HomeMy WebLinkAbout091400 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR
SEPTEMBER 14, 2000
The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting
at 6:00 P.M., on Thursday, September 14, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of
Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Coe.
Commissioners Coe, Katan, Lanier, and Chairman
Commissioner Edwards.
Also Present:
Director of Public Works Hughes,
Senior Engineer Moghadam,
Police Officer Nelson,
Administrative Secretary Pyle, and
Minute Clerk Hansen.
Mr. Scott Eggum, 41833 Carleton Way, via an overhead map, presented the
Commission with information regarding the heavy volumes and speeding in the
Promenade housing tract, specifying the streets most heavily impacted; noted that the
neighboring residential area was utilizing the Promenade tract as a cut-though route;
and requested the Commission to address these concerns regarding the safety of the
residents, and to provide the residents with a recommendation in order to create safer
In response to Chairman Connerton's request, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that
this issue could be agendized for the October 12, 2000 Public/Traffic Safety meeting.
Commissioner Coe requested that staff obtain information regarding the Planning
Commission's approval of the Promenade housing development with respect to the
traffic circulation plan, reiterating the Public/Traffic Safety Commission's
recommendation that prior to the Planning Commission approving developments, the .
traffic circulation portion of the project should be presented to the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission for review and input. In response, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that
he would investigate obtaining data with respect to the approval of this circulation plan.
For informational purposes, Chairman Connerton relayed that with respect to cut-
through traffic, since these were City streets this impact could not be controlled, advising
that the alternate issues would be addressed.
1. Minutes
Approve the Minutes of July 13, 2000.
Approve the Minutes of July 27, 2000.
MOTION: Commissioner Coe moved to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1.1, and
1.2. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lanier and voice vote reflected
approval with the exception of Commissioner Edwards who was absent.
2. North General Kearny Road Neiqhborhood Meetinq Status Report
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file the status
report on the North General Kearny Road Neighborhood Meeting.
Director of Public Works Hughes presented the staff report (of record), noting that the
City had held an informal meeting on August 28, 2000 with the North General Kearny
Road residents to discuss the speeding impacts in the area; relayed that numerous
suggestions for solutions were brought forward by the residents, listed as follows:
enforcement at 25 MPH, education, residents listing violators via identifying license plate
numbers, installation of stop signs or speed bumps, placement of signage reflecting
Children at Play, closing the north end of the road; advised that there would be
assurance that increased enforcement would be directed to this area; noted that there
was additionally interest in working with the School District to distribute a flyer educating
the parents with regard to the fact that North General Kearny Road was a residential
street, reminding drivers to respect the property owners in the area when transporting
their children to and from school; and relayed that staff would investigate the feasibility of
installing signage denoting the fine for a speed violation.
Chairman Connerton relayed that he had emphasized to the residents at the meeting
that a joint effort was necessary between the City and the neighborhood residents in
order to effectively address the negative impacts; reiterated the topics of discussion at
the August 28, 2000 meeting; and advised that the most effective speed deterrent was
Ms. Cindy Mathes, 39797 North General Kearny Road, queried the rationale for the lack
of enforcement in the area during the past months; thanked the Police Department for
the increased enforcement during the last two days, confirming that when Police Officers
were present, drivers were reducing their speeds, requesting that the enforcement be
consistent to yield a long-term effective impact; and advised that the contacting School
personnel had not been an effective tool for addressing the traffic.
In response to Ms. Mathes' comments, Police Officer Nelson relayed that the
Neighborhood Enfomement Program would address speeding impacts during school
hours, as well as at alternate times of the day; and clarified that the neighborhood
enforcement Officer was now working full time to address residential impacts.
For Ms. Mathes, Chairman Connerton relayed that staff was in the process of
investigating the feasibility of installing signage denoting the fine for speeding.
Mr. Bob Lopshire, 40244 Atmore Court, commented on the concept of pursuing the
program entitled Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25, noting that the City of Oceanside was
currently utilizing this campaign, relaying additional information regarding the
implementation of the program; read into the record a letter drafted by the PTA staff, for
distribution, which addressed the need for cautious driving on North General Kearny
Road, providing information regarding alternate travel routes; and relayed that after
approval by the School District the letter would be distributed; and queried the
Commission for input regarding the letter.
For informational purposes, Ms. Mathes relayed that per earlier discussions with the
Commissioner that Commissioner Edwards was in the process of obtaining additional
data regarding the Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25 program.
In response to Commissioner Katan's comments regarding the upcoming new
development in this area and the potential for sidewalks which could create a feasible
condition for the placement of crosswalks, Mr. Lopshire relayed that due to the
developer's plan to pursue development of this property adjacent to the school, the
property which had been utilized for parking (due to the past generosity of the property
owner) was no longer available which was further impacting the traffic situation.
In response to Mr. Lopshire's queries, Senior Engineer Moghadam confirmed that the
figure denoted in the letter referencing 1500 vehicular trips a day on North General
Kearny Road was an accurate approximate figure. The Commission relayed that the
draft letter was well written, advising that it should be effective, Chairman Connerton
relaying that the PTA could consider forwarding the letter to the press.
Ms. Carolyn E. Harrison, 30239 Silver Ridge Court, relayed her opposition to the request
of residents to close off residential roads; and queried the rationale for not placing stop
signs on North General Kearny Road to control speed.
For Ms. Harrison, Senior Engineer Moghadam provided additional information regarding
the ineffectiveness of stop signs to control speed (via the results of numerous traffic
studies). Confirming the ineffectiveness of stop signs to control speed, Chairman
Connerton provided further comments, reiterating that community involvement and
increased enforcement were the only proven tools effective in reducing speeds in
residential areas.
Noting that this Agenda Item was a receive and file issue, Chairman Connerton
recommended agendizing the issue to consider the feasibility of installing signage
denoting fines for traffic violations, and to address the street closure issue in order for
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the Commission to make a recommendation to the City Council. In response, Senior
Engineer Moghadam relayed that the issue could be agendized for a November
Commission meeting.
3. Limit Line for Yellow Chan.qe Interval at SiRnalized Intersections
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and provide input
regarding limit line for yellow change interval at signalized intersections.
Senior Engineer Moghadam provided an overview of the staff report (as per agenda
material), relaying that this issue had been agendized due to a request from the
Commission to review the feasibility of installing a limit line prior to signalized
intersections in order to provide drivers an indication mark to determine whether or not a
vehicle would have sufficient time to go through the intersection without violating the red
light; noted that after additional research, staff noted that there were no other
jurisdictions utilizing this type of application; and advised that the disadvantages of
installing the application outweighed the benefits, reiterating that the application had not
been utilized, noting the liability issues, and relaying the variables of the placement of
the limit line associated with the speed and volume of traffic.
The Commission concurred with staff's findings, Commissioner Coe commenting on the
potential danger of additional rear-end type accidents with the use of the application.
Additional discussion ensued regarding potential dangers associated with the use of this
Chairman Connerton relayed that since this was a receive and file issue, no further
action would be taken by the Commission.
4. Public/Traffic Safety Commission MeetinR Schedule Revision
That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission consider the feasibility of
holding one (1) regularly scheduled Commission meeting per month.
Director of Public Works Hughes presented the staff report (of record), relaying the
original rationale for the proposed schedule to hold two regularly scheduled monthly
meetings for the Public/Traffic Safety Commission, noting the selected short-term traffic
circulation improvement projects that required immediate attention, advising that those
particular projects have all been completed; relayed that due to the lack of current action
items necessitating two monthly meetings, staff was requesting input from the
Commission regarding holding one regularly scheduled meeting per month, noting that
in staff's opinion the issues could be adequately served with one monthly meeting; and
advised that numerous hours of staff time were expended each time a Commission
meeting was scheduled.
Chairman Connerton relayed that the Commission had made previous requests to
review certain items (i.e., the review of tract maps), but that due to time constraints had
been unable to do so; and noted that if the meetings were scheduled for twice a month,
that a meeting could be cancelled more easily than scheduling an additional Special
Relaying that he was not opposed to scheduling the meetings once a month,
Commissioner Katan noted that the additional availability of the Commissioners could be
utilized for Opportunities to hear public concerns and/or to attend scheduled
neighborhood public meetings, advising that if a regular neighborhood forum was held
the residential comments could be heard and addressed.
Commissioner Coe advised that in his opinion this Commission has been grossly
underutilized, noting that there were numerous issues related to traffic that required
addressing; noted that residents consistently brought forward to the Commission
concerns regarding developmental impacts (i.e., the public comments expressed at
tonight's meeting), relaying that it would be beneficial for the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission to address these concerns prior to development, at which time traffic
circulation impacts could be mitigated more effectively by the Commission.
Commissioner Lanier concurred with maintaining the currently scheduled two monthly
meetings, noting that if a second meeting was deemed unnecessary that it could be
canceled, relaying hopes that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission could be more
effectively utilized.
With respect to reviewing developmental projects prior to the Planning Commission's
approval, Chairman Connerton relayed that the response to this request in the past by
Deputy City Manager Thornhill had been that this review process was not required by
Law and that the Planning Department would not recommend the additional review; and
advised that in his opinion, it would be beneficial for the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission to proactively address the circulation issues in order to forward
recommendations to the Planning Commission for its consideration.
Commissioner Coe concurred with the need to address potential negative traffic impacts
prior to development, siting current development projects in the approval process at this
time; and noted his frustration with respect to continually attempting to mitigate traffic
impacts "after the fact."
Chairman Connerton concurred with the previous Commission comments, reiterating
that this Commission was underutilized.
In response to the Commission concerns, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that
with respect to the Commission's desire for additional involvement in the planning
process, that this suggestion had been previously explored, noting that it was not within
the Pubtic Works Department's purview to grant this formal review process to the
Commission; noted that for informational purposes, a courtesy review of the
development plans could be presented to the Commission, relaying that the Commission
comments could be considered for incorporation into the Public Works Department's'
Conditions of Approval for the project, clarifying that there would be no official action
taken by the Commission.
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Chairman Connerton advised that it would be beneficial to have an additional formal
review of the developmental circulation plans, noting the benefits of a supplementary
review by five additional individuals (i.e., the Commissioners).
Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that protocol was received via the City Council
with respect to the charges of the Planning Commission and the Public/Traffic Safety
Commission, advising that staff could bring the request to the City Council for direction
regarding the Commission's desire to review Land Use Plans, clarifying that at this time
staff did not have the jurisdiction to grant the request; and for Chairman Connerton,
relayed that the issue could potentially be presented to the City Council in October.
Chairman Connerton clarified that it was not his intention to imply that the Public Works
Department was not doing excellent work, noting the desire to simply address traffic
impacts at an earlier stage; relayed that the public member who spoke during the
comment period at tonight's meeting brought forward to the Commission a new
development of residential housing with undersized streets. In response, Director of
Public Works Hughes advised that to the best of his knowledge the development plan
(the Promenade housing tract) that was discussed were plans that had been approved
prior to the City's incorporation, clarifying the direction the Public Works Departmental
staff provide during the review process.
Chairman Connerton relayed that previously approved Subdivision Tract Maps could be
reviewed prior to development if it was determined to be an outdated map or if it would
create future safety impacts.
For Commissioner Katan, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the Public Works
Department thoroughly reviews the new development maps prior to approval. Director of
Public Works Hughes relayed that typically the majority of conditions placed on a project
originated from the Public Works Department, advising that a Public Works Department
staff member was always in attendance and available for input and questions at the
Planning Commission meetings when the Commission reviewed projects; advised that
when expansive project plans were presented to the Planning Commission, siting the
Wolf Creek Project, that an extensive environmental review was conducted, relaying that
approximately forty percent (40%) of the review regarding the Wolf Creek project was
the review of traffic impacts inclusive of the impacts on the surrounding areas, relaying
that the conditions on these type of projects were comprehensive.
Chairman Connerton reiterated that the Public Traffic Safety Commission's comments
regarding projects could be forwarded to the Planning Commission for its consideration.
MOTION: Commissioner Coe moved to maintain the current meeting schedule until the
first meeting in January, of 2001, when the issue could be brought back to the
Commission. Commissioner Lanier seconded the motion and voice vote reflected
approval with the exception of Commissioner Edwards who was absent.
In response to Senior Engineer Moghadam, the Commission relayed that if staff found it
necessary to cancel a meeting, the current process was satisfactory.
Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that there were new signals that have been
recently energized in the City of Temecula.
Police Officer Nelson relayed that the Police Department would continue efforts
of enforcement in the residential areas, noting that the use of radar trailers would
also be implemented; with respect tot the North General Kearny Road area,
advised that in a 16-day period of time, nine speeding violations had been
issued, noting that at the next meeting additional data would be available due to
the focus in this area.
Chairman Connerton requested that the Police Department provide a report
stating the number of citations issued and the location of the issuance, and an
additional report denoting the number of accidents, and the locations of the
accidents for the Commission's review. In response, Police Officer Nelson
relayed that this information could be provided to the Commission.
For Chairman Connerton, Police Officer Nelson ensured that data could be
relayed to him regarding the next scheduled checkpoints. Commissioner Lanier
relayed that the subsequent checkpoint would be held on September 22, 2000.
Chairman Connerton commended the Fire Department for their excellent work
with respect to the recent fires.
Commissioner Lanier expressed gratitude to the Police Department, noting that
he was able to obtain information requested by a community resident
expeditiously due to the quick response to his queries from the Police
With respect to the traffic congestion surrounding the schools, Commissioner
Katan commended the City Council and the School District for their efforts to
meet together to address the impacts.
Commission Katan noted that at the School District Transportation Committee
meeting the question had arisen regarding whether it was possible to place a No
Left Turn sign at the Margarita Middle School exit (exiting onto Margarita Road).
Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the City had requested that a formal
letter denoting the request be received from the School District's Transportation
Department, advising that at that point the request would be investigated.
Concurring with Commissioner Coe's comments regarding proactively
addressing traffic safety issues, Commissioner Katan provided data to the
Commission regarding Roundabouts (i.e., traffic circles), commenting on the
informative data.
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In response to Chairman Connerton, Commissioner Katan relayed that he was
currently serving on the School District Transportation Committee.
After Commissioner querying, Chairman Connerton relayed that it was the
Commission's recommendation that in his service on the Committee,
Commissioner Katan serve as the Public/Traffic Safety Commission liaison.
Commissioner Katan queried the timing of the left-hand turn signal from
Winchester Road to Margarita Road at the time period between 2:00-2:30 P.M.,
noting that it had been reported to him that the timing of the signal solely allows
three-to-four vehicles to make a left turn which impacts traffic flow, noting that
even when there were no individuals in the crosswalk the timing was minimal;
and relayed that numerous drivers were running the red light which was further
impacting traffic flow. In response, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that he
would investigate and provide an update at a subsequent meeting.
Commissioner Katan queried whether staff could investigate avenues utilized by
alternate cities, which address the public's use of cell phones while driving (i.e.,
educational programs regarding a hands-free use of cell phones).
In response to Commissioner Coe's queries, Director of Public Works Hughes
relayed that in the five-year CIP there had been study funds identified for a
potential location for a crossing between Highway 79 South and Pala Road; and
noted that the priority process for categorizing projects in the CIP was
determined by warrants which justify the rationale for the improvements.
For Commissioner Coe, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that with respect to
consideration to install signage denoting fines for traffic violations, that this matter
was currently being investigated by staff.
Commissioner Coe recommended that the issue of renaming Highway 79 South
be agendized for a future meeting, relaying that currently there are no major
roads named after the City of Temecula. In response, Director of Public Works
Hughes relayed that it would most likely be more effective to petition the City as
an individual for that name change; and in response to the request for additional
information regarding the associated data, provided information regarding the
approximate costs of the name change, the process, and the necessary
After additional discussion it was determined that Commission Coe and Director
of Public Works Hughes would further discuss this issue at an alternate time.
For information purposes, Chairman Connerton relayed that the Border Control
was holding a Citizen's Academy which would begin on October 4, 2000 at 6:00
P.M., meeting weekly for six weeks, noting the topics of discussion in order to
develop awareness of the Border Control's authorities and activities.
For the record, Commissioner Coe advised that in his opinion when the United
States began dealing with the Mexican border in a similar manner as the
Canadian border there would no longer need to be the border checkpoint.
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Chairman Connerton relayed that at numerous left-hand turn signals in the City
of Temecula, drivers were turning on red lights, which was negatively affecting
congestion (i.e., Rancho California Road, Ynez Road, and Winchester Road.)
At 7:48 P.M. Chairman Connedon formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday,
September 28, 2000 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park
Drive, Temecula.
Cha~rmar~Darrell L Connerton
Adminis~' SeCtary Anita Pyle
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