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011293 CC Agenda
TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER - 28816 PUJOL STREET JANUARY.12, 1993 - 7:00 PM AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING At approximately 9:45 PM, the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 PM and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION:..5:30 - Closed SesSiOn of the Ci~/: council 'purSUant to'. Government Code Section 54956:.9 (b)' regarding'potential litigatio'ni.':.. Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 93-01 Resolution: No. 93-01 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor J. Sal Mur~oz presiding Invocation Pastor Dan Hoekstra, Fellowship Community Church Flag Salute Councilmember Birdsall ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Parks, Roberts, Stone, Mur~oz PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Gavel to incoming Mayor Presentations by former Mayor Patricia H. Birdsall City's Recycling Program Update - Presentation by David Fahrion, Temecula Environmental PUBLIC FORUM This is a portion of the City Council meeting unique to the City of Temecula. At the meeting held on the second Tuesday of each month, the City Council will devote a period of time (not to exceed 30 minutes) for the purpose of providing the public with an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with the Council. The members of the City Council will respond to questions and may give direction to City staff. The Council is prohibited, by the provisions of the Brown Act, from taking any official action on any matter which is not on the agenda. If you desire to speak on any matter which is not Agerole/011283 01/08/13 listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk ~ the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. CONSENT CALENDAR I Standard Ordinance Adoorion Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of November 24, 1992; 2.2 Approve the minutes of December 1, 1992; 2.3 Approve the minutes of December 8, 1992. 3 Resolution Aoorovinq List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A /~ende/011293 2 ol/0e/93 4 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992. Combinina Balance Sheet Seotember 30. 1992 and the Statement of Revenues. Exoenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and Statement of Revenues, Expenditures in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992. City Treasurer's Report as of November 30. 1992 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 1992. 7 Award of a Professional Services Contract to the Elliott Grouo to Provide landscape Plan Review Services and Update City Standards as they Relate to Landscape Plan Review RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Award a Professional Services Contract to The Elliott Group to provide landscape plan review services and update City Standards as they relate to landscape plan review; 7.2 Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said contract. 8 "Stoo" Siqn Control at the Intersection of Del Ray Road and Avenida Barca. and Maraarita Road and La Serena Way RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING 3-WAY "STOP" SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF DEL REY ROAD AND AVENIDA BARCA AND MARGARITA ROAD AND LA SERENA WAY AOende/O11293 3 O1/08/93 9 10 Final Tract MaD No. 26861-3 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve Final Vesting Tract Map No. 26861-3 Subject to the Conditions of Approval. Release of Traffic Sional Mitigation Bond for Tract No. 90735-1 RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Authorize the release of monument security for Tract No. 20735-1 and Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 11 12 Release of Monument Bond for Tract No. 21675-1 RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Authorize the release of monument bond for Tract No. 21675-1 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Release of Monument Security for Tract No. 21675-2 RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Authorize the release of the monument security for Tract No. 21675-2 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 13 Release of Monument Bond for Tract No. 21675-3 RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Authorize the release of monument security for Tract No. 21675-3 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 14 Release of Monument Bond for Tract No. 21675-4 RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Authorize the release of monument security for Tract No. 21675-4 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. AOenda/O11293 4 01~e/~3 15 Award of Professional Services Aareement for Land Surveying and Geotechnical Soils Testing Services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center {Project No. PW92-07) RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Award a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $16,294.00 to Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates for land surveying services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center (Project No. PW92-07), and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said Agreement; 15.2 Award a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $3,473.00 to Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering for geotechnical soils testing services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center (Project No. PW92-07, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said Agreement; 15.3 Approve a change order in the amount of $10,150.00 to the original contract agreement with W. Dean Davidson and Associates for additional design and engineering work required to complete a site grading and drainage plan for Project No. PW92-07; 15.4 Appropriate $29,917.00 to Account #210-199-801-5802 for Items 1 through 3 and advance $29,917.00 from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 16 Second Reading of Ordinance ADoroving Paloma Del Sol Development Agreement RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 92-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 92-0013, THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219, AMENDMENT NO. 3; TO APPROVE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR A TEN YEAR PERIOD, TO COLLECT DEVELOPMENT FEES, RECEIVE CREDIT FOR QUIMBY ACT REQUIREMENTS BY DEVELOPING AND DEDICATING PUBLIC PARKS AND OPEN SPACE AND THE TIMING OF IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD Ageride/011293 6 01/08/13 17 Second Readina of Ordinance ADDrOving Soecific Plan No. 219 RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 92-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219, AMENDMENT NO. 3; AMENDING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219 TO ADD AN EIGHT ACRE PARK TO PLANNING AREA 6, TO MAKE THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH THE EAST SIDE MAPS AND TO MAKE ALL THE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH EACH OTHER AND LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD PUBLIC HEARINGS Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 18 ADoeal No. 28 for Plot Plan No. 245. Amendment No. 1, Adams Advertisincl (Continued from the meeting of December 8, 1992) RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Continue to the meeting of January 26, 1993. 19 Aooeal No. 29 for Plot Plan No. 246. Amendment No. 1, Adams Advertisino (Continued from the meeting of December 8, 1992) RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 Continue to the meeting of January 26, 1993. Aee~dl/011213 e O1/08~3 20 Transportation Demand Manaqement/Air Quality Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: 20.1 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 93- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RELATING TO MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION THROUGH REDUCING EMPLOYMENT RELATED MOTOR VEHICLE TRIPS AND EMPLOYMENT-RELATED MOTOR VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED COUNCIL BUSINESS 21 22 Temoorarv Six-month Closure of Calle Pina Colada Between La Serena Way and Del Rev Road RECOMMENDATION: 21.1 The Traffic and Transportation Commission's recommendation that Calle Pina Colada between La Serena Way and Del Rey Road be closed for six months and direct Staff to prepare the necessary environmental documents to determine the environmental impact of any traffic diversion on the adjacent residential streets. Community Service Fundine Criteria RECOMMENDATION: 22.1 Review the philosophy and funding criteria for the Community Services Funding Program; 22.2 Designate two Councilmembers to review the applications received from organizations requesting funds. 23 MarketinQ ProQram - Phase II RECOMMENDATION: 23.1 23.2 23.3 Approve the 1993 Marketing. Program - Phase II submitted by Final Touch Marketing; Approve an advance from the General Fund Revolving Fund to the RDA in the amount of $137,500; Appropriate $150,000 for economic development in the RDA. Ageride/0112e3 7 01/06/83 26 27 24 25 Selection of Citv Council Committee Assignments RECOMMENDATION: 24.1 Select and appoint members of the City Council to act as liaison to various City Commissions and to serve on various committees for calendar year 1993. Discussion of Prooosed Graffiti Abatement Program RECOMMENDATION: 25.1 Direct staff to present an anti-graffiti ordinance for consideration at the next City Council meeting, and discuss whether to use the General Fund or the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) as a source of funding for graffiti removal; 25.2 Establish an ad-hoc committee to promote community awareness and education; 25.3 Direct staff to include in the mid-year budget adjustments a plan to hire two new employees, bringing the contracted street stencilling program in-house and combining with it a graffiti removal program for public and private properties within the City of Temecula. Non-Profit Organization Exemotion of Fees of Outdoor Events (Continued from the meeting of 10/27/92) RECOMMENDATION: 26.1 Continue to the meeting of February 9, 1993. Northwest SpOrts Park - Consideration of Suoolemental Lease RECOMMENDATION: 27.1 Approve the leasing of the Northwest Sports Park to Shoemaker Productions, Inc. and authorize the City Manager to develop a lease agreement. The lease agreement and Outdoor Event Permit will be returned to the City Council at a later date for approval. Aeendl/011293 I 01/08~3 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: January 14, 1993, 7:00 PM, Joint Meeting with Murrieta City Council, (location to be announced) Next meeting: January 19, 1993, 6:30 PM, Main Conference Room, City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California Next regular meeting: January 26, 1993, 7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California AOende/011293 9 01/08/83 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING '..(To be held at 8:o0i CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENT: President Patricia H. Birdsall DIRECTORS: Mur~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of December 8, 1992. Reduction of Landscaoe Bond for Tract No. 22915-0. Vintage Hills RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Authorize the reduction of Landscape Improvement Bond amounts for TCSD maintenance areas within Tract No. 22915-0 - Vintage Hills. Combinina Balance Sheet as of Seotember 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues. Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended Seotember 30. 1992 RECOMMENDATION: 2 3 3.1 DISTRICT BUSINESS 4 Receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months ended September 30, 1992. Naming of the Park Site on Pala Road RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 AOenda/Ol1203 Consider, and if desired, approve a name for the park site on Pala Road. 10 01.4)8/93 GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT - Dixon DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT - Nelson BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting: January 26, 1993, 8:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California /~eela/011293 11 01/08/13 TEMECULA. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY :MEETING _ CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ronald J. Parks presiding ROLL CALL: AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Mu~oz, Roberts, Stone, Parks PUBLIC COMMENT: Anyone wishing to address the Agency, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. AGENCY BUSINESS 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of December 8, 1992. 2 Combining Balance Sheet as of Seotember 30.1992 and the Statement of Revenues. Expenditures and Chanaes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended Seotember 30. 1992 RECOMMENDATION: 2.2 Receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting: January 26, 1993, 8:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California A~endN011213 12 01/08/83 PRESENTATIONS\ PROCLAMATIONS ITEM NO. 1 ITEM NO. 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 24, 1992 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:05 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Patricia H. Birdsall presiding. PRESENT 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Birdsall ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Reverend Joan Rich Egea, Religious Science Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the pledge of allegiance by Cub Scout Pack 301, Webelos Den No. 3, Todd Thomas, Leader. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Motor Officer Mike Pino thanked Nisson of Temecula, Toyota of Temacula, Honda of Temecula and ACS for their contributions for prizes. Ha also announced that Councilmember Elect Ron Robarts and Jeff Stone served as judges this year. Mayor Birdsall presented the winners with special achievement awards. The Winners are as follows: 4th Grade Girls 4th Grade Boys I st Place - Crystal Young, Rancho Elementary 2nd Place - Kalin Hove, Rancho Elementary 3rd Place - Nicole Lievense, Rancho Elementary Michael Mutshnick, Nicolas Valley Elem. Coilin Thornton, Nicolas Valley Elem. Derek Parker, Linfield Elementary 5th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys I st Place - Casey Rapp, Temecula Elementary 2nd Place - Ivy Camou, Sparkman Elementary 3rd Place - Julia Kehoe, Nicolas Valley Elem. Michael Harpin, Redhawk Elementary Robert De Jarnette, Nicolas Valley Elem. Gregory Palmar, Redhawk Elementary Marilee Fellows of Nature Conservancy introduced the graduate students from Cal Poly who prepared the report for Nature Conservancy and introduced Lisa Skillett, who is a graduate student of Cal Poly, Pomona. Lisa Skillett made · presentation on Management Alternatives for the Upper Santa Margarita River Watershed. Mayor Birdsall announced that Item No 16' will be heard, out of order, prior to the public hearing. PUBLIC COMMENTS Thomas J. Corcoran, 41840 Skywood Drive, addressed the City Council regarding a problem with the INS at the border check point, where his son was detained for three hours and not allowed to make a phone call home. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans requested that a verbatim transcript of Mr. Corcoran's comments be prepared and mailed to the INS. Mr. Corcoran also addressed the City Council regarding the traffic back-up on the Winchester overpass and suggested that the left turn lane be changed to a dual function lane, where traffic would be allowed to go straight through as well as turn left. He also suggested the left turn lane on Jefferson Road be changed to a double left turn lane, to allow for the high volume of cars turning left. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to approved Consent Calendar Items 1-10, with Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans abstaining on Item No. 7. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Muf~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore Standard Ordinance Adoorion Procedure 1.1 2. Minutes 2.1 Motion to waive the reading of.the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Approve the minutes of November 10, 1992. Minutes~l 1 ~24~92 -2- 12114/92 ~ City Council Minutes November 24. 1992 e e e Resolution AoDrOvina List of Demands 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Liability Insurance Renewal 4.1 Approve renewal of the insurance policy with Insurance Company of the West for General liability, Excess liability, and Public Officials Errors and Omissions coverage in the amount of e97,846. ADDrOVal Of the SuoDlemental Agreement ADDrOVing the 18th Year (Fiscal Year 1999- 93) Community Development Block Grant Funding 5.1 Approve the execute the Supplemental Agreement for the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for City activities. Authorize Release of Securitv Amounts for Parcel MaD No. 22610 6.1 Authorize the release of Street Improvement Faithful Performance Warranty Trust Deposit, and the Material and Labor Letter of Credit in Parcel Map NO. 22610; 6.2 Direct the City Clerk to so notify the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. ComPletion and Acceptance of Sixth Street Improvements Project No. PW 92-02 7.1 Accept the Sixth Street Road Improvements, Project No. PW 92-02, as complete and direct the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion; 7.2 Release the Performance Bond; 7.3 Accept a one-year Maintenance Bond (10% of contract amount); 7.4 Authorize the release of the construction retention thirty-five (35) days after filing of the Notice of Completion; 7.5 Authorize the release of Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after the filing of the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. Minutes%11%24%92 -3- 12/14/92 CiW Council Minutes November 24. 1992 10. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore ABSTAIN: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans Contract Change Order No. 002 on Project No. PW 92-04. Margarita Road Interim I m Droveme nts 8.1 Approve contract Change Order No. 002 increasing the contract amount by ~75,000 due to overexcavation of unsuitable subgrade materials in the fill areas; 8.2 Approve a transfer of $75,000 from the Measure "A" fund to the Capital Projects Account; 8.3 Appropriate ~75,000 to Capital Projects Account No. 210-165-606- 5804 from Unreserved Fund Balance. Contract Change Order No. 003 for Additional Professional Services by Law/Crandall Incoroorated for Geotechnical Services on Maraarita Road Extension Interim Imorovements Project, PW 92-04 9.1 Approve Contract Change Order No. 003 increasing the contract amount $7,900 for additional Geotechnical Services; 9.2 Approve a transfer of $7,900 from the Measure "A" fund to the Capital Projects Account; 9.3 Appropriate $7,900 to Capital Projects Account No. 210-165-606-5804 from Unreserved Fund Balance. Contract Chanoe Order No. 004 for Additional Professional Engineerina Comoanv for Land Survevina on Margarita Road Imorovements Proiect. PW 92-04 Services bv Rick Extension Interim 10.1 Approve Contract Change Order'No. 004 increasing the contract amount $4,000 for additional Land Surveying Services; 10.2 Approve a transfer of $4,000 from the Measure "A" fund to the Capital Projects Account; Minutes% 11%24%92 -4- 12114/92 ~" City Council Minutes November 24. 1992 10.3 Appropriate ~4,000to Capital Projects Account No. 210-165-606-5804 from Unreserved Fund Balance. 16. Discussion of Rent Stabilization Reoue~t bv Residents of Heritaoe Mobile Home Park Councilmember Mur~oz presented the staff report. Bud Anderson, 31130 S. General Kearney Road, Heritage Mobile Home Park, requested that the City Council research a rent control ordinance for the City of Temecula to protect residents of the Heritage Mobile Home Park from uncontrolled rent increases. Bill Schweinfurth, Sherman Oaks, CA, representing Better Park Management, addressed the City Council speaking against a proposal to study rent control. He stated a recent study shows residents in the park are satisfied and no attempt has been made by residents of the park to work out lease problems with Better Park Management. Mayor Birdsall called a brief recess at 8:00 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 8:01 PM. Mr. Schweinfurth stated that certain factors must be present before rent control can be implemented. The City must find a serious rental shortage and rents must be increased at an exorbitant rate. He stated he did not feel it is fair that only mobile home rent control is being considered. Councilmember Mur~oz asked if there was long-term lease negotiation with the residents for the 1993 lease. Mr. Schweinfurth answered that this is only an extension of the current lease, so renegotiation did not occur. Councilmember Parks asked if the new 1993 lease is exactly the same as the existing lease. Mr. Schweinfurth stated only two changes were made, one changing CPI minimum to 3%, and the addition of a 60 day notice requirement when homes are sold. RECESS Mayor Birdsall called a recess at 8:25 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 PM. Ruby Griner, 31130 S. General Kearney Road, Heritage Mobile Home Park, addressed the City Council stating she feels her rent is excessive and rent stabilization is needed. Audrey Anderson, 31130 S. General Kearney Road, Heritage Mobile Home Park, spoke in favor of rent stabilization. Loree Santomauro, 31130 S. General Kearney Road, Heritage Mobile Home Park, spoke in favor of developing a rent stabilization ordinance for the City of Temecula. Minutes% 11%24~92 -5- 12114/92 City Council Minutes November 24, 1992 Gertrude Raeth, 31130-6 S. General Kearney Road, Heritage Mobile Home Park, spoke in favor of rent stabilization for the City of Temecula. John Graham, 31130 S. General Kearney Road, Heritage Mobile Home Park, spoke in favor of a rent stabilization ordinance. He also reported he feels the Mobile Home Park owners are in violation of the mobile home residency law regarding utility pass throughs. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans asked City Attorney Field to look into this matter. Evelyn Harker, 31130-85 S. General Kearney Road, spoke against a rent control ordinance, stating she is satisfied with the management of the Heritage Mobile Home Park and does not wish to see government intervention. Pat Kish-desJardines, agreed that in many cases too much governmental control can be a disadvantage, however she stated that this mobile home park has no competition to regulate it. She asked the City Council to spend time carefully researching this issue and offered her services to help in any way she can. Mayor Birdsall called a brief recess at 9:15 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 9:16 PM. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to refer this matter to staff to return to the City Council with a recommendation regarding the need for a rent stabilization program. Mayor Birdsall requested the motion be amended to include a 60 day period for the residents to meet with the Park Management to resolve the lease concerns. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans amended his motion, Mayor Birdsall seconded the motion as follows: The matter was referred to staff to return to the City Council with a recommendation regarding the need for a rent stabilization program and to allow a 60 day period for the residents to meet with Park Management to resolve the lease concerns. Councilmember Mur~oz asked if Mr. Schweinfurth is willing to extend the deadline for signing the new lease until residents and Park Management have had the opportunity to meet. Mr. Schweinfurth stated he is willing to meet with these people and would work out a pro-rated portion of the "no rent increase" clause. The motion on the floor was unanimously carried, with Councilmember Moore absent. Minutee~l 1 ~24~92 -6- 12122/92 -" CiW Council Minutes November 24. 1992 City Attorney Field stated this item will be placed on the agenda in 90 days to allow a 60-day period for residents of Heritage Mobile Home Park and Management to meet, unless all issues can be resolved bY this meeting. RECESS Mayor Birdsall called a recess at 9:35 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 PM. Mayor Birdsall suggested continuing Items 17 and 18 to the meeting of December 8, 1992. 17. Discussion of Boys and Girls Club Grant Reouest 18. Maintenance of Streets Not Within Maintained Road System It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Muftoz to continue Items 17 and 18 to the meeting of December 8, 1992 and extend the adjournment time to 11:00 PM. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS 11. Change of Zone No. 57~4 and Tentative Tract MaD 25~77 (Acacia Homes) Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning, presented the staff report. He stated there are still concerns from the Wolf Valley Homeowner's Association, primarily regarding traffic issues. Mr. Thornhill stated this project will generate traffic to the existing neighborhoods on Via Gilberto and Via Eduardo. He also outlined other concerns of grading, noise and light and increased density, but reported the Planning Commission feels these issues have been satisfactorily addressed. Mayor Pro Tam Lindemans asked how this project will impact Pala Bridge. Director of Public Works, Tim Serlet said it will add approximately 1,000 vehicle trips par day, however, the project is conditioned that the Pala Bridge shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Mayor Pro Tam Lindemans expressed concern regarding the yearly assesSments on the property owner as a result of the Pale Bridge condition, since this bridge is not scheduled to be completed for a number of years.. Mayor Birdsall re-opened the public hearing, which was continued from the meeting of December 8, 1992 at 9:52 PM. Larry Markam, 41750 Winchester Road, Ste N, representing the developer, addressed the City Council concerning Condition No. 87, which mandates that prior to issuance Minutee%11%24%92 -7- 12114/92 City Council Minutes November 24, 1992 of building permits, construction of Pale Bridge shall have begun and Condition 94 which states that no occupancy shall be granted before the bridge has been completed. He stated the applicant is a full participant in Assessment District 159 and supplemental assessment and will be paying their full share, He also stated that he has no problem with an additional condition, dealing with the difference between four and six lanes, as long as it is a fair share condition, He stated his concern is with Conditions 87 and 94, since the applicant has no control over the timing of the Pale Bridge construction. Mr. Markam also addressed the condition imposed by the Planning Commission deleting Lots 1, 2, 3 and 11, and requested that rather than eliminating these lots, the lots lines be pulled back to preserve the majority of the Oak Trees. Mayor Birdsall called a brief recess at 10:17 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 1 O: 18 PM. Councilmember Muftoz asked when this project is scheduled to begin based on current plans. Mr. Rick Snyder, 8180 Kaiser Blvd, Anaheim Hills, President of Acacia Construction, answered it will take approximately one year to complete the improvement plans and go through the steps necessary to begin the project. Councilmember Mufioz asked when, based on current information, the Pala Bridge will be completed. Director of Public Works Serlet answered the time frame is from three to five years. City Attorney Field added that bonds are scheduled to be sold in the Spring of 1995. Don White, 51109 Via Gilberto, addressed the City Council requesting denial of this project, due to increased traffic and loss of hillsides. Joseph R. Terrazas, 31160 Lahontan Street, spoke in opposition to the project, due to access in and out of the project, increased traffic and possible decrease in property values. Steve Palmer, 31097 Elehzon Circle, spoke in opposition to the project due to increased traffic, unacquired rights of way and future developments. Bill Moreno, 31368 Via Eduardo, spoke in opposition to the project due to the need for a zone change, stating rural zoning should not be changed to higher density zoning. He also presented a petition to the City Clerk from residents against this zone change. James G. Powell, 45884 Hopactong Street, stated he would relinquish his time and asked that this matter be continued to the next meeting to allow further time for discussion. Minutes\l 1 ~24~92 -8- 12/14/92 City Council Minutes November 24. 1992 It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Birdsall to extend the meeting until 11:30 PM. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. Carol Powell, 45884 Hopactong Street, spoke in opposition to the zone change and asked that the Council preserve the remaining hillsides in their natural state. Larry Markham, addressed the right-of-way issues and explained that the applicant will be required to build two access points at Via Gilberto and Via Eduardo, that the Fire Department has reviewed the preliminary plans and are comfortable with them. He stated this project is now under two dwelling units per acre and it provides a unique design with open spaces for residents and surrounding communities. He further stated this project is consistent with the draft General Plan for the City. Councilmember Mufioz asked if the condition regarding Pale Bridge were modified to read, "that prior to building permits, if by third year from approval of the project, the Pala Bridge has not been built, that condition drops of," would this be acceptable to the applicant. Mr. Snyder, asked that this be two years instead of three, because of the hardship on a project due to taxing. Mayor Birdsell called a brief recess at 11: 15 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 11: 16 PM. Director of Planning Thornhill addressed the cluster design approach taken on this subdivision, explaining that if the applicant chose to use existing zoning, the City would not have the ability to place conditions on the project. He stated the impacts on traffic will be exactly the same with the new zoning and it allows the City to save the Oak Trees and provide public open space. Bill Moreno, objected to the applicant receiving rebuttal time. City Attorney Field responded that this is the typical format for a public hearing. Director of Public Works Tim Serlet read into the record the following proposed condition: "The developer will participate with their fair share in e bridge and thoroughfare benefit district to finance the 5th and 6th lanes of the Pale Road Bridge." Mr. Serlet also addressed the secondary access. The Sudivision Map Act dictates that when a City requires a developer to obtain right-away, the City will enter into and negotiate or use the power of condemnation to acquire that right-of-way or that condition will be waived. On this particular map, the secondary access through the Querry property is conditioned so that the developer will waive that requirement of the Minutee%l 1%24%92 -9- 12114/92 City Council Minutes November 24. 1992 Map Act. However, with respect to the 30 feet on Via Eduardo, if the developer is unable to acquire the required additional 30 feet, the City will then be in the position to negotiate with the Wolf Valley Homeowner's Association and/or condemn the additional 30 feet for construction' of the bridge, or the condition will be waived. Mayor Birdsall closed the public hearing at 11:25 PM. Councilmember Parks stated he feels everything possible has been done to mitigate problems on this project. He said he would like to see a modification on Conditions 87 to 2 years and 2 1/2 years on 94, dealing with the Pale Road Bridge construction. He stated he did not have a problem with allowing lots 1, 2 and 3 to remain, but stated he feels lot 11 is necessary. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to extend the meeting until 12:00 AM. The motion was unanimously carried, with Councilmember Moore absent. Councilmember Mur~oz stated he would like to be able to preserve the hillsides, however, it is impossible to prohibit all building since the Council is governed by certain laws and constraints, and therefore he feels that this type of project is the best possible option. He stated he cannot agree with giving back lots since the Planning Commission made its decision based on this condition and it may have been a significant issue. He stated he would feel more comfortable with sending it back to the Commission for comment on this condition. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans stated he is in favor of approval of this project but disagrees with Conditions 87 end 94 and would like them deleted. He also would not be in favor of sending this back to the Planning Commission. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to approve staff recommendation 11.1: 11.1 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 92-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY BY APPROVING THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NO. 5724 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM RoR (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF PECHANGA CREEK BETWEEN VIA GILBERTO AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF TEMECULA CREEK INN The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. Minutes%11%24~92 -1 O- 12114/92 ~ City Council Minutes November 24, 1992 It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to approve staff recommendation 11.2: RESOLUTION NO. 92-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 5724 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-R TO R-1 ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF PECHANGA CREEK BETWEEN VIA GILBERTO AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF TEMECULA CREEK INN The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to approve staff recommendation 11.3 with the addition of Condition No. 104 addressing a bridge and thoroughfare benefit district participation, and deleting Conditions 87 and 94, and changing the Resolution title to reflect 92 single family lots. 11.3 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 25277, AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO SUBDIVIDE A 47.7 ACRE PARCEL INTO 92 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND 5 OPEN SPACE LOTS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF PECHANGA CREEK BETWEEN VIA GILBERTO AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF THE TEMECULA CREEK INN The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Parks NOES: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore Councilmember Mu~oz explained his opposition due to the deletion of conditions 87 and 94. Minutes\ 11%24~92 - 11 - 12114/92 Citv Counoil Minutes November 24. 1992 It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to approve staff recommendation 11.4: 11.4 Adopt Negative Declaration for Change of Zone No. 5724 and Tentative Tract Map No. 25277, Amendment No. 4. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 1 ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Parks Mur~oz Moore COUNCIL BUSINESS Mayor Birdsall announced Item 12 would be heard at a later point in the meeting. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to continue Items 13, 14, and 19 to the meeting of December 8, 1992 as follows: 13. Temoorarv Sions in Old Town Historic District 14. Temecula Film Commission 19. Consideration of Cancellation of December 22, 1992 City Council Meeting The motion was unanimously carried, with Councilmember Moore absent. 15. Resolution Suooortinq the Wester Riverside Council of Governments ADoroach to Inteqrated Air (~ualitv Imolementation ProQram It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS INTEGRATED AIR QUALITY IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM Councilmember Mufioz stated he feels it is a good first step but more needs to be done. Minutely11 ~24~92 -12- 12114/92 -~ CiW Council Minutes November 24. 1992 Director of Planning Thornhill reported that the City is working through the Western Riverside Council of Governments to implement the Air Quality Management District's requirements. He stated these will be coming to the Council. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Murioz to extend the meeting until 12:30 AM. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. RECESS AM. Mayor Birdsall called a recess at 12:00 AM. The meeting was reconvened at 12:11 12. Adoption of a Resolution Denying Public Use Permit No. 5 - New Community Lutheran Church Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans announced he would abstain on this item. City Attorney Field read the following change to the Resolution as follows: Section 1, B., second sentence should read as follows: "The traffic impacts and non-residential intensity of development of the project, (i.e. bulk of building, parking areas, lighting, noise, etc.) will likely be inconsistent with the Growth Management/Public Facilities element of the proposed General Plan, which provides that to the greatest extent possible quasi public uses will be located in activity centers." It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Birdsall to adopt a resolution as amended entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING APPEAL NO. 27, UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION'8 DECISION TO DENY PUBLIC USE PERMIT NO. 5 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A WORSHIP CENTER AND A SUNDAY SCHOOL LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF YNEZ ROAD AND SANTIAGO ROAD Minutes% 11%24~,92 - 13- 12114/92 CiW Council Minutes November 24. 1992 ~'~ The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Parks NOES: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mur%oz ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans City Manager Dixon addressed the Council regarding the need for hearing Item No. 18 regarding the Maintenance of Streets Not Within Maintained Road System on December 8th, but is concerned regarding time to hear this item due to the heavy schedule. Council consensus was to place this early on Council Business. City Manager Dixon asked for Council's direction regarding the meeting of December 22, 1992. Councilmember Parks stated he would like to meet. Councilmember Muftoz would like to have another meeting but not during that week. Council consensus was to place this on the agenda of December 8th for a decision. CITY MANAGER REPORTS None given. CITY ATTORNFY REPORTS City Attorney Field reported pursuant to Council instruction he sent a letter to Temecula Valley Unified School District regarding the Chaparral High School site. He stated he spoke with the District's attorney and they are achieving consensus and will be expecting a letter from the District from the District shortly to the effect that they will prepare an EIR on the Maintenance Facilities and will not be building a Football Stadium at this time. Further, if they decide to go forward with that project, they will go through the normal-CEQA process. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Birdsall reported she received a letter from Samuel T. Levine which will be placed in the record. She also received a letter from Terry Frazell, Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Riverside, who is presently conducting a drive among City Employees in their City to provide food for needy families. City Manager David Dixon suggested that employees be asked to voluntarily support the Pantry. Mayor Birdsall also reported she has received letters regarding a skateboard ordinance. Minutee%l 1%24~,92 -14- 12114/92 CiW Council Minutes November 24. 1992 Councilmember Parks stated he would like some type of legal advisor through the City's Senior Program. Councilmember Mufioz thanked staff for providing bus schedules and maps at all bus stops in town. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Mur~oz to adjourn at 12:30 AM, The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Moore absent. ATTEST: Patricia H. Birdsall, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk Minutee% 11 ~24~92 -15- 12J14/92 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD DECEMBER 1, 1992 An adjourned regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:03 PM in the Main Conference Room of the Temecula City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Mayor Patricia H. Birdsall presiding. PRESENT 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Birdsall ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore Also present were City Manager David F. Dixon, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Gary Ruly, of HIS Church Christian Center. PLt:DGr OF AI I;GIANCI: The audience was led in the pledge of allegiance by Councilmember Parks. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments were offered. COUNCIL BUSINI=SS 1. Adoption of Resolution Declarino Election Results It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tam Lindemans, to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1992, DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW The motion carried by the following: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Moore Minutes~l 2~,1 ~92 -1- 12/18/92 City Council Minute8 February 11, 1992 2. Administration of Oaths of Office to Newly-elected Councilmembers City Clerk June S. Greek administered the oath of office to City Councilmembers Elect, J. Sal Mut~oz, Ron Roberts and Jeffrey E. Stone and declared them duly elected and installed. 3. Remarks and Introductions by Councilmembers Councilmember Mu~oz thanked the public for their support and introduced and thanked his wife Giovanna for her help and support during the election. Councilmember Roberts, expressed his gratitude to the voters of the City of Temecula for giving him the opportunity to serve as a member of the City Council. He also thanked his wife Jeanne for all of her support during the recent campaign and he introduced his wife and son Ronald Roberts, Jr. Councilmember Stone expressed his appreciation to the voters and his wife, children and in-laws for their backing and assistance. He also thanked out-going Councilmember Kerel Lindemans for all of his effort end contributions to the City of Temecula. Councilmember Stone then requested that City staff begin work on a report regarding methods to combat gang related graffiti. Councilmember Parks welcomed the newly-elected Councilmembers Roberts and Stone and newly re-elected Councilmember Mu~oz and offered his congratulations. Mayor Birdsall congratulated the incoming members of the City Council and welcomed them as duly installed members. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager David Dixon added his congratulations to the newly installed members of the City Council and expressed his gratitude to the original members of the City's inaugural Council and praised the efforts of former Councilmember Lindemans. CITY ATTORNFY REPORTS City Attorney Scott Field added welcoming remarks and expressed his eagerness to work with the new members of the City Council. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS There were no Council reports given at this time. Mayor Birdsall invited the Councilmembers, their guests and the members of the audience to join in a reception Minutee~l 2%1 t,92 -2- 12118/92 Ciw CounQil Minutes Febmaw 11, 1992 in the main lobby area to honor the present and past members of the City Council and to recognize and celebrate the City's third birthday, ADJOURNMFNT It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to adjourn at 7:21 PM to the next regular meeting to be held December 8, 1992 and 7:00 PM in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL, MAYOR JUNE S. GREEK, CITY CLERK Minutee~l 2~1%92 -3- 12118/92 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1992 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula City Council was called to order Tuesday, December 8, 1992, 7:00 P.M., at the Temecule Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. City Manager David Dixon called the meeting to order. PRESENT: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks, Roberts, Stone ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall Also present were City Attorney Scott F. Field and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Councilmember Mut~oz. FLAG SALUTE Brownie Girl Scout Troop 1524 and Cub Scout Pack 301 - Den No. 6 led the flag salute. City Manager David Dixon advised that Mayor Birdsall was ill and asked the Council to appoint a Chairman to preside over the meeting. It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to appoint Councilmember Parks as temporary Chairman. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~ioz, Parks, Roberrs, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Councilmember Parks read a proclamation designating December 15, 1992 Family Night Out in Temecula. Ruth Chesher accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Temecula Community Services Department. CCMIN12/0S/92 -1- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PUBLIC COMMENT None DECEMBER 8. 1992 CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION 1. Election of Mayor It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to nominate J. Sal Muf~oz as Mayor. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mur~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall Election of Mayor Pro Tem It was moved by Councilmember Muf~oz, seconded by Councilmember Stone to nominate Ron Roberrs as Mayor Pro Tem. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Mu~oz requested Item No. 7 be removed from Consent Calendar for discussion. It was moved by Councilmember Mu~oz, seconded by Councilmember Stone to approve Consent Calendar Items No. 3 - 6 and 8 - 13. CClvXIN12/08/92 -2- 12/23/92 DECEMBER 8. t 992 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone None Birdsall Standard Ordinance Adootion Procedure 3.1 4. Minutes e e Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 4.1 Approve the minutes of November 18, 1992 Resolution Aoorovino List of Demands 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A City Treasurer's Report Ending October 31.1992 6.1 Receive and file report. 1992-93 Fire Protection AOreement 8.1 Approve the Fiscal Year 1992-93 Fire Protection Agreement with the Riverside County Fire Department and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Award of Contract for Modification of Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Jefferson Avenue end Winchester Road (RFP No. 011 ) 9.1 Approve award of contract fo~ .the modification of the existing traffic signal at Jefferson Avenue and Winchester Road to Alexander Traffic Signal/Lighting Company, Inc. for $14, 590, and authorize the Mayor to execute said contract. CCMIN12/08/92 -3- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 9.2 Transfer $14.590 from the Traffic Engineering Account No. 100-164- 999-5406 to the Public Works Equipment Account No. 100-164-999- 5610. 10. Aooroval of Final Parcel Mao No. 27336 10.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 27336, subject to the Conditions of Approval. 11. Completion and Acceptance of Bike Lanes Strioino Project No. PW92-03 11.1 Accept the Bike Lane Striping, Project No. PW92-03, as complete and direct the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion; 11.2 Release the Performance Bonds; 11.3 Authorize the release of the construction retention thirty-five (35) days after filing of the Notice of completion; 11.4 Authorize the release of the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after the filing of the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. 12. Imolementation of Worker's Comoensation for Volunteer Workers 12.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DECLARING SPECIFIED VOLUNTEER WORKERS TO BE EMPLOYEES FOR THE PURPOSES OF WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND INSURANCE LAW SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 13. Second Readinq of Ordinance Aoorovino ChanQe of Zone no. 5724 - Acacia Homes 13.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 92-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY BY APPROVING THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NO. 5724 CHANGING THE CCMIN12/08/92 -4- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 ZONE FROM R-R (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF PECHANGA CREEK BETWEEN VIA GILBERTO AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF TEMECULA CREEK INN Sales Tax Aoreement with Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates Councilmember Mufioz questioned the annual costs for the services the City is receiving from Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates and whether the services which they perform for the City could be done in house. City Finance Director Mary Jane Henry advised the City receives data from the Board of Equalization on the Sales Tax activity in the City of Temecula, however, the City staff have been unable to convert that data. The City pays Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates $300.00 per month to convert the information. Councilmember Mur~oz stated he would like to see the staff work toward being able to convert that information in-house. It was moved by Councilmember Mu~ioz, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 7 as follows: 7.1 Appropriate $19,000 from the unappropriated General Fund Balance for consulting fees to cover unanticipated costs associated with a finders fee relating to the Sales Tax Audit Agreement with Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates (Hdl); 7.2 Extend the agreement with Hdl for one year. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks, Roberts, Stone None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. Aooeal No. 28 for Plot Plan No..~45. Amendment No. 1, Adams AdvertisinQ Planning Director Gary Thornhill advised the applicant has requested a continuance to the next meeting. CCHZNZ2/08/92 -5- Z2/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER B. 1992 Councilmember Parks opened the public 'hearing at 7:30 P.M. There being no speakers wishing to address Appeal No. 28 at this time, it was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to continue Appeal No. 28, for Plot Plan No. 245, Amendment No. 1, Adams Advertising to the meeting of January 12, 1993. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Muf~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall 15. Aooeal No. 29 for Plot Plan No. 246. Amendment No; 1. Adams Advertisino Planning Director Gary Thornhill advised the applicant has requested a continuance to the next meeting. Councilmember Parks opened the public hearing at 7:30 P.M. There being no speakers wishing to address Appeal No. 29 at this time, it was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to continue Appeal No. 28, for Plot Plan No. 245, Amendment No. 1, Adams Advertising to the meeting of January 12, 1993. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks, Roberts, Stone None Birdsall COUNCIL BUSINESS 18. Maintenance of Streets Not Within Maintained Road System Councilmember Stone stepped down due to a conflict of interest. Director of Public Works Tim Serlet presented the staff report. CC~IN12/08/92 -6- Z2/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 City Attorney Scott Field stated that it would be easier to use the TCSD rather than set-up a separate assessment district. He added that the TCSD could also be used to sell bonds. Councilmember Parks opened the public hearing at 7:50 P.M. Bev Stone, 43136 John Warner Road, Temecula, presented the Council with a letter signed by nine (9) property owners residing on John Warner Road supporting the formation of an assessment district for an improved road on John Warner Road. Lee Carpenter, 39450 Leifer Road, Temecula, expressed her concern regarding the need for paved roads in the area of Leifer Road. Councilmember Parks declared a recess at 8:00 P.M. to change the tape. The meeting reconvened at 8:02 P.M. Councilmember Parks asked Ms. Carpenter if she was in favor of staff's proposal. Lee Carpenter stated that she was in favor of an assessment district for the road, but not the portion of the road costs that included flood control. Ms. Carpenter expressed health and safety concerns because the roads are inaccessible during heavy rains. She added she was uncertain of the proposed method of funding and therefore could not support it without further study. Ms. Carpenter presented the Council with a petition signed by 16 residents in favor of paving the roads. Joy Subik, 39290 Deputy Road, Temecula, concurred with the concerns expressed by Lee Carpenter and the need for paved roads and improved storm drains. Tim Serlet advised that he wanted to clarify recommendation 18.3 as follows: To read, "Establish a policy requiring a signed petition by 50% of the property owners within a proposed Road Maintenance Service Level accepting the service rates, when established, prior to forming a new Road Service Maintenance Service Level". Scott Field advised that the streets can be accepted through dedication and still not be accepted into the City's maintained road service. Councilmember Parks stated that he would agree to establishing a TCSD service level if 50% of the homeowners approve it. Councilmember Parks added that he would support the City staff providing access in these areas for sixty (60) days should an emergency situation arise. It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to approve staff recommendations 18.1 through 18.6 with the understanding that no improvements will be installed until 50% or more of the property owners have signed the petitions accepting the rates for the new Road Service levels and adding a CC~[IN12/08/92 -7- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 recommendation 18.7 that City staff is authorized to provide emergency road maintenance services to respond to problems on Liefer and John Warner Roads until such time as this matter is reconsidered by the City Council for finalization of the Service Levels as follows: 18.1 Establish the TCSD as a potential financing mechanism that will finance the design and construction cost associated with the expense of upgrading non-maintained streets within the City to publicly maintained standards (paved); 18.2 Direct Staff to expand the TCSD Service Levels to include road maintenance for pre-existing roads that do not meet current standards for acceptance into the Maintained Road System; 18.3 Establish a policy requiring a signed petition by 50% of the property owners within a proposed Road Maintenance Service Level accepting the service rates, when established, prior to forming a new Road Service Maintenance Service Level; 18.4 Direct Staff to develop low volume, paved, rural road standards similar to those currently existing in the Los Ranchitos Development for use in rural areas that have pre-existing roads that are not publicly maintained or are within a proposed Road Maintenance Service Level; 18.5 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING OFFERS OF DEDICATION FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, BUT NO ACCEPTING INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM, LIEFER ROAD 18.6 Authorize the Public Works Department to solicit informal bids for the construction of culverts on John Warner Road and Liefer Road, contingent upon acceptance by 50% of the property owners that the associated design and construction costs will be reimbursed to the City from the TCSD Road Maintenance Service Level or an Assessment District when they are formed. 18.7 City staff is authorized to provide emergency road maintenance services to respond to problems on Liefer and John Warner Roads until such time as this matter is reconsidered by the City Council for finalization of the Service Levels. The motion was carried as follows: CCMINZ2/08/92 -8- Z2/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AYES: 3 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Councilmember Parks declared a recess at 8:45 P.M. DECEMBER 8. 1992 Mufioz, Perks, Roberts None Birdsall Stone The meeting reconvened at 9:05 P.M. 16. AoDroval of Development Agreement. Soeci~c Plan No. 219. Extensions of Time. Vestino Tentative Tract No. 2418.~. No. ~4184. No. 24185. No..~4186. No. 24187 and No..~4188 and Fnvironmental Imoact Reoort No. 235 Addendum Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. Councilmember Mur~oz asked if staff has approved any project at 19.7 dwelling units (D.U.) per acre. Gary Thornhill stated that 18 (D.U.) per acre had been the highest. Councilmember Stone stated that he is opposed to the proposed density in relation to the General Plan target density of 16.5 (D.U.) per acre. Barry Burnell, T & B Associates, 3242 Halladay Street, Suite 100, Santa Ana, representing the developer, expressed concurrence with the staff report and added that the developer understands that there is no guaranty that the proposed density for Planning Area 6 will be approved. Councilmember Parks opened the public hearing at 9:35 P.M. Councilmember Mufioz asked Mr. Bumell how the developer would respond if the Council asked the developer to approximate the ideal General Plan density for Planning Area 6. Mr. Burnell stated they would prefer to bring the project before the Planning Commission and the Council at the proposed density. Councilmember Mufioz stated that he felt the Council should work with the target densities of the General Plan. Councilmember Parks stated he preferred to leave some design flexibility in the General Plan by allowing the possibility of higher density. He added that he could see this type of use eventually occurring in the City. CCMIN12/08/92 -9- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 Councilmember Stone stated he is concerned that the wrong message would be sent to other developers by approving a density which is not a standard for the City. It was moved by Councilmember Mufloz, seconded by Councilmember Stone to direct all documents be changed to reflect the change of density in Planning Area 6 to the density being recommended as the "target density" in the General Plan. AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Muf~oz, Roberrs, Stone NOES: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Parks ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall It was moved by Councilmember Mu~oz, seconded by Councilmember Stone to approve staff recommendation as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 92-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 92-0013, THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219, AMENDMENT NO. 3; TO APPROVE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR A TEN YEAR PERIOD, TO COLLECT DEVELOPMENT FEES, RECEIVE CREDIT FOR QUIMBY ACT REQUIREMENTS BY DEVELOPING AND DEDICATING PUBLIC PARKS AND OPEN SPACE AND THE TIMING OF IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to approve staff recommendation as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 92-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219, AMENDMENT NO. 3; AMENDING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219 TO ADD AN EIGHT ACRE PARK TO PLANNING AREA CC'~INZ2/08/92 -10- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 6, TO MAKE THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH THE EAST SIDE MAPS AND TO MAKE ALL THE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH EACH OTHER AND LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD, It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO, 219, AMENDMENT NO, 3 AMENDING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219 TO ADD AN EIGHT ACRE PARK TO PLANNING AREA 6, TO MAKE THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH THE EAST SIDE MAPS AND TO MAKE ALL THE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH EACH OTHER AND LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Perks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE FIRST EXTENSIONS OF TIME FOR VESTING' TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24182, AMENDMENT NO. 3, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24184, AMENDMENT NO. 3~ VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24184, AMENDMENT NO. 3, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24185, AMENDMENT NO. 3, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24186, AMENDMENT NO. 5, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24187, AMENDMENT NO. 3, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24188, AMENDMENT NO. 3, (EAST SIDE MAPS) TO CREATE 443 SINGLE FAMILY CCHZNZ2/08/92 -ZZ- Z2/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 RESIDENTIAL, 12 OPEN SPACE AND 4 MULTIFAMILY LOTS (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24182, AMENDMENT NO. 3), 198 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 12 OPEN SPACE LOTS (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24184, AMENDMENT NO. 3), 351 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 18 OPEN SPACE LOTS (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24185, AMENDMENT NO. 3), 445 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 14 OPEN SPACE AND I ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOTS (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24186, AMENDMENT NO. 5), 363 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 10 OPEN SPACE LOTS (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24187, AMENDMENT NO. 3), 351 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 26 OPEN SPACE, I ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, AND 1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL LOTS (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24188, AMENDMENT NO, 3) LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MEADOWS PARKWAY The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufloz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall It was moved by Councilmember Stone, seconded by Councilmember Muftoz to Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 92-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CERTIFYING THE ADDENDUM TO EIR NO. 235; TO CERTIFY AN ADDENDUM TO EIR NO. 235 DETERMINING NO ADDITIONAL IMPACTS AS A RESULT OF THE APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT AND THE EXTENSIONS OF TIME FOR THE EAST SIDE MAPS LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mui~oz, Parks, Roberrs, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsell CCMIN12/08/92 -12- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DFCEMBER 8. 1992 It was moved 'by Councilmember Mur~oz, seconded by Councilmember Roberrs to extend the meeting to 11:00 P.M. The motion was unanimously carried. 19. Temecula Film Commission Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. Councilmember Stone stated he agrees with the permit process however, he does not support charging a fee. Councilmember Parks declared a recess at 10:03 P.M. to change the tape. The meeting reconvened at 10:05 P.M. Councilmember Roberts agreed that there should be a permit process, however no fee charged. Jo Moulton, 42086 Humbert Drive, Temecula, Director of the Temecula Valley Film Commission, advised that a survey was taken and due to the intense competition only ten of the sixty-five cities surveyed charge a permit fee. It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Stone to direct staff to create an ordinance establishing an application procedure, deleting the fee requirement. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Perks, Roberts NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Stone 17. Consideration of Cancellation of December 29, 1992 City Council Meetino It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to cancel the regular meeting of December 22, 1992. AYES: NOES: cc-zNz2/o8/92 The motion was carried as follows: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks, Robarts, Stone None 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall DECEMBER 8, 1992 20. Councilmember Parks declared a recess at 11:03 P.M. to change the tape. reconvened at 11:05 P.M. Temporary Signs in Old Town Historic District Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. City Attorney Scott Field advised there was two months left on the six month moratorium and recommended continuing the item off-calendar until the expiration of the moratorium. The meeting It was moved by Councilmember Muf~oz, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to continue off-calendar. The motion was carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall 21. Discussion of Boys and Girls Club Grant Reauest · City Manager David Dixon presented the staff report. Bill Harker, 31130 General Kearney Road, Temecula, General Manager of the Temecula Town Association, advised that a lease has been executed for the Boys and Girls Club to use a portion of the property. Mr. Harker encouraged the city's support of the Boys and Girls club. Additionally, Mr. Harker requested the City's assistance on the Pujol Street widening project. It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Roberts to extend the meeting to 11:30 P.M. The motion was unanimously carried. Jim Miley, 42106 Via Pasa Del Sol, Temecula, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club, requested an opportunity to review staff's recommendations with the Board of Directors. Councilmember Parks stated that the Board has not had the opportunity to review the site plan for this request. CC~IN12/0S/92 -14- Z2/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 Councilmember Stone asked the representative if the City assisted in the Grant request, could it be contingent on the Temecula Town Association continuing to lease the property to the City of Temecula for $1 per year, should a default occur. Representatives from the Boys and Girls Club and the Temecula Town Association stated they would agree to this arrangement. Evelyn Harker, 31130 General Kearney Road, Temecula, expressed the need for the Boys and Girls Club services for the children in Temecula. Councilmember Roberts stated he would like more time to review the proposed project and request. Councilmember Mu~oz stated he would like to see financial statements as well. Councilmember Mu~oz expressed concern regarding the salary expenditure for the Executive Director and Activities Director. It was moved by Councilmember Roberrs, seconded by Councilmember Stone to continue this matter to the meeting of January 26, 1993 with direction to staff to prepare several options for funding the needed improvements to complete the Boys and Girls Club facility. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mur~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall CITY MANAGER REPORT None CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None CITY COUNCIL RFPORTS Councilmember Stone requested a study from Shawn Nelson on skate boarding within the City parks. CCMIN12/08/92 -15- 12/23/92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 8. 1992 Councilmember Stone requested a study on funding mechanisms for the Film Commission. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Mur~oz, seconded by Councilmember Stone to adjourn at 11:35 P.M. to the meeting of January 12, 1993. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mu~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone Birdsall Mayor Patricia H. Birdsall June S. Greek, City Clerk CC~IN12/08/92 -16- Z2/23/92 ITEM NO. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $2,018,559.44. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 12th day of January, 1993. ATFEST: J. Sal Mu~oz, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] h,o,92-90 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 93- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 12th day of January, 1993 by the following roll call vote: AYES: 0 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk CITY OF TENECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 12/03/92 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 12/14/92 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 12/17/92 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 12/23/92 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 01/D4/~'~J TOTAL CHECK RUN: 01/12/93 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 12/17/92 PAYROLL: 12/31/92 PAYROLL: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 01/12/93 COUNCIL MEETING: DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: 001 GENERAL $290,822.75 100 GAS TAX FUND $71,910.43 110 RANCHO CA. RD, REINB, DISTRICT $30,085.50 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND $10,800.00 ~.__lfO TCSD $79,175.60 191 TCSD ZONE A S12,007.89 192 TCSD ZONE B $4~,357.67 193 TCSO ZONE C $18,580.55 194 TCSD ZONE D $605,998.92 210 TCSD ZONE D $4.76,166.50 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'CIP $59,606.4) 300 INSURANCE FUND $99,836.55 310 VEHICLE FUND $2,390.16 320 INFORNAT[ONS SYSTEMS S15,437.85 330 COPY CENTER FUND $7,714.47 PAYROLL: 001 GENERAL (PAYROLL) $130,302.45 100 GAS TAX FUND (PAYROLL) $21,367.83 190 TCSO (PAYROLL) $31,082.f3 191 TC$1) ZONE A (PAYROLL) $782.TZ 192 TCSD ZONE B (PAYROLL) $1,349.37 193 TCSD ZONE C (PAYROLL) $2,909.83 300 INSURANCE FUND $1,125.42 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS (PAYROLL) $2,153.66 330 COPY CENTER FUND (PAYROLL) $2,593.96 TOTAL BY FUND: S181 ,:3)0.31 S72,247.84 S154, 111 $35,766.65 $70~,988.Z$ S676,4~.88 S96,266.75 $97,403.42 $2,018,559.4~, Sl ,824,889.27 $193,670.17 $2,018,559J~4 PREPARED BY KARNA MCINTYRE I ~ 1tO )~//t ~ EBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOg]NG IS TRUE AND CORRECT !'DAVE DIX~;TY NANAGER · HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOVING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. VOUCHRE2 12/0:3/~Z 15:28 CITY OF TEHECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAG FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 190 COHNUN]TY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD ZONE A 192 TCSO ZONE B 195 TCSD ZONE C 210 CAPITAL ]NPROVEMENT PROJ FUND 280 REDEVELOPI4ENT AGENCY - C]P 300 INSURANCE FUMD 310 VEHICLES FUND 320 INFORleATION SYSTENS 330 COPY CENTER FUND TOTAL ANOUNT 82,051.55 16,534.69 14,225.09 5,713.69 15,40A.12 2,116.78 2,135.33 34,058.90 691.82 181,330.31 V~CHRE2 3/92 15:28 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERZOOS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 13393 12/01/92 13393 12/01192 30~689 12/02/92 304689 12/0Z/92 304~89 12/02/92 304689 12/02/92 304689 12/02/92 304689 12/02/92 304689 12/02/92 304689 12/02/92 304689 12/02/92 31~689 12/02/92 3~ 12/02/g2 ~0~ 12/02/~2 30~g 12/02/g2 30~ 12/02/~2 30~9 12/02/92 3~ '12/02/~2 30~ 12/02/~2 3' *.5 12/02/92 3~,,.,65 12/02/92 358665 12/02/92 358665 12/02/92 358665 12/02/92 358665 12/02/92 358665 12/02/92 358665 12/02/92 358665 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SOl 00(~ EHPLOYHENT DEVELOPHENT 0004~ SOl 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 FICA/MED 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 00028~ FICA/HED 00028~ SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 FICA/MED 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC NATION 000283 FICA/MED 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 FICA/14B) 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 FICA/NED 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC NATION 000283 FICA/NED 00028~ SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 FICA/MED 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 FICA/HED 00028) SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 00028~ US]T 00028] SECURITY PACIFIC MAT]ON 000283 USIT 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 USIT 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 USIT 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC NATION 000283 US]T 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 USIT 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MAT]ON 000283 USIT 000283 SECURITY PACIFIC MATION 000283 USIT PUTNAN, LES PUTNAN, LES 000110 ANERICAN BUSINESS SYSTE 000112 ANERICAN PLANNING ASSOC 000112 ANERICAN PLANNING ASSOC 000127 CALlFORM]AN 000127 CALIFORNIAN 000127 CALIFORNIAN REFUND ON CONSISTENCY C REFUND ON CONSISTENCY C NAILING MACHINE SERVIC~ 083~071 1/93-12/93 082~1/1/93-12/93 LEGAL ADVERTISING FY 92 OPEN PO FOR PUBLIC NOTI OPEN PO FOR PUBLIC NOT] ACCOUNT NONBER 001-100-999-5411 001-100-999-5411 001-20713 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 193-2070 300-2070 3~0-2070 330-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-161-4124 001-163-41~8 330-199-999-5591 001-161-999-5226 001-161-999-5226 001-120-999-5256 001-161-999-5236 001-161-999-5256 ITEM AM~T 1,750.00 1,688.96 2,117.82 330.53 434.54 11.29 28.00 22.80 43.57 8.32 495.03 57.25 151,22 5.32 6,35 20.63 16.08 18.35 2,137.67 354.74 541.58 12.34 14.72 47.88 21.51 37.30 42.58 8,948.50 1,603.20 2,057.25 50.59 170.13 94.66 208.34 65.33 185.00 185,00 650.00 131.00 183.00 12.00 62.73 33.30 CHECK AMOUNT 3,438.96 3,771.33 16,408.32 370.00 450.00 314.00 108.03 VOUCHRE2 12/03/92 15:28 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUHBER 134~01 13601 134,01 13403 13403 13~03 13403 1340~ 1340~ 13605 13406 13406 13406 13406 13406 13407 13407 13408 13409 13609 13409 13410 13410 13610 13610 13410 13410 13411 13411 13411 13412 13412 13412 13412 13412 13412 CHECK DATE 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12103192 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/0~/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/0~/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12~03~92 12103192 12/03192 12/03192 12/03/92 12103192 VENDOR NUI4BER 000135 000135 000135 000138 000155 000155 000155 000155 000162 000162 0001(~. 000174 000174 000174 000174 000174 000174 000174 000174 000177 000177 000179 000180 000180 000180 000184 000184 000186 000184 00018~ 000184 000192 0001r2 000192 O00197 000197 000197 000197 000197 000197 VENDOR NAHE CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SEA CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SEA CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SEA CITICORP NORTH AMERICA DAVLIN DAVLIN DAVLIN DAVLIN EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOFTWA EGGHEAD DISCOUNT SOFTMA ESGIL CORPORATION GET PAGED GET PAGED GET PAGED GET PAGED GET PAGED GET PAGED GET PAGED GET PAGED GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCT GRAFFITI REMOVAL SERVIC GRAY BAR ELECTRIC GRAY BAR ELECTRIC GRAY BAR ELECTRIC GTE GTE GTE GTE GTE GTE GLOBAL COHPUTER SUPPLIE GLOBAL COMPUTER $UPPLIE GLOBAL COI4PUTER SUPPLIE INSLIPCO INSUP(C) 1 NSUPOD INSUPCO INSLJPOD INSUPCO ITEM DESCRIPTION RTA BUS ROUTE SIGNS HillARE: VARDEL PROOF TAX DEC. 92 PAYMENT/PHONE S AUDIO/VIDEO PROD,/NOV, AUDIO/VIDEO PROD,/NOV TAPE STOCK/JAN'JUNE 93 AUDIO TAPE STOCK JAN-JU CERTIFICATE HAKER BY SP TAX 69X OF PLAN CHECK FEES PAGERS; P.I/. DEPT./OCT. 8 PAGERS; TCSD; OCT. 92 OCT. 92/TOR IIAFELI OCT. 92/STUART RANGUSIN RENTAL OF 3 PAGERS/OCT 2 PAGERS,TRAFF]C POLICE 2 PAGERS,TRAFFIC POLICE 2 PACERS,TRAFFIC POLICE EASEL, TELESCOPING, 66n TAX GRAFFITI REMOVAL/OCT. STN-8 SIENON CO CABLE T FREIGHT TAX 9096941989/DEC. 92 90969fe1989/DEC. 92 9096941989/DEC, 92 9096953539/DEC. 92 9096990128/DEC. 92 9096992~09/DEC. 92 C00273 YELLOM & 14HITE P. FREIGHT TAX TRICKLE NETER/THERIqOHET 1/2-13X1 H HCS GRS ZINC 3/4-10X 3/4 S,S, CLIP PT THEXTGN t117 HYDRAMETER 10/2 AHP BATTERY CHARGE TAX ACCOUNT NUHBER 100-164-999-52~4 100-164-~-524z~ 100-1(~.-99~-52~. 320-199- 999- 5239 001-161-9~-5250 001-100-999-5250 001-100-999-5250 001-161-~-5250 320-1~9-~-5221 320-199-f9~-5221 001-162-~-5248 100-164-999-5238 190-180-~-5238 320-19~-999-5238 100-164-~9~-5238 001-162-~9-5238 001-170-999-5262 001-140-~-5250 100-164-999-5238 001-110-~-5220 001-110-999-5220 001-170-999-52~ 320-19~-9~-5242 320-199-999-5242 320-19~-f99-5242 001-1300 001-1220 320-199-999-5208 320-199-~9-5208 320-1~9-~9-5208 320-1999-999-5208 320-199-~.,~9-5221 320-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 100-164-~-5242 100-164-~.,~9-5218 100-184-~9-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-184-9~-5218 100-164-999-5218 ITEM AMOUNT 2,203.75 174.00 190.48 1,427.57 154.20 797.97 408.59 80.17 50.00 3.M 7,317.96 44.00 88.00 11.00 11.00 33.00 7.33 7.33 6.54 1,251.00 112.53 2.22 8.72 139.32 1,683.13 24.35 165.53 21.29 179.00 7.14 14.22 165.74 35 85.48 11.29 45.60 13.81 CHECK AN(XJNT 2,648.23 1,627.57 1,440.93 53.88 7,317.96 209,00 90.92 1,251.00 123.67 2,23'3.25 200.36 357.72 V~-U~.NE2 ~/92 15:28 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER 13413 12/03/92 000206 13~14 12/03/92 000218 13415 12/03/92 000226 13615 12/03/92 000226 13416 12/03/92 000263 13617 12/03/92 000266 13417 12/03/92 000266 13417 12/03/92 0002~6 13617 12/03/92 0002~ 134 17 12/03/92 000266 13417 12/03/92 000266 13417 12/03/92 0002~ 13417 12/03/92 0002/,6 13417 12/03/92 0002/~ 13417 12/03/92 000266 13417 12/0~/92 000266 134 17 12/03/92 0002/,6 '~" 7 12/03/92 000266 ~.~:7 12/03/92 000266 13417 12/03/92 0002~ 13617 12/03/92 000266 13617 12/03/92 0002~6 13417 12/03/92 000266 13618 12/03/92 0002~ 13418 12/03/92 000268 13618 12/03/92 0002/,8 13419 12/03/92 000256 VENDOR NAME KINKO'S COPIES NARILYN'S COFFEE $ERVIC MICRO AGE COMPUTER CENT MICRO AGE COMPUTER CENT PAYLESS DRUG STORE PERS EMPLOYEES' RETZREN PERS EHPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES~ RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RET]REN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RET]REN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN PETROLANE PETROLANE PETROLANE PRESS ENTERPRISE 13420 12/03/92 000257 RAMTEK 13620 12/03/92 000257 RANTEK 13620 12/03/92 000257 RANTEK 13620 12/03/92 000257 HA~TEK 13620 12/03/92 000257 RANTEK 13621 12/03/92 000260 13621 12/03/92 000260 13621 12/03/92 000260 13421 12/03/92 0002~0 13621 12/03/92 000260 13421 12/03/92 000260 13421 12/03/92 000260 13621 12/03/92 000260 RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP NF RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP NF RAN-TEC RUBBER STANP NF RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP MF RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP NF RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP NF RAN-TEC RUBBER STN4P NF RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP NF CITY OF TENEOULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCR[PTIOR OPEN P.O. FOR HlSC. SER COFFEE SERVICE; CiTY HA 5 1/4 SINGLE EXTERNAL C TAX FILM PROCESSING SERVICE 0002/~ PER REDE 000266 PER REDE 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 PERS RET 0002/,6 SURVIVOR O002t~ $URV l VOR 000266 SURVIVOR 0002~ SURVIVOR 0002/~ SURVIVOR 0002/,6 SURVIVOR 0002/,6 SURVIVOR 000266 SURVIVOR OPEN PO FOR PETROLINE OPEN PO FOR PETROLINE LEGAL NOTICE FOR **TOT L CONCRETE ~AU CUTTING SE PROVIDE LABOR & NATERIA STREET MAINTENANCE, STR STREET NAINTEHANCE, STR DRAINAGE CLEANING FY 92 NAMEBADGE: HARK)OI)T. E MBADGE: HENRY MILLER HANEPLATE: HENRY MILLER. MBADGE: MARY JANE Nc NAMEPLATE INSERT: MARY TAX TAX TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 330-1~-9~-55~0 001-1~9-~q9-5250 320-199-999-5221 320-1~-~9~-5221 1~0-180-~-5250 001-2130 100-2130 001-2390 100-2~90 190-2390 191-2390 193-2~90 300-23g0 320-2390 330-2390 001-23~0 100-2390 1~0-2390 191-23~0 300-2390 320-23f0 330-2390 lm)-180-~-5263 001 - 162-~-5263 190-180-99~-52(~ 1~0-180-999-5256 1~0-180-~-5212 210-1~0-129-580~ 100-164-~-5402 100-1~4-99~-5602 100-1(:4-999-5601 001-110-~-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-9~9-5220 001-160-99~-5220 001-160-~-5220 001-110-999-5220 1~0-180-~-5220 001-160-~99-5220 ITEM AMOUNT 12.82 34.55 310.00 26.03 13.62 62.~ 171.76 9,776.45 1,483.82 2,281.29 61 2~.22 96.39 183.21 202.58 52.75 7.66 13.02 1.~ .~6 .9) 1.86 75.27 175.39 77.61 57.60 87.50 960.8~ 6,875.21 1,575.30 322.88 2.50 2.50 6.00 2.50 7.50 .54 .56 .55 PAGE CHECK AMOUNT 12.82 34.55 336.03 13.62 14,616.84 328.27 57.60 7,819.73 13/v'~' 12/03/92 000261 RANCHO BLUEPRINT COPIES NECESSARY FOR DE 210-190-12~,5802 90.19 13A 12/03/92 000261 RANCHO BLUEPRINT COPIES NECESSARY FOR DE 210-190-129-5802 53.27 VOUCHRE2 12/03/92 15:28 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS pAGr"",~ VOUCHER/ CHECK NUNBER 1~,22 13422 13422 13422 13423 13423 13423 134,23 13423 13423 13423 13423 :13424 13424 13425 13425 13425 13425 13425 13425 13425 13~25 13425 13425 13425 134Z5 13425 13425 13425 13425 13425 13426 13426 13426 13427 13427 13428 13428 13428 13429 13429 13/,29 13429 13429 CHECK DATE 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03192 '12/03/92 12/03/92 12103192 12/03/92 12103192 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 VENDOR NU!IER 000261 000261 000261 000261 000262 000262 000262 000262 000262 000262 000262 000262 000266 000266 000269 0002~ 0002~ 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 000269 0O0269 000269 000282 000282 000282 000285 000285 0002~1 000291 000291 0002~. 000294 000294 0002~ 0002~ VENDOR NANE RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHOMATER RANCHOMATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO HATER RANCHO HATER RIGHTMAY R]GNTMAY RIVERSIDE OFF]CE SUPPLY RIVERS[DE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERS/DE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SlIPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SLIPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY R/VERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY SC!,IAF SCNAF SC. NAF SIR SPEEDY SIR SPEEDY SPEE DEE OIL CHANGE & T SPEE DEE OIL CHANGE & T SPEE DEE OIL CHANGE & T STATE CONPEN,SAT[OIl INS. STATE COHPENSATION INS. STATE CONPENSATION INS. STATE CONPEN,SAT]ON INS. STATE CONPENSATION INS. ITEH DESCRIPTION COPIES NECESSARY FOR DE NISC. BLUEPRINTS, ETC. NISC. BLUEPRINTS, ETC. COPIES NECESSARY FOR DE 01105038~2/09/15-10/15 0110503852/09/15-10/15 0111700012/00/15-10/15 0111700022/09/15-10/15 O111700032/0~/15-10/15 01117000~2/0~/15-10/15 0111702502/09/15-10/15 0111704051/00/15-10/15 PORTABLE TO]LET/DEC. 92 PORTABLE TOILET; DEC. 9 STA'98719'34 ENGINEER'S STA' 56880 - 15 PROTRACTO STA'96408-60 TRIANGLE 8 STA'96410-45 TR]ANGLE 4 STA97140-12 FRENCH OURV STA'98900 DUSTING BRUSH STA'977'110A CONBO CIRCL STA'52700 ELECTRIC ERAS XTO'X3201 KN]FE U/BLADE STA-5270558T REFL ERASR DEN-42-382 ENGINEERING STA-700-S7 7-PIECE PEN F-C-/~O01 (4415) BLACK HUN-1800 ELECTRIC PENC] NNN-230-3/4 DRAFTING TA H-H-HO5076 POCKET SIZE TAX COED SOFTBALL REGISTRAT WQNENS SOFTBALL REGISTR HENS SOFTBALL REGZSTRAT 500 BUSINESS CARDS; GOL TAX REPAIR & MAINTENANCE;VE. REPAIR & NAINTENANCE;VE REPAIR & NAZNTENANCE;VE UORKERS~ CONP/DEC. 92 WORKERS' CONP/DEC. 92 MORKERS' CONP/DEC. 92 WORKERS' CONP/DEC. 92 MORKERS' C..(NP/DEC. 92 ACCOUNT NUffiiER 210-1~0-129-5802 001-163-;-5268 001-163-;-5268 210-190-129-5802 i93-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 1F~-180-~-5240 193-180- 999- 5240 1F~- 180-~9-5240 l~3-1BUJ~9-5240 193-180-~-5240 1~3-180-~-5240 190-180-999-5238 100-164-f99-5238 001-163-~-5220 001-163-~-5220 001-163-f99-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-~-5220 001-163-~-5220 001-163-~-5220 001-163-~-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-~-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-~-5220 190-183-907-5300 190-183-906-5300 190-183-905-5300 001-110-~-5220 001-110-~-5220 310-180-~-5214 310-180-~-5214 310-162-999-5214 190-180-~-5112 001-2370 100-2370 300-2370 320-2370 ITEH ANOUNT 22.11 3.32 13.40 20.04 118.12 70.91 130.38 241.02 176.19 201.89 299.37 130.78 57.39 57.39 5.75 4.20 1.04 3.09 2.56 2.53 3.49 51.90 1.72 6.60 2.88 56.74 2.86 19.85 3.64 2.41 13.35 60.00 42.00 204.00 36.00 2.~ 45 22.49 41.8~ 16.61- 6,291.50 2,150.39 45.53 128.64 CHECK AHOUNT 202.33 1 114.78 185.51 3O6.00 109.97 15:28 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK NUNBER 13429 13429 13429 13429 13429 13430 13431 13431 13431 13431 13432 13432 13432 13432 13433 13433 13433 ~3 13434 13435 13436 13437 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13438 13439 13 CHECK DATE 12103192 12/03192 12/03/92 12/03/92 1 Z103192 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03192 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 VENDOR NUIIER 00029~ 00029/, 00029~ 000294 000294 000307 000320 000320 000320 000320 000325 000325 000325 000325 000326 000326 000326 000326 000342 000345 0003~ 000352 0003?4 0003?4 0003?4 0003?4 0003?4 00O3?4 00O3?4 00O3?4 0003?4 00O3?4 00O3?4 00O374 000374 0O0374 000374 00031'5 0003/5 0OO3/5 VENDOR NAME STATE CONPENSATION ]NS. STATE C(Ig~ENSAT]0N INS. STATE CONPEN,SATIN INS. STATE CONPENSATIOR INS. STATE COlePEN,SAT]ON INS. TEHEOULA TROPHY TOll CENTER STATIONERS TOIJN CENTER STATIONERS TOI, N CENTER STATIONERS TOlll CENTER STATIONERS [TEN DESCRIPTION MORKERS' CGNPI DEC. 92 gORKERS' CONP/DEC. 92 gORKERS' C0HP/DEC. 92 Id)RKERS' CONP/DEC. 92 gOItKERS' COIlP/DEC. 92 OPEN P.O. FOR TROPHY AM OPEN P.O. FOR OFFICE SU OPEN P.O. FOR OFFICE SU OPEN P.O. FOR OFFICE SU OPEN P.O. FOR OFFICE SU UNITED gAY OF THE INLAN 000325 IN UNITED MAY OF THE [NLAN 000325 IN UNITED MAY OF THE INLAN 000325 IN UNITED UAY OF THE ]NLAN 000325 IN UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE UNITOGRENTAL SERVICE UNIT06 RENTAL SERVICE WINDSOR PARTNERS - RANC XEROX CORPORATION BILL] ZIGLER, GAlL RIVERS]DE, COUNTY ASSES SOUTHERN CAL[F EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CAL[F EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CAL[F EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON SOUTHERN CALZF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPNON SOUTHERN CAL]F TELEPHON 2-SETS OF UNIFORMS; CLE Z-SETS OF UN]FORNS; CLE RENTAL OF UNIFORNS AND RENTAL OF UNIFORMS AND DECBIER 92 RENT XEROX LEASE/DEC. 92 SENIOR CENTER GROUND BR DC217,DCZZ1,DC1389 5277907020001/OO/28-10 567775519/501/10/02-11 5T/7565093402/10/05-11 5(ff~65670102/10/05-11 5T/7565680203/10/05-11 577/566332~02/10/05-11 577'/78024~903/10/05-11 5777780874003/10/05-11 5777780874203/10/05-11 6677584805701/10/19-11 66775848O6301/10/19-1.1 6677584806501/10/19-11. 667'/58~806702/10/19-11 667?584806901/10/19-11 6677584807102/10/19-11 667?584808501/10/19-11 BATTERY FOR DIAMOND TEL TAX 7143457426/OCT. 92 ACCOUNT NUNBER 330-2370 192-2370 193-2370 191-2370 190-2370 190-182-999-5300 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 001-2120 . loo-2120 190-2120 300-2120 100-164-999-5243 100-164-999-52/.3 190-180-999-5243 190-180-999-5243 001-199-999-5234 230-199-999-5582 190-181-999-5300 001-140-999-5250 191 - 180-999-5500 191-180-999-55OO 190-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-52/*0 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 OO1-199-999-52/*0 001-199-999-5240 001 - 199-999-52/,0 001-199-999-5240 001-199-999-5240 001-199-999-5240 001 - 199-999-5240 320-199-999-5215 320-199-999-5215 001-110-999-5208 ITEN ANOUNT 24,8.12 6.42 168.98 92.0~ 2,533.21 25.86 97.62 10.11 41.61 13.21 55.26 8.00 14.00 1.24 12.50 12.50 13.60 13.60 29,118.71 2,345 .OO 108.75 260.OO 207.18 33.65 13.00 12.51 12.40 12.40 12.51 12.51 12.51 855.10 228.96 138.34 164.91 112.09 /,88.13 50.OO 3.88 36.28 CHECK ANOUNT 11,648.42 25.86 162.55 78.50 52.20 29,118.71 2,345.00 108.75 260.00 2,394.66 90.16 VOUCHRE2 12/03/92 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUHBER 13/,40 13442 13442 13442 13442 1:~43 13445 13/~6 13447 13448 13448 13448 13448 13448 13448 13448 134~8 13~8 13448 13~8 132~8 134~8 13448 134~8 134~8 13~8 13~8 1~48 13448 13448 13449 13450 13451 13452 13452 15:28 CHECK DATE 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 12/03/92 VENDOR NUNBER 000377 000381 000389 000389 000389 000389 000405 000408 000413 000426 000519 000537 000537 000537 000537 000337 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000337 000545 000558 00~9 OOO639 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERZOOS VENDOR Z TEN ACCOUNT I TEN NAME DESCR 1PT lON NUNBER ANOUNT STATE DEPT. OF TRANSPOR TIRITILL[, STEVE J. USCN USOI USON USCN SMITH, PHILLIP AGRICREDIT ACCEPTANCE C STATE OF CALIFORNIA RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDZ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN CALIFONN]A ED] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PAC TEL CELLULAR - S.D. ADVANCED NOBILCONN BARB'S BALLOONING AFFAI BELL BLUE PRINT C:ONPAMY BELL BLUE PRINT COMPANY SIGNALS AND LIGHTING/0 100-16~-999-5405 DECEHSER RENT 190-182-999-5234 000389 PT RETIR 001-2160 000389 PT RETIR 100-2160 000389 PT RETIR 190-2160 000389 PT RETIR 192-2160 REZNB. MECHANICAL SENIN 001-162-999-5258 TRACTOR LEASE 190-180-999-5239 FEES FOR STREAMBED AGRE 210-190-12~-5804 OPEN ACCOIJNT FOR JANITO 001-199-999-5242 PEST CONTROL/NOV. 92 001-199-999-5250 4377077138302/09/30-10 4377077146502/09/30-10 43rro771466o2/09/30-10 4377077146702/09/30-10 43??0?'?51o5o2/o9/3o-lo 4377077515702/09/30-10 4377077515802/09/30-10 4377077515902/09/30-10 4377077516002/09/30-10 4377077516102/09/30-10 4377077516202/09/30-10 4377077518502/09/30-10 4377077520001/11/1/91-0 4377077526902/09/30-10 4377O/7527O02/09/30-10 4377077534202/09/30-10 4377077534702109/30-10 4377077534~01/08/31-09 4377077535OO2/09/30-10 4377077560001/10/01-10 437'/'077650002/09/30-10 4377077650601/09/30-10 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 192-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 SD-1075255/OCT. 92 001-140-~-5208 ELSZNONE BASE/DEC. 92 001-109-999-5209 DECORATION/GRND BREAKIN 190-181-999-5300 BLUE LINE PRINTS FOR SE 210-109-801-5802 TAX 210-109-801-5802 264.27 3,289.95 226.84 81.00 163.28 38.08 73.14 846.02 921.00 154.11 42.00 44.40 45.50 21.09 22.88 43.55 47.35 50.44 47.FJ 48.20 49.41 49.59 15,338.55 44.40 42,8~ 56.76 214.88 265,51 32.36 3,983.51 47.28 36.80 100.50 195.30 77.58 4,88 CHECK A!qOUNT 264.2 ? 3,289.95 509.20 73.14 846.02 921. O0 154.11 42. O0 20,577.77 100.50 195.30 77.58 67"'~ y/;a~HRE2 ~/92 15:28 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUHBER 1]t,53 12/03/92 1~,53 12/03/92 000~41 13453 12/03/92 000(~1 13453 12/03/92 O00&~l 13454 12/03/92 000~,2 13455 12/03/92 00C)6~3 13~55 12/03/~2 0006~3 13~55 12/03/92 0006~3 13456 12/03/92 000676 13456 12/03/92 000676 '13457 12/03/92 000686 13~57 12/03/92 000686 1:3~57 12/03/92 000686 13458 12/03/92 000688 13458 12/03/92 000688 '9 lZ/03/92 000689 13460 12103192 000692 13461 12/03/92 000703 13462 12103192 00070~ 13463 12/03/92 000717 13464 12/03/92 000718 13465 12/03/92 000719 13466 12/03/92 000721 13467 12/03/92 000722 CITY OF TEHECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS MANE TENECULAVALLEY BUILDIN TENECULA VALLEY BUILDIN TENECULA VALLEY BUILDIN TENECULA VALLEY BUILDIN ITEM DESCRIPTION SHEETS OF DRY gALL TAX SHEETS OF DRY gALL TAX CITY OF TENECULA - FLEX TO MAINTAIN BAL. IN FLE FORTNER HARDgARE FORTNER HARDgARE FORTNER HARDgARE AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTIES AUTOHOT]VE SPECIALTIES VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY VISIBLE COMPUTER SUPPLY VISIBLE COMPUTER SLiPPLY LO'FAT CYCLES LO-FAT CYCLES CANPBELL'S LIGHTING HAURZCE CARRZE gINERY RANCHO FRUIT MARKET INLAND O/L CO. MCCANN, KEITH L. JR. NRPA KASHMERE, LOU PACKAGING STORE SOUTHERN CAL. ASSIX;. OF 30 GAL - GALVANIZED STE TAX OPEN P.O. FOR MISC. SUP INSTALL TM:) LIGHT BARS INSTALL T~K) LIGHT BARS 200 FORMS; RV-5136871; FREIGHT TAX RESPO~ gNEEL ON B]CYCL TAX LABOR; ELECTRICAL REPAI NAYOR/COUNCIL DEC. MEET FRUIT BASKETS; CITY BOO DEPOSIT ON FUEL CARDS F (MtER PART. AOREEIq~NT/R MEMBERSHIP 199~ OMiER PART. AGREEHENT/R PACKiNG/FRUIT BASKETS 1993 MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-183-9/,1-5300 190-183-961-5300 190-183-961-5300 190-183-961-5300 O01 - 1020 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 310-163-999-5214 31o-163-999-5214 ool - 14o-999-522o ool - 14o-999-522o ool - 14o-999-522o 901-17o-999-5215 ool -17o-999-5215 190-18o-999-5212 001 - 1652 280-199-999-5264 100-164-999-5263 280-199-999-5808 190-180-999-5226 280-199-999-5808 280 - 199 - 999 - 5264 001 - 162-999-5226 ITEM AHOUNT 128.96 9.99 12.40 .96 3,564.60 109.90 8.52 1.~4 Z$8.76 343.09 ?7.30 9.40 5.99 35.00 2.71 97.00 957.80 27.00 100.00 24,000. O0 360. O0 10,000.00 31.90 25.00 PAGE 8 CHECK AMOUNT 152.31 3,564.60 119.86 581.85 92.69 37.71 97.00 957.80 27.00 100.00 24,000.00 360.00 10,000.00 31.90 25.00 TOTAL CHECKS 181,330.31 VOUCHREZ 1Z/15/gZ 09:40 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS PAGF,,~ FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 190 CONNUN]TY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TC$O ZONE A 192 TCSD ZONE B 1~3 TCSD ZONE C 210 CAPITAL INPROVENENT PROJ FUND 280 REDEVELOPtENT AGENCY - 300/NSURANCE FUND 310 VEHICLES FUND 320 INFONNATION SYSTENS 330 COPY CENTER FUND TOTAL ANOUNT 30,593.57 5,528.28 9,443.36 2,652.27 13,63~.80 8,471,35 150.48 145.00 221,07 32.14 881.80 72,247.84, VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TENECULA 12,/"~92 09:40 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEN ACCOUNT NUNBER DATE NUNBER NANE DESCRIPTION NUNBER ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 13475 12/14/92 LINDENANS', KAREL REFUND COUNCIL CANDIDAT 001-2675 143.00 143.00 13476 12/14/92 VERNON, JAYNE REFND ON COUNCIL CANDID 001-2675 143.00 143.00 13477 12/14/92 STONE, JEFFREY REFUND/COUNCIL CANDIDA 001-2675 143.00 143.00 13478 12/14/92 ROBERTS, RONALD REFUND/COUNCIL CANDIDA 001-2675 143.00 143.00 1347~ 12114192 000105 AEI SECURITY, INC. ALARN NONITORING;TEEN C 190-182-999-5250 35,00 35.00 13~0 12/14/92 000112 AMERICAN PLANNING A$$0C NENBERSHIP DUES/JAN-DE 001-161-999-5226 13480 12/14/92 000112 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC NENEBERSNIP DUES/JAN-D 001-161-999-5226 228.00 15.00 243.00 13481 12/14/92 000114 AT & T 732069603/,001/NOV. 92 320-199-999-5208 14.65 14.65 13~82 12/14/92 000127 CALIFORNIAN 13482 12/14/92 000127 CALIFORNIAN LEGAL ADVERTISING FY 92 001-120-999-5256 LEGAL ADVERTISING FY 92 001-120-999-5256 57.31 30,20 87,51 13483 12/14/92 000129 CALMEST RENTAL CENTER STEP LADDER 13~83 12/14/92 000129 CAL i~EST RENTAL CENTER EXTENSION LADDER 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5238 74.35 22.63 96,98 13(,'s"' 12/14/92 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN GER MISC. SUPPLIES 100-16~-999-5244 13 12/14/92 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN $ER TAX 100-164-999-5244 1348~ 12/14/92 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN $ER S/raN DATE STICKERS 100-16~-999-5244 1348~ 12/14/92 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER TAX 100-16~-999-524~ 416.00 32.24 373.00 29.06 852,30 13~85 12/14/92 000140 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDEN INS. PREM. DEC. 92 001-2330 13485 12/14/92 000140 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDEN INS, PREN. DEC. 92 100-2330 13485 12/14/92 000140 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIOEN INS, PREN, DEC, 92 190-2330 13485 12/14/92 000140 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDEN INS, PREN, DEC, 92 191-2330 13485 12/14/92 000140 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDEN INS, PREN, DEC, 92 193-2330 13~85 12/14/92 000140 COLONIAL LIFE & ACC[DEN INS. PREN, DEC, 92 190-2500 89.75 19.50 50.73 11.48 14.02 87.50 273.00 13486 12/14/92 000152 CALIFORNIA PARK & RECRE MENBERSHIP DUES/JAW 93 190-180-999-5226 110.00 110.00 13487 12/14/92 000174 GET PAGED PAGER FOR ROR RORERT$, 001'100'999-5250 11.00 11.00 13/+88 12/14/92 000177 13488 12/14/92 000177 13488 12/14/92 000177 13488 12/14/92 000177 13488 12/14/92 000177 13488 12/14/92 000177 13488 12/14/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENN/IS OFFICE PRODUCT MISt. OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-140-999-5220 MISt. OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-140-999-5220 K4-LRg33-1V; gALL HOUNT 001-1~9-999-5242 TAX 001-199-999-5242 NISC, OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-140-999-5220 NISC, OFFICE SIJPPLIES '001-140-999-5220 NISC, OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-140-999-5220 57.39 103.41 1A6.25 11,33 13.21 95,16 5.66 432.41 13489 12/14/92 000184 GTE 90969986321 NOV, 92 320-199-999-5208 17.05 17.05 13490 12/14/92 000186 HANKS HARDMARE INV, 18~257 & 189228 001-163-999-5218 27.58 27.58 13491/..12114192 000194 ICMA RETZRENENT RETIREHENT DEPOSIT/NOV 001-2080 10,187.33 1349 Z/14/92 000194 ZCNA RETIREMENT RETIRENENT DEPOSIT/NOV 100-2080 588.76 VOUCHREZ 12/15/92 09:40 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUHBER DATE NLNBER 13~91 12/14/92 00019/, 13/,91 12/14/92 00019~ 13491 12/14/92 000194 13491 12/14/92 000194 1~91 12/14/92 000194 1:r~91 12/14/92 000194 CiTY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER ICHA RETIREMENT ICHA RETIRENEHT ICHA RETIREMENT ICHA RETIREMENT ICMA RETIRERENT ZC~A RETIREMENT 13492 12/14/92 000197 INSUPCO 13492 12/14/92 000197 INSUPCO 13493 12/16/92 000201 JENNACO 13494 12/14/92 000205 13~95 12/14/92 000206 1~496 12/14/92 000214 13497 12/14/92 000218 13497 12/14/92 000218 13498 12/14/92 000235 13499 12/14/92 0002~8 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13500 12/14/92 000245 13501 12/14/92 000247 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 13502 12/16/92 000249 13502 12/14/92 000249 KIDS PARTIES, ETC. KINKO'S COPIES LUNCH & STUFF CATERING NARILYN'S COFFEE SERVIC NARILYN'S COFFEE SERVIC OCB REPROGRAPHICS FINAL TOUCH MARKETING PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH [NSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PERS (HEALTH INSUR.PREM PESTMASTER SERVICE PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANClIO BLUEPRINT RANCliO BLUEPRINT 13503 12/14/92 000261 13503 12/14/92 000261 13503 12/14/92 000261 RETIREMENT DEPOSZT/NOV 190-2080 RETIREMENT DEPOSIT/NOV 191-2080 RETIREMENT DEPOSIT/NOV 193-2080 RETIREMENT DEPOSIT/NOV 300-2080 RET]REHENT DEPOSIT/NOV 320-2080 RETIREMENT DEPOSIT/NOV 330-2080 5/16 USS FLAT MASHER ZI 100-164-999-5218 TAX 100-16~-999-5218 TEEN CTR. JANZTORZAL/NO 190-182-999-5212 HORNY & ME 190-183-800-5300 30 COLOR COPIES OF SPEC 001-140-999-5222 COUNCIL DINNER/DEC. 8, 001-100-999-5260 COFFEE SERVICE; CITY HA 001-199-999-5250 COFFEE SERVICE; CITY HA 001-199-999-5250 ADJUSTMENT PER ACCOUNTA 210-190-129-5802 PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM 280-199-999-5264 INSUR. PREN. FOR DEC. 9 INSUR. PREM. FOR DEC. 9 [NSUR. PREM. FOR DEC. 9 INSUR. PREM. FOR DEC. 9 INSUR. PREN. FOR DEC. 9 INSUR. PREN. FOR DEC. 9 INSUR. PREM. FOR OEC. 9 INSUR. PREM. FOR DEC. 9 INSUR. PREM. FOR DEC. 9 001-2090 100-2090' 190-2090 191-2090 19~-2090 300-2090 330-2090 001-150-99f-5250 001-150-999-5250 R.O.M. gEED SPRAYING 100-164-999-5402 CASH REIMB. CiTY EMPL/D CASH REZMB. CiTY EMPL/D CASH REZMB. CITY EMPL/D CASH REIMB. CITY ENPL/D CASH REIM8. CITY EMPL/D CASH REINB. CITY EMPL/D CASH REIMB. CITY EMPL/D CASH REINB. CZTY EMPL/D CASH RE]lIB. CITY ENPL/1) CASH REIMB. CZTY EMPL/D 001-100-999-5260 001-100-999-5220 001-110-999-5260 001-110-999-5264 001-140-999-5260 -001-150-999-5260 001-161-999-5258 001-162-999-5260 001-162-999-5220 100-164-999-5218 INVOICE NO. 44233 TEMEC TAX INVOICE NO. 4J,685 TEMEC 210-199-801-5802 210-199-801-5802 210-199-801-5802 ITEM ANQUNT 2,010.96 62.38 76.24 75.55 462.02 293.75 7.88 .61 400.00 110.00 56.95 100.00 65.02 ~.~ 32.65 145,00 13,615.30 3,050.~, 3,705.18 135.11 457.~ 142.48 58~.05 108.49 607.94 930.50 20.00 35.86 23.40 11.68 5.00 65.90 98.23 4.00 2.69 21.31 54. O0 4.19 23.6O PAGE CHECK AMOUNT 13,756.99 8.49 400.00 110.00 56.95 100.00 142.88 32-6-~ 165.00 22,405.43 930.50 288.07 VOUCHRE2 12/"'~92 09: 40 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER 13503 12/14/92 000261 13503 12/14/92 000261 13503 12/14/92 000261 13503 12/14/92 000261 13503 12/14/92 000261 13506 12/14/92 000262 13506 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 lZ/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 135N,. 12/14/92 000262 13 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13504 12/14/92 000262 13505 12/14/92 000269 13505 12/14/92 000269 13505 12/14/92 000269 13505 12/14/92 000269 13505 12/14/92 000269 13505 12/14/92 000269 13506 12/14/92 000285 13506 12/14/92 000285 13506 12/14/92 000285 13506 12/14/92 000285 13507 12/14/92 000291 13508 12/14/92 000302 13508 12/14/92 000302 13508 12/14/92 000302 135~ 2/14/92 000305 VENDOR NAME RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCNO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO HATER RANCNO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHOMATER RANCHO VATER RANCNO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO HATER RANCHO HATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO MATER RANCHOMATER RANCHO MATER RANCHO HATER RANCHO HATER RANCHOHATER RANCHO MATER RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERS[DE OFFICE SUPPLY SIR SPEEDY SIR SPEEDY SIR SPEEDY SIR SPEEDY CiTY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS ITEM DESCRiPTiON TAX EXHIBIT 1A & 1B 92-029 CRC MASSGRADING, I~ 92-029 NISC. BLUEPRINTS, ETC. 0115001012/09/17-10/22 0115015002/09/17-10/22 0115030101/09/17-10/22 0124000022/09/22-10/26 0124000152/09/22-10/26 0124000202/09/22-10/26 0124000902/09/22-10/26 0124006002/09/22-10/26 0124007322/09/22-10/26 0124009701/09/22-10/26 0124018971/09/22-10/26 0124019181/09/22-10/26 0124025001/09/22-10/26 01240299882/09/22-10/2 0124039861/09/22-10/26 0124039902/09/22-10/26 0124039911/09/22-10/26 012A460001/09/22-10/26 ACCOUNT NUMBER 210-199-801-5802 001-163-999-5268 001-163-999-5268 001-163-999-5268 001-163-999-5268 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 191 - 180-999-5240 193-180-999-52/d3 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193 - 180 - 999- 5240 190-180-999-5240 190-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-~9-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 193-180-~9~-5240 012/~65001/09/22-10/26 193-180-999-5240 0131170052/09/23-10/27 193-180-999-5240 0131215012/09/23-10/27 193-180-999-5240 0131501111/09/2:3-10/27 190-180-999-5240 SUMI4ARY BZLLZNG/NOV. 190-180-999-5240 SUMMARY BILLING/NOV. 191-180-999-5240 SUIelARY BILLING/NOV. 193-180-999-5240 4-DRAgER FiLE CABINETS 001-140-999-5220 TAX 001-140-999-5220 N-g9 NERRINNEBSTER DIC 001-163-999-5220 TAX 001-163-999-5220 H-P-92296T NP LASERJET 001-163-999-5220 TAX 001-163-999-5220 BOX OF 500 B/M BUSINESS TAX BOX OF 500 BIN BUSINESS TAX $PEE DEE OIL CMANGE & T LOF SYSTEH SOURCE SYSTEM SOURCE SYSTEM SOURCE TARGET STORE 001-163-999-5220 001-1&3-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 · 001-163-999-5220 310-164-999-5214 MIRE PLANHOLDER RACK ON FREIGHT TAX 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 OPEN P.O. FOR RECREATIO 190-180-999-5300 ITEM AMOUNT 1.82 28.02 4.48 2.93 4.48 714.72 272.09 141 .~6 230.82 310.86 372.94 77.49 88.78 87.07 8~.32 201.26 457.10 1,540.83 314.98 214.92 57.35 430.13 198.22 253.38 788.11 449.72 121.21 1,115.65 109.00 8.45 14.21 1.11 18.75 1.~6 27.7O 2.15 27.70 2.15 32.14 480.00 75.00 63.01 240.64 PAGE 4 CHECK AMOUNT 123.52 9,365.96 152.98 59.70 32.14 598.01 240.64 VOUCHRE2 12/15/92 09:60 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NUHBER DATE 13510 12/14,/92 13510 12116192 13510 12/14/92 13511 12/14,/92 13512 12/16/92 13512 12/14,/92 13513 12/16/92 13513 12/16/92 13513 12/16/92 13513 12/16/92 13513 12/14/92 13514 12/14/92 13516 12/14,/92 13515 12/16/92 13516 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/14/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 1'2/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/16/92 13517 12/14,/92 13517 12/14,/92 VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER 000308 000308 000308 000309 000322 000322 000325 000325 000325 000325 000325 000326 000326 0003~6 000361 000376 000374, 000376 000376 000376 0003?6 000374, 000376 000376 000374, 000376 000374, 000376 000376 000374 000376 000316 000376 000374 000374 000374, 000374, 0003?6 000374 000374, 000376 000376 000376 TEMECULA TOgtIE ASSOCIAT TEMECULA TOMIE ASSOCIAT TEMECULA TOWNE ASSOCIAT TEMECULA COPIERS UNIGLOSE BUTTERFIELD TR UNIGLOBE BUTTERFIELD TR UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN UNITED WAY OF THE INLAN UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE YATE$, GRANT INTERNATION COUNCIL ON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON ~OUTRERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDZSOf/ SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN PALIF EDISON SET UP/CLEANING, NOV. 9 FLOOR CARE/NOV. 92 LOCKER RENTAL/NOV. 92 001-100-999-5234, 001-100-999-5234 190-180-999-57.38 SERVICE OF FIRE DEPT. C 001-171-~-5217 AIRFARE/ARROYO GRANDE C 001-110-999-5258 TICKETS/LEAG. OF PAL. I 001-110-999-5258 PAYROLL DATED 7/16/92 PAYROLL DATED 7/16/92 PAYROLL DATED 7/16/92 PAYROLL DATED 7/16/92 PAYROLL DATED 7/16/92 100-2120 001-2120 300-2120 330-2120 190-2120 2-SETS OF UNIFORN$; CLE 100-16~-999-5263 RENTAL OF UNIFORNS AND 190-180-999-5263 REIM8. LEAGUE OF CA CIT 001-160-999-5262 DUES THROUGH JANUARY 19 001-110-999-5226 5177905010102/10/28-11 517'/905081202/10/28-11 5177905180201/10/28-11 51T/'905579602/10/28-11 52T7907020001/03/0~-09 597761~008002/10/07-11 59T/'416230702/10/07-11 5977616450501/10/07-11 5977'/99233803/10/07-11 59777999250603/10/07-1 59T/799330301/10/07-11 5977?99608302/10/07-11 5977799408503/10/07-11 5977802561603/10/07-11 5977805102103/10/07-11 5977805562303/10/07-11 6077411001102/10/08-11 6077611025503/10/08-11 6077611109303/ 10/08-1 60774,11109~03/10/08-11 191-180-999-5260 193-180-999-524,0 191-180-999-5500 193-180-999-524,0 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 193-180-999-5260 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-5260 193-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-5260 190-180-999-5260 193-180-999-524,0 6077611109503/10/08-11'.193-180-999-524,0 6077411764902/10/08-11 6077411767003/10/08-11 66774,05067702/10/20-11 66774,05106002/10/20-11 6677584,505601/10/19-11 6677584,805901/10/19-11 667758509002/10/20-11/ 66-77-795-6964-06 10/16 193-180-999-5260 190-180-999-5260 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 001-199-999-524,0 001-199-999-5260 191-180-999-5500 190-180-999-524,0 ITEN AMOUNT 90.00 75.00 15.00 75.00 34.0.00 61. O0 8.00 62.76 1.24, 5.00 16.00 12.50 13.60 61.62 250.00 50.98 13.20 55.79 13.20 210.37 134, .36 14,0.27 188.26 12.60 12.60 12.60 12.52 12.52 16.53 12.60 12.60 13.20 51.03 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 158.02 161.81 806.99 152.83 132.51 CHECK ANOUNT 180.00 75.00 601.00 91.00 26.10 61.62 250.0% VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEHECULA ""'5192 09:40 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEN ACCOUNT NUNHER DATE NUMBER NANE DESCRIPTION NUMBER ITEM ANOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 13517 12/1/*/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 66-77-795-6966-04/10/14 190-180-999-52/.0 13517 12/1/*/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6677795698603/10/20-11 190-182-999-52/.0 13517 12/1/*/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6677795698805/10/20-11 190-182-999-52/.0 13517 12/1/*/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6677"/95699004/10/20-11 190-182-999-52/*0 13517 12/1/*/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6677795808004/09/17-10 190-180-999-52/*0 13517 12/14/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6677795808004/10/20-11 190-180-999-52/*0 13517 12/1/*/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6677795846203/10/20-11 191-180-999-5240 13517 lZ/1/*/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 66777959913021 10/20-11 191-180-999-5500 13517 12/1/*/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6777863941/*02/10/21-11 191-180-999-5500 13517 12/14/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6977678010702/10/2/*-11 193-180-999-52/*0 13517 12/14/92 00037/* SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 6977678165102/10/2/*-11 191-180-999-5500 13518 12/1/*/92 000403 SHAlai SCOTT POOL & SPA OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR 190-180-999-5212 /,8.1/* 1/.8.10 182.02 63.93 26.88 24.92 44.16 168.95 185.96 12.52 188.52 90.00 3,818.02 90.00 13519 12/1/*/92 000405 SNITH, PHILLIP RE/MB. NILEAGE NOV. 92 001-162-999-5258 13520 12/1/*/92 000423 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL SU OPEN P.O. RECREATION SU 190-180-999-5300 13520 12/1/*/92 000423 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL SU TABLE COVERS 190-180-999-5300 13520,12/1/*/92 000423 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL $tJ TABLE COVERS 190-180-999-5300 13520 12/1/*/92 000423 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL SU CHRISTHAS LIGHTS 001-199-999-5250 13520 1211/*192 000423 N & H CRAFT & FLORAL SU GARLAND; 25' 001-199-999-5250 ~'v'PO 12/1/*/92 000423 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL $U SPONGE 001-199-999-5250 .0 12/1/*/92 000423 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL SU OPEN P,O. RECREATION SU 190-180-999-5300 17.90 62.30 59.28 27.94 6.99 21.04 236.19 13521 12/1/*/92 000426 RANCNO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL OPEN ACCOUNT FOR JANITO 001-199-999-52/.2 13521 12/1/*/92 000426 RAHCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL RESTROON SUPPLIES 190-180-999-5212 6.86 39.22 46.08 13522 12/14/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA INSUR. PREN. NOV. 92 001-2510 13522 12/14/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA INSUR. PREN. NOV. 92 100-2510 13522 12/1/*/92 OO043O GROUP ANER/CA ZNSUR, PREM, NOV, 92 190-2510 13522 12/14/92 OO0430 GROUP AMERICA INSUR, PREN, NOV. 92 300-2510 13522 12/14/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA INSUR. PREN, NOV, 92 001-150-999-5250 212.~ ~.~ 6.50- 1.~ 59.~- 18~,.80 13523 12/14/92 000492 McLARNEY, HARY JANE REZNB. 93 APPOINTMENT C 001-140-~-5220 52.80 52.80 13524 12/14/92 000512 CADET UNIFORM ENTRY RUG SERVICE: CITY 001-199-999-5250 34.23 :~.25 13525 12/14/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI/*377077383802/10/01-10 191-180-999-5500 13525 12/1/*/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI 4377077520001/10/01-10 192-180-999-5500 13525 12/1/*/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EOI 437707752/.801/09/30-10 191-180-999-5500 13525 12/1/*/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI/.37707753/,801/09/30-10 191-180-999-5500 13525 12/1/*/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EOI/.37707753/,901/09/30-10 191-180-999-5500 13526 12/1/*/92 0006~3 FORTHER HARDWARE HlSC. SUPPLIES 190-180-999-5212 13526 12/1/*/92 0006~3 FORTNER HAROWARE MISC. SUPPLIES 190-180-999-5212 8.91 13,634.8Q 142.99 164.08 24.39 1.40 ~8.77 13,975.17 40.17 13527 12/14/92 000648 BANANA BLUEPRINT 13528 12/14/92 0006~9 NUNOZ, SAL J. 13r 12/14/92 000673 SANTAIdA PRODUCTS, IHC. DESIGN SERVICE FOR CRC 210-190-129-5802 REFUND COUNCIL CANDIDAT 001-2675 REGULAR SURFACE MOUNT D 190-180-999-5212 36.22 1/.3.00 16.00 36.22 1/.3.00 VOUCHRE2 12/15/92 09:40 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUNBER DATE NUHBER 13529 12/14/92 O0067'~ 13529 12/14/92 O00&~ 13530 12/14/92 000730 13531 12/14/92 000731 13532 12/14/92 000734 13533 12/14/92 000~6 VENDOR NAME SANTANA PRODUCTS, INC. SANTANA PRODUCTS,, INC. EDVALSON, HARWO00 NAT]ONA~ SEMINARS GROUP FOOD FOR LESS ICBO ORANGE COUNTY CHAP CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER FREIGHT 190'180'9~9-5212 TAX 190'180"~"5212 REINB. SISTER CITY AS$O 001'110-999-5260 BUSINESS GRANNAR ~ORKSH 001-120-~-5258 FO(]O FOR X-MA$ PROGRAN 190-183-932-5300 MEMBERSHIP RENEVAL/93 001-162-~-5226 TOTAL CHECKS ITEM AMOUNT 4.00 1.24 3?0.45 196.00 150.00 25.00 PAGE CHECK ANOUNT 21.24 370.45 196.00 150.00 25.00 72,247.84 V, DUCHRE2 15:30 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE 6 FUND T I TLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 1gO CONNUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD ZONE A 192 TCSD ZONE B 19'3 TCSD ZONE C 210 CAPITAL ]NPROVENENT PROJ FUND 300 INSURANCE FUND 310 VEHICLES IqJI) 320 INFORNATION SYSTENS 330 COPY CENTER FOND TOTAL AI~T 32,136.16 6,959.03 7,362.65 185.85 95.13 1,033.31 6,100.63 98,592.15 457.00 676.29 2,735.36 156,111.36 VOUCHRE2 12/17/92 15:30 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOX ALL PERIODS ITEM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIOX NUNBER 13468 12/03/92 000127 CALIFOXNIAN 13/,68 12/03/92 000127 CALIFORNIAN 13468 12103192 000127 CALIFORNIAN 13469 12/03/92 000155 DAVLIN 13469 12/03/92 000155 DAVLIN 13~69 12/03/92 000155 DAVLIN 13469 12/03/92 000155 DAVLIN NOTICE OF OXDINANCES MOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIM Q01-161-999-5256 NOTZCE OF PUBLIC HEARIN 001-161-999-5256 001-120-999-5256 NOV. 23 PLANNING COte4ZS 001'161-999-5250 NOV. 24 CiTY COUNCIL 001-100-999-5250 TAPE STOCK 001-100-~-5250 TAPE STOCK/PLANNiNG 001'161-999-5250 13470 12/03/92 000345 XEROX CORPORATION BILLI LEASE PAYMENT/DEC, 13471 12/09/92 000523 E.M.M.D. PLAN CHECK FEES CAIT CAZT CAIT CAIT CAIT CAIT CAIT CAIT SOl SDI SDI SDZ SDI SD[ 000283 FICA/NED 000283 FZCA/MED 000283 FICA/NED 000283 FICAIMED 000283 FZCA/MED 0002~3 FICA/HED 000283 FICA/~ED 000283 FZCA/MED 000283 FICA/NED 000283 USZT 000283 USIT 00028~ USiT 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 000283 USZT 000283 USIT 000283 USZT 00028.3 USZT SANTAS BREAKFAST 330-199-999-5582 210-190-129-5802 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 :~0-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 ..~0-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 1~0-183-951-5300 372028 12/17/92 000/,44 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPIENT 3~2028 12117/92 000444 EMPLOYMENT DEVELQI~ENT 00(X44 3~028 12/17/92 ~ E~LOYHENT DE~L~NT 3~028 12/17/92 00~ ~PLOYNENT DE~L~NT 3~028 12/17/92 00~ E~LO~NT DE~L~ENT 00~ 3~028 12/17/92 ~ EMPLOYMENT D~LffENT 00~ 3~028 12/17/92 00~ ENPL~NT DE~L~NT 00~ 3~028 12/17/92 ~ E~LO~NT DE~L~ENT 00~ 3~0~ ~2/17/92 00~ E~LO~NT DE~L~NT ~ 3~028 12/17/92 00~ ENPLO~NT D~L~NT O~ 3~028 12/17/~ ~ ENPLO~ENT DE~L~ENT 00~ 3~0~ 12/17/92 O~ ENPLO~ENT DE~L~NT 00~ 3~028 12/17/92 00~ EWLO~NT DE~L~ENT 00~ 3~028 12/17/92 00~ EWLO~NT DE~L~NT 00~ 3~028 12/17/~ O~ E;LOY~NT D~LffENT 00~ 3~028 12/17/92 O~ E~LOY~NT DE~L~ENT 00~ 3~0~ 12/17/92 00~ ENPLOY~NT DE~L~NT 00~ 3~12~ 12/17/92 000~ ~NK OF ~ERZ~ 3~12~ 12/17/92 0~2~ B~K OF 3~12~ 12/17/~ 0~2~ ~K OF ~ERZ~ 3~12~ 12/17/92 0002~ ~NK OF ~ERZ~ 3~124 12/17/92 0002~ ~K OF 3~124 12/17/92 0~2~ MNK OF ~ERZ~ 3~124 12/17/92 0002~ ~NK OF 3~12~ 12/17/~ O002g ~K OF ~ERZU 3ff124 12/17/92 000~ ~K OF ~ERZ~ 3~124 12/17/92 0002~ BANK OF ~RiU 3~12~ 12/17/~ 0~ ~ OF 3~12~ 1~17/92 0002~ ~NK OF ~ERZ~ 3~12~ 12/17/92 0002~ ~K OF ~ERi~ 3~124 12/17/92 ~ ~NK OF 3~124 12/17/92 0002~ ~NK OF ~RZ~ 3~124 12/17/92 0002~ ~K OF ~124 12/17/92 000~ ~K OF 3~124 12117192 ~2~ ~K OF ~RI~ 13537 12/17/92 TAYL~, ~ ITEM AMOUNT 12.00 62.73 33.30 154.20 797.97 408.59 80.17 2,345.00 75.00 2,612.63 423.55 421.10 17.56 35.66 17.77 43.5 ? 8.32 510.20 62.30 152.88 6.20 9.82 21.70 3.52 17.27 2,289.23 401.86 539.62 14.39 22.78 50.33 19.87 37.30 4o.08 lo,479.62 1,951.16 2,038.53 70.18 3.61 196.07 78.82 · 208.34 57.25 50.00 pAGE"~ CHECK AMOUNT 108.03 1,440.93 2,345.00 75.00 4,364.99 50.0O yDLI~CHRE2 CITY OF TENECULA 7/92 15:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT NtJ~BER DATE NUIIER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER ITEM A~XJNT CHECK Ale3UNT 13538 12/17/92 000107 ALHNIRA GROUP RIVERTOIl PRK/IKN. SERV. 210-190-131-580~ 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VISIOR PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 001-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VISION PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 100-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VISION PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 190-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116' AVP VISION PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 191-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VISION PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 193-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VISION PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 300-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VlSlOR PLAN DEC. INSURANCE 330-2310 13539 12/17/92 000116 AVP VlSlOR PLAN DEC..INSURANCE 001-1180 5,920.96 397.76 103.70 97.15 7.09 8.66 3.94 15.75 9.20 5,920.96 643.25 13540 12/17/92 000128 CAL-SURANCE ASSOCIATES, LIABILITY INS. 12/92-1Z 300-199-999-5200 13540 12/17/92 000128 CAL-SlJRANCE ASSOCIATES, ANNUAL PREMIUM/ACCT 13 300-199-999-5200 64,497.00 33,3~9.00 97,8/,6.00 13541 12/17/92 000131 CARL tIARREN & CO. BROHNELL 300-199-999-5205 13541 12/17/92 000131 CARL tiARREN & CO. LETTICH 300-199-999-5205 13541 12/17/92 000131 CARL UARREN & OD. PIENIONT 300-199-999-5205 205.00 169.63 145.75 520.38 13542 12/17/92 000154 CSNFO ANNUAL SEMIliAR/FEB. 17- 001-140-999-5258 180.00 180.00 13543 12/17/92 000155 DAVLIN AUOIO/VIDEO DEC. 7 001-161-999-5250 154.20 154.20 ,.j44 12/17/92 000159 DEPARTMENT OF NOTOR VEH LICENSE RENEI,/AL/CTY MGR 310-110-999-5214 351.00 357.00 13545 12/17/92 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS URBAN DESION 001-161-999-5Z30 15.23 15.25 13546 12/17/92 000175 GFOA APPLICATION CAFR 001-140-999-5250 315.00 315.00 13547 12/17/92 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCT LETTER TRAY 190-180-~9-5220 36.62 13548 12/17/92 000186 NABKS HARDgARE NISC. SUPPLIES/NOV. 190-180-999-5212 13548 12/17/92 000186 HANKS HARDgARE MiSt. SUPPLIES/NOV. 190-180-999-5212 13548 12/17192 000186 HANKS HARDMARE MiSt. CZTY ACCOUNT 001-199-999-52~2 52.17 7.96 29.53 89,66 13549 12/17/92 000218 NARILYN'S COFFEE SERVIC COFFE SERV./1)EC. 001-199-999-5250 55.70 55.70 13550 12/17/92 000220 NAURICE PRINTERS QUICK BLANK STOCK/CAFR 001-1443-999-5222 411.28 411.Z8 13551 12/17/92 0002/,6 PERS F. NPLOYEES' RETIREN O002~& PER REDE 001-2130 13551 12/17/92 0002/,6 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 PER REDE 100-2130 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETZREN 000246 PERS RET 001-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PER$ EMPLOYEES, RETIRBI 000246 PERS RET 100-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PRRS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 PER$ RET 190-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 PERS RET 191-23~0 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETZREH 000246 PERS RET 193-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES, RETIREM 000246 PERS RET 300-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 PERS RET 320-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERSBIPLOYEES, RETIRBI 000246 PERSRET 330-2390 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 SURVIVOR 001-2390 135r-' 12/17/92 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 SURVIVOR 100-2390 13. 12/17192 000246 PER$ EMPLOYEES' RETZREH 000246 SURVIVOR 190-2390 42.94 171.76 10,007.75 1,600.28 2,281.30 62.92 237.7V 92.25 183.21 202.58 50.59 7.67 13.02 VOUCHRE2 12/17/92 15:30 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR HUNBER DATE NUNBER NANE 13551 12/17/92 000246 PER$ EltoLOyEES, RETIREN 000266 13551 12/17/92 0002~6 PER$ ENPLOYEES, RETIREN 000266 13551 12/17/92 0002/,6 PERS ENPLOYEES, RETIREN 000246 13551 12/17/92 0002~6 PERS ENPLOYEES, RETZREN 000246 13551 12/17/92 000246 PERS ENPLOYEES, RETIREN 000266 13552 12/17/92 000269 PETTY CASH 13552 12/17/92 000269 PETTY CASH 13552 12/17/92 000269 PETTY CASH 13552 12/17/92 000269 PETTY CASH 13552 12/17/92 000269 PETTY CASH 13552 12/17/92 000269 PETTY CASH 13553 12/17/92 000261 RANCND BLUEPRINT 13553 12/17/92 000261 RANCliO BLUEPRINT 13556 12/17/92 000307 TENECULA TROPHY 13556 12/17/92 000307 TENECULA TROPHY 13556 12/17/92 000307 TENECULA TROPHY 13556 12/17/~2 000307 TENECULA TROPHY ZTEN DESCRZPTIOR SURVIVOR SURVIVOR SORVIVOR $URVIVOR SURVIVOR ACCOUNT NUNBER PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH 191-23~) lf~-2~0 300-23~0 320-Z$~0 330-2390 190-180-999-5220 190-183-951-5300 190-180-999-5212 190'180-999-5220 190-180-999-5260 190-180-999-5220 BLUEPRINTS 210-190-129-5802 BLUEPRINTS 210-190-129-5802 TROPHIES 190-182-999-5300 BLACK SOFTBALL CLOCK - 190-183-932-5300 BLACK SOFTBALL PLAQUE - 190'183-9]2-5300 D l SCOUNT 190-183-932-5300 13556 12/17/92 000307 TENECULA TROPHY TAX 13555 12117192 000325 UNITED NAY OF THE INLAN 000325 IN 13555 12/17/92 000325 UNITED gAY OF THE INLAN 000325 IN 13555 12/17/92 000325 UNITED MAY OF THE INLAN 000]25 IN 13555 12/17/92 000325 UNITED NAy OF THE INLAN 000325 IN 13556 12/17/92 000360 GREEK, HAROLD F. CONSULTING NOV. SERV. 13557 12117192 000375 SOUTHERN CALZF TELEPHUN 714-287-48401NOV. CHGS 13557 12117192 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON 714-287-4~41NOV. CHGS 13557 12117192 000375 SOUTHERN CAL[F TELEPHOR 714-349-3437/NOV. CHGS 13557 12117192 000;175 SOUTHERN CAL]F TELEPHOR 714-]49-34361NOV. CHGS 13557 12117192 000375 SOUTHERN CALIFTELEPHON 714'745-85501NOV. CHGS 13558 12117192 00038~ USCN 00038~ PT RETIR 13558 12117192 00038~ USCN 13558 12117192 00038~ USCN 00038~ PT RETIR 00038~ PT RET]R 13558 12117192 000389 USCN I~ PT RETIR 190-183-932-5300 13561 12/17192 0004,31 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, DEC. PREMZUN 13561 ~2/17/92 000/,31 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, DEC. PRENIUN 13561 121171~2 000/,31 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, DEC. PRENIUN 13561 12117192 000431 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, DEC. PRENZUN 13561 12117192 000/,31 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, DEC. PREN]LIN 13561 121171~2 000431 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, DEC. PRENIUN 001-2120 100-2120 190-2120 300-2120 193-180-999-5250 001-163-999-5208 190-180-999-5208 001 - 161-999-5208 001-163-999-5208 190-180-999-5208 001-2160 100-2160 190-2160 192-2160 13559 12/17}~2 O003W, NAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND COURSE/BASIC $UPERVISlO 001-163-~X~-5258 13559 12117192 O003W, NAZNTENANCE SUPERINTEND COURSE/BASIC SUPERVZSIO 001-16~-999-5258 13560 12117192 001Y,23 H & H CRAFT & FLORAL SU GLUE STICKS/PAPER 190-180-999-5300 001-2340 . 100-23~0 lf0-2360 191-Z~0 lf5-2340 300-Z~O ITEN NeOUNT .42 1.~4 .47 1.86 8.61 5 0. O0 29.50 29.43 4.95 6.46 20.95 83.72 25.86 ~4.95 32. O0 7.70- 5.37 67.75 8.00 14.00 1.25 475. O0 119.67 58.Tf 58.36 46.57 47.10 258.78 150.00 171 58.92 50.00 50.00 5.7~ 559.12 78.75 126.00 7.09 8.66 7.88 PAGF"""', CHECK AIqOUNT 14,959.18 12,8.95 104.67 100./,'-- 91.00 475. O0 330.47 639.16 100.00 5.7~ y,G~CHRE2 7/92 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 13561 13561 13561 13562 13563 1356~ 1356~ 1356~ 13564 1356~ 1356~ '1356~ 1356~ 135~ 135~ 135~ 135~ 135~ 13565 135~ 1356~ 135~ 13569 135~ 13571 135~ 135~ 1357~ 135~ 135~6 135~7 15:30 CHECK DATE 12117192 12/17/*;2 12/17/92 12/171.;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12117/92 12/17/92 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/92 12/17/*;2 12/17/92 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/,;2 12/17/92 12/17/*;2 12/171.;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/171.;2 12/171.;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 12/17/*;2 VENDOR NUIiER 000/,31 000431 000431 000471 000472 000/,78 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000478 000532 000583 000t43 0006/,5 000692 000702 0007'32 000733 000735 000740 000741 VENDOR NN4E NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH, IGOE & COMPANY PARADISE CHEVROLET FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS FAST S/ONS FAST SIGNS FAST SIGNS SECURITY PACIFIC NAT'L RANCHO RUNNERS FORTHER HARDMARE FINAL HALlRICE CARRIE MINERY CADDY GNAPHZCS G & F CARRIAGES PARTY PZAZZ REESE, JOEL PICCA DELl JIMMY D, PROOUCT]ORS 000742 MESTIN HOTEL SANTA CLAR 000744 SEIGNIC SAFETY STUDY CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEC. PREMIUM DEC. PRENIUH DEC. PRENION FLEX PLAN/NOV. SERV. REPLACE LEFT V.D. SASKE PRE-SPACED COPY AS FOLL CITY CLERK C l TY MANAGER PLANNING BUILDING & SAFETY F ! NANCE NISC. PUBLIC idORKS TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX 42980200000108&~/NOV. MESSENGER SERV. NOV/DEC PAINSUIT/BOOTS CANDY CANES/SARTAS BRKF BALANCE DEC.5 CONFERENC CITY HALL CHRISTHAS DEC CARRIAGES FOR SANTA BRK TABLES/CHAIRS BRKFST SA ENTERTAINHENT/SANTA BRK LUNCH PARKS & REC. ~ ENTERTAINMENT/X-NAS PRT CSHFO ANNUAL SEMINAR EARTHGUAKE INF. ACCOUNT NUMBER 330-2.~0 001-1180 001-150-999-5250 001-150-999-5250 310-180-999-5214 001 - 150-999- 5220 001-120-999-5220 001 - 110-999-5220 001 - 161-999-5220 001 - 162-999-5220 001-140-999-5220 001-140-999-5220 Or- 163-999-5220 0,. t40-999-5220 001-161-999-5220 001-162-999-5220 O01 - 150 - 999- 5220 001 - 120-999- 5220 001 - 110-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 001 - 110-999-5258 001 - 140-999-5210 190-180-999-5212 190-183-951-5300 001 - 100-999-5260 001-199-999-5250 190-183-951-5300 190-183-951-5300 190-183-951-5300 190-180-999-5260 001 - 150-999-5265 001-140-999-5258 001-162-999-5228 ITEM AHOUNT 47.25 31.50 15.00 240.80 100.00 5.04 3.24 2.88 5.40 2.52 1.~4 3.96 .36 .36 .345 185.00 210.00 36.83 100.00 241.56 204.07 350.00 308.85 150.00 53.87 350,00 236.52 PAGE 5 CHECK N4OUNT 881.25 240.80 100.00 30.64 185.00 210.00 36.83 100.00 241.56 204.07 350.00 308.85 150,00 ' 53.87 350. O0 236.52 TOTAL CHECKS 154,111.36 VOUCHRE2 12/17/92 15:30 "--> VOiD CHECKS CHECK NUNBERS 013534 TO 013536 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOe ALL PERIODS COll4ENTS SPOILED CHECKS PAGK""~ VO, UC~.RE2 1 O8:35 CITY OF TEHECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 190 CCXeeUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD ZORE A 192 TCSD ZONE S 193 TCSD ZONE C 300 INSURANCE FUND 310 VEHICLES FUND 320 INFORHATION SYSTEHS 330 COPY CENTER FUND TOTAL ANOUNT 10,492.96 268.83 5,754.80 2,453.18 15,105.86 1,587.67 15.87 22.00 27.98 37.50 35,766.65 VOUCHRE2 12/2/+/92 08:35 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUNBER DATE NUNBER HANE 13581 12/23/92 CRAIG, HELEN E. 13581 12/23/92 CRAIG, HELEN E. 13581 12/23/92 CRAIG, HELEN E. 13582 12/23/92 NURSERYLAND GARDEN 13582 12123192 NURSERYLAND GARDEN 13582 12/23/92 NURSERYLAND GARDEN 13582 12/23/92 NURSERYLAND GARDEN 13583 12/23/92 COSTAIN HONES, INC. 13584 12/23/92 RADISSON HOTEL 13585 12/23/92 NYATT REGENCY HOTEL 13585 12/23/92 HYATT REGENCY HOTEL 13586 12/2~/92 00014~ COSTCOWHOLESALE 13587 12/23/92 000155 DAVLIN 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PROOUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 13588 12/23/92 000177 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PROOUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PROOUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 13588 12/23/92 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIO0$ GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT I~ALL PCKT CLR 12 1/5 H1 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT BALL POINT BLUE BC-RE11 CAL ORGANIZER BLIC J3-J1 CALENDAR REFILL J3-7OT- CLEARVIEW BINDERS BLIC B HP LASERJET Ill 92295A HP LASER JET IIISZ 9221 D 1SCOUN T TAX 13589 12/23/92 0002/+3 PAYLESS DRUG STORE 13589 12/23/92 0002/++3 PAYLESS DRUG STORE 13589 12/23/92 0002/+3 PAYLESS DRUG STORE 13590 12/23/92 000253 POSTNASTER 13590 12/23/92 000253 POSTNASTER 13590 12/23/92 000253 POSTNASTER 13590 12/23/92 000253 POSTMASTER 13590 12/23/92 000253 POSTMASTER 13591 12/23/92 00025/+ PRESS ENTERPRISE 13592 12/23/92 000262 RANCHO WATER ITEN DESCRIPTION REFUND/HELEN CRAIG REFUND/OUTDOOR EVENT REFUND/OUTDOOR EVENT REFUND/OUTDOOR EVENT REFUND/OUTDOOR EVENT REFUND/OUTDOOR EVENT REFUND/OUTDOOR EVENT REFUND BUILDING FEES CONPUTER CONFERENCE/+/2 HYATT REGENCY HOTEL/D, NYATT REGENCY HOTEL/COU ANNUAL NENBERSHZP DUES AUDIO/VIDEO CITY COUNCI ROLODEX 3X5 PS-5350X-BIC 13593 12/23/92 000266 RIGHTWAY FILN PROCESSING SERVICE FILN PROCESSING SERVZCE FZLN PROCESSING SERVICE 1359/+ 12/23/92 000269 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLy 1359/+ 12123192 000Z69 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY 1359/+ 12/23/92 000269 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY 1359/+ 12/23/92 000269 ACCOUNT NUNBER 001-161-/+125 001-2210 001-163-/+388 001-2210 001-170-/+125 001-161-/+125 001-163-/+388 001-2660 001-161-999-5258 001-110-999-5258 001-100-999-5258 001-199-999-5226 001-100-999-5250 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 190-180-999-5250 190-180-999-5250 190-180-999-5250 CITY CLERICtS EXPRESS HA 001-120-999-5230 FINANCE OEPT EXPRESS HA 001-1/+0-999-5230 PUBLIC MORKS EXPRESS MA TCSD EXPRESS MAIL PLANNING EXPRESS MAIL PUBLIC NOTICE; TOT LOT 10-15-92/11-17-92 PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS DYN158-02 DYNO VZNYL E CND60313 CARDINAL ONE S 001-163-999-5220 ~ 60318 CARDINAL ONE 001-163-999-5220 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY TAX 001-163-999-5220 001-163-999-5230 190-180-999-5230 001 - 161-999-5230 190-180-999-5256 193-180-999-52/+0 190-180-999-5238 001-163-999-5220 ! TEN AHOUNT 132.00 57.00 8.00 57.00 27. O0 105.00 8.00 /+,944.84 168.48 198.00 682.00 /+5. O0 765.87 35.25 5.99 7.50 13.75 3.50 71. oo 269.85 331.98 22.06- 55.55 8.93 2.94 5.38 29.90 65.35 13.95 43.80 13.95 75.60 750.95 57.39 2.43 17.28 17.28 2.87 PAG." CHECIC ANOUNT 197.00 197.00 168.48 880.00 /+5.00 765.87 772.31 17.25 166.95 75.60 75O.95 57.39 39.86 VO~IC.HRE2 1' I92 08:35 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 13595 13596 CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUHBER 12/23/92 000279 SAYRE, RICK REIHB FOR PIZZAS/TEEN C 001-170-999-5288 1212~192 000306 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE DEBIT MEHO 190-180-999-5212 ITEM AMOUNT 90.00 24.85 CHECK AMOUNT 90.00 24.85 13597 12/23/92 000~22 UNIGLOBE BUTTERFIELD TR AIRFARE TO SAN FRAN/R. 001-100-999-5258 13597 12/23/92 000322 UNIGLOBE BUTTERFIELD TR AIRFARE TO SAN FRAN/R, 001-100-999-5258 133.00 138.00 271. O0 13598 12/23/92 000326 UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE 13599 12/23/92 0003~8 ZIGLER, GAlL RENTAL OF UNIFORMS ANO 190-180-999-5243 PAYMENT FOR PROGRAM REF 190-180-999-5300 13.60 75.00 13.60 75.0O 13600 lZ/23/92 000358 DIXON, DAVID F. 13601 12123192 000364 GREEK, JUNE S. REIMB, VISION PREMIUM 001-1180 TRAVEL REINB./ELECTION 001-120-999-5258 20.07 32.64 20.07 32.64 13602 12/Z3/92 000374 SCIJTHERN CALIF EDISON 51779059001020005-10/28 191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 52777960816020009-10/30 191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 527790702000010000-10/2 191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 53778001401020000-10/30 191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 53778061811030007-10-31 190-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 53778130153020007-10/31 191-180-999-5500 Y"'? 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 5377813210~01000A-10/31 190-180-999-5240 1._,Z 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALZF EDISON 53778133201020003-10/31 191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALZF EDZSOR 53778500090020007-10/30 191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 54778077614020001-10/31 195-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 54778077626020007-10/31 193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON 54778280102020000-11/2-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON 54T/8282002020007-11/2-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 54778286~04020002-11/2-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CAL[F EDISON 5~778286503020002-11/2-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 54778286505020000-11/2-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 00037A SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 5577126050002000~-11/3-190-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON 55771267901030003-11/3-19]-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 56777550136020002-11/4-191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 5677'/551975010005-11/4-191-180-999-5500 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 57775656701020002-11/5-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 57775656802030009/11/5-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 57775663324020005-11/2-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 57T/7802489030007-11/5-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 57777808740030009-11/5-193-180-999-5240 13602 12/23/92 000374 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 57777808742030007-1115-193-180-999-5240 1360~ 12/23/92 000~75 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON 714-~5-7418-12/09/92 . 190-180-9~-5208 13603 12/23/92 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON 714-345-6005-DECEMBER C 001-110-9ff-5208 13603 12/23/92 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHOR 714-345-7426 DECEMBER C 001-100-~-5Z08 13603 12/23/92 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON 714-::~9-3439 DECEHBER C 001-120-~-5208 13604 12/23/92 000~06 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIF 1360r~ 12/23/92 000/,08 AGRICREDIT ACCEPTANCE C TEMECtJLA BIKE PATROL/OC TRACTON LEASE/JAN 001-170-999-5326 190-180-999-5239 195.57 205.59 148.29 242.03 13.20 168.23 1,517.61 145.51 155.88 13.80 13.20 12.92 12.92 17.16 12.80 12.80 12.40 12.40 168.25 35.93 13.02 12.91 13.31 14.51 13.42 13.42 125.69 315.22 37.6~ 40.28 356.10 84,6.02 3,197.08 518.83 356.10 846.02 VOUCHRE2 12/24/92 08:35 CiTY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPT]ON NUHBER 13606 12/23/92 000~26 RANCNO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL JAMES RiVER fi16 BLEACH 190'182-999-5212 13606 12123/92 000626 RANCNO INDUSTRIAL $UPPL 2-PLY TISSUE - 96 ROLLS 190-182-999-5212 13606 12/23/92 000426 RANCNO iNDUSTRIAL SUPPL ~43LL - 15X9X32 - 15 GA 190-182-999-5212 13606 12/23/92 000426 RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL TAX 190-182-999-5212 13607 12123192 000427 ARTESIA iMPLEMENT 13608 12/23/92 000428 HORIZON MATER 13609 12/23/92 000630 GROUP AMERZCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000630 GROUp AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUp AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUp AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUp AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUp AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AERZCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUp AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUp AMERiCA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13609 12/23/92 000430 GROUP AMERICA 13610 12/23/92 000492 McLARNEY, HARY JANE 13611 12/23/92 000499 $CCCA DRILL BUMPER FOR TRAZLE 310-180-999-5214 ACCT # 02-1200/NOVEMBER 190-182-999-5240 GENERAL FUND 001-2360 PUBLIC t4ORKS 100-2360 TCSD 190-2360 TCSO-LEVEL A 191-2360 TCSD-LEVEL B 193-2360 INSURANCE 300-2..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'~ INFO. SYSTEHS 320-23450 COPY CENTER 330-23~ LI'D GENERAL FUND 001-2380 LTD PUBLIC IJORKS 100-2380 LTD TCS!) 190-2380 LT!) TCSD-LEVEL A 191-2380 LTD TC$1) LEVEL B lf3-2380 LTD INSURANCE 300-2380 LTD INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320-2380 LTD COPY CENTER 330-2380 STD GENERAL FUND 001-2500 STD PUBLIC iiORKS 100-2500 STD TCSO 1~0-2500 STD TCSD LEVEL A 191-2500 STD TC$O LEVEL B 193-2500 STD INSURANCE 300-2500 STD INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320-2500 STD COPY CENTER 330-2500 GENERAL FUND 001-2510 PUBLIC i,/ORKS 100-2510 TCSD 190-2510 INSURANCE 300-2510 TRAVEL REIMB./FiN SENIN 001-140-999-5258 RECORDS MANAGEMENT MTG 001-120-999-5258 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNZA ED[ 43TIOT/'1~6702-10/31-11-'.191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI 4377077138302-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI 43/7077515802-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDi 43T/OT/516002-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDi 4377077316102-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDZ 4377077516202-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA F.D[ 4377077315902-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI 437'/0T/53~801-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 13612 12/23/92 000537 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI 4377077146502-10/31-11/191-180-999-5500 ITEM AMOUNT 166.08 218.40 19.54 31.31 22.0O 51.30 515.36 78.38 133.00 4.28 14.7"2 4.76 9.50 19.00 811.11 125.76 183.83 5.36 19.07 7.58 15.05 15.07 182.18 28.21 41.90 1.22 1.73 3.43 3.43 227.22 36.48 97.90 1.80 26.59 50.00 21.23 40.60 40.86 43.43 43.87 44.21 45.68 34.30 41.69 PAGE ~'~ CHECK AMOUNT 435.33 22.00 51.30 2,591.67 26.59 50.00 V~RE2 ~'92 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 13612 ~3612 13613 13614 13614 13614 13616 13617 13618 08:35 CHECK DATE 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 VENDOR NUMBER 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 000643 000~4 000~4 000~4 000728 000752 000758 000759 VENDOR NAME SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALl FORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALl FORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALZFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI FORTNER HARDHARE A & R lISTOH SCREEN PRZ A & R lISTOH SCREEN PRZ A & R lISTOH SCREEN PR[ RANSEY BACKFLO~/& PLUHB STONE, JEFFREY E. TEMElILA PIZZA COHPANY LIHDENANS, KARL CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCR/PT~OH 4377077520001-11/01-11/ 437707'/526902-10/31-11/ 43770771~&702-10/31-11/ 43770T!527002-10/31-11/ 4377077510502-10/31-11/ 4377077534202-10/31-11/ 4377077535002-10/31-11/ 4377077524801-10/31-11/ 4377077534901-10/31-11/ 4377077518502-10/31-11/ 4377077650002-10/31-11/ 43T'/077650601-10/31-11/ 4377077534702-10/31/11/ 43770T/515702-10/31-11/ 43T/'077383802/11/01-11/ OPEN P.O. FOR MISC. SUP 66 EA. T-SH/RTS; LONG S 66 EA. T-SHIRTS; LONG S 66 EA. T-SHIRTS; LONG S TESTING & REPAIR REIMBURSEMENT OF OVERPA HOLIDAY LIGHTS EXPENSE REZMB, ACCOUNT NUHBER 192-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 191-180-999-5500 190-180-999-5212 190-183-905-5300 190-183-906-5300 190-183-907-5300 193-180-~-5510 001-100-999-5258 190-183-939-5300 001-100-~99-5260 ITEM AMOUNT 15,105.86 40.80 21.23 39.56 40.67 41.94 29.20 105.86 22.25 45.23 43.17 30.23 133.60 18.52 8.91 11.09 500.39 166.80 166.80 610.00 120.00 371.74 36.35 PAGE 5 CHECK AMOUNT 16,082.90 11.09 833.99 610.00 120.00 371.74 36.35 TOTAL CHECKS 35,766.65 VOUCHRE2 01/04/93 15:58 FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUMD 190 COIIeUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD ZONE A 192 TCSD ZONE B 193 TCSD ZONE C TCSD ZONE D 210 CAPITAL IHPROVENENT PROJ FUND 300 INSURANCE FUND 310 VEHICLES FUND 320 INFONNATZUN SYSTENS 330 COPY CENTER FUND TOTAL CZTY OF TEHECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS NRQUNT 69,801.56 6,201.12 14,025.24 1,002.90 117.76 4,121.~ 679.00 720.6~ 32.14 1,622.~ pAGF/'~ V/!~,CHRE2 1~/93 VOUCHER/ CHECK NURBER 13619 13619 1:5619 13619 13619 13619 13619 13619 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 ..,20 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 13620 1:3620 13620 13620 13620 13621 13621 13621 13621 13622 15:58 CHECK DATE 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 '12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/23/92 12/28/92 VENDOR NUMBER 000196. 000196 00019/, 00019/, 000196/, 00019/, 0001964. 00019/, 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 000765 OOQ~30 000/,30 000630 000630 000153 VENDOR NAME CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PEREGOS ITEM DESCRIPTION IC:NA RETIREMENT ICNA RETIREMENT ICNA RETIREMENT ZCNA RETIREMENT !C)!A RETIREMENT ICMA RETZREMENT ZCNA RETIREMENT IClM RETIREMENT GROUP AMERICA GRCXJP AMERICA GROUP AMER I CA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMER I CA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA GROIJP AMERICA GROUP AMERICA INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D INSURANCE PREHZUM FOR D INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D INSURANCE PREMIUM FOR D LIFE/AD&D PREMIUM FOR D L]FE/AD&D PREMIUM FOR D LIFE/AD&D PREMIUM FOR D LIFElAD&i) PREMIUM FOR D LIFEIAD&D PREMIUM FOR D LIFEIAD&D PREMIUM FOR D L]FE/AD&D PREMIUM FOR D LIFElAD&I) PREMIUM FOR D LTD PREMIUM FOR DECEMBE LTD PREMIUM FOR DECENBE LTD PREMIUM FOR DECENBE LTD PREMIUM FOR DECEMBE LTD PREMIUM FOR DECEMBE LTD PREM]UM FOR DECEMBE LTD PREMIUM FOR DECENBE LTD PREMIUM FOR DECEMBE BTI) PREMIUM FOR DECEMBE $TD PREMILIN FOR DECEMBE $TD PREMIUM FOR DECEIVE BTD PRENZUM FOR DECENBE BID PRENIUM FOR DECBeE $TD PREMIUM FOR DECEMBE STD PREMIUM FOR DECENBE STO PREMIUM FOR DECENBE GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP AMERICA - VOLUNTA VOLUNTARY LIFE/DECEMBER AERICA - VOLUNTA VOLUNTARY LIFE/DEC 1992 AHERICA - VOLUNTA VOLUNTARY LIFE/DEC 1992 AMERICA - VOLUNTA VOLUNTARY LIFE/DEC 1992 CR&R INCORPORATED 6 140. TRASH & RECYCLING 319700 12/30/92 000283 BARK OF AMERICA 000283 FIr, A/NED 319700 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/MED 319700 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/MED 319700 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/Ird) 319700 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/NED 319700 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/MED 319700 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 F/CA/NED 319700 12130192 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/MED 319~0Q 12/30/92 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 FICA/MED 31S 12/30/92 00028~ BANK OF AMERICA 000283 USIT ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-2080 100-2080 190-2080 191-2080 193-2080 300-2080 320-2080 330-2080 001-2360 100-2360 190-2360 191-2360 193-2360 300-Z560 320-2360 330-2360 001-2380 100-2380 190-2380 191-2380 300-Z380 320-2380 330-2380 001-2500 100-2500 190-2500 191-2500 193-2500 300-2500 320-2500 330-2500 001-2510 100-2510 190-2310 300-2510 196-180-999-5535 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-2070 ITEM AMOUNT 7,80~.35 4~.~ 1,479.24 62.38 76.2/, /,62.02 293.76 515.36 ~.~ 133.00 /,.28 1/,.72 9.50 19.00 811.11 125.~ 18.8 19.07 7.58 15.~ 15.07 1~.18 ~.21 1.22 1.~ 227.22 36.48 97.90 1.80 605,998.92 2,352.8~ 375.66 528.5/, 1/,.06 ' 18./.2 18.88 37.30 /.1.26 10,066.88 PAGE 2 CHECK ANOLINT 10,652.82 2,228.27 363.60 605,998.92 VOUCHRE2 01/0~/93 15:58 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME 319700 319700 319700 319700 319700 319700 319700 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 290709 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 390709 13626 13627 13628 13629 13630 13631 13631 13631 13632 13633 13634 1363~ 13&3~ 13635 13636 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 '12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 12/30/92 01104193 01104193 01/06/93 01104193 01/06/93 01/04/93 01/04/93 01/04/93 01/06/93 01/04/93 01/04/93 01/06/93 01/04/93 01/04/93 01/04/93 01104193 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 BANK OF ANERICA 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 BANK OF AMERICA 000283 BANK OF AMERICA CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCRIPTIOR 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 000283 USIT 0006~4 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT O004Jde CAIT 0004~4 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 0006~ CAIT 000644 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT O~ CAIT 000~ EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 0004~e CAIT 0004~4 EMPLOYMENT DEVELO!~IENT 0004~ CAIT 00064/e EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 000644 CAIT 000/~ EMPLOYMENT OEVELOPNENT 0004~e CAIT 000664 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 0006/~ CAIT 000644 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT O004J~ O004Je4 EMPLOYMENT OEVELOPNENT O004J~ SDI 0004J~ EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT O004J~ 0004J~ EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT O01Y~4 000644 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOI~!ENT 000444 0004~e4 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT O004J~ 000~ EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 000~4 000444 EMPLOYI4ENT DEVELOPHENT 000644 SDI ALARCOR SONS, INC. MISSION UNIFORMS KIM, DANIEL P.A.P.A. LEONARDS CARPET SERVICE 000127 CALIFORNIAN 000127 CALIFORNIAN 000127 CALIFORNIAN 000128 CAL-SURANCE ASSOCIATES, 000130 CANYON REPROGBAPHICS 000137 CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. 000137 CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. 000137 CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. 000137 CHEVRON U.S.A. ZNC. 000168 FLO~4ER CORRAL ALARCOR SONS, INC/REFUN MISSION POOLS/REFUNO DANIEL KIN/REFUND P-A-P.A./SEMINAR LEONARDS CARPETS/REFUND ADVERTISING ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING PROP PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND IN ZONING NAPS-S1.17 EACH FUEL EXPENSE/SEPT-OCT FUEL EXPENSE/SEPT-OCT FUEL EXPENSE/SEPT-OCT FUEL EXPENSE/SEPT-OCT SUNSHINE FUND ACCOUNT NUMBER 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 193-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 001-2070 100-2070 190-2070 191-2070 192-2070 193-2070 300-2070 330-2070 001-199-6056 001-162-6285 001-162-6285 190-180-999-5258 001-2660 001-161-999-5256 001-150-999-5256 001-120-999-5256 300-199-999-5200 001-161-999-5226 001-110-999-5263 001-161-999-5262 001-170-999-5262 190-180-999-5263 001-2170 ITEM AMOUNT 1,707.06 1,950.32 66.98 190.16 69.29 208.34. 58.66 2,8~2.57 363.68 602.55 16.64 34.55 15.05 43.5 7 8.32 656.52 59.9r 1~8.08 6.06 7.96 21.52 3.10 17.78 35,00 88.11 30.00 65.00 73.87 258.18 66.00 12.39 350.00 31.52 56.35 16.63 76.20 10.00 56.95 pAG,"~. CHECK /mOUNT 17,754.17 6,697.70 35.00 88.11 30. O0 65.00 73.87 336.57 350.00 31.52 156.98 34'~ 000170 FRANKLIN QUEST CONPANY BIND SIN LTHR 5x8 2.0 001-161-999-5220 65.20 65.20 }PXICHRE2 ~4/93 15:58 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUHBER MANE 13637 01/04/93 000184 GTE 136~8 01/04/93 000218 HARILYN'S COFFEE SERVIC 13639 01/04/~3 000228 MOBIL 1:~S39 01/04/93 000228 MOBIL 13639 01/04/93 000228 MOBIL 13639 01/06/93 000228 HOBIL 13640 01/04/93 000243 PAYLESS DRUG STORE 13640 01/0~/93 000243 PAYLESS DRUG STORE ITEM DESCRIPTION 909-699-Z675/P.gRKS COFFEE SERVICE; CITY HA FUEL/NOV. FUEL/NOV. FUEL/NOV. FUEL/NOV. SLIDE FILM CREDIT NEW) 1521CR 13641 01/0~/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 PER REDE 13641 01/0~/93 000246 PERS EHPLOYEE$, RETIREM 000246 PER REDE 13641 01/0/,/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 0002~6 PERS RET 1~6~1 01/04/93 000246 PERS EHPLOYEES' RETZREM 0002~6 PERS RET 136~1 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETZREM 000246 PERS RET 13641 01/06/93 0002/,6 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 PERS RET 13641 01/04/93 0002~6 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 PERS RET 11641 01/0~/93 000246 PERS EHPLOYEES' RETIREN 00024,6 PERS RET 13641 01/0~/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES, RETIREM 000246,6 PERS RET ""41 01/0~/93 000246 PERS EHPLOYEES' RETIREH 000246 PERS RET ._..~1 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 PERS RET 13641 01/0~/93 000246,6 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 SURVIVOR 1:r~541 01/04/93 0002~6 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 0002/e6 SURVIVOR 136~I 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RET[REM 000246,6 SURVIVOR 13641 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 0002~6 SURVIVOR 13641 01/04/93 0002~6 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246,6 SURVIVOR 136A1 01/04/93 000246 PERS E~PLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 SURVIVOR 13641 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 SURVIVOR 13641 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREM 000246 SURVIVOR 13641 01/04/93 000246 PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREN 000246 SURVIVOR 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000269 PETTY CASH' 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH 13642 01/04/93 000249 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH TCSD TCSD TCSD TCSO ACCOUNT NIJMBER 001-163-999-5208 001-1~-~-5250 001-110-~-52~ 1~0-180-~-5263 001-162-f~,-5263 001-163-~-52&.~ 190-1~-~-5250 001-2130 100-2130 . 001-23~0 100-23~0 1~)-23~0 191-2:$~0 1~2-23~0 300-2~X) 320-23~0 530-Z$~0 ~1 -~ 191 -a~ 192-~ ~20-~ ~0-~ 001 - 1~-~-5220 320-1 ~- ~- 5221 001 - 161 -~-52~0 001 - 161 -~-5220 330-199-999-5230 001 - 162-~-5220 001-1(~3-f~-52~0 001-100-~-5220 001-1~-~-5220 001-1&3-~-5250 1~0-183-931-5300 190-183-937-5300 190-183-819-5300 I T EM AMOUNT 17.57 64.01 169.53 1~.22 89.30 452.0~ 22.97 .37- 42.9~ 171.76 10,094.43 1,570.04 2,233.50 69.01 245.23 92.69 183.21 202.58 7.67 13.02 .42 1.~4 1.86 4.82 9.45 50.38 4.25 3.33 5.38 39. O0 25,26 5.39 21.31 11.93 25.65 17.32 CHECK ANOUNT 17.57 64.01 910.14 22.60 15,071.19 Z97.27 13643 01/04/93 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE ADVERTISING 001-150-~-525& 132.72 136/3 01/04/93 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE ADVERTISING Q01-150-999-5254 158.16 290.88 VOUCHRE2 01/04/93 15:58 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUNBER DATE NUNBER 13644 01/0/,/93 000261 13644 01/0/,/93 000261 13644 01/0/*/93 000261 13645 01/04/93 000262 13645 01/04/93 000262 13645 01/04/93 000262 13646 01/04/93 000266 13646 01/04/93 000266 13646 01/04/93 000266 13647 01/04/93 00027'8 13648 01/04/93 000291 13649 01/04/93 000299 13650 01/04/93 000322 13650 01/04/93 000322 13651 01/0/*/93 000325 13651 01/04/93 000325 13651 01/04/93 000325 13651 01/04/93 000325 13652 01/04/93 000326 13652 01/04/93 000326 13653 01/04/93 000339 1365/* 01/04/93 000342 1365~ 01/0/*/93 0003/,2 13655 01/04/93 000374 13655 01/04/93 00(0?4 13655 01/04/93 0O03?/* 13655 01/04/93 0003?/* 13655 01/04/93 000376 13655 01/04/93 0003?/* 13655 01/04/93 00037/* 13655 01/04/93 00037/* 13655 01/04/93 00037/* 13655 01/0~/93 000376 13655 01/04/93 OO037/* 13655 01/04/93 0O03?6 13655 01/04/93 OO0376 13655 01/04/93 00037/* 13655 01/04/93 00o37/* 13655 01/04/93 00037/* 13655 01/04/93 0003?6 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM MANE DESCRIPTION NUHBER ANOUNT RANCHO BLUEPRINT RANCHO BLUEPRZNT RANCNO BLUEPRINT 2 SHEETS OF ALFAC-TONE TAX VIA LOBO DESTILING BASI RANCHO gATER RANCHO gATER RANCHO gATER gATER USAGE 10/22/92-11 liTER USAGE 10/22-11/23 UATER USAGE 10/22-11/23 RIGHTInlAY RIGHTgAY RIGHTgAY SPORTS PARK RENTAL SAN HICKS PARK 12/11-1/ PORTABLE TO]LET; 1 YEAR SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE JOD ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TR $PEE DEE OIL CHANGE & T REPAIR & NAINTENANCE;VE STRACHOTA ]NBURANCE ]NLARD MARINE ENDORSEHE UNIGLODE BUTTERFIELD TR AIRFARE/JEFF STONE/SAN UNIGLOBE BUTTERFIELD TR TICKETS/P.B. JAN 6-7 UNITED gAY OF THE INLAB 000325 Ug UNITED gAY OF THE INLAN 000325 U~ UNITED k{AY OF THE INLAN 000325 Ug UNITED gAY OF THE INLAN 000325 Lre/ UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE 2-SETS OF UNIFORMS; CLE 2-SETS OF UNZFORNS; CLE ~EST PUBLISHING CONPANY CA CD AN V&BA & 688 gINDSOR PARTNERS - RANC JAINARY RENT & TI, DEC gINDSOR PARTNERS - RANC TRIP CHARGE TO FIND SHE SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALZF EDISON SOUTHERN CALZF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CAL/F EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON SOUTHERN CAL[F EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF ED]SOR 53778131120030004/10/31 53778509301010004/10/30 5977/.160080020003-11/7- 5977/.162307020006-11/07 59776164505010003-11/?- 597T/992338030005-11/?- 59777992504030003-11/?- 59777993303010006-11/?- 5977799/*C)83020009/11/7L 5977799/.085030006-11/?- 59T'/802341/.030000/11/9- 59778051021030001-11/7- 59Tr8055423030006-11/?- 6O?76110011020000-11/10 6O776111093030008-11/10 6O77/.11109/*030007-11/10 6077/.1110950300O6-11/10 001-161-999-5220 001-161-999-5220 001-163-999-5268 193-180-999-52/*0 191-180-999-52/*0 190-180-~-52/*0 190-180-999-5238 190-180-999-5238 100-164-999-5238 001-150-999-525/* 310-162-999-521/, 300-199-99,, ~Z04 001-100-999-5258 001-100-999-5258 001-2120 100-2120 190-2120 300-2120 100-164-999-52/.3 100-164-999-52/.3 001-120-999-5228 001-1~-999-523~ 001-1~J~9-5212 190-180-999-52/,0 191 - 180-999-5500 191 - 180-999-5500 191 - 180-999-5500 191 - 180-999-5500 193-180-999-52/.0 193-180-999-52/*0 193-180-999-52/.0 193-180-999-52/*0 193-180-999-52/*0 193-180-999-52/,0 193-180-999-52/*0 193-180-999-52/,0 193-180-999-52/.0 190-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5260 193-180-999-52/.0 9.68 .75 2,855.28 37'8.02 229.55 57.39 691 .?/* 32.1/* 116.00 1/.1.00 65.75 8.00 1.25 12.50 12.50 29,118.71 80.00 1,520.51 160.33 1~4.52 151 203 13.31 13.31 13.31 13.31 13.86 12.91 12.91 12.52 12.52 12.52 pAGF''~, CHECK ANOUNT 29.83 3,301 ./,~ 601.72 691.7/*' 32.1/* 116.00 627.00 89.00 25.00 ~.~ 29,198.71 yI~..HRE2 15:58 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 13655 13655 13656 13656 13656 1;5656 13656 13657 13658 13658 13658 13659 13659 13659 13660 13662 13662 13663 13~3 13663 13(~ 13665 13666 13667 13667 13667 13667 13667 13(~58 13668 13668 13669 13669 CHECK DATE 01/06/f3 01106193 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/0~/93 01106193 01106193 01106193 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/04/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 01/04/93 01/06/93 01/06/93 VENDOR NUMBER 000376 O00376 000375 000375 000375 000375 000375 000381 000389 000389 000389 000609 000609 000626 000661 000512 000512 000532 000532 000532 000537 000575 000383 000705 000705 000705 000705 000705 0007O6 000706 000706 000715 000715 VENDOR NAME SOUTHERN CAL]F EDISON SDUTHERN CALIF EDISON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CAL]F TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON TIRIT]LL], STEVE J. USCN USON USCM VALLEN SAFETY SUPPLY VALLEN SAFETY SUPPLY VALLEN SAFETY SUPPLY RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL PINKY'S CADET UNIFORM CADET UNIFORM SECURITY PACIFIC NAT'L SECURITY PACIFIC NAT'L SECURITY PACIFIC NAT'L SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDZ APOLLO SUEEPING, INC. RANCHO RUNNERS ACCESS DATA ACCESS DATA ACCESS DATA ACCESS DATA ACCESS DATA A-1 SIGNS A-1 SIGNS A-1 SIGNS A.W. DIRECT, INC. A.V. DIRECT, INC. ITEM DESCRIPTION 6orr61176~9o2ooo5-11/lo 60776117670030006-11/10 7163231559-NOVEMBER 199 714-365-7619/A.E. 714-365-7619/A.E. 7163657421-NOVENBER CHA ?143457625-NOVEMBER JANUARY RENT 000389 PT RETIR 000389 PT RETIR 000389 PT RETIR 1702 7152 TRANSPORTAT]ON & FREIGH TAX #198 TOILET TISSUE PAYMENT OF 80~ CONTRACT ENTRY RUG SERVICE: CITY ENTRY RUG SERVICE: CITY 6798020000010773/D.D 6708020000010773 4798020000016262\NOVE!e 63770T/14~xt~02- 10/31 - 11/ 2 BASINS AT AVEN/DA ALV MESSENGER SERVICE; DAIL PIPASS FOR DOS klRPASS FOR DOS NTPASS FOR DOS CREDIT MEND 5302 CR FREIGHT RATER]AL TO INSTALL 8' · LABOR TAX HL-IOA COCKPIT LIGHT-PL FREIGHT ACCOUNT NUMBER 193-180-999-5260 190-180-999-5260 001-110-999-5208 001-162-999-5208 001-162-999-5208 001-163-999-5208 001-110-999-5208 190-182-999-5234, 001-2160 100-2160 190-2160 100-166-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 190-180-999-5212 1~0-183-844-5300 001-199-999-5250 001-199-999-5250 001-110-999-5220 001-110-999-5260 001-161-999-5258 191-180-999-5500 100-166-999-54.01 001-160-999-5210 320-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 193-180-999-5510 193-180-999-5510 193-180-999-5510 100-164-999-5262 100-164-999-5262 ZTEM AHOUNT 12.52 12.52 56.38 55.32 45.17 63.93 58.O6 3,3?6.95 219.82 120.00 169,10 21.25 6.58 1.65 39.22 208,00 34.25 34.25 6L60 39.61 19.80 975.00 165.00 157.25 157.25 211.65 211.65- 10.00 315.00 112.50 26.61 26.93 2.25 CHECK AMOUNT 2,363.16 278.86 3,376.95 508,92 27.68 39.22 208.00 68.50 708.65 19.80 975.00 165.00 326.50 651.91 27.20 13~ 01/06/93 000726 A & R CUSTOM SCREEN PRZ SMEATSHIRTS;HOGOED;BLAC 190-183-932-5300 216.00 13~ 01/06/93 000726 A & R lUSTON SCREEN PRI T-SHIRTS;RED; (13 LRG; 190-183-932-5300 102.00 VOUCHRE2 01/04/f3 15:58 CITY OF TEIqECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PER]ODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEN ACCOUNT NUNBER DATE NLINBER NANE DESCRIPTION NUIqBER 13670 01/0~/93 000726 A & R CUSTON SCREEN PRI TAX 13671 01/04/9n~ 000737 BRIGHTklORK DEVELOPNENT, SPECIAL UPGRADE BUNDLE 320-199-~-5221 13671 01/O~/~J 000737 BRIGHTk~RK DEVELOPNENT, FREIGHT 320'199-9~9-5221 13671 01/04/93 000737 BRIGHT~ORK DEVELOPNENT, TAX 320-199-999-5221 13672 01/04/93 000745 AT & T - CELLULAR 619'987'1828/NOVENBER B 001'140'999-5208 13673 01/0~/93 000751 SKILLPATH, ]NC. SENINAR/BRAD B,/FEB 8 001'163-999-5258 13674 01/04/93 000762 NORTH AMERICAN TITLE CO TITLE REPORT OR NCOO~EL 210-1~0-119-5802 1~0-183-f32-5300 TOTAL CHECKS ZTEN AHOUNT 24.65 295.00 7.50 22.86 25.50 99.00 679,00 CHECK ANOUNT 3/,2.65 325.36 25,50 99.00 679.00 704,988.Z5 ~xaI:~HRE2 17:05 CiTY OF TENECtJLA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUNO 110 RANCHO CALIF ROAD REIHB DIST 120 DEVELOPNENT iMPACT FUND 190 CONNUNITY SERVICES DISTRZCT 19~ TCSD ZONE C 210 CAPZTAL iNPROVENENT PROJ FUND 280 REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY - CIP ~10 VEHICLES FUND 320 INFORNATION SYSTEH$ TOTAL NqOUNT 65,746.95 38,618.68 30,085.50 10,800.00 28,382.66 1,250.00 ~67,101.06 25,402.53 1,155.06 8,102.64 VOUCHRE2 0110~193 17:05 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME 13680 13681 13681 13681 13681 13681 13681 13681 13681 13681 13681 13682 13683 1368~ 13685 13686 13687 13688 13688 13689 13689 13689 13689 13689 13689 13690 13690 13691 13691 13691 13692 13692 13&~2 13693 13693 13693 13693 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/1Z/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/95 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000102 00012~ 000126 TAYLOR Id3ODRCN HONES ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAR ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN 'ALLIED BARRICADE CONPAN AMERICAN FENCE COMPANY BURKE MILLIAHS & SOltENS CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE 0001~4 COSTCO MHOLESALE 000161 EDEN SYSTEMS, INC, 000164 ESGIL CORPORATION 0001(~ 000166 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO 000209 L & M FERT]LIZER 000209 L & M FERTILIZER 000209 L & M FERTILIZER 000209 L & M FERTILIZER 000209 L & M FERTILIZER 000209 L & M FERTILIZER 000212 000212 000217 000217 000217 LEMI$ VALLEY CONTRACTOR LEgIS VALLEY CONTRACTOR NARGARITA OFFICIALS ASS HARGARITA OFFICIALS ASS NARGARITA OFFICIALS ASS 000231 NBS/L(NRY 000231 NBS/LOVRY 000231 NBS/LINRY 000260 ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING 000260 ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING 000260 ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING 0002/*0 ORANGE COUNTY STR]P]NG CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS I TEN DESCRIPT]OR REFUND OF FEES MIND MASTER MOI)EL 6812 68" C-gA 68" C"22B 68" C'20 /,8:: C-26 OVERLAY BACK BRACES TAX ENERGENCY SIGN SUPPLIES FENCING AT FRONT &NAZN MODAFFARE, CAROL VS/NOV LABOR, MATERIALS & EQUI REFUND/OVERCHARGE SOFTMARE SUPPORT FEE PLAN CHECKS/NOV, PRELIMINARY TITLE REPOR CSl) MAINTENANCE AREAS R OPEN P,O. MISC, PARTS; REPAIR JOHN DEERE LABOR FOR REPAIRS DELIVERY TAX M]SC. MAINTENANCE SUPPL GRADING RETENTION HENS SOFTBALL MONEN'S SOFTBALL COED SOFTBALL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENt. RC ROAD RAMP MIDENING CONST STAKING I~ 92'029 CITYVIDE STRIPING & STE CITY MIDE STENCILING & CITYVIDE STRIPING & STE /.1 L,F, OF GUARD MAIL R ACCOUNT NtNBER 120-199-6230 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 · 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5218 100-164-999-5244 100-164-fff-5/*02 001 - 130-~-52/,6 1~0-180-~-5250 001-2&&O 320- 001 - 162-~-5268 193-180-~9-5250 190-180-~q-5250 190-100-~-52/.2 310-180-~-521/* 310-180-~-521/* 310-180-~-521/* 310-180-~-521/, 100-164-~-5218 210-1~0-1:~-5806 210 - 2035 1~0-183-905-5300 1 ~0 - 183 - ~)6-5300 190-183-907-5300 110-165-622-580~ 110-165-622-5804, 210-190-129-5804, I00-164-~-5610 100-164-~-5610 100-164-~-5602 l TEN NKXJNT 10,800.00 636.00 68,00 34,00 34,00 15.00 160.00 80.17 3,237.00 3,195.01 9,987. O0 1,529.90 /*,912.50 6,061.58 1,250. O0 750.00 11.64 65/*.35 /,00. O0 50.00 50.71 447.11 16, 198.00 1,619.80- 876.00 198.00 268. O0 18,978.00 11,107.50 6,070.00 1,/,34.16 7,000.37 5,351 .~ 2,02~.00 pAC~. CHECK MOUNT 10,800.00 1,2/.7.11 3,237.00 3,195.01 9,987.00 1,529.90 /*,912., 6,061.58 2,000.00 1,613.81 1,342.00 36,155.50 15,81/, ~:aUCHRE2 36/93 VOUCHER/ CHECK NLNgER 13694 13694 13694 13694 13696 13694 13694 13696 13694 13694 13696 13(285 13696 13696 13697 13697 98 13699 13699 13699 13700 13701 13701 13702 13702 13702 13703 13703 13703 13 703 13703 1370~ 13705 13705 137O6 13,"" 13 17:05 CHECK DATE 01112193 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/~3 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/gr3 01/12/93 01/12/g3 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/~ 01/12/93 01/12/9nJ 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01112193 01/12/93 01/12/f3 01/12/~3 01/12/93 01/12/~3 01/12/~ 01/12/93 01112193 01/12/~3 01/12/9r~ 01/12/~73 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 01/12/93 VENDOR NUMBER 000257 000257 0OO257 000257 000257 000257 000257 000257 000257 000257 000257 000257 000271 000310 000310 000329 000~29 000332 000341 000341 000341 000354. 000355 000355 000384. 000384 000384 00~34 000~34 000434 000434 000~34 000,~.2 00O447 000~7 0004,82 0004.83 000~3 VENDOR NAME RANTEK RAHTEK BAMTEK RAHTEK RN4TEK RAMTEK RAHTEK RAHTEK RN4TEK RAHTEK RAHTEK RN4TEK RCIERT BEIN, liH FROST & TEHECULA CREEK INN TENECULA CREEK INN URBAN DESIGN STUO[O URBAN DESIGN STUDIO VANDORPE CHOU ASSOCIATZ MILLDAN ASSOCIATES HILLDAN ASSOCIATES HILLDAN ASSOCIATES RIVERSIDE COUNTY HEALTH RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIS. RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIS. LAH/CBANDALL, INC. LAU/CRANDALL, INC. LAH/CRANDALL, INC. SIERRA CCliPUTER SYSTBIS SIERRA COMPUTER SYSTEMS SIERRA COHPUTER SYSTEMS SIERRA COMPUTER SYSTEMS SIERBA COMPUTER SYSTEMS COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS CONTRONIX OF HENET COMTRONIX OF HENET LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES INLAND ASPHALT & COATIN INLAND ASPHALT & COATIN CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERI(]OS ITEM DESCRIPTION BALANCE DUE\TRENCHING 0 STREET IqAINTENANCE, STR TIHE AND MATERIALS FOR TIME AND MATERIALS FOR TIHE AND MATERIALS FOR DEBIT HEHO/FOOT ERRON TIME AND HATERIAL$ OF 1 TIME AND MATERIALS OF 1 TIlE AND MATERIAL OF 12 TIME AND HATERIAL$ OF 1 TIHE AND MATERIAL OF 12 TIHE AND HATERIALS OF 1 GRANT DEED RESEARCH BUSINESS HEALS/D. DIXON CONHISSIONERS DINNER NOV. SERVICES CREDIT HEllO PLAN CHECKS/NOV. PLAN CHECK OF GRADING F OCT. SERVICES PUJOL & FIRST ST. PLAN/ ANIMAL CONTROL FOB OCTO ELECTION SERVICES ELECTION SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL SERVICE AG AMENDMENT TO P.O. #1300 ANENDHENT TO P.O. #1300 PERMIT SOFTHARE PACKAGE PERMIT SOFTHARE PACKAGE BILLING PERIUD 11/16-11 PROGRAHING ASSISTANCE PERNIT SOFTgARE PACKAGE ALARM MONITORING; JARdA PORTABLE RADIO PACKAGES TAX REPLACES INVOICE 771/,3 RETENTION FOR Pt~2-01 RETENTION FOR Pt~2-01 ACCOUNT NUMBER 100-164-~-54.02 100-1t4-999-3402 100-166-999-5602 100-166-999-54.01 100-164.-999-54.01 100-166-999-54.02 100-164-999-54.02 100-1&~-~9~-54.02 100-164-999-54.01 100-16/.-999-54..02 100-164-99~-54.01 100-164-999-54.02 190-180-~-5250 001 - 110-~-52&0 001 - 100-9f9- 52~5 280-1~-~9~-5808 280-199-999-5808 001 - 162-~-5268 210-19~-801-5804. 21 O- 190-129-5804 100-164-999-524.8 001-172-999-5255 001-26?5 001-120-f9~-5225 210-165-606-5804, 210-165-606-580~ 210-165-606-5804 001-163-99~-5&&0 190-180-999-5660 190-180-99~-5(~60 320-1~-~-5250 1~0-180- 999- 56&0 001 - 1~-f~9-5250 001-171 -~9-5610 001 - 171-99~- 5610 210-1~0-129-5804. 210-165-&07-5804. 210-165-&07-580~ ITEM AMOUNT 1,037.70 2,1G2.52 409.17 2,267.61 312.81 10.00 4.,232.37 4.15.02 2,600.10 819.02 1,110.12 2,~. 25 289.f8 3,063.25 33,4.02.53 8,000.00- 1,021.89 5,000.00 1,380.00 7, 037. 735.00 16,8~8.33 6,300. O0 2,510.25 1,328.25 1,675.08 2,18&.94 210.06 1,150.00 135.00 4,814.80 373. 9,20~.00 22,453.65 1,171.95 PAGE 3 CHECK AMOUNT 16,292.6~ 3,353.25 25,4.02.53 1,021 10,4.00.00 7,037.4.3 17,583.33 10,138.50 5,639.16 135.00 5,187.94 9,209.00 23,625.60 VOUCHRE2 01/04/93 17:05 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUIIER NAME 13708 01/12/93 000513 SINIS, BECKY MCLEAN 13709 01/12/93 00o520 HINDERLITER DE LAMAS, A 13710 01/12/93 000538 R.J. NOBLE COMPANY 13711 01/12/93 000539 '/lINER YANADA ASSOCIATE 13712 01/12/93 OOO566 TVUSO 13713 01/12/95 O00586 RICK ENGZNEERING CONPAN 13716 01/12/93 oo06o3 CABLE & ,/IRELESS CONHUN 13715 01/12/93 000619 JAI4AR TECHNOLOGZES, ZNC 13715 01/12/93 000619 JANAR TECHNOLOGZES, 13715 01/12/93 000619 JANAR TECHNOLOGIES, 13715 01/12/93 000619 JANAN TECHNOLOG/ES, 13715 01/12/93 000619 JANAR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 13715 01/12/93 O0O619 JAHAR TECHNOLOGIES, INC 13716 01/12/93 00O6~8 BANANA BLUEPRINT 13716 01/12/95 OOO6/8 BANANA BLUEPRZNT 13716 01/12/95 000668 BANANA BLUEPRINT 13716 01/12/93 OOO6/,8 BANANA BLUEPRINT 13716 01/12/93 00O6~8 BANANA BLUEPRINT 13716 01/12/93 00O6~8 NANANA BLUEPR/NT 13717 01/12/93 0O0660 R.H. CASH CONSTRUCTION 13717 01/12/93 00O660 R.H. CASH CONSTRUCTZOR 13717 01/12/93 OO066O R.H. CASH CONSTRUCTION 13717 01/12/93 OOO66O R.H. CASH CONSTRUCTION CiTY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PER[(X)S ITEM DESCRIPTION MORDPERFECT TRAINING CO 3RD OUARTER 1902 HARGARITA ROAD EXTENSIO NOVEMBER SERVICES USE OF SCHOOL CLASSROOM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ( XCA8116361\11/16-12/15/ GKSO00 TRAFFIC COUNTER JANAR G-PORT TRAFFIC ANALYSIS SOFTHA 6 FT. LENGTH OF 3/16- H FREIGHT TAX DESIGN SERVICE FOR CRC DESIGN SERVICE FOR CRC DESIGN SERVICE FOR CRC DESION SERVICE FOR CRC DESIGN SERVICE FOR CRC DESIGN SERVICE FOB CRC PROGRESS/11/25/92 RETENTION PROGRESS/11/25/92 RETENTION ,ACCOUNT NUMBER 320-199-999-5250 001-160-999-5268 210-165-6O6-580~ 210-190-120-5802 1900-183-809-5300 210-165-6O6-5806 320-190-999-5208 001-163-999-5610 001-163-999-5610 001-163-999-5610 001-163-999-5610 001-163-999-5610 001-163-999-5610 210-190-129-5802 210-190-129-5802 210-1~0-129-5802 210-190-129-5802 210-1~0-129-5802 210-190-129-5802 210-1~0-129-580~, 210-2035 210-190-129-5806 210-2035 ITEM AMOUNT 1,275.00 12,602.87 125,706.71 6,673.81 6,680. O0 17,623.75 1,705.08 7,675.00 795.00 595.00 60.00 25. O0 691.69 356.~3 2,066.65 8.08 8.08 8.10 259,953,10 25,995.31- 8,669.00 866.90- pAGE-"~. CHECK AI'K)UNT 1,275.00 12,602.87 125,704.71 6,675.81 6,680.00 17,623.75 1,705.08 3,077.60 261,579.89 TOTAL CHECKS ITEM NO. 4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAT. ~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manger/City Council Mary Jane McLarney, Finance Officer January 12, 1993 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, '1992. DISCUSSION: Enclosed in your agenda packet is the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1992, including the independent auditor's report. As a result of the hard work of the City's Finance staff, we are pleased to note that the Auditors' opinion is unqualified (i.e. clean). ITEM NO. 5 APPROVAT. CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mary Jane McLarney, Finance Officer DATE: January 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Combining Balance Sheet September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: The City Council receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992. DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the City for the three months ended September 30, 1992. Please see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992 I ITEM NO. 6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL 'CITY ATTORNEY ~~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane McLarney, Finance Officer January 12, 1993' City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report as of November 30, 1992. DISCUSSION: Reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio and receipts, disbursements and fund balance are required by Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 respectively. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the Code Sections as of November 30, 1992. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENT: City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 1992 City of Temecula City Treasurers Report As of November30, 1992 Cash Activity for the Month of November: Cash and Investments as of November 1, 1992 Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of November 30, 1992 $ $ 15,749,317 1,305,918 (823,900) 16,231,335 Cash and Investments Portfolio: type of Investment Petty Cash Interest Checking Benefit demand deposits Deferred Comp. Fund Local Agency Investment Fund Institution N/A Bank of America Bank of America ICMA State Treasurer Yield N/A 2.650% N/A 4.659% Balance 800 279,017 8,984 254,587 15,687,947 16,231,335 (1) (1) (1)-This amount includes outstanding checks. Per Govemrnent Cede Requirements, this Treasurer's Report is in compliance with the City of Temecula's Investment Policy and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next thirty days of the City of Temecule_ Prepared by Carde Serfling, Senior Accountant ITEM NO. 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning January 12, 1993 Award of a Professional Services Contract to The Elliott Group to provide landscape plan review services and update City standards as they relate to landscape plan review. RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the City Council award a Professional Services Contract to The Elliott Group to provide landscape plan review services and update City standards as they relate to landscape plan review and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said contract. BACKGROUND The City is involved in three stages of landscape plan review. The first is at the development review stage, when plans are reviewed by staff and approved by the Planning Commission. The second stage is during the plancheck process, when plans are being reviewed by the Building and Safety Department for issuance of building permits, or being reviewed by the Public Works Department as part of public improvement plans. Irrigation plans are also reviewed at this time. The third stage involves a site inspection to verify the landscaping and irrigation were installed consistent with the approved plans. During its review of development projects, the Commission has raised concerns regarding the quality of landscape plan review. Currently the City is using the limited standards found in Ordinance 348. Once the Development Code (zoning ordinance) is completed, the City will have more comprehensive landscape review standards. In response to the Commission's comments, the Community Service, Planning and Public Works Departments met to discuss ways to improve landscape plan review. It was determined that contracting with a landscape architect would be more cost effective than hiring a staff member with the necessary experience or training. S%ST~OTT. OR,p I The City of Temecula issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to areawide consulting firms to provide landscape plan review and update City standards as they relate to 'landscape plan review. In response to the City's RFQ, twelve consulting firms submitted Statements of Qualifications (SOQ's). City Staff reviewed all SOQ's and ranked the terms based upon their expertise and ability to address the issues and prepare a scope of services. The six firms with the highest composite scores were asked to submit detailed work proposals. To evaluate the top firms, a selection committee composed of John Meyer, Doug Stewart, Gary King, Bruce Hartley, Harold Greek, and Grant Yates reviewed the proposals and interviewed the top six firms. After the interviews, the firms were ranked, and the top firm, The Elliott Group, was asked to submit detailed scope of services and to provide additional explanation on certain aspects of their proposals. As a result of this process, The Elliott Group was selected to provide the services. City Staff has refined The Elliott Group's Scope of Service, and has incorporated modifications into the City's standard professional services agreement. A copy of the proposed contract, scope of service, budget, and work schedule are attached to this report. Coordinating Committee Staff has presented the scope of work, including method of calculating fees to the City's Coordinating Committee. There was strong support for collecting fees based on flat rates and per sheet rates rather than on a percentage of the contract. During the discussion there was also the support for the service itself and comments on the need to establish landscape standards. The Elliott Group will also be asked to review the Community Services Department standards and make recommendations for its improvement. Preparation of interim design guidelines and preparation of an Ordinance to comply with AB 325 are no longer part of this contract. FISCAL IMPACT Included in the attached scope of services are the proposed fee rates for the Landscape Plan Review Services. The DRC review is a $200.00 flat rate per application. The Construction Drawing Review is $270.00 per sheet (not including the title sheet), and the Inspection fee is $225.00 per site visit. A breakdown of charges is also included. S~STARtP~3 i ~OTr. GRP 2 The current fees collected for Development Review and Plancheck do not cover the extended services included in the scope of work. The development fees will need to be increased to recover the cost of the service. Staff recommends the Council consider the amount of increase through the review of the McTighe Report. A workshop on the McTighe Report has been scheduled for January 19, 1993, Staff estimates that approximately $5,000.00 needs to be appropriated for the remainder of the fiscal year, However, because the application fees for the service should offset costs, the net fiscal impact to the City should be zero. Attachments: 1, 2. Proposed Contract - page 4 Scope of Service - page 14 S~STAPMOs~m · xO'IT. GRP 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PROPOSED CONTRACT S~ST~m · ;O'IT. O~P 4 AGRI~.I=.Mi=.NT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGRFJ~._MI:!~NT, made and entered into this 12th day of January, 1993, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and The Elliott Group, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". The parties hereto mutually agree as follows: SERVICF-q. Consultant shall perform the tasks set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule set forth in Exhibit A. PI~-I~I~ORMANCR. Consultant shall at all times, faithfully, industrially and to the best of his ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. PAYMENT. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, at the hourly rates set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Consultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within approximately thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice. Invoices must be submitted to: City of Temecula Accounts Payable 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 SUSPENSION. TERMINATION OR ABANDONMI~.NT OF AGRI~-I~.MENT. The City may, at any time, suspend, terminate or abandon this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. Within thirty-five (35) days after receiving an invoice from the Consultant, the City shall pay Consultant for work done through the date that work is to be ceased pursuant to this section. If the City suspends, terminates or abandons a portion of this Agreement such suspension, termination or abandonment shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. revised 2/21/92 SXSTAFIIRPrdI~OTT. ORP I BRF~ACH OF CONTRACT. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Default shall include not performing the tasks described herein to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Manager of the City. Failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder, if such failure arises out of causes beyond his control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, shall not be considered a default. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Consultant defaults in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the fight, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on January 12, 1993, and shall remain and continue in effect no later than January 12, 1994. Based pm ,itia; agreement from both parties this agreement may extend for two (2) one year extensions. Any disputes regarding performance, default or other matters in dispute between the City and the Consultant arising out of this Agreement or breech thereof, shall be resolved by arbitration. The arbitrator's decision shall be fmal. Consultant shall select an arbitrator from a list provided by the City of three retired judges of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. The arbitration hearing shall be conducted according to California Cede of Civil Procedure Section 1280, fj_r~. City and Consultant shall share the cost of the arbitration equally. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Upon satisfactory completion of, or in the -event of termination, suspension or abandonment of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings and notes prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed'pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. S',STAPPRP~ ~ ~01T. GRP 2 10. 11. INB~.P~.Nr}~:.NT CONTRACTOR. The Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. Neither the City nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of the Consultant or any of the Consultant's officers, employees or agents, except as herein set forth. The Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. LEGAL RFSPONSIBILITIF_S. The Consultant shall k~ep itself informed of State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. NOTICe.. Whenever it shall be necessary for either party to serve notice on the other respecting this Agreement, such notice shall be served by certified mail, pestage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the City Manager of the City of Temecula, located at 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590 and the Consultant at 637 Arden Drive, Encinitas, California 92024 unless and until different addresses may be furnished in writing by either party to the other. Notice shall be deemed to have been served seventy- two (72) hours after the same has been deposited in the United States Postal Services. This shall be valid and sufficient service of notice for all purposes. ASSIGNMENT. The Consultant shah not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any pan thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant's sole compensation shall be the value to the City of the services rendered. S~STAM:rRPT~M ~ IOTI'.ORp 3 12. Ae Ce LIABILITY INSURANCI:.. The Consultant shall maintain insurance acceptable to the City in full force an effect throughout the term of this contract, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Insurance is to be placed with insurer with a Bests' rating of no less than A: VH. The costs of such insurance shall be included in the Contractor's bid. The Consultant shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance: Mi/dmum ScQpe of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: Insurance Services Office form Number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering Comprehensive General I-i:~bility and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Sea'vices Office Commercial General Liability coverage Coccurrence" form CG 0001). Insurance Services Office form no. CA 0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA 0025. e Workers' Compensation insurance as required by Labor Code of the State of California an Employers' Liability insurance. 4. Errors and Omissions insurance. Minimum I iraits of Insurance. Contractor shah maintain limits of insurance no less than: General Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. e Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employee Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. 4. Errors and Omissions Insurance. $1,000,000. per occurrence. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductible in excess of $1,000 must be declared to and approved by the City. S~TAPFRlYDm ~ ;01'T. GRP Other Insurance Provisions. Insurance policies required by this contract shall contain or be endorsed to contain the following provisions: at All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspend, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City via United States First Class Mail. General Liability and Automobile I .i~hili~y coverage. The City of Temecula, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant, or automobiles owned, lease, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. With regard to claims arising from the Consultant's performance of the work described in this contract, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with, the Consultant's insurance. Any failure to comply with the reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers officials, employees or volunteers. Cm The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Worker's Compensation and ~-mployers Liability Coverage. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City of Temecula, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the Consultant for the City. S~ST~OTr. ORp 13. 14. de Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates are to be on forms provided by the City and are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. Consultant shall include all subconsultants as insureds under its policies or shall finnish separate certificates for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deduc~bles or self insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials and employees; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and rehted investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. LICENSRq. The Consultant and subconsultant shall obtain all necessary licenses, including but not limited to City Business License. IN~F-MNIFICATION. The Consultant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Temecula, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense cost, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Consultant's negligent performance under the terms of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of the City. 15. ENTIRE AGRRRM~.NT. This Agreement and any documents or instrument attached her, to or referred to her, in integrate all terms and conditions mentioned her.in or incidental hereto supersede all negotiations and prior writing in r~t to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conffict between the terms, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. EFFECTIVe- DATF. AND I:~A'~CUTION: This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date it is signed by the representatives of the City. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. $~rA1;I:RFr~OTr. GR~ 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT CITY OF TEMECULA By: By Ti~e J. Sal Mu~oz, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Scott F. Field, City Attorney ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk revised 2/21/92 S~STAFFIIFP,;n; ;O'I'T. GR~ ? EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED S'~TAPFRFDI~' z ?OTT. ORP I ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SCOPE OF SERVICE S~I'AFFRPT~m ~OTT. ORP 14 City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page I SCOPE OF SERVICES A. PLAN CHECK 1. DRC REVIEW: Once notified by the project planner that plans have been received, our office will pick up plans for review and site analysis. b) We will provide one (1) review for such things as placement of plantings for desired effects or purpose (i.e. screening or shading), and conformance with City standards. c) Our comments and observations will be put into written form and be provided to the project planner to forward to the submitter. d) Comments will generally be retumed to the project planner within two (2) days and in no case later than one (1) week after notification of plan pick-up. 2. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: When notified by the project planner that plans have been received, our office will pick up plans for review. b) We will verify consistency with previously approved plans and conditions. Landscape and irrigation plans will be checked for conformance with City standards. One set of plans will be redlined with comments notifying the submitter of necessary revisions to be made to bring the plans into conformance with City standards. Items not addressed in the City standards but that are outside the profession norms will also be marked for explanations from the submitter. c) Plans will be retumed to the project planner for pick-up by the submitter based on the established process. Once revisions have been rasubmitted, we will re-check the plans for conformance. Should all revisions have been made and all questions answered, the plans will be ready for approval. If all revisions are not made, one set of plans and the check list will be redlined again and returned to the submitter a second time for revisions. This process will continue until the plans are brought into conformance with City standards. City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page 2 e) Once plans are ready for approval, our office will review submitted cost estimates and determine proper bond requirements for each project. A final set of approved plans (originals) will be stamped "Approved" and be filed at the City for use when the project goes into the construction stage, after all bonds have been submitted and are approved and an agreement executed. g) Should items need to be checked which are not included in the standards, our office will coordinate with the City to amend the standards as required for future use. h) Comments/redlines will generally be returned to the project planner within I week and in no 'case later than 2 weeks after notification of plan pick-up. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION: Our office will provide construction inspection services in order to insure implementation is in conformance with the approved plans and the City standards. a) Areas which will or may have potential for City acceptance and maintenance: The following inspections will be provided: 1 ) Irrigation mainline pressure test. 2) Installation of sprinklers and valves prior to closing in trenches. 3) Irrigation coverage test and fine grading prior to commencement of soil preparation. 4) Completed finish grade following soil amendments and plant spotting prior to digging holes. Plant inspection will occur at this time as well. 5) Acceptance prior to start of Maintenance· We will also attend the pre-construction meeting when requested to do so. b) Areas not to become City maintained landscapes: The following inspections will be provided: 1 ) Final inspection after all work has been completed per the plans and specifications. City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page 3 For areas which may become a City maintained landscape, our office will review completed 'AS-BUILTS' to insure conformance with City standards. Upon completion of the implementation, maintenance end guarantee period, and turnover of as-buiits, where required, our office will review the project and notify the City of completion for bond releases. REVIEW OF STANDARDS/GUIDELINES/PLAN CHECK PROCESS/AB 325: INTERIM STANDARDS/GUIDELINES City maintained areas: Our office will review Community Services landscape standards and provide comments. Department existing Privately maintained areas: A: several for review. meshed together standards. other Southem California city landscape end provide them to City of Temecula staff guidelines from these cities will then be revisions to create City of Temecula OPTION B: We will review end comment on documents staff. PLAN CHECK PROCESS: We will develop tracking and checklist logs for both the City and our office for use in tracking all projects as required. We will work with City tracking systems as appropriate. Our office City, end mesh th, other agency documents, as provided by the to form a document for the City of Temecula. OPTION B: Our office will review and comment on formulated by the City. EXHIRIT B PAYMENT SCI-I~.I3UI .E S~STAFFRF~OTr. ORp 9 City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page 4 FEES PLAN CHECK: 1. DRC review will be performed at the following flat fee per project: $ 200.00 Sea page 6 for breakdown of charges. 2. Construction drawing review will be performed at the following flat fee rate per sheet submitted: $ 270.00 Sea pages 6 & 7 for breakdown of charges. Fees are based on 3 reviews· Should plans require more than 3 reviews, an additional charge of $80 per sheet shall be charged. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION: Construction inspection services and attendance at 'pre-construction meetings will be performed at the following flat lea rate per inspection or meeting: $ 225.00 Sea page 7 for breakdown of charges· REVIEW OF STANDARDS/GUIDELINES/PLAN CHECK PROCESSlAB 325: REVIEW OF INTERIM STANDARDS/GUIDELINES: Review of Community Services Department existing landscape standards: $ 800.00 City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page 5 PLAN CHECK PROCESS: O A' $ 2,280.00 400.00 City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page 6 BREAKDOWN OF CHARQES: DRC REVIEW: Pick-up plans/tracking/file/log/map Review plans w/project planned field review/site analysis Line out comments & deliver to project planner TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DRAWING REVIEW: (Based on 4 sheet submittal) I st CHECK Pick-up plans/tracking/file/log/map Check plans against City conditions and agreement Check plans against City standards: · Title sheet Planting Plan Planting details/legend Planting specs. Irrigation Plan Irrigation details/legend Irrigation specs. AB 325 Check plans against grading plans Comments for next check/submittal Deliver plans/tracking TOTAL 2nd CHECK Pick-up plans/tracking/file/log/map Check plans against redline comments from 1st check: Title sheet Planting Plan Planting details/legend Planting specs. Irrigation Plan Irrigation details/legend 1.5 hrs. t} $35/hr. 2 hrs. e~ $50/hr. I hr. O $50/hr. 1.5 hrs. O $35/hr. .5 hrs. ~ $50/hr. .25 hrs. O $50/hr. .5 hrs. {} $50/hr. .5 hrs. O $50/hr. .75 hrs. O $50/hr. 1.5 hrs. ~ $50/hr. .5 hrs. (~ $50/hr. .75 hrs. e~ $50/hr. .5 hrs. O $50/hr. .75 hrs. O $50/hr. .5 hrs. O $50/hr. I hr. ~ $35/hr. 1.25 hrs. ~ $35/hr. .15 hrs. ~ $50/hr. .25 hrs. ~ $50/hr. .25 hrs. O $50/hr. .25 hrs. ~ $50/hr. .75 hrs. O $50/hr. .25 hrs. O $50/hr. $ 52.50 100.00 50.00 $ 202.50 $ 52.50 25.00 12.50 25.00 25.00 37.50 75.00 25.00 37.50 25.00 37.50 25.00 ..35.00 $ 437.50 $ 43.75 7.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 37.50 12.50 City of Temecula Plan Check October 7, 1992 Page 7 Irrigation specs. AB 325 Check plans against grading plans Check cost estimate for bonding Comments for next check/submittal Deliver plans/tracking Contingency for total revisions .25 hrs. O $50/hr. .25 hrs. O $50/hr. .50 hrs. {} $50/hr. .5 hrs. t} $50/hr. .5 hrs. ~ $50/hr. I hr. ~ $35/hr. I hr. O $50/hr. TOTAL 3~ CHECK Same ~ 2ndcheck TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Divide 3 reviews for 4 sheets into $1,085.00 equals $271.25/sheet CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION/PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Driving time to and from site Inspection time (varies 1-2 hrs. average 1.5 hrs.) Field report and mail to City 2 hrs. (} $50/hr. 1.5 hrs. ~ $50/hr. I hr. (~ $50/hr. TOTAL 12.50 12.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 .50.00 $ 323.75 $ 323.75 $1,085.00 $100.00 75.00 50.00 $ 225.00 ITEM NO. 8 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 "STOP" Sign Control at the Intersection of Del Rey Road and Avenida Barca, and Margarita Road and La Serena Way PREPARED BY: Ben Dobbins, Traffic Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING 3-WAY 'STOP' SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF DEL REY ROAD AND AVENIDA BARCA AND MARGARITA ROAD AND LA SERENA WAY. BACKGROUND: At the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting of December 2, 1992, the Commission reviewed the traffic volumes and accident statistics at the intersection of Del Rey Road and Avenida Barca, and is recommending the City Council establish a 3-way stop control. (Traffic Commission report attached) The intersection of Margarita Road and La Serene Way currently meets signal warrants end a signal design is in process. The signal construction will be funded through the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act and construction is anticipated to start in early summer. The establishment of an all-way stop is permitted as an interim measure prior to installation of a signal, and Staff is recommending the installation of a 3-way stop at this location. FISCAL IMPACT: FY92-93: Install four (4) "STOP" signs, four "STOP AHEAD" signs with stop bars, stop and stop ahead legends (Eight [8] signs and legends ~ el 10.00 each = ~880.00). Funds are available in the Department of Public Works Sign Account No. 100-164-999-5244. ATTACHMENT: 1. Resolution 2. Traffic Commission Report pw01/agdrpt/93/0112/stopsign.res 122392 ~LUTION NO. 93- A ~LUTION OF THF~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABT-T~HING "STOP" SIGNS. The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 12.08.301 of the Municipal "STOP" sign locations are hereby established in the City of Temecula. A. B. C. D. Section 2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the of ,1993. Code, the following Eastbound Del Rey Road ~ Avertida Barca; Westbound Del Rey Road O Avenida Barca; Northbound Margadta Road O La Serena Way; and Southbound Margadta Road O La Serena Way. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution. ATI~.3T: J. Sal Mmioz, Mayor June S. Greek City Clerk ~"~ ~"' ~' PwOl~gdrpt~S3%Ol12~stopsign.res 122392 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERS~E CITY OF TEMECULA I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 93- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of 1993, by the following vote: ' ' COUNC~MBE!~: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCI~ERS: COUNCILlVt~MBERS: COUNCILMFI,iBERS: P:.~m,~,q.i..m pwO1%agdq~93~0112~topign.res 122392 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Traffic & Transportation Commission Ben Dobbins, Traffic Engineer December 2, 1992 Item 2 Proposed 3-Way Stops RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission review the intersections of Del Rey Road at Calle Pifla Colada; Del Rey Road at Avenida Barca; and Del Rey Road at Solana Way. BACKGROUND: Staff has received requests to establish 3-way stop control at the above intersections. Del Rey Road is now established as a through street at each of the intersections, with Calle Pifla Colada, Avenida Barca and Solana Way stopping. The sight distance at Del Rey and Calle Pif~a Colada is limited to the east. TRAFFIC DATA: 24-Hour Entering Volumes: Del Rey East of Calle Pif~a Colada = 1,154 Del Rey West of Calle Pifta Colada = 1,367 Calle Pif~a Colada South of Del Rey = 834 Del Rey West of Avenida Barca Del Rey West of Avenida Barca Avenida Barca South of Del Rey = 1,374 = 1,469 = 1,008 Del Rey South of Solana Way Del Rey North of Solana Way Solana Way West of Dei Rey 1,511 790 945 -1 - pw01 ~zreffi;~cc...,.,.;sen~agenda~1202 1123 ACCIDENT DATA: 1991 Del Rey and Calls Pif~a Colads Del Rey and Avenida Barca Del Rey and Solana Way 0 1 0 FISCAL IMPACT: If 3-way stop locations are recommended for FY-92-93: 0 0 0 Del Rev and C011e Pifla Colada: 2 "STOP AHEAD' Signs end Legends. 2 ~) $140 = ..... 0280.00 2 "STOP" Signs and Legends. 2 ~ ~ 110 = ........... $.~.~0.00 TOTAL: ................................. $500.00 Del Rev and Avenida Barca: 2 "STOP AHEAD" Signs and Legends. 2 @ ~140 = ...... $280.00 2 "STOP" Signs and Legends. 2 @ $110 = ........... $~0.00 TOTAL: .. '. ........ ~ ..................... $S00.00 Del Rev end Solana Wav: 2 "STOP AHEAD" Signs and Legends. 2 ~ $140 = ...... $280.00- 2 "STOP" Signs and Legends. 2 ~ $110 = ........... $~90.00 TOTAL: ............................. . ..... $500.00 -2- PwOl~treffio~r,,,..,ieenl. egende'~1202 1123 ITEM NO. 9 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TIB~ECI~,A AGENDA RIIPORT City Council] City Manager /~Tim D. Setlet, Director of Public Works] City Engineer January 12, 1993 Final Tract Map No. 26861-3 PREPARED BY: Kx'is Winchak, Seniox, Px-oject 1Vlauage~ RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council APPROVE Final Vesting Tract Map No. 26861-3 subject to the Conditions of Approval. BACKGROUND: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861 was appmved by the City of Temecuh PIning Commission on May 20, 1991 and the City of Temecula City Council on July 2, 1991. ' Vesting Final Tract Map No. 26861-3 is a 41 unit single family detached condominium development on appx-oxl,n~tely 3.44 acres located on the south side of Highway 79 between Pala Road and Margax-ita Road. The total site is roughly 14.68 acres. The site is currentiy vacant and has been graded. The applicant is Presley of San Diego. The following fees have been paid (or defex, red) for Tract Map No. 26861-3: * Traffic Signal Mitigation Fees * Fire' Mitigation Fees * Stephen's K-Rat Fees (at Grading Permit) $ 6,150.00 $16,400.00 $ 6,708.00 The following bonds have been posted for Vesting Final Tract Map No. 26861-3: Faithful Other Labor and Pe~fox-nAnce Bonds Materials Streets & Drainage $70,500.00 $35,500.00 Water 37,500.00 19,000.00 Sewer 28,000.00 14,000.00 Survey Monuments $660.00 FISCAL IMPACT: NONE. ATTAC]~e~TS: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Development Fee Checkli~t Location Map Copy of Final Map Conditions of Approval TCSD Agreement Fees and Securities Report KW/KW/kw ATTACHMENT 1 DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKL~ST CITY OF Tmm~CULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECIrr.TST CASE NO.: Tx, act Mal} No. 26861-3 The following fees were x~viewed by Staff x, elative to thei~ applicability to this project. Fee Habitat ConseFvation Plan ( K-Rat ) Parks and Recreation (Quireby) Public Facility Traffic Signal Mitigation Fire Mitigation Flood Control (ADP) Regional Statistical Area (RSA) Condition of A1nDPoval Condition No. 20 Condition No. 21 Condition No. 47 Condition No. 51 Condition No. 12 Condition No. 68 NIA Staff Findings: Staff finds that the project will not be consistant with the City~s General Plan once adopted. The project is not a part of a specific plan. ATTACHMENT 2 LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT 3 COPY OF FINAL MAP k' I ~. I i ATTACHMENT 4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL eee ,ee / j City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive -Temecula, California 92390 Ronald J. Parks Patricia H. Birdsall Mayor ProTein Karel E Undemans Counc~memcer Peg Moore Q~unalrnernl~r J. Sal Mueioz Counolmemeer David R Dixon O~ Manacjer 1714} b94-lge9 F, AX (714) b94--I .July 11, 1991 Mr. Raymond A. Casey Presley of San Diego 15010 Avenue of Science, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92128 SUBJECT: Final Conditions of Approval For Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861 Dear Mr. Casey: . On July 2, 1991, the City of Temecula Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861 subject to the enclosed Conditions of Approval. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861 is a proposal to develop 1L~2 single family detached condominium units on approximately 1~ acres located on the south side of Highway 79 between Pala Road and Margarita Road. This approval is effective until July 2, 1993 unless extended in accordance with Ordinance ~60, Section 8.1L Written request for a time extension must be submitted to the City of Temecula a minimum of 30 days prior to the expiration date. If you have any further questions regarding this subject, please contact the Planning Department at (714) 69~-6~00. Sincerely, Case Planner Gary Thornhill Planning Director RAIGT:ks CO: Engineering Department Fire Department Case File PI.NNI~TH2M61\kS ATTACHMENT I I CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861 Project Description: Development of 142 sinale family condominium units on alaOroximate!y 14.68 acres of land situated south of Hiclhway. 79 between Pala Road and MarciariD Road. Assessor's Parcel No.: 926-016-025 Pianninc~ DeDartment The tentative subdivision shall comply with the Sta~e of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule A, unless modified by the conditions listed below· A time extension may be approved.in accordance with the State Map Act and City Ordinance, upon written request, if made 30 days prior to the expiration date. This conditionally approved vesting tentative tract map will expire two years after the approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The expiration date is July 2, 1993. Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map .. Legal access as required by Ordinance L~60 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a City maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and .conveyances shall be' submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common ·open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substsntially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. A:2SS63.-AR.V'L'~ I ~ 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. Prior to the recordarSon of the final map, Change of Zone No. 5 shall be approved by the City Council and shall be effective. Lots created by this land division shall be in conformance with the development standards of'the zone ultimately applied to the property. A maintenance district shall be established for maintenance along Highway 79. the developer/applicant shall pay for all costs relating to establishment of the district. A Homeowners Association shall be established for maintenance of Open Space/Common Area and the developerJapplicant shall pay for all costs relating to establishment of the Homeowners Association. The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department~s transmittel dated January 1991, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department~s letter dated March 7, 1991, a copy of which is attached. All proposed construction shall comply with the California institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy, as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: ae Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-3 {GeneS-el Residential ) zone. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or prorifled with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation system until such time as those operations are ~he responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to th'e issuance of GP, ADI NG PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the issuance of grading permits detailed common open space area landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the phase of development in process. The plans shall be certified by a landscape architect, and shall provide for the following: Permanent automatic irrigation systems shal.! be installed on all landscaped areas requiring irrigation. ~:~s~z-a~.v'z~ 2 .C. em Landscape screening where required shall be designed to be opaque up .to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Planning Director. Utilities shall be placed underground. Parkways shall be landscaped to provide visual screening or a transition into the primary use area of the site. Landscape elements shall include earth betruing, ground cover, shrubs and specimen trees. Front yards shall be landscaped and street trees planted· Wall plans shall be submitted for the project perimeter and along Highway 79, 'A" Street, and Via Rio Temecula. Wooden fencing shall not be allowed on the perimeter of the project. All lots with slopes leading down from the lot shall be provided with gates in the wall for maintenance access. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at key visual focal points within the project. Where street trees cannot be planted within right-of-way of interior streets and project parkways due to insufficient road right-d-way, they shall be planted outside of the road right-of- way. Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants where appropriate. All trees shall be minimum double staked. Weaker and/or slow growing trees shall be steel staked. If the project is to be phased, prior' to the approval of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process. Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. 3. Preliminary pad 'and roadway elevations. Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase· l:26861-IIt. V'IN~ 3 17. 18. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall provide evidence to the Director of Building and Safety that all adjacent off-site manufactured slopes have recorded slope easements and that slope maintenance responsibilities have been assigned as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer .for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils· Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: No building permits shall be issued by the City for any residential lot/unit within the project boundary until the developer~s successor's- in-interest provides evidence of compliance with public facility financing measures. A cash sum of one-hundred dollars ($100) per lot/unit shall be deposited with the City as mitigation for public library development. Prior to the submittal of building plans to the Department of Building and Safety an acoustical study shall be performed by an acoustical engineer to establish appropriate mitigation measures that shall be applied to individual dwelling units within the subdivision to reduce ambient interior noise levels to L~5 Ldn. All b.uiiding plans for all new structures shall incorporate, all required elements from the subdlvision~s approved fire protection plan as alPproved by the County Fire Marshal. Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. All dwellings to be constructed within this subdivision shall be designed and constructed with fire retardant ~ Class A ) roofs as approved by the Fire Marshal, Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision, however solar 'equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Planning Department approval. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. t:26861-1R.V'I~ 19o 20° 21. 22. h. All front yards shall be provided with landscaping and automatic irrigation. " Prior 'to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. If seasonal conditions do not permit planting, interim landscaping and erosion control measures shall be utilized as approved by the Planning Director and the Director of Building and Safety. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required fop noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required walls shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. Prior to recordation of a final map, the subdivider shall submit to the Planning Director an agreement with the Community Services District which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City that the land divider has satisfied Quimby Act requirements in accordance with Section 10.:~5 of Ordinance No. ~60. The ~reement shall be approved by the City Council. The subdlvider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officer, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officer, or employees to attach, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative'body concerning Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66~99.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. Prior to occupancy of Phase One, the construction of the recreation area shall be completed. The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site property interests, and if he or she should fail to do so, the developer shall at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66L~62 at such time as the City acquires the property interests required for the improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security of a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at the developeris cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. 25. All utility systems including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer, and cable TV shall be provided for underground, with easements provided as required, and designed and constructed in accordance with City Codes and the utility provider. Telephone, cable TV, and/or security systems shall be pre-wired in'the residence. 26. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kv or greater, shall be installed underground. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions/Reciprocal Access Easements: 27. 28. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions {CCSRIs) shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to final approval of the tract maps. The CC~;R~s shall include liability insurance and methods of maintaining the open space, recreation areas, parking areas, private roads, all buildings in common open areas, and all interior slopes. No lot or dwelling unit in the development shall be sold unless a corporation, association, property owner's group, or similar entity has been formed with the right to assess all properties individually owned or jointly owned which have any rights or interest in the use of the common areas and common facilities in the development, such assessment power to be sufficient to meet the expenses of such entity, and with authority to control, and the duty to maintain. all of said mutually available features of the development. Such entity shall operate under recorded CCF, RIs which shall include compulsory membership of all owners of lots and/or dwelling units and flexibility of assessments to meet changing costs of maintenance, repairs, and services. Recorded CCF, RIs shall permit enforcement by the City of Provisions required by the City as Conditions of Approval. The developer shall submit evidence of compliance with this requirement to, and receive approval of, the City prior to making any such sale. This condition shal| not apply to land dedicated to the City for public purposes. 29. Every owner of a dwelling unit or lot shall own as an appurtenance to such dwelling unit or lot, either { 1 ) an 'undivided interest in the common areas and facilities, or 12) as share in the corporation, or voting membership in an association. owning the common areas and facilities. ~ A:2686Z-.~t.V~2~ 6 30. The front yard landscaping shall be maintained by the Homeowners Association and shall be identified in the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ICCE, R~s). 31. Maintenance for all exterior walls, landscaped and open areas, including parkways, shall be provided for in the CCSR~s. 32. Within forty-eight (LI.S) hours of the approval of this project, the applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Eight Hundred. Seventy-Five Dollars {$875.00) which includes the Eight Hundred. Fifty Dollar {$850.00) fee, in compliance with AB 3158, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.~(d)(3) plus the Twenty-Five Dollar ($25.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and lu, Cal. Code of Regulations 1509L~. If within such forty-eight (~8) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check required above, the approval for the project granted herein shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711 .u,( c) . Enclineerincl Del~artment The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. The Devei~per shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions.- The final map shall be prepared by a licensed iand surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. 460. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP: 5 · As deemed necessary by the City Engineer or his representative, the. developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: San Diego Regional Water Quality; Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; CATV Franchise; 7 36. 37. 39. CalTrans; and Parks and. Recreation Department. All road easements and/or street de~iications shall be offered for dedication tO the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. B, C, D, E, F, and G Streets shall be private streets and shall be improvec~ with 33 feet of asphalt concrete pavement including rolled curb, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, 5 foot utility easements shall be dedicated running parallel on both sides of street. A 5 foot sidewalk shall be constructed on one side minimum of all private streets. Dedication shall be made or shown to exist to provide for a 71 foot half street right-d-way for State Highway Route 79 [1~2' right-of-way). Construct half street improvements in a 39 foot dedicated right-of-way plus one 12-foot lane, or bonds for the street improvements may be posted, in accordance with County Standard No. 111 { 78'/56* ). The improvements for street 'A' may be phased per the approved phasing plan and as directed by the C. ity Engineer. In the event that State Highway 79 is not constructed by Assessment District 159 prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for Phase One, the developer shall design and construct a deceleration lane west of Street 'A" and an acceleration lane east of Street 'A', per CaiTrans standards. State Highway 79 improvements shall be bonded for prior to Final Map. '"A' Street access shall be limited to right turning movements in and right turning movements out only. There shall be no left turns permitted and no provision for such movements shall be provided for on Highway 79 South. Vehicular access shall be restricted on Highway 79 and so noted on the final map with the exception of approved public road connections as approved by the City Engineer. Dedicate a 38 foot minimum easement for public utilities and emergency vehicles access for all private streets and drives. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCF-R~s) shall be prepared by the deve!oper and submitted to the Director of Pianning, City~ Engineer and City Attorney. The CCSR's shall be signed and acknowledge¢ by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed. shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City· The CC~-R~s shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CCF, R's shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The CCSRts shall be prepared at the developer~s sole cost and expense. The CCF, R's shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. The CCF-R~s and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Ownerrs Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. The CC~;R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas and facilities. The CCF, R~s shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CCF, R~s shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the-. condition required by the CC~,R~s, then the City, after making d~ demand and giving reasonable notice, may enter the property and perform, at the owner~s sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CCF-Rts or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not' promptly reimbursed. i. The declaration shall contain language prohibiting further subdivision of any lots, whether they are lettered lots or numbered lots. ii. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by homeowner~s association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of building permits. ill. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by CCSR~s or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map or prior to the issuance of building permit where no map is involved. Jt:26861-ii.v~z~ 9 0. 51, 52. 53. 55, 56. The developer, or the developer~s successor, shall execute a current Public Fscilities Agreement with the City of Ternecula which provides for the payment of the sum of money pe~ residential unit then established by Resolution of the City.Council, prior to the issuance of any building permits for any individual iot~. The subdivider shall construc~ or post security and an agreement shall be executed guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. a. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement. curb and gutter. sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing. striping, and other traffic control devices ~s appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping, d. Sewer and domestic water systems. e. Undergrounding of existing and proposed utility distribution lines. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments- Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. ~&61 and as approved by the City Engineer. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards traffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the. City Engineering Department. ' The minimum centerllne radii shall be 300 feet or as approved by the City ** Engineer · All street centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees or as approved by the City Engineer. ImproVerant plans shall be based upon a canterline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approv~d by the City Engineer. A minimum centerline street grade shall be 0.50 percent. 10 57. 58. Street improvement plans per City Standards for the private streets or drives shall be required for re. view and approval by the City Engineer. The subdivider shall submit four prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these CondLtions of ,Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 2~" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. 59. 60. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. The subdivider shall submit four copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. 61o 62. A drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. On-site drainage facilities, located outside of road right-of-way, shall be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions. q 63. A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control District for review. The subdivider shall accept and properly dispose of all off-site drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the City Engineer permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance, No. qB0 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity, or use of streets be prohibited for drainage purposes, the subdivider shall provide adequate facilities as approved by the Engineering Department. 65. 66° Adequate provisions shall be .made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the Cityts CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. 67. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the El RINegative Declaration for the project. The Fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. if an interim 'or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which Developer' requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the Developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to Developer. Concurrently, with executing A:26861-AR.V'Z~ 11 this Agreement, Developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility Fee. The amount of the bond shall be $2.00 a square foot. not to exceed $10.000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated {assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees). By execution of this agreement, Developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condition, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this Project: !orovided that Developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: 68~ A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 69, A permit shall be required from CelTtans for any work within the following right-of-way: State Hic~hwav 79 PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT: 70. A precise grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. The building pad shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer for location and elevation, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soils Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 71. Developer- shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIRINegative Declaration for the project. The Fee to be paid shall be in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by. the date on which Developer requests its building permits for the prOject or any' phase thereof, the Developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee. a copy of which has been provided to Developer. Concurrently, with executing this Agreement, Developer shall post a bond to secure payment of the Public Facility Fee. The mount of the bond shall be $2.00 a square foot, not to exceed $10,000. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the .project in the amount of-such fees). By execution of this Agreement. Developer will waive any right to protest the provisions of this Condillon, of this Agreement, the formation of any traffic impact fee district, or the process, levy, or collection of any traffic mitigation or traffic impact fee for this Project; t~rovided that Developer is not waiving its right to protest the reasonableness of any traffic impact fee, and the amount thereof. ~ A:2686Z-~u.'JI~ ~2 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 72. Construct all street improvements as conditioned, including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A. C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior private and public streets. 73. Existing city roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Asphaitic emulsion {fog seal) shall be applied not less than 1L~ days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transloortation Enaineerincl PRIOR TO RECORDATION: 75. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Traffic Engineer, and approved by the City Engineer, for State Route 79 and Street, and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 76. Prior'to designing any of the above plans, contact Transportation Engineering for the design criteria, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 77. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a regiatered--/ Traffic Engineer and approved by the City Engineer for any street closur~ and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the City Engineer.. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 78. All signing and striping shall be installed per the City requirements and the approved signing and striping plan. 79. A stop sign shall be installed at the following location: "A" Street at State H1clhwaV No. 79 80. 81. A secondary paved access road shall be constructed with a 28' minimum width of asphalt concrete pavement within the dedicated right-of-way, in accordance with CelTtans and Riverside County standards, to the intersection of SR 79 and Lime Street or SR79' and Margarita Road to facilitate left turning movements on to and from SR79. The developer shall contribute 50 percent (50~) of the cost for design and construction of the signal at the intersection of State Route 79 South and Lime Street minus the assessed traffic signal mitigation fee, Deloartment of Buildinn and Safety 82. Submit approved Tentative Tract Map to the Department of Building and Safety for addressing and street name review. 83. School fees shall be paid to Temecula Unified School'District prior to permit issuance. 85. Lighting on site pool area and recreation area shall comply with Mount Palomar Lighting Ordinance #655, Submit pool plans to Riverside County Health Department for review prior to structural plan review by the Department of Building and Safety, 86. 87, Pool excavation area Shall be fenced immediately the same day as excavation is complete, All plumbing trenches shall be fenced, Obtain clearances from Land Use and from Building and Safety D~p.a.rtments, 88, Provide a geological report at tinie of submittal for plan review. s=?,sssz-Mt.rn, r~ 14 MINFrE ACTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA DATE: TO: July 5, 1991 G~ry Thornhill · City of Tem~uh Pl~-ing D~mrn~nt M~-~'-TING OF: luly 2, 1991 AGENDA 1TEMZ No.: Item 10' SUII,IECT: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861 The motion was made by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve staff recommendation with the modification in the conditions of appwval to remove 'exterior building walls as well as' from Condition No. 30 and to add 'exterior walls' to Condition No. 31. 10.1 Adopt the addendure to ~ No. 281 for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 26861. 10.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RF. SOLIITION NO. 91-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16861 TO DEVELOP A 14.68 ACRE pARCk'rr. INTO 141 SINGLE FAMrLY DETACHED CONDOMINEM ~ LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF B'rGHWAY 79 BETW~-k~ PAt-& tND MARGARITA ROADS AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ~(~016-915 The motion was carried by the following vote: 4 COUNCILM'nlBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Mufioz, Parks NOES: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindernans ABSENT:' 0 COUNCILlVfitV~ERS: None · STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF 2IVERSIDE") ss crrY OF .TEMEC~ ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, DO I-n~'ray CERTIFY, under penalty of perjury, the forgoing to bc the official action taken by the City CoundI at the above meeting. IN WITNF, SS WlzmREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of l*uly, 1991. [SEAL] ATTACHMENT 5 TC.SD AGREEMENT 0 II e' I // ///{ . '/ .. '~%1 © ATTACHMENT 5 TCSD AGREEMENT City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive · Temecula, Californsa 92590 Renald J, Parks May~ Patrlcla H. Birdsall M~tor Pro Tern Karel R Undemans Councilmember Peg NI~ CouncjlmemDe' J, $al Mu~oz CouncilmemDer David F. DIx~fi (:it",/Manager 17141 694-1989 FAX 17141 694-19't9 September 30, 1991 Ray Casey Presley of San Diego 15090 Avenue of Science, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92128 RE: TRACT MAP NO. 23267 AND 26861 CLEARANCE AS TO PARK LAND DEDICATION AND/OR IN LIEU FEES. Dear Mr. Casey: TCSD Staff has reviewed the conditions as set forth in the County of Riverside/City of Temecula Conditions of Approval and recommend that the City Council APPROVE Tract No. 23267 and 26861 subject to the developer or his assignee entering into an agreement with the Temecula Community Services District to conform to the following: Neighborhood Park "A' which consists of a One acre park located within Sub Tract No. 23267'4 shall be' developed to TCSD standards and The attached conceptual design prior to the issuance of the 50th building permit. Neighborhood Park "B" located within Sub Tract No. 23267-2 consists of an approximate 2.9 acre reservoir which the developer has'agreed to drain and level to be contiguous with the remaining 6.3 acres of proposed park land to meet his current Quimby. Requiremerit and to allow for a total land dedication within this tract of approximately 9.2 acres. The total 9.2 acres shall be developed to TCSD standards and the attached conceptual design prior to issuance of the 50th building permit for Tracts No. 23267-1,2, and 3. To date; all known interior slope areas are hereby conditioned to be maintained by an established Home Owners Association {HOA). Exterior slopes bordering an arterial street may be dedicated to the TCSD for maintenance following compliance to TCSD standards an completion of the application process. Should you have further questions my telephone number is (714) 694- Applicant or his assignee agrees to the aforementioned conditions as signified below. _ Appi'ca t Date Yours truly, CITY F TE -~ sic Administrator ATTACHMENT 6 FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT TRACT MAP NO. 26861-3 IMPROVEMENTS Streets and DrainaRe Water Sewer TOTAL '~ iwdam--,,,, (10~ fmr om l, mmr) *(or mam~ iZ work la c~) DATE: January 12, 1993 FAITHFULPERFORMANCE MATERIAL&LABOR SECURITY SECURITY $ 70,500.00 $ 35,500.00 $ 37,500.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 136,000.00 $ 68,500.00 $ 13,600.00 Monument Security City Traffic Signing and Striping Costs Fire Mitigation Fee RCFC Drainage Fee Due Signaiization Mitigation Fee - SMD #9 Road and Bridge Benefit Fee Other Developer Fees $ 660.00 $ -0- $ 16,400.00 $ -0- $ 6,150.00 $ -0- $ -0- Planning Department Fee Comprehensive Transportation Plan Fee Quimby Fee Plan Check Fee Inspection Fee Monument Inspection Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ 102.00 8.00 -0- 7,408.75 5,388.75 250.00 Total Inspection/Plan Check Fees Less Fees Paid To Date (Credit) Total Inspection]Plan Check Fees Due 13,157.50 13,157.50 -0- 4 ITEM NO. 10 APPROVAl. CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFIC~~ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: City Council/City Manager /j17~ Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 SUBJECT: Release of Traffic Signal Mitigation Bond for Tract No. 20735-1 PREPARED BY: Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council AUTHORIZE the release of monument security for Tract No. 20735-1 and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On July 8, 1986, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Mesa Homes, (Formerly Kaiser Development Company) 27555 Ynez Road, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92591 for the improvement of streets, the installation of sewer and water systems, survey monumentation, and payment of Traffic Signal Mitigation fees. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Insurance Company of the West. On March 30, 1989, Riverside County reduced the'street, sewer and water systems bonds to the ten (10) percent warranty level and initiated the one (1) year warranty period. Riverside County then released the Survey Monumentation bond on September 15, 1989, and the Materials and Labor Bonds on November 17, 1989. -1 - pwOS%agdrpt%93%0112%20735.1122992 Riverside County placed a hold on the Traffic Signal Mitigation bond based on a miscalculation of the buildable lots subject to the traffic fees. Their calculations had included two lots which were created by the Tract Map and intended for "Construction and Maintenance of Drainage Facilities". The Developer requested City's review of this discrepancy which disclosed the imposition of these fees for non-buildable parcels. Staff recommends therefore as the Developer has paid all traffic signal mitigation fees for which they are responsible, that the following bond be exonerated: Bond No. 13 92 45 in the amount of $6,750 for Traffic Signal Mitigation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Attachment Location Map -2- pwO5%sgdrpt%93%0112%20735.1122992 To San Diego /../Y,z::O77./c"77C.,4L TOIvv'A/~I-/I,o 7.~, g-AM~E' 2iv', ,-,tAM 8F_g_A/A2DIA/O -- Location Map scale I': 4000' ITEM NO'. APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: City Council/City Manager //4~-~Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 SUBJECT: Release of Monument Bond for Tract No. 21675-1 PREPARED BY: Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer)~ RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council AUTHORIZE the release of monument bond for Tract No. 21675-1 and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On February 21, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Mesa Homes, (a California Corporation) 27555 Ynez Road, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92591 for the improvement of streets, the installation of sewer and water systems, and survey monumentation. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company and a cashiers check for monumentation. On June 25, 1991, the City Council accepted the.public improvements, and reduced the security amounts for street improvements, water system, and sewer system to provide the required guarantee and warranty securities for the one (1) year maintenance period. The City Council authorized the release of the Material and Labor Bonds on October 8, 1991. -1 - pwO5%agdrpt%93~0112~21675-1122992 The Developer, Mesa Homes, posted a cashiers check for 93,000 for survey monumentation with the County of Riverside. The inspection and verification process relating to the survey monumentation has been completed by the City staff, and the Department of Public Works recommends the release of the monumentation security. Therefore, it is appropriate to exonerate this security as follows: Subdivision Cash Security (Receipt A085853, Dated 2-10-89) in the amount of $3,000 to cover Survey Monumentation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Attachment Location Map '-2- pwOS%egdrpt%93%0112%21675-1122992 Io San I:~eo : ITEM NO. 12 APPROVAL ~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager ,,/~4Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 Release of Monument Security for Tract No. 21675-2 PREPARED BY: Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council AUTHORIZE the release of the monument security for Tract No. 21675-2 and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On February 21, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Mesa Homes, a California Corporation 27555 Ynez Road, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92591 for the improvement of streets, the installation of sewer and water systems, and survey monumentation. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company. On June 11, 1991, the City Council accepted the public improvements, and reduced the security amounts for street improvements, water system, and sewer system to provide the required warranty and guarantee securities for the one (1) year maintenance period. The City Council then authorized the release of the Material and Labor Bonds on October 8, 1991. The Developer, Mesa Homes, also posted a surety bond in the amount of ~ 10,500 to secure the placement of subdivision monumentation. The inspection and verification process relating to survey monumentation has been completed by the City Staff, and the Department of Public Works recommends the release of the -1 - pwO5%egdrpt%93%0112%mesabond.aft 1229e monumentation bond. Therefore it is appropriate to exonerate this bond as follows: Bond No. 3S 687 542 00 in the amount of $10,500 to cover survey monumentation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: Location Map -2- pwOS~egdrpt~93~0112~neeabond.eff 1229e To Caram 1'o san 'Dieeo Location Map K~It 1' · ll2DO' ITEM NO. 13 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager ,,/'l~Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 Release of Monument Bond for Tract No. 21675-3 PREPARED BY: Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council AUTHORIZE the release of monument security for Tract No. 21675-3 and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On June 13, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Mesa Homes, (a California Corporation) 27555 Ynez Road, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92591 for the improvement of streets, the installation of sewer and water systems, and survey monumentation. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company. On June 11, 1991, the City Council accepted the public improvements, and reduced the security amounts for street improvements, water system, and sewer system to provide the required guarantee and warranty securities for the one (1) year maintenance period. The City Council authorized the release of the Material and Labor Bonds on October 8, 1991. -1 - pwO5~,egdrp~g3't0112%21675-3 122992 The DeVeloper, Mesa Homes, posted a surety bond for ~ 10,300 to secure the placement of subdivision monumentation. The inspection and verification process relating to the survey monumentation has been completed by the City staff, and the Department of Public Works recommends the release of the monumentation bond. Therefore, it is appropriate to exonerate this bond as follows: Bond No. 3S 687 541 00 in the amount of 910,300 to cover survey monumentation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Attachment Location Map :2- PwOS%egdrpt%93%0112%21675-3 122992 " TO Cotore '1'o Ihverl~e / : :~ ', ~ o IkO'S To Sa"'D,oeo -- Location Map ec&ie 1' * 40DO' ITEM NO. 14- APPROVAL ~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager /~Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 Release of Monument Bond for Tract No. 21675-4 PREPARED BY: Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council AUTHORIZE the release of monument security for Tract No. 21675-4 and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the Riverside County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On June 13, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with: Mesa Homes, (a California Corporation) 27555 Ynez Road, Suite 200 Temecula, CA 92591 for the improvement of streets, the installation of sewer and water systems, and survey monumentation. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company. On June 11, 1991, the City Council accepted the public improvements, and reduced the security amounts for street improvements, water system, and sewer system to provide the required guarantee and warranty securities for the one (1) year maintenance period. The City Council authorized the release of the Material and Labor Bonds on October 8, 1991. -1- pwO5%Bgdrpt~93%0112%21675-4 122992 The Developer, Mesa Homes, also posted a surety bond in the amount of $12,500 to secure the placement of subdivision monumentation. The inspection and verification process relating to the survey monumentation has been completed by the City staff, and the Department of Public Works recommends the release of the monumentation bond. Therefore, it is appropriate to exonerate this bond as follows: Bond No. 3S 687 540 00 in the amount of $12,500 to cover survey monumentation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Attachment Location Map -2- PwOS~egdrpt~93~0112~21675-4 122992 TO Ilhverlidw To San 'Dmeo ICIle 1'8 40OO' ITEM NO. 15 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEYy~_~~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Shawn Nelson, Community Services Director Anthony J. Elmo, Chief Building Official January 12, 1992 Award of Professional Services Agreement for Land Surveying and Geotechnical Soils Testing Services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center (Project No. PW92-07) PREPARED BY-- Michael Wolff, Senior Public Works Inspector RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Award a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of ~16,294.00 to Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates for land surveying services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center (Project No. PW92-07), and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said Agreement. Award a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of ~3,473.00 to Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering for geotechnical soils testing services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center (Project No. PW92-07, and authorize the Mayor'and City Clerk to sign said Agreement. Approve a change order in the amount of ~10,150.00 to the original contract agreement with W. Dean Davidson and Associates for additional design and engineering work required to complete a site grading and drainage plan for Project No. PW92-07. Appropriate ~29,917.00 to Account #210-199-801-5802 for items I through 3 and advance $29,917.00 from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. BACKGROUND: In January, 1992, the Department of Public Works solicited qualifications from interested engineering firms to provide the City with land surveying services (construction staking} for various Capital Improvement Projects throughout the year of 1992. Eleven (11) firms responded to the Request for Qualifications No. 004, and the responses were evaluated by Public Works Staff. The top four firms were interviewed and ranked one through four (1 - 4). V:Agenda. Rep~Wolff0 1.12 Agenda Report January 12, 1992 Page 2 All four firms have the necessary qualifications to perform the desired construction staking for the projects. Thus, the one through four (1 - 4) ranking was necessary to establish a rotation basis for project award. The ranking is as follows: 2. 3. 4. J.F. Davidson Associates, Inc. NBS/Lowry Rick Engineering, Inc. Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates A contract with Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates with a defined scope of work and an hourly budget not to exceed ~16,294 has been negotiated. Geotechnical and Environmental Engineers was selected from the City's approved constractor's list to perform geotechnical services on the Temecula Senior Citizen Center. An Agreement and defined scope of work and an hourly budget not-to-exceed ~3,473.00 has been negotiated. During the preparation of the site grading and drainage plan for the Temecula Valley Senior Center (Project No. PW92-07) research and discussions with California Department of Forestry revealed that existing records of drainage facilities were inaccurate creating the need for additional site testing and hydrology design calculations. The cost of the additional work was e 10, 150.00. FISCAL IMPACT: It is necessary to appropriate ~29,917.00 for items I through 3 to Account #210-199-801- 5802 and advance this amount from the General Fund. The advance will be repaid when RDA bonds are sold during February, 1993. V:Agenda. Rep~Wolff01.12 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 , between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". The parties her.to mutually agree as follows: SERVICES. Consultant shall perform the tasks set forth in Exhibit "A" attached her.to. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule set forth in Exhibit "A". PERFORMANCE. Consultant shall at all times, faithfully, industrially and to the best of his ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described her. in. PAYMENT. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, at the hourly rates set forth in Exhibit "B" attached her.to, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. This amount will not exceed $3,473 for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment is approved by the C|ty Council; orovided that the City Manager may approve additional payments not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the Agreement, but in no event more than $10,000. Consultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice. SUSPENSION. TERMINATION OR ABANDONMENT OF AGREEMENT. The City may, at any time, suspend, terminate or abandon this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. Within thirty-five (35) days after receiving an invoice from the Consultant, the City shall pay Consultant for work done through the date that work is to be ceased pursuant to this section. If the City suspends, terminates or abandons a portion of this Agreement such suspension, termination or abandonment shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. BREACH OF CONTRACT. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Default shall include not performing the tasks described her. in to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Manager of the City. Failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work her. under, if such failure arises out of causes beyond his control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, shall not be considered s default. 2/forms/ARG-04 Rev 1122192 - 1 - pw01%pw92-O7%egrnt.geo 121692 o m If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Consultant defaults in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have ten (1 (3) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on ,19 , and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than ,19 . Any disputes regarding performance, default or other matters in dispute between the City and the Consultant arising out of this Agreement or breech thereof, shall be resolved by arbitration. The arbitrator's decision shall be final. Consultant shall select an arbitrator from a list provided by the City of three retired judges of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. The arbitration hearing shall be conducted according to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1280, et sea. City and Consultant shall share the cost of the arbitration equally. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Upon satisfactory completion of, or in the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings and notes prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. Neither the City nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of the Consultant or any of the Consultant's officers, employees or agents, except as herein set forth. The Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Coneultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Consultant shall keep itself informed of State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. 2/formelARG-O4Rev 1122/92 -2- pwOl%,ow92-O7~agmt.geo 121692 10. 11. 12. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. NOTICE. Whenever it shall be necessary for either party to serve notice on the other respecting this Agreement, such notice shall be served by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the City Manager of the City of Temecula, located at 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula , California 92590, and the Consultant at 27431 Enterprise Circle West, Temecula, CA 92590, unless and until different addresses may be furnished in writing by either party to the other· Notice shall be deemed to have been served seventy-two (72) hours after the same has been deposited in the United States Postal Services. This shall be valid and sufficient service of notice for all purposes. ASSIGNMENT. The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due her.under, without the prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consuitant's sole compensation shall be the value to the City of the services rendered. LIABILITY INSURANCE. The Consultant shall maintain insurance acceptable to the City in full force an effect throughout the term of this contract, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work her. under by the Consultant, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Insurance is to be placed with insurer with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. The costs of such insurance shall be included in the Contractor's bid. The Consultant shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance: A. Minimum Scooe of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: Insurance Services Office Form No. GL-0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering Comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office Form No. GL-0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage ("occurrence" Form No. CG-0001 ). e Insurance Services Office Form No. CA-0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, Code I "any auto" and Endorsement CA-0025. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' Liability insurance. 4. Errors and Omissions insurance. Be Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits of insurance no less than: General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. 2/formelARG-04 Rev 1122/92 -3- pw01%pw92-O7%egmt. geo 121692 De Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. e Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. 4. Errors and Omissions Insurance: $1,000,000 per occurrence. Deductibles end Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductible in excess of $1,000 must be declared to and approved by the City. Other Insurance Provisions. Insurance policies required by this contract shall contain or be endorsed to contain the following provisions: All Policies. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City via United States First Class Mail. be General Liability and Automobile Liability coverages. The City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultam; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant, or automobiles owned, lease, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. With regard to claims arising from the Consultant's performance of the work described in this contract, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with, the Consultant's insurance. Any failure to comply with the reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers officials, employees or volunteers. The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made of suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Worker's Comoensation and Emolovers' Liability Coveraae. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the Consultant for the City. 2/fonns/ARG-O4 Rev 1122/92 -4- pwO1~ow92-O7%egmt.geo 121692 de Verification of Coveraae. Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates are to be on forms provided by the City and are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. Consultam shall include all subconsultants as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated her.in. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials and employees; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. 13. LICENSES. The Consultant and subconsultant shall obtain all necessary licenses, including but not limited to City Business License. 14. INDEMNIFICATION. The Consultant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense cost, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Consultant's negligent performance under the terms of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of the City. 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement and any documents or instrument attached her.to or referred to her.in integrate all terms and conditions mentioned her. in or incidental her.to supersede all negotiations and prior writing in respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. EFFECTIVE DATE AND EXECUTION: This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date it is signed by the representatives 'of the City. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. 2/formalARG-O4 R®v 1122/S2 -5- pw01 ~pw92-O7~gmt,geo 121692 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT CITY OF TEMECULA By: By J. Sal Mufioz, Mayor Print Name and Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: Scott F. Field, City Attorney ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk 2/fonneiARG-04 Rev 1/22/92 -6- pwO1~w92-O7%agrnt.geo 121692 EXHIBIT "A" TASKS TO BE PERFORMED 2/forms/ARG-04 Rev 1122/92 EXHIBIT 'A" pwO 1 ~ow92-O7\egmt. geo 121692 Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. December 1, 1992 Mike Wolfe City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 SUBJECT: ADDENDUM TO PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Grading Control and Construction Inspection Proposed Senior Center Sixth Street City of Temecula, California Proposal No. 92-196 Dear Mr. Wolfe: In accordance with your request, we are pleased to provide this addendum detailing the various activities listed in the scope of work. Please note all charges will be based on our June 1991 Fee Schedule less 10% on labor charges. Field observation, documentation, and density testing will be performed during grading operations, which include removal/recompaction of on site alluvium or artificial fills, on site cut and ~l grading as well as during construction of the parking lot. Observations and testing performed during grading operations and parking lot construction are documented to insure that the recommendations presented in the soils report are followed. Situations that arise during grading are documented so an accurate record of the events can be recreated if needed. Field density tests are performed throughout grading procedures to measure compaction of natural and compacted fill soils for evaluation and determination of proper density. Test locations are determined by the senior soil technician on site. The senior public works inspector can provide input for the test location during his site visits. Laboratory testing will be conducted on soil samples and materials to obtain maximum dry density/optimum moisture, expansion, and sand equivalent test results. Maximum dry density/optimum moisture content determines the maximum compaction of a specffic soil which, when compared to the field density test of that same soil, gives the result expressed in percent compaction. Expansion determines the soil swell so structural considerations can be made 27431 Enterprise Circle West · Temecula - CA 92590 · TEL ( 714 ) 676. 8337 - FAX ( 714 ) 676. 4583 Mr. Mike Woffe City' Of Temecula December 1, 1992 Page 2 to resist these forces. Sand equivalent test provides a measure of the relative proportions of detrimental fine dust or clay-like material in soil or fine aggregate which can be used to evaluate road base and bedding material for pipes. Field observation and slump testing of cement products used in site construction, -as well .' as 'laboratory compression ~ testing .of · cast 'concrete cylinders determine its conformance to job plans and specifications, will be conducted. Field observation and density testing of retaining structures footings, backcut and backf'~] will be performed. Observation and density of the footing excavation, backcut and backfill assures the anticipated conditions exist and the retaining system performs as designed. A final report summarizing the results of field density testing and laboratory results will be prepared, including recommendations for foundation design. It is our understanding that the an addition to the existing building is planed, so specific foundation recommendations will be provided. We appreciate this opportunity to propose on this project, and look forward to working closely with your project team. Sincerely, GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. R. Harrison Field SuperviSor EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT SCHEDULE 2/forrrm/ARG-O4'Rev 1122/92 EXHIBIT "B" pwo1~pw92-O7~egmt.geo 121692 Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. November 25, 1992 Mike Wolfe City. of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNI~ SERVICES Grading Control and Construction Inspection Proposed Senior Center Sixth Street City of Temecula, California Proposal No. 92-196 Dear Mr. Wolfe: In accordance with your request, we are pleased to provide this proposal to perform the necessary grading control and construction inspection services during co.nstruction of the subject Senior Center. As you are aware, we have previously provided a Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for the site, and are currently reviewing the foundation plans. Information from our Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and plan review, were considered for this proposal. We understand that a specific construct/on schedule has not been prepared, at this time. Therefore, we have estimated the time frame for each phase of inspection and testing, based on similar projects. The costs outlined below are based on our estimated schedule, but are expected to vary. Therefore, actual costs will be incurred on a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached 1991 Fee Schedule. ESTIMATED SCOPE OF SERVICES AND COST Soil Density and Compaction Testing, Rough Grade · Senior Technician (10 hrs) ............................. $423.00 · Field Director (2 hn) .................................. $90.00 · Project Geologist (2 hrs) .......~ ....................... $115.00 · Laboratory Testing ................................... $270.00 Concrete Inspection and Testing · Deputy Inspector (4 hrs) ..il~.;ei;si ...................... · Compressire Strength Tests $180.00 $240.00 27431 Enterprise Circle ~v/est · Temecula · CA 92590 · TEL (909) 676-8337 · FAX (909) 6764583 Mr. Mike Wolfe City Of Temecula November 25, 1992 Page 2 Soil Density and Compaction Testing, Trenches Senior Technician (8 hrs) ............................... $338.0 Field Director (2 hrs) ................. : ................ $90.00 Laboratory Testing .................................... $85.00 Soil · Density and Compaction Testing, Retaining Walls Senior Technician (4 hrs) .............................. $169.00 Field Director (1 hrs) .................................. $45.00 Density and Compaction Testing, Curb & Gutter Subgrade, Parking Lot Subgrade & Base · Senior Technician (8 hrs) .............................. · Field Director (2 hrs) .................................. Laboratory .............. $338.00 $90.00 ........................... $100.00 · Final Report Preparation (6 Copies) ........................... $900.00 Total Estimated Cost ............ $3,473.00 Interim reports or letters, if necessary, will be completed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached 1991 Fee Schedule. If any task listed above is not required, it may be eliminated from the contract. A 10% discount on labor charges will be allowed on this project and is reflected in the above pricing. The costs outlined above are based on the anticipated work schedule. Manpower requirements and fluctuations in project schedules are anticipated and actual costs, including laboratory testing, meetings (as required), and project management will be accrued on a time and expense basis in accordance with the G.E.E. Inc., June 1991 Fee Schedule,. Should construction extend beyond the estimated schedule, there may be additional charges for required field services. Any change in plans could also dictate additional work. If a modification in the scope of work is recommended, a contract Change Order will be prepared for your approval prior to accruing costs beyond the scope of work presented in this proposal. This Proposal. the Standard of Agreement (2 pal/es). and the attached June 1991 Fee Schedule represent the contract between you. the Client, and GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS. Inc.. the Consultant. If the contract meets with your Mr. Mike Wolfe City.Of Temecula November 25, 1992 Page 3 approval, please indicate your acceptance by signing both copies and returning one copy of the executed contract. Please understand that our price for the above-mentioned work will be honored for a period of 90 days. After 90 days, we reserve the right to revise our price. We appreciate this opportunity to propose on this project, and look forward to working closely with your project team. Sincerely, GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. Ja~es~. H~arriso~ Field Supervisor JRH/DM:jek Accepted this day of · 1992 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PHONE Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. CURRENT FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JUNE I99I GEOTECHNICAL MATERIAL INSPECTION. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P, incipal Engln~ l Senior EnZin~/ G~gis: / En~itonmgnml Assessor Pmjec~ Enl~eer/Oeleli~/En~imnmenm/Assessor Stuff Engineer/G~Zist/En~immnual Ass Fi&t Dimaor Senior T~'hnlcian (Fidd or Lahmuo~) Tecknicinn n (Fidd or T.c/mlcia. I (Fidd or Latmm~) C/e,ic, d Pichp and Dell,~ De/,~ Inspector SPECIAL EQUIPMENT O,.Si~ Vt~ich. C~a~es Fkhi Gmund~m~ SamPlinZ Equipm~t Orphic V~' Ro~t Ra~ (P.,~'m~ Def~aion Testing) Odm' En~mmenud Moniterlng F. quilnn~nt Odm' Geo/~ic~ Equipment LABORATORY UNIT PRICES Soil Moistu~g Conmat Si~ Ana/ysis (+4 or · 4) Sand Equimient #200 Wash Sit. An,dysis (Base) Hyamm~t~r with Sien Moistur~ / D.uity Fi&l Rin~ Sampl~ Moiuu, / Densi~ Maximum Dtquity Maximum Eknsi~ (Mnd or CAt.) Direct S/mar Quick Untilstartled Di.c: Slmzr SIo~ Undiu.rbed Direct Shear Quick Dim: S/mar S/o~ RemoVal Uncon[ined comlra, lon Consolidation. lncremenua R - Value Pen.ezbU~ Coraltousles Tesu . Conca,,, C~tiindan (inclnding capping) Extmaln Tam - Hog iVi;,, Asph a: speciF.* G,mr~ . sea and AU, qm $mbii~ and Air Vail · Hog MIX Asphalt Mix Design. Hog Mix Aspbah and Cencre:e TERMS OF PAYMENT S100.00 Per Ho.r S 82.00 Per Her S 70.00 Per Hour S 64.00 Per Hour $ 53.00 Per Hour S $4).00 Per Ho~r *S ,17.00 Per Ho~r 0S 43.00 Per Hour tS 40.00 Per Hour tS 38.00 Per Ho.r *S 35.00 Per Ho~r *S 24.00 Per Hour *By arrangement 3.00PerHour 50.00 Per Hour By arrangement 2~.00 Per Hour S 6.00 Unit Price S 45.00 Unit Price S 40.00 Unit Price S 25.00 Unit Price S 40.00 Unit Price S 80.00 Unit Price S 75.00 Unit Price S 30.00 Unit Price S 12.00 Unit Price S 8S.00 Unit Price $100.00 Unit Ptlce S 85.00 Unit Price S I SO. O0 Unit Price SHO. O0 Unit Price S2IO. O0 Unit Price S 80.00 Unit Price S Z20.O0 Unit Price S 85.00 Unit Price S 70.00 Unit Price S300.00 Unit Pr/ce S 32.00 Unit Pglce SIS0.00 Unit Price S 18.00 Unit Price S]65.00 Unit Price S ~0.00 Unit Pr/ce SIS0.00 Unit Pr/ce By Arrangement Invoices ~ for/n~us/ena/sewices a~ due upon presentation. A sen~ce charge of 1.5 pen:on: per monds rna~ be chaqed on accounu net paid within 30 days to cover additional pmcusing and carttint cesu. An'/auorn~'s fees or other cesu incurred in co//tcting any dtlinqMent account will be paid by the clixn:. * An men. lo, chavle of 33.3 % of heudy rues/or non-salaried surf will k ~d~e~ [~ tim in ucess of 8 ~,n ~r ~ (ucl~i~ :~0 a~ ti.~ ~ S~,~ An ~ima c~ of ~ % will ~ c~d f. :i.. S.~s . leg~ ~y& Trawl and penonaZ charges during tmnl :o or fma project a,~ f~e up to a maximum of 1/2 hour each wa~. Use charIt of S3/hr. will be chaqed for whicks while on pro/eel siw.. A/I trawl time in gxcess of 1/2 hmsr each wa-j will be charged a: straight time. 27431 Enterprise Circle West · Temecula . CA 92590 · TEL ( 714 ) 676. 8337 · FAX (.714) 676. 8527 AGREEMENT FOE PEOFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ., 19., between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". The parties hereto mutually agree as follows: SERVICES. Consultant shall perform the tasks set forth in Exhx~it 'A' attached hereto. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule set forth in Exlu'bit *A*. PERFORMANCE. Consultant shall at all times, faithfully, industrially and to the best of his ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks descn'bed herein. PAYMENT. The City agrees tO pay Consultant monthly, at the hourly rates set forth in Exl'u~it *B* attached hereto, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. This amount will not exceed $16,294.00 for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment is approved by the City Council; provided that the City Manager may approve additional payment not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the Agreement; but in no event more than $10,000.00. Consultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shaU be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice. SUSPENSION. TERMINATION OR ABANDONMENT OF AGREEMENT. The City may, at .any time, suspend, terminate or abandon this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under thi~ Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. Witkin thirty-five (35) days after receiving an invoice from the Consultant, the City shall pay Consultant for work done through the date that work is to be ceased pursuant to this section. If the City suspends, terminates or abandons a portion of this Agre. ement such suspension, termination or abandonment shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. . BREACH OF CONTRACT. In the event that Consultant is in default for ~ause under the terms of this Agreement, the City shall have n~ obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default. Default shall include not performing the tasks descn'bed herein to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Manager of the City. Failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder, if such failure arises out of causes beyond his control and without fault or negligence of the Consultant,-shall not be considered a defaulL 2florms/ARG-04 Rev. 1/22/92, pw01/ail'nts/msstcts/04 012292 If the City Manager or his delegate determined that the COnsultant defaults in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shah serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shah have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shah have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. TERM. This Agreement shah commence on ,19 , and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, bu~'m no event later than , '19__. Any disputes regarding performance, default or other matters in dispute between the City and the Consultant arising out of this Agreement or breech thereof, shall be resolved by arbitration. The arbitrator's decision shall be final. Consultant shah select an arbitrator from a list provided by the City of three retired judges of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. The arbitration hearing shall be conducted according to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1280, et seq. City and Consultant shall share the cost of the arbitration equally. OWNE. RSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Upon satisfactory completion of, or in the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings and notes prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shah become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. Neither the City nor any of its officers, employees or agents shah have control over the conduct of the Consultant or any of the Consultants officers, employees or agents, except as herein set forth. The Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. No employee benefits shaU be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shah not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 1-F. GAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Consultant shah keep itseft informed of State' and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with aH such hws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. 2/forms/ARG-04 !k.v. 1/22/92 2 pw01/agmts/mara~t~/04 012292 10. NOTICF.. Whenever it shah be necessary for either party to serve notice on the other respecting this Agreement, such notice shah be served by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the City Manager of the City of Temecula, located at 43 174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590, and the Consultant at 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 250, Temecula California 92590 unless and until different addresses may be furnished in writing by either party to the other. Notice shall be deemed to have been served seventy-two (72) hours after the same has been deposited in the United States Postal Services. This shall be valid and sufficient service of notice for aH purposes. 11. ASSIGNMF-NT. The Consultant shah not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any pan thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without the prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant's sole compensation shall be the value to the City of the services rendered. 12. LLABII .1TY ]'NSURANCE. The Consultant shall maintain insurance acceptable to the City in full force an effect throughout the term of this contract, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Insurance is to be placed with insurer with a Best's rating of no less than A:VII. The costs of such insurance shall be included in the Contractor's bid. The Consultant shah provide the following scope and limits of insurance: A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shah be at least as broad as: Insurance Services Office form no. GL-0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering Comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form number GL-0404 covering. Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage ("occurrence' form CG-0001). Insurance Services Office form no. CA-0001 (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile Liability, code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA-0025. 0 Workers' Compensation insurance as required by Labor Code of the State of California an Employers' Liability insurance. 4. Errors and Omissions insurance. Bs Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits of insurance no less than: General Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. 2. Automobile .iability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 2/fonns/ARG-04 R~v. 1/22/92 3 pa,01/agmts/masters/04 012292 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. 4. Errors and Omissions Insurance: $1,000,000 per occurrence. Ce Deductibles and Self-Insured RetentionS. Any deductible in excess of $1,000 must be declared to and approved by the City. Other Insurance Provisions. Insurance policies required by this contract shah contain or be endorsed to contain the following provisions: All Policies. Each insurance polity required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City via United States First Class Mail. be General l .iabHi~v and Automobile l -iabHity Coverages. The City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insurecis as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned,' occupied or used by the Consultant, or automobiles owned, lease, hired or borrowed by the Consultant The coverage shaft contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. With regard to claims arising from the Consultanrs performance of the work described in this contract, the Consultanrs insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials; employees or volunteers shah apply in excess of, and not contribute with, the Consultant's insurance. Any failure to comply with the reporting provisions of the policies shah not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suite is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Ce Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage. RBF's liability coverage complies with the laws of the State of California as written. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shah furnish the City with certificates of insurance effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates are to be on forms approved 2/forta~/ARO-04 R_-v. 1/22/92 4 poxlnps.lmmenlo4 oxmm~,2 by the City and are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of aH required insurance policies, at any time. All subconsultants shah furnish separate certificates. All coverages for subcontractors shah be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shah reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials and employees; or the Consultant shall procure a bend guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. 13. LICENSES. The Consultant and subconsultant shall obtain all necessary licenses, including but not limited to City Business License. 14. INDEMNIFICATION. The Consultant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and aH claims, demands, losses, defense cost, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Consultant's negligent performance under the tens of this Agreement, excepting only Liability arising out of the sole negligence of the City. 15. ENTIRF. AGREEMENT. This Agreement and any documents or instrument attached hereto or referred to herein integrate all tens and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto supersede aH negotiations and prior writing in respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. EFFECTIVE DATE AND EXECUTION: This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date it is signed by the representatives of the City. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. 2/forms/ARO-04 Rmt. 1/22/92 5 Im01/agmt,/mamm/04 012292 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. William l' .. Green. Senior Vice President Print Name and Title By Patricia H. Birdsall, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: o~t~F. Field, City Attorney June S. Greek, City Clerk 2/fom/ARG-04 Rm,. 1/22/92 6 lm01/agmts/mastcts/0dl 012292 EXHIBIT "A" J.N. 400491, Revision No. 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant agrees to perform the following Scope of Services: Task No. 1 HORxT. ONTAL CONTROL PLAN Consultant shall provide horizontal dimensional control calculations and prepare a Horizontal Control Phn to establish the location of the structures, parking lot improvements, onsite drive aisles and entries in relation to the site boundary and perimeter streets. Client shah furnish RBF with control monumentation to be used in conjunction with the horizontal control plan. RBF shall field check control monumentation to verif~ same. Task No. 2 ROUGH GRADING STAKES Consultant shall provide stakes adequate to construct the grading improvements subsequent to site being cleared of brush and trees as follows: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Set one set of basic horizontal and vertical control stakes, daylight stakes, and slope stakes to accommodate initial mass grading. Interior slope stakes for harriscape. Mark sawcut removals. Set one set of stakes for crib wall backcut. Set one set of perimeter retaining wall stakes. Set building pad stakes. Set brow ditch stakes. Set one set of parking lot curb stakes. 2/forms/ARG-04 Rev. 1/22/92 7 p*0~/a~nts/mmen/O4 m292 Task No. 3 STORM DRAIN 5TAKE5 Consultant shall install one set of line and grade stakes for the storm drain system on 25-foot stations and at all angle points, beginning and end of curves, junctions, manholes and inlets and outlets, marked cut to flow line of pipe. The stakes for structures shall be set on appropriate offsets agreed upon by Consultant and the Contractor and shall be marked for finish grade to the openings, top of structure, and rim of manhole covers. One set of stakes for a structure shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of four offset stakes per structure. Two sets of cut sheets for storm drain grades will be supplied to the Client for distribution to the Contractor. All staking requests for storm drain staking shall be for complete systems when feasible. All storm drain stakes shall be set starting from the point of connection to the existing system, and no stakes shall be set until the point of connection to the existing system has been uncovered by the Contractor and verified by Consultant for compliance with the line and grade as shown on the storm drain plans. If the Client requests Consultant to set stakes prior to verification of connection point, Client assumes all responsibility for any additional costs of restaking by Consultant or reconstruction by Contractor due to a variation between the approved plan grade and the actual 'as-built" line and grade. Task No. 4 HARDSCAPI=- S'TAXES Consultant shall provide one set of line and grade stakes for construction of harriscape features (sidewalks and concrete patio). 2/forms/ARC, w-04 Rev. 1/22/92 8 pwOl/a~m./m~ler~/04 0122~2 Task No. 5 RETAINING WAI J. STAKES Consultant shall install one set of retaining wail stakes at each end of wall and on 25-foot stations marked with the top of wall elevations for all retaining walls shown on the approved precise grading plan. The stakes shall be placed on an offset to the front face of the wall stem, as agreed upon by Consultant and the Contractor. One set of cut sheets for the top of wall shall be supplied to the Client for distribution to the Contractor. Task 'No. 6 CRIB WAIJ. STAKES Consultant shall install one set of crib wall stakes at each end of wall and on 25-foot stations marked with the top of curb elevations for all crib walls shown on the approved precise grading plan. The stakes shall be placed on an offset to the front face of the wall stern, as agreed upon by Consultant and Contractor. One set of cut sheets for the top of curb shall be supplied to the Client for distribution to the Contractor. Client shah furnish Consultant with a set of crib wall plans. Task No. 7 Consultant shah provide one set of line and grade stakes for curb and gutter. These stakes will be located on 25-foot stations. Stakes will be set with appropriate offsets to the face of curb, as agreed upon by the Contractor and Consultant. All stakes will be marked to the finish top of curb grade. Cut sheets shall be supplied to the Client for distribution to the Contractor. A11 requests for curb and gutter staking shall be for the complete parking lot where feasible. Driveway locations will be staked along with curb and gutter. 2/fonns/ARG-0~ Rev. 1/22/92 9 p~0l/a~nts/masten/04 012292 EXHIBIT "B" J.N. 400491, Revision No. 1 COMPENSATION Client agrees to compensate Consultant for such services as follows: Consultant shall complete the work outlined above in accordance with the fee schedule identified below and shall invoice Client on a monthly basis based on the percentage of completion. ITEM WORK TASK FEE 1. Horizontal Control Plan $1,355 2. Rough Grade Stakes 7,799 '3. Storm Drain Stakes 1,366 4. . Harriscape Stakes 740 5. Retaining Wall Stakes 807 6. Crib Wall Stakes 855 7. Curb Stakes 3372 TOTAL $16,294 Progress billings will be forwarded to the Client on a monthly bash. These billings will include the fees earned for the billing period plus all direct costs advanced by Consultant. The Client shall make every reasonable effort to review invoices within fifteen (15) working days from the date of receipt of the invoices and notify Consultant in writing of any particular item that is alleged to be incorrect. The fees proposed herein shall apply until August 1, 1992. Due to ever-changing costs, Consultant may increase those portions of the contract fee for which work must still be completed after August 1, 1992 by ten percent (10%). Any work relating to, but not limited to, soils engineering, topographic mapping, traffic signal or striping design, environmental documentation, sound studies or acoustical engineering, underground 2/form$/ARG-04 R~v. 1/22/~, 10 p,0t/lSrnts/nmtcts/04 012292 utility planning, design or coordination, design for relocation of underground irrigation facilities, detour plan, property title services, preparation of legal descriptions and exhibits (except as provided herein), staking of joint trench utilities, construction surveying for grading cross-sections or removal of unsuitable material and any additional staking (except as provided herein), if required, shall be covered under a separate agreement. 2/l~orms/ARG-04 Rev. 1/22/92 11 p-0x/awts/nmter=/0~ 012292 ITEM 16 ORDNANCE NO. 9~19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 92-0013, THE DEVELO~ AGREb'~MENT FOR SPECIFIC PLAN NO 219 BETWEEN ~ CITY OF TEMECUIA AND BEnFORD DEV~-I OPMF~NT CORPORATION FOR A TEN YEAR PERIOD, TO COLLECT DEVELOPMENT FEES, RECEIVE CREBIT FOR QUIMBY ACT REQUIREMENTS BY DEVELOPING AND DEDICATING PUBLIC PARKS AND OPEN SPACE AND THE TIMING OF IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BU'I'EERFIFJ.,D STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. l>unuant to Government Code Section 65867.5, Planning Application No. 92-0013, the Development Agreement for Specific Plan No. 219, Amendment No. 3, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk, is hereby approved. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said Development Agreement on behalf of the City of Temecula after execution there of by all landowners listed therein, provided all such landowners have executed said Development Agreement within 30 days after adoption of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shah be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shah certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted and published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of December, 1992. A'ITEST: Patricia H. Birdsall, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] Ords 92-19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecuh, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 92-19 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 8th day of December, 1992, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed a regular meeting of the City Council on the day of January 12, 1993 by the following roll call vote: " COUNCKi~MBERS: NOES: COUNCILM~-~ERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY CLERK ITEM 17 ORDINANCE NO. 92-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SPECIFIC PIAN NO. 219, AMENDMENT NO. 3; AMENDING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219 TO ADD AN EIGHT ACRE PARK TO PLANNING AREA 6, TO MAKE THE SPECIFIC PLAN CONSISTENT WITH THE EAST SIDE MAPS AND TO MAKE ALL THE SECTIONS OF THE SPECI~C PLAN CONSISTENT WITH EACH OTHER AND IX)CATED TO THE SOUTH OF PAUBA ROAD, NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 79, WEST OF BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND EAST OF MARGARITA ROAD. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OF TEMEC~A DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Bedford Development Corporation has filed Specific Plan No. 219, Amendment No. 3 in accordance with applicable which is on file with the City Clerk, is hereby approved. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said Specific Plan Amendment on behalf of the City of Temecula after execution thereof, by all landowners listed therein, provided all such landowners have executed said Specific Plan within 30 days after adoption of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted and published as required by hw. PASSi~.r}, APPROVEI) AND ADOPTED this 8th day of December, 1992. ATTEST: Patricia H. Birdsall, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] Ords92-20 -1- STATE OF CALIFO~) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TENIF~ULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 92-20 was duly introduced andplaced upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 8th day of December, 1992, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed a regular meeting of the City Council on the__ day of , 199 by the following wH call vote: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILlVlEMB~: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk ITEM NO. 18 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPRO.,~~~ CITY ATTORNEY · FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department · January 12, 1993 Appeal No. 28 for Plot Plan No. 245, Amendment No. 1 PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Matthew Fagan The Planning Department Staff recommends that Council: the City Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING APPEAL NO. 28, UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO DENY PLOT PLAN NO. 245, AMENDMENT NO. 1, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (1) V-TYPE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF WINCHESTER ROAD APPROXIMATELy 1,200 FEET NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 911-150-005. BACKGROUND Appeal No. 28 was continued from the December 8, 1992 City Council meeting at the request of the applicant. The applicant was out of the State on December 8 and was therefore unable to attend the City Council meeting (see Attachment No. 1 ). Staff has received three (3) letters in favor of outdoor advertising displays (billboards) which are also in favor of locating additional displays within the City of Temecula. These letters have been included as an attachment (see Attachment No. 2). One telephone call has been received by staff in opposition to the location of the proposed outdoor advertising display. Staff has requested that the applicant continue this item to the City Council meeting on January 26, 1993 due to scheduling conflicts. The applicant has concurred with this request in a letter addressed to the City Council (see Attachment No. 3). FISCAL IMPACT None R:LS%STAFt=RFT~BAPpEALCC2 Attachments: Resolution No. 93-__- page 3 Applicant's Request for Continuance Letter from the December 8, 1992 City Council Meeting - page 9 Letters Received by Staff - page 10 Applicant's Letter Concurring with Staff's Request to Continue Appeal No. 28 to the City Council Meeting on January 26, 1993 - page 11 R:I~STAFFI~PPF.cALCC2 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 93- R:~S~.STAFFRI~BAPPF. ALCC2 3 RESOL~ON NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TI~IECULA D]~NYING APPEAL NO. 28, UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMI-~SION'S DECISION TO DENY PLOT PLAN NO. 245, AM]~M!~FT NO. 1, TO ALLOW ~ CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (1) V-TYI~ OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF WINCHY-~;TER ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1,200 FEET NORTH OF ~ INTERSECTION OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEI. NO. 911-150-005. WI~REAS, Adams Advertising filed Plot Plan No. 245 on July 15, 1992; WHEnEAS, an Amendment No. 1 to Plot Plan No. 245 was filed on August 14, 1992; WHI~IREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; ~Ff'HERE,a,S, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Plot Plan on September 21, 1992, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission denied said Plot Plan. .. W'RE~E_AS, Adams Advertising, Inc. fried Appml No. 28 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Appeal application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Appeal on December 8, 1992, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Appeal; and WHEREAS, Appeal No. 28 was continued at the December 8, 1992 public hearing; WHi.-'~EAS, the City Council received a copy of the Staff Report regarding the Appeal; NOW, THEnEk'y)RE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMY_CI.H_A DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: R:%S~STAFFRPI'~BAPPEALCC2 4 Section 1. Findings. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Cede Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation.. During that 30-month peried of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: general plan. The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the 2. The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: a. There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted. general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c. The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Plot Plan is consistent with the County of Riverside SWAP Guidelines and meet the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: 1. The Planning Commission f'mds, in denying projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: a. There is a likely probability that the land use or action proposed will not be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b. There is a probab'tlity of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted General Plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. R:~STAFFRPT~28APPF. ALCC2 5 c. The proposed use or action does not comply with all other applicable requirements of suite law and local ordinances. D. Pursuant to Section 18.30(c) of Ordinance No. 348, no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: 1. The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state law and City ordinances. 2. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general weftare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. to wit: The City Council, in denying the Appeal No. 28, makes the following fmdings, 1. There is a likely probability that Plot Plan No. 245, Amendment No. 1 will not be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. The Draft Preferred Land Use Plan designation for the project site is Medium Density Residential. The proposed sign is inconsistent with this land use designation. In addition, the proposed sign is inconsistent with the Draft General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements, due to its impact upon the surrounding development and the fact that the proposed project site is a potential "gateway" to the City. 2. There is a probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted General Plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The erection of one (1) V-type Outdoor Advertising Disphys will be inconsistent with the pwposed land use designation of Medium Density Residential for the site. There are existing residential uses to the west of the project site and residential development is proposed to the northeast and the east of the site. In addition, the Community Design Element has determined that the area of the project will be a "gateway* to the City. By approving the proposed Outdoor Advertising Disphy, the proposed General Plan Goals and Policies will be difficult to obtain. 3. The proposed use or action does not comply with nil other applicable requirements of state hw and local ordinances. Section 4.A. of Ordinance No. 92-06, prohibiting the establishment of Outdoor Advertising Disphys, contains hardship pwvisions, which have not been demonstrated to exist for the proposed sign. Approval was never granted by the Riverside County Planning Depamnent, and the subsequent approval procedure with the City of Temecula was not pursued. 4. The proposed sign is not designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare and does not conform to the logical development of the land. Further, the sign is not compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. At the current time, the subject project site is zoned for industrial development. The Draft Preferred Land Use Plan has been developed and the designn_ti_on for the site is Medium Density Residential. The present development in the immediate area is vacant to the south, east and portions north of the site. Residential uses exist to the north/northwest of the site. R:~S~STAFF!I:q"~BAFtrccALCC2 6 Approved uses will include residential uses to the north and east, with commercial and industrial uses to the south. The sign as proposed, will not be consistent with the immediate surrounding development. In addition, the Community Design Element identifies this area as a potential gateway to the City, the development of which would not include Outdoor Advertising Displays.l Section 2. Environmental Compliance. The City of Temecula City Council hereby determines that Appeal No. 28 is a statutory exemption under CEQA pursuant to Section 15270 (a) of the CEQA guidelines. R:~S~STAFFRPT~28APPEALCC2 7 -- Section 3. DEN~.r~ AND ADOPTi~ this 12th day of January, 1993. ATTEST: PATRICIA H. BIRDSA~ MAYOR June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 93:_ was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the__ day of , 1993, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed a regular meeting of the City Council on the _th day of , 1993 by the following roll call vote: COUNCII1VIEMBERS: NOES: COUNCTt-MEIV~ER~: COUNCrt-MEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk R:'~S'~ST~BAPPEALCC2 8 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 APPLICANT'S REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE LETTER FROM THE DECEMBER 8, 1992 CITY COUNCIL MEETING R:~S%STAFFRPT~28APPEALCC2 9 - 1~081 Rocky Road, Santa Ana, California 92705, (714) 838-9026 · FAX (714) 730-5461 adams advertising, inc. December 8, 1992 RECEIVED DEC 1 O 1992 ~'d .....------ VIA FACSIMILE AND MAlL (909) 694-1999 ~.fr. Gary Thornhill Planning Director City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Dr. Te,~ecula, CA 92590 Re: Plot'Plans #245 and #246 Dear Mr. Thornhill: In a telephone conversation with Matthew Fagan, it was brought to my attention that I neglected to offer a reason for requesting the continuance. Bob ,4dams is out of the State and is unable to return until Wednesday, December 9, 1992. Therefore, we will not be in a position to make a pre.fentation at the meeting tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you. Yours truly, Michele Adams MA:dt 19081 Rocky Road, Santa Ana, California 92705, (714) 838-9026 · FAX (714) 730-5461 adams advertising, inc. December 8, 1992 Mr.. Gary Thornhill Planning Director City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 VIA FACSIMILE AND MAlL RE: Plot Plans #245 & #246 := .:Dear Mr.'.~hornhill: Adams Advertising respectfully requests that items # 14 and # 15 on the December 8, 1992 .City.-Council agenda be continued to the next City Council meeting. Your ass/stance is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Yours truly, Michele Adams ATTACHMENT NO. 3 LETTERS RECEIVED BY STAFF R:'~SITA~BAPPF. ALCC2 10 RAMADA' INN cc: Gary Thornhill TO: The City Council City of Temsoula FROM: Downtown l--s of America ' Ramada Inn, Tc~-c~a DATE: December 5, 1992 RE: Adams Sign Request for'Additional Signals The. m~no ~ in n~ of Ad~ S]~ ~E ~n~ additional ~c b~board ~ey ~~ for our R~a ~ hu ~~ o= RAMADA INN · 28980 From Street · Temecule, California 92590 · (714) 676-8770 Ord & Rodgers Homes cc: Gary Thornhill December 4, 1992 City of Temecula. 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear City Council We wish to express our need, plus the importance of the Adams billboard we maintain on Interstate 15, north of Winchester Road, Temecula. This display has been very beneficial to our business and is the only medium available to reach the mass traffic passing through Temecula daily. Therefore, we would be favorable to your approval of the Adams project on 79 North to allow additional signage for business. Sincerely, L. Frederick Pack Ord & Rodgers Homes CC: Adams Advertising 5122 AVENIOA ENCINAS · CARLSBAD. CA 92008 · FAX (619) 438-5861 · (619) 438-1588 cc: Gar7 Thornhill December 3, 1992 Temecula City Council City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Dear Council Members: RE: ADAM$ ADVERTISING INC. SIGN PROPOSAL =" .~'HIGHWAY ~79'=NORTH.' ..- We wish to express our need plus the importance of the Adams Advertising billboard we maintain on 'Interstate 15, north of Highway 79 South, advising the motorist of our golf club. This display has been' very beneficial to our business and is the only medium available to reach the mass traffic passing through Temecula daily. Therefore, we would be favorable to Adams Advertising's sign project to provide new signs, that are very necessary for our business and many others, in the City of Temecula. Thank you. Sincerel' ,, L. A. Heffner Executive Vice President LAH:p 45100 Redhawk Parkway, Temecula. California 92592 Phone (909} 695-1424 FAX 1909) 694-0949 .ATTACHMENT NO. 4 APPLICANT'S LETTER CONCURRING WITH STAFFS REQUEST TO CONTINUE APPEAL NO. 28 TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JANUARY 26, 1993 R:%S~STAFFFFT'~e,e. PPEALCC2 11 ~n. ~ '95 18:88 0880 ADAMS Ar~ERTISING INC. TEL 91~1-730-546! P. 2 19081 Rocky Rca¢, Sanla Ana, Cahfornia 92705, (7:4j ~38-9026. ;.;AX (71~) 730546'i VIA FACSIMILE AND MAIL (909i 694-1999 Janu~wy 4, 1993 Hoaorable Mayor and CIty Council Members City of Tenaecula 43 ~ 74 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Re,' Rat Rawt 245 & Rat Ran 246 Appeal 28 & AReel 29 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: In accordance with a request from Staff. Adams Advertl~g hereby requests to continue #ubJecr items to the refularly $cheduled meeting of January 26, I993. Thank you. Youn ~ruly, Michele Adams MA:dt cc: Matthew Faggan ' ITEM NO. 19 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROV CITY ATTORNEYt~~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Planning Department / January 12, 1993 Appeal No. 29 for Plot Plan No. 246, Amendment No. I PREPARED BY: Matthew Fagan RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends that the City Council: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 93- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING APPEAL NO. 29, UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO DENY PLOT PLAN NO. 246, AMENDMENT NO. 1, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (1) V-TYPE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF WINCHESTER ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1,200 FEET NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 911-150-005. BACKGROUND Appeal No. 29 was continued from the December 8, 1992 City Council meeting at the request of the applicant. The applicant was out of the State on December 8 and was therefore unable to attend the City Council meeting (see Attachment No. 1 ). Staff has received three (3) letters in favor of outdoor advertising displays (billboards) which are also in favor of locating additional displays within the City of Temecula. These letters have been included as an attachment (see Attachment No. 2). One telephone call has been received by staff in opposition to the location of the proposed outdoor advertising display. Staff has requested that the applicant continue this item to the City Council meeting on January 26, 1993 due to scheduling conflicts. The applicant has concurred with this request in a letter addressed to the City Council (see Attachment No. 3). FISCAL IMPACT None R:~S~STAFFRPT~29APPEALCC2 Attachments: Resolution No. 93- - page 3 Applicant's Request for Continuance Letter from the December 8, 1992 City Council Meeting - page 9 Letters Received by Staff - page 10 Applicant's Letter Concurring with Staff's Request to Continue Appeal No. 28 to the City Council Meeting on January 26, 1993 - page 11 R:~S~STAFFRFT~29APIaf'ALCC2 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 93- R:~TA~Hrr'ALG'02 3 RESOLUTION NO. 9'3- A RF,~OLUTION OF TtTF~ CITY COUNCIL OF T!tE CITY OF TEMECUIA DENYING APPEAL NO. 29, UPHOt-DING PIANNING COMM~RSION'S DECISION TO DENY PLOT PLAN NO. 246, AMENDMENT NO. 1, TO ALLOW ~ CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (1) V-TYPE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY LOCATED ON ~ EAST SIDE OF WINCHESTER ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1,850 FEET NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF WINCF~.STER AND NICOLAS ROADS, AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 911-L~-005. WHERF-AS, Adams Advertising filed Plot Plan No. 246 on July 15, 1992; Wi~-~, an Amendment No. 1 to Plot Plan No. 246 was filed on August 14, 1992; W!~-REAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; W!:!EREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Plot Plan on September 21, 1992, at which time interested persons had oppommity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; IVIIEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission denied said Plot Plan. WHEREAS, Adams Advertising, Inc. filed ~ No. 29 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WFIY~REAS, said Appeal application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WR!~s'.4S, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Appeal on Dea~mber 8, 1992, at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Appeal; and WH!~I~-~kS, Appeal No. 29 was continued at ~xe December 8, 1992 public hearing; WHI?.REAS, the City Council received a copy of the Staff Report regarding the Appeal; NOW, THEREFORE, ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECLrLA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: R:~S~,STAFFRPI'~gAPPEALCC2 4 Section 1. Findings. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shail adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: general plan. The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the prcpaxation of the 2. The planning agency finds, in appwving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of buffcling permits, each of the following: a. There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposal will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. c. The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state hw and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as mended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecuh as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the prepamflon of its General Plan. C. The proposed Plot Plan is consistent with the County of Riverside SWAP Guidelines and meet the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: 1. The Planning Commission finds, in denying projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pu.rsuant to this rifle, each of the following: a. There is a likely probability that the land use or action proposed will not be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. b. There is a probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted General Plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. R:XS%STAFFRFT~gAPPEALCC2 5 c. The proposed use or action does not comply with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. Pursuant to Section18. 30(c) of Ordinance No. 348, no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: 1. The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of state hw and City ordinances. 2. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general weftare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding pwpeny. to wit: The City Council, in denying the Appeal No. 29, makes the following findings, 1. There is a likely pwbability that Plot Plan No. 246, Amendment No. 1 will not be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. The Draft Preferred l -and Use Plan designation for the project site is Medium Density Residential. The proposed sign is inconsistent with this land use designation. In addition, the proposed sign is inconsistent with the Draft General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements, due to its impact upon the surrounding development and the fact that the proposed project site is a potential "gateway" to the City. 2. There is a probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted General Plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The erection of one (1) V-type Outdoor Advertising Disphys will be inconsistent with the proposed land use designation of Medium Density Residential for the site. There are existing residential uses to the west of the project site and residential development is proposed to the northeast and the east of the site. In addition, the Community Design Element has determined that the area of the project will be a "gateway" to the City. By approving the proposed Outdoor Advertising Disphy, the proposed General Plan Goals and Policies will be difficult to obtain. 3. The proposed use or action does not comply with all other applicable requirements of state hw and local ordinances. Section 4.A. of Ordinance No. 92-06, prohibiting the establishment of Outdoor Advertising Disphys, contains hardship provisions, which have not been demonstrated to exist for the proposed sign. Approval was never granted by the Riverside County Planning Depamnent, and the subsequent approval procedure with the City of Temecuh was not pursued. 4. The proposed sign is not designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general weftare and does not conform to the logical development of the land. Further, the sign is not compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. At the current time, the subject project site is zoned for indusU'ial development. The Draft Preferred Land Use Plan has been developed and the designation for the site is Medium Density Residential. The present development in the immediate area is vacant to the south, east and portions north of the site. Residential uses exist to the north/northwest of the site. R:%-SXSTAFFRPT~gAPPEALCC2 6 Approved uses will include residential uses to the north and east, with commercial and industrial uses to the south. The sign as proposed, wffi not be consistent with the immedis~e surrounding development. In addition, the Community Design Element identifies this area as a potential gateway to the City, the development of which would not include Outdoor Advertising Displays, Section 2. Environmental Compliance. The City of Temecula City Council hereby determines that Appeal No. 29 is a statutory exemption under CEQA pursuant to Section 15270 (a) of the CEQA guidelines. R:~S~STAR:RPT~gAPPEAL. CC2 7 Section 3. DENIY. r} AND ADOPTED this 12th day of January, 1993. ATTEST: PATRICIA H. BIRDSAIJ- MAYOR June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 93--- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the__ day of , 1993, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed a regular meeting of the City Council on the __th day of __, 1993 by the following roll call vote: COUNCrr-MEMBERS: NOES: COUNTERS: COUNCn-M~IBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk R:%S%STAFFRPT~gAR:~,AL CC2 8 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 APPLICANT'S REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE LETTER FROM THE DECEMBER 8, '1992 CITY COUNCIL MEETING R:%S~,~TARqtFI'~gAPPEALCC2 9 - 1~081 Rocky Road, Santa Ana, California 92705, (714) 838-9026 · FAX (714) 730-5461 adams advertising, inc. December 8, 1992 RECEIVED D E C 10 1992 VIA FACSIMILE AND MAlL (909) 694-1999 Mr. Gary Thornhill Planning D/rector City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Dr.. Tea?ecula, CA 92590 Re: Plot'Plans #245 and #246 Dear Mr. Thornhill: in a telephone conversation with Matthew Fagan, it was brought to my attention that i neglected to offer a reason for requesting the continuance. Bob Adams is out of the State and is unable to return until Wednesday, December 9, 1992. Therefore, we will not be in a position to make a presentation at the meeting tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you. Yours truly, Michele Adams MA:dt · . . ..,';'.... :~: 19081 Rocky Road, Santa Ana, California 92705, (714) 838-9026 * FAX (714) 730-5461 adams advertising, inc. December 8, 1992 Mr.. Gary Thornhill Planning Director City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 VIA FACSIMILE AND MAIL RE: Plot Plans #245 & #246 :, .:Dear Mr. '.:Thornhill: Adams Advertising respectfully requests that items #14 and #15 on the December 8, 1992 .City.-Council agenda be continued to the next City Council meeting. Your ass/stance is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Yours truly, Michele Adams ATTACHMENT NO. 3 LETTERS RECEIVED BY STAFF R:'~S%'STAI=FRPT'~29APPEALCC2 10 RAMADA INN cc: Gary Thornhill TO: The City Council City of Temecula FROM: Downtown T...~ Of America " Ramada Inn, Tennecula DATE: Dt:ccrnber 5, 1992 RE: Adams Sign Request for'Additional Signags ~ zn~mo is in s~ppor~ o~ Ariains Signs lz~tg l~anted addidon~tl ~"igz~gc. 'l"ne billboard ~e7 constructe~t ~or o~r Rnr~n~ ~ h~ incr~a.sed ore' e:~posm-~ ~$ ',yell our occ~l~mcy. RAMADA INN · 28980 Front Street · Temeeula, California 92590 · (714) 676-8770 Ord & Rodgers Homes cc: Gary Thornhill December 4, 1992 City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear City Council We wish to express our need, plus the importance of the Adams billboard we maintain on Interstate 15, north of Winchester Road, Temecula. This display has been very beneficial to our business and is the only medium available to reach the mass traffic passing through Temecula daily. Therefore, we would be favorable to your approval of the Adams project on 79 North to allow additional signage for business. Sincerely, L. Frederick Pack Ord & Rodgers Homes CC: Adams Advertising 5122 AVENIDA ENCINAS · CARLSBAD. CA 92008 · ~X (619) 438-5861 · (619) 438-1588 cc: Gary Thornhill December 3, 1992 Temecula City Council City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Dear Council Members: RE: ADAMS ADVERTISING INC. SIGN PROPOSAL ='.' .:'HIGHWAY~79'~NORTH.' ... - We wish to express our need plus the importance of the Adams Advertising billboard we maintain on 'Interstate 15, north of Highway 79 South, advising the motorist of our golf club. This display has been' very beneficial to our business and is the only medium available to reach the mass traffic passing through Temecula daily. Therefore, we would be favorable to Adams Advertising's sign project to provide new signs, that are very necessary for our business and many others, in the City of Temecula. Thank'you. Sincerel~ , L. A. Heffner Executive Vice President -&5100 Redhawk Parkway, Tcmecula. California 92592 Phone (9091 695-1424 FAX (9091 694-0949 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 APPLICANT'S LETTER CONCURRING WITH STAFFS REQUEST TO CONTINUE APPEAL NO. 29 TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JANUARY 26, '1993 R:~$'~STAFI=~a'PPEALCC2 11 19081 Rocky Rca¢. Santa Ana, Catdornia 9,~705. (714} F,38-9026, F~AX ('714) 730.5463 ariaroe adv®rtidng inc. VIA FACSIMILE AND MAlL f909) 694-1999 Janumry 4, f993 HeaDtable Mayor and CIty Council Members City of TenJecula 43 174 BUsiness Pmrk Drive Tamecub, CA 92590 Re: Pit Pin 245 & Plot Ran 246 Appeal 28 & A~ped 29 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: in accordance with a request from Staff, Adams Advertisinll hereby requests to conb~?ue subject items to the regularly $clfeduled meeb~g of January 26, 2993, Thank you, Yours ~uly, Michele Adsms MA:dt CC: Matthew Fa#gan ' ITEM 20 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY,~~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 Transportation Demand Management/Air Quality Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt an Ordinance Entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 93- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RELATING TO MOBILE SOURCE AIR POIj~UTION REDUCTION THROUGH REDUCING EMPLOYMENT RELATED MOTOR VEHICLE TRIPS AND EMPLOYMENT-RELATED MOTOR VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED. BACKGROUND: When Proposition 111 passed in June, 1990, it established a process for each metropolitan county in California, including Riverside, to designate a Congestion Management Agency (CMA) to prepare a Congestion Management Program (CMP). The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), was designated as the CMA for Riverside County in accordance with CMP legislation (AB 471 and AB 1791 amendments). Since that time, RCTC prepared its first CMP in coordination with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), the TAC CMP Subcommittee, the Western Riverside County Association of Governments (WRCOG), and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). The CMP was adopted by the Commission in September, 1991. The legislation established a number of new requirements governing the statewide process for planning and funding transportation improvements. The bills provide mechanisms to enhance the maintenance end improvement of local roads and highways and they emphasize funding transportation improvements. Further, they also emphasize funding for mass transit and congestion relief programs. Specifically, the CMP component is an effort to more directly link land use, transportation, and air quality, thereby prompting reasonable growth management programs that will more effectively utilize new transportation funds, alleviate traffic congestion and related impacts, and improve air quality. -1 - pwO5%agdrpt%93%0112%tdm 122892 Section 65089(b)(3) of the Government Code requires: "A trip reduction and travel demand element that promotes alternative transportation methods, such as carpools, vanpools, transit, bicycles, and park-and-ride lots; improvements in the balance between jobs and housing; and other strategies, including flexible work hours and parking management programs." Section 65089.3(a) further requires that: "The CMA annually monitor the county and cities to insure that they are conforming to the Congestion Management Program, including, but not limited to adoption and implementation of a trip reduction and travel demand ordinance." The deadline for local agencies to adopt a TDM ordinance is December 31,1992. However, Staff has discussed this deadline with RCTC staff and they have allowed the City to consider this item on January 12, 1993 without any penalty. Additionally, Regulation XV adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District in 1987 requires all public and private employers (firms, government agencies, schools, hospitals, etc.) with at least 100 employees at any work site to devise commute alternatives for employees and to reduce the numbers of people driving alone to work. Companies falling within Regulation XV guidelines must submit an implementation plan within 90 days of notification and must designate and train an on-site Employee Transportation Coordinator. In the plan, which must also be approved by the district office, the employer outlines a strategy for increasing Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) to a specified level over the first year. AVR is the ratio of peak morning commuters to the total number of cars driven by these employees. One year after the plan's implementation, the employer must recalculate the AVR of its workforce. If the company fails to meet its target AVR, it is then required to revise the plan and implement the revisions during the second year. Failing to reach the AVR goal is not a violation of the regulation; failing to implement the plan, though, is punishable by fine. The WRCOG of which Temecula is a member has prepared the attached model ordinance for its member agencies to consider. It should be noted that this model ordinance is simply that, 'a model that each local agency may modify to suit their own needs and requirements. This ordinance is intended to meet the minimum requirements of the CMP and the Air Quality Management Ran (AQMP) and to promote consideration of TDM objectives early in the development process. Currently, the conventional land development style promotes reliance on the single occupant automobile and this ordinance is an action plan to promote the use of alternative transportation modes through project design and facility planning. All developments that fall within the requirements of this ordinance ( > 1 O0 employees) must submit a trip reduction plan describing the trip level to be achieved and outlining its proposed Transportation Demand Management Solutions to achieve that goal. It is assumed that every project is unique and solutions to solve the congestion management and air quality issues will also be unique to that situation. However, the plan must ensure that the proposed trip reduction solutions will be implemented and that long term vehicle trip reduction goals will be achieved. -2- pwO5%agdrpt%93%0112%tdm 122892 Several options for implementation and assurance mechanisms are described within the ordinance. These suggested mechanisms are not inclusive of all possible solutions and any acceptable mechanism which ensures that mutually beneficial congestion management end air quality goals are achieved may be considered for implementation. The Planning Commission along with the Traffic and Transportation Commission has reviewed the attached ordinance and is recommending approval. FISCAL IMPACT: The Planning Commission requested that Staff estimate some reasonable fee to be associated with reviewing and monitoring the TDM Plans. Staff feels that since all calculation involving trip reductions will be based on the traffic analysis that is submitted prior to conditional approval of the proposed project, a maximum one-time fee of $250.00 should be sufficient to recover 100% of the costs associated with reviewing and monitoring the plans. The proposed fee will be incorporated in a future resolution for adoption by the City Council that will also consolidate our current development impact and user fees into one schedule. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance -3- pwOS~agdrpt%93%0112%tdm 122892 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TEMECUIA RELATING TO MOBIL~ SOURCE AIR POIN,UTION RRr}UCTION THROUGH REDUCING EMPLO~- REL&TED MOTOR VEI~CLR ~ AND EMPLOYMENT- RELATED MOTOR VEg~CLE Mrt,F_q TRAVELED The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby makes the following findings: A. The City is committed to protecting the health, welfare and safety of our residents. Poor air quality and ~ is detrimental to the public health, welfare and c. ~".-. ~ .Z~ contribute significantly to the poor air quality in the City/County. D. The South Coast Air Quality Management Plan calls for Cities/Counties to reduce vehicle miles Waveled and vehicle trips. E. The County and every City in the County is required by state hw to adopt and implement a Transportation Demand Management Ordinance which complies with standards and requirements established within the County's Congestion Management Program (CMP). F. Riverside County Transportation Commission, as Congestion Management Agency for Riverside County, has established requirements for new developments which could employ 1 00 or more persons. Section 2. Intent. A. This Ordinance is intended to protect the public health, welfare and safety by reducing air pollution and congestion caused by vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled. Section 3. Definitions. A. "Alternate Work Schedules" means a variation from the traditional 5 day/40-hour work week to a 4 day/40-hour, 9 B. "Applicable Development" means any new or existing development that meets or exceed the employment threshold identified in Section 4. I pwO1~pisneomm~aOenda~92~1207Rrnsdrnd.rpt 1202e C. *Flex-time" means allowing employees to determine their own starting and quitting times by either extending the work day in the morning, or evening, or both. D. *Parking Management" means an action taken to alter the supply, operation and/or demand of parking facilities to force a shift from the single-occupant vehicle to carpool, vanpool, or other transportation mode. E. *Rideshare* means a transportation mode with multiple occupants per vehicle. F. "Teiecommuting* means the employee forgoes a trip to the normal work site and instead, works from home or from a satellite office near home. Section 4. New Development. A. Applicability: This Ordinance is applicable to new employment generating developments that could employ 100 or more persons based upon the following methodology: LAND USF- CATF. GORY Retail Commercial Office/Professional Industrial/Manufacturing Warehouse Hotel/Motel Hospital GROSS SQUARF- FEETFEMPI OYEE 500 Square Feet/Employee 300 Square. Feet/Employee 500 Square Feet/Employee 1,000 Square Feet/Employee .5 Employees/Guest Room 300 Square Feet/Employee For mixed-use developments, the project employment factor shall be based upon the proportion of the development devoted to each land use. B. Standards: All applicable developments shall incorporate facilities and/or programs in their development plans sufficient to attain a twelve percent (12%) work-related trip reduction from the expected number of trips related to the project as indicated in the Trip Generation Handbook published by the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE). Trip reductions shall be calculated in accordance with standards established by Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and/or the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). C. Facilities. Facilities provided in accordance with the provisions of this Section may include, but are not limited to: 1. Preferential parking for carpool vehicles; 2. Bicycle parking and shower f~,:ilitles; 2 PwOl~lanoomm~sgende~92~120Tttrn~dmd.rpt 1202s 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Information center for transportation alternatives; Rideshare vehicle loading areas; Vanpool vehicle accessibility; Bus Stop improvements; On-site child care facilities; Local TSM and road improvements; Facilities to encourage telecommuting; 10. Contributions to support regional facilities designed to reduce vehicle trips and miles Waveled; and 11. On-Site amenities such as cafeterias and restaurants, automated teller machines, and other services that would eliminate the need for additional trips. D. Trip Reduction Plan Option: Proponents for new development pwposals shah submit Trip Reduction Plans and/or design features specified in Section 5 of this Ordinance to achieve trip reduction requirements of this Section. Said plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Agreements to secure implementation of such plans shall become a condition of development and shall be recorded with the Deed of Trust for the property. .. Section 5. F, xisting Development. B. Trip Reduction Plans: All applicable developments or businesses shah submit a Trip Reduction Plan to reduce work-rehted vehicle trips by twelve percent (12%). Said plan shall be submitted within 120 days from the issuance and/or renewal of the business license. C. Trip Reduction Methods: Any combination of the following methods may be utiliTed to achieve the required vehicle trip reduction: 1. Alternate Work Schedules/Flex-Time a. Office/Professional, Industrial, Manufacturing, Warehouse (1) hcorpomte altenate work schedules and flex-time programs. (Adoption of 9/80 work schedule for all employees would account for a ten percent (10%) reduction in vehicle trips.) 3 pwOl~,olsneomrn~gendsi2~1207~trn~dn~l.rpt 1202s b. Hospital (1) Incorporate alternate work schedules and flex-time programs for employees that normally work between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 2. Telecommuting a. OfficeJPwfessional (1) Office facilities 25,000 square feet or larger may preserve five percent (5 %) of the gross floor area for telecommuting purposes to allow tenants with multiple facilities to establish satellite work centers. (2) Establish telecommuting or work-at-homeprograms to allow employees to work at a home or a satellite work center either one day per week or one day every two weeks. (3) Through the telecommuting or work-at-home program, provide incentives or offset employee costs in acquiring the needed equipment and supplies for telecommuting. (1) Establish telecommuting or work-at-home programs for selected employees (i.e., certain clerical or administrative employees). (2) Through the telecommuting or work-at-home program, provide incentives or offset employee costs in acquiring the needed equipment and supplies for telecommuting. 3. Bicycle Facilities (1) Provide bicycle parking facilities equivalent to five percent (5 %) of the total required automobile parking spaces. (2) Preserve two percent (2%) of the gross floor area for employee locker and shower facilities. 4. Parking Management 4 pwO1~oleneonvrt~egende%92~1207~tmedrnd.rpt 1202,, (1) .' :.~...4 Designate;.i:~hh 'Signsin iieu.:bf~nted tia~,ement, employee parkini~"'a/ea':~h~xl iipon'the'foiloWing.percen~ of the reqUirea..parking as'set forfii':i~ ~he Zoning:...Ofdi.n~n.cei ..................................... (a) Office/Professionah ~5% of required parking Co) Commercial Retail: 30% of required parking required parking Industdal/Manufacturing/~Varehouse: 80% of (d) Hospital: ~0% of required parking (2) Designate with signs, in lieu of painted pavement, twenty- five percent (2.5 % ) of employee parking for carpools and vanpools. (3) Offer financial or other incentives to employees who participate in ridesharing or an alternative mode of transportation other than the single occupant vehicle. (4) Establish a parking surcharge on the single occupant vehicle. 5. Mass Transit Facility Usage (1) Provide incentives to employees to use Mass Transit Facilities. Incentives could include provision of a bus pass, additional pay, flex-time or any other incentive which encourages employees to use mass transit in lieu of the single occupant vehicle. 6. Truck Dispatching, Rescheduling and Re-Routing a. Commercial and Industrial Uses (1) Establish delivery schedules and truck muting to avoid congested areas and minimize peak hour travel. D. Other Measures: Any other method or measure which can exhibit a reduction in vehicle trips shall be credited toward attaining the requirements of thi~ Ordinance. E. Enforcement: Upon approval of the applicable Trip Reduction Plan, if there is future noncompliance with this Ordinance, or exhibited failure to implement the Trip Reduction Plan, one or more of the following provisions shall apply: 5 pwOl~plsneomm~egends~92H 207Xtmsdmd.rpt 1202e property. Exercise a lien, based upon the terms of the agreement, on the subject 2. A monetary penalty compounded on a monthly basis upon the length of time of noncompliance equal to the business license renewal fee. Section 6. Fee. A. A trip reduction plan review fee payable at the time of initial submittal or annual review shall be required. This fee shall be used to defray the costs of processing and reviewing each individual trip reduction plan. The fee will not apply to voluntary programs. Section 7. Compliance with AQMD Re~, XV. A. Trip Reduction Plans approved by the AQMD in accordance with provisions of Regulation XV may be submitted to the City in lieu of plans required under the provisions of this Ordinance. AQMD approved Regulation XV Trip Reduction Plans approved by the City shall be deemed to comply with trip reduction plan requirements of this Ordinance. Section 8. Volunfal;y Plans and Program. A. Employers which employ fewer than t 00 people will be encouraged by the City to submit Trip Reduction Plans on a voluntary basis to achieve an overall trip reduction within the City of twelve percent (12%). B. The City Manager or his. representative shah be responsible for developing effective incentive programs which promote voluntary programs to reduce vehicle trips and miles traveled. , Section 9. Effective Date. A. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shah certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cam copies of this Ordinance to be posted and published as required by law. PASSED, APPROW-n, AND ADO~, this 1992. day of ATTEST: Patrich H. Birdsall, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 6 PwO1~olermommXegendaX92X1207Xtmedmd.rpt 1202a STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA SS I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 92- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the day of ,1992, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temeeula on the day of ,1992, by the following roll call vote: COUNC~ERS: NOES: COUNCIL~-MBERS: COUNCrLMF-MBERS:' COUNCII,MRMBERS: 7 pw01%plartc4mrn%agenda%92H 207%trnsdmd.rpt 1202a Submittal Date: CITY OF 1T=MECULA City Council Ageride item Placement TO: FROM: City Clerk "'FTA4 'P , ~r:~,eT., ~Rec'mrc op. pu6uc Lgmelr.,s / C,~ 7'/ E,W; i/,IeE'~ , Aoenda Item PI.a..,ace ~e foi,o~,.. ~.m o. ~e JNJv,K~ it, ,~ ~ city cc..~ ACe.d. (date) PLACE ITEM UNDER THE FOLLOWING HEADING: Presentations & Proclamations Council Business Consent Calendar Staff Reports Public Hearings* * Written Communications Unfinished Business Council Comments · *If a public hearing is required, the Public Hearing Notice must be provided by the initiating department to the CZty Clerk's de;ament by Friday at noon, two and one haft weeks prior to the date of the City Council meeting, with envelopes addressed to all property ownera required by law to be noticed, a certified mailing list, and sufficient postage. If there are special noticing requirements, provide that information on a separate sheet. Rcese send copy of Agenda and Agenda Re!=on to: (ie, applicant, claimam, appellant, interested personsl (nameI (addressl (nameI (address} (ramel (address) {Attach sepatatei ~heer., if necessary} 2JfoffrmlA-OO1 ITEM NO. 21 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager ///'~Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 12, 1993 Temporary Six-Month Closure of Calls Pills Colads Between La Serena Way and Del Rey Road RECOMMENDATION: Consider the Traffic and Transportation Commission's recommendation that Calls Pif~a Colads between La Serena Way and Del Rey Road be closed for six months and direct Staff to prepare the necessary environmental documents to determine the environmental impact of any traffic diversion on the adjacent residential streets. BACKGROUND: The residents living adjacent to Calle Pills Colads along with the residents living on the intersecting cul-de-sac streets of Salt River Court, Yuba Circle and Bravos Court have requested the closure of Calls Pif~a Colads between La Serena Way and Del Rey Road to mitigate through traffic currently using the street and the speeding associated with this traffic. Calls Pif~a Colads is a fully-improved local residential street that functions as one of the primary access points to Meadowview. It has been constructed to a 40' street width with curb, gutter and sidewalk on both sides within a 60' right-of-way. The latest traffic counts (9/13/92) indicate a daily traffic volume of approximately 1,800 vehicles per day with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. However, since the time of the last speed survey additional houses have been constructed along Calls Pills Colads that enable the street to qualify as a residential district under the Vehicle Code and permit enforcement of a 25 mph speed limit. Prior to the Commission meeting of October 28, 1992, the Traffic and Transportation Commission had reviewed this subject at their regular meetings of February 27, 1991; April 24, 1991; July 24, 1991; and July 22, 1992. At the July 22, 1992 meeting, the Commission requested that Staff quantify the amount of traffic using the street as a through route. Subsequently, a license plate study was conducted to determine the number of vehicles using Calls Pills Colads not originating within the area bounded by Del Rey Road and La Serena Way. Observers were stationed on Calls Pills Colads at Del Rey Road and on Calls Pills Colads at La Serena Way from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. -1 - pwOS~gdrpt~,93%0112~inaod.do The following results were then presented to the Traffic Commission at their October 28th meeting. Calle Pifla Colada at Del Rey: THROUGH AREA TOTAL VEHICLES VEHICLES VEHICLES 6:30 a.m. Northbound 41 32 73 to 9:00 a.m. Southbound 31 8 39 2:00 p.m. Northbound 89 33 122 to 5:00 p.m. Southbound 92 28 120 Calle Pi~ia Colada at La Serena: 6:30 a.m. Northbound 41 18 59 to 9:00 a.m. Southbound 31 35 66 2:00 p.m. Northbound 89 44 133 to 5:00 p.m. Southbound 92 34 126 During the time period of the survey, the above data reveals the following information. Through Traffic Exiting (NB) ~ Del Rey 41 +89 195 -- 66.7% of Total Traffic Through Traffic Entering (SB) ~ Del Rey 31 + 92 159 -- 77.4% of Total Traffic Through Traffic Exiting (SB) ~ La Serena 31 +92 192 -- 64.0% of Total Traffic Through Traffic Entering (NB) ~ La Serena 41 + 89 192 -- 67.7% of Total Traffic As Calle Pir~a Colada is a primary access point for residents living in Meadowview to access the City's circulation system, the study does indicate that peak hour traffic consists primarily of vehicles exiting and entering Meadowview. The study does not indicate how many of these vehicles travel through Meadowview to Solana Way. The study does provide information that, along with the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Data, -2- PwO5%agndrpt~93%0112%pirm;ol .do of the 580 trips (10 trips/D.U.) generated within the study area, 183 would enter and 149 would exit from La Serena, and 107 would enter and 141 would exit at Dal Ray Road. Thus, if the temporary closure were implemented at the water/power easement (Exhibit "A" attached), approximately 248 local trips would be affected. The Police and Fire Departments have been contacted (comments attached) and neither department indicated an adverse impact on response times from the closure. The School District's Transportation Section related that the closure would necessitate the re-routing of 8 minibus trips and 2 standard bus trips, along with the corresponding increase in cost. The primary concern of any potential street closure is the diversion of the traffic that normally uses that street to another similar street. As it is extremely difficult to anticipate the alternative routes drivers may take once their preferred route is closed, an analysis to quantify the effects of traffic diverted from the closure of Calls PiCa Colada to Avenida Barca and Solana Way was made. A review of the traffic surveys conducted in the area of Calla Pif~a Colada found that with its closure, an average of 960 southbound vehicles and an average of 810 northbound through-trips would be diverted to other streets. Traffic counts taken on Calls Pir~a Colada found day-of-week variances in the traffic volumes, therefore average traffic volumes were used for comparison. Two potential alternative routes are: 1) Del Ray Road and Avenida Barca for southbound traffic, and Avenida Barca and Del Ray Road for northbound traffic, and 2) Del Ray Road and Solana Way for southbound traffic, and Solana Way and Del Ray Road for northbound traffic. The table below shows the effect on the two alternative routes by the percentage of diversion. It is assumed that the lowest percent of diverted traffic to Avenida Barca would be 50%. POTENTIAL DIVERSION EFFECTS AVENIDA BARCA SOLANA WAY % Calle PiCa Colada Diversion Diverted Existing Estimated % Calls Directed Existing Traffic Traffic New Pii~a Traffic Traffic Volume Volume Volume Colada Volume Volume Diversion F. Jtimsted New Volume 50% 885 2000 = 2885 50% 885 1890 - 2775 60% 1062 2000 = 3062 40% 708 1890 = 2598 70% 1239 2000 = 3239 30% 531 1890 = 2421 80% 1416 2000 = 3416 20% 354 1890 = 2244 ~)% 1593 2000 = 3593 10% 177 1890 = 2067 -3- pwOS%agndrpt%93~0112~ine~d.do Staff recognizes that the majority of vehicle traffic on Calle Pir~a Colada is traffic that is not generated by those residents living adjacent to the street or the cul-de-sac that intersect it. Staff does not recommend a closure at this time due to the anticipated diversion and subsequent increase of traffic on Del Rey Road, Avenida Barca, and Solana Way. The Council may wish to consider the following less-restrictive measures to alleviate the concerns of the Calle Pir~a Colada residents: Install signs restricting left turns on Del Rey Road at Calle Pir~a Colada between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and on Le Serena Way at Calle Pif~a Colada between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The restrictions would limit the majority of traffic during peak hours. Install traffic circles on Calle Pir~a Colada at the intersections of Bravo Court, Yuba Circle, and Salt River Court. 3. Selective enforcement of speeds and vehicle violations. As the current General Plan Hearings before the Planning Commission have discussed, the solution to one area's traffic problems may involve transferring some traffic to another area. With the completion of Margarita Road from Winchester Road to North General Kearney and the current request to keep Kahwea Road between Calle Medusa and Del Rey Road closed, the pressure from traffic will continue to increase on the Del Rey/Via Norte loop and the access points into the Meadowview Development. The Council may wish to consider the formation of a Traffic Diversion Committee chaired by members of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission end having representation from the Meadowview Homeowners Association and the Calle Medusa residents to consider the formulation and implementation of a Meadowview Traffic Control Plan to address the problems associated with through traffic using the Meadowview Area as a bypass. The Traffic Commission has already established a subcommittee to meet with residents of Avenida Barca and Pifia Colada. Attachments Exhibit "A" - Location of Proposed Closure Exhibit "B" - Area Map Exhibit "C" - Percentage of Through Traffic Exhibit "D" - Minutes of 10/28/92, Traffic Commission Meeting Exhibit "E" - Police Department Response Exhibit "F" - 'Fire Department Response Exhibit "G" -' 24-Hour Traffic Volumes - May 1992 -4- PwOS~agndrpt~93~O112~inaool.do CLOSURE PER TRAFFIC ~ TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION EXHIBIT ~*S NOTIII~L ~l Idlfkfl3QOCT I0 Iuffv w~ V, nNO4ESTE~ · ii AUTO dr Cm~m TEMECULA' Population: 31,000 AT ~ ST'A: t,llucl: 3:]e29· 4S'N. o.{D~eRMdI: :, ~TES REDHAWK CANYON """1... cA-LLE PIN,A COL.,,~ D,a, (CUT TI4EOOe,u, T~.AFFiCb CALLE PlIMA $:?:Oo,.m. ~o COLA IDA q .'oo~r~. !..-ESEN1D 00.0% O0 CA L L'E PI~'A Z COLAPA 6:00pro. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: OCTOBER 28, 1992 Godnick, Guerriero, Johnson, Sander, Roberrs NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Calle Pifia Colada' Ben Dobbins presented the staff report. Chairman Roberts opened the public hearing at 7:30 P.M. Margaret Benzengo, 41498 Avenida Barca, Temecula, opposed the closure of Call. PiCa Colada. She expressed concern that if the street was closed, the excess traffic would then come onto Avenida Barca. The following individuals expressed their support of the closure of Call. Pir~a Colada: Susan Wood, P.O. Box'2175, San Pasclual, California. Robin Lyons, 30562 Call. Pifia Colada, Temecula, Betty Pettit, 30642 Call. Pif~a Colada, Temecula. Heather Johnson, 30702 Call. Pif~a Colada, Temecula. Roger Harte, 41342 Salt Riv. er Court, Temecula. Laura Upton, 30869 Call. Pir~a Colada, Temecula. Jayme Christian, 30762 Call. Pi/~a Colada, TemeCula. Dennis Bueschel, 41358 Yuba Circle, Temecula. Sam Cuckovich, 30767 Call. Pir~a Colada, Temecula. George Skalsky, 30135 Via Arboleda, Temecula, stated that he feels reducing the speed limit and enforcing the law would help the situation. Joe Pribanic, 30929 Call. Pi~ia Colada, Temecula, opposed the closure, expressing concerns regarding fire and police protection. Mr. Pribanic stated that he would also oppose speed bumps, however, he did agree that there was a problem with cars driving too fast on this street. Bill Hepburn, South General Kearney, Temecula, drew attention to the fact that most of the homeowners present were in favor of the street closure. Mr. Hepburn suggested putting in a signal at the intersection of Margarita and Avenida Barca. Those supporting the closure of Calle Pifia C01ada expressed concerns regarding the number of out-of-area vehicles and speed of vehicles traveling Call. Pir~a Colada and for the safety of their families. TTMIN1OI28/82 -2- 1112/92 TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 1992 It was moved by Commissioner Godnick, seconded by Commissioner Sander to close Calle Pir~a Colada along the power/water easement for a six month trial to see what affects it has on Avenida Barca. It was suggested by Bill Hepburn that a three-way stop be installed at Margarita and La Serena until the traffic signal has been installed. Chairman Roberrs appointed Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Guerriero to serve on a sub-committee to work with the homeowners on Calla Pir~a Colada and Avenida Barca. Commissioner Guerriero stated that if the closure is not approved by the City Council, the Commission should recommend that the radar unit be placed on Calla Pif~a Colada to control speeds. Additionally, Commissioner Guerriero asked that the motion be amended to implement recommendation #3 (install stop signs) if the City Council does not approve the closure of Calle Pir~a Colada. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Godnick, Guerriero, Johnson, Sander, Roberrs NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Chairman Roberrs declared a recess at 8:30 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 P.M. e Volunteer Monitorino of Soeeds of Motorists bv Using a Radar Unit Traffic Enforcement Officer Mark Leggett presented the staff report. Chairman Robarts advised that the Office of Traffic Safety has funds available for the purchase of these units. Ben Dobbins advised that the City is currently on the waiting list until late 1993. Commissioner Johnson stated he felt the City could assist with the purchase of a unit. Commissioner GodniCk stated he did not see the need for the City to purchase a radar unit. Commissioner Guerriero advised that he recently attended a traffic commissioner's workshop and approximately 12-15 cities are currently using the radar unit with positive results. _ TTMIN 10128/92 1112/92 1989 TEMECULA POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: PROM: 1:L/25/92 Tim Setlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Chief Rick Sayre ~~ Closure of Calle Pina Colada I have reviewed the proposed closure of Calle Pina Colada between La Serena Way and Del Rey Road and have concluded that, as with any closure, there may be some adverse effect on emergency response to certain areas within the Meadowview area. Because of the close proximity of other streets which access Del Rey Road, the closure should not have a severe impact on response times. Attention should be paid to other potential access locations in the future however, so as not to limit access to the Meadowview area any further. Another side effect of this closure may be additional traffic on other streets such as Avenida Barca, which will likely take up the majority of the redirected traffic. It should become more evident exactly what effect this closure will have on emergency response after evaluating the temporary closure should one be granted. It is not expected that this closure will cause a significant rise in emergency response times. P.O. Box 892050, remecuig, CA 92589 (909)696-3000 FAX(9Og)6N..3OlO ~--~"'~/~'2'r E""' TO: MEMORANDUM Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: John J. Winder, Battalion Chief, Fire Department December 11, 1992 Temporary Closure of Pina Colada Between La Serena Way and Del Rey Road The closure of Pina Colada would potentially affect response times into the northeast sections of Meadow View. However, response times would only be slowed if equipment was already in the northeast section of the city and would have to respond west on Margarita Rd. to Avenida Barca in order to make entrance into the Meadow View area. Assuming that all equipment is in quarters at time of dispatch, Avenida Barca would be the normal route taken fop responses into this affected area. If you have any questions, please call me. Date: B e O0 O0 O! O0 02 O0 03 O0 O& O0 '05 O0 06 00 07 00 08 O0 09 Og !O O0 !! O0 12 O0 13 00 !& 00 15 00 16 O0 17 00 18 O0 !9 00 20 00 Z! 00 22 00 23 00 TOTAL "foTkL .o I -zl s ~4 74 ~'8, 2e I' C,, I 77 !t47 I I I 2. :z2. ~ J7(,,(,,. B I~J33 I 7~1 J 9~o J I'~ 4 I BeEin 00 00 O! O0 02 00 03 00 O& O0 05 00 06 O0 07 O0 08 O0 09 OO 10 00 l! 00 12 O0 !2 O0 14 O0 15 O0 16 O0 17 O0 18 O0 19 O0 2O O0 21 O0 22 O0 23 00 TOTAL Date: Z Z 0 1 3 zE 74 ~'4 4O Z7 o I' "DE~. fee!.' ToTaL ,I s z7 I &~ oF L~, ~ez,v ~ 5ou~r~ 'Faf~ L B~,,, ,:::, t 2 ~ II 7 z~ II ~oo II 40 II Location BeEin O0 O0 01 O0 02 O0 03 00 O~ O0 05 O0 06 O0 O7 O0 08 O0 09 Og !0 O0 !l O0 L2 O0 t_3 00 !~ 00 L5 00 Z6 00 '~7 O0 L8 00 L9 O0 20 O0 2Z 00 22 00 23 00 TOTAL 5ouTH ~omTd 4 Io 4S ~o Sou~'~ I'eT"~ L z5 II 5'1 /Z o II 'r,~ II 4~, II 79 ~8 It 7z ITEM NO. 22 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER ~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mary Jane McLarney, Finance Officer DATE: January 12, 1992 SUBJECT: Community Service Funding Criteria RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Review the philosophy and funding criteria for the Community Services Funding Program. Designate two Councilmembers to review the applications received from organizations requesting funds. DISCUSSION: Each year the City's budget includes an amount for funding requests from community based organizations which provide services to the citizens of Temecula. Attached is the most recent fund philosophy and criteria· We are requesting that the Council approve or modify the attached so that we may proceed with the Fiscal Year 1992-93 program. In addition, we are requesting that Council designate two members of Council to review the applications for funding and make recommendations to the Council based on their review. FISCAL IMPACT: An unencumbered balance of approximately $77,500 is available as of December 31, 1992. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment - Fiscal Year 1991-92 Application CITY OF TEMECULA Community Services Funding Program/Policy The City of Temecula, in its Rscal Year 1991-1992 budget, has allocated funds for community service prograft within the community. Puroose To establish a process and evaluation criteda for funding requests received by the city from community based organizations (CBO'S) throughout the year. General Policy The City receives requests throughout the year for financial assistance from various organizations which provide a variety of services within the community. It is the City's policy to channel such requests through the normal City budget process, thereby ensuring that all requests are evaluated equitably and consistently; to enter into agreements for specific measurable services; and, to ensure that recipients are held accountable for providing the agreed upon services within the appropriate time frame. Fundino Philosoohv Requests for funding received from CBO's will be considered during the regular budget process along with City department requests for funding. Due to limited resources, not all requests received can be funded. Therefore, it is not the city council's intention to-fund each CBO request received; but rather, to evaluate each proposal and, based on available funds, provide money and other forms of financial assistance to those organizations which most effectively serve the needs and improve the well-being of the residents of Temecula. Special consideration will be given to proposals which replace or enhance services the city is responsible for providing. The City Council encourages a goal of self-sufficiency for all local CBO's. The council supports providing seed~ money to new programs that will provide needed services to the community, but discourages an over-reliance or, city financial assistance to maintain such programs on an on-going basis. Therefore, all CBO's requesting funding from the city should continue efforts to develop stable private funding sources. ELIGIBILITY Applications are accepted from tax exempt, nonprofit organizations and individuals for the funding of projects which occur during the fiscal year, excluding normal operating expenses and deficit funding. Services should benefit the City of Temecula. A written report should be presented to the City Council thirty days after the completion of the project. In the case of an extended project, interim reports may be required, DEADLINES November 16, 1991 - Applications available from the City of Temecula. November 30. 1991 - Deadline for application submittal for second funding period. Award recipients will be announced in December, 1991. CRITERIA In making its recommendations to the City Council for funding, the Adhoc Finance Committee will consider the following criteria: a® Does organization provide Community service excellence What is the size and make-up of the community service organization Community Services Funding Program/Policy (Continued) Page 2 f. g. h. What is the public and critic reaction to the group Does the organization have a high quality of fiscal management Will the organization have longevity in the City of Temecula Non-profit organization Evidence of satisfactory service provided to City's citizens Does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, nationality, sex, marital status, disability, religion, or political affiliation Does not require attendance or participation in any political, religious or social activity Provides tinancial statements prepared (using an appropriate method of accounting) to demonstrate sound financial management Provides budget for fiscal year of request demonstrating cost-effectiveness Provides high level of access to services offered Possesses ongoing program evaluation tools Applicants will be notified of date, time and location for a five (5) minute presentation to the Committee and answer questions Committee may have. Amount Requested: ~ Project Name: Project Starting Date: Project Ending Date: CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING PROGRAM APPLICATION (Please Print or Type) ORGANIZATION'S BACKGROUND: Name of Organization: Mailing address: Telephone: Number of paid staff Geographic area(s) served Year Founded Number of volunteers Is this organization incorporated in California as a non-profit organization? Yes No If "yes": Date of incorporation as a non-profit Federal identification number State identification number * Include a copy of your statement of non-profit status from the State of California If "no": Name of sponsoring organization Its federal identification number Its state identification number ~ Is application has been authorized by the organization's: Executive Committee Board of Directors Members-at-large City of Temecula Community Service Funding Program Application Page 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Based on your organization's last fiscal year) Balance Sheet as of Cash and Investments $ Receivables (detail) Inventory Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Assets $ Liabilities & Investments Current peyables $ Notes Payable Fund Balance Total Liability & Fund Balance $ Income Statement for the Year Ended Income Exoenses Fundraising $ Salaries $ Foundation grants $ Operating expenses $ United Way $ Community services~ Government Funds $ Amount sent to national/parent organization ~ Other sources $ Other expenses $ Please note with an asterisk any amounts that require additional explanation, and comment on these items. In addition, please attach the organization's most recent treasurer's report, financial statements and footnotes. (It does not require a CPA's audit, but please submit if available.) City of Temecula Community Service Funding Program Application Page 3 Your Organization's Mission: Briefly describe the goals and objectives of your organization and the major community services it provides. Include discussion regarding the specific ways your organization meets the City's criteria listed on page 2. City of Temecula Community Service Funding Program Application Page 4 Project(s) needing funding How will your organization use any funding awarded? Give the project's objectives, number of persons served, area where services are provided, and number of volunteers involved. Be specific. Note any equipment or services that the award money would purchase and why it is needed. Please include a detailed budget and a schedule of significant activities related to this project. Please attach a maximum of one double-spaced typewritten page of information if you need to expand your answer beyond this space. City of Temecula Community Service Funding Application Page 5 We hereby certify the information contained in this application is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. (Sign both if same) NAME AND TITLE (Please Print or Type) AND (Signature and tile of individual preparing application form) NAME AND TITLE (Please Print or Type) (Signature and title of President or Authorized Officer) (Organization Name) (Address of Organization) (Telephone) (Date) Return Completed Application to: Community Service Funding Program City of Temecula Finance Department 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 (714) 6944343 ITEM NO. 23 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA A GENDA REPORT City Council David F. Dixon, City Manager January 12, 1993 Marketing Program - Phase II /~ PPROVAL%~ CITY ATTORNEY RECOMMENDA T/ON: It is recommended that the City Council (1) approve the 1993 Marketing Program- Phase II submitted by Final Touch Marketing, (2) approve an advance from the General Fund Revolving Fund to the RDA in the amount of $137,500, and (3) appropriate $150,000 for economic development in the RDA. STAFF REPORT: We have just completed a successful marketing campaign for 1992. The initial program which was started in 1992 was supported by the City Council and community and has been successful. The city was able to accomplish many things over the past twelve months. The accomplishments are noteworthy and include the following: 2. 3. 4. 5. Marketing brochures Promotional videos An aggressive advertising campaign Aggressive multimedia contacts A proactive marketing outreach to specific medical device manufacturers and electronic firms. In addition to the above, we have built a cooperative marketing team with the Economic Development Corporation, Chamber of Commerce, and professionals in the fields of real estate, development, and public utilities. The pooling of these resources has been successful and has complemented our ongoing telemarketing program, direct campaign, and personal contacts with target industries. We are also penetrating the heart of targeted industries by participating in various Agenda Report: 1993 Marketing Program- Phase II Page 2 trade shows. We have already Participated in the Wescon '92 electronics manufacturing show and will be involved with the Medical Device and Manufacturing West '93 show in Anaheim and the Medical Device and Manufacturing East trade show in New York. The Phase II 1993 marketing program consists of an aggressive advertising program, a direct mail campaign, and expanded business relations through the use of individual trade shows and press releases. The program will also include a quarterly newsletter program which will tell our story and help to establish a consistent "mind share of the market." Background material has been sent to you under separate cover and will provide you with additional data upon which to make a decision on the second phase of our marketing program. It is my recommendation that the City Council direct staff to move ahead on the 1993 marketing program as outlined in the proposal from Final Touch Marketing dated November 12, 1992. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The costs associated with the program over the next twelve months are approximately $275,000, half of which will be appropriated from the 1992-1993 RDA budget and the balance will be considered in the 1993-1994 budget. We estimate that the impact on the 1992-1993 budget will be ~150,000. This amount will be advanced by the General Fund until RDA bonds are sold. ITEM N O. 2 4 APPROVAL%]~~ TY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: City Clerk DATE: January 1. 2, 1993 SUBJECT: Selection of City Council Committee Assignments RECOMMENDATION: Select and appoint members of the City Council to act as liaison to various City Commissions and to serve on various committees for calendar year 1993. BACKGROUND: The City Council has established the policy of appointing one of its members to serve as liaison to each of the City Commissions. This policy also included appointing Councilmembers to a number of Council Committees. Attached, for your convenience, is a list of the Committee Assignments for 1992. ATTACHMENTS: Committee Assignments List TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL 1992 Committee Assignments Commission I |aison (One Member) Parks and Recreation Commission: Planning Commission: Public Safety Commission: Traffic and Transportation Commission: Patricia H. Birdsall Ronald J. Parks Karel Lindemans Sal Mu~oz Committee Assignments One or two members) Administration Committee: Airport Committee: City Promotion/Economic Development Committee: Cultural Preservation Committee: Design Standards Committee: Finance Committee: General Plan Committee: Integrated Waste Management Committee: JPIA Committee: K-RAT, JPA: Legislative Committee: Old Town Specific Plan Committee: Old Town Advisory Committee: Public Works/Facilities Committee: RCTC: RDA Committee: Regional Transit Authority Representative: Sister City Committee: Sphere of Influence Committee: WRCOG Representative Ron Parks/Peg Moore Peg Moore/Sal Mu~oz K:arel Lindemans/Peg Moore Pat Birdsall Peg Moore Karel Lindemans/Peg Moore Ron Parks/Sal Mu~oz (Peg Moore, Alternate) Karel Lindemans, Peg Moore Peg Moore Ron Parks, Sal Mu~oz Peg Moore Ron Parks, Karel Lindemans Peg Moore Peg Moore, Ron Parks Sal Mu~oz Sal Mu~oz, Ron Parks Sal Mu~oz Pat Birdsall, Karel Lindemans Sal Mu~oz, Ron Parks Ron Parks, Pat Birdsall ITEM NO. 25 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Harwood T. Edvalson, Assistant City Manage~/~ January 12, 1993 GRAFFITI REMOVAL RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: (1) Direct staff to present an anti-graffiti ordinance for consideration at the next City Council meeting, and discuss whether to use the General Fund or the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) as a source of funding for graffiti removal; and (2) Establish an ad-hoc committee to promote community awareness and education; and (3) Direct staff to include in the mid-year budget adjustments a plan to hire two new employees, bringing the contracted street stencilling program in-house and combining with it a graffiti removal program for public and private properties within the City of Temecula. BACKGROUND: The City's expenditures for graffiti removal indicate a'very real increase of this public nuisance during the current fiscal year. The City of Temecula eliminated 8,795 sq.ft. of graffiti during Fiscal Year 1991-92, spending e4,625. During the period of July through October 1992, the City removed 11,530 sq.ft., spending e7,627 during that period for removal services. Projecting to year's end the same amount of activity as occurred during the first four months, the City will have experienced an increase of almost 300% in the incidence of graffitil With the expiration of the previous contract and in an effort to reduce the turn-around time required to remove graffiti, the City has entered into an interim contract for professional services with LaRue Painting. LaRue Painting has guaranteed to paint out graffiti within 48 hours of receiving a reported incident. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff's recommendations would cost approximately $65,000 for start-up and implementation for the period April' 1 through June 30, 1993. Continuing costs for Fiscal Year 1993-94 are projected at $145,000. In-house street stencilling/painting and graffiti removal would reduce projected budget outlays for FY 93-94 by approximately $26,000. Funding for the graffiti removal program could be accomplished in a number of different ways. One alternative would be to continue to fund removal through the general fund. Another option would be to make a general assessment to all parcels in the TCSD for graffiti removal. A further option under the TCSD would be to set up specific zones of benefit rather than assessing all of the parcels in the community services district. -""' EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE NO. 93- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PERTAINING TO GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND THE SALE OF AEROSOL PAINT, AND ESTABLISHING REWARDS FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE SUCCESSFUL CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON PLACING GRAFFITI ON ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Puroose and Intent. Graffiti on public and private property is · blighting factor which not only depreciates the value of the property, but also the value of the adjacent end surrounding communities. Government Code Section 53609.3 authorizes this City to enact ordinances to provide for the use of City funds to remove graffiti from public and privately owned permanent structures located within the City. The City Council finds that greffiti or related inscribed material is obnoxious and pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.3, authorizes that a program be instituted allowing for the use of City funds to remove graffiti on public end private property. It is the intent of the City Council of this City to prohibit the placement of graffiti on public and private property as set forth in this ordinance, end to authorize the use of rewards for encouragement of information leading to the conviction of persons placing graffiti on any public or private property. Section 9. Authorization to Remove Graffiti end other Unauthorized Inscribed Materials from Private and Public Prooertv. Whenever the City Manager or his/her designated representative determines that graffiti or other inscribed material is so located on public or privately owned, permanent structures on public or privately owned real property within this City as to be viewed by a person utilizing any public right-of-way in this City, the City Manager or designated representative is authorized to provide for the removal of the graffiti or other inscribed material upon the following conditions: A. In removing the graffiti or other inscribed material the painting or repair of a more extensive area than that where the graffiti is located. B. Where a structure is owned by a public entity other than this City, the removal of the graffiti or other inscribed material may be authorized only after securing the consent of the public entity having jurisdiction over the structure and such entity executes a release and waiver approved as to form by the City Attorney. C. Prior to the removal of graffiti on private property, the City shall obtain written consent of the property owner and the owner shall execute an appropriate release end waiver approved as to form by the City Attorney. The owner shall be charged only for the actual cost incurred by the City to remove the graffiti. Section 3. Alternative Procedures Available In the event the property owner of private property upon which graffiti or other inscribed material has been placed, declines to consent to removal thereto by City, or fails to remove the graffiti or other inscribed material within five (5) calendar days, the affected property shall be subject to the nuisance abatement process set forth in Chapter 6.14 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 4. Reward for Information. The City Council determines that rewards for information leading to the conviction of vandals who have inscribed graffiti shall be a minimum of One-Hundred Dollars (~ 100.00), and that the City Council reserves the right to offer a higher reward in circumstances as determined by the City Council. The identity of those seeking rewards shall be considered confidential and will not be released to the public. Section 5. Invalidation. The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ,1993. EXHIBIT B PROPOSED BUDGET AND FISCAL ANAl YSIS FOR IN-HOUSE STREET STENCILLING/PAINTING AND GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BUDGETS FOR STREET STENCILLING/ AND GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAMS FY 1992-93 Striping/Stenciling Contract Budget FY 1992-93 Graffiti Removal Budget FY 1992-93 Proposed Mid-Year Graffiti Removal Budget Increase $150,000 10,000 12.000 Total FY 1992-93 Costs Street Striping and Graffiti Removal FIRST YEAR COST AND OPERATIONS FOR IN-HOUSE STREET PAINTING/GRAFFITI PROGRAM 172,000 Graffiti Removal and Stencilling Truck Graffiti and Stencil Paints Fuel, Truck Maint., Misc. Supplies 1 Lead Maintenance Worker(New) 1 Maintenance Worker(New) Annual Contract for Street Painting Services $ 45,000 15,000 8,000 39,230 36,363 40.000 PROJECTED START-UP COST FOR IN-HOUSE STREET STENCILLING/PAINTING AND GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM APRIL 1 - JUNE 30, 1993 183,593 Graffiti Removal Program Costs (Apr.-June '93) Ad Hoc Committee Expenses (Education/Promotion) (Apr. - June '93) Street Stencilling/Painting Prgrm (Apr.-June '93) Includes. cost of truck and 3 mos. personnel expenses and supplies Remainder Street Stencil Contract Funds FY 92-93 8,906 500 76,658 (24.000) Net Start-up Cost for Program 62,064 EXHIBIT B (Cont'd.) CONTINUING COSTS FOR FY 1993-94 (Includes 5% inflation factor where applicable) FY 1993-94 Costs Attributable to Street Stencilling/Painting Program FY 1993-94 Continuing Street Painting Contract FY 1993-94 Costs Attributable to the Graffiti Removal Program FY 1993-94 Graffiti Ad-hoc Committee Budget Continuing Program Costs FY 1993-94 78,620 40,000 25,000 .~.000 145,620 TO: THROUGH: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: EXHIBIT C MEMORANDUM Harwood T. Edvalson, Assistant City Manager ,,/'r2~Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer (~Brad Buron, Maintenance Supervisor December 22, 1992 Graffiti Removal & Stencil Truck In response to inquiries as to the annual cost and start-up of a graffiti removal truck and maintenance worker, the following analysis has been prepared. 1. CONCEPTUAL PLAN Since it appears that there is not enough graffiti within the City limits to justify one maintenance worker working on graffiti full-time, (FY91-92 graffiti totaling 8,975 S.F. and from July through October of this year, 11,530 S.F.) the Department of Public Works could establish a combination graffiti removal and stencil truck. The truck would be equipped to either sandblast or paint over graffiti, and still have the capability to repaint or install new street legends, crosswalks, and red curbs, all with the exception of performing lane line street striping. The advantage of this specialized combination truck is the availability to respond to graffiti within a 24-hour period, including after hours and on weekends. In addition to timely graffiti response, the crew could also repaint and install new legends in a regularly-scheduled or on an as needed maintenance response. When weather prohibits re-stenciling, this crew would also be available to reinforce daily street maintenance tasks that include, but are not limited to, pothole repair, tree trimming, catch basin cleaning, and assistance with storm procedures. In addition to new programs and reinforcing already established programs, personnel can also participate in weekly stand-by duties, after hour call outs and special events. 2. PERSONNEL To accompany the graffiti removal/stencil truck purchase, a new two-person Public Works crew would be necessary to achieve the above recommendations. The crew would consist of one new lead maintenance worker and one new maintenance worker. 1 pwO5%buronb\mem%1222a EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES The following is a breakdown of the initial start-up and maintenance cost for one year. Option h Graffiti Removal and Stencil Truck (Initial purchase) B. Graffiti and Stencil Paint $15,000.00 C. Fuel, Truck Maintenance, Misc. $8,000.00 Maintenance Supplies D. I Lead Maintenance Worker (New) $39,230.00 E. I Maintenance Worker (New) $36.363.12 TOTAL COST: $143,593.12 $45,000.00 The cost for the second year, with the exception of (A) above, would be $98,593.12. Ootion Ih Tow-behind R.O.W. Weed Sprayer $10,000.00 (Initial Cost) Chemicals (Annually) The Department of Public Works currently budgets contracted service. $2,500.00 $6,000.00 annually for this FISCAL IMPACT At the present time, the Department of Public Works has a Striping and Stenciling budget of FY92-93 of $150,000, with which the contractor will re-stripe and repaint all legends twice per year. The recommended crew and truck can provide faster service, and repaint more often than twice per year for reflective reasons, which would result in a deletion in the contract of approximately $110,000 a year. The Department of Public Works would continue to contract for approximately $40,000 annually for Citywide re-striping of double yellow, solid, and skip striping. The Department of Public Works currently maintains approximately 32,000 L.F. of lane lines Citywide at a cost of $1.25/L.F. In addition to the Public Works Maintenance budget, the City (Police Department) has a graffiti budget of $10,000.00 annually. The City accumulated 8,975 S.F. of graffiti during the FY 91-92, from July through October of this year, the number increased to 11,530 S.F. at the following contractor's prices: 1. Light Base Paint 2. Deep Base Paint 939.00 per gallon $49.00 per gallon 2 PwO5%buronb%rnem%1222a Each gallon of paint will cover approximately 150 S.F. Any portion of a gallon used will be charged on a full gallon prices since every gallon must be specially matched to the existing surface. 3. Sandblasting 4. Chemical $ 1.00 per sq. ft. $1.00 per sq. ft. Chemical removal and sandblasting removal are $1.00 per sqo ft., with a minimum charge of ~40.00 per job site, per removal method. The total savings per fiscal year after initial start-up costs would be $21,406.88. In contacting three various cities and requesting their budget for graffiti removal (only), the findings annually were as follows: City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Norwalk City of Hesperia $150,000.00 ~204,000.00 $65,000.00 CC: Luci Romero, Sr. Management Analyst Don Spagnolo, Principal Engr., C.I.P. Raymond A. Casey, Principal Engr., Land Dev. 3 pwO5%buronbVnem%1222e ITEM NO. 26 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER /~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning January 12, 1992 Non-Profit Exemptions of Fees for Outdoor Events RECOMMENDATION: That the City Coundl continue this item to the meeting of February 9, 1993. BACKGROUND This item was continued from the meeting of December 8, 1992 in order for Staff to analyze the potential for reducing fees for non-profit organizations applying for outdoor activity permits. Because Staff is currently evaluating numerous other application fees relating to Planning Department activities, Staff recommends that this matter be continued to the meeting of February 9, 1993, so that all fees can be reviewed in their entirety, and more adequately determine the fiscal impacts of associated with waiving fees. vgw S~$T~'~MIiq:t(HRT. 112 ITEM NO. 2_7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA A GENDA REPORT City Council David F. Dixon January 12, 1993 Outdoor Events Permit · PPROVAT. ,) ~ RECOMMENDA T/ON: It is recommended that the City Council approve the leasing of the Northwest Sports Park to Shoemaker Productions, Inc. and authorize the City Manager to develop a lease agreement. The lease agreement and Outdoor Event Permit will be returned to the City Council at a later date for approval. STAFF REPORT: We have been approached by Shoemaker Productions, Inc. who would like to conduct ten special events at the Northwest Sports Park (sometimes referred to as the Temecula Fairgrounds). Each event will attract 5,000 to 9,000 people. The events are divided into the following: 4 motocross and 6 off-road races. Attached you will find an Outdoor Event Permit application and a proposal by the applicant. The applicant has identified his responsibilities as well as the proposed requirements for the City of Temecula. The lease will cover a period of two years with options to renew. They are proposing to pay the City $1,000 per event plus $1 per paid spectator over 1,000 paid spectator attendance. There are other requirements proposed which will need to be reviewed. These conditions will be negotiated and brought back as part of the final agreement with Shoemaker Productions. It is the recommendation of staff to approve in concept the leasing of the property as specified to Shoemaker Productions and that the City Manager be authorized to prepare, with the help of staff, a contract which will specify the responsibilities of the applicant and the City of Temecula. The final contract and Outdoor Event Permit will be subject to the City Council's approval. Agenda Report: Page 2 Outdoor Events Permit FINANCIAL IMPA C T: Financial impact Will be determined and reported on at the time the final agreement and Outdoor Events Permit are approved by the City Council. 'lemecula Planning Department ® ® m 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Major/Minor Outdoor Event Ordinance 348, Section 19.52 (Major E~;ent - 5,000 or more) (Minor Event - more than 100 and less than 5,000) Description of Event Fo,,r (4) Motoc. rog~ / ,qix (G) OFF ~n,d Racing Events. AppHcant Shoemaker Productions, Inc. Address 34 Brookhollow Dr., Santa Ana Phonc# (909) Representative Donald Shoemaker Address 34 Rrookhollow Dr., .q~nt~ Ann Phone# (909) EventLocation Temecula Fairzrounds Asscsmr'sParcclNo. 909-120-018 Date(s) of ProposcdEvcnt At tached EstimatedDailyARendance 5,000 to 9,000 HoursofOperation 8: 00am - 5: 00Din Numbexof0n-SimPaddng Spaces None Sat. Time Trials/8:OO~m Sunday (adiacent parcel) 966-1007 966-1007 - 5:00pm - Race Day Submit ten 8%" X 11" site plans for the proposed event that show the following: S~bacl~ Location of proposed uses and existing buildings North Arrow Major roadways and streets Access, driveways, and emergency exits. Bar arm (must be sepamed by rope/divider, era.) R~swoom locations Parking Am B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 (909) 694-6400 S'~FORM~Otrrl)C)OP,.USE 1 INTRODUCTION PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT PROPOSAL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS TRACK DESIGN: MOTOCROSS CMC: THE MOTOCROSS RACING ORGANIZATION TRACK DESIGN: OFF-ROAD RACES BUMP: THE OFF-ROAD RACING ORGANIZATION SHOEMAKIgR PRODUCTIONS BACKGROUND SUMMARY SANCTIONING ORGANIZATIONS: LETTERS OF INTENT This proposal has bccn designed to introduce an exciting ncw concept to the City of Temecula, Ccdifornia: The Temccula MotorsporLs Park. During the pa.~t sevcral years. Temecula has experienced tremendous growth both in the residential and commercial sectors. In addition. Temecula continues to gain recognition as a tourism destination with its unique old-town atmosphere, quality wineries and widely publicized events such as the Great Temecula Tractor Race and Rodeo. After much consideration and research. we at Shoem~cr Productions have come to the conclusion that the project described in the 'following pages is not only a logical next step, but will firmly establish the Temecula Showgrounds a.~ a nationally-recognized center for sports and recreation. Due to increascd develol~ment and r~gul'ation, motorsports in general have all but disappeared from Southern California. Gone forever are such world-famous facilities as Riverside Raceway, Ontario Motor Speedway, Orange County Raceway. Ascot Park m~d Saddleback Motorcycle Park among others. Along with these/~.'~cilities went some of the greatest motorsports events in the world, and the rccognltlon and revenues these events brought to the host cities. While the 'romecola Motorsports Park will not replace the great facilities mentioned above, it will present the City of Temecula with the opportunity to bring back one of Southern California's most popular forms of recreation during the 1970s and 1980s. In doing so, Temecula will gain national rcc~Jgnition-and greatly increase tourism dollars to the city and local businesses. During the first couple of years the Temccula Motorsports Park will host several championship caliber events drawing professional racers from all over the U.S. These events will draw thousands of fans to the City in addition to providing Temecula with m/tional exposure via print and electronic media. The focus the this project, however, will be to promote "grass-roots" level competition that will allow newcomers to compete in amateur and beginning professional levels. it is this level of competition that attracts the greatest numbers of participants and promotes long-term growth of the sport. It will also. make the Temecula Motorspurts Park truly a center for family recreation with race divisions for youth, women and senior competitors. Every consideration has been made to create a program that will fit within the long-term goals for the Temecula Sht~wgrounds. We re:el that by making the showgrounds a year-round recreation facility, and by bringing back an opportunity for millions of Southern Californians to participate in recreational motorsports activities, is an ideal next step in reaching thoso goals. OBJECTIVE Shoemaker Productions is proposing that the City of Temecula grant a renewable two-year limited-use lease of the Temecula Showgrounds property for ihe purpose o[ establishing a motorsports recreational facility. In association with nationally-recognized race organizers, Shoemaker Productions has scheduled eight major events (subject to city approval) for the inaugural 1993 season. These dates include six motoeross (cross-country motorcycle) events, and two events for off-road ears and trucks. Additional events and dates cu'e under consideration and may be added to the 1993 schedule pending approval by the city and tile various race sanctioning bodies. Attendance for these everits is projected at 3,000 to I0,000 participants and spectators per event. A TEAM EFFORT Th~ success on any endeavor depends on the experience and dedication of the people behind it. The Temecula Motorsports Park is essentially a partnership between the City of Temecula, and a number of discipline-speeitie experts in the field of sports promotion, race management, marketing and the broadcast media~ At the core of tiffs partnership is Shoemaker Productions, a successful entertainment production company with a 20-year history with an emphasis on sports television production, but encompassing promotion of many n~otorsports activities including off-road racing, fortnula-one powerboat racing and vintage drag racing. In this unique "partnership," Shoemaker Productions will create and manage a facility that will enable experienced event promoters and sanctioning organizations to stage both amateur and professional motorsports events within the Temecula Showgrounds property. Racing organizations committed to using tile Temecula Motorsports Park as a yende for their events include the Continontal M~torsports Club (CMC). CMC has been a major presence, and influence in the sport of motocross racing for over 25 years. While developing world-renOwned events like the Trans-Cal and Golden State Motocross Series', CMC has led the effort in promoting "grass roots" motocross racing. Many of today's supc. rstars of the sport began as beginners in local CMC events. A leader in off-road racing, Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions (B.U.M.P.) has been presenting closed-course off-road racing at Willow Springs Raceway in Rosamood, California, sitlee the early 1980s. A.~ public lands become more difficult to access. closed-course events are becoming the sport of the future for off-road competitors. Closed- course events are also more popular with sponsors, providing them with greater trackside visibility and access to spectators, OFF-ROAD RACING IN TIlE 1990's Off-road racing in a sport born in the late 1960's in the deserts of California and Baja California. The sport has enjoyed steady growth, and as experienced all steady evokelion that will bring the sport out of the wide-open spaces and 'into closed-course facilities. The increasing difficulty in accessing public lands, and the tremendous success of tile stadium off-road events have made closed-course events the obvious next step. The, advantages to closed-course racing arc many, including controlled costs for both- Continued on next page... PROPOBAL The following represents k~y issues and ~slxmsibl!ltles discussed by representatives of the City of Tamecola (TSMECULA) and Shocmakcr Productions. Inc. (SHOF. M A KER) regarding the proposal motorspone operation on the Tem~cula Showgrounds property. Upon approval by both partlos, these poinL~ s~hall bn included as part of th~ formal lsn.~ agreement. 1. ~HO]~KKR a. SHOEMAKER shall submit all race dates for approval prior to inclu.~ion on schedule. b. SHOEMAKER will not producc cvonts on property between 9/15/93 and l 1/1/93. c. SHOEMAKER will provide TEMECULA with a ccrti~catc of insurance with a minimum $1 millionliahility coverage, naming City ofTcmccula, Tbc Temccula Valley ~lm Council, and the Temecula Town Association as additional insured. d. $HOEMAKER will lease prol~rty on a weekly basis during weeks of scheduled events. lease weeks shall ~ defined as the period beginning the Tuesday prior to the weekend event through the Monday followin8 the event. c. SHOEMAKER shall have the exclusive right to utilize this property for motorsp~rts events. TEMECULA will nN have the right to lease the property. or race tracks, to any other urganiznUon for motonporL. use without permission from SHOEMAKER. E SHOEMAKER shall met..t all city and county requirements for fire protection. safety, n.itation. first aid/medical fncilitie.~ and any policc required to manage traffic control tn and from event slt~. :, g. SHOEMAKER shall provide all concession tarca facilitics (tents, tables etc.). h. SHOEMAKER shall be responsible for the construction as~i maintenance of all race courses atnd spectator accommodations. and for the production of race cvcnts. i. SHOEMAKER shall he mspon.~ible for returning the "tractor talc" course and Surrounding area to its original. or othem, i~ acceptable, defign prior to thc annual tractor race event. j. SHOEMAKER shall prodnc. e a minimum of two half-hour television shows each of the tint two yean of leaR. These programs shah future motorspone competition of a national interest. F. nch show will contain highlights featuring the City of Tcmccula. k. SHOEMAKER shall incl,ule the name Temocula in-all print m~d radio advenising and public relations trottertall about p&q, present or future ovents. Continued on next page .... PRf)P( )~AI, (Cnnt'd) 1. SHOEMAKER shall retain all fights for beer, food, soR drink. souvenir and novelty conccssions. m, SHOEMAKER will surrender 40% of net profits from bccr concession to the Tcmccula Valley Film Commission (TFC) in exchange for TICs coordination of volunteer personneJ for beer conee.~inn, parking and spectator entrances. Additionally, SHOEMAKER will give local organiUt[ons first priority.when .e, elecling all help tbr concessions, parking or other volunteer duties at the facility, in exchange for donations to samc organization. n. SHOEMAKER will mcct all sdcty requiren~ml~ for slx~tator protection: -spectators will be confined to grnndstund or other slzcific viewing arcs during earnpetition. -all spectator and competition arcas will be designed to meet ,~alhly n,.qtsirements of city and h~suram;c o. SHOEMAKER nnd race orSanizcrs will kccp spectator admission priccs at $10 or under adult, five dollars or under for agog seven through 12, nnd children undcr six shall bc admlttcd al nn charge with paid aduh admission, One dollar from each paid admission (over first 1,000 spectators) shall he rettsmed In TEMECULA. p. SHOEMAKER shall .secure the motacross track with fencing during non-event periods m discourage unauthorizcd use, The inca will aL~u bc posted "no trespassing' in both English arid Spanish languages. lI. TEMECULA n. TEMECULA shall grant SHOEMAKER a two-year lease. with options of yearly renewal. Cost per lca~c week shall be one thousand dollars C$1,000), plus one dollar per paid sru,.c. tator ovcr 1,000 paid spectator adsfissions. b. TEMECULA shall grunt all rights to thc name Temccula for usa h all event adv~rdsmcnts, announcements, television and radio broadcasts, and event souvenir itcms. c. TDM~CULA agrees to provide a pe-rmnnent water gupply to site, including appropriate water truck ~!Hng outlet, d. TEMECULA agz~cs to provide SHOEMAKER with exclusive fight to sell all advertising signage, camping fees, rncc cntry fccs and spectator admission f~c~. e. TEMECULA agrees that spectator parking shall be at no chargc and shall not grant rights to the contrary. fi TEMECULA agrees to supply periodic policc patrol check.~ nr property during non-event periods to casing facility is not being uscd by unauthorized persons. TEMECPRP.PM4 (01/03/93) The following ,ire tentative event dates pending approval of the Tcmecula Motorsports Park project: 1993 MOTOCROSS DATE (WEEKENDS OF) April 25 May 16 July I 1 August 15 September 12 EVENT CMC Spring Nationals CMC Regional CMC Regional CMC Regiom'tl CMC Trans Cal National ($500,000 Purse) Each regional motocross event will draw approxinmtely 450 teams. TIle average team consists of 4 persons. Regionals will also draw 3,000 - 5.000 spectators. The CMC Spri,~g National (April 25), and tim Trans Cal National (Sept. 12) will draw 8,000 - 10,000 spectators because of name competitors and large purse. * REQUIRING HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 2,000 , 1993 OFF-ROAD DATE ('WEEKENDS OF) April 4 May 30 June 6 September 5 November 28 E.V. RNT B.U.M.P. Off-Road Closed-Course Events (Dates will be confirmed in February, I993. Only thrce off-wad dates likely for 1993) The B.U.M.P. off-road events will draw approximately 160 tcmns of six to eight persons each. Spectator attendance is projected at 15,000 to 18,000 per event. * REQUIRING HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 600 * MOTOCROSS RACE ORGANIZATION · "'~.':.'~:'..~lr~.~,--~-.,,t,z:-?..,-~,,...-~ ........... The motocro,~s cvcnl~ will be organi2ed by the Continental Motosport Club (CMC). CMC, under the leadership of club president Stu Peters, has bccn sanctioning, promoting, producing ~rld dize, cting the stx~n of motocmss for over 25 year~. The sport of motocro.~.~ ha.~ a rich nnd colorful heriutge. Originating in Europe after World War 11, motocroee be~.nme popular in ~c United States durlnJ~ the 1960s. The continued growth and succe.r,.~ uf the spotz is due in no small part tn the. e. ITort., of CMC. This, is accomplished by promoting the sport at the "grass roots" level. Mnny of today'-, suprstars, now cnjuyiug tl~ high salaries and the national spodiad,t alTurded by ~ctr professional careers, had ~e. ir beginnings in regional CMC events. CMC i~ taut without championship eveni.e, however. The Golden State Serie.,, Trans Cal Series, and Spring Nationals are nntion:dly. recognizt, d cvcnts that draw thc be. st profcssiutaaJ r'dcers in the world. Prize money for these event.,~ can reach $500,fa111, and many have received national television c~nverage. t :MC weekend events are truly family nffnlrs. With many classes of compctltlutt, it is not un- common for fathers m~d suns buth to compete, or even mother~ and dnnghters! Thos~e not in the competition lend.their support in the pits, providing technical nssi.,tance ranging front engine tuning to making sandwiche.,. participants and organizers, tlie ability to collect admission fees, the e]imination of environmental concerns, and the attractiveness of a closed-venue to television and sponsors. Closed-course facilities, such a.~ beingproposed for the Temecula Showgrounds, will enjoy the advantages of the stadium races such as affordable insurance rates and ticket and concession revenues, plus the additional advantages of a permanent racing surface and built-in faeil i tles for race scoring and television. AN IDEAL MARKETING VEHICLE During the next decade the ma.~sive closure of desert l,'u~ds to competitive racing will dictate the creation of privately-owned closed-eourse'venues for off-road racing. The huge LOs Angeles market provides the basis for establishing a facility in Southern California that will be extremely successful from a marketing standpoint. At the present time, participants and enthusiasts must travel great distances to enjoy their favorite sport. (For instance, the nertrest 1/2 mile oval din track is located in Phoenix, Arizona.) Sponsors wishing to target the thousands of Southern California motorsports enthusiasts with messages about ~their products are without a vehicle to do so. In this proposal. the City of Temecula is presented with an opportunity to become a new c~nter for this extremely popular form of family recreation, and enjoy the benefits of being a "host city." These benefits range from enhanced national exposure to direct economic benefits from the events themselves and resulting increase of dollars into the local economy'through restaurants, hotels. services and retail business. The off-road truck and automobile events will be organized by Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions (B.U.M.P,) B.U.M.P. has been presenting closed-course races at Willow Springs International Raceway, in Rosamend, California, since tile early eighties. A very progressive org,'miza~on, B.U.M.P. has recognized the limitations of traditional off-wad events held on endless miles of wide open terrain. More often titan not, these events are held on public land, subject to permanent closure to off-road vehicles due to environmental concerns. Corporat~ sponsors are lim'ited in the exposure they c,'m receive at these events, and spectators have no hops to see anything but a small section of race course, and this after traveling hundreds of miles to a remote desert location. B.U.M.P. has recognized these limitations, and hag created an alternative for off-road competition in the 1990s. Tile success of the stadium off-road events serves as an ideM example of the potential of closed- course off-road racing. Crowds exceeding 50.000 fans and corporate sponsors lining up'to participate are the most obvious benefits. Fans are treated to all the thrills and spills on an entire race course lald out before them. The confined area also makes closed-course racing much more attractive to television. B.U.M.P. has combined the hest of both worlds with outdoor closed-course events. Costs arc reduced by not having to have the punability of the stadium shows, mid the outdoor terrain provides ,note room, and versatility to closer emulate Baja-style conditions. .. Shoemaker Productions was literally born in the dirt with the production of the legendary "On Any Sunday" motorcycle flint in 1969. After working with filmmakers Bruce Brown and Steve McQuccn on that fihn, company founder Don Shoemaker was hooked -- both on motorsports and entertainment. Shocmakcr established Shocn~akcr Productions, Inc. in 1971 as a sports tclcvision production company. His accomplishmcnts in tclcvision includc an E~mny for the 1976 Olympic Games coverage hc provided for ABC Sports, and packaging cou. ntless hours of progra~nming for virtually every sports broadcast and cable nctwork. Shocmakcr was a pioneer in thc development of thc camcra mounts that now providc sports vicwcrs with the hcart-stopping point-of-vicw angles from racc cars and virtually anything else that movcs -- fast] Joining Shoemaker Productions as a production manager in 1984, former motocross racer and promoter Kevin Hartwell brot~ght further depth and versatility to the company,. Hartwell 'was sales and promotions director for Stadium Motorsports Corporation'during the early eighties when stadium motocross shattered the 'Anaheim Stadium attendance record three yc,'u's in a row -- a record only sinc~ broken by the Rolling Stones. Hartwell's expertise includes bringing corporate sponsors into the realm of professional sports to take advantage of the hlgh-profilc, demogr~il~hie groups involved. Today, Shoem'aker Productions continues to be a leader in sports television, but is also a company on the verge of becoming a total entertainment padkager; Experience in formula-ono powerboat racing and nostalgia drag racing in recent itears has contributed to making Shoemaker Productions tile pcffcct group to make the Temecula Motorsports Park a success from tile very start! Everyone at Shoemaker Productions, Bob Utgard Motorsports Promolions and the Continental Motosport Club is committed to m.'tking the Temecula Motorsports Park a success. We feel that this proposal for a two-year trial period is only tile beginning of a "pannership" that will benefit each organization involved, and make the City of Temccula a destination for at le.'kst 75,000 new visitors during the first year alone. The potential of the Temecula Showgrounds property to become a nationally-recognized entertainment complex is tremendous. Ternecula has the advantages of perfect climate and an excellent geographic location that puts the facility within ~:asy reach of the Los Angeles, San Diego and inland empire metropolitan areas. At a time when motorsports is being taken away from Southern Californians as a recreational activity, the Temecula Motorspor~s Park will be enthusiastically welcomed by locals and enthusiasts across the country alike. While we are confident of the short-term success of this project. we arc committed to helping the City of Temecula'realize tile long term goals for the property. The expertise, of this sports "partnership" will create a recreation center that meets the needs of the local community while focusing the national spotlight on Temecula as tile host city of numerous prestigious events. Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. It has been a pleasure working with various representatives frm,.n your community. We look forward to continuing this relationship into a prosperous ft|turel ~ ' October 28, 1992 Don Shoemaker ~ ShoemaKer ProducEions 34 Brookbowel Dr Santa Ana, CA 92~05 Don, I would be Anterested in investigating the idea of runni,~g CMC Motecross events in tlaO Tcmecula area. We have our own starting ga~s, P.A. systems and all the equipment needed to build and maintain the motecross tracln If we word to run 5 to 6 events for the 1993 season we would ask for an ~xclusive contrac~ thaL we would be the only motocross orgnnization to .run motocross events at this location. Thank-you 'for your time, awaiting your reply. Sincere/y, Stuart H. Peters~ TEAM U.S.A./U.S.S.R. HDRA DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP October 29, 1992 Mr. Don Shoamaker 34 Brookhollow Drive Santa Ana, Ca, g2705 Dear Don: Per our photxe conversation I am writing to confirm Bump's desire to discuss promoting Closed Course Off Road Events in the'city of Temecula for the 1993 season. Since we are currently reviewin~ schedules for "93" and will decide ours within the next two weeks, I feel and I'm sure you will agree that we should meet with the city to discuss the possibility as soon as possible. Once we meet i am prepared to submit a proposal within thirty days. Sincerely, -Bob Utgard Bob Utgard, President DEPARTMENTAL REPORT APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER V/ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning/ January 12, 1993 Monthly Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Discussion: Caseload Activity: The following is a summary of the Planning Department's caseload and project activity for the month of November, 1992: The department received applications for 22 administrative cases and 10 public hearing cases. The following is a breakdown of case type for public hearing items: * Development Agreement * Extensions of Time * Tentative Tract Map * Minor Public Use Permit Onooinq Proiects: 3 3 1 3 General Plan: On October 19, November 2 and 23, and December 7,1992, the Planning Commission held public hearings on the Draft General Plan. To date, the Commission has tentatively approved all the General Plan Elements. At the January 4th meeting the Commission will consider the Draft Environmental Impact Report, closing public testimony and make a formal recommendation to the City Council. Old Town Master Plan: The preferred Land Use Plan and Circulation alternative were presented to the City Council and Planning Commission at a November 18, 1992 meeting. French Valley Airoort: City Staff sent a comment letter to the ALUC on October 7, 1992, stating the City's concerns on the draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 1 R:~S~/4ONTHLY.RPT~1992~NOV.92 1/5/93 klb Temecula ReQional Center Soecific Plan and Environmental Imoact Reoort: This Specific Plan was presented at a Planning Commission Workshop on May 4, 1992. The Commissioners gave direction to the applicant and staff. This Specific Plan is scheduled for a DRC meeting January 5, 1993. Winchester Hills and CamDos Verdes Specific Plans and Environmental Impact Reoorts: These Specific Plans were discussed at a Planning Commission Workshop on May 4, 1992. The Commissioners gave direction to the applicant and staff. The Notice of Completion for the Campoe Verdes EIR went to State Clearinghouse July 1 O, 1992. Both of these Specific Plans are scheduled for a DRC meeting January 5, 1993. RorioauQh Hills Soecific Plan: This Specific Plan has not yet been filed with the Planning Department. The plan proposes to develop 800 acres at an overall density of 3 units per acre and will contain approximately 30 acres of open space, neighborhood commercial and two elementary schools. A pre- application workshop on this Specific Plan was held at the July 6, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. Murdv Ranch Specific Plan and Environmental Imoact Report: This Specific Plan was presented to the Planning Commission at a Workshop on April 6, 1992. The Commission provided Staff and the applicant direction relative to design issues. The applicant has incorporated these changes into the Specific Plan. This Specific Plan will be scheduled for a Planning Commission meeting upon completion of the Development Agreement and the Congestion Management Plan. Johnson Ranch Soecific Plan: The Johnson Ranch Specific Plan is a mix of residential land uses and a mixed-use "resort village" core area on 1,765 acres located adjacent to Anza Road and Borel Road, north of Rancho California Road. This Specific Plan was submitted in early March. The Notice of Preparation was submitted to State Clearinghouse on April 17, 1992. A DRC meeting was held for this Specific Plan on May 14, 1992. A subsequent DRC date has not yet been set. 2 R:~S~IONTHLY.RpT~1992%NOV .82 114/93 Idb TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT TUESDAY, DECEMBER S, 1992 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Community 'Services District was called to order Tuesday, December 8, 1992, 10:15 P.M., at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California, President Ronald J. Parks presiding. PRESENT: 4 DIRECTORS: Mufloz, Roberts, Stone, Parks ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Birdsall Also present were City Manager David Dixon, City Attorney Scott Field and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENT CAI FNDAR It was moved by Director Mufioz, seconded by Director Roberts to approve Consent Calendar Items 1 - 4. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT:~ I DIRECTORS: Muftoz, Roberrs, Stone, Parks DIRECTORS: None DIRECTORS: Birdsall Minutes 1.1 Approve the minutes of November 24, 1992. Calle Araoon Park Project 2.1 Approve a transfer of $48,800 from the Quimby Fund to the Capital Improvement Projects Account; 2.2 Appropriate ~48,800 to Capital Projects Account #210-190-135-5804. CSDMINI 2/08/i2 -1- 12/23/92 COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT MINUTES 3. DECEMBER 8, 1992 Contract Chanoe Order No. 001 for Community Recreation Center - Phase I 3.1 Approve Contract Change Order No. 001 with R.W. Cash Construction increasing the contract amount $38,700 due to additional overexcavation and recompaction of existing alluvium subgrade for the Community Recreation Center (CRC) Project - Phase 1. Grant of Easement to Rancho California Water District 4.1 Approve Grant of Easement within the Rancho California Sports Park to the Rancho California Water District for maintenance purposes. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Park Site on Pale Road Project Shawn Nelson presented the staff report. Pat Coy, of Wimmer Yamada Associates, 27720 Jefferson Avenue, Suite. 102, Temecula, introduced Project Manager Patricia Trout and Architect Andrew Rodriquez, and provided a slide presentation and project overview of the Pale Road park site. John Martin, 45805 Lome Linda Road, Temecula, expressed concern that the project's proposed elevation will redirect water flows onto his property which is adjacent to the park site. Additionally, Mr. Martin advised that his property line directly ajoins the snack bar/pic-nic facility and he currently maintains approximately 100 head of cattle on his property. Tim Serlet advised that through the plan checking and planning process, staff assures that a project will not divert water onto another property. It was moved by Director Mufioz, seconded by Director Stone to close the public hearing at 10:45 P.M. and approve staff recommendation as follows: 5.1 Adopt Negative Declaration for Park Site on Pale Road Project. 5.2 Approve the master plan of the park site on Pale Road. 5.3 Authorize the preparation of construction documents and release a formal public bid for the Park Site on Pale Road Project. The motion carried as follows: CSDMINI 2/08/92 -2- 12/23/92 COMMUNITY SFRVICE DISTRICT MINUTES DI:CEMBER 8, 1992 AYES: 4 DIRECTORS: Mur~oz, Roberts, Stone, Parks NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Birdsall DISTRICT BUSINESS Election of President It was moved by Director Mufioz, seconded by Director Stone to elect Director Birdsall as President. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Mufioz, Roberts, Stone, Parks DIRECTORS: None DIRECTORS: Birdsall Election of Vice President It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Mufloz to elect Director Stone as Vice President. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Mufioz, Roberts, Stone, Parks DIRECTORS: None DIRECTORS: Birdsall Community Recreation Center (CRC) Proiect Phase II Shawn Nelson presented the staff report. It was moved by Director Stone, seconded by Director Roberts to approve the plans and specifications and award construction contract of $4,306,400 to T. B. Pennick & Sons, Inc. for Phase II of the Community Recreation Center (CRC) Project. CSDMN12/06/92 -3- 12/23/92 COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT MINUTES The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: I DECEMBER 8, 1992 DIRECTORS: Muftoz, Roberts, Stone, Parks DIRECTORS: None DIRECTORS: Birdsall e Naming of Park Site on Pale Road President Parks advised that Director Birdsall requested this item be continued to the next meeting. It was moved by Director Stone, seconded by Director Roberts to continue naming of park site on Pale Road to the meeting of January 12, 1993. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: I DIRECTORS: Mu~oz, Roberts, Stone, Parks DIRECTORS: None DIRECTORS: Birdsall GENI:RAL MANAGER'S R;PORT None DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT None BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS None CSDMIN12/08/82 -4- 12/23/92 ~" COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT MINUTES DECEMBER 8. 1992 ADJOURNMFNT It was moved by Director Mu~oz, seconded by Director Stone to adjourn at 10:55 P.M. to the next regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District, Tuesday, January 12, 1993, 8:00 P.M., Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. President Ronald J. Parks June S. Greek, City Clerk CSDMIN12/08/92 -6- 12/23/92 ITEM NO. 2 ITY APPROVi~L CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: DAVID F. DIXON, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 12, 1992 SUBJECT: REDUCTION OF LANDSCAPE BOND FOR TRACT NO. 22915-0, VINTAGE HILLS PREPARED BY: SENIOR DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Authorize the reduction of Landscape Improvement Bond amounts for TCSD maintenance areas within Tract No. 22915-0 - Vintage 'Hills. DISCUSSION: On August 21, 1989, Landscape/Erosion Control Agreements and Surety Bonds for the above referenced development were posted with the County of Riverside Building and Safety Department by: TayCo, a California General Partnership 3991 MacArthur Boulevard, Ste. 300 Newport Beach, CA 92660 The developer has provided a rider for the original bond which changes the obligee from the County of Riverside to the City of Temecula. The surety bond was issued by American Home Assurance Company and is identified as follows: 1. Tract No. 22915-0; Bond No. PB 300 11 469 in the amount of $63,000. Agenda Report January 12, 1992 Page 2 On May 26, 1992, the City Council, acting on behalf of the Board of Directors, approved the request of Community Services Department to accept this tract for landscape maintenance purposes, beginning with the Fiscal Year on July 1, 1992. The TCSD landscape areas within this tract have been constructed per the approved plans and inspected and approved by the TCSD Maintenance Superintendent. It is therefore, recommended that the Landscape Bonds be reduced to 96,300 for Tract No. 22915-0. Pending all final clearances, the remaining bond amounts for TCSD maintenance areas will be released approximately one year from the date of acceptance. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Rider and Landscape Bond. Staff Report 5/26/92 To be attached to Bond NoD PB 300 11 469 AMER I CAN HOME ASSURANCE COMPANY (As Surety) in the amount of Sl XTY-THREE THOUSAND Dollars. effective the AND NOIIOOTHS 23R0 day of AUGUST ($ 63.000.00 · 19 issued by ON BEHALF OFTAYCO (JOINT VENTURE OF TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES & COSTAIN HOMES INC.) FAVOR OFCOUNTy OF R I VERS I DE ~ consideration of the premiumchergedfor theattached bond, it is mutuallyunderstood and agreedby the Principdandthe Surety that: OBLIGEE NAME IS HERESY CHANGED FROM: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO: CITY OF TEMECULA All other items, limitatiop. s and conditions of said bond except as herein expressly modified shell remain unchanged. This rider shall he effective as of the 2 1 ST day of JULY ,19_9.Z'. Si~ned, sealed and dated this the 21ST day of JULY ,19 92- ,..' ~o. o.~ ~,, ~ ";~.i~.:..~.~.~.~.~:..~:..~;. ._. - -'," !"" 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SOLVED, ta~asyssSA, b.._: x- ~de~ued~e~etar~a~eeni/k~d~adm~t~f~f~u~d~u~d~b~b~e~eegnmy~nsesthsudi~n~me com~amlmag~m, 1, k~5 aadMPommdj~m~w/miakalfmmamldf~ (lll(lli 0ds 21sCdsyd July .19 9,~''~ :2r,--be, k M. Tuck Secretsy For: FOR EROSION .CONTROL' A. ND LANDSCKPE ~NPROVEHE~YS";; -.....: ':.'-.;..';.'.' 'L:; .--. ... - .., ....; .-..,.,.:.,...,.....-.: ....-: ..:-.- S uret/' "Ame ri ca n' ,Home "~Ass.ur~n.ce .... 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CoUnt~":'6f~Ri~F'Sid~'2~:[its 2:~ftc~'C"~'g~hts :?~nd 'a~p~6~ees', as there i n s ti pul ~ted then ': th'~ s -.~b 1 {~a'~i~H"'~'h~l l'~eEo~e'=:::nul 1 ':: )'~d -:V~i d ~'" o{~erwi se -.i t "2 ~, ~ ~....d r~, ! ~-'~ !.!.~P~.:~..:~.r~,~t ~.';~:~]Ci~t~Y;~;:i~::'~:~'~;i~.:~:~,:~::: ~:. :;-:: '~, .' :::'~:,:..:.:,~' .' o, :herefore, there shall be ~ncluded costs and reasonable .expenses':and fees,"/~nclud~n9 re~sonable--~torneT's fees ~ncurred b7 Count7 ~n successful17 enfoPdn9 such obl19~t~on, 511~ be'taxed ~as costs a~d ~ncluded ~n an7 ~udgem~nt rendered..-- 284-44-1 11/87 .' """.'~ ....: c.:;: ...~:.:;... · FOR EROSION CONTROL '/~D LANDSCAPE ZHPROVEMENTS ~'~*::.,:: ..... ~ -, :.: c~:;~: :-;5,: :.., ,..~. :. :..*..-:. '-- .... · ' ' ..-'- :;, .' -~ :'; ?F :' '~:" ;'-. . .-,~:..,,.'-~.:.t~,~.~.'..':,,~..:,~-~ ::~-? .....:-.' :'."*-'..~*:':' :,}.--"'.~ .....'..":,'-' .:': & Cos~a~n Homes Znc.~ ..... :. -. 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'. ...'."':'SEEONO:',.~Contractor 'ag~e~"~'to 'i cruel .~ost":'of::'sUch .InspeCtion .-of :':.:2....... ::.'..~: the .~rks and .tmprovmnts :as .may'. be ~ required -by cthe '.Building 'Dtrectorj-~.:Contractor. further .agrees :that tf sutt ts .brought upon th(s~'agrement .'or :any bond ='guaranteetn9'~ ' - ";. the cmletton "of the 'landscape and (rr(gatlon t~rovments,""a11- costs. ~d reasonable . ': :; -. expenses ~and fees ~(ncurred by the "County 'In '~'successfully enforcing 'such .:obllgatlon~~ -' .... shall be patd by Contractors 'including :reasomable ;attorney's'fees, 'and ,.that,upon entry~' .' .....:" .of Judgment, 'such costs,'Zexpenses .and. fees-shall be :.taxed 'as.costs and ,included ' any Jud;ent rendered. ':..': ,-,~. " . "" '~ ~;;~ Ho~"~( ~eployee ~Of .County;": he":liable ':::~'~:"~ ~"~IRO:':: . · ' ....'- responsible for any accident,'loss 'or happening'~ occu~ing to .the works specified · -"-" '.' ..:;'in .this agre~nt prior ',to :the 'c~letton ind approval :thereof.':nor :shall .County or. :' ~'.~"'."{.'any officer or ~ioyee .ihereOf.~b~ liable for a~y person~'br 'propert~ ~n3ured"by reason' ' -: -: "' '~':. of the n/tu~e 'of the work.;' ~r :by"~ason "of 'the 'acts':or ':'missions :of.:Contractor,'~hls :.?::': -:.'.."~:: agents'or eployees,"An his ~'perfom~ce~of~:.the work;~d'a11 ,of said ~.liabilities 'are ·..;:-~ ;: ~ ::.;.ass~ed bY Contractorj C-. Contractor~igrees ,to ~rotect,'~defend ~ ind :hold *.. hamless ' Count: ':.:.'.":-"':".' ~' and the' officers ' and '~yees ~th~f ~frm 'all ~;loss;:'~ltabtltty '~r '. claim -because of ' :'::{~:':2~:.'?:~.:'7' or :.'lris~ng 'out 'of :the' :acts :of ~mtssio~'~of ~Con~racto~;-;ht~ ' ' · -.~ _';.. ,'::~:the .peffomance of... this .agre~nt, . :the use "of .pitent +or patented " ~':' :-'=: article .in_the perfom~ce .of .this , .,': ',.:, FO,TH;':~:The"COntractor' h~reby 1rants . to "any agent or. ep]oy,; ~ ,:: ;...: :' .~':' the County, the Irrevoc~le pemtssfon'to enter upon the lands of the above refere .,': '-:,.~;~,. .... -".. :.'... ~.:land dtvtston-for the purpose of -- cmpl eting the improveents..:-Thts pemlsston shall :' :'.' ".:' temtnate tn the event that the Contrtctor has cmpleted the ~ork within the ttme specified .L' ::.':::':~. :~2-~'7: '~Z~H::~'~;~o;'* ~e~s:~'l~"~'i ~':~i~;;', ~'Gp'~:~o' the'~ ~e~o~"~nd '~p~ro~al' ~f the f 1no1 · "::: ". ~-:';j-'pl~g inspection by' the Building Dtrector.':to give good 'and adequate Narntng to the , :' ::' ~: '~ ~:-' travel;rig pub1 t c of each and every d.gerous cond t tl on ciused :.~. by: :~- the ~'~onstructt on: of, .::' ":.' '..~:~the tmproveents, ;and .to p~tect the traveling publlc frm such 'defective or danferous '-~':: · .:' .. '- .,": ......:, .,-.;.'.---;~:', .;-C'*..,-,.~. :~'.: ~:::::~:;;~.:~.~,..~3:~,~..~?..~.~::t~ :.~..-,. ~.:~:::..-,..:~,:- ..f~-,~r ~...-.~ · · .. ·,. · · ,...,, ,.~.,~ .. tot at least 48 hours'before beg~nnt~ any work and shall furntsh said ButldSng Dtrector "':.~ all reasonable facilities for obtaining full tnfomatton respecting the prog~ss and'~': : -manner of work...: : ..-". . ......-. ~. ,' ";' '. · '. "" ' '-,{:'.""~': . - .:. :.: . .- ~' . .'... . t ', ,: ~.-Z , '., ": :'. /- - · ~ : .- ; · - .- SEVENTH: If ~he Contractor, 'or +his agents or eployees neglects, refuses, '~r fails "'~: to prosecute the work utth such diligence as to tnsure Its cmpletton vtth~n the specified - · .: 284~44 time,' or within such extensions of time as have been granted by the Building Director, or if the Contractor violates, neglects, refuses or fails to perform satisfactorily any of the provisions of the plans and specifications, *he shall be in default of this Ag~.eement and notice in writing of such default shall be served upon him. The Building 11787 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY -. CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID F. DIXON MAY 26, 1992 ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT' MAINTENANCE - VINTAGE HILLS DEEDS FOR SLOPE PREPARED BY: SHAWN D. NELSON, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1 .' Accept Easement Deeds for the TCSD to provide slope maintenance services. e Appropriate $4,800 to account #019-193-999-42-5250 to process legal documents required for dedication purposes. DISCUSSION: The enclosed easement deeds have been reviewed by staff to ensure that legal and landscaping requirements have been satisfied. The slope landscaping areas have been inspected by our Maintenance Superintendent and are acceptable to our standards. Copies of the site plans for TCSD landscape maintenance areas are also attached for your review. The following ~tracts are being recommended for acceptance: Tract No. 22715-0, 1, 2. Tract No. 22716-0, 1, 2, 3, 4. · Tract No. 22915-0, 1, 2, 3. · RSCAL IMPACT: The City collected $4,800 from the applicant to cover the cost of processing the dedication. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriate $zk800 for outside services - account #019-193-999-42-5250. Cost to maintain the slope landscaping areas will be included in the annual rates and charges associated with the FY 1992-93 TCSD Assessments -Service Level C. T osO ii. ITEM NO. 3 C T APPROVAT'ER~ I Y ATTORNEY ' TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Mary Jane McLarney, Finance Officer DATE: January 12, 1993 SUBJECT: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992. DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Temecula Community Services District for the three months ended September 30, 1992. Please see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992 imll Z U~ ITEM NO'. 4 APPROVAL ~'~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: DAVID F. DIXON, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 12, 1993 SUBJECT: NAMING OF THE PARK SITE ON PALA ROAD PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: SHAWN D. NELSON, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR That the Board of Directors: Consider, and if desired, approve a name for the park site on Pala Road. DISCUSSION: The park site on Pala Road is an approximate 28.6 acre community park located north of Pala Road and west of Loma Linda Drive. On November 9, 1992, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved and recommended to the Board of Directors the following name for this park site: 1. RAWHIDE PARK At the December 8, 1992 Board of Directors meeting, the Board recommended that the naming of this park site be continued to the January 12, 1993 meeting. At the December 14, 1992 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission requested that if the Board of Directors did not select the name "Rawhide Park" for this site, that this item be referred back to the Commission so another name could be forwarded to the Board for consideration. According to the existing policy, the Board of Directors may approve this recommended name or consider any other name desired. However, if this name is not selected, the Board may refer this item back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RF-~OL~ON NO. CSD 92-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COIVI3AUNY~ SERVICES DISTRICT ADOPTING A POLICY FOR NANlING PARKS AND RECREATION FACILrlYES WM ER~.A.q, On Apr'A 2.3, 1991, the Board of ~ (~e 'Bo~d') adop~ a po~ for nmg ~ ~ ~on ~11~; ~ W~tEAS, the Comm, mity Services Dimict and the Parks and Recreation Commission reques~ tha~ the aforementioned policy be adopted by msoh~fion; NOW, T~'k'rmk'~ORE, ~ BOARD OF DIRE~O~' OF ~ TE1KE~ COM!VIUN1TY SERVICES DISTRICT DOES M ,<,~ "~:'~Y,'I~'-~:OLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOIZOWS: Section 1. That the lx~licy far naming parks and reauxion fa~l~es ~ ict far~ on Bxhibit 'A" is adop~i emblhhing a uniform policy and procedm that identifies criteria for the naming of parks and recreation f~,-411fies. PASSED, AlPROVED AND ADOFrk~ this 8th day of Scptcmbcr, 1992. l~,onald I. Parks, President (~fl- -J~~.. 1/ :]Gr~k., City ~ STATE OF C, ALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF P, IVE~IDE) SS crrY OF TEI~~ ) I, June S. Gzeek, City Clerk of the C~ of Temecula, l:m-n~-ny DO CERTIFY that the foregoing P,e,~lution No. CSD 92-08 was duly adopted at a zgular meeting 6f the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 8th day of Sepzmber 1992 by the following roll call voz. AYES: 5 DIRECTORS: Bizd.~, Moor~, T-lndem. nS, Mufioz NOB: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: 0 DIRBCTORS: None TEMYCLrLA CO Vfu'N1TY S RVICES DISTRICT Naming Parks and Re~eation Facilities PURPOSE To establish a uniform policy and procedUre ~ha~ identifies criteria for the naming of parks and recreation facilities. POLICY The Park and Recreation Commission will be responsible for =he selection of names for parks and recreation facilities. Once a name is selected, it will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for ratification. Staff will be 'responsible for encouraging citizens and .communit7 organizations =o suggest possible n~mes will =hen be forwarded to =he Commission for consideration. At a minimum, each park and community building will be designated · .a name. Naming of specific areas within a park (garden, swimming pool, lake, ballfield, etc.) is acceptable but should be kept to a minimum =o avoid confusion. No park shall be given a name which might be perceived as controversial by the communitT. All names selected shall be acceptable and meaningful to a majority neighborhood/community where =he park or recreation facility is located. Priority in naming sites shall be given to geographical 1coations, historic significance or geologic features. No park shall.'be named for a person, except where an individual has made a significant financial contribution toward=he acquisition and/or development af the park or facility, ar has been an outstanding lang-time community leader who has supported open space and recrea=ianal activities. All park and recrea=ian facilities will be designated a formal name within six months af acquisition cr cunsuruc=ian. All parks shall have an enV_Tance sign. Buildings will have an enVaTance sign and a plaque inside =he facility far name iden=ificatian. The name af a park cr recrea=ian facility may be changed anly after a hearing is held by =he Cc~issian =a receive cammunity input and direrion. No name shall be changed unless =hare is significant justification and support by =he cammuniuy. R ~-SPONSi~F ,ITY Dep~ent Recreation Co--"ission Department ACTION Acquires a new park or recreation facility. Solicits possible names' from community. Forwards su~e~ted mamas to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration. Receives any additional community inpu=. selects a name for the new park or recreation facility· Forwards name ratification. to City Council for InsUalls the appropriate naming sign or plaque. TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1992 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order Tuesday, December 8, 1992, 11:35 P.M., Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California, Chairperson J. Sel Muftoz presiding. PRESENT: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Parks, Roberrs, Stone, Mufioz ABSENT: 1 AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall Also present were City Manager David Dixon, City Attorney Scott Field and City Clerk June S. Greek. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Stone to extend the meeting to 12:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT CAI FNDAR It was moved by Agency Member Parks, seconded by Agency Member Roberrs to approve Consent Calendar Items No. I and 2. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Parks, Roberrs, Stone, Mufioz NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: I AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall Minutes 1.1 Approve the minutes of November 24, 1992. e Redevelooment A(~encv Annual Financial and Comoliance Reoort for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30. 1992. RDAMIN12/0e/92 -1- 12/23/92 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1992 "' 2.1 Approve the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Financial and Compliance Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992. AGENCY BUSINESS 3. Election of Chairoerson It was moved by Agency Member Parks to nominate himself as Chairperson of the Temecula Redevelopmerit Agency, seconded by Agency Member Roberts. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Parks, Roberts, Stone, Muf~oz NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall Election of Vice Chairoerson It was moved by Agency Member Parks, seconded by Agency Member Stone to elect Agency Member Mufioz as Vice Chairperson. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: NOES: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: Parks, Roberts, Stone, Muf~oz None ABSENT: I AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS None RDAMIN12/0W92 -2- 12/23/e2 -' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 8. 1992 ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Agency Member Roberts, seconded by Agency Member Parks to adjourn at 11:45 P.M. to the meeting of January 12, 1993, 8:00 P.M., at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. Chairperson J. Sal Mu~oz June S. Greek, City Clerk RDAMIN'I 2/0e/92 -3- 12/23/92 ITEM NO. 2 APPROVAL TY ATTORNEYe NANCE OFFIC TY MANAGER TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Redevelopment Agency Members FROM: Mary Jane McLarney, Finance Officer DATE: January 12, 1993 SUBJECT: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended September 30, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: That the Agency Members receive and file the Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended June 30, 1992. DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Redevelopment Agency for the three months ended September 30, 1992. Please see the attached financial statements for analytical review of financial activity. ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1992 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the Three Months Ended June 30, 1992 IAi IAI .-I-