HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel Map 23430 Parcel 8 Premlinary Soils Report . Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. July 21, 1995 Ms. Beryl Yasinosky Management Assistant City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT OF FINDINGS Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment 'The Pond" Southeast Corner of Ynez and Rancho California Roads A.P.N. 944-330-006 City of Temecula, Riverside County, California Work Order No. 212503.40A Dear Ms. Yasinosky: This supplement to our Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment presents the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health's file concerning permitted facilities (hazardous waste generators,hazardous materials handlers,underground storage tanks,and medical waste generators), underground storage tank removals, records pertaining to illicit dumping and releases,non-permitted facilities,and non-facility emergency response incidents for the above-referenced site. The documentation was not available at the completion of our report due to the time constraints imposed by the city of Temecula. No records were found for the above-referenced site. A photocopy of the County's letter is included with this supplemental letter The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. „vtRON//E;, <® ��, p. F 4e Jo i 1 '. Frey, No. 05222 40Q.'.��® RFe=��, En/ onmental Assessor fir' N No.05222 JPF:ran * Expires:i/3o/9 *! 27463 Enterprise Circle West • Temecula • CA 92590 • TEL(909) 676.8337 • FAX (909) 676 4583 John Paul Fre y of• R/'' Geotechnical & Environmental County of Riverside Health Services Agency c e En ineersIa Public Health -'d= 27463 Enter ri e ire w RELEASE OF RECORDS RESPONSE J Mb . Temecula CA 92590 XXX% Your request concerning 26459 Ynez Road Temecula CA . has been received. Appropriate action has been taken as indicated. The following information is attached: _Family Planning Records All Medical Records _Sexually Transmitted Disease Records — X-Rays _Mental Health Records — Lab Work _Child Health Records --Other These records are for the following purpose: rm ion such s We are unable to locate records for this Pet on. Please f servicesish recei ved�andnal 1venfy at of the nametor approximate dates of treatment, clinic site, types of names previously used. Type or print. — consent of he patient.A Since medical information is confidential by the enclosedereleased form afteroit has beenwritten completed land signed. consent form is enclosed. Please return , Due to the following reasons, we are unable to send the information requested: — XXXX Other: RE: YOUR LETTER DATED May 12, 1995 . WE HAVE CONDUCTED A SEARCH OF OUR FILES. SEE ATTACHED FOR REQUESTED INFORMATION AND AN INVOICE FOR CLERICAL AND COPYING CHARGES. Please direct questions or correspondence on the person named above to: Name: Ms Jana Rvan Address: --------Y-------4065 CountCircle Drive Riverside CA 92513-7600 Phone: —.--1—i----------909 358-5055 Sincerely. County• -iverside Departm t)of Public Health / .ate Receipt # ClA4-45-51 3 �' ........- n......-.....1 In CANARY-Chart COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2 NVO 2 C E Date: June 9, 1995 • Hake remittance payable to: TO: John Paul Frey COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc 27463 Enterprise Circle West MAIL .TO: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Temecula, CA 92590 P.O. BOX 7600 RIVERSIDE CA 92513-7600 5384-95-513 Request for records re: Property in Riverside County. NO RECORDS FOUND: 26459 Ynez Road Temecula, CA (HAZ/GENERAL) FEES FOR CLERICAL AND RECORD SEARCH IS FORTY-FOUR DOLLARS PER SITE. 1 SITE SEARCHED. $ 44.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 44.00 • • Please return a copy of the invoice with payment 'THANK YOU! Tax ID# 95-6000930W /1/ l IL4 Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. May 24, 1995 Ms. Beryl Yasinosky Management Assistant City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 SUBJECT: REPORT OF FINDINGS Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment 'The Pond", 7.0± Acres Southeast Corner of Ynez and Rancho California Roads A.P.N. 944-330-006 Temecula, California Work Order No. 212503.40 Dear Ms. Yasinosky: 1.0 SUMMARY In summary and based on the findings of this assessment, the likelihood of hazardous waste or petroleum product contamination existing on or migrating into the subject site is low. 2.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the findings of our Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment conducted in accordance with our proposal dated March 21, 1995, and verbally authorized by Mr.Shawn Nelson,Director of Community Services for the city of Temecula. This report has been prepared in accordance with ASTM guidelines E-1527-93 and E-1528-93. Our field reconnaissance of the site was performed on May 17, 1995. The field reconnaissance involved traversing the property in order to observe surficial soil conditions, structures, possible generators or storage of hazardous materials, drainages, land use, vegetation, and any notable surface conditions which would indicate the presence of hazardous waste or petroleum product contamination on or near the site. 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this investigation was to identify, to the extent feasible and pursuant to the processes presented herein, the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products on the property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of hazardous ii 27463 Enterprise Circle West • Temecula • CA 92590 • TEL(909) 676.8337 • FAX (909) 676.4583 Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 2 substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water in connection with the property. 2.2 Special Terms and Conditions The scope of work completed for this investigation included a field reconnaissance of the site and surrounding areas, personal interviews, record and document review, historic aerial photo review, and submittal of this report. 2.3 Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment This Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by environmental professionals practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied,is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. In addition, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. Changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. No sampling or testing was provided for this assessment. 2.4 Limiting Conditions and Methodology Used In preparing this report, we were provided information derived from secondary sources and personal interviews. We have made no independent investigation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information derived from these sources. We have assumed the information provided to us by our sources was accurate and complete. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Location and Legal Description The subject property consists of an irregular shaped 7.0± acre parcel of land bounded on the north by Rancho California Road, on the west-southwest by Ynez Road,on the east-northeast by the'The Pond"Conference Center,and on the south- southeast by vacant undeveloped land in the city of Temecula, Riverside County, California. The geographical relationships of the site and surrounding area are depicted on our Location Map, Figure 1. • ir (ii-1-17 " . I .a Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. -- F-.,.. �� , :\�, If Cf v ' / Io�..IN: i \ y , '% . �:: .a;Reserwir -14 • ��t 4"; . .1... ....:>---lik).. /• \ '4** '- ' . .- 1•‘N-i \ / .4\ ---,- 5,1-3 " < ' - ' --11:="--j..; V)..1. .., _?..4A--.25 :L. , _ - ---',:j/„ii)..1 je iimp_c-, 4, if#', ' r4-----1. . „:.:-: —ii.,,,_,.., ...t...1._ `,.---.•..., 4-11 Arli"W ‘,N—* • a.i-- Ar ,./. ....1.. .\ <, V "fir's,..-r, _ d .._811"r:,_ A 115 j Z.4 :..`:.•::, 0 , 00r 0 .,...mr. 21 41111Fit...7411f.' ‘,. k. \ .1414. 1.7 ' zi) ,- 1` ...:a .4.,,,iiik.y. . .. , : . , _ RN _-_- • ...,5>A.,, . . eii I)'e0 N'. ei <,y\ ..., \,i( (: ..\ . B't .dt Q , .`.� /, :4,79\••' •, 7 _�le 4) r�Te* .,__,-...1-71-, - it,.. -c:- .-,�. 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Iii. of , ./ Ii , ct . � , ilt, -.`L� ?)..,;:;`.=� i.----...).F., M • C. -� ADAPTED FROM LLS.G.S T5 PmI.RE QUADRANGLE MAPS- ML DI,CA,1953&T A,CA,1968 ' (photorevised 1979&1975,respectively) 0 2000 4000 SCALE feel LOCATION MAP •.W.O'# ' 212503.40 DATE' MAY 1995 FIGURE: 1 Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 3 From records obtained from the Riverside County Assessor's office and TRW-Redi information services the Assessor Parcel Number of the site is 944-330-006. Kemper Lumberman Properties, Inc., % Kemper Real Estate Management, Co. is recorded as the current owners of the subject site. The county assessor records were last updated June 30, 1994. The legal description of the property is M/L in a portion of Parcel 1, RS 048/072. 3.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics Currently, the northern portion (4.75 acres) of the subject site is being utilized as a park site with associated duck pond, landscaping, fencing, sidewalks, irrigation systems, and electrical lines. The southern most portion (2.25 acres) of the subject site is currently vacant and undeveloped. The adjacent properties to the northwest and north along Ynez and Rancho California Roads have been developed into commercial/retail business facilities. The adjoining properties to the west-southwest have been developed primarily as a hotel (Embassy Suites) and multi-family residential development. Topographically, the majority of the project site consists of relatively flat terrain which slopes at a less than 2% gradient to the west-northwest toward Murrieta Creek. The eastern boundary of the site consists of moderately sloping terrain. Vegetation on the northern portion of the subject site consists predominately of landscaped lawns, and ornamental shrubs and trees. 3.3 Observed Man-Made Features on the Site Man-made developments on the subject site were observed to include the following: • A large apparently man-made duck pond with associated landscaping and irrigation systems(Figure B-1)was noted on the northern portion(4.75 acres) of the site. Landscaping consisted of numerous large ornamental trees and manicured lawn. A wood slat fence (Figure B-1) of varying heights was noted bordering the north, west and south boundaries of the pond. Wire mesh fencing has been attached to the fence along the west and north boundaries adjacent to Ynez and Rancho California Roads, respectively. An approximately 4 foot high apparent stucco and concrete block wall (Figure B- 2) has been constructed along the eastern boundary of the site adjacent to "The Pond" Conference Center. • The southern portion (2.25 acres) is in an undeveloped relatively natural condition (Figure B-2). Minor surficial trash was noted along the southwestern boundary of the site adjacent to Ynez Road. Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 4 • An asphalt driveway with associated concrete curbs and gutters (Figure B-3) were noted south of the duck pond on the central portion of the subject site. A double 36-inch metal culvert storm drain undercrossing and associated wooden retaining wall (Figure B-3) was noted on the central portion of the driveway. An irrigation control panel was noted south of the asphalt driveway adjacent to Ynez Road. • Street improvements including water, GTE phone lines with associated vault and metal manhole covers were noted with the parkways adjacent to Ynez and Rancho California Roads. The GTE vault was noted to be capped by asphaltic cement. Other man-made improvements noted within the parkways included concrete sidewalks and street signs (Figure B-4). Site photographs of the above documented site improvements and conditions are presented in Appendix B. A Site Plan, depicting the general location of the man- made features, is presented as Figure 2. 3.4 Transaction Screen Questionnaire & Interviews In accordance with ASTM E 1528, a Transaction Screen Questionnaire was completed by the environmental assessor performing the investigation. The completed questionnaire are presented in Appendix C. A transaction screen questionnaire was sent by facsimile transmission on May 12, 1995 to Kemper Real Estate Management, managers of the subject site. A follow up questionnaire was sent by facsimile transmission on May 23, 1995. We had not yet received a completed questionnaire from Kemper at the completion of this report. Mr.Tony Tobin, curator for the Temecula Valley Museum was interviewed as a part of this investigation. Mr. Tobin has been familiar with the subject site and adjacent properties for over 60 years. Ms. Dee Belles, Manager of "The Pond" Conference Center for Kemper Real Estate, was interviewed by phone as a part of this investigation. Ms. Belles has been familiar with the subject site and adjacent properties for the past 3+ years. 3.5 Current Uses of the Property Based on our site reconnaissance,the northern portion of the site is currently utilized as a park site. The southern portion of the site is currently in a vacant relatively natural condition. • SITE PLAN 1 . _ 1 . -.. __. 1 . . _ , _ , - • , . c------- , r., ------....__ , ,... , .......„ ......._____ a, .._ 1 „,, ______. __ _______ i - - - -- - , �. , v,i."4-,..3,„. . RS 1, , , , -.... ,, ,. • 6 I 1(,:44 ,c°,„,A 0 b,t,,,,• , . •• I . io • ilit t „bk.,. �� • kill' \ NOT TO SCALE I • ....., ..A (.. j ._ . , , ......._ .......... _.. • ........• ........ , \,- \ •.., r ADDITIONAL CITY PARCEL ( ORIGINAL CITY PARCEL `, i ft(. f• 2.25 ACRES 4.75 ACRES I / 1 l 1 0 VACANT IIP.DEVIiO LMC . /1/ C ©� I . . \ „mssPc"° (\\____,__________---;--:0 _. _- �� wow. ran ROAD �" -.--- --rte LEGEND 1) EXISTING POND 2) GTE VAULT 3) 36-INCH STORM DRAIN 4) LANDSCAPED AREAS 5) IRRIGATION CONTROL PANEL • FIGURE 2 Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 5 3.6 Past Uses of the Property Based on our document search, interviews, and aerial photograph review, the subject site was developed as part of the Cantarini Ranch and utilized primarily for agricultural development since at least the late 1800's (Verbal Communication -Mr. Tony Tobin, 1995) until at least January 28, 1962 The Cantarini Ranch house, located immediately north of the subject site,is depicted on the Pauba Land&Water Co.Map. dated December 1887. The map also indicates two springs on the northern portion of the subject site. From at least June 20, 1974 until the present time the subject site has been utilized as a park site with associated duck pond. 3.7 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Property Based on our document search, interviews, and aerial photograph review, the adjoining properties have been utilized for mainly agricultural development since at least December 1887 (Pauba Land&Water Co. map, 1887) until at least January 28, 1962. The proerties adjoiningthe site to the north,northwest and east have become p commercial/retail over the past 20+ years. The adjoining property to the southwest has been utilized for multi-family residential development for the past 12+ years. The adjoining property to the east has been utilized as a commercial office building for the past 25+ years. Currently, the building is being utilized as conference center for various groups including homeowners associations, lawyers, doctors, etc. 4.0 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH REVIEW The referenced aerial photographs were carefully reviewed to determine past site developments. Based on this review, man-made developments included the following: Date of Flight Comments to bepart of a large ranch April 4, 1939 Northern portion of the subject site appearsg and apparently utilized for dry land farming. No structures were noted on the subject site, however a small narrow north-south trending apparent reservoir was noted on the northeast corner of the e site. The southern portion of the subject site was in a vacant relatively natural condition. An east-west trending apparent dirt road (Long Valley Road)was noted traversing the central portion of the site immediately south of the reservoir. Two apparent structures were noted immediately north and east of the subject site. According to Mr.Tony Tobin, Curator of the Temecula Valley Museum, the structure to the north was the Cantarini Ranch house but he could not recall what the structure to the east was utilized for. The adjacent lands to the south, east, and west of Temecula appear to be in a relatively natural condition. Mr. Tony Tobin also stated that the adjacent lands and Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 6 most of the town of Temecula were owned by the Vail Ranch. The town's growth was restricted until the sale of the Vail Ranch in the early 1960's. January28, 1962 Subject site and adjoining properties appear similar to that observed J on the 1939 photographs with the exception of two small apparent reservoirs noted immediately west of the reservoir noted above. The reservoirs may have existed in 1939, but it was difficult to verify their existence, due to the poor quality of the photo's in the vicinity of the site. Interstate Highway 395 (two-lane highway) has been constructed approximately 1,200 feet west of the subject site since the 1939 photos. June 20, 1974 Subject site apparently has been made into an apparent park with associated trees and manicured lawns since the 1962 photographs. Rancho California Road has been constructed immediately north of the site since the 1962 photographs. Traces of the former Long Valley Road are still visible immediately to the east and west of the site. The northern most reservoir noted in the 1962 photos's is now connected to the narrow reservoir on the northeast corner of the site. A small apparently associated structure ('The Pond" Conference Center) has been constructed immediately east of the subject site since the 1962 photographs. An apparent associated driveway has been constructed south of the ponds/reservoirs from Ynez Road to the conference center. The southern portion of the site is still in an apparent vacant natural condition. Several structures have been constructed north of the site and an apparent shopping center, associated motel with two apparent ponds,and gas station has been constructed on the northwest corner of Ynez and Rancho California Roads (RCR). Two additional ponds have been constructed on the southwest corner of Ynez and RCR roads. Nov. 17, 1983 No significant changes were observed on the subject site since those noted on the June 20, 1974 photographs, except the two separate ponds, noted above, have been connected to form one large pond. Apparent commercial development has increased north of the site along Ynez Road and to the east along RCR and the multi-family development, located immediately west of the subject site has been constructed along Ynez Road since the earlier photographs. April 10, 1990 Man-made development on the subject site appears similar to that noted during our site reconnaissance and presented in Section 33. of this report. Both the tower office building, located on the northwest corner of Ynez and RCR, and the Embassy Suites Hotel, located on the southwest corner of Ynez and RCR,were under construction at the time of the photograph. Both the former. Atlantic Richfield gas Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 7 RCR have been removed since the earlier photographs. The shopping center, located on the northeast corner of Ynez and RCR have been constructed since the 1983 photo's. 5.0 RECORD AND DOCUMENT REVIEW 5.1 Governmental Agency Review For this investigation, we obtained information from the following governmental agencies: • California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region; Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing (dated August 12, 1993), active and inactive landfills (SWAT Sites), and Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup (SLIC) sites (1993); • State Water Resources Control Board - California Environmental Protection Agency;Releases of Hazardous Substances from Underground Storage Tanks (dated September 7, 1993); • California State Department of Health Services (DHS); review of hazardous site list to include Superfund List (CERCLIS, revised August 31, 1993), Cortese List (revised July 31, 1992), Cal-Sites List, dated July 19, 1993, and tt Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA, dated June 30, 1993); • State Department of Oils and Gas; previous or existing oil and gas wells in or near the site; • TRW-REDI Information Systems and Riverside County Assessors Office records (updated June 30, 1994); • County of Riverside Health Services Agency - Department of Public Health; underground and above ground storage tanks, groundwater cleanup program, and known hazardous material incidence in the vicinity of the site. • County of Riverside Department of Building and Safety permit records;review of all structural permits issued for the subject site; • Temecula Valley Museum; review of available photographs and available records of the subject site. Interviewed the curator Mr.Tony Tobin about site past utilization of the site and adjoining properties; Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 8 5.2 Government Records Search For this investigation,we obtained a search of governmental agencies for the subject site from Environmental Data Resources,Inc(EDR). The specified government data bases were searched in accordance with the ASTM Standard (E 1527). The Environmental Data Resources, Inc.report is presented in Appendix D. The federal and state records and dates of last update searched by EDR is included in Appendix D of this report. The color "Overview Map" compiled by EDR's data base search is presented as Figure 3 of this report. 53 Governmental Agency Findings Information obtained by the data base search and our governmental agency review indicated the following: • The subject site has never been cited or known to have been involved with hazardous waste contamination; • No NPL, RCRIS-TSD,AWP, Coal Gas, CORRACTS, CA Bond Expenditure Plan, or Toxic Pit sites are located within a 1.0-mile radius of the subject site. • Three sites located within a 1.0-mile radius of the subject property were listed on the California Department of Toxic Substances Control's Cal-Site list; The sites are detailed in Appendix D and in Section 53.1. • Three Notify 65 facility notifiers are located within a 1.0 mile radius of the subject site. The sites are detailed in Appendix D. • Four sites located within a 1.0-mile radius of the subject site were listed on the California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System (CHMIRS), which are detailed in Appendix D and Section 53.1. I Seven sites located within a 1.0-mile radius of the subject site were on the state of .California's CORTESE list as identified hazardous waste and substance sites. The seven sites are detailed in Appendix D and in Section 53.1. • No known CERCLIS, SWIS (state landfill), or SWAT facility sites were reported located within 0.5-miles of the subject site. • Sixteen LUST facility notifiers were located within a 0.5-mile radius of the subject property. The sixteen sites are detailed in Appendix D and Section 53.1. OVERVIEW MAP - 076636.1r - Geotechnical & Env. Eng. Inc. A vib 2) " '6 I I I I 10111011#0411‘ 4 to 1 . lig 1 i it 4 7 Z ___ 1 ,....1s/ y ..,,,_ 7n , AidA,. oii,‘ / 4. 1, ow, \„14 WNW \ ,N11146,._ 1+ 0 p ip . s .., ./., ,,.. _ i � .,„, tk ti toill'il0 \ / * - Indicates TARGET PROPERTY. 0 1/4 1/2 1 • - Indicates sites at elevations higher I I I than or equal to the target property. Miles • - Indicates sites at elevations lower than the target property. A - Coal Gasification Sites (if requested) © - National Priority List Sites A/ - Power transmission lines (USGS DLG, 1993) - Oil & Gas pipelines (USGS DLG, 1993) TARGET PROPERTY: The Pond CUSTOMER: Geotechnical & Env. Eng. Inc. ADDRESS: SEC Rancho California+Ynez Rds CONTACT: John Frey CITY/STATE/ZIP: Temecula CA 92590 INQUIRY #: 076636.1r LAT/LONG: 33.5031 / 117.147 DATE: May 11, 1995 FIGURE 3 Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 9 • No UST or RCRIS small and large quantity generators are on record within a 0.25-mile radius of the subject site. • No HWIS sites were found located within a 0.125-mile radius of the subject site. • No known HMIRS, PADS, ERNS, FINDS, TRIS, TSCA, NPL Liens, Site Mitigation,Industrial Site,CA Unauthorized Releases(HE17),or CA Nonfuel Leaks were reported for the subject site. • Based on our review of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Boards' List of Polluted Wells, no known groundwater contamination has occurred in the vicinity of the site. • One known oil well is on record within a 1.0 mile radius of the subject site. Based on DOG records, the well is located approximately 2,500 feet west- northwest of the site and is reported as an abandoned dry hole; • No records of any building permits for the subject site were found by the County of Riverside Department of Building and Safety. The only record found was a plan review for a retail building in 1990. 5.3.1 Interpretation of Governmental Agency Findings There were 33 sites reported by EDR's government record search. However, there are only 18 separate sites, due to the listing of several of the sites on multiple government lists and the listing of several sites under differing names on the same list. Three of 18 sites reported are listed on the California Department of Toxic Substance Control's Cal-Site List. The status of both the "Skyway Magnetics" and the "Cal-Mor" business facilities are reported as No Further Action (NFA) required. The third notifier, "Borg Warner Energy Equipment",is located approximately 0.60-miles northwest and down-gradient from the subject site both geographically and hydrogeologically. The "Borg Warner" business facility is also listed on the RCRIS-SQG, FINDS, and Cortese facility notifier lists. The potential for these sites to impact the subject site is low. Four of the remaining 15 sites were reported on the California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System (CHMIRS). CHMIRS are typically surficial spills and releases responded to by local agencies and usually are immediately mitigated. They generally have a low potential to impact the subject site. Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 - Page 10 Seven of the remaining 11 sites, "Sam's Super Shell", "CDF Station #12", "Chevron Station" (28900 Rancho California Road), "Unocal Service Station" (28903 Rancho California Road)", "Penfold Properties", "Mobile Station" (28111 Front St), and"Narin Oil Co.", are reported as LUST facility notifiers. The seven sites are located down-gradient from the subject site both geographically and hydrogeologically. The potential for these sites to impact the subject site is low. Of the remaining 4 sites, the "C.L. Pharris" business facility was listed on the Cortese notifier list. The site is depicted on Figure 3 as being approximately 0.6 miles southwest of the subject site, however, the "C.L. Pharris" business facility is located approximately 1.0 mile southwest and down-gradient from the subject site both geographically and hydrogeologically. The potential for this site to impact the subject site is low. The three remaining sites, "Pichel Industries, Inc." "Arco Service Station #3012" (also on Cortese List), and "Temecula Valley Pipe & Supply"business facilities, were reported on the Notify 65 facilities list. Both the 'Pichel Industries" and the "Temecula Valley Pipe & Supply" business facilities are located down gradient from the site both geographically and hydrogeologically. The potential for these site to impact the subject site is low. The remaining site,"Arco Service Station#3012",is listed on both the Cortese List and the Notify 65 list. The "Arco Service Station #3012" is also on the orphan summary as a LUST and HWIS notifier. The former ARCO Service Station is shown on Figure 3 as being located approximately 0.5 miles northwest of the subject site. The former gas station is located approximately 300 feet northwest of the subject site. Based on information obtained from the California Water Quality Control Board-San Diego Region's LUST list, the"ARCO"business facility effected groundwater. Reportedly,post remedial action is underway which monitors the effectiveness of previous remedial activities and that vapor extraction was utilized for remedial action. Based on our review of previous subsurface investigations (Geraghty & Miller, Inc., 1989, Lockwood-Singh &Associates, 1989, & Geotechnical &Environmental Engineers, Inc. 1991) of the "ARCO" and adjoining sites on the northwest corner of Rancho California Road indicated that the groundwater elevations varied from 8 to 24 feet below the ground surface and groundwater flow was to the northwest or away from the subject site. Kennedy (1977) depicts a groundwater barrier (Wildomar Fault Zone) located between the subject site and the former ARCO gas station. The groundwater barrier would limit contaminated groundwater from effecting the subject site. The potential for this site p act to im the subject site is low. Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 11 5.4 Findings of Historic Maps For this investigation, we reviewed the following historic maps of the property. • 2,000-scale U.S.G.S. map, 7.5 Minute Series, dated 1953, photo revised 1979, Murrieta, California quadrangle map. The site appears similar to that noted during our site reconnaissance. • 2,000-scale U.S.G.S. map, 7.5 Minute Series, dated 1968, photo revised 1975, Temecula, California quadrangle map. • 2,000-scale map, dated 1977, "Geologic Map of the Elsinore Fault Zone, Southern Riverside County, California". A northwest trending reservoir was noted on the subject site. Long Valley road traversed the central portion of the subject site immediately south of the reservoir. • 1,320-scale map, dated December 1887, "Map of Subdivisions Land of the Pauba Land & Water Co., San Diego County, California". Two springs are depicted in the vicinity of the subject site and an apparent structure (Cantarini Ranch) is depicted immediately north of the subject site. 5.5 Site Geo10 y Based on our site reconnaissance and literature review, the project site is underlain by an apparent veneer of fill material (north half) which is underlain by alluvial soils of unknown thickness overlying Pleistocene age sedimentary bedrock (Kennedy, 1977). 5.6 Groundwater Conditions Based on well data (Department of Water Resources, 1971), approximately 400 feet northeast of the site, groundwater in the vicinity of the site has varied from 5.9 (Feb 11; 1961) to 40.9 (March 26, 1968) feet below the ground surface. Well data was extrapolated from well no, 8S/3W-1P3 (Cantarini Well). The Pauba Land & Water Co. subdivisions map (1887) depicts two springs in the vicinity of the subject site, indicating that groundwater has been at or near the ground surface in the vicinity of the site in the recent past. The groundwater gradient in the vicinity of the site is to the northwest (Geraghty & Miller, Inc., 1989, Lockwood-Singh & Associates, 1989, & Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc. 1991) towards Murrieta Creek. Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 12 6.0 INFORMATION FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS 6.1 Hazardous Substance in Connection with Identified Uses Based on past and current site utilization and our site reconnaissance, potential hazardous materials utilized on the site would most likely have been limited to pesticides and herbicide utilization within the park site on the northern portion of the subject site. 6.2 Hazardous Substance Containers and Unidentified Substance Containers No hazardous substance containers or unidentified substance containers were observed on the subject site. 6.3 Storage Tanks No above or underground storage tanks were noted or have ever been reported located on the subject site. 6.4 Indications of PCB's No overhead transmission lines with associated transformers were observed on or adjacent to the subject site. The data base search performed by EDR of the PCB Activity Database (PADS)indicated no record at the site of generators, transporters, commercial storeys and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's. 6.5 Indications of Solid Waste Disposal No.obvious-signs of solid waste disposal were noted during our site reconnaissance. The data base search performed by EDR of the California Integrated Waste Management Boards list of active, closed and inactive landfills (SWIS) indicated no record of waste disposal facilities or landfills at or within 0.5 miles of the subject site. 7.0 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS This Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment has been performed to establish the potential of hazardous material or petroleum contamination on the site for financial liability purposes of the City of Temecula. Based on the findings of this investigation, it is our opinion, that the potential for significant hazardous material or petroleum contamination existing on or migrating into the site from off-site sources is low. The sites detailed in Section 5.3.1 are not anticipated to impact the subject site due to their either their distance from the subject site, or they are located down-gradient from the subject site both topographically and hydrogeologically. Ms. Beryl Yasinosky City of Temecula May 24, 1995 Page 13 It is our opinion, that the potential for significant hazardous material or petroleum contamination migrating from the"Mobile"gas station, located approximately 100 feet north of the subject site, is low, due to the recent construction of the station including double wall tanks and continuous monitoring. We also consider the potential for significant hazardous material or petroleum contamination migrating from the "AM-PM" mini-mart, located on the northwest corner of Ynez and Rancho California Roads, to be low, due to the groundwater flow to the northwest away from the subject site, the double wall tanks, and the continuous monitoring systems in-place. The mini-mart is located at the same vicinity of the former "ARCO" station, which is described in detail in Section 53.1. Information concerning known hazardous material incidence in the vicinity of the site was requested from the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health but was not available due to the time constraints of this report. We will forward this information as soon as it is received. In the event that any hazardous materials are found during subsequent site operations, Geotechnical &Environmental Engineers,Inc.and the proper authorities should be notified immediately. The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. ol\I RONmE4,/, QUO OAti P. FRS 9 m ®°' ,� ,�.:;rht;,c,v-y 20 Q , No. 05222 7DXf '''''''' S 7<g" (<" << 1; H 4 14; '. ,im,t, JP.l 'ef\l-s-Frey, • N. fres: -30- 5 * arrison, REA No. 041 4 c.- t:;, E vironmental Assesso v.,. Environmental Assessor :u; �?- N4 a `� No. REA-04190 z t 6 JPF/JRH:ran �r'OF CALIF�P 4* Expires:6-3_ t P•u ACCOMPANYING MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS o�A�i ©c's Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Plan Figure 3 - Overview Map APPENDIX A - References APPENDIX B - Site Photographs APPENDIX C - Transaction Screen Questionnaire APPENDIX D - Government Records Search APPENDIX A References • ,- , REFERENCES Published California Division of Mines and Geology, dated 1966, "Geologic Map of California -Santa Ana Sheet", compiled by Thomas Rogers, 250,000-scale; California Division of Oil & Gas, dated June 19, 1986, "Regional Wildcat Map, Showing Wells not on Division of Oil & Gas Field Maps", 21,120-scale, Map No. W1-7; California Division of Oil & Gas, 1982, "Oil & Gas Prospect Wells Drilled in California Through 1980"; Department of Water Resources, August 1971, 'Water Wells and Springs in the Western Part of the Upper Santa Margarita River Watershed, Riverside and San Diego Counties, California", Bulletin No. 91-20; Kennedy, Michael P., 1977, "Recency and Character of Faulting Along the Elsinore Fault Zone In Southern Riverside County, California", California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Report 131; Personal communication, May 18, 1995, Tony Tobin, Curator, Temecula Valley Museum; Rancho Water District, March 1984, 'Water Resources Master Plan"; U.S.G.S. Quadrangle Map, 7.5 Minute Series, dated 1968, photo revised 1975, Temecula, California, scale: 1" = 2,000'; U.S.G.S. Quadrangle Map, 7.5 Minute Series, dated 1953, photo revised 1979, Murrieta, California, scale: 1" = 2,000'; Unpublished Geraghty & Miller, Inc., June 13, 1989, "Interim Site Characterization Report, ARCO Service Station No. 3012, Temecula, California"; Geotechnical & Environmental Engineers, Inc., July 22, 1991, "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Restaurants and Banks Site, NWC of Ynez Road and Rancho California Road, Temecula, California", Work Order No. 019106.00; Lockwood-Singh & Associates, May 19, 1989, "Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Rancho California Plaza, Ynez Road, Proposed Office Building 2 and Parking Structure 2, Rancho California, California" REFERENCES (continued) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS UTILIZED YEAR/SCALE FLIGHT #/FRAME # AGENCY 1939/1"=1,667' C-5750/211-85 & 86 Fairchild Collection 1962/1"=1,600' Co. Flight/1-4 & 1-5 Riv Co Flood Control 1974/1"=2,000' Co. Flight/958 & 959 Riv Co Flood Control 1983/1"=2,000' Co. Flight/199 & 200 Riv Co Flood Control 1990/1"=2,000' Co. Flight/19-20 21 Riv Co Flood Control APPENDIX B Site Photographs Kik 4i. IN, :• d,,• :1,.' Aa hk • f•.'j, 1. 1'l V,', i ;.�f.. S ,( •r'' pts.fir a Q.,bS t•'31 _ !::' r `la,x. t r a pJ,YV r ; � ';t;:::4-41--,.;'' 'tiSL • .. u •1.:f o' :•ii4.•`^�R I, .. 4i�`-'� .,cf '..- • ,i .-+ ,r' a •"r • _ • --' 7 f r,“R, ti CT ? J Qj' 1?, -,-;,....w.„ •-1 71:---.-:4'I.a. G ,-. •?'_ a +�{t • •°"�` --t,,,15,s.,C- ',.}° fir.__- w6-.',,,--4-...a'•y — ' ..aYx-- „Il _ ----3 _'``c"f�'xt-. Yom, e.W7 S • ' Li, '..I:, Sz -. - — .4'rV f f Qi n h c r. p r. -�^J "`. #Q2-. .0 ,-,:', _ l'>....,_-_,—_,,,--- "?",-,:;,,,_..--r;.-7:::: j•"_'ri� y.>.4A�'�i: 1--rzi. - -ri,' . -i iter-, i ti 3 i s' ,.,,`c` .• -�.'" `� .` ` - VIEW OF DUCK POND AND ASSOCIATED MANICURED LAWNS AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. VIEW IS TO THE SOUTH FROM RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD TOWRDS YNEZ ROAD. 1 .1 . ,� ,T 1: ti • :=ri:::.t ' -..r- . ` '� 1{yj( f .J' ~ •� ,rb •. t •- .� 7, Ir: 11th!9 .T.T i le re; 4{ ^"'c�•-.f' ao .. I !� P �"� " �:�_. es — —.- . ..„' ,�� -• -.m.... - - ;(' _ c>77-•• ���' r., ±� _tea- •1 , `a.,'"x _ ` '� - v 1 WOODEN FENCE ALONG PERIMETER OF POND. VIEW IS TO THE SOUTHWEST TOWARD THE i EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL FROM THE INTERSECTION OF YNEZ AND RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROADS. FIGURE B-1 . . , . . . .. S ..1., .4....., -••:" •- ••. •.e.'w,or •. -,-. • .••._-;• -,.,-:.•••,•:.---, ..•-•- •-• t: .•- •,.- , t- ••., •-:-;-;-,:t••• ••*....-- t•-- •--• -r....:.. . • •-.. •• •-,• : .A.i..::,t-.....•:4,..i...-••. :.• •-...?....),N4,!.,-.10;.: ; • .-;•-• .. • ,, .,:.'..7...; . •''',...• "-'• .4'..'''."i•*. • . 1 ..'. • •..e..... . . -....;., 14 : ;•'' -,...:,....7./.. • , ' . "'. . . ! . ...., 18 FND. . Vt.'.• . •. • , '• . :., . •••*. : .. . ,-. • ..--.-, _ ,.. - • . ' - , . • • --....7'- .- 5. . . • • . 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I T ' • /. 1 5 111 •ff. 5, -• 1 1 •. yy� M ! . 1 �.v. g t 1 ,s 1 54-1..4 i '.ft,.'^.ftpf,' ' `f y .44 11' ,., , Fir { ,?,'1.64..[ i. 1 '•- . 5 1 4,7 l ( ! _ -� c • T- `�. 1- .'"%-----::-.;,..';,--'•"•+rte' . .-...----sem• t � I ` ^ • '_____ _.'?•'.,____..> _ psi ••••--.A...:..-:1----.� _---..- v ASPHALT CEMENT DRIVEWAY & ASSOCIATED BRICK SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT CURB & GUTTER. VEW IS TO THE NORTHEAST FROM YNEZ ROAD. 7.a, s�a1 • . �': _ :iN ' (• n- r r1-• ,— !- .F =. --— _/� spa. j ...-• .tet- rt _ ,� •` • y i 5 ` - - - - S 1 `!t, 4r4 -V,44,1,,• ! .1,t,...-,,,.a ;; I t f.t 4,,-,..,,t. yv�, --,.. ' t` ra .jy { .',�- a5it it ,ti ,• ' t, > -�+ �� ; �`t• .3 d _ of — II pJ/' y ice, sr ;.,� y - '` • DOUBLE 36-MCH METAL CEMENT ENCASED STORM DRAIN ON SOUTHERN PORTION OF DUCK POND. VIEW IS TO THE NORTH TOWARD RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD. FIGURE B-3 / • . .•�i I•o '.v:: -., ., .fi •r: �� ...„1.om Int° . �E� — c , 'J'° ,4. '.e: -." . ` tqg y� = . t. �'�' f y a .! _�Y�� " —7::—s• c 4 J �' 9i }' — .. _ I :,,,,s.4;,,..$•.,4,,?4,,,,,,,, ,,..4......,..0.'r.,,,.7...-.:,..,,,.. . • ., NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF SITE ADJACENT TO RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD. VIEW IS TO NORTHEAST. , ! r i PHOTOGRAPHS UTLIgD FOR OUR REPORT ARE REFLECTIVE OF SITE CONDITIONS OBSERVED DURNG OUR SITE RECO ESE ON MAY 17,1995. FIGURE B-4 APPENDIX C Transaction Screen Questionnaire TRANSACTION SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE ASTM (E 1528-93) Description of Site: Address: 'THE POND" SOUTHEAST CORNER OF YNEZ&RANCHO CAL ROADS TEMECULA.CA Question Owner Occupants(if applicable) {Observed Durine Site Visit ) Question Owner Occupants(if applicable) Observed During Site Visit 1. Is the propaty or any adjoining property Yes No Unk Ya No Unk Yes NoT Unk used for an undu:nal use? 2 To the bat o has the Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes ONo Unk f your knowledgeproperty or any adjoining property been used for an industrial use in the past? 3. Is the property or any adjoining property used as Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk a gasoline station,motor repair faeilisA commercial printing facility,thy clean:,photo developing laboratory,junkyard or landfall or as a waste praonau,storage,disposal ung or recycling facility? 4. To the best of your knowledge has the property Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk or any adjacau property been used as a gasoline station,motor repair facility,commercial printing facility,dry cleaners,photo developing laboratory, junkyard or landfill,or as a waste treatment, storage,disposal.processing,or recycling facility? �� S. Are there currently,or to the best of your Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes /No ) Unk knowledge have there been previously,any �� damaged or discarded automotive or industrial batteries,or pesticides,paints,or other chemicals in individual containers of greater than S gal(19L) in volume or 50 gal(190L)in the aggregate,stored on or used at the property or at the facility? 6. Are there currently,or to the best of your Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk knowledge have there been previously,any industrial drums(typically 55 gal(208 L)or sacks of chemicals located on the property or at the facility? 7. Has fill din been brought onto the property Yes No Unk Yea No Unk Yea No Unk that originated from a contaminated site or that is of an unknown origin?. 8. Arc there currently,or to the bat of your Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk knowledge have there been previously,any pits, ponds,or lagoons located on the property in connection with waste treatment or waste disposal? 9. is there currently,or to the best of your Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes N) Unk knowledge has there been previously,any stained soil on the property? 10. Are there currently,or to the best of your Yea No Unk Yes No Unk Yes j N Unk knowledge have there been previously,any registered or unregistered storage tanks(above or underground)located on the property? 11. Are there currently,or to the best of your Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk knowledge have there been previously,any vas piped fill pipes,or access ways indicating a fill pipe protruding from the ground on the property or adjacent to any structure located on the property? 12. Are there currently,or to the best of your Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes NomJ Unk knowledge have there been previously,any / flooring drain;or walls located within the facility that are stained by substances other than water or are emitting foul odors? 13. If the property is served by a private well or Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk non-public water system,have contaminants been identified in the well or system that exceed guidelines applicable to the water system or has the well•be designated as contaminated by any government environmental/health agency? 14. Does the owner or occuparu of the property Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No elik have any knowledge of arvironntoual liens or governmental notification relating to past or recurrent violations of environmental laws with respect to the property or any facility located on the propaty? 15. Has the owner or occupant of the property Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No been informed of the past cc=rent existence of hazardous substances or penolaun products or environmental violations with respect to the property or any facility located on the propary? 16. Does the owner or occuapma of the property Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yea No Unk have any knowledge of any environmental the assessment of the property or facility that indicated the presence of hazardous substances or parolaan products on,or contamination of,the property or recommended further assessment of the property 17. Does the owner or occupant of the property Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No E___Ilt—N; know of any past,threatened,or pending lawsuits or administrative proceedings concerning a release or threatened release of any hazardous arbsrarue or peurdeurn product:involving the property by any owner or occuparu of the property? 18. Does the property discharge waste water on or Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No Unk adjacent to the property other than storm water into a sanitary sewer system? 19. To the best of your knowledge,have any Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes No/ Unk hazardous substances or petroleum productsunidentified waste materials,tires, automotive or industrial batteries or any other • waste materials been dumped above grade,buried and/or burned on the property? 20. Is there a trarssjovmer,capacitor,or any Yes No Unk Yes No Unk Yes ("/:17) Unk hydraulic equipment for which there are any records indicating the presence of PCBs? I ,v No.of years familiar with property Signature Name of Respondent: .T J RAZQy Dam 1 Z-%7-9, Title: Se .c2 6:1(..;,;:'VY1t.A" Affe,✓;,Oa.. Phone: (05) C (, 'Su33 Work Order No. 212503.40 APPENDIX D Government Records Search • EER : Environmental Data Resources, Inc : Creators of Toxicheck/® The EDR-Radius Map with GeoCheckTM The Pond SEC Rancho California+Ynez Rds Temecula, CA 92590 Inquiry Number: 076636.1r The Source May 12, 1995 For Environmental Risk Management Data 3530 Post Road Southport, Connecticut 06490 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE • Executive Summary ES1 Topographic Map - 2 GeoCheck Summary_ 3 Overview Map_ 4 Detail Map_ 5 Map Summary-All Sites_ 6 Map Summary-Sites with higher or the same el?vation as the Target Property_ 7 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary . 15 APPENDICES GeoCheck Version 2.1 Al EPA Waste Codes A6 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking Addendum_ A7 • • Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer This Report contains information obtained from a variety of public sources and EDR makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy,reliability,quality,or completeness of said information or the information contained in this report. The customer shall assume full responsibility for the use of this report. No warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,expressed or implied,shall apply and EDR specifically disclaims the making of such warranties. In no event shall EDR be liable to anyone for special, incidental,consequential or exemplary damages. Report#076636.1r REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS MAINTAINED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PRIVATE SOURCES A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR). The search met.the specific requirements of ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, E-1527-94,including those associated with governmental databases,search distances and data currency. The detailed EDR report, dated 05/12/95, is included as an appendix to this summary • report. The address of the subject property for which the search was intended is: SEC RANCHO CALIFORNIA+YNEZ RDS TEMECULA, CA 92590 No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ( "reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the subject property or within the ASTM E-1527-94 search radius around the subject property for the following Databases: NPL: National Priority List RCRIS-TSD: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System AWP: Annual Workplan Toxic Pits: Toxic Pits CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report State LF(SWIS): Solid Waste Information System UST: Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System SWAT: Solid Waste Assessment Test Program HWIS: Hazardous Waste Information System RCRIS-SOG: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System RCRIS-LQG: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System PADS: PCB Activity Database System ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System FINDS: Facility Index System TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act NPL Liens: Federal Superfund Liens Site Mitigation: Site Mitigation Complaint Control Log Industrial Sites: List of Industrial Site Cleanups CA Unauth Rel(HE17): Unauthorized Release Listing on Disk CA Nonfuel Leaks: North Bay Counties •CA Bond Exp. Plan: Bond Expenditure Plan Coal Gas: Former Manufactured gas(Coal Gas)Sites Unmapped (orphan)sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. Search Results: Search results for the subject property and the search radius, are listed below: Subject Property: The subject property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. TC076636.1r Page ES1 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS MAINTAINED BY : GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PRIVATE SOURCES Surrounding Properties: Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the subject property are in the left hand column; those with a lower elevation are in the right hand column. Page numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report (attached as an appendix)where detailed data on individual sites may reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. CAL-SITES: Formerly known as ASPIS, this database contains both known and potential hazardous substance sites.The source is the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. A review of the Cal-Sites list, as provided by EDR,and dated 02/24/1995 has revealed that there are 3 Cal-Sites sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Page Lower Elevation Page CAL-MOR LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT CO. 10 SKYWAY MAGNETICS 12 BORG WARNER ENRGY EQUIP 12 NOTIFY 65: Notify 65 records contain facility notifications about any release that could impact drinking water and thereby expose,the public to a potential health risk. The data comes from the State Water Resources Control Board's Proposition 65 database. A review of the Notify 65 list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/21/1993 has revealed that there are 3 Notify 65 sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Page Lower Elevation Page ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 11 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE&SUPPLY 12 PICHEL INDUSTRIES INC. 12 CHMIRS: The California Hazardous Material Incident Report System contains information on reported hazardous material incidents, i.e., accidental releases or spills. The source is the California Office of Emergency Services. A review of the CHMIRS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/31/1991 has revealed that there are 4 CHMIRS sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Page Lower Elevation Page 42101 MORAGA ROAD 12 41915 BUSINESS PARK DR. 13 41915 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE 13 43225 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE 14 TC076636.1r Page ES2 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS::MAINTAINED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND:PRIVATE SOURCES CORTESE: This database identifies public drinking water wells with detectable levels of contamination, hazardous substance sites selected for remedial action, sites with known toxic material identified through the abandoned site assessment program, sites with USTs having a reportable release and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is known migration. The source is the California Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Emergency Information. • A review of the Cortese list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/31/1994 has revealed that there are 7 Cortese sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Page Lower Elevation Page ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 11 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION#6519 8 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION* 9 PENFOLD PROPERTIES 10 SAM'S SUPER SHELL 11 BORG WARNER ENRGY EQUIP 12 C.L. PHARRIS READY-MIX PLANT 13 LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data comes from the State Water Resources Control Board Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/31/1995 has revealed that there are 16 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Page Lower Elevation Page CHEVRON 8 UNOCAL STA#6519 8 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION* 8 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION#6519 8 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION#6519 9 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION' 9 PENFOLD PROPERTIES 9 PENFOLD PROPERTIES 9 PENFOLD PROPERTIES 10 MOBIL 10 MOBIL 10 NARIN OIL CO 10 • NARIN OIL CO 10 SAM'S SUPER SHELL 11 CDF STA 12 11 CDF STATION#12 11 TC076636.1 r Page ES3 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS MAINTAINED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PRIVATE SOURCES Due to poor or inadequate address information,the following sites were not mapped: Site Name Database(s) SANTA CLARA SAND&GRAVEL Notify'65,LUST BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY LUST • BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY LUST BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY LUST PLANT EQUIPMENT LUST TEMECULA FUEL CENTER* LUST TEMECULA FUEL CENTER* LUST SAM'S SUPER SHELL LUST SKS LUST DELTA DISCOUNT GAS LUST MURDY RANCH LUST ARCO LUST • ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 LUST ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 LUST MCMILLAN FARM MANAGEM UST TEMECULA CAR WASH UST UNOCAL#6519 (BOB'S) UST CHEVRON#91870 UST ARCO#5928 UST TEMECULA SWAT WOODCHUCK CAMPGROUND HWIS 1X VAIL LAKE HWIS LONGS DRUG 1-HOUR PHOTO HWIS SPEEDEE OIL&TUNE UP HWIS TOYOTA OF TEMECULA VALLEY HWIS ARCO PRODUCTS'FACILITY 3012 HWIS RANCHO PACIFIC MEDICAL GROUP HWIS PARADISE CHEVROLET BUICK GEO HWIS NORM REEVES ACURA/MAZDA-TEMECULA HWIS DEVICES FOR VASCULAR INTER INC HWIS CALIFORNIA CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC RCRIS-SQG,FINDS AAMCO TRANSMISSION RCRIS-SQG,FINDS TC076636.1 r Page ES4 ( GEOCHECK VERS•I•ON 2 1 SUMMARY GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATIONt Geologic Code: Q Era: Cenozic System: Quaternary Series: Quaternary • ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT Category: Stratifed Sequence GROUNDWATER FLOW INFORMATION General Topographic Gradient: General WSW General Hydrogeologic Gradient: no hydrogeologic data available. Note:In a general way,the water table typically conforms to surface topography.* FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION WELL DISTANCE DEPTH TO QUADRANT FROM TP LITHOLOGY WATER TABLE South >2 Miles Not Reported 74 ft. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION WELL DISTANCE QUADRANT FROM TP Northern 1/4-1/2 Mile -- Eastern 1 -2 Miles Southern 1/4-1/2 Mile Western 1/4-1/2 Mile PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION Searched by Facility City. For detailed information on the Public Water Supply Systems in the TP area refer to the GeoCheck Addendum. AREA RADON INFORMATION RIVERSIDE COUNTY,CA Number of sites tested: 12 Area Average Activity %<4 pCi/L %4-20 pCi/L 0/0>20 pCi/L Living Area- 1st Floor 0.117 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Living Area-2nd Floor 0.450 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Basement 1.700 pCi/L 100% 040 04% • t Source.P G Schmben.R.E.Amdt and WJ.Baw.ec.Geology of the Conterminous U.S.at 1:2.500.000 Scale-A digital reprosentaton of the 1974 P.B.King and H.M.Beikman Map.USGS Digital Data Senes DDS-11(19941 2 U.S.EPA Ground Water Handbook,Vd I:Ground Water and Contammauon,Office of Research and development EPAI625(6901016a.Chapter 4,page 78,September 1990. TC076636.1 r Page 3 1 UF'UURAPIIIc MAP' - U(bb36.lr - Geotechnical & env. eng. Inc. - ° o O .N yam' b. o YL U i ns w v �C� I . \ .\ .., N ..iik \ ... I O t i l +1 r o �' 1--------,0,,, A ° O \ •• A i RANCHO CNt. � � \ 4 A9• G o \\\ .,•,SOC \\ \°\ ..L.‘. . .. \ \ U - \\\\ � / o \ 0 «, ri. •••,._\C'f. .0'20 k...',0N\-• -,0 \ --1 ...... ki : • O \\ o: 1 ! (7.\ s 156°I s° • \ B� •�� 1 \\ ( I 1 i'�\k / / ---\t� /ice :;. 1 \1ilk..- ... i l JM`o I \ ,il'� i `j e .1,, f \ \\\\O\ l\ \ \ i l . 7 5 0 vol� 1 \ •�\ ° \:`., � \ 1 1 ,A y., - 1 1 ce1lr I \,/ bo 1 { \,r co�\ '- i \ \ . .-. 7s 1r °�‘ 0 Ji I t \....1 Y6 b 1 �9 I 1 i .� _ t`,.:11.• —� , s'rAT ,- .„../____ •,e \ o 1 SpO IZOp /� -7 ,� � `— ',. \ - / o / " (--*--------;;(/''I t r�/ \• •. r--� i ' 1 o! / 'ij a % -\ I ' `\ o \�/ 1' , n '/ "•o y • !moi .yp( Or�---`�\•.,--..4,\ / - `•' _ i / , \. `/I O,-••J `%Vin,e�� . , ., % I Source: US Geological Survey 1-Degree Digital Elevation Model Compiled 09/15/92 i 1'4 1(2 i N - Major Roads Miles 0 - Earthquake epicenter, Richter 5 or greater. N - Contour lines (25 foot interval unless otherwise shown OM - Closest well according to (Federal or (S)tate ) database in quadrant. J\i - Waterways © - Closest public water supply well. - Earthquake fault lines , i l._ TARGET PROPERTY: The Pond CUSTOMER: Geotechnical & Env. Eng. Inc. ADDRESS: SEC Rancho Califomia+Ynez Rds CONTACT: John Frey CITY/STATE/ZIP: Temecula CA 92590 INQUIRY #: 076636.1r LAT/LONG: 33.5031 / 117.147 DATE: May 11, 1995 OVEKVIEW MAP - U(bbib.ir - ueoiecnnicai & cnv. ung. Inc. 4.A A ..„ tca, (// 0 mem -41a.Na .111114p#K-11000.. 1041111 111 Hitilill116"Ilk\ sa ippikivi 141P) i( 11 4,1111164i OA0.% I hilla 1lki 14;144I/* 11,K Ikli \lb. .I‘ .....4va .,F .\\.s,111Ptp II% gl • • IJ d it �' - - A * - Indicates TARGET PROPERTY. 0 1/4 1/2 A - Indicates sites at elevations higher I I I than or equal to the target property. Miles • - Indicates sites at elevations lower than the target property. A - Coal Gasification Sites (it requested) 0 - National Priority List Sites c/ - Power transmission lines (USGS DLG, 1993) N - Oil & Gas pipelines (USGS DLG, 1993) TARGET PROPERTY: The Pond CUSTOMER: Geotechnical & Env. Eng. Inc. ' ADDRESS: SEC Rancho Califomia+Ynez Rds CONTACT: John Frey , CITY/STATE/ZIP: Temecula CA 92590 INQUIRY #: 076636.1r [ LAT/LONG: 33.5031 / 117.147 DATE: May 11, 1995 FIGURE 3 DETAIL MAP - 076636.1r - Geotechnical & Env. Eng. Inc. G P. 40 P,G 2 7� t 2 011 `°a t �� A.0 A 7 cfl ca A t V' dip Fy Qp 1 a .PO b14%4 A G 1°1-'°' AO P40 o. A 4-S oG lr 4,..,.el':1' it .s 4, 2+6• 1 Y-.P 6,. I * - Indicates TARGET PROPERTY. 0 1/8 1/4 A - Indicates sites at elevations higher I I I than or equal to the target property. Miles • - Indicates sites at elevations lower than the target property. A - Coal Gasification Sites (if requested) ; - Sensitive Receptors 0 - National Priority List Sites c - Power transmission lines (USGS DLG, 1993) uV - Oil & Gas pipelines (USGS DLG, 1993) TARGET PROPERTY: The Pond CUSTOMER: Geotechnical & Eriv. Eng. Inc. ADDRESS: SEC Rancho California+Ynez Rds CONTACT: John Frey CITY/STATE/ZIP: Temecula CA 92590 INQUIRY #: 076636.1r LAT/LONG: 33.5031 / 117.147 DATE: May 11, 1995 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY SHOWING ALL SITES Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) <1/8 1/8- 1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2-1 > 1 Plotted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRIS-TSD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 1 AWP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Cal-Sites 1.000 0 0 2 1 NR 3 Notify 65 1.000 0 0 2 1 NR 3 CHMIRS 1.000 0 0 0 4 NR 4 Cortese 1.000 0 0 5 2 NR 7 Toxic Pits 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 St. Landfill(SWIS) 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 16 NR NR 16 UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SWAT 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 HWIS 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Sm.Quan.Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Lg.Quan.Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FINDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 `) TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 NPL Liens TP NR NR NR •NR NR • 0 Site Mitigation TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 - Industrial Site TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ' CA Unauth Rel. (HE17) TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CA Nonfpel Leaks TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CA Bond Exp. Plan 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 -'� Coal Gas 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TP=Target Property NR= Not Requested at this Search Distance 'Sites may be listed in more than one database , I TC076636.1 r Page 6 I MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY SHOWING ONLY SITES HIGHER THAN OR THE SAME ELEVATION AS TP Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) <1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2-1 > 1 Plotted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRIS-TSD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 AWP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ' Cal-Sites 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Notify 65 1.000 0 0 1 0 NR 1 CHMIRS 1.000 0 0 0 4 NR 4 Cortese 1.000 0 0 1 0 NR 1 Toxic Pits 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 St. Landfill (SWIS) 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 1 UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SWAT 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 HWIS 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Sm. Quan.Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Lg. Quan.Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FINDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 NPL Liens TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 • Site Mitigation TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Industrial Site TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CA Unauth Rel. (HE17) TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CA Nonfuel Leaks TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CA Bond Exp. Plan 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Coal Gas 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TP=Target Property NR= Not Requested at this Search Distance *Sites may be listed in more than one database i , TC076636.1 r Page 7 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number Coal Gas Site Search:No site was found in a search of Real Property Scan's ENVIROHAZ database. Al CHEVRON LUST S101134393 SW 28900 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST: Facility ID: 89158 Region: RI Release Date: N/A Date Cleaned: N/A Chemical Not reported Lead Agency: N/A Substance: N/A Case Type: N/A Facility Status: N/A Last Review: Not reported A2 UNOCAL STA#6519 LUST S100994542 SW 28903 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST: Facility ID: 89382 Region: RI Release Date: N/A Date Cleaned: N/A Chemical Not reported Lead Agency: N/A Substance: N/A Case Type: N/A Facility Status: N/A Last Review: Not reported •A3 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION• LUST S101335509 SW 28900 RANCHO CAUFORNIA RD N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A I � A4 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION#6519 Cortese S101300628 SW RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD(28903) N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Lower CORTESE:N/A � I A5 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION#6519 LUST S101362422 SW 28903 RANCHO CAUFORNIA RD N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower • LUST:N/A I � TC076636.1r Page 8 I ` MAP-FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number A6 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION#6519 LUST S101336475 SW 28903 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A A7 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION* LUST S1 01 1 93476 SW 28900 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A A8 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION Cortese S101300627 SW RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD(28900) N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Lower CORTESE:N/A B9 PENFOLD PROPERTIES LUST S100972643 WSW 28545 FRONT ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST: Facility ID: 911114 Region: RI Release Date: N/A Date Cleaned: N/A Chemical Not reported Lead Agency: N/A Substance: N/A Case Type: N/A Facility Status: N/A Last Review: Not reported Facility ID: Not reported • Region: ST Release Date: N/A Date Cleaned: N/A Chemical Not reported Lead Agency: Local Agency Substance: Gasoline Case Type: The type of resources affected or extent of resources affected are not known Status: Preliminary site assessment underway Last Review: Not reported B10 PENFOLD PROPERTIES LUST S101362418 WSW 28545 FRONT ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 • Lower LUST:N/A TC076636.1 r Page 9 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number B11 PENFOLD PROPERTIES LUST S101337143 WSW 28545 FRONT ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A i r B12 PENFOLD PROPERTIES Cortese S101300625 WSW FRONT ST(28545) N/A } 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower CORTESE:N/A C13 MOBIL LUST S101336834 WNW 28111 FRONT ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A C14 MOBIL LUST S101134500 WNW 28111 FRONT ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST: Facility ID: 90876 Region: RI Release Date: N/A Date Cleaned: N/A Chemical Not reported Lead Agency: N/A Substance: N/A Case Type: N/A Facility Status: N/A Last Review: Not reported C15 NARIN OIL CO LUST S101337943 WNW 28111 FRONT N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A •C16 NARIN OIL CO LUST S101362416 WNW 28111 FRONT N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower ( LUST:N/A TC076636.1 r Page 10 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number C17 CAL-MOR LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT CO. Cal-Sites S100202022 • WNW 28093 FRONT ST. N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Lower CAL-SITES Status: NFA (NO FURTHER ACTION FOR DTSC) Facility ID:33350014 Current Status Date:05/26/83 D18 SAM'S SUPER SHELL Cortese S101300626 SW FRONT ST(28676) N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower CORTESE:N/A D19 SAM'S SUPER SHELL LUST S101337391 SW 28676 FRONT ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A E20 CDF STA 12 LUST S101362421 SSW 28330 MERCEDES ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST:N/A E21 CDF STATION#12 LUST S100994372 SSW 28330 MERCEDES ST N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92590 Lower LUST: Facility ID: 94144 Region: RI Release Date: N/A Date Cleaned: N/A • Chemical Not reported Lead Agency: N/A Substance: N/A Case Type: N/A Facility Status: N/A • Last Review: Not reported • 22 ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 Notify 65 S100231600 NNW 27641 YNEZ RANCHO ROAD Cortese N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 90082 Higher NOTIFY 65: N/A CORTESE: Facility ID: Not reported Data Source: LTANK TC076636.1 r Page 11 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 23 SKYWAY MAGNETICS Cal-Sites S100202052 • NW 28061 FRONT N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Lower CAL-SITES Status: NFA (NO FURTHER ACTION FOR DTSC) Facility ID:33360022 Current Status Date:05/12/83 24 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE&SUPPLY Notify 65 S100179238 WNW 28074 DEL RIO N/A 1/4-1/2 TEMECULA,CA 90082 Lower NOTIFY 65:N/A 25 PICHEL INDUSTRIES INC. Notify 65 S100179472 NW 28007 FRONT ST N/A - 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 90082 Lower NOTIFY 65: N/A 26 CHMIRS S100277405 NE 42101 MORAGA ROAD N/A 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Higher CHMIRS: OES Control Number: 9116119 DOT ID: 1263 DOT Hazard Class: Flammable liquid Chemical Name: PAINT RELATED MATERIALS FLAM LIQUID CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 5 { Environmental Contamination: Ground Property Use: Vacant Lot Incident Date: 28-MAR-91 Date Completed: 28-MAR-91 OES Control Number: 9116119 DOT ID: 1263 DOT Hazard Class: Flammable liquid Chemical Name: PAINT RELATED MATERIALS FLAM LIQUID CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 5 Environmental Contamination: Ground Property Use: Vacant Lot • i Incident Date: 28-MAR-91 Date Completed: 28-MAR-91 27 BORG WARNER ENRGY EQUIP RCRIS-SQG 1000232265 NW 27941 FRONT ST FINDS CAD981970015 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Cortese Lower Cal-Sites TC076636.1 r Page 12 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 1 •1 BORG WARNER ENRGY EQUIP (Continued) 1000232265 a I RCRIS: Owner: BORG WARNER INDUSTRIES (415)555-1212 Contact:ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (714)676-5662 } Waste Quantity Info Source D001 Not reported Notification CAL-SITES Status: RWQCB (REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD(RWQCB)LEAD) Facility ID:33360037 Current Status Date:06/27/88 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAX000073734 Data Source: HWIS Facility ID: CAD981970015 Data Source: HWIS Facility ID: CAD981970015 Data Source: FINDS Facility ID: Not reported Data Source: LTANK Facility ID: 33360037 Data Source: ASPIS ! I - 28 C.L.PHARRIS READY-MIX PLANT Cortese S100463861 South FRONT ST(29065) N/A 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Lower CORTESE: Facility ID: Not reported Data Source: LTANK F29 CHMIRS S100215900 WSW 41915 BUSINESS PARK DR. N/A 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 92590 t - Higher CHMIRS: 1J 1 OES Control Number: 8801168 DOT ID: 1307 DOT Hazard Class: Flammable liquid Chemical Name: XYLENE CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 50 Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Industrial, Utility Incident Date: 14-APR-88 Date Completed: 15-APR-88 OES Control Number: 8801168 DOT ID: 1307 DOT Hazard Class: Flammable liquid 1 ( Chemical Name: XYLENE CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 50 Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Industrial,Utility Incident Date: 14-APR-88 Date Completed: 15-APR-88 F30 • CHMIRS S100277933 WSW 41915 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE N/A 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Higher TC076636.1 r Page 13 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number (Continued) S100277933 CHMIRS: OES Control Number: 9118247 DOT ID: 2199 • DOT Hazard Class: Gases Chemical Name: SILANE WITH 8%PHOSPHINE CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 20 Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Industrial, Utility Incident Date: 24-JUL-91 Date Completed: 24-JUL-91 • OES Control Number: 9118247 DOT ID: 2199 DOT Hazard Class: Gases Chemical Name: SILANE WITH 8%PHOSPHINE CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 20 Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Industrial, Utility Incident Date: 24-JUL-91 Date Completed: 24-JUL-91 31 CHMIRS S100220075 West 43225 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE N/A 1/2-1 TEMECULA,CA 92390 Higher CHMIRS: OES Control Number: 9011575 DOT ID: 1830 DOT Hazard Class: Corrosives Chemical Name: ACID,SULFURIC CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 60 Environmental Contamination: 7 Property Use: Industrial. Utility Incident Date: 22-JUN-90 Date Completed: 22-JUN-90 OES Control Number: 9011575 DOT ID: 1830 DOT Hazard Class: Corrosives Chemical Name: ACID,SULFURIC CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 60 Environmental Contamination: 7 Property Use: Industrial, Utility Incident Date: 22-JUN-90 Date Completed: 22-JUN-90 TC076636.1 r Page 14 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) Facility ID SUNOL S100223587 SANTA CLARA SAND&GRAVEL 6527 CLAVERAS ROAD 92591 Notify 65,LUST 01-1300 TEMECULA S100878484 WOODCHUCK CAMPGROUND 37885 HWY 79 S 92592 HWIS TEMECULA S101337447 BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY 38000 HWY 79 92590 LUST TEMECULA S101362420 BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY 38000 HWY 79 92590 LUST TEMECULA S100853383 1X VAIL LAKE 38000 HIGHWAY 79 HWIS TEMECULA S100994367 BUTTERFIELD COUNTRY 38000 HIGHWAY 79 SOUTH LUST 93246 TEMECULA S100793225 PLANT EQUIPMENT 28075 DIAZ RD 92590 LUST 911079 TEMECULA S101336077 TEMECULA FUEL CENTER' 44987 FRONT ST 92590 LUST TEMECULA S101193474 TEMECULA FUEL CENTER' 44987 FRONT ST 92590 LUST TEMECULA S100972764 SAM'S SUPER SHELL 28676 FRONT ST 92590 LUST 921061 TEMECULA S100700550 SKS 44987 FRONT ST 92590 LUST 87592 TEMECULA S100994398 DELTA DISCOUNT GAS • 2811 FRONT ST LUST 94094 TEMECULA S100994471 MURDY RANCH 45375 LOMA LINDA STREET LUST 93746 TEMECULA S101311428 TEMECULA EAST OF HWY 15 SWAT TEMECULA U002095526 MCMILLAN FARM MANAGEM 35350 RANCHO CALIF RD 92591 UST TEMECULA U002095705 TEMECULA CAR WASH 29766 RANCHO CALIFORNI 92591 UST TEMECULA S100866874 LONGS DRUG 1-HOUR PHOTO 30640 RANCHO CALIF RD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA S100945616 SPEEDEE OIL&TUNE UP 30690 RANCHO CAL RD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA U002095752 UNOCAL#6519(BOB'S) 28903 RANCHO CALIFORNI 92590 UST TEMECULA U001967365 CHEVRON#91870 28900 RANCHO CALIF RD 92590 UST TEMECULA 1000686162 CALIFORNIA CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 28751 RANCHO CALIF RD NO 101 92590 RCRIS-SQG,FINDS TEMECULA 1000857113 AAMCO TRANSMISSION 26671 YNEZ RD 92591 RCRIS-SQG,FINDS TEMECULA S100876301 TOYOTA OF TEMECULA VALLEY 26631 YNEZ RD 92591 HWIS • TEMECULA S100855428 ARCO PRODUCTS FACILITY 3012 27641 YNEZ ROAD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA S100943227 RANCHO PACIFIC MEDICAL GROUP 27423 YNEZ RD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA S100941868 PARADISE CHEVROLET BUICK GEO 26845 YNEZ RD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA S100940797 NORM REEVES ACURA/MAZDA-TEMECULA 26799 YNEZ RD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA S100933881 DEVICES FOR VASCULAR INTER INC 26201#A YNEZ RD 92591 HWIS TEMECULA U002095236 ARCO#5928 28231 YNEZ RD 92590 UST TEMECULA S101134357 ARCO 27641 YNEZ RD 92591 LUST 88778 TEMECULA S101336274 ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 27641 YNEZ RD 92590 LUST TEMECULA S101193478 ARCO SERVICE STATION#3012 27641 YNEZ RD 92590 LUST Trn7CC00 .1•• Il...... 1C • GEOCHECK VERSION 21 ADDENDUM.; FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Well Closest to Target Property(South Quadrant) BASIC WELL DATA Site ID: 332747117061101 Distance from TP: >2 Miles Site Type: Single well,other than collector or Ranney type Year Constructed: 1990 County: Riverside Altitude: 1075.00 R. State: California Well Depth: 575.00 ft. Topographic Setting: Valley flat Depth to Water Table: Not Reported Prim. Use of Site: Observation Date Measured: Not Reported Prim. Use of Water: Unused LITHOLOGIC DATA • Not Reported WATER LEVEL VARIABILITY Water Level: 73.70 ft. Water Level: 73.93 ft. Water Level: Not Reported Water Level: 72.93 ft. Date Measured: 03/05/90 Date Measured: 03/15/90 Date Measured: 05/03/90 Date Measured: 05/18/90 Water Level: 72.52 ft. Date Measured: 07/03/90 TC076636.1r Page Al GEOCHECK VERSION 2 1: STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Water Wells: • Well Within 1/4-1/2 Mile of Target Property(Northern Quadrant) Water Well ID: CA34169 System Name: RANCHO CALIFORNIA WD Source Name: WELL 137(235) Source Number: 08S/03W-01601 S System Number: 3310038 County Code: 33 County: RIVERSIDE Latitude: 33 30 24.0 Longitude: 117 08 39.0 Precision: Not Reported Water Type: Undefined Chemical: LEAD Findings: 12.000 UG/L Sample Date: 06/20/1990 Well Within 1 -2 Miles of Target Property(Eastern Quadrant) Water Well ID: CA34243 System Name: RANCHO CALIFORNIA WD Source Name: WELL 216 Source Number: 08S/02W-07A02 S System Number: 3310038 County Code: 33 County: RIVERSIDE Latitude: 33 29 59.0 Longitude: 117 07 11.0 Precision: Not Reported Water Type: Undefined Chemical: BARIUM Findings: 200.000 UG/L Sample Date: 05/27/1992 Well Within 1/4-1/2 Mile of Target Property(Southern Quadrant) Water Well ID: CA69652 _ System Name: RANCHO CALIFORNIA WD Source Name: AUG CANT-DESTROYED • Source Number: 08S/03W-01P02 S System Number: 3310038 County Code: Not Reported County: RIVERSIDE Latitude: 33 30 00.0 Longitude: 11709 00.0 Precision: Not Reported Water Type: Ground Chemical: Not Reported Findings: Not Reported Sample Date: Not Reported Well Within 1/4-1/2 Mile of Target Property(Western Quadrant) Water Well ID: CA34002 System Name: RANCHO CALIFORNIA WD Source Name: WELL 102 Source Number: 08S/03W-02001 S System Number: 3310038 County Code: 33 County: RIVERSIDE Latitude: 33 30 11.0 Longitude: 117 09 09.0 Precision: Not Reported Water Type: Undefined Chemical: BORON Findings: 0.300 UG/L Sample Date: 01/15/1992 TC076636.1r Page A2 I GEOCHECK VERSION 21 : • PUB• .LIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION Searched by Facility City. PWS SUMMARY: PWS ID: 090605013 PWS Status: Active Distance from TP: Not Reported Dir relative to TP: Not Reported Date Initiated: May/1981 Date Deactivated: Not Reported PWS Name: MR.GABRIEL PICO,CHAIRPERSON P.O. BOX 455 TEMECULA, CA Addressee/Facility Type: Mailing Facility Name: PECHANGA RESERVATION P.O. BOX 1014 TEMECULA, CA 92390 -- Facility Latitude: 33 29 36 Facility Longitude: 117 08 51 City Served: SACRAMENTO IHS Treatment Class: Not Reported Population Served: 101 -500 Persons Well currently has or has had major violation(s): Yes VIOLATIONS INFORMATION: Not Reported PWS ID: CA3301537 PWS Status: Active Distance from TP: Not Reported Dir relative to TP: Not Reported Date Initiated: June/1977 Date Deactivated: Not Reported PWS Name: RANCHO FRUIT MARKET RANCHO FRUIT MARKET P 0 BOX 29 TEMECULA, CA 92390 • Addressee/Facility Type: System Owner/Responsible Party Facility Name: RANCHO FRUIT MARKET J i P O BOX 2 TEMECULA, CA 92390 Facility Latitude: 33 29 36 Facility Longitude: 117 08 51 City Served: Not Reported: Treatment Class: Untreated Population Served: Under 101 Persons Well currently has or has had major violation(s): No PWS ID: CA3301756 PWS Status: Active Distance from TP: Not Reported Dir relative to TP: Not Reported Date Initiated: June/1977 Date Deactivated: Not Reported PWS Name: WOODCHUCK RESORT WOODCHUCK RESORT 37885 HWY TEMECULA, CA 92346 Addressee/Facility Type: System Owner/Responsible Party Facility Name: WOODCHUCK RESORT P0BOX 2 TEMECULA, CA 92390 Facility Latitude: 33 29 36 Facility Longitude: 117 08 51 City Served: Not Reported: Treatment Class: Untreated Population Served: 101 -500 Persons Well currently has or has had major violation(s): Yes TC076636.1 r Pa a A3 9 i GEOCHECK - VERSION:2 1 • PUBLIC WATER .SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION Searched by Facility City. • VIOLATIONS INFORMATION: Not Reported • PWS ID: CA3301764 PWS Status: Active Distance from TP: Not Reported Dir relative to TP: Not Reported Date Initiated: June/1977 Date Deactivated: Not Reported PWS Name: HILLCREST SCHOOL HILLCREST SCHOOL 40250 WINCHESTER RD TEMECULA, CA 92390 Addressee/Facility Type: System Owner/Responsible Party • Facility Name: HILLCREST SCHOOL 40250 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92390 Facility Latitude: 33 29 36 Facility Longitude: •117 08 51 City Served: Not Reported: Treatment Class: Untreated Population Served: Under 101 Persons Well currently has or has had major violation(s): No PWS ID: CA3301948 PWS Status: Active Distance from TP: Not Reported Dir relative to TP: Not Reported Date Initiated: June/1977 Date Deactivated: Not Reported PWS Name: KIDS WORLD KIDS WORLD ' 41956 003RD ST TEMECULA, CA 92390 ' Addressee/Facility Type: System Owner/Responsible Party Facility Name: KIDS WORLD 41956 3RD STREET TEMECULA, CA 92390 Facility Latitude: 33 29 36 Facility Longitude: 117 08 51 City Served: Not Reported: Treatment Class: Untreated Population Served: Under 101 Persons Well currently has or has had major violation(s): No PWS ID: CA3301950 PWS Status: Active Distance from TP: Not Reported Dir relative to TP: Not Reported Date Initiated: June/1977 Date Deactivated: Not Reported PWS Name: AMERICAN ADVENTURE AMERICAN ADVENTURE 38000 HWY TEMECULA, CA 92390 Addressee/Facility Type: System Owner/Responsible Party Facility Name: AMERICAN ADVENTURE 38000 HIGHWAY 7 TEMECULA, CA 92390 Facility Latitude: 33 29 36 Facility Longitude: 117 08 51 City Served: Not Reported: Treatment Class: Untreated Population Served:501 -1,000 Persons TC076636.1 r Page A4 GEOCHECK• VERSION 2 PUBLIC WATER''SUPPLY•SYSTEM INFORMATION. Searched by Facility City. • PWS SUMMARY: Well currently has or has had major violation(s): No • • I TC076636.1r Page A5 EPA Waste°Codes m; Addendu Code Description D001 IGNITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTES ARE THOSE WASTES WHICH HAVE A FLASHPOINT OF LESS THAN 140 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AS DETERMINED BY A PENSKY-MARTENS CLOSED CUP FLASH POINT TESTER. ANOTHER METHOD OF DETERMINING THE FLASH POINT OF A WASTE IS TO REVIEW THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET,WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF THE MATERIAL. LACQUER THINNER IS AN EXAMPLE OF A COMMONLY USED SOLVENT WHICH WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS IGNITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTE. • I ' TC076636.1 r-Page A6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED/ DATA CURRENCY TRACKING To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis,as required. Elapsed ASTM days: Provides confirmation that this EDR report meets or exceeds the 90-day updating requirement of the ASTM standard. FEDERAL ASTM RECORDS: CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation,and Liability Information System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 703-416-0702 CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Information System. CERCLIS contains information on sites identified by the USEPA as known or suspect abandoned,inactive or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites which may require cleanup. Date of Government Version:10/31/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12/16/94 Date Made Active at EDR:01/30/95 Elapsed ASTM days:45 ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-2342 ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version:12/31/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:04/11/94 Date Made Active at EDR:05/25/94 Elapsed ASTM days:44 NPL: National Priority List Source: EPA _ ; Telephone: 703-603-8852 NPL National Priorities List(Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such,it is EDR's policy to plot NPL sites greater than approximately 500 acres in size as areas(polygons). Sites smaller in size are point-geocoded at the site's address. Date of Government Version:04/15/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:04/28/95 'r Date Made Active at EDR:05/03/95 Elapsed ASTM days:5 RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 202-260-3393 RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System.RCRIS includes selective information on sites which generate,transport,store,treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA). Date of Government Version:01/31/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:03/14/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/28/95 Elapsed ASTM days:45 • Page A7 FEDERAL NON-ASTM RECORDS: FINDS: Facility Index System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-908-2493 FINDS: Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and"pointers"to other sources that contain more detail. These include: RCRIS,PCS(Permit Compliance System),AIRS(Aerometric Information Retrieval System), FATES(FIFRA[Federal Insecticide Fungicide Rodenticide Act]and TSCA Enforcement System,FTTS[FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System]),CERCLIS,DOCKET(Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS(Federal Underground Injection Control),FRDS(Federal Reporting Data System),SIA(Surface Impoundments),CICIS(TSCA Chemicals in Commerce Information System), PADS,RCRA-J(medical waste transporters/disposers),TRIS and TSCA. Date of Government Version:07/27/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:07/10/95 PADS: PCB Activity Database System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-3992 PADS: PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators,transporters,commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version:10/14/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:08/21/95 RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 RAATS: RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued - under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. Date of Government Version:04/06/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:06/19/95 TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 202-260-2320 TRIS: Toxic Release Inventory System.TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air,water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version:12/31/92 Date of Next Scheduled Update: 10/09/95 TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 202-260-1444 TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site.USEPA has no current plan to update and/or re-issue this database. Date of Government Version:05/15/86 Date of Next Scheduled Update:07/17/95 HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System • Source: U.S.Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version:06/30/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:07/31/95 NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-8969 NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA)of 1980,the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner receives notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/91 Date of Next Scheduled Update:05/29/95 Page A8 CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-3393 CORRACTS: CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. • Date of Government Version:08/05/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:05/15/95 'r. ' I Page A9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASTM RECORDS: CAL-SITES(AWP): Annual Workplan Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-323-3400 CAL-SITES(AWP):,Known Hazardous Waste Sites. California DTSC's Annual Workplan(AWP),formerly BEP,identifies known hazardous substance sites targeted for cleanup. Date of Government Version:06/30/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:01/30/95 Date Made Active at EDR:03/16/95 Elapsed ASTM days:45 CAL-SITES(ASPIS): Calsites Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 4 CAL-SITES(ASPIS): Known and Potential Hazardous Waste Sites. CAL-SITES,formerly ASPIS,contains both known and potential hazardous substance sites. Date of Government Version:02/24/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:03/06/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/14/95 Elapsed ASTM days:39 CHMIRS: California Hazardous Material Incident Report System Source: Office of Emergency Services Telephone: 916-262-2868 CHMIRS: California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System. CHMIRS contains information on reported hazardous material incidents(accidental releases or spills). Date of Government Version:12/31/91 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:08/08/92 Date Made Active at EDR:11/05/92 Elapsed ASTM days:89 CORTESE: Cortese Source: CAL EPA/Office of Emergency Information Telephone: 916-327-1848 CORTESE: Identified Hazardous Waste and Substance Sites. The database identifies public drinking water wells with detectable levels of contamination,hazardous substance sites selected for remedial action,sites with known toxic material identified through the abandoned site assessment program,sites with USTs having a reportable release and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is known migration. Date of Government Version:12/31/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:01/23/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/04/95 Elapsed ASTM days:71 LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-445-6532 LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents.Not all states maintain these records,and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version:01/31/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:03/10/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/14/95 Elapsed ASTM days:35 NOTIFY 65: Proposition 65 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-657-0696 NOTIFY 65: Proposition 65 Notification Records. NOTIFY 65 contains facility notifications about any release which could impact drinking water and thereby expose the public to a potential health risk. Date of Government Version:10/21/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 11/01/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 11/19/93 Elapsed ASTM days:18 SWAT: Solid Waste Assessment Test Program Source: State Water Resources Control Board • Telephone: 916-227-4448 SWAT: Solid Waste Activity Tracking. SWAT contains information on ground water monitoring of sanitary landfills. Date of Government Version:02/16/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:02/21/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/04/95 Elapsed ASTM days:42 N r Page A10 I I SWF/LS(SWIS): Solid Waste Information System Source: Integrated Waste Management Board Telephone: 916-255-2248 SWF/LS(SWIS): Active,Closed and Inactive Landfills. SWF/LS records typically contain an inventory of solid waste -- disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Section 2004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version:11/15/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:01/06/95 Date Made Active at EDR:03/01/95 Elapsed ASTM days:54 LA CNTY LF: List of Solid Waste Facilities Source: La County Department of Public Works Telephone: 818-458-5185 Date of Government Version:06/28/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:03/02/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/04/95 Elapsed ASTM days:33 TOXIC PITS: Toxic Pits Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-227-4396 TOXIC PITS: Toxic PITS Cleanup Act Sites. TOXIC PITS identifies sites suspected of containing hazardous substances where cleanup has not yet been completed. Date of Government Version:02/15/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:02/22/95 Date Made Active at EDR:03/16/95 Elapsed ASTM days:22 NFLS: North Bay Counties Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region(2) Telephone: 510-286-1255 NFLS: Non-Fuel Leak Sites. Date of Government Version:10/21/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12/20/94 Date Made Active at EDR:02/14/95 Elapsed ASTM days:56 IND SITES: List of Industrial Site Cleanups Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 IND SITES: California Industrial Sites. Date of Government Version:01/10/95 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:03/31/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/26/95 Elapsed ASTM days:26 UST: Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-227-4319 UST: Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST's are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA)and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version:10/15/90 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:01/25/91 Date Made Active at EDR:02/12/91 • Elapsed ASTM days:18 KERN CNTY UST: Sites&Tanks Listing Source: Kern County Environment Health Services Department Telephone: 805-861-3636 Date of Government Version:06/10/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:02/28/95 Date Made Active at EDR:04/04/95 Elapsed ASTM days:35 • BEP: Bond Expenditure Plan Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 916-255-2002 Date of Government Version:01/01/89 Date of Data Arrival at EDR:07/27/94 Date Made Active at EDR:08/02/94 Elapsed ASTM days:6 Page All STATE OF CALIFORNIA NON-ASTM RECORDS: HWIS: Hazardous Waste Information System Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-324-0659 HWIS: Hazardous Waste Information System. HWIS identifies hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste treatment, storage,and disposal facilities in the state of California. Date of Government Version:12/31/93 Date of Next Scheduled Update:05/15/95 • Page Al2 CALIFORNIA COUNTY RECORDS LOS ANGELES COUNTY: Site Mitigation Complaint Control Log Source: Community Health Services Telephone: 213-725-5191 Los Angeles County Site Mitigation Log. Date of Government Version:02/01/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:05/22/95 "Street Number List Source: Department of Public Works Telephone: 818-458-3517 Los Angeles County Underground Storage Tank(UST)List. a Date of Government Version:04/02/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A ORANGE COUNTY: List of Industrial Site Cleanups Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Orange County Industrial Site Cleanups. = Date of Government Version:01/10/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:06/26/95 List of Underground Storage Tank Cleanups Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Orange County Underground Storage Tank Cleanups(LUST). Date of Government Version:01/30/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A List of Underground Storage Tank Facilities Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Orange County Underground Storage Tank Facilities(UST). Date of Government Version:01/30/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 909-358-5055 Riverside County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites(LUST). • Date of Government Version: 10/20/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A SAN DIEGO COUNTY: f', Solid Waste Facilities Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 619-338-2209 San Diego County Solid Waste Facilities. Date of Government Version:12/02/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A • Page A13 Unauthorized Release Listing on Disk Source: Department of Health Services • Telephone: 619-338-2268 • San Diego County Unauthorized Release Listing(HE 17). Date of Government Version:11/28/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:08/21/95 • VENTURA COUNTY: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Ventura County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites(LUST). Date of Government Version:03/01/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A 1 11 List of Operating UGT Sites&Underground Tank Closed Sites List Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Ventura County Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites(UST)/Underground Tank Closed Sites List. Date of Government Version:04/03/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A Inventory of Illegal Abandoned and Inactive Sites Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2818 Ventura County Inventory of Closed,Illegal Abandoned,and Inactive Sites. Date of Government Version:01/08/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A • • I Page A14 California RE tal Water Quality Control Board (RW( LUST Records LUST Region 1: Active Toxic Site Investigation Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast(1) Telephone: 707-576-2220 Date of Government Version:01/19/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A LUST Region 2: Fuel Leak List Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region(2) Telephone: 510-286-1269 Date of Government Version:03/28/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A LUST Region 2: North Bay Counties Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region(2) Telephone: 510-286-1255 1 Date of Government Version:10/21/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:06/26/95 LUST Region 3: Active Local&Regional Cases Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region(3) Telephone: 805-549-3147 Date of Government Version:03/01/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A LUST Region 4: Underground Storage Tank Leak List Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region(4) Telephone: 213-266-7500 Date of Government Version:09/30/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A LUST Region 5: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region(5) Telephone: 916-255-3000 Date of Government Version: 12/01/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A LUST Region 6L: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region(6) Telephone: 916-544-3481 Date of Government Version: 12/15/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A LUST Region 6V: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Victorville Branch Office(6) Telephone: 619-241-6583 Date of Government Version:04/01/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A LUST Region 7: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin Region(7) Telephone: 619-346-7491 Date of Government Version:12/22/94 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A LUST Region 8: (LUST'S)Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Source; California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region(8) Telephone: 909-782-4130 Date of Government Version:03/29/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update: N/A LUST Region 9: Report Of Underground Storage Tank Leaks Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region(9) Telephone: 619-467-2952 Date of Government Version:03/01/95 Date of Next Scheduled Update:N/A Page A15 Historical and Other Database(s) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report,the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example,the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover,the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. Former Manufactured Gas(Coal Gas)Sites: The existence and location of Coal Gas sites is provided exclusively to EDR by Real Property Scan, Inc. Copyright 1993 Real Property Scan,Inc. For a technical description of the types of hazards which may be found at such sites,contact your EDR customer service representative. Disclaimer Provided by Real Property Scan,Inc. The information contained in this report has predominantly been obtained from publicly available sources produced by entities other than Real Property Scan. While reasonable steps have been taken to insure the accuracy of this report,Real Property Scan does not guarantee the accuracy of this report. Any liability on the part of Real Property Scan is strictly limited to a refund of the amount paid. No claim is made for the actual existence of toxins at any she. This report does not constitute a legal opinion. Area Radon Information: The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986- 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. FRDS: Federal Reporting Data System Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water FRDS provides information regarding public water supplies and their compliance with monitoring requirements,maximum contaminant levels(MCL's),and other requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1986. Oil/Gas Pipelines/Electrical Transmission Lines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including some oil,but primarily gas pipelines and electrical transmission lines. __Y Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals who,due to their fragile immune systems,are deemed to be especially sensitive to environmental discharges. These typically include the elderly,the sick, and children. While the exact location of these sensitive receptors cannot be determined,EDR indicates those facilities,such as schools,hospitals,day care centers,and nursing homes, where sensitive receptors are likely to be located. USGS Water Wells: In November 1971 the United States Geological Survey(USGS)implemented a national water resource information tracking system. This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on more than 900,000 wells,springs,and other sources of groundwater. Flood Zone Data: This data,available in select counties across the country,was obtained by EDR in 1994 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines in California: The fault lines displayed on EDR's Topographic map are digitized quatemary fault lines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey. Additional information(also from 1975)regarding activity at specific fault lines comes from California's Preliminary Fault Activity Map prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology. CA Water Well Databases: Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Database: Includes wells where chemicals and pesticides have been detected. Source: Department of Health Services,Office of Drinking Water Public Wells Database: Inventory of drinking water supply wells. Source: Department of Health Services,Office of Drinking Water Page A16