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Director's Hearing Summary Report Recommendation: Receive and Files Director's Hearing Summary Report The recommendation for this item was approved on the Consent Calendar. BUSINESS 3. Appointment of Planning Commission Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for Calendar Year 2020 Recommendation: 1. Appoint the Chairperson, effective January 1, 2020, to preside until December 31, 2020 2. Appoint the Vice Chairperson, effective January 1, 2019, to hold this office until December 31, 2020 3. Recognition of outgoing Chairperson Gary Watts Page 1 Planning Commission Action Minutes November 20, 2019 Turley-Trejo appointed as Commission Chairperson (4-0 Youmans Absent): Motion by Guerriero, Second by Watts. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Youmans absent. Guerriero appointed as Vice Chairperson (4-0 Youmans Absent): Motion by Turley-Trejo, Second by Watts. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Youmans absent. 4. General Plan Consistency Review for an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020-24 Capital Improvement Program (LR19-1433), Sara Toma Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the proposed amendment to the Fiscal Years 2020-24 Capital Improvement Program and make a determination that the proposed amendment is in conformance with the adopted City of Temecula General Plan. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0 Youmans Absent): Motion by Turley -Trejo, Second by Guerriero . The vote reflected unanimous approval with Youmans absent.. PUBLIC HEARING 5. Planning Application No. PA19-0408, a Specific Plan Amendment to the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan including an update to the development standards for a rear yard setback reduction from 20 feet to 10 feet for Planning Areas 18C, 20A, and 24; a rear yard setback reduction from 15 feet to 10 feet for Planning Areas 22 and 23A only if the planning areas are developed as age qualified homes; and new language regarding the Municipal Services Community Facilitates District. The Specific Plan Amendment will not increase the number of dwelling units previously approved within the Specific Plan area, Scott Cooper Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 19- 29 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING ADDENDUM NO. 5 TO THE RORIPAUGH RANCH FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH NO. 97121030)" Page 2 Planning Commission Action Minutes November 20, 2019 PC RESOLUTION NO. 19- 30 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO THE RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 11) (PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA19-0408)" Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0 Youmans Absent): Motion by Guerriero, Second by Turley -Trejo. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Youmans absent. COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 6:35 PM, the Planning Commission meeting was formally adjourned to Wednesday, December 4, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. __________________________________________ Gary Watts, Chairperson __________________________________________ Luke Watson, Director of Community Development Page 3 STAFF REPORT PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION December 30, 2019 DATE OF MEETING: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning TO: Commission Luke Watson, Director of Community Development FROM: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PREPARED BY: Planning Application Nos. PA19-1164 and PA19-1165, a PROJECT Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for the construction SUMMARY: of an approximately 54,383 square foot Temecula Valley Lexus automobile dealership that includes rooftop parking, sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive Adopt a Resolution approving the project subject to Conditions of RECOMMENDATION: Approval Exempt CEQA: Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Rudy De La O Name of Applicant: General Plan Service Commercial (SC) Designation: Service Commercial (SC) Zoning Designation: Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant / Service Commercial (SC) North: Vacant Land / Service Commercial (SC) South: Vacant Land / Service Commercial (SC) East: Automotive Service Center / Service Commercial (SC) West: Interstate 15 Existing/Proposed Min/Max Allowable or Required 4.73 Acres 0.92 Acres Minimum Lot Area: .26 .30 Maximum Total Floor Area/Ratio: 1 9% N/A Landscape Area/Coverage: 400 Parking Spaces 203 Parking Spaces Parking Required/Provided: BACKGROUND SUMMARY On August 23, 2019, Rudy De La O submitted Planning Application Nos. PA19-1164 and PA19- 1165, a Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for the construction of an approximately 54,383 square foot Temecula Valley Lexus automobile dealership that includes rooftop parking, sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS Site Plan The project is located in the Service Commercial zoning district on a vacant lot. The project is for the construction of an approximately 54,843 square foot automobile dealership that includes rooftop parking, sales, service, and parts storage. There are two points of access to the project site off of DLR Drive. The project is required to provide 203 parking spaces per Table 17.24.040 of the City of Temecula Development Code and proposes 400 parking spaces which includes spaces for automotive display, employees, and customer parking. The parking spaces for employees and customers are conditioned to be clearly identified through the use of signage or paint to ensure that those parking spaces are dedicated for and used by employees and customers. Architecture The architectural design of the project is consistent with similar buildings within the Temecula Auto Mall and incorporates aluminum composite panels, stone cladding, and dryvit finishes. In addition, the project contains three-roll up service doors on the rear of the building that provide access to the service bays as automobile repairs would take place in the interior of the building. The second floor of the building is designated for parts storage, offices, and employee parking as well as freeway display of product. Landscaping While there are no requirements for landscape coverage for automobile dealerships, the project, when completed the project would provide 9% landscaping. Plant types include queen palm, crape myrtle, fern pine, Indian Hawthorne, star jasmine, and lavender. The project also meets the City of Temecula Landscape Standards for automobile dealerships. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the U-T San Diego on December 19, 2019 and mailed to the property owners within 1,000-foot radius. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review (Section 15332, Class 32, In-Fill Development Projects); (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The project is consistent with the applicable General Plan designation because automobile sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles is a conditionally allowable use within the Service Commercial district. The project also meets all applicable General Plan and Zoning policies and regulations. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The project is located within City limits and is located on a site that is 4.73 acres in size. The proposed project is substantially surrounded by commercial development, vacant land zoned for commercial development, and major roadways. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The project was required to go through the Habitat Assessment and Negotiation Strategy (HANS) process since the project site is located within a Multi Species Habitation Conservation Strategy (MSHCP) criteria cell. After review by the Regional Conservation Authority and State and Federal agencies, a Joint Project Review was issued (JPR 19-11-04-02) that determined the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The proposed project was required to prepare a Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) that was reviewed and conceptually accepted for entitlement by City Staff, as the WQMP meets the requirements of the City of Temecula. A traffic analysis was not required as part of this project and the proposed use is conditionally allowed within the Service Commercial zoning district. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality as the project, as conditioned, is an allowed use per the City of Temecula General Plan. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project site is surrounded by development and is able to be serviced by all required utilities and public services. 3 FINDINGS Conditional Use Permit (Development Code Section 17.04.010.E) The proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. Automotive sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles, as conditioned, is an allowable use within the Service Commercial General Plan. Therefore, the use is consistent with the General Plan for Temecula as well as the requirements for State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures, and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures as the project site is located within an existing area that contains other automobile sales uses and is bordered by Interstate 15. The site for a proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in the Development Code and required by the Planning Commission or City Council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The project will allow for automotive sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles to be constructed at this location. The site will remain adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in the Development Code as required by the Planning Commission or City Council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community. The proposed project is an automotive dealership that is not expected to result in any significant effects compared to the previous development. As conditioned, the project will meet all requirements of the Development Code, General Plan, and Fire and Building Codes which provided safeguards for the health, safety and general welfare of the community. That the decision to conditionally approve or deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal. The decision to conditionally approve the application for a Conditional Use Permit has been based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission. 4 Development Plan (Development Code Section 17.05.010.F) The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The General Plan designation for the project site is Service Commercial, which allows for automobile sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles, as conditioned. Therefore, the proposed project is in conformance with the General Plan. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local Ordinances, including the Citywide Design Guidelines, and Fire and Building codes. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare; The overall design of the project, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working and living in an around the site as the project is consistent with the General Plan, City Wide Design Guidelines, and Development Code. The project has been reviewed for, and as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. Plan Reductions 3. PC Resolution - Conditional Use Permit 4. Exhibit A - Draft Conditions of Approval 5. PC Resolution Development Plan 6. Exhibit A Draft Conditions of Approval 7. Notice of Public Hearing 5 921-730-064 PA19-1164 CITY OF TEMECULA 15 " !$ # Project Site 1 inch = 400 feet1:4,800 0200400800Feet \\ Date Created: 9/3/2019 The map PA19-1164.mxd is maintained by City of Temecula GIS. Data and information represented on this map are subject to update and modification. The City of Temecula assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. This map is not for reprint or resale. Visit the City of Temecula GIS online at https://temeculaca.gov/gis PC RESOLUTION NO. 19- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA19-1165, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 54,383 SQUARE FOOT TEMECULA VALLEY LEXUS AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP THAT INCLUDES ROOFTOP PARKING, SALES, SERVICE, AND PARTS STORAGE LOCATED AT 42081 DLR DRIVE, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On August 23, 2019, Rudy De La O filed Planning Application No. PA19-1164 a Development Plan, and Planning Application No. PA19-1165, a Conditional Use Permit in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on December 30, 2019, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA19-1165, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 17.04.010.E (Conditional Use Permit): A. The proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. Automotive sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles, as conditioned, is an allowable use within the Service Commercial General Plan. Therefore, the use is consistent with the General Plan for Temecula as well as the requirements for State law and other Ordinances of the City. B. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures, and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures as the project site is located within an existing area that contains other automobile sales uses and is bordered by Interstate 15. C. The site for a proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in the Development Code and required by the Planning Commission or City Council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The project will allow for automotive sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles to be constructed at this location. The site will remain adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in the Development Code as required by the Planning Commission or City Council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. D. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community. The proposed project is an automotive dealership that is not expected to result in any significant effects compared to the previous development. As conditioned, the project will meet all requirements of the Development Code, General Plan, and Fire and Building Codes which provided safeguards for the health, safety and general welfare of the community. E. That the decision to conditionally approve or deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal. The decision to conditionally approve the application for a Conditional Use Permit has been based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review (Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects); (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The project is consistent with the applicable General Plan designation because automobile sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles is a conditionally allowable use within the Service Commercial district. The project also meets all applicable General Plan and Zoning policies and regulations. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The project is located within City limits and is located on a site that is 4.73 acres in size. The proposed project is substantially surrounded by commercial development, vacant land zoned for commercial development, and major roadways. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The project was required to go through the Habitat Assessment and Negotiation Strategy (HANS) process since the project site is located within a Multi Species Habitation Conservation Strategy (MSHCP) criteria cell. After review by the Regional Conservation Authority and State and Federal agencies a Joint Project Review was issued (JPR 19-11-04-02) that determined the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The proposed project was required to prepare a Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) that was reviewed and conceptually accepted for entitlement by City Staff as the WQMP meets the requirements of the City of Temecula. A traffic analysis was not required as part of this project and the proposed use is conditionally allowed within the Service Commercial zoning district. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality as the project, as conditioned, is an allowed use per the City of Temecula General Plan. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project site is surrounded by development and is able to be serviced by all required utilities and public services. Section 4. Conditions. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA19-1165, a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of an approximately 54,383 square foot Temecula Valley Lexus automobile dealership that includes rooftop parking, sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive, and makes a finding of exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 30th day of December, 2019. Gary Watts, Chairperson ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary \[SEAL\] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 19- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of December, 2019, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PA19-1165 Planning Application No.: A Conditional Use Permit for Temecula Valley Lexus for an approximately Project Description: 54,383 square foot automobile dealership that includes sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive 921-730-064 Assessor's Parcel No.: Commercial MSHCP Category: Retail Commercial DIF Category: Retail Commercial TUMF Category: N/A (non-residential development) Quimby Category: N/A (project not located in Uptown Temecula Specific Plan area) New Street In-lieu of Fee: December 30, 2019 Approval Date: December 30, 2021 Expiration Date: PLANNING DIVISION General Requirements 1. Indemnification of the City. The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify, protect, hold harmless, and defend the City and its attorneys from any and all claims, actions, awards, judgments, or proceedings against the City to attack, set aside, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from any action in furtherance of and the approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application. The City shall be deemed for purposes of this condition, to include any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, and agents. City shall promptly notify both the applicant and landowner of any claim, action, or proceeding to which this condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. The City reserves the right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense. 2. Expiration. This approval shall be used within two years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. 3. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to three one year extensions of time, one year at a time. 4. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. 5. Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 6. Statement of Operations. The applicant shall comply with their Statement of Operations dated August 22, 2019, on file with the Planning Division, unless a conflict exists between the Statement of Operations and these Conditions of Approval, in which case the Conditions of Approval control. 7. Revocation of CUP. This Conditional Use Permit may be revoked pursuant to Section 8. City Review and Modification of CUP. The City, its Director of Community Development, Planning Commission, and City Council retain and reserve the right and jurisdiction to review and modify this Conditional Use Permit (including the Conditions of Approval) based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of business, a change in scope, emphasis, size of nature of the business, and the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration or change of use. The reservation of right to review any Conditional Use Permit granted or approved or conditionally approved hereunder by the City, its Director of Community Development, Planning Commission and City Council is in addition to, and not in-lieu of, the right of the City, its Director of Community Development, Planning Commission, and City Council to review, revoke or modify any Conditional Use Permit approved or conditionally approved hereunder for any violations of the conditions imposed on such Conditional Use Permit or for the maintenance of any nuisance condition or other code violation thereon. PC RESOLUTION NO. 19- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA19-1164, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 54,383 SQUARE FOOT TEMECULA VALLEY LEXUS AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP THAT INCLUDES ROOFTOP PARKING, SALES, SERVICE, AND PARTS STORAGE LOCATED AT 42081 DLR DRIVE, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On August 23, 2019, Rudy De La O filed Planning Application No. PA19-1164 a Development Plan, and Planning Application No. PA19-1165, a Conditional Use Permit (Collectively in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on December 30, 2019, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA19-1164, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 17.05.010.F (Development Plan): A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The General Plan designation for the project site is Service Commercial, which allows for automobile sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles, as conditioned. Therefore, the proposed project is in conformance with the General Plan. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local Ordinances, including the Citywide Design Guidelines, and Fire and Building codes. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare; The overall design of the project, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working and living in an around the site as the project is consistent with the General Plan, City Wide Design Guidelines, and Development Code. The project has been reviewed for, and as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review (Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects); (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The project is consistent with the applicable General Plan designation because automobile sales with outdoor display and/or storage of vehicles is a conditionally allowable use within the Service Commercial district. The project also meets all applicable General Plan and Zoning policies and regulations. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The project is located within City limits and is located on a site that is 4.73 acres in size. The proposed project is substantially surrounded by commercial development, vacant land zoned for commercial development, and major roadways. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. The project was required to go through the Habitat Assessment and Negotiation Strategy (HANS) process since the project site is located within a Multi Species Habitation Conservation Strategy (MSHCP) criteria cell. After review by the Regional Conservation Authority and State and Federal agencies a Joint Project Review was issued (JPR 19-11-04-02) that determined the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The proposed project was required to prepare a Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) that was reviewed and conceptually accepted for entitlement by City Staff as the WQMP meets the requirements of the City of Temecula. A traffic analysis was not required as part of this project and the proposed use is conditionally allowed within the Service Commercial zoning district. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality as the project, as conditioned, is an allowed use per the City of Temecula General Plan. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project site is surrounded by development and is able to be serviced by all required utilities and public services. Section 4. Conditions. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA19-1164, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 54,383 square foot Temecula Valley Lexus automobile dealership that includes rooftop parking, sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive, and makes a finding of exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 30th day of December, 2019. Gary Watts, Chairperson ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary \[SEAL\] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 19- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of December, 2019, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA19-1164 A Development Plan for Temecula Valley Lexus for an approximately 54,383 Project Description: square foot automobile dealership that includes sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive 921-730-064 Assessor's Parcel No.: Commercial MSHCP Category: Retail Commercial DIF Category: Retail Commercial TUMF Category: N/A (non-residential development) Quimby Category: N/A (project not located in Uptown Temecula Specific Plan area) New Street In-lieu of Fee: December 30, 2019 Approval Date: December 30, 2022 Expiration Date: PLANNING DIVISION Within 48 Hours of the Approval 1. Filing Notice of Exemption. The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Division a cashiers check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption as provided under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said 48-hour period the applicant/ developer has not delivered to the Planning Division the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition (Fish and Wildlife Code Section 711.4(c)). General Requirements 2. Indemnification of the City. The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify, protect, hold harmless, and defend the City and its attorneys from any and all claims, actions, awards, judgments, or proceedings against the City to attack, set aside, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from any action in furtherance of and the approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application. The City shall be deemed for purposes of this condition, to include any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, and agents. City shall promptly notify both the applicant and landowner of any claim, action, or proceeding to which this condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. The City reserves the right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense. 3. Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the three year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. 4. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to five extensions of time, one year at a time. 5. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. 6. Signage Permits. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 7. Landscape Maintenance. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Community Development shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 8. Graffiti. All graffiti shall be removed within 24 hours on telecommunication towers, equipment, walls, or other structures. 9. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. c. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. d. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. 10. Paint Inspection. The applicant shall paint a three-foot-by-three-foot section of the building for Planning Division inspection, prior to commencing painting of the building. 11. Materials and Colors. The Conditions of Approval specified in this resolution, to the extent specific items, materials, equipment, techniques, finishes or similar matters are specified, shall be deemed satisfied by City staff's prior approval of the use or utilization of an item, material, equipment, finish or technique that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the Conditions of Approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. Material Color Stone Panel Cladding Black Pearl ACM Paneling Mica MNC Clear ACM Paneling Mica MZG Grey EIFS Walls Cold Morning Storefront Clear 12. Modifications or Revisions. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 13. Trash Enclosures. The trash enclosures shall be large enough to accommodate a recycling bin, as well as regular solid waste containers. 14. Trash Enclosures. Trash enclosures shall be provided to house all trash receptacles utilized on the site. These shall be clearly labeled on the site plan. 15. Covered Trash Enclosures. All trash enclosures on site shall include a solid cover and the construction plans shall include all details of the trash enclosures, including the solid cover. 16. Construction and Demolition Debris waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris and shall provide the Planning Divisio and construction debris. 17. Public Art Ordinance. The applicant shall com Ordinance as defined in Section 5.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 18. Property Maintenance. All parkways, including within the right-of-way, entryway median, landscaping, walls, fencing, recreational facilities, and on-site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit 19. Placement of Transformer. Provide the Planning Division with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check valves prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 20. Placement of Double Detector Check Valves. Double detector check valves shall be installed at locations that minimize their visibility from the public right-of-way, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. 21. Cultural Resources (Rincon). To address the possibility that cultural resources may be encountered during grading or construction, a qualified professional archaeologist and Luiseno Tribal Monitor shall monitor all construction activities that could potentially impact cultural resources (i.e. grading, excavation, and/or trenching). We recommend Luiseño Tribal Monitoring extends beyond previously disturbed depths, and not only upon cultural resources discoveries and determination of potential significance. 22. Tribal Monitors (Rincon). Prior to issuance of any grading permit, the project archaeologist shall file a pre-grading report with the City to document the proposed methodology for grading activity observation which will be determined in consultation with the Tribe(s) that intend to assign Tribal monitors. The archaeologist and Tribal monitor(s) will have the authority to temporarily halt and redirect grading activities in order to evaluate the significance of any cultural resources discovered on the project site. 23. Discovery of Cultural Resources (Pechanga). The following shall be included in the Notes Section o construction (inadvertent discoveries), all work in the area of the find shall cease, and the qualified archaeologist and the Pechanga monitor shall investigate the find, and make 24. Cultural Resources Treatment and Monitoring Agreement (Rincon). Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the project applicant shall contact a Luiseno Tribe with notification of the proposed grading and shall enter into a Tribal Cultural Resources Treatment and Monitoring Agreement with each Tribe that determines its tribal cultural resources may be present on the site. The agreements shall include, but not be limited to, outlining provisions and requirements for addressing the handling of tribal cultural resources; project grading and development scheduling; terms of compensation for the Tribal monitors; treatment and final disposition of any tribal cultural resources, including but not limited to sacred sites, burial goods and human remains, discovered on the site; and establishing on-site monitoring provisions and/or requirements for professional Tribal monitors during all ground-disturbing activities. The terms of the agreements shall not conflict with any of these mitigation measures. A copy of the signed agreements shall be provided to the Planning Director and Building Official prior to the issuance of the first grading permit. 25. Discovery of Cultural Resources (Rincon). If during grading or construction activities, cultural resources are discovered on the project site, work shall be halted immediately within 50 feet of the discovery and the resources shall be evaluated by the archaeologist and the Tribal monitor(s). Any cultural resources that are discovered shall be evaluated and a final report prepared by the archaeologist. The report shall include: a list of the resources discovered; documentation of each site/locality; interpretation of the resources identified; a determination of whether the resources are historical resources, unique or non-unique archeological resources and/or tribal cultural resources; and the method of preservation and/or recovery for the identified resources. The archaeologist shall take into account the significance of a resource to the appropriate Tribe in making the determination that a resource is or is not a tribal cultural resource. If the archaeologist determines the cultural resources to be either historic resources or unique archaeological resources, but not tribal cultural resources, avoidance and/or mitigation will be required pursuant to and consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(c) and Public Resources Code Section 21083.2. If the qualified archeologist determines the cultural resources to be tribal cultural resources, mitigation shall be consistent with the Tribal Cultural Resources Treatment and Monitoring Agreement required by mitigation measure CUL 3 and Public Resources Code Section 21084.3. For all other cultural resources discovered on the project site, the project archaeologist shall assess the significance of such resources based on the provisions of CEQA with respect to archaeological resources and all significant cultural resources shall be curated according to the current professional repository standards. The collections and associated records shall be transferred, including title, to a curation facility, that meets the standards set forth in 36 CFR Part 79 for federal repositories. If the project applicant, project archaeologist, and Tribe cannot agree on the significance of, avoidance of, or mitigation for such resources, then the project applicant and the Tribe shall agree on an independent qualified archeologist who shall make the determination based on the information submitted by the Tribe, the religious beliefs, customs, and practices of the Tribe, and the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act regarding tribal cultural resources. The decision of the independent qualified archeologist may be challenged by the City, project applicant or the Tribe through any appropriate legal means including, but not limited to, a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction. 26. Relinquishment of Cultural Resources (Rincon). Construction personnel involved in excavation and grading activities shall be informed of the possibility of discovering fossils at any location and the protocol to be followed if fossils are found. A professional meeting the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards shall provide the preconstruction training. The City shall ensure the grading plan notes include specific reference to the potential discovery of fossils. If potentially unique paleontological resources (fossils) are inadvertently discovered during project construction, work shall be halted immediately within 50 feet of the discovery, the City shall be notified, and a professional paleontologist shall be retained to determine the significance of the discovery. The paleontologist shall establish procedures for paleontological resource surveillance throughout project construction and shall establish, in cooperation with the project applicant, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of fossils. Excavated finds shall be offered to an appropriate location as determined acceptable by the City and the consulting Tribe(s). 27. MSHCP Pre-Construction Survey. A 30-day preconstruction survey, in accordance with MSHCP guidelines and survey protocol, shall be conducted prior to ground disturbance. The results of the 30-day preconstruction survey shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to scheduling the pre-grading meeting with Public Works. If construction is delayed or suspended for more than 30 days after the survey, the area shall be resurveyed. This shall satisfy the potential impacts to migratory songbirds and raptors as described on Page 44 of the General Biological Assessment and MSHCP Consistency Analysis prepared by FINIUM Environmental on file with the Planning Department 28. Burrowing Owl Grading Note. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the -grading meeting with Public Works. All project sites containing suitable habitat for burrowing owls, whether owls were found or not, require a 30-day preconstruction survey that shall be conducted within 30 days prior to ground disturbance to avoid direct take of burrowing owls. If the results of the survey indicate that no burrowing owls are present on-site, then the project may move forward with grading, upon Planning Division approval. If burrowing owls are found to be present or nesting on-site during the preconstruction survey, then the following recommendations must be adhered to: Exclusion and relocation activities may not occur during the breeding season, which is defined as March 1 through August 31, with the following exception: From March 1 through March 15 and from August 1 through August 31 exclusion and relocation activities may take place if it is proven to the City and appropriate regulatory agencies (if any) that egg laying or chick rearing is not taking place. This determination must more than 30 days after the survey, the area shall be resurveyed. 29. Rough Grading Plans. A copy of the Rough Grading Plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Division. 30. Human Remains (Rincon). If human remains are encountered, California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the county coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b), remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within twenty-four (24) hours. Subsequently, the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the most likely descendant and notify them of discovery. The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and engage in consultations concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. 31. Human Remains (Pechanga). If human remains are encountered, California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further, pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission must be contacted within 24 hours. The Native American receiving notification of the discovery. The most likely descendant(s) shall then make recommendations within 48 hours, and engage in consultations concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in Public Resources Code 5097.98 and the Treatment Agreement described in these conditions. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 32. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The Western Riverside County of Governments administers and collects the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The City of Temecula adopted an ordinance on March 31, 2003 for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). This project is subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance (paid to WRCOG). The fees are subject to the provisions of Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Additional information on payment, fees, and points of contact can be found at http://www.wrcog.cog.ca.us/174/TUMF 33. Development Impact Fee (DIF). The developer shall comply with the provisions of Title 15, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all its resolutions by paying the appropriate City fee. 34. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans. Four (4) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. These plans shall be submitted as a separate submittal, not as part of the building plans or other plan set. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, height and spread, water usage or KC value, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance and Water Storage Contingency Plan per the Rancho California Water District. The plans shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal) and one copy of the approved Grading Plan. 35. Landscaping Site Inspections. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one-The applicant/owner shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 36. Agronomic Soils Report. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note on the ort at the first 37. Water Usage Calculations. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance), the total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). Applicant shall use evapotranspiration (ETo) factor of 0.70 for calculating the maximum allowable water budget. 38. Landscape Maintenance Program. A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval. The landscape maintenance program shall detail the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. 39. Specifications of Landscape Maintenance Program. Specifications of the landscape ee landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one- shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 40. Irrigation. The landscaping plans shall include automatic irrigation for all landscaped areas and complete screening of all ground mounted equipment from view of the public from streets and adjacent property for private common areas; front yards and slopes within individual lots; shrub planting to completely screen perimeter walls adjacent to a public right-of-way equal to 66 feet or larger; and, all landscaping excluding City maintained areas and front yard landscaping which shall include, but may not be limited to, private slopes and common areas. 41. Precise Grading Plans. Precise Grading Plans shall be consistent with the approved conceptual grading plans including all structural setback measurements. 42. Landscaping Requirement for Phased Development. If any phase or area of the project site is not scheduled for development within six months of the completion of grading, the landscaping plans shall indicate it will be temporarily landscaped and irrigated for dust and soil erosion control. 43. WQMP Landscape Compliance. The construction landscape plans shall be consistent with Appendix A, Table 31 of the Low Impact Development (LID) Manual for Southern California for plant materials and treatment facilities, and shall reference the approved precise grading plan for WQMP features. 44. Utility Screening. All utilities shall be screened from public view. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a three-foot clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is not to look like an after-thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all light poles on plans and ensure that there are no conflicts with trees. 45. Employee Parking. A parking plan showing the location of designated on site employee and customer parking spaces shall be submitted for review to the planning department. These parking spaces shall be designated by painting and labeling of the curb or on the asphalt. Details of the spaces and/or signage shall be included on the construction drawings and will be inspected prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to Release of Power, Building Occupancy or Any Use Allowed by This Permit 46. Screening of Loading Areas. The applicant shall be required to screen all loading areas and roof mounted mechanical equipment from view of the all residences and public right-of-ways. If upon final inspection it is determined that any mechanical equipment, roof equipment or backs of building parapet walls are visible from any portion of the public right-of-way adjacent to the project site, the developer shall provide screening by constructing a sloping tile covered mansard roof element or other screening reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. 47. Landscape Installation Consistent with Construction Plans. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Community Development. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 48. Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Community Development, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan, shall be filed with the Planning Division for a period of one year from final Certificate of Occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Director of Community Development, the bond shall be released upon request by the applicant. 49. Installation of Site Improvements. All site improvements, including but not limited to, parking areas and striping shall be installed. 50. Compliance with Conditions of Approval. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. Outside Agencies 51. Compliance with Regional Conservation Authority. The applicant shall comply with the conditions set forth in the Regional Conservation Authority's Joint Project Review letter (JPR#19-11-04-02) dated December 12, 2019, a copy of which is attached. 52. Compliance with Dept. of Environmental Health. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Healths transmittal dated December 6, 2019, a copy of which is attached. 53. Compliance with EMWD. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in 9, a copy of which is attached. 54. Compliance with Geotechnical. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Leighton Consulting transmittal dated November 18, 2019, a copy of which is attached. 55. Compliance with Flood Control. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation transmittal dated September 10, 2019, a copy of which is attached. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT General Requirements 56. Conditions of Approval. The developer shall comply with all Conditions of Approval, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all City codes/standards at no cost to any governmental agency. 57. Entitlement Approval. The developer shall comply with the approved site plan, the conceptual Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and other relevant documents approved during entitlement. Any significant omission to the representation of site conditions may require the plans to be resubmitted for further review and revision. 58. Precise Grading Permit. A precise grading permit for on site improvements (outside of public right-of-way) shall be obtained from Public Works. 59. Haul Route Permit. A haul route permit may be required when soils are moved on public roadways to or from a grading site. The developer/contractor is to verify if the permit is and Construction Manual and as directed by Public Works. 60. Encroachment Permits. Prior to commencement of any applicable construction, encroachment permit(s) are required and shall be obtained: a. from Public Works for public offsite improvements; and b. from the California Department of Transportation if encroaching within their right-of-way. 61. Street Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit public street improvement plans for review and approval by Public Works. The plans shall be in compliance with Caltrans and City codes/standards. Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 62. Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS). The developer shall comply with all constraints per the recorded ECS with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 63. Required Clearances. As deemed necessary by Public Works, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. Caltrans; b. Eastern Municipal Water District; or other affected agencies 64. Grading/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. The developer shall submit a grading/erosion & sediment control plan(s) to be reviewed and approved by Public Works. All plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site. The approved plan shall include all construction-phase pollution-prevention controls to adequately address non- Manual at: www.TemeculaCA.gov/ECM 65. Erosion & Sediment Control Securities. The developer shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 18.24.140 of the Temecula Municipal Code by posting security and entering into an agreement to guarantee the erosion & sediment control improvements. 66. NPDES General Permit Compliance. The developer shall obtain project coverage under the State National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction Activities and shall provide the following: a. A copy of the Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB); b. mination number; and c. The name, contact information and certification number of the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) storm water ordinance, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be generated and submitted to the Board. Throughout the project duration, the SWPPP shall be routinely updated and readily available (onsite) to the State and City. Review www.cabmphandbooks.com for SWPPP guidelines. Refer to the following link: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/construction.shtml 67. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and O&M Agreement. The developer shall submit a final WQMP (prepared by a registered professional engineer) with the initial grading plan submittal, based on the conceptual WQMP from the entitlement process. It must receive acceptance by Public Works. A copy of the final project-specific WQMP must be kept onsite at all times. In addition, a completed WQMP Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement shall be submitted for review and approval. Upon approval from City staff, the applicant shall record the O&M agreement at the County Recorder's Office in Temecula. Refer to the WQMP template and agreement link below: www.TemeculaCA.gov/WQMP 68. Letter of Permission/Easement. The developer shall obtain documents (letters of permission is as directed by, and shall be submitted to, Public Works for acceptance. The document information shall be noted on the approved grading plan. 69. Onsite Drainage. Any onsite storm drain to be maintained by the City shall be dedicated. 70. Drainage. All applicable drainage shall be depicted on the grading plan and properly accommodated with onsite drainage improvements and water quality facilities, which shall be privately maintained. Alterations to existing drainage patterns or concentration and/or diverting flows is not allowed unless the developer constructs adequate drainage improvements and obtains the necessary permissions from the downstream property owners. All drainage leaving the site shall be conveyed into a public storm drain system, if possible. The creation of new cross lot drainage is not permitted. 71. Drainage Study. A drainage study shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan check in accordance with City, Riverside County and engineering standards. The study shall identify storm water runoff quantities (to mitigate the 10 and 100-year storm event for 24 hour storm duration peak flow) from the development of this site and upstream of the site. It shall identify all existing or proposed offsite or onsite, public or private, drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. Runoff shall be conveyed to an adequate outfall capable of receiving the storm water runoff without damage to public or private property. The study shall include a capacity analysis verifying the adequacy of all facilities. Any upgrading or upsizing of drainage facilities necessary to convey the storm water runoff shall be provided as part of development of this project. 72. Soils Report. A soils report, prepared by a registered soil or civil engineer, shall be submitted conditions and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and preliminary pavement sections. 73. Geological Report requirements, recommendations and/or proposed Conditions of Approval as identified during entitlement. 74. Driveways. All units shall be provided with zero clearance garage doors and garage door 75. Sight Distance. The developer shall limit landscaping in the corner cut-off area of all street intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. 76. American Disability Act. The developer shall ensure that all frontage areas to the proposed development within the public right of way are ADA compliant. Any sidewalk within the public right of way found to be non-compliant shall be the responsibility of the property owner to be removed and replaced with ADA compliant sidewalk per the Streets and Highway Code Section 5610. Prior to Issuance of Encroachment Permit(s) 77. Public Utility Agency Work. The developer shall submit all relevant documentation due to encroaching within City right-of-way; and is responsible for any associated costs and for making arrangements with each applicable public utility agency. 78. Traffic Control Plans. A construction area traffic control plan (TCP) will be required for lane closures and detours or other disruptions to traffic circulation; and shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. The TCP shall be designed by a registered civil or traffic engineer in conformance with the latest edition of the Caltrans Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and City standards. 79. Improvement Plans. All improvement plans (including but not limited to street, storm drain, traffic) shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. 80. Street Trenching Paving Notes. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 81. Certifications. Certifications are required from the registered civil engineer-of-record certifying -of-record certifying compaction of the building pad(s). Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 82. Completion of Improvements. The developer shall complete all work per the approved plans and Conditions of Approval to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This includes all on site work (including water quality facilities), public improvements and the executed WQMP Operation and Maintenance agreement. 83. Utility Agency Clearances. The developer shall receive written clearance from applicable utility agencies (i.e., Rancho California and Eastern Municipal Water Districts, etc.) for the completion of their respective facilities and provide to Public Works. 84. Replacement of Damaged Improvements/Monuments. Any appurtenance damaged or broken during development shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of Public Works. Any survey monuments damaged or destroyed shall be reset per City Standards by a qualified professional pursuant to the California Business and Professional Code Section 8771. 85. Certifications. All necessary certifications and clearances from engineers, utility companies and public agencies shall be submitted as required by Public Works. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION General Requirements 86. Final Building and Safety Conditions. Final Building and Safety conditions will be addressed when building construction plans are submitted to Building and Safety for review. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), and related codes which are enforced at the time of building plan submittal. 87. Compliance with Code. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2019 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2019 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, 2019 California Energy Codes, 2019 California Green Building Standards, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and City of Temecula Municipal Code. 88. ADA Access. Applicant shall provide details of all applicable disabled access provisions and building setbacks on plans to include: a. Disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. b. Van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entrance of the building. c. Accessible path of travel from parking to the furthest point of improvement. d. Path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. e. Accessible path of travel from public right-of-way to all public areas on site, such as trash enclosures, clubhouses, and picnic areas. 89. County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance. Applicant shall submit, at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plan showing compliance with County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance Number 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and aimed not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. 90. Street Addressing. Applicant must obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings by requesting street addressing and submitting a site plan for commercial or multi-family residential projects or a recorded final map for single-family residential projects. 91. Clearance from TVUSD. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley Unified School District shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 92. Obtain Approvals Prior to Construction. Applicant must obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 93. Obtaining Separate Approvals and Permits. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls will require separate approvals and permits. Solid covers are required over new and existing trash enclosures. 94. Sewer and Water Plan Approvals. On-site sewer and water plans will require separate approvals and permits. 95. Hours of Construction. Signage shall be prominently posted at the entrance to the project, indicating the hours of construction, as allowed by the City of Temecula Municipal Ordinance 9.20.060, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. The permitted hours of construction are Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays and nationally recognized Government Holidays. 96. House Electrical Meter. Provide a house electrical meter to provide power for the operation of exterior lighting, irrigation pedestals and fire alarm systems for each building on the site. Developments with single user buildings shall clearly show on the plans how the operation of exterior lighting and fire alarm systems when a house meter is not specifically proposed. 97. Protection of drains and penetration. Protection of joints and penetrations in fire resistance-rated assemblies shall not be concealed from view until inspected for all designed fire protection. Required fire seals/fire barriers in fire assemblies at fire resistant penetrations shall be installed by individuals with classification or certification covering the installation of these systems. Provide certification for the installation of each area and certification of compliance for Building Official's approval. FIRE PREVENTION General Requirements 98. Fire Hydrants. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances access roads and adjacent public streets. For all Commercial projects hydrants shall be spaced at 350 feet apart (175 - foot radius), and shall be located no more than 210 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The fire line may be required to be a looped system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. A second point of connection may be required and will need to be confirmed and approved by Rancho California Water District. The entire site including open areas where vehciles are parked will be required to have hydrant coverage. (CFC Appendix C and Temecula City Ordinance 15.16.020). 99. Fire Dept. Plan Review. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 100. Fire Flow. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial and residential buildings per CFC Appendix B. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 2,500 GPM at 20-PSI residual operating pressure for a 2-hour duration for this commercial projects. The fire flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (CFC Appendix B and Temecula City Ordinance 15.16.020). Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit(s) 101. Access Road Widths. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (CFC Chapter 5 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 102. Two Point Access. This development shall maintain two points of access, via all-weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5). 103. All Weather Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be with a surface to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Access roads shall be 80,000 lbs. GVW with a minimum of AC thickness of .25 feet. In accordance with Section 3310.1, prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have fire apparatus access roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 104. Gradient of Access Roads. The gradient for fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed 15 percent (CFC Chapter 5 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 105. Turning Radius. Dead end roadways and streets in excess of 150 feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus (CFC Chapter 5 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 106. Required Submittals (Fire Underground Water). The developer shall furnish three copies of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation for all private water systems pertaining to the fire service loop. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block, and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. Hydraulic calculations will be required with the underground submittal to ensure fire flow requirements are being met for the on-site hydrants. The plans must be submitted and approved prior to building permit being issued (CFC Chapter 33 and Chapter 5). 107. Required Submittals (Fire Sprinkler Systems). Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval. Three sets of sprinkler plans must be submitted by the installing contractor to the Fire Prevention Bureau. These plans must be submitted prior to the issuance of building permit. The fire sprinkler riser and fire alarm control panel will be in their own dedicated fire riser room. This room does not share with any other equipment. 108. Required Submittals (Fire Alarm Systems). Fire alarm plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval. Three sets of alarm plans must be submitted by the installing contractor to the Fire Prevention Bureau. The fire alarm system is required to have a dedicated circuit from the house panel. These plans must be submitted prior to the issuance of building permit. The fire sprinkler riser and fire alarm control panel will be in their own dedicated fire riser room. This room does not share with any other equipment. Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 109. Gates and Access. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by fire fighting personnel (CFC Chapter 5). 110. High Piled Stock (Proposed). Buildings housing high-piles combustible stock shall comply with the provisions of California Fire Code Chapter 32 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. The storage of high-piled combustible stock may require structural design considerations or modifications to the building. Fire protection and life safety features may include some or all of the following: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire Department access roads (CFC Chapter 32 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 111. Hydrant Verification. Hydrant locations shall be identified by the installation of reflective markers (blue dots) (City Ordinance 15.16.020). 112. Knox Box--Box shall be installed a minimum of six feet in height and be located to the right side of the fire riser sprinkler room (CFC Chapter 5). 113. Addressing. New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Commercial buildings shall have a minimum of 12-inch numbers with suite numbers being a minimum of six inches in size. (CFC Chapter 5 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 114. Site Plan. The applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs (CFC Chapter 5). 115. Additional Submittals (Fire Above/Below Ground Tanks). The developer/applicant shall be responsible for obtaining underground and/or aboveground tank permits for the storage of combustible liquids, flammable liquids or any other hazardous materials from both the County Health Department and Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 57 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 116. Additional Submittals (Hazardous Materials). The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the City Fire Department a Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and Fire Department Technical Report. A full hazardous materials inventory report and color coded floor plan is required for any building storing or using hazardous materials (CFC Chapters 1 and 50 through 67 and City Ordinance 15.16.020). 117. File Format Requirements. A simple plot plan and a simple floor plan, each as an electronic file of the .DWG format, must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau. Contact Fire Prevention for approval of alternative file formats which may be acceptable Notice of Public Hearing A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No: PA19-1164, PA19-1165 Applicant: Rudy De La O Proposal: A Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for the construction of an approximately 54,383 square foot Temecula Valley Lexus automobile dealership that includes rooftop parking, sales, service, and parts storage located at 42081 DLR Drive Environmental: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review and a Notice of Exemption will be adopted in compliance with CEQA (Section 15332, Class 32, In-Fill Development Projects) Case Planner: Scott Cooper, (951) 506-5137 Place of Hearing: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers Date of Hearing: December 30, 2019 Time of Hearing: 10:00 a.m. The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400.