HomeMy WebLinkAbout092800 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR
SEPTEMBER 28, 2000
The City of Temecuia Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting
at 6:03 P.M., on Thursday, September 28, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of
Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Edwards.
Commissioners *Coe, Edwards, Katan, Lanier, and
Chairman Connerton.
Absent: None.
Also Present:
Director of Public Works Hughes,
Senior Engineer Moghadam,
Associate Engineer Gonzalez,
Battalion Chief Ritchey,
Police Sergeant DiMaggio,
Administrative Secretary Pyle, and
Minute Clerk Hansen.
* (Commissioner Coe left the meeting at 7:30 P.M.)
Ms. Cindy Mathes, 39797 North General Kearny Road, relayed concern with respect to
the lack of implementation of the Neighborhood Calming Program, specifically regarding
having an Officer in the North General Kearny area for approximately 12 hours a week;
and noted the efforts of the residents to address the excessive speeds with the City.
In response to Ms. Mathes' comments, Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that the
program was not implemented until August, noting the delay due to the time required to
obtain the new motorcycle and to train the Officer; for Commissioner Edwards,
confirmed that the program is currently underway; and clarified that the Police
Department cannot guarantee a specified amount of hours of enforcement in each
neighborhood, noting that the Officer has been in the North General Kearny Road area
for approximately nine hours per week at various times of day.
For Ms. Mathes, Police Sergeant DiMaggio provided an overview of the proximate
traveling speeds that would warrant an Officer citing an individual.
1. Suqqested Routes to School to James L. Day Middle School on North
General Kearny Road
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and evaluate the
available routes to James L. Day Middle School and make a
Chairman Connerton clarified that although the news article referencing this meeting
suggested otherwise, that the Commission would not be discussing the issue of the
opening or closing of any roads; advised that since the road opening/closure issue had
not been agendized for tonight's meeting that there were legal restrictions associated
with addressing this matter at this time; relayed that the agenda item for this meeting
was for the Commission to review and evaluate safe routes to James Day Middle
School, clarifying that comments regarding this Agenda Item would not be heard that
addressed the road opening/closure issue.
In response to Ms. Patricia Witt, Chairman Connerton further clarified the issues of
discussion for this Agenda Item.
Senior Engineer Moghadam provided the staff report (of record), noting that this issue
had been agendized due to a request from a Councilman for the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission to discuss safe pedestrian routes to James Day Middle School; provided
additional information regarding the area surrounding the school site; and relayed the
various pedestrian routes utilized to access the school site, noting that although Starling
Street and Sanderling Way were gated for vehicular travel, that there were pedestrian
openings which would provide a viable, safe route to the school site.
For Commissioner Edwards, Senior Engineer Moghadam clarified the aroa in the
common.area of Meadowview where thero was no public right-of-way.
In response to Commissioner Coe, Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that with respect
to discussing the opening/closing of streets in the aroa of discussion, that in response to
Commission direction these issues would not be re-visited by the Commission until the
associated traffic study had been completed, advising that this study was denoted in the
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and was budgeted fo~' the year 2003.
Addressing the status of the traffic study in the CIP, Director of Public Works Hughes
relayed that during this year's CIP process (spring of 2000), the study had been
postponed one additional year, to the year 2003; and in response to Commission
comments, noted that a request to the City Council could be relayed to recommend
consideration of reprioritizing this study.
MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to recommend to the City Council that there
be consideration at this point in time to raise the priority level of the traffic study.
Commissioner Coe seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval.
At this time the Commission heard public comments with regard to this Agenda Item.
The following individuals relayed their opinion that at this point in time there were no safe
pedestrian access routes to James Day Middle School:
r~ MS. Laurie Garcia 30438
r~ MS. Carolyn E. Harrison 30239
[3 Mr. John O'Donnell 30335
r~ Mr. Jeffrey P. Alexander 30324
[3 Ms. Brenda O'Brien 30327
r~ Mr. Paul Mangum 30329
[] Ms. Tina Litster 40047
[] Ms. Katie Warren-McDawl 40107
r~ Ms. Michelle Phillips 27543
Sierra Madre Drive
Silver Ridge Court
Silver Ridge Court
Silver Ridge Court
Silver Ridge Court
Sierra Madre
Holden Circle
Holden Circle
Dandelion Court
The above-mentioned individuals relayed the following comments:
· The neighboring communities should cooperate together for the safety of
· Relayed a desire to also address vehicular access to the school.
· Advised that children are walking through a field to access school, concerned
with respect to the potential of snakes or other dangerous risk factors.
· Noted the need for bussing until the pedestrian route is safer.
· Opposed to the School District charging for bussing.
· Opposed to provision of public transportation for transporting children to school
due to the potential danger risks to children.
· Urged Meadowview residents to travel the pedestrian path to the school from the
alternate residential areas to the school in order to grasp an understanding of the
issues at hand.
· Relayed that not every parent was able to drive children to school - some
parents have to commute to work and have to leave too early to transport their
children to school.
· Various residents relayed the willingness to pay for school bussing.
· Noted the risk factors of the children utilizing unsupervised paths (i.e., potential
for crimes of rape and abduction, if children are injured there is no access to
adults for aid, and children left alone could begin smoking).
· Relayed that parents were only given a 13-day warning period by the School
District prior to the children no longer being bussed.
· Noted that small children are being expected to travel long distances to school in
heavily congested area in the City of Temecula.
· The safety of children should be the greatest concern for all the residents.
· Recommended that there be crossing guards placed at the locations where
children are crossing streets to access the school site.
· Noted that if the recommendation was for parents to drive their students to
school for safety purposes that there should be improved vehicular access, one
parent advising that at times it took two hours to transport children to both
Nicolas Valley Elementary School and James Day Middle School due to the
heavy morning peak traffic.
· Witnessed an accident with injuries while driving children to school, emphasizing
the need to address a safe access route.
For Ms. Garcia, Chairman Connerton clarified that the City did not determine the location
of school sites.
For Ms. Harrison, Chairman Connerton relayed that the School District is the entity that
determines which areas are bussed to school.
In response to Commissioner Coe's query whether installation of a sidewalk or paved
path through the field would be satisfactory, Ms. Harrison relayed that a paved path
would not address vehicular access which was one of her primary concerns, specifically
if there was an emergency incident (i.e., if her child had an asthma attack) and she
needed to access the school quickly.
In response to a query, Chairman Connerton relayed that issues that are not on the
Agenda could solely be commented on during the public comment portion of the
meeting, which was held at the beginning of the meeting.
For informational purposes, Commissioner Katan relayed that there was a survey being
mailed to the Temecula residents regarding school bus transportation options, noting
that one of the questions asked was whether residents were willing to pay for
transportation. In response, numerous community residents relayed that the survey only
provided one day's time for a required response.
In response to Mr. Mangum's comments, Chairman Connerton recommended directing
to the School District his recommendation that the school provide bussing.
For Ms. O'Brien, Chairman Connerton reiterated that the City does not have control over
the location of schools, including access issues. In response, Ms. O'Brien noted that the
School Board had directed residents to relay their concerns to the City officials with
respect to school access issues.
For Ms. Warren-McDawl, Chairman Connerton and Commissioner Edwards reiterated
that the City did not have jurisdiction over the schools with respect to location or the
associated access and traffic issues.
The following individuals relayed their opinion that the existing pedestrian routes to
access James Day Middle School were adequate:
Mr. Corey Wallace
[] Mr. Martin L. Hudler
Mr. Gerald Smith
Mr. Robert Johnston
n Ms. Maria Hetzner
Ms. Patricia Witt
Mr. Jim Neeley
Mr. Melvin Southward
[] Mr. Glen Boyd
[] Ms. Becky Fritsch
[] Mr. Bernie J. Thomas
39731 Jacaranda Court
30-040 Corte Coeiho
29735 Valle Verde
29760 Valle Verde
40657 Carmelita
40702 La Colima Road
31159 Kahwea Road
40755 La Colima Road
21508 Avenida Del Reposo
27527 Swallow Court
29740 Valle Verde
The above-mentioned individuals relayed the following comments:
Thanked the Commission for consideration of the residents' comments regarding
this issue.
Relayed that paving the existing utilized path in the Meadowview area would be a
good idea.
Clarified that not all of the community residents present desired to have the issue
of opening currently closed streets agendized, noting that numerous residents
desired to maintain the existing street closures.
Noted that the staggered school schedule implementation had been effective in
reducing congestion.
For informational purposes, and in response to Ms. Harrisons's comments, noted
that if there was an emergency incident involving a child at school that
emergency aid would be provided by emergency teams (i.e., the Fire
Relayed that if an individual opts to not walk on the dirt path, the roads could be
utilized, and if an individual opts not to utilize the roadways, the dirt path could be
It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that their children travel a safe path to
Suggested that there be installation of a driveway around the school site for
easier access for parents to drop off/pick up their children.
Noted that Meadowview residents should not pay the price for alternate
developments that have been poorly planned.
Relayed that Meadowview residents are being good neighbors, noting that there
have been no complaints with respect to children crossing on private properby to
access the school site.
Recommended that the residents forward their concerns to the School District.
Recommended that there should be school provided bus transportation for
children living across Winchester Road or across Nicolas Road.
Noted that various complaints relayed regarding access were based on
inconvenience issues and not safety hazards.
For Chairman Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam specified the area that was within
the parameters of the public right-of-way within the Meadowview area.
For Mr. Hudler, Chairman Connerton reiterated that the request for the School District to
provide bussing should be directed to the School District, and not the City.
For Ms. Witt, Commissioner Edwards clarified that the City cannot install a driveway on
school property since these sites were under the State's jurisdiction. Chairman
Connerton recommended that the recommendation for installation of a driveway around
the school site be expressed to the School District.
In response to Commissioner Coe, Ms. Witt relayed that she would not be opposed to
the pedestrian dirt path that is currently utilized being paved as long as the home trails
were not negatively impacted; and advised that in her opinion, Meadowview should not
be altered to satis~ the needs of other neighborhoods, suggesting that if individual's
were not pleased with the location of their home, that they should move.
The following individuals relayed that it was the parent's responsibility to ensure their
child's safe access to James Day Middle School, recommending that parents either drive
their children to school or carpool:
Mr. William Hermann
Ms. Ellen Elish
Ms. Linda Gossett
Mr. Joseph Wasek
[] Mr. Steve Gossett
31196 Kahwea Road
30470Avenida Estreda
31180 Kahwea Road
31167 Kahwea Road
31180 Kahwea Road
The above-mentioned individuals relayed the following comments:
· Advised that if parents were not satisfied with the pedestrian route it was their
responsibility to drive their children to school.
· Noted their willingness to pay for school bussing.
· Suggested parents walk children to school.
· Requested the Commission to apply pressure to the School District for provision
of school busses for transportation to school.
· Not opposed to paving the dirt path currently utilized as a pedestrian route by
students to access the school.
· Recommended that if a paved path was constructed, it should be a fire access
type road (i.e., 8 feet in width, 2-inch thick asphalt).
For Commissioner Coe, Ms. Gossett relayed that she would not be opposed to the
installation of a paved path if it was solely for pedestrian use, and not for vehicular use.
Mr. Bob Lopshire, 40244 Atmore Court, queried what the Master Plan had been for
North General Kearny Road.
For Mr. Lopshire, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that in the past North General
Kearny Road was planned to be a connecting road, advising that at a future point the
portion of the road which is currently closed was removed from the City's circulation
Element; and confirmed that the road closure could be changed by the City Council.
Ms. Wendy Bowen, 31145 Kahwea Road, relayed that she was a proponent of
establishing safe routes for children to access the school site, noting that she would not
be opposed to paving the utilized path; and advised that it was her opinion that one
neighborhood should not have to suffer for the needs of an alternate neighborhood.
It was noted that Commissioner Coe left the meeting due to another commitment at 7:30
P.M., after Ms. Bowen's comments,
Mr. Rolfe Wittmann, 30617 Calle Pina Colada, relayed his desire to maintain the manner
of life in the Meadowview area.
Ms. Annette Beasley, 30247 Silver Ridge Court, relayed that she was in favor of
carpooling; and noted that James Day Middle School has only one access point, which
is detrimental for parents' carpooling or driving their students to school.
Ms. Jenni Strutz, 29820 Valle Olivera, noted for the Commission's information, that
numerous residents were opposed to the opening of existing closed roads; and
reiterated that Meadowview residents should not have to suffer due to the State's
decision to place a school at a site without provisions for access.
For the record, it was noted that the Commission received 14 letters (per supplemental
agenda material) regarding this Agenda Item that had been addressed to staff, the
Commission, and the Council, between the dates of September 27-28, 2000. The letters
expressed opposition to opening currently closed City streets in the area of discussion,
which was actually not the issue before the Commission at this time.
At this time the public comment portion of the meeting was closed and 'the Commission
relayed concludin,q statements, as follows:
Via overheads and photographs, Chairman Connerton provided his concepts for a
solution, providing photos of North General Kearny Road at Calle Pina Colada,
displaying the direct path currently utilized; presented the path traveled through Nada
Lane; for Commissioner Edwards, specified the common area in Meadowview; displayed
photos of Via Norte Road, Del Rey Road (noting that Del Rey Road was unsafe for
pedestrian travel); specified his recommended access route which did not utilize the
field, but instead the pedestrians would cross to Calle Madero, and La Colima to the
school site; reviewed alternate proposed routes to the school site, noting that the path
from Roripaugh Road up to Sanderling Way was open for pedestrian travel, providing
photos displaying this route to the school; relayed that the construction area should be
avoided at this time; noted that Kahwea Road was open for pedestrian traffic (via
photos); relayed that while observing the crossing guard at Nicolas Road, that 90% of
the vehicles did not stop at the stop sign, relaying that the crossing guard was almost
struck by a vehicle while in the intersection attempting to hold traffic back, noting the
safety hazards in this area; provided additional information regarding the lack of crossing
guards at alternate streets (i.e., Roripaugh Road); and read into the record a letter
received from the crossing guard at Nicolas Road which addressed issues such as
children not utilizing the crosswalk without being directed to do so, and vehicles not
stopping at a safe distance from the crosswalk.
Chairman Connerton recommended that parents set up carpooling for this interim
period; advised that the School District should be encouraged to review their policy, and
to consider provision for bus transportation (perhaps at a cost to parents); recommended
that there be investigation of utilizing a transit bus (with provision of safety standards) to
transport the children safely until there is a permanent solution; advised that no
individuals should access Winchester Road to access the school site, noting that
traveling on Nada Lane was also not an ideal road since there were no curbs on either
side of the street, while noting that it was a less traveled street than Via Norte;
recommended that the City investigate whether the developer in the Campo Verde
neighborhood would provide a clean area for the children to walk, or ride their bicycles
through, which would resolve some of the issues with children coming from the
Roripaugh Road area and other developments.
In response to Commissioner Lanier's queries, Commissioner Edwards clarified that the
La Colima matter, which had been brought before the Commission in the past, had since
been addressed with the School District with some resolution.
Commissioner Lanier relayed that with the Starling Street and Sanderling Way
pedestrian access, in conjunction with provision of a safe passage though the
construction area, it was his opinion that this route would provide a safe access to the
school site.
Commissioner Edwards concurred that bussing would be the safest method of travel
for students residing across the major roads, reiterating that this issue should be
addressed with the School District, relaying that the City will investigate providing RTA
bussing for the children from these areas; in response to Ms. Harrison's comments,
encouraged her to have her children take a route that she was comfortable with respect
to safety; noted that tonight's meeting had been informative and productive, thanking the
residents for their courtesy and cooperation; recommended that the safest route in her
opinion was recommended by a community resident, specifying that the children should
utilize Nada Lane, turn up Calle Madero, to La Colima, to North General Kearny Road
which would keep the children out of the common area; also recommended the alternate
routes outlined by Chairman Connerton; noted her concern if children are attempting to
cross at Roripaugh Road and the Nicholas Road where there were no crosswalks or
crossing guards, relaying that if children were utilizing these unsafe crossing that this
area should be investigated; and queried staff as to whether there was a procedure to
encourage children to utilize the safer routes which had been recommended (i.e.,
posting signage outlining the recommended routes).
For Senior Engineer Moghadam, Commissioner Edwards specified the recommended
safer access routes, as follows: 1) the path across from Nicolas Road, up Roripaugh
Road, and down Sanderling Way (noting that once construction is completed, this would
be a viable route), 2) the path utilizing Roripaugh Road, and traveling down Starling
Street which bypasses Winchester Road, and 3) utilizing North General Kearny Road
along Nada Lane, then utilizing Calle Madero down to La Colima, to North General
Kearny Road.
In response to Commissioner Edwards, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that
children will normally utilize the most convenient route, advising that it would not be
recommended to encourage utilization of a route through the construction area until the
construction was completed, and until those streets become public streets; and noted
that signage directing pedestrians could be considered, while advising that the signage
may not be effective.
Commissioner Edwards relayed that the best insurance for children utilizing safer
routes would be the exercising of parental supervision, noting that no matter what action
the Commission takes tonight that while there would be recommended routes setforth,
the Commission could not follow the children to school.
Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the City would not make an official
recommendation for any route unless it was a public route, and built to the City's
standards; advised that at this point in time the City would suggest that the children
utilized public streets (i.e., Winchester and Margarita Roads) where there are sidewalks
in place, or that parents carpool; noted that the City would not prohibit pedestrians
utilizing alternate paths, advising that when the construction was completed and the
previously mentioned streets were made public streets, the City would be able to provide
alternate preferred recommended routes; and for Commissioner Edwards, relayed that
the previously recommended paths would not be officially encouraged due to the
portions of the route not being constructed to City standards, reiterating that the City
would not prohibit the use of these paths.
Commissioner Katan concurred with advising residents of approved routes once the
previously mentioned streets have become public roads; concurred with Commissioner
Coe's recommendation to pave the utilized dirt pathway; and noted the challenges that
he would relay to the School Transportation Committee with respect to provision of
bussing, noting that this element was truly needed.
Chairman Connerton relayed concurrence with paving the utilized dirt road (for
pedestrian and bicycles use), noting that since the children will be utilizing this path, it
would be improved with respect to safety if it was paved; reiterated his previously
recommended access routes; recommended aggressive Police enforcement at the
crossing guard area due to drivers disregarding the stop sign and traveling in an unsafe
manner; and advised that bussing for the north side residents was necessary, noting that
he would encourage the School District to provide bussing.
Chairman Connerton recommended paving the utilized dirt path; and relayed that the
recommended access route would then be from North General Kearny, Nada Lane to
Calle Madero, to La Colima, to North General Kearny Road to the school site,
recommending that the Police patrol this area to ensure the safety of the children.
In response to Chairman Connerton, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that
although the City could pave the previously mentioned path, the City would not provide
an official recommendation for the previously recommended route due to the fact that
not all of the streets accessed have sidewalks.
Chairman Connerton relayed that the need for bussing and parent monitoring was
primary, advising that the previously mentioned path would be for those who were
traveling in this area and would continue to do so; and recommended agendizing the
issue of installing a crosswalk in the Roripaugh area.
Commissioner Edwards recommended that once the streets aro accepted into the City
system that the Roripaugh Road/Sanderling Way route and the Roripaugh Road/Starling
Street/Stanford Drive route be officially recommended.
MOTION: Chairman Connerton moved to pave the previously mentioned dirt path for
safer access; and that once the previously mentioned streets become public roads that
the above mentioned routes be the official preferred recommended access routes to the
school site. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion and voice vote reflected
approval with the exception of Commission Coe who was absent.
Chairman Connerton relayed that the City staff, as well as, the City Councilmembers
should send a letter to the School District encouraging provision of bussing for students
residing north of Nicolas Road.
Commissioner Edwards thanked the residents for their input with respect to this
2. Responsibilities of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and discuss the
responsibilities of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission.
Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that per the Commission's request, this item had
been agendized, noting that staff was available for questions of the Commission.
Chairman Connerton preempted his comments by stating that the recommendations he
would present would not necessarily be accepted by the City Council, noting that there
were no laws mandating that his recommendations be implemented; presented his first
recommendation, as follows: recommended that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission
review and provide comments on all of the submitted maps that are in the process of
being reviewed by City staff, clarifying that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission would
provide input with regard to traffic and circulation issues; and relayed that in his opinion,
some of the traffic studies submitted by the applicants are not adequate, providing
additional information regarding the Wolf Creek Project.
In response to Chairman Connerton's comments regarding the Wolf Creek Development
Plan, Senior Engineer Moghadam clarified the traffic analysis associated with the project
plan, noting that there has been extensive conditions placed on this particular project,
inclusive of improvements to Pala Road.
Chairman Connerton relayed that it was his recommendation that the review by the
Public/Traffic Safety Commission take place during the Public Works Department's
review period, recommending that as projects are presented for approval, that the
comments of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission be attached for the approving body's
Chairman Connerton recommended, additionally, that the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission review all requests for street closures prior to the issuance of permits; and
recommended that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review or be updated with
respect to all encroachment permits to be issued in order to relieve staff from bearing all
the blame when complaints are relayed.
Chairman Connerton noted that he had submitted a request to Police Chief Domenoe
that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission be provided a report regarding traffic
accidents, inclusive of the location and cause of the accident, noting that Police Chief
Domenoe had relayed that he would meet with Director of Public Works Hughes to
discuss provision of this data being providing to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission;
and relayed that rationale for this request was in order for the PublicFFraffic Safety
Commission to monitor and review these incidents.
With respect to Commission responsibilities, Commissioner Katan relayed that he was
looking forward to the upcoming November Traffic Commission Workshop where he
would gain a greater understanding of his responsibilities and the role of a Public/Traffic
Safety Commissioner; and noted that it was his desire to better acquaint himself with the
currently responsibilities prior to taking on additional responsibilities.
Additional discussion ensued regarding Councilman Rober[s's comments, as the
Public/Traffic Safety Commission's liaison, which had directed the Commission to be
Commissioner Katan commented that with the exception of Chairman Conner[on, with
his expertise, that staff was much more qualified to render determinations regarding
submitted maps than the Commissioners were.
With respect to the request for traffic accident summaries, Commissioner Katan
concurred that this data would be beneficial to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission.
Commissioner Lanier noted that he, too, would be attending the previously mentioned
workshop; concurred with the comments regarding the Public/Traffic Safety Commission
attempting to eliminate negative impacts on submitted maps, relaying that teamwork and
partnership of all the bodies governing the City would be beneficial.
For Commissioner Edwards, Police Sergeant DiMaggio provided additional information
regarding the Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25 Program. Commissioner Edwards relayed that
the Commission may desire to implement this program in the Neighborhood Calming
Program, advising that she would investigate the program and update the Commission.
Commissioner Edwards commented that it was beneficial that Commissioner Katan was
serving on the School District's Transportation Committee.
With respect to the recommendation to involve the Public/Traffic Safety Commission in
the review of specific plans, Commissioner Edwards noted that it would be vital that
these reviews do not slow down the process by solely adding another layer of
Advising that his intent was to circumvent staff having to take all of the slack from the
complaints, Chairman Connerton relayed that his recommendation was for the
Public/Traffic Safety Commission to have a "Courtesy Review" of the plans which would
only be implemented if the City Council approves the recommendation for this review
In response to Chairman Connerton's comments, Director of Public Works Hughes
relayed that with respect to the street closure review request, that there were between 5-
6 street closure requests per year which are presented to the City Council for approval,
advising that the requests are similar from year to year; recommended that the street
closure issue not be brought to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission due to the time
constraints associated with the existing process, advising that the applicants are
required to go through a detailed process (i.e., review by the Public Works Department
staff, as well as, the Police and Fire Departments).
In response, Chairman Conner[on relayed that the applicants could be required to
submit their requests for street closure permits at an earlier date, noting that this would
make review by the Public/Traffic Safety Commission feasible.
Director of Public Works Hughes provided an overview of the City Council's role within
the City, noting that the City Council set policy and that staff executed that policy, and
provided technical advise; relayed that there currently was technical expertise involved
in reviewing the aspects of submittals; suggested that it would be appropriate for the
Public/Treffic Safety Commission to review the pollicies, procedures, and criteria that is
utilized for street closure permits rather than reviewing each permit, clarifying that since
the City Council sets policy and the Public/Traffic Safety Commission was an extension
of that body the review of the policy would be appropriate, if that was the Commission's
Chairman Connerton commented on the Public/Traffic Safety Commission's duty to
review all the City's policies that related to safety and traffic. In response, Director of
Public Works Hughes advised that in his opinion this Commission was fulfilling the duties
assigned to the body, noting that staff has reviewed all the agenda items presented to
this Commission since 1994, relaying that based on his experience the issues that the
Public/Traffic Safety Commission addresses are consistent with alternate cities; and
noted that the Commission's recommendation would be forwarded to the City Council in
the manner the Commission desired, relaying that he was providing his input with
respect to the recommendations.
Chairman Connerton commented on the Commission's past review of the City's Hazard
Emergency Plan, noting that it was the Commission's charge to review issues of this
With respect to the street closure issues, Commissioner Edwards relayed that she was
of the opinion that it was not necessary for the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to
review the regular street closure requests; and in response to Chairman Connerton,
advised that she would not be opposed to this Commission reviewing the policies
associated with the street closure permitting.
In response to Commission comments, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the
pollicies associated with the street closures could be brought before the Commission
and would not necessitate City Council approval for this review.
For informational purposes, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the City did
have an Emergency Management Plan, advising that it was an evolving document,
noting that as types of hazards change, the plan would also reflect changes, clarifying
that the Public/Traffic Safety did review the plan within the last twelve months.
With respect to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission reviewing the encroachment
permits, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that this was conducted by staff on a
frequent basis, advising that the City was issuing encroachment permits associated with
traffic control plan in the range of 7-10 per week. In response, Chairman Connerton
relayed that it might be appropriate for the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to review
the policies associated with this permitting process; noted that numerous times, as soon
as a street was capped, another entity cuts a trench which then required the street to be
patched. In response, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that staff could bring
forward the traffic control plans, advising that most likely the Commission would find the
plans to be the most stringent plans in the entire County, providing additional information
regarding the elements that are reviewed.
In response to Chairman Connerton, with respect to the street repair items, Director of
Public Works Hughes relayed that there was a Pavement Management Plan, noting that
this data could be shared with the Public/Traffic Safety Commission, if that was the
In response to Chairman Connerton's expressed concerns regarding the Public Works
Department staff receiving the brunt of negative comments, Director of Public Works
Hughes relayed that Commission action would not change this fact; noted that as a
Public Works Director, he was ultimately responsible for all the associated activities in
the City, regardless of any recommendations made by the City's governing bodies; and
advised that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission would not be able to protect the Public
Works Department from negative feedback.
With respect to the accident reports, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that he
would be meeting with Police Chief Domenoe to clarify the data that could be provided to
the Commission.
Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that while a monthly report was submitted to the City
Manager, that the statistics did not include the location of accidents, relaying that
denotations were made with respect to whether an accident involved injuries or not;
noted that what the Commission had been provided in the past was a crime statistic
analysis, relaying that there had bee a graph and chart provided, specifying specific
areas of crime, reiterating that this data did not provide the location of the incidents.
In response to Chairman Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the City
could generate data regarding the number of accidents, inclusive of the location and the
type of accidents, advising that the information would not be current date due to timing of
the City's receipt of the associated data. In response, Chairman Connerton noted that
this data would be beneficial for the Commission to receive.
With respect to Chairman Connerton's recommendation to have the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission review the planning cases, Director of Public Works Hughes advised that
based on prior discussions with alternate department staff, he was of the opinion that
this recommendation would not be supported by staff; and noted that there were existing
time constraints associated with the review process, relaying that implementing an
additional review process would not be feasible.
Chairman Connerton clarified that it was his recommendation that this Commission
review the planning cases at the preliminary stages, noting that it was his understanding
that these plans were submitted approximately 12-18 months prior to a formal review by
the Planning Commission or the City Council.
Director of Public Works Hughes provided an overview of the planning process; relayed
additional information regarding the existing workload of the Public Works Department,
advising that it would not be feasible at this time for staff to process an additional formal
review with the Public/Traffic Safety Commission.
Commissioner Edwards noted that in the past, if she had a desire to review a particular
project plan, she had been able to review this data with staff on an individual basis;
suggested that the Public/Traffic Safety Commissioners review plans, by request, on an
individual basis.
For Chairman Connerton, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the
Public/Traffic Safety Commission could be provided information regarding the planning
cases that are in the review process; and noted that staff could present the large-scale
planning cases (i.e., the Wolf Creek, Roripaugh, and Lennar Development plans) to the
Commission for an informal review of the proposals, advising that the Commission could
make comments which the Public Works Department could consider for incorporation
into its review comments.
No comments.
Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that the Concert on the Green Event had been
successful, noting that there were several individuals attempting to cross the
roadway illegally.
Police Sergeant DiMaggio noted that the Rod Run Event will be held on the
weekend of September 30th.
Battalion Chief Ritchey relayed that the Fire Department report was included in
the agenda material for the Commission's review.
In response to Chairman Connerton' queries, Battalion Chief Ritchey provided
additional information regarding the AMR response time, noting that there were
meetings held quarterly to review the statistical data reflecting the response
times, advising that AMR's response time had improved recently.
Per a community resident's comment relayed to him, Commissioner Lanier noted
that in the area westbound on Rancho Vista Road (path to the high school) that
vehicles are parking between the yellow lines (stacking).
For Chairman Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the flashing
school lights (which had been damaged during an accident) at Temecula Valley
High School would be replaced in approximately a week's time.
At 10:00 P.M. Chairman Connerton formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday,
October '12, 2000 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park
Drive, Temecula.
c/'~ha~'r~a~- Darr~l L. Connerton
Administr~ed*r~ry Anita Pyle