HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 - _. .:.. .. .. ........_. ......_., , ,. . ._ . . .. , ,... ,...._.... „ . ............ .. , . .,..,., . .. ...... ..:. . t . _ . _ ..: .. Recipient Comn�ittee DateStamp COVERPAGE Campaign Statement ' �' � ' � • 1 ' Cover Page ���eV� Statement covers period Date of election if applicable: � Page � of $ from July 1, 2018 {Month,Day,Year) ��ij � A �/�� For O�cial Use Only �'t `f �T SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE ___� through December 31 2018 ITY CLE�1C�'i l��pP'�e __ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Type of Recipient CommitEee: an comm�aees-compiece aarts�,z,s,and 4. 2. Type of Statement: � Officeholder,Candidate Controlled Committee ❑ Primarily Formed Ballot Measure ❑ Preelection Statement ❑ quarterly Statement � State Candidate Election Committee Committee � Semi-annual Statement ❑ Special Odd-Year Report Q Recall 0 Controlled (Also Complete Pan 5) ❑ Termination Statement � Sponsored (Also file a Form 410 Termination) (Also Complete Part 6) ❑ Gene[a�(Pufro�se Committee ❑ Amendment(Explain below) � Spqnso��tl, ❑ Primarily Formed Candidate/ � Sinall Contributor..Cammittee Officeholder Committee 0 Political Party/Central Committee (AlsoComp/efePan7J i � , . _. _ 3. Committee Information i �:o."u""gER Treasurer(s) 1377711 ;CO(,1MfTTeE NqME.(QR-CANDIDATE'S:NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) NAME OF TREASURER I like Mike for Temecula City Council MAILING AODRESS - STREETADDRES3(NOP.O:'BOX) CITY STATE 21PCODE AREACODElPHONE' 445 S. D Street CITY -' STATE ZIPCODE AREACODElPHONE NAMEOFASSISTANTTREASURER,IFANY Perris CA 92570 MAILING ADDRESS(IF-DIFFERENT)NO"�AND STREETOR P.U:BOX MAILINGADDRESS -CITY ' STATE ZIPGODE AREAGODFJPHONE- ' CiTY STATE ZIPCODE LiREACODE7PHDNE: OPTtOFiAL: FAX/E-MAILADDRESS OPTIONAL: FAX/E-MAILADDRESS " 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct , J � Executed on � + By- �� D igna ure of Treasurer or AssisfantTreasurer Executed on f � I By Date SignatureotContml6ng��ficeho' r, andtlaie., tate�4easure,Praponentor'Respqn;Ible�,ficecotSponsor Executed ort � ey Date Signature oP ControlGng Ofticeholder,Gandidate,State Measure Proponerrt Executed brt By Date Signatute of CoMrolfing OKcaholder,Canddate,Sta[e Measure Proponent " � ��������� '� FPPC Farm 460(Jan/2016) � FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) � � COVER PAGE-PART 2 Recipient Committee , � . , Campaign Statement .- � � � Cover Page — Part 2 Page 2 of 8 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee 6. Primarily Formed Baflot Measure Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE " NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE ' Michael Naggar I�FFICE SOUGHT OR HELD(INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) BALLOT NO.OR LE7'TER JURIS�tCT10N � SUPPORT City of Temecula City Council ' ❑ oPPose RESIDENTIAUBUSINESS ADDRESS (NO.AND STREEI� CfTY STATE ZIP Identify the controlling officeholder,candidate,or state measure proponent,if any. 445 South D Street Perris, CA 92570 - - - -- - - - - NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER,CANDIDATE,OR PROPONENT Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: Listanycommittees --- - not included in this statemen!that are control/ed by you or aie prlmarily formed to receive OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO.IF ANY coniributions or make expenditures on beha/f of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME ' I.D.NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER ':CONTROLI-ED COMMlTTEE? 7• Pr�ma�ily Forrried;Candidate/�fficeholder'Co.mm�ttee c�sr�ames ot o�ceholdei(s)ar:cand�date(s}{orirGhicfi,this committee:is,primarlly,formed. ❑YES ❑ NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) ' NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE : OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD �]iSUPPORT �'OPPOSE C�TY STATE ZIPCODE AREACODE/PHONE ` NAME OF OFFICENOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGH7 OR HELD � SUPPORT �;Q OPPOSE COMMITTEE NAME I.D..NUMBER NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFfCE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF TREASURER ; iCONTROLLED COMMITfEE? NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD � ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ SUPPORT _ . OPPOSE COMMITTEEADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NOP.O.80X) _ „ _.. ._ _ CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREACODEJPHONE Attach continuation sheets ifnecessary FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772� www.fppc.ca.gov Campaign Disclosure Statement Amounts may be rounded SUMMARY PAGE to whole dollars. Statement covers period . � . . Summary Page .luly 1,2o1s . - � � � from - � SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu9h. December 31,2018 page 3 ot $ NAME OF FILER ; I.D.NUMBER MichaelNaggar '1377711 Column A Column B Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Contributions Received TOTALTHISPERfOD CALENDARYEAR (FROMATTACHEDSCHEDULES) TOT�roon� '� �Running in Both the State Primary and ;General Elections 1. MonetaryContributions..................................................: scnedutea,Line3 $ � . $ �- ` 0 O , ' 1M through 6130 7/1 to Date 2. Loans Received....--:-•..:.....:..:.....:....�._:._..:.......:_.:..........:..- scneduie a,une s , , , , ' �; 20. Contributions 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS:.::.:............:.....::.::. AddVnes 1+2 $ 0 $ 1 .; ;: Received $ _ $ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions............................................ scneduie c,�ine 3 � : � `21. Expenditures 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED....................................Addlines3+4 $ � $ 1 Made $ - $ - -. i '' Expenditul'es Made ; Expenditure Limit Summary for State 6. Payments Made..::....:.......�...N::.,:._..._:__.....,...:.:.._....._....:. s�nedwe e,Line 4 $ 4445., $ 5625, ;, Candidates 7. Loans Made.:_.::::.:.....:::.�.�.:_::::.::_.:..:::_.:,:..:_.::.:-•_:...:�:..: scneduie H,Line 3 O_ O_ '� ' 22. Cumutative Expenditures Made` 8. SU BTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS.......................................... Add Lines 6+7 $ 4�`5.' r� _ `5625 (M SubJectto Voluntary Expenditure Limit) 9. Accrued Ex enses Un 81d BIIIS ..........................................Schedule F,Line 3 P � A ) �. �. Date of Election Total to Date 10.Nonmonetary Adjustment...._....................................................scnedu�e c,Line 3 0 0 (mm/dd/yy) il. TOTALEXPENDITURES MADE........................................Add�ines8+9+10 $ 4445 $ 5625 , ��, $ Current Cash Statement _�--J $ 12. Beginning Gash Balance_: .. .., -. Pre��o�ss�mmaryPage,�ine rs $ 13129 � ' �' To calculate Column B, 13. Cash Receipts::.....:.................:...:.:..............::...:.:....: coiumn a,Line 3 above �� add amounts in Column � i A to the corzesponding •Amounts in this section may be different from amounts 14.Miscellaneous fncreases to Cash..:..::.::..........:............. scnedu�e�,Line a - amounts from Column B reported in Column B. 15.Cash Payments.....,..._.. ......: column A,Line 8 a6ove 4�5 ; ' of your last report. Some ! .....:........`...:................... ' ' amounts in Column A may ' 16.ENDING CASH BALANCE .Add Gnes Y2+13+14,then subtract line 15 $ _ 8684_� . be negative figures that ............... : ; should be subtracted from If this is a terminatlon statement,Lrne 16 must be zero. ` previous period amounts. If; ; ; ' this is the first report being ' 17.LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED......................... . Schedule e,Part 2 $ 0 filed for this calendar year, ; """ � only carry over the amounts :' Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts from u�es 2,�,and 9(if 18. C2Sh EqUlvalents................................................ See inswctions on reverse $ Q any). 19. OUtstendln9 Debts.:..:..::..:.......:::........ Add Line 2+Line 9 in Column e a6ove $ � FPPC Fo�m 460(]an/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/Z75-3772) . www.fppc.ca.gov Schedu(e D scHeou�E o Summa of Ex enditures Amounts may be rounded ry p to whole dollars. Statement covers period � _ � Supporting/Opposing Other �. �� 1. Candidates, Measures and Committees from, July 1, 2o�s •- SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu9h�ecember 31,201� page 4 of $ NAME OF FILER , . _ I.D.NUMBER Michael Naggar 1377711 NAME OF CANDI�ATE,OFFICE,AND DISTRICT,OR DESCRIPTION CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELEC710N DATE TYPE OF PAYMENT ��F REOUIRED) �MOUNT THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE MEASURE NUMBER OR LETTER AND JURISDICTION, PERIOD (JAN.'I-DEC.31) (IF RE�UIRED) OR COMMITTEE ' Gloria Sanchez for Council 0 Monetary 7/2/2018 City of Menifee, CA concribution 500 : 500 DIStfICt 4 ❑ Nonmonetary G Contribution ❑ Independent � Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure Gloria Sanchez for Council 0 Monetary ' ; 8/16/2018 City of Menifee, CA contribution D'Ist�Ct 4 ❑ Nonmonetary 500 ' 1000 Contribution — ❑ Independent � Support ❑ Oppose Expendlture Jaime Sanchez for School Board � Monetary 8129/2018 ' Nuview Union School Board 2018 Contribution i 500 I 500 ❑ Nonmonetary Contribution i: ❑ Independent 0 Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure SUBTOTAL $ 1500 " � � Schedule D Summary 1. Itemized contributions and independent expenditures made this period. (Include al{Schedule D subtotals.).........:..:.:.:....,..,..,...,....,.,.,,,.r,..•.........$: 3000 2. Unitemized contribufions and independent expenditures made this period of under$100...................................,.. $. 3. Total contributions and independent expenditures made this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Do not enter on the Summary Page.)....:,:.:.TOTAL..$ 3000 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) wwrw.fppc.ca.gov Schedule D (Continuation Shee#) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE D(CONT to wrhole dollars. ` Summary of Expenditures Statement covers period , � . , Su ortin /O osin Other July 1 2018 _ • - � �� �`� Pp J PP 9 from � Candidates, Measures and Committees � - ' _ _ .. .. throuyn�ecember 31, 201� ; page 5 ot - 8 ' Nar�e,o ,i, ,R _ , I.D.NUMBER ; Michael Naggar 1377711 DATE NAME OF CANDIDATE,OFFICE,AND DISTRICT,OR 1ypE OF PAYMENT i DESCRIPTION AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION MEqSURE NUMBER OR LETTER AND JURISDICTION, pF RERUIRED) PERIOD CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE OR COMMITfEE (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IFREQUIRED) ' i Brady McCarron for Council pJ Monetary 8/22/2018 Perris City Counci 2018 Contribution 500 500 '. ❑ Nonmonetary i Contribution � -- ❑ Independent � 0 5upport ❑ Oppose Expenditure Russ Boge for Supervisor 0 nno�etary 9/12/2018 County of Riverside, CA contribution ❑ Nonmonetary ' 1000 1000 Contribution _ � Independent --__ _ ...._. i 0 Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure ❑ Monetary Contribution ❑ Nonmonetary Contribution _. : ❑ Independe�t ❑ Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure I ❑ Monetary Contributian ❑ Nonmonetary Contribution � _ , ❑ Independe�t ; ❑ Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure _ _ s.._ _ . , ,; 2�, ,. SUBTOTAL $ 1500 , , .. . � � , FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov{866/275-3772) www.fppt.ta.gov Amounts may be rounded SCHEDl7LE E Schedule E Statementcovers period , � . � to whole dollars. I ' i Payments Made , from �uiy�, 2o�s . _ • ' SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE _ throuyn�ecember 31, 201 P page 6 of 8 :_ _. , _ �iHM1E'OF FiCEE? . ; 1 D NUMBER Michaei Naggar ; 1377711 _ CODES: lf one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants M7G meetings and appearances RFD retumed contributions CTB contribution(explain nonmonetary)' OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers'salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v.or cable airtime and productlon costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidafe travel,lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL poiling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel,lodging,and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others(explain)" POS postage,delivery and messenger services T5F transfer between commiftees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services(legal,accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs(intemet,e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE,AL50 ENTER I.D..Nunfeert) � � CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID ,. __ ___. _ _ James A. Meyler. EA � ': PRO 650 Temecula, CA 92591 _ --- : _-. _ __ Gloria Sanchez for Council ; P O Box 49 '' CTB 1000 Menifee, CA 92586 , . _ Sarah Sluder !Administrative LIT 10Q Menifee, CA �Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D, � � SUBTOTAL$ 1750 Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period.(Include aH Schedule E subtotals.).... ...................................................... .. „ , $ 4445 .. ,. . 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under$100.......................... ,.. ..$ � .................................. ....................... ....; . ,-.. ..... _- :. 0 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column (e).)........................... ...;, ...,....� .....:,.. ....,:_...�.�$ -- 4. Total a ments made this eriod. Add Lines 1,2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summa Pa e, Column A, Line 6. :.. _,_ :TOTAL $ . �5 PY P � N � ) • .., FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016� FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule E SCHEDULE E(CONT.) Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period ' � . � (Continuation Sheet) to whole dollars. ' , � � Payments Made f�om �u�y �,Zo�B • - `throu h�ece�nber 31,201� 7 g SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE _ � Page of--- NAn9.E'OF FILER _ . I.D.NUMBER MichaelNaggar 1377711 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution(explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers'salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v.or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel,Iodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS sfaff/spouse travel,lodging,and meals lND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others(explain)' POS postage,delivery and messe�ger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services(legal,accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB inFormation technology costs(internet,e-mail) _ NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE QF COMMITfEE,ALSO ENTER J,D:NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID Brady McCarron for Council ' CTB 1000 Perris, CA 92570 ID# 1409504 _ _. __ _ _ _ _ , Jaime Sanchez for School Board P O Box 1175 CTB 500 Sun City, CA 92585 ID#83-1661428 Facebook https/www.Facebook.com LIT 45 Menlo Park, CA Russ Boge for Supervisor CTB 1000 Beaumont, CA 92228 ID#1397976 Catholic Charities W/N2N St. Catherine of Alexandria CTB 100 41875 C St. Temecula, CA 92592 _ . __ _ _... . _ _ __ _ "Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 2645 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016? FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) Schedule E SCHEDULE E(CONT.) Amounts may be rounded Statement cavers period (Continuation Sheet) to whole dollars. � . - • , � ; Payments Made from. �uly 1,2018 • ' SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE tr�rough�ecember 31, 201� page 8 of 8 NAM'c OF'FICER I.D.NUMBER Michael Naggar 1377711 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution(explain nonmonetary)` OFC office expenses SAL campaign worlcers'salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v.or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel,lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel,lodging,and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others(explain)' POS postage,delivery and messenger services T5F transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services(legal,accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WE8 information technology costs(internet,e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE � (IF COMMITfEE,ALSO ENTER I:D.NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTIO.N OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID California Secretary of State 2724 Gateway Drive FIL 50 Riverside, CA 92507 ; ,_ _ - .. *Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 50 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.p.gov(866/2753772) COVER PAGE Recipient Committee oa�esc�,,,P Campaign Statement � �� � � • � Cover.Page RECEIVED 9 1 6 Statement covers period Date of election Y appl�able: ��L 1 c7 �0�8 Pa e of � from 1/1/2018 (Month,Da ,Year For otficia�use on SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE GI3OIZO'I H �Q�� � through 1. Type of Recipient Committee: an comm�ttees-comPies�aarts�,2,s,a�a a. 2. Type of Statement: 0 Officeholder,Candidate Controlled Committee ❑ Primarily Formed Ballot Measure ❑ Preelection Statement ❑ quarterly Statement � State Candidate Election Committee Committee � Semi-annual Statement ❑ Special Odd Year Report � Recall 0 Controlled ❑ Termination Statement {NsoCompfetePartSJ � Sponsored (AlsofleaForm410Termination) (AMo Compla(e Red 6� ❑ General Purpose Committee ❑ Amendment(Explain below) � Sponsored ❑ Primarily Formed Candidate/ � Small Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee 0 Political Party/Central Gommittee I�°�°mplelePvrt7) 3. Committee Information �.D.NUMBER Treasurer(s) 1377711 COMMITTEE NAME(OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) NAME OF TRFI+SURER I Like Mike for Temecula Gity Council 2016 MAILING ADDRESS STREETADDRESS jN0 P.O:BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE 445 South D Street CITY STATE 21PCODE AREACODEfPHONE NAMEOFASSISTANTTREASURER,IFANY Perris, CA 92570 MAfLING ADDRESS pF DIFFERENT)NO.AND STREET OR P.O.BOX MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CO�E AREA CO�EIPHONE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODElPHONE OPTIONAL; FAX/'E•MAILADDRESS OPTIONAL: FAX/E•MAILADORESS 4. Verification I have used all�asonable diligence in pieparing and reviewfng this statement and to the best of my knowledge the'information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Galifomia that the foregoing is true and correct. Execuled on r ` � By �B .SgnaWreofheasu /rAsslstant asuFer Executed on. " �� I r ` � gy �� - v ` " '� —1 ��— . Data ' SlgnaWre of onVOlGng Onceholder,Canditlate;State Measure ProponeMar Respons�� ficer of� Executed on By Date SignaWre of Controlling OKeeholder,'CandiOate,State Measure Praponent Eicecuted on By Date Signature of ConUolling O�cetwlCer,Candidate,State Measure Proponent FPPCForm 460(Jan/2016} FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) , www:fppc.ca.gov �� COVER PAGE-PART 2 Recipient Committee • •- • , � � Campaign Statement .- Cover Page— Part 2 Page 2 of 6 5. Officeholder or Candiclate Controlled Committee 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAfv1E OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE Michael Naggar OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD(INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTR�CT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) BALLOT NO.OR LETTER JURISDICTION �SUPPORT City of Temecula City Council ❑oaaosE RESIDENTIAUBUSINESS ADDRESS (NO..AND STREET) CITY STATE 21P Identify the controlling offlceholder,candidate,or stafe measure proponent,ifany. 445 South D Street Perris,CA 92570 NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER,CANDIDATE,OR PROPONENT Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: Listanycommittees not induded in this statement that are eontrolled by you or are primarityformed to reeeive OFFICE SOUCaHT OR.HELD DISTRICT NO.IF ANY contributions ormake expenditures on behalf of yourcandidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D.NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? 7. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee List nam05 of o�eeholder(s)or candfdate(s)for whlch thls commiKee fs prlmarily formed. ❑ YES ❑NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGH7 OR HELD ❑SUPPORT ❑OPPOSE GITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA GODE/PHONE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑SUPPORT ❑OPPOSE COMMITTEE NAME I.D.NUMBER NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANOIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑SUPPORT ❑OPPOSE NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE7 (�qpqE OF OFFICEHOCDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑YES ❑ NO ❑SUPPORT ❑OPPOSE COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advite@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov , Campaign Disclosure Statement Amounts may be rounded SUMMARY FAGE Summa Pa @ to whole dollars. Statement covers period I . .- . ry g 1/172018 . - • 1 from SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throuyh 6/30/2018 Pa9e 3 of 6 NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER Michael Naggar 1377711 Contributions Received Column.A Column B Galendar Year Summary for Candidates TOTALTHISPERIOD CALENDARYEAR (FROMATfACHEDSCHEDUIES) TOTALTODATE Running in.Both the State Primary and General Elections 1. Monetary Contributions................................................... scnedutea,Line 3 5 1 $ 1 1!1 through 6/30 7/1 to Dale 2. Loans Received............................... ....... scneduie e,Line 3 � 0 .......................... 20. Contributions 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS.............................. Addl.ines 1+2 $ 1 $ � Received � $ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions...:........................................ scneduie C,Line 3 � 21. Expenditures 5. TOTALCONTRIBUTIONSRECEIVED....................................AddLines3+4 $ � $ 1 Made � $ Expend'Itu1'eS Made Expenditure Limit Summary for State 6. Payments Made................................................................ scneduie e;u�e a 5 1180 g 1180 Gandidates 7. Loans.Made..................:.................................................... scnedu�e H,crne s 0 0 2Z Cumulative Expenditures Made• 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS.......................................... Add C�nes s+7 $ 1180 $ 1180 (H Subjoct to Voluntary Expondi4uro Umit) . 9. Acccued Expenses(Unpaid Bills)......:...................................scnedute F ctne s � Dace of Election Total to Date 10.Nonmonetary Adjustment............................................... ....schedure c,Lina 3 � 0 (mm/dd/yy) 11.TOTAL.EXPENDITURES MADE........................................AddCines8+9+�0 $ 1180 $ 1180 �_� $ Current Cash Statement —l—J $ 12.Beginning Cash Balance............................ Prev�ous summaryPaee,cine ts S 14308 1 To calculate Column B, 13.Cash Receipts........................................................... Column A,�7ne 3 above add amounts in Column � A to the corresponding -qmounts in this section may be diffe�ent from amounts 14,Miscellaneous Increases to Cash.................................. Schedu�eJ,Line 4 amounts from Column B reported in Column 6. 15.Cash Payments............................. ... Co�umn A,vne 8 above 1180 of your last report. Some """"""""""" amounts in Column A may 16.ENDING CASH BALANCE. ...............:..Add Lines f2 t 13�14,fhen subfract Line 15 5 13129 be negative figures that should be subtracted from If this is a termination sfatement,Line 16 must be zero. previous period amounts. If tfiis is the first report being 17.LOAN GUARANTEES:RECEIVED................................ Schedule e,Partz $ 0 filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts a�nm u�es 2,�,and 9(if 18. Cash EqulValentS................................................ See instructions on reverse $ 0 Y�' 19. OUtstand'Ing Debts.............................. Add Line 2+Llne 9 in Column e above $ � FPPC Form 460(1an/2016) � FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.w,gov(866/Z75-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE A Monetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers period , � � � � � from 1/1/2018 �_ through 6/30/2018 page 4 of 6 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER MichaeltVaggar � 1377711 DATE' FULL NAME,STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR �F AN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION (IFCOMMITTEE.ALSOEN7ERI.D.NUMBERJ OCCUPATIONAND�EMPLOYER ' RECEIVED.THIS CALENDARYEAR TODATE RECEIVED CODE* (IF3ELF�EMPLOYED,ENTER NAME PERIOD OFBUSINESS) (JAN..1-DEC.31) (IFRE�UIRED) ❑IND ❑COM ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC []IND ❑COM ❑ATH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑IND 0 COM ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑IND ❑COM ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑IND ❑COM ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC -SUBTOTAL$ p �E � :�,� �� �� ��`` ' Schedule A Summary �Contributor Codes 1. Amount received this period-itemized monetary contributions. INo-individuai (Include ail ScheduleAsubtotals.) 0 COM—RecipientCommittee .........................................................................................................$ (other than PTY orSCC) 2. Amount received this period-unitemized monetary contributions of less than$100...........................$ 1 OTH—Other(e.g.,business entity) PTY—Political Party 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. scc-smal�contributorCommittee tAdd Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summa Pa e, Column A, Line 1. TOTAL$ � ►Y 9 )...................... FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ta.gov(866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov , SGh@C�UIE E E►mounts ma be rounded p • . .SCHEDULE E y Statement covers eriod � to whole dollars. I. � ' Payments Made from 1/1/2018 •' through 6/30/2018 page 5 of 6 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER Michael Naggar 137771.1 CODES: if one of the following codes aceutately describes the payment, you ma,y enter the code. Otherwise, desc[ibe the payment. CMP campaign pataphernaliafmisc. MBR member communications RAD radio ai�time and producGon costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings a�d appearances RFD returned co�tributions CTB contribution(explain nonmonetary)' OFC office expenses SAL campaign.workers'salaries GVC civic donations PET petiHon circulating TEL t:v,or ca61e aiitime and production costs FIL candidate filinglbalbifees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel,lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel,lodging,and meals IND independent expenditu�e supporting/opposing oihers(expfain)' POS postage,delivery and messenger services TSF transfer behveen committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services(legal,accounting) VOT voter regisuation LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT printads WEB informadon technology costs(intemet,e-mail) NAME AND Fi00RESS OF PAYEE (IP COMMITTEE.ALSO ENTER I:D.NUMBERJ CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID James A. Mey►er, EA 27450 Ynez Rd., Ste.228 p�p 600 Temecula,CA 92591 Facebook https/www.Facebook.com LIT 170 Menlo Park, CA Sarah Sluder Reimburse for Mac Book Charge and for secretarial 25155 Ridgeway Lane service 206 Menifee, CA "Rayments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ g76 Schedule E Summary �. Itemized a ments made this eriod. Include ali Schedule E subtotals. .. $ 1180 P Y P � )................... ...................................................................................... 0 2. .Unitemized payments made this period of under$100...............................................................................................:..........................................$ 3. Total interest paid this period on loans.(Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1;Column(e),).............................................................................$ � 4. Total payments made this period.(Add Lines 1,2,and 3.Enter here and on the Summary Page,Column A, Line 6.)............. ........TOTAL $ 1180 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866J275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov � '� Schedule E Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE E(CONT.) �COIlt111Uat1011 SIIeG't� to whole dollars. Statement covers period . '�. � • ' Payments Made from 1/1/2018 through 6/30/2018 page 6 of 6 SEE INSTRUCT�ONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER Michael Naggar 1377711 CODES: if one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/misc. M8R member communications RAD redio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearences RFD returned oontribulions CTB contributiort(exptain nonmonetary)' OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers'salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v..or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filinglbaliot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travet,lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel,lodging,and meals IND independent expenditure supportinglopposing others(explain)' FOS postage,,delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same-candidatelsponsar LEG legal defense PRO professional services(legal,accounting} VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT .print ads WEB information technology costs(intemet,e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAkEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID (IF COMMITTEE.AL50 ENTER I.D.NUMBER) Temecula Valley Garden Club 602 S.Tippecanoe , �Tg 204 San Bemardino,CA 92408 Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 204 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www:fppc.ca.gov