JANUARY 31, 2001
The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in an adjourned regular meeting
at 6:04 P.M., on Wednesday January 31, 2001, in the City Council Chambers of
Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Chiniaeff.
Commissioners Chiniaeff, Telesio, Webster, and Chairman
Commissioner Mathewson.
Also Present:
Director of Planning Ubnoske,
Deputy Director of Public Works Parks,
Attorney Diaz,
Senior Planner Hogan,
Senior Engineer Alegria,
Associate Planner Anders,
Assistant Planner Preisendanz,
Project Planner Naaseh,
Fire Captain McBride,
Fire Marshal Norris, and
Minute Clerk Hansen.
The Planning Commission heard the Public Comments during consideration of
Agenda Item 3; see page 12.
1 Agenda
1.1 Approve the Agenda of January 31, 2001.
2 Minutes
2.1 Approve the minutes of November 15, 2000
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Chairman Guerriero relayed that the Fire Department would provide a presentation after
consideration of Agenda Item No. 5 if the Commission concurred with the need for this
presentation to be placed on the Agenda; and relayed that it had been recommended
that Agenda Item No. 3 be considered after that presentation.
MOTION: Commissioner Chiniaeff moved to add the Fire Presentation to the Agenda
due to the need for consideration of this Item not being brought to the attention of the
Planning Commission until after the posting of the Agenda. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Webster and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of
Commissioner Mathewson who was absent.
MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 and
2 inclusive of the modifications to Item No. 1. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Chiniaeff and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of
Commissioner Mathewson who was absent.
3 Harveston Workshop - Traffic/Circulation
This Agenda Item was considered after Agenda Item No. 5, and subsequent to the
Fire Department presentation; see page 11.
Plannin.q Application 00-0213 (Development Plan) to design and construct a 116,375
square foot retail center, on an 18 acre site located within the Re.q onal Cente~
Specific Plan on the west side of Mar.qar ta Road, between North General Kearm,~
Road and Overland Drive - Saied Naaseh - Proiect Planner IV- continued fro,,,
January 3, 2001.
4.1 Adopt a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. 00-0213
(Development Plan) based on the Determination of Consistency with a project
for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was previously certified
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 - Subsequent EIR's and Negative
4.2 Adopt a Resolution entitled:
R: PlanComm/minutes/013101 2
PARCEL NO. 921-090-63, 71, 72 AND 78 AND LOTS 7,
5t, 52, 53 AND 54 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 28530.
Project Planner Naaseh provided a detailed overview of the staff report (of record),
noting that this Item was continued from the January 3, 2001 Planning Commission
meeting in order for the applicant to work with staff to modify the site design, and the
amhitecture of the buildings; presented the major revisions, as follows: 1) in the area of
the kiosks, the pedestrian area has been expanded to include a plaza, noting that staff
was recommending that the driveway be closed to vehicles in this area, relaying that a
driveway would be added to separate Building K and the kiosks, 2) provided additional ·
information regarding the redesigned parking plan, noting that the parking in front of the
buildings would be angled-parking, relaying that to eliminate the parking in this area
completely would reduce the parking by approximately 60 spaces which could cause a
negative impact due to the proposed restaurant uses, 3) in the area of the access link
road, noted that this drive aisle has been eliminated subject to the approval of Rancho
Water District and the Fire Department, 4) with respect to fire access behind Buildings F,
G, H, and I, noted that based on discussions with the Fire Department a connection in
this area was not necessary for fire access to the buildings, 5) with respect to the
berming and screening of the parking lots from the perimeter of the project, relayed the
plan to install a 3-foot high berm (measured from the pad elevations) and the installation
of shrubs on top of the berm which would address this issue; noted that along North
General Kearny Road, the loop road, and the access link road, the 3-foot berm was not
feasible in this area due to inadequate space, relaying that the applicant would provide
cross sections of these areas, noting that there would be a 2-to-1 slope with shrubs at
the top of the slope to screen the parking lot, 6) with respect to the pedestrian
connections, specified the area proximate to the creek, noting that the applicant
proposed to improve the 15-foot access road to a Decomposed Granite (DG) trail and
would maintain this area, relaying that this path would connect to the mall access link
road sidewalk and the sidewalk from Margarita Road to the project; relayed that the
pedestrian connections to Margarita Road have been widened to a ten-foot width, noting
that these connections would be further defined with landscaping and pedestrian
lighting, 7) with respect to the sidewalk on the loop road, noted the revised condition to
require that the sidewalk be installed adjacent to the curb which would address the
screening of the parking lot, 8) with respect to the architecture of the rear of the
buildings, relayed that the applicant has added enhancements inclusive of the use of
tiles, false windows, and detailing around the amhes and the doora, 9) with respect to
the signage visible from Margarita Road, noted that halo lighting with backlit channel
letters would be utilized, relaying that the number of colors permitted have been limited
R: PlanComm/minutes/013101 3
with the exception of national tenants who would be permitted to utilized additional
colors, and 10) a condition has been added to require the applicant to add landscaping
within the creek inclusive of trees and shrubs, noting that the bottom of the channel
would remain natural due to maintenance issues.
Project Planner Naaseh relayed that staff has received elevations for the proposed
Macaroni Grill Restaurant use which will be located proximate to North General Kearny
and Margarita Roads, recommending that approval of this particular proposal be
continued in order for staff to review the data; and in light of Commissioner Mathewson's
absence, advised that per discussions with Commissioner Mathewson it had been
requested that his concerns and recommendations be relayed to the Commission, listed,
as follows: 1) the recommendation to add false windows at the rear of Building F (It was
clarified at a later point in the meeting that Building F was a one-story building), 2) the
recommendation to eliminate a portion of parking spaces which has been accomplished
with the applicant's revised site plan, and 3) noted his support of the site design.
For Chairman Guerriero, Project Planner Naaseh presented the exhibits which revealed
the proposed articulation at the rear of the buildings; with respect to the DG trial, relayed
that the Planning Commission could specify that the polymer be a natural color; in
response to Chairman Guerriero's queries regarding the landscape plan for the slope on
the south side of the creek bed adjacent to Margarita Road, noted that this area was
outside of the project perimeters, relaying that the adjacent project would be landscaping
this area.
In response to Commissioner Chiniaeff's queries regarding the proposal to landscape
the sides of the creek bed, Project Planner Naaseh relayed that the hydrology issues
would be investigated prior to planting in this area.
Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that the slope planting of the creek was
required to be re-vegetated to the natural species, recommending that this plan be
reviewed with the Resource Agencies prior to conditioning this applicant; and for
Commissioner Chiniaeff, noted that this applicant would be responsible for the
maintenance of one side of the creek.
In response to Commissioner Chiniaeff, Project Planner Naaseh confirmed that the
proposal to enclose the pedestrian walkway would limit the access to the buildings
behind this area, advising that there would be negative impacts if the tenants in this area
were automobile-oriented uses (i.e., video rental, cleaners); and confirmed that it was
staff's recommendation that the plan to have angled parking should be revised to be 90-
degree angled parking spaces, noting that there would be no significant negative
impacts regarding the 90-degree angled parking.
For Commissioner Webster, Project Planner Naaseh relayed that staff supported the
applicant's revised parking plan with the exception of the angled parking, which staff
recommended to be 90-degree angled parking spaces. Commissioner Telesio relayed
that since this drive aisle provided for two ways of traffic, that the purpose of the
diagonal parking would be defeated, concurring that the parking should be at a 90-
degree angle.
R: PlanCom rr~minutes/013101
With respect to the planting on the creek, Commissioner Telesio recommended that this
condition be subject to further analysis of the hydrology study.
For Commissioner Telesio, Project Planner Naaseh relayed that there would be no
compact parking spaces included in this project; for Chairman Guerriero, with respect to
the landscaping in front of the buildings, noted that the applicant has added additional
landscaping, advising that since staff was of the opinion that this plan may not be
adequate there was a condition allowing staff to request additional landscaping; relayed
that there had been no discussions with the applicant regarding widening the sidewalk
and adding a treescape (in front of the buildings), advising that if it was the
Commission's desire, a few parking spaces could be eliminated in this area in order to
add additional landscaped fingers.
Chairman Guerriero relayed that he was concerned with the proposal to have parking
located in front of the buildings (whether angled or 90-degree angled) due to safety
Proiect Planner Naaseh specified the modifications to the conditions (per supplemental
a.qenda material), as follows'
With respect to Condition No. 27q., (regarding berming along Margarita Road),
noted that a 3-foot berm would not be feasible in this area, and therefore there
would be a 2-to-1 slopes with shrubs on top of the slope;
With respect to Condition No. 27 aa., (regarding landscaping of the channel),
relayed that language has been added requiring landscaping the sides of the entire
channel with shrub and trees, in addition to the grass;
With respect to Condition No. 27 h., the phrase decorative paving has been added
regarding the plazas surrounding Building K;
With respect to Condition No. 33, relayed that this condition would address the
channel landscaping and trail maintenance;
With respect to Condition No. 41a., (referencing the sign program) relayed that this
condition stated that national chains could modify the types of signs placed on the
rear of the buildings on Margarita Road;
With respect to Condition No. 43, relayed that this condition was added to require
Rancho Water District to conduct a study for the well site, noting that originally this
project was conditioned to prohibit the issuance of building permits until the study
was completed; and advised that due to the lengthy time schedule of conducting
the study (approximately one year), the Fire Department relayed that there would
be direct contact with the Water District regarding the study in order to not hold up
this project for the completion of the study; and
With respect to Condition No. 49c. (regarding the timing of the construction of the
plaza proximate to Building K) noted that this condition ensured that the plaza and
Building K would be constructed with Building F, G, H, or I dependent upon which
building was constructed first.
In response to Chairman Guerriero's queries regarding the elimination of the cut-out on
the Cosco road, Project Planner Naaseh noted that this proposal was represented in an
exhibit in the staff report along with staff's alternate recommendations, relaying that staff
would ensure that this issue was included in the conditions; advised that the applicant
had relayed that the alternate cut-outs were required by the Water District while
Commissioner Webster had advised that access would be adequate with the alternate
driveway; and clarified that the applicant has revised the site plan to eliminate this cut-
For Commissioner Telesio, Project Planner Naaseh relayed that the project was 50
spaces over-parked, noting that after additional revisions this number would change; and
relayed that the elimination of all of the angled parking spaces would encompass
approximately 50 spaces.
Deputy Director of Public Works Parks noted that Condition No. 23 addressed the
condition to close the driveway on the Iccp road.
.The pphcant s representabves presented the followinq informatio.:
Ms. Vandana Kelkar, representing the applicant, relayed the process of negotiating with
Macaroni Grill as a tenant, noting the parking needs for this use; relayed the revisions of
the building layout, noting the pedestrian links, the expended plaza area, the DG path,
the reduced parking, the improved circulation, and the increased landscaping; relayed
that the applicant was in favor of 90-degree angled parking at the front of the retail
buildings; advised that the driveway width could be increased to 28-feet in response to
Chairman Guerriero's concerns; noted that to attract restaurants to a retail complex,
parking was a vital issue; relayed that the rear of the buildings have been fully
articulated, noting that berms and landscaping will be located along the rear elevation,
and the mall link road; advised that the applicant agreed to clos~ the third mall link
access; specified the access routes; with respect to Commissioner Webster's
recommendation to include passive solar design elements, noted that this issue would
be addressed via building orientation, abundance of landscape, water features, shading
devices, and locations and types of windows used with variant building materials and
installations; and relayed that the width of the sidewalks in front of the buildings would be
between 15-20 feet, noting the landscape planters, and landscaped fingers located
approximately every 10 parking spaces.
Mr. Mike Levin, representing the applicant, via overheads, presented a series of seven
cross sections of the project, noting the berming, the planting proposed adjacent to the
curb line, the grade differentiation, the elimination of parking spaces in order to pull the
parking 32 feet away from the curb, and the screening of the well site; specified that the
material sprayed on the DG path would be clear; concurred with the issues restricting
landscaping in the channel; noted the connection linkages, and additional pedestrian
paths; clarified that the applicant was not in opposition to closing an access point to the
well site, if the Water District was agreeable; and with respect to the concept of closing
the access Iccp, relayed concern regarding Fire access.
Mr. Reid Cooper, representing the applicant, provided an overview of the revised sign
plan, highlighting the standard to solely allow halo lit letters at the rear of Buildings A-G
which back up to Margarita Road, noting the exception for regional and national chains
due to their established sign programs; in response to Commissioner Mathewson's
R: PlanComm/rninutes/013101
comments regarding pedestrian-oriented signage, noted that language has been added
requiring the tenants to have one of two types of pedestrian-oriented signs; for
Commissioner Telesio, relayed that the pedestrian-oriented signage would not preclude
the tenants from having an illuminated sign, clarifying that with respect to the pedestrian
signage, the intent was for the tenant to have one type of sign, relaying that the tenant
would not be prohibited from having both types of pedestrian signage as long as the
signage was within a maximum footage limit.
The applicant's represented the Planning Commission's concerns and comments, ac
Referencing the cross-section data, Commissioner Webster noted that there was no
bench area at the top of the slope in Sections 1, 4, and 5, querying the manner in which
the parking lot would be screened. In response, Mr. Levin noted that there was two-foot
planting area behind the curb before the slope drops; and relayed that in the parking lot
there were no proposed wheel stops.
In response to Commissioner Webster's queries regarding the pedestrian path from
Building N to the five-foot sidewalk along the north mall access link road, Ms. Kelkar
relayed that an additional pathway could be provided.
For Commissioner Webster, Mr. Levin relayed that it was his understanding that
reclaimed water would not be available in this area for the landscaping. In response,
Commissioner Webster noted that at Margarita Road/North General Kearny Road there
was a reclaimed water access line.
For Commissioner Telesio, Ms. Kelkar relayed that the proposed Macaroni Grill use was
requesting 120 parking spaces.
In response to Commissioner Telesio, Mr. Levin noted that the entire berm would be
In light of the Commission's concern regarding landscaping between the front of the
buildings that back up to Margarita Road, Commissioner Chiniaeff queried whether the
applicant would be willing to install grated tree wells along the edge of the sidewalk, in
front of the cars in order to provide landscape shading. In response, Ms. Kelkar noted
that there would be six-foot planters along the building, advising that their landscape
architect had relayed that if the trees were located proximate to the vehicles that the
vehicles would consistently hit the trees, restricting growth. In response, Commissioner
Chiniaeff relayed that the trees could be planted far enough back so as to prevent a
vehicle from being able to hit it, noting that a few parking stalls could be removed in
order to install landscaped fingers with walkways, noting the desire to prevent a visual
appearance of a large mass of asphalt. For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Ms. Kelkar noted
that the landscape plan could be revised.
For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Ms. Kelkar noted that Buildings B and F were one-story
In response to Commissioner Chiniaeff, Mr. Levin relayed that the applicant was not in
agreement with Condition 27aa., regarding landscaping the sides of the channel.
R: PlanComrn/minutes/013101 7
Chairman Guerriero noted his concurrence with Commissioner Chiniaeff's
recommendation to landscape the sidewalk area. Mr. Levin reiterated that the creation of
access from the link road to Buildings M and N would be feasible.
Project Planner Naaseh relayed that the Fire Department was in agreement with staffs
circulation modification (closing off the access at the front of the buildings).
For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Fire Marehall Norris provided an overview of the access
that the Fire Department would utilize.
The Commission relayed ciosin,q comments, as follow~-
With respect to Fire access, Commissioner Telesio relayed that it would appear to be a
distinct advantage if there was no access at the rear of the building, acknowledging that
this was a Fire Department determination; and with respect to parking, recommended
that the parking in front of the buildings be eliminated, suggesting that if it was
imperative that some parking remain at this location that there be handicapped parking
provisions, noting that this front parking area would have negative impacts with respect
to pedestrian, traffic, and circulation issues.
Commissioner Webster recommended installation of a walkway to the parking lot from
the mall access link road to Building N; with respect to the south elevation of Building N,
recommended some container landscaped elements similar to the remainder of the
project to soften the exterior of this building; with respect to the top of the sloped
landscaping along the loop road and North Generel Kearny Road, recommended that
this be a minimum of three feet in width at the top of the slope, recommending
installation of wheel stops along this edge; with respect to landscaping within the creek
area, concurred with the applicant that there should be no landscaping in this area;
referencing the Specific Plan for the Regional Center, noted the requirement to utilize
reclaimed water, if available, advising that reclaimed water was available, relaying that
State Law now essentially requires the use of reclaimed water for landscaping these
types of sites, recommending that a condition be added regarding this issue; with
respect to the parking layout and the pedestrian plaza area, noted that he was not in
complete agreement with closing this access and creating this plaza area, relaying that
there were benefits to having this access read included in the plan, advising that the
issue that was of greater importance was the recommendation to delete the parking
stalls in front of the buildings, concurring with the previous recommendation to widen the
sidewalk and to add landscaping to this front area when the parking stalls are removed;
and with respect to the configuration of Buildings A, B, and C, recommended that staff
work with the applicant to finalize the layout in order to maximize the parking in this area.
Commissioner Chiniaeff concurred with the previous Planning Commission comments,
specifically with respect to removing the requirement to landscape the creek, and to
install a defined access from the mall access road inclusive of paving treatments to
define the walkway; with respect to the plaza area, recommended compromising
regarding this issue and keeping the plaza open to treffic, removing some of the parking
in front of the buildings, designating certain areas (at this location) for handicapped
parking, and adding trees; with respect to the reclaimed water issue, advised that it was
his underetanding that there was no reclaimed water use at the mall site, noting that the
sole available line was located on Margarita Road; and noted that the applicant had
made improvements in the revisions presented at this meeting, while relaying that it
R: PlanComrn/minutes/013101 8
would have been his preference for there to be a deeper driveway access off of North
General Kearny Road prior to the island area.
Chairman Guerriero noted the vision of the Planning Commission to have a pedestrian-
oriented plaza concept throughout the entire project; and relayed that while he was in
favor of opening up the pedestrian plaza area, he was more opposed to the parking in
front of the buildings due to safety issues, recommending installation of wider sidewalks
with an additional offset treescape in this area.
Mr. Levin relayed that the applicant was willing to reduce the parking in front of the
buildings and to add additional landscaped areas, noting that in place of the removed
parking stalls the pedestrian path could be widened, recommending that the parking
stalls be 90-degree angled spaces; and noted that the applicant would be willing to move
the handicapped to this area but would desire to have some standard parking spaces.
MOTION: Commissioner Chiniaeff moved to close the public hearing; to adopt the
Planning EIR Notice of Exemption and determination of consistency; and to adopt PC
Resolution No. 2001-003, subject to the following modifications:
That the project be subject to the modifications to the conditions as
presented in the supplemental agenda material (denoted on page 5 of the
minutes) with the exception of Condition No. 27aa. (regarding landscaping
the side of the creek) which should be deleted.
That a condition be added requiring the installation of an access path from
the mall access road to Building N along the southeasterly portion of the
property with defined accent paving.
That trees and grates be added in front of Buildings B, C, F, G, H, and I
near the edge of the parking area.
That 30 of the parking spaces be removed from the parking area along the
front of the buildings between Buildings B, C, F, G, H, and I, and that
handicapped parking be provided in this area with some standard parking
spaces, with the widening of the walkways between the buildings and the
parking, where the parking stalls have been removed.
That there be some utilization of reclaimed water on site.
That there be a three-foot wide (in lieu of the proposed two-foot wide)
landscaped area on top of the slope at North General Kearny Road, if
feasible, and
That the approval of the Macaroni Grill use be continued to a later date.
(Ultimately this motion was seconded; see page t 0.)
Commissioner Telesio relayed a desire to have solely handicapped parking in the area
proximate to the buildings.
For Project Planner Naaseh, Commissioner Chiniaeff clarified that the motion did
include closing the area between Building G, H, I, and K; and noted that the parking
would be 90-degree angled.
For Director of Planning Ubnoske, Commissioner Chiniaeff relayed that the motion
included deleting Condition No. 27aa.
In response to Chairman Guerriero, Project Planner Naaseh reiterated Commissioner
Mathewson's comments, which had been addressed.
For Commissioner Webster, Commissioner Chiniaeff specified that the motion included
reducing the parking stalls in front of the buildings by 30 spaces, which would leave
approximately 30 spaces.
Commissioner Webster relayed that he would second the motion if solely handicapped
parking was permitted in front of the buildings with the exception of Building A where
standard parking could be located. In response, Commissioner Chiniaeff relayed that
limited parking could be located in this area (i.e., 5-minute parking).
For Commissioner Telesio, Ms. Kelkar relayed that 14 handicapped spaces were
required, Commissioner Chiniaeff noting that there would be approximately 16 additional
standard parking spaces spread across 600 feet.
The motion was seconded by Chairman Guerriero and voice vote reflected approval
with the exception of Commissioner Mathewson who was absent and Commissioner
Webster who voted no.
At 7:32 P.M. the meeting recessed, reconvening at 7:44 P.M.
5 Planninq Application 00-0257(Conditional Use Permit) to design, construct and
operate an unmanned Sprint wireless communication facility located at the Rancho
California Water District's Norma Marsha Reservoir site located at 41520 Marqarit~
Road - Rolfe Preisendanzl Assistant Planner - continued from January 171 2001
5.1 Continue to February 7, 2001
MOTION: Commissioner Chiniaeff moved to continue this item to the February 7, 2001
Planning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Telesio and
voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Mathewson who was
absent and Commissioner Webster who abstained.
At this time the Commission heard the Fire Department presentation.
Fire Department Presentation
Fire Captain McBride provided an overview of data regarding the implementation of
narrow roads; noted the numerous causes of fires; relayed that disaster fires were solely
caused by one or more of three major causes, listed as follows: access, water, and Code
compliance issues, specifying the cause of specific disaster fires historically; noted that
while residential rires represented only twenty-one pement (21%) of all rites, that they
account for eighty-two percent (82%) of afl fire fatalities, relaying the rationale for efforts
regarding fire prevention issues in residential areas; with respect to the issue of narrow
R: PlanComm/minutes/013101 1 0
roads, provided an overview of the importance of access; with respect to the proposed
Harveston project, specified the negative impacts associated with the installation of
narrow streets and the curb chokers; noted the street width standards Countywide;
relayed that safety issues should have priority over aesthetic matters, while efforts could
be made to address both elements; addressed speed bumps which slow the response
time, turf blacking, and angled curbs; via overheads, noted the access restrictions with a
twenty-four foot (24') roadway, noting that with this street width there could be no on-
street parking; presented a thirty-six foot (36') roadway inclusive of adequate turning
radius provisions; via overheads, reviewed the Harveston Tract Map, noting the plethora
of red curbing necessitated in this area; presented photographs of existing thirty-six foot
(36') roadways in the City with Fire vehicles parked on the street; presented a video
which revealed the negative impacts associated with inadequate access dudng the
Oakland residential fire which claimed the lives of 25 individuals and caused vast
destruction of structures; and noted that during this particular fire red tile roofs also
caught fire.
For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Fire Captain McBride relayed that there had been no
discussions with the Fire Department of Irvine regarding fire issues in the Woodbridge
Development, noting that staff would staff would address this issue with the Fire
Department of Irvine; and noted that there have been discussions with the Los Angeles
Fire Department, relaying that standards would be becoming more stringent in the
neighborhood areas.
In response to Commissioner Webster, Fire Captain McBride noted that thirty-six foot
(36') street widths would not be permitted in commercial areas, relaying that this street
width was allowed in residential areas providing that there were adequate turning radius
provisions; and provided additional information regarding the minimum standards in the
Code for sideyard setbacks.
Chairman Guerriero noted that in the data soliciting implementation of narrow streets,
there was no reference to Fire Department data. In response, Fire Captain McBride
relayed that this was probably due to Fire Department not being in favor of narrow
At this time the Commission heard Agenda Item No. 3.
3 Harveston Workshop - Traffic/Circulation
Mr. Bill Storm, representing the applicant, relayed that there would be a 20-minute
project presentation; and with respect to the Fire Department presentation data, noted
the desire to work with the Fire Department on this development plan, advising that it
was positive that the Fire Department was endorsing the thirty-six foot (36') street width.
Mr. Matthew Fagan, representing the applicant, presented a PowerPoint presentation,
noting that the General Plan was utilized as a guide to formulate the cimulation
component of the Harveston Specific Plan; highlighted the applicant's vision for the
project; and provided a historical overview of the site and the surrounding area, noting
the previous road improvements to this area.
Continuing the PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Jana Morgan, representing the applicant,
provided an overview of the off-site circulation imprevements, relaying that there would
be 10 intereections requiring improvements to maintain acceptable Levels of Service,
clarifying that all of these intersections would need to be improved with or without the
Harveston Project; specified the improvements of the intersections (the numbers
associated with the intersections correspond with the supplemental agenda material
designations), as follows: 1) the Winchester Road/Jefferson Avenue imprevements with
a project share of cost at sixteen percent (16%), 2) the Winchester Road and the
southbound 1-15 ramps improvements with a project share of cost at twenty-three
percent (23%), 4) the Winchester/Ynez Roads improvements with a project share of cost
at sixty-two percent (62%), 18) the Overland Drive/Jefferson Avenue improvements with
a project share of cost at fourteen percent (14%), 19) the Overland Drive/Ynez Road
improvements with a project share of cost at twenty-seven percent (27%), 26) the
Overland Drive/Margarita Road improvements with a project share of cost at one
hundred percent (100%), 10) the Murrieta Hot Springs Road/Jeffereon Avenue
imprevements with a project share of cost at four percent (4%), 12) the Murrieta Hot
Springs Road/Alta Murrieta Drive imprevements with a project share of cost at twenty-
one percent (21%), and 13) the Murrieta Hot Springs Road/Margarita Road
improvements with a project share of cost at forty-three percent (43%).
For Commissioner Webster, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that the
assignment of value was conducted during the EIR, noting that the avenues for funding
had not been determined at this point; clarified that the intersections that were identified
denoted areas that would go below LOS D with this project, noting that these
improvements would mitigate the impacts; and for Commissioner Chiniaeff, relayed that
to the best of his knowledge the City of Murrieta had not participated in improvements to
mitigate their traffic impacts to the City of Temecula.
Continuing the PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Morgan provided an overview of the on-site
circulation improvements, highlighting the signals which would be installed, the Margarita
Road improvements, the Ynez Road Realignment Extensions, the Date Street
Extension, the Industrial Collector, the Entry and Residential Collectors, the sidewalks,
and the multi-use trails; relayed the four phases of the project; and provided additional
information regarding the right-of-ways being set aside for a Date Street or Cherry Street
alignment; noted the proposed Class II bicycle trails within and outside the project, and
the transit plan.
At this time the Commission heard public comments.
Mr. Jim Miller, representing the City of Murrieta, referenced a copy of the data provided
to the Planning Commission outlining his concerns; noted that the City of Murrieta
supports the Harveston project plan; relayed that there were three issues that the City of
Murrieta recommended be addressed in the Specific Plan for this project, listed as
follows: 1) the Date Street Interchange, 2) the Retail Commereial Zoning, and 3) the
project's fair share for the construction of the regional facilities; advised that the City of
Murrieta was of the opinion that the Date Street alignment could not be constructed at
the alternative Cherry Street location per discussions with the Army Corps of Engineere
and Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District, requesting that the
alignment remain at Date Street; requested that the Retail Commercial Zoning be zoned
R: PlanComm/minutes/013101 12
as Industrial; requested that the development pay their fair share of the costs of the
regional facilities; relayed that as soon as he receives a letter from the Army Corps of
Engineers, stating that the Cherry Street extension will not be permitted to go through
the proposed restoration retention basin, he would forward the letter to the City of
Temecula; with respect to the Retail Commercial Center Zoning for approximately 110
acres, relayed that this zoning would generate between 40,000-50,000 Average Daily
Trips (ADTs), noting that the project would not be able to mitigate these impacts,
relaying that this retail commercial zoning would seriously jeopardize the construction of
the Warm Springs Creek Bridge; noted that approximately six months ago, the City of
Murrieta passed a special traffic/freeway/interchange DIF component, relaying that if this
project was being developed in the City of Murrieta it would pay from $6-8 million in
additional fees; with respect to the tracts off of Margarita Road that are in the City of
Murrieta, noted that a fee of $1200 per home was being assessed in order to be applied
to projects such as the Warm Springs Creek Bridge; and reiterated that the City of
Murrieta supports this residential development, was opposed to the Retail Commercial
Zoning, and was of the opinion that the Date StreetNVestern Bypass should be aligned
with the existing Date Street right-of-way at the 1-15 Freeway.
Commissioner Webster relayed that there have been traffic impacts from the City of
Murrieta to the City of Temecula that have not mitigated; advised that as this project is
reviewed, the past regional projects should be taken into consideration; noted that per
the City of Murrieta's adopted Circulation Plan, the Ynez Road and Diaz Road
connections would not be constructed in the City of Murrieta until the Split Diamond is
completed, advising that this caused a significant negative impact to traffic in this area;
relayed that in conjunction with the request for this development project to have
revisions, the City of Temecula would desire to investigate the construction of the
previously-mentioned connections which would serve to aid the citizens of Murrieta as
they travel back and forth from the City of Temecula to the City of Murrieta.
In response, Mr. Miller relayed the priority circulation projects for the City of Murrieta,
clarifying that the rationale for not constructing the previously mentioned connections at
an earlier date was due to funding issues.
For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Mr. Miller relayed that the City of Murrieta's Circulation
Element denoted the alignment south of Cherry Street, providing clarification for the
alignment to be constructed at Date Street. Commissioner Chiniaeff relayed that this
project would have been funded in 1990 if the City of Murrieta had not stated their desire
to not have traffic coming from the City of Temecula going into the City of Murrieta; and
recommended that Murrieta's General Plan be revised prior to requesting that the
connection not be at Cherry Street. In response, Mr. Miller provided additional
information regarding past discussed plans for circulation in this area.
For Commissioner Webster, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that there
was existing public right-of-way on Cherry Street; confirmed that the Army Corps of
Engineers does have a plan that denotes this area as a detention basin; advised that
originally when the Date Street alignment was proposed, the City of Murrieta opposed
this project, ergo, the Cherry Street relocation; and relayed that at this time there was no
plan to revise this alignment.
R: PianComrn/minutes~13101 13
Dr. Robert Wheeler, 29090 Camino Avenue, Murrieta, urged the Planning Commission
to consider all projects within the context of the entire area; commented on the Eastern
Bypass proposal; recommended that the City of Murrieta establish connections at
Madison and Adams Avenues down to a Date Street Interchange to create improved
traffic flow; implored the Cities of Temecula and Murdeta to work together to address the
traffic impacts; relayed his opposition to extending Ynez Road to Murrieta Hot Springs
Road due to the location of the riparian quarter at Warm Springs Creek; with respect to
the commercial zoning on the west side of the Harveston Project, noted his opinion that
this area should be zoned for Neighborhood Commercial; relayed that he was impressed
with the design of the Harveston Project, advising that he would recommend higher
densities, noting the shortage of this type of housing; and in response to the Fire
Department presentation, for informational purposes, noted that there was a Fire Safe
Council in Southwest County which was formed approximately two years ago.
Mr. Ed Burke, 30944 Wellington Circle, representing Channel Corporation which was
located adjacent to the Harveston Project, relayed concern regarding the following
issues: traffic and overall circulation, the location of the project adjacent to a
Commercial/Industrial area due to the associated traffic and safety issues, southbound
Ynez Road access from existing businesses, queried the traffic modeling, the manner in
which the planned signals would affect traffic flow, street parking, the realignment of
Ynez Road and the proximity to the Channel Corporation facility, southbound egress
traffic from the Channel Corporation facility, traffic cutting through residential areas;
relayed anticipation of coordinating with the Harveston developer's to address these
issues; and noted a desire for a copy of the presentation presented at this meeting.
In response to comments regarding the Fire Safe Council, Fire Captain McBride
provided additional information, noting that the Fire Safe Council's concepts were being
implemented in residential planning areas.
The Commission relayed the following closing comment,~:
Commissioner Webster noted that he had met with the applicant to discuss issues
related to the traffic plan, referencing the slide presentation, relayed the following
With respect to Intersection No. la (Winchester Road/Jefferson Avenue), queried
whether included in the CIP was an extension of this lane. In response, Deputy
Director of Public Works Parks confirmed that this was part of the proposal, noting
that the improvement plans had not yet been designed at this time, relaying that the
project would be completed at one designated time period.
With respect to Intersection No. lc (Winchester Road/Jefferson Avenue), noted that
the photograph did not denote a recently installed driveway on the west side of
Jefferson Avenue, recommending that the two driveways represented on the right
side of the photograph (on both sides of Jefferson Avenue) have left turn
movements prohibited, as well as prohibiting left-turn movements into the first
driveway (traveling northbound on Jefferson Avenue).
R: PlanComnt/minutes/013101 14
With respect to Intersection No. 2a (VVinchester Road/Southbound 1-15 Ramps),
noted the knob element (where the southbound offramp exits the freeway),
recommending that the knob be removed, and that on the alternate side of the
intersection (on westbound Winchester Road), that there be an additional through
With respect to Intersection No. 2b (Winchester Road/Southbound 1-15 Ramps)
queried whether these improvements were needed, noting the City's proposed
project to widen the Santa Gertrudis Bridge which could be delayed if the Cherry
Street Interchange was built. In response, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks
confirmed that the denoted improvements would need to be coordinated with the
Split Diamond Interchange Project, relaying that the Split Diamond Interchange
would most likely not be constructed for 10-15 years, noting that the construction
may be phased; provided additional information regarding additional investigation
regarding the Santa Gertrudis Bridge Widening Project; relayed efforts with
Caltrans to investigate installing a dedicated offramp in this area in lieu of widening
the bridge. Commissioner Webster recommended that the improvements to
Intersection No. 2b be inclusive of additional signage and striping placed farther
back on the freeway ramp.
With respect to improvements on Winchester Road (denoted on the slide
presentation at Intersection Nos. 4a, 4c, 5a, and 5b), noted the area of the
encroachment into the 25-foot transportation easement, referencing the General
Plan and the Regional Mail Specific Plan, relayed that the transportation easement
was for future transit or for Travel Demand Management (TDM) plans; and queried
how the addition of lanes in this area qualified in meeting this criteria.
In response to Commissioner Webster's comments, Mr. Fagan referenced the
General Plan which stated the designation of Winchester Road (east of Jefferson
Avenue) as an access restricted urban arterial with special added easements
reserved for future transit or Transport Demand Management use, noting the
review of the City's Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance;
relayed that Travel Demand Management was the same as Transportation
Demand Management (TDM), as defined in the General Plan; advised that within
the Facilities section of the Ordinance, local Transportation System Management
(TSM) and road improvements were addressed, noting that the TSM which was
recommended under the TDM addressed specific recommendations (i.e., additional
turn lanes, restricting turning movement during peak traffic periods at congested
intersections, widening of intersections, approaches to accommodate additional
through movement lanes, or to improve visibility); reiterated that the General Plan
references TDM, noting that the TDM of the City references TSM which
encourages additional lanes and improvements at approaches; noted that per
discussions with staff, that a precedent of utilizing a portion of the Transportation
Corridor Easement as roadway has been established on the south side for the
deceleration lanes of the Mall.
With respect to Intersection No. 4b (VVinchester/Ynez Roads), regarding the
onramp for northbound I-15, queried whether this area could be re-striped at this
time to add two turn lanes onto the freeway. In response, Deputy Director of Public
Works Parks noted that it was his understanding that the City was processing a
plan with Caltrans to install these particular lanes. Commissioner Webster noted
R: PlanComm/minutes/013101 1 5
that the most significant negative impact in this area (between Ynez Road and the
freeway) was on westbound Winchester Road Where vehicles were turning right
into the commercial center, relaying that since there was an existing designated
Park and Ride facility on this site, and since this commemial site was causing a
significant traffic impact, it was his recommendation that the City consider
purchasing the center in order to construct one large Park and Ride/Transit facility
at this location which would relieve the traffic impacts, and address the Mall's
Mitigation Measures. In response, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed
that staff would take this matter under consideration.
With respect to the Overland Drive Improvements (denoted in the slide presentation
as Nos. 18, 19, and 26), noted that in the improvement project represented in No.
19 was the installation of a right-turn lane from Overland Drive to Ynez Road,
queried why the Cosco use was not required to provide this turn lane. In response,
Deputy Director of Public Works Parks noted that there was no nexus with the
Cosco Project that would justify the requirement. Commissioner Webster relayed
that it was his opinion that the Harveston Project should not be responsible for
funding the improvements to Intersection Nos. 18, 19, and 26.
With respect to Intersection No. 26 (Overland Drive/Margarita Road), relayed that
Margarita Road has been improved to its fullest section at this point, noting that in
the General Plan and the General Plan EIR, that Margarita Road (between
Overland Drive and Solana Way) was projected to be at Level of Service (LOS) F
at buildout; recommended at this intersection in lieu of the proposal, that the project
be inclusive of installing two dedicated left-turn lanes, and two dedicated through
lanes; and queried whether the City was investigating obtaining additional right-of-
way for additional lanes at a future point in time.
In response, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that the developer's
traffic engineer has identified areas that need to be addressed in the City whether
or not this project is developed, advising that the City's traffic engineer has
reviewed the data, and agreed that the proposed projects could relieve the impacts
in the City over the next five years, noting that the nexus with this project was
based on the developer not being required to extend Ynez Road to Murrieta Hot
Springs Road, or to improve the Intemhange.
Commissioner Webster queried why there would be ultimate improvements in
place that are not satisfying traffic conditions projected at buildout, and
subsequently why this developer was being required to complete this improvement
project, noting that he did not see the connection between the improvements on
Overland Drive and this project.
In response, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that this project's
analysis identified these areas as impacted areas in the EIR, advising that
professionally trained staff have reviewed and concurred with the data.
Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that this issue would be better addressed with
the EIR consultant, or the traffic engineer who prepared the traffic study.
Ms. Morgan relayed that this particular intersection (No. 26) was one of four
intersections, which would go below LOS D prior to the anticipated project traffic
being added.
Mr. Bob Davis, traffic consultant for the applicant, provided additional information
regarding the modeling analysis, noting that the distribution at this intersection
changed, relaying that the projected project traffic would increase traffic at this
intersection; advised that the formula utilized for determining a project's fair share
was to analyze the total growth in traffic above existing volumes at all approaches
and to determine what proportion of the increase was generated from the project,
noting that in this case it represented nearly all the increase, acknowledging that
the intersection fails without the project's traffic; relayed that the proposed
improvements would not be the final long-range solution, providing additional
information regarding potential future improvements; for Commissioner Chiniaeff,
noted that the road could solely be widened to the west in this location; with
respect to alternate intersections on Overland Drive, relayed that the background
traffic increases to a point whereas all the reserve capacity at the intersections
would be utilized by the year 2005, noting that the addition of the project's traffic
necessitated additional improvements; for Commissioner Webster, confirmed that if
North General Kearny Road was extended to Nicolas Road that the
MargaritaNVinchester Roads intersection would benefit most dramatically, and that
it would improve the traffic in this area on Winchester and Margarita Roads; and for
Commissioner Chiniaeff, relayed that background traffic was a significant factor,
noting that in the future the increases in traffic would almost completely be
generated from sources outside the City.
Chairman Guerriero noted his past recommendation to create a toll road on
Winchester Road at Murrieta Hot Springs Road. In response, Mr. Davis advised
that if Highway 79 could be re-designated that this recommendation could be
With respect to the Murrieta Hot Springs Road Improvement (denoted in the slide
presentation as Nos. 10, 12, and 13) noted that it was his recommendation that
there be no contribution for these improvements until the Diaz Road and Ynez
Road connections are constructed.
With respect to the trail plan, recommended that there be a crossing over the Santa
Gertrudis Creek from Margarita Road to the high school site.
Chairman Guerriero thanked the applicant for the presentation.
Commissioner Chiniaeff recommended that if workshop data was lengthy that in
the future the information be provided in written .form rather than utilizing meeting
time to review detailed material.
For Commissioner Webster, Mr. Storm relayed that the Harveston Project would
most likely be presented to the Planning Commission in March.
R: PlanComm/rninutes~013101 17
For Chairman Guerriero, Director of Planning Ubnoske relayed that Senior
Planner Hazen had a meeting with the Cosco representatives last week, noting
that a timeline for the issues needing to be addressed was being developed and
that staff would be receiving the information in written form which would be
brought back to the Planning Commission.
Chairman Guerriero noted the significant negative parking impacts at the mall
site where the restaurants are located, querying whether a plan could be
developed to revise the loop road to alleviate this impact. In response, Director of
Planning Ubnoske noted that staff would address this matter while addressing
other issues with Forest City.
For Chairman Guerriero, Director of Planning Ubnoske relayed that shirts would
be provided to the Planning Commissioners.
Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that the agenda packets for the February 7,
2001 meeting had been prepared, requesting the Planning Commissioners to
take their packets home this evening.
At 9:52 P.M. Chairman Guerriero formally adjourned this meeting to the next re.qular
meetinfl to be held on Wednesday, February 7, 200t at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council
Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula.
R(~ Gu'errF~r~
Debbie Ubnoske,
Director of Planning