HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 16178-1 Upgraded Geotechnical Study .� GEN corporation e Erg nevr r g""'Cgnsulli......ce5•Eng n nng Gewoq,. e rl,on @neig W lOnS•GOnSV000Mdlerdls@Slin •Geology•Water Resowce SWdies P•UN,amry tesl,nq.P°.4ola lesling • IN221811 Enviromnmlal 5ne A5sesSmenIS ENVIRONMENTAL S( GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NETWORK UPDATED GEOTECHNICAL STUDY Proposed Structures Lots 8 and 9, Tract 16178-1, Commerce Center Drive City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1, 1999 A oRME u REVIEWED g`( DATE Prepared for OF'-HI aI ,E pt rApPr4s sNA�r�r R TO ROJAL �,v..M' _FOANY GOC t Saddleback Associates, Inc. AN ST TIE pH1�o4cFo roMeovJNEF 2615 Orange Avenue OF By RES?EG'I\v pRO-J EG F Santa Ana, California 92707 ONE s� ONTr ccf0pL` oN-- ON THE JOB CORPORATE OFFICE 41607 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 1, Temecula,CA 92590•phone: (909)676-3095•fax: (909)676-3294 ORANGE COUNTY OR ICE 2615 Orange Avenue, Santa Ana,CA 92707 • phone: (714) 546-4051 • fax: (714)546-4059 , � Saddleback Associates. inc. po�c octNumber: T1449'U8S TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Number and Title Page 1.0 SITE/]zR[]JECTDESCRIPTIOy4 ���������'^'�����'�—�`-.�',^��^����'�'��,'^,^���,^�.,�����, 2.0 SITE REVIEW .`---^`—``—^-- 21 Literature Research 2-2 Site Reconnaissance 3.0 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 GeA9ca| `___^`_``__^__ —^--`—`—^``^`----^`--^`--^.' 2 3 � Building Unit /Vunn�8ra 3 4 5 ^``--^` 2 � . ' anU8 ``� 3.3 Engineered Fill....._``_^'``_^_. `--`—^—`--^—````----^`., 3 �...`......^...^`^`...^``````......^`...`. 3 4.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Gener8l —_^``^`__,_^__,_� `--^--^—^`--``—`---..- 4 4-2 Foundation Size --^—^^^`^`—^`^```—^^``—^`^.`' 4 4.3 Depth of EAlbGdn18nL``—`-----^—^--^--^`^`---^`---^^`—' 4 4-4 Beahng {�8pacbv_^`_____`_ `—^—^`^`^``----^^`----..- 5 4�� ��n�|8nl�rd``'``^`__,__,_ `--`—^``^`—^`````---^``.' 5 4.6 Lateral Capacity^ _--^`—^`^--^`^`--^^—`--^--^.' 5 ----^--``^~`-------``--., 5 5.0 SLAB-ON-GRADE RECOMMENDATIONS 51 General ` '_, `--^`^~—^`^``--`--^```—. G 5.7 Interior Slabs ``—^--^`—^^—^`-------^``- 6 53 Exterior S|abS —^^``—. G ---`—`—^`^`^`—^```----``--- G 6.0 MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Pavement Design.`^,----, —^`' 7 O�7 []U|bvTr�n�h ;��C0PAn19U�8UOnS —^--^—^`—``^`^`---``````^`—` 7 6.3 Temporary OrCptS `--^`—`^` 8 G4 F�niohLot Drainage .--`—^--``^`^`—^--^—^`^^—^`````—^`—^`—^ � 6.5 P|aAterS ---`—^`—^`^``^^—^^``````--^~' g 6.6 Supplemental Construction --)-U`S—e—A^@`Lio^n`S—G—Nd^—/�^�`u^/^V ,^^` A ��7 �{ � nerenQe `^,—^.^. `^`^`^~`^`—^``~```^`,.,, 10 L-A ��° ^ ~^ 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING _^,,,_^,___^``,—^,--. 1O 8-0 CLOSURE --.``—^,—``—`---. __`__,__,_^````,``__^... 11 -_)78E / AP THE F'S AS S AS � W\VE enGENC^ryo,^,i"u -:,. ,t �� •So Eng ieeq ana ConsWi ng S ry ces•Eng neermg Gealogr•Compa,:,, s,,. c o m ration .mspep ons•Construct on(darer ads resp ng•typraory rytpng•Perwianon[si n� •Geoiugy•water Bemmce Stuaas •PN"i 8 n Srle 4vw""Ws ENVIRONMENTAL & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NETWORK February 1, 1999 Saddleback Associates, Inc. 2615 Orange Avenue Santa Ana, California 92707 Attention: Ms. Carolyn West Regarding: UPDATED GEOTECHNICAL STUDY Proposed Structures Lots 8 and 9, Tract 16178-1, Commerce Center Drive City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California Project Number: T1449-UGS References: 1. Markham and Associates, 30-Scale Grading Plan, dated June 8, 1998. 2. Geocon, Inc., Testing and Observation Services for Winchester Commerce Center, Riverside County, California, report dated September 15, 1981. Dear Ms. West: Per your request and signed proposal, a representative of this firm reviewed the referenced previous report and visited the subject site on January 21, 1999, to visually observe and probe the surface within the subject lot, in order to update the report referenced above. 1.0 SITE / PROJECT DESCRIPTION The relatively Flat site consists of approximately 6.0 acres, located off of Commerce Center _ Drive, in the City of Temecula, California. A light to moderate growth of weeds and grasses exist at the site. The proposed development will consist of ten (10) structures (15 units) of one or two story, slab-on-grade, office-general manufacturing units. The remainder of the site will consist of paved driveway, parking and associated hardscape and landscape improvements. F 2.0 SITE REVIEW T 2.1 Literature Research `-��=`'�'�"'�'r-9asedro��tge�eferenced:Norz,-repott;approximately-sevep=(�)�g��ggj��0��j�t.yta�.-_..�.-._ placed below the subject site between June and September, 1981. Based on the Referenced CORPORATE OFFICE 41607,Enterprise Circle North, Suite 1.Temecula, CA 92590• phone: (909) 676-3095• fax: (909) 676-3294 ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 2615 Orange Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92707 • phone: (714) 546-4051 •fax: (714) 546-4052 WER SI'E /V",V.` F'. J i 'HPCC,Nr , holt i rCEPSC'M'@PL-NF.I Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449_UGS February 1999 No. 1 plans and the Referenced No. Page 2 2 report, an additional two (2) feet of undocumented fill appears to have been placed on the site. This undocumented fill will be removed and Property recompacted during site grading. Based on the Referenced No. 1 plans and the Referenced No. 2 report, approximately nine (9) to ten (10) feet of engineered fill will exist below proposed pad grades at the completion of grading. As a result, the potential for hazards associated with liquefaction is considered low. 2.2 Site Reconnaissance Based on the site reconnaissance and literature research, it appears that approximately two (2) additional feet of undocumented fill has been added Since completion of grading as reported in the Referenced No. 2 report. No other unusual geotechnical conditions were observed. 3.0 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 General: All organics (weeds and grasses) should be removed from the site prior to grading. The top two (2) feet of earth materials should be removed to competent engineered fill. The soils engineer representative should be on-site to approve all removal bottoms. After removal bottoms have been approved, removal bottoms should be scarified 12-inches, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture and then recompacted to 90% relative compaction before placing fill. 3.2 BuildingUnit Numbers 3 4, 5 and 6: Due to the proximity of building unit numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 to the existing slope along Murrieta Creek, there is a potential for hazards associated with lateral spread and sand boils during liquefaction. As a result, special measures should be taken to mitigate for the potentially damaging effects of lateral spread and sand boils. The t Proposed mitigation measures are not intended to prevent damage to the structure, but rather to minimize the potential for collapse of the structure. The method described below is intended to provide lateral support against possible tension cracks propagating to the surface, EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 3 and to use an open graded rock layer to act as a vent to reduce the possible effects of sand boils. A secondary effect of the geogrid is to aid in reducing differential settlement. It is recommended that removals be performed beneath building numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 to a depth of five feet below proposed grades. The approved bottom should be scarified 12- inches, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture and then recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. A biaxial layer of geogrid (Tensar BX 1200 or Miragrid 2XT, or equivalent) should then be placed on the compacted bottom and covered with 12 inches of 3/4" open graded rock. A 2n° layer of biaxial geogrid should be placed over the layer of rock and then covered with engineered fill. Removals should be performed to a horizontal distance of at least 10 feet beyond the perimeter footings where space permits. The following diagram is presented for clarity: � L I . .. . . . . . .. FI 3' Uo��R LeER �GEOLx:O I T `LJvER '_ ri] r 3.3 Engineered Fill: All fill material, whether on-site material or import, should be approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer and/or his representative before placement. All fill should be free from vegetation, organic material, and other debris. Import fill should be no more expansive than the existing on-site material. Approved fill material should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 6.0 to 8.0-inches in thickness and watered or aerated to EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 4 obtain near-optimum moisture content (± 2.0 percent of optimum). Each lift should be spread evenly and should be thoroughly mixed to ensure uniformity of soil moisture. Structural fill should meet a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of maximum dry density based upon ASTM D1557-78 (90) procedures. Moisture content of fill materials should not vary more than 2.0 percent of optimum, unless approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer. 4.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 General: Foundations for the proposed structure may consist of conventional column footings and continuous wall footings founded upon properly compacted fill. The recommendations presented in the subsequent paragraphs for foundation design and construction are minimum design requirements and are based on geotechnical characteristics and a low expansion potential (EI=34) for the supporting soils and should not preclude more restrictive structural requirements. The actual expansion potential will need to be determined at completion of precise grading in order to verify the foundation design recommendations made herein. The Structural Engineer for the project should determine the actual footing widths and depths necessary to resist design vertical, horizontal and uplift forces. The anticipated peak ground acceleration for the site is 0.68g. If the structure is to be designed to the 1997 UBC, the following factors apply: Seismic Source Type: Type B fault Soil Profile Type: SD Distance to Known Seismic Source: Less than 2km 4.2 Foundat�Ze. Continuous footings should have a minimum width of 18 inches and should be continuously reinforced with a minimum of one (1) No. 4 steel reinforcing bar located near the top and one (1) No. 4 steel reinforcing bar located near the bottom of the footings to minimize the effects of any slight differential movements that may occur due to minor variations in the engineering characteristics or any seasonal moisture change in the EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number:T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 2 supporting soils. Column footings should have a minimum width of 18-inches by 18-inches and be suitably reinforced based on structural requirements. A grade beam founded at the same depths and reinforced as the adjacent footings should be provided across doorway, garage entrances, or any other perimeter openings. 4.3 Oe th of Embedment: Exterior and interior footings should extend to a mi Post th is 18 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade in undisturbed, properly compacted fill as re is no cant frost not considered a design factor for foundations in thefootinate near existing or or planned penetration in the winter months. Embedment of all 9s ono slopes should be determined by a minimum setback distance measured from the bottom outside edge of the footing to the slope face according to the UBC and/or the City Building Codes. Since no truck wells are planned, it is the assumption of this report that footing depths will be on the order of 18 to 30 inches below finished pad grade. 4.4 Bearing Capacity: The recommended allowable bearing value for design of continuous and column footings for dead plus live loads and founded in competent silty sand (SM) material is 1,500 psf. The allowable bearing value may be increased by 33.3 percent for short durations of live loading such as wind or seismic forces. psf value and founded in 4.5 Settl_ ement: Footings designed according to a 10o exceed lagmaxmum settlement of undisturbed, properly compacted fill are not expected 0.75 inch or a differential settlement of 0.25 inch between similarly sized and loaded siltytl sand 4.6 LateralSa i Additional foundation design parameters based on competent (SM) material for resistance to lateral forces are(Equivalent Fluid Pressure) Allowable Lateral Pressure (Equ v Passive Case: 150 pcf - Fill Material Allowable Coefficient of Friction: 0.30 The above values are allowable design values and have safety factors of at least 2.0 incorporated into them. For the calculation of passive earth resistance, the upper 1.0 foot of EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 3 material should be neglected unless confined by a concrete slab or pavement. 5.0 SLAB-ON-GRADE RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General: The recommendations for concrete slabs, both interior and exterior, are based upon an assumed low expansion potential for the supporting material. The expansion potential of the slab subgrade areas should be verified at the completion of any supplemental grading for the structure. 5.2 Interior Slabs: Interior concrete slabs-on-grade should be a minimum of 4.0 inches (6.0 inches if a forklift or other heavy equipment is used on the slab) actual in thickness and be underlain by properly prepared subgrade. Minimum slab reinforcement should consist of#3 reinforcing bars placed 24 inches on center in both directions placed mid-depth in the slab or any equivalent system as might be designed by the Project Structural Engineer. The concrete section and/or reinforcing steel should be increased for excessive design floor loads or anticipated concentrated loads. In areas where moisture sensitive floor coverings are anticipated over the slab, we recommend the use of a polyethylene vapor barrier a minimum of 6.0 mil in thickness be placed beneath the slab. The moisture barrier should be overlapped or sealed at splices and covered by a 1.0 to 2.0-inch minimum layer of clean sand to aid in concrete curing and to minimize potential punctures. If the moisture barrier is placed on crushed gravel material, it is recommended that a minimum of 1.0 inch of clean sand or other approved granular material be placed beneath the moisture barrier to prevent punctures from angular gravel fragments and projections. 5.3 Exterior Slabs: All exterior concrete slabs cast on finish subgrade should be a minimum of 4.0 inches nominal in thickness and be supported on soil that has been compacted to a f minimum of 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM D1557-78(90) procedures and moisture conditioned to at least 120 percent of optimum moisture content to a minimum depth of 12 inches immediately before pouring the slab. Reinforcing in the slabs and the use of a EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 4 compacted sand or gravel base beneath the slabs should be according to the current standards of the City. 6.0 MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Pavement Design: Preliminary pavement recommendations are presented based on R- Value testing of soils obtained from the site, and an assumed future traffic loading expressed in terms of a Traffic Index (TI). Pavement sections have been determined in general accordance with CALTRANS design procedures based on a TI of 5.0 for automobile areas, a TI of 6.0 for truck traffic areas, and an R-Value of 41. As a result, the project designer should specify the appropriate pavement section for the various traffic areas as follows: Pavement Section Automobile Traffic Only TI = 5.0 3"AC /4" AB Truck Traffic TI = 6.0 3"AC/6" AB The project designer should choose the appropriate pavement section for the anticipated traffic pattern and delineate the respective areas on the site plan. Asphalt concrete pavement materials should be as specified in Section 39 of the current CALTRANS Standard Specifications or a suitable equivalent. Aggregate base should conform to Class 2 material as specified in Section 26-1.028 of the current CALTRANS Standard Specifications or a suitable equivalent. The subgrade soil, including utility trench backfill, should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The aggregate base material should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for subgrade and aggregate base materials should be determined according to ASTM D1557-91 procedures. In dumpster pick-up areas, and in areas where semi-trailers are to be parked on the pavement such that a considerable load is transferred from small wheels, it is recommended that rigid Portland Cement concrete pavement with a minimum EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number:T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 5 thickness of 6.0 inches be provided in these areas. This will provide for the proper distribution of loads to the subgrade without causing deformation of the pavement surface. Special consideration should also be given to areas where truck traffic will negotiate small radius turns. Asphaltic concrete pavement in these areas should utilize stiffer emulsions or the areas should be paved with Portland Cement concrete. All Portland Cement concrete pavements should be constructed with 4000 psi concrete. If pavement subgrade soils are prepared at the time of rough grading of the building site and the areas are not paved immediately, additional observations and testing will have to be performed before placing aggregate base material, asphaltic concrete, or PCC pavement to locate areas that may have been damaged by construction traffic, construction activities, and/or seasonal wetting and drying. In the proposed pavement areas, soil samples should be obtained at the time the subgrade is graded for R-Value testing according to California Test Method 301 procedures to verify the pavement design recommendations. 6.2 Utility Trench Recommendations_ Utility trenches within the zone of influence of foundations or under building floor slabs, hardscape, and/or pavement areas should be backfilled with properly compacted soil. It is recommended that all utility trenches excavated to depths of 5.0 feet or deeper be cut back to an inclination not steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) or be adequately shored during construction. Where interior or exterior utility trenches are proposed parallel and/or perpendicular to any building footing, the bottom of the trench should not be located below a 1:1 plane projected downward from the outside bottom edge of the adjacent footing unless the utility lines are designed for the footing surcharge loads. Backfill material should be placed in a lift thickness appropriate for the type of backfill material and compaction equipment used. Backfill material should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction by mechanical means. Jetting of the backfill material will not be considered a satisfactory method for compaction. Maximum dry density EnGENN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 6 and optimum moisture content for backfill material should be determined according to ASTM D1557-78(90) Procedures. 6.3 Tem ora Excavations Or Cuts: All temporary cuts and excavations should be made in m requirements for Type C soil. If site restrictions accordance with CAUOSHA minimu require a different configuration, this office should be contacted to develop construction recommendations. 6.4 Finish Lot Drainage Recommendations: Finish lot surface gradients in unpaved areas slopes and buildings to direct surface water away from should be provided next to tops of ing over the tops of slopes. The surface water should be foundations and slabs and from flow ilities. Ponding of surface water should not be allowed directed toward suitable drainage fac next to structures or on pavements. In unpaved areas, a minimum positive gradient of 2.0 percent away from the structures and tops of slopes for a minimum distance of 5.0 feet and a minimum of 1.0 percent pad drainage off the property in a nonerosive manner should be provided. mendations: Planters around the perimeter of the structure should be 6.5 Planter Recom designed to ensure that adequate drainage is maintained and minimal irrigation water is allowed to percolate into the soils underlying the building. 6.6 Supplemental Construction Observations and Testing: Any subsequent grading for development of the subject property should be performed under engineering observation and testing performed by EnGEN Corporation. Subsequent grading includes, but is not limited to, any additional overexcavation of cut and/or cutifill transitions, fill placement, and excavation of temporary and permanent cut and fill slopes. In addition, EnGEN Corporation, should observe all foundation excavations. Observations should be made prior to installation of concrete forms and/or reinforcing steel so as to verify and/or modify, if necessary, the conclusions and recommendations in this report. Observations of overexcavation cuts, fill EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number:T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 7 placement, finish grading, utility or other trench backfill, pavement subgrade and base course, retaining wall backfill, slab presaturation, or other earthwork completed for the development of subject property should be performed by EnGEN Corporation If any of the observations and testing to verify site geotechnical conditions are not performed by EnGEN Corporation, liability for the safety and performance of the development is limited to the actual portions of the project observed and/or tested by EnGEN Corporation. 6,7 Pre-Gra Jing Conference: Before the start of any grading, a conference should be held with the owner or an authorized representative, the contractor, the Project Architect, the Project Civil Engineer, and the Project Geotechnical Engineer present. The purpose of this meeting should be to clarify questions relating to the intent of the supplemental grading recommendations and to verify that the project specifications comply with the recommendations of this geotechnical engineering report. Any special grading procedures and/or difficulties proposed by the contractor can also be discussed at that time. 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING: Supplemental grading of the property should be performed under engineering observation and testing performed by EnGEN Corporation. Supplemental grading includes, but is not limited to, overexcavation cuts, fill placement, and excavation of temporary and permanent cut and fill slopes. In addition, EnGEN Corporation should observe all foundation excavations. Observations should be made before installation of concrete forms and/or reinforcing steel to verify and/or modify the conclusions and recommendations in this report. Observations of overexcavation cuts, fill placement, finish grading, utility or other trench backfill, hardscape subgrade, pavement subgrade and base course, retaining wall backfill, slab presaturation, or other earthwork completed for the subject development should be performed by EnGEN Corporation if requested by the local building authority, or owner/developer. If the observations and testing to verify site geotechnical conditions are not performed by EnGEN Corporation, IliabP`tyrfor Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 8 the performance of the development is limited to the actual portions of the project observed and/or tested by EnGEN Corporation. If parties other than EnGEN Corporation are engaged to perform soils and materials observations and testing, they must be notified that they will be required to assume complete responsibility for the geotechnical aspects of the project by concurring with the recommendations in this report or providing alternative recommendations. 8,0 CLOSURE: This report has been prepared for use by the parties or project named or It may or may not contain sufficient information for other parties described in this document. or purposes. In the event that changes in the assumed nature, design, or location of the proposed structure and/or project as described in this report, are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report will not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions and recommendations of this report modified or verified in writing. This study was conducted in general accordance with the applicable standards of our profession and the accepted soil and foundation engineering principles and practices at the time this report was prepared. No other warranty, implied or expressed beyond the representations of this report, is made. Although every effort has been made to obtain information regarding the geotechnical and subsurface conditions of the site, limitations exist with respect to the knowledge of unknown regional or localized off-site conditions that may have an impact at the site. The recommendations presented in this report are valid as of the date of the report. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they are due to natural processes or to the works of man on this and/or adjacent properties. If conditions are observed or information becomes available during the design and construction process that are not reflected in this report, EnGEN Corporation should be notified so that supplemental evaluations can be performed and the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report can be modified or verified in EnGEN Corporation Saddleback Associates, Inc. Project Number: T1449-UGS February 1999 Page 12 writing. Changes in applicable or appropriate standards of care or practice occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge and experience. Accordingly, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes outside of the control of EnGEN Corporation,which occur in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services. Often, because of design and construction details which occur on a project, questions arise concerning the geotechnical conditions on the site. If we can be of further service or you should have questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. Because of our involvement in the project to date, we would be pleased to discuss engineering testing and observation services that may be applicable on the project. Respectfully submitted, EnGEN Corporation 01 Thomas Dewey, CEG 1975 Osbjor ratene, GE 162 Project Engineering Geologist Princi al Geotechnical Engineer Expires 11-30-99 Exp es 09-30-01 TD/OB:ch QOFESS Okp Distribution: (4) Addressee File:EnGEN\Reporting\GS\T1449UGS Saddleback Associates,Lots 8&9,Tract 16178-1rn (`� .- j No. 162 ^ x. �aG1NEER4y0 d S E. QGcc F OF CA No. 1975 `+ is sY EnGEN Corporation r I PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 1 of 3) PERF-1 page 1 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode:648113216 _ _ -------------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 . Address: SADDLEBACK / COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA Building Permit No Designer: ARCHITECTS ORANGE Checked by / Date Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFORM95 v1 . 00 - ---- - -------------------------------------------------------- ------------ STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the State Building Code. This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach. The Principal Designers hereby certify that the proposed building design represented in the construction documents and modelled for this permit application are consistent with all other forms and worksheets, specifi- cations, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements of the State Building Code, Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1 . 1 . I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that I am licensed as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer or architect. 2. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of 1he Business and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business aid C, Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible jor its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing docume tAE€81EWE work that I have contracted to perform. DQ 3 . I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of he Business and Professions Code by Section of the APPROVAL OFT, A PE Code to sign this document as the person responsible f1mmioLATIC preparation; and for the following reason: OF STATE OR LC BY RESPECT SCOPE OF COMPLIANCE (Designers should circle applicable paragraph n BOK ENVELOPE - Required Forms: ENV-1, ENV-2 Location of Mandatory Measures on Plans Principal Designer ARCHITECTS ORANGEate) 1 2 3 714 639 9860 (Signature) (D (Circle) LIGHTING - Required Forms: LTG-1, LTG-2 Location of Mandatory Measures on Plans Principal Designer -10 3 i ature) ( te) (Circle) MECHr,NICA_r, - Required Forms: MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3 , MECH-4 Location of Mandatory Measures on Plans Principal Designer ♦ PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 2 of 3) PERF-1 page 2 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode: 648113216 _ ---- - -------------------------- ------ Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFORM95 v1 . 00 ------------ - - - --------- - --------- ---- -------- ----- ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY (KBtu/sgft-yr) Standard Proposed Compliance Energy Component Design Design Margin ------- - ------Heating------- Space ------- ---- 17. 82 23 . 11 -5.30 Space Cooling 82. 83 65. 97 16. 85 Indoor Fans 42. 38 40. 45 1. 93 Heat Rejection 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 Pumps Domestic Hot Water 3 . 37 3 . 37 0. 00 Lighting 47. 19 53 . 93 -6. 74 Receptacle 25. 52 25. 52 0. 00 Process 0. 00 0. 00 0_00 ---- ---- -------- TOTALS 219. 10 212.36 6. 74 GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: 623 Compliance Method: PERFORM95 v1 . 00 Average Ceiling Height: 10. 0 Location: Hemet Glass Area / Wall Area: 0.26 Climate Zone: 10 Average Glazing U-Value: 1 . 19 Front Orientation: 180 deg (S) Number of Stories: 1 Number of Zones: 1 P Number of Occupancies: 1 N ZONE INFORMATION Floor Display Inst Tailored Process Tailored B Area Perim. LPD Lighting Loads Vent. Zone Name (sqft) (ft) (w/sf) (watts) (w/sf) (y/n) TE , - - --------------------- ------- --- --- ------ -------- ----- -- OFFICE 623 0 1 . 84 0 0 N IESE RMfT J O )CAL, VE APP, FIL CG PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (part 3 of 3) PERRunc depage 648113216 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Project Name: BUILDING 15 --------- - -- -- --------- ---Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFORM95 v1. 00 - ----- - - --- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- -- ---- -- - -I The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 �' (Signature) (Date) EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES JUSTIFICATION: The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. authorized signature or stamp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Envelope ENV-1 page 4 of 18 Runcode: 648113216 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 ----- ---- 5111 -- - ------- - - ---------------------- -- ----- e: 5/1/19991999 Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFORM95 v1 . 00 - - -- - - ---------- - - ------- --------------- -- Note to OPAQUE SURFACES Const Field Assembly Name Type Location/Comments ----- ----------------- - - -- -- ---------- 8" Solid CMU Wall None R-0 Roof (R. 0. 2x6. 16) Wood Exposed Slab On Grade None Hollow Metal Door None FENESTRATION Frame OH Glazing Type Orient Panes Type Exterior Shade g ----- --- ---- -- --------5555-- - N Single Clear Metal (N) Right (E) 1 Metal None Y Single Clear Metal (N) Right (E) 1 Metal None Front (S) 1 Metal None N Single Clear Metal (N) Front (S) 1 Metal None Y Single Clear Metal (N) Front (S) 1 Metal None Y Single Clear Metal (N) ,N: )R AN S, v1E Zo ET. LTG-1 page 5 of 18 Lighting Runcode:648113216 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANC -- ----------- Run Initiation Time: 13 _33 :54 -----Date: 5/1/1999 Project: Name: BUILDING 15 IpERFORM95 v1 _00 -- -- ----- Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 ------- to Ballast Ballasts/ No of Note d Fixt. Field ---- --------- ------ - ----- INSTALLED LIGHTING SCHEDULE Watts/ Type Luminaire _---__ Name Lame Type Lamps Lamp ---------- --------- - - I 1 . 0 7 ____ _ ---- 2 40 Standard 2 . 0 4 A4 . 2 Fluorescent 3 40 Standard A4 . 2 Fluorescent Note to MANDATORY AUTOMATIControlField Control Zone Controlled _____ trol Type ____-_-- Control Location ID -------- ------'-- ------ Note to CONTROLS FOR CREDIField Control Zone Controlled ------- Control Type - Control Location ID --------------- e 6 of 18 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Mechanical (part 1 of 2) MEC Runcodeg648113216 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 _ ---- ----- ---- - - -------------- - ------------------------- -- - --Date: 5/1/1999 Project Name: BUILDING 15 PERFORM95 v1 . 00 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 ------- - --- ----- --- - - - -- -- - --- ------ Note to SYSTEM FEATURES Field Zone Name OFFICE Time Control Setback Control Both #of Isolation Zones Yes HP Thermostat Electric Heat 5. 0 KW Fan Control Constant Volume VAV Min Position n/a Simul . Heat/Cool n/a Heat Supply Reset Constant Temp Cool Supply Reset Constant Temp Ventilation OA Damper Control Economizer Type No Economizer Outdoor Air CFM 93 Heat Equip Type Heat Pump Make & Model No. RHEEM CLASSIC X HP Cool Equip Type DX Make and Model 0 Eh. ,HAU CR OF � CC, NNEF PL44 v. Code Tables - ----- - ----------- -------------- Ventilation ---- p Time Control OA Damper S:Prog Switch B:Air Balance A:Auto O:Occ Sensor C:OA Cert. G:Gravity M:Man Timer M:OA Measure D:Demand Cont CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Mechanical (part 2 of 2) MECH-1 page 7 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33:54 Runcode: 648113216 -- - -- - - - - --------- ------ ------------------------ -- ----- -------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFOPM95 v1 . 00 ------------ - ---- - - ----- ----- - - ----------- --- - --------------- -------------- DUCT INSULATION Duct Tape Insul Note to System Name Type Duct Location Allowed R-Val Field --- ---------- ------ - --- ----- -- --- --- --------- ---- -- - -- - - ----- ------- RHEEM CLASSIC X HP Heating Ducts in Attic Y / N 4 .2 Cooling Ducts in Attic Y / N 4 .2 PIPE INSULATION Insul Note to System Name Pipe Type Required Field ---------- - ------------ ---- ------- -------- ------- Domestic Hot Water Y / N NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only ------ -- - - - - - - -- --- -- -------- - ------ - - -- --------- - - - ---------- - - - -- - ------- 1 E N aN � F S ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance (part 1 of 3)ENV-2 page 8 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode:648113216 --------- - - - - ----------------------- - -------------------------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFOPH95 v1 . 00 - ---------- - - - - - - --- - - --- - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- - -------- ------------- GENERAL INFORMATION BY ZONE Flr Floor Display Zone Name Occupancy No Area Volume Perim. ------- -------------- -- ----- ----------------- --- ----- --- --- ------- OFFICE Office 1 623 6230 0 Total 623 I ^C 'DT r FHi ?'S M( ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance (part 2 of 3)ENV-2 page 9 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode:648113216 - - --------- ------------------------------- ----- - --- --- - - --------------- ---- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFORM95 v1 . 00 -- - - - - - ------- ----------- ----------------------- - -- -- ------------- --------- OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar Type Area U-Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments - --- ---- ----- --- - - - - ----- ----------------- - - -- - - -------- ------------ Wall 295 0. 690 0 90 Yes 8" Solid CMU Wall OFFICE Wall 133 0. 690 90 90 Yes 8" Solid CMU Wall OFFICE Wall 127 0. 690 180 90 Yes 8" Solid CMU Wall OFFICE Wall 290 0. 690 270 90 Yes 8" Solid CMU Wall OFFICE Roof 623 0.298 Int 22 No R-0 Roof (R. 0.2x6. 16) OFFICE Slb 623 0. 186 0 180 No Exposed Slab On Grade OFFICE BF AP 4S ,SS Sr ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance (part 3 of 3)ENV-2 page 10 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode:648113216 ---------------- --------------------- --------- -------- ---------------- ----- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFOPM95 vl . 00 ---------------- --------------- ----- ----------- - - - - - -------- - -------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES SC Act Glass # Type Area Frame Div U-Val Azm Tilt Only Location/Comments -- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- --- ---- ----- --------------------- 1 Wdw Right (E) 27. 0 Metal No 1 . 19 90 90 0. 94 OFFICE 2 Wdw Right (E) 50. 0 Metal No 1 . 19 90 90 0. 94 OFFICE 3 Wdw Right (E) 50. 0 Metal No 1 . 19 90 90 0. 94 OFFICE 4 Wdw Right (E) 30. 0 Metal No 1 . 19 90 90 0. 94 OFFICE 5 Wdw Front (S) 10. 0 Metal No 1 . 23 180 90 0. 94 OFFICE 6 Wdw Front (S) 30. 0 Metal No 1 . 19 180 90 0. 94 OFFICE 7 Wdw Front (S) 40. 5 Metal No 1 . 19 180 90 0. 94 OFFICE 8 Wdw Front (S) 40. 5 Metal No 1 . 19 180 90 0. 94 OFFICE 9 Wdw Front (S) 27. 0 Metal No 1 . 19 180 90 0. 94 OFFICE OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS - -Window-- -----Overhang- - ---- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin-- # Type Ht Wd Len Ht LExt RExt Dist Len Ht Dist Len Ht -- ---- - --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- ---- 1 Wdw 9. 0 3 . 0 4 . 0 0. 1 4. 0 4 . 0 2 Wdw 9. 0 5. 5 4. 0 0. 1 4. 0 4. 0 3 Wdw 9. 0 5. 5 4 . 0 0. 1 4. 0 4. 0 5 Wdw 4 . 0 2. 5 4 . 0 0. 1 4. 0 4. 0 7 Wdw 9. 0 4. 5 4. 0 0. 1 4. 0 4. 0 8 Wdw 9. 0 4. 5 4 . 0 0. 1 4. 0 4. 0 9 Wdw 9. 0 3 . 0 4. 0 0. 1 4. 0 4. 0 c r c LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Performance LTG-2 page 11 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode: 648113216 -- - - ---- - - ------------- ------ --------- ------ ----- ---- ---- ------------------ Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFORM95 v1 . 00 - ----- -- - ---- - -- -- -- ---- - ---- ----------------- -- -------- - ------ -------- ---- ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER No of Watts Total Name Description Lumin per Default Watts -- - - - - -- ---------------------------- ---------- ---- - ----- ------- ----- A4 . 2 48" T-12 Rapid Start /2 Lamp 7 86. 0 602 A4 .2 48" T-12 Rapid Start /3 Lamp (Not Tndm) 4 136. 0 544 SubTotal 1146 Less Control Credits (LTG-3) 0 Total Proposed Watts 1146 * If not CEC Default value, please provide supporting documentation. MODELLED LIGHTING POWER BY ZONE Modelled Floor LPD Total Tailored Zone Name Occupancy Area (w/sf) (watts) (watts) ----------------------- ---------- ------------ ----- ------ ------- ------- OFFICE Office 623 1 . 839 1146 0 ----- ------ ------- ------- TOTALS 623 1 . 839 1146 0 * Note: Tailored Allotment requires supporting documentation on form LTG-4. f MECH-2 Page 12 of 18 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ZONING SUMMARY - Performance Runcode: 648113216 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 _ ---- -- ------------ - -----------Date: 5/1/1999 Project Name: BUILDING 15 PERFORM95 v1 . 00 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 ---- ------------ -- --- --------------- ---- - -- SYSTEM/ZONING SUMMARY No Sys Central/Zonal System System Type Y System/Zones Served --- -------------- -- RHEEM CLASSIC X HP Packaged Heat Pump 1 OFFICE OFFICE 1 1 "QST VAL -A C Ki MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY - Performance MECH-3 page 13 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode: 648113216 - - --- ----- - -- - - - ---------------- - - -------------- - - - -- ---------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 PERFOPM95 v1 . 00 -- - - - - - ------ ------------------- -------- ----- ------ ---- - ----- ------- --- ---- CENTRAL SYSTEM SUMMARY Sys No No System Name System Type Sys Economizer Type -- - -------- -------------- --------------- --- -------------- ---- --------- 1 RHEEM CLASSIC X HP Packaged Heat Pu 1 No Economizer CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS Sys ---- --- Heating ------------------ -------------- -- Cooling - ---------- No Type Output Aux KW EFF Type Output Sensible EER SEER -- - ----------- ------- ------ ---- - ------ ------- --- - - --- ----- - ---- 1 Heat Pump 34000 5. 0 7. 60 DX 34200 25000 10. 05 10. 50 CENTRAL FAN SUMMARY ------- -- --- Supply Fan - ---------- -- -- Return Fan --- Sys Mtr Dry Mtr Dry No Fan Type Motor Location CFM BHP Eff Eff CFM BHP Eff Eff -- --------------- --------------- ----- ----- - --- --- ---- - ----- --- --- 1 Constant Volume Draw-Through 1200 0. 33 64 97 None ZONAL FAN SUMMARY -- ------ - Zonal Fan --- -- - -- - --- Exhaust Fan ----- Mtr Dry Mtr Dry Zone Name No CFM BHP Eff Eff No CFM BHP Eff Eff ---- --------- ----- - - - - - -- -- - - - ------ ---- ---- -- - -- -- ------ ---- ---- None BOILER SUMMARY AFUE /Rec Rated Stdby Volume System Name System Type Eff Input Loss EF (gals) - ------ - - -- ------------ ----------- ---- - ---- ----- ----- ------ Undefined DomesticHW 0. 780 40000 0. 040 0. 530 50 Undefined Hydronic 0. 780 40000 0. 040 0. 530 50 t U S 'T MECHANICAL VENTILATION - Performance MECH-4 page 14 of 18 Run Initiation Time: 13 :33 :54 Runcode:648113216 ----------- -- --------- - ------- - - ------------------------------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFOPM95 v1 . 00 ---- - -- -- - - - - -- - ---------- --- ----------- - - ----- ----- - --- - -- - - ----- -- ------- VENTILATION SUMMARY BY ZONE Tran Floor sqft CFM Dsg Min sfer Zone Name T Occupancy Area /Occ /Occ CFM CFM CFM -- - - ------------------- - ------------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- OFFICE Office 623 100 19. 0 118 93 TOTALS 118 93 Tailored OA (T=*) requires supporting documentation on MECH-5, Tailored Ventilation and Process Loads Worksheet PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3 page 15 of 18 -------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFORM95 v1 . 00 --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: 8" Solid CMU Wall -------- -- --------------------- Assembly Type: Wall - �: Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) ' Framing Material : None r i Framing Spacing: " O. C. Framing Percent: 0. 0 Absorptivity: 0. 70 --- - --- - -- --------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Th R-Value Construction Components Fr (in) Cavity Frame ---------- ------------ _ ------------------------------ --------- Outside Air Film 0. 17 0. 17 1 . Conc Block, Normal Weight, Conc Filled 8. 000 0. 60 0. 60 2. 3 . 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0_68 0. 68 ------------------------------------------------------------- Unadjusted R-Values 1 . 45 1 . 45 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 1 . 45) x (1 . 00) + (1 / 1 . 45) x (0. 00) = 0. 690 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0. 690 TOTAL R-VALUE = 1 . 45 Weight: 83. 3 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 16. 67 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3 page 16 of 18 -------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BUILDING 15 Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFORM95 vl . 00 ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: R-0 Roof (R. 0.2x6. 16) ------------------------------- Assembly Type: Roof 2 �. Z Assembly Tilt: 22 deg (Tilted Up) , 4 ^ TJ Framing Material : Wood Framing Spacing: _11 o. c. 6 Framing Percent: 10. 0 Absorptivity: 0. 70 - ------------------------------ Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Th R-Value Fr (in) Cavity Frame ------- ---------------------------------- - Outside Air Film --------' 1 . Roofing, Asphalt Shingles 0. 17 0. 17 2. Membrane, Vapor-Permeable Felt 0. 250 0. 44 0. 44 3 Pl Spa 0. 010 0. 06 0. 06 yw0. 500 0. 62 0. 62 4. Air Space * 5.500 0. 80 5. 45 5. Gypsum or Plaster Board 0. 500 0. 45 0. 45 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ----------------- ------------------------------------------- 0_61 0. 61 --------------- Unadjusted R-Values 3. 15 7. 80 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 3 . 15) x (0. 90) + (1 / 7. 80) x (0. 10) = 0.298 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0.298 TOTAL R-VALUE = 3.35 Weight: 6. 6 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 2. 03 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY V-3 page 17 of 18 ---------- ----- ------ ----------------------------------------- EN Project Name: BUILDING 15 --------- Date: 5/1/1999 Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 699 0436 IPERFORM95 v1 . 00 --------------------------------------------- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: Exposed Slab On Grade - ------------------------------ Assembly Type: Floor Assembly Tilt: 180 deg (Horizontal Floor) 2 Framing Material : None r '!' , I� �'';J� '�, Framing Spacing: 0. C. II _ tll _ III = try = III _ �.� � Framing Percent: 0. 0 Absorptivity: 0. 70 -- - ---------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Construction Components Th R-Value ---------- Fr (in) Cavity Frame Outside Air Film ---- ------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1 . Earth 0. 17 0. 17 2. Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried 24. 000 4. 00 4. 00 3 . 3. 500 0.28 0.28 4 . S. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ------------ -------------------------------------------------0920_92 . ----- Unadjusted R-Values 5. 37 5. 37 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 5. 37) x (1 . 00) + (1 / 5.37) x (0. 00) = 0. 186 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0. 186 TOTAL R-VALUE = 5. 37 Weight: 210. 8 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 42. 17 y - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3 page 18 of 18 -------- Date: 5/1/1999 - Project Name: BUILDING 15 -------------------------- Documentation: T&K ENGINR 909 --- 0436 IPERFORM95 v1 . 00 --------------------------------------------- - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: Hollow Metal Door ------------ - -- ---------------- Assembly Type: Door 1 Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) 3 Framing Material : None Framing Spacing: _" O. C. Z Framing Percent: 0. 0 Absorptivity: 0. 70 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Smooth Plaster, Metal ASSEMBLY U-VALUE Th R-Value Construction Components Fr (in) Cavity Frame 0. 17 0. 17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Outside Air Film 1 . Steel 0. 001 0. 00 0. 00 2. Air Space 1. 750 0. 87 0. 87 0. 001 0. 00 0. 00 3 . Steel 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9• 0. 68 0. 68 Inside Air Film --- ---------- -------------- --------- Unadjusted R-Values 1. 72 1 . 72 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 1 . 72) x (1 . 00) + (1 / 1. 72) x (0. 00) = 0.581 TOTAL U-VALUE = 0. 581 TOTAL R-VALUE = 1 . 72 Weight: 0. 1 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 0. 01