regular meeting
OcTober t0, 1994
Members present: L. Markham, chairman, R. Morris, W. Marker, R.
Staff present: Craig Rui'z, John Meyer.
The meeting was called to order at 9:12 AM by Larry Markham.
Agenda order:
There was no public comment or discussion.
August minutes accepted/Harker/Morr~s/unanimous.
New business:
a. No new projects.
The Master CUP(Buffman Group) was displayed by Craig and generally discussed
by Board. There was no action, as the request at the last meeting was for
information only.
The Board discussed the need to set window standards for Old Town and decided
to hold action for improved attendance at a future meeting. The Board also
decided to look at the windows on the Senior Center to determine how well t~ey
were holding up to the weather.
T~e Municipal Parking Lot Sign At the Front entry of t~e Midnight Roundup.-
John Meyer said specs had not yet been determined and would take some time.
The design would be firmed up during t~e Demonstration Block planning.
Old Business:
a. Camera Bug painting-turned over to code enforcement(due to lack of action
by applicant). Craig submitted copies of letter to each board member.
b. Mercantile Building earthquake retrofit-Craig checked with B&S; Tony Elmo
told him that setting deadlines was at the discretion of the CBO.
c. Murrieta Creek- Larry Markham(committee member) showed design as accepted
by agencies and otherwise interested parties.
d. Sam Hicks Monument Park improYements- still waiting adwce of requested
changes and clarifications.
e. Board recommended to Staff that south side of Mad Madelaines be painted
to match either the south sloe of Texas Li'l's or the balance of MM's
8. Staff Approvals: none.
9. Board discussion:
a. Bob Morris recommended that the City take some action against the home
owner(corner Fifth and Mercedes) who surrounded his lot with a c~ain link
fence. John Meyer stated that it was difficult to enforce coaes on
i~provements not requiring a building per. it. Board suggested that
certificate of appropriateness requirement covered all visible i~prove~ents
in Old Town.
There was general discussion about the need for Board consistency in ali
recon~mendations to Staff concerning Old Town "finish". Lord recommended
that members think over, individually for future review, a plan to pro~ote
consistent policy on nfateriais to be approved(recommended to Staff> Dy the
Board. John Meyer stated that the specific plan was not meant to suppose
that materials should be of Museu~ Grade. Larry Markham agreed to continue
the discussion at the December or January meeting.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 1.:~ AM.
10. Old Town Walk:
a. Looked at Mad Madelaine's paint. -recom~endat ion stands.
b. Fence at Fifth & Mercedes-reco~mendation stands.
c. Windows on Senior Center(painted wood) seemed to be holding up nicely,
but are protected by large overhang-later.
Respecdkf u I ly/submit ted
Lord, secret ary.