HomeMy WebLinkAbout101590 PC AgendaAGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 15, 1990 - 6:00 PM VAIL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 29915 Mira Loma Drive Temecula, CA 92390 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairman Chiniaeff Blair, Fahey, Ford, Chlniaeff Hoagland, PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the commissioners on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three 13) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commissioners about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commissioner Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be flied with the Planning Secretary before Commission gets to that item. There is a three minute time limit for individual speakers. COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. Minutes 1.1 Minutes of October 1, 1990. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Case No.: Applicant: R epresentati ve: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: Substantial Conformance No. 2, SP 16u, Davidson Communities RANPAC Engineering Corporation Nicholas Road, between Winchester and North General Kearney Roads. Deletion of the Class I bike trail which traverses the park and open space area located adjacent to Residential Planning Area No. Lt of the Rorlpaugh Estates Specific Plan. Continue to November 5, 1990 Steve Jiannlno Case No.: Applicant: Representative: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23299 Presley of San Diego Crosby, Mead, Benton and Associates South of Highway 79, west of Margarita Road. Extension of time for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23299. Continue to November 5, 1990 Richard Ayala PUBLIC HEARING ITEM Case No.: Applicant: Representative: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: 5. Case No.: Applicant: Representative: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: 6. Case No.: Applicant: R epresentati ve: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: Case No.: Applicant: Representative: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: Change of Zone No. 5611 Brent Dix C - M Engineering East side of Joseph Road approximately 1,000 feet north of Nicholas Road. Change zone from R- R 1/2 to R-1 in conjunction with VTTM 2500~,. Approval Mark Rhoades Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500~ Brent Dix C - M Engineering East side of Joseph Road approximately 1,000 feet north of Nicholas Road. To subdivide u,2,~ acres into 115 single family lots. Approval Mark Rhoades Tract No. 2511~3 Marstan Development Gary Martin South side of Margarita Road, between Moraga Road and Avenida Cima Del Sol. 105 unit condomlnium subdivision of 7.31 acres. Approval Oliver Mujlca Parcel Map No. 26239 Brookstone Development Company Same as above The southwesterly corner of Rueking Road and Madison Avenue approximately 200 feet east of Cherry Avenue and Jefferson Avenue. To create five parcels for future office use on a 2.08 acre site. Approval Scott Wright Case No.: Applicant: Representative: Location: Proposal: Recommendation: Case Planner: Parcel Map No. 2q.633 Robert Paine Benesh Engineerin9 Northeast corner of Estero Street and Ormsby To divide a 1 .~,3 acre parcel into two parcels, Approval 5teve Jiannino 9. Planning Director Report 10. Other Business ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: November 5, 1990, 6:00 PM, Vail Elementary School, 29915 Mira Loma Drive, Temecula, California. Planning/ACN10-15 ITEM #1 MT[N[T~.:S OF A RE~[I3[.AR Mq':F..TINC. THE '~'f,ANN[NG COMM[SSJ'ON OF THF. A regular meet~na of the Temecu]a Planning Commission was called to order at Va]] Elementary School, 299]5 Mira l,oma Drive, Temecuja, California at 6:10 P,M, The meeting was called to order by Chajrpersnn Denni.g Cb]njaeff. PRESENT: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Biair, Fahey, Ford CbiDiaeff ABSENT: I COMMISSIONERS: Hoagland Also present were Assistant City Attorney John CavaDauqb, Gary Thornhi l. I, Acti. n~ Planning Director, John Middleton, Senior Project Manager add Gaj] Z~]er, Minute Clerk, COMMENT FRANK KI.EIN, 30380 Santiago Road, Temecu]a, discussed various items with the Commission, including: increas]nq bike paths in the city, deVelOping a system for making addresses more accessible to emergency vehicles, prohibition of tethered ball. Don advertising, gtoraqe of a bus on an empty lot and disguising of cylindrical tanks at the cnncrete batch plant, off of Front Street. GARY THORNHII,I, advised Mr. Klein that some of these items were under investigation; however, he could direct all of these complaints to Mr. Marshall, Code Enforcement Officer, ~n the C~ty PLanning Department. MINUTES 3.7{ COMMISSIONER FORD moved to approve the minutes 20, ].990, seconded by COMMISSIONER FAHEY. NOES: ABSENT: 4 COMMISSIONERS: 0 COMMISSIONERS: ] COMMISSIONERS: of August Blair, Fahey, Ford Chiniaeff None Hoag]and ' ,ANN I N(~ O(InPO:Pl~.R ~ , i COMM)iSSIONER ~'()RO moved tn approve t'h~ minut~g of S~plpmber 37, Iq9(}, amended as fn~ lows: Pa0P ')8, DatagraPh, ~ho~s: d read "discussion with qowlnq ~mendmAnts: ~aqe 3, fi~th Datagraph, read "w~ ~n nrd~D~D~e re~l]~remeDt"~ ~hi rd paraqK'aDh, shoul. d read "prnpe~ty, d~cret~nnary", seconded by AYES: 4 COMML[SS[ONERS: R}a~r, Fahey, Chini aeff 0 COMMISSIONERS: None A~SEN'?: ;I COMMJSSIONERS: Hoagland Ford PUBf, IC HEARING ITEMS ?. 'PI~:N~PA~PIVF :PARCEl. MAP NO. ?563? ).i Proposal to subdivide 4,7 acres into ].0 parcels in the M.S,C, ZOne, tO cnnStruct aD industrial park on the snllthwest side of Bmlsiness Park Drive, north of Rancho ('a{ifnrnja Road. OI,IVER MUJICA presented the staff report on fbjs item. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF opened the public hearing. WARREN CANES, Wescon Properties representative, reguested rlArifi, catlon and modifi, cation of the following Conditi, ons nf Approval: P]ot Plan No. ]]688, Condition No. 77, Mr. .lames requested that this item read "Unless already paic~, prior to"; Condition No. 47, ETA be deleted. COMMISSIONER EAHEY clarified that prior to the meeting, a revised set of Engineer~ng conditions were provided add under these revised conditions, Mr. James was requesting Condition No. 3] be de]eted. Mr. James also requested modifications to the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parce] MaD No. P563~, CnDd~f~OD No. 18, to read: "reciprocal access agreement or common ownership"; Condition No. 20, revised to read "[ID]eSS a}ready paid, prior to" Condition No, 37, revised to read "If required, the subdivider"; Condition No. 4~, Mr. James requested MIN.10/1/90 -2- 10/10/90 that this Conditiot~ h~ deleted. .IOPfN MIT)OT,ETON and GARY ~'HORNHTLL Agreed that f:n;4s (~nndjt~oD cou]d be d~lefPa, COMHISSIONER CH[NIAEFF ~tated ~hat ~h~ RTA was as.~igned cover the AOMD requirements ~or tb~ Cjtv add tber~for~ ~nnu ~ r, r~m~i.n ~s part of Cnndl tlnn No. 47 . (:OMMISS:ION~:w ~ORD advised Mr. James that the reciprocal ac~.~s agreement would b~ a ~emnrandum to the parcel. ~ap which wouid be further enforced by the CC&R's. MR. JAMES stated that he wanted to ~vn~d having to record the CC&R's and A~]~taDt (hty Attorney ;)OHN C~VANAUG~ advised bjm that a~thnugh ~t was suggested that the CC&R's be m[~t~ned jf the Cnmm].ssion could requi~e that the (~(~&~'s De r~cnrded ~Dd JOHN CAVANAUGH stated that they could. ,IOBN MIDDLETON stated that the reason the CC&R's were written in was ~n create an agreement between the City add the aDDle cant as to ~ow the .~jte wou]d be maintained. Assistant City Attorney JO~N CAVANAUGR advised that a separate landscape aQreemeDt co]l]d :be prepared for the maintenance o~ the common areas. (IOMM:ISSION~ FOHD moved to c:jose the pub]it bearing, ~econded by COMMISSIONER FAHEY and carried unanimousl. y. AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, ~ahey, Ford Ch~nj. ae~f NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ARSENT: ] COMMISSIONERS: Hoag)and COMMISSIONER ~AHEY moved to AdoDt the Negative Declaration for Tentative Parcel Map No. 75637, and PInt P3an No. 11688, Approve Tentative Parcel MaD No. ~563P and Approve PInt P3an No. 33688 subject to the attached Conditions of Approval (as replaced by the Planning Department) with the fO]]OW~Dg modifications: PInt PIED, Condition No. 27, amended to read "Unless previously paid"; Condition No. 3l to remain as ~s; Tentative Farce] MaD, COndition NO. 38 to remain a~ is; Condition No. ~0 to read "Unless Drev~ollsJy pa.~d"; Condition No. 4~ to be de)clad. MIN. 10/1/90 -3- 10/10/90 PhANN| N(-; C(}M~4 I ,'-Lq 1 ()N ~ rNII'!'I;Lq 4 NO~,Sl: 0 AR,qF. NT: I 990 B) ai r, Pabey, ~'ord Chln~aeff ~naq]and 3. C,c)NnT'e'l:~lN&r, [l,~IE PRP, M[q' NO. 4 ProDosa.i to construct a 924 sa. ft. gasoline service station and ml. ni-market with beer and wine sales located at the southeast corner of 8R79 and Bedford Court. STEVE PArK)VAN provided the staff report on this project. GARY T~ORN~:ILt, stated that the p'lanning department bad been working with the apD].icant regarding the areas herweeD the ;~I'~ceDt resideDrio) housing add the proposed gasoline station. He stated that the app].icant had recoDfigllred some of the rear parking add re]ocated the air and water service area closer to SR79. He advised the Commission that the applicant was re~luesting a modification ~ the hours of operation proposed by the PJaDDin~ })~DartmeDt of 7:00 A.M. to 'l:l:00 P.M. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFE opened th~ DUblie hearing. LARRY ~ARK~AM, Markham & Associates, 4)750 Winchester Road~ Temecu].a, indicated that the applicant has concurred with the staff report: however, the proposed bouts of operation were not acceptable, and that they were seeking 74 bollr operation. We stated that they felt they bad adequate].y addressed the issue of noise by providing ]andscape buffers and block walls to separate the residential housing ~rom the proposed gasoline station. Me also stated that the applicant was proposing an on-site security guard. Mr. Markham requested modification of the following Conditions: No. 44, he indicated that the SR79 right-o~-way had already been dedicated; No, 49 - 54, 57 and 58, Mr. Markham stated MIN.10/1/90 -4- 10/10/90 that under prior ~Dp~ovmi~ the~ w~r~ no ~eaui~ements for the jmprnv~m~nt,~ other thaD what they bare allready dnn~ and that Assessment ~listricr that they do Dot W~nt tD~m done at asked the CommlssTon if they had a time frame for the fiaur~ on fh~ mitlgatjoD TERESA SANESI, 44737 "C"l,a Paz, Temecuia, stated that she ]~ nne of the )46 homeowners adjacent to this pro~ecf and ~eets ~hat they should nnt have to live next to a gas ~t~tioD, No ode e.lse requested tn speak nD tb~s ~tem. LARRY MARKHAM stated that the applicant and r~Dresentatiues have met w~tb the ~nmenwner's Hoard on three different nccass~nns and presented the Planning Department wjtn a draft letter from them gjviDg their ~DDrova] nf the Project. COM~ISSION~:R C)~[N~AEFF iDdjcated he was torn OD this Ornpnsar i.n that th~ commerci. af. desiqnation for this property had b~n iD o~aae S]D~e b~fnre the condos w~r~ built, [n addition, this is one of only ~hree off- ramps iD tOWD and the proposed ~]se should be ~oc~ted at an off ramp to held relieve congestinn in the core nf the c~ty. The impact on the resjdeDces could be softened by a redesjqn of the s~te. COMMISSIONER FORD moved to close the public hearing and deny the Negati, ve Dec].oration and not adopt the Resolution apDrovjDq CoDdjfjonal Use Permit No. 4, and directed staff to re-submit to the Commission with appropriate landscape p]aDs, assessmeDt district plans, determination on the hours of operation, architectural plans and input from the RaiDbow Meadows HomeowDers Association. COMMISSIONER BLAIR seconded the motion. AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Ford, Chiniaeff NOES: 1, COMMISSIONERS: Fahey ABSENT: ] COMMISSIONERS: Hoag]and MIN. 10/1/90 -5- 10/10/90 4, VAR[AN,-~'E NO. 9 348, ~ectqoln 19,4 (a.4) In order tn obtain aoOrQvai of a ~r~ ~hnnning c~n~ Incated at ot W'snrn~st~r Road and Ynez SCOTT WRIGHT orovided the staff report on thi. s item. He stated that the DroDosed signs were smaller than the maximum size ~]~owed and that the applicant had provided ~l)b~tan~al :landscaping for the arP~ around the ~igns. H~ added ~ha~ the ~r~eway signs would hav~ m maximum o~ two fenant~ named add the other ~jqo~ woulld have a maximum of ~nur t~nan~s named. COMMISSIONER BLAIR Questioned that diagrams provided in the agenda packaqes indicated eight tn ten names slots on the COMMTSSIONE}{ CHINIAEFF oPened the oub.~ic bearing, ~REG ERICKSON, Bedford PrnDerties, stated that they would a~ree to condition the Slgns tn two and four tenants. COMMISS[ONER FAHRY moved to close the public heari, ng and adopt Resolution 90- approving Variance No. 2; add approve Variance No, 2 based on the attached Conditions of APDroVat add added Condition NO. 5 stipulating a maximum of two names on ~e freeway s].qns and four names on the other SigDS, seconded by COMMJSSIONER FOND and carried as COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fabey, Ford Chi. ni. aeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Boagland COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF dec]ared a five minute recess at 7:45 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 P.M. MIM.10/1/90 -6- 10/10/90 PLAN NO. 11622 s~uare feet eachl ~ the 27800 b]oc~ of Diaz Road. S'e~UE ,I{ANN]NO Drovqded the staff report on this project. .TO~N ~4IDDI,E~ON advised the Commission that CoQdition No. and Condition NO. 4P ~ad been rev3sed per the memorandum of September ~8, 1,990. CO~4~:I,q,qTO NW. R CT-)]NIA'F..'~'~' oDdned ti~e public hear]Dg. Sq'?,,VF, H~,,NDT,f.:Y, Spectrum Cnntractinq, Inc., expressed coDcllrreDc~ wj tb staff ' s recommeDdati Dos. ~P reouesfed ciarificatqon of Condition No. '13, GARY THORNHI[J, stated tDls Candillon coiled be de:lete(j; Cnndjtjon No. 30, amended tn ra~d "if r~qui. red, nrotecti. nn shall be", Mr. Hendley alan r~que~ted clarification of Condition No. 36. JOMN ~ID~T,~TON stated that Cnnditj. on No, 36 could h~ amended to r~ad "cnDstrllct drive approaches, parkway trees and gtr~et lights on Djaz ROad". The (?ommjssjoD expressed concern for the landscape plan, ~Decjf~ca~y landscaping adjacent to the building frosting COMMISSIONER CHINIAF. FF stated that be would fee] comfortable with st~ff approving the landscape as long as thev were aware that the Commission wants we].[ developed specimens and not five gal. l. on trees. COMMISSIONER FORD moved to c:lose the public bearing, seconded by COMMISSIONER BLAIR. COMMISSIONER FORD moved to adopt the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 3362? and approve Plot P{an No. 1.].622, Request for Site Approva], subject to the Conditions of Approval with tbe following modifications: Condition No. 13 deleted; Condition No. 30 modified to read "If required, protection"; and Condition No. 36 modified to read "construct drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on Diaz Road"; and direct staff to work with applicant on landscape p]ans. Seconded by CO~U, dlSSIONER F~/{EY and carried as fo].].ows: MIN.10/i/90 -7- 10/10/90 ,ANN Fah~y, Ford, Cb~n~aetf NOER: C¢ )MM F RSTONERS (!OMM I R,R:IONR~'R: R]air T-]O~Q! add h,1 PrODOF, ai tO con~trunt aD ]8,725 square foot reta3.1 showroom-furniture store on the north side of ~,nterprise cj rc~ e, west nf Je~fPrsnD Avenue, S'r'RVR JIANN[NO provided the staff report on this item. He advjse~ t~e Commission that staff was concerned with the ].oadi. ng and un].oading space. He stated that the project iS not designed wjt~ rear :loading doors; however th~ appti. cant has indi. cated that the buitding w~ll be a furniture showroom for display on]y and that the sal. es and shipping wi.].l. be from another l. ocation. (;OMMISSIONE~ CHINIAEFF adOressod the ~s~ue of a furniture showroom Located in a office/industrial. bui.[ding area. GArY T~ORNHII,I, stated that the planning staff cannot address the issue of use, which iS set by the ordinance. JOHN M:[DDr,EmON advised t:~e Comm3ssion that Condition of Approval. No. 31, was amended to read "area shown as 30' X 50' ]DqTPBS add e(~ress on the PInt Plan sba]] be 7mproved with A.C. pavement to the same standards as tDe on-site par~iDg lot" COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF opened the public hearing. JEFF HARDY, Jeff Hardy Architecture, 27349 Jefferson Avenue, Temecula, advised the Commission that Condition of Approval No. 2] stipulated that Buildings A and R, which comprised of sixty to seventy percent of the project could only be used for furniture, drapery, plumbing, floor covering, and appliance stores, He also commented that the CC&R's required the driveway approaches to be decorative concrete and therefore would ]jke Condition No. 3] amended. JOHN MIDDLETON stated that concrete would be acceptabl. e. Regarding MIN. 10/1/90 -8- 10/10/90 nC'l'OP, h:~ f , g qgO De a)jowPn to ~n Units C tornvat F i~ they ba~ed nn the r~qui,ement~ of th~ nrdi. nan~, GARY THORNBIT,T, anvised the Comm]ssinn the Conditions 2] and 2~ weY'~ nnt aDDli. cabl~ unless the applicant agreed to them, M~. HARDY stated that be wol]]d agree to Condition No. ~1, and Condition No. ~ with the modification he reol]ested. MR, BARDY teavested Condition No. 45 be ~eleted because ~t applied to ~)ot 81an No, ]i759. ~e also asked if the City Attorney wousd approve Condition No. 7 to read "The owner/ deve),oner sha~l, agree". JOHN CAVANAUGH stated that thi, s woll)d be acceDtabse. COMETSSInNER CH]NIAEFF exnressed concern for the quantity and location o{ the trash enclosure. MR. HARDY stated that the trash enclosure could be en]arqed to hoZId Roother trash bin; however, in working with the City requirements ~nd the CC&R's, the proposed }neatiOn OT the trash bin was the most appropriate pl. ace, COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF and COMM]SSTON]4'.R FORD suggested revers~n~ the Jamdscape island and the trash encsosure Locations. MR. HARDY was agreeable to the suqgestinn. The Commission expressed concern in approving the project knnwinq that fixture uses of the s~te may cause the project tn he underparked. They also expressed concern for the lack of adequate trash faciftitjes for the uses add size of the project and the proposed ].oading zone. COMMTSSTONRR FABEY moved to close the pub]jc bearing and not adopt the Negative Decla[ation ~or PLot Plan No. ]]609, Dot adopt Reso:lution 90- _, and deny Plot P]aD No, ].L609, Request for Site Approv~k, COMMISSIONER BLAIR seconded the motion. COMMISSIONER CMINIAEFF reconunended that instead of denying the application, jt be continued to allow the applicant to work with staff on the problems. The motion stood as made. MIN.10/1/90 -9- 10/10/90 ,ANN I N(~ (;(~MM F ,.~SH)N ~ I~UT~ O(~T()~ER i , ] q~O ~Y~S: 4 COMMISSiONerS: ~l~i r~ '~'a~ey, NO~S: 0 CO~SS ~ONE~S: A~Sd~N~': ~ COMMISSIONERS: Hnaq~ and '1, PI'.OT Pr,&N NO. '/, :: Prnvagai tn construct an IS,300 square toot industrial bul. ldinq on the north side ot Enterprise Circle, west JeftersoD Avenue. of STEVE JIANNINO orovjded the staff report on thin project. He stated that the building would be uned ~or a cabinet JOHN MIDDI,~:TON requestea condition No. 35 be amended to read "Construct A .C. or concrete pavement". A~ter Commission Q~snussion, Condit.ion No. 35 wan amended to read "Construct coilcrete pavement improvements" . C0MM]SSIONF, r~ CH]NIAEFF apened the public bear~no. JEFF HARDY, Jef~ Hardy Architecture, 27349 .Jefferson Avenue, Temecll[a, requeste~ the to)]owing mod~f~catio~n to the Conditions o~ Approval: No. 7, replace the word app,ljcant wjtb owner/deve]oper~ No. 9, jf not a City requirement would Like to utilize sing[e line striping for parklDq StallS. The Commission ~xDressed concern for the ]ocatloD and number o~ dust/trash reciprocals. The applicant and the Commission a~reed that rather than place them Inside the bui[dinq, they should be placed outside the bllj]d~nq wjtb a wa)] to properly ~creen them. COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to close the public hearing and adopt the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. ]]759, adopt Resolution No. 90-_ ...... and approve Plot Plan No. 3]759, Reguest for Site Approval, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval amended as follows: Condition No. 7 to read "The owner/developer shall"; Condition No. 9 MIN.iO/i/90 -10- 10/10/90 OCTOBER I , i gg0 r~ma]n as Written; Concljtion No. 35 to read "Constrllct cnn~rete pavement"; and With the a(~(jjtjon ot Condition which wj] I a~dress the ~nc~t]nn of the trash enclosure, addition of anntaer trash h~n, GARY ~HORNHILL suggested this CoDger]on be ~ncnrDnra~ l)enartment (inDUCtions. (]O~[SS[ONER FORD seconded the mn~nn, wh~b carr~e~ ~s fn.llows: AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: HI. air, Fahey, Ford, Chjnjaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None COMMISSIONERS: Hnag]and 8. TRNTATTVE PARCEL MAP NO. 25538 PrnDOSa~ to suPdivide a 3.43 acre parcel into two parcels at Winchester Road and 30565 Estero Street. STRV~ JIANNINO provided toe staff report on this item. JOHN MIODT,F.TON requested the fol, l, ow~ng modifications to t~e COD(j3t]ODS Of Approval: No. 2jl(~) delete the reference to "s].dewaLk"~ No. 33 amended to read "a m~nimum CeDter~iD~ qrade s~al:l 0e 0.50 percent"; and No. 35 amended to read "(36-60)"~ and replace pages 3 and 4 of t~e Conditions of ADDrDVa) with amended pa~es 3 and 4 nf Sentember 28, )990. COMM:[SS]ONF. R CH]NIAF.FF opened the pubJic hearing. MIKF. BENF.SH, Benesch Engineering, requested c arification of Cnnditjon No. 35. He questioned jf the engineering department was requesting full street improvements at this t~me. JOHN MIDDI, F.TON stated that they are requesting 28' of improvements at this time. MR. BF.NESH provided the Commission with a opinion from the Attorney Genera[ in 1978 regarding the lega].ity of the subdivision of one parcel under a tract map, which indicated that the other parcels of the tract map do not Deed to be ~nc]uded. MIN.10/1/90 -11- 10/10/90 PI.ANNrNn (~(')~ l SS I ON M INU'I'kS (3C~Pf)BFR ~1 . ] 990 Assistant City Attorney JOHN CAVANAUGH stated that the OD~DjOD Of the AttorDey GeDeral w~ not bind~n~ and the Comm~ss].nn did not nave to bas~ their action on it. MIK~ ~ENESH statec tDat nnt recuired to PUt in jmDrnvemeDts; Rowever, udder the ordjDance they were concrete curb and qutter tb~v wou]d agree to Conall[job No. ¢~OMMrSSIONE~ RLAIR moved to cjose the public beardog add ~eoDt the Negative Declaration ~or Parcel. MaD No, ~5538 and approve Parc~) MaD No. 25538 glibjeer to the Cnndjt~oDs o~ ADDroyal as submitted, including the modifications to pa~es 3 add 4, seconded by COMMISS:IONER FORD add carried COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford Chiniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ASSENT: { (;OMMZISSIONERS: Boaqland NON-PURI',I'C HEARING ITEMS q, SUBS'FANTIAL CONFORMANCE NO. 2, SP 364 9.t¸ Proposal to delete the Clans I bike trai.[ i.n Pl. anninq Area No. 4 o~ the Rnr]Dauqb ~iJjs Estates, [located at N~cho]as Road, between Winchester and Genera[ Kearney. GARY THORNHILL advised the Comm]ss~on [bat staff was sti],{ working with the applicant and requested a reconmnendatjon for continuance at th~s time. COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to continue Conformante No. ?, SP 364 to October by COMMISSIONER BLAIR and carried as Substantial 15, /[990, seconded follows: MZM.10/1/90 -12- 10/10/90 P~,ANNfN(; t:(~MMI,qS:I(~N MINIi'i'kS OCTOR~R 1, tgg0 Rlair, ~ahey, ~ord 0 COMM[SSIONgRS: None AB.~:NT: t COI',fM :| SSIONF. R.q: Hoaqlann t.0. TENTATIVE MAP NO. ~27610 EXTENSION OF TIME and ~. 'PENTA'I'TVE MAP NO. ~PV6P, EXTENSION OF T:[NE Prior to bearing this item, COHMISSlONER CHINIAEFF stepped down ~ue to a confllict of ~Dterest and turned the Qave{ over to Vice Chairman COMMISSIONER FORD. Proposal for first extension of time on Droiect located south o~ Rancoo California Road, west o~ Ynez Road and easterly of Proposal for first extension of time on project Jocated south of Ranchn Cai. ifornia Road, west of Ynez Road and easterly of 1-715. RICHARD AYAI.A orov3ded the stair report on this item. COMMISSIONER FORD questioned if the applicant was part nf a ~eveioDmeDt agreement. The appjjcant confirmed that they did have a devel. opment agreement. {~ICHARD MY.ASSigN. Coleman Homes, 42850 Aqena Street, 'l'~mecu/.a, requested clarification of the following Conditions of Approval: No. ~l, Mr. K.tassen stated that the site has already been araded; therefore, the SKR fees have been satisfied: No. ?, Mr. K]assen questioned Dar~ and recreation fees. GARY THORNHILL stated that they woujd satisfy this requirement under the development agreement; therefore, the Condition shou.ld read "pay the fee or satisfy tDe the County requirement". Mr. K[assen also requested that Condition No. 8 be modified to read "precise grading plan". COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to approve the First Extension of Time and to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 22761, Minor Change No. 1, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval amended as follows: MIN. 10/1/90 - 13- 10/10/90 Cnndi tic~n No. I }'o r~ad "litlies.c; Drevi. ollsI y Dai. d" No, 2 to indicate either toe requirement has been ~atisfl~d or the t~ a~ nard; and No. 8 tn read "orjor to buj.md~nO permit"', seconded by COMMI~BION~ RT,~IR and carri.~d as AYF. S: 3 COMMISSIONERS: R:lair, Fahey, Fora NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ARST'A:[N: :l COMMISSIONERS: Cbiniaeff ABSENT: L COMMISSIONERS: Hoagland C(~MISSIf)NER FAHEY movea to aDDrnve the First Extension of Time and to approve Tentative Tract Map No. ~'/62, sobjeer to the attached Conditions of APProval. amended as forlows: Condition No, ] tn read "liDless prev]ousjy paid": No, Y to indicate either the requirement has been satisfied or the fees are naid; and No. 8 to read "Drjnr to bli]ld~ng permit", seconded by COMMISSIONER 8{,AIR and carried as AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Fora NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: :~ COMMISSIONERS: Chiniaeff ABSENT: l. COMMISSIONERS: Hoagland COMMISSIONER CMINIAEFF returned to the chair. DISCUSSION ITEMS GARY THORNHILL advised the Commission that City Manager, David Dixon would be present at the October 1.5, 1.990, P[anntng Commission meeting to provide them with an update on the status of the Genera] PI. an. Mr. Thornhill also directed the Commission to choose two individuals to participate ~n the selection Of the General Plan consultant. COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND and COMMISSIONER FORD were etected with COMMISSIONER BLAIR as an alternate. ELM.10/1/90 -14- 10/10/90 M~. qT~ornhi. I I aiso di ~cl~ssed the diffficulty start ha,~ w~en ~v~Pw]n~ the ~e~j~ of a~Dl~t]n~ with no qll~deJjn~ on desIQn, ~an~cane, eta, He ~uqq~t~d that one ~niutlon Wn~lld be tn an ~ntPrim ~P~ qll~de)~ne untO) t~e G~nPra~ Plan Wa~ complete. He ~uqqe~te~ that the Cnmml,~ion may w~nt tn ~et-ilp a work ~hop to andr~ th~ ~ nn~ ~ ~SU~. ']~b~ Comm~ ~j nn agreed tn workshop addressing degi. q~ qui. deLi.~e~, to be held October 22, 1990, 6:00 P, M. at Va) J ~l.J em~ntary S~bnn; , )g9:l 5 {['emecula. He stated that ~e would provide them with examples of AOJOURNMF, Nq? CHAIRMAN DENNXS CHINTAEFF adjourned the meeting at 9:45 P.~. The next regutar meeting of the Temecul. a P{anni. nq Commission will be held October 35, ~{990, 6:00 P.M. at Vaj] Elementary School, 29935 Mira [,om~ Drive, Temecuka, MIN. 10/1/90 -15- 10/10/90 ITEM #2 MEMORANDUM TO: F tom: Date: Subject: Plannin9 Commission Gary Thornhill October 15, 1990 SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE FOR SP164 The above referenced project has been continued from the Planning Commission meetings of September 10 and October 1, 1990. Staff is currently working with the applicant and the City Attorney on the proper processin9 procedure for this project. Staff is requestin9 a further continuance of this project until a legal opinion can be received from the City Attorney's Office. The applicant has agreed to a continuance to the November 5, 1990 Plannin9 Commission meetin9. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue Substantial Conformance 2, Sp164 to the November 5, 1990 Planning Commission meeting. GT:dd 02158 3001 045 Mg/Plannin9 ITEM #3 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning Commission Gary Thornhill, Planning Director/~ October 15, 1990 Case No. 3: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23299, First Extension of Time Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23299, First Extension of Time was originally presented before the Planning Commission on August 20, 1990, at which time the project was continued to September 17, 1990 for further review by Staff. Due to insufficient data, the project was again continued to the Planning Commission meeting of October 15, 1990. At this time, Staff is working with the applicant on the project and requests that the Planning Commission continue the Time Extension request to November 5, 1990, at which time Change of Zone No. 5 will also be presented before the Planning Commission. The original Change of Zone No. 5150 for Vesting Tentative Tract No. 23299 was never adopted by the County Board of Supervisors. The Supervisors conducted the first reading of the zone change ordinance, but never held the second reading which is required for a zoning ordinance to be finalized. The Vesting Tentative Tract Map can not be approved unless the zoning request is approved. Staff feels that it is appropriate to process the Time Extension and the Zone Change request concurrently in the same manner as an original tract map would be processed when a zone change is required for approval. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23299, First Extension of Time to their regular meeting of November 5, 1990. GT:ks STAFFRPT\VTM23299.A iTEM ~1~ S, kS Case No.: Recommendation: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNINC COMMISSION October 15, 1990 Prepared By: Mark Rhoades Vesting Tentative Tract No. 25004 Change Zone No. 5611 1. Adoption of Negative Declaration 2. Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: Brent Dix C-M Engineering Vestin9 Tentative Tract No. 25004 to subdivide approximately 59.0 acres into 135 single family lots, and Change of Zone from R-R to R-1. Northeast corner of Seraphina Road and Rita Way. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Zone Chanqe Change of Zone 5611 is a proposal to change the zoning of the subject 59 acres from R-R (Rural Residential), which requires a one acre minimum lot size, to R-1 (Single Family Residential), which requires a 7,200 square foot minimum lot size. The project site is surrounded by A-1-10 (Agricultural, 10 Acre Minimum) and R-R-2 1/2 to the east, and R- R to the south and west. This project will provide a buffer zone between the higher County approved density to the north, and existing lower density R- R zoning to the south. The Winchester Specific Plan area, which is to the north and northwest, contains lot sizes averaging approxlmateiy LLS00 to 5,000 square feet. This is substantially higher than the density of the proposed project. The SWAP identifies this area as residential, 2-4 dwelling units per acre. The proposed Change of Zone is consistent with this designation. Tentative Tract Vesting Tentative Tract No. 25000, is an application to subdivide 59 acres into 135 single family lots. STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 1 Four (4) additional remainder lots will be created, two (2) of which will be considered for park dedication (Lots 137 and 138). The proposed lot sizes range from 7,200 square feet to 17,825 square feet with an average lot size of approximately 8,800 square feet. The approval and density of this project is dependent on the approval of Zone Change No. 5611. BACKGROUND: ANALYSIS: At its regular meeting on September 17, 1990, the Planning Commission continued Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 25082 and Change of Zone No. 5611. The Commission requested that the applicant submit additional information regarding grading, design guidelines and park space. Subsequent to the Planning Commission hearing Staff met with the applicant's representatives to discuss the Commlssion~s concerns. On September 28, 1990, the applicant submitted the additional information. The applicant provided the following information in response to the Commission's concerns: 1. Provide Cross Sections for Slope Analysis: Pursuant to Staff's recommendation, the applicant identified three samples. The samples represent worst case examples of grading cuts located on site. Staff has reviewed the cross sections and has identified the maximum vertical cut to be approximately 30 feet high. 2. Revise Desiqn Guidelines: The revised design guidelines reflect current lot and tract numbers. No changes were made to the design criteria as they pertain to development standards. 3. Park Space invoivinq MWD Easement Area: Lots 137 and 138 represent 16.4 acres of unbuildabie land covered by Metropolitan Water District and Southern California Edison easements. The applicant has offered to dedicate this area to the City for future park space. Currently, Staff is only requiring dedication and no improvements are proposed. However, because the land has limited usefulness as a park, it is Staff's recommendation that the proposed offer of STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 2 dedication not be credited towards the Quimby requirements as contained in Condition of Approval Number STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Department Staff recommends that the Plannin9 Commission: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500~, and Change of Zone No. 5611, based on the analysis and findings contained in the Initial Study and Staff Report; and, APPROVE Change of Zone 5611, based on the analysis and findings contained in the Initial Study and Staff Report; and, APPROVE Vesting Tentative Tract No. 25004, based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. MR:ks Attachments: 1. Resolutions 2. Conditions of Approval 3. Planning Commission Staff Report dated September 17, 1990 Planning Commission Minutes of September 17, 1990 5. Large Scale Plans STAFFRPT\VTT25004 3 SEP'PFJ~4BER ] '/, 7l 990 'l.t F'rnDo~a~ to sunrl]v~de 42.4 acres Into )]5 sinote family ~nts. H.) C~an~e ~one from R-R]/2 to R-t in coniunctinn with Vest~n~ 'Centati. ve Tract No. 25004. Property is Iocate~ at the ~ntersectjon of Njchojas and ,Joseph Roads. Or, lV~R HUJIC~ presented the staff report on this item. Mr. Mujlca stated that Condition No. 22 should be modified to read a~ follows: "Prior to issuance of any ~radin~ permit, the aDDiicant must submit either a ietter from th~ )]eDarfmenf of Fish and WitdiXie w~]ch states that the ~entif~ed habitat area wii[ not he affected by the proposed development or sha.l] obtain a ]0A permit, ~ubject to the approval of the PLanning Director. COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND cuestunned the findings of the environmental impact of this project. OLIVER HUJICA stated it was a Negative Declaration. COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND stated that the ResoLution indicates that no environmental ~mpact w~.tJ occur, when in fact an environmental impact will occur however, it will be m~tigated. Commissioner Hoagland felt that the Negative Declaration and the Resolution should be consistent and suggested that the Resolution state that an environmental impact will occur however, ~t wi]] be m~tigated to the extent that a Negative DecLaration can be filed, Staff stated that they would modify the Resolution to be consistent with the Negative Declaration. COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND asked if Condition No. 60 a. would include signals at Nicolas Road or any type of traffic control. TOM 80RENTINO, Traffic Engineer, stated that they d~d require th~s project to ~nstall a traffic signal as a result of the traffic study. MIN.9/17/90 -12- 9/21/90 Pl ,ANN [ NG (:OMM] SS1 ON M | NU'PE,~ SEPTFJ~BF, R I '1, 1990 G~RY K()ON'PZ, C--M Engineering Associates, 4]593 W~ncnester Roa~. 'C~m~cu~a, stated that Fish and Wild[ire has renuPRtea that the aDDlecant not d~sturb this area ana that they fence it off. He stated that the applicant j~ w~jl]na to aa~ a condition that lots ]38 and ]39 wjJ] be fenced on toe north and south boundaries as aDDroved b~ SCK ana MWD, as we~t as the Jandscapjna of lots 140 and 14L. He stated that the apolicant concurs with the Conditions o~ ADprova.I set fort~ bY staff. COMMISSIONER FORD asked if Lot 137 would also be included in the condition to fence off the easements. GARY KOONTZ stated that they would aQree to include Lot 137. COMMISSIONER FORD suoqeste~ that the applicant might submit a request to SCE and MWD for the open areas to be used as parks. GARY DIX. aPpJjcant, 25]42 Bmrch Drive, Dana Point, stated that as owner they would be very happy to deed over the ]and to the c~ty to be used for a park. BILL ANDREWS, 39515 Lielet Road, Temecula, stated that he owned property a[on~ the east side of these easements and preferred that they not be improved. DIANA WALTER, 4268] Loma Porto]a, Temecula, stated that she also owned Gropetry along these easements and preferre~ to see them gored at both ends. GARY THORNHILL indicated that due to the small amount of ]and that would ultimately be dedicated, it might be in the city's best interest to accept the fees in lieu of the land. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF suggested conditioning the map to get an irrevocable offer of dedication and the city could determine if they wanted to use the land for park space. ~ARY THORNHILL stated if the city accepted the land, then the applicant could be reimbursed for the MII4.9/17/90 -13- 9/21/90 PLANN I NO CO~4M ] S,~ ! ON ~ [ COMMISSIONER HOAGLAND Questioned the desiqn Qu3del]nes enclosed in their Oackaqes as they relate to the Droject. mne Comm~s~nn ~ndjcated there were Inconsistencies in what they received and what was presented. COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to not close the public hear~nq and continue Vestinq Tentative Tract No. 25004 and Zone ChanQe of 56]] to the Ptannjn~ Commission meet~nq of Octobe~ ~5, ~990. GARY KOONTZ asked what issues staf~ would be a~dressing. GARY THORNHILL stated that they would be lookinq at the fo[lowinq issues: use o~ the easemenfs, ~he quj~e}jne standards which relate to the maD, the dedication o~ easements, ~ook at Lot 137 as park .~Dace, as wet] as Lot ]38, cbeck the cons~stency of the verba~e ~or the [anascaoe ~or the ~ront yards and the maintenance w~th what ~s DroDose(i ~n the Conditions o~ APProval, the wa[~ proposed between Lot 149 and Lot 150 anc~ obta]n~nQ a section Qra~e tor the Commission to review. COMMISSIONER FORD seconded the motion which carried unanimously. AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Ford, Hoaqland, Chjniaeff NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None MIILg/l?/90 -14~ 9/21/90 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION September 17, 1990 Prepared By: Mark Rhoades Case No.: Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500~ Change Zone No. 5611 Recommendation: Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCAT ION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: Pavilion - JLD Ventures #1 C-M Engineering Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500u, to subdivide approximately 59.0 acres into 135 single family lots, and Change of Zone from R-R to R-1. Northeast corner of Seraphina Road and Rita Way. R-R (Rural Residential) North: South: East: West: SP ( Specific Plan ) R -R ( Rural Residential ) R-R-2 1/2, A-A-10 R-R, SP (Rural Residential, Specific Plan) R-1 ( Residential Agricultural ) Vacant North: Vacant South: Vacant East: Single Family West: Vacant Number of Acres: No. of Buildings: Minimum Proposed Lot Size: Minimum Permitted Lot Size: Proposed Density: u,2.u, 0 7,200 sq.ft. 7,200 sq.ft. 2.3 units/acre gross STAFFRPT\VTT2500u, 1 BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project was originally filed at the Riverside County Planning Department on September 26, 1989. The file was transferred to the City of Temecula in May, 1990. Since that time Staff has met with the applicant on several occasions to amend the map configuration. Zone Chanqe Change of Zone 5611 is a proposal to change the zone on 59 acres from R-R {Rural Residential ) to R- 1 {Single Family Residential). The project is surrounded by A-1-10 IAgricultural, 10 Acre Minimum) and R-R-2 1/2 to the east, R-R to the south and west. To the north and northeast are Specific Plan areas. The Specific Plan areas contain lot sizes averaging approximately 0,,500 to 5,000 square feet. This is substantially lower than the density of the proposed project. The Specific Plan is Winchester Properties and is located in the County. The SWAP identifies this area as residential, dwelling units per acre. The proposed Change of Zone is consistent with this designation. Tentative Tract Vesting Tentative Tract No. 25000, is an application to subdivide 59 acres into 135 single family lots. The density of this project is dependent on the approval of Zone Change No. 5611. Lot Size The minimum proposed lot size is 7,200 square feet. The maximum lot size is 18,300 square feet, with an average lot size of approximately 9,000 square feet. The minimum lot size in the R-1 zone is 7,200 square feet. There are 6 lots which will be created as a result of easement dedications. The largest of which are lots 136, 137, and 138for the Metropolitan Water District Aqueduct and Southern California Edison. Lot 138 also contains a Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Preservation area. A total of 16.6 acres are taken by the easement lots. STAFFRPT\VTT2S00~ 2 GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Access a, ccess will be provided off of Nicolas Road via Joseph, Rita, and Seraphina Roads. The applicant will be required to construct road improvements to Nicolas Road. Access will also be taken off of Murrieta Hot Springs Road. Improvements to Murrieta Hot Springs Road will be constructed by Assessment District 161. All maintenance and slope areas outside of Lots 1-135 will be maintained by County Service Area No. lu,3. Architecture Currently there is no product slated for this project. When the housing product is proposed, a plot plan will be presented to the City. Gradinq Approximately 380,000 cubic yards on u,2.u, are proposed, with no export. Some substantial 2:1 slopes exist, however, the majority of the slopes are located on easement lots. The Land Use Designation exhibit from the Southwest Area Community Plan targets this area for residential development at 2-u, units per acre. This map proposes a density of 3.5 units per acre. The SWAP has been adopted as a policy guide by the City of Temecula. The project is consistent with lot standards of the proposed zone. Probability of consistency with the City~s future General Plan is considered likely by the Staff, The Planning Commission and the City Council maintain the authority to determine whether projects are likely to be consistent with the future General Plan, and each project considered by these bodies must be considered on their own merit until a new General Plan is adopted. A preliminary environmental assessment was performed by the County of Riverside Planning Department prior to transmittal of the case to the City of Temecula. That assessment was cornplated by the City Planning Staff. The following areas of potential impact were reviewed in detail. STAFFRPT\VTT2500u, 3 Traffic Iml3acts A Traffic Study was performed for the project by Kunzman Associates in October, 1989. The Study has been accepted by the City and appropriate mitigation measures included in Conditions. Biolog. y A Biological Study was conducted in August, 1989. The Study identified the existence of the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat on a portion of the site. A habitat conservation area has been preserved on the tentative map as approved by the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Environmental Conclusion Staff has concluded that no significant impact on the environment will occur as a result of site development, and a Negative Declaration has been recommended for adoption. FINDINGS: A basic level of useable and total open space has been provided on individual lots to meet the needs of future residents. There is a reasonable probability that Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500~ will be consistent with the City~s future General Plan, which will be completed within a reasonable time in accordance with State Law. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future and adopted General Plan, if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complies with State planning and zoning laws. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, circulation patterns, access, and density. STAFFRPT\VTT2S00~ ~ 10. 11. 12. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. Vesting Tentative Tract No. 25000, is compatible with surrounding land uses. The proposal will not have an adverse affect on surrounding property, because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. The project as designed and conditioned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Study for this project. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities. Units will have significant southern exposure which allows for passive heating opportunities. Deciduous landscaping can be utilized to allow solar penetration in winter and shading in summer. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed projects. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with this application are herein incorporated by reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500ai and Change of Zone No. 5611, based on the analysis and findings contained in the Initial Study and Staff Report; and, APPROVE Change of Zone 5611, based on the analysis and findings contained in the Initial Study and Staff Report; and, STAFFRPT\VTT2500u, 5 APPROVE Vesting Tentative Tract No. 2500u,, based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. MR:ks Attachments STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 6 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Vesting Tentative Tract No. 25004 Council Approval Date: Expiration Date: Planninq Department The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule A, unless modified by the conditions listed below. This conditlonally approved tentative map will expire two years after the City Council approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance L~60. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance 460. The subdivider shall submit one copy of a soils report to the Riverside County Surveyor's Office and two copies to the Department of Building and Safety. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance kt60 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a County maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage faciiltles, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the )and division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. STAFF R PT\VTT 2500~, I The applicant shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmitta) dated May 23, 1990, a copy of which is attached. 11. The applicant shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated April 11, 1990, a copy of which is attached. If the project lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of City of Temecula Land Division Ordinance u,60, appropriatefees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the City prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. 12. The applicant shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated September ~,, 1990, a copy of which is attached. 13. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmittal dated April 13, 1990, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Section's transmittal dated May 1, 1990, a copy of which is attached. 15. All proposed construction shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, PaiDmar Observatory Outdoor Lighting Policy, as outlined in the Southwest Area Plan. 16. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Eastern Municipal Water District transmlttal dated May 9, 1990, a copy of which is attached. 17. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-1 ISingle Family) zone. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. 18. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. 19. Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: Prior to the issuance of grading permits detailed common open space area landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the phase of development in process. The plans shall be certified by a landscape architect, and shall provide for STAFFRPT\VTT2500~, 2 20. the followin9: Permanent automatic irrigation systems shall be installed on all landscaped areas requiring irrigation. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Plannin9 Director. Utilities shall be placed underground. Parkways shall be landscaped to provide visual screening or a transition into the primary use area of the site. Landscape elements shall include earth bermlng. ground cover, shrubs and specimen trees. Front yards shall be landscaped and street trees planted. Wall plans shall be submitted for the project perimeter and along Murrieta Hot Springs Road. Wooden fencing shall not be allowed on the perimeter of the project. All lots with slopes leading down from the lot shall be provided with gates in the wall for maintenance access. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at key visual focal points within the project. Where street trees cannot be planted within right-of-way of interior streets and project parkways due to insufficient road right-of-way, they shall be planted outside of the road right-of- way. Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants where appropriate. All existing specimen trees and significant rock outcroppings on the subject property shall be shown on the project's grading plans and shall note those to be removed, relocated and/or retained. All trees shall be minimum double staked. Weaker and/or slow growing trees shall be steel staked. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. STAFF R PT\VTT25004 3 21. 22. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: No building permits shall be issued by the City for any residential lot/unit within the project boundary until the developer's successor's- in-interest provides evidence of compliance with public facility financing measures. A cash sum of one-hundred dollars ($100) per lot/unit shall be deposited with the City as mitigation for public library development. Prior to the submittal of building plans to the Department of Building and Safety an acoustical study shall be performed by an acoustical engineer to establish appropriate mitigation m-~ures that shall be applied to individual dwelling units within the subdivision to reduce ambient interior noise levels to b,5 Ldn. All building plans for all new structures shall incorporate, all required elements from the subdivision's approved fire protection plan as approved by the County Fire Marshal. Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees. slope planting, and individual front yard landscaping. All dwellings to be constructed within this subdivision shall be designed and constructed with fire retardant I Class A) roofs as approved by the Fire Marshal. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision, however solar equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Planning Department approval. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from view of surrounding property. Building separation between all buildings including fireplaces shall not be less than ten 110) feet. i. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. All front yards shall be provided with landscaping and automatic i rrigation. Prior to issuance of any grading permit, the applicant must submit either a letter from the Department of Fish and Game which states that the identified habitat area will not be affected by the proposed development, subject to the approval of the Planning Director. STAFFRPT\VTT25004 4 23. Prior to the issuance of a gradin9 permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No, 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No, 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 25. Prior to issuance of building permits, applicant shall be required to pay applicable Quimby Fees in accordance with Section 10.35 of Ordinance 460. Final landscape plans shall substantially conform to the design guidelines submitted April, 1990. 26. Prior to issuance of building permits applicant shall comply with agency letters identified and dated: County Health Department, May 23, 1990 County Flood Control, April 11, 1990 EMWD, May 9, 1990 County Geologist, March 30, 1990 County Health Department, April 5, 1990 County Fire Department, April 11, 1990 County Road Department, April 2~,, 1990. Enqlneerinq Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no coat to any Government Agency. All queations regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. 27. The Developer shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions. PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL: 28. The developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineerin9 Department; Riverside County Health Department; and CATV Franchise. STAFFRPT\VTT25004 5 The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. 460. 30. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by a homeowners association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Department. 31. Murrieta Hot Springs Road shall be improved within the dedicated right-d- way in accordance with Riverside County Standard No. 100 (86'/110'). 32. In the event that Murrieta Hot Springs Road is not constructed by Assessment District 161 prior to final map recordation, the developer shall construct/bond, for the improvements to provide for improvements per Riverside County Standard No. 100 186'/110'). 33. B, C, D, and E Streets, "H" Court, and Sandpiper Lane shall be improved within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with Riverside County Standard No. 104, Section A 140'/60). "F" and "G" Streets shall be improved within the dedicated right-d-way in accordance with Riverside County Standard No. 103, Section A {4~'/66'). 35. Seraphina Road shall be improved with 32 feet of asphalt concrete pavement within a 36 foot dedicated right-d-way measured from the west tract boundary line, in accordance with Riverside County Standard No. 103, Section A (44'/66). 36. "A" Street shall be improved with 32 feet of asphalt concrete pavement within a 60 foot full width dedicated right-of-way in accordance with modified County Standard No. 10~,, Section A (40/60). 37. The subdlvider shall construct or post security guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, and traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping (street and parks). d. Sewer and domestic water systems. 38. 39. The subdivider shall provide bonds and agreement clearances from all applicable agencies and pay all fees prior to the approval of the map. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments. STAFFRPT\VTT25004 6 Street Hghts shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the City Engineer. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineerin9 Department a cash sum established per lot as mitigation for a traffic signal impact. 43. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. The subdivider shall submit four copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. in the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with these conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement right-d-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to C;overnment Code Section 66462.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. A hydrology study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. Street improvement plans including parkway trees and street lights prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer shall be required for all public streets prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. Final plans and profiles shall show the location of existing utility facilities within the right-of-way. The subdivider shall notify the City~s CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. Corner cutbacks, in conformance with City Standard No. 805, shall be offered for dedication and shown on the final map. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF C;RAD)NG PERMIT: 50. The subdivlder shall submit four prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 24" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. STAF F R PT\VTT25004 7 51. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-d- way. 52. All lot drainage shall be to the street by side yard drainage swales independent of any other lot. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-d-way. PRIOR TO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/Negatlve Declaration for the project, in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which the developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to the developer. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated {assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees) and specifically waives its right to protest such increase. 55. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights. 56. All street improvements shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 57. Asphaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 10, days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Transportation Enqineerinq PRIOR TO RECORDATION: 58. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered traffic engineer, and approved by the City Engineer for all streets 66/~1~ or wider and shall be included in the street improvement plans. 59. Prior to designing any of the above plans, contact Transportation Engineering for the design criteria. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 60. All signing and striping shall be installed per the City standards and the approved signing and striping plan. STAFFRPT\VTT2500q 8 61. 62. Left turn pocket on Murrieta Hot Springs Road, for Street "C", shall provide for 100' of storage capacity, if not included with Assessment District No. 161 improvements. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, if the ultimate circulation system has not been constructed Iwith Vesting Tentative Tract No. 23428), this development will be responsible for the following: Widen Nicolas Road to accommodate a 200' minimum, centered, left turn pocket for Joseph Road or for Primary access point. STAFFRPT\VTT25004 9 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Backqround 1. Name of Proponent: Pavillion - JLD Ventures Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Date of Environmental Assessment: Agency Requiring Assessment: Name of Proposal, if applicable: 23181 Verduqo. Sp. 105A Laquna Beach. CA 92653 8-23-90 CITY OF TEMECULA Vesting Tentative TractMap No. 25004 and Chanqe Zone No. 5611 Location of Proposal: Northeast Corner of the Intersection of Joseph Road and Seraphina I I Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are provided on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? X Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils. either on or off site? X STAFFRPT\VTT2600~ 1 Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 2 Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life, Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals |birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X STAFFRPT\VTT2500u, 3 10. 11. 12. 13. Noise. Will the proposal result in: Yes Maybe a. Increases in existing noise levels? __ __ X Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X X X X Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? X Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances [including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: X X X X Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X STAFFRPT\VTT2S00~ Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, blcycllsts or pedestrians? Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services: 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: 16. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X STAFFRPT\VTT2500u, 5 17. 18. 19. 20. b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard lexcluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X X X STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 6 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehlstory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future. ) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? I A project~s impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes Maybe No X X X X STAFFRPT\VTT2500~, 7 ))1 Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation Earth 1.a. No. The project site will be graded as part of a mass grading effort. There will be substantial grading for this project. However, a conceptual mass grading plan for the project was approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temecula~s standards and the Conditions of Approval. 1.b. Yes. All development disrupts the soil profile to some degree and results in soil displacement, compaction, and overcovering. This impact is not considered significant. 1 .c-d. No. The mass grading effort was designed to adhere to the gross natural topography of the site in its original condition. While substantial grading and recontouring of this site will occur in the immediate area, the overall plan is intended to promote preservation of site topography. 1.6. Maybe. Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted. The wind erosion impact is considered significant but will be mitigated through minimal grading, retention of natural vegetation whenever feasible, and use of watering trucks and hydro-seeding of disturbed areas after grading. After the project is completed, increased water run-off during floods may occur. Water will be channeled to drainage easements and streets. Appropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temecula's standards and the Conditions of Approval. 1.f. No. Since the project site is not adjacent to any creek or stream bed, the proposed project will not cause erosion of or deposition into any creek or stream bed. 1.g. No. The subject site is designated as subject to liquefaction and subsidence by the Riverside County General Plan. To mitigate under hazard, a geological report has been prepared. This report contains mitigation measures addressed in the Conditions of Approval. No. The proposed project will not significantly impact the area~s air quality. Water No. The proposed project will not impact any marine or fresh water bodies. The proposed project will incrementally affect the quantity and quality of run-off water in the City. 3.b. No. The proposed project will inhibit the absorption of water into the ground through the construction of impermeable surfaces on the site. Run-off will increase but not substantially. STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 8 3.c. 3.d-g. 3.h. 3.i. Veqetatlon ~.a-c. ~.d. Wildlife 5.a-c. Noise 6.a-b. No. Flood waters will continue to be diverted to the streets and flood channels. No. The proposed project will not significantly affect the flow or quantity of ground waters. No. The proposed project will not impact the public water supply. No. Conditions of Approval are included for this project which require proper design and installation of drainage conveyance devices. No. No sensitive vagetational associations or species were identified on-site. No. No agricultural production occurred on-site. No. A survey for Stephen~s Kangaroo Rat prepared for this project analyzed biologic resources on-site. Individuals of the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat were found. Conditions of Approval and habitat preservation measures have been included in the Conditions of Approval and on the Tract Configuration. No. Analysis indicates that the project site may be exposed to significant levels of noise as a result of traffic on Murrieta Hot Springs Road. However, it is concluded that the project design, when proposed, will comply with the interior noise exposure standard placed on residential construction by the County of Riverside and the State~s noise insulation standards. It is further recommended that the final engineering design of the project be reviewed by a recognized acoustical engineer to ensure compliance with the County~s noise standards. Liqht and Glare Yes. However, the project has been conditioned to comply with applicable lighting standards. Land Use No. Project is consistent with both the zoning designation and the Southwest Area Community Plan. Natural Resources 9.a-b. No. This project itself will not significantly increase the rate of use of natural resource. Construction materials and patrolcure products will be used extensively to support the specific plan project overall. STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 9 Risk of Upset 10.a-b. No. The proposed project will not promote a risk of explosion or release hazardous substances nor will it interfere with emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. Population 11. Yes. Although the project proposes to increase the density from one dwelling unit to 135 units, the proposed project is consistent with the City Land Use Designation laccording to SWAP). Housing 12. No. Since the proposed project will create housing, the proposed land use will not create a demand for additional housing. Transportation/Circulation 13. a. Maybe. 13.b-e. No. 13. f. Maybe. The Traffic Study which was prepared for the proposed project has addressed potential traffic impacts and has concluded that the cumulative impacts will not be significant. Public Services lu,.a-f. No. The proposed project will not have significant adverse effect on public services other than parks and recreational facilities. EnercJy 15.a-b. No. The proposed project will not result in the substantial use or increase in demand of fuel or energy. Utilities 16.a-f. No. The proposed project might require the use of utilities but will not require substantial alteration to the existing system. Human Health 17.a-b. No. The proposed project will not have significant adverse affect on human health. Aesthetics 18. No. Because the proposed project has been designed to be compatible with the surroundin9 neighborhood, there will be no significant impact on aesthetics. Recreation 19. No. Because the proposed project will not be removing any facilities currently used for recreational purposes. STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ I0 Cultural Resources 20. a-d. No impact. Mandatory Findinqs of Siqniflcance 21 .a. No. The proposed project will not have a significant impact on plant or wildlife species. However, if a project is located within an area designated by the Riverside County as habitat for the endangered Stephen's Kangaroo Rat, the project will be subject to mitigation fees for the Stepbends Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan. 21 .b. No. The proposed project will not have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals. 21 .c-d. No. The proposed project will not have impacts which are individually limited or cumulatlvely considerable, nor will they have environmental affects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 11 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ficant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Date For CITY OF TEMECULA STAFFRPT\VTT2500~, 12 ORDINANCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION CONTAINED IN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 5611, CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-R IRURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO R-1 ISINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SERAPHINA ROAD AND RITA WAY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Public hearings have been held before the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Temecula, State of California, pursuant to the Planning and Zoning law of the State of California, and the City Code of the City of Temecula. The application land use district as shown on the attached exhibit is hereby approved and ratified as part of the Official Land Use map for the City of Temecula as adopted by the City and as may be amended hereafter from time to time by the City Council of the City of Temecula, and the City of Temecula Official Zoning Map is amended by placing in affect the zone or zones as described in Change of Zone No. 5611 and in the above title, and as shown on zoning map attached herato and incorporated hereln. SECTION 2. Notice of Adoption. Within 10 days after the adoption hereof, the City Clerk of the City of Temecula shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be posted in at least three public places in the City. SECTION 3. Taking Effect. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this__ day of ,1990. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] ST A FF R PT\VT T2500~ RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 25004 TO SUBDIVIDE A 59 ACRE PARCEL INTO A 135 UNIT SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SERAPHINA ROAD AND RITA WAY. WHEREAS, Pavillion - JLD Ventures #1 filed Tentative Tract Map No. 2500u, in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Tentative Tract Map on September 17, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission recommended approval of said Tentative Tract Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECT ION 1. Findings. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are mat: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: ~a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. Ib) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ 1 plan. The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, I hereinafter "SWAP'~) was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time. the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: ~1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. 12 ) The Planning Commission finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: There is reasonable probability that Tentative Tract Map No. 25000, proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. Pursuant to Section 6.5, no Tentative Tract Map may be approved unless the applicant demonstrates the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health safety and welfare of the community, and further, that any Tentative Tract Map approved shall be subject to such conditions as shall be necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community. E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Tentative Tract Map is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed STAFF R PT\VTT2500z& 2 project will not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Tentative Tract Map No. 2500q for the subdivision of a 59 acre parcel into 135 single family lots located at Seraphina Road and Rita Way subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of · 1990. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 17th day of September, 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS STAFF R PT\VTT2500~ 3 APPLICANT'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read, understand and accept the conditions for approval set forth herein above in this Resolution of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 2500u,. DATED: By Name Title STAFFRPT\VTT2500~ q ITEM #6 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION October 15, 1990 Prepared by: Oilvet Mujlca Case No.: Tentative Tract No. 25~J~3 Recommendation: 1. Adoption of Negative Declaration 2. Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: P R OPOSA L: LOCATION: Marstan Development Gary Martin 105 unit condominium subdivision of 7.31 acres. South side of Margarita Road, between Morega Road and Avenida Cima Del Sol. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tentative Tract No. 25443 proposes to subdivide the subject 7.31 acre site into a 105 unit condominium development, with an overall density of lu,.5 units per acre. The proposed development has been designed in accordance with the standards for Planned Residential Developments JSection 18.5) and the R-3-2500 zone. The gated project consists of nineteen 119) two-story buildings 19-5 plex and 10-6 plex) and utilizes nine (9) different unit floor plans ranging from 1,015 sq.ft. to 1,487 sq.ft. The project design utilizes a mediterranean theme with clay tile roofs, light-salmon colored stucco and woad trellises (for the patio areas). The project site plan incorporates two (2) tot lots which contain a combined area of approximately 10,825 square feet and a recreation area of approximately 8,700 square feet that features a pool, recreation building and picnic area. S~AFFRPT\TM25443 1 BACKGROUND: ANALYSIS: On September 10, 1990, the Plannin9 Commission considered the applicant's proposal; and, continued this item due to those concerns identified below in the Staff Analysis. Subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting, Staff met with the applicant to discuss possible design modifications, in order to address the Commission's concerns. On October 4, 1990, the applicant submitted a modified proposal for the Commission's consideration. In response to the comments expressed by the Commission, the applicant modified the improvement plans, as described below: Relocate trash enclosures due to limited accessibility and potential safety concerns. As indicated in a letter from Inland Disposal, Inc., dated October 2, 1990, if requested, containers can be emptied without driving large refuse trucks into the project site, in which a small pick-up truck will move the containers out and back into the project. Therefore, in order to lessen the potential safety concerns, Staff has included the following Condition in the recommended Conditions of Approval (see Condition No. 161d): "Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with inland Disposal, inc., for the refuse service to include the utilization of a small pick-up truck equipped with a lift mechanism in order to move the containers out and back into the project; thus, prohibiting the entering of large refuse trucks into the project. Said agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval." Provide adequate emerqency vehicle access and turn-around. Both the emergency secondary ac~s to the adjoining property least) and the ninety ( 90' ) foot long hammerhead at the rear of the subject property { north) have been designed STAFFRPT\TM25~A3 2 :n accordance with the requirements of the County Fire Department. In addition, the Traffic Engineering Department has analyzed this issue and has determined that this proposal is adequate. Provide perimeter wall alonq Marqarita Road and provide front yard landscapinq. The applicant is proposin9 a six 16') foot high wall with a minimum setback of five feet to a maximum of eight 18' ) feet from the front property llne, undulatlng approximately every thirty 130') feet. The proposed wall will be constructed with a three and one-half 13.5') foot high block wall and two and one-half 12.5') foot high wrought iron with pillars located approximately every eight 18' ) feet. The setback area between the front property llne and the proposed wall will provide sufficient area for adequate landscaping. At this time, the applicant has not submitted a conceptual landscaping plan, however, a detailed landscaping plan will be required to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Staff prior to the issuance of any building permits as noted in Condition No. 15{d). There may be a potential traffic problem due to the qated entry. The project ingress/egress has been designed to provide two ~2) entry lanes and one { 1 ) exit lane. The gate itself is located 120 feet from the curb allowing for a total of 240 feet of stacking. The Traffic Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed ingress/egress design and has determined that the location of the gate is adequate, however, the proposed twenty 120') foot turn-around and radius in front of the gate may not be adequate. Therefore, Condition No. 66 has been included to insure an adequate design. Review Parkinq Issue. In the previous Staff Report, Staff indicated that according to Section 18.12, the proposed STAFFRPT\TM25~,3 3 development is required to provide 270 parkin9 spaces. However, Staff has noted that the proposed project is a Planned Residential Development; and accordln9 to Section t8.5112), the park/n9 standard is 2.5 spaces per dwellln9 unit 12.5 x 105 = 262.5 spaces). Therefore, the proposed 263 park/n9 spaces does comply with the minimum parkin9 requirements. In regards to the proposed parallel parking spaces, the Traffic Engineering Department has indicated the following minimum standard: Thirty-six (36') feet minimum curb to curb with parallel parking (8~ wide) on one side only and a twenty-eight (28~) foot minimum driveway. The applicant~s proposal does comply with this standard. However, Staff is still concerned with the two (2) parkin9 spaces proposed along the curve, at the entrance, due to potential traffic/safety hazards. Therefore, Staff would su99est the relocation of these two ( 2 ) spaces. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Plannin9 Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Tentative Tract Map No. 25Lu~3; and, ADOPT Resolution No. 90- approvin9 Tentative Tract Map No. 25~,~3 based on the analysis and findings contained in this report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. OM: ks Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Conditions of Approval 3. Plannin9 Commission Staff Report I Dated September 10, 1990) Planning Commission Minutes of September 10, 1990 5. Exhibits 6. Large Scale Plans STAFFRPT\TM25443 4 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO, 25L~q.3 TO SUBDIVIDE A 7.31 ACRE PARCEL INTO A 105 UNIT CONDOMINI UM DEVELOPMENT AT 30005 MARGARITA ROAD, WHEREAS, Marstan Development filed Tentative Tract Map No. 25k~u,3 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Tentative Tract Map on October 15, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission approval of said Tentative Tract Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNINC COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findinqs. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: {1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. [ 2 ) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. STAFFRPT\TM25~3 1 There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan. as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, (hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. ( 2 ) The Planning Commission finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the foil owl ng: There is reasonable probability that Tentative Tract Map No. 25q~3 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. Ib) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. Pursuant to Section 6.5, no Tentative Tract Map may be approved unless the applicant demonstrates the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health safety and welfare of the community, and further, that any Tentative Tract Map approved shall be subject to such conditions as shall be necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community. STAFF R PT\TM25L~3 2 E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Tentative Tract Map is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby granted. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Tentative Tract Map No. 25~43 for the subdivision of a 7.31 acre parcel into 105 condominiums located at 30005 Margarita Road subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1990. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 15th day of October, 1990 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS STAFFRPT\TM25~43 3 APPLI CANT'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) have read, understand and accept the conditions for approval set forth herein above in this Resolution of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 25L1~3. DATED: By Name Title ST A FF R PT\TM25443 4 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 25~3 Planning Commission Approval Date: Expiration Date: Planninq Department The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance ~60, Schedule A, unless modified by the conditions listed below. This conditionally approved tentative map will expire two years after the Planning Commission approval date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance L~60. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance ~60. The subdivlder shall submit one copy of a soils report to the Riverside County Surveyor's Office and two copies to the Department of Building and Safety. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Any delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Legal access as required by Ordinance L~60 shall be provided from the tract map boundary to a County maintained road. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Subdivision phasing, including any proposed common open space area improvement phasing, if applicable, shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Any proposed phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. STAFFRPT\TM25~3 3 10. Lots created by this subdivision shall comply with the following: 11. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-3-2500 zone. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a weed-free condition and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. Trash bins, loading areas and incidental storage areas shall be located away and visually screened from surrounding areas with the use of block walls and landscaping. Bike racks and bike lockers in sufficient quantity shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bike access to the project area. Prior to recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall submit the following documents to the Planning Department for review, which documents shall be subject to the approval of that department and the City Attorney: a. A declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions; and A sample document conveying title to the purchaser of an individual lot or unit which provides that the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions is incorporated therein by reference. The declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions submitted for review shall (a) provide for a minimum term of 60 years, (b) provide for the establishment of a property owners' association comprised of the owners of each individual lot or unit, (c) provide for ownership of the common area by either the property owners' association or the owners of each individual lot or unit as tenants in common and (d) contain the following provisions verbatim: "Notwithstanding an provision in this Declaration to the contrary, the following provisions shall apply: The property owners' association established herein shall manage and continuously maintain the 'common area', more particularly described and shall not sell or transfer the 'common area', or any part thereof, absent the prior written consent of the Planning Director of the City of Temecu)a. The property owners' association shall have the right to assess the owners of each individual lot or unit for the reasonable cost of maintaining the 'common area' and shall have the right to lien the property of any such owner who defaults in the payment of the maintenance assessment. An assessment lien, once created, shall be prior to all other liens recorded subsequent to the notice of assessment or other document creatlnq the assessment llen. This Declaration shall not be terminated, 'substantially amended STAFFRPT\TM254b,3 2 or property deannexed there from absent the prior written consent of the Planning Direct. A proposed amendment shah be considered 'substantial' if it affects the extent. usage or maintenance of the 'common area'. In the event of any conflict between this Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws of the property ownerst association Rules and Requlations, if any, this Declaration shall control." Once approved, the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final map is recorded. The developer shall comply with the following parkway landscaping conditions: Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall file an application with the County for the formation of or annexation to, a parkway maintenance district or County Service Area for Margarita Road in accordance with the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, unless the project is within an existing parkway maintenance district. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall secure approval of proposed landscaping and irrigation plans from the City Engineer and Planning Department. landscaping and irrigation plans and specifications shall be prepared in a reproducible format suitable for permanent filing with the County Road Department. The developer shall post a landscape performance bond which shall be released concurrently with the release of subdivision performance bonds, guaranteeing the vlability of all landscaping which will be installed prior to the assumption of the maintenance responsibility by the district. The developer, the developer's successors-in-interest or assignees, shall be responsible for all parkway landscaping maintenance until such time as maintenance is taken over by the district. The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. STAF F R PT\TM25~43 3 12. 13. Prior to recordation of the final map, an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared in conjunction with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the County Surveyor. A copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Plannin9 Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following note shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet: "This property is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall comply with the California Institute of Technology, Palomar Observatory recommendations dated 1-12-88, a copy of which is on file in the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety and the Riverside County Planning Department." The developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes, landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as those operations are the responsibilities of other parties as approved by the Planning Director. Prior to the issuance of GRADING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: I1) Prior to the issuance of grading permits detailed common open space area landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the phase of development in process. The plans shall be certified by a landscape architect, and shall provide for the followin9: a. Permanent automatic irrigation systems shall be installed on all landscaped areas requiring irrigation. Landscape screening where required shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six 16) feet at maturity. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the Planning Director. Utilities shall be placed underground. Parkways shall be lands~-,ned to provide visual screening or a transition into the primary use area of the site. Landscape elements shall include earth betruing, ground cover, shrubs and specimen trees. Front yards shall be landscaped and street trees planted. Wall plans shall be submitted for the project perimeter and along Margarita Road. Wooden fencing shall not be allowed on the perimeter of the project. All lots with slopes leading down from the lot shall be provided with gates in the wall for maintenance access. STAFF R PT\TM25q~t3 4 Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at key visual focal points within the project. Where street trees cannot be planted within right-of-way of interior streets and project parkways due to insufficient road right-of-way, they shall be planted outside of the road right-of- Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants where appropriate. All existing specimen trees and significant rock outcroppings on the subject property shall be shown on the project's grading plans and shall note those to be removed, relocatad and/or retained. All trees shall be minimum double staked. Weaker and/or slow growing trees shall be steel staked. Any oak trees removed with four IL~) inches or larger trunk diameters shall be replaced on a ten (10) to one {1) basis as approved by the Planning Director. Replacement tress shall be noted on approved landscaping plans. If the project is to be phased, prior to the approval of grading permits, an overall conceptual grading plan shall be submittad to the Planning Director for approval. The plan shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual phases of development and shall include the following: Techniques which will be utilized to prevent erosion and sedimentatlon during and after the grading process. Approximate time frames for grading and identification of areas which may be graded during the higher probability rain months of January through March. 3. Preliminary pad and roadway elevations. Areas of temporary grading outside of a particular phase. All cut slopes located adjacent to ungraded natural terrain and exceeding ten {10) feet in vertical height shall be contour- graded incorporating the following grading techniques: The angle of the graded slope shall be gradually adjusted to the angle of the natural terrain. Angular forms shall be discouraged. The graded form shall reflect the natural rounded terrain. STAFF R PT\TM25q~3 5 15. The toes and tops of slopes shall be rounded with curves with radii designed in proportion to the total height of the slopes where drainage and stability permit such rounding. Where cut or fill slopes exceed 300 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal contours of the slope shall be curved in a continuous, undulating fashion. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall provide evidence to the Director of Building and Safety that all adjacent off-site manufactured slopes have recorded slope easements and that slope maintenance responsibilities have been assigned as approved by the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, a qualified paleontologist shall be retained by the developer for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with respect to potential paleontological impacts. Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of fossils. Prior to the issuance of BUILDING PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: No building permits shall be issued by the City for any residential lot/unit within the project boundary until the developer~s succ~or~s- in-interest provides evidence of compliance with public facility financing measures. A cash sum of one-hundred dollars ($100) per lot/unit shall be deposited with the City as mitigation for public library development. Prior to the submittal of building plans to the Department of Building and Safety an acoustical study shall be performed by an acoustical engineer to establish appropriate mitigation measures that shall be applied to individual dwelling units within the subdivision to reduce ambient interior noise levels to ~,5 Ldn. All building plans for all new structures shall incorporate, all required elements from the subdivision's approved fire protection plan as approved by the County Fire Marshal. Prior to the issuance of building permits, composite landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The plans shall address all areas and aspects the tract requiring landscaping and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, parkway planting, street trees, slope planting, and indivldual front yard landscaping. All dwellings to be constructed within this subdivision shall be designed and constructed with fire retardant I Class A) roofs as approved by the Fire Marshal. STAFFRPT\TM25~3 6 16. 17o 18. f Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision, however solar equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Planning Department approval. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from view of surrounding property. Building separation between all buildings including fireplaces shall not be less than ten { 10) feet. All street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten 110) feet. All front yards shall be provided with landscaping and automatic irrigation. Prior to the issuance of OCCUPANCY PERMITS the following conditions shall be satisfied: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. If seasonal conditions do not permit planting, interim landscaping and erosion control measures shall be utilized as approved by the Planning Director and the Director of Building and Safety. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with approved plans and shall be verified by City field inspection. Not withstanding the preceding conditions, wherever an acoustical study is required for noise attenuation purposes, the heights of all required walls shall be determined by the acoustical study where applicable. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with Inland Disposal, Inc., for the refuse service to include the utilization of a small pick-up truck equipped with a lift mechanism in order to move the containers out and back into the project; thus, prohibiting the entering of large rafuse trucks into the project. Said agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. The subdivider shall submit to the Planning Director an agreement with CSA 143 which demonstrates to the satiafaction of the City that the land divider has provided for the payment of parks and recreation fees in accordance with Section 10.35 of Ordinance No. q60. The agreement shall be approved by the City Council prior to the recordation of the final map. STAFFRPT\TM25~,3 7 Engineering Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. The Developer shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions. PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL 19. The tentative subdivision shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act and to all the requirements of Ordinance No. L~60 unless modified by the conditions listed below. 20. The developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; and CATV Franchise. 21. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. u,60. 22. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by a homeowners association or other means acceptable to the City. Such proof of this maintenance shall be submitted to the Planning and Engineering Department. 23. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the Intent to Develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards at time of street improvements. Margarita Road shall be improved within the dedicated right-d-way in accordance with County Standard No. 100, Section A. ~3'/55~) 25. Non-vehicular access rights shall be dedicated to the City for the following streets: Vehicular access shall be restricted on Margarlta Road and so noted on the final map with the exception of one u,5' driveway opening as approved by the City Engineer. STAFFRPT\TM25~,3 8 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 35. All road easements and/or street dedications shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the City accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, landscape easements, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if they are located within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. The subdivider shall construct or post security guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and gutter, medians, sidewalks, drive approaches, street lights, signing, striping, and other traffic control devices as appropriate. b. Storm drain facilities. c. Landscaping. d. Sewer and domestic water systems. The subdivider shall provide bonds and agreement clearances from all applicable agencies and pay all fees prior to the approval of the map. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the City Engineer. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department, a cash sum as established, per lot, as mitigation towards troffic signal impacts. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. The subdivider shall submit four copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geelogical conditions of the site. In the event road or off-site right-of-way are required to comply with any of the approved conditions, such easements shall be obtained by the developer; or, in the event the City is required to condemn the easement right-d-way, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act, the developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the acquisition of such easement at the developer's cost pursuant to Government Code Section 66~62.5, which shall be at no cost to the City. STAFFRPT\TM25~t~3 9 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. tl. 1. 42. 43. 46. 147. 48. A hydrology study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. A drainage easement shall be obtained from the affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows onto the adjacent property. A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the recordation of the final map. It is understood that the Tentative Map correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways and drainage courses, and that their omission may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. Street improvement plans including parkway trees and street lights prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer shall be required for all public streets prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. Final plans and profiles shall show the location of existing utility facilities within the right-d-way. Street improvement plans per City Standards for the private streets or drives shall be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. Prior to any work being performed on the private streets or drives, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Enginesr's Office, in addition to any other permits required. All driveways shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans. All driveways shall be located a minimum of two (2) feet from the property line. The subdlvlder shall submit four prints of a comprehensive grading plan to the Engineering Department. The plan shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, and as may be additionally provided for in these Conditions of Approval. The plan shall be drawn on 2~,'' x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. A minimum centerline grade shall be 0.50 percent. All storm drain systems will be provided with a secondary storm flow escape as approved by the City Engineer. Drainage easements when required shall be shown on the final map and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement - no buildings, obstructions or encroachments by landfills are allowed." STAFFRPT\TM25443 10 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT: Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. 50. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City-maintained road right-of- way. 51. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: 52. Construct full street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, raised median sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior public streets. 53. A 28' wide secondary access road to Margarita Road shall be provided within a recorded private road easement as approved by the City Engineer. All units shall be provided with garage door openers. 55. All street improvements shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 56. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIR/nagative Declaration for the project, in the amount in affect at the time of payment of the fee. if an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which Developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the Developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to Developer. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated lassuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees) and specifically waives its right to protest such increase. Transportation Enqineerinq PRIOR TO RECORDATION: 57. A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered civil engineer, and approved by the City Engineer, for Margarita Road and shall be included in the street improvement plans. STAFFRPT\TM25~t~3 11 58. Design and construct a traffic signal interconnect to show 1 112" rigid conduit, with pull rope, and ~3 pull boxes on 200 foot centers along the property frontin9 the south side of Margarita Road. This design shall be shown on the street improvement plans and must be approved by the City Engineer. 59. Design and construct a flashing yellow school zone signal for the intersection of Avenida Barca and Margarita Road. The plans shall be designed by a Civil Engineer, approved by the City Engineer, and shall be separate from the street improvement plans. The developer shall enter into a Reimbursement Agreement upon recordation of the subdivision map adjacent to the southwest of this map to receive a 65% refund for the cost of desi9n and construction for this flashing yellow signal. 6O° Prior to designing any of the above plans, contact Transportation Engineering for the design criteria. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 61. A construction area traffic control plan shall be designed by a registered traffic engineer and approved by the City Traffic Engineer and the City Engineer for any street closure and detour or other disruption to traffic circulation, as required by the City Traffic Engineer or the City Engineer. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: 62. All signing and striping shall be installed per the City standards and the approved signing and striping plan. 63. All traffic signal interconnect shall be installed per the City standards and the approved plan. The developer shall inform the land owners that when the median on Margarita Road is constructed, there will be no break provided to permit left turning movements into or from the proposed development driveway. Condition No. u, from the County Road letter dated March 9, 1988 for Tract No. 23211, Amend No. 2, shall be deleted. 65. All flashing yellow school zone signals shall be installed and operational per the City standards, special provisions, and the approved plan. 66. A minimum of 2~0 feet of inbound, on site, storage/stacking capacity shall be provided for by designln9 and constructing two 12 foot wide, 120 foot long lanes for enterin9 vehicles. An adequate vehicle turn around shall be designed and positioned before the entrance gate and shall have access to a single 12 foot wide outbound lane for exiting vehicles. Riverside County Fire Department 67. The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 5u,6. STAFFRPT\TM25LI~3 12 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 500 (+/-) GPM for a two (2) hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system 16"x~,"x2 1/2x2 1/2), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The required fire flow may be adjusted as a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separation or built-in fire protection measures. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "1 certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow of 1500 CPM or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the buildingl s). A statement that the building( s ) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. install a supervised water flow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as per Uniform Building Code. In lieu of fire sprinkler requirements, buildingl s) must be area separated into square foot compartments, approved by the Fire Department, as per Section 505 (el of the Uniform Building Code. A statement that the building will be automatically fire sprinklered must appear on the title page of the building plans. install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. - Rec. Buildings. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. Install portable fire extinguishers with aminimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $L~13.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check f===. ST A FF R PT\TM25~.43 13 80. 81. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a cash sum of $400.00 per unit as mitigation for fire protection impacts. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the applicant/developer shall provide alternate or secondary access as approved by the County Road Department. STAFFRPT\TM25q~,3 14 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION September 10, 1990 Case No.: Tentative Tract No. 25~43 Recommendation: 1. Adoption of Negative Declaration 2. Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLI CANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCAT ION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: PROJECT STATISTICS: Marstan Development Gary Martin 105 unit condominlum subdivision of 7.31 acres. South side of Margarita Road, between Morega Road and Avenida Cima Del Sol. R-3-2500 |General Residential, one unit per 2,500 square feet) North: R-1 South: R-3 East: R-3-3000 West: R -3-3000 ( Single Family Residential ) I General Residential) |General Residentia), one unit per 3,000 sq.ft. ) I General Residential, one unit per 3,000 sq.ft. ) Large lot with single family residence North: South: East: West: Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Vacant Multi-Family Residential No. of Units: No. of Acres: Proposed Density: SWAP Density: 105 7.31 lu,.5 units per acre 8-16 units per acre STAFFR PT\TT25~3 1 BACKGROUND: Status This project was originally submitted to the County of Riverside on November 30, 1989. It was initially scheduled for review by the County Land Development Committee on January 4o 1990; however, the item was indefinitely continued until addlt~onal materials were submitted and reviewed by the appropriate agencies. An incomplete file was transmitted to the City of Temecula in April of 1990, and the application was deemed complete on July 6, 1990. On August 2, 1990, Tentative Tract Map No. 25443 was reviewed by the Preliminary Development Review Committee (PDRC) in order to informally evaluate the project, prior to determining Staff's recommendations and potential conditions of approval. Comments by the PDRC included: 2. 3. 4. Off-Site Grading Secondary Access Proposed Drainage System Density. On August 30, 1990, the project {TT 25433) was reviewed by the Development Review Committee IDRC). The DRC determine that Tentative Tract Map No. 25u,43, as designed, can be adequately conditioned to mitigate the DRC's concerns. The DRC has forwarded a recommendation of approval subject to conditions. Prior Actions On May 31, 1988, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 23211 which proposes to subdivide the subject 7.31 acre site into a 128 unit condominium development, with an overall density of 17.5 units per acre. An application for a First Extension of Time was acted upon by the Riverside County Planning Commission on March 21, 1990, in which an extension of time, to May 31, 1991, was approved and forwarded, with a recommendation of Receive and File, to the City of Temecula, on April 21, 1990. On August 28, 1990, the City Council approved a First Extension of Time, subject to the reduction in density to a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre |117 unit). This approval was based on the STAFFRPT\TT25~.43 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ANALYSIS: enaxlmum density allowed under the Southwest Area Community Plan, which is 16 D. U./AC; and due to the fact that the applicant has filed a revised project (Tentative T tact Map No. 25u, u,3). It was the consensus of the City Council that a project with a lower density such as Tentative Tract Map No. 2511L13 is more desirable as opposed to the 128 dwelling units of the previously approved project (TT 23211). Location This project is located on the south side of Margarlta Road, approximately 1,500 feet east of Moraga Road. Tentative Tract No. 25uA3 proposes to subdivide the subject 7.31 acre site into a 105 unit condominium development, with an overall density of 1Li.5 units per acre. The proposed development has been designed in accordance with the standards of the R- 3-2500 zone. The project consists of nineteen J19) two-story buildings |9-5 plex and 10-6 plex) and utilizes nine J9) different unit floor plans ranging from 1,015 sq.ft. to 1,u,87 sq.ft. Grading and Landform Alteration The proposed project will generally utilize the existing contours of the site in order to minimize the alteration of an existlng, fairly prominent, natural ridgeilne. The grading involves approximately ~0,000 cubic yards of excavation and approximately 80,000 cubic yards of fill, in which u,0,000 cubic yards of soil will be imported. Although the City does not currently have policies with respect to grading, Staff would' suggest that the Planning Commission consider the proposed land form alteration and future, potential grading of the subject area since the City Councll has expressed a CONCern. Circulation and Access The proposed project will be gated and will take access from Margarita Road approximately 1,500 feet east of Moraga Road. An internal, thirty-six {36') foot wide, private driveway wilt provide access to the required off-street parking areas. In order to lessen potential internal vehicular congestion, the Engineering Staff has recommended a condition which require automatic garage door openers. STAFFRPT\TT25~,3 3 .Parking The proposed project includes a total of 263 parking spaces. The total number of spaces required by the Development Code |Section 18.12) is summarized below. Two Bedroom Dweliings: 2.25 spaces per dwelling unit Three Bedroom Dwellings: 2.75 spaces per dwelling unit Based on the above requirements and the proposed development, the project must provide the following total number of parking spaces: 67 Two Bedroom e 2.25 = 85.5 38 Three Bedroom e 2.75 = 184.25 Total : 269.75 space By comparison, the applicant is proposing to provide 2.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit (190 private garage and 73 guest). Traffic Impacts A Traffic Study was prepared and submitted in March of 1990. The report has been reviewed by the Engineering Staff, in which a conclusion was made that the cumulative impact of the proposed residential development will generate no significant off-site traffic impacts. However, the Planning Commission may want to consider the cumulative impact of concentrated high density development in this area along Margarita Road. Proiect Deslqn The proposed project has been designed to feature a Mediterranean theme with terra-cotta roofs, textured stucco walls and trellises. A central recreational area will provide useable open space for the project's residents. After reviewing the applicant~s renderings, Staff has determined that the proposed project design is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. STAFFRPT\TT25~q3 ~ GENERAL PLAN AND SWAP CONSISTENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: FINDINGS: The proposed density of 1~,.5 units per acre is consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan designation of 8-16 units per acre, In addition, Staff finds it probable that this project will be consistent with the new General Plan when it is adopted. In compliance with the California Environmental Act..n .nv,ronm.nt., .ss.ssm.nt ,'n,,ia, was performed for this project. Staff determined that Tentative Tract Map No. 251~3 will not have a significant effect upon the environment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that Tentative Tract No. 25u, u,3 will be consistent with the City~s future General Plan, which will be completed within a reasonable time in accordance with State Law. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future and adopted General Plan, if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complies with State planning and zoning laws. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the circulation patterns, access, and density. The project as designed and cOnditioned will not adversely affect the public health or welfare. Tentative Tract No. 25b, u,3 is compatible with surrounding land uses. The harmony in scale, bulk, height, density, and coverage is likely to create a compatible physical relationship with adjoining properties. The proposal will not have an adverse affect on surrounding property, because it does not represent a significant change to the present or planned land use of the area. STAFFRPT\TT251~,3 5 10. 11. The project as designed and condltloned will not adversely affect the built or natural environment as determined in the Initial Study for this project. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with this application are herein incorporated by reference. The project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment in that Stephen~s Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation fees are required and archaeological resources are not likely to be found at the site. The project will not be detrimental to human health or safety in that drainage and flood control measures must be approved by FEMA prior to map recordation, and the potential for liquefaction, differential subsidence, and surface flssuring at the site are very low. A soils report must be submitted to the Building and Safety Department addressing soil stability and geological conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1. APPROVE Negative Declaration APPROVE Tentative Tract Map No. 25~u,3 based on the analysis and findings contained in this report and subject to the attached. Conditions of Approval. OM:ks Attachments: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Initial Study 3. Renderings Large Scale Plan STAFFRPT\TT25~J43 6 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY II Backqround 1. IJame of F, vy~ent: MARSTAN CORP{1RAT10N Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Date of Environmental Assessmnt: 1225 W. 190th Street Gardena, California 96248 (213) 532-4550 August 27, 1990 4. Agenc}, Requiting Assessment: CITY OF l'c~ZECUI~ Name of Proposal, If applicable: Z~cation of Prol~sal: Tentative Tract Map No, 25443 Southside of Margarita Road, between Morage Road and Avenida Cima De] SoI EnvlronmentaS Impacts (Explanations of ell "yes" end "maybe" answers Ire provided on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or In changes in geologic substructures? be Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? X Any substantial increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or or off site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands. or changes in siltslion. deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay. inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes. landslides, mudslides. ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates. dralnege patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, Including, but not limited. to. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidSty? Alteration of the direction or fete of flow of ground waters7 Yes Maybe No x X X X BLANKIES/FORMS -2- Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through Interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h# Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public wster supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in s barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Substantial reduction In acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change In the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals |birds, lend onlmels Including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthlc organisms or Insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? C$ Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife hebitat? yes Maybe ,No x X X Noise. Will the proposal result In: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. EXposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oli, pesticicles, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? b$ Possible interference with sn emerg- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal miter i the location, distribution, dens ty, or growth rate of the human population of In ares? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create m demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yes .Maybe N..2o X X X X X BLANKIESIFORMS be Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? de Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne. rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicycllsts or pedestrians? Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial effect upon. or result in a need for new or sit.red governmental services in any of the following areas: Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? Parks or other recreational faci I ,ties? e. Maintenance of public facilities. including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: Use of substantial .mounts of fuel or energy? Substantial Increase In demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sourcea of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in · need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? Yes ~aybe No x X X X 18. b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result In the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result In an Impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to s prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause e physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes .M. aybe No x x X X x X X X BLANKIES/FORMS -6- Yes Maybe No 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrede the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildIlls species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in m relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future. ) Ce Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project~s impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those Impacts on the environment is significant. ) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X X BLANKIES/FORMS -7- III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation ANKlES/FORMS ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have · significant effect on the environment, end · NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ficant effect on the environment, there will not be · signi- ficant effect In this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and In the Conditions of approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and In ENVlRONMEN~E~~is. required. August 27, 1990 ~ ~- Date ~ y For CITY OF TEMECULA BLANKIESIFORMS '~' Ill. Earth 1.a. 1.b. 1 .c-d. 1.e. 1.f. 1.g. Air 2.a-c. Water 3.e,d-e. Environmental Evaluation No. The project site will be graded as part of a mass grading effort. There will be substantial grading for this project. However, a conceptual mass grading plan for the project was approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temeculats standards and the Conditions of Approval. Yes. All development disrupts the soll profile to some degree and results in soil displacement, compaction, and overcoverlng. This impact is not considered significant. No. The mass grading effort was designed to adhere to the gross natural topography of the site in its original condition. While substantial grading and recontouring of this site will occur in the immediate area, the overall plan is intended to promote preservation of site topography. Maybe. Wind and water erosion potentials will increase during the construction phase and remain high until disturbed areas are replanted. The wind erosion impact is considered significant but will be mitigated through minimal grading, retention of natural vegetation whenever feasible, and use of watering trucks and hydro-seeding of disturbed areas after grading. After the project is completed, increased water run-off during floods may occur. Water will be channeled to drainage easements and streets. Appropriate drainage control devices will have to be approved by the City Engineer and designed in accordance with Temecula~s standards and the Conditions of Approval. No. Since the project site is not adjacent to any creek or stream bed, the proposed project will not cause erosion of or deposition into any creek or stream bed. No. The subject site is designated as subject to liquefaction and subsidence by the Riverside County General Plan. To mitigate under hazard, a geological report should be prepared prior to any construction of the property. The report should include mitigation measures. No. The proposed project will not significantly impact the areaIs air quality. No. The proposed project will not impact any marine or fresh water bodies. The proposed project will incrementally affect the quantity and quality of run-off water in the City. STAFFRPT\TT25~,3 8 3.b. 3oc. 3.d-g. 3.h. 3.i. Veqetatlon 4.a-c. Wildlife 5.a-c. Noise 6.a-b. No. The proposed project will inhibit the absorption of water into the ground through the construction of impermeable surfaces on the site. Run-off will increase but not substantially. No. Flood waters will continue to be diverted to the streets and flood channels. No. The proposed project will not significantly affect the flow or quantity of ground waters. No. The proposed project wlll not impact the public water supply. No. Conditions of Approval are included for this project which require proper design and installation of drainage conveyance devices. No. No sensitive vegetational associations or species were identified on -site. No. No agricultural production occurred on-site. No. A survey for Stephen's Kangaroo Rat prepared for this project analyzed biologic resources on-site. In that no individuals of the Stephen~s Kangaroo Rat were found there is no occupied habitat within the bounds of the tract map. Implementation of the tract as proposed will not result in a taking nor would it result in any adverse effect on the species or on the species' habitat. In that surrounding lands to the north, south, east and west have previously been developed at urban levels of use or are presently being developed at such levels of use, preservation of this site as a reserve is inappropriate. In addition, the site is now isolated from all other known colonies by impassable residential and other barriers and relnvaslon of the site is virtually impossible. Implementation of the project as proposed will not have a significant effect and no mitigation other than payment of fees under the Stephen~s Kangaroo Rat Fee Ordinance is required. No. A noise assessment was prepared for this project. Analysis indicates that the project site is exposed to significant levels of noise as a result of traffic on Margarlta Road. However, it is concluded that the project design, as recommended herein, will comply with the interior noise exposure standard placed on residential construction by the County of Riverside and the State~s noise insulation standards. STAFFRPT\TT25~3 9 It is further recommended that the final engineering design of the project be reviewed by a recognized acoustical engineer to ensure compliance with the County~s noise standards. Liqht and Clare Yes. However, the project has been conditioned to comply with applicable lighting standards. Land Use No. Project is consistent with both the zoning designation and the Southwest Area Community Plan. Natural Resources 9.a-b. No. This project itself will not significantly increase the rate of use of natural resources. Construction materials and petroleum products will be used extenslve)y to support the specific plan project overall. Risk of Upset 10.a-b. No. The proposed project will not promote a risk of explosion or release hazardous substances nor will it interfere with emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. Population 11. Yes. Although the project proposes to increase the density from one dwelling unit to 105 units, the proposed project is consistent with the City Land Use Designation which allows a maximum of 117 units laccording to SWAP). Housing 12. No. Since the proposed project creates housing, the proposed land use will not create a demand for additional housing. Transportation/Circulation 13.a. Maybe. 13.b-e. No. 13.f. Maybe. The Traffic Study which was prepared for the proposed project has addressed potential traffic impacts and has concluded that the cumulative impacts will not be significant. Public Services No. The proposed project will not have significant adverse effect on public services other than parks and recreational facilities. STAFFRPT\TT25~3 10 Enerqy 15.a-b. No. The proposed project will not result in the substantial use or increase in demand of fuel or energy. Utilities 16.a-f. No. The proposed project might require the use of utilities but wltl not require substantial alteration to the existing system. Human HeaSth 17.a-b. No. The proposed project will not have significant adverse effect on human health, Aesthetics 18. No. Because the proposed project has been designed to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, there will be no significant impact on aesthetics. Recreation 19. No. Because the proposed project provides adequate recreational facilities for the subject residents. Cultural Resources 20.a-d. No impact. Mandatory Findlnqs of Siqniflcance 21 .a. 21 .b. No. The proposed project will not have a significant impact on plant or wildlife species. However, if a project is located within an area designated by the Riverside County as habitat for the endangered Stephen's Kangaroo Rat, the project will be subject to mitigation fees for the Stepbends Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan. No. The proposed project will not have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals. 21 .c-d. No. The proposed project will not have impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable, nor will they have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. STAFFRPT\TT25z~,3 11 PLANNING CON~/S~ION NINUTE8 el{IN ~acil whet recei SEPTEMBER 10, 3990 ]nfc C3 rc rec 3( AYE; ~dar CC : 7. TENTATIVE TRACT MaP NO. 25443 7.1 Proposed 105 unit condominium subdivision of 7.31 acres. MIN. 9/10/90 -8- September 12, 1990 PLis,~N I NG COMMISSION NINUTES SEPTI~4BER 10, ]990 OLIVER MUJICA presented the staff report for this item. He stated that this was previously aDDroved as Tentative Tract 2321], by the County, to estabjisb a 128 unit condominium development. The item went before the City Council for an extension of time, add the Council expressed concern reuardinq the density of this project. The Council granted the extension of time subject to the condition that the Project not exceed 16 units Der acre. He stated that the aPPlicant had reduced the development to 14,5 units per acre. He also advised the Comission that the applicant was proposing 263 parking spaces which he understood would be acceptable under County standards: however, staff's calculations for parking indicated a reauirement of 269.75 spaces. Mr. Mujica stated t~at the ~eve]oper had upgraded the units in square footage and provided for recreational areas for the property owners. CO4~ISSIONRR FAHEY reauested clarification of the density reauirement of the project. GARY THORNHILL advised that the project was ojven an extension of time on fhe orioina] approval subject to the condition that the project did not exceed ]6 units per acre however they had one year to record the final mad on the oriainai approval. C0M~ISSIONER FORD asked staff if the applicant was aware of the reference to the project beina qated. MR. MUJICA stated that the app]acant had indicated that the project would be ~ated and that they could include that as a condition. COe~MISSIORER FAHE7 stated that homeowners in the surrounding area expressed a desire for some type of Consistency to the appearance of these types of projects and asked if thls project could be conditioned for future development a]on~ that corridor. GARY THORNHILL stated that design standards would be city guidelines and that this project cou]d not be conditioned to establish these guidelines. COM~4ISSIONER Iqi)RD auestioned the block wall reauirement. MR. MUJICA stated that staff would be amending Condition No. 13 (E) to read "and a]ono Margarita Road" instead of Via La Vida. MI14.9/10/90 -9- September 12, 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTFIbBER ) 0, 3 990 COMMISSIONER BOAGLAND exnressed his concern for the single access into the Project and how it affects fire add safety protection. MR. MUJICA stated that there is a reguirement for secondary access and they have requested that the developer obtain an sgreement from the adjacent Property owner for this access. He advised that both property owners were working together to provlde the fire and safety protection reguirements. Co~ssioDer HoaQlaDd slso addressed the developers participation in the fundinc for parks. GARY THORNHILL stated that Con~jtion No. 38 covers the fees for Parks and recreation. COMMISSIONER BLAIR asked if staff had done any studies on the saturation of condomlnium housing in the city. GARY THORNRILL stated that this data is part of the study beino conducted for land use inventory and upon completion of the study the Planning DeDartment would have a better idea of the degree of saturation of this type of development. He stated that the study whould be completed at the beQinninQ of October. Commissioner Blair also expressed concern for the QradinQ of this site as it relates to the overall gradinQ belng done in the city. Mr. Thornhill stated that there are no guidelines established at this time re~ardin~ grading. GARYMARTIN, 3060] Cabri]]o Street, Temecula, developer of the project0 discussed the design of his project. He added that in working with the City Council to develop a desireable project whl].e addressinQ their concerns, he voJunteered to reduce the project to 14.5 units per acre. He stated again that he feels the proposed 263 parkinQ spaces is adequate for the ProPosed number of units. Mr. Martin requested the following modifications to Findings in the Staff Report and to Conditions of Approval: Finding No. 11 amended to read "must be in accordance with FEMA"; Condition No. 35 amended to read "prior to the grading plan being approved and street improvement plan and final map being substantially completed."; Condition No. 60 amended to read "shall be designed by a registered civil engineer"; and Condition No. 61 amended to read "Provide in-street plans and conduit for future interconnect routing". NIN.9/IOIgO -lo- September 12, 1990 PI.ANNING COMM I SS I ON M I NIITES SEPTF_J~BER 30, 3990 COMMISSIONER FORD asked Mr. Martin if they were 3n fact qating this development. MR. MARTIN stated that they wouJd be Puttina in a gate. GARY THORNHILL stated that staff was not looking at this as a oated project and may have some concerns with trafflc safety. SAL MUNOZ, 41823 Humbert Drive, Temecula, expressed hzs objection to the hiob-densit? deve]opment of the corridor which this project is located in, traffic problems in this area, erosion of natural landscape and the need for each development to support itself in the needs of parks and recreation area for the property owners rather than paying fees to create these areas. MR. MARTIN stated that the development did address the needs of recreation within the project by includino a pool and spa area as we]] as two tot lots. COMMISSIONER FAHEY expressed concern for aDDroving th~s project without the forthcomlna ]and use ana mad studies. COMMISSIONER BLAIR expressed concerns for the lack of sufficient park an~ recreation space in the project and the lmpacts another hiuh density project such as thls. would have on the already over-populated schools. COMMISSIONER FORD stated that he felt the developer has looked at the needs of the community and attempted to provide the necessary recreation areas within the project. Commissioner Ford also expressed concern for the naral]e] parking and access of the project. COMMISSIONER CHINIAEFF also expressed concern for emergency vehicle access in the project. He suqOested that the trash bins be relocated to make them more accessible. He also expressed concern for the potential traffic problem that may be created at the gated entrance and for landscape design along Margarita Road. COMMISSIONER FAHEY moved to continue the item to the October 15, 1990 Planning Connission meeting, to address the issues of varkino, turn-around locations for trash trucks and landscape and desiqn of the Marqarita Road frontage, seconded by COMMISSIONER BLAIR. WIN.9/10/90 -11- September 12, 1990 PLANNING COMNISSION MINUTES AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: NOES: 2 COMMISSIONERS: item Octoh 1, OP~ el a to m DAVE En West sta' concu ~ item meet~ NER t to meeti of Oct 990, AYt ~ISSI( ~RS: NOES: 1 COMM] : SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 Blair, Fahe¥, Chiniaeit Ford, Hoagland o~ DallQ Est .d re, that ~ an the DUb hea~ anO .tem. Ent, se le w star to of Oc1 ] 8 the COMM I Chin: Ho~ and 9. ~SINI aft. time of the mme i o aft is o whi the item and on of Oe ral t KIN.9/10/90 -12- September 12, 1990 ITEM #7 Recommendation: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION October 15, 1990 Case No.: Parcel Map No. 26239 Prepared By: Scott Wright 1. Adopt the Negative Declaration 2. Adopt the Resolution Approving PM No. 26239 3. Approve Parcel Map No. 26239 APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: Brookstone Development Co. Brookstone Development Co. To create five parcels for future office use on a 2.08 acre site. The southwesterly corner of Bueklng Road and Madison Avenue, approximately 200 feet east of Cherry Street and Jefferson Avenue. M-SC {Manufacturing - Service Commercial) North: M-SC (Manufacturing - Service Commercial ) South: M-SC {Manufacturing - Service Commercial ) East: M-SC (Manufacturing - Service Commercial ) West: M-SC ( Manufacturing Service Commercial ) Not requested. Vacant North: South: East: West: Vacant Vacant Retail Commercial, under construction Vacant STAFFRPT\PM26239 1 PROJECT STATISTICS: BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ANALYSIS: No. of Acres: No. of Parcels: Parcel Sizes: 2.08 acres 5 Parcel No. 1: 0.26 acre Parcel No. 2: 0.22 acre Parcel No. 3: 1.18 acre Parcel No. L~: 0.18 acre Parcel No. 5: 0.23 acre On March 12, 1990, the Riverside County Planning Director approved Plot Plan Nos. 11556 and 11557, four office buildings located in proposed Parcel Nos. 1, 2, u,, and 5. On April 10, 1990, the Temecula City Council approved a motion to Receive and File Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557. Plot Plan Nos. 62 and 63, the landscape plans for Plot Plan Nos. 11556 and 11557, were approved by City Staff on July 9, 1990. The proposal is a commerclal parcel map to create four parcels for four previously approved office structures and a fifth parcel which will serve as a common parking area. Geoloqy County Geologic Report No. 561 was prepared in 1988 in conjunction with the site's underlying Parcel Map No. 23561. The report determined that faults encountered along the western portion of Parcel Map No. 23561 are PIelstocene Age displacements and are considered to be inactive, and that the potential for liquefactin and subsidence is low. No setback zone for human occupancy was recommended. The report recommended standard mitigations for liquefaction and ground lurching which were included as conditions of approval for Plot Plan Nos. 11556 and 11557. The County Geologist reviewed the report and found that it met the requirements of the AIqulst Priolo Act and the California Environmental Quality Act. Drainaqe The County Flood Control District reviewed Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557 and commented that the site is part of Parcel Map No. 23561 and will be free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements have been constructed. Payment of flood mitigation charges for the construction of flood control facilities was a condition of approval for Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557. STAFFRPT\PM26239 2 Reciprocal Access and Parkinq Easement Parcel No. 3 of Parcel Map No. 26239 is defined in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions as a common parking area subject to easements for ingress, egress, parking, and traffic circulation. The Madison Business Park Association will levy assessments for the improvement, operation, and maintenance of the common facilities owned by the Association or subject to easements in favor of the Association. Street improvements Full street improvements already exist on Madison Avenue. Curbs and gutters have been constructed in the right-of-way of Bueking Drive, but the street has not yet been paved at this time. Bedford Properties owns the land to be dedicated for Bueking Drive and is providing street improvements by agreement with the applicant. T raffi c A Traffic Study was prepared for the previously approved office complex to be located on the subject property (Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557). The Traffic Study was reviewed and accepted by the City Transportation Engineer. The site is being developed in a manner consistent with the existing zoning and the street system is designed to accommodate the anticipated level of traffic. Fossil Resources The site is located in an area containing fossil resources which will be impacted by excavation of the site. Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557 included a condition of approval requiring monitoring of the excavation of the site by a qualified paleontologist, recovery and preservation of any specimens uncovered during the excavation, and a report and inventory of the findings. Kanqaroo Rat Impact Mitiqatlon The site is already disturbed, and a biological survey of the site was not required. It shall be a condition of approval for Parcel Map No. 26239 that the applicant shall pay habitat conservation fees in accordance with Ordinance 663. STAFFRPT\PM26239 3 GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSISTENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The site is designated Light Industrial in the Southwest Area Plan and is located in the Manufacturing - Service Commercial IM-SC) zone. The minimum lot size in the M-SC zone is 7,000 square feet where water and sewer services are available, All five proposed parcels conform to the minimum lot size. Parcel Map No. 26239 is therefore consistent with SWAP and the Zoning Ordinance. County Environmental Assessment Nos. 3Lffi13 and 3[~,1~, were prepared and adopted in conjunction with the County Planning Director's approval of Plot Plan Nos. 11556 and 11557, an office project which will be located on the subject propert. The environmental assessments adequately identified the potential environmental impacts of the project. Mitigation measures were incorporated as Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557. FINDINGS: Tentative Parcel Map No. 26239 The proposed Tract Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and to Ordinance No. ~60, Schedule E. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations, access, and density. STAFFRPT\PM26239 4 10. 11. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildllfe or their habitat. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: Adopt the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 26239. Adopt Resolution No. 90- Approve Parcel Map No. 26239 based on the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SW:ks Attachments Resolution Conditions of Approval Exhibits STAFFRPT\PM26239 5 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 26239 TO SUBDIVIDE A 2.08 ACRE PARCEL INTO FIVE PARCELS AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF BUEKING ROAD AND MADISON AVENUE. WHEREAS, Brookstone Development filed Parcel Map No. 26239 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS, said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on October 15, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, atthe conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. FindincJs. That theTemecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: {1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. 12 ) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: ~a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. STAFFRPT\PM26239 1 Ib) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, {hereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: I1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. 12 ) The Planning Commission finds, in approvlng projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 26239 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. Pursuant to Section 6.5, no Parcel Map may be approved unless the applicant demonstrates the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health safety and welfare of the community, and further, that any Parcel Map approvad shall be subject to such conditions as shall be necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community. STAFFRPT\PM26239 2 E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. Environmental Assessemnts prepared for two plot plans approved on the site indicates that although the proposed projects could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described for the two plot plans and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project and a Negative Declaration was granted for the two projects. The proposed Parcel Map will not cause any additional environmental impacts. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Parcel Map No. 26239 for the subdivision of a 2.08 acre parcel into five parcels located at the southwesterly corner of Bueking Drive and Madison Avenue, subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1990. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereef, held on the 15th day of October, 1990 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS STAFFRPT\PM26239 3 APPLICANT'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read, understand and accept the conditions for approval set forth herein above in this Resolution of approval for Parcel Map No, 26239. DATED: By Name Title STAFFRPT\PM26239 4 CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Plot Plan No. Council Approval Date: Expiration Date: Planning Department The followin9 conditions of approval are for Parcel Map No. 26239, creating five parcels on a 2.08 acre site in the M-SC zone. The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 26239, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66L~99.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdlvider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City ot Temecula. The Tentative Parcel Map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance k~60, Schedule E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Planning Commission approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance ~60. The final map shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance ~,60. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City Engineer. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submittad and recorded as directed by the City Engineer. Legal access as required by Ordinance ~60 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. STAFFRPT\PM26239 1 10. 11. 12. 13. 111.. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordat/on of the final map. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 0,57, shall be submitted to the City Department of Engineering. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the City Transportation Engineer's Conditions of Approval included herein. The subdlvlder shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal for Plot Plan No. 11556 dated November 1, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control reco.,,,,endations included as Condtions of Approval for Plot Plan No. 11556 and 11557. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to reeordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the County Geolagist's transmittal dated July 26, 1988, a copy of which is attached. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County Ordinance or resolution. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: City Engineering Department Environmental Health Riverside County Flood Control Fire Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the M-SC zone. All lots created by this land division shall have a minimum area of 7,000 square feet. All lot length to width ratios shall be in conformance with Section 3.8C of Ordinance 0,60. A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. STAFFRPT\PM26239 2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET CONDITIONS: 20. An Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be fornNarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Buildin9 and Safety. The following noteIs) shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. 21. "County Geelogical Report No. 516 was prepared for this property on July 12, 1988 by Schaefer Dixon Associates, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are; inactive faults, liquefaction, lateral spreads, and uncompacted trench backfill. 22. "This property is located within thirty {30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the Observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare.n 23. Indicate the availability of domestic water services to the subject property as of the date of recordation of the final map. Enqineerinq Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Covernment Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. )t is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmltted for further consideration. PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL: A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions I CCF, R's) shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the Director of Planning, City Engineer and City Attorney. The CCSR~s shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the property to be developed, shall make the City a party thereto, and shall be enforceable by the City. The CCI;R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City and recorded. The CCF~R's shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The CCF, R~s shall be prepared at the developerrs sole cost and expense. The CCSR~s shall be in the form and content approved by the Director of Planning, City Engineer and the City Attorney, and shall include such provisions as are required by this approval and as said officials deem necessary to protect the interest of the City and its residents. STAFFRPT~PM26239 3 25. The CC&R's and Articles of Incorporation of the Property Owner's Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrent with the final map. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City. The CC&R's shall provide for the effective establishment, operation. management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas and facilities. The CC&R's shall provide that the property shall be developed, operated and maintained so as not to create a public nuisance. The CC&R's shall provide that if the property is not maintained in the condition required by the CC&R's, then the City, after making due demand and giving reasonable notice. may enter the property and perform, at the owner's sole expense, any maintenance required thereon by the CC&R's or the City ordinances. The property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City to secure any such expense not promptly reimbursed. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by CCSR's or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrent with the map. 26. The developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: 27. 28. 29. 30. Rancho California Water District; Eastern Municipal Water District; Riverside County Flood Control district; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; and CATV Franchise. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. ~60. Dedication shall be made for the following right-d-way on the following streets: DEDICATE Madison TO 50' FEET FROM STREET CENTERLINE. Corner property line cut off shall be required per Riverside County Standard No. 805. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum established per lot as mitigation for a traffic signal impact. STAFFRPT\PM26239 4 Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the EIRJNegative Declaration for the project, in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which Developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof. the Developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to Developer. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees in excess of those now estimated (assuming benefit to the project in the amount of such fees) and specifically waives its right to protest such increase. STAFFRPT\PM26239 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. Planner ,7~ At,,: We have reviewed.this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile ho~ supports.' This project is in the drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable r~lesArea end regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The Otstrtct's report dated is still current for this project. accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of {>ez~ard2~enS(,-I- I . The project wfil be free of ordinary storm flood w tmprovemnts have been constructed in JOHN H. KASHUBA Senior Civil Engineer DATE: The County Board of Supervisors has adopted the ~ ~ F~,'~ F~//~ Area Drainage Plan for the purpose of collect~n~g~ drainage ~es. Those fees are used to construct needed flood control facilities within the par~icular area. The Area Drainage Plan fees apply to new land divisions and other t~pes of new development. Vir~ually all new development causes increased storm runoff. These increases are par~icularly troublesome in those watersheds where an Area Drainage Plan has been adopted. In order to miti- gate the downstream impacts brought about by increased runoff, the District recommends that Conditional Use Cases, Plot Plans and Public Use Cases be required to pay a flood mitigation charge. Mitigation charges, where appropriate, will be similar to the current Area Drainage Plan fee rats. Following is the Dlstrlct's recommendation: A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The new development in this' case includes a total of /./3 acres. At the current fee rate of $ ~,~ ~o per acre, the mitigation charge equals $ 9/~o The charge is payable to the Flood Control D~t~ict prio~ to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Nitigation Charge (mitcharg) County of Riverside TO: FRO~A..~~. RE: Plot Plan 11556 Riverside County Planning Dept. DATE: IV November 1. 1989 1989 kt~,t,~tut, O0~h PLANNING DEPARr'f'MENT Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan 11556 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and ware services are available in this area. Prior to any bufiding plan submittals, "will-serve" letters from the water and sewering agencies will be required. SM:cr :liVE:lbiDE counc.u PLAnninG DEPA CfilEnC July 26, 1988 Schaefer D(xon Assodates 2168 South Hathaway Street Santa/me, California 92705 Ateerie(on: Hr. Paul Davts Hr. Jimas J. Weaver SUBJECT: Alquht-Prtele $pedal $tudtes Zone LIquefaction Hazard Job 80-245 Parcel Hap No, 23561 County Geoqogtc Report No, 5Z6 t Area Rancho Caqtforn a ~entlemen: Me have revteffed your report entttled "Geetechnical Znvest~gatton, A Portton of North Jefferson Busthess Park (Phase 4), P.H. No. 23561 (Formerly P.H. 1958t-Z), Rancho California, CA," dated June 1, 1988, and your revtsed report dated Jul~ 12, 1988. Tour report determined that: 2. The faults encountered ~n trenches elong the western pert of the property are considered to be tntra-Pauba (Pleistocene age) dtsplecements and Ire considered to be tnacttvl, tn Iccordance ~th criteria of the California State Division of Hines and Geology. 2. The lO0-year probable earthquake effecttng the site resulting free an 6 event on the Mhtttter-Elstnore (~tldomar) fault ts expected to be .0 mgntt~de, v(th a peak horizontal ground accelerstton of 0.35g. 3. The likelihood of liquefaction related ground movement during e Ikgnltude 6.5 event ts considered to be 1or. The liquefaction potential fs considered to be verl lw for slto sotls considering e Nagn4tude 6,0 design ear~.hquake, 4. The potential for setsmtc setthment end differential cmapectton ts considered vet/1me. S. The potentSeq for landsliding ts considered to be vet/rmote. 4080 LEMON ':: "qEET, 9'r" FLOOR 46-209 OASIS STr,,IEET, ROOM 304 Schaefer Dtxon Associates - 2 - ~uly 26, 1988 6. The potential for eirthquake (nduced flood(ng, tsunamts and setches ts cons(dared t~ be v~P/lw. The potent(a1 for sympathetic fault movement'an ~he zone of tnacttve faults encountered tn the trenches, as a result Of setsmtc event on the nearby M(ld~r fault, (s cons(dared to be low, 8. The potential for lurchtng and lateral spreads tn the ereas adjacent to Santa Gertrudts Creek may extst at the southeasterly property boundary. Tour report recommended: No setback zone for human occupancy structures ts recmnded w~th(n the bounder(as of the subject property. The potentlaq for l(quefact(on-reqated ground movlment on the should be mat(gated by the placement of engineered f(11 wtth(n 1~(ng areas dur(ng s(te grad(ng. 3. The potent(a~ for lurching and latera~ spreads (n areas adjacent to Santa 6ertrudts Creek should be m~t(gated by channe~tzat(on of the stream and use of standard bu(ld~ng setbacks. The exploratory trench backftll should be considered dur(ng future development. The trench locat(ons were determ(ned by the project end(near. of the Alqutst-Pr(olo $peda~ Studies Zone Act, the satisfies issodlted R(vers~de CounV ~d. 547, lad the idd(ttonil tnfomt(on Nquested un6er the Clllforn~l bv~romntll Qulllt~ Act rev~w. F~nal Ipp~vll of the report Ss hereb~ given. Me recmmend that ~he following note be placed on the Ftnal Nap pHor to (ts recordit!on: Schaefer D~xon Associates - 3 - Ju~y 26, X988 "County 6eologtc Report No. 516 yes prepared for this p~operty on July 12. 1988 by Schaefer Dtxon Associates, and ts on ftle ~t the Riverside County Planntng Department. The spectf(c ttems of concern Ire tnecttve faults, 14quefactton, lateral spreads, I~d uncompacted trench backfill. Very truly yours. RZVERSZDE COUNTY PLANNXNG DEPARTENT CE~1205 $AK:rd c.c. Bedford Properties o Applicant Earl Hart - C!)HG Roy $hlemon & Assoc. Norm Lostbom o Butld~ng & Safety (2) John Ch~u - Team 1 i VICINITY M,4P- ~v.r.s. ITEM #8 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION October 15, 1990 Case No.: Tentative Parcel Map No. 2~633 Prepared By: Deborah Parks/Steve Jiannino Recommendation: Approval APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: EXISTING LAND USE: SURROUNDING LAND USES: Robert Paine Benesh Engineering Corporation To divide a 1.43 acre parcel into two parcels. Northeast corner of Estero Street and Ormsby Road. R-R I Rural Residential) North: R - R South: R - R East: R-R West: R - 1 R-R I Rural Residential) Existing Residential Home North: Single Family South: Vacant East: Single Family West: Single Family BACKGROUND: The application for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2Li633 was originally submitted to the Riverside County Planning Department on July 25, 1989. The proposal was to split Parcels 1 and 3 of Parcel Map No. 16705 and form four parcels. However, Riverside County Council determined that parcel 1 and 3 were not contiguous and that it would be necessary to file two separate parcel map applications. The applicant subsequently filed STAFFRPT/TPM24633 1 Tentative Parcel Map No. 25538 for Parcel 3 and submitted a revised Tentative Parcel Map No. 24633 for Parcel 1. The revised Tentative Parcel Map No. 24633 was reviewed by the Land Development Committee twice requesting additional information regarding grading, archaeological concerns and biological impacts. A biological report was prepared which determined that due to the disturbed nature of the site the project will have a minimal impact. The site was examined for Stephens Kangaroo Rats but no evidence of their existence was found. The site is located within the Stephen's Kangaroo Habitat Conservation Plan and will be subject to mitigation fees. Since the site has been graded, it was determined that an archaeological study would not be required. The site was previously graded as illustrated on the Tentative Parcel Map. The grading for the site was completed approximately one year ago and was approved by the County of Riverside. ANALYSIS: Parcel Map Confiquration and Settinq Parcel Map No. 24633 proposes to divide Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 16705 into two parcels. The size of the proposed parcels is as follows: Parcel 1 - 0,702 Net Acres Parcel 2 - 0.520 Net Acres The proposed lots meet the minimum half acre lot size requirement of the R-R zoning for the property. The subject site is surrounded by a variety of parcel sizes ranging from 0.18 net acre to 5.04 net acres. Surrounding the subject parcel are the following parcel sizes ( net acres): 0.23 0.19 0.18 2.06 0.64 1.39 1.39 1.07 STAFFRPT/TPM24633 2 The existing parcels that are approximately 0.25 acres are a result of a single family subdivision subject to R-1 zoning. The surroundin9 one acre and larger parcels are a result of large lot subdivisions. Staff believes that the proposed one half acre parcels would provide an appropriate transition between the 0.25 acres parcels and one acre plus parcels. Approximately 1 lJ2 miles east of the subject parcel is Santiago Estates, a large estate lot project. According to Johnson and Johnson Properties, the developers from Santiago Estates, their project has a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres. Santiago Estates is viewed by many as an exclusive development within the City. It should be noted, that although the proposed half acre parcels are located approximately 1 lJ2 miles west of Santiago Estates and function well as a transitional )and use between the smaller and larger parcels, they may encourage landowners between the subject parcels and Santiago Estates to apply for subdivision of their land to one-half acre lots. CIRCULATION: Access to the project will be from Estero Road which is paved and connects to the Windsor Crest Development which connects to Pauba Road or from Ormsby which is paved but contains pot holes and connects to Santiago which is only partially paved. Staff still has concerns regarding the existing 30 foot road dedication of Ormsby Road north of Estero Street. The current map shows the proposed vacation of the road, but the road is used as access for a parcel of land to the north. This project has been conditloned to work with the City Engineer to develop an acceptable access easement for the property to the north, which currently used Ormsby Road, prior to recordation of the final map. ZONING: GENERAL PLAN and SWAP CONSISTENCY: The project conforms to the current zoning for the site, R-R, which allows a minimum lot size of .5 acres. The project has been conditioned to conform to the improvement standards of Ordinance No. 460, Schedule G. The subject parcel is designated as 1-2 du per acre according to the Southwest Area Plan. The proposed land division is consistent with this designation, resulting in the potential of 1.6 STAF F R PT / T PM24633 3 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: du/acre. It is anticipated that the proposed land division, as conditioned, will be consistent with the City~s forthcoming General Plan as a transitional land use between the approximate 0.25 acre lots and the surrounding larger parcels. An initial study has been completed for the project and a Negative Declaration is recommended for the proposal. FINDINGS: Tentative Parcel Map No. 24633 The proposed Tract Map will not have a significant negative impact on the environment, as determined in the Initial Study performed for the project. A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. There is a reasonable probability that this project will be consistent with the General Plan being prepared at this time. There is not a likely probability of substantial detriment to, or interference with, the future adopted General Plan, if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. The proposed use complies with State planning and zoning law. The project conforms to the current zoning for the site and to Ordinance No. 460, Schedule G. The site is suitable to accommodate the proposed land use in terms of the size and shape of the lot configurations. access. and density. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The design of the subdivision is consistent with the State Map Act in regard to future passive energy control opportunities. All lots have acceptable access to existing and proposed dedicated right-of-ways which are open to, and are useable by, vehicular traffic. STAFFRPT/TPM24633 10. 11. The design of the subdivision, the type of improvements and the resulting street layout are such that they are not in conflict with easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. The lawful conditions stated in the project's Conditions of Approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. That said findings are supported by minutes, maps, exhibits, and environmental documents associated with these applications and herein incorporated by reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Department Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: Adopt the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 2~633. Adopt Resolution No. 90 - Approve Parcel Map No. 2u,633 based on the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SJ:dd Attachments 2. 3. Resolution Exhibits Conditions of Approval Initial Study STAFFR PT/T PM2~,633 5 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 24633 TO SUBDIVI DE A 1.43 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ESTERO STREET AND ORMSBY ROAD. WHEREAS, Robert Paine filed Parcel Map No. 24633 in accordance with the Riverside County Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Subdivision Ordinances, which the City has adopted by reference; WHEREAS. said Parcel Map application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS. the Planning Commission considered said Parcel Map on October 15. 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission hearing, the Commission approval of said Parcel Map; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. That the Temecula Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty 130) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: | 1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. STAFFRPT/TPM24633 1 Ib) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. ~C) The proposed use or action complied with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. B. The Riverside County General Plan, as amended by the Southwest Area Community Plan, Ihereinafter "SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has adopted SWAP as its General Plan guidelines while the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. C. The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the SWAP and meets the requirements set forth in Section 65360 of the Government Code, to wit: I1 ) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with a preparation of the general plan. (2) The Planning Commission finds, in approvlng projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, pursuant to this title, each of the following: There is reasonable probability that Parcel Map No. 2~,633 proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. D. Pursuant to Section 6.5, no Parcel Map may be approved unless the applicant demonstrates the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health safety and welfare of the community, and further, that any Parcel Map approved shall be subject to such conditions as shall be necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community. ST A FF R PT / T PM24633 2 E. As conditioned pursuant to SECTION 3, the Parcel Map proposed is compatible with the health, safety and welfare of the community. SECTION 2. Environmental Compliance. project will Declaration, An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that the proposed not have a significant impact on the environment, and a Negative therefore, is hereby granted. SECTION 3. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Parcel Map No. 24633 for the subdivision of a 1.43 acre parcel into two parcels located at the northeast corner of Estero Street and Ormsby Road subject to the following conditions: A. Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED· APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of · 1990. DENNIS CHINIAEFF CHAIRMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Plannin9 Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 15 day of October, 1990 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ST A FF R PT / T PM24633 3 APPLICANT'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read, understand and accept the conditions for approval set forth herein above in this Resolution of approval for Parcel Map No. 2~,633. DATED: By Name Title ST A FF R PT / T PM2u~633 / / t / / / / / / CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Tentative Parcel Map No. 24633 Council Approval Date: Expiration Date: Planninq Department The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceedin9 against the City of Temecula or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Temecula, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning Tentative Parcel Map No. 24633, which action is brought within the time period provided for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Temecula will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Temecula and will cooperate fully in the defense. if the City fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City of Temecula. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule G unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Planning Commission approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance LIFO. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act, Riverside county Subdivision Ordinance ~60. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the City. Street names shall be subject to approval of the City of Temecula. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the City of Temecula. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a City maintained road. STAFFRPT/TPM2~,633 1 10. 11. 12o 13. 1~,. 15. 16. 17. All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. The subdivide shall comply with the environmental health recommendations outlined in the County Health Department's Transmittal dated 12-5-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the flood control recommendations outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated 1-6-90 a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460; appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Commissioner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. The subdivider shall comply with the fire improvement recommendations outlined in the County Fire Department's letter dated 5-4-90, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Sectlon's transmittal dated 3-6-90, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Section's transmittal dated 3-19-90, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations outlined in the San Bernardino County Museum transmittal dated 7-28-90, a copy of which is attached. Prior to issuance of building permits, applicant shall be required to pay applicable Quimby fees in accordance with Section 10.35 of Ordinance 460. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-R zone. An Environmental Constraints Sheet lEGS) shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a coy of the ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following notel s) shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. STAFFRPT/TPM2~,633 2 "This property is located within thirty 130) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory, Light and 9late may adversely impact operations at the Observatory, Outdoor lightin9 shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare." Indicate the availability of domestic water services to the subject property as of the date of recordatlon of the final map. The following note shall be placed on the final map: Constraints affectin9 this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the City Engineer. These constraints affect all parcels. Enqineerinq Department The following are the Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for this project, and shall be completed at no cost to any Government Agency. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Engineering Department. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further consideration. The Developer shall comply with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and all applicable City Ordinances and Resolutions. PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL: 18. Prior to final map approval, the developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: San Diego Regional Water Quality; Rancho California Water District; Riverside County Flood Control District; City of Temecula Fire Bureau; Planning Department; Engineering Department; Riverside County Health Department; and CATV Franchise. 19. The final map shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered Civil Engineer, subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Map Act and Ordinance No. ~,60. 20. The developer shall vacate Ormsby Road north of Estero Street concurrently with the recordatlon of Parcel Map No. 2L1633. STAFF R PT / T PM2q633 3 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. A 30' wide private driveway and utilities easement shall be provided alon9 the west property line of Parcel No. 1 for the benefit of the property located to the north of Parcel Map No. 24633. The subdivider shall construct or post security guaranteeing the construction of the following public improvements in conformance with applicable City standards. Street improvements, including, but not limited to: pavement, curb and 9utter, drive approaches, street lights, signing, and striping. b. A domestic water system. The subdivider shall provide bonds and agreement, clearances from all applicable agencies and pay all fees prior to the approval of the final map. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments. Street lights shall be provided along streets adjoining the subject site in accordance with the standards of Ordinance No. 461 and as approved by the City Engineer. Prior to recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum established per lot as mitigation for a traffic signal impact. Should the developer choose to defer the time of payment of traffic signal mitigation fee, he may enter into a written agreement with the City deferring said payment to the time of issuance of a building permit. The subdivider shall submit four copies of a soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. Street improvement plans including parkway trees and street lights prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer shall be required for all public streets prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. Final plans and profiles shall show the location of existing utility facilities within the right-of-way. All driveways shall be located a minimum of two (2) feet from the property line. All driveways shall be constructed along all public street frontages in accordance with City Standard Nos. 400 and 401 {curb sidewalk). STAFFRPT/TPM2~,633 4 33. A minimum centerline grade shall be 0.50 percent. The required improvements as reflected in the following conditions shall be completed prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. The improvements are required based on the following findings: The improvements are a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area. b. The improvements are necessary for the public health and safety. 35. Estero Street shall be improved with half street improvements within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with County Standard No. 105. Section B (36/60) with concrete curb and gutter. A minimum of 28' of asphalt roadway shall be provided to Ormsby. 36. A driveway approach shall be provided on Estero Street for the private drive on Parcel 1. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the City Engineer. 38. Prior to final map, the subdivider shall notify the City's CATV Franchises of the intent to develop. Conduit shall be installed to CATV Standards prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: Construct half street improvements including but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights within the parcel map boundary in accordance with Riverside County Standard No. 105, Section B 136/60). All street improvements shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Aspbaltic emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than 14 days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0. 05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section Nos. 37, 39, and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Developer shall pay any capital fee for road improvements and public facilities imposed upon the property or project, including that for traffic and public facility mitigation as required under the Negative Declaration for the project, in the amount in effect at the time of payment of the fee. If an interim or final public facility mitigation fee or district has not been finally established by the date on which Developer requests its building permits for the project or any phase thereof, the Developer shall execute the Agreement for Payment of Public Facility Fee, a copy of which has been provided to Developer. Developer understands that said Agreement may require the payment of fees STAFFRPT/TPM2~633 5 in excess of those now estimated (assumin9 benefit to the project in the amount of such fees) and specifically waives its right to protest such increase. Transportation Enqineerinq PRIOR TO RECORDATION: A signing and striping plan shall be designed by a registered Traffic Engineer, and approved by the City Engineer, and shall be included in the street improvement plans. Prior to designing any of the above plans, contact Transportation Engineering for the design criteria. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS: All signin9 and stripin9 shall be installed per the City standards and the approved signing and striping plan. STAFFRPT/TPM2~633 6 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLF. N J. NEWMAN FIII. E CHIEF May 4, 1990 PLANNING & ENGINEERING 46.209 OASIS STREEI SUITE 405 INDIO, CA 9220t (619) 342-8886 PLANNING & ENGINEERING 3760 12TH STREET RIVERSIDE. CA 9250~ (714) 787-6606 TO: PLANNING DEPkRTMENT ATTN: DIANE KIRKSEY RE: PARCEL MA~ 24633 - kMENDED #1 - ROAD CORRECTION #1 With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, ithc Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: FIRE PROTECTION Schedule "G" fire protection approved standard fire hydrants, (6"x4"x2~") located one at each street intersection and spaced no more than 660 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 330 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 GPM for 2 hours duration at 20 PSI. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet th~ fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requiremenzs prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Dept." The required water system including fire hydrant8 shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. MITIGATION Prior to the recordation of the final map, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a cash sum of $400.00 per lot/unit as mitigation for 'fire protection impacts. HAZARDOUS FIRE AREA The land division is located in the "Hazardous Fire Area" of Riverside County as shown on a map on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Any building constructed on lots created by this land division shall comply with ~ the special construction provisions contained in Riverside County 0rdinance 546. I RE: PM 24633 Page 2 All questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By Kurt Mantwell, Fire Safety Specialist ml KENNETH L EDWARDS r 1995 MARKET STREET P.O, SOX IO33 TELEPHONE (714) 787-2015 FAX NO (714) 788-9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 Riverside County P1 anning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. P1 anner '}~)~- Area: We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: v/'~Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites, The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the ho~.~TA~/T~ncc-u~,~,'~-~c~ ,~:'~ Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable r~les and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The District's report dated is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~av/hb~e~r°ject will be constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. H. KASHUBA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT GRADING SECTION TO: PLANNING / DIANE KIRKSEY FROM: TONY HARMON ~, DATE: March 19, 1990 ' RE: PM 24633 AMENDMENT ~ 1 APN: 923~370-010-,022 The "Grading Section" has reviewed a conceptual grading plan for this site. The plan is acceptable. Consequently, the "Grading Section" recommends approval of this project if the following conditions are included. Prior to commencing any grading in excess of 50 applicant shall obtain a grading permit and approval the Building and Safety Department. cubic yards, the to construct from All grading shall conform to Chapter 70 of the 1988 Uniform Building Code as amended by Ordinance 457.73. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the property owner shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Prior to obtaining any further permits, provide verification that any existing grading was permitted and that approval to construct was obtained from the Building and Safety Department. Plant and irrigate fill slopes greater than or equal to 3' and/or cut slopes greater than or equal to 5' in vertical height with grass or ground cover. Slopes that exceed 15' in vertical height are to be provided with shrubs and/or trees per count ordinance 457, see form 284- 47. Grading in excess of 199 cubic yards will require performance security to be posted with the Building and Safety department. NOTE: For the final grading plan, please provide the applicable information form Building and Safety Department grading forms: 284-120, 284-21,284-86, and 284-46. These forms are available at all Building and Safety Offices. SA-N'BERNARDINO COUNTY MUSEUM 2024 Orange Tree Lane · Redlands, CA 92374 "' ~)792-1334 , 792-0052 · 825-4825 , 825-4823 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY DR+ ALLAN D. GRIESEMER Director July 28. 199U City of Temecula Development Review Committee 'lemecula Planning Department 43180 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 9239U re: PALEONTOLOGIC SENSITIVITY REVIEW Thank you for the opportunity to comment on nonrenewable paleontologic resources within the City of Temecula. The museum generally reviews proposed developments on an individual basis. This review, however, will summarized cases following the August 2 agenda you forwarded in order to insure a timely response. C.U.P. No. 1 No recommendations are offered in regard to paleontologic resources. T.P.PI. 23969 No recommendations are offered in regard to paleontologic resources. TT 25443 The parcel is located on the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. Construction excavation will impact nonrenewable paleontologic resources. The developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a site-specific program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. This program should include: (1) monitoring of excavation by a qual~ied paleontologic monitor; (2) preparation of recovered specimens, including sediment processing for small vertebrate fossils; (3} curation of specimens into an established repository; and (4) a report of findings with complete specimen inventory. TT Map 25603 The parcel is located on the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. Construction excavation will impact nonrenewable paleontologic resources. The developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a site-specific program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. This program should include: (1) monitoring of excavation by a qualified paleontologic monitor; (2) preparation of recovered specimens, including sediment processing for small vertebrate fossils; (3) curation of specimens into an established repository; and (4) a report of findings with complete specimen inventory. PM 24633 The parcel is located on the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. Construction excavation will impact nonrenewable paleontologic resources. The developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a site-specific program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. This program should include: (if monitoring of excavation b.v a qualified paleontologic monitor; (2) preparation of recovered specimens, including sediment processing for small vertebrate fossils; (3) curation of specimens into an established repository; and (4) a report of findings with complete specimen inventory. PP 74 No recommendations are offered in regard to paleontologic resources. PP 86 No recommendations are offered in regard to paleontologic resources. PP 76 The parcel is located on the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. Construction excavation will impact nonrenewable paleontologic resources. The developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontologist to develop a site-specific program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. This program should include: (1) monitoring of excavation by a qualified paleontologic monitor; (2) preparation of recovered specimens, including sediment processing for small vertebrate fossils; (3) curation of specimens into an established repository; and (4) a report of findings with complete specimen inventory. Robert E. Reynolds Curator, Ear:h Sciences San Bernardino County Museum z~ ~-~,,-~ COUNTY c RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF. EALTII · ENVIRON iNTAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION LAND USE SECTION 3575 Eleventh Street Mall Riverside, CA 92501 PARCEL 2C/ 53 REGIONAL TEAM ~ ~ <blA~;J~/,() 1~J~3 ,WATER SOURCE:~,~iZ4JZ2 SCHEDULE ~ ORB. 460 PAtLENT P.M. (If Any) WAIVER REQUEST?NO THE DEPART~ENT OF HEALTH HAS REVIEWED THE b~P DESCRIBED ABOVE. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCER~ING THIS TRANSHITTAL, CONTACT 787-6543. OUR REC0~ENDATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: The Environmental Health Services D!visien (EHSD) has reviewed the above Parcel Map and while we ~:e nct privi!eBed to receive any preliminary infcrmation relative to subsurface s>3'va?~ disp'~s~C. or coP. nection to sewers or alemastic water supply, it is our conside~,~d .};~i..?-~ tis:~t the soils that nliB,t~ be encountered in this area may not be conducive to eftactive subsurface ~waBe disposal. Some difficulty may be encountered in effluent disposal from individual sewaBe disposal systems and because of soil chin a~eristics in the area there may be a requirement for extensive BradinS, cornice!ion, cuttinS, etc. Prior to reccrdation of the final map, an acceptable Soils feasibility report shall be submitted for review and al)proval by the EHSD. .; This parcel map indicates that 4Pe*" j'° c/*/"r~"/~"/"'/¢f Will serve the lots. This Department has not received any Official certification from that water company indicating their willingness and desire to do so. Therefore, no certification~ . for a water distribution sys~.em or connection is made, FOR .FEPU?Y DIRECTOR OF Hv ~t FOR ~FvT_REINF~ li ~/H Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 March 6, 1990 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Diane Kirksey County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Parcel Map 24633, Amended Map No. 1 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. Sincerely, Vaughn Sarkisian Land Use Technician /sn CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Backqround 1. Name of Proponent: 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: Robert Paine 6563 Via Arboles, Anaheim, CA 92808 1213) 633-0161 Date of Environmental Assessment: June 26, 1990 Agency Requiring Assessment: CITY OF TEMECULA Name of Proposal, if applicable: Tentative Parcel Map No. 24633 Location of Proposal: Northeast corner of Estero Street and Estero Street and Ormsby Road. II Environmental Impacts Explanations of all answers are provided on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? X Substantial change in topography or ground surface relief features? X The destruction, covering or modi- fication of any unique geologic or physical features? X STAFFRPT/2~633 1 Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, includin9, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow or ground waters? X X i .X X X X X STAFFRPT/24633 2 Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- in9 or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants ( includin9 trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existin9 species? Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Yes Maybe N__~o X X X X X X X X X ST A F F R PT / 2~,633 3 10. 11. 12. 13. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existin9 noise levels? Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or 91are? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources, Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial depletion of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (includin9, but not limited to, oil, pesticicles, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emer9- ency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existin9 housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X STAFFRPT/2~633 Yes Maybe No b. Effects on existing parking facili- ties, or demand for new parking? __ __ ~X c. Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? __ __ X d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? __ __ . X e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? X f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? __ __ X 14. Public Services, Will the proposal have substantial effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the followin9 areas: a. Fire protection? X b. Police protection? X c. Schools? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? X e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? X f, Other governmental services: __ X 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? __ __ X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? __ __ X 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? __ __ X STAFFR PT / 24633 5 17. 18. 19. 20. b. Communications systems? c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Human Health. Will the proposal result in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X X X ST A FF R PT / 24633 6 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long- term impacts will endure well into the future. ) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impact on two or more separate resources may be relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant, ) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Yes Maybe No X X X X STAFFRPT/24633 7 Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation 1.a,c,d e,f,9. 1.b. 2.a.b,c. 3.a,b,c, d,e,f, i. ~.a,b,c, d. 5.a. 5.b.c. ~.a,b. 8. 9.a,b. 10.a,b. 11. 12. 13.a,b,c, d,e,f. 1Lka,b,c, d,e. STAFFRPT/2~,633 No. The site has previously been graded under an approved County grading permit. Yes. Parcel 2 will have a house erected on the existing graded pad. The building constuction cannot take place without proper permits. Any mitigation necessary will be part of the building permit process. No. The grading has been completed on the project no major air eramissions are anticipated. No. The project has already been graded and no drainage course exist on site. No. The project has been previously graded no further impacts will OCCUr. No. The project site has been graded under previous permits. Yes. The area is shown as Stephens Kanagroo Rat habitat. The project will mitigate impact by payment of the appropriate fees. No. Only temporary construction noise impacts are anticipated. Construction activity will only occur for a limited time and be during the hours of 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. No. Only one additional residential home is being proposed. No. The proposed project conforms to the planned land use of the area. No. Only one residential unit is proposed no substantial impacts should occur to Natural Resources. No. Only a single family residence is proposed. No. The project conforms to the zoning for the site and area developement. No. Only one additional housing unit will be consturcted. No. Proper transportation facilities are provided for to the site. Yes. The project adds to the cumulative impacts on City facilities and 14.f. 15.a,b. 16.a,b,c, 16.d. 17 .a,b. 18. 19. 20.a,b. 20.c,d. 21 .a,b,d. 21 .c. resuorces. Mitigation will be achieved by payment of appropriate fees. Maybe. See 14 a-e. No. Only one single family residence is being proposed. No, No major utility extensions will be required. Yes. Septic tanks are proposed for project. Septic disposal must be approved by the Riverside County Health Department. Soil percolation test must be completed and shown as adequate prior to recordation. No. No health hazards were apparent or proposed on site. No. The project conforms to the area development. No. The project is not located in a proposed recreational, open space area. Maybe, The project is within possible prehistoric areas if excavation occurs a qualified Palentologist or Archaeloglst must be on site. No. No cultural or religious potential was evident on site, No. The project will not have a significant impact on the area. Maybe, The project will add to accumlative impacts caused by development. Proper mitigatlon measures are incorporated in the Conditions of Approval. STAFFR PT / 24633 9 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NECATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a signi- ticant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ticant effect on this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. X I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. For CITY OF TEMECULA ST A FF R PT / 2u,633 10