HomeMy WebLinkAbout121098 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:02 P.M., on Thursday, December 10, 1998, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners Coe, Connerton, Edwards, and Chairman Telesio Commissioner Markham Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Senior Planner Fagan, Police Sergeant Damagio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Kelley FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Edwards led the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Rebecca Weersing, 41775 Yorba Avenue, expressed concern over the following traffic issues: · Driveways at the Sports Park are not well illuminated as tree branches cover the lights; · Entrances to City Hall and Creek Street Mall at Front Street are not well illuminated; · Front Street striping between Old Town and Hwy 79S is faded and difficult to see. · Exiting Town Center North (onto Ynez Road) is difficult because of parking lot design and the three (3) stop signs. · At night it is very difficult to see bicycle riders who wear dark clothing and ride bikes with no reflectors. It was noted by Chairman Telesio that the proposed internal/external circulation solutions for the Town Center have been suspended until a determination of the effect of a signal at Via Las Colinas is made, which would be about six (6) months after the signal installation. I r: \traffic\¢ommissn~mlnute~\98\ 121098 .mln/ajp Sergeant Damagio stated that bikes are required to have reflectors on the back and that this requirement is being enforced. Placing reflective arrows indicating in and out at the Sports Park's entrances will be investigated by Senior Engineer Moghadam and he as well noted that he would notify the Maintenance Department of the overhanging branches. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of November 12, 1998 On Page 2, Item 2., Commissioner Edwards requested that the park gate location be changed to the northwest corner of the school grounds in both her statement and the motion. MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to approve the minutes of November 12, 1998, as amended. The motion was seconded by Chairman Coe and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. General Plan Circulation Element Update Status Report RECOMMENDATION It is r~commended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file a status report regarding the General Plan Circulation Element update. A brief overview of the Circulation Element Update Report was given by Senior Planner Fagan, he confirming that the joint meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety and the Planning Commissions would be held January 20, 1999, to review and comment on the final document. He requested that the Commissioners present their ideas/comments regarding traffic circulation to him as soon as possible, and that he would be available to answer any questions they may have prior to the January meeting. Mr. Robert Davis, of Wilbur Smith Associates, consultant for the General Plan Circulation Element Update Report, discussed the methodology utilized to document existing conditions, to update and refine the traffic model and the circulation plan, and to prioritize the short-, medium-, and long-range transportation improvements. Mr. Davis noted that Johnson Ranch, the Walker Basin, Vail Ranch, Redhawk, and the Eastside Reservoir areas as well as other surrounding areas and the City of Murrieta are included in the model. Commissioner Connerton requested to receive all available 'background information prior to the January meeting. 3. Election of Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson and Co-Chairperson RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Chairperson entertain nominations from the Commissioners to elect a Chairperson and a Co-Chairperson to preside until the end of the 1999 calendar year. 2 MOTION: Chairperson Telesio nominated Commissioner Coe as Chairperson. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Connerton and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards nominated Commissioner Connerton as Co-Chairperson. The nomination was seconded by Chairperson Telesio and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. TRAFI01C ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer Moghadam informed the Commissioners of the following: · Caltrans has adjusted the signal clocks at Winchester Road and Jefferson Avenue and that traffic flow has improved. · Bids for the signal project at Via Las Colinas were opened December 10, 1998, and that the project should be awarded at the next City Council meeting. · Southbound off-ramp improvements at Winchester Road are being designed. · Proposed striping for the northbound loop at Winchester Road will provide a second lane which will allow a motorist to either enter the loop or go straight. Deputy Director Parks reported that the sidewalk project on the west side of Margarita Road between Rancho Vista and Pauba Roads will start after the first of the year. To eliminate the ordering period for signal mast arms and hardware after a signal project has been awarded, Deputy Director Parks reported that the City has pre-purchased the equipment so as soon as the signal project will be awarded, installation may begin. It was suggested by Commissioner Connerton that once the restripping of Winchester and Ynez Roads has been completed, consideration be given to relocating a sign which has one side in the sidewalk and blocks the signal for eastbound traffic. In response to Commissioner Connerton's inquiry about the status of the crosswalk on Margarita Road and Paseo Brillante, Senior Engineer Moghadam reported that a memo was sent from Public Works Director Kicak to the City Manager regarding the removal since the matter did not need to be reviewed by the City Council. However, because the sidewalk has been there for many years, the .City Manager indicated that he would be discussing the matter informally with City Councilmembers. Commissioner Edwards stated that she received a call requesting that the crosswalk remain until the' signal goes in at Stonewood Road. As the signal will not be installed until 2000, Chairman Telesio expressed the opinion that the crosswalk removal should not be delayed. In response to Chairman Telesio's inquiry about accelerating the installation of a signal at Pauba and Margarita Roads, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that since the equipment has been ordered, staff would further expedite the signal installation by expediting the design process. 3 r:\h'affic\commismXaninute~\98\ 121098. min/ajp Deputy Director Parks informed the Commissioners that because of new legislation which stops all traffic even though no one is crossing the street when loading/unloading students, the school buses at Temecula Valley High will be utilizing the parking lot; teachers, students, and visitors park on Margarita Road; therefore the recommendation to extend the red curbing was denied. Commissioner Edwards cautioned that the proposed stairwell from the Sports Park parking lot to the sidewalk should not interfere with the Water Department's facilities. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT No additional comments. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT No report given. COMMISSION REPORT In response to a citizen observation, Deputy Director Parks noted, for Commissioner Edwards, that the contractor will attempt to finish all striping through Old Town by Friday, December 18. In response to Commissioner Coe, Deputy Director Parks advised that no Mercedes Street extension project has been planned at this time. In response to Commissioner Coe's question about switching the speed limit signs by the schools on Santiago Road, Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that he will review the Vehicle Code to determine if day care facilities are considered schools; if they are not, he advised that the existing speed limit signs are properly located. In response to Commissioner Coe's concern, Deputy Director Parks verified that a double left-turn from Winchester Road onto Ynez Road will be provided once the mall has been completed. After witnessing that only four westbound cars were allowed to make a left[turn during one signal operation at Winchester and Ynez Roads, Commissioner Connerton requested that Senior Engineer Moghadam contact Caltrans to determine if a timing change could be made. For Chairman Telesio, Senior Engineer Moghadam provided clarification with regard to beacon timing schedule as it relates to school zones. Chairman Telesio thanked staff and the Commissioners for their help during his term as chairperson. Commissioner Connerton requested that the issues raised in the December 8, 1998 letter from the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association be agendized for a future Commission meeting. 4 AD,JOURNMENT At ?:45 P.M., Chairman Telesio formally adjourned this meeting to January 14, 1999, at 6:00 P.M., in City of Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.