HomeMy WebLinkAbout111898 PC Agendain compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to parUclpate in this meeting, plea. contact the office of the Community Development Oepamtment at (909) 814-640(l. NoUficaOon 48 hours Ixlor to a meeUng will enabb the CIty to make reasonable arrangements to ensue accessibili~ to that meeUng [28 CFR ADA Title II] TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 1998, 6:00 PM 43200 Business Park Drive Council Chambers Temecula, CA 92390 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Slaven Reso Next In Order #98-041 ROLL CALL: Guerriero, Naggar, Slaven, Soltysiak and Webster PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the commissioners on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commissioners about an item no__t listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Planning Secretary before Commission gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Fire Department Presentation on "Hazardous Materials" PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Case No.: Applicant: Location: Proposal: Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) Randy and Gary Baker Northeast comer of Rio Nedo and Calle Empleado The design, construction and operation of two (2) industrial buildings, 20,385 square feet and 17,720 square feet respectively, on properties zoned LI (Light Industrial) Environmental Action: Mitigated Negative Declaration Planner: Carole Donahoe, Project Planner Recommendation: Approval Case No.: Planning Application No PA98-0348 (Development Plan) Applicant: Bdan Frenk, Saddleback and Associates Location: Located at the knuckle of Enterprise Circle West (APN 921-480-015) Proposal: A request to approve a Development Plan to construct and operate a 22,668 square foot industrial speculative building. Environmental Action: Mitigated Negative Declaration Case Planner: John DeGange, Project Planner Recommendation: Approval Case No: Planning Application No. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) Applicant: John Firestone Location: On the southeast corner of Rancho California Road and Ridge Park Ddve Proposal: The design, construction and operation of a 51,289 square foot speculative office building with associated parking and landscaping located on a parcel containing 4.01 gross acres. Environmental Action: Mitigated Negative Declaration Planner: Patty Anders, Assistant Planner Recommendation: Approval Case No.: Planning Application No. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) Applicant: Bdan Fronk, Saddleback Location: On the west side of Commerce Center Ddve, adjacent to Murrieta Creek. Proposal: The design. construction and operation of 15 speculative industrial/ manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet with assodated par~ing and landscaping located on two pamels consisting of 6.02 acres. Environmental Action: Mitigated Negative Declaration Planner: Patty Anders, Assistant Planner Recommendation: Approval PLANNING MANAGERS REPORT COMMISSIONER REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: December 2, 1998, 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California R :\wimbervg\plancomm~agendas\ 11 - 18-98 .doc ITEM #2 CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DMSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: November 18, 1998 Fire Department Hazardous Materials Chemical Classification and Quanti~cation Packet At the request of Commissioner Guerriero the Planning Staff has met with the Fire Department regarding the on-site storage and use of hazardous materials in the industrial and commemial zones within the City. The Fire Department has created and is currently using a Chemical Classification and Quantification Packet (reference Attachment No. 1) to review the classifications of hazardous materials used on project sites. Howard Windsor, Battalion Chief/Fire Marshall will attend the November 18, 1998 hearing to provide an overview of the Chemical Classification and Quantification Packet and address any comments the Commission may have. Attachments: 1. Chemical Classification and Quanti~cation Packet - Blue Page 2 \\TEMEC_FS201XDATA~DEPTSXPLAhrNINGXPLANNINGXfd - hazardous pe.doc ATTACHMENT NO. 1 CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION PACKET \\TEM EC_FS201 \DATAXDEPTSXPLANNINGXPLANNINGXfd - hazardous pc .doc 2 City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive - PO Box 9033 - Temecula, California 92589-9033 (909) 694-6439 FAX (909) 694-6478 PURPOSE: The classification of hazards for chemicals stored, used, and handled at facilities is equired to ensure that proper types of fire and life safety protection systems and procedures are in place. The information supplied by the applicant is also required to determine application of Title 24 California Code of Regulations (CCR), 1995 Edition, Part 2 California Building Code (CBC), and Part 9 California Fire Code (CFC) provisions and permit requirements. SCOPE: These requirements are applicable to any business storing, using, or handling hazardous materials within the City of Temecula jusidiction. By completing a Chemical Classification and Quantification Packet, the hazardous materials inventory statement requirement in Article 80 of the CFC is satisfied. GUIDELINES: Applicability A. A separate Chemical Classification Packet must be completed for each building, control area, outside storage area, or other detached structure at a facility. Specific instructions regarding the completion of this packet are detailed in the following attached Chemical Classification Packet, Attachment I. Page 1 of !9 ,Atraehme~lll; CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION PACKET ZV'EW OCCUPANCT AND/OR TENANT IMPROVEMENT Dam: /__/._ Facility Name: Address: Dear Architect/Business Owner: The classification of all chemicals stomf, used, or handled at your fm:ility is requited prior to approval of any plans. This inform=tlon will be used to demrmi= application of Unifortn Fir~ Code provisions aml permit requirem~ms. This information is mtuimi regasdless of your statJl$ with th~ l-l~7~rdous lVlar~rinlg Disclosure Office (th~ "Admini~l~rilg Agency" m~nd:~t~d by Chapter 6.95 of the Cnlifornin Health and Safety Code which requires disclosure of chemicals in quantities excreting sl~cific t~hold quantities). ff no chemicals or otl~ hazardous materials will be used, stored, or handled at th~ facility, a signca statement from business owner or property mnnaZ~r will be a~:~pt.~i in liell Of rhi~ cla~sifiaction packet. Attached are s~mple chemical classification forms and a list of definitions of h~Tnrd classes as defm~d by tl~ 1994 Uniform Fir~ Co~. Tim chmnical classifications that can be ~ ar~ re,inhered 1 through 32; only these d-finitious can be used when d~lffi'rninin~ th~ classificatiolJ of each of your ch~nicals. Other c!~finitious are included to assist you with completion of the packet. Each building and/or control area, oui~ide storage area or other detached structure at the facility requires a separate Chemical Classification Packet InClUdin~ a Snrnmfry Sheet for each area. A sample layout of a facility'that requires 5 scparam Chemical Classification Packets is shown in Figure 1 with th~ areas identified. The sample stzets included in rhi~ pach:t should be used to classify all chemicals sinrot, used, or handled at your facility regl~rdless of ql,nntities. Three scparam lists arc required to bc completed for ~ Chemical Classification Paclmt. These are: 1. Classification Form 2. Classification Summary Sheet 3. Area Totals hg~2ofl9 L~hs (Conuol Area 2) · One-hour occupancy separa~on Warehouse (Coou-ol Am 4) (Coon~l Am 3) Figurel Use the snmples provided as a guideline in desj_tminE your own documents. The format used in the samples must be m~inr=in,,d in your documents. All fields must be completed. Provide the name of the facility, adds~s, ana area addressed by the packet (if applicable) on each page of the Chemical Classification Packet. Use 9nlZ the definitions provided to classify your chemicals into all applicable categories. The forms should be typed or printed in black ink only. No incomplete forms will be accepted. Classirw. ation Fo, m, sample #1, is a list of all the chemicais used, stored, or h~ndled at tile facility (thi~ sample is for a single con~ol area within a building). Example chemicals have been provided with all required fields completed. T1~ following list explains the information required in each field. Common or Trad~ Name: This is the n~m~ of tlz chemical as it appears on the container label. Chemical N~me(s) and %: This is the technical nnme for the ~ chemical. If the chemical is a mixture, list the components of the mixture with their percentage corr~poSition. l/it is a pure chemical, list the pereenl concentration, e.g., sulfuric acid- 50%. CAS number: The Ctmm~ Abswact number can sometlm,s be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet. If not. a chemical m~.~.~, should provide thi~ information (see reference list on page 5). A CAS m2mber IllliSt be provided for each component of mixtures. Pap3ofl9 Mazcrial Form: Is che product a solid, liquid or gas? Solids sh,I! be reported in pounds, Uquids repor~d in gallons, and gases reported in cubic feet, Liquefied petrolearn gases and cryogenic liquids must be convened to gRliODS. AerosoIs must be reported in pOnnd~ nntt ChSSilrle~l as Level I, 2, or 3 based on the fJnmmnhillty Of the propellent nntt the product (see definition of aerosol). However, the quantity of nonfiammable/combustible componems in the acrosol must be r,:poned in gallons, e.g., .016 gallons (2 ounces) of ten~metiu-in in 'Combat Fogger', The .016 gallons of tewamerlLrin mus~ also be included in ~ Snmmnnf for thnr/those class(es). Qnanriry Sml~i: The ~mOL!//i in norage Within ~ COnrnlner~ in ~be building or Quantity In use: The amoun~ in use in tbc process/dispeusing area(s) of d3c buitding. Also, indicam whether the amoum in use is in an ~ or closed system(s) (see attached defmifious). · Location: Is the product in a cabinet, lab room, high-piled rack system, open vat, etc. H~-~rd Class(es): All h~,nrd classifications for th~ chemical must be listed. Ther~ my be several applicable classifications. It is important to list all applicable classificatious for each chemical because the code requirements vary for different classificatious. ff ~ hazard camgory includes sub-classes, such as Water-Ructive C/all,t, ensure that the appropriate sub-class is identLfied. Classification Snmm~ry Sheet, sample f2, is a list of the chemicals from the Classification Form. To develop this sheet r~organiz~ the information from the Classification Form ~nd_ list it by h,7~rd class. The following is a list of the r~quired reformation: · · · · · · · · · · Chemical Name Amoum Stored Open System Use Amount (O.S. Use) Closed System Use Amoum (C.S. Use) Location of Storage Location of Use Totals for Interior Swrage Totals for Exterior Swra~e Totals for Open System Use To?~k for Closed System Use Page4ofl9 .~'ea Totals, sample #3, is a list of the totals for the building and/or area. If upon Fire Authority review, there ks any question as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provide, a third party technical report may be requixed at the expense of your business (1994 Uniform Fire Coae Sec. 103.1.1). Please return the completed chemical classification forms antt .~umtnary as soon as possible so t.h..at your plan review will not be delayed.. If you have any questions about these requirements or me mfonnaUon provided, contact me at ( ) .-U. so, contact mc Hazardous Materials Disclosure Office at ( ) to ensure you are m compliancc with local, state, and federal Cornm,mriy Right-To-Know laws. Respect'fuRy, Fise Safer)' Specialist REFERENCE BOOKS: Tn~- M;rck Index. 10th eel.. Merck & Co. In~., Rahway. New Jersey 07065 (1983) Sling. Masshall. Handtx~ok of Toxic and l-taTardous Chemicals and Carcino~ens. Noyes Publication.s. Mill Roacl. Patio Rxagc, New Jersey 07856 :..ewts St.. Richard J., Sax's Dangerous P'ro~enies oflndusmal Materials, 8th e~.. Van Noscrancl Rein.hold Put~iicauons. :'.5 Fif'.h Avenue, New York. New Yorl~ 10003 Hzn~t,nn~ ~,f Compresseel Gases. Compresseel Gas Association t. nc., 1225 Jcffersou Davis Highway, .~tin~on. Virgima 222~ :~r'. Prolecnon Guide to bla:,ardou~ Materials. 10th ed.. National FLrc Prou:cUon Association. 1 Bam:r-jmasch Paxlc. .~.O, Box 9101 Quiney, Ma.sslehu.sem 02269 Fluer, L~"ry. Hanrdou~ Materials Classification Guide, ln~matiom~l Fire Coch: kastim~e, 5360 Worlanan Mill Roaa. Whittier, California. 90601 Page 5 of 19 UNY~ORM FIRE CODR DEFYNTrIONS FOR ]:[AT, ARBOUS M~xTI~.RIAI.q BOTH PHYSICAl. AI~rD I~.AT .TH tIAT. ARDS 1994 F-13ITION 1. ~ .OSIV~.: A chemical that causes a sudden, almost insmnmr~ous release of pressure, gas and heat when subjects! W sudden shock, pressure, or high temperatures or (b) a material or ch~lnical, other thgn blasting agent, that is commonly used or intended w be used for the purpose of producing an explosive efteeL CO1VfPI~SSk"]r) GA.q~.q COMPRESSD GAS: A material or mixllLre Of materi,i, which is a gas at 68 °F (20°C) or less at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) of pressure and has a boilinE point of 68°F (20°C) or less at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) which is either liquefied, nonliquefied or hi solution, except those gases which have no ottzr health or physical h,7-rd properties are not comidered to be COmpreSSed ,,nti{ the pressure in the packaging exc~ecls 41 psia (292.5 kPa) at 68°F (20°C). The states of a compressed gas are categoriz=d as follows: (a) Nonliquefied compressed gases are gases, other than those in solution, which are in a packa~inS under ttz charged pressure and are entirely gaseous at a temperature of 68°F (20°C). (b) Liquefied compressed gases are gases which in a packaging under the charged pressure are partially liquid at a temperature of 68°F (20°C). (c) Compressed gases in solution are nonliquefied gases which are dissolved in a solvent. (d) Compressed gas mixtures consist of a mi~CtlLr~ Of tWO Or illore compressed gases contained in a packaging, the b~7~nt properties of which are represented by the properties of the miXnLre as a whole. 2- FI ,AMMARI.R GAS: A material which is a gas at 680F (20°C) or less at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) of pressure [a material has a boiling point of 680F (20°C) or less at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa)] which is (a) ignitable at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) when in a mixture of 13 percent or less by volume with air or Co) hs_~ a flammable range at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) with air of at least 12 percent, regardless of the lower limit. Th~ limits specified Shmll be determined at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) of pressure and a temperature of 68°F (20°C) in accordmru-e with nationally recognized sinrid,his. 3. I.IQUI~.FIRD P~OLRUM GA.q H.PGh A material which is composed predominanfiy of the foliowlnL, hydrocarbons or mixtures of them: pwpane, propylene, but~n~ (norms! butane or isobutane) and butylenes. Plg~6ofl9 FI.AMMAI~TJ~. nnd COMBUg-ri ,I.R T.IOUITIS Classify flnmmnhie and combustible liquids according to 4. FLAMMARt .F, LTOUITI: A liquid having a flash point below 100°F and having a vapor pressur~ not exceeding 40 psia at 100°F. Class I liquids shall include those having flash poixus below 100°F and are subdivided as follows: Class I-A liquids in~lud~ those havi-_a flash points below 730F and having a boiling point below 100°F. Cla~ I-B liquids include those having flash poiat~ below 73°I: and having a boiling point at or above 100°F, Class I-C liquids include those having flash points at or above 73°F and below 100°F. 5. COMBUSTTRL~.. T,IOl.rfD: A liquid having a flash point at or above 100°F. Combustible liquids are subdivided as follows: Class H liquids are those having flash points at or above 100°F and below 140°F. Class IH-A liquids ar~ those having flash points at or above 140°F and below 200 °F. Class I!I-B liquids are those liquids having flash polnr~ at or above 200 0F. SOLIDS 6, FLAMMABI,E SOI.ID: A solid substance, other than ol~ which is defined as a blasting agent or explosive, that is liable to cause f'u'e through friction or as a result of rezained heat from manufacture, which has an ignition uern,~:rausre below 212 degrees F, , or which burns so vigorously or persistently when.ignited that it creates a serious hazard. Flammable solids include solid materials which when dispersed in air as a cloud may be ignited and cause an explosion. ORGANIC PEROXIDF. S ORGANIC PEROXIDE: An organic compound that contains the bivalent -0-0- su-ucture and which may be considered to be a structural derivative of hydrogen peroxide where one or both of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by an organic radical. Organic peroxides may present an explosive ba~ant (dewnation or defiagration) or they may be shock sensitive. They may also decompose into various --~table compounds over an exmnded period of time. Clnssffica~on of organic peroxides accordln_a to ha~npdS: ?. CI.A.gS I: Class I peroxides are capable of de~agntion, but not detonation. These peroxides present a high explosion ha~,~ci through rapid decomposition. Psg~7ofl9 8. CI ,ASS II: Class H peroxides burn very rapidly aud present a severe reactivity bin--hi. 9. CI ,A,~S rH: Class 111 peroxides burn rapidly and present a moderate reactivity b,~nrd. 10. CIA,~S IV: Class IV peroxides burn in the sam. manner as ordinary combustibles and present a minim.m reaEtivity h~?~rd. 11. CI,A,~S V: Class V peroxides do not burn or present a decomposition h,Tmrcl. OXYDT77F..R,q OXIDIZER: A chemical other than a blastin~ agent or explosive that initiates or promotes combustion in other materials, thereby causing fire either of itself or through the release of oxygen or other gases. Classification of Hquid and solid oxjdl?ers according to 12. CLASS 4: An oxidizer that can undergo an explosive reaction du~ to contamination or exposure to thermal or physical shock. In addition, the oxidizer wffi enhance the burning rate and my cause spontaneous ignition of combustibles. 13. CI ,ASS 3: An oxidizer that can cause a severe increase in th~ burning rate of combustible material with which it comes in contact or that will undergo vigorous serf-sustained decomposition due to co~tion or exposure to heat. 14. CLA.~S 2: An oxidizer that wffi cause a moderate increase in tim burning rate or that may cause spontaneous ignition of combustible materi~|~ with which it comes in comet. 1S. CI,A,~S h An oxidizer whose primary h,-~rd is that it slightly increases the burning rate but does not cause spontaneous ignition when it comes in contact with combustible materials. PYROPRORTC MATF,,RTAT,,~ 16. PYROPHORIC: A chemical that will spontaneously ignite in air at or below a temperature of I30°F. UNSTARL;, (RW, AC'TfVE) CY,ARS~,S UNSTABLE MATERIALS: A material, other th~n an explosive, which in the pure state or as commercially produced will vigorously polymerize, decompose, condense or become serf- reactive and undergo other violent chemical changes, including explosion, when exposed to heat, friction or shock, or in the absence of an inhibiWr or in the presence of conr~minants Or in contact with incompatible materials. hie 8 of 19 Classffication of unstable reactlye cbfini~lc aCCOrdin,~ tO h~rd. 17. CI,A.~S 4: Materi.l~ which in themselves are readily capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or explosive reaction at normal temperatures nnd pressures. This class should include materials which are sensitive to m~cbanicnl or localized thermnl shock at norrunt temperatures and pressures. 18. CI .A,~S 3: Materlalg which in themselves are capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or' explosive reaction but which requl~ a stron~ initlatin~ sour~ or which must be heated under confumment before initiation. This degree should include materials which are sensitive to ttmnnal or ~lcChaniCal shock at elevated temperatures and prcasurcs. 19. CI,A,~S 2: Materials which ~ themselves axe normally ,,n~table and readily undergo violent chemical change but do not detonate, This degree should include materials which can undergo chemical chan~e with rapid release of energy at normal temperatures and pressures and which can undergo violent chemical chan~e at elevated temperatures and pressures. 20. CI,A,~S h Materials which in themselves ar~ normally stable but which can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures. WATRR-RRAt~'i'iv~. CLARSRS WATER-REACTIVE SOl ,m/LIQUID MATERIAL: A material which explodes; violently reacts; produces fiammable, toxic or other baT~rdous gases; or evolves enough heat to cause self-ignition of nearby combustibles upon exposure to water or moisture. Classffication of water-rut'five Chomle~lc accordlnE to 21. CI,A,~S 3: Materials which react explosively with water without requiring heat or confinemere. 22. CI,A,~S 2: Materials which may form potentially explosive mixtures with water. 23. CI,A,~S h Materlak which my react with water with some release of energy but not violently. 24. CRYOGRNIC FT,LrI"DS: Those fluids that have a normal boiling point below (minns)-150 degrees F. 2S. HIGI41,Y TONIC MATERIAI,R: A material which produces a lethal dose or lerhn! concentration which falls within any of the following categories: hie 9 of 19 (a) A chemicaJ that has a median lethal dose (LDso) of 50 mg/kg or less of body weight when administered orally to albino rats wej~hin~ between 200 and 300 grams. Co) A chemical that has a median lethal dose (LD~ of 200 mg/kg or less of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours, or less if death occurs within 24 hours, with the bare skin of albino rabbits weirbin5 between 2 and3kgeach. (C) A chemical that has a median lethal concentration (LC_~ in air of 200 ppm by volume or less of gas or vapor, or 2 rag/liter of rni~t, fume or dust, when athninistered by consinuous inhalation for one hour, w albino rats weiEhin~ between 200 and 300 gr~m~ each. Mixtures of these materials with ordinary materials, such as water, may not warrant classification as highly toxic. While this syst~n is basically simple in application, any haTard evaluation which is required for the precise categorization of this type of material shall be performed by experienced, technically competent persons. 26. TOXIC MAT~.RTAI.: A material which produces a lethal dose or a lethal concernration within ally Of the foLlowillg categories: (a) A chemical or substance that has a median lethal dose (LDso) of more than 50 mg/kg but not more than 500 mg/kg of body weight when srlmini~tered orally to albino rats weirbinS between 200 and 300 grams each. Co) A chemical or substance that has a median letlnl dose (LDso) of more than 200 mg/kg but not more than 1,000 mg/kg of body weight when administered by continuous contaa for 24 hours, or less if death occurs within 24 hrs., with bare skin of albino rabbits wei~hin_v between 2 and 3 kilograms each. (C) A chemical or substance that has a median lethal concenwation (LCso) in air more than 200 ppm but not more than 2,000 ppm by volume of gas or vapor, or more than 2 zng/L but not more than 20 mgFL of mlsl;, f, rne or dust, when administered by continuous inhalation for one hour, or less if death occurs wirhln O~ hour, tO aJbino rats Wej~hln_e between 200 and 300 grams each. 27. RADIOAC'r~v'F, MAT$4',kTAT,: A material or combination of materials that spontaneously emits ionizing radiation. Pa~ 10 of 19 28. CORROSllr~.: A chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in. living tissue by chemical action at the site of COntact. A chemical is considered to be corrosive if, when tested on the inrnct skin of albino rabbits by the method described in Appendix A to C.F.R. 49 Pan 173, it destroys or changes irreversibly the swacnffe of the tissue at the site of contact following an exposure p~riod of four houn. This term does not refer w action on Lnnn~mnt. e surfaces. 29. CARCllqOGlq?N: A substance that caus~ th~ developmere of cancerous growths in Livin~ tissue. A chemical is considered w be a carcinogen if (a) it has been evaluated by th~ Internationsl Agency for Research on Canca (IARC) and found w be a carcinogen or poreDre1 carcmogcn, or Co) it is listed as a can:inogcn or potential can:inogcn in the latest edition of the Annual Report on Cazcinogens published by the National Toxicology Prognm~ or (c) it is regulated by OSHA as a caz~inogcn. 30. IRRrl'ANT: A chemical that is not corrosive. but which causes a reversible i~mmm~itOry effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. A chemical is a skin irritant if. when tested on the sicin of albino rabbits by the methods of 16 C.F.R. 1500.41 for four hours' exposure or by other appropriate techniques, it results in an empirical score of 5 or more. A chemical is an cyc in'jt~nr if so determined under the procedure listed in 16 C.F.R. 1500.42 or other approved teChniqlies. 31. SENSITmT, KR: A chemical thnt causes a subsr~ntl.! proportion of exposed people or ~nirn~l~ to develop an allcrgic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical. 32. OTI~,R Frlq',AT ,TF[ FIAT, ARt) MAT~,,RIA1, CFARGF,,T ORGAN TOXINSh A rn.t~rial which affects target organs of the body, inClUdlnE, but not ]imited to, those materials which produce liver damage, kidney damage, damage to the nervous system, act on the blood to decrease hemoglobin function, deprive the body tissue of oxygen, or affect reproductive capabilities, including mutations (chromosonal tt~m~Ec) or teratogens (effects on fcmses). 33. AF, ROSOI.S: A product which is dispensed from an aerosol container by a propellant. For classification of aerosois, refer to the following table. Pa2e 11 c CLASSIFICATION OF AEROSOLSz PROPELLANT (percentage)~ Non~amm~ble Nonfiammable < 50 Flammable l 50 tO < 80 Fl~mm~ble ~ 80 Flarere.hie Non~nmm.ble < 50 Fl~mm.ble z 50 Flamm~ble Nol:Lfiammable ( 50 Fhmm~ble z 50 Flammable Nonfiammable or ( 80 Fla~mable ~ 80 Flammable FLAMMABLE CONSTITUENTS IN BASE PRODUCT (percentage)z 25 and Nonwater Soluble 85 and Water Soluble s25 s25 CLASSIFICATION 1 I 2 3 > 85 and Wmr Soluble 2 > 25 and Water Soluble 2 > 25 ~nd Water Soluble 3 > 25 to s 55 and Nonwaxer Soluble 2 > 25 to s 55 and Nonwater Soluble 2 . > 25 to ~ 55 and Nonwater Soluble 3 > 55 ned Nonwater Soluble 3 < 20 ~nd Water Soluble or 3 Nonwater Soluble The designation of an a~rosol's fiammabiliW shall not be based on the labeling of an asrosol cornairier. When a flareramble propella~ equah or ez~_~eed_s 50 percem of ltz net wei~h~ of the COn'siet'T COIIL'DB, the classification System shall be raised to the next higher level. The base product is defined as the romeo. n, er~:h~dln_e the propelher A base produa r. omponem is considezed flsamm~hle if in flash point is below 500°F. The percentage of ft=mmshie material in the base product is r. alc~s~p~ as follows: Percentage of Flammable Material weiaht of ~ammshle comnonent~ X 100 (weight of comere- - wei~h~ of plOpelhnt) · The percentage of propetlant is its proportion of the total conzenzs of the container, by weiglg. The pen:enrage of ptopellant is r. alc~,~.~' ~s follows: P~n:,'ntage of Propellain weiaht of orooellant X 100 (weighz of nomP~rs) s In unsprinldercd buildin[s, pwduas in this ca~epry shall be ~ a~ Level 2 aerosols. Ps~ 12of M],~c~;~ J .AN!?.OUS DIiIFrNri'!ON.q: The following Definitions will assLst you in completing the Chemical classification forms. However these art not haTard classes and should not appear on forms. ~ A material with a ~uidity greater than that of 300 penetration asphalt when tested in accordance with approved s?anttards. The t~rm 'liquid* includes both flammable ~ combustible liquids. RI~,ACTIVI~, MAT~,RI AT,: A r-a~-,,-ial which can enmr ~o a ha--~ou~ ~cal reaction with other stable or Hn~abJe materials. OPP, N ,~YSTI~M: Use of a solid or liquid b='-,rdous material in a vessel or system that is continuously open to th~ atmosphere during normal operations and where vapors are liberate, or the product is exposed to the atmosphere during normal operations. Examples of ope~ solids or llclulds i~lude dispensing from or into open beakers or contai~rs, and dip rank ~ platinv tank operations. CI.OSED SYSTV. M: Use of a solid or liquid ba-ardOns material in a closed system that remain,: closed during normal opendons where vapors emitted by the product are not h'beTated outside of the vessel or system and the product is not exposed to the atmosphere during normal operations, and all uses of compressed gases. Examples of closed systems for solids and liquids include reaction process operations an product conveyed through a piping system into a closed vessel, system or piece of equipment. DETONATION: An exoth~mic reaction characterized by the presence of a shock wave in a material which establishes and maintaln~ the reaction. The reaction zone progresses through the material at a rate greater than the velocity of SO-hal. The principle heating moChanigh is one of shock compression. Detonations havt an explosive effect. DI~,FLAGRATION: An exothermic reaction, such as the extremely rapid oxidation of a fiammable dust or vapor in air, in which the reaction progresses through the nnhgX'13~t materj~.l at a rate less than the Velocity 0 sound. A de~agradon can have an explosive effect. CONTROL ARRA: A building or portion of a bUildlnS Within which the exempted mounts of haTardous materials are allowed to be swred, dispensed, used or hie 13 of SA1VIPLE #3 Company Name: Company Address: Class I-B Flammable: Interior Storage: 20 gal Exterior Storage: 55 gal Open System Use: 14 gill Fhmmable C-sn: . Interior Storage: 200 cf Closed System Use: 200 cf Cla~s I Water Reactlye: Interior Storage: 55 gal, 50 lb Open System Use: 0 gal, 7 Ib Closed System Use: 15 gal, 0 lb ToxiC; Interior Storage: 55 gal Exterior Storage: 110 gal Open System Use: 55 gal Closed System Use: 15 gal Corrosive: In~rior Storage: 455 gal, I00 Ib Open Systezn Use: 2~ gal, 17 Ib Closed System Use: 70 gal, 0 lb Other Health Hazard: Interior Swrage: 420 gal, 100 lb Exterior Storage: 55 ffal, 0 lb Open Symm Use: 29 gal, 17 Ib Closetl System Use:70 gal, 0 lb SensitiTer: Exterior Swrage: I10 gal Open System Use: 55 gal AREA TOTALS (AREA #1) Clans II Combustible: h~rior Storage: 15 gal F. xtefior Storage:110 gal (~ Sys~n Use: 60 gal Cln~s 10xidiTer: Interior Storage: 55 gal, 50 lb Open Sys~n Use: 10 gal, 10 Ib Class 2 Un.~ble Reactive: Interior Storage: 200 cf Closed System Use: 200 cf FI~ffhly Toxic: Interior Smnge: 50 lb Open System Use: 10 lb Carci~ogen: Interior Stonge: Exterior Storage: Open System Use: 35 gal, 50 Ib 110 gal, 0 lb 66 gal, 10 lb Inmfior Storage: 20 gal Exterior Storage: 165 gal Open System Use: 69 gal SAM~.~. mz .. ~ HIGH PH,~ STOCK INVENTORY To be comple~l by the Business Owner or Manage~ List all products containing pl~ics stored over 6 f~t high, List all aerosol products. List ~11 oth~ produ~s stored over 12 feet high. List ld| ~amm~lb[e atKl c, oRlbll$Iible liquids over I ~ ~ C~p~y N~: Plm File No: E~g Sp~ ~ ~: To~ ~e f~ ~ ~l~g ~ ~d 15 f~t on ~ ~: PRODUCTS S~O ~C~S- SOB ~1'~ NON SOLD PhoneNo.: Ceiling I-kight: Sprinklex I-Ie41d Temp. STORAGE pAT l ~TS CARTONS AISI, j~ ORRACKS BAGS WKYH-.I OTHE:R This informeRon is submitted fo~ detemdnation tithe type of fire protec~on devices that might be required. Any deviations may require additional protection ~ building iS built or occupied. I hereby certify all the storage of high pile stock will be limited as indicated above. A. Commodity Classification: B. SpnnldersinRac. ks: C. Fig.: D. Curves: E. SprinlderDemity: By: F. Spriald~r Tcmp.: O. Apply Fig 6-8.2: H, Class H S/P: I. 1% Hog: I. Vent Ratio: IC Veto Spacing: L. Smoke Detect: M Curtain Boards: N. Cur, mBoards: ITEM #3 RECOMMENDATION: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 1998 Planning Application No. PA98-O410 (Development Plan) Prepared By: Carole K. Donahoe, AICP, Project Planner The Community Development Department - Planning Division Staff recommends the Planning Commission: 1. ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan); 2. ADOPT the Mitigated Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan); 3. ADOPT Resolution No. 98- approving Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. APPLICATIONINFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: EXISTING LAND USE: R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dOC Randy and Gary Baker, Transducer Techniques. Scott Buckles, Dekkon Development To design, construct and operate two (2) single-story industrial buildings, 20,375 square feet and 17,720 square feet respectively, on Parcels 33 and 34 of Parcel Map No. 21382, totaling 2.28 acres. Northeast comer of Rio Nedo and Calle Empleado LI (Light Industrial) North: LI (Light Industrial) South: LI (Light Industrial) East: LI (Light Industrial) West: LI (Light Industrial) Not requested BP (Business Park) Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: Vacant South: Flow-Serve and Plant Equipment East: Vacant West: RDO Rentals PROJECT STATISTICS Total Area: Total Building Area: Landscape Area: Paved Area Lot 33 50,530 sq. ft. 20,375 sq. ft. 12,451 sq. ft. 17,704 sq. ft. Lot 34 48,787 sq. ft. (40%) 17,720 sq, ft. (36%) (25%) 9,885 sq. ~. (20%) (35%) 21,182 sq. ft. (43%) Total 99,317 sq. ft. 38,095 sq. ft. (38%) 22.336 sq. ft. (22%) 38,886 sq. ft. (39%) Parking Required: Office use: 3,583 sq. ft. Warehouse: 12,789 sq. ft. Manufacture: 4,628 so. ft. Total Vehicle: 21,000 sq. ft. Total Bicycle: Total Motorcycle: 12 2,000 sq. ft. 7 13 12,720sq. ft. 13 1_~2 3,000 sa. ft. 8 37 17,720 sq. ~. 28 4 4 1 1 5,583 sq. ft. 19 25,509 sq. ft. 26 7,628 sa. ft. 1_99 38,720 sq. ft. 64 8 2 Parking Provided: 39 44 Standard Vehicle 33 38 Compact Vehicle 6 (15%) 6 Handicapped Accessible 2 2 Bicycle Parking Provided: 5 5 Motorcycle Parking: 0 0 (14%) 83 71 12 4 10 0 Building Height: 30 feet 30 feet BACKGROUND A Pre-Application Meeting was held for this project on July 29, 1998. The application for land use was formally submitted on October 1, 1998. The Development Review Committee Meeting scheduled for October 15, 1998 was waived by the applicant because there were no further design changes and corrections to exhibits were minor. The project was deemed complete on October 27, 1998. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes to relocate and expand Transducers Techniques, an existing business currently operating from facilities in the Rancho California Business Park. The applicant expects to use the proposed 20,375 square foot building on Lot 33, and share access ddveways with Lot 34. A speculative industrial building is proposed for Lot 34 of 17,720 square feet. Lot 33 and the two access driveways and drive aisles are proposed for construction in Phase 1, and Lot 34 is proposed for construction in a later phase. R:~STAFFRIx~410pa98,STAFFRPT.PC2.doc 2 ANALYSIS Site Design and Circulation The project site is located on two parcels at the northeast comer of Calle Empleado and Rio Nedo. These parcels will share access from both Rio Nedo and Calle Empleado through a reciprocal access and parking agreement, The main entrances to both buildings face each other, off Rio Nedo, and provide customer parking areas at this location. Additional parking extends along the building and along the north property line, .for employees. There are loading areas on the north side of both buildings, as well as outdoor employee eating areas. Landscapinq Both parcels meet the Development Code requirement for 20% landscaping. Landscaping is provided along all perimeter areas. Enhanced landscaping on both sides of the Calle Empleado driveway screen loading areas which are a minimum 61 feet from the street on the north side of the buildings. The applicant has provided landscaping to soften the effect of the handicapped accessible ramp along Rio Nedo. Landscaping at the entryways of both buildings provide accent and interest. Eleven existing African Sumac street trees are proposed for removal in order to facilitate construction. At the request of staff, African Sumac shall be replaced along Rio Nedo with eight (8) Sumacs at 36" box size, and along Calle Empleado with six (6) London Plane trees at 36" box size. Amhitecture The building architecture offers features that generate interest such as the rounded walls facing the entrance to the site. Diagonal walls at the most visible corners can be seen from Rio Nedo easterly and from the intersection of Calle Empleado and Rio Nedo. Additionally, the main doors are recessed, which provide focal points as you approach the buildings. Although the sides and backs of the buildings face Rio Nedo and Calle Empleado, the expanse of walls are broken up with indents, the strategic use of glass, and differant bands of colors. The applicant proposes monochromatic colors that are dean and compatible with each other. The corporate logo has an outline of blue as a contrasting color. The reflective gray glass proposed at the building fronts will offer an impressive "wall" of glass, ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION An Initial Study has been praparad for this project. The Initial Study determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval. Any impacts will be mitigated to levels less than significant. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS The General Plan Land Use designation for the site is BP (Business Park). Existing zoning for the site is LI (Light Industrial). Office/warehouse/manufacturing uses are permitted with the approval R:~TAFFRPT%4101~98.~TAFFRFF.PC2.do~ 3 of a development plan pursuant to Chapter 17.08 of the Development Code. The project as proposed and conditioned is consistent with the policies contained in the General Plan and with the requirements of the-Development Code and the City's Design Guidelines. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The project is proposed within an existing.business park that is partially developed. The project is compatible in use and design with existing development in the area. Staff recommends approval of the project. FINDINGS The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City, including Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. An Initial Study was prepared for the project and has determined that, although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval added to the project. The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species of their habitats, including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and street improvements have already been installed on site. There are no native species of plants, no unique, rare, threatened or endangered species of plants, no native vegetation on or adjacent to the site. Further, there is no indication that any wildlife species exist, or that the site serves as a migration corridor. A DeMinimus impact finding can be made for this project. R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dOC 4 Attachments: PC Resolution - Blue Page 6 Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval- Blue Page 9 Initial Study - Blue Page 21 Mitigation Monitoring Program - Blue Page 34 Exhibits - Blue Page 40 A. Vicinity Map B, Zoning Map C. General Plan Map D. Site Plan E. Landscape Plan F. Floor Plans G. Elevations H. Color Rendering I, Grading Plan R:~STAPFRPT~410p~98.STA,cPIU~.PC2.doc ATTACHMENT NO, 1 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- R:~STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc 6 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0410 (DEVELOPMENT PLAN) FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF TWO (2) INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, 20,375 SQUARE FEET AND 17,720 SQUARE FEET RESPECTIVELY, ON TWO (2) LOTS TOTALING 2.28 ACRES, AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 909-290-033 AND 909-290-034 WHEREAS, Randy and Gary Baker of Transducer Techniques filed Planning Application No. PA98-0410 in accordance with the City of Temecuia General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, Planning Application No. PA98-0410 was processed including, but not limited to public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered Planning Application No. PA98-0410 on November 18, 1998, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to, and did, testify either in support or opposition to this matter; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Commission headng and after due consideration of the testimony, the Commission approved Planning Application No. PA98-0410; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. by reference. That the above radtations are true and correct and are heraby incorporated Section 2. Findings. That the Temecula Planning Commission, in approving Planning Application No. PA98-0410, heraby makes the following findings as required in Section 17.05.010.F of the Temecula Municipal Code: A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable raquiraments of State law and other Ordinances of the City, including Mr. Palomar Lighting Ordinance and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula for the ~rotection of the public health, safety and welfare. C. An Initial Study was prepared for the project and has determined that, although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval added to the project. R:XSTAFFRPTN410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2 .doc 7 The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species of their habitats, including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and street improvements have already been installed on site. There are no native species of plants, no unique, rare, threatened or endangered species of plants, no native vegetation on or adjacent to the site. Further, there is no indication that any wildlife species exist, or that the site serves as a migration corridor. A DeMinimus impact finding can be made for this project. Section 3. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study has been prepared for this project. The Initial Study determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval. Any impacts will be mitigated to levels less than significant. Section 4. Conditions That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) for the design, construction and operation of two (2) industrial buildings, 20,375 square feet and 17,720 square feet respectively, on two (2) lots totaling 2.28 acres, located on the northeast corner of Calle Empleado and Rio Nedo, as known as Assessors Parcel Nos. 909-290-033 and 909-290-034, and subject to the project specific conditions set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this eighteenth day of November, 1998. Marcia Slaven, Chairperson I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the eighteenth day of November, 1998 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary R:~TAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc 8 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R:\STAFFRFF\410pa98.STAFFRFr. PC2,doc 9 EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No. PA98-0410 Development Plan Project Description: Assessor's Parcel No.: Approval Date: Expiration Date: To design, construct and operate two (2) industrial buildings, 20,375 square feet and 17,720 square feet respectively, on hvo (2) lots totaling 2.28 acres 909-290-033 and 909-290-034 November 18, 1998 November 18, 2000 PLANNING DIVISION Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project The applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department - Planning Division a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Seventy-Eight Dollars ($78.00) for the County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination with a DeMinimus Finding for the Mitigated or Negative Declaration required under Public Resources Code Section 21108(b) and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department - Planning Division the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition (Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c)). General Requirements The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify, protect, hold harmless, and defend with Legal Counsel of the City's own selection, the City shall be deemed for purposes of this condition, to include any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, and agents from any and all claims, actions, awards, judgements, or proceedings against the City to attack, set aside, void, annul, seek monetary damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from any action in furtherance of and the approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Planning Application. City shall promptly notify the both the applicant and landowner of any claim, action, or proceeding to which this condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. The City reserves its right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense. 3. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year pedod which is thereafter diligently R:\STAFFRP~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dOC 10 pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures contained in the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program, Outside storage of equipment or materials is not permitted with this development plan. Should any outside storage be contemplated for the site, the applicant shall first file a wdtten request to do so with a site. plan showing the location, size and screening of the outside storage area, for review and approval by the Planning Manager. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "D" Site Plan contained on file with the Community Development Department - Planning Division. Landscaping shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "E" Landscape Plan. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Manager and the Temecula Development Code. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Planning Manager shall have the authority to require the property owner to bdng the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. Building elevations shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibits "G-1 through G-4 Building Elevations, contained on file with the Community Development Department - Planning Division. The colors and materials for this project shall substantially conform to the following list of approved colors and materials and with Exhibit "J" Color and Matedal Board, contained on file with the Community Development Department - Planning Division. Any deviation from the approved colors and materials shall require approval of the Community Development Director. Matedal Concrete walls - primary Concrete walls - secondary Concrete Walls - secondary Glass Aluminum window frames Doors Color Frazee FZ001 "White" Frazee FZ384 "Cadmium" (Light Grey) Frazee FZ115 "Cape Cod Grey" (Dark Grey) Reflective Grey Dark bronzed "Black" Frazee FZ384 "Cadmium" (Light Grey) 10. All mechanical and roof equipment shall be screened from public view by architectural features integrated into the design of the structure, as depicted in Exhibit "K" Roof-Mounted Equipment Locations," on file in the Planning Department. Prior to the Issuance of Grading Permits 11. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.24 of the Temecula Municipal Code (Habitat Conservation) by paying the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance or by providing documented evidence that the fees have already been paid. R: ',STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT. PC2.doc 11 12. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Community Development Department - Planning Division staff, and return one signed set to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for their files. 13. The applicant shall revise all Exhibits to reflect the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Community Development Department - Planning Division staff, and submit five (5) full size copies and a reduced copy. Additionally, two (2) 8" X 10" glossy photographic color prints of approved Exhibit "J" (Color and Materials Board) shall be submitted to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for their files. All labels on the Color and Materials Board and Elevations shall be readable on the photographic prints. Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits 14. A Consistency Check fee shall be per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule. 15. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for apprevaL These plans shall conform substantially with the approved Exhibit "E" Landscape Plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The cover page shall identify the total square footage of the landscaped area for the site. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). b. One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with the approved plan). 16. The applicant shall pay Development Impact Fees in accordance with Ordinance No. 97-09. The Planning Department has determined that the project shall pay Development Impact Fees under the Business Park/Industrial type of land use. Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits 16. An Administrative Development Plan application for signage shall be required for any signage not included on Exhibit "H" Color Rendedng or as amended by these conditions. 17. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage identified on the approved Exhibit "H" Color Rendedng or as amended by these conditions. 18. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Planning Manager. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFR.PT,PC2.dOC 12 19. Performance secudties, in amounts to be determined by the Planning Manager, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings, in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan, shall be filed with the Community Development Department - Planning Division for one year from final certificate of occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Planning Manager, the bond shall be released. 20. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectodzed sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the intedor end of the parking space at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, clearly and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed by telephoning 909 696-3000." In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the Symbol of Accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. 21. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with pdor to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT Unless othenNise noted, all conditions shall be completed by the Developer at no cost to any Government Agency. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows on the site plan all existing and proposed property lines, easements, traveled ways, improvement constraints and drainage courses. and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further review and revision. General Requirements 22. A Grading Permit for either rough and/or precise grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. 23. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works pdor to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. 24. All improvement plans, and grading plans, shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. R:\STAFFRFT~410pa98.STAFFRPI'.PC2.doc 13 Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 25, A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and appmved bythe Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. 26. The Developer shall post secudty and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements. in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works, 27. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. 28. The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. 29. As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive wdtten clearance from the following agencies: San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distdct Planning Department Department of Public Works 30. The Developer shall comply with all constraints which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 31. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off-site work performed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. 32. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier s check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 33. Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. R: \STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2 .doc 14 b. Driveways shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No. 207A. Street light shall be installed along the public streets adjoining the site in accordance with Ordinance 461, Concrete sidewalks and ramps shall be constructed along public street frontages in accordance with City of Temecula Standard Nos. 400 and 401. e. All street and driveway cantedine intersections shall be at 90 degrees. All concentrated drainage directed towards the public street shall be conveyed through undersidewalk drains, 34. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements to City of Temecula General Plan standards unless otherwise noted. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works: Improve Calle Empleado (Principal Collector Highway Standards - 78' R/W) to include installation of sidewalk, street light and utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer). Improve Rio Nedo (Pdncipal Collector Highway Standards - 78' R/W) to include installation of sidewalk, relocation of existing street light, drainage facility and utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer). 35. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 36. The Developer shall obtain an easement for ingress and egress over the adjacent property. 37. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. 38. The Developer shall record a written offer to participate in, and waive all dghts to object to the formation of an Assessment District, a Community Facilities District, or a Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Fee Distdct for the construction of the proposed Westem Bypass Corridor in accordance with the General Plan. The form of the offer shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 39. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive wdtten clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water Distdct Eastern Municipal Water District Department of Public Works 40. All public improvements shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dOC 15 City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. 41. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT 42. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Planning Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 43. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electricel plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of City Ordinance No, 655 regarding light pollution, 44. Comply with applicable provisions of the 1994 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanicel Codes; 1993 National Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy and Disabled Access Regulations and the Temecula Municipal Code. 45. Submit at time of plan review, a complete extedor site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public dghts-of-way. 46. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 47. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 48. The Occupancy classification of the proposed buildings shall be B/S-I/F-1 .Construction Type will be Type IIIN. 49. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. 50. All building and fadlities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations, Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998) 51. Provide disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building, 52. Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. 53. Provide path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. 54. Provide house electdcal meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire R:\STAFFRPT\410pa98.STAFFRPT.pC2.doc 16 alarm systems. 55. Restreom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the previsions of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix C. 56. Previde an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. 57. Previde appropriate stamp of a registered prefessional with original signature on plans submitted for plan review. 58. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. 59. Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal, only if trusses are used. 60, Provide precise grading plan for plan check submittal to check for handicap accessibility, 61. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. 62. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standard and any block walls require separate approvals and permits. FIRE DEPARTMENT The following are the Fire Department Conditions of Appreval for this project. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions shall be referred to the Fire Prevention Bureau. 63. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the Uniform Building Cede (UBC), Uniform Fire Code (UFC), and related codes which are in forca at the time of building plan submittal. 64, The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per UFC Appendix Ill.A, Table A-Ill-A-I. The developer shall previde for this project, a water system capable of delivedng 1500 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 1850 GPM for a total fire flow of 3350 GPM with a 2 hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the appreval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire pretection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (UFC 903.2, Appendix Ill.A) 65, The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per UFC Appendix Ill.B, Table A-Ill-B-1. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2-2 "outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access reads and adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 400 feet apart and shall be located no more than 225 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access read(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (UFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix III- R:\STAFFRPTX410pa98.STAFFRFr,PC2.doc I7 B) 66. As required by the Uniform Fire Code, when any portion of the building(s) is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, on site fire hydrants are required. For this project on site fire hydrants are required. (UFC 903.2) 67. If construction is phased, each phase shall provide approved access and fire protection prior to any building construction. (UFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2) 68. Pdor to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access reads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access reads shall be an all weather surface designed for 70,000 Ibs. GVW with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. ( UFC sec 902 and Ord 95-15) 69. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (UFC 902.2.2.1 and Ord 95-15) 70. Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (UFC 902.2.2.4) 71. Pdor to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval pdor to installation. Plans shall be: signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the apprepdate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (UFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1 ) 72. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (UFC 901.4.3) 73. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, all commercial buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the street side of the building. The numerals shall be minimum twelve (12) inches in height for buildings and six (6) inches for suite identification on a contrasting background. In strip centers, businesses shall post the suite address on the rear door(s). (UFC 901.4.4 and Ord 95-15) 74. Pdor to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire spdnkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (UFC Article 10, UBC Chapter 9 and Ord 95-15) 75. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitodng the spdnkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an appreved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval pdor to installation. (UFC R:XSTAFFRPT\410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dOC 18 76. 77. Article 1 O) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the dght side of the main entrance door. The Knox-Box shall be supervised by the alarm system. (UFC 902.4) Prior to the building final, speculative buildings capable of housing high-piled combustible stock, shall be designed with the following fire protection and life safety features: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department access roads. Buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions Uniform Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. (UFC Article 81) COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT The TCSD has reviewed the aforementioned application and conditions the project as follows: Prior to Issuance of Building Permits: 78. If additional arterial street lighting is required, the developer shall file an application with the TCSD and pay the appropriate energy charges related to the transfer of said lights to the OTHER AGENCIES 79. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control Distdct's transmittal dated October 19, 1998, a copy of which is attached. The fee is made payable to the Riverside County Flood Control Water District by either a cashiers check or money order, prior to the issuance of a grading permit (unless deferred to a later date by the District), based upon the prevailing area drainage plan fee. 80. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health's transmittal dated October 7, 1998, a copy of which is attached. 81. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Division's transmittal dated October 9, 1998, a copy of which is attached. 82. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Rancho Califomia Water Districts transmittal dated October 7, 1998, a copy of which is attached. R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.pC2.dOC 19 By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicanrs Signature R:\STAFFRPT~I0pa98.STAFi~drF.PC2.doc 20 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 INITIAL STUDY R:~STAFFR.F~410pa98.STAFFRFT.PC2.doc 21 CITY OF TEMECULA Environmental Checklist , Project Title: Lead Agency Name and Address: Contact Person and Phone Number: Project Location: Project Sponsor's Name and Address: General Plan Designation: Zoning: Description of Project: Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: Other public agencies whose approval is required: Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, CA 92589 Carole K. Donahoe, AICP, Project Planner (909) 694-6400 Northeast comer of Rio Nedo and Calle Empleado - Assessor Parcel No.'s 909-290-033 & 909- 290-034 Transducer Techniques, Inc., Randy and Gary Baker, 43178 Business Park Drive, Suite B101, Temecula, CA 92590 BP (Business Park) LI (Light Industrial) To design, construct and operate two (2) industrial buildings,20385 square feet and 17,720 square feet respectively, on two lots totaling 2.28 acres The project site is within a partially developed business park. It is surrounded on the south and west with developed light industrial uses. Both the north and east properties adjacent to the site are currently vacant. Riverside County Fire Department, Riverside County Health Department, Temecula Police Department, Eastern Municipal Water District, Rancho California Water District, Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison Company, General Telephone Company, and Riverside Transit Agency. R:\STAFFRP1M10pa98.STAFFRPT.pC2.doC 22 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. [ ] Land Use and Planning [ ] Hazards [ ] Population and Housing [ ] Noise IX] Geologic Problems [ ] Public Services IX] Water [ ] Utilities and Service Systems [ ] Air Quality [X] Aesthetics [ ] Transportation/Circulation [ ] Cultural Resources [X] Biological Resources [ ] Recreation [ ] Energy and Mineral Resources [ ] Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. Date R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc 2~ ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Pot~tially Significant pote~rldiy Unless Less Than Significant Mitigalion Significant Impact Incoqxwated In~ct No Impact 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: l.b. l.e, a. Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Source 1, Figure 2-1, Page 2-17) [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] b. Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] c. Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? (Source 1, Figure 2-1, Page 2-17) [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] d. Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g. impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? (Source 1, Figure 5-4, Page 5-17) [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] e. Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including low-income or minority community)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project will not conflict with applicable environmental plans or polices adopted by agendes with jurisdiction over the project. The project is consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Designation of BP. Impacts from all General Plan Land Use Designations were analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report for (EIR) the General Plan. Agerides with jurisdiction within the City commented on the scope of the analysis contained in the EIR and how the land uses would impact their particular agency. Mitigatjon measures approved with the EIR will be applied to this project Further, all agencies with jurisdiction over the project are also being given the opportunity to comment on the project and it is anticipated that they will make the appropriate comments as to how the project relates to their specific environmental plans or polices. The project site has been previously graded and services have been extended into the area. There will be limited, if any environmental effects on environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including low-income or minodty community). The project site is vacant. Them is no established residential community (including low-income or minority community) at this site. Furriermore, the site is a commercially zoned propert'/that does not allow residential developments. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would be proposal: 2.8. 2.b. a. Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] projects? b. Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] indirecdy (e.g. through project in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? c. Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project will not cumulalively exceed offidal regional or local population projections. The project is a speculative industrial buiiding that is consistent with the Cit]/s General Plan Land Use Designation of Business Park. Sinco the project is consistent with the City's General Plan. and does not exceed the floor area ratio for Business Park, it will not be a significant contributor to population growth that will comulatively exceed official regional or local population projections. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirectly. The project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Business Park. The project will not likely cause people to relocate to or within Temecuta, but will serve the needs of existing residents. Therefore, the project will not induce substantial growth in the area, and no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not displace any type of housing. The project site is vacant commercially zoned property; therefore no housing will be displaced. No significant effects are antidpated as a result of this project. R:\CEQA\,.348PA98.1as ll/i2,/9~jid 24 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Polemially Units Less Than Sigui~cant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorponucd Impact NO Impact 3.b,c, g,h. 3.d 3.e 3.f 3.i. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people t0 potential impacts involving? a. Fault rupture? (Source 1, Figure 7-1, Pg. 7-6) [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] b. Seismic ground shaking? (Source 1, Figure 7-1, Pg. 7-6) [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] c. Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] (Source 1, Figure 7-2, Pg. 7-8) d. Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] e. Landslides or mudflows? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] from excavation, grading or fill? g. Subsidence of the land? (Source 2, Figure 7, Pg. 68) [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] h. Expansive soils? [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] i. Unique geologic or physical features? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project may have a potentially significant impact on people involving seismic ground shaking as the project is located in Southern Califomia, an area which is seismically active. There may also be a potentially significant impact from seismic ground failure, liquefaction, subsidence and expansive soils. Any potentially significant impacts will be mitigated through building construc~on, which is consistent with Uniform ~ilding Code standards. In addition, a soils report shall be required to be submitted prior to the issuance of grading permits. The conclusions and recommendations cenfained in this report will be utilized in the development of this site, which will Serve to mitigate any potentially significant impocts from expansive soils. The soil reports will also contain recemmendaljons for the compaction of the soil, which will serve to mitigate any potentially significant impacts from seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, liquefaction and subsidence. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not expose people to a Seiche, tsunami or volcanic hazard. The project is not located in an area where any of these hazards could occur. No impacts are antidpated as a resu{t of this project. The project will not expose people to landslides or mudflows. The Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Temecula General Plan has not identified any known landslides or mudslides located on the site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will have a less than significant impact from erosion, changes in topography, grading or fi{{. The site has been previously graded and the project does not propose significant grading beyond that which has already occorred. increased wind and water erosion of soils beth on and off-site may occur dudng the construction phase of the project and the project may result in changes in siltetion, deposition or erosion. Erosion control techniques will be indudad as a condition of approval for the project. In the long-run, harriscape and landscaping will serve as permanent erosion control for the project. Since the amount of grading will be the minimum necessary for the realization of the project, modification to topography and ground surface relief features will not be considered significanL Potential unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill will be mitigated through the use of landscaping and proper compactico of the soils. After mitigation measures are performed, no impacts are anfldpated as a result of this project. The project will not impact unique geologic or physical features. No unique geologic features or physical features exist on the site. No impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. 4. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amotmt of surface runoff?. [] [~ [] [] R:\CEQAX348PA98.1E$ ll/12Y98jki 25 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potendally Significant Potenddly Unless Le~s Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Inco~orat~d Impact No Impact b. Exposure of people or property to water related haTards [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] such as flooding? '(Source 1, Figure 7-3, Pg. 7-10, and Figure 7-4, Pg. 7-12) c. Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] water quality (e.g. temperatore, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? d. Changes in the an~ount of surface water in any water [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] body? e. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] movements? f. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g. Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] h. Impacts to groundwater quality? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] i. Substantial reduction in the mount of Foundwater [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] otherwise available for public water supplies? (Source 2, Pg. 263) The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns and the rate and amount of surface ranoff. Previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscape, parking, and driveways. While absorption rates and sun'ace runoff will change, petenfial impacts shall be mitigated through site design. Drainage conveyances will be required for the project to safely and adequately handle runoff, which is created. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.c. The project may have a potentially significant effect on discharges into surface warera and alterahon of surface water quality. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for the project, the developer will be required to comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System {NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. By complying with the NPDES requirements, any potential impacts can be mitigated to a level less than significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.d,e. The project will have a less than significant impact in a change in the amount of surface water in any water body or impact currents, or to the course or direction of water movements. Additional surface runoff will occur because previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by constmcfion of buildings, accompanying hardscape and driveways. Due to the limited scale of the project, the additional amount of drainage will be incremental but will not be considered significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4 .f,g ,hThe project will have a less than significant change in the quantity and quality of ground waters and alteration in the direction of the flow of groundwater, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cots or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability. Limited changes will occur in the quantity and quality of ground waters; however, due to the minor scale of the project, it will not be considered significant. Further. construction on the site will not be at depths sufficient to have a significant impact on ground waters. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.i. The project will not result in a substanlial reduction in the amount of groundwater water othenNise available for public water supplies. According to information contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Temecuta Conersl Plan, "Rancho Catifomia Water District indicate that they can accommodate eddiffi:mal water demands.* Water service correntiy exists in the immediate proximity to the project and is provided by Rancho Catifomia Water District (RCWD). No impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. R:XCEQA~348PA98.IES ll/12/ggjid 26 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Pommially Significant Potem'ially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant /taRact Incorlmrat~l Impact No Impact 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a, Violate any air quality standard or contribute m an [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] existing or projected air quality violation? (Source 3, Pgs. 6-10 and 6-11, Table 6-2) b. Expose sensitive receptors to pollntants? [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] c. Alter air movement, moistore or temperature, or cause [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] any change in climate? d. Create objectionable odors? [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] 5.a. The project will not violate any air quatity standards or COntribute to an existing or projected air quality violation. The project includes the construction two industrial buildings toteling 38,105 square feet. This is below the rimshold for potentially significant air quality impact established by South Coast Air Quality Management District (Page 6-11, Table 6-2 of the South Coast Air Quatity Management CEQA Air Quatity Handbook). The project will have a leas lhan significant impact wiri respect to air quality standards. 5.b. The project may temporarily expose sensitive receptors to pollutants during grading and construction. There are no significant pollutants in proximity to the project nor is it antidpated that the project will generate pollutants. Therefore the project will have a less than significant impact on sensitive receptors with respect to exposure to pollutants. 5,c. The project will not alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or Cause any change in climate. The limited scale of the project precludes it from crealjng any significant impacts on tile environment in this area. No signifiCant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.d The project may create objectionable odors dudng the COnstruction phase of the project. However, these impacts will be of short duration and will be less than significant. 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a. Increase vehicle trips or traffic congestion? [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] b. Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] or dangerous intersection or incompatible uses)? c. Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] d. Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] (Source 4, Table 17.24(a), Pg. 17-24-9) e. Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] f. Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] transportation (e.g. bus tornouts, bicycle racks)? (Source 4, Chapter 17.24, Pg. 12) g. Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] 6.a. The project will result in a less than significant increase in vehicle trips; however it will add to traffic COngestion. It is anticipated that this project will conb'ibute leas than a five percent (5%) increase in existing volumes during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour time frames to the intersections of Winchester Road and Diaz Road. The applicant will be required to pay development impact fees, to mitigate their incrementel effect On traffic to eddrass rie future need for traffic signals and public facilities. The projects overall affect and its mitigation COntributions give the project leas than a significant impact. 6.b. The project will result in less rian significant impact with respect to hazards to safety from design features. The project is designed to correnl City standards and does not propose any hazards to safety from design features. As a result there will be a less than significant impact as a result of this project. R:\CEQAM348PA98JES ll/12/98jid 27 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Pots~dly Unless Less Than Si~i~cam Mitigation Significant No Irnl~act Incorporatnt Impact Impact 6.c. The project will not result in inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses. The project is designed to cu~nt City standards and has adequate emergency access. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.d. The project will have sufficient parking capadty on-sito because its design is in compliance with the City of Temecuta Development Cede parking requirements. As a result, off-site parking will not be impacted. No impact is anticipated as a result of this project. 6.e The project will not result in hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicydists. Hazards or bardera to bicydists have not been included as part of the project. No impact is anticipated as a result of this project. 6.f The proiect will not result in conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation. The proposed development encourages the utilization of alternative modes of transportation in its design by including spaces for motorcycles and bicycles. No impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. 6.g. Thepr~jectwi~~n~tresu~tinirnpactstorai~~waterb~rne~rairtrafficsincen~neex~stscurrenfiyintheimmediateproxjmity~fthepr~ject` No significant impacts are anficlpated as a result of this project. 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a. Endangered, threa~ned or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds)? (Source 1, Page 5-15, Figure 5-3) [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] b. Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Source 1, Figure 5-3, Page 5-15) c. Locally designated natural communities (e.g. oak forest, [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] coastal habitat, etc.)? (Source 1, Figure 5-3) d. Weftand habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool).'? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] (Source 1, Figure 5-3) e. Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] 7.a. The project will a potentially significant irnpact to endangered, threatened or reare species or their habitats, including, but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds. However, the project site has been previously graded and there are currently no native spedes of plants, no unique, reare, threatened or endangered spedes of plants, no native vegetation on or adjacent to the site. Further, there is no indication that any wildlib species exist at this location. The project will not reduce the number of speczes, provide a barrier to the migraljon of animals or deteriorate existing habitat. Because the project site is located within the Staphen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Fee Area, Habitat Conservation fees will be required to mitigate the effect of cumulative impacts to the species. After mitigation measures are included, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.b. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated spedes. Locally designated species are protected in the Old Town Ternecula Sbedfic Plan; however, they are not protected elsewhere in the City. Since this project is not located in Old Town, and since there are no locally designated species on site, there will be no impacts as a result of this project. 7.c. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated natoral communities. Reference response 7.b. There will be no impacts as a result of this project. 7. d. The project will not result in an impact to a wetland habitat. There is no wetland habitat on-site or within proximity to the site therefore, no impacts are an~jcipatod as a result of this project. 7.e. The project will not result in an impad any known wildlib dispersal or migration corridors. The project site is a vacant lot within the developed community and does not serve as pad of a migration corridor. There will be no irnpacts as a result of this project. ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Polemially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant MiUgaUon Significant Impact Incorporaled Impact No Impact 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] b. Use non-renewal resources in a wasteful and inefficient [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] manner? c, Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? 8.8, The project wilt not impact and/or conflict with adopted energy conservation plans. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable laws pertaining to energy conservation dudng the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the projest is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 8.b, The project will result in a less than significant impact for the use of non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner. There will be an increase in the rate of use of natural resource dudng conslru~on (construction materials, fuels for the daily operation, asphalt, lumber). The depletion of these nonrenewable resource(s) and the subsequent depletion of the non-renewable natural resources is minimal. Due to the scale of the proposed development, these impacts are not seen as less than significant. 8.c. The project will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State. No known minerel resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State are located at this project site. No significant impacts am antidpated as a result of this project. 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a. A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemical or radiation)? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] or emergency evacuation plan? c. The creation of any health hazard or potential health [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] hazard? d. Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] hazards? e. Increase fire hazard in areas with ~ammable brush, [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] grass, or trees? The project will not result in a dsk of explosion, or the release of any hazardous substances in the event of an accident or upset conditions since none are proposed in the request The same is true for the use, storage, transport or disposal of any hazardous or toxic materials. Large quanlffies of these types of substances will not be assodated with this use. The Department of Environmental Health has reviewed the project and the applicant must receive their clearance prior to any plan check submittal This applies to storage and use of hazardous materials. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.b. The project will not interfere with an emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. The subject site is not located in an area, which could impact an emergency response plan. The project will take access from a maintained street and will therefore not impede any emergency response or emergency evacuation plans. No signfficant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.c, The project will not re, suit in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable health laws dudng the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the project is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. R:\CEQAx348PA98,1ES 11/12/98jid 29 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INPOPJVlATION SOURCES Potentially Signi~cam Pok-uv~lly Unless Less Than 5igui~cant Mitigation Significant No Impact lncorporau~d lmpac{ Impact 9.d. The project will not expose people to existing sources of potential hea~ hazards. No health hazards am known to be within proximity of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.8. The project will not result in an increase to fire hazard in an area with fiammable brush, grass, or trees. The project is a commercial restaurant in an area that has been graded with existing development to the south and north. The project is not located within or proximate to a fire hazard area. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a. Increase in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people ~ severe noise levels? [ ] [ ] Ix] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] lO.a. The proposal will result in a less than significant increase to existing noise tevels. The site is currenfiy vacant and development of the land logically will result in increases to noise levels dudng constyuction phases as well as increases to noise in the area over the long run. Long-term noise generated by this project would be similar to or leas than the existing condo project to the east and the day cam facility to the north, and proposed commercial uses in fie immediate area. No signfficant noise impacts are antidpated as a result of this project in either the short or tong-term. lO.b. The project may expose people to severe noise levels dudng the development/construction phase (short run). Construclfun machinery is capable of produring noise in the range of 100+ DBA at 1 O0 feet which is considered very annoying and can cause headng damage from steady 8-hour exposure. This source of noise will be of short duration and therefore will not be considered significant. Them will be no long-term exposure of people to noise. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of this project. 11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police prorection? c. Schools? d. Mainteaance of public facilities, including roads? e. Other governmental services? [ I [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] 11a,b. The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered fire or police protection. This project will incrementally increase the need for tim and police protection; however, it will conthbute its fair share to the maintenance of service provision from these entities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 11.c. The project will not have an impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered school facilities. The project will not cause significant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula, therefore, will not result in a need for new or altered school facilities. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this projecL 11.d. The project will have a less than significant impact for the maintenance of public facilities, including roads. The impacts to current and future needs for maintenance of roads as a result of development of the site will be incrementel, however. they will not be considered significant. The Gasoline Tax is sufficient to cover any of the proposed expenses. 11 .e. The project will have a leas than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of this project. R:\CEQAx348PA98.IES ]l/12/98jid 30 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Polemially Significant Polmially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 12. 12.a. 12.b. 12.c. 12,d. 12.e. 12.f, 12.g 13. 13.a. 13.b UTILI I'IES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial nltera~ons to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] b. Communications sysmms? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] c. Local or regional water treatment or distribution [ ] [ ] [ ] IX} facilities? d. Sewer or septic tanks? (Source 2, Pg. 39-40) [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] e. Storm water drainage? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] f. Solid waste disposal? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] g. Local or regional water supplies? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substanfial alterafions to power or natural gas. These systems are currently being delivered in proximity to the site. No significant impacts are anfidpated as a result of this project. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to communication systems (reference response No. 12.a.). No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in the need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities. While the project will have an incremental impact upon exjsting systems, the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Cit'/s General Plan states: 'both EMWD and RCWD have indicated an ability to supply as much water as is required in their services areas (p. 39)." No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to sanitary sewer systems or septic tanks, The FEIR states: "implementation of the proposed General Plan would not significantly impact wastewater services (p. 40).' Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. There are no septic tanks on site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The proposal will result in a less than significant need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to storm water drainage, The project will need to provide some additional on-site drainage systems. The drainage system will be required as a condition of approval for the project and will tie into the existing system. A less than significant impact is antidpated as a result of this project. The proposal will not result in a need for new systems or substantial alterations to solid waste disposal systems. Any potential impacts from solid waste created by this development can be mitigated through partidpation in any Source Reduction and Recycling Programs, which are implemented by the City. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water supplies. Reference response 12.c. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. AE~,-FIIETICS. Would the proposal: a. Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? b. Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? c. Create light or glare? [ ] [ ] [ ] ix] [ ] [ ] ix] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] The project will not have an impact on a scenic vista or scenic highway. The project is not located in an area where there is a scenic vista. Furlher, the City does not have any designated scenic highways. No significant impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. The project will not have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect. The site is in an area of existing industhal uses. The design review process of the proposed development has mitigated the potential for significant visual impacts to the adjacent developments through compliance with the City's Design Guidelines for industrial development and the use of materials, colors, and landscaping that are compatible neighboring development. A less than significant impact is antidpated as a result of this project. R:%CEQAL348PA98.1as ll/12fi)Sjid 31 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than SiSni~cant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 13.c 14. 14.a,c. 14.d. 14.e. 15. b. 15 .a-c 16. The project could have a potentially significant impact from light and glare. The pro~ect will produce and result in additional light/glare, as do all developments of this nature. Because all light and glare has the potential to impact the Mount Palomar Ot~servaton/the project will be conditioned to be censistenl with Ordinance No, 655 (Ordinance Regulating Light Polluljon). Therefore, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Disturb paleontological resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Source 2, Figure 15, pg.70) b. Disturb archaeological resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] (Source 2, Figure 14, pg. 67) c. Affect historical resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] [×] d. Have the potential to cause a physical change which would [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] affect unique ethnic cultural values? e. Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] impact area? The project will not have an impact on palecntological, archaeological or historical resources. The s~te has been disturbed from pdor grading activity and any impacts to these resources would have been mitigated dudng the grading process. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not have the potanljal to cause a physical Change whiCh would affect unique ethnic c~ltural values. Reference response 14.a,c. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project The project will not restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. No religious or sacred uses exist at the site or are proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. RECREATION. Would the proposal: Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] Affect existing recreational opponunities? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project will have no impact and will not impact or increase demand for neighborhood, regional parks, other recreational facilities or opportunities. The project will not cause significant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula, but will primarily serve the needs of the existing residents, No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a. Does the project have the potential m degrade the quality [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plato or nnimal community, reduce the number of restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminnte important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the [ ] long-term, environmental goals? [ ] [ ] [x] R:~CEQA',348PA98.1ES ll/lZ/98jid 32 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Po~ally Significant Impact Potentially U~ Mitigation Le~sThan Significant Impact No Impact 17. c. Does the project have impacts that area individually limited, but cumulatively considerable7 ("Cttmulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects). d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? EARLIER ANALYSES. None. [] [} [] [] [] [] [x] [x] SOURCES 1. City of Temecula General Plan. 2. City of Temecula General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report. 3. South Coast Air Quality Management District CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 4. City of Temecula Development Code R:\CEQA~348PA98,IES ll/12/98jid 33 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM R:\CEQAX.348PA98.1ES ll/12/98jid 34 Geologic Problems General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Mitigation Monitoring Program PIDnning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) 3 .a. Expose people to impacts from fault rupture. Ensure that soil compaction is to City Slaadards, A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineor. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Deparlment of Public Works and Building and Safety Department. 3 .b,c. Expose people to impacts from seismic ground shaking and liquefaction. Utilize construction and compaction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building and Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building and Safety Depaxtment. 3.f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of slopes consistotu with Ordinance No, 457. Submit erosion control plans for approval by the Department of Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works. R:\CEQA'348PA98,1F_S ll/1288jid 35 General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 3.f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or f~l. Planting of un-site landscaping that is consistent with the Development Code. Submit landscape plans that include planting of slope to the Planning Deparunent for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Planning Department. 3.a-c, e. Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, liquefaction, landslides or mudflows, or earthquake hazards. Ensure that soil compaction is to City standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan cheek. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading permits and building pertnits. Departmant of Public Works and Building & Safety Department. 3 .a--c, e, h. Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, landslides or mudflows, expansive soils or earthquake hazards. Utilize censu'uction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building & Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department R:XSTAFFRPT\410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dO~: 36 Water General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 4.a. The pwject will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage panems and the rate and amount of surface runoff. Methods of controlling runoff, f~om site so that it will not negatively impact adjacent properties, including drainage conveyances, have been incorporated into site design and will be included on the grading plans. Submit Fading and drainage plan to the DeparUnent of Public Works for approval. Prior to the issuance of grading permit. DeparUnent of Public Works. General Impact: 4.c. Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Transportation/Circulation General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity). An erosion control plan shall be prepared in accordance with City requirements and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. The applicant shall submit a SWPPP W the San Diego Regional Water Quality Conu'ol Board (SDRWQCB) for their review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and SDRWQCB (for SWPPP). 6.a. Increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion. Payment of Development Impact Fees for road improvements, traffic impacts, and traffic signals. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. R:\STAFFRPT\410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc 37 BioloRical Resources General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Public Services General Impact: Mitigation Meastlre: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 7.a. Epdangercd, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds). Pay Mitigation Fee for impacts to Stephens Kaugaroo Rat. Pay $500.00 per acre of disturbed area of Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and Planning Department 11. a. A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered govemmemal services regarding fire protection. The project incrementally increases the need for fire protection. Payment of Development Impact Fee for Fire Mitigation. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permit. Building & Safety Department. 11 .c. A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered schools. No significant impacts are anticipated. Payment of School Fees. Pay current mitigation fees with the Temecula Valley Unified School District. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department and Temecula Valley Unified School District. R:\STAFFRPTX410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.dO¢ 38 General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring party: Aesthetics General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 11 .d. A substantial effect upon and a need for maintenance of public facilities, including roads. This project will have an incremental affect on public fac~ities. Payment of Development Impact Fee for road improvements, traffic impacts, and public facilities. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. 13 .c . The creation of new light sourues will result in increased light and glare that could affect the Palomas Observatory. Use lighting techniques that are consistent with Ordinance No. 655. Submit lighting plan to the Building and Safety Deparu-aent for approval. Prior m the issuance of a building permit, Building & Safety Department. R:\STAFFRPTx410pa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.d~c 39 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 EXHIBITS R:\STAFFRPT~410pa98.STAFFRFr. PC2.doc 40 CITY OF TEMECULA CASE NO, - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- A PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 VICINITY MAP \\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFKPT\410na98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc CITY OF TEMECULA ,~, EXHIBIT B - ZONING MAP DESIGNATION - LI Light Industrial H EXHIBIT C - GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION - BP Business Park CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 CITY OF TEMECULA CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - D PLANNING COMMISSION DATE -November 18, 1998 SITE PLAN \\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\410oa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc CITY OF TEMECULA · q/O NEDO CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - E PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - LANDSCAPE PLAN \\TEMEC FS20i\D~'TA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT 410oa98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc \ CITY OF TEMECULA CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - F1 - Building on Lot 33 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 FLOOR PLANS CITY OF TEMECULA _'I CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - F2 - Building on Lot 34 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 FLOOR PLANS CITY OF TEMECULA EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATrON NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVA~ON CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - G1 - Building on Lot 33 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE- November 18, 1998 ELEVATIONS CITY OF TEMECULA '1 WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION NORll-( ELEVA~ON CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - G2 - Building on Lot 34 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 ELEVATIONS w 0 o W ~ I.- .- CITY OF TEMECULA CASE NO. - Planning Application No. PA98-0410 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT -I PLANNING COMMISSION DATE -November 18, 1998 GRADING PLAN ~\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFR.PT\41Oua98.STAFFRPT.PC2.doc ITEM #4 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 1998 Planning Application No. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) Prepared By: John De Gange, Project Planner RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends the Planning Commission: APPLICATIONINFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: ADOPT a Negative Declaration with a Finding of DeMinimus Impact for Planning Application No. PA98-0348; ADOPT the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No, PA98-0348; and GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ADOPT Resolution No. 98- recommending approval of Planning Application No. PA98-0348 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Brian Fronk Saddleback and Associates The design, construction and operation of a 22,561 square foot industrial speculative building. At the knuckle of Enterprise Circle West (225 feet west of the intersection of Enterprise Circle West and Commerce Center Drive). LI (Light Industrial) North: South: East: West: SC (Service Commercial), BP (Business Park) LI (Light Industrial), OS-C (Conservation/Open Space) BP (Business Park) BP (Business Park) BP (Business Park) EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant 1 SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: South: East: West: Existing Service Commercial Building Flood Control Channel Existing Auto Repair Facility Existing Light Industrial Building and Flood Control Channel PROJECT STATISTICS Total Area: Total Area: Total Site Area: Building Footprint: Landscape Area: Paved Area: 1.89 acres (gross) 1.33 acres (net) 57, 924square feet (1.33 net acres) 19,850 square feet 14,480 square feet 23,699 square feet 34% 25% 41% Total Floor Area: Floor Area Ratio: 22,561 square feet 0.39 Parking Required: Office - 3,665 sq. ft.: Manufacturing - 8,500 sq.fi.: Warehousincl - 10,396 scl. ft.: Total- 22,561 sq. ft.: 12 Vehicles 22 Vehicles 11 Vehicles 45 Vehicles, 3 Bicycles, 3Motorcycles Parking Provided: Standard Spaces: 51 Bicycles (not specified) Motorcycles (not specified) Total Parking Provided:51 Building Height: Twenty seven (27') feet BACKGROUND A pre-application meeting was held on May 27, 1998 with a formal application submitted on August 19, 1998. A Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held on September 10, 1998, with staff providing written comments on September 16, 1998. The project was deemed complete on October 27, 1998. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the design, construction and operation of a two-story, 22,561 sq. ft. speculative office, warehouse and manufacturing building on an 1.89 acre (gross) site with associated improvements, such as hardscape, parking, landscaping and drive aisles. Landscape improvements include parking lot landscape fingers, pedmeter planter areas, and streetscape plantings. 2 ANALYSIS Site DesiGn The project is sited on a rectangular-shaped parcel with the building located on the eastem property line. The parking area is sited primarily within the northwestern portion of the site and the loading area is located at the southwest comer of the building. The design of the site is compatible with existing development in the area. An employee outdoor lunch area has been located at the north end of the site. Access, Traffic and Circulation The project takes access from a single driveway off of Enterprise Circle West. There is parking and vehicular circulation on the west side of the building. Truck traffic is accommodated through the main drive aisle with a truck turn around and a backing area in front of the loading docks which provides more than adequate room for the maneuvedng and backing movements of trucks. Customers and employees will utilize the parking at the northwest portion of the site. Emergency vehicles have direct access to all portions of the site with the drive aisle and turn around along the western portion of the site, and from the drive aisle on the adjacent property to the east. Architecture The building will be tilt-up concrete with smooth, painted panels and painted accent colors. The applicant proposes to highlight the office entry with a projected entry statement, decorative paving and the use of windows. The applicant is also adding visual interest and articulation to the elevations, with the use of a vaded roof height along the front elevation, building recessions at the northeast and southwest comers of the building, painted reveals, recessed accent features and varying paint colors. These features provide a certain amount of interest and to some extent help to break up the mass of the building walls. The placement of trees and shrubs within the landscape planters around perimeter of the site on two sides, complement the building and help break up the building's massing. Because the east elevation is on the property line and the rear elevation backs up to Mumeta Creek there will be no landscaping to help soften these elevations. The rearof the building and the loading area is visible from Diaz Road from across Murrieta Creek. The applicant has screened this elevation by adding trees to the landscape planter at the southwest comer of the lot. As proposed, the structure is compatible with the existing buildings in the area in terms of colors, materials, height, bulk and mass. Landscaping Twenty-five percent (25%) of the site has been landscaped which is consistent with the 25% minimum landscaping requirement in the BP (Business Park) zone. The project provides a minimum of 5 foot wide pedmeter landscaping planter around approximately 75% of the site. Significant portions of this planter are as wide 10 feet. The frontage along Enterprise Circle West will have a planter, which ranges from 15 to 35 feet. The applicant proposes to utilize existing Sycamore and Pepper trees along the front of the property as street trees. 3 EXISTING ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION The General Plan Land Use designation for the site is BP (Business Park). Existing zoning for the site is BP (Business Park). Manufacturing/office/warehouse uses are permitted with the approval of a development plan pursuant to Chapter 17.05 of the Development Code. The project as proposed, meets all minimum standards of and is consistent with the Development Code and the General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION An Initial Study has been prepared for this project. The Initial Study determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval for the project. Any potentially significant impacts will be mitigated, In addition, the site has previously been graded/disturbed, improvements have been installed and as a consequence the project will not impact endangered, threatened or rare species, or the site will not serve as a migration corridor. Therefore, staff is recommending that the Negative Declaration for PA 98-0348 be adopted for this project and a Finding of DeMiminimus impact be made. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The project is the design and construction of a two-stonj, 22,561 square foot speculative office, warehouse and manufacturing building on a 1.89 acre (gross) site. The project is consistent with the Design Guidelines, Development Code and the General Plan. FINDINGS The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is consistent with all City Ordinances including: the City's Development Code, Ordinance No. 655 (Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance), and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping provisions. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, or to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and streetscape installed on site. There are no native species of plants or vegetation at the site, nor any indication that any wildlife species exist, or that the site serves as a migration corridor. A DeMinimus impact finding can be made for this project. Attachments: PC Resolution o Blue Page 6 A. Conditions of Approval - Blue Page 9 Initial Study - Blue Page 20 Mitigation Monitoring Program - Blue Page 21 Exhibits - Blue Page 22 A. Vicinity Map B. General Plan Map C Zoning Map 4 E. F. G. H I. Site Plan Landscape Plan Elevations Color Elevations (not included) Colors and Materials Board (not included) Floor Plan 5 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98-__ PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98- 0348 TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A 22,561 SQUARE FOOT TWO-STORY SPECULATIVE OFFICE, WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTURING BUILDING WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING, AND LANDSCAPING ON A PARCEL CONTAINING 1.89 GROSS ACRES, LOCATED AT THE KNUCKLE OF THE INTERSECTION OF ENTERPRISE CIRCLE WEST AND COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE, APPROXIMATELY 225 FEET WEST OF COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 921-480-015. WHEREAS, Saddleback and Associates filed Planning Application No. PA98-0348 in accordance with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, Planning Application No. PA98-0348 was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered Planning Application No. PA98-0348 on November 18, 1998, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by Paw, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or in opposition; WHEREAS, at the public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the Commission considered all facts relating to Planning Application No. PA98-0348; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Section 2. Findin.qs. The Planning Commission, in approving Planning Application No. PA98-0348 makes the following findings; to wit: A. The proposed use is in conformanca with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is consistent with all City Ordinances including: the City's Development Code, Ordinance No. 655 (Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance), and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping provisions. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. C. The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, or to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and streetscape installed on site. There are no native species of plants or vegetation at the site, nor any indication that any wildlife species exist, or that the site serves as a migration corridor. A DeMinimus impact finding can be made for this project. '7 Section 3. Environmental Coml~liance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration with De Minimus Findings, therefore, is hereby adopted. Section 4. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Planning Application No. PA98-0348 to construct and operate a 22,561 square foot speculative office, industrial, warehouse building, associated parking and landscaping on a parcel containing 1.89 gross acres, located approximately 225 feet west of the intersection of Enterprise Circle West and Commerce Center Ddve and known as a portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 921-480-015 subject to Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference and made a pad hereof. Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1998. Marcia Slaven, Chairperson I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 18th day of November, 1998 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary 8 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Attachment- A CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) Project Description: The design and construction of a 22,561 square foot two-story, speculative office/manufacturing building, associated parking and landscaping on an 1.86 gross acre site. Assessor's Parcel No.: 921-480-015 Approval Date: November 18, 1998 Expiration Date: November 18, 2000 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Seventy-Eight Dollars ($78.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination with a DeMinimus Finding required under Public Resources Code Section 21108(a) and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above. the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). General Requirements The developer/applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless, the City and any agency or instrumentality thereof, and/or any of its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, actions, or proceedings against the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees and agents, to attack, set aside, void, annul, or seek monetan/damages resulting from an approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisonj agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Plot Plan which action is brought within the appropriate statute of limitations pedod and Public Resources Code, Division 13, Chapter 4 (Section 21000 et seq., including but not by the way of limitations Section 21152 and 21167). City shall promptly notify the developer/applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding brought within this time period. City shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action, Should the City fail to either promptly notify or cooperate fully, developer/applicant shall not, thereafter be responsible to indemnify, defend, protect, or hold harmless the City, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, or agents. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. ]0 The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures contained in the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program. The development of the promises shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "D" (Site Plan), contained on file with the Community Development Department - Planning Division. Landscaping shall substantially conform to the approved Exhibit "E" (Landscape Plan). Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Manager and the Temecula Development Code. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Planning Manager shall have the authority to require the properly owner to bdng the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. Building elevations shall conform substantially with Exhibit "F' and Exhibit "G" (color elevations), or as amended by these conditions. Colors and materials used shall conform substantially with Exhibit "H", or as amended by these conditions (color and material board). Materials Concrete (main body of bldg.) Concrete (vertical accenting) Concrete (base of bldg.) Recessed Accents Accent Reveals Metal (roll-up doors) Glazing (Windows) Aluminum Storefront Colors Misty Mica (Frazee 8711VV) Kindling Wood (Frazee 8713W) Wildcat(Frazee 87124M) Kindling Wood (Frazee 8713VV) Kindling Wood (Frazee 8713VV) Kindling Wood (Frazee 8713W) Solar Gray Black (Arcadia 85) 9. The maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer. Prior to the Issuance of Grading Permits 10. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.24 of the Temecula Municipal Code (Habitat Conservation) by paying the appropdate fee set forth in that ordinance or by providing documented evidence that the fees have alroady been paid. Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits 11. A Consistency Check fee shall be paid. 12. The applicant shall sign both copies of the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Community Development Department - Planning Division staff, and return one signed set to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for their files. 11 13. The applicant shall revise Exhibits "D, E, F. G", (Site Plan. Landscape Plan, Elevations, Color and Matedal Board) to reflect the final conditions of approval that will be provided by the Community Development Department - Planning Division staff, and submit five (5) full size copies and two (2) 8" X 10" glossy photographic color prints of approved Exhibit "G" (Color and Materials Board) and of the colored version of approved Exhibit "F", the colored architectural elevations to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for their files. All labels on the Color and Materials Board and Elevations shall be readable on the photographic prints. 14. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for approval. These plans shall conform substantially with the approved Exhibit "E", or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The cover page shall identify the total square footage of the landscaped area for the site. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: a. Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). b. One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). d. Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with the approved plan). 15, A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School Distdct shall be submitted to the Planning Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits 16. An Administrative Plot Plan application for signage shall be required if signage is proposed. An application for signage shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Manager. 17. Roof-mounted equipment shall be inspected to ensure it is shielded from ground view, 18. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape and irrigation plans. 19. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Planning Manager. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be propedy constructed and in good working order. 20. Each parking spaca resen/ed for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectodzed sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking spaca finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, deady and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons 12 with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed by telephoning 909 696-3000. 21. Performance securities, in amounts to be detem~ined by the Planning Manager, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings, in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan, shall be filed with the Community Development Department - Planning Division for one year from final certificate of occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Planning Manager, the bond shall be released. 22. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT 23. Comply with applicable provisions of the 1994 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 1993 National Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy and Disabled Access Regulations and the Temecula Municipal Code. 24. Submit at time of plan review, a complete extedor site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. 25. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School Distdct shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 26. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 27. The Occupancy classification of the proposed buildings shall be B/S-I/F-1. 28. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. 29. All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (Califomia Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998) 30. Provide disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. 31. Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. 32 Show path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. 33. Provide house electrical meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire alarm systems. 34. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix C. 35. Provide an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. 36. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with odginal signature on plans 13 submitted for plan review. 37. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. 38. Truss caicu|ations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. 39. Provide precise grading plan for plan check submittal to check for handicap accessibility. 40. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector pdor to the start of the building construction. 41. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standard and any block walls require separate approvals and permits. PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT Unless otherwise noted, all conditions shall be completed by the Developer at no cost to any Govemment Agency. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows on the site plan all existing and proposed property lines, easements, traveled ways, improvement constraints and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further review and revision. General Requirements 42. A Grading Permit for either rough and/or precise grading, including all on-site fiat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Depadment of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. 43. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. 44. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distdct prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed District Right-of-Way. 45. All improvement plans and grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 46. A copy of the grading plan, along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distdct for approval pdor to the issuance of any permit. 14 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52 53. 54. 55. 56. A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property, The Developer shall post secudty and enter into an agreement guarenteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections, The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or private drainage fadlities intended to discharge this runoff. The study shall also analyze and identify impacts to downstream properties and provide specific recommendations to protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of downstream facilities, including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer, The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: · San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board · Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District · Planning Department · Department of Public Works The Developer shall comply with all constraints which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. Permanent landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department and the Department of Public Works for review and approval. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off-site work performed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashiers check or money order, pdor to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 57. The site is in an area identified on the Flood Insurance Rate Map as Flood Zone AE. This project shall comply with Chapter 15, Section 15.12 of the City Municipal Code, which may include obtaining a Letter of Map Revision from FEMA. A Flood Plain Development Permit shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 58. Precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. b. Driveway shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No. 207A. Concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along public street frontage in accordance with City of Temecula Standard Nos. 400 and 401. d. All street and driveway centedine intersections shall be at 90 degrees. 59. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements to City of Temecula General Plan standards unless otherwise noted. Plans_ shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works: Improve Enterprise Circle West (Collector Road Standards - 66' R/W) to include installation of sidewalk. drainage facilities, and utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer). 60. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 61. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 62 As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District Eastem Municipal Water District Department of Public Works 63. All public improvements shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. 64. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. FIRE DEPARTMENT The following are the Fire Department Conditions of Appreval for this preject. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions shall be referred to the Fire Prevention Bureau. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72 Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Uniform Fire Code (UFC), and related codes which are in fome at the time of building plan submittal. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per UFC Appendix Ill.A, Table A-Ill-A-1. The developer shall previde or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 1500 GPM for a 2 hour duretion at 20 PSI residual opereting pressure. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the appreval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as previded. (UFC 903.2, Appendix Ill.A) The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per UFC Appendix Ill. B, Table A-Ill-B-1. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2-2 []" outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and adjacent public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 500 feet apart and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrents may be required. (UFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix Ill-B) As required by the Uniform Fire Code, when any portion of the building(s) is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, on site fire hydrents are required. For this project on site fire hydrents are required. (UFC 903.2) Prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have appreved temporary Fire Department vehicle access roads for use until permanent reads are installed. Temporary Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface for 70,000 Ibs. GVVV. (UFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2.2) Pnor to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface designed for 70,000 Ibs. GVVV with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. ( UFC sec 902 and Ord 95-15) Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearence of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (UFC 902.2.2.1 and Ord 95-15) Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a tumaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (UFC 902.2.2.4) 73. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall fumish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval pdor to installation. Plans shall be: signed by a registered civil engineer. contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot, (UFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1 ) 74. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identity fire hydrant locations. (UFC 901.4.3) 75. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, all commerdal buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the street side of the building. The numerals shall be minimum twelve (12) inches in height for buildings and six (6) inches for suite identification on a contrasting background. In stdp centers, businesses shall post the suite address on the rear door(s). (UFC 901.4.4 and Ord 95-15) 76 Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (UFC Article 10, UBC Chapter 9 and Ord 95-15) 77. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval pdor to installation. (UFC Article 10) 78. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the right side of the main entrance door. (UFC 902.4) 79. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by firefighting personnel. (UFC 902.4) 80. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, building final or occupancy, buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions of Uniform Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. The storage of high-piled combustible stock may require structural design considerations or modifications to the building. Fire protection and life safety features may include some or all of the following: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department access roads. (UFC Article 81) OTHER AGENCIES 81. The applicant shall comply with all applicable or appropriate recommendations set forth in Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District transmittal dated September 24, 1998, a copy of which is attached, 82. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations as set forth in the Riverside Transit Authority (RTA) transmittal dated October 30, 1998, a copy of which is attached, to the extent practical and not in conflict with conditions contained herein. By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant Name ' DAVID P. ZAI'PE General Marroger-Chief Engineer RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT September 24, 1998 1995 MARKET STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 909/955-1200 909/788-9965 FAX 53910.1 City of Temecula Planning Department Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Attention: John De Gange Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: PA 98-0348 The District does not normally recommend conditions for land divisions or other land use cases in incorporated cities. The District does not plan check City land use cases, or provide State Division of Real Estate letters or other flood hazard reports for such cases. District comments/recommendations for such cases are normally limited to items of specific interest to the District including District Master Drainage Plan facilities, other regional flood control and drainage facilities which could be considered a logical component or extension of a master plan system, and District Area Drainage Plan fees (development mitigation fees). In addition, information of a general nature is provided. The District has not reviewed the proposed project in detail and the following comments do not in any way constitute or imply District approval or endorsement of the proposed project with respect to flood hazard, public health and safety or any other such issues. PA 98-0348 is a proposal to design and construct a 19,560 square foot industrial building on the south side of Enterprise Cimle West, about 300 feet west of Commerce Center Drive. A small portion of the southwest comer of the parcel is within the 100 year Zone AE flood plain limits for Murrieta Creek as delineated on Panel No 060742-0005B of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued in conjunction with the National Flood Insurance Program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The elevation of the FEMA map for a flow rate of 30,900 cfs is 1018.00 at the upstream edge of the property. However, a District flood study determined the base flood elevation for the master plan flow rate of 38,300 cfs to be 1018.71 at the upstream edge of the property. The highwater mark during the flood of January 1993 was 1017.4. All the elevations are based on 1929 NGVD. Because of the extreme heard posed by Murrieta Creek, the City should consider not allowing development to proceed adjacent to the creek until the ultimate improvement can be constructed. Property within the flood plain should be conditioned to construct the required improvements to Murrieta Creek Channel or participate in a financing mechanism such as an assessment district to ensure necessary improvements are constructed. City of Temecula '2- Re: PA 98-0348 53910.1 September 24, 1998 If the City chooses to allow development to proceed, we recommend that the City require the applicant to dedicate to the District a 25-foot wide access road adjacent to the top of channel bank, which is basically coincident with the property line (see Exhibit "A"). The access road is necessary for District forces to patrol Mumeta Creek. New buildings should be floodproofed by elevating the finished floor a minimum of 12 inches above elevation 1018.71 which is the District's base flood elevation for 38,300 cfs. This project is located within the limits of the District's Mumeta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted, applicable fees should be paid by cashier's check or money order to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of building or grading permits, whichever comes first. Fees to be paid should be at the rate h~ effect at hhe time of issuance of the actual permit. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to me at 909/955-1214. Very truly yours, STUART E. MCKIBBIN Senior Civil Engineer Enclosure c: City of Temecula Public Works At'm: Jerry Allegria Joe Kicak sr&l:sU October 30, 1998 Riverside 1Yahsit Agency PO. Box 59968 Phone: (909) 684-0850 Fax: (909) 684-1007 John De Gange, Case Planner City of Temecula Temecula Piarkmng Depamnent 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Mr. De Gange: The Riverside Transit Agency has completed a review of the following project proposals: Case No. PA98-0348 Case No. PA98-0349 We have no comments related to the above projects. The nearest regular bus service available to provide access to the site is RTA Route 23, which stops approximately two to three blocks away at the intersection of Winchester and Enterprise Circle. The applicant is welcome to contact RTA for more information on existing and planned transit service in the area. Sincerely, Transit Planner #192&222/jsc NOv 998 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY CITY OF TEMECULA Environmental Checklist Project Title: Lead Agency Name and Address: Contact Person and Phone Number: Project Location: Project Sponsors Name and Address: General Plan Designation: Zoning: Description of Project: Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: 10. Other public agencies whose approval is required: Planning Application No, PA98-0348 (Development Plan) City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula, CA 92589 John De Gange, Project Planner (909) 694- 6400 At the knuckle of Enterprise Circle West (225 feet west of Commerce Center Drive - Assessor Parcel No, 921-480-015 Brian Fronk, Saddleback, 2615 Orange Ave., Santa Ana, CA 9270 BP (Business Park) BP (Business Park) The design, construction and operation of a 22,561 square foot industrial speculative building The project site is located in an area that has been previously graded, and within an area which has almost completely been built out. This property takes access to Enterprise Circle West and all utilities are available. The property is adjacent to developed sites to the north and west and abuts flood control channels to the east and south. Riverside County Fire Department, Riverside County Health Department, Temecula Police Department, Eastem Municipal Water District, Rancho California Water District, Southern Califomia Gas Company, Southem Califomia Edison Company, General Telephone Company, and Riverside Transit Agency. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. [ ] Land Use and Planning [ ] Hazards [ ] Population and Housing [ ] Noise [X] Geologic Problems [ ] Public Services [X] Water [ ] Utilities and Service Systems [ ] Air Quality [X] Aesthetics [ ] Transportation/Circulation [ ] Cultural Resources [X] Biological Resources [ ] Recreation [ ] Energy and Mineral Resources [ ] Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. John De Gange,Project Planner Date ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Po~ntUally Unless Itss Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Inconporated Impact No impact 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: 1.b. a. Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Sourcel, Figure2-1, Page2-17) [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] b. Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project.'? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] c. Be incompatible with existing laud use in the vicinity? (Source 1, Figure 2-1, Page 2-17) [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] d. Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g. impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? (Source 1, Figure 5-4, Page 5-17) [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] e. Disrupt or divide the physical arrangernent ofan established community (including low-income or minority community)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project will not conflict with applicable environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. The project is consistent with the Citys General Plan Land Use Designation of BP. Impacts from all General Plan Land Use Designations were analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report for (EIR) the General Plan. Agendes with jurisdiction within the City commented on the scope of the analysis contained in the EIR and how the land uses would impact their particular agency. Mitigation measures approved with the EIR will be applied to this project. Further, all agencies with jurisdiction over the project are also being given the opportunity to comment on the project and it is anticipated that they witi make the appropriate comments as to how the project relates to their specific environmental plans or polices. The project site has been previously graded and services have been extended into the area. There will be limited, if any environmental effects on environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including low-income or minority community). The project site is vacant. There is no established residential cemmunity (including low-income or minodty community) at this site. Furthermore, the site is a commercially zoned property that does not allow recidential developments. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would be proposal: 2.a. 2.b 2.c. a. Cnmulatively exceed official regional or local population [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] projects? b. Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] indirec~y (e.g. through project in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrasWacture)? c. Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] The project will not cumulatively exceed offidal regional or local population projections. The project is a speculative indusb'ial building that is consistent with the Citys General Plan Land Use Designation of Business Park. Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, and does not exceed the fieor area ratio for Business Park, it will not be a significant contributor to population growth that will cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirecfJy. The project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Business Park. The project will not likely cause people to relocate to or within Temecula, but will serve the needs of existing residents. Therefore, the project will not induce substantial growth in the area, and no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not displace any type of housing. The project site is vacant commercially zoned property; therefore no housing will be displaced. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. R:\CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doe 3 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitiaation Significant Impact Incorporated Impact No Impact 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving? a. Fault rupture? (Source 1, Figure 7-1, Pg. 7-6) [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] b. Seismic ground shaking? (Source 1, Figure 7-1, Pg. 7-6) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] c. Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] (Source 1, Figure 7-2, Pg. 7-8) d. Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] e. Landslides or mudflows? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] from excavation, grading or fill? g. Subsidence of the land? (Source 2, Figure 7, Pg. 68) [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] h. Expansive soils7 [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] i. Unique geologic or physical features? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] 3.b,c. g.h. The project may have a potentially significant impact on people involving seismic ground shaking as the project is located in Southem California, an area which is seismically active. There may also be a potentiatiy significant impact from seismic ground failure, liquefaction, subsidence and expansive soils. Any potentially significant impacts will be mitigated through building construction, which is consistent with Uniform Building Code standards. In addition, a soils report shall be required to be submitted pdor to the issuance of grading permits. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report will be utilized in the development of this site, which will serve to mitigate any potentially significant impacts from expansive soils. The soil reports will also contain recommendations for the compaction of the soil, which will serve to mitigate any potentially significant impacts from seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, liquefaction and subsidence. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.d The project will not expose people to a seiche, tsunami or volcanic hazard. The project is not located in an area where any of these hazards could occur. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.e The project will not expose people to landslides or mudflows. The Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Temecula General Plan has not identified any known landslides or mudslides located on the site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.f The project will have a less than significant impact from erosion, changes in topography, grading or fill. The site has been previously graded and the project does not propose significant grading beyond that which has already occon'ed. Increased wind and water erosion of soils both on and off-site may occur dudng the construction phase of the project and the project may result in changes in siltation, deposition or erosion. Erosion control techniques will be included as a condition of approval for fie project. In the long-run, hardscape and landscaping will serve as permanent erosion control for the project. Since the amount of grading will be the minimum necessar'/for the realization of the project, modification to topography and ground surface relief features will not be considered significant. Potential unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill will be mitigated through the use of landscaping and proper compactjon of the soils. Afar mitigation measures are performed, no impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. 3.i. The project will not impact unique geologic or physical features. No unique geologic features or physical features exist on the site. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage paRems, or the rate and amount of surface runoft?. [ ] ix] [ ] [ ] R:\CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doc 4 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potcntiany Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant In,pact lncoq~orat~d impact No impact b. Exposureofpeopleorpropertytowaterrelatedhazards [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] such as flooding? (Source 1, Figure 7-3, Pg. 7-10, and Figure 7-4, Pg. 7-12) c. Dischargeintosurfacewatersorotheralterationofsurface [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? d. Changes in the amount of surface water in any water [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] body? e. Changes in currents, orthecourseordirectionofwater [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] movements? f. Changeinthequantityofgroundwaters, either through [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g. Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] h. Impacts to groundwater quality? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] i. Substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] otherwise available for public water supplies? (Source 2, Pg. 263) 4.a. The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns and the rate and amount of surface runoff. Previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscape, parking, and driveways. While absorption rates and surface runoff will change, potential impacts shall be mitigated through site design. Drainage conveyances will be required for the project to safely and adequately handle runoff, which is created. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.c. The project may have a potentially significant effect on discharges into surface waters and alteration of surface water quality. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for the project, the developer will be required to comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. By complying with the NPDES requirements, any potential impacts can be mitigated to a level less than significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4 .d ,e. The project will have a less than significant impact in a change in the amount of surface water in any water body or impact currents, or to the course or direction of water movements. Additional surface runoff will occur because previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscape and driveways. Due to the limited scale of the project, the additional amount of drainage will be incremental but will not be considered significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.f,g,hThe project will have a less than significant change in the quantity and quality of ground waters and alteration in the direction of the flow of groundwater, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability. Limited changes will occur in the quantity and quality of ground waters; however, due to the minor scale of the project, it will not be considered significanL Further, construction on the site will not be at depths sufficient to have a significant impact on ground waters. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.L The project will not result in a substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater water otherwise available for public water supplies. According to information contained in the Final Environmental Irepact Report for the City of Temecula General Plan, "Rancho Califomia Water Dis~ct indicate that they can accommodate additional water demands." Water sentice correntiy exists in the immediate proximity to the project and is provided by Rancho California Water District (RCWD). No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. R:%CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doe 5 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporated Impact No Impacl 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a. Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? (Source 3, Pgs. 6-10 and 6-11, Table 6-2) b. Expose sensitive reeeptors to pollutants? c. Alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or cause any change in climate? d. Create objectionable odors? [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ix] [ ] [ ] Ix] [ ] 6.a. The project will not violate any air quality standards or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation. The project is a 22,561 square foot industrial building. This is below the threshold for potentially significant air quality impact established by South Coast Air Quality Management District (Page 6-11, Table 6-2 of the South Coast Air Quality Management CEOA Air Quality Handbook). The project will have a less than significant impact with respect to air quality standards. 5,b. The project may temporarily expose sensitive receptors to pellutants dudng grading and construction. There are no significant pollutants in proximity to the project nor is it anticipated that the project will gonerata pellutants. Therefore the project will have a less than significant impact on sensitive receptom with respect to exposure to potiutants. 5,c. The project will not alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or cause any change in climate. The limited scale of the project precludes it from creating any significant impacts on the environment in this area. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.d. The project may create objectionable odors dudng the construction phase of the project. However, these impacts will be of short duration and will be less than significant, 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a. Increase vehicle flips or traffic congestion? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] b. Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] or dangerous intersection or incompatible uses)? c. Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] d. Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Source 4, Table 17.24(a), Pg. 17-24-9) e. Hazards or barriers for pedeslrians or bicyclists? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] f. Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? (Source 4, Chapter 17.24, Pg. 12) g. Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] 6.a. The project will result in a less than significant increase in vehicle tdps; however it will add to traffic congestion. It is anticipated that this project will contribute less than a five percent (5%) increase in existing volumes during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour time frames to the intersections of Jefferson Street and Winchester Road. The applicant will be required to pay development impact fees. to mitigate their incremental effect on traffic to address the future need for traffic signals and public facilities. The projects overall affect and its mitigation contributions give the project less than a significant impact. 6.b. The project will result in less than significant impact with respect to hazards to safety from design features. The project is designed to current City standards and does not propose any hazards to safety from design features. As a result there will be a less than significant impact as a result of this project. R:\CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doc 6 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Inco~orated Impact Impact 6.c. The project will not result in inadequate emergency access or access to nearoy uses. The project is designed to current City standards and has adequate emergency access. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.d. The project will have sufficient parking capacity on-site because its design is in compliance with the City of Temecula Development Code parking requirements. As a result, off-site parking will not be impacted. No impact is anticipated as a result of this project. 6.e. The project will not result in hazards or bardera for pedestdans or bicyclists. Hazards or barriers to bicyclists have not been included as part of the project. No impact is anticipated as a result of this project. 6.f. The project will not result in conflicts with adopted policies supporting altemative transportation. The proposed development encourages the utitization of alternative modes of transportation in its design by including spaces for motorcycles and bicycles. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.g. Thepr~jectwi~~n~tresu~tinimpactst~rai~~waterb~me~ralrtra~csincen~neexistacurrentiyintheimmediateprnximity~fthepr~ject~ No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a. Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, anunals and birds)? (Source 1, Page 5-15, Figure 5-3) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] b. Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Source 1, Figure 5-3, Page 5-15) c. Locally designated natural communities (e.g. oak forest, [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] coastal habitat, etc.)? (Source 1, Figure 5-3) d. Wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, ripman and vernal pool)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Source 1, Figure 5-3) e. Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] The project will a potentially significant impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, including, but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds. However, the project site has been previously graded and there are currently no native species of plants, no unique, rare, threatened or endangered spedes of plants, no native vegetation on or adjacent to the site. Further, them is no indication that any wildlife species exist at this location. The project will not reduce the number of species, provide a barrier to the migration of animals or detadorate existing habitat. Because the project site is located within the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Fee Area, Habitat Conservation fees will be required to mitigate the effect of cumulative impacts to the species. After mitigation measures are included, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.b. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated species. Locally designated species are protected in the Old Town Temecula Specific Plan; however, they are not protected elsewhere in the City. Since this project is not located in Old Town, and since there are no locally designated spedes on site, there will be no impacts as a result of this project. 7.c. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated natural communities. Reference response 7.b. There will be no impacts as a result of this project. 7.d. The project will not result in an impact to a wefiand habitat. Them is no wetland habitat on-site or within proximity to the site therefore, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.e. The project will not result in an impact any known wildlife dispersal or rnigretion corridors. The project site is a vacant lot within the developed community and does not serve as part of a migration corridor. There will be no impacts as a result of this project. R:\CEQA~348PA98.1ES Final.doc 7 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporated Impact No Impact 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] b. Use non-renewal resources in a wasteful and inefficient [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] manner? c. Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] that would be of future value to the ragion and the residents of the State? 8.a. The project will not impact and/or conflict with adopted energy conservation plans. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable laws pertaining to energy conservation dudng the plan chec~ stage. No permits will be issued unless the prejant is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 8.b. The project will result in a less than significant impact for the use of non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner. There will be an increase in the rate of use of natural resource dudng construction (construction materials, fuels for the daily operation. asphalt. lumber). The depletion of these nonrenewable resource(s) and the subsequent depletion of the non-renewable natural resources is minimal Due to the scale of the proposed development, these impacts are not seen as less than significant. 8.c. The project will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State. No known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State are located at this project site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a. A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemical or radiation)? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] or emergency evacuation plan? c. Thecreationofanyhealthhazardorpotentialhealth [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] hazard? d. Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] hazards? e. Increase fire hazard in areas with ~aurmable brush, [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] grass, or ~'ees? 9.8. The project will not result in a risk of explosion, or the release of any hazardous substances in the event of an accident or upset conditions since none are proposed in the request. The same is true for the use, storage, transporl or disposal of any hazardous or toxic materiats. Large quantities of these types of substances will not be associated with this use. The Department of Environmental Health has reviewed the project and the applicant must receive their clearance prior to any pian check submittal. This applies to storage and use of hazardous materials. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project, 9.b. The project will not interfere with an emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. The subject site is not located in an area, which could impact an emergency response plan. The project will take access from a maintained street and will therefore not impede any emergency response or emergency evacuation plans. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.c. The project will not result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard. The project will be reviewed fur compliance with all applicable health laws dudng the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the project is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. R:\CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doe 8 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Polemially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 9.d. 9.e. The project will not expose people to existing sources of potential health hazards. No health hazards are known to be within proximity of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in an increase to fire hazard in an area with ~ammable brush, grass, or frees. The project is a commemial restaurant in an area that has been graded with existing development to the south and north. The project is not located within or proximate to a fire hazard area. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: lO.a. 10.b. 11. 11.a,b. 11.c. 11.d. 11.e. a. Increase in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? [ ] [ ] Ix] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] The proposal will result in a less than significant increase to existing noise levels. The site is currently vacant and development of the land logically will result in increases to noise levels dudrig cons~ction phases as well as increases to noise in the area over the long run. Long-term noise generated by this project would be similar to or kiss than the existing condo project to the east and the day care facility to the north, and proposed commercial uses in the immediate area. No significant noise impacts are anticipated as a result of this project in either the short or long-term. The project may expose people to severe noise levels dudng the development/consfructjon phase (short run). Construction machinery js capable of produring noise in the range of 100+ DBA at 100 feet which is considered very annoying and can cause headrig damage from steady 8-hour exposure. This soume of noise will be of short duration and therefore will not be considered significant. There will be no long-term exposure of people to noise. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of this project. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? e. Other governmental services? [ ] [ ] ix] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Ix] [ ] [ ] Ix] [ ] [ ] [ ] Ix] [ ] The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered fire or police protection. This project will incrementally increase the need for fire and police protection; however, it will contribute its fair share to the maintenance of service provision from these entities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not have an impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered school fadlities. The project will not cause significant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula, therefore. wilt not result in a need for new or altered school facilities. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will have a less than significant impact for the maintenance of public facilities, including roads. The impacts to cun'ent and future needs for maintenance of roads as a result of development of the site will be incremental, however, they will not be considered significant. The Gasoline Tax is sufficient to cover any of the proposed expenses. The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of this project. R:\CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doc 9 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Potcntially Significant Unless L,css Than Mitigation Significant No Incorporated Impact Impact 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need or substantial alterations to the following utilities: for new systems or supplies, a. Power or natural gas? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] b. Communications systems? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] c. Local or regional water treatment or distribution [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] facilities? d. Sewer or septic tanks? (Source 2, Pg. 39-40) [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] e. Storm water drainage? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] f. Solid waste disposal? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] g. Local or regional water supplies? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] 12.a. 12.b. 12.c. 12.d 12.e. 12.f. 12.g. 13. 13,a. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alteretions to power or natural gas. These systems are currently being delivered in proximity to the site. No significant impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to communication systems (reference response No. 12.a.). No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in the need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities. While the project will have an incremental impact upon existing systems, the Final Environmental Impact Repod (FBR) for the City's General Plan states: 'both EMWD and RCWD have indicated an ability to supply as much water as is required in their services areas (p. 39)." No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to sanitary sewer systems or septic tanks. The FEIR states: "implementation of the proposed General Plan would not significantly impact wastewater services (p, 40)." Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. There are no septic tanks on site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The proposal will result in a less than significant need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to storm water drainage. The project will need to provide some additional on-site drainage systems. The drainage system will be required as a condition of approval for the project and will tie into the exisfing system. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of this project. The proposal will not result in a need for new systems or substantial alterations to solid waste disposal systems. Any potential impacts from solid waste created by this development can be mitigatad through parfidpation in any Sourca Reductico and Recycling Programs, which are implemented by the City. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water supplies. Reference response 12.c. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a. Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? b. Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? c. Create light or glare? [ ] [ ] [ ] [×] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [×] [ ] [ ] The project will not have an impact on a scenic vista or scenic highway. The project is not located in an area where there is a scenic vista. Further, the City does not have any designated scenic highways. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. R:\CEQA~348PA98.IES Final.doe 10 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant MitiSation Significant No Impact Incot~pora~ed Impact Impact 13.b. 13.c, The project will not have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect. The site is in an area of existing industrial uses. The design review process of the proposed development has mitigated the potsntjal for significant visual impacts to the adjacent developments through compliance with the City's Design Guidelines for industrial development and the use of materials, colors. and landscaping that are compatible neighboring development. A less than significant impact is antidpated as a result of this project. The project could have a potentially significant impact from light and glare. The project will produce and result in additional light/glare, as do all developments of this nature. Because all light and glare has the potential to impact the Mount Palomar Observatory the project will be cenditioned to be consistent with Ordinance No. 655 (Ordinance Regulating Light Pollution). Therefore. no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 14. 14.a,c. 14,d. 14.e. 15. a. 15. a-c CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Disturb paleontological resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] (Source 2, Figure 15, pg.70) b. Disturb archaeological resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] (Source 2, Figure 14, pg. 67) c. Affect historical resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] d. Have the potential to cause a physical change which would [ ] [ ] [ ] affect unique ethnic cultural values? e. Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential [ ] [ ] [ ] impact area? ix] Ix] Ix] ix] ix] The project will not have an impact on paleontological, amhaeological or historical resources. The site has been disturbed from prior grading activity and any impacts to these resoumes would have been mitigated dudng the grading process. No significant impacts am anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values. Reference response 14.a.c. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will not restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. No religious or sacred uses exist at the site or are proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. RECREATION. Would the proposal: Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] b. Affect existing recreational opportunities? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] The project will have no impact and will not impact or increase demand for neighborhood, regional parks, other recreational facilities or opportunities. The project will not cause significant numbera of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula, but will primarily serve the needs of the existing residents. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this project, R:\CEQAB48PA98.1ES Final.doe 11 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Significant Impact Potcntially Significant Unless Mitigation lncorporaled Significant Impact No Impact 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIHCANCE. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality [ ] of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number of restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of Califomia history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the [ ] long-term, environmental goals? Does the project have impacts that area individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? CCumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects). [] [1 Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Ix] ix] Ix] ix] 17. EARLIER ANALYSES. None. SOURCES 1. City of Temecula General Plan. 2. City of Temecula General Plan Final Enviromental Impact Report. 3. South Coast Air Quality Management District CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 4. City of Temecula Development Code R:\CEQA~348PA98.1ES Final.doc 12 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Geolol~ic Problems General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Mitigation Monitoring Program Planning Application No. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) 3.a. Expose people to irapacts from fault rapture. Ensure that soil compaction is to City Standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Depamnent of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building and Safety Department. 3 .b,c. Expose people to impacts ~'om seismic ground shaking and liquefaction. Utilize construction and compaction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit conslruction plans to the Building and Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building and Safety Department. 3.f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of slopes consistent with Ordinance No. 457. Submit erosion control plans for approval by the Department of Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Depament of Public Works. R:\CEQAB48PA98.1ES Final.doe 14 General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 3.f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of on-site landscaping that is consistent with the Development Code. Submit landscape plans that include planting of slope to the Planning Deparlment for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Planning Deparanent. 3.a-c, e. Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, liquefaction, landslides or mudflows, or earthquake hazards. Ensure that soil compaction is to City standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading permiLs and building permits. Departmere of Public Works and Building & Safety Department. 3 .a-c, e, h. Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, landslides or mudflows, expansive soils or earthquake hazards. Utilize consreaction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building & Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Deparmient R:\CEQAX348PA98.1ES Final.doc 15 Water General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Transvortation/Circulation General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 4.a. The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage panems and the rate and amount of surface rimoff. Methods of con~'olling runoff, from site so that it will not negatively impact adjacent properties, inchring drainage conveyances, have been incorporated into site design and will be included on the grading plans. Submit grading and drainage plan to the Department of Public Works for approval. Prior to the issuance of grading permit. Department of Public Works. Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity). An erosion control plan shah be prepared in accordance with City requirements and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. The applicant shall submit a SWPPP to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) for their review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and SDRWQCB (for SWPPP). 6.a. Increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion. Payment of Development Impact Fees for road improvements, traffic impacts, and traffic signals. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Doparanent. R:\CEQAB48PA98.IES Final.doe 16 Biological Resources General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Public Services General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: 7.a. Endangered, threatened or ntre species or their habilats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds). Pay Mitigation Fee for impacts to Stephens Kangaroo Rat. Pay $500.00 per acre of disturbed area of Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and Planning Department 11 .a. A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered governmental services regarding fire protection. The project incrementally increases the need for fire protection. Payment of Development Impact Fee for Fire Mitigation. Payment of the Pubhe Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permit. Building & Safety Department. 11 .c. A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered schools. No significant impacts are anticipated. Payment of School Fees. Pay current mitigation fees with the Temecula Valley Unified School District. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department and Temecula Valley Unified School District. R:\CEQAX348PA98.IES Final.doe 17 General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: ll.d. A substantial effect upon and a need for mamtenance ofpublic facilities. mcludmg roads. This project will have an incremental affect on public facilities. Payment of Development Impact Fee for road improvements, traffic impacts, and public facilities. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and m accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. 13 .c. The creation of new light sources will result m increased light and glare that could affect the Palomar Observatory. Use lighting techniques that are consistent with Ordinance No. 655. Submit lighting plan to the Building and Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building & Safety Dopartment. R:\CEQAX348PA98.IES Final.doc 18 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 EXHIBITS CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- A PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 VICINITY MAP R:'6'TAFFRPT~348PA98.FC ll/lO/98jici CITY OF TEMECULA EXHIBIT B - ZONING MAP DESIGNATION - LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) CC )' OS // Project EXHIBIT C - GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION - BP (BUSINESS PARK) PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0348 (Development Plan PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November t8, 1998 H M R:',STAFFRPT~348PA98,PC ll/10/98jid CITY OF TEMECULA ENTERPRISE PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- D PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 SITE PLAN R:\STAFFRFI'~348PA98.R:' )l/10/98jid CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - E PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 LANDSCAPE PLAN R:~STAFFRPTL~48PA98.K: ll/10/98jid CITY OF TEMECULA EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - F PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 ELEVATIONS R:XSTAFFRPT',348PA98.FC ll/10/98jid CITY OF TEMECULA MEZZANINE (OFFICE) 2.616 $f SECOND FLOOR BLDG ! 19,850 SF LOADING TRUCK ROLL-UP DOOR DOUBL[ TRUCK WELL 24'x 60' T FIRS; ' FLOOR PLAN PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0348 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- I PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 FLOOR PLAN R:',STAFFRPT~348PA98.PC ll/lO/98jid ITEM #5 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 1998 Planning Application No. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) Prepared By: Patty Anders, Assistant Planner RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department Staff recommends the Planning Commission: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA98-0386; ADOPT the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA98-0386; and ADOPT Resolution No. 98- recommending approval of Planning Application No, PA98-0386 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT: John F. Firestone REPRESENTATIVE: Markham and Associates PROPOSAL: The design, construction and operation of a two-story, 51,289 square foot speculative office building on a 3.05 acre (net) site with associated parking and landscaping. LOCATION: On the southeast comer of Rancho Califomia Road and Ridge Park Drive. EXISTING ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) SURROUNDING ZONING: North: South: East: West: BP (Business Park) LI (Light Industrial) & BP (Business Park) LI (Light Industrial) BP (Business Park) & PO (Professional Office) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: BP (Business Park) EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNINGxSTAFFRPT~386Ra981g..doc SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: South: East: West: Light Industrial and Office Buildings Existing Office Buildings Office and Warehouse Buildings Existing Office and Vacant Land PROJECT STATISTICS Total Area: 4.01acres (gross) 3.05 (net) Total Area: Total Site Area: Building Footprint Area: Landscape Area: Paved Area: 132,858 square feet 26,033 square feet 50,558 square feet 55,800 square feet 20% 38% 42% Parking Required: Office = 50,233 sq. ft.: 167 Parking Provided: Standard Spaces: 140 Compact Spaces: 26 Handicap Spaces: 6 Total Parking Provided: 172 Building Height: Thirty-Nine feet (39') BACKGROUND A pre-application meeting was held on July 8, 1998. A formal application was submitted on September 16, 1998. A Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held on October 8, 1998, with staff providing written comments on October 8, 1998. The project was deemed complete on October 26, 1998. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the design, construction and operation of a two-story, 51,289 square foot speculative office building with some basement level parking on a three (3.05) acre site with associated improvements, such as hardscape, parking, landscaping and drive aisles. Landscape improvements include: parking lot planting, planter areas, landscaped slopes and streetscape landscaping. ANALYSIS Site DesiGn The proposed site is located at the southeast comer of Rancho California Road and Ridge Park Drive. The building is an angular shaped and allows circulation around the entire structure. The front of the building is oriented towards Ridge Park Ddve. Parking is located throughout the entire site, including some basement level parking below the first level. The site design is compatible with existing development in the area. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA~DEFrS\PLANN1NG\STAFFRFI'~86p~98pc..doc 2 Access, Traffic and Circulation The project takes access from Ridge Park Drive. There is parking and vehicular circulation throughout the entire site. The building is a speculative office building and the entire square footage has been parked at office space requirements. Development Code requires this size of building to provide 167 parking spaces; however, the applicant is providing 172 spaces. As proposed, the site has sufficient and effected site circulation with ingress and egress that will not conflict with the intereection of Ridge Park Ddve and Rancho California Road. Architecture The project is a two-story office building with some basement level parking below the first floor. The building is an exceptional, contemporary architectural design. The building is proposed with an angular shape; extensive use of detailed, recessed windows; a curved, tiered, covered entry; rounded comere at both ends of the building, and a curved glass element at the rear of the building. In addition, the building provides varying roof heights, extensive windows and railings. The design has been carried out to all sides of the structure. There is an extensive amount of landscaping at the main entrance and throughout the site. In addition, there is an interior atrium and waterfall inside the building, and a skylight over the entry feature. There will be no roof mounted equipment, as it is proposed behind the building screened by a concrete wall that is painted to match the building. No signage is being approved with this speculative building. As proposed, the structure is compatible with the existing buildings in the area in terms of design, colors, matedais, height, bulk and mass. Landscapinq Thirty-eight percant (38%) of the site has been landscaped. The landscaping provided exceeds the twenty percent (20%) minimum landscaping requirement in the LI (Light Industrial) zone. The landscaping is dispersed along the front elevation, specifically the main entry and on the sides. There are landscaped planters throughout the parking area which will help to break up the parking lot paving. The existing slope on the east side will be conditioned to be brought up to the original approved planting standards. Half of the existing slope does not belong to the applicant, and therefore will not be improved as part of this application. The City's Landscape Architect has reviewed the landscape plan and the applicant has addressed his comments on the plan. Staff feels the landscaping has been distributed very effectively throughout the site and helps define the main entry feature. EXISTING ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION The General Plan Land Use designation for the site is BP (Business Park). Existing zoning for the site is LI (Light Industrial). Office buildings of over 50,000 square feet are permitted with the approval of a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 17.08 of the Development Code. The project as proposed is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION An Initial Study has been prepared for this project. The Initial Study determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not ',',TEMEC_FS20I ~DATA~DEFrS\PLANNING~STAFFRFI~386p~gSpc..doc 3 considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval forthe project. Any potentially significant impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The project is the design and construction of a two-story, 51,288 square foot speculative office building with parking at the basement level below the first floor, and associated parking and landscaping on a 3.05 acre site. The project is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and the Design Guidelines. FINDINGS The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is consistent with all City Ordinances including: the City's Development Code, Ordinance No. 655 (Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance), and the City's Water Effident Landscaping provisions. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, or to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and streetscape installed on site. There are no native species of plants or vegetation at the site, nor any indication that any wildlife species exist, or that the site serves as a migration corridor. A DeMinimus impact finding can be made forthis project. Attachments: PC Resolution - Blue Page 5 A, Conditions of Approval - Blue Page 8 Initial Study - Blue Page 19 Mitigation Monitoring Program - Blue Page 36 Exhibits - Blue Page 43 A. Vicinity Map B. Zoning Map C General Plan Map D. Site Plan E. Landscape Plan F. Elevations G. Colors and Materials Board H. Floor Plan R:\STAFFRPT~86pa98pc..doc 4 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTSXPLANNING\STAFFRFI~86pa98pc..doc 5 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A TWO-STORY, 51,289 SQUARE FOOT SPECULATIVE OFFICE BUILDING AND ASSOCIATED PARKING, AND LANDSCAPING ON A PARCEL CONTAINING A 3.05 (NET) ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF RIDGE PARK DRIVE AND RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD, KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 940-310-029. WHEREAS, John F. Firestone filed Planning Application No. PA98-0386 in accordance with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, Planning Application No. PA98-0386 was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered Planning Application No. PA98-0386 on November 18. 1998, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or in opposition; WHEREAS, at the public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desidng to be heard, the Commission considered all facts relating to Planning Application No. PA98-0386; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Section 2. Findin.qs. The Planning Commission, in approving Planning Application No. PA98-0386 makes the following findings; to wit: A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is consistent with all City Ordinances including: the City's Development Code, Ordinance No. 655 (Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance), and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping provisions. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. C. The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, or to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and streetscape installed on site. There are no native species of plants or vegetation at the site, nor any indication that any wildlife species exist. or that the site serves as a migration corridor. A DeMinimus impact finding can be made for this project. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFRPT~86pa98pc..doe 6 Section 3. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration with De Minimus Findings, therefore, is hereby adopted. Section 4. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Planning Application No. PA98-0386 for the design and construction of a two-story, 51,289 square foot speculative office building with associated parking and landscaping on a parcel containing 3.05 acres located on the southeast comer of Ridge Park Ddve and Rancho Califomia Road, and known as Assessor's Parcel No. 940-310-029 subject to Exhibit A, attached hereto. and incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof. Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1998. Marcia Slaven, Chairperson I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting there of, held on the 18th day of November, 1998 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary V, TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFR,F~386p~98pc..doc 7 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEFFS\PLANNING\STAFFRPTX386pa98pc..do~ 8 EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Planning Application No. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) Project Description: The design and construction of a two-story, 51,289 square foot speculative office building with associated parking and landscaping on a 3.05 acre site. Assessor's Parcel No.: 940-310-029 Approval Date: November 18, 1998 Expiration Date: November 18, 2000 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project The applicantJdeveloper shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Seventy-Eight Dollars ($78.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination with DeMinimus Finding required under Public Resources Code Section 21108(a) and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. If within said forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). General Requirements The developer/applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless, the City and any agency or instrumentality thereof, and/or any of its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, actions, or proceedings against the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees and agents, to attack, set aside, void, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting from an approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions appmved by the voters of the City, conceming the Specific Plan Amendment which action is brought within the appropriate statute of limitations period and Public Resources Code, Division 13, Chapter 4 (Section 21000 et seq., including but not by the way of limitations Section 21152 and 21167). City shall promptly notify the developer/applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding brought within this time period. City shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. Should the City fail to either promptly notify or cooperate fully, developer/applicant shall not, thereafter be responsible to indemnify, defend, protect, or hold harmless the City. any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, or agents. 3. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT~86pa98pc, .doc 9 The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures contained in the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with Exhibit D, or as amended by these conditions. a. Two (2) Class I lockers or Class II bicycle racks shall be provided. b. A minimum of one hundred sixty seven (167) parking spaces shall be provided. c. A minimum of six (6) handicapped parking spaces shall be provided. Landscaping shall be provided in substantial conformance with Exhibit "E" (Landscape Plan), or as amended by these conditions. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the satisfaction of the Planning Manager. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Planning Manager shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer. The landscaping on the east slope shall be improved to the originally approved condition. Building elevations shall conform substantially to Exhibit F and Exhibit G (color elevations), or as amended by these conditions. Colors and materials used shall conform substantially with Exhibit H, or as amended by these conditions (color and material board). Materials Exterior Wall Finish (Stucco) Exterior Wall Finish (Stucco) Exterior Wall Entry (Ceramic Tile) Exterior Wall Entry Accent Strips (Ceramic Tile) Base-Entry Course Accent (Black Granite Tile) Glass (Solarcool) Colors La Habra-X50-Crystal White La Habr-X56 French Grey White Grey Zimbabwe Grey Reflective Prior to the Issuance of Grading Permits The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.24 of the Temecula Municipal Code (Habitat Conservation). Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits 10. A Consistency Check fee shall be paid. 11. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department - Planning Division for approval, These plans shall \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFRF~386pa981x:..doc 10 conform substantially with the approved Exhibit "E", or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The cover page shall identify the total square footage of the landscaped area for the site. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. C, Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with the approved plan). Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits 12. An Administrative Development Plan application for signage shall be required if signage is proposed. An application for signage shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Manager. 13. Roof-mounted equipment shall be inspected to ensure it is shielded from ground view. 14. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with appmved landscape and irrigation plans. 15. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Planning Manager. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be propedy constructed and in good working order. 16. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be cantered at the intedor end of the parking spaca at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or cantered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking spaca finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, cleady and censpicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed by telephoning 909 696- 3000". \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAF~RFI~386pa98pc..doc ~.! 17. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Planning Manager, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings, in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan, shall be filed with the Community Development Department - Planning Division for one year from final certificate of occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Planning Manager, the bond shall be released. 18. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with pdor to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT 19. Comply with applicable provisions of the 1994 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 1993 National Electrical Code; Califomia Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy and Disabled Access Regulations and the Temecula Municipal Code. 20. Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. 21. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School District shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 22. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals pdor to commencement of any construction work. 23. The Occupancy classification of the proposed buildings shall be B/S-3. 24. Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. 25. All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998). 26. Provide disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. 27. Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. 28. Show path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. 29. Provide house electrical meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire alarm systems. 30. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix C. 31. Provide an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. 32. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on plans \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\pLANNING~STAFFRpT~386pa98~c..doc 12 submitted for plan review. 33. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. 34. Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. 35. Provide precise grading plan for plan check submittal to check for handicap accessibility, 36. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. 37. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standard and any block walls require separate approvals and permits. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Unless otherwise noted, all conditions shall be completed by the Developer at no cost to any Government Agency. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows on the site plan all existing and proposed property lines, easements, traveled ways, improvement constraints and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further review and revision. General Requirements 38. A Grading Permit for either rough and/or predse grading, including all on-site flat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. 39. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. 40. All improvement plans and grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars, Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 41. A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and pdvate property. 42. The Developer shall post secudty and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. 43. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report \\TEMEC_FS201~DATA\DEFrS\PLANNING~STAFFRPT~3861~t98pc..doc shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. 44. The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a ragisterad Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or pdvate drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. The study shall also analyze and identify impacts to downstream properties and provide specific recommendations to protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of downstream facilities, including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer. 45. The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. 46. As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive wdtten clearance from the following agencies: San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Planning Department Department of Public Works 47. The Developer shall comply with all constraints which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 48. Permanent landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department and the Department of Public Works for review and approval. 49. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off-site work performed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. 50. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by either cashier's check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 51. Improvement plans and/or precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design cdteda shall be observed: Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. b. Driveway shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No, 207A, ~\TE MEC_FS201 ~DATA~DEIYrS\PLANNING~TAFFRpT~386pa98pc..doc Street lights shall be installed along the public streets adjoining the site in accordance with Ordinance 461. Concrete sidewalks and ramps shall be constructed along public street frontages in accordance with City of Temecula Standard Nos. 400 and 401. e. All street and driveway centerline intersections shall be at 90 degrees. 52. The Developer shall construct the following public improvements to City of Temecula General Plan standards unless otherwise noted, Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works: Improve Rancho Califomia Road (Secondary Highway Standards - 88' R/W) to include installation/reconstruction of existing drainage facility Improve Ridge Park Ddve (Principal Collector Highway Standards - 78' R/W) to include installation of sidewalk, street lights, drainage facilities, and utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer). Install an ADA access ramp per City of Temecula Standard No. 402 at the northeast comer of Rancho California Road and Ridge Park Drive. 53. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. 54. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15.06. 55. The Developer shall record a written offer to participate in, and waive all rights to object to the formation of an Assessment District, a Community Facilities District, or a Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Fee Distdct for the construction of the proposed Western Bypass Corridor in accordance with the General Plan. The form of the offer shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 56. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District Eastem Municipal Water Distdct Department of Public Works 57. All public improvements, shall be constructed and completed per the approved plans and City standards to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. 58. The existing improvements shall be reviewed, Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRJYr~386pa98pC..do¢ FIRE DEPARTMENT 59. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Uniform Fire Code (UFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 60. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per UFC Appendix Ill.A, Table A-Ill-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivedng 1500 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 400 GPM for a total fire flow of 1900 GPM with a 3 hour duration. The required fire flow may be adjusted during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau, The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (UFC 903.2, Appendix Ill.A) 61. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per UFC Appendix Ill.B, Table A-Ill-B-1. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2-2 "outlets) shall be located on Fire Department access roads and adjacent public streets, Hydrants shall be spacad at 350 feet apart and shall be located no more than 210 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant, The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (UFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix Ill- B) 62. As required by the Uniform Fire Code, when any portion of the building(s) is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, on site fire hydrants are required. For this project on site fire hydrants are required. (UFC 903,2) 63. Pdor to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved temporary Fire Department vehicle access roads for use until permanent roads are installed. Temporary Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface for 70,000 Ibs GVVV. (UFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2.2) 64. 65. Pdor to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have appreved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an extedor wall of the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface designed for 70,000 Ibs. GVVV with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. ( UFC sec 902 and Ord 95-15) Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (UFC 902.2.2.1 and Ord 95-15) 66. Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (UFC 902.2.2.4) 67. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval pdor to instellation. Plans shall be: \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~TAFFRPT~86pa98pc..doc 16 signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau for signatures. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot, (UFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4, 1 ) 68. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (UFC 901.4.3) 69. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, all commercial buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the street side of the building. The numerals shall be minimum twelve (12) inches in height for buildings and six (6) inches for suite identification on a contrasting background. In stdp centers, businesses shall post the suite address on the rear door(s). (UFC 901.4.4 and Ord 95-15) 70. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (UFC Article 10, UBC Chapter 9 and Ord 95-15) 71. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitoring the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation, (UFC Article 10) 72. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the dght side of the main entrance door. The Knox-Box shall be supervised by the alarm system. (UFC 902.4) 73. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by firefighting personnel. (UFC 902.4) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 74. Prior to installation of the arterial street lighting, the developer shall file an application with the TCSD and pay the appropriate energy charges related to the transfer of said lights to the City. OTHER AGENCIES 75. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Rancho California Water District's transmittal dated September 28, 1998, a copy of which is attached, 76. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Riverside County Flood Control Distdct trensmittal dated October 6, 1998, a copy of which is attached. ~\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS~PLANNING\STAFFRPT~86pa98pc..doc By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval. I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant Name \\TEMEC_FS201 \DATA\DEPTS~PLANNING~TAFFRPT~386pagSpc..doc 18 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA~DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFRP~386pa98p~. ,doc CITY OF TEMECULA Environmental Checklist 6. 7. 8. 10. Project Title: Lead Agency Name and Address: Contact Person and Phone Number: Project Location: Project Sponsor's Name and Address: General Plan Designation: Zoning: Description of Project: Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: Other public agencies whose approval is required: Planning Application No. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, CA 92589 Patty Anders, Assistant Planner (909) 694-5400 On the southeast comer of Rancho California Road and Ridge Park Drive. John F. Firestone, 3301 Hudnall, Dallas, TX 75235 BP (Business Park) LI (Light Industrial) The design, construction and operation of a two- story, 51,289 square foot speculative office building on a 4.01 acre site. The project is located in a area that has been previously graded, street improvements have been made and water and sewer are within vicinity of the project. Land to the north is light industrial and offica development, to the south is existing office, to the west is vacant land and existing office, and to the east is office/warehouse development. Riverside County Fire Department, Riverside County Health Department, Temecula Police Department, Eastern Municipal Water District, Rancho California Water District, Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison Company, General Telephone Company, and Riverside Transit Agency. \\TEMEC_FS20I\DATA\DEFTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT~386~a98~c..~oc 20 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages, [ ] Land Use and Planning [ ] Hazards [ ] Population and Housing [ ] Noise [X] Geologic Problems [ ] Public Services [X] Water [ ] Utilities and Service Systems [ ] Air Quality [X] Aesthetics [ ] Transportation/Circulation [ ] Cultural Resources [ ] Biological Resources [ ] Recreation [ ] Energy and Mineral Resources [ ] Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect m this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. Name Date \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNINGXSTAFFRFI~386pa98pc..do~ 21 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: Potentially Signi~eam lmnact a. Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Source I, Figure 2-1, Page 2-17) [ ] b. Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adoptedbyagencieswithjurisdictionovertheproject? [ ] c. Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? (Source 1, Figure 2-I, Page 2-17) [ ] d. Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g. impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? (Soume 1, Figure 5-4, Page 5-17) [ ] e. Dismpt or divide the physical arrangement ofan established community (including low-income or minority commumty)? [ ] 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would be proposal: a. Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projects? [ ] b. Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly (e.g. through project in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? [ ] c. Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? [ ] 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving? Significant [1 [] [] [1 [] [] [] [] Less Than Signi~e. ant Impact [] [] [] [1 [] [l [] [] No Impact Ix] [x] ix] Ix] Ix] Ix] [x] ix] a. Fault rupture? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] b. Seismic ground shaking? [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] c. Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] d. Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] e. Landslides or mudflows? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions form excavation, grading or fill? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] g. Subsidence of the land? [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] h. Expansive soils? [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] i. Unique geologic or physical features? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [l ix] [] [] [x] Ix] 4. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage paRems, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? [ ] b. Exposureofpeopleorpropertytowaterrelatedhazards such as flooding? (Source 2, Figure 13, Page 95 and Source 2, Figure 30, Page 190; Source 1, Figure 7-4) [ ] c. Dischargeintosurfacewatersorotheralterationofsurface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbithty)? [ ] d. Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? [ ] \XTEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRFE3861m98pc..doe 22 ix] [] [] [] [1 [1 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES e. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? f. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g. Altered direction or rate offlow ofgroundwater? h. Impacts to groundwater quality? i. Substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a. Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? b. Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? c. Alter air movement, moistore or temperatore, or cause any change in climate? d. Create objectionable odors? 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a. Increase vehicle trips or traffic congestion? b. Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersection or incompatible uses)? c. Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? d. Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? e. Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? f. Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus tamouts, bicycle reeks)? g. Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a. Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds)? b. Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? c. Locally designated natural communities (e.g. oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? d. Wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? e. Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Conflict with adopted energy conservation phns? \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRFI~86pa98pe..doc 23 Potentially Significant Iramet [] [] [] [] [] [1 [] [] [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] [1 [] [] [] [] [1 [] Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incomorat~'d [] [1 [1 [] [] [1 [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [1 [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] Less Than Sigm~eant Immct ix] Ix] ix] ix] [] [] [] [1 Ix] Ix] [] [] [] [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] [1 [] No Impact [] [] [3 [3 ix] ix] ix] ix] [] [] [x] [x] [x] [x] Ix] Ix] ix] Ix] Ix] ix] ix] Ix] ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCE~ b. Use non-renewal resources m a wasteful and inefficient manner? c, Result m the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a. A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemical or radiation)? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? c. The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? d. Exposure ofpeople to existing sources ofpotential health hazards? e. Increase fire hazard in areas with fiammable brush, grass, or trees? 10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a. Increase in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? ll. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Maintenance ofpublic facilities, including roads? e. Other governmental services? 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? c. Local or regional water txeatment or distribution facilities? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste disposal? g. Local or regional water supplies? Potentially Significant Imt~act [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incomorated [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [x] [] [x] [] [] [] [] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [] [] [] [] [] Ix] [] [] [] ix] [] [x] [x] [x] Ix] [] [] [] [] [] [] [x] [x] Ix] [x] Ix] [] [x] [x] \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFP, F~386paggpc..dec 14 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES 13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a. Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? b. Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? c. Create light or glare? 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. WouLd the proposal: a. Disturb paleontological resources? b. Disturb archaeological resources? c. Affect historical resources? d. Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? e. Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? 15. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a. Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? b. Affect existing recreational opportunities? 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number of restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prohistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? Does the project have impacts that area individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? CCumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects). Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 17. EARLIER ANALYSES. None. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS~PLANNINGXSTAFFR.PT~386pagBpc..doc 25 Potentially Significant Ironact [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] It [] [l Significant Unless Incorporated [] [1 ix] [] [] [] [l [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Less Than Significant Impact [] ix] [] [] [] [] [] [] Ix] Ix] [] [] [] [l No Iratact ix] [] [1 ix] Ix] Ix] [x] [x] [] [] Ix] [x] ix] ix] ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES Potentially Sigai~c~mt Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Signi~e, ant Impact No lm~act SOURCES 1. City of Temecula General Plan. 2. City of Temecula General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report. 3. South Coast Air Quality Management Dismet CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 4. City of Temecula Development Code \XTEMEC_FS201\DATAXDEPTS\PLANNINGXSTAFFRFF\386paggpc..do~ 26 DISCUSSION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Land Use and Planning 1.b The project will not conflict with applicable environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. The project is consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Designation of BP (Business Park). Impacts from all General Plan Land Use Designations were analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan. Agencies with jurisdiction within the City commented on the scope of the analysis contained in the EIR and how the land uses would impact their particular agency. Mitigation measures approved with the EIR will be applied to this project. Furthermore, all agencies with jurisdiction over the project are also being given the opportunity to comment on the project and it is anticipated that they will make the appropriate comments as to how the project relates to their specific environmental plans or polices. The site has been previously graded and services within proximity of the project. There will be limited, if any environmental effects on environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. No significant effects on the land use or environmental policies are anticipated as a result of this project. 1.e The project will not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including low-income or minodty community) or agricultural resources or operations. The project is a speculative office building in an area surrounded by land that is developed with similar office/commercial/warehouse uses, as well as vacant land that is zoned to accommodate similar office/commercial/manufacturing/light industrial uses. There is no established residential community (including low-income or minority community) at this site. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. Population and Housing 2.a. The project will not cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections. The project is a speculative office building that is consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Designation of Business Park. Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, and does not exceed the floor area ratio for Business Park, it will not be a significant contributor to population growth that will cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 2.b. The project will not induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirectly. The project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of BP (Business Park), The project will cause people to relocate to or within Temecula; however, due to its limited scale, it will not induce substantial growth in the area. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 2.c. The project will not displace housing, especially affordable housing. The project site is vacant; therefore no housing will be displaced. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFRFr',386pa98pc,.dec Geologic Problems 3.a. The project will result in a less than significant impact on people as a result of fault rupture. The project is not located in a fault zone or within a fault setback area; therefore no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. The project may have a potentially significant impact on people involving seismic ground shaking as the project is located in Southem California, an area which is seismically active. There may also be a potentially significant impact from seismic ground failure, liquefaction and subsidence. Any potentially significant impacts will be mitigated through building construction which is consistent with Uniform Building Code standards. Further, preliminary soil reports have been submitted and reviewed as part of the application submittal and recommendations contained in this report will be used to determine appropriate conditions of approval. The soil reports will also contain recommendations for the compaction of the soil which will serve to mitigate any potentially significant impacts from seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, liquefaction and subsidence. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.d. The project will not expose people to a seiche, tsunami or volcanic hazard. The project is not located in an area where any of these hazards could occur. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.e, The project will not expose people to landslides or mudflows. The Final Environmental Impact for the City of Temecula General Plan has not identified any known landslides or mudslides located on the site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.f. The project will have a less than significant impact from erosion, changes in topography, grading or fill. The site has been previously graded and the project does not propose significant grading beyond that which has already occurred. Increased wind and water erosion of soils both on and off-site may occur during the construction phase of the project and the project may result in changes in siltation, deposition or erosion. Erosion control techniques will be included as a condition of approval for the project. In the long-run, hardscape and landscaping will serve as permanent erosion control for the project, Since the amount of grading will be the minimum necessary for the realization of the project, modification to topography and ground surface relief features will not be considered significant. Potential unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill will be mitigated through the use of landscaping and proper compaction of the soils. After mitigation measures are performed, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.i. The project will not impact unique geologic or physical features. No unique geologic features or physical features exist on the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT~386pa98pc..doc 28 Water 4,a. The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns and the rate and amount of surface runoff; however, these changes are considered less than significant. Previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscape and driveways. While absorption rates and surface runoff will change, potential impacts shall be mitigated through site design. Drainage conveyances will be required for the project to safely and adequately handle runoff which is created. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.b. The project may have a potentially significant impact to people or property to water related hazards because the project is located within a dam inundation area as identified in the City of Temecula General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report. impacts can be mitigated by utilizing existing emergency response systems and by assuring that these systems continue to maintain adequate service provision as the City develops. The project site is outside of the 100 year floodplain pursuant to FEMA maps. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.c. The project may have a potentially significant effect on discharges into surface waters and alteration of surface water quality. Pdor to issuance of a grading permit for the project, the developer will be required to comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. By complying with the NPDES requirements, any potential impacts can be mitigated to a level less than significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.d ,e. The project will have a less than significant impact in a change in the amount of surface water in any waterbody or impact currents, or to the course or direction of water movements. Additional surface runoff will occur because previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscape and driveways. Due to the limited scale of the project, the additional amount of drainage will not considered significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.f-h. The project will have a less than significant change in the quantity and quality of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability. Limited changes will occur in the quantity and quality of ground waters; however, due to the minor scale of the project, it will not be considered significant. Further, construction on the site will not be at depths sufficient to have a significant impact on ground waters. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.i. The project will not result in a substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater water otherwise available for public water supplies. According to information contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Temecula General Plan, "Rancho California Water District indicate that they can accommodate additional water demands." Water service currently exists in the immediate proximity to the project. Water service will need to be provided by Rancho California Water District (RCWD). This is typically provided \~TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFRPT~86p~98pc..doc 29 upon completion of financial arrangements between RCWD and the property owner. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Air Quality 5.a. The project will not violate any air quality standard or contdbute to an existing or projected air quality violation. The project (51,289 square feet of office space) is below the threshold for potentially significant air quality impact (276,000 square feet) established by South Coast Air Quality Management Distdct (Page 6-11, Table 6-2 of the South Coast Air Quality Management CEQA Air Quality Handbook). No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.b. The project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants. There are no significant pollutants in proximity to the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.c, The project will not alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or cause any change in climate. The limited scale of the project precludes it from creating any significant impacts on the environment in this area. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.d. The project will create objectional odors dudng the construction phase of the project. These impacts will be of short duration and are not considered significant. Transportation/Circulation 6.a. While the project may result in an incremental increase in traffic congestion it will result in a less than significant increase in vehicle trips. It is anticipated that this project will contribute a less than significant increase in existing volumes during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour time frames to the intersections of Rancho California Road and Diaz Road, and the intersection of Front Street and Rancho California Road according to standard trip calculation methodologies. The proposed development is in compliance with the land use and development standards of this zone which was analyzed in the EIR for the General Plan. Therefore, it is determined that the proposed development will not adversely affect the LOS for this area, but was included in the EIR analysis. The applicant will be required to pay traffic signal mitigation fees and public facility fees as conditions of approval for the project. After mitigation measures are performed and development impact fees paid, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.b. The project will not result in hazards to safety from design features. The project is designed to current City standards and does not propose any hazards to safety from design features. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.c. The project will not result in inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses. The project is a speculative office use in an area with existing and similar planned uses. The project is designed to currant City standards and has adequate emergency access. The project does not provide direct access to nearby uses; therefore, it will not impact access to nearby uses. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. \\TEMEC_FS201~DATA\DEPTS\PLANNINGXSTAFFRFF\386pa98pC..doc 30 6.d. The project will have sufficient parking capacity on-site. Off-site parking will not be impacted. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.e. The project will not result in a less than significant impact from hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists. Hazards or barriers to bicyclists have not been included as part of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.f. The project will not result in conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation. The project was transmitted to the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) and based upon their response to similar projects in the area, it is not anticipated the project will impact RTA facilities or services. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.g. The project will not result in impacts to rail, waterborne or air traffic since none exists currently in the immediate proximity of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Biological Resources 7.a. The project will not result ~n an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, including, but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds. The project site has been previously graded. Currently, there are no native species of plants, no unique, rare, threatened or endangered species of plants, no native vegetation on or adjacent to the site. Further, there is no indication that any wildlife species exist at this location. The project will not reduce the number of species, provide a barrier to the migration of animals or deteriorate existing habitat. The project site is located within the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Fee Area. Habitat Conservation fees will be required to mitigate the effect of cumulative impacts to the species. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.b. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated species. Locally designated species are protected in the Old Town Temecula Specific Plan; however, they are not protected elsewhere in the City. Since this project is not located in Old Town, and since there are no locally designated species on site, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.c. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated natural communities. Reference response 7.b. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project, 7.d. The project will not result in an impact to wetland habitat. There is no wetland habitat on- site or within proximity to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.e. The project will not result in an impact to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site does not serve as part of a migration corridor. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\pLANNING~STAFFRPT'G86pa~)8pc..dec Energy and Mineral Resources 8.a. The project will not impact and/or conflict with adopted energy conservation plans. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable laws pertaining to energy conservation during the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the project is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 8.b. The project will result in a less than significant impact for the use of non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner. While there will be an increase in the rate of use of any natural resource and in the depletion of nonrenewable resource(s) (construction materials, fuels for the daily operation, asphalt, lumber) and the subsequent depletion of these non-renewable natural resources. Due to the scale of the proposed development, these impacts are not seen as significant. B.c. The project will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resoume that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State. No known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State are located at this project site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Hazards 9.a. The project will not result in a dsk of explosion, or the release of any hazardous substances in the event of an acddent or upset conditions since none are proposed in the request, The same is true for the use, storage, transport or disposal of any hazardous or toxic materials. Large quantities of these types of substances are not anticipated with this use. However, the Department of Environmental Health regulates the use, storage and removal of hazardous or toxic materials. Moreover, the Fire Department and the Department of Environmental Health have reviewed the project and the applicant must receive their clearances prior to any plan check submittal. This applies to storage and use of hazardous materials; therefore, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.b. The project will not interfere with an emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. The subject site is not located in an area that could impact an emergency response plan. The project will take access from a maintained street and will therefore not impede any emergency response or emergency evacuation plans, No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.c. The project will not result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable health laws during the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the project is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.d. The project will not expose people to existing sources of potential health hazards. No health hazards are known to be within proximity of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.e, The project will not result in an increase to fire hazard in an area with ~ammable brush, grass, or trees. The project is an industrial/warehouse development in an area of existing \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNINGXSTAFFRPT\386pa98pc..doc and future similar uses. The project is not located within or proximate to a fire hazard area. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Noise lO.a. The proposal will result in a less than significant increase to existing noise levels. The site is currently vacant and development of the land logically will result in increases to noise levels during construction phases as well as increases to noise in the area over the long run, Long-term noise generated by this project would be similar to existing and proposed uses in the area. No significant noise impacts are anticipated as a result of this project in either the short or long-term. 10.b, The project may expose people to severe noise levels dudng the development/construction phase (short run). Construction machinery is capable of producing noise in the range of 100+ DBA at 100 feet which is considered very annoying and can cause hearing damage from steady 8-hour exposure. This source of noise will be of short duration and therefore will not be considered significant. There will be no long-term exposure of people to noise. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Public Services 11 .a,b. The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered fire or police protection. The project will incrementally increase the need for fire and police protection; however, it will contribute its fair share to the maintenance of service provision from these entities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 11.c. The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered school facilities. The project will not cause significant numbere of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula and therefore will not result in a need for new or altered school facilities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 11.d. The project will have a less than significant impact for the maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Funding for maintenance of roads is derived from the Gasoline Tax that is distributed to the City of Temecula from the State of California. Impacts to current and future needs for maintenance of roads as a result of development of the site will be incremental, however, they will not be considered significant. The Gasoline Tax is sufficient to cover any of the proposed expenses. 11 ,e . The project will not have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Utilities and Service Systems 12.a. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to power or natural gas. These systems are currently being delivered in proximity to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEFrS\PLANNING~STAFFRPT\386paggpc..doc 12.b. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to communication systems (reference response No. 12.a.). No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.c. The project will not result in the need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.d. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to sanitary sewer systems or septic tanks. While the project will have an incremental impact upon existing systems, the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the City's General Plan states: "both EMWD and RCWD have indicated an ability to supply as much water as is required in their services areas (p. 39)." The FEIR further states: "implementation of the proposed General Plan would not significantly impact wastewater services (p. 40)." Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. There are no septic tanks on site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.e. The proposal will result in a less than significant need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to storm water drainage. The project will need to provide some additional on-site drainage systems. The drainage system will be required as a condition of approval for the project and will tie into the existing system. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.f. The proposal will not result in a need for new systems or substantial alterations to solid waste disposal systems. Any potential impacts from solid waste created by this development can be mitigated through participation in any Source Reduction and Recycling Programs which are implemented by the City. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.g. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water supplies. Reference response 12.d. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Aesthetics 13.a. The project will not affect a scenic vista or scenic highway. The project is not located in a area where there is a scenic vista. Further, the City does not have any designated scenic highways. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project, 13.b, The project will not have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect. The applicant and architect worked with City staff to ensure a design that complies with the City-Wide Design Guidelines. The building is relatively consistent with other designs in the area. The enhanced landscaping and additional architectural treatments will provide additional aesthetic enhancement that will result in a quality designed building. Therefore, no adverse visual impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 13.c. The project will have a potentially significant impact from light and glare. The project will produce and result in a minimum amount of light or glare considering the scope of the \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFP, FI'X386pa98pc..doc 34 project. However, all light and glare has the potential to impact the Mount Palomar Observatory; therefore the project will be conditioned to be consistent with Ordinance No. 655 (Ordinance Regulating Light Pollution). With the conditions of approval, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Cultural Resources 14.a-c. The project will not have an impact on paleontologicel, archaeological or historical resources. The site has been disturbed from pdor grading activity and any impacts to these resources would have been mitigated during the grading process. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 14.d. The project will not have the potential to cause a physicel change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values. Reference response 14.a-c~ No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 14.e. The project will not restdct existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. No religious or sacred uses exist at the site or are proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Recreation 15.a,b. The project will have a less than significant impact or increase in demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities. The project will not cause significant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula, However, it will result in an incremental impact or in an increase in demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities. The same is true for the quality or quantity of existing recreational resources or opportunities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPTX386pa981x:. 35 A'R'ACHMENT NO. 3 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEFFS\PLANNING\STAFFRPTX386pa98pc..doc 36 Geologic Problems General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Mitigation Monitoring Program Planning Application No. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) Expose people to impacts from seismic ground shaking. Ensure that soil compaction is to City Standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building and Safety Department. General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Expose people to impacts from seismic ground failure, including liquefaction. Ensure that soil compaction is to City Standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building and Safety Department. General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Expose people to impacts from seismic ground shaking. Utilize construction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building and Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building and Safety Department. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEFrS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386pa98pc. ,doc 37 General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of slopes consistent with Ordinance No. 457. Submit erosion control plans for approval by the Department of Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of on-site landscaping that is consistent with the Development Code. Submit landscape plans that include planting of slope to the Planning Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Planning Department. Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, landslides or mudflows, expansive soils or earthquake hazards. Ensure that soil compaction is to City standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading permits and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building & Safety Department. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEFFS\PLANNING\STAFFRP'~386pa98pc..doc 38 General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, landslides or mudflows, expansive soils or earthquake hazards. Utilize construction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building & Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department Water General impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns and the rate and amount of surface runoff. Methods of controlling runoff, from site so that it will not negatively impact adjacent properties, including drainage conveyances, have been incorporated into site design and will be included on the grading plans. Submit grading and drainage plan to the Department of Public Works for approval. Prior to the issuance of grading permit. Department of Public Works. General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity). An erosion control plan shall be prepared in accordance with City requirements and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements, The applicant shall submit a SWPPP to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) for their review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and SDRWQCB (for SWPPP). \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPTX386pa98pc..doc 39 Transl~ortation/Circulation General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Biological Resources General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion. Payment of Development Impact Fee for road improvements and traffic impacts. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15,06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site. Provide on-site parking spaces to accommodate the use. Install on-site parking spaces pursuant to the City's minimum Development Code parking standards. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Department of Public Works, Planning Department and Building & Safety Department. Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds). Pay Mitigation Fee for impacts to Stephens Kangaroo Rat. Pay $500,00 per acre of disturbed area of Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat, Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, Department of Public Works and Planning Department, \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS',PLANNING\STAFFRPT~386pa98pc..doc 40 Public Services General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered governmental services regarding fire protection. The project will incrementally increase the need for fire protection; however, it will contribute its fair share to the maintenance of service provision. Payment of Development Impact Fee for Fire Mitigation. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permit. Building & Safety Department, General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered schools. No significant impacts are anticipated. Payment of School Fees. Pay current mitigation fees with the Temecula Valley Unified School District. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department and Temecula Valley Unified Schoor District. General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: A substantial effect upon and a need for maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Payment of Development Impact Fee for road improvements, traffic impacts, and public facilities. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA~DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386pa98pc..doc AESTHETICS General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: The creation of new light sources will result in increased light and glare that could affect the Palomar Observatory. Use lighting techniques that are consistent with Ordinance No. 655, Submit lighting plan to the Building and Safety Department for approval, Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building & Safety Department. \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING~STAFFRFf'u186pa98pc..dOC 42 A'R'ACHMENT NO. 4 EXHIBITS \\TEMEC_FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386pa98pc..doc 43 CITY OF TEMECULA NORTH PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- A PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 VICINITY MAP ~\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEFrS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386Da98oc,.doc CITY OF TEMECULA -/ EXHIBIT B - ZONING MAP DESIGNATION - LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) ~P P .> ~P /> EXHIBIT C - GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION - BP (BUSINESS PARK) PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 \\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPTX386oa98oc..doc CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- D PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 SITE PLAN X\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386Oa98nC..dOc CITY OF TEMECULA PRELIMINARY PLAN~NG PLAN PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - E PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 LANDSCAPE PLAN \\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT~386~a98~c..doc CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - F PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 ELEVATIONS X\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386~a98~c..doc CITY OF TEMECULA i ..... ,:: PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - G PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 COLORS & MATERIALS \\TEMEC FS201\DATA\DEPTS\PLANNING\STAFFRPT\386~a98nc..doc CITY OF TEMECULA ROOF PLAN I j- PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - H PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 FLOOR PLAN R:\STAFFRPT\386Da98nc..doc ITEM #6 RECOMMENDATION: STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION November 18, 1998 Planning Application No. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) Prepared By: Patty Anders, Assistant Planner The Planning Department Staff recommends Commission: 1. APPLICATIONINFORMATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTATIVE: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: SURROUNDING ZONING: the Planning ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA98-0347; ADOPT the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA98-0347; and ADOPT Resolution No. 98- approving of Planning Application No. PA98-0347 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Architects Orange/David Boddy Saddleback/Brian Fronk The design, construction and operation of 15 speculative industrial/manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet located on two parcels consisting of 6.02 acres with associated parking and landscaping. On the west side of Commerce Center Drive, adjacent to Murrieta Creek, north of Via Montezuma. LI (Light Industrial) North: LI (Light Industdal) South: LI (Light Industrial) East: LI (Light Industrial) & CC (Community Commercial) West: OS-C (Conservation) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: EXISTING LAND USE: R:~STAFFRPT~47PA98PC.FINAL,DOC BP (Business Park) Vacant 1 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: BP (Business Park) EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: South: East: West: Existing industrial/commercial uses. Vacant and existing industrial/commercial development uses. Existing and proposed industrial. warehouse, commercial and office uses. Mumeta Creek and variety of industrial, office, warehouse uses. PROJECT STATISTICS Total Area: 6.02 acres (net and gross) Total Area: 262,231 square feet Total Site Area: Building Area: 81,885 square feet 37% Landscape Area: 52,476 square feet 20% Paved Area: 112,759 square feet 43% 100% Parking Required: Office = 9,750 square feet: Manufacturing = 50,585 square feet: Warehouse = 21,520 square feet: 032 126 022 Total = 81,885 square feet: 180 Parking Provided: Standard Spaces: 197 Handicap Spaces: 015 Total = 212 Building Heights: All Buildings are Twenty-Four feet (24') in height BACKGROUND A pre-application meeting was held on May 18, 1998. A formal application was submitted on August 19, 1998. A Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting was held on September 10, 1998, with staff providing wdtten comments on September 17, 1998. The project was deemed complete on October 26, 1998. R:\STAFFRPT~347PA98PC.FINALDOC 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the design, construction and operation of 15 speculative- industrial/manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet located on two parcels consisting of 6.02 acres with associated improvements, such as hardscape, parking, landscaping and drive aisles. As proposed, the project straddles the existing property lines; therefore, the project will be conditioned to receive approval of the parcel merger application that is currently in processing (PA98-0411) to combine the two lots pdor to the issuance of a building permit. ANALYSIS Site Desiqn The proposed site is located at the west side of Commerce Center Ddve, immediately adjacent to Mumeta Creek. The building sizes range from 4,375 square feet to 10,665 square feet. The site plan shows a portion of buildings 4 and 5 within the 100-year flood plain; however, based on a recent filed topographic survey (March of 1998), the project engineer states that these structures are not within the flood plain as illustrated on the grading plan. The County Flood Control's position is that the project is located within the 100-year flood plain and encroaches onto the side slope of the Murrieta Creek based on 1987-88 topographic information from the County (see attachment "l", County letter dated September 24, 1998, and the Engineers response letter dated October 22, 1998). The City is accepting the applicant's position that the buildings are outside of the 100 year flood plain and will not be encroaching into the bank of the creek based on the more recent 1998 topographic survey from a licensed engineer. The applicant is proposing wrought iron fencing throughout the entire project, in addition to what is shown on the site plan (see attachment "J"). This additional fencing was added to the project after staffs review and scheduling the project for public hearing; therefore staff was unable to comment on the fences. Staff indicated that they could not support the addition of the fences to create secured storage area because it would remove common parking that is required for the approval of this project. In addition, staff has concerns that these areas would become unsightly outdoor storage areas for old or used parts, equipment or vehicles. Therefore, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission not allow the proposed storage areas (see Condition No. 4d) and delete all fencing internal to the project. With the removal of the wrought iron fences and the secured storage areas, staff feels the site design is compatible with existing development in the area. Access, Traffic and Circulation The subject site proposes two driveways off of Commerce Center Drive, which provides circular vehicular access and circulation to service the site. Parking is located throughout the site, which provides access to all buildings. With the removal of the wrought iron fences which blocks off common parking spaces required for the approval of this project, the site has sufficient parking and ingress and egress. R:~STAFFRPT\347PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 3 Architecture This project offers four (4) different elevations with four (4) color schemes for the fifteen (15) speculative buildings. Staff has worked closely with the architect to ensure a vadety of design and colors, while maintaining continuity throughout the project. Building elevations and colors were closely reviewed with the architect and to ensure a quality streetscape along the Commerce Center Drive. The proposed buildings offer raised, extended parapets at each entry, which cleady define the entry as required by the City-W~de Design Guidelines. The main entries are further articulated by heavy landscaping, extensive reveals, column features and painted architectural elements. The buildings also have extensive reveal patterns and several accent paint colors to add visual interest to the buildings and throughout the development. No signage is being approved with this speculative building. As proposed, the structures are compatible with the existing buildings in the area in terms of design, colors, materials, height, bulk and mass, Landscaping Twenty percent (20%) of the site has been landscaped, which meets the minimum twenty percent (20%) minimum landscaping requirement for the LI (Light Industrial) zone. The 20% proposed landscaping includes the revegetation of the east slope of the Murrieta Creek, which lies within the subject property. In order for this area to count toward the landscaping requirement, the slope must be upgraded by planting native trees, shrubs and ground covers. Because the Murrieta Creek is considered a significant wetland to the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), DFG is requiring the revegetation of the slope to be native species. DFG is also requiring review and approval of the proposed plant palette for the slope, and is requiring that all planting be installed by hand so that no damage will occur to the slope or the creek bed. Therefore, the project will be conditioned to receive approval of the plant palette by DFG prior to approval the final construction landscape plans, and all vegetation on the slope to be install by hand (see condition No. 4a and 4b). Should any damage occur to the slope during construction or revegetation of the slope, the project is conditioned to notify the DFG immediately to minimize or mitigate any damage that may occur. In addition, the City's Landscape Architect recommends that the east slope will be required to have temporary irrigation for a minimum of three to five years to ensure the revegetation is successful. Once the vegetation on the slope is growing in a healthy and thriving manner, the City's Landscape Architect recommends that the temporary landscaping be removed. Staff feels this is an appropriate request and has conditioned the project accordingly (see condition No. 4c). The landscaping provided outside of the slope area was dispersed extensively along Commerce Center Drive to create a quality streetscape into the project. There is landscaping proposed at the front elevation of each building which also serves to help define the main entry of each building. There are landscaped planters throughout the parking area and along most side elevations which will help break up the parking lot paving and soften the elevations, R:\STAFFRPT~347PA98PC.FINAL.OOC 4 With the above referenced conditions of approval, staff feels the landscaping will serve to enhance the overall project and be a significant improvement to the east slope of the Mumeta Creek. EXISTING ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION The General Plan Land Use designation for the site is BP (Business Park). Existing zoning for the site is LI (Light Industrial). Industrial/warehouse/office building are permitted with the approval of a development plan pursuant to Chapter 17.08 of the Development Code. With the approvai of the parcel merger currently in process, the project as proposed is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code and City-Wide Design Guidelines. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION An Initial Study has been prepared for this project. The Initial Study determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, these effects are not considered to be significant due to mitigation measures contained in the project design and in the Conditions of Approval for the project. Any potentially significant impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The project consists of the design, construction and operation of 15 speculative industrial/manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet located on two parcels consisting of 6.02 acres with associated improvements, such as hardscape, parking, landscaping and drive aisles. As proposed, the project straddles the existing property lines; therefore, the project will be conditioned to receive approval of the parcel merger application that is currently in processing (PA98-0411) to combine the two lots pdor to the issuance of a building permit. The project, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and the Design Guidelines and will comply with the requirements of the California Department of Fish and Game relative to the revegetation of the east slope of the Murrieta Creek. FINDINGS The proposed use is in conformanca with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is consistent with all City Ordinances including: the City's Development Code, Ordinance No. 655 (Mr. Palomar Lighting Ordinance), and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping provisions. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. R:\STAFFRPTL~47PA98PC FINAL.DOC 5 The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, or to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and streetscape installed on site. There are no native species of plants or vegetation at the site, nor any indication that any wildlife species exist. or that the site serves as a migration corridor. Attachments: 2 3 4. PC Resolution - Blue Page 7 A. Conditions of Approval - Blue Page 10 Initial Study - Blue Page 23 Mitigation Monitoring Program - Blue Page 24 Exhibits - Blue Page 25 B. C D. E. F. G. H. I. Vicinity Map General Plan Map Zoning Map Site Plan Landscape Plan Elevations Colors and Materials Board Floor Plan County Flood Control Letter and Exhibit dated September 24, 1998 and the Engineers response letter dated October 22, 1998. Proposed Outdoor Secured Storage Areas R:~STAFFRPTLt47PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 6 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- R:\STAFFRPT\347PA98PC,FINAL.DOC 7 PC RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0386 THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF 15 SPECULATIVE INDUSTRIAL/ MANUFACTURING/OFFICE BUILDINGS TOTALING 81,885 SQUARE FEET LOCATED ON TWO PARCELS CONSISTING OF 6.02 ACRES WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING AND LANDSCAPING LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE, ADJACENT TO MURRIETA CREEK, NORTH OF VIA MONTEZUMA, KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 921-400-017 AND 921-400-044. WHEREAS, Saddleback filed Planning Application No. PA98-0347 in accordance with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code; WHEREAS, Planning Application No. PA98-0347 was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered Planning Application No. PA98-0347 on November 18, 1998, at a duly noticed public headng as prescribed by law, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or in opposition; WHEREAS, at the public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the Commission considered all facts relating to Planning Application No. PA98-0347; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Section 2. Findinqs. The Planning Commission, in approving Planning Application No. PA98-0347 makes the following findings; to wit: A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is consistent with all City Ordinances including: the City's Development Code, Ordinance No. 655 (Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance), and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping provisions. B. The overell development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. The project as proposed complies with all City Ordinances and meets the standards adopted by the City of Temecula designed for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. R:\STAFFRPTL~47PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 8 C. The project will not result in an impact to endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, or to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site has been previously disturbed and graded, and streetscape installed on site. There are no native species of plants or vegetation at the site, nor any indication that any wildlife species exist, or that the site serves as a migration corridor. Section 3. Environmental Compliance. An Initial Study prepared for this project indicates that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in the Conditions of Approval have been added to the project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration, therefore, is hereby adopted. Section 4. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby approves Planning Application No. PA98-0347 for the design, construction and operation of 15 speculative industrial/manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet located on two parcels consisting of 6.02 acres with associated parking and landscaping, and known as Assessors Parcel No. 921-400-017 and 921-400-044 subject to Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof. Section 5, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1998. Marcia Slaven, Chairperson I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting there of, held on the 18th day of November, 1998 by the following vote of the Commission: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary R:\STAFFRP'r~47PA98PC .FINALDOC 9 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R:~STAFFRPT\347PA98PC,FtNAL.DOC 10 EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) Project Description: The design, construction and operation of 15 speculative industrial/manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet located on two parcels consisting of 6.02 acres with associated parking and landscaping. Assessors Parcel No.: 921-400-017 and 921-400-044. Approval Date: November 18, 1998 Expiration Date: November 18, 2000 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Within Forty-Eight (48) Hours of the Approval of this Project The applicant/developer shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashier's check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars ($1,328.00) which includes the One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollar ($1,250.00) fee, required by Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(d)(3) plus the Seventy-Eight Dollars ($78.00) County administrative fee, to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination for the Mitigated or Negative Declaration required under Public Resources Code Section 21108(a) and California Code of Regulations Section 15075. If within said forty-eight (48) hour pedod the applicant/developer has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition, Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c). General Requirements The developer/applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless, the City and any agency or instrumentality thereof, and/or any of its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, actions. or proceedings against the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees and agents, to attack, set aside, void, annul, or seek monetary damages resulting from an approval of the City, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning the Specific Plan Amendment which action is brought within the appropriate statute of limitations pedod and Public Resources Code, Division 13. Chapter 4 (Section 21000 et seq., including but not by the way of limitations Section 21152 and 21167). City shall promptly notify the developer/applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding brought within this time pedod. City shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action. Should the City fail to either promptly notify or cooperate fully, developer/applicant shall not, thereafter be responsible to indemnify, defend, protect, or hold harmless the City, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of its officers, employees, or agents. R:~STAFFRPTL347PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 11 This approval shall be used within two (2) years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void, By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year pedod which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures contained in the approved Mitigation Monitoring Program. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with Attachment D, or as amended by these conditions. a. Nine (9) Class I lockers or Class II bicycle racks shall be provided. b. A minimum of one hundred eighty (180) parking spaces shall be provided. c. A minimum of fifteen (15) handicapped parking spaces shall be provided. d. A minimum of eighteen (18) motorcycle spaces shall be provided throughout the site. There shall not be any internal fences or outdoor secured storage areas as shown on Attachment J or any modification thereof. The site plan shall be modified to illustrate the correct location of the 100 year flood plain to be consistent with the grading plan. Landscaping shall be provided in substantial conformance with Attachment "E" (Landscape Plan), or as amended by these conditions. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the satisfaction of the Planning Manager. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Planning Manager shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The east slope planting of the Murrieta Creek shall be upgraded with the planting of native plants, trees, shrubs and ground cover that shall be reviewed and approved by the City and the California Department and Fish and Game. The final construction landscape plans shall consist of the plantings approved by the City and the Department of Fish and Game. All landscaping on the east slope of the Mumeta Creek shall be installed by hand and shall not utilize equipment. If any damage should occur to the slope or creek bed dudng revegetation of the slope or dudng construction of the project, all work shall stop and the applicant or his employees, contractors or represents shall notify the Department of Fish and Game immediately. C, Temporary irrigation shall be installed (by hand) on the east slope of the Murrieta Creek for a minimum of three to five years to ensure that the revegetation is maintained in a healthy. thdving condition satisfactory to the Planning Manager. R:\STAFFRPT~347PA98PC,FINAL,DOC 12 7. Building elevations shall conform substantially to Exhibit F and Exhibit G (color elevations), or as amended by these conditions. Colors and' materials used shall conform substantially with Exhibit H, or as amended by these conditions (color and matedal board). Materials Colors Color Scheme #1 1A Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 1B Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 1C Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 1D Steel Beam/Steel Grill Frazee "Sawyers Fence" 8231W Frazee "Daplin" 8234M Frazee "Cdsp Khaki" 8233M Frazee "Elm Court" 8595D Color Scheme #2 2A Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 2B Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 2C Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 2D Steel Beam/Steel Grill Frazee "Clay Beige" 8721W Frazee "Tumbleweed" 8723W Frazee "Meadowlark" 8724M Frazee "Brick Rose" 8385D Color Scheme #3 3A Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 3B Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 3C Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 3D Steel Beam/Steel Grill Frazee "Lombardi Mist" 8531W Frazee "Summer Fog" 8533w Frazee "Solid Gray" 8534W Frazee '"VVinter Sea" 8565D Color Scheme #4 4A Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 4B Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 4C Concrete Tilt-Up Panel 4D Steel Beam/Steel Grill 5 Aluminum Storefront and Glazing Glazing Storefront 6 Aluminum Storefront and Glazing Glazing Storefront 7 1" Recessed Accents Frazee "European Gray" 8631W Frazee "Smoky Candle" 8633W Frazee "Dusty Miller" 8634W Frazee "Pigeon Isle" 8875D Solar Gray Arcadia "Black" Solar Bronze Arcadia "Dark Bronze" Adjacent Color Prior to the Issuance of Grading Permits The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.24 of the Temecula Municipal Code (Habitat Conservation). R:,,STAFFRPT~347PA98PC.FINAL,DOC 13 Prior to the Issuance of Building Permits 10. The applicant shall submit evidence of native plant palette approval from the California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Temecula. 11. A Consistency Check fee shall be paid. 12. Three (3) copies of Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be submitted to tt~e Community Development Department - Planning Division for approval. These plans shall conform substantially with the approved Exhibit "E", or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance. The cover page shall identify the total square footage of the landscaped area for the site. The plans shall be accompanied by the following items: Appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal). b. One (1) copy of the approved grading plan. Water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance). Total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with the approved plan). Prior to the Issuance of Occupancy Permits 13. An Administrative Development Plan application for signage shall be required if signage is proposed. An application for signage shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Manager. 14. Roof-mounted equipment shall be inspected to ensure it is shielded from ground view. 15. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape and irrigation plans. 16 All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Planning Manager. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 17. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height if 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each R:~STAFFRPT~347PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 14 entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches, cleady and conspicuously stating the following: "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owners expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed by telephoning 909 696- 3000". 18 Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Planning Manager, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings, in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan, shall be filed with the Community Development Department - Planning Division for one year from final certificate of occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Planning Manager, the bond shall be released. 19. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. BUILDING AND SAFETYDEPARTMENT 20. Comply with applicable provisions of the 1994 edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; 1993 National Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy and Disabled Access Regulations and the Temecula Municipal Code. 21. Submit at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plans showing compliance with Ordinance No. 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. 22 A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley School Distdct shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 23. Obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 24. The Occupancy classification of the proposed buildings shall be B/S-I/F-1. 25, Obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings prior to submittal for plan review. 26 All building and facilities must comply with applicable disabled access regulations. Provide all details on plans. (California Disabled Access Regulations effective April 1, 1998). 27. Provide disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building, R:\STAFFRPT~347PA98PC,FINALDOC 15 28 Provide van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entry. 29. Show path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. 30. Provide house electrical meter provisions for power for the operation of exterior lighting, fire alarm systems. 31. Restroom fixtures, number and type, to be in accordance with the provisions of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix C. 32. Provide an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. 33. Provide appropriate stamp of a registered professional with original signature on plans submitted for plan review. 34. Provide electrical plan including load calculations and panel schedule, plumbing schematic and mechanical plan for plan review. 35 Truss calculations that are stamped by the engineer of record and the truss manufacturer engineer are required for plan review submittal. 36. Provide precise grading plan for plan check submittal to check for handicap accessibility. 37. A pre-construction meeting is required with the building inspector prior to the start of the building construction. 38. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standard and any block walls require separate approvals and permits. PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT Unless otherwise noted, all conditions shall be completed by the Developer at no cost to any government Agency. It is understood that the Developer correctly shows on the site plan all existing and proposed property lines, easements, traveled ways, improvement constraints and drainage courses, and their omission may require the project to be resubmitted for further review and revision. General Requirements 39. A Grading Permit for either rough and/or precise grading, including all on-site fiat work and improvements, shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction outside of the City-maintained street right-of-way. 40. An Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to commencement of any construction within an existing or proposed City right-of-way. 41. All improvement plans and grading plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site and shall be submitted on standard 24" x 36" City of Temecula mylars. R:',STAFFRPT\347PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 16 Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit 42. No grading shall be permitted along the westedy property boundary from the top of slope to the westerly property boundary. 43. A permit from Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is required for work within their Right-of-Way. 44. A Grading Plan shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The grading plan shall include all necessary erosion control measures needed to adequately protect adjacent public and private property. 45. The Developer shall post security and enter into an agreement guaranteeing the grading and erosion control improvements in conformance with applicable City Standards and subject to approval by the Department of Public Works. 46. A Soil Report shall be prepared by a registered Soil or Civil Engineer and submitted to the Director of the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address all soils conditions of the site, and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and pavement sections. 47. A Geological Report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. The report shall address special study zones and the geological conditions of the site, and shall provide recommendations to mitigate the impact of ground shaking and liquefaction. 48. The Developer shall have a Drainage Study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with City Standards identifying storm water runoff expected from this site and upstream of this site. The study shall identify all existing or proposed public or private drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. The study shall also analyze and identify impacts to downstream properties and provide specific recommendations to protect the properties and mitigate any impacts. Any upgrading or upsizing of downstream facilities, including acquisition of drainage or access easements necessary to make required improvements, shall be provided by the Developer. 49. The Developer must comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. 50. As deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Planning Department of Public Works R:~STAFFRPTL~47PA98PC,FINAL.OOC 17 51. The Developer shall comply with all constraints which may be shown upon an Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS) recorded with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 52. Permanent landscape and in'igation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department and the Department of Public Works for review and approval. 53. The Developer shall obtain any necessary letters of approval or slope easements for off- site work performed on adjacent properties as directed by the Department of Public Works. 54. A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The Area Drainage Plan fee is payable to the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distdct by either cashiers check or money order, prior to issuance of permits, based on the prevailing area drainage plan fee. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. 55 The site is in an area identified on the Flood Insurance Rate Map as Flood Zone A. This project shall comply with Chapter 15, Section 15.12 of the City Municipal Code which may include obtaining a Letter of Map Revision from FEMA. A Flood Plain Development Permit shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 56. The Developer shall obtain approval of PA 98-0411, Certificate of Parcel Merger, merging Lot 8 of Tract Map 16178-1 and Parcel A of Waived Parcel Map 28618. A copy of the recorded parcel merger shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Public Works Department. 57. Improvement plans and/or precise grading plans shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Standards subject to approval by the Director of the Department of Public Works. The following design criteria shall be observed: Flowline grades shall be 0.5% minimum over P.C.C. and 1.00% minimum over A.C. paving. b. Driveways shall conform to the applicable City of Temecula Standard No. 207A. Landscaping shall be limited in the comer cut-off area of all intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. d, All concentrated drainage directed towards the public street shall be conveyed through undersidewalk drains. 58. The building pad shall be certified to have been substantially constructed in accordance with the approved Precise Grading Plan by a registered Civil Engineer, and the Soil Engineer shall issue a Final Soil Report addressing compaction and site conditions. R:~STAFFRPTL347PA98PC.FINAL,DOC 18 59. The Developer shall pay to the City the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all Resolutions implementing Chapter 15,06. Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 60. The Developer shall dedicate an access and maintenance easement measured from the top of slope the existing Mumeta Creek Channel bank to the westedy property line. The easement shall provide for the ingress/egress and maintenance of Mumeta Creek. The easement shall be granted to Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. The term of the easement shall sunset upon completion of the Murrieta Creek Channel Improvements adjacent to the property. A copy of the recorded easement shall be submitted to the Planning Department and the Public Works Department. 61. As deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the Developer shall receive written clearance from the following agencies: Rancho California Water District Eastern Municipal Water District Department of Public Works 62. The existing improvements shall be reviewed. Any appurtenance damaged or broken shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. FIRE DEPARTMENT 63. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Uniform Fire Code (UFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal, 64. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings per UFC Appendix Ill. A, Table A-Ill-A-1. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 1500 GPM at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, plus an assumed sprinkler demand of 1850 GPM for a total fire flow of 3350 GPM with a 2 hour duration, The required fire flow may be adjusted during the approval process to reflect changes in design, construction type, or automatic fire protection measures as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire Flow as given above has taken into account all information as provided. (UFC 903.2, Appendix Ill.A) 65. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per UFC Appendix III. B, Table A-Ill-B-1. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2-2 1/2" outlets) on a looped system shall be located on fire access roads and adjacent to public streets. Hydrants shall be spaced at 450 feet apart and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access read(s) frontage to an hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required. (UFC 903.2, 903.4.2, and Appendix Ill-B). R:~STAFFRPTL~47PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 19 66 67. 68. 69, 70. 71, 72 73. 74. 75. As required by the Uniform Fire Code, when any portion of the building(s) is in excess of 150 feet from a water supply on a public street, on site fire hydrants am required. For this project On site fire hydrants are required, (UFC 903.2). If construction is phased, each phase shall provide approved access and fire protection prior to any building construction. (UFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2). Pnor to building construction, alLlocations where structures are to be built shall have approved temporary Fire Department vehicle access roads for use until permanent roads are installed. Temporary Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface for 70,0001bs GVVV. (UFC 8704.2 and 902.2.2.2). Prior to building final, all locations where structures are to be built shall have approved Fire Department vehicle access roads to within 150 feet to any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of 'the building(s). Fire Department access roads shall be an all weather surface designed for 70,000 Ibs. GVVV with a minimum AC thickness of .25 feet. ( UFC sec 902 and Ord 95-15). Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches. (UFC 902.2.2.1 and Ord 95-15). Prior to building construction, dead end road ways and streets in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus. (UFC 902.2.2.4). Prior to building construction, this development shall have two (2) points of access, via all-weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau. (UFC 902.2.1). Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval pdor to installation, Plans shall be: signed by a registered civil engineer; contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block; and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. After the plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Prevention Bureau for signatures, The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building materials being placed on an individual lot. (UFC 8704.3, 901.2.2.2 and National Fire Protection Association 24 1-4.1 ). Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, "Blue Reflective Markers" shall be installed to identify fire hydrant locations. (UFC 901.4.3). Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, all commercial buildings shall display street numbers in a prominent location on the street side of the building. The numerals shall be minimum twelve (12) inches in height for buildings and six (6) inches for suite identification on a contrasting background, In strip centers, businesses shall post the suite address on the rear door(s), (UFC 901.4.4 and Ord 95-15). R:~STAFFRPT~347PA98PC.FINAL.DOC 20 76 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a directory display monument sign shall be required for apartment, condominium, townhouse or mobile home parks. Each complex shall have an illuminated diagrammatic layout of the complex which indicates the name of the complex, all streets. building identification, unit numbers, and fire hydrant locations within the complex. Location of the sign and design specifications shall be submitted to and be approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to installation. 77. Prior to issuance of Certificate of .Occupancy or building final, based on square footage and type of construction, occupancy or use, the developer shall install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (UFC Article 10, UBC Chapter 9 and Ord 95-15). 78. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or building final, based on a requirement for monitonng the sprinkler system, occupancy or use, the developer shall install an fire alarm system monitored by an approved Underwriters Laboratory listed central station. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation. (UFC Article 10). 79 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, a "Knox-Box" shall be provided. The Knox-Box shall be installed a minimum of six (6) feet in height and be located to the right side of the main entrance door. The Knox-Box shall be supervised by the alarm system. (UFC 902.4). 80. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by firefighting personnel. (UFC 902.4). 81. Prior to the building final, speculative buildings capable of housing high-piled combustible stock, shall be designed with the following fire protection and life safety features: an automatic fire sprinkler system(s) designed for a specific commodity class and storage arrangement, hose stations, alarm systems, smoke vents, draft curtains, Fire Department access doors and Fire department access roads. Buildings housing high-piled combustible stock shall comply with the provisions Uniform Fire Code Article 81 and all applicable National Fire Protection Association standards. (UFC Article 81). 82, Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or building final, the developer/applicant shall be responsible for obtaining underground and/or aboveground tank permits for the storage of combustible liquids, fiammable liquids or any other hazardous materials from both the County Health department and Fire Prevention Bureau.(UFC 7901.3 and 8001.3). OTHER AGENCIES 83. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Rancho Califomia Water District's transmittai dated August 28, 1998, a copy of which is attached. 84. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health's transmittal dated August 27, 1998, a copy of which is attached. R:\STAFFRPTL~47PA98PC.FINALDOC 21 85. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations as set forth in the Department of Transportation transmittal dated September 8, 1998, a copy of which is attached, to the extent practical and not in conflict with conditions contained herein. 86. By placing my signature below, I confirm that I have read, understand and accept all the above Conditions of Approval, I further understand that the property shall be maintained in conformance with these conditions of approval and that any changes I may wish to make to the project shall be subject to Community Development Department approval. Applicant Name R:~STAFFRPT~47PA98PC.FINALDOC 22 Water August28,1998 Ms. Patty Anders, Case Planner City of Ternecula Planning Department 43200 Business Park Drive Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 SUBJECT: WATER AVAILABILITY LOTS NO. 8 AND NO. 9 OF TRACT NO. 16178-1 APN 921-400-017 & 921-400-044 PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 Dear Ms. Anders: Please be advised that the above-referenced property is located within the boundaries of Rancho California Water District (RCWD). Water service, therefore, would be available upon completion of financial arrangements between RCWD and the property owner. If fire protection is required, the customer will need to contact RCWD for fees and requirements. Water availability would be contingent upon the property owner signing an Agency Agreement which assigns water management rights, if any, to RCWD. If you have any questions, please contact an Engineering Services Representative at this office. Sincerely, RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT Steve Brannon, P.E. Development Engineering Manager 98/SB:mc192/F012-T1/FCF c: Laurie Williams, Engineering Services Supervisor TO: FROM County of Riverside ' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DATE: August 27, 1998 CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ande~Planner CLARENCE HARRISON, Environmental Health Specialist III PLOT PLAN NO. PA98-0347 The Department of Environmental Health has reviewed the Plot Plan No. PA98-0347 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services may be available in this area. PRIOR TO ANY PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL for health clearance, the following items are required: a) "Will-serve" letters from the appropriate water and sewering agencies. b) Three complete sets of plans for each food establishment will be submitted, including a fixture schedule, a finish schedule, and a plumbing schedule in order to ensure compliance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law. For specific reference, please contact Food Facility Plan examiners at (909) 694-5022). c) A clearance letter from the Hazardous Services Materials Management Branch (909) 358-5055 will be required indicating that the project has been cleared for: · Underground storage tanks, Ordinance # 617.4. · Hazardous Waste Generator Services, Ordinance # 615.3. · Emergency Response Plans Disclosure (in accordance with Ordinance # 651.2.) · Waste reduction management. d) A letter from the Waste Regulation Branch (Waste Collection/LEA). CH:dr (909) 275-8980 NOTE: Any current additional requirements not covered, can be applicable at time of Building Plan review for final Department of Environmental Health Clearance. cc: Doug Thompson, Hazardous Materials ~.~?~- STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT iI, 464 W. 4th STREET, Gffi FLOOR SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401-1400 PETE W1LSON, GOvernor September 8, 1998 08 Riv-15-5.97 Ms. Patty Anders Assistant Planner City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Dear Ms. Anders: Planning Application No. 98-0347 We have reviewed the above referenced document and request consideration of the following: Caltrans supports economic growth and orderly land use development; however, new development must pay its fair share for upgrading infrastructure facilities needed to serve the development. This infrastructure includes State highways and freeways. It also includes both direct and cumulative traffic impacts. All jurisdictions should take measures available to fund improvements and reduce total trips generated. In view of the fact there are limited funds available for infrastructure improvements, we recommend the City of Temecula take the lead in developing a fair-share mechanism in which each project can fund improvements for the decrease in Level of Service (LOS) for which it is responsible. Please submit a copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of the Planning Application No. 98-0347 (Development Plan) to this office at the earliest possible convenience. If you have any questions, please contact Garrett Miyahira at (909) 383-6212 or FAX (909) 383-5936. Sincerely, LINDA GRIMES, Chief Office of Regional Planning/ Forecasting/Public Transportation cc: Hideo Sugita, RCTC ATTACHMENT NO. 2 INITIAL STUDY R:~STAFFRPT'G47PA98PC.FINAL,DOC 23 CITY OF TEMECULA Environmental Checklist Project Title: Lead Agency Name and Address: Temecula, CA 92589 Contact Person and Phone Number: Project Location: Project Sponsor's Name and Address: General Plan Designation: Zoning: Description of Project: Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: Planning Application No. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Drive, Patty Anders, Assistant Planner (909) 694-6400 The west side of Commerce Center Ddve, adjacent to Murdeta Creek, north of Via Montezuma. Bdan Frank, Saddleback, 2615 Orange Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92707 BP (Business Park) LI (Light Industdal) The design, construction and operation of 15 speculative industrial/manufacturing/office buildings totaling 81,885 square feet located on two parcel consisting of 6.02 acre site. As proposed, the project straddles the existing property lines; therefore, the project will be conditioned to receive approval of the parcel merger application that is currently in processing (PA98-0411 ) to combine the two lots pdor to the issuance of a building permit. The project is located in a area that has been previously graded, street improvements have been made and water and sewer are within vicinity of the project, Land to the north and south is industrial and commercial uses, to the west is Murrieta Creek and further west is industrial/office/warehouse uses, and to the east is existing and proposed industrial, warehouse and office uses. R:\STAFRLr~347pagSpc..doc 15 10. Other public agencies whose approval is required: Riverside County Fire Department, Riverside County Health Department, Temecula Police Department, Eastern Municipal Water Distdct, Rancho Califomia Water District, Southern Califomia Gas Company, Southern California Edison Company, General Telephone Company, and Riverside Transit Agency. R:XSTAFFRPT'G47pa981X:..doc 16 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental facWrs checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. [ ] Land Use and PIning [ ] HaTards [ ] Population and Housing [ ] Noise [X] Geologic Problems [ ] Public Services [X] Water { ] Utilities and Service Systems [ ] Air Quality [X] Aesthetics [ ] Transportation/Circulation [ ] Cultural Resources [X] Biological Resources [ ] Recreation [ ] Energy and Mineral Resources [ ] Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. Name Date R:~STAFFRPTX3471~98pc..doc 17 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORh~A. TION SOURCES 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: a. Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Source 1, Figure 2-1, Page 2-17) b. Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c. Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? (Source 1, Figure 2-1, Page 2-17) d. Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g. impacts to soils or farmlads, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? (Source 1, Figure 5-4, Page 5-17) e. Dismpt or divide the physical arrangement ofan established community (including low-income or minority community)? 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would be proposal: a. Curnulatively exceed official regional or local population projects? b. Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly (e.g. through project in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? c. Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving? a. Fault rapture? b. Seismic ground shaking? c. Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? d. Seiche, tsunam. j, or volcanic hazard? e. Landslides or mudflows? f. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soft conditions form excavation, grading or fill? g. Subsidence of the land? h, Expansive soils? i. Umque geologic or physical features? 4. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage paRems, or the rate and mount of surface runoff?, b. Exposure ofpeople or property to watcr related hazards such as flooding? (Source 2, Figure 13, Page 95 and Source 2, Figure 30, Page 190) c. Discharge into stirface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? d. Changes in the mount of surface water in any water body? Potentially Significant [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [1 [3 Po~mially Significant Unless Mitigation IncorOorated [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [x] [x] [] [] [] Ix] [] [] [] ix] [x] [] L~s Than s~fr. am [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [x] [] [] [] [] [x] [] Ix] [] [x] [] [3 [x] NO [] [x] [x] [x] Ix] [x] Ix] Ix] [] [] [] Ix] [x] [] [] [] [x] [] [] [] [] R:xSTAFFRFIr~47pa98pc..doe 18 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES e. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? f. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g. Altereddirectionorrateoffiowofgroundwater7 h. Impacts to groundwater quality? i. Substantial reduction in the mount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies7 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a. Violate any air quality standard or conn'ibute to an existing or projected air quality violation? b. Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? c. Alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or cause any change in climate? d. Create objectionable odors? 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a. Increase vehicle trips or traffic congestion? b. Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersection or incompatible uses)? c. Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? d. Insuf~cient parking capacity on-site or off-site? e. Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? f. Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? g. Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a. Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, mls and birds)? b. Locally dasfgnated species (e.g. heritage frees)? e. Locally designated natural communities (e .g. oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? d. Wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? e. Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? b. Use non-renewal resources in a wasteful end inefficient R:\STAFFRPTL~Tpa98pc..doc 19 Potentially Significant Iml~ct [] [] (] (] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ x] [] [] [x] [] [] Significant Iramet Ix] [x] ix] (x] [] [] [] [] [x] [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Ix] [] [] [] [] No [] [] [] [] [x] (x] Ix] [x] [] [] Ix] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [] [] [x] [] [x] Ix] ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES potentially Significant manner? [ ] Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? [ ] 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a. Ariskofaccidentalexplosionorreleaseofhazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pestleides, chemical or radiation)? b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? c. The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? d. Exposureofpeopletoexistingsoureesofpotenfialhealth hazards? e. Increase Fare hazard in areas with ~ammable brush, grass, or trees? 10. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: 11. a. Increase in existing noise levels? b. Exposureofpeopletoseverenoiselevels? PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: 12. a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Maintenance ofpublic facilitles, including roads? e. Other governmental services? UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Connnunicatlons systems? c. Local or regional water txeamient or distn~butlon facilities? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste disposal? g. Local or regional water supplies? [1 [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Potentially Significant Units Mitigation Incor0orauxl [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [1 [1 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Las Than ix] [] [] [] [] [] [] [x] [x] Ix] [x] [x] [x] [] [3 [] [3 [3 [x] [] [] No [] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] Ix] [x] [x] [x] [x] [1 [x] [x] R:~STAFFR]rI~47pa98pc..doc 20 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES 13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a. Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? b. Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? c. Create light or glare? 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a. Disturb paleontological resources? b. Disturb archaeological resources? c. Affect historical resources? d. Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? e. Restrict existing religions or sacred uses within the potential impact area? 15. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a. Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? b. Affect existing recreational opportunities? 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number of restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehiswry? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? Does the project have impacts that area individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? CCumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed hi connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects). Does the project have environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Potentially Significant Imt~ct [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Pot, mially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated [3 [] [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Le~sThan Significant Im~aet [] [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] No [x] [] [] [x] [x] ix] [x] ix] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] R:\ST~71~981x..doc 21 ISSUES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES 17. EARLIER ANALYSES. None, Potentially Significant Imvact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated L~sThan Significant NO SOURCES 1. City of Temecula General Plan. 2. City of Temecula General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report. 3. South Coast Air Quality Management Disuict CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 4. City of Temecula Development Code R:\STAFFRPTX347pa98pc..doc 22 DISCUSSION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Land Use and Planning 1.b The project will not conflict with applicable environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. The project is consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Designation of BP (Business Park). Impacts from all General Plan Land Use Designations were analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan. Agencies with judsdiction within the City commented on the scope of the analysis contained in the EIR and how the land uses would impact their particular agency. Mitigation measures approved with the EIR will be applied to this project. Furthermore, all agencies with jurisdiction over the project are also being given the opportunity to comment on the project and it is anticipated that they will make the appropriate comments as to how the project relates to their specific environmental plans or polices. The site has been previously graded and services within proximity of the project. As proposed, the project straddles the existing property lines; therefore, the project will be conditioned to receive approval of the parcel merger that is currently in processing (PA98-0411 ) to combine the two lots pdor to the issuance of a building permit. There will be limited, if any environmental effects on environmental plans or polices adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project. No significant effects on the land use or environmental policies are anticipated as a result of this project. 1.e The project will not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including low-income or minodty community) or agricultural resources or operations. The project is a speculative office building in an area surrounded by land that is developed with similar industdal, manufacturing, office and warehouse uses, as well as vacant land that is zoned to accommodate similar uses. There is no established residential community (including low-income or minority community) at this site. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. Population and Housing 2.a. The project will not cumulativeiy exceed official regional or local population projections. The project is a speculative office building that is consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Designation of Business Park. Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, and does not exceed the floor area ratio for Business Park, it will not be a significant contributor to population growth that will cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 2.b. The project will not induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirectly. The project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of BP (Business Park). The project will cause people to relocate to or within Temecula; however, due to its limited scale, it will not induce substantial growth in the area. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project, 2.c. The project will not displace housing, especially affordable housing. The project site is vacant; therefore no housing will be displaced. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. R:\STAFFRPT~47pa98pC..dog 23 Geoloclic Problems 3.a. The project will result in a less than significant impact on people as a result of fault rupture. The project is not located in a fault zone or within a fault setback area; therefore no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.b,c, g,h. The project may have a potentially significant impact on people involving seismic ground shaking as the project is located in Southern California, an area which is seismically active. There may also be a potentially significant impact from seismic ground failure, liquefaction, subsidence and expansive soils. Any potentially signfficant impacts will be mitigated through building construction which is consistent with Uniform Building Code standards. In addition, a soils report shall be required to be submitted pdor to the issuance of grading permits, The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report will be utilized in the development of this site which will serve to mitigate any potentially significant impacts from expansive soils, The soil reports will also contain recommendations for the compaction of the soil which will serve to mitigate any potentially significant impacts from seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, liquefaction and subsidence. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.d. The project will not expose people to a seiche, tsunami or volcanic hazard. The project is not located in an area where any of these hazards could occur. No significant effects are anticipated as a result of this project. 3,e. The project will not expose people to landslides or mudflows. The Final Environmental Impact for the City of Temecula General Plan has not identified any known landslides or mudslides located on the site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.f. The project will have a less than significant impact from erosion, changes in topography, grading or fill. The site has been previously graded and the project does not propose significant grading beyond that which has already occurred. Increased wind and water erosion of soils both on and off-site may occur dudng the construction phase of the project and the project may result in changes in siltation, deposition or erosion. Erosion control techniques will be included as a condition of approval for the project. In the long-run, hardscape and landscaping will serve as permanent erosion control for the project. Since the amount of grading will be the minimum necessary for the realization of the project, modification to topography and ground surface relief features will not be considered significant. Potential unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill will be mitigated through the use of landscaping and proper compaction of the soils. After mitigation measures are performed, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 3.i. The project will not impact unique geologic or physical features. No unique geologic features or physical features exist on the site. No significant impacts are antidpated as a result of this project. Water 4.a. 4.b. 4.c. 4,d,e. The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns and the rate and amount of surface runoff; however, these changes are considered less than significant. Previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscepe and ddveways. While absorption rates and surface runoff will change, potential impacts shall be mitigated through site design. Drainage conveyances for the project will be designed and constructed to safely and adequately handle runoff which is created. After mitigation measures are performed, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project could have an impact to people or property to water related hazards such as flooding because of its proximity to the 100 year flood plain. Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distdct and the applicant disagree as to the location of the 100-year flood plain. The County Flood Control's position is that the project is located within the 100-year flood plain and encroaches onto the side slope of Mumeta Creek based upon 1987-88 topographic information from the County. The applicant's engineer is stating that the entire project is outside of the 100 year flood plain based upon a field topographic survey dated March of 1998 conducted by a licensed engineer. The City is accepting the applicanrs position that the buildings are outside of the 100 year flood plain and will not be encroaching into the bank of the Murdeta Creek based on the more recent 1998 topographic survey from a licensed engineer. In addition, the project as proposed has the finished floor of the buildings' elevated above the 100-year water surface elevation. The project is also located within a dam inundation area as identified in the City of Temecula General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report. Impacts can be mitigated by utilizing existing emergency response systems and by assudng that these systems continue to maintain adequate service provision as the City develops. Therefore, with the incorporated conditions of approval, the finished floor building elevations, and the mitigation monitoring program, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project may have a potentially significant effect on discharges into surface waters and alteration of surface water quality. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for the project, the developer will be required to comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. No grading shall be permitted until an NPDES Notice of Intent has been filed or the project is shown to be exempt. By complying with the NPDES requirements, any potential impacts can be mitigated to a level less than significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. The project will have a less than significant impact in a change in the amount of surface water in any waterbody or impact currents, or to the course or direction of water movements. The project will not be allowed to drain into the adjacent Murrieta Creek, but will be required to drain into the street. Additional surface runoff will occur because previously permeable ground will be rendered impervious by construction of buildings, accompanying hardscape and ddveways. Due to the limited scale of the project, the additional amount of drainage will not considered significant. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. R:~STAFFRFF\M7pa98pc..doc 25 4.f-h. The project will have a less than significant change in the quantity and quality of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability. Limited changes will occur in the quantity and quality of ground waters; however, due to the minor scale of the project, it will not be considered significant. Further, construction on the site will not be at depths sufficient to have a significant impact on ground waters. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 4.i. The project will not result in a substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater water otherwise available for public water supplies. According to information contained in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Temecula General Plan, "Rancho California Water District indicate that they can accommodate additional water demands." Water service currently exists in the immediate proximity to the project. Water service will need to be provided by Rancho California Water District (RCWD). This is typically provided upon completion of ~nandal arrangements between RCWD and the property owner. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Air Quality 5.a. The project will not violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation. The project (81,885 square feet of office/manufacturing/warehouse uses) is below the threshold for potentially significant air quality impact (276,000 square feet) established by South Coast Air Quality Management Distdct (Page 6-11, Table 6-2 of the South Coast Air Quality Management CEQA Air Quality Handbook). No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.b. The project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants. There are no significant pollutants in proximity to the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.c. The project will not alter air movement, moisture or temperature, or cause any change in climate. The limited scale of the project precludes it from creating any significant impacts on the environment in this area. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 5.d. The project will create objectional odors during the construction phase of the project. These impacts will be of short duration and are not considered significant. Transportation/Circulation 6.a. While the project may result in an incremental increase in traffic congestion it will result in a less than significant increase in vehicle trips. It is anticipated that this project will contribute less than a significant increase in existing volumes dudng the AM peak hour and PM peak hour time frames to the intersections of Rancho California Road and and Front Street, Overland Drive and Jefferson Avenure, and Winchester Road and Jefferson Avenue according to standard trip calculation methodologies. The proposed development is in compliance with the land use and development standards of this zone that was analyzed in the EIR for the General Plan. Therefore, it is determined that the proposed development will not adversely affect the LOS for this area, but was included in the EIR analysis. The R:\STAFFRP'~347pa98pC..dOC 26 applicant will be required to pay traffic signal mitigation fees and public facility fees as conditions of approval for the project. After mitigation measures are performed and development impact fees paid, no impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.b. The project will not result in hazards to safety from design features. The project is designed to current City standards and does not propose any hazards to safety from design features. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6,c. The project will not result in inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses. The project is a speculative office use in an area with existing and similar planned uses. The project is designed to current City standards and has adequate emergency access. The project does not provide direct access to nearby uses; therefore, it will not impact access to nearby uses. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.d. The project will have sufficient parking capacity on-site. Off-site parking will not be impacted. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.e. The project will not result in a less than significant impact from hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists. Hazards or barriers to bicyclists have not been included as part of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.f. The project will not result in conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation. The project was transmitted to the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) and based upon their response to similar projects in the area, it is not anticipated the project will impact RTA fadlities or services. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 6.g. The project will not result in impacts to rail, waterborne or air traffic since none exists currently in the immediate proximity of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. BioloQical Resources 7.a, The proposed project may have a potentially significant effect on endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats, including, but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds dudng the construction phase of this project if damage occurs to the adjacent Murrietta creek slope or creek bed. The proposed project consists of two (2) of the 15 buildings being located at the top of the slope of the Muraleta Creek, as well as revegetation of the east side of the Creek. The project will be conditioned not to damage the side of the creek or the creek bed dudrig construction or revegetation of the slope. All landscaping will be approved by the California Department of Fish and Game and will be conditioned to be installed by hand, not with any type of equipment, pursuant to the requirement of the California Department of Fish and Game, There are no native species of plants, no unique, rare, threatened or endangered species of plants, or native vegetation on the site as the site was previously graded. Furthermore, there is no indication that any wildlib species exist at this location. The project will not R:~STAFFP,.PT~347pa9Bpc..doc reduce the number of species, provide a barrier to the migration of animals or detedorete existing habitat. The project site is located within the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat Habitat Fee Area. Habitat Conservation fees will be required to mitigate the effect of cumulative impacts to the species. With the conditions of approval, approval of the California Department of Fish and Game regarding the plant palette, landscaping installation requirements, and pretecting the Creek bed dudng construction, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.b. The project will not result in an impact to locally designated species. Locally designated species are protected in the Old Town Temecula Specific Plan; however, they are not protected elsewhere in the City. Since this project is not located in Old Town, and since there are no locally designated species on site, no signfficant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.c. The preject will not result in an impact to locally designated natural communities. Reference response 7.b. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.d. It is anticipated that the project will result in a potentially significant impact to wetland habitat unless mitigation measures are incorporated. The proposed project is adjacent to the Murrieta creek and consists of two buildings to be built at the top of slope and the revegetation of the east slope. The project will be conditioned to pretect the adjacent Murrieta creek bed and the east side of the slope dudng construction. If the slope or creek bed is damaged in any way during construction or revegetation of the east slope, the applicant will be conditioned to require all necessary permits and or clearances from the California Department of Fish and Game. The California Department of Fish and Game will review and approve the plant palette pdor to receiving City approval to ensure appropriate plantings will be utilized that are natural or native, and not evasive to the slope or the Creek bed. With the approval of the plant palette by the Califomia Department of Fish and Game and the conditions of approval placed on this project to protect the Creek bed and the east slope, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 7.e. The project will not result in an impact to wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. The project site does not serve as part of a migration corridor, No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Enerclv and Mineral Resources The project will not impact and/or conflict with adopted energy conservation plans. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable laws pertaining to energy conservation during the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the project is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 8.b. The project will result in a less than significant impact for the use of non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner. While there will be an increase in the rate of use of any natural resource and in the depletion of nonrenewable resource(s) (construction matedais, fuels for the daily operation, asphalt, lumber) and the subsequent depletion of these non-renewable natural resources. Due to the scale of the proposed development, these impacts are not seen as significant. R:\STAFFRiq'XMTpa98pc..doc 28 8.c. The project will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State. No known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State are located at this project site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Hazards 9.a, The project will not result in a dsk of explosion, or the release of any hazardous substances in the event of an accident or upset conditions sinca none are proposed in the request. The same is true for the use, storage, transport or disposal of any hazardous or toxic materials. Large quantities of these types of substances are not anticipated with this use. However, the Department of Environmental Health regulates the use, storage and removal of hazardous or toxic materials. Moreover, the Fire Department and the Department of Environmental Health have reviewed the project and the applicant must receive their clearances prior to any plan check submittal. This applies to storage and use of hazardous materials; therefore, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.b. The project will not interfere with an emergency response plan or an emergency evaluation plan. The subject site is not located in an area that could impact an emergency response plan. The project will take access from a maintained street and will therefore not impede any emergency response or emergency evacuation plans. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.c. The project will not result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard. The project will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable health laws during the plan check stage. No permits will be issued unless the project is found to be consistent with these applicable laws. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.d. The project will not expose people to existing sources of potential health hazards, No health hazards are known to be within proximity of the project. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 9.e. The project will not result in an increase to fire hazard in an area with flammable brush, grass, or trees. The project is an industrial/warehouse development in an area of existing and future similar uses. The project is not located within or proximate to a fire hazard area. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Noise 10.a. The proposal will result in a less than significant increase to existing noise levels. The site is currently vacant and development of the land logically will result in increases to noise levels during construction phases as well as increases to noise in the area over the long run. Long-term noise generated by this project would be similar to existing and proposed uses in the area. No significant noise impacts are anticipated as a result of this project in either the short or long-term. 10.b. The project may expose people to severe noise levels during the developmentJconstruction phase (short run). Construction machinery is capable of producing noise in the range of R:\STAFFRl~TX347pa98pc..d~ 29 100+ DBA at 100 feet which is considered very annoying and can cause headng damage from steady 8-hour exposure. This source of noise will be of short duration and therefore will not be considered significant. There will be no long-term exposure of people to noise. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Public Services 11 .a,b. The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered fire or police protection. The project will incrementally increase the need for fire and police protection; however, it will contribute its fair share to the maintenance of service provision from these entities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 11.c. The project will have a less than significant impact upon, or result in a need for new or altered school facilities. The project will not cause signfficant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula and therefore will not result in a need for new or altered school facilities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 11.d. The project will have a less than significant impact for the maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Funding for maintenance of roads is dedved from the Gasoline Tax that is distributed to the City of Temecula from the State of California. Impacts to current and future needs for maintenance of roads as a result of development of the site will be incremental, however, they will not be considered significant. The Gasoline Tax is sufficient to cover any of the proposed expenses. 11 .e. The project will not have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered govemmental services. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Utilities and Service Systems 12.a. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to power or natural gas. These systems are currently being delivered in proximity to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.b. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to communication systems (reference response No. 12.a.). No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.c. The project will not result in the need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or 4'egional water treatment or distribution facilities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.d. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to sanitary sewer systems or septic tanks. While the project will have an incremental impact upon existing systems, the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the City's General Plan states: "both EMWD and RCWD have indicated an ability to supply as much water as is required in their services areas (p. 39)." The FEIR further states: "implementation of the proposed General Plan would not significantly impact wastewater services (p. 40)." Since the project is consistent with the City's General Plan, no significant R:~STAFFRFf'~347pn98pc..doc 3O impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. There are no septic tanks on site or proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.e. The proposal will result in a less than significant need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to storm water drainage. The project will need to provide some additional on-site drainage systems, The drainage system will be required as a condition of approval for the project and will tie into the existing system. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.f. The proposal will not result in a need for new systems or substantial alterations to solid waste disposal systems. Any potential impacts from solid waste created by this development can be mitigated through participation in any Source Reduction and Recycling Programs, which are implemented by the City. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 12.g. The project will not result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to local or regional water supplies. Reference response 12.d. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Aesthetics 13.a. The project will not affect a scenic vista or scenic highway. The project is not located in a area where there is a scenic vista. Further, the City does not have any designated scenic highways. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 13.b. The project will not have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect. The applicant and amhitect worked with City staff to ensure a design that complies with the City-Wide Design Guidelines. The building is relatively consistent with other designs in the area. Therefore, no adverse visual impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 13.c. The project will have a potentially significant impact unless mitigation measures for light and glare is incorporated. The project will produce and result in a minimum amount of light or glare considering the scope of the project. However, all light and glare has the potential to impact the Mount Palomar Observatory; therefore the project will be conditioned to be consistent with Ordinance No. 655 (Ordinance Regulating Light Pollution). With the conditions of approval, no significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Cultural Resources 14.a-c. The project will not have an impact on paleontological, archaeological or historical resources. The site has been disturbed from pdor grading activity and any impacts to these resources have been mitigated dudng the grading process. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. 14.d. The project will not have the potential to cause a physical change, which would affect unique ethnic cultural values. Reference response 14.a-c. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. R:\STAFFRFI'Lt4?p~g8pc..doc 31 14.e. The project will not restdct existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. No religious or sacred uses exist at the site or are proximate to the site. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. Recreation 15.a,b. The project will have a less than significant impact or increase in demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities. The project will not cause significant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City of Temecula. However, it will result in an incremental impact or in an increase in demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities. The same is true for the quality or quantity of existing recreational resources or opportunities. No significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this project. R:~TAFFRPTX347pa98pc..doc 32 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM R:\STAFFRPT'G47PA98PC.FINAL. DOC 24 Geoloqic Problems General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Mitigation Monitoring Program Planning Application No. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) Expose people to impacts from seismic ground shaking. Ensure that soil compaction is to City Standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building and Safety Department. Expose people to impacts from seismic ground failure, including liquefaction. Ensure that soil compaction is to City Standards. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building and Safety Department. Expose people to impacts from seismic ground shaking. Utilize construction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building and Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building and Safety Department. R:\STAFFRPTLMTpa98pc, .doc 34 General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measures: Specific Processes: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of slopes consistent with Ordinance No. 457. Submit erosion control plans for approval by the Department of Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works. Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from excavation, grading or fill. Planting of on-site landscaping that is consistent with the Development Code. Submit landscape plans that include planting of slope to the Planning Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Planning Department. Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, landslides or mudflows, expansive soils or earthquake hazards. Ensure that soil compaction is to City standards. A soils report praparad by a registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works with the initial grading plan check. Building pads shall be certified by a registered Civil Engineer. Prior to the issuance of grading permits and building permits. Department of Public Works and Building & Safety Department. R:\STAFFRPT\347pa98pc..doc General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Par'b/: Water General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone,' Responsible Monitoring Party: Exposure of people or property to seismic ground shaking, seismic ground failure, landslides or mudflows, expansive soils or earthquake hazards. Utilize construction techniques that are consistent with the Uniform Building Code. Submit construction plans to the Building & Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns and the rate and amount of surface runoff. Methods of controlling runoff, from site so that it will not negatively impact adjacent properties, including drainage conveyances, have been incorporated into site design and will be included on the grading plans. Submit grading and drainage plan to the Department of Public Works for approval. Prior to the issuance of grading permit. Department of Public Works. Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity). An erosion control plan shall be prepared in accordance with City requirements and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. The applicant shall submit a SWPPP to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) for their review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and SDRWQCB (for SWPPP). R:\STAFFRF~347p~98pc..doc 36 TransnortationlCirculation General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion. Payment of Development Impact Fee for mad improvements and traffic impacts. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. Increase in vehicle trips or traffic congestion. Payment of Development Impact Fee for traffic signal mitigation. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permit. Building and Safety Department. Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site. Provide on-site parking spaces to accommodate the use. Install on-site parking spaces pursuant to the City's minimum Development Code parking standards. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Department of Public Works, Planning Department and Building & Safety Department. R:',STAFFRPT~347pa98pc..doc 37 Biological Resources General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals and birds). Pay Mitigation Fee for impacts to Stephens Kangaroo Rat. Pay $500.00 per acre of disturbed area of Stephens Kangaroo Rat habitat. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Department of Public Works and Planning Department. Impact to the existing, native and/or environmentally sensitive plantings on the Murrieta Creek slope or creek bed. Plant palette approved by the California Department of Fish and Game. Submit conceptual landscaping plans to the California Department of Fish and Game for review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Planning Department/California Department of Fish and Game. Impact on slope stability or existing vegetation of the Murrieta creek slope or creek bed. Notify the California Department of Fish and Game when revegetation of the slope occurs. All landscaping shall be installed by hand. No equipment shall be utilized to revegetate the slope. During the revegetation of the east slope of the Murrieta Creek. Planning Department/California Department of Fish and Game. R:~STAFFRPTX347pa98pc..doc 38 General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Public Services General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: Impacts to wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool) On-site monitoring during construction and slope revegetation. Contact the California Department of Fish and Game if any damage to the Murrieta Creek bed or the east slope occurs during construction or revegetation of the slope. Obtain all necessary permits and/or clearances from the California Department of Fish and Game and all applicable agencies. Planning Department/Califomia Department of Fish and Game. A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered governmental services regarding fire protection. The project will incrementally increase the need for fire protection; however, it will contribute its fair share to the maintenance of service provision. Payment of Development Impact Fee for Fire Mitigation. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permit. Building & Safety Department. A substantial effect upon and a need for new/altered schools. No significant impacts are anticipated. Payment of School Fees. Pay current mitigation fees with the Temecula Valley Unified School District. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building & Safety Department and Temecula Valley Unified School' District. R:\STAFFR.FTL~47pa98pc..doc 39 General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: AESTHETICS General Impact: Mitigation Measure: Specific Process: Mitigation Milestone: Responsible Monitoring Party: A substantial effect upon and a need for maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Payment of Development Impact Fee for mad improvements, traffic impacts. and public facilities. Payment of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee as required by, and in accordance with, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Prior to the issuance of building permits. Building and Safety Department. The creation of new light sources will result in increased light and glare that could affect the Palomar Observatory. Use lighting techniques that are consistent with Ordinance No. 655, Submit lighting plan to the Building and Safety Department for approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building & Safety Department. R:~STAFR~I~34?I~L~SpC..doc 4O ATTACHMENT NO. 4 EXHIBITS R %STAFFRPT\347PA98PC FINAL.DOC 25 CITY OF TEMECULA VICINITY MAP - NTS ~) PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- A PLANNING COMMISSION DATE- November 18, 1998 VICINITY MAP R:\STAFFRPT~270PA~}g. PC 11/12/98pa CITY OF TEMECULA EXHIBIT B - ZONING MAP DESIGNATION - LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) BP BP BP ') BP EXHIBIT C · GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION. BP (BUSINESS PARK) PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) _ PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 CC R:',STAFFRPT~270pA98.pC 11/12/98pa CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- D PLANNING COMMISSION DATE- November 18, 1998 SITE PLAN R:xSTAFFRpT~70pA98.FC ll/l/J98pa CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT- E PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 LANDSCAPE PLAN R:~STAFFRFTX270PA98.PC 11112/98 in CITY OF TEMECULA NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION ........ WEST ELEVATION SADDLEBACK - COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE, TEMECULA A R C H I r E C T S ORANGE SOUTH ELEVATION PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - F PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 ELEVATIONS R:'6'TAFFRPTX270PA98.PC 11/1:2~98pa CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - G PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 COLORS & MATERIALS R:~STAFFRFF~270PA98.PC 11/12/98pa CITY OF TEMECULA UNIT 14 4,375 SF so' '~ UNIT 15 5,400 SF UNIT 12 4,375 SF I/NIT !3 5,400 SF 70' UNIT 10 4,955 SF · ~UNIT 11 6,150 SF UNIT g 5,410 5F PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98-0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - H PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 FLOOR PLAN R?~STAFFRPl~7OPA~8.PC ll/1Z/c)Spa CITY OF TEMECULA UNIT 3 I0,665 SF UNIT _2 4,735 SF 6o' UNIT I 5,410 SF UNIT 5 5,475 SF UNIT 6 4,735 SF ~ UNIT 7 ! UNIT 8 4,735 SF t~ 4,735 SF ~, PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA98o0347 (Development Plan) EXHIBIT - H PLANNING COMMISSION DATE - November 18, 1998 FLOOR PLAN R:~TAFFRPTX270PA98.PC 11/12/98pa ATTACHMENT I COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL LETTER DAVID P. ZAPPE General Manager-Chief Engineer RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT September 24, 1998 1995 MARKET STREET RIVERSIDE. CA 92501 909/955-1200 909/788-9965 FAX 53912.1 City of Temecula Planning Department Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Attention: Patty Anders Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: PA 98-0347 The District does not normally recommend conditions for land divisions or other land use cases in incorporated cities. The District does not plan check City land use cases, or provide State Division of Real Estate letters or other flood hazard reports for such cases. District comments/recommendations for such cases ~re normally limited to items of specific interest to the District including District Master Drainage Plan facilities, other regional flood control and drainage facilities which could be considered a logical component or extension of a master plan system, and District Area Drainage Plan fees (development mitigation fees). In addition, information of a general nature is provided. The District has not reviewed the proposed project in detail and the following comments do not in any way constitute or imply District approval or endorsement of the proposed project with respect to flood hazard, public health and safety or any other such issues. PA 98-0347 is a proposal to construct 15 light industrial building ranging from 4,375 square feet to 10,665 square feet with associated parking and landscaping on a 6.02 acre lot located at the west side of Commerce Center Drive adjacent to Murrieta Creek. The side slopes on the southwestern portion of the site is within the 100 year Zone AE flood plain limits for Murcieta Creek as delineated on Panel No 060742-0005B of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued in conjunction with the National Flood Insurance Program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). According to District topography, it appears Building Units 4 and 5 are beyond the channel bank and would be in the floodplain. The water surface elevation for the FEMA flow rate of 30,900 cfs is 1015.00 at the upstream edge of the property. A District flood study determined the base flood elevation for the master plan flow rate of 38,300 cfs to be 1016.57 at the upstream edge of the property. The highwater mark during the flood of January 1993 was 1016.17. All the elevations are based on 1929 NGVD. Because of the extreme hazard posed by Murrieta Creek, the City should consider not allowing development to proceed adjacent to the creek until the ultimate improvement can be constructed. Property within the floodplain should be conditioned to construct the required improvements to Murrieta Creek Chatreel or participate in a financing mechanism such as an assessment district to ensure necessary improvements are constructed. 53912.1 City of Temecula -2- Re: PA 98-0347 September 24, 1998 If the City chooses to allow development to proceed, we recommend that the City require the applicant to dedicate the existing Murrieta Creek Channel and a 25-foot wide access road adjacent to the top of channel bank to the District (see Exhibit "A"). The access road is necessary for District fomes to patrol Mumeta Creek, and the District will not accept the channel dedication without the access road. In order to protect the public's health and safety, the City, at a minimum, should require the applicant to redesign the project to set back Building Units 4 and 5 an appropriate distance from the top of channel bank. New buildings should be floodproofed by elevating the finished floor a minimum of 12 inches above the District's base flood elevation for 38,300 cfs. This project is located within the limits of the Dist~ct's Mumeta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have be~n adopted, applicable fees should be paid by cashier's check or money order to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of building or grading permits, whichever comes first. Fees to be paid should be at the rate in effect at the time of issuance of the actual permit. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to me at 909/955-1214. Very truly yours, STUART E. MCKIBBIN Senior Civil Engineer Enclosure c: City of Temecula Public Works Arm: Jerry Allegria Joe Kicak SrdV :slj ;H-- COMMERCE CENTER ! MARKHAM & ASSOCIATES Development Colx~t~mt~ October 22, 1998 Mr. Smart E. McKibben Senior Civil Engineer Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District 1995 Market Street Riverside, Ca. 92501 Re: Flood Letter dated 9-24-98 for City of Temecula case PA98-0347 along Murrieta Creek (Saddleback 861 ) Dear Smart: Pursuant to our meeting of September 24, 1998, I offer this letter as documentation of the applicant's position and to offer additional information in the form of a field topographic survey performed by S and A Surveying dated 3-98 to substantiate our claim that the FEMA floodplain exists as portrayed on the site plan for PA98-0347 and not as shown on the Flood Letter Exhibit "A". The Flood Exhibit "A" is based on the 1987-88 topographic survey and does not reflect the existing condition. This fact is based on the grading that was done by the City of Temecula/Flood Control as a part of the Restoration Permit for Muraleta Creek that was accomplished after the flooding in early 1993. Buildings 4 and 5 do not encroach into the FEMA floodplain as plotted by elevation and do not encroach onto the side slopes of the creek bank. Additionally, the subject buildings are flood proofed to elevations 1020.0 and 1020.9. These elevations provide flood proofing for both the FEMA and Master Plan flows. I find the comment in paragraph 5 curious in the extreme in that Flood Control is requesting the dedication of right of way, construction of the ultimate improvements that Flood Control cannot define at this time and to participate in an as yet to be defined funding mechanism. Additionally, the preliminary plans showing the ultimate improvements and right of way do not impact the subject property. All of these issues are in a state of flux due to the ongoing Corp of Engineers Reconnaissance and Feasibility Studies which will not be complete until 2001. 41750 Winchester Road, Suite N · Temecula, California 92590 · (909) 676-6672 FAX (909) 699-1848 MARKHAM & ASSOCIATES The Flood Control Distfi~t owns the entire Murrieta Creek channel from the west property line of the subject property to the Diaz road right of way. The regulatory permits for the annual mowing operation does not allow the mowing of the side slopes and restricts the mowing to the bottom only. The District utilizes Diaz Road to access the channel with the equipmere for mowing. The further request to dedicate a 25 foot easement/road to patrol an area that the district has no permit to maintain is totally unnecessary. Furthermore, the District has access to the creek in four locations along this reach: namely Via Montezuma, both sides of the intersecting 100 foot channel and at the south end of the constructed Murrieta Creek Channel. By way of precedent, the two most recently approved and now constructed projects (PA97-0341 and PA97-0409) have not been required to comply with these requirements. To summarize, we are flood proofed above the FEMA elevations and will not dedicate easements or fight of way to the Flood Control district. Sincerely, Markham and Associates Principal cc: Patty Anders- City of Temecula Planning Gerald Alegila- City of Temecula Public Works Jack Selman- Architects Orange Ray Smith- Saddleback Associates 41750 Winchester Road, Suite N · Temecula, California 92590 * (909) 676-6672 FAX (909) 699-1848 ATTACHMENT J PROPOSED OUTDOOR SECURED STORAGE AREAS 10/27/1998 11:87 714-639-5286 ARCHITECTS ORANGE PAGE 02 3ALSO ~31N3~3 3383~1~03