HomeMy WebLinkAbout080404 PC Agenda C;INyJ . fI" ., In compliance with the Americans with Disabiiities Act, if you need speciai assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Cierk (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibiiity to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] . . AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE AUGUST 4,2004 - 6:00 P.M. Next in Order: Resolution No. 2004-039 CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute: Commissioner Oihasso Roll Call: Chiniaeff, Guerriero, Mathewson, Olhasso, and Telesio PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item not on the Agenda, a salmon colored "Request to Speak" form shouid be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, piease come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Commission Secretary Q.d.Qr: to the Commission addressing that item. There is a three (3) minute time iimit for individual speakers. CONSENT CALENDAR. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Ail matters iisted under Consent Caiendar are considered to be routine and ail wiil be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items uniess . Members' of the Planning Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Aqenda RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Agenda of August 4, 2004 R :IPLA N COM MlAg end as \2004 108-04-04. d oc 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: . 2.1 Approve the Minutes of May 19, 2004 2.2 Approve the Minutes of June 2, 2004 3 Director's Hearinq Case Update RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve the Director's Hearing Case Update for June 2004 COMMISSION BUSINESS 4 Planninq Application No. PA04-0440 Public Convenience and Necessity Findinqs. submitted by Greq Strinqer on behalf of Strinqer's. 42210 Zevo Drive. Dan Lone. Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve Findings of Public Convenience or Necessity 5 Planninq Application No. PA04-0442 Public Convenience and Necessity Findinqs, submitted by John Hamilton on behalf of Stellar Cellar. 28636 Old Town Front Street, Dan Lonq. Associate Planner . RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve Findings of Public Convenience or Necessity 6 Planninq Application No. PAOO-0507 an Administrative Development Plan. submitted by Larry Markham, to modify an exterior material and colors for a previously approved three- stOry. 31.600 square foot, 56-unit hotel buildinq on 1.35 acres. located approximately 200 feet east of Jefferson Avenue and 200 feet north of Winchester Road. Matthew Harris, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve Administrative Development Plan PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the Commission Secretary at, or prior to, the public hearing. . R :\P LANCOM MlAgendas\2004 \08-04-04. doc . . . New Items 7 Planninq Application No. PA04-0477 a Development Code Amendment to amend a portion of Chapter 17.08 of the City of Temecula. Municipal Code establishinq additional pertormance standards requlatinq office use in Liqht Industrial Zones, Dale West, Associate Planner 8 Planninq Application No. PA04-0111 a Development Plan, submitted by Gabric and Associates, to construct a 37,970 square foot warehouse and storaqe facility on 2.01 acres, located on the north side of Winchester Road, approximately 1.838 feet west of Dial Road, Dan Lona. Associate Planner 9 Planninq Application No. PA02-0661. a Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan, submitted by Calvary Baptist Church, to construct a 12.610 square foot two-stOry church facility addition consistinq of sanctuary, classrooms. offices, remodeled main entrance. multi-purpose room and pad for future parsonaqe on 5.0 acres, located at 31087 Nicolas Road, Matthew Harris, Associate Planner 10 Planninq Application PA03-0723 a Development Plan. submitted by MCA Architects. to construct two sinqle-story retail buildinqs consistinq of 6.480 and 6.870 square feet respectively on two parcels totalina 1.3 acres, located on the northwest corner of Overland Drive and Maraarita Way. Matthew Harris. Associate Planner. 11 Planninq Application PA04-0384. an amendment to a Planned Development Overlay, submitted by David Moscato, to revise the schedule of permitted uses for PDO-4, Temecula Creek Villaqe, to permit the sale of alcohol in the Villaqe Commerical area, located on the south side of Hiqhway 79 South between Jedediah Smith and Avenida De Missiones. Emery Papp, Senior Planner COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: August 18, 2004 Council Chambers 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 R :IPLA NC OM MlAgendas \2004108-04-04. doc . ITEM #2 . . . . . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA - PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 19, 2004 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:02 P.M., on Wednesday, May 19, 2004, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Businèss Park Drive, Temecula, California. Chairman Telesio thanked Eve Craig for the prelude music. ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Mathewson led the audience in the Flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Chiniaeff, Guerriero, Mathewson, Olhasso, and Chairman Telesio. Absent: None. Chairman Telesio announced that per the Fire Department Code, there is a legal capacity for only one seat per person and that if necessary there is overilow seating in the Main Conference Room. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Carol Marsden, 30955 de Portola Road, expressed concern with an esthetically unpleasing Happy Mover van at. the residence of 31580 Pio Pico; and stated that it is offensive to the neighborhood and would request that Code Enforcement explore the removal of the Happy Mover van. CONSENT CALENDAR Aqenda RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Agenda of May 19, 2004. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: R:IMinutesPCI051904 2.1 Approve the Minutes of April 7, 2004. . Chairman Telesio requested to move Item No.6 before Item No.5 MOTION: Commissioner Guerriero moved to approve the Consent Calendar and to move Item No.6 before Item No.5. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSION BUSINESS Continued from Apri/21, 2004 3 Plannina Application No. PA03-0725, submitted by Davidson Communities, is a product review for 99 detached sinqle-family residences within Planninq Area 2 in the Roripauqh Ranch Specific Plan, located south of Murrieta Hot Sprinqs Road and west of the future ex1ension of Butteriield Staqe Road (Tract 29661-2) Associate Planner Long presented a brief staff report (of record), noting the following: That staff has reviewed the revised plans and determined that while some of the concerns of the Planning Commission have been addressed, the following issues identified by staff and the Commission have not been addressed: 0 Conditions Nos. 12, 15, 19, and 20 have not been implemented; that these conditions deal with arched focal points, variation in the roof plans, and the use of additional materials such as brick for the Spanish or Monterey styles; . 0 Massing on Plan Two (2) has not been addressed; 0 Window spacing and windows with single shutters have not been addressed; 0 Entry doors have not been expanded in width (optional doors are proposed, however, they do not vary in shape or width and glass was not proposed); 0 That the applicant has re-plotted the plans along Brush Creek Drive, however there is no net loss or gain of any single plan; That the elimination of the second-story portion of Plan Two (2) be added to the Conditions of Approval. That staff has prepared conditions of approval to include the remaining Planning Commission's recommendation and that staff is recommending approval as conditioned. At this time, the Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Bill Davidson, 1302 Camino Del Monte, of Davidson Communities relayed that the applicant does not concur with staff in regard to pulling the fence and pilaster back and would request to leave as conditioned, and is of the opinion that the proposed project is in conformance and is requesting approval of the plans as submitted. . R:\MinulesPCI051904 2 . . . Ms. Linda Beaudon, 22380 Alameda Del Monte, expressed concern with the lack of single-story homes along the ridgeline and stated that she was of the opinion that there would be more single-story residences in the proposed project. For clarification purposes, Mr. Long noted that the direction from the Planning Commission to the City Council was to require single-story products throughout the single family residential areas; that the City Council modified the language to state "as determined by the marker' and that staff would be of the opinion thàt the proposed project has sufficient single-story elements and meets the intent of the design guidelines in the Specific Plan (SP). Mr. Long also noted that a single-story element would be a portion of the residence that is not two-stories high. At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Chiniaeff relayed that it would be his opinion that the applicant has complied with many of the requests but 'does not agree with Condition of Àpproval No. 21, (fencing on corner lots shall be pulled back towards the rear on exterior corner lots to open up the exposed elevation to the street as determined acceptable by the Planning Director). . Commissioner Guerriero echoed Commissioner Chiniaeff's comments and is in agreeance with staff's Conditions of Approval except for Condition of Approval No. 21. Commissioner Olhasso also echoed the previous two comments and expressed appreciation with the work that Davidson's Communities has done with the proposed project; and requested that staff notify the Planning Commissioners when the City Council makes substantial changes to their recommendations. . Commissioner Mathewson concurs with the above mentioned comments but noted his concern with the two-story massing on Plan 2 and is of the opinion that the number of Plan twos (2) and threes (3) adjacent to one another has not been addressed and would request that staff explore the issue. MOTION: Commissioner Mathewson move staff's recommendation as presented as well as the deletion of Condition of Approval No. 21 as presented above. Commissioner Chiniaeff expressed concern with the removal of 'the second-story element on Plan Two (2). At this time, the Public Hearing was reopened. Mr. Davidson relayed that it would be his opinion the proposed project is in conformance of the Specific Plan. ' At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Guerriero seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Chiniaeff and Commissioner Olhasso who voted No. R:\MinulesPCI051904 3 PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-022 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO, PA03-0725 A PRODUCT REVIEW FOR 99 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN PLANNING AREA 2 OF THE RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN LOCATED SOUTH OF MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD, KNOWN AS TRACT MAP 29661-2 . 4 Planninq Application No. PA03-0634, submitted by Meeker Companies, is a product review for 113 detached sinqle-family residences within Planninq Area 4B in the Roripauqh Ranch Specific Plan, located south of Murrieta Hot Sprinqs Road and west of the future extension of Butteriield Staqe Road. (Tract 29661-5) Associate Planner Long presented a staff report (of record), noting the following: That staff reviewed the revised plans and it was determined that while the revised plans have addressed some of the concerns of the Planning Commission, a number of outstanding issues have not been addressed; That staff has added some additional recommendations which have been included in the Conditions of Approval; That the recommended enhancements are a result of comments from the Planning Commission hearing; . That a Resolution of Approval has been attached for your consideration; That in reviewing the revised elevations staff has noted the following enhancements: 0 That the front elevation of each architectural style of Plan Two (2) has been revised to break up the wall plane above the garage; 0 That the left elevation of Plan Two has been revised to include one additional window on the second floor and the right elevation has been revised to include two (2) windows on the second floor; 0 That the left elevation of Plan Three (3) has been revised to include one additional window on the first floor and one additional window on the second floor; and that three additional windows have been proposed on the second floor of the right elevation; 0 That the left elevation of Plan Four (4) has been revised to include one additional window on the second floor and one additional window on the second floor of the rear elevation; That the intent of adding additional windows would be to break up the large expanses of wall; That staff is recommending as a Condition of Approval, that the applicant provide only the enhanced elevations; that the standard elevation should not be used due to the language in the Specific Plan (SP), which states "articulation shall be provided on all . R:IMinutesPCIO51904 4 . . . sides of the homes ("four-sided architecture")"; that staff is of the opinion that the standard elevations do not meet the articulation or the four-sided architecture standards; That the following issues identified by staff and the Planning Commission of items of concern, have not been addressed: ' .0 Additional variation of the garage placement and garage door style ,for each plan has not been proposed; . ' 0 The appearance of two front elevàtions has not been proposed and; , 0 The roof design/silhouette does not offer a significant level of variation within each plan. That staff has ,added the Conditions of Approval to ensure these changes are made, which would bring each product into conformance with the intent of the Design Guidelines and that staff is recommending the Planning Commission approve the project with the attached Conditions of Approval. At this time, the Public Hearin9was opened. Mr. M. J. Knitter, representing the applicant relayed the following: That since the last Planning Commission meeting of April 21, 2004, the applicant has taken the comments of the Planning Commission and have enhanced a number of the areas on the sides and rears, revised the second-elevation on the second floor, moved the egress window (which was on the front of the window) and m"oved it to the side; and that smaller design element windows were added to the front; That on all corner conditions, there will be a one"story plan; and that a gable could'be added for enhancement purposes if it is the will of the Commission; That six (6) garage door variatiçms will be provided for the home buyer; That the landscaping and fencing will be taken care of by the landscape architect; That windows to sides were added to Plan Two (2), Plan Three (3), and Plan Four (4); That in regard to the four-sided architecture, the applicant is of the opinion that the front elevations of all plans comply with the intent of the Architectural Guidelines; , That there will be enhanced elevations on the rear of every residence along the ridgeline, every residence that abuts the street, and on all corners; That on Plan One (1) the applicant would request to stay with thè ridge running front to back;' That on Plan Two (2) there will be a hip roof condition which will be on all three of the elevations; R:IMinulesPC1051904 5 That on Plan Three (3) there will be a hip roof on the front; that on the side of the elevation the rear is a gable roof and that if it were the will of the Commission a hip could be added to the back 3b which would match the front of the b; . That on Plan 4, there will be a hip roof on all three elevations; That on the Spanish Revival, the applicant would propose to use a lace finish on stucco versus a 20/30 sand finish noting that a 20/30 sand finish is difficult to use, extremely expensive and that the applicant would like to avoid the call back that the 20/30 sand finish will entail; That the applicant would request to use an "S" tile concrete tile roof on the Spanish Revival versus a barrel tile clay roof; That if it were the will of the Commission, the applicant could add a hip on the profile of the roofs on 3b. Director of Planning Ubnoske clarified that the Design Guidelines for Spanish Revival call out for a Barrel Tile clay roof. Mr. George Zeeber, representing Meeker Companies noted that he needed clarification for the following Conditions of Approval: Item No. 30 relating to paseos: . For Mr. Zeeber, Mr. Hazen relayed that Item No. 30 is based on the terms of the development agreement and the Conditions of Approval of the Specific Plan. Mr. Long further clarified that the master developer has some responsibility to implement the paseos and landscaping in various areas prior to the individual merchant builders being able to pull building permits. Item No. 32, 45, and 47. Ms. Ubnoske clarified that Item No. 32, 45, and 47 would not be for private lots. Mr. M. J. Knitter relayed that he will work with staff to enhance the sides on corner lots to give the appearance of a second front elevation. At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Olhasso expressed disappointment with the proposed project and suggested that the applicant work with staff to improve the outdated appearance of the residences. MOTION: Commissioner Olhasso moved to continue this item to an indefinite period of time. This motion died for a lack of a second. . R:IMinutesPCI051904 6 . . . Commissioner Guerriero also expressed disappointment with the proposed project stating that a lot of time and effort has gone into the implementation of the Design Guidelines and the Specific Plan (SP) and queried why the Design Guidelines and Specific Plan are not being followed. Director of Planning Ubnoske stated that staff is satisfied with the project as conditioned; that if the Planning Commission were to approve the proposed project with the conditions that staff has placed on it, it would then be consistent with the Specific Plan (SP); and that the other option would be to continue this item off calendar to have the applicant continue to work with staff. Commissioner Olhasso apologized to staff, the Commission, and to the developer, but noted that she would not be able to approve the project as proposed. ' . MOTION: Commissioner Mathewson moved to approve staff's recommendation. Commissioner Chiniaeff seconded the motion subject to the proposed conditions stated by staff, that the land developer construct the paseos as it is required in the existing Specific Plan, and that the applicant upgrade for an architectural elevation for all sidè lots on corners where they occur on all plans. Commissioner Mathewson amended his motion to include Commissioner Chiniaeff's requests voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Olhasso and Commissioner Guerriero who voted No. . PC RESOLUTION NO. 2004-023 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO, PA03-0634' A PRODUCT REVIEW FOR 113 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN PLANNING AREA 4B OF THE, RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN LOCATED SOUGHT OF MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD, KNOWN AS TRACT MAP 29661-5 New Items Planninq Application PA03-0027, submitted by Cornwall Associates Architects, is a Conditional Use Permit to construct. establish and operate a 24, 287 square foot church facility located on the north side of Pauba Road and 140 feet west of Corte Villosa (APN: 955-050-017) , This item will be addressed after Item No.6 per the request of the Commission. . ' 5 6 Planninq Application PA03-0534 submitted bY McArdle and Associates Architects is a Development Plan to construct an 18,981 square-foot. three-story office buildinQ on 1.01 acres. Located in the north side of Ridqe Park Drive, south of Rancho California Road. (APN: 940-310-027) Associate Planner Long presented a staff report (~s per agenda material), noting the following: That the proposed project is for 'a three-story office building; and that it is located on the site interior loop portion of Ridge Park Drive that wraps around the site; R:\MinulesPCl051904 7 That there are two existing transformers located on each side of the driveway entrance; that due to slop restraints it would not be feasible to relocate the driveway; and that the applicant has proposed plantings around the transformers to soften their appearance; . That the first floor of the building includes underground parking which provides direct access into the building via elevator and stairs; That there will be vehicular access to the first floor parking structure on the east and west sides of the building which creates two-way circulation throughout the project site; That the project requires 57 parking spaces which are being proposed by the applicant; That the applicant is proposing to exceed the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) standard which is .40; and that the applicant is proposing .45 FAR; That staff is of the opinion that the proposed project includes exceptional materials, design, and landscaping that would qualify the project for an increase in FAR; That the elevations that are included in the Commission packet are for a blue reflective glass and that the applicant has revised it to a green color (at this time a sample was distributed to the Commission); That the proposed project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and that staff would be recommending approval. . For the Commission, Fire Marshal McBride relayed that the proposed project meets the fire code requirements under section 903 of the fire code as well as meeting the practicality of the requirements; that the Fire Department will have access to both sides of the building as well as the front of the building for aerial apparatus; and that the Fire Department is of the opinion that they c°!-lld adequately protect both the occupants and building. MOTION: Commissioner Chiniaeff moved to approve staff recommendation. Commissioner Guerriero seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-026 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO, PA03-0534M A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A 29,622 SQUARE FOOT THREE STORY OFFICE BUILDING ON 1.01 ACRES, LOCATED ON RIDGE PARK DRIVE, SOUTH OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD, KNOWN AS APN: 940-310-027 New Item 5 Planninq Application PA03-0027. submitted by Cornwall Associates Architects, is a Conditional Use Permit to construct. establish and operate a 24, 287 square foot church facility located on the north side of Pauba Road and 140 feet west of Corte Villosa (APN: 955-050-017) . R:IMinutesPCI051904 8 . . . Assistant City Attorney Curly relayed that the applicant posted photo simulations of what is perceived to be the after affect. At this time the Commission took a 15 minute break. Assistant City Attorney clarified what a Public Hearing is stating that the Planning Commission will be making decisions based on the City's laws, State Planning and Zoning Laws, and Federal Laws; and also explained Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). For the Commission; Ms. Ubnoske clarified what correspondence the .Commission should have. Associate Planner Harris presented a staff report (as per agenda material), noting the following: That the applicant is proposing a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Devèlopment Plan to construct, establish, and operate a 24',287 square foot church facility including a sanctuary, multi-purpose room, classrooms, meeting rooms; and that the subject property is located on the north side of Pauba Road and 140 feet west of Corte Villosa; That the proposed project is 4.72 acres in size and that currently the site is vacant; , . That there are existing single-family residences to the east that back up to the proposed property line; That the north and west side of the proposed project is vacant and to the south there are 'existing single-family residential residences, part of the Paloma Del Sol Specific Plan (SP); That the facility has been sited in the center of the property so as to reduce impacts on adjacent properties; that approximately 170-foot wide setback has been achieved between the building and the eastern property lines; that setbacks of 108 feet and 170 feet have been achieved from the north and west property lines; and that these setbacks far exceed the minimum 10-foot wide setback that is required by the Development Code and that staff is of the opinion that the setbacks serve as ample buffers between adjacent residences and the proposed facility; That there will be a 20 foot landscape buffer proposed along the eastern property line; That there will be a 10' to 20' wide landscape buffer on both the north and the west sides of the property; That in addition, the applicant is proposing 18' tall parking lot poles with cut-off fixtures that would force the light downward into the parking lot area and to the landscaped area to the east; R:IMinutesPCI051904 9 That landscaping being proposed will be adjacent to each side of the two driveways that would serve to screen the parking lot from Pauba Road; . That a colonial architectural style is being proposed for the church facility; that a cupola is being proposed out towards the front of the structure that will serve to breakup the roofline; and with the cupola incorporated into the structure it would be 50 feet tall, which complies with the building height requirements in the very low zoning district; That the height and scale of the proposed church facility will be different from the surrounding residences; however, with the large building setbacks and landscaped buffers being proposed, staff is of the opinion that the facility will be compatible with the surrounding single-family residences; That the building will be covered in brick to give the appearance of a colonial architectural element; that it will be a cross cable building style with the gable ends treated with decorative columns and siding, and decorative window treatment to bring out the architectural style; That the proposed church facility will be constructed as a stake center; that the a Stake center accommodates three church wards; and that a ward consists of approximately 100 families or 500 to 600 people; That a sanctuary area, offices, a multipurpose area with a stage, a basketball court area, a variety of Sunday school classrooms, and meeting rooms are being proposed; . That based on calculations provided by the architect, there will be 287 fixed seats proposed within the sanctuary area; and that the Development Code requires 96 on site parking spaces (overilow parking has been factored in); that in terms of parking, the applicant complies with the Development Code; That non-fixed seating will be provided for overilow potential in the multipurpose room when necessary; That staff determined that the project complies with all other applicable Development standards such as building height, lot coverage, and landscaping; That there was an initial study periormed for the project site resulting in three (3) impacts identified that had potential to be significant, Air quality, Cultural Resources, and TransportationfTraffic; however, mitigation measures have been applied to them which have subsequently reduced them from being significant; However, there have been mitigation measures specified in the traffic study, the first of which is a half-width improvement of Pauba Road along the entire width of the project site; the second mitigation measure would be a locked gate across the eastern property line to prohibit vehicles from entering during the evening hours, and that the iast item would be the payment of both TUMPF and signal mitigation fees; . R:IMinutesPCI051904 10 . . . That the applicant provided a new operational statement (see staff report) which further clarifies how many people will be associated with the various activities on the property; and that based on the new operational statement provided, staff has drafted an additional Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Conditions of Approval (see staff report). For Commissioner Olhasso, Mr. Harris relayed that it is his opinion that the surrounding residences have received an operations matrix. For Commissioner Mathewson.. Director of Planning Ubnoske clarified that as a result of the new statement of operations and the changes to the Conditions of Approval, a temporary use permits is not required for any of the uses, and that staff reviewed the detailed revised statement of operations and concurred that the activities and events could be accommodated in the proposed building. For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Ms. Ubnoske relayed that the applicant would not require the use of a temporary use permit for the bi-annual Stake Conference. For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Principal Engineer Moghadam relayed that at ultimate build-out, Pauba Road would be able to carry'31 ,000 vehicles a day; that if there are any delays of traffic due to the proposed project, it will be at the driveways of the proposed project, noting that there will be full movement. from both driveways. Mr. Moghadam also relayed that a Level of Service (LOS) Q would condition a project for signalization; and that the CIP has a design uriderWay for Rancho Vista and Meadows Parkway which will be going to bid .In the near future. Deputy Director Parks clarified that the widening of Pauba Road in front of Linfield School is a condition on its project; and that the Temecula Valley High School expansion project will be conditioned to widen Pauba for their whole frontage. For Commissioner Guerriero, Mr. Moghadam relayed that the Level of Service (LOS) on Pauba Road with the improvements of Temecula Valley High School factored in, would be ð or §. At this time, the Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Kent Cornwall, of Cornwall Associates Architects, provided the following history and thoroughness of the process up until the Public Hearing:' That the church acquired the property in 1997 with the intent of building this type of facility on the property; That Cornwall Arc~itects was contacted by the applicant in early 2002 when it was ready to move forward with the project; and a pre-application was started to inquire what the City's procedures would be as far as building plans, appearance, and statement of operations; " That the applicant received comments from staff requesting not typically required items such as an acoustical study, a lighting study, and a traffic analysis; and at that time, the concerns of staff were ingress and egress of the property, and the comparison of the R:\MinutesPCIO51904 11 zone use (which is very low density residential) and the proposed use being for a church; and that staff requested other standard requests; . That at that time, Cornwall Architects recommended that the applicant meet with the surrounding neighbors (particularly the neighbors adjacent to the east) early on to discuss the proposed project; That Cornwall Architect has been working with these type of facilities (churches) for over 30 years and understand the process, concerns, and sensitivities of the neighborhoods they enter into; That on August 4, a meeting was scheduled with the residences of Corte Villosa who would be most affected by the proposed project; that representatives of the church and construction people were present to discuss the proposed project; that renderings, floor plans, and a video showing examples of the quality of construction and maintenance that will be involved was shown; and that at that time, the church representatives took four (4) pages of notes of concerns expressed by residences; and that as a plans developed, the church attempted to incorporate mitigating measures to the neighbors concerns into the project; That after a result of much discussion with the neighbors, the landscape buffer that was on the east property line was increased; that the landscape fingers that are on the last row of parking was doubled; and that the applicant worked with staff to install the west driveway; That the applicant went through the process with the design review committee and the City, in the fall of 2002; and that during that time period, the applicant developed those standard requirements, preliminary grading plans, landscape plans, material boards, detailed floor plans, elevations, building sections, soil reports, and the requested acoustic and photometric studies, and traffic analysis; . That a Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held in February of 2003; and that at that time, staff recommended a neighborhood meeting (one that would be noticed) so that the applicant could receive public input early on in the process; That the first public meeting announced by the City was held in March of 2003; that the major impacts of concern that came out of that meeting was security, evening and morning noise, lighting, future development of the property to the north of the proposed property (which belongs to the church), screening, height of the steeple, inadequate landscape buffer, home depreciation, traffic concerns, and the concern that the church would use other uses outside the statement of operation; That as a result of the March 2003 meeting, further adjustments were made to the design such as parking lot light poles that were on the east property line were moved at the end of the landscape finger so that it would be 40 feet away from the property line of the adjacent homes; that the steeple was lowered by two-stories (20 feet); that a traffic study was initiated; that the church committed to sell the excess property so that there would be no concern that there would be some expansion of the proposed facility, but that until the church has a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), would the church be able to . R:IMinutesPCI051904 12 . . . commit to sell the remaining property; that a gate was added to, the east driveway; and that a primary building entrance was proposed for the west entry; That the revised ,documents were accomplished and resubmitted to the City in June; That per the request of staff, a second community meeting was held with the neighbors on September 11, 2003 to show the neighbors how their concerns were addressed; that the applicant listened to similar concerns of neighboring homeowners; that traffic was the most common expressed concern; that the applicant's traffic engineer was available to answer questions; and that new concerns arouse such as depreciating homes and the use of the property north of the proposed property; That the applicant provided staff with a Phase 1 Cultural Resource Assessment Initial Study (which concerns archeological issues); That a palentological study was provided; That in January 2004, all documents had been provided and staff was'satisfied; and that the process was set to go through California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), staff, City Attorney, and the CUP hearing; That the following are concerns that have been adjusted and what is currently in the project to mitigate and address existing concerns: . 0 Site suitability; 0 Traffic; 0 Privacy; 0 Noise; 0 Parking lot lights; and 0 Property values. At this time, Mr. Cornwall addressed a letter that was referred to as May 12, 2004, from the homeowners of Temecula, Corte Villosa, noting the following: 1. Retaininq wall: that the applicant will be engineering and installing a retaining wall, and if desired by the homeowners, that the applicant would also be willing to install a six-foot wrought iron fence on top of the wall so that when the condition of the properties being back filled ag'ainst it, it would not have an 8 foot or 6 foot drop-off, down ,from the applicant's wall; and that the' Church has offered to install the retaining wall at its expense. ' 2. Back-fillinq back .yards: that the applicant would be willing to make back-fill material available from its site development at the time of the development; that they would allow access and encourage their graders to be used by the homeowners to install the back- fill. 3. Landscape and irriqation for reclaimed land: that the applicant would be willing to offer the homeowners landscaping and irrigation at a reduced rate. 4. Greenbelt: that the residences concurred that 20 feet between properties would be adequate; that most of the trees requested by the adjacent homeowners are huge and dense; and that the applicant would be willing to work with staff to come up with proper and acceptable landscaping for the proposed property. R:\MinulesPCI051904 13 5. Roofinq material: that the applicant is willing to change the color of the roof. 6. Liqhtinq: that the applicant is willing to work with staff in regards to parking lot lighting. . Mr. Cornwall relayed that the applicant has appreciated the communication between the applicant, staff and neighbors. For Commissioner Olhasso, Mr. Harris noted that the results of the analysis that was periormed by the landscape architect would be in staff's report. For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Mr. Cornwall relayed that the gate on the east boundary would be closed at all times. For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Mr. Cornwall stated that the Church would be willing to be responsible for the wall, the fence and the landscaping; and that the drainage swale, existing wrought iron fence and the slope is not the church's property and would be the responsibility of the homeowners. For Commissioner Mathewson, Mr. Cornwall relayed the following: noted that the proposed retaining wall would ex1end to the 7'" property line; and that if the homeowners were interested in the back fill, they could have it at no cost to them; and the applicant is willing to change the color of the roof, but that they would not be changing the materials; and that the applicant is open to any combination of light fixtures in the parking lot to address the concerns of lighting. For Chairman Telesio, Mr. Cornwall noted that the traffic survey was periormed before the neighboring schools let out; and that if there is a concern in regard to entering the proposed area through the westerly gate during the evening times, the applicant would be willing to close the westerly gate in the evening. . Mr. Rocky Snider, project manager for the LDS Church, relayed the following: That staff delete Condition of Approval No. 13; That on the evenings when activities conclude at 11 :00 p.m., that the lights around the building remain on until the last person leaves 11 :15 or 11 :30; and that the eastern parking lot lights shall be turned off at 10:00 p.m. seven days a week; That because a dance is considered a primary activity, the applicant would request that the Condition of Approval in regard to dances be modified to allow for more than one day per month and would also request that it open to other nights of the week other than Saturday night; That in regard to Stake Conferences, the applicant would request that Condition of Approval No. 20 be deleted that it is covered under Condition of Approval No. 19. That as soon as the applicant receives its Conditional Use Permit (CUP), the real estate department of the church would start the process of selling the property. Mr. Kevin Osborne, 32750 Pine Circle, Stake President, relayed the following: That a commitment has been made to sell the excess property; that as soon as the applicant receives its Conditional Use Permit (CUP), the real estate department of the church would start the process of selling the property; That five (5) percent of the residents of Temecula are members of the LDS church; . R:\MinutesPCI051904 14 . . . That there is usually a 50 to 60 percent attendance of services every Sunday; That the proposed building is designed for the members of the church but that the community is welcome to participate in the use of the building; and that there are many different events that are community oriented; That the applicant are proponents of the Boy Scouts of, America; and that there are seven (7) different troops located within the, Temecula Stake and non-members are welcome to the scouting program; That the proposed facility would also be used for a Blood Drive, where the whole community is welcome to participate; . That the proposed facility would also be useable for the community. The following individuals spoke in favor of the proposed project: Mr. Benjamin Graff Mr. Heber J. Hurd Mr. Brad Start Mr. Stewart Morris Ms. Larry Slussor Ms. Melanie Moore Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula . Temecula The above mentioned individuals spoke in favor of the proposed project for the following reason: That the Church would be advocating honesty, integrity, and will teach citizens how to be responsible members of socieiy; . . That the Church would strengthen families and increase the quality of life for families in the neighborhoods; That the proposed Church would help to build a better community; That the dances at the Church would have 16 to 20 adult chaperone per day supervised in the dance and the parking lots; that there would be 100 to 150 youth per dance ages 14 through 18; that most of the individuals do not drive; that the dances will take place inside three sets of doors which will diminish the sound to the exterior; and that the youth attending dances would not be able to exit the building without parental consent; That LDS Churches are built in residential areas and that it does not engage in money generating endeavors that may classify it as a business; That the youth program teaches young people to become honest well adjusted adults; That the Church of LDS will be a beautiful Church; and that they are always well maintained inside and outside and would be an asset to any community; The following individual spoke in opposition of the proposed project: Ms. Jenny Elliott Mr. Don McLaughlin Mr. Jim Johnson Ms. Beth Ceja Ms. Bobbi Corn Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula R:\MinutesPCI051904 15 Mr. Stephen Longo Ms. Rebecca Longo Mr. Tony Hardy Mr. Kenneth Ray Mr. David Kimbass Mr. John Wilshire Ms. Marjorie Gregory Mr. William Agnew Ms. Kristen Boano Mr. Chris Sorensen Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula Temecula . The above mentioned individuals spoke in opposition of theproposed project for the following reasons: That the proposed LDS Church does not blend in with the surrounding neighborhood; That since the proposal of the LDS Church, five (5) residents have relocated; That the residents would prefer to have single-family units rather than a 24, 287 square foot church; That their currently are 12 public institutions within a mile of the proposed area; That the properties adjacent to the proposed building would be faced with hundreds of people coming and going and looking into the yards; That there will be excess noise created by the cars and people coming from the proposed building; The quality of life will be compromised by the proposed building; That a 24, 287 square foot, 31 foot tall building will create a massing affect; That the residents did not receive the operations matrix or the new draft of the Conditions of Approval (CUP); That the drainage issue is a concern for adjacent residents; That the proposed facility will block the view of many of the surrounding residents; That the residents are concerned that the traffic analysis has not been adequately addressed; That residents were of the opinion that the proposed property was zoned for custom ranch style homes; . Director of Planning Ubnoske clarified that per the Development Code, there are a number of uses that are conditionally permitted in very low density zones such as mobile home parks, daycare centers, museums etc. That the proposed facility deviates from the intent and the character of rural ranch development; That no other areas of Temecula have the density of schools and churches concentrated as much as the proposed area has; That air pollution is a concern; That if the proposed facility is approved that it be dramatically scaled down; For Commissioner Guerriero, Mr. Cornwall relayed that the applicant would be willing to work with staff in adding more landscaping in front of the church; and that the applicant will be responsible for maintaining the retaining wall. R:IMinulesPCIO51904 . 16 . . . At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. At this time, Commissioner Chiiliaeff moved to extend the meeting to 11 :30 p.m. Commissioner Guerriero seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Chiniaeff expressed concern of staff's ability to meet the second criteria of the Conditional Use Permit (compatibility with the surrounding area); and stated that he would be of the opinion that the proposed facility and/or any other type of public facility would not be compatible with the surrounding single-family residences. Commissioner Mathewson stated for the audience that he has been taking notes and takes every comment seriously. Commissioner Mathewson expressed some concern with the traffic that the proposed facility would be bringing but that overall was pleased with the proposed architecture; and noted his appreciation for the applicant's willingness to address many of the concerns of the community. Commissioner Guerriero echoed Commissioner Mathewson's comments advising that he would be in favor of the proposed project. Commissioner Olhasso commended the speaker's willingness to meet and invest their time; stating that she also appreciates the work that the applicant and staff have put into the proposed project. Chairman Telesio echoed the above mentioned comments. For Commissioner Mathewson, Deputy Director Parks relayed that currently the capacity of the ,road is 8200 and that at built out it would be 31 ,000 trips a day. Commissioner Chiniaeff stated that he also appreciates the applicant's willingness to accqmmodate the surrounding community; but that he has concerns with the overall massing affect that the proposed project would bring to the surrounding area. MOTION: Commissioner Mathewson moved to approve staff's recommendation, modifying the Conditions of Approval with respect to the operating hours by deletion of Condition of Approval No. 13, modifying Condition of Approval No. 18 to reflect that the proposed facility may operate 12 primary activities per year until 11 :00 p.m., deletion of Condition of Approval No. 20, and'that the modification of the roof color be worked out between staff and the applicant. Commissioner Guerriero seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Chiniaeff who voted No. COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS No reports at this time, PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report at this time, R:IMinutesPCI051904 17 ADJOURNMENT At 11 :30 p.m., Chairman Telesio formally adjourned this meeting to the next reqular meetina to be held on Wednesday. June 2. 2004 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Debbie Ubnoske Director of Planning John Telesio Chairman R:\MinutesPCI051904 18 . . . . . . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 2, 2004 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:02 P.M., on Wednesday, June 2, 2004, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business'Park Drive, Temecula, California. Chairman Telesio thanked Eve Craig for the prelude music. ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Olhasso led the audience in the Flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Chiniaeff, Mathewson, Olhasso, and Chairman Telesio. Absent: Guerriero. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. , CONSENT CALENDAR Aqenda RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Agenda of June 2, 2004. MOTION: Commissioner Olhasso moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Chiniaeff seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who was absent. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2 Review of the 2005-2009 Capital Improvement Proqram RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Review the proposed Capital Improvement Program for 2005-2009 and provide comments to the City Council on the consistency withihe adopted General Plan R:IMinulesPC1060204 Principal Planner Hogan presented a brief staff report (of record), noting the following: That the item before the Commission would be for the annual review of the proposed Capital Improvement Project (CIP); . That the CIP is the City's long term capital project that would allow the City to budget funds for large products over a period of time; That the decision before the Planning Commission would be to determine whether or not the proposed program is consistent with the General Plan. For Principal Planner Hogan, Commissioner Chiniaeff requested that a more detailed analysis be included in the next CIP report For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Mr. Hogan relayed that in the future he would be happy to provide a more detailed analysis. Commissioner Chiniaeff suggested the following priorities be moved: Priority II Diaz Road Extension to Cherry Street to Priority I.; Priority II Diaz Road widening from Winchester and Rancho California Road to Priority I; and Priority 11\ Rancho California Road East of Meadows Parkway to Priority I. For the Commission, Mr. Hogan noted that Commission would not see the funding on the CIP report because funding is not a General Plan issue. . Principal Planner Hogan relayed that he has been taking notes of the Commission's concerns and will forward the comments to the City Council. For Commissioner Mathewson, Mr. Hogan relayed that it would be his opinion that all the items in the CIP are consistent with the General Plan. 3 Vacation of Interior Streets within the Tract 26941 (Crowne Hill Larqe Lot), Determination of Conformity with the General Plan RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Determine that the Vacation of Wolfe Street and Musilek Place to private streets is in conformity with the adopted General Plan for the City of Temecula. Principal Planner Hogan presented a brief staff report (of record), noting the following: That the Planning Commission consider the proposed vacation of a residential street and make a determination the vacation is consistent with the adopted General Plan. For Commissioner Chiniaeff, Deputy Director Parks relayed that the community will be a card key gated community. MOTION: Commissioner Chiniaeff moved to approve staff's recommendation. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who was absent. . R:\MinutesPCIO60204 2 . . . PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-027 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DETERMINING THAT THE V ACAllON OF WOLFE STREET AND MUSILEK PLACE ARE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE ADOPTED GENERAL PLAN New Items 4 Plannina Application No. PA03"0582, submitted by Dean Davidson representinq LandAm Construction Company, a Development Plan to construct a 26.104 square foot , office/warehouse buildina on 3.64 acres located at the northeast corner of Roick Drive and Via Industria Associatè Planner Fisk presented a staff report (of record), highlighting the following: That the proposed plan is consistent with the General Plan designation of Business Park and zoning designation of light industrial; . That the building meets the minimum setback requirements of the Development Code and the proposed lot coverage of 16 Yo percent, which is below the maximum allowed percentage of 40 percent; That access to the site will be provided from two drive aisles off Roick Drive that will loop around the proposed building and staff has determined that 37 parking spaces are required to serve the proposed building while 54 spaces will be provided; That the Fire Department has reviewed the plan determined that there is proper access circulation for emèrgency services to the site;, . That the proposed building design is consistent with Development Code and Design Guidelines, and is compatible with industrial and office buildings in the surrounding area; That the one-story building will provide multiple building planes, vari~d parapet heights, and generous window area at the elevations facing Roick Drive and Via Industria; and a patio with an arched metal frame on cast concrete columns provide a focal point at the front of the building; . That the main body of the concrete building' will be painted Dunn-Edwards "Grey Harbor" with Dunn-Edwards "Cloak of White" trim and Dunn-Edwards "Gallow Glass" accents and painted roll-up doors at the rear of the building; That the roll-up doors at the rear of the building will face a significant slope so that the rear of the building will not be visible from public-right-of-way; That the proposed Sunbrella window awnings will be Burgundy in color and window glass will be a "Solar Grey"; , That the scale and colors of the building are in proportion and compatible with the surrounding area; R:\MinulesPCI060204 3 That the landscape plan conforms to the landscape requirements of the Development Code and Design Guidelines; . That the tree and shrub placement will serve to effectively serve on site parking area and effectively soften building elevations; That the project is proposing to landscape 14,902 square feet or approximately 34 percent of the site which exceeds the minimum requirement of 20 percent in the light industrial zone; That the project will provide landscaping around the perimeter of the site with a 20 foot landscape setback along Roick Drive and Via Industria and varied landscape setbacks of 3 to 9 feet at various locations around the building foot print; That a total of 174 trees and 1,358 shrubs are being proposed; That in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review; and that the exemption is class 32 for in-fill development; That staff has determined the proposed office/warehouse building is consistent with the City's General Plan Design Guidelines and Development Code and therefore, staff is recommending approval of the Development Plan with the Conditions of Approval. At this time, the Public Hearing was opened. . Mr. Dean Davidson, architect for the proposed project relayed the following: That there will be a 4 foot off-set which alternatives in and out; That the canopy will come out about another 10 feet in the front of the main arched entry; and that they will be half-round awnings; That the recesses are typically one-inch and are 12 inches wide; That the cornice will be 8 inches deep with a radius over the top; That the applicant agrees with the Conditions of Approval. At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Mathewson expressed disappointment with the architecture. Commissioner Chiniaeff echoed Commissioner Mathewson's comment. Commissioner Olhasso also expressed disappointment with the proposed project stating she would have preferred to see stone veneer along the base of the building. . R:\MinulesPC1060204 4 . . . MOTION: Commissioner Mathewson moved to approve staff's recommendation and that staff work with the applicant to enhance the base of the building. Commissioner Chiniaeff seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who was absent. PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-028 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA03-0582, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A 26,104 SQUARE FOOT OFFICEJWAREHOUSE BUILDING ON 3,64 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ROICK DRIVE AND VIA INDUSTRIA (APN 909-320060), 5 Planninq Application No. PA04-0152, submitted by Mark Richter, MDMG Inc.. a Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan to construct a 13,777 square foot school facility on 4.37 acres located at 29275 Santiaqo Road Associate Planner Long presented a staff report (of record), noting the following: That the proposed project is located on the Southside of Santiago Road, east of the 15 freeway; . That the proposal, a private school building, is consistent with the land use designation, and policies reflected in the Rancho Highlands Specific Plan (SP) and land use standards in the City of Temecula General Plan and the City's Development Code; That staff identified three (3) major issues with the project which include parking, noise, and architecture; That the proposed project requires a total of 55 parking spaces and that applicant is , proposing 46 on site parking spaces; That staff would request to add a Condition of Approval stating: that the applicant shall obtain a shared parking agreement or provide onsite parking spaces to meet the parking standards; That in addition, staff would request to add a Condition of Approval stating that: that upon occupancy of the proposed building, the existing classrooms will be transformed into storage space only and shall not be used as classroom space; , . . That the applicant has submitted a preliminary noise study providing recommendations to bring the interior noise levels of the proposed building to a less than significant level; That the outdoor play areas are currently in accordance with the noise element of the General Plan; . That staff would request to eliminate the roof projection on the north elevation; that it is staff's opinion that the roof projection does not conform with the proposed architecture; R:\MinutesPCIO60204 5 That the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and that staff is recommending approval with the revised conditions. . For Mr. Long, Commissioner Chiniaeff noted that staff might want to consider using asphalt shingles versus flat concrete tile shingles. For Commissioner Mathewson, Mr. Long noted that he will be adding a Condition of Approval stating: that the applicant shall provide on-site parking to meet the parking demand or provide a shared parking agreement that will be submitted in accordance with section 17.24.020E which requires daytime and night uses; and noted that the school is in agreement wit the adjacent Rancho Baptist Church for additional parking. At this time, the Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Larry Markham, representing the applicant noted the following: That the applicant is in concurrence with the Conditions of Approval as modified with the modification to the architecture in front; That there is a lockable gate that will connect the two parking lots; That the drop-off and pick-up for students is a separate entrance off of Santiago Road; That the sideway entry coming from the public sidewalk of Santiago Road will go into the larger gabled entrance which is the true entrance; . That the fencing will be made of a pilaster tubular steel fence. At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Chiniaeff expressed excitement with the proposed project. At this time, the Public Hearing was opened. The architect for the project relayed that the thick-butt composition shingle that is be proposed would be consistent with the craftsman style roof and that a flat tile would impact the project budget considerably. Commissioner Olhasso noted that because there are enough elements in the architecture features that she would concur with the thick butt composition shingles. At this time, the Public Hearing was closed. MOTION: Commissioner Olhasso moved to approve staff's recommendation with the added conditions presented by staff. Commissioner Chiniaeff seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who was absent. . R:\MinutesPC\O60204 6 . . . PC RESOLUTION NO. 2004-029 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO, PA04-0152, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A 13,777 SQUARE FOOT SCHOOL FACILITY, LOCATED AT 29275 SANTIAGO ROAD PC RESOLUTION NO. 2004-030 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO, PA04-0152, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION FOR A 13,777 SQUARE FOOT FACILITY INSTITUTION, LOCATED AT 29275 SANTIAGO ROAD . COMMISSIONER'S REPORT Commissioner Chiniaeff requested that Code Enforcement talk to Stuart Anderson's regarding the water fountain. Commissioner Mathewson queried regarding the color of the Shell gas station at Rancho California Road and Margarita Road and also expressed concern with the advertisement 'balloon at the Exxon Mobile on Rancho California Road at the Target Center. Commissioner Olhasso relayed that the Happy Mover van is still parked on De Portola Road and would request that Code Enforcement explore the matter. Chairman Telesio relayed that there are banner signs on the lawn area at the Bell Villaggio Center. Chairman Telesio relayed that he attended the VFWs memorial at the cemetery. Principal Planner Hazen relayed that he would be informing Code Enforcement of the Commission's concerns. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Principal Planner Hazen relayed that theLDS project and the Davidson home project in Roripaugh have both been appealed and will be going to Council. ADJOURNMENT At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Telesio formally adjourned this meeting to the next reqular meetinq to be held on Wednesdav. June 16. 2004 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Debbie Ubnoske Director of Planning John Telesio Chairman R:\MinulesPCI060204 7 . ITEM #3 . . . CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning DATE: July 21,2004 SUBJECT: Director's Hearing Case Update Planning Director's Agenda items for June 2004 PA03-0485 June 24, 2004 PA04-0031 Attachment: A Development Plan to construct a 6,500 square foot, single-story office/restaurant building on a 1.03 acre site within the Vail Ranch Town Square, located at the southwest corner of State Highway 79 and .MahlonVail Road A Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide a 5.19 acre parcel (4.19 net acres) into three (3) commercial parcels with a minimum lot size of 1.17 acres, located at the southeast corner of Overland Drive and Ynez Road A Minor Conditional Use Permit to co- locate twelve (12) cellular antennas and four (4) equipment cabinets on an existing mono-pine, located at 29775 Santiago Road 1. Action Agendas - Blue Page 2 . Po \PLAN NIN OlD IRHEAR IMEM 0\2004106-2004 .doc Jim Patton Davcon Development Linda Arce Sprint Approved Approved . . . Po \PLAN N IN Gill IRI I EA RIMEM 0\2004106- 2oo4,doc ATTACHMENT NO, 1 ACTION AGENDAS . . . ACTION AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING REGULAR MEETING' June 10, 2004 1 :30 PM TEMECULA CITY HALL MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 CALL TO ORDER: Don Hazen, Principal Planner PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Principal Planner on items that are not listedon the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Principal Planner about an item not listed on the Agenda, a white" Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Principal Planner. When you are caned to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. Continued from May 27, 2004 Item No, 1 Project Information: Project Number: Project Type Project Title Applicant: Project Description: Location: APN: Project Planner: ACTION: . Item No.2 ,Project Information Project Number: Project Type: Project Title: Applicant: Project Description: Location: APN: PA03-0709 Development Plan Vail Ranch Town Square, Bldg B, Parcel 2 Square One Development A Development Plan to construct a 6,500 sqft single-story office/ restaurant building on a 1.03 acre site within the Vail Ranch Town Square. Located at the southwest corner of State Hwy 79 & Mahlon Vail Road.' ' 960-020-045 Dan Long APPROVED PA03-0485 Tentative Parcel Map TPM #31724 Davcon Development, 42389 Winchester Rd. - #B, Temecula, CA A Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide a 5.19 acre parcel (4.19 net acres) into three (3) commercial parcels with a minimum lot size of 1.17 acres. ' Southeast corner of Overland and Ynez Road 921-810-020 P,IPLANNINGIDlRHEARlAgendasl2004I06-IO-04 Aetioo Agenda.doc I Case Planner: Case Planner's e-mail address: ACTION: Cheryl Kitzerow cheryl.kitzerow@cityoftemecula.org APPROVED . . . P,IPLANNINGIDIRHEARlAgendasl2004I06-IO-04 Action Agenda.doc 2 . . . ACTION AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING REGULAR MEETING June 24, 20041:30 PM TEMECULA CITY HALL MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 CALL TO ORDER: Don Hazen, Principal Planner PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public 'can address the Principal Planner on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Principal Planner about an item not listed on the Agenda, a white "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and tiled with the Principal Planner. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. Item No, 1 Project Information: Project Number: Project Type: Project Title: Applicant: Project Description: Location: APN: Project Planner: ACTION: PAO4-0031 Minor Conditional Use Permit Rancho Baptist Co-Location Sprint' A Minor CUP to co-locate 12 cellular antennas equipment cabinets on an existing mono-pine. 29775 Santiago Road 922-013-017 Stuart Fisk APPROVED and 4 PoIPLANNINGIDIRHEARlAg",das\2004\06-24-04 A,oon Agenda,doc 1 . ITEM #4 . . . . . CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . PLANNING DIVISION - MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission , ' FROM: Dan Long, Associate Planner DATE: August4,2004 SUBJECT: Consideration of Finding of Public Convenience or Necessity for a business to conduct mail order alcohol sales, located at 42210 Zevo Drive. GENERAL PLAN: Subject: BP Business Park North: South: East: West: ZONING: Subject: North: South: East: West: LAND USE: Subject: North: South: . East: West: BACKGROUND BP Business Park BP Business Park BP Business Park BP Business Park LI Light Industrial LI Light Industrial LI Light Industrial LI Light Industrial LI Light Industrial Manufacturing and Offices Industrial Condominiums (Under construction) Vacant Southern California Moving and Storage Industrial Building (Batting Cages) "Stringer's" is requesting the Temecula City Planning Commission make a finding of public convenience or necessity in order to authorize a gift packaging business, including wine located at 42210 Zevo Drive. State law requires a' local finding of public convenience or necessity before an alcoholic beverage sales license will be issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control. ANALYSIS The proposed project for wine sales (included as part of gift baskets) via internet and mail order requires proper licensing from the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC). A type 9, 17 and 20 license is required for the proposed project. Staff has discussed the proposed project with ABC staff and has determined that the census tract is over concentrated. A maximum of two type 20 licenses are permitted in Census Tract 0437.15; there are currently ten existing. According to the RIPC&NIPAQ4-Q440 Siring,,', LLOI'C S",¡¡ Report.doc ABC staff, PC&N findings are not required for type 9 and 17 licenses which allow for non-retail alcohol sales. Type 9 and 17 licenses are required for beer and wine importers and wholesale distributor licenses respectively. The type 20 license allows for wine sales only via internet and mail order. On-site retail sales are not allowed with this type 20 license. The Development Code also restricts retail sales in the light industrial (LI) zone. Condition of Approval No.7 reiterates on-site retail sales from the project site are prohibited. . The Planning Commission has developed several criteria to determine whether or not a finding of public convenience or necessity can be made. The criteria and the responses are as follows: Criteria to Justify Making a Finding of Public Convenience or Necessity 1. Does the proposed establishment have any unique features which are not found in other similar uses in the community (i.e. types of games, types of food, and other special services)? Yes. Staff is unaware of any other business or manufacturer that setis, distributes or prepares gift baskets of this sort within the business community. 2. Does the proposed establishment cater to an under-served population (i.e., patrons of a different socio-economic class)? No. Stringer's will not cater to an under-served population. The proposed project will provide a product that will be sold in venues such as grocery stores and the intemet and will be available to ati socio-economic classes. 3. . Are there geographical boundaries (i.e. rivers, hillsides) or traffic barriers (i.e. freeways, major roads, major intersections) separating the proposed establishment from other establishments? Yes. The proposed project is located on Zevo Drive in the Business Park. Staff is unaware of any similar type business in the City or the Business Park. 4. Are there any sensitive uses within 500 feet of the proposed establishment? Yes. The closest land use which could be considered a sensitive is Sunridge Community Church, however since the project is not authorized for retail on-site sales; this will not create a nuisance. 5. Would the proposed establishment interiere with the quiet enjoyment of their property by residents of the area? No. Stetiar Cetiar is located in an industrial area and will not include retail sales on-site. The project will include a display area for purchasers to preview, however retaii sales are not permitted in the LI Zone. 6, Will the proposed establishment add to law enforcement problems in the area? No. According to the Police Department, Stetiar Cetiar is not expected to create or exacerbate a law enforcement problem in the area. . R:IPC&N\PA04-Q440 String""s LLCIPC Sla¡¡ Report-doc . . . 7. Is there a proliferation of licensed establishments within a quarter mile of the proposed establishment? There are currently 10 facilities within census tract 0437.15, only 2 are aI/owed. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission consider the information presented above and make the appropriate finding. ATTACHMENTS 1. Zoning/General Plan Map - Blue Page 4 2. Draft Conditions of Approval - Blue Page 5 3. ABC License Types and Summary and Census Tract Map - Blue Page 6 R:\PC&NlPA04-0440 St,.;ngers LLCIPC Staff Report,doc . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 1 ZONING/GENERAL PLAN MAP RWC&NII',\()4-()440 S...inge>', UDPC Staff Report,doc . Zoning General Plan . . . ATTACHMENT NO.2 DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R,\I'C&NIPAO4-0440 S',ingcr's LLapc St"rr Rcpon.doc . . 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No, PA04-0440 Project Description: ' Findings of Public Convenience and Necèssity to allow for a gift packaging business to sell wine in gift baskets for internet and off-site distribution in an existing industrial building, located at 42210 Zevo Drive (APN: 909-360-034) ¡ 909-360-034 Assessor's Parcel No.: ' Approval Date: August 4, 2004 Expiration Date: August 4, 2006 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project 1. The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Dëp~rtme'nt a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty-Four Dollars ($64.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption,as provided under Public Resources Code Section 211 08(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required . above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition (Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)). . General Requirements The applicant shall comply with the statement of operations (attached) dated June 24, 2004, for PA04-0440 on file with the Planning Division, unless superceded by these Conditions of Approval. ' The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. ' , The applicant. shall sign .both copies of the final ~onditions of àpproval that will be provided 'by the Planning Department staff, and return one signed set to the Planning Department for their files. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied' with prior to any, use allowed by this permit. . . Prior to the commencement of any alcohol sales, the applicant shall submit verification the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued the necessary license.. R:IPC&N\PAO4_W40 String""s LLCIDraft CorA.doc 7. No on-site retail sales are permitted at the project site. All sales shall be via internet, distribution and/or mail order. . 8. POLICE DEPARTMENT 9. 11. Applicant has applied for the following types of alcohol license through the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: a. Type 09 (Beer and Wine Importer) b. Type 17 (Beer and Wine Wholesaler) c. Type 20 (internet sales, restricted to wine only) The sales of all alcoholic beverages (beer & wine) shall be packaged for off- premises sales only. Packaged and carry-out service is not authorized (on-site retail sales). Applicant will also comply with City Ordinance 97-07, (9.14.010 Temecula Municipal Code series). When selling baskets containing alcohol, Identification will be verified utilizing one of the following: a. A valid California Driver's License. b. A valid California Identification Card. c. A valid Military Identification Card. (Active/Reserve/Retired/Dependent). d. A valid Driver's License from any of the Fifty States or Territories of the United States. A valid U.S. Passport. A valid government Issued identification card issued by a federal, state, county or city agency. . e. f. 10. As noted above, only a valid government issued identification card issued by a federal, state, county or city agency is acceptable, providing it complies with the below requirements. (25660 B&P). a. Name of person. b. Date of birth. c. Physical description. d. Photograph. e. Currently valid (not expired). Applicant will ensure all employees involved with the sales, service and identification checks for the purpose of any sales of baskets containing alcoholic beverages is trained in the proper procedures and identification checks. The Temecula Police Department provides free training for all employers and employees involved in the service and sales of alcoholic beverages. It is the responsibility of the applicant to set up a training session for all new employees working at Stringers. Contact the Crime Prevention and Plans Officer at (909) 695-2773 to set up a training date. Training must be completed prior to the grand opening of this business. If employees have completed the required training administered through ABC Riverside, this training session is not required. . RoV'C&NIPAO4-Q440 Stcingds LLClo"n CofA,doc . . . 12. Miscellaneous: a. Wholesale Beer and Wine - Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises where sold. No distilled spirits may be on the premises. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see Section 25663.5 of the B&P (Business & Profession Code). By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, I understand and I accept all the above-mentioned Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant's Printed Name Date Applicant's Signature R,\!'C&NIPAO4.Q440 String"'s LLCIDrnft CorA.doc . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 3 ABC LICENSE TYPES AND SUMMARY AND CENSUS TRACT MAP R:II'C&NII'A04-0440 SIT;ngds LLCII'C Staff Reportdoc Department of Alcoholic B~verage Control COMMON ABC LlC~NSE TYPES AND THEIR BASIC PRIVILEGES State of Cat;fom;a BEER MANUFACTURER - (Large Brewery) Autliorizes the sale of beer to, any person holding a license authorizing the sale of beer, and to consumers for'èonsumption on or off the maniifacturer's licensed premises. Without any additional licenses, may sell bèer ,and wine, regardless ôf source, to consumers for consuri1ption at acbona fide public eating pla5Oe on the manufacturer's licensed'piemisés or at a bona fide eating place contiguous to the manufacturer's licensed prefiÚses,' May conduct beer tastings under s ecifiedconditiôni Section233573 . Minorsare:1llowedonthe, remises... "Cc,,', ,'.. " WINEGROWER"C (Winery)' 'Aut¡¡òriiës,thë~ålêòf wii1ë and biaíidito'any'p'êjsoi1,höldiÌ1gã'liêêriie ':c,:, authorizing the iale'ofwine and brandy, and to consumers for consumption off the prefiÚses where sold. Authorizes the sale of all wines and brandies, regardless of source, to consumers for consumption on the premises in a bona fide eating place that is locatéd on the liCensed premises or on premises owned by the licensee that are èoniiguous,tothe licensed'prerriises and oper~ted by and for the licensee. May possess wine and braridyfor use in the preparation of food and beverage io'be conSumed at the bona fide eatin'g place. May éoIlduciviinètasiings under,prescribed'conditions'(Section23356:1; RÍ1le53):.'MiIlors are' "allowedôn..tÌ1e,"iêiriises, ", .', '.,' ',,', :':,".',:'>:<..~':i...,:/:::,,"','.)""'" OFF SALE BEER &WINE - (Package Store) Authorizes tne sale ofbeei arid wine for èonslln1ptiôn off the remises where sold. Minors are allowed on the remises. " OFF SALE GENERAL " (Pâckage;Store)i.Aúthòiizès the s'ãle,ofbeer"winé ilnddistilléd'spirits for " consum'tióhoffth¿remise"whereióld.'MiÌ1&ts.'iie"állo'\\ièd'o[;th~'r¡;ri:ûs6s. i' ,"'.. " ',', SMALL BEER MANUFACTURER -'(Brevi Pub 'or MiCro-brewery) AuthoriZes the same privileges and restrictions as å TyPe 01. Abrewpubis typically a ,very sinaIÏb~ewerý wiÍliarest'!{¡ránt. Amicro-brewery is asmall-scale'¡)i<,wery operation that typically is dedicatèd soldy to' ..the prôdiictio'n;óf specialty beers, althou 'h..sofue do havé a restaúrimto'r úb"~n'tlÍ<;ií'inånufàctiÌii¡¡" låTIt. .,,"'" c .' ON SALE:BEER: - (Bar, Tavêmj'.AûtnoÌižes'the' sale of,bêer'fúi'coìisúriiptiOn'on:orOffthe premises where s~"!' "NoY;i¡'eoidistillciIspirits~iriiY!~e~ori¡hepiemisés.Fûlltrii~ls:áré riot ieqiiiied;bowever, ,saridwiches,or..slÌacks must'be'available":"MiiÍórs are'ãlloweifontlie, 'iemises"", , ONSALE,BEER8i'W1NE Co EATINGPUACE,'(RêslaUiårit). Aiitnúrizesthe'sale of..beer and wine for ,con~uiri¡,tionon:úroffthe p'reITüseS whêie~òl{[. ,DistiÜ~d's¡iiritS may riotbeõò the prenlises (except braiidy,rum, oi'¡iqueufsfór use sólelj/i'br cbôÌâ[{gpúi¡jóies).:.Mtistoþ'J,aie"ând'rii'aiti¡;¡iÍthelidòsed premises as,a'l5Óri~fidê eatiIlg'pláèÚ,Ìv!úst riii."J'ácfuål iÎòd subsfuÌ1tiâis'iiiôs:or-riiêáls;dunng fue nofnial ,myal hòurs iliàttlieyare ópên;at,ieastfi~e,'da~s'awée~.NóiiriålfuÚltimê¥'irê6"ÒÓ'a:m: -, . 9:00 a.m., '11:00 a.m. "2:00piin.."and'6:00 p:m:.- 9:00'p:m.'Premise,dh'at ",enót open' five 'days ã week . must serve meals,on,the Já sthe ,áfêó èii,'Minor;';"eaiIoWe'dori the" iJinises.':. . ON SALE BEER& WINE ~PUBLIC PREMISES '(Bar; Táverìi) Authorizes the sale of beer and wine ,for 'consUmption ori or off the prehÜses whei"sold.No'distilled spintsmay'be on the'prefiÚses. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see ,Section 256'63,5 for exception, musiciaris). 'Food service is not re uired., '.. ' ON'SALEGENERÀL '-EATING'PLACE è :(Rêitàurant)'..Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for cónsumpiion on'the licensed premises. Àuthorizes die sale of beer arid wine for consu~ption off the,licensed premises, Must operate and maintain the licensedpreiÌ1ises asa bona fide eating place. Must makeactual'andsubstantial sales of meals, during the nonnal meal hours that they are open; at least ,five days a week. Nonnal mealtimes are 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., II :00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m, Premises that are not open five days a week must serve meals on the 'days they are open. Minors are allowed on the remises. ' ON SALE GENERAL- PUBLIC PREMISES - (Bar, Night Club) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the prefiÚses where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for. consumption'offthepremiseswhere sold. Minors are not allowed to enter and remainesee Section 25663.5 forëice t;on;iTIusicianS.'Foodsetvicêis'iibÜeuirèd:" .. ',' '. " <",. " , . ,',' ON SALE GENERAL - SEASONAL - Authorizes the same privileges and restrictions as provided for a Type 47 license except it is issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. .' . ,ABC-616 (4104) ABC-616 (4104) CLUB - Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold, No off-sale privileges, Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the remises. VETERAN'S CLUB - Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine, to members and guest only, for consumption off the licensed premises. Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the remises. SPECIAL ON SALE GENERAL - Generally issued to certain organizations who cannot qualify for club licenses. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine, to members and guests only, for consumption off the licensed premises. Food service is not required, Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE BEER AND WINE - SEASONAL - Authorizes the same privileges as a Type 41. Issued for a s ecific season. Inclusive dates of 0 eration are listed on the license certificate. ON SALE BEER - SEASONAL - Authorizes the sale of beer only for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. Wine or distilled s irits ma not be on the remises. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE BEER - PUBLIC PREMISES - (Bar, Tavern) Authorizes the sale of beer only for consumption on or off the licensed premises. Wine or distilled spirits may not be on the premises. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain warnin si ns re uired. Food service is not re wred. BED AND BREAKFAST INN - Authorizes the sale of wine purchased from a licensed winegrower or wine wholesaler only to registered guests of the establishment for consumption on the premises. No beer or distilled spirits may be on the premises. Wine shall not be given away to guests, but the price of the wine shall be included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy accommodation. Removal of wine from the ouods is not ennitled. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE GENERAL - RESTRICTIVE SERVICE - Authorizes the sale or furnishing of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the premises to the establishment's overnight transient occupancy guests or their invitees. This license is nonnally issued to "suite-type" hotels and motels, which exercise the license rivile es for ests' "com limenta "ha hour. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE GENERAL - BREWPUB - (Restaurant) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on a bona fide eating place plus a limited amount of brewing of beer. Also authorizes the sale of beer and wine only for consumption off the premises where sold, Minors are allowed on the remises. BED AND BREAKFAST INN -GENERAL- Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits purchased from a licensed wholesaler or winegrower only to registered guests of the establishment for consumption on the premises. Alcoholic beverages shall not be given away to guests, but the price of the alcoholic beverage shall be included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy accommodation. Removal of alcoholic bevera es from the ounds is not enuitted. Minors are allowed on the remises. . . .<HDVe 5"f~,~,..,.,,<J;.9,. ~L ,1 D~ ";, "--'i' ¡ <co"o,,;;o . 2000 Census Tract Boundaries 3000 6000 Feet ~ N A c\g;","",", dala',""""2ooo,a,, . ITEM #5 . . . . . CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Dan Long, Associate Planner DATE: August 4, 2004 SUBJECT: Consideration of Finding of Public Convenience or Necessity to conduct wine tasting and wine sales, located at 28636 Old Town Front Street, Suite 102 GENERAL PLAN: CC Community Commercial Subject: Nórth: South: East: West: ZONING: Subject: North: South: East: West: LAND USE: Subject: North: South: .East: West: BACKGROUND CC Community Commercial CC Community Commercial CC Community Commercial CC Community Commercial TRC Tourist Retail Core (Old.Town Specific Plan) TRC Tourist Retail Core (Old Town Specific Plan) TRC Tourist Retail Core (Old Town Specific Plan) TRC Tourist Retail Core (Old Town Specific Plan) TRC 'T'ourist Retail Core (Old Town Specific Plan) Vacant tenant space Vacant Rosa's Cantina and Restaurant Retail Commercial Vacant' "Stellar Cellars" is requesting the Temecula City Planning Commission make a finding of public convenience or necessity in order to authorize a wine tasting facility and retail sales of wines to be located in the Rancon commercial center at 28636 Front Street, Suite 102. When a census tract is over concentrated, state law requires a local finding of public convenience or necessity before an alcoholic beverage sales license will be issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. The land use matrix (Table 1) in the Old Town Specific Plan allows wine tasting facilities as a permitted use. A use permit is not required for said facility. - ANALYSIS The proposed project, requires a type 42 license from the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC). Staff has discussed the proposed project with the ABC staff and has determined that RWC&N\I'A04-0442 Stell", Cell", LLOPC Starr Report.doc the census tract is over concentrated. A maximum of 3 type 42 licenses are permitted in census tract 0432.15; there are currently 47 existing (most of which are on-site, restaurant uses). A type 42 license allows for on-site beer and wine consumption as well as retail sales for off-site consumption. . The Planning Commission has developed several criteria to determine whether or not a finding of public convenience or necessity can be made. The criteria and the responses are as follows: Criteria to Justify Making a Finding of Public Convenience or Necessity 1. Does the proposed establishment have any unique features which are not found in other similar uses in the community (i.e. types of games, types of food, and other special services)? Yes. According to Stellar Cellar, their establishment will be the first dedicated wine tasting room of its type in the Old Town area. The wine tasting facility will highlight local wines and local culture as well as providing wines from other parts of the world. 2. Does the proposed establishment cater to an under-served population (i.e., patrons of a different socio-economic class)? No. Stellar Cellar will not cater to an under-served population. The proposed project will provide additional opportunities for wine consumers to taste and purchase local wines and wines from around the world 3. Are there geographical boundaries (i.e. rivers, hillsides) or traffic barriers (i.e. freeways, major roads, major intersections) separating the proposed establishment from other establishments? . No. There is currently a Beer and Wine garden in the Old Town District, however, the proposed project will offer wine tasting and retail sales of wines for off-site consumption. 4. Are there any sensitive uses within 500 feet of the proposed establishment? No. The closest land use which could be considered sensitive is a private school (Kids World) located on f1 street, approximately 600 feet from the proposed project. There is also a church (God's Country) located at the north west corner of Santiago Road and Front Street, however it is a shared use with the Stampede, which is a country western bar and entertainment facility. 5. Would the proposed establishment interfere with the quiet enjoyment of their property by residents of the area? No. Stellar Cellar is located in a commercial area and will not be open past 10:00 PM on weekends and Fridays and 8:00 PM on weekdays. 6. Will the proposed establishment add to law enforcement problems in the area? No. According to the Police Department, Stellar Cellar is not expected to create or exacerbate a law enforcement problem in the area. . R,\PC&N\"A04-Q442 Stellar Cellar LLaPC Staff Report,doc . . . 7. Is there a proliferation of licensed establishments within a quarter mile of the proposed establishment? Yes. There area total of47 type 42 licenses within census tract 0432. 15, only 3 are allowed. According to the ABC, the majority of type 42 licenses within in census tract 0432. 15 are restaurants with incidental beer and wine. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission consider the information presented above and make the appropriate finding. . Attachments 1. Zoning/General Plan Map - Blue Page 4 2. Draft Conditions of Approval - Blue Page 5 3. ABC License Types and Summary and Census Tract Maps - Blue Page 6 R,IPC&N\PA04-0442 Stell" Cell" LLaI'C Staff Report,doc . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 1 ZONING/GENERAL PLAN MAP R,\I'C&N\PAO4-Q442 Stell", CeJl", LLOPC Starr Rcpoct.doc . . . . ATTACHMENT NO.2 DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RWC&NlPA04.0442 Stell", Cd", LLC\I'C Siaff Rcpocl.doc . . . EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No, PA04-0442 Project Description: Findings of Public Convenience and Necessity to allow for a wine tasting a retail sales of wine in an existing co'mmercial building in Old Town, located at 28636 'Front Street (APN: 922-034-036) Assessor's ParcefNo.: 922-034-036 Approval Date: August 4, 2004 August 4, 2006 Expiration Date: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project 1. The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a' cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty~Four Dollars ($64.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption as provided under Public Resources Code Section 21108(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above, the approval for the projeci granted shall be void by'reason of failure of condition (Fish and G.~me Code Section 711.4(c)). , General Requirements 2. , , The applicant shall comply 'with the statement of operations (attached) dated May 28, 2004, for PA04-0442 on file with the Planning Division, unless superceded by these Conditions of Approval. 3. The permittee shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of thi,s project. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Planning Department staff, and return one signed set to the Planning Department for their files. 4. 5. All of the foregoing ~onditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit.. 6. Prior to the commencement of any alcohol sales, the applicant shall submit verification the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued the necessary Type 42 license" POLICE DEPARTMENT Applicant has applied for a Type 42 alcohol license through the Riverside office of Alcohol Beverage'Control. The sales and use of all alcoholic beverages (on sale beer & R:IPC&NIPA04-0442 Slella, Cella, LLCIDmft CorA.doc 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. wine) shall be consumed on premises only. Packaged and carry-out service is authorized. Applicant will also comply with City Ordinance 97-07, (9.14.010 Temecula Municipal Code series): . Identification will be verified utilizing one of the following: a. A valid California Driver's License. b. A valid California Identification Card. c. A valid Military Identification Card. (Active/Reserve/RetiredlDependent). A valid Driver's License from any of the Fifty States or Territories of the United States. A valid U.S. Passport. A valid government issued identification card issued by a federal, state, county or city agency. d. e. f. As noted above, only a valid government issued identification card issued by a federal, state, county or city agency is acceptable, providing it complies with the below requirements. (25660 B&P). a. Name of person. b. Date of birth. c. Physical description. Photograph. Currently valid (not expired). . d. e. Applicant will ensure all employees involved with the sales, service and identification checks for the purpose of any sales of alcoholic beverages is trained in the proper procedures and identification checks. The Temecula Police Department provides free training for all employers and employees involved in the service and sales of alcoholic beverages. It is the responsibility of the applicant to set up a training session for all new employees working at Stellar Cellar, LLC. Contact the Crime Prevention and Plans Officer at (909) 695-2773 to set up a training date. Training must be completed prior to the grand opening of this business. Miscellaneous: a. On Sale Beer and Wine - Public Premises - Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. No distilled spirits may be on the premises. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see Section 25663.5 of the B&P (Business & Profession Code) for exception, musicians. Food service is not required. By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, I understand and I accept all the above-mentioned Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant's Printed Name Date . Applicant's Signature R:\PC&NIPA04-0442 Stell" Cell" LLCIDmft CofA,doc . . . ATTACHMENT NO.3 ABC LICENSE TYPES AND SUMMARY AND CENSUS TRACT MAPS R,\PC&NIPAO4-0442 Ste[[", Ce]¡', LLC\PC Stoff Repo't.doc Department of Alooholic Beverage Control COMMON ABC LICENSE TYPES AND THEIR BASIC PRIVILEGES Stole of Califom;a . ABC-616 (4/04) BEER MANUFACTURER - (Large Brewery) Authorizes the sale of beer to any person holding a license authorizing the sale of beer, and to consumers for consumption on or off the manufacturer's licensed premises. Without any additional licenses, may sell beer and wine, regardless of source, to consumers for consumption at a bona fide public eating place on the manufacturer's licensed premises or at a bona fide eating place contiguous to the manufacturer's licensed premises. May conduct beer tastings under s ecified conditions Section 23357.3 . Minors are allowed on the remises. WINEGROWER - (Winery) Authorizes the sale of wine and brandy to any person holding a license authorizing the'sale of wine and brandy, and to consumers for consumption off the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of all wines and brandies, regardless of source, to consumers for consumption on the premises in a bona fide eating place that is located on the licensed premises or on premises owned by the licensee that are contiguous to the licensed premises and operated by and for the licensee. May possess wine and brandy for use in the preparation of food and beverage to be consumed at the bona fide eating place. May conduct winetastings under prescribed conditions (Section 23356,1; Rule 53). Minors are allowed on the remises. OFF SALE BEER & WINE - (Package Store) Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for conswnption off the remises where sold. Minors are allowed on the remises. ' OFF SALE GENERAL - (Package Store) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consum tion off the remises where sold. Minors are allowed on the remises. SMALL BEER MANUFACTURER - (Brew Pub or Micro-brewery) Authorizes the same privileges and restrictions as a Type 0 I. A brewpub is typically a very small brewery with a restaurant. A micro-brewery is a small-scale brewery operation that typically is dedicated solely to the production of specialty beers, althou h some do have a restaurant or ub on their manufacturin lant. ON SALE BEER - (Bar, Tavern) Authorizes the sale of beer for conswnption on or off the premises where sold. No wine or distilled spirits may be on the premises. Full meals are not required; however, sandwiches or snacks must be available. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE BEER & WINE - EATING PLACE - (Restaurant) Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Distilled spirits may not be on the premises (except brandy, rum, or liqueurs for use solely for cooking purposes). Must operate and maintain the licensed, premises as a bona fide eating place. Must make actual and substantial sales of meals, during the nonnal meal hours that they are open, at least fiye days a week. Nonnal mealtimes are 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a,m., II :00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m: - 9:00 p.m. Premises that are not open five days a week must serve meals on the da s the are 0 en. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE BEER.& WINE - PUBLIC PREMISES - (Bar, Tavern) Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. No distilled spirits may be on the premisés. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see Section 25663.5 for exception, musicians). Food service is not re uired. ' ON SALE GENERAL ~ EATING PLACE - (Restaurant) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the licensed premises. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the licensed premises. Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must make actual and substantial sales of meals, during the nonnal meal hours that they are open, atleast,fiye days a week. Nonnal mealtimes are 6:00 a.m. . 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a,m. - 2:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Premises that are not open five days a week must serve meals on the days they are open. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE GENERAL - PUBLIC PREMISES - (Bar, Night Club) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises where sold. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see Section 25663.5 for exce tion musicians. Food service is not re uired. ON SALE GENERAL:" SEASONAL - Authorizes the same privileges and restrictiòns as providcd for a Type 47 license except it is issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed oÌ1the license certificate, . (,d~:CD"<:',;-o iL'.'.:,\I\D) 7<C ,... O'/OL"'" CLUB - Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold. No off-sale privileges. Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the remises. VETERAN'S CLUB - Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold, Authorizes the sale of beer and wine, to members and guest only, for consumption off the licensed premises, Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the remises. SPECIAL ON SALE GENERAL - Generally issued to certain organizations who cannot qualify for club licenses, Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine, to members and guests only, for consumption off the licensed premises. Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE BEER AND WINE - SEASONAL - Authorizes the same privileges as a Type 41, Issued for a s ecific season, Inclusive dates of 0 eration are listed on the license certificate. ON SALE BEER - SEASONAL - Authorizes the sale of beer only for consumption on or off the premises where sold, Issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. Wine or distilled s irits ma not be on the remises. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE BEER - PUBLIC PREMISES - (Bar, Tavern) Authorizes the sale of beer only for consumption on or off the licensed premises, Wine or distilled spirits may not be on the premises. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain warnin si ns re uired . Food service is not re uired. BED AND BREAKFAST INN - Authorizes the sale of wine purchased from a licensed winegrower or wine wholesaler only to registered guests of the establishment for consumption on the premises. No beer or distilled spirits may be on the premises. Wine shall not be given away to guests, but the price of the wine shall be included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy accommodation. Removal of wine from the ounds is not ennitled. Minors arc allowed on the remises. ON SALE GENERAL - RESTRICTIVE SERVICE - Authorizes the sale or furnishing of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the premises to the establishment's overnight transient occupancy guests or their invitees. This license is nonnally issued to "suite-type" hotels and motels, which exercise the license rivile es for ests' "com limenta "ha hour. Minors are allowed on the remises. ON SALE GENERAL - BIŒWPUB - (Restaurant) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on a bona fide eating place plus a limited amount of brewing of beer. Also authorizes the sale of beer and wine only for consumption otTthe premises where sold. Minors are allowed on the remises. BED AND BREAKFAST INN - GENERAL - Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits purchased from a licensed wholesaler or winegrower only to registered guests of the establishment for consumption on the premises. Alcoholic beverages shall not be given away to guests, but the price of the alcoholic beverage shall be included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy acconunodation. Removal of alcoholic bevera es from the rounds is not ennitled. Minors are allowed on the remises. -"wuc t~~ ~, .,a~ \c:~J OJfO,^"" ABC-616 (4/04) . . . 2000 Census Tract Boundaries ~ 30~ 0 L~ 3000 6000 Feet ----, N A "I¡¡¡"'.~u, d,ta\œ~u,2000..p' . . ITEM #6 . . CITY OF TEMECULA ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 'MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Planning Commission Matthew Harris, Associate Planner DATE: SUBJECT: August 4, 2004 Exterior Material Change for Jefferson Avenue Inn (PAOO-0507) On November 19, 2003, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. 00-0507, a Development Plan to construct, establish and operate a three-story, 56-unit hotel complex consisting of 31,600 square feet. The 1,35 acre site is located 200 feet east of Jefferson Avenue and 200 feet north of Winchester Road.within the existing Rancho Temecula Plaza, A decorative beige "Belgian Castle Stone" veneer was approved by the Commission to be applied to various columns and offsets on each building elevation. Since that time, the Rancho Temecula Plaza Association Architectural Committee has reviewed the elevations and has determined that the proposed decorative stone veneer would not be compatible with other existing buildings within . the Plaza which have a red brick decorative veneer. The Committee has requested that the decorative stone veneer be replaced with a thin red brick veneer. The project applicant has now applied to the City for an Administrative Development Plan to make the material change. In addition, the applicant is requesting that various exterior colors be changed so as to be more compatible with the proposed red brick veneer (see attached material sample board). Staff has evaluated the proposed material and color changes and has determined that the decorative red brick veneer and proposed colors would both match and compliment the existing buildings onsite and are consistent with applicable City-Wide Design Guidelines. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested material and color changes listed below: ' Material Color Decorative Brick Veneer Metal Windows & Storefronts Canvas Awnings Buildin9 Base Building Field Fascia & Ornamental Bands HC Maddox ,"Old Town Red" Dark Bronze . To Match Color of Building Base Frazee 8724M "Meadowlark" Frazee 8721W "Clay Beige" Frazee 181 "White Shadow" Attachments . R:ID P12000100-0507 Hampton Inn SuiteslBuilding Material Modification Memo..doc 1 . . ¡.;::..-~.~"o<. .~. J "0---"""""'-----" .:' '", ~~~"ð[1~ ~~,' .: ;1\\ Bi) - -~~,~ z 0 ¡::: c::C :> w ...J W ::I: I- ::J 0 en (f) Z 0 ¡:: « > w ..J W IT 0 õ: W l- X W . ITEM #7 . . . . .. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING , CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION August 4, 2004 Planning Application No. PA04-0477 (Development Code Amendment) , Prepared By: Dale West, Associate Planner' RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department - Planning Division Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINAN'CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS IN' BUSINESS PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONES", (PLANNING APPLICATION 04-0477) BACKGROUND The Development Code was adopted by the City Council in 1995. Since its adoption, the Code has been periodically amended to modify various provisions as opportunities have been identified and to improve its clarity. The Development Code currently permits "Offices, administrative or corporate' headquarters with greater than 50,000 square feer' in the Light Industrial (LI) and Business Park (BP) zones. The Code also permits "Offices, professional services with less than 50,000 square feet" in the BP zone but prohibits them in the LI zone. The City currently has pending applications for projects with multiple small office buildings of less than 50,000 square feet in the LI zone. In the past the City has allowed multiple buildings if the total cumulative square footage was greater than 50,000. However there are circumstances where the site is not large enough to allow 50,000 square feet of building area. Staff believes that these smaller buildings can be allowed if there are design criteria to achieve an appropriate development. Based upon this situation staff is recommending that three changes be made to the Development Code. To permit offices, administrative or corporate headquarters in the BP and LI zones, regardless of square footage. - To permit'profe~sional service offices in all zones, regardless of total square footage. . To add periormance standards for designing sites with smaller office buildings in the BP and LI zones. . R:IOrdinanceslPertonnance Stds .Office in BP and LI ZoneslPC Staff Report.doc , 1 ANALYSIS The amendment proposes to remove the 50,000 square foot requirement for both categories of office uses (administrative or corporate headquarter offices and professional service offices) in both the BP and LI zones. This change would allow any size office building in either zone. The amendment also proposes supplemental periormance standards for small office uses in both the BP and LI zones. These periormance standards would promote consistency with office buildings and encourage enhanced site design. The supplemental performance standards would encourage fewer multi-story buildings when possible and would require connecting courtyards and plazas between buildings when development projects with smaller buildings are proposed. These standards support desirable characteristics of site design by placing emphasis on the orientation of buildings to achieve compatible scale to the surrounding area and to retain future opportunities for business growth and expansion. Periormance standards to achieve this include but are not limited to the following: 1. Fewer buildings with multiple-stories are preferred over numerous smaller buildings. This will provide greater opportunities for larger corporate tenants that may desire an entire building or floor. 2. Freestanding multiple office buildings on a single site should be clustered around a courtyard or common area sufficient to retain a pedestrian scale. This creates opportunities for plazas and pedestrian areas while preventing long "barrack-like" rows of buildings. 3. When clustering is impractical, a visual link should be established between buildings. Areas between buildings should be purposely designed shapes not simply left over spaces between buildings. 4. Landscaping and pedestrian scaled elements such as awnings or trellises should be integrated into the elevation and the passageways should be safely lit. 5. The site should be designed with features that reinforce the visual and spatial relationship of each building, such as the use of decorative paving, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities that complement the architectural design of the buildings." ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION This amendment to the Temecula Municipal Code represents a minor change to the allowable use in the Light Industrial zoned areas of the City, providing clarification for staff's review of project applications. Staff has reviewed the proposed amendment to the Development Code and has determined that the project has no potential to result in any negative impacts to the environment. As a result, staff is recommending the Commission make a recommendation to the City Council that a no impact finding pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines be made. Attachments 1. 2. PC Resolution No. 2004-- - Blue Page 3 Standard Ordinance No. 04-- - Blue Page 6 R:\OrdinanceslPertormance Stds -Ollie. in BP and LI ZoneslPC Stall Report.doc 2 . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 1 PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- ..' , R:\OrdinancesIPertormance Stds -Office in BP and LI ZoneslPC Stall Report.doc 3 . . . PC RESOLUTION NO. 2004-- 'A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING 'CHAPTER 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS IN BUSINESS PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONES", (PLANNING APPLICATION 04-0477) WHEREAS, on November 9,1993, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted the" General Plan; and . . . WHEREAS, on January 25,1995, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted the City's Development Code; and WHEREAS, the City has identified a need to amend the adopted Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the proposed amendment on August 4, 2004, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to, an did testify either in support or opposition to this matter; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DET~RMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, Approval. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt an urgency and standards ordinances amending Chapter 17.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code substantially in the form attached to this resolution as Exhibit A. Section 2. Environmental Compliance. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council make a determination that the above described ordinances have no potential for an adverse effect on the environment and that pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines no further environmental analysis is required. Section 3, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 4th day of August 2004. John Telesio, Chairman ATTEST: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary [SEAL] R:\OrdinanceslPerlormance Std. .Office in BP and LI ZoneslPC Staff Report.doc 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ) ss ) I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that PC Resolution No. 2004-- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of August, 2004, by the following vote of the Commissioln: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary R:IOrdinancesIPertormance Stds -OHice in BP and LI ZonesIPC StaH Report,doc 5 . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 2 DRAFT STANDARD ORDINANCE NO 04-- R:IOrdinances\Pertormance Stds -Olliee in BP and LI ZoneslPC Stall Report,doc 6 . . . ORDINANCE NO, 04-- A RESOLUTION ÖF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS IN BUSINESS PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONES". (PLANNING APPLICATION 04-0477) WHEREAS, Section 65800 of the Government Code provides for the adoption and administration of zoning laws, ordinances, rules and regulations by cities to implement such general plans as may be in effect in, any such city; WHEREAS, the continuing economic development in the Temecula Valley has created an increased demand for office buildings to house desirable and beneficial businesses and the real estate community has identified a present shortage of necessary and desirable professional office buildings; WHEREAS, the City's currently adopted LI zone development standards restrict the size and type of office buildings that may be developed within the zoning district. However the lands with this zoning designation are of a type and nature that would accommodate the type of development deemed necessary and desirable; WHEREAS, this Ordinance complies with all the applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances; WHEREAS, notice of the proposed Ordinance was posted at City Hall, Temecula Library, Pujol Street Community Center, and the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has held a duly noticed public hearing on the prop?sed amendments to the Temecula Municipal Code. to consider THE CITY COUNCIL ()F THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the Ciiy of Temecula hereby amends portions of Table 17.08.030 of the T emecula Municipal Code for "Offices, administrative or corporate headquarters with greater than 50,000 sq. ft." and "Offices, professional services less than 50,000 sq. ft., including but not limited to business law, medical, dental, veterinarian, chiropractic, architectural, engineering, real estate, insurance" with the following: ' Offices, administrative or corporate headquarters Offices, professional services including, but not limited to, business law, medical, dental, veterinarian, chiropractic, architectural, engineering, real estate, insurance :;p§~ C C C P p5 p5 P P P P P p5 p5 R:IOrdinancesIPertormance Stds -Office in BP and LI ZoneslPC Staff Report.doc 7 Section 2. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends Table 17.08.0300fthe Temecula Municipal Code to add Footnote No.5 to read as follows: . "5. Office uses permitted in the BP and U Zones are subject to Periormance Standards contained in Section 17.08.070. E." Section 3, The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends portions of Section 17.08.070 of the Temecula Municipal Code by adding Subsection "E" to read as follows: "E. Additional Periormance Standards for Office Buildings in the Business Park (BP) and Light Industrial (LI) Zones. In orderto maintain the desirable characteristics of these zones, office buildings must be designed to be compatible with the surrounding scale and retain future opportunities for business growth and expansion. Periormance standards to achieve this include but are not limited to the following: 6. 7. Fewer buildings with multiple-stories are preferred over numerous smaller buildings. This will provide greater opportunities for larger corporate tenants that may desire an entire building or floor. Freestanding multiple office buildings on a single site should be clustered around a courtyard or common area sufficient to retain a pedestrian scale. This creates opportunities for plazas and pedestrian areas while preventing long "barrack-like" rows of buildings. 8. When clustering is impractical, a visual link should be established between buildings. Areas between buildings should be purposely designed shapes not simply left over spaces between buildings. . 9. Landscaping and pedestrian scaled elements such as awnings or trellises should be integrated into the elevation and the passageways should be safely lit. 10. The site should be designed with features that reinforce the visual and spatial relationship of each building, such as the use of decorative paving, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities that complement the architectural design of the buildings." Section 4, Severability. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. Section 5, Environmental Compliance. The City Council hereby finds that this amendment to the Temecula Municipal Code represents a series of minor changes regulating the implementation of the zoning procedures and requirements that have no potential to individually or cumulatively to impact the environment beyond that which currently exists. As a result, the adoption of this ordinance is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. Section 6, Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be posted as required by law. . R:\OrdinancesIPertonnance Slds -Office in BP and LI ZonesIPC Staff Report.doc 8 . Section 7, Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted in three designated posting places. ' Section 8. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect - 0 days after its passage; and within - 0 days after its passage, together with the names of the City Council members voting thereon, it shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in said City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this - day of -, 2004. Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk . [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 04-- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the - day of -' 2004 and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the - day of -' 2004, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk . R:IOrdinances\Pertormance Stds -OHice in BP and LI Zones\PC StaH Report.doc 9 . ITEM #8 . . . . . Date of Meeting: Prepared by: File Number PA04-0111 Project Description: Recommendation: CECA: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION AuÇJust 4, 2004 Dan LonÇJ Title: Associate Planner Application Type: . Development Plan A Development Plan to construct a 31,970 square foot warehouse and storage facility on 2.01 acres located on the north side of Winchester Rd., approximately 1,838 feet west of Diaz Road, I:zJ Approve with Conditions 0 Deny 0 Continue for Redesign 0 Continue to: D Recommend Approval with Conditions 13 Recommend Denial' I:zJ Categorically Exempt (Class) 15332 0 Negative Declaration 0 Mitigated Négative Declaration with Monitoring, Plan . DEIR R:ID "2004104-0111 M"it Moving SystcmslSTAFF REPORT.dot PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Applicant: Winchester Tech., LLC . Completion Date: June 29, 2004 Mandatory Action Deadline Date: September 29, 2004 General Plan Designation: (BP) Business Park Zoning Designation: (LI) Light Industrial Site/Surrounding Land Use: Site: Vacant North: South: East: West: Industrial Building Vacant/Industrial Buildings Storage Facility Industrial Building Lot Area: 87,991 sq. ft. Total Floor Area/Ratio .36 Landscape Area/Coverage 12,219 sq. ft. 14% (10% required per Development Code) . Parking Required/Provided 27 Required/29 Provided BACKGROUND SUMMARY [8J 1. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS The proposed project is a request for a warehouse and mini-storage facility totaling 31,970 square feet. Storage facilities are subject to the supplemental development standards of the Development Code (17.10.020.N). This section includes specific standards for setbacks, lot coverage, landscape coverage, and design. ' The supplemental development standards for storage facilities permit a zero setback from the sides and rear property lines; however the front setback must be maintained according to the underlying zone. Staff determined the rear and east setback may utilize a zero setback since the adjoining parcels also have a zero setback. However staff encouraged the applicant to maintain a five-foot setback along the western property line since there is existing landscaping and a parking lot in this location. The setback with landscaping will provide additional screening on the west side of the building. Staff did not want to create a "dead zone" and determined that setbacks are not necessary on the eastern side and rear since buildings abut these respective areas. . IUD 1'\2004\04-01 ¡ I M«il Mo,i"g SYslcmslSTAFF REPORT dol . . . The supplemental development standards allow for maximum lot coverage of 65%, and minimum landscape coverage of 10%. The proposed lot coverage is 36.3% and the proposed landscape coverage is. 14% of the project site. The applicant has provided berming with landscaping, an employee area, meandering sidewalks and decorative stamped concrete at the driveway. Staff encouraged the applicant to provide the required 36-inch box trees in the front of the building rather than the rear so they will be more visible from the street. The City's Landscape architect has reviewed the landscape plans and recommends approval. The supplemental development standards require the design of storage facilities to be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of design, bulk, mass, materials and colors. The proposed project has been designed to appear as an industrial office building. The storage spaces as well as the loading area for the warehouse are located in the rear, which will not be visible from the street. There is a truck weighing station, which has been proposed behind a metal gate, in order to screen large trucks to the greatest extent possible. The design, bulk, mass and materials will blend with the surrounding uses. The main portion of the building is set to west side of the parcel with the storage facilities in the rear (128 feet). Landscaping, berming and the entrance havè each been designed so the building will blend with the surrounding uses and not appear as a storage facility. The main building entry includes an angled entry towards the driveway and includes a metal covered canopy, which presents an industrial office appearance rather than a storage facility. The supplemental development standards also restrict the uses and materials allowed to be stored ,on-site. As a condition of approval, the project will be prohibited from renting outdoor parking spaces for vehicular storage, unless the applicant requests a modification .to the description of the business, wt)ich may require additional parking facilities. This includes recreational vehicles, boats, trailers and other similar vehicles. There will not be any business activity, other than rental of storage units and warehousing activity permitted on the project site. No service or repair of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, lawn mowers or any similar equipment is permitted. Storage shall not be used for the storage of flammable liquids, combustible or explosive materials, or hazardous chemicals. The project meets the intent Design Guidelines. The entrance to the building is angled towards the street and includes a decorative metal trellis over the entry. The front elevation along Winchester Road includes projections with variations in the roof line. The applicant has proposed reveal lines with glass and tiles to provide interest. Decorative cornices are proposed on top of the projections. Glass is proposed on the second story to appear as an office building. In addition, the projections include doors to appear as secondary office entries. Two metal trellis', designed to match the metal trellis over the entry, are proposed between the building projections and will be planted with vines. Decorative stamped concrete is proposed to the office entry to further accentuate the office entry. The proposed project meets the minimum development standards as well as the intent of the design guidelines and the goals and policies in the General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IðJ 1. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed' Project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review. (Class 15332, in-fill) R,II) roO04I04-0111 M"il Moving SystemslSTAFF REPORT.dol CONCLUSION/R ECOMMEN DATION Staff has determined that the project is consistent with the General Plan and conforms to the City-Wide Design Guidelines. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposed project subject to the attached conditions of approval. FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section 17.05.010F) 1. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan and with all applicable requirements of State law and other City ordinances. The Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed project and finds that the site is properly planned and zoned and found to be physically suitable for the type of the proposed use. The project as conditioned is aiso consistent with other applicabie requirements of State law and locai ordinance, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 2. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been conditioned to conform to the Uniform Building Code, and prior to occupancy, City staff will inspect all construction. The site design will provide adequate emergency access in the case of a need for emergency response to the site ATTACHMENTS 1. Plan Reductions - Blue Page 5 2. PC Resolution No. 2004-- - Blue Page 6 Exhibit A - Draft Conditions of Approval R,ID 1'\200<104-0111 Morit Moving SystemslSTAFF REPORT.dot . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 1 PLAN REDUCTIONS R,\D F'\2004\04-011] Merit Mo,ing5ystcmslSTAFF IŒI'ORTdot . . ""'~;;£,:~ '::JNl ~VDOSSV GNV ::JnJB\fÐ ..: .,; ~~~ #~ ~..j ~¡z~ ~~R ~~ u~~! #::",»:J ß ~~~ ~~ <...~ " ~I ~'~"; .o~ ::;:.: ,'" ¡. iòiò~~~~ ~'~. §..~§~ .,~!.,. ,~::¡ z ~§~¡;'3 ! ' :~ 'a-~~~:\ 6 ~¡m. .. ~ ::!~~zo"", "~i.., s~:\ h~~~§~~.~~~ t ~I~~I~'§ ~ ~:¡;:\"i ~g;~! ::!~~~ ~~~8~ ¡ ;~g'I~1 ~ ~~:¡; ~ 8~~~ ~ '~~ ;s~~i5~~ .'. ~ ~ :::~gJ~2~~2§¡g i:!~Ôi!'2~ ~5~"~ :I ~~~.. 9:¡;:~:¡; .. ~~g~::;N :¡; <ozm__m~ ~ ,n E 0 ~ ~ .. 0 0 0 ~ :Jg;g 'I'; ~ '" §~ 2 z "I ~~B § ~ l~~;;<o~z " 2.' i z w , .~! I ~æ" N<O< . . :~ . :1 :! ~ :i 1'1 i.I :i II !i IT¡ 'i Ii " , ~:¡~! i!!~ ! p: 1< ,I I .1 ¡Íili -.I! 11m hi¡ '. I. , .1 " I I', I, ~ í II 1\ . ,~ I¡ I II II I, I,', ~ Ii' . h ¡Iii II II f-- 'I "~I'll Ii :::> . r' . § I¡III fIIlil ~ h!il!¡;! Vi - ,i¡ ¡¡ ~ill . 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PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- . A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA04-0111, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A 31,970 SQUI\RE FOOT WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE FACILITIES ON 2.01 ACRES, LOCATED- ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WINCHESTER ROAD, APP.ROXIMATELY 1,838 FEET WEST . OF DIAZ ROAD, KNOWN AS APN: 909-31 0~020 AND 909-310- 021. . WHEREAS, Gabric & Associates, initiated Planning Application No. PA04-0111 (Development Plan), in accordance with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development 'Code; .. . . . WHEREAS, Planning Application No. PA04-0111 (Development Plan) was processed inèluding, but not limited to public notice, in the timely manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, notice of ' the proposed Development Plan was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and loc'ållaw; WHEREAS, the Planning Còmmission considered Planning Application No. PAO4-0111 (Development Plan) on August 4, 2004, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law,'at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to, and did testify either in support or opposition to this matter; , WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved PA04-0111 (Development Plan); NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING' COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Tha,t the above recitations are true and correct and are hereby incorporated by reference. . Section 2. Findinas. The Planning Commission, in approving Planning Application No. PA04-0111 hereby makes the following findings as required by Section 17.05.020.F of the City of Temecula Municipal Code: A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for the City of Temecula and with all the applicable requirements of state law and other ordinances of the city; The Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed próject and finds that the site is properly pianned and zoned and found to be physically suitabie for the type of the proposed use. The project as conditioned is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinance, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public, health, safety and general welfare. 11:\0 P\2004\04.0111 Merit Moving SystemslOraft Reso and COAs,doc , The project has been conditioned to conform to the Uniform Building Code, and prior to occupancy, City staff will inspect ail construction. The site design wiil provide adequate emergency access in the case of a need for emergency response to the site Section 3, Environmental Compliance. A Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA04-0111 was made per the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects, Class' 32). This project is an in-fill development and it meets the following criteria: A. The site is 1.01 acres, which is less than 5 acres. B. The proposed development is consistent with the existing development in the area. . C. D. The site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. The site will be adequately served by public utilities and services. Section 4, Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission, hereby approves Planning Application No. PA04-0111 for a 31,970 square foot, warehouse and storage facility located on the north side of Winchester Road, approximately 1,838 feet west of Diaz Road. The Conditions of Approval are contained in Exhibit A. Section 5, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 4th day of August 2004. . ATTEST: John Telesio, Chairperson Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary {SEAL} . R:\D P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Resa and COAs.doc 2 . . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) . ) ss )' I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that PC Resolution No. 2004-~ was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4'h day of August 2004, by the following vote: AYES: ' NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: . PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: , R:\D P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 3 Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary . . . EXHIBIT A DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RID P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 4 . . . EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA . DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROV AL Planning Application No, PA04-0111 Project Description: A Development Plan for a 31,970 square foot warehouse and storage facility located on the north side of Winchester Road, approximately 1,838 feet west of Diaz Road, (APN: 909-310-020 and 909-310-021) Development Impact Fee: Industrial MSHCP Fee: Industrial TUMF Fee: Industrial Approval Date: August 4, 2004 Expiration Date: August 4, 2006 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project 1. The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty-Four Dollars ($64.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption as provided under Public Resources Code Section 21108(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Division the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition (Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)). General Requirements 2. The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify, protect, hold harmless, and defend the City with Legal Counsel of the City's own selection from any and all claims, actions, awards, judgments, or proceedings against the City to attack, set aside, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from any action in furtherance of and the approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application. The City shall be deemed for purposes of this condition, to include any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, and agents. City shall promptly notify both the applicant and landowner of any claim, action, or proceeding to which this RID P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslPraft Reso and COAs,doc 5 condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. The City reserves the right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense. . 3. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. 4. The Director of Planning may, upon an application being filed within thirty days prior to expiration and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to three, one-year extensions of time, one year at a time. 5. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan, contained on file with the Planning Department. 6. Landscaping shall substantially conform to the approved (Conceptual Landscape Plan) contained on file with the Planning Department. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Planning. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Planning shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. . 7. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Planning Department staff, and return one signed set to the Planning Department for their files. 8. This Development Plan may be revoked pursuant to Section 17.05.010 of the City's Development Code. 9. If at any time during excavation/construction of the site, archaeological/cultural resources, or any artifacts or other objects which reasonably appears to be evidence of cultural or archaeological resource are discovered, the property owner shall immediately advise the City of such and the City shall cause all further excavation or other disturbance of the affected area to immediately cease. The Director of Planning at his/her sole discretion may require the property to deposit a sum of money it deems reasonably necessary to allow the City to consult and/or authorize an independent, fully qualified specialist to inspect the site at no cost to the City, in order to assess the significance of the find. Upon determining that the determination is not an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Planning shall notify the property owner of such determination and shall authorize the resumption of work. Upon determining that the discovery is an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Planning shall notify the property owner that no further excavation or development may take place until a mitigation plan or other corrective measures have been approved by the Director of Planning. 10. . The condition of approval specified in this resolution, to the extent specific items, materials, equipment, techniques, finishes or similar matters are specified, shall be R:ID P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslOraft Resa and COAs,doc 6 . . . 20. 22. 23. deemed satisfied by staff prior to approval of the use or utilization of an item, material, equipment, finish, technique that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the condition of approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. 11. The applicant shall paint a 3-foot x 3-foot section of the building for Planning Department inspection, prior to commencing painting of the building. 12. All downspouts shall be internalized. 13. All mechanical and roof top equipment shall be screened from public view. 14. All utilities shall be screened from public view. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a 3' clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the, screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is. not to look like an after-thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all , light poles on plans and insure that there are no conflicts with trees. ' À landscape maintenance program shall be s~bmitted for approval wit~ the landscape construction plans, which details the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth ,and landscape development for the long-term aesthetics of the property. The approyed maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsibleto carryout the detailed program. 15. 16. All stamped concrete shall be decorative and/or colored, subject to the approval of Planning Director. 17. In no case shall any parking spaces'be rented as, or used for veh(cle storage. 18. Any business activity, other than rental of storage, units and interior warehouse is prohibited. On-site sales of merchandise, garage sales and transfer/storage businesses which uti_lize vehicles as part of the business is prohibited. 19. Service' or repairing,of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, I,\wn mowers, tractors or similr equipment is prohibited. Storage units shall not be used for the storage of flammable liquids, highly combustible or explosive materials, or hazardous chemicals. . Truck 'or vehicle rental is prohibited without obtaining all necessarY approvals subject to the Development Co'de Schedule of Permitted Uses. . '.' Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits 21. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval for a parcel merger. In addition, a Certificate of Compliance shall be submitted and approved, prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant shall submit yerification that the parcel merger has been recorded and new grant deeds have been recorded. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. . RID P\2004\O4-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs,doc , 7 24. 25. 26. 27. The applicant shall submit a detailed plan for the employee area. The employee area shall include decorative furniture and hardscape to match the style of the building subject to the approval of the Planning Director. . An appropriate method for screening the gas meters and other externally mounted utility equipment shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. A Consistency Check fee shall be paid per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. These plans shall conform substantially with the approved Exhibit "F", or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted for approval, which details the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. . b. c. d. e. Prior to Building Occupancy 28. 29. The property owner shall fully install all required landscaping and irrigation, and submit a landscape maintenance bond in a form and amount approved by the Planning Department for a period of one -year from the date of the first occupancy permit. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. POLICE DEPARTMENT 30. 31. Any graffiti painted or marked upon the buildings or walls shall be removed or painted over within twenty-four (24) hours of being discovered. Notify the Temecula Police Department immediately so a report can be taken. All roof hatches shall be painted "International Orange." PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Unless otherwise noted, the Developer at no cost to any Government Agency shall complete all conditions. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows on the site plan all existing and proposed property lines, easements, traveled ways, improvement constraints and drainage . R:\D P\2004\O4-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs,doc 8 . . . courses, and their omission may requirè the project to be resubmitted for further review and revision. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. General Requirements 32. A Grading Permit for either rough and/or precise grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City~maintained street right-of-way. 33. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within anexisting.or proposed City right-of-way. All grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. The Developer shall construct public improvements in conformance with applicable City' Standards and subject to approval by the Director of the Depart":1ent of Public Works. a.' Street improvements, which máy inclúde, but not ,limited to: sidewalk, drive approach, storm drain facilities and sewer and domestic water systems. Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. The Developer sh'all po~t security and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in - conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a, (egistered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check.' The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. A Geological Report shall be prepared' by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address special study zones and the geological conditions'of the site, and shall provide recommendations to mitigate the impact 'of ground shaking and liquefaction. . The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources' Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown t~ be exempt. ' ,As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. San Diego'Regional Water Quality Control Board R:ID P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 9 42. 43. b. Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Planning Department Department of Public Works Temecula Fire Prevention Bureau . c. d. e. The Developer shall comply with all constraints, which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier's check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 44. 45. 46. Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: a. Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. Driveways shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No. 207A. Street lights shall be installed along the public streets adjoining the site in accordance with City Standard 800, 801, 802 and 803. Concrete ramps shall be constructed along public street frontages in accordance with City of Temecula Standard No. 400, 401 and 402. All street and driveway centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees. . b. c. d. e. Landscaping shall be limited in the corner cut-off area of all intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. f. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements to City of Temecula General Plan standards unless otherwise noted. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works: a. Improve Winchester Road (Major Highway Standards - 100' RNJ) to include installation of sidewalk, street lights, drainage facilities, utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer). 47. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. . R:\D P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 10 . . . 48. 49. A construction area l:raffic Control Plan shall be designed by a registered Civil or Traffic Engineer and reviewed by the Director'of the Department of Public Works for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation as required by the Department of Public Works. The Developer shall record a written offer to participate in, and waive all rights to object to the formation of an Assessment District, a Community Facilities District, or a Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Fee,. District for the construction of the proposed Western Bypass Corridor in accordance with the General Plan. The form- of the offer shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney. The Developer shall pay to the City the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program as required by, and in accordanêe with, Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipai Code 'and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.08. Prior to Issuance of ã Certificate of Occupancy 50. 51. .53. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. Rancho California Water District' b. Eastern Municipal Water ,District Department of Pubiic Works' c. 52. All public improvements shall be constructed and comp'leted per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction" of the Director of the Department of Public Works. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. ' Building Department 54. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2001 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy Code, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, ,and th~ Temecula Municipal Code. The City of Temecula has adopted an ordinance to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation U~iform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). Upon the adoption of this ordinance on March 31, 2003, this project will be subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance. The fees shall be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 03.-01 and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 55. 56. Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown çm electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly up~n adjoining property or'public rights-of-way. R:IP P\2Q04104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 11 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. . Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1,1998) Provide disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. Provide house electrical meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire alarm systems. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building Code Appendix 29. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on plans prior to permit issuance. . Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. Provide precise grading plan at plan check submittal to check accessibility for persons with disabilities. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. 70. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls if not on the approved building plans, will require separate approvals and permits. 71. Show all building setbacks. 72. Signage shall be posted conspicuously at the entrance to the project that indicates the hours of construction, shown below, as allowed by the City of Temecula Ordinance No. 0-90-04, specifically Section G (1) of Riverside County Ordinance No. 457.73, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sunday or Government Holidays . R:ID P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs,doc 12 . . . COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 73. 74. 75. The trash enclosures shall be large enough to accommodate a recycling bin, as well as, regular solid waste containers. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul construction debris. All perimeter landscaping, fencing, parkways including areas within the ROWand on site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or a private maintenance association. Prior to Issuance of Building Permits 76. 77. The developer shall provide TCSD verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. If additional streetlights will be installed as a result of this project then prior to building permit or installation of streetlights,-, the developer hhall complete the TCSD application 'process, submit an approved Edison Streetlight Plan and pay the appropriate energy fees related to the transfer of street lighting into the TCSD maintenance program. FIRE DEPARTMENT 78. 79. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when the Fire Prevention Bureau reviews building plans. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFe), and related codes, which are in force at the time of building, plan submittal. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commerCial buildings per CFC Appendix liLA, Table A-III-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 2375 GPM at 20-PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 850 GPM for a total fire flow of 3225 GPM with a 4-hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (CFC 903.2, Appendix III-A) 80. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix III-B, Table A-III"B:1. A minimum of 3 hydrant, in a combination of on-site and off"site (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 450 feet apart, at each intersection and shall be located no more than 225 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (CFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix III-B) 81. As required by the California Fire Code, when any portion of the facility is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. For this project on site fire hydrants are required, (CFC 903.2) R:ID P\2004\O4-0111 Merit Moving SystemsIDraft Reso and COAs,doc 13 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. If construction is phased, each phase shall provide approved access and fire protection prior to any building construction. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2) . Prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved temporary Fire Departl)lent vehicle access roads for use until permanent roads are installed. Temporary Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather suriace for 80,000 Ibs. GVW. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2.2) Prior to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather suriace designed for 80,000 Ibs. GVW with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. (CFC sec 902) . Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (CFC 902.2.2.1) Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (CFC 902.2.2.4) Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. Plans shall . be signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, and spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the local water company signs the plans, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (CFC 8704.3,901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1) . Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (CFC 901.4.3) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, approved numbers or addresses shall be provided on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall be of a contrasting color to their background. Commercial and industrial buildings shall have a minimum twelve (12) inches numbers with suite numbers a minimum of six (6) inches in size. All suites shall have a minimum of six (6) inch high letters and/or numbers on both the front and rear doors as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. (CFC 901.4.4) 90. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10, CBC Chapter 9) 91. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire . R\P P\2004\04-0111 Merit Moving SystemslOraft Reso and COAs.doc 14 . . . 92. 93. 94. 95. alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the right side of the màin entrance door. (CFC 902.4) All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by fire fighting personnel. (CFC 902.4) . Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating Fire Lanes with appropriate lane painting and or signs. Prior to the building final, speculative buildings capable of housing high-piled combustible stock, shall be designed with the following fire protection and life safety features: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department' access roads. Buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions California Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. (CFC Article 81) Special Conditions 96. 97. Prior to building permit issuance, a full technical report may be required to be submitted and to the Fire Prevention Bureau. This report shall address, but not be limited to, all fire and life safety measuresper 1998 CFC, 1998 CBC, NFPA - 13, 24, 72 and 231-C. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final a simple plot plan and a simple floor plan, each as an electronic file of the .DWG format must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau. Alternative file formats may be acceptable, contact fire prevention for approval. 98. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Code permit process and update any changes in the items and quantities approved as part of their Fire Code permit. These changes shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval per the Fire Code and is subject to inspection. (CFC 105) 99. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health and City Fire Department an update to the Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and Fire Department Technical Report on file at the city; should any quantities used or stored onsite increase or should changes to operation introduce any additional hazardous material not listed in existing reports. (CFC Appendix II-E) OUTSIDE AGENCIES 100. The applicant shall comply with the attached letter dated June 29, 2004 from the Riverside County Building and Safety Department. RIP P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 15 101. The applicant shall comply with the attached letter date stamped April 8, 2004 from the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. 102. The applicant shall comply with the attached letter dated March 1, 2004 from the Rancho California Water District. 103. The applicant shall comply with the attached letter dated March 2, 2004 from the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health. By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant's Signature Date Applicant's Printed Name RID P\2004104-0111 Merit Moving SystemslDraft Reso and COAs.doc 16 . . . CNTY R I V BLOG & SFTY x: 909-955-2023 Jun 29 20( 7: 18 P.01 -- COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY Building and Safety Department James J. Mjl/er Director , June 29, 2004 . EnGEN Corporation Fax: (909) 296-2237 Attention: Ramon Chavez RE: County Geologic Report No. 1286 , City of Temecula Project No. PAO4-0111, Merit Moving Systems County Geologic Report (GEO) No, 1286 was prepared for this project (City of Temecula Project # P A04- 0111, Merit Moving Systems) and consists of the folloWing documents: . 1. NorCaJ Engineering, January 19,2004, "Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Industrial Development, 42211 to 42235 Winchester Road, Temecula, California". . 2. EnGen C()rporation, February 18, 2004, "Literature Review of Published Fault Investigation Data, Proposed Storage Facility, Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 909-310-020 and 909-310-021, Lots 92 and,93 ofPan:d Map 21383, Winchester Road, City of Temecula, County or Riverside, CaJiforniji". 3, NorCal Engineering, April 30, 2004, "Re~ponse to County Geotechnical Report Review Sheet, Proposed Industrial Development - 42211 to 42235 Winchester Road, Temecula, California". 4. EnGen Corporation, May 17, 2004, "Response to Review Comments, County Geologic Report No, 1286, Proposed Storage Facility, Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 909-310-020 and 909-310-021; Lots 92 and 93, Pan:el Map 21383, Winchester Road, City of Temecula, County or Riverside, Califo~ia'~. 5. NorCal Engineering, June 11,2004, "Response to County Geotechnical Report Review Sheet dated, June 10,2004 - Proposed Industrial Development - Located at 42211 to 42235 Winchester Road, Temecula, California". 6. EnGen Corporation, June 25, 2004, "Response to Review Comments No 2, County Geologic Report No. 1286, Proposed Storage Facility, Assessor'~ Pan:d Nwnbers: 909-310-020 and 909-310;021, Lots 92 and 93, Parcel Map 21383, Winchester Road, City of Temecula, County or Riverside, Ca¥fornia". . County Admj¡ùstrauve Center 4080 Lemon Street, 2nd Floor Riverside, CA 92501 CNTY R I V BLDG & SFTY x: 909-955-2023 Jun 29 201 7: 18 P. 02 OEO No. 1286 concluded: 1. No faults or restricted use zones were found within the site limits, and only a portion of the site lies within the A-P zone (fault zone), . 2. The potential for liquefaction at this site is considered to be low. 3, The proposed development is acceptable from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. 4. It is not necessary to conduct additional field work to evaluate the potential for fault rupture because the entire site lies outside the previously established restricted use zone (RUZ) and no active vaulting was observed during grading. 5. EnOen accepts the work perfonned to date and accepts the responsibility of geotechnical engineer of record. CEO No. 1267 recommended: 1. No structural setbacks are required for the proposed development. 2. All grading and construction of the development should be observed by the geotechnical engineer of record. 3, All upper fi11Jdisturbed soils shall be removed to competent native material. OEO No. 1286 is hereby accepted for planning purposes. Engineering and other Uniform Building Code parameters where not included as a part of this review. Engineering and other building code parameters should be reviewed and additional comments and/or conditions may be imposed by the City's Builcling and Safety Department upon application for grading and/or building pennits. . Please call me at (909) 955-6863 if you have any questions. Sincerely, RIVERSIDE COUNTY BUJLDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT James J. Miller, Building and Safety Director . Jones, Associate Engineering Geologist cc: Applicant: Winchester Tech, LLC, Fax: (909) 245-1161 Planner: Dan Long, ,City of Temecula Office, Fax: (909) 694-6477 CGS - AP Progr~: William Bryant, via US Mail File: Temecula Review, GEOO1286, PA04-0111 . Y:\OeologylTemccul, Rcview,IPAO4-01l1 (Of GEOO1286,doc WARREN D. WILLIAMS ;eneral Manager-Chief Engineer . . . 1995 MARKET STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 909.955,1200 909.788.9965 FAX 51180:' RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ~Œ@ŒDmŒ~ W APR 0.8 2004 W City of Temecula Þ~s~n¿'ìjJ,c~e¡f;~~~f5 Temecula. California 92589-9033 Attention: DOJ'\ Loo~ Ladies and Gentlemen: By Re: PM'- -611.1... The District does not normally recommend conditions for land divisions or other land use cases in incorporated cities. The District also does not plan check city land use cases, or provide State Division of Real Estate letters or other flood hazard reports for such cases. Distnct comments/recommendations for such cases are normally limited to items of specific ,Interest to the District including District Master Drainage Plan facilities, 'other regional flood control and drainage facilities which could be considered a logical component or extension of a master plan system, and District Area Drairiage Plan fees (development mitigation fees). In addition, information of a general nature is provided. , ' The District has not reviewed the proposed project in detail and the following checked comments do not in any way constitute or imply District approval or endorsement of the proposed project with respect to flood hazard, public' health and safety or any other such issue: ..L This project would not be impacted by District Master Drainage Plan facilities nor are other facilities of regional Interest proposed. ' This project involves District Master Plan facilities. The District will accept' ownership of such facilities on written request of the City. Facilities must be constructed to District standards, and District plan check and inspection will be required for District acceptance. Plan check, inspection and administrahve fees will be required. . ' This project proposes channels, storm drains 36 inches or larger in diameter, or other facilities that could be considered regional in nature and/or a logical extension of the adopted, Master Drainage Plan. The District would consider accepting ownership of such facilities on wntten request of the City. Facilities must be constructed to District standards, and District plan check and inspection will be required for District acceptance. Pian check, inspection and administrative fees will be required. b~~~n~~je~\~~ \~~a~~1C~~~~i~~~eli~~; ~~~~e b~~~~~~p~~~~~1iee ~sT~~~,,~~ ~a~~h~~~~ check or money order only to tfle Fiood Control District prior 0 issuance of building or grading permits, whichever comes first. Fees to be paid should be at the rate in effect at the time of issuance of the ,actual permit. X- GENERAL INFORMATION This project may require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES/ permit from the State Water Resources Control Board: Clearance for grading, recordation, or other final approva should not be given until the City has determined that the project has been granted a permit or is shown to be exempt. If this project involves a Federal,Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mapped flooå plain, then, the City should , require the applicant to provide all stuåies, calculations, plans and other Information required to meet FEMA requirements, and should further require that the applicant obtain a Conditional Letter of Map. Revision (CLOMR) prior to grading, recordation or other final approval of the project, and a Letter of Map RevIsion (LOMR) pnor to occupancy. If a natur~1 watercourse or mapped flood plain is impacted by this project, the City should require the applicant to obtain a Section 1601/1603 Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Game and a Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or written correspondence from these agencies indicating the project is exempt from these reqUIrements. A Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification may be required from the local California Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to issuance of the Corps 404 permit. , c: Very truly yours, ~4- ARTURO DIAZ . Senior Civil ngineer Date: 7,' ;:: ¿øc/ 1'If'! ~ @ Rancho Water \ï\ì [?, \"i.".' !.CJ ï!J Œ rn !\ ~~ ,-,,1) ,-- üU MAR U Z 2004 . March I, 2004 By Bo.nlofDi,~.." Dan Long, Project Plarmer City of Temccula Planning Department 43200 Business Park Drive Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 J"hn E. lIon,lond P",,",n' C,.ho F. Ko S" Vi" I'",id",' SO'ph,n J. C"~n,, Halph II. Dnily' SUBJECT: WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY PARCELS NO. 92 AND NO. 93 OF PARCEL MAP NO, 21383; APN 909-310-020 AND APN 909-310-021 WINCHESTER TECH, LLC Hen H- Dcak, U",O,II"m"n .¡"haV. H",,; om"rn, Dear Mr. Long: H,i"nd.ll,.dy G"",.I""n.", I'hillipL. F,,""," Di~",ofFi.."..,~T,,""'m Please be advised that the above-referenced property is located within the boundaries of Rancho Califoll1ia Water District (RCWD). Water and sewer service, therefore, would be available upon construction of any required on-site and/or off-site water and sewer facilities and the completion of financial a'rrangements between RCWD and the property owner. . E.I'. 'B"h'l~m"", Di'_'orE..",..m'.., K,nnelh C. """'y "'",,'" "ro""",'i"," &M.int""',n ~:~;;;',':.:,L""'k If fire protection is required, the customer will need to contact RCWD for fees Lind" ". '-"."", and requirements. Di."¡,, S~M.ryIAdmi,i"rnli" S"~"""n..n,", C, ""hod C"wn" H,," n". & Kei"" LLI' G"".ICo"...,,1 Water availability would be contingent upon the property owner signing an Agency Agreement that assigns water management rights, if any, to RC\VD. If you should have any questions, please contact an Engineering Services Representative at this office at (909) 296-6900. Sincerely, RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT ~ß~ Steve Brannon, P.E. Development Engineering Manager 04\SB:atO5l\FCF Ho""h"Colif""'¡oW""",,¡,'ei" ""'W¡n"""",.",d' 1'""om",n",OOJ1' "'"""",lo,C..I"o"i.'25899017' """,290,6900' FAX (90", 290,6860 ( COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. COMMU1';dY HEALTH AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ¡.."Iarch 2. 2004 City of Temecula Planning Depaltlllent P.O. Box 9033 T"mecula, CA 92589-9033 Attention: Dan Long RE: Plot Plan No. I'AO4-0111 Dear Mr. Long: 1. Department of Environmental 'Health has reviewed the Plot Plan No. PA04-0il] to construct a 37,970 sq: ft warehouse and storage facility on 2.01 acreS and has no objections. Water and sewer services should be available in this area. 2. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF HUlLDING PERMITS THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE REQUIRED: , a) "Will-serve" letters from the appropriate water and sewering districts. . b) If there arc to be any food establishments, (including vending machines), three complete sets of plans for each food establishment will be submitted including a fixture schedule, a finish schedule and a plumbing schedule in order to ensure compliance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law 2. For specific reference, contact Food Facility Plan Examiners at (909) 600-6330. c) If there are to be any hazardous materials, a clearance lelter from the Department of Environmental Health Hazardous Materials Management Branch (600-6333) will be required indicating that the project has been cleared for: . Underground storage tanks, Ordinance # 617.4. . Hazardous Waste Generator Services, Ordinance # 615.3. . Hazardous Waste Disclosure (in accordance with Ordinance # 65 1.2). . Waste reduction managerytent. mŒ@ŒDWŒm W MAR 0 4 2004 æJ Sincerely, .~ Sam Martinez, Supervising En' nmentat Health Speciatist (909) 955-8980 _NOTE: Any current additional'requirements not covered can be applicable at time of Building Plan review for final Department of Environmentall-lealth clearance. Doug Thompson, Hazardous Materials By cc: local Enlorcement Agency' PO, Box 1280, Riverside, CA 92502.1280' 1909) 955-8982 . FAX (909) 781.9653 . 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Flom. Riverside. CA 92501 lAnd U.. And Water Engineering' PO, Box 1206. ffive",ide, CA 925{)2.12Di' . (909) 955.8980 . FAX (909) 955-8903 . 4080 Lemon Street. 2nd Roor, Riverside, CA 92501 . ITEM #9 . . . . . Date of Meeting: Prepared by: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION August4,2004 Matthew Harris Title: Associate Planner File Number PA 02-0661 Application Type: Conditional Use Permit & DevelopmentPlan Pr'oject Description: Recommendation: (Check One) CEQA: (Check One) A Conditional Use Permit and Development.Plan to construct a 12,610 square-foot two-story church facility addition consisting of sanctuary, classrooms, offices, remodeled main entrance, multi- purpose room and pad for a future parsonage on 5.0 acres located at 31087 Nicolas Road. !8J Approve with Conditions 0 Deny 0 Continue for Redesign 0 Continue to: 0 Recommend Approval with Conditions 0 Recommend Denial !8J Categorically Exempt Class 32, In-Fill Development 0 Negative Declaration 0 Mitigated Negative Declaration with Monitoring Plan' OEIR R:IC U P12002\O2-O66 I Calvary Baptist ChurchlCHURCH STAFF REPORT.doc I PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Applicant: Calvary Baptist Church Completion Date: December 8, 2002 Mandatory Action Deadline Date: August 15, 2004 (With Extension) General Plan Designation: Very Low Density Residential (VL) Zoning Designation: Very Low Density Residential (VL) Site/Surrounding Land Use: Site: Vacant North: South: East: West: Residential Residential Church (Under Construction) Vacanti Lot Area: 5.0 Acres Total Floor Area/Ratio 12,610/NA Landscape Area/Coverage 3,2 Acres/47% Parking Required/Provided 34 Spaces Required/116 Provided BACKGROUND SUMMARY [8J 1. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. (or) 01. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, however, the following issues have not been resolved to the satisfaction to staff: R:IC U 1'11002\02-0661 Calvary Baptist Chu,chICHURCH STAFF REI'ORT,doc 2 . . . . . . ANALYSIS The Calvarý Baptist Church is proposing to expand their existing 8,843 square-foot facility to accommodate,a growing congregation. The proposed 12,61 0 square-foot expansion includes a larger sanctuary, Sunday school classrooms, office space, mulli,purpose room, rèmodeled main entrance and pad for a future parsonage which will be approved under separate permit. The existing church facility was constructed prior to City incorporation. Development Code SeCtion 17.06,030 allows for religious institutions in the Very Low Density Residential (VL) zoning district subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The French Valley Airport Land Use Plan 'indicates that the project site is located in the Airport Traffic Pattern Zone which discourages auditorium uses where large numbers of people congregate. However, Section 7.5.2 of the Plan states that "discouraged us€!s which were lawfully established prior to the adoption of the Plan shall be pèrmitted to be modified or enlarged," The church facility did supercede the PI~n. The project conforms with all applicable development standards including parking, landscaping and setback requirements. ,Parking requirements for church facilities are dete'rmined by the number of fixed seats in the church sanctuary, which typically represents the most intensive use of the facility. The applicants indicate that their 11 :00 a.m. Sunday morning service is the most well attended activity at the facilitY,A total of 101 fixeØ seats will exist upon completion of the sanctuary expansion. Development Code Section 17.24.040 requires'that one off-street parking space be provided for each three fixed seats. Therefore, 34 parking spaces are required. The church currently has a much larger onsite parking facility with over 1 00 parking spaces. Onsite landscaping'will be enhanced where necessary so as to comply with current City requirements. . . The architectural style of the building addition will be compatible with the existing colonial style facility. Matching materials including used brick, and colors will be utilized. The existing main entrance to the facility will be remodeled with a porch and associated decorative columns to achieve a more formal appearance. At staffs request, the applicants have agreed to provide a variety of project enhancements which include wider columns and the incorporation of decorative windows and an illuminated cross'on the multi-purpose room elevations. Staff has determined that overall, the project is consistent, with the' General Plan and conforms with the City-Wide Design Guidelines and development standards. specified in the Development Code Moreover, the project conforms to the Supplemental Development Standards for Religious Il1stitutions as specified in Development Code Section 17.06,050.N. [8J 1. In accordance with the California Environmental Quaiiiy Act, the proposed Project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review. (Class 32, In-Fill Development) . . . (or) 01. The proposèd project, as conditioned, has been determined to be cónsistent with the previously approved Regional Center Environmental Impact Report and is exempt from further Environmental Review (CEQA Section 15162 subsequent EIR's and Negative Declarations). R,IC U P\2002102-066] Co]my Bop'i,! ChucchlCHURCH STAFF REPORT,doc . ) CO N CLU SIO N/R E COM M EN DATION . Staff has determined that the project is consistent with the General Plan and conforms with the City-Wide Design Guidelines and Development Code. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposed church expansion subject to the attached conditions of approval. FINDINGS Conditional Use Permit (Section 17.04,010,E) 1. The proposed Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. The General Pian Land Use Designation and the Zoning of the property is Vety Low Density Residential and religious facilities require a Conditionai Use Permit in this Designation. 2. The proposed Conditional Use Permit is compatible with the nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings, and structures and will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings, or structures. The use is compatible with the proposed religious facility to the east and other surrounding uses. 3. The site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer area, landscaping and other development features. . As indicated on the Site Plan and Landscape Pian, the proposed project meets these requirements and ali the requirements of the Development Code. 4. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. The proposed project meets ali Deveiopment Code and building code requirements. Moreover, the project is compatible with the adjacent land uses, and is not detrimental to the heaith, safety, and weifare of the community. 5. The decision to conditionally approve the conditional use permit is based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council. The Staff report and ali the exhibits represent the entire record for the proposed project and support these findings. . K\C U P\2002102-066] Co]vary Bop!;st Chmch\CHURCH STAFF REPORT,doc 4 . . . Development Plan (Section 17,05.010.F) 1. 2. The proposed use is in conformance with the objectives and applicable provisions of the General Plan, Development Code, and the Design Guidelines, The site is therefore properly planned and zoned and found to be physicaliy suitable for the type and density of the proposed development. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinance. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been conditioned to conform to the Uniform Building Code, and ali construction will be inspected by City staff prior to occupancy. The Fire Department staff has also found that the site design will provide adequate emergency access in the case of a need for emergency response to the site. ATTACHMENTS 1. Plan Reductions - Blue Page 6 2. PC Resolution No. 2004 - Blue Page 7 Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval R:IC U 1'\2002102-0661 Calvary Baptist Ch""hICHURCH STAFF REI'ORT,do, 5 . . . ATTACHMENT NO.1 PLAN REDUCTIONS 'UC U PI2002102-066' Co',,",y Bop!;st ChmchlCHURCH STAFF REPORTdoc 6 . . . 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I¡mrrl¡p¡ ¡ I - -¡,' h {I' "t'¡ I', I j' I¡ I ' " (5ì"'iî'aIJI!tj¡;il'I;¡'!¡' I'I! ,. ,i¡ ~ ~¡,!! filII H il !J! :!'I !hlii ¡'II' ';. I'll! ! . ì' I 'I !;, ¡ '\ .:, II) 'i ! ð' I'i ¡ I" 'I ¡ ¡ilk)l!: i¡ ¡I H! Î: I!¡¡'W!¡ il,i,:¡I¡lì,i i ¡:lii ¡¡I~¡U¡¡I I¡ !¡! ,¡!Jlhi!¡!¡'!¡I'L!!llì¡" !I¡Ï'¡'¡il,!I!I',¡flli!, ¡ , ' ¡ ! ¡ III I" ¡ ¡ I J Ii! ,I J .. ¡II , ' j ¡ 'I' I' ¡'!! . , ¡ii ¡¡¡II h!¡lidlì!U¡Î !¡¡illl!! IlI!¡\ !\¡!I\IHi!n¡, '0 0000 0'00' D '0 ~~ci~ ~ 00 ¡ i ~ -~#-- ~'. I¡ ~\ !ð "'", ,'- -, t¡ WÞ- I ~ § ~ . ê ~ i:; >- ~ ¡¡ , i ~ ! } ¡ " .Ih H ¡¡ ~ ~ »:: ~ :{" ~~:! : ~ ";;: ;J¡ i:; ~ sit: I JJ,! ,\. '\'Ii , I " ¡i '¡);l ! ¡ '1; II' i ¡ ~~; ;. ..', ;Iji . IrJiJOH) . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO.2 PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- R:\C U P\2002\O2-0ó61 C,lvocy ¡¡'plis! Church\CHURCH STAFF REPORTdoc 7 . PC.RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA 02-0661, A CONDITI()NAL USE PERMIT AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A 12,610 SQUARE FOOT TWO-STORY CHURCH FACILITY ADDITION CONSISTING OF SANCTUARY, CLASSROOMS, OFFICES, MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM, REMODELED MAIN ENTRANCE AND PAD FOR FUTURE PARSONAGE ON 5,0 ACRES. THE SITE IS LOCATED 31087 NICOLAS ROAD KNOWN AS ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 914-510-009. WHEREAS, Calvary Baptist Church filed Planning Application No. PA 02-0661, a Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan Application, in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, the Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at a 'regular meeting, ¿onsidered the Application on August 4, 2004, at a duly noticed public heqring as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had ..an oPP°':Ìunity to and did testify either in ,support or in opposition to this matter; . WHEREAS, a.t the conclusion of the Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Commission recommended approval of the Application subject.toand based upon the findings set forth hereunder; WHEREAS, all legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred, NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. by reference. Section 2. Findinqs. The. Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby makes the following findings as required by Sections 17.04.010.E & 17.05.010.F of the Temecula Municipal Code: , , ' \ ' Conditional Use Permit (Section 17,04.010;E) . The above recitations are true and correct and are hereby incorporated A, The proposed Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. . The General Plan Land Use Designation and thè Zoning of the property is Very Low Density Residential and religious facilities require a Conditional Use Permit in this Designation, . R:IC U P\2002102-066] Calvary Bápt;st ChurchlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc ] B. The proposed Conditional Use Permit is compatible with the nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings, and structures and will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings, or structures. . The use is compatible with the proposed religious facility to the east and other surrounding uses. C. The site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer area, landscaping and other development features. As indicated on the Site Plan and Landscape Plan, the proposed project meets these requirements and all the requirements of the Development Code. D. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the heaith, safety, and welfare of the community. The proposed project meets all Deveiopment Code and building code requirements. Moreover, the project is compatible with the adjacent land uses, and is not detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. E. The decision to conditionally approve the conditional use permit is based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council. The Staff report and all the exhibits represent the entire record for the proposed project and support these findings. . Development Plan (Section 17.05,010.F) A. The proposed use is in conformance with the objectives and applicable provisions of the General Plan, Development Code, and the Design Guidelines. The site is therefore properly planned and zoned and found to be physically suitable for the type and density of the proposed development. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinance. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been conditioned to conform to the Uniform Building Code, and all construction will be inspected by City staff prior to occupancy. The Fire Department staff has also found that the site design will provide adequate emergency access in the case of a need for emergency response to the site. Section 3, Environmental Compliance. A Notice of Exemption pursuant to Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) Class 32 of the California Environmental Quality Act. . R,IC U 1\2002\02.0661 Calmy Bapt;" Ch",hIPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 2 . Section 4, Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves the Application, a request to construct a church facility addition totaling ,12,610, main entrance remodel and pad for future parsonage set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference together with any and all necessary conditions that may be deemed necessary. Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 4" day of August 2004. John Telesio, Chairperson ATTEST: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary [SEAL] . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that PC Resolution No. 2004-- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of August 2004, by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary . R,IC U 1'12002102-0661 Calv",y Dapt;s< ChucchIPC RESOLUTION NO.doc 3 . . . EXHIBIT A DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R:\C U 1'\2002102-0661 Colvory Bopl;" ChucchlJ'C RESOLUTION NO,doc 4 . . . EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No, PA 02-0661 Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan to construct, a two-story church facility addition totaling 12,610 square feet on 5.0 acres. The site is located at 31078 Nicolas Roact DIF Category: Exempt TUMF Category: Exempt 'Assessor Parcel No.: 914-510-009 Approval Date: August4,2004 Expiration Date: August4,2006 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval ?f this Project 1. The applicant shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty-Four Dollars ($64.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice o(Exemption as provided under Public Resources Code Section 21108(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Planning Depårtment the check as'required above, the approval for the' project granted shall be void by reasori' of failure of .condition (Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)). General Reqúirements 2. The pèrmittee/applicant shall indemnify, defend with counsel of City's own election, and hold harmless, the City and' any agency or instrumentality thereof, and/or any of its officers, em'ployees, and agents from any and all claims, actions, or proceedings against the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, and agents, to attack, set aside, void, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting from an approval of the City, orany agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application which action is brou9ht within the appropriate statute of limitations period and Public Resources Code, Division 13, Chapter 4 (Section 21000 et seq., including but not by the way of limitations Section 21152 and 21167). The City shall promptly notify the permittee/applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding brought forth within this time period. The City shall estimate the cost of the defense of the action and applicant shall deposit said amount with the City. City may require additional deposits to, cover anticipated costs. City shall refund, without interes\, any unused R:\C U P12002\()2-O661 Calvary Bap.;" ChurchlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 5 portions of the deposit once the litigation is finally concluded. Should the City fail to either promptly notify or cooperate fully, permittee/applicant shall not, thereafter be responsible to indemnify, defend, protect, or hold harmless the City, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, or agents. . 3. This approval shall be used by the Expiration Date noted above; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. 4. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "D" (Site Plan), contained on file with the Planning Department Additionally, the following criteria must be met prior to development of the project: a. All ground mounted utility/mechanical equipment shall be located such that they are not placed in prominent locations visible to the public. The specific location of the equipment and method of screening shall be shown on the landscape construction drawings. Two 4' x 7' motorcycle spaces shall be provided onsite. The location of the spaces shall be shown on the construction drawings. b. 5. The applicant shall comply with their Statement of Operations on file with the Community Development Department- Planning Division. 6 Any outside wall-mounted lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. All parking lot lights and other exterior lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655. Wall pack style light fixtures shall not be utilized. . 7. Building elevations shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "E" (Building Elevations), contained on file with the Planning Department. All mechanical and roof- mounted equipment shall be hidden by building elements that were designed for that purpose as an integral part of the building 8. Landscaping shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "F" (Landscape Plan). Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Planning. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Planning shall have the authority to require the property owner to brin9 the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 9. The colors and materials for this project shall substantially conform to the following list of approved colors and materials and with the Color and Material Board contained on file with the Planning Department. Any deviation from the approved colors and materials shall require approval of the Director of Planning. Material Exterior Stucco, Facia Board Color . Trim and Eves: Dunn Edwards SP1 White Role U 1'12002\O2.()661 Cul"o" Bop';" Ch""hIPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 6 . . . Roof: Brick: Monier Villa #231 Charcoal Robinson Cambridge Red/flash Rust-Oleum #7779 Black Handrails: 10. The condition of approval specified in this resolution, to the extent specific items, materials, equipment, techniques, finishes or similar matters are specified, shall be deemed satisfied by staff prior to approval of the use or utilization of an item, material, equipment, finish, technique that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the condition' of approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which .case the real party in interest may'appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. Prior to the Issuance of Grading Permits 11. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of, approval that will be provided by the Planning Department staff, and return one signed set to the Planning Department for their files. . 12. The applicant shall submit to the Planning Department for permanent filing two (2) 8" X 10" glossy photographic color prints of the approved Color and Materials Board and of the colored version of approved Exhibit "E", the colored architectural elevations to the Planning Department for their files. All labels on the Color and Materials Board and Elevations shall be readable on the photographic prints. Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits 13. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. These plans shall conform substantially with the approved Exhibit "H1" and "H2," or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). " ' One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigatiòn (in accordance with the approved plan). b. c. d. The applicant shall submit a Certificate of Compiiance application to the Planning & Community Development Depa~mentfor review and approval., Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits 15. 14. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Planning. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. R,IC U P12ÜO2102.<J661 C,I,."" B,pl;st ChmchlPC RESOLUTION NO.doc 7 16. 17. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Planning, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings, in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan shall be filed with the Planning Department for one year from final certificate of occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Director of Planning, the bond shall be released. . All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS General Requirements 18. 19. 20. 21. A Grading Permit for either rough and/or precise grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way, All improvement plans and grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. The Developer shall construct public improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. a. Street improvements, which may include, but not limited to: curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive approach, street lights, storm drain facilities and sewer and domestic water systems . Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 22. 23. 24. 25. A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. The Developer shall post security and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check, The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or private drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. The study shall also analyze . lUG U 1'\2002'O2'()661 C""'C)' 8'pt;'1 Ch"",hIPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 8 . . . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. and identify impacts to downstceam properties and provide specific recommendations to 'protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of downstream facilities, including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer. The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. . , As deemed necessary by the Director of the Dep.artment of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. Planning Department b. Department of Public Works c. Temecula Fire Prevention Bureau The Developer shall comply with all constraints' which mày be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off- site work performed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. . .' A flood mitigation 'charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier's check or money order, prior to issuance of permits" based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plàn fee or mitigation charge has already .been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 31. Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: a. Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. Driveways shall conform to the applicable City of T emecula Standard No. 207 A. Street lights shall be installed along the public streets' adjoining the site in accordance with City Standard No. 800. Concrete sidewalks and ramps shall be constructed along public street frontages in accordance with City of Temecula Standard No. 400. Improvement plans shall extend 300 feet beyond the project boundaries. Minimum centerline radii shall be in accordance with City of Temecula's Standard No. 113. All street and driveway centerline intersections shall be at,90 degrees. b. c. d. e. f. g. R:\C U P\20021O2-{)66 I Calvary Dapt;SI ChucchlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 9 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. h. Public Street improvement plans shall include plan and profile showing existing topography, utilities, proposed centerline, top of curb and flowline grades . The Developer shall construct the following public improvements to City of Temecula General Plan standards unless otherwise noted. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works: a. Improve Nicolas Road (Arterial Highway Standards - 110' R/W) to include dedication of half-width street right-of-way, installation of half-width street improvements, paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, street lights, drainage facilities, signing and striping, utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer), raised landscaped median. b. Improve Calle Colibri (Local Road Standards - 60' R/W) to include the installation of sidewalk, street lights, signing and striping (including but not limited to water and sewer). All street improvement design shall provide adequate right-of-way and pavement transitions per Caltrans' standards for transition to existing street sections. The Developer shall submit a Certificate of Compliance to the Department of Public Works and be approved by the Director of Public Works. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. . The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. The Developer shall pay to the City the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Pro9ram as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.08. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 38. 39. 40. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. Rancho California Water District b. Eastern Municipal Water District Department of Public Works c. All public improvements shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. . RX U 1'12002\02-0661 C,lv",y n"ptist ChucchWC RESOLUTION NO doc 10 BUILDING DEPARTMENT . 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. . 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. . 55. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 1998 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and ,Mechanical Codes; 1998 National Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy and Disabled Access Regulations and the Temecula Municipal Code. Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution: All'street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rig~ts-of-way. A receipt or clearance lettèr from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure 'the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. Disabled access from the public way to the main' entrance of the building is required. The path of travel shall meet the California Disabled Access Regulations in terms of cross slope, travel slope stripping and signage. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998) All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulatio'ns effective April 1,1998) " Show path of accessibility. from parking to furthest poi,nt of .improvement. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 1998 edition of the California Building Code Appendix 29. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature 'on plans prior to permit issuance. . . Provide electrical plan including load calculations and. panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. Provide precise grading plan for plan check submittal.to check for handicap accessibility. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior 10 the start of the building construction. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standard and any block walls if not on the approved building plans, will require separate approvals and permits. Show all building setbacks. R,IC U 1'\2002102-0661 Calvary Baptist ChurchlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc II 56. Signage shall be posted conspicuously at the entrance to the project that indicates the hours of construction, shown below, as allowed by the City of Temecula Ordinance No. 0-90-04, specifically Section G (1) of Riverside County Ordinance No. 457.73, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Saturday 7;00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m, No work is permitted on Sunday or Government Holidays . FIRE DEPARTMENT 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per CFC Appendix liLA, Table A-III-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 1500 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 850 GPM for a total fire flow of 2350 GPM with a 2 hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (CFC 903.2, Appendix III-A) . The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix III-B, Table A-III-B-1. A minimum of 1 hydrants, in a combination of on-site and off-site (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 500 feet apart, at each intersection and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The uP9rade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (CFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix III-B) As required by the California Fire Code, when any portion of the facility is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. For this project on site fire hydrants are required, (CFC 903.2) If construction is phased, each phase shall provide approved access and fire protection prior to any building construction. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2) Prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved temporary Fire Department vehicle access roads for use until permanent roads are installed. Temporary Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface for 80,000 Ibs. GVW. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2,2.2) Prior to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or . ""C U 1'\2002\02.0661 C,'v")' l)'ptist ChucchlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 12 . . . 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 71. any portion of an exterior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface designed for 80,000 Ibs. GVW with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. (CFC sec902) Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have,an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance'of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (CFC 902.2.2.1) Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (CFC 902.2.2.4) Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. ,After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be 'presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau. for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (CFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (CFC 901.4.3) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, 'approved numbers or addresses shall be provided on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall be of a contrasting color to their background. Commercial, multi-family residential and industrial buildings shall have a minimum twelve (12) inches numbers with suite numbers a minimum of six (6) inches in size. All suites shall gave a minimum of six (6) inch high letters and/or numbers on both the front and rear doors. Single family residences and multi-family residential units shall have four (4) inch letters and lor numbers, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. (CFC 901.4.4) Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire' Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10, CBC Chapter 9) 70. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 1O) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the right side of the fire sprinkler riser room door. (CFC 902.4) R:IC U PI2002\OZ-û661 Calvary Oapt;st ChucchlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc . 13 72. 73. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by fire fighting personnel. (CFC 902.4) . Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating Fire Lanes with appropriate lane painting and or signs, Special Conditions 74. 75. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final a simple plot plan and a simple floor plan, each as an electronic file of the .DWG format must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau. Alternative file formats may be acceptable, contact fire prevention for approval. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Code permit process and update any changes in the items and quantities approved as part of their Fire Code permit. These changes shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval per the Fire Code and is subject to inspection. (CFC 105) COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT General Conditions 76. 77. If a residential dwelling is added to this project, Quimby and other residential fees, including DIF, will be applied. . The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul construction debris. 78. Prior to Issuance of Buildinq Permits The developer shall provide TCSD verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris, 79. OUTSIDE AGENCIES 80. The applicant shall comply with the attached correspondence from the Department of Department of Environmental Health dated December 13, 2002. The applicant shall comply with the attached correspondence from Rancho Water District dated December 16, 2002. . R:'C U P11002\O2-o661 Calvo')' Baptist ChurrhIPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 14 . . . The applicant shall comply with the attached correspondence from Riverside County Flood Control dated February 4, 2003. By placing my signature below,l confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions' of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any change's I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. 81. Applicant's Signature Date Applicant's Printed Name RIC U P\2002102-066! C,!v,/}' n'ptist ChuochlPC RESOLUTION NO,doc 15 0) ) COUN1Y OF RIVERSIDE 0 HEALTh "ERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ':' December 13, 2002 , DEC 1 8 2002 City ofTcmccula Planning Department P.O. Box 9033 , Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Attention: Thomas Thornsley ,., RE: Conditional Use Permit P A02-066l Dear Mr. Thornsley: The Department of Environmental Health has reviewed the Conditional Use Permit P A02-066l for the proposed addition to the Calvary' Baptist Church and REQUESTS T HAT PRIOR TOT HE CUP APPROVAL THA T THE FOLLOWING IS PERFORMED: ' I. A C-42 state licensed plu'mber is to evaluate or locate the existing septic system. This is to ensure that the proposed addition does not encroach on the septic system, as it is not depicted on the exhibit. This evaluation is to be perfonned in accordance with the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health procedures. Please have applicant cal1 this office for the specific requirements. Note: Additional soils percolation cngineering,!nay be required prio~ to'building permit approvals. Sincerely, 'ronmen!al Health Specialist (909) 955-8980 . 4065 County Circle Drive. Riverside, CA 92503'0 Phone (909) 358-5316 0 FAX (909) 358-5017 (Mailing Address - P.O. Box 7600 0 Riverside, CA 92513-7600) p,;""'o"",",dpa,,,@ (@ Rancho later ßo",',fDi,~"", Li," D. He,man P",ideol Jeff,ey L. M;okJe, S" Vi" Pre,id"ol Stepheo.1. Co'ona ""'ph II. Dafly Rcn R. D.-.ke John E. Hoagland C,oha F. Ko om"" Joho F. Heon;g", Geoe,.l M,nog" Phmip 1.., "O"'" Di,,"'" ,f F'n"o'~ 'lTeaeom >:'1', "'"h" Lem"n' D'm'""f",gi""ing Keoneth C. De.I, D'","',ofOp",tioo, & Maio"oaoee PeITY R. Lonek Coolmll" L'nd. M, Frego", Di,I,"etS~"'"ryIA'm'oi,I,"""e SeN"" Mono", c. M;eh..1 C"weU Bc,1 Be" & Krieg" 1.1..1' Geo",1 C",owl Dccember 16,2002 DEC 1 8 2002 Thomas Thomslcy, Case Planner City of Temecula Planning Department 43200 Business Park Drive Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 SUBJECT: WATER AVAILABILITY A PORTION OF PARCEL 29 OF PARCEL MAP 1, PAGES 44" 46 APN 957-140-009 PLANNING APPLICATION NO.PA02-066I DcaI' Mr. Thornsley: Please be adviscd that the above-referenced property is located within the boundaries of Rancho California Water District (RCWD). Water service, therefore, would be available upon completion of financial anangements between RCWD and the property owner. If fire protection is required, the customer will need to contact RCWD for fees and requirements. Watcr availability would be contingcnt upon the property owner signing an Agency Agreement that assigns water management rights, if any, to RCWD. If questions, please Engineering Services have contact an any you Repïe;;êntativc at this ùffiec. Sincerely, RANCI-TO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT ~ v~~~ Steve Brannon, P.E. Development Engineering Manager 02\SRmcIIOIFOI2-T6IFCF Rao,h" Calif"m'a Wa"', Di,t"el m:J5W'"h"'"H,,,' - p""om"",,,O!7' Tem~"I"CMorn',92589,90!7 - (909)296.6900-FAX!909)296.6860 1995 MARKET STREET RIVERSIDE. CA 92501 909.955.1200 909,788.9965 FAX WARREN D. WILLIAMS }eneral Manager-Chief Engineer . . . 51180.1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL . AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT IJi~Œ œ œ 0 W Œ~'\.:i CilyofTemecula tl FEBO72003 /¡¡¡flil Þ~s1nCf~c~eEf;:~o"rj t!J¡ Temecula, California 92589-9033 Attention: 7Î-'OMAS ~;Cr<N,Li:.""1 By -., '---' , P Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Pi 02- -066 I The District does not normally recommend conditions for land divisions or other land use cases in incorporated cities, The District also does not plan check city land use cases, or provide State Division of Real Estate letters or other flood hazard reports for such cases. District comments/recommendations for such cases are normally limited to items of specific mterest to the District including District Master Drainage Plan facilities, other regional flood control and drainage facilities which could be considered a logical componenf or extension of a master plan system, and District Area Drainage Plan fees (development mitigation fees), In addition, information of a general nature is provided. The District has not reviewed Ihe proposed project in detail and the following checked comments do not in any way constitute or imply District approval or endorsement of the proposed project with respect to flood hazard, public health and safety or any other such Issue: v This project would not be impacted by District Master Drainage Plan facilities nor are other facilities of regional Interest proposed. This project involves District Master Plan facilities. The District will accept ownership of such facilities on written request of the City. Facilities must be constructed to District standards, and District plan check and inspection will be required for District acceptance. Plan check, inspection and administrative fees will be required. This project proposes channels, storm drains 36 inches or larger in diameter, or other facilities that could be considered regional in nature and/or a logical extension of the adopted, , Master Drainage Plan. The District would consider accepting ownership 01 such lacilities on wntten request of the City. Facilities must be constructed to District standards, and District plan check and inspection will be required for,,~istrict acceptance. Plan check, inspection and administrative fees will be required, This projett is locaied within the limiis of the'Distii~i's ", '11.1Eí¡:ï .filE :K:>A ' '1Ft'), . Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adop e ; app Ica e ees ou e pal y cashier's check or money order only to me' Flood Control District priodo issuance of building or grading permits, whichever comes first. Fees to be paid should be'at the rate in effect at the time of issuance of the actual permit. GENERAL INFORMATION L This project may require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES/ permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. Clearance for grading, recordation, or other final approva should not be given until the City has determined that the project has been granted a permit or is shown to be exempt. If this project involves a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mapped flood plain, then the City should require the applicant to provide all studies, calculations, plans and other mformation required to meet FEMA requirements, and should further require that the applicant obtain a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) prior to grading, recordation or other final approval of the project, and a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) prior to occupancy. If a natural watercourse or mapped flood plain is impacted by this project, the City should require the applicant to obtain a Section 1601/1603 Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Game and a Ciean Water Act Section 404 Permit from the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers, or written correspondence from these agencies indicating the project is exempt from these requirements. A Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification may be required from the local California Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to issuance of the Corps 404 permit. . " c: Ve,ytrulyyours, " .' ~~\\ç.K, bL- STUART E. MCKIBBIN Senior Civil Engineer Date 2.- -4 - ZùO~ 'sKt-1. . ITEM #10 . . . . . Date of Meeting: Prepared by: STAFF REPORT- PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION August 4, 2004 Matthew Harris Title: File Number PA03-0723 Application Type: Project Description: Recommendation: (Check One) CEQA: (Check One) Associate Planner Development Plan PA03-0723 a Development Plan to construct two single-story retail buildings consisting of 6,480 and 6,870 square feet respectively on two parcels totaling 1.3 acres loèated at the northwest corner of Overland Drive and Margarita Road, I8J Approve with Conditions 0 Deny . 0 Continue for Redesign 0 Continue to: 0 Re'commend Approval with Conditions 0 Recommend Denial. I8J Categorically Exempt 0 Negative Declaration 15162, SubsequentEIR 0 Mitigated NegativeD.eclaration with Monitoring Plan DEIR R:ID P\2003\O3-0723 Ovedand Retail Ccntc,ISTAFFREPORT.doc PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Applicant: MCA Architects Completion Date: December 19, 2003 Mandatory Action Deadline Date: August 15, 2004 (With Extension) General Plan Designation: Service Commercial (SC) Zoning Designation: Tem. Regional Center (SP 7) Site/Surrounding Land Use: Site: Vacant North: South: East: West: Office Vacant Single-Family Res.lMulti-Family Res. Restaurant Lot Area: Parcel 3 - .72 Acres/Parcel 4 - .58 Acres Total Floor Area/Ratio N/A per Specific Plan Landscape Area/Coverage 14,237 sq. ft./25% Parking Required/Provided 332 Spaces Required (Entire Center)/ 354 Provided (Entire Center) BACKGROUND SUMMARY [S] 1. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. (or) 01. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, however, the following issues have not been resolved to the satisfaction to staff: R,ID P\20031O3-0723 Ovedand Retail Cen",\STAFFREPORT,dne . . . . . . [8J 2. The, attached "Project Review Worksheet" (Attachment A) has been completed and staff has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan, City- wide Design Guidelines, the Temecula Regional Center Specific Pian Specific Plan and the Development Code. (or) 02. . . , The attached "Project Review Worksheet" (Attachment Á) has been compleÎedand indicates that stat,t cannot make all the findings of consistency required forapproval. ANALYSIS In July of 2001, the Planning Commission approved a Development Plan for the Overland Corporate Center complex. The approved site plan indicated that either a motel or restaurant would be developed on this 1.3 acre pad. Instead of building one of those options, the applicants are now proposing to develop two retail buildings totaling 13,350 square feet. Condition of Approval No.7 of the Development 'Plan required that the Planning Commission review and approve any changes to the approved building types. ' The project conforms with all applicable development standards including parking, landscaping and setback requirements. Parking requirements were determined based on existing and future uses throughout the entire Overland Corporate Center. The following analysis is provided: Future and Existing Office Buildings At,B-1, C-1, D-1 & G1 - 56,000 Sq. Ft. Building A & B Retail - 13,350 Sq. Ft. Restaurant F1 - . 7,500 Sq. Ft. The Regional 'Center Specific Plan requires 4 spacès/1,OOO SF Office and 5 spaces/1O00 SF Retail & Restaurant. Based on the existing and future uses on site listed above, staff has determined that 332 parking spaces are required to serve the entire center. A total of 354 spaces will be provided. Should the future office use on Pad A-1 change, the proposed size or intensity must conform to available onsite parking requirements. Reciprocal parking and access easements have been established between adjacent parcels within the center. À contemporary architecture has been utilized for the complex. Staff believes the retail buildings are consistent with applicable provisions of the Temecula Re9ional Center Specific Plan and City-Wide Design Guidelines. While the architectural style of the buildings do not match the existing office buildings or the future ,restaurant, which has a separate style, staff believes the buildings are compatible with existing development within the Center and serve as an attractive addition to the complex. Staff worked with the applicant to achieve a variety of project enhancements includin9 the application of faux stone painting on the rotunda element, increased decorative column projections along rear elevations and a more formalized outdoor courtyard to, include a water feature. Staff has determined that overall, the project is consistent with the General Plan and conforms with the City-Wide Design Guidelines and development standards specified in the Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan. R:ID P\2003\O3-0723 Ove,bnd Retail Cente"STAFFREPORT.d~c 01. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed Project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review. (Class, name, type) . (or) [8J 1. The proposed project has been determined to be consistent with the previously approved Regional Center Environmental Impact Report and is exempt from further Environmental Review (CEQA Section 15162 subsequent EIR's and Negative Declarations). CONCLUSION/RECOMMEN DATION Staff has determined that the project is consistent with the General Plan and conforms with the Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan and City-Wide Design Guidelines. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposed retail buildings subject to the attached conditions of approval. FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section 17.05.010F 1. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan, Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan and with all applicable requirements of State law and other City ordinances. . The plan to develop two retaii buildings totaiing 13,350 square feet is consistent with the Temecula Regionai Center Specific Plan and the City-Wide Design Guideiines. Moreover, the proposed plan, as conditioned, incorporates architectural and landscape designs, which wiil achieve the City's General Plan Community Design Goal #3, 'Preservation and enhancement of the positive qualities of individual districts or neighborhoods ". The retail buildings comply with all appiicabie development standards of the Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan and Development Code including off-street parking and landscaping requirements. 2. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been conditioned to conform to the Uniform Building Code, and prior to occupancy, City staff will inspect all construction. The site design will provide adequate emergency access in the case of a need for emergency response to the site. . ReID P\2003103-0723 Overland Rela;] CenterlSTAFFREPORT,doc . . . ATTACHMENTS 1. Plan Reductions - Blue ~age 6 . 2. Project Review Worksheet - Blue Page 7 PC Resolution No. 2004 - Blue Page 8 Exhibit A -.Conditions of Approval 3. RID P\200JIOJ-O723 Ove<land Reta;] Center'STAFFREPORT,doc . . . ATTACHMENT NO.1 PLAN REDUCTIONS R:ID P\2003\03-0723 Ombnd Ret,i] CentcrISTAJ'FREPORTdoc . ~I ¡. ill ----------- . , ' i ! ~:: -~J ;r¡ ¡1¡ ¡ i I ! " ~~' illl K ï -t'.l1Iæ!Imr- ---+-- \ - ',,-- ~- -- ;; ; :11 \ ¡ ¡ ¡il; : !¡i ~"¡~¡ !¡¡ii !¡¡ !.:i ji,; ¡ '¡II' ,¡¡¡ ,,'" ,. ,j " p:~ ,J~ ,~ - ,,-,.¡ .;~ ! ,<' II' ~ ì ¡;¡ '-!i ~~. ;~i¥l;~ i "II ¡!! j!¡ -. - """" -,. -I I \ I ~:/ ~ II Ii¡¡ ~ Is II ~ "" I -. ¡.. -;;:.'- ¡¡¡¡Î;~!!~!~' ¡¡¡~¡¡ . :¡;~ ¡:!i. ¡¡¡ii, I;;',!. ,'" ,¡, ¡- . d ~ I I! ! I! ¡, , ! 'p ~_!. I,,: .'. .., ., , , ¡ .. ";;i ¡a,n! !~ 'I I" ¡II ili! ifi¡ II" ;¡;,' \"Jc ' -~= ~ ~ @! ;r¡ ~¡ <;: z ~ ~ ¡¡; . II: W I- Z W () ; ...I' -, ct! I- :, w!î II: !I c! ~¡ ...I II: W > 0 . ! I; !! I, ,. I! II 'i '! I, I! .. I: II ,I , 0' "' ~¡- ~m . -) ->'1 ! 10111 111"1' . ; JI.I II!;:¡ !lilL ,.I¡;i 0@ eee . . \ ' \,- "- ~~:: ~H I!: W I- Z W () ~ ...II ,,- go« ;;: 1-., "W!í I!: I! ~cl' gz ;;:0«' I ...I- I!: W > 0 z ~ t I. i¡ ¡. ¡¡ i¡ :, I, Ii 'I h ¡: II !, :!i ~ . ¡ l ! 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" ! ¡¡ ¡ .. : I " , ! ' ,1. !!I!!ì ! ~ ¡ 'ii ¡¡¡¡¡: ¡ i ,. 0 "",' . ~ 'Ii """ , ¡ i ," - - ...- . " ~z ~<1; ~-' 0. CJ Z '~ <1;' -' 0., >-' ~I ~i' w, 'g: I . !" ¡ ¡ i i i ¡ ¡ I " ¡ ! ¡ , , I ¡ i ! I I ¡ , i ! r , ¡ ¡ . . . . I i J,.r, !:::=. ;"'- i":'.'.' ,'.C> I . l,.....,...,..", ~ ,e' -_J -, =:> ," -, C=.. . Iddl! ¡ I! ¡Ihun Ii I, i ¡ ,I¡¡¡II¡!¡!! II I II ¿¡/mi u! ¡I ¡ Ii <0 <0 OO<ê> . "'t).!! O'!f!! ~~!!! 1'- . ~ . ~ : § a: w I- Z 11.10 '" o~ ~ ....~ 9 <~ '5 I-~ð : w~s « a:~~ '-' ~~ z QO~ 9 zt '5 cr:~ '" ....8 a:~ w > 0 § ~; g~ ~~- ~,!¡¡ ~I!~ ~,~[ . . . , "'.~': r{ ATTACHMENT NO.2 PROJECT REVIEW WORKSHEET RolD 1'\2003103-0723 Ovcrbnd R,"il Ccntc,ISTAFFREI'ORTdoc . . . PROJECT REVIEW WORKSHEET Development Plan Commercial Planning Application Number: fA' O"J- 072.?? 5e.i"v'ìr e CðmmrfC.i",\ (sc) Consistent? 1. General Plan Designation: 'Ie'? 2. Zoning Designation: T~(7').¡2¡f>3' l'rrlu- ~P-'1 Consistent? YpC; 3. Environmental Documents Referred to in Making Determination: IðJ 18], ~ ~ gJ' ø .~ ð1 D D General Plan EIR Sensitive BiologicalHabitat Map Sensitive Archeological Area Map Sensitive Paleontological Area Map Fault Hazard Zone Map Subsidence/Liquefaction Hazard Map 100 Year Flood Map Future Roadway Noise Contour Map Other (Specify) , Previous EIRlN.D. (Specify Project Name & Approval Date): . \e.~c.v\rdZ<'3;^""'\ rpr#""'-<;V~r;{.;c. "fIr"., E.::!:JZ')c¡'-hl:>~"'1I Iqq4- , . I '.) D D Submitted Technical Studies (Specify Name, Author & Date): . Other: Rr Exempt D Mitigated Negative Declaration D Negative Declara'tion . D EIR 4. Environmental Determination: ø 10 Day Review D 20 Day Review D 30 Day Review 5. General Plan Goals Consistency: Consistent 0' ø ø Inconsistent D 0 D 'Land Use Circulation Housing R:IFORMSIST AFF REPORTSIPROJECT REVIEW WORKSHEET,commmia1.dot , I PROJECT REVIEW WORKSHEET Development Plan Commercial Consistent Inconsistent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OSIConservation Growth Management/Public Facilities Public Safety Noise Air Quality Community Design Economic Development . ø 0 I?š.'I ~ ~ ~ ~ 6. City-wide Design Guideline Consistency: 0 Site Planninq: 0 A. How does the placement of building(s) consider the surrounding area character?T""-r"-aic¿.r 5i+c-c.00'\' í'15 of 0- ';J,.-D<:\cdú>m~Pt\dw,+J...j" tk ~"i7h'J Dve.l""ð Cos. ('.'!"\"tb~ýCo"'fk;<. n<.. Jik- j ~ to""<.,.-~ -H<-a:qJ"c"".r5tnd5: 1h<.bvjlðj~~p ¡,.""vm- - M<."t- 5Wo:.\--.ç.,""~'\~>' '"'" "'vi',).;"" ~ .<"'-'M""T-í":'.~'\ ,~""\-, ..,il-" '"7:jvif"<'~ ÞOuí\di '"'~ """"-' ¡""""'\Pi 'ì .~. '" """I"." <l.a">"o....c.y,,~\-c.-""0~<:.""h"'\,",,1'" ~<. ~...-o , "',P..~" ¡q,,{¡, B. How do the siructure~ Interface with adjoining properties to avol ~ng '-'i~~'Î"¡,J""" nuisances and hazards? r.~,^>~~"" í..... 5""",<.. ç.<>(.;\'-H<:~-NY -\-I--.<:.'ovil';¡;~ 1",=.",=" \o","~ò ..-\--tk.-<-~D¡:'<.~rv.í\ò¡" ~. ,~ ~"-""""Ò"'" ~"<)^ ."n.lv,,",! r 1\'" .<.IIs,!,""" ,~I.Ý. ""'."'~)r"""~"r-'" J).h INI'\)'..,' T"..-\'..c.;\;f-;c> ..i\\ ~ il">j",,* o.J..J"-O:I1"I- VS<:,!",,<1 C;n-vl..-\-.ò" C"-'*\jt.-15 1-.".... b.,-:n, , C. How does the building placement allow buildings rather than parking lots ......'.~. to define the street edge? ì~<. \?vilð;~> \-..~,,'-- 1;¡<:.",--",~¡-ItJ ,'"TD-t-\"o:.[..V....<..r &f -»-"51"'£' l1-,;s "II"", \'»v +-\."" 50,*" ~ 1~ ;i~\~=~t:.1-~~~~,t;t<'\:;:;::-\--f ~~:~~)<;::J;:~\- ~:~t;:~s~. <.or\-',o"\7 o-ð.>o,CV"r;... ~L."L ',,!O ,- J\ 'w Parklnq anq ClrCUla!lOn: 7ITec.,~ "" <..- ~J"'<V ""', v, J ~"',.-<£\s ' A. How does the parking lot design allow customers and deliveries to reach the site, circulate through the parking lot, and exit the site easily?.. "'< f"vW"'J lot- ì,. d.e5;""'ooð "" ocw iJ'-;().. c,'(",-",~, -þ"offt"v r~: \ \-,'\>0.1"""> ",.}u.:;)) > "" ""--'r< /. ý'""",","") ~f'c .~:; h-O- .r' I,., A,~U"\>- J,,«ù-i o~~"-1\o,,:....) P"'f Dcrp>.5i"'\'+-j ,,~ ~"""~""\^j"""" ."'~i-\-1::.. \O"ð¡n5 ~ f~=-""\'"", -to,.- G.oI~"'I.v~ <I.J,VeV') """"".\<- "^"~""5 . B. How does the parking lot design provide safe and convenient access to pedestrians and bicy.clist~? l",,~ f"....lLi",~ 1 ot Î>VI, \-o"""""':Il<.l"'l~c.eM rr.J....,\-v\~) "-/;\\."1 Ì<.It... 'n c...,..~ >'> n..o -r......1<..i ,,\ ~,~'<:} 'I-e e~e..r ..-..,1""-, ßi<'jc.J...,..tJG¡ wi" ¡¿,o.yYb,,"' i:kd eo..-t- ~ Þ";"';"") . "'r--<--¡ o.~'" 0 C. How are the service facilities within the parking lot screened or buffered from public view? ':> <::vv,~c. To-c.II,')ic> .ç.,.,.. 'r},.. I.~i\ð.i ""'~'> vù-, 0.> t\..,.." I....!;^,.s:t~..ce """do ~"'~\.-~"I-.\,>,,~ç sh.." \1"s<v~""oð ~'" -ðJ..te",.,..s+,.-t"""~<;;II"", J-I,...,,;;{,'\f,... ~(t><\<'5 ""ð f'<"f'~ l~r'r"^J .J Buildinq Architecture: A. How does the building design provide articulation of the building mass? 1\1c, a<::"Ì5~ ~.f ~', þ.¡¡..\¡"y nrL.'IW~ """~"!...'\""': '¡"¡""""'jl, of~ \ -:' ~"'~ hc.\j~"í c:¡ S'5",f'c""'rS"-f",,Y'ø.)-iðV\ b~~=.... v;vlld",)\ ",,~c.""('<:"~"',5 VD'\V"&":' t!.ú.\- ..ð.)5 'ou;\cI:,,~ o..YJ'jb Gi~J ¡'ro)'Kb G,k:1.ve..-1-h.... \;N;~ì"'jr.v~fIck.J", rv¡r~, v \:>~---' ~ y".,ç.';...e. Nu",~"> c>-I+-~«o v ' I . R,IFORMSISTAFF REPORTSIPROJEfT REVIEW WORKSHEET.,omm",i,l.dot ~ 'v¡.. ~ ~f{ov\ ed o-ltI"'í <:.-\"v.... ~l>YLÇ, Tw\)....ç,.-\- w; ,) {'. c..,,\,,~r.:> 2praù'(.\:-or;;-f- 1-+.(.. rt:<V of +1-,... ÞviI,J,,")5' 0..\. '4 .... I~ Ç().¥I"fie.> -\-t, <t.I""'ì't- o.ý'-\-.\c,\)\o..\\on. . . . D PROJECT"REVIEW WORKSHEET Development Plan Commercial B. How is each building "stylistically" consistent.with all buildings in a complex, and on áli ,elevations to achieve design harmony and continuity within itself? No-,p..~jfì(..""'<.l--.,~("..\ ~""~,ý~'~,,, ..,>v~v;'..d-.'¡'" o..Hød...tí.....",;H-\-\...... , - \ " ~. ,. C~YI.......", c.,-l;>""~,~, G.~k)<. ït.<:.. "'vÎ\.\;"ì.:ð;o.:>...~.10""~J\";"\"'Y~~5",j~ Jr\,.~,- C,"tJOWdb~~ pYà'è),lrr;~t 'à'tUilðtrf9~fe ~"rï\ctr~~tITñ'biön§'1 ~û~è'ruï "'((lloJ . ~~;...... open space between the buildings and/or the street?' " ' \ . -, \ '1\,<..-\vJo,""";\.\\"'S$' h..v.. ~~ \-<>, "clo<.;":<..",~,,,j..;~<>.'r\-v'..<.-t;ý~."""ððr'\<1z.o.. " Co o',,~ f'lo,2:ø- '7c-NCo) \<>~<.........\,-z.e..~ ¡¡>\c-.: ... o."ð-.p,r.".ð.<--' . ~'J' D. How do each of the architectural elements (building base, windows, doors ~nd openings, cornice and parapet, roofline, arid finish materials meet tt)e intent of the desi!)n guidelines? A .ç.",.,c: SN~ 17...;" \-,~'...,> \, I..J; \I k o,ff1;.a ~ ~< Ir'o\vnð....,:k.........\-,~v...v,ø"s""'}"'r\~"\v~ <1-\°'" 1\.....:ç...""\-<.~'\"'(),,!>. W;",'\""'3""'a.~ n~."I?">~ \"~~L"""'~ y~"",,~..ç..Ý'ì""'- "". ~..~¡:"'~_.$d_:\' ~..."..y;.;¡>...~-.-~ S-\-Ylb-t"""'\\)' co"'>;>~~'-'\'r'h ""'... ""'=-Y'IL\\ à~>,--,'i'- ~~L' ß,,¡\J,..., "'..'rev~"\s~,.J. ~D\V¿S LandSCapinq:o-;~ ':"~"".o'" 0>0,';> ().",,} V....,i'Ct) I--. f'Y.".J,... ì"+<"ot.~T: Cø.Y'\of',¡j c..n.-R'.s¡....' ~ &' 0'-'~""'5' . I '/' Go. A. Does the plan provide the following ratio of plantings? )8r Yes D No, why? Trees 10% 36" Box 30% 24" Box 60% 15 Gallon Shrubs 100% 5 Gallon Groundcover 100% Coverage In One Year B. Does the liomdscaped area, ratio, spacing, and size conform with the design guidelines? ~Yes D No . C: How does the internal site landscaping frame the building(s) and separate them from the surrounding p<;!ve,ments? ~ð,<.C\~c. r"""'¡-C>"> ....".... \:0..",.... f'1>V(qeJ \7-.:.\y......", \-\"-t. ,:",-,0 =--.1..:0 OT +\.-;"'- \0", lð, ",,> 0".,J +-\.-., "é.l5...<.1:ht- tI~ v)c¡ n) "~,, y -¡9ot.\t...~ o'f ) "rd>=-f "'j k",v,,- .¡"o ",=",-y,....,'J.,,) <40 "'.5 -tJ,,'C. '¡;".",¡- ~\<"'.},'o_j -h, -, , s.,1+;,.. +",,"<::"""<M-io,,~ """ð. ,I?û>-Jið..e. ì('\~ý~~\-. (j'~<,.pY"";~"\.."Ù)<!'..t"Ï";"'-\~o C>""v>~,tL,"... D. How does the patio anä slreer furniture, flxlures..walls and fences Imegrate,_"~ """.. '--' ~oý<.."Y'7"" with of the arçhitecture and landscáping? 4?[aZ~ ~v,.;"¡,,,.rt..St-¡lcs \).vc ""Y" :t,¡'I.:......ì~#',,- Io";~;"") ~\:=\vo(...... \'>-c-, à.<,<.oYO,"""'.~'" "..i ().,.d r"'¡"", +r.. c....'r V,v( 1t>Co""'f\!_. .J,\ð,;~j~ e. f'1~~"""'\\>à.c,>\'j'" \""c~h)"""\-,",;'r\- ~~.'^~~v\...).s 0"'" 7. Development Code Consistency: . ~I:),"ð' A. "How does the plan achieve the 'performance standards specified in Code Section 17.08.070? . R,IFORMS'ST AFF REPORTSIPROJECT REVJEW WORKSHEETcommeroi,l.dot ' 3 ' Net Lot Area: Total Floor Area: Floor Area Ratio: Lot Coverage: PROJECT REVIEW WORKSHEET Development Plan Commercial . ~ Circulation: TI-.~(>v-C»c<.-'r- ~;;"'Î~ s...y~ b-¡ Co-~"n o.c.C~5S -ro, m> t-\..o.ro.Y-c:."~ "'i ð+-\.eV Go""",:"",<-",,' a,y, <) C I+í= '-'le;I oN ;\-1.;"'- 'H.-... t""\-c.v~ \\", I, "Iko\-- \-\...e. o...¡.,'k f"'r~t' ^t" o..l'Ò\"-~ ,,-v~~"r"-v-o.~ 'i'-""" """';" t.i I'",-",\...l--ìo..., {".,,~s.+-i...,..vO; h.v~ Y>.... Arcm ee:Dra eslqn: Jt..,~. ~~~¡~ ""'u~> ~ "'"\)e...-\"'~,,,,- "'='" 0."., ð «I-\-1...va~~h -4.<.-\)\<:- <>'i'v-¡ì...-, r".,,"hti'jl.\-5 INo...\\ ø-tY'>~ o.-..ò, ?<.'J'u.\iD"'~ .-n....... '<>oè).'{ of +-\"""-\-""0 ÞU\\ ð~""J~ 4",,-- ""00' J> Y1I\c..o"';f" wi\-\... ..,.o'N~ )r,.¡,..... ~ ' "', . Site rfanmnq and~sian: .¡...... "1'1'o",à~" ~':>",~,co." 'r-t.~" "of-"'.,,'F"""'- 0" 60 "- -Hon'<- "'~ 'f<ß.V ~)<::"""'-ì-\ 0..5 . Lo(.dì;V\~Jì..,;\i""",h.,,'r ¡"",<::"\"".k,,}.\n'\\"..,,,;,ì~ of- \\;,y ...."~\.\;"],,,,,,';...,...,.s,-,=....à-f.-<>\M "-ð.j",c...-. . ""r~<>-'i'T,~¡"".""",i'.);"":J>."""~\n,,-,,, ~,,-<.'r-<::.!I\t;o. ~YON~."~""'" 'è'ótno.~"¡jlt <:o,¡~~<>;o..)á,«.bý'¡"¡ve..",~"""'-ÞI,.Jve.,v"',<'"",> ~\-'vVPÞ"V-¡:~~"""'~f"M~ ' c.-v""',:,ð> """-~ """ lð.í~'1-' '" s.~ ""'<'>1>- I.,..--.l..-"f"'~ .:.\""",,'r>o,^> ' ~"- ~ """:>v+- y"""",d"",,'" \)~"-,>. ""<., J.~~",.t ""-.... ~í""'...', CQ",\",""ì-\,,- ",;'>4-, ,,:"í~,,'j &,>"'1;,,,,> rR Does the application and submitted plans on file conform with all of the ~ (..~"- applicable minimum development standards? B. N Yes, with conditions D No f",...rd ~ - .1;;1.. A(,,~<,/f"<1:d 4-. ')ß (I",\w'iA- Co 4-M/ C. '61() N/f't fd ')~~:ç;<.~ w/Pr ~ ~k.dÇt, rl..r-... , I (k".s . Arch./Paleo Fault Zone Flood Noise North East West South Habitat Subs./Liqfctn Stream/Creek Air Quality ! . . R:\FORMSISTAFF REPORTSIPROJECT REVIEW WORKSIIEET,comme<ci,l.dot 4 . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 3 PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- R:II) P\2003103-{)723 Ovcrbnd Rctoil CcnlcrlST AFFREPORT.doc . . . PC RESOLUTION NO. 2004-- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION' OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING AP~LlCATION NO, PA03-0723, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT, ESTABLISH AND OPERATE TWO SINGLE-STORY RETAIL BUILDINGS TOTALING 13,350 SQUARE FEET ON 1.3 ACRES. THE SITE IS, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF OVERLAND DRIVE AND MARGARITA KNOWN AS ASSESSORS PARCEL ~OS. 921-810-021 & 029/921-830- 030, ' . WHEREAS, STDR Architects filed Planning Application No. PA03-0723, a Development Plan Application, in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, the Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application on August 4, 2004, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter; , WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing and after due consideration of the téstimony, the Commission recommended approval of the Application subject to and based. upon the findings set forth hereunder; WHEREAS, all legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. by reference. The above recitations are true and correct and are hereby'incorporated Section 2, Findinqs, The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby makes the following findings as required by Section 17.05.010F' of the Temecula Municipal C~~ ' A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan, Temecula Regional Specific Plan and with all applicable requirements of state law and other City ordinances. The plan, to develop two retail buildings totaling 13,350 square feet is consistent with the Temecula Regional Center 'Specific Plan and the City-Wide Design Guidelines. Moreover, the proposed plan, as conditioned, incorporates architectural and landscape designs, which will achieve the City's General Plan Community Design Goal #3, "Preservation and enhancement of the positive qualities of individual districts or neighborhoods ". R,ID 1'\2003\03-0723 Overbnd Reta;) CentertPC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc I The retail buildings comply with all applicable development standards of the Temecula Regional Center and Development Code including off-street parking and landscaping requirements B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been conditioned to conform to the Uniform Building Code, and prior to occupancy, City staff will inspect all construction. The site design will provide adequate emergency access in the case of a need for emergency response to the site. Section 3. Environmental Compliance. A Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA04-0723 was made per the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15162. This section applies when an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been certified or negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless there are substantial changes not discussed or examined in the EIR. Section 4. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves the Application, a request to develop two single-story retail buildings totaling 13,350 square feet set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference together with any and all necessary conditions that may be deemed necessary. Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 4" day of August 2004. John Telesio, Chairperson ATTEST: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary [SEAL] RolD 1"12003103-0723 O"dand Retail CentenPC RESDLUTION AND COA,doc 2 . . . . . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ) ss ) I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that PC Resolution No. 2004-- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4'h day of August 2004, by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: . PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary R,ID 1'\2003\03-0723 O",iand Retail CcntetIPC RESOLUTION AND COA.doc " , 3 . . . EXHIBIT A DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R,ID 1'12003\03.0723 Dvcd"nd Rem;! Cent"lPC RESOLUTION AND COA.doc 4 . . . EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No, PA03-0723 , Project I;>escription: A Development Plan to construct, establish and operate two single-story retail buildings totaling 13,350 square feet on 1.3 acres, The site is generally located on the northwest corner of Overland Drive and . Margarita, DIF Category: TUMF Category: Retail Commercial Commercial AssE)ssor Parcel No.: 921-810-021 & 029/921-830-030 Approval Date: August 4, 2004 Expiration Date: August 4, 2006 , PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project 1. The applicant shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Six1y-Four Dollars ($64.00) for the . County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption as provided . under 'Public Resources Cç:>de Section 21108(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15062. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department - Planning Division the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition (Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)). General Requirements 2. The permittee/applicant shall indemnify, defend with counsel of City's own election, and hold harmless, the City and any agency or instrumentality thereof, and/or any of its officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, actions, or proceedings against the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, and agents, to attack, set aside, void: annul, or seek monetary damages resulting from an approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the. voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application which action is brought within the appropriate statute of limitations period and Public Resources Code, Division 13, Chapter 4 (Section 21000 et ' seq., including but not by the way of limitations Section 21152 and 21167). The City R:ID 1'\2003\03-0723 O"dand Retan CenterIPC RESOLUTION AND COA.doe 5 shall promptly notify the permittee/applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding brought forth within this time period. The City shall estimate the cost of the defense of the action and applicant shall deposit said amount with the City. City may require additional deposits to cover anticipated costs. City shall refund, without interest, any unused portions of the deposit once the litigation is finally concluded. Should the City fail to either promptly notify or cooperate fully, permittee/applicant shall not, thereafter be responsible to indemnify, defend, protect, or hold harmless the City, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, or agents. 3. This approval shall be used by the Expiration Date noted above; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. 4. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "D" (Site Plan), contained on file with the Planning Department Additionally, the following criteria must be met prior to development of the project: a. All ground mounted utility/mechanical equipment shall be located such that they are not placed in prominent locations visible to the public. Provide the Planning Department with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of acceptable placement of the transformer and the double detector check prior to final agreement with the utility companies. In accordance with the Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan, the double detector check assembly shall be installed underground. b. c. 5. Any outside wall-mounted lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. All parking lot lights and other exterior lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655. Wall pack style light fix1ures shall not be utilized. 6. Parking lot lights shall be consistent with the standards used throughout the mall which include a dark bronze round tapered pole with a mounded height of twenty to thirty-five (20-35) feet. 7. Building elevations shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "E" (Building Elevations), contained on file with the Planning Department. All mechanical and roof- mounted equipment shall be hidden by building elements that were designed for that purpose as an integral part of the building. When determined to be necessary by the Director of Planning, the parapet will be raised to provide for this screening. a. Landscaping shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "F" (Landscape Plan). Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Planning. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Planning shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. R,1l) 1'\2003\03-0723 Omland Retail CentelIPC RESOLUTION AND COA.doc 6 . . . . . . 8. 9. 10. The colors and materials for this project shall substantially conform to the following list of approved colors and materials and with the Color and Material Board còntained on file with the Community Development Department - Planning Division, Any deviation from the approved colors and materials shall require approval'of the Director of Planning. Material Field Color: Color Fr.azee "Burma Buff" 8201W " Frazee "Tobacco Road" 8214M Frazee "Spanish Gold" 7745D Frazee "Brass Bucket" 8205D Frazee "Autumn Wheaf' 8225D Accent Color: Accent Color: Accent Color: Cornice Color Rotunda Veneer: Limes~one Plaster wI Natural Veining, to Match Adjacent Buildings Aluminum Storefront: Frazee "Elm Courf' 8595D Glass: Exterior Lighting: Metal C~nopies: W Unco8;ted Vera!ux Green 2000 by Visteon D.M. Lighting Model # 4920 & Stanza Model # 5301 . , Chemtal Brushed Stainless # 710 The constructiòn plans shall indicate the application óf painted rooftop add~essing plotted on a 9-inch grid pattern with 45-inch tall numerals spaced 9-inches apart. The numerals shall' be painted with a siaridard 9-inch paint roller using fluorescent. yellow paint applied over a contrasting background. The addresses(s) shall be oriented to. the street and placed as closely as possible to the edge of the building closest to the street. The applicant shall comply with ~II miiigation measures contained in the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan. Prior to the Issuance of Grading Permits 11. 12. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided. by the Community Development Department - Planning Division staff; and return one signed set to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for their files. ' . . The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for permanent filing two. (2) 8" X 10" glossy photographic color prints of the approved Color and Materials Board and of the colored version of approved Exhibit "E", the colored architectural êlevations to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for their files. All labels on the Color and Materials Board and Elevations shall be readable on' the photographic prints. .Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits. 13: Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by.the Community DevE!lopment Department - Planning Division. These plans shall conform substantially with the ?lPproved Exhibit "H1" and "H2," or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants R:\D P\200310J-O723 Ovedand Retail Ccnte<\PC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc 7 shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with the approved plan). b. c. d. Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits 14. 15. 16. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Planning. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Planning, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings, in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan shall be filed with the Community Development Department - Planning Division for one year from final certificate of 'occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Director of Planning, the bond shall be released. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS General Requirements 17. 18. 19. 20. A Grading Permit for precise grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. All grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. The Developer shall construct public improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. a. Street improvements, which may include, but not limited to: sidewalk, storm drain facilities and sewer and domestic water systems R,\D 1'12003\03.0723 O"dand Retail Cen<enPC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc 8 . . . . Prior to Issuance of.a Grading Permit 21. 22. 23. 24. . 25. 26. 29. . A 'Grading Plan shail be prepared by a registered .Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. ' " The Developer shall post security and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conforman'ce with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. . , ) A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. ' The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site 'and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or private drainage facilities intended to discharge this'runoff.' The study shall also analyze and identify impacts to downstream properties and provide specific recommendations to protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of downstream facilities, including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer. ' The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. 27. As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a.' Planning Departm'ent b. Department of Public Works c.. Temecula Fire Prevention Bureau The Developer shall comply with all constraints, which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. . 28. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off- site work periormed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. ' A flood mitigation charge shall be paid, The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier's check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid" -", ;, R,ID 1'12003\03-0723 Ovedand Reta;! Cente"rc RESOLUTION AND COA,doc 9 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit . Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. All street and driveway centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. The Developer shall pay to the City the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.08. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 36. 37. 38. . As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: a. Rancho California Water District b. Eastern Municipal Water District Department of Public Works c. All public improvements shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. 39. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 40. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 2001 California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy Code, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and the Temecula Municipal Code. The City of Temecula has adopted an ordinance to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). Upon the adoption of this ordinance on March 31, 2003, this project will be subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance. The fees shall be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 03-01 and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. . R,\D 1'\2003\03-0723 Omland Reta;! Cenle<\PC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc 10 . 41, 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. . 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. . Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street-lights and other outdoor, lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. ' Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior t<;> submittal for plan review. All building and facilities must comply with applicable 'disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998) Provide disabled <:,ccess from the public way to the main entrance of the building: Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. Provide house electrical meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire alarm systems. . Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 2001 edition of the California Building Code Appendix 29. . Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on plans prior to permit issuance. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. Provide precise grading plàn' at plan check submittal to 'che'ck accessibility for persons with disabilities. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. . Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls if not on the approved building plans, will require separate approvals and permits. Show all building setbacks. . Signage shall be.posted conspicuously at the entrance to the project that indicates the hours of construction, shown below, as allowed by the City of Temecula Ordinance No. 94-21, specifically Section G (1) of Riverside County Ordinance No. 457.73, for any site within one-quarter mile of an occupied residence. R.ID Pl2003103-0723 Qmland Retail CcntcrIPC RESOLUTION AND COA.doc II' Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sunday or Government Holidays . FIRE DEPARTMENT 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per CFC Appendix liLA, Table A-III-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 1125 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 850 GPM for a total fire flow of 1975 GPM with a 2 hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (CFC 903.2, Appendix III-A) The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix III-B, Table A-III-B-1. A minimum of 2 hydrants, in a combination of on-site and off-site (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 450 feet apart, at each intersection and shall be located no more than 225 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (CFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix III-B) . The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix III-B, Table A-III-B-1. A minimum of 2 hydrants, in a combination of on-site and off-site (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) on a looped system shall be located on fire access roads and adjacent to public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 450 feet apart, at each intersection and shall be located no more than 225 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to an hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (CFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix III-B). As required by the California Fire Code, when any portion of the facility is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. For this project on site fire hydrants are required, (CFC 903.2) Maximum cul-de-sac length shall not exceed 1320 feet. Minimum turning radius on any cul-de-sac shall be forty-five (45) feet. (CFC 902. and Subdivision Ord 16.03.020) . RolD 1'\2003\03-0723 Ovcdand Retail Ccnle<\PC RESOLUTION AND COA.doc 12 . 64. 65. 69. . 70. 71. . If construction is phased,each phase, shall provide approved access and fire protection prior to any building construction, (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2) Prior to 'building co'nstruction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved temporary Fire Department vehicle access roads for use until permanent roads are installed.. Temporàry Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface for 80,000 Ibs. GVW. (CFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2.2) , 66. Prior to building final, all loc.ations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an ex1erior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather suriace designed for 80,000 Ibs. GVW with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. (CFC sec 902) . 67, Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (CFC 902.2.2.1) " The gradient for a fire apparatus access roads shall 'not exceed fifteen (15) percent. . (CFC 902.2.2.6 Ord. 99-14), 68. Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (CFC 902.2.2.4) Prior to building construction, this development shall have two (2) points of access, via all-weather suriace roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau.' (CFC 902.2.1) 72. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; a.nd conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Pre",ention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appròpriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (CFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1) Prior to issuance òf. a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (CFC 901.4.3) 73. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, approved numbers or addresses shall be provided on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall be of a contrasting color to their background. Commercial, multi-family residential and industrial buildings shall have a minimum twelve (12) inches numbers with suite numbers a minimum of six (6) inches in size. All suites shall gave a minimum of six (6) inch high letters and/or numbers on both the front and rear doors.' Singlefamily residences and multi-family residential units shall have-four (4) inch letters and lor numbers, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. (CFC 901.4.4) R,\D 1'\2003103-0723 Omland Retail Cent"IPC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc 13 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a directory display monument sign shall be required for apartment, condominium, townhouse or mobile home parks. Each complex shall have an illuminated diagrammatic layout of the complex which indicates the name of the complex, all streets, building identification, unit numbers, and fire hydrant locations within the complex. Location of the sign and design specifications shall be submitted to and be approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to installation. . Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10, CBC Chapter 9) Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (CFC Article 10) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the right side of the main entrance door. (CFC 902.4) All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by fire fighting personnel. (CFC 902.4) . Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating Fire Lanes with appropriate lane painting and or signs. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, building final or occupancy, buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions of Uniform Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. The storage of high-piled combustible stock may require structural design considerations or modifications to the building. Fire protection and life safety features may include some or all of the following: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department access roads. (CFC Article 81) Prior to the building final, speculative buildings capable of housing high-piled combustible stock, shall be designed with the following fire protection and life safety features: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department access roads. Buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions California Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. (CFC Article 81) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, the developer/applicant shall be responsible for obtaining underground and/or aboveground . R,ID 1'\2003\03-0723 Omland Reta;l Cent"IPC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc 14 . . . tank permits for the storage of combustible liquids, flammable liquids or any other' hazardous materials from both the County Health department and Fire Prevention Bureau,(CFC 7901.3 and 8001,3)' , Special Conditions 83. , Prior to issuance of building permits, fuel modification ,plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval for all open space areas adjacent to the wildland-vegetation interlace. (CFC Appendix II-A) 84. Prior to issuance of building permits, plans for structural protection from vegetation fires shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval. The measures shall include, but are not limited to, enclosing eaves, noncombustible barriers (cement or block walls), and fuel modification zones, (CFC Appendix II-A) , 85. , , Prior to building permit issuance, a full technical report may be required to be submitted and to the Fire Prevention Bureau. This report shall address, but not be limited to, all fire and life safety measures per 1998 CFC, 1998 CBC, NFPA - 13, 24, 72 and 231-C. 86. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupanèy or building final a simple plot plan and a simple floor plan, each as an electronic file of the .DWG format must be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau. Alternative file formats may be acceptable, contact fire prevention for approval. ' The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Code permi¡ process and update any changes in the items and quantities approved as part of their Fire Code permit. These changes shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval per the Fire Code and is subject to inspection. (CFC 105) 87. 88. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health and City Fire Department an update to the Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and Fire Department Technical Report on file at the city; should any quantities used or stored on site increase or should changes to operation introduce any additional hazardous material not listed in existing reports, (CFC Appendix II-E) COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT General Conditions 92. 89. The trash enclosures shall be large enough to accommodate a recycling bin, as well as, regular solid waste containers. 90. The Applicant shall comply with the Public Art Ordinance. 91. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul constructio'n debris. All parkways, landscaping, fencing and on site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. R:\D 1"12003103-0723 Ombnd Rein;) Ccntcr\PC RESOLUTION AND COA,doc IS Prior to Issuance of Building Permits 93. The developer shall provide TCSD verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction debris By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant's Signature Date Applicant's Printed Name R:ID "\2003\03-0723 Omland Re ¡¡jl Ccnte<\PC RESOLUTION AND COA.doc 16 . . . .' . ITEM #11 . . . . Date of Meeting: Prepared by: File Number , STAFF REPORT - ~LANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION 'August 4,2004 Emery J. Papp, AICP Title: Senior Planner PA04-0384 Application Type: Zone Change (Text Only) Project Description: Recommendation: (Check One) CECA: (Check One) Revise the Schedule of Permitted Uses for the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District (PDO-4) to permit the sale of . alcohol and permit blueprint and copy services in the Village Commercial area; and correct inconsistencies in footnote text for PDO~ 4 located on the south side of Highway 79 South between Jedediah Smith Road and Avenida De Mission~s . 0 Äpprovè with Conditions 0 Deny 0 Continue for Redesign 0 Continue to: I8J Recommend City Council App~oval 0 Recommend Denial . I8J Exempt (Section) 15162 0 Negative Declaration 0 'Mitigated Negative Declaration with Monitoring Plan , , ' . . ' DEIR R:IP D 0\2004\04.0384 Tcrnccula Creek Village (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08.(J4-O4,dot 1 PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Applicant: Temecula Creek Village, LLC - David J. Esoldi Completion Date: June 02, 2004 Mandatory Action Deadline Date: N/A General Plan Designation: Professional Office Zoning Designation: PDO-4 Site/Surrounding Land Use: Site: Multi-Family Housing and Commercial buildings under construction North: South: East: West: Vacant (Rancho Community Church) Open Space (Temecula Creek) Vacant Vacant (Creekside Plaza) Lot Area: 5 Acres Total Floor Area/Ratio N/A Landscape Area/Coverage N/A Parking Required/Provided N/A BACKGROUND SUMMARY ¡g] 1. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. RW D 0\2004\04-0384 Tome,"b C""k ViJbge (PDO-4)IPC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04 do< 2 . . . . . . ANAL YSIS On November 28, 2000 the City Council approved the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Number 4 (PDO-4). Since this approval, the property regulated by PDO-4', has changed ownership several times. The project is currently under construction, including all of the buildings in'the Village Commercial area. The owner has had inquiries from several potential tenants concerning the sale of alcohol in the Village area.. The applicanVowner has been told by staff that as currently written, the PD~ will cqnditionally permit sale the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Retail/Support Commercial area only, located at the south east corner of Highway 79 South and Jedediah Smith Road. The sale of alcohol is not currently permitted in the Village Commercial area. ' The applicant has expressed concerns that it will be difficult for certain businesses such as restaurants, delicatessens, and floral/gift basket shops to entice patrons if they are not permitted to sell alcohol. The applicant has requested a text amendment to PDO-4' to change thè Schedule of Permitted Uses to conditionally permit alcohol sales in the Village Commercial area in conjunction with a bona fide use. The Schedule of Permitted, Uses ,for PDO-4 prohibits liquor stores, and the applicant has expressed in a letter to the City (Attachment 5) that it is not his intent to permit this use. The applicant is also requesting that "Blueprint, duplicating and copy service" be changed to a permitted use in the Village Commercial area. ' Staff has reviewed the request to change the Schedule of Permitted Uses to allow alcohol sales, and determined that it will not conflict with the 500 foot separation requirements from public parks, schools; and religious institutions. The future Rancho Community Church Site is on the opposite side of Highway 79 South, however, due to the site layout of both projects, the actual uses for each project that would require 'separation meet the 500 foot separation requirement. Staff is not opposed to the request to permit a blueprint, duplicating and copy service in, the Village Commercial area. In reviewing the Schedule of Permitted Uses for this PD~, staff discovered inconsistencies with the use matrix. As a result staff is recommending several "clean-up" changes. The current schedule of uses identifies "Nightclubs/taverns/bi'lrs/dance club/teen club" as not' being permitted. However, in the existing use matrix, there is a footnote for this use in the Village Commercial area, which implies that this use could be permitted. Staff suggests removing the footnote from this use. Similarly, "Restaurants with lounge or live entertainmenr' is listed as a use that is not permitted, but also has a footnote for this use in the Village Commercial area. The supplemental design standards for PDO-4 encourage restaurants and eating places to provide outdoor dining areas. Staff feels the original intent of the footnote was to permit outdoor entertainment in concert with restaúrant uses. Therefore, staff suggests conditionally permitting this use in the Village Commercial area in order to regulate the type of entertainment and hours of operation. There are also inconsistencies with the footnote text at the end of the Schedule of Permitted Uses. Footnote number 1 contains a citation of the Municipal Code that no longer exists. Staff recommends changing this citation from "Section 17.08.050(G)" to "Section 17.10.020(B)".. Also, footnote number 3 refers to indoor swap meets and footnote 4 refers to storage and warehouse facilities. These uses are not permitted in PDO-4. Therefore, these footnotes are not applicable and should be deleted. The remaining footnotes should be renumbered, and the new footnote numbers should be cross-referenced in the use matrix. H:IP I) 0\2004\04-0384 Temecula C"ek Village (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08.04.04,dol . 3 The proposed changes to the Schedule of Use Table and footnotes are as follows: . Alcoholic beverage sales (only as expressly permitted by Section I 17.22.1366) I Blueprint, Copying and Duplicating Service Convenience market (without the sale of alcoholic beverages) Convenience market (with the sale of alcoholic beverages) Incidental alcoholic beverage sales in conjunction with an otherwise allowable use Nightclubs/taverns/bars/dance club/teen club Restaurants and other eating establishments (with or without the sale of beer and wine) Restaurants and other eating establishments (with the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits) Restaurants with lounge or live entertainment P P C P C C C C P p" CO' C 1. The CUP will be subject to Section 17.08.050(G) 17.10,020(B), special standards for the sale of alcoholic beverages. 2. Subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ð-. Soo Soction 17.08.050(E), cpocial ct::md;:¡rdc for indoor cw;:¡p mootc. 4-. Soo Soction 17.080.050(R), cpoci;:¡1 ct;:¡ndardc for coif ctorago or mini ',,-,;:¡rohouco íaGiIiIie6-. ã-3. In PDO-4, all senior housing residential projects shall use the development and periormance standards for the High Density Residential zone and the provisions contained in Section 17.06.050.H. ê 4. The size of the use or activity is limited to 5,000 square feet. :¡. 5. Outdoor entertainment in conjunction with an eating establishment is permitted provided that the outside noise levels do not interfere with off-site conversation. g 6. Drive through facilities are not allowed in the Village Planning Area. . ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ~1. The proposed project has been determined to be consistent with the previously approved Negative Declaration for Planning Application 99-0261 and is exempt from further Environmental Review (CEOA Section 15162 subsequent EIR's and Negative Declarations). . R:\I' n 0\2004\04-0384 Tem"ulo C<eek Viibge (I'DO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04<101 4 . 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. . CONC LUSION/RECOMMEN DATION Staff feels that it was never the intent of PDO-4 to prohibit the sale of alcohol for restaurant uses in the Village Commercial area. However, as presently crafted, the S'chedule of Permitted Uses does not make exceptions based on the type of use. Staff has reviewed the request by the applicant to change the use matrix, and supports the changes proposed by the applicant. Staff has suggested additional changes to clarify footnotes within the use matrix and the text of the footnotes. Staff feels that .these additional changes further clarify the regulation of alcohol related uses and will clean up internal inconsistencies within the PDO-4 text. FINDINGS Pianning Department staff: in reviewing Planning Application No. 04-0384 finds that the text, amendment to the Development Code (PDO-4) is consistent with the adopted General Plan for the City of Temecula, the site is physically suitable for the type of uses that could eventually occur in this area, and the proposed text change would further the City's long-term economic development goals. A IT ACHM'ENTS PC Resolution No. 2004----':' - Blue Page 6 Proposed Ordinance (Exhibit A) - Blue Page 9 Current Development Code -: PDO-4 - Blue Page 13 Notice of Exemption -: Blu~ Page 28 Letter from Applicant - Blue Page 30 R:\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Temecula Creek Vmage (PDO-4)IPC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dot 5 . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 1 PC RESOLUTION NO, 2004-- R:IP D O\2004\()4-03R4 T'mewb C""k Village (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dot 6 . . . PC RESOLUTION NO. 2004-- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING TITLE '17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY NO.4 TO MODIFY THE SCHEDULE OF PERMITTED USES TO CONDITIONALLY PERMIT THE SALE OF ALCOHOL AND TO . PERMIT BLUEPRINT AND DUPLICATING SERVICES IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL' AREA OF PDO-4, (PLANNING APPLICATION PA04-0384)" . WHEREAS, on November 9,1993, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted the General Plan; and WHEREAS, on January 25, 1995, the City Council of the City of Temecula initially adopted the City's Development Code; and WHEREAS, on November 28, 2000, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted Planned Development Overlay District Number 4 (PDO-4); and . WHEREAS, on June 02, 2004, David J. Esoldi, Temecula Creek Village, LLC applied for a text only zoning amendment to revise the schedule of uses for the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District (PDO-4); and . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the proposed amendment on, August 4, 2004, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to, an did testify either in support or opposition to this matter; , NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findinqs. The Planning Commission, in approving Planning Application No. 04-0384 hereby finds that the text amendment to the Development Code (PDO-4) is consistent with the adopted General Plan for the City of Temecula; the site is physically suitable for the type of uses that could eventually occur in this area, and the proposed text change would further the City's long-term economic development goals. Section 2. Environmental Compliance. The proposed amendment represents a minor change to the Development Code to allow businesses to sell alcoholic beverages in the , Village Commercial area of PDO-4, to permit blueprint, copying and duplicating services, and identify how these Uses are to be approved by the City. A Negative Declaration was previously, prepared and adopted for Planning Application 99-0261 (PDO-4). This application does' not constitute an expansion or a change of condition, and asa result, the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council make a determination that the proposal is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. R:\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Temeeula Cceck V;]]agc (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04.04,<101 7 Section 3. Recommendation. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula hereby recommends that the City Council adopt an ordinance amending the text of the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District (PDO-4) and amending the requirements for conditional use permits for certain businesses selling alcoholic beverages and make other changes substantially in the form attached to this resolution as Exhibit A. by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 41hday of August 2004. John Telesio, Chairperson ATTEST: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ) ss ) I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby that the PC Resolution No. 2004-- was duly adopted and regularly adopted b~ the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 41 day of August, 2004, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary K:II' D 0\2004\04.113"4 -remeea'" C"ek Village (I'DO-4)\PC STAH' KEPOKT 08.04-04.<101 8 . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 2 PROPOSED ORDINANCE (Exhibit A) R:\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Tern",,]" Creek Vi]bge (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-O4,dm 9 . . . ORDINANCE NO. 04-- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY NO.4 TO MODIFY THE SCHEDULE OF, PERMITTED USES TO CONDITIONALLY PERMIT THE SALE OF. ALCOHOL AND TO PERMIT BLUEPRINT AND DUPLICATING SERVICES IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL AREA OF PDO-4, (PLANNING APPLICATION PA04-0384), THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends portions of Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay as described below. A. Add the listing for "Incidental alcoholic beverage sales" and modify the'listings for Convenience Market and Restaurants and other eating establishments in Table 17.22.136B of the Temecula Municipal Code with the following: . Blueprint, Copying and Duplicating Service Convenience market (without the sale of alcoholic beverages) Convenience market (with the sale of alcoholic beverages) Incidental alcoholic beverage sales in conjunction with an otherwise allowable use Nightclubs/taverns/bars/dance club/teen club Restaurants and other eating establishments (with or without the , sale of beer and wine) Restaurants and other eating establishments (with the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits) Restaurants with lounge or live entertainment P P C ,P C C C C P pO4 CO4 C 1. The CUP will be subject to Section 17.08.050(G) 17,10,020(B), special standards for the' sale of alcoholic beverages. . 2. Subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ð-. Soo Soction 17.08.050(E), cpociGI ctGndGrdc for indoor C'fJGp mootc. 4-. Soo Soction 17.080.050(R), cpocial ctGndGrds for coif storage or mini '....(¡rohouse faGiIitiB6-. &-3. In PDO-4, all senior housing residential projects shall use the development and periormance standards for the High Density Residential zone and the provisions contained in Section 17.06.050.H. ê 4. The size of the, use or activity is limited to 5,000 square feet. Ro\P 00\2004\04-0384 Temec"la C"ck V;nage (PDO.4)\PC STAFF REPORT OS-04"04,dot . ]0 7- 5. Outdoor entertainment in conjunction with an eating establishment is permitted provided that the outside noise levels do not interiere with off-site conversation. S 6. Drive through facilities are not allowed in the Village Planning Area. . B. C. D. Revise Footnote Number 1 to show correct Code citation. Delete existing footnotes 3 and 4 because these uses are not permitted. Renumber the remaining footnotes. Section 2, Severability. If any sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. Section 3, Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of. this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be posted as required by law. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted in three designated posting places. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, together with the names of the City Council members voting thereon, it shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in said City. . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this - day of _,2004. Mike Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones. CMC City Clerk [SEAL] . R:II' D 0\2004104-0384 Tc","ub C<cek Vmage (I'OO-4)II'C STAFF REPORT 08-04.04,<lul II . . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ) ss ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 04-- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the - day of -, 2004 and that ¡hereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the - day of -, 2004, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBER?: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk R:\P D 0\2004104-0384 Temecula C"'ck Vmage (PDQ-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-O4-O4.dol 12 . . . ATTACHMENT NO.3 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT CODE - TEMECULA CREEK VILLAGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT (PDO-4) R:IF D 0\20O4\Ü4-0384 Temecub Cœck V;]]age (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,001 13 . . . TEMECULA CREEK VILLAGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT 17,22.130 TITLE Sections 17.22.130 through shall be known as "PDO-4" (Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District). (Ord 2000-13) . 17,22,132 PURPOSE AND INTENT The Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District (PDO-4) is intended meet the planned mixed use criteria contained in the Land Use Element of the General Plan. These requirements are intended to provide regulations for the creative design of, and the safe and efficient operation of a unique mixed area within the City. (Ord 2000-13) 17,22,134 RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DEVELOPMENT CODE AND CITYWIDE DESIGN GUIDELINES " A. The list of permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses for ,the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District is contained in Table 17.22.136. B. Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.138, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in this area. 1. The development standards in the Development Code that would apply to any development within a Professional Office zoning district that are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete. 2. The Citywide Design Guidelines that are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete. 3. The approval requirements contained in the Development Code that are in effect at the time the application is deemed complete. 4. Any other relevant rule, regulation or standard that is in effect at the time an application is deemed complete. (Ord 2000-13) ,17,22,136 USE REGULATIONS The list of permitted land uses for the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay district is contained in Table Planned Development Overlay - 4 contains three different planning areas. Two of the areas are commercial, the third is residentially based. A copy of the Planning Area map for this PD~ is contained in Exhibit 17.22.136. The three areas are identified asf'.¡ollows: ' Retail/Support Commercial. (identified as Planning Area PDO-4R in Table 17.22.1~6.B), Village Commercial Area. (identified as Planning Area PDO-4V in Table 17.22.136.B); and, R:IP D 0\2004\04.0384 Tomeo"la Creek Village (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04.<101 . 14 Multi-Family Residential Planning Areas. Unless specific standards are provided for this Planning Development Overlay, the residential development standards for the High Density Zoning District contained in Section 17.06 shall apply to this Planning Area. . District . SITE""" ,,"ACRES RETAAl "ACRES ßUI'<'ORT COMMERCIAL ""LTI-"""LV ~ 321><000"" ,ACR" "ACRES "ACRES >ACRES , " ! 1 ~ ,OTAl ",DACRES . R:\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Temecol, Cleek V;Jlage (I'DO-4)\I'C STAFF REPORT 08-()4-04,dot 15 . . . Where indicated with a letter "p" the use shall be a permitted use. A letter "C" indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional Üse permit. Where indicated with a "-", the use. is prohibited within the zone. Table 17,22,136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of Use. PDO-4R PDO-4V" A Adult business - - Aerobics/dance/gymnastics/jazzercise/martial arts studios (less ' than 5,000 sq. ft.) P P Aerobics/dance/gymnastics/jazzercise/martial arts studios (greater P - than 5,000 sq. ft.) Airports - - Alcoholism or drug treatment facilities - Alcohol and drug treatment (outpatient) P - Alcoholic beverage sales C' - Ambulance services - - Animal hospital (indoor only) C - Antique restoration - - Antique sales, P - Apparel and accessory shops P P" Appliance sales and repairs (household and small appliances) P - Arcades (pinball and video games) - - Art supply stores P P" Auction houses - - Auditoriums and conference facilities - - Automobile dealers (new and used) - - Automobile sales (broke rag e)-showroom only (new and used)-no - - outdoor display Automobile Oil Change/Lube Services with no major repairs - - Automobile painting and body shop - - Automobile repair services . - - Automobile rental C - Automobile salvage yards/impound yards - Automobile service stations with or without an automated car wash - - Automotive parts- sales P - Automotive service stations selling beer and/or wine - with or - - without an automated car wash R:\P [) 0\2004\04-0384 Tcm"" , Üœk Village (I'DO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08.04.O4.dol , 16 Table 17.22,136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of Use PDO-4R PDO-4V' B Bakery goods distribution - Bakery retail P p6- Bakery wholesale - - Banks and financial institutions P p Barber and beauty shops P p Bed and breakfast C - Bicycle (sales, rentals, services) p pb Billiard parlor/pool hall - Binding of books and similar publications - - Blood bank - - Blueprint and duplicating and copy services p - Bookstores p pb Bowling alley p - Building material sales - - Butcher shop p - C Cabinet shop - - Camera shop (sales/minor repairs) P p6 Candy/confectionery sales p p Car wash, full service - Carpet and rug cleaning C Catering services p Clothing sales p p6 Coins, purchase and sales p p Cold storage facilities C - Communications and microwave installations" Communications equipment sales - Community care facilities C Computer sales and service p Congregate care housing for the elderly5 C Construction equipment sales, service or rental - Contractor's equipment, sales, service or rental - - Convenience market p C Costume rentals p p R:W D 0\2004\04-0384 Tomeou]. Creek Vilioge (I'DO-4)IPC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dot 17 . . . . . . Table 17,22,136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description òf Use PDO-4R PDO-4V" Crematoriums - Cutlery P P D Data processing equipment and systems P Day care centers C Co Delicatessen P P DiscounVdepartment store (less than 20,000 square feet). P - Distribution facility - - Drug store/pharmacy P po Dry cleaners P P Dry cleaning plant - E Emergency shelters - - .. Equipment sales and rentals (no outdoor storage) P - Equipment sales and rentals (outdoor storage) - F Feed and grain sales P Financial, insurance, 'real estate offices P po Fire and police stations P P Floor covering sales P - Florist shop ." P po Food processing - - Fortune telling, 'spiritualism, or similar activity P P Freight terminals - - Fuel storage and distribution . - - Funeral parlors, mortuary - Furniture sales (less than 20,000 sq. ft.) P P" Furniture transfer and storage - G ". Garden supplies and equipment sales and service C (3as distribution, meter and control station - General merchandise/retail store less than 10,000 sq. ft. P - Glass and mirrors, retail sales P - Governmental offices P po R:IP D 0\2004\04-0384 Temecula Creek Village (PDO-4)IPC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dol 18 Table 17.22,136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of Use PDO-4R PDO-4V' Grocery store, retail (less than 20,000 sq. ft.) P po Grocery store, wholesale Guns and firearm sales P H Hardware stores P po Health and exercise clubs (less than 5,000 sq. ft.) P P Health and exercise clubs (greater than 5,000 sq. ft.) p - Health food store P P Health care facility P P Heliports - Hobby supply shop P po Home and business maintenance service p - Hospitals C - Hotels/motels - I Ice cream parlor P P Impound yard - - Interior decorating service P po J Junk or salvage yard - K Kennel I C - L Laboratories, film, medical, research or testing centers - Laundromat P Laundry service (commercial) - - Libraries, museums and galleries (private) p - Liquefied petroleum, sales and distribution - - Liquor stores C - Lithographic service - - Locksmith P - R:II' I) 0\2004\04-0384 Tcmc,"la Creek V;llage (1'1){)-4)II'C STAFF REPORT 08-04.()4,dot 19 . . . . . . Table 17,22.136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of ,Use PDO-4R PDO-4V. M Machine shop - - Machinery storage yard - - Mail order businesses P - Manufacturing of products similar to, but not limited to, the following: Custom-made product, processing, assembling, packaging, - - and fabrication of goods within enclosed building (no outside storage), such as jewelry, furniture, art objects, clothing, labor intensive manufacturing, assembling, and 'repair processes which do not involve frequent truck traffic. Compounding of materials, processing, assembling, - packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products which require frequent truck activity or the transfer of heavy or bulky items. Wholesaling, storage, and warehousing within enclosed building, freight handling, shipping, truck services and terminals, storage and wholesaling from the premises of unrefined, raw or semi- refined products requiring further processing or manufacturing, and qutside storage. .' - - Uses under 20,000 sq. ft. with no outside storage Massage . P P Medical equipment sales/rental p - Membership clubs, organizations, lodges C - Mini-storage or mini-warehouse - - Mobile home sales and service - - Motion picture studio - - Motorcycle sales and service - - Movie theaters - .- Musical and recording studio - - N Nightclubs/taverns/bars/dance club/teen club - - Nurseries (retail) C - Nursing homes/convalescent homes c - R:IP D 0\2004\04-0384 Temccu," C,eek Village (PDO-4)\1'e STAFF REPORT 08-04.04,<101 20 . Table 17.22.136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of Use PDO-4R I PDO-4V. 0 Office equipmenVsupplies, sales/services P - Offices, administrative or corporate headquarters with greater than - 50,000 sq. ft. Offices, professional services with less than 50,000 sq. ft., including, but not limited to, business law, medical, dental, P p6 veterinarian, chiropractic, architectural, engineering, real estate, Insurance P Paint and wallpaper stores P Parcel delivery services - Parking lots and parking structures - - Pawnshop - - Personal service shops P P Pest control services - - Pet grooming/pet shop P P Photographic studio P P Plumbing supply yard (enclosed or unenclosed) - - Postal distribution - - Postal services P P Printing and publishing (newspapers, periodicals, books, etc.) - Private utility facilities (Regulated by the Public Utilities P - Commission) a Reserved R Radio and broadcasting studios, offices P Radio/television transmitter - Recreational vehicle parks - Recreational vehicle sales - - Recreational vehicle, trailer, and boat storage within an enclosed - - building Recreational vehicle, trailer and boat storage-exterior yard - Recycling collection facilities - Recycling processing facilities - - R:\I' D O\2004I04-(ßR4 Temecod" c",k Vilbge (I'DO-4)\I'C STAFF REPORT 08-04-04.<101 21 . . . . . . Table 17,22.136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of Use PDO-4R PDO-4V. Religious institution, without a day care or private school C - Religious institution, with a private school c - Religious institution, with a day care c - Residential (one dwelling unit on the same parcel as a commercial - - or industrial use for use of the proprietor of the business) Residential, multiple-family housing - - Restaurant with drive-through window - - Restaurants and other eating establishments P po Restaurants with lounge or live entertainment - - Retail support use (15 percent of total development square footage - , in BP and LI) Rooming and boarding houses - - S Scale, public - - Schools, business and professional - - Schools, private (kindergarten through Grade ,12) -' - Scientific research and development offices and laboratories - - Senior citizen housing (see also congregate care)" c - Solid waste disposal facility - - Sports and recreational facilities - Swap Meet, entirely inside a permanent buildingO - - Swap Meet, outdoor - - Swimming pool supplies/equipment sales P - T Tailor shop P P Taxi or limousine service P - Tile sales P - Tobacco shop P - Tool and die casting - Transfer, moving and storage - - Transportation terminals and stations - - Truck rentals (no sales or /service) - - TV/VCR repair P po U Upholstery shop P - R:\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Tcmee.b C"oek V;]],'ge (PDO.4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08.04.04,dol 22 Table 17.22,136B Schedule of Permitted Uses Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Description of Use I PDO-4R I PDO-4V' V Vending machine sales and service I 1 - w Warehousing/distribution - Watch repair P P Wedding chapels Welding shop - Welding supply and service (enclosed) - - y Reserved Z Reserved I 1. The CUP will be subject to Section 17.08.050(G), special standards for the sale of alcoholic beverages. 2. Subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 3. See Section 17.08.050(E), special standards for indoor swap meets. 4. See Section 17.080.050(R), special standards for self-storage or mini-warehouse facilities. 5. In PDO-4, all senior housing residential projects shall use the development and periormance standards for the High Density Residential zone and the provisions contained in Section 17.06.050.H. 6. The size of the use or activity is limited to 5,000 square feet. 7. Outdoor entertainment in conjunction with an eating establishment is permitted provided that the outside noise levels do not interfere with off-site conversation. 8. Drive through facilities are not allowed in the Village Planning Area. Retail/Support Commercial Planning Area is identified as PDO-4R. Village Commercial Planning Area is identified as PDO-4V. Multi-Family Planning Areas A & B use the High Density column in Table 17.06.030. (Ord 2000-13) Role D 012004\04-0384 Teme,," C<eek V;lIage (!'DO-4)I!'C STAFF RE!'ORT 08-04-04,dûl 23 . . . . . . 17,22,138 C. SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGN AND SETBACK STANDARDS A. Multi-Family. The requirements of the residential component shall depend upon the final approved residential density. Residential densities less than 12 units per acre shall comply with the Medium Density Residential zone standards set forth in Chapter 17.06 of the Development Code. Residential densities in excess of 12 units per acre shall comply with the High Density Residential zone standards set forth in Chapter 17,06 of the Development Code. The final maximum residential density shall be determined by a traffic analysis provided to the City when an application for development is submitted. The total future project trip generation shall not exceed the number of trips ,allowable under. the General Plan designation for the site. B. Retail/Support Commercial. '. The development standards for the Professional Office zoning designation set forth in Chapter 17.06 of the Development Code shall be utilized for the Retail/Support Commercial planning àrea. . The Village Planning Area for the Temecula Cre'ek'Village Planned Development Overlay hás supplemental design guidelines integrated into this PDO. These guidelines are intended to augment the previously adopted Citywide Design Guidelines with requirements specific to this area and are as follows: The Villàge area will serve as the vital activity center of Temecula Creek Vitlage. Centrally located within the project, this group of buildings will contain a welcome mixture of goods and services to complement life in the multi-family neighborhoods. A state-of-the-art clubhouse facility will provide space for meeting rooms, a librarY and reading rooms, computer rooms and other resident amenities, as well as a "signature".pool and spa.' 1: Mix Of Uses The site' of the proposed Village area is approximately seven acres, and will contain a variety of shops' and services, including: . a. Retail stores b. Restaurants c. Recreational facilities d. Commercial services e. Medical and dental offices In some cases, office uses could be iocated above ground floor retail spaces. In addition, the ancillary uses of the residential. Neighborhoods, such as the Community Clubhouse with its amenities and Support Retail will be 10cateçJ' in t~e Central Retail Hub. . R,IP 0 0\2004\Q4-0384 Temecu!a Üeek Village (PDO-4)IPC STAFF REPORT 08.Q4.Q4,dot . 24 ' 2. 3. Site Organization . The buildings in the village core will be organized around the A central spine, which is also the primary entry corridor to the development. a. The mixed-use buildings planned for the Village Hub area will be sited in such a way that their walls help to define the streetscape. b. The buildings closest to State Highway 79 will be located at the minimum required front setback from that road. c. The primary driveway into the complex will be framed by buildings on either side, creating a "gateway" into the central circulation corridor. d. Additional buildings will be organized along the corridor, with their entries pushed to the "imagined" property line along the circulation road (the back of the sidewalk), creating an "urban" environment. Pedestrian pass-through will be created in the gaps between buildings ("paseos") to give access from parking areas. e. The buildings sited along the boulevard will be separated to allow vehicular entry into the parking areas, which will be located behind (and in some cases beside) the buildings. f. The visual axis of the central corridor will be terminated by the community center building as its associated open space. . Parking And Circulation The clustering of related used in the Village Retail Core makes shared parking opportunities possible. The mix of offices, with their predominant daytime use, with retail and restaurants, busy primarily at night, creates a reciprocal parking condition. For this reason, the village parking demand would be lower than what is otherwise required by the City of Temecula's Development Code. It is proposed that the total demand of the anticipated uses will be five spaces per thousand square feet of leasable retail/office area. a. Direct vehicular access to the Village will be available via a proposed controlled inter-section along Highway 79 South onto the project's principal entry drive. This tree-lined street will provide easy ingress to the egress from the parking areas serving the facilities, in addition to angled parking spaces located on the drive itself. Auto circulation will feature a continuous loop through the public area of the village, helping to alleviate congestion in this part of the site. b, Parking lots will be located behind (and in some cases beside) the proposed buildings, so that the buildings help to screen the parking areas. The lots will be landscaped to soften the hard edges of the paving, and provide pockets of shade. . R,\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Temw,la C,eek Village (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dot 25 . . . c. -The "downtown" core will also be served by double rows of diagonal parking, angled in the direction of travel both in and out of the village area. Pedestrian "collector" walks will be detailed with contrasting paving materials leading to identified crosswalks. Accessible parking will be located in the angled parking, which is curbside near retail entries. ' ii. . Crosswalks will be laid out to coincide with pedestrian plaza areas. 4. Convenient bike parking will be provided in the Village core to encoura~; human-powered travel in this area. Pedestrian Open Spaces d. Generous landscaped plaza areas are planned in the midst of the retail village to encourage the accumulation of patrons in the core who will visit a number of establishments on any given outing. a. These oùtdoor gathering areas will be linked to the system of walkways and bike paths, which traverse the site, creating convenient access for residents.. b. Pedestrian gathering areas will be made comfortable through the inclusion of amenities which encourage rest stops: . Benches and shade structures or trees. , ii. Trash cans and (where applicable) as urns. . iii. Kiosks. 5. Building Scale And Design The Village area structures will be limited to one or two siories: ,and will be designed to be complementary to the existing residential scale of the neighborhood. a. b. Buildings will be designed to include sufficient articulation of their mass to provide an adequate sense of scale. Specific details which may be used, for the purpose include,: ' Offsetting portions of the buildings to avoid long expanses of unbroken wall surface. . ii. Locating entries and fenestration in recesses to provide additional shade and shadow on the building faces. iii. Use of awnings, canopies, and blade signs to provide additionallighVshadow play and visual rhythms. R:\P D 0\2004\04-0384 Temecu!a Creek ymage (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT OS-O4-04,dol . 26 iv. Large openings with clear glass will be provided at the street level to provide increased visibility into the retail spaces. v. Select staggering of upper and lower floors to avoid unbroken two-story wall surfaces. vi. Use of staggered parapet heights and sloping roof forms to give variety to building "skylines." c. Buildings with ground floor retail will be set close to the streets to facilitate pedestrian access. d. Restaurants and food uses within the village will be encouraged to provide outdoor dining facilities. Where possible, these "fresh-air" eating patios should adjoin pedestrian walkways. e. Exterior building finishes should consist of a complementary variety of quality materials, including the following: Exterior plaster in various textures and colors. ii. Exposed colored concrete block of split face, fluted, burnished, or sandblasted textures. iii. Brick and natural or cultured stone. iv. Decorative architectural metals, such as grilles or railings. v. Metal or concrete (not mission) tile roof. vi. Metal or fabric canopies or awnings. (Ord 2000-13) R:\P D 0\2004104-0384 Tcmeeula C<cck V;llage (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dot 27 . . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 4 . NOTICE OF EXEMPTION . RoW D 0\2004\04-0384 Temecula C",k V;]lagc (PDO-4)\PC STAF!' REPORT 08-04-04,dol 28 åity of Temecula .Ianning Department Notice of Exemption TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 . Riverside,'CA 92501-0751 FROM: Planning Department City of Temecula P. O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Project Title: Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District Text Amendment (PA04-0384) Description of Project: Revise the Schedule of Permitted Uses for the Temecula Creek Village Planned Development Overlay District (PDO-4) to permit the sale of alcohol and permit blueprint and copy services in the Village Commercial area;' and correct inconsistencies in footnote text for PDÓ-4 Project Location:, The south side of Highway 79 South between,Jedediah Smith Road and Avenida De Missiones, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California. Project Applicant/Proponent: David J. Esoldi, Temecula Creek Village, LLC 8e Director of Planning approved the above de'scribed activity on June 16, 2004, and found that the activity is t a project and is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. Exempt Status: (check one) Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1); Sec. 15268): Deciared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); Sec. 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); Sec. 15269(b)(c)); Statutory Exemptions (Section Number:_) Categorical Exemption: Ciass 11 (Section Number -) Other: Previous Neqalive Deciaration (Section 15162) .JL Statement of Reasons Supporting the Finding that the Project is Exempt: A prior Negative Declaration for prepared for the original adoption of PDO-4 (Planning Application 99-026). The proposed text amendment to Section 17.22.136B of the Development Code will not create any expansion of use or create additional impacts not already evaluated in the adopted Negative Declaration. As a result, this project qualifies for an Exemption pursuant to the provisions of Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. . Contact PersonrTitle: Emery J. Papp, AICP, Senior Planner Phone Number; (951) 694-6400 Signature: Date: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning . R:IP D 0\2004\04-0384 Temecu], Cæck Vill'gc (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,<101 29 . . . ATTACHMENT NO, 5 LETTER FROM APPLICANT RW D 0\2004\04-0384 Tomec"¡,, Cn:ek VilJage (PDO-4)\PC STAFF REPORT 08-04-04,dOl JO . . . April 30,2004 Emery Papp CityofTemeeula Dear'Emery, ~ TEMECUlA CREEK VlllAGE~ Please consider the following ehanges that are permitted uses on Temecula Creek Villages PDO-4R but not on our PDO-4V8. It has beeome difficult to lease to restaùrants, Deli's, flower and gift shops etc. that are not permitted to sell or include in gift baskets beer or wine. It is not our intent to open a liquor store but to simply be able to operate a restaurant and be able to serve beer and wine, to have a deli include sales of beer or wine. The other ehangesjust give us much more flexibility in leasing. We want to lease the Village successfully which is favorable for us as owners and the City ofTemecula as wcll. Thank you for your consideration in these matters. , Si;1þrsA David J. Esoldi (Skeeter) 16236 S," O"GU"O Ro" Su", 3-10 POST o"'G' Bo' 9296 RANGHO SANTA F, CA 92067 TEl.858/756-7584 FAX. 858/756-7S94 ~ TEMECULA CREEK VILLAGE~ Ref: Table 17.22,136B Schedule of Permitted Uses The following are change requests for permitted uses on Temecula Creek Villages PDO-4R th~ w<; would lik<; to h~v<; inç1wlt;d on onr POO-4 V~ Description of Use Allowed PDO-4R Alcohol bevcrage sales CI Blueprint, duplicating & copy service P -CBterifig Ser"ic"~ p T(>Þ~crc, Shop P 16236 S", °"°"'0 Ro" S"" 3-10 Po" Omcc 80' 9296 RANC<O SAN" FE CA 92067 TEL, 858/756-7584 FAX,858/756-75" . Chanl!e To PDO-4V8 CI P p p - . .