HomeMy WebLinkAbout091304 CSC Agenda . . . AGENDA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION TO BE HELD AT TEMECULA CITY HALL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Felicia Hogan FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Henz ROLL CALL: Edwards, Fox, Henz, Meyler, Hogan PRESENTIONS: Tony Grant Roger Treadwell PUBLIC COMMENTS: A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commissioners on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commissioners about an item not listed on the Agenda, a green "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state vour name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Community Services Commission Secretary ~ the item is addressed by the Commission. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. R:\CSCAGEND\2004\O91304.doc . DIVISION REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. Commission Volunteers Needed for Calendar Proiect RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 That the Community Services Commission selects two (2) Commission members to be on a judging panel for a children's poster contest 2. Review of the Draft Updated City General Plan RECOMMENDATION: . 2.1 That the Community Services Commission review the Draft General Plan and: provide the Planning Department with their comments and concerns. 3. Renamina Rancho California Sports Park RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Community Services Commission consider changing the name of the Rancho California Sports Park to Ronald Reagan Sports Park to honor President Ronald Reagan. DIRECTOR'S REPORT COMMISSIONER REPORTS ADJOURNMENT That the Community Services Commission adjourn to a regular meeting on Monday, October 11, 2004, 6:00 pm at Temecula City Hall Main Conference Room, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, CA 92592. . R:\CSCAGEND\2004\O91304.doc . AGENDA ITEM #1 . . . CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Community Services Commission Herman Parker, Director of Community service§. September 13, 2004 DATE: SUBJECT: Commission Volunteers Needed for Calendar Project PREPARED BY: Barbara Smith, Management Analyst 9)Ir~ RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Services Commission selects two (2) Commission members to be on a Judging Panel for a children's poster contest. BACKGROUND: The City received two grants this year, one from the Department of Conservation (for $20,817) and one from CR&R (for $5,000) our franchised solid waste hauler. The focus for both of these grants is to promote recycling and litter abatement. . For the past three (3) years we have used these funds to design, print and distribute the "Recycling and Litter Abatement Calendar". We wanted to focus on the education of our community's children, hopefully to establish and encourage life long habits of recycling and litter abatement. This project proved to be successful based on input and participation of the students, parents, teachers and administrators from Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD), Hillcrest Academy and Linfield Christian Schools. The City will be designing the calendar with recycling hints from the Department of Conservation, as well as provide residential information regarding refuse and recycling services provided by CR&R. The monthly illustrations, cover and honorable mentions will be selected from posters submitted by children. Our process for creating the calendar will be virtually the same as last year. Curriculum and lesson plans, created by the Integrated Waste Management will be distributed to all 3rd and 4th grade classes within the TVUSD and private schools that wish to participate. We asked that the teachers incorporate recycling and litter abatement information into their lessons, then allow time for an art project illustrating the lessons. We emphasize that the most important criteria in our poster selections will be those illustrations that best communicate the importance of recycling and not littering. We asked that all posters be submitted to us by October 8,2004. A panel of five (5) judges will select the best 18 posters, twelve (12) for each month, one (1) for the cover and eight (8) honorable mentions. All students selected will be invited to a Community Services Commission Meeting for introduction to the Commission and presentation with an award. We respectfully request two (2) volunteers from the Community Services Commission to serve on this judging panel. Ed Campos, General Manager and Delores Badillo-Santos Community Relations Representative both with CR&R, Inc. and Maggie Allen, Imagination Workshop's Manager will join the CSC volunteers to form the entire panel. A time will be scheduled after October 8th to meet, review and select the winning posters. This will allow us time to finish the design, print and distribute the calendars prior to the school's winter break in December. . R:\smithb\Calendar Project\2005 CalendarlCSC Staff Request for Judges.doc . AGENDA ITEM #2 . . . CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Community Services Commission Herman Parker, Director of Community service~ DATE: September 13, 2004 SUBJECT: Review of the Draft Updated City General Plan PREPARED BY: David Hogan, Principal Planner RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Services Commission review the Draft General Plan and provide the Planning Department with their comments and concerns. . BACKGROUND: The City has hired Cotton/Bridges Associates to assist in updating the General Plan. Since this process began, the Council has appointed the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to work with the staff and the consultant. When the CAC was first created a member of the Community Services Commission was appointed to the Committee. The purpose of this item is to present the Draft Updated General Plan to the Commission and get any comments or concerns. The purpose of a General Plan is to provide broad policy guidance and direction for the future growth of the City and for all the activities that are undertaken by the City. The City General Plan is made up of a number of issue areas or chapters that are called Elements. The Elements of the City General Plan include the following: land Use Circulation Housing Open Space and Conservation Growth Management and Public Facilities Public Safety Noise . Air Quality Community Design Economic Development . All of these Elements, except for the Housing Element, are being updated as part of this process. The Housing Element is different from the other Elements of the General Plan in that it is required to be updated every five years. The previously approved Housing Element will be incorporated into the Final General Plan document after the General Plan is adopted. Development of the next update of the Housing Element is expected to begin in late 2005. This copy of the Draft Updated General Plan was presented to the City Council and Planning Commission at the workshop on August 10, 2004. A copy of the Plan is included in this staff report as Attachment No.1. Based upon the direction provided at that meeting, there were very few changes to this draft document. The additional changes to the draft Plan are included in Attachment No.2. R:\General Plan\Comp Plan Update\Staff Report CSC.doc . . . INTRODUCTION: For all the Elements of the General Plan, the essential and overall policy direction is proposed to remain the same. In some areas where changes are proposed they fit within the framework of the existing General Plan. Most of changes represent a shift in format and minor text clean-up items. The most common clean-up items include: items reflecting changed circumstances, a more careful delineation between goal and policy statements and implementation measures, combining similar policy statements into a single policy for greater clarity, and updating the implementation program for each element. While most of the changes are being made to the Land Use and Circulation Elements, there are other changes being made to many of the General Plan Elements. Open Space and Conservation Element There are no major policy changes being proposed for the Open Space and Conservation Element. The primary non-format changes represent updates to baseline information and more specific references to the City Parks and Recreation and Multi-Use Trails Master Plans as implementation programs for the General Plan. Economic Development Element There are no major policy changes proposed for the Economic Development Element. However, the Updated General Plan does include a discussion how the cultural and civic amenities, described within the Cultural Arts Master Plan, are part of the City's overall economic development strategy. Land Use Element The primarychanges'in the Land Use Element are the inclusion of a discussion for Mixed Use and Rural Preservation Areas. The Mixed Use provisions are expected to provide additional opportunities to revitalize some old areas of the City and to help meet the City's Housing Element goals. Goal 2, Encouraging Mixed Use, provides the framework for future mixed use projects. The Rural Preservation discussion is intended to identify areas that need to stay rural to protect the character and quality of life in the area. Goal 3, Preserving Rural Areas, discusses how these areas should be protected. The direction provided by the remaining Goals and Policies remains the same. Much of the southern and eastern Planning Area is included within an area described for rural preservation. Land Use Desianations In the General Plan Update, several new Land Use Designations are proposed to respond to changes within the City and the Planning Area. The new Land Use Designations are as follows: . The Rural Residential Designation would establish a semi-rural land use designation with a 5 acre minimum lot size. . The Vineyards/Agriculture Designation is intended to identify areas used for agriculture in the Planning Area. . The new Tribal Trust Lands Designation is proposed for properties in the Planning Area that have been designated as lands held in trust for the Pechanga Band by the Federal Government. A Commercial Recreation Overlay is proposed for golf courses, resorts, as well as, RV resorts and campground facilities. This would be used as an overlay on areas designated Open Space to indicate that non-open space accessory commercial uses are envisioned to occur in these areas. R:\General Plan\Comp Plan Update\Staff Report CSC.doc . Land Use Map The original General Plan Land Use Map was hand drawn at a fairly large scale. In the process of preparing the Updated Plan, staff has gone back over the original Land Use Map and worked to match General Plan designations to both the existing development pattern that conformed to the General Plan and to the existing property lines. Many of the minor adjustments to the map reflect these types of insignificant changes being made to match the Land Use Plan to the GIS base map. However, there are also a number of other Land Use Map changes that are either more substantial clean up items or are specific change requests to the Land Use Map that were made by the property owners. Approximately 15 land use requests have been submitted by various property owners through this process. Some of the changes were supported by the CAC, while others were not. None of the approved changes represent major shifts in land use. A major change to the Land Use Map in the French Valley area has also been made. Since the initial adoption of the City General Plan, the County made many land use changes without notifying the City. As a result, the City General Plan bore little resemblance to the land use pattern being developed in this area. In modifying the Land Use Map in the French Valley, a great deal of effort was spent trying to work within the context of the granted entitlements trying to ensure the creation of a desirable and livable urban area. The Eastern and Southern Rural Preservation Areas in the expanded planning area will be designated mostly as Vineyard/Agriculture and Rural Residential, with some limited Very Low Density Residential areas where there are a number of existing 2y. acre lots. . Circulation Element The primary changes to the policy direction in the Circulation Element are provisions to allow for additional street dedication (beyond the standardized rights-of-way) around higher volume key intersections and the Community Advisory Committee's recommendation to consider opening closed connecting streets to improve citywide circulation. The direction provided by the remaining Goals and Policies remains the same. Roadwav Cross-Sections In an effort to fine tune the road network in some of less urban portions of the City, two new roadway cross sections are being proposed. Both of the new cross sections are based upon the standard 88 foot Secondary Arterial. The first is the Modified Secondary Arterial, initially assigned to De Portola and Ynez Roads through Los Ranchitos, would have two divided lanes in each direction with no curb, gutter or sidewalk to maintain the rural character of the area. . The second is the Lin1ited Secondary Arterial which would have one lane in each direction, with a left turn lane and a separated trail. This cross section would be used in areas where lower traffic volumes are expected and where the separation of equestrian and pedestrian traffic is important. This is proposed for portions of Nicolas Road, Santiago Road, and North General Kearny. To better match the County Circulation Plan, a Rural Highway standard is also being proposed. Rural Highways generally have one lane in each direction with left turn pockets, though in some areas two lanes may be needed. R:\General Plan\Comp Plan Update\Staff Report CSC.doc . . . Other changes include: 0 Combining the previous Arterial and Major Arterial Roadway categories into a single roadway designation because there was very little difference between the two. 0 The addition of a Rural Highway cross section to not only protect future rights-of-way, but also help maintain the rural character of the area. The Rural Highway roadway anticipates that, in most cases, the full roadway cross section will not be constructed until there are substantial changes in the area. The Rural Highway designation is primarily used in the rural areas around the City. Circulation Map Overall the Circulation Plan is not substantially changing within the City. However, in the Planning Area, there are a number of changes to try to match the County Circulation Plan or address the circulation problems that are expected to remain in French Valley. The proposed Updated Circulation Plan contains a number of new roadways as well as changes to the size designations. The proposed Circulation Plan is shown on Figure C-2 on page 21 of the Circulation Element. The new major roadways are as follows: Loma Linda/Avenida de Missiones between Pechanga Parkway and SR-79S. North General Kearny from Deer Meadow Road (near Nicolas Road) to near the northern segment of Calle Pina Colada. Eastern Bypass consisting of Anza Road, Deer Hollow Way, and a southern connection to Interstate 15 via a new interchange. This is consistent with the proposed County Circulation Plan. Sky Canyon Road/Briggs Road parallel route along Winchester Road past the future bottleneck area by French Valley Airport. In addition, the following roadways are proposed to be expanded in size to meet the projected needs. . Winchester Road from Jefferson Road to Hunter Road - Urban Arterial (6-lane) to Urban Arterial (8-lane). Rancho California Road from Old Town Front Street to Ynez Road - Urban Arterial (6-lane) to Urban Arterial (8-lane). Rancho California Road from Ynez Road to Margarita Road - Arterial (4-lane) to Urban Arterial (6-lane). . Ynez Road from Rancho California Road to Rancho Vista Road - Arterial (4-lane) to Urban Arterial (6-lan!!). . Jefferson Avenue from Winchester Road to the City Limits - Arterial (4-lane) to Urban Arterial (6-lane). . Western Bypass Road - Secondary Arterial to a Major Arterial. Both these roadways have four lane configurations. R:IGeneral PlanlComp Plan UpdalelStaff Report CSC.doc . . . Growth Management/Public Facilities Element The only policy change is the addition of a statement discouraging street closures that may limit or delay access to emergency services. There are no other policy changes in the Growth Management/Public Facilities Element. Public Safety Element There are no major policy changes proposed for the Public Safety Element. Noise Element There are no major policy changes proposed for the Noise Element. Air Quality Element There are no major policy changes proposed for the Air Quality Element. Community Design Element There are no major policy changes proposed for the Community Design Element. However, there is some additional discussion on the Mixed Use Design Concept and on public spaces and public art. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department is requesting that the Community Services Commission review the draft of the Updated General Plan and provide your comments and concerns. The Commission's comments and concerns will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council during the public hearing/adoption process that is anticipated to being in December 2004. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. Draft of the Updated General Plan Additional Workshop Changes R:IGeneral PlanlComp Plan UpdatelStaff Report CSC.doc . . . . AGENDA ITEM #3 . . . . . CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Community Services Commission /}, Herman Parker, Director of Community Services~ FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: September 13, 2004 Renaming Rancho Califomia Sports Park PREPARED BY: ~(-Phyllis L. Ruse, Deputy Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Services Commission consider changing the name of the Rancho California Sports Park to Ronald Reagan Sports Park to honor President Ronald Reagan. BACKGROUND: With the passing of President Ronald Reagan on June 5, 2004 some people within the City have expressed a desire to honor our past president. An article appeared in a local newspaper relati,ng that President Reagan purchased 771 acres west of Temecula near the Santa Rosa Plateau in the 1960s with the intention of building a retirement ranch. That plan did not come to fruition and the property was sold some time later. The article goes on to relate that the president never forget T emecula and the American spirit that lives here. In a speech given to the United States Olympic Committee in 1983, President Reagan made the following comments: One of the top priorities of our administration has been to encourage the American people as individuals, as organizations in private and in business life to get more directly involved in getting things done, solving problems and helping each other. Private initiative is our most precious American resource, and it's as alive today as it was when our ancestors used to join in barn-raising parties when it was needed for a neighbor... There are similar stories right here in California; the folks in a rather small town, Temecula. They got together and built themselves a sports park, held fund- raising barbecues and dinners. And those who didn't have money volunteered time and energy. And now the young people of that community have baseball diamonds for Little League and other sports events, just due to what's traditional Americanism. .. The park the president was speaking of is the Rancho California Sports Park. At the City Council meeting of June 22, 2004, Mayor Mike Naggar asked the Community Services Commission to consider renaming the Rancho California Sports Park as a tribute to President Reagan. In reviewing the steps necessary to complete this name change, staff discovered that two deed conditions were on the property when Riverside County transferred it to the City. The first condition is that the property be used as a public park for 40 years. The second condition is that the park be R:\RUSEPlAGENDASlnaming RCSP-rename Ronald Reagan SP 9-13-04.doc . . . named the Rancho California Sports Park for the same 40 year period. The conditions were originally place on the property when its ownership changed from Kaiser Development to Riverside County. While the County is unable to remove the condition from the property since it was placed there prior to their ownership, the Board of Supervisors and County staff support the City's efforts and will provide appropriate assistance in order to honor our past president by naming the park for him. The City Attorney is working to resolve this issue. Pursuant to City policy, the Community Services Commission is responsible for selecting names for City parks and facilities. Attached is the Resolution establishing the park naming policy and list of proposed park names for the Commission's consideration. The Commission may consider any of the names on the list or any other name it deems appropriate or may determine to leave the park named as it is currently. Once a name has been chosen, the name will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for final approval. The Board may approve the name selected by the Commission or recommend another name of their choice. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. CSD 92-08: Naming Parks and Recreation Facilities Park Names List June 6, 2004 Californian Article June 10, 2004 Californian Article July 7, 2004 Californian Article R:\RUSEPlAGENDASlnaming RCSP.rename Ronald Reagan SP 9-13-04.doc . . . RESOLUTION NO. CSD 92-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ADOPTING A POLICY FOR NAMING PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIFS WHEREAS, on April 23, 1991, the Board of Directors (the "Board") adopted a policy for naming parks and recreation facilities; and WHEREAS,the Community Services District and the Parks and Recreation Commission requests that the aforementioned policy be adopted by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DffiECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT DOES HEREBY, RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the policy for naming parks and recreation facilities as set forth on Exhibit "A" is adopted establishing a uniform policy and procedure that identifies criteria for the naming of parks and recreation facilities. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 1992. R!/di~ ATTEST: J~.~e~ [SEAL] CSD RESOS 92-08 . . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) 55 CITY OF TEMECULA ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foægoing Resolution No. CSD 92-08 was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Temc:cula Community District at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 8th day of September 1992, by the following vote of the Board of Directors: AYES: 5 DIRECfORS: NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: ABSENT: 0 DIRECfORS: COD RESOS 92-08 Birdsall, Moore, Lindemans, Muñoz Parks, None None ~--e£.~ June S. Greek, CIty Clerk, Board Secretary . . . Exhibit "A" TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Naming Parks and Recreation Facilities PURPOSE To establish a uniform policy and procedure that identifies criteria for the naming of parks and recreation facilities. POLICY The Park and Recreation commission will be responsible for the selection of names for parks and recreation facilities. Once a name is selected, it will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for ratification. Staff will be responsible for encouraging citizens and community organizations to suggest possible names that will then be forwarded to the Commission for consideration. At a minimum, each park and community building will be designated a name. Naming of specific areas within a park (garden, swimming pool, lake, ballfield, etc.) is acceptable but should be kept to a minimum to avoid confusion. No park shall be given a name which might be perceived as controversial by the community. All names selected shall be acceptable and meaningful to a majority of the neighborhoodlcommunity where the park or recreation facility is located. Priority in naming sites shall be given to geographical locations, historic significance or geologic features. No park shall,be named for a person, except where an individual has made a siqnificant financial contribution toward the acquisition and/or development of the park or facility, or has been an outstanding long-time community leader who has supported open space and recreational activities. I All park and recreation facilities will be designated a formal name within six months of acquisition or construction. All parks shall have an entrance sign. Buildings will have an entrance sign and a plaque inside the facility for name identification. The name of a park or recreation facility may be changed only after a hearing is held by the Commission to receive community input and direction. No name shall be changed unless there is significant justification and support by the community. . . . RESPONSIBILITY Department Parks and Recreation colll1!lission Department ACTION 1. Acquires facility. Solicits possible names from colll1!lunity. park or recreation a new 2. 3. Forwards suggested names to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration. 4. Receives any additional colll1!lunity input. 5. Selects a name for recreation facility. or the park new 6. Forwards name ratification. city for Council to 7. Installs the appropriate naming sign or plaque. . . . CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROPOSED PARK NAMES November 2003 The following is a list of names for various park sites within the City of Temecula. These names were compiled through a community wide park naming campaign, which requested residents of the City of Temecula to submit names for their local park sites to be constructed in the future. The Community Services Commission may select one of these names or another name of their choice, based on the geographical location of the park, a geological feature of the site, or they may name the facility after an individual that has made a significant contribution towards parks, recreation or community services in Temecula, or has played a vital role in the development of this community. Walter Vail Park Palomar Mountain Park Kit Carson Park Immigrant Trail Park Ramona Wolf Park Roripaugh Park Vineyard Park Palomino Park Santa Rosa Park Patricia H. Birdsall Park Ron Parks Park Toddler Park Tony Tobin Park Columbia Memorial Park Tuscany Hills Park Verde Valle Park Kingston Park Wine Country Park Jewel of Crowne Hill Park Kaiser Park Palomar Park Sunset Park Luiseno Park Cattleman Park Erie Stanley Gardner Park Wolf Valley Park Vaqueros Park Eve Craig Park Temecula Creek Park Mountain View Park Ronald Reagan Park City View Park Columbia Park President's Park Good Neighbor Park Fun City Park Pauba Meadows Park Pauba Park Grace Mellman Park R:\ZIGLERG\LlSTSlPark Names.doc . . Reagans once owne€l land in Témecula, TEMECULA ~ Fonner PtesidéDtReagan and his wife Nàncy once Considered m!'kùtg the hills wes~ of Temecu1á and Murrièta then- ret1Í"eme\Ít home. In the, 1960s, while. he was govemorof C~ifor' itia, the R\!agans' bòugbt 771 acres near what is now the, Santa: ,.ROSI\ Plateau, accorc;ling to Ben- JiieHUdSOn-filthe Winter í96ìHsSue'of "HighCoun. uy""magazine.He had come to know the area tIIrtJúgh ,an, old friend,BiJI', Wilson, who lived ona ranch in the area and . would later bécomehis ambassadQr to~'Vati. can/' Reaganpnl~ cattle back to visiLtlili area a 'f~w tlines. a~ç\ftding to , résidents, and~ter sold . ~~'~d, ch¡;:¡"" ."instead ry", b~ld,,' hi, S,,',' ,; ,re Dent ra:nèh 1J} Santa bara.. "Jle wàs reã yaCity .guy, and this plàœwas a ",IittJ.,e too o~t, in, tljeooun., -tOO, un, ,,- ',~fotIiimi"Jack~, - . , who woi"IœdJor the eœa'S originaJd, evélope,: er,tlÍe Kaiser Co;, told The Ciili- fornianin2001. , , , ~ TIi8 CaIIfomI81 THE CALIFORNIAN 6/6/04 ,--- ~- ':' . . proclamation a City Coun- 'day a "Mu- nicipal Day of Mo ing" fit' pro -way' honor,-- ,r- ~~~;'~~ the fume.. -- president of the - United States and . ornia. a's ties t, Ilaybe åt can be' eRèa- . THE CALIFORNIAN 6/10/04 ~~ Name ¡ one for the Gipper 'Þ!f ',It ":'I..':'~'.~.."'..:.' .,. 0\' ,; i jII{) 'oM" ~~ was guided by m::cil of O\D" founding lamers. ..." ~=::n~~nhe' ..., considered a key architect ." O\D" Constitution and a . '; 52 of the Federalist Papeq¡.~ Hamilton served as me first Treasury secretary and hij¡, role in our repu,blic and su" port for capitalÍsm is too im~, portantto ignore. ',oi. Wlùle many ideas will be' bandied about to recogniz;t. ..'." Ronald Reagan; mere is 0 :' idea here in Temecu1a that .1 very promising. Recently tMI,! Temecula City Council pro:!" posed renaming me Ranch8Y: California Sports Park aft~., O\D" 40th president This id~ea !s. ; . me brainchlld of Mayor Naggar. Naggar too has credi.. ed me Great Communicator~! asasoun:eofinspiratiolL . J. In 1983, President Reagaìif mentioned me peOP~'le - 0"'.,.' Temecula and meir new',. built sports park in a before the U.S. Olympic Cooi',11 mittee. The can-do attitude of Temecula Valley residents" some 21 years ago.exemplified! Reagan's vision of America as~" that "s1úning city upon a bill'" t Temecula still exemplifies'; Reagan's vision of America.' Temecu1a stands out as a bright", example to me nation wim its .newly formed Thmecula Citizeq Corps. The Citizen Corps i,lt trained to respond to wid~¡ , scale emergencies, natuIal dÍS'.' ; asters and tenoristattad<s. ¡., Upon 1eaviI1g office, ~í)" dent R.ægan spa. ke!he toll"",,' . 'I' ing words to me nation: . .': "Whatever else history , F=~e~~:f not yOur \yorst fears; to your: coDfidence ràther thanyòur : doubts. My dremn is .that YOU' , will traVel the road ahead,with. i liberty'slamp'guiding your'., steps and opportunity's ann , , steadyingyour~.".., I) Reagan's hopes. align per'.J fe :tly with TeJ1lecul¡¡'s charac. i ter. Let's name this one for the i GiJ?P&. f RICk AoIIIIs 8re@J1âr ~ for j\ The Callfanlan; emaII:' . ). RIckReiss6@nets.nel. \ '~u..I~ 1¡ ~;:':;J I ~ . . Recently, our na . . mourned the passing of 40th president, Ronald Wi . R feed known the G' . Commwû". ' cator, Prelf dent R "- gan's is of ing in demise the Soviet Union 8IiIi. rescuing~' the Ameri- can economy from me ectJ: nomic malaise of me 1970s. .19\ Reagan's optimism an~. rove of America has been nòl.' ed by bomardent suppoa:J and by detractors. Ron ..' Reagan has been me . . . tion for many to enter intd" public serVice, Congressman", IQndy "Duke'" C~.: R-San Diego, has citeàRe~..ì gan as the motiváting factóp, for me former Navy ace pil~.'. 'to run for his San Diego ~ gressional seat. . . ;; Ronald Reagan melded I. conservative plìi10S0Pb;y wi , a sp~ of humor áII . shoWDlanship, Reagan onc" remarked, "R:epublicans betl!1 lieve eve¡y dayis the Fourth of~ '. July, but the Democrats Wf;' : lieve evety day i~ April15.~~ Such..teniarks dròve his de":' tractors crazy, but won thel'l! hearts of Ù1e AII1erican publiè. i Sin¡:e President Reagan'$'iJ f. passii¡g, mere have beeri a vati.l~ ety of pro¡;>osals to honor l!is'~ i.' memory. one of ,the moref1ui,". " , fetd1edideasistopJaceRónald"" ~.'Reagan On Mt. R~~.. Yet!.l . anoihet proposal gaiJ iw¡~0"". J menttíinlit~~fe!.¡JI . .' pla.:è ""iiM'¡;"",.' . ~~...tf '. derIW~Mdd~ ~ gan~on the $10 bill .