HomeMy WebLinkAbout072199 PC Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
JULY 21, 1999
The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:02 P.M.,
on Wednesday July 21, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall,
43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula, California.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Webster.
Present: Commissioners Fahey *, Mathewson, Naggar, Webster,
and Chairman Guerdero.
Absent: None.
Also Present: Planning Manager Ubnoske,
Deputy Director of Public Works Parks,
Attorney Curley,
Senior Planner Fagan,
Associate Planner Donahoe,
Assistant Planner Anders,
Project Planner Thornsley, and
Minute Clerk Hansen.
*(Commissioner Fahey arrived at 6:08 P.M.)
No comments.
1. Approval of A,qenda
It was the consensus of the Commission to hear Agenda Item No. 8 pdor to headng
Agenda Item No. 7.
MOTION: Commissioner Naggar moved to approve the agenda, as amended. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and voice vote reflected approval
with the exception of Commissioner Fahey who was absent.
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2. Approval of Minutes-June 16, 1999
MOTION: Commissioner Naggar moved to approve the minutes, as written. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Webster and voice vote reflected approval with the
exception of Commissioner Fahey who was absent and Commissioner Mathewson who
3. Director's Hearin;i Update
Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed that she was available for questions regarding the
Director's Hearing report.
For Commissioner Naggar, Assistant Planner Anders relayed that the number of units
proposed in the Woodside Homes of California development would be approximately
4. Flow Charts for Grading Permit, Building Permit and Final Inspection
Querying the Commission for input, Senior Planner Fagan presented the staff report,
highlighting the process for projects after Commission approval with respect to the
grading and building permits, and the final inspection process.
Chairman Guerriero and Commissioner Naggar commended staff for their fine work with
respect to the informational data provided.
5. Dekkon PA98-0353-Proposed Development Plan Changes
It was noted that at 6:08 P.M. Commissioner Fahey arrived at the meeting.
Due to the proposed significant changes to the previously approved project, by way of
color renderings, Assistant Planner Anders presented the staff report; noted the design
change form an L-shaped building to a rectangular-shaped building; relayed that at a
future point in time this particular project would be presented to the Commission due to
the lack of a finding of substantial conformance.
For informational purposes, Commissioner Webster expressed his preference for the
original color scheme of the building due to its location.
Mr. David Whiffield, representing the applicant, provided clarification regarding the
inclusion of the corporate office for Huntco Development in the project, as well; and
provided additional information regarding the proposed modifications.
6. On The Border PA99-0079-Proposed Mural
Reviewing the City's regulatory guidelines which would relate to the proposed project,
Project Planner Thornsley presented the staff report; and specified the following: 1) that
the General Plan is silent with respect to murals, 2) that the City's Sign Ordinance is
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broad and contains no specific language addressing this particular project, and 3) that
the Sign Ordinance addresses works of art and the associated approval by staff.
Commissioner Naggar relayed that while he was not opposed to this particular mural,
that his previously expressed concerns had not been addressed, specifically indicated,
as follows: 1) whether or not the project constitutes signage or art, 2) the development
for a criteria of approval to ensure consistency, and 3) the precedence that approval of
this particular project would set for future similar proposals.
After staff's review, providing clarification that the Commission would not be limited by
the Sign Ordinance, Commissioner Fahey advised that since the project would be
approved based on the particular design of this proposed project, and whether it would
be appropriate for this location in the mall, she could support the project.
Relaying his opinion that this particular project falls into the category of art due to the
lack of a restaurant or business denotation, Commissioner Webster relayed his
concurrence with staff's recommendation, advising that this particular project would
enhance the mall site.
While concurring that this particular mural does constitute art, Commission Mathewson
expressed concern regarding setting a precedence with the approval of this project due
to the lack of defined Guidelines in the General Plan, Sign Ordinance, and Design
Guidelines; and relayed concern with respect to the impact of approving future projects.
Concurring with Commissioner Mathewson's comments, Chairman Guerriero expressed
concern due to the lack of a developed criteda for making a determination of
categorizing art or murals; and recommended that a regulatory governing policy be set
prior to the approval of this particular project.
Commissioner Webster provided the following recommendation for provision of a
guideline criteria for similar projects, as follows: 1) a mural with provision of historical
content relating to the valley, or 2) a mural with provision of representation of current
valley activities (i.e., wine, balloons), relaying that this particular project is representative
of historical valley events.
MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve staff's recommendation.
Commissioner Fahey seconded the motion. (This motion was ultimately amended.)
Commissioner Naggar recommended that staff develop standards with respect to murals
that would serve to regulate size, location, and restrictions regarding the total number of
permitted uses, prior to approval of this project; and relayed what without such
guidelines, he could not support the project.
In concurrence, Chairman Guerriero recommended having staff develop a criterion for
approval and then at that point in time bringing this particular project back before the
In response to Planning Manager Ubnoske's querying the Commission for clarification
as to whether the request encompassed amending the Specific Plan, the Design
Guidelines, or the Sign Ordinance, Chairman Guerriero relayed that if the Sign
Ordihance was modified to include language addressing murals or works of art that this
would most likely serve as an appropriate guideline.
Due to the time constraints associated with amending the aforementioned regulatory
documents, Commissioner Fahey recommended approving this particular project and
then, subsequently, begin the process to amend the City's documents for the purpose of
approving future projects.
In response to Commission comments, Attorney Curley advised that with respect to
setting a precedence of approval for future projects, that if this project would be
approved with no regulatory basis it would be difficult to distinguish future similar
projects; clarified that if in the interim period between approving this particular proposal
and a subsequent similar project being brought before the Commission that a regulatory
base for approval could be developed, and therefore mitigate the concern regarding
setting a precedence, noting that this project would then have no affect on future
projects; and queried the Commission as to what specific impact was desired to be
addressed (i.e., proliferation, size, uniform design.)
While acknowledging the benefit of expediting the matter, Commissioner Mathewson
relayed a reluctance to approve this project due to the precedence being set;
recommended that murals be regulated City-wide; and queried staff which act would be
more expeditious, amending the Specific Plan, or amending the other aforementioned
MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to amend his original motion to maintain
accepting staff's recommendation to approve this project while requesting that staff
develop the appropriate document to address murals at a later date. (This motion
ultimately died for lack of a second.)
In response to the Commission, Attorney Curiey advised that the amendment of any of
the various regulatory legislative documents would take a minimum of approximately 90
days; suggested that the Commission approve and adopt a regulating policy during the
interim period between approval of this project and the subsequent weeks, pending the
ultimate legislative response, thereby addressing provision of guidelines for future
Providing clarification, Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed that she would not
recommend amending the Specific Plan; suggested that this project move forward on
the building portion of the project while staff investigates amending the Design
Guidelines or the Sign Ordinance; and that staff bring back the amendment to the
Planning Commission for approval; and advised that the Commission would then have
provision of parameters addressing their concerns; and relayed that the applicant could
at that time present the mural to staff or the Commission for approval within the scope of
the newly developed parameters.
MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve staff's recommendation to approve
the project, as is; and request staff to add additional language to address future murals
in order to address the Commissioners' concern with respect to setting a precedence.
Commissioner Fahey seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the
exception of Commissioner Fahey and Webster, in lieu of solely Commissioner Fahey,
Commissioners Mathewson and Naggar who voted no.
(The previous discussed Agenda Item No. 6 was reopened and voice vote was
taken again. See page 6.)
7. Home Depot Workshop
This Agenda Item was heard after Agenda Item No. 8. (See page 7.)
8. Plannin.q Application No. PA99-0236 (Site Plan Revision) and PA99-0012
(Conditional Use Permit).
Request to change the site plan configuration of the shopping center to
include the abandon well site and enlarge tow lots for future development.
The application is a proposal to build and operate 5,310 square foot tier
sales and installation, automotive service and repair facility.
It ia recommended by the Planning Department that the Planning
Commission approve the request.
By way of overheads, Project Planner Thomsley presented a detailed overview of the
staff report (of record); highlighted site design, noting that a landscape berm would be
installed for provision of screening the service bays; presented the line-of-sight diagram
for provision of the view from Winchester Road (denoted on Exhibit G per agenda
material); noted that the 37% landscape plan far exceeds the 20% requirement;
confirmed that this site is zoned Community Commercial (CC); and for Commissioner
Mathewson, clarified the rationale for bdnging this matter before the Commission,
specifying the proposed uses on this particular site.
For Commissioner Mathewson, Planning Manager Ubnoske advised that staff typically
does not take into account the number of existing similar uses in the area.
The applicant's representative relayed that he was available for Commission questions
and comments.
Chairman Guerriero closed the public headng at this time.
Regarding the Conditional Use Permit, Commissioner Webster cited Finding No. 2
(denoted on page 5 of the staff report) regarding compatibility; and relayed that it was his
opinion that this particular use would not be compatible at this site in this Community
Commercial zoning area; and expressed his preference for maintaining this type of use
in Service Commercial areas, or with a conditional approval within Highway Tourist
Commercial areas, or within the Light Industrial areas.
Concurring with Commissioner Webster's comments, Commissioner Fahey relayed that
it was her opinion that due to the need to screen the service bay areas of this particular
project on this predominant comer intersection that this contributed to a determination
that this project would be an inappropriate use for this particular site.
For Commissioner Mathewson, Senior Planner Fagan reiterated staff's finding of
consistency, referencing the agenda material.
Commissioner Mathewson and Chairman Guerriere relayed concurrence with the
previous Commission comments.
MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to deny the proposed project; and for the
record clarified that the denial is based upon the incompatibility of the described use on
the site and with the adjacent uses, and that the project does not comply with the goals
of the General Plan, specifically, the community design element; and that the denial is
not based upon the number of other similar uses in that area. Commissioner Fahey
seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. {Denied: 510)
At 6:57 P.M. a short recess was taken, and the meeting reconvened at 7:06 P.M.
Regarding Agenda Item No. 6, Chairman Guerdero relayed that due to the additional
discussion surrounding the motion, he misunderstood the final amended motion
presented for Agenda Item No. 6.
MOTION: Chairman Guerdero moved to reopen Agenda Item No. 6. Commissioner
Naggar seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of
Commissioner Fahey who voted n_.~o.
At this time the meeting continued back to Agenda Item No. 6.
6. On The Border PA99-0079-Proposed Mural
Attorney Curiey provided additional information regarding reopening this matter and the
privilege granted to correct the affirmative vote; provided clarification regarding the final
motion made by Commissioner Webster; and voice vote was taken again, as follows:
MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve staff's recommendation to approve
the project, as is; and request staff to add additional language to address future murals
in order to address the Commissioners' concern with respect to setting a precedence.
Commissioner Fahey seconded the motion and voice vote reflected denial due to
Commissioners Guerriere's, Mathewson's, and Naggar's votes of n._~o. (Denied: 3/2)
MOTION: Commissioner Naggar moved to direct staff to further investigate the
aforementioned matter in order to formulate a policy and an Ordinance that would
provide regulations regarding murals. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion
and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Webster and
Fahey who voted n._~o.
At this time the meeting continued to Agenda Item No. 7.
7. Home Depot Workshop
For the record, the Commissioners relayed that they had had previous correspondence
with the applicant's representatives to discuss associated issues regarding the Home
Depot project.
Providing a brief overview, Associate Planner Donahoe presented the staff report (via
agenda material); specified the four ultimate requests for approval, as follows: 1) a
Parcel Map, 2) a Development Plan for the 23-acre parcel, 3) the Specific Plan
Amendment, and 4) the Development Agreement; relayed the areas of concern that staff
would desire the Planning Commission to provide further input, as follows: 1) the Village
Center Concept with respect to this proposed project, 2) the design elements proposed,
3) the elevations, in terms of scale and mass, 4) the specific location of the uses, and 5)
the outdoor display area encompassing 2500 square feet.
Mr. Allan Davis, representing the applicant, introduced the consultant team; presented
the current design for the retail Village Plan; relayed the applicant's intent to meet the
goal of incorporation of the Village Center Concept; specified the location of the
specified Centers; provided additional information regarding the Home Center, the
Sports Center, the Plaza, inclusive of the food uses for the enhancement of the
corridors, and the alternate casual eating areas; and reiterated in further detail the
associated approval processes for this particular project.
Mr. Kareem Ali, representing the applicant, presented the elevations and site plan for
this particular project; specified the enhanced building articulation; and provided
specification as to the landscape plan, and the location of the Home Depot use.
Mr. Allan Davis further clarified the approval process, and the desire to receive input
from the Planning Commission; and specified the street configuration proposals,
inclusive of the cul-de-sac, and the through-street options.
Mr. Brett Kratzer, representing the applicant, further specified the site plan, noting the
plan to unify the entire property; highlighted the location of the plazas, parking area, and
the village design aspects of the site; relayed the goal to avoid maintaining long facades
of blank wails, and the plan to incorporate pedestrian pockets, varying roof sizes, varying
storefronts, and varying utilization of building materials; noted the additional amenities
the project encompassed; and provided additional information regarding future signage
and lighting.
Mr. Allan Davis presented an overview of the proposed operational plan, inclusive of the
associated multi-functional space within the parking lot; highlighted the site plan,
inclusive of the sub-areas within the retail Village portion of the project, and the
conditional use permit; and in conclusion invited the Commission to provide input and
Commissioner Naggar relayed his comments and concerns, as follows:
Oueded the location of the Daycare Center with respect to the close proximity
to the Home Depot use, and the impacts associated with the two points of
Recommended prevision of information regarding the traffic impacts
associated with the creation of the cul-de-sacs and the proposed access
Requested clarification with respect to the pedestrian links
> W~th regard to safety, requested data regarding the access points to the
Relayed a desire for additional information regarding the parking plan, and
the potential impact to the residential areas
> Requested prevision of a comparative summary of the difference between
this particular Home Depot use and the Home Depot use located in the City
of Murrieta
Suggested incorporating specialty fountains into the Children's Center (i.e.,
simulated wave fountain, pop-up fountain)
> Recommended further articulation on the Home Depot building design
> Relayed his preliminary preference to not cul-de-sac the area
In response to Commissioner Naggar's comments, Mr. Allan Davis provided clarification
regarding the pedestrian links; relayed the current Development Agreement with respect
to the Master Plan, and the proposed Development Agreement; concurred with
Commissioner Naggar's recommendation to incorporate interactive water uses in the
Center for the enjoyment of the children.
Commissioner Fahey relayed her comments and concerns, as follows:
Noted that she strongly supported the cul-de-sac concept
Relayed that she was pleased with the modified layout at the Village Center
> Recommended further enhancement of the building architecture at the Home
Depot site
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> Commended the applicant on their diligent preliminary efforts to implement the
Village Center concept at this difficult site
Commissioner Webster expressed his comments and concerns, as follows:
> Queried the various alternate street configurations
> Relayed that in light of the site constraints, the applicant has done well to
incorporate the Village Center theme
Advised that the street configuration with the through street would be more
conducive to a Village Center theme verses the cul-de-sac option
Recommended that Campanula Way be maintained as a through street
Relayed that a center median would provide various benefits, including
improved circulation
Advised that he would not support the cul-de-sac option with respect to street
configuration options (relayed his strong opinion regarding this issue)
With respect to the outdoor seasonal area, recommended locating that portion
of the project on the side of the building between the Lucky's and Home Depot
> Regarding the Village Buildings, recommended there be frontage provided
along Campanula Way, as well as, along the parking area
Recommended reconfiguring the building location at the east end of the
project along Meadows Parkway to reflect two buildings at the east end with a
Plaza area in the center (Relayed his strong opinion regarding this issue)
In response to Commissioner Webster, Mr. Allan Davis presented the preliminary street
configuration options, and the associated access points.
For Commissioner Webster, Mr. Bob Davis, representing the applicant, provided
additional information regarding the original intent of the Specific Plan and the current
generation of Iow volumes of traffic in the area; provided additional information regarding
the street configuration options, and the associated impacts; relayed that if the cul-de-
sac option would be adopted there would be existing provision to adequately
accommodate the additional traffic; for Commissioner Naggar, further clarified the
impacts with respect to the cul-de-sac option and the associated parking; and
recommended that the project incorporate angled street parking verses parallel parking.
Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that the Public Works Department would
most likely not support on-street angled parking; for Commissioner Mathewson, clarified
the additional potential for liability issues associated with angled parking; noted that staff
had requested that the applicant provide provision of traffic studies with regard to the
impact associated to the street configurations, specifically with respect to the cul-de-sac
or thoroughfare options in order for staff to evaluate the impact with respect to the
general circulation; cladfied that the Public Works Department has not made a
determination of support or lack of support for the cul-de-sac concept; and noted the
advisement relayed to the applicant regarding consideration of rotating or reversing the
building configuration,
Mr. Barry Bumell, representing the applicant on the adjacent property, provided
additional information regarding the adjacent property's potential proposed plan and the
associated pedestrian access; and relayed that he was of the opinion that this particular
proposed project blends the uses in a cohesive manner.
Commissioner Mathewson relayed his comments and concerns, as follows:
Queried the impact of the location of the Home Depot use with respect to the
pedestrian link
Relayed that he was in favor of the development of the Village Center
Requested that staff further review the cul-de-sac street configuration option
and the associated angled parking issue
Queried the compatibility of the Daycare Center use located adjacent to the
Home Depot loading area, specifically regarding the air quality impact
generated from the trucks
> Recommended provision of a line-of-sight diagram for the view from the
residential areas to the site, specifically with respect to the loading dock area
> Regarding the permitted uses, recommended that the proposed uses are
reviewed by staff to ensure consistency to the Village Center Concept
VVith respect to the multi-functional area in the parking lot, recommended that
additional treatments be added to facilitate a cohesive pedestrian area
For Commissioner Mathewson, Mr. Allan Davis provided additional information regarding
the rationale for the location of the Daycare Center.
Chairman Guerdero's comments and concerns were relayed, as follows:
Relayed that he was in favor of the cul-de-sac design, with the provision of the
appropriate controls
> Noted that he was opposed to angled street parking
Recommended that the Home Depot building be further enhanced, specifically
addressing the rear of the building
> Relayed that he was in favor of the Village Concept and was pleased with the
represented color renderings
Recommended that the Fire Department evaluate prevision of adequate
emergency access with respect to the cul-de-sac street configuration option
For Chairman Guerriero, Mr. Allan Davis provided additional information regarding the
proposal to reverse the Home Depot building site; and relayed the applicant's desire to
further work with the Public Works Department to develop an appropriate site plan.
Mr. Frank Coda, representing the applicant, relayed that the Temecula Home Depot site
would have additional parking and additional square footage in comparison to the
Murdeta Home Depot; relayed the basis for the impact associated with the access points
at the Murrieta site; noted that the proposed design would basically be the final design
presented, relaying the warehouse concept that would be incorporated into the design;
provided additional information regarding modifying the rear of the building, and the
potential to add additional articulation to that elevation; noted that a 12-foot wall would
most likely screen the loading area; for Commissioner Mathewson, clarified the use of
the seasonal outdoor area; for Commissioner Naggar, relayed the limitations regarding
adding additional articulation on the building; and for informational purposes relayed the
applicant's intent to further work with staff regarding the building design.
In response to Mr. Coda's comments, for the record Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed
that there is no current agreement with the City of Temecula to approve or accept the
current Home Depot Design, as proposed.
Mr. Allan Davis clarified the proposed Home Depot design, noting the plan to further
enhance the adjacent uses within the Center; relayed the process of working with the
City of Temecula; and thanked the Commission for their consideration and input
regarding the Home Depot Project.
8. Planning Application No. PA99-0236 (Site Plan Revision) and PA99-0012
(Conditional Use Permit),
This Agenda Item was heard out of order, see page 5.
A. Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed that if it was the desire of the
Commissioners to take a tour of the mall site that they correspond with Val in the
Planning Department.
B. Regarding the upcoming Design Workshop, Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed
the potential of the Workshop being cancelled due to the lack of available
A. Commissioner Naggar noted that with respect to the letter received from the
Temecula Valley Citizens for Responsible Growth, regarding the Roripaugh
Ranch Project, that after numerous attempts he was unable to contact any
person from the organization.
B. For the record, Commissioner Naggar relayed that he had met in person with
representatives from the Roripaugh Ranch project.
C. With respect to Commissioner Mathewson's comments regarding vehicles being
parked at Meadows Parkway and Rancho California Road, Chairman Guerriero
relayed the appropriate phone correspondence in order to contact the governing
D. In response to Commissioner Webster's querying regarding the grading project
along Ynez Road, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks provided additional
clarification, specifying the associated soil conditions.
E. For Commissioner Webster, Planning Manager Ubnoske provided additional
information regarding the Meadowview Golf Course submittals to the City, noting
the recent receipt of the formal application.
F. Regarding the Portofino Project on Rancho California Road, Chairman Guerdero
recommended that the level of the screening on the tennis court be raised for the
purpose of ensuring safety.
At 9:06 P.M. Chairman Guerriero formally adjoumed this meeting to Wednesday,
August 4, 1999 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive,
R0n Guerh'~o, Chairman Debbie Ubnoske, Planning Manager
Resolution Nos. PC99-021, and PC99-022
(resolutions of denial)
were assigned to Agenda Item No.8.
Coversheet for PCO72199minutes