the church parking lot is impacted by parking for
weekend City activities (i.e., the Rod Run); and requested that the City participate in the
signalization project due to a large podion of the community being impacted.
Chairman Coe relayed his own personal history with respect to his own church's
expansion project; and advised that after requesting the City to fund the street project
associated with the expansion project, ultimately the church was required to fund the
costs associated with the signal; and advised that for this particular project, the church
consider the matter of funding the signal as a pad of the expansion program.
Commissioner Connerton relayed that the financial comparison between hiring officers
verses the church funding the installation of the signal would be that the signal
installation would be justified in less that four years, yielding a long-term lowor cost; and
suggested continuing the matter in order for the church to consider participating in the
funding of the signal.
Commissioner Edwards relayed that while she could not suppod the project being
installed by the City, she had no objection to continuing the matter.
After additional Commission discussion with the representatives of the church, Acting
Director of Public Works clarified for informational purposes that the Commission's
charge was not to present offers with respect to the City funding a podion of the signal;
and advised that the Commission make a recommendation to deny or approve the
request for the installation of the signal.
Commissioner Edwards relayed that if the Commission recommended approval of the
request, conditioning the church to fund the project that the matter would go before the
City Council and at that time the church could be prepared to present their contributory
ability to fund the project.
Commissioners Connedon and Telesio relayed that based on the analysis provided they
could not suppod the City funding the entire project.
MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the request for installation of the
signal, conditioning the church to fund the costs associated with the project.
Commissioner Connerton seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with
the exception of Commissioner Markham who was absent.
Request for Multi-Way Stol) Controls - Via Cordoba between Redhawk
Parkway and Via Del Coronado
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request for Multi-Way
Stop Controls at the following intersections:
Via Cordoba at Court Zodta;
Via Cordoba at Loma Linda Road; and
Via Cordoba at Corte BravoNia Salito
By way of overheads, Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (per
agenda material); noted that the request was generated from community concem with
regard to speed and traffic in the area; relayed that the analysis revealed that none of
the intersections warrant installation of a stop sign; advised that (per Caltrans standards)
stop signs are effective in controlling right--of-way assignments and not speed; relayed
that the volume counts revealed that the traffic impact is generated from the residential
area and not from cut-through traffic, specifying the details of the data; provided
additional information with respect to speed in the area; and for Commissioner
Connerton, confirmed that two of the three proposed stop signs would be
3-way stop signs.
The following individuals relayed their desire for installation of the stop signs:
Mr. Robert Purmont
Mr. William Kelley
Mr. Larry Vicino
Mr. Matthew Dixon
Ms. Janet Dixon
Mr. Theodore Angle
Mr. Jeff Jones
Mr. Chades Hankley
Ms. Keli Jones
Miss Camellia Mclntosh
Ms. Kim Ciabattini
45099 Corte Valle
31542 Via San Carlos
31850 Via Cordoba
31860 Via Cordoba
31860 Via Cordoba
31750 Via Cordoba
31675 ViaCordoba
31745 Via Cordoba
31675 Via Cordoba
31990 Via Cordoba
32000 Via Cordoba
The aforementioned individuals relayed their concems and comments, as follows:
· / Stop signs are effective in centrolling speed
The area is impacted by additional traffic due to soccer activities on weekends,
(also impacting the area with double parking on the streets)
The area is used as a short cut from Pala Road and the Redhawk area
· ~ Resident Highway Patrol Officer has cloGked speeds of 40-50 MPH in the area
-- Not safe for children to play in their own neighborhood
Relayed a desire to be individually noticed of Public Hearings regarding this
· ~ Appealed to the City to not wait until a death occurs to address the issue
,- Queded the results of the survey
-- Suggested increased police enforcement
· ~ The danger is emotionally upsetting
· / Placing house for sale due to the danger
For informational purposes, Commissioner Telesio relayed that the Commission serves
as a recommending body, and did not have the power to approve of deny the installation
of stop signs, but only to make a recommendation.
One individual spoke in opposition to the installation of stop signs listed, as follows:
~ Mr. Mario Carvajal 31645 Via Cordoba
The aforementioned individual relayed the following cencems and comments:
-' Read the data and concurred with the analysis
-' Not enough traffic to warrant a stop sign
· / Stop signs do not control speed
~' The speed of vehicles is negatively affected by the street sloping
,' Recommended increase in traffic enforcement
Commissioner Connerton relayed that while he concurred with community input with
respect to the speed in the area, that since stop signs would not address the problem,
he would recommend increased police enforcement.
Concurring with Commissioner Connerton, Commissioner Edwards advised that the stop
signs would provide a false sense of security; and ensured the community that if stop
signs were effective tools in reducing speed, th~ Commission would recommend the
installation of stop signs; and recommended additional enforcement for speed violators.
Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that the majority of citations issued in the area of
discussion were issued to residents in the area.
Commissioner Telesio relayed that the City of Temecula has installed stop signs in
alternate areas due to community concern regarding speed, and the data has revealed
that the stop signs are ineffective for controlling speed; advised that the only solution for
the control of speed is traffic enforcement; and commended the public for taking the time
to address their comments to the Commission.
For Chairman Coe, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that it would be possible to
install additional speed limit signs; and reiterated that the analysis revealed that 1400 out
of 2200 ddvers in the area are ddving within a reasonable speed; noted that with respect
to individual notification of the headng, that all members of the' public in the area of
discussion who had contacted staff via phone correspondence over the past few years
were noticed of the headng via a phone call; and in response to community comment,
relayed that the City has recently extended a right-turn lane on Pala Road at Highway 79
For Chairman Coe, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that although the
data reveals that stop signs are not warranted, if the City Council determines to install
stop signs, the stop signs would be enforceable; and advised that City installation of
unwarranted stop signs could potentially involve the City in liability issues with regard to
accidents associated with the stop signs.
Chairman Coe expressed that he was opposed to the installation of unwarranted stop
signs; advised that the children should not be in the streets; noted that due to similar
matters with respect to the Commission recommending denial of unwarranted stop
signs, and the City Council approving the stop signs due to the appeals of the
community, that he would, therefore vote to approve the request.
MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to deny the request for the installation of
stop signs. Commissioner Telesio seconded the motion.
For Commissioner Edwards, Police Sergeant DiMaggio advised that there is heavy
police enforcement in the area of concem; noted that it would be maintained; and
relayed that due to the community comments he would increase enforcement on
Saturdays due to the sports activities, and the associated traffic impacts.
At this time voice vote was taken and reflected approval of the motion with the exception
of Chairman Coe who voted n._Q.o and Commissioner Markham who was absent.
Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that to have the matter agendized for a City Council
meeting, a member of the public would need to address the Council dudng the Public
Comment portion of the meeting and present their request that the matter be agendized.
Senior Engineer Moghadam invited the Commissioners to provide input with
respect to the Planning Applications provided to them.
For informational purposes, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the
Engineers report (per agenda material) was inclusive of the high-accident
locations, and a list of improvement projects, and the status of those projects.
For Commissioner Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam provided additional
clarification regarding the striping project at Rancho California Road.
For Commissioner TelesiO, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayedthat with respect
to the project at Winchester Road/Jefferson Avenue the cost of the signs
associated with the project was approximately $1,000.
Police Sergeant DiMaggio commended Commissioner Edwards for her recent
assistance with respect to an overturned mobile home on Winchester Road on
the 1-15 overpass.
No comments.
For Commissioner Connerton with respect to the dead vegetation located on the
newly constructed on and off-ramps at Rancho California Road, Acting Director
of Public Works Hughes relayed that the plants are still under warranty, noting
that staff has contacted the contractor in order to address the issue.
Commissioner Connerton relayed that in five days he has received approximately
ten phone correspondences with respect to the traffic control at Diaz Road and
Rancho Califomia Road, recommending additional enforcement in the area with
regard to vehicles blocking the intersection; and with regard to the Wolf Valley
Ranch project, recommended that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review
the project, with respect to traffic impact pdor to the project being presented to
the Planning Commission.
For Commissioner Telesio, Acting Director of Public Works Hughes clarified the
street projects with regard to trenching and the phases of improvement.
Commissioner Edwards commended the Police Department for their diligent
efforts regarding the overturned mobile home on the Winchester Road 1-15
Commissioner Edwards commended Administrative Secretary Pyie for her
diligent efforts regarding the provision of an excellent, comprehensive agenda
For Commissioner Edwards with respect to the median project at Rancho
California Road, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the medians would be
For informational purposes, Commissioner Edwards relayed that the construction
of the pedestrian ramp associated with the Margadta Road Improvements has
been completed, noting that the Commission recommended project was very
functional; and thanked the Community Service Commission for their diligent
efforts associated with the project.
At 8:29 Chairman Coe formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, July 8. 1999 at
6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula.
Chairman Chades Coe