regular r~leet
September 12, 1994
Members present: Larry Markham, Chairman, Bob Gorham,s, Bob Morris, Bill Marker,
Bob Lord.
Staff present: Gary T~ornhill, Planning Director, Craig Ruiz,Asst. Planner.
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 by Larry Markham.
As some members had not arrived, we skipped to item 4. The sign on the Sixth
St Bldg., Especially Yours. After discussion concerning sign size limitations,
the board voted to recommend approval of the parapet sign facing 6th St. and to
deny a 3 X 3 sign facing Front St (size overall greater than allowed) and allowing
the narrow sign attached to the side of the parapet, facing Front St. to remain
in place(existing). Motion Lord, second Harker; unanimous.
Return to agenda order.
1. r~o public discussion.
2. July minutes accepted/Gotham/Morris/unanimous.
3. August minutes accepted/Markham/Morris/unanimous.
5. Craig suggested that Vice-Chairman, Bob Gorham assume Chairman's duties
in Larry's absence.
6. Status
a. Camera Bug-colors chosen; no apparent action.
b. Building and Safety; Larry requested status of Mercantile building
retrofit. Re: deadline~ once requirement is established.
c. Murrieta Creek-deferred.
d. Buffman project-deferred.
e. Sam Hicks Park-feedback through some members and staff that comments were
accepted by architect(plan to follow?)
7. After discussion board voted unanimously to recommend that molded plastic not
be accepted for use in Old Town/Morris/Markham/Lord abs.
8. No staff approvals to report.
9. Board discussion: Larry explained to Gary Thornhill the reason behind board
letter concerning signs, colors, area , etc. Windows and acceptability came
up during and as part of the discussior~ and were added to the list of Specific
Plan items to be reviewed for possible amendment. Gary requested input from
the Board and explained that any changes in the ordinance would require full
review by all entities concerned. Gary also stated that ali designated color
charts would be co~sidered and that color combinations would be seiected and
compiled for easier applicant use.
10. No Old Town walk.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40.
Next meetin§; October 10, 1994.
Respectfully submit~TM